Starting verification process... OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level1" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level2" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level3" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.resource" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets" Verification process complete! No hash mismatch detected! Extracting patch-data to a temporary dir... --> Extracting file: "PatchData\Changelog v0.9.3.pdf" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\Installation_Guide_v1.8.pdf" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\mapping.xml" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\level1.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\level2.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\level3.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.resource.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets.diff" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.bak" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_01.mp4" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_02.mp4" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_01.mp4" --> Extracting file: "PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_02.mp4" Patching in Forced Mode! Only existing required files will be updated, and everything else will be skipped... [Starting patching session] --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level1" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\level1.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level1" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level2" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\level2.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level2" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level3" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\level3.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level3" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.resource" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\resources.resource.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.resource" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets" --> Target file: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets" => Patch-data file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets.diff" >> Output patched: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets" [Ending patching session] Preperation for succeeding operations, waiting for patch engine to unload... ::> Starting verification process... OK! [Starting copying session] --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\Changelog v0.9.3.pdf" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\Changelog v0.9.3.pdf" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\Installation_Guide_v1.8.pdf" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\Installation_Guide_v1.8.pdf" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\mapping.xml" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\mapping.xml" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.bak" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.bak" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_01.mp4" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_01.mp4" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_02.mp4" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_01_02.mp4" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_01.mp4" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_01.mp4" --> Included file: "C:\Users\Serj\AppData\Local\Temp\is-HDVH3.tmp\PatchData\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_02.mp4" is copied to: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\StreamingAssets\13\05_02_02.mp4" [Copying session end] Starting verification process... OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\globalgamemanagers" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level1" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level2" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\level3" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.assets.resS" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\resources.resource" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets1.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets2.assets" OK! Valid hash for: "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\man of the house_Data\sharedassets3.assets" Verification process complete! No hash mismatch detected! Total amount of processed files: 10 Backup files stored in: --> "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\Backup-1" Patching log saved to: --> "D:\Man of the house v0.9.2 (extra)\PatchLog 15.04.2019 18-38-19.txt" Operation successfully completed!