This walkthrough doesn't cover all the content, just a little help to progress through the game and the recommended quest order to deal with enemies easier or whatever O.o... -First of all, as I recommend with every rpg, explore everything, you'll miss stuff if you're going straight to the main quest... *tip* you don't need to save money, especially if you collect all cards... *huge tip* You'll be able to get all scenes in the recollection room but if you miss something it will remain locked even if you beat the game! -Once you finish the tutorial go to Gwydyr Forest. -Once the quest is done, go to Vuth and complete the quest there to unlock Sandvoll. -There's a hidden side quest here, after helping the man in need, more strangers will appear in certain places, the girl will be rewarded if she... Gotta Suck 'Em All! -Go to the portal in Kadus, teleport to Astonn, then ruins. -After events, to the palace in Khelum... -Go to the forest and defeat boss. -Go to Sandvoll then pub, Military Outpost after that and follow events. -Next step, teleport to Vraillagon and go to the Castle! -Leave the city and go to the orc camp(sidequest may open a scene later...). -Once events are done, teleport to Koathien and visit the academy. -Go to the stable. -Go to the swamp, kill boss, talk with the woman again and return to the academy. -Go to the inn(Prepare yourself before this, you can't go back for a while...). -Do whatever you want here and use the bed once you are done. -After dungeon(I was a bit mean with this one :P), go to the academy. -Thedrisean unlocked, then military camp, be sure to do everything you want and prepare yourself before speak with the commander again after the first scene, there's no way back...(Tip for boss, kill minions first or you'll be fucked and not in the good way!)I hope you're having fun and good luck!