################################################################################################### ## Incubus City v1.8.4 ## ## ## ## by Rhylser ## ################################################################################################### ** NOTICE ** This is not a walkthrough but a complete description of game mechanics, compiled by analyzing the entire game code. Use it to design your own strategies. Advancing through the scenarios is more rewarding than just hunting stats. All paths contain good quality stories, regardless of the outcome. =============================================================================== ###################### ## Mechanics ## There are 4 skill categories: brutal, hypno, sex, incubus The skill level = XP/2 (experience points /2) * Actions available: The prey scenarios (top) will advance the day. The actions (bottom) will not (with a few quest exceptions). Instead they cost 1 stamina stamina = 1 + (incubus_level + brutal_level) /2 if god, stamina = 77 At low incubus levels prey scenarios are randomly not available. Save and reload the game to reroll the random choice Chance to see night adventure = random(10) < incubusXP + 8 80% at 0 incubusXP, 100% at 2 incubusXP Alignment (represented by a balance) = (approximately) love_Score - rape_Score They are a few GOOD endings which require a positive alignment to unlock and a few EVIL. Most endings are neutral. Buying a 'wapal indulgence' removes the alignment requirement * Brutal/Hypno XP are only shown past a certain level (called burtal_informed / hypno_informed in the code) Your brutal / hypno level are not 0, just not displayed. Unlock 10 endings to always display your levels. hypnosis = love_score >= 3 brutal = rape_Score + 2*kill_Score >= 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The result of your choices Your scenario choices are reduced to a combination of 6 basic actions: PREG FUCK RAPE HYPNO KILL PIMP Points awarded function of action KILL RAPE HYPNO FUCK PREG brutalXP 2 1 hypnoXP 1 1 sexXP 0.5 1 incubusXP 1 For some scenarios Goodsex (during FUCK) or Goodrape (during rape) are possible. Goodrape transforms a RAPE into a FUCK action. Goodsex/Goodrape also unlock different paths in the scenarios. Chances of extra incubusXP with high incubus: random(6400)< incubusXP/4 = exponential impregnation +16 incubus random(6400)< ...... = ultimate impregnation +16 incubus random(1600) = octuplets +8 incubus random(600) = quadruplets +4 random(100) = twins +2 * Add/Use the new talent. Additionally your choices determine if a girl is available: P = to be pimped to Waid H = to be added to your harem or V = to be recorded in a new porn video Start OR harem PREG FUCK RAPE PIMP God PH PH H P Porn V V P harem H P brothel ?H? PH slave H PH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** MAX requirements for the skills used It is not necessary to grind the skills as lvl 17 (hypno, sex) or 10 (brutal, incubus) pass most of the scenario requirements. The only high skill requirements are listed below: brutalXP.level: 56 (Shinoa brutal stream path) 10 (mass rape the sisters) hypno.XP.level: 26 (mass hypno the sisters during evening) 16 (hypno babysitter during makeout) sexXP.level: 35 (goodrape your harem slaves) 24 (goodrape Waid's girls pimped by raping) 17 (goodsex Dona's friends) incubus.XP.level 67 (destroy brothel by ejaculating) 26 (find Shinona at the market), 10 (find college girl at the party) =============================================================================== ########################## ## General hints ## 1. Buy enky spice from Midnight fence. Increases the breeding season length by +1 when bought ***NOTE ***: currently midnight fence is bugged and can be accessed directly from the action list. *** NOTE ***: Change your name to "Gate" to automatically meet fence. Warning: the cheat menu is bugged, save beforehand. Unlock midnight fence by grinding: go the the cinema / brothel / slavers dungeon, then back home. Repeat until you meet him. After you meet it him for the first time you can unlock the tokens: points awarded by playing some specific scenario paths Find 28 tokens (token rank 4) then search for midnight fence again. The chance of meeting midnight fence increases with the number of tokens. Meeting him repeatedly unlocks the "sell" and "buy" stores. 5th time will will become permanently accessible through the action list. 2. Visit the comaGirl to unlock Waid, then pimp scenario girls and pass them to Waid for money. Money = enky spice = extra season days. Having a slave stops you form meeting Waid. Get around it by: - going to comaGirl then getting a harem from alleyGirl - trading in your slave in alleyTrade - storing the Waid 'business card' with Fence and retrieving it after the season starts. 3. Unlock a harem by getting drugs from the copGirl then trading them in the alleyGirl scenario. Use your stamina to grind hypno and sex XP while keeping the brutal low (high brutal can lock you out of some paths) When you have enough hypno change your harem to slaves and grind them for brutal and sex XP. More brutal = more stamina = exponential increase of skills. At sex=35 you can goodrape your slaves for brutal+hypno+sex HP for totally ridiculous skill levels. 4. At 5 endings unlocked you can sleep until the end of the season and reach the endings faster. At 15 endings (and 7 current pregnancies) you can search for Princess Falia for +2 extra season days. Ar 24 endings (endings 25 is not counted) unlock God Emperor (almost infinite money, season days and stats). However you can only unlock new tokens in this mode (marriages and endings are blocked) 5. You can quickly make 10000$ with: comaGirl > motelGirl > pimp to Waid/Tony > request money Buy what you need from the fence, then go to sleep and repeat. Most of the fence items are persistent over seasons. 6 At token ranks 6,9,18 (rank=tokens/7) you can store items with fence. Best choices to store: business card - you cannot obtain it if you have a slave. Saves you one night since you do not visit coma Girl. dreamochromes - sell them back for 4766$. Get multiples buy buying them, storing them and buying them again. high tech gear - it is not persistent and it is expensive. Can be used and put back in storage Less important: drugs, rings, gun 7. The fence items are bugged or can be considered cheating. Some excusable uses are: crime machine - for restarting an online girl chat and re-rolling her stats. oblivion parasite - to reset the number of rapes for the wedding bell endings in case you missed your target ending and don't want to completely waste the playthrough wapal indulgence - ignore the alignment requirement on some endings Melotine patch and pain amulet are direct cheating. They even block the beginning bonuses if in inventory at end season. You can play a "beast unleashed" with 0 brutalXP this way. 8. Changing your pseudonym is a cheat menu: each of your name choice gives you different bonuses. *** NOTE: it is bugged, save the game beforehand I only recommend using: Librarian - to see the game gallery and complete hints tables. Gate - find midnight fence. No point grinding a 1% initial encounter rate. Endless - relock all your endings if you want to experience again the thrill of unlocking things. No Wives - relock all wives also No Tokens - really ?? at this point you can just start a new game. =============================================================================== ############################################################### ## Description of all possible prey scenarios paths ## A chain of choices is represented by the indentation level. @@@new_state = marks a new state reaches. FREE_RETURN_HOME = the scenario ends without the day ending. Another scenario can be played in the same day [requirement or skill check] = An [] signifies a requirement. If the requirements is not fulfilled the choice will not be available !!AUTO = An automatic choice (usually associated with high brutal) which prevents you from taking the other choices path / parallel_path = Two paths that rejoin and reach the same point. rand(10) = a random roll (RNG) performed during the scene ~~~~~ Example ~~~~~~~~ Path of Choices Result 1st choice > 2nd choice PREG SEDUCE (The girl was impregnated and seduced) alternate 2nd choice 3rd choice following the alternate path @@@ new_state will be reached @@@ new_state: choices present in the new state [brutal >5] choice available only if brutal skill >5 TOKEN this_token_will_be_awarded ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a sister of many *** Girls that can be impregnated = Chastity, Prudence, Hope, Faith, Charity, Joy Smith, Mrs. Friedman, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Heller, Mrs. Nae, Mrs. Charpentier ~~ Path of choices ~~ ~~ Result ~~ [hypno >3] 2 HYPNO, unlock_multiMom [hypno >13] TOKEN welcoming, unlock_multiMom, FREE_RETURN_HOME normal: [brutal <10] OR [mellow AND brutal >9] @@@multiGirl4 [brutal >9] 5 PREG 5 RAPE multiMom=false quest_manhunt+1 TOKEN scattered @@@multiGirl4 = Charming the sisters minigame. At end of evening you need 4 pts to seduce the respective sister !!! Optimal play seduces all 5 sisters: 11111 = study.meal.ignore[incubus >3, goodsex shinoa].*any_choice* !!! Optimal without any stats/quests : 11100 = fun.pizza.ignore.both, 10011 = study.fishsticks.ignore.both 10101 = study.meal/pizza.ignore.both !!! starting pts = [3,0,0,0,0] evening time: fun [2,1,1,0,0] study [0,0,0,1,5] [brutal >2] [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] [hypno > 25] alley trade [02] [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] dinner talk: ignore: [0,1,1,1,1] AND [incubus >3] [0,2,0,0,0] AND [Goodsex Shinoa] [-1,2,1,2,0] TOKEN namedrop undertable fun[sex <=9] [2,0,0,0,0] ++sexXP ??? [brutal >2] [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] dishes: prudence [hypno>2] [0,2,0,0,0] HYPNO TOKEN reflective faith [brutal >3] [0,0,0,3,0] TOKEN chipped both [1,0,1,0,1] End of day: [4pts] [goodsex 11] PREG SEDUCE SEDUCE "Faith" + preg all other 4 sisters first => faith_marriage SEDUCE "Faith" and NOT faith_marriage => [goodrape 5]SEDUCE / [NOT goodrape]RAPE == TOKEN orange [Hope] => PIMP Hope / [Hope and sistersSeduced >= 3] => PIMP hope and sisters [brutal >1 OR lockpick] [goodrape 11] PREG RAPE Minigame = unlock marriages for each of the girls: joy smith = goodsex, 0 sisters preg chastity = goodsex, sisters preg <=2, NOT preg mother charity = goodsex, sisters preg == 1, NOT preg mother Hope = goodrape Faith = goodsex, preg the other 4 sisters first then seduce faith prudence = goodsex, goodsex mother [unlock_multimom] call Joy next day: blowjob / anal > sex [goodsex 11] [blowjob] TOKEN aluminum / [anal] TOKEN steel => PREG SEDUCE FREE_RETURN_HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a woman waiting in a mothel = Jean knock/barge skip interview PREG SEDUCE PIMP interview: SEDUCE PIMP [brutal >6] [goodrape 12] PREG RAPE TOKEN ice [hypo >3] PREG SEDUCE HYPNO PIMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a drunken lush = Val, Faye talk > return her home [goodsex 5] PREG SEDUCE a [Incubus >3] [goodsex 5] PREG SEDUCE (Faye) force on her [goodrape 9] PREG [goodrape] TOKEN beech assault her > threaten her [goodrape 8] PREG [goodrape] TOKEN beech force her [goodrape 8] PREG RAPE [goodrape] TOOKEN beech [drugs] [goodsex 6] PREG SEDUCE TOKEN powdery [incubus >= 6] go to her home sell some drugs /sell all drugs +750 / +2000 LOSE drugs => @@@ fuck Val @@@fuck Val [goodsex >5] PREG SEDUCE [hypno 7] cum in Faye PREG SEDUCE [goodsex]PIMP @@@fuckVal [goodsex >5] PREG SEDUCE wait longer [goodsex 5] PREG SEDUCE TOKEN alarming [goodsex] PIMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a jealous wife = Natasha, Claire angryGirl2 > watch > Kill them @@@drive_Away 2 KILL TOKEN twisted watch > help > rape @@@drive_Away PREG RAPE KILL PIMP @@@ drive_Away > fuck PREG SEDUCE ITEM ring take car ITEM car, ring TOKEN light ring ITEM ring TOKEN light kill her [ brutal >1] KILL ITEM car TOKEN blackened try to stop her / (watch > stop her) KILL [hypno >2] RAPE HYPNO TOKEN bent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a thief = Kat, smoking break lady [hypno >4] [godsex 4] PREG RAPE PIMP start HAREM TOKEN rugged [criminal, thief, lockpick] [goodsex 4] +350$ PREG SEDUCE TOKEN coral blackmail > [brutal>5] [goodrape 5] PREG RAPE [goodrape]TOKEN lemom / [NOT goodrape] TOKEN lime security > forceful/ persuade(extra scene) [goodrape 9] PREG RAPE +100$ ITEM lock_pick [goodrape] TOKEN pine [incubus>9] PREG RAPE TOKEN smoking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a girl on a date = Gabriella -15$ > follow him PREG RAPE [brutal > 3] KILL TOKEN wooden [slave] TOKEN tile go to her [have less than 100$] don't pay, rat her +325$ TOKEN rat -200$ PREG PIMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a sleeping beauty = Luna !!AUTO [slave] > fuck PREG RAPE !!! NO business_card !!! talk > -100$ / [hypno >1] ITEM business_card, [HYPNO] HYPNO fuck PREG RAPE [hypno > 3] [brutal >5] @@@ ENDING X1 fuck PREG SEDUCE HYPNO TAKEN sandy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a woman strolling through a park = Rose Martinez / Rosie the rapeslut grab > taunt > kill KILL [hypno > 4] PREG RAPE HYPNO PIMP rape / taunt>rape [goodrape 11] PREG RAPE [goodrape] TOKEN oak flee quest_manhunt +1 knockout PIMP KILL TOKEN hallow (a KILL action is performed but Rose still lives) kill KILL UNPREG [sponge] --- [gun] > flee quest_manhunt +2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a woman bathed in a red-blue glare = Officer O'Shay ++ [START thief] +500$, bribery From start go E,N = dinning INVESTIGATE ITEM lockpick From dining room go S, W = start Start: W,W = master bedroom INVESTIGATE ITEM fob E,S office INVESTIGTE [fob] ITEM drugs N,N washroom INVESTIGATE ITEM gun @@@ found gun: [hypno >4] TOKEN rounded return gun [gun] [goodsex 7] -- LOSE gun TOKEN chalky [park_girl raped/seduced] quest_dirtyCop =1 blackmail [gun, drugs] > [goodrape 14] PREG RAPE TOKEN heavy quest_manhunt=+2 [goodrape] TOKEN softwood ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a girl at a market = Shinoa wonder through crowds > have a drink @@@ cougarGril, quest_streamer(1) [incubus > 25] @@@@ stream3RAPE 'instinct' stay put: bar / RETURN_HOME @@@ cougarGirl (1) search internet: quest_stream = 2 (2,3) join the stream (-1 stam) @@@ stream_basic @ stream_basic - is a minigame with the following mechanics: When joining the stream: (fist time) interest,suspicion = (0,0) (rejoining after being kicked out) interest,suspicion = 0.5*(interest, suspicion) time = 100, -5 / reply (you have 20 max moves) stream ends: time == 0 / suspicion == 100 @@@kicked_out, must rejoin interest == 1000 @@@steamUpgrade, won the minigame !!! Strategy: influence the chat up to 90 suspicion, pay the rest in 50-100$ = 550$ to win the minigame @ stream_basic: small tip -25$ +25 interest [interest >10] resonable tip -50$ +50 interest [interest > 40] big tip -100$ +100 interest [interest > 120] large tip -250$ +250 interest [interest > 270] huge tip -500$ +500 interest [incubus >1] ask if she's single CHANCE=50% +150 interest +10 suspicion [online >4] sweet talk like other online sluts CHANCE=50% +150 interest +30 suspicion [hypno >4] influence the chat CHANGe=50% +50 interest +10 suspicion [intrest > 150] say something lewd +50 interest +500 suspicion, @@@kicked_out hit on her +5 interest +5 suspicion just watch > research where she lives @@@ stream3RAPE 'RESEARCH' @@@ [1000 interest] stream_upgrade ask for date / video call refused, @@@stream_upgrade offer show > any > any > photos / drink / casting @@@ steam3FUCK 'photos' / 'drink' / 'casting' [sex <= 25] see if she wants to be in porn @@@kicked_out [sex > 25] see if she wants to be in porn @@@stream3FUCK TOKEN fan done_streamGirl_way='porn' [brutal> 55] I'm gonna fuck her @@@stream3FUCK TOKEN alpha done_streamGirl_way='alpha' @@@ steam3Fuck: let's do this (photos/casting/drinks/porn)[goodsex 7] PREG SEDUCE do it (alpha) [goodsex 25] PREG SEDUCE [NOT alpha][hypno >6][goodsex 5] PREG SEDUCE HYPNO @@@ steam3Rape: [Brutal >=5] / [hightech_gear] [hightech_gear] TOKEN cog [goodrape 7] [goodrape] TOKEN balsa cannot enter FREE_RETURN_HOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a babysitter = Britney [hypno >3] @@@hypno serviceman @@@rape relative = starts a minigame with 4 turns. The points gained are marked (+pts). Worthless choices not marked @@@1 make jokes (+1) /[porn, sex <15](-2) / [porn, sex >=15](+3) [porn, sex] TOKEN guilty / [porn, NOT sex] TOKEN innocent @@@2 wait for invite(+1) / [hypno >15](+2) @@@3 accomplishments(+1) / [morality >5 incubus >5](+3) @@@4 compliment(+1) / [sex >7 brutal >7](+1) @@@ Result: [6 pts AND good porn] [goodsex 5] PREG SEDUCE PIMP [pts >= 2] @@@fuck [pts < 2] refuse > rape @@@rape @@@fuck > [goodsex 1] PREG SEDUCE [goodsex] PIMP [goodsex <1] @@@rape @@@rape [goodrape 7] PREG RAPE [goodrape]TOKEN cedar @@@hypno [goodsex 2] PREG SEDUCE HYPNO [goodsex] TOKEN familiar / [NOT goodsex] TOKEN unfinished [START familyman]> [brutal] @@@rape [hypno >3] @@@hypno talk PREG TOKEN argile in love> [goodsex 1] [NOT goosex] TOKEN shoddy adoption --- threaten killScore +1 -2000$ --- [biz_card] PIMP need cure > [goodsex 1] [NOT goosex] TOKEN shoddy mistress --- [ring] joking --- forget about it --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a college girl at a frat party = Jenna Kendra (college slut) mingle > claim yourself / [slave] / discourage @@@upstairs [discourage]++'KEY' mingle > encourage > Desmond first RAPE PIMP quest_manhunt+1 [hypno >2] PREG RAPE HYPNO PIMP [incubus > 9] PREG RAPE @@@stepout @@@ upstairs > [lockpick or 'KEY'] PREG RAPE @@@stepout return @@@comeback @@@ comeback > dance with girl SEDUCE kendra_number upstairs again PIMP TOKEN tin @@@ stepout > [slave] PIMP TOKEN copper persuade ---- offer girl PIMP * [kendra_number] [goodsex 7] PREG TOKEN polished ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a little troublemaker = Lizzie AUTO [brutal >= 6] PREG RAPE +5 KILL TOKEN ceramic intimidate/insult > rape her PREG RAPE [sex >2] please her > [goodsex 13] PREG PIMP [hypno > 3] PREG RAPE HYPNO [drugs] quest_trade = 1, CREDITS =2 FREE_RETURN_HOME start a new brothel haremIs = brothel start a new harem haremIs = harem start a new / continue slave trade haremIs = slave ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a girl in love = Julie [start = teacher] > give advice [goodsex 15] PREG SEDUCE let him go [goodrape 9] PREG RAPE[SEDUCE] PIMP ITEM laptop TOKE bamboo[goodrape] knock him out ++AUTO [brutal >4] PREG SEDUCE ++(KILL TOKEN rusty) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** a woman down on her luck = Donna, Jeannie, Kate Mimigame with 3 turns, points marked as (+pts), worthless choices not marked Interaction 1 = [bis_card, hypno >12] (+3 pts) / sympathies (+1 pts) [bis_card AND hypno] => TOKEN oral, 'pimped' Interaction 2 = chat (+1 pts) Interaction 3 = drinks -20$ (+1 pts) [drugs] pound her PREG SEDUCE TOKEN carved open the door [goodsex 12][goodsex 16] 3 PREG 3 SEDUCE TOKEN glass @@@ Result: pts <2: keep drinking *** cougarGirl washroom > [lockpick] PREG RAPE [pts >= 2] [goodsex 4] PREG SEDUCE [not pimped, bis_card, hypno > 14] PIMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** some unfortunate souls in a dark place = B47 C24 E17 P16 C41 have a drink @@@CougarGirl investigate > keep drinking > WC [incubus >3] @@@ dungeon _bartender [brutal >2] investigate WC @@@ dungeon @@@ dungeon: _bartender time = 25 [cop] time = 25 -1000$ time = 15, _keycard [hypno > 2] time = 19, _keycard, HYPNO [brutal > 1] time = 18, _keycard, KILL Dungeon minigami: each move/fuck takes 1 min. You can still escape if you reach the last dungeon room with 0 minutes left @@@ entered = Room A. 1min per move. 1min per fuck [NOT cop] quest_manhunt+1 @@@ E17: girl(3) PREG RAPE @@@ C41:girl(5) [keycard, lockpick, brutal>3] [goodsex 7] PREG SEDUCE (after sex, revisit): [start NOT slaveowner] keep her with_C41 @@@ Desk: [NO_keycard OR wife] keycard TOKEN transparent [wife] replace address LOSE wife TOKEN silver @@@ P66:girl(4) PREG SEDUCE @@@ C24:girl(1) [keycard, lockpick, brutal>3] PREG RAPE @@@ B47: girl(2) [lockpick, brutal >7] PREG RAPE @@@ Maria [Tony revenge = PIMP her] TOKEN musty @@@ Store [NO chemical] time=-3 chemical @@@ time==0 [Brutal > 20] @@@ ENDING X3 [with_C41] LOSE C41 TOKEN bone @@@ exited: [undetected, NO C41] / [detected] report +3 dispositon, unlock_emancipatorEnd [undetected] go home unlock_labratEnd [C41] have_Slave, slave_harem += C41 Out Desk----P66 Storage C41 -----|------A------Maria E17 In C24-----B47 |------A--------| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** some whores in a whorehouse = Kylie, Lindy, Mindy, Cindy, Mandy, 32x 'a shit-ton of whores' , 'at least one alien (unconfirmed)' [incubus >66] 33 PREG 33 RAPE TOKEN non-scientific [money > 300] enter Minigame: to preg the girls you need either: [chemical] switch the chemical [gun] rob the brothel Select the correct choice for each of the girls: Mindy(brutal), Mandy(drugs), Cindy(hypno), Lindy (bribe) @@@ reception: [Slave] TOKEN tarnished persuade[fucked the 3 girls AND sex >9] => [goodsex 15] PREG SEDUCE TOKEN damp [1200<= money < 2000] => [goodsex 15] PREG SEDUCE TOKEN shiny LOSE all_money!!! unlock_borthelWedding [gun] PREG RAPE TOKEN casino whores_pregable unlock_wackedEnd LOSE chemical @@@ office: investigate > [chemical] swap canisters LOSE chemical, whores_pregable, unlock_wackedEnd [brothel_robbery, revisits <6] [goodrape 17] [goodrape] TOKEN redundant [Brothel_robbery, revisits=6] TOKEN grinded @@@ Room W: [Julie pimped] AND_OR [Izolda pimped] TOKEN spent AND_OR TOKEN scratched @@@ Room NW: Mindy -300/ bribe -6000 / [brutal >3] => [sex >4] [whore_regable OR brutal OR bribe] PREG [brutal] RAPE / [not brutal] SEDUCE @@@ Room N: [Julie pimped OR Izolda pimped OR Kylie raped] Mandy [sex >9] [goodsex 15] /450 / [drugs] [whores_pregable OR drugs] PREG SEDUCE TOKEN barbie, [sex >9] TOKEN elastic, [sex <10] -600 @@@ Room NE: Cindy: -450 / bribe -2000 / [hypno > 7] /[start virgin] -900 => [sex>5] SEDUCE PREG [whores_pregable OR hypno] -450 HYPNO[hypno] TOKEN plastic[hypno] [virgin] +10 sexXP [virgin] TOKEN training [not HYPNO][sex > 5] unlock_wedding3 @@@ Room E: Lindy PREG [whores_pregable OR bribe] -300 / bribe -2000 / [hypno >5] => [sex >5] -300 SEDUCE HYPNO[hypno] ============================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****** Special adventuress ****** * Research internet: -1 stamina advances the following quests: mail order bride (Start) Shinona (After seeing her in the market) dirty cop (after raping all sisters) AND (after raping joy) princess 33% to find online slut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * cougarGirl =Darlene Weathers Minigame: impregnate it with random chance or pay increasing prices to try again. 100% success at 10 incubus !!! on sex enconter preg chance = rand(10) < (1 + incubus) PREG [quest_cougar >1] go to bar CHANCE=50$ @@@ found cougar @@@ found cougar > -12 $ quest_cougar =0 [RAPED Darlene Weathers] go home END_SCENARIO [START reincarnation] buy drink> [hypno >11] -16 @@@ sex she owns you > stalk PREG RAPE TOKEN rice insult > Stalk PREG RAPE TOKEN rice refuse ---- [quest_cougar==0] -16$, @@@sex quest_cougar++ CHANCE preg [quest_cougar==1] -48$, @@@sex quest_cougar++ CHANCE preg [quest_cougar==2] -64$, @@@sex quest_cougar++ PREG [quest_cougar==3] -78$, @@@sex quest_cougar++ CHANCE preg [ELSE] -112$, have sex, quest_cougar++ CHANCE preg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * motelGirlSequel: try to pimp Jean to Wade, call Tony instead +5000$ TOKEN lubricated (next day): Tony tells Jean is dead KILL UNPREG pregnant / ragequit unlock_destroyHer had money on her +5000$ (next day) [unlock_destroyHer] visit Tony ( Maria) [PREG Maria, any path] superheroEnding fuck him /search place = no gang hire gang -500$ = have gang [no gang] rape > cum PREG RAPE [brutal <=3] hatefuck to death KILL TOKEN red [brutal >3] murder KILL TOKEN red [hypno >4] > [goodex 7] PRG SEDUCE HYPNO TOKEN painted KILL TOKEN crimson [gang] murder> pay -500 KILL TOKEN red gangrape PREG RAPE intention = 'kill' gangrape > ['kill' or brutal >4] rape her to death KILL UNPREG TOKEN red , manhunt+1 ['kill' or hypno >0] pimp her PREG RAPE maria_pimped ['kill' or brutal >4] -500$ to kill KILL TOKEN red leave her PREG RAPE [hypno >4] HYPNO TOKEN painted PREG RAPE maria_pimped => consequence in slaverGirls get her to leave > torture to death /kill KILL TOKEN crimson , manhunt += 1 confession manhunt += 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** an incredible fertile woman you didn't notice earlier = Miyuki Nakamura You must get noticed in to unlock this adventure. Required to unlock: quest_Trade == 999 (alley gang gunned down) OR [quest_manhunt >= 4 and killScore > 2 AND start !=monster ] quest_manhunt, gain points by: 2 pulled [gun] on Rose OR 1 approached Rose, she remembers you {NO kill, head trauma, sponge] 1 participate in Jenna gangbang [NO hypno or late arrival] 1 explore slavers dungeon [NO cop] 1 mass rape all sisters [brutal] 1 gangbang to death Tony's girl OR 1 tie up Tony (kill/confess) 2 rape Officer O'shay (police woman) @ start_baitGirl: [incubus < 5] quest_trade = 1 RETURN_HOME [incubus >= 5] > fail into / spring the trap @@@ bait_meet='NA' [hypno 11] assess ambushers > manipulate @@@ bait_meet='prepared' @@@ bait_meet: NA > rape / [hypno <=9] blunder @@@ bait_sex='rape' NA > [hypno >9] talk (mindread 15) [hypno >15] [hypno]TOKEN neon @@@ bait_sex='sex' prepared @@@ bait_sex='prepared' @@@ bait_sex: 'sex' PREG SEDUCE @@@ ENDING X2 'rape' PREG RAPE @@@ ENDING X2 'prepared' PREG RAPE quest_trade +=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Mail order bride = Izolda search internet: CHANCE: random(20) < incubus go to immigration department > pay fee -1721$ [hypno 0] HYPNO answers don't matter except last: yes/maybe [goodsex 16] PREG SEDUCE free recruit in [harem][brothel][sidekicks] harem += 'Izolda' pimp her to Wade +1200$ PIMP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Pimp Quest = Eustace Pimp 5 girls to Waid See Eustace [goodsex 8] PREG [goodsex => TOKEN tilted] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Dirty Copv = gagged girl #1, gagged girl #1's best friend gagged girl #2 Must PREG Rose before meeting o'Shay !! PREG Rose SEDUCE O'shay dirtycop == 1 rape all 5 sisters (1) check email, follow to the location (Smith house) PREG RAPE, dirtycop == 3 (3) check email, follow to the location (abandoned prison) rape Rose accept 2 PREG 2 RAPE, harem+=[Rose, gaggeg girl 1, gaggeg girl 2] unlock_dirtyCop_ending kill figure KILL UNPREG O'Shay 2 PREG 2 RAPE harem+=[Rose, gaggeg girl 1, gaggeg girl 2] try to unmask figure > kill KILL UNPREG O'Shay 2 PREG 2 RAPE harem+=[Rose, gaggeg girl 1, gaggeg girl 2] kidnap [NOT harem] harem=slave harem+=[Rose, gaggeg girl 1, gaggeg girl 2] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Princess = Falia Ahrima Searching internet. Quest advances +1 each time but the news need [pregScore >2] to be shown. ** NOTE: buggy ** step 10 might not show unless you return to home (instead of keep searching the internet) 0 - Nothing 1 worthless gossip trash 2 photo of princess 3 photo, shes going to marry prince Erik 4 [RegScore >4] photo of lookalike prince Erik 5,6 wedding talk > hotel talk 7,8,9 nothing 10 [AND pregScore >=7 AND endingScore >= 15] +2 seasson days !!!! unlock_princess @@@ princessHotel: [hightech gear] / 10000 to buy it > [goodsex 7] PREG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * AlleyTrade Go to the warehouse to trade some girls (Cadice, Isador, Bekie, Denise, DJ Blondie, Lucia, Paula) Unlock the alleyTrade by using drugs in the alleyGirl scenario !You receive CREDITS = 3 initially and they have 5 girls on offer [they no longer have any girls in stock] TOKEN pitch [quest_trade=0] @@@FROM alleyGirl [drugs] meet the traders CREDITS=2 stock=[Cadice, Isador, Bekie, Denise, DJ Blondie] [quest_trade in (1,8)] TOKEN mercantile buy a girl with money [money >= 300$] TOKEN cryptic trade in 2 of your girls CREDITS +1 [Kia] trade Kia TOKEN gold CREDITS +2 [Shinoa] trade Shinoa TOKEN ruby CREDITS +3 [slave] trade in slave (Renata) TOKEN chain CREDITS +1 quest_trade=9 LOSE have_slave [wife] trade in wife reset start = "" wife="" ITEM ring TOKEN diamond @@@ FROM multigirl [hypno>25] bring all sisters CREDITS +7 stock +=[Lucia, Paula] buy a girl CREDITS -1 [buy back a traded girl] TOKEN lost [quest_trade == 9] find everyone killed TOKEN bullet, quest_trade = 999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Coma: A special beginning with a different gameplay rules Use it followed by reincarnation scenario for a high incubus, high stamina start START = incubusXp = 100, days = 7 preyLink = yourself (comaYou): CHANCE 75% to get raped by John(1 sexXP) CHANCE 25% to get impregnated by the incubus (1 sexXP, 1 uncubusXP) do nothing [incubus > 100] read black book [blackbook, scdsf] have nothing [scdsf] Survive 7 day un-impregnated TOKEN non-canonical ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Chat with online girl (33% chance to be found) !! [time machine] allows you to start chat all over, the difficulty is rerolled also The correct choice is totally random, you have 25% chance of getting it right High stats give a high crit chance (+2 hearts) on a right answer On success (SEDUCE): +1 hypnoXP +1 sexXP +1 incubusXP Turns = 4 Difficulty = rand(5) bonus_chance = (10 + move_multiplier * incubus.level / 2) Move Mutipliers joke: hypno.level brag: brutal.level flatter: sex.level chat: 1 crit_hit = rand(bonus_chance) > difficulty Crt_miss = rand(bonus_chance) < difficulty correct_move = rand(4) of (joke, brag, flatter, chat) on success = +1 / +2 (crit_hit) on failure = 0 / -1 (Crit_miss) On win, cost = rand(5) (drinks -30$ dancing -100$ drugs -60$ appartment -20$ hooker -150$) = average -72$ per girl Date outcome = 'haughty' RAPE TOKEN lead / 'trick': SEDUCE TOKEN sooty / 'seduce' SEDUCE TOKEN pearl / '' SEDUCE Pregnancy: rand(2 + pregScore) > random(7) quest_online +=1 your online chat experience can unlock an option in Shinoa steam chat. The Shinoa chat option is worse than the default once, no point grinding for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * call Pimp for a girl = -(50-200)$, based on disposition: [goodsex 15] / [goodrape 24] = you get 0.5 sexXP for an already fucked girl Jenna PREG If have not impregnated Jenna during collegGirl, you can do it now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * God Choice starting choice: accept offering > enemy 999 brutal XP groupppie 999 hypno XP incest 999 sex HP reject officering oncubus 999 incubus xp, TOKEN milky =============================================================================== ############################ ## Harem ## * Add/Use the new talent. Destinations enabled in function of action and harem type P = pimp to Waid, H = add to harem, V = upload video Start/harem PREG FUCK RAPE PIMP God PH PH H P Porn V V P harem H P brothel PH slave H PH Harem type function of beginning Porn = god porn harem = god cult brothel = god fishmonger slave = god slaver * Cost to add girl to harem Cost any harem/porn/.. TOKEN onyx Gon 200 +rand(7)*150 TOKEN opal, god can retrieve from killArray also! harem 200 +rand(7)*150 Porn 0 TOKEN square Brothel 100 +rand(5)*50 slave 100 +rand(5)*50 if you pimped to Waid cannot ensalve Pronographer shoot new 100 +rand(5)*75 * Sell girl: Sell slave 50% chance 200 +rand(5)*100 TOKEN Sharp * visit your harem = -1 stam [goodsex 25] [goodrape 35] Girl interaction in function of harem type Seduce [goodsex 25] = porn harem brothel rape [goodrape 35] = slave Tokens in function of harem type/begining seduce girl TOKEN sapphire bad cop TOKEN leather Experience (XP) obtained function of action, pregnacy result and successful goodsex/goodrape PREG (only 1st type) Normal Goodsex/rape Seduce 2 hypno 1.5 sex 1 incubus 2 hypno 1 sex 2 hypno 1 sex Rape 2 brutal 1 sex 1 incubus 2 brutal 1 sex 1 brutal 1 hypno 1 sex C41/single slave ----- 1 hypno 0.5 sex 1 hypno 1.5 sex ??????? Lulu/single slave 1 brutal 0.5 sex 1 incubus 1 brutal 0.5 sex * Harem daily bonuses Type Value Token Brothel Income rand(5)*20* harem_size TOKEN clay Porn Income rand(5)*5* harem_size TOKEN cloth Harem = night sex with N girls: min(harem_size, 1+ceil(pregScore/3)) * (+1 hypnoXP +0.5 sexXP) Clinic artificial insemination: 50% for PREG Bad cop: new slave captured 25% * Chance harem type. Acquire new harem or salve Turn harem into slaves [size>3 disposition<0 OR wapal] harem = slave turn harem into brothel [size >3 money <200] => harem = brothel star= God can freely switch between any harem type [NOT harem] @@@alleyTrade NEW harem = harem / slave / brothel (your own choice) [NOT harem] @@@prisonGirl (end of dirty cop quest) NEW harem = harem [NOT have_slave] @@@slaverGirls [escape with C41] have_Slave = TRUE (aquire a single slave) ============================================================== ########################## ## Midnight fence ## Low chance to meet at the beginning: (1+ no_tokens/10)%, max 33% Each time the (quest_fence) increases. At quest_fence = 5, he can be visited from the special actions menu. Grind going to cinema / slavers dungeon / brothel and return (no day spent) until you meet him. sells persistent-over-games stuff that make the game much easier and keep track of game completion status. fence_rank = no_tokens / 7 (used to unlock enky spice and store items) UNLOCK: find tokens [quest_fence >= 1] Asks about tokens [quest_fence >= 3] Sells items [quest_fence >= 4] Buys items [quest_fence >= 5] UNLOCK: permanent fence link in special actions buy enky spice [fence_rank 4] Item Store [fence_rank 6]. Holds 1 + fence_rank/9 items Sels: Buy black book 23 2 PERSISTENT. game progress info canister of OV:X 1420 680 allow brothle girls to get pregable normally. USE brothel. GET slavers red dossier 8888 8 PERSISTENT. view wife info dreamochrome 9999 4766 PERSISTENT. View endings. unlock secret wife "???" by viewing wedding bells bag of drugs 2910 1300 USE in alleyGirl, drunkGirl, barGril, brothelGirl. GET: copGirl, thiefGirl high-tech gear 5900 1520 climb princess tower USE princess. GET: fence/princess wapal indulgence 1908 1562 PERSISTENT. allows all endings no matter your alignment (and rapes number for married ending) lockpick kit 275 120 unlock doors. USE in thiefGirl, multiGirl, barGirl, collegeGirl, slavers, brothel. GET thief girl, copGirl melotine patch 512 PERSISTENT. not acquire brutalXP while having it pain amulet 364 PERSISTENT. not acquire sexXP while having it diamond ring 3250 1500 allow the weeding bells endings. GET angryGirl oblivion parasite 7777 3450 PERSISTENT. Reset people(adventures=night trips), acomplished(multi step quests), seduced, raped, killed[start=god], all crime machine 1985 PERSISTENT. Move back one decision/ restart adventure. VERY VERY buggy ! token box 6666 PERSISTENT. View tokens enky spice [Rank 4] vary (+1 breeding season day) 307, 421, 534, 648, 761, 875, 989, 1102, 1216, 1343, 1556, 1670, 1784 cellphone 521 laptop 920 only for sale (can actually pimp Julie even after selling it) GET windowGirl. car 4600 only for sale. GET angryGirl. CANNOT BE STORED gun 390 USE parkGirl, brothel. GET copGirl C41 2100 USE ENDING:marriage/slaver cimenaGirl comaGirl partyGril SPECIAL_ACTION(harem). GET slavers. CANNOT BE STORED business card USE pimpGirls. GET comaGirl * Sell stuff without going by fence (50% success): car 1700 diamond ring 300 laptop 420 =============================================================================== ##################################### ## Pimped girls list ## Jean [seduction] +5000 TOKEN lubricated Julie [wait, rape path] +1000 TOKEN greasy Briney [seduce goodsex path] +400 TOKEN slippery Claire [helped Natasha, rape path] +1000 TOKEN sticky Kat [hypno path] +800 TOKEN mangy Jeane [gangbanged path] 200 TOKEN icky Rosie the rapeslut [hypno] 1000 TOKEN muddy Faye [Val, give her coke, incubus go home, hypno, wait longer] 800 TOKEN fair Izolda [take straight to Waid] +1200 --- Hope [seduced, seduce less than 3 sisters] +500 TOKEN oily Lizzie [intimidate, sex>2, please] +500 TOKEN tainted Hope [seduced, seduce >= 3 sisters] +1200 TOKEN tar To recruit sisters: [goodsex OR goodrape] --- Dona [give her Waid's card, hypno] +1000 TOKEN trick Gabriella [go to her and pay her] +400 TOKEN slimy Rose Martinez [raped, knocked out] +750 TOKEN gooey hypno gal [START psychologist] +800 --- dead man's daughter [START killer for hire] +300 --- gaggle of schoolgirls [START teacher] +1300 TOKEN scholastic =============================================================================== ##################################### ## Endings List ## Some endings have a alignment requirement (GOOD = positive alignment, EVIL = negative) Can bypass GOOD/EVIL requirements with Wapal Indulgence GOOD = wedding bells, pornstar, unworthy, emancipator, superhero EVIL = arrested, married a murderess, schooling sluts, empire depravity, mind control hypno, lab rat, bad cop Unlocks based on the number of endings: 3 - get to choose start bonuses 5 - sleep until end of season 10 - see brutality and hypno XP even if not brutality/hypno informed 15 - unlock princess quest 22 - unlock prince start bonus 24 - unlock God start bonus SECRET endings = X1 Sandy Prison, X2 Reborn, X3 Prometheus Undone No Name Unlock 10 Looking into the future = default ending 11 Unworthy GOOD = 0 pregnancies 4 Married a murderess EVIL PREG jealous wife, KILL >= 2 1 Shotgun Wedding sisters_rape >= 3, NOT preg mother (a sister of many) 2 Wedding bells GOOD START not in (married, familyman, cop) rape_Score <2, [diamond ring] [wife] 9 Bad Stepdad seduce mother, sisters seduced <=1 sisters raped <=1 16 Superhero GOOD punish Tony's girl. rapeScore > 1 12 Mind Master GOOD hypnoScore > 4 24 Video Nasty preg Izolda and 3 other public acts (Rose, Shinoa, Val, Gabriella, Lizzie, O'Shay, Darlene, Donna) X3 Prometheus Undone timeout in slavers dungeon with brutal > 20 14 Milkman seduce mother ,sisters seduce > 1, sisters raped = 0 X1 Sandy Prison hypno Luna, brutal 25 It's over ending of special 'Comatose' start 23 Dirty Cop EVIL finish dirty cop quest 6 Empire of Depravity EVIL finish pimping quest 8 Schooling Sluts EVIL seduce 4 of the following: Izolda, Britney, Gabriella, Julie, Lizzie, sisters 20 Utopia pregScore >= 21, rapeScore <=3 7 Pornostar SEDUCE Kendra SEDUCE Jean (alive) money > 1500 13 Real motherfucker seduce mother, sisters raped > 1 3 Arrested rape Rose, NOT dirtycop quest 21 slavemaster hypnoScore >=2, resqued C41, preg >=4 dungeon slaves 22 Ruler finish princess quest X2 Reborn finish manhunt quest, spring the trap 5 Compliant Breeding Bitch SEDUCE lizzie, pregScore >= 6 18 Wacked seduce and preg the 4 brothel girls (Kylie, Mindy, Lindy, Lindy) 15 emancipator enter slave dungeon and report to authorities[NO saved C41] 17 Caged beast rapeScore>=9 killScore>=1 preg >=4 dungeon slaves 19 Distopia pregScore >= 21 loveScore <= 3 =============================================================================== ##################################### ## Marriages List ## Marriage ending requires: [END: Wedding bells= GOOD alignment, rapeScore<2, NOT married beginning] SECRET wifes = "???", "your own mother", "Pricess Falia", "Jeannie, Kate, Faye, Kendra & other sluts" Name Token Unlock Britney brittle seduction, goodsex "???" sunken SPECIAL: unlock by looking at wedding bells in dreamochrome your own mother oedipial SPECIAL: start=your offspring, preg your mother (random from a list, see your offspring begining) Kylie roasted path= pay her, money(1200-2000), NOT preg any of Cindy, Liny, Mindy Val big goodsex, NOT preg Faye Jean brass goodsex, alive ??? Kat shattered goodsex, NOT hypno Darlene misshapen goodsex Maria coarse goodsex, hypno Donna orange goodsex, NOT hypno Kate ??? O'shay pentagonal goodsex, NOT rape Cindy cinnamon path = hypno, sex > 5 Shinoa arcade path = stream_talk, NOT brutal, hypno, goodsex slave loaded preg C41, have_salve, do not preg any other dungeon girl ! Charity small goodsex, sisters seduced <=1, NOT preg Joy Chastity useful goodsex, sisters seduced <=2, NOT preg Joy Faith active path = visit (seduce/rape) all 4 other sisters first, seduce, goodsex Prudence parental goodsex, goodsex Joy Hope hopeless goodrape !! Joy joyous goodsex, sisters seduced = 0, sisters raped = 0 Izolda remote goodsex, NOT pimped Eustace buttery goodsex Lizzie reptilian goodsex, pimped Gabriella popcorn goodsex, do NOT kill her boyfriend Jeannie, Kate, Faye, Kendra & other sluts cheap start=prince, loveScore > 10, goodsex = [Jeannie, Kate, Kendra, Faye], preg= "slut #" (any internet whore) Falia sunny preg, porn (START=porn, upload video) fortunate start=prince and ending=wedding bells and chosen_wife != last_wife =============================================================================== ##################################### ## Beginnings List ## Not all tokens are copied in this list Token related to scenarios or game mechanics will be listed in their own sections *** Beginings REQ START= BONUS No bonus --- normal --- (no bonus, start with 7 days, 260$) virgin END: UNWORTHY] virgin +1 days, +260$, sexXP=-6 longer breeding session END: Looking to the Future] time +2 days extra chash finish a season money +490$ Killer for Hire END Married a murderess] killer +200$, brutalXP=6, PREG, RAPE, KILL Married any married ending(1,2,4,9) married ring, PREG, SEDUCE Vagilante END Superhero] superhero +3 incubusXP +10 BrutalXP +3 sexXP 2PREG 2SEDUCE HAREM = 2 sidekicks Psychologist END Mind Master] hypno 2 PREG SEDUCE RAPE 2 HYPNO PIMP +3 hypnoXP Cult Master END Mind Master & Shotgun Weeding] cult 3 PREG 3 SEDUCE HAREM = 6 concubines Comatose END Sandy Prison] coma Special Rules Dirtier Cop END Dirty Cop] cop +1 days +1090$PREG SEDUCE WIFE biz_card drugs lockpick HAREM=slaves(7 sex slaves) DISABLED = parkGirl, copGirl Pimp END Empire of depravity] pimp +2 seXP biz_card Teacher END Schooling Sluts] teacher 4 PREG 4 SEDUCE PIMP(gagggle of schoolgirls) Your Offspring END Utopia] son Preging your mother: octuplets, marriage="your own mother". Different boues/req based on mother choice: Mother Choice Requirement Mother Bonus ex / wife 3 of wedding bells, shotgun wedding, married a murderess Natasha, Joy, Val mother 3 Married a Murderess, Bad Stepdad, real motherfucker Joy whore 1 of empire of depravity, wacked Mindy, Lindy, Cindy harem= brothel(2 whores) young 1 of arrested, real motherfucker, schooling sluts Birtney, Gabriella, Julie, sisters, Maria, Claire porn 1 of pornostar Kendra, Jean, Cindy, Lindy harem= porn(3 videos) rape 3 of Arrested, real motherfucker, superhero, distopia Kat, Luna, Claire, Val, Rose, slave, Maria brutal_informed breeder 3 of Compliant Breeding Bitch Lizzie hypno 1 of Mind Master Joy, Luna, Kat, Britney, Maria hypno_informed slave 1 of Emancipator, caged beast, slavemaster C41 P66 C24 B47 E17 slave CJ09 P54 W36 harem=salve(0) god 1 of Ruler Lucine dunno NONE Kendra Jenna Claire Donna Jean Natasha Darlene Amateur Pornographer END Pornostar] porno +8 sexXP harem=porn(1 video) Kendra_phone DISABLED = collegeGirl, Thief END Arrested] thief KILL +2 brutalXP lockpick Slave Maker END Slavemaster] slaver 3 brutalXP 3 hypno XP +740$ harem=salve(1 sex girl) DISABLE = salveDungeon. CANNOT PIMP girls ! Reincarnated END Reborn] reincarnation +440$ brutalXP,hypnoXP,sexXP,incubusXP= 0.5*(brutalXP,hypnoXP,incubusXP) DISABLED = bait girl Breeding Bitch END Compliant Breeding Bitch] breeder PREG SEDUCE DISABLE = alley girl Slave Owner END Emancipator slaveowner +740$ harem=slave1(1) have_slave CANNOT PIMP girls ! Beast Unleashed END Caged Beast monster 9 PREG 9 RAPE 6 KILL -7 sexXP 5 incubus XP DISABLED slavers dungeon Your rapespawn END Distopia bastard PREG RAPE harem=brothel biz_card lockpick Select mother from the list of last game raped girls Brothel Owner END Wacked] fishmonger +740$ harem=brothel(5 brothel whores) DISABLED whoreGirls Family Man END All Smith endings(1,9,13,14) Utopia, MindMaster familyman 8 PREG 8 SEDUCE harem = harem (8 family members) DISABLED multiGirl Prince END Ruler ++ 2 wifes/marriages prince +1740$ +7 incubusXp harem = harem (2) God emperor END Ruler ++ 24 unlocked endings god 99 day, infine money 5 XP in brutal,hypno, sex, incubus, 999 XP in the skill of your choice can summon any girl into the harem can change the harem to any time can revive dead girls. can summon a random CANNOT marry, CANNOT unlock endings, NO Midnightfence, Manager marry Shinoa manager PREG SEDUCE harem = harem (0) DISABLED streamGirl Prepared 16* END Looking to the Future clinic +1 days +740+25*COUNT[Looking into the future] 2 PREG 2 SEDUCE harem = porn(7) DISABLED collegGirl Bullpit END Promotheus Undone, Caged beast bullpit ???????????????????????????????? =============================================================================== ##################################### ## Tokens List ## Not all tokens are copied and collected here Search for the 'token' work to find them listed in the mechanics or scenaron description sections Additional list of tokens are in Pimped girls list Marriages list SECRET tokens = non-canonical, non-scientific,faceted fog ask midnight fence about tokens rusty girl in love, kill boyfriend [brutal >4] ceramic little troublemaker, kill gang [brutal >= 6] lubricated call Waid (hopistal pimp) about Jean (motel girl) greasy call Waid abotu Julie (window girl) slippery call Waid about Britney (babysitter) chalky sex with officer o'Shay heavy rape Officer O'Shay glass preg Donna and her friends (down on her luck, drugs) brittle marry britney reflective sisters, hypno when doing dishes with Prudence bent Kill Natasha (jealous wife) and hypno the husband steel blowjob from Joy smith (sisters mom) aluminum anal Joy Smith coral help Kat (thief) [lockpick or START criminal/thief] twisted help Natasha (jealous wife) kill her husband and Claire light ask Natasha for ring or car mercantile visit the slave alley Trade cryptic slave alley trade, try to buy a girl with money clay earn money from your brothel girls sticky call Waid about Claire (mistress) rugged hypno Kat (thief) mangy call Waid about Kat (thief) tin let Jeane (college girl) get gangbanged icky call Waid about Jeane sandy hypno Luna (coma girl) onyx acquire a girl for your harem/brothel/porn set/ superheroes/... muddy call Waid about Rosie welcoming strong hypno Joy Smith familiar hypno Britney lime baclkmail, butal and goodrape Kat lemon blackmail, brutal (NO goodrape) Kat painted hypno Maria (tony's girl) rat rat Gabriella to her boyfriend: go to her, fail to pay her (<100$) sapphire have sex with your harem/brothel/porn/.. girls rounded hypno O'Shay red kill Maria alarming have Val catch you fucking Faye, her roomate fair call Waid about Faye sooty sex with online girl with sooty behavior (random behavior) pearl sex with online girl with flirty behavior powdery give drugs to Val lead sex with online girl with prude behavior blackened kill Natasha after helping her tainted call Waid about Lizzie tilted goodsex Eustace (Waid quest) transparent find a keycard in the slavers dungeon (desk location) bone dump C41 to escape slavers dungeon (pickup C41, run out of time) barbie fuck Mandy ( in brothel [Julie pimped OR Izolda pimped]) damp persuade Kylie (fuck all 3whores first sex >9) chipped do dishes with faith [brutal>3] rampage timeout in slavers dungeon with brutal >20 tar call Waid about Hope and 2 of her sisters pine rape Kat (security path) oral offer Dona a job with Waid trick call Waid about Dona musty pimped Maria (hired gang and rape/hypno ), visit slavers dungeon N of C24 alpha streamchat Shinoa, brutal option chatting with Wes tarnished brothel, ask if your slave/C41 can work there casino rob the brothel [gun] chain sell your salve in alley trade for credits cedar goodrape Britney (babysitter) bamboo goodrape Julie (window girl) beech goodrape Val (drunk gril) elastic goodsex Mandy (not virgin option) redundant brothel robery [gun], goodrap Kylie in the storeroom grinded keep raping Kylie in the storeroom until she disappears ice goodrape Jeane (motelgirl) leather visit your harem as cop scattered mass rape the sisters spent see Julie in brothel (after pipmped to Waid) scratched see Izolda in brothel (after pimped to Waid) sharp sell your slave shiny pay Kylie to fuck her (all money 1500-2000) softwood goodrape o'Shay wooden kill Gabriella's boyfriend (follow him, brutal) oak goodrape Rose fan streamchat shinoa, ask her to be in in porn [sex > 25] carved give drugs to Donna, keep the toilet door closed copper Go rape Jeanna(party) [incubus], have [slave] cover your return non-canonical play as comatose, end the season without being impregnated. Save and grind hallow knockout Rose after raping her gooey call Waid about Rose Martinez crimson kill Tony (tell maria to leave / solo hynotise maria) polished college party, go upstaris and down = meet Kendra. Call her again cog climb SHinoa's tower with hightech_gear (track her with high incubus at market or wait and watch durign her stream. [Low brutal]) balsa goodrape Shinoa after you tracked her location (incubs market / watch on stream) smoking rape Kat (security path) [high incubus] smoking break lady silver married, search desk in slavers dungeon and add your home address tile cinema girl, go after guy [low brutal] and use [slave] to keep him occupied namedrop goodsex shinoa then talk about shinoa with the sisters at the table scholastic call Waid about 'gaggle of schoolgirls' plastic hypno Cindy square upload a porn video [start = amateur pornographer] oedipal marry your own mother bribery [START=thief] talk with O'shay about your past. non-scientific [incubus=67] destroy the brothel with your jizzz. Easy with start = god, choice = reject offering. If you want to challenge yourself: Start=comatose FOLLOWED BY start=reincarnation You start with 50 incubusXP, can get another 42 XP from quests, need to grind 42XP from about 25 online sluts Get drugs from copGril, open alleytrade, start harem, grind harem (hypno/sex) every night until high enough get pimp card from comaGirl, switch harem to slaves(grind brutal/stamina), pimp lots of girls and buy spice cloth get revenue from your porn movies bullet trade in your slave c41/Lulu to alleyTrade, return home and visit the alleyTrade again unfinished hypno Britney without having goodsex. THe challenge is to get 4 hypno with only 1 sex START = slave maker. copGirl (drugs, gun, seduce), alleyGirl (drugs, sell slave), comaGirl (hypno => rape), collegeGirl (encourage, hypno => rape), windowGirl(hit him, seduce) cog climb shinoa's tower with gear [brutal <= 4] pitch clear alleyTrade stock. Trading in adds more girls than credits. Trade in the smith sisters [hypno > 25] for CREDITS+7 opal start=god summon girl faceted preg every scenario girl (49) "B47", "C24", "C41", "E17", "P66", "Kylie (brothel admin)", "Cindy", "Lindy", "Mindy", "Mandy", "Candace", "Isador", "Becky", "Denise", "DJ Blondie", "Joy Smith", "Prudence Smith", "Hope Smith", "Faith Smith", "Charity Smith", "Chastity Smith", "Rose Martinez (park)", "Britney (babysitter)", "Gabriella (cinema girl)", "Julie (window girl)", "Darlene Weathers (cougar)", "Jean (motel)", "Kat (thief)", "Lizzie (gangsta)", "Luna (coma)", "Natasha (jealous wife)", "Claire (mistress)", "Donna (bar girl)", "Val (blonde drunk)", "Faye (Val's roommate)", "Jenna (frat girl)", "Kendra (college slut)", "Eustace Zimmerman", "Jeannie", "Kate", "Maria", "Officer O'Shay", "Princess Falia", "Shinoa", "Izolda (mail order)", "Miyuki Nakamura", "smoking break lady", "slave" milky start=god, meet Lucine