# The script of the game goes in this file. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. define mc = Character("[mc]", color="#ffffff") define mom = Character("Mom", color="#dc38bf") define e = Character("Ella", color="#df7401") define j = Character("Jasmine", color="#ff0019") define i = Character("Iris", color="#c6557e") define ym = Character("your mother", color="#fcf2f2") define mm = Character("my mom", color="fcfafb") define yd = Character("your dad", color="fcf5f5") define ys = Character("your sister", color="fffdfd") define yss = Character("your sisters", color="fdf9f9") define mmy = Character("Mommy", color="fff8f8") define dad = Character("Dad", color="273e7f") define mysc = Character("??????", color="f6f643") define mysct = Character("??????", color="8186cc") define bl = Character("Blake", color="43f6e4") define fd = Character("Stranger", color="ca9090") define fdt = Character("Stranger2", color="cbec4e") define asc = Character("Aunt Stacy", color="dc134c") define uj = Character("Uncle Jay", color="e37f66") define jsh = Character("Joshua", color="91c357") define c = Character("Candice", color="ffc0cb") define st = Character("Sister", color="fffafa") define fmy = Character("family", color="fffafa") define ms = Character("my son", color="fffaff") define jca = Character("Jessica", color="ca9080") define sct = Character("Scott", color="54f6e5") define staf = Character("Staff", color="54f6e4") define igr = Character("Igor", color="78f6a5") define mhl = Character("Mikhail", color="89f6b8") define yna = Character("Yelena", color="ffb7c5") define sctr = Character("Secretary", color="9932cc") define an = Character("Annie", color="9932cc") define stld = Character("Security Team Lead", color="4b0082") define mss = Character("my sister", color="fffaff") define mb = Character("my brother", color="fffaff") define mdad = Character("my dad", color="fffaff") define br = Character("brother", color="fffaff") define wkn = Character("Mr.Wilkinson", color="e48f77") define cnc = Character("Clarence", color="d99f82") define cat = Character("Catherine", color="9932cd") define tf = Character("Thief1", color="9732cd") define tft = Character("Thief2", color="9532ca") define rcn = Character("Receptionist", color="7314ad") define el = Character("Eliza", color="ffc8c5") define wtr = Character("Waiter", color="cfc1c4") define ml = Character("Marcel", color="ca9070") define hr = Character("Harry", color="ca9090") define mk = Character("Mark", color="76f6b8") define ptt = Character("Prostitute", color="54f6e4") define co = Character("Customs Officer", color="ca9070") define jff = Character("Jeff", color="76f6b8") define vh = Character("Vernon", color="9712cd") define na = Character("News Anchor", color="54f6e5") define mia = Character("Maria", color="9732cd") define hl = Character("Hadler", color="86f6b8") define hn = Character("Henry", color="ca4060") define md = Character("Maid", color="cfc3c4") define ah = Character("Archie", color="ca6080") define alc = Character("Alcander", color="9212ca") define mn = Character("Man", color="cfc1c2") define wmn = Character("Woman", color="8914ad") define wmnt = Character("Woman2", color="66f6b5") define po = Character("Police", color="cfc5c6") define dj = Character("DJ", color="7732cd") define sgr = Character("Singer", color="86f6b7") define rdy = Character("Rudy", color="ca8090") define flash = Fade(0.1, 0.0, 0.2, color="#fff") ### Arch here init python: import re replace_dict = { "gleeba": "ggggg", } def game_text_mod(str): rc = re.compile('\\b|\\b'.join(map(re.escape, replace_dict)), re.I) def translate(match): key = match.group(0).lower() suffix = "" value = "" if "'s" in key: key = key[:-2] suffix = "'s" if match.group(0).isupper(): value = replace_dict[key].upper() elif match.group(0).istitle(): value = replace_dict[key].title() else: value = replace_dict[key] return value + suffix return rc.sub(translate, str) define config.say_menu_text_filter = game_text_mod define mom = Character("Mom", color="#dc38bf") define ym = Character("your mother", color="#fcf2f2") define mm = Character("my mom", color="fcfafb") define yd = Character("your dad", color="fcf5f5") define ys = Character("your sister", color="fffdfd") define yss = Character("your sisters", color="fdf9f9") define mmy = Character("Mommy", color="fff8f8") define dad = Character("Dad", color="273e7f") define asc = Character("Aunt Stacy", color="dc134c") define uj = Character("Uncle Jay", color="e37f66") define st = Character("Sister", color="fffafa") define fmy = Character("family", color="fffafa") define ms = Character("my son", color="fffaff") define mss = Character("my sister", color="fffaff") define mdad = Character("my dad", color="fffaff") define br = Character("brother", color="fffaff") ### Variables here init python: chat_finished = 0 plane_modeling = False plane_jasmine = False plane_nbeach = False ### Variables here EP2 init python: chat2_finished = 0 river_plan = False river_jasmine = False river_stacy = False ### Variables here init python: chat3_finished = 0 yacht_mom = False yacht_candice = False yacht_jet = False ### Variables here EP4 init python: chat4_finished = 0 mngyacht_plans = False mngyacht_home = False mngyacht_places = False ### Variables here EP5 init python: chat5_finished = 0 stripclub_fantasy = False stripclub_replan = False stripclub_position = False label splashscreen: $ renpy.movie_cutscene("main/temptress.webm") scene splash1 with Fade(0.5, 1.5, 1.0) pause 4.5 scene black with Fade(1.0, 0.0, 0.5) return # The game starts here. label start: label namemc: scene black $ mc = renpy.input("Name you character! Max 10 characters", allow=" 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", length=10) if mc == "": "Please give your character a name that is between 2-10's characters long." jump namemc if mc is not None: $ check_name = len(mc) if check_name == 1: "You must name your character a minimum of 2 letters." jump namemc $ mc = mc.title() "Do you want to name you character [mc]?" menu: "Yes": pass "No": jump namemc window hide scene tutorial1 with fade pause scene tutorial2 with fade pause stop music play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" loop fadein 2 play sound "sounds/ferrari_revving.mp3" scene scene1img3 pause scene scene1img2 pause play sound "sounds/car_idle.mp3" scene scene1img1 pause scene scene1img3 mom "[mc], do you really have to rev the engine just before you need to stop the Car?..." mom ".... and, we're inside the garage. Come on sweetie, there are no girls around for you to impress here." mc "[mom]!!!! Really?" mc "Do you really think I use flash to impress girls?" mc "I'd like to think that I impress girls with my intellect." mc "Not that I'm always thinking about impressing girls anyway...." mom "Yeah, right! Whatever you say sweetie. Haha" scene scene1img4 mc "I can't believe you think that I'm a player. I ain't about that life [mom]." mom "Ain't about that life? What's that? Some sort of street/ hip-hop vocabulary you millenials like to use these days?" mc "Damn straight." mom "That is so corny." mom "I'm just teasing you sweetie." scene scene2img1 mc "Well, after 45 minutes of dodging the insane Saturday night traffic, we're finally home." mc "Whooo" mc "What a night?!" scene scene2img2 mom "What a night, indeed!" mom "It's truly been such a great night, hasn't it?" mom "Thanks for such a wonderful night honey. I had such a great time." mom "It's been ages since I got out of the house. Perhaps been over a century since the last time I went out clubbing." scene scene2img3 with dissolve mom "It was soooooo much fun. I had an unbelievably exceptional night. I haven't danced like that in years." mom "You know, I really could get used to this whole clubbing scene." mc "You bet. Let's try to hit all the hottest clubs in the city before my next semester begins." mc "Two months of non stop partying coming right up." mom "Aaaawwww that's really sweet. Thank you for showing this old lady a good time [mc]. But don't you wanna spend your holidays with girls your age?" mc "Old lady? Come on [mom]!!. Didn't you notice all the guys in the club checking you out?" mc "Not to mention the swarm of thirsty dudes who kept hitting on you non stop tonight." mc "You are a SMOKING H---" mc "I mean, you are a breathtakingly beautiful woman." mc "I'm sure you made a lot of girls at the club break up with their boyfriends coz they kept staring at you all night." mc "Girls half your age would kill to look like you [mom]" scene scene2img4 with dissolve mom "OH MY!! I could just melt right now. That is so sweet of you [mc]." mom "I'm blushing right now! You've got me beaming with joy." mom "By the way, since when did you start driving so carefully? I didn't notice you speeding at all tonight." mc "Well, I've got a lady sitting next to me. Can't be driving like a maniac now, can I?" scene scene2img5 with dissolve mom "Aaawww [mc]. I'm a little drunk. You're not trying to take advantage of a drunk woman now, are you?" mc "{i} (WHAT THE HE-- " mc "{i} (DID SHE JUST REALLY ASK ME THAT?)" mom "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. Excuse me, I might have drank a little more than I should have tonight." mom "Let's just pretend I didn't say that, okay? That was very inappropriate for [ym] to say that." mc "That's okay [mom]. Just drunk talk. No big deal." mc "Just so you know, since I had to drive, I didn't drink much. I'm not really drunk, and I really mean't everything I said about your beauty." scene scene2img6 with dissolve mom "I know sweetie. I know." mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!! I've been trying so hard not to stare at her boobs all night. Her twisting around like that is just not helping)." mc "{i} (I can't have her catch me staring at her tits)." mc "{i} (I still cannot believe that she actually wore something like that. I've never seen her dressed like that!!)" mc "{i} (That dress is SUPER revealing. It's almost as if she's wearing a bikini.... And she actually wore that in public)" mc "{i} (Well, to be fair, if anyone can pull that dress off, it's her. That sexy dress suits her so perfectly. Her body just looks STUNNING in that)" mc "{i} (No wonder every dude in the city has been eying her tonight. That dress coupled with her natural good looks has just taken her level of hotness off the stratosphere." mc "{i} (She looks so SE--)" mc "{i} (What the heck am I thinking. I gotta get a hold of myself)" mc "{i} (I cannot be having thoughts like that about [mm])." mom "[mc].... What are you thinking about?" mc "Nothing.." scene scene2img7 with dissolve mom "Are you sure? You went awfully quiet for a second there" mc "{i} (REALLY?!! Her holding her arms under those tits like that just makes them pop out even more! How am I supposed to not stare at those boobies)" mc "Nothing [mom]. I was just thinking about tomorrow" scene scene2img8 with dissolve mom "I can't wait for tomorrow. You know, this time tomorrow, we'll be in Bora Bora." mom "I'm sooo looking forward to the trip. Imagine all the fun stuff we could do there." mc "{i} (Yeah, I can certainly think of one thing I could DO there)" mc "{i} (COME ON MAN. She's [ym]!)" scene scene2img9 with dissolve mom "I wish [yd] and [yss] were joining us. Would be even more fun that way." mom "[yd] is in Russia attending to 'Business'." mom "Since Ella works for [yd], she's always wherever he is." mom "Iris is in Paris right now. she'll be returning in a couple of weeks. She could be getting her modeling contract very soon." mom "Jasmine's helping her husband take his company to the next level." mom "I'm glad you're joining me. Otherwise, I'd have cancelled the trip altogether. I really, really need to get out of the house for a while." scene scene2img10 with dissolve mc "It's alright [mom]. May be they can all join us the next time. For this time however, let's make this a trip to remember all by ourselves." mc "We're gonna have so much fun. Scuba diving, Jet Skiing, Sky diving, quiet evenings on the beach.... I cannot wait to be in that magical place" stop music fadeout 2 mom "I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight, I can hardly contain my excitement." mom "Anyway, let's go upstairs and try to get some sleep before we have to fly tomorrow." menu: "Open The Door For Her": scene scene2img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" loop fadein 1.5 mom "Thank you honey.. Who says chivalry is dead, huh?" mc "You're welcome [mom]." mom "You are such a Gentleman." mc "{i} (WOW, she looks so pretty from here. She still looks like a Super Model at her age. I wonder if she misses her old modeling days)." scene scene2img12 mom "So, have you packed your things for tomorrow?" mc "Almost done. Just a couple of more things to pack." mc "[mom].... I jus... I just wanna tell you how stunning you look tonight if I haven't already." scene scene2img13 mom "That is so adorable. Thanks again honey." mom "Thanks for a wonderful night, and for being such a Gentleman. We should do this more often." mc "Yes we should." scene scene2img14 mom "I'd like that." mom "Come on now, let's go upstairs." mom "It's getting late, we should go get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." scene scene3img1 mc "{i} (Man, I sure do miss living here.. Eclipses having to live in my College Dormitory)." mc "{i} (Well, I can enjoy the luxuries for the next two months before I have to go back to College)." scene scene3img2 mom "Well, here we are." mom "A BIG empty house." scene scene3img3 with dissolve mom "A big empty house where I live all by myself most of the time." mom "[yd]'s always out on business. He's usually away half the year." mom "On top of that, all my kids had to grow up and move out to do grown up stuff!" mom "Well, not all... at least I have Iris living with me, but even she's been travelling a lot lately, working hard to get a modeling contract." mom "I feel so lonely curled up in this big empty house." scene scene3img4 with dissolve mom "I'm sorry sweetie. I don't mean to bring you down talking about my loneliness." mc "Come on [mom]. You know I'm here everytime I get a break from College." mc "I'm sure Ella vists you every now and then." mom "Yes, yes. Although I wish you guys visited me more often, I'm glad you guys do make time to come see me. I'm always appreciative of that." mc "I'll definitely try to visit more often." mc "Who's idea was it to put the Lambos in the living room anyway?" mc "They weren't inside the last time I was here." scene scene3img5 with dissolve mom "The Lambos... That was Iris' idea." mom "She doesn't use her Car. You know, an up and coming supermodel.. she likes to be chauffeured around." mom "And I hardly leave the house. So Iris thought it'd be a good idea to put them in the living room." mom "They do make for great show pieces, don't they?" mc "Well, nothing says luxury like having two Lambos inside the living room." mom "Haha. Sure thing. I'm not a Super Car type of woman anyway. I'm happy driving around in my Bentley, whenever I do get out of the house." scene scene3img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Nonetheless, these Super Cars do add an exquisite touch of glamour to the house." mom "Pretty little things they are..." mom "That orange one is [ys]'s. This yellow one's mine." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene3img7 with dissolve mom "[yd] thought it'd be a nice gesture to send me this for our Wedding Anniversary." mom "Like that's what I need... Another piece of luxury. I'd rather he was here with me to celebrate our anniversary instead of showering me with expensive gifts." mom "You know, he's always been that way. He thinks expensive gifts make up for all the time I'd rather spend with him." mom "Well, that's [yd]. I love him regardless... And I know he loves me as much as I do him.. I just wish he spent more time with me." mom "I know he's got business to take care of.. But that doesn't.. huh... WHY CAN'T HE JUST UNDERSTAND--?" mc "[mom] I'm really sorry that you feel so lonely. But you have to understand that he does what he has to." mc "I'm sure he wishes he spent more time with you too.. He just has a lot on his plate to deal with. A man of his stature must have a million things to do everyday." mc "I wish I could say or do something to make you feel better...." mc "Come to think of it, I actually have something that could cheer you up." play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" loop fadein 1.5 scene scene3img8 with dissolve mom "Really?" mc "I almost forgot about it... Don't know how that skipped my mind." mc "Why don't you go sit on the couch? I got something for ya." scene scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "WHOOPS" mc "[mom] are you alright?" mom "I tripped.. I'm still feeling a lil tipsy from all the Tequila." mc "{i} (OH MY WORLD! That IS AN ASS OF AN AMAZON GODDESS!)" mc "{i} (Sooooo BIG and sooooo WIDE!)" scene scene3img10 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "So, what do you have for me?" mc "Close your eyes. I'll be right back." mom "OH I'M EXCITED. I wonder what that is." scene scene3img11 with dissolve mom "Okay, my eyes are closed." mc "Keep them closed. Don't open them till I tell you to." mc "I'll be right back." scene scene3img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Oh crap! My eyes are wandering again)." mc "{i} (It's been so hard to keep my eyes off her 'assets' tonight)." scene scene3img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (What's gotten into me? I've been fighting impure thoughts about her all night)." mc "{i} (I really shouldn't be having these thoughts. She's [mm]. I just shouldn't)." mc "{i} (I'm sure it's that dress. I've never seen her dressed in such skimpy outfits before)." mc "{i} ([mom] has always had a voluptuous body, and that dress is highlighting her sexy curves and assets in all their glory)." mc "{i} (Just look at that mighty big ass. I don't know how any man can resist just TEARIN---)" mc "{i} (NO NO NO NO. I GOTTA STOP LETTING THESE THOUGHTS TAKE OVER ME!!)." mc "{i} (Okay now. Onto the task at hand)." mc "Eyes still closed [mom]?" mom "Yes Dear." scene scene3img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Okay, here we go....)" mom "[mc] is that??" mc "{i} (GOSHH SHE'S PRETTY)." mc "Okay, you can open your eyes now [mom]." scene scene3img15 with dissolve mom "OH HONEY!! YOU GOT ME A NECKLACE!" mom "THIS IS JUST..." scene scene3img16 with dissolve mom "OOOHH IT'S WONDERFUL!" mom "IT'S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!" scene scene3img15 with dissolve mom "THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU..." mom "That is so thoughtful of you to buy me something like this. I AM OVER THE MOON RIGHT NOW. I'M SO HAPPY." mom "But how did you...?" mc "Well [mom], you know I've been doing that part time paid internship at the University, right?" mc "I got a couple of pay checks before the holidays... And I did a couple of hacking jobs for Ella. She paid me quite generously." mc "I wanted to buy something for you with my first paycheck ever.. So I... I know it's.." scene scene3img17 with dissolve mom "NOOO.... IT'S PERFECT!! IT'S WONDERFUL.. THIS IS THE BEST GIFT I'VE EVER GOTTEN IN MY LIFE." mom "Thank you so much love." mom "You have grown into such a kind, thoughtful, handsome young man! I couldn't be more proud of you." mom "I love you so much." mc "I love you too [mom]." mc "I'm glad you like what I bought for you. A simple little gift for all that you do for me." mom "Aaawwww so sweet. Now come here...." scene scene3img18 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "mmMMMMMMUAH..." mom "[mmy] will always love you NO MATTER WHAT." mom "Always remember that..." stop music fadeout 1.5 scene scene3img19 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" loop fadein 1 mom "MMMMM.... This has just been the perfect night. Couldn't have asked for anything better." mom "I'm so glad you're home.. My heart is so full.. I'm beyond ecstatic. So happy to have this wonderful young man with me for the next two months." mc "I'm glad I'm here too.." mc "For the next two months, I'm all yours [mom]. I wouldn't mind doing everything together. I'm more than happy to spend time with the best lady in my life." mom "This very moment, EVERYTHING is perfect..." mom "...I'm a lil surprised you're not acting too grown up to let [mmy] rest her head on your lap haha." mc "Normally, I would. But I don't want to do anything to ruin this moment." scene scene3img20 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} HOLY SHIT!! What I've been hoping for AND dreading all night has finally happened!!" mc "{i} Her dress has finally given out." mc "{i} She doesn't seem to know.. She hasn't realized it. Her left boob is laying there exposed right under my eyes." mc "{i} That is a SPECTACULAR sight. Like everything on her, her boobs are just heavenly." mc "{i} But, Oooohhh this is so TEMPTING and confusing...." mc "{i} What am I gonna do?" menu grab_dilemma: "Grab Tit": jump grabbed_tits "Ignore": jump ignored label grabbed_tits: scene scene3img20 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I can't control this anymore. My mind has been racing with thoughts about nasty things I wanna do to her." mc "What with her choosing to wear THAT dress, may be she is aware that her boob is exposed." mc "A couple of things she said tonight seemed like she was dropping hints. May be she wants exactly what I want too." mc "Screw it. I've lost all control now. I'm just gonna go for it." scene scene3img20optiona1alternate mc "OH WOW!! This feels WONDERFUL." scene scene3img20optiona2 stop music fadeout 2 play sound "sounds/effects/shock.mp3" mom "[mc], WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" mom "Get your hands off me you PIG." scene scene3img20optiona3 mom "You perverted little shit. Get the hell out of the house you sick freak." mom "I cannot believe you just grabbed my breast." mom "[yd] will kill you if he hears about this. GET OUT NOW." scene tgameover with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause return label ignored: scene scene3img20 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I'm just gonna ignore it. I don't wanna do something stupid and risk a catastrophe." mc "I'm tempted beyond my wits right now. My mind is racing with thoughts about nasty things I wanna do to her. But I can't risk it right now." scene scene3img20optionb1 with dissolve mom "(What the heck? I feel his dick pressing against the back of my head)." mom "(Is he getting an erection?)" mom "(Time to get up. This is really weird)." scene scene3img20optionb2 with dissolve mom "(OH NO!! MY BREAST HAS SLIPPED OUT OF MY DRESS!!)" mom "(Gosh, this is so embarrasing!!)" scene scene3img20optionb2alt with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "OH, I'm so sorry honey. This is so embarassing!! I did-- I didn't notice that. I'm so sorry!" mom "(Oh I just cannot believe what just happened. May be it was a bad idea to wear this dress. THIS IS SO AWKWARD!)" mom "[mc] I'm really sorry. I.. I didn'..." mc "It's alright [mom]. I didn't notice that either. Jus.. Just happened to... when you suddenly got up." mc "I.. I.... well, aa.." scene scene3img20optionb3 with dissolve mom "(Gosh, he's going so red. It's kinda adorable watching him struggling to come up with words)." mom "It's okay [mc]. Just a wardrobe malfunction." mom "Let's just try to put this behind us, okay? Let's pretend like it never happened." mc "Yes. Please." mc "Let's never talk about this again." mc "{i} Phew.. Things just got SUPER WEIRD there for a moment." scene scene3img21 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Alright honey. I think I'm gonna go up to my room and go to bed. You should do the same" mom "Don't stay up too late. You gotta wake up early and get your things ready for the trip." mc "Sure [mom]." mom "Ella will be here in the afternoon to drive us to the Hangar." mc "Really? I can't wait to meet her. I hardly get to see her nowadays. Been a few months since I saw her actually." mom "Looks like she's been very busy lately. [yd]'s been giving her a lot of 'jobs' to finish. Does she call you on the phone at least?" mc "Yes. Every other week. I was on the phone with her just before I took my flight to get here yesterday." mc "She didn't tell me that she'll be driving us to the Hangar though." mom "Well, I'm glad that you guys are in touch over the phone at least. I can't wait to see my baby girl tomorrow either." mom "Okay honey, I'm off to bed. You better go get some good sleep." mc "Good night [mom]." with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} Why do I feel this urge to kiss her good night?" mc "{i} Well, it's just a good night kiss. I'm sure she won't mind." menu kiss_goodnight: "Kiss On The Cheeks": jump kiss_on_cheeks "Kiss On The Lips": jump kiss_on_lips label kiss_on_cheeks: scene scene3img21optiona with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Good night [mom]" mom "Good night sweetie." mom "What a wonderful way to end a wonderful night. Sweet dreams love" stop music fadeout 2 scene scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "It's great to be lying on this comfy bed again. After months of sleeping on the College Dormitory bed, this is a welcome change." mc "May be I should have kissed [mom] on her lips. I wasn't gonna french kiss her or anything, just a tiny peck on the lips." mc "She looked so sexy tonight. I've been having impure thoughts about her all night." mc "Don't know what's taking over me. Just that I've never seen her dressed like that before. That dress made me look at her in a completely different light." mc "I've only seen her dressed that way in pics from old magazines when she was a model. But, never in person." mc "I can't fault her for dressing like that though. She's obviously very lonely and tonight was an opportunity for her to go out and flaunt her beauty." mc "She deserves to feel sexy and desired. She gave up her modeling career in her 20's after marrying [dad]" mc "She went from being a girl who's face was on Billboards and Top Magazines, to being a regular housewife. Her only focus has been her family for over 2 decades." mc "So it's okay that she wanted to feel like her old self for a change." mc "But my mind is filled with nasty thoughts about her sexy body." mc "I wonder what she's doing now. Undressing? Taking a shower? Waxing her legs?" mc "Perhaps if I go upstairs now, I may be able to see more of her sexy body." menu: "Go Upstairs": scene scene4img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "She's not in her bedroom. May be she's out on the balcony watering the plants like she does every night" mc "Before I go out and talk to her, I gotta go pee. Let me quickly go to the bathroom. I've been holding it inside for a long time." mc "Guess I'll just use [mom]'s bathroom. I don't wanna go all the way downstairs and come up here again." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene4img3 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" loop fadein 2 mc "{i} (Oh no, [mom]'s in here." mc "Sorry [mom]. I didn't realize you were in here. I just came up here to talk... [mom]??" mc "Are you awake?" mc "Looks like she's asleep. She did drink quite a bit tonight. May be she just got in the bath tub and dozed off before opening the taps." mc "She's wearing something sexy. Let me get closer look." jump time_for_bed_two label kiss_on_lips: scene scene3img21optionb1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Good night [mom]" mc "{i} Wow, I can't believe I mustered up the courage to kiss her on the lips." mc "{i} It's just a good night peck on the lips. Nothing sexual. She doesn't seem to mind." mc "mmmm... her lips are like fresh cherries. So plush and so soft." mom "Good night sweetie" scene scene3img21optionb2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (She looks a lil startled. May be it was too much. I thought it was just a simple peck on the lips)." mc "Yo..yo.. you okay [mom]? I... I'm sorry if that was inappropriate" mom "No, No... That's totally fine. Was just a lil surprised that's all." mom "Okay, I'm going up to my room now. Sleep tight honey" scene scene3img21optionb3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "(Did he really just kiss me on the lips?)" mom "(It was only a peck anyway. Nothing weird about that.... except for the events that preceeded the kiss)." mom "(On any other day, it would've been perfectly normal... just that my breast was exposed a few mins ago.. and he had an erection because of that)" mom "(hmmmm... may be I'm over thinking this. May be he just meant to give me a good night kiss)." mom "(Yeah, could've been just that. It was definitely just that)." mom "(This just shows how long it's been since I've felt a cock.. A mere caress of a hard cock against me, and I'm doubting the motives behind an innocent kiss good night)" mom "(From what I felt, he sure does seem to be PACKING down there)" mom "(I'd certainly love a BIG hard cock between my Pus.....)" mom "(Get a hold of yourself woman!! That was such a devious, whoring thing to even think about)." mom "(Well, I was just thinking about wanting 'A' cock. Not his,...)" mom "(I really hope my husband gets back soon... The void of a good dicking for so long has got me thinking all sorts of crazy things)" mom "(Hmmmmmm.... the painful struggles a faithful wife who has never cheated on her husband has to endure... Get back soon hubby)." stop music fadeout 2 label time_for_bed: scene scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Man, I've been tossing and turning wondering if I screwed things up. May be kissing her on the lips all of a sudden was a bit too much." mc "I hope [mom] didn't take that kiss the wrong way." mc "She did seem a little startled after I kissed her on the lips." mc "While I can't deny all the impure thoughts I had about her, I certainly don't wanna disappoint her or make her feel uncomfortable in any way." mc "I don't know what took over me. Just that I've never seen her dressed like that before. That dress made me look at her in a completely different light." mc "I've only seen her dressed that way in pics from old magazines when she was a model. But, never in person." mc "I can't fault her for dressing like that though. She's obviously very lonely and tonight was an opportunity for her to go out and flaunt her beauty." mc "She deserves to feel sexy and desired. She gave up her modeling career in her 20's after marrying [dad]" mc "She went from being a girl who's face was on Billboards and Top Magazines, to being a regular housewife. Her only focus has been her family for over 2 decades." mc "So it's okay that she wanted to feel like her old self for a change." mc "I just hope she didn't get the impression that I looked at her in a carnal way tonight." mc "That kiss, and the fact that I had an erection just before kissing her.. all made for an awkward end to a wonderful night." mc "I don't want her to think less of me. May be I should just to her and apologize for kissing her on the lips. Tell her that it was just an innocent kiss." mc "I think it's best to just ask for forgiveness if she thought I was out of line, instead of lying here and wondering what she thinks about me now." menu: "Go Apologize": scene scene4img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "She's not in her bedroom. May be she's out on the balcony watering the plants like she does every night" mc "Before I go out and talk to her, I gotta go pee. Let me quickly go to the bathroom. I've been holding it inside for a long time." mc "Guess I'll just use [mom]'s bathroom. I don't wanna go all the way downstairs and come up here again." scene scene4img3 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" loop fadein 2 mc "{i} (Oh no, [mom]'s in here in her bathtub. Thank goodness she's not naked. I just can't handle another awkward situation)." mc "Sorry [mom]. I didn't realize you were in here. I just came up here to apologize for..." mc "Are you awake [mmy]?" mc "Looks like she's asleep. She did drink quite a bit tonight. May be she just got in the bath tub and dozed off before opening the taps." mc "I think it's best if I just go downstairs." mc "Well......." mc "Looks like she's wearing some sexy bikini or something.... May be I can just take a peek." mc "I've already seen more of her than I should have seen tonight.... And imagined a thousand different things I'd do to her." mc "So, just a peek shouldn't hurt." label time_for_bed_two: menu: "Go Near Her": scene scene4img4 mc "HOLY SHIT! What is she wearing? That hardly covers anything.. That shouldn't even qualify as clothing." mc "She looks sexy as fuck in that!" mc "She's one HOT MILF" mc "Looks like she's fast asleep. May be I can get a lil closer." menu: "Get Closer": scene scene4img5 mc "OH MY WORLD!! I think my dick just grew TEN FOLD!" mc "I could unload a truck load of semen right now... I cannot believe the level of sexiness I'm seeing." mc "She is a SEX BOMB... Screw that, she's a SEX NUCLEAR MISSILE" mc "I cannot wrap my head around how HOT she is. She's a fucking GODDESS." mc "She looks like Aphrodite herself in human form. She is absolute perfection." mc "Her tits are so HUGE.... I just have to see those big milky tits uncovered." mc "If I proceed with caution, I should be able to slip those straps to the sides without waking her." mc "She's a heavy sleeper anyway, but I gotta be extremely careful." menu: "Expose Breasts": scene scene4img6 mc "OH FUCK! My dick is about to explode." mc "Look at those heavenly titties. They're so BIG, soft and milky." mc "I just want to grab them, squeeze them... Suck on them for eternity." mc "Fuck it. I've just lost all self control. I gotta relieve myself now." mc "Sorry [mom]. You're just toooo sexy. I have to jerk off to you now." mc "I'd never touch you without your permission... This is just masturbation." mc "Nothing physical between you and I until you allow it. But for now, I just have to release this massive build up." scene scene4img7 mc "How I'd love to tear her clothes of and ravage her body. I'd shove my dick right up her juicy wet pussy. Fuck her like a man possessed." scene scene4img8 mc "She'd scream with ecstasy and beg me to destroy her pussy. I'd pound that moist pussy till it can't take a beating anymore. Till she gasps for breath and quivers." scene scene4img7 mc "She'd grab my cock in her hands. Lick it. Take it deep down her throat... Till my groin touches her lips." scene scene4img8 mc "I'd fuck her mouth mercilessly. Then, fuck all her holes in every position known to man. She'd love it. She'd be my whore. Beg me to fuck her like a dirty little slut." scene scene4img7 mc "I'd tun her around. Penetrate her asshole. Hammer her ass with the force of a thousand thunderbolts." scene scene4img8 mc "I'd pound her so hard she can't walk for a couple of days. She'd rock her body back and forth.. matching my speed. Screaming.. Begging me to tear her asshole." scene scene4img7 mc "I'd grab those milky tits from behind. Feel her body quivering under mine. And cum deep inside her ass." scene scene4img8 mc "I can't hold it much longer... I'm about to blow my load." scene scene4img7 mc "Here it comes, you sexy temptress." menu: "Cum": scene scene4img9 mc "Aarghhhh!!" mc "That's it. I'm cumming [mom]." mc "Take it.. You Whore." scene scene4img10 mc "WOW! That felt amazing." mc "Aaghhh... What an ecstatic feeling." stop music fadeout 2 mc "I hope I get to fuck her for real one of these days." mc "Aaaahhhh" mysc "Well well well... Now you're in the palm of my hands." play sound "sounds/effects/camera.mp3" with flash mc "WHAT THE FUCK?!" scene scene4img11 with vpunch play music "sounds/complex.mp3" fadein 1.5 mc "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.. Someone just took a picture." mc "NO NO NO.. This can't be happening! I gotta go catch whoever took that pic." scene scene4img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "FUCK! They've got away.. NO NO NO. This is the worst." mc "What if they send that pic to [mom] and [dad]?" mc "I CANNOT have that happening. I just CANNOT have that picture come out." scene scene4img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "NO NO NO. I've searched the whole house and outdoors. Whoever took that has definitely got away from here." mc "I can just feel my heart sinking. Feels like a knife has been plunged through my chest." mc "I just made a HUGE mistake... And someone got that on camera." mc "What if [mom] found out I was jerking off to her? She'd never look at me that same again. Ever!" mc "If [dad] see's that pic, he will kill me." mc "I can't believe how careless I was. I got carried away with lust and made a terrible, terrible mistake." mc "A mistake that could cost me my life" scene scene4img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Someone just kill me now. I have searched every nook and corner, there's no sign of that fucker who took the picture." mc "Security at the gate tell me that they haven't seen anyone either." mc "I'd rather die in my sleep than wake up and face the consequences tomorrow." mc "If that pic ever comes out, no one will have an ounce of respect for me. I will become the laughing stock of the city." mc "Who could have possibly took that picture? Was someone spying? What is he or she gonna do with that pic?" mc "May be Ella got home a day early as a surprise, but caught me in the act.. No, it couldn't have been her." mc "If it was Ella, my head would definitely be on a spike right now." mc "At the moment, I can just hope that whoever took that pic just wants to blackmail me." mc "I'd do anything to get the evidence destroyed." mc "FUCK. FUCK. I almost forgot that [mom]'s monokini is spread out and she has my cum on her tits." mc "I gotta go fix that whole situation." scene scene4img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Thank goodness she's a heavy sleeper. I got here just in time and wiped my cum off her tits." mc "Now I should carefully pull her straps back over her breasts, without waking her up." menu: "Fix Straps": scene scene4img5 with dissolve mc "Well, at least this situation has been taken care of." mc "But my problems are far from over. That picture is still out and about." mc "Just a matter of time before it comes back to haunt me." scene scene4img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I've activated the whole house's security grid. Every camera and mic in the security system is on, just in case that fucker comes back" mc "The last few hours have been just pure torture." mc "I feel like someone has cut me open and I've bled out." mc "Let me just lay on the bed for a while." stop music fadeout 2 menu: "Lie Down": scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" loop fadein 1 mc "Oh, it's morning! I must've dozed after lying on the bed." mc "Oh no.. The memories of last night just came back to me like a flood." mc "Now it's time to get up and face the consequences." menu: "Get Up": scene scene5img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Oh hey, Good Morning sweetie." mom "Did you sleep well?" mc "Ye.. y.. y yes. Yes I did [mmy]." mom "Do you want some Coffee?" mc "Um.. mm.. I.. aa.. No thanks." scene scene5img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Are you alright honey?" mc "Yes [mom]." scene scene5img4 with dissolve mom "Are you sure you don't want some coffee?" mc "No. I'm good." mom "Are you pumped for Bora Bora? The day's finally here. I am beyond excited." mc "{i} (She seems completely normal. Thank goodness. She doesn't know.... YET)." mc "Yes [mom]. I've got goosebumps. I can't wait to fly out." mc "{i} (At least if I fly out of the country, I know I'll live for a couple of days....)" mc "{i} (Unless.. [dad] sends out some of his Hitmen to kill me in Bora Bora. Worse.. if he sends Ella)" mc "{i} (I don't even wanna think about what she'd do to me. That'll just be too scary)" scene scene5img3 with dissolve mom "Are you sure you're okay honey? You look awfully distracted." mc "No, I'm fine. Really.. I'm fine." scene scene5img4 with dissolve mom "Ella's coming here in the afternoon. I can't wait to meet her. It's been so long." mc "{i} (That is exactly what I'm dreading. I really really hope Ella doesn't know)" mc "I can't wait either [mom]. Yay.." scene scene5img5 with dissolve mom "So, what's the first thing you wanna do once we get to Bora Bora?" mc "I don't know. May be Jet-ski" mom "Awesome. That's a great choice. I've got a lot of my bikinis packed. I suppose we'll be in the water a lot." mom "I've booked us a private Villa on the waters. It's got breathtaking views." mom "We can lie on the hammocks and enjoy quiet peaceful evenings with a few drinks)." scene scene5img4 with dissolve mc "I really wanna sky dive this time. Are you up for it [mom]?" mom "That freaks me out a lil bit. But what the heck, let's do it." stop music fadeout 1.5 mom "I'm up for some sky diving. This is gonna be a vacation to remember" play sound "sounds/effects/door_bell.mp3" pause scene scene5img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" fadein 1 bl "Good Morning guys" mom "Oh Hi Blake. Good morning." mc "Blake! My dude! What's up. Long time, no see.. How are you man?." bl "I'm doing great [mc]. When did you get here?" mc "Oh, I just got here the day before. Semester break." scene scene5img7 bl "How are you finding University life?" mc "Yeah, it's alright. Lots of beautiful chicks in my class." mom "[mc]!!!!" mc "Sorry [mom]. But it's true." bl "Enjoy my man. My results came through. College days are behind me now." mc "I'm sure you were ranked #1 in the state." bl "Actually, yes. I just got a job offer. I'm going to be joining an advanced research team in Peru." scene scene5img8 with dissolve mom "That's wonderful news. Congratulations Blake. I'm so proud of you." bl "Thanks Mrs. Reigns" scene scene5img7 with dissolve mc "So when are you going to Peru." bl "Next week, I guess.. That's one of the reasons why I came here..." scene scene5img8 with dissolve bl "Mrs Reigns, I.. I was wonder.. wondering if I could talk to you." scene scene5img10 with dissolve bl "... talk to you in private." bl "If that's alright with you." scene scene5img11 with dissolve mom "In private?!" mom "Are you sure you can't talk about whatever it is with [mc] around?" bl "I mean.. It's something personal. I'd appreciate it if I could talk to you alone Mrs. Reigns." mom "Alright then." scene scene5img12 mom "[mc], would you excuse us for a minute?" mc "Okay. okay. I'm going..." mom "Thanks honey. Very kind of you." mc "Don't mention it." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene5img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" fadein 1.5 mc "What the fuck? Blake is acting all weird.." mc "Why does HE wan't to talk to [mom] alone? As far as I know, he's always been shy to talk to her." mc "Was he the guy who took that picture last night? Is he here to show [mom] that pic?" mc "Oh yes, I activated the security grid last night. I can access all the cameras on my phone." scene scene5img14 mc "Here we go... I just hope there's a microphone near them which picks up their conversation." mc "Logging into the app" scene scene5img15 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "How's your Mum Blake? Is she still doing her Pilates?" bl "She's great Mrs. Reigns. I believe she still is." mc "{i} (Thank goodness. Some mic near them is picking up their conversation. I can hear them talking)" mom "So what brings you here Blake?" mom "What did you want to talk to me about?" bl "Well Mrs.Reigns.. I've played this conversation in my head a 1000 times.. I guess I'm just gonna come right out and say it." bl "This is something I've been meaning to tell you since I was 14...... I... I.. a.." bl "I'm in love with you Mrs. Reigns." scene scene5img16 with dissolve mom "WHAT?!!" bl "I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember." bl "I used to think that it was just a childhood crush, but no matter how many girls I've dated, I've always known you're the one I truly love." mom "Blake, honey, I'm a married woman..... And I'm twice your age....." bl "Please just hear me out Mrs. Reigns... I know this is wrong. But I can't help how I feel." bl "I've been holding this inside all these years... Now that I know I'm going away to a different country, I just have to get this off my chest." bl "You don't have to say you love me back. I'm only here for another week. All I'm asking for is a chance to show how much I love you." bl "Can I please just take you on a date?" bl "I promise to treat you like the Goddess that you are." bl "I just want an evening with you.... An opportunity to hold you in my arms... To kiss your sweet lips... To make passionate, sweet love to you." scene scene5img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "What the fuck? Did he just say he wants to make love to [mom]?" mc "I don't believe this.. The nerve he has to tell her that. He knows damn well who [dad] is." mc "Men have paid dearly for even just looking her direction the wrong way." mc "I'd understand if he had just stopped at telling her that he loves her.. But he actually asked her on a date.." mc ".... And then said he wants to make love to her. He can't be asking her for sex!" stop music fadeout 2 menu blake_reaction: "Attack Blake": jump attack_blake "Ignore": jump ignored_blake label attack_blake: scene scene5img16optiona1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/attack.mp3" mc "Blake. You Son of a Bitch!" bl "[mc]! Were you listening to what I was saying?" bl "I'm so sorry man. But it was from the heart." mc "Well, you crossed a line when you told her you wanted to have sex with her man." scene scene5img16optiona2 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Take that, you motherfucker." bl "ouch!!" mom "[mc]! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!" mom "I said STOP!!" scene scene5img16optiona3 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "[mc] Stop" mom "Were you eavesdropping?" mom "Since when do you physically attack people? I cannot believe that YOU just acted violently." mom "I already have 2 aggressive hotheads in this house." mom "I will not have you becoming one." mom "Just go up to the terrace and walk that anger off." scene scene5img16optiona4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "And you... I've known you since you were a child, and I care enough not to hurt your feelings." mom "But, I'm a MARRIED woman. I love my husband, and I would never in a million years cheat on him." mom "You know who my husband is. If he found out about this, you'd wish you were never born." mom "Just.. please forget about me and find a girl your age." mom "Just go..." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene5img16optiona5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" fadein 1 mc "Man, that was intense." mc "[mom] got really angry about the way I reacted." mc "Perhaps it's my fault. I over reacted. He was just professing his love for her. I shouldn't have punched him." mom "[mc]... [mc]... wait up" scene scene5img16optiona6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "I'm sorry I yelled at you honey. I understand why you acted that way, but hitting someone... that's just not you. You're a gentleman." mom "I cannot change [yd]. He is who he is.. I do not approve of Ella's personality either, but she's beyond saving." mom "I just don't want to see you become an aggressive, violent person." mom "Promise me you would never act that way again." mc "I promise [mom]. And I'm sorry I acted like that." scene scene5img16optiona7 with dissolve mom "Okay. Now go get ready." mom "Let's have a wonderful vacation together." mc "Okay [mom]" mom "I'm going to go take a shower, get my luggage and get down here soon." mom "I'll see you in a bit sweetie." scene scene5img16optiona8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "WOW. That ass is mesmerizing. Love how those cheeks sway to the sides as she climbs the stairs." mc "She's got a sexy see through gown coat on... Too bad I can't see much of her ass through it." mc "Well, she's going to be all mine for the next few days in Bora Bora. I bet I'll get to see her ass and more there." stop music fadeout 2 jump ella_intro label ignored_blake: scene scene5img14 play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" fadein 1.5 mc "I think I'll just let it slide." mc "He's clearly head over heels in love with her. That fool.. [mom] would never entertain his affection anyway." mc "Let me get back to the camera stream and see how she reacts." scene scene5img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Blake, sweetie.. I really don't wanna hurt your feelings." mom "I can tell by your voice that your feelings for me are real. But I'm a married woman." mom "Whatever mess your feelings have you in, you should know that it's never okay to approach a married woman like that." scene scene5img16optionb1 mom "Besides, I'm twice your age.. I've known you since you were a child." mom "You will always be little innocent Blake to me." mom "I'm sorry Blake. I'm married.. I love my husband, and I would never in a million years cheat on him." mom "I can never reciprocate the feelings you have for me. Please try to forget about me and find a girl your age." scene scene5img16optionb2 bl "I'm sorry Mrs. Reigns" mom "You're a handsome young man Blake. I'm sure any pretty girl your age would be happy to be your girlfriend." bl "But none can ever compare to you.." scene scene5img16optionb3 mom "Oh Blake.." mom "{i} (Oh, poor kid.. He looks so dejected. It's so sad to see him like that)" mom "{i} (But I should remain quiet. I shouldn't lead him on. It would only hurt him more)." bl "Excuse me Mrs. Reigns. I'll just leave." mom "You can still talk to me as innocent little Blake anytime sweetie." bl "Thanks Mrs. Reigns. Bye." scene scene5img14 mc "Poor Blake." mc "Although I heard the whole conversation, lemme just go ask [mom] what Blake wanted to talk to her about.. Just for the heck of it" mc "That'll ensure her thinking that I wasn't eavesdropping out of curiosity." scene scene5img16optiona6 mc "Hey [mom], what did Blake want to talk to you about?" mom "Hey there Curious George.. Couldn't help your curiosity, could you?" mc "It was just strange. He has always been shy around you. Baffled me that he wanted to talk to you alone. That's all." mom "He just wanted some advice about approaching a girl he's interested in." mc "{i} (Yeah, right.. YOU.)" mc "But why did he come to you for advice." scene scene5img16optiona7 mom "I happen to be an expert in the matters of the heart Mister." mom "May be his mom told him that, and he came to heed my sage advice." mc "Oh, I see." mom "Okay. Now go get ready." mom "Let's have a wonderful vacation together." mc "Okay [mom]" mom "I'm going to go take a shower, get my luggage and get down here soon." mom "I'll see you in a bit sweetie." scene scene5img16optiona8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "WOW. That ass is mesmerizing. Love how those cheeks sway to the sides as she climbs the stairs." mc "She's got a sexy see through gown coat on. Too bad I can't see much of her ass through it." mc "Well, she's going to be all mine for the next few days in Bora Bora. I bet I'll get to see her ass and more there." stop music fadeout 2 label ella_intro: scene scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mom "Are you ready sweetie?" mc "Yes [mom]." mom "The Jet is being prepped at the Hangar." mom "Ella will be here to pick us up in a few minutes." mc "Okay great." mc "You look great in that dress [mom]." scene scene6img2 mom "Thank you honey." mom "You look very handsome yourself." play sound "sounds/effects/ella_bike.mp3" scene scene6img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) e "Hey guys" e "Wassuppp!" mom "Honey, how many times do I have to say this? No Motorcycles inside the house." scene scene6img4 e "Mom, you have 2 Lambos inside the house." mom "Well, their tyres are clean." mom "When you ride your bikes all the way inside the house, their tyres brings in all the dirt they collected along the way." e "Sorry Mom" scene scene6img5 with dissolve mom "Haha. How are you sweetie?" e "I'm doing great Mom. Thanks.. How are you?" e "You look stunning by the way." mom "Thanks love." mom "Would it kill you to visit me more often?" e "Sorry Mom. I've been very busy. I just flew in from Russia this morning." e "Are you guys ready for your vacation?" mom "Yes we are." scene scene6img6 with dissolve e "Hey there [mc]. How's my little Pumpkin?" mc "Ella! Don't call me that... I'm awesome. How are you?" e "I'm awesome as always." mc "{i} (What a relief! Ella doesn't seem to know anything about last night's incident)." mc "{i} (Despite her usual easy going, goofy demeanor, she's a walking slaughter house. One of [dad]'s most vicious Hitwomen)." mc "{i} (She's always nice.. But she can switch from being Brunette Barbie to a blood thirsty, raging annihilator in a minute if someone pisses her off)" mc "Ella, I'm going to be here for 2 months. Will you teach me how to do those cool stunts on your bikes?" e "Sure thing. As soon as you get back from Bora Bora." e "You guys better keep sending me pics every day." mom "We sure will sweetie." scene scene6img7 with dissolve e "Okay guys, I'd love to stay here and chat. But I gotta be somewhere after I drop you guys at the Hangar." e "If you're both ready, can we please get going?" e "We can catch up in the car during our drive" mc "Car? I thought you were gonna take us there on your Bike." e "SARCASM: Haha, very funny." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene6img7alt with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene scene6img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mom "Do you think we should have a camp fire on the beach tonight?" mc "Actually, that'll be awesome [mom]. We can do a lot of water sports in the evening, and then relax around the fire on the beach." mc "{i} (I actually feel much better now. That pic hasn't come out so far. I'm just gonna forget all about that till I return from Bora Bora)" mc "{i} (If that pic's gonna surface and I'm gonna get killed anyway, I might as well have the time of my life on this vacation)" mc "{i} (May be even try to nail [mom] while I'm there)" mc "{i} (I feel so free now. I'm in a great mood)" mc "[mmy], Can I ask you something?" scene scene6img9 with dissolve mom "Ask away... What do you wanna ask [mmy]?" menu plane_menu: "[mom]'s Modeling Offer": if plane_modeling == False: mc "I was on the phone with Iris the other day. She told me that her agency wants to approach you for a lingerie photoshoot." mom "So you heard about that, huh?" mc "Yes. Will you be taking it up?" mom "I don't know. I haven't modeled in almost 2 decades now. And it's a lingerie/boudoir shoot." mom "I'm not sure if I can pull it off." mc "What are you talking about [mom]? With your stunning body, you can pull off anything." mom "I don't know dear. It's kind of a risque shoot." mc "{i} (That's perfect. That'll give me more fap material)." mc "Well, you're always complaining about being alone at home, right? If you start modeling again, you won't have to sit at home all day." mom "You do have a point there." mc "So what if it's risque shoot? It's a start. You can finally beat your loneliness and boredom." mom "Hmmm makes sense." mc "Promise me you'll at least think about it." mom "Sure. I promise." $ plane_modeling = True $ chat_finished += 1 jump plane_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump plane_menu "Jasmine": if plane_jasmine == False: mc "Is Jasmine having troubles in her marriage?" mom "How did you hear about that?" mc "Jasmine talks to Iris about everything. And Iris tells me everything." mom "I don't know honey. Jasmine hasn't explicitly told me so, but I guess she is having problems." mom "She told me that she might be coming home to live with me for a month or so. Said she needs a break." mc "Oh. Whatever it is, I hope they can work it out." mom "I do too. I don't want to see my baby girl unhappy." $ plane_jasmine = True $ chat_finished += 1 jump plane_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump plane_menu "Nude Beach": if plane_nbeach == False: mc "I hear that the resort we're going to be staying in has a Nude Beach, does it really?" mom "Yes. It does." mom "I should have told you this before. It's actually an adult resort." mom "All the other resorts in Bora Bora were full. I had no choice but to book it. I hope you're okay with that." mc "{i} (Sweet. That means more opportunities to make moves on her)." mc "That's okay [mom]. No big deal" mom "But don't worry. I got us a villa on a more secluded portion of the resort." mom "So we should have some privacy. But don't be surprised if you see some touchy feely honeymooners there." mc "{i} (Touchy feely huh? That is exactly what I intend to be doing with you)." mom "That shouldn't be a problem [mom]." $ plane_nbeach = True $ chat_finished += 1 jump plane_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump plane_menu "End talk" if chat_finished > 2: scene scene6img9 mom "A whole week in paradise... Just a few hours till we get there." mc "{i} (Paradise indeed. It will be a paradise of sex if I somehow get her to sleep with me)" mc "{i} (I will be fucking her non stop)" stop music fadeout 2 mc "{i} (7 days of fucking her in all her holes, in Bora Bora of all places. It would certainly be paradise indeed)" play sound "sounds/effects/missile.mp3" pause scene scene6img10 play sound "sounds/effects/explosion.mp3" with vpunch with hpunch play music "sounds/clash_defiant.mp3" fadein 2 mc "{i} (What the fuck? What the fuck is happening?)" mom "[mc], what was that?" scene scene6img11alt with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene scene6img11 with hpunch mc "{i} Oh shit." with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "[mc], Are you alright?" mc "I'm okay [mom]." with hpunch mom "What's going on?" mc "I think we've been hit [mom]" mom "What do you mean?" menu plane_hit: "Get up": scene scene6img12 mc "Fuck. This is actually starting to scare me now." mc "I'm pretty sure I heard a missile." menu: "Check on [mom]": scene scene6img13 mc "[mom], are you okay?" mom "Yes. Yes I am. Honey, what's going on?" mom "I'm really scared." mom "Did you say we were hit?" mc "It certainly feels like it. Hang on, let me go check on the Pilot. Stay right here." mom "Be careful" menu: "Check Cockpit": scene scene6img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Oh no. The Pilot's dead." mc "The Plane's going down." mc "We have to jump out." menu: "Got To [mom]": scene scene6img15 mom "[mc], what's happening?" mc "The Pilot's dead [mom]. The Plane's gonna go down." mc "We have to jump off the plane." mom "What? No no no.. I'm scared of heights. I can't jump." mc "[mom] trust me. There's no other option. We have to jump." scene scene6img16 with dissolve mom "ooooowww okay" mom "Did you find the Parachutes?" mc "No. And there's no time to.. The plane's gonna go down fast." mc "We're over shallow waters. We can jump without parachutes. We'll just fall into the water and we can swim to the shore." mom "WHAT? That's INSANE. I can't. I just can't." mc "[mom], THE GUYS WHO SHOT US COULD STILL BE NEAR." mc "IF WE JUMP WITH PARACHUTES, WE'LL BE EASY PICKING FOR THEM TO SHOOT US IN MID AIR." mc "WITHOUT A PARACHUTE, OUR FALL WILL BE VERY QUICK AND IT'LL BE HARD FOR THEM TO AIM AND SHOOT US DOWN, IF THEY'RE STILL AROUND." mc "IT'S ONLY WATER BELOW US. TO AVOID INJURIES, WE'll HAVE TO TILT OUR BODIES IN A SWIMMERS' DIVE BEFORE IMPACT, SO WE SPEAR INTO THE WATER." mom "ooooooooowwww I don't know..." mc "[mom] trust me. I'll be holding you throughout. I won't let you go. I'll have my arms around you till we swim to the shore." mc "Please trust me. We have to jump NOW. There's no time." scene scene6img17 with dissolve mom "Okay." mom "Let's jump. Promise me you won't let me go." mc "I promise. I won't." menu: "Jump Out": jump dive_out label dive_out: scene scene7img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "[mc], hold me tight!! Don't let me go." mc "Holy shit. This is crazy. Didn't expect the day to take this sort of a turn." mc "I don't know what I was thinking jumping out without a parachute." mc "This is ridiculously scary. Every hair on my body is standing right now." mc "Hope there are no fucking Sharks in the water. I gotta swim to the shore holding [mom]" scene scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Nooooooooooooooo... [mc] THIS IS INSANE... We're falling so fast. AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mc "I knooooooooowwwwwww." mc "I really didn't think this through." mc "AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" stop music fadeout 2 scene black play sound "sounds/effects/splash.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black play sound "sounds/effects/swim.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene scene7img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/floating_cities.mp3" mom "**BREATHING HEAVY. PANTING**" mom "**Gasping** ......" mc "It's okay [mom]. We're on the shore.. We're safe now." mom "Honey, what just happened? Is someone trying to kill us?" mc "I don't know [mom]. But I'm certain it was a missile that hit our plane." mom "This doesn't make any sense. Who's after us? Why?" scene scene7img4 with dissolve mom "What about [yss]? [yd]? Do you think they're okay? Is someone after them too?" mom "I'm really scared. I hope they're alive." mc "[mom], [mom], calm down. I'm sure they're okay. Nobody's bold enough to cross [dad] or his loved ones." mom "But someone did. They hit us. Was it one of [yd]'s enemies?" mc "I'm don't know [mom], I don't have any answers. I'm as confused as you are." mc "{i} (Could it be? Could it be the sick freak who took that picture last night? But why?)" mom "No, no, no, why is this happening? It's all too sudden." mc "[mom], please calm down. It's okay. We're safe. I'm sure the rest of us are safe too." mc "May be someone just got the wrong targets. But we have to keep moving [mom]. If there are any scouts in the sky, we need to avoid being seen." mc "We need to go hiding. Need to get into the woods." mc "Trust me. We'll be safe. I'LL PROTECT YOU." scene scene7img5 with dissolve mom "You think someone could still be after us?" mc "I don't know. But I don't wanna stay here on the shores and find out." mom "It's getting dark. I'm really scared honey." mc "It's alright [mom]. But you need to be brave. I WILL KEEP YOU SAFE NO MATTER WHAT." mc "It's getting dark [mom]. Please, let's get going." scene scene7img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "We're in the middle of nowhere." mc "It's fine, we just have to keep ourselves safe till [dad] or Ella come pick us up." mc "My mobile's still working. But there's no network here. We just have to get to a place where we can get a signal and make a call." mc "Any slim chance you have your phone on you?" mom "No. It was in my bag. It's probably 10,000 feet under the water right now." scene scene7img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Are you sure about this? Going into the woods?" mc "There's no other option right now. We have to avoid beeing seen by whoever shot us down." mc "Best if they think they got their targets with the attack on the plane." mc "I know you're scared [mom]. But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." mom "I trust you." stop music fadeout 2 scene black pause scene scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle.mp3" mc "Okay. This looks like a crash site. Someone must've crashed here long before us. But there's no one here. It's empty." mc "Let's just sleep here tonight. There must be some supplies that we can use." mc "Okay [mom]. Stay right here. I'm going to use the supplies available and hopefully find us something to eat." scene black pause stop music fadeout 1 scene scene8img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle.mp3" mc "What a stroke of luck [mom]. We found enough supplies to start a fire and hunt some foul." mom "I'm still worried about [yss] [mc]." mc "[mom], do you really think anyone's foolish enough to mess with [dad] or his family?" mc "I know we were just hit. But there must've been a mix up. It's just a matter of time till we get back to the city. We just have to find a signal." mc "{i} (I'm really scared myself, but I have to be strong for her. I don't want to see her sad.. So if I have to lie, that's what I'll do)" mc "It's okay [mom]. Just think of this as an unplanned vacation." mc "You have to admit, it is pretty great to be sitting under the stars in the middle of nowhere, around a fire, eating some Duck." mc "It's no Bora Bora, but we'll just go to Bora Bora next week after we have this mess fixed." scene scene8img3 with dissolve mom "I admire your spirit." mom "I trust that my big [mc] will keep me safe." mc "Yeah, let's just enjoy the night." mc "{i} (I have to admit, it feels pretty great sitting near a fire in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful lady)" mc "{i} (She looks so hot in the dim light of the fire)" mc "Let's talk about something else [mom]. So, your modeling offer.. Will you give some thought to it after we get back to civilization)" mom "I will. I will." mc "Great. I hope you take it. I can't wait to see you on all the Fashion Magazines." mom "Aawww that is so sweet." mom "Okay honey, I'm feeling really tired. I think I'll just go to sleep." mc "Sure [mom], you sleep in that tiny, tent looking thing. I'll just sleep out here." mom "Thanks. Good night honey." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene8img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/floating_cities.mp3" fadein 1.5 mc "The sky looks beautiful." mc "[mmy]'s really shaken about this. I'm very shaken myself." mc "But I'm glad I put up a strong facade, at least [mom]'s feeling a lil hopeful because of it." mc "I wonder who did it though." mc "Did someone really grow the nerve to mess with [dad] and his loved ones?" mc "Or, was it whoever who took that picture last night? If so, who, and why?" mc "They have that pic to extort any amount of money, but why try to kill me? If it was in fact them who hit us." mc "Or worse, what if [dad] found out about that pic and he ordered the hit?" mc "No. He wouldn't. It was just me jerking off.... [mom] was asleep, she wasn't cheating on him." mc "Despite his lack of showing it, he really does love [mom] more than anything else. He wouldn't order a hit on a plane she was in." mc "This mystery is driving me crazy, but I have to get some sleep. Really tired right now." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene8img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle_morning.mp3" mom "Morning sleepy head." mc "Good morning [mom]." mc "{i} (Wow, how I'd love to wake up next to that beautiful face every morning)" mom "I woke up an hr ago. I've been exploring this place.. It's actually beautiful around here." mc "Awesome [mom]. You seem to be in great spirits today." mom "Well, I have you here to protect me. So, I decied to make the best of this situation." mom "I just found this beautiful Pond, just down the stream. Think I'll go take my bath in it." mom "Now get up honey. There's some left over Duck from last night. You eat that." mom "Once I finish my bath, we can get going. Let's hope we find a village or something around." scene scene8img6 mc "Yaawn. Hmmm.. It's quite early in the morning." mc "I'm glad [mom]'s in great spirits. Like she said, we just have to make the best out of this situation." mc "Hold up, did she just say she was going to take a bath?" mc "I may be able to see her naked." mc "Let me go find that Pond" scene scene8img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "There she is. She's already taking off her clothes." mc "This place is beautiful." mc "Now, let's see more of the beautiful lady." scene scene8img8 with dissolve mc "I have a nice view from here. And the bushes will keep me covered." mc "She only has her panties on. This is so sexy." mc "I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra underneath that dress. Come on [mom], let's take off those panties." scene scene8img9 with dissolve mc "Holy shit! Look at that ass." mc "It looks so firm. Like a Greek Goddess' ass." mc "She has one hell of a body." scene scene8img10 with dissolve mc "What a sexy sight." mc "I just wanna jam my cock in her ass right now." scene scene8img11 with dissolve mc "She's such a sexy bitch." mc "That ass is just out of this world." scene scene8img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "{i} (This is such a beautiful place)" mom "{i} (It was so nice of [mc] doing his best to make sure I was okay)" mom "{i} (He has grown into a handsome young man)" scene scene8img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I could just jizz all over that ass right now." mc "I hope she turns around, I wanna see her tits." scene scene8img14 with dissolve mc "YES. YES. She's turning around. But her arms are covering her tits." mc "This is getting so erotic spying on her like this. I wanna cum on her pretty face." scene scene8img15 with dissolve mc "Oh no. Her tits are under the water. But her ass is in the air." mc "That is such a sexy curve on that ass." mc "Time to jerk off again." stop music fadeout 1 play sound "sounds/effects/crocodile.mp3" mc "What's that noise behind me? Is something moving?" scene scene8img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/arabic_drums.mp3" fadein 1 play sound "sounds/effects/violin_danger.mp3" mc "Holy shit. It's a huge fucking Crocodile." mom "[mc] WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" mc "FUCK. She heard me." scene scene8img17 mom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? AND WHY ARE YOUR PANTS DOWN?" mc "[mom]... get out of the water now. There's a big Crocodile here." mom "OH NO! I see it. Don't just stand near that creature.. RUN!" stop music fadeout 2 scene scene9img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle_morning.mp3" mom "[mc], are you okay? That was a scary looking Crocodile." mc "I'm fine. It was scary, wasn't it?" mc "I was scared shitless. That Crocodile was so huge." mc "Good thing we spotted it, before it spotted us." scene scene9img3 with dissolve mom "Yes. Definitely." mom "But. what were you doing at the place where I was bathing?" mom "Why were your pants down?" mc "I was just taking a leak [mom]. I didn't know you were there in that Pond." mc "There's quite a few Ponds here. I didn't know you were in that one. I swear." scene scene9img4 with dissolve mom "Oh! Okay then." mom "Are you ready for another adventure? Let's get going." mc "{i} (It worked. I can't believe she actually bought that..... She's so gullible)" mc "Yes. Yes I am [mmy]. Which way are we headed?" mc "I don't know. You lead the way. I can't wait to see what this day's gonna bring. Should be fun, right?" stop music fadeout 1 scene scene9img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/sunshine.mp3" fadein 2 mc "On the road on an adventure." mc "Don't know where we're going, or where we are." mom "But we have each other." mom "Wonder how much further we have to walk till we find some help though." scene scene9img6 with dissolve mom "You know what honey? I'm actually having a great time" mom "Isn't this kinda fun? Just you and me, walking in a Forest, talking, joking, bonding...." mc "It is. I'm loving this too." mom "We have all the time in the world for ourselves." mom "It sure is a good thing to be away from all the technology once in a while." scene scene9img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "We've been walking for hours now. How far do we have to go till we find some sign of life?" mc "Or find a signal." mom "I'm really hungry right now. And thirsty." mc "{i} (I wish you were thirsty for this dick)" mom "I guess us girls do get hungry at the most inconvenient times, huh?" mc "Hahaha.. Y'all sure do." mc "Let's just keep walking till we find something." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene9img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle_morning.mp3" mc "Finally! This looks like some sort of road.." mom "Finally.. YES! Looks like we're getting somewhere. This better lead us to some help." mom "I really hope there's a Village or Town nearby." scene scene9img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Hold on..... Hold on a second honey. I'm really tired...." mom "I need to sit down and catch my breath a little." mc "Sure [mom]" mc "Take as long as you need." scene scene9img10 with dissolve mom "We've been walking non stop since the morning. I just need a moment." mc "That's alright [mom]. We're not in a rush. Just relax for as long as you want." mom "I can't tell you how proud of you I am right now." mom "You've been so considerate, trying to keep me strong and positive. So helpful and so understanding." mom "I'm proud of the man you've become." mc "Thanks [mom]. That means a lot. That's all I wanna do, make you proud." play sound "sounds/effects/motorcycle.mp3" pause mc "Wait.. Do you hear that? Sounds like a Motorcycle.." scene scene9img11 with dissolve mom "Sounds like it's coming our way." mom "The sound's getting louder now." mc "That's great." mc "We're going to find some help at last." stop music fadeout 2 scene scene9img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/fight_music.mp3" fadein 1 fd "You there. What are you two doing down here?" fd "How do you know of this place? How did you get here?" fd "Are you Spies?" mc "No no. We're just looking for help." fd "Lemme see your hands. Get up." fd "Slowly...." scene scene9img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "Sir, we don't have any weapons. We just need some help." mom "Our Jet crashed, and we've been stuck here. We don't even know where we are?" mom "Could you please help us contact our family? My husband will be happy to reward you handsomely." scene scene9img14 with dissolve fd "You better not be lying to me." fd "Are you here for the WRAITHSMIST?" mc "We have no idea what that is." mc "We're telling the truth. We just need help getting back to our home." mom "Sir, I promise, we don't know anything about this place? Our Jet crashed at the shore, we're honestly just looking for help." scene scene9img15 with dissolve mc "{i} (What's wrong with his skin?)" fd "Where did your Plane crash? I need to see it to ensure there's nothing sketchy going on here?" mom "It crashed over the Sea. The wreckage must be under the water right now." fd "TAKE ME THERE... Or, I'll have to...." fd "Wait a minute....." fd "Come to think of it.. It's a miracle seeing a FINE piece like you here in this godforsaken place." fd "Do you give good blowjobs?" fd "Do you take it up the ass?" scene scene9img16 with dissolve mom "Huuuhhhhh" mc "What that fuck did you just say you douchebag?" scene scene9img17 with dissolve fd "SHUT UP BOY!" fd "Can't you see I'm talking to the lady?" fd "Why don't you go make yourself scarce?" fd "Give me and the sexy lady some privacy." scene scene9img18 with dissolve fd "You have a BIG, fat, juicy booty you sexy slut" mom "Get your hands off me you freak." mc "ALRIGHT! THAT DOES IT!" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene scene9img19 with dissolve play music "sounds/effects/fight_alt.mp3" play sound "sounds/effects/tackle.mp3" mc "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" mc "How dare you?" mc "I'm going to beat you to death." scene scene9img20 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "What the fuck? He reversed my takedown in mid air. He must be a well trained guy." fd "You motherfucker!" scene black play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mom "No.... please stop." scene scene9img20 fd "You made a big mistake attacking me boy." scene black play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" pause scene scene9img20 fd "I'm going to kill you." scene black play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" pause scene scene9img21 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" mom "Take that you pig." fd "Aaaaahhhhhh" mc "YESS.." mc "Way to go [mom]." mc "Thanks for the assist......" mc "Time to kick this douchebag's ass" scene scene9img22 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/throw.mp3" mc "Takedown city bitch." mc "Enjoy your ribs breaking." scene scene9img23 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" mc "I'm gonna stomp your head in asshole." fd "Aaahh...... ...... ..... ... .. ." scene scene9img24 with dissolve mc "[mom], come here quick." mc "Get on the bike.. Let's go." mom "Coming.." scene scene9img25 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/bike_revving.mp3" mc "Hold on to me [mom]" mc "Let's get out of here." mom "Careful." stop music fadeout 2 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" fadein 2 mom "Another beautiful night under the Stars." mom "How did you learn to fight?" mc "How else? Ella taught me." scene scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Wonderful night, isn't it?" mom "What an adventure the last couple of days have been." mc "{i} (Fuck. She looks sexy as hell right now. Her big natural breasts look great from this angle)" mom "That Bike is a monster.... Wonder what they've got hiding in that place." mc "We could have found out, if you had let me ride in that direction." mom "What? Let you ride right into trouble? I'm glad we got FAR away from that place." mom "Whatever they're hiding, couldn't be good." mc "That is some serious weaponry on that bike. They've definitely got something big going on there." mc "He said something about a Wraithsmist....." mom "Well, I don't wanna stick around and unravel the mystery. Let's get far away from here as soon as we wake up in the morning." mc "{i} (Well, may be I'll just go back to that place sometime later... BETTER EQUIPPED)" mc "{i} (Find out what they've got going on ever there)" scene scene10img3 with dissolve mom "I'm starving... Did you find any food packages on that bike?" mc "No. All he had were those buns that we just finished." mc "There's a lot of liquor though." mom "Gimme some Whiskey if there's any. I could really use a drink right now." scene scene10img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Here you go... Whiskey" mom "Thanks Dear." mom "Do you know if Iris has a boyfriend?" mc "None that I know of. Why?" mom "Just asking... Pretty girl like her, I'm sure there's a lot of guys chasing her." mom "I haven't had a talk with her about the Birds and the Bees yet." mom "You know... boys her age are only after one thing....." mom "I should have that talk with her about the Birds and Bees when we get back." mc "{i} (Why is she telling me about this? Is she tipsy already?)" mc "Sure. You do that." scene scene10img5 with dissolve mc "[mom], slow down.. You're gulping down that Whiskey." mom "I'll drink as much as I want Mister." mom "After the couple of days we've had. I deserve this." mc "Alright, but just go slow." scene scene10img2 with dissolve mom "So, you think I should take that modelng offer, huh?" mc "Yes. I think it'll be good for you." mom "Hmmmmmm" mom "Are you still taking Photography lessons?" mc "Yeah.. Been practicing a lot actually." scene scene10img4 with dissolve mom "Can you do me a favor?" mc "Yes." mom "If I take that modeling offer up... I'm not saying I will.. if I do... will you help me with a couple of test photoshoots?" mom "I haven't posed in front of the Cameras for almost 2 decades. If I've caught Camera shyness, I need to get rid of it before modeling professionally again." mom "If I take that offer up, that is. I haven't made up my mind about that yet.." mc "Definitely. I'd love to." mc "{i} (I'm going to have a hard time hiding my erection during the shoots. But I can't pass this up)" scene scene10img5 with dissolve mc "{i} (I've never seen her drink so much before)" mc "{i} (In fact, she hardly ever drinks..)" mc "{i} (I was surprised to see her drink so much at the club the other night... She's drinking faster than that tonight)" scene scene10img6 with dissolve mom "Okay honey. I've got a bone to pick with you." mom "You can talk to me openly about this..." mom "At the Pond this morning..... Were you really there just taking a piss?" scene scene10img4 mom "Go on.... you can tell me the truth." mc "What are you asking me [mom]?" mom "I think you know." mc "{i} (I can't blatantly admit that I was spying on her. I'm going to lie)" mc "I promise, I was just there taking a piss.. I didn't know you were in that Pond)" scene scene10img7 with dissolve mom "Ahhaa" mom "{i} (How naive does he think I am?)" mom "Sweetie, is there something wrong with your pants? I see something growing big under your pants" mc "I.a..a. Ia.. I.. I'm... I...." mom "That's alright honey." mom "You've been such a Gentleman, and taken such good care of me...." mom "You were my Kinght in Shining Armor today....... And for that, I think you deserve a reward" scene scene10img8 with dissolve mom "Do you want to see what's under [mmy]'s dress?" mc "{i} (DID SHE REALLY JUST ASK ME THAT?)" mc "{i} (I'VE JUST HIT THE FUCKING JACKPOT OF ALL JACKPOTS)" mom "You heard me...." mom "You can speak your mind sweetie. [mmy] won't get mad." mc "I..a.a... I'd...." mom "I take that as a YES." mom "Do you want to see my Boobs or my Ass?" mom "You can only choose one." menu: "Boobs": jump chose_boobs "Ass": jump chose_ass label chose_boobs: scene scene10img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "I've always been obsessed with your Boobs [mom]. I'd LOVE to take a look at your BIG natural Boobs." mom "Consider your wish granted." mom "But I have to set some rules before I show you my Breasts." mom "You can only look.. Strictly no touching." mc "Sure [mom]" mom "Okay. Let me set my girls free for your viewing pleasure." scene scene10img8optiona1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (HOLY MOLLY!! Those tits are B.I.G. No wonder those babies are always trying to bust out of all her dresses." mc "[mom], those have to be THE BEST pair of boobs on the Planet." mom "Haha. You really think so?" mc "Absoutely. These are THE BEST pair of tits I've ever seen." mom "Seen a lot of breasts, have you?" mc "Yes. On the internet..." mom "Aaawwww, you're a virgin! That's kinda cute." mom "Well, since you like my boobs so much... I'll let you touch them.... Just this once" mc "{i} I cannot believe my luck! This is the best day of my life." mom "Go on.. I don't bite." scene scene10img8optiona2 with dissolve mc "[mom], your breasts are so soft and amazing." mom "Do you like how [mmy]'s titties feel?" scene scene10img8optiona3 with dissolve mc "I never wanna take my hands off them [mom]" mom "Hahaha." scene scene10img8optiona2 with dissolve mc "Your boobs feel like fine silk [mom]" mom "mmmmmmmhhhhhhh" mom "Keep caressing them. Just like that." scene scene10img8optiona3 with dissolve mc "Do you like my hands on your breasts [mom]?" mom "Just keep doing what you're doing." scene scene10img8optiona2 with dissolve mc "Are you feeling horny [mom]?" mom "Okay. I think that's enough sugar." scene scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "No one can ever know about this, okay?" mom "This has to be a secret. Also, this was just a one time thing." mom "You should never ask me for this again." mc "Okay [mom]. Understood." mom "Good. Now just go to sleep." mom "I think it's best if you sleep quite a few feet away from me tonight." mom "We should avoid having a sudden situation on our hands in the middle of the night." mc "Sure [mmy]. Good night." mom "Good night love." jump lucky_sky label chose_ass: scene scene10img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "I've always thought you have the Ass of a Greek Goddess [mom]. Can I please see your Ass?" mom "Ass of a Goddess? You flatter me." mom "Consider your wish granted." mom "But I have to set some rules before I show you my Ass." mom "You can only look.. Strictly no touching." mc "Sure [mom]" mom "Okay. Let me take my dress off." scene scene10img8optionb1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT! She's bent over in front of me in the doggy position)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to take her from behind... Bury my cock deep inside her pussy)" mom "Do you like what you see?" mc "You look SPLENDID from where I'm sitting [mom]." mom "You know what? I know I said no touching... But since you called me a Goddess earlier, I think I'll let you touch my ass." mc "{i} I cannot believe my luck! This is the best day of my life." mc "Go on... You have my permission." scene scene10img8optionb2 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "Hey, I didn't say you could spank me!!" mc "Sorry [mom]. Got carried away for a second." mc "Your ass feels so great to touch [mom]." mom "Have you grabbed a girl's butt before?" scene scene10img8optionb3 with dissolve mc "Only in my imagination." mom "Aaawww. You're a virgin! That's kinda cute." mc "[mom], since you've taken off dress anyway. Can you also show me your breasts?" mom "Greedy much?" scene scene10img8optionb2 with dissolve mom "I told you can only choose one dear." mom "So, it just has to be my Ass tonight." scene scene10img8optionb3 with dissolve mc "You said only your ass 'Tonight'?" mc "Does that mean we can do this again?" mom "No dear." scene scene10img8optionb2 with dissolve mc "I like your panties [mom]. Your Pussy lips look swolen under them." mom "Focus only on the ass" scene scene10img8optionb3 with dissolve mom "Sorry [mom]. My eyes keep wandering." mc "I know you said to only focus on your ass, but I can see the sides of your BIG boobs from here." mc "How am I supposed to keep my eyes off them?" mom "You're getting way too flirty dear." scene scene10img8optionb2 with dissolve mc "Sorry again. Didn't mean to push the boundaries." mom "That's okay love." scene scene10img8optionb3 with dissolve mc "[mom], are you feeling horny too?" mom "Okay. you've been holding my ass for a while now." mom "I think that's enough sugar." scene scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "No one can ever know about this, okay?" mom "This has to be a secret. Also, this was just a one time thing." mom "You should never ask me for this again." mc "Okay [mom]. Understood." mom "Good. Now just go to sleep." mom "I think it's best if you sleep quite a few feet away from me tonight." mom "We should avoid having a sudden situation on our hands in the middle of the night." mc "Sure [mmy]. Good night." mom "Good night love." label lucky_sky: scene scene10img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "HOLY SHIT! Is this real life right now?" mc "I can't believe [mom] just let me touch her assets." mc "She's the best." mc "I'm addicted to her body..... I want more." mc "I want to fuck her so desperately." mc "I have a strong feeling I'll get my chance soon." stop music fadeout 1 label episode2_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/jungle_morning.mp3" scene 2scene1img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Yaawwnnn" mc "Hmm.. Another beautiful day in the wilderness." mc "Who would've thought getting shot out of the sky would turn out to be quite so much fun." mc "Last night was nothing short of magical." mc "Still can't believe that [mom] actually turned things sexual herself." mc "Wonder what sort of adventures this day is going to bring." scene 2scene1img5 with dissolve mc "WOW!! What a beautiful sight!" mc "She looks so lovely sitting there by herself." mc "How I'd love to be married to a woman like her." mc "She's just perfect. [dad] is such a lucky guy." mc "Well, at least for as long as we're stuck here, she's all mine." scene 2scene1img6 with dissolve mom "Oh hey sweetie." mom "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" mc "I sure did. Good morning [mom]" mc "You look wonderful today. Well, you always look wonderful." mom "Aaaww, thanks love. You're such a charmer." mc "I try haha." scene 2scene1img7 with dissolve mc "Have you been up for a while?" mom "Yeah, I got up about an hour ago." mom "I noticed you were sleeping heavily, I didn't want to wake you." mom "So I decided to take a stroll. Just got back here 5 minutes ago." scene 2scene1img8 with dissolve mom "Anyway, now that you're up, there's something I gotta show you." mc "{i} (Show me something? I wonder what that is!" mc "I hope it's some of the stuff she showed me last night haha.)" mom "I'm so excited. I've been waiting for you to wake up so I can show it to you." mc "{i} (Hmmmm.. That's certainly sparking my interest)" mc "What is it? What do you wanna show me?" scene 2scene1img9 with dissolve mom "Come with me. I'll show you." mom "We've gotta walk some distance." menu: "Go with [mom]": scene 2scene1img9 mc "I'm definitely curious now. Let's go." scene 2scene1img10 with dissolve mom "It's just a 10 minute walk from here. I promise you you're gonna love it." mc "{i} (10 minutes! Wait, she walked that far all alone?" mc "{i} (She should've woke me up. Who knows what's lurking in this forest.)" mc "{i} (Well, at least she doesn't seem as fearful as she did a couple of days ago when we got stranded here.)" mc "{i} (But still... I don't want her to go roaming around all by herself while I'm sleeping. I want her to be safe.)" mc "Hey [mom], I'm glad you're not afraid anymore, but please don't go roaming around this forest by yourself again." mc "If you wanna go somewhere, take me with you. Wake me up even if I'm in a deep sleep." mom "I'm touched by your concern honey, but I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." mom "It's sweet that you wanna keep [mmy] safe anyway." mom "That's adorable." mom "Come on, we're almost there." scene 2scene1img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Okay. We're here." mom "It's just right behind these bushes." mom "Get ready to have your mind blown." mc "I can't wait." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene1img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "WOW!!" mom "I know, right?" mom "Isn't this place beautiful? It's like paradise. I'm so glad I found this place." mc "{i} (Well, it is beautiful. But this is it? The way she described it, I thought it was going to be something more mysterious.)" mc "{i} (Anyway, it's good that she appreciates and finds joy in the little things. I guess that's the difference between her generation and mine.)" mom "You're right, this place is BEAUTIFUL [mom]. Just wonderful." mom "It's funny, I'm enjoying this whole ordeal better than I would've enjoyed Bora Bora." mom "I'm gonna go get in the water." scene 2scene1img13 with dissolve mom "Come on [mc]. It's not very deep." mom "Come join me in the water." mc "I'm coming..." mc "But [mom] you still have your clothes on." scene 2scene1img14 with dissolve mom "WHAT????" mc "{i} (Oh fuck. What the fuck did I just say?)" mc "I mean....." mc "You're getting in the water... Your clothes would get wet." mc ".....You don't wanna walk around all day with wet clothes on, do you?" scene 2scene1img15 with dissolve mom "Yeah, right! (Sarcasm)" mom "I know what you meant." mom "Don't play coy with me Mister." mom "Last night is never gonna happen again hahaha." mc "Well, it was worth a shot!" scene 2scene1img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (WOW! Just look at her standing there. She looks so incredible.)" mc "{i} (This place..... and her hotness... such a terrific combination. A splendid sight)" mom "This place is just mind blowing [mom]" mom "Didn't I tell you?" mom "Feels like paradise... Jasmine would love this place." mc "Yeah, Jasmine definitely would. She'd love to sit here and do her paintings. She'd capture this place in her paintings from all angles." mc "{i} (Damn, I'm finding it hard to converse. Her hourglass shape is getting me all riled up.)" mc "{i} (That ass is just mesmerizing me. I wanna spank it so bad.)" mc "{i} (May be if I compliment her, she'd let me touch her like last night.)" menu: "Compliment Ass": scene 2scene1img16 mc "[mmy] your ass just looks amazing from here." scene 2scene1img17 with dissolve mom "Hmmmmmm... Thank you honey." mom "But didn't I tell you that all the flirty talk should stop?" mom "Besides, it's a very inappropriate thing to say to [ym]" mom "I'm not mad at you, but don't do that again sweetie." mc "Okay. Sorry [mom]" mom "Alright love. Just don't do it again, okay." scene 2scene1img18 with dissolve mom "This spot is so romantic.. I wanna come here with [yd] someday.." mom "If he ever decides to take time off from his business for me that is." mom "I wonder what our [fmy]'s doing back home." mc "Speaking of [fmy].. I've been meaning to talk to you about a couple of things." mc "What do you wanna talk about?" menu river_menu: "Plans For The Day": if river_plan == False: mc "So, what are we gonna do today?." mom "As much as I'm loving this little adventure of ours, I really wanna get back home." mc "Well, we just have to keep riding till we can establish communication with the outside world, I guess." mom "Does the motorcycle have enough fuel to ride far?" mc "Yeah, it's still got half a tank. I think that should get us far enough." mc "Hopefully, we can get to some place where we can get some help today, instead of running into some assholes." mom "Language!!" mc "Sorry..." mom "Is your phone still on?" mc "Yeah, it's still got about 20 percent of battery left. Thank goodness for long lasting batteries." mom "It should be enough if we can ride far enough to get somewhere we can find a signal, right?" mc "Hopefully, yes." mc "Otherwise, we just ride far enough till night falls and find a safe place to sleep. Then start riding again tomorrow." mom "I really hope that's not the case. I don't think I can handle sleeping out in the cold again tonight." mc "{i} (Well, I'd suggest one way to keep her warm tonight haha.. But, she already asked me to stop such talk.)" mc "Let's just see what happens. Hope things turn out fine." $ river_plan = True $ chat2_finished += 1 jump river_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump river_menu "Jasmine": if river_jasmine == False: mc "So [mom], what's really happening between Jasmine and her husband?" mom "Like I said in the plane, I don't know for sure.. But the way Jasmine's been talking to me suggests like they've got problems in their marriage." mom "Although, I sincerely hope that it's not the case. I can't stand to see my first born broken hearted." mc "Yeah, me too." mc "He better not be treating Jasmine bad." mom "Calm down Mister. I know you're protective about [yss], but we shouldn't jump to conclusions without the full story." mom "Besides, Jasmine's husband is a gentleman. I don't think he'd intentionally hurt her." mom "Let's just hope they can work things out." mc "Yeah, I hope they do." mom "Also, do not talk to [yd] about this. You know what he'd do if he thinks that Jasmine's not happy in her marriage." mom "He's more protective of her than you are, and whatever he chooses to do will definitely not be good." mc "Yes yes. I understand. I won't say a word about this to him." $ river_jasmine = True $ chat2_finished += 1 jump river_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump river_menu "[asc]": if river_stacy == False: mc "How is [asc]? What is she up to these days?" scene 2scene1img19 with dissolve mom "Hmmm my blessed little sister... Still being careless about everything as usual I guess." mom "Been a while since I spoke to her actually. She called me 2 weeks ago, before you got back from college." mom "She asked about you." mc "Ah that's nice. I haven't met [asc] since I left for last semester." mom "That's my little sister for you. She only visits when you kids are home... Or, when she wants some favors from me." mom "But I love her regardless." mom "Anyway, she said she'd be coming home sometime this month. Her husband's going on a month long business trip." mom "She'd be staying at our place for a few days." mc "Oh, that's awesome. It's always fun when [asc]'s around. She's awesome. I love hanging out with her." mom "Hmm that will be nice. Except, I'd be picking up after her like I've done my whole life. She's so careless and laid back." mom "But I am looking forward to her visit... It'll be nice.. All of us at home together." mom "Provided we get out of here soon and get home safe." mc "We will [mom], we will. It's my responsibility to get you back home safe." mom "So sweet." $ river_stacy = True $ chat2_finished += 1 jump river_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump river_menu "End talk" if chat2_finished > 2: scene 2scene1img20 with dissolve mom "Okay honey, [mmy]'s gonna take a bath now." mom "You go make yourself scarce." mom "You can come take your bath when Im done and out of the water. Then, we can get on the bike and ride to wherever." mom "Go on now." scene 2scene1img21 with dissolve mom "And... no trying to peek while I'm bathing like yesterday." mc "[mom]!! honest, I wasn't trying to peek!" mc "I just came around the Pond yesterday to take a leak, I had no idea you were there." scene 2scene1img22 with dissolve mom "Yeah, right! (Sarcasm) You had no idea I was there." mom "Whatever you say sweetie." mc "{i} (What the?? She's starting to undress while I'm still here... Is she trying to tease me?)" mom "Go on now... Make yourself scarce." mc "Okay. Okay. I'm going." play sound "sounds/effects/ella_bike.mp3" mc "Wait, do you hear that?" scene 2scene1img23 with dissolve mom "What's that sound?" mc "I think someone's here." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene1img24 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/complex.mp3" mysc "Anything on the radar? We've been here for 16 hours. There's no sign of them." mysct "No mate. But, we don't stop until we find them. Everything depends on this." mysc "We have extra fleets coming in at 17:00 hours today. Let's wrap this up this evening and be ready for extraction at mid night." scene 2scene1img25 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "What do we do?" mom "Who are these guys? I'm scared." mc "Shhhh.. It's alright [mom]." mc "Quick, let's hide behind those bushes." scene 2scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mysc "We gotta do this with extreme precision mate. We end this tonight and it's back to operations at the Office tomorrow." mysct "I could get used to this. It's been a while since I've been out in the field... In the thick of things." mysct "Time to show them how the Top Dogs do it." mysc "That's right partner." mysc "Send out instructions to the fleet coming in.. Any 'issues' at sea must be handled with extreme brutality. No loose ends." scene 2scene2img2 play sound "sounds/effects/ak471.mp3" with dissolve mysct "WHAT THE FUCK?" mysct "MATE!!!" scene 2scene2img3 with dissolve mysct "WHO'S THERE?" mysct "Show yourself you coward." mysct "Step up like a man. I'll gut you like a Pig you fucking cunt." scene 2scene2img4 with dissolve fd "DROP YOUR WEAPON AND KNEEL. THIS COMMAND WON'T BE REPEATED AGAIN." fd "Make any sudden movement, we WILL shoot." mysct "Go on you punk. Pull the trigger. Let's see what you got." fdt "Last chance. You've got 5 seconds to comply." fdt "5.... 4..... 3...." mysct "Grrrrr" mysct "Alright, alright. I'm dropping my weapon." scene 2scene2img5 with dissolve fd "State your purpose here. Do you have any other accomplices?" mysct "Big man with that big Gun, are you?" mysct "Typical Yank.... Why don't you drop that Gun and let's do this old school. I'll rip your heart out and show it to you" mysct "Come on, I'll take on both of you." fd "Trust me.. You don't want that. I can end you in a second scumbag. Just answer the fucking question... We won't ask again." fd "5.... 4.... 3..... 2.." mysct "Alright you yank. Let's talk this out like big boys." mysct "I'll tell you what I'm doing here and you let me pass. You kill me, and you're in deep shit." mysct "You don't know my Employer. He's not a man to fuck with." mysct "I don't know what sort of operation you guys have got going on here.." mysct "But, if anything happens to me, my Boss will tear your whole fucking operation and this whole fucking Island up, you understand?" fd "Let's see about that. The next thing that comes out of your mouth better be the answer to my question, or you're a dead man." fd "What are you doing here?" mysct "I'm looking for 2 people who got stranded here. A middle aged woman and a young man about 18 or 19." fd "How did they get stranded here?" mysct "Their Private Jet crashed in this vicinity." fd "Are there more of your people looking for them on this Island at this moment?" mysct "No." play sound "sounds/effects/ak471.mp3" fd "Okay." scene 2scene2img6 with dissolve pause pause scene 2scene2img7 with dissolve fd "Notify Head Quarters.. Alert all stations." fd "Locate the wreckage on priority. The crash could've happened at Sea or on the shore. Mobilize all units on water." fdt "Yes Captain." fd "Let's go hunting." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene2img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/lightless_dawn.mp3" mom "Are they gone?" mc "Yes. They just left. It's safe now [mom]." mom "Honey, what just happened? I'm really scared." mc "It's alright [mom]. I'm here to protect you. I promise I'll keep you safe." mc "But we gotta get as far away from here as possible, quickly. Let's go." scene 2scene2img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Who are these guys? They were looking for us." mom "Are these [yd]'s people?" mc "May be they were.. Or, may be they were the guys who shot our Plane down." scene 2scene2img10 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "It doesn't make any sense. Why are people out to kill us?" mom "If they were [yd]'s people, they could've taken us back home safely. But now they're dead." mc "I don't know who they were [mom]. One thing is for sure, they were definitely searching for us." mc "Now that the Military guys on this Island know about it, all eyes are gonna be looking for us." mc "We've gotta get outta here pronto." mom "You're right. Let's go." scene 2scene2img11 with dissolve mc "Are you ready [mom]?" mom "Yes." mc "Hold on to me tight. I'm gonna ride as fast as this bike can take us." mom "Yes, sure. Let's get out of here." stop music fadeout 1 label stacys_house: scene 2scene2img11a with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" pause scene 2scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause asc "Stay..." uj "You know I want to.. But this is important." scene 2scene3img2 with dissolve asc "Do you really have to go?" uj "Honey, I'll be back before you know it. It's very important that I close the deal on this new company we're acquiring." asc "This will be the longest you've been away since we got married." asc "30 days.. a whole month without you, I don't know what I'm going to do." uj "Honey, you can do whatever you want.. Take the other Jet, go to whichever holiday destination you feel like going." asc "Without you? It's pointless." uj "You can visit your Sister's family. I hear the kids are gonna be home." scene 2scene3img3 with dissolve jsh "Hey Mr.B" uj "Oh hey Joshua." jsh "Hello Mrs.B" asc "Hey Joshua. How are you?" jsh "I'm fine Mrs.B. Thanks... Sorry for barging in, I knocked, but there was no response." uj "Hey, that's alright slick. You're always welcome at our home." uj "What brings you here buddy?" jsh "Oh, Simeon said that you called." scene 2scene3img4 with dissolve asc "It was me Jay, I asked Simeon to send Joshua." asc "I want to get the suspension checked on my Bentley. You're gonna be away for a while, thought I'd drive around the City and see what's up." uj "Good thinking. You'll find plenty of things to do in the City this time of the year." scene 2scene3img3 with dissolve asc "You can go ahead and start your work Joshua. It's the Black Bentley on the right in the Garage." asc "The key's in the holder on the wall." jsh "Fo sho Mrs.B" jsh "You have a safe trip Mr.B" uj "Thanks slick. I'll come by the Shop when I get back from my trip." jsh "A'ight. Bye now." scene 2scene3img2 with dissolve uj "I like him. Isn't he such a nice guy?" asc "Yeah, he's alright." uj "Okay honey, time for me to go now. You take care of yourself." asc "I wish you didn't have to. But I'm not going to stand in the way of your accomplishments." uj "I'll be sure to call everyday." asc "5 times a day. Call me 5 times a day everyday." uj "You got it." scene 2scene3img7 with dissolve uj "Bye honey." asc "Bye." asc "I just want to stand here like this, in your embrace." uj "You how no idea how much I want it too." uj "But I promise, I'm not going to the office for a week when I get back. I'm all yours." asc "I'd love that." asc "Have a safe trip. Call me everyday." stop music fadeout 1.5 scene 2scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" pause asc "{i} (Let me see what my girl is up to. I'd love to go shopping with her tomorrow if she's back in the country." asc "{i} (Come on.... Pick up kiddo)" scene 2scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause "Ring... Ring.." "Ring........" asc "(On the other side) What's taking her so long?" "Ring....." scene 2scene3img10 with dissolve pause e "{i} (Huhhh my Phone's ringing.)" e "{i} (Can't a girl get 2 hours of sleep around here?)" scene 2scene3img11 with dissolve e "Hello..." scene 2scene3img12 with dissolve asc "Hey girl. How's my favorite niece doing?" asc "Are you back in the country?" scene 2scene3img11 with dissolve e "Hey Aunt Stacy." e "I'm fine. Thanks.." e "Yes, I'm back here now. Well, at least for a couple of hours." scene 2scene3img12 with dissolve asc "I was hoping I could meet you tomorrow so we could go shopping together." asc "What's up with your Mother?" asc "I haven't been able to reach her on her phone for the last couple of days." stop music fadeout 2 scene 2scene3img14 with dissolve play music "sounds/attack.mp3" e "Oh! You haven't heard?" e "The Jet that Mom and [mc] were on has gone missing. We've been trying to locate them for the last couple of days." scene 2scene3img8 with dissolve asc "What do you mean they're missing?" asc "They're not just some things you lose." asc "WHAT IS YOUR DAD DOING ABOUT THIS?" e "Calm down auntie.. We're doing everything we can to find them." e "Dad's been in contact with NORAD non stop." asc "He better bring them back safe here." asc "I can't believe it's been 3 days and none of you bothered to tell me about this." scene 2scene3img11 with dissolve e "I'm sorry Aunt Stacy. I've been neck deep in work organizing search parties on every Island en route from here to Bora Bora." e "We'll find them. I promise. We'll bring them back home safe." scene 2scene3img8 with dissolve asc "Is there anything Auntie can do?" asc "Don't hesitate to ask me for any help you need. Jay can hook you up with contacts." scene 2scene3img14 with dissolve e "Thanks for the offer Aunt Stacy. I'll be sure to ask if I need anything." e "I'm gonna be on my way to join a search party in a couple of hours. Thought I'd just sneak in an hour of sleep." e "I haven't slept in 2 days." asc "Oh, my poor baby. I'm sorry for yelling at you." e "That's alright Auntie. Just means that you care." scene 2scene3img16 with dissolve e "I'm gonna move mountains if I have to in order to find them and bring them back safe." e "I promise you we'll find them within 48 hours." e "If I find out that someone was behind this, those fuckers will wish they never left their mothers' wombs." asc "That's my girl. Yeah, you do that." asc "Keep me posted. Auntie loves you." e "Alright Aunty Stacy. I'll keep you posted. Bye." scene 2scene3img17 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "{i} (I can't believe my sister and nephew are missing.)" asc "{i} (But I have complete confidence that Ella will bring them back safe. I know Ella and her Dad will do everything they can, and they have the means to.)" asc "{i} (This better be something that happened organically. If somebody was involved in their disappearance....)" asc "{i} (I cannot begin to comprehend the shitstorm that would start." asc "{i} (My sister's husband is not someone to mess with, nor is my little Lioness Ella.)" scene 2scene3img18 with dissolve jsh "BOOM" asc "What are you doing?" stop music play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" asc "My husband left half an hour ago... What took you so long to come find me?" jsh "Sorry" jsh "Your Bentley needed some work." asc "Did it cross your mind that 'I' needed some work?" asc "DROP YOUR PANTS." scene 2scene3img19 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "Hhhmmmmmmm I missed this Big Black Cock of yours." asc "{i} (I'm such a slut. I just heard that my sister's missing, yet I'm jumping on Joshua's cock like a whore.)" asc "{i} (Well, I'm sure she'll be fine. [mc] must be keeping her safe. He's a strong kid.)" asc "{i} (Besides, when have my sister's troubles stopped me from getting some cock before?)" asc "WOW! It always amazes me how big you are Joshua." jsh "Go on baby, take it in your mouth." scene stacyblowjob animated with fade: "2scene3img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene3img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "{i} (Well, he doesn't have to ask me twice.)" asc "{i} (hhhmmmmmmm It's so BIG.)" jsh "Ughhh... Uughhhh... Yeah, that's it baby.. Just like that. Keep sucking it just like that." jsh "You are a pro at this, you know that?" asc "{i} (Of course I am! I've spent my whole life practicing this.)" asc "Gggcccggcggg... {i} (Hhmmmm.. Love how his tip is hitting the back of my throat.)" asc "{i} (His cock is just utterly delicious.)" jsh "That's it baby, keep going.. I like white girls who can suck like that.)" asc "{i} (Oh, I've missed this big black cock so much!!" asc "Nothing like some BBC to make a girl happy." asc "{i} (Now that my husband's away, I'm gonna have this big black cock come over every damn day and fuck me in every position imaginable.)" jsh "Aaarggghh Bitch, I had forgotten how intense you can get. You're sucking me like a vacuum." jsh "I'm about to blow my load soon you slut. I'm about to cum down your throat." asc "{i} (Yes!! Gimme that cum. Blow all your load in my mouth. I've been waiting too long for this.)" jsh "Arrgghhh... argghhggg... aargghhh... Take it you slut.)" scene 2scene3img21 with vpunch scene 2scene3img21 with flash scene 2scene3img21 with vpunch scene 2scene3img21 with flash scene 2scene3img21 with vpunch scene 2scene3img21 with flash scene 2scene3img22 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "{i} (Aaaa I love how he floods my mouth with cum everytime.)" asc "{i} (He blew so much cum into my mouth, I couldn't even swallow it all. Some of it is dripping out of my mouth.)" asc "{i} (No wonder I love BBC's so much.)" jsh "That was amazing Mrs.B... You're the best" jsh "{i} (Whooooeeyy!! This woman gives the best blowjobs in town. She has no competition.)" jsh "You've completely sucked me dry Mrs.B...)" jsh "Same time tomorrow?" asc "Oh, no no no.... I'm not done with you yet." asc "Join me in my bedroom" jsh "Aah shit.. I'm down fo dat. Your wish is my command." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "{i} (Fuck! I wasn't ready for all this shit today. All I wanted was a nice, romantic day with [mom]...)" mc "{i} (But Noooo... Now I've got veteran killers on my ass... I don't know how many mofos on this Island are on the look out to kill us now.)" mc "{i} (Worst part is... I don't even know who these fuckers are and why they're trying to kill us.)" scene 2scene4img2 with dissolve mc "{i} (Are these the guys who shot our Jet down?)" mc "{i} (Are they somehow in cohoots with whichever asshole who took that picture of me jerking off to [mom]?)" mc "{i} (Or, has [dad] found out about that incident, and he sent all these people to kill us?)" scene 2scene4img1 with dissolve mc "{i} (FUCK. May be I'm overthinking this. May be they were [dad]'s people, may be [dad] doesn't know about me jerking off to mom...)" mc "{i} (May be he just sent them to come rescue us...)" mc "{i} (But still, there's that threat of those Military fuckers hunting for us now.)" scene 2scene4img2 with dissolve mc "{i} (Shit.. this is just too much for me. I gotta CALM DOWN)" mc "{i} (Okay.. deep breaths.. deep breaths.. That's it.. Calm down [mc])" mc "{i} (I've been riding for 4 hours non stop. I have covered some solid distance. It must be safe now. We just gotta avoid being seen. That's all.)" mc "{i} (At least [mom]'s breasts pressed up against my back feels nice.)" mc "{i} (I've been loving how her breasts squish up against my back everytime I apply the brakes.)" mc "{i} (Lemme apply the brakes again haha)" scene 2scene4img3 with dissolve mom "{i} (Hughhhh... I don't believe this! He's definitely doing it on purpose. He's been applying brakes for no reason every now n then.)" mc "{i} (Hahahahaha I'm loving this.)" mom "{i} (I can't believe this kid is horny even in the midst of all this chaos.)" mom "{i} (Unbelievable! Young men and their hormones.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene4img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/beach.mp3" mc "FINALLY!!" mc "Look [mom], there's a communications tower up there." mom "OH THANK GOODNESS!!" mc "But I'm still not getting a signal on my phone." mc "Let's get close to that tower." scene 2scene4img5 with dissolve mc "Still no signal." mc "Okay [mom]. I'm gonna go up that tower and tweak the antennas a lil bit." mc "You stay down here and see if the phone catches a signal." mc "I'm goin up." scene 2scene4img6 with dissolve mom "Oh no no no no Mister." mom "I'm not letting you climb that tower. You better get down here right this second!" mc "[mom]! Really?!!" mc "{i} (I can't believe she's being strict at this point of time.)" mom "I don't wanna hear it.. Do you see how high that tower is? What if you fall from the top? I can't bear it." mc "[mom], this is hardly the time to be overprotective. There's no other option. I have to do this. It's our only way out." mom "Hmmm.. Okay.. Just be careful. EXTREMELY CAREFUL." mc "I will. I will." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene4img7 with dissolve play music "sounds/fight_alt.mp3" loop fadein 1.5 fd "GET DOWN THAT TOWER.. HANDS IN THE AIR!" mc "{i} (What the fuck?!! Aw shit, we're caught.)" fd "DOWN THAT TOWER NOW! HANDS IN THE AIR.. BOTH OF YOU." mc "Alright... alright... I'm coming down. Just don't shoot. We mean no harm." scene 2scene4img8 with dissolve fd "What are you doing here? How did you get on this Island?" mc "Look, we're just stranded on this Island. We don't want any trouble. We're just trying to get out." mc "Our plane crashed near this Island a few days ago. We're just trying to find our way back home. That's all." fd "Is there anyone else with you? Any other survivors." mc "No, it was our Private Jet. Our Pilot went down. It's just the two of us here." fd "How much do you know about the going-ons in this place?" mc "What? We don't know anything man... Frankly, we don't wanna know anything.. We just wanna get back home." mc "Please, could you help us?" fd "No, can't do kid... You're both liabilities now." fd "I wish I didn't have to do this.. But I gotta kill ya." scene 2scene4img9 with dissolve mom "NO... PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM." mom "Please Sir, he's innocent." mom "We don't mean any harm. We don't mean to disrupt anything that's going on on this Island." mom "We just wanna get home. Please.... We won't tell anyone about the existence of armed forces on this Island." mom "Could you please help us? My husband is a very rich man. He can pay you any amount of money you request." mom "All we need is to make a phone call to our family... You don't have to help us with anything else..)" mom "My husband will bring our own air transport to come pick us up." mom "Please Sir, this means no effort on your part.. We just need your help to make a phone call. That's all we ask for." fd "Hhmmmmmm... May be we can work something out." fd "Okay, step to the right." scene 2scene4img10 with dissolve fd "IF I decide to help you, can your husband bring his own air transport to fly you guys out?" mom "YES" fd "Can he get 10 Million... In cash?" mom "YES." mom "50 Million if you want.... We'll gladly give you that 40 Million extra for your help." fd "Hhhmmmmm.... One last thing....." fd "Take off your clothes." mom "WHAT?" fd "You heard me. I said take off your clothes... Strip for me.. Slowly." mom "You can't be serious!" fd "You are a Super Fine woman.. Clearly, you're stinking rich.. desperate for help and very generous." fd "I'm gonna milk this for all it's worth." fd "So here's the deal.. You gimme that 50 Million... And you let me fill you up in all your holes.. For as long as I please." fd "You let me fuck you as many times as I want, however I want, till your husband gets here. Basically, you're mine for the next few hours." fd "You can take a bath and freshen up 30 minutes before your husband arrives.. So he doesn't need to know about this part of our arrangement." fd "Also, I'm gonna cum inside you every single time.." fd "If I cum in your mouth... you swallow." fd "That's my price to help you make a phone call." mom "HOW DARE YOU?!!" menu beach_douchebag: "Attack Him": jump attack_him "De-Escalate Situation": jump deescalate_situation label attack_him: scene 2scene4img10optiona1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "You motherfucker. How dare you talk to her like that?" mc "I'm gonna kill you you fucking son of a bitch." scene 2scene4img10optiona2 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/ak471.mp3" pause pause scene tgameover with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause return label deescalate_situation: scene 2scene4img10optiona1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Hey bozo. Under normal circumstances, I'd kill anyone who spoke to her like that." mc "But I care about her safety more than hurting you." mc "So I'm not gonna do anything stupid to put her in harm's way." mc "I want to beat the crap out of you right now, but I'm more concerned about keeping her safe." mc "So how about we forget the latter part of your fucking deal, and I have [dad] give you a 100 Million?" mc "I'm not gonna let you put as much as a fingernail on her." scene 2scene4img10 with dissolve fd "Was that kid talking to me bitch?" fd "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear him over the thoughts of how I'm going to brutally fuck your ass." fd "Last chance. Take off your clothes, or I shoot the kid." scene 2scene4img10optionb2 with dissolve mom "NO NO!! Please don't hurt him." mom "Okay, I'll do anything you want. Just leave him alone." fd "Strip for me.. Slowly." play sound "sounds/effects/handgun.mp3" scene 2scene4img10optionb3 with dissolve pause pause scene 2scene4img11 with dissolve fdt "Can your family really bring air transport here?" mom "YES" fdt "Good. I wanna get off this Island too." fdt "Get in the Truck." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene4img12 with dissolve play music "sounds/floating_cities.mp3" mom "THANK YOU SO MUCH. I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH." mom "You're an ANGEL." fdt "My pleasure." menu: "Sit In The Back": scene 2scene4img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) fdt "Are you alright ma'am? Are you comfortable." mom "Yes. Yes dear. Thank you so much." fdt "My name is Candice. It's a pleasure to meet you." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "Believe me.. The pleasure's mine dear." c "Nice to meet you too - dude in the back." mc "Likewise. Thanks for saving our asses out there." mom "I can't say this enough dear. You really are an Angel.. You have no idea what this means to us." scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "Sorry about my dead colleague's behaviour. He was being a Pig." c "There's only a handful of females on this Island... The only good thing about this place is those Pigs aren't allowed to touch us without our consent..." c "They'd be killed if they did. So, when a woman like you appears out of nowhere, it's like they've hit the jackpot." c "I couldn't stand to hear him talk to you like that." c "I could sense that the dude in the back was burning with rage. I felt that he was about to do something brave and stupid and get himself killed." c "So, I shot that Pig myself." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "Thanks a ton honey." mom "If I may ask, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this? You certainly don't look like you belong here." scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "I was sold to this Island like a slave when I was young. I never knew my Parents. I went from foster home to foster home till someone decided to put me here." c "I've been on this Island for 5 years now." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "I feel so sorry for you dear." mom "Do you have any relatives or friends we can take you to when we get off this Island?" c "None" mom "So what are you going to do when you get back to civilization?" scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "I don't know. I never thought I'd get a chance to leave this place." c "To be honest with you, I don't even remember what life away from this Island feels like." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve play music "sounds/fireflies.mp3" mom "Oh you poor baby." mom "Don't you worry about a thing. You can come live with us." scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "I don't know.. I don't know if I wanna be a burden on you guys." mom "Don't say that. It would be our absolute pleasure to have you." c "I can't really decide that right now." mom "Just.. just think about it, okay?" c "Sure. Thanks." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "So what's the plan?" mom "Where are we going?" scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "I concur you need to get network on your phone to contact your family..." c "The signals going out of the communication towers in this section are monitored. There's a hackable tower on the other side of the Island.." c "But it's usually guarded during this time of the day. I'm taking you guys to a safehouse where we can spend the night." c "We can get to the tower early in the morning when there's no guards and contact your family." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "Sounds like a plan." mc "Yup. I'm good with that." mom "So what's really going on on this Island? Why are there armed forces?" scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "I'm sorry ma'am. I'm not sure if I can tell you that yet." c "Not until I feel like I trust you guys enough." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "I respect your decision." mom "You don't have to tell us anything." mom "When you're ready, if you decide to let it out of your system so you can heal and move on, I'll be there for you." scene 2scene4img13 with dissolve c "Thanks." scene 2scene4img14 with dissolve mom "You're welcome love." scene 2scene4img15 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause mom "{i} (She's such a wonderful kid. I love her already.)" c "{i} (They seem like nice people.. I'm starting to like them.)" c "The safehouse is a 3 hour drive from here guys." c "Feel free to take a short nap if you want to." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/night.mp3" c "We're here sleepy heads." c "We can stay here for the night." c "This safehouse is hardly ever used by anyone. So we should be safe here." mc "Let's get in.. Getting too cold out here." scene 2scene5img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "Come on in guys. Make yourselves comfortable." c "It's a warm cozy little place.. I hope you guys like it.." mom "Wow! This place is very clean and nice." c "Haha.. I'm more or less the only person who ever comes around here. So I always keep it clean for myself." c "Before I started coming here regularly, my colleagues mainly used this for only place for sex." c "After they built small houses specifically for that sort of activity, people stopped coming here... So I took this place for myself.. sort of." c "So we can be rest assured that nobody will come here tonight and cause us any trouble." scene 2scene5img3 with dissolve c "Have you guys eaten anything?" mc "Not really." c "I'm sorry. That was a stupid question to ask. You guys were out in the wilderness.. You couldn't have eaten anything." c "I'm not sure if I have any food in here. But I can make you some soup." c "You guys go wash up and relax." c "I'll get you guys some Drinks and Soup." mom "Come, let me help you prepare the soup." c "No ma'am. You need some rest. You better go and relax." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene5img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/almost_new.mp3" mc "Cheers guys." c "Cheers." mom "Here's to a new beginning for our sweet Angel who saved our lives." c "A new beginning! I never thought I'd hear those words.. I'm so glad I ran into you guys today." mc "And we're glad we found you. It's nice how things fell into place. A chance for both of us to help each other out." mom "That's right. By this time tomorrow, We'll all be safe back in the comfort of our home." scene 2scene5img5 with dissolve mom "And, Candice my dear, you're coming to stay with us.. At least till you figure out what you wanna do with your life." mom "You'll love our home. You can stay as long as you need.. My daughters will love having you at our place." c "Thanks.." mom "It's the least we could do for you honey." mom "How old are you kiddo?" c "I'm 18" mom "Oh.. You're the same age as [mc]." scene 2scene5img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "It's a bold thing you did back there [mc].. I could tell you really wanted to kill that Pig, but you held your nerves and tried to calm the situation." c "You used your brains instead of letting your emotions overtake you. Had you tried to attack him, he would've shot both of you." mc "Thanks... I guess.. But I really feel like I should've done something more." c "Hey, don't sweat it.. Like you said... things just fell in place." c "All that matters is we're all safe now." mom "Right." mc "{i} (I'm glad they both see it my way too.. I was starting to worry if they thought I was a coward for trying to de-escalate the situation....)" mc "{i} (As much as I wanted to rip that guy's head off, handling it calmly was the correct thing to do.)" mc "{i} (That was no place for playing hero with brawn instead of brains.)" scene 2scene5img5 with dissolve mom "Where are you from originally, Candice?" c "I was born in Sweden. I was raised there till I was brought here." mom "I knew you were from somewhere in Europe of Eastern Europe.. It's shows in your beauty. You have such a beautiful face." c "Thanks for the compliment ma'am. Although, I doubt if I'm anywhere near as beautiful as you." c "I wish I'm at least half as beautiful as you when I'm your age." mom "Aaawwwww aren't you the sweetest thing?" mc "This is just great! Women complimenting each other about their looks. What's new?" scene 2scene5img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "What do you do for a living [mc]?" mc "Hahaha I'm in College.. But I'm not sure if that's for a living hehe." c "I always wanted to go to college. But I ended up here." mc "Do you WANT to go to College?" c "Haha good one.. I don't think I'll get accepted in College. Shouldn't I have finished High School to get in?" scene 2scene5img5 with dissolve mom "Honey, my husband is a very powerful man.. With the pull he has, he can get anything done." mom "So if you want to go to College, we'll put you in College." c "Hhmmm I think I'll politely decline ma'am. I've heard that College is very expensive. I cannot put that burden on you." c "You're already doing me a BIG favor getting me off this Island and letting me stay at your home for a while." scene 2scene5img7 with dissolve c "Besides, I don't wanna embarass [mc] by getting better grades than him haha." mc "Hehe that won't be too hard. You'll just have to score 2 points above being legally dumb and stupid." mom "He's kidding.. He's always top of his class." mom "I love it when you act all self deprecating and humble [mc]. So adorable." mc "[mom]! Stop embarassing me." scene 2scene5img5 with dissolve c "Ma'am, can I ask you for something?" mom "Sure honey. Anything you want." c "While I stay at your home, can I please do some work in your house so I can pay you for my stay?" mom "{i} (Aawwww this child is a Gem! Well mannered, kind, respectful and a strong work ethic." mom "{i} (In a generation of entitled little brats, she's such a rare find.)" mom "{i} (Screw it! I'm just gonna do it!!)" mom "Candice.. honey, now I'm gonna ask you something I've been pondering for a while now." mom "I want adopt you as my daughter!" scene 2scene5img6 with dissolve c "Really?!!" mc "{i} (WHOA!! That is a surprise.)" mom "Please, please say yes, I beg you honey." c "My heart! All these good things are happening too soon. I had no idea my life would take a turn for the better all of a sudden today." c "Yes ma'am. I'd be honored! I've never known a loving family in my life." mom "YES!!! WONDERFUL.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY YOU'VE MADE ME JUST NOW." mom "I'm so over the moon." scene 2scene5img7 with dissolve mom "What do you think [mc]? Isn't she such a wonderful addition to our [fmy]?" mc "Yes, yes! I'm thrilled. I could use another [st]" c "Really? You don't mind?" mc "Absolutely not. It'll be an honor to call you a [st]" c "Thanks! I love you guys" mc "{i} (Man, I certainly did not expect [mom] to make such a huge decision like that so soon.)" mc "{i} (She seems to really like her... She did save our lives.. but.. but...)" mc "{i} (Huummm.. she is in fact a very nice girl. I'm grateful to her and I really like her too... So I have no complaints.)" mc "{i} (It'll be fun having another [st])" scene 2scene5img8 with dissolve mom "From this moment on, you are MY DAUGHTER." mom "The 4th of 4 daughters." mom "Your sisters will be thrilled to meet you my Princess." mom "Your oldest sister is Jasmine, she's married. The middle one is Ella, she works with Dad. Your youngest sister is Iris, she's model." mom "I'll tell you all about them....." scene aaw with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause scene 2scene5img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "And then she got out of the water and said... It was right where she left it.. On the boat hahahahahaha!" mom "So hilarious. I look forward to you serenading me with more wonderful stories at OUR home." c "Can you guys believe we've been chatting for 3 hours now? Time flies huh?" mom "I don't mind. I don't want this night to end.. I'm so happy." c "As much as I want that too, you both have to go to sleep.. Big day tomorrow.. We must wake up early to get to that communications tower." scene 2scene5img6 with dissolve mom "Look who's playing 'Mommy' now hahaha." mom "But you're right love, we should all go to sleep. We should rest and wake up fresh tomorrow." scene 2scene5img9 with dissolve c "Okay, Good Night you guys.. You two can sleep on that bed over there." c "I'm gonna keep watch outside. I'm pretty sure we won't have any trouble.. But I don't wanna risk getting caught just before our escape." mom "What? No.. I'm not letting you stay out in the cold. You need to get some sleep too." c "That's alright.. Someone has to stand guard to make sure nothing goes wrong.. And I'm the one most qualified for the job." mom "Candice, honey, I'm your mother now.. I'm not letting my daughter stand outside in the cold by herself." c "Please, please let me do this Mom. My stomach's full of butterflies dreaming about my new life starting tomorrow...." c "I'd hate for some of my former colleagues to come and snatch that dream away just before it begins." mom "Well... but... the cold... it's dark... well... I guess you are right." c "Don't worry about me. I've lived this life for many years. I can handle it just one more night." c "Good night guys." mc "Good night." mom "Good night my baby." scene 2scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "WOW. I haven't been this happy in a very long time." mom "Who would've thought that all this chaos would lead to something so beautiful?" mom "Going back home with a new daughter! I know I should've discussed it with the whole [fmy] first. But I just feel so connected to her." mom "I love her like one of my own already." mc "She's a lovely girl [mom]. I like her too." mc "Finally, we're gonna get off this Island tomorrow." mom "Yes. Finally." mc "Well. It's getting late. Good night [mom]. I'm gonna sleep here on the floor." scene 2scene6img2 with dissolve mom "What?" mc "[mc] honey, don't be silly.. We slept on the ground for 3 days. I'm not gonna deny you the privelege of sleeping on a bed." mc "Come. You can sleep with me on the bed tonight." stop music fadeout 1 play music "sounds/march_spoons.mp3" mc "{i} (Holy shit! That's the fucking lottery. I'm hard already." mc "{i} (Sleeping in the same bed as [mmy]. This can open the doors to many sexual possibilities.)" mc "Okay. Thanks [mom]. Let me sleep here on the right side of the bed." scene 2scene6img3 with dissolve mom "Whoaaaa! Hold it Mister." mom "I think you've got a .. a.. slight problem in your pants." mom "This is super weird." mom "You're getting hard just at the mention of sleeping on the bed with me." mc "[mom] please.. Just this one time. Only once please." scene 2scene6img4 with dissolve mom "Wait.. What do you mean just one time?" mc "You know what I mean [mom]." mom "WHOA!" mom "I can't believe you're implying what I think you're implying." mom "That's very bold Mister.... and wildly inappropriate." mom "I think it's best you sleep on the floor tonight." mc "[mom] please.. You let me touch your assets the other day.." scene 2scene6img5 with dissolve mom "That was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that." mom "I was drunk that night. I don't know what I was thinking letting you touch me." mc "I just want one more night like that. Just one more." mom "Forget it. That's never gonna happen. And I did tell you that time that you should never ask for it again." mc "Well, we've already done something we shouldn't have done.. Why not just do it one more time?" mom "BECAUSE I'm [ym]!" mom "Don't you see how weird that is?" mc "[mom], please just pretend we're in Vegas or something.. Whatever we do tonight just stays here." mc "I won't ever ask for this again after we return home." mom "Wasn't it enough to feel my breasts on your back for 4 hours on that bike? And you kept hitting the brakes PURPOSELY!" mc "Can I at least just sleep on the bed with you? And we'll see where it goes.." mom "[mc] I SAID NO. AND THAT'S THAT. JUST GO TO SLEEP." mc "Fine. Good night." scene 2scene7img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Fuck. May be I pushed her too hard.)" mc "{i} (It was in fact super weird having that conversation with her. But I'm just absolutely obsessed with her body.)" mc "{i} (Of late it's getting difficult even to just look at her and not get an erection instantly.)" mc "{i} (She's the hottest woman ever.)" mc "{i} (Anyway, I blew any chances of taking things further with her. Lemme just go to sleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/night.mp3" fadein 1 pause scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Hey, [mc].... [mc]... wake up!" mom "[mc].. wake up." scene 2scene6img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Sssshhh wake up" mc "*** DROWSY **** what's that?" mom "Ssshhhhh quiet." mom "Get up... quietly." mom "We don't wan't Candice to hear us outside." stop music fadeout 1 scene 2scene6img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "So... I've been doing some thinking..." mom "And I admit it my part in taking you on this devious path the other night." mom "It's undeniable that there's been a lot of sexual tension between us for a few days." mom "Right now, I'm feeling some sort of way too..." mc "{i} (WHAT?! Is she telling me she's horny?)" mom "So I'm giving you an opportunity to get this out of your system." mc "{i} (OH FUCK! AM I DREAMING RIGHT NOW?)" mc "{i} (My dick is as hard as a titanium rod right now.)" mom "But don't get too excited.. We're not gonna have sex. That will never happen between us.)" mom "However... We can play a little bit." mc "YES. YES [mom] that's all I want." mom "Okay. I'm gonna give you your wish." mom "But let me make one thing perfectly clear.. This is the last time. You can never ask me for this again, okay?" mc "Sure. I won't." mom "Okay. Good..." mom "So how do you wanna start this?" mc "I have a great idea... While looking for sheets to put on the floor, I found some slutty lingerie in that cupboard.. Can you put them on?" mom "Slutty lingerie? Here?" mc "Candice did say that this place was mostly used for sex before she started coming here. Someone must've left it here." mom "Hhmmmm I'm not sure about wearing someone else's clothes.. But this is the last time we're ever gonna do this. So, I'll wear it for you." mom "You sit here and close your eyes. You better not peek while I'm changing." mc "I won't. I promise." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "You can open your eyes now." scene 2scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "How do I look?" mc "{i} (OH FUCK! I think my dick just exploded. It wasn't ready for this level of sexiness.)" mc "HOLY SHIT [mom]! I have to my jaw up of the floor.)" mom "Haha" mc "You are a Goddess [mom]. Just drop dead sexy! You look SO HOT you could start a wildfire right now." mc "Seriously! If you stand in front of me like that long enough, my dick could probably grow taller than the Eiffel Tower.)" mc "You are a Total MILF" mom "Did you call me a MILF?" mom "That means you want to fuck me." mc "***GULP!!***" mc "Can I?" mom "Hehe don't push it." mc "It was worth a shot." scene 2scene7img2 with dissolve mc "You are without a doubt the sexiest woman ever! Your body is beyond perfection [mom]. It's like you were chiseled out of celestial objects." mom "You like [mmy]'s body so much, huh?" mom "What do you like on my body?" mc "What's not to like? I like every bit of it.. Right from every single strand of your hair to the nails on your toes, I love all of it." mom "Aawww you're such a romancer." mc "I especially love those milky globes of yours. They are so BIG and so sexy." mom "Uh-huhh?" scene 2scene7img3 with dissolve mom "What about my sumptuous behind?" mc "That has to be the best ass on the planet." mc "How I'd love to spank that booty all night!" mom "Just spank?" mc "{i} (I can't take it with these innuendoes! Is she really serious about those or is she just saying those things to tease me?)" mom "Is [mmy]'s ass too big?" mc "It's as big as it needs to be. Your ass is perfect. It must've induced millions of hard-ons." scene 2scene7img2 with dissolve mom "I think it's time to get a little hands on with our play time, don't you agree?" mc "YES YES YES!." mom "Okay then. Let's get started." mc "{i} (Fuck. I'm sooooo ready for this.)" scene 2scene7img4 with dissolve mom "Come here you horny young man." mc "Yes ma'am." mom "How long have you fantasized about me?" mc "Quite a while..." mom "Well here's your chance." mom "What do you want to do with me?" menu: "French Kiss": jump french_kiss "Dry Hump": jump dry_hump "Ask for Handjob": jump hand_job label french_kiss: scene 2scene7img4 mom "Okay. I want to kiss you too." mom "Come get on the bed." scene 2scene7img4optiona1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Mmmmmmmmm her lips are so plush and velvety.)" mc "{i} (I could stay in this lip lock forever.)" mc "{i} (This wonderful sensation is flooding all my nerves. This is so romantic.)" mc "{i} (The tip of her tongue is touching mine and it's delicious.)" mc "{i} (Time to take things further! Let me push her onto the bed.)" scene 2scene7img4optiona2 with dissolve mom "Baby! What are you doing?" mom "Huh!! Your hands are on my breasts!" mc "Gosh! Your tit feels so wonderful to touch [mom]." mc "{i} (My cock is pressed right against [mm]'s luxurious tushy.)" mc "{i} (If it weren't for these clothes we've got on, I'd be inside her ass right now.)" mom "{i} (I can feel [ms]'s huge erection on my ass! This is so wrong but it has me so turned on.)" mom "Honey, you only asked for a kiss!" mc "I'm about to kiss you even more." mc "Feels so good to squeeze your tits [mom]. Now let's set them free." mom "What?" scene 2scene7img4optiona3 with dissolve mom "Honey, this is more than you asked for. We can't do this." mc "If that's the case, why's your ass grinding into my groin slowly [mom]?" mom "{i} (Damn! He caught me.. I thought he wouldn't notice those small motions.)" mom "No... I... a...." mc "Your nipples are getting hard." mom "No they're not..." mc "I know you're enjoying this too you sexy mynx. Come here." scene 2scene7img4optiona4 with dissolve mom "Honey! This is too far.. What are you doing?" mom "{i} (Aaahhh why does this feel so good? Lust is taking over me.. But this is so wrong.)" mc "Do you want me to stop?" mom "I.... I... a.... Ia...." mc "I take that as a no." scene kisshump animated with fade: "2scene7img4optiona4" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optiona5" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Oh gosh. [ms] is dry humping me. And I'm secretly enjoying this.)" mom "{i} (I can feel his rock solid hard on against my wet pussy lips.)" mom "You are such a devious young man sweetie. You tricked [mmy] into doing this." mc "I seem to recall that you woke me up for this [mom]" mc "{i} (This is the best feeling ever. I feel wild insatiable lust surging across all the veins in my hips.)" mc "{i} (My cock is literally pressed against [mm]'s pussy.)" mc "{i} (I hope someday I can let my monster slide into her wet, velvet pussy)" mc "{i} (I wanna ravage her pussy so bad someday.)" scene 2scene7img4optiona6 mc "You look unbelievably sexy from this angle [mom]." mom "Thank you love." mc "{i} (Oh that sexy face! That's the face of a Sex Goddess. Aphrodite can't have shit on her)" mc "{i} (If just dry humping her feels this blissful, I can only imagine how good it'll feel to actually fuck her.)" mom "He must be packing a massive one under his pants. It feels so big just by the touch of it against my pussy." mom "{i} (I can't believe I'm letting [ms] dry hump me in missionary. I feel like such a slut for liking this.)" mom "{i} (He's thrusting his hips so hard, he might tear the panty I've got on)" scene kisshump2 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optiona4" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optiona5" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Are you close yet baby?" mc "I think I'm getting close [mom]" mc "{i} (I can't hold it in much longer)" mc "{i} (This has turned out to be the best night of my life so far.)" mc "{i} (Aaagghhhhhh I'm about to cum in my pants.)" mc "I'm about to blow [mom]." mc "Aaaarrgghhh" scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with flash scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with flash scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optiona5 with flash jump happy_night label dry_hump: scene 2scene7img4 mc "Can I dry hump you from behind [mom]?" mom "Hhhmmmmm That's more than what I planned on letting you do tonight..." mom "But, it's okay. I'll let you dry hump me... Emphasis on the 'DRY', you understand?" mc "Yes Thanks." mom "Okay. Get back a little.. Let me bend over on the side of the bed." mc "{i} (Yes. Jackpot!)." scene 2scene7img4optionb1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (WOW! That ass is to die for.)" mom "How does [mmy]'s ass look from there?" mc "Just splendid [mom]. It's perfectly heart shaped... and BIG. Just the way I like it." mc "Can I spank you a few times [mom]?" mom "Okay. Go for it." scene 2scene7img4optionb2 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "Owwww" mom "Hey, not so hard." mc "Sorry." mc "The skin on your tushy is so silky soft [mom]." mom "Thanks... I guess." scene 2scene7img4optionb3 with dissolve mc "{i} ([mm] is bent over for me like a slut. Her ass looks so sexy from here.)" mc "{i} (How I've dreamed about spanking this big ass the last few days." scene 2scene7img4optionb2 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "{i} (Ow, he's spanking me so hard. I like being spanked like that. Just weird that it's [ms] spanking me." mom "{i} (I feel like a whore for letting [ms] spank me. But I'm loving this so much.)" scene 2scene7img4optionb3 with dissolve mc "Do you like it when I spank you [mom]?" mom "Don't ask questions baby. Just keep doing what you're doing." mc "{i} (Looks like she likes it.)" scene 2scene7img4optionb2 with dissolve play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mc "{i} (This is too good. I can't believe I'm spanking [mm]'s ass.)" mc "{i} (And she seems to be liking it.)" scene 2scene7img4optionb3 with dissolve mom "Ow. Sweetie, do it slowly... You're spanking [mmy] too hard." mc "Sorry..." mc "{i} (I wonder what she'd do if I undid her panties...)" mc "{i} (It could be risky.. But she's letting me spank her anyway... I think I can take that risk.)" mc "{i} (I'll finally get to see her bare ass if I undid that panty.. I think I'm gonna do it.)" scene 2scene7img4optionb4 with dissolve mom "[mc]! What are you doing?" mc "{i} (Fuck! Her ass looks so good... Even though it's still partially covered.)" mom "I said no funny business while you're behind me." mc "But you said I could dry hump you..." mom "I said DRY hump." mc "I know [mom].. I've still got my pants on... It's still dry humping." mc "{i} (Okay. Time to push her on the bed.)" scene 2scene7img4optionb5 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaahhhh it feels so good to push my groin tight against her ass." mc "This feels so great [mom]. Your ass feels like a pillow of roses." mom "{i} (Huuhh this kid's so horny n drunk with lust, he's making stupid poetry up.)" scene dryhump animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionb5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionb6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Her skin feels so soft. She's practically naked under my body.)" mc "{i} (My hands on her tiny waist and my cock against her big ass! This feels so incredible.)" mc "You are the sexiest woman I know [mom]. It feels so good to plough you from behind. Even if it's with clothes on." mom "Don't talk baby.. Just hit me hard from behind." mom "{i} (WHOOPS! I can't believe I said that out loud.. What has gotten into me? I just asked [ms] to hit me hard from behind.)" mom "{i} (This is so embarassing and so hot at the same time... [ms] is dry humping me from behind and I'm enjoying it.)" mom "{i} (I'm such a whore for allowing him to do this... But I'm overcome by lust.)" mc "Take it [mom].. Take it.. You want it hard? I'll give it hard." scene 2scene7img4optionb7 with dissolve mom "{i} (Aaahhh the pressure of his hips on my ass makes me feel so good.)" mom "{i} (He's dry humping me with such vigour.)" mom "{i} (Also, his member feels so big.. [ms] seems to be packing a big bazooka under his trunks. I'm proud.)" mom "{i} (Aaah he's humping me so hard.)" scene dryhump2 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionb5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionb6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I'm surprised she actually asked me to go hard.)" mc "{i} (May be she'll let me fuck her ass for real someday.)" mc "{i} (I'd bury my monster cock deep in her ass.. Make her insides squirm with pleasure..)" mc "{i} (I'd plough her extremely hard and cum deep in her ass.)" mc "I'm about to cum in my pants [mom]." mc "Aaargghhhhhh" scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with flash scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with flash scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionb6 with flash jump happy_night label hand_job: scene 2scene7img4 mc "[mom], will you please gimme a hand job?" scene 2scene7img4optionc1 with dissolve mom "Huhh!!" mom "{i} (Did he really just ask me to wank him off?)" mom "I don't know honey.. That's a lil too much." mc "Please [mom]... You can't turn me down after getting me all fired up like this." mom "I know.. It's just that...." mom "Well... I did just wake you up to let you play with me.. and.. I'm sort of fired up too." mom "Alright. I'll do it." mom "Drop your pants." mc "{i} (Fuck Yes! Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would be possible.)" mc "{i} (I can't believe [mm] is about to touch my member.)" scene 2scene7img4optionc2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Hhuuhhhhhh" mom "Is this for real?! Honey! You are hung like a Horse!! Literally...." mom "I can't believe the size of this BEHEMOTH." mom "It is so monstorous." mc "Hehehe Thanks [mom]." mom "I'm such a proud [mom] right now." mom "WOW!! You could literally tear women up with this huge cock." mc "{i} (And some day.. I'm going to tear you up with it.)" scene 2scene7img4optionc3 with dissolve mom "WOW!! It feels so wonderful to touch.. I'm mesmerized." mom "So smooth... and you are hard like a rock." mc "The effects of your sexiness [mom]." scene handjob animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Oh my! I'm SO turned on by [ms]'s huge cock.)" mom "{i} (What has happened to me? This is soooo wrong, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this.)" mom "{i} (I can't this.. I feel like such a whore.)" mc "{i} (OH WOW! This is just the most beautiful feeling ever! [mm] is jerking me off.)" mc "{i} (She's gripping me so tight! Her soft hands feel so incredible wrapped against my huge boner.)" scene handjob2 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Do you like it honey?" mom "Do you like how [mmy]'s wanking you off?" mc "Oh I absolutely love it [mom]. I have the most beautiful woman on the planet jerking me off. This feels so wonderful.)" mom "You like [mmy] so much, huh?" mc "Yes [mom]. You are just perfection! You are such a Goddess." scene handjob3 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "How long have you been fantasizing about me?" mc "For a while now..." mom "Do you really think I'm sexy?" mc "Is that even a question? You are hands down the most sexiest woman in the galaxy." mom "Aaawwww I had no idea you felt that way about me." scene handjob4 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Do you like [mmy]'s hands on your cock?" mc "Yes [mom]. Yes. It feels wonderful.. Your hands are so soft." mom "{i} (I've lost every bit of decency in me.. Not only am I jerking [ms] off... I'm asking him he's liking it.)" mom "{i} (What has happened to me? I'm not myself right now.)" scene handjob5 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "I'm getting very close [mom]" mc "Aargh I'm about to cum." mom "{i} (What have I become? I'm getting [ms] to come for me.. This is sooo wrong and delicious.)" scene handjob6 animated with fade: "2scene7img4optionc5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "2scene7img4optionc6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "YES Honey... Cum for [mmy]. Blow all your load. Blow every bit of cum you've got through this huge cock." mom "{i} I can feel every vein on [ms]'s cock pulsing in my hands. I love it." mc "I'm there [mom]... I'm about to blow..." mc "Arrghhhhhhh.... Arhhhhhh....AAAARrrrgghhhhhhhhh" scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with flash scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with flash scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with vpunch scene 2scene7img4optionc7 with flash scene 2scene7img4optionc7 mc "Aaaahhhhhhhh. huuhhh" mom "WOW That is so much cum!" mc "Thank you so much for this [mom]." mom "Don't mention it sweetie." mc "You are really great... That was AMAZING!!" label happy_night: scene 2scene7img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Happy now?" mc "Yes. Absolutely.. Thanks [mom]. You are the best." mom "You're welcome sweetie." mom "Glad [mmy] could make you happy.. Even if it was in such a carnal way." mom "I think you earned it after all you've done for me the past few days." mom "Remember... You can never ask me for this again." mc "Yes. Yes. I understand." mom "Now go to sleep honey.. Good night." mc "Good night [mom]." scene 2scene7img6 mc "{i} (WOW! This has been the most wonderful night in my life.)" mc "{i} (Every vein in my body is pulsing with joy right now...)" mc "{i} (I'm so happy...)" mc "{i} (What a RUSH!! What a THRILL!)" mc "{i} ([mom] is the best. She is a Goddess. I love her so much...)" mc "{i} (Too bad she said we can never do this ever again.. But who knows what could happen.)" mc "{i} (I'm gonna do everything I can to impress her and win her sexual love for me.)" mc "{i} (Time to go to sleep now... Big day tomorrow.)" mc "{i} (Candice is coming home with us... Provided we don't run into any trouble tomorrow.)" mc "{i} (I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.)" mc "{i} (Yaawwwnnnn.... I'm going to sleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 label episode3_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" loop fadein 1 scene 3scene1imga with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 3scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Shouldn't we have taken the stairs instead of the elevator?" c "Why?" c "Are you claustrophobic?" mc "No.. Just that we'd be able to keep an eye out for danger had we taken the stairs." mc "What if someone's waiting to shoot us down once the door of this elevator opens?" c "Stop being so nervous [mc]. There's never anyone around here at this time of the day." c "I used to be posted here in this tower. I know how things work here." c "Just relax." mc "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene 3scene1img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/suspense.mp3" mc "Holy shit [c]! This place is so sci-fi!" mc "What really goes on in this place?" c "Things that'll make your head spin." c "I'll tell you all about it once we're out of here." mc "I don't know [c]. I'm still kinda spooked! This is all just too much to take in." c "Oh relax!" c "Come on now. Let's go do this." c "Right this way Mom. Careful." mom "Right behind you honey." scene 3scene1img3 with dissolve c "Alright [mc]. I'm gonna establish a secure line from which you can make a call home." c "Your phone's got enough battery, right?" mc "Yep. Still 9 percent left." mc "Good enough to make a couple of calls." mc "It's a miracle it has stayed on this long. But then again, I didn't have to use this phone at all for the last few days." c "Okay, good." c "Lemme go do my thing." c "[mc], keep a look out - just in case someone pops up with a Bazooka." mc "WHAT?!!" mc "You said there'd be no one here." c "Haha.. I'm just messing with you.. RELAX." mc "You're cold C!." scene 3scene1img4 with dissolve mom "Sweetie, are you sure this is safe?" c "Yes Mom." c "Absolutely nothing to worry about." mom "I mean, what if somebody's able to track what you're doing here?" mom "Wouldn't that lead them directly to us?" scene 3scene1img5 with dissolve c "I'm actually pretty good at this Mom. Just relax." c "I promise.. Everything's gonna be just fine." c "But we don't have a lot of time though.." c "We should do this as quickly as we can and get out of here." c "The guards from the next shift will be here in 30 minutes." mom "Okay." mom "Let's do it quickly then. Do your thing honey." scene 3scene1img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "Okay..." c "Secure line established..." c "Making it untraceable now." c "Just gimme a couple of seconds..." c "[mc] get your phone ready. You should be able to make that call any moment now." c "Outbound line encrypted.." c "And... Done!" scene 3scene1img7 with dissolve c "[mc] make the call now." c "It should work." mc "Yep. I've got some network!" mom "Oh!! Thank goodness!" mom "Finally, a means to talk to the outside world." scene 3scene1img8 with dissolve mc "Dialing...." mom "Whom are you calling?" mc "I'm dialing Ella.." mom "Good.... good." mom "Put the call on speaker." mc "Sure." scene 3scene1img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) e "[mc]!!!" e "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!!" e "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" mc "Hey Ella! Not a lot of time to talk.. It's a long story... I'll explain later." mc "Can you come get us?" e "Of course! I'm coming right away... Where are you guys?" mc "I'm gonna send you the location on GPS. Get there as soon as you can." e "Yes, Yes.. of course." e "Are you safe [mc]? Is Mom okay?" scene 3scene1img10 with dissolve mc "Yes. We're both safe." mom "Hey honey, it's Mom..." mom "[mc] and I both safe.. Don't worry dear." scene 3scene1img9 e "MOM! Oh, my heart!! I was sooooo worried about you guys" e "You have NO IDEA how relieved I feel right now." e "I had my heart in my throat for the last few days." scene 3scene1img10 mom "Gosh! I'm so happy to talk to you baby girl..." mom "Is everyone safe back home?" scene 3scene1img9 e "Yes, we're all fine.. We were just worried out of our minds about you guys." mom "Thank goodness! I was worried about you guys... Glad to hear you're all safe." mom "I can't wait to get back home and give you all a BIG hug." e "Just what happened Mom? We were all busting our brains trying to figure out what happened and how to find you guys!" scene 3scene1img10 mom "Long story dear..." mom "Can't explain everything right now.." mom "We're making this call on a short window as it is.. And, we don't have all the answers either." mom "We're just as shocked about what happened!" mom "Come get us and I'll explain everything on the way home." scene 3scene1img9 e "Yes. Yes. I'm leaving right now.." e "Send me the loaction... I'll get there very quick." mom "Okay dear. [mc] will send you the location. We'll wait for you." e "On my way Mom. Stay safe.. I'll see you guys soon." e "Love you." mom "Love you too dear." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/angel_share.mp3" loop fadein 1 mom "After all that has happened the last few days, I can't believe we finally get to go home." mom "All thanks to my Angel of a new daughter." mc "Yeah. Thanks for everything [c]." c "You don't have to thank me for anything." mom "That's right. She's family now." mom "We look out for each other." scene 3scene2img2 with dissolve mom "I'm so excited for you to start your new life with us honey." mom "I already love you like you're my own." mom "To me, you're no different than Iris, Ella, Jasmine or [mc]." c "Aawwww thank you so much Mom." c "That means so much to me." c "But, do you think the others in the family will accept me?" c "What if they don't like me?" mom "Don't ever think on those lines sweetie.. I promise you that everyone will love you just like we do." mom "Why wouldn't they? You're an absolute angel." mom "Your new sisters would be happy to have you, and Daddy would be delighted to have you as part of the family as well." scene 3scene2img1 with dissolve mc "That's right [c]." mc "You don't have to worry about a thing." mc "Ella, Iris, Jasmine and [dad] are wonderful people." mc "I guarantee that they will all be very welcoming of you." c "I'd like that." scene 3scene2img2 with dissolve mom "You will love your sisters too dear. I can't wait for you to meet them. They're a trip." mom "You'll get along fine with all of them." mom "Especially Iris." mom "You and Iris have a lot in common." mom "May be you can become a model like her." mom "I'm sure that'll be a nice change of pace for you.." scene 3scene2img3 with dissolve mc "Right! That's exactly what we need." mc "Another model in the family hahahaha." mom "Hahaha. What's wrong with modelling dear?" mc "Nothing... Nothing... I forget that you used to be a model." c "Wait, Mom was a model too?" mc "Yeah." mc "A very famous one.." mc "Until she met [dad]. She decided to hang up her high heels after they got married." mc "You should see her old modelling portfolio, she was even more beautiful when she was young." mc "Just ourtight breathtaking." c "I don't doubt that. I'm looking forward to seeing her old photos." mom "Stop it you two..." mom "You're embarrassing me." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene2img4 with dissolve mc "Guys! I'm getting a call." mc "It's Ella." mc "She must be getting closer." mom "Answer it." scene 3scene2img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" e "Hey [mc]. I'm getting close to the spot. Just thought I'd let you know." e "You guys are waiting at the spot, right?" mc "Yes, we are." e "Are you guys safe there?" mc "Yes [e]. Nothing to worry about." e "Good. Just sit tight. I'll be there as soon as I can." mc "Great. We'll be waiting." mom "[mc], put her on speaker." scene 3scene2img6 with dissolve mom "Hey Ella. It's Mom..." e "Oh hey Mom." mom "How far out are you dear?" e "I'm about 30 minutes away Mom. I'm flying as fast as I can." mom "No rush dear. Just thought I'll let you know..." mom "We've got a special surprise waiting for you honey." e "A surpsise?! I wonder what that could be!" e "Can you give me a hint?" scene 3scene2img4 with dissolve mom "You will find out once you get here." mom "I'm sure you'll love the surprise." e "Well, you've got me intrigued. Eager to see what you've got." mom "Oh! You're gonna love 'it'." scene 3scene2img6 with dissolve e "Okay Mom. You guys stay safe out there." e "I should be there in about 20 to 30 minutes." scene 3scene2img7 with dissolve mom "Okay dear." e "Hey [mc], the location you sent me on GPS is accurate, yes?" mc "Yeah... Why?" e "Just double checking." e "Alright. I'll see you guys soon. Hang in there." mc "Okay. See you soon." e "{i} (A surprise?! What could she be talking about?)" e "{i} (She said it's special.... A special surprise in the midst of all this chaos?)" e "{i} (Well, at least she doesn't sound like they're in danger... So that's a good thing.)" scene 3scene2img6 with dissolve e "{i} (And, she sounded real happy talking about the surprise.)" e "{i} (Well, if she's happy, I'm happy.)" e "{i} (Hang in there fam. I'm coming to take you guys home.)" scene 3scene2img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (It's cute how Candice has her eyes fixed on the skies... Ella's gonna be here any minute.)" mc "{i} (Man, what an adventure this has been.)" mc "{i} (The last few days have been absolutely wild.... A little scary, but undoubtedly fun!)" mc "{i} (Especially how things got so sexual between me and [mom].... Had a great time out here.)" mc "{i} (Look at her standing there like that.. That curve on her ass.. She's just so sexy.)" mc "{i} (I know she said we can't be having those sexual encounters anymore, but I really hope I get to take things further with her.)" stop music fadeout 1 play music "sounds/effects/truck_ring.mp3" mc "{i} (What's that sound?)" scene 3scene2img9 with dissolve mom "What's that honey?" stop music play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" c "It's the radio communication device on this vehicle. Kinda like a phone for 'internal communications within the organization'. I thought I had switched it off." c "Nothing to worry though.. It's the ringing tone I had set up for when my colleague Jessica tries to contact me." c "So it's safe... I really thought I put that thing off!" mom "Are you gonna answer that?" scene 3scene2img10 with dissolve c "No..." c "She's a really good girl.. The closest thing I had to a friend in this place." c "It'd be nice to say goodbye, but I don't wanna take any chances." c "It has stopped ringing anyway." mom "Was she a good friend to you?" c "She was really nice to me.. Always kind." c "Well, if it's not going to jeapordize our getaway, you can dial her back to say goodbye if you like." scene 3scene2img11 with dissolve c "I would like that... But it kinda feels weird.. I'm about to get away from here.. It was always her dream to get away from this place too.." c "I'm gonna miss her." mom "Oh, I'm sorry dear.. But it's for the best." mom "You have us now." c "And that's all that matters to me.." c "But I can't help but feel sorry for her..." c "All the girls on this Island dream about getting away from here someday.." c "If I could, I'd like to help them all escape.. But that's close to impossible." stop music fadeout 1 scene 3scene2img12 with dissolve play music "sounds/effects/truck_ring.mp3" c "Oh no! Jessica's ringing again." mc "Is it safe to answer that Candice? If it's not, may be you should just let it go." stop music c "I don't know... It's only Jessica.. And she's never rang me this many times before." mom "Honey, use your better judgement.. Answer it only if you think it's gonna be safe." c "Oh! I'm really scared... But what if she's in danger?... Or, may be she's just calling to check on me... And that'll be an opportunity for me to say goodbye to her." play music "sounds/complex.mp3" c "But I'm also worried about her." mc "[c], if this is something you can let slide, may be you should. Put yourself first.." c "Oh, I don't know.. She's been ringing a while now." scene 3scene2img13 with dissolve c "H... hel.... hello" jca "** Sobbing sounds **" jca "** Short breaths **" c "Jess.... Jessica...." c "Are you alright?" scene 3scene2img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 3scene2img14 jca "** Sobbing **" fd "Now, now, Jessica my love...." fd "This will all be over if you just do what is necessary.." jca "** Taking short breaths **" fd "Will you be a good girl and do what's right?" fd "You don't want to make me bear the pain of hurting you, do you?" jca "I'll do it" fd "What's that?" jca "I'll talk to her." c "Hello, Jessica! Please tell me you're alright." scene 3scene2img15 with dissolve jca "[c]! Where are you?" c "I... I.. I'm just out and about." jca "You haven't been seen at the base for a while now." c "I... I was.. I was just...." jca "[c] PLEASE... Please come to the base immediately." jca "[c] Mark says he'll kill me if you don't." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene2img16 with dissolve play music "sounds/bittersweet.mp3" c "** Silent **" jca "Candice...." c "{i} (There goes EVERYTHING)." c "{i} (EVERYTHING!)" c "{i} (My chance at a new life has just been ripped from me)." jca "Candice... Candice...... Can you hear me?" c "Yes... I'm here Jess." scene 3scene2img17 with dissolve jca "Candice.. listen to me.." jca "This is serious.." jca "I tried to put if off as much as I could... But now, it's life or death for me." jca "Mark has got a gun to my head as we speak..." jca "And if you don't return...." scene 3scene2img18 with dissolve jca "Candice, please.... If you've ever felt that I was even remotely close as a good friend to you..." jca "Please save me." mom "Honey, what's wrong?" mom "Sweetie...." jca "Please save me Candice.. I beg you." jca "Candice?...." c "I'll be there Jessica....." c "I'm coming...." scene 3scene2img17 with dissolve jca "Thank you..." jca "Thank you Candice... And I'm sooo sorry..." fd "There, there.... That's enough Jessica." fd "You've done your job and I shall keep my promise." fd "I shall let you live.... However, the longer she takes to get here, the shorter your lifespan gets." c "Don't worry Jessica. I'll be there very soon." fd "Thank you Candice dear." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene2img19 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/andreas_theme.mp3" mom "Candice! Honey, please tell me you were lying when you said you were going back... Please don't play with my heart!" c "I'm sorry Mom.." mom "NO... Just STOP! Please don't break my heart.. I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO ANYWHERE!" c "I'm sorry... But I.. sob.. I.. sob... I've got to go." mom "I have to. If I don't, they'll kill Jessica." scene 3scene2img20 with dissolve mc "Candice! WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU GO NO MATTER WHAT." mc "Forget that you got that call.. Ella's gonna be here soon and you're coming home with us." c "You don't know those guys [mc]. They really will kill her." mc "But what about you? What if they hurt you if you go back?" mc "May be they won't kill her.. What if they're just using her as bait to get you back?" mc "Please put yourself first Candice. You're coming with us." c "You know I want that more than anything in the world [mc]. But I can't. I've gotta go." scene 3scene2img21 with dissolve mom "Candice, you really think of me as your mother, right?" c "You know I do Mom..." mom "Then, please listen to Mommy.. They could just be baitiing you. Please, please, please stay." mom "You are mine. And I'm not letting you go.. I won't... I just won't...." mom "You are my daughter. You are mine." c "But, could you be proud of a daughter who let her friend die for her own benefit?" mom "I don't care..." c "But I do Mom..." c "I can't have her blood on my hands... I can't have that on my conscience." c "I will never forgive myself if I let them kill her." mom "Honey, please..." scene 3scene2img22 with dissolve mc "Candice, are you really sure that they will kill her if you don't return?" c "Yes." mc "What about you then? What if they try to kill you once you return?" c "They won't... They can't... I'm too valuable for them.. I know too much." mc "Are you absolutely, 100 PERCENT SURE THAT THEY WON'T HURT YOU?" c "YES. I'M SURE OF IT." mc "I'm asking you again Candice.. Please don't be lying to me... Are you ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you'll be safe oif you return?" mc "I want you to swear on my life about it." c "YES. I am certain.. I swear it..." c "There are certain things on this Island that only I have the access codes to.. They won't kill me." scene 3scene2img23 with dissolve mc "Okay, if you're absolutely certain of it... Please stay safe for a couple of days for me.." mc "I will ask [dad] to help come rescue you from here.. I will be back for you." mom "WHAT?! [mc], NO...." mom "I am not leaving here without her." mc "[mom], I understand how you feel... This breaks my heart just as much as it does yours..." mc "But I also understand where Candice is coming from... Having someone's life on her conscience cannot be easy." mc "You cannot ask her to live with that for the rest of her life." mc "I PROMISE YOU... AND I PROMISE CANDICE..." mc "With [dad]'s help and his people, I WILL COME GET HER BACK FROM HERE." mc "I SWEAR IT." scene 3scene2img21 with dissolve c "You see Mom? There's nothing to worry about....It's no big deal.. I will be with you very soon." mom "Oh Candice." mom "Are you sure will be safe?" c "YES MOM!" mom "Okay.... Then I don't care what it takes... I will move mountains to come get you back.." mom "I will make sure that this is [dad]'s only business until you're back safe in my arms." c "Thanks Mom..." scene 3scene2img23 with dissolve mc "Aright C.. In them meantime, we gotta figure out a way to keep in touch with each other." mc "Is there anyway you can maintain communications with the outside world? Like you established that secure line today?" c "Yes. According to schedule, I was to be posted in that same tower starting tomorrow..." c "They might even put me there today once I get back.. In solitude. To teach me a lesson." mc "Good.. Then, take down ALL of our phone numbers... Keep us posted on things and your safety." mc "You call us every chance you get... Especially, call Mom as often as you can safely." c "I will." mc "Don't hesitate to even dial Ella or Iris or Jasmine if you're not able to reach either of us. We will tell them all about you." c "Sure." scene 3scene2img22 with dissolve mc "One last thing... How are you going to explain your absence once you get back to base?" c "I will come up with a fool proof lie to cover the tracks. Leave that to me. I'll handle it." mc "Okay C. Just hang in there for a couple of days." mc "I WILL COME GET YOU." c "THANKS BRO..." scene 3scene2img21 with dissolve c "Alright Mom, it's time for me to leave.. The longer I stay here, the longer Jessica has to suffer." c "I will see you soon." scene 3scene2img24 with dissolve mom "Alright baby girl.... This isn't goodbye." mom "You will be back in my arms very soon.. I PROMISE." mom "NO MATTER WHAT, WE WILL COME GET YOU." c "I look forward to that." scene 3scene2img25 with dissolve c "[mc]...." c "** sob.. sob.. **" c "Come here you big bear." mc "Aaawww sweetie... come here you." scene 3scene2img26 with dissolve mc "You know C? Even if it's just for a couple of days, I'm gonna miss you." c "I'm gonna miss you too bro.. Just get here as soon as you can, okay?" mc "I will keep the promise I made you C.. Just hand in there for me, alright?" c "Sure.." c "Take care of [mom] for me in the meanwhile [mc]." mc "Of course." scene 3scene2img27 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) c "Bye for now guys.." mom "See you sweetie.." mc "Take care C." mom "Drive safe love.." mom "Just hang in there." scene 3scene2img28 with dissolve mc "{i} (Man! What a turn of events...)" mc "{i} (This is so heartbreaking.. I just hope she wasn't lying about her safety.)" mc "{i} (It's only been a day, but I like that kid. She's such a good girl..)" mc "{i} (Mom looks so worried and upset.)" mc "{i} (I don't know how I'm gonna do it... But I gotta do everything I can to come rescue her.)" mc "{i} (I just hope she stays safe until then.)" mc "{i} (I made a bold promise... But I have no clue what's going on on this Island.)" mc "{i} (All I know is that these guys are extremely dangerous... and they don't think twice about killing.)" mc "{i} (Even with [dad]'s powers and his people, it might be a tall task to come rescue her from here.)" scene 3scene2img29 with dissolve mc "[mom]!" mc "[mom]...." mc "Please try to control your emotions..." mom "I can't....." mom "I can't beleive she just left...." mom "** Crying **" mc "[mom]... [mom]... Listen.... It sounds like Ella's here.." mc "Please don't cry..." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/deep_haze.mp3" pause scene 3scene3img1 mc "{i} (Good. Ella's here...)" mc "{i} (She couldn't get here 10 minutes earlier? We could've been on our way with Candice, before she got that call from her friend.)" mc "[mom], please stand behind a little bit.. The air's just too much." scene 3scene3img2 with dissolve e "GUYS!" e "I got here as fast as I could.." mc "Hey Ella.. Good to see you again." e "OH I AM SOOO HAPPY TO SEE YOU GUYS." scene 3scene3img3 with dissolve e "Mom!!" e "OH MY WORLD...." e "I was soooo worried about you Mom." e "Thank goodness you guys are alright.. You have no idea how scared I was." mom "It's alright love.." mom "Good to see you sweetie.. How are you?" e "U hum" scene 3scene3img4 with dissolve e "[mc]!!" e "Oh how I missed you." e "Don't ever wanna let you guys go from my embrace." mc "You alright Ella?" e "I'm so proud of you [mc]." e "You kept Mom safe out here in this wilderness." mc "Hey, you taught me well." scene 3scene3img5 with dissolve mom "Ella, listen to me dear... This is very serious.." mom "We've got to come back here very soon." e "What?!" e "WHY?" mom "I don't care what it takes.... Get all of your goons..." mom "Get ALL of your Dad's goons.. All the firepower you can muster... We've got to come rescue a girl from here.." mom "I adopted her.. She means the world to me." scene 3scene3img6 with dissolve e "WHAT????" e "YOU ADOPTED A GIRL?" e "Without talking to any of us?" mom "I couldn't talk to any of you for the last few days, could I?" mom "I'm very serious Ella.. We've got to come save her." e "Wait Mom...." e "This is all just too much..." e "I had no idea you were gonna drop such a big bomb on me." scene 3scene3img7 with dissolve e "And you let her adopt a total stranger?" e "What is wrong with you [mc]?" mc "Hey! She saved our lives... We wouldn't be here if it weren't for her." mc "She's a very good girl... A gem of a person! I like her.. We should come save her." e "Huh?" e "I mean.... " e "Well... I'm not mad..." e "I was just too elated to find you guys... But I wasn't ready to hear about an adoption!" e "I'm just shocked... I don't know what to say." e "Just what the hell happened the last few days?" scene 3scene3img5 with dissolve mom "Ella, dear, I'll explain everything on the way back.." mom "I promise you will like her once you see her... But you gotta accept the fact you have a new sister now and she needs our help." e "Let's talk about that Mom... But first, let's get outta here." e "Come get in the Helicopter. I'm taking you home..." e "Well, not exactly home... I'm taking you to the Eastern Hemishphere... To where Dad is.." mom "Okay, come let's go... We'll talk on the way back." scene 3scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause scene 3scene3img8 j "Ella..." e "Oh Hey Jasmine..." e "Yeah... I just picked them up.. I'm taking them to Russia." j "Are they alright?" e "Yeah... They're good." j "Alright... Put me on speaker... Let me talk to them." scene 3scene3img9 with dissolve e "Hey guys... Jas is on the line.. She wants to talk to you." e "Jas and Iris have been calling in non-stop." j "Hey Mom... Hey [mc]..." mom "Hey Jasmine, how are you?..." j "What happened Mom?" mom "It's a long story dear...." stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene4img1a with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" pause scene 3scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "So... Where're you off to Mister?" jsh "Simeon's got some repo work for me. Got to go get a Car back from some fat kid." asc "Don't you wanna stay and go another round?" jsh "Another round??!" jsh "Woman! You are insatiable." asc "Hehehe" asc "Boy, you did me sooooo good today." asc "I'm still covered in sweat...." asc "My husband can never fuck me like you.... I mean, he's not exactly small down there... But his fiddle can't compare to your big black cock that I love." asc "You are a Bull, you know that?" jsh "So I've been told." scene 3scene4img2 with dissolve asc "Isn't this wonderful? I wish my husband took more work trips like this often." jsh "Hey, we've got this whole month..." jsh "And of course, you can sneak my the shop whenever you like after Mr. B gets back." jsh "I can do you in the alley behind." asc "That is always such a thrill... I love that." asc "The fear of getting caught by someone makes it even more exciting." jsh "Shiizz I know you's a freaky woman!" jsh "Aigh't babe.. I gotta go now.." jsh "Okay.. Come on, let me walk you to the door." scene 3scene4img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "Now gimme a kiss before you go my big black mountain of muscle." jsh "Aaahh shit! I like romancing you in the doorway.. With all this glass, some of your neighbors are gonna see us someday." asc "Hahahaha...!" asc "That's what makes it intense." asc "So, same time tomorrow?" jsh "You bet." jsh "I'mma buy some slutty lingerie for you on the way here tomorrow." asc "As long as it makes me look like a whore... hahaha" jsh "Aaigh't.. Seeya babe." scene 3scene4img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "{i} (I'm loving these sexcapades with Joshua.)" asc "{i} (The thought of doing this for the whole month gets me wet everytime." asc "{i} (Now, what am I gonna do in this big empty house all by myself?)" asc "{i} (May be I should take the Car out and see what's happening in the city...)" asc "{i} (Perhaps I can go surprise Joshua by the shop later in the evening.)" asc "{i} (Why wait till my husband gets back to enjoy that thrill?)" asc "{i} (I can get ploughed in that alley later this evening if I like.)" asc "{i} (Hmmmmmmm what to do for now)?" scene 3scene4img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play sound "sounds/effects/door_bell.mp3" play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" sct "Hey Mrs. B...." sct "** Gulp..... Gulp.... **" asc "Oh hey, Scott" sct "Hhhh........." sct "Hh.... Hhhiiii Mrs. B" asc "What brings you here Scott?" sct "My,, my... mother told me you needed help with your wi-fi" asc "Ooohh that's right... I did tell her that..." asc "Could you please be a dear and check it for me Scott?" scene 3scene4img6 sct "Ssss... sss... sure Mrs. B..." sct "Perhaps.. perhaps I can come back when you're fully dressed." sct "I'm sorry for barging in Mrs. B" scene 3scene4img7 asc "Scott, honey, are you still nervous around me?" asc "Even after what we did on your 18th Birthday?" asc "Haven't we crossed that part already?" scene 3scene4img6 sct "** Gulp.... GULP.. **" sct "Ia.... I... aa.... I think I should go ma'am,... I'm really scared." scene 3scene4img7 asc "Ma'am??" asc "Scott, how many times have I told you this? You can call me Mrs. B..." asc "Or, just Stacy if you'd like.." scene 3scene4img6 sct "I don't know ma'am... I mean, Mrs. B... I mean, Stacy." sct "I really think I should just go... I've got homework" scene 3scene4img7 asc "Hahahaha" asc "Really?" asc "I can't believe you're this nervous around me even after all that we did on your 18th birthday." asc "Come on Scott? Where's that bold birthday boy who took charge of me that day?" scene 3scene4img6 sct "** GULP **" sct "But, I am not drunk today Mrs. B..." scene 3scene4img7 asc "Do you have to be?" sct "I really gotta go Mrs. B" stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene4img8 with dissolve play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" asc "Ohhh, but what am I gonna do without my wi-fi?" asc "You're a millennial... You understand how important wi-fi is, don't you?" asc "Are you really gonna leave a damsel in distress?" asc "Scott, sweetie, what am I gonna do without Your Tube? I mean, YouTube.." asc "Do I really need to persuade you so much for help with a basic necessity such as wi-fi?" sct "I... I... suppose I can help fix your wi-fi" scene 3scene4img10 with dissolve pause asc "Of course you can!" asc "My modem's getting really wet." scene 3scene4img9 sct "** Gulp... GULP **" sct "I suppose I can do my homework later." scene 3scene4img10 with dissolve asc "Yes you can." asc "My ports are rearing to get plugged baby.." asc "And I see your plug and play device is standing in attention." asc "You haven't been able to peel your eyes off of my software for a while now." asc "Now come...." asc "Let's get started." scene 3scene4img9 sct "Where's the..." sct "Where's the router Mrs. B?" scene 3scene5img1 with dissolve asc "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" asc "{i} (And just like that, he's caught in my web again.)" asc "{i} (Haha, I do love me some virgins and inexperienced younglings...)" asc "{i} (They're all so shy and innocent and insecure.)" sct "{i} (Gosh! This woman is just crazy!)" sct "{i} (She took my virginity on my 18th birthday... The best birthday present anyone could hope for.)" sct "{i} (WOW! Her bare breasts are pressed against my chest... Her soft lips against mine feel so good.)" asc "Are you ready to take charge of me like you did on your birthday Scott?" sct "Yes Mrs.B" asc "Come on now, show me what you've got." scene 3scene5img2 with dissolve asc "I love your fresh, young, inexperienced cock Scott!" sct "Really?" asc "Your cock is just pulsing in my hands... I love it!" asc "{i} (He's nowhere near as big as Joshua, or my husband...)" asc "{i} (But I like his young little cock.)" asc "{i} (It's so soft and smooth, and smells so good.)" asc "{i} (These young ones are a different taste altogether.)" sct "Mrs. B..." sct "Can I please p..pp... put it in your mouth?" asc "Haha thought you'd never ask!" scene 3scene5img3 with dissolve sct "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh.....)" sct "{i} (It fels sooo good to have her mouth on my cock.)" sct "{i} (She's swirling her toungue around the tip of my cock inside her mouth.)" sct "{i} (This is such a wonderful feelin.)" scene stacyscottbj animated with fade: "3scene5img3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene5img4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "{i} (Get ready kid!)" asc "{i} (I'm about to blow your mind!)" sct "Yes!! YES!! YES!" sct "This feels amazing Mrs. B" asc "{i} (This is a nice change of pace.)" asc "{i} (Finally, a penis I can deepthroat easily.)" asc "{i} (After blowing Joshua for a couple of days, this feels like so much more light work.)" asc "{i} (Not that I struggle to deepthroat Joshua or anything.)" asc "{i} (I can even take Joshua all the way down my throat quite effortlessly.)" asc "{i} (I should be proud)" sct "YES, YES, Mrs. B...." sct "Blow me harder!" sct "Blow me!" sct "Take it all in." scene stacyscottbjfront animated with fade: "3scene5img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene5img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "{i} (Aaw this kid!)" asc "{i} (Just a few seconds ago, he was nervous to just be in the room with me.)" asc "{i} (Look at him now.)" asc "{i} (He's grabbing me by the hair and pulling me towards his groin.)" asc "{i} (I love taking innocent virgins and turning them into sex crazed wildlings.)" asc "{i} (Aaaw his young cock tastes sooo good.)" asc "{i} (I am such a whore!)" asc "{i} (As soon as my husband left the city, I'm sucking every dick I can get my hands on!)" sct "I LOVE IT!" sct "I LOVE IT Mrs.B" sct "You are amazing! I love you!" sct "Faster!" sct "FASTER, FASTER Mrs. B" scene stacyscottbj2 animated with fade: "3scene5img3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene5img4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat sct "Do you like my dick in your mouth?" sct "Do you like how it tastes?" sct "You've got it sooo tight Mrs. B" sct "I'm loving this." sct "Take it" sct "Take it all the way." scene stacyscottbjfront2 animated with fade: "3scene5img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene5img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "{i} (YES! YES)" asc "{i} (Pull my head to your groin!)" asc "{i} (Just like that.)" asc "{i} (He's picking up pretty quick.)" sct "Come on!" sct "Come on! Suck it." sct "Suck me dry." scene stacyscottbjfloor animated with fade: "3scene5img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene5img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "HHHHuuuuummmhhhhh" asc "{i} (He has pushed me to the floor!)" sct "It feels even better like this Mrs. B" sct "I saw it in a porn video." sct "Never thought it'd feel this good!" asc "{i} (Aawwww he's so cute!)" asc "{i} (I love how he is so shy in the beginning...)" asc "{i} (But gets going good after I get him started.)" asc "{i} (I can make him my fuck toy.)" asc "{i} (And he stays so close by, I can have him over to fuck me anytime I want.)" sct "I think I'm about to cum Mrs.B!" sct "I don't want this to end..." sct "But I think I'm about to unload." sct "Aaaaggghhhhhh" sct "Aaaaahhhhhhh...... aaaggghhhhhh... aahhhh!!" scene 3scene5img8 with vpunch scene 3scene5img8 with flash scene 3scene5img8 with vpunch scene 3scene5img8 with flash scene 3scene5img8 with vpunch scene 3scene5img8 with flash scene 3scene5img9 with dissolve sct "Ooohhhh! That was AMAZING Mrs. B" sct "Thank you so much!" asc "Ooh Scott!" asc "Look how much cum you've shot inside my mouth." asc "This is so delicious!" sct "Thank you Mrs. B" scene 3scene5img10 with dissolve asc "Isn't this wonderful?" asc "Shouldn't we be doing this more often?" sct "Yes. We should.." sct "We should definitely do this more often Mrs. B" asc "Good." asc "So, don't be nervous around me anymore, okay?" sct "I'll try Mrs. B" asc "Good boy. Lucky for you, my husband's out of town... So, I can give your more training." sct "Sure thing Mrs. B.. I think I should get going now.." asc "Oh NO! Where do you think you're going?" asc "I'm gonna give you the full service." asc "Come to my bedroom." stop music fadeout 2 scene tnd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 3scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause pause scene 3scene6img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause pause stop music fadeout 1 scene 3scene6img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/beach.mp3" e "We're here guys." e "We're gonna stay on this Yacht tonight.." e "The crew is armed, and there's security patrolling this vessel." e "Nobody can get close to this Yacht unless we want them to." e "I'll have the crew show you to your rooms." e "You guys better get some rest. Please have a nap and wake up fresh in the evening." scene 3scene6img4 mom "Ella....." mom "Ella darling....." e "Yes Mom?" mom "Where's your Dad?" e "Ah..... He is... He's..... around...." mom "Around where???" scene 3scene6img5 e "Okay.. He had this REALLY IMPORTANT thing that he had to attend to...." e "He wanted to come get you himself...." e "But...." scene 3scene6img6 mom "ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME????" mom "I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" mom "WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT?" scene 3scene6img7 e "Mom! Relax.... He's just in the neighboring state!" e "In fact, he wanted to come get you HIMSELF." e "Since I was in our country and the fact that I was closer to where you guys were, I asked Dad to go ahead with his plans." e "He WANTED to come get you himself." scene 3scene6img6 mom "Well then, WHY DIDN'T HE?" mom "WHY DIDN'T HE COME GET US HIMSELF?" scene 3scene6img5 e "Mom, use your logic..." e "It would've taken him 12 hours to come get you guys... half way across the Planet! Even on our fastest Jet." e "I was only 4 hours away from you guys.. Since I was coming to get you anyway, and he had 'other' important things on his schedule, I asked him to stick to his plans." scene 3scene6img6 mom "There you go again...." mom "Sticking up for him as always!!!!" mom "EVEN WHEN HE'S WRONG!!" scene 3scene6img5 e "MOM! You didn't really think that we'd let you guys wait in the wilderness for '12 HOURS', just so Dad could come get you, did you?" e "You saw how long it took for us to get here from where I picked you guys up." scene 3scene6img6 mom "Of course I didn't think that smartass." mom "He could've at least been here to recieve us, considering.... oh I don't know..... THAT [mc] AND I WERE LOST FOR A FEW DAYS!!" scene 3scene6img7 e "Mom, he will be here tomorrow.." e "This was supposed to be a week long trip for Dad, but he's wrapping it up early so he could come see you guys tomorrow." e "The most important thing was to get you guys to safety." e "So what if he's not here right now? He will be here tomorrow," scene 3scene6img6 mom "Don't you start with me young lady!" mom "DON'T... Just don't...." scene 3scene6img5 e "MOM!" e "CHILL...." e "It's no big deal." scene 3scene6img6 mom "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??" scene 3scene6img5 e "I'm so sorry!" e "That came out wrong." scene 3scene6img6 mom "I carried you in my belly for nine months... I fed you, washed after you, took care of you when you were sick, yet you were always Daddy's girl." mom "You have always been the closest to Dad out of the 4 of you." mom "I HAVE ALWAYS 'LOVED' THE FACT THAT YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH..." mom "But what annoys me the most, is you sticking up for him EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART that he is wrong..." scene 3scene6img5 e "Aaaawwww come on Mom!" e "You're making this a bigger thing than it really is." e "Relax..." e "It's no big deal." e "{i} (OH SHIT!!)" scene 3scene6img8 play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "HOW DARE YOU?" mom "I WARNED YOU NOT TO SAY THAT IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL!!" mom "NEVER EVER SAY THAT AGAIN." mom "You stubborn little brat!" scene 3scene6img9 mom "That's it!" mom "I'm going to my room." mom "Do not disturb me." mom "I don't wanna talk to anyone." mom "And I don't wanna see your faces." mom "BOTH OF YOU." mc "Wait, what?" mc "What did I do?" scene 3scene6img10 mc "Hey, you alright?" e "Yeah, I'm fineee" e "WOW! I did not see that coming." e "She hasn't hit me since we were little!" mc "Don't worry about it... She's on the edge... She's still upset about Candice." e "In all fairness, I did deserve it." e "But I really did not mean it. I swear I did not." mc "Relax! I know you didn't." mc "She's still heartbroken about Candice.. She'll come around." e "I know." mc "Listen, I'mma go take a nap, alright." mc "You take care of yourself." mc "Also, we gotta talk about Candice later today, okay?" e "Sure." scene 3scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Damn! That was intense.)" mc "{i} (Ella pissed [mom] off big time.)" mc "{i} (She has never hit any of us since we became teenagers.)" mc "{i} (Well, as for MY TROUBLES... One thing is certain..." mc "{i} (It's clear now that Ella and [dad] have not seen that pic of me masturbating to [mom]!)" mc "{i} (Whoever took that pic, has not sent it to them.)" mc "{i} (That's a relief...)" mc "{i} (I was worried that it might've been [dad] who shot our plane down after seeing that pic)" mc "{i} (Good to know I wouldn't be dying by Ella's knife.)" mc "{i} (Shit! That really had me scared.)" mc "{i} (But, I still don't know who took that pic)" mc "{i} (And, I gotta convince [dad] to take on a freakin military establishment to bring Candice home.)" mc "{i} (FUCK! There's just so much on my plate.)" mc "{i} (But, for now, I'm gonna forget about all of that and just take a nap." mc "{i} (Finally, I get to sleep on a nice bed after these few days.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 3scene7img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" pause pause pause scene 3scene7img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Yaaawwnnnnnn" mc "{i} (Man, is it evening already?)" mc "{i} (Felt good to get some good sleep lying on a nice, comfy bed after all these days.)" mc "{i} (I just wanna have a nice relaxed evening now.)" mc "{i} (Don't wanna think about any of my worries this evening.)" mc "{i} (May be I'll just go have a couple of drinks on the Deck.... See what Ella's up to. Will be nice to spend some time with her.)" mc "{i} (But first, lemme go talk to [mom].)" mc "{i} (Lemme check on her. Make sure she's feeling okay.)" scene 3scene7img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (She's not here in her room.)" mc "{i} (She must've got up early and went to the Deck..)" mc "{i} (May be she's at the Pool, or by the Bar...)" mc "{i} (Wait....)" mc "{i} (May be she's in the bathroom.... If she is, I can may be take a peek!)" mc "{i} (Damn! I can't believe I'm horny for her even in the midst of all this chaos.)" mc "{i} (But she's just so sexy.. I can't helpt it.)" mc "{i} (I really want to take a peek, but it could be risky...)" mc "{i} (Do I really wanna take that risk? Besides, Ella's on the boat too.. If she finds out, it's freaking over!)" mc "{i} (Screw it. I can't control this lust. Lemme go take a peek... May be she's not even in the bathroom. Who knows.)" scene 3scene7img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (YESSS!!!)" mc "{i} (She's here!!)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's just about to start her bath.)" mc "{i} (If I hide carefully, I could perhaps enjoy the whole show.)" mc "{i} (But what if she catches me?)" mc "{i} (Given the mood she's in... If she catches me spying on her, things could go really bad.)" mc "{i} (She'll think I'm such a pervert! She'll never look at me the same again.)" mc "{i} (May be I should just go..)" mc "{i} (Aaaahh, who am I kidding?)" mc "{i} (Just look at that BIG ASS)" mc "{i} (I'm totally in lust with her)" mc "{i} (Lemme get a lil closer once she steps in.)" scene 3scene7img6 with dissolve mc "{i} (Holy shit!!)" mc "{i} (She has taken her robe off..)" mc "{i} (What a fine piece of ass!)" mc "{i} (What a sexy body!!)" mc "{i} (She's got some sexy bra and panty on.)" mc "{i} (They look soooo sexy on her.)" mc "{i} (Seeing her like this makes my dick want to explode.)" scene 3scene7img7 with dissolve mc "{i} (Look at her standing there like that!)" mc "{i} (I just can't control it....)" mc "{i} (I just wanna go bend her there on that basin and take her from behind.)" mc "{i} (I can see her reflection on that glass wall..)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy in that.)" mc "{i} (I just hope she can't see me in the mirror or that glass.)" mc "{i} (I'm crouched pretty low, so she can't see me.)" mc "{i} (But I gotta be extra careful.)" scene 3scene7img8 with dissolve mc "{i} (OH MY WORLD!!)" mc "{i} (She has taken off her Bra!!)" mc "{i} (Gosh! She's just the sexiest ever!!)" mc "{i} (I can see her big milky globes on that reflection in the glass!)" mc "{i} (I just cannot wait for the opportunity to suck on them someday.)" mc "{i} (I want it so badly.)" mc "{i} (I gotta create that opportunity somehow.)" mc "{i} (Those BIG MILKY BREASTS have been all I could think of since things got sexual between her and I)" scene 3scene7img9 with dissolve mom "{i} (I can't believe my husband didn't bother to come recieve us today.)" mom "{i} (And Ella acting like he did absolutely nothing wrong... grrrr)" mom "{i} (They just drive me so mad sometimes.)" mom "{i} (But, I'm happy that my girl Candice called me today for the first time since we departed.)" mom "{i} (I'm so happy that she's safe.)" mom "{i} (My husband's gotta make up for being such an ass today.)" mom "{i} (He better act immediately on bringing Candice home as soon as I tell him about her tomorrow.)" mom "{i} (I can't wait to have my girl in my arms again.)" scene 3scene7img10 with dissolve mc "{i} (OOHHHH she's about to take her panties off!!)" mc "{i} (That panty looks so HOT on her.)" mc "{i} (That design suits her big, delicious ass perfectly.)" mc "{i} (Come on [mom], take it off... Take it all off for me.)" mc "{i} (Ooohh this is so exciting!)" mc "{i} (I'm gonna get to see her completely naked for the first time tonight!)" mc "{i} (I can hardly contain myself.)" scene 3scene7img11 with dissolve mc "{i} (YESSS!! YESSS!!!)" mc "{i} (This is it!! This is it... She is without a doubt the epitome of sexiness!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe this stunning sight in front of my eyes.)" mc "{i} (That back, those ass cheeks, those legs, those firm breasts....)" mc "{i} (Every inch of her body is just absolute perfection!)" mc "{i} (No wonder I lust after her so much! She can get any man on the planet wrapped around her finger, just like that.)" mc "{i} ([dad] is such a lucky guy.)" mc "{i} (Her ass looks soooo secy from this angle!)" mc "{i} (That side boob is just something to kill for!)" mc "{i} (What a perfect MILF! And she happens to be [mm]! There's nothing sexier beyond this.)" scene 3scene7img12 with dissolve mc "{i} (Damn, she's got in the shower.)" mc "{i} (I can still see her through the glass, but it's getting riskier now.)" mc "{i} (I've been peeking at her for too long, and she could turn around any moment now.)" mc "{i} (Lemme just take in her perfect, bare beauty for a couple of more seconds and get going.)" mc "{i} (I've GOT TO... I've just got to, got to make love to her someday.)" mc "{i} (I am completely obsessed with her.)" mc "{i} (I can't take this anymore.. I just got to have her someday.)" mc "{i} (I want to taste every delicious millimeter of her body... I want to show her how much I love her.)" mc "{i} (I have to show her how much I lust after her... I want to sink my monster deep inside her love hole while she writhes and shivers wrapping her arms around me tightly.)" mc "{i} (Fuck, I'm getting carried away...)" mc "{i} (That's enough for now. Lemme get outta here before she turns around and sees me.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" e "Hey [mc]" e "Did you sleep well?" mc "I did. Thanks." mc "What are you doing out here alone?" e "Oh I'm just chilling. Enjoying the pleasant Ocean breeze." e "It's a wonderful evening, isn't it?" mc "Yeah. It is." e "Oh, I'm just loving the breeze tonight." mc "It's very rare I ever get to see you sitting idle.. You're always such a busy body, running around, doing things." e "Haha. We're on a boat [mc]. Not much to do.. Plus, it's a nice change of pace for me to just sit and enjoy a nice, quiet evening once in a while." e "And who better to enjoy it with?" e "Come sit down." scene 3scene8img2 with dissolve mc "So, how are you Ella? What've you been up to?" e "Besides being worried sick about you and Mom for the last few days?" mc "Haha.. We're here now." mc "You know? I actually kinda liked it... It was a nice adventure." mc "It was scary not knowing what was gonna happen, but it was kinda fun." e "Haha.. That's my boy!" e "You know, I'm so proud of you for being strong in that situation and protecting Mom." e "You've grown into a brave young lad. I'm proud of you [mc]." mc "Hey, you're just a couple of years older than me... Stop acting all old and wise Ella." mc "But thanks." mc "Hey E, I wanna talk to you about a couple of things.." e "Sure. Wassup?" menu yacht_menu: "[mom]": if yacht_mom == False: mc "I'm sorry about how [mom] acted with you in the afternoon." e "Hey, don't worry about it...." e "She came spoke to me a couple of hours ago." e "She apologized to me... Don't know why she was apologizing. I should've apologized to her. I was going to.." e "I thought I'd apologize to her in the evening after she's rested. But she came spoke to me first." mc "Oh! I'm glad." mc "I'm glad you guys spoke things out." e "Yeah.. I did kinda drive her nuts.. That was stupid of me. Especially after what she has been through." e "I deserved that scolding she gave me in the afternoon." mc "Well, you're not wrong about that. Hahaha" e "I'm sorry." mc "Just take it easy with her for a couple of days, okay?" mc "She's really upset about Candice." e "Roger that." e "I won't push her buttons. I hardly ever do.." mc "I know you don't... Unless it comes to [dad]" e "Just, just keep it down, okay? Even if she goes off about [dad]." e "I promise I won't. I know it's kind of messed up that he's not here today... But I don't know why I can't help but defend him even when I know he's wrong." mc "You've always been Daddy's girl." e "But you KNOW that I love Mom just as much." mc "I know. I know..." $ yacht_mom = True $ chat3_finished += 1 jump yacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump yacht_menu "Candice": if yacht_candice == False: mc "So Ella, about Candice..." e "Whoa whoa.. Hold on a second there [mc]. I still don't know how to feel about that whole situation." mc "ELLA!!" mc "I told you that she saved our lives!" e "I know! But don't you understand that it's a big bomb to drop on us all of a sudden?" e "Adopting a stranger after just a few days of interaction with them!" e "How do you think Jasmine and Iris are gonna take this?" mc "I don't care!" mc "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Candice." mc "We're bringing her home... and that's that." mc "Even if I have to do it all by myself... I'm bringing her home with or without your help!" e "I didn't say I wouldn't help...." e "I just don't know how to feel about it.. It's just too much and all too sudden, that's all." mc "Ella, I promise you will love her once you meet her." mc "She's a very sweet girl... A wonderful human being." mc "A gem of a person." mc "And I guarantee that Jasmine, Iris and [dad] will love her just the same. They just gotta meet her that's all." mc "We will be one big, happy [fmy]." e "Well.... If you say so...." e "But I'm still not confirming anything... Just gimme some time to think about it, okay?" mc "Alright." e "Oh, by the way... Candice called Mom when I was talking to her. Apparently, she is safe." e "Mom was so happy to talk to her.. Her face just lit up when she got that call. She's in a much better mood now." e "She's been breathing down on my neck to go rescue Candice just like you are though." mc "And we're not gonna stop until Candice is here." e "Let's talk about that later.. After discussing it with the whole [fmy]. Just gimme some time." mc "Okay." $ yacht_candice = True $ chat3_finished += 1 jump yacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump yacht_menu "Who shot the Plane down?": if yacht_jet == False: mc "Do you have any leads on who you think could've shot our Plane down?" e "I don't know [mc]. Dad and I are still working on it." e "But we will find out soon. And when we do... Oooh I'm gonna enjoy raining hell's fury on them." e "I'm gonna make them suffer... give them a slow, very very painful death for what they put you and Mom through." e "I CANNOT BELIEVE SOMEONE HAD THE BALLS TO DO THIS!!." e "Anyway, in doing so, those motherfuckers sealed their own fates.. NOBODY, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY FUCKS WITH THE REIGNS'!!" e "I'M GONNA SHOW THEM WHAT A FIREBREATHING, COLD HEARTED, NASTY BOSS BITCH THEY PISSED OFF!" e "Anyway, you guys safe now... I can ASSURE you of that." e "Wherever you guys go, there's going to be heavy, armed security now.. Jasmine and Iris are guarded 24/7 too. You don't have to worry about them either." mc "Do any clues point that this could've been an inside job?" e "Don't be ridiculous! EVERYONE in our mafia knows what'll happen to them if they as much as even think about crossing [dad]." mc "Could it have been a rival mob then?" e "NO" e "Anyway, it's not for you to worry about. Leave that to me." e "Keeping you safe and ensuring that something like this never happens again is my job." e "You just go back to being you... Forget that this ever happened. Okay?" e "I don't want you worrying about any of that." $ yacht_jet = True $ chat3_finished += 1 jump yacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump yacht_menu "End talk" if chat3_finished > 2: scene 3scene8img1 with dissolve mc "Okay, guess I'mma go inside." mc "Are you sure you wanna be out here by yourself?" e "Yeah. I'm loving this." e "You go on in... Watch a movie or something." mc "Alright. Good night Ella." e "Good night. See you in the morning." stop music fadeout 2 label night_yacht: scene 3scene8img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "{i} (It was nice talking to Ella. She's always so protective of me)" mc "{i} (She's so sweet and loving, but I wonder how she switches from that to go bat shit ruthless when 'business' goes sour.)" mc "{i} (I've heard some really horrifying things about her.)" mc "{i} (Some of the things they say she has done give me nightmares just thinking about them.)" mc "{i} (What do I wanna do now?)" mc "{i} (May be I can play some video games.... or watch a movie...)" mc "{i} (Or........)" mc "{i} (Perhaps I'll go talk to [mom]. She must be in a much better mood now considering Candice called her earlier.)" mc "{i} (Yep. Lemme go talk to [mom].)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 3scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "{i} (Damn! She's sleeping.....)" mc "{i} (And she's half naked!)" mc "{i} (NO.... NO... NO... Lemme just go back... I just came here to talk to her.)" mc "{i} (Things could get risky..)" mc "{i} (But DAMN! Looks at that ass!)" mc "{i} (Her glutes look like mountains from here....)" mc "{i} (She must definitely squat!)" mc "{i} (I'd do anything to get her to squat on my big dick!)" mc "{i} (Aaah fuck it! I'm already overcome by lust again.)" mc "{i} (Lemme go take a closer look at her sexiness.. Just a peek shouldn't hurt.)" scene 3scene9img2 mc "{i} (Aaaaahh you sexy bitch!)" mc "{i} (Why does she have to be THIS sexy! She drives me to take these insane risks..)" mc "{i} (Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I shouldn't be doing this! I'm risking my life just standing here.. If Ella catches me like this, she'll fucking butcher me.)" mc "{i} (But I can't walk away.. I'm drawn to her like a moth to a flame.)" mc "{i} (Does she always sleep like this in sexy lingerie or is she purposely doing this to drive me insane?)" mc "{i} (She's wearing a see-through Bra!)" mc "{i} (May be she wants it too... She's wearing sexy lingerie.... and she left the door open!)" mc "{i} (May be she wanted me to come see her like this...)" mc "{i} (MAN!! That seductive see-through Bra is driving me insane...)" mc "{i} (I just want to rip it apart and savagely fuck her on this bed nine ways to sunday.)" mc "{i} (I want to RAVAGE her body on this bed like a man diven mad by lust!)" mc "{i} (Absolutely no holding back!! I want to PULVERIZE her with every vicious hump.)" mc "{i} (OH NO! I'm getting carried away.....)" mc "{i} (I'm literally at the end of my wits... Just a little lapse of self control, and I would REALLY end up fucking her tonight and screw EVERYTHING UP.)" mc "{i} (I'm literally seconds away from doing what I've DESPERATELY yearned for more than anything else.. Also, seconds away from fucking up everything.. EVERYTHING!!)" mc "{i} (Think about the consequences [mc]! THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!!)" mc "{i} (I gotta control myself!!! Resist, resist the temptation)" scene 3scene9img1 mc "{i} (FUCK!! I don't know what came over me... That would've screwed everything up!)" mc "{i} (Thank goodness I've gained control of my senses....)" mc "{i} (I might've really got up on that bed and fucked her had I stood there long enough!)" mc "{i} (Wait... now that I've calmed down, and in better control over myself, may be I can just play with her!)" mc "{i} (I definitely can't fuck her yet... I WOULD NEVER GO ALL THE WAY WITH HER UNLESS SHE INVITES ME TO HER BED, AND SHE ASKS ME TO PENETRATE HER.)" mc "{i} (But, I can play with her... just get a little touchy-feely like before, until... IF AT ALL, she asks me to make love to her.)" mc "{i} (Hey, I may be a pervert, but there are certain lines I won't cross unless she allows me to! haha)" mc "{i} (And she has let me touch her before anyway... Also, her lying there like that could be intentional too!)" mc "{i} (What with her wearing THAT, and leaving the door open for me to come see!)" scene 3scene9img2 mc "{i} (Okay! Here we go again.)" mc "{i} (Just gonna play a little..)" mc "{i} (But what if she wakes up in the middle of the act?)" mc "{i} (Well, she IS a heavy sleeper.)" mc "{i} (Wait, what's this?)" scene 3scene9img3 with dissolve mc "{i} (Alcohol!)" mc "{i} (Looks like she has been drinking.)" mc "{i} (Yeah. So she's drunk, and sleeping.. I can definitely have some fun with her now.)" mc "{i} (Btw, since when did she start drinking so much?)" mc "{i} (She hardly ever used to drink until I took her clubbing that night.)" mc "{i} (Hmmmm I'm definitely waking a different side of her.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 3scene9img2 with dissolve play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "{i} (May be someday, I can wake that sexy thirsty Cougar in her)" mc "{i} (Until the, little sexcapades like these will have to do.)" mc "{i} (So, which sinfully delicious part of her body shall I taste now?)" mc "{i} (Which part of her body shall I play with)?" menu: "Boobs": jump yacht_boobs "Ass": jump yacht_ass "Mouth": jump yacht_mouth label yacht_boobs: scene 3scene9img2 mc "{i} (Gotta be those delicious big Juggs)" mc "{i} (Let me turn her around)" scene 3scene9img2optiona1 with dissolve mc "{i} (Gosh! She's even sexier from this angle)" mc "{i} (Those big breasts look like they're staring right at me, asking to be caressed.)" mc "{i} (This Bra looks so good on her.)" mc "{i} (Even better than the one she was wearing in the bathroom.)" mc "{i} (Something about the fabric of women's underwear that drive us men absolutely nuts!)" mc "{i} (Let me take her bra off. I wanna see her bare breasts.)" scene 3scene9img2optiona2 with dissolve mc "{i} (WOW!!)" mc "{i} (Those mammoth knockers get me every single time!)" mc "{i} (So BIG and so soft)" mc "{i} (Those are the breasts of a Goddess!)" mc "{i} (I wanna feel those mammaries against my dick!)" mc "{i} (Let me get on top of her!)" mc "{i} (Here goes nothing...)" scene 3scene9img2optiona3 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh)" mc "{i} (In this very moment, I am so content!)" mc "{i} (I feel soooooo blissful.)" mc "{i} (This feeling is beyond what words can explain...)" mc "{i} (My dick in between [mm]'s tits!!)" mc "{i} (Ooooohhhhh this is the most wonderful sensation ever!)" mc "{i} (I feel like I'm having a thousand orgasms already... Yet, it's only gonna get better)" mc "{i} (Let me start pushing!)" scene yachtmomtits animated with fade: "3scene9img2optiona3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optiona4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaww my world!)" mc "{i} (Never in a million years did I imagine it would feel this good)" mc "{i} (Here I am, tit fucking [mm]!)" mc "{i} (This is sooo dirty...)" mc "{i} (Yet so intensely passionate!)" mc "{i} (I really do love her in more ways than one.)" mc "{i} (I'm feeling so many feelings right now... I can't comprehend half of them!)" mc "{i} (The intense passion of being between the breasts of the woman I love, the filthy perversion in the fact that she's [mm]!)" mc "{i} (This is so profound, blissful, dirty, sexy, devious and passionate at the same time.)" mc "{i} (Every cell in my body is dancing with intense, loveful pleasure right now)" scene yachtmomtits2 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optiona5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optiona6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She's my Goddess!)" mc "{i} (She's my everything.)" mc "{i} (There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for this woman!)" mc "{i} (Ooooh I love her so much!)" mc "{i} (I want to make love to this Goddess)" mc "{i} (Yet, at the same time I want to treat her like a whore.)" mc "{i} (I want her on her knees begging me for my dick in her mouth.)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck her ass like I'm fucking a filthy whore.)" mc "{i} (I want her to beg me to pound her hard from behind.)" mc "{i} (I want her to scream my name. I want her to scream my name in pleasure and pain.)" mc "{i} (I'd call her a bitch, and she'd deviously smile looking at me as I jam her ass from behind.)" scene yachtmomtits3 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optiona3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optiona4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (The next moment, I'd turn her around and lay on top of her)" mc "{i} (Her arms wrapped around me in a passionate embrace.." mc "{i} (My cock entering and exiting the walls of her ultimate pleasure dome... slowly, gently...)" mc "{i} (A moment ago, my whore... now, my Queen.)" mc "{i} (As we switch between roles of star crossed lovers/ prostitute and paying customer...)" mc "{i} (Fulfilling, satiating, gratifying each others deepest, darkest desires...)" mc "{i} (Yet awakening new, sick, twisted, utterly filthy deviances that both of us didn't know we had..)" mc "{i} (Deviances and desires that the rest of the world would frown upon..)" mc "{i} (But to us, they'd be wickedly sacred!)" mc "{i} (No one else could understand what we feel for each other, others may look down if they found out.)" mc "{i} (Perhaps even we'd be ashamed at times, but it wouldn't matter..)" mc "{i} (What we'd have would be purely, deviantly divine!)" scene yachtmomtits4 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optiona5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optiona6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaagghhhh)" mc "{i} (Come on. Take it [mom]...)" mc "{i} (How wonderful would this feel when she's looking right at me as my dick moves between her tits?)" mc "{i} (I'm going to make that happen someday!)" mc "{i} (I want to see the yearning look on her face someday when we make love.)" mc "{i} (I want to see her desire for me in her eyes as I fuck her!)" mc "{i} (She's the one I love...)" mc "{i} (No one else can compare.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to do everything in my power to seduce her.)" mc "{i} (Make her my Queen...)" mc "{i} (My whore!)" mc "Aaaarhhhhhhhhhhh" mc "That's it here it comes...." scene yachtmomtits5 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optiona3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optiona4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Yes!!" mc "YES.. YESS" mc "Come on my slut!" mc "I'm about to bloww" mc "Wring every last drop of cum out of my dick with your big tits!" mc "Arrrrggghhhh" mc "Aaaarrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optiona4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optiona7 with dissolve mc "Aaaaaaahhhhhh" mc "{i} (She's got soo much thick cum shooting out of my cock.)" mc "{i} (This woman can make me blow non stop!)" mc "{i} (What a Goddess!!)" mc "{i} (She's the best!)" scene 3scene9img2optiona8 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaahh)" mc "{i} (That was so intense!)" mc "{i} (Never have I ever experienced such passionate intensity before!)" mc "{i} (My big dick and her big tits look like they're made for each other.)" mc "{i} (What a perfect match!)" mc "{i} (I wonder how much of a match my dick would be on her down there.)" mc "{i} (Okay. I've wiped my cum off her.)" mc "{i} (Now let me put her lingerie back on her and get out of here.)" jump happy_yacht label yacht_ass: scene 3scene9img2 mc "{i} (Let me go with that booty that makes me go all sorts of crazy)" mc "{i} (I've got to turn her around first.)" mc "{i} (Carefully.)" scene 3scene9img2optionb1 with dissolve mc "{i} (WOW!!)" mc "{i} ([mm]'s giant ass is nothing short of spectacular!)" mc "{i} (I can see her ass crack through the thin fabric of her panty.)" mc "{i} (Her glutes certainly look strong up close)" mc "{i} (Now let's see them.)" mc "{i} (Let me take off her panty)" scene 3scene9img2optionb2 with dissolve mc "{i} (WOW WOW WOW!!)" mc "{i} (Now this is an ass that can definitely bear loads!!)" mc "{i} (Looks like it can effortlessly handle some heavy wattage pounding)" mc "{i} (This ass is built to be indestructible against the most severest, the most brutal, the wildest merciless thrashings even from Behemoth size dicks like mine!)" mc "{i} (Just looking at it makes me want to thunder it without remorse!)" mc "{i} (For now, may be I can just slide my dick against her crack.)" mc "{i} (Let me get on top of her.)" scene 3scene9img2optionb3 with dissolve mc "{i} (Oh my world!!)" mc "{i} (Is this real life?)" mc "{i} (I've got my big, thick dick wedged in between her tight ass crack)" mc "{i} (And I'm grabbing her big ass cheeks at the same time.)" mc "{i} (I cannot believe the amount of pressure on my dick right now...)" mc "{i} (Her sweet cheeks are pushing against the sides of my dick so tightly!)" mc "{i} (The pressure from her cheeks against the veins on my cock are sending jolts of shock across my body!)" mc "{i} (Damn!! I cannot even imagine how tight it'd feel to actually put my mammoth dick in her ass someday.)" mc "{i} (I'd burst a river of cum inside her in just one second)" mc "{i} (That's just too unfathomably intense to even think about)" mc "{i} (Okay. Let's get started now!)" scene yachtmomass animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionb3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optionb4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (OH.... OHHHH.... OHH)" mc "{i} (My dick feels like it's in a hydraulic press right now!!)" mc "{i} (Her crack is just sooooo tight and I'm feeling a million sensations on my cock with every move back and forth!)" mc "{i} (FUCK FUCK FUCK!)" mc "{i} (I might actually cum right away....)" mc "{i} (Oh no! She might be the first woman to get me to finish in such an embarassimgly short time!!)" mc "{i} (FUCK!)" mc "{i} (What to do?)" mc "{i} (Dicks this big are not meant for cracks that tight!!)" mc "{i} (Or, are they?)" mc "{i} (This is the tightest pressure I've ever felt on my dick!)" mc "{i} (May be my dick is made for her ass!!)" mc "{i} (The tightness of her crack alone is setting off every cell on my cock in a frenzy!)" mc "{i} (If I ever get to actually plunge my mammoth cock in her ass....)" mc "{i} (It would literally squeeze, brutally choke my dick and wring out every milliliter of cum my balls could ever be capable of producing)" mc "{i} (FUCK! This is tightness on a whole another level)" scene yachtmomass2 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionb5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optionb6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (YES!! YES!)" mc "{i} (Take it you slut)" mc "{i} (Take my giant dick!)" mc "{i} (How do you like me hitting you from behind)?" mc "{i} (Someday, I'm going to hit you hard from behind for real!)" mc "{i} (When you finally allow me to penetrate you, I'm gonna hit you so hard from behind, that it would make your ass explode!)" mc "{i} (You would literally feel a thunder bolt in your ass!)" mc "{i} (You sey slut! How you've got me wrapped around your finger.)" mc "{i} (The way you twist and manipulate my will and self control with every move your body!)" mc "{i} (I wish I didn't feel this way about you... But I can't help it!)" mc "{i} (Your body is not meant for mere mortals to resist.)" mc "{i} (Whether you know it or not, you are the epitome of sexiness you sexy ho!)" mc "{i} (Any man would willingly become your slave and live only to serve you even if you just bat your eye lashess at them non-chalantly)" scene yachtmomass3 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionb3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optionb4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (FUCK!)" mc "{i} (What the hell am I doing?)" mc "{i} (I'm dry humping [mm] and calling her nasty names in my thoughts!)" mc "{i} (Despite what I think about her when I'm overcome with this deranged secual frenzy, I do sincerely love and respect her!)" mc "{i} (I would never in a million years show even the slightest disrespect towards her outside the bedroom)" mc "{i} (She means everything to me.)" mc "{i} (She's the one I love the most on this Planet. I would literally do anything for her)" mc "{i} (May be that's what makes this so special!)" mc "{i} (The duality in this perverse relationship... although one sided for now.)" mc "{i} (I would treat her like my Queen in the living room....)" mc "{i} (But a filthy, dirty whore in the bedroom.)" mc "{i} (A strange amalgamation of sacred love, unshakable respect and outright filthy, utterly deviant sexual perversion.)" scene yachtmomass4 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionb5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optionb6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I can't explain the kind of love I feel for her.... Perhaps I don't understand what I feel for her!)" mc "{i} (What I feel for her is a torrent of emotions, a wide array of feelings... Things that are socially accepted, things that I should never feel)" mc "{i} (I can't understand it... May be I'm not supposed to understand it...)" mc "{i} (Perhaps I should just only experience it....)" mc "{i} (All I know is that it feels like ETERNAL BLISS!)" mc "{i} (I am yours [mom].)" mc "{i} (I love you.. love you beyond the established meanings of that word.)" mc "{i} (I want to make you mine.... And that's unconditional)" mc "{i} (I love you like a man loves a Goddess, like a king loves a Queen, like a whoremonger loves his whore)" mc "{i} (I look forward to the day you reciprocate these strange feelings for me." mc "{i} (I look forward to taking you out, spoiling you with unconditional love, parading you like the Queen that you are." mc "{i} (And then bring you home, having you on all fours, having you begging me to pound you harder from behind while you writhe in ecstacy and pain!)" scene yachtmomass5 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionb3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "3scene9img2optionb4" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I'd have you on your knees... gagging on my cock!)" mc "{i} (You'd reach around and grab my buttocks, pull me even closer and deeper into your mouth.)" mc "{i} (Until your lips touch my groin... I'd pull my dick out, and push it all the way back in)" mc "{i} (I'd fuck your mouth mercilessly... While you gasp for air, saliva splurting out of your mouth, your eyes getting watery)" mc "{i} (I'd fuck your mouth with absolutely no remorse! Until your face is a big wet mess...)" mc "{i} (Then, I'd pull my big long dick out of your mouth, push you on your belly to the floor..)" mc "{i} (Grab and raise your hips from behind.. Put the tip of my dick against at the entrance of your wet and waiting pussy.)" mc "{i} (Push it all the way in tearing into your pussy walls.. Pull your hips to my groin...)" mc "{i} (Fuck you like a man driven mad with love and lust... Absolutely annihilate and completely demolish your pussy.)" mc "{i} (Tear it apart without mercy... Give it the most brutal, the most ruthless, the most merciless thrashing it has ever recieved.)" mc "{i} (You'd writhe and shiver in ecstacy, cum all over my cock, and I'd flood your pussy with an ocean of cum.)" mc "Aaarggggghhhhhh I'm cumming." mc "I'm cumming [mom])" scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with vpunch scene 3scene9img2optionb4 with flash scene 3scene9img2optionb7 with dissolve mc "Aaaahhhh" mc "{i} (She gets me to cum a river every single time!)" mc "{i} (This woman can make me blow non stop!)" mc "{i} (What a Goddess!!)" mc "{i} (She's the best!)" scene 3scene9img2optionb8 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaahh)" mc "{i} (That was so intense!)" mc "{i} (Never have I ever experienced such passionate intensity before!)" mc "{i} (My big dick and her big booty look like they're made for each other.)" mc "{i} (What a perfect match!)" mc "{i} (I wonder how much of a match my dick would be with her tight asshole.)" mc "{i} (Okay. I've wiped my cum off her.)" mc "{i} (Now let me put her lingerie back on her and get out of here.)" jump happy_yacht label yacht_mouth: scene 3scene9img2 mc "{i} (Lemme taste those luxurious, luscious lips)" mc "{i} (Let me get a little closer.)" scene 3scene9img2optionc1 with dissolve mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (Just WOW!)" mc "{i} (What a sexy face!)" mc "{i} (She's such a beauty queen!)" mc "{i} (Her face just oozes sexiness)" mc "{i} (If she were born a Goddess, she'd without a doubt be the Goddess of Sex.)" mc "{i} (Those plush lips!)" mc "{i} (I just want to wrap my lips around her's right now and lick every inch of her lips.)" mc "{i} (But, tonight I wanna do more than just kiss her lips!)" scene 3scene9img2optionc2 with dissolve mc "{i} (Huuuuhhhhhhh!)" mc "{i} (What a stunning sight!)" mc "{i} (She looks unbelievably sexy with my big dick on her face!!)" mc "{i} (Her soft skin feels so incredible against my dick.)" mc "{i} (What a wonderful feeling)" mc "{i} (If at all I seduce her and get her to start a sexual relationship with me...)" mc "{i} (I would love to whip my dick out on her face and have her swallow it everytime I come home)" mc "{i} (I never imagined she'd look this sexy with a dick on her face)" mc "{i} (Let me take things a little further now.)" mc "{i} (May be I can put just the tip of my cock inside her mouth.)" scene 3scene9img2optionc3 with dissolve mc "{i} (Fuck! Is this happening for real right now?)" mc "{i} (I cannot believe I've actually done it!)" mc "{i} (I've actually put my dick in [mm]'s mouth!! Even if it's just the tip.)" mc "{i} (It feels beyond incredible)" mc "{i} (Every vein in my body is pulsing with joy right now!)" mc "{i} (Ooohh how I've yearned for this! How I've yearned to put my dick in her mouth!)" mc "{i} (Gosh! This is the best feeling ever)" mc "{i} (Let me slide it in and out... But I gotta be slow and extremely careful!)" mc "{i} (No matter how drunk she may be, If I go fast or deep, she will wake up in the middle of the act.)" scene yachtmommouth animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionc3" with dissolve pause 1.0 "3scene9img2optionc4" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat mc "{i} (Slowly now..)" mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (This feels incredible!)" mc "{i} (Her soft, velvet lips around the tip of my dick)" mc "{i} (I feel a thousand tingling sensations on my tip right now.)" mc "{i} (It's just wonderful)" mc "{i} (It feels so soft and warm and wet!)" scene yachtmommouth2 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionc5" with dissolve pause 1.0 "3scene9img2optionc6" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat mc "{i} (I can't believe this!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm fucking the lips of the most sexiest woman on the Planet.)" mc "{i} (Having [mm]'s lips around my cock feels even better than I imagined.)" mc "{i} (I gotta be careful not to wake her in the middle of this.)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking the lips of a Goddess!)" mc "{i} (YES!!)" mc "{i} (Best day ever.)" scene yachtmommouth3 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionc3" with dissolve pause 1.0 "3scene9img2optionc4" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat mc "{i} (I wonder what it'd feel like to get an actual blowjob from her!)" mc "{i} (That would be the best thing ever!)" mc "{i} (Me sitting on a couch with my legs apart)" mc "{i} (Her crawling closer towards me with lust in her eyes.)" mc "{i} (Her hands slowly reaching up and grabbing my cock.)" mc "{i} (Then she'd slowly unzip my pants, put her hand inside and take my cock in it.)" mc "{i} (I'd probably explode with just the mere touch of her hands on my cock.)" scene yachtmommouth4 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionc5" with dissolve pause 1.0 "3scene9img2optionc6" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat mc "{i} (She'd bring her sexy face towards my cock)" mc "{i} (She'd lick the tip...)" mc "{i} (Wrap her lips around the tip of my dick.)" mc "{i} (Then, her face would slide down on my cock all the way to the base...)" mc "{i} (Her mouth swallowing the entire length of my cock....)" mc "{i} (Sending me into a pleasure induced coma.)" scene yachtmommouth5 animated with fade: "3scene9img2optionc3" with dissolve pause 1.0 "3scene9img2optionc4" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat mc "{i} (As she bobs her head up and down my shaft..)" mc "{i} (Taking me in her mouth so passionately...)" mc "{i} (My cock feeling so wet in her mouth..)" mc "{i} (I'd grab her by the hair... Push her lips to the base.)" mc "{i} (Throat fuck her passionately.. Then cum deep down her throat.)" mc "{i} (That's it... I gotta blow now!)" mc "{i} (I can't cum in her mouth, lemme just pull out and relieve myself.)" scene 3scene9img2optionc7 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaarggghhhh)" mc "{i} (She gets me to shoot so much cum everytime.)" mc "{i} (What a Goddess!!)" mc "{i} (She's the best!)" scene 3scene9img2optionc8 with dissolve mc "{i} (Aaahh)" mc "{i} (That was wonderful!)" mc "{i} (I finally got to experience something I've longed for for so long.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to take things to the next level with her soon... If she'll let me.)" mc "{i} (She's the sexiest woman ever. I love her so much.)" mc "{i} (Allright. It's time to go now.)" mc "{i} (I've wiped my cum off the pillows.)" mc "{i} (Now let me get out of here.)" jump happy_yacht label happy_yacht: scene 3scene9img4 with dissolve mc "{i} (Wow!)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy with or without clothes.)" mc "{i} (I got to live some of my sexual fantasies with this Goddess tonight.)" mc "{i} (Hoping there's going to be many more...)" mc "{i} (I know she said in that cabin that we can never engage in any sexual after we got home)" mc "{i} (But once we bring Candice home, [mom] will be in a very good mood all the time...)" mc "{i} (May be she'll reconsider what she said.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 3scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "{i} (Man! That was soo amazing)" mc "{i} (Playing with [mom] is always fun.)" mc "{i} (I like it better when she's in on it too...)" mc "{i} (But this was great too..)" mc "{i} (Fuck! Any interaction with that woman is great.)" mc "{i} (Okay. Big day tomorrow... [dad]'s gonna be here. Gotta talk to him about Candice." mc "{i} (I'm sure [mom] won't let him rest until he brings Candice home.)" mc "{i} (Tomorrow, I can perhaps get off this boat and explore the city a little bit.)" mc "{i} (But right now, lemme go get some sleep.)" scene 3scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (I only slept on the floor in the forest for a few days...)" mc "{i} (But I'm delighted at the prospect of getting a full night's sleep on this comfy bed.)" mc "{i} (What?)" mc "{i} (A text at this time?)" mc "{i} (Who could it be?)" scene 3scene10img3 with dissolve mc "{i} (Hmmmmm)" mc "{i} (It's from an unknown number...)" mc "{i} (No text. Just an attachment!)" stop music fadeout 1 menu: "Open Attachment": scene 3scene10img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/complex.mp3" pause mc "OH SHIT" mc "THIS IS BAD!" mc "THIS IS REALY BAD" mc "FUCK!" stop music fadeout 1 label episode4_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene nextmorning with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 4scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/complex.mp3" loop fadein 1.5 mc "Owww...." mc "**Cough.... Cough.... Cough**" mc "You son of a bitch! You punched me in the stomach!" mc "**Cough.... Cough..**" scene 4scene1img2 mc "You told me Ella asked you to bring me to shore to see a movie.. And now you're beating me up!" mc "Wait till she hears about this..." mc "What do you thing [dad] will do to you if he heard about this?" mc "Ella will gut you like a Pig for this you son of a bitch." scene 4scene1img3 mysct "Who do you think told me to beat you up kid?" mc "{i} (Oh no! That must mean Ella has seen that pic!!)" mc "{i} (Fuck. Fuck. Fuck)" mc "{i} (Shit has really hit the fan!!)" mc "Listen man, I don't know what [mss] told you.. But if you hurt me, you'll have to answer to [dad]." mc "Think of the consequences man." mc "You could end up in a whole lot of trouble." mysct "I'm just doing what I was told to do [mc]. Nothing personal." mc "No. Fuck that... Listen to me..." scene 4scene1img4 mysct "Sorry kid... Your [st]'s orders." mysct "If I don't carry it out, it's my head on the line." mc "No... No..." mc "NOOO!" mc "Wait....." scene 4scene1img5 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" pause pause mc "{i} (OF FUCK)" mc "{i} (I think I'm going dizzy)" scene 4scene1img6 mc "{i} (Fuck! That must've given me a concussion.)" mc "{i} (I fucked up! I fucked up!)" mc "{i} (It's all over...)" mc "{i} (Why did I ever jack off to [mom] that night?)" mc "{i} (I made such a big mistake..)" mc "{i} (I'm paying for it now...)" mc "{i} (It's all over for me...)" scene 4scene1img7 play sound "sounds/effects/bike_revving.mp3" pause pause mc "{i} (OH SHIT! Ella's here....)" mc "{i} (Things are about to go from bad to worse...)" mc "{i} (How am I even gonna look her in her eyes after what I've done.)" mc "{i} (She might as well just kill me and get it over with, than talk to me about that picture.)" mc "{i} (I've gone and thrown everything away...)" mc "{i} (All because I couldn't control my lust for a few minutes.)" mc "{i} (Nothing can be worser than this.)" mc "{i} (May be this is the day I finally see the dark side of my loving [st])" scene 4scene1img8 e "Thank you for bringing my [br] here Igor.... You can leave now." igr "Ella......" igr "Ella..... Ella...... my dear..... I know that look... Calm down" igr "You know what happens when you lose control...." igr "Please calm down..." igr "Do not go to that place..." igr "He is your [br]!!!" e "I just wanna talk to my [br]. Excuse us." scene 4scene1img9 igr "Ella, darling, I don't know what's going on between you two.." igr "But think about this for a second." igr "He is your [br]." igr "I have known you two since you were little children... I understand sibling quarrel, but this is extreme." igr "I know terrible things happen to people when you've got that look on your face." igr "Does your Dad know about this?" igr "What would he say?" igr "Please calm down Ella.... I beg you..." scene 4scene1img10 igr "Hhhhuuuuuhhhhh!!!" e "I thought I told you to leave!!" e "You did your job......" e "Now leave..." igr "Alright! alright!" igr "I'm leaving...." igr "But just...." igr "Just take it easy on him, okay?" e "I'll keep that in mind. Now go." igr "See you in the evening." scene 4scene1img11 e "How could you?" mc "Ella.. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Please... I can explain." e "Explain?!!" e "How could you possibly explain such a heinous act?" mc "I AM SO SORRY... I really am... I wish I could reverse time and undo it all Ella!" mc "I am so ashamed!! I've ruined everything!! I have thrown everything away because of that mistake." mc "Please forgive me... I just wish we could go back to the way things used to be." e "Go back?" e "You fool.... Do you realize what you have done?!" e "YOU HAVE TORN OUR FAMILY APART!!!" e "I may not have told you this.. But you are the one I loved the most in this [fmy]." e "And you've gone and ripped everything to shreds.. How can this [fmy] ever recover from this?" mc "I'm sorry." scene 4scene1img12 with dissolve e "SSOORRRYYYYY?" e "DO NOT SAY THAT LIKE IT COULD EVER UNDO WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!!" e "YOUR SORRIES AREN'T GOING TO GLUE THIS FAMILY BACK TOGETHER." e "YOU HAVE DESTRYOED EVERYTHING THAT WAS ONCE PURE." scene 4scene1img13 pause play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" e "SORRY DOESN'T FIX THIS!!" e "YOU HAVE DESTROYED EVERYTHING..." e "EVERYTHING!!!!" scene 4scene1img14 e "You little snivelling worm!!" e "I'm going to kill you like that venomous insect you are!!" scene 4scene1img15 play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" e "I can't stand to look at your conniving face." e "Why????" scene 4scene1img14 e "Whyyy????" e "Why did you have to do such a despicable thing?" scene 4scene1img15 play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" e "She's our [mom]." e "How could you ever look at her like that?" scene 4scene1img14 e "You disgust me!" mc "I... *cough*.. *coughh*... I'm sorry... Sorry beyond words can explain." scene 4scene1img15 play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" e "I told you to not say that." mc "I know what I did was terrible... I regret that more than you'll ever know." scene 4scene1img14 e "How will I ever look at you the same again?" e "How can anyone look at you the same again?" scene 4scene1img15 play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" mc "Just put me out of my misery Ella." mc "It hurts more to hear you talk to me like this than you physically hurting me." scene 4scene1img14 e "**Tearing up**" e "I loved you so much.." e "I love you... You're my [br]" scene 4scene1img15 play sound "sounds/effects/kick.mp3" e "How can we ever go back?" e "I can't forgive you for this." scene 4scene1img14 e "I can't. I just can't forgive you for this." e "I wish you hadn't destroyed everything." e "You drove me to this!" scene 4scene1img16 mc "Oh no! What have I done?" mc "I have drove my sweet, loving [st] to the point of absolutely hating me." e "{i} (This is your [br]! This is your [br]. Get a grip!! Get a grip!)" e "{i} (Get a grip over yourself woman!)" e "{i} (What you're about to do cannot be undone!)" mc "Ella! Please... I know what I did was wrong." mc "But I can explain... You don't know the whole story..." mc "Talk to [mom] about this." mc "What you saw in that pic... I know she was asleep that time... But..." e "Don't...." e "Just don't....." mc "Ella, please!!" scene 4scene1img17 e "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" mc "Noooooooooo......." mc "Ella........... Please......" mc "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" mc "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "{i} (Nooooooooooooooo)" mc "{i} (OH SHIT!!)" mc "Uufffff...... Uffffffff....." mc "{i} (Just a nightmare!)" mc "{i} (Just a nightmare....)" mc "{i} (Oh! That was soo bad... That was soo bad.)" mc "{i} (But only a nightmare.)" mc "{i} (What a relief!)" mc "{i} (I'm waking up just where I went to sleep last night. Safe in the comfor of this room.)" mc "{i} (But what about that picture?)" mc "{i} (Whoever took that pic, sent it to me last night.)" mc "{i} (But they didn't respond to any of my replies or calls to the number that pic was sent from.)" mc "{i} (I couldn't trace that number back either... All the digging I did, showed that it was an unregistered number!)" mc "{i} (What does that person want from me? Who is that person?)" mc "{i} (I thought he or she was going to blackmail me with it.. But they didn't even reply to my texts)" mc "{i} (Were they just toying with me last night?)" mc "{i} (I know sooner or later that shit is going to catch up with me.. but..)" mc "{i} (What if they sent that pic to Ella, or [dad] or anyone else?)" mc "{i} (NO! They couldn't have... I'm still alive... And nobody has confronted me about that pic.)" mc "{i} (That definitely means the person who took that pic hasn't sent that to anyone else.)" mc "{i} (Well! At least not yet....)" mc "{i} (Good thing that things are normal at least for now.)" mc "{i} (May be the smart thing to do right now is stop worrying about all the nonsense and use this window of opportunity to find out who took that pic.)" mc "{i} (Really get to the bottom of this and find out what they want and silence them with bribe or something.)" mc "{i} (Worrying about it is not going to help me. I have to look for solutions.)" mc "{i} (Sooner or later shit might hit the fan.. I should be the happiest I can be while I can and not let anything bother me yet.)" mc "{i} (Well, let me go face the day happily and find that asshole who took that pic before they get to me.)" mc "{i} (Lemme go outside and see Ella and [mom])" stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene2img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" e "Hey there [mc]" mom "Oh hello [mc]" e "Good morning sleep head." e "Did you sleep well?" mc "Good morning you guys!" mc "Yes. I slept well. Thanks." mc "{i} (Wow! What a wonderful morning... Such a pleasant atmosphere here..)" mc "{i} (And those warm smiles to greet me. They love me.)" mc "What's this? You guys started breakfast without me?" mom "Sorry sweetie, we were really hungry." e "Come join us [mc]." scene 4scene2img3 e "How are you feeling [mc]?." mc "I'm feeling great. Thanks" e "I was just talking to Mom about your time in the forest." e "She was telling me all about how brave you were and how you took such good care of her." e "I'm so proud of you [mc]." mc "Thanks Ella." e "Gosh! It's sooo good to have you guys back." mom "Guess what honey. Ella has agreed to go bring Candice home as soon as [dad] gives her leave." mc "Oh. That's great [mom]." mc "Thank you so much for this Ella." e "Well, if she means so much to you guys, I guess she must be a really nice girl." e "And, she did save your lives.. So I guess I'm open to having another Sister. Candice seeems like she'd be a nice sister to have." e "Besides, it's not like Mom's going to get pregnant again and raise another baby Sister haha." mom "Ella!!!" mc "Hahahahahaha." scene 4scene2img4 mc "You look so relaxed and calm this morning [mom]" mom "I am very relaxed honey.. Sorry I was so snappy yesterday. We're back safe with our [fmy], Candice is going to be home soon.. Everything's fine." mc "I'm glad you're happy.. It shows.. You look wonderful this morning." mom "Aaawww thanks dear." mom "I'm so full of energy today. I slept like a baby last night. Could've slept through a hurricane." mc "{i} (Haha I know! She didn't even flinch while I was doing all those naughty things to her.)" mc "{i} (Oh shit. Here I go again. Letting those naughty thoughts run wild just minutes after I had that nightmare.)" mc "{i} (Well, it was just a nightmare... And that asshole who took that pic doesn't seem to be in a hurry to milk it.)" mc "{i} (Guess I might as well indulge...)" mom "By the way, [asc] called. She asked about you. Says she'll be coming home once we're back there." mc "That's great. Can't wait." mc "{i} (Wow! She's looking so sexy in that Teddy.)" mom "What are you thinking about [mc]? Looks like your mind's somewhere else." mc "Nothing. Just thinking about what to do today.." scene 4scene2img3 mc "Ella, I've got a couple of questions.." e "Sure. What do you want to ask me?" menu morningyacht_menu: "Today's Plans": if mngyacht_plans == False: mc "So, what are the plans for today?." e "Well, Dad's coming to this city this evening." e "We're going to go meet him." e "You're free to go wherever you want after that." e "But, with bodyguards on your tail of course." mc "What? No." mc "I don't want bodyguards following me around." scene 4scene2img6 with dissolve e "Well, you go outside with bodyguards, or you don't go out at all." mc "Hey, you can't do that." e "It's for your safety [mc]." mc "[mom], tell her." mom "I'm with her on this [mc]." mom "You're not going anywhere without security." mc "{i} (Well, that sucks. I can't have those guys following me when I'm trying to figure out who took that picture." $ mngyacht_plans = True $ chat4_finished += 1 jump morningyacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump morningyacht_menu "Home": if mngyacht_home == False: scene 4scene2img3 mc "So, when are we going back home?" e "In a couple of days." e "I'm tightening security back there." e "Dad wants us here for a couple of days. We can leave after that." mc "So you're coming with us too?" e "Yes. Yes, I am." e "Also, Jasmine and Iris will be coming home to stay with us when we get there." e "Aunt Stacy called... She's so happy you guys are safe." e "She'll be coming home too." e "Going to be a full house." mc "Awesome. That'll be fun." $ mngyacht_home = True $ chat4_finished += 1 jump morningyacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump morningyacht_menu "Places in this City": if mngyacht_places == False: scene 4scene2img3 mc "Are there any good places to visit in this City?" mc "Can you suggest some places to visit?" e "I don't exactly come here for sightseeing [mc]. But I'm sure there's plenty of places you can go." e "We're going to be here for one more day at least." e "You can do your exploring.." scene 4scene2img6 with dissolve e "Just take security with you." mc "Can I no security?" e "No." e "You absolutely cannot." mc "{i} (Damn. I don't think she'll let me go out without security following me around.)" mc "{i} (I gotta figure out a way to dodge security and try and figure out who took that pic.)" $ mngyacht_places = True $ chat4_finished += 1 jump morningyacht_menu else: mc "I've already spoke to her about that." jump morningyacht_menu "End talk" if chat4_finished > 2: scene 4scene2img3 mc "Alright [fmy]. I'm happy to be back in civilization.. Although there's no civilization here in the middle of the Sea." mc "I'm feeling energized and ready to take on the day." label morning_yacht: scene 4scene2img4 mc "What do you want to do today [mom]?" mc "Shall we go explore some tourist spots in this city together?" mom "I'd love to [mc]. I cannot wait to go feel what it's like to be in a city again, among people.. now that we're back." mom "Shall we leave in an hour?" scene 4scene2img6 e "Yeah.. About that guys..." e "Dad said not to let you guys go anywhere till he's in the city this evening." scene 4scene2img7 mom "What?" mom "I can't be stuck here on this Yacht all day!" mom "I'm going out." e "I'm sorry Mom. I can't let you guys go out." mom "You can't tell me what to do young lady." mom "I'm your mother." mom "I'm going out and I don't need anyone's permission." e "Mom, please.. Dad said not let you guys go anywhere." e "Just wait it out till this evening, and then you guys can go wherever you want." mom "I can't wait to give your Dad an earful." mom "He doesn't bother to show up and receive his [fmy], and now he's placing restrictions." scene 4scene2img6 mc "So we're stuck on this yacht till this evening?" e "Well, it appears so." e "At least, you two are.." e "I've got some errands to run... So I'm going to be out." e "I'll be back in the evening to pick you guys up and take you to Dad." mc "Great." scene 4scene2img4 mc "It looks like just you and me on this Yacht [mom]." mom "Yes it does." mom "Well, there's also the crew." mc "Yeah... The crew! And the security patrolling this Yacht in boats...." mc "Great company...." mom "What?" mc "I mean.... You're great company.... It's not like the crew and security are my friends." scene 4scene2img3 e "Just hang in there [mc]. Just till this evening.. You're free after that." mc "Damn! Stuck on this boat all day.. I wish Candice was here with us... She's fun... Or Jasmine.. Or Iris..." mc "Or do you plan to get pregnant and give birth to a baby so she'll be fun personality to hang around [mom] hahaha?" scene 4scene2img5 with dissolve e "Hahahahahaha" e "Good one [mc]." mom "{i} (I don't believe him!)" mom "{i} (He's making such R rated jokes.. and Ella's sitting right here.)" mom "{i} (At least, Ella started that joke.. So she won't suspect anything.)" e "You crack me up [mc]." mc "Hahaha" mom "Alright! Cut it out you two..." mom "It's not funny!" e "Hahahaha.. Can you imagine her walking around with a big belly [mc]?" e "Out of shape for nine months.. Away from the perfect figure she works so hard to maintain?" mc "Hahahahaha That'll be a fun sight. I can imagine that haha.)" mc "{i} (Oh yeah.... I can definitely imagine that!)" mom "Hello... I'm sitting right here...." mom "{i} (Uurghhh THESE KIDS!!)" scene 4scene2img3 e "Alright guys, I'mm off now." e "Got some work to do.... You guys take care." e "Anything you want.. The crew will provide." scene 4scene2img8 e "So good to have you back [mom]." e "Soo good." e "I love you so much." mom "I love you too my baby girl..." mom "More than you'll ever know." mom "You have a good day out there..." mom "Come pick us up soon in the evening... I can't wait to get off this boat." e "I will Mom." e "Take care." mc "{i} (Holy shit! [mom]'s wearing a see through outfit!!)" scene 4scene2img9 mc "{i} (Damn!! Why did she have to wear this outfit?)" mc "{i} (Now I'm staring at her bottom!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! I'm playing a dangerous game here...)" mc "{i} (Hmmm now that I see it... Ella's got a nice curve on her ass too!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! I've gotta stop. I've never looked at her like that.)" mc "{i} (Plus.. She's a very dangerous woman.)" mc "{i} (But [mom]'s bottom....)" scene 4scene2img10 e "Come here [mc]." e "I missed you so much while you were lost." mc "Aaww I missed you too Ella." e "I love you so much little [br]." mc "Love you Ella... You're the best." mc "The best [st] a guy could ask for." mc "Love you my big, badass, lovely [st]." e "I'll be back to pick you in the evening guys. Be ready." mom "We will." mom "Bye Ella." mc "Bye Ella. Have a nice day." e "Thanks. Bye you guys." scene 4scene2img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.5, 1.0) mom "So, what do you wanna do today [mc]?" mc "I don't know [mom]." mc "Not like there's much to do on this boat." mom "Don't be like that.. We can still have fun." mc "Have fun? How?" scene 4scene2img4 with dissolve mom "Hmm I don't know.. May be watch something on the CloudFlix." mom "You know.. Like you kids say... CloudFlix and Chill." mc "Hahahaha... You don't really know what that means, do you?" mom "What do you mean?" mc "Haha. Never mind. It's nothing.." mc "Gosh! She's such an Angel.." mc "Just look at her! She's so pretty..." mc "That smile! That angelic face!" mc "She looks so splendid all in white.. Especially here in the middle of the Sea.." mc "What a splendid sight!" mc "I'm so lucky to her as a [mom]." mom "Hello!!! Are you listening to what I'm saying?" mom "You keep zoning in and out [mc]." mom "Did you get quality sleep?" mc "Oh! Nothing [mom]." mc "I was thinking may be I'll just go hit some weights in the gym." scene 4scene2img11 with dissolve mom "There you go! You men and your weights." mom "Lifting all that weight and tightening everything up." mc "What's wrong with lifting weights?" mom "Well, for one thing.. Most of you guys only lift weights to impress girls..." mom "And, lifting weights does nothing for the mind... It's all about aesthetics and boosting your own ego." mc "And... that's wrong somehow?" mc "Am I missing something?" scene 4scene2img4 with dissolve mom "You have to focus on your mind as well [mc]." mom "Your mind, your soul, your inner being..." mom "You have to connect with your feelins." mom "Which is why we women prefer to do Yoga..." mom "Yoga is a spiritual path, it frees you.. It opens up your mind..." mc "YOGA?" mc "Hahaha. You've got to be kidding me... There's no way I'd ever do that..." mc "{i} (Oh wait! Come to think of it... Yoga with [mom] actually sounds like a lot of fun!)" mc "{i} (A lot of devious fun.)" scene 4scene2img11 with dissolve mom "Don't make fun of it [mc]." mom "Yoga is a divine tool for transformation." mc "But [mom], I know nothing about Yoga.." mom "Well, I can teach you..." mom "You need it... Especially after what we've just been through in the forest." mom "It can help us release and let go." mc "{i} (Oh! I'd love to release while doing Yoga with her.)" mc "{i} (Well, despite the threat of that picture.. I decided I'm going to be as happy as I can be after that nightmare this morning.)" mc "{i} (Being in close proximity to doing naughty things with [mom] certainly makes me happy... And I'm going for it.)" mc "Yeah.. Yeah... [mom].. I think I need to cleanse my mind and let go." mom "Wonderful!!" mom "I didn't think you'd agree so easily.." mom "Oh! You're going to love it." mom "Yoga is such a freeing journey." mom "Go freshen up... Change into something confmy and come meet me in the fitness room." mc "{i} (Oooohhhh I'm looking forward to this.)" mc "{i} (Perhaps being stuck on this boat till evening with [mom] isn't a bad thing after all.)" mc "{i} (Fuck, I'd love to be stuck with her anywhere.)" mc "Great [mom]! I'll see you in a few minutes.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 4scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mom "There you are [mc]." mom "I was starting to think you were going to change your mind about doing Yoga.)" mc "{i} (WTF? How am I supposed to concentrate when she's wearing that? So much cleavage!!)" mc "Wouldn't miss it for the world [mom]." mom "I'm so glad you are this enthusiastic about this." mom "Perhaps you could be my Yoga partner once we get back home.)" mom "[yss] don't enjoy it as much." mom "Only Jasmine sort of likes it." mom "[asc] did Yoga with me for a while.. But you know how she is." mom "She is never consistent with anything." scene 4scene3img2 mom "If you take to it and enjoy this..." mom "We can go on this wonderful journey together." mom "Oh I'm so excited just thinking about this." mom "I love teaching Yoga." mom "Just been looking for people who'd show great enthusiasm and diligence in learning." mom "So, are you ready to start your lessons?" mc "Oh, I'm more than ready [mom]." mc "I am so excited for this!" scene 4scene3img3 with dissolve mom "Oh.. and one very important thing..." mom "NO NAUGHTY BUSINESS." mom "That is my number 1 rule if we're going to do this.." mom "I wouldn't tolerate any naughty shennanigans!" mom "Do you understand?" mc "Yes [mom]." scene 4scene3img4 with dissolve mom "I mean it [mc]..." mom "You better not go trying something stupid during our practice." mom "I meant what I said in the cabin that night..." mom "That was the last time! And I meant it." mom "Do you understand?" mc "Yes... Yes [mom]." mc "Got it. No funny business. I understand.)" mom "Great." mom "Let us begin." scene 4scene3img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "So this is the first pose you'll be learning." mom "Arms and thighs parallel.. Body parallel to the ground." mom "Back arched..." mc "{i} (Ooohhhh! I'm loving this already.)" mc "{i} (What an awesome view of her cleavage!)" mc "{i} (I get to look at it from this close.)" mom "Breathe in.... Breathe out..." mom "Breathe in... Breathe out..." scene 4scene3img6 mom "Now we transition to the next pose." mom "Arch your back..." mom "Point your chin to the ceiling...." mom "And breeeaaaathhee" mc "{i} (Her breasts are so huge!!)" mc "Yeah [mom]... I'm loving this deep breathing." mom "I'm glad you are honey." scene 4scene3img7 mom "Then, knees on the ground... Palms together..." mom "Hands to the sky..." mom "Look up... and breeathheeee" mc "{i} (Oooohhhh I want to grab those massive melons and tit fuck her right now.)" mom "Breaatheeee...." mom "Feel the stretch in the lower abdominals...." mom "And breaatheee deeeply...." mom "Take a couple more deep breaths... And gently relax!" scene 4scene3img8 mom "That was the first sequence." mom "How do you feel?" mc "I feel wonderful [mom]." mc "This is so relaxing." mc "I'm loving this." mom "So much fun, right?" mc "Absolutely." mom "It is so calming... and relaxing..." mom "And you thought this was silly haha" mom "Come, let us do some forward bends next." mc "Bending? I don't think I can do that [mom]. I'm not very flexible." mom "Nobody is at the beginning..." mom "But don't worry... It's easy... I'll teach you." mom "You can see how I do it first, and then try it yourself." mc "Okay." scene 4scene3img9 mom "So you get on your mat... Bring your knees together." mom "Stand straight... Feet together..." mc "{i} (FUCK!! That big Apple bottom is soooo sexy.)" mc "{i} (I could take a massive bite out of it.)" mc "{i} (What a sexy ass that is.)" mc "{i} (I wonder why I never did Yoga with her before..)" mc "{i} (This is so much fun.)" scene 4scene3img10 mc "{i} (This beautiful, big ass is a freaking Masterpiece.)" mc "{i} (Like it was carved by some Renaissance maestro.)" mc "{i} (I wonder if even they'd have been capable of sculpting something this spectacular!)" mc "{i} ([mm] has such a marvelous butt!)" mc "{i} (That big beautiful rack on her... and this big, wide, fleshy butt! She is the perfect MILF)" mc "{i} (I could stare at the apple bottom all day and not get tired.)" mom "Before you bend, be sure to keep your lower back arched...)" mc "Yeah [mom]." scene 4scene3img11 mom "And then, slowly bend forward..." mc "{i} (Gotta be fucking kidding me!!)" mc "{i} (How am I not supposed to just rip those Yoga pants and storm her vagina with my raging boner right now?" mc "{i} (That position is just perfect...)" mc "{i} (I could just ravage her vagina from behind while she's bent like that.)" mom "You gotta make sure you don't round your back honey." mom "With some practice...." scene 4scene3img12 mom "You'll be able to do this!" mc "{i} (Alright this is just too much to bear..)" mc "{i} (All the perverse thoughts running in my mind right now!)" mc "{i} (I'd push her against a wall in that position and just ram her vagina from behind.)" mc "{i} (She'd be stuck between a cock and a hard place.)" mc "{i} (I would fuck her silly.)" mc "{i} (I could penetrate her soooo deep.)" mc "Well.... [mom].... I don't think I could do all that....)" mc "This seems so advanced...." mom "Oh don't worry sweetie... You just have to practice.. You'll get there." mom "If you can't do it perfectly just yet... It's fine..." mom "Just go as far as you can go for now." mom "Let me show you the sequence first..." mom "And then I'll assist you to do it." mc "Okay. I guess." stop music fadeout 2 scene 4scene3img13 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mom "This is the next pose in the sequence." mom "Just watch and observe..." mom "Right palm on the floor... Left hand pointed to the sky." mom "The side of the abdomen parallel to the floor." mom "No curving towards the ground." mom "Left leg at a hundred degree angle." mom "Toe pointed..." mc "Wow! I can now see how you stay so fit [mom]." mc "You are so good at this." mom "Awww thank you honey." mom "So you get in this pose... Stabilize your body...." mom "Take a couple of very deep breaths..." mom "Deeeeepp breaths...." mom "And then.................." scene 4scene3img14 mc "{i} (WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!)" mc "{i} (Alright! That's it!)" mc "{i} (Is this even Yoga anymore?)" mc "{i} (How am I supposed to resist this?)" mc "{i} (All the things I'd do to her in that position!!)" mc "{i} (My mind goes numb just thinking about it, cause all the blood in my body is in my boner right now!)" mc "{i} (That position is sooooooo inviting!)" mc "{i} (I had no idea she was this flexible)" mc "{i} (She would be such a great lay.... With her flexibility I can fuck her in most positions that people can only dream of.)" mc "{i} (That beautiful face, that sexy body, and this level of flexibility.....)" mc "{i} (She is perfect for carnal pleasures...)" mc "{i} (Custom built for excessive long mileage fucking!!)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky to have a [mom] like this!)" mc "{i} (She is just outstanding!)" mom "{i} (When you're doing this pose, stabilizing your body is very important.)" mom "{i} (You should keep your core muscles engaged.)" mc "[mom], I reeaallllyy don't think I can do this.)" mom "Don't worry. I know it's not easy.. Just go as far as you can go....)" mom "Come. Let me walk you through it.)" mc "Okay." scene 4scene3img15 mom "So you get in the first pose that I taught you from the last sequence." mom "Arms and thighs parallel." mom "Back arched." mc "{i} (Great! Now she's in perfect doggy style position!)" mom "Do it with [mmy] sweetie.)" mc "Okay!" mc "Am I doing it right?" scene 4scene3img16 with dissolve mom "Not quite sweetie... Your back is rounded." mom "Arch it." mc "Like doing those bent over rows in the gym." mc "Like this?" mom "Right...." mom "But you look so stiff." mom "Loosen up sweetie... Relax your muscles..." mc "I don't know [mom]... This is all just too much for me." mom "Alright honey... Just walk around [mmy] and see how she's doing it. Okay?" mom "Just observe." mc "Alright." scene 4scene3img17 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (OH MY!!)" mc "{i} (OOOOHHHHHHH MYYY!!)" mc "{i} (How is a man not supposed to just fuck the shit out of her right now?)" mc "{i} (I can see her pussy pressed against those thin Yoga pants.)" mc "{i} (That big ass...)" mc "{i} (And her being in the perfect position to receive some brutal pounding from behind!)" mc "{i} (That's it!)" mc "{i} (I have lost all control... I'm going for it!!)" scene 4scene3img18 mc "{i} (Oooowwwwww that's it!)" mc "{i} (This feels soooooooooooo good!)" scene 4scene3img19 mom "[mc]!!!)" mom "Just what the heck are you doing?" mom "Did you just grab my butt?" mom "I said no naughty business!" scene 4scene3img20 mc "Sorry [mom]. I just couldn't resist." mc "You are irrisistable!!" mc "It feels soooo good to grab your butt like this!!." mc "All this yoga stuff...." mc "And seeing you in such sexy positions...." mc "It just drove all resistance out of my mind." mom "That is no excuse...." scene 4scene3img21 mc "I'm sorry [mom]. I just want to go a little further. Just a little bit more!" mom "This is just crazy!" mom "You are pulling my pants down!" mc "Aahhhh this is just splendid beauty!" mc "You have no idea how beautiful your ass is [mom]." mc "Your ass is like a trasure cove." mc "SO BEAUTIFUL!" mc "This is the sexiest ass on the planet! Nothing can even come close to this." scene 4scene3img22 mom "Oh I should have thought this through before doing yoga with you." mom "I should've known better." mom "You have no self control young man." mom "This is so inappropriate. Stop this right now." mc "I'm sorry [mom]. Just a little bit." mc "Just want to play with you a little bit." mom "This is wildly inappropriate." scene 4scene3img23 mom "OWWW HEY!!!" mom "Just what the heck do you think you're doing?" mc "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" mc "It feels like I'm in paradise." mc "This feels soooooooooooo good." scene fdhumpside animated with fade: "4scene3img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaahhhhhhhh This is so wild!)" mc "{i} (I'm dry humping her in perfect doggy style.)" mc "{i} (This is the dream of every dude who has a super hot [mom])" mc "{i} (I'm living one of my wildest sexual fantasies right now.)" mc "{i} (This is not even the full meal.. Barely even an appetizer....)" mc "{i} (But it feels wildly ecstatic!)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what doing the real thing with her would feel like.)" mc "{i} (I don't think any man's senses are capable of fully experiencing the pleasures that would illicit." mc "{i} (Sex with her would be pleasure beyond what the senses can experience.)" scene 4scene3img27 mom "I cannot believe this kid!" mom "He has absolutely no self control." mom "I know boys his age have only one thing on their mind.. But I'm his [mom]." mom "Ever since that night in the forest, he is always horny when he's around me." scene fdhumppov animated with fade: "4scene3img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Take that [mom]. Take that!)" mc "{i} (You are my slut)" mc "{i} (This ass is mine.)" mc "{i} (Take it hard!!)" mc "{i} (How do you like my crotch hammering against yours?)" mc "{i} (I know you like it.)" mc "{i} (I know you do..)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, you'd have stopped this.)" mc "{i} (Take it you slut.)" mc "{i} (Take it my sexy bitch.)" mc "You are so sexy [mom]." mc "Your ass is a work of art." mc "A work of art from another planet.." mc "No maestro on earth could ever sculpt something as beautiful as this!)" scene 4scene3img28 mom "{i} (Aaw this kid!!)" mom "{i} (Not only is he dry humping me, which is sooo inappropriate...)" mom "{i} (He is also attempting stupid poetry while doing it!)" mom "{i} (I love him with all my heart... But he goes so out of line when he's overcome by lust.)" mom "{i} (This is so wrong)" mom "{i} (What do I do with him?)" scene fdhumpside2 animated with fade: "4scene3img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "This is the best feeling in the world mom." mc "Nothing could beat this." mc "Dry humping the sexiest woman on the planet." mc "My crotch pressed up against behind." mc "This is so wonderful." scene 4scene3img29 mom "{i} (This is so out of control.)" mom "{i} (And soooo wrong.)" mom "{i} (I have to stop him from stepping out of line like this.)" scene 4scene3img30 mom "{i} (BUT.....)" mom "{i} (But...........)" mom "{i} (I.. I somehow...)" mom "{i} (This feels soo good.)" scene 4scene3img30a mom "{i} (I.... I....)" mom "{i} (I'm enjoying this.)" mom "{i} (This is soooooooo wrong.)" mom "{i} (But why do I like this?)" mom "MMMMMmmmmmmhhhhhhh yeah baby." mom "Just like that!" scene fdhumppov2 animated with fade: "4scene3img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "What was that [mom]?" mc "Did you say something?" mc "I couldn't hear you?" mc "Say it again please." scene 4scene3img30b mom "Just keep doing what you're doing honey." mom "Don't talk." mom "{i} (Aaahhhhh this feels so good.)" mom "{i} (I'm enjoying something I shouldn't enjoy.)" mom "{i} (Or shouldn't even think of!)" scene fdhumpside3 animated with fade: "4scene3img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (It's good that she likes it too.)" mc "{i} (I know I'm a pervert and I've been lusting after her.)" mc "{i} (But she did initiate things in the forest that night.)" mc "{i} (Granted she was drunk and somewhat out of her wits that night.)" mc "{i} (But deep down it looks like she enjoys it too.)" mc "{i} (I know she has always been a faithful wife to [dad] and a loving [mom].)" mc "{i} (But I want to awaken the inner slut in her.)" scene fdhumppov3 animated with fade: "4scene3img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (They say the most innocent and shy types are the ones that turn out to be the wildest in bed.)" mc "{i} (I want to see how wild she can get.)" mc "{i} (I want see the whore in her.)" mc "{i} (I want her begging for my cock.)" mc "{i} (I want her addicted to my cock.)" mc "{i} (Like I'm addicted to her sexy body.)" mc "{i} (I really hope I can take things that far with her someday.)" scene fdhumpside4 animated with fade: "4scene3img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I don't care what's wrong or right.)" mc "{i} (She's [mm]. I love her. I truly do love her.)" mc "{i} (And I want to love her carnally as well.)" mc "{i} (I know it's bad. But I don't care.)" mc "{i} (She is irrisistable.)" mc "{i} (No man can resist her.)" scene fdhumppov animated with fade: "4scene3img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene3img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Take it my slut)" mc "{i} (One day I'm going to give it to you for real.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to fuck you so hard that only my cock can ever satisfy you again.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to make you my whore.)" mc "{i} (Take it.)" mc "{i} (Take it bitch.)" scene 4scene3img30b mom "{i} (This is giving me so much sinful pleasure.)" mom "{i} (What would my husband think if he found out?)" mom "{i} (This is outright sinful.)" mom "{i} (And that's what makes it so delicious.)" mom "{i} (What am I doing? When did I become such a slut?)" mom "{i} (I'm acting like a whore with no self control.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene3img31 mom "{i} (This is wrong.)" mom "{i} (It's such a devious sin.)" mom "{i} (This is so horribly wrong.)" mom "{i} (I have to stop it.)" mom "[mc]. Stop it." mc "What?" mom "Stop it." mc "[mom], but I'm so close..." scene 4scene3img32 mom "I said STOP IT." mom "We can't do this" mom "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" mc "Okay. Okay.!" scene 4scene3img33 mom "I'm sorry. I don't know how to feel about this." mom "But [mom], you sort of liked it too.." mom "That was a mistake." mom "A BIG mistake." mom "You are [ms]!" mom "This is such a horrible thing for us to do." mom "I really don't know how to feel about this." mom "I've gotta go...." scene 4scene3img34 mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (Man!!!!)" mc "{i} (Just what the hell happened?)" mc "{i} (One minute she was into it... and then she breaks it off so abruptly!)" mc "{i} (But she looks really upset.)" mc "{i} (She looked very upset with herself!)" mc "{i} (May be I should give her some privacy... and let her sort things out in her mind.)" scene 4scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause asc "Another day with my husband out of town." asc "And a whole lot of sexual adventures waiting to happen!" asc "Daily wild humping with Joshua and Scott is great.... But I need some fresh cock." asc "I need to make the most out of my husband's work trip!" asc "I kind of miss his cock too.. But promiscuous sex is my favorite kind." asc "On another note... It's good that my sister and nephew are safe." asc "Can't wait to meet them when they get back home." scene 4scene4img3 asc "I seem to be forgetting something that I'm supposed to remember this morning..." asc "What is it?" asc "Oohh that's right!" asc "My husband had asked me to collect some documents from Mr. Wilkinson concerning a big work deal he had closed." scene 4scene4img2 asc "Problem is.... Mr. Wilkinson was my Sugar Daddy when I was 18." asc "Ha. Good old Mr. Wilkinson.. He had such vigouor even at that age." asc "And I liked older women when I was young..." asc "But we haven't met in almost 2 decades... After that incident when his wife nearly caught us fucking on her bed." scene 4scene4img3 asc "How am I going to go see him today after all this while?" asc "At least it's a good thing my husband doesn't know Mr. Wilkinson was my Sugar Daddy." asc "But meeting Mr. Wilkinson after all this while might be super awkward." scene 4scene4img4 asc "What to do?.. What to do?" asc "Shall I just let it slip and tell my husband that I forgot?" asc "May be I can arrange a courier to pick those documents up?" asc "But damn, those are work related confidential documents... I can't risk it with a courier." asc "Besides, that's a multi-million dollar deal... Which means more money for me to spend on useless things." asc "Perhaps I should go pick it up myself." asc "Oh! What the hell, lemme do it myself. I want my husband to earn more money than he already does... so I can spend it." scene 4scene4img5 asc "Well, here goes nothing!" asc "I hope he remembers me at his old age." asc "Let me try a Video Call.. See if he recognizes my face." asc "A conversation on video call should ease things up before I meet him in person." asc "That way the meeting will be less awkward." scene 4scene4img6 wkn "Hello" asc "Oh Hi Mr. Wlikinson. Good Morning." wkn "Hello my dear Stacy! My goodness! You're still pretty as ever child." asc "You still remember me Mr.Wilkinson!! Oh that is so sweet." wkn "How could I ever forget you my dear?" wkn "Your beautiful face will be forever etched in my memory." asc "Aaawww that is so flattering. Thank you Sir." asc "Mr.Wilkinson, I'm calling you about the documents Jay, my husband asked me to collect." wkn "Oh, I forget... You're married to Jay." wkn "Nice lad... Nice lad." wkn "Would you be so kind as to come to my Office and collect the documents my dear?" wkn "You see, I would come to you... But I am an old man." scene 4scene4img7 asc "No problem at all Mr.Wilkinson. I will come to your Office." wkn "You're too kind child.. I will text you the address of my Office.." wkn "I will be at the indoor Pool at the top floor of my Office building." asc "Thanks Mr. Wilkinson. I will come meet you this afternoon." wkn "Wonderful! Take care my dear." asc "You too Sir. Looking forward to meeting you." stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene4img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" pause pause pause scene 4scene4img9 asc "Thank you for agreeing to drive me to my destination." asc "I'd have driven there myself... But it's a 3 hour drive.. and I really don't like doing anything that requires effort on my part." asc "So thank you." jsh "Hey, don't mention it." jsh "You let me ride you without mercy everyday... This is the least I can do for you." jsh "Hahahahaa" jsh "You are so funny!" scene 4scene4img10 with dissolve jsh "So, where are you off to? All dressed up and looking so classy." asc "My husband asked me to pick up some documents from his business partner." jsh "Oh! I'm surprised!! You oblige when your husband asks you to run some errands?" jsh "Didn't take you for that kind of a woman." asc "Hey... Despite what it may look like from the outside, I actually love my husband." jsh "Yeah you do." jsh "Is that why you cheat on him so much?" scene 4scene4img9 with dissolve asc "I truly do love my husband. He is a wonderful person and a loving husband." asc "I love him with all my hear." asc "But I also happen to love extra-marital sex very much." jsh "Haha I know you do." jsh "Sometimes I feel bad about our affair because of what a nice person Mr.B is." jsh "But you're too sexy.. I can't let my conscience get in the way when it comes to ploughing you." asc "It's a good thing you don't.. If every man grew a conscience...." asc "Desperate Housewives like me would be starved for sex." scene 4scene4img10 with dissolve jsh "Who is this business partner guy you're out to meet?" jsh "You're dressed very classy to go meet him." asc "Someone I was close with when I was young. It's kind of a sticky situation actually.." asc "He was my Sugar Daddy back in the day!" jsh "Hahahahahahahaha" jsh "Hahahahahahaha" jsh "Now why am I not surprised haha?" asc "Very funny!" scene 4scene4img9 with dissolve asc "I had a thing for guys more than twice my age back then." asc "We did it on the regular... But one day we came very close to getting caught by his wife." asc "We kind of fell apart after that... He said he didn't want to risk his long, happy marriage." jsh "And now you're married to his business partner." asc "That's right.. It's going to be super awkward meeting him... I don't know what to say to him. How to break the ice." jsh "You'll do just fine. You're a strong woman." scene 4scene4img11 asc "So.... Is there a special woman in your life whom you plan on settling down with?" jsh "And leave housewives like you to some college kids?" asc "Oh, so you won't cheat on your woman after marriage?" jsh "Nope." jsh "Which is why I'm banging all the hotties in town while I'm still single." asc "So you're going to leave me high and dry in case you get married and settle down?" scene 4scene4img12 with dissolve jsh "Don't worry. I'm sure there's still plenty of cock in this city for you to sample." asc "Hahahaha." asc "But I love your big black cock." asc "Yours is the best I've ever had." jsh "May be I'll introduce you to some of my black friends." jsh "If you ever get married, you better do that." scene 4scene4img11 with dissolve jsh "This old man you're about to meet... Is he some big shot rich guy?" asc "Yeah.. He must be worth 500 Million or something. Why?" jsh "500 MILLION??!!!?" jsh "How are you connected with the likes of him, yet hang around with small time guys like me?" asc "Your dick is certainly bigger than his, I can tell you that." jsh "But damn!! 500 Million? WOW!" asc "What's the big deal? That's still not as rich as my Brother-in-law." asc "My sister's husband must be worth far more than that." scene 4scene4img12 with dissolve jsh "Oh yeah.... How is she?" asc "Who?" jsh "Your Sister..." jsh "Sister with the nice big... Ahem... Smokin' body" asc "I only have one Sister...." asc "Yeah... her... your only Sister." jsh "How is she?" scene 4scene4img13 asc "OH MY GOSH! YOU LIKE MY BIG SISTER" asc "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha." asc "Hahahahah" asc "Hahahahahaha" asc "You like my big sister... You and everybody else!" jsh "What? You don't think I'm man enough for my Sister?" scene 4scene4img14 asc "No. Not that.." asc "Many men have paid dearly for even looking at her the wrong way. That's why." jsh "Her husband's that powerful, huh?" asc "More..." asc "Besides, why does everyone get obsessed with my Sister?" asc "She doesn't even put out." asc "I think she's stuck up!" asc "She thinks she's morally superior to me cause she doesn't cheat on her husband." asc "Can you believe she was a virgin until she got married to her husband?" asc "And she had every boy in town hitting on her on the regular." jsh "Sounds like quite a woman! Definitely marriage material." jsh "Well, you and your big Sister scored the genetic lottery." jsh "Both Super Hotties!" jsh "I can only imagine what it'd feel like to fuck you both at the same time!" asc "Keep dreaming! Her husband is the only man my Sister has ever been with." asc "But me... You can have me anytime." jsh "Hhaaha.." scene 4scene4img10 jsh "You want me to come pick you up later this evening?" jsh "After your meeting with the old man." asc "No.. It's a three hour drive. Don't concern yourself with it. I'll take a cab on my way back.." asc "But you come by the house at midnight." asc "I'll be waiting for you......." asc "In my bedroom." jsh "Roger that." stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" pause pause pause pause scene 4scene5img2 wkn "STACY!!!" wkn "My child... My sweet, sweet child. How are you my dear?" asc "Mr.Wilkinson! It's so nice to finally meet you after all these years!" asc "I am very well. Thank you." asc "Gosh! You still look the same Mr.Wilkinson. Not a day older." wkn "You flatter me my love.. I've grown older.. Much, much older." wkn "You on the other hand, you look more breathtaking than ever!" asc "Why. Thank you Sir." asc "My gosh. This is so nice! It's been so long." wkn "Been too long.... Much too long my dear." wkn "Come! Let us sit. Much to discuss." scene 4scene5img3 wkn "You're married to my good pal Jay now?" asc "We've been married for a few years actually." asc "Jay is my first and only husband." asc "He keeps me so happy." scene 4scene5img4 wkn "Of course! Jay is such a gentleman." wkn "Very good lad." wkn "He is so lucky to have a wife like you." wkn "You have always been a lovely girl." asc "I believe I'm the lucky one Sir. Jay is such a good husband." wkn "Aaww you are both adorable." scene 4scene5img3 wkn "Makes me so happy to see you like this my dear." wkn "My little dove all grown up." wkn "Do you have any little ones yet my darling?" asc "Not yet Mr. Wilkinson.. Although, Jay and I plan on trying soon." scene 4scene5img4 wkn "I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother." wkn "I wish you good luck and give you my blessings." scene 4scene5img5 asc "You are so kind. Thank you Sir. You have always been such a kind and giving man." asc "I hear you and Jay are business partners now." wkn "Yes. Yes we are. I am so excited to be working with your husband." wkn "How are your wife and kids Mr.Wilkinson." wkn "All good. All good. My wife sometimes asks about you, you know!" wkn "She remembers you as this sweet, adorable girl who used to come take lessons from me." asc "She was always a good woman Mr.Wilkinson... She used to treat me like a daughter whenever I came by the house." scene 4scene5img4 wkn "How is your big sister?" asc "She's doing very well.. She's got a wonderful family." asc "Wonderful kids." asc "{i} (Well, this isn't half as bad as I thought it'd be... We're just catching up like old friends.)" asc "{i} (Not at all awkward as I feared it would be." wkn "Good to hear.. Good to hear.." wkn "I remember seeing her on a few magazine covers decades ago." scene 4scene5img5 asc "{i} (I'm sure he jacked off to her pics!)" asc "{i} (I should know... I was his sex pot. He never spoke to me about her in a sexual way... But I know he fancied her.)" asc "She was a model for a few years before she got married Sir." asc "She was on the cover of almost all top magazines." wkn "She was always a wonderful, pretty young lady." asc "{i} (This is nice. We're not talking like people who used to fuck all the time at all.)" scene 4scene5img4 wkn "Now that we're Jay and I are working together, I suppose we'd be seeing seeing each other quite often." asc "I look forward to that." asc "Please come by the house sometime." scene 4scene5img5 wkn "You should come to my house sometime too.. Both you and Jay." wkn "The whole family would love to meet you.. The kids... The grandkids.." asc "I'd like that." asc "{i} (If we hadn't been careful when we used to fuck like sex crazed maniacs, some of his kids would have been mine.)" asc "{i} (He always came inside me. Despite his appearance and age, this man shot semen like a Bull back in the day.)" asc "{i} (He always liked to drain his load deep inside me... And I loved it.)" asc "{i} (He's the man who taught me all about sex.)" asc "{i} (I was always a ho... But he helped mould me into the super slut that I am today.)" wkn "My!! What a wonderful woman you've grown into....)" wkn "Cannot believe you are the same sweet little dove that I adored." scene 4scene5img6 wkn "{i} (What!)" wkn "{i} (Who is this?!)" wkn "{i} (Oh! It's my wife calling!)" wkn "Excuse me my child... I need to answe this.. It's the missus." wkn "She'd get mad if I do not answer this." asc "Oh of course." asc "Please go ahead." asc "Shall I wait outside?" wkn "No, no. You can sit here. Just old people talk.)" wkn "{i} (Oh This better be important.)" scene 4scene5img7 wkn "Hello" cnc "Ronald, where are you?" wkn "I'm at work Clarence.. I'm in the middle of an important meeting." cnc "More important than your Grandson's graduation ceremony?" wkn "Oh, was that today?" wkn "It seems to have skipped my mind... I'm so sorry." cnc "I knew you'd forget it.. Which is why I set a reminder on your phone!" cnc "And I set calendar reminders as well... So I'm sure you must've gotten reminders on at least 3 different platforms this morning." wkn "Oh! I didn't use my phone all day..." wkn "Stuck at boardroom meetings you see..." cnc "Are you coming to your Grandson's graduation ceremony or not?" wkn "It was an honest mistake Clarence... I forgot.. I am a very busy man!" cnc "Fine! Enjoy your meetings..." cnc "You're sleeping on the couch tonight!" wkn "I will. Bye woman!" scene 4scene5img8 asc "Oh, it's alright Sir... You don't have to cancel plans on my behalf." asc "I can perhaps come back another time to collect those documents." wkn "Don't be silly child... It's perfectly alright." wkn "You are important..." wkn "After all, we haven't met in well over a decade." asc "I wish I had known you had prior plans... Had I known I could've come to meet you some other day." asc "I am so sorry for interrupting your plans like this Sir." asc "But if it's important, you can still go..." asc "Perhaps I can come back another time..." scene 4scene5img9 pause pause asc "......." asc ".............." asc "....................." stop music fadeout 1 play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" scene stacywknbj animated with fade: "4scene6img1" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img2" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "Oh! How I missed this.." asc "I haven't tasted this cock in so long.." asc "He has aged everywhere except down here." asc "This cock is still as good as I remember it from when I was 18." asc "I have had a countless number of cocks since then...." asc "But something about this old man's cock trips me head over heels." asc "Makes me remember why I had such a fetish for old guys in the first place." asc "It is still rock hard and solid like it was when he was 40." asc "If his bitch wife hadn't almost caught us that day, I could have enjoyed this cock everyday for many more years." wkn "That's it.." wkn "Just like that.. Just like that.." wkn "Suck this old man's cock my sweet child." wkn "You were always so good at this and you've gotten even better." wkn "I taught you well." wkn "Suck it." wkn "Suck it like you used to when you were barely legal." wkn "You were addicted to this cock when you were 18, remember?" asc "mmhhhhh hhhhhmmmmmm" wkn "Suck it! Suck it hard and fast." asc "This is just like old times." asc "Had his wife sucked and fucked him like I did back then, he probably wouldn't have cheated on her with me everyday." wkn "Come my child... I want to enter you." wkn "I want to enter that pussy that I used to tear when it was young and slender." scene stacywknrcg animated with fade: "4scene6img4" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img3" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat wkn "Aaargghhhhhhh" wkn "Yes.... Yes...." wkn "Bounce on it." wkn "Bounce on it like the little slut I moulded you to be." asc "Aaaahhhh yesssss....." asc "Fuck me.... Fuck mee...." asc "Fuck me my Sugar Daddy....." asc "Fuck me... Tear this pussy up." asc "Fuck your Sugar Baby." asc "Urghhhh fuck it hard!" asc "Am I still good Daddy?" wkn "Better!" wkn "I can never tire of you my child." wkn "Your pussy is the best I've ever had." asc "Then take it..." asc "Tear it...." asc "This pussy is yours..." asc "Tear it up..." asc "I love impaling myself on your pole Daddy." asc "I'm a slut." asc "I'm your slut." asc "Fuck me. Fuck me harder!" asc "Do me in missionary Daddy." scene 4scene6img5 wkn "My child, you look sexier than ever!" wkn "If I were a weaker man, I would empty my ballsack in you at this very sight." wkn "You have grown into a sex goddess my child!" wkn "You have grown from a sweet, adorable little girl..... into a sexy, devious nymphomaniac." wkn "I remember your young, pretty face....." wkn "But what I see in front of me is a Queen of hearts... A face so enticing that any man would release himself just looking at it." wkn "I love how your pussy still grips my cock like it used to my dear." asc "Then fuck it... Jam your cock deep inside it." scene 4scene6img6 asc "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" asc "You jammed it in me so hard! Just the way I like it." scene stacywknmss animated with fade: "4scene6img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "Yes..." asc "Yess..." asc "Yesssssss......" asc "Oowwwww" asc "Fuck me just like that." wkn "Do you like it baby?" wkn "Huh?" wkn "Do you like this old man's cock deep in your pussy." asc "Oowww YES... YESS" asc "I love it." asc "Fuck it..." asc "Fuck that pussy." asc "Go deeper." scene stacywknmsscup animated with fade: "4scene6img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat wkn "Feels soooo good to fuck your pussy again my dear." wkn "Feels so good to be inside my favorite pussy." wkn "You are the absolute best." wkn "Take it." wkn "Take it deep inside." wkn "You are my cumslut." wkn "Remember how much cum I used to shoot inside you?" wkn "You loved it." asc "Yes yes." asc "I have always loved you cumming inside me." asc "Fuck my pussy." asc "Fuck my pussy. Rip it apart." scene stacywknmss2 animated with fade: "4scene6img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat wkn "Take it deep slut." wkn "Take it deep my little whore." wkn "I am so proud of the whore you've become." wkn "Beg me." wkn "Beg your sugar daddy to fuck you." asc "Please... Please fuck me my sugar daddy." asc "Fuck me harder please." asc "My pussy's at your mercy." asc "Use it however you want. Please..." asc "Owww you fuck me so well." scene stacywknmsscup2 animated with fade: "4scene6img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene6img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat asc "I'm about to cum daddy." asc "I'm about to cum." asc "I'm about to cum sooo hard." asc "Are you getting closer too?" asc "Yes my child." wkn "Arrghhhh yes." wkn "Yes. I'm getting closer too.." wkn "I'm about to shoot my cum inside you." asc "Yes. Yes daddy. Give me your cum." asc "Shoot it like those big loads you used to shoot inside me." wkn "Aaargghhhhh" wkn "Arrgghhhhhhhhhh" wkn "Here it comes!" scene 4scene6img8 with vpunch scene 4scene6img8 with flash scene 4scene6img8 with vpunch scene 4scene6img8 with flash scene 4scene6img8 with vpunch scene 4scene6img8 with flash scene 4scene6img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) asc "Mmhhhhhh Mr.Wilkinson...." asc "You creampied me sooo well, I feel some of our cum dripping outside my pussy." wkn "I've always creamed your pussy nicely, haven't I?" asc "Yes you have." asc "You shoot more cum thatn some of the black guys I've had sex with." asc "You've still got it Sir." wkn "I love your pussy so much." wkn "Felt so good to tear it up and cream deep inside it once again." scene 4scene6img10 asc "You are such a stud even at this age Mr. Wilkinson." asc "You've still got so much stamina, and you've still got that same vigour." wkn "I think it's best Jay doesn't hear about our little secret child." asc "Hahaha" asc "Do you think I tell my husband that I fuck half the town Mr.Wilkinson?" wkn "Of course not hahahaha" wkn "After this... I'm going to add a couple more millions to that contract with Jay." asc "Awww thank you so much Mr.W" asc "Who knew cheating on my husband would actually help benefit him." stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause pause pause mc "{i} (So refreshing to finally get off that Yacht.)" mc "{i} (It's a beautiful evening..)" mc "{i} (Back in civilization again. Amidst people... Bright lights.. Great Cars.!)" mc "{i} (Everything is awesome.)" mc "{i} (Except, [mom] hasn't spoke to me at all since that dry humping session.)" mc "{i} (It almost looks she's avoiding me.)" mc "{i} (I don't understand... I thought she was enjoying it too.. What happened all of a sudden?)" mc "{i} (Can never understand women..)" mc "{i} (Even if it's your [mom].)" mc "{i} (I just want her to talk to me again... I don't even care about all that sex stuff at the moment.)" mc "{i} (I just want her to talk to me as usual.)" scene 4scene7img2 mc "{i} (There she is...)" mc "{i} (But she didn't even care to look at me....)" mc "{i} (She just walked right past me..)" mc "{i} (We were two adults dry humping consennsually....)" mc "{i} (But why is she giving me this silent treatment now?)" mc "{i} (I can't stand to see her ignore me like this.)" mc "{i} (She's acting like a girlfriend pissed off with her boyfriend.)" mc "{i} (I thought women her age didn't do that.)" mc "{i} (Let me try to start a conversation with her and see how it goes.)" mc "[mom]....." mc "Hey [mom]....." scene 4scene7img3 mom "What [mc]?" mc "It's a beautiful evening, isn't it?" mom ".........." mom "I suppose." mc "The lights, the breeze, the city atmosphere.. Everything's brilliant." mom "Uhum" mc "{i} (Damn! I'm getting nothing from her.)" mc "{i} You like traveling, don't you? Isn't this city absolutely beautiful?" mom "It is." mc "{i} (Fuck! She's not even saying more than two words to me in a sentence.)" mc "You look wonderful tonight [mom]." mc "That blue dress is just perfect for this beautiful evening." mom "Aha." mom "Thanks." mc "Should be so much fun when everyone comes to visit when we get back home, right?" mom "Right." mc "[mom]... What's going on?" mom "Look. Ella's coming this way...." mom "Act cool." scene 4scene7img4 mc "{i} (Oh there's Ella.)" mc "{i} (And there's Igor...)" e "Everything in order?" igr "Yes." e "I want 4 vehicles in the front and 4 behind their Car." e "Tell the drivers to stay close... But not too close.." e "Security at the Hotel?" igr "Taken care of. Every guard in his place." e "Good." e "Get Police personnel if we need additional men." igr "What we have should be enough." scene 4scene7img5 e "Are you sure?" igr "One hundred percent certain." e "Good." e "Tell my Dad we're starting from here." e "Should be a good 30 minutes from here to there... Not accounting traffic." e "I want everyone on the convoy on high alert." e "This is about my [fmy]'s safety. I won't tolerate any slackers." igr "I'll make sure of that." scene 4scene7img4 e "Alright.. Guns on the ready." e "Any trouble on the road.. Shoot the assailants." e "I expect no trouble..." e "But if there's any.." e "Shoot first.... Ask questions later." igr "Roger that." e "Igor, you ride with me in the first truck." e "Mikhail, you take the rear." e "Let's go." scene 4scene7img6 e "Hey guys, we're all set." e "We can leave in 5 minutes." e "[mc], are you sure you want to drive this Car?" mc "Yes. Ansolutely." e "I'd rather you two ride in one of the armored vehicles." mc "I can't handle that E." mc "I have just returned to civilization..." mc "I want to breathe in the polluted city air as I drive." e "Alright... But you're staying in the middle of the convoy..." e "No side tracking." e "[mom], if he tries to drive too fast, smack him on the head." mom "I will." e "I'm trusting you [mc]. You only go as fast as the convoy goes." e "You understand?" mc "I get it. I get it." e "What with you wanting to drive that open roof Car.... We might as well ditch the convoy anyway." e "At least we'll have armed men at the ready." scene 4scene7img7 mom "Sweetie, is so much security really necessary?" mom "Doesn't this seem a little too much?" e "Perhaps! I really don't think there'll be any trouble on the road." e "All this is just to be on the safer side." scene 4scene7img6 e "Altight guys... I'm going to be at the head of the convoy." e "You guys drive safe." e "See you guys in a bit." scene 4scene7img7 mom "Ella, why don't you travel with us in the same Car?" e "It's a two seater Mom." mom "Well, may be you can drive this Car." mom "Let [mc] travel in the armored vehicle." mom "I'm sure he can use some rest." mc "{i} (WTF?! She's trying to ditch me.)" mc "{i} (She doesn't even want to be sitting in the same Car as me.)" e "I can't [mom]. I need to be at the front of the convoy... To keep an eye on everything." e "Why, are you afraid [mc]'s going to drive too fast?" e "Yes. He lacks impulse control." mc "{i} (Damn! Now she's just taking cheap shots at me. My own [mom]!!)" e "Awww come on [mom]. He's not that bad.. I'm sure he'll behave.)" scene 4scene7img6 e "[mc], you better drive slow!" e "I'm vouching for you." mc "Stop talking to me like I'm some kid." e "Whoaa! No need to get snappy little [br]." e "Alright guys. Lets go." e "I'm off to the front.. See you guys in a bit." scene 4scene7img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause mc "{i} (Nothing like driving a classic.)" mc "{i} (May be I'll ask [dad] to ship this Car back home fore me.)" mc "{i} (This is such a beautiful Car.)" mc "{i} (I'm driving a Vintage Car in these beautiful neon lit streets...)" mc "{i} (If only [mom] were talking to me as usual, this would be such a perfect evening.)" mc "{i} (Now that we're alone again, let me try talking to her.)" scene 4scene7img9 pause pause pause mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (What a marvellous sight!!)" mc "{i} (The lady in blue is making this view even more beautiful.)" mc "{i} (Wish the lady would just talk to me...)" mc "Hey [mom], is everything alright?" mom "Yes." mc "I mean.... Is everything really alright?" mom "Yes." mom "Why would you think otherwise?" mc "[mom], you're not even looking at me!" mom "I'm just enjoying the views [mc]." mc "[mom]... Please...." mom "Just keep your eyes on the road [mc]." mc "[mom], are you mad at me?" mc "Do you hate me right now?" scene 4scene7img10 with dissolve mom "You know I love you, right?" mc "I mean...." mom "I could never hate you..." mom "I've always loved you... Always will..." mom "As you are.... [ms]!" scene 4scene7img9 with dissolve mc "Well, that's all I want." mc "I just want you talking to me like usual." mc "If you're that upset... I don't even care about all that other stuff." mc "I'll stop all that. I swear, I'll stop." scene 4scene7img10 with dissolve mom "Stop what [mc]?" mom "Stop what exactly?" mc "All that... I.... I mean... those things." mom "Say it.." mom "Say what you'll stop exactly." mc "....." mc "Trying to make things sexual with you." mom "You see how hard it was for you to even say it?" mom "You see that?" mom "That's how wrong it is...." mom "It is such a sin." mom "I am your [ym]." mom "You are [ms]." mom "We are not supposed to look at each other that way." mom "Let alone indulge in such sinful activities." mom "Now I know it's not all your fault... Part of it was mine too.." mc "Well if that's the problem, then let's not indulge... Let's just stop.. Please just talk to me." scene 4scene7img11 with dissolve mom "But we HAVE INDULGED!" mom "Don't you see? That' the problem..." mom "I've been feeling so guilty about it." mom "I feel like such a bad [mom]." mom "And everytime I put a stop to it... Everytime you get a chance.... You drag me back into it." mc "I'm sorry... That's the problem, then let's put a stop to it!" mom "Why can't you see [mc]? This is so wrong!" mom "[ym] should not be sexually attracted to you.!" mc "{i} (Wait... Did she just say she's sexually attracted to me?)" mc "{i} (That's not exactly what she said.... But she's speaking in riddles. I have no idea what she's on about.)" mc "What do you mean [mom]?" mom "Well that's the problem!" mom "I don't know what I mean...." mom "I'm soooooo confused...." mc "WELL DON'T CONFUSE ME TOO....." mc "STOP GOING IN CIRCLES AND WHATEVER IT IS, JUST SPIT IT OUT!" mc "LET'S SORT THIS OUT!" scene 4scene7img10 with dissolve mom "**Sternly** Just drive [mc]." mom "Let's talk when my mind's clear." mc "{i} (Fuck! Her tone just shifted.)" mc "May be I shouldn't have shouted." mc "[mom], I'm sorry." scene 4scene7img9 with dissolve mom "Just drive [mc]." mom "Long road ahead of us...." mom "You should concentrate." mc "[mom], please..." mom "I said we'll talk when my mind's clear." mc "{i} (Well, I guess that's that... I don't wanna bother her till she's ready to talk to me again.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" e "We have this whole place for ourselves guys..." e "So, privacy should not be a concern." e "Whatever you need... will be brought to you." e "You don't have to step out for anything." scene 4scene8img2 e "Now if you'll follow me, I'll show you to your rooms." mc "You have the talent for being a Hostess Ella... You know that?" e "Bite me [mc] hahahaha" e "There's security at every corner of this building." e "It's absolutely safe here..." e "This is where we'll stay till we go home in a couple of days." mom "Ella, where's your Dad?" scene 4scene8img3 e "He'll be here [mom]." mom "You said he was coming to this city this evening." e "He is...." e "May be he's just running late." mom "I don't believe this!" mom "Here you go standing up for him, no matter how much he is at fault." e "I'm not standing up for him Mom." e "I'm just pointing out the obvious..." e "If he's not here yet, he must just be running late." scene 4scene8img4 mom "And he can't even bother to inform us that he's running late?" e "He would've informed you if you had answered his calls Mom." e "He told me you weren't answering any of numerous calls since the time you got back." mom "He thinks I'll just waltz into his arms after he failed to show up and receive us?" e "I'm not talking about that at all Mom." e "I'm just saying he would've told you that he's running late if you had just answered his calls." mom "There you go!" mom "Always daddy's girl!" mom "Do you even care about the fact that I'm the one who gave birth to you?" mom "Your father didn't bear the labour pains while you came into this world.." mc "{i} (ooww here we go...)" mc "{i} (This drama again..." mc "{i} (Guess I'll better go to my room)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene8img5 play sound "sounds/effects/truck_ring.mp3" mysc "Hello 'Mother-Fucker'" mc "{i} OH SHIT!" mc "{i} It's the asshole who took that pic." mc "{i} (Fuck. fUCK fUCK. What do I do?" mc "Hey guys... I'm just gonna go to my room alright." mc "See you guys later." scene 4scene8img6 play music "sounds/floating_cities.mp3" mc "I'm in an empty room now." mc "There's no one here." mc "Safe to text this asshole without worrying about someone inadvertantly looking at my phone screen.." mc "Looks like shit's finally about to hit the fan!" mc "I'm so scared..." mc "I'm so scared about what might happen." mc "As long as this asshole has that pic, he has the power to take everything away from me." mc "How do I approach this conversation?" mc "How do I even begin?" mc "Fuck!" mc "I guess I just have to face the music." scene 4scene8img7 mc "Alright... Let's get this over with." mc "Let me reply to that cunt.!" mc "Who the fuck are you, you son of a bitch!! What the fuck do you want?" mysc "Now... Now...." mysc "Is that any way to walk to someone who could ruin your whole life?" mc "I got no respect for assholes who sneak around strangers' bathrooms and peep into their private affairs you cheap fuck!" mc "Listen. I know you want something from me....." mc "Otherwise you'd have sent that pic to everyone I know already." mc "So let's cut to the chase." mc "You know I'm rich." mc "So tell me how much money you want, so I can give you the money and end this nonsense." mc "Go on you cheap bastard. Name your price." mysc "Cheap bastard? Is that what I am?" mc "Like I said... I don't care for bastards who spy on strangers and look into their private affairs." mysc "First of all... How do you know I'm a stranger?" mysc "You just assumed that I'm a stranger?" mysc "And.... You speak to me as if you hold a higher moral ground than me." mysc "You're the one jacking off to [ym] while she's asleep." scene 4scene8img8 mc "{i} (Shit. What if this person really isn't a stranger?)" mc "{i} (What if it's someone I know?)" mc "{i} (Perhaps I should tread carefully!)" mc "Alright.." mc "What do you want from me?" mysc "No colorful words? I'm not a cheap bastard anymore." mc "Listen. That pic you have can ruin everything for me." mc "You haven't shown it to anyone yet... At least for that, I guess I have to be thankful to you." mc "So if this is some sort of a bargain you're trying to cut... Please tell me what you want. So we can work a deal out." mysc "Clever boy." mysc "With the sort of dirt I have on you, I could play your around like a marionette forever." mysc "I can hold this on you for your whole life." scene 4scene8img7 mysc "But, I'm willing to cut a fair trade." mysc "I'm going to ask you for one big favour." mysc "Do that for me, and I'll delete this pic." mc "How do I know you haven't made copies of it?" mysc "The way I see it, you're just gonna have to take my for it..." mysc "You have no other options really." mc "Alright. What is it that you want?" mysc "You might want to sit down for this." mysc "I want you to kill someone for me." scene 4scene8img8 mc "Kill someone?" mc "NO. I CAN'T DO THAT." mc "I'm no killer." mc "I can't. I won't." mysc "Then it appears there's no deal to be cut." mysc "What would your [fmy] think of you when they see this picture?" mc "No.... No no... No." mc "Wait...." mysc "Look. I know this is a big ask." mysc "So I'll give you time to think about it." mysc "Refuse, and I'll send that pic to everyone you know right away." mc "Wait. You're just dropping this on me all of a sudden." mysc "Well consider this.. What if the person I'm asking you to kill happens to be a very bad human being?" mc "Killing.... I just... I jus... I just can't." mc "You seem to know me quite well. So you must know who my [st] Ella is." mc "If you want someone killed, why not ask her." mysc "I can't afford your [st]'s services. Besides, your [st] is not some gun for hire... She's the one who puts hits on people." mysc "Think about this... I will get back to you soon...." mysc "Give me your answer." mysc "Bye now." scene 4scene8img6 mc "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" mc "I never imagined things could take such a turn!" mc "I just feel my heart sinking now." mc "I can't. I just can't kill someone." mc "Even if that person happens to be a horrible human being." mc "What am I going to do?" mc "I feel so depressed." stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene8img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" e "Pick up. Pick up..." dad "Hello Ella." e "Dad, please tell me you're on your way here..." e "Mom's driving me crazy!" dad "I'm sorry champ. The Moscow deal needed immediate attention." scene 4scene8img10 dad "I'm organizing the procedures as we speak." dad "I'm afraid I won't be there till tomorrow." e "Dad, you can't be serious!" e "You're not going to be here even today?" dad "I'm afraid so." dad "You know how important this project is." scene 4scene8img11 dad "I have to oversee this. I can't entrust this with someone else." e "Mom's going to be really upset Dad." e "More that she already is." dad "I know." dad "I will talk to her when I get there." dad "I have to go now Ella." dad "See you tomorrow." scene 4scene8img12 e "{i} (This is going to upset Mom so much.)" e "{i} (I know the Moscow deal is important... We've worked years towards it..." e "{i} (Perhaps I should've been there to oversee it... And Dad could've come to see Mom and [mc]." e "{i} (Mom is really not going to take this well.)" e "{i} (How am I going to break this to her?" scene 4scene8img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I'm paying for that mistake dearly." mc "I have no idea how I'm going to overcome this turmoil." mc "Do I really have to kill someone?" mc "There must be a way to work around this." mc "Think [mc].... Think..." scene 4scene8img13 e "There you are.." e "I'm so sorry for having to say this to you Mom...." e "I just spoke to Dad...." mom "And?" e "Please don't take this out on me Mom....." e "I know you're going to be upset...." mom "What did he say?" e "He said he won't be joining us tonight..." e "I'm soooo sorry...." e "I really am..." mom "That's alreight dear." e "You.... You're not upset?" scene 4scene8img14 with dissolve mom "What's there to be upset about?" mom "I just don't care anymore." e "Mom.. I'm sorry..." e "If you need to talk..." mom "That's fine dear..." mom "It's nice to see you not taking his side for once." e "I really thought he would make it tonight." e "I know it must be so upsetting." mom "I'm not upset." e "Well, if there's anything you need...." mom "I'll let you know." e "Well... Good night Mom." mom "Good night honey." scene 4scene8img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Man!!! This is driving me insane..." mc "I can't seem to come up with any clever plans right now." mc "It's like my brain has just froze." mc "[mom] isn't talking to me." mc "This asshole with the pic dropped such a big bomb on me." mc "This is all too much to bear..." mc "May be I should just try to relax.... stop trying to figure everything out at once." mc "May be I should get my mind off things for a while...." mc "Do some leisure activity to divert my attention!" scene 4scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "{i} (I cannot believe that my husband stood us up again.)" mom "{i} (He used to be such a loving man.)" mom "{i} (Always put his family first.)" mom "{i} (Loved me with all his hear... Now all he cares about is work.)" mom "{i} (I don't remember what it's like to be loved anymore.)" mom "{i} (There was a time when he'd have laid the world at my feet if I had asked him.)" mom "{i} (He loved me so much... He would do anything for me.)" mom "{i} (Always took such good care of me.........)" mom "{i} (The way [mc] took care of me when we were lost in that forest.)" mom "{i} ([mc] was so considerate and so protective of me....)" mom "{i} (Reminded me of what my husband used to be like...)" mom "{i} (Now my husband has changed.....)" mom "{i} (And I was so hurtful towards [mc] today... Not even looking him in the face when he was talking to me.)" mom "{i} (It must've hurt him so bad.)" mom "{i} (I don't think I can sleep properly tonight with all these thoughts in my head.)" scene 4scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "May be this will take my mind off things.." mc "I suck at Snooker." mc "At least it'll keep my mind off things." mc "Provide some distraction from all the chaos." mc "It's a good thing there's nobody in here..." mc "I just want to be alone right now." mc "Clear my head." scene 4scene10img2 mc "I can't believe how fast everything went downhill today." mc "First, [mom] stopped talking to me." mc "Then this thing with that pic." mc "I am neck deep in crap right now." mc "How am I going to get out of this?" mc "Oh no... I'm thinking of my problems again." mc "I came here to clear my mind." mc "I should just focus on that." play sound "sounds/effects/door_knock.mp3" mom "[mc]...." mom "It's [mom]...." mom "May I please come in?" mc "{i} (It's [mom] at the door! What a pleasant surprise? She seems to be talking to me again.)" mc "Yes. Come in." scene 4scene10img4 mom "Here you are..." mom "I've been looking all over for you." mc "You were?" mom "Did you have dinner honey?" mc "No. Skipped dinner... Didn't feel like eating." mom "I sort of skipped dinner too. I didn't feel much like eating either." mom "What are you doing here all by yourself?" mc "I came to play some Snooker." mom "Oh, honey... You suck at Snooker!" mc "Haha I know [mom]." mom "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I suck at Snooker too." mom "Look. Honey.. I'm so sorry I was so inconsiderate towards you this evening." mom "Can you please forgive me?" mc "There's nothing to forgive [mom]." mom "No. Honey, no... You have always been nothing but caring and loving towards me." mom "Even in the forest... I don't know how I can have ever gotten through it without you." mom "You always put me first..." scene 4scene10img3 mom "But I was so indifferent to you today..." mom "It must've hurt you so bad..." mom "I am so sorry!" mc "[mom], you've got nothing to apologize for." mom "My sweet, poor boy." mom "I don't know how I acted so cold towards you.." mom "I feel so terrible about it." mom "I was in a frenzy about our... our situation..." mom "And I lashed out at you so bad..." mc "[mom]! I'm going to stop you right there... You don't have to apologize for anything." mom "So you forgive me?" mc "Like I said... There's nothing to forgive." scene 4scene10img4 mom "Thank you honey." mom "I've been thinking about our... our situation.." mom "I know I said it was wrong..." mom "But we are both adults." mom "We are... we... we are se.. sexual beings." mom "It's only natural.. to get aroused while in close proximity to a member of the opposite sex who is deemed attractive." stop music fadeout 1 scene 4scene10img5 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "I guess... I guess what I'm trying to say is..." mom "That I sort of enjoyed our little sinful giving ins too.." mc "You did?" mom "I admit it. I liked it........ a lot.." mom "Very much actually" mom "And....." mom "For being so cold towards you earlier... I'd like to make it up to you." mc "And how do you want to make it up to me?" scene 4scene10img6 mom "By doing this!." mc "{i} (Holy shit!)" mc "{i} (What a wonderful turn of events!)" mc "{i} (She went from not talking to me , to having her vagina pressed against me." mc "[mom]...." mom "Yes dear?" mc "I can feel your wetness down there...." mom "And I can feel something growing bigger and bigger against my wetness!" mom "Does that thing like [mmy] so much?" mc "It craves for you [mom]." mc "You are all that thing thinks about." mom "Then let me see how much it likes me..." scene 4scene10img7 mom "Do you like [mmy] on top of you like this?" mc "I'd like you in any position [mom]." mc "Ooohhhh [mom], you're grinding your hips against mine.." mom "Well, you weren't lying... It certainly looks like that thing likes me very much." mc "Your lips taste so good [mom]." mc "You've got my crotch straddled with your hips." mom "Oh honey! Is it still growing bigger??" mc "Yes [mom]." mom "Get up.. Get up and take off your clothes..." mom "Let me see it." scene 4scene10img8 mc "But first, I want to get me a handful [mom]." mom "Aaaaahhhh baby...." mom "You touching me like that drives me all sorts of crazy." mc "You like it when I grab your big beautiful tits?" mc "You like it when I squeeze them?" mom "[mmy] loves it honey." mc "Your tits are so huge [mom]." mc "I can imagine what it'd feel like to slide between these two massive melons..." mom "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" mom "I'd cherish that!" mom "Alright honey... You've had your handful...." mom "Now let me get mine......." mom "Come one.. Take of your clothes..." mc "Only me??" mom "Alright!" mom "Let's both take off our clothes...." scene 4scene10img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause pause mom "Aaww baby......... You've got a Behemoth down there!" mom "Oh my!!!!" mom "I'm absolutely dumbfounded." mom "I cannot get over the size of that thing..." mom "Baby.... If we ever did it, that thing will tear me up." mc "So there's a chance we'll do it someday?" mom "Haha Don't jump your horses honey." mom "I can't seem to take my eyes off it." mom "It's marvellous!" mom "Soooo gigantic..." mom "Does it bite?" mc "No. But it spits..." mc "And it'll love to spit all over your giant tits, or ass...." mc "Or anywhere on your body for that matter." mom "If it likes me so much...." mom "May be I should get close to it." scene 4scene10img10 mc "{i} (Ohhhhh fuck!! This is so sexy.)" mc "{i} (She is touching the bottom of my tip with her index finger)" mc "{i} (How have I not shot all my load on her hand already?" mc "{i} (She's lifting my dick up with the tip of her finger!)" mc "{i} (Just the touch of her finger is sending jolts of pleasure all over my body.)" mom "Feels like it weighs a ton sweetie..." mc "That's because all the blood in my body is inside it right now..." mc "Looking at your sexy body always has that effect on me." mc "All the blood in my body directly goes down there whenever I even think of you." mom "Oh, really?" mc "Your body's just out of this world [mom]." mom "Does looking at me always do this to you?" mc "Even when you're fully clothed..." mc "Now that you're standing almost naked in front of me... It's out of control." mom "Well.........." scene 4scene10img11 mom "How about now?" mc "OH MY GOSH!!! Is this happening for real right now?" mom "It is dear...." mom "[mmy]'s grabbing your cock." mc "You won't believe the amount of pleasure I'm experiencing right now [mom]." mc "Every inch of my being is lit up with ecstacy right now." mc "{i} (The soft skin of her hands wrapped around my cock is the best feeling ever.)" mom "Ooooohhhhhh baby.... I can feel the blood gushing through the veins on your cock against my hand.)" mom "Do you really like [mmy] so much?" mc "You have no idea [mom]." mom "Okay then... Come. Let me give you something!" scene 4scene10img12 mom "Sweetie... Your cock is even bigger than my head." mom "Even the veins on your cock are huge." mc "Those veins are pulsing with pleasure since you're grabbing my cock [mom]." scene sthj animated with fade: "4scene10img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "4scene10img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Ooooooohhhhhhhh she's giving me a handjob.)" mc "{i} (This is so wild!)" mc "{i} (I'm so surprised that I haven't cummed yet...)" mc "{i} (After all I've experienced with her in the last few minutes... It's a freaking miracle that I haven't shot my load so far.)" mc "{i} (She's making eye contact with me as she's wanking me off!)" mc "{i} (She was so shy when she walked into this room.)" mc "{i} (Look at her now.)" mc "{i} (I wish we could do stuff like this all the time.)" mc "I love how tightly you're gripping my cock [mom]." mom "Ahan?" mom "Do you like it?" mom "Do you want me to grip it even tighter?" mc "No.. Please no... I'll blow if you tightened the grip any further." mom "Relax baby, I'll take it nice and slow then..." mc "{i} (I am so lucky to be getting a handjob from her.)" mc "{i} (I'm getting a handjob from a Goddess.)" mc "{i} (Nothing can compare to this feeling.)" mc "{i} (I was afraid she would never even talk to me the same way again...)" mc "{i} (Now she's almost naked in front of me... Milking my cock.)" mc "{i} (Her beautiful face just inches away from my it.)" mc "{i} (I can even feel her breath on my cock.)" mc "{i} (Someday I'd like to put it in her mouth.)" mc "{i} (Push it deep down her throat.)" mc "{i} (See how far she can take it..)" mc "{i} (And then fuck her beautiful face...)" mc "Alright... That's it... I'm about to blow [mom]." mc "I'm about to shoot." mc "I'm about to shoot all my load..." mc "Arrrghhhhhhhh......" mc "Aaaaarghhhhhhhhhh" mc "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" scene 4scene10img13 with vpunch scene 4scene10img13 with flash scene 4scene10img13 with vpunch scene 4scene10img13 with flash scene 4scene10img13 with vpunch scene 4scene10img13 with flash scene 4scene10img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 4scene10img13 mc "{i} (Aaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (That was amazing!)" mc "Thank you so much for this [mom]." mom "Don't mention it sweetie..." mom "Now get up and get dressed..." mom "We should go back to our individual rooms." mom "Ella might be looking for us." scene 4scene10img15 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "How was it?" mom "Did you like it?" mc "Are you kidding me? The most beautiful woman in the world just gave me a handjob.." mc "Did I like it? I loved it [mom]." mom "I'm glad you enjoyed it." mom "I said and did things that I never thought I'd do around you......" mom "Or with any other man but [yd] for that matter." mom "But I enjoyed it..." mc "So, can we do this again sometime?" mom "Well, if we're all alone... may be..." mom "At least until we get back home." mc "I'm good with that." mc "[mom]....." mom "Yeah sweetie.." mc "I love your smile." mom "My smile! hahaha." mc "No, I'm serious [mom]." mc "You've got such a beautiful smile." mc "It's so angelic..." mc "Everytime you smile.. It lights up my heart." mom "Aawwww that is so sweet." mc "I'd even go as far as saying your smile is what I love the most on you...." mc "But you've got plenty of other assets competing for that position." mom "Hahahahaha..." mom "You naughty boy!" mom "Alright. It's getting late. I'm going to my room now. You should go and get some sleep too." mc "Sure [mom]. Good night." mom "Good night." stop music fadeout 2 label episode5_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene nextmorning with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene1img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "It's a beautiful morning, isn't it [mom]?" mom "Sure is.. sweetheart." mom "Gosh! Everything is just so beautiful on this side of the world." mom "But as much as I like it, I can't wait to get back home and get back to normal life." mc "Normal life?" mc "But weren't you complaining about your normal day to day routine?" mom "Well....." mom "Things could be a little different this time around.." mc "Different?" mc "How?" scene 5scene1img4 with dissolve mom "Well.. When we get back home in a couple of days, Iris will be coming back." mom "Jasmine will be coming to stay with us for sometime." mom "And, after I meet [yd] today, I'm going to make sure he brings Candice home one way or another..." mom "I'll have plenty of company..." mom "It'll be great." mc "Oh...." mc "Different like that!!" scene 5scene1img3 with dissolve mom "Well.." mom "What did you have in mind when I said different?" mc "Aa... aaah.. Nothing." mc "Nevermind." mc "I was thinking more or less the same too!" scene 5scene1img2 with dissolve mom "Really??" mc "Yeah!" mc "A full house with all the people you love.." mc "What more can a guy want?" mc "Anyway..." mc "It's nice that [dad] finally decided to see us today, huh?" scene 5scene1img1 with dissolve mom "Yeah, right!" mom "He didn't come to see us, mind you... We're driving to go see him." mc "Same difference." mom "Always putting work ahead of his [fmy]!!" mom "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him today." mc "Hmmmmmm.." mc "Time to change the topic.." mc "It's a Four hour drive [mom], and I don't want you in a grumpy mood." scene 5scene1img3 with dissolve mom "Yeah.." mom "That'd be a good idea.." mom "Let's just talk about something else." scene 5scene1img5 mc "{i} (Damn!! She looks so sexy in that dress.)" mc "{i} (She is so HOT as fuck!)" mc "{i} (Gold Standard fuck material!)" scene 5scene1img6 mc "{i} (And those boobs!)" mc "{i} (Those soft, sexy, big, milky boobs!!)" mc "{i} (This dress is showing an ample amount of her marvelous milky breasts!)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to lick them all over...)" mc "{i} (Grab them, squeeze them, and drain all of the milk out of those mammaries!)" scene 5scene1img9 mom "HEEYYYY!!" mom "Are you staring at my boobs?" mc "Umm.." mc "What??" mc "No, I wasn't?" scene 5scene1img10 mom "You totally were!" mom "I can always tell when you're lying." mom "AND... I SAW YOU staring at my breasts!!" mom "Look at you, your cheeks are getting flushed that I caught you staring!" mc "Okay, okay!" mc "You caught me" mc "Sorry?" scene 5scene1img9 mom "[mc]!!!" mom "We're out in the open!" mom "There's security both in the front and behind us..." mom "What if someone saw you staring at my breasts like that?" mc "Oh come on! I didn't make it that obvious." mom "Well, just be careful, okay?" scene 5scene1img5 mom "I kinda like the attention you've been giving me.." mom "And I did say last night that we can may be.... Emphasis on 'MAY BE' get playful till we get back home.." mom "But we don't want to get people suspecting." mc "Ok. Gotcha [mom]." mc "Sorry about that." mc "But why don't you dress like this more often?" scene 5scene1img2 mom "Dress like what?" mc "Well... Sexy and Skimpy!." mc "Honestly, this suits you best anyway." scene 5scene1img3 with dissolve mom "My intention wasn't to dress sexy honey... I just happened to like this dress." mom "And if it makes me look sexy, that's a plus." mc "Gotcha." scene 5scene1img4 mc "May be it should be your intention to dress sexy once in a while." mc "You are such a beautiful woman [mom], and you deserve to flaunt your beauty!" mom "Thanks honey. I'll keep that in mind." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene1img6 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mom "So, what do you lile about this dress I'm wearing today?" mc "Well.." mc "I like that it's very thin.." mc "And... that it's very revealing..." mom "So, you like it when [mmy] wears revealing clothes?" scene 5scene1img7 mc "How can I not?" mom "But I wasn't going for revealing honey." mom "Like I said, I just happened to like this dress." mom "But my breasts are too big for this dress." mc "{i} (Her breasts are too big for most dresses.)" mc "{i} (That dress is barely clinging on to her breasts!)" scene 5scene1img8 mc "{i} (Those melons just drive me crazy everytime I look at them.)" mc "{i} (How am I not supposed to just relieve that dress of its duties and suck on those big beautiful tits?)" mc "{i} (They are so big!)" mc "{i} (So inviting)" mom "Earth to [mc]!!" scene 5scene1img10 mom "My eyes are up here honey." mc "{i} (Damn! I was doing that again.)" mc "Sorry [mom]." mc "I just couldn't help it." scene 5scene1img2 mom "I'm being quite lenient with your behaviour honey, but keep in mind, we're out in public." mom "You staring at me like that is just not at all appropriate." mom "Not to mention, very dangerous if others happen to notice it." mc "Sorry [mom]. Won't happen again, I promise." scene 5scene1img4 mom "I understand that your hormones are raging... Which is why I did the things that I did with you last night.." mom "I said we can MAY BE even play a little bit till we're here on this makeshift vacation..." mom "Only so you can get it all out of your system before we go home in a couple of days..." mom "And IF I LET YOU PLAY AT ALL.. It'll be only as long as you stay within your limits.... And not ask for more than what I'm willing to give you." mom "I may be open for some fun for the next two days, but just be careful out in public, okay." mc "Sorry [mom]." scene 5scene1img5 mom "It's alright dear..." mom "I'll may be even let you talk to me that way to a certain degree TILL WE GET HOME..." mc "I can talk to you that way?" mom "Only to a certain degree, as long as it's tasteful." mom "Just don't blatantly stare at my assets in public again.. Do not make it obvious to others sweetie." mc "Understood [mom]. Thanks." scene 5scene1img4 with dissolve mc "Switching gears now.... Have you given any thought to that modeling offer Iris spoke to you about?" mom "I'm not yet sure about that honey." mc "Oh, come on [mom]!" mc "I really think you should take it up." mc "I hear that you were one of the most sought after models in the country when you were young." mc "But you gave it all up after you got married and had us." mc "You are still as beautiful as ever!" mc "May be even more beautiful now.. You should allow yourself to feel pretty and confident again like when you were young." scene 5scene1img3 with dissolve mom "Aaawww that's sweet dear. But, I don't know..." mc "Do you think [dad] may not be okay with it?" mom "No. In fact [yd] would encourage it." mom "He never stood in the way of my career or anything I wanted to do ever." mom "He was always been supportive of me." mc "Then what's the hold up?" mc "You say you're bored of your day to day routine right?" mc "This will give you something fresh.." scene 5scene1img4 with dissolve mom "I don't know honey, I'll think about it." mc "You won't regret it if you do [mom]." mc "You stopped all of that for us... But now we're all big and we can take care of ourselves." mc "It's time you focus on you again." mom "You make a compelling case.. I'll definitely consider that before I decide honey." mc "In any case, did you keep copies of all the photoshoots you did?" mc "Or at least a list of all your old work that I can look up?" mom "Why?" mc "You were a Valentina's Secret model right?" mom "Yes." mc "I've seen a few of those pics when I was little.." mc "Well, now I'd like to collate all your centerfold pics..." mc "You know... for 'Research' purposes" scene 5scene1img11 mom "That was a very bold thing to say!!!" mc "You're mad?" mom "No." mom "I'm just surprised that you said that straight to my face!" mc "So you're not mad?" mom "That was a very dirty thing to say to [ym]." mom "But somehow I'm more surprised than mad, haha." mc "{i} (Oh man, this is awesome!)" mc "{i} (She doesn't seem to mind me talking dirty to her... And she seems so much more open now than she was a few days ago.)" mc "{i} (Looks like I can definitely take things further with her in the coming days if I tread carefully.)" mc "{i} (But she said she'll only allow me behaving this way with her till we get home...)" mc "{i} (I'm going to milk this as much as I can, while I can!)" mom "Long road ahead of us sweetie, you shouldn't let your mind wander." mom "Concentrate on the road." mc "Oh yeah. Yes [mom]." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene1img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" e "Hey Mom, Had a pleasant drive?" mom "Why, yes honey!" mom "It was a very long drive, but it was worth it." mom "The views were spectacular!" e "And you wonder why I've been spending so much time on this side of the world lately haha." mom "I can't fault you for that anymore sweetie." mom "Gosh, is it evening already?" e "It's still late afternoon [mom]. The Sun goes down very early in this country." e "Well, Dad's already here.." e "Come, you guys must be exhausted." e "You guys can freshen up and get some rest after we meet Dad." scene 5scene1img13 mom "Thank you sweetheart." e "Did [mc] really drive this far without complaining?" mom "Oh, he hardly complained. Although I can't say I'm not shocked he didn't. Haha." mom "He was a very good boy throughout the drive." e "Hmmm.. I didn't think he had it in him to go that long without whining and complaining.." mc "Yo guys....?" mc "I'm sitting right here!" e "Get inside the Hotel [mc]. Just don't go straight to catering, or the rest of us will have to go hungry tonight." scene 5scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mhl "Right this way Ella.." mhl "Hello Mrs. Reigns. Hello [mc]." mom "Hello Mikhail." mc "Sup Bro!" mhl "Everything is in order as you asked Ella." mhl "Security around the building.... Not a gate unmanned, not an inch of the perimeter unchecked." mhl "Your rooms and suites are in the first floor." mhl "Booked for the next 3 nights... Can be certainly extended if you wish to stay longer." mhl "The Boss is waiting for you guys in the drawing room." scene 5scene2img2 e "Thank you Mikhail." e "I know I can always count on you to get things done to perfection." e "Are there other guests staying at the Hotel?" mhl "Apart from our crew, very few..." mhl "We asked the Hotel for complete exclusivity, but this was he best they could do since it was very short notice." e "That's fine." e "Just make sure the staff keep our areas private... And, guards on every corners on the inside too." mhl "Roger that." e "Great, I'll see you and the rest of the crew in the Club this evening." mhl "Sure. Hope you guys have a pleasant stay. See you later." scene 5scene2img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) e "Er...." e "Mom..." e "Can I please ask you for a favour?" mom "What honey?" e "I know you're mad at Dad....." e "But...." e "But.. ah." scene 5scene2img4 with dissolve e "Can I please ask you to not be very angry with him when you see him in a moment?" e "I know it's too much to ask, especially after all that's happened.." mom "You mean, after how he blantantly chose to ignore his [fmy] the last few days.." e "Yeah..." e "That.." e "But I promis you, he's had on lot on his plate too..." e "So please don't lose it when you see him." e "Please.. For me." scene 5scene2img5 mom "Ella, like I told you last night, I'm over it.." mom "I'm done caring..." mom "I'm not going to start a fight with your father." mom "Honestly, I could care less at this point.." e "Damn, Mom, I can hear the bitterness in your voice..." e "But....." scene 5scene2img6 with dissolve e "As long as you guys aren't going to fight....." e "I gues that's fine by me." e "I know it looks like I'm always taking his side, but I just don't want to see you guys fight." e "That's all [mom]." mom "I understand dear." mom "I'm not going to fight with your father." mom "Now come, it's been a long drive..." mom "Let's just go meet him first and get some rest." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene2img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) sctr "Sir, the score from the Moscow job will be coming in in 2 days.." sctr "I'm going to be spreading it acrosss all of your offshore accounts..." sctr "Also, the Politicians who helped us with the job are asking for a bigger cut...." sctr "It's not what we agreed upon... They're claiming that it took much effort on their part to get us accesses and clearances." dad "Fine." dad "Give them what they want this time." dad "ONLY this time." sctr "Understood." mc "{i} (WOW! It's [dad]'s Hot Secretary...)" mc "{i} (I keep forgetting how smokin hot she is! Just look at those curves!! WOW)" e "Hey Dad...." scene 5scene2img8 dad "Haaa!!" dad "There's my beautiful family!!" dad "Welcome!" dad "Welcome" mc "{i} (FUCK!! The Secretary looks so damn fine... Those tits are sexy as hell.)" mc "{i} (They're not as big as [mom]'s.. But they are very sexy in their own right.)" dad "I apologize I didn't come see you the very moment you came back. But better believe I've missed you!" dad "Now come here." scene 5scene2img9 dad "My beautiful Wife!!" mom "Ah, ah.. No!" mom "You don't get to hug me." dad "You're upset.. I understand." dad "Given the circumstances, it'd be foolish of me to expect you to not be upset with me." scene 5scene2img10 dad "But I assure you my beautiful wife, it was not a lack of love and caring that kept me from seeing you." dad "You know that a man in my position is responsible for a big number of things." dad "Deep down, you know that I spared no effort in trying to locate you guys." dad "And, from the minute I recieved word that you two were safe, I had everything under control... to bring you back and to ensure that you were safe." dad "I may have done it from afar... But you know that I care... Deep in your heart, you know that I love you." dad "But, mere words can't undo the damage done..." dad "I suppose I'll be spending the next few days trying to make it up to you..." dad "I love you my dear.." scene 5scene2img11 dad "And there's the Man of the hour." dad "My Boy!!" dad "You proved that you're a Lion young man! Come here..." dad "A lot of men your age wouldn't have survived what you survived.." dad "And, you kept [ym] safe through it all." dad "Boy, I am mighty proud of you!!" dad "Moments like this give a man immense pride in knowing that he raised his boy right!" mc "Thanks [dad]." mc "I did what I could." dad "Haa, do not play it humble [ms]." dad "You should be proud of yourself." scene 5scene2img12 dad "Would you look at that?" dad "Looks like the girls have already started their gossiping ha?" dad "Well, I'm sure they have many stories to share.." dad "And I'm certain that [ym] has a few bad things to say about me to her pals haha." dad "But they all look so happy..." dad "I'm happy to see them like that again." dad "Just the way things used to be... And I have you to thank for that!!" mc "Don't mention it [dad]." scene 5scene2img13 dad "Now ladies..." dad "Forgive me for interrupting.." dad "I know you haven't all seen each other in days." dad "And I'm certain that you have much to discuss?" dad "But, may I please ask you all to excuse me and my wife for a while?" dad "I have much making up to do, and I'd sure love to get back in her good graces soon." e "Yeah, alright [dad]." sctr "You got that Mr. Reigns." mc "Well, I guess I'll leave you to it then.... See you later [dad]." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "{i} (Hmmmmmm..)" mc "{i} (A pleasant reunion.. That was kinda nice.)" mc "{i} (I'm surprised that [mom] didn't throw a temper tantrum as soon as she saw [dad]!)" mc "{i} (I hope she doesn't stay mad at [dad] for too long... I hope she lets go of her anger soon.)" mc "{i} (Well, she always does..)" mc "{i} (Despite their bickering once in a while, they really do love each other.)" scene 5scene3img2 mc "....." mc "{i} (I'm getting a call....)" mc "{i} (Oh Yes! It's Candice!)" scene 5scene3img3 mc "HEY CANDICE!" mc "Wassup girl?" c "Hey [mc]. How are you?" mc "I'm doing great thanks.. How are you?" c "I'm fine." mc "Hold up C... I hear you call [mom] every chance you get... But you rarely call me.." mc "Do I mean that little to you?" c "It's not that [mc].." c "You know that I can only make these calls when I'm alone in this tower.." c "I try to make the best of what little time I get to make calls to you guys." mc "I know kidd.. I'm just teasing you." mc "Well, guess what C...." mc "We finally met [dad] today.. And [mom] is adamant about making him come and bring you home." scene 5scene3img4 c "Oh.." c "That's nice." mc "Just hang tight kiddo... I've been talking to Ella about you every chance I get, and she's more or less on board with it." mc "Ella's just waiting for [dad]'s nod of approval..." mc "And you can bet that [mom] and I will make sure that he says yes." c "That is so sweet." c "Thank you so much [mc]." c "Are you taking good care of [mom]?" mc "Of course.. She's fine.." mc "Enough about us... How are you?" mc "Are you safe? What about your friend Jessica?" c "I'm fine... Jessica's fine too." c "The guy in charge here was mad at us first, but he can't afford to lose us.." c "He needs people that are good at their jobs.. So he didn't hurt us." mc "Good, good.. You just hang in there C... We'll come get you ASAP." c "Hey [mc]... I think someone's coming up the lift.. I gotta go." c "Talk to you later." scene 5scene3img1 mc "{i} (Damn, I get so caught up in trying to do nasty things with [mom], sometimes I forget about Candice just a little.)" mc "{i} (I gotta get things rolling in our effort to bring Candice home.)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to Ella right away.)" scene 5scene3img5 mc "{i} (I know Ella's on board with this... But we have to hurry this up.)" mc "{i} (It's a good thing that Candice is safe there...)" mc "{i} (But I can't leave her there longer.)" mc "{i} (Gotta bring her home pronto.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 5scene3img6 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "Hey El.." mc "{i} (HOLY MOLLY!!!!!!)" mc "{i} (I JUST WALKED IN ON HER NAKED!)" mc "{i} (OH WOW... She's got such a great ass.)" mc "{i} (BUT FUCK! She'll kill me if she catches me staring at her.. I gotta go.)" scene 5scene3img7 e "[mc]!!!!" e "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" scene 5scene3img8 mc "I'M SORRY... please don't kill me... I just came here to talk... the door.. the door was open..." mc "I HAD NO IDEA THAT YOU WERE..." e "WELL COULDN'T YOU KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING?" mc "I'M SORRY... I HAD SOMETHING ELSE ON MY MIND.. AND I JUST..." scene 5scene3img9 mc "I JUST.." e "WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE?" e "JUST LEAVE!!" mc "RIGHT.. RIGHT.. I'm going..." mc "Again... I'm SO SORRY... I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE UNDRESSING." mc "You're not mad at me, are you?" scene 5scene3img10 e "No." e "It was an honest mistake." e "I should have locked the door.. It was my mistake actually." e "Now please just go." mc "Ok. *Gulp* Bye." scene 5scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (FUUCCK! That was insane...)" mc "{i} (I had my heart in my throat for a minute.)" mc "{i} (But come to think of it... That was super erotic too..)" mc "{i} (I had no idea that Ella had such a sexy body!)" mc "{i} (MAN! THAT ASS is just to kill for..)" mc "{i} (I've never seen her in this light before... But now that I've seen her naked..)" mc "{i} (I can't get that image off of my mind.. She is such a hottie!)" mc "{i} (How come I never saw that before?)" mc "{i} (May be because I'm somewhat scared of her deep down.)" mc "{i} (But fuck! WHAT A SIGHT THAT WAS?)" mc "{i} (I have such a massive boner thinking about her super sexy body.)" mc "{i} (But crap... I can't get carried away with this... This is dangerous.)" mc "{i} (This is not like making moves on [mom]. Ella definitely won't take kindly to any of that shit.)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s very kind and tolerant despite my behaviour with her... Ella would kill me if I misbehaved with her.)" mc "{i} (Let me just forget that this ever happened.)" mc "{i} (Let me just get some rest...)" mc "{i} (Take a short nap and wake up fresh in the evening.)" menu: "Take a Short Nap": scene 5scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) stop music mc "Aaaaaaaah" mc "It's evening... I feel so refreshed now." mc "Lets go see what this beautiful evening has to offer." mc "But whom shall I go and meet first?" mc "Lemme check on [mom] first.." mc "See what she's upto." scene 5scene4img1 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (WOW, WOW, WOW)" mc "{i} (That outfit is soo sexy... It's showing a lot of back..)" mc "{i} (Almost all the way down to her ass!)" mc "{i} (I've got such a great view from here..)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy sitting there doing her make up.... With a dress that's exposing so much skin..)" mc "{i} (I love that she's starting to dress this way more often now..)" mc "{i} (I hope she hasn't noticed me standing here and ogling at her like a total pervert.)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to the Sexy Babe)" scene 5scene4img2 mc "Good evening [mom]" mom "Oh, hey there sweetie. Good evening." mc "I see you're getting all dolled up." mom "Yes. Yes I am.." mom "What brings you to my room sweetie?" mc "Nothing. Just thought I'd come see what you were doing this fine evening." mom "I'm getting ready for a night out sweetie.." scene 5scene4img3 mom "[yd]'s taking me out for dinner." mc "Oh!" mc "Oh.. That's nice." mc "By the way [mom]. You look absolutely STUNNING this evening!!" mc "JUST DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!" mom "Awww thank you darling." mc "{i} (Man! I'm having such a hard time hiding my erection right now!)" mc "{i} (Just how can a man resist when he sees such a sexual masterpiece in front of him?)" mc "I really love that dress you're wearing [mom]." mc "It's just really something... It accentuates your curves so nicely." mom "You think so?" mc "Yes. Also, the dark red.. that's definitely your color. You look so good in it." mc "And that neck line is soooo deep.... It makes your breasts look even more alluring!" mom "U-hum?" mc "So what time are you coming back after finishing dinner?" scene 5scene4img4 mom "I don't know sweetie.. [yd] has just gone out to get me some flowers... He'll be picking me up in a few minutes." mom "Could be well past midnight before we get back." mc "Sounds like you guys have a great evening planned out." mom "That's right." mc "Well you guys have fun..." mc "Let me just go figure out what to do all by myself tonight." scene 5scene4img3 mc "Don't be like that...." mc "There are a few other guests staying at this Hotel." mc "You can go to the lobby or bar and see if you can meet a few girls." scene 5scene4img4 mom "Or, your [st] is here... You can go hang out with her." mc "Where is Ella by the way?" mom "She must be down at the club honey.." mom "I hear they have a very nice club in this Hotel. Your [st] was going on and on about it.." mom "Why don't you go meet her there?" mom "I guess I'll do that." scene 5scene4img3 mom "Don't be shy to approach if you happen to see some pretty girls you like in the club." mc "Haha.. I'll keep that in mind." mc "You have a good night [mom]." mom "I intend to." mom "Bye." mom "Time to go check out the club...." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene4img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "HOLY SHIT!!" mc "I had no idea that they had Strippers in this Club!!" mc "I don't think [mom] had any idea either haha." mc "I'm loving this already!!" mc "This place is off the hook!" mc "This babe is workin it so well!" mc "Yes, honey... Shake that thing." scene 5scene4img6 mc "Damn! She's making eye contact with me." mc "Her nipples are so erect...." mc "Man, she's soo smouldering HOT! I love the way she's looking at me." mc "I wonder if I can meet her after her shift ends..." mc "What a hot body!" mc "This chick's amazing..." scene 5scene4img7 mc "Oh Mami!" mc "Ooh yeah babe, work that thing." mc "Those big fake titties are so beautiful." mc "I could just climb on that stage and fuck her right now." mc "She's driving me nuts" mc "I definitely gotta talk to her before we leave this place in a couple of days.." mc "See if I can take her to my bed..." mc "Fuck! I'm getting carried away looking at her..." mc "Let me go find Ella, before she finds me staring at a stripper with my jaw on the floor." mc "She'll make fun of me for the rest of my life if she catches me staring at strippers with my eyes popping." mc "Lemme go find Ella." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene4img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "{i} (DAMN!)" mc "{i} (Everyone's getting some action tonight, except for me.)" mc "{i} (I know Ella's Bisexual, but she leans more towards women..)" mc "{i} (She certainly doesn't seem to have any problem getting herself some pussy anywhere she goes.)" mc "{i} (Although I'm not getting any tonight, it's always sexy seeing girls kissing each other.)" mc "{i} (Shit! I dropped something!)" scene 5scene4img9 e "Oh hey there [mc]." e "Hey Ella... I was just walking by.." e "Didn't mean to distract you guys." scene 5scene4img9a e "That's alright baby [br]." e "What are you doing out here alone?" mc "Well, [mom] and [dad] have gone out for dinner... So I thought I'd come hang out with you." mc "But I see you're busy... So I guess I'll leave you guys alone... See ya." e "Don't be silly [mc]. I don't want you to spend the evening alone." e "Come talk to us." mc "Are you sure?" mc "I really don't wanna interrupt or anything." e "You're acting like a stranger [mc]. Come, you can hang out with us tonight." mc "Thanks Ella." scene 5scene4img10 e "[mc], this is Yelena." e "Yelena, this is my little [br], [mc]." yna "Nice to meet you [mc]." mc "Pleasure's mine." e "Mom and Dad told me they were going out for dinner, I came by your room to come bring you down here earlier..." e "But you didn't come to the door when I knocked... I thought you were sleeping, didn't want to wake you up." mc "{i} (Well, at least she seems to have forgotten all about the incident this afternoon.)" mc "{i} (Let's keep it that way... It's just best to keep it forgotten in order to keep my head on my neck.)" e "Hey, you want something to drink?" mc "May be later." mc "So, how do you two know each other?" e "Oh it's a loong story." mc "{i} (Yelena's kept her hand on Ella's thigh this entire time.)" mc "{i} (Her hand's so close to my [st]'s pussy.)" scene 5scene4img11 mc "So, Ella, Candice called me this afternoon." e "Oh yeah. How is she?" mc "Safe." mc "Can we please speak to [dad] about bringing her home soon?" e "I have [mc]. He seems to like what he's heard about Candice too. We may be able to move on that pretty soon." mc "Great." mc "So how long are we staying here in this country anyway?" e "Just this night and 2 more nights after this one." scene 5scene4img12 mc "But why?" mc "We've already met [dad], why can't we just go home tomorrow." e "[dad] and I are stuck with some business here [mc]. [dad] will be staying in this country for at least another month.." e "So he just wants to spend some time with his [fmy] for a couple of days here before you guys leave." mc "So, when [mom] and I are going home, you're not coming with us?" scene 5scene4img10 e "No, I will be.." e "For a couple of days... And then I'm coming back here to take care of business." e "Also, Iris and Jasmine will be home as soon as we get there." e "So you'll have plenty of company even after I get back." yna "Your [st]'s told me a lot about you [mc]." e "Oh yeah? Nothing bad I hope..." yna "No. Only good zhings... She haz told me much about your [fmy]." mc "Hmmmm.." mc "You seem to have an accent Yelena.. Are you a local?" yna "Yez. I was born and raised here.." yna "I juzt live 30 meenutez from zis Hotel." mc "Are you a member of Ella's crew too?" e "No. She's not [mc]." e "She and I are moons apart in terms of what we do for a living." mc "Hmmmmmm?...." scene 5scene4img12 yna "Ella, I hope you did not forget abou zat thing?" e "Oh yeah..." e "I just remembered..." e "[mc], Yelena and I have this thing that we have to attend to..." e "So we must be leaving..." e "Please excuse us." mc "Sure." mc "See you later..." scene 5scene4img13 mc "{i} (And I'm all by myself again.)" mc "{i} (What do I do now?)" mc "{i} (I can go talk to that Stripper chick if she's done dancing...)" scene 5scene4img14 sctr "The love birds left you alone?" mc "Wait. What?" mc "You think they're in love?" sctr "Well isn't it obvious?" sctr "It's written all over them." sctr "Mind if I join you?" mc "Of course ma'am... Please." scene 5scene4img15 sctr "Ma'am?" sctr "You don't have to be formal with me [mc]." sctr "Call me Annie." mc "How do those two know each other anyway?" an "You see, baby girl Yelena is a young Doctor." an "Your [st] and her met when Ella was a little banged up and was Yelena's care." an "And they've been inseperable since then." mc "Oh okay." an "I was talking to [ym] this afternoon.." an "She was telling me how she was so proud of the brave young man you've turned into.." mc "[mm] is blowing it way out of proportion. All I did was what I had to do." an "Don't play humble [mc]. I'm proud of the young man you've grown into as well." mc "Annie, can I ask you something?" an "Sure." mc "You have a Phd, right?" an "Yes." mc "And you were a Professor at HARDvard.." an "Aha" mc "But why did you choose to be a Secretary given your credentials?" an "Do you know how much your [dad] pays me?" mc "Gotcha." an "Besides, I'm not just a Secretary here.. I handle everything from strategies to risk analysis, to finances.. Everything." an "And my talents are put to much better use in this line of work anyway...." an "I like all the surprises this job brings on a day to day basis... Dealing with crooked Cops, corrupt Politicians.." an "Ensuring that our Mafia always stays 10 steps ahead of everyone else.." mc "So, you're a criminal mastermind?" an "More or less.." scene 5scene4img16 mc "Excuse me... I'm getting a call." mc "{i} (Crap! It's that son of a bitch who took that picture!)" mc "I'm so sorry Annie... I'd love to sit here and talk.." mc "But I have to take this call.. It's very important." an "I completely understand." an "Please go ahead." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "Motherfucker, I grow tired of you interrupting me at some very important times!" mysc "And I grow tired of waiting for you to make your decision!!" mysc "I have given you plenty of time as it is.." mysc "Have you made your decision yet?" mc "No." mysc "My patience has limits [mc], and you're pushing it to the extremes." mc "You're asking me to kill someone man. I can't just decide that over coffee." mysc "Alright. I'm going to give you ONE FINAL EXTENSION. I'm giving you 3 more days..." mysc "YOU BETTER HAVE MADE A DECISION BY THEN..." mysc "OTHERWISE, I SWEAR TO YOU... EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU KNOW WILL RECIEVE A COPY OF THAT PICTURE THE SECOND THE CLOCK STRIKES TWELVE!!" mysc "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" mc "Alright. Alright... I will have made my decision by then... But can you give me more details?" mc "Who do you want me to kill, what do they do, where do they live?" mysc "It is a simple yes or no decision for you [mc]." mysc "You give me a yes or a no. Then, I'll decide whether to share further details or to ruin your life." mysc "Later." mc "{i} (Motherfucker!!)" mc "{i} (What am I going to do with the threat this cunt poses?)" mc "{i} (Shit, someones coming down here....)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene5img2 play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mc "{i} (Oh shit! It's Ella and Yelena)" mc "{i} (I gotta hide.. Ella will definitely ask questions if she sees me all flustered and manic like this.)" yna "Hahaha that was such a crazy night!" e "I still cannot believe that we pulled it off.. We thought it was impossible." yna "Do you remember the look on that old man's face when he realized what had happened?" e "How can I forget? That was priceless!" scene 5scene5img3 yna "That was priceless!" yna "We laughed our stomachs off zat time." yna "But, do you know what else iz priceless?" e "What's that?" yna "Your sexy, hourglass body!" scene 5scene5img4 e "Oh yeah?" e "What do you want to do with my sexy, hourglass body?" yna "Do you want me to tell you, or show you?" mc "{i} (Oh oh! Things are starting to get steamy in here...)" mc "{i} (I should probably just go...)" mc "{i} (Naahh, who am I kidding? Let me hide in this corner and watch!)" scene 5scene5img5 mc "{i} (Fuck! This is getting hotter by the minute!)" mc "{i} (Look at them go!)" mc "{i} (They're sucking each other's tongues so ravenously!)" mc "{i} (This is so wrong. I'm creeping on my [st] making out with her girl.)" mc "{i} (But it's getting me so hard!)" scene 5scene5img6 mc "{i} (First I got to see my [st] naked earlier this afternoon.)" mc "{i} (Now I'm about to watch her have sex with her girlfriend.)" mc "{i} (This is so insane.)" mc "{i} (I'm starting to look at Ella in a whole different light.)" mc "{i} (I'm starting to see her as a super sexy hottie that she is, instead of my scary, but loving [st].)" scene 5scene5img7 mc "{i} (OH MY WORD!!)" mc "{i} (Their tits are out!)" mc "{i} (Ella's tits are so firm.. and her nipples look so hard!)" mc "{i} (Yelena looks like a sweet, adorable bunny... But she seems to be very freaky!)" e "Oooooohhhhhh" e "I love it when you bite at my nipples like that!" scene 5scene5img8 mc "{i} (YES! YES! Just what I was hoping for.)" mc "{i} (Their clothes are coming off)" mc "{i} (Looks like they're going to go all the way.)" mc "{i} (I'm loving this!)" mc "{i} (I'm going to jerk off while watching them.)" scene 5scene5img9 mc "{i} (OH MY!!)" mc "{i} (This is starting to become too much for my dick to handle!)" mc "{i} (The way Ella's arching her back is incredibly sexy)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm watching my [st] getting her pussy eaten out right now!)" e "Mmmmmm yeahhhh baby.. Just like that. Eat my pussy!" scene 5scene5img10 e "{i} (The feel of her soft wet tongue against my pussy lips is sending shivers up my spine.)" e "Go on baby... Slide your tongue all the way inside my vagina.)" e "Give it to me!" scene eandype animated with fade: "5scene5img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene5img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat e "Aaahhhh YESS!!" e "That's it!" e "That's it." e "Owwww...YES. YES. YES." e "Eat my pussy my little Kitten." e "Push your tongue all the way in." e "Do you feel it?" e "Do you feel how wet my insides are for you?" e "Stick your pretty little tongue in there." e "Lick my insides!" e "Oooohh yeahh I love how your tongue feels against my pussy walls." e "Just like that... Come on, just like that." e "Give it to me..." scene 5scene5img12 yna "Come here my little bitch." yna "Give me your sexy ass." scene eandyfi animated with fade: "5scene5img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene5img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat yna "This ass belongs to me" yna "Your sexy ass is all mine." yna "Do you like it when I lick your ass?" yna "Do you like my fingers inside your pussy?" e "Owwwwww YEEESSSSS!" e "Harder!" e "Deeper..." e "Push it in baby... Push your fingers all the way inside my pussy." yna "You may be a Lioness out in the world...." yna "But in my bed, you are my sexy little Kitten." yna "Your pussy belongs to me." e "I want to fuck you my bitch." e "Get on your back." scene 5scene5img13 yna "Yeahhhh baby!" yna "I love it when you press your pussy against mine." scene eandysc animated with fade: "5scene5img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene5img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat e "Your pussy is soo wet baby!" e "I love how you're smearing your juices over mine." e "Give it to me!" e "Give it to me" e "Gimme all of that wetness!" e "My sexy little slut, you are so pretty!" e "I could scissor you all night." e "Gimme that pussy." e "Gimme that sweet pussy...." e "My sweet little bitch." e "You are mine." e "My personal slut." e "Give it to me..." e "Aahhhh" yna "Aaaaaa" yna "I'm about to cum. I'm about to cum." e "I'm getting close too baby..." e "Let's cum together." scene 5scene5img16 with vpunch scene 5scene5img16 with flash scene 5scene5img16 with vpunch scene 5scene5img16 with flash scene 5scene5img16 with vpunch scene 5scene5img16 with flash scene 5scene5img17 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Fuuuuckkkk! That was intense.)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I creeped on my [st]'s entire fuck session with her girlfriend.)" mc "{i} (This has turned out to be a great day..)" mc "{i} (I got to see every bit of Ella naked.)" mc "{i} (As a bonus, I got to see every bit of Yelena too.)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to fuck them both someday!)" mc "{i} (I'd fuck their sexy bodies all night.)" mc "{i} (I gotta get away from here now before they see me.)" mc "{i} (Getting caught creeping on Ella can be catastrophic.)" mc "{i} (It's already past 10.)" mc "{i} (Let me just go and sleep.)" stop music scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Yaaaaawwwnnn)" mc "{i} (A new day and new adventures to come.)" mc "{i} (I jerked off while watching Ella and Yelena have sex.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what today has in store for me..)" mc "{i} (Let me go to the swimming pool.)" scene 5scene6img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (YES!!!)" mc "{i} ([mom] is here!)" mc "{i} (AND, SHE IS IN A BIKINI)" mc "{i} (Seriously? Can this woman look any hotter?)" mc "{i} (Total MILF Goddess)" mc "{i} (Looks like she is just now tying her Bikini Bra.)" mc "{i} (Could I have seen her Topless had I come a little earlier?)" scene 5scene6img3 mc "Hey [mom]" mom "Hey sweetie.." mom "Good morning!" mom "Did you sleep well?" mc "Yeah..." mc "You look EXCEPTIONALLY GORGEOUS this morning [mom]!" mom "Aaawwww Thank you Sweetheart.." mom "I love that you compliment me always." mom "That is so sweet of you." mc "And... The girls... They look exceptional too!" scene 5scene6img4 mom "OH MY GOSH!" mom "It totally skipped my mind that I was in a Bikini in front of you!!" mc "Oh Come On [mom]!" mc "The girls need to breathe..." mc "Don't cover them up.." mom "Hahahaha" mom "Not a chance dear..." mc "Well, I'm going to get in the pool and..." mom "I think you should leave and come back for your swim after I'm done dear." mc "It's a BIG pool [mom]." mom "Well, you'll start getting all sorts of ideas if we swim together." mc "Hahahahaha" scene 5scene6img5 mom "[mc]..." mom "[yd]'s coming here..." mom "Just act natural...." mc "Oh shit!" mc "Yeah...." mc "Good save [mom]." scene 5scene6img6 dad "Good Morning young man." dad "I trust you had a good night of sleep." mc "I did [dad]." dad "Well, I'm off to attend to some businesses for the day.." dad "But before I leave, I wanted to see if you had a couple of minutes for a quick chat [mc]." dad "I didn't get the opportunity to talk with you much yesterday." mc "Yeah..." mc "Of course [dad]." dad "Wonderful." scene 5scene6img6b dad "I bid you adieu my darling." mom "Bye Honey." dad "I won't be back until after midnight, so please do not wait up for me." dad "Now I'd like to have a small chat with [ms] if you'd excuse us." mom "Of course.." scene 5scene6img6 dad "Come, young man." dad "Let us go sit and talk in leisure." scene 5scene6img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) dad "Now before we begin to conversate [ms], I would like to make a sincere apology to you for not coming to see you guys sooner." mc "Oh that's alright [dad]. No need to apologize.." dad "No. Please... I think I must." dad "I know that it cannot have looked like I even remotely cared.. But I promise you, there is nothing more important to me than our [fmy]." dad "I could detail out the reasons that I had to be present where work required me to be when you got back..." dad "But I understand that wouldn't compensate for the pain I perhaps caused you and [ym]." dad "Instead, I simply ask you to forgive me for that." mc "Oh. Of course [dad]." mc "I've got absolutely no hard feelings.." mc "I know that you're a very important man, you did what you had to do..." mc "But I know for sure that you care about us." mc "So that's absolutely fine." scene 5scene6img8 dad "Thank you." dad "And I also that you for stepping up to protecting and taking good care of [ym] while you were on that Island." dad "She told me a big deal about how protective you were of her..." dad "And how you took such good care of her..." mc "{i} (I'm pretty sure she left out some very important details. Haha)" dad "It takes a big courageous man to take good care of a woman." dad "I'm extremely proud of your for that." dad "She's a very special woman, [ym]..." dad "I don't know what I would do without her.." dad "So, is there a special girl in your life?" mc "Haha. No [dad]." dad "Have you got your eyes on one? Chasing after a special girl you like at least?" mc "{i} (Yeah, your wife!!)" mc "No [dad]." dad "Hah, I'm sure a lovely girl would come around sooner or later." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene6img9 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mom "Hey Boys..." mc "{i} (HOLY SHITT!!)" mc "{i} (My jaw just dropped to the floor!!)" mom "You guys are still having your bonding moment?" dad "I haven't spoken to [ms] in a very long time you see..." mc "{i} (She's gotta be fucking kidding me right now!!!)" mc "{i} (I'm having SUCH a hard time controlling my boner right this instant.)" mc "{i} (She lectures me about being careful around others... And then she walks in front of me all soaking wet looking like THAT!)" mc "{i} (Right while [dad]'s sitting in front of me.)" scene 5scene6img9b mom "Are we still on for tomorrow evening honey?" dad "Of course dear." mc "{i} (I shouldn't get a boner!)" mc "{i} (I shouldn't get a boner!)" mom "Well, you have a wonderful day.." scene 5scene6img9 mom "Alright boys, I'll leave you guys continue your [dad] and son chat." mom "I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower." mc "Yeah. Bye [mom]." dad "See you honey." scene 5scene6img10 dad "So, what else is new with you?" mc "Same old. Same old." mc "Just trying to enjoy my Semester break as much as possible." mc "Hey [dad], can we please ship that Yellow Vintage Car home when we get back?" mc "I've grown to like to very much." dad "Of course." dad "Anything you want." dad "Well, it's getting late for my meetings... I better get going." dad "I hope you make the best out of your semester break." mc "Thanks [dad]. Bye." scene 5scene6img11 mc "Hmm, that was a nice talk." mc "He thinks very high of me.." mc "Well, he admires bravery, and I suppose I earned it." mc "Ok. What do I do now?" mc "YES." mc "[dad]'s gone out... And [mom] is alone in her bathroom..." mc "I guess I can go and try to have some fun with her." mc "At least, see how she reacts when I walk into her Bathroom." menu: "Go To [mom]'s Bathroom": scene 5scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) stop music fadeout 1 play music "sounds/march_spoons.mp3" mc "{i} (This is so exciting!)" mc "{i} (Trying to sneak up on [mom], while she's showering.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see the expression on her face!)" mc "{i} (I hope she doesn't get mad at me for this...)" mc "{i} (But I'm too horny to care right now.)" mc "{i} (Time to go into the shower section.)" scene 5scene7img2 mc "{i} (There she is!)" mc "{i} (That sexy mynx)" mc "{i} (She's got her back towards me....)" mc "{i} (Time to get closer and see what she does.)" menu: "Get Closer": scene 5scene7img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Hey [mom]" mom "[mc]!!" mom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" scene 5scene7img4 mom "JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE [mc]?" mom "[yd] IS RIGHT HERE!!" mom "THIS IS JUST INSANE!" mom "YOU'RE JEAPORDISING EVERYTHING." mc "Relax [mom]...." mc "[dad] just left....." scene 5scene7img5 mom "Ssshhhh.. ssshhhhh" mom "Quiieet...." mom "Someone might hear you!" mc "I am speaking softly [mom]...." scene 5scene7img4 mom "What's the meaning of this [mc]?" mom "Are you trying to jeaoprdize everything?" mom "This is so dangerous, especially when [yd] is here..." mc "[mom], RELAX... [dad] just left... I ensured that he drew out of the Hotel." scene 5scene7img5 mom "SSSSHHHH" mom "Keep your voice down.." mom "Speak quitely!!!!!" mom "I am speaking very, very softly [mom]." scene 5scene7img4 mc "You need to RELAX [mom]!" mc "I'm saying this again...." mc "I made sure I saw [dad] drive out of the Hotel..." mom "What about [ys]?" mom "She's in the building!!!" scene 5scene7img5 mc "Went by her room too.... She's sleeping like a baby.!" mc "She was up late last night... I'm sure she won't wake up until breakfast time." mom "Hhhmmmmm" scene 5scene7img6 mom "And as soon as you ensured that the coast was clear, you came here to spy on me......" mc "Aah..." mc "NO." mom "Then what are you doing here?" mc "I came here to ask you if you could make breakfast today.. I'm sick of eating restaurant food since we came here." mom "And you had to ensure that [yd] and your [st] were out of the way for that?!" mc "Well," mom "[mc], how stupid do you think I am?" mom "This is just like that time when you were spying on me at that Pond." mc "Come on [mom]... I wasn't spying on you and that Pond..." mc "And I wasn't spying on you now....." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene7img7 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "HOLY MOLLY!!!!!" mc "{i} (WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!)" mom "This is what you came here for, right?" mc "{i} (I've just freakin hit the Jackpot!!" mc "{i} (Never in a million years did I think she'd unclasp her Bra for me just like that!)" mom "Did you lock the bathroom door on the way in?" mc "Yes! Yes! I made sure of that!!)" mom "Good boy." scene 5scene7img8 mom "Well, then...." mom "Come and get what you came for..." mc "{i} (Holy shit! Am I dreaming right now?)" mc "{i} ([mm] is standing in front of me with her tits out, asking me to play with them!)" mc "{i} (I've gotta pinch myself to see if this is real.)" mom "Don't make me wait dear....." mc "I'm just admiring your wonderful mammaries [mom].)" mc "They look sooooo beautiful!" scene 5scene7img9 mom "Do you like them?" mc "I LOVE them [mom]." mom "Have you had thoughts about them?" mc "You have no idea how much!!" mom "Do they look as good ask they do in your thoughts?" mc "A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER" mom "Come closer baby.." mom "You can touch them." scene 5scene7img10 mc "You don't have to ask me twice." mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaaaah)" mc "{i} (This is what heaven must feel like.)" mc "{i} (Soo soft to touch...)" mc "{i} (So tender..)" mc "{i} (And plushy!)" mom "Do you like how it feels honey?" mc "More than I can tell you how much [mom]." mom "You can do other things with them if you like" mc "Really?" mc "Can I put my mouth on them?" mom "Sure." mom "Go ahead." scene 5scene7img11 mom "{i} (Aaahh)" mom "{i} (He just took my nipple into his mouth.)" mom "{i} (The ridges of his mouth are squeezing my nipple!)" mom "{i} (I'm loving the warmth of his mouth on my breast.)" mc "{i} (Time to start sucking on this beauty....)" scene momtitsucking animated with fade: "5scene7img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene7img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaah" mom "Ouuuu" mom "{i} (He's starting to suck on it...)" mc "{i} (If this is a dream, I don't want this dream to end...)" mc "{i} (I want to stay in this moment forever.)" mc "{i} (I cannot believe I am actually sucking on [mm]'s tits!!)" mc "{i} (This is the best feeling ever.)" mc "{i} (I want to suck on these tits for the rest of my life.)" scene 5scene7img13 mom "{i} (Aawww why does this feel sooooo good?)" mom "{i} (I am letting [ms] do something no [mom] should....)" mom "{i} (And I'm enjoying this so much... That makes it twice as bad!)" scene momtitsuckingrt animated with fade: "5scene7img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene7img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Oh how I wish she was lactating right now...)" mc "{i} (That feeling would take me straight to seventh heaven!)" mc "{i} (May be once day I will get to fuck her savagely and get her Pregnant.)" mc "{i} (Put a baby in her belly...)" mc "{i} (Then, I can enjoy the milk from these breasts!)" mc "{i} (Time to take things up a notch..)" mc "{i} (Let me start Motorboating her tits!)" scene momtitsmotorboat animated with fade: "5scene7img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene7img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Oh... Honey...." mom "What are you doing?" mc "{i} (Just how did I come this far with her?)" mc "{i} (From just fantasizing about her to now actually sucking on her breasts!!)" mc "{i} (This has been an amazing journey..)" mc "{i} (I can't wait for it to go even farther someday very soon.)" mom "{i} (I am soo wet down there... I am practically leaking!)" mom "{i} (Having [ms]'s mouth on my breasts has gotten me extremely aroused!)" mom "{i} (I am feeling sooo much carnal pleasure!!)" mom "{i} (But why do I feel so much guilt at the same time?)" mom "{i} (It's an amalgamation of extreme pleasure and heavy guilt!!)" mom "{i} (Will I have any respect for myself when this is over?)" mc "{i} (I am soooo horny right now....)" mc "{i} (I want to take her...)" mc "{i} (I want to be inside her so badly...)" mc "{i} (Fuck it! I'm going for it.....)" scene 5scene7img16 mom "Honey....!!" mom "What are you doing?!!" mom "{i} (Oh my gosh!!)" mom "{i} (Is he going to....)" mc "{i} (Those legs!!)" mc "{i} (Those thick, sexy legs make me want to be in between them even more!)" mc "Please don't mind this [mom]." scene 5scene7img17 mom "{i} (Huuuhhhhh)" mom "{i} (He just undid my Panty!!)" mom "{i} (This is going way out of control!)" mom "{i} (I can't...)" mom "{i} (I need to stop this!)" mom "{i} (I need to pull the brakes!)" scene 5scene7img18 mom "I think that's enough honey." mom "There are certain lines we should never cross." mc "But [mom]..." mom "I let you have your fun honey.." mom "But THAT is extremely taboo..." mom "We can never do that!" mom "We shouldn't.." mc "{i} (I don't wanna push it and get her mad.)" mc "{i} (I should be happy she let me have some fun.)" mc "Okay [mom]. I understand.)" mom "Good boy. Now go along.." mom "I'll see you at breakfast." mom "Sure. Thanks [mom]." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "Hey [mom]" mom "Hey sweetie." e "Good Morning [mc]." mc "Top of the morning to you Ella" mc "You both look wonderful this morning by the way." e "Aaaww Thanks [mc]." mc "{i} (WOW! I just had the best time of my life half hour ago... and now I'm having breakfast with 2 Angels!)" mc "{i} (Can this day get any better?)" mom "Isn't it nice that we've all been having breakfast together for the last few days?" mom "We've rarely been able to eat together back at home for some time now." mom "You kids have all grown busy and I've gotten so tired of having my meals alone all the time." e "Don't worry [mom]. You're gonna have a packed house when we go back home.." scene 5scene8img2 e "Let's make it a point to all be present at the table during meal times." mom "That would be wonderful dear." mom "Just one more day to go after today." mom "I cannot wait..." mom "It's going to be so much fun." scene 5scene8img1 e "So, what are you guys' plans for today?" mom "Why don't we all go out and explore the city together?" mc "You're forgetting that Ella's been in this city for months [mom]." mc "She's probably been to every nook and corner in this city already.." mc "Haven't you, Ella?" e "As a matter of fact, I have." mc "So let's not ask her to go and see the same old places again...." mc "Let's just go by ourselves, just the two of us... and spare Ella the hassle!" scene 5scene8img3 mom "Aha??" mom "{i} (This Sly little wolf.)" mom "{i} (He's definitely trying to get me to be alone with him....)" mom "{i} (So he can pull his shennanigans on me!)" mom "I'm sure Ella wouldn't mind accompanying us dear.." mom "Would you Ella?" e "Not at all." mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "You don't have to go out of your way for us Ella.." mc "We completely understand if you have other stuff that you would rather attend to.." e "Come to think of it..." e "I do have some errands to run.." e "So I'll take a rain check." mc "{i} (YES!)" mom "{i} (Hmmmm. This cunning little kid gets his wish after all.)" mom "{i} (Alright kids, I'm going to go relax for a while..)" mom "{i} ([mc], be ready by 2 PM. Let's go out in the afternoon.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene8img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Why so grumpy [mom]?" mom "The security following us [mc]!" mom "It's so annoying to have security follow you everywhere you go." mom "We can't go anywhere without a big security detail on our tail." mom "I don't like it one bit!" scene 5scene8img5 mc "At least it's not as heavy as it was a couple of days ago [mom]." mc "Ella has actually lightened the security force today." mom "But that doesn't make it any better." mom "I don't like being followed everywhere I go." mom "Ever since we came back from that Island, I can't even take a stroll without 3 or 4 guards behind me!" scene 5scene8img6 mc "{i} (Oh yeah, these guys do follow us everywhere we go.)" mc "{i} (And they always stay so close.)" mc "{i} (I plan on having some fun with [mom] today, it'll be hard to achieve with these guys watching us all the time.)" mc "{i} (This is turning out to be a problem.)" scene 5scene8img7 mom "This is so annoying." mom "Is this how it's always going to be from now on?" mom "Go with security even if I have to go meet my friends.." mom "Grrrrrr.. I hate it." mom "It's driving me nuts!" scene 5scene8img8 mc "Relax [mom]." mc "If you hate it so much, I'll take to [dad].." mc "I'll ask him to stop sending security guards behind you everywhere." mom "That's sweet dear.. But do you really think he'll do that just because you ask?" mc "Well, I'll tell him that I'll protect you." mc "I did protect you on that Island..." mc "If I could do it there.." mc "I can keep you safe here in the city." scene 5scene8img9 mom "You are so sweet dear." mom "My Hero." mom "You did keep me safe in such a dangerous place." mom "How did you grow up so fast to become such a brave young man?" mc "Stop [mom], you're making me blush." mom "Hehe.. Is [mmy] embarassing you?" mc "{i} (She is such a beauty! What a pretty woman.)" mc "{i} (I try to focus on her pretty face, but her breasts always draw my eyes towards them.)" scene 5scene8img9 pause mc "{i} (Gosh!)" mc "{i} (Even when they're fully covered, the sheer size of her breasts make them so appealing!)" mc "Well, what do you want to do today [mom]?" mc "Where do you want to go?" scene 5scene8img8 mc "We have the whole day dear." mc "We can go wherever we want." mc "But first, let's go to a clothing store.." mc "I want to shop for some new clothes. I hear the couture here is very good." scene 5scene8img9 mc "Do you have a particular shop in mind?" mom "Just like you, I'm new to this city baby." mom "I don't know much about anything here." mom "Just stop at any fancy looking store." mc "Roger that." scene 5scene8img10 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) stld "Mrs. Reigns, [mc]." stld "I'm having my team surround this perimeter as we speak." stld "Please allow me to escort you into the shop." mc "I don't think that would be necessary bro.." stld "But [mc], we have specific orders.." mc "Chill out bro... We'll just be in n out in 20 minutes." mc "Besides, it's just a clothing store.. Do you really think there could be any threats in there?" stld "My orders are to keep at least 4 pairs of watchful eyes at all times." stld "I am not supposed to do this, but since you're making a request..." stld "I shall give you 15 minutes." stld "After 15 minutes, I will have to enter the store..." stld "I hope you understand... Those are my orders and I cannot make further exceptions." mc "Great! That's perfect bro." mc "You've done us a solid. Thank you so much." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene8img11 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mom "Hehe, you somehow managed to keep security outside." mc "I just asked him nicely." mc "And he gave us a pass." mom "You can be very persuasive dear.." mom "I know that first hand. haha" mc "So, what do you plan on buying [mom]?" mom "I don't know dear.. Lemme just browse and see if something catches my eye." scene 5scene8img12 mc "Hey [mom], here's any idea." mc "Why don't I pick something out for you?" mom "Hahaha" mom "I appreciate the offer.. But no, thanks honey." mom "I know what sort of clothes you would pick, if I let you choose something for me." mc "Well what if I did... You should be wearing those types of clothes anyway [mom]." mom "Really?" mc "You are a woman at the peak of her beauty [mom]...." mc "You should dress in a manner that accentuates all of your beauty." mc "I know this sounds like I'm saying this with selfish motives... But I'm not.." mc "You really should be dressing sexy." mom "Hhhmmmmm..." scene 5scene8img13 mom "Why so?" mc "Let me give you an anology.." mc "Would you keep the Mona Lisa in a shed?" mc "No. You'd keep it in a Mueseum with great lighting." mc "A woman like you is like a work of art..." mc "And beauty like that shouldn't be kept locked away." mc "It should be flaunted, exhibited..." mc "Remember that night we went clubbing?" mc "You were a very sexy outift...." mc "Do you remember how many eyes were on you?" mc "Didn't you like all that attention?" mc "Now tell me that didn't make you feel good..." mom "So you're saying I should dress sexy, so I can feel good." mc "Yes." scene 5scene8img14 mom "Well if it means so much for you to come up with that load of flattery.." mom "May be I will pick something sexy this one time." mc "Wonderful." mc "Can I help you choose one?" mom "No." mom "I'm still not letting you choose." mom "I know you will end up picking something I can't waer in public." mom "I think I found something nice." mom "I'm going to go try it out." scene 5scene8img15 mc "{i} (Just some womens' jewelery.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what sort of outfit [mom] picked to wear.)" mc "{i} (I hope it's something that'll give me great views.)" mc "{i} (It's been almost 10 minutes since we came into this shop...)" mc "{i} (If we're not out in 5, those dudes will come in.)" mc "{i} (Damn! With these guys watching me, I won't be able to do anything sexual with [mom]." mc "{i} (THAT'S IT)" mc "{i} (I have an idea...)" mc "{i} (It's super risky... and I have to execute it very fast.)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, the bodyguards will come in in a couple of minutes.)" mc "{i} (Time to execute.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene8img16 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" staf "A - a - ah" staf "You can't be here Sir." staf "This is the Womens' Dressing area.." staf "I can't let you go past this corridor." mc "Sweetheart, that curvy brunette that just walked in..." mc "You know... the one with the big... ah.." mc "She's my lover." mc "And I promised her a romantic day out..." mc "I just want to give her a romantic surprise.." mc "Please hook a bro up." mc "No Sir, I can't do that." mc "Lady this is very important to me.." mc "How does a 1000 bucks sound?" staf "1000 bucks huh?" staf "And you say she's your lover." mc "Yes." scene 5scene8img16b staf "Well, since she is your lover...." staf "I see no harm in it...." staf "However, I could lose my job if other women in there saw you." mc "That won't happen, I'll be very quick and careful." staf "Weeeeeeeell..." staf "Alright." mc "Here's your 1000 bucks." staf "Thanks." staf "She went into the middle booth on the left." staf "Since you were so generous, I'll even activate the emergency break locks for a few seconds." mc "Oh! That's awesome!" mc "Thanks lady." scene 5scene8img16 staf "But you can only go into her booth!" mc "Of course." mc "I'm very loyal to her, woman!" staf "Good." staf "Quick... Get in." scene 5scene8img17 mc "{i} (Okay!)" mc "{i} (Here we are.)" mc "{i} (I really hope this goes well...)" mc "{i} (Fuck this is so exiting and scary at the same time.)" scene 5scene8img18 mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (She's in her underwear)" mc "{i} (Pink looks very good on her.)" mc "{i} (Time to go inside.)" scene 5scene8img19 mom "HHUUUUUUHHHH" mc "[mom]... Please don't be mad!!" mc "Please don't be mad.." mc "I can explain...." mc "Shhhh.... Shhhhh" scene 5scene8img20 mom "HOW DARE YOU... YOU LITTLE RASCAL!" mom "DO YOU WANT US TO END UP ON THE FRONTPAGE OF THE TABLOIDS?!" mom "THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS!!" mom "I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR" mom "THAT'S IT!" mom "I'M PUTTING A STOP TO EVERYTHING.." mom "GET OUT... GET OUT NOW." mc "[mom]... I know you're mad..." mc "But please hear me out..." mc "{i} (I only came in here because there's not much time left.)" mom "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" mc "You don't like security following you everywhere, right?" mc "You were complaining so much about it.." mc "Well I've got a plan.. We can ditch the security" mc "And we need to get out in 3-4 minutes.. Otherwise security will come in, and we'll be stuck with them the whole day.)" mc "Do you want to ditch the security or not?" scene 5scene8img21 mom "Ditch the security, huh?" mom "I certainly would like that." mom "But how are we going to do it?" mc "I'll walk you through it as we go along." mc "Now, are you in?" mom "Yes, yes I am." scene 5scene8img22 mom "Boy, this is sooo exciting." mom "I can't believe I'm stuck in a public shop's dressing room with you!" mom "But this feels like an adventure." mom "{i} (Actually, it's sort of arousing me too.. But I can't tell him that.)" mc "{i} (I'm in such close proximity to her in a very confined public space..)" mc "{i} (And she's in her underwear!)" mc "{i} (This is wildly exciting and sexual!)" mc "Pink looks good on you [mom]." mom "Huh?" mc "Your underwear.." mom "No time to waste.. Let me quickly get dressed, and let's get out of here." scene 5scene8img23 mom "Now, don't get any ideas [mc]." mom "I'm only bending over in front of you because there's no room." mc "{i} (This is easily one of the most exciting and erotic moments in my life.)" mc "{i} (I'm inches away from [mm]'s ass in a confined place that happens to be in a public property.)" mc "{i} (If anyone catches us in here... It could be doomsday.)" mc "{i} (But somehow, [mom] is okay with it too and she's going along with my stupid plan.)" mc "Do you want me to unhook your Bra or something [mom]?" mom "Why would I want you to do that?" mc "You're about to change into something else... There's not much room. I thought you'd need some help." mom "No. I'll manage. Thank you." mom "And no, I'm not going to get naked in here." mc "{i} (DAMN)" scene 5scene8img24 mom "Alright. I'm ready." mc "{i} (W... O.... FUCKING... W)" mc "[mom]..." mom "Yes." mc "YOU JUST TOOK MY BREATH AWAY!" mc "I, I am speechless!" mc "I cannot believe the sexiness I'm seeing in front of me right now." mc "I'm truly lost for words to describe HOW SEXY you look in that dress." mom "Thank you baby." mom "Shall we leave?" mc "Sure." mom "But what if someone sees us exiting this room together?" mc "No one's going to see us exiting this room together." mc "Now here's the plan... This store has a front and a back entrance." mc "Our bodyguards were standing at both sides of this building.. But before I came in here......" mc "I went and told the the security at the back that we were leaving already...." mc "So they all went to the front, where their cars are parked... They're waiting for us to go out of the front door." mc "But, we're not going to go out through front door." mc "As for exiting this womens' dressing room section without being seen together..." mc "I've paid off the the lady in charge of this section...." mc "She's going to cause a power shutdown when I give her the signal.. But the back up generators will kick in, in 10 seconds.." mc "We just use those 10 seconds to exit this womens' dressing room section in complete darkness.." mc "When the lights come back on, we just run for the back door." mom "Got it." mc "Lemme give her the signal then." mc "**Clap Clap**" mc "**Clap Clap**" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene8img25 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Quick [mom]" mc "It's just past 15 mins since we came in to the store." mc "The security's probably coming through the front door looking for us already." mc "Let's get out of here." scene 5scene8img26 mc "Great, we're at the backdoor." mc "Luckily, the security detail that was standing here hasn't come back around yet." mc "Come on, let's go." scene 5scene8img27 mom "Yes!" mom "Now what do we do.?" mc "This part, I didn't think through.." mom "The bodyguards will be here any second now [mc]." mom "I can already hear them coming this way..." mc "Gimme a second.. I'm thinking... I'm thinking.." mc "Okay. Fuck it." scene 5scene8img28 pause pause scene 5scene8img28 mom "[mc], what are you doing?" mc "Getting us out of here.." mc "Quick... Come around and get inside the car." scene 5scene8img29 mom "Wait!!" mom "Did we just steal a Car?" mc "I believe we just did." mc "I suppose that makes us felons now." scene 5scene8img30 mom "Oh my gosh!" mom "I'm doing things that I never thought I'd do.." mom "But this is turning out to be so much fun!" mom "This is sooo thrilling." mom "This day just keeps getting crazier and crazier." mc "I'm glad you're liking it." scene 5scene8img29 mom "But what about the person to whom this car belonged to?" mom "This might've been their only Car." mc "Don't you worry about that..." mc "After we're done, I'll use the registration to track the owner and pay them three fold." mc "Also, they can pick this Car up from wherever we leave it." scene 5scene8img30 mom "You're a criminal with a good heart." mom "Hahahaha" mom "Okay, where are we going now?" mc "Let's just get far away from our security detail, so they can't catch up to us on their cars, first." mom "Do you think they've realized that we've got away yet?" mc "They must have by now.." scene 5scene8img31 mc "I'm getting a call.. Oh, it's them.. Our Security.." mom "Oh no! What are we going to do?" stld "[mc], this is Lee.. Your security detail's leader." mc "Hey brah, I'm putting you on speaker cause I'm driving." stld "[mc], Are you safe? Are you two okay? Where are you?." mc "We just ditched you guys bro.." stld "Excuse me?!" stld "You ditched us?? I don't understand.." mc "Yeah, we've been feeling suffocated having security follow us everywhere we go." scene 5scene8img32 mc "We needed some space." mc "Nothing personal dude." stld "[mc], this is no joking matter.. Your safety is at risk.." stld "Please tell us where you are." stld "What do you think [yd] will say when he hears about this?" mc "Lemme offer you another perspective.." mc "What do you think my [dad] will say when he hears that you guys lost us when we were right under your nose?" scene 5scene8img33 stld ".........." mc "Better yet, what do you think my [st] will do when she hears that you were careless enough to let us get away....." mc "When she specifically told you that she wanted at least 4 pairs of eyes on us all the time?" mc "Look I'm not saying any of this to be a douchebag brother...." mc "I'm not like that.. I have massive respect for you guys.." mc "And I appreciate the fact that you guys care about our safety." mc "All this is, is [mm] and I getting away for a while, so we don't feel suffocated with security on our tail 24 7." mc "This isn't going to cause either of us any hassles..." mc "You guys can just chill out, relax and have a day off..." mc "We will come back to right where we left you, later in the night..." mc "Then we can all go back to the Hotel, like nothing happened." mc "It's a win-win for all of us... You get a day off, we get quality time away from security for a day." mc "It's a simple arrangement that benifits both parties." mc "Do we have a deal?" stld "...." stld "Okay. Alright." mc "Thank you." mc "Please don't take this personally. You're a good dude." mc "I genuinely bear no ill will towards you.. I just want my privacy, that's all." stld "I completely understand. No offence taken." stld "You guys have fun... See you later tonight." mc "Later bro. Have fun." scene 5scene8img29 mom "You conniving little manipulator!" mom "You got us out of a mess, just like that." mc "One of my many talents." mom "Hahahaha" scene 5scene8img34 mc "Now that we'e got that handled, where do you want to go?" mom "We can go anywhere we want..." mc "Then let's go anywhere we want." mom "That's right.. Let's get out of here." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mom "Oh,, I am so full." mom "I ate so much." mc "{i} (I love how revealing that outfit is.)" mc "{i} (And the crazy thing is, she picked that outfit!)" mc "{i} (That's exposing all most half of her breasts.)" mc "That dress suits you perfectly [mom]." mom "You wanted to see me in something sexy. I hope this is sexy enough." mc "Oh it's perfct." mom "This day has been so exciting already dear." mom "I don't think I've had this much fun in over a decade." mom "It's not even late afternoon yet, and I've already done things that I never, ever dreamt I'd do in my life." scene 5scene9img2 mom "Thank you so much for this wild ride.. This crazy adventure." mom "I haven't felt this rush of adrenaline since I ws in my twenties." mom "You've gotten me feeling like a young woman again today.." mom "My hear is sooo full." mom "I feel so happy.." mom "Soooo light.. So exhilarated." mom "Thank you. Thank you." mc "Don't mention it [mom]. I'm glad I'm making you happy." mom "Ever since you came home on your semester break.. I have had SO MUCH fun with you." mom "Even when we were lost on that Island..." mom "Everytime I'm with you, I feel like my young self.. It's always a wild ride with you.." mom "This.... " scene 5scene9img3 mom "This kinda reminds of me how I used to feel with [yd] when we were young." mom "We were young, and in love... and everyday with him was an adventure.." mom "I used to have so much fun with him.." mom "Now, I'm feeling that rush.. that happiness and bliss with you." mom "I haven't felt any of this for almost 2 decades now." mom "You're bringing all of those feelings back." scene 5scene9img2 mc "I'm happy that you're happy when you spend time with me [mom]." mc "I'm thrilled that you told me that I make you feel young again." mc "You deserve to feel that way.. You are still a fine, beautiful woman." mc "Here's to more adventures..." mom "I'd like that.." mom "Just what have you done to me [mc]?" mom "You've got me stealing cars, breaking rules, wearing extremely revealing clothes like this.." mom "And I love it all." mc "To be honest with you.. I'm the happiest when I'm with you [mom]." mc "Well, we've sstill got plenty of time left in the day.." mc "Before we leave, do you want to eat something else?" mc "I hear the Sausage is very good..." scene 5scene9img3 mom "Sausage??" mom "Haha" mom "Sausage...?" mom "It's so crazy... How did we get this way [mc]?" mom "To this craziness where you're giving me sexual innuendoes all the time..." mom "And to me.. sort of... kind of.. liking it at times." mc "Hahaha. I couldn't help it." mc "That dress is showing soooo much cleavage..." mc "I just couldn't help but wonder what a big, fat sausage would look between those breasts." scene 5scene9img4 mom "Hahahaha." mom "You're looking at my breasts in public?" mom "[ms] is ogling at my breasts in a packed restaurant! Hahahaha. This is crazy." mc "Hehehehe it's not my fault though.." mc "You're the one letting half your breasts hang out in public!" mc "To be fair..." mc "EVERYONE in this restaurant is looking at your breasts!" mom "Hmmmm." mc "Do you like that?" mom "I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda liking all the attention." mom "So, where do we go next..." mc "{i} (Here's my opportunity... I gotta come up with some good suggestion..)" mc "{i} (She seems to be very open today, and she's in a very good mood..)" mc "{i} (Let me see if she's okay with going to a Strip Club!)" mc "You said we can go anywhere we want, right?" mom "Yes." mc "How about we go to a Strip Club?" mom "Hhmmmmmmmm" mom "A Strip Club?" stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene9img5 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mom "Why not?!" mom "I'm feeling very adventurous today.." mom "Let's go.." mom "Let's go to a Strip Club!" mc "{i} (HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (DID SHE REALLY JUST AGREE TO THAT?!!)" mc "{i} (This is turning out to be the best day of my life.)" mc "Are you sure [mom]?" mom "Absolutely!" mom "It'll be fun." mom "Come on, let's go." mc "FANTASTIC!" mc "Let's leave right away." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene9img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mc "{i} (This is the stuff that dreams are made of.)" mc "{i} (I'm in a Strip Club with my Super Hot [mom]!" mc "{i} (And she's walking in front of me, swaying her BIG ASS in a sexy, fuckable outfit!)" mc "{i} (I wonder what else this evening has in store for me.)" mc "Your ass looks AMAZING in that dress [mom]." mom "I know sweetie..." mom "That's one of the reasons I chose this dress." mom "Come, let's go find us a lounge." scene 5scene9img7 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (OH MY WORD!)" mc "{i} ([mm] is not the only sexy woman in this club tonight!!)" mc "{i} (Although no one can beat [mm] in terms of being OUTRIGHT SEXY, this chick is Super Hot too.)" mc "{i} (Those sexy lips.. That hair...)" mc "{i} (Those big fake tits.)" mom "You like her baby?" mc "Yeah, she's very hot [mom]." scene 5scene9img8 mc "WOOOOWWWWW" scene 5scene9img9 mom "OH MY GOSH!!" mom "I thought she was going to fall off the stage for a second there!!" mc "{i} (Haha. She seems shocked!)" mc "{i} (First timers' experiences hehe.)" scene 5scene9img8 mom "I'm speechless baby..." mom "This girl is soo talented." mc "Talented?" mom "Dancing like that with so much balance can't be easy!" mom "Just look at her, she's doing things that most girls can't do.." mom "She's got so much balance and poise." scene 5scene9img9b mc "Can you dance like that [mom]?" mom "Well, I used to take Salsa and Bachata classes in my twenties.." mom "But that doesn't prepare you for this level of skill." scene 5scene9img9 mom "Oh my gosh!!" mom "That was so effortless." scene 5scene9img9c mc "{i} (Damn! Redheads definitely win the genetic lottery everytime.)" mc "{i} (Almost all of them are sexy!)" scene 5scene9img9b mom "Watching this makes me want to start taking Salsa classes again." mom "I enjoyed dancing when I was young." mc "Why don't you get on that stage and show off some of your moves?" mom "Oooh, you'd like that wouldn't you?" mc "Hahaha. It was worth a shot." scene 5scene9img8 mc "This girl does that move so flawlessly." mom "So, what do you like about this girl [mc]?" mom "Actually... what do you like On her?" mc "I like her big breasts... They're not as big as yours.." mc "But they're still good... Big fake tits are kind of unique on their own.." scene 5scene9img9b mom "They're fake??" mom "How can you tell?" mc "Well, when you've spent enough time looking at tits, you can always tell..." mc "Big Natural tits have a very distinct look.. Like yours for example...." mc "They look soft... and plush... They have a natural jiggle." mc "Fake tits on the other hand, always look like ballons and very firm." mom "So you're an expert on breasts.." mc "I'd like to think I am." scene 5scene9img9c mom "You seem to like this girl very much.." mc "Oh yeah?" mc "What makes you think that?" scene 5scene9img9b mom "Well........" mom "Down there...." mc "Ohh!! [mom]! Did you just take a peek at my groin?" mom "I wasn't looking for it... It was just poinkg out." mc "{i} (THIS IS AMAZING! She's even checking me out down there tonight!)" mc "{i} (Looks like I can have a lot of fun with her tonight." scene 5scene9img9c mom "Since you like her so much..." mom "If you could spend some time with this young lady, what would you do?" mc "Well, she has very sexy lips..." mc "I would looovee to slide something BIG between her lips." scene 5scene9img9b mom "Eeeeewwwww [mc]!" mom "That's not what I meant..." mom "I meant.... Nevermind.." mc "We're in a Strip Club [mom]!" mc "Us dudes only think of one thing when we're here." scene 5scene9img9d mom "Are you staring at her ass?" mc "Yeah. She's got a great ass.." mc "It can never compare to yours though." mc "You have the best ass I've ever seen [mom]." mom "That was bold!!" mom "You're starting to get very flirty with me [mc]." mom "Anyhow, I'll only let you talk to me this way till we go back home..." mom "So get it all out of your system while you can.." mc "{i} (I intend to.)" mc "{i} (Oooooh I intend to...)" scene 5scene9img7 mc "{i} (The things I'd do to her fine body..)" mc "{i} (Those sexy lips....)" mc "{i} (I would fuck them till she gags uncontrollably)" mc "{i} (I would grab her sexy red hair and pull her face to the base of my cock relentlessly." mc "{i} (But... Let me divert my attention to the sexiest woman I know.)" scene 5scene9img9b mc "Hey [mom].." mc "I got my fill of staring at these girls for tonight.." mc "Why don't we just sit and talk to each other?" mom "Really?" scene 5scene9img10 mom "Even when you're in a Strip Club, you just want to talk to ME?" mom "That is soooo sweet of you [mc]." scene 5scene9img10 pause pause scene 5scene9img10 mc "{i} (This has to be one of the sexiest sights ever!)" mc "{i} (That figure, that face... That dress!)" mc "{i} (She is a Sex Goddess)" mc "Like I said [mom]... I'm the happiest when I'm talking to you." mom "That is so adorable honey.." mom "Come, let's talk." mom "What do you want to talk about?" menu stripclub_menu: "Her Wildest Fantasy": if stripclub_fantasy == False: mc "I know this is very forward.. But we are in a Strip Club." mc "And we've already talked about tits and asses and everything.." mc "So I suppose there's no harm in talking to you about things of the sexual nature..." mom "I suppose so..." mc "What is your wildest fantasy?" mom "Hmmmmmmmmm...." mom "I'm not sure that it's something I should be discussing with [ms]." mom "Oh well, why not..? No harm in sharing a harmless secret, while we've already shared other things.." mom "Okay. I'll tell you.." mom "For me, it is taking a leave from [fmy] with a made up excuse while everyone's on a beach.." mom "Slyly sneaking away with my partner, out of [fmy]'s sight..." scene 5scene9img11 mom "Then getting on a tiny Boad or a Jet-Ski and going far into the Sea, till the people on the beach can't see us." mom "Then, having sex on that tiny Boat or Jet-Ski in the middle of the Sea.." mom "It starts with slow intimate kisses..." mom "Romantic caressing.. Playful smiles.." mom "Then I slowly strip off my Bikini..." mom "It's sensual love making at first..." mom "Then it gets fast, and ravenous." scene 5scene9img10 mom "There.." mom "That's my wildest fantasy." mc "WOW.. That's very good.." mc "And... when.. when you think about that... Is your partner [dad]?" mom "I would never cheat on [yd]..." mom "But when I fantasize about that scene, I don't see a face on my partner." mom "I just see a big.. Well, you know what I see." mom "Now tell me..." mom "What is your fantasy?" mc "I think you know exactly what my fantasy is...." mom "** Blushing **" $ stripclub_fantasy = True $ chat5_finished += 1 jump stripclub_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump stripclub_menu "Replan Bora Bora Trip": if stripclub_replan == False: mc "So [mom], we were dumped out of the sky unceremoniously when we were flying to Bora Bora the last time.." mc "How about we replan that trip once again?" mom "Why not?" mom "Let's just spend time with [fmy] for a few days when we get back home first." mom "After some time, we can definitely go on that trip like we planned." mom "I soo want to relax on those beaches." mc "Can it just be the two of us, like it would've been the last time?" mom "The initial plan was for our whole [fmy]s to go on that trip honey." mc "But they all backed out.. It was only us who actually got on the plane to go." mc "I promise I will behave... even if it's just the two of us." mc "Like I said.. I'm the happiest when I'm with you.." mc "And I want to spend some quality time with you on those beautiful beaches." mom "If you promise to behave, it can be just the two of us." mc "Can we be going to that Nude Beach too?" mom "Perhaps, but I'll decide about the nude beach when we actually go on that trip." mc "And if we go... Will you get nude with me on that beach?" mom "Nice try darling...." mom "But these flirty, sexual chats and behaviour end THE MINUTE we go back home the day after tomorrow." mom "I won't be encouraging any of this anymore... One of the reasons I'm even allowing it now, is because I want you to get it all out of your system." mc "Of course..." mc "I understand that." mc "But it is a nude beach.. and everyone there will be nude." mom "Not a chance!" mc "Can you at least get topless on that beach?" mom "I didn't even say we can go that beach for sure." mc "{i} (Okay, Let me not push it.)" $ stripclub_replan = True $ chat5_finished += 1 jump stripclub_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump stripclub_menu "Her Favorite Position": if stripclub_position == False: mc "Well, this is a very personal question.." mc "And I only worked up the courage to ask you this because you've been quite tolerating of my behavior this evening..." mc "Besides, we're in a Strip Club... What better place to have conversations like these.." mom "You're sugar coating it very much.." mom "What's the question?" mc "What a... What... aa.." mc "What is your favorite position [mom]?" mom "Did you just really ask me that?" mom "I'm not comfortable talking about positions with you [mc]." mc "Fine. At least tell me how you like it.." mc "Do you like it slow and romantic.. Or.." mom "Hahahahahaha" mom "I can't believe you're asking me these things." mom "I don't think I'll answer that, because that's none of your concern anyway sweetie. Hahaha" mc "{i} (Good. Good. She's not getting mad at any of the questions.)" mc "{i} (She's just laughing them off)" mc "{i} (That means I can definitely try to have some fun with her tonight.)" $ stripclub_position = True $ chat5_finished += 1 jump stripclub_menu else: mc "I've already asked her about that." jump stripclub_menu "End talk" if chat5_finished > 2: scene 5scene9img10 mc "One more question [mom]." mom "Sure..." mc "Do you like really big packages?" scene 5scene9img11 mom "I think every woman secretly likes big packages honey." mom "But I think I know where you'll go with this if we continue talking about your big pac.." mom "I mean.... packages." mom "I mean packages in general." mc "Hahaha" mom "Well, let's go get some drinks honey..." mom "I'm having a great time in this Strip Club." mom "I want to grab some Champagne and get in an even better mood." mc "Sure [mom]. Let's go get some drinks." label night_stripclub: scene 5scene9img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Oh boy, I drank soo much!" mom "I am sooooooo drunk!!" mc "Yeah... Yeah you are!" mc "You look so tipsy [mom]." mc "Since when did you start drinking so much anyway?" mc "You never even used to drink simple wine sometime ago." mom "Well, when you're left all by yourself at home for a long time, Wine becomes a lonely Housewife's best friend." scene 5scene9img13 pause pause scene 5scene9img13 mc "{i} (WHAT A STUNNING SIGHT?)" mc "{i} (She looks sooooo damn fuckable right now.)" mc "{i} (I just want to ravage her right here in front of everybody in this club.)" scene 5scene9img12 mom "What are you thinking about [mc]?" mc "{i} (You don't wanna know [mom].)" mc "Just taking in how beautiful and sexy you look right now [mom]." mc "I've been ABSOLUTELY LOVING how sexy your big tits look in that dress [mom]." mc "It's like that dress was made for you." mc "You look like Aphrodite herself!" mom "Goddess of Sex." mom "Do you really think I'm on par with the Goddess of Sex?" mc "A thousand times YES!" scene 5scene9img13 mom "You've helped me have such a great day today.." mom "I want you to have some extra fun too.. Do you want a Private Lap Dance from any of those girls?" mom "How about that redhead?" mom "I saw how you were looking at her.." mom "Why don't I buy you a Private Lap Dance with her?" mom "I'll even get you Private Lap Dances with all of those girls if you want." mc "I would love a private lap dance.." mc "But...." mc "But..." mc "Why don't YOU give me a Private Lap Dance?" scene 5scene9img14 mom "You little Pervert!" mom "I knew you were going to ask me something like that." mom "But Yes." mom "I'll give you your wish." mc "{i} (JACK FUCKING POT!!!)" mc "{i} (Just when I thought this night couldn't get any better!)" mc "Thank you. Thank you [mom]." mc "Let me go talk to the Manager..." mc "I'm sure he'll bend the rules of this place for us if I paid him extra, so you can dance for me in one of those Private Rooms.)" mom "You do that." scene 5scene9img15 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (FUCK. THIS IS BEYOND EXCITING!)" mc "{i} (FUUUUCCCCKKK..)" mc "{i} (I'm about to walk into a private dancing area in a Strip Club with [mm].)" mc "{i} (This is so erotic! I can hardly contain myself...)" mc "{i} (Best night of my life.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene9img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (Aaaahhhhh YES)" mc "{i} (That couch is where I'm going to experience some etreme heights of pleasure.)" mc "{i} (It appropriately has that heart sign behind it.)" scene 5scene9img16a mom "Naughty boy!!" mom "Are you ready for me?" mc "Yes Ma'am." mom "Do you think you can handle a woman like me?" mc "I. I'll try." mom "Go sit on that couch." scene 5scene9img17 pause pause mc "{i} (OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS)" mc "{i} (Every drop of blood in my body is inside by dick right now!)" mc "{i} (That expression on her face is killing me!!)" mc "{i} (The fact that he's placed her BIG tits in between my thighs is sending shivers up and down my spine.)" mc "{i} (She IS desire personified.)" mc "{i} (The Hottest woman on the planet.)" mom "Let me do this righ for you baby..." mom "Like a proper Stripper would...." scene 5scene9img18 mc "{i} (OH MY GOSH!!)" mc "{i} (How is my mind even functioning properly right now?" mc "{i} (This is all too much for my mind to even process.)" mc "{i} (I've never felt pleasure like this before!)" mc "{i} (Her perfect tits just inches from my craving cock.)" mc "{i} (It's a good thing this room only has a screen and not a solid door.)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, I would have lost control and ended up fucking her by now.)" mc "{i} (Her left hand is on my knee.. Just such a simple touch of hers is enough to drive any man insane.)" scene 5scene9img19 mc "{i} (OH FUCK!)" mc "{i} (She IS doing this exactly as she said how she wants to do it.)" mc "{i} (As a proper Stripper would do.)" mc "{i} (All those Salsa and Bachata classes she took when she was young are definitely paying off right this moment.)" mc "{i} (The dazzling lights of this room dancing on her milky skin.... It's just blinding me.)" mc "{i} (She is right on top of my lap, her breasts are right in front my eyes..." mom "Are you enjoying this sweetie?" mc "I'm practically bursting with pleasure [mom]." mom "You are inducing a billion watts of pleasure in me right now." mc "I'm surprised I have't just grabbed you and had my way with you yet." mom "Hahaha.." mom "And you better keep it that way.." mom "No touching." mom "This is a proper Stripper Lap Dance." scene 5scene9img20 pause mc "{i} (This is PERFECTION.)" mc "{i} (Pure ecstacy inducing work of art.)" mc "{i} (Her breasts deserve their own Hall of Fame.)" mc "{i} (Lush, Milky goodness.)" mc "{i} (I would sooo love to put my mouth on them.. But she said no touching.)" mc "{i} (But someday, I'm going to drink the milk from them...)" mc "{i} (I'm going to drain every last drop of milk her body can produce out of those beautiful breasts.)" scene 5scene9img21 mc "{i} (OH NO!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS SO CLOSE TO REVERSE COWGIRL.)" mc "{i} (I must resist.)" mc "{i} (I must resist the urge to slip her panty to the side and enter her by force." mc "{i} (Her ass is SOOOOO BIG)" mom "Do you like my ass baby?" mc "Like I said [mom].. You have THE BEST ass I've ever seen." mom "How I wish she would ride me in this position right now." scene 5scene9img22 mc "{i} (Aw! Aw....)" mc "{i} (Oh...)" mc "{i} (She is sitting right on top of my dick!)" mc "{i} (That's it!)" mc "{i} (I don't think I can hold this anymore..)" mc "{i} (I'm about to blow any minute now.)" mom "I can sense you are very very excited honey." mom "I can feel it under me." mom "But how are you going to handle it when I do this?" scene momlapdanceback animated with fade: "5scene9img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene9img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "[mom], this isn't fair." mc "Just how am I not supposed to touch you now?" mom "You said you could handle it.." mom "Now handle it...." mc "{i} (Is she trying to drive me completely nuts?)" mc "{i} (But it's fine... My brain is swimming in esctacy right now.)" mc "{i} (I can't complain about having to resist grabbing her." mc "Yes [mom], just like that..." mc "Work it just like that.." mc "{i} (Who would've thought that [mm] would become my personal Stripper.)" mc "Grind it..." mc "Grind it [mom]." mom "You like that baby?" mom "You like when [mmy] grinds her ass on your lap?" mc "{i} (Ow! Ow! I can't resist this anymore. I'm going to touch her.)" scene momlapdancefront animated with fade: "5scene9img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene9img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "HEEEYYYY" mom "Sorry [mom].. You're just too sexy to resist touching." mom "{i} (I knew he wouldn't keep to his hands to himself.)" mom "{i} (It's a miracle that he resisted it this long.)" mom "{i} (But I secretly love it when his hands grab my tits like that.)" mom "{i} (That's it...)" mom "{i} (I have officially crossed all boundaries that a decent woman should always stay within.)" mom "{i} (I'm giving a lap dance to [ms] in a Strip Club while being topless.)" mom "{i} (This is not acceptable behavior for a decent woman.)" mom "Aaahh" mom "Yes baby. Squeeze my breasts." mom "Squeeze [mmy]'s breasts." mc "Yes [mom], grind it, grind it.." mom "Mmmmmm yeaa" mom "I think that's enough baby..." mom "Stop. Stop. Stop..." mom "We'll lose control otherwise.." mc "Okay [mom]." scene 5scene9img26 mom "Did you enjoy that?" mc "I thoroughly enjoyed it [mom]." mc "Loved every second of it." mc "Also, you looked so beautiful while dancing for me." mc "You are the best." mc "Thanks [mom]." mc "Thank you so much." mom "I'm glad.." mom "I think we both got our fill for the day." mc "Yes [mom]" mom "Alright honey." mom "[mmy]'s gonna get dressed in a minute.." mom "Then lets leave." mc "Okay [mom]." stop music scene 5scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "Thanks for such a wonderful time [mom]." mom "Don't mention it sweetheart." mom "But honey, isn't the exit that way?" mc "Yes [mom]." mom "Shouldn't we be going that way then?" mc "You know what's special about this Strip Club [mom]?" mom "What?" mc "It also has a Bedroom." scene 5scene10img2 mom "Bedroom??!" scene 5scene10img3 mom "No." mom "We can't." mom "We can't do that." mom "This was not part of the deal." mc "Please [mom].. We've already come quite far.." mc "We've already done so many things.." mom "No honey... I can't." mom "I just can't.." mom "YOU ARE [ms]!" mc "So what?" mc "We're both adults here.." mom "......." mom "But this is wrong." mom "......." scene 5scene10img4 mom "......" mom "......" mom "{i} (What am I doing here?)" mom "{i} (This is so unbecoming of me!)" mom "{i} (I feel so ashamed...)" mom "{i} (I'm here inside a Bedroom of a Strip Club with [ms].)" mom "{i} (I can't believe I'm actually sitting on this bed.)" mc "[mom]" mc "......" mc "[mom]?" scene 5scene10img5 mom "Honey, isn't this wrong?" mom "This is such a terrible sin!" mc "Who decides what's a Sin?" mom "It is.. It is a sin..." mom "We can't fool ourselves by telling ourselves that it's not." mom "Am I a bad [mom] for being here in this room?" mc "Noooooooo..." mc "Don't you ever think that!" scene 5scene10img6 mc "You are such a wonderful peson..." mc "Such a wonderful [mom]." mc "You have such a caring and kind heart" mc "This is just..." mc "These are just our primal instincts.." mc "You are a woman at your sexual peak... And I am a young man who has hit sexual maturity..." mc "We just want what we want. This doesn't make us bad people." mom "But I am a MARRIED WOMAN..." mom "More than that, I AM YOUR [mom]." mom "How can I? How can I just..." mc "[mom], you have always loved me right?" mom "With all my heart." mc "Well, this is just another form of love..." mc "So why can't we share bodily love as well?" mc "If you're still unsure about it... We can just get on that bed and see how far it goes.." mc "Rather... how far we allow ourselves to go." mc "We don't have to do anything that feels wrong.. Let us just explore." mc "Listen, [mom], I love you with all my heart.." mc "I've always expressed that in words and actions.." mc "This time, I'm just going to show you how much I love you using my body. That's all." mom "It makes sense when you don't consider morality.." mom "But we HAVE played with each other before.." mom "May be..." mom "May be.. like you said.. We can just explore...." mom "But I draw the line at Penetration..." mom "Absolutely no Penetration of any sorts." mom "Understand?" mc "Yes, that's absolutely fine.. That's all I want to do.." mc "Explore." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene10img7 mom "Boy! When did you get so wise?" mc "Take a guess where I get it from." mom "I love you baby." mom "And... your.. y. *your love* for me is showing..." play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "I can see it's getting larger and larger." mom "Come and get some love from [mmy]." scene 5scene10img9 mc "My Goddess!!" mc "You will never, ever have to ask me twice for anything." mom "Mmmmm yeaaaa baby." mom "Take [mmy]'s breasts.." mom "Do what you want with them." pause mc "The breasts of an angel!" mc "I could have my face nestled between them forever [mom]." scene 5scene10img8 mom "Aaaaaaahhhhhh" mom "{i} (I love it when he gives me his soft, sweet kisses.)" mc "{i} (Her skin is like porcelain.)" mc "{i} (I love the warmth and feel of her silky sof skin.)" mc "{i} (It's always so hot when our groins get into close proximity.)" scene 5scene10img9 mc "{i} (I could never get enough of these marvellous breasts.)" mc "{i} (So sexy.)" mc "{i} (So seductive.)" mc "Have I told you how much I love this dress on you [mom]?" mom "Too many times." mom "But it's time for this dress to go." mc "YES!" mom "Take off your clothes too baby." scene 5scene10img10 pause mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (I can feel the skin of his naked cock between my ass cheeks!" mom "{i} (If not for this panty, that Monster would just slide in between..." mc "{i} (EVERYTHING is perfect on this woman!)" mc "{i} (Her breasts, her bottom, her thighs, her skin!...)" mc "{i} (Everything on her is a work of art.)" mom "{i} (This has to be THE MOST erotic and adventurous moments I've ever had.)" mc "{i} (These cherry lips taste so good....)" mc "{i} (My tongue is freely exploring the insides of her mouth.)" mc "{i} (And her tongue greets it very welomingly.)" scene 5scene10img11 mc "{i} (I cannot get over the velvety smoothness of her skin.)" mc "{i} (The feel of velvet skin against my naked body...)" mc "{i} (We've been kissing each other from the moment we got on this bed.)" mc "{i} (It's as if your lips do not want to part from each other.)" mom "How does this feel baby?" mc "Like I've gone to seventh heaven." mom "Mmmmm I can feel the weight of your cock right on top of my vagina." mc "I love how your breasts feel against my chest mom." mc "This is the closest we've been in a sex position.." mom "Only this time, we're all but naked!" mom "Come on... I want to give you something good.." scene 5scene10img12 mc "Aaaaahhhh aaaaaahhhhh" mc "aaahh" mc "You have no idea how good this feels for me [mom]..." mc "I may even end up blowing my load right this instant." mc "Your soft, luscious breasts are gripping my cock so well." mom "WOOOWWW" mom "Your cock looks so good between my breasts." scene scmomtitfuckfront animated with fade: "5scene10img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene10img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaarrrggggg" mc "Aaaaaaaarrrhhhhhh" mc "{i} (This is so outta control!)" mc "I'm so close to cumming already.." mc "I shouldn't." mc "I shouldn't embarass myself by blowing my load this soon." mc "But how can I resist?" mc "Just look at her face!!!" mc "Her face looks sooooo fucking sexy from here." mc "And those big jugs are milking my cock so tightly..." mc "I should control it.. I should control it.." mc "I shouldn't cum too soon." scene scmomtitfuckside animated with fade: "5scene10img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene10img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (My boy has such a BIG cock!)" mom "{i} (How does he even carry this thing around in his pants?)" mom "{i} (I can feel the veins on his cock squishing against my breasts.)" mom "{i} (Whichever girl he ends up marrying will be so lucky to go to bed with this Monster every night.)" mom "{i} (Deep down even I wish I could get a tas.... No. That's too much.)" mom "{i} (Let me just enjoy the task at hand.)" mom "{i} (Rather, the task between my breasts.)" mom "{i} (Yes baby.)" mom "{i} (Yes.)" mom "{i} (Give it to me.)" mom "{i} (Give it to your [mmy].)" scene scmomtitfuckfront2 animated with fade: "5scene10img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene10img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I don't know how any of this is even happening right now!)" mc "{i} ([mm] is giving me a titjob in the bedroom of a Strip Club.)" mc "{i} (Just that thought alone sends me over the edge.)" mc "{i} (Add to it the pleasure I'm experiencing right now....)" mc "{i} (It's too much to even fathom.)" mc "{i} (Gosh I love this woman!)" mc "{i} (The sexiest woman I've ever seen.)" scene scmomtitfuckside2 animated with fade: "5scene10img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene10img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (This feels sooo good.)" mom "{i} (He is the only other man I've done these things with apart from my husband.)" mom "{i} (So I don't have much to compare this with...)" mom "{i} (But I think the pleasure he gives me is just unbeatable.)" mom "{i} (No one else can be this good.)" mom "{i} (Take [mmy]'s breasts sweetie.)" mom "{i} (Take them.)" mom "{i} ([mmy]'s titties love your cock.)" scene 5scene10img16 pause mc "{i} (This more or less feels like we are having sex.)" mc "{i} (Except for not being allowed to penetrate her.. The intimacy, lust, and passion feels just like sex.)" mc "{i} (We are kissing each other like obsessed lovers.)" mc "{i} (Our bodies are so close together.)" mc "{i} ([mom] is practically sitting on my cock right now.)" mom "{i} (I can feel the thickness of his cock under my vagina and ass crack.)" mom "{i} (This is the closest his cock has been near privates.)" mc "Get on your back [mom]." mc "I want to fuck your tits hard." scene 5scene10img17 mc "{i} (Getting a titjob from her was ecstatic.)" mc "{i} (But now I'm going to fuck her tits out.)" scene scmomtitfuckbed animated with fade: "5scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene10img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaaa... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Baby, you're going too hard...." mc "Do you want me to slow down?" mom ".........." mom "NO." mom "No. Don't slow down.." mom "Fuck my tits just like that?" mc "Did you just say fuck?" mom "Whoops." mom "Slip of tongue honey... Ignore that. Just keep doing what you're doing." mc "Take it [mom]..." mc "Take it." mc "You want me to fuck your tits?" mc "I'm going to fuck them so hard!" scene scmomtitfuckbed animated with fade: "5scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.4 "5scene10img18" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mc "Take it." mc "Take my big dick between your tits." mc "Do you like it?" mc "Do you like it when I fuck your tits like this?" mom "{i} (Oh, he's talking so dirty to me...)" mom "{i} (This makes me feel like a slut. But I don't care... I want his big cock to fuck my breasts hard.)" mom "Yes baby." mom "Yes baby... Just like that." mom "Give it to [mmy]." mom "Give it to me hard!" mc "Take it." mc "Take it hard [mom]." mc "Take it hard..... Aaaaaaaa.. I'm about to cum." mc "I'm about to cum [mom]..." mc "I'm about to cum on you....." mc "Aaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhh" scene 5scene10img18 with vpunch scene 5scene10img18 with flash scene 5scene10img18 with vpunch scene 5scene10img18 with flash scene 5scene10img18 with vpunch scene 5scene10img18 with flash scene 5scene10img19 with dissolve mc "That was wonderful." mc "I actually got to fuck [mm]'s tits... The best part is that she let me.." mc "This has been the best day of my life." mc "And what a way to finish it all of by cumming on [mm]'s chin.)" scene 5scene10img20 mom "That was Amazing baby.." mom "Oh my gosh!" mom "I can't actually believe that I did this tonight." mom "But I loved every second of it." mom "Did you enjoy it?" mc "I savoured every little thing.. All of it." mom "I'm glad you did baby." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene10img21 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mom "Well...." mom "I'm going to go to my room now." mc "Okay. Good night [mom]." mom "Thanks for such a wonderful day honey." mom "I did things that I never dreamed I'd do." mom "It was such a wonderful day." mc "I'm glad you enjoyed it so much." scene 5scene10img22 mom "It's a good thing that I changed into this outfit before we got back." mc "Hahahahaha." mc "That's right." mom "That dress was sooo revealing.. People might have gotten suspicious had they seen us return with me wearing that. haha" mc "You're so right." mc "But I love you in this outfit too." mc "I like it no matter what you're wearing...... Or, not wearing" scene 5scene10img21 mom "You naughty boy! Stop" mom "Alright baby. I think I'm going to go now." mom "Thanks again.." mom "You have a very good night. Sleep well." mc "Thanks [mom]." mc "You too." stop music scene 5scene6img1 mc "{i} (I'm waking up with such a big smile on my face today.)" mc "{i} (Last night was just AMAZING)" mc "{i} (I wonder what this beautiful day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} ([mom] says she'll only allow my behavior till we go home tomorrow.)" mc "{i} (So I should make the best out of today.)" mc "{i} (Let me go find [mom].)" scene 5scene11img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "{i} (There she is.)" mc "{i} (My goddess.)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to have a wife like that.)" mc "{i} (She's such a beauty.. Such an exquisite woman.)" mc "{i} (A woman like that shouldn't be by herself.)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to the fine lady.)" scene 5scene11img2 mc "Hey [mom]." mom "Hey sweetie." mom "Good morning..." mom "Did you sleep well?" mc "I did [mom]." mc "{i} (Gosh! I love her smile!!)" mc "{i} (Everytime she smiles, it lights up something inside me." mc "Last night was amazing [mom]." mom "It was sweetie.. But let's not talk about last night... We don't want people overhearing us." mc "We both had such a wonderful time.. That's all that matters." mom "I agree [mom]," scene 5scene11img3 mom "I'm getting a call..." mom "It's your [asc]...." mom "Hmmmmmmm... It's nice that she remembers to call me once in a while." mc "Oh I'd love to speak to [asc]." mc "Put her on speaker please.." mom "Sure honey." scene 5scene11img4 mom "Hey Stacy, how are you?" mom "[mc] says he wants to talk to you too..." mom "So I'm putting you on speaker okay." mc "Wassup [asc], how are you?" asc "I'm doing great [mc]. Can't complain.. Can't complain." asc "Hey sis, I hear you guys are coming home tomorrow.." asc "Is that right?" mom "Yes we are." asc "Great." asc "Then I'm coming to stay with you guys for a few days too.." mc "That's awesome [asc]. You're welcome anytime." mc "What day will you be coming home [asc]?" scene 5scene11img5 asc "I'll be there within hours from the time you guys land here." asc "I'm so looking forward to this [mc].." asc "I haven't seen you in so long." scene 5scene11img4 asc "Hey sis, are the girls coming home too?" mom "Yes Stacy. All the girls will be home too." asc "That's wonderful... It's going to be so much fun." scene 5scene11img5 asc "All of us girls together... And [mc]." asc "I can hardly wait." mc "Will [uj] be coming homt to [asc]. He's fun to hand around with." asc "Your [uj] is on a business trip [mc]." asc "He won't be joining us." scene 5scene11img4 mc "Oh okay." mc "Nonetheless, we're excited to have you home with us." mom "What's that sound I'm hearing sis? Is everything alright" scene 5scene11img5 asc "What sound?" asc "I don't hear anything.." mom "I'm hearing some sort of a slapping sound." asc "May be it's on your end." scene 5scene11img4 asc "We should all plan to do some fun stuff together sis.." asc "Mmmmpphhh.. mmmmmpphh.." asc "I'm so excited, that all the girls are going to be there." asc "I'm so excited.. I don't think.. mmmpppphhhh.. I don't think I'll even be sleeping while I'm there." asc "We're going to have a ball, all of us hanging out together. Mmmmmpphhhhhh" mom "I'm hearing that sound even more now Stacy. It's getting louder.." mom "Are you alright?" scene 5scene11img5 asc "Of course I am." asc "Why wouldn't I be alright?" mc "I'm hearing that sound too [asc].. Are you sure you're fine?" asc "I'm fine [mc].. What makes you guys think I'm not?" scene 5scene11img6 asc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhh)" asc "{i} (He's pounding me soooo hard from behind.)" asc "{i} (It's hard to talk when he's hitting me that hard.)" asc "Desacelerar..." asc "Desacelarar....." asc "Ve mas despacio." fd "Si" fd "Si" scene 5scene11img4 mom "Are you talking to someone Stacy?" asc "Aaa, Yeah... I'm just getting some work done." mom "Oh okay." scene 5scene11img6 asc "Alright you guys, I gotta go now.." asc "You guys let me know as soon as you land here." asc "Call me.." mom "We will." asc "Bye now.. See you guys tomorrow." mom "Bye sis." mc "Bye [asc]." scene 5scene11img2 mc "This is so awesome [mom]." mc "[asc] is coming to stay with us too." mc "The house is going to be so full when we get back." mom "I just cannot wait to go home tomorrow honey." mom "I can hardly contain the excitement." mc "We should plan some fun activities for us all to do together [mom]." mom "Yes we should!" mom "I have so many ideas." scene 5scene11img7 e "Hey guys..." mom "Hello" mc "Hey Ella." mc "Hi Yelena." yna "Good morning [mc]. How are you?" mc "I'm fine thanks." e "I was looking for you guys everywhere." e "Did you guys have breakfast yet?" mom "Not yet honey." scene 5scene11img8 e "Mom, I want you to meet someone.." e "This is Yelena." mom "Oh hello sweetheart, it's a pleasure to meet you." yna "It's so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Reigns." yna "Ella has told me so much about you." mom "Oh yeah?" yna "You look just as good as I remember seeing you on magazine convers when I was little." mom "Aaaww thank you so much honey." mom "You are such a pretty little thing yourself." yna "My big sister is a big fan of yours.. She is a model too..." yna "You were her inspiration when she was little." mom "Aaaww that is so nice to hear." mom "I had no idea that my pictures reached this part of the world.." scene 5scene11img9 e "I'd been waiting for some time to introduce you to her Mom." e "I'm glad I finally got the chance." mom "I'm delighted to be meeting her to honey. She's such a wonderful girl." scene 5scene11img8 mom "Are you from this town sweetie?" yna "Yes. I was born and raised here." mom "How do you two know each other?" e "It's a long story Mom..." e "I'll tell you over breakfast or dinner sometime." scene 5scene11img9 e "Okay Mom, we gotta get going now." e "But, I have a MASSIVE SURPRISE for you today." e "Come to the terrace of this Hotel at 3 in the afternoon." e "You are going to LOVE it." e "It's going to blow your mind!" mom "Oh I'm so excited already. I can't wait to see what that is." e "You'll find out soon enough." e "Be there.." e "3 in the afternoon... The terrace of this hotel." e "You too [mc].. You're going to love it too." e "Arlight guys see you in the afternoon." mom "Bye you two." scene 5scene11img2 mom "What do you think the surprise is?" mc "I have no idea." mc "I'm just curious as you [mom]." mom "I wonder what Ella has in store for us." mom "The suspense is killing me." mom "You've met Yelena before?" mc "Yes. In the club the day before yesterday." mc "Ella and her were hanging there." mom "Well she seems like a lovely girl." mom "Okay honey. I'm going to go relax in my room for a while." mom "I'll see you on the terrace at 3 this afternoon." mc "Okay [mom]." mc "Bye for now." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene12img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" e "HEYYYYY MOM!" e "WE'RE GOING TO GO BRING CANDICE HOME." scene 5scene12img2 mom "OHHHH MY GOSSHH!!!!!!" mom "REALLY?!!!!" e "YESSS!" scene 5scene12img3 mom "OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY GOSHH!!!!" mom "THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU." mom "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" e "My team has already prepped the Helicopter." e "W're going to be leaving in a few minutes now..." e "You will have Candice in your arms by day after tomorrow." scene 5scene12img4 mom "OH MY GOSH! REALLY?" mom "THAT SOON?" mc "That is so awesome Ella." mc "Thank you so much for this..." mc "But, should YOU be going on this mission too?" mc "Can't you just let your team handle this?" mc "That's a very dangerous place Ella." mc "Those military guys on that Island are serious business." e "And What do you think I am? Some Princess on a pink Pony?" mc "Of course not!" mc "I know that you're a bad, bad woman." mom "I agree with [mc] dear.. I don't want you to be going there either..." mom "The guys in your team are seasoned veterans. Why don't you let them handle this? Why should you be going yourself?" scene 5scene12img5 dad "Because.. when you want to get the most important things done, you send out your best asset." dad "We're bringing a new daughter home...." dad "And there's no one I'd rather trust this with than my other daughter." dad "My little Lioness." dad "Now you go and bring your new sister home baby girl." e "I will Dad." mc "{i} (This is soo amazing... They're talking like Candice is [fmy] already." mc "{i} (I'm so happy that they're accepting Candice as our own with open arms.)" dad "Make it a simple evac dear.." dad "Don't mess with the army on that Island unless you absolutely have to." dad "We already have a lot on our plate as it is." e "Understood [dad]." e "I've already spoken to Cancide... We've worked out a plan." e "It's just going to be a simple extraction." e "There's not going to be any gun fights." dad "Good." scene 5scene12img6 yna "I know you're only going to be away for two days..." yna "But I'm going to miss you." e "I'm going to miss you too Sugar." yna "Come back to me safe." e "I always do baby." yna "I know." yna "My girl is a badass." yna "Just make sure you come back to me as soon as you can.. Don't keep me waiting." e "I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can." e "Alright baby, it's time for me to leave..." yna "NO" yna "Stay here in my arms for a few extra seconds." scene 5scene12img7 dad "........." mom "........." mom "What?" mom "Why are you looking at me like that?" dad "Does that remind you of another heterosexual couple when they were young?" mom "**Blushes**" scene 5scene12img8 e "Alright guys.. Time for me to leave." e "I'll be back with Candice the day after tomorrow." e "Mom and [mc], since you guys are going home tomorrow, I'll be bringing Candice there directly." mom "Wonderful dear." dad "I have complete confidence that you will bring Candice safely to us." dad "You go get em Tiger." e "I will Dad." mc "Bye Ella. Be careful out there." mom "Take care of yourself honey." mom "Be in constant touch with us on the phone." e "I will Mom." e "Okay. Bye guys." scene 5scene12img9 pause mc "{i} (Finally!! Candice is going to be come home to us.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see her again.)" mc "{i} (Sh's such a good girl.)" mc "{i} (By day after tomorrow, the whole [fmy] is going to be home.. Including the newest.. Candice!)" scene 5scene12img10 mc "Are you happy [mom]?" mc "You've been waiting for this for so long.. And so have I." mom "I cannot explain the bliss I'm feeling now honey." mom "I am more than happy." dad "Well, I've got a few meetings lined up this afternoon." dad "I'm going to make my best efforts to be there to recieve Candice comes home.." dad "I'd have to leave the very same day however." mom "That's fine dear.." mom "Just try to be there when Candice gets home.. That is enough." dad "I will honey." dad "Well, I'm off now.. I'll be back in the evening to pick you up wife." mom "I'll be ready dear." dad "Bye you two." scene 5scene12img11 mc "{i} (Good. I have her alone now.)" mc "It's a beautiful, bright sunny day [mom]..." mom "It is honey.." mc "Do you want to go out and have some fune?" mom "I'd love to dear...." mom "But [yd] is taking me out for dinner this evening.." mc "But that's in the evening, right?" mc "How about now?" mom "Right now, I'm just too elated about Candice sweetheart... I want to savour this feeling for a while." mom "Us fooling around at this time might replace this feeling instantly." mc "Okay." mc "{i} (Guess I'm not getting to play with her today.)" mom "I know this is the last day we can have that sort of fun honey.." mom "But since I'm going out... I'll try my best to make some time for you today honey... If I get the chance." mc "Okay [mom]." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 5scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "{i} (It's evening already!)" mc "{i} (I've just been lying on this bed since this afternoon." mc "{i} (I was really hoping to have some fun with [mom] today..)" mc "{i} (But she was too elated about Candice.. So I didn't push it." mc "{i} (It's evening, and she's going to be going for dinner with [dad]." mc "{i} (Well, let me at least go chat with her till she leaves.)" scene 5scene13img1 mc "There she is." mc "My dream woman." mc "Pure MILF beauty" mc "She's checking herself out in her pocket mirror." mc "I wouldn't even mind being that pocket mirror, just so I can be awith her wherever she goes." scene 5scene13img2 mc "Hey [mom]" mc "You are all glammed up for your night out!" mom "How do I look dear?" mc "Do you even have to ask me that?" mc "You look splendid as you always do." mom "Haha you're such a charmer." mc "I try. Haha." scene 5scene13img3 mc "{i} (Hmmmmm... It looks like she's been taking my suggestions to dress sexy.)" mc "{i} (That dress is showing soo much skin.)" mc "{i} (It's even showing some of her ass from the sides.)" mc "{i} (I love it.)" mc "{i} (She's going to be causing so many boners when she goes out tonight.)" scene 5scene13img2 mom "You like this dress honey?" mc "It's showing a lot of skin [mom]. So of course I like it." mom "Hahaha." mc "What time would you be coming back?" mom "I don't know baby.. Could be past midnight." mom "I am so sorry honey, I knew you were looking forward to spending some time with me..." mom "But [yd] and I planned this evening out day before yesterday.." scene 5scene13img4 mom "Hey honey, I just finished getting ready a few minutes ago." mom "I'm waiting for you to come pick me up." dad "About that.... I'm so sorry honey, I got stuck with some work." mom "You got stuck with work again!!" dad "I apologize my love.. I was looking forward to spending time with you this evening." dad "But something came up.. I really wish I could make it, but I can't." dad "I am so sorry to disappoint you again... But I swear I will make it up to you." dad "I will be back with you early in the morning... We can go out for breakfast before you and [mc] fly home tomorrow.)" mom "Okay. BYE" scene 5scene13img5 mom "He says he can't make it." mc "I'm sorry [mom]." mom "This is so typical of him!" mom "I'm so sick of it." mom "I can't believe he stood me up like this." mc "I'm so sorry that he did that [mom]." scene 5scene13img6 mom "It's his loss anyway." mom "You know....." mom "I was going to give him something special.." mom "But now I think I'll give it to you instead." mom "Come up to my room." scene 5scene14img1 mom "Here honey, have some champagne." mc "Thanks [mom]." mom "If my husband isn't going to be here for me, I'm going to have a great time with [ms] instead." mc "{i} (I hope [dad] keeps pissing her off like this more often...)" mc "{i} (Him pissing her off like this works out in my favour.)" mc "{i} (Maaannn, this is so sexual.)" mc "{i} (A woman scorned.... is in her bedroom with another man. And, that man happens to be her son.)" mom "My husband may priorotize work over me, but I know [ms] always wants to spend time with me." mom "Here, take you glass honey." mc "Thanks [mom]." scene 5scene14img2 mom "We are going to have such a great time tonight." mom "I don't need my husband while I've got [ms] here with me." mom "You are such a handsome young man my darling." mc "And you are such a, such a sexy, sexy lady [mom]." mom "You flatter be baby." mom "It's so enticing that [ms] is calling me sexy. haha.)" mom "It's so inappropriate.. But it's soooooo." scene 5scene14img3 mom "Here's to a great night.. Just the two of us." mc "Cheers to that [mom]." mc "A great night together.. Just you and me." mc "I'm looking forward to it." mom "And what in particular are you looking forward for dear?" mc "......." mom "[mmy] has a fair idea.. But she'd like to hear you spell it out baby." mc "Well...." mom "You know what...." mom "Wait here for [mmy]." mom "[mmy] will be right back." stop music fadeout 1 scene 5scene14img4 mc "{i} (Maaann, things are getting so sexual. This is turning out to be such a great night.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see what this night has in store for me!)" mc "{i} (The anticipation is killing me.)" mc "{i} (All I know is I'm going to experience some extreme heights of sexual pleasure tonight.)" scene 5scene14img5 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "He baby" pause mc "HOOOLLYYYY SHIIITTTTTTT" mc "FORGIVE ME FOR SAYING THIS [mom], BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW SEXY AS FUCK YOU LOOK RIGHT NOW!!" mc "YOU LOOK SOOOOO FUCKING SEXYYY!" mc "I WOULD FUCK YOU SEVEN WAYS TO SUNDAY!!" mom "That was bold!!" mom "Did you just straight out say that you want to .... me?" mc "I'm sorry for saying it out loud, but you look soooo damn SEXY... I don't even care.)" mc "YOU LOOK DROP DEAD STUNNING!" mc "JUST SEXY AS FUCK!" mc "You have given me such a massive erection!" mc "Right now I'm only thinking from it." scene 5scene14img6 mom "Since you're enjoying this so much... Let me give you another view." mom "How do you like that?" mc "This is just unfair!" mc "How can you look THAT sexy?" mc "You are everything a man possessed with sexual desire wants in a woman." mom "Really. You like this dress so much?" mom "I love it so much that all I can think of is just tearing it and.." mc "{i} (Fuck it. I can't take this anymore!)" mc "{i} (I'm going for it.)" scene 5scene14img7 mom "HHEEEYYY" mom "I didn't say you can touch me yet." mc "You are grabbing my breasts so hard!" mc "Sorry [mom]. I just couldn't help it.. It's your fault looking this sexy." mom "Hhhmmmmm baby..." mom "I can' feel your Monster knocking at my back door." mom "But, we shouldn't get carried away." mom "Come, lets take this slow..." mom "On the bed.." scene 5scene14img8 mc "{i} (Maaaann, she's teasing me so hard.)" mc "{i} (She's putting on a show for me.. Getting me all riled up.)" mc "{i} (The way she's kneeling on that bed, rearing her ass towards my sight...!)" mc "{i} (She's sending me in a sexual frenzy.)" mom "Do you like what you see baby?" mom "Why don't you get on the bed with [mmy] too?" scene 5scene14img9 mc "You look like a Goddess tonight [mom]." mc "You look nothing short of stellar this night." mc "You are an absolute Goddess." mc "Thank you so much for this." mc "I am so happy to be spending this night with a Goddess." mom "Aaaawwww you flatter me sweetheart." mc "[mom], can I ask you something?" mom "Sure." mc "Can I see you naked?" mom "You want to see me naked?" mom "Well...." mom "You give me so much attention... And you take such good care of me.." mom "I think you've earned it." mom "Sure. You can see me naked." mc "JACKPOT" mc "Thank you so much [mom]." mom "Let [mmy] take off her clothes." scene 5scene14img10 mc "OOHH WOOOOWWWW" mc "I can just never get enough of your marvellous breasts [mom]." mc "They are so gigantic." mc "So beautiful.." mc "Sooo milky.." mc "I absolutely love your breasts." mom "You have loved these since you were little honey.." scene 5scene14img11 mom "Remember how you used to drink from these when you were little?" mc "I sooo wish I could be like that again now [mom]." mc "I'd love to be around them all the time like that.. Spending so much time with the," mom "I'm sure your interests with these are a little different now. Haha" mc "Of course.." mc "There's so many different things I'd do to them now." mom "Like what?" mc "Things that would make you think I'm such a disgusting pervert." mom "Hahahha." mom "Well, you wanted to see me naked..." mom "Come closer baby." scene 5scene14img12 mc "{i} (Oh my gosh! THE MOMENT IS FINALLY HERE!)" mc "{i} (The moment I've been waiting for, for so long.)" mc "{i} (It's finally happening!)" mc "{i} (I'm going to see [mom] completely naked." mc "{i} (I'm going to get to see her Pussy.)" mom "I think it's time for these Panties to go sweetie..." mom "Take them off." mc "YESSSSS" menu: "Remove Her Panties": scene 5scene14img13 mc "Oh Come On!!" mc "[mom]!!!!!!!" mom "Hahaha" mom "Did you really think that I'd let you see my special spot that easily honey?" mom "Now tell me, who is your most favorite girl in this whole world?" mc "Oh come on! You know it's you.." mc "IT'S YOU.... IT'S YOU...." mc "You've completely ruined other women for me.." mc "No other girl or woman will ever be good enough." mom "Since you put it that way..." mom "Here.." scene 5scene14img14 mc "OOOOOOOHH WOOOOOWWWWW!!!!" mc "You even have hair down there.!" mc "Thank you so much for this [mom]." mc "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." mc "You have such a sweet, beautiful looking Pussy." mc "It looks so delicious." mc "[mom]s Pussy is the best Pussy" mom "Haha" mc "Can I eat it?" mom "No" mc "Or just lick it?" mom "NO" mc "Or at least just kiss it?" mom "Weeelll... since you're such a sweet, sweet boy.. and since you are always so nice to me.. You can!" mom "But just a soft, simple kiss. That's all." mom "Just a peck." mc "YESS!" scene 5scene14img15 mom "HEEYYYY" mom "Not that hard!" mc "Sorry [mom]." mom "I said just a peck.." mc "It is just a peck..." mc "I'm just keeping my lips on your beautiful pussy very softly." mc "I just want to experience this feeling a little longer." mom "Any longer and I know you'll start using your tongue... and the whole of your mouth. Haha" mom "That's it. STOP." mc "Oww Okay." mom "Now that I've shown you mine, it's time for me to see yours.." mom "Come on, show me yours." mom "Show me your BIG cock." scene 5scene14img16 mom "HHHUUUUUUUHHHHHH" mom "I just!" mom "I can't..." mom "I just can't get over the size of it no matter how many times I see it!" mom "Honey... This thing is a BAZOOKA!" mom "You would absolutely destroy a woman with this.." mom "I can't keep myself from thinking how you would ravage a woman with this.." mom "{i} (More so, how he would savagely ravage ME with this!)" mom "{i} (I am soooo tempted!)" mom "{i} (Why should this be forbidden?.)" mom "{i} (It looks so delicious)" scene 5scene14img17 mc "How do you like it [mom]?" mom "I'm can't lie honey.." mom "I am tempted. It looks so delicious." mom "This... this is just THE BEST" mom "Just looking at it gets me so aroused." mom "I thought my husband's was big, but it absolutely fails in comparison." mc "{i} (Her face is so sexy!)" mc "{i} (Those beautiful blue eyes...)" mc "{i} (That sexy face looking at me like that..!)" mc "[mom], since your lips are so close to it anyway.." mom "I know what you're going to ask sweetie.." mom "But NO" mom "I can't" mom "But I will give you something else.." mom "Lie on the bed." scene 5scene14img18 mc "Aaaahhhh" mc "{i} (She's gripping me so well with her feet.)" mom "You like that baby?" mc "Oooooww owwww" scene hotelmomfootjob animated with fade: "5scene14img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene14img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (I love how long his cock is.)" mom "{i} (It's soo looong and so thick!!)" mom "{i} (I'm such a bad wife for doing this.)" mom "{i} (Even worse, I'm doing this with [ms]." mom "{i} (How did I come to enjoy such sinful pleasures?)" mom "{i} (The veins on his cock are so engorged with blood.)" mom "{i} (That shows me that he wants me too..)" mom "{i} (That makes me feel not as bad about doing this....)" mom "{i} (But there's no way around it. It is a Sin. There's just no other way of looking at it.)" mom "{i} (I'm such a borrible [mom])" scene 5scene14img20 mc "{i} (I love the feel of her soft feet up and down my shaft.)" mc "{i} (She's taking her time doing it.)" mc "{i} (Her movements are squishing all the veins on my cock.)" mc "{i} (Just how is any of this happening?)" mc "{i} (I've got the sexiest woman on the planet giving me a footjob.)" mc "{i} (She is such a perfect woman... Her sexy body... Her silky soft, milky skin..)" mc "{i} (Every inch of her is perfect!)" scene hotelmomfootjob2 animated with fade: "5scene14img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene14img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (This is such a guilty pleasure)" mom "{i} (I am so wet down there.)" mom "{i} (He gets so rock hard for me everytime.)" mom "{i} (How did it come to this?)" mom "{i} (I have my [ms] lusting after me..)" mom "{i} (And I encourage it at times.)" mom "{i} (I may be a horrible [mom] for doing this...)" mom "{i} (But I'm only giving [ms] what he wants..)" mom "{i} (I just wish it was okay for me to get what I wa..... NO)" mom "{i} (I musn't think that.)" mom "{i} (For now, let me just enjoy [ms]'s cock just like this.)" mom "{i} (His big, thick cock!)" mom "Let me do this in a different way honey.." mom "Get up." scene 5scene14img21 mc "{i} (Aaaahhhh. This is even better!)" mc "{i} (She's using the full length of her feet.)" mc "{i} (She's squeezing me from both top and bottom.)" scene hotelmomfootjob3 animated with fade: "5scene14img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 "5scene14img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaarrghhh" mc "{i} (This is such a sensually delightful experience.)" mc "{i} (The softness of her feet against my hardness.)" mc "{i} (The way her soft feet are moving along the length of my cock.)" mc "{i} (She is so good at this..)" mc "{i} (Not only is she a super sexy woman...)" mc "{i} (She is also very, very good at giving pleasure.)" mc "{i} (I love how her thighs are opening up when she pulls on me.)" mc "{i} (I hope one day they open up to invite me in between them)" mc "{i} (I can see her Pussy.. Her sweet, delicious pussy)" mc "{i} (I like that she has hair down there too.)" mc "{i} (That is a bonus.)" mc "Aaaarghhhhh" mc "Just like that [mom]." mc "Yes. Pull it just like that..." mc "You are so good." mc "Aaarrhhhh..." mc "I'm about to cum [mom]" mc "I'm about to shoot." mc "Aaaaarrrhhhhhhh" scene 5scene14img22 with vpunch scene 5scene14img22 with flash scene 5scene14img22 with vpunch scene 5scene14img22 with flash scene 5scene14img22 with vpunch scene 5scene14img22 with flash scene 5scene14img23 with dissolve pause mom "{i} (Oooh he shoots so much cum everytime!)" mom "{i} (Shouldn't be a surprise when he's carrying that big Bazooka)" scene 5scene14img24 mc "Aaaaah" mc "That was AMAZING [mom]" mc "Thank you so much for this" mc "This is the best night of my life." mc "Thank you." mc "You are the best." mom "I'm glad you enjoyed it" mom "You shot soo much cum honey!" mom "Even from such a distance, some of it landed on my belly" mom "Actually, this is the first time you've come on my body." mc "{i} (That you're aware of. Haha)" mc "You look soooo beautiful right now [mom]." mc "I wish I could just be here with you in this moment forever." mc "Just you and me.." mc "I would devour you every night." mom "To be honest with you, I'd like that too sweetheart." mom "But YOU ARE [ms]." mom "And there's certain things we are not allowed to do." mom "I suppose we must just be content with our little play times like these." mc "Well, even doing these things with you fell like seventh heaven regardless." mc "You look soo good with my cum on your belly [mom]" mc "You are the best." mc "You are my Goddess." mom "You flatter me baby." mom "Now, off you go..." mom "Go get some sleep... We're going home tomorrow." stop music fadeout 2 label episode6_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene dayafter with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (Yaaaawwwnnn)" mc "{i} (Man, it feels good to wake up on my own bed after all this while.)" mc "{i} (Missed the comfort of my own bed since that day our Jet was shot down.)" mc "{i} (Feels good to finally be be back home.)" mc "{i} (All the girls are going to be here, I can hardly wait... It's going to be so much fun.)" mc "{i} (Only draw back is, I'm not sure if I can pull my shennanigans on [mom] with all the girls in the house.)" mc "{i} (She definitely won't allow it.)" mc "{i} (But I'm so glad that the sexual tension between me and [mom] has gotten so intense after all this while.)" mc "{i} (I can't stop now. Even with all the girls around, I gotta figure out ways to get my sexy MILF of a [mom] alone see how far things go with her.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what she's doing.. We just got home last night, and we are both tired, so we just went to sleep.)" mc "{i} (The girls will be home soon, [mom] and I are going to be at home by ourselves only for a little while.)" mc "{i} (I gotta make the best of this alone time. Let me see if I can make something happen.)" mc "{i} (Time to go see what she's up to.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene1img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "{i} (WOW.. WOW.. WOW!!)" mc "{i} (What an awesome sight to wake up to!)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to wake up and see her beautiful ass the first thing in the morning everyday.)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's doing her yoga or something.)" mc "{i} (She hasn't noticed me gawking at her ass from behind)" mc "Hey [mom]. What a lovely sight to wake up to! Thank you..." scene 6scene1img3 with dissolve mom "OH!! [mc]! You're up already!!" mom "Didn't thing you'd wake up this early.. Thought you'd sleep well into the morning." mom "Just thought I'd do some stretching.. Just gimme a minute." mc "OH.. ABSOLUTELY... Please don't stop on my behalf. Hehe" mc "I'm rather enjoying the view..." mc "Thanks for brightening my day already with your beautiful ass [mom]." mom "..... And just like that, I'm done with my stretches. Hahaha" scene 6scene1img4 mc "Oh, come on [mom]! Why did you stop? Can't you keep me entertained with your ass just for a little bit longer?" mom "Oohh. you'd like that wouldn't you? Hehehe" mc "I definitely would. But I can't complain about the view from the front either! Haha" mc "What a GORGEOUS Rack you have!" mom "Really? That's the first thing you notice in the morning?" mom "Your [mom]'s Rack.." mc "Hey, I can't help it... You know I'm a bit of a pervert." mom "I know baby... I sure do. Hehe. [mmy] DEFINITELY knows that. Hahahaha" mom "Good morning sweetie." mom "Did you sleep well?" mc "Like a baby." mom "Come, I've already brewed some coffee." scene 6scene1img5 mc "Hmmmm. The coffee tastes so good." mc "Thanks [mom]." mc "Coffee with a View! What more can a guy ask for?" mom "Baby......" mom "You gotta stop." mom "I told you you can't talk like that once we got home..." scene 6scene1img6 with dissolve mom "We're home now, and the girls are going to be here soon..." mom "We can't risk anyone finding out!" mc "I know, I know [mom]... Sorry." mc "I got carried away.." mc "It's just that I just can't resist the sight of my beautiful Goddess!" scene 6scene1img7 with dissolve mom "YOUR Goddess?" mom "Baby... you're [ms]... We're not married... You're talking like we're a married couple." mom "Do you think I'm YOURS?" mc "Wouldn't you like to be? Haha." mc "From our little sexcapades, I got the feeling that you'd kinda like it to be that way." mom "Hehehehehe.. I did enjoy our little sexcapades..." mom "But the fact remains that we're not married." mom "And I happen to be a married woman." mom "Do you think you can claim ownership of me?" scene 6scene1img8 with dissolve mom "What would my husband, [yd] say about it?" mc "{i} (Oh man, she's turning this conversation so sexual.)" mc "{i} (She's making this devious affair sound so dirty by talking about her being a married woman.)" mc "{i} (Is she hinting at something? Does she want me to outright tell her that she belongs to me?)" mc "{i} (Does she want to hear that from my own mouth?)" mc "{i} (Does she want me to claim ownership of her?)" mc "{i} (Fuuuucccckkk, this is turning me on so much!)" scene 6scene1img7 with dissolve mom "So, what do you think young man?" mom "Do you think you can claim ownership of a married woman?" mc "Well, if the married woman in question wants to be owned by another man behind her husband's back...." mc "I'd certainly like to indulge her." scene 6scene1img5 with dissolve mom "{i} (Snap out of it! Snap out of it right now)" mom "{i} (What are you doing? He is your son!)" mom "{i} (You're talking about things with such devious undertones with him.)" mom "{i} (This is not befitting a good woman or a wife.)" mom "{i} (Gosh, I have to get a hold of myself. I've crossed numerous boundaries that a virtuous woman should never cross as it is.)" mom "{i} (I have to put a stop to this. I can't be enjoying the company of another man behind my husband's back.)" mom "{i} (It's even worse that I'm doing it with [ms])" scene 6scene1img6 with dissolve mom "So, [ys]s are going to be home soon. Are you excited?" mc "{i} (Damn, she's changing the topic!)" mc "{i} (The conversation was getting so steamy, and she's putting an abrupt end to it.)" mc "I can't wait [mom]." mc "When are they arriving by the way?" mom "Iris is actually on her way right now. She should be here any minute." mom "Your [asc] will be here in the evening." mom "Jasmine was supposed to be coming home today too, but she just called and said she'll be here tomorrow morning." mom "Ella and Candice will be here the day after tomorrow" mom "Ella said that the mission is taking a little longer.. She and her team are safe though.. She'll be here with Candice the day after tomorrow." mc "That's awesome. It's going to be a full house. We're going to have so much fun." scene 6scene1img8 with dissolve mom "That's right baby." mom "I haven't seen my little girls in so long.. But, I understand that they have to do grown up stuff out in the world." mom "Gosh, you all have grown up so fast!" mom "It's like yesterday, you were all so little, right here in this house." mom "Look at you all now." mom "Each one of you are doing your own things." mc "You made us all so confident and independent [mom]." mc "You did such a good job with all of us." mc "Thank you." mc "Why did [asc] never have any kids by the way?" scene 6scene1img7 with dissolve mom "Hahahaha" mom "Can you imagine what it'd be like if your [asc] had kids?" mc "Hahahaha." mc "You're right. She'd have had to sacrifice so much. Haha. She wouldn't have had any time for her obsessive shopping." mc "Or any time to be chilling at Spas and Salons like she's done all her life." mom "Hahaha. You're right. I don't think she has the maturity to raise kids." mom "Plus, I don't think she's ever even thought about having kids anyway." mom "She's never been the motherly type." scene 6scene1img8 with dissolve mc "How come you two turned out to be such polar opposites anyway?" mc "You are so careful and meticulous about everything..." mc "But I don't think I've ever seen anyone with such a laid back attitude like [asc]" mc "She's always so chilled out and relaxed... That's one of the reasons I like her so much. Haha" mc "{i} (Damn!, I tried to keep my gaze away from her tits, but I just can't help it with that outfit she's wearing showing SO MUCH CLEAVAGE." mc "{i} (Her tits are just drawing me in..)" mc "{i} (That outfit is leaving so much of her tits bare, I can see the top of her areola.)" stop music fadeout 1.5 scene 6scene1img9 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "{i} (Damn, Her sexy, sexy breasts that have me captivated all the time!)" mc "{i} (I've never seen a more perfect pair on any other girl or woman.)" mc "{i} (Even the girls in the Porn industry can't compete with her.)" mc "{i} (Besides, her tits are All Natural unlike all the fake tits on most of the Pornstars.)" scene 6scene1img10 mc "{i} (Come to think of it, she has the perfect tits for porn!)" mc "{i} (Which hot blooded guy wouldn't want to see those tits ravaged and hammered to eternity unttil loads and loads of cum splashed all over them.)" mc "{i} (If only her and I could do porn as co-stars! I would give her tits such a hardcore, brutal hammering that she'd have to beg me to stop while the cameras are still rolling.)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to fuck her on camera someday. May be someday I can do a sex tape with her.)" mc "{i} (Better yet, I can even arrange a proper Pornographic shoot in some foreign country where people don't know us.)" scene 6scene1img9 mc "{i} (The video will be only for us. A proper Professionally shot Pornographic video in which I'd savagely brutalize all her holes." mc "{i} (A video only for our viewing pleasure whenever we feel like watching ourselves fuck each other's brains out.)" mc "{i} (Sometimes I wish she were a former Pornstar instead of a Supermodel...)" mc "{i} (That way I'd have tons and tons of fap material by now, seeing her actually go hardcore... Instead of the almost, but not all the way naked pics of her I have in my fap collection)" mc "{i} (Hehehehe, I actually have a fap collection with plenty and plenty of pics of [mm]. Not many dudes can say that." mc "{i} (Thanks to her being a former Supermodel, and all the fashion Magazines that clamoured after her for revealing shots of her in sexy outfits." scene 6scene1img10 mc "{i} (Ooh her big, beautiful breasts!)" mc "{i} (I can never get enough of them.)" mc "{i} (So soft... So milky....)" mc "{i} (Those big beautiful breasts I was fucking in a Strip Club just a couple of days ago.)" mc "{i} (I can hardly wait to see what other nasty things I get to do with her tits, if she lets me. And I have a feeling she will.)" mom "And that's how they ended up meeting each other....)" mom "....... Are you even listening to me [mc]?" mom "Wait!!...." scene 6scene1img11 mom "Were you staring at my tits?!!!" mom "I don't believe it!!" mc "Sorry [mom], I just couldn't help it." scene 6scene1img12 mom "I told you, you shouldn't stare at my tits.." mc "NO... You told me not to stare at your tits in Public." mc "I don't recall you ever telling me not to stare at your tits when we were by ourselves.." mom "Really? You're going to argue technicalities with me?" mom "This is serious business [mc]!" mom "I don't think you understand the seriousness of it... WE JUST CANNOT AFFORD TO GET CAUGHT!" mom "WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN IF SOMEONE FOUND OUT??!" mom "IT'LL TEAR EVERYTHING APART. TURN OUR WHOLE LIVES UPSIDE DOWN..." mom "We just CANNOT risk it.!" mom "I'm not willing to throw everything away just for a few moments of lust and pleasure, no matter how much our hearts desire it!" mom "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" mc "{i} (Damn, when she puts it like that, IT IS SCARY!)" mc "I'm sorry [mom]. I completely understand... I don't want to throw everything away for lust either." mc "But I'm so drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Why is this so hard to ignore." scene 6scene1img13 mom "I understand sweetie.." mom "And part of it is my fault... I've lead you on, when I should've put a stop to it." mom "You are young and your hormones are raging, but it should have been me who put a stop to it. Should've made it an ABSOLUTE NO NO!" mom "As the older, mature one, it should've been my responsibility to stop this in it's tracks." mom "But I gave in..." mom "I gave in to my desires, thereby becoming your enabler." mom "One of the reasons I did all those things with you just days before we got home was so we could both get everything out of our systems." mom "Especially you... I wanted you to experience all your deepest desires and get them out so we could exercise better control and restraint when we finally got home." mom "So we don't do anything stupid and risk getting caught when we're home.." mom "But you have to understand the magnitude of this sweetie... This could ruin everything." mc "I understand [mom]." mom "I know for a young man your age, it should be very hard to resist..." mc "We can both agree on that.... It is very HARD" mom "Oh my gosh! I cannot believe you're making a joke with a sexual innuendo when I'm giving you a serious lecture." mom "Just what do I do with you [mc]?" mom "{i} (Oh, what it is to be so young and so carefree.... Inspite of everything, I like how bold and carefree he is......)" mc "Sorry [mom], I know it was not proper timing.... But it was just a joke..." scene 6scene1img9 mc "I understand and agree with everything you said..." mc "I'm just trying to make light of the situation hehe." mc "It is hard, It is so HARD." scene 6scene1img14 mom "OH MY GOSH!! YOU WERE STARING AT MY TITS AGAIN." mom "Is everything a joke to you [mc]?" mc "Oh come on [mom], you didn't have to cover your tits... I was going to take my eyes off them...." mc "...Eventually..." mom "I doubt that... haha" mom "Like you said, you were SO HARD." mom "Hehehehe." scene 6scene1img13 mom "But I'm serious honey, you need to STOP." mom "We need to stop all of this.. We're playing with fire here." mom "This HAS TO STOP... It's too dangerous." mc "{i} (Damn.)" mc "But stop completely??" mc "I understand why we should stop this... But can't we at least set aside days... like once in a month, or something." mom "Absolutely not!" mom "Especially now that we're home. Absolutely nothing can happen here." mc "But you said the other night when you gave me a footjob.. that we had to make do with little sessions like that because we can never go all the way." mc "And now you're saying we can't even have little sessions?" mc "Come on, can we at least have some fun, like once a month or something?" mc "{i} (Yeah, right! Like I only want it once a month... I want it all the time... But if I say once a month, she might at least agree to it.)" mom "NO" mc "It's too hard for me to stop [mom].. Not after you've already given me a taste of it.. You have to understand." mc "Please... I gotta have some fun with you at least once in a while..." scene 6scene1img8 mom "Alright, if you want it that bad, you have to earn it." mom "Show me how much you like me in a big way... And I mean a very big way." mom "Then, may be I'll consider it.." mc "Oh, come on. You already know how much I like you. I think of you as my Goddess." mom "But show me that in deeds." mom "Just words aren't enough." mom "You're asking me to risk throwing everything away... So I need to know that you like me that much.. I need to know that it's worth the risk." mom "I don't want to risk it all just because your hormones are raging." mc "Well, how do you want me to show how much I like you? What do you want me to do?" mom "I can't tell you that.. That's for you to figure out..." mc "Oh come on! That's very vague." mom "Well, if you want it, you have to earn it... So show me in actions." mom "Then, may be I'll consider it... But you have to show me how much you like me in a very big way... In your actions." play sound "sounds/effects/door_bell.mp3" mc "Someone's at the door." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene1img15 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" i "FINALLY! I'm home." i "Oh how I missed this place." mc "Iris!!!" mc "You're here!" mom "Welcome home honey!!!" scene 6scene2img1 i "Ooohhhh I MISSED YOU.." i "I MISSED YOU.." i "I MISSED YOU..." mc "I missed you too [st]. Bring it in! Gimme a hug." scene 6scene2img2 i "How are you [mc]?" i "It has been bazillion years since we've met." i "Glad you're finally here!!" mc "I'm finally here? I've been here all these days haha..." mc "We were waiting for you to finally show up, Miss up and coming Topmodel." scene 6scene2img2a i "Oh, that's right! Goshhhh..... I'm so happy I'm finally here." i "I can hardly contain the excitement knowing that Jasmine and [asc] are coming too." mc "Me either Iris. Me either." mc "But how are you? How's life in Paris?" i "Oh, it's so wonderful [mc]!!!" i "It's the greatest city ever... I don't think I can live anywhere in this world ever again now that I've lived in Paris for a few months." i "Gosh, I have so much to tell you!!!" i "I'm going to... We've got all week!!" i "You should totally come visit me sometime in Paris!" i "I'll show you around the city, and all my friends..." i "It is such a wonderful place..." i "You should totally come visit..." mom "Just your big [br]?......." scene 6scene2img3 i "Of course you too Mom..." mom "Welcome home my sweet little baby!" mom "Mommy's so proud of you, you know that?" i "Thanks Mom.... Ooohh, how I've missed your sweet kisses!" i "I love you so much Mom" mom "I love you too sweetie." mom "My precious, sweet, sweet Angel." mom "Glad you're finally here." scene 6scene2img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "So, how's everything going there for you honey? Work.. Studies.. Career.." i "Oh, everything's going so wonderful Mom. I'm so happy." i "Living in Paris is everything you said it'd be..." i "It's so amazing there Mom.. I love everything about Paris." mom "Glad you're liking it there honey." mom "Although I didn't live in Paris for a long time myself, it was just a for few months in my early 20s because of work." i "The Agency treats me so well. Everyone there is so nice to me." i "They get me so many modeling gigs. They've promised to get me bookings for TV ads for some major brands." mom "I'm happy for your baby." mom "But in all your excitement with work, I hope you're not skipping College or Tuitions.." i "I don't." i "....... Mostly..." scene 6scene2img5 mc "Don't worry about College or Tuitions Iris.. Do what you love doing." mom "[mc]!!" mom "That's not the advice you should be giving your [st]." mc "So you're going to be on all the magazines and billboards soon, huh Iris?" i "I sure hope so [mc]." i "Just like Mom used to be during her modeling days." scene 6scene2img4 with dissolve mom "I wasn't all that big till I was 24 something, honey..." mom "You're going to be so popular and so in demand at such a young age... I'm so proud of you." mom "I'm so happy that you're experiencing so much exposure and success so early in your modeling career." i "Speaking of modeling careers.... My Agency is obsessed with you get back to it Mom. They're really hoping to sign you for a multi year contract soon." i "They asked me to check with you if you'd kindly oblige. They said they'd be honored to have you among their talent." mom "That's sweet honey, but I'm an old lady..." i "Oh come on Mom, there's plenty of requirements for old ladies in the modeling world now...." i "Well... I don't mean that you're old...." scene 6scene2img5 with dissolve mc "Hehehehe.. It's alright Iris.. You can call her an old lady. She is on the older side after all." mc "{i} (Just how I like my women.... Older than me...)" i "Hehehehe" mom "Hahahaha I admit it. I am an old lady." mc "You're like fine wine [mom]" mc "You've just gotten better wit age." i "EXACTLY" scene 6scene2img4 with dissolve i "That's exactly why my Agency wants you to come back so bad Mom." i "There's this whole niche for Boudouir fashion featuring Hot older women.." i "Besides, you were a big name in the industry back in your days.... So to have you back at your age, looking much hotter will be a jackpot for any agency." i "That's why they're all clamouring to get you back." i "Please, please, please consider it Mom. Please.... For me." mc "{i} (Damn, it seems Iris is more eager about [mom] getting back to modeling than I am.)" mc "{i} (She's actually helping my case with this.... If [mom] decides to get back to modeling, she's already promised that she'll let me be the photographer for her re-practice shoots.)" mc "{i} (Plus, all these agencies want her for Boudoir which is super risque....)" mc "{i} (That'll give me plenty of opportunities to turn things sexual with her.)" mc "{i} (Ooooohhhh it's turning me on so much just thinking about the opportunities I'll get during our sessions.)" mc "{i} (I can savour her body, relish her sexy, sensual assets.. Things can get so steamy and wild and delicious during our practice shoots.)" mc "{i} (If she agrees to model again, I'll hit the pleasure jackpot.)" scene 6scene2img5 with dissolve mc "Iris is right." mc "You should definitely consider it [mom]. It'll do you a lot of good to break free from your boredom." i "Yeah..." scene 6scene2img4 with dissolve i "Think about it Mom, would you rather sit at home all by yourself, bored out of your mind..." i "Or step back into this fun world of modeling and open yourself up to new experiences." i "You were big back then... Imagine how big you can get now that you're much older.... Considering the fact that there's a global shift in tastes with most men leaning towards older women." i "You are still Super Hot Mom... You shouldn't definitely make use of it." i "And if you're camera shy, being out of touch for all these years.... [mc]'s been dabbling with photography for a while now..." i "I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you out till you're ready to step in front of professional cameras again.." scene 6scene2img5 with dissolve i "You'd help her with it, won't you [mc]?" mc "Oh, I'd love to.. It'd be my pleasure Iris." i "See Mom. He's willing to help you out.." mom "{i} (If only she knew what he meant by His Pleasure...)" mom "{i} (It'll be like winning the lottery for him.)" mom "{i} (That sly wolf!!)" scene 6scene2img4 with dissolve i "See Mom. [mc]'s willing to do that for you.." i "He can be your practice photographer... Besides, it'll help him improve his skills too." i "You can both benefit from it...." mc "{i} (Ooohh, if you only knew Iris... If you only knew..)" mc "{i} (Iris just wnknowingly became my best wing-woman hahahaha.)" mc "{i} (This is sooo awesome.)" mom "{i} (Huhh, this kid!! She doesn't know what sort of a pervert he is! Hehe)" mom "{i} (And the sentences she's using unbeknownst to her, must only be filling his mind with more twisted ideas.)" mom "{i} (I don't want to straight away say no to her cause she seems so eager. So I'll just give her a vague answer.)" mom "I'll definitely think about it sweetie." i "That's great Mom. Thank you so much." mom "Anytime love." i "Alright Mom, I'm feeling a little jet lagged. Think I'll go to my room and rest for a while." i "Sorry, I want to sit here and talk to you guys for hours, but I'm just a little tired at the moment." mom "That's alright sweetie. I'm about to go upstairs and take a shower too." scene 6scene2img6 mom "You go rest up." mom "I'll talk to you later." mom "By the way, If I haven't already said this a 100 times, I'm so happy you're here." mom "So glad to have you at home my love." mom "Mommy loves you." i "Love you too Mom." scene 6scene2img7 i "How are things with you [mc]?" i "All good?" mc "Everything's great Iris.." mc "I've been having the time of my life lately." i "I know we've been talking on the phone from the time you guys got back from that forest..." i "But I want to tell you this in person... I am soo proud to call you my big [br]." i "Being lost in that forest.. Your Jet being shot down.. It must've been so fearful... But you held your own." i "I definitely couldn't have survived what you survived [mc]. Not only did you survive, you kept Mom safe through it all." i "I am so proud of you." mc "Haha. If anything it was kind of a fun adventure Iris." mc "But I'm glad you have a high opinion of me... Thank you." mc "That means a lot to me." i "Okay [mc], I'm going to go nap for a while.. I'll talk to you later." mc "Sure." scene 6scene2img8 with dissolve mc "{i} (Flattered that Iris thinks so highly of me.)" mc "{i} (I'm glad she's back for a while.)" mc "{i} (Things are going to be so much fun..)" mc "{i} (Well, as for now, Iris is resting up...)" mc "{i} ([asc] will only be here in the evening..)" mc "{i} (What do I do in the meantime?)" mc "{i} (Wait.. (Did [mom] say she was going to go take a shower?)" mc "{i} (May be I can go to her bathroom and see what happens... I know she made it clear that we can't have our fun with all the girls here at home." mc "{i} (But when I was staring at her tits for the second time, and she covered them up... she was actually smiling... She didn't seem mad.)" mc "{i} (Does she secrently want it too... But says we can't because she's afraid of getting caught?)" mc "{i} (Well, Iris is sleeping now, and I know she's a heavy sleeper.... So I don't have to worry about getting caught.)" mc "{i} (Besides, this might be my only chance for a while to make advances on [mom]." mc "{i} (Once [asc] and Jasmine get here, I don't think I can get [mom] alone with me even for a little while.)" mc "{i} (I think I should use this opportunity..... But.... What if she gets mad?)" mc "{i} (She might get very angry with me for risking people finding out about us...)" mc "{i} (I don't want to risk it either, it could be catastrophic if anyone finds out....)" mc "{i} (But, she's so damn Sexy...)" mc "{i} (And I'm too damn horny...)" mc "{i} (Fuck it! I'm taking a chance.. I don't know when I'll get her alone with me this whole week. So I'm going for it now.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene2img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "{i} (FUUUUCCCKKKK! She's already Topless. My dick might just explode right this second looking at that sexiness.)" mc "{i} (What a sexy body! She's such a MILF!.)" mc "{i} (Those massive breasts...)" mc "{i} (That sexy big ass.....)" mc "{i} (Man, she's so perfect.)" mc "{i} (Okay, here we go..... I really hope she doesn't get mad)" mc "Hey [mom]" scene 6scene2img10 mom "[mc]!!!!" mom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!" mc "Please don't be mad at me..." mom "THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS [mc]!" mom "TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!" scene 6scene2img11 mom "Iris is here!!!" mom "You know damn well the consequences if she found out!" mom "ARE YOU SO HORNY THAT YOU'RE WILLING TO THROW EVERYTHING AWAY?." mom "AND I MEAN EVERYTHING!!...." mom "THIS COULD RUIN US BOTH!!!" mom "ARE YOU REALLY WILLING TO THROW EVERYTHING AWAY JUST TO SEE ME NAKED?" mom "OR DO YOU JUST NOT CARE?" mom "THIS IS RIDICULOUS [mc].." mc "I know... I know.... I'm sorry.... But I just CANNOT resist you.." mc "I could try for a thousand years... But I know I can never overcome my obsession with you!" mc "You are just so beautiful... So perfect..." mc "You are the most splendid thing on this planet... The most beautiful thing I've ever seen.." mc "I can't help but be absolutely obsesse with you.." scene 6scene2img12 mom "Are you trying to sweet talk me?" mom "Really?" mom "Do you really think that was going to work?" mom "You are being careless, and the only reason I'm even talking to you calmly is because I know Iris is a heavy sleeper." mom "I can see you gawking at my breasts, but like I said.... You have to earn it.." mom "Show me.. Show me how much you like me in a very big way..." mom "And No... your big Penis doesn't count." mc "Okay. That's going to be my mission from now on.." mc "And you're not making it any easier by being so vague about it." mc "It's like shooting in the dark, but I'm goind to do all I can...." mc "But for now... You know Iris is a heavy sleeper... So we can't get caught.... Can you at least.." mom "NO" mom "Absolutely not" mc "Can I just touch your breasts?" mom "NO" mc "Can you at least show me your breasts?" scene 6scene2img13 mom "No... It's time for you to go now." mc "Please..." mc "Can I just stand here and watch you bathe?" mc "I won't do anything stupid. I promise." mom "Hahaha. Like you ever can resist." mom "Time for you to be on your way young man." mom "Go on now. Leave.." mc "Damn." scene 6scene2img14 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Man, she's not giving me anything!!)" mc "{i} (I knew she wouldn't let me play with her after we got back.. But I didn't know she'd be this strict about it.)" mc "{i} (She's not giving me ANYTHING)" mc "{i} (Plus, what's with all this show me how much you like me nonsense?)" mc "{i} (It's like in those corny Rom-Com movies)" mc "{i} (What do I do to show her how much I like her?)" mc "{i} (It'll be easier if she at least told me what to do, but she wants me to figure it out.)" mc "{i} (I just can't with this... Grrrrr)" scene 6scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Well, it looks like I'm not getting any action.)" mc "{i} ([mom] made that pretty clear.)" mc "{i} (Iris is sleeping too.. I've got nothing to do now.)" mc "{i} (It's beautiful weather..)" mc "{i} (May be I'll just nap out here for a while.)" mc "{i} (I'm loving this morning breeze)" mc "{i} (Time for a nap)" stop music fadeout 1 menu: "Take a Short Nap": scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene3img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" i "{i} (Looks like [mc] is sleeping.)" i "{i} (It's good that he's sleeping though..)" i "{i} (I want to take a swim.. And it would've been awkward to undress in front of him, or ask him to leave.)" i "{i} (Gosh, how I missed this beautiful view!)" i "{i} (We have so much greenery here.)" i "{i} (And swimming in this pool surrounded by all this greenery is always such a bliss.)" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene3img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Yaaawwwnnnn" mc "{i} (Looks like I slept for quite a while.)" mc "{i} (Oh look, Iris is here.)" mc "{i} (Thought she'd be sleeping for sometime after her long flight.)" mc "{i} (It's good to have her back.)" scene 6scene3img4 mc "{i} (HOLLLYYYY SHITTTT!!)" mc "{i} (I just about fell off this lounge.)" mc "{i} (WOW!!)" mc "{i} (She must think I'm still sleeping... She's taking her clothes off!)" mc "{i} (But damn!! That is a great sight)" mc "{i} (May be I should let her know I'm awake.)" mc "{i} (Or..........)" scene 6scene3img5 mc "{i} (Damn!!)" mc "{i} (That is so Stunning!!)" mc "{i} (She has such a great body.)" mc "{i} (I love that shape!)" mc "{i} (No wonder she's getting modeling gigs left and right)" mc "{i} (With that body like THAT... It's a no brainer.)" mc "{i} (She has the body of a woman now..)" mc "{i} (But when did she get like this?)" mc "{i} (Or has she always been this Hot and I'm looking at her in a new light for the first time?)" scene 6scene3img6 mc "{i} (Oh YESSS!!)" mc "{i} (She's about to take her shorts off!!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! This is so Hot!)" mc "{i} (That shape is to kill for!)" mc "{i} (Look at those fine, sexy curves on her body.)" mc "{i} (She is so fucking HOT)" mc "{i} (But damn it! What am I doing?)" mc "{i} (I already think of [mm] in twisted, perverted ways... Now I'm looking at my [st] like that too!!)" mc "{i} (Should I stop?)" mc "{i} (I mean I've never looked at Iris like that before... But I can't believe the sexiness I'm seeing right now.)" scene 6scene3img7 pause mc "{i} (HOLY MOLLY)" mc "{i} (WHAT AN ASS!!!)" mc "{i} (JUST.... JUST...!!)" mc "{i} (WHAT A HOT PEACH OF AN ASS! This is so fucking sexy)" mc "{i} (Never noticed that she had such a sexy ass on her..)" mc "{i} (That's an ass I would love to tear up!)" mc "{i} (Those are such a perfect pair of ass cheeks)" mc "{i} (They're blowing my mind)" scene 6scene3img8 pause mc "{i} (Oooohh nooo! Those sexy curves on her..!!)" mc "{i} (I want to pull my cock out and jack off right now.)" mc "{i} (I'm loving this!)" mc "{i} (Hope she doesn't notice that I'm awake and watching her undress.)" mc "{i} (The things I'd love to do to that body..)" mc "{i} (That ass... Especially that ass... The things I'd love to do to that sexy ass.)" mc "{i} (I would love to go inside that ass like a Tornado tearing through a city.)" mc "{i} (I would absolutely tear that ass up!)" mc "{i} (I would just rip it apart!)" scene 6scene3img9 pause mc "{i} (OH WOW!!!)" mc "{i} (She's got curves like a Racetrack!! Just twisting and turning everywhere..)" mc "{i} (She's got curves for days...)" mc "{i} (Those are curves you only see on Thick women... It's amaing that she has such great curves despite being a thin girl.)" mc "{i} (Her body looks SO sexy in that tiny little bikini.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what she looks like completely naked.)" mc "{i} (She has always been a pretty girl, but I'm noticing the sexiness that's been hiding under her clothes for the first time today.)" mc "{i} (So this is what she's been flaunting in front of Cameras in Paris.)" mc "{i} (Explains why the fashion industry loves her so much even though she just got in.)" scene 6scene3img10 mc "{i} (Yes!!)" mc "{i} (She's getting in the water.)" scene 6scene3img11 pause mc "{i} (OOHHHH FUCCCKK!!)" mc "{i} (I think I just came a little bit already)" mc "{i} (She looks soo sexy with that wet skin.)" mc "{i} (Her bikini's wet.)" mc "{i} (This is sexy as fuck)" mc "{i} (I can't get over how hot she looks with water rolling down her pale skin.)" mc "{i} (This is so stunningly sexy.)" mc "{i} (Someone's just Texted me.)" scene 6scene3img12 mc "{i} (SON OF A BITCH!)" mc "{i} (It's that guy with the picture.)" mc "{i} (How does he always interrupt me when something sexy is going on?)" mc "{i} (I have had enough of his shit.)" mc "What do you want asshole?" mysc "You're back in town. We have to meet." mc "Really?" mc "It's not enough that you piss me off with calls and texts at the most inconvenient times..." mc "Now I have to put up with your shit in person too?" mysc "I don't have time to exchange pleasantaries.. Just sent you the location.." mysc "Be there." mysc "1 Hour." mysc "Bye." mc "Son of a bitch!" scene 6scene3img13 i "Hey [mc]" i "Did I wake you?" mc "No. No. You didn't." mc "I just got a text from someone. That woke me up." i "Oh okay." i "I got up just a few minutes ago. The jet lag is gone.. So I decided to take a swim.." i "It's beautiful weather, isn't it?" mc "Yeah, it's great." mc "Listen, Iris, I'd love to sit here and talk to you.. But I gotta get going.. Gotta run some important errands." mc "I'm so sorry. We'll talk when I get back." i "Okay sure." i "Bye" mc "Bye for now." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "{i} (Where is this douchebag?)" mc "{i} (I'm getting sick of his shit.)" mc "{i} (Wait.. This is a deserted place after all.)" mc "{i} (May be I can beat him up, take his phone and get rid of the pic.)" mc "{i} (But I can almost guarantee that that's not the only copy he has of that pic!)" mc "{i} (Pretty much looks like I have to put up with this blackmail bullshit.)" mysc "Turn around." scene 6scene4img2 mc "WHOAH!!" mc "What the fuck is this?" mc "Isn't it a little too early for Halloween?" mysc "Haha. He's got jokes." mysc "The big joke is that I can ruin your whole life with a tap of my phone screen motherfucker." mysc "Oh wait.. I meant motherfucker as an insult... But you actually want to fuck [ym]. So..." mc "Alright, what do you want asshole?" mc "Can't you just annoy me on phone as usual? Did we really have to meet?" scene 6scene4img3 mysc "I gotten tired of waiting for you to make a decision about killing the target." mysc "So yes, we had to meet." mc "I don't even know who the target is douchebag." mc "How do you expect me to kill someone whom I know nothing about?" mysc "Your predicament is not worrying about what kind of a person the target is.." mysc "Whether he or she is a good or bad person..." mysc "It's only to do what I tell you to." mysc "I want that person gone, so you will eliminate them." scene 6scene4img2 mysc "But... I guess you've just been handed a little bit of extra time to make up your damn mind." mc "What do you mean?" mysc "Some things have happened, and certain things have changed..." mysc "So, killing the target immediately doesn't serve my best interests." mysc "However, I still want that person gone." mysc "All you're getting is a few more days to make a decision." mysc "I don't know if I should even call it making a decision actually." mysc "It's pretty simple.. You don't kill that person when I tell you to, I ruin your life by sending out that picture to everyone." mc "Ahh not with this shit again.. I know you're not going to send that pic man." mc "If you wanted to, you would have already.." mc "You just really, really want that person dead. So, you're really just hoping that I'll kill them without trying to double cross you or cause too much trouble for you." mc "Come to think of it, why don't I just kill you instead, right now?" mc "That way, all my troubles will be gone." scene 6scene4img4 mysc "Hahahahaha" mysc "Do you really think I was stupid enough to show up in person without a contingency plan?" mysc "If I'm not back on my laptop in 40 minutes, the pic automatically gets sent out to everyone you know." mc "Alright then, what's the point of this whole meeting man? You said you don't want the target killed just yet." mc "You could've just told me that on the phone." mysc "We had to meet because there is something else..." scene 6scene4img2 mysc "You see, waiting for you to make your decision has made me a little greedy." mysc "I want you to steal something for me tomorrow." mc "Steal something? What the fuck!" mc "Aren't I already doing you a big favor by killing your target - if I decide to kill that target?" scene 6scene4img3 mysc "Well, it is your fault that you took so long to decide. Things have changed in the meantime." mysc "My target doesn't need killing at the moment. And this thing that needs to be stolen just popped up on the radar." mc "Okay, but I don't do stealing man." mc "Just tell me what you want. I'll buy it for you." mc "You know I have a rich [dad], right?" mysc "The thing I want stolen cannot be bought," mc "Huuuhhhhh when is it ever not complicated with you?" mc "Alright, what do you want me to steal." scene 6scene4img4 mysc "Here's the details.. Listen carefully." mysc "A big robbery is going to go down tomorrow." mysc "I want you to steal the thing that's going to get stolen..." mysc "And once I sell that to the right buyer, it'll make me very rich." mysc "Very rich......." mysc "There are people who would pay any amount of money for that." mysc "Have you heard about the Jewel Of Love?" mc "That stupid Necklace with the precious Rubies that King Argavaine gave his lover and future wife? Yeah, I've heard of it." mc "Everyone in this city has heard of it." mysc "Right. That's getting stolen from the City Meuseum tomorrow." mc "HOLY SHIT!!" mc "Really??" mc "Wait... How do you know this?" mysc "I want you to steal the Jewel Of Love from the guys who steal it." mc "Holy shit! This sounds like some major robbery with a lot of complexities man. I can't do it." mc "Sounds like big time robbery. There could be a lot of trouble involved... Not to mention Cops." scene 6scene4img2 mysc "On the contrary..." mysc "The original robbery at the Meuseum is going to go down so smooth that nobody will even notice that the Jewel Of Love is gone until hours after it's stolen." mysc "And you are going to steal it from the robbers when it's on it's way to it's destination." mc "No way man, if those guys are good enough to steal the Jewel of Love from the Meuseum, their security and back ups must be pretty tight." mc "I don't think I can do it. Sounds very big scale." mysc "Well, there's the simplicity of it." mysc "Everyone assumes that a robbery of this magnitude has to be done by some big time players....." mysc "But it's actually being done by a couple of security guards working at the Meuseum." mysc "They just figured out some minor flaws in the surveillance system." mysc "They just discovered a small flaw in the system that arises once in every 3 months when the surveillance and security drops below 100 percent." mysc "That window of opportunity arises tomorrow, and they're going to steal it.." mysc "It's going to be a walk in the park for them." mysc "Once they steal it, they're going to be on their route to their buyer through Highway 69." scene 6scene4img3 mysc "That's where you'll intercept them and steal it from them." mysc "Very simple.. It's an easy job." mysc "And like I said, they're just a couple of small time security guards..." mysc "I can bet they won't even have any firepower." mysc "This should be a walk in the park for you." mysc "Do that for me, and I might even give you a couple of extra days to think about killing the target later." scene 6scene4img4 mc "So it's just intercept and steal. No Gun fights etc, correct?" mysc "That's right." mc "Alright. I think I can do it." mysc "Good." mysc "The guys who steal it are going to pass through Highway 69 in a small Truck at 3PM." mysc "I'll text you the exact details." mc "Wait.. How do you know all this?" mc "Who are you?" mysc "That's not your concern." mysc "Get this done tomorrow." scene 6scene4img3 mysc "And you better not disappoint me." mysc "I gotta go now." mysc "See you around." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene4img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mom "Where were you sweetie?" mc "{i} (Damn! Why does she do this to me?)" mc "{i} (Always looking like a snack... No... looking like a 6 course meal that I want to ravenously devour!)" mc "I was just out meeting a friend [mom]... Sort of." mom "Good. Good. Your friends must've missed you." mom "We haven't been in the country for a while." mc "Right." mc "You look..... Fresh [mom]." mc "Thanks honey. I had a nice long bath." scene 6scene4img6 i "Hey guys, What are you up to?" mom "I see you've freshened up too sweetie." mom "We were just talking.. Come sit with us.." mc "{i} (Man, now I can't look at Iris without noticing how Hot she is.)" mc "{i} (She looks so good.. Her pale skin and Blonde hair..)" mc "{i} (Plus, that sexy ass.)" mc "Jet lag all gone Iris?" i "Yes [mc]. I'm feeling so fresh now." scene 6scene4img7 i "So, what do you guys wanna do today?" mom "Yeah, what shall we do today? Did you find anything fun happening in the city while you were out [mc]?" mc "Didn't notice anything in particular.." mc "But there's always plenty fun of things to do in this city." i "How about we go to a movie?" scene 6scene4img8 mom "A movie sounds good.. Yeah, let's do that." mc "I'm down." mom "Wish Stacy could join us, but she'll only get here in the evening." mom "Anyway, we can go watch a movie and get back here in time to recieve [asc]." mc "Great." scene 6scene4img7 mom "Which movie do you want to go to [mc]?" mc "{i} (I'd suggest some movie with a lot of sex scenes if Iris wasn't coming with us...)" mc "I don't know.. I'm okay with anything you guys want to watch." mc "But Iris, are you sure you want to travel all the way to the Cinemas?" mc "You just got here on a long flight this morning.." mc "It's totally fine if you just want to stay at home and relax.. We understand.. [mom] and I wouldn't feel bad about going to the Cinemas by ourselves." mom "{i} (You sly little fox! You're trying to get me alone with you again.)" scene 6scene4img8 mom "I know you're probably tired sweetie, but it isn't a very long drive to the Cinemas." mom "As considerate as [mc] is about you being Jet lagged, him and I wouldn't want to leave you behind and go out." mom "You can sleep in the Car on our way there if you want." i "Actually I'm not tired at all... I'm feeling very fresh.. I'm coming!" scene 6scene4img9 mom "Hahahahahahaha" mom "You hear that [mc]? She's not tired at all." mom "Hahahahaha" i "What's funny Mom? Why are you laughing at [mc] because I'm not tired?" mom "It's nothing honey.... Just a little bet we had about how you feel after long flights." mom "I put my money on you handling long travels very well." scene 6scene4img7 i "You guys make bets about me?" mom "It's nothing honey.. We just make random bets on random stuff for fun." i "Oh okay." mom "Well, you guys go get dressed." mom "Let's leave in an hour." mc "Okay." scene 6scene4img10 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) i "You guys were on the eastern hemisphere for a few days after getting back from the forest...." i "Did you like it there?" mc "Oh, I absolutely Loved it there..." mc "I had some of the best moments of my life when I was there.." i "Oh yeah?" i "Like what?" mc "{i} (Like fucking our [mom]'s tits in a Strip Club, kissing her Pussy in her hotel room etc. hahahaha)" mc "I did fun stuff... Lots of fun stuff..." scene 6scene4img11 i "What about you Mom?" i "Did you have a good time over there?" mom "Well.... Kind of.." scene 6scene4img10 i "Did you guys visit all the tourist spots?" mc "Yeah.. But you see little [st], when you're having a great time, it's not just about the place you're at..." mc "It's also about the people who you're with." i "What people? I'm sure Dad and Ella were busy with work as usual..." i "So it must've been just you and Mom.." mc "That's right." scene 6scene4img11 i "Wow.." i "It looks like you two have bonded really well since that Jet incident Mom." scene 6scene4img12 mom "Yes honey.." mom "We had a lot of.. bonding." i "Did you guys take a lot of pictures of your good times together?" mom "{i} (Hehehe)" mom "{i} (I'm not sure those would've been the kind of pictures I could show you sweetheart. Haha)" mom "You know I don't like taking a lot of pictures like you young girls do all the time sweetie." mom "We hardly took any pics at all, except for a couple of tourist spots.)" scene 6scene4img11 i "Well, in any case, I'm glad you guys had a lot of time for bonding." i "I know you're always complaining about us not spending enough time with you.." i "It's good that you had the chance to have at least one of us with you all the time for a few days" i "I'm really glad you guys have bonded so well." mc "Yeah Iris... me too.." mc "We've gotten Really Close...." scene 6scene4img10 i "Hey, are you excited about Candice coming home?" i "I know I haven't met her, but I've heard so much about her from Mom and you.. I like her already." i "I'm so excited about getting a new sister." mc "Of course I am Iris." mc "She's such a wonderful girl." mc "You are going to love her." i "Great. I just can't wait to meet her." i "So, what are we doing after the movie? Shall we go some place else?" scene 6scene4img12 mom "I don't think we can sweetie." mom "Remember, your [asc] is coming home in the evening." mom "We have to get back home by evening to recieve her." mc "I think we'll have at least a couple of hours after the movie Iris." mc "How about we go pick up new outfits for [mom]'s practice photoshoots?" i "That's actually a great idea." i "Yes. Let's do that." mom "Whoah..." mom "I haven't said anything about agreeing to model again yet kids." scene 6scene4img11 i "Oh come on Mom. I don't know why you're holding off on this." i "This is good for you." i "If I were you and all the agencies came knocking at your age, I'd take up those offers in a heartbeat." mom "Yeah Iris, I don't know why she's holding off on it either..." mom "She's still Hot" scene 6scene4img13 i "Eeeewwww [mc]" i "Did you just call Mom hot?" mc "I mean.... I meant that... You know what I mean.... In this context.." mc "I'm just trying to help your case Iris..." mc "Do you want her to model again or not?" mc "I'm just trying to boost her confidence.." i "Okaay." scene 6scene4img14 mc "You know what I mean [mom].." mc "You're still beautiful for your age." mc "You should definitely consider this." mom "{i} (I know why you want me to consider this you cunning rat.)" mc "{i} (I know why.)" mc "Don't you agree with me Iris?" mc "Isn't she still Ho... stll beautiful for her age?" i "I agree.." mom "{i} (I just can't with this kid!)" mom "{i} (He's calling me hot in front of his [st])" mom "{i} (But the inert danger in this is pretty exciting actually.)" scene 6scene4img12 mom "In any case you guys, the decision is mine to make." mom "I'll let you know when I've made my up mind." i "Arrrrrr" mc "You know we're only looking out for your best interests [mom]." mom "I know sweetie..." mom "But you should be keping your eyes on the road." mom "Go on.. Eyes on the road." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "{i} (Man, what do I do with these 2 hotties?)" mc "{i} (It sucks that they have to be forbidden fruit.)" mc "{i} (Just how can a man resist being so close to such beautiful women all the time?)" mc "{i} (I'd have liked to have come to the Cinameas with just [mom]... But this is good too.)" mc "{i} (Now I have a thing for Iris as well.)" mc "{i} (But how do I even start making things sexual with her?)" mc "{i} (With [mom], things just happened because of the situations we were in, and organically developed from there.)" mc "{i} (I don't think it'll be that easy with Iris.)" mc "{i} (Just how do I start?)" mc "{i} (I just can't go up to her and say, Hey [st], I want to bang you. hahah)" scene 6scene5img2 mc "{i} (Those sexy bodies.. Those sexy shapes...)" mc "{i} (Their body types are so completely differet.. Yet extremely Hot.)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s body is absolutely the type that not a single guy on the planet can resist.)" mc "{i} (Voluptous, meat in all the right places..)" mc "{i} (The kinds of soft, cushiony yet firm build that you can bang away for hours.)" mc "{i} (Iris' body is the young girl type, but with a ton of curves, big Ass..)" mc "{i} (Small, but not all the way skinny..)" mc "{i} (Miles apart in body types, but yet both so sexy.)" scene 6scene5img3 mom "Are you sure you don't want any snacks [mc]?" mc "{i} (The only snacks I want are the one's that are talking to me right now.)" mc "No. No. I'm good." mc "Which movie are we watching?" mom "I'm letting Iris choose the movie." i "Let's watch Push It In. It's a romantic comedy." mc "Damn. I should have known." mc "Why are you letting her choose the movie [mom]?" mc "These young girls and their romantic comedies.. That's all they ever watch." i "Oh come on. They're not all bad." mom "What kind of movie did you want to watch [mc]?" mc "I don't know.. Anything that's not a romantic comedy." scene 6scene5img4 cat "Hey Iris" i "Catherine!" i "Is that you?!!" scene 6scene5img5 i "Oh my Gosh!!" cat "Oh my Gosh!!" cat "This is totally awesome" i "Totally!" i "What a surprise seeing you here!!" i "How are you? Oh I've missed you so much." cat "I'm doing great girl... I've missed you too" cat "When did you get back from Paris?" i "Just got here this morning." cat "Listen, I already watched my movie.. I'm about to go meet the other girls, do you want to come?" cat "You totally should.." i "Yes, yes of course. Let me talk to my Mom." scene 6scene5img6 cat "Hello Mrs. Reigns" mom "Hey sweetie.." cat "Hi [mc]" mc "Hey Catherine.. Fancy seeing you here." i "Guys, I know we all came here together to watch this movie... But the girls are planning to meet.." i "And I haven't met them in so long...." i "Will you please excuse me? Can I please go Mom?" mom "Of course sweetie.. You can go." i "YES!! Thank you so much." i "Alright, I'll be home by evening.. See you guys later." cat "Bye Mrs. Reigns." i "Bye honey. Tell you Mom I said Hi." cat "Sure." cat "See you [mc]." i "See you Cat." scene 6scene5img7 mc "Well, it looks like it's just you and me [mom]..." mom "Just the way you wanted it, right?" mc "Hahaha" mom "But don't you dare go trying anything [mc]." mc "Why would you even say that? I wasn't even thinking about it." mom "I'm serious [mc]. I won't tolerate it.. I meant it when I said that we should put a stop to this." mc "Okay. Okay. I understand.. Nothing unless I show you how much I like you..." mom "Right." mom "Anyway, what do you think of Catherine?" mc "What do you mean?" mom "I mean, she's a pretty girl, isn't she?" mc "Yeah." mom "Do girls that age appealing to you?" mom "You know.. girls more closer to your age.." mc "You know how I like my women [mom]... But yeah, I'd definitely hit that." mom "[mc]!!!" mom "I didn't ask if you wanted to HIT that as you put it.. I just asked if you find girls more your age attractive." mom "That's not the kind of language you use in front of [ym]." mc "Really?" mom "Hehehe. I know, right?" mom "Hahahah." mom "Alright sweetie, the movie's about to start. Let's go in." scene 6scene5img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Really??" mc "What?" mom "You chose the very last row which is completely empty?" mc "What, I like watching movies from his elevated view." mc "Plus, all the rows in the front and middle are occupied." mom "I'm warning you [mc]... There are 100s of people inside.. The rows here in the back will be filling up too." mc "Why are you even telling me that?" mc "I chose the last row, just because I like watching movies from up here." mom "Right. Okay." scene 6scene5img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Hmmmm this movie isn't bad actually.)" mc "{i} (It's been about 20 minutes into the movie, I'm actually liking it.)" mc "{i} (May be I was wrong about all romantic comedies being bad.)" mc "{i} (It's definitely not as bad as I thought it would be.)" mc "{i} (It's kind of fun actually.)" scene 6scene5img10 mc "{i} (Looks like [mom]'s enjoying this movie.)" mc "{i} (Guess girls of all ages more or less have he same taste when it comes to movies.)" mc "{i} (She seems really into it.)" mc "{i} (Gosh, she looks so pretty.)" mc "{i} (What a beautiful, beautiful woman.)" mc "{i} (I didn't think the rows in front of us would fill up, but they're more than halfway occupied." scene 6scene5img9 mc "{i} (This actress looks kinda familiar.)" mc "{i} (I think I've seen her or someone who looks similar before.)" mc "{i} (Where have I seen that similar someone?)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene5img11 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "{i} (I've been trying not to look at her...)" mc "{i} (But damn!!! Those legs!)" mc "{i} (They look so stunningly fine and smooth.)" mc "{i} (I Love how the light is reflecting off her silky smooth skin.)" mc "{i} (It's like her legs are actually glowing.)" mc "{i} (She is such a radiant woman, even her legs have got a glow!)" mc "{i} (She's all radiant from head to toe.)" mc "{i} (I can't resist this any longer... I have to touch her legs.)" scene 6scene5img12 mom "{i} (WHAT THE..??!)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Finally!)" mc "{i} (What a pure bliss it is to feel her silky soft skin!)" mc "{i} (Her thigh is velvety smooth..)" mc "{i} (If I want my hands to be constantly in contact with something for eternity.. This is what I want it to be with.)" scene 6scene5img14 mc "{i} (DAMN!)" mc "{i} (She's picking my hand off her thigh!)" mc "{i} (Maan, I was absolutely loving the feel of it.)" scene 6scene5img9 mc "{i} (I've definitely seen someone who looks very similar to this actress.)" mc "{i} (But where?)" scene 6scene5img10 mc "{i} (Just look at that glow on her skin)" mc "{i} (Her radiance is absolutely drawing me in.)" mc "{i} (Too bad she's not having any of it..)" mc "{i} (But come to think of it, perhaps I should be careful.. This auditorium is all but full, except for our row.)" mc "{i} (And there are people sitting in the row right in front of us.)" scene 6scene5img11 mc "{i} (What to do? What to do?)" mc "{i} (I can't just sit here and watch the movie when her legs are looking that good.)" mc "{i} (Here goes nothing..)" scene 6scene5img12 mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhhhhhhh)" mc "{i} (It's like a thousand watts of electricity pulses through my body everytime I touch her skin.)" mc "{i} (Wait.. I expected her to swat my hand away as soon as I touched her again.)" mc "{i} (She doesn't seem to mind this time.)" mc "{i} (No reaction from her)" scene cmathigh animated with fade: "6scene5img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene5img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Wooooooowwwwwwww)" mc "{i} (I'm in heaven right now)" mc "{i} (This is one of the greatest feelings ever.)" mc "{i} (Pure bliss)" scene 6scene5img15 mom "{i} (Oh no!!)" mom "{i} (What is he doing?)" mom "{i} (I knew he couldn't keep his hands to himself.)" mom "{i} (BUT WE'RE IN A PUBLIC PLACE FILLED WITH PEOPLE.)" mom "{i} (Just what does he think he's doing?!!)" scene cmathigh2 animated with fade: "6scene5img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene5img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (How good it feels to caress this smooth velvet.)" mc "{i} (Never did I think I'd be feeling up [mm] in a theater someday.)" mc "{i} (I'm loving how far things have gotten between us.)" mc "{i} (Love these adventurous new experiences of pleasure that keep unfolding every now and then with her.)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky I get to enjoy these experience with the most beautiful woman in the world.)" mom "{i} (Oh no! He's bringing his hands as far up as my Vagina.)" mom "{i} (But I can't speak loudly here and tell him to stop.)" mom "{i} (May be if I just let him keep doing it, he'll stop after a while.)" mom "{i} (But he's getting very close to my Vagina.)" scene 6scene5img14 mc "{i} (Damn!!)" mc "{i} (She's stopping me again.)" scene 6scene5img16 mom "*Whispering* Shhhhhhh" mom "*Whispering* Keep quiet [mc]" mom "No touching." mom "No mischief" mc "*Whispering* Please..." mom "NO" mom "Just no." scene 6scene5img10 mc "{i} (Man, just when I thought she was enjoying it too, she puts a stop to it.)" mc "{i} (I was almost reaching up to her Pussy.." mc "{i} (I thought she was going to let me go further.)" mc "{i} (Damn)" scene 6scene5img17 mc "{i} (I cannot control it... I've gotta have her.)" mc "{i} (And those Monster tits are making a good case for it.)" mc "{i} (What do I do?)" mc "{i} (I don't want to make her mad at me...)" mc "{i} (She has already thwarted my attempts twice.)" mc "{i} (But it's like those sexy tits are calling onto me right now!)" mc "{i} (And these clothes that she's been wearing lately just aren't helping..)" mc "{i} (I know her breasts are too big for most outfits... She doesn't expose her breasts like that intentionally..)" mc "{i} (But some of her outfits just leave so much of her breasts hanging in plain sight..." mc "{i} (This outfit is showing so much cleavage... And her breasts look so round, and firm and massive in it." scene 6scene5img18 mc "{i} (YES!!)" mc "{i} (YES! YES!! YES!!)" scene 6scene5img19 mom "{i} (Hhuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh)" mom "{i} (Did he just grab my breast?)" mom "{i} (We are in a theater full of people!!)" mom "{i} (This is too dangerous!)" mom "{i} (This is getting ridiculous.)" scene 6scene5img18 mc "{i} (YESS! YESS! YESS!!)" mc "{i} (I don't even care that we're in a public place)" mc "{i} (These monster tits are worth it.)" mc "{i} (They're worth all the risks I could possibly take.)" mc "{i} (I can never get enough of her big, massive, gigantic Rack)" mc "{i} (Her tits give me so much pleasure, I would risk anything for them.)" scene 6scene5img19 mom "{i} (What do I do?)" mom "{i} (He's going out of control)" mom "{i} (I can't even yell at him right now and risk getting caught.)" scene 6scene5img20 mom "{i} (Huuuuuuuuuhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Ooooohhhhh yessssss)" mom "{i} (Did he just....)" mom "{i} (He just exposed my breasts!!)" mom "{i} (This is getting waayyyy out of control.)" mom "{i} (If someone sees us, we might end up on the front page of the Newspapers tomorrow)" scene 6scene5img21 mom "*Whispering*.. Baby......" mom "*Whispering*.. What are you doing??" mom "This is too dangerous" mom "There are so many people here." mom "This is just ridiculously dangerous and risky honey.." mom "This is soo bad doing this in a public place, we might end up on the News tomorrow.)" mom "You need to get a hold of yourself...." scene 6scene5img22 mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mom "{i} (He's sucking my nipple so hard and so tight.)" scene 6scene5img23 mom "{i} (OH NO)" mom "{i} (There's all these people here..)" mom "{i} (There are people sitting right in front of us... Just a few feet away.)" mom "{i} (It could be a massively catastrophic is someone caught us.)" scene cmabreasts animated with fade: "6scene5img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene5img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "*SUCK* *SUCK* *SUCK*" mc "{i} (It is just a paranoid frenzy of lust and pleasure I'm feeling right now.)" mc "{i} (Such an inexplicable torrent of pleasure rushing through my veins.)" mc "{i} (I am overcome with ecstacy.. with pleasure..)" mc "{i} (At this moment, I do not care about anything else.)" mc "{i} (I do not even care about getting caught.)" mc "{i} (I want this temptress so bad.)" mc "{i} (I have to taste her..)" mc "{i} (I would risk anything to taste her..)" mc "{i} (I just do not care.)" mc "{i} (She's all that matters to me.)" scene 6scene5img25 mom "{i} (I have tried hard to resist it..)" mom "{i} (But I can't deny this.)" mom "{i} (Deep down, I secretly crave this despite my best efforts to ignore it.)" mom "{i} (I cave in...)" mom "{i} (I do not even care that any moment now someone could turn around and catch us...)" mom "{i} (But the ecstacy I'm feeling is blinding my mind to all reasoning.)" mom "{i} (I don't care.. I am enjoying this.)" mom "{i} (Yes baby.... Suck [mmy]'s tits..." scene cmabreasts2 animated with fade: "6scene5img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene5img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I could never get enough of your beautiful breasts [mom])" mc "{i} (I could never get tired of this.)" mc "{i} (Her nipple feels so good in my mouth..)" mc "{i} (I am so overcome with lust, I am practically biting it.)" mc "{i} (I could suck on it for a million years.)" mc "{i} (Had I known the pleasures her breasts could serve up back then, I would've stayed an infant if I could.)" mom "{i} (Yes baby.. suck on my breasts..)" mom "{i} (Suck on [ym]'s breasts..)" mom "{i} (I want to feel your wet and warm mouth on my breasts every single day.)" mom "{i} (I wish I could let you do this whenever you want to..)" mom "{i} (I wish I could have your mouth on my breasts every morning as soon as you wake up... like it used to be almost 2 decades ago." scene 6scene5img25 mom "{i} (Only, now I have some twisted reasons for wanting your mouth on my breasts)" mom "{i} (I love how it feels)" mom "{i} (I want it)" mom "{i} (I want your wet tongue swirling around my nipples everyday)" mom "{i} (If only I could let you....)" mc "{i} (Time to switch it up)" mc "{i} (To make this more intense.)" scene 6scene5img26 mom "{i} (Huuuuuuuuuuhhhh)" mom "{i} (He just pulled his cock out... out here in the open.)" mom "{i} (This is a whole another level of riskiness.)" mom "{i} (A whole another level of public lewdity)" mom "{i} (It was fine until he was just sucking on my nipples....)" mom "{i} (I could've just covered my breasts up with my dress if someone in the front stood up or turned around.)" mom "{i} (Would've been quick and would've made it look like nothing was happening.)" mom "{i} (But this is too much...)" mom "{i} (I can't do this....)" mom "{i} (We could actually go to jail for this if we're caught.)" scene 6scene5img27 mom "*Whispering* Honey... This is too much.." mom "*Whispering* I can't..." mom "It's too risky... We could actually go to jail for this.)" mc "*Whispering* Please [mom]..... Please...." mc "We can't stop now... I need to release..." mom "Baby... I just told you we could go to jail for this." mom "Do you really want to take that big of a risk?" mc "Please [mom].... Please.. Please just give me a handjob at least." mc "I know it shoot my load.. It's too unfair if you just leave me hanging like this." mc "Please... just this once.. At least just a handjob... Please.." scene 6scene5img28 mom "{i} (Oooohh I can't believe how far I've fell from being a virtuous woman)" mom "{i} (What has happened to me?)" mom "{i} (How did I go from a faithful, loving, loyal wife to.....)" mom "{i} (To now holding [ms]'s cock in a movie theater of all places.)" scene cmahandjob animated with fade: "6scene5img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene5img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (This is soooo unbecoming of me and the values I've held)" mom "{i} (I have been a loyal wife to my husband for over 2 decades.)" mom "{i} (But right now I'm acting like a slut.)" mom "{i} (I feel like a slut...)" mom "{i} (I know I've done things with him before... But doing this out in the open, in a theatre full of people...)" mom "{i} (It makes me feel like.. like a perverse woman without any self respect or values.)" mom "{i} (All my life, I've prided myself on my high morals and values, and how I carried myself.)" mom "{i} (I have stooped so low that I'm trading my values for my deep, dark desires.)" mom "{i} (I feel like a slut... A willing slut..)" mom "{i} (The shame... The shame in it...)" mom "{i} (However... the shame in it is actually intensifying the ecstatic pleasure I'm feeling)" mom "{i} (It's the shame in this that is multiplying this Intense Pleasure a thousand fold." mom "{i} (I LOVE and hate this shame I'm feeling at the same time as I rub [ms]'s cock.)" mc "{i} (Yes [mmy], give it to me..)" mc "{i} (Pleasure me..)" mc "{i} (Pleasure my cock..)" mc "{i} (You like that long pole?)" mc "{i} (Slide your soft hands across the length of my long pole.)" scene cmahandjob animated with fade: "6scene5img28" with dissolve pause 0.6 "6scene5img29" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mom "{i} (I love how rock hard he gets for me)" mom "{i} (His big beautiful cock is such a pleasure pole.)" mom "{i} (I have tried my best to keep away from it.. But somehow, someway.. I'm drawn to it.)" mom "{i} (You like that baby?)" mom "{i} (You like [mmy] jerking your cock huh?)" mom "{i} (Ooooohhhhh I'm about to blow [mom].)" mom "{i} (I'm about to shoot...)" mom "{i} (Here I come....)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (I'm about to bloooooowww)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaarggghhhhhhh)" scene 6scene5img29 with vpunch scene 6scene5img29 with flash scene 6scene5img29 with vpunch scene 6scene5img29 with flash scene 6scene5img29 with vpunch scene 6scene5img29 with flash scene 6scene5img30 with dissolve pause mc "{i} (Fuuuuckkkk. That was intense!)" mc "{i} (She is soooo good at this.)" mom "{i} (So much cum)" mom "{i} (I like how he blows so much cum for [mmy])" mom "{i} (Good boy)" scene 6scene5img31 mom "*Whispering* Did you like that sweetie?" mc "*Whispering* That was wonderful [mom]" mc "You gave me soooo much pleasure." mc "You're so good at it, you know that?" mom "Hahahaha" mom "{i} (I can see it in his eyes how much he loved it... How much he wants me..)" mom "Alright, pull up your pants baby..." mom "We don't wanna get caught." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mom "You somehow got your wish again today huh?" mc "Hahahaha" mc "Yes." mom "Are you happy now?" mc "Very much." mom "Good..." mom "But what I gave you in the theater should have to be it for a while." mom "Okay?" mc "Sure [mom]" mc "That's all I want... Just a little fun once in a while to get me through." mc "Oh... and by the way, you totally blew my mind with that handjob." scene 6scene6img2 mc "You were sooooo good." mc "You're so skilled at it." mc "That was an absolutely mindblowing." mom "Hehehehe." mc "You are so amazing [mom]." mc "Thanks." mc "I guess housekeeping at the theatre is going to have a hard time cleaning our seats, huh?" mom "Hehehehehehe" mom "Oh I feel so sorry for them... But I did what I could to clean it myself." mom "I used some tissue papers to wipe off almost all of it and put the tissues in my handbag." mc "Wait... You have my cum in your handbag?" mom "Well, what was I supposed to do?" mom "I felt sorry for the housekeeping.. I didn't want them cleaning our mess." mc "You are so beautiful inside and out." scene 6scene6img1 mom "Thanks honey.. But are you saying that just to get me to do something for you again?" mc "No. I really mean it. You are so beautiful inside and out." mc "I've always admired your inner beauty." mom "Thanks sweetie.. I can tell it's sincere.." mom "But when you give me too many compliments nowadays, I sometimes assume you just want something. Hahaha." mc "Mostly... Haha. But that was sincere." mc "By the way [mom], I'm loving how you're dressing these days..." scene 6scene6img2 mc "You're finally dressing how a former Supermodel should." mc "The outfits you've been wearing lately, have all been so stunning." mc "You look Gorgeous in all of them." mom "Thanks baby." mc "Even the one you're wearing today.. It's so stylish.. They all have been.." mc "And the best part... They all reveal so much of your breasts.. Hahahaha" mom "Again with the breasts! Hahahahaha" mom "But you know I can't help it honey.. My breasts are too big for these dresses." mom "No matter which outfit I pick, some of my breast is always left showing." mc "Hehehe that works out great for me." mom "Hehehe." mom "Okay sweetie, you've had your fill today... So you shouldn't ask me for it for sometime now, okay?" mom "It could be too dangerous if you tried something at home.. You just cannot for a while, okay?" mc "Sure [mom].. I'll try.." mc "I hope it doesn't get too Hard..." scene 6scene6img3 mom "I'm serious [mc]!" mom "This isn't a joke!" mom "It was fun at the theater, but you quite literally forced my hand into it." mom "It's almost a miracle that we didn't get caught.. that someone didn't see us during the act." mom "And THAT JUST CANNOT HAPPEN AT HOME..." mom "I've already told you why..." mom "So you should take this very seiously." mom "Understand?" mc "Yes ma'am." mc "I completely understand." scene 6scene6img2 mom "Good," mom "Sorry that I raised my voice.." mom "I don't like being very stern with you, or any of you kids honey." mom "But sometimes when I have to make a point, I have to be hard on you guys." mom "That's my job" mc "That's okay [mom]." mc "I completely understand." mom "Alright honey. We're almost reaching home.. So no more dirty talk for a while. Behave normally." mc "Sure." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene6img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mom "We're home.." mom "Oh look, your [asc] is here." mc "YESS!!" mc "I love [asc]" mom "Let's go in." scene 6scene6img5 asc "[mc]!!!" asc "MY HANDSOME, HANDSOME LITTLE MAN... HOW ARE YOU?" asc "Look at you.... You've grown so big since the last time I saw you." mc "Hey [asc]! I'm doing great....." mc "I'm so happy to have you here..." asc "Are you still making all the girls' panties drop in college?" mc "You know I'm not such a player [asc], or a stud.." asc "Don't play humble with me young man... I know my nephew has always been a stud." asc "Come here.... Bring it in.." asc "Give your [asc] a big hug" scene 6scene6img7 asc "Uummmmma" asc "Oh how I've missed you my baby boy!" mc "I've missed you too [asc]" mc "I'm so happy right now." mc "You look wonderful by the way..." asc "Thanks sweetie..." asc "I know... I know I always do hehehehehe." mc "There's that almost arrogant self confidence that I love. Hahahaha" asc "And that's what I try to instill in you kids by example haha." asc "It's good to be that way." mc "I love you so much [asc]. Welcome." asc "I love you my baby boy." scene 6scene6img8 mom "Stacy......." mom "How are you dear.." asc "I'm wonderful as always big siser..." asc "I've gotten even more awesomer... Hehehe" mom "Soo good to have you here..." mom "Welcome... Welcome home." mom "We're delighted to have you with us." asc "I know... Everyone's delighted to be in my presence. Hahaha. Just kidding." asc "In all seriousness though.. I'm so happy to be here.. To be with all of you guys." asc "You know? Iris just told me that I'm her favorite Aunt..." mom "You are her Only Aunt.." asc "Missed you my big sister. Love you." mom "Love you too dear." scene 6scene6img9 mom "I'm sorry, we're late.." mom "We wanted to be here to receive you when you got here... But we went out to a movie.." mom "And we got delayed.." asc "Oh, don't worry about it.." asc "Iris was keeping me company.. So I can't complain." asc "Gosh.. she's grown up soo much.." asc "Look at how fast all of these little idiots have grown up. Hahaha" asc "Couldn't they have stayed little just for a little bit longer?" mom "I know, right?" mom "When did you get here?" asc "It's been a couple of hours.." asc "She was telling me all about her life in Paris.." asc "The industry... The latet fashion trends.." scene 6scene6img10 mom "Speaking of trends..." mom "What are you wearing young lady?" i "What?" i "It's just an evening wear a famous designer specifically designed for me." mom "But you're weating it in the house...." i "Soo......" scene 6scene6img11 mom "What do you mean, so??" mom "You're all but naked..." mom "That outfit is showing so much skin..." mom "I don't want you walking around the house like that.." scene 6scene6img12 i "[mom]... Relax.." i "It's no big deal.." i "I live in Paris now.. They have such an open outlook about fashion that shows a lot of skin there...." i "Besides, I pose at Photoshoots wearing outfits like this all the time..." i "Why is this any different?" scene 6scene6img10 mom "Yeah.. But that's work.." mom "And you're not working right now." mom "I don't want so much skin exposure in the house, okay?" scene 6scene6img13 i "Well, it's not like you haven't posed in stuff like this..." i "I've seen pics from your photoshoots wearing even more skimpier clothes than this." mom "Iris....." mom "You're not understanding the difference.." mom "That was for work..." mom "I never walked around the house half naked.." mom "There's a big difference..." scene 6scene6img14 mom "You can model in outfits like that.. I absolutely have no objections.." mom "That's work... And that's what the job calls for.." mom "But walking around the house in clothes like that..." mom "That's unacceptable.." mom "Especially at your age..." mom "You understand?" scene 6scene6img13 i "Well....." i "But...." scene 6scene6img14 mom "{i} (Gosh, i feel like such a hypocrite for lecturing her about wearing decent clothes...)" mom "{i} (Especially after what I've been doing with [ms]... That is not at all decent behaviour.)" mom "{i} (I know this is so hypocritical of me... I feel bad about it... But she's my daughter...)" mom "{i} (And I don't want my daughter to think it's okay to walk around the house half naked.)" scene 6scene6img10 mom "No buts young lady....." mom "You do what I tell you to." mom "This is unacceptable.." mom "You can't wear clothes like that at home" scene 6scene6img15 asc "Ooohhhh would you RELAX sis?" asc "Don't be such a party pooper... Get with the times.." asc "She's such a beautiful girl..." asc "And she looks sooo good in this." asc "She can wear whatever she wants.." asc "Don't listen to your Mother sweetie.." asc "May be she's just jealous of you hahahaha" i "See Mom? I got [asc] supporting me.." mom "{i} (May be I am acting a little stuck up.. Perhaps I should ease up.)" mom "Oohh.... Alright....." mom "Fine.... You can wear that... But not always..." i "Yaay.... Thanks [asc]." scene 6scene6img16 asc "What movies did you guys go to?" mc "We watched Push It In." asc "Push It In??" mc "It was a romantic comedy.. It was Iris' suggestion." mc "But she bailed on us as soon as she saw her friend.." i "I didn't bail on you guys.. I was just too excited to meet Catherine after a long time.." asc "Oh, Catherine.. I remember her..." asc "She's a pretty girl isn't she?" mc "Are you kidding me? [mom] asked me the same thing..." mc "Why do you guys keep asking that?" mom "She is a pretty girl.. She is very pretty." i "You better stay away from my friend [mc]." i "You better stay away from her." asc "Hehehehe" asc "These young guys just can't help it sweet girl.." asc "They're always looking at their little [st]'s friends.." asc "Always trying to get in their pants." scene 6scene6img17 mom "Stacyyy......." asc "What?" asc "It's true..." scene 6scene6img16 asc "Am I not right [mc]?" mc "No comments.." scene 6scene6img17 asc "See?" asc "He can't even answer that.." asc "That's all these young guys think about.." asc "You don't know how many young guys are fantasizing about you..." mom "Oh come on, Stop.." asc "It's true... I'm sure there are plenty.." asc "I know a Lot of young guys fantasize about me..." mom "Hehehehe." asc "Anyway, when are the other girls getting here?" scene 6scene6img16 mom "Jasmine is coming tomorrow morning [asc]." mom "Ella Candice should be here by day after tomorrow." asc "That's awesome..." asc "I can't wait to meet Candice.." asc "In a couple of days, it's going to be all the girls under one roof..." asc "We're going to paarrtaaaaaayyyyy" asc "I don't even want to sleep when all the girls are here." asc "We should all stay up all night and have loads of fun" mom "I don't know about all that Stacy... The kids need to get their sleep." asc "They're not babies Sis.." asc "I'm sure they can handle a couple of sleepless nights and hangovers..." mc "Sounds like a plan [asc].. That's why we love you..." asc "Of course... I'm AWESOME." scene 6scene6img17 asc "I'm warning you Sis... You better not act like a strict Headmistress.." asc "We don't want you pooing on our fun... We want you to be involved in it." mom "Okay... Okay..." mom "You guys can all the fun you want.." scene 6scene6img16 asc "I can't wait for Ella to get here.." asc "My favorite niece..." i "WHAT?" i "Your favorite... Aunt Stacyyyyy..!!" asc "You know I love all of you equally baby girl... I just like Ella a half a percent more.. That's all.." asc "You know she's always been the closest to me since she was a child.." i "Yeah.. We know that!" asc "I love you my baby Iris." i "I know. Hehe." mom "Alright guys, it's late in the night... I'm sure your [asc] is tired from her traveling.." mom "Let's let her get some sleep..." mom "In fact, let's all get some quality sleep... Big day tomorrow." mc "Alright, good night you guys.." asc "Good night [mc]" i "Good night [mc]" mom "Sleep tight honey." scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (How I love sleeping on this bed.)" mc "{i} (I only wish [mom] could sleep on this bed with me.)" mc "{i} (I'm so happy [asc] is here.. She's always so much fun to hand around with.)" mc "{i} (What a day...)" mc "{i} (I actually got a handjob from [mom] in a freakin Movie Theatre!!)" mc "{i} (That was so intense... The thrill of getting caught.. Doing it in a public space.. with people sitting just feet away from us.)" mc "{i} (That was fantastic.)" mc "{i} (Too bad she said that has to be it for a while... And she was pretty damn serious about it.)" mc "{i} (Big day tomorrow..)" mc "{i} (Oh shit... I gotta steal the Jewel Of Love tomorrow... From the guys who are stealing it..)" mc "{i} (Damn, I almost forgot about that.)" mc "{i} (Fuck it. I'm too sleepy to think of it right now...)" mc "{i} (I'll deal with it tomorrow.)" mc "{i} (Time to sleep,)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yaaawwnnn" mc "It's a beautiful morning." mc "Time to see what adventures this day holds for me." mc "Let me go see what the girls are up to." stop music scene 6scene7img1 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" j "Hey [mc]" mc "JASMINE!!" mc "YOU'RE ALREADY HERE!" j "Did you think I was going to miss all the fun?" j "Come here.." scene 6scene7img2 mc "My goodness!! I didn't think you would show up this early!!." mc "I'm so happy right now Jasmine.." mc "Welcome home.. Welcome home." mc "I'm so happy to see you." j "So happy to see you too baby [br]" j "I've missed you so much." mc "Missed you too big [st]... You have no idea." mc "I'm beyond delighted that you're here finally." j "And I'm thrilled to be back here.. Feels great back home." j "How's everything with you [mc]?" mc "Oh I'm wonderful... How are you?" j "Can't complain..." j "I'm doing well." scene 6scene7img3 mc "You look gorgeous as ever Jasmine!" j "Do I?" mc "My gosh! I have a breathtakingly beautiful big [st]" j "Thanks [mc]." j "So, you've become the new hero of the [fmy]...." j "Ella's not the only badass among us anymore..." mc "I don't know if I can call myself a badass... But thanks." j "You survived an Island with a secret Army [mc].." j "If that's not badass, I don't know what is.." j "I am so proud of you.." mc "Thanks." j "Are your studies going well?" mc "As good as they can haha." j "You better be getting good grades [mc].." j "Or I'll come embarass you in your College campus.." mc "You can try, but that's not going to make me study any harder.. Haha" mc "When did you get here?" j "It's been just 20 minutes." j "I saw the girls were already in the Pool... So I decided to join in." j "Anyway, plenty of stuff to talk about..." j "Come get in the pool." scene 6scene7img4 j "Hey Mom... How's the water?" mom "It's fine temperature honey.." j "Come [mc], let's get it.." mc "Okay, lemme go chane into my swimwear.." j "Oh, don't be a doofus." j "What you're wearing is fine.." j "Come on. Let's get in the water." scene 6scene7img7 i "What's our plans for today?" j "Anything's fine.. I'm up for anything" asc "We should all go out.." i "Yes, we should definitely go out." mc "{i} (Man, this day is already off to a GREAT start!!" mc "{i} (I'm in the pool with 4 beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, stunning women.)" mc "{i} (It's a good thing we're in the water right now...)" mc "{i} (They can't see that I have a monster boner already.)" mc "{i} (Would've been super embarassing if I were standing in fornt of all 4 of them and they noticed my boner. Haha)" scene 6scene7img6 i "Good Morning [mc]" mc "Morning Iris." asc "Do you always wake up this late sleepyhead?" i "Yeah.. He's always lazy when he's on semester breaks." mc "Wrong..." mc "I'm lazy during my semesters too." i "Hahaha" scene 6scene7img5 mom "Good morning sweetie.." mc "Good morning [mom]." mc "Lovely day today..." mc "What are we all doing?" mom "We were just discussing that.." mom "What do you think we should do?" mc "{i} (Man, ([asc] is wearing such a flimsy Bikini Bra.... It's wet... And I can almost see through to her breasts." mc "My boner just got a little big more bigger if that's possible." mom "Hello........" mom "I asked you a question [mc]" mc "Whoa. Sorry... I'm still a little sleepy I guess.." mc "We can go someplace fun.. There's plenty of fun stuff happening in the city always.." mom "Anyway, we still got plenty of time to decide.. It's still quite early in the day.." scene 6scene7img7 mom "Hey, did you girls watch the News this morning?" asc "OH YEAH... I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT.." mom "Right, that's the top story on all the News Channels this morning.." i "That is soo Insane.. Someone actually stole the Jewel Of Love!!" j "What?!! Oh my goshh!!" j "Really???" mc "{i} (Damn!! I almost forgot about it.)" mc "{i} (They've already stolen the Jewel Of Love. Fuck!!)" mc "Really?" mc "They already stole that?" scene 6scene7img5 mom "What do you mean already [mc]?" mc "I mean.... It was about time that someone stole it already.... All you girls in this city are obsessed with it." mc "What's the big deal about the Jewel of Love anyway?" mc "It's just a Necklace.." mom "You boys wouldn't understand the true value of it [mc]..." i "Yeah... You have no idea.." mom "It's a true symbol of endless Love and Passion." mom "And things like that matter to us women very much." scene 6scene7img7 asc "That is definitely a fine piece of Jewelery I'd love to have in my collection." asc "Refresh my memory about the Jewel Of Love's legend sis..." asc "I mean, I've heard all the stories about it as a child.. I don't seem to remember all of it." mom "Legend has it that back in the 15th Century, when King Argavaine ascended the Throne of Vicuria...." mom "He was immediately met with a dangerous predicament." mom "Within weeks after his ascension to the throne, the Kingdom of Vicuria was under attack by a foreign foe." mom "Their army was unlike any other the soldiers of Vicuria had seen before." mom "Rumour had it that they moved like shadows and fought like ghosts, like they were almost supernatural... Like they posessed magical powers." mom "Despite boasting of the largest and most advanced army in the surrounding areas, King Argavaine lost 2 consecutive battles against the foreign invaders." mom "He was almost certain that he could't win that war and drive away the invaders.." mom "At the same time, the physician revealed to King Argavaine that the king was plagued by a fatal disease that would kill him in a month." mom "So, King Argavaine sought out a Witch to help rid him of all his troubles." mom "The Witch helped the King drive away his foreign enemies.... But..." mom "Before she could heal him of his disease.. She asked for a payment..." mom "She asked for a Necklace made with a rare variety of Red Rubies that could only be found at the top of the most dangerous Volcano in the kingdom." mom "However, there was a catch... The Rubies had to be obtained from the top of the Volcano, only by someone with Royal blood." mom "So, King Argavaine set out to find the Rubies himself... He found the Rubies.. Forged a Necklace at a nearby Forge." mom "On his way back to the Capital, he fell upon a fair maiden.. So fair and beautiful that she looked the part of an Angel." mom "Her name was Fresnia." mom "King Argavaine was immediately smitten with love.." mom "He asked for Fresnia's hand in marriage... However, Fresnia, unbeknownst to her, ask for the Necklace as a weding gift." mom "The King had a decision to make..." mom "Refuse Fresnia's request, go back to his Capital and heal himself from his fatal disease with the Necklace as a payment to the Witch.." mom "Or... Marry Fresnia, live as a common man for the very little time he had to live..." mom "The King chose LOVE..." mom "He chose Fresnia... He chose to live as a common man and die shortly when the disease finally consumes him..." mom "However, the King did not die in a month as the physician had predicted...." mom "The love that Fresnia shared with King Argavaine healed him...." mom "The King was content.. Even without his Crown, his life was full.. Cause he had Love... He had Fresnia.." mom "But.... years later, an arrogant Prince from a foreign land was passing through the Villages of Vicuria..." mom "The arrogant Prince stole the Necklace from Fresnia as she was fetching water.." mom "King Argavaine was saddened to see Fresnia so hurt cause she had lost her most prized posession." mom "So he put together a small band of Farmers to retrieve the Necklace from the neighbouring Kingdom..." mom "The small band soon turned into a mighty army with reinforcements arriving from everywhere... The quest to retrieve a stolen Necklace turned into a War." mom "After years of fighting, King Argavaine had finally defeated the arrogant Prince who was now King" mom "After the war was over King Argavaine was King of both Vicuria and Stumblestom." mom "But that didn't matter much to him... All that mattered to him was that Fresnia was happy again... With the Jewel Of Love around her neck once more..." mom "King Argavaine had done it all for LOVE..." i "WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW" j "THAT IS SOOOOOO ROMANTIC...." asc "{i} (I've never been the Romantic type... Even I would've been faithful if someone went to that lengths for me.)" asc "THAT IS SOOO ROMANTIC.." mc "{i} (WHAT A CRAPPY STORY!!)" scene 6scene7img6 i "You see [mc]?" i "That is why we girls are obsessed with the Jewel Of Love." asc "You know me [mc]... I'm not the emotional type... But even I love that story and what the Jewel of Love represents." mc "{i} (And I have to steal that stupid Jewel of Love today.)" scene 6scene7img5 mom "What do you think now [mc]?" mom "You still think that the Jewel of Love is just a piece of Jewelry?" mc "Yeah...." mc "I didn't feel any of that... You girls and your sentiments... Hahaha" mc "Anyway, what are we all doing today?" mc "{i} (I know I have to steal the Jewel of Love today, but I can still spend some time with the ladies.)" scene 6scene7img7 j "You guys, shall we go to Club V.... The new resort that opened up.." i "Yeah... I hear it's beautiful there..." mom "I've been hearing a lot about it too." asc "So let's go there..." mom "It's decided then... Let's go to Club V today." scene 6scene7img5 mc "I might have to leave for a few hours in the afternoon, but I can spend the evening with you ladies at Club V" i "............" j "..........." scene 6scene7img7 mom "Do you guys want to tell him?" scene 6scene7img8 asc "You see.... Club V is a women's only resort [mc]" mc "What?!!" mc "So you guys are ditching me?" asc "We're not ditching you [mc]... You just don't have what it takes to get in..." asc "It's in the name... It's Club.. V....." mc "Alright. Cool.." mc "You ladies go have fun by yourselves.." scene 6scene7img5 mom "Alright you guys.. I'm going to go up to my room." mom "See you all at breakfast." mc "{i} ([mom]'s going to be alone in her roo... YES)" mc "{i} (I know she said not to try anything stupid... But I didn't think there'd be a moment when she was alone by herself.)" mc "I'm going to go inside the house too you guys.. We'll see you at breakfast." mom "{i} (He better not be thinking about trying something stupid with me.)" mom "{i} (After all the lecture I gave him... Huuhhh I cannot believe this kid.)" mom "Okay guys, see you in a bit." scene 6scene7img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (I didn't think this window of opportunity would arise to get [mom] alone, with all the girls in the house.)" mc "{i} (I know she told me not to try anything... But I'm always horny for her.)" mc "{i} (Let me see if I can get some action.)" scene 6scene7img10 mom "NO" mc "What?" mc "I didn't even ask for anything.." mom "I know what you're going to ask for..." mom "So NO...." mc "Come on [mom], I was just going to ask if I can come into your room and talk about.... my studies." mom "I'm trying not to yell at you... But leave before you make me angry..." mom "IS THIS A JOKE TO YOU?" mom "ALL THE GIRLS ARE RIGHT THERE." mom "JUST LEAVE BEFORE I SLAP YOU YOUNG MAN." scene 6scene7img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Damn, I think I pissed [mom] off big time..)" mc "{i} (She sounded really angry.)" mc "{i} (But I deserved it though... I shouldn't have tried it with the girls in the house.)" mc "{i} (I've just been thinking with my penis instead of my brain lately.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene7img12 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" j "Hey [mc]" j "Sorry for barging in on you like this.." mc "No, no, it's absolutely fine." j "Are you busy?" mc "Nope." mc "I was just being lazy as always." j "Hehehe" j "Hey, is it okay if I do my Yoga here in your balcony today?" j "My balcony is under rennovation.. And I like doing Yoga out in fresh air." mc "Of course.." mc "Please feel free... Here, let me move the furniture for you a little bit so you have more room." scene 6scene7img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "Thanks [mc]" mc "{i} (HOLLLLY SMOKES)" mc "{i} (That's HOT)" mc "Er... Hey Jasmine...." mc "I can leave if you'd like.." j "No.. No.." j "Don't be silly.." j "You can sit here.. Besides, I need to talk to you. We haven't met in a long time after all." j "We can talk as I'm doing I'm Yoga." mc "Okay." scene 6scene7img14 pause j "How've you been baby [br]?" j "Everything good?" mc "I've been having the time of my life." mc "It's all been fun ever since we came back from the forest." mc "In fact, it was kinda fun even when we were in the forest." j "Oh yeah?" mc "It was scary and difficult, but it was also adventurous." mc "You know... not knowing what was going to happen next, what danger might be lurking.." mc "It was a good adventure." mc "{i} (Wow, she is so HOT.)" mc "{i} (I guess I'm looking at Jasmine too in a perverted view now.)" scene 6scene7img15 mc "{i} (Wooooowwwww)" mc "{i} (She has such a great body)" mc "{i} (And she's so beautiful)" mc "{i} (She's much older than me, and 2 years older than Ella.)" mc "{i} (She's the smartest out of all of us, big academic, and definitely the most mature.)" mc "{i} (She's always been a loving big [st], but sometimes, she can be a little controlling as she's the eldest.)" j "Have you found yourself a Girlfriend in College [mc]?" mc "Nope." j "There must be plenty of beautiful girls in your college.." mc "There are." j "Then you should talk to them." j "What, are you afraid they might eat you?" j "Or, are you being Friendzoned by someone you like?" mc "{i} (Is being son zoned a thing?)" mc "{i} (If it is, [mom] is definitely doing that to me right now.)" mc "{i} (And I'm starting to lust after all my [st]s too.)" mc "{i} (That sexy body of her's.. Wow!)" scene 6scene7img16 mc "{i} (HOLLLY MOLLYY)" mc "{i} (What is she doing?)" mc "{i} (All I can think of right now, is one thing...)" mc "{i} (Just taking her in that position right now!)" mc "{i} (Do all these girls know that it drives us wild when we see them doing yoga?)" j "You should find a girlfriend [mc]." j "When I see you at the next semester break, I expect you to have one." j "That'll be good for you.. It'll help you concentrate on studies cause your mind wouldn't be always fixed on just one thing.)" j "And boys your age... You guys' minds are always just fixed on one thing." mc "So you want me to get a girlfriend so I can concentrate on my studies better?" j "In a weird way, that works." scene 6scene7img17 j "Besides, isn't a hot girlfriend like a status symbol for you boys?" j "That's how some of you boys think of us." mc "Not all of us.. But were you a status symbol for somebody? Hehehe" j "I was.." j "I'm married to him now" mc "I'm sure he still thinks of you as a status symbol.. I mean, in a good way." mc "Who wouldn't want to flaunt you around a their beautiful, stunning wife?" j "Aaww that's sweet of you [mc]." j "If you use such tricks on the girls in your college.. You'd actually find a girlfriend. Hehehehe" mc "I guess I would." scene 6scene7img18 j "Alright. That was my yoga session." j "Thank you for letting me do it on your balcony [mc]." mc "Anytime [st]." mc "In fact, you're welcome to do it here everyday till your balcony gets rennovated." j "Thanks [mc]. I might actually take you up on that." j "It's so airy, and open here." j "Alright, I'm going to go to my room now." j "I have to get ready to go out with the girls in the afternoon." j "Sorry for leaving you out of the plans [mc].. It wasn't my choice." j "Just that Iris really wants to go there, and we've all becn hearing about Club V so much. We really want to check it out." j "We can do something fun tomorrow, okay?" j "All of us." mc "Sure." j "Okay. Bye now." scene 6scene7img19 mc "Damn! That was SO HOT watching her do yoga here." mc "I'd love for her to do it here everyday." mc "I can perv on her without even having to hide." mc "Some of the positions were just so sexy!" mc "And she's so damn flexible." mc "She'll definitely make for a GREAT lay." mc "There's actually 2 super flexible women in the [fmy]." mc "[mom] does yoga too. I've seen how flexible she is." mc "I can only imagine doing both of them at the same time." mc "If only I get the chance to someday." mc "I can make some deep penetrations in both of them, given how flexible they are." mc "I need to go wank off!" mc "I need to jerk off after all the sexiness I witnessed." mc "Plus, [mom] isn't giving me anything right now.. I definitely need to wank." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "{i} (Wow, looks like I actually dozed off for a few hours afrer jerking off.)" mc "{i} (That was some good wanking thinking of dirty thoughts with Jasmine.)" mc "{i} (That was so intense, I've actually dozed off after that.)" mc "{i} (Damn, it's almost 1 o clock.)" mc "{i} (I should get to Highway 69 by 3 PM to steal the Jewel of Love.)" mc "{i} (The ladies are going out anyway, and [mom] isn't having none of my attempts to turn things steamy with her.)" mc "{i} (So I guess stealing this Necklace is the only thing on my agenda today.)" mc "{i} (Let me put on some clothes and go say bye to the ladies.)" scene 6scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "Did you like the dress I picked up at that mall the last time Mom?" mom "Yes, it was beautiful." mc "{i} (Looks like they're ready to go to that club)" mc "{i} (And they both look STUNNING)" mc "{i} (So classy and elegant)" mom "{i} (My gosh, all the women in this house are breathtakingly beautiful.)" mc "Hey guys" scene 6scene8img2 mom "Hi sweetie" j "Hey [mc]" mom "Did you doze off in the morning?" mom "You weren't at breakfast.. So Iris came to your room bring you, but she said you were sleeping." mom "I've left food for you in the Kitchen, you can have sort of a brunch now." mc "Thanks [mom]" mc "{i} (She doesn't seem mad at me anymore. That's great.)" mc "{i} (I know she can't stay mad at me, or any of us for too long. Haha)" mc "{i} (She's wonderful.)" mc "You both look absolutey gorgeous by the way." j "Thanks [mc]." j "Again, sorry about leaving you out of today's plans." j "We'll definitely all do something tomorrow." mc "It's cool. I've got other plans for today anyway." mc "Okay guys, gotta go now. You guys have fun." j "Bye." mom "Bye love." scene 6scene8img3 mc "{i} (Okay, let's get this done.)" mc "{i} (Let's go steal the Jewel Of Love.)" mc "{i} (The guys who stole it from the Mueseum will only pass through highway 69 at 3PM.)" mc "{i} (Since I'm leaving already, I'm well ahead of time.)" mc "{i} (Wait......)" mc "{i} (I just had a GREAT IDEA.)" mc "{i} (It's all too crazy, but I think I can make it work..)" mc "{i} (If this works, it's a great way to get [mom] alone with me today...)" mc "{i} (I'm going pretend to fall off the last 3 stairs now.)" mc "{i} (And act as if I've hurt my back...)" mc "{i} ([mom] will definitely want to take me to see a Doctor.)" mc "{i} (I'll get [mom] alone with me, and then I'm going to figure somehting out about stealing the Jewel Of Love on the fly.)" mc "{i} (I haven't thought this through completely... I'm just going to wing it..)" mc "{i} (But something tells me I'm going to have loads of pleasure today.)" mc "{i} (Alright. Time to execute.)" mc "{i} (Let me go to the bottom of the stairs and pretend to fall.)" scene 6scene8img4 mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" mc "Sheeeeeeeeeeetttt" mc "OW OW OW" mc "{i} (Hehehehe I hope this was dramatic enough for [mom] and Jasmine to have heard me.)" scene 6scene8img5 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "[mc]!! Are you okay?" mom "Baby, what happened?.. Are you hurt?" mc "Ow... Ow..." mc "I just fell of the stairs [mom]." mc "Ow" mc "I think I hurt my back" mom "Ooooooohh, my poor baby" mom "We should go see a Doctor right now..." mc "It's alright... You guys have plans..." mc "You guys carry on... I'll be fine.." mc "Ow" j "Don't be ridiculous [mc]! You should go see a Doctor right now." mom "Yes. That's right.. Come, I'm taking you." mom "Jasmine, you girls go to the resort, carry on with the plans..." mom "I'll take him to the doctor." scene 6scene8img6 mc "Let's take this car." mc "We can get there much faster.." mc "I'll drive.." scene 6scene8img7 mom "Honey, are you sure you want to be driving?" mom "Let me drive you to the doctor in my car, I can't drive this thing properly." mom "Besides, you're hurt.. Let me drive you." mc "My back hurts a little bit, but I can drive [mom].." mc "If we take this, and I drive, we can get there much faster." mom "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene8img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause mom "How are you feeling now honey?" mom "Has the pain reduced a little bit?" mc "I think so." mc "But I still feel a little bit of pain." mom "You should've let me drive baby." mom "I feel bad for letting you drive while you're in pain." mc "It's alright [mom]. It's no big deal." mc "I'm just feeling some minor pain." scene 6scene8img9 mom "It may be just some minor pain, but you still shouldn't be doing anything that might stress you." mom "I feel horrible about letting you drive in your condition." mom "But I agreed because you drive fast and we need to get to the Doctor quick." mom "I need to make sure you're okay." mc "I'm fine [mom]." mc "It's nothing.." mc "I'm sorry you had to cancel your plans with the girls for this." scene 6scene8img10 mom "It's alright honey.." mom "You know I would do anything for you.." mc "Thanks [mom]" mc "It's a nice dress you have on." mc "You look so classy in it." mom "Aaawww you're so sweet" mc "Really, it just looks beautiful on you." scene 6scene8img11 mc "{i} (Her breasts look great in it.)" mom "You're such a charmer." mc "Hehe" mc "{i} (She looks so pretty sitting next to me like that.)" mc "{i} (I dream about having a wife like her someday.)" mc "{i} (She's the most perfect woman.)" mom "What are you thinking about hone?" mc "Just.. stuff.." mom "You're so cute when you're lost in thought like that." mom "So adorable...." mom "It melts my heart baby." mc "Stop.." mom "Hehe, are you blushing?" scene 6scene8img12 mom "{i} (Wait....)" mom "{i} (He just took a turn..)" mom "{i} (This isn't the way to the Doctor's.)" mom "{i} (May be he's taking an alternate route.)" mom "{i} (No... This definitely doesn't lead to the Doctor's)" scene 6scene8img13 mom "Honey, what are you doing?" mom "This isn't the way to the Doctor's." mom "Why are we taking this route?" mc "Well [mom], you wanted me to show you how much I like you in a Big way, right?" mom "Yeaahhhh...." mc "We're going to go get the Jewel Of Love!!" mc "I'm stealing the Jewel Of Love FOR YOU." scene 6scene8img14 mom "WHAT?" mom "ARE YOU CRAZYYY?!!" mom "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!" mc "You wanted me to show you how much I like you..." mc "Well, this is me showing you how much I like you.." mc "I'm going to steal the greatest symbol of Love FOR YOU." mom "THIS IS RIDICULOUS [mc]" mom "TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW!!" mom "THIS IS JUST INSANE... NOT TO MENTION CRIMINAL." mc "NO" mc "I've made up my mind [mom]. I know how much you like the Jewel Of Love... And I want you to have it." mc "You deserve it.." mc "So we're going to go steal it from the guys who stole it from the Meuseum. We're going to highway 69." mom "This is just crazyy [mc]!!.... And too dangerous...." mom "Besides, how do you even know who stole it from the Meuseum?" mom "How do you know where it'll be? How do you know all of this?" mc "{i} (Oh crap!! What do I tell her?)" mc ".... Well... You know Annie is a Criminal Mastermind, right?" mc "She can find anything and everything about all the big criminal activities going on around the world.." mc "I phoned her right after you told us that the Jewel Of Love was stolen from the Meusem this morning.." mom "This is ridiculous.... I don't want you getting into criminal activities!!" mom "I won't allow it." mom "Stop the car right now.." mom "Turn around." mc "No [mom]. I want you to have the Jewel Of Love.." mc "What better way to show you how much I love you than by gifting you a legendary symbol of Love and Passion?" scene 6scene8img15 mom "{i} (Oh nooo... This is all too much..)" mom "{i} (He seems very adamant about it.)" mc "{i} (I'm not going to steal the Jewel Of Love for that creep with the pic.)" mc "{i} (If I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it for the Woman who matters the most to me.)" mc "{i} (I already bought an impeccable replica of the Jewel Of Love with real Rubies yesterday just in case.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to steal the original for [mom], and give that creep the replica.)" mc "{i} (And I just gotta hope that he doesn't have any means to determine whether it's real or fake.)" mc "{i} (Doing this for [mom] matters to me more than that creep's blackmailing and threats.)" mom "{i} (I didn't mean for him to do something criminal when I asked him to show me how much he likes me.)" mom "{i} (This is insane.. This could be too dangerous.)" mom "{i} (He's talking about stealing the Jewel Of Love!!! This is ridicuous.)" mom "{i} (I can't.. I just can't.)" scene 6scene8img16 mom "[mc], listen to me.." mom "I appreciate the jesture.." mom "But I just won't allow this..." mom "I don't want you thieving for me.." mc "This isn't thievery... We're just taking it from REAL THIEVES who stole it in the first place.." mc "Besides, you're married to the King of Thieves.)" mom "That's different.. You know that he NEVER mixes business and family matters.)" mom "And I fell in love with him before I knew what his profession was.)" mom "This is too dangerous [mc].. We can't do this." mc "Relax [mom]. this is going to be easy.. And it'll be totally worth it." mc "Besides, I've seen your wild side..." mc "I know that adventurous and thrilling situations really excite you." mom "NO. Stealing doesn't excite me." mc "I didn't mean stealing..." mc "I mean adventurous and thrilling situations... I know for a fact that it excites you." scene 6scene8img17 mom "{i} (Well... he's got a point there.)" mom "{i} (Deep down this is sort of turning me on.)" mom "I'm a bored Housewife [mc]... Anything out of the ordinary excites me..." mom "But this is a whole another level" mc "That's what makes it fun [mom]." mc "Would you relax and just go with it?" mc "Let's enjoy ourselves.. We're not hurting anybody.. We're just stealing it from actual Robbers who happen to be bad people.)" mc "This shouldn't weigh on our conscience." mc "Plus, the Jewel Of Love doesn't belong to anybody at the moment.. King Argavaine's lineage ended a long time ago.." mc "That's how it ended up in the Meuseum in the first place.. And who are the Government to claim ownership of things that they do not own anyway.)" mom "That does sort of make sense.. But.." mc "Relax [mom]... Let's have some fun..." mc "This is going to be another adventure..." mc "Just the two of us..." scene 6scene8img18 mom "So you really want to do this?" mc "Yes" mom "{i} (This is already making me a little wet!)" mom "{i} (Oh, what is this boy doing to me?)" mom "{i} (He gets me into do things I've never done before... And I end up loving them)" mom "Another adventure does sound kind of fun..." mom "Okay. I'm in." mc "YES!! That's what I'm talking about.." mc "Jewel Of Love... Here we come." scene 6scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "Okay. We're here." mc "Are you ready [mom]?" mom "Yes." mc "The robbers must be a little ways ahead." mc "We've got a very fast car. We can easily catch up to them..." mc "Also, there's nobody else on the road.." mc "So we don't have to worry about being caught on camera or something." mom "Good" mc "Alright. Let's do this.." scene 6scene9img3 mom "Ooohh I'm so nervous." mom "However, it's exciting too." mom "How am I even here doing this with you? Hahaha" mom "This is unlike anything I've ever done before.." mom "But the thrill is making me feel all kinds of things." mom "You get me to do the craziest sorts of things, and we always have such a good time doing it together. Hehehe" mc "This one's going to be epic too." mom "I don't doubt it.." scene 6scene9img2 mc "There they are.." mom "Are you sure it's them?" mc "Yeah. That's definitely them." mc "Matches the description I got down to all the details." mc "It's time [mom]" mc "Are you ready to do this?" mom "{i} (Oh no, now that the moment is near I'm feeling super nervous.)" mom "{i} (I'm really scared.)" mom "{i} (Who was I kidding? I can't do this... No. I can't..)" scene 6scene9img4 mom "[mc] stop the car. I'm feeling VERY nervous." mom "We need to turn around..." mc "They're right in front of us [mom]. We can do this." mom "No. I thought I can..." mom "But I'm really scared." mom "I can't do this.. I just can't.. We need to leave right now." mc "I know you're scared [mom].. But I got you.." mc "You know I would NEVER let anything happen to you... I've got you... We got this..." mc "Here... Take the wheel." scene 6scene9img5 mom "WHAT?!!!!!" mom "ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" mom "We're in a moving car.. I can't switch seats and take the wheel now!!" mc "You can do this [mom]... I believe in you.." mc "We ain't got much time... We might lose them... Here.. You have to take the wheel now..." mc "You can do this.." scene 6scene9img6 mom "{i} (Oooohhhh, what am I doing?)" mom "{i} (What have I gotten myself into?)" mom "{i} (This is soo INSANE!!)" mc "Yes [mom]! You got this.. Just keep steady.." mc "You can do this" scene 6scene9img7 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaahhh)" mc "{i} (It's like lightning surging through my body anytime her body makes contact with mine.)" mc "Yes. Just like that [mom]... Just hold the wheel..." mc "And scoop over your legs..." mc "You're doing great.." mom "*Nervously* Oh, okay." scene 6scene9img8 mc "YESSS!" mc "See.. I told you you can do this." mom "{i} (This is such an adrenaline rush!)" mom "{i} (I had my heart in my mouth for a second. What a rush!!)" mom "This car is too fast [mc]... I don't think I can handle it." mc "Don't worry [mom].. Just keep steady and light on the accelerator.." mc "You're doing just fine.. Just maintain this speed.." scene 6scene9img9 mom "What is that?" mom "You said we're not hurting anybody." mc "We're not going to... Much." mc "This is just a Tranquilizer Gun." mc "The darts are just going to put the robbers to sleep for a little while." mom "Oh okay." mom "Just don't fire too many darts at them" mc "I won't. I promise." scene 6scene9img10 mom "Why are you standing up?" mom "What's the plan?" mc "I really didn't think this through... We're just going to improvise.." mom "YOU DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH??!!" mc "Well, I'm thinking right now..." mc "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to jump over to the hood." mc "You keep the pace steady, and get us close to the rear of their truck... I'm going to jump over and tranquilize them." mom "Ooookaay" scene 6scene9img11 mc "{i} (Oh Fuck!! What am I doing?)" mc "{i} (This is fucking stupid)" mc "{i} (I really should have thought this through..)" mc "{i} (Alright... Here goes nothing.)" scene 6scene9img12 mc "{i} (Fuuuuuuccckkkk I can't believe I'm doing this!)" mom "Honey, be careful!!)" mc "Yes [mom]." mc "{i} (Ooooohh man, this shit is so scary!!)" mc "{i} (What the fuck am I doing??)" mc "{i} (I'm so stupid.. I'm so stupid...)" mom "{i} (Oh no.... I'm so scared for him... I hope he doesn't fall..)" mom "{i} (This is a ridiculous idea...)" mom "{i} (But he's so brave, just like his [dad])" scene 6scene9img13 mom "Baby, are you sure you're okay?" mc "Yes. Yes. I'm fine [mom]." mc "Just keep this steady pace... We're getting close.." mom "Keep balanced baby.." mom "Tell me if you want me to slow down okay...)" mom "{i} (GOSH! This is just an other worldly rush!!!)" mom "{i} (Feels like we're in a movie.... And [ms] is my Hero)" mom "{i} (This is making me soooo WET)" mc "We're almost there [mom].. Almost there.." scene 6scene9img14 mc "Yes, we're close.." mc "Just a little bit closer [mom]." mom "Is this okay?" mc "Yes. Perfect." mom "Baby be careful....." scene 6scene9img15 mc "Ohhh sheeet" mc "Phew" mc "{i} (I'm on the Truck.)" mc "{i} (Halfway there... Halfway there...)" mc "{i} (Just remain calm [mc]... You got this.)" mc "{i} (All I gotta do now is just go to the front and tranq those guys.)" scene 6scene9img16 tf "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ASSHOLE?" tf "WHO SENT YOU?" mc "{i} (OH SHIT! HE'S GOT A GUN!)" mc "{i} (That motherfucker said they won't have any firepower)" mc "{i} (HE'S GOT A MOTHERFUCKIN GUN!!)" scene 6scene9img17 mom "{i} (OH NO!!! HE'S POINTING A GUN AT [mc]!)" mom "{i} (I GOTTA DO SOMETHING!)" mom "{i} (I GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!)" scene 6scene9img16 mc "{i} (FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.)" mc "{i} (WHAT DO I DO? I'M JUST STANDING FROZEN HERE.)" scene 6scene9img17 mom "[mc], BRACE YOURSELF)" mc "What?" mom "BRACE YOURSELF! BRACE YOURSELF...)" scene 6scene9img16 mom "HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!" tf "Alright, time to go kid..." mc "{i} (OH SHIT HE'S PULLING THE TRIGGER)" scene 6scene9img18 play sound "sounds/effects/handgun.mp3" mom "[mc] DUCK!" tf "WHAT THE SHIT?!!!" tf "This bitch made me miss my shot." mc "Woohoo. Awesome save [mom]." mc "Thanks for the assist." tf "Who is this rich ho? She must be with him" scene 6scene9img19 tf "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mc "Take that motherfucker!" mc "Night, night!" mc "Bye." scene 6scene9img20 mom "{i} (Ooooooohhhhh No No No)" mom "{i} (Turn, turn..)" mom "{i} (This is not how I imagined how this day would go when it began!)" mom "{i} (I can't believe I'm aiding a robbery...)" mom "{i} (Missing bodies that have just been tranquilized...)" mom "{i} (What am I doing here?)" mom "{i} (This is absolutely nuts.)" scene 6scene9img21 tft "Haaaahhhh" tft "I'm just an accomplice" tft "Just an accomplice.." tft "It was his idea, I didn't want to steal it." mc "Time for you to go to sleep motherfucker." mc "Night night." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene9img22 play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mom "YESSS!! WE DID IT!" mom "Are you okay [mc]?" mc "All good [mom]" mom "I can't believe we've actually pulled this off!" mom "MY GOSH! WHAT A RUSH!!" mom "I am so ecstatic right now" mc "I told you this will be a great adventure!" mc "Okay [mom], let's not stop here..." mc "Let's drive a little bit further.. and I'm going to ditch thi truck." mom "Okay baby." scene 6scene9img23 mom "{i} (Oh my gosh!! THAT WAS SOO WILD!)" mom "{i} (I still can't believe we actually pulled this off!)" mom "{i} (What an adrenaline rush.. What an adventure!)" mom "{i} (After more than 2 decades of mundane life as a housewife...)" mom "{i} (This turned me on so much.)" mom "{i} (This was such a mindblowing, wild rush for me.)" mom "{i} (Wheeew!)" mom "{i} (What a day!)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene9img24 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "A befitting gift..." mc "For the most beautiful woman in the world..." mc "The greatest symbol of Love and Passion is now yours [mom]." mc "The Jewel Of Love belongs to you...." mom "{i} (Is this real life right now?)" mom "{i} (I feel like I'm in a fantasy....)" scene 6scene9img25 mom "{i} (The Jewel Of Love is actually around my neck!)" mom "{i} (This feels like a dream)" mom "You have no idea HOW INCREDIBLE you've just made feel baby.." mom "I am the happiest woman in the world right now." mom "I am so happy, I feel like I could fly.." mc "I am happy that you're happy [mom]..." mc "You deserve to feel this elated every single day.." mc "You are a Goddess in a woman's form..." mc "You deserve it.." mc "You deserve it all.." scene 6scene9img26 mom "Is any of this even real right now [mc]?" mom "Is this really happening?" mom "Pinch me if I'm dreaming." mom "This is the happiest I've felt in forever.." mom "I just want to capture this feeling.. Put it in treasure chest, and savour this moment forever." mc "I wish I could give you this feeling every single day for eternity [mom]." mom "Aaaaaaaaaawwww" mom "I have no words to describe what you've just done for me [mc]." mom "You've actually given me the Jewel Of Love.." mom "A treasure every woman desires..." mc "And the Jewel Of Love looks WONDERFUL on you." mc "I think you are the most deserving woman to have worn it since Fresnia herself." mom "....... THANK YOU." mom "I think this calls for a celebration.." mom "I think we should celebrate." mc "Celebrate?" mc "How?" scene 6scene9img27 mom "I have something in mind..." mc "Oh, you have something in mind?" mom "Ooohh yes, [mmy] has something in mind.." mc "Ooohhhh I like the sound of that." mom "Come. Let's go CELEBRATE." mc "{i} (YESSSSS!!)" scene 6scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) rcn "Welcome to Spa Vinzine" rcn "Do you have an appointment?" mom "No..." rcn "No problem ma'am, which one of our excellent services would you like to avail?" mom "I have a specific sort of request if you'd be kind enough accomodate." rcn "Sure. What are you looking for?" mom "I'm here in this city on a business trip dear.. It's been a hectic couple of days with meetings and work..." mom "Thankfully, my personal Massage Therapist from back home happened to be passing through this city.." mom "This young man with me is him." mom "He knows my body really well, he knows where my stress induced knots usually are.." mom "So I'm just looking to avail one of your private massage rooms.." mom "I will however, pay you the full price that you would normally charge for a massage." mc "{i} (Fucckkk, this is so turning me on right now.)" mc "{i} (She's trying to get a room just for ourselves.)" mc "{i} (She's lying to the Receptionist that I'm her Personal Massage Therapist." mc "{i} (This is so incredibly erotic.)" rcn "Well, we do not normally let out just our private massage rooms without our therapists catering to our clients..." rcn "But I understand that business trips can be hectic, and only a Personal Massage Therapist knows their clients' bodies very well..." rcn "So, I'm going to make an exception for you." rcn "Sure. You can use one of our private passage rooms." mom "Thank you very much dear. I appreciate it." rcn "Anytime." scene 6scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "How are you feeling baby?" mom "The pleasant aromas loosening you up?" mc "Wowww this is so erotic [mom]." mc "You look soooo Sexy just sitting in a towel like that.." mom "Do I?" mc "You have no idea..." mc "You look unbelievably Sexy right now." scene 6scene10img3 mom "But dear, you're my Personal Massage Therapist..." mom "Do you think it's appropriate to say what you just said to your client? Haha." mc "As your personal massage therapist [mom], you know I would LOVE to give you a full body massage..." mc "May be even a deeeeeep tissue massage..." mom "Hehehehehe." mom "That is so inappropriate of you to say that Mr." mom "Isn't that a bit unprofessional? Hehe." scene 6scene10img4 mom "So tell me Mr. Massage Therapist, do you always have an erection around your clients?" mc "Around my clients, no. But I always have a huge erection around [mm]" mom "Hehehehehe" mom "You naughty boy..." mom "Well, what does your erection want with [ym]?" mc "All sorts of things..." mom "Do you dream about the sort of things your erection wants with me often?" mc "All the time...." scene 6scene10img2 mom "What do you see in those dreams?" mc "You don't wanna know [mom]." mc "If I told you the perverse things I see in those dreams with you, it'll probably scare you." mom "Hahahahaha" mom "You really are a naughty, naughty boy." mom "Anyway, how is your Monster?" mc "It's raging right now." scene 6scene10img6 mom "How about now?" mc "Hollyy Mollyy!!" mc "You're going to make it explode with fury [mom]." mom "Haha, looks like your Monster has issues with self control." mc "You have no idea [mom]... It's constantly seeking to attack and devour you." mom "How badly does it want to devour me?" mc "It's so hungry that it would swallow you whole..." mc "Or may be it should be the other way around..." scene 6scene10img7 mc "{i} (OOOOHH FUCK!! DID SHE JUST PUT HER FOOT ON MY GROIN?)" mc "{i} (I'm feeling all kinds of sexual frenzies at the moment.)" mc "{i} (We have come so far... Her n I.)" mc "{i} (She's actually starting to get forward with me physically for the first time.)" mc "{i} (There's no words to describe what I'm feeling right now.)" mc "{i} (This is so sensual and erotic.)" scene 6scene10img6 mom "Well, I think it's time for my massage honey." mom "Shall we get sterted?" mc "Oh yess!" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene10img8 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mom "Babyyy.... What are you doing?" mom "You can't just undress a woman without asking for her permission first." mc "I'm sorry [mom], I'm letting something other than my brain do my thinking right now..." mc "And it has no concept of manners or anything else.." mom "But still, you have to slowly ease in on a woman baby.." mom "A mature woman doesn't appreciate crude behaviour.." mom "Besides, I'm still not used to being completely naked in front of you." mom "This is only the second time I'm naked with you in your adulthood." mc "Sorry [mom], I'll remember that the next time." mom "You're already thinking about the next time, huh?" scene 6scene10img9 mc "Aaaaaaahhhhh" mc "Finally!!" mc "It's like my hands are meant to be in contact with your breasts [mom]." mc "Your breasts feel like the perfect natural habitat for my hands..." mom "A natural habitat for your HANDS??" mc "Hehehe" mom "But honey, don't grab them so hard..." mc "I seem to recall that they CAN handle hardness [mom]" mom "You should always ease in baby.. Shouldn't go hard from the get go.." mc "Got it." mc "I love your hair down there [mom]." scene 6scene10img10 mc "Oh come on [mom]!!" mc "Why did you cover it up?" mom "I guess I'm still just a little shy about you seeing my Vagina baby." mom "Like I said, this is only the second time I'm leaving it all bare in front of you." mc "In any case, I Love that you have hair down there.." mom "Oh yeah?" mc "And you're maintaining it too.." mc "Nothing like a well gardened Pussy." mc "Well, it IS time for your massage.." mc "Let's get you on the table..." scene 6scene10img11 mc "Wooooooowwwwww" mc "I can never get used to this masterpiece of an ass [mom]." mc "You have such a great ass..." mc "It looks like it's built for.... er....." mom "Built for what honey...?" mc "Well... You know what. Hehehehe" mc "Alright now, get on the table.." scene 6scene10img12 play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "Ooooooowwwwwww!!" mom "{i} (Did he just spank me?)" mom "You just spanked me so hard honey!" mom "That was very hard..." mc "Well, an ass like that, deserves a good spanking." mom "{i} (Ooohhhh, he just spanked me like I'm his slut.)" mom "{i} (Deep down I want to be his slut...)" mom "{i} (Did I really just think that?? Really?)" mom "{i} (Wanting to be [ms]'s slut...... That is just waayyy too dirty.)" mom "{i} (I can't believe that thought actually crossed my mind!)" mom "{i} (Let me forget that I even had that thought and just enjoy this moment.)" scene 6scene10img13 mc "{i} (The touch of her silky soft skin!!)" mc "{i} (It's always such a delight.)" mc "{i} (So velvety and rich.)" mom "Are you really any good at giving a massage sweetie?" mc "The only thing I've ever massaged is my dick [mom]." mom "[mc]! Language...." mc "Hehe." mc "{i} (Aaah her skin feels so smooth.)" mc "{i} (And her ass looks so good.)" mc "{i} (Everything on her is perfect!)" mc "{i} (I really did want to slowly build this up starting with a simple massage.. But I'm too horny right now.)" mc "{i} (I'm going straight for the action.)" scene 6scene10img14 mom "Oooh" mom "I think I know what that is.." mc "Oh yeah?" mc "You want a deep tissue massage with it?" mom "I've made it perfectly clear in the past that we can never do That sweetie.." mc "I know." mc "It was worth a shot.." mom "Well you keep taking too many shots.. and you know I'm never going to let that happen. Haha" mom "But your thing really feels good on my back though." mom "I'm not sure if I should let my massage therapist put his thing on my back..." mom "But, okay...." scene 6scene10img15 mc "Your massage therapist wants to do sooo many things to you." mom "{i} (Hmmm that came out of nowhere!)" mc "{i} (Mmmmmmmm her lips are the best!)" mc "{i} (So plush.. so luxurious..)" mc "{i} (I could taste these lips forever.)" mom "{i} (I love it when he wraps his hands around me like this.)" mom "{i} (It feels so intimate..)" mom "{i} (So passionate..,.)" mc "Can I put my lips on your breasts [mom]?" mom "Sure baby.." scene 6scene10img16 mc "WOOOOWWW [mom]" mc "This is mindblowing..." mc "I didn't think you would get on top of me like this!" mc "It feels so good to be holding your big ass like this [mom]." mom "You deserve it sweetie." mc "My mouth on your breasts, and my hands on your ass!" mc "This is so awesome!!" mc "I feel like I've won the jackpot." mom "Enjoy them honey.. After what you did for me today.. You deserve to play with them." mc "Do you realize your Pussy is just inches away from my penis?" mc "I know baby.." scene 6scene10img17 mc "{i} (Her breasts are so massive..)" mc "{i} (I can never tire of them)" mc "{i} (I want to lick and such her breasts like this every single day.)" mc "{i} (I wish things were still as they were back when I was an infant...)" mc "{i} (Wish I could just wake up next to her and immediately put my mouth on her breasts like I owned them, as I used to as an infant.)" scene 6scene10img19 mom "Are you enjoying [mmy]s breasts honey?" mc "Your breasts are the best [mom]!" mc "You have the best pair of breasts on the planet." mc "I absolutely, positively, 100 percent love your breasts." mom "Hehehehehe." scene 6scene10img18 mc "{i} (*Lick* *Lick* Lick*)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky I'm getting to lick away at her tits like this.)" mc "{i} (Not many [mom]s would allow that...)" mc "{i} (I'm so happy how things have developed between us to this point ..)" mc "{i} (To having her Pussy so close to my cock.)" mc "{i} (Her Pussy is practically stationed right on top of my cock, just inches away.)" mc "{i} (I could just pull her down onto my cock!)" mc "{i} (She'd be sitting on it and I'll be balls deep inside her.)" scene 6scene10img17 mc "{i} (If these breasts gave milk again, they could probably feed a whole town.)" mc "{i} (But I'll be the one drinking it all.)" mc "{i} (I'm obsessed with getting these breasts to lactate again.)" mc "{i} (Someday, I'm definitely going to get her lactating..)" mc "{i} (I won't rest until I drink the milk from these breasts once more.)" scene 6scene10img18 mc "{i} (How badly I want to push my cock inside her right now.)" mc "{i} (I want to thrust her so hard...)" mc "{i} (I'd make her bounce so high with every single thrust...)" mc "{i} (And her pussy would slide down on my cock again, squeezing it on it's way down.)" scene 6scene10img19 mc "[mom]...." mom "Yes honey..?" mc "Can we please have our genitals meet?" mom "Honey....." mc "I don't mean penetration...." mc "If we can just rub against each other..." mom "That's too much sweetie... That's dangerously close to penetration." mc "Sorry I asked." mom "You know what? You gave me the Jewel Of Love today..." mom "So I think you've earned it... So I'm going to let you." mc "YESS!" mom "Lay on your back sweetie." scene 6scene10img20 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaaahh. I think I just entered an utopian paradise!!)" mc "{i} (Words cannot express the bliss I feel.)" mc "{i} (It has finally happened.)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s pussy is in contact with my cock!)" mc "{i} (I might just faint unable to process this joy and pleasure.)" scene sparubbing animated with fade: "6scene10img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene10img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaargghhh)" mc "{i} (Aarghh I must not blow already... I must not shoot.)" mc "{i} (SHE'S ACTUALLY RUBBING HER PUSSY AGAINST MY COCK!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS JUST SURREAL.)" mc "{i} (The ecstacy I'm feeling is soooo profound.)" mc "{i} (I have nothing to compare this with..)" mc "{i} (This is the greatest feeling I've ever felt!)" mc "{i} (Her pussy is touching my cock!)" mc "{i} (This is inconceivably INTENSE!)" mc "{i} (It is finally happening... It is really happening.)" mc "{i} (Our sex organs have met...)" mc "{i} (Even if it is just outwardly.)" mom "{i} (I can't believe I have actually done it!)" mom "{i} (I have actually let my Vagina touch [ms]'s Cock.)" mom "{i} (A boundary broken, however, pleasure unknown gained.)" mom "{i} (I'm lost in pleasureverse.)" mom "{i} (This is unlike anything I've experienced before.)" mom "{i} (A guilty pleasure on gallons of steroids.)" scene 6scene10img22 mom "{i} (I can see [mc] is lost in pleasureverse too.)" mom "{i} (He must've dreamed about this a thousand times.)" mom "{i} (Now he's finally experiencing it.)" mom "{i} (I am happy I am giving him this sinful experience after what he did for me today.)" mom "{i} (Enjoy it my baby.)" mom "{i} (You earned it.)" mom "{i} (You deserve it.)" mom "{i} (My Hero.)" mom "{i} (Glad [mmy] could make you feel this way.)" scene sparubbing animated with fade: "6scene10img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene10img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (It's a miracle I haven't gone numb from this pleasure yet.)" mc "{i} (This is more than what normal senses can handle.)" mc "{i} (Her pussy is opening up just a little bit as she moves forward and back agains the length of my cock.)" mc "{i} (Her pussy lips are actually parting against the thickness of my dick.)" mc "{i} (I can feel the wetness.)" mc "{i} (She is super wet.)" mc "{i} (A relationship like this... it's so profound...)" mc "{i} (It might be sinful, but nothing can match this.)" mc "{i} (Entwined by passion.. [mm] and I.)" mc "{i} (This is beautiful.)" mc "{i} (This is dirty.)" mc "{i} (This is everything.)" scene 6scene10img22 mom "[mmy]'s going to do it a different way now baby.." mom "Shall I?" mom "I want you to experience further heights of pleasure." mc "Yes [mom]." mom "I'm not taking it in... But I'm going to wrap my legs around it." scene 6scene10img23 mc "{i} (Aaarrghhhhhh. Arrghh)" mc "{i} (Arrgghh... I think I'm about to blow.)" mc "{i} (She has my cock Squeezed against her thighs!)" mc "{i} (And her Pussy lips are so tightly pressed against my cock.)" mc "{i} (This is too much to handle!!)" mc "{i} (I must control it.. I must control it somehow.)" mc "{i} (I want to relish what she's about to give me.)" scene sparubbing animated with fade: "6scene10img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene10img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I HAVE TO CONTROL IT [mc]... I HAVE TO LAST)" mc "{i} (It's taking superhuman strength to not cum right now, while this woman can make any man cum with just a touch of her finger.)" mc "{i} (I HAVE TO LAST THROUGH THIS EXPERIENCE.)" mc "{i} (SHE IS SOOOOOOO GOOD.)" mc "{i} (This woman knows her stuff.)" mc "{i} (She knows how to give pleasure.)" mc "{i} (She is EXCELLENT at it.)" mc "{i} (I should've known from the footjob she gave me the other day..)" mc "{i} (But that was just a glimpse!)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what other skills she has in her repertoire.)" mc "{i} (This is the best day of my life so far.)" mc "{i} (I am blinded with ecstacy)" mc "{i} (She is giving me heights of pleasure I have never experienced. EVER.)" mc "{i} (Every cell in my body is shot through with daggers of euphoria.)" mc "{i} (No. I have even gone beyond euphoria.)" mc "{i} (I have attained nirvana.)" mc "{i} (And I'm going beyond that too with what she's giving to me.)" mc "Aaarrrhhhhh...." mc "That's it..." mc "I'm about to cum [mom]." mc "Aaargghhhhh..... Arggghhhhhh...." mc "Aaaaaaaaaaarggggghhhhhhhhhh." scene 6scene10img24 with vpunch scene 6scene10img24 with flash scene 6scene10img24 with vpunch scene 6scene10img24 with flash scene 6scene10img24 with vpunch scene 6scene10img24 with flash scene 6scene10img25 with dissolve pause mc "{i} (Fuuuucckk! That was AMAZING.)" mc "{i} (Hands down the best experience I've ever had.)" scene 6scene10img26 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "Did you enjoy that baby?" mc "I just simply have no words to describe it [mom]." mc "THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD." mc "You were sooo good." mom "I'm glad you enjoyed it so much sweetie." mom "I thoroughly enjoyed it too." mom "We have officially crossed another boundary that we should have never even considered." mom "But it was worth it." mom "You earned it." mom "Thank you for the Jewel Of Love honey." mom "Now I know what lengths you would go to for me." mc "I would do anything for you [mom]. ANYTHING." mc "Absolutely anything." mom "I don't doubt that sweetie.." mom "You are the sweetest thing." mom "And.... as you asked, we can do this sort of stuff once every month." mc "YESSSSSS!" mom "But only ONCE every month honey." mom "Please understand why.." mc "I understand [mom]." mc "Once a month is fine." mom "Alright baby. Get dressed." mom "Let's go home.. It's getting late." scene 6scene10img27 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) asc "Sis, where were you guys?" asc "I thought you guys were going to be back home well before we returned." asc "You guys just went to the Doctor." asc "Was surprised that you guys still hadn't returned when the girls and I got back from the resort." mom "We just got held up with a couple of things Stacy.." mom "I hope you girls had fun at the resort..." asc "We had a ball of a time." mom "Wonderful." mom "Alrgith Stacy, I'm really tired.. I'm going to go to sleep.." mom "See you in the morning, okay?" asc "Okay. Good night sis." scene scene4img1 mc "{i} (Whew)" mc "{i} (What a day.)" mc "{i} (Things got really steamy with [mom] today.)" mc "{i} (That was fantastic.)" mc "{i} (At least for now, she has agreed to play at least once a month.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait for things to get even more steamier with her..)" mc "{i} I have to go drop off the Replica of the Jewel Of Love at midnight.)" mc "{i} (The guy with the pic said to drop it off at the location he specified.)" mc "{i} (I can sleep for a couple of hours, then sneak out at midnight and drop it off.)" mc "{i} (Then, I just gotta really hope that he can't determine whether it's the real Jewel Of Love, or fake." mc "{i} (Let me sleep for a while till then.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene10img29 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "This is where he said to drop off the Jewel Of Love." mc "Behind that Dumpster." mc "Except I'm dropping off the replica of the Jewel Of Love I bought day before yesterday." mc "The replica is made with real Rubies." mc "I really hope this guy doesn't have the means to figure out whether it's original or fake." scene 6scene10img30 mc "I've dropped off the fake Jewel of Love behind the Dumpster as he specified." mc "Time to go now." mc "Let me go get some sleep." mc "Another bid day tomorrow." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Yaaaawwnn" mc "{i} (Another beautiful morning. I can't wait to see what this day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} (I dropped off the FAKE Jewel Of Love at the the location specified at midnight.)" mc "{i} (Let's hope that douchebag backs off my case for a while.)" mc "{i} (Let me go see what the ladies are up to.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene11img1 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "Good morning ladies." j "Good morning [mc]." mom "Morning sweetie." mc "Looks like you ladies have gotten up early." i "No. You always get up late." mc "I guess I do." mc "You all look lovely today.." asc "Are you saying that because you don't want us to leave you out of the plans for today?" mc "Nope. You guys really do look wonderful this morning.." mc "Inf fact, all of you look wonderful all the time." asc "Arlight. What do you want [mc]?" mc "Nothing... I'm just giving honest compliments." scene 6scene11img2 mom "That's sweet of you [mc]." mom "We ladies need to hear that once in a while... Even if our husbands don't tell us that as much as we want them to." j "Right?" i "I don't have a husband." mom "Don't you be thinking about getting a husband this early Iris. You're too young for that." mom "You're still my little darling." j "Besides, husbands aren't all that... Trust me, we know. Hehehehe." mc "{i} (How I'd love to be a husband to any one of these ladies..." mc "{i} (I don't care, I'll marry all of them if I could..." mc "{i} (Polygamy seems like a wonderful thing.)" mc "{i} (Especially if your wives looked this Hot.)" mc "So, what are we doing today?" mom "What do you have in mind [mc]?" mc "{i} (Look at her sitting there as if nothing happened last night... Hehehe.)" mc "{i} (Her and I did things that the other 3 would never look at us the same if they heard about it.)" mc "{i} (We're keeping super illicit secrets from them.)" mc "{i} (I love our illicit bond that's been forming.)" scene 6scene11img1 mc "I don't know.. I'm down with anything you guys wanna do." mc "But [mom], isn't your friend Eliza coming to the city today from Johannesburg?" mc "You told me about it last month." mom "Oh, is that today?" mom "I seem to have forgotten..." mc "Yeah. It is today." mom "Gosh, I haven't met her in 8 years since she moved to Johannesburg." asc "Your friend from school Eliza sis?" mom "Yes." mom "We've been wanting to meet so bad... She let me know a month in advance, so I don't cancel on her due to other commitments." mom "But Ella and Candice might come home today... I might have to cancel on Eliza if they happen to arrive today.." asc "You haven't met her in 8 years sis... You can go out for a little while in the evening if you want.." asc "We'll take care of Candice.. I can't wait to meet that girl myself." asc "She sounds like quite an amazing girl." mom "She really is." mc "Anyway, did you ladies have fun at Club V yesterday?" scene 6scene11img3 j "Oh we had so much fun..." j "Aunt Stacy made us drink soo much." j "Wish you guys had come with us too." mom "[mc] couldn't have come anyway, remember?" mom "That's Club... V.." mc "What do they have in that stupid resort anyway?" mc "That's stupid to make an entire resort exclusively for one gender." j "Us ladies need some time away from you Ds for yourselves [mc]." j "That's like a safe haven for us." mc "Whatever." j "Anyway, what did you and Mom do yesterday?" j "I heard you guys came home pretty late last night.." j "I thought you guys just went to see the Doctor." mc "We did go just to see the Doctor.." mc "And then we decided to go for a long drive, cause you girls weren't home anyway." i "Long drive sounds fun.." i "What else did you guys do?" mc "We did .... stuff." mc "...Stuff." e "HEY GUYSSS!!" stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene11img4 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "CANDICE!!!!" mom "OH MY GOSSHH!" mom "YOU'RE HERE!! YOU'RE HERE!!" mom "YOU'RE FINALLY HERE....." mom "OH MY DARLING ANGEL........" scene 6scene11img5 mom "WELCOME!!" mom "WELCOME HOME MY DARLING" mom "WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOUSE..." mom "OUR HOUSE..." mom "OH MY GOSH!!! I'M SOO HAPPY!!!" mom "I'M SO HAPPY!!!" scene 6scene11img6 mom "HOW ARE YOU MY BABY DARLING?" mom "MY ANGEL!! HOW ARE YOU?" c "I'm fine Mom..." c "I'm so happy to be in your embrace again." c "I've missed you." mom "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED YOU. AAHH" scene 6scene11img5 mom "OOOHHHH I COULD JUST HOLD YOU LIKE THIS FOR HOURS!" mom "I'M SOOO OVER THE MOON RIGHT NOW BABY." mom "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM." mom "WELCOME... WELCOME HOME" mom "I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH." c "I love you too Mom." c "I love you so much." scene 6scene11img7 mom "Mommy's so happy to have you here sweetie." mom "Ummmmmaa" mom "I'm sooo delighted you're finally here.." mom "I love you so much." mom "Now meet your siblings" scene 6scene11img8 c "[mc]!!!" mc "CANDICE!!" mc "Oh I've missed you so much kiddo." mc "Welcome home! Welcome home." mc "How are you?" c "I'm wonderful [mc]." c "I'm so happy to see you again." mc "Me too kiddo.." mc "Me too." mc "You better call me big [br] from now on, okay?" scene 6scene11img9 c "We're almost the same age [mc]." c "Hehehe" mc "But still, I'm a few months older than you." mc "So, I am your big [br], okay?" c "Okay big [br]. Hahaha" mc "So happy to have you here C." mc "You have no idea." mc "Glad you're finally here." scene 6scene11img10 i "WELCOME HOME NEW SISTER!!" i "OH MY GOSH, I'M SO EXCITED!!" i "I'M SO HAPPY TO HAVE ANOTHER SISTER!!" i "GOSH, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER.." i "WE HAVE TO DO SO MANY THINGS TOGETHER." i "MY NAME IS IRIS..." c "Hi Iris...." c "I figured you were the little one.." c "Mom has told me so much about you." i "Oh really? I'm going to tell you so much about me..." i "And I want to hear all about you..." i "I'm so happy that you're here.." i "Welcome home sis." c "Happy to be here Iris." scene 6scene11img11 j "Welcome home sweetie..." j "My name is Jasmine." j "I'm your big sister." c "Hi Jasmine." j "It's so nice to finally meet you.. I've heard all about you.." j "Mom told me that you wanted to go to College..." j "If you want any help with Academics, you can ask me okay?" j "I'll be glad to help you with your education and studies.." j "It's good to finally have a sibling that's interested in academics unlike the other dumb dumbs hahaha." c "Thank you Jasmine.. I would really love that." j "Welcome home sweetie." scene 6scene11img12 asc "HHIIIIIII" asc "I'm your Aunt Stacy.." asc "And I'm the most Awesomest and the most Funnest in the [fmy]." asc "I'm going to take you to all the fun and most happening places in the city..." asc "All the clubs, salons, spas, everywhere..." c "Thanks." asc "I've heard so much about you honey." asc "Delighted to finally have you here." asc "Welcome to your new house." c "Thanks Aunt Stacy, I'm so happy to meet you too." scene 6scene11img13 dad "We already spoke much on the way from our Hangar love..." dad "But I want to tell you this again...." dad "You are one of us now.." dad "You are not my Adopted daughter..." dad "You are my real daughter.." dad "And everyone in this house feels the same way about you.." dad "So don't be shy... You are truly one of us now..." dad "And were are going to treat you like that." dad "Feel free to do whatever you like.." dad "And don't hesitate to ask for anything." c "Thanks Dad." dad "Welcome home honey." scene 6scene11img14 dad "Alright family, I wanted to be here for Candice's arrival." dad "Wouldn't have missed it for the world." dad "So I made as much time as I could to be here for the big moment." dad "Candice is here now, and I know you will all take great care of her." dad "As for me, work calls and I have to get going.." dad "Need to fly half way across the world again." dad "I will see you all soon..." i "Bye Dad." mom "Thank you so much for being here honey." mom "Means the world to me that you made the time for our daughter's arrival." dad "I will see you soon my beautiful wife." an "Alright guys, bye for now." j "Bye Annie." asc "Come see us soon again Annie." i "Bye Aunt Annie." e "See you around A." mom "Bye my friend." c "Bye Annie." scene 6scene11img15 mom "What do you think honey?" c "I am speechless Mom." c "I am so grateful for all the love you guys are showing me." c "Welcoming me home like that.. It means the world to me!!" c "I'm so happy to be here." i "Candice, you're going to love your room... We just made it for you recently" i "Come, let me show you your room." asc "And also, we have to buy her a lot of clothes Sis." asc "Let's go shopping.. Let's get her anything she wants." mom "Of course." mom "Let's do that in the afternoon." i "For now, let us show you your room. Come, let us all go." scene 6scene11img16 e "She was EVERYTHING you said and more [mc]." e "Got to know her so much over the couple of days." e "I feel like I've known her all my life already." mc "I told you you like her." e "You were right. I really do." e "Plus, she's quite a badass herself..." e "She looks like a sweet and innocent girl, but she's tough as nails.." e "And you know I like anyone who's at least half as tough as me." mc "Glad you like her Ella." mc "I'm happy that everyone likes her... She's just that type of girl.." mc "Anyway, how are you?" e "I'm just super tired..." e "I'm gotta go get some goood sleep." mc "Hold on E... I just got a text.." scene 6scene11img17 mc "{i} (Son of a bitch! It's him again.)" mysc "SAME SPOT AS DAY BEFORE... BE THERE." mysc "ONE HOUR!" mc "{i} (Did he figure our that the Necklace I dropped off is Fake?!)" mc "{i} (Shit!!)" mc "{i} (What do I do?)" scene 6scene11img16 mc "Alright Ella... I really gotta get going.." mc "Something very important came up." e "Okay. Bye." mc "See you in the afternoon." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene12img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mysc "DO I LOOK STUPID TO YOU?" mc "Well, with that mask you're wearing, you kinda do." mc "What's your point?" mysc "The Necklace you dropped off is Fake." mc "What the fuck do I know about it man?" mc "I did what you told me to do." mc "I stole it from the guys who stole it from the Meuseum like you asked me." mc "I did my job." mc "As far as I'm concerned the necklace being fake is not my concern." scene 6scene12img2 mysc "If you did exactly as I told you to, how is the Necklace fake then?" mc "I don't know man, may be the guys switched it..." mc "Or may be the Meuseum had the fake one to begin with." mc "What the fuck do I know?" scene 6scene12img1 mysc "You better not have double crossed me asshole." mc "Double cross?" mysc "What the fuck would I want that stupid necklace for?" mc "I could give a rats ass about that stupid necklace." mc "Look man, I did what you told me to." mc "I stole it from the guys who originally stole it by intercepting that on highway 69." mysc "I don't know shit about that being fake... and it's not my concern." scene 6scene12img2 mysc "The saving grace for you is the fact that the guys never met the buyer that they were planning on selling it to." mysc "I verified." mysc "So I know you might be partially telling me the truth." mysc "Someone did intercept them and steal the Jewel Of Love." mysc "But was it you, or someone else, I don't know... For all I know someone else might have stole it.." mysc "And you probably just gave me a fake one without doing any work." mc "Motherfucker! What the fuck?" mc "After everything I risked to steal that necklace...." mc "I risked my life to steal that man." mc "If you were going to be so sceptical about it, why the fuck didn't you go steal it yourself?" mc "So you could've known for sure what the fuck was going on." scene 6scene12img1 mysc "I'm not saying I believe you....." mysc "But you MAY BE telling me the truth." mysc "I'm going to check my sources to see what exactly happened." mysc "The only thing I can't find out is what exactly happened on that highway cause there were no cameras there." scene 6scene12img3 mysc "I'll be in touch." mc "Just when I was starting to think I'm going to miss you." mysc "The next time I ask you to do a job, you better do it right." mc "Motherfucker, you better give me the right details." mc "And what makes you think I'd do another job for you." mc "The original deal was to kill a target, and if I decide to kill said target, we're done." mc "I ain't doing shit after that." mysc "I'm not letting you off the hook till I get to the bottom of this necklace thing." mysc "I'll see you around." mc "{i} (This moron partially bought my story.)" mc "{i} (That's good enough for now.)" mc "Alright asshole." mc "Bye" stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 6scene12img4 play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mom "Hey sweetie, where were you?" c "Hi [mc]" mom "We just got back from shopping.." mc "Hi Candice." mc "I had just gone out to meet a friend [mom]" mc "I knew you ladies were going to go shopping anyway. So.." mc "Where are the others by the way?" mom "Oh, Iris ran into her friends and they dragged her with them after we were done shopping." mom "Jasmine and Stacy just went up to their rooms to sleep cause we did a ton of shopping. And they're too tired." mc "This is the first time I'm seeing you in regular clothes Candice." mom "Right? Doesn't she look Gorgeous in them?" mc "Yes." c "Mom bought me soo many clothes [mc]." c "That's more than 10 times the amount of clothes I've ever had in my life." c "I'm not even sure if I can wear all of them." mc "You're now a regular City girl Candice, you'll need all of them." mc "You look great in normal clothes." c "Thanks [mc]." mc "Hey [mom], what are you going to do about your friend Eliza coming to town?" mom "Oh I totally forgot about her again." scene 6scene12img5 mom "Sweetie, is it okay if Mommy goes out for a couple of hours in the evening?" mom "I'm so sorry, this is your first day here, and I want to be here with you all day.." mom "But Mommy has a prior commitment she made to her friend over a month ago." c "Of course Mom, please go. You don't have to explain." mom "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise." mom "It's just that I haven't met her in 8 years, and I committed to meeting her today a month ago." mom "I called to cancel on her, but she's already in the city.." c "Mom, you don't have to explain... Please go." mom "Thank you sweetie." scene 6scene12img4 mom "Isn't it wonderful she's finally home [mc]?" mc "More than wonderful. We've been wanting her here for so long." mc "I cannot tell you how happy we are to have you here Candice." mc "We love you." mom "Mommy loves you more sweetie.." mom "Alright kids, I better go get ready to meet my friend Eliza." mom "See you two later." c "Okay Mom." scene 6scene12img6 mc "How are you liking your new life Candice?" c "I cannot explain how happy and thankful I am if I tried for a 1000 years [mc]." c "I'm so astounded by all the love and affection." c "I don't think I've experienced so much love ever in my life." c "I'm so grateful." mc "You deserve it kiddo." mc "You are a wonderful girl." mc "And we are going to spoil you with all the love we can." c "Gosh, everyone's been soooo welcoming..." c "This feels like a dream. I am overwhelmed with happiness." c "Iris, Jasmine, Ella and Aunt Stacy already talk to me like they've known me forever." c "I like them all so much." c "Ella didn't come shopping cause she wanted to sleep as she's tired. But she has been soo nice to me from the moment I met her on the Island." c "I like all of them so much." mc "They're all wonderful people.. And you deserve all the love." mc "And I'm sorry that I ran off just like that after you came home..." mc "I should've been here and showed you around the house.." mc "But I had something really important to take care of..." scene 6scene12img7 c "You don't have to explain [mc]." c "I know you'll always be there for me." c "In fact, I know everyone here will always be there for me already." mc "We will kiddo." mc "This is first day of the rest of your life.. And I'm glad you'll be spending it with us." c "Me too." mc "I'll take you around the city as much as I can in the coming days, and show you everything you have to see." mc "Although I'm sure [asc] will beat me to it.." scene 6scene12img8 j "Baby girl.... Ella and I are going out to meet our friends, do you want to come?" j "I'll introduce you to them... And we'll do some more shopping." c "Oh, I already have so many clothes Jasmine, you guys bought me so many things in the afternoon." e "But I didn't buy anything for you yet.." e "I want to gift you a few clothes, or anything you want." c "This is already more than I've ever owned Ella, I don't even know what to do with these clothes that we just bought." j "Sweetie, you don't get a say in this... We are your big sisters, and if we want to buy you more, we buy you more..." j "So you're coming.." j "Get up." mc "Go Candice...." scene 6scene12img9 j "We'll be back by evening." j "Anything you want us to get for you [mc]?" mc "No. I'm good." mc "You guys go have a great time." j "Do you want to come with us? But it'll be mostly girls' stuff." j "Count me out of girls' stuff haha." mc "You guys carry on.." mc "I'll see you in the evening." j "Okay bye." c "Bye [mc]." e "See you [mc]." stop music fadeout 1 scene lte with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 6scene12img10 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "Hey Iris, when did you get back? I had slept off... Just woke up now." mc "Oh, it's evening already..." mc "I see you're up too [asc]." asc "I woke up a few hours ago.. I've been talking to Iris since then." mc "I guess Jasmine, Candice and Ella are still out shopping.." i "We know... They ditched us..." mc "No. You were with your friends, and [asc] was sleeping when they left." mc "Hey, has [mom] left to meet her friend already?" asc "She left 2 hours ago [mc]." mc "{i} (Wait.... She's out... And she always keeps reminding me that we can't do anything at home.)" mc "{i} (What if I went out and met her where she is.. Once her friend Eliza leaves, may be I can make moves on her..)" mc "{i} (I know she said we can only do it once in a month.. But I ALWAYS want her.)" mc "Guys, did [mom] tell you guys where she was meeting her friend?" i "She went to that new Night Club on Downtown 14th Street." i "Why?" mc "Nothing.. Just asked." mc "Alright guys. I'm going out to see a friend. See you later." asc "Bye." stop music fadeout 2 scene 6scene13img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "{i} (Okay. We're here.)" mc "{i} (I really hope [mom] doesn't get mad at me when she sees me here.)" mc "{i} (I've got to stop letting my penis do the thinking for me.)" mc "{i} (If I keep on pushing too much like this... She might get really mad with me.)" mc "{i} (But I can't help it... My penis is constantly thinking of her.)" mc "{i} (Okay. Let me go find her.)" scene 6scene13img2 mc "Hey [mom]." mom "[mc], what are you doing here?" mc "{i} (Fuuuuccckkkk! That's a SEXY dress she's wearing.)" mc "I was just driving down this street and then decided to check this club out.)" mom "Really? This has nothing to do with me being here?!" mom "I told you [mc], that we can only have fun ONCE in a month." mom "No more than that. Just once a month." mc "I know.. I'm not here for that... This is just pure coincidence that I chose this club.)" scene 6scene13img3 mom "And you really expect me to believe that?" mom "I know you too well sweetie." mom "But since you're here anyway, you might as well come join me and Eliza." mom "I was just on my way back to our table, returning from the restroom." mc "Thanks [mom]." mom "But nothing is happening with you and me tonight." mom "And you better not try anything.... I'm warning you sweetie..." mom "You'll make me really mad if you did." mc "Okay [mom]." scene 6scene13img5 mom "Eliza, look who's here..." el "HEY [mc].... How are you?" el "It's been so long." mc "I'm great Aunt Eliza." el "You were still a kid when I let for Johannesburg." el "Look at you... You've grown up soo much." el "You've grown so tall and so big.." mom "I know right, couldn't he have stayed small for a little bit longer?)" scene 6scene13img6 el "How long would you be staying here Aunt Eliza?" el "I was originally visiting only for a couple of days [mc]." el "But it looks like I might be here for a while.." mc "That's nice." mom "Do you want anything to drink [mc]? Something to eat?" mc "No. I'm good." mc "I should be driving you home anyway... So no drinks for me." mc "May be I'll just take a single Pint of Beer later." el "Gosh, I can't believe you're old enough to be entering night clubs already!" mom "Although I'm sure he's been doing that before he was old enough..." mc "Hehe probably.." mom "{i} (I know why he's here... He's always thinking about that.)" mom "{i} (I agreed to have that kind of fun only once a month.. He better not try anything with me tonight.)" mc "Is your husband here in the country too Aunt Liza? I remember he taught me how to play Tennis when I was a kid." mc "{i} (Man, she still looks good... I think I used to have a crush on her when I was little.)" el "The whole family's here [mc]." el "Even the kids... They were babies when you were little." mc "I hope they still remember me." scene 6scene13img7 wtr "Here's your extra order of Champagne ladies" el "Thank you good sir." wtr "Can I get you anything else?" el "No. That's it for now.." el "We'll let you know if we know anything." wtr "Sure." el "Thanks again kind sir." wtr "Anytime." scene 6scene13img8 el "Do you remember I used to baby sit you sometimes [mc]?" mom "And he was such a trouble maker back then, wasn't he?" mc "I remember." el "You were so cute." el "You're still cute." mom "And he's still a trouble maker. hahah" mc "{i} (They both look so sexy in the club lighting.)" mc "{i} (They've always been sexy...)" mc "{i} (They've gotten even better with age..)" mc "{i} (Both absolute MILFs)" el "Since when does [ym] allow you to drink [mc]?" mc "Not just drink, she let's me do a lot of things. Haha" mc "She's an awesome [mom]." scene 6scene13img9 fd "Excue me ladies..." fd "I'm sorry to interrupt you.." fd "But, can I please get back the Champagne that the waiter just served to you?" el "Excuse me?" mom "Why?" fd "I'm sorry... There's been a mistake...." el "What mistake?" fd "Please... Can I just get those glasses of Champagne? I'll buy you new ones... Please I need them back." mom "Why?" fd "You see.. My friends are wusses to have a wusses to having a good time......" fd "So I asked the waiter to mix some Party Drugs in their drinks, but the waiter delivered those glasses to you two by mistake." scene 6scene13img10 mom "WHAT????!!" el "ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME???!!" mom "WE ALREADY DRANK SOME OF THIS!!!" fd "I'M SORRY... IT'S NOT MY FAULT...." fd "THE WAITER MESSED UP BY DELIVERING THOSE GLASSES TO THE WRONG TABLE." mc "{i} (Oh my gosh!! This is fucking hilarious!!)" fd "I'M SORRY.. I DIDN'T MEAN TO DRUG YOU GUYS... I JUST WANTED TO DRUG MY FRIENDS SO WE COULD PARTY HARD.)" mc "{i} (Hhahahahaha. This is so funny. I'd be mad at him, but it was an honest mistake... AND THEY'RE JUST PARTY DRUGS)" mc "{i} (Oh wait.. If [mom] is on some Party drugs.. That might actually work out in my favor.)" mc "{i} (Thanks bro. Hehe.)" scene 6scene13img11 el "Here....." el "Just take your glasses and go..." fd "I'm sorry again... I just wanted my friends to have a good time.." mom "Well it's still wrong that you're trying to drug your friends young man." fd "I'm sorry!" fd "I fucked up." el "Yes you did." el "Now take these glasses and leave young man." scene 6scene13img12 mom "Eliza, how much of it did you drink?" el "Quite a bit.." el "You?" mom "Me too." mom "Oh my gosh, what do we do?" el "Are you feeling any effects yet?" mom "My head is starting to spin just a little bit." el "I can't believe that stupid kid!" mom "Let's just leave now... Before the effects fully start to kick in..." el "Yeah. That's a good idea. Let's do that." mom "Since you're here in the contry for a while, let's meet another time." mom "Let's just leave now." scene 6scene13img13 el "I'll see you soon [mc]." el "Drive home safe." mc "Sure Aunt Liza." mc "Tell the kids I said Hi" mc "If they still remember me..." el "Of course they do." el "Let's leave now." mom "Drive me home [mc]." mc "Bye Aunt Liza." el "Bye you two." scene 6scene13img14 mc "{i} (I would've been mad at that stupid Bro. But they're JUST PARTY DRUGS anyway.. So no big deal. They're not meant to cause any harm.)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, I would've beat the crap out of him.)" mc "{i} (Good thing at least I didn't drink any of that Champagne.)" mc "{i} (Man, it looks like she's already feeling the effects of those Party Drugs.)" mc "Are you okay [mom]?" mom "Yeah, I'm fine baby boy...." mom "*Singing* The Rhythm Of Love.... Keeps me dancing all night long..." mom "The Rhythm of Love.... tu tu tu tu tu tun..." mc "Man, she's really high.. Let me walk her over to the car and drive her home." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene13img15 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mom "Has that building always been there?" mc "Yeah.. It's been there since before you were born [mom]." mc "You've taken me there many times.." mom "Hmmmmmm looks pretty new to me." mom "Look at that, that's definitely a new building.." mc "{i} (Man, she's definitely feeling high.)" mc "How much of that Champagne did you drink [mom]?" mom "What Champagne?" mom "Oh, back at the club? Just a couple of sips." mc "Hopefully you won't go full on high because of a couple of sips... But I hope you're still in your senses." scene 6scene13img16 mom "Hey, you know what we should do?" mom "We should just take our Jet and go to Vegas..." mom "We don't even need to fly... Just drive me to Vegas." mc "Ooookaaayyy... Let's do that another time.." mc "Right now, I'm just driving you home.." mom "Don't be a party pooper... We can have so much fun in Vegas." mom "But not that kind of fun.." mc "So you still have a little bit of senses..." mom "I'm just sooo high right now." scene 6scene13img17 mom "Wait......" mom "Did you just get a little more hotter?" mc "WHAT??!" mc "Did you just call me hot?" mom "You look kinda different..." mc "I'm sure a lot of things look different to you right now." mom "{i} (WOOWWW She looks soooo beautiful sitting like that.)" mom "{i} (The way the beautiful lights are dancing on her skin...)" mom "{i} (She looks SPLENDID)" scene 6scene13img18 mom "Gosh, I just feel soo free.." mom "Soo light and carefree.." mc "You look beautiful [mom]." mc "You always do..." mc "But right now, you look extra beautiful." mom "So, are we going to Thailand, or not?" mc "Thailand?" mc "We're not going anywhere but home.... But you said you wanted to go to Vegas before.." mom "What?" mc "Vegas. You said you wanted to go to Vegas." mom "Where's my Ice Cream??" mc "Ooooookaaayyyy, I'll get you one at home." mc "{i} (She looks GORGEOUS!!)" mc "{i} (And her big breasts are calling to me....)" mc "{i} (They're so big and full)." mc "{i} (Let her come back to her senses.. Then, may be I can try something.)" mc "{i} (She only took a couple of sips... So hopefully the effects should wear down soon.)" scene 6scene13img19 mom "Look at that, that is so big and glowy.." mc "{i} (Man, she looks sexy as hell.. And her breasts are still calling to me.)" mc "Where are we going [mom]?" mom "You said home.. You didn't want to take me to Thailand." mc "Where do you really want to go?" mom "I don't care... Take me anywhere.. I just want to party and have fun tonight." mom "I want to enjoy the night." mom "I want to have a great time." scene 6scene13img16 mom "So, how are we going to party?" mom "I want to paaarty, I want to have fun.." mc "Are you open to suggestions?" mom "I'm open to anything." mc "Really?" mom "Yes. Really." mom "I'm so euphoric... I don't care where we go.." mom "Just take me anywhere.. I just want to enjoy the night.. the beautiful lights.." scene 6scene13img20 mom "So, where are we going my handsome young man?" mc "You will see." mom "You are so handsome baby." mc "Thanks [mom]." mc "You look sexy as hell." mom "You've been gawking at me non-stop..." mc "I have been..." mc "Are you effects wearing off yet [mom]?" mom "I think so..." mom "Wait... I don't know..." mom "I don't care... I just want to have fun... Take me some place fun." mc "That's where we're going..." scene 6scene14img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Okay. We're here..." mc "{i} (Wow. This room is beautiful.)" mc "{i} (It's perfect for this night.)" mc "Do you like the place [mom]?" mc "This is where we're going to have fun tonight." scene 6scene14img2 mom "Baby, this isn't a night club.." mc "Yeah..." mom "But I said we can have this kind of fun only once in a month." mc "I know [mom]... But.." mom "But what honey?" mc "But you look soooo sexy.." mc "It is so hard to resis you.." mc "You are just irresistable." mom "Honey, we just had fun last night..." mc "{i} (It's so hard to even be just talking to her when she's looking like that...)" mc "{i} (I'm losing control...)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene14img3 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "[mom], I'm sorry about this... But you have no idea how sexy you are.." mc "You are all I think about all the time.." mc "I crave you all the time.." mc "I want you all the time.." mc "I know we agreed to have fun just once a month..." mc "You just look soo sexy in that dress!" mc "It's hard to even take my eyes off of you.." scene 6scene14img5 mom "Honey, are you trying to sweet talk and take advantage of a woman who's high?" mc "I know you're a little high... But this is how I feel about you all the time." mc "I lust after you so bad..." mc "You are the most perfect.. most sexiest woman in the world." mc "I just want to have you so bad..." mc "I know we had fun last night.. But can we please do it just one more time?" mc "After this, I can wait.." mom "Well...." mom "Okay.." scene 6scene14img4 mom "Mmmmmmmm babyyy..." mom "You're acting a little ravenous on my breasts." mc "{i} (How I love this so much.)" mc "{i} (How I yearn for this all the time.)" mc "{i} (Her Big, Massive Rack...)" mc "{i} (It's fullnes... It's softness..)" mc "{i} (It's firmness..)" mc "{i} (I love everything about her tits.)" mc "As much as I love this dress you're wearing... I want to take it off of you [mom].." mom "Then what are you waiting for?" scene 6scene14img5 pause mc "{i} (I feel her nakedness against my skin.)" mc "{i} (Her ass is pressed against my groin.)" mc "{i} (How marvelous it feels to hold this sexy woman like this.)" mc "{i} (I still can't believe I get to do things like this with [mm].)" mc "{i} (This is lust on a whole another level.)" mc "{i} (This is extreme passion.)" mom "{i} (This illicit desire awakens something inside of me.)" mom "{i} (This is so dirty, I like [ms]'s hands on my body...)" mom "{i} (His skin against mine..)" mom "Take me to the bed honey.." mc "Yess!!" scene 6scene14img7 play sound "sounds/effects/spank.mp3" mom "Aaahh." mom "{i} (I secretly love that he spanks me like I'm his slut.)" mom "{i} (I am slowly losing my virtues..)" mom "{i} (I am gorwing to love and crave perverse, illicit pleasures.)" mom "{i} (How far have I come that I like [ms] spanking me...)" mom "{i} (Despite the fact that it makes me feel like a slut.)" mom "Let's go baby..." mom "Let's get to the bed." scene 6scene14img8 mom "Mmmmmm honey, you've stationed your thing so close to my Vagina." mc "Your bare ass feels so good against my groin [mom]." mc "Your skin is so smooth and soft.." mc "I like the warmth of your naked body being so close to mine.." mom "{i} (I love how he's kissing the back of my neck.)" mom "{i} (It feels so passionate...)" mom "{i} (So erotic...)" mom "{i} (I want his lips all over my body...)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine how ecstatic it'd feel to actually fuck her in this position.)" mc "{i} (It would make my dick explode when I finally blow inside her after giving her a brutal fucking.)" mc "{i} (If only she'd allow me to put it inside her...)" mc "{i} (Let's hope someday soon.....)" mc "I want to feel the front side of your naked body [mom]." mom "Okay honey. Let [mmy] get up." scene 6scene14img9 mc "It feels so good to be naked with you [mom]." mc "I wish I could be naked with you all the time." mom "It's still a big deal for me honey..." mom "I have never been naked with anybody but [yd] before." mc "Thank you for giving me that privilege [mom]." mc "The privilege of seeing the sexiest woman on the planet naked." mom "You are so sweet." mom "What do you want to do with me honey?" mc "Can I.... can... can I...." mom "Go ahead.. Ask me for anything as long as it's not penetration." mc "Can I eat your Pussy?" mom "Oh my!! That is.. That is quite a big step forward sweetie.." mom "Well... I know how much you like me... So.. Okay." mc "Yesss!!" scene 6scene14img10 mc "{i} (I can't believe it's about to happen!!)" mc "{i} (I'm finally going to taste her Pussy.)" mc "{i} (The anticipation is driving me nuts!)" mc "{i} (She's finally allowing me to eat her Pussy..)" mom "Go on sweetie... Use your tongue.." scene 6scene14img11 pause pause mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Every cell in my body has just lit up.)" scene mompussylick animated with fade: "6scene14img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (There's a million fireworks lighting up inside of me.)" mc "{i} (I am finally doing this...)" mc "{i} (I am finally tasting her Pussy.)" mc "{i} (The taste is sooo exquisite...)" mc "{i} (I am finally tasting her wetness...)" mc "{i} (Her Pussy tastes soooo incredible!)" mc "{i} (My tastebuds are in heaven right now.)" mc "{i} (Every cell on my tongue is experiencing absolute paradise.)" mc "{i} (This is the best thing my tongue has ever tasted.)" mc "{i} (The taste of her womanhood is driving me mad.)" mc "{i} (My brain is unable to process the euphoria I feel.)" scene 6scene14img13 mom "{i} (I can't believe I'm letting [ms] lick my Vagina.)" mom "{i} (His tongue is spreading my Vagina's lips.)" mom "{i} (He is tasting my inside walls.)" mom "{i} (This is such a profound guilty pleasure!!)" mom "{i} ([ms] is licking me there....)" mom "{i} (He is tasting my insides...)" mom "{i} (The pleasure is blinding my mind.)" mom "{i} (Yes baby... Just like that....)" mom "{i} (Lick [ym]'s pussy...)" mom "{i} (Lick it hard...)" scene mompussylick2 animated with fade: "6scene14img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (If only I could eat this everyday...)" mc "{i} (Nothing like the feel of tasting [ym]s pussy.)" mc "{i} (I am tasting the place I came out of.)" mc "{i} (I am devouring a forbidden fruit..)" mc "{i} (And it tastes so good.)" mc "{i} (This taste has no parallel.)" mc "{i} (Nothing can compare to this.)" mc "{i} (I want to eat her everyday.)" mc "{i} (I want to eat her whenever I feel like it.)" mc "{i} (Truth is, I'll always feel like it.)" mc "{i} (Time to switch this up... Let me see how far I can go with her tonight.)" scene 6scene14img14 mom "Oooooohhhh babyyy...." mom "You're kissing me with the juices from my own Vagina." mc "Hehehehehe" mc "Your lips taste so good [mom]." mc "{i} (I have my cock against her ass crack at the moment.)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to just force my cock inside her.)" mc "{i} (I would tear her up savagely.)" mc "{i} (I would absolutely tear her ass up.)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky I get to be this intimate with [mm].)" mc "{i} (To lie naked with her...)" mc "{i} (To feel her velvet skin.)" mom "What do you want to do next honey?" mc "I want to put you against a wall..." scene 6scene14img15 mom "Honey... you better not put it inside me.." mc "I won't [mom]." mom "Can I trust you?" mc "Hehe. Yes." mc "I won't put it inside you unless you let me." mc "Right now, I'm just going to slide it between your thighs." mom "Okay." mom "But only that." scene momwallhump animated with fade: "6scene14img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Her thighs are clasping my cock so tightly.)" mc "{i} (I can feel her wet pussy against the top of my cock as it slides forward and back." mc "{i} (The feeling is absolute bliss.)" mc "Aaahhhh this feels so good [mom]." mom "Oh yeah?." mom "You like hitting [ym] from behind?.." mc "I love hitting [mm] from behind." mc "I can hear my groin clapping against your ass cheeks." mc "It feels so good to push against your big ass [mom]." mom "Just keep doing it slowly honey..." mom "Don't go too hard." scene momwallhumppov animated with fade: "6scene14img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Wow this feels sooo good.)" mc "{i} (I've dry humped her before....)" mc "{i} (But this time I actually have my cock in between her thighs.)" mc "{i} (My cock feels so tightly squeezed against her thighs.)" mc "{i} (I love slapping my groin against her ass.)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what the real thing would feel like...)" mc "{i} (To actually fuck her from behind like this.)" mc "{i} (That feeling might send me to the stratosphere.)" mc "{i} (How good it'll feel to penetrate her pussy in this position.)" mc "{i} (My thick cock would ravage her insides.)" mc "{i} (I sooo want to fuck her like this someday.)" mc "{i} (This position gives me such a great view of her ass.)" mc "{i} (I would enjoy the view as I fuck her silly.)" mc "{i} (Putting it in her asshole though might just short circuit my brain.)" mc "{i} (My thick cock inside her tiny asshole....)" mc "{i} (Oooohhh that is too much to even think of!)" scene momwallhump2 animated with fade: "6scene14img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (He's hitting me so well from behind.)" mom "{i} (I love how his hip is clapping against my ass.)" mom "{i} (It feels so good to be grasping his big, monster cock between my thighs.)" mom "{i} (His thickness is forcing me to spread my legs apart..)" mom "{i} (He has such a thick cock.)" scene momwallhump2 animated with fade: "6scene14img15" with dissolve pause 0.6 "6scene14img16" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mom "Honey, you're going a bit too fast and hard." mc "{i} (I want to tear her ass up for real someday.)" mc "{i} (When I finally get that chance, I will absolutely destroy her ass.)" mom "Honey, slow down." mc "{i} (I will fuck her without mercy.)" mc "{i} (I will fuck her so hard, that her eyes tear up.)" mc "{i} (I will rip her ass apart with my cock.)" mom "Let's switch it up honey." mc "Okay [mom]." scene 6scene14img19 mc "{i} (Feels wonderful to kiss her like this...)" mc "{i} (Laying on top of her.)" mc "{i} (The weight of my body pressing against her.)" mc "{i} (This is so sensual.)" mc "{i} (So passionate.)" mc "{i} (It's as if we're lovers.)" mc "{i} (I do love her.)" mc "{i} (In more ways than one.)" mom "{i} (I love feeling the weight of his body on me.)" mom "{i} (Love the way we're making eye contact as we kiss each other so passionately.)" scene 6scene14img20 mom "Honey...." mom "Ooohh" mom "What are you doing?" mc "Relax [mom], I won't put it inside.." mc "I want to do it in between your legs from this position." scene mommishhump animated with fade: "6scene14img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhh)" mc "{i} (I'm elated....)" mc "{i} (I'm euphoric.)" mc "{i} (I'm ecstatic.)" mc "{i} (This feels close to actually fucking her!)" mc "{i} (I'm experiencing so much pleasure this night.)" mc "{i} (This is unbelievable.)" mc "{i} (The veins on my cock are being pushed back with every thrust.)" mc "{i} (This is so tight.)" mc "{i} (My cock is squeezed so hard between her thighs.)" mc "{i} (The bottom of my cock feels so moist because of the wetness oozing from her pussy.)" mc "{i} (My cock is brushing against her pussy hair that I love so much.)" mc "{i} (This is the most wonderful feeling I've ever experienced.)" scene 6scene14img22 mom "{i} (Aaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (This feels so incredible.)" mom "{i} (I love he's taking control of me.)" mom "{i} (His thick, long cock is sliding between my legs so hard.)" mom "{i} ([ms] is giving me so much pleasure.)" mom "{i} (His big cock is rubbing against my pussy as it slides back and forth.)" mom "{i} (I'm loving this.)" mom "{i} (This is so intense.)" scene mommishhump animated with fade: "6scene14img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "6scene14img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I am overcome with joy and ecstacy.)" mc "{i} (There are no words to describe this feeling.)" mc "{i} (This woman has opened up realms of pleasure to me that I didn't know existed.)" mc "{i} (She is the best.)" mc "{i} (This is so erotic....)" mc "{i} (Sliding my cock between [mm]s legs..)" mc "{i} (This is the greatest feeling I've ever felt.)" mc "{i} (I think I'm close...)" mc "{i} (I think I'm about to shoot my load.)" mc "I'm about to shoot [mom]." mc "I'm about to blow my load..." mom "Yes baby.. Cum for [mm]." mom "Cum on me." mom "Shoot your big load on me." mc "Aaaaarrgghhhhh" mc "Aaaaaarrhh. Aaaaaarrghhh." mc "Aaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhh" scene 6scene14img21 with vpunch scene 6scene14img21 with flash scene 6scene14img21 with vpunch scene 6scene14img21 with flash scene 6scene14img21 with vpunch scene 6scene14img21 with flash scene 6scene14img23 with dissolve pause scene 6scene14img24 mc "That was so wonderful [mom]." mc "Thank you so much." mom "You're welcome love." mc "You look so beautiful right now [mom]." mc "You are simply stunning." mom "Aaaaawww" mc "You look so good with my cum dripping on your body." mom "Hahahaha" mom "This was such a great night, wasn't it?" mc "Absolutely." mc "A night I will never forget." mom "Neither will I." mc "I love you so much [mom]." mom "I love you more than you'll ever know my baby." mc "Again, thanks for everything [mom]." mc "You are the best." mom "Hehe." mom "Alright honey, let's go home now." mom "This is Candice's first night at home." mom "We should be there with her." mc "Yes. Absolutely.." mc "Let's go." mc "Love you [mom]." mom "Love you too sweetheart." stop music fadeout 2 label episode7_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene tdl with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (Yaawwnnn)" mc "{i} (Man, looks like I've slept well into the morning.)" mc "{i} (Been a great few days with a packed house.)" mc "{i} ([asc]'s been making everyday a fun ride for everyone with her crazy ideas.... With a lot of liquor involved.)" mc "{i} (Candice is integrating well... Everyone loves her, and she loves everyone.)" mc "{i} (So happy to have her here.)" mc "{i} (It's great that everyone's here at home... But, that has made taking things forward with [mom] a little hard.)" mc "{i} (I haven't been able to get [mom] alone even for a second for the last couple of days.)" mc "{i} (Someone or the other is always around her, and I haven't been able to make any moves on [mom].)" mc "{i} (Not a single sexual encounter between her and I since our night at the Hotel room a couple of nights ago. Damn!)" mc "{i} (I can't take this... With her looking so sexy every freakin day, all I've been able to do is just come back to my room and jerk off everytime I see her.)" mc "{i} (I gotta find a way to get her alone with me today somehow.)" mc "{i} (I'm craving her sexy body so much. I gotta find a way to ger her alone.)" mc "{i} (Well, as for now, lemme go out and see what everyone's up to.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene1img2 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "{i} (Where is everybody?)" mc "{i} (Did I sleep in that long?)" mc "{i} (I don't seem to recall the girls making any plans for going out today.)" i "OH, GOOD YOU'RE UP!!" scene 7scene1img3 i "[mc]!! come with us!!!" mc "What?" mc "Where?" c "We'll explain on the way.." c "Just come with us silly." mc "Wait...." mc "What mischief are you two up to today?" scene 7scene1img4 i "You automatically just assume that we're up to some mischief?" i "We just want you to drive us somewhere." mc "Hahaha. Sounding as enthusiastic as you two do this early in the morning, I know you guys are planning some elaborate prank for someone." mc "Can't you guys just go by yourselves? I just woke up." i "No." i "This concerns you too." scene 7scene1img3 c "So stop wasting time and just come with us." c "And btw, it's not early in the morning. It's almost afternoon!" i "Just because you wake up late, the planet does not spin back on it's axis [mc]." i "Just come with us already." mc "Okay. Okay." mc "I'm coming" scene 7scene1img5 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "So, you guys care to tell me where we're going at least now." e "We're driving to a local branch of my Modeling Agency." mc "Okaaayyy....." mc "Why....?" mc "And how does this concern me anyway?" c "This does concern you [mc]." c "Tell him Sis." scene 7scene1img6 i "You want Mom to take up that offer Modeling offer, right?" mc "We all want her to take up that Modeling offer... Yeah." mc "{i} (Me particularly!!)" i "How long have we been on her tail about taking it up?" i "But she still hasn't made her decision..." mc "So...." i "So.... we're making that decision for her!" mc "WHAT?!!" scene 7scene1img5 i "Oh come on [mc], we've been talking to her about it for months..." i "She says she'll decide.. But she always brushes it under the rug." i "We can't let her sleep on this any longer... So, we're making her decision for her." mc "This is crazy Iris. She's going to be so mad." mc "{i} (I don't know why I'm complaining about this! If [mom]'s modeling again, that means I get to be her photographer for her practice photoshoots!)" mc "{i} (That means a whole lot of devious pleasure for me.)" mc "{i} (But, she'll probably get mad at us for going behind her back...)" mc "{i} (Especially with me, cause she'll think I'm doing this for my own perverted reasons... Which isn't completely untrue haha.)" mc "{i} (But this is ridiculous. Going behind her back making career decisions for her!)" mc "This is insane Iris. She's going to be so pissed with us." mc "Candice, are you really in on this too?" c "100 percent." c "I want to see Mom model again." mc "I don't believe this! How are we going to pull this off anyway?" scene 7scene1img6 c "Leave that to us..." c "We've got the whole thing planned out." i "My Boss' son who partly oversees talent and recruitment is here in the city on a business trip." i "Actually, the main reason he's here is because he thinks Mom is signing with the Agency. That's a big feather in their cap you see.." i "So he flew in all the way from Paris.." mc "So you lied to your Boss about Mom wanting to sign with his Agency.." i "Sort of...." i "Candice and I discussed this at length and made the call." mc "Okay, now how are you going to get [mom] to actually sign on the dotted line?" scene 7scene1img8 i "That's where you come in." c "We're going to tell him that you are Mom's Manager.." i "And that as her Manager, you've been given legal authorizations to make decisions on her behalf!" mc "WHAT?" mc "This is ridiculous you guys!" c "Don't worry about it [mc]. It'll all go smoothly.." mc "Until we tell [mom]!" i "Yeah... We'll worry about that part later." c "Exactly." c "So, for now, you just play Manager." mc "What about the documents?" scene 7scene1img6 i "To show the Agency that you have necessary authorizations, we've got stuff forged." i "For Mom's side, we aint gotta worry about documents or anything anyway.. The only issue will be getting her on board." i "Once Mom starts modeling, we can make original documents covering your authorizations. So don't worry about the documents." mc "Man, you two are really serious about this, huh?" i "You think?" i "We got a top executive flying all the way from Paris for this." i "The only reason my Boss himself isn't here is because I made an impromptu call and he's held up with other official matters at the moment." i "Which is why he sent his son." mc "Hhmmmmmmm" mc "{i} (Well, this whole thing is actually working out in my favour.)" mc "{i} (I was cribbing about not getting [mom] alone with me for the last two days, but with this...)" mc "{i} (Not only do I get her alone with me for photoshoots, but I can also get her to undress for me and pose in very skimpy clothes... Or none at all.)" mc "{i} (So far I don't see a downside to this... Except for [mom] possibly getting mad at us.)" mc "{i} (Anyhow, even if she gets mad, it's me, Candice and Iris doing this together.. So she won't think that I did this all for my own perverted motives.)" mc "{i} (Come to think of it... I should actually be thankful of these 2 criminal geniuses for indirectly hooking me up with [mom] hahaha)" scene 7scene1img5 i "So, what do you say [mc]?" i "Are you in?" scene 7scene1img7 mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (Look at the shape of Iris' sexy, firm breasts!)" mc "{i} (It's a shame that they're completely covered.)" mc "{i} (But I love how that top is draped on the curves of her breasts.)" mc "{i} (Love how her skin is glowing in the daylight.)" mc "{i} (What an awesome sight!)" mc "{i} (I hope she doesn't catch me secretly gazing at her breasts.)" i "What do you say [mc]?" mc "What?" scene 7scene1img8 i "Are you in on the plan?" mc "{i} (Pass up an opportunity to make moves on [mom]? Heck no! I'm in. And I hope I can go all the way in in [mom].)" mc "Well, I reluctantly agree you guys." c "YES!!" i "That's awesome [mc]." c "Besides, this will be good for Mom too." i "Exactly, this will rid her of boredom... keep her occupied." i "Plus, her come back at this age will be something huge..." i "She can take the world of Boudoir by storm." mc "{i} (She's going to take my dick by storm haha.)" mc "That's right." c "You wait and watch [mc], this is going to make Mom so happy, even if she's not fully ready to get back at first." c "She's going to be happy doing what she once loved when she was young." mc "That's right C" mc "{i} (Yes. Returning to modeling will really make her happy after her initial resistance.)" mc "{i} (Despite all my ulterior motives, I really do want to see her happy and feeling accomplished.)" mc "{i} (This will be good for her.)" scene 7scene1img6 c "Okay Mr. Manager. Are you up for the task?" mc "Ready and willing to make decisions for my client keeping her best interests at the forefront." i "That's the spirit." i "Okay, we're getting close to the Office." i "Let's get this done." scene 7scene1img9 mc "{i} (That ass!!)" mc "{i} (Man, ever since I saw her in a Bikini the other day, I've been getting a boner every time I see her ass.)" mc "{i} (I can't get over how ridiculously sexy she looked in that bikini.)" mc "{i} (That ass looks so tempting in those tiny shorts.)" mc "{i} (I sooo want to play with that ass someday.)" mc "{i} (Hope I get that opportunity very soon..)" mc "{i} (I would just eat that ass up, and then rip into it.)" i "Come on [mc]. The office is in the 5th floor.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 7scene1img10 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" ml "A little to zhe right baby..." ml "Just a little to zhe right.." mc "Wow!" scene 7scene1img11 mc "{i} (Hot damn!)" mc "{i} (Looks like we came here at the right time.)" mc "{i} (If this is what it's like in this Office everyday, can I get a job here?)" mc "{i} (Holy shit! This girl is so ridiculously sexy!)" mc "{i} (I've never been at a sexy Photoshoot before! This is so hot)" mc "{i} (So erotic.)" ml "That's it baby... You are doing great.." ml "Gorgeouzz... gorgeouzz." scene 7scene1img12 ml "Sexy..." ml "Sexy.." ml "You are a natural!" mc "{i} (Holy shit! If everything goes smooth, I can have [mom] posing for me like this!)" mc "{i} (I can hardly contain myself thinking about how erotic things could get in a photoshoot like this with [mom].)" mc "{i} (Fuucck... If [mom] poses for me like this.. I will be blowing load after load before every click.)" mc "{i} (I'm getting carried away just thinking about how much sexy fun I can have with [mom] in such photoshoots.)" ml "Wonderful.... Just wonderful baby." mc "{i} (Damn, may be I should ask Iris if she knows this girl and possibly try to get her number.)" ml "Let's take 5 baby. You did a great job." scene 7scene1img13 ml "Ah, Iris! You're here." i "Hello Marcel" ml "Welcome.. welcome" ml "Alwayz lovely to zee you my dear." ml "I was just wrapping up a shoot.." ml "A natural in front of the cameras zhis one." ml "Come, let us talk" scene 7scene1img14 ml "So, how are you my dear Iris?" ml "Long time no see, huh?" i "I'm doing great Marcel." i "Thank you for flying in on such short notice." ml "Don't mention it lovely. Anything for you." i "Thanks." i "Please meet my siblings, my [br] [mc] and my sister Cancice." scene 7scene1img15 ml "Lovely to meet you my dear." c "Nice to meet you too" ml "You are so beautiful love." ml "If you ever decide ou want to become a model like your sister Iris, we'd be happy to have you." c "Haha. Thanks." ml "Do you guys want anything to drink?" c "Kind of your Marcel. But no. Thanks." scene 7scene1img14 ml "Okay, so shall we talk business?" i "Yeah." ml "Come, let's go to my office." scene 7scene1img16 ml "I hope you're having a blast spending time with your family Iris." ml "We miss you in Paris, but you earned your time off." ml "Hope you're making the most out of your well deserved break." scene 7scene1img20 i "I am Marcel." i "I'm having a wonderful time. Can't wait to get back to Paris after this short break." ml "Have you ever been to Paris, Candice?" c "Actually, no. But I hear it's wonderful there." ml "It is.. You should definitely come visit." ml "I can arrange Chaperone services to show you around our beautiful City." c "So nice of you Marcel. That'd be wonderful. Thanks." scene 7scene1img16 ml "So, is Mrs. Reigns on her way here?" ml "When can we expect her to join us for the meeting?" scene 7scene1img17 i "Actually Marcel, Mom is held up with something very important today." i "I'm afraid she won't be joining us for this meeting.." i "She really wanted to be here, but something else came up all of a sudden. And she's attending to that." scene 7scene1img19 ml "Oh...." ml "But I really thought that she'd be here to sign the contract." scene 7scene1img17 i "I'm sorry Marcel, I know we had you fly in thousands of miles for this meeting... But..." i "Nothing to worry about..." scene 7scene1img18 i "My [br] [mc] here is officially her Manager now." i "Since Mom couldn't be here to sign the contract, she has authorized him to sign on her behalf." i "And of course, he has all the legal authorizations to be signing on her behalf." scene 7scene1img19 ml "Well....." ml "I really thought that she'd be here in person... But I understand that she must have important reasons for not being here." ml "But since there's someone here to sign on her behalf...." scene 7scene1img16 ml "That's fine I guess" ml "Yeah. That'll do for now.." ml "We can have [mc] sign the preliminary documents for now, that should get us started..." ml "And then we can have Mrs. Reigns sign the rest of them at a later time when she's available." mc "Wonderful..." scene 7scene1img20 i "That's great.. Happy to get the ball rolling on this one." i "Thanks again for being here on such short notice Marcel." ml "Don't worry about it love." ml "It was worth it." ml "I'm thrilled to have Mrs. Reigns associated with our Agency..." scene 7scene1img16 ml "To be honest, I've been a fan of hers since I was a kid.." ml "Mrs. Reigns has worked with us in the past you know. I've seen her at photoshoots when I was little..." ml "She was such a beauty... And I used to be mesmerized by how stunning she always loooked.." i "She's only gotten better with age Marcel." ml "I'm sure she has... Which is exactly why we wanted to sign her, especially considering that there's a huge market for older women now." ml "Mark my words, her return to the fashion industry is going to be something huge." c "We hope so." ml "Well, I know that finances aren't a big deal for your family... But I assure you that Mrs. Reigns will be compensated very well." ml "My Dad will be having the financial discussions with her directly...." scene 7scene1img21 ml "But..." ml "There is one thing...." ml "I'm not sure if my Dad mentioned this to you when you spoke to him on the phone..." i "What is it?" ml "Well..." ml "This contract requires Mrs. Reigns to pose nude for one of our top Magazine covers!" c "NUDE??!!!" scene 7scene1img22 i "*Whispering* Oh oh" i "*Whispering* [mc], what do we do?" mc "{i} (Damn! This changes everything!!)" mc "{i} (If we tell [mom] that we went behind her back and signed a contract which requires her to pose nude, she's going to kill us!)" mc "*Whispering* May be we should... perhaps..." mc "{i} (Fuck! I don't know what to say... and these two are looking at me all shook like I have any answers!)" scene 7scene1img23 i "That's fine..." i "She'd be happy to." c "{i} (Oh no!!)" mc "{i} (The heck Iris! What did you just do?)" mc "{i} (This has just gone totally out of control.)" mc "{i} (Oh no!!! [mom]s going to be so pissed with all of us.)" scene 7scene1img24 ml "That's great!!!" ml "Now that we have that out of the way, we can start the paper work." i "Awesome. Let's do that." ml "We're thrilled to have Mrs. Reigns on board Iris.." ml "[mc], my Assistant has the preliminary documents ready at her desk, you can sign them there." mc "Okay dude." ml "Well, it's pleasure doing business with you guys." i "The pleasure's ours." ml "That concludes our meeting guys, I hope to see you all in Paris sometime." ml "Bye for now." i "Bye. See you when I get back to Paris." c "Bye Marcel." scene 7scene1img25 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "What the hell Iris?" mc "What did you just do?" mc "You just got [mom] in a contract that requires her to pose NUDE!!" i "Hey, you're the one who signed the contract!" mc "Yeah... But..." c "I don't know about this guys..." mc "Iris! Couldn't you stop to think that we should run at least run this nude thing past [mom] before agreeing to it?" i "Hey, I panicked, okay! I want [mom] to take this offer up so bad.. I just ended up saying yes to it without much thought." mc "This puts all of us in a tough spot." c "Okay, let's not panick guys.. Let's just think this through and see if we can come up with any ideas..." mc "I guess... But at least we got what we came here for. [mom] is officially returning to modeling." scene 7scene1img26 mc "Get in guys.. Let's just hope everyhting goes smooth..." mc "We've got some big time explaining to do" i "Yeah....." i "About that...." mc "What now?" c "We just thought that since you're so brave..." i "That you should be the one to tell [mom]!" mc "What?!! Are you freakin kidding me?" i "Hey, you're so brave... this is nothing..." c "Yeah... You got this.." mc "No. I'm not taking the bullet for this alone... How are you two going to get home if I don't drive you anyway?" i "Yeah... We'll take a Bus." mc "You gotta be kidding me." i "Good luck [mc]." c "You got this." i "Bye.. See you later." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mc "{i} (I can't believe those two put me up to this.)" mc "{i} (They got me involved in their cunning plan, and then sneakily escaped for the important part.)" mc "{i} (I wonder how [mom]'s going to take this.)" mc "{i} (I thought she'll be mad just about the modeling thing to begin with, but now there's this nude cover shoot part too.)" mc "{i} (Fuck! She is going to think this whole thing was my idea so I can turn things sexual with her.)" mc "{i} (Fuck. This is nuts.)" mc "{i} (May be for now, I'll just tell her about just signing the contract and leave out the nude cover shoot part...)" mc "{i} (That way, I'll at least get her to do practice shoots with me before she outright rejects the whole thing because of the nude cover shoot.)" mc "{i} (But how am I going to tell [mom] that I signed a contract for her behind her back without pissing her off?)" mc "{i} (Well, time to face the music I guess)" "*Honk. Honk*" scene 7scene2img2 e "Oh, look who we've run into!" mc "Hey Ella" e "What are you doing out and about? I thought you'd still be sleeping." mc "Just roaming around aimlessly." j "Hey [mc]." mc "Hi Jasmine." asc "Hey sweetie..." mc "Hi [asc] Good morning.." asc "Oh I'm so hungover!" mc "You all look wonderful today" scene 7scene2img3 e "We're going to a Mall, you want to join us?" mc "{i} (Wait, Iris and Candice are out already, and these 3 are out too... That means...)" mc "Where's [mom]?" e "She decided to just stay at home. May be she'll come out with us in the evening." mc "{i} (YESS!!!!)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s alone at home!!)" mc "Oh okay.. You guys carry on E." mc "I think I'll just go for a short drive by myself somewhere.)" scene 7scene2img2 e "Okay, suit yourself." j "Bye [mc]." asc "Bye sugar." e "Ella, get me out of the sun.. This hangover is killing me." mc "Bye you guys." scene 7scene2img1 mc "Yes!!! Yes! Yes!" mc "[mom] is alone at home!" mc "After almost 3 days I'm getting her alone for myself finally." mc "I am sooo horny right now.." mc "Let me see if I can make something happen with [mom] today." mc "Gosh, I'm so excited.!" mc "I'm coming for you [mom]!" scene 7scene2img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (I drove here as fast as I could.)" mc "{i} (So excited to be finally getting some alone time with [mom].)" mc "{i} (I wonder what sort of sexy adventures this day has for me today.... If [mom] allows it.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene 7scene2img5 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (Holy fuck!!)" mc "{i} (There's my Sex Goddess)" mc "{i} (She's in her Bra!!)" mc "{i} (She looks soo sexy... I already have an uncontrollable boner.)" mc "{i} (What a TOTAL MILF)" mc "Hey [mom]." scene 7scene2img6 mom "Oh!! [mc]!!" mom "I thought your were out." mom "Sorry, I'm not dressed decently. I thought everyone was outside." mc "Oh, I'm not complaining... Haha" mc "But come on [mom], you didn't have to cover your tatas.. Hehe" mc "You know I've seen them, right?" scene 7scene2img7 mom "Seen them...." mom "And did things with them...." mc "Hehe.. That's right... Come on [mom]... Give me a peek." mom "No way sweetie." mc "We're alone [mom]." mc "We're all by ourselves... Just give me a little peek at your big bodacious Knockers." mc "I swear I'll behave." scene 7scene2img8 mom "Not a chance haha." mom "And don't come near me..." mom "I've already given you more than enough this week." mom "You have to wait 27 days till your next fill." mc "Oh come on [mom]! Please...." mc "You know how long I've been waiting to be alone with you?" mc "Just let me see them at least.. I won't touch." mom "No." mc "Is that a new Bra you've got on? Is that a Valentina's Secret?." mc "I hear they changed their logo.. Can you show me what their new logo looks like on that Bra?" mom "Really?" scene 7scene2img7 mom "You're not getting anything from me for another 27 days [mc]." mom "You've got to wait till it's time for your monthly play time." mc "Damn." mom "Now wait here.. Let me go put some Top on before you get some ideas." scene 7scene2img9 mc "{i} (Man, she shot me down just like that.)" mc "{i} (I came here all excited and horny, but she ain't giving me nothing.)" mc "{i} (Well, at least I got to see her in her Bra.)" mc "{i} (Oh crap!)" mc "{i} (I totally forgot, I have to tell her about that modeling contract.)" mc "{i} (Let her get dressed and come out of her room.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene2img11 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "Oh come one [mom]! You're wearing a top that fully covers your girls!" mom "Hahaha" mc "You're not letting me touch you, but can't a guy at least just get a nice view?" mom "You just want a nice view?" mom "I know how it goes with you... First it's a view.. then, a touch... and then..." mom "And then something else." mc "But you were dressing so sexy just a few days ago..." mom "And where did that get me?" mom "Tumbling into a bed with you in a Hotel Room!" mc "That was a great night, wasn't it?" mom "Well.... You know..." mom "No. I'm not answering that." mom "And stop trying to make the conversation sexual.. Nothing's going to happen between you and I for the next 27 days." mc "Damn!" mc "Anyway.. I got something important to tell you." mc "But please don't get mad at me..." scene 7scene2img10 mom "What is it? What did you do?" mc "It wasn't just me... It was me, Candice and Iris." mc "It was their idea to begin with." mom "What idea?" mc "Please don't get mad at me..." mc "You are now officially signed to Iris' Modeling Agency!" mom "What? What do you mean?" mc "I.. a.. We signed a contract on your behalf by lying to them that you've authorised me to do so!" scene 7scene2img13 mom "WHAT?!!!" mom "PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS!!" mom "THIS ISN'T A JOKING MATTER [mc]!" mc "I'm sorry... I was sucked into it..." mc "It wasn't my idea." mom "I don't believe this!!" mom "How dare you!!" mom "How could you do something like this!! Getting me back into a career I had left 2 decades ago without my knowledge!" mom "This is ridiculous [mc].... All because you want to be in sexual situations with me!!" mc "{i} (Holy crap! If I tell her about the nude cover shoot now, she might chew my head off. I'll just leave that out for now.)" mc "It wasn't like that [mom]. This wasn't my idea at all." mom "I am so furious with you right now! This is unacceptable" mc "It wasn't my idea..." i "Hey you two" scene 7scene2img14 mc "Aaahh. Here come the culprits!" i "Hello!" mc "Guys... Tell her who's idea it was!" mc "She's mad at me like I'm the only one involved." scene 7scene2img15 mom "Ladies..." mom "What have you done?" i "We were only acting in your best interests Mom." mom "But without my knowledge." scene 7scene2img16 i "Mom, we did this for you... For your good." c "We want to see you being happy doing what you love Mom." scene 7scene2img17 mom "But ladies, I haven't been a part of that world for more than 20 years now." mom "I'm not entirely sure I want to return to it.. I don't even know if there is a place for an old woman like me in the business." i "There's a reason my Agency has been chasing you for months Mom. The industry is all about older and curvier women like you now!" scene 7scene2img16 i "Sure.. You may not be walking for some of the major brands you used to walk for before... But there's a a whole different market." i "And it's a massive market." i "There's a great demand for women who look like you." i "But that's not even the point Mom. We did this because you gave up on a massive career while you were on top to care for us." i "We just want to see you return to it and be happy doing what you love." scene 7scene2img17 mom "But..." mom "But ladies.." scene 7scene2img18 c "Mom, please hear me out.." c "You know I love you, right?" mom "Of course I do sweetheart." scene 7scene2img19 c "Loving someone means doing what's right for them even if they don't see how it's good for them." c "I've seen tapes of you before shoots.. You look so, so happy in them." c "You look so full of during shoots and when you're walking the runway." c "Will you please, please at least just give it a try again?" c "For me?" c "Please... Please.." mom "{i} (Aaaww I can't say no to my baby girl when she's asking me like this.)" mom "{i} (But she doesn't know what this entails during practice photoshoots with [mc], if I agree to it.)" mom "{i} (Oh, what the heck! This is the first thing my baby girl has asked of me.)" mom "{i} (I can't say no to her.)" scene 7scene2img20 mom "Okay sweetheart." mom "If this is what you want, Mommy's happy to return to modeling for you." c "YES!!" c "Thank you so much Mom!!" c "You won't regret this, I promise." c "Thank you. Thank you." scene 7scene2img21 i "YESS!!" i "I'm so glad you finally agreed to this Mom." i "Thank you." mom "Anything for my baby girls." mc "{i} (YESS!!... She finally agreed to this...)" mc "{i} (This means a whole lot of sexual pleasure for me!!)" scene 7scene2img22 c "Mission accomplished [mc]!" c "We did it. Isn't this awesome?" mc "{i} (Indeed!! You girls just punched my ticket to pleasureverse.)" mc "Good job, you two. We pulled it off!" i "You better start ordering new Camera equipment if you have to [mc]." i "You're going to be busy from now on!" mc "You bet Iris." mc "{i} (Oh, I'm going to be busy doing all kinds of things with [mom]!)" mc "{i} (Not giving me anything for 27 days huh? I got you now [mom] Hehehehe.)" mom "{i} (Oh, I can almost hear what he's thinking!)" mom "{i} (His mind must be racing with twisted fantasies!)" mom "{i} (The girls just set me up with him for who knows what without their knowledge!)" scene 7scene2img23 i "It's time for you to go shopping [mom]." mom "Why?" i "What's the number one essential of Boudoir?" i "SEXY LINGERIE!" mc "{i} (YES!!)" mom "Of course. Let's go buy some when I'm free." i "Are you busy doing anything now?" mom "No." i "Then you should go right away." mom "What?" i "It's striking when the iron's hot. If we let you off the hook now, you might just postpone it indefinitely." i "So you better go Lingerie Shopping right away." i "Take [mc] with you..." mom "WHAT?? [mc]!!!" mc "{i} (YESS!! Thank you Iris! You're the best damn [st] on the planet!)" mom "Why don't you and Candice come with me instead... Let's not bother [mc] with this.)" scene 7scene2img24 i "Oh no. We can't come." i "Candice and I are going out to watch a movie in an hour." c "Yeah [mom]. We booked the tickets just this morning." mom "{i} (Oh no!)" mc "{i} (Oh YES!!)" mom "{i} (Okay, I'll go alone then.)" i "{i} (No... Take [mc] with you... He's going to be your Photographer for the practice shoots.. So his inputs on style will be important.)" mom "{i} (His inputs!! He'll be trying to put something in girl!!)" mom "Well, why don't us just girls go together when you're both free?)" i "NO!! You and [mc] are going right now!!)" scene 7scene2img22 mc "Are you ready to go [mom]!" mom "{i} (You sneaky little Fox!!)" mom "{i} (The girls just served me up to him on a silver platter!)" mc "The girls have to go to a movie [mom]. Let's not delay them.)" mc "Chop Chop." mom "Okay." mom "Give me 10 minutes. I'll get ready." mc "{i} (YESSS!!!)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "Ready to do some Lingerie Shopping [mom]? Hahaha" mom "You cunning little wolf!" mom "Just how did I get myself into this?" mc "Hehehe. When it comes to you, you know I'm cunning... But this time, it wasn't me." mc "It was all Iris and Candice this time!" mc "Ooooohhhhh this is going to be a GREAT DAY!! I'M SO THRILLED!!" scene 7scene3img2 mom "Don't you get any ideas young man." mom "Nothing sexual is going to happen!" mc "Nothing sexual?!" mc "I'm going Lingerie Shopping for [mm]!!" mc "What's more sexual than that?" mom "Naughty Boy!" mc "{i} (She seems to be loosening up just a little bit! Let me see if I can tell her about the Nude Cover shoot now!)" mc "So [mom], you've done hundreds of Photoshoots in various settings when you were young, right?" mom "Yeah." mc "Have you ever posed completely Nude?" scene 7scene3img3 mom "Well, If I did, I'm sure you'd have definitely found out!!" mom "And searched every shop in the city to get your hands on those Magazines!)" mc "Haha. I would have." mc "But I do have a massive collection of your photos Modeling though... You know.. For my..." mom "Hehe. Stop.... Today's weird enough already!!" mc "Weird? How?" scene 7scene3img2 mom "I'm going Lingerie Shopping with [ms]!!" mom "I'm probably the first [mom] in the world to do so!" mc "{i} (Holy shit!! How many guys actually get the opportunity to shop Lingerie for their [mom]s?)" mc "{i} (I'm getting super extremely elusive opportunity!!)" mc "{i} (I've just hit a major Jackpot today!)" mc "{i} (I just can't wait to pick some super sexy, super revealing for [mm] to pose for me in!)" mom "What are you thinking [mc]?" mc "All sorts of things. Haha!" mc "But [mom], why did you go back to dressing so conservatively again?" scene 7scene3img4 mom "Well, we don't want you walking around the house with a big erection while the girls are around, do we?" mc "Yeah... At home, I understand... But we're out now!" mc "You could've worn something revealing." mom "Well, then you wouldn't keep your eyes on the road.!" mom "Besides, I meant it when I said that your play time is only once a month." mc "You can at least let a guy look... Come on [mom], you've been keeping your sexy assets hidden from me in those uptight clothes for 3 days now!)" mc "But it don't matter... I'm going to get to see a whole lot of you now!)" scene 7scene3img5 mom "Do you ever not think about peeking at my assets?" mc "No. Hahaha." mc "I can't wait till we get to the Lingerie Store [mom]!" mc "Lingerie Shopping with [mm]!!" mc "I can hardly contain myself!" mc "Today is going to be legendary!" mom "{i} (Oh oh!!)" scene 7scene3img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (YESSS!!!!!)" mc "{i} (YESS!!! YES!!!!)" mc "{i} (We're here!!!)" mc "{i} (The Wolf in me is howling so loud!!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to pick Lingerie for [mm]!!)" mc "{i} (This is OUTWORLDLY EROTIC!!)" scene 7scene3img7 mc "WOW! WOW! WOW!" mc "Look at all this sexy lingerie [mom]!!!" mc "I can't wait to see you in them!" mom "Honey, I know you're excited...." mom "But please try to control yourself!" mom "And please don't call me [mom] here... People will find that super weird if anyone overheard!)" mc "Okay. Let's start shopping!!" scene 7scene3img8 mc "The one on the mannequin in the centre is super sexy [mom]!" mc "You would look so super sultry in it!" mc "Let's take that!!" mom "NO!" mom "That's too revealing..." mc "We're shooting Boudoir!" mc "It has to be revealing!" scene 7scene3img9 mom "Honey, you're sounding too excited." mom "Lower your voice a little bit." mom "And you're still calling me [mom]." mc "Sorry." mc "But this is beyond exhilarating!!" mc "I just can't wait to see you in all this sexy Lingerie!!" mc "You would looke like a delicious, delicious, lavish meal in any of this." mc "This is such a wild fantasy come true!" scene 7scene3img10 mom "Oh yeah?" mom "What sort of fantasies are running through your mind?" mc "{i} (Did she just ask me that?!!)" mom "Doesn't matter.." mom "We're out here in public honey.." mom "You should behave yourself." mc "Behave?!!" mc "Miss that [mom]! I'm so turned on right now... This is such an erotic situation." mc "I'm going to go pick the sexiest items for you!" scene 7scene3img11 mc "{i} (Fuck! Fuck! My mind is racing with such horniness.)" mc "{i} (I feel like a kid in Candyland right now.)" mc "{i} (About to pick sexy, sultry Lingerie for [mm]!)" mc "{i} (What to pick? What to pick?)" scene 7scene3img12 mc "{i} (Fuck! She would look Hot as hell in any of these!)" mc "{i} (The effect that sexy lingerie can have on a man is insane!)" mc "{i} (Add to that the thought of seeing [ym] in such sexy lingerie....)" mc "{i} (It's just nuts!!)" scene 7scene3img11 mc "{i} (This is one of my favourite places already!)" mc "{i} (Someday, I want to buy this whole store and fuck her right here!)" mc "{i} (It would be such a wild experience!)" mc "{i} (Fucking [ym] in a Lingerie store!)" scene 7scene3img13 mom "Sweetie..." mom "Stop running around like a kid in Candyland." mc "You have no idea the euphoria I'm feeling right now [mom]." mc "You would look Hot as hell in any of this." mc "{i} (I'm going crazy thinking about seeing you in these.)" mom "Haha. Try to control yourself baby." scene 7scene3img14 staf "Hi" staf "Welcome to Valentina's Secret." staf "How may I help you?" mom "Hi.. We're looking for some Boudoir type lingerie.." mom "But nothing risque.." mom "Something sexy, but still conservative please..." scene 7scene3img15 mc "No.. No..." mc "Actually, the more risque.. the better..." mc "Show us the most ultra sexiest lingerie you've got please." staf "Haha..." staf "I understand..." staf "We've got just the thing you need....." staf "And more..." staf "Let me show you.." scene 7scene3img16 staf "Here we have our latest range from our Temptation line.." staf "Sensuous..." staf "Seductive.." staf "Enamorous..." staf "Perfect for the Bedroom!" scene 7scene3img17 mom "Oh no... It's not for the Bedroom sweetheart.." mom "Definitely not for the Bedroom!" staf "Ohh..." staf "Sorry... I just assumed..." mom "It's alright love... Honest mistake!" scene 7scene3img16 mc "We'll take everything in this line please.." staf "Great choice!" staf "This is our best selling, most sought after range after all." staf "Guaranteed to spice things up." mc "{i} (This lady is kinda super hot too!)" mc "{i} (She's got a great rack!)" mc "{i} (For someone who works in a Lingerie Store, I'm sure she's not wearing a Bra!)" mc "{i} (Her breasts look lovely!)" mc "Great! We'll take it." scene 7scene3img17 mom "But do you have this line in my size sweetheart?" staf "Absolutely!" staf "This line is made for women of all shapes and sizes." staf "We've got the perfect fit for you." mom "Wonderful." staf "Do you want to try them on first?" mom "Sure." staf "Great. I'll have the entire line sent to the dressing room." scene 7scene3img16 staf "And Sir... If you'd like, we have Private Dressing rooms... So you can see how they look on her and you can both decide which ones to buy!" mc "{i} (WHAT?!!!)" mom "{i} (OH NO!!)" staf "You can wait on the Couch in the Private Dressing room, while she changes in the dressing section of the room." mc "{i} (Holy shit!! I thought I'd have to wait till our Photoshoots to see [mom] in these.. But I'm getting the opportunity earlier!)" staf "Would you like a Private Dressing room?" mc "Yes please..." scene 7scene3img17 staf "Great.. So Ma'am, I'll have the entire line sent to the Dressing Room." staf "You can change in the dressing section while your Lover waits on the couch." scene 7scene3img18 mom "LOVER???!!!!!" mom "Oh no sweetie!! He's not my Lover!!!" mc "{i} (Hahahahahaha)" mom "He's actually my...." mom "He's my....." mom "Never mind...." mom "{i} (That'll make it even more weirder!)" staf "Oh... I'm sorry..)" staf "I just assumed... Because it's usually couples who come shopping here together.)" staf "I'm sorry." mom "It's okay love." scene 7scene3img16 staf "I apologize Sir..." mc "Oh! No need to." staf "Thanks." staf "Let me show you both to the Dressing Room." stop music fadeout 2 scene 7scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mom "Well...." mom "Here we are..." mc "Yes..." mc "Here we are!" mom "Gosh! Just how did I end up in here with you?" mom "How did I get myself into this crazy situation?" mc "Haha." mc "It's almost as if it was meant to be." mom "Alright.." mom "If we're doing this...." scene 7scene4img2 mom "This has to be completely professional!" mom "Do you understand?" mom "You're just here to give your inputs on which items will look good for our Photoshoots." mom "No funny business!" mom "Absolutely no funny business!!" mom "Am I making myself clear?" mc "Yes Ma'am." mom "I'm reiterating this again...." mom "We're in a public place... Any foolishness can result in serious consequences..." mom "You've already put us both in risky situations at a couple of public places as it is.." mom "I won't tolerate any of that today!" mom "You understand?" mc "Yes Ma'am... Crystal clear." scene 7scene4img3 mom "Okay..." mom "Go sit on that couch.." mc "YESSSS!!!" mom "I'll be out with you in a minute." scene 7scene4img4 mc "{i} (Oooooohhhh yesssss)" mc "{i} (What an absolutely surreal situation!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to have [mm] try on sexy Lingerie in front of me.)" mc "{i} (Most guys can only dream about moments like this.)" mc "{i} (Most guys would kill for an opportunity like this!)" mc "{i} (She's probably naked behind thos curtains right now!)" mc "{i} (Wondering which lacy, frilly goodness to wear.)" mom "Okay honey... I'm about to come out.)" mc "Yes please!!" scene 7scene4img5 pause mom "What do you think?" mc "HOLY SMOKES!!!" mc "{i} (Those massive, delicious melons!)" mc "{i} (That uber sexy, sexy body!!)" mc "{i} (Perfectly accentuated by that seductive lingerie!)" mc "WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW" scene 7scene4img6 pause mc "You are such an erotic enigma [mom]!" mc "Without a doubt, an absolute Sexual Masterpiece" mom "Really?" mc "Would I lie to you?" mc "The sexiness standing in font of me right now!!" mc "I'm just mindblown." mc "WOW" mc "Your sexy breasts look so amazing this outfit!" mc "{i} (How I'd love to stick my dick between them right this moment!" mom "I think it's a bit too revealing sweetie!" mom "Almost half of my breasts are just out in the open in this." mom "Let me shouw you this piece from other angles too." scene 7scene4img7 pause mc "Looks stunning from the side too." mc "Let's definitely take this one." mc "You look stunning in it." mom "Yeah??" mc "{i} (Oohhhh I'm so horny right now!)" mc "{i} (She looks so hot!)" mc "{i} (I can't bear this!)" mom "Let me show the back too.." scene 7scene4img8 pause mc "{i} (Fuuuucckkkk!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! Fuck!)" mc "{i} (There's very little clothing covering her stunning body in the back!)" mc "{i} (Almost all of her back is bare and in plain sight!)" mc "{i} (My boner is raging!)" mc "{i} (It's uncontrollable.)" mom "What do you think sweetie?" mc "This is just perfect [mom]." mc "It's all kinds of sexy.. I love it." mom "Okay then. Let me try on the next one." scene 7scene4img4 mc "{i} (WOOOWW)" mc "{i} (I don't know how I didn't just grab her and do things to her.)" mc "{i} (That was unbelievably sexy)" mc "{i} (I wonder Hot she's going to look in the next one." mom "Okay, I'm coming out..)" scene 7scene4img9 pause mc "[mom]!!! Are you trying to make my penis explode?)" mom "Hehehe." mc "Seriously!!" mom "It should be a crime to be this HOT!" mc "Your rack is just out of this world." mom "Don't try to flatter me [mc]." mc "I'm not.." mom "By the way, your focus should be on the clothes.. Not my assets" scene 7scene4img10 mc "Seriously?" mc "How can any man resist your assets when they look THAT ASTOUNDING." mom "I can see you staring at my breasts!" mc "Throw me in jail if it's a crime!" mc "I can't take my eyes off your big, beautiful breasts." mc "They look sooo milky, and so lovely!" mc "I soo want to put my...!" mom "Don't you dare.." mc "Haha. A view of the back please." scene 7scene4img11 pause mom "Here you go." mc "HOT DAMN" mc "My jaw just dropped to the floor [mom]" mom "Hehehe" mc "{i} (Her ass looks soo big and wide in this!)" mc "{i} (I sooo want to tear into it!)" mc "{i} (Fuck that ass mercilessly right here!)" mc "{i} (Just absolutely destroy her ass with my raging cock!)" mom "What are you thinking [mc]?" mc "Hehehehe" mom "Now wait. Let me try the next piece." scene 7scene4img4 mc "{i} (Fuuccck! This is unbearable)" mc "{i} (I should be given a medal for staying in control after seeing her like that)" scene 7scene4img12 mom "{i} (Gosh, I can't believe I'm doing this!)" mom "{i} (Trying out seductive lingerie for [ms] in a store.)" mom "{i} (This is soo erotic!)" mom "{i} (The only other person I've done this for is my husband.)" mom "{i} (How am I doing something so inappropriate like this?)" mom "*Blushes*" scene 7scene4img12a mom "{i} (But wait...)" mom "{i} (This could easily go well out of control if I'm not strict)" mom "{i} (I know how nuch he lacks self control when it comes to this.)" mom "{i} (This next outfit is super revealing... If I go out in this...)" scene 7scene4img12b mom "{i} (Well....)" mom "{i} (What harm can it do?)" mom "{i} (It's just a bit of a tease for my baby.)" mom "{i} (I don't see any harm... And I'm kind of liking this thrill.)" scene 7scene4img4 mom "Okay honey." mom "[mmy]'s about to come out now." mom "I should warn you this is lingerie is too revealing.." mom "You promise to keep it in your pants?" mc "{i} (More revealing than the previous ones? What could that be?)" mc "{i} (I promise [mom]" mom "Okay." scene 7scene4img13 pause mc "{i} (HOT FUCKING DAMN!!!)" mc "{i} (I think my dick just shattered into a million pieces!)" mc "{i} (That is such a see through set of lingerie!)" mc "{i} (I can see through all her sexy assets.)" mom "What do you think baby?" mc "WOW!!" mc "JUST WOW!!" mc "I seriously have no words [mom]." scene 7scene4img14 pause mc "You are the absolute embodiment of sexiness." mc "A beauty without any equal." mc "{i} (WOOOOWWW)" mc "{i} (Those big beautiful breasts that I constantly yearn for...)" mc "{i} (They're out in plain view in that see through Bra.)" mc "Your breasts look outright breathtaking in that Bra [mom]." mc "This is such a stellar, stunning sight." scene 7scene4img13 mom "Glad you like it sweetie." mom "I didn't know whether or not to come out wearing this.." mom "This set of lingerie makes me feel so.. so bare..." mom "So naked..." mc "I absolutely love it [mom]." mc "Let me take a closer look all around.." scene 7scene4img15 pause mom "Hey, don't come near me [mc]!" mom "**Blushing**" mom "I feel so vulnerable and exposed in this." mom "I'm still not used to being all but naked in front you of." mc "{i} (Gosh! I can see almost all of her)" mom "I feel so shy." mc "{i} (Her expression is making my heart race.)" mc "She looks so sensuous and pretty looking all shy and embarassed.)" scene 7scene4img16 mc "[mom]..." mom "What?" mc "I'm just dumbfounded by what I'm looking at right now!" mc "You look so irresistable and hot...." mc "You are Aphrodite herself." mom "Thanks baby." mc "You are carnal delicacies personified." mc "This set of lingerie is nothing short of perfection on you.." scene 7scene4img17 mc "I can even see the top of your Pussy in it." mom "**Blushes**" mc "Your Pretty Pussy." mom "Haha. Don't call it that." mc "And... you've got a new hairstyle down there." scene 7scene4img17alt mom "Hahaha" mom "I feel so shy with you looking at me like that." mc "I love the new style [mom]." mc "I didn't know you were into groundscaping once in a while.." mom "I'm not... I just..." mom "I just wanted to try something different." mc "Well, shaven haven or bushy, your pussy is the best" mc "Can you show me ass [mom]?" mom "Okay..." scene 7scene4img18 pause mc "WOOOWW" mc "This lingerie is so revealing on all fronts [mom]... And back." mom "I know.. I might as well be naked." mc "Please feel free to get naked if you want... No complaints from me." mom "Naughty boy... That's not what I meant." mc "Hehehehe." mc "{i} (I can see her ass crack in this panty.)" mc "{i} (What a pleasure it would be to tear into that thin lace material and enter her ass!)" mc "{i} (Oooooohhhhhh.)" mom "I think you've stared at my ass enough honey. Let me put on another set." scene 7scene4img4 mc "{i} (Fuuccckkkk)" mc "{i} (This has gotten way out of hand.)" mc "{i} (I am so freakin horny right now...)" mc "{i} (My boner is killing me...)" scene 7scene4img12b mom "{i} (I can't believe I let him see me in that. Hehe)" mom "{i} (But things are getting a little steamy out there.)" mom "{i} (May be I should tone it down...)" scene 7scene4img12a mom "{i} (Yeah... I should definitely tone it down.)" mom "{i} (If I wear anything more revealing... It'll be my own fault if he loses control.)" scene 7scene4img12 mom "{i} (But I love how my baby is looking at me so lustfully.)" mom "{i} (It's just a little bit of tease..)" mom "{i} (And so far, he has stayed in control...)" scene 7scene4img12b mom "{i} (But it doesn't mean he'll stay in control if I wear anything more provocative)" mom "{i} (Let me tone things down a little bit)" scene 7scene4img4 mc "{i} (Oooohhhh with all the sexiness I've seen today, I want to make something happen so bad.)" mc "{i} (I know she's being very strict with that playtime only once a month thing.)" mc "{i} (But I am beyond horny!)" mc "{i} (Fuck it)" mc "{i} (I've lost all control.)" mc "{i} (I'm taking a chance...)" mom "Okay. I'm coming out honey..." mc "Sure." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene4img19 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mom "[mc]!!!!!)" mom "What is the meaning of this?!!)" mom "{i} (OH NO!!!!!!)" mom "{i} (He has got his cock out... And that monster is staring right at me!)" scene 7scene4img20 mom "[mc]!! Just what do you think you are doing?!)" mom "We're in a public store!!" mom "This is unacceptable behaviour!" scene 7scene4img21 mc "I'm sorry [mom]..." mc "But you look soo ridiculously hot!!" mc "I just can't control myself." mom "I do not appreciate this one bit [mc]!" scene 7scene4img22 mom "HUUUUHHHH!!!" mc "Aaaaaahhhhh" mom "Did you just grab my breasts?" mc "I'm sorry [mom]... I just.." mc "I just cannot resist them." mc "{i} (Oh it's such a great sensation anytime I grab her marvelous soft pillows.)" scene 7scene4img23 mom "Baby.... We're in a public store..." mom "We could get caught.." mom "Just think of the consequences if someone caught us." mc "I know [mom]... But your sexiness is so appealing... I don't care.." mc "{i} (I want more.. I should take things further!)" scene 7scene4img24 mc "{i} (YESS!!)" mc "{i} (Her sweet Pussy)" mom "HONEY!!" mom "This is going tooo far..." scene 7scene4img25 mom "{i} (Oh no!)" mom "{i} (He's got my Vagina exposed...)" mom "{i} (Things are getting out of hand.)" mom "{i} (I should've known better... Wearing such revealing outfits in front of him.)" scene 7scene4img26 mom "{i} (Aaahh!)" mom "{i} (Now he's exposed my breast too!!)" mc "{i} (WOWWW!!)" mc "{i} (How I've longed to see her naked breasts since our night at that Hotel Room.)" mc "{i} (Her lovely, milky globes!)" scene 7scene4img27 mom "Honey.. You need to gather yourself." mom "We can't risk getting caught in a public place." scene 7scene4img28 mom "{i} (He's caressing my face so lovingly!)" mc "It's okay [mom].... No one's going to see us." mc "We're inside closed doors.." mc "All by ourselves..." mc "I won't do anything you don't want me to." scene 7scene4img29 mom "{i} (He's about to kiss me.)" mom "{i} (My baby is about to French Kiss me!)" mom "{i} (I can feel his tongue on my lips..)" mom "{i} (Should I allow this??)" mom "{i} (But he's doing it so lovingly...)" mom "{i} (Oh, what the heck... It's just a kiss...)" mom "{i} (Let me lean in.)" scene 7scene4img30 mom "{i} (Mmmmmmmmm)" mom "{i} (My baby boy is kissing me so passionately.)" mc "{i} (French kissing [mom] never gets old!)" mc "{i} (It's like a million butterflies in my stomach!)" mc "{i} (Her cherry lips are so sumptuous!)" mc "{i} (I can never get enough of how lovely they feel.)" mc "{i} (Okay. Time to take things forward while she's allowing it...)" scene 7scene5img1 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (The lovely moistness..)" scene 7scene5img2 mom "{i} (Oh no! He's touching my Vagina!)" mom "{i} (I should stop this..)" mom "{i} (I should stop this before things go out of hand..)" scene 7scene4img30 mom "{i} (.....)" mom "{i} (Or, should I stop this?....)" scene 7scene5img1 mc "{i} (Aaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (The touch of her Pussy is like a thousand bolts of lightning through my veins.)" mc "{i} (So soft.)" mc "{i} (So alluring.)" mom "{i} (He's slowly trying to pry those lips with his fingers...)" mom "{i} (I should definitely definitely stop this now.)" mc "{i} (So far, she's allowing it... Time to take it up a notch.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene5img3 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mom "HONEY!!!" mom "What are you doing?" scene lstorepl1 animated with fade: "7scene5img3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img3a" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Ooohhhh. He's licking my Vagina!)" mom "{i} (I should've known things would out of control.)" mom "{i} (His tongue is scouting every inch of my Vagina....)" mom "{i} (Mmmmmmmm...)" mc "{i} (Her pussy is such a treat.)" mc "{i} (Hands down, the best!!)" mc "{i} (So soft.)" mc "{i} (So wet...)" scene lstorepl2 animated with fade: "7scene5img4" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I could just lick away at her forever.)" mc "{i} (So tasty.)" mc "{i} (I could never get enough.)" mc "{i} (What a wonderful feeling.)" mc "{i} (I love it.)" mc "{i} (Tastes so good.)" scene lstorepl3 animated with fade: "7scene5img3" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img3a" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh)" mom "{i} (He's eating me out so good.)" mom "{i} (He's eating away at my Vagina so ravenously.)" mom "{i} (His tongue is probing all areas of my Vagina.)" mc "{i} (I want more...)" mc "{i} (I want to see how much more I can get from her today.)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck her big tits.)" scene 7scene5img6 mom "{i} (Oooohhhh)" mom "{i} (He's about to fuck my breasts.)" mom "{i} (How am I allowing this?)" scene lstoretitfuck animated with fade: "7scene5img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (The luxurious softness wrapped around my cock right now!)" mc "{i} (The lavishness of her breasts!)" mc "{i} (My raging cock is loving the feel of her feminine delicacy.)" mom "{i} (Mmmmmmmm yeahh...)" mom "{i} (I love his big cock between my breasts!)" mom "{i} (But I don't want him to know I'm enjoying this.)" mom "{i} (I hope he cannot see that I'm secretly loving this.)" mom "{i} (Aaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (Give it to [mmy] baby..)" mom "{i} (Yes.)" mom "{i} (Yes..)" mom "{i} (Slide your big monster cock between [ym]'s breasts.)" mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh Yesss...)" mc "{i} (Take it [mom])" mc "{i} (Take my big monster cock between your tits.)" mc "{i} (I love fucking your big tits.)" mc "{i} (I could fuck these breasts for eternity.)" mc "{i} (Take it [mom]..)" mc "{i} (So far, so good... I want to see how far I can go with her today.)" scene 7scene5img8 mom "{i} (Huhhhh!)" mom "{i} (What is he doing?)" mom "{i} (He just rag dolled me into this position.)" scene lstorepl4 animated with fade: "7scene5img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh yessssss!)" mom "{i} (Yess... Yess...)" mom "{i} (Oooooohhhhh)" mom "{i} (He's eating me out sooo well!)" mom "{i} (He's so good with his tongue.)" mom "{i} (Where did he learn to eat a woman like this?!)" mom "{i} (My baby is so good at it!)" scene 7scene5img8 mom "{i} (Yes baby...)" mom "{i} (Just like that...)" mom "{i} (You're licking [mmy] so good.)" scene lstorepl5 animated with fade: "7scene5img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene5img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Ooooohhhh I've never been eaten out like this.)" mom "{i} (This is such a strange position.)" mom "{i} (But he's got complete access to every inch of my Vagina holding me like this.)" mom "{i} (His arm wrapped around my waist.. Holding his meal in place)" mom "{i} (Lick [mmy] baby...)" mom "{i} (Yeaahhhh... Yeahhhh)" mom "{i} (You are so good!)" mom "{i} (Eat [mmy]'s pussy.)" scene 7scene5img11 mom "{i} (Ooooouuuuuuuhhhhh)" mom "{i} (Yesssss...... Yessss....)" mom "{i} (I have no words for the ecstacy I'm feeling now.)" mom "{i} (My baby boy probing my inner walls with his tongue so good.)" mom "{i} (Eating me so vigorously...)" mom "{i} (I'm going into a pleasure coma.)" mc "{i} (She tastes sooo good... So delicious... Soo lavish!)" mc "{i} (That's it... I've lost all control now.)" mc "{i} (I'm want more of her.)" mc "{i} (I'm going for more..)" scene 7scene5img11a mom "{i} (Oh no!)" mom "{i} (Oh no...)" mom "{i} (He's spreading my legs wide!)" mom "{i} (What is he doing?)" mom "{i} (What is he about to do?)" scene 7scene5img12 mom "Baby...." mom "No.." mc "{i} (She looks so shy..)" mc "{i} (But I want it.)" mc "{i} (I want her..)" scene 7scene5img13 mc "It's alright [mom]... Let's move your hand a little bit." mom "{i} (OH NO!!)" mom "{i} (OH NO!!!)" mom "{i} (THIS IS GETTING DANGEROUS..)" mom "{i} (THIS IS GETTING VERY DANGEROUS!!!!)" scene 7scene5img14 mom "{i} (I SHOULD STOP THIS!)" mom "{i} (I SHOULD STOP THIS!!!!)" mom "{i} (THINGS ARE GETTING DANGEROUSLY OUT OF CONTROL...)" scene 7scene5img15 mc "Aaahhhh yesss." mc "Just inches away from the Fairy Cup!" scene 7scene5img16 mom "{i} (NO!! NO! NO!!!)" mom "{i} (HE'S ABOUT TO ENTER ME!)" mom "{i} (THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!)" scene 7scene5img15 mc "{i} (IS THIS FINALLY ABOUT TO HAPPEN?!!)" mc "{i} (I CAN'T BELIEVE MY MIND!)" scene 7scene5img16 mom "{i} (THIS IS BAD! THIS IS REALLY BAD!!)" mom "{i} (I SHOULD STOP THIS!)" scene 7scene5img17b mom "{i} (But why should I resist?)" mom "{i} (Why can't I just give into my desires and let my baby tear me up?!)" mom "{i} (If my baby wants me, he can have me!)" scene 7scene5img15 mom "{i} (I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!)" mom "{i} (MY DREAM IS FINALLY COMING TRUE!!!)" scene 7scene5img17 mom "{i} (It's okay baby... Get inside [mmy]..)" mom "{i} (Tear my pussy up.)" scene 7scene5img15 mc "{i} (Here we go.. I'm going in..)" scene 7scene5img18 with dissolve mc "YESSSSSSSS!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" scene 7scene5img17a mom "{i} (OH NO!!! I CAN FEEL HIS COCK AT THE ENTRANCE OF MY PUSSY!!)" mom "{i} (HE'S ABOUT TO PUT IT IN!)" mom "{i} (YESSS! YESSS! GO ON BABY... GET INSIDE [mmy])" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene5img18 mc "{i} (YEEESSSSS!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!)" mc "{i} (I'M ABOUT TO PUSH IN!!!)" "**KNOCK.... KNOCK... KNOCK...**" play sound "sounds/effects/shock.mp3" scene 7scene5img19 mom "{i} (OH NO... THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR!!!)" mc "{i} (FUCCCKKKKKK!!!!)" mc "{i} (WHYYYYY???!!)" mom "{i} (THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR.....)" scene 7scene5img20 mom "{i} (HONEY!! THIS IS BAD... THIS IS REALLY BAD...)" mc "{i} (It's okay [mom]... Don't panick...)" mc "{i} (Calm down.. Calm down...)" mc "{i} (I got this...)" mc "{i} (You go into the changing room... I'll put on my clothes and attend the Door.)" mom "{i} (Okay...!)" scene 7scene5img21 staf "Hi.. I'm so sorry to disturb you...)" staf "It looks like we left out one piece of Lingerie from the line..)" staf "Shall I have it sent in?" mc "{i} (FUCCCKKK!!!)" mc "{i} (SHE JUST COCK BLOCKED ME!!)" mc "Sure.." scene 7scene5img22 mom "{i} (What have I done?? What was I just about to do?)" mom "{i} (I almost just cheated on my husband!)" mom "{i} (My kind, loving husband..)" mom "{i} (I was just about to cheat on him with [ms]!!)" scene 7scene5img23 mom "OH NO.." mom "I'm such a borrible wife." mom "Such a horrible [mom]." mom "I almost had sex with [ms]!!" mom "I feel so guilty. What have I turned into?" scene 7scene5img23a mom "{i} (It's alright girl... Nothing happened... NOTHING HAPPENED." mom "{i} (Get yourself together.)" mom "{i} (You didn't actually cheat on your husband.. Saved by the bell.)" mom "{i} (But this is a remider that I should be more careful with [mc] the next time.)" mom "{i} (No.... There can't be a next time..)" mom "{i} (I should think this whole thing through.)" scene 7scene5img21 staf "Again.. I'm sorry for disturbing you.)" staf "I'll let you get back to it.)" mc "Thanks." scene 7scene5img24 mom "Get the stuff" mom "We're leaving.." mc "[mom], are you mad at me?" mom "No. I'm not" mom "This is my fault too.." mom "I don't blame you for this." mom "But we need to reconsider this whole thing we've got going on." mom "We'll talk when I have a clear head.. Let's just leave for now." mc "[mom], I'm sorry..." mom "We'll talk when I have a clear head. Let's leave." mc "Okay.. But I really mean it though.. I'm really sorry for pushing things too far." mom "Okay. Let's just go." mc "{i} (Perhaps it's best that I talk to her when she's calmed down. I'll talk to her in the evening and set things right.)" mc "Sure [mom]." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 7scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" asc "Hey Sis. Wassup!" asc "Where were you?" mom "[mc] and I were out shopping Stacy.. Just returning." asc "WOW! That's a lot of bags Sis." asc "Wait.... Are they Valentina's Secret bags?" asc "You went Lingerie shopping with your son?" mom "{i} (Gosh, she's making me feel more guiltier than I already feel.)" mom "It was work related Stacy." asc "Oh yeah... I heard you took that Modeling Offer." asc "Yaay.. Congrats Sis." mom "Thanks Stacy.. Please excuse me, I have to go take a shower." mom "Will talk to you later." asc "Sure." scene 7scene6img2 asc "Hey [mc]" mc "Hi [asc], you guys are back from the mall already?" asc "Just got back about 30 minutes ago." mc "{i} (I need to talk to [mom] in the evening and set things right with her. Make an honest apology.. Get back in her good graces.)" mc "{i} (I need to keep myself occupied till then.)" mc "[asc], do you want to hang out?" asc "I'd love to [mc], but I have something else planned already." asc "I'm heading out to go see a Mechanic." asc "I'll talk to you in the evening, okay?" mc "Sure." mc "Are Ella and Jasmine home?" asc "Yeah. Ella's in her room." mc "Okay, guess I'll go hang out with Ella then. See you." asc "Bye." scene 7scene6img3 mc "{i} (There she is.)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's about to go take a shower.)" mc "{i} (Wait....)" mc "{i} (May be I can hide somewhere and watch her shower.)" mc "{i} (NO.. If I like being alive, I shouldn't.)" mc "Hey Ella." scene 7scene6img4 pause e "Hey [mc]" e "Wassup?" mc "{i} (WOOOWWWW)" mc "{i} (Her robe is open!)" mc "{i} (She looks STUNNING)" mc "Just wanted to see if you're free.. May be hang out." e "I was just about to go take a shower [mc]." e "Just got back from the Mall." scene 7scene6img5 e "But wait.." e "I was thinking about going for a long ride.." e "May be get out of the city for a few hours." e "Do you want to come with me?" mc "Yeah. Sure." mc "{i} (She looks so beautiful in her underwear!)" e "Great." e "I'll go take a quick shower. Wait for me downstairs." e "I'll be with you in 15." mc "Okay." scene 7scene6img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause e "Ready to go [mc]?" mc "Ready." mc "{i} (I love her style!)" mc "{i} (She looks great in that short Jacket." mc "{i} (Till I talk to [mom] in the evening, a long ride with Ella seems like a great idea.)" e "Alright, let's get going." e "Hop on." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene6img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mc "Yo Ella...." mc "What's the rush?!!" mc "Slow down a little." e "What's that?" mc "{i} (Damn, now I remember why I don't usually sit on a Bike with her!)" mc "{i} (She rides like a maniac!)" mc "I said.. what's the rush?" mc "Slow down a little..." scene 7scene6img8 e "Haha" e "Am I going too fast for you [mc]?" mc "No..." mc "I just think we can enjoy the views better if you rode a little slower." e "What views? You're talking about the girls in he sidewalks?" mc "Yeah..." mc "They're pretty." e "Alright, alright.." e "I'll slow down for you sissy.)" scene 7scene6img9 mc "So, where are we going Ella?" mc "Where are you taking me?" e "It's a special place.." e "I haven't shown it to anyone yet.. You'll be the first person to see it." e "I just bought some Property.." e "You're gonna love it." mc "You mean [dad] bought some Property..." e "No... I BOUGHT SOME PROPERTY." scene 7scene6img9a e "You didn't think I did all the work for Dad for free, did you?" mc "Damn, Ella! You already own your own property?!" mc "But you're just 2 years older than me." e "Haha." e "Some of us actually work for a living [mc]." scene 7scene6img10 mc "{i} (Damn, she's already doing grown up things...)" mc "{i} (Buying property and stuff!)" mc "{i} (And I'm out here.. still acting and thinking like a horny teenager who just hit puberty.)" mc "{i} (I should spend more time with her..)" mc "{i} (She can teach me stuff.)" scene 7scene6img11 pause mc "{i} (WOOOOWW)" mc "{i} (Her ass is so close to my crotch!)" mc "{i} (If only the passenger seat wasn't raised higher up on this Bike, my crotch would be hugging her ass.)" mc "{i} (The waist line on her pant is so low.)" mc "{i} (If it were a little bit lower, It'd be showing the top of her ass crack." scene 7scene6img9 mc "So what is this property you bought Ella?" mc "Is that a house, or an office space, a plot of land?" e "You'll see..." e "It's neither one of those.." e "Actually, it's still under construction.." e "I don't know what to turn it into yet." scene 7scene6img12 mc "{i} (I'm sitting so close behind her..)" mc "{i} (Her breasts are just arms length away from me.)" mc "{i} (I could just reach out and grab a tit!)" mc "{i} (I'm soo tempted to.)" scene 7scene6img9b e "Plenty of girls out in the sun today [mc]?" mc "Yeah.. So many pretty ones." e "What do you think of that girl over there?" mc "Gosh Ella! You'rea bigger Wolf than I am." mc "Should you be checking out girls while you're riding this fast?" e "Don't deny me that [mc], I can only look now." mc "What do you mean?" scene 7scene6img9a e "Never mind." e "At least you can look... and play all you want." e "Have you found a girlfriend in College yet?" mc "Sadly, no." mc "Why don't you hook me up with some of your friends?" scene 7scene6img13 e "Haha" e "I'm not in the Pimping business [mc]." e "No. Sorry." mc "Hehehe." mc "Or may be you can give me some tips on how to pick up girls.." scene 7scene6img13a e "Hahahaha." e "I'm not sure my methods will work for you [mc]." e "You'll need a Vagina to pull those off." mc "Hehehe" mc "{i} (It's nice spending time with Ella)" mc "{i} (I'd love to hang out with her more if she wasn't working all the time.)" scene 7scene6img13 e "Alright [mc], we're just about to exit City limits and get into the Highways." e "It's going to be a long ride... Sit tight." e "And don't complain if I go too fast...." e "You're safe with me." mc "I know you got mad riding skills sis.." mc "Go.." e "Alright." scene black pause scene 7scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) e "Okay, We're here." e "It's still under construction.." e "So don't judge..." mc "It looks good from the outside already." e "Let's go inside." scene 7scene7img2 pause mc "Holy shit Ella!!" mc "What is this place?!!" mc "This place is awesome.." e "It is, isn't it?" mc "WOW." mc "I love it." scene 7scene7img3 e "A Sheikh from Abu Dhabi was building a resort of sorts here.." e "I pulled a job for him some time ago, and he happened to show me this place by chance." e "I loved it so much, I just bought it on a whim." mc "On a whim?!" mc "A place like this must've cost millions!" mc "If you payed for this with your own money, how rich are YOU exactly?" e "Haha." e "Very..." scene 7scene7img4 e "Take a look around.." e "I know it's not complete yet.." e "But there's plenty of space in and around." e "I think I'll build a Hotel around it.." e "Or my own Palace... I don't know.." mc "Damn, Ella!" mc "You got your own money to build a Hotel or a Palace?!!" mc "You really are a Boss Bitch, aren't you?" e "Haha. Yeah." e "I haven't figured out what to do with this place yet." e "Have a look." scene 7scene7img6 mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (It's beautiful Arabic style architecture.)" mc "{i} (Like a Sultan's royal courtyard.)" scene 7scene7img5 mc "{i} (It's big..)" mc "{i} (Beautiful.)" mc "{i} (Classic!)" scene 7scene7img7 mc "{i} (Right on the Sea)" mc "{i} (So airy here.)" mc "{i} (I love the breeze.)" mc "{i} (And the sound of the sea here.)" scene 7scene7img6 mc "{i} (It's beautiful!)" mc "{i} (You can build a HAREM around it.)" mc "{i} (Holy shit! If I ever make a harem with the women in my [fmy]...)" mc "{i} (This place will be where I build a physical Harem.)" mc "{i} (I'll chill here like a Sultan with my hoes. Haha)" scene 7scene7img8 e "So, what do you think?" mc "Gosh, Ella!" mc "You're really moving up in the world by yourself, huh?" mc "Buying massive property at your age with your own money..." mc "Most girls your age..." e "Most girls my age are dumb bimbos [mc]." e "I'm a Shark!" e "I swim with Sharks." mc "True dat." scene 7scene7img9 mc "I'm happy for you Ella." mc "This is great." mc "How come the sudden decision to buy property for yourself?" e "Well, I liked what I saw.. And I've got the money to spend." e "So.." scene 7scene7img9a e "Besides, I'm getting old.." mc "You're only 2 years older than me." e "Yeah. But I think it's time I started doing big girl stuff for myself..." e "Make a place for myself in the world.. You know.. If I ever move out.." mc "WHAT?!! YOU'RE MOVING OUT?" scene 7scene7img9 e "Haha. NO silly." e "At least not anytime soon." mc "Thank goodness." e "But you know, if I move out some years down the line.." e "May be this can be a Palace for me and my girl.." mc "Yelena?" scene 7scene7img9a e "Yeah." mc "So things are really serious with you and her, huh?" e "I don't know.. I think so... May be.." e "But she completes me in every way..." e "Not that I'm incomplete in any way.. But you get the point." e "She's a polar opposite of everything I am... And I'm so happy when I'm with her..)" mc "You're almost blushing Ella. Hahaha." mc "I'm happy for you two.." mc "And by the way... [mom] likes her too." e "Yeah?" e "Anyway, enough about my life.." scene 7scene7img9 e "Hey, do you want to get in the water?" mc "Sure. Why not?" e "Been a long ride in the sun.. I want to cool my body a little bit." mc "Sure." scene 7scene7img10 e "Remember, we used to go swim in any body of water we saw when we were kids?" mc "Yes I do." mc "{i} (Holy shit!! She's about to undress in front of me..)" mc "{i} (I had no idea this day would turn out to be this great.)" mc "{i} (This is awesome.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene7img11 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" pause mc "{i} (HOLY SHITTT!!!!)" mc "{i} (SHE LOOKS S T U N N I N G.)" mc "{i} (JUST DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!)" mc "{i} (WOW)" e "So, ready to get in?" mc "Yeah." e "But wait... are you going to get in the water wearing that?" scene 7scene7img12 e "Yeah." e "I'm not getting in the water naked." mc "But it's a long ride back home..." mc "You want to be in wet underwear throughout the ride back home?" mc "Won't that be uncomfortable." e "You got a point there.." e "But I'm not going naked in front of you." mc "We'll be in the water Ella. Our bodies will be covered." e "Well..... A long ride back in wet underwear will be extremely uncomfortable." e "Makes me squirm just thinking about it." e "Alright. You close your eyes till I undress and get in the water." e "You can get in the water after me, when I tell you to open your eyes." scene 7scene7img11 e "BUT DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR UNDERWEAR." e "Mine's Valentina's Secret. I can't throw away this.." e "But you can throw away whatever run off the mill brand you boys like to wear." mc "Okay." mc "{i} (YESSS!!)" mc "{i} (My hot [st] is about to get naked!)" e "Okay. Close your eyes." e "Open them only when I tell you to." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause e "Okay, I'm in the water." e "You can open your eyes now and get in the water." mc "{i} (YESS!)" scene 7scene7img13 pause e "The water's perfect, isn't it?" e "Perfect to cool down." mc "It is.. I love it." mc "{i} (WOW WOW WOW)" mc "{i} (I can't believe that my super hot [st] is naked in a pool with me!)" mc "{i} (What a perfect setting!)" mc "{i} (A beautiful place, a beautiful view, and a beautiful lady.. Naked.)" mc "{i} (Can't get any better than this.)" e "It's been years since we went swimming, just the two of us like we used to..)" mc "Yeah." e "I miss those times." mc "Me too Ella." mc "But no matter.." mc "We're here now.." mc "Let's enjoy this moment." e "Hey, how about a race?" mc "Sure. Why not?" e "Okay! Ready.. GO!!" scene 7scene7img14 play sound "sounds/effects/splash.mp3" mc "Hey!! It's no fair!!)" mc "You got a clear headstart!" e "It's the result that matters [mc], not the means.." e "Besides, I don't play by any rules, ever.. That's why I always win." mc "{i} (This is already getting good! YES)" mc "{i} (I can see her bare ass!)" scene 7scene7img15 mc "{i} (HOLY SHITT!!)" mc "{i} (I CAN SEE HER PUSSY.)" mc "{i} (WOW! WOW! WOW!)" mc "{i} (This is so exhilarating.)" mc "{i} (The way her wet skin is glistening in the sun!)" mc "{i} (Her pussy out in the open..)" mc "{i} (Such a beautiful and erotic sight.)" scene 7scene7img16 mc "Cheater!!" e "Oh look, you somehow caught up." mc "{i} (Fuck! Yes, yes, yes! I can see her breasts!)" mc "{i} (I CANNOT BELIEVE THE BEAUTY THAT MY EYES ARE GAZING UPON.)" e "You know I'm going to win anyway, right?" mc "Let's see about that." mc "{i} (She looks absolutely breathtaking!)" mc "{i} (That wet skin, those eyes.. that smile..)" mc "{i} (Gosh! I never thought that any woman can equal [mc]'s beauty, but Ella comes a close second.)" mc "{i} (What a beauty she is!)" e "You'll have to try harder than that if you're going to beat me [mc]." e "Hehe." scene 7scene7img17 pause e "Haaaaa" e "Isn't this just perfect, [mc]?" e "Sometimes I wish life could just be simple like this.." mc "{i} (Does she realize that her breasts are completely out of the water?)" mc "Well, it can if you make time for it.." e "I wish it were that easy for me [mc]..." e "But, it doesn't matter... Right this moment, I am so serene and happy." e "This is just like it used to be, just you and me.." mc "I feel you Ella." mc "{i} (She's got to know her breasts are out in the open!)" mc "{i} (Or may be she's just let herself completely go, reminiscing of our old times when we were kids... Feeling like a child again.)" mc "{i} (This moment is just perfect.. Just me and my [st].)" mc "{i} (I could stay in this forever.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause scene 7scene7img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mom "{i} (Just how did I dive this deep into depravity?)" mom "{i} (I was ready to have sex with [ms]!!)" mom "{i} (What have I turned into?)" mom "{i} (I have let go of all the tenets of a virtuous woman.)" mom "{i} (I feel so guilty and ashamed.)" scene 7scene7img19 mom "{i} (The only saving grace I had concerning this devious entanglement with [mc] was the fact that I was vehement I was not going to actually have sex with him.)" mom "{i} (And today, I was ready to throw even that out of the window.)" mom "{i} (Not to mention I was ready to cheat on my loving husband.. My soulmate whom I love so dearly.)" mom "{i} (This is not the mark of a good wife.)" mom "{i} (I should put a stop to this.)" mom "{i} (But how am I going to tell [mc] that it's over?)" mom "{i} (It's going to break his heart.)" mom "{i} (Apart from his lack of self control when it comes to this matter, I know he does love me)" scene 7scene7img20 mom "{i} (My sweet, sweet boy.)" mom "{i} (I know he does love me.)" mom "{i} (He did give me the Jewel of Love after all.)" mom "{i} (Such a sweet boy.)" mom "{i} (Why can't I let my sweet boy show me his love?)" scene 7scene7img21 mom "{i} (And may be he'll tear my Vagina up with his Big, Monstorous love.)" mom "{i} (Stick his love deep inside me..)" mom "{i} (And ravish his [mom].)" mom "{i} (Mmmmmmhh yea)" scene 7scene7img18 mom "{i} (NO. NO. NO.)" mom "{i} (Get yourself together woman. This has to end.)" mom "{i} (You should be ashamed for even thinking that.)" mom "{i} (This has gone way out of control, and it has to end.)" mom "{i} (I'll have a talk with him tonight when everyone's asleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene7img25 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "Hey, you know that Aunt Eliza is back in the city, right?" e "Yeah." e "We should both visit her soon." mc "{i} (Gosh! I can't believe she's sitting next to me naked.)" mc "{i} (She's got her hands on her breasts, that's a bummer.)" mc "{i} (And her legs are tightly closed so I can't see her pussy.. But still...)" mc "{i} (This is so arousing.)" mc "So E, you're into girls, right?)" e "Yeah.. Like you don't know?" mc "What type of girls do you like?" scene 7scene7img26 e "Hahaha." e "So you're interested in my sex life now? Hehehe." mc "No... Just wanted to see what your taste in women is.." mc "You know.. Seeing as we're both Wolves.." e "I'm not a Wolf anymore [mc]. Hahaha. That road has ended for me. I think.)" e "But to answer your question, I like women of all types.." mc "Are you into older women?" e "Older women?" mc "You know.. Someone like [mom].." e "Hahahahahaha." e "Someone like Mom!! Hahahaha." e "She's the example you wanted to use [mc]!! Hehehehe." e "But I get what you're saying.. I know the type you're referring to, given that all guys your age are into MILF Porn. Hahaha.)" mc "Do you watch MILF Porn?" e "Oh my gosh, it is so inappropriate you're asking me these things. But seeing as we're speaking openly.." e "Yeah.. I watch it once in a while.." e "Hey, do you want something to drink?" mc "But this place is empty." e "I have a bottle stashed behind a tree here somewhere." e "The Sheik gave it to me." e "Wait.. I'll go get it." scene 7scene7img27 mc "{i} (Man, it's so hard not to try and stare at her breasts when she's sitting next to me like that." mc "{i} (With no clothes on!)" mc "{i} (I can't have her catch me staring!)" mc "{i} (Not her of all people.)" scene 7scene7img28 e "Here it is." mc "{i} (Oh shucks. She's put her Bra and Panty back on.)" e "The Sheik gave it to me when I signed the papers here." e "Some Arabic stuff called Arak or something." mc "Whoah... That's something we can't be messing with E. Especially while we've got nothing to dilute it with." mc "I've heard about it.. Some very strong stuff." mc "Knocks people out for a couple of hours." e "Oh don't be a wuss [mc].." mc "I'm not drinking that stuff when I have to sit on a bike on our way back home." mc "No thank you." e "Fine. Your loss.." e "Nothing's too strong for me." scene 7scene7img29 mc "You're too tough beyond reasoning Ella." mc "Easy with that." e "Shut up [mc]." e "{i} (Gosh! She's gulping that thing.)" e "{i} (Looks like I'm going to have to ride the Bike back home.)" e "{i} (Or get us a Taxi or something.)" scene 7scene7img30 e "See?" e "I finished the whole Bottle.." e "Raw!" e "Straight up." e "Told you nothing's too strong for me." mc "You're sure about that?" e "Anyway, what were we talking about?" e "Yeah.. Older women.." e "Have you ever played with a Cougar?" mc "{i} (Haha. Our [mom]!)" mc "No. Not yet." e "Well, I have.. I've got down with one or two Cougars before.)" e "I tell you.. they're a wild breed [mc].." e "No matter how much you think you know about sex, those older women can always surprise you.." e "Teach you new things.." e "I think their appetite grows boundlessly with age..." scene 7scene7img31 with dissolve e "You should be...." e "You should be very..." e "Vevvyy..." mc "You alright there Ella?" mc "You seem a little... Told you not to..." e "Shut up [mc]." e "I'm fife.." mc "You don't look fife to me..." scene 7scene7img33 mc "{i} (And... the badass is out.)" mc "{i} (Told her not to be messing with that stuff.)" mc "{i} (She's tough to the point of recklessness sometimes.)" mc "{i} (And now I've got to sit here by myself till she wakes up in a couple of hours.)" mc "{i} (Or.... Should I?)" mc "{i} (Gosh, my mind is racing with nasty ideas...)" mc "{i} (But what if she wakes up?)" mc "{i} (Fuck that. I'm too horny to be thinking straight.)" mc "{i} (Let's move her a little bit.)" scene 7scene7img34 mc "{i} (WOW!!)" mc "{i} (What a masterpiece of an ass!)" mc "{i} (Looks like all women in my [fmy] have got the gift of booty.)" mc "{i} (Her ass looks so gorgeous all wet and shiny like that.)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy in her underwear.)" mc "{i} (Time to take relieve her off that sexy underwear I suppose...)" mc "{i} (Let's take those Panties off.)" scene 7scene7img35 mc "{i} (HOLY MOLLY!!)" mc "{i} (Her rear entrance and Vagina are out in view!)" mc "{i} (They look so delicious)" mc "{i} (Wet and Inviting...)" mc "{i} (Let's go further... Or perhaps I shouldn't)" mc "{i} (Think about it [mc]... This is Ella... She could kill you for this..)" mc "{i} (Oh screw it! I'm too horny..)" mc "{i} (Let me see what her Pussy feels like!)" scene ellafingering animated with fade: "7scene7img36" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene7img37" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (OOOOOHHHHH YESSSSSS!!!)" mc "{i} (Sooo tight!)" mc "{i} (So wet..)" mc "{i} (Her inner walls feel so silky.)" mc "{i} (Like fine wet silk...)" mc "{i} (This is more penetration than I've got with [mom])" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm doing this!!)" mc "{i} (Fingering Ella of all people!!)" mc "{i} (She's the last person in the [fmy] I should be pulling my perverted games with.)" mc "{i} (The last person on the planet in fact..)" mc "{i} (Her pussy is clutching my finger so tightly..)" mc "{i} (I can't believe how tight her Pussy is.)" mc "{i} (Must be from lack of penetration..)" mc "{i} (She's very likely to have mostly had only girls' fingers inside her holes.)" mc "{i} (So very tight!!)" mc "{i} (So far she hasn't shown any signs of waking up.. Let me take it up a notch.)" mc "{i} (Let me turn her around.)" scene 7scene7img38 mc "{i} (GOSH!! SHE LOOKS OUTRIGHT MINDBLOWING)" mc "{i} (With her skin still wet like that.)" mc "{i} (What a sexy woman!)" mc "{i} (A face sculpted by Aphrodite herself.)" mc "{i} (Oozing with Hotness.)" mc "{i} (Her breasts look so sexy!)" mc "{i} (Let me see how much further I can go..)" scene 7scene7img39 mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhhh.)" mc "{i} (My cock feels so tightly squeezed between her thighs!)" mc "{i} (This is so surreal.)" scene ellaspoon1 animated with fade: "7scene7img39" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene7img40" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Am I really doing this with Ella of all people?)" mc "{i} (I'm a dead man if she wakes up in between.)" mc "{i} (This is like playing with fire.)" mc "{i} (I'm mindblown by how good this feels.)" mc "{i} (I never imagined I could ever even dream of having my cock against her pussy.)" mc "{i} (But it's really happening.)" mc "{i} (I can almost feel her juices on my cock.)" mc "{i} (This is mind numbingly wild.)" mc "{i} (Spooning my hot [st] out in the open like this.)" scene ellaspoon2 animated with fade: "7scene7img41" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene7img42" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I can feel her pussy spreading with every stroke..)" mc "{i} (Her wet lips slightly parting and her insides slightly caressing the top of my cock.)" mc "{i} (My hip slapping against her ass with every stroke.)" mc "{i} (Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd get an opportunity like this.)" mc "{i} (Holding her naked body...)" mc "{i} (Ramming her from behind with my cock in between her legs.)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what the real thing with her would feel like!)" mc "{i} (Her tight pussy would squeeze every drop of cum out of my cock!)" mc "{i} (And her ass....)" mc "{i} (How tight would that be?)" scene ellaspoon3 animated with fade: "7scene7img39" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene7img40" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Take it Ella!)" mc "{i} (Take your little [br]s cock from behind!)" mc "{i} (Take it like a bad little slut)" mc "{i} (I just can't handle her hotness!)" mc "{i} (Her sexy body..)" mc "{i} (The feel of her naked skin against mine!)" mc "{i} (The feel of her pussy agains my cock.)" mc "{i} (I think I might blow any minute.)" mc "{i} (Please don't wake up till I finish..)" mc "{i} (Aaaarggghhhh)" mc "{i} (That's it!)" mc "{i} (Here it comes...)" mc "{i} (I'm about to blow..!!)" mc "{i} (Aaaaarrchhhhhh... Aaahhhh!)" scene 7scene7img40 with vpunch scene 7scene7img40 with flash scene 7scene7img40 with vpunch scene 7scene7img40 with flash scene 7scene7img40 with vpunch scene 7scene7img40 with flash scene 7scene7img43 with dissolve pause mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhh)" scene 7scene7img44 mc "{i} (That was intense!)" mc "{i} (She got me to blow a huge load.)" mc "{i} (She looks so HOT)" mc "{i} (I could go for another round..)" mc "{i} (But I think it's best I stop now.. Don't want it to get too risky.)" mc "{i} (I just played with fire as it is.)" mc "{i} (Should leave it while I'm unscathed.)" mc "{i} (Hope I get another opportunity with you soon big [st])" mc "{i} (Let me put her Bran and Panty back on her and wait for her to wake up.)" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene7img45 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) e "Oh!" e "[mc], how long was I out?" mc "Good evening [st]" mc "A couple of hours.." mc "Told you not to take that Arak lightly." e "Is it evening already?" mc "Yeah... and this place looks gorgeous in the evening!)" mc "{i} (And you look gorgeous in this light.)" e "Let's get going [mc], getting late..)" mc "Okay." scene 7scene7img46 mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (This place looks spectacular in the evenings!)" mc "{i} (It's official.. This is where I'm building my physical Harem.)" mc "{i} (And delve into pleasures unknown with the women in my [fmy].)" mc "{i} (If they'd be kind enough to become my Harem sluts..)" mc "{i} (Hehehehe.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (What a day!)" mc "{i} (I got to do some lewd stuff with Ella!)" mc "{i} (Freakin Ella!)" mc "{i} (Someone I'd never even dared to look at that way until I wakled in on her naked few days ago.)" mc "{i} (I did lewd stuff with Ella and got away unscathed.)" mc "{i} (She didn't suspect a thing.)" mc "{i} (I hope she never finds out though.. She has killed people for far less.)" mc "{i} (But it was such a great perverted adventure.)" mc "{i} (And before that, I got dirty with [mom] in a Lingerie store!)" mc "{i} (But things got a little messy towards the end though...)" mc "{i} (Which I should go fix now.)" mc "{i} (Everyone should be asleep now.. So I hope I get to talk to her alone and sort things out with her.)" mc "{i} (I hope she's not too mad at me.)" scene 7scene8img1a play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "Hey [mom]" mc "Are you mad at me?" mc "Can I talk to you for a minute?" mom "Shhhh... Not here." mom "Come into my room [mc]." scene 7scene8img2 mom "What do you want to talk to me about [mc]?" mc "About this morning... I'm so sorry.. I know I pushed things too far.." mom "I've been wanting to talk to you about it too." mom "Everyone must be asleep now, but we should keep our voices low and finish this conversation soon." mom "Have you ever really, seriously thought about this whole mess we've gotten ourselves into?" mom "About what we've been doing..." mc "......." mom "Of course not.." scene 7scene8img3 mom "You are young, wild and free [mc].." mom "You need not have a single care in the world.." mom "But I'm supposed to be the responsible one...." mom "And as such I've had to think about this many times over..." mom "And each time... against my better judgement, I kept lying to myself saying that it was just a way of expressing love by bodily means." mom "But now I see how deluded I've been.." mom "I kept deluding myself knowing full well that what we were doing was wrong, but I allowed it anyway." mom "And I accept complete responsibility for it.." mom "But can you imagine the consequences if anyone else as much as gets a simple whiff of this illicit entanglement between us?" mom "We'd be opening Pandora's Box!" mom "That would ruin our lives... Ruin everything we hold dear." mom "Even if we manage to keep it a secret somehow, that is still, me failing [yd] as a wife.." mom "Failing you as a [mom].." mom "And failing myself as a woman of character." mom "After what almost happened today, I'm starting to grasp the full magnitude of our sins without any veil of selfishness clouding my judgement." mom "And the guilt is eating me alive... I feel so horrible.." mc "I'm so sorry [mom].. I really didn't mean to push things that far.." mc "I'm so sorry." mom "No, I'm not entirely blaming you for any of this... This is my fault too.." mom "But honey, we need to stop this!" mc "Ss.. Stop al.. altogether?" mom "Honey, do you realize what a MASSIVE sin we almost committed today?" mc "I know [mom]." mom "I could've never forgiven myself if we had actually done it." mom "And we can't allow ourselves to ever risk that again.." mc "You want to stop this?" mom "I don't know.... If not stop altogether, at least I need some time to think about this.. About whether to continue this or not." mc "That's fine [mom]..." mc "Take as long as you need..." mc "I promise I won't ask for anything unless you're ready to.." mom "And what if I'm not ever ready to do it again?" mc "Then I'd completely accept it." mc "I'd be okay with it.." mc "I don't want anything to ruin our normal love. I want things to be good between us as always.. I value that more than anything else." mc "{i} (Okay, I lied about the first part.. I still want her sexually, but I truly meant the latter part." scene 7scene8img2a mom "Thank you so much honey.." mom "And that is so sweet of you to say." mom "I really didn't think you would take it that well." mom "Thanks for proving me wrong.." mom "You know [mmy] loves you, right?" mc "I know [mom]." mom "I'm sorry we had to have this conversation... And for putting a pause to our.." mc "**Voice cracking** It's okay [mom]." scene 7scene8img3 mom "{i} (Did I hear his voice crack?)" mom "{i} (Oooohhhhhhh am I breaking his heart?)" mom "{i} (Am I breaking my baby's heart?)" mom "{i} (Oooohhhh I feel so horrible...)" mom "{i} (I can see it in his face.. He's sad..)" mom "{i} (May be if I... may be if.. If I told him that I liked what we were doing too, may be that'll soften the blow a little bit.)" mom "Are you okay honey?" mc "Yeah [mom]." mom "You know sweetie..." scene 7scene8img3a mom "If you should know..." mom "I thoroughly enjoyed our little escapades too love." mc "**Voice Cracking** You did?" mom "{i} (Oooohh I can hear it in his voice... He's sad..)" mom "I did baby.." mc "It's fine [mom]... And now you want to stop it... With good reason... And I understand." scene 7scene8img3 mom "{i} (Oh no! I feel so horrible.. He sounds so sad.)" mom "{i} (I don't want to be the one breaking my baby's heart.)" mom "Are you really alright love?" mc "Yeah [mom].. I'm fine.." mc "I'm fine..." mom "{i} Oooh I feel so bad for him.." mom "{i} (May be if I lied to him saying I'll give him one last chance to play...)" mom "{i} (But I'd be flat out lying.. And that'll break his heart even more when I eventually tell him No.)" mom "{i} (But I must do something to soften his blow now.. It's fine, I'll lie to him... And then find ways to cushion my way around saying No if he asks for it.)" mom "{i} (I can't stand to see my baby sad like this.)" scene 7scene8img3a mom "Yo know sweetie..." mom "Since you took this so well... Since you've been so understanding.." mom "I'll tell you what... [mmy] will give you your monthly playtime just one last time.." mc "Really?" mom "Yes baby.. And your next playtime is in exactly 27 days.." mom "[mmy] will give you one last playtime in 27 days, okay?" mc "Really [mom]? You'd do that for me?" mom "But you should promise you wouldn't make any advances till then, or after." mc "I promise [mom].. I promise!" mc "Thank you so much." mc "I won't do or try anything unless you give me permission to." mom "Thank you dear." mom "Now go get some sleep.." mc "[mom]...." mom "Yes baby.." mc "Everything's really fine between us right?" mc "I mean... You're not mad at me and hiding it?" scene 7scene8img4 mom "I could never be mad at you sweetie.." mom "I love you as I always have.." mom "Everythings fine between us." mc "Thanks [mom]." mc "I love you." mom "I love you too baby." mom "Now go get some sleep. It's getting late." mc "Good night [mom]." mom "Good night love." scene 7scene8img5 mc "{i} (Man, at least that wasn't a total bust.)" mc "{i} (I think it was meant to be a total bust at first... but once she heard my voice cracking...)" mc "{i} (I think she decided to throw me a pity one last playtime after she heard my voice cracking.)" mc "{i} (And that's enough for me to work with.... That's some ray of hope to cling on to.)" mc "{i} (I can hope to work my way around it and change her mind.... As long as she's comfortable of course.)" mc "{i} (Haaah. Been a long day.. Let me go get some sleep.)" scene 7scene8img6 i "Hey [mc]" mc "Iris!" mc "What are you doing still awake at this time?" i "I just dried myself up after a swim." i "Are you coming from [mom]'s room?" i "Did you tell her about the nude cover shoot?" i "How did she take it?" mc "{i} (Oh crap! There's still that!)" mc "No, I haven't told her about that yet." i "Well, let's all find a way to tell her soon.. Hehehehe" mc "Yeah.. Let us." i "Okay.. Bye." scene 7scene8img1 mc "{i} (Man, I can't sleep..)" mc "{i} (That conversation with [mom] was awkward...)" mc "{i} (She wants to put an end to our drama.. There's no doubt about that..)" mc "{i} (But she's given me one small opening...)" mc "{i} (And that is enough for me to work my ass off to change her mind.)" mc "{i} (I want her.. I crave her all the time..)" mc "{i} (I'm going to behave with her...)" mc "{i} (But I'm going to pursue her with all I've got..)" mc "{i} (I'm going to do everything in my power to win her heart.)" mc "{i} (And her pussy.. and her ass..)" mc "{i} (I don't think I'll get any sleep for a couple of hours...)" mc "{i} (Let me go see if Iris is still up.. I can pass time talking to her.)" scene 7scene8img8 mc "Iris.." mc "Yo.. Iris.." mc "{i} (May be she has her headphones on or something..)" mc "{i} (The door's not locked anyway..)" mc "{i} (Let me go in.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene8img9 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "{i} (She's asleep..)" mc "{i} (Wait....)" mc "{i} (I know she's a heavy sleeper..)" mc "{i} (Man, my dick isn't getting any rest today!)" mc "{i} (Well.. I'm here anyway...)" mc "{i} (So I might as well.)" scene 7scene8img10 mc "{i} (Looks like she's fast asleep.)" mc "{i} (Am I about to do lewd things with my little [st]?" mc "{i} (I think, I am..)" mc "{i} (Gosh, she's so pretty...)" mc "{i} (She's got the face of a Fairy..)" mc "{i} (But I want to see more than that pretty face right now.)" mc "{i} (Let's see her breasts.)" scene 7scene8img11 mc "{i} (Wow, they look nice.)" mc "{i} (She's developed rather nice assets as she's grown into a fine young lady.)" mc "{i} (Her breasts look lovely.)" mc "{i} (Those breasts and her pretty face..)" mc "{i} (Such a gorgeous, beautiful face..)" mc "{i} (I digress.. I can look at her face anytime throughout the day.. It's her breasts I want now.)" mc "{i} (Lets see how they feel.)" scene 7scene8img12 mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (So soft..)" mc "{i} (So silky smooth.)" mc "{i} (Nice, soft and firm!)" mc "{i} (The definition of velvet skin!)" mc "{i} (On the body of a Fairy, I expected nothing less.. So soft to touch.)" mc "{i} (Let me turn her around and see her ass.)" scene 7scene8img13 mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (What a gorgeous ass.)" mc "{i} (And such fine legs..)" mc "{i} (Even with her underwear on, her ass looks AMAZING!)" mc "{i} (She's been killing me with that ass for a couple of days, walking around in tiny shorts..)" mc "{i} (Ever since I saw her in a Bikini the other day, I've had a thing for her ass..)" mc "{i} (Now it's time to see more..)" scene 7scene8img14 mc "{i} (WOW WOW WOW)" mc "{i} (Such a marvellous ass!)" mc "{i} (A nice Apple Bottom.)" mc "{i} (Looks like it's true.. All women in my [fmy] do have the gift of booty..)" mc "{i} (I can even see a little bit of her pretty pussy)" mc "{i} (I can't just look anymore..)" mc "{i} (I want to see what that ass feels like.)" scene 7scene8img15 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (Just like I thought it would feel.)" mc "{i} (Fine velvet...)" scene irisass1 animated with fade: "7scene8img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene8img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Let's taste this fine velvet ass..)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (Sooo good...)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what it tastes like inside!)" mc "{i} (What a beautiful rump!)" mc "{i} (Such a great tasting rump..)" mc "{i} (After all the action I already got today... I can't believe I'm rubbing against her fine Barbie Doll ass.)" mc "{i} (I wonder how tight her pussy is...)" mc "{i} (She must still be a Virgin..)" mc "{i} (She probably is..)" mc "{i} (My sweet, beautiful Fairy looking little [st].)" mc "{i} (I hope I get the chance to taste her Fairy Pussy someday..)" mc "{i} (And may be even her other hole..)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to fuck both her holes in this same position.)" mc "{i} (I love this prone bone position..)" mc "{i} (Someday I wish to ravish her insides with her lying just like this.)" mc "{i} (Aaarggghhh)" mc "{i} (That's it.. I can't hold it any longer..)" mc "{i} (Here it comes [st])" mc "{i} (Aaaaaargggghhhhhhh)" scene 7scene8img16 with vpunch scene 7scene8img16 with flash scene 7scene8img16 with vpunch scene 7scene8img16 with flash scene 7scene8img16 with vpunch scene 7scene8img16 with flash scene 7scene8img17 with dissolve pause scene 7scene8img18 mc "{i} (Aaaahh)" mc "{i} (That was wonderful.)" mc "{i} (She tastes great..)" mc "{i} (I hope to taste more of her soon.)" mc "{i} (Alright, that's enough action for today!)" mc "{i} (Let me put her Panty back on her and go to my room.)" scene 7scene8img1 mc "{i} (What an awesome day it's been.)" mc "{i} (A great day filled with a lot of lewd fun.)" mc "{i} (Alright I'm really tired now.)" mc "{i} (Let me get some sleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene tnd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (Yaaawwnnn)" mc "{i} (Looks like I've slept well into the morning again.)" mc "{i} (Well, another day, another dollar.)" mc "{i} (So to speak.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what adventures this day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} (Let's go find out.)" scene 7scene1img2 mc "{i} (Where is everybody?)" mc "{i} (Man I gotta stop sleeping in late like this...)" mc "{i} (I'm probably missing out on some sexy fun in the pool with the girls in the mornings.)" mc "{i} (I wonder how they all manage to wake up so early and go about their days.....)" mc "{i} (And I feel like it's still too early to wake up even at this time of the day.)" scene 7scene9img2a mc "{i} (Someone's texting me..)" mysc "Same spot... One hour..." mysc "Be there.." mysc "Don't make me wait." mc "{i} (Man, this douchebag again!)" mc "{i} (I gotta find a way to stop this guy from blackmailing me.)" mc "{i} (But for now, I gotta go meet him though.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene9img3 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "Hello asshole." mysc "So courteous..." mysc "You do realize I hold your life in the palm of my hand, right?" mc "Yeah, yeah, whatever." mc "What do you want now douchebag?" scene 7scene9img4 mysc "I have another job coming up in about 3 days." mysc "So you better keep your schedule wide open." mc "3 days?!" mc "And you called me here in person for something 3 days away?" mc "Can't you just have texted me the details?" mysc "No." mysc "This is about keeping you in compliance too." mysc "Showing you who's the boss." mysc "I call, you show up." mysc "Keeping you compliant." mc "Asshole, you keep this up and you're going to have the compliance of my Boot up your ass!" mc "Anyway, what is it this time?" scene 7scene9img5 mysc "I want you to plant some eqipment in a place I tell you to." mc "It better not be a bomb or something." mysc "No. No." mysc "Of course not.." mysc "I want you to just plant some equpiment at a very secure location..." mysc "And retrieve something of great value from said location..." mc "You mean steal something of great value from said location." mysc "Yeah... semantics.." mysc "Can you swim?" mc "Motherfucker, you better not be sending me on some dangerous underwater mission." mysc "Naah, you may not even need to swim, if you do it right.. But just in case.." mc "Yeah, I can swim." mysc "Good." scene 7scene9img3 mysc "That's all the details I'm giving you for now.." mysc "You know.. considering what happened the last time.." mysc "I think I'll only share details as you go along.. On a need to know basis." mc "Motherfucker, I did what you asked me to last time.." mc "If your intel was wrong, that's not my problem." mysc "Yeah.. I'm still gathering info to find out what exactly happened there." mysc "I will get to the bottom of it.. And if I find out you double crossed me.." mc "Yeah.. Whatever dude." mc "Can I go now?" mysc "You may." mysc "I will call you in 2 days with further details about the new job." mysc "Keep yourself free." mc "{i} (May be next time I come here, I'll try to plant a GPS Tracking chip on him. So I can find out where he lives.)" mc "Fine douchebag." mc "Later.." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene9img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" i "[mc], where were you?!!" i "I've been looking all over for you." mc "Wassup Iris?" mc "I was just out at a Cafe.. Grabbing some Coffee." i "Doesn't matter.." i "Come with me..." i "Now!" scene 7scene9img7 i "Mom, you come with me too.." mom "What?" mom "Where?" i "Doesn't matter." i "Come on, get up!" i "Chop chop." mom "Oookay..." scene 7scene9img8 i "You two, Go inside..." i "And you don't come out till you've got some work done." i "At least 20 Photos." mc "{i} (YESSS!)" mom "But Honey.." i "Ah. ah. ah.." i "No Buts.." i "Come on, get inside you two!" i "NOW" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene9img9 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mom "Well, here we are again.." mc "Hehehehe." mc "Yeah..." mc "Here we are... again..." mom "How do we keep ending up in situations like this? Haha." mom "She doesn't know that you and I are not 2 people to be locked in a room together and left by ourselves!" mom "Hahahahaha!" mc "I know, right?" scene 7scene9img10 mom "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Iris was trying to pimp me out to you. Hehehehe" mc "LOL [mom]." mc "That's right! Hahahaha" mom "Anyway, we're here now.. And I hope you can keep this professional." mom "Hope you will honor your promise." mc "Of course [mom].." mom "Good dear." mom "Anyhow, now that your Playtimes are on hold, I hope this can be a little something for you!)" mc "Hehehehe." mc "{i} (She seems to be in a much lighter mood today. But I should try not to make any adavances.. I don't want to make her mad.)" mom "Okay, wait here honey." mom "I'll be right back." scene 7scene9img11 pause mom "Are you ready for work baby?" mc "HOLLYYY MOLLLYYY!!" mc "WOOWWW!" mc "YOU LOOK SO STUNNING [mom]!" mc "JUST DROP DEAD SCINTILLATING!!" mc "WOWW!!" mom "Thanks dear.." mom "But I hope you can keep the compliments just verbal.." mc "Yeah.. yeah.. of course [mom]!" mc "{i} (Fuuuckkkk, this is going to be a long day...)" mc "{i} (How am I going to keep my hands to myself when I want to just grab her fuck her savagely 9 ways to sunday with her looking like THAT)" mom "Okay baby.. Let's begin!)" scene 7scene9img12 pause mc "Wooowww" mc "I love this pose [mom]." mc "You look so seductive!" mom "Yeah?" mc "Absolutely!" mc "Just mind blowing.." mc "{i} (Maan!! I'm in for a long night...)" mc "{i} (I JUST CAN'T STAND THIS LEVEL OF SEXINESS!)" mc "{i} (My cock is just RAGING WITH AN UNQUENCHABLE THIRST!)" mc "{i} (It just wants to do savage things to her right this instant.)" mc "{i} (It wants to maniacally RAVAGE her insides.)" mc "You're just perfect [mom]." mom "Thanks baby.." mom "Let's try one lying on the bed." scene 7scene9img12a pause mc "{i} (Maan,! this is just torture for my cock.)" mc "{i} (It feels like a beast bound in chains..)" mc "{i} (It just wants to be unleashed so it can ravenously, mercilessly feed on this Sex Goddess!)" mc "You look so mesmerizing [mom].." mc "I can't believe my eyes.." mc "So beautiful!" mc "Your face...." mom "{i} (I love how he's showering me with compliments.. My sweet boy.)" mom "{i} (I hope he can just keep them verbal like he promised.)" mom "Thank you so much honey.." mom "You are so sweet.." mc "I mean it [mom]." mc "Your beauty just has no equal." mom "Aaaawww" mc "These photos are coming out so great [mom]." mc "Iris is going to love these.." mom "Good." mom "Let's try one on the floor." scene 7scene9img13 pause mc "{i} (Oh! Please have some mercy!!)" mc "{i} (This is too much to bear..)" mc "{i} (Those legs!)" mc "{i} (That ass!)" mc "{i} (And she's on all fours...)" mc "{i} (Perfect to be taken from behind!)" mc "{i} (Penetrate her sooo deep..)" mc "{i} (Tear into her velvet pussy walls from behind..)" mc "{i} (The slaps of my hips against her thighs would wake the whole neighbourhood up if it were night.)" mc "I love this pose [mom].." mom "I'm sure you do honey..... Hehehe." mc "Hehe." mc "Was there a hint of double entendre in that?" mc "Let's try another pose love.." mom "{i} (Ooohh I want to be trying positions with you [mom]!....)" mom "{i} (But if poses are all I get for now, it's fine I guess.)" scene 7scene9img14 pause pause mc "{i} (MY GOODNESS!!)" mc "{i} (ARE MY EYES DECIEVING ME RIGHT NOW?)" mc "{i} (THAT'S THE FACE OF AN ANGEL!)" mc "{i} (THE FACE OF AN ABSOLUTE GODDESS IN EVERY SENSE!)" mc "{i} (Her expression....)" mc "{i} (Sooo sensual.. So enthralling!)" mc "[mom], I'm not at all trying to flatter you...)" mc "But you look soooo, so captivating right now!)" mc "I'm dumbfounded!)" mc "A beauty beyond comparison...." mc "Too good to be true.." mom "Aaaww.. My heart..." mom "You make me feel so special with words like that my love!" mc "And I'm saying those things in all honesty." mc "I have such a beautiful [mom]!" mom "Hehehe." mc "Well [mom], we've got a few pictures from the front.. Can we..." mc "Can we..." mom "Take some pics of my ass?" mc "Hehehe." mc "Well, if you want to put it like that.." mom "I though that's what you were implying honey.. Hehe" mom "Well, I've got the perfect piece of lingerie for that!" mc "YESSS!!" mom "Wait.. [mmy] will change into it and be right back." scene 7scene9img15 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "Honey....." mom "Did you say you wanted to see my ass?" mc "OH GOSH! YES [mom]!" mom "Do you promise to keep it in your pants?" mc "Yes [mom]." mc "Have I made any moves till now?" mom "I think I believe you sweetie..." mom "But this one is a bit too risque..." mc "YESSSS!!" mc "It's alright [mom]... You can trust me." mc "I'll be a professional." mom "Good." scene 7scene9img16 pause mom "Here you go" mc "............" mc ".........." mc "{i} (OH PLEASE JUST THROW ME IN A DUNGEON NOW!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS WORSE THAN TORTURE!)" mc "THERE'S NO CLOTHING THERE!" mc "It's all out in the open!" mc "Why is she doing this to me?" mc "She's killing me with her sexiness!" mc "This is unbearable." mc "[dad] is such a lucky guy!)" mc "What a Goddess he has got for a wife." mc "But for everyone else that looks at her.. this is painful..." mc "She is so pain inducingly beautiful." mc "Just what an ass!!" mc "Your ass looks splendid in this [mom]." mom "Thanks honey.." mom "But I think that's enough pics in this Lingerie!" mom "Let me go change, or, things could get risky." mc "But [mom]!! We barely took any in this." mc "At least let's take just one more pic in this." mom "Okay honey. Just one more." scene 7scene9img17 pause mc "{i} (What an apple booty!)" mc "{i} (And that Lingerie just amplifies the sex appeal of that big booty.)" mc "{i} (Someday, I want to fuck her ass hardcore while she's wearing that.)" mc "{i} (With her standing just like that!)" mc "{i} (I'd reach and grab her breasts so tight from behind...)" mc "{i} (Have standing anal sex with her!)" mc "{i} (Plunging my hard cock brutally into her ass with every stroke!)" mc "{i} (Then put her against a wall standing..)" mc "{i} (And fuck away at her ass with extreme brutality.)" mom "Did you get enough shots honey?" mc "Yes [mom]." mom "Okay good." mom "Let me go change into something else." mom "Be right back." scene 7scene9img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "WOW. WOW. WOW.!" mc "This is amazing [mom]!" mc "It's been a long time dream of mine to see you in full Lingerie with sexy Stockings and Garter Belts." mom "Oh yeah?" mom "How do you like it?" mc "Seeing you in it... WOW!!" mc "Exceeds my expectations a thousand fold.)" mc "You look outright ravishing in it!" mc "I have some ideas [mom]..." mc "Shall we take some proper Boudoir shots in it? You know..." mc "Playing with the Bra straps etc." mom "I think I know what you mean honey." mom "Sure, let's take some!" mom "Let me get on the Bed." scene 7scene9img19 pause mc "OH MY GOODNESS!!!" mc "THIS IS JUST PERFECT [mom]!!!" mc "{i} (Her Bra Straps are down!)" mc "{i} (SO SEXY)" mc "{i} (There's something about seeing a woman in Lingerie...)" mc "{i} (So erotic)" mc "{i} (And when it's [ym] you're seeing in Lingerie...)" mc "{i} (That just multiplies the intensity a thousand times over.)" mc "{i} (This is every boy's dream!)" mc "{i} (Getting to see [ym] in sexy, see-through Lingerie!)" mc "{i} (I'm all sorts of horny and aroused)" mc "These shorts are coming out great [mom]." mc "Loving these." mom "Let's take some shots of the back love..." mc "How about... how about with the Bra unhooked in the back?" mom "Well........" mom "Okay." mc "YES!!!" scene 7scene9img20 pause mc "{i} (Ooooohhhhh this is so mindblowingly erotic!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm taking photos of [mm] in sexy Lingerie!)" mc "{i} (I'm actually in an erotic Photoshoot with [mm]!)" mc "{i} (Is this even real?!!)" mc "{i} (I have to pinch myself. I can't believe this!)" mc "{i} (What a sensuous, erotic moment between us.)" mc "{i} (Would be a great way to end this Photoshoot with some hardcore fucking!)" mc "{i} (I hope one day I get to.)" mc "[mom]... I'm only asking this from an artistic perspective...." mc "How about we take some with a little bit of breasts exposed?" mom "From an artistic perspective! Yeah right! Hehehehe.)" mom "No way love." mc "Please [mom], I think they'd turn out great...." mom "Is this a Photoshoot session to practice for work, or is this for your own pleasure honey?)" mc "Well...." mc "Think about it... If I can get a release this way... I won't have to make any moves on you..)" mom "You do have a point there love." mom "But... I don't know..." mc "I promise I won't touch [mom]..." mc "I'll behave, I swear!" mc "I made a promise to you yesterday, and I mean to keep it..." mc "I won't try anything.. I swear." mom "Well.... Okayy..." mom "But how much breasts exposed, exactly?" mc "How about, the Nipples visible?" mom "Oh that's too much honey." mc "Please... You will look stunning in the pictures." mom "Okay... But keep your hands to yourself." scene 7scene9img21 pause pause mc "OH MY GOSHH!!!" mc "YESSSSSS!!!" mc "YESSSS!!!" mc "YOU LOOOK SOOOO..." mc "SOOO SEXY [mom]" mc "SO SEDUCTIVE!" mc "SO SULTRY!" mc "SO ENTICING!!" mc "YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL BREASTS JUST HANGING THERE... BARELY HELD BY YOUR SUPER SEXY BRA!)" mc "YOU ARE THE MOST PERFECT WOMAN IN THE WORLD [mom]!" mom "Oh my, my!" mom "That was such a big stream of compliments.." mc "And I meant every word of it.." mom "Thank you love.." mom "Glad you like this old woman so much." mom "{i} (That is sweet of him.)" mom "{i} (He makes me feel like I'm from another Planet with his praises.)" mom "{i} (My sweet, lovely boy.)" mc "The pics are great [mom].." mc "How about some with the Bra off?" mom "HONEY!!" mc "You don't have to show your breasts completely..." mc "You can have your arm across, that's fine..." mom "{i} (Should I take my Bra off and pose for him?)" mom "{i} (Well... He's being so sweet after all...)" mom "Okay love. Just a few shots, okay." mc "YES!!!" scene 7scene9img22 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "YES! YES! YES!" mc "Thank you so much [mom]!" mc "Your breasts have no parallel." mc "Hands down, they're the best in the world..." mom "You're speaking as if you've seen a lot of breasts sweetie... Hehehe." mc "Well, I've seen yours.... And that's enough for me!" mc "No other set of breasts will ever be enough for me.." mom "Hehehehe." mom "I'm not sure what your future wife will have to say about that honey." mc "Haha." mc "You look so stellar [mom]!" mc "And the expression on your face... So sultry." mom "{i} (Gosh, even my husband hasn't been so all praises for me when I dress for him in Lingerie..)" mom "{i} (He makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine with his praises.)" mom "{i} (My little munchkin!)" mc "Got some nice shots of your lovely breasts...." mc "Now how about some of your ass [mom]?" mom "Sure love." mc "But... but with the Panties off...." mom "Baby..." mc "Please [mom]..." mom "Well, you have honored your promise so far..." mom "So, okay... But just this one time!" scene 7scene9img23 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "YES! YES!" mc "Thank you [mom]!" mc "You've got such a sexy back!" mc "Good you left the Garter belts on... Your ass looks even more stunning!" mom "Hehe." mc "Glad you like [mmy]'s ass so much sweetie." mc "Like it?" mc "I absoutely LOVE IT." mc "There should be monuments built for this!" mom "Hahahaha" mc "{i} (Her bare ass is in plain view for me!)" mc "{i} (Her gorgeous ass unclothed for my eyes to gaze upon!)" mc "{i} (My Goddess' ass!)" mc "Can I take some close ups of your ass [mom]?" mom "Sure honey." mom "Go ahead.." mc "YESS!" scene 7scene9img24 pause mc "{i} (WHAT A BIG FAT JUICY ASS!)" mc "{i} (I'D LOVE TO TAKE A BITE OUT OF THAT BIG JUICY ASS!)" mc "{i} (OH MY!)" mc "I can't believe you're really allowing this [mom].. Thank you." mom "Well.." mom "I know I'm being harsh on you honey.. putting your playtimes on hold." mom "But if looking is all you can do...." mom "I feel it's only fair I should allow that at least..." mc "Thanks mom" mc "Thank you so much!" mc "Your ass looks perfect in these close ups [mom]." mc "I can even see your pussy!" mom "I know.." mom "And that is why you should delete this pic later." mc "Delete it?" mc "No way! This is going straight to my.... You know.." mom "Hehehehe." mom "Then you should password protect it." mc "Sure [mom]." mom "Actually... NO." mom "Delete it honey..." mom "We can't risk anyone seeing it." mom "Too dangerous." mc "Sure [mom]." mc "Okay [mom], I've got enough shots of your great ass, now how about some close ups of the breasts?" scene 7scene9img25 pause mom "Here you go" mc "WOW!" mc "You are the best [mom]" mc "You breasts are just...." mc "Mmmmmmmm" mc "So YUMMY!" mc "So deliciouse" mc "So MILKY!" mc "I can't believe I used to drink from those" mom "Hehehehe." mc "{i} (Gosh, she's killing me with that expression!)" mc "{i} (And with those big, soft, milky breasts exposed like that...)" mc "{i} (I just want to ravish her right here on this Bed!)" mc "{i} (What a woman!)" mom "Well, I think that's enough Photos for today love." mc "Okay [mom]." mom "Let me put my Bra and Panty back on." scene 7scene9img26 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mom "That was some good work today love." mom "We got a lot done." mc "Yeah [mom]." mom "Did you enjoy it?" mc "Thoroughly!" mom "Good." mom "Show those pics to Iris..." mom "But please delete the NSFW ones." mc "Sure [mom]." mom "That was a great first session." mom "Great way to start." mc "Yeah [mom].." mc "I can't wait for the next one!" mom "Let's do it tomorrow.." mc "Really?" mom "Yeah. I think you need some practice shooting outdoors, in the natural light." mc "Awesome [mom]!" mom "Great.. Tomorrow then." mom "I think I'll leave you to it now.." mom "I think you need to.. to..." mom "..." mom "Relieve yourself!" mc "Hehehehe. True dat." mc "Alright [mom]... Later." mom "Bye love." scene 6scene8img3 mc "{i} (Man!! THAT WAS AWESOME!)" mc "{i} (What a thrill!)" mc "{i} (A sexy Photoshoot with [mm]!)" mc "{i} (That was incredible)" mc "{i} (Time to go to my room.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to blow such huge loads now when I jerk off to her pics.)" scene 7scene9img27 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "Hey [mc]" mc "Hey Jasmine.." j "I looked for you... But you weren't here." j "I was just doing my yoga here on your Balcony." j "Just wrapped up my session." mc "{i} (Man, looks like I missed the show!)" mc "{i} (But it don't matter.. I was getting an awesome erotic show upstairs with [mom])" mc "That's cool Jas." mc "You can practice here anytime you want.." j "Great." mc "Do you want to hang out for a while?" j "You know what? We haven't got the chance to spend some quality time together since I got here.." j "I need to go take a shower now..." j "But how about we go out for Dinner tonight?" mc "Yeah." mc "That sounds wonderful." j "Great. Let's go to a nice Restaurant." j "Alright [mc]. See you tonight." mc "Bye." scene 6scene7img19 mc "Great." mc "Dinner with Jasmine tonight then." mc "Well, now it's time to jerk off and take a short nap." stop music fadeout 2 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene10img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" j "And that is how she fell on her rump and broke the Ice.. Showboating!" j "Showboating while skating on thin Ice." mc "LMAO.. That's hilarious!" mc "Thanks for choosing this Restaurant for Dinner Jasmine." mc "I love the food here!" mc "Their Tempura is the bomb!" mc "How did you know I like this Restaurant?" scene 7scene10img2 j "You think I don't know the likes and dislikes of my little [br]?" j "I may live far from you now, but I know everything about you [mc]." mc "That is sweet Jasmine." j "Your favorite Dessert here is Dorayaki, am I right?" mc "WOW! You do know me well Jas." mc "I love me some Dorayaki." j "Let's order loads of them for Takeaway too." scene 7scene10img1 j "You know, Aunt Eliza is in town.." j "Have you met her yet?" mc "Yeah.." mc "Just the other day at the Club.. With [mom]." j "We should go visit her sometime.." mc "Absolutely." mc "Ella and I were just talking about that yesterday." j "Nice." j "Mind if I join you guys?" mc "Please do.. Let's go, the three of us.." mc "And if they're free.. Let's take the little troublemakers too... Iris and Candice." scene 7scene10img2 j "Hahaha." j "Really?" j "You're calling them troublemakers?" j "Do you know how much of a troublemaker you were when you were young?" mc "A little bit." j "You were a massive troublemaker [mc]." j "Do you know how many of my toys you've broken when we were kids?" j "How many times you sent me over the edge.. And how many times a day I had to run to Mom to complain about you." mc "Hehehe." j "A troublemaker of the first order, I tell you." j "But yeah... Candice and Iris are the troublemakers now. Hehe." j "Acting like children even at their age.. Pulling pranks on everyone." mc "Those two have become a dangerous duo I tell ya." mc "Partners in crime.. Always up to some mischief." j "Hehehe." scene 7scene10img1 j "You've changed a lot [mc]." mc "How?" j "Well, you've gotten more polite.. More courteous." j "You held the Door open for me when I got in and out of the Car.." j "You pulled out the chair and held it for me to sit at this table.." j "You've become quite a Gentleman." mc "I like to fancy I am one." mc "Hehehe." mc "Besides, a fine lady like you deserves to be treated with the utmost courtesy." j "Aaaah. Hehehe." scene 7scene10img2 j "I'm glad you didn't bring your new Yellow Car though." j "Why do you drive that thing anyway?" mc "What?" mc "My Car?" j "Yeah. That Monstrosity." mc "Hey, that's a classic." mc "I like it." mc "I think it shows good taste." j "But how much Gas does it guzzle?" mc "{i} (There she goes... Always the responsible one.)" mc "{i} (Wants everyone to do everything by the books.)" j "I'm not saying to never drive it.." j "Drive it once in a while if you like.." j "But for regular commute, use an eco friendly Car." mc "Sure [st]." scene 7scene10img3 j "So, you're Mom's new Photographer, huh?" mc "Yeah." j "I'm so happy she's returning to Modeling." mc "Me too.. Isn't that great?" j "Totally!" j "She's going to be on all the Magazine covers and Billboards soon." j "I'm happy for her." mc "Me too." scene 7scene10img1 j "So, have you given any thought to what you want to do after College?" mc "Not really." j "You should start thinking about it [mc]." j "This is the right time.." mc "I haven't decided what I want to do yet." mc "May be I'll apply for an internship at your firm..." mc "Or, get into the [fmy] business... I don't know?" j "What?!" j "NO." j "I don't want the Mafia life for you [mc]." j "You should do something important with your life." j "So no [fmy] business." scene 7scene10img3 j "There's a reason Dad keeps us far from all that you know.." j "Besides, you're not really cut out for that life." j "Not all of us are born tough as nails like Ella you see." mc "What? Are you questioning my toughness? Hehehe" mc "I'm just as tough as Ella you know.." j "Really?" mc "Yeah. You're right.. Ella is just a different breed altogether." j "I want you to be a man of intellect." j "Choose a career that does something good for the world." mc "I'll start thinking about it Jasmine." mc "Can I ask you something?" j "Sure." mc "I hear you're having some problems in your marriage..." j "Oh, you heard about that, huh?" j "Yeah. You heard right." mc "But I thought your husband was a nice man." mc "You've often said that he was your soulmate." j "Yeah.. But even soulmates have some disagreements [mc]." j "And then things go sour." mc "Do you want me to talk to him?" j "And what would you say to him?" mc "I'll politely ask him to treat my big [st] right." mc "And if he doesn't listen, I'll try another approach." j "That's really sweet [mc]." j "But you don't have to get all up in arms over this. It's just a little misunderstanding between husband and wife." j "We'll work it out." j "But thank you for your concern." j "That's really sweet." j "It's getting late [mc], shall we get going?" mc "Sure." scene 7scene10img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "The food was great." j "We should come back here soon.." mc "Most definitely." mc "{i} (Gosh! She looks so beautiful in the bright night lights.)" mc "{i} (What a beauty!)" j "Do you remember when I used to take you for rides in my bicycle at evenings when we were little?" mc "Vividly." mc "Those were great times." j "You used to hold on to me so tightly." j "You were so scared to sit on a bicycle." mc "Was I?" mc "I don't seem to recall that part." j "You totally were!" j "I used to buy you Ice creams every time just for coming with me." mc "Care to buy me an Ice Cream now?" j "Not at this time of the night." j "And I've got too many Dorayaki takeouts for you anyway." mc "Hehe. Thanks." scene 7scene10img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) j "That was wonderful" j "Thanks for a great night [mc]." j "I had such a wonderful time." mc "Me too [st]." mc "Glad we spent some quality time together." j "Well, I think I'm going to go take a bath now." j "It's getting late.. So you better get to bed." j "I'm going to put the Dorayakis in the fridge. You can eat them in the morning." j "You've had too many for now as it is." mc "Sure. Good night." j "Sweet dreams sweetie." scene 6scene6img18 mc "{i} (Good day today..)" mc "{i} (A super erotic Photoshoot with [mom] in the afternoon.)" mc "{i} (Followed by a nice relaxing Dinner with Jasmine.)" mc "{i} (Glad I got to spend quality time with her after all this while.)" mc "{i} (She looked so beautiful tonight.)" mc "{i} (She looked great in that dress.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what she looks like without it!)" mc "{i} (Wait....)" mc "{i} (Did she say she was going to go take a bath?)" mc "{i} (I guess I can find out...)" mc "{i} (And her bathroom door does have some air vents at the bottom.)" mc "{i} (Let me go to her room.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene10img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (Aah. Just in time.)" mc "{i} (Looks like the show's just about to begin.)" mc "{i} (She's in her underwear!)" mc "{i} (Nice!)" mc "{i} (She's always had fine long legs.)" mc "{i} (I hope I can see more of her tonight.)" mc "{i} (Can't wait to see her undress.)" scene 7scene10img8 mc "{i} (Yes! Looks like the real fun is about to begin now.)" mc "{i} (Thank goodness for Doors that come with air vents at the bottom.)" mc "{i} (Perfect for some voyeur fun!)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy in her underwear)" mc "{i} (But I hope they come off soon.)" mc "{i} (I soo want to see her naked.)" scene 7scene10img9 mc "{i} (YES! YES!)" mc "{i} (She's unhooking her Bra!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to see my big [st]'s tits!)" mc "{i} (Come on sis. Get your tatas out.)" mc "{i} (Show them to me!)" mc "{i} (Take off your Bra for your little [br]'s hungry eyes!)" scene 7scene10img10 mc "{i} (OH WOW!!)" mc "{i} (They look soo good!)" mc "{i} (She looks stunning topless!)" mc "{i} (What a sexy body!)" mc "{i} (What a sexy face!)" mc "{i} (Now take off those Panties sis.)" mc "{i} (Please take them off!)" scene 7scene10img11 mc "{i} (YES!!!)" mc "{i} (They're off)" mc "{i} (She's completely naked.)" mc "{i} (What an ass)" mc "{i} (And now that I've seen her ass too....)" mc "{i} (I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that all women in my [fmy] have the gift of booty!)" mc "{i} (Not counting Candice in this cause I can't think of her sexually just yet.)" mc "{i} (But damn!)" mc "{i} (What an ass on Jasmine)" mc "{i} (Nice)" scene 7scene10img12 mc "{i} (Hmmmmm)" mc "{i} (What is she thinking about?)" mc "{i} (Gosh, what a body!)" mc "{i} (Tall and slim...)" mc "{i} (With just the right amount of meat in all the places.)" mc "{i} (She's got a little hair down there..)" mc "{i} (I like that.)" scene 7scene10img13 mc "{i} (HOLLY MOLLLLYY!!)" mc "{i} (What the!!)" mc "{i} (She's touching herself!!)" scene jassolo animated with fade: "7scene10img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene10img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (WOOOOOWWW)" mc "{i} (My uptight big [st] isn't such a goody two shoes after all!)" mc "{i} (She's a little naughty too when she's alone.)" mc "{i} (She's giving herself a nice rub!)" mc "{i} (And she looks so sexy doing it!)" mc "{i} (Her facial expressions are driving me crazy)" mc "{i} (Makes me want to go help her out!)" mc "{i} (I'm sorely tempted to just walk in!)" mc "{i} (Grab her by the waist..)" mc "{i} (And stick my fingers in her.)" mc "{i} (She's rubbing her clit!)" mc "{i} (You don't need to be doing this by yourself [st])" mc "{i} (Little [br] can help you out!)" scene jassolo2 animated with fade: "7scene10img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene10img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (I am sooo horny! This is insane!)" mc "{i} (She's fucking herself with her fingers.)" mc "{i} (Why can't I be the one fucking her right now?)" mc "{i} (Sure she's in the mood...)" mc "{i} (Why can't I give her the real thing?)" mc "{i} (Maan, I'm tempted beyond control!)" mc "{i} (I sooo want to walk in right now..)" mc "{i} (I wonder how she'd react if I did.)" mc "{i} (She's probably freak out.)" mc "{i} (Or... she'd let me take her.)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to be in there with her now.)" mc "{i} (Her legs wide open!)" mc "{i} (Stick my Monster in her in that same position)" mc "{i} (And fuck her senseless!)" mc "{i} (Hugging her so tightly!)" mc "{i} (Then, push her to the floor...)" mc "{i} (And give her a brutal, heavy duty pounding in missionary!)" mc "{i} (Mmmmmmmmm)" scene jassolo3 animated with fade: "7scene10img15" with dissolve pause 0.4 "7scene10img16" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mc "{i} (She's going so fast now!)" mc "{i} (Think she's getting close.)" mc "{i} (I think she's about to cum.)" j "AAaaahhhhh" j "Aaah.... aah." scene 7scene10img17 with vpunch scene 7scene10img17 with flash scene 7scene10img17 with vpunch scene 7scene10img17 with flash scene 7scene10img17 with vpunch scene 7scene10img17 with flash scene 7scene10img17 with dissolve j "Aaaaahhhh yesssss!!" mc "{i} (Maan! That was intense!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I just watched my big [st] pleasure herself!)" mc "{i} (Now let me get out of here before she comes to her senses and realizes someone's watching her through the air vents.)" scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Wooww)" mc "{i} (That was amazing.)" mc "{i} (So erotic watching Jasmine pleasuring herself like that.)" mc "{i} (I hope I can pleasure her someday soon.)" mc "{i} (With my cock)." mc "{i} (Haa I'm tired now.)" mc "{i} (Time to sleep.)" mc "{i} (Outdoor Photoshoot with [mom] tomorrow.)" mc "{i} (Let me get some good rest for now.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene tnd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (Yaaawnnn)" mc "{i} (Yet again, I've slept well into the morning.)" mc "{i} (Well, a new day..)" mc "{i} (New opportunities....)" mc "{i} (There's outdoor Photoshoot with [mom] today..)" mc "{i} (I wonder what sorts of lewd fun this day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} (Let's go find out.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene11img1 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" asc "Good morning sleepy head." mc "Hey [asc], Good Morning!" mc "Or.. afternoon." mc "Where is everybody?" asc "Everyone's out [mc].." asc "How come you're not out with the girls?" asc "I woke up late... and I have a hangover! Didn't feel like stepping out." mc "Has there been one morning you haven't had a hangover since you got here? Hehehehe." asc "None that I can remember haha." mc "Well, I'm glad you're here with us [asc]" mc "Otherwise, [mom] would be keeping everything strict. Wouldn't have allowed a lot of fun." asc "Yeah, she's always been that way... doesn't know how to have fun." asc "But as long as I'm here.. It'll always be a party!" mc "Damn straight." asc "[ym] asked me to tell you to be ready by 11 o clock.. For you guys' Photoshoot session." mc "Oh yeah, we're doing an outdoor Photoshoot today." asc "Nice. Have fun... If work is fun for you that is." mc "It is fun.. I think I might seriously consider becoming a Fashion Photographer." asc "So you can stare at girls' booties all day, right?" mc "Hehehehe." mc "Well, that's a bonus!" asc "Yeah, right. Haha." mc "How come you didn't get into Modeling [asc]?" mc "You could've easily been a Top Supermodel if you wanted to." asc "Aah that's too much work [mc]." mc "Wait, Modeling is too much work for you?" asc "I've got a husband who gives me tonnes of money to spend [mc], why would I need to work? Hehe." mc "You got a point." mc "Oh, it's almost 11 o clock.. Damn, I gotta stop waking up late." asc "You better go get ready.. [ym] and Candice will be returning any minute now." mc "Yeah.. I better go get ready." mc "See you later [asc]." asc "Bye." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene11img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mom "Did we really have to drive 100s of miles to find a Farm?" mc "Do you know how hard it is to find a Farm that offers some sort of privacy?" mc "Most Farm workers never take days off. They're always on the Farm." mom "I know that.." mom "But why did you want one with privacy?" mc "You know.. we're doing a Photoshoot..." mc "And I didn't want any distractions because of Farm workers staring n stuff.." mom "Really?" mom "That's the reason you wanted one with privacy? Hehe" mc "Hahaha." mom "Well, I'm glad we got to rent this one for the day so we can get some work done." mom "Alright [mc], I'm going to go change in that Barn." mc "Yeah sure [mom]." mom "And don't come peeking, okay?" mc "Hehehe. I won't." scene 7scene11img5 mc "{i} (It's good being out in the open.)" mc "{i} (Been ages since I've been on a farm.)" mc "{i} (Glad the workers on this Farm have taken a day off and rented this out to us..)" mc "{i} (A big space... No one around... May be I can try somethings!)" mc "{i} (But what if she gets mad?)" mc "{i} (Damn, I don't want to do something stupid and jeopordize any chances of ever turning things sexual with her.)" mc "{i} (Well, let's just see how today goes..)" mc "{i} (Something's bound to happen.)" mc "{i} (Can't wait to see [mom] in some sexy outfits again...)" mc "{i} (It's going to be a fun Photoshoot.)" scene 7scene11img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "What do you think honey?" mc "WOW [mom]!" mc "You look like a proper Country Woman!" mc "Stand just like that.." mc "Let me get some shots." mc "Nice..." mc "You look so Hot in this outfit." mom "Thanks baby." mc "Now let's try some poses." scene 7scene11img7 with dissolve mc "{i} (WOW!! Those curves!)" mc "You look super sexy in those shorts [mom]!" mc "I rarely ever get to see you wearing shorts." mom "That's cause I almost never wear them honey." mc "Well you should!!" mc "You look so damn Hot in them." mc "Let's try some other poses." scene 7scene11img8 pause mc "Damn!" mc "You're killing me with these poses [mom]!" mc "And those expressions!" mc "You have no idea how hard it is to try and not touch your beautiful butt right now" mom "Hehe." mom "Well, you better not try anything stupid.. Or I'll stop the whole thing!" mc "No. No. No need for that." mc "I'm a Professional." mc "I'll keep my reserve." mom "Good." mc "Let's try some standing [mom]." scene 7scene11img9 mc "{i} (Oooooh those curves are irresistable.)" mc "{i} (You are sooo good [mom].)" mc "{i} (Soon, you're going to be on the covers of all the Top Magazines.)" mom "I doubt that honey.." mom "Which Fashion Magazine would want an old lady on it's cover?" mc "Are you kidding me [mom]?!!" mc "You are so HOT, Magazine editors are going to be lining up trying to get you on their covers!" mc "You just wait and watch." mom "Sure love. Haha." mc "Can I take some shots of that ass?" mom "Hehe." mom "That ass!" mom "That's how you refer to [ym]'s Buttocks? Hehe." mc "Sorry. Got carried away. Haha." mom "Okay. Go on.. You can take some." scene 7scene11img10 pause mc "{i} (Holy fuck!)" mc "{i} (An ass that can drive any man crazy!)" mc "{i} (Built to seduce!)" mc "{i} (I can even see a bit of underboob from here.)" mc "{i} (She's not wearing a Bra underneath.)" mc "{i} (Nice!)" scene 7scene11img11 pause mc "{i} (Let's get some more shots of that sexy ass!)" mc "{i} (So juicy!)" mc "{i} (So THICC)" mc "{i} (An ass chiseled from the treasures of Mt. Olympus!)" mc "{i} (By the hands of Aphrodite herself...)" mc "{i} (If Aphrodite did anything other than having sex all the time that is.)" mom "Did you get enough pics of my ass?" mc "Oh yes [mom]!" mom "Okay. Let's try some other poses." scene 7scene11img12 mc "{i} (Aaaaah)" mc "{i} (That expression!)" mc "{i} (That's soo sexual)" mc "{i} (Her breasts sticking out to the front like that!)" mc "{i} (So arousing)" mc "{i} (It's driving me nuts! I want to touch her!)" mc "{i} (Let me try something.. See if it works.)" scene 7scene11img13 mom "How are the photos turning out honey?" mc "These shots are coming out great [mom]" mc "They'll look even more stunning after some editing." mc "Not that they need any." mc "[mom], can we, can we try some close ups from the top with you on the ground?" mom "No way!" mom "You'd have to get on top of me for that!" mom "You've been watching Fashion Photography videos, haven't you?" mc "Actually.. yeah.. But I've also seen how Photos taken like that turn out!" mc "They look AMAZING [mom]! And you'll look so great in them." mc "Can we please try them? I won't try anything stupid, I promise." mom "Well... okay.." mc "Yess" scene 7scene11img15 mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!!)" mc "{i} (This is the closest I've gotten to her physically in what feels like forever!)" mc "{i} (I could blow a massive load on her right now because of the excitement!)" mc "{i} (If I did, some would even get in her mouth. Hehe)" mc "This is great [mom]" mc "You're going to love these pics" mc "Face to the front please..." scene 7scene11img16 mc "Awesome." mc "Sexy sexy" mom "I still can't get used to calling me sexy. Hehe." mom "It feels so weird." mom "[ms] calling me sexy! Haha." mc "I'm just being honest. Hehe." mc "Loving this [mom]. Great shots." mc "{i} (Okay, I'm too aroused now...)" mc "{i} (Let me see if I can take things forward.. Let me try something!)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene11img17 play music "sounds/march_spoons.mp3" mom "Huuuhh!!" mom "What do you thing you're doing?" mc "Just adjusting your top [mom]..." mc "It was a little off..." mc "The wind blew it, I think..." mom "Ooookayy.. But why's your hand still there?" mc "Oh! Right! Hehe" mom "Get back to taking pics dear." scene 7scene11img16 mc "Loving these shots [mom]" mc "Iris is going to love these Photos.." mc "{i} (Damn! Looks like she's serious about the whole no more play time thing!)" mc "Awesome shots." mom "I think that's enough in this pose love." scene 7scene11img13 mom "Did you get enough Photos like that?" mc "Yes." mc "And they're great." mom "What do you think we should try next?" mc "Wel...." mc "Since you're asking..." mc "How about some naked pics?" mom "NAKED?!!" mom "NO WAY!" mc "Please [mom]..." mc "This will actually benefit us both.." mc "You know... I'll get some pics to.. to relieve myself when I'm... you know.." mc "And for you... that means I won't be trying stupid stuff at home and risk people finding out about our.." mom "But I'm not posing naked for you!" mc "If not naked..." mc "At least topless?" mom "No." mc "Come on [mom]... Please..." mc "This will help me a great deal... These pics will keep my boners in check when we're home." mc "That means I won't have to try and make any moves on you." mom "And you can relax when we're home without having to worry about me trying anything stupid while the girls are there." scene 7scene11img14 mom "Now this why you wanted to rent a Farm with no workers on it, didn't you?" mom "You sneaky Wolf. You've been planning this!" mom "Haven't you?" mc "Well... Sort of" mc "But don't you think it makes sense?" mom "Well, you do have a point there!" mom "But..." mc "Come on [mom]. It's good for both of us." mom "Well" mom "Okay.." mom "But not here out in the open." mom "Let's find some place that's a little more secluded." mc "YESS! Thanks [mom]" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene11img18 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mom "Okay. You can take those pics here." mom "The Crops should cover us." mc "There's nobody on the Farm [mom]" mom "I know." mom "But I don't want to take any chances." mom "This place should cover us enough." mom "But I'm not posing completely naked... It's either the Top off, or the Shorts off." mc "Shorts! Shorts off.... First." mom "You cheeky boy." scene 7scene11img19 mom "Here you go." mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!!)" mc "That is some legendary booty [mom]." mom "Hahaha." mc "You know.. This Country Girl outfit suits you well..." mom "I'm half naked honey." mc "You know what I mean..." mc "It's nice being on the Countryside.." mc "How would you find country life?" mom "Are you taking pics or planning a life on the Contryside?" mc "Both!" mom "You're just making conversation so you can milk this, aren't you?" mom "To stall me from putting my clothes back on!" mc "Hehe. You got me." mc "{i} (This is so HOT! [mm] posing for me without her shorts on, and making conversation at the same time.)" scene 7scene11img20 mom "Take some like this." mc "Thanks [mom]! This is AWESOME!" mc "{i} (Damn!!)" mc "{i} (That booty was definitely chiseled from the treasures of Mt. Olympus." mc "{i} (The booty of a Goddess.)" mc "{i} (I sooo want to penetrate her from behind right now.)" mc "{i} (Fuck her ass like a deranged maniac!)" mc "{i} (Tear that ass up!)" mc "{i} (How about some Topless shots [mom]?" mom "{i} (Okay! But I'm putting my shorts back on.)" scene 7scene11img21 mc "Oh come on [mom]!" mc "Why are you covering the girls?" mom "Well... If I remember correctly..." mom "I seem to recall you putting your mouth on them every time they've been out in front of you recently." mc "I won't do any of that this time." mc "I swear.." mc "Please.. Just show me your girls." mom "Hehe." scene 7scene11img22 mom "Here you go." mc "{i} (OOOhh I am all sorts of horny right now!)" mc "{i} (Those big Fuckable breasts are driving me crazy)" mc "{i} (The strength it's taking to keep me from pushing her to the ground and ruthlessly fuck those tits!!)" mc "{i} (Man, the struggle is real here.)" mc "{i} (Such Massive Melons!)" mc "{i} (Made for milking cocks!)" mc "{i} (Those breasts can milk truck loads off my cock every time!)" scene 7scene11img23 pause mom "How are you liking these shots honey?" mc "I'm LOVING them [mom]." mc "Too bad I can't touch." mom "Haha." mc "You've got the most perfect breasts in the whole world [mom]" mom "Thanks love." mc "Wish you'd let me drink from them again." mom "Not a chance sweetheart. Haha." mc "{i} (Gosh, she's killing me with that sexy body..)" mc "{i} (Only those tiny shorts on, and the rest of her body out in the open!)" mc "{i} (This is driving me insane!)" mom "I think that's enough Photos for today love.. Things might get a little riskier if we keep at it" mc "Okay [mom]." scene 7scene11img24 pause mom "We got some work done today, huh?" mc "Yes. We took lots of pics..." mom "Both professional ones and the ones for your personal activities." mc "Haha. Yes." mc "{i} (I can't believe [mm] is standing Topless in front of me and talking to me like it's normal.)" mc "{i} (What a moment!)" mc "{i} (How far we've come in our relationship!)" mom "Alright honey. That's enough work for today.." mom "Let's go grab some drinks and leave." mc "Good idea.." mc "I could use some drinks... I saw an interesting Bar around here.." mc "Let's go get some drinks there." mom "Great." mom "Let me put a Dress back on." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene12img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" pause mc "This place looks awesome." mc "Let's have our drinks here." mom "Are you sure honey?" mc "Yeah." mc "Why not?" mom "I don't know..." scene 7scene12img2a mom "This place looks like the Wild Wild West.." mom "Look at it.." mom "Looks dangerous." mc "Hahahaha." scene 7scene12img2 mc "Wild Wild West! Haha." mc "That's why I love it." mc "Look at this place it's awesome!" mc "It's so cool." scene 7scene12img1 mom "Are you sure baby?" mc "It's hard to find places that look old school Western like this [mom]" mc "I'm so glad we found this place.." mc "Let's go in. Come on.." mc "You'll like it." mom "Okay." scene 7scene12img3 mom "This place isn't so bad after all." mom "It's actually nice." mc "See.. I told you." mom "Haa. Nice way to wind down after some work." mc "{i} (I can think of a better way...)" mc "{i} (One that ends with me Creampieing her!)" mc "You know [mom]... It is a very long drive back home..." mc "And seeing as you like this place too... You know, given how it's got a unique Wild West look to it.." mc "Why don't we stay here today?" mc "I think I saw an old fashioned Hotel outside.. Will be a unique experience" scene 7scene12img4 mom "Hahaha. Really?" mom "I know what you're planning [mc].." mom "Not going to happen.. Hehehe." mc "Damn!" mc "Worth a shot. Haha." mc "Anyway, I've had a great day so far..." mc "Got some work done.." mc "Saw you without clothes on... Good day!" mom "Stop. Haha." mc "Nice being on the Countryside, isn't it?" mom "Absolutely." mc "Do you remember how we all used to go stay for a week at some Farm Stays when I was a kid?" scene 7scene12img3 mom "Yeah. That was fun." mc "How about we do that again sometime.." mc "Even if it's just for a week.." mc "Just you and me... Living like Farmers...." mc "Living the country life." mom "Hahahaha. Can you actually handle the work that comes along with it [mc]?" mc "Yeah. Why not?" mc "I can work on a Farm for a week." mom "And what exactly do you think it is that Farmers do?" mc "I don 't know..." mc "..Irrigate Crops.." mc "Chop some wood..." scene 7scene12img4 mom "Hahahaha." mom "If you and I lived on a Farm... I don't think you'd be interested in CHOPPING Wood [mc]!" mc "{i} (Holy Crap!)" mc "{i} (Did she just say that?)" mom "Hahaha." mc "Hehehe." mom "Anyway, are you done with your Beer?" mom "I think we should get going.. A very long drive home." mc "Yeah. Sure.." mc "Let's go." scene 7scene12img5 fd "**Whistle.. Whistle**" fd "What a sweet Apple Booty." fd "Why don't you come sit that Apple Booty on this old man's pole baby?" fd "I promise this old man will show you a good time!" fd "You'll love this old dick up your sweet pussy." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene12img6 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "What did you say old man?" mc "How dare you!" mc "That's not how you talk to a lady.." mc "You better apologize to her.." mc "NOW" fd "Or what kid?" scene 7scene12img8 mom "[mc]... That's fine.." mom "Come on... Let's just go.." mom "We don't want any trouble.." mc "No, it's not alright [mom]..." mc "I'm not going to be quiet when some old douchebag talks to you like that!" scene 7scene12img6 mc "You better apologize to her douchebag.." fd "Or what?" fd "You're way out of your element here City Kid!" fd "Do you know where you are?" fd "How we do things here?" mc "I don't care... Someone talks to a lady like that, I'm going to put him in his place." mc "Apologize.. Now!" scene 7scene12img7 fdt "You've got something to say kid?" mc "{i} (Oh oh!)" mc "{i} (That escalated quickly... Fuck! Those guys are huge...)" mc "{i} (This just got dangerous..)" fd "What are you going to do now tough guy?" scene 7scene12img8 mom "[mc], we don't want any trouble..." mom "Let's just go... Come!" scene 7scene12img7 fdt "You think you can get away that easy after insulting one of us kid?" fdt "The only way you're leaving here is with all your bones broken." mc "{i} (Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.)" mc "{i} (I did not see this coming!!)" mc "{i} (What do I do? What do I do?)" mc "{i} (Fuck it.)" mc "{i} (The only way out is through it.)" scene 7scene12img9 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Take that you cunt!" mc "You country asshole!" mc "{i} (Fuck! That hurt my hand)" scene 7scene12img10 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "And fuck you giant douchebag!)" mc "{i} (Aaaahhh my hand!!)" mc "{i} (What do these fuckers eat?!)" scene 7scene12img11 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "And fuck you, you impotent old asshole!" mc "I've never hit an old man.." mc "But you fuckin deserved it!" scene 7scene12img12 mc "Come on [mom].. Let's get out of here!)" mom "[mc], I'm scared..." mc "It's alright [mom]... I got you.." mc "I got you!" mc "{i} (Fuck! I can't believe those guys went down so easy!)" mom "LOOK OUUTTT!!!!" scene 7scene12img13 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Oh shit!!" mc "Take that motherfucker!" mc "Fuck!" mc "He came out of nowhere!" mc "Let's go [mom].." scene 7scene12img14 mc "QUICK [mom]" mc "GET IN THE CAR!" mc "WE GOTTA GO.." mc "WE GOTTA GO NOW.. QUICK!" mom "I'm trying!!" scene 7scene12img15 mom "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!!" mom "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE IT ALONE!!" mc "I'm sorry [mom]!!" mom "THAT WAS UNWANTED TROUBLE!!" mom "THAT WAS JUST STUPID!!" mc "I'm sorry... I didn't think it'd turn into a fight!!" fdt "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY..." mc "Oh shit!" scene 7scene12img16 fd "You just made a BIG MISTAKE punk!" fdt "Don't let them get away!" fd "Get em... Get em.." mom "Oh no! [mc].. They're coming for us!!" mom "Go.. go.. go..." mc "I'm trying.. I'm trying..." mc "{i} (Fuck! This is not the Car to be making a get away in....)" scene 7scene12img17 fd "Here's your reckoning asshole!" fd "I'm going to gut you like a pig!" fd "You think you can mess with us and get away?" fd "You're a dead man. Ooh you're a dead man!" scene 7scene12img18 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" fd "Aaaaaaaaaa" mc "Take that motherfucker!!" mc "You fuckin douchebag!" mc "{i} This Car may not be fast enough to get away...)" mc "{i} (But it's big enough to be pushing assholes off the road!)" mom "THERE'S MORE!!" mom "IN THE FRONT.. IN THE FRONT..." mc "WHAT?" scene 7scene12img19 mc "OH NO!" mc "Where are these assholes coming from?!" fdt "I'm coming for you motherfucker!" mom "He's getting close..." mom "Do something! Do something!" mc "I'm trying..." scene 7scene12img20 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" fdt "Aaaaaaaaaa" mc "Off you go you son of a bitch!" mc "Thank goodness for sturdy doors!" mom "Let's goo..." mom "Let's get away..." mom "Go.. go.. go..." mom "Oka [mom]... Let's get the heck outta here..." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene12img21 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mom "Woo hoo!" mc "I think we lost them!" mom "YESSS!" mom "We did it!" mom "We shook them off our tail!" mc "Whew!!" mc "What a rush!!" scene 7scene12img22 mom "Rush?!" mom "That was stupid [mc]!" mom "I'm glad we lost them... But that was unnecessary trouble!" mc "I'm sorry!!" mom "What has gotten into you?" mom "You are not a violent person!" mom "That's not how I raised you!" mom "And here you are, starting Bar Fights!" mc "I'm sorry [mom]..." mc "I really didn't think things would go that far!" mom "Don't ever do stupid things like that again!" mc "I won't. I swear." scene 7scene12img24 mom "Anyway... we got away unscathed.." mom "Thank you once again for being my Hero!" mc "Of course [mom].." mc "You know I will always keep you safe!" mc "You know I will always defend you.." scene 7scene12img23 mom "After you started the trouble in the first place.." mc "Well, it wasn't exactly me.." mc "It was that old man... I had no idea it'll turn that big." mc "I just wanted him to apologize to you. That's all." mom "Well, all of this could've been avoided if you had just told them who your [dad] is!" mc "I'm a grown man [mom]..." mc "What? I gotta use my [dad]'s name to defend my lady?" scene 7scene12img25alt mom "YOUR LADY?" mc "Hehe." mc "Well... [mm]... Hehehe." mc "But you get the point [mom]." mc "I'm not going to be quiet when some douchebag talks to you like that." mc "Wouldn't have mattered if it was just those 5 guys.. or 20.. or an entire army... I WILL STAND UP FOR YOU!" mc "I WILL ALWAYS STAND UP FOR YOU!" scene 7scene12img24 mom "Really?" mc "Of course!" mc "You have no idea how I look at you [mom]!" mc "I would stand against any army for you.." mc "I worship the grond that you walk on [mom]." mc "I look at you like you're a Goddess!" mc "You are all I think about... All day..." mc "You're the one thing that's always on my mind.." mc "Just being next to you sets my heart on fire!" mc "I get butterflies in my stomach!" mc "You are my Goddess!" mom "{i} (WOOOOWWWW)" mom "{i} (He's saying such sweet, beautiful things...)" mom "{i} (My baby really thinks I'm so special!)" mc "Like I said [mom]... I would stand against any army for you!" mom "Thank you so much love." mom "It means the world that you think of me so highly!" mom "Thank you!" scene 7scene12img26 mom "That board ahead says there's a Bridge coming up in abuot 60 Miles.." mom "Does that lead round the Highway on our way home?" mc "Yeah [mom]." mc "We take that Bridge.. We should be home by evening.." mc "Fastest route!" mom "Well then, take the other bridge on the left sweetie.." mc "But why?" mc "That's not our way home..." scene 7scene12img27 mom "We're not going home sweetie!" mc "........" mc "{i} (WOWWWW!!!)" mc "{i} (YESSSS!!!!)" mc "{i} (YES!!)" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 7scene13img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Man! That was a looong drive!" mc "It's well past evening." mc "Just couldn't wait to get here fast enough!" mc "I've been controlling a massive boner for hours now!" mc "Finally here in this beautiful Hotel Room!" mc "Let the fun begin!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene13img2 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "Remember this Bed [mom]?" mom "I do baby." mc "We got the same room again!" mc "We had great fun on this Bed the last time, huh?" mom "**Blushes**" mc "I think we should just permanently rent this room [mom]." mc "Will be useful for our adventures." mom "Haha. Now don't you go getting any ideas honey." mom "We're not going to be doing it that often!" mom "This is just me rewarding you for being so sweet today." mom "Now get on the Bed." mom "[mmy] will be with you in a second." mc "YES!" scene 7scene13img3 mc "{i} (Ooooh my mind is racing with twisted sexual thoughts!)" mc "{i} (My boner is pulling at it's leash maniacally!)" mc "{i} (Waiting to be unleashed!)" mc "{i} (So it could pounce with sexual fury on a Goddess of Sex!)" mc "{i} (I am uncontrollably horny right now!)" mc "{i} (Can't wait to see what devious pleasures are in store for me tonight.)" mc "{i} (Man, this waiting is killing me!!)" scene 7scene13img4 pause mom "Are you ready baby!?" mc "HOLY HOTNESS!!!" mc "You look soooo fucking SEXY [mom]!" mc "I could just devour you whole right now!" mc "WOWWWW!!" mc "Like a sexually charged nuke about to go off!!" mom "You liked this Bra so much the other day... So I bought it for the shoot just in case." mom "It's a different color.. But.." mc "It's PERFECT!" mc "You're just PERFECT" scene 7scene13img5 mom "Are you ready to play?" mc "I am dying to play [mom]!" mc "I cannot believe I am about to savour the sexiness standing in front of me!" mc "Your breasts look so full and milky in that see-through Bra [mom]" mc "I could just fuck them like a mad man for hours!" mom "Haha. I'll take that as a twisted compliment." mom "So, what do you wanna do to [mmy]?" mom "Do you want [mmy]'s ass?" mom "Or do you want [mmy]'s breasts?" mc "Actually.... I want your Mouth [mom]!" mom "You want to French Kiss [mmy]'s mouth?" mc "Actually..." mc "Actually [mom]... I was thinking about putting it in your Mouth!" scene 7scene13img6 mom "HHUUUUHHHH!!!" mc "Can you give me a Blowjob [mom]?" mom "HONEY!!" mom "That's...." mom "That's penetration!" mom "I'm so shocked you even dared to ask for that!" mom "That's just wr...!" mc "Please [mom]... Please..." mc "It's been a long time dream of mine!" mc "You have no idea how long I've been wanting that.." mc "I cannot even tell you how much I'm craving it!" mc "This would be a dream come true for me [mom]!" scene 7scene13img7 mom "That's sweet honey.." mom "But it's..." mc "Please [mom]...." mc "I want to be in your mouth..!" mc "I want to feel the deliciousness of your mouth around my cock!" mc "I want you to suck my cock so bad [mom]" mom "Honey, it sounds so dirty even just saying that." mc "Please [mom]... Please... I want this more than anything else in the world right now... Please." mom "Well..." mom "You've been so sweet today after all.." mom "And I know how much you like me...." scene 7scene13img8 mom "So...." mom "It's okay baby..." mom "[mmy] will give you a Blowjob!" mc "REALLY?!!!" mc "OH MY GOSHH!!! YESSS!!!" mc "Thank you [mom]" mom "Take off your Pants... Sit at the edge of the Bed baby.." scene 7scene13img9 mom "{i} (He's sooo BIG)" mom "{i} (Am I really about to do this?)" mom "{i} (Am I really about to suck [ms]'s cock?)" mom "{i} (This is so wrong and devious!)" scene 7scene13img10 mc "{i} (Ghhhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Lightning gushing through me!)" mc "{i} (Her hands feel like a soft fleshy vice around my cock!)" mom "{i} (I can see him looking at me desperately.. Burning desire in his eyes!)" scene 7scene13img11 mc "{i} (Gghhhhh... ghhhh!!!)" mc "{i} (I MUST NOT BLOW!!!)" scene mombjlick animated with fade: "7scene13img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Hhhhhaa)" mc "{i} (Her wet lips licking the underneath of the head!!)" mc "{i} (It's a sensitive part!!)" mc "{i} (Such a pleasurably unbearable tease!)" mc "{i} (She's stroking my dick while licking it.)" mc "{i} (Licking just the head!!)" mc "{i} (I'm at the gates of seventh heaven!)" scene 7scene13img14 mc "{i} (Her tongue is on my shaft!!)" mc "{i} (Ghhhhhh)" scene mombjlick2 animated with fade: "7scene13img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Ghhhhh... ghhhhhaa!!)" mc "{i} (THE INTENSE PLEASURE!!!)" mc "{i} (IT'S UNBEARABLE!)" mc "{i} (She's licking the length of my shaft....)" mc "{i} (I'm going numb from this unbearable ecstacy!)" mc "{i} (I can see lust in her eyes!)" mc "{i} (She's looking at me while licking my cock!)" mc "{i} (She licking my cock like a Pornstar!)" mc "{i} (I MUST NOT BLOW TOO SOON!!)" mc "{i} (The wetness of her mouth spreading all over my shaft!)" mc "{i} (SO SENSUAL AND EROTIC!)" scene 7scene13img15 mc "{i} (GGGHHHHHH!!!)" mc "{i} (Hhhhhaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (She's sucking just the tip SO HARD!!)" mc "{i} (Like a soft kiss and a suck... and a bite!!)" mc "{i} (She's sucking soo tight!)" mc "{i} (I MUST NOT BLOWWW)" mc "{i} (I must not blow!)" scene 7scene13img16 mc "Aaaaaahhhh" scene 7scene13img17 mc "Ggghhhhh" scene 7scene13img18 mc "Aaaarrgggggggghhhhhh!!!" mc "I'm in heaven!!" scene mombj animated with fade: "7scene13img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaarrrrrggghhhhhh)" mc "{i} (I cannot stand this!!!!)" mc "{i} (THE ECSTACY!!!)" mc "{i} (THE SEXUAL EUPHORIA...)" mc "{i} (She's taking me sooo deep!)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is soo wet and tight around my cock!)" mc "{i} (A billion volts of twisted pleasure gushing through my veins!)" mc "{i} (She's sucking me like a vacuum!)" scene mombj2 animated with fade: "7scene13img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I am in [mm]'s mouth!)" mc "{i} ([mm] is giving me a blowjob!)" mc "{i} (She's sucking my cock so well!)" mc "{i} (This is what heaven must feel like)" mc "{i} (My mind is going numb from the ecstacy!)" mc "{i} (This is unfathomable pleasure!)" mc "{i} (My mind cannot process the sexual euphoria I'm feeling!)" mc "{i} (This is too much to bear!)" scene mombj3 animated with fade: "7scene13img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Her cherry lips wrapped around my cock so tight!)" mc "{i} (Taking me inside her mouth inch by inch!)" mc "{i} (The insides of her mouth holding my cock so tightly!)" mc "{i} (Sucking so hard!)" mc "{i} (I can feel the back of her throat!)" mc "{i} (She's taking me so deep!)" mc "{i} ([mm]'s succulent lips moving up and down my shaft.)" mc "{i} (Her tongue twisting and swaying underneath my cock..)" scene mombj4 animated with fade: "7scene13img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "7scene13img19" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mc "Aaarrrghhhhh" mc "She's going a little fast now!" mc "Ghhhhhh" mc "I'm getting close..." mc "I'm getting close.." mc "Aaaaarggggghhhhh...." mc "Aaarrrggghhh" mc "That's it... I cannot stand any longer!!!" mc "Here it comes [mom]" mc "I'm going to cum in her mouth!!" scene 7scene13img22 with vpunch scene 7scene13img22 with flash scene 7scene13img22 with vpunch scene 7scene13img22 with flash scene 7scene13img22 with vpunch scene 7scene13img22 with flash scene 7scene13img22 with dissolve pause mc "Aaaaaaah" mc "Aaah" scene 7scene13img23 mc "That was amazing" mc "I'm spent." scene 7scene13img24 mom "{i} (I can't believe I've done it.)" mom "{i} (I've sucked [ms]'s cock)" mom "{i} (And he shot a massive load in my mouth.)" mom "{i} (I swallowed some of it!)" mom "{i} (I've crossed another boundary of Sin.)" mc "That was wonderful [mom]" scene 7scene13img25 mom "{i} (My baby is so happy!)" mom "{i} (I can see it in his eyes.)" mom "{i} (He looks so satisfied!)" mc "Thank you so much [mom]." mc "It'll take a couple of minutes for me to return to earth." mc "I'm still in pleasureverse." mc "You were so good." mc "That was fantastic." scene 7scene13img26 mom "[mmy]'s glad you liked it baby." mom "It was good for [mmy] too." mc "I love you [mom]." mom "I love you more." mc "We just got a little more closer in our relationship!" mom "Yes love." mom "We crossed a big boundary tonight... But it was done in love." mom "So I don't care.. At least not at the moment." mc "Still think we shouldn't rent this Hotel Room permanently [mom]?" mom "Hehehehe." mom "You naughty boy!" mom "Put your pants back on." mom "We should get going." mc "Haha. Sure." mc "I love you [mom]." mom "Love you too baby." stop music fadeout 2 label episode8_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene thml with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" scene 8scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (Wow!!!)" mc "{i} (What a day this has been.)" mc "{i} (This has been the best day ever!!)" mc "{i} ([mm] just sucked my cock for the first time!!)" mc "{i} ([mm] actually gave me a Blowjob!!)" mc "{i} (I'm still in disbelief that this just really happened.)" mc "{i} (I actually just came into [mm]'s mouth!)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky!)" scene 8scene1img2 mc "How're you feeling [mom]?" mom "Well....." mom "{i} (Wow, I can't put a name on how I'm feeling right now...)" mom "{i} (Considering I just sucked [ms]'s cock!)" mom "{i} (It's such a mixed bag of emotions!)" mom "Well.. I'm feelin alright sweetie" mom "I can tell you're feeling particularly happy!" mc "Happy.... And satisfied.. Haha" mc "I'm so delighted and over the moon." mc "I'm sooo happy." scene 8scene1img3 mom "And that makes me happy." mom "The way your face lights up when you're happy is something I absolutely cherish." mc "Aawww." mc "I got you to thank for the happiness I'm feeling now." mc "Really..." mc "Thank you sooo much for that [mom].. That was just mindblowing!" mom "Hahahaha." mom "I guess that's something no son has thanked his mother for before!" mc "Haha." mc "But really.. Thank you so much for that [mom]. You were just fantastic!" mom "Aaww.. You don't have to thank me for it sweetie." mc "By the way [mom]...." mom "Yeah sweetie?" mc "Did you like the taste of my cum?" scene 8scene1img7 mom "BABY!!!!...." mom "Did you just...?" mom "That's not how you.." scene 8scene1img5 mom "{i} (Oh my gosh!! Did he just ask me that?!)" mom "{i} (That makes me feel like I'm a dirty slut!)" mom "{i} (I feel so embarassed..)" mom "{i} (What have I done?!)" mom "{i} (I'm still just starting to come to grips with what I've just done...)" mom "{i} (And he springs such a dirty question on me!)" scene 8scene1img6 mom "That's not how you talk to a woman sweetie.." mom "You should know better." mom "{i} (I feel like such a hypocrite chastising him while I've actively indulged in all this lewdness with him!)" mc "Sorry [mom]... I just meant..." mc "I mean...." mc "I just wanted to know if it was as good for you as it was for me." mom "Well..." mom "But..." scene 8scene1img7 mom "You shouldn't just put it so bluntly sweetie..." mom "You could've asked me that in a mature way.." mom "Eased into it.." mc "Sorry [mom].." mc "My bad!" mc "I apologize." scene 8scene1img2 mom "Well, to answer your question..." mom "I thoroughly enjoyed it too." mc "Really?" mom "Absolutely..." mom "I loved every second of it!" scene 8scene1img3 mom "Perhaps I should say every inch of it." mc "Haha." mom "How did you get so Big??" mc "Haha. I don't know." mom "I can't believe how big you've gotten since the last time you used to run around the house naked as a child!" mom "That is so Massive... How did it get so big?" mc "Must be from all the good food you've fed me I guess." mom "The credit should go to your [dad] as well... You've definitely inherited his genes.." mom "He's quite massive himself, but even his item's nowhere near as massive as yours." mc "Haha.." mc "Thanks for the compliment [mom].." mc "And since we're giving compliments... I just have to say this..." mc "You are just outstanding with your mouth." mc "You sucked me so well... WOW!! That blowjob was just mindblowing.." mc "Simply incredible how skilled you are with your mouth." mc "Those plush lips.. the wetness of your mouth.. the pleasuring skills of your tongue... WOW!!" mc "Being in your mouth was just pure ecstacy..." mc "I just can't wait to go balls deep in your mouth sometime soon!!" scene 8scene1img4 mom "Oh mu gosh, that is so dirty! Hehehehe.." mom "Also... That's assuming there will be another time! Hahaha" mc "Oh come on [mom]!" mom "I know you're eager honey... But don't you see how weird this is? Hehe" mom "{i} ([ms] talking to me about going deep in my mouth... That is sooo weird and dirty...)" mom "{i} (Also so arousing)" mom "{i} (In what world is this normal? What a lewd web of lust we've gotten ourselves tangled into.)" mc "Oh come on [mom]... You just showed me a paradise of pleasure in your mouth and you're already saying that's the last time?)" mc "Now that I've experienced it once, my mind's consumed by it... I long for it with a passion." mc "Besides, I'm sure you sort of enjoyed it too." mom "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it honey..." mom "Quite the opposite... But.." mom "But I just did that to reward you for how you stood up for me today against those guys in the Bar." mom "You earned that today... But doing it again... That's just.." mc "Well, can I earn it again then?" scene 8scene1img3 mom "Hahahaha" mom "You're just unrelenting, aren't you?" mc "Please... [mom]." mom "We'll see honey..." mom "Besides.. That thing you have down there is a Mountain.." mom "It was a feat taking on it once!" mc "So you liked it?" mom "I'm not denying that I liked it baby... But that doesn't make it less of a sin for us to keep doing it again.." mom "I'll think about it, okay?" mom "For now, just keep your eyes on the road." mc "{i} (YES! That's enough for me [mom])" mc "{i} (That gives me hope... And I will do all I can to enter your lovely mouth again!)" mc "{i} (Gosh! Just looking at those Lips send me into a mania of arousal)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to have those luxurious lips wrapped around my cock again.)" mc "{i} (Shove my cock deep inside her mouth and feel the wetness of her tongue..)" mc "{i} (Fuck that beautiful mouth of hers)" mom "Honey... Are you listening?" mom "I know your mind's racing with all sorts of nasty thoughts already..." mom "But focus on the road for now okay?" mc "Sure [mom]" scene 8scene1img8 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" pause pause scene 8scene1img9 pause pause scene 8scene1img10 mysc "They just left a Hotel.." mysc "They seem to be frequenting this particular one" mysct "Great." mysct "Let's track them as often as we can." mysct "Learn up their routines." mysct "Particularly, the Kid's" scene 8scene1img11 mysc "Are we sure we're moving in on this this time?" mysc "I don't want there to be any set backs or further delays." mysct "Affirmative." mysc "Good." mysc "It's been long overdue.." mysc "About damn time we slung this web..." scene 8scene1img12 mysct "I know you've got your reasons for your particular interest in this operation..." mysct "But we just cannot afford to rush things before everything falls in place.." mysct "We strike ONLY when it's the right time, understand?" mysc "Roger that." mysct "What more do you have for us?" mysc "Security around their residence is still pretty tight." mysc "It's covert, I'm not sure even they're aware of it." mysc "But there are eyes everywhere." mysc "So our only way to track them and study up is when they're out and about." scene 8scene1img13 mysc "What about the funding?" mysc "We shall spare no expense on this one. We've got to see it through." mysct "That shouldn't be an issue." mysct "First, let's get what we want to close in.. Funding will be in place." mysct "Anyhow, they frequent that particular Hotel?" mysc "Twice in the last 7 days... Perhaps they have a preferance for one of the Restaurants in it." mysc "I will pick up on all there is to know the next time around.." scene 8scene1img14 mysc "Down to the last minute detail." mysct "I know you will." mysct "I know you've waited a long time for this.." mysct "I have too... We all have.." mysct "Now that we have the official go ahead..." mysct "Let's reel it in." mysc "Oohh we will..." scene 8scene1img15 mysc "I can't wait to." mysct "Great. Gotta go now. See you at the briefings." mysc "{i} (Oohh I got you now...)" mysc "{i} (All these years.... and it's finally time.)" mysc "{i} (I'm going to enjoy this..)" mysc "{i} (I'll be seeing you soon.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene1img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "Here we are. Can't believe this day is over so soon." mom "Me too sweetie." mom "Well, thanks for such a wonderful day... I had so much fun...." mom "Except for the part where you got us into trouble with some drunkards. Hehe." mom "Apart from that... It was such a splendid day. Thank you." mc "Anytime [mom]." mc "Guess we added another wonderful chapter to our adventure, huh?" mom "I think another sinful chapter is the apt description.." mom "Anyhow, we're home now.. So you should behave." mom "Please try not to do anything stupid that would raise suspicions.." mc "Sure [mom]." mom "Okay, come on let's go upstairs." mc "Before we go upstairs.... Can you please give me a Kiss?" scene 8scene1img17 mom "Baby!!!!...." mom "What did I just tell you??" mc "No... Nothing sexual [mom]..." mc "I meant..." mc "I just meant to ask for a loving peck on the cheek, that's all." scene 8scene1img18 mom "Aaaawww" mom "You know you can get them from me anytime baby..." mom "That is so sweet of you to ask for it." mom "Now come here..." mom "Bring your cute adorable face to [mmy]" scene 8scene1img19 mom "Mmmmmmmhhaahh" mom "{i} (It's so sweet that he still wants these motherly kisses from me.)" mom "{i} (Especially after all the naughtiness we've gotten ourselves into.)" mom "{i} (Happy to know that he still likes these innocent moments of affection.)" mom "{i} (He's still my little baby on the inside... So sweet.)" mc "{i} (It feels like a thousand volts of lightning surging inside me anytime I feel her soft lips on my skin.)" scene 8scene1img20 mc "{i} (Her ass is just a grab away!)" mc "{i} (Should I grab it?)" mc "{i} (Huhh!! What is wrong with me?)" mc "{i} (I am such a perv!)" mc "{i} (Anytime her Big Booty is in close proximity to me, I just want to reach out and grab it!)" mc "{i} (But I shouldn't now! Let me just enjoy this affectionate moment.)" scene 8scene1img19 mom "Mmmmahh.. Mmmmahhhh" mom "Mmmmahh" scene 8scene1img18 mom "I think I just gave you a thousand little kisses on the cheek." mom "Your cheek's still like a little Muffin..." mc "Hahaha" mom "My sweet little munchkin!!" mom "Don't ever let this sweet, innocent part of you grow out, okay?" mc "Sure [mom]." mom "{i} (Gosh, I wish they all hadn't grown up so fast!)" mom "Okay sweetie.. It's getting late.. Come on, let's go upstairs and get some sleep.)" mc "Okay [mom])" scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Phew" mc "What a day!!" mc "Got some topless shots of [mom] outdoors!" mc "Got some great pics of her booty as well." mc "I know she said to delete all of them... But those pics are going straight to my fap bank!" mc "Had such sensual and erotic moments with [mom] today..." mc "And to top it all off, I got a BLOWJOB from her for the first time!!" mc "What a great day!" mc "I look forward to having more such sexy adventures with [mom]." mc "Well, I'm spent now.. Time to get some sleep." scene 8scene1img21 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "{i} (What a day!)" mom "{i} (How did my life get so interesting all of a sudden?)" mom "{i} (I went from being a bored lonely Housewife to this... To whatever I've become now!)" mom "{i} (I crossed a boundary I never thought I'd ever cross... Nor should have!)" mom "{i} (I actually sucked [ms]'s cock!...)" mom "{i} (And it was sooo delicious!!)" mom "{i} (Oooohh.. What am I turning into?)" mom "{i} (What is this boy doing to me?)" mom "{i} (He has awakened a side of me I didn't know I had!)" mom "{i} (Haahh.. This is all too much to think of right now...)" mom "{i} (I need to go get some sleep... Some quality sleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" scene 8scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause pause scene 8scene2img2 pause pause pause scene 8scene2img3 mom "Uffff..." mom "{i} (These chores take so much of my time..)" mom "{i} (Being a Housewife is hard work..)" mom "{i} (But I shouldn't complain.. These chores may take time to perform, but at least they're a nice distraction...)" mom "{i} (A nice way to keep myself occupied.)" mom "{i} (With this last plate, I'd be done with the chores... But what am I going to do the pass the rest of the day?)" scene 8scene2img4 mom "{i} (I wish my love was here with me right now.)" mom "{i} (But he's at work.)" mom "{i} (Uff.. Why does he have to work?)" mom "{i} (Work, work, work.. That's what he does all the time..)" mom "{i} (But he works so hard to take such good care of me.)" mom "{i} (I'm such a lucky woman.)" mom "{i} (He does all of this for me..)" scene 8scene2img5 mom "{i} (Well... I'm finished with all the chores.)" mom "{i} (But what am I going to do now?)" mom "{i} (I have to wait till the evening for my love to pull up in the driveway..)" mom "{i} (To see his handsome face..)" mom "{i} (This is the only downside of being a Housewife..)" mom "{i} (Having to be alone while your love's at work.)" mom "{i} (Too bad I have to wait till the evening to see him...)" scene 8scene2img6 mom "{i} (Or should I.....?)" mom "{i} (I can call him and ask him to take the afternoon off giving some fake excuse.)" mom "{i} (He's allowed to do that once in a while...)" mom "{i} (But what if he's working on something important?)" mom "{i} (Oh, who cares?.. Work can wait... I miss him so much.)" mom "{i} (I can't stand to be alone while he's away at work, even though it's only 8 hours.)" mom "{i} (I'm going to call him... We can have a quality afternoon together...)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene2img7 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" pause pause scene 8scene2img8 mom "Pick up..." mom "Pick up honey.." mom "Pick up the phone.." mc "Hello.." mom "Oh Hi Honey!!" scene 8scene2img9 mc "Hello My Love!" mc "Did you miss me already?" scene 8scene2img8 mom "Of course I do..." mom "You have no idea how much!!" mom "You know I can't stand being away from you even for an hour." scene 8scene2img9 mc "Haha." mc "I know my love.." mc "And I feel the same way when I'm away from you.." mc "But a man has to work..." scene 8scene2img8 mom "Well, a man can take time off from work once in a while.." scene 8scene2img10 mom "How about you make up some lie as an excuse and come home right this instant?" scene 8scene2img11 mc "Hahahaha" mc "That would make me a bad employee..." scene 8scene2img10 mom "But that would make you a great hubby!" mc "I don't know honey..." mom "Come on.. For me..." mom "Pleeaase..." scene 8scene2img11 mc "But baby, it's only few hours till my shift ends.." mc "Also, I'm stuck with something important right now.." scene 8scene2img10 mom "More important than quality time with me?" mom "Come on.. Take a break from work.. You deserve it." mom "Come home, and let's have a wonderful afternoon together.." scene 8scene2img12 mom "Also, you might get a bonus from me if you leave right this instant..." scene 8scene2img11 mc "Aaaahh... When you put it that way.. How can I refuse it?" mc "Sure, I'll make up a lie and take the afternoon off." scene 8scene2img12 mom "Yes!!" mom "I knew that would work. Hehe" mc "You know me so well. Hahaha." mom "Youre right I do!" mom "Now come get your bonus!" mom "I'll cook a great lunch for you... After lunch, you can have whatever you like!" scene 8scene2img11 mc "Say no more..." mc "I'm leaving right now!" mom "Hehehe." mc "I'll make up some excuse and leave right away.." scene 8scene2img12 mom "That's my man..." mom "I'll be waiting.." scene 8scene2img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "{i} (This is so great..)" mc "{i} (Taking off from work just for the sake of some steamy time with my lady.)" mc "{i} (Can't believe my boss actually bought the stupid lie I told him to get off from work!)" mc "{i} (I wonder what my love has in store for me this afternoon!)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to get home.)" mc "{i} (Luckily there is no traffic at this time of the day..)" mc "{i} (I'm coming honey....)" scene 8scene2img14 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "{i} (Home sweet home!)" mc "{i} (Such a big house for just the two of us..)" mc "{i} (This is a massive house just for us two people.)" mc "{i} (We need some little ones to fill the house..)" mc "{i} (Well, judging by the way she spoke... It looks like we'll be making some little ones this afternoon!)" mc "{i} (Let's get in.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene2img15 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Honey! I'm home!..." mom "Finally! You're here!" mom "Oooh I missed you so much!" mc "Come here.." scene 8scene2img16 mc "Mmmmmuaahh." mom "Mmmmmuahh" mom "Mmmmuuaahh" mc "{i} (Nothing like kissing your lady as soon as you get home from work!)" mc "{i} (The feel of her voluptous body against mine, always sends me over the edge.)" mc "Mmmuuaah." scene 8scene2img17 mom "I missed you my love." mc "What was it? 5 hours since I left for work this morning?" mom "Regardless..." mom "I missed you... Even if it were only an hour" mc "You know I feel the same my love." mom "Come, you must be tired..." mom "I've cooked a great Lunch for you.." scene 8scene2img18 mc "WOW!" mc "All my favorite dishes!" mc "You weren't kidding when you said you've cooked a great Lunch for me." mc "{i} (But my most favorite dish is behind that table..)" mc "{i} (And it looks delicious!)" mom "I know how to take care of my Man." mc "You sure do.." mom "How was your day honey?" mc "It's been wonderul my love.. And I know it's only going to get better.." mc "Mmmmmm the food is delicious!!" mom "Thanks honey." scene 8scene2img19 mom "Isn't this wonderful?" mom "Spending an afternoon of a weekday at home.. Not worrying about work.." mc "Every moment spent with a pretty woman is wonderful sweetheart." mom "Pretty woman... Oh.. Such as your colleague Rebecca?" mc "What?" mc "She's just a friend from work!" mc "You know I have eyes for none other but you honey." mom "Well I've caught your eyes gazing at her bosom a couple of times!" mc "Come on sweetheart! It was just an involuntary response that us men have..." mc "Besides, who can compete with your bosom?" mom "And these breasts aren't enough for you that you stare at other womens' breasts?" mc "Baby.. That was an innocent mistake.. You know I have eyes for no other.." scene 8scene2img20 mom "Hehehehehe." mom "I'm just teasing you honey!" mom "I know you're loyal to me." mc "That's right!" mc "You have no idea how much I love you." mom "I know love." scene 8scene2img18 mom "And I know how much you love my breasts.." mom "And my behind...." mc "And your Va.." mom "Yeah.. That too. Hehehe." mc "It's a good thing you called me to take the rest of the day off and get home.." mc "Otherwise, I'd have had to eat stale cafeteria food instead of this delicious Lunch!" mc "Mmmmm.. This is just incredible honey.." mc "By the way... What's for Dessert?" mom "I didn't prepare Dessert honey.. Sorry..." mc "Oh! That's a bummer..." scene 8scene2img20 mom "I was thinking.. For Dessert.... You could have Me." mc "YESSS!" mc "You don't have to ask me twice!!" mc "I'm ready!" mom "Go wait in the Bedroom love.. I'll be with you in a minute." mc "Yes!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene2img21 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "{i} (Oooohhhh I wonder what's taking her so long!)" mc "{i} (She's killing me with this waiting game!)" mc "{i} (She must have something special in store for me today...)" mc "{i} (I can hardly contain myself!)" mc "{i} (Hurry up sweetheart... Get in here soon...)" mc "{i} (So I can pound all your holes... Hard... Brutally hard!)" scene 8scene2img22 mom "Are you ready baby?" mc "OHHHH WOWWWWW!!" mc "All the blood in my body just went to my penis honey!" mc "WOW WOW WOW!! You just look drop dead STUNNING!" mc "So ravishing!!" mc "GOSH! How can you be so unforgivingly sexy??!" mc "Oh I cannot stand this any longer... Get in the bed lady... I want to ravish you!" scene 8scene2img23 mom "Oh yeah...?" mom "You want to ravish me?" mc "I want to RAVAGE you!" mom "How?" mc "Brutally!... With merciless ferocity" mc "I want to take you sooo hard!!" mom "Mmm yea.." mom "Well, what are you going to do to me?" mc "Get your sexy behind in the Bed bitch! And I'll show you!" scene 8scene2img24 mom "Mmmmmmm yea" mom "Mmmmm...." mc "{i} (Fuck! Her breasts feel sooo good!)" scene mombwdreamhj animated with fade: "8scene2img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene2img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Aahh.. Aaaahh)" mom "{i} (He's fondling my breast so hard!)" mom "{i} (And he's almost biting at my tongue as we kiss!)" mom "{i} (He's in a rage of lust.)" mom "{i} (I can feel his ravenous lust for me by the Monstrosity I'm gripping in my hand!)" mom "{i} (He is sooo big!)" mom "{i} (Boy, he's hund like a Bull)" mom "{i} (It might as well be the cock of a Bull given how monstorously big he is!)" mom "{i} (I'm so lucky to have a Man like him.)" mc "{i} (Yes... Yes... Stroke it...)" mc "{i} (Stroke it my sexy bitch...)" mc "{i} (Can you feel how hard I am for you?)" mc "{i} (Can you feel how you send me in a frenzy everytime with your sexiness!?)" mc "{i} (Stroke that.)" mc "{i} (Stroke that like a slut)" mc "Aaahhhh.." mc "Aaaahh.... Aaahhhh.." mom "{i} (Let me switch it up and give him my Breasts...)" scene 8scene2img26 mom "You like my Bosom, yeah?" mc "{i} (Aaaah.. My cock is about to explode.. Just looking at this stunningly sexy sight in front of me.)" mc "{i} (Her sexiness just drives me insane!)" mom "You want my Breasts baby?" mc "{i} (She's teasing me taking her time to unclasp her Bra...)" mc "{i} (I could blow my load just looking at her... That's how outrageously sexy she looks right now.)" mom "You want my Breasts?" mc "I want them now Slut!" mc "Give them to me! Now!" mom "Come and get them!" scene 8scene2img27 mom "{i} (Aaahh.. This monster between my breasts!)" mom "{i} (It is absolutely rock hard!)" mc "{i} (Aaahh!)" mc "{i} (The sexy softness of her breasts wrapped around my hard cock!)" scene mombwdreamtj animated with fade: "8scene2img27" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene2img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaahh" mom "Aaaaaahhhh" mom "Fuck them!" mom "Fuck them hard." mom "Fuck my breasts hard my love!" mom "Aaaahhhh" mc "{i} (She's moaning soo loudly!)" mc "{i} (The neighbors might hear us and think we're a couple of savages, having loud sex at Mid day.)" mc "{i} (Her breasts feel so wonderful around my cock!)" mc "{i} (So sensual)" mc "{i} (So sexy)" mc "{i} (Milk it)" mc "Milk my cock with your milky breasts bitch!)" mc "Take it." mc "Take it my slut." mom "{i} (Ohh I love it when he calls me dirty names.)" mom "{i} (This is turning me on so much.)" scene mombwdreamtj2 animated with fade: "8scene2img27" with dissolve pause 0.5 "8scene2img28" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "Aaaahh" mom "{i} (He's increasing his speed!)" mom "{i} (He's fucking my breasts so hard!)" mom "{i} (He's going so fast...)" mom "{i} (Oohh this is such a sexual frenzy..)" mom "{i} (That's it.. I can't wait any longer... I want him inside..)" mom "{i} (I want him inside me NOW)" mom "Stop, stop stop.." scene 8scene2img29 mom "Stop honey.." mom "I want you inside me.." mom "I want your big cock inside me now!" mom "Put it in me." scene 8scene2img30 pause mc "Do you want it bitch?" mc "Do you want my cock inside you?" mom "{i} (He's looking at me with depraved lust in his eyes.)" mom "{i} (He looks like a man possessed!)" mc "I'm going to put it inside you bitch." mc "I'm going to fuck you like a slut!" mc "My Monstrosity is going to devour your insides!" mom "Do it!" mom "Put that Monster in me!" mom "RAVAGE ME" scene 8scene2img31 mom "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" mom "Aaaaaaaaaarrrrhhhhhhhh" mom "{i} (Sooooo Biiiggg)" mom "Oooooowwwwwww" scene 8scene2img32 mom "Aaaaahhhhhhh.... Ooooohhhhh" mom "{i} (He's filling up all the....)" mom "Aaaaaaarrrrhhhhhhhhh" mom "Aaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene2img33 play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mom "OOOOHHHH MY GOSSHHHHH" mom "OH NO" mom "OH NO..." mom "JUST A DREAM..." mom "JUST A DREAM...." mom "Calm down girl.." mom "Take a deep breath" scene 8scene2img34 mom "Only a dream... Only a dream, that's all..." mom "Did i just have a Wet Dream about [ms]?" mom "Oh my gosh!" mom "What is this Boy doing to me?" mom "I had sex with him in a dream!" mom "There's just no end to this craziness with him." mom "What an erotic, sinful entanglement have I gotten myself into?" mom "This is crazy!" mom "........." mom "It's morning already..." mom "Perhaps I should just get up and go about my day.." scene 8scene2img35 mom "Wait!!" mom "Was he MY HUSBAND in that dream?" mom "Oh my gosh!" mom "This is insane!" mom "I actually just had a wet dream in which [ms] was my Husband...." mom "And I had sex with him!!!" scene 8scene2img34 mom "Just a dream girl... Calm down.." mom "Calm down..." stop music scene 6scene1img1 play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yaaawwnn" mc "{i} (What a beautiful morning!)" mc "{i} (I slept like a baby...)" mc "{i} (Must be the after effects of getting a Blowjob from [mm] Hehe)" mc "{i} (I wonder what sort of lewd adventures this day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} (Let's go find out!)" stop music scene 8scene3img1 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" c "You should definitely come check out that place with us sometime Mom!" c "You will absolutely love it..." mom "Oh yeah? Sure sweetie, let's go there sometime soon.." i "How about today Mom?" mc "{i} (WOW! Look at those beauties...)" mc "{i} (And all of them are in short shorts..)" mc "{i} (The women in my [fmy] are off the charts Hot!)" scene 8scene3img2 mc "Hey guys!" c "[mc]! Good morning!" i "Good morning [mc]... Or.. afternoon as we early risers call this time of the day)" mom "Good morning sweetie.." mc "Top of the Morning to all of you pretty ladies..." mc "Might I add that you all look wonderful as always!" c "Thanks [mc]." scene 8scene3img3 mom "{i} (Oh my gosh! What is this I'm feeling right now?)" mom "{i} (Why am I getting Butterflies in my stomach when he's near me now?)" mom "{i} (This is soo strange!)" mom "{i} (I have Butterflies in my stomach like I'm a 19 year old!)" mc "I should point out... You look particularly more beautiful today [mom]..." mom "Aaaww" i "Geeee.. He's such a Mama's Boy!" scene 8scene3img5 mom "Thank you [mc]" mom "That is so sweet of you to say.." c "What are your plans for today [mc]?" mc "{i} (My plan as always is to seduce this beautiful MILF standing in front of me)" mc "I don't know Candice.. Just whatever the day chooses to confer on me I guess..)" mc "You know... Just go with the flow.. Be like water and face everything with a smile!)" i "Oh my gosh, he's trying to go all philosophical on us!" i "Just shut up [mc]... That doesn't suit you.. Hehe" scene 8scene3img6 mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (Look at those lower bodies!)" mc "{i} (They're all wearing such skimpy clothes!)" mc "{i} (Iris has been killing me with those legs for days now...)" mc "{i} (She always wears short shorts!" mc "{i} (Always walking around the house in those tiny shorts flauting that pretty ass and driving me crazy)" mc "{i} (Candice's legs look great too.. And those tiny shorts... But I just can't bring myself to look at her that way just yet..)" mc "{i} (And [mom]...)" mc "{i} (DAMN!!)" mc "{i} (That see through nightie and those high waisted Panties inside! Just WOW)" scene 8scene3img5 mom "{i} (Gosh! These Butterflies won't quit...)" mom "{i} (Why am I feeling this around [ms] of all people?)" i "[mc], Candice and I are planniing on going to the Pier today... You wanna come?" mc "Are you going with them [mom]?" scene 8scene3img4 mom "I don't know sweetie.. I think I just want to lay low today." mom "Just relax at home.." c "[mc], come with us!" c "It's going to be lots of fun!" mc "I'd like to.. But I think I just want to lay low and relax today Candice" mc "Why don't you two go and have fun." i "Okay, grandpa.. Sit at home like a 90 year old..." i "We'll have fun without you..." scene 8scene3img7 mom "Sweetie, since you're not doing anything today.. Could you please do me a favor?" mc "Sure [mom]?" mom "Eliza has a package for me... I was supposed to meet her yesterday and pick it up...)" mom "Could you please go to her house and pick it up for me?" mc "Sure [mom]" mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (Is she trying to keep me away while she's alone at home?!)" mom "Thanks honey.." mc "No problem [mom]... It's time I dropped by Aunt Eliza's house anyway.. I haven't visited her yet since she returned.)" mc "Okay guys, see you all later." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Damn! I was hoping to get some alone time with [mom])" mc "{i} (But she's sent me to go get some package for her...)" mc "{i} (While I was hoping I could give her my package!)" mc "{i} (Anyhow, I'm always happy to see Aunt Liza..)" mc "{i} (Hope she's not mad that I didn't go visit her sooner.)" scene 8scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (We're here)" mc "{i} (Aunt LIza's house)" mc "{i} (Hmmmm. This is a big house for just a temporary stay!)" mc "{i} (Thought she was staying here only for a couple of months.)" mc "{i} (Let's go see her.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene3img10 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "Hi Aunt Liza!!" el "HEEYYY [mc]!!" el "HOW ARE YOU?" mc "{i} (DAMN!)" mc "{i} (She looks HOT as fuck!)" mc "I'm well aunt Liza! Thanks." el "I'm so happy to see you.." el "Come here.. come here..!!" scene 8scene3img11 el "Mmmmmuuuaahh" mc "{i} (Aaaww.. She's kissing my forehead like she used to when I was a kid.)" el "Muuaah" el "Look how big you've gotten!" el "You've grown up so fast... All of you.." el "Mmuah. So happy to see you." scene 8scene3img12 el "Come on in sweetie.." el "You finally found time to come see your Aunt Liza, huh?" mc "Sorry aunt Liza.. I meant to visit much sooner... But I was held up with other things.." el "No need to explain.. I understand.. Hehe" el "Boys your age... I'm sure a lot of young ladies keep you busy." mc "Hahaha I wish." el "Anyway, so nice of you to finally drop by.." el "Go sit on the couch sweetie... I'll get you something to drink." scene 8scene3img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) el "Here sweetheart.." el "Banana Milkshake with Whipped Cream... Is this still your favorite?" mc "YESS!!" mc "WOW! You still remember!!..." el "Of course I do sweetie.." mc "{i} (Wow! She's sot Hot!)" mc "{i} (That's such a low neckline on that dress!)" mc "{i} (I can see most of her breasts!)" scene 8scene3img14 mc "{i} (Damn, they look delicious)" mc "{i} (Just as I remember them!)" mc "{i} (They've gottena bit bigger now..)" mc "{i} (So yummy looking!)" mc "{i} (They're just outstanding!)" mc "{i} (WOOOWW!)" scene 8scene3img13 el "Here sweetie.." mc "Oh yeah.. Thanks Aunt Liza." scene 8scene3img15 el "So, how've you been [mc], what've you been up to?" mc "Nothing much.. Just spending quality time with [fmy] during the break from College." el "You're having fun?" mc "Oh, plenty of fun.. This semester break is going great.." mc "I'm loving it." el "Glad you are." mc "By the way Aunt Liza... Love the new Hairstyle!" el "Aaw thank you so much love." mc "You're wearing your hair like you used to when you were younger.. Love it." scene 8scene3img16 el "Hahahaha" el "What? Are you saying I'm not young anymore.. Hehe." mc "No.. No.." mc "I just meant.. It's your old hairstyle as I remember when I was a kid.." mc "That suits you so well.." mc "And you still look lovely as ever!" el "Aaaaww. Thanks sweetheart." mc "{i} (Man, I had forgotten how HOT she was..)" mc "{i} (She looks sexier than ever now!)" mc "{i} (I used to have a major crush on her when I was a child.)" mc "{i} (Looking at her now, it's bringing back all those memories of how I loved spending time with her..)" mc "So, where is everybody else Aunt Liza?" scene 8scene3img15 el "Oh, your uncle's at work.." el "And the kids are at school." el "They ask about you all the time you know?" el "They'd love to see you." mc "Oh I'd love that too." mc "So how long are you in town for Aunt Liza?" el "Should be for a while honey... Initially it looked like we'd just be in the country for a few days." el "But your uncle's work schedule changed.. So we must be here for a few months now." mc "That's awesome." el "Yeah. That gives us all a lot of time to catch up." mc "Yeah." el "Jasmine was here yesterday.. It was so nice to see her." el "Even Iris and Candice dropped by a few days ago." mc "Oh, looks like I'm the last.." el "That's alright love.. You're here now." scene 8scene3img16 el "I can't believe how grown up you are now!" el "Wow" el "You were so little.. and look at you now.." mc "{i} (Damn! The way she's sitting in front of me!)" mc "{i} (It's so sexy!)" mc "{i} (She looks a Bronze sex angel!)" mc "{i} (Those legs.. Her shape.. Those breasts..)" scene 8scene3img17 mc "{i} (Thos big sexy breasts.)" mc "{i} (They're bursting at the seams.)" mc "{i} (That dress is hardly containing them.)" mc "{i} (And her skin tone!)" mc "{i} (So tanned and enthralling.)" mc "{i} (I'm having a crush on her all over again!)" el "So what's your schedule like [mc]?" scene 8scene3img18 el "I want you to come visit me as often as you can, okay?" mc "I'd love to Aunt Liza.." mc "{i} (Man! My childhood crush sitting in front of me!)" mc "{i} (Looking hotter than ever)" el "{i} (Oh my gosh, is he staring at my breasts?)" el "{i} (Is he really?)" mc "{i} (I can't get over her breasts.. So sexy!)" mc "{i} (She's actually breastfed me a couple of times when I was a baby... That's how close [mom] and her are..)" mc "{i} (How I'd love to put my mouth on her breasts again now!)" el "{i} (Yeah, he's definitely looking at my breasts!)" el "{i} (I don't believe it! I've known him since he was a baby!!)" el "{i} (May be this dress is too revealing... He's at that age.. So I can't blame him for his natural responses.)" scene 8scene3img19 el "{i} (I should cover it up!)" mc "{i} (Damn!!)" mc "{i} (Did she catch me staring at her breasts?!)" mc "{i} (It must've been obvious to her!)" mc "{i} (She just covered it up.. I'm such a perv)" mc "{i} (Damn.)" scene 8scene3img16 el "So, has the city changed much sweetie?" el "I want you guys to help get me reacquainted with the city okay?" el "Show me around.. take me to all the hotspots." mc "For sure Aunt Liza.." mc "{i} (Oh good. She's just moving on like it didn't happen!)" mc "{i} (Man, I gotta be careful when I'm staring at womens' breasts..)" mc "{i} (I shouldn't make it so obvious.)" mc "So... Aunt Liza, [mom] told me that you have a package for her.." el "Oh yeah.." el "Come, let me get it for you.." scene 8scene3img20 pause el "It's on top of this cabinet." el "I keep telling your uncle not to keep things where I can't reach them.." el "But he never listens..." el "Oh wel.. You know him..." mc "Hey Aunt Liza...." scene 8scene3img21 mc "Why don't you get down and let me get it for you.." el "Oh it's alright love." el "I got this.." el "I should do some work in the house you know.. Hehe." el "It's just right over there.." el "{i} (Just an inch higher..)" el "{i} (Gotta reach...)" scene 8scene3img22 el "WHOOPSSS!" "*Slip*" el "Aaaaaa" mc "{i} (Damn! She slipped!)" scene 8scene3img23 mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (She's falling!!)" el "Aaaaaaa..." el "[mc] CATCH ME!!" scene 8scene3img24 pause pause pause mc "{i} (WOWWW!)" mc "{i} (What a happy slip up!!)" mc "{i} (Her breast's on my mouth!! YESSS!!)" mc "{i} (This is awesome!)" el "{i} (Oohh my gosh! My breast's on his mouth!)" scene 8scene3img25 el "{i} (Huuuuhhh)" el "{i} (His hand's on my Butt!!)" el "{i} (Is he slightly grabbing it?)" mc "{i} (Aaah. Just as I remember!)" mc "{i} (Still a firm, toned Butt!)" el "{i} (This is crazy!!)" el "{i} (Let me get up!)" scene 8scene3img26 el "Oh... I'm so sorry [mc]!" el "I just slipped!" mc "That's fine Aunt Liza.. I'm not hurt.." mc "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" el "I'm fine.. I'm fine sweetie..." el "Sorry about that.. My mistake." el "Clumsy me!" el "I should've let you get it like you asked to." mc "No problem. Let me get that." mc "Good you're not hurt." mc "{i} (Man! This is awkward.. I should just take the package and go.)" scene 8scene3img27 mc "Bye Aunt Liza" mc "Thanks for the Milkshale. It was wonderful." el "Anytime love." el "Are you sure you gotta leave this early?" mc "Yeah.. I just remembered.. I have a thing.." el "Oh okay..." el "Let's just forget about what happened okay?" el "My mstake." el "I was clumsy and I slipped." mc "{i} (Man, she's trying to make it less awkward.. She's the best.)" mc "Sure Aunt Liza." el "Come see me whenever you're free okay?" mc "Will do." el "Okay. Bye love." mc "Bye." scene 8scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Man, that was awkward)" mc "{i} (But it's good that she played it cool.)" mc "{i} (To save me from embarassment.)" mc "{i} (She's so great.. She's almost as cool as [asc])" mc "{i} (That was a wildly sexual moment though.. Her laying flush on top of me!)" mc "{i} (I want more of that...)" mc "{i} (Wait.. I'm here anyway... I might as well go spy on her..)" mc "{i} (But is that wise?)" mc "{i} (Oh, fuck that.. I'm too horny to care.)" mc "{i} (I'm going back in.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "{i} (Sloow and quiet..)" mc "{i} (Lucky she didn't lock the main door.. I was able to get in easily)" mc "{i} (This must be her room.)" mc "{i} (I wonder what she's doing in there..)" mc "{i} (Ooooh this is so exciting.)" mc "{i} (Let me take a peek.)" scene 8scene4img2 el "Hey Hubby" mk "Hi sexy.. I was just thinking about you." el "Yeah right, like you expect me to believe that you think about me all the time." mk "Of course I do.. What man in his right mind could stop thinking about his super hot, sey wife?" mc "{i} (Looks like she's on the phone with uncle Mark.)" mc "{i} (She looks sooo sexy lying on the bed like that.)" mc "{i} (Uncle Mark's such a lucky guy to have a wife like her.)" mc "{i} (I hope one day I land a Smoking Hot wife like her or [mom].)" mc "{i} (Man, her eyes.. Her rack.. She looks so sultry.)" el "Baby, you know what?... [mc] was just here.." el "You won't believe how tall and big he's gotten." mk "Oh yeah? I'd like to see him." mk "I remember I taught him how to ride a bike." el "He'll be coming by often.. You'll be shocked when you see how tall he is now." el "Anyhow, what are you doing?" mk "Just sitting here bored at work." mk "What are you doing?" scene 8scene4img3 el "I'm just lying here on our Bed... Wearing a tight skimpy dress." mk "Aaahh" mk "The black one?" el "The same..." mk "Hey listen.. How about you come by the Office?" el "Oh yea.. Why?" mk "So I can tear that dress off and take you wildly on my Table." el "Ooohh that sounds dirty." mk "If you like, we can even get into one of the toilets here and fuck..." mk "After a steamy session in my Office room first of course." el "Ooooh that sounds so tempting..." mc "{i} (Damn, it looks like they have a steamy sex life!)" mc "{i} (Uncle Mark is definitely a very lucky guy!)" mc "{i} (Not only is his wife super sexy, she's also down for some sexual adventures with him!)" mk "Come here.. I'll be keeping my cock rock hard for you." el "Mmm yea... Gimme an hour.. I'll get ready and leave right after.." mk "Can't wait.. See you soon." scene 8scene4img4 mc "{i} (Aaaaahhh YESSSS!!)" mc "{i} (She's taking off her clothes!!)" mc "{i} (I'm hard already!!)" mc "{i} (WHAT A WOMAN!)" mc "{i} (She looks so stunning)" mc "{i} (She's just straight fire!!)" scene 8scene4img5 mc "{i} (She had a Bra on all this time?)" mc "{i} (What was the point? I was able to see so much of her Breasts.. Didn't even look like she had a Bra on all this while!)" mc "{i} (A strapless Bra... And a red one at that.. So sexy.)" mc "{i} (I like it!)" mc "{i} (Nothing beats a woman in sexy lingerie.)" mc "{i} (Oh my! Am I about to see her bare Breasts?)" mc "{i} (So exciting)" scene 8scene4img6 mc "{i} (HOLYYY CRAPPP!!)" mc "{i} (DAAYYYUMMMM)" mc "{i} (I need to pick my jaw up off the floor.)" mc "{i} (What a figure!)" mc "{i} (What a body!!)" mc "{i} (She looks outrageously HOT)" mc "{i} (And that sexy lingerie on her...)" mc "{i} (It's sending my cock in a deranged frenzy!)" scene 8scene4img7 mc "{i} (Fuuuckkkk!)" mc "{i} (Such a hot piece of ass)" mc "{i} (I just want to bury my boner in it.)" mc "{i} (Take her right up her asshole till she screams.)" mc "{i} (I cannot even begin to imagine what that would feel like.)" mc "{i} (It would make me cum right away!)" scene 8scene4img8 mc "{i} (Yess! Yess!)" mc "{i} (YESSSS!)" mc "{i} (She's about to take her Bra off!!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to see her Tits!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to see her sexy big rack)" mc "{i} (That sexy rack I've dreamt of many times as a child!)" scene 8scene4img9 mc "{i} (OOOHHHHH FUUUCCCCCKKKKK)" mc "{i} (My jaw hurts from how hard it fell on the floor!!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe my eyes!!)" mc "{i} (This is just outwardly sexiness..)" mc "{i} (That is such a Masterpiece!!)" mc "{i} (Such a smokin, sexy pair of Breasts!)" mc "{i} (FFUUUCCCKKKKK!!)" scene 8scene4img10 mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhhhhh.. I'm about to blow!!)" mc "{i} (I don't believe this!)" mc "{i} (My childhood Crush!)" mc "{i} (I'm seeing her Topless... How long I've dreamt of this!)" mc "{i} (And this is waaayyy sexier than I imagined)" mc "{i} (She's the first woman I've wanted to fuck for as long as I can remember!)" mc "{i} (I've had sexual fantasies about her my whole life.. Since I was very young.)" mc "{i} (And now I'm seeing her bare Breasts...)" mc "{i} (I've just hit the jackpot)" scene 8scene4img11 mc "{i} (OOOOOHHHHH MYYY!!)" mc "{i} (I'M LITERALLY SHAKING.)" mc "{i} (I'M TREMBLING...)" mc "{i} (HER SEXINESS IS UNBELIEVABLE!)" mc "{i} (DAT ASS!!)" mc "{i} (WOW WOW WOW!!)" mc "{i} (I want to munch on it)" mc "{i} (Take your panties off Liza..)" mc "{i} (Let me see you naked..)" scene 8scene4img12 mc "{i} (FUCKKKKK!)" mc "{i} (I JUST CAME A LITTLE BIT!)" mc "{i} (That thing belongs in an Art Museum)" mc "{i} (It's a stunning work of art.)" mc "{i} (An epic Masterpiece)" mc "{i} (So firm...)" mc "{i} (And soo toned.)" mc "{i} (I want to be in it soo bad.)" scene 8scene4img13 mc "{i} (Aaaahh. I can't take this no more.. My mind's going numb from pleasure.)" mc "{i} (This is a dream come true..)" mc "{i} (My childhood crush naked in front of me.)" mc "{i} (Not a piece of cloth on her.)" mc "{i} (I've dreamt of this so many times.)" mc "{i} (I've yearned for this..)" scene 8scene4img14 mc "{i} (I can even see her Pussy now.)" mc "{i} (This woman is just perfect)" mc "{i} (I want her.)" mc "{i} (I want her so bad.)" mc "{i} (I want to be in her so bad.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to make it a mission to bed her.)" mc "{i} (Somehow, someway... I'm going to fuck this woman someday..)" mc "{i} (I just have to.. Now that I've seen her in all her naked glory...)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene4img15 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "{i} (MOTHERFUCKER!!!)" mc "{i} (I'm going to shoot this guy!)" mc "{i} (This piece of shit!)" mysc "Same place.. Be there in 30 minutes." mc "{i} (He always manages to interrupt me when I'm in the middle of something erotic!)" mc "{i} (Fuck this piece of shit. I'm going to gut him dry someday.)" mc "{i} (Uuuhhh)" mc "{i} (But for now, I gotta go see him.)" scene 8scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "You asshole." mc "Don't you have anything better to do than to cock block me all the time?" mysc "Hahahahaha." mysc "Like you get chances to get laid that often..." mysc "If you did.. You wouldn't be jacking off to [ym] man." mc "Fuck you." mc "Anyway, what do you want now?" scene 8scene5img2 mysc "Listen up.. This is about your next job." mysc "Are you aware that there's a big Sporting weekend coming up?" mc "Yeah.. The Duper Bowl." mc "Of course I'm aware.. My favorite team's playing." mc "And I'm looking forward to the Halftime show featuring Ho-Lo and Shakyla.." mysc "Oh, count me in on that.. I'm looking forward to that too.." mc "The fuck! What are we friends now?" mc "Get to the point motherfucker.. What do you want?" mysc "The Duper Bowl is much bigger than you think.." mysc "There's the game and the ass shaking by Ho-Lo and Shakyla during Halftime of course... But there's also a lot of illegal betting involved." mc "So?" mysc "So I'm going to influence the outcome of the game as such the betting goes in my favour.. and I win big." mysc "I mean.. You're going to influence the outcome of the game.." mc "The fuck man!" mc "Do you hear yourself? This is the fucking Duper Bowl!" mc "This is BIG TIME." scene 8scene5img3 mysc "That's right.. That's why the betting is big time too.." mc "Man, this already sounds too damn big and too dangerous.. Sounds too big time man." mysc "Hmm. Given the big time operations your [dad] and Ella pull off.. This is nothing.." mysc "Coming from that [fmy], I thought you'd be up for it..." mysc "But you don't have a choice..." mysc "So you're going to do what I tell you to." mc "Alright.. Even if I were to consider attempting it... How am I going to affect the outcome of the fucking Duper Bowl?" scene 8scene5img1 mysc "Simple." mysc "I'm sure you're aware The Reelers are heavily reliant on their Quarterback Charles Hadler this year.." mc "Yeah..." mysc "What if Charles Hadler were unable to play the Duper Bowl?" mc "What?" mysc "What if he were to get injured? A fractured shin perhaps.." mc "FUCK MAN!!" mc "You want me to injure Charles Hadler?" mc "Have you seen the size of that dude?" mc "Besides... I'm a Reelers fan too..." mc "And if people found out I'm the reason Hadler couldn't play the Duper Bowl... I'll be Public Enemy number one." mysc "If you don't do it.. You'll be national laughing stock number one... When I make that picture go viral." mc "Fuck you." mc "Even if I were to consider it.. How would I do it? He's Charles Hadler..." scene 8scene5img3 mysc "That's up to you.." mysc "Hadler is known to hang out it the most exclusive places in this city.." mysc "Given who your [dad] is, you're sort of a VIP in this city..." mysc "So you should easily get access to any of the exclusive spots he frequents.." mysc "I want you to tail him.." mysc "Study up his routine for a day... And when you see an opportunity.. Injure him.." mysc "Just enough to put him on the shelf for a week so he can't play the Duper Bowl." scene 8scene5img2 mysc "Here's what I want you to do.." mysc "Hadler is going to be at the Leighton Hotel for Breakfast tomorrow at 10 AM." mysc "That's all the intel I have for you.." mysc "You're going to go to the Leighton tomorrow and follow him around for the rest of the day..." mysc "If you see an opportunity, strike tomorrow itself.." mysc "If not, study up his routine and see to it that he's injured anytime you see an oppurtinity during the weekdays." mysc "At any cost... He shouldn't be able to play the Duper Bowl this weekend." mysc "Understood?" mc "Yeah." mysc "Be at the Leighton tomorrow.. 10 AM." mc "Alright. I'm gonna go now." mysc "You better not let me down." mc "Yeah. Yeah.. I'll be at the Leighton tomorrow." scene 8scene3img9 mc "Fuck man!" mc "The tasks that this sets are getting more and more dangerous." mc "First he asked me to steal the Jewl of Love.." mc "Now he wants me to injure Charles Hader!!" mc "He actually wants me to mess with the Duper Bowl results." mc "This is fuckin insane." mc "Just a few minutes ago I was watching my childhood crush get naked..." mc "Now I have to worry about influencing the outcome of the Duper Bowl!" mc "Fuck it." mc "Let me figure out how to do it once I get to the Leighton tomorrow.." mc "For now, I need to clear my mind and relax..." mc "Let me go home and take a short nap." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene5img4 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "{i} (Hmmm.. Where is everyobody?)" mc "{i} (Looks like everyone's out..)" mc "{i} (But [mom] said she just wanted to relax at home today..)" mc "{i} (She could be alone in her room..)" mc "{i} (Yes! Let me go check.)" scene 8scene5img5 mc "{i} (Hmmmm...)" mc "{i} (She's not here..)" mc "{i} (Did she change her mind and go out too?)" mc "{i} (Damn! I was really looking forward to some alone time with her.)" mc "{i} (Wait..)" mc "{i} (She could be inside her Bathroom.. Let's check)" stop music scene 8scene5img6 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "{i} (YESSSS!)" mc "{i} (There she is!!)" mc "{i} (And she's in just her Bra and Panty)" mc "{i} (That hourglass figure!)" mc "{i} (She's a tall glass of Champagne...)" mc "{i} (A tall glass of Champagne I want to ejaculate in.)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to her... See where this leads...)" scene 8scene5img7 mc "Hey [mom]." mom "[mc]!!" mom "What are you doing in my Bathroom?" mom "Can't you see I'm in my Underwear?" mc "Oh, I can see that..." mc "I can definitely see that... And I'm loving it.." mom "You're playing a dangerous game sweetie.. I've told you many times that we can't let suspicion arise at home." mom "You can't keep doing this, risking people find out about us.." mc "{i} (Man, I was drooling over aunt Liza's breasts all this while...)" mc "{i} (As great as aunt Liza's breasts are... This rack is something else.)" mc "{i} (So BIG... and sooo soft)" scene 8scene5img8 mom "[mc] are you even listening to me? I said you can't keep doing this.. Popping into my Bathroom like this..)" mom "Hello..." mom "Hey... EYES UP HERE!!" mc "Sorry [mom]." mom "Gosh, you are unbelievable.." mc "Huh? What?" mom "{i} (He's not even listening to what I'm saying..)" mom "Hey... Again... EYES UP HERE!!" scene 8scene5img9 mc "Sorry [mom].." mom "Gosh, I must be the only [mom] who's ever said that line to her son." mom "What do I do with you? Haha?" mc "You can punish me if you like.. Hehehe" mom "There you go... Steering the conversation in a sexual direction again.." mom "You should leave right now [mc]." mc "{i} (Man, I'm so enthralled by her breasts.. They're just calling out to me..)" scene 8scene5img10 mc "{i} (I'm just gonna go for it!)" mom "Huuuhhhh" mom "{i} (Is he for real? He's trying to grab my breasts while we're in the middle of a conversation!)" scene 8scene5img11 mom "Hands to yourself young man!" mom "Stop that." mc "{i} (Damn!)" scene 8scene5img12 mom "Did you really just think I'd let you grab my Breasts... Just like that? While we're at home!" mom "You are getting waay out of control young man.." mom "You should leave right now.." mc "But [mom]... Pleeaaaseee..." mc "Just a touch..." mom "It's never just a touch with you..." mom "[mmy]'s about to take a bath.. You should leave NOW." mom "Go on now... OUT." mc "Okay...." scene 8scene5img13 mc "{i} (Fuckkkk!)" mc "{i} (She's killing me with this!)" mc "{i} (How can I resist that?)" mc "{i} (Dat Ass!! Dat splendid ass!)" mc "{i} (I want it.. I'm going for it..)" scene 8scene5img14 mom "[mc]!!!!" mom "What are you doing!!?" mc "Mmmmmmmmm!!!" mc "{i} (These Big Milky Breasts!)" mc "{i} (It's pure ecstacy to feel them!)" mc "{i} (The feel of her ass against my pelvis!!)" scene 8scene5img15 mc "{i} (Like firm, cushiony pillows!)" mom "[mc] Stop this right now!!)" mom "We're at home!!" mom "We can't.. We can't do it here...)" mom "{i} (Oh my gosh, he's pressing his pelvis so hard against my ass..)" scene 8scene5img16 mom "{i} (I can feel his erection growing against my butt)" mom "{i} (His manhood trying to poke through his jeans.)" mom "{i} (But we're at home... This is insane..)" mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhh... Aaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (I want to pound that ass just like that)" scene 8scene5img14 mom "[mc] stop this madness right this instance!" mom "This is insane!!" mom "What if we get caught?" mc "Sorry [mom]..." mom "I'm just not thinking straight right now..." scene 8scene5img15 mom "{i} (He's trying to hump me from behind)" mom "{i} (THIS IS CRAZY)" scene 8scene5img14 mom "[mc] you're being ridiculous!" mc "Please [mom].... Let's just enjoy this.." scene 8scene5img17 mom "Aaaaahhhh" mc "Oooohhh yeaaahhhhh." mom "[mc].... you're...." mom "You're.. touching me there..." mc "Do you like it?" mc "Say you like it [mom]..." mom "I.... I..." scene 8scene5img19 mc "Aaaahhh.. Her forbidden deliciousness.." mc "The feel of the fabric of her delicate Panty.." mc "And her delicious, soft Pussy lips behind it..." mc "This feeling's heaven..." mc "I can feel the wetness..." scene 8scene5img17 mom "[mc] should we... be doing this at home..?" mc "Just enjoy it [mom]..." mc "I know you like it too..." scene 8scene5img19 mc "Just give in [mom]..." mc "Let's enjoy this together.." scene 8scene5img18 mom "**Moaning**" mom "Haaahhhh...." mom "{i} (This forbidden Lust is clouding my judgement...)" mc "{i} (She's getting wetter and wetter...)" mc "{i} (I can feel her juices seeping through her panty)" mom "{i} (Yes baby... Press your hard cock against [mmy]'s butt.)" mom "{i} (Press it harder...)" mom "{i} (Play with [mmy]s Pussy..)" scene 8scene5img20 mom "{i} (What I'm I doing?)" mom "{i} (I'm giving in to temptation while we're at home... This could be dangerous..)" mom "{i} (And he's already taking this farther than I wanted to allow...)" mom "{i} (He's very close to my Vagina already...)" scene 8scene5img21 mom "{i} (Aaaahhhh... Those kisses...)" mom "{i} (My baby's soft lips on my abdomen.)" mom "{i} (His sweet little kisses are sending shivers up my spine..)" mom "{i} (Soo erotic)" mc "Mmmuaah" scene 8scene5img22 mom "{i} (Ooohhhh yess)" mom "{i} (I can't resist this)" mom "{i} (So sensual...)" mom "{i} (This ecstacy!!)" mom "{i} (But this is already much farther than I wanted to let him go..)" scene 8scene5img21 mom "{i} (He's moving lower and lower with each kiss..)" mom "{i} (He's going too farr.)" scene 8scene5img22 mom "{i} (As much as this is enticing me... I can't let him go further..)" mom "{i} (Soon he'd have his lips on my Vagina!)" mom "{i} (And who knows how far he'd take it after that...)" mom "{i} (I should stop this..)" mom "{i} (I should stop this right now!)" scene 8scene5img23 mom "Stop.. stop, stop!" mom "Baby stop.." mc "[mom]... pleeasseee.." mom "You need to control yourself honey..." mom "This is getting too far.. and we're at home..." mom "Just think what would happen if we get caught!" scene 8scene5img24 mom "I think you should leave baby.." mc "But [mom]... That was sooo... and you.." mom "Sorry sweetie.. I shouldn't have let it happen here in the first place.." mom "I know your hormones have got you wild... But I'm the grown up here.." mom "And I should act responsibly.." mom "And I'm doing that right now by putting a stop before things get.." mom "Please go to your room baby.." mc "Okay." scene 8scene5img25 mc "Maaannnn.." mc "Why did she put a stop to it all of a sudden?!" mc "That was getting so intense!" mc "But she stopped it so abruptly." mc "And now I'm left with this boner.." mc "I just have to relieve myself!!" mc "I need to do something about my boner.... I know she won't let me play..." mc "Let me atleast jack off to her while she's bathing.." mc "I can watch her discreetly and jack off.." mc "I'm going back in. I'll hide and jack off to her." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene5img26 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "{i} (Aaaah just in time)" mc "{i} (That eye popping booty!)" mc "{i} (That big butt worth starting wars for!)" mc "{i} (She's just getting in the tub.)" mc "{i} (Time to beat my meat..)" scene 8scene5img27 mc "{i} (Maaannnn! She's a STUNNER!)" mc "{i} (Her BIG Bodacious breasts...)" mc "{i} (Those milky celestial bodies..)" mc "{i} (Her rack just flat out has no competition!)" mc "{i} (The best set of boobs on the planet belong to [mm])" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky)" scene 8scene5img28 mom "{i} (Aaah.. Nothing like a nice warm batch to kick back and relax)" mom "{i} (One of life's simplest pleasures.)" mom "{i} (Soo soothing and calming..)" mom "{i} (Just what I needed to calm myself down...)" mom "I know you're there sweetie...." mc "WHAT?" scene 8scene5img29 mom "I can see you hiding behind that wall. Hehe." mom "I know you were watching me all along.." mc "But how?" mom "What, do you think I'm that dumb?" mom "I know how you think baby.." scene 8scene5img30 mc "{i} (Damn! She caught me!)" mc "{i} (Well...)" mc "{i} (I might as well give up the act..)" scene 8scene6img1 mom "Sweetie... I siad I knew you were watching..." mom "But that wasn't an invitation for you to come closer.." mc "You knew I was watching... But you decided to stay naked anyway?" mom "I'm convering myself, aren't I?" mc "But how did you know I was watching?" mom "Hehe. I know how you think sweetie.." mc "When it comes to you, I only think with my dick [mom]" scene 8scene6img2 mom "And you think that statement's supposed to flatter me?" mc "That was supposed to show how much I crave and yearn for your body.." mom "That wasn't poetic my love.." mom "That was flat out dirty.." mc "And that's what makes this thing between us so exhillarating!" scene 8scene6img3 mom "HEEEYYYYY!!!" mom "{i} (DID HE JUST??!!)" mom "{i} (HUUHH!! I DON'T BELIEVE THIS KID!)" scene 8scene6img4 mom "{i} (Hhaaaahh)" mom "{i} (Huhh)" mom "{i} (Huuh... Haaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (Oooohh he's rubbing me so well...)" mom "Please don't put your fingers inside baby..." mc "I won't [mom]... I won't ever do that without your permission.." mc "I just want to make you make you feel good.." scene 8scene6img3 mc "Are you enjoying this [mom]?" mom "I...ah.. Yess baby... I am.." mc "Then just relax [mom].. Let me make you feel good.." mc "{i} (The feel of her silky lips against my hand)" mc "{i} (Her juices coating my fingers..)" mc "{i} (Let me do it harder..)" scene 8scene6img5 mom "Huuhh.." mom "Hu ah a aahhhhh..." mom "Oooooww yeaaaa..." mom "Aaaaaa aaa aaa" mc "{i} (She's moaning so carelessly..)" mc "{i} (So far soo good...)" mc "{i} (Let me take it up a notch!)" scene 8scene6img6 mom "{i} (Oohh noo. He's taken off his pants!)" mom "{i} (I knew it!!)" mom "{i} (I knew he would escalate things if I gave him even just a little bit of opening.)" mom "{i} (A little is just never enough for him!)" scene 8scene6img7 mom "Baby.. What are you doing?" mom "We are at home..." mc "I know.." mc "So far, no one has walked in on us..." mc "It's alright [mom]..." scene 8scene6img8 mom "{i} (Oooohh he's gotten in the tub!)" mom "{i} (Look at that thing!!!)" mom "{i} (It is staring right at me...)" mom "{i} (That Monster..)" mom "{i} (Like it wants to ravish me!!...)" scene 8scene6img9 mom "{i} (That enticing Monster...)" mom "{i} (It looks like it wants to eat me...)" mc "{i} (It looks like she's giving in!)" mc "{i} (Come on [mom]... Put your hand on my cock.)" mc "{i} (Grab it!)" i "HEY MOOOOMM... ARE YOU THERE...." scene 8scene6img10 mom "{i} (Oh Nooooouuaahh)" mc "{i} (Fuck!)" i "Moooom are you in your Bathroom?" i "Are you decent?" i "I'm coming in....." scene 8scene6img11 mom "QUICK!!" mom "GO HIDE BEHIND THAT CABINET.." mom "NOWWW!!" mc "Yeah.. yeah... I will [mom]!." scene 8scene6img12 mom "Hheeyyy sweetie..." mom "What brings you here?" mc "{i} (Fuck! That was close!)" mc "{i} (Had my heart in my mouth for a second!)" mc "{i} (Iris of people!! I can't believe she cock blocked me!)" mc "{i} (She's been the one who's been putting me in sexual situations with [mom]..)" mc "{i} (I can't believe she cock blocked me... I think [mom] was just about to grab my cock!)" mc "{i} (Fuck.)" i "So, is that okay [mom]?" i "Can Candice and I go there?" mom "Yeah.. sure sweetie..." mom "You girls go have fun..." i "K. Thanks [mom]... You're the best.. Bye." mom "Bye love." scene 8scene6img13 mom "[mc]! DO YOU SEE WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?" mom "WE ALMOST GOT CAUGHT!!" mom "IT'S TOO DANGEROUS FOR US TO ENGAGE IN TEMPTATION AT HOME.." mom "THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS..." mom "BEHAVE YOURSELF FROM NOW ON, OKAY?" mc "Yeah. Sure [mom].." mc "And sorry about that..." mom "Just don't do it again sweetie..." mc "Only not at home... or..." mom "You are unbelievable! Just get out." mc "Okay." scene 8scene6img14 mc "Daammnnn!" mc "Fuck!" mc "That was getting sooo intense.." mc "Iris came and put such an abrupt stop to it." mc "Fuck." mc "I have to take care of this boner myself now!" mc "Fuck it. Let me just go jack off in my room and take a nap." mc "I need to jack off and take a short nap after that intense encounter." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene lte with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 8scene7img1a play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" mc "{i} (Yaawnn)" mc "{i} (Looks like I've slept well into the evening.)" mc "{i} (Where is everyone?)" mc "{i} (Let me call Iris and see where everyone is..)" "Dialing Iris on the Phone" "Ringing." i "Hello" mc "Hey Iris, where are you guys?" i "Speak a little louder [mc].. I can't hear you." mc "Where are you guys?" i "We're at the Club.." mc "Everyone?" i "No. Just me, Candice and Ella..." i "You wanna join us?" mc "Yeah. Sure.." mc "I'll be right there.." i "Okay. Bye." stop music scene 8scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" pause mc "{i} (Mannn.. The music is Lit!)" mc "{i} (It's time to paarty)" mc "{i} (Look at them go...)" mc "{i} (Iris has always been a good dancer.. But I had no idea Candice had moves like that.)" mc "{i} (Iris looks sexy in that dress.)" mc "{i} (That low back is off the hook!!)" scene 8scene7img3 mc "Hello Ladies!" i "[mc] Wassupp!!" c "Hey [mc]!" i "Come dance with us [mc]!" mc "I think I'll pass ladies.. I'm afraid I ain't got the moves like Jagger." c "Are you sure? Just look at this place.. Everyone around you is dancing!" i "Yeah. The DJ's been killing it." scene 8scene7img4 mc "Naaah. I'm good.. You guys know I'm not such a good dancer." c "Okay. Go get some drinks for yourselves.." i "And some for us too.." mc "Okay. Where are [mom], Jasmine and Stacy?" i "Who cares?" i "We're having such a great time..." i "We don't want [mom] or Jasmine around us here to keep us from having fun." mc "What about Ella? Where is she?" scene 8scene7img2 i "She's sitting in the back.." i "She said this party wasn't interesting her.." c "Can you believe her?" i "Yeah. The music is lit! Everyone here's having such a great time and she's sitting in the back alone!" mc "I think I'll go check on her.." mc "Could you guys get your drinks yourselves please?" i "Yeah.. sure. Don't sweat it." c "See if you can bring Ella back here on the dance floor" mc "Sure." scene 8scene7img5 mc "{i} (Hmmmm.. Ella's sitting there all alone.)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's deep in thought.)" mc "{i} (Wonder what she's thinking about!" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to her.)" scene 8scene7img6 mc "Hey Ella." e "Hey [mc]" e "When did you get here?" mc "Just now." mc "Why are you sitting alone here in the back?" e "Nothing. I just wanted to be alone." mc "The party's lit out there." e "I know.. The party scene just doesn't interest me anymore.." e "I think my partying days are behind me." mc "Well, Candice and Iris are having a blast out there." scene 8scene7img7 e "I know.." e "How drunk are they?" mc "Quite a bit." e "Hey, how bout we snitch on them to Mom?" mc "Really, Ella? That's a bit childish don't you think?" e "Well it's only fair... They pull so many pranks on us any chance they get." mc "Yeah! They're troublemakers for sure.." mc "But, let's let them enjoy their night.." e "Yeah. Of course.. I was just being silly... Thinking out loud.. I don't know what I'm thinking..." e "I just wanted a distraction I guess.." mc "You're thinking about Yelena?" e "Yes.." mc "I know how you feel... I can relate..." scene 8scene7img8 e "How can you relate??!" e "Do you have a girl that we're not aware of?" mc "{i} (Our [mom]... I think about her all the time!)" mc "No. Not really.. But I've had a few crushes here and there..." mc "So I know how you're feeling right now..." mc "Our romantic interests occupy our mind all the time... They're all we think about when we're in love.." e "Yeah." mc "Miss her that much?" e "I just want her in my arms right now." mc "Why don't you bring Yelena here?" mc "I'm sure [mom] will be alright with it.. She likes Yelena too." e "Yeah... I can.. But she's got work..." e "She's a Doctor.. She's saving lives." e "You sure you don't wanna go out there and have fun on the dance floor?" mc "Nah. The party scene doesn't interest me anymore either.." e "Haah? You're growing up.." mc "Speaking of growing up..." mc "Everyone keeps asking me which career path I want to take..." mc "How bout our [fmy] business?" e "Hahahaha. You? In the business?" mc "Why does everyone laugh at that?" e "What is it exactly that you think we do [mc]?" mc "I don't know... Making deals in Columbia or someplace... smuggling things.. all things illegal I suppose.." e "Hahahahaha." e "You have no idea.." e "This wouldn't suit you [mc]... I don't want this life for you." e "I won't allow it." mc "What? Even you've started telling me what I should or shouldn't do now?" e "No. You can do anything you like..." e "Just not choose this life... I just won't allow it.." mc "Whyy??" mc "Let me at least test the waters." scene 8scene7img9 e "I said NO" e "And that's the end of it [mc]." e "I don't even want you thinking about it." mc "Damn..." mc "Okay.." mc "Sorry I asked." stop music fadeout 1 scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" pause scene 8scene7img10 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) an "You gotta be kidding me!!" an "Not this shit again!" an "How much more do we pay this guy? He's starting to get on my nerves.." an "Unbelievable!!" an "The Boss isn't going to be pleased with this.." an "This fucker's pushed our buttons for the last time!" an "UUuuugghhh" scene 8scene7img11 an "Fine! This is how he wants to play it?" an "Let's play it that way..." an "I've been handling him myself, not letting the Boss know he was demanding more n more.." an "I've reached my breaking point." an "Lets see how he likes it when the Boss hears about it." an "Wait till you get what's coming your way douchebag." scene 8scene7img12 an "Boss... W've got a slight problem." an "That Customs Official has blocked our Ships again.." an "He's not letting the Cargo through.." dad "Hhmmmm" an "I should've brought this to you earlier... I've paid him all the money he's asked." an "But he's getting greedier and greedier." dad "Have we done everything to ensure that the process stays smooth?" scene 8scene7img13 an "Yes." an "I've paid his demands for extra at every single turn." an "Also, his monthly cut is ridiculous.. More than a lot of others we pay." an "He's just asking for too much now." dad "Hmmm" dad "Okay." dad "Make that call." an "Right away Boss." scene 8scene7img14 e "Hey Annie" an "Hi Ella. We've got a slight problem." an "That Customs Official again." e "Again?" e "Uughh I had it up to here with that guy!" an "Yeah. Me too." an "He's blocked our Ships again." an "But listen.. Your Dad's given the go ahead..." an "So you can do as you like." e "Okay." an "Bye." scene 8scene7img15 mc "What's going on Ella? Everything cool?" e "Yeah. Yeah.. Just fine.." e "Listen, I gotta leave for a while tonight okay?" e "You stay here or go home if you want." e "Tell the girls I've left the club to run some errands." e "I'll meet you guys back at home." mc "{i} (Damn, looks like something big is cooking up.)" mc "{i} (It's got me intrigued.)" mc "Anything I can do to help?" e "No. You just stay here." scene 8scene7img16 e "Mikhail, we're moving in on the Customs Official." mhl "Yess." mhl "About time." mhl "Tonight?" e "Yeah. What's his schedule like for the rest of the day?" mhl "He should be at work right now. He'll be leaving in an hour though." mhl "He hangs with his friends at a Cigar club downtown for 2 hours." mhl "Then, he'll be at the 8th Avenue at 11 to pick up his usual Prostitute." mhl "They do their thing at a Hotel near by every weekday." e "Okay. Let's do it at 8th Avenue then." e "Should be less people around there at 11." mhl "Okay." e "Get things ready. I'll be there at 11." mc "{i} (Something's definitely going down tonight.)" mc "{i} (Everyone keeps saying that I can't get in the [fmy] business.)" mc "{i} (I can handle it.. Let me go see what Ella's doing tonight.)" mc "{i} (Obviously I can't go with her. I'll just be at 8th Avenue at 11.)" scene 8scene7img15 e "[mc], I gotta leave now.." e "I'll see you back at home." mc "Okay." e "Bye now." scene 8scene1img1 mc "{i} (Let's see what Ella's up to.)" mc "{i} (Something's going down tonight.)" mc "{i} (But I have to make sure she doesn't see me.)" mc "{i} (She'd be super pissed if she caught me poking my nose into it...)" mc "{i} (Especially after she told me that I shouldn't even think about the [fmy] business.)" scene 8scene8img2 mc "{i} (Here we are. 8th Avenue.)" mc "{i} (That must be that Customs Official's Prostitute.)" mc "{i} (I overheard Mikhail mentioning her on the phone with Ella.)" scene 8scene8img3 mc "{i} (Mmmmmm)" mc "{i} (She's Hot)" mc "{i} (Perhaps I should hire her service too.)" mc "{i} (Become her regular customer.)" mc "{i} (She is smokin' good ooking.)" mc "{i} (I should find out where to find more Prostitutes like her.)" scene 8scene8img4 pause pause pause scene 8scene8img5 e "Mikhail, I'm on my way.." e "Almost there." e "What's the status?" mhl "Things are in order.." mhl "I've got eyes on the Prostitute he usually picks up..." mhl "He should be here any minute." scene 8scene8img6 e "Good." e "Are there too many people around?" mhl "Not really. Just a few here and there." e "CCTV Cameras?" mhl "All of them disabled for the time being." e "Great." e "Stay in position.. I'll be there soon." mhl "Roger that." scene 8scene8img7 mc "{i} (That must be the Customs Official)" mc "{i} (Does the Government give him additional pay allowance, for extracurricular activities like this?)" mc "{i} (Can't believe these government officials get to fuck hot Prostitutes with tax payers' money.)" mc "{i} (Not that I pay taxes or anything.. But still..)" scene 8scene8img8 ptt "You're late!" co "What are you, my wife? I'm late by five minutes." ptt "Thought you government officials would be punctual at least for sex." co "Bitch, I'm here at 11 sharp everyday to pick up your sexy ass..." co "Keep this nagging up and I'll find another Whore." scene 8scene8img9 ptt "Oh no.. What would I do without you?" ptt "You do know that I have other customers right?" co "And here I thought you sucked my dick every night for love." ptt "Whatever." ptt "Did you remember to bring your Viagra tonight?" co "Took 3 already.. I'm going to fuck you all night.." ptt "Like I've never heard that before.." co "Shut your mouth and get in bitch." scene 8scene8img10 ptt "I don't know why I put up with you..." ptt "Plenty of your colleagues are my customers too.." ptt "I could be a regular for any one of them.. At least they'd pay me more." co "Aaah would you quit nagging me woman?" co "If I wanted to hear all this nagging I'd be sleeping with my wife every night." ptt "Yeah. Like your wife allows you to get anywhere near her bed!" co "Shut up bitch." ptt "WAATCHHHH OOOUTTT!!!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene8img11 play music "sounds/fight_alt.mp3" loop fadein 1 ptt "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." pause pause scene 8scene8img12 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" pause co "Gggaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" pause pause scene 8scene8img13 co "**COUGH** **COUGH**" co "**COUGH** **COUGH**" co "OOoww" co "My leg.. My eyes.." scene 8scene8img14 e "Well.. well.. well..." co "Oh shit!" co "ELLA!!" scene 8scene8img16 co "Please... Ella.." co "Wait!!.." co "I can explain.." scene 8scene8img14 e "Time for talk is over asshole." co "I'll get you anything.. I have friends in high places." e "I have friends in higher places." scene 8scene8img15 e "Scram." e "I know who you are and where you live." e "Say a word.. and I'll come hunting for you." ptt "I WON'T, I SWEAR!!" ptt "I PROMIS I WON'T" e "Now scram..." scene 8scene8img16 co "Ella... please... No..." co "You've got this all wrong..." e "ON YOUR KNEES YOU SNIVELLING LITTLE RAT" scene 8scene8img17 co "Ella.. Please.... I fucked up." co "I'll do anything you want!" co "I'll let your Ships through right away..." co "I'll make some calls..." scene 8scene8img18 e "We've taken care of that. You don't need to worry about it." e "Actually, you don't need to worry about anything anymore." co "NOOOOOO" co "Ella... pleasee..." scene 8scene8img17 co "I have a wife!" e "It wasn't your wife whom I just sent away." co "Please.. I beg you.. I'll do anything you want." scene 8scene8img18 e "Save your cries old man..." e "You know I do not have a heart!" scene 8scene8img19 e "You sniveling little sewage feeder!" e "After everything we've paid you..." e "IF I WEREN'T IN A HURRY I'D BE RIPPING YOUR ORGANS OUT!!!!" co "Ppp... p..p.." scene 8scene8img20 co "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" e "CONSIDER THIS A FINAL PAYMENT" mc "{i} (FUUCKK! SHE JUST CUT HIS HEAD OFF!!!)" scene 8scene8img21 e "Send his head to the guy we've put in his office." e "A reminder not to betray us." mhl "Roger that." mhl "Nice work Ella." mc "{i} (FUCK! WHAT DID I JUST WATCH?)" mc "{i} (SHE KILLED HIM LIKE WAS NOTHING)" mc "{i} (I just saw my [st] murder somebody!)" e "Get our Ships through now.." e "See you in the morning Mikhail." mhl "You got it." mc "{i} (Let me get out of here. I don't want her to know I was here.)" scene 8scene1img1 mc "{i} (Fuuckk! That was intense!)" mc "{i} (I always knew that Ella is a killer... That she's killed a lot of people.)" mc "{i} (But seeing it before my eyes!!)" mc "{i} (Fuck. I don't know what to feel about her...)" mc "{i} (She didn't show any signs of remorse...)" mc "{i} (She took his life like it meant nothing.)" mc "{i} (Is that how cold blooded she really is?)" mc "{i} (The guy was a piece of shit sure... But beheaded in the middle of the street.. Fuck.)" mc "{i} (And to think it's my sweet [st] who chopped his neck off!)" mc "{i} (This is all too much.. I need to go some sleep.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene6img18 mc "{i} (Man, I'm mentally drained.)" mc "{i} (I'm not sure I can look at Ella the same again.)" mc "{i} (I have to try and forget what I just saw.)" mc "{i} (Let me get some sleep.)" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yaaawwnnn" mc "{i} (Is it morning already?)" mc "{i} (Feels like I just went to sleep 5 minutes ago.)" scene 8scene9img2 i "Hey [mc]!" i "Good Morning!" mc "Good Morning Iris." mc "Wassup?" mc "What brings you here?" i "I was just wondering if..." i "Wait......" scene 8scene9img3 i "You sleep with just your shorts on?" i "Hehehehehe." mc "And that's coming from someone walking around the house in a thong." mc "Is that even a thong? Or a G String?" i "Very funny." i "Forget I brought this up. Hehe." scene 8scene9img4 i "Anyway.. The reason I came here.." i "A new brand just called me to check if I'd model for them.. They liked my portfolio.." i "They just want to see some additional pictures in Lingerie.." i "None of the pro photographers are available now.. So.." i "Can you please take some pictures of me in Lingerie? A mini Photoshoot..." mc "{i} (Oh sure. Why not?)" mc "{i} (The day is starting great already. This is awesome.)" i "Great. Get ready..." i "I've already booked a Studio... Let's leave in half hour." mc "Wonderful." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene9img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "{i} (A Lingerie Photoshoot with Iris)" mc "{i} (This is exciting)" mc "{i} (Such a great way to start the day.)" mc "{i} (Iris is changing right now... I can't wait till she steps out in some skimpy Lingerie...)" mc "{i} (Her ass has been fascinating me for days now...)" mc "{i} (This is going to be soo much fun.)" scene 8scene9img6 i "Are you ready [mc]?" mc "{i} (O)" mc "{i} (M)" mc "{i} (G)" mc "{i} (Thos curves and that Lingerie!!)" mc "{i} (Nothing beats a girl in garter belts and see through stockings!)" mc "{i} (And it's even better when it's your [st] in it.)" i "Yea Iris.. I'm ready. Let's begin." scene 8scene9img7 pause i "Take some like this.. From different angles.." mc "WOW" mc "WOW" mc "WOW" mc "You just look SCINTILATING Iris." mc "Jut Woww" i "Thanks [mc]." i "Let's try a different pose." scene 8scene9img8 pause mc "{i} (Oh my!)" mc "{i} (Whichever dude lands her as his Girlfriend is going to be so lucky)" mc "{i} (She has great proportions.)" mc "{i} (A rack that's perfect for her frame)" mc "{i} (Those boobs are quite big by normal standards, for a girl her age.)" mc "{i} (Yummy)" scene 8scene9img9 i "Let's take some like this." mc "{i} (I have a full on erection now!)" mc "{i} (I hope she doesn't notice it.)" mc "{i} (Those curves!!)" mc "{i} (On such a slender body!)" mc "{i} (They're perfectly emphasised by straps of her black Lingerie.)" mc "{i} (This is mindblowingly sensual)" i "A different pose." scene 8scene9img10 mc "{i} (Aaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (This boner is killing me.)" mc "{i} (It wants to plunge straight into her anus.)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck her ass so bad.)" mc "{i} (I want to take her anally)" mc "{i} (I wonder if she's ever had sex at all...)" mc "{i} (If she's a virgin.. I want to be the one to take her virginity....)" scene 8scene9img11 i "Are you getting some nice shots [mc]?" mc "I'm getting some great shots Iris." mc "These pics are coming out perfect." i "Awesome." mc "{i} (Her figure is driving me insane.)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine how tight her asshole must be.)" mc "{i} (I want to pop her Anal Cherry)" mc "{i} (I'd Plug her asshole soo deep.)" scene 8scene9img12 mc "Perfect.." mc "Just perfect" mc "Anyone who sees these pics is going to love them Iris." mc "They're turning out so great.." i "Wonderful [mc]" i "I'll be sure to add these to my Portfolio.." i "Have you got enough shots in this pose?" mc "Yeah." i "Okay. Let's take some in a different piece of lingerie.. I'll be right back." scene 8scene9img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "{i} (Oooohh I'm going to melt right now!)" mc "{i} (She looks like a Fairy in that.)" mc "{i} (An angel!)" mc "{i} (Her sweet ass!)" mc "{i} (That frilly blue panty clinging to her ass)" mc "{i} (So enticing)" scene 8scene9img14 pause mc "Lemme take some close ups." i "Sure." mc "{i} (I have no doubt in my mind that that's the closes to an Angel any human can look.)" mc "{i} ([mom] has sure made some beautiful babies.).." mc "{i} (And this one is just angelic)" mc "{i} (How can she be sooo pretty?)" scene 8scene9img15 mc "{i} (And that ass)" mc "{i} (These pics of her ass are going to my Fap Bank.)" mc "{i} (I hope I can do more than just fap to that ass soon.)" mc "{i} (I want to taste it.)" mc "{i} (I want to feel the tightness of her anus on my dick.)" mc "{i} (I want to tear into that ass...)" scene 8scene9img16 pause mc "{i} (STELLAR)" mc "{i} (JUST FUCKING STELLAR!)" pause mc "{i} (I don't even know how I'm controlling myself!)" mc "{i} (All I can think of is just fucking her HARDCORE in every single position!)" mc "{i} (This lingerie is even better on her.)" mc "{i} (That Bra emphasizes her Breasts perfectly.)" mc "{i} (I want to be exchanging fluids with her right now.)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck her so brutally!)" mc "{i} (Creampie all her holes.)" i "Let's try another pose [mc]" mc "Sure Iris." scene 8scene9img17 pause pause mc "{i} (I can't even believe she's human anymore...)" mc "{i} (This has to be an angel in front of me.)" mc "{i} (Just mesmerizing beauty!)" mc "{i} (It's taking all the strength in me to resist shoving my cock in her mouth and fucking her face.)" mc "{i} (That pretty face!)" mc "{i} (Those eyes... Those succulent Lips.)" mc "{i} (I want to feel those angelic Lips on every inch of my cock as I slide it into her mouth slowly.. Till her lips touch my abdomen.)" mc "{i} (I want the whole of my cock in her mouth!)" scene 8scene9img18 mc "{i} (It's a miracle she hasn't noticed my boner yet.)" mc "{i} (I've been trying so hard to conceal it..)" mc "{i} (But I'm pretty sure I've come on in pants a bit.)" mc "{i} (I'm want to fuck her someday.)" mc "{i} (I want to taste her.)" mc "{i} (She's just somethin else)" i "{i} Let me go change into another piece [mc]." mc "Sure." scene 8scene9img5 mc "{i} (I need this break while she changes..)" mc "{i} (My mind was racing with all kinds of depraved thoughts.)" mc "{i} (I was so close to losing control.)" mc "{i} (I hope she comes out in something less erotic.)" mc "{i} (I just can't stand all this.. I sure don't want to lose control with her..)" scene 8scene9img23 pause pause i "[mc]...." mc "Yes.." mc "Iris." i "Got a bit of a situation here..." i "I'm... I'm unable to unclasp this Bra.." i "Coul..." mc "You want me to help you with it?" i "If you don't mind..." i "Sorry... I tried hard.. But I'm just not able to get the clasp." mc "No problem sweetie.. I don't mind." mc "I'll help you." scene 8scene9img19 pause i "{i} (I feel soo shy standing like this.)" i "{i} (Did he just call me sweetie?)" i "{i} (That's the first time he's called me something affectionate like that.)" scene 8scene9img20 pause mc "{i} (This moment's all sorts of sensual)" mc "{i} (And erotic)" mc "{i} (An unbelievable moment of sensuality.)" scene 8scene9img21 pause mc "There you go Iris." mc "Done" mc "You should be able to take it off now." i "Thanks [mc]." scene 8scene9img22 mc "I just had an idea Iris.." mc "Seeing as your Bra's unclasped anyway...." mc "How bout we take some Topless pics?" i "TOPLESS?" mc "Yeah." i "But.." mc "Doesn't have to be completely topless..." mc "You can have your arm across your.. breasts.." i "I don't know.." mc "I'm helping [mom] with shoots right? I just thought it'd be nice practice to get used to those proper Boudoir kind of photography..)" i "Well.. Normally I wouldn't mind, this is my profession after all.." i "But... being Topless in front of you... You're my [br]" mc "No pressure.. Just think about it, okay?" mc "I'll be with the camera if you're okay with it." scene 8scene9img23 i "{i} (What do I do?)" i "{i} (Do I really pose Topless in front of my big [br]?" i "{i} (This is nothing out of the ordinary... Topless shoots are a norm in my industry..." i "{i} (But being topless in front of my [br]..." i "{i} (He says it'll help him with Boudoir shoots with [mom]..." i "{i} (What harm can it do?)" i "{i} (Let me do it)" scene 8scene9img24 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause mc "{i} (This is a dream come true)" mc "{i} (I'm amazed she agreed to it.)" mc "{i} (I can see some of her side boobs from here.)" i "How are the pics turning out [mc]" mc "Wonderful!" mc "Why don't we take something from the front." scene 8scene9img25 pause pause mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (WOWW!)" mc "{i} (I must be on dream street...)" mc "{i} (And my penis is in sexual nirvana)" mc "{i} (Love the expression on her face)" mc "{i} (I can even see a bit of her nipple!)" mc "{i} (Is she aware that I can see her nipple?)" mc "This is just great Iris.." mc "Why don't you lower your Panty a little bit?" i "Whaat?" mc "Just a little on the side.. It'll look great in the pics." scene 8scene9img26 pause pause i "Okaayy" mc "STUNNER" mc "You look sooo good Iris" i "You mean that?" mc "You have no idea!" mc "You look drop dead gorgeous!" mc "I got myself thinking if you're really human.. Cause you look like an angel to me right now." i "Aaaawwww" i "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." mc "And I truly, truly mean it.." i "Thanks [mc]..." i "{i} (What's gotten into him? He's being so not himself.. But I do appreciate the sweet compliments.)" scene 8scene9img27 pause mc "{i} (Another sexy pose)" mc "{i} (I've gotten plenty of pics to jerk off to.)" mc "{i} (Looks like I'm going to be shooting a whole lot of cum today.)" i "How is this pose [mc]?" mc "Perfect." mc "Like every other pic we've taken today." scene 8scene9img28 pause mc "Let me take some from this angle." mc "{i} (I wish she weren't covering her breasts..)" mc "{i} (But that's okay... This has been plentifuly sexy.)" mc "{i} (I'm with a solid resolve that I have to bang her angel ass someday soon.)" mc "You've looked lovelier and lovelier in each one of these pics Iris." mc "These have turned out great." i "Really?" mc "Totally." scene 8scene9img29 i "Great." i "I think I'll go change into normal clothes now." i "That should be enough pics to send to the client." mc "Sure." i "Thanks for the help [mc]." i "Anytime." mc "Let me go change. We can leave once I'm back from the dressing room." scene 8scene9img5 mc "{i} (This was awesome.)" mc "{i} (While she's changing, let me check my phone. Put it in silent)" mc "{i} (Didn't want any distractions.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene9img30 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "{i} (16 missed calls.)" mc "{i} (OH FUCK!!)" mc "{i} (I was supposed to tail Charles Hadler today at the Leighton Hotel.)" mc "{i} (FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.)" mc "{i} (It totally skipped my mind!)" mysc "Where the fuck are you?" mysc "Why is your phone not reachable?!! You better not be fucking with me! You had a job to do today." mc "Oh shit!! I'm so sorry man.. It totally skipped my mind... I didn't mean to.. I really didn't." mysc "WHATTT?!!!" mysc "THAT'S IT. I'M SENDING THAT PIC RIGHT NOW!!" mc "HEY HEY HEY... DUDE,.. DUDE!! JUST HOLD ON..." mc "I really am not messing with you... I really meant to do what you asked me today.... Something came up and it just outright skipped my mind." mc "I'll get it done tomorrow or day after. I swear." mysc "The nerve on you!! Knowing full well that I can ruin everything!" mc "Dude, it was an honest mistake.. I'll make it up... Just tell me where Hadler's going to be next... And I'll get it done, I swear." mysc "I don't fucking believe this!!" mysc "THE ONLY REASON THE WHOLE WORLD HASN'T SEEN THAT PIC IS BECAUSE THERE'S STILL 4 DAYS TILL THE DUPER BOWL." mysc "BUT I'M NOT LETTING THIS SLIDE..." mc "Dude, please just don't send that pic... I swear I'll get it done... Like you said, 4 days till the Duper Bowl..." mc "I WILL GET IT DONE.. Just don't send that picc." mysc "YOU ARE GOING TO GET THIS DONE, I WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT... BUT I AM NOT LETTING THIS SLIP UP SLIDE.." mc "Dude, please just tell me where he's going to be next, I will get it done." mysc "YOU BETTER NOT LET ME DOWN ONE MORE TIME MAN.. THAT WILL BE YOUR RUIN." mc "I won't. I promise.. Just tell me where he'll be next." mysc "I have to get that intel... Next time I call, YOU WILL SEE THIS THROUGH!" mc "I understand.." scene 8scene9img5 mc "{i} (Fuck! I can't believe how careless I've been today.)" mc "{i} (I let my [st]'s booty make me forget about something that could've been my ruin.)" mc "{i} (Shit. I gotta get this done the next time... I don't think that fucker will give me another chance.)" mc "{i} (Fuck.)" mc "{i} (I gotta be more careful.)" stop music fadeout 2 scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause scene 8scene10img1 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" el "Now that I'm in town.. We've gotta do this more often.." el "Catch up as often as we can." mom "Absolutely." el "I thought Stacy would be joining us.." scene 8scene10img2 mom "So did I.." mom "She said she would.. Apparantly her car broke down again." mom "She said she needed to go see a Mechanic." scene 8scene10img1 el "Aaah.." el "I think I know what that means... Hehehehe." scene 8scene10img3 el "Does that Mechanic happen to be big and black?" mom "Must be.. Or perhaps she has a different one for each day of the week!" el "Gosh, she's still just the same..." el "I wish we had that kind of freedom..." scene 8scene10img2 mom "Hehehe. The freedom to try new cuisine everday? I think I'll pass.. Hehehe. I'm perfectly happy with the whole meal I've got.." mom "Even Stacy herself doesn't have that kind of freedom actually.. Well.. technically, seeing as she's married!" scene 8scene10img3 el "Hahahaha. I hear ya.." el "But I love her just the same..." el "Sometimes I wish I could switch places with her.. you know?.. even just for a week.." el "To see what it's like.." scene 8scene10img2 mom "To be a woman with absolutely 0 virtue? Hehehe" mom "{i} (That is rich coming from me.. given all I've been doing with [ms].. but at least he's someone I've loved since day one.)" mom "{i} (Anyway, who am I to judge? It's not like I'm a woman of virtue myself these days..)" scene 8scene10img1 el "Well, it sure sounds bad when you put it like that..." el "But don't you think it'll be kind of fun?" el "Well... who am I kidding?" el "Not all of us can be Stacy... That carefree..." el "Too bad we take our Wedding Vows seriously.." mom "Hahahaha." scene 8scene10img4 mom "Anyway, how are things with you?" mom "How are the kids?" scene 8scene10img5 el "Oh they are wonderful." el "But they're a handful you know.. They keep me busy all the time." el "But they are the best thing that's ever happened to me." el "Just wish that they'd give me some me time you know.." scene 8scene10img4 mom "Oh yeah? Wait till they get older..." mom "And they wouldn't spend any time with you at all... Hahahaha." mom "You'd be wishing they stayed the little troublemakers and kept you busy all the time haha." scene 8scene10img5 el "I hear ya.." el "Lucky for me, my kids are still little.." el "It'll be many years before they start thinking they've got the whole world figured out and throw attitude at me." scene 8scene10img6 mom "As much as you'd hate that phase.. You'll kinda love that too.." mom "Quirks and all, being a Mother has been the most rewarding experience in my life." mom "It'll be the same for you too.." mom "Cherish these moments while they're still little.." scene 8scene10img5 el "I certainly do." el "I love them with every ounce of my being." el "Just that.. I know my kids are little... But sometimes I wish they'd at least act their age you know.." el "My son is in 3rd Grade.. But he still thinks he's a little baby.." el "He still wants me to Breast feed him sometimes you know?" scene 8scene10img7 mom "{i} (Hehehe. [ms] has that in common too...)" mom "{i} (Except [ms] is damn near 19..)" mom "{i} (And he wants to feed on my Breasts for perverted reasons! Hehe.)" el "Have your kids ever acted that way?" mom "Hmm no.. not really." scene 8scene10img1 el "And hey, I heard you're getting back into Modelling again..." mom "Hahahahahaha." mom "Can you believe that?... Me.. a model again at my age.." mom "But apparently young men like Older Women now.." mom "Hahahaha." mom "Against all my protests.. Iris and Candice convinced me to take it up again..." mom "But I still don't know how I'm going to fit into that world now.." el "Oh I'm sure you'll be great again as you were." scene 8scene10img8 el "Hey... Check out that guy at your 5... The one near the counter.." el "Those buns!!... What do you think?" scene 8scene10img9 mom "Liiizaaaaaaa...!!" mom "Sheesh" mom "What are we, 16 year olds? Hehehe" scene 8scene10img8 el "Aaww come one... Just looke at him... Look at those buns.." el "You can't say you don't want a piece of that." scene 8scene10img9 mom "No.. I'm good... Thanks! Hehe.." mom "Gosh, you're acting like a naughty little Teenager!." mom "If only we were free to bed whoever we wanted.. Hahaha" scene 8scene10img10 el "Oh come on, we're married, but we're not sexually dead inside!!" el "Of course, I'm just like you.. I would never cheat on my husband.." el "But it's no harm to look!" el "And have a little fun in our fantasies..." scene 8scene10img9 mom "Hahahaha. You're right." mom "But anytime I try to bring myself to do that.. I just feel so guilty inside, you know?" mom "{i} (At least I'm not being a hypocrite there.. Apart from my husband... and well... [mc], I just cannot bring myself to look at any other man that way.)" scene 8scene10img10 el "But that's what makes it fun girl!..." el "It's the feeling of that delicious guilt! Knowing that we're married.. but still allowing ourselves to have that fun in our minds.)" el "That intense please of crossing that forbidden line... even if it's just in our Fantasies.)" el "Spending out whole lives with just one Man... I think we should be allowed to have a little fun in our minds at least." scene 8scene10img9 mom "You're right there." mom "At least we should be allowed to bed whoever we want in our minds." mom "{i} (And why is [mc] the first person that came to mind as soon as I said that?)" scene 8scene10img10 el "EXACTLY!!" el "And that's why... yesterday when my husband gave me a booty call from work..." mom "At work??... Aaaah. That's interesting." el "There's this colleague he has... Tall, strong and dark hair... He's actually come home a couple of times... And one time..." el "Once time I just accidentally walked into the Toilet, the door wasn't properly locked.. and he was inside.." el "And I saw his.. his cock!" mom "Ooooh" el "That thing looked soo good... And I've been fantasizing about him ever since.." el "So when my husband gave me a booty call from work... I got there as fast as I could..." el "I saw that guy I just told you about on my way inside my hubby's Office Room.. Said hello to him.. He smiled at me with the handsomest smile." el "Then I got into my husband's office room... The glass walls in his office room are 2 way.. We can see outside, but no one can see inside..)" el "We got to the down and dirty as soon as I got in... It was sooo thrilling doing it while looking at 100s of people outside on the office floor.)" el "Gosh that's just soooo exhillarating.!!" el "My husband was taking me in missionary on the table... And I... unbeknownst to my hubby.. I was looking outside at his colleague..." el "I was imagining it was him who was pounding me... Looking at his handsome face as my hubby was destroying my vagina." el "I imagined his colleague's cock sliding into me with every thrust my husband was giving me..." el "Oooooohhhhh it was soo delicious." el "We banged for at least 20 minutes, and all the while I was looking at his colleage and thinking it was him who was taking me in all my holes.!)" scene 8scene10img9 mom "WOOOWWW... You sneaky little mynx! Hehehe." mom "That sounded just mindblowing!" scene 8scene10img10 el "I know." el "It was just incredible looking out those glass walls.. 100s of people outside.. and we were fucking away inside knowing no one could see us." el "And my eyes were particularly fixed on my hubby's colleage the whole time." el "But when I got home... I still couldn't get him out of my mind..." el "I was still thirsting... So I pulled out my new Dildo.." scene 8scene10img9 mom "Wait..." mom "You have a dildo??" el "I have one for every guy I regularly fantasize about..." scene 8scene10img10 el "Each one named after the guys I think about.." scene 8scene10img9 mom "Mmmmmmmm... You sneaky she wolf. Hehe" scene 8scene10img10 el "The most recent dildo I bought, I have my hubby's colleague's name written on it's base." el "My husband doesn't know about my Dildo collection of course.." el "I spent a solid half hour with that dildo at home.. Imagining it was him inside me while I plunged that dildo into all my holes." scene 8scene10img9 mom "WOOOOOWWWW" mom "That story's doing all sorts of things to me..." mom "Huuhhhh... That just sent me into a reverie.." mom "You sneaky girl, you sure are staying sexually active.. aren't you?" mom "Husband in your bed, but his colleague in your head." scene 8scene10img10 el "I know." el "Sooooo exciting!" scene 8scene10img9 mom "Since we're sharing stories like 18 year olds..." scene 8scene10img11 mom "I have a confession too..." mom "I've been fantasizing about this young kid.." mom "{i} (I can't actually tell her that it's [mc])" scene 8scene10img12 el "Aaaaaahh! You are having fantasies about someone too!!" el "You naughty girl!!!" scene 8scene10img11 mom "He's about [ms]'s age.." mom "{i} (Well, I can't tell her that it's [ms], so I'll leave it at the age.)" mom "He's young, strong and handsome." mom "Lately, he's been occupying my mind all the time..." scene 8scene10img12 el "Ooooohhhh you're leaking juices all the time!" el "Continue...." scene 8scene10img11 mom "He's particularly into older women... So he likes me very much.)" scene 8scene10img12 el "Oooooooo... Is this someone we know?" el "Tell me who it is.." scene 8scene10img11 mom "Another time perhaps.." mom "Can't reveal his identity just yet.. But he's tanned.. Visits the tanning salons regularly." mom "Quite muscular for his age.. And...." mom "I've seen his Package too...." scene 8scene10img12 el "Aaahhhhhh" el "I don't believe this!! Is this you???...." el "I've never even seen you look at another man after you got married." el "Anyway... About his Package.." scene 8scene10img11 mom "MASSIVE!" el "Really?... That big???" mom "The BIGGEST I've ever seen!" mom "Not that I've seen many... But we've watched Porn, you and I when we were younger..." mom "Not even those Pornstar packages compare to this one.." mom "His thing easily dwarfs all of those Pornstar penises we've seen." scene 8scene10img12 el "Oooooowwww myyyy!!" el "Now I'm extremenly intrigued..." el "I want to meet this young man now.." scene 8scene10img11 mom "You've met him!" scene 8scene10img12 el "HUH!! REALLY??" el "Come on, tell me his name!" el "Who is he?" scene 8scene10img11 mom "Another time.. At another time Liza..." mom "And as for his package.. It's a Behemoth!" mom "I think it could tear me up if I ever took it inside.." scene 8scene10img12 el "OH MY GOSH!!" el "You're thinking about taking it inside???" mom "Well not literally..." scene 8scene10img11 mom "Just in my fantasies like you.." el "Ok. Come on.. Tell me more.." mom "The first time I cast eyes upon it... It just consumed my mind..." scene 8scene10img20 el "Oooohhhh my gosh!! I'm soo soo sorry babe..." el "It's the alarm I had set to pick up my kids!" el "GOSH!!! We were in the middle of such a steamy story...." scene 8scene10img20a el "But you're not leaving me hanging just like this... I want to hear more...." el "I WANT TO HEAR MOOOREE... Okay?" el "You've got to tell me ALL about it..." el "I'll call you... Or we could meet again for Coffee... And you share all the details.." el "I'm so sorry I gotta go now... Gotta pick up the kids.." scene 8scene10img6 mom "Of course sweetie.. Kids always come first.." mom "As Mothers, they are our first priority... Now you go pick them up.." mom "Tell them I said Hi." scene 8scene10img5 el "Thank you babe." el "I can't wait to hear more of your steamy story." el "Bye for now.. I'll see you soon." mom "Bye Liza." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene10img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mom "{i} (Aaaah. What a wonderful afternoon)" mom "{i} (It was so steamy sharing sexual fantasies with my best friend.)" mom "{i} (I'm so glad she's back in the city.)" mom "{i} (Almost felt like a Teenager today for a while when we were talking about our sexual fantasies.)" mom "{i} (Hmmmm)" mom "{i} (A nice Sunny afternoon...)" mom "{i} (With the perfect amount of breeze...)" mom "{i} (I love taking little strolls around the city like these.)" mom "{i} (But what do I want to do for the rest of the afternoon?)" mom "{i} (Perhaps I'll do a bit of Shopping.)" scene 8scene10img14 mom "{i} (Oh oh!)" mom "{i} (Speaking about Shopping... There's a Sex Shop right over there!)" mom "{i} (Perhaps I can..)" mom "{i} (Oh no! What am I thinking?)" mom "{i} (Why is this enticing me?)" mom "{i} (I've never been in a Sex Shop before!)" mom "{i} (But I'm soo turned on right now just looking at the displays.)" scene 8scene10img15 mom "{i} (Well! Liza said she has a Dildo for every guy she fantasizes about.)" mom "{i} (I just want one!)" mom "{i} (That can't be so bad.)" mom "{i} (Am I really doing this?)" mom "{i} (Am I about to enter a Sex Shop for the first time in my life?)" mom "{i} (Oooohh but those dildos on display look so..)" mom "{i} (Oh what the heck!.. I'll get myself one!)" scene 8scene10img16 mom "{i} (Oooh this is such a strange feeling.)" mom "{i} (Being in one of these Shops.. Looking at those things.)" mom "{i} (What has gotten into me? I'm doing things I've never done before...)" mom "{i} (They do seem to have a nice colection.)" scene 8scene10img17 mom "{i} (Okay, Which one do I want?)" mom "{i} (The one at the top kinda resembles [mc] penis.)" mom "{i} (About the same size...)" scene 8scene10img16 mom "{i} (Yeah that almost looks like his.)" mom "{i} (Almost about the same size too..)" mom "{i} (But somehow I feel [ms] is Bigger.)" scene 8scene10img17 mom "{i} (Gosshh, I'm buying a Dildo thinking about [ms])" mom "{i} (I have become such a devious woman)" mom "{i} (Am I really doing this?)" scene 8scene10img16 mom "{i} (But just look at that thing.)" mom "{i} (It's soo close in resemblance to [mc]s actual thing.)" scene 8scene10img17 mom "{i} (I want it.)" scene 8scene10img18 mom "{i} (Gosh, I'm practically leaking!)" mom "{i} (This is such an erotic experience for me.)" mom "{i} (What a twisted Mother I've turned into!)" mom "{i} (My panties are soaked right now.)" mom "{i} (That's it!)" mom "{i} (I'm buyin it.)" scene 8scene10img19 mom "{i} (YESSS!!)" mom "{i} (Soo hard and soft.)" mom "{i} (I like how it feels in my hand.)" mom "{i} (It's so Big.)" mom "{i} (Somewhat close to the same feel as [ms]'s real thing!)" mom "{i} (I'm so happy!)" mom "{i} (My ver first Dildo.)" mom "{i} (I love it!)" mom "{i} (Ooohh I'm going to enjoy spending time with you.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 8scene11img1 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "Hey [asc], Wassup!" asc "[mc], can you please drop me at the Auto Shop?" asc "My car broke down.." mc "Again?" mc "I thought you got it fixed the day before." asc "Yeah. But it broke down again." mc "But how are we going to take your car there? We're gonna have to tow it." asc "No. The car's already at the Shop.. I just need a ride there.." mc "But... I just saw your car in the Garage..." asc "Did you? Oh, I forgot... It's the other car I left at the Auto Shop..." mc "But you just brought one car here..." asc "Uff! Why so many questions [mc]? Just gimme a ride there.." asc "Come one..." mc "Okaaaayy.." scene 8scene11img2 mc "How come you're always out and about [asc]? Even if it's just by yourself.." mc "Do you know that many people in this City?" asc "Yeah. I have plenty of friends around here.." mc "{i} (Man. I keep forgetting what a beauty she is..)" mc "{i} (She looks so gorgeous right now.)" asc "And you know me... I always like to be around people.." asc "Or at least out in the fresh air.. painting the city red." scene 8scene11img3 asc "I'm surprised you don't go out as much.." asc "A handsome young man such as yourself.. You should be out in the Concrete Jungle.. Hunting for Vagina.." mc "Did you just say Vagina?" asc "What? Did they change the name of the female genitalia?" asc "Or should I refer to it as Pussy?" asc "Yeah.. You should be chasing plenty of Pussy at this age you know.." mc "What?! You're my Aunt!!.. And you're actually encouraging me to chase Pussy?" asc "Yeah... What's wrong with that?" asc "Just make sure you don't catch any STDs, that's all." mc "Haha.. You're the coolest [asc]!!" asc "I know.." scene 8scene11img4 asc "So, do you have a Girlfriend?" mc "No." asc "Girlfriends?" mc "I wish." scene 8scene11img5 asc "Or do you just Hit it and Quit it?!" asc "Do you? What's your total? How many have you hit so far?" mc "Hehehehe.. I wish I could say I've HIT plenty... But really, I haven't" asc "What? Really??" asc "I thought your total would be at least over a 50." mc "50??!!" mc "That's a MASSIVE NUMBER, don't you think?" asc "Wait, 50's a lot??" mc "What? We are talking about the number of sexual partners, right?" mc "And you think 50!!! 50 is a small number?" scene 8scene11img4 asc "Yeah.. Soo..." mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (Did she just say 50 is a small number of sexual partners?)" mc "{i} (Now that makes me wonder how many she has...)" mc "{i} (Or had.. She's married.. Surely she must have only 1 now.)" mc "I wish I were that successful with chicks [asc].. But sadly I'm not." asc "Hmmmm.." asc "That is something we must rectify!" scene 8scene11img2 asc "Next time you go Partying... I'll be your Wingwoman." asc "I'll make sure you get laid!" mc "Damn!! You really are the coolest [asc]! Thanks.. You're the best!" mc "{i} (I wonder if she'll be my wingwoman to help fuck her Big Sister. Hehehehe)" mc "Can you give me some tips on how to pick up women [asc]?" asc "Hehehe. I like men [mc]... I can only give you tips on how to pick up men." mc "Eeeeewwwww." asc "Hahaha. To pick up women.. You should ask Ella for tips.." asc "She has made plenty of conquests with women.." asc "She's the right person to ask." mc "Except... She's hopelessly in love with Yelena now.." mc "She's actually told me a couple of times that she doesn't chase other girls anymore." scene 8scene11img4 asc "Huh??" asc "Good for her.. I guess.." asc "Or may be not.." asc "She's not even married and she's already settling down for just one girl to have sex with?" mc "Isn't.... Isn't that the way relationships work?" asc "Hmmm.. She didn't tell me she was that deep in love with Yelena.. She always tells me everything.." asc "But, can you imagine? Just one sexual partner forever..." mc "You should know what it feels like... You're married.." mc "You only have one sexual partner." scene 8scene11img5 asc "Yeah... Yeahh..." asc "I only have one..." asc "I meant for someone like her... who's not even married.." asc "Anyway.. Let's talk about something else." mc "Hey [asc], what's the best way to show a girl that you care for her?" asc "Buy her expensive things.." mc "No, I meant.. For someone oldschool..." asc "Are you under the assumption the oldschool type don't like expensive things?" mc "I mean.. Someone oldschool and someone who's already rich." asc "Buy her flowers I guess.." mc "Flowers?" mc "And they work?" asc "That's the most elementary trick that works on all women [mc]." scene 8scene11img4 asc "That would work even on someone materialistic like me!" mc "Huh?" mc "Good to know. Thanks for the tip [asc]." asc "So who's the girl you're going to give flowers to?" mc "What? No.. I was just asking." mc "Just thinking out loud." asc "Okay. We're near the Auto Shop. I'll get down here [mc]." mc "Okay." asc "Thanks for the ride [mc]. Drive safe.. Bye." mc "Bye [asc]." scene 8scene11img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Flowers!)" mc "{i} (Why didn't I think of these?)" mc "{i} (If someone so materialistic like [asc] says that these things work.. it must be true.)" mc "{i} (Haaaa.)" mc "{i} (First time I'm buying a girl flowers.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see how she reacts when I give these to her.)" mc "{i} (I know she likes Roses and Lilies.. .)" mc "{i} (So let me buy those)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene11img7 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "Hey [mom]." mom "Hi sweetie." mc "How are you [mom]?" mom "I'm very well sweetie. Thank you." mc "{i} (Man, I feel so scared..)" mc "{i} (But why? Why do I feel so scared right now? I'm shivering a little.)" mom "How was your day sweetheart?" mc "It's been wonderful." mc "So.. I was out and about... and I saw something sweet.." mc "I.. a.. I thought you'd like it.." mc "So I bought them for you..." mom "Aaaww. You bought something for me? So sweet." mom "What is it?" scene 8scene11img8 mc "Here.." mom "Haaaaa!!!!" mom "BABYYYYY!!!" mom "HONEEEYYYYY... THIS IS SO.." scene 8scene11img9 mom "YOU BOUGHT ME FLOWERS!!" mom "OH MY GOSH!!!!! THIS IS SOO SWEET...." mom "SO THOUGHTFUL..!!" mom "THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU... THANK YOU SOOOO MUCCHHHH" mom "come here.." scene 8scene11img10 mom "Mmmmuuaahhhh" mom "I am so over the moon right now sweetheart.." mom "You just made me the happiest girl in the world!" mom "How sweet of you!!" mom "Mmuuuuahhhh" scene 8scene11img11 mc "I'm so glad you liked it [mom]." mom "Like it?!" mom "I just told you I'm the happiest girl in the world right now!" mom "You have no idea how you've made me feel!" mom "This is one of my best days ever!" mom "My baby bringing me flowers.." mom "You are sooo sweet my sugar munchkin." scene 8scene11img12 mom "I want to cherish this moment forever!" mc "Roses and Lilies.." mc "I know you like them.. So.." mom "You know what flowers I like?" mc "Yeah. Of course..." mom "Aaaawwww." mom "You are such a sweet boy." mom "Thanks baby.. I mean it.." mom "[mmy] really appreaciates this." mc "Anytime [mom].. I'm so happy you liked it.." mc "Well, I just came here to give you that." mc "I think I'll go to my room now." mom "Okay sweetheart. Bye... And thanks again." scene 8scene11img13 mc "{i} (Pheww!)" mc "{i} (That was intense!!)" mc "{i} (I'm sweating...)" mc "{i} (And I'm trembling right now..)" mc "{i} (Why did I feel so nervous in there?)" mc "{i} (I have done so many dirty things to her... But I was..)" mc "{i} (I was literally shaking in there...)" mc "{i} (That was something else!)" mc "{i} (Phew!)" mc "{i} (I'm glad she liked it.. She seemed very happy.)" mc "{i} (I loved how her face lit up when I gave her those flowers.)" mc "{i} (I love seeing that glow on her face!)" mc "{i} (I'm happy that she's happy!)" mc "{i} (Let me go to my room now.. I think I need to relax myself a little bit.)" scene 8scene11img14 mom "My little baby boy just bought me Flowers." mom "That is such a sweet sweet thing of him to do.." mom "My sweet little munchkin.. He has made me soo happy." mom "My sweetheart" mom "Wait...." mom "Does he have ...." mom "No. It can't be it.." mom "In what world would that be nor..." mom "Nevermind!" mom "I just want to cherish this moment." scene 8scene12img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) j "Hi [mc]" mc "Hey Jasmine" e "Hey [mc]" mc "Hey Ella." mc "{i} (WHOA!! Ella!)" mc "{i} (Man, it's so scary to be around her now. After seeing her chop off a dude's head last night.)" j "Where were you [mc]?" j "We've been on you Balcony for an hour now." mc "I was out dropping [asc] somewhere." mc "Just got back." j "I just finished my Yoga session." j "Ella was keeping me company." mc "{i} (Looks like I missed another one of her sexy Yoga sessions!)" mc "{i} (Why am I always elsewhere when she's doing her Yoga here?.. Her Yoga sessions are too sexy to miss)" scene 8scene12img2 j "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" mc "Nothing. Was just going to take a nap." e "You usually wake up when it's almost afternoon [mc]..." e "And you take another nap during the day?" j "Uff! You are so lazy!!" mc "What? I've always been lazy..." j "Not while I'm around here..." e "You really think you can drive the laziness out of him J? Hehehe" e "You have better chances of making Iris stop pulling pranks." mc "{i} (I don't believe her! Ella! She seems to be so chill as always... Like nothing happened last night!)" mc "{i} (She beheaded a man last night in the middle of the streets!!)" mc "{i} (Freaking beheaded someone!)" mc "{i} (But she's standing there without showing any signs of remorse or guilt.)" mc "{i} (Is that how cold blooded she really is?)" j "Well, I'm not letting him be his lazy self when I'm around here.." j "You're not going to take a nap now [mc]." j "You're coming with me." mc "Where?" j "I'm going for Salsa practice... and you're going to be my partner?" mc "Salsa?" mc "We haven't done that in years.." j "So? Get re-used to it." e "You better go with her [mc]." mc "{i} (Fuck. Now anything Ella says sounds like a threat... Even though she's always been super nice to me.. and still is.)" j "I'm going to go take a shower." j "You get ready too." j "We'll leave in an hour." mc "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene lte with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" pause scene 8scene12img3 j "Here we are." j "We've got the whole Studio for just the two of us." mc "{i} (Hmm. I kinda like that.)" j "Do you remember the steps we used to practice?" mc "That was years ago Jasmine!" mc "We haven't done Salsa since the time you got married.." mc "And I didn't care much to practice because I only took these classes because you made me do it." j "You're saying that like it's a bad thing! Hahaha" mc "You have no idea how much I got teased when people found out I took salsa classes!" scene 8scene12img4 j "Well, have any girls laughed at you because they found out you took Salsa lessons?" mc "No." j "Exactly!" scene 8scene12img3 j "Tell some girls that you're into Salsa.." j "And just watch their reaction!" j "Better yet, have you done Salsa with anyone but me, your big [st]?" mc "No." j "So you're complaining about me making you take Salsa without testing the effect Salsa could have on a woman?" mc "Wait! Are you telling me that..." j "It makes a certain piece of clothing drop.. If that's what you're asking!" mc "Wow! Why didn't you tell me this before?" scene 8scene12img4 j "Because you were too young when I started you into Salsa." j "See?" j "I actually did you a favor getting you into Salsa. Hahahaha." mc "I think I just found a whole new love for Salsa just now! Hehe." scene 8scene12img3 j "Hahahaha." j "Anyway, do you remember any steps at all?" mc "A few here and there." j "Doesn't matter. Let's just start, and it'll come to you." mc "Sure." scene 8scene12img4 j "Okay. Go get the kit from the car." j "My dancing clothes are in it." mc "What kit?" j "The kit I told you to put in the trunk of the car!" mc "Yeeaahh... I think that's at home... I totally forgot!" j "Gosh! You are unbelievable!" j "Now how am I going to dance in this Maxi Dress?" mc "Sorry!" j "Ugghh! Anyway, there's no other option.. Guess I'll have to practice in this dress." mc "Come on. Let's get started." scene 8scene12img5 j "Now 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." j "Right foot to the side.." mc "{i} (Hmmmmm... I'm already liking this!)" mc "{i} (I haven't done Salsa with her since I was a little kid.)" mc "{i} (But now, being the pervert I am.. I'm loving this!)" mc "{i} (Her breasts are flush against my chest.)" mc "{i} (Awesome!)" j "Now swivel to your right..." scene 8scene12img6 j "And swiingg..." mc "{i} (Mmmmmmmmmm)" mc "{i} (She smells soooo good)" mc "{i} (I had forgotten how close contact this type of dance this really is!)" mc "{i} (This is perfect for a Perv like me!)" mc "{i} (Why was I even complaining?)" j "Now lift me up a little..." j "Oh snap!! Wait..." scene 8scene12img7 mc "What happened?" j "It's the dress!" j "I'm not able to stretch my legs in this.." j "It's restricting movement too much." j "You had to forget that kit!!" j "Gaah! I gave you one job!" mc "Sorry...." j "Now coming all this way here could be a waste.. Cause I just can't dance in this dress." j "It's almost impossible." mc "Well....." mc "Here's an idea..." mc "You've got underwear on, right?" j "What? Of course I do!" mc "May be...." mc "You can practice in your underwear..." j "Are you kidding me? I'm a grown woman!" j "I can't do that." j "Let's just go home. Come on." j "Urrghhh. I was soo loking forward to this." j "And you messed it up!" mc "I'm sorry J." mc "But if you were looking forward to it that much... coming all this way doesn't have to go to waste!" mc "What's the harm in practicing in your underwear?" mc "I won't mind.." j "I really was looking forward to this practice.." scene 8scene12img8 j "But... dancing in my underwear..!" j "With you..." mc "I've seen you in Bikinis plenty of times.." mc "You converse with me in your Bikinis when you're swimming." mc "Is this really any different from that?" j "I don't know... It's just.." j "It's close contact... And you're my little [br]" j "Dancing in my underwear with you... that.." mc "We can always go back home if you'd like.. That was just a suggestion so you don't miss out on a practice you were looking forward to." j "Well.. okay..." j "Gimme a minute.. Let me get out of this dress." scene 8scene12img9 j "Well...." j "Here I am." j "In my underwear..." j "Gosh this is so embarassing!!" mc "{i} (YESSSS!!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe it actually worked!)" mc "{i} (I really didn't think she'd actually go with my stupid suggestion!)" mc "{i} (This is going to be a great practice session! Hahaha)" mc "{i} (She looks stunning!)" j "Well, are you ready?" j "Let's begin." scene 8scene12img10 mc "{i} (Oooooohh wow)" mc "{i} (I just hit another sexy Jackpot)" mc "{i} (The feel of her bare skin against my body!)" j "Now 1.. 2.. 3.. 4..." j "Right foot to your side..." j "Left foot back.." j "Annnd.. pivot..." scene 8scene12img11 mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhhh)" mc "{i} (The way her skin feels as I slide my hands against her body.)" mc "{i} (Don't know why I ever complained about Salsa)" mc "{i} (This is the best.)" mc "{i} (I'm loving this.)" j "Now lift me up just a little..." j "And swivel to your right..." scene 8scene12img12 j "Peerfect." mc "{i} (What's perfect is your sexy body sis)" mc "{i} (Back against belly)" mc "{i} (Her ass against my groin!)" mc "{i} (What more can I ask for?)" j "Now grab my left wrist.." j "And swwinng me arrounnd..." scene 8scene12img13 j "Peerfect!" j "You are still good at this [mc]" j "And you thought you had forgotten everything.." mc "It's just coming back I guess.." mc "{i} (Soooo clooseee...)" mc "{i} (Tight against each other!)" mc "{i} (I might just push her to the floor and holding her just like this.. and fuck her in missionary!)" scene 8scene12img14 j "This is fun, isn't it?" j "A little bit nostalgic too?" mc "Yeah. You're right." j "You were short back then.. I had to adjust my moves to match your height. Hahaha." j "You are so big now." mc "{i} (Being so close to you my cock is getting big sis!)" j "Now twist me around to the left......" scene 8scene12img15 j "But catch me!!" j "{i} (Oooww my gosh, he has an erection!)" j "{i} (What do I do? What do I do?)" j "{i} (Perhaps it's just a natural response..)" j "{i} (I should give him the benefit of the doubt!)" j "{i} (If I tell him to stop mid routine.. He'll feel embarassed.)" mc "{i} (YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!)" mc "{i} (This is perfect anal position)" scene 8scene12img16 mc "{i} (I must not lose control!)" mc "{i} (I should not lose control!)" mc "{i} (It's taking me everything to not do something stupid right now!)" scene 8scene12img17 mc "{i} (Her legs wrapped around my right leg.)" mc "{i} (There is a position in Kama Sutra like this.)" mc "{i} (Saw that in a video...)" mc "{i} (Penetrating a woman's Vagina while she has both her legs wrapped against one of yours.)" mc "{i} (I imagine it'd be a super tight feel for the penis.)" j "{i} (Hmmmmm.. This is the most action I've gotten in 2-3 months!)" j "{i} (Ever since that rift between my husband and I, I haven't been this close to a male body.)" j "{i} (Stupid of me to even think of sex in this context.. He's my little [br])" j "{i} (But I can definitely feel his erection against my body.)" j "{i} (May be he's enjoying this a little bit more than he should.)" j "Now switch [mc]..." scene 8scene12img18 j "{i} (Hhhuuuuuhh!)" j "{i} (His hand's grazing against my butt!!)" j "{i} (Not his fault! Not his fault!)" j "{i} (It's just standard transition...)" j "{i} (But it feels weird because it's against my bare ass)" j "Slowly puuusshh and lift me back..." scene 8scene12img19 mc "{i} (Okay!! THIS IS JUST FUCKING INSANE!)" mc "{i} (HOW AM I STILL IN MY SENSES AT THIS MOMENT? I CAN'T TELL)" mc "{i} (I could just push into her!!)" mc "{i} (These Latin dances are sure sexual as fuck!)" scene 8scene12img20 j "{i} (What do I do?)" j "{i} (What do I do??!!" j "{i} (I feel his erection flush against my Vagina now)" j "{i} (I can't tell if it's deliberate.. or if he's just having a natural reaction.)" j "{i} (It'd be too harsh of me to scold him if he's just having a natural reaction.)" scene 8scene12img21 j "{i} (Another perfect transition..)" j "{i} (But I'm definitely starting to think he's enjoying this...)" j "{i} (Could my little [br] actually be thinking of me sexually right this instant?)" j "{i} (These are all normal moves and transitions...)" j "{i} (But I feel like he's definitely putting a little extra squeeze into these...)" scene 8scene12img22 j "{i} (Oh my gosh!!)" j "{i} (He just touched my Vagina!!!)" j "{i} (I should stop this... I should stop this...)" j "{i} (Well, he didn't grab it.. his hand just grazed in that area.. Could be an honest mistake...)" scene 8scene12img23 j "{i} (No.. no.. no...)" j "{i} (This is definitely getting into dangerous territory..)" j "{i} (I can't be waiting to decide if it's honest mistake... or deliberate..)" j "Let's just stop for now [mc]." scene 8scene12img24 j "I think that's enough practice for tonight [mc].." j "That was fun.." j "But let's wind it up.." mc "Anything wrong?" j "No. Nothing wrong... I just felt like so much practice was enough for now." mc "Okay." j "{i} (I really can't tell if he was sexually enjoying it.. or if it was all natural reactions and honest mistakes..)" j "{i} (So I will give him the benifit of the doubt tonight.)" j "Okay, [mc] let's go home now." j "Let's do this another time." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "{i} (That was such a wild and erotic time with Jasmine.)" mc "{i} (Enjoyed every second of it.)" mc "{i} (Being in such constant close contact got me all sorts of aroused.)" mc "{i} (She stopped it a little abruptly though..)" mc "{i} (Could she have noticed my erection?)" mc "{i} (Perhaps she did.. That was extreme close contact after all.)" mc "{i} (If she did notice it.. She didn't make a big deal out of it..)" mc "{i} (May be she just attributed it to my age and hormones.. May be that's why she let it slide.)" mc "{i} (Time to sleep now.)" scene black pause scene 8scene13img2 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause mc "Hi [mom]!" mom "Hi sweetie.." mom "Sorry, I didn't knock.." mom "The door wans't locked.. and I thought you'd be sleeping." mom "So I just thought I'd sit here and watch you sleep.." mc "Aaaww." mom "Come sit [mom]." scene 8scene13img3 mom "How come you're not asleep yet?" mc "Well, I was just thinking about... Well.. You." mom "Aaaawwww." mom "You are such a sweetheart." mom "My sweet, sweet baby.." mc "How come you're not asleep yet either..?" mom "I was just thinking about stuff.." mom "I wasn't getting any sleep.. Just thought I'd see if any of you were awake." mc "I'm glad you came to my room [mom]..." mc "You haven't come to my room in a long time though.. What brought you here tonight?" scene 8scene13img4 mom "Does a Mother need a reason to come to her baby's room?" mc "Haha. No." mc "My doors are always open for you.." mc "You can come here anytime you like." mom "So sweet." mom "I wasn't getting any sleep.. Guess I'm still a little bit overjoyed.." mom "You know.. thinking about how you brought me Flowers today." mom "What made you do that sweetie?" mc "I don't know... I just saw them.. and the beauty of those flowers reminded me of you.. So I.." scene 8scene13img5 mom "You really think I'm that beautiful?" mc "I truly think that you are the most beautiful woman in the world [mom]." mom "Aaaaww" mom "Do you really mean that?" mc "Of course I do!" mc "I'll swear that in any court!" mom "Thanks baby.." mom "You're sweet as chocolate." scene 8scene13img4 mom "Here's something I haven't asked you recently.." mom "How come you don't have a girlfriend yet?" mc "I don't know.." mom "Would you still think I'm beautiful if a special lady walks into your life?" mc "Nothing's going to change my opinion about who the most beautiful woman in this world is." mc "It's you. It'll always be you." scene 8scene13img5 mom "Well, I guess your future wife will be very jealous of me then." mc "Hahaha." mom "How did you grow up so fast into this... this fine young man?" mom "I'm proud of what a gentleman you are baby..." mom "Well, sometimes you can be a little rascal when it comes to.. to that.." mc "Our adventues?" mom "Yeah. That..." mom "But deep down you are such a fine gentleman." mc "Thanks [mom].." mc "Can I ask you something?" mom "Sure." mc "Do you like it when I'm a rascal with you?" scene 8scene13img4 mom "You want the honest answer?" mc "Yeah.." mom "YES" mc "You do?!!" mc "You like it when I misbehave??" mom "Well not all the time...." mom "But sometimes when you get a little rough with me...." mom "That kinda like that domination..." mom "How assertive you get... Hehehe." mc "So..." mc "You like it rough??" scene 8scene13img5 mom "Hahahaha. Let's not turn this into a bedroom conversation sweetie.." mc "You are in my bedroom.." mom "Hahaha." mom "I just came here you tell you how great you made me feel today with those Flowers sweetie." mom "That was so special.." mom "Thank you baby." mom "Well, I should get going.." scene 8scene13img6 mom "Mmmuuuah." mom "[mmy] loves you sweetheart." mom "Your quirks and all..." mom "Such a sweet, sweet sugar bunny." mom "Mmmmuuuahh" scene 8scene13img7 mom "Good night love." mom "Get some sleep." mc "{i} (That was such a tender moment..)" mc "{i} (I was ready to leave it at just that.. cherishing that loving, tender moment..)" mc "{i} (But it took a little steamy turn towards the end.)" mc "{i} (That made me immediately horny.)" mc "{i} (I thought that bit of dirty talk would leave somewhere... But she cut it short.)" mc "{i} (I love her.. I love her with all my heart...)" mc "{i} (But I also lust for her in a very depraved sense!)" mc "{i} (Well, she did say she sometimes like it when I get assertive..)" mc "{i} (Let me show her assertive..)" scene 8scene13img8 mc "Come here!" mom "Bab..!" mc "{i} (Aaaah)" mc "{i} (These lips are the best.)" scene 8scene13img9 mom "{i} (He's kissing me so tenderly!)" mom "{i} (BUT WE'RE AT HOME!)" mom "{i} (What did I get myself into?!)" mom "{i} (I should've known better!)" scene 8scene13img10 mom "{i} (Aaa!)" mom "{i} (There he goes.. putting his mouth on my breasts!)" mom "{i} (This is so dangerous!)" mom "{i} (I should've known he'd try something the minute I walked into his room!!)" scene 8scene13img11 mom "{i} (Aaaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (What is he doing?)" mom "{i} (What if someone caught us?)" mom "{i} (Iris almost walked in on us yesterday!!)" mom "{i} (Gosh!! He is just horny all the time!)" scene 8scene13img12 mc "{i} (Time to take control of her!)" mc "{i} (She did say she sometimes likes assertive..)" mc "{i} (Well here's assertive!)" mom "Baby!!" mom "What are you doing?" mc "{i} (Time to push her against that wall.)" scene 8scene13img13 mom "**Whispering** Baby.. this is insane.." mom "**Whispering ** We're at home!" mom "**Whispering** We can't do this here honey.." mom "**Whispering** You need to calm down.. stop." mc "**Whispering** Sorry [mom].. Your ass just looks irresistible" mc "Time to take these panties off" scene 8scene13img14 mc "Aaaahhhh" mc "This bubble butt" mc "You've got such an apple booty [mom], you know that?" mom "Baby.. this is..." mc "This ass incites all sorts of desire in me." scene 8scene13img15 mom "Aaahh" mom "{i} (He's licking my Vagina)" scene mombrpussylick animated with fade: "8scene13img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene13img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Mmmmmm yes!)" mc "{i} (Pussy so delicious, it should be a 7 star meal.)" mc "{i} (Leak your juices into my mouth [mom])" mc "{i} (Yes.. yes..)" mc "{i} (Leak your love juices into my mouth.)" mc "{i} (Your pussy tastes soo good.)" mc "{i} (I want to eat it all night!)" mc "{i} (You are leaking soo much you slut.)" mom "{i} (Ooooooowwwww yeaahhhhh.....)" mom "{i} (He's eating me sooo well.)" mom "{i} (My pussy's twitching!)" mom "{i} (Eat me out baby..)" mom "{i} (Eat your [mmy] out..)" mc "{i} (Love this pussy!)" mc "{i} (Let's move on ahead.)" scene 8scene13img17 mom "Babbyyy.. please don't put it inside.." mc "I won't [mom]..." mom "Can I trust you?" mc "I won't put it in [mom], i swear." mom "Get to it then..." mc "Are you enjoying this [mom]?" mom "Just do your thing honey.." scene 8scene13img18 mc "Aaaaaahh" mc "{i} (I just love being between her thighs)" scene mombrstandingdhump animated with fade: "8scene13img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene13img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Aaaaahh)" mom "{i} (I should be careful and try not to moan..)" mom "{i} (We can't risk waking anybody up.)" mc "{i} (Take it.)" mc "{i} (Take it [mom])" mc "{i} (Your thighs feel soo good.)" mc "{i} (I can only imagine what your insides feel like)" mom "{i} (The top part of his shaft is slightly spreading my Vagina with every stroke)" mom "{i} (I can feel his hardness against my lips)" scene 8scene13img20 mom "{i} (Aaaaahhhh yeaahhhh baby..)" mom "{i} (He is soo good.)" mom "{i} (Do [mmy] just like that.)" mom "{i} (Do [ym] just like that.)" mom "{i} (Give it to me.)" mom "{i} (Give it to [mmy])" scene mombrstandingdhump animated with fade: "8scene13img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene13img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She is leaking...)" mc "{i} (Her juices are leaking on my shaft..)" mc "{i} (I can feel a tiny bit of her insides on my shaft!)" mc "{i} (It is so wet.)" mc "{i} (I love how her pussy's twitching above my cock.)" mc "{i} (This is the best feeling ever.)" mc "{i} ([ym] leaking her juices on top of your cock)" mc "{i} (Take it..)" mc "{i} (Take it [mom]..)" "**KNOCK** KNOCK **KNOCK**" asc "[mc].. It's me.." scene 8scene13img21 mom "{i} (Stupid Stacy!!! She interrupted such a..)" mom "{i} (What does she want?)" mc "{i} (GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!)" mc "{i} (COCK BLOCKED AGAIN!!)" mc "{i} (I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!)" asc "[mc], are you awake?" asc "If you are, open up.." mc "Go hide in my Bathroom [mom].." mc "I'll take care of this.." mom "Careful." scene 8scene13img22 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Hi [asc]." asc "[mc], so sorry to bother you at this time.." asc "I know it's late in the night.." asc "But I'm not getting wifi in my room.." mc "{i} (Fuck! She cock blocked me for fucking wifi?)" asc "If you weren't sleeping, can you please check the connection?" mc "Oh, I was just about to doze off [asc]." mc "Can I do it in the morning?" asc "Sure. No problem." asc "Sorry I bothered you this late in the night.. I just thought you always went to sleep late..)" mc "No problem." asc "Okay. Goog night." scene 8scene13img23 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "**Whispering** Has she left?" mc "**Whispering** Yes." mom "What did she want?" mc "She wanted to see if I can check the wifi connection." mom "Was there any suspicion?" mom "Did she suspect anything?" mc "No. No.." mc "Not at all." mom "Okay. Good." mc "Shall we get back?" mom "WHAT??!" mom "I don't believe you!" mom "We almost just caught... and you want to get back to it again?" mom "Good night [mc]. Sleep tight." mc "{i} (Damn!)" scene 6scene6img18 mc "{i} (Maaann.. I can't believe [asc] cock blocked me for her stupid wifi!)" mc "{i} (I was enjoying [mom]'s juices on my dick)" mc "{i} (I'm getting cock blocked left and right here.)" mc "{i} ([mmy]'s right... It is too dangerous to do this here..)" mc "{i} (We're getting cock blocked at every turn!)" mc "{i} (If someone caught us, it could be disastorous.)" mc "{i} (I have to be careful and try not to pull my stunts on [mom] in the house.)" mc "{i} (Let me get some sleep now.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene13img24 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "{i} (Stupid Stacy!)" mom "{i} (She interrupted such a good, steamy moment.)" mom "{i} (But I think I should be thankful to her..)" mom "{i} (Things could've easily gotten out of control with [mc] tonight.)" mom "{i} (I have to make it clear to him that we just cannot play at home.)" mom "{i} (Iris and Stacy almost caught us during intimate moments.)" mom "{i} (Lucky that the doors were locked.)" mom "{i} (But what if they weren't, and somebody walked in on us?)" mom "{i} (That would be catastrophic.)" mom "{i} (Let me just to get some sleep now.)" scene 8scene13img25 mom "OH!!!" mom "STACY!!!" asc "Hey sis, what are you doing up at this time of night?" mom "Nothing.. I a.. I was just sitting by the Pool." asc "Trouble sleeping?" mom "No.. I just wanted to get some fresh air outside.." asc "Oh, okay." asc "But I was just down by [mc]'s room...." asc "Didn't see you sitting by the Pool..." mom "I was sitting at the far corner... And it's dark Stacy.." asc "Oh yeah. the darkness.. may be that's why I couldn't see you." asc "I'm feeling sleepless.. So I'm just walking around in the dark." mom "Okay. Hope you can get some sleep soon." mom "I think I'll go up to my room Stacy.. Good night." asc "Good night sis." scene 8scene13img26 asc "{i} (Hhmmmmm....)" asc "{i} (I could've sworn I didn't see anybody by the Pool..)" asc "{i} (But she's right... It is dark...)" asc "{i} (May be that's why I couldn't see her there..)" asc "{i} (But I was in the balcony just now...)" asc "{i} (I should've been able to see her from there...)" asc "{i} (Then again.. no lights on..)" asc "{i} (Anyway, why am I making a big deal out of this?)" asc "{i} (It doesn't matter anyway.)" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yaaawwnnn." mc "What a beautiful morning." mc "Was left with blue balls last night." mc "[asc] got cock blocked for like the 100th time I guess." mc "Hope I get some alone time with [mom] today." mc "But I should take her outside... considering I'm getting cock blocked left and right here." mc "Gotta figure out a way to get her out with me today alone." mc "Let's figure out a plan later." mc "I'm having Coffee with Candice this morning." mc "I love going out for Coffee with her in the mornings.." mc "Let me get ready and get going." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene14img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" c "[mc], you should've totally come with us to the Pier yesterday!" c "Iris and I got our hands on a couple of Go Karts somehow." c "We were racing around the pier in Go Karts with some other girls.." c "On the Pier!! Can you believe that?" mc "Wow!" mc "That sounds like a lot of fun Candice." c "Yeah. We had such a great time!" mc "Go Karts on the Pier!... You can cout me in next time." scene 8scene14img2 c "Sure... You'll be losing to us of course.." mc "Hahaha. I'll be kicking both of your asses." mc "I happen to be a pretty good racer you know." c "Iris and I know the way around the pier like the back of our hands [mc]." c "You'll be the one getting your ass kicked." mc "Haha. Let's see about that." c "Plus, we have a couple of tricks up our sleeves.. How do you think we beat the other girls 3 out of 5 times?" mc "You sneaky little cheaters!" mc "I know there's always some cheating involved whenever Iris plays any games." c "Hahaha." scene 8scene14img1 c "Sometimes I wonder you know... How did I get soo lucky?" c "This life.. this wonderful life.. Such a great [fmy] that loves me to the moon and back.." c "I never thought I'd ever get out of that Island you see." c "I am such a lucky girl." mc "I am so happy for your Candice." mc "It's a privelege to call you my [st]." mc "Come to think of it.. I gotta start spoiling you with gifts." scene 8scene14img3 c "Oooh not gifts again.." c "You have no idea how much Mom spoils me with gifts [mc]." c "She's always buying me something or the other.." c "She spoils me sooo much." c "You know? She saw me take a second look at a Car on the streets once..." c "And she bought that car for me! Just like that.." mc "She loves you a lot Candice.." c "I know.. she's the best." c "She is soooo sweet." mc "{i} (Yeah. She tastes sweet too. Hehehe.)" mc "Tell me.. what are some of your dreams?" mc "Things you want to do.. places you want to see.." scene 8scene14img1 c "I'd love to see Sweden sometime." mc "Your home country." mc "Do you remember anything about Sweden?" c "Not really.." c "Last I was there was when I was a child.." c "I don't remember much of it." c "But it's always been on my mind.." mc "Then I'll take you there." scene 8scene14img2 c "Really?" mc "Yeah." mc "Let's go sometime.. Just the two of us." mc "Let's go climb all that mountains.. and explore all the beautiful sceneries." mc "I've been wanting to go there sometime too." c "That'd be fantastic." c "You are so nice [mc]." mc "Anything for you Cancice. I love you." c "I love you to [br]. I love all of us." scene 8scene14img3 c "What are your plans for the day?" mc "Nothing planned yet." c "Iris and I are going to the movies.. You wanna come?" mc "Iris? I'm sure it's another Chick Flick.." c "Yes haha." mc "Yeah.. I think I'll pass." c "Some of Iris and mine other girl friends will be there.." c "We can introduce you to them." mc "As great as that sounds... nothing is worth sitting through a Chick Flick sis... Haha." mc "Hard pass on chick flicks. Hehehe." c "Okay." scene 8scene14img1 c "Speaking of chick flicks.. it's a morning show.." c "Iris will be waiting for me." c "I gotta get going now [mc]." c "I told her I'll have Coffee with you and be with her as soon as I can." mc "Sure. Nor problem." mc "You girls go have fun." c "Bye." mc "Bye Candice. Enjoy the movie if you can haha." c "I will. I happen to like those. Hehe" c "Okay. Bye now." scene 8scene14img1a mc "{i} (I wonder how all these girls actually enjoy those chick flicks)" mc "{i} (They are so boring.)" mc "{i} (And the all have almost the same plot.)" mc "{i} (Chick flicks suck)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene14img1b play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mysc "30 Minutes.. Same place." mysc "Be there." mc "{i} (This douchebag.)" mc "{i} (I hope he's not super pissed about me forgetting to do the job he asked me to do.)" mc "{i} (I was so carried away taking pics of Iris.. I totally forgot about that job.)" mc "{i} (Luckily he hasn't sent that pic to everyone.)" mc "{i} (That must mean this job is very important to him.. He must have big bets on the Duper Bowl.)" mc "{i} (That's why he hasn't sent it.. He wants me to get ths job done.)" mc "{i} (Lemme go see that douchebag.)" scene 8scene14img5 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mysc "YOUUU MOTHERFUCKER!!" mysc "HOW DARE YOU FORGET TO DO A JOB THAT I GAVE YOU!!" mc "Dude, calm down!" mc "I said it was an honest mistake.." mc "I really didn't mean to skip it.." mysc "THIS BETTER BE THE LAST TIME YOU FORGET TO DO SOMETHING I TELL YOU TO DO!" mysc "I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS AGAIN!!" mysc "DO YOU HEAR ME?!!" scene 8scene14img6 mysc "DO YOU HEAR ME?!!" mysc "I WILL RUIN EVERYTHING FOR YOU IF YOU DO." mc "Got it man. Relax.." mc "Like I said.. just tell me where this dude will be again... and I'll get this done." mysc "I DON'T HAVE THAT INFORMATION YET! AND IT'S YOUR FAULT" mysc "HAD YOU DONE YOUR JOB LIKE I TOLD YOU TO, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO WASTE MY TIME COLLECTING INFO ON HIS WHEREABOUTS AGAIN!" mc "Sorry man." mc "I will make sure I get it done the next time." scene 8scene14img7 mysc "You better!" mysc "I should have the info on his whereabouts by tomorrow." mysc "Once I give you them.. I don't care what you're in the middle of." mysc "You get it done." mysc "Only 3 days till the Duper Bowl. You better not screw this up." mc "I will handle it." mysc "You may go now." mysc "I'll share the details when I have them." mc "Okay. Later." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (That dude must be really desperate about his Duper Bowl betting.)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, everyone would have seen that pic by now.)" mc "{i} (I should not mess this up.)" mc "{i} (If he loses his bets on the Duper Bowl because of me not pulling off the job.. it's a guarantee he'll send that pic the very next second.)" mc "{i} (But how do I take out Chris Hadler of all people?)" mc "{i} (That dude is a freak athlete!)" mc "{i} (I'd be getting my ass kicked if he caught me trying to injure him!)" mc "{i} (How am I going to do it?)" mc "{i} (Hhhuuhh.. Lemme think about it another time.)" mc "{i} (What do I want to do now?)" mc "{i} (For the rest of the day..)" mc "{i} (What do I want to do?)" mc "{i} (Well, the answer to that is always the same... [mom].)" mc "{i} (I wanna play with her...)" mc "{i} (I have some vague sketch of a plan... Let's see if this works..)" mc "{i} (Time to go execute.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene14img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "Hey [mom]." mc "Wooww" mc "You look stunning!" mom "Thanks honey." mom "But please remember to behave.." mom "I shouldn't have to tell you again that we're at home!" mc "That hurts [mom]! Do you think that that's all I think about, all the time?" mom "Well, don't you?" mc "Hehe. You're right." mc "Hehehehe." mc "Anyway, this is about something else.." mc "I gotta show you something..." mc "Can you please come to my room?" mom "Really?" mom "After what you pulled last night!!" mc "Please just trust me [mom]. This is about something else.." mom "Okay.. But you better not try anything..." mc "I won't." scene 8scene14img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "Baby!!" mom "What is this about? hahaha" mom "You got a Guitar in hand" mc "Something I'd been working on.." mc "Been wanting to share this with you." mom "OOoooh" mom "I'm excited!" scene 8scene14img11 mom "What's all this about sweetie?" mom "You got me so thrilled!" mc "I wrote a song for you [mom]." scene 8scene14img12 mom "HUUHHHHH!!" mom "YOU WROTE A SONG FOR ME?!" mc "Yeah." mc "I'd been working on it a couple of days.." mom "Aaaaawwwww that is soooo sweet...." scene 8scene14img10 mc "I'd been wanting to share this with you for so long.." mc "But I wanted it to be perfect.." mc "Finally managed to finish it.." mc "{i} (Now that's a flat out lie... I really did want to write a song.)" mc "{i} (But I couldn't write a decent romantic song for the life of me.!)" mc "{i} (So all I've really done is just put together lyrics of some other songs.)" mc "{i} (But I hope she buys it..)" scene 8scene14img11 mc "Before we begin.. I gotta ask.." mc "I think I know the answer to this... But what kinda music are you into?" mom "You know me sweetie.. I'm an 80's girl.." mom "The Scorpions etc. That's my jam." mc "{i} (I already knew that.)" mc "Have you listened to a lot of new songs lately?" mom "Oh, recent music is trash. I don't listen to that garbage. I don't listen to anything mainstream after the 90s." mc "PERFECT." mc "{i} (Then she won't know I stole the lyrics from these other songs.)" mc "{i} (The lyrics are altered of course. To make sure it does not infringe copyrights.)" scene 8scene14img10 mc "This is the song I wrote for you.." mc "It goes something like this.." scene 8scene14img11 mc "Would you dance with me?" mc "If I asked you to dance.." scene 8scene14img10 mc "Would you run far and away?.. and never look back" mc "Cause all of me..." scene 8scene14img13 mc "Loves all of you..." mc "Baby... every inch... and aaalll of me...." mc "Loves aaaall of you...." mc "Baby that's aaaaaallll of me...... every paaaarrt of mee.." mc "Loving aaaalllll of yoouuuuu..." scene 8scene14img10 mc "Baby our love, will never grow old... It's evergreen.. Forever and always." mc "Baby your face and smile are always in my heart..." mc "And memoooriiieeesss...." scene 8scene14img12 mc "I can be your hero baby... our knight in shining armour.." mc "I can kiss the pain away..." mc "I will stand by you forever... forever and always..." mc "I will be right by you baby..." mc "Every second of everyday.." mc "Your smile enchants me baby... That's why..." scene 8scene14img10 mc "Every paaart of me..." mc "Loves aaaalll of you..." mc "Baby... every inch... and aaalll of me...." scene 8scene14img13 mc "Loves aaaall of you...." mc "Baby that's aaaaaallll of me...... every paaaarrt of mee.." mc "Loving aaaalllll of yoouuuuu..." mc "I can beee your hero...." mc "I can kiss away your reluctance.." mc "I will stand by you fooorevaaahhhh" scene 8scene14img10 mc "You can take me away..." mc "You can take me away..." mc "I can be your hero... I can be your kinght in shining armour" scene 8scene14img14 "**CLAP** **CLAP** **CLAP CLAP CLAP**" mom "WOOWWW!" mom "THAT WAS JUST.." mom "THAT WAS" mom "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY..." mom "I'M STRUGGLING FOR WORDS HONEEYY..." mom "THAT WAS BEEAAUTIFUL!" mom "I AM SOOO EUPHORIC." mc "Glad you liked it [mom]..." mc "{i} (Good she didn't recognize that I kinda copied and altered some lyrics to put together this song.)" scene 8scene14img11 mom "Baby, you want to get some Ice Cream?" mc "Like we used to when I was a kid.." mom "Yeah." mom "You and me.. freaking out on all the Ice Cream we can get." mom "Like we used to.." mc "I'd love that [mom]." mom "Great." mom "Come on. Let's go." scene 8scene14img15 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "WOW!" mc "Thanks for all this Ice Cream [mom]" mom "It's so nostalgic, isn't it?" mom "Brings back such fond memories.." mc "Yeah.. Absolutely.." mc "We used to do this almost every week." mom "Yeah.." scene 8scene14img16 mom "Until you grew out of your love for Ice Creams." mc "Haha." mom "Gosh! You used to eat soo much ice cream back then." mc "Yeah.. I did. Haha." mc "I loved our ice cream trips every week." mc "It used to be one of the highlights of my week." mom "Such wonderful memories." mom "Hey, how about we start doing this regularly again?" mc "Sure. I like doing anything with you." mc "Of course, I'm in." mom "Awesome." mom "Let's do this every week from now." mc "Okay [mc] I'm going to go get some more Ice Cream.. You want some?" mom "No sweetie." mc "WHAT?? ARE YOU SURE?" mc "You just had one... You always have more than one..." scene 8scene14img17 mom "That's because right now... I want YOUR Ice Cream." mc "......" mc "...." mom "Wha.. whaat?" mom "You want me to be specific?" mom "Right now, I want to Eat YOUR Ice Cream.." mc "YESSS!!!" mom "Come on, let's get a room!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene15img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "{i} (Best day ever!!!)" mc "{i} (The way she said she wanted to eat MY Ice Cream..!!)" mc "{i} (Couldn't get our usual Hotel Room... So we got this other great one.)" mc "{i} (We got here in a HURRY!)" mc "{i} (My mind's been racing the whole time...)" mc "{i} (The things I wanna do to that ass!!)" mom "{i} (Lock the Door my love.)" scene 8scene15img2 mc "{i} (Aaaah! Yeahh!)" mc "{i} (We couldn't have got here soon enough!)" mom "{i} (Just got to kissing.. and he's already trying to undress me!)" mom "{i} (I love his hand on my butt)" scene 8scene15img3 mc "{i} (She's sucking my lips)" mc "{i} (She's kissking me so passionately)" mc "{i} (And she's pressing hard against my body...)" mc "{i} (So tight!.)" mc "{i} (She seems to be sex crazed!)" mc "{i} (She must be super horny!)" scene 8scene15img4 mom "Oooooooohhhh yea..." mom "Take [mmy]'s breasts baby..." mom "{i} (Those soft kisses...)" mom "{i} (He's kissing the hem of my Bra.)" mom "{i} (The pressure of his lips on my breasts!)" mom "{i} (I love my baby's mouth on my tits)" mom "They're all yours sugar..." mom "Go for it.." mom "Enjoy [mmy]'s tits.." mc "{i} (I just love the feel of her breasts against my lips.)" scene 8scene15img5 mc "{i} (She just pushed me on the Bed.!!)" mc "{i} (And she's on top of me..)" mc "{i} (She's taking the lead today..)" mc "{i} (Our groins are against each other.)" scene momafternooncgh animated with fade: "8scene15img5" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img6" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhh)" mc "{i} (Man, she's off control today!)" mc "{i} (She must be super horny!..)" mom "{i} (I can feel his manhood growing and growing against my Vagina!)" mom "{i} (It's only our clothes seperating our genitals.)" mom "{i} (If it weren't for these clothes, he'd me inside me right now.)" mom "{i} (This ravenous lust is taking over me.)" mom "{i} (His hands are squeezing my butt!)" mc "{i} (Her breasts pressed flush against my chest!)" mc "{i} (They feel so cushiony!)" mc "{i} (I'm grabbing both her ass cheeks.. and they feel soo good!)" scene 8scene15img7 mom "I want it baby..?" mom "I want to taste it.." mom "I want your cock.." mom "I want you inside my mouth." mc "YESSSSS!" scene 8scene15img8 mc "Aaaaaahhhhhh" mc "Aaaaaaaaah" scene momafternoonbjside animated with fade: "8scene15img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I should not bloooww...)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaa...)" mc "{i} (She's taking me sooo deeep.)" mc "{i} (I'm soooo deep in her mouth!)" mc "{i} (My cock is in heavenly bliss right now!)" mc "{i} (Her mouth gripping my shaft so tight.. and sliding up and down it..)" mc "{i} (I must be in heaven!)" mc "{i} (This is the best feeling EVER!)" mom "{i} (He tastes sooo good..)" mom "{i} (Such a delicious cock!)" mom "{i} (I'm sucking it like a ravenous whore.)" mom "{i} (This depraved perversion is sending me into higher orbits of pleasure.)" scene momafternoonbjfront animated with fade: "8scene15img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She's sucking me soo deep.)" mc "{i} (Her mouth feels like heaven.)" mc "{i} (Sooo wet.)" mc "{i} (The wetness on my shaft feels incredible)" mc "{i} (She is soo good at this.)" mc "{i} (Take it..)" mc "{i} (Take it deep [mom]..)" mc "{i} (Take it deep you slut.)" mc "{i} (Drrol all over my cock.)" mc "{i} (I love how your tongue feels against my shaft.)" mc "{i} (Enjoy it..)" mc "{i} (Enjoy the taste of your son's cock)" scene momafternoonbjside2 animated with fade: "8scene15img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (He's trying to push my head all the way down to his base..)" mom "{i} (But this is as much as I can take in..)" mom "{i} (Someday I want to take his entire length in my mouth.)" mom "{i} (I want to feel every inch of his delicious cock in my mouth someday soon.)" mc "{i} (She's using her tongue soo well.)" mc "{i} (She's playing with my shaft in her mouth using her tongue.)" mc "{i} (Her tongue is doing all kinds of twists and turns!)" mc "{i} (Let's switch things up into a higher gear..)" scene 8scene15img12 mc "{i} (Perfect)" scene momafternoonside69 animated with fade: "8scene15img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (This is such a wonderful position.)" mc "{i} (So perfect!)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm 69ing her!)" mc "{i} (And this is such and advanced 69!)" mc "{i} (I'm getting to shove my cock deep in her mouth!)" mc "{i} (Soo deep!)" mc "{i} (She's almost biting at my cock!)" mc "Aaaaahhhhhh" mc "{i} (She seems soo cock crazed right now!)" scene momafternoonside69pussy animated with fade: "8scene15img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (And this pussy!)" mc "{i} (This heavenly delicious pussy!)" mc "{i} (I love the taste)" mc "{i} (I love licking at her!)" mc "{i} (Her womanhood tastes soo delicious)" mc "{i} (This pussy belongs to me!)" mc "{i} (I want to be deep inside this pussy someday)" mom "{i} (He's eating me so well)" mom "{i} (I love his tongue on my Vagina)" mom "{i} (He's so great with his mouth every single time,!)" mom "{i} (He's so good at it.)" scene momafternoonside692 animated with fade: "8scene15img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (I'm going numb from the pleasure)" mom "{i} ([ms]'s big dick tastes so marvelous.)" mom "{i} (He's hitting the back of my throat)" mom "{i} (He's shoving it so deep.)" mom "{i} (I'm loving each and every thrust.)" mom "{i} (Just like that baby..)" mom "{i} (Just like that..)" mom "{i} ([mmy] loves your cock.)" mom "{i} (I love choking on your cock.)" mom "{i} (Mmmmm yeah..)" mom "{i} (Soo delicious)" mc "{i} (I want to hit her from the back!)" scene 8scene15img16 mc "{i} (This luxurious velvet ass!)" mom "Baby... just between my thighs...)" mom "Not inside..." mc "Of course [mom].." mom "Don't you dare put it inside.." scene momafternoondg animated with fade: "8scene15img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "I won't put it inside [mom].." mc "Now take it.." mom "Aaahh" mom "Aa" mom "Aaaahhhh" mom "{i} (Why can't I allow him to put it inside me?)" mom "{i} (It feels like heaven even just between my thighs..)" mom "{i} (I wonder what worlds of pleasure it'll unlock if he puts it inside me..)" mom "{i} (Just thinking about the size of it..)" mom "{i} (It can hit up all the sensitive areas inside me.)" mom "{i} (That would send me into whole other worlds of pleasure)" mc "{i} (Take it.)" mc "{i} (Take it you slut.)" scene 8scene15img18 mom "Oooww.. ooow" mom "Oow." mom "He's hitting me soo hard from behind." mom "His groin is clapping against my buttocks." mom "Love the sound it's making." scene momafternoondg2 animated with fade: "8scene15img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Someday...)" mc "{i} (Someday.. I'm going to fuck you for real [mom].)" mc "{i} (I'm going to fuck this pussy from behind for real someday.)" mc "{i} (I am going to plunge soo deep inside your pussy one day.)" mc "{i} (I will fuck you like you've never been fucked before.)" scene momafternoondg3 animated with fade: "8scene15img16" with dissolve pause 0.5 "8scene15img17" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "Take it.." mc "Take it [mom]..." mc "Take it you slut!" mom "Did he just call me a slut?" mom "Oooow.." mom "He's going too fast..." mom "He might shoot his load... I want this to last.." mom "I want him in my mouth again..." scene 8scene15img18 mom "Baby.. slow down.." mom "Slooww doown.." mom "You might cum... and this will be over." mom "I want you in my mouth.." mom "I want you in my mouth again.." mom "Put it in my mouth... Now.." scene 8scene15img19 mc "You don't have to ask me twice" mc "Your mouth is my favorite place to be in [mom]." scene momafternoonmouthfuck animated with fade: "8scene15img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 "8scene15img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaah" mc "Aaaaaargggghhhhh" mc "{i} (This is aall kinds of pleasure.." mc "{i} (I'm going into euphoria..)" mc "{i} (This is taking me sooo high into pleasure..)" mc "{i} (She's actually letting me fuck her mouth!)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking my [mmy]'s mouth!)" mc "{i} (I'm actually fucking [mm]'s mouth!)" mc "{i} (I've never known pleasure like this..)" mc "{i} (This is seventh heaven.)" mc "{i} (The ecstacy!)" mc "{i} (The mindblowing euphoria)" scene momafternoonmouthfuck2 animated with fade: "8scene15img19" with dissolve pause 0.5 "8scene15img20" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "{i} (AAAAAHHHHH)" mom "{i} (He's fucking my mouth sooo hard.)" mom "{i} (He's going soo fast!)" mom "{i} (I can feel him waaay past my throat..)" mom "{i} (I'm choking on his cock!)" mom "{i} (And I'm loving it..)" mom "{i} (Shoot it in me babyy...)" mom "{i} (Shoot your warm cum in [mmy]'s mouth..)" mc "Aaaaarrrhhhhh" mc "I'm coming [mom]......" mc "I'm about to bllooowwww..." mc "I'm about to cum in your mouth..." mc "Here it comes...." mc "Aaaaarrrgggghhhhhh" mc "AAAAAARGGGGGGRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" scene 8scene15img20 with vpunch scene 8scene15img20 with flash scene 8scene15img20 with vpunch scene 8scene15img20 with flash scene 8scene15img20 with vpunch scene 8scene15img20 with flash scene 8scene15img21 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaaaahh" mc "I'm spent." mc "{i} (I just shot a Huge load in her mouth..)" mom "{i} (Sooooo much cum...)" mom "{i} (Can't believe I was able to swallow most of it.)" mc "Aaaahhhh." mc "{i} (I'm going flacid in her mouth...)" mc "{i} (This was the best.)" scene 8scene15img22 mom "Boy that was sooo much cum.." mom "You shot soo much into me.." mc "I can tell [mom].." mc "Your mouth's still dripping with my cum." mc "You look soo good with my cum in your mouth.." mom "I like the taste of it!" mc "Finally, you admit. Hehehe." mom "Hahaha." mc "[mom], can you please take off your Bra [mom]?" mom "Really?" mom "You just shot your big load into my mouth.. and you want me to take off my Bra?" mc "I know.. I know.. Just that I love seeing you naked..." mc "Even though my cock is completely deflated now." mom "Are you sure? It still looks soo Big.. even when deflated." mc "Hhaha." mom "Anyway...." scene 8scene15img23 mom "Here you go.." mom "Happy now?" mc "Splendid." mc "I just love seeing your big tits [mom]." mc "They are perfect." mom "Hehehe. Careful now... Don't get Hard again.." mom "I'm really not sure I'm up for another session. Hahaha." mom "My mouth and throat need some rest." mc "Hehehe." mc "I really can't believe that I just throat fucked you [mom]!" mom "You sure did sweetie.. and you did it soo well." mc "You still think we shouldn't rent a Hotel Room indefinitely [mom]?" mom "Do you really think we'll be doing it that often?" mc "Well... even if we do it just once in a while..." mc "Don't you think we should have a place for ourselves??" mc "We get interrupted at home soo often as it is..." mom "I really don't want you getting any ideas honey...." mom "And I sure don't want to lead you to believe that we'd be doing this very often..." mom "But just in case... You can go rent this Room indefinitely for now.." mc "YEESSSSSS!!" mc "Awesome!" mc "Thank you [mom]!" mom "And.. also rent our usual Room at the other Hotel indefinitely too.." mom "You know.. just to be sure we always have a place when we need one." mc "You're the best [mom]." mc "I will." mom "Okay. Let's go home now.." mom "You can finish the paperwork for both the Hotel Rooms at your leisure." mc "Sure." scene 8scene15img24 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Here we are." mom "Thanks for another wonderful day sweetie.." mc "Are you kidding me? I should be thanking you [mom]" mc "Thank you.. thank you.. thank you.." mc "Thank you sooo much." mom "Hehehhehe." mom "Okay, [mmy]'s going to go upstairs now baby.." mom "Bye for now." mc "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene lte with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/cool_vibes.mp3" pause scene 8scene16img1 mc "{i} (A nice stroll in the streets after a short nap.)" mc "{i} (It's a pleasant evening.)" mc "{i} (This has been the best day ever!)" mc "{i} (The most steamiest session I've had with [mom])" mc "{i} (I was in her mouth the whole time.)" scene 8scene16img2 mc "{i} (I'm loving the breeze..)" mc "{i} (This evening is just awesome..)" mc "{i} (After a steamy session in the afternoon... then, a nap...)" mc "{i} (This is a nice way to spend the evening with a walk.)" stop music scene 8scene16img3 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "WHOAAA!" mc "WHAT THE FUCK!" mc "Who the fuck is that? Stopped so fast and sudden in front of me.." scene 8scene16img4 mc "Hey!!" mc "WHO THE.." mc "WHAT THE.." mc "I've just been tasered..." scene 8scene16img5 mysc "Yeah.." mysc "We got him." mysc "He's been tranquilized.." scene 8scene16img5a mysct "Good." mysct "Let's bring him in." mysc "On our way.." scene black with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Ooww.." mc "Where the fuck am I?" mc "Looks like I'm in a vehicle.." mc "I've been blindfolded.." mc "Fuck!" mc "I'm being kidnapped!!" mc "HEY..." mc "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS?!!" mc "LET ME OFF ASSHOLES.." mc "Do you know who my [dad] is?" mc "Untie me motherfuckers.." mc "Fuck! I am being kidnapped." mc "Who are these guys?" mc "Where are they taking me?" stop music fadeout 2 label episode9_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene1img1a with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "{i} (Whe... what...?)" mc "{i} (What the fuck?)" mc "{i} (Where am I?)" mc "{i} (Motherfuckers tranquilized me again)" scene 9scene1img1b mc "{i} (I'm still a little groggy..)" mc "{i} (What is this place?)" mc "{i} (Why have I been brought here?)" mc "{i} (Who could want to kidnap me of all people?)" mc "{i} (Looks like I'm being guarded..)" mc "{i} (I can see two masked guys standing guard.)" mc "{i} (Who are these fuckers?)" scene 9scene1img1 mc "{i} (My head's starting to clear up... I can see clearly now..)" mc "Hey.." mc "Hey you guys..." mc "You assholes!. Who the fuck are you?" mc "You've got the wrong guy assholes!.. Let me go.." mysc "We're pretty sure we got the right person." mysc "You are the person we were ordered to kidnap." mc "But why?!" mysc "Please remain seated sir..." mysc "Our supervisors will give you the answers soon enough." scene 9scene1img2 mc "OOoohh you have no idea who you're messing with assholes!" mc "Do you know who my [dad] is?" mc "Who my [st] is?" mc "They hear about this... You guys will be having your intestines pulled out while you still breathe." mc "Let me go motherfuckers." mc "NOW!" mysc "Sir, please remain seated.." mysc "And stay quiet!" mc "Ooh you guys done fucked up!" mc "Let me go assholes." scene 9scene1img3 mysct "Aaah. He's up." mysct "Hope you guys didn't use too much force to bring him in here gentlemen." mysc "No Sir." mysct "Hello [mc]" mysct "How are you feeling?" mysct "The effects of the tranquilizers must've worn out by now... Sorry about that by the way.." mc "Who are you asshole?" mc "You're the guy who ordered my kidnapping?" mc "Who the fuck are you?" mc "Why the fuck am I here?" mysct "Language young man!" mysct "You may leave us now gentlemen. Thank you for your help." mysc "No problem Sir." scene 9scene1img4 mysct "Come [mc].. Let's talk." mysct "I do apologize for the way you were brought in here." mysct "Rude as it may be.. It is the most effective way to bring people in.. Don't think you'd have come voluntarily." mysct "Once again.. Sorry for the inconvenience." mc "You're acting too polite for a fucking kidnapper asshole!" mysct "Come on now.. There is no need for language like that." mysct "You are only here we could have a discussion." mysct "As soon as we're finished talking.. You may leave.." mc "Oh yeah..?" mc "And then, I'll rain hell down on you when I get out of here." mysct "Haaa?" mysct "Anyway.. Come now young man.. We've much to discuss." mysct "Let's not waste time." mc "Fine. I hear what you have to say, and then I'm out of here." mysct "Perfect." scene 9scene1img5 mysct "This is very important [mc]. So pay attention." mysct "My name is Vernon Hathaway." vh "And I'm a Senior Director of a Government Agency specializing in Covert Operations." vh "Doesn't matter which one.. So don't ask." vh "For years your [dad]'s Organization has ran rough shot across Continents with their high profile Criminal activities." vh "Many countries' Governments are reaching their breaking points given how greedily, recklessly and unabatedly your [dad]'s Organization has been running it's Operations.)" vh "And top National Security Advisors around the world are under extreme pressure to curb your [dad]'s Operations.." vh "Well... The Honest ones at least..." mc "And you are one of those?.... The honest ones..." scene 9scene1img6 vh "At least a handful of men have to be.." vh "Your [dad] has ran his criminal empire as the undisputed king for decades, because he has bought off 98 percent of the Officials who are supposed to be eliminating such empires.)" vh "The only reason major criminal empires such as your [dad]'s have survived for as long as people can remember is because almost all Government Officials are on their payroll.)" vh "But believe me, there are still a handful of Government Officials left who want to do the right thing." vh "People who are willing to walk through hell to do the job that their nations trusted them with." vh "People who cannot be bought!" mc "But like you said, you guys are just a meagre 2 percent." mc "Don't you think you're fighting a losing battle?" vh "Oh yes. It is a losing battle. My men and I do not delude ourselves by thinking thorns like your [dad] can be removed legally..." vh "That's is just impossible... And it's no secret." vh "Officially.. your [dad]'s untouchable!" vh "OFFICIALLY..." vh "And this operation I'm leading young man... Is Clandestine!" vh "Even a man as powerful and protected by corrupt officials such as your [dad]... even his Private Jet can be shot out of the sky..." mc "WAIT....." mc "ONE OF OUR JET'S WAS SHOT!" mc "My whole [fmy] was supposed to be on that Jet.. But it was just me and [mm].." mc "ARE YOU THE GUY THAT ODERED THAT HIT?!" mc "DID YOU ORDER THAT MISSLE HIT ON OUR JET?!" mc "KNOWING FULL WELL THAT MY WHOLE [fmy] WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON IT.." mc "ANSWE ME.. DID YOU?" scene 9scene1img7 vh "Well..." vh "YES." vh "It was me who gave the order.." vh "But you have to understand... That was necessary!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene1img8 play music "sounds/fight_alt.mp3" mc "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" mc "GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON I SHOULD NOT KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!" mc "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! MY WHOLE [fmy] WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON THAT JET." vh "Calm down kid." vh "Get your hands off me.." vh "I'm only going to say that once!" mc "CALM DOWN, MY ASS!!" mc "I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" vh "Kid.... I don't wanna hurt you..." vh "Sit down and let's talk like gentlemen.." vh "You've got 2 seconds.." mc "{i} (FUCK! The guy didn't even flinch!)" mc "{i} (He must be a seasoned vet.)" vh "I know you're angry... But my position demands that I make tough calls to protect my country.." vh "Yes.. I did order that hit knowing well that your [fmy] was supposed to be on that Jet.." vh "I wasn't happy to order it.. but I had to choose between a Mafia Boss's [fmy] and protecting my Country..." vh "I made the call... and I make no apologies for it..." mc "You son of a bitch!" vh "The reason you are here today is so I don't have to make such difficult choices again.." vh "Now sit down.. and let's talk..." vh "SIT." vh "NOW." scene 9scene1img9 vh "You think I take pleasure in ordering the execution of innocent lives like your [dad]'s organization, huh?" vh "You care so much about your [fmy], but what about the families that your [dad]'s Mafia endangers?!!" vh "What about the countless innocent lives that are lost as part of the Mafia's Operations?" vh "Could you give answers to the relatives of people the Mafia kills so carelessly?" vh "Do you know how many thousands of lives your [dad]'s Mafia has destroyed around the world? Huh?" vh "Do you?!" vh "And what about your [st] Ella?" vh "Do you know she's a slaughter house in a blouse?" vh "Did you know that she beheaded a man in the middle of the street just a couple of nights ago?" vh "Do you know what her body count is?" mc "{i} (Shit. I saw that first hand.)" mc "{i} (I saw Ella cold bloodedly behead a man.)" mc "{i} (The guy was a corrupt douchebag, sure.. But he didn't deserve to be killed like that.)" mc "{i} (Shit.. All these years.. and I never really thought much about what my [dad]'s Mafia does to people seriously... Actually.. I have many times...)" mc "{i} (But I brushed it aside.. because I didn't want to have that conversation with myself about all the wrongdoings that [dad] and Ella do..)" mc "{i} (Fuck.. Hearing this guy flat out explain the horrors is making me stare at a mirror I didn't want to look at.)" mc "{i} (I feel like my whole world is crumbling, because my [dad] built our lives on the blood of others.)" scene 9scene1img10 vh "Now listen kid, I know you're innocent." vh "I know your whole [fmy] is, except for your [dad] and Ella." vh "I've got no quarrel with any of you.." vh "I would never want to hurt such kind and good hearted people such as your [st]'s and mother." vh "And that is exactly the reason why we're having this conversation." vh "Now listen carefully..." vh "Legally, my agency cannot touch your [dad]'s operations.." vh "Any attempt at that.. and it'd be foiled by the corrupt officials your [dad] has in the government." vh "So we need inside help..." vh "I NEED YOUR HELP.." mc "Now why would I help you bring down my own [dad] and [st]?" scene 9scene1img6 vh "So your [dad] and [st] only have to go to Jail instead of getting killed!" vh "So they can have a reduced Jail sentence.." vh "Face it kid.. One way or another, your [dad] and [st] are going to Jail for a very long time... or get killed." vh "Now if you help me, I will ensure that their punishment is just Jail time.." vh "For their crimes.. They should be locked up for life.." vh "But I can reduce their Jail sentence for just 5 years.. and then they're free... Provided they don't get back to their old ways and live innocent lives." vh "Listen kid, I have put together this Clandestine operation with the most sincerest men I know.." vh "And our objective is simple.. Rid the world of your [dad]'s Mafia.." vh "We don't care how we do it.." vh "I would much rather just kill your [dad] and [st] and be done with it.." vh "But I'm giving you a choice to save their lives.." vh "You can help me and help save their lives, or you can refuse my offer and let our operation take it's course." vh "I won't make this offer again.." vh "I want your answer NOW." vh "What's it going to be?" mc "{i} (Fuck! What do I do?)" mc "{i} (Help bring down my own [dad]'s empire?)" mc "{i} (But this isn't much of a choice.. It's either that, or they get killed.)" mc "{i} (They shot our plane once.. They can do it again..)" mc "{i} (OF COURSE I HAVE TO HELP THIS GUY...)" mc "{i} (But I'd be assisting in sending [dad] and Ella to Jail.)" mc "{i} (But that's better than them getting killed!)" mc "{i} (The guy says he'll get them a sentence of only 5 years..)" mc "{i} (That's better than them getting killed.)" mc "{i} (I HAVE TO HELP THIS GUY!)" mc "Okay." mc "FINE." mc "I'll help you." scene 9scene1img5 vh "GOOD." vh "You made the right choice kid." vh "You're a smart kid.. I knew I could trust you to make the right choice." vh "Now here's what we're going to do.. I will be giving you jobs.. It'll mostly be collecting intel." vh "Intel about the Mafia's operations are very hard to come by..." vh "And even when we do get some intel, it's altered so much by corrupt officers who are paid to cover the Mafia's tracks." vh "So with a man on the inside who happens to be part of the [fmy], this is perfect.." vh "I will be working very closely with you over the coming weeks..." vh "And I want you to gather all the intelligence I ask of you.. And I will help you complete your missions in every way I can." vh "Your first task is this..." mc "Already?" vh "Yes." vh "Your [dad]'s Secretary Annie is going to be in town the day after tomorrow." vh "She's practically the brains behind the empire." vh "And she carries intel about the whole empire in her Tablet." vh "Banks records, associates, government payrolls etc etc." vh "She guards that Tablet like her own heart.. She carries it everywhere she goes." vh "And I want you to steal that Tab for me." mc "I can do that." vh "Great." vh "I will be in touch with you on the phone." vh "Feel free to call me anytime regarding your tasks." mc "I help you, and you promise their sentence will only be 5 years?" vh "You have my word kid." vh "As a Senior Government Official, just the fact that I'm not getting rich off of your [dad]'s payroll should prove that I'm a man of my word." vh "You can trust me." mc "Great." mc "I will get Annie's Tab for you the day after tomorrow." vh "Perfect." vh "Thank you for your time kid." vh "My men will drop you back where they picked you up from." vh "I will be in touch." vh "Bye now." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene1img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "What the fuck just happened?." mc "Why does it feel like Everything has changed?" mc "Feels like my whol world has been shaken a little bit." mc "All that was on my mind for the last few weeks has been sex... and now this.." mc "Now I've just signed up to help bring down my [dad]'s criminal empire!" mc "Just this afternoon I was getting blowjobs from [mm] in various positions, and a few hours later, my whole world has been shaken!" mc "But I guess I am doing the right thing.." mc "Not just for my [fmy], but also for all the innocent lives that our Mafia endangers." mc "Fuck!" mc "This is all too much.." mc "Let me go get some sleep." scene 6scene6img18 mc "What a day." mc "Had such great highs sexually... and then the kidnapping came out of nowhere." mc "That guy spoke sense.." mc "He made me see things that I was too afraid to see in my mind... about what our Mafia does, and how it hurts innocent people." mc "Aaah.. Not only do I have a guy with a pic blackmailing me... Now I have to help a Government Agency." mc "To help bring down our own Mafia." mc "Fuuckk." mc "I need to calm down.. get some rest." mc "Time to get some sleep." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" i "{i} (Nothing like a good run in the Morning.)" i "{i} (I love the cold breeze of fresh morning air on my face.)" i "{i} (The weather is perfect this morning.. Wish Candice had joined me for this run.)" i "{i} (She's missing out on this great weather sleeping in.)" i "{i} (Can't wait to go see that new Chick Flick with her in the afternoon.)" i "{i} (I'm loving this run.)" scene 9scene2img2 i "{i} (May be I should start bringing [mc] with me for these early morning runs.)" i "{i} (Hehehe. Yeah right!)" i "{i} (Like he'd ever wake up early in the morning for a run..)" i "{i} (Well, wake up early in the morning for anything period. Haha.)" i "{i} (He is soo lazy!)" i "{i} (May be I should tell Jasmine to go hard on him and make him join me for the runs..)" i "{i} (Only Jasmine can make him maintain any discipline at all.)" i "{i} (He only listens to her when it comes to those things.)" scene 9scene2img3 i "{i} (Time to switch this jog into a short sprint.)" i "{i} (Here we go..)" i "{i} (1...2...)" i "{i} (3.....)" i "{i} (Ooohh I love the burn of these short sprints in between jogs.)" i "{i} (So exhilarating!)" scene 9scene2img4 i "{i} (There... 2000 yards...)" i "{i} (Ooof, I'm feeling breathless a little bit.)" i "{i} (I should get my cardio up.)" i "{i} (Multiple short sprints drain the energy out of me sometimes.)" i "{i} (I wonder how all the pro runners keep it up.)" i "{i} (2200... 23000...)" i "{i} (2500......)" scene 9scene2img5 hr "Whooo whoooo." hr "Hot Damn!" hr "Ass looking fine as ever girl...." hr "When are you going to give me a piece of that Apple Butt?" hr "I promise I'll eat that ass real good..." hr "Stuff it real good too..." scene 9scene2img6 i "Sheesh!... It's you again!!" i "Do you just follow me around everywhere I go?" i "Seriously... This is getting ridiculous.." i "Just stop it!" i "Leave me alone." scene 9scene2img7 hr "Why so tense babe?" hr "Relax a little..." hr "It's only been 2 weeks since I started pursuing you... I know you'll come around..." hr "Girls can't resist me..." hr "Give it another week.. and you'll be waking up in my bed every morning..." hr "Giving me an extra serving of that sweet ass before breakfast." scene 9scene2img6 i "Eeewwww..." i "That is soo creepy." i "Just stop following me.." scene 9scene2img7 hr "Fo sho babe.." hr "Pretty Harry always respects a beautiful girl's wishes.." hr "I'll stop following you...." scene 9scene2img9 hr "Right after you let me destroy your sweet Love Box." scene 9scene2img8 i "Eeeeewwww" i "I would never.." scene 9scene2img9 hr "That's what they always say sugar.." hr "But eventually they all give up their sweet pussies to Pretty Harry." hr "And when they do, I be eating their Boxes like snacks whenever I want..." scene 9scene2img6 i "Do you hear what you're saying?" i "Do you really think that sort of approach will work with any self respecting girl?" i "Just stop following me. You come act all creepy with me anytime you see me alone." i "And I've said No every single time." i "Stop." scene 9scene2img7 hr "Come on girl... Really?" hr "Do you really think you can resist my charm for long?" hr "Look at me.. I'm so pretty." hr "All the girls want a taste of Pretty Harry." hr "Let's just skip to the making love part, okay?" i "In your dreams..." i "Now leave me alone.." hr "That's what I'm sayin babe.. I'll leave you alone after we fuck just once.." hr "You know Pretty Harry is the Hit it and Quit it type..." hr "I'll move on to another girl after we fuck once.." hr "Harry just wants a taste of your ass..." hr "And you can have the honor of Harry's pretty face on your ass and pussy." scene 9scene2img8 i "Ooww you're disgusting." i "Why am I even talking to you?" i "I only even turned around to tell you to stop harassing me." i "I gotta go." i "Bye now." scene 9scene2img9 hr "Resist all you want sweet cheeks." hr "But soon Harry will be putting his pretty penis in your sweet box." hr "Harry dreams of the day when he finally tastes your ass." hr "By the way, did you get the dick pic I sent you?" scene 9scene2img10 i "Eeewwww" i "That was you?" i "That pic was disgusting." i "Stop sending me dick pics.. I get too may as it is." hr "You really mean to tell me you don't want my pretty penis in you babe?" i "Stop talking to me like that." i "I really don't want to bring any harm to you." i "Do you have any idea who my father is?" i "If you knew anything about my dad or sister, you wouldn't talk to me like that." i "Please don't push me so far that I have to tell them about you." i "I really don't want to harm you." i "Stop." scene 9scene2img9 hr "I don't care babe." hr "Harry is willing to risk it all to get a taste of that ass." hr "Anyhow, see you tomorrow." hr "The more you see my beautiful face, the sooner you'll fall for me." hr "Bye for now." scene 9scene2img11 i "Ooww I've had it up to here with that guy." i "He follows me everywhere when I'm alone." i "He seems like a harmless fool." i "But he objectifies me so much." i "And he annoys me with the foul way he talks everytime he sees me." i "What do I do about this guy?" i "I really don't wanna tell anyone." i "If Ella hears about him by even by mistake, she'll kill him." i "Let me just drive home now.. Hope he doesn't keep doing this often." stop music fadeout 1 scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (A beautiful morning.)" mc "{i} (Can't wait to find out what sort of adventures this day has in store for me.)" mc "{i} (Well, i just want the sexual adventures.. not the kidnapping kind.)" mc "{i} (Annie's only going to be here tomorrow.. so until then, I ain't gotta worry about stealing her tablet.)" mc "{i} (As for that douche who's blackmailing me, he still hasn't sent me details about Hadler's whereabouts yet.)" mc "{i} (So I ain't gotta worry about that either.)" mc "{i} (But the Duper Bowl weekend is approaching.. So he will send me details before the weekend for sure...)" mc "{i} (But until then... Let me hope for some great sexual adventures.)" mc "{i} (Let's get up and go out to the living room.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene3img1 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" i "[mc] HANDS UP!" c "Take that [mc]" i "Hehehehehe." mc "GIRLSSSS." mc "What the heck." scene 9scene3img2 mc "HEEEYYY." mc "Stop spraying me with water!" c "No way... This is too much fun hehehe." i "Hahahahaha." i "Get him C." mc "Fine, if you wanna play it that way... Here I come!" scene 9scene3img3 i "Oh my gosh, he's mad.. Ruuunn." mc "Oooh I'm gonna get you two..." c "You gotta catch us first [mc]." i "And we know you can't run as fast as us." mc "Oh yeah??" scene 9scene3img4 mc "Let's see about that!" i "Too slow [mc]" mc "(Damn! Now even Candice has started walking around the house in tiny shorts!)" c "Just give up [mc], you know you can't catch us. Hahahaha.)" scene 9scene3img5 mc "Ooh I'm going to spray you with your own water guns." mc "Stop." i "Let's run into Jasmine's room C." scene 9scene3img6 i "Getting old [mc]? Can't run fast enough? Hehehe" mc "Almost got you kiddos..." c "Oh crap! Dead end... I'm going left..." scene 9scene3img7 i "Hehehehehe. You can't catch me." mc "{i} (Damn! Dat Ass)" mc "You're outta room Iris... You can't run far." scene 9scene3img8 j "WHAT THE HECK'S GOING ON?" i "Get outta my way Jasmine!" scene 9scene3img9 j "Hey.... what are you guys doing?" j "Stop running around my room like little kids." j "What is wrong with you guys?" i "Outta my way Jasmine." scene 9scene3img8 mc "Haha. Got you now Iris." i "Oh my gosh! He's about to catch me." i "TIME TO DUCK!" mc "Time to JUMP." scene 9scene3img10 j "[mc]!!!" j "WATCHHHH OOOOUTTT!" mc "OOOO SNAAPPP" mc "I'M SOOORRRYYYY." mc "CRAAAAAPPPP" scene 9scene3img11 j "OOOH MY GOSSSHHHH!" j "WHAT JUST HAPPENED??!!" mc "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (What a shot of luck!)" j "GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT!!" mc "I'M SO SORRY JASMINE..." mc "I was trying to catch Iris... But she ducked as I was pluging forward.." j "You can explain it later you fool... Now just get off me.." mc "Ooohh.. Yeaa." scene 9scene3img12 j "AAAAAaaaaa" mc "OOH SHI... I'M SORRY... I SLIPPED.." mc "I SLIPPEd..." scene 9scene3img13 "........" "....." i "Candice..." c "Yeah Iris.." i "I think we messed up.." c "You think...?" i "Jasmine seems super pissed... And it's our fault..." i "I think we should get outta here, before she gets up.." c "Yeaa.. Good idea.." i "Let's go.." scene 9scene3img14 mc "I'm so sorry Jasmine.." mc "Honest mistake..." mc "It was Iris' fault I swear.." mc "I was just trying to catch them..." mc "They came running in here and made a mess.." j "Okay." j "But why are you still on top of me?" j "{i} (OH! OH!... He's having an erection)" scene 9scene3img12 j "I can feel his erection growing against my Vagina!" j "These young guys and their Hormones..!" j "Get off me [mc].." mc "Ooo.. yes..." mc "Let me.." scene 9scene3img15 mc "I'm sorry again J.." mc "Not my fault.." mc "Please don't get mad at me.." mc "It was Iris' fault.." i "I've already told you [mc].. You can do the explaining after you get off me." mc "Oo.." mc "Oo yeaa..." scene 9scene3img16 j "WHAT THE HECC..." j "HEEEYYYY" mc "{i} (Oooohh shiit.. Another mistake!)" mc "{i} (I really didn't see where I was putting my hand to help myself up!" mc "I'm sorry... Another honest mistake.." mc "I was just trying to get off you quick.. and I didn't see where I was placing my hand!" mc "Sorry.." j "For the 3rd time [mc].. You can do the explaining after you get off of me." j "Can you do it in that particular order?" mc "Okay. Sorry.." scene 9scene3img17 j "I really do not appreciate you kiddos running into my Room unannounced [mc].." j "You guys should start acting your age.." j "You all are not Toddlers, okay?" j "Stop acting like babies.." mc "I'm sorry.." j "Don't explain.." j "I know your hormones must be raging at this age,," j "So I will excuse what just happened as natural involuntary reactions.." j "But I want you guys to knock before you enter my room, okay?" mc "Roger that J." mc "Will do." scene 9scene3img18 j "Okay." j "No one needs to hear about what happened now.." j "Let's just forget it happened.." mc "Alright J.." j "Good." j "Now go to your room.." j "I will talk to Iris and Candice later." j "They really need to start acting their age." mc "Yeah.. They should.." j "Okay.. Off you go now.." scene 8scene6img14 mc "WOW!" mc "That was awesome." mc "What a great turn of events." mc "Things got super steamy with Jasmine.." mc "Most of it were honest mistakes though..." mc "So nice of Jasmine to let the whole thing go as natural physiological reactions." mc "I'm sure she felt my errection against her pussy." mc "But she didn't make a big deal out of it." mc "She can be soo stuck up and uptight at times.. But she understands situations." mc "Glad she let me off the hook easily." mc "She's the best." mc "I was thinking of getting a Massage today.." mc "Think I'll go get that massage now.." mc "Who knows.. perhaps I can get a happy ending from the masseuse." stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Aaah. Time to get a nice massage and relax." mc "Hope it's a hot chick who'll be my masseuse today." mc "May be I can ask her for a happy ending. Hehe." mc "Not sure if this is that sort of an establishment.. But you never know." mc "The Spa may be high end, but if the masseuse is cool with it.. might get to enjoy a nice handjob after a relaxing massage." mc "Let's find out if I can get lucky here today." scene 9scene4img2 mc "So many private rooms." mc "Wonder how many dudes are getting jiggy with their hot masseuses behind these closed doors." mc "I hope I can get jiggy with a hot masseuse too." mc "The masseuses here are especially sexy." mc "The last time I was here I was so tempted to ask my masseuse if she'd wank me off a bit.. She was so damn hot." scene 9scene4img3 mc "Wait!" mc "Is that aunt Liza?" el "{i} (These knots in my back have been killing me.)" el "{i} (Hope this massage session can loosen them up a bit.)" el "{i} (Time to wind down, relax and enjoy a calming massage.)" mc "{i} (It is Aunt Liza..)" mc "{i} (May be I should go say Hi to her...)" mc "{i} (Or......)" scene 9scene4img4 mc "{i} (Perhaps I can go give her a massage!)" mc "{i} (I'll get to touch her anywhere I want!... Even touch her near her Private parts...)" mc "{i} (Ooooh I'm so tempted....)" mc "{i} (But what if she sees me, or somehow realizes it's me giving her a massage by the sound of my voice?)" mc "{i} (Well, her face is going to be down on the massage table anyway... So she shouldn't be able to see me.)" mc "{i} (And I can speak in an altered high voice, so she doesn't recognize my voice.)" mc "{i} (But this is ridiculous... Am I really considering this?)" mc "{i} (If she finds out it's me, it could be catastrophic...)" mc "{i} (If she tells [mom] about it, [mom] might get mad at me too for perving on her best friend.)" mc "{i} (Oh, fuck it. I'm too horny to thin about the consequences right now... I'm going in...)" mc "{i} (But wait... There's still the issue of the actual Massage Therapist who's supposed to give her a massage walking into the room.)" mc "{i} (Well, this Spa gives it's customers 20 minutes to undress and relax on the table before the Therapist enters their room for the massage anyway.)" mc "{i} (And I just need 10 minutes out of those 20 to have some sexy fun with her.)" mc "{i} (Good. Let's go in.)" scene 9scene4img5 mc "{i} (WHOLY MOLLY!!!)" mc "{i} (JACKPOT!)" mc "{i} (SHE'S NAKED ALREADY)" mc "{i} (And she looks sexy as hell!)" mc "{i} (WOW)" scene 9scene4img6 el "{i} (OH MY GOSH! Did the door just open?)" el "{i} (I'M NAKED!!!)" el "SIR, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE YET.!!" scene 9scene4img5 mc "**Altered old man voice** Oh! I'm sorry miss...**" mc "**Altered old man voice** I was told it was time to enter the room for your massage...**" mc "**Altered old man voice** I sincerely apologize.. Must've been a clerical error." mc "**Altered old man voice** I can come back in 2 minutes. Should be time enough for you to lie on the table and cover yourself up." scene 9scene4img6 el "{i} (Normally I'd have lost my temper and screamed at the unprofessionalism! But he sounds like an old man.)" el "{i} (I can't yell at an old man.)" el "Well, you're here anyway..!)" el "And I can't get any more naked'er." el "Let me just lie on the table and you can begin the massage." scene 9scene4img5 mc "{i} (WOW! She's being cool with a stranger walking in on her naked!)" mc "{i} (Must be because I'm speaking in al old man voice...)" scene 9scene4img7 mc "{i} (That ass is to kill for!)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky I've got to see her bare ass twice in one week!)" mc "{i} (The things I wanna do to that ass!)" mc "{i} (So firm and seductive looking.)" mc "{i} (I bet she's super tight in the back door.)" mc "{i} (Must be one hell of an experience to plunge inside her firm ass)" mc "{i} (Let's go give her a Massage...)" scene 9scene4img8 mc "{i} (Aaahh. I cannot believe my luck today!)" mc "{i} (I came here to Get a massage... but now I'm giving a massage to my childhood MILF crush!)" mc "{i} (And her delicious ass is in plain sight as I massage her.)" mc "{i} (I am so lucky!)" mc "{i} (What an erotic sight!)" scene 9scene4img9 el "{i} (He's proceeding without even covering my butt with a Towel)" el "Sir, aren't you supposed to.. to put a Towel on my.. my backside?" mc "**Altered old man voice** Oh.. yes... Right you are my dear miss..." scene 9scene4img8 mc "**Altered old man voice** However... I see you have a lot of knots in your upper back...)" mc "**Old man voice** And as I slowly work these knots away, I'll be able to minute contractions in the muscles of your extreme lower back...)" mc "**Old man voice** I can use those minute contractions as visual feedback to the gauge the right amount of pressure miss.." scene 9scene4img9 mc "**Old man voice** That is why I haven't bothered to cover your rear with a towel.." el "Oh...." el "That's the first time I've heard of such a concept." mc "I learnt that when I was learning Asian styles of massage therapy in China a couple of decades ago miss.. It's an old trick." el "Oh. Okay." el "{i} (No harm in letting an old man see my ass while he works the knots in my body I guess.)" scene 9scene4img8 mc "{i} (Hehehehe.)" mc "{i} (Did she buy that bullshit lie I just made up?)" mc "{i} (I guess she did. Haha.)" mc "{i} (Gosh, the sight of that ass is driving me all sorts of crazy.)" mc "{i} (I'm ultra horny right now.)" scene 9scene4img10 el "{i} (Oow.. wooow.. This is so relaxing.)" el "{i} (He is so good with his hands.)" el "{i} (Such an uber relaxing massage.)" el "{i} (I could just fall asleep.. so unwinding.)" scene 9scene4img8 mc "{i} (Time to move lower.)" mc "{i} (Let's go.)" scene 9scene4img11 mc "{i} (Aaahhhh)" mc "{i} (This feels like heaven.)" mc "{i} (My hands are just inches from her bare, sexy ass.)" mc "{i} (I could just reach out and grab a cheek)" mc "{i} (I'm sorely tempted to!)" mc "{i} (That marvelous ass is tempting me beyond control.)" mc "{i} (I want to grab it! I need to grab it.)" scene 9scene4img10 mc "Miss.. Do you work out? Do you train your lower body with weights?" el "Yes. Ocassionally." mc "Do you squat heavy when you train your legs?" el "I use moderate weights I suppose." mc "Aah.. I can tell.. Your glute muscles look very sore.. very tensed.." mc "I can loosen them up a little if you like?" scene 9scene4img9 el "{i} (What?)" el "{i} (Is he asking for permission to massage my Ass?)" mc "Your glutes, they look very tensed up miss, they get any tighter, they'll start pulling up the muscles of your hamstrings." el "{i} (Well.. my glutes have been sore since my last leg day...)" mc "May I massage your glute muscles and relieve the tension there?" el "Well..." el "Okay.." scene 9scene4img11 mc "{i} (YES!!)" mc "{i} (I'VE JUST HIT THE JACKPOT!)" mc "{i} (Time to grab her ass!)" scene elizaassmassage animated with fade: "9scene4img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene4img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhh!!)" mc "{i} (So firm)" mc "{i} (Such an ecstatic pleasure to grab!)" mc "{i} (Is this really happening?)" mc "{i} (I can't believe I'm actually grabbing her ass.)" mc "{i} (Her cheek is such a meaty handful to grab and pull)" mc "{i} (I can see her tight asshole slightly.)" mc "{i} (My fingers are just inches from her asshole.)" mc "{i} (I soo want to slip a finger in.)" mc "{i} (It must feel super tight.)" mc "{i} (Just grabbing her ass feels this wonderful...)" mc "{i} (I can only image what sorts of pleasure doing other things to this ass can unlock.)" scene 9scene4img10 el "Aaaaahhhhh" el "{i} (I feel like Jello...)" el "{i} (This is the most relaxed I've felt.)" el "{i} (I feel so unbelievably relaxed and unwound right now.)" el "{i} (I could just doze into a reverie any moment.)" scene elizaassmassage2 animated with fade: "9scene4img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene4img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (As great as this is.. I want more..)" mc "{i} (I want to more than just grab her delicious ass.)" mc "{i} (Perhaps I shouldn't push it too far...)" mc "{i} (But how can I resist this wonderful ass?)" mc "{i} (It's driving me insane with lust.)" mc "{i} (I need to go for more..)" scene 9scene4img10 mc "Miss.. I feel like I can loosen your entire posterior chain if I can massage your back from a different angle...)" mc "But that would require me to get on the table.." mc "May I?" el "Sure." el "Go fo it." mc "{i} (YES!!)" scene 9scene4img14 mc "{i} (Oooh yesss!!)" mc "{i} (This is such a lucky day.)" mc "{i} (My crotch is right behind her ass.)" el "{i} (Ow.. oooooow.. soo relaxing.)" el "{i} (This old man is soo good with his hands.)" mc "{i} (I could just unzip my pants and plunge my cock in her ass right now.)" mc "{i} (This is wildly exhilarating.)" scene 9scene4img15 mc "{i} (I don't know how I'm even staying in control being this close to her ass.)" mc "{i} (Even just dry humping this ass with pants on would feel like heaven.)" mc "{i} (So close to the ass that was the object of my dreams when I was a child.)" mc "{i} (I just want to stick my cock in it.)" mc "{i} (I'm losing all control...)" mc "{i} (This is uncontrollable..)" mc "Miss.. may I work your glutes from this angle?" mc "Miss...." scene 9scene4img10 el "zzzzz..." el "zzz.... zz..." el "Miss.. can you hear me?" scene 9scene4img14 mc "Looks like shes fallen asleep..." mc "This just keeps getting better and better..." mc "My mind is racing with perverted thoughts right now..." mc "But what if she wakes up in between?" mc "I just have to hope she's a heavy sleeper like Iris and go for it..." mc "I'm too horny..." scene 9scene4img16 mc "Woooowwww!" mc "I cannot believe my luck!" mc "Can't believe this is really happening." mc "The ass I've dreamt about countless nights as a child.." mc "It looks even more spectacular than it did in my dreams." scene 9scene4img17 mc "Agghh" mc "{i} (What am I doing?)" mc "{i} (This is dangerous.)" mc "{i} (This could wake her up...)" mc "{i} (May be just the tip...)" mc "{i} (I just want to go inside her even just a little bit..)" scene elizaasstip animated with fade: "9scene4img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene4img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aarrgghh)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (I'm in heaven!)" mc "{i} (This is a dream come true..)" mc "{i} (I've actually put my tip inside her ass!)" mc "{i} (The tightness!)" mc "{i} (It's doing all sorts of things to me.)" mc "{i} (I soo want to plunge all the way inside her...)" mc "{i} (And feel the tightness of her ass against every inch of my shaft..)" mc "{i} (Taste the pleasures of the insides of her ass...)" mc "{i} (Have her backdoor grip my cock like a vice.)" mc "{i} (The tightness would make me explode.)" mc "{i} (I'd blow a train load of semen inside her ass.)" mc "{i} (Cream her soooo deep....)" mc "{i} (And watch some of my cum leak out of her back door...)" mc "{i} (I'M LOSING CONTROL.... I NEED TO STOP.)" mc "{i} (ANY FURTHER.. AND I'LL END UP BRUTALLY FUCKING HER ASS.)" mc "{i} (Time to switch it up and try something else before I lose all control.)" scene 9scene4img19 mc "{i} (Let's try her mouth.)" mc "{i} (Those lush lips.)" mc "{i} (I've always loved her sexy lips.)" mc "{i} (She has lips that were made for blowjobs.)" mc "{i} (I've often dreamt of having her lush lips wrapped around my cock.)" mc "{i} (And I finally get the chance.)" scene 9scene4img20 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (The inexplicable sensations I'm feeling on the tip of my cock!!)" mc "{i} (This is mindblowing.)" mc "{i} (Her lips feel sooo unbelievably good.)" mc "{i} (Better than I imagined.)" scene elizamouthtip animated with fade: "9scene4img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene4img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aarrg)" mc "{i} (Aaarrgg)" mc "{i} (Aaaarggh)" mc "{i} (Please have the strength to not blow too soon...)" mc "{i} (I want to savour this moment forever.)" mc "{i} (This is such a wildly erotic delicacy I'm feeling)" mc "{i} (I'm losing control so early...)" mc "{i} (It's that scintilating!)" mc "{i} (I don't care about the consequences.. I need to go deeper..)" scene elizamouthtip2 animated with fade: "9scene4img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene4img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (I've entered another circle of heaven)" mc "{i} (This is blowing my mind with euphoria.)" mc "{i} (The wetness of her mouth against my cock.)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is gripping me so tight.)" mc "{i} (And her velvet lips spreading against the length of my shaft with every stroke.)" mc "{i} (Someday I want to go all the way inside her.)" mc "{i} (Shove my entire length deep inside her mouth.)" mc "{i} (Feel the back of her throat against my shaft..)" mc "{i} (Cum waay deep in her throat..)" mc "{i} (Aarrrggghh)" mc "{i} (Arrgh)" mc "{i} (Aaaarrggggg)" mc "{i} (I'm about to blow!!!!)" scene 9scene4img22 with vpunch scene 9scene4img22 with flash scene 9scene4img22 with vpunch scene 9scene4img22 with flash scene 9scene4img22 with vpunch scene 9scene4img22 with flash scene 9scene4img23 with dissolve pause pause mc "{i} (Aaah)" mc "{i} (That nearly took my breath away.)" mc "{i} (It was so wonderful.)" mc "{i} (I love how her mouth is dripping with my cum.)" mc "{i} (Her mouth has got me hooked already...)" mc "{i} (I only went less than half way in her mouth.. But I want to do it again soon sometime.)" scene 9scene4img24 mc "{i} (This was wonderful.)" mc "{i} (Okay. It's coming up on 15 minutes since I've been inside this room.)" mc "{i} (Her actual massage therapist will enter the room in 5, lemme get out of here before that.)" mc "{i} (She's asleep anyway.. So the guy who comes in can just give her her massage and leave while she's sleeping.)" mc "{i} (Time to get out now.)" scene 9scene4img2 mc "{i} (I'm grinning from ear to ear. Hehehe.)" mc "{i} (I came here hoping to get a happy ending.. even that was doubtful.)" mc "{i} (Now I'm walking out after cumming inside my childhood MILF crush's mouth!)" mc "{i} (Phew!)" mc "{i} (What a day!)" scene 9scene4img25 mc "{i} (Iris is calling me.)" mc "{i} (Did she get in trouble with Jasmine for causing me to fall on her?)" mc "{i} (Let's answer.)" scene 9scene4img2 i "[mc], where are you?" mc "I'm at a Spa, what's up?" i "Great news.." i "Frada just offered [mom] an impromptu modeling gig.." mc "Really?" mc "That's great.." i "But the Photoshoot is in a just few hours." i "We gotta fly to Milfami right now.." mc "Milfami?.. We gotta fly to a different state right now?" i "Yeah." i "Actually, [mom] and I are on our way to the Jet right now.." i "Whatever you're doing, drop it.. and come to our Plane Hanger north of the city." mc "Say no more.. I'm on my way.." scene 9scene4img25 mc "WOW!" mc "This day just keeps getting better and better!" mc "A photoshoot with [mom]..." mc "But a Professional one though... I won't be alone with her.." mc "Regardles, I ain't going to pass up any opportunity to see [mom] in sexy, skimpy outfits." mc "Let the sexy times roll..." mc "Time to fly to Milfami." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" scene 9scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) i "Glad you made it in time [mc] in such short notice [mc]." i "I was worried you might run late." i "Happy you're joing us for this trip." mc "Run late and miss [mom]'s first Professional Modeling shoot in decades?... No way I'd miss this." mc "By the way, Congratulations [mom]." mom "Thank you sweetheart." mom "I'm glad you're joing us for the shoot too." mc "How did this whole thing come about all of a sudden?" scene 9scene5img2 mom "I don't know honey.. It just happened.. Frada called out of the blue." mom "Seeing it was so sudden.. May be I'm their last minute replacement." i "Oh, she's being humble [mc].." i "Frada had this sudden requirement to do a new Promo." i "Mom was their first choice.." i "They told me that they had decided weeks ago to book Mom for anything new related to Boudoir.." i "A requirement came up, and she's the first person they called." mc "Nice." mc "Are you excited [mom]? Your first modeling gig in over 20 years.." mom "I'm actually kinda nervous honey." mc "Relax [mom].. You're going to slay this shoot." mc "You got this." scene 9scene5img3 mc "Thank you for calling me to join you guys on this trip Iris." mc "Seeing as it was such short notice, I'm glad you still remembered to call me in all the excitement and hurry." i "Of course [mom].. No way we'd have flown without you." i "You've been helping Mom prepare for this.. It's only fair that you're there for the first shoot." mc "{i} (Mom is wearing such a revealing outfit!)" mc "{i} (Her tits are out in full display in that dress)" mc "{i} (That dress is showing such an ample amount of cleavage!)" mc "{i} (I love it)" mc "By the way, you look STUNNING already [mom].. I can't wait to see how great you look in all this bright lights before the camera." i "I know, right?" i "She looks gorgeous." mom "Thanks for the sweet compliment kids.." scene 9scene5img4 i "Okay [mom], it's a 2 hour flight to Milfami.. I think I'll spend these 2 hours in the Cockpit learning some more about aviation from the Pilot." i "You know I like picking the brains on good Pilots any chance I get." mom "Sure honey." mom "Go ahead.." mom "Bye now [mc].. See you when we're about to land." mc "As long as you're not flying this plane.. Hehe." i "Ok. I'm off to the cockpit." scene 9scene5img5 mc "This is soo amazing [mom]." mc "I'm so excited for you.. You are going to be on all the Billboards in the city soon." mom "That is so sweet of you to say honey.." mom "I'm kinda feeling overwhelmed stepping into this world again." mc "Don't be [mom]." mc "You're going to do just fine.." mc "You were at the top of the modeling world when you were in it." mc "And you're going to pick up right were you left off." mc "I'm confident you will." mom "Thank you so much love.." mom "Hearing you talk so confidently about me is giving me confidence." mc "You got this [mom].." mc "By the way, did I tell you how stunning you look today?" mom "You did sweetie.." mc "And your Cleavage looks STUNNING too..." mom "There you go... Of course you had to bring my boobs into the conversation.. Hehehe." mc "Really [mom].. Your breasts just look soo WOW" mc "And you're showing such a generous amount of cleavage..." mc "I love it." mom "Thanks... I guess.. Perverse as that compliment was.. Hehehehe." mc "You know [mom]?....? This Plane has a Bedroom.." mc "Shall we go inside it?" scene 9scene5img6 mom "I knew it.. I knew you were going to ask for something like this as soon as Iris left." mc "Hehehe. You know me too well." mom "That's not really too hard to figure out honey... You've always got just sex on your mind.." mc "Speaking of Hard..." mc "Do you know how hard you are making me right now?" mom "Yeah? I can see that." mc "The Bedroom [mom]..." mc "Isn't it awesome that our Planes have Bedrooms? So convenient.." mom "Hahahaha. Keep dreaming honey... Nothing's happening between us now. Hehe" mc "Come on [mom].. Let's at least go inside it.. Even if we're just going to talk in there.." mom "Talk?" mom "Really?" mc "Please [mom], we're alone.. Iris isn't going to come out of the cockpit till we land.. We can have some fun.)" scene 9scene5img5 mom "Hahaha. Not a chance honey." mom "Im not doing anything with you while Iris is right over there in the cockpit." mc "Fine, we don't have to go in the bedroom.. But.." mc "Can I at least just touch your boobs?" mom "Hahaha." mom "NO." mc "Fine... Guess I'll just go sleep in the bedroom till we land." mom "Yeah.. you do that." scene 9scene5img7 mc "{i} (Man, this is such a wonderful opportunity to have some fun with [mom].. Seeing as we're alone for a while.)" mc "{i} (But she's not giving me anything.)" mc "{i} (Looking at that great display of cleavage got me all sorts of aroused.)" mc "{i} (It's a 2 hour flight to Milfami... I should come up with a plan to get her in the Bedroom..)" mc "{i} (What can I do to get her in there?)" mc "{i} (I got an idea.. Let's hope this works..)" scene 9scene5img8 mc "{i} (Such a nice, cozy Bed.)" mc "{i} (I can think of a great many ways to spend 2 hours on this Bed.)" mc "{i} (All I need is for [mom] to join me on this Bed.)" mc "{i} (Let's hope this plan works..)" mc "{i} (I'm going to kick something to make a sound and cry out loud pretending I'm hurt.)" mc "{i} (She will come in here if she thinks I'm hurt..)" "**KICK**" mc "OOOOWWWWWWWW" mom "Honey, what happened?" mc "AAAAAAAA...." mc "IT HURTS SOO BAD..." stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene5img9 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mom "Honey..." mom "What happened?" mc "Aaaaaa.. My leg..." mc "It hurts so bad..." mc "I hit my leg against that cupboard by mistake [mom]. It huuurtss." mom "{i} (Aha?)" mc "{i} (Maan, she looks so Sexy standing there like that.)" mc "It hurts soo bad [mom]..." mom "Ooooh my poor baby.." mom "But honey, how did you hit your leg against something in such a confined space?" mc "I just tried to jump on the bed for fun [mom].. My shin hit the other side." scene 9scene5img10 mom "Aha?" mom "Ooohh I feel so bad my baby is hurting." mom "Does it hurt really bad sweetie?" mc "Yeah [mom].. I'm in so much pain.." mom "Oooh you poor thing.." mom "Is there anything [mmy] can do to make it better?" mc "...." mom "Don't you worry sweetheart.. [mmy]'s going to take care of you.." mom "[mmy] knows how to make it better.." scene 9scene5img11 mc "{i} (HOLY MOLLY!)" mom "How do you feel now sweetie?" mom "Does your leg still hurt?" mc "Yess." mc "But I'm feeling a little better now.." mom "I feel so bad you're in pain love." scene 9scene5img12 mom "[mmy] wants to make it better.." mom "You know [mmy] can't stand to see you hurt.." mc "I am feeling a little better [mom].." mc "But I'm still in some pain." mom "Aaaaww." mom "You poor thing." scene 9scene5img13 mom "How about now?" mc "My leg still hurts [mom].." mc "But the sight of your big Buttocks is slowly easing my pain.." mom "Glad [mmy]'s butt is easing your pain sweetie." mc "Aaa." mc "Aaaaaa.." mc "The pain just shot up.." mom "Oh yeah?" mom "My baby's still in pain?" scene 9scene5img14 mom "How about now?" mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!!)" mom "Is my baby still hurting?" mc "A little bit [mom]..." mc "But now.. something other than my leg is starting to hurt a little.." mom "Oh yeah?" mom "But what about your leg that was hurt sweetie..? Is that still in pain?" mc "Yes [mom].. Soo much." mom "Aaaaaawwwww" mom "Don't worry sweetie... [mmy] knows just what to do to fix the pain in all 3 of your legs." scene 9scene5img15 mom "How about now sweetie?" mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!!)" mc "It still hurts a little bit [mom].." mom "Ooohh.." mc "May be I'll feel a little bit better if I can touch you [mom].." mom "In time sweetie.. in time.." mom "We have to take a step by step approach to relieve your pain." mc "Okay." mc "[mmy] knows best.." scene 9scene5img16 mom "Now?" mc "It still hurts.." mom "Is it your leg that got hurt.. or your 3rd leg?" mc "The 3rd." mom "What would make it feel better?" mc "May be if I can..." mom "Wait... I know..." mom "What if you can put that leg between [mmy]'s Bosom?" mom "Would that help?" mc "Definitely [mom]." mom "Well, I think we better get to it in.... 3.... 2......" scene 9scene5img17 mom ".....1" mom "Out of the Bedroom you sneaky little Fox. Hahahahaha." mc "Whaaaat?" mom "You thought you could play another one of your tricks on me?" mom "Hahahahahaha" mc "BUT... BUT.." mom "Out you go.." scene 9scene5img18 mc "Damn!" mc "She slammed the Door." mc "I can't believe she did me like that!" mc "Cold shower!" mc "She gave me such a tease and cut me off just like that." mc "Guess that's what I get for trying to play my trick on her, huh?" mc "Well, let me go lie on the couch till we touchdown in Milfami." stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" jff "Hello Mrs. Reigns." jff "Welcome.. welcome.." jff "My name is Jeff and I'll be the director of photography for the shoot today." mom "Hello Jeff. Nice to meet you." jff "The pleasure is mine ma am." jff "We are so excited to be having you represent Frada again." jff "It's an honor." mom "Aaaw. Thank you." scene 9scene6img2 mom "Well, these are my kids.." mom "[ms] [mc] and my daughter Iris." jff "Hello [mc], hello Iris. Glad you can join us for the shoot today." i "Hello Jeff. Thanks for having us." mom "I hope it's okay I bought my kids for the shoot today Jeff." jff "Oh, no problem at all." mom "Now kids, let us be nice guests to our gracious hosts. No unnecessary banter during the shoot, okay?" mc "Sure [mom]." i "You got it." scene 9scene6img1 mom "Well Jeff, when do we begin?" jff "We can start right now.." jff "The crew is ready.. we were just waiting for your arrival." mom "Great." jff "You can go change into the outfits you'll be modeling in the dressing rooms." mom "Okay. I'll be right back." jff "Please take your time." scene 9scene6img3 mc "{i} (YES!)" mc "{i} (This is soo exciting.)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s first Professional Modeling shoot since before I was born.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see [mom] in some Sexy outfits.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this.)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s changing in the dressing room... I know she's going to come out looking like a Bombshell in whatever she's wearing.)" mc "{i} (I can't contain my excitement.)" scene 9scene6img4 mom "Well..." mom "Here I am..." mom "Shall we begin?" mc "{i} (WOW WOW WOW!)" mc "{i} (A Transparent Bra on!)" mc "{i} (She looks Sexy as hell)" jff "Ready when you are Mrs. Reigns." mom "Please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty with the posing.." jff "Not as issue at all.." jff "Please take your time and ease into it.." scene 9scene6img5 mom "Okay.. Here goes nothing." jff "PERFECT" jff "Just Perfect..." jff "You look Stunning Mrs. Reigns." mc "{i} (He's right about that!)" i "You look Gorgeous Mom!" i "Yaaayyy" mc "{i} (She looks Sexy as fuck in the Bra, with her tits hanging down.)" mc "{i} (We're off to a great start already.)" scene 9scene6img6 mc "{i} (OH MYY!!)" mc "{i} (Those sexy legs in that tight Jeans!)" jff "Gorgeuos.. gorgeous..." jff "Love the smile..." mc "{i} (The shape of her body!!)" mc "{i} (Such perfect Hourglass figure..)" mc "{i} (And those tight Jeans are emphasizing her legs so damn spectacularly.)" scene 9scene6img7 mc "{i} (Her breasts are killing me.)" mc "{i} (That Bra is just something else.)" mc "{i} (As much as I love that Bra.. I really hope that she goes Semi Topless today.)" jff "You're doing great Mrs. Reigns." jff "You're not rusty one bit.." jff "Absolutely no signs of rust at all. Of course, that is to be expected from a Pro such as yourself." mc "Thank you Jeff." i "I don't know what you were so nervous about Mom.." i "You're doing great.. Just perfect." mom "Haha. Thanks love." jff "Okay. Let's switch things up Mrs. Reigns.. We're going to have to take some Sexy shots." jff "I hope you're okay with that." mom "Well, I did sign up for Boudoir after all." jff "Great." stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene6img8 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" pause pause mc "{i} (OOHH SNAPPPP!)" mc "{i} (An Instant Boner!!)" mc "{i} (Face down... Booty up..)" mc "{i} (She has just induced a massive boner in me.)" mc "{i} (Drop dead Sexy!)" mc "{i} (Such a Bombshell!)" jff "Sexy... Sexy.. You are a PRO Mrs. Reigns..." jff "So stunning and ridiculously sexy..." jff "These shots are turning out Great.." jff "Always a pleasure to have a season Vet before the camera.. Makes my job a whole lot easier." i "You are killing this Mom." i "You look so HOT." scene 9scene6img9 pause pause mc "{i} (Hot Damn...)" mc "{i} (My Boner just grew by 200 Percent.)" mc "{i} (She's killing me with these sexy poses..)" mc "{i} (I gotta work real hard to ensure no one here notices me having an Erection for [mm])" mc "{i} (This is insane)" i "Woooooww Mom.." i "A Pro like you has no right to be nervous thinking about re-entering the business." i "You are mindblowingly good at this." mom "Haha." mom "Thanks love." scene 9scene6img10 pause pause mc "{i} (Please no...)" mc "{i} (Please stop killing me with this sexines..)" mc "{i} (A thousand perverted thoughts are flooding my mind this instant.)" mc "{i} (This setting feels so BDSMy)" mc "{i} (And thinking about doing BDSM with [mm] is such a twistedly delicious fetish.)" mc "{i} (She would be a Queen of Pleasure in a BDSM setting." mc "{i} (BDSM sex with her would just be such an inexplicably sinful, twisted world of euphoria.)" mc "{i} (Drilling her in restricted positions... Haaa... Just the thought is making me mad with perverted lust..)" i "You are so sexy Mom." i "You are slaying this shoot. I'm loving this." scene 9scene6img11 jff "Mrs. Reigns.. I just have no words..." jff "You have just been scintilatingly exceptional so far.." jff "One just wouldn't believe you've been out of the Modeling world for 20 years." jff "It's an absolute honor to be doing this Photoshoot with you." mom "You're too kind." jff "Really.. Thank you for making my job today a breeze.." i "See?" i "What did I tell you Mom?" i "I knew you had it.. You've just picked up right where you left off." i "I can already tell you're going to take the Modeling world by storm again." mom "Stop.. You're making me blush child.." jff "Well..." jff "Time to take it to the next level..." jff "Let's sexy up this shoot even more.." jff "Time for some undressing shots ma am" mc "{i} (YESS!!)" mc "{i} (Undressing shots! This is what I've been waiting for..)" scene 9scene6img12 pause pause mc "{i} (HOLLY FUCKINGG WOWWWWW!)" mc "{i} (IS THIS WOMAN FOR REAL?)" mc "{i} (THOSE BREASTS.. THAT CURVE OF HER WAIST.. THOSE HIPS!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS OUTWORLDLY LEVELS OF SEXINESS!)" mc "{i} (Seriously... How is she even human?)" mc "{i} (She could as well be some Greek Sex Goddess walking the earth in disguise)" mc "{i} (This is blowing my mind completely.)" mc "{i} (I have a SEX BOMBSHELL for a [mom])" mc "{i} (WOW!)" jff "Wonderful... wonderful..." jff "Let's drop those pants a little bit.. and reveal some ass." scene 9scene6img13 pause pause mc "{i} (Haaaaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (This sexiness is amlost getting to the point of torture.)" mc "{i} (Having to restrain myself while watching her in various states of undress.)" mc "{i} (If there weren't other people here.. I'd be doing such perverse things to that ass.)" mc "{i} (Some of those things might even hurt her insides.. But, in a good way that excites higher pleasures.)" mc "{i} (I feel like a man possessed with lust, but held down by chains of social decorum and decency.)" mc "{i} (That ass is to kill for!)" mc "{i} (I want to do nasty things to that ass.)" i "Slaaayyy Mom..." i "You are such a Hottie.." i "I'm sooo proud." scene 9scene6img11 jff "That was just incredible Mrs. Reigns." jff "That shot could easily make the cover of any Top Magazine hands down." jff "We've got some stunning shots so far.." jff "My employers at Frada would be thrilled to see how great these shots have turned out." jff "Let's make this shoot one for the ages though.." jff "Let's take that Bra off!" scene 9scene6img14 pause mom "WAIT.." mom "WHAT?" mom "Going Topless wasn't part of the agreement." mom "We can't do that.." mom "No.. No.." mom "I'm not posing Topless." jff "Well, I don't mean Topless as in fully revealing nudity.." jff "The Promo this shoot is for requires some shots without the Top.. But your breasts don't have to be fully exposed." jff "Just a little bit of breasts visible from the sides should do.." mom "{i} (Oooh! What do I do?)" mom "{i} (Well, I have done Topless shots like that without fully exposing my Breasts in the past..)" mom "{i} (No reason why I shouldn't do them now.)" mom "{i} (But standing in front of a Camera and a whole crew without a Top on....)" mom "{i} (At my age....)" mom "{i} (I'd feel a little uncomfortable.. even if my breasts aren't completely exposed.)" mom "{i} (It's alright girl... You knew what you were getting into..)" mom "{i} (Right from the get go, the agency has told me that they wanted me for Boudoir shoots..)" mom "{i} (And Boudoir is all about risque shots.)" mom "{i} (And it's not like I haven't done it when I was young... So why not?)" mom "Well...." mom "Okay.." mom "But please ensure that there are no crew members standing in directions where my Breasts could be fully visible.." jff "Absolutely. We will ensure that." mom "Okay. Let's begin then." scene 9scene6img15 pause pause mc "{i} (Okay.. THAT'S IT..)" mc "{i} (I don't even care if people notice my boner anymore.)" mc "{i} (Besides, it's grown so big, I just can't try to hide it without making it obvious that I'm trying to hide my erection.)" mc "{i} (And seeing her pose so sexily like this is just not helping.)" mc "{i} (My boner wants to raise for [mm].... Let it.)" mc "{i} (It's franky criminal to expect a man to not have an erection while he's witnessing these levels of uber sexiness.)" jff "Oohh these are perfect Mrs. Reigns." jff "Your body is just soo incredible." jff "Like you were made from the ground up to be a Top Model." i "I second that Mom." i "You are so sexy." jff "Let's try a different pose ma am" scene 9scene6img16 mc "{i} (Oooooooohh yess!)" mc "{i} (Her big breasts and ass bared out like THAT!)" mc "{i} (It's driving me insane.)" mc "{i} (This is such a sultry, seductive pose...)" mc "{i} (A whole side of her breast is in plain view..)" mc "{i} (Even one of her Nipples is out in the open.)" mc "{i} (Daaamnn.... This is SOOO HOOOTT)" mc "{i} (I just want to tackle her to the ground and fuck her senseless.)" mc "{i} (My body is aching to be on top of hers..)" mc "{i} (I should not lose control and let the ravenous animal inside take over.)" mc "{i} (My cock is raaaaging...)" scene 9scene6img11 jff "That was drop dead stunning Ma am" jff "Now let's take a few PROPER Boudoir pics." jff "With proper Boudoir apparel." mc "{i} (YESSSS!)" mc "{i} (FINALLY)" mc "{i} (Proper Boudoir)" scene 9scene6img17 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause pause mc "{i} (OOOOOOOHHHHH FUCCKKKK)" mc "{i} (Oooh great Aphrodite....)" mc "{i} (Why do you do me sooo?)" mom "{i} (Gosh. I'm feeling sooo uncomfortable right now..)" mom "{i} (This outfit is sooo Revealing.)" mom "{i} (It is soo See-Through..)" mom "{i} (I feel soo exposed...)" mom "{i} (I might as well be standing here naked.)" mom "{i} (But I know this is going to drive all the men who see these pics WILD)" mom "{i} (I know for sure my Hubby is going to LOVE this..)" mom "{i} (And [mc]...)" mom "{i} (Well.. I can see he is enjoying watching me like this..)" mom "{i} (If nothing... This is at least a great tease for [ms])" scene 9scene6img18 pause pause mc "{i} (YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS STRAIGHT UP PORNOGRAPHIC STYLE OF POSING.)" mc "{i} (Gosh.. I fucking LOVE BOUDOIR.)" mc "{i} (I want to pound her in that outfit.)" mc "{i} (It is sooo insanely sexy.)" mc "{i} (I want her to take that outfit home.... So I can see her in it sometime when we're alone..)" mc "{i} (I would kiss every part of her body that's draped in that Lingerie..)" mc "{i} (And then tear that flimsy Lingerie to pieces and take her like a slut..)" mc "{i} (While torn pieces of that sexy lingerie still hang on her sexy body.)" mc "{i} (Oooohh it's driving me insane..)" mc "{i} (I am sooo horny..)" scene 9scene6img19 pause pause mc "{i} (HOLLYY FUCKING SHITT)" mc "{i} (IT'S A DAMN MIRACLE I'M STAYING IN CONTROL RIGHT NOW!)" mc "{i} (THAT BREATHTAKINGLY SEXY BACK)" mc "{i} (I SOO WANT TO TEAR INTO THAT ASS)" mc "{i} (Maker her beg for mercy as I brutally pound away at her big ass.)" mc "{i} (She would be walking with a sore ass for a week...)" mc "{i} (That's how mercilessly I'd pound her ass.)" mc "{i} (I want to feel her back against my chest.)" mc "{i} (Squeeze her soo tightly from behind.)" mc "{i} (That whole posterior from top to bottom is a work of art.)" mc "{i} (Fucking Aphrodite.)" mc "{i} (I must not lose control..)" scene 9scene6img20 pause pause mc "{i} (Oooooohh)" mc "{i} (I can almost see all of her Breasts in that.)" mc "{i} (It is soo see-through.)" mc "{i} (I definitely want her to bring that outfit home.)" mc "{i} (If not, I'm going to search every Frada outlet to find that outfit so I can gift it to her.)" mc "{i} (Hehehehe. I'd love to see her reaction if I gift her that outfit and ask her to wear it for me.)" mc "{i} (That would be sooo erotic.)" mc "{i} (Fucking her in that outfit is now officially a dream of mine...)" mc "{i} (And I'm going to do everything I can to fuck her one day in while she's wearing that outfit.)" mc "{i} (I can see every male in here is having an erection right now.)" mc "{i} (I don't blame them.)" mc "{i} (mm] is incredibly sexy.)" mc "{i} (I'm sure all these guys are going to go jack off thinking about her after this shoot.)" mc "{i} (What when these pics come out officially?)" mc "{i} (The whole world is going to be jerking off to her.)" mc "{i} (She's soon going to be the object of everyone's desire.)" mc "{i} (But I'm going to be the only man enjoying her sexy body.)" mc "{i} (Well... Me and [dad].. There's nothing I can do about it.. She is his Wife after all.)" mc "{i} (Regardless, I will take pride in knowing that I'm the guy feasting on the body of a Woman who every guy wants to bang.)" jff "We just need to shoot in one more Lingerie piece, and we're done ma am." mom "Okay." scene 9scene6img21 mc "{i} (HOT DAMN!!!!)" mc "{i} (It's the same outfit... BUT WITHOUT CUPS FOR BREASTS!!" mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (JUST WHEN I THOUGHT THAT PIECE OF LINGERIE COULDN'T DRIVE ME ANY MORE WILDER.)" mc "{i} (And [mom]'s Massive Breasts sticking out of those slits is sooooo damn sexy)" mc "{i} (Too bad she's got her arm across her breasts!)" mc "{i} (I'm buying this piece for [mom] too..)" mc "{i} (I long for the day when I'd get to see her in that while we're by ourselves.)" mc "{i} (And I want to have Sex with her while she's wearing that.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to do it.)" mc "{i} (I'm going to do it somehow...)" jff "Aaaaand that's a wrap." jff "Thank you sooo much Mrs. Reigns.. You were just Stellar." mom "Hehe." scene 9scene6img22 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) i "Oh my gosh Mom!!" i "That was such a wonderful shoot." i "I am sooo excited... I can't wait till those pictures officially come out!)" i "You were soo wonderful.. You did great." mom "Thanks baby." mom "I enjoyed being in front on the camera after sooo long too." scene 9scene6img23 mc "You were incredible [mom]." mc "That was just awesome" mc "I'm so happy you're doing what you love doing again." mom "Thank you sweetie.." mom "I could quickly get re-used to this." mom "I enjoyed it." scene 9scene6img22 i "I'm so happy for you Mom." i "You're oficcialy back in the fashion world now." i "Aaaa I'm so excited." mom "Me too love." mom "Me too." mom "Well.. It's getting late.. It'd take some time for us to fly back home.." mom "So let's going." i "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene7img1 mc "{i} (Phew)" mc "{i} (What a day!)" mc "{i} (That photoshoot was super scintilating.)" mc "{i} (I fucking loved it.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait to see [mom] on all the Billboards in the city soon.)" mc "{i} (She looked so sultry during the shoot.)" mc "{i} (Watching her in such skimpy outfits did all sorts of things to me.)" mc "{i} (That was wonderful.)" scene 9scene7img2 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" e "Hi [mc]." mc "Hey Ella." mc "Wassup?" e "What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?" mc "Hold up.. How drunk are you exactly?" mc "You're barely even standing upright." e "Oh, that's nothing.." e "[asc] made me drink sooo much [mc]." e "We were out at a Club, and the drinks kept pouring in.." mc "I can see that" mc "But where is [asc]?" e "Oh.. She said she'd be sleeping over at a friend's" e "And that friend is sooo big and black." e "Ooopss.. Forget I said that..." e "Slip of tongue." scene 9scene7img3 mc "Ella, you can barely even stand!" mc "Tell me you didn't drive on your way back from the club." e "Oh don't worry [mc].. I took a Cab." e "You know I don't like to drive when I'm drunk." e "Whhhhhooooaaaa." mc "Ella.. are you okay?" mc "You should go get some sleep." mc "You can barely even stand." mc "Come, let me walk you to your room." e "No. No, no young man." e "You sit right here." e "I can walk to my room myself." e "Even when completely drunk... E - L - L - A can handle herself..." mc "Yeah. Barely..." mc "I'm not letting you walk by yourself.. Come, let me take you to your room." e "No no no no no... no." e "No." e "You sit right here." e "I'll go upstairs myself." mc "But you can barely walk." e "I'll take the lift." mc "Okay." mc "But be careful." scene 9scene7img1 mc "Man, she's piss drunk." mc "Good she's at least taking the lift instead of trying to prove her toughness by walking." mc "Wait..." mc "She is drunk." mc "And the last time I saw her get drunk..." mc "Oh fuck no.." mc "Not after I've seen first hand what a dangerous woman she is." mc "Oh, who am I kidding?" mc "Of course I'm not going to pass up on an opportunity like this." scene 7scene8img8 mc "Okay." mc "Here we go." mc "But I gotta make sure she is fast asleep before I dare to touch her." mc "Let's go." scene 9scene7img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Oooh! Yes!" mc "She's sleeping naked." mc "She looks like she's fast asleep." mc "But I gotta be sure." mc "Yeah.. She's definitely fast asleep." mc "But should I be doing anything with her?" mc "If she wakes up in between, I'm a dead man." mc "Should I even be here?" mc "Ooooh I do stupid shit when I'm horny." mc "I'm playing with fire here." mc "Anyhow, her naked body looks irresistible." mc "Let me just play quickly and get out." scene 9scene7img5 mc "Mmmmmm yes." mc "She's definitely out cold." mc "She didn't even flinch as I shifter her legs to this position." mc "Oooooohhhh this is exciting." mc "She is soo damn HOT" mc "What a body!" mc "What a beautiful face" mc "So sexy" mc "Her Pussy looks so great." mc "Let's see if I can play with her Pussy a little bit." scene 9scene7img6 mc "Aaaaaaahh" mc "The feel of her cold, soft skin." mc "I love grabbing on to her ass like this." mc "Her skin is soo smooth." mc "{i} (Wait...)" mc "{i} (Think of what you're about to do [mc].)" mc "{i} (She's a walking slaughter house.)" mc "{i} (Do you really want to do this?)" mc "{i} (Risk your life, to play with her Pussy?)" mc "{i} (Well, guess I am that stupid..)" mc "{i} (A damn fool who risks his life for Pussy.)" mc "{i} (I just want to put the tip in..)" mc "Nothing more." mc "Just the tip." scene 9scene7img7 mc "Aaaaaaah" mc "Sssss" mc "This feels soo wonderful." mc "Her pussy feels so wet." mc "It's actually so cold inside her." mc "May be it's the weather." mc "But it definitely feels great." scene ellapussytip animated with fade: "9scene7img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene7img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaaaahh" mc "Like wet Velvet." mc "Sooooo good." mc "Soo Wet." mc "The tip of my cock is in heaven." mc "And she's so incredibly tight." mc "Perhaps because she prefers girls over boys." mc "Don't think she's had a cock inside her for a long time." mc "Her pussy's so very tight." scene 9scene7img9 mc "Even just by slipping in only the tip, I can feel the tightness of her Pussy." mc "If just the entrance feels this tight..." mc "I can only imagine what being deep inside her would feel like." mc "It'd be super tight" mc "Would feel like putting my cock inside a vice grip." mc "I hope I can feel the insides of her Pussy gripping my cock tightly someday." mc "That would be sexual nirvana." scene ellapussytip2 animated with fade: "9scene7img7" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene7img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Take it." mc "Take my cock Ella." mc "Take your [br]'s cock in your tight pussy." mc "Not such a bad bitch now.." mc "Here.. I'm fucking you like a bitch." mc "The danger of knowing she'd kill me if she wakes up, is making this experience so surreal." mc "Such a frenzy of a sexual thrill." mc "I'm loving this." mc "Oooh she's too tight!" mc "I'm about to blow.." mc "I'm about to cum.." mc "Rrrggh" mc "Aarghhhh" scene 9scene7img8 with vpunch scene 9scene7img8 with flash scene 9scene7img8 with vpunch scene 9scene7img8 with flash scene 9scene7img8 with vpunch scene 9scene7img8 with flash scene 9scene7img10 with dissolve pause pause mc "Fuuuccckkk. That was good." mc "Such good Pussy." mc "She has made me come so much" scene 9scene7img11 mc "Phew!" mc "That was wonderful." mc "And I actually lived through it.. without getting killed." mc "How's that for an adventure." mc "I love it when she gets drunk." mc "That's the only time Ican play with her." mc "If I try to make any moves on her while she's in her senses..." mc "Well, that'd be like signing a death warrant." mc "She might be a walking slaughterhouse...." mc "But why does she have to be so sexy?" mc "I'm risking my life to have some sexual fun with her." mc "Time to go now." scene 6scene6img18 mc "What a day" mc "First I jumped on Jasmine while she was naked." mc "Then put my tip inside my childhood crush's sexy ass!" mc "A scintilating photoshoot with [mom]." mc "And now this.. with Ella!" mc "This has been an awesome day." mc "Look forward to more awesome days like this filled with sexual activity." mc "Time to go to sleep." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "A new day and new adventures waiting to happen." mc "If today holds even half as much fun as I had yesterday in store for me, it'll be a great day." mc "Wonder who I'll get to have some sexual fun with today." mc "I've been having a whole lot of sexual fun lately.." mc "I hope it continues." mc "Anyway. Time to get up." scene 9scene8img1 i "Uuuuurgghhhh!" i "Why are guys such douchebags?!!" mc "What did we do?" i "Guys can be so disgusting at times." i "Soo annoying." mc "Calm down Iris.." mc "What's gotten you so mad this morning?" i "Guys." i "They can be such Pigs!" mc "You really gotta give me some details here Iris.." mc "What happened?" mc "Someone douchebag you a hard time?" scene 9scene8img2 i "There's this guy..." i "He calls himself Pretty Harry.." i "He's been following me around for days." i "Anytime I'm alone and I turn around.. He's standing right there.." i "He talks to me like I'm some kind of object." i "Asking me to have sex with him.." i "In such foul language.." mc "Alright.. Who's this guy? Where does he live?" mc "Looks like I gott have a talk with him." i "I don't know where he lives.." i "I wouldn't even bothered telling anyone about him... But he's going too far now." i "He's been sending me dick pics for a few days..." i "But now he's photoshopping my face next to his dick.." i "He just sent that pic to me." mc "Say no more Iris.." mc "We gotta sort this guy out right away.." mc "Here's what I want you to do.." mc "Send this guy a text telling him you want to meet him." mc "Ask him to come to the alley behind East Avenue." mc "Let's go have a chat with him." i "Thanks [mc].." i "I'll text him right away.." mc "Great.." mc "And go get dressed. Let's leave when you're ready." scene 9scene8img3 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) hr "Hey Sweet Cheeks.." hr "Wassup?" hr "See.. I knew you'd come around.." hr "Told you you'd fall for Pretty Harry." hr "Couldn't resist my charm, huh?" i "Yeah..." i "I am so captivated by your charm Pretty Harry." hr "Told you!" hr "Girls always fall for Harry." hr "P Harry is the shit." i "Yeah.. You are.." i "How can a poor, weak girl like me resist you for long?" i "So here I am." hr "Come on sweet cheeks.." hr "Let's go to my room.." i "Hahahahaha" i "In your dreams douchebag..." i "Look behind you." hr "What?" scene 9scene8img4 mc "You cringy little motherfucker!!" mc "How dare you talk to her like that!" hr "Oh shit.." hr "I'm sorry bro..." hr "I done fucked up.." mc "You're right you done fucked up..." mc "I'm going to break both your knees now!" mc "Which one shall I break first?" mc "Right or left?" hr "Shit!" hr "Please... Please." hr "Please bro.." hr "I'll leave her alone... I swear." hr "I will never follow her again.." scene 9scene8img5 mc "You better not you little welp." mc "Little Biever looking motherfucker." mc "If Iris tells me you so much as even looked her way once more..." hr "She won't..." hr "Shit." hr "I promise.." hr "This is the last time she'll see me." hr "I'll leave her alone." mc "Good." mc "Now scram." scene 9scene8img6 i "Yaaaaaaaayyyy" i "Thank you soooo much [mc]." i "Thank you! Thnk you!" mc "Don't mention it Iris.." mc "It is my duty to protect my little [st]." i "Aaaaaaawww" i "You are soooo sweet." i "Thank you so much [mc]." i "You are the best." mc "Hehe." mc "I know..." i "You have no idea how much of a big favor you've done for me." mc "Anything for you sweet Iris.." mc "You know I'd do anything for you." scene 9scene8img7 i "Aaaaaaawww" i "You are the sweetest!" i "The best big [br] a girl could ask for" mc "{i} (Wow... I'm grabbing her ass.. and she doesn't seem to mind one bit!)" mc "{i} (Her booty feels so great in my hand.)" mc "{i} (Nice , round teen booty..)" mc "{i} (I'm surprised she's acting like it's nothing while I'm grabbing her booty like this)" scene 9scene8img8 mc "{i} (May be she hasn't realized I've got my hand on her butt.)" mc "{i} (No. Of course she has..)" mc "{i} (I'm practically grabbing her ass.)" mc "{i} (May be she thinks I'm just holding her safely preventing her from fallin as she's hanging with her arms and legs around me.)" mc "{i} (Or may she's just too happy to care..)" mc "{i} (Regardless...)" mc "{i} (I'm loving how her ass feels in my hand.)" scene 9scene8img7 i "You got him soo scared [mc]." i "Hehehehe." i "I loved seeing that look of fear on his face after he's harrassed me for so long." mc "Anyone giving you any trouble.. You can always come to me Iris." mc "I got you." mc "I will always protect you." i "I know." i "I know you will.." i "My sweet, wonderful big [br]." mc "Come on. Let's go home now." i "Okay." scene aaw with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene8img9 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "It felt great playing the role of protective big [br]." mc "I'm glad she came to me for help." mc "I'm always there to look out for her." mc "She is such a sweet girl.." mc "I love her so much." mc "Good to know she trusts me enough that she came to me first, instead of telling Ella.." mc "Well, Ella would've just killed that dude without asking any questions." i "Hey [mc], do you have a minute...?" scene 9scene8img10 mc "IRIS!!!" i "OH MY GOSSHHHH...." i "I'M SOOORRYYY..." mc "I'm naked Iris.." mc "What are you doing here?" i "I JUS.. I JUST CAME HERE TO ASK IF YOU WANTED TO COME TO THE PIER WITH ME AND CANDICE.." i "I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D BE NAKED!" i "I'M SOO SORRY." scene 9scene8img11 i "{i} (Oh my gosh!)" i "{i} (That thing...)" i "{i} (It is sooo big.)" i "{i} (Wha...)" i "{i} (Why am I staring at it?)" i "{i} (I should go..)" i "{i} (I should get out of here.!)" scene 9scene8img10 i "Sorry again [mc].." i "I had no idea you'd be naked.." i "I'm going to go now." i "Bye." scene 9scene8img9 mc "Hmmmmm" mc "That was awkward..." mc "Honest mistake.." mc "Not that I mind.." mc "I have been fantasizing about her thick ass for weeks now." mc "Guess it's only fair she saw my package.." mc "May be she was impressed by it.." mc "I don't know.." mc "But I hope something sexual develops between her and I as a result of this.." scene 9scene8img12 i "What just happened?" i "That was soooo embarassing.." i "But [mc] took it so lightly.." i "So sweet of him." i "I'd be mad if someone walked in on me while I'm naked." i "I just saw my first real life Penis on a boy." i "And it was soooo big!" i "How does he walk around with that thing in his pants?" i "Wait... Did it stare at me while I was looking at it?" i "Did he have an erection?" i "May be that was just a natural reaction." i "I should go do something else and forget about that embarassing moment." i "Hehehe." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene1img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "Feeling fresh after taking a second bath." mc "What do I want to do now?" mc "Oh crap! I'm supposed to be stealing Annie's Tab today." mc "Damn. That totally skipped my mind." mc "Let me go get that done." mc "Annie owns a nice Apartment in this city." mc "She stays in that Apartment whenever she's in town." mc "Let's go there." scene 9scene9img1 pause mc "Right on time." mc "Looks like she's just getting back from somewhere." mc "That Tab must be in that Handbag she's carrying. Hopefully." mc "She's on her way to her Apartment... I can tail her without being noticed.." mc "As soon as she enters the apartment, I'll stop the door from closing behind her and locking out." mc "That way I can get in without a key." mc "But I gotta make sure she doesn't notice me when I try to intercept the door before it locks out." mc "Let me tail her." scene 9scene9img2 mc "Aah good." mc "I've stopped the main door from locking out." mc "Let me just hide here and peep through.." mc "She's putting her Hnadbag down." mc "I hope it contains the Tab I'm supposed to steal." mc "Let me wait here till she goes into one of the Rooms.." mc "Once the coast is clear, I can go inside and steal the Tab." scene 9scene9img3 mc "Nice." mc "She's going upstairs.. The living room is going to be clear for me to enter." mc "She looks soo HOT." mc "She's usually in Office wear.." mc "And she looks sexy in them.." mc "She looks even sexier in casual clothing." mc "Nice rack on her too." mc "Pity I didn't get a view of her rack from the front..." mc "Looks like that dress must show a lot of cleavage from the front." scene 9scene9img4 mc "Yes!" mc "Coast is clear." mc "There's that Handbag she was carrying.." mc "Let's look inside to see if the Tablet is in it." mc "But hold up..." mc "What does a woman do once she gets home from shopping or something.." mc "She changes into something comfortable..." mc "May be if I go upstairs.. I can catch her undressing.." mc "I'll come back for the Tab. Let me go upstairs now." scene 9scene9img5 mc "Perfect!" mc "Right on time.." mc "She's just about to undress." mc "Hiding behind this Cabinet... She shouldn't be able to see me spying on her." mc "Come on Annie..." mc "Take off that dress.." mc "Show me your goods." scene 9scene9img6 pause mc "Phew Phew!" mc "She had no underwear on all this while!" mc "No Bra nor no Panty." mc "You naughty girl!" mc "Her ass looks amazing!" mc "That's a real big ass!" mc "So this is what's been underneath all those formal pants she wears all the time." mc "I love it." mc "What a big, beautiful butt!" scene 9scene9img7 pause mc "Woooooww" mc "Those breasts." mc "She's checking herself out in the opposite mirror." mc "Hope she cannot see me hiding behind this cabinet here." mc "That's a really nice Rack" mc "I've always taken second looks at her cleavage any chance I've gotten." mc "Out on full display.. Her Breasts look amazing!" mc "Nice and firm" scene 9scene9img8 pause mc "Aaaaaaahh" mc "I love that shape." mc "Nice Pear shaped figure!" mc "I've always had a thing for women with Pear shaped bodies." mc "So sexy" mc "Love those wide hips" mc "And her rack looks even better from the front." mc "She's got such a great body." mc "Hold up... Is that a Tattoo on her Pussy?" mc "Does she have a Tattoo down there?" scene 9scene9img9 pause mc "Holy Crap! YES" mc "She has a Tattoo right above her Pussy!" mc "A nice little Butterfly" mc "Maaan.. She's been hiding these nice embellishments under all those formal outfits she always wears." mc "I love it." mc "A Tatto above her Pussy.. Who would've thought." mc "She seems like a naughty girl inside..." mc "I've always just seen her as all business.." mc "Of course, she's easy going and very friendly..." mc "But didn't know that she has this naughty side to her too...." mc "Out of all the people I'd have never guessed that she'd have a Tattoo down there." mc "Wonder what it'd feel like to fuck a Pussy with a nice little Tatto above it." mc "I'd love to fuck that Tattoo'd pussy." mc "I'm sure that'll be amazing." scene 9scene9img10 pause mc "She's checking herself out from all angles." mc "Who wouldn't when they look that Hot." mc "I'd been obsessed with her shape even when seeing her in formal clothing." mc "Naked... her body is outright Stellar." mc "And that big wide ass!" mc "I could fuck that so well." mc "I wonder if she's the type that likes to take it in her ass.." mc "She has a Tattoo on her Pussy.. If that's any sign, I'm sure she'll be down for some ass fucking." mc "I'd love to fuck her anally." scene 9scene9img11 pause mc "Man, she's walking into a different room.." mc "Show's over I guess." mc "Bummer" mc "But that ass looks fine as she's walking away." mc "Always nice wathcing women walking naked." mc "Love how her ass is swaying as she walks." mc "Well, let me go and get that Tab now." mc "I stare at that ass any longer, I might forget all about the actualy reason I'm here. Hehehe" scene 9scene9img12 mc "YESS!" mc "HERE IT IS." mc "I'm sorry Annie.." mc "I real wish I didn't have to steal this.." mc "I'm helping foil our own Mafia's operations.." mc "But I'm doing this for right reasons." mc "Got the Tab now." mc "Let's get out of here." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 8scene5img4 mc "Looks like everyone's outside." mc "Let me go see if [mom]'s in her room." mc "If she is in her room, I'd have her all for myself till everyone returns home." scene 9scene10img1 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "Hey [mom]" mc "Wassup!" mom "Hi honey." mc "The girls are out.. You decided to stay in and relax, huh?" mom "Yeaah." mom "I didn't feeling like going outside today." mom "Just thought I'd stay in and relax." mc "What are you doing all alone anyway?" mom "Just watching a Movie honey." mc "Awesome." mc "Can I join?" mom "Sure." mom "Come sit." scene 9scene10img2 mc "What movie are you watching?" mom "I'm just browsing honey.." mom "Do you have any good movie in mind?" mom "We can watch whatever it together." mc "I watch all my movies in the theater [mom]" mc "I don't watch a lot of movies on the TV." mc "Anyway, I'm sure we can find some nice movie to watch." scene 9scene10img3 mc "Or we can just watch this movie you're watching." mc "I'm cool." mc "Which movie is it?" mom "It's some adventure thriller honey." mc "Okay. Let's just watch this then." mom "Cool." scene 9scene10img4 mc "{i} (A nice afternoon just staying in with [mom].)" mc "{i} (She looks so engrossed in the movie.)" mc "{i} (I'd much rather just stay in and relax with her than go out and party all the time.)" mc "{i} (I like this.)" mc "{i} (I can't help but get butterflies anytime I'm sitting next to her.)" mc "{i} (Just being next to her sets off a thousand butterflies inside me.)" scene 9scene10img3 mc "{i} (Hmmmm.)" mc "{i} (This movie is pretty good after all.)" mc "{i} (I love the sceneries they've shot the movie in.)" mc "{i} (They look nice.)" scene 9scene10img4 mc "{i} (What a beauty)" mc "{i} (Such a pretty face.)" mc "{i} (I could rather just sit here and watch her than any movie.)" mc "{i} (Such a beautifl woman.)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's really enjoying this movie.)" scene 9scene10img5 pause mc "{i} (And I could enjoy this view.)" mc "{i} (Her full, milky breasts!)" mc "{i} (They look so great in that frilly nightie.)" mc "{i} (Sooo full..)" mc "{i} (And sooo big.)" mc "{i} (Those breasts could hold a truck load of Milk)" mc "{i} (Someday I want to drink Milk for those breasts again.)" scene 9scene10img3 mc "{i} (This movie is nice and all...)" mc "{i} (But may be we can watch something else...)" mc "{i} (What if I play some Porn?)" mc "{i} (How would she react?)" mc "{i} (Nothing sexier than watching Porn with [ym])" scene 9scene10img4 mc "{i} (But I'm not sure if she'll like that.)" mc "{i} (Well.....)" scene 9scene10img3 mc "{i} (Only one way to find out.)" mc "{i} (Let me play a Porn movie.)" scene 9scene10img6 pause pause pause scene 9scene10img7 mom "HONEY." mom "WHAT IS THIS?" mom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" mc "It's only just Porn [mom]." mc "How bout we watch Porn together instead of a movie?" mom "Is this a joke?" mom "I'm not watching Porn with [mc]." mom "Change it please.." mc "Come on [mom].." scene 9scene10img6 mc "Just look at that.." mc "Don't you think it's amazing?" mc "It is so Erotic." mc "She's sucking him so good." scene 9scene10img7 mom "I'm not okay with this honey." mom "This isn't something that a [mom] can watch with her boy." mom "It's inappropriate." mc "Exactly..." mc "And that's what makes it so thrilling." mc "Let's watch some Porn, please [mom]..." scene 9scene10img6 mc "I'll let you choose the Porn.." mc "If this one's too Hardcoe for you.. you can change it." mc "May be we can watch some Softcore.." mc "You can choose whichever Porn you want.." mom "No." mc "Please [mom].. Please..." mc "Pretty pleasee... please, please, please.." scene 9scene10img8 mom "HONEY.. NO.." mom "We're not watching it no matter how many pretty pleases you say." mom "You can't convince me to watch Porn with you." mc "Okay, not an entire Porn movie.. How bout just half of one?" mom "Noo" mc "Okay.. Just 2 minutes.. Please.." mc "Please just allow this." mc "Let's just watch some Porn for 2 minutes.. Exactly just 2 minutes.. and then I'll change it." mom "You're not going to let this go, are you?" mc "No." mom "Okay." mom "Just 2 minutes." mc "Fine." scene 9scene10img9 mom "{i} (I can't believe he's making me watch Porn with him.)" mom "{i} (Anyhow.. let's see what's the fuss about all this Pornography.)" mom "{i} (2 minutes, and then I'm changing it no matter how much he begs me.)" mc "{i} (Hehehe.)" mc "{i} (I've somehow convinced her to watch this.)" mc "Not so bad, is it [mom]?" mom "Don't talk honey.. Just watch." mc "Ooh? You're so engrossed in it you just want to watch and not talk?" scene 9scene10img4 mom "I didn't mean that." mom "You know I didn't.. The words just came out wrong." mc "Hehehehe" scene 9scene10img6 mc "{i} (That chick is so good at sucking cock.)" scene 9scene10img9 mc "What do you think [mom]?" mc "Is she good?" mom "What do you mean?" mc "Do you think she's good at sucking?" mom "Well she's taking him all the way inside her mouth..." mom "So I guess that makes her good." mc "But do you think she can take a Bigger one all the way in her mouth like that though?" mom "Are you trying to get me to talk about the size of Your Penis?" mc "Hehehehe." mc "Worth a shot." mom "Hmmmmmm..." mom "That's a position I never knew existed." mom "How are they doing that?" mc "Lot's of flexibility [mom]." mc "I'm sure you can handle that position too... given how flexible you are." scene 9scene10img4 mom "Hehehehehe." mom "I'm actually much more flexible than that...." mc "Ahaan?" mom "But don't you think that position's a bit strange?" mom "I mean, why put in all that effort?" mc "Deeper Penetrations [mom]..." mc "You see how deep his cock is going into her pussy?" mc "That's the extra bang for the buck.. so to speak.." mom "Hehehehehehe." mc "{i} (She's slowling easing up...)" mc "{i} (Nice.)" mom "Ooow" mom "That was unexpected. Haha" mc "{i} (Is she liking this?)" mom "There's one more position I didn't know existed before.)" scene 9scene10img10 mom "(OH MY GOSHH!!)" mom "{i} (DID HE PUT IT IN HER ASS?)" mc "{i} (She seems shocked!)" mc "{i} (Hehehehe.)" mc "{i} (Looks like she doesn't know that's just standard anal fucking in Porn.)" scene 9scene10img11 mc "{i} (OH FUCK!)" mc "{i} (But this other position is new even for me.)" mc "{i} (Fuck! That is so hardcore! I'm loving it.)" mom "{i} (How are they doing that?)" mom "{i} (How is she taking it sooo hard?)" mc "{i} (Fuuuccckk...)" mc "{i} (I'm loving that position!)" scene 9scene10img12 mom "Okay honey.. We've watched it for more than 10 minutes now." mom "I've held up my side of the bargain.." mom "I've watched it for 8 minutes extra... But that's as much as we can watch together." mom "Change it please.." mc "No." mom "What do you mean no?" mom "The deal was just to watch it for 2 minutes." scene 9scene10img13 mom "Come on." mom "Gimme that remote." mc "NO." mom "You can't do that!!" mom "Come one now.. Gimme the remote" mc "I won't." scene 9scene10img14 mom "HEEYYY!" mom "Gimme that!" mc "Nooo" mom "Stop acting like child baby.." mom "Give me the remote.." mom "Or at least play something else.." mc "{i} (She looks so sexy.. I want to do nasty things to her...)" mc "{i} (I'm going for it!)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 9scene10img16 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "Aaaaaa yeaaa..." mom "{i} (What is he doing?)" mom "{i} (I didn't think he'd pounce on me like that)" mom "{i} (He took my bu surprise.)" mc "{i} (She is so tasty)" mc "{i} (I could never get enough..)" mom "Baby... stop..." scene 9scene10img15 mom "Honey... we're at home." mom "We can't.." mc "Why not [mom]?" mc "I love you" mc "I'm just showing you how much I love you." mom "But it's dangerous.. What if someone walks in?" mc "We're alone at home [mom]." mc "The girls are out.." mc "Let's do what we want.." mc "Let's taste each other." mom "But..." mc "I want to taste you." mc "And I can feel you getting wet down there..." mc "Let's enjoy ourselves." mom "But...." mc "Do you want me to stop?" mom ".........." mom "................" mc "I take that as a no" mc "Let's strip you off these clothes." scene 9scene10img17 mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaahh" mc "Your skin feels like fine Velvet [mom]" mc "I'm addicted to your body." mom "Please just be gentle with me honey." mom "Whatever you do.. don't put it in.." mc "I won't.." scene momthighjob animated with fade: "9scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene10img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaahh" mc "Aaaaahhhhh" mc "{i} (Take it [mom]..)" mc "{i} (Take it.)" mc "{i} (Take my big dick between your thighs..)" mc "{i} (Squeeze my cock with your thighs)" mom "{i} (He is soo good)" mom "{i} (I love his hands on my breasts.)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (His strokes against my pussy are slightly spreading my lips.)" mc "{i} (My baby boy is so big.)" mc "{i} (He's using his length so well.)" scene 9scene10img19 mom "Aaaa" mom "Aaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaa" mom "{i} (I'm in sexual nirvana)" mom "{i} (My baby boy is showing me seventh heaven.)" mom "{i} (Aaaaa)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaa)" mom "{i} (Slap your thighs against [mmy]'s buttocks honey.)" mom "{i} ([mmy] loves it)" scene momthighjob2 animated with fade: "9scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.7 "9scene10img18" with dissolve pause 0.7 repeat mom "Yeah..." mom "Just like that.." mom "Just like that baby.." mom "You're doing me soo good.." mom "{i} (Slap against [mmy]'s ass.)" mom "{i} (Slap hard agains't [mmy]'s big butt)" scene momthighjob3 animated with fade: "9scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.5 "9scene10img18" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "Aaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaa... aaa" mom "aaa" mom "Soo good.." mom "Sooo fast." mom "{i} (Hit me hard...)" mom "{i} (Hit me haard from behind.)" mc "{i} (Take that..)" mc "{i} (Take that hard..)" mc "{i} (Take it real haard..)" mom "Aaaaa" mom "Aaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaa" scene 9scene10img20 mc "[mom]....." mom "Yes baby..?" mc "Suck my cock" mom "{i} (Is he asking me?.. Or..)" mom "{i} (Telling me?)" mom "{i} (Somehow this is soo Hot if he's actually TELLING me.)" mc "Suck my cock!" mom "Was that a request?" mc "What do you want it to be?" mom "Are you asking me? Or Telling me to suck your cock?" mc "Tte... T.." mc "Telling you." mom "Then I should oblige.." mc "....." mom "[mmy] shall suck your cock.." mom "Do you want me on my knees before I take you in my mouth?" mc "You will do what I want???" mom "YES" mom "TELL me.." mom "And I'll do it" mc "In that case.. I want to Fuck your mouth?" mom "Sure." mom "I'll take you as deep in my mouth as I can.." mc "No." mc "I meant I want to FUCK your mouth..." mc "FUCK your mouth..." mom "Ooh?" mc "Lay on your back.." mom "As you command.." mom "But will you be gentle? Please." mc "NO" mc "I will be brutal." mc "And I want you to take it." mom "If that is your command.." mc "YES.. That is my command." mom "Then I shall oblige.." mom "Use my mouth." scene 9scene10img21 mom "Gggg... ghh.. gghgg.." mc "Are you ready?" mom "Gggghgg.. ggg..." mc "There is no going back..." mc "I will be brutal." mom "Ggg gg" mc "I take that as ok." scene mommouthfuck animated with fade: "9scene10img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 "9scene10img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Take that!)" mc "{i} (Take that....)" mc "{i} (You want to oblige my commands...)" mc "{i} (Then take it HARD!)" mc "{i} (Take it hard you slut)" mc "{i} (Take it hard My Slut.)" mc "{i} (Your mouth is mine.)" mc "{i} (It is mine to fuck as I please...)" mc "{i} (And I will fuck it however I want..)" mc "{i} (Take me..)" mc "{i} (Take me deep in your mouth...)" mc "{i} (How do you like it slut?)" mc "{i} (How do you like my cock so deep in your mouth?)" mc "{i} (Do you like the taste?)" mc "{i} (Do you like the taste of your boy's cock deep in your slut mouth?" scene mommouthfuck2 animated with fade: "9scene10img21" with dissolve pause 0.4 "9scene10img22" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mc "{i} (Take it..)" mc "{i} (Take it deep..)" mc "{i} (Take it HAAARDDD)" mc "{i} (Choke on my cock.)" mc "{i} (Drool on it.)" mc "{i} (Choke on my cock till you gask for breath)." mc "{i} (Take it hard..)" mc "{i} (Aaaarrghhhh)" mc "{i} (Here it comess...)" mc "{i} (I'm about to flood your mouth with my semen..)" mc "Aaarrgghhhh" mc "Aaarh" mc "Aaaarrerghdfh" scene 9scene10img22 with vpunch scene 9scene10img22 with flash scene 9scene10img22 with vpunch scene 9scene10img22 with flash scene 9scene10img22 with vpunch scene 9scene10img22 with flash scene 9scene10img23 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaaaah" mc "I'm spent." scene 9scene10img24 mom "Sooo much cum.." mom "You made me drink soo much of it.." mc "Did you like the taste [mom]?" mom "Well, I couldn't really taste it sweetie.." mom "You shot it well behind my throat.." mc "Hehehehe." mc "Well.. You can taste to cum that's dripping of your mouth.." mom "Ooh I will.." mom "Mmmm yea..." mom "Soo tasty" scene 9scene10img25 mom "Did you enjoy fucking my mouth sweetie?" mc "That was such an INTENSE, perverted pleasure [mom].." mc "Thank you for that.." mc "I'm just glad you couldn't hear the conversation I was having in my head.." mom "Aaahh?" mom "What was the conversation in your head like?" mc "I can't say it [mom].." mom "It's alright love.. You can tell me.." mc "That was just too perverted [mom]..." mc "I shouldn't tell you.." mc "I was actually thinking of you as my .." mom "As your...?" mc "Perhaps I'll tell you another time.." mom "Okay sweetheart.." mc "I love you soo much [mom].." mom "I will always love you more sweetie.." mc "I'm going to go to my room now.. Before the girls get back." mom "Okay sweetheart.." mom "Bye now." stop music fadeout 2 label episode10_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yawn" mc "Another beautiful morning." mc "Hope this day has more sexual fun in store for me today than getting kidnapped, stealing tablets and stuff." mc "Yesterday was a good day. I got to see Annie naked, although she wasn't aware I was watching.." mc "Rather.. creeping." mc "Then I got to fuck [mom]'s mouth. Surprised that she allowed it." mc "I loved how she said she'll oblige because I Told her to..." mc "Perhaps it turns her on when I tell her to do things." mc "If that is the case, it's awesome." mc "Time to get off the bed. Let's go start this day." scene 7scene1img2 mc "Where's everybody?" mc "The girls are always out and about." mc "Looks like I'm missing a lot of early morning fun with them because I sleep well into the mornings." mc "Looks like I'm alone at home now." mc "What shall I do?" mc "Guess I'll watch some TV." scene 10scene1img1 mc "I rarely watch TV these days." mc "Guess it's because of all the Porn I've been watching instead." mc "But right now, my life itself feels like a great Porn movie.." mc "And a very kinky and sinfully pleasureful one at that." mc "I love it." mc "Hopefully, pretty soon I'll have a harem of my own with all the beautiful, ultra hot women in my [fmy]" mc "Anyhow, for now, let's see what's on TV." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene1img1a play music "sounds/effects/attack.mp3" na "In breaking news today.. numerous busts have been made around the world confiscating weapons, smuggled equipment, narcotics and hallucinogens belonging to a Mafia." na "The well co-ordinated raids were organized based off of an anonymous tip delivered by an individual who did not wish to disclose his name." mc "What the Fuck?!!" mc "Is this because...." scene 10scene1img2 na "The confiscated weapons, smuggled cargo and narcotics are estimated to be worth over a 100 Million." na "What's surprising is that all of the goods confiscated belong to the same Mafia." na "If goods worth 100 Million dollars is the result of a single day's bust...." na "It leaves us wondering how much of a bigger scale this Mafia operates in.." na "How large is it?" na "How much money does it steal, launder, extort and counterfeit?" na "It appears this Mafia has it's footholds in 5 continents." na "While it is clear that all these goods belong to the same Mafia, officials report that they do not have concrete evidence as to which Mafia they belong to as of yet." scene 10scene1img3 na "Earlier today a Cargo Plane carrying tonnes of high tech weaponry was stopped right before take off at the city's main Airport." na "The schedules and reports siezed indicate that these shipments are a weekly occurence." na "Planes carrying tonnes of Military equipment have been flying off of our coast on a weekly basis.." na "And this has been taking place right at our city's main airport. Not a remote airbase somewhere." na "This begs the question whether the city's top officials are in on this operation too." na "The weapons siezed which are estimated to be worth 10s of millions are supposed to be destroyed at a remote undisclosed location." na "It is believed that the man behind this operation Could Be one Mr. Reigns.. However officials confirm that there is no clear cut evidence to implicate Mr. Reigns at the moment." mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (They even said his name!)" mc "{i} (What have I done?)" mc "{i} (But they say they don't have clear evidence that these belong to him. That's a saving grace for now I suppose.)" scene 10scene1img5 na "In Europe, a massive cargo vehicle traversing the freeways was caught after a long relentless pursuit by local authorities." na "The vehicle contained an estimated 3 Tonnes of Cocaine." na "The origin of the Cocaine appears to be Colombia, however it appears it passed through our country first, before it was sent to Eurpoe for scheduled distribution.)" na "Again, evidence suggests that this operation belongs to the same Mafia as the same seals, codes, methodologies, and signatures were seen here as well." na "Authorities were in pursuit of the vehicle for well over an hour." na "The driver and the crew men arrested after the chase remain un-cooperative in naming their employer." scene 10scene1img6 na "In Milfami, police siezed and sealed off a warehouse housing thousands of military grade weapons." na "These are the same type of high tech weapons which were siezed in the airport earlier." na "It appears that warehouses such as these across the country and in others house the weapons before they are shipped to their destinations." na "Police believe that they can discover the whearabouts of many such warehouses in the coming days." na "The man captured here, again refuse to talk.." na "However, police believe that they will be able to extract details from the prisoners in the coming weeks." scene 10scene1img7 na "In Australia, a high tech labarotory producing all kinds of Hallucinogens ranging from LSD to PCP to Methamphetamine was siezed." na "The Labarotory was operating under the disguise of a dairy." na "It is being reported that this labarotary is the source of over 40 percent of the hallucinogens illegally sold in Australia." na "It doesn't stop there. It appears that most of the LSD illegally sold in south east Asia is produced here as well." na "Once again, all evidences suggest that this labarotory is owned and operated by the same Mafia as well." na "Which one is this Mafia that operates on such a huge scale across continents?" na "Who is it's leader?" na "Who is the anonymous tipper who divulged accurate details about specific operations that enabled the busts around the world?" na "How much more details can he share about these operations? And if he can, can the help authorities bring down this Mafia once and for all?" scene 10scene1img8 dad "Aaaarrrrghh!" dad "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!" dad "HOW DID THE INFORMATION LEAK?" dad "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" staf "We're working on it Sir... we'll get the the bottom of this right away.." staf "We'll sort things out asap." dad "GET ME THE AUTHORITIES ON THE PHONE... EVERYONE INVOLVED.." dad "I WANT ALL OF THEM ON CONFERENCE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" scene 10scene1img9 an "OH NO.." an "OH NO...." an "This is all my fault!" an "All this is happening right after my Tab went missing!" an "How did I let this happen?" an "How could I be so careless?" an "I DID do a complete remote wipeout of the Tab as soon as I realized it was lost." an "But all of this has happened from whatever minimal data they were able to extract from it!" an "If they had gotten all of it, we could've lost billions!!" an "This is bad.. this is really bad.. and it's all my fault!" scene 10scene1img10 e "WHAT DO WE PAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT POLITICIANS FOR?" e "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED?" e "YOU BETTER GET THIS STRAIGHT IMMIDEATELY!!" e "OR HEADS ARE GOING TO FALL.. YOU HEAR ME?!!" e "I WILL BE SURE TO START WITH YOURS FIRST..." e "YOU MOTHERFUCKING POLITICIANS... EATING OFF OF OUR HANDS, AND YOU CAN'T EVEN DO YOUR JOB!" scene 10scene1img1 na "We will have experts joining us on our panel to discuss this later on.." na "Our correspondents are in talks with the authorities to hopefully get an interview with the anonymous tipper." na "We will try to bring you all the answers as soon as we can." scene 10scene1img1a mc "Fuck!" mc "Fuck man.. This is all my fault." mc "All this must be Vernon's doing." mc "He must be the anonymous tipper!." mc "He's the dead of an Intelligence Agency.. But why would he leak the information to authorities as an anonymous tip?" mc "What game is he playing here?" mc "He said his agency is covert, perhaps that's why he chose the route of an anonymous tipper.. Or.." mc "Or, is he planning on digging an alaborate, much bigger ditch to bury our Mafia in?" mc "What angle is he playing here?" mc "FUCK!" mc "And to think that I aided him in this!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene1img2 na "In other news... Popular Movie Star Maria Winberg has is a mother now." na "Maria gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a week ago.." na "But she kept it a secret.." na "Now let's hear from Maria herself." scene 10scene1img15 play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" na "Hi Maria.. Congratulations.." na "Congratulations on the baby.." mc "{i} (These news guys are just pissing me off now. I just heard about our Mafia getting busted left and right..)" mc "{i} (Now they're reporting stupid news about a Movie Star giving birth to her baby..)" mc "{i} (This is what's news now?)" mia "Thank you. Thank you so much." na "How's the baby?" scene 10scene1img16 mia "Both the baby and I are keeping great.." mia "Thanks for asking.." mia "I can't wait to share pictures of the baby with you all on social media later.." mia "You guys are going to love her." mia "I want to thank my husband for being such a great man.. He is so kind.." mia "So good to the baby and I.." mia "I'm so lucky." scene 10scene1img11 mc "It's my blackmailer again!" mc "For once I'm not totally pissed about him calling me.. Anything to escape watching stupid celebrity worship.. And on news on top of that." mysc "One hour.. Same place.." mysc "Don't make me wait.. Be there soon..." mysc "You need to move on my Duper Bowl plans today." mc "FUCK!" mc "I have to go.. I have no choice!" stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene1img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/attack.mp3" mc "What now douchebag?" mysc "I hope you enjoyed the couple of days extra you had to move on this job.." mysc "I had been waiting to gather intel on Hadler's whereabouts for the last couple of days." mysc "Now I have it, and you have to get this done TODAY!" mysc "The Duper Bowl is in 2 days, you cannot.. I repeat, YOU CANNOT FAIL ME TODAY." mc "Fuck man! I get that it's very important to you.. But, don't you think it's a bit too much to ask of me?" mc "I mean.. taking out Hadler of all people..." mc "Dude's a beast man.. He could probably kill me if he caught me trying to injure him." scene 10scene1img13 mysc "You think I give a damn?" mysc "Not my problem.." mysc "I give you an order.. you get it done.. That simple." mysc "You do realize what I can do to you if you don't do what I say?." mc "Yeah.. yeah.. you can ruin my life by sending that pic to everyone." mc "We've only been over that a thousand times.. How can I forget?" mysc "So there's your answer.. Now go get this done for me.." mysc "By any means.. Hadler shouldn't play the Duper Bowl in 2 days." mc "Fine..." mc "Tell me where he'll be.." scene 10scene1img14 mysc "Hadler just brought in one of his Sail Yachts to the coast." mysc "The man loves sailing..." mysc "His training for the Duper Bowl finished, he's going to be resting on his Sail boat today." mysc "I got word that his Sail Boat was docked at the Dous Marina south of the city.." mysc "He plans on getting on it at 3PM this afternoon." mysc "So around, 3 30, you should find him on the waters around the Dous Marina." mc "I have to get on his boat to get this done?" mc "Fuck man!" scene 10scene1img13 mysc "You can try taking his legs out on land.. There'll be people around.. How would that work out for you?" mc "Fuck." mysc "I don't care how or where you get it done.." mysc "I just gave you the information needed.. Now getting it done is all up to you." mc "Fine.." mysc "Don't forget.. The waters around Dous Marina.. He'll be on his Sail Boat." mc "Got it." mysc "You can go now.. Still a few hours till 3PM." mysc "Spend it however you like knowing that you'll have to try to injure a beast in a few hours." mc "You douchebag!!" mc "Fuck you man." mc "Anyway, I'll call you once I get this done." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "I've had it upto here with this guy!" mc "First he wanted me to rob the Jewel of Love.. and now this.." mc "Injuring a beast on the field." mc "Hadler is so big and athletic, there's no way I can fight him if he caught me trying to injure him." mc "But how do I do actually injure him without him noticing?" mc "This is fucking nuts." mc "I have no idea how I'm going to do it." mc "But I have to." mc "Guess I'll just have to plan or figure things out as they happen." mc "But I have a few hours till 3PM" mc "What do I do till then?" mc "Well, what do I always want to do?" mc "Try to get into [mom]'s pants.." mc "But I guess she's out with the girls now." mc "So I guess I'll just aimlessly drive around the city." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene2img1 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "{i} (There's aunt Eliza!)" mc "{i} (Man, she looks stunning as hell)" mc "{i} (Those legs look great from here.)" mc "{i} (She's carrying a lot of bags..)" mc "{i} (Looks like she just finished some shopping.)" mc "{i} (Seeing as she's carrying so many bags.. what a perfect opportunity for me to be a caring Gentleman and help her with the bags)" mc "{i} (All the while ogling at her perfect assets...)" mc "{i} (She is such a MILF)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to her.)" scene 10scene2img2 mc "Hey aunt Liza!" el "Hey [mc]" el "What a pleasant surprise running into you here." mc "I was just driving by.. and I saw you.. Thought I'd come say hi" el "Aaaaww." el "That is so sweet." el "And I'm always happy to see your cute baby face." mc "That's a lot of bags aunt Liza.. Here.." mc "Let me help you with those." scene 10scene2img3 el "Aaaaaww.. You are such a gentleman." el "But it's fine [mc], I can man manage.." mc "No, no.. I insist.." mc "I can't let you walk carrying all those heavy bags." el "So considerate..." el "You remind me of how sweet you were when you were a child.. You still are." el "If you insist.. Fine.. You can help me with these.." el "Here..." scene 10scene2img4 el "Thank you for this [mc].." el "Even just to stop the car to come say hello." mc "Don't mention it.. I like spending time with you." el "So sweet. Just like old times.." el "You were so attached to me.." mc "{i} (Oh I'd still like to be Attached to you alright..)" mc "{i} (I want it so bad..)" el "You always wanted to be with me.." mc "Haha. Yeah." scene 10scene2img5 el "Do you remember, I used to take you and Ella for walks down these streets in the evenings." mc "To get some snacks and coffee at the end of the road.." mc "Yeah.. I remember it so vividly.." mc "Pleasant weather.. perfect for little walks.. And so many shops on either side of the street to get snacks and sweets from.." el "Haha. Yes." el "And you'd always ask me to get you more sweets than I did for Ella. Haha." mc "Great times.. I loved those wonderful evenings." mc "Thanks for all the ice creams you bought me.. See how big I've grown. Hehe" el "Gosh.. Ice creams.. The 3 of us used to go all in on em." el "Ella used to eat from your cups as soon as she finished her's.. And then I had to buy you more to stop you from crying." mc "Haha." el "Speaking of ice creams.. You and [ym] had this tradition of going for ice creams in the afternoon on Sundays.." el "Do you still do that?" mc "{i} (The last time she took me for ice cream... She ended the afternoon sucking My ice cream. Hehe.)" mc "Yeah.. Once in a while.." el "That was your thing... It was just you and her.." el "I don't know why.. but she didn't let your [st]s know about you two's ice cream rendezvous.." el "That was just between you and her.. May be because she knew you had a profound liking for ice creams more than your [st]s." el "Your little secret ice cream dates." mc "I loved those.. And I love them even more now..." mc "How come you're shopping all by yourself aunt Liza? You usually do it with uncle Mark." el "Hahaha. That's because he's my personal ATM." el "Mark's at work sweetie.." scene 10scene2img4 el "I just came out to buy a couple of things.." el "And.. well, you know me.. ended up buying a lot." mc "Where are you parked?" el "Oh, I didn't bring my Car.." el "I came walking.. I like walking around the city in the Sun." el "But in hindsight, I think I should've brought the car.." el "I was wondering how I was going to carry these bags all the way home." mc "Oh, that's alright.. I'm actually parked just down the street." mc "I can drop you home.." el "Wonderful." el "Let's go." scene 10scene2img6 el "Come on in [mc]." el "Shall I get you something to drink?" mc "No. That's alright." mc "Where are the kids?" el "They're at school." el "It's just me at home now." mc "{i} (Awesome!)" mc "{i} (Some alone time with Liza!)" el "Do you have some place to be [mc]?" mc "No. I'm free till 3PM." el "Great. Then you can spend the afternoon with me." el "I could use some company." mc "Sure." el "What do you wanna do? Want a watch a movie? Play games?" mc "I'll leave it to you.. Anything you wanna do is fine." el "I was actually thinking about getting some sun by the pool before I ran into you.." el "Now I'm thinking we should so something indoors." mc "Actually.. getting some sun by the pool sounds great." mc "I could get some sun and some tan." el "Okay. Sure." el "Go sit by the pool.. I'll be with you in a minute." mc "Okay." scene 10scene2img7 mc "WOW!!" mc "This place is like an Oasis" mc "It's so beautiful." mc "It's Perfect!" mc "A great place to spend an afternoon." mc "I love it." mc "We should have a place like this in our backyard too.." mc "This is awesome." scene 10scene2img8 mc "There's even a Bed out here!" mc "This is starting to give me some perverted ideas already." mc "What an awesome place to have sexy by." mc "Out by the pool, plenty of greenery around.." mc "Sex here would be awesome!" mc "I wonder if aunt Eliza and uncle Mark have done it here." mc "I'm sure they have.. I heard them talking about having sex in the office." mc "If they're that adventurous, I'm sure they've done it here." mc "Some day, I want to fuck Liza here on this bed." scene 10scene2img8a mc "I'm so horny right now." mc "I can't wait for Liza to come out here." mc "To see her in a Bikini or something." mc "She said she wanted to get some sun. So she has to come out in something skimpy.. thankfully for me, something sexy." mc "I just cannot wait." mc "I hope something sexy happens between us today." scene 10scene2img9 pause el "Hey [mc]" mc "{i} (HOLY...!)" mc "{i} (HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (This is a scorching level of Hotness!)" mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (I'm just mindblown!)" mc "{i} (So speechless by this stunning sight!)" mc "Hh.. hey aunt Liza.." el "You already started to catch some sun without me?" scene 10scene2img10 pause mc "Sorry." mc "You've got such a beautiful place here." mc "I love it." el "Glad you like it." el "When we got back to the country, this pool area is one of the reasons we bought this house." mc "{i} (That bikini is just something else)" mc "{i} (She looks sooo smoulderingly HOT in it.)" mc "{i} (Her perfect body!)" mc "{i} (She looks like a Bronzed Goddess)" mc "{i} (So ridiculously sexy.)" el "Hope you don't soak up all the sun by yourself." el "May I join you?" mc "Of course.. Please.." scene 10scene2img11 pause el "Glad we ran into each other today [mc].." el "Once Mark leaves for work, and the kids go to school.. the house becomes so empty." el "I have to be here by myself till the kids get back." el "Glad I have some company today." mc "Always happy to help. There's no place I'd rather be right now." mc "{i} (That Bikini is driving me crazy!)" mc "{i} (Gold and black! And those sexy straps..)" mc "I really love this place aunt Liza." mc "It's amazing." el "You like it so much, huh?" scene 10scene2img12 el "You can drop in any time you like." el "I'll even leave this pool area all for yourself whenever you do.. If you don't want me sitting with you." mc "Oh no. I'd love for you to be here with me when I drop in." mc "Like I said, I like spending time with you." el "You're such a sweetheart." el "Let's make a deal.." el "Now that I'm in town, let's try to hang out atleast once a month.. You and I" mc "Just once a month?" el "I meant atleast once.. But you're welcome to hit me up as many times as you'd like." el "My sweet little boy.. I'm glad you still want to spend time with me like when you were little." scene 10scene2img11 el "My kids are still pre teens, so they like being with me all the time." el "Pretty soon they're going to enter those dreaded teenage years and they'll start to think I'm not cool anymore." mc "Haha. You're already dreading that, huh?" mc "But I'll always think you're cool.. and Hot." scene 10scene2img12 el "Hot?" mc "I mean.." mc "You are so beautiful.." mc "You've always very beautiful and stunning.." el "Thanks. You just made my day [mc]." el "In fact you just made my whole week!" el "Thank you." mc "I was just pointing out the obvious." el "Haha. I should be proud I guess.. Young boys still thinking I'm beautiful." el "You've grown into a handsome young man yourself." scene 10scene2img11 el "Do girls often tell you how handsome you are?" mc "Haha. I wish." el "Are you kidding me?" el "You are such a fine looking young man.. Or are you just playing humble?" el "You are so handsome, I would've married you instead of Mark if you were born a couple of decades ago. Hehehe." el "But I don't think I could do that knowing you like I've known you.." el "You are like another son to me." mc "{i} (Damn!)" mc "{i} (She son-zoned me)" mc "{i} (But I do sexual things with [mm]. So there's hope. Hehe)" scene 10scene2img13 el "[mc], your skin's burning up!)" el "Didn't you put any lotion on?" mc "No." el "Oh! Stupid me.." el "I'm the one who should've given you some lotion." el "Sorry I forgot [mc]." el "Here, lemme put some on you." el "Lay back." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene2img15 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" pause mc "{i} (Oooooh. This day just got a 1000 times hotter!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! She looks sooo sexy from down here.)" mc "{i} (Her big sexy breasts just right above my face)" mc "{i} (I could just reach out and grab a handful)" mc "{i} (Or put my mouth on them and suck on them.)" mc "{i} (I'm getting sooo horny)" scene 10scene2img14 mc "{i} (I love how her hands feel on my skin.)" mc "{i} (Her touch is sending jolts of electricity up my spine.)" mc "{i} (Such soft hands.)" mc "{i} (Her Hotness and the sensations of her hands on my body are giving me a boner.)" mc "{i} (It is so hard to control.)" mc "{i} (I'm only in my underwear right now.)" scene 10scene2img15 mc "{i} (I don't want her to catch me with an erection)" mc "{i} (And there's no way I can hide my erection in my underwear.)" mc "{i} (I just hope she doesn't look down there!)" mc "{i} (She shouldn't look?)" mc "{i} (I'm the one that shouldn't be looking at her assets)" mc "{i} (This boner is hard to control as it is!)" scene 10scene2img17 el "Look at all these muscles you've got!" el "Do you work out?" mc "Occassionally." el "Silly me, asking stupid questions.." el "Of course you workout." el "One doesn't get muscles like these just sitting in front of a TV." el "I should know." el "I try to stick to a workout regimen too." mc "I can tell.." scene 10scene2img14 el "You can?" el "How?" mc "Like you said.. One doesn't acquire a great physique just sitting in front of a TV." el "Hehe." el "Touche." scene 10scene2img15 el "I've finished with the chest." el "Let me apply some lotion on your legs." mc "{i} (Oh oh!!!)" scene 10scene2img16 el "Am I applying too much pressure [mc]?" mc "No." mc "{i} (Think other thoughts... think other thoughts...)" mc "{i} (Just think about something else!)" mc "{i} (You cannot have her catch you with an errection while she's applying lotion on your legs!)" mc "{i} (Fuuuck! This is sooo damn hard.)" mc "{i} (But thankfully, by a miracle I somehow have my boner under control.)" el "Are you okay [mc]?" mc "Yeah..." el "I'm just asking because your leg muscles are stiffening up" el "Are you shy?" el "Because I'm touching your legs.." mc "Nn.. No.." el "It's evident you are.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you feel embarassed." scene 10scene2img17 el "Let me rub some more lotion on your upper body." el "Sorry I made you feel uncomfortable applying lotion on your legs." mc "Oh no.. not at all aunt Liza." mc "You were just making sure I don't get sun burnt." el "Silly me.. I should've asked for permission first." el "I should rub some more on your stomach, it's not covered with lotion properly.." el "May I?" mc "Please.. Go ahead." scene 10scene2img18 el "You are so muscular [mc]." el "Can't believe you're the same little boy I knew." el "I can feel the hardness of your abs." mc "{i} (If I lose control, you're going to feel another type of hardness aunt Liza)" mc "{i} (I have no idea how I'm keeping my boner in control right now.)" mc "{i} (She's just applying lotion on my body with some sort of motherly affection....)" mc "{i} (But she does'nt know what a pervert I am and how hard I'm struggling to keep my boner under control.)" scene 10scene2img19 mc "{i} (And these massive boobs right next to me!)" mc "{i} (I'm giving it my all to try and look away..)" mc "{i} (But thos big boobs are calling out to me!)" mc "{i} (They look so incredible.)" mc "{i} (Her bronzed skin... and those golden straps on her Bra..)" mc "{i} (They're making me insane)" mc "{i} (I'm ultra horny.)" scene 10scene2img18 el "Abs all covered now." el "Oh, I forgot to apply some on your trapezius." el "Let me get on top of you so I have a better angle to reach the back of your traps." scene 10scene2img20 mc "{i} (This is soo insanely sexual!)" mc "{i} (Thank goodness she's just sitting on my thighs and not on my crotch.)" mc "{i} (If she looks down at my crotch, I'm caught.. Cause I have a full on boner.)" mc "{i} (It's just ripping at my underwear.)" mc "{i} (Please don't look down..)" mc "{i} (Please don't look down aunt Liza)" scene 10scene2img21 "......" ".........." mc "Ooh.. Fuck it!" mc "I give up." mc "I can't take no more.." scene 10scene2img22 el "{i} (Huuuuuuuh!)" el "{i} (Is that...?)" el "{i} (Is he...?)" el "{i} (Perhaps it's just a natural reaction...)" el "{i} (But...)" scene 10scene2img21 mc "{i} (If not for our underwear, I'd be inside her right now!)" mc "{i} (I've given up... I don't even that my boner is pressing against her Pussy!)" mc "{i} (And it's just growing and growing...)" scene 10scene2img22 el "{i} (Oh.. no no no..)" el "{i} (That's definitely an erection!)" el "{i} (And he's twitching right under my Pussy..)" el "{i} (I can feel it.)" el "{i} (I should get off of him)" scene 10scene2img23 el "Oh... I'm so sorry [mc]..." el "I just remembered..." el "I just... I have this thing that I was supposed to do..)" el "And I totally forgot.." mc "{i} (Fuck!)" mc "{i} (Forget noticing my erection.. She felt it..)" mc "{i} (I'm so embarassed!)" el "{i} (Oh no... He's turning pink with embarassent!)" el "{i} (It was my fault..)" el "{i} (I was sitting right on the crotch of a virile young man!)" el "{i} (I should've known better... It was my fault..)" el "I'm so sorry sweetie... I totally forgot about a thing that I had planned..)" el "And I just remembered.." el "I'm so sorry to be rushing off like this.." el "We can definitely hangout another time okay?" el "I'm sorry..." el "Please feel free to drop by whenever you like.." el "As for now.. You can relax here as long as you want while I go attend to that thing inside, okay?.." mc "Oh.. I just remembered I had a thing planned too aunt Liza.." mc "It's okay.. I'll drop by another time!" el "Okay." el "But please feel free to visit whenever you want." el "This is like your house." mc "Sure thanks." mc "Bye for now." el "Bye for now sweetheart." scene 10scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Oooooowwwww" mc "Man! That was super embarassing!" mc "She definitely noticed my erection and jumped off of me" mc "I'm such a pervert!" mc "But what was I supposed to do?" mc "She was sitting right on top of my crotch looking sexy as fuck like that!" mc "Fuck!" mc "I just hope she doesn't think I'm a hopeless pervert.." mc "Although.. it is true that I think about her in very perverse ways.." mc "Well... I'm super horny right now anyway... and I know that she does't lock the main door." mc "May be I can go spy on her like I did the last time.." mc "I'm thinking with my cock now.. So there's no reasoning..." mc "I go where it wants to go.. So, let me go back inside.." scene 10scene3img2 mc "Here we are." mc "Hope she's naked in there like the last time." mc "Gotta be very careful though.." mc "She already caught me with an erection.." mc "Now if she catches me spying on her..." mc "It would totally ruin my reputation with her." mc "Here we go, let's look inside." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene3img3 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" el "Can you come home early baby?" mk "I wish I could.." mk "But I'm stuck with work.." mk "I'm afraid it'll be evening by the time I get home." el "Aaaw.. I was really looking forward to it." el "To have some steaming sex while the kids are at school." mk "Don't talk like that baby.. You're making me hard." mk "In fact, I'm just going to jerk off to your picture on my table." el "The picture on your table? But I'm fully clothed in that." mk "Then send some nudes." el "You want me to send nudes?" mc "{i} (Damn! Looks like they have a very interesting sex life.)" mc "{i} (They're talking about sending nudes n stuff years into their marriage like they're still a young couple in love.)" el "I'll do you one better.." mk "What's better than nudes?" el "I'm actually wearing something very sexy right now." mk "Wearing something? That's kind of a step down from nudes.. But I'm happy to see you in sexy clothing anyway. Send them" scene 10scene3img4 el "Here you go." mk "Ooooh honey..." mk "You look soo damn sexy.." mk "I wish I was home right now, so I could tear into you." mk "I love how your boobs look in that bra." mk "I want you to wear them tonight in Bed." el "Okay.. But promise you won't tear this Bikini into pieces.." el "This is one of my favorite pairs.. and it's a very rare edition." el "I don't want you to rip them up like you did those white lace ones." mk "The only thing I'll be ripping is your Pussy." scene 10scene3img5 el "Oh yeah?" el "Just my Pussy?" el "What about my backdoor?" el "Don't you want to enter it?" mc "{i} (Holy shit!!!)" mc "{i} (Aunt Liza takes it up her ass?!!)" mc "{i} (That is awesome!)" el "{i} (I love a woman who is down for some anal)" mk "Don't even get me started on your backdoor wife.." mk "I'm trying hard not to cum on the documents in front of me." el "Haah? You're already beating it?" el "That looks soo good honey... I want it in my ass." mk "Wait till the kids are asleep tonight.. I'll be tearing your ass the whole night." mk "But I gotta go now honey.. Someone's knocking at the door." el "Alright.. I'm feeling very drowsy after walking around the city this afternoon anyway." el "Guess I'm going to take an afternoon nap." el "See you tonight." mk "Bye." scene 10scene3img2 mc "{i} (She's about to take a nap!)" mc "{i} (This is perfect)" mc "{i} (I know she's a heavy sleeper from my time with her in the Massage Parlour." mc "{i} (Let me wait here a few minutes till she falls asleep.)" mc "{i} (Then I can go in and have some fun.)" scene 10scene3img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Perfect)" mc "{i} (She's fast asleep)" mc "{i} (That sexy body is killing me.)" mc "{i} (Watching her sleep with her mouth open like that is turning me on so much)" mc "{i} (Her body and her sexy face are works of art.)" mc "{i} (Brilliantly sculpted.)" mc "{i} (It's like she was sculpted with only one intent.)" mc "{i} (To entice men into thinking dirty thoughts about her.)" mc "{i} (Utterly sexy)" scene 10scene3img7 mc "{i} (That bikini is perfect on her too.)" mc "{i} (It suits her bronzed, sculpted body so well.)" mc "{i} (The gold and black match her skin tone perfectly)" mc "{i} (They make her assets pop)" mc "{i} (I hope uncle mark doesn't tear this set of bikini tonight.)" mc "{i} (Cause I would very much like to fuck her in this someday.)" mc "{i} (But as much as I like them on her...)" mc "{i} (It's time to take them off her.)" mc "{i} (I want to see her uncovered.)" mc "{i} (Let's start with the panties first.)" scene 10scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Wonderful)" mc "{i} (Clothes are a crime on a body as sexy as this.)" mc "{i} (I am soo horny.)" mc "{i} (I feel like my body is on fire.)" mc "{i} (I'm raging with lust.)" mc "{i} (This body has always enticed since I was very young.)" mc "{i} (In a way, being a creep like me is a good thing..)" mc "{i} (Otherwise, I probably won't get opportunities to ogle at a married woman's uncovered body like this.)" scene 10scene3img9 mc "{i} (Aaaaaah)" mc "{i} (Shaven haven)" mc "{i} (Like a Pornstar..)" mc "{i} (And she definitely has the look of a Pornstar.)" mc "{i} (Built like one too..)" mc "{i} (And a superb Pussy to match.)" mc "{i} (I dream of the day I could finally go balls deep in her.)" mc "{i} (That is something I've longed for for years.)" mc "{i} (That would be like entering heaven.)" mc "{i} (I could just stay in it.. Her Pussy looks that good.)" mc "{i} (And smeels good too..)" mc "{i} (Let's eat it)" scene 10scene3img10 mc "{i} (Yummy)" mc "{i} (Sooo moist and wet..)" mc "{i} (It's perfect.)" scene lizapussyeating animated with fade: "10scene3img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene3img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Mmmmmmm)" mc "{i} (This Pussy tastes so good.)" mc "{i} (I could just drink her juices like water.)" mc "{i} (How long I've dreamt of this)" mc "{i} (Of tasting her insides with my tongue.)" mc "{i} (Her inner walls are so delicious)" mc "{i} (Absolutely lovely)" mc "{i} (They feel like edible silk)" mc "{i} (And her juices flowing on my tongue..)" mc "{i} (This is such a treat.)" mc "{i} (I want to eat this everyday)" mc "{i} (I hope she'll let me eat her whenever I want pretty soon.)" mc "{i} (I've got to device plans to have sex with her.)" mc "{i} (Now that I've actually got a taste of her sexiness a couple of times.. I want more..)" mc "{i} (I crave it soo badly.)" mc "{i} (Lets explore other parts of her..)" scene 10scene3img12 mc "{i} (I love how those straps on her Bra are holding her tits.)" mc "{i} (Her super tempting sexy tits..)" mc "{i} (They look so firm)" mc "{i} (And her lips look great from here too)" mc "{i} (Everything on this woman is incredible)" mc "{i} (She's a stunner.)" mc "{i} (As much as I love that Bra, it's time to take it off)" mc "{i} (Here we go.. slowly and carefully)" scene 10scene3img13 mc "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (So lovely)" mc "{i} (Just looking at them could make me blow a load)" mc "{i} (They mesmerize me)" mc "{i} (They're everything I imagined they'd be like when I stole little glances at her rack when I was young.)" mc "{i} (Everything and more)" mc "{i} (I often caught myself wondering how a woman could be this sexy)" mc "{i} (And she has only gotten better with age.)" mc "{i} (I don't how it's possible, but she looks even sexier than she did when I had a massive crush on her.)" mc "{i} (What a woman)" mc "{i} (I want to be in between those breasts.. Lemme go for it.)" scene 10scene3img14 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaahhhh)" mc "{i} (What delicious softness!)" mc "{i} (I feel like I'm in a heavenly valley.)" mc "{i} (Her tits feel so good around my cock)" scene lizatitfuck animated with fade: "10scene3img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene3img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I don't believe it)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking Eliza's tits)" mc "{i} (This is unbelievable pleasure.)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaa yes)" mc "{i} (How good it feels to be fucking her tits.)" mc "{i} (The fleshy firmness!)" mc "{i} (And the softness of her skin!)" mc "{i} (The think skin on my cock is tingling with joy..)" mc "{i} (Feeling the softness of her breasts against it.)" mc "{i} (Take it..)" mc "{i} (Take it Liza..)" mc "{i} (I've dreamt of this for soo long)" mc "{i} (I've wante to fuck your tits for years...)" mc "{i} (And your tits are so much more pleasureful than I imagined.)" mc "{i} (I want to be in between them as often as I can.)" mc "{i} (Milk my cock with your tits.)" mc "{i} (Milk it..)" mc "{i} (I want to spray my load on your face..)" mc "{i} (Your sexy face..)" mc "{i} (I want to see my cum on it)" mc "{i} (Milk me..)" mc "{i} (Milk me Liza..)" mc "{i} (Milk my cock..)" mc "{i} (Ooooooohh eaaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Aaaarrrrghhhh...)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh)" scene 10scene3img15 with vpunch scene 10scene3img15 with flash scene 10scene3img15 with vpunch scene 10scene3img15 with flash scene 10scene3img15 with vpunch scene 10scene3img15 with flash scene 10scene3img16 with dissolve pause pause scene 10scene3img17 mc "{i} (Aaaaahh)" mc "{i} (I'm spent!)" mc "{i} (That was wonderful)" mc "{i} (Her tits made me experience incredible pleasures)" mc "{i} (I hope I can do this again sometime soon.)" mc "{i} (Such a great experience.)" mc "{i} (Time to leave now.)" mc "{i} (I have to be at the Dous Marina by 3)" mc "{i} (I can't wait till I see these wonderful tits and sexy face again soon.)" scene 8scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "That was a great time with aunt Liza's tits." mc "But now it's time to face the reality that I have to try to injure Hadler." mc "I kinda feel bad about it too cause I'm sort of a fan of that dude." mc "And he plays for our city.." mc "If he doesn't play the Duper Bowl this weekend, there's a chance we might not win." mc "But I've got no choice." mc "I've got to do it." mc "Lemme go to the Marina and take one of our small Boats" stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mc "Here goes nothing." mc "I have no idea how I'm going to get this done." mc "But let me try." mc "Luckily we have a few Boats docked in this Marina." mc "And a small one is perfect for the job." mc "I can perhaps get close to Big Boats unnoticed." mc "Well.. hopefully." scene 10scene4img2 mc "Man... how did I get myself into this?" mc "Here I am, in the middle of the sea...." mc "Looking for our star Quarterback's Sail Boat.." mc "I don't even know which direction he's sailing in." mc "Hope I don't have to go in circles looking for his boat." mc "I've already been looking for 30 minutes now." mc "I don't want it to come to a position where Hadler's already out of the waters before I find him." scene 10scene4img3 mc "Ah.. Finally." mc "There's a Sail Boat.." mc "It's gotta be him." mc "I haven't seen a single Sail Boat around.." mc "So this must be his.." mc "Let's go find out.." mc "Gotta get close unnoticed." scene 10scene4img4 mc "Here we are.." mc "Hope no one saw me getting close." mc "I think no one did.." mc "If someone had seen me, there'd have been a warning, seeing he's a big celebrity n all." mc "Time to get onboard." mc "Let's do it carefully though.." mc "Being seen will almost definitely ruin the mission." mc "Also, let me tie this boat to the big one, so I can make a quick exit if things go awry." scene 10scene4img5 mc "So far so good." mc "I haven't been seen." mc "Come to think of it..." mc "It doesn't look like there's a lot of people on this Boat." mc "Otherwise I couldn't have made it this close without being noticed." mc "But it's strange though..." mc "Something's very strange.." scene 10scene4img6 mc "There's no people on this boat..." mc "Hadler's known to be kind of a big party animal." mc "I thought his Boat will be full of people and it'd damn near be mission impossible." mc "Plus, why is he on his Sail Boat?" mc "He's got very big Yachts.." mc "He's known to be partying on his Yachts often with a hell lot of people." mc "I don't even hear anybody." scene 10scene4img7 mc "There he is." mc "Dude's just as big as he appears on TV." mc "Fuck I'm scared now." mc "How do I do this?" mc "It's insane trying to go injure him up front." mc "But wait a minute..." mc "Why is a party animal like Hadler sitting alone on his Boat staring at the open seas all by himself.." mia "I hope you're ready for me...." scene 10scene4img8 mc "{i} (Hot damn!)" mc "{i} (Who's that?)" mc "{i} (That woman's got a great ass!)" mc "{i} (Holy shit! Is this the life of a celebrity?)" mc "{i} (Swimming in Pussy all the time..)" mc "{i} (Man, Hadler's so lucky..)" mc "{i} (I'm kinda jealous of him already..)" scene 10scene4img9 mia "Ooooooohhhh" mia "Aaaaaaa....." mia "That's my big black Bull!" mia "You fill me up like my husband never could..." mc "{i} (Holy shit!!.... I that..?)" mc "{i} (That's Maria Winberg...)" mc "{i} (That's her..)" mc "{i} (I just saw her on TV this morning..)" mia "I'm going to ride you like a Rodeo Bull" mia "Big game coming up... I've got to get your testosterone levels up.." scene lizatitfuck animated with fade: "10scene4img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene4img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mia "Aaaaaaaaaaa" mia "Oooooooo yesss" mia "Yes.. yes... yesss..." mia "You are sooo big..." mia "Fill me up my stallion..." mia "I want to feel your spear at my lungs..." mia "Give it to me.." mia "Give it to me..." mc "{i} (Holy fuck!....)" mc "{i} (Maria Winberg is cheating on her husband with Hadler..!)" mc "{i} (Didn't she just have a baby with her husband?)" mc "{i} (She was on TV this morning raving about how much she loves her husband.)" mc "{i} (And here she is.. riding another man..)" mc "{i} (Is this what celebrity life is really like?)" mc "{i} (Full of scandals and sexual intrigue...)" mc "{i} (Let me take some pictures...)" mc "{i} (Better yet... let me video this...)" mc "{i} (Here we go...)" mc "{i} (I'm getting it all on video...)" mc "{i} (This is insane...)" mia "Give it to me..." mia "Fill me with your seed...." mia "You stretch me out soo good..." mia "Ooooohhhhhh..." mia "Oooooohh...." scene 10scene4img11 mia "OH NO!!!" mia "Someone's watching us...." mia "HE'S VIDEOING US...." mc "{i} (OH SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (I'M CAUGHT!!)" mia "Goo get him.... He's got us on tape..." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene4img12 play music "sounds/effects/attack.mp3" play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Oh shit!" hl "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!" hl "WHO SENT YOU MOTHERFUCKER?" scene 10scene4img13 mc "OH FUCK!" mc "{i} (I feel like I've been hit with a brick!" mc "wait...." mc "No.. no... no..." scene 10scene4img14 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Oooow" mc "Ooow" scene 10scene4img13 hl "WHO SENT YOU?" hl "WHO SENT YOU MOTHERFUCKER?!" scene 10scene4img14 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Aaaaaooo" mc "Oooowww" scene 10scene4img13 mia "Don't let him leave with that tape.. People can't know..." mia "My husband shouldn't know...." scene 10scene4img14 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "{i} (Oh shit)!" mc "{i} (Oooow)" scene 10scene4img13 hl "Gimme that tape punk..." hl "Give me your phone.." scene 10scene4img14 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" hl "You piece of shit!" hl "Give me that phone." scene 10scene4img13 mc "{i} (Fuck! I gotta get up and at least try to defend myself)." mc "{i} (This dude might actually kill me if I stay down..)" scene 10scene4img14 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" hl "I'm going to beat the crap out of you motherfucker." mia "Get him!" mia "Kich his ass!" scene 10scene4img13 mc "Here's mmy chance..." scene 10scene4img15 hl "WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?" hl "ARE YOU A PAPARAZZI?" hl "YOU BETTER START TALKING PUNK!" hl "WAS IT HER HUSBAND WHO SENT YOU?" hl "ANSWER ME...." mc "{i} (OH NO... Time to pull out the baseball hidden in the back of my shirt!)" hl "ANSWER ME.. OR YOU'LL BECOME FISH FODDER..." hl "TALK MOTHERFUCKER...." scene 10scene4img16 mc "{i} (OH SHIT....)" mc "{i} (Dodge... dodge... dodge...)" scene 10scene4img17 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" hl "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" mc "{i} (Oh shit!! I actually heard his shin crack...)" mc "{i} (I've hit him too hard...)" scene 10scene4img18 play sound "sounds/effects/punch.mp3" mc "Take that douche...." mc "OFF YOU GO....." mc "Better safe than sorry..." mia "Nooooo....." scene 10scene4img19 play sound "sounds/effects/splash.mp3" hl "Aaaaaaaaaaa" mc "{i} (Oh no... I actually feel bad ...." mc "{i} (I have no quarrel with this dude.. I'm actually a fan.." mc "{i} (Let me at least throw him something for safety.." scene 10scene4img20 hl "Take that douche..." hl "That'll keep you from drowning till you regain strength enough to swim." hl "And I'm only doing that because I'm a fan.." hl "Sayonara.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene4img21 play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mia "Listen you asshole...." mia "I don't care who you are... or what your business is..." mia "Just delete that video and I'll forget what happened.." mia "Or I'll hunt you till the ends of the earth and make you pay..." mc "Maria.. Maria..." mc "Wass happening baby.... Calm down a bit..." mc "You are even more beautiful in person." mia "Are you with the Paparazzi?" mia "You want money... I'll give you money..." mc "My [dad] is at least a 100 times more richer than you.." mia "If not money, than what's your angle?" mc "Do you know what a major stir this could cause in the media if this fell into the hands of Paparazzi?" mia "No... Please don't..." mia "Please.. please..." mia "I'll give you anything..." mc "Anything....?" scene 10scene4img22 mia "Huuuuuhhhh..." mia "I wasn't suggesting That.. you asshole..." mc "What..? I didn't even say anything..." mia "I thought.. I just that.. you were asking for.." mc "Well I wasn't... But now that you've mentioned it..." mia "What do you think I am? Some kind of Whore.." mc "I'm not saying that... But here you were with a man who's not your husband.." mc "But I'm not judging.." scene 10scene4img21 mia "Okay fine... I'll give you a blowjob..." mc "Just a BJ?" mia "What? I'm not having sex with a total stranger.." mc "I won't be a stranger after we have sex.." mc "And it was you who brought up sex anyway.. I wasn't even thinking anything sexual.." mia "Yeah right.." mia "Like I don't know men..." mia "I'll give you a Blowjob and that's that.." mc "Fine..." scene 10scene4img23 mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (What a great turn this day has taken..)" mc "{i} (I was dreading this task that douchebag gave me...)" mc "{i} (But now I have Maria Winberg of all people grabbing my cock.. about to suck it..!)" mia "Boy you are Big...." mia "I might as well be blowing a Horse.." mia "You're even bigger than Hadler" mia "I don't think I can even fit it in my mouth." mc "You promised you'll suck it." mia "I will.. I will.." scene 10scene4img24 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (What wonderful sensations!)" mc "{i} (It feels sooo good inside her mouth!)" mc "{i} (She's drooling on it..)" scene mariasbbj animated with fade: "10scene4img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene4img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaa yessss)" mc "{i} (This is bliss!)" mc "{i} (She's soo good with her mouth..)" mc "{i} (And she's taking me quite deep..)" mia "Gllpp.." mia "Glckk... glck..." mc "{i} (She's even using her tongue inside..)" mc "{i} (She's a pro...)" mc "{i} (She's sucking so well...)" mc "{i} (Soooo wet..)" mc "{i} (Her saliva is lubricating my shaft so well.)" mc "{i} (This is insane heights of pleasure...)" mc "{i} (So intense...)" mc "{i} (It's like a vaccum in her mouth...)" mc "{i} (She's sucking me dry!)" mc "{i} (Ohhh .. ohhhh...)" mc "{i} (The amazing sensations are escalating...)" mc "{i} (I can't contain it longer...)" mc "{i} (Here it comes...)" mc "Aaaaaarggghhhh..." mc "Aaaarggghh" mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" scene 10scene4img26 with vpunch scene 10scene4img26 with flash scene 10scene4img26 with vpunch scene 10scene4img26 with flash scene 10scene4img26 with vpunch scene 10scene4img26 with flash scene 10scene4img26 with dissolve pause pause scene 10scene4img27 mia "There you go.." mia "I just gave you a Blowjob." mia "Did you like it?" mc "You were mindblowing Maria!" mc "That was amazing!" mc "WOW" mia "Great." mia "Now delete that video." mc "Actually... I think I'll hold on to it a little longer... Since you're so great at sex, I want to taste more of you.." mc "I'm not deleting this video for now." scene 10scene4img28 mia "YOU ASSHOLE..." mia "YOU PROMISED...!!" mc "You must've made vows to your husband when you married him Maria.." mc "I don't see you keeping your promises.." mia "YOU RASCAL!!" mia "NO matter where you are.. I'll find you and gut you like a Pig!!" mia "DON'T PLAY WITH ME!!" mc "Relax Maria.. I won't actually release this video anywhere..." mc "This is just a means for us to get to know each other better.." mia "YOU ARE PLAING WITH FIRE YOUNG MAN!!" mc "Relaxx baby... I just want to get to know you better.. I won't even ask for sex unless you're up for it.." mia "Now why would I want to get to know you?" mc "Because I'm actually a nice guy... and I'll treat you better..." mia "Yeah. Like you're a nice guy after just etorting a Blowjob." mc "I didn't ask for it.. You dropped hints and I went with it.." mc "Come one.. Chill.." mc "Let's just get to know each other in the coming days..." mc "Besides.. although I won't actually release this tape of yours.. I have it right now.. So let's just meet and talk sometime, okay?" mc "Just talk." scene 10scene4img27 mia "And you promise you won't release it to the media.." mc "I swear I won't.." mc "You can trust me." mc "Now let me gently ask you for your phone number.." mia "I'm only giving my number because you have that video.." mia "It's xxx xxx xxxx" mc "Thanks." mc "See.. that wasn't so hard.." mc "Now, Maria darling... as much as I'd like to stay here and stare at your beautiful face...." mc "I gotta leave before Hadler gets back on the Boat.." mc "Everyone knows he was a champion swimmer before he got into Football.." mc "It'll just be a matter of time before he's back on board the boat.." mc "I guess I'll be seeing you soon... We'll get Coffee or something..." mc "But I gotta go now.. Bye.." scene 10scene4img29 mia "HEY!!!" mia "Come back here you Prick." mia "I'm not done with you.." mc "Later darling.." mc "{i} (What a great turn of events!)" mc "{i} (I cannot believe a Movie Star just sucked my cock...)" mc "{i} (None of my friends will believe me if I told them...)" mc "{i} (Maria Winberg of all people just gave me a great blowjob.)" mc "{i} (What a day...)" mc "{i} (Got my ass kicked first...)" mc "{i} (But then I got a BJ for Maria Winberg..)" mc "{i} (This was awesome..)" mc "{i} (But now I gotta get outa here before Hadler gets back on the boat.)" mc "{i} (I don't wanna get my ass kicked again.)" mc "{i} (I'm bruised and bleeding as it is.)" mc "{i} (I can feel the swelling and the bruises on my face.)" mc "{i} (Let's get outta here.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 10scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/attack.mp3" e "How could you have let this happen Annie?" e "How could you've been so careless with that Tab?" e "Do you know how much this has cost us?" an "I know.. I know exactly all too well Ella.." an "I'm soo sorry.." an "I know no amount of apologizing is going to cut it.." an "But I genuinely have no idea how this happened.." an "And I know it sounds so unprofessional for me to say that.." an "I'm a woman who prides herself on how good she's at her job.." an "I truly cannot put into words the guilt I am feeling right now." an "But if you have certain orders to carry on right now.." an "I understand.." an "You can do what you must.. I deserve it for letting this happen." scene 10scene5img2 e "Orders??" e "Annie.. Relax.." e "You are practically family.." e "I am only here to see how you're doing.." e "To make sure you're okay.." e "Besides.. Dad yould never do anything to harm you." e "You've actually made us a lot more money than we lost because of the busts today." scene 10scene5img3 an "That's a relief." an "Guess I just started imagining the worst.." an "I was sort of preparing for myself for it." an "I thought I deserved it for the disaster that's happened all because I lost my tab." an "But you know I guard it with my life.." e "I do.." an "I have retraced all the steps and I've been over all the events of yesterday in my mind a 1000 times..." an "I cannot figure out where exactly I lost it.." scene 10scene5img4 e "Did you check the security cameras of the house?" e "This whole building.." e "Already did.." scene 10scene5img5 an "But the building's security team told me there was a technical outage with the cameras for the whole building yesterday.." an "However, I've sent men to get tapes from every camera in this whole neighborhood to see if we can find anything." an "Reviewing every second of every tape will take some time though.. But I've assigned the job to plenty of people, they should get it done asap." an "Also, I've already dispatched a team to hit up every place I visited yesterday to find any clues then can.." an "And, I have a team of hackers and cyber security experts working to figure out where the data was read." an "I had multpile levels of encryption on the Tab.. Whoever cracked that must've had a great team themselves.. But we will find them." an "I will have answers for everything within 2 days." an "I will find out who did this." scene 10scene5img4 e "Great." e "I already knew youd've done everything to right this wrong." e "And I will ruffle up some politicians and others in power to get back what we can." e "Regardless of the huge losses, let's write this off as a bad day in the office.." e "We can afford to do that..." e "But we cannot have even just one more slip up." scene 10scene5img5 an "I swear on my life that I will ensure nothing like this ever happens again.." an "And I will bring the bastards who did this to their knees..." an "I swear it..." scene 10scene5img2 e "Lemme cut you off right there... I know you will do everything in your power to fix this." e "I know this is really bad and the losses are huge... But I feel like you're letting the guilt get to you." e "Like I said.. you're practically family.." e "Within family.. there's always room for forgiveness.." e "And, even as an employee... I need you at your best... Right now, the guilt is messing with your mind.." e "You don't even sound your usual bold, confident self.." e "I don't want you shouldering the blame for the entire thing, okay?.." e "We will fix this somehow..." e "And we will hunt down the bastards that are after us in this plot.." scene 10scene5img6 e "But, for now... just relax..." e "Let the teams you've dispatched do their thing.." e "You take a day or two off.. Clear your mind.." e "And bring back my old Annie.." e "The one that I'm proud to think of as my big sister.." an "You got it." e "I've got a meeting with the heads of police in a few minutes.. So I gotta go.." e "I'll call you later tonight." an "Okay. Bye." e "Bye for now." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene5img7 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" j "Oh my gosh!!!" j "[mc]!! What happened?!!!" j "You're all black and blue!!!!" j "How did this happen???" j "You're huuuurrt...!!!" mc "It's nothing Jasmine.." mc "I just fell off a flight of stairs!" j "NO.. IT'S NOT NOTHING!!" j "Look at you.. you're all bruised up..." j "Come with me right now..." scene 10scene5img8 j "Oooww you poor thing.." j "I feel soo bad..." j "Does it hurt too much?" mc "A little.." mc "{i} (Getting beat up by Hadler is no walk in the park.)" mc "{i} (I got my ass handed to me today.)" j "I am so sorry your are so hurt.." j "Here.. This cold pack should help bring down the swelling.." j "Mom's going to feel so bad seeing you hurt like this.." mc "No... No... Please don't tell [mom]." mc "She'll freak out.." j "Okay." j "I won't.. but she'll find out anyway when she sees you in the morning." mc "Thanks for taking care of me Jas.." j "Of course.. That's what big [st]'s here for.." scene 10scene5img9 j "But how did this happen [mc]?" j "You're bruised up everywhere.." mc "I was running down a flight of stairs.." mc "I slipped.. and I fell down it.." j "How could you be so careless [mc]?" j "Running down a flight of stairs...." j "Look what a mess you've made for yourself..." j "I feel hurt just looking at your bruises.." j "Is the cold helping?" j "Are you feeling a little better?" mc "Yeah.." mc "I feel a little better.. You can keep the pack down now." scene 10scene5img10 j "Here.." j "Take these tablets.." j "They'll help with the pain." mc "But I don't like them.." j "I'm not giving you a choice.." j "Take them." j "{i} (She's so sweet... Strict.. but sweet.)" mc "Okay." mc "Again.. Thank you so much for taking such good care of me J." j "It's my duty you idiot.. Stop thanking me for it." j "I only wish I could take your pain away.." mc "Aaaawwwww" mc "You're making me melt." mc "This is just like old times..." mc "Anytime I got hurt playing in the park when we were little.. You'd come running to me.. you'd take such good care of me till I felt better." scene 10scene5img11 j "You remember?" mc "Of course I do.." mc "How can I forget?" mc "You were so protective of me.." mc "You were like my guardian angel.." j "Aaawwww" j "I am so touched you remember all of that." mc "How can one forget how his guardian angel took care of and looked after him." j "Now you're making me melt.." j "But I had to be protective of you [mc].. Not just of you.. of all you little ones.. and now of Candice too." j "As the oldest, it's my job." mc "You remember? Anytime I'd fall and get bruised...." mc "You'd kiss my bruises in hopes of healing them..." j "Aaaawww I can still do that for you my sweet thing..." j "Come here..." scene 10scene5img12 j "Muuaaah." j "Muuuaah" mc "{i} (This brings back fond memories)" mc "{i} (She's so sweet.)" mc "{i} (I love the feel of her lips on my skin.)" mc "{i} (Sweet...)" mc "{i} (But also arousing..)" j "Muuahh" scene 10scene5img13 j "Muuah.. muahh.. muaa.." j "Mwaaah" j "I hope I'm not kissing too hard..." j "Does it haurt your bruises?" mc "No." mc "Your sweet kisses are just perfect." j "Good." scene 10scene5img14 j "I really hope these kisses heal your bruises up very soon." mc "{i} (Her tender kisses are so soothing)" mc "{i} (They are really making me feel better.)" mc "{i} (The power of love I guess.)" j "Muuah." j "Mwwaaa" scene 10scene5img15 j "How do you feel now?" j "Are you feeling better?" mc "Still in a bit of pain.." mc "But definitely much better now." mc "{i} (Gosh!)" mc "{i} (She is so beautiful)" mc "{i} (The face of an angel..)" j "Okayy then.. The kisses are working.." j "Let me continue.." scene 10scene5img14 j "Mwaaah" j "Muuaaa" mc "{i} (Her lips are so perfect.)" mc "{i} (So soft and pretty.)" mc "{i} (I'm mesmerized by them.)" mc "{i} (I feel a sudden urge to kiss thos lips.)" scene 10scene5img15 j "Did the second round of kisses work?" mc "They did too.." mc "Your lips have the power to heal Jasmine.." mc "Is that your secret super power?" j "Hahaha." j "I guess it is.. Hehe." mc "{i} (Gosh! That is such a pretty face...)" mc "{i} (She is so incredibly gorgeous.)" mc "{i} (I want to kiss her.)" scene 10scene5img16 ".........." ".............." j "{i} (What......!)" j "{i} (This is..)" j "{i} (I need to break this off!)" scene 10scene5img17 j "Sweetie..." j "What are you doing?" j "Why did you kiss me?" mc "I'm sorry.. I.." mc "You were looking so beautiful..." mc "I just wanted to show you my appreciation for your incredible beauty." mc "You are just so perfectly gorgeous.." scene 10scene5img18 j "But you can't kiss your big [st] like that sweetie.." j "At least not on the lips.." j "I mean..." j "Not anymore... We're adults now.." j "It was different when we were kids.." j "You can't kiss me like that now." mc "You have such a pretty face.." j "Thanks... sweetie.. bu" j "It must be the pain medication talking.." j "You're obviously in la la land now." j "I think you should get some sleep.." mc "Yeah... I think.." j "You can sleep here if you want.." j "I mean.. you can sleep in my Bed.. And I'll sleep here on the couch." mc "No.. No.. I want to sleep in my room.." j "Okay. Let me walk you there..." j "Come.." scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Phew!" mc "Thank goodness Jasmine blamed that inappropriate kiss on the pain meds." mc "I knew I fucked up as soon as I kissed her on the lips.." mc "I don't know what took over me.." mc "I just lost control and kissed her on the lips." mc "Lucky for me I had taken those pain meds.. and she thought it was because of that." mc "What a save." mc "It would've gone down much differently if I hadn't taken those pain meds." mc "I have to be more careful from now on..." mc "But at the same time I'm craving the feel of her lips soo much." mc "That turned me on to a whole another level.." mc "I want to explore those luscious lips a little more.." mc "She must be asleep by now... Let me go to her room..." scene 7scene8img8 mc "Here we go.." mc "I really hope she's sleeping right now.." mc "But if she's awake.." mc "I'll just make up some lame excuse for going inside her room again.." scene 10scene5img19 mc "{i} (Yes!!!)" mc "{i} (She's fast asleep)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's having a pleasant dream)" mc "{i} (She looks so gorgeous so blissfully dreaming like that..)" mc "{i} (And those Lips...)" mc "{i} (The have me so enthralled..)" mc "{i} (The corner of her lips have a natural curve which makes her look like she always has a minute smile on her face.)" mc "{i} (And her Tits...)" mc "{i} (They look so firm)" mc "{i} (I want to take a peek..)" mc "{i} (Careful does it..)" scene 10scene5img20 mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (So gorgeous)" mc "{i} (She's such a pretty creature..)" mc "{i} (I wonder what she's dreaming about..)" mc "{i} (Or whom...)" mc "{i} (Her husband perhaps..)" mc "{i} (Those gorgeous Lips..)" mc "{i} (I want to kiss them..)" mc "{i} (Better yet....)" scene 10scene5img21 mc "{i} (Those lips can kiss me..)" mc "{i} (This is soo erotic...)" mc "{i} (I can feel her breath on the tip of my cock)" mc "{i} (Those beautiful Lips look as if they're inviting me in.)" mc "{i} (I want those lips wrapped aroundmy cock.)" mc "{i} (Let me enter.)" scene 10scene5img22 mc "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (What a feeling)" scene jaslipsenter animated with fade: "10scene5img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene5img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I'm literally shivering.)" mc "{i} Her plush lips are finally on my dick!)" mc "{i} (It's so scintilating entering her mouth like this.)" mc "{i} (It's only just the tip, but even going just this far feels like heaven.)" mc "{i} (Oh what pleasure!)" mc "{i} (This is mind boggling.)" mc "{i} (She's always had the most tender lips in the [fmy])" mc "{i} (And for the moment.. her tenderness is mine.)" mc "{i} (Her lips belong to me this moment.)" mc "{i} (I want more..)" mc "{i} (I want to explore her mouth a bit further.)" scene jaslipsenter2 animated with fade: "10scene5img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene5img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (Ooooooo)" mc "{i} (Absolute nirvana)" mc "{i} (This is just as far as I can go without waking her up...)" mc "{i} (But even this is pleasure multiplied tenfold.)" mc "{i} (I could just cum right now)" mc "{i} (I have entered one of the most beautiful women's mouth.)" mc "{i} (I can feel the wetness of her tongue beneath my shaft.)" mc "{i} (It's so luxurious.)" mc "{i} (Someday I want her licking my shaft from base to tip)" mc "{i} (I want to go all the way inside her mouth someday..)" mc "{i} (I'm about to cum..)" mc "{i} (Aaarrgghhhh..)" mc "{i} (Ooooohh)" scene 10scene5img24 with vpunch scene 10scene5img24 with flash scene 10scene5img24 with vpunch scene 10scene5img24 with flash scene 10scene5img24 with vpunch scene 10scene5img24 with flash scene 10scene5img25 with dissolve pause pause mc "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (I've finally done it.)" mc "{i} (I've emptied a big load in my big [st]'s mouth.)" mc "{i} (This was incredible.)" mc "{i} (Now I should get back to my room.)" scene 6scene6img18 mc "My boner completely relieved..." mc "Now I can sleep like a baby.." mc "All in all, this was a good day." mc "Apart from getting beat up.." mc "Well, time for sleep." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Yaawn" mc "Another day another dollar." mc "I'm feeling a little better now." mc "The pain has gone down a little bit." mc "But I've still got some bruises on my face and arms." mc "Once I go out of this room, everone in the [fmy]'s going to be asking questions about the bruises." mc "It'll freak them out.. Especially [mom]" mc "But I can't just lie here on this bed all day." mc "Let's go out and face it." scene 10scene6img1 mom "HUUUUUHH!!!" mom "[mc]!!!" mom "Your face....." i "YOU'RE HURT..." i "Are you okay?" mom "Oooohh my poor baby..." mc "I'm fine guys... relax.." scene 10scene6img2 mom "OOOOHHH MY POOR POOR BABY..." mom "YOU ARE ALL BRUISED UP.." mom "DOES IT HURT MY LOVE..." mc "[mom], please relax....." mc "It's nothing... I'm feeling much better now.. I'm not even in pain.." mc "Jasmine took good care of me last night.. I took medicines as well." mom "How did this happen honey?" mc "My mistake, I just fell down a flight of stairs.. But it's been hours since then" mc "I'm fine now.." mom "We need to go see a Doctor right now.." mom "Come with me.." mc "[mom].. I promise.. we don't have to.." mc "It doesn't even hurt anymore.." mc "I promise I'm perfectly fine.." mom "Are you sure?" mc "Yes [mom].. please relax.. It's nothing.." mc "Jasmine already did a great job of nursing me last night." mc "But I'm perfectly fine now." scene 10scene6img1 mom "Okay.." mom "But I'm still a bit worries.." mom "Those bruises look horrible." i "Yeah [mc].." i "It hurts even just to look at them.." mc "Guys... Calm down..." mc "I promise.. I'm perfectly fine.." mc "It's nothing.." mc "Now can I please see you smile?" scene 10scene6img2 mom "Here.. let me take another look.." mom "Yeah.. There's no swelling.." mom "There isn't much redness either.." mom "I think you're telling the truth..." mom "But you should take some pain medication right after breakfast, okay?" mc "Sure. I will." mc "Now, can I please see you smile?" mc "Please.." scene 10scene6img3 mom "If you insist.." mom "My baby boy.. all grown up... Acting tough and brushing off bruises like they're nothing." mom "Remember who you used to be whenever you got hurt as a child?" scene 10scene6img4 i "Yeah.. I remember Mom.." i "He used to be such a cry baby.. Hehehe." mc "Yeah.. You're the one to talk Iris.." mc "Don't even get me started on how much of a cry baby you were.. Hehehe." mc "Anyway.. It's a beautiful day.." mc "What are you guys up to?" mc "What are your plans?" scene 10scene6img3 mom "I think I'm just going to relax at home today." mom "I migth go meet Eliza in the afternoon if she's free." mom "If she isn't, I'm just going to stay home and relax.." mc "Stay at home huh?" mc "How about we watch a movie in your room [mom]? You and I.." mom "{i} (This rascal!!)" mom "{i} (Iris is right here... and he's referring to us watching Porn in my room yesterday..)" mom "{i} (Cheeky boy)" scene 10scene6img4 mc "I think I'm just going to take an afternoon nap sweetie.." mc "You don't need to stay back at home on my account." mc "{i} (Damn!)" i "[mc], if you're free.. I need help with another Photoshoot for a new Portfolio." i "It's for the same one you helped me with last time.." mc "{i} (Lingerie photoshoot with Iris. I'm in)" mc "Sure.. I'll help you." i "Great. I'll get ready soon. Let's leave in an hour." mom "Okay. You kids have fun." mom "Bye for now." stop music scene 8scene9img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "This is awesome!" mc "The day is already off to a great start." mc "I love these photoshoots with Iris." mc "Seeing her in sexy lingerie turns me on soo damn much." mc "She's in the dressing room.." mc "I can't wait for her to come out and pose with some sexy, revealing lingerie.." mc "So excited." scene 10scene6img5 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause i "Are you ready?" i "Let's start with this one [mc]" mc "Perfect." mc "{i} (Yes!! Fishnets...)" mc "{i} (Her whole back is see through...)" mc "{i} (And that lace on the booty..)" mc "{i} (On her cute little butt)" mc "{i} (I don't know what it is.. but lace lingerie does something to a man.)" mc "{i} (I'm soo turned on.)" scene 10scene6img6 pause pause mc "{i} (Holy shit!)" mc "{i} (Drop dead gorgeous!)" mc "{i} (And sultry!)" mc "{i} (She's a Barbie Doll come to life.)" mc "{i} (I want to take her so hard..)" mc "{i} (My lust for her has been growing exponentially.)" mc "{i} (Seeing her like this sends me into so frenzy of horniness.)" mc "{i} (But I have to stay in control)" scene 10scene6img7 pause pause mc "{i} (Man, this is getting torturous.)" mc "{i} (There's no way any man can resist this level of sexiness...)" mc "{i} (Even if it's their little [st])" mc "{i} (She looks ultra sexy in that lingerie..)" mc "{i} (The lace and fishnets are driving me wild)" mc "{i} (See through dresses just play with a man's mind differently.)" mc "{i} (They make us all lose control)" mc "{i} (And her exprission is killing me.)" mc "{i} (That is such a seductive expression!)" mc "{i} (I'm beginning to lose control)" i "Get enough shots from this pose [mc]?" mc "Yeah Iris." i "Okay. Let me go put on the next piece." scene 8scene9img5 mc "{i} (Fuck! That made me super horny.)" mc "{i} (It's a good thing she went to the dressing room to change into something else.)" mc "{i} (I was just on the verge of losing control.)" mc "{i} (Needed this break..)" mc "{i} (But she'll probably come out in something even sexier.)" mc "{i} (How will I resist that?)" scene 10scene6img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) i "Let's take some with this." i "Is this pose okay?" mc "Yes. Perfect." mc "{i} (More see through!)" mc "{i} (Fuck it. I'm not even going to try to resist.)" mc "{i} (I'm just going to enjoy this.. and may be try to get some action with her.)" mc "{i} (I've been craving it for a long time any how.)" mc "{i} (And this is a perfect opportunity to make something happen with her.)" scene 10scene6img9 pause pause mc "{i} (MY GOODNES!!)" mc "{i} (She is so ridiculously HOT)" mc "{i} (Cute and Hot at the same time.)" mc "{i} (I love that lingerie on her.)" mc "{i} (And that pose is super sexy.)" mc "{i} (If she keeps this up...)" mc "{i} (I'll lose control any moment now.)" mc "{i} (A few photos in.. this has already turned very erotic.)" scene 10scene6img10 pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY FUCKIN WOW!!)" mc "{i} (I CANNOT BELIEVE MY EYES!!)" mc "{i} (My jaws have hit the floor!)" mc "{i} (This is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen!)" mc "{i} (Un funcking believable!)" mc "{i} (This sexiness could actually kill me!)" mc "{i} (My little [st] is all grown up and she's such a stunningly sexy woman.)" mc "{i} (She's not a quirky, chirpy little girl anymore.)" mc "{i} (She has turned in to a wonderful, young sexy woman.)" mc "{i} (I can't stay in control any longer... I'm going to go for it..)" scene 10scene6img11 mc "Iris..." i "Yeah.." mc "I just have to tell you this.." mc "And I'm sorry if it's a little inappropriate.." mc "You are one of the most sexiest women I've ever seen..!!" mc "I cannot believe my eyes!!" mc "You look that incredibly sexy!" i "{i} (He's calling me sexy!! I don't know how to react..)" i "Thanks... I guess..." mc "Really... I truly mean it." mc "I just cannot express how sexual you look now." i "{i} (This is so out of the blue.. Why is he talking like that?)" i "{i} (Perhaps I should take it as a compliment.. But it's just strange..)" i "{i} (I feel good about the compliment, but also weird about it..)" mc "Listen.. we're on a roll here with this photoshoo.." mc "All the shots have turned out wonderful..." mc "You looking so good right now.. I don't think we should let this opportunity go to waste.." mc "We can take some very artistic, excellent photos.." mc "How about we take some Topless shots?" scene 10scene6img12 i "Topless??!!" i "I don't know [mc].." mc "Yes.. Topless.." mc "And not with an arm across the breasts like the last time.." mc "I mean truly Topless..." i "What are you saying [mc]?" mc "Think about it Iris..." mc "Right now.. you are looking so sexual and seductive like I've seen very few women look." mc "It's likt the stars have aligned to make you look the greatest ever you've looked..." mc "And you're already a very pretty girl to begin with.." scene 10scene6img10 mc "I cannot even begin to explain how seductive you look this instant.." mc "This is a perfect opportunity to create some truly epic artwork.." mc "You looking like that now.. Topless pics will turn out very artistic.." i "I don't know..." scene 10scene6img12 i "I've never posed Topless before.. completely.." mc "Listen, we signed up [mom] to do nude Photoshoots a few weeks ago, right?" mc "If she can do Nudes at her age...." mc "Imagine what a young, up and coming model like you can pull off!" scene 10scene6img12 i "But [mom] doesn't even know we signed her up for a contract that requires a nude shoot." mc "Doesn't matter.." mc "What I'm saying is, we shouldn't waste this opportunity.." mc "The shots will turn out EPIC.." i "Okay..... I guess.." i "But I'm feeling shy.." mc "It's okay... It's just me.." mc "It'll be good.. trust me.." i "Oo kay.." scene 10scene6img13 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "{i} (Someone pinch me if I'm dreaming!)" mc "{i} (I just have no words..)" mc "{i} (I can't find enough adjectives to describe this sexiness.)" mc "{i} (This is one of the most erotic moments ever.!)" mc "{i} (Her breasts are perfect!)" mc "{i} (And her expression is so seductive..)" mc "{i} (I'm at a loss for words..)" mc "{i} (It's unbelievable beauty)" mc "{i} (Just Wow)" scene 10scene6img14 i "How are the shots turning out [mc]?" mc "Just like I said they would..." mc "Truly Epic." mc "The curves on your body are highlighting your breasts so well." mc "And your breasts look Stunning!" i "{i} (What has gotten into him?)" i "{i} (This is the first time he's ever spoken to me like this..)" i "{i} (He's explicitly saying I look sexy..)" i "{i} (Is this the result of me walking in on him naked the the day before?)" i "{i} (He's looking at me in a new light..)" mc "Let's try a different pose Iris.." scene 10scene6img15 mc "{i} (Man... her expressions are killing me!)" mc "{i} (Outright seductive..)" mc "I'm loving the expressions Iris.." mc "Where did you learn to make faces like that?" i "In modelling school.." mc "They are so seductive.." mc "Your expressions are turning me on so much." i "Turning you on?!!" mc "Yes" mc "You are a very sexy woman Iris.." i "Woman?" mc "Yes.. woman.. You're of legal age.. and you have blossomed into a very beautiful young woman.." i "Seeing you like this.. I don't think I can think of you as a girl anymore.. You're a woman." scene 10scene6img16 i "{i} (I don't know what to feel.)" i "{i} (Hearing him talk like that... It's so strange.)" i "{i} (He's being sweet, but also very explicit..)" i "{i} (Now images of seeing him naked are popping in my head..)" i "{i} (Is this okay?)" i "{i} (He's my big [br])" i "{i} (I really don't know what to think or feel..)" scene 10scene6img17 i "[mc]... You have an erection.." mc "You noticed?" i "....." mc "I'm surprised you know what it is..." i "Like you said..." i "I'm a woman..." i "I know those things.." mc "Do you want to see it?" i "What?" mc "I mean.." mc "Do you want to see my penis?" i "What...?" mc "You're Topless... I can see parts of you.." i "Isn't it just fair you see mine?" mc "Shall I take it out?" i ".........." mc "I'll take that as a Yes.." mc "Here you go.." i "It is sooo Big..." mc "How do you know it's big?" mc "Have you seen others before?" i "I've seen em on film..." i "My friends made me watch Porn a couple of times.." mc "Oooh.. You've watched Porn..." mc "You're 18.. so that's fine..." mc "Since you've seen it in Porn..." mc "You should know what this is for.." i "Yes..." mc "You can touch it if you like..." i "......." i "........." mc "Go ahead... It's fine..." scene 10scene6img18 i "{i} (What has gotten into me?)" i "{i} (I'm reaching for my [br]'s penis!)" i "{i} (I'm not thinking straight...)" i "{i} (But this is the first one I've seen in person..)" i "{i} (All the boys who know who Dad is are afraid to talk to me..)" scene 10scene6img19 i "It looks a little scary [mc]..." i "This is the first one I've seen in person.." i "It looks monstorous.." mc "Don't worry..." mc "It doesn't bite.." mc "It's a gentle monster.." scene 10scene6img20 i "It's so veiny.." i "And huge.." i "Is this what it's supposed to look like..." mc "You've seen it in Porn..." mc "So you tell me.." mc "What do girls do with it in Porn?" mc "You can do something like that with it if you want.." i "What?" mc "I mean..." mc "You can take it in your mouth if you want..." scene 10scene6img21 i "Take it in my mouth?" mc "Aren't you curious?" mc "It'll taste good..." i "......" mc "You're a woman now Iris.." mc "And I can teach you things that a man and woman do.." i "If you want.. you can go ahead and take it.." i "It's fine..." i "You can start by licking it.. Just like Lollypop.." scene 10scene6img22 mc "{i} (hhhhhhhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaa.......)" mc "{i} (I'm shivering!)" mc "{i} (The soft wetness on the tip of my dick.!!)" scene iristiplick animated with fade: "10scene6img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene6img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhhhh)" mc "{i} (Yesss!)" mc "{i} (This is sending shivers up my spine..)" mc "{i} (It's sort of ticklish and tingling..)" mc "{i} (But it feels amazing...)" mc "{i} (She might make me cum with just this..)" mc "{i} (But I want it to last longer...)" mc "{i} (Come on Iris..)" mc "{i} (Lick it..)" mc "{i} (Lick it)" mc "{i} (Lick your big [br]'s big cock)" mc "{i} (Aaaahh this is sooo good...)" mc "{i} (I need to go inside her mouth...)" mc "{i} (I'm going for it....)" scene 10scene6img24 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaarrggghhh)" mc "{i} (YESSSSSS)" i "Ggggmmmmmm" i "This is Heaven..." scene irisbj1 animated with fade: "10scene6img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene6img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She has NO GAG REFLEX)" mc "{i} (Fucking jackpot!!)" mc "{i} (This is very rare...)" mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhhhh)" mc "{i} (Oooooohh)" mc "{i} (I'm going deep in her mouth... )" mc "{i} (And she isn't gagging...)" mc "{i} (This is amazing!!)" mc "{i} (Someday soon I can shove the entire length in her mouth..)" mc "{i} (Since this is her first time.. I want to be a little gentle..)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (Yeeeeesssssss)" mc "{i} (Suck it...)" mc "{i} (Suck it well you Barbie Doll...)" mc "{i} (It feels sooo good to be in your mouth..)" mc "{i} (First time I've ever been in a Fairy's mouth...)" mc "{i} (Your Fairy lips around my cock feel soo good..)" mc "{i} (And I love how your tongue is squirming for room underneath my shaft..)" mc "{i} (Suck it)" mc "{i} (Suck it)" mc "{i} (Suck it..)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaarrrgghhh)" mc "{i} (I'm about to cum...)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaarrggghhhhh)" scene 10scene6img25 with vpunch scene 10scene6img25 with flash scene 10scene6img25 with vpunch scene 10scene6img25 with flash scene 10scene6img25 with vpunch scene 10scene6img25 with flash scene 10scene6img26 with dissolve pause pause pause scene 10scene6img27 pause mc "That was wonderful Iris.." i "Did I do it right?" mc "Yeah.." mc "That was amazing!" mc "Really..." mc "And you look so beautiful with that dripping from your mouth.." i "It is soo salty.." mc "You'll get used to it's taste.." mc "You'll start to like it.." i "Oh.. ok." mc "I'll teach you some more things in the coming days, okay?" i "Okay." mc "Gosh you look so pretty.." i "Thanks.." mc "No go get dressed love.." mc "I'll drop you back home.." stop music scene mwl with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene7img1 play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) el "Girllll...." el "Our conversation ended abruptly the last time.." el "I've been dying to hear more about your story with your big cocked crush.." el "Come on now... Spill..." el "Tell me everything.." el "I want to hear all the details.." scene 10scene7img2 mom "Hahahaha." mom "He's not my crush Liza.." mom "But anyway..." mom "You tell me about yours first.." mom "Then I'll tell you about mine.." scene 10scene7img1 el "Hehehe." el "You want me to go first so you don't want to feel like the only one fantasizing about other men, huh?" el "Hehe." el "Anyway.. I'll start first.." el "So.. my hubby's colleague I told you about.." el "He had come home again.. With my husband of course.." el "We were all having Dinner together.." el "Then he left to use the washroom.." el "At the same time, I had to go pick up some dishes from the Kitchen.." el "I got curious because.. the last time he had gone to use the washroom.. that's when I accidently saw his.. well.. you know what..." el "So I just wanted to peek at the washroom door.." el "I did.. And the washroom door was open AGAIN.." el "I mean.. the last time it happened.. it could've been an honest mistake.. And I accidentally walked in on him while he was peeing." el "I began to think may be purposely left the door open so I'd peep in.." el "My heart began racing..." el "I didn't know if it was an invitation..." el "I mean.. It must've been, right?" el "I don't know of any grown men who leave the washroom door open while they're peeing.. especially at a friend's house.." scene 10scene7img2 mom "What did you do?" mom "Did you take a peek?" mom "Tell me.. " mom "Tell me.." scene 10scene7img1 el "I did" mom "You did??" el "I mean.. I didn't make it obvious.." el "I pretended like I was walking over to the kitchen.." el "I'm sure he heard my footsteps.." el "My heart was pounding so fast.." el "My chest was pumping up and down.." el "I cast a casual glance as I passed by the door.." el "And there he was...." el "You won't believe what I saw.." scene 10scene7img2 mom "What did you see?" mom "What?" scene 10scene7img1 el "He was masturbating!!" mom "Huuhhhh!" el "Masturbating with the door open..." el "Can you believe it??" el "He MUST'VE left the door open while pleasuring himself so I'd see.." mom "I think it's obvious.." mom "He wanted you to see.." mom "May be he was thinking of you while doing it..." el "Girll... don't even put that idea in my head..." el "That turns me on soo much.." el "And his thing.. It was.." el "It was soo Big!!" scene 10scene7img2 mom "But I doubt if he's as BIG as my... guy.. for lack of a better term." el "Your man is That Big, huh?" mom "Hehehe. He's not my man Liza!!" mom "I'm a married woman.." mom "He is.." el "The guy you fantasize about..." mom "Well... ye.. yes.." scene 10scene7img1 el "Tell me.. Tell me more.." el "I wanna hear it.." scene 10scene7img4 mom "Don't try to trick me into starting my story before you finish yours.." mom "You didn't finish your story.." mom "What happened after you saw him doing his thing?" el "Well.. sadly.. he didn't notice me take a peek at him.." scene 10scene7img1 el "I was very quick to pass the washroom door.." el "Now I'm left wondering what could've happened if he had made eye contact with me.." el "But I really wouldnt've known what to do from there.." el "Because for me.. I'm the same as you... I won't actually cheat on my husband.." el "All this is just a bit of fun on the side..." el "You know.. to keep life interesting.. for us married women." scene 10scene7img4 mom "I hear you.." mom "Us housewives sit at home all day by ourselves.." mom "Things like these certainly do make life interesting.." mom "But itsn't it funny that we're getting a kick out of it at our age?" mom "Anyhow, what would we do if things develop.. and we actually had to choose between cheating or not.." scene 10scene7img3 el "But it gets soo tempting. doesn't it?" el "So hard to resist.." el "Considering both of us have been loyal to our husbands for decades now." scene 10scene7img4 mom "Absolutely.." mom "Let's say.. if your guy had seen you taking a peek.." mom "And things developed between you guys..." mom "Eventually you'll have to decide whether to sleep with him or not.." mom "Would you do it.. Would you sleep with another man?" scene 10scene7img3 el "I don't know the answer to that.." el "My conscience may not allow it.." el "But we can't know until we're in that moment.." el "But.. except for actually cheating..." el "It wouldn't be horribly wrong if we just built up sexual tension with another man, would it?" el "I mean... Just a little bit of inappropriate touching..." el "That kinda stuff.." scene 10scene7img6 mom "{i} (Oh my.. she's hitting the nail right on the head as to how I feel about these things.." mom "{i} (As long as it's not actual cheating.. Why not?)" mom "{i} (Why should it be so wrong for us married women to have some fun on the side? ... without actually cheating)" mom "{i} (It is exactly that devious logic which has led me astray into this sexual madness with [mc]." scene 10scene7img3 el "Well.. anyway.. The next day I went to my hubby's office.." el "I passed by the guy's desk.." el "He was on the phone with one hand.. and he had some documents in the other.." el "So he greeted me with a wink." el "A wink.. Not a smile.. at a married woman.." el "That must be a clear invitation to start something, right?" scene 10scene7img6 mom "Do you want to?" el "I don't know.." el "I feel so conflicted about it.." el "Anyhow.. that's as far as 'fling' has gone so far.." el "Now tell me about yours.." mom "You really wanna hear it, huh?" scene 10scene7img3 el "Of course I do.." el "Don't spare anything..." el "I wanna hear everything.." el "All the details.." scene 10scene7img6 el "You told me you had seen his cock.." el "Did you see it again?" mom "Seen it??" scene 10scene7img9 mom "I've touched it" el "TOUCHED IT?!!" el "OH MY GOSH!!!!" el "That is so adventurous.." mom "It is..." mom "And it always feels sooo good to touch it.." el "ALWAYS??" el "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU?.." mom "A couple of times...." scene 10scene7img10 el "OH MY GOSH!!" el "Who are you and what have you done with my best friend??" el "This is so unlike you.. hahahahaha." el "I thought I was the more adventurous one among us.." scene 10scene7img7 mom "Oh my gosh.. I feel so embarassed.." mom "Please don't look at me differently because of this Liza.." mom "I feel so shy sharing this..." el "Oh.. not at all.. I'm not judging you at all sweetie.." el "Just surprised. That's all." scene 10scene7img8 el "Kudos to you girl.." el "After 2 decades of marriage.. you've finally looked at another man." el "I always thought you were the most fiercely loyal woman I know.." el "And sometimes I used to feel bad when I caught myself checking out other men... Because you won't even look at other men." el "And now hearing you say that you've touched another man's cock..." el "That gives me hope to go on my own adventures.." scene 10scene7img7 mom "Hehehehe." mom "Perhaps I'm not a good example Liza. Hehe." mom "I don't want to be your inspiration for feeling up another man.." mom "I don't know what I was thinking... I just got carried away.. and I've done things a married woman must never do." scene 10scene7img5 el "OH my..!" el "You've done things??!!" el "This is turning me on soo much.." el "Tell me.." el "Tell me more.." mom "I want to hear everything.." scene 10scene7img7 mom "Perhaps another time Liza.." mom "I feel so embarassed as it it.." mom "I always prided myself on being a very virtuous woman.." mom "I'm not one anymore.." mom "And I kinda feel weird about losing that opinion of my own myself." scene 10scene7img3 el "Oh screw opinions sweetheart.." el "We shouldn't care.. even if it's ourselves'.." el "You think Stacy cares about opinions?" el "And she has all the fun we wish we could have.." mom "When you put it that way.. it makes some sense.." mom "But I sometimes feel so very guilty about myself.." scene 10scene7img6 mom "But then I think about the fun I have when I do things.." mom "And I think about my guy's cock..." scene 10scene7img9 mom "His Big beautiful cock.." mom "And that wipes away the guilt.." mom "And then I catch myself fantasizing about things that are very devious.." scene 10scene7img8 el "You keep mentioning Big.." el "Is it really THAT BIG?" scene 10scene7img9 mom "Ooohhh it..." mom "You shold see it to believe it.." mom "Just mindblowing!" mom "That is just too Monstorous.." mom "A beautiful Monster.." mom "I actually think it might be one of the biggest on the planet.." scene 10scene7img10 el "HUUHHHHH?!!" el "REALLY?" el "It must be... If it made YOU OF ALL PEOPLE to lose your virtue.." el "Now I'm really intrigued.." el "I feel like I want to see it..." el "But I'm sooo happy for you my dear..." el "I'm glad you find this Big cock for yourself.." scene 10scene7img6 mom "Hehehehehe" el "What else have you done, apart from touching it?" mom "Stop Liza.. I feel so shy and embarassed.." el "But I want to hear it girl.." el "I want details.." mom "Okay.... If you insist.." scene 10scene7img9 mom "I.. I've given him a Handjob.." mom "HandjobS....." scene 10scene7img10 el "OH MY WORD..." el "Handjobs.. With an S" el "How many times?" mom "A couple of times.." el "YOU NAUGHTY GIRL.. hEHEHE" scene 10scene7img9 mom "And I've felt his cum drip on my hands as he ejaculates.." mom "He blows such Massive loads..." mom "Every single time.." mom "Sometimes I just want to drink it.." mom "{i} (I have actually swallowed his cum... But I can't tell her that just yet..)" scene 10scene7img10 el "You want to taste another man's cum?" el "Now I'm really wondering if the woman talking to me is impersonating my best friend!" el "Hahahahaha." el "This is soo unlike you.. But I'm loving this.." el "You go girll...." el "I wanna hear more.. Go on.." scene 10scene7img9 mom "Perhaps another time Liza.." mom "That's as much as I feel comfortable sharing right now.." scene 10scene7img8 el "Okay." el "Next time then.." el "But for now, just tell me this.." el "Would you actually cheat on your husband with this mystery man?" scene 10scene7img9 mom "Ohhhh don't even get me started on that idea sweetie.." mom "I've been soo conflicted about it for so long now." mom "I REALLY DON'T KNOW.." mom "I don't want to.." mom "I want to say I won't.." mom "But sometimes I find myself wondering why not.." mom "And then I think of my husband, and how much I love him.." mom "Then I feel so bad about all this..." mom "Then I think about this mystery man's cock.." mom "And the whole vicious cycle continues again..." scene 10scene7img10 el "My my!!" el "Hearing you talk this way.. I feel like I should plunge play a little on the side too." scene 10scene7img9 mom "Like I said Liza.. I'm not the perfect example of a virtuous woman.." mom "Not anymore.." mom "I won't advise you to do what I do.." mom "But it's your life.. and you're my best friend.." mom "And I'd support you with whatever you want to do." scene 10scene7img5 el "Hehehe." el "Look at us..." el "Married women.." el "A couple of decades into your marriages.. with children.." el "And we're talking like High School girls again.." scene 10scene7img6 mom "Hahaha." mom "You're right." mom "What has happened to us?" mom "I guess the mystery men in our lives have awakened a side we didn't know we had, huh?" mom "Well, at least mine completely did.. And I've become a virtueless woman who's crossed borders there's no returning from." mom "You still have a choice before jumping into the dark side.." scene 10scene7img8 el "Well.." el "I'm not so sure I can resist these urges any longer either.." el "Sometimes I even think about all out cheating.." el "Even just once.." el "Just to see what it's like.." el "Just to experience the pleasure.." el "I think we deserve it... We've been loyal to our husbands for over 2 decades now." el "And the same thing everytime just gets boring after a while.." el "Then you start to fantasize about different flavours.." scene 10scene7img4 mom "Don't tempt me girl.." mom "You're putting ideas in my head.." mom "If I end up cheating on my husband, I'll have you to blame.. Hehehehehe." mom "Hehehe." scene 10scene7img8 el "Hahaha." el "Well, I think we better leave now.." el "This conversation got us both talking like dirty sluts. Hahaha." scene 10scene7img5 el "Plus.." el "I really need to go home and relieve myself.." el "If you know what I mean.." scene 10scene7img6 mom "Hehehe." mom "Got it." mom "I think I'm going to go have to do that too.." mom "Okay. Bye for now sweetheart.." scene 10scene7img10 el "Bye.." el "Remember.. Next time we meet.. I want details.." el "And I hope we both to have added new chapters to our adventures." scene 10scene7img6 mom "Hehe." mom "Bye now." scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Nice beeing out and about in the sun." mc "I just had a nice nap after that great blowjob from Iris.." mc "Good to be driving a different car once in a while.." mc "As much as I like my retro Roadster, it's very big and blocky.." mc "Feels like a whole different world driving a regular modern car again." mc "It's a nice sunny afternoon.." mc "What do I wanna do?" mc "I got no particular plans.." mc "Hold up..." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene8img2 play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "Is that?" mc "Yeah.. That's him.." mc "That's definitely Vernon.." mc "That motherfucker busted so many of our Mafia's operations with the data from the tab I gave him." mc "This is a great opportunity.." mc "I can follow him.." mc "Get to know where he lives or where his office is.." mc "At this point.. Any information I can get on him would help.." mc "Lemme follow him." scene 10scene8img3 mc "It's a good thing I'm driving this other car today.." mc "My regular one would've stood out like a sore thumb and I'd have been spotted." mc "May be he has intel on all the cars we own too." mc "Dude heads a cover intelligence agency after all." mc "I just hope he doesn't have all our registration numbers too.." mc "If he does.. and he sees me in the mirror.. He'll be on to me." mc "So let me stay a few paces behind him just to be safe.." mc "I've got you now Vernon.." mc "You wanna fuck with our Mafia...?" mc "You made a mistake.." scene 10scene8img4 mc "What's he doing in a place like this?" mc "He's a very high profile person.." mc "What's he doing in this parts of town?" mc "What game are you playing Vernon?" mc "What's your angle?" mc "He's heading into that hold building.." mc "Let me just hide here till I'm sure the coast is clear..." scene 10scene8img5 mc "He just went into that building.." mc "There's no way I can just go knock and get in." mc "I gotta figure out another way to spy on him." mc "There's so many windows.. But he could be in any room of that building.." mc "Fuck!" mc "I just have to check all the windows till I find him inside.." mc "I should be very careful about it." mc "Let's begin." scene 10scene8img6 mc "Fuuuck" mc "I'm doing some Assassin'c Creed level stuff trying to spy on this douche.." mc "I've already checked all other windows.." mc "And couln't find him..." mc "Had to do some ninja shit to get up these ledges, to try these windows.." scene 10scene8img7 mc "There he is!" mc "He's in there.." mc "There's someone else too." mc "Who's this other guy?" mc "Let me pry this window very slowly so I can hear them talking.." scene 10scene8img12 hn "That must've shook them up pretty good, huh!" hn "I can just imagine them running about try to figure out what happened.." hn "Not knowing what hit them.." hn "They think they're untouchable.." hn "Above the law.." hn "This should've put the fear of god in them." scene 10scene8img9 vh "I wouldn't be so sure about that.." vh "We caused them losses woth millions." vh "But I won't be happy till I've rooted out their claws from every country they operate in." vh "I want Reigns on his knees.. A broken man.. Not a penny to his name." vh "And he's not the type of guy to shut shop because of one hit." vh "So we hit em again.." vh "We hit em often.." vh "I want him to fear and dread everyday not knowing where the next is going to happen.." vh "And where it's going to happen.." scene 10scene8img10 hn "Now Vernon..." hn "I know you have your peronal reasons to want to lay an alaborate trap for him." hn "To make his suffer." hn "But it's costing the Agency a lot of money.." hn "Is it really worth it?" scene 10scene8img9 vh "Oh, believe me.. It is.." vh "It very much is worth it." scene 10scene8img10 hn "To you Vernon.." hn "But why do we have to drag this out?" hn "Before Annie wiped out that tab remotely.. we got 20 percent of the data in it.." hn "I say we go to the Supreme Court with the evidences.." scene 10scene8img9 vh "NO." vh "No courts.." vh "At least not yet." scene 10scene8img8 hn "Fine." hn "Better yet.. Let's just order anonymous hits." hn "Let's just put them under the ground and be done with it." hn "Dead men can't cause us no trouble." scene 10scene8img6 mc "WHAT THE FUCK!!" mc "THEY'RE ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT ORDERING HITS TO KILL [dad] and co." mc "FUCK!!" mc "THIS IS MORE DANGEEROUS THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS!" mc "VERNON ONLY TOLD ME THAT HE WANTED TO SEND [dad] and Ella to jail.." mc "And he promised minimal sentence at that.!" scene 10scene8img7 hn "That is the best solution to this whole thing Vernon.." hn "Your plans to cut the legs of his Mafia under him and watching him bleed is just a lot of effort.." hn "And it's too tim consuming.." hn "Honestly, I don't have the energy for it.." scene 10scene8img9 vh "I don't care." vh "We stick to my orders. That's the end of it." hn "Why?" vh "Because I'm the Boss.." vh "And I said so." scene 10scene8img8 hn "But as Vice President, I have autonomy over this matter too." hn "Quite frankly, your vendetta is going to cost us a lot of money." hn "I could buy 10 beach houses with that." hn "Also, what do you think will happen once they're on to us?" hn "You want all of us to live in fear about which moment we're going to be skinned alive?" hn "That bitch daughter of his will savour every second torturing us to death." hn "I'd rather see her shot on the road somewhere than have my own skin peeled off of me." hn "Time's ticking Vernon.." hn "It'll only be a matter of time before they figure out who orchestrated those busts." scene 10scene8img9 vh "You think I'm afraid of Reigns?" vh "You may be.. But I'm not.." vh "We're going to make Reigns lose everything before locking him away in a cell for good." scene 10scene8img8 hn "Lock him in a cell?" hn "How long do you think any prison will hold him?" hn "I might as well sign my own death warrant locking him in a cell while he knows I played a part in sending him there." scene 10scene8img9 vh "He will stay in there." vh "He will rot there." vh "I will ensure that.." vh "And before we throw him in there, we'll make sure he has no pull on the outside whatsoever." vh "He's going to go in there a powerless man, lower than dirt in status." scene 10scene8img6 mc "FUUCK" mc "THIS IS ALL TOO SCARY.." mc "WHAT DO THESE GUYS HAVE AGAINST US?" mc "WHAT DO THEY HAVE AGAINST [dad]?" mc "THESE GUYS WANT TO SEE US UTTERLY DESTROYED." mc "I'M REALLY SCARED NOW.." scene 10scene8img10 hn "It's all if's and but's Vernon." hn "And I'm not ready to live the rest of my life in fear." hn "And all 5 of us will have to live like that if we fail.." scene 10scene8img6 mc "Five of them..?" mc "What does he mean?" mc "Who are the five?" scene 10scene8img9 vh "We won't fail." vh "I take full responsibility to ensure success of this operation." vh "You may be rest assured you and all five of us will be safe after this is over." scene 10scene8img8 hn "Gaad Vernon.. WE WON'T BE SAFE IF HE'S BEHIND PRISON BARS." hn "THEN HE'LL HAVE ALL THE MORE REASON TO COME AFTER US." hn "LET'S JUST KILL THEM AND GET THIS OVER WITH." scene 10scene8img6 mc "KILL HIM??" mc "WHY IS THIS GUY HELLBENT ON IT?" mc "I'M LOSING MIND HEARING ALL THIS." mc "WHAT SORT OF TROUBLE ARE WE REALLY IN?" scene 10scene8img9 vh "We can't kill him Henry." hn "WHY NOT?" vh "Because I made the kid a promise." scene 10scene8img8 hn "To hell with the promise you made that kid." hn "You wanna jeapordize all of our lives because you made Reigns' kid a promise?" hn "I'm telling you again.." hn "Leaving anyone from that Mafia alive is only going to come back and bit us in our ass." hn "All five of us, we're dead men if we're just going to send them to Prison." hn "They will get out, and when they do..." hn "They will skin the five of us and throw us off a building." scene 10scene8img9 vh "If you don't have the stomach for it, why did you sign up for this?" vh "You should've never gotten in on it in the first place." vh "You can't back out now." scene 10scene8img12 hn "I Can't backout?" hn "NEED I REMIND YOU THAT THIS IS NOT A GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED OPERATION?" hn "IT'S JUST THE FIVE OF US WHO TOOK IT ON OURSELVES." scene 10scene8img6 mc "NOT EVEN GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED?" mc "WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS?!" mc "WHY ARE THESE GUYS SO VINDICTIVE AGAINST THE MAFIA?" mc "WHAT DO THEY HAVE AGAINST US?" mc "WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?" scene 10scene8img9 vh "Doesn't make a difference." vh "We owe it to our country." vh "That's one of the reasons we took this on, is it?" scene 10scene8img12 hn "But is that the main reason you're hellbent on your decisions?" hn "NO" hn "You have your personal reasons." hn "There's no point in arguing with you when you're in this moon Vernon." scene 10scene8img8 hn "To hell with it." hn "I'm going to let you brood on it." hn "I'm going on a trip to Itheriya tomorrow.." hn "My flight is tonight at 9." hn "I'll be back in 2 days..." hn "If you haven't changed your mind by then...." hn "I will veto your orders and dispatch Hitmen to kill them and end this whole charade." scene 10scene8img6 mc "FUCK!!" mc "IN JUST TWO DAYS?!" mc "THIS IS BAD.." mc "THIS IS REALLY BAD..." scene 10scene8img11 vh "Itheriya?" vh "Nice." vh "I hope yuo'd have changed your mind by the time you return.." vh "But for now.. I will just wish you a great holiday." vh "Enjoy the sunny beaches of Itheriya." vh "We'll talk when you get back." vh "I have a fondness for the country of Itheriya myself." vh "Which Hotel are you staying in?" scene 10scene8img12 hn "I'm staying at the Victorian." vh "Wonderful." vh "I hope you have a wonderful trip." hn "Thanks." hn "I hope we could see eye to eye on this situation Vernon." hn "The four of us stuck our neck out for you on this one." hn "And if we're doomed it'll consume all five of us including you." hn "You think on it. We'll talk when I get back." hn "But if you haven't changed your mind, I will have to proceed with ordering the hitmen to kill them" mc "{i} (MOTHERFUCKER!)" mc "{i} (HE'S HELLBENT ON THE KILLING!)" mc "{i} (AAA)" scene 10scene8img13 mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" mc "I overreacted and slipped." mc "Fuuuuuuuuccccckk" mc "Fuck" scene 10scene8img14 mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaa." mc "Nooooooooo" mc "......" mc "....." scene 10scene8img15 mc "Aaaaaaoowww" mc "I just hit down very hard.." mc "I can't..." mc "I can't move..." mc "What's happening...?" mc "I... " mc "I... I'm fainting..." scene 10scene8img15a "........" "..I.. ned to ge up." " Bu.. I can' mov..." "......" scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black scene 10scene8img16 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "......." mc "Ooww.." mc "It's getting dark." mc "I must've been out for hours." mc "I feel like my whole life has been turned upside down." mc "Im really scared of what I heard..." mc "What is happening to us?" mc "To [dad] and Ella..." mc "These guys are on a mission to root the Mafia out completely." mc "Vernon wants to watch [dad] suffer without a penny to his name.." mc "Henry wants to just kill [dad] and Ella and the top guys in the Mafia and be done with it." mc "Feel like everything is crumbling around me.." mc "I am so scared.." mc "I just want this nightmare to end.." mc "I wish this was just a bad dream..." mc "Henry will be back in just 2 days..." mc "And things could go really downhill from there if he orders the hits." mc "They already tried once.. shooting our plane out of the sky." mc "This time, it might be the end.." mc "I can't let it happen.." mc "I need to do something..." mc "I need to get home quick..." mc "I need to get up.." mc "Aaaaa..." mc "Aaaawwoo" mc "I finally have some feeling in my legs." mc "Time to get up and go home." scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "[mc]!!!" mom "YOU ARE BLEEDING AND BRUISED AGAIN!" mom "WHAT HAPPENED?" mc "It's nothing [mom].. I just fell down some stairs again." mom "NO. IT'S NOT NOTHING!" mom "Come with me.." mom "I need to wash those wounds.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene9img2 play music "sounds/floating_cities.mp3" mom "Does it hurt too much baby?" mc "No [mom].." mc "It doesn't.. I'm fine.. It's nothing really." mom "You keep saying that.." mom "But it breaks my heart seeing you wounded like this." mom "Your face is full of bruises [mc]." mom "It shreds my heart to pieces seeing you so hurt." mom "And right on the heels of getting some bruises last night." mc "[mom]..." mc "You're over reacting.." mc "Please relax..." mc "I'm fine.." mc "It's nothing..." mc "It really isn't.. I'm perfectly fine." mc "Just a minor fall that's all." scene 10scene9img3 mom "You're lying to me [mc].." mom "There's something you're not telling me.." mom "I've never seen you this black and blue before.." mom "And now, twice in a row.." mom "This can't be a coincidence." mom "What is going on?" mom "You need to tell [mmy]." mc "Like I said.." mom "Stop it.." mom "Just stop it [mc].. I'm not that naive.." mom "I want the truth.." mom "What happened? How did you get hurt?" mc "{i} (Man, it'd break her heart if I told her..)" mc "{i} (She's soo hurt seeing me with bruises as it is.)" mc "{i} (But this concerns the whole [fmy]..)" mc "{i} (She needs to know..)" mc "{i} (I've got to tell her..)" mom "I want answers [mc].." mom "What have you been doing?" mc "Fine.. But you need to please calm yourself down first." mc "And please sit down properly.." scene 10scene9img4 mom "Whatever it is.. give it to me straight.." mom "I can take it.." mom "Your safety is more important to me than anything else.." mom "So, whatever it is.." mom "You need to tell me the truth." mc "Okay." mc "I should tell you this anyway.." mc "You deserve to know." mc "Remember that day we went for Ice Cream?" mom "Yes.." mc "After we got back home..." mc "I went for a stroll around the city in the evening.." mc "...." scene black with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene aee with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene9img5 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "What are you saying [mc]?!!" mom "Is this true?" mc "I wish it weren't [mom]." mc "But it is." mom "My heart is broken." mom "I feel like I'm being strangled." mom "Are we really in that sort of danger?" mom "Please tell me this is a nightmare." mc "I'm sorry [mom].." mom "Then we need to tell [yd]" mc "NO..." mc "[dad] or Ella CANNOT KNOW!" mc "IF [dad] or ELLA RETALIATE.. IT WILL MAKE THESE GUYS' DECISION EASY!" mc "THEY WILL ISSUE ORDERS TO KILL THEM." scene 10scene9img6 mom "OOOH! NO... NO ... NO...!!" mom "MY HEART IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!" mom "I FEEL LIKE OUR LIVE'S HAVE BEEN TURNED UPSIDE DOWN." mom "MY HUSBAND.. MY LITTLE GIRL..." mom "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS..." mom "THIS WONDERFUL LIFE THAT IS SUCH A GIFT TO US." mom "SOMEONE'S TRYING TO TEAR US APART.." mc "[mom]... Please calm down..." mc "Please..." mc "Please don't cry..." mc "Listen to me.. Please..." mc "I will not let anything happen to our [fmy]." mc "I PROMISE YOU" mc "We will be fine.." mc "I PROMISE.." mc "EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE FINE." scene 10scene9img7 mom "BUT HOW?" mom "How [mc]?" mc "I heard their entire conversation before I fell down.." mc "This Henry guy.. he's going to Itheriya for a trip." mc "He said his flight was at 9PM.." mc "It's 11PM now.. So he must've already left.." mc "He will be in Itheriya for 2 days.." mc "Which is why I need to fly to Itheriya right away." scene 10scene9img8 mom "NOO!!" mom "NO. NO. NO." mom "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" mom "THAT'S AN ORDER!" mc "But what other option do we have?" mc "We can't tell [dad] or Ella.." mc "Cause if they get to know.. They will try to eliminate these government guys.." mc "And if those guys catch any scent of it.. They'll try to eliminate [dad] and Ella first.." mc "It'll become a gamble." mc "Either Ella and [dad] might kill them first.. Or... I'm not even going to think it!" mc "Which is why it has to be me.." mc "If I go to Itheriya.. I can intercept this guy.." scene 10scene9img7 mom "And do what?" mc "I don't know yet..." mc "But I have to try..." mc "If I catch him.. I can stall him.. or gather dirt on him.. or steal his phone to find who the other 3 guys are.. May be plead with them.. Or whatever I can do.." mc "But sitting here doing nothing is not going to help." mc "And time is ticking.." mc "I have a contact in Itheriya.." mc "A good friend of mine.." mc "He can help me." mc "I have to do this [mom].." mc "For our [fmy]" mc "I just have to." scene 10scene9img9 mom "Then I'll come with you." mc "WHAT?" mom "I'm not letting you go anywhere alone." mom "I need to know you're okay at all times." mom "I'd prevent you from going if I had a choice." mom "But like you said.. There is no other option." mom "This concern's our [fmy]'s safety." mom "Nothing is more important to me than that.." mom "So we have to do something." mom "And I'm coming with you!" mc "But I don't want to put you in harms way." mom "We've survived an Island with militants, you and I.." mom "I'll be fine.." mom "I know you will protect me." mc "But [mom]..." mom "No.. Please don't.. This is for our [fmy]." mom "I need to do my part." mom "When do we have to leave?" mc "There's no talking you out of this, huh?" mom "NO." mom "When are we leaving?" mc "We need to leave right now." mom "Then I'll go get ready." mom "We'll take one of our Jets." mc "Okay." mc "You and me.. On another adventure [mom].." mc "Let's do this.. for our [fmy]" mom "Yes." mom "Now get ready. I'll get ready too and be with you in a moment." stop music fadeout 2 scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene9img10 play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause pause pause scene 10scene9img11 mom "Are you feeling a little better sweetie?" mc "Yeah [mom]." mom "It does look like the swelling has gone down." mc "Yeah." mc "I'm feeling much better." mom "Glad you are love." mc "We left the house without waking anyone.." mc "But they will phone us in the morning once they find we're not there." mc "What are we going to tell the girls about leaving like this in the middle of the night.." mom "I'll tell them that it's for an impromptu meeting about your net semester at College." mc "Good." scene 10scene9img12 mom "Here we are.. In the middle of the night.. Flying to a different contry.." mom "Without any clue about how we're going to save our [fmy]." mom "So, what's the plan?" mc "This Henry guy is going to be staying at the Victorian in Itheriya." mc "There's five of these guys." mc "Right now we know the identities of two of them." mc "Vernon and Henry." mc "We need to find out who the other 3 are." mc "Since we know where he's staying... may be I can try and steal his phone.." mc "To figure out who those other 3 guys are." mc "But, we may not even have to do that.. Because..." mc "This Henry guys is the immediate threat." mc "If he returns to the country in 2 days, he will dispatch Hitmen to kill.. well." mc "So our primary objective is to ensure that he doesn't leave Itheriya.. ever.." scene 10scene9img11 mom "Ever?" mom "What do you mean?" mc "I don't know yet.." mc "But the man CANNOT leave Itheriya" mom "HONEY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE CANNOT LEAVE?!!" mc "No No.. I don't mean anything like ending him permanently." mc "I could frame him for something.." mc "So he gets thrown in a jail there forever." mom "But he's a government official.. The authorities might try to bring him back to the country if they hear of it." mc "Itheriya has no extradition." mc "But.. since he's an intelligence officer.. Our country might put pressure on Itheriya's government to release him." mc "So we have to look at alternative means of imprisonment." mom "But... isn't that bad..?" mom "That is wrong.." mom "Locking a person away in a prison to save our necks." mom "Ruining a man's life like that.." mc "But he's not so considerate about ours is he?" mc "He wants to kill [dad] and Ella." mc "It's either him or us." mc "We're just going to do to him what he's trying to do to us." mc "At least he'll be alive imprisoned." mc "But he's trying to kill [dad] and Ella." mom "But still.. ruining a man's life...." mc "It's simple [mom].. It's either him or us who has to lose." mc "We said whatever it takes to save our [fmy], right?" mom "Right." mc "So we have to find a way of permanently getting him imprisoned in Itheriya." mc "But not by the Itheriyan government." mc "Perhaps by a Drug Baron or someone there." mom "How are we going to do that?" mc "I have a contact in Itheriya." mc "A very good friend of mine from College." mc "When he's on break from College... He usually engages himself in activities that go against the law... Piracy and stuff." mom "Are you sure he'll help us?" mc "Of course.." mc "He will for sure." mom "Sounds like a plan then.." mom "That's how we're going to save our [fmy]." mc "Yes." mom "Okay honey.. It's another 4 hours till we reach Itheriya.." mom "And it'll still only be 4AM when we touchdown." mom "So you better get some sleep, okay." mom "You sleep here on the Bed.." mom "I will sleep on the long couch outside." mc "You can sleep here in this Bed with me.." scene 10scene9img12 mom "Not a chance honey.." mom "You sleep here.." mom "And I will sleep outside." mom "We shouldn't be sleeping in the same Bed together.. You and I." mc "Okay." mom "Sleep tight sweetie." scene 4am with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene9img13 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Okay sweetie.. we're here now." mom "But it's still just 4AM" mom "I think we both can sleep until morning.." mom "Then will start our day fresh.. okay?" mc "Sure." mom "At least now we have a plan.." mom "We just have to execute tomorrow.." mom "I'm feeling a lot more better and confident now.. than I did when you first told me about this." mom "I think we can do this.. We can pull this off.." mc "We will [mom]." mc "We will keep our [fmy] safe.." mc "I promise you that." mom "Good." mom "Now go to your room and sleep for a while.." mc "But..." mc "Did we really have to get different rooms for each of us?" mc "We could've got just one room..." scene 10scene9img14 mom "Hehe." mom "Honey... what are we here for?" mom "You remember that don't you?" mc "Yes." mom "We're here for one reason only.." mom "And only just that.." mc "Okay." mom "Now go sleep." mom "I'll see you in the Morning." mc "Okay [mom]." scene 10scene9img15 mc "Phew!" mc "What a day..!" mc "Here we are.. In a different country.." mc "Trying to stop an intelligence officer from returning to our country... ever." mc "But like [mom] said.. I'm feeling a little more calmer now than I did before too.." mc "Now that we have somewhat of a plan.. I'm more positive.." mc "It's just a matter of executing tomorrow.." mc "Itheriya is such a beautiful country.." mc "It's got great beaches.. great weather.." mc "It's a lovely country." mc "I wish I was here on a vacation with [mom]." mc "But we're here on sort of a mission." mc "I did try to get just one room.." mc "But she won't have it.." mc "She got different rooms for each of us.." mc "My mind is already wandering off into perverseness. Hehe." mc "We might be here on sort of a mission.." mc "But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun too.." mc "At least now, knowing that we can pull of the job and keep our [fmy] safe.." mc "Hope I can get some sexy time with [mom] on this trip." mc "Anyway. Big day starting in the morning.." mc "Let me get some sleep." stop music scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene10img1 play music "sounds/beach.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Haaa" mc "Already feels like a wonderful morning in paradise." mc "I can hear the sound of the sea." mc "We've got a great Hotel just on the shores.." mc "This is a perfect Hotel for a wonderful vacation." mc "May be after we get our job done.." mc "We can relax and enjoy the paradise that is Itheriya." mc "Time to get up.." mc "Lemme go see what [mom]'s doing." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene10img2 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (She's naked!)" mc "{i} (She's doing naked yoga!)" mc "{i} (OUTDOORS!!)" mc "{i} (Her's is the farthest room on the shore.. So no one can her naked anyway.." mc "{i} (May be that's why she thought she'd do her Yoga naked!)" mc "{i} (Regardless.. What a GREAT SIGHT to wake up to.)" mc "{i} (In Paradise)" mc "{i} (Frget morning wood... I have a morning Oak tree after seeing this!)" mc "{i} (Lemme go talk to her.)" scene 10scene10img3 mom "Hey [mc]." mc "Hey [mom]." mc "{i} (Gosh! She's not even making effort to cover herself!)" mom "This place is Paradise, isn't it?" mom "Gosh! It's so beautiful!!" mc "Totally.." mc "And seeing you naked in this Paradise actually adds to the beauty of this place.." mc "Naked yoga, huh?" mom "Hehehe." mom "Well, no one can see my nakedness on this terrace anyway.." mc "Except me.." mom "Yeah.. Except you.." mom "But don't go getting any ideas, okay?" mom "I should've locked the door to the terrace." mc "I'm here anyway.. no point in locking it now." mom "Gosh I wish I could just live here.." mom "This place is amazing!!" mc "WOW! You seem in wonderful spirits this morning..." mc "Doing naked yoga and stuff.." scene 10scene10img4 mom "Can't a girl enjoy some time in the sun without any clothes on?" mc "Oh no no.. Of course she can.." mc "I'm not complaining at all.." mom "You know.. I was worried sick to my stomach for the better part of last night.." mom "But then I realized... We make a great team.. You and I.." mom "When it comes to pulling off some impossible tasks.." mom "We've survived an island with hostile militants..." mom "We've stole the Jewel of Love.." mom "We've escaped from a bunch of rednecks in a Wild West looking place.." mom "Thinking about all of that.. I had a complete shift in mindset.." mom "I'm very confident we can pull of what we came here to do.." mom "Besides.. I'm here with You.." mom "And I have complete faith in you..." mom "You have never let me down anytime we've been in trouble.." mom "Given our history of doing these things together.. I'm very very confident now.." mom "Besides.. worrying does nothing but weaken the soul anyway.." mom "I'd rather face the day with a smile on my face than fearing and imagining what could go wrong." mc "Exactly..." mc "That's the spirit [mom].." mc "I'm so happy you've had this change in mindset.." mom "Hence.. the Naked Yoga.." mc "Awesome!" mom "But I wasn't expecting you to walk in on it.." mom "Anyway.. you can watch if you like..." mc "YESSSS!!" mc "THANKS!" mom "But don't get too excited.." mom "Strictly no touching, okay?" mc "Damn! Not even a bit?" mom "NO." mc "Fine.. I'm happy to just watch.." scene 10scene10img9 pause pause mc "{i} (Holy shit!!)" mc "{i} (This days is already off to a flyer!)" mc "{i} (What a wonderful way to being the day..)" mc "{i} (Watching [ym] do yoga naked in a beautiful location.)" mc "{i} (And in all honesty.. her nakedness is really adding to the beauty of the place.)" mc "WOW!!" mc "I'm impressed [mom].." mc "I can never do that.." mom "What?" mom "Do yoga naked?" mc "Hehe. No.. That pose.." mc "It looks so tough..." mom "Requires a lot of balance honey.." mc "And extreme flexibility as I can see.." mom "I hope the flexibility doesn't give you any thoughts.." mc "Too late.." mc "I'm already having them.." mom "Hehehe." mom "Cheeky boy!" mom "Time to try a different pose now." scene 10scene10img5 pause pause mc "WOW!!" mc "You are glowing [mom]!" mom "A known benifit of yoga honey.." mc "I didn't mean your face..." mc "Your boobs..." mc "Your boobs are glowing.." mc "I love how they look in the sunlight." mom "You think yoga only makes one's face glow?" mom "It's for the whole body honey." mom "You should try it sometime.." mc "If it's naked yoga.. I'd love to do it with you regularly.." mom "Hahaha." mom "Then I'm afraid I'll have to find you a tutor.." mc "Why?" mc "You're flexible as hell [mom].." mc "You can be my tutor.." mom "Yeah.. You wouldn't want to do 'yoga' with me.." scene 10scene10img6 pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (THIS IS WILDLY SEXUAL!!)" mc "{i} (I COULD JUST TAKE HER FROM BEHIND!!)" mc "{i} (Shove it all the way inside her pussy..)" mc "{i} (Fuck her silly...)" mc "{i} (It's always great watching a woman do yoga..)" mc "{i} (But watching a woman do naked yoga is something else!)" mc "{i} (And when the woman is [ym]....)" mc "{i} (That just tops everything else..)" mc "{i} (I freakin love yoga now..)" mc "{i} (It is so sexual in a lot of ways..)" mc "Now your booty's glowing too [mom]..." mom "Oh yeah?" mc "If you don't believe me.. I can point out with my fingers exactly where the light's falling on your big booty)" mom "No need honey.." mom "I'll take your word for it." scene 10scene10img7 pause pause mc "Really....?" mc "Are you doing this on purpose [mom]?" mom "Whatever do you mean honey?" mc "These poses..." mc "How am I supposed to resist?" mom "Hahaha." mc "{i} (This is a pleasureful torment!)" mc "{i} (Just watching.. but not touching..)" mc "{i} (I could go soo deeep in her pussy right now..)" mc "{i} (Sex with a beautiful lady in paradise..)" mc "{i} (That will be such a dream come ture..)" mc "{i} (Maan... this pose is killing me!)" mc "{i} (I just want to take her deep)" mc "{i} (Fuck her out her in the sun.)" scene 10scene10img8 pause pause mc "Now you're just testing my patience [mom].." mom "Why would you say that?" mom "You can always leave and go to your room if it makes you uncomfortable.." mc "Are you comfortable in that position?" mom "It's a pose honey.." mom "Not position." mc "Yeah.. that.. You don't feel even a slight bit uncomfortable..?" mom "No." mom "Not one bit." mc "How long can you stay like that?" mom "It depends..." mom "Sometimes it's 5 minutes.. sometimes it's.... WAIT!" mom "YOU NAUGHTY BOY!" mc "Hehehehe." mom "You almost tricked me into answering that.." mc "But really.. how long can you stay like that...?" mom "It's not a question of how long I can stay in this posi.. pose... honey.." mom "It's a question of how long y..." mom "Never mind." scene 10scene10img10 mom "And.. for the last pose.." mc "{i} (She's doing this right in front of me!)" mc "{i} (So close..)" mom "You like the view honey?" mc "The view is spectacular [mom]!" mom "Oh yea?" mc "Two big mountains.." mc "And a small valley in between.." mom "Now some deep breating..." mom "In.. and out..." mom "In... and out.." mom "... in... and out..." mc "{i} (Man! She's killing me with this!)" mc "{i} (This is just insane!)" mom "This pose putting any thoughts in your head sweetie?" mc "Do you have to ask that?.." mom "Hehehe.." mom "Then I better end my end my session before you get carried away.." scene 10scene10img11 mom "Aaand I'm done.." mom "Wow! I'm really impressed sweetie.." mom "You didn't lose control the whole time.." mom "Didn't think you had it in you.." mc "Really [mom]...?" mc "You had no idea what a struggle that was.." mc "To keep my hands to myself." mom "Although I did notice you using your hands on yourself a couple of times.." mc "Hehehe." mc "That was such a tease [mom]..." mc "You have no idea how hard it ws for me.." mom "Oh.. I can definitely see that.." mc "I sticked to your condition of strictly no touching the entire time." mc "But I'm going to touch you now just once.. But not an inappropriate touch.. Please forgive me.." scene 10scene10img12 mc "Into the pool you go... Hehehehehehe." mom "Haaaaaaaaa" mom "[mc]!! What is this?." mom "We haven't played like this since you were a child." mom "Hehehehehehe." mc "Sorry [mom].." mc "I just had to." mc "Hehehehehe." scene 10scene10img13 mom "I can't believe you just did that!" mom "Hehehe." mom "But if I'm going down.. I'm taking you with me.." mc "Stop... No..." mc "Aaaaa..." mc "[mom]...." mc "No....." mom "Payback...." mom "You silly boy.." scene 10scene10img14 pause mom "Mmmmmmwwaaaaaahh" mc "{i} (Whoa!)" mc "{i} (Whoooaaaa)" mc "{i} (This was unexpected!)" mom "{i} (His lips taste soo good.)" mom "{i} (My baby boy has such great lips.)" mc "{i} (I'm getting hard..)" mc "{i} (Sooo haaard..)" scene 10scene10img15 mom "Mmmmwwwwaaah" mom "{i} (I could suck his lips all day!}" mom "{i} (What a wonderful handsome young man my baby boy has grown into!)" mom "{i} (I love him so much)" mom "{i} (The feel of his lips is making me wet!)" mc "{i} (She is going to town with this kiss!)" mc "{i} (I just love her velvet lips on mine!)" scene 10scene10img16 mom "{i} (Rock hard!!!)" mom "{i} (I love how he gets this hard for me everytime!)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaahhh)" mc "{i} (I didn't expect this morning to take such a wonderful sexual turn)" mc "{i} (Absolutely erotic)" scene 10scene10img18 mc "Aaaa" mc "Aaaaaaa..." mc "Yes [mom]... squeeze it.." mc "Squeeze me..." mc "Please don't take your hands off!" mom "Oh.. don't worry.. I don't intend to.." mc "Yes.." scene mompoolhj animated with fade: "10scene10img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaaarghhhh..." mc "Aaaarggghhhhhhhh...." mc "{i} (She's squeezing it so hard while she's pulling on it.)" mc "{i} (Like she wants to milk all the cum out of me!)" mc "{i} (Aaaaahhhh)" mom "{i} (Sooo thick!!)" mom "{i} (Thick! Long and hard...)" mom "{i} (I' always amazed by the length of this)" mom "{i} (My baby boy is sooo Big!)" mom "{i} (I'm such a lucky [mom])" scene 10scene10img18 mom "Do you like that?" mc "Yes.." mom "Do you like [mmy]'s hand on your cock?" mc "I love it [mom].." mc "You are the best.." mom "Can you use your mouth on it please?" mom "No honey.. Just a handjob for now.." mom "But if you behave throughout the day... I might give you a bonus later.." scene mompoolhj2 animated with fade: "10scene10img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene10img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Ooo.. okay.." mom "For now.. just enjoy [mmy]'s hand on your big long shaft." mom "You get soo rock hard for me everytime.." mom "Do I turn you on so much?" mc "More than anyone else [mom].." mc "You are the sexiest woman in the world" mc "And I'm so lucky that I get to have sexual pleasures with you." mom "Does [mmy] give you pleasure?" mom "Do these hands give my baby boy pleasure?" mc "Aaarrgghhhh" mc "I'm ablut to blow [mom]..." mc "You're doing it sooo good..." mc "Rrrrrrggghh" mc "Aaaaaaarrgghhhh..." scene 10scene10img17 with vpunch scene 10scene10img17 with flash scene 10scene10img17 with vpunch scene 10scene10img17 with flash scene 10scene10img17 with vpunch scene 10scene10img17 with flash scene 10scene10img19 with dissolve pause pause pause scene 10scene10img20 mom "Did you enjoy that baby?" mc "So very much [mom]!" mom "Great start to the day, huh?" mc "The best ever!" mc "Thank you." mom "Hehehe." mc "I really didn't think I'd get to see you naked this morning.." mc "Let alone get a handjob from you!" mc "A pertfect start to an adventurous day we have ahead of us." mom "Yeah." mom "I liked feeling your length too." mom "Okay now, I'm going to go take a bath and get ready." mom "You go to your room and do the same." mom "I'll see you at the lobby in one hour." mc "Sure [mom]." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene11img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mom "Are you ready [mc]?" mc "OHHHH WOWWW!!" mc "[mom]...." mc "You look drop dead gorgeous!!!" mc "What a total babe!!" mom "Thanks sweetheart.." mc "Really..." mc "I mean it [mom].." mc "I cannot believe my eyes right now!" mc "You look soo stunning in that sexy dress!" mc "I love it." mc "I haven't seen you dress this sexy in a while.. except for modeling" mc "Love it [mom].. Plus.. you're showing a little bit of underboob.." scene 10scene11img2 mom "Stop [mc]... You're making me blush.." mom "I haven't wore something this revealing since that day we went to that Strip Club.." mom "I feel kinda embarassed dressing like this in public at my age.." mom "I feel so shy." mc "Don't be [mom]..." mc "Please don't.. You are such a gorgeous lady.." mc "You should be proud.." mc "Girls half your age would kill to look like you!" mc "Phew!" mc "You just take my breath away!" mom "Wow!" mom "That's a lot of compliments [mc].." mom "Thanks.. So sweet." mom "Ready to get this day started?" mc "Yes." mc "Let's go." scene 10scene11img3 pause pause mc "{i} (This is the life..)" mc "{i} (A beautiful Hot lady by my side..)" mc "{i} (A beauty of a Car to drive in...)" mc "{i} (Perfect sunny weather..)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky.)" mom "How did you get this Car so fast honey?" mc "The concierge at this Hotel is very good.. I called them as soon as I woke up to get us a Car." mom "Good you planned ahead.." mom "Let's go." scene 10scene11img4 mc "I love Itheriya [mom]." mc "This country is amazing!" mom "Me too honey." mom "I love the weather here.." mc "We should come for vacations often here." mc "Preferrably just you and I.." mom "I knew you were going to say that.." mom "Actually, I wouldn't mind that.." mom "I'd like it too.. as long as you don't step out of line. Haha." mc "So [mom].. when we get back to the Hotel in the evening..." mom "The day has just started honey.." mom "You're already thinking about the evening?" mc "I just thought I should discuss this while you're in a great mood.." mc "Can we just ditch one of our rooms and stay in the same room?" scene 10scene11img5 mom "Aha.." mom "I knew you were going to come around to that.." mom "But why, honey?" mom "We have such perfectly good and big rooms for each of us.." mc "I'm just thinking about celebration.." mc "Celebration of what will be the end of an adventurous day.." mom "And what kind of celebration do you have in mind?" mc "May be.." mc "May be if this is the night that we can finally have full on Sex..." scene 10scene11img6 mom "WHAT?!!" mom "Are you out of your mind?!!" mom "Hahahaha." mom "I've made it clear from the very beginning honey..." mom "That we can never actually have Sex!" mc "But why not?" mom "You know very well why we can't.. Should'nt.." mc "But [mom]... we're on vacation.." mom "That doesn't change that fact that I'm [ym] honey." mom "We're having a lot of fun.. and some very kinky fun at that..." mom "I think we should just stick to it as it is.." mc "But someday we're..." mom "But someday what honey?" mom "You keep dreaming that. Hehehe." scene 10scene11img5 mom "Anyway.." mom "What's the plan for the day..?" mc "This Henry guy is staying at the Victorian." mc "I don't know which room he's in.." mc "But he's staying in that Hotel for sure.." mc "Let's go there first.." mc "And do a stakeout.." mc "To gather any information we can on him.." mc "Then, we're going to go meet my friend Archie to get some help.." mom "Okay." scene 10scene11img6 mom "But, again... when it comes to ruining this man Henry's life.." mom "I'm not sure how I feel about that.." mc "We've been over this [mom]." mc "We're just trying to do what he's trying to do to us." mc "If we don't, then he will." mc "This is for our [fmy], we just have to do it." mc "We don't exactly what or how we're going to do things yet.." mc "First, let's go stake him out.." mom "okay." mc "We're almost at the Victorian.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene11img7 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" mc "Here we are.." mc "This is where he's staying." mc "He definitely won't be expecting that someone's watching him." mc "So we should be good at this distance.." mc "Now we just gotta wait and watch..." "........." "............" "..............." scene 10scene11img8 mc "Finally!" mc "There he is.." mc "That's our target. That's Henry.." mom "What's he yelling at that poor girl for?" mom "I already don't like him" hn "I told you to have my clothes pressed in time!" hn "This is why I don't like you working class people.." hn "You can't to do anything right." hn "This is why you people are at the bottom of society." md "I'm sorry Sir.. I will make sure I don't" scene 10scene11img9 mom "Haaaah!!" mom "He just slapped her!!" hn "You better not interrupt me when I'm talking to you!" hn "Filth." hn "Absolute filth and a waste of life." mom "This is absurd!!" mom "What kind of a man lays hands on a woman!" mom "You can't treat a woman like that.. That poor girl..." mom "I feel so sorry for her.." mom "We should intervene..." mc "I feel the same too [mom].. But not just yet.." mc "If it gets out of hand we'll definitely intervene.. But we can't blow our cover now." scene 10scene11img10 hn "Now I'll be back by evening." hn "You better have everything in order." hn "And stay the night here." hn "I want you wearing that lingerie I bought for you." hn "It's a pity I bought such an expensive piece for the likes of you." hn "But it is for my pleasure.. So you will wear it." md "Okay sir." scene 10scene11img11 mc "He's gone.." mom "Should we follow him.." mc "No. No.. not until we meet my friend.." mc "Let's go talk to that poor girl.." mom "Good. Cause I really want to comfort that poor girl.." mom "Come on.. let's go." scene 10scene11img12 mom "Ohh sweetie... I just saw what happened..." mom "I'm so sorry that man treated you that way.." md "It's okay.. I'm used to it." mom "Used to it?" mom "Is this how he always behaves with you?" md "Yes." md "But may I ask who you are?" mom "My name is... Think os me as a woman who cares for you sweetie." mom "Is there anything we can do to get you out of this mess?" scene 10scene11img13 mc "This man you're working for..." mc "He works for an intelligence agency in our country." mc "We're from a counter intelligence team..." mc "We got word that he is a very cruel man.." mc "And that he's involved in a top secret operation that could cause harm to a lot of people." mc "We want to know what kind of man he is.." mc "May we ask you some questions?" mc "How often does he visit here?" md "Once every two months.." md "And he picks some of us local girls from nearby villages to work for him." md "The villages we live in are very poor.." md "So I work for him despite all the pain he causes me." mc "I'm so sorry to hear that..." mc "We're going to help you out..." mc "But we need some answers first, okay?" md "I might get in trouble if he finds out that I talked to you guys." md "No he won't." mc "I promise he won't be hurting you anymore." mc "Infact he's not going to come back tonight." md "Oh no.. What are you going to do to him?" mc "We're just going to get him arrested.. That's all." mc "Now, when he's here... who are the people he phones often?.." md "A person named Vernon.." md "And three others that he addresses only by initials." md "L.. D.. and P." mc "What do they talk about?" md "I usually don't pay attention.. because it's things that I don't understand.." mc "Does anyone call him here on the landline when he's here?" md "Sometimes.." mc "Great... Can you please stay here till the evening, and note down the full names and phone numbers of anyone who might call on the landline?" md "Okay." mc "Now, do you have any idea where this person has gone to?" mc "Where does he spend most of his time when he's here?" md "He's usually one of the any Poker Clubs around." md "He loves gambling." mc "Poker Clubs.." mc "Okay. Great." mc "One last thing.. What kind of person is he in your experience?" md "He's a very cruel man.." scene 10scene11img14 md "He beats me everyday.." md "And at nights he..." mc "It's okay.. You don't have to say it.." md "Not just me though.." md "He gets some young girls from the villages nearby.." md "He does the same thing to all of them." md "They all leave cut and bruised in the morning." md "I've heard from some girls that he actually killed one girl and ditched her body in a forest nearby." mom "I don't like this man one bit!!" mom "We will free you from him sweetie." scene 10scene11img13 md "But without him, I won't have a job." md "What will I do?" mom "You don't have to worry it about it sweetheart." scene 10scene11img12 mom "Give me our details and I'll send you all the money you need to live a comfortable life." md "But I can't acce..." mom "No. You must." mom "You must accept the help.. Please.." mom "This man is not going to return tonight." mom "I don't want to leave a poor girl without a job." mom "I have to compensate you for it." md "Okay." md "I live at xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx" md "My home phone number is xxxxxxxxxxx. I don't have a mobile." mom "Okay sweetie... we'll be in touch with you okay?" scene 10scene11img13 mc "We will get you out of this mess." mc "I promise." mc "For today.. Please be strong..." mc "Note down the full names and numbers of anyone who calls him on landline." mc "We'll be in touch with you on your home phone.. and we'll transfer some money to you right away." md "Okay thanks." mc "We gotta go now.." mc "We'll call you on the phone later." md "Okay bye." mom "Bye honey." scene 10scene11img15 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "We have to help this girl out [mc].." mom "That man cannot return to abuse that girl again.." mom "I don't like this man one bit." mom "Now I don't feel bad about ruining his life." mc "Yeah. Me either." mom "So, where are we going next?" mc "Now we go meet my friend Archie.." mom "Do you trust him?" mom "Is he reliable?" mc "He is.." mc "He's a bit of a character..." mc "Fancies himself a Pirate..." mc "He's always involved in illegal activites during breaks from College.." mc "So he has connections.." mc "And he's a very good friend." mom "Okay." mom "Let's go meet him." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 10scene11img16 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ah "MY MAN!!" ah "WELCOME..." ah "WELCOME TO ITHERIYA!!" ah "How do you like it here?" mc "Itheriya is the bomb player!!" mc "Maaan, am I happy to see you!" mc "Thanks for meeting us ma man!" ah "My pleasure.." mc "This is my [mom].." scene 10scene11img18 ah "OH MY!!" ah "My eyes decieve me..." ah "For I have never witnessed such beauty..." mom "Aaaaawww" mom "Aren't you the sweetest?!" mom "Thaanks.." ah "I think I have just been shot in the chest..." ah "There must be a hole in my lungs.. For you take my breath away..." scene 10scene11img18a mom "Aaaw that is so kind.." mom "Hello Archie.." mom "Nice to meet you.." ah "The pleasure's all mine.." mom "[mc] told me a lot about you.." ah "Flattering things I hope.." ah "But I am still dumbfounded..." ah "Your beauty transcends the realms of men.." ah "Ar't thou an Angel?" mom "You are just too sweet Archie.. So kind of you.." mc "Dude... enough trying to flirt with [mm]..." mc "Hehehe.. She's married... Hahahaha" scene 10scene11img16 ah "I just make it point to praise great beauty whenever I see it brother.." ah "You know me playa.. hahaha" mc "I do hehe." ah "Enjoying the semester break?" mc "Very much.. and you?" ah "Same old... same old... Managing my Pirate fleet.." ah "I'd take you to the docks just behind and down these rocks..." ah "But all the Ships are away.. er.. doing Piratey things..." scene 10scene11img17 ah "So, what help do you need from my man?" ah "What brings you to Itheriya?" ah "When you phoned me yesterday, I thought you were coming here on vacation.." mc "I wish playa.." mc "But I'm here to do something important.. That's why I need your help..." ah "Well Archie is at your service.." ah "How can Captain Archie help?" mc "There's this guy from our country in Itheriya at the moment.." mc "He's a government official." mc "I need to ensure he doesn't leave Itheriya..." scene 10scene11img19 ah "Oooh.. You're finally getting a taste for my line of work..." mc "Just something that I have to do brother." mc "This man could cause us some trouble if he returns to our country." ah "Gimme some details.." mc "I wish I could.. I really do.." mc "Perhaps later.. But for now.. I just need you to trust that it's very important to me.." ah "Fair enough.." ah "I'm always happy to help a brother out..." ah "Do you want to OFF him?" mc "OH NO NO." mc "NOO.." mc "I need to figure out a way to get him imprisoned here in Itheriya.. PERMANENTLY" mc "He can never leave Itheriya.." scene 10scene11img20 ah "Well, good luck with that.." ah "Itheriya is Paradise for people like me brother." ah "Prisons here won't hold him for long.." mc "I know.." mc "That is exactly why I need to look at alternate means of imprisoning him.." scene 10scene11img19 ah "What do you mean?" mc "Who's the biggest Don here in Itheriya?" ah "That would be Alcander." ah "Very old hand.." ah "The man practically owns 30 percent of the country" mc "Okay." mc "I need to figure out a way to frame my target so Alcander imprisons him here forever.." mc "I need a meeting with Alcander.." ah "That's easy.. Just tell him who your [dad] is, you'll easily get an audience." mc "No no.." mc "I don't want to mention my [dad]..." mc "In fact, my [dad] doesn't even know what we're here." ah "Hmmmmm.." ah "You're being very secretive my man.." mc "I need to get an undience with Alcander TODAY.. at any cost.." ah "Without using your [dad]'s name it could be very tough player.." mc "But I need to meet him today.. I just have to.. I need an audience with him." scene 10scene11img20 ah "This is Alcander's country my man.." ah "You don't get to meet a man like hm b just knocking at his door.." mc "It's very important Archie.." ah "Okay.. Don't sweat it.." ah "I can help you out.." ah "I got word that Alcander's looking for a good hand at smuggling.." ah "Someone who can drive very well at any terrain.." ah "There's a race happening... and the winner of the race gets the job.." ah "You win it.. You can meet Alcander.." mc "Fine!" mc "I'm in." ah "Alright! I'll get you in the race.." ah "The race is going to be tough.." ah "It's happening in a dry wasteland... Just dry mud all around.." ah "And you'll have to race in On Road cars.." mc "I can handle it.." ah "Great.. Lemme get you in then." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene12img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" play sound "sounds/effects/ferrari_revving.mp3" pause pause pause pause scene 10scene12img2 mom "Are you sure about this honey?" mc "Yes [mom]." mom "I'm a little scared of going very fast.." mom "And.. of being in this midst of dangerous people.." mc "It's going to be fine.." mc "I got this." mc "We have to win this.." mc "It's the only way we'll get to me Alcander." mc "So we will.." mc "At any cost.." mom "I'm still a little scared about all of this honey.." mom "Getting involved in underground business...." mom "I've never even look into our own Mafia's affairs.." mc "Relax [mom]..." mc "I'm here for you.." mc "We're going to be just fine.." mom "Okay. I tust you." scene 10scene12img3 mc "{i} (Just dry mud everywhere..)" mc "{i} (At least it's not sand..)" mc "{i} (This mud should hold a little..)" mc "{i} (If it were sand. there's no way I'd have been able to drive an On Road vehicle on it)" mc "{i} (First one to cross this wasteland and reach the town wins..)" mc "{i} (I gotta win this...)" mc "{i} (I gotta win this..)" scene 10scene12img1 "Racers... Ready...?" mc "{i} (Pheewww)" mc "{i} (Gotta win this..)" mc "{i} (It's the only way..)" mc "{i} (Only option..)" mc "{i} (I have to... for my [fmy]..)" "Ready.." "5....." "4...." "3..." scene 10scene12img2 mc "Let's do this [mom].." mom "U humm.." "2......" scene 10scene12img3 "1.." "Gooo...." scene 10scene12img4 mc "{i} (BOOOOMM!!)" mc "{i} (Perfect start...)" mc "{i} (THAT'S RIGHT...)" mc "{i} (HERE WE GO....!!)" mc "{i} (I got this..)" mc "{i} (I got this..)" mc "{i} (I'm winning this motherfuckers...)" mc "{i} (I'm winning this!)" mc "{i} (No way I'm losing... I can't..)" mc "{i} (I shouldn't... My only option..)" scene 10scene12img4a mc "{i} (Oh oh...)" mc "{i} (That guy's pulling ahead...)" mc "{i} (He's about to pass me...)" mc "{i} (I can't let him..)" mc "{i} (No... No... Noooooooo)" mc "{i} (He can't pass me..)" mc "{i} (I need this win..)" mc "{i} (I NEED this win.)" scene 10scene12img4b mc "{i} (YESSS!!)" mc "{i} (YES.. YES... YES..)" mc "{i} (Back in the lead..)" mc "{i} (You can't catch me..)" mc "{i} (You won't catch me fuckers..)" mc "{i} (I'm racing for something much more important..)" mc "{i} (No way I'mma let you guys pass me)" mc "{i} (Time to put some distance between us..)" mc "{i} (Ruuusshhhh)" scene 10scene12img4c mc "{i} (Yess!)" mc "{i} (Take that suckers..)" mc "{i} (In the dust..)" mc "{i} (Time to floor it all the way till the finish line..)" mc "{i} (Let's goooo..)" scene 10scene12img4d mom " Aahhhhaaaaa.." mom "Honey.. we're in the lead.." mc "Of course [mom]..." mom "But my stomach's churning a little bit.." mc "Relax [mom].." mc "It'll be over soon..." scene 10scene12img4c mc "{i} (That's right suckers..)" mc "{i} (See you at the finish line..)" scene 10scene12img4d with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "See [mom]..?" mc "We've had the lead for over 10 minutes now.." mom "Yes honey.." mom "I believe we'll win this.." mom "How did you get so good at driving?" mc "I'm not very good.. I'm just very desperat right now.." mc "And that's why we'll win this race.." scene 10scene12img5 mc "{i} (Oh oh..)" mc "{i} (This dude's caught up to me!)" mc "{i} (How?)" mc "{i} (I've had the lead for almost 10 minutes..)" mc "{i} (I couldn't even see anyone behind me..)" mc "{i} (But he's caught up to me so quickly..)" mc "{i} (He's about to pass me...)" mc "{i} (Shiiit.)" scene 10scene12img6 mc "{i} (Noooooooo)" mc "{i} (No... No...)" mc "{i} (My [fmy]'s wellbeing depends on this!)" mc "{i} (I cannot lose..)" mc "{i} (I gotta play dirty to win this..)" mc "{i} (Desperate times call for desperate measures..)" mc "{i} (I have no choice..)" scene 10scene12img7 mom "HONEEYY!!" mom "WHA.." mom "WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?!!" mom "HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!!" mc "I took one of Ella's before we left.. Just in case.." mom "I won't allow you to use it." mom "PUT IT DOWN!" mc "I'm just going to shoot his Wheels out [mom].." mc "We have no choice..." mc "Must win at any cost.." mc "For our [fmy].." mc "I'mma put the Car on cruise for a minute.." scene 10scene12img8 mc "{i} (Ugghhh)" mc "{i} (Getting up off thes seats is a struggle!)" mom "Honeyy... carefull..." mc "{i} (Especially while the Car's moving..)" mc "{i} (Okay.. I'm in range..)" mc "{i} (Thankfully... Those are not Run Flat Tyres...)" mc "{i} (Aim... aim...)" mc "{i} (I have a clear shot..)" pause play sound "sounds/effects/handgun.mp3" pause play sound "sounds/effects/handgun.mp3" scene 10scene12img9 mc "{i} (YES!!)" mc "{i} (He spun out!!)" mc "{i} (He can't drive any further!!)" mc "{i} (He's out of the race..)" mc "{i} (And out of my way..)" mc "{i} (Time to take the lead again..)" scene 10scene12img10 mc "{i} (Awesome!!)" mc "{i} (Back in first position..)" mc "{i} (Hopefully no one else catches up..)" mc "{i} (That guy just overtook me from outta nowhere..)" mc "{i} (Glad he's out..)" mc "{i} (Now my chances of winning have improved..)" scene 10scene12img11 mom "Honey... that was just outright dangerous!" mom "I don't approve of such things." mom "What if you had fallen off?" mom "Or misfired at the driver..?" mc "I'm sorry [mom].." mc "I wasn't thinking straight.." mc "I'm too desperate to win.. as this is our only hope at the moment)" mc "So I had to play dirty.." mom "I understand that.." mom "But risking your life.. and putting others' lives at risk.. that's where the line ends." mom "You can't be that reckless" scene 10scene12img12 mc "Oh oh.." mc "Another person's catching up to us.." mc "I'm sorry [mom].. Guess I have to act recklessly once more time.." mc "{i} (I'm pushing as hard as I can.. But he's soo close..)" mc "{i} (He might overtake me any minute now..)" mc "{i} (How do I stop him?)" mc "{i} (I can't turn around and shoot his tyres out... Too risky..)" mc "[mom]... I need you to throw something at his tyres..)" scene 10scene12img13 mom "WHAT?!!!" mom "WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU?!!" mc "NO CHOICE [mom].." mc "Please..." mc "Please pick up that blue ball from the glove box.." mom "I'm not endangering someone's life!!" mc "We're just going to take out his tyres.. that's all.." mc "And there's no time to argue..." mc "If he wins, we can't see Alcander.. and that'll be the end of our efforts to prevent Henry from returning to the country.)" mom "what does that ball do?" mc "It's only a ball containing a lot of sharp nails and tacks.." mc "Throw that at his tyres please..." mc "And please grab my hand..." mc "I'll hold your hand tight so you don't slip.." mc "Please take my hand..." scene 10scene12img14 pause pause mom "{i} (Oooowww)" mom "{i} (What am I doing?)" mom "{i} (How did I get myself into this mess?)" mc "I'm holding your hand tight [mom]..." mc "I got you.." mom "{i} (There...)" mom "{i} (I've done it..)" mom "It's done.." mc "Awesome [mom]!..." mom "Pull me back..." scene 10scene12img15 mc "Aaanddd..." mc "He's out.." mc "His tyres are blown..." mc "He won't be overtaking us either..." mc "Sayonara guys..." scene 10scene12img4d mom "I can't believe I just did that!!" mom "Phew!!" mom "I was soo afraid.." mc "Sorry I made you do that [mom].." mc "I'd have done it myself.. But he was on the other side.. I couldn't have done it.." mom "No problem honey.." mom "Glad I could help... " mom "I surprised myself there.." mom "Didn't think I had the guts for that kind of stuff.." scene 10scene12img16 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" with vpunch scene 10scene12img16 with hpunch scene 10scene12img16 with vpunch scene 10scene12img16 mc "[mom]!!.. Are you okay?" mom "What was that?!!" mc "Are you alright?" mom "I'm fine.. What was that?" scene 10scene12img17 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" mc "Someone's ramming from behind.." mc "That driver's on to us.." mc "He must've seen us take out the other guys.." mc "And now he's trying to take out our car.." scene 10scene12img17 with vpunch mc "Owww" mc "He's ramming again and again!" mc "Gotta get far from him..." scene 10scene12img18 mom "Honey, I'm scared..." mom "I'm really scared..." mc "I'll keep you safe [mom]..." mc "I'll do something.. Hang on..." mc "We need to get far from that guy..." mc "I got you..." scene 10scene12img19 play sound "sounds/effects/thud.mp3" with vpunch scene 10scene12img19 with hpunch scene 10scene12img19 with vpunch scene 10scene12img19 mc "{i} (Motherfucker!!)" mc "{i} (He's unrelenting..)" mc "{i} (He's hitting us again and again..)" mc "{i} (What do I do..?)" mc "{i} (What do I do....?)" mc "{i} ([mom]'s getting really scared...)" mom "LOOOKKKK OUUUTTT...." mom "THERE'S A TRAIN AHEAD...." scene 10scene12img20 mc "A TRAIN?" mc "Yess... yes.." mc "This is perfect..." mc "I have an idea.." mc "Time to floor it..." scene 10scene12img21 mom "HONEY... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" mc "WE'VE GOTTA GET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT TRAIN AS FAST AS WE CAN.." mc "HOLD ON TO SOMETHING [mom]..." mc "Sorry about this..." mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa......" mc "Gooo.. gooo .goooo.... " scene 10scene12img22 mc "{i} (Fuuccckkkkk)" mc "{i} (This fucker's right behind us tooo...)" mc "{i} (He's just not giving up!)" mc "{i} (Such a pain in the ass...)" mc "{i} (Push it...)" mc "{i} )Push it....)" mc "{i} (Push it fasstttt....)" scene 10scene12img23 mom "Aaaaaaaa..." mc "Aaaahhh yessss!!" mc "JUST IN TIME!!" mc "We've done it..." mc "We've escaped from him [mom]..." mc "He's behind the train.." mc "He can't catch up to us no more.." mom "Ahaan!" scene 10scene12img24 mc "Pheeww!" mc "You alright [mom]?" mom "I think I am..." mc "Good." mc "Phew! That was heart thumping..." mom "SO scary..." mom "I was so scared..." mc "Don't worry... we're away from him now.." mc "Now it's just open wasteland to the town and finish line.." stop music scene 10scene12img25 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause pause pause mc "Haaaaa..." mc "That's it..." mc "Big breath..." mc "That was hard.." mc "Phew!!" scene 10scene12img26 mom "HONEY....!!" mom "WE'VE DONE IT!!" mom "WE'VE WON" mc "Uff.. Finally...." mc "I'm so happy to see that smile of yours [mom].." mom "You did soo great honey!" mom "You are my rock and my anchor!" mom "I can't believe it.." mom "We've won.. our hopes of defending our [fmy] are still alive!" scene 10scene12img27 ah "My man..." ah "I knew you'd do it.." mc "Really?" ah "Never had any doubt.." ah "I'm soo proud of you my brother..." mc "Thanks man.." mc "And thanks for getting me in the race.." ah "Don't sweat it man.." mc "So, what now?" ah "Now you get an audience with Alcander.." mc "Finally." scene 10scene13img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) alc "So you participated in the race.. won it.." alc "But it wasn't to get the job on offer.." alc "Why?" mc "I did it only to get an audience with you." alc "I'm impressed." alc "What is it that you really want?" alc "Why go through all the trouble..?" mc "The enemy of my enemy is my friend.." mc "I'm sure you've heard that.." alc "I'm old as dirt young man." alc "Of course I have." mc "I'm here so we could discuss the disposing off of a mutual enemy.." scene 10scene13img2 alc "I don't have enemies young man." alc "You think I cold've lived to grow this old in my line of work if I had a lot of enemies?" mc "No." mc "Of course not." mc "However.. whether you look at a person as an enemy or not.." mc "If the person in question considers you his enemy.. You have an enemy.." scene 10scene13img1 alc "Go on..." mc "There's an intelligence officer from my country in Itheriya right now.." mc "And he's here to topple your empire.." alc "Why would a government official from your country want to topple my empire?" mc "Well.. where's your biggest customer base?.." alc "I'm listening...." mc "A big portion of your Drugs come to my country.." mc "The government of my country believe that your drugs are runining the lives of my countrymen.." alc "So they've made the elimination of your business.. their business." alc "They don't have any jurisdiction here." mc "My country's government doesn't care about jurisdictions..." mc "Which is why have a covert intelligence agency looking into your affairs.." mc "The kind that's not on the books.." alc "I see.." alc "And why would you bring me this information?" scene 10scene13img3 mom "Because.. we're in a similar line of work.." mom "The majority of the drugs sold in certain states of our country might be yours..." mom "But we do have a stake in the business.." mom "We're not as big as your organization yet.. so we do not consider you as a direct competitor at the moment." mom "Once, or if they rid your Drugs from our country.. that'll leave a vaccum." mom "An opportunity for our organization to grow.." mom "The demand would increase.. And if our organization aims to stay in business.. we'll have to meet step in and meet the demand" mom "That'll enable us to quickly grow and expand... But..." mom "We do not have the military arsenal that you have at your disposal, should a government threat come knocking.." mom "Nor would we have the time to establish a proper network of connections if we were to rapidly grow in a very short span of time.." mom "So they might easily eliminate us altogether." mom "And this is where your enemy becomes our enemy as well." mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!)" mc "{i} (I'm impressed!!)" mc "{i} (She's doing this like a Pro.)" mc "{i} (May be she did pick up a few things from [dad] after all....)" mom "We dispose off our mutual enemy, then we can work out a fair deal about how both of our organizations can operate in harmony in our country." scene 10scene13img4 alc "My!!!" alc "How long have you been doing this my dear?" mom "We're fairly new... Just a few years in.." mom "It's just my partner.. this young man.. and I running our business at the moment." alc "Hmmm" alc "And with just a few years of experience in the business.. you have the farsight to think about the bigger picture.." alc "Colour me impressed!" alc "So what is it that this old man can do for you?" mc "It's more about what we can do for you Sir.." scene 10scene13img2 mc "This man is an immediate threat to you." mc "We've still got time till he comes knocking on our door." mc "As we're speaking right now.. This man is in your country... hatching plans to topple your organization.." mc "He's going to make it look like accidents at first.." mc "But he's laying an alaborate trap for you.." mc "I can give you details about this man.. I can ID him.. I have his pictures... information about where he'd be etc." mc "His name is Henry Whitmeyer. He's staying at the Victorian.. Known to frequent Poker Clubs in Itheriya." mc "You can pick him up.. lock him away in a dungeon..." mc "We only ask that when the time comes.. we can get a fair share of the pie from our businesses inmy country.." scene 10scene13img1 alc "So you want me to strike first?" mc "Yes." mc "He's here to topple your empire after all." alc "But what concrete evidence do I have for me to go after him?" mc "We just brought you this classified information through leaks from our countr.." mc "That's the evidence.." alc "Perhaps you're too young to understand this.. but words spoken in air do not count as evidence young man." alc "And I have been in the business long enough to understand that you never go on assault without concrete evidence." alc "Do you have any papers? Photocopies? Anything concrete?" mc "No." alc "Then I'm afraid we can't go after this man." mc "Does the word of a man who went through all this hassle just to meet you mean nothing..?" scene 10scene13img2 alc "Relax young man.." alc "I like you.. I like you both." alc "You seem like good people.." alc "But that's not enough when it comes to handling business." alc "I'll tell you what.." alc "Come back with solid proof..." alc "Then we can discuss." alc "But until then... There's nothing I can do about this matter." alc "Now.. Thank you for your time.. and all the effort you put into bringing this news to me." alc "But I'm afraid I have other things to attend to at the moment." alc "I shall see you another time." alc "Adios." scene 10scene13img5 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Honey... what do we do now?" mom "That was our only hope." mom "To get Alcander to lock Henry away." mom "Now we're at an impasse." mom "What do we do?" mc "I'm thinking [mom]... I'm thinking..." mc "No matter which way I look at it..." mc "Getting Alcander to lock Henry up is the best bet.." mc "But the man won't budge without proper evidence..." mc "......" mc "........" mc "Then we just have to give him evidence.." mom "But how?" mc "Time to call Archie again..." scene 10scene13img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) ah "Hmmmmmmmmm" ah "The old man wants concrete evidence huh?" ah "What do you have in mind?" mc "Do you have intel on Alcender's operations..?" mc "Delivery routes.. warehouses.. anything?" ah "I pulled a job for him last year.." ah "I may know one of his usual delivery routes..." ah "Unless he's changed things up... The schedules must be the same." mc "Great.." mc "Can you get me some Guns?" ah "I can.." ah "What are you going to do?" mc "I'm going to destroy on of Alcander's scheduled supplies.." scene 10scene13img7 ah "Man, are you crazy?" ah "This is his country.." ah "Do you know what will happen if he figures out it was you?" mc "He won't.." mc "I've already told Alcander that Henry is laying out an alaborate trap for him." mc "If someone hits his supplies right after I bring him that news.. He will surely go after him.." mc "He must.." ah "But man.. You're asking me to be part of this.." ah "I live here.." ah "If he figures out I had a hand in this.." mc "All his anger will be directed towards Henry brother." mc "I will make sure of it." mc "Please help me with this.." mc "I need your help.." ah "Fine.. We gotta do it quick and get out.." mc "Of course.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene13img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/attack.mp3" ah "I must be crazy for helping [mc] with this..." ah "If someone finds out, I'm a dead man.." ah "If word got out.. Then I may really have to live my life out as a Pirate on the seas." ah "Never to set foot on land again.." ah "Alcander will kill me if I did.!" ah "I really hope this is as important as [mc] said it was for him.." ah "I wouldn't want to be a fool that risked his neck for nothing.." ah "The things I do for friendship!" scene 10scene13img9 ah "Ma man.. I've blocked the road like you asked.." ah "This better have been worth the risk." ah "Are you in position?" scene 10scene13img10 mc "I am.." mc "Thank you ma brother." mc "I owe you one." scene 10scene13img9 ah "Listen man.. I've gotta get out of here no, okay?" ah "Too many people know my face around here.." ah "So I can't risk being seen..." ah "This is an abandoned road though.. except for Alcander's supplies.." ah "So you should be good.." ah "Hardly any people around.." ah "Just do your thing quick and get out.." scene 10scene13img10 mc "Got it." mc "Now get to safety.. You've already done a lot for me.." mc "Thanks for everything.." ah "Alright man. See you in college when semester begins." scene 10scene13img10 mom "Do you know how to handle that sweetie" mc "I've practiced with Ella a few times.." mc "I should be able to." mom "But please ensure nobody gets hurt..." mc "Of course [mc].." mc "I won't hurt a fly, i swear.." mom "Good." scene 10scene13img11 mc "Amost time.." mc "Alcander's truck shoud be here any moment now." mom "I'm starting to shiver sweetie.." mom "Never been part of something this dangerous.." mc "We can do this [mom].." mc "We can pull it off.." mc "It's just a matter of destroying the vehicle and getting out of here." scene 10scene13img10 mc "{i} (Come on...)" mc "{i} (Come on..)" mc "{i} (Bring in the goods..)" scene 10scene13img12 mc "It's here..." mc "The driver's out of the vehicle too." mc "I'm going for it.." mom "Noo wait.." mom "Double check to ensure no one's within range of explosion.." mc "I'm 100 percent sure no one's in range.." mc "I'm going to shoot out the fuel tank.." mc "No one's in range.." mc "No one will get hurt.." scene 10scene13img13 mom "Okay then." mom "Go for it." mc "{i} (Steady...)" mc "{i} (Easy does it..)" mc "{i} (Have clear a shot at the fuel tank.)" mc "{i} (Let's take it!)" play sound "sounds/effects/ak471.mp3" pause scene 10scene13img14 play sound "sounds/effects/explosion.mp3" mc "Yess!" mc "See [mom].. no one got hurt.." mom "Good.." mc "Now let's get out of here." mc "Can't be seen." mom "Come on. Let's go." stop music scene lte with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene14img1 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mom "Just a few minutes honey.." mom "I just need to get a few things." mc "Sure [mom].. No problem." mc "Take your time." mom "So.. what do we do now anyway?" mc "Now we just wait for Alcander's call." mom "Are you sure he will?" mc "He will." mc "One of his supllies was just hit.." mc "He'd assume it was Henry like we warned him.." mc "So he will call." mom "I sure hope so baby." mc "By the way [mom]..." mc "Did you notice how many heads turned to take second looks at you today?" mom "Really?" mom "That happened?" mom "I didn't notice.." mc "Even now.. that cashier is checking you out.." mom "What's your point, honey?" mc "Point is... You should dress sexy like this more often..." scene 10scene14img2 mom "Aaannd you're back.." mom "I was beginning to wonder how you abstained from sexual talk for soo long today." mc "No .. Really.. I mean it.." mc "Your looks just go to a whole another level when you dress sexy like this." mc "You look so sexual..." mc "I had to force myself to peel my eyes off you the whole day.." mom "Hmmmmm" mom "I wish I could dress like this all the time honey..." mom "But at home.. at my age..." mom "I don't know what the girls would think..." mom "I'd feel very shy.." mc "But don't you like all the attention you get.. All the guys turn to take second looks at you." mom "I don't know honey... Getting so much attention from one guy feels like a lot already.." mom "And strangely that guy happens to be [ms]." mom "Anyway.. this shop doesn't have the things I wanted to grab.." mom "Do you want anything?" mom "Candy.. Chocolates..?" mc "[mom]..." mom "Yes..." mc "There are packs of Condoms right behind you.. How about we buy a pack?" scene 10scene14img3 mom "CONDOMS??!!!" mom "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!!" mc "Please hear me out....." mc "Let me explain.." mom "No.." mom "Condoms are out of the question..." mom "I don't need any explanations.." mc "Please just hear my explanation.. Then it's your decision whether to buy them or not.." mc "I have a valid explanation..." scene 10scene14img4 mom "Boy.. this should be good.." mc "So, in the beginning.. when we started our thing..." mc "You used to say no Penetrations, right?" mc "But you changed your mind about them sometime ago.." mc "Now I have Penetrated you.." mom "Not where you want to.." mc "But.." mc "You have taken me in your mouth.." mc "How is this any different?" mom "Because taking you in my mouth won't make me Pregnant honey..." mc "Fine.. If pregnancy is what you're worried about..." mc "That's what Condoms are for... right?" mom "We are not having this conversation.." mc "But if I enter you wearing a Condom...." scene 10scene14img3 mom "ENTER ME?!!" mom "Huuuuhhhh!" mom "That is so bold of you to even mention that to [ym] sweetie.." mom "You are not Entering me tonight.." mom "Not ever.." mom "Besides.. Pregnancy isn't the only reason we should never do it.." mom "It's about the Taboo.." mom "Moral boundaries.." mc "We've crossed so many..." mom "But Entering Me as you put it... That's where I draw the line.." mom "I cannot believe you even got me into talking about this.." scene 10scene14img5 mc "Someone's calling.." mc "It's Alcander.." mom "Answer it.." mc "Finally he's called!" scene 10scene14img6 mc "Hello.." alc "Young man.." alc "We need to talk.." alc "I need to thank you for giving me forewarning.." alc "Perhaps I should've listened.." alc "Anyway.. I've got this Henry Whitmeyer already.." mc "That's wonderful!" mc "But how? I didn't even show you his picture." alc "You gave me his name and other details.. That was enough." alc "Anyhow, I'm obliged to personally thank you both." alc "Please come to my club." alc "We're having a party.. Big party.." alc "Please join us.." mc "We'll be there.." scene 10scene14img5 mom "Well..." mc "It's a success [mom]..." scene 10scene14img6 mc "He's already got him!" mom "That's amazing!!" mc "Finally!! Disaster averted." mc "He's asked us to join his party." mc "I told him we'll be there." mom "Well, this does deserve a celeberation." mc "So let's go.." stop music scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene14img7 play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) alc "My friends!!!" alc "Welcome.. Welcome.." alc "You have done me a great service today.." alc "I need to humbly thank you for it.." alc "If not for the valuable information you gave me earlier.. I could've ended up suffering huge losses." mc "What happened Alcander?" mc "How come the sudden change of heart?" alc "One of my supplies was hit earlier today.." alc "If not for the information you brought me.. There could've been more hits.. And I'd have had to spend valuable time and resources trying to figure out who did it." mc "Nice.. And I'm sorry about your supplies.." alc "Aaah it was just one truck.." alc "But you've saved me plenty more.." alc "So thank you." mc "What are you going to do with Henry? Where is he?" alc "Aaa he's already in a dungeon.." scene 10scene14img8 hn "LET ME GO YOU FUCKERS..." hn "YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" hn "WHO YOU'RE FUCKING WITH?!" hn "I WILL BURN YOU ALL FOR THIS!" hn "LET ME GO NOW.." hn "OR I WILL BRING THE WRATH OF HEAVENS UPON YOU." staf "Save it old man.. You are never leaving Itheriya." staf "If you leave, it'll only be as a dead body." scene 10scene14img7 alc "We don't need to talk about him.. I will just shoot him in the head tomorrow.." mc "No.. no.. that might be a bad idea.." mc "Keep him as a prisoner.. If ever my country intervenes in your affairs again.. You can perhaps use him as leverage." alc "Smart man. I like that idea." alc "Sure. Then he will remain a prisoner with me in Itheriya forever.." mc "Awesome." alc "Now that business is finshed." alc "It's time for pleasure.." alc "Let's go inside.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene14img9 play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause pause mc "{i} (WOW!!)" mc "{i} (I already love this party!!)" mc "{i} (Naked women as soon as you enter!)" mc "{i} (This is Awesome!)" mc "{i} (Instant erection...)" mc "{i} (They're all so Hot)" scene clubrandomfuck animated with fade: "10scene14img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene14img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat wmn "Aaaaaa" wmn "Aaaaa yeaaa" wmn "Just like that.. just like that!" mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!!)" wmn "Fuck me.." wmn "Fuck me..." wmn "Fuck me haardd..." scene 10scene14img13 wmn "Ooooooooww yeeaassss" wmn "Drill me deeper.." wmn "Drill me hard.." wmn "Deeper.." wmn "Faster..." scene 10scene14img12 wmn "Aaaaaa.. mmmmm.. yeaaa..." wmn "You are soo big..." mn "Aaaarrgghhh" mn "Arrgg... Arrggg.." wmnt "That's right.. Tear that pussy up.." wmnt "Fuck it hard.." wmn "Harder.. Harderr.." mc "{i} (HOLY SHIT!!)" mc "{i} (IS THIS HOW THEY PARTY IN ITHERIYA?)" mc "{i} (I love it)" scene clubrandomfuck2 animated with fade: "10scene14img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene14img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mn "You like that?" mn "You like my cock?" wmn "Ooh yess" wmn "I love it.." wmn "Give it to me.." wmn "Fuck me like a whore.." scene 10scene14img15 alc "Great party huh?" alc "We have a policy that anything consensual goes in this club." alc "I hope you have a wonderful time.." mc "I love this party Alcander! This is the bomb!" alc "Enjoy yourselves.." alc "If you don't like doing it in the open..." alc "We have rooms upstairs.." alc "I hope you both have a night to remember.." mc "Oh I intend to make it a night to remember.. Thanks for the invite Alcander" alc "Anytime." alc "Please feel free to stay the night here.. We shall have breakfast in the morning if you're still here.." alc "Go enjoy." scene 10scene14img13 wmn "Aaaaa yess." wmn "Fuck me.. Fuck me hard..." wmn "I'm your slut.. Shove your black cock deep in me" scene clubrandomfuck3 animated with fade: "10scene14img10" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene14img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat wmn "Give it to me." wmn "I need your cum." wmn "I want you to cum in me." wmn "Cum in me.." scene 10scene14img12 wmn "Tear my pussy up.." wmn "Tear it up." wmnt "I want it in my ass.." scene 10scene14img14 mn "I'm going to cum.." mn "Aaarggh" mn "I'm going to cum in your ass.." wmnt "Cum in her ass.. cum in her.." wmnt "And then put it in my mouth.." wmnt "I want it so bad.." wmn "Oooooohh" wmn "Oooooooooo" scene 10scene14img16 mom "Honey..." mom "I think we should leave..." mc "We just got here.." mom "I.. I.. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable here.." mc "{i} (She looks so sexy feeling shy like that..)" mc "{i} (The way she's talking is turning me on so much!)" mc "We just got here [mom]... Let's just spend some time here.." mom "But this place is so..." mc "That's what makes it awesome.." mc "I love this place.. this party." mc "Please let us stay [mom].." mc "It'll be fun.." mom "I don't know honey..." mc "We've been to a Strip Club before, right?" mom "Yeah but that was only a Strip Club.." mom "Here.. everyone's having Sex!)" mc "This is a very unique place [mom]...." mc "Let's just experience this please.." mc "Just for a little while.." mom "Ooohhhhh..." scene 10scene14img17 mom "Oohh what the heck.. IT'S FINE.. LET'S SPEND THE NIGHT HERE" mc "Really?" mom "Yeah." mom "For what we got done today, we do need some celebration, right?" mc "Absolutely!" mom "We've had such an adventurous and exciting day today.." mom "Let this be another exciting experience." mc "That's the spirit [mom]!!" mc "Let's go have a great time." mom "But let's sit in a Corner please.." mom "I'm still a little shy about this place." mc "Sure.." mc "We'll sit in a corner." scene 10scene14img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Cheers to what has been a spectacular day...." mc "And to what's going to be a Spectacular night..." mom "I'll drink to that." mom "Cheers." mc "Glad you finally warmed up to this place [mom].." scene 10scene14img19 mom "You wouldn't have agreed to leave anyway.. would you have? Hehe." mom "I'm feeling a little adventurous tonight." mom "So why not?" mc "What a day today!!" mom "I loved every bit of it.." mom "It was soo scary being in those situations as they were happening.." mom "But now I feel so exhilirated knowing that we did all those things.." mom "We sure do make a great team.. You and I.. don't we?" mc "Absolutely..." mc "And we make such a great pair in Bed too.." mom "Hahaha." mc "You have your big Rack.." mc "I have my Big Cock.." mc "We're perfect for each other..." mom "We do have the perfect tools to make each other happy." scene 10scene14img20 mc "{i} (WOOOWWW!)" mc "{i} (I want my tool in between that cleavage right now!)" mc "{i} (I hope she'll let me..)" mc "{i} (She is slowly warming up to this sexy place..)" mc "{i} (Let's see how this night goes..)" mc "{i} (I have a feeling this is going to be a wildly pleasureful night)" mom "You're staring at my rack already?" scene 10scene14img19 mc "Hehehehehe.." mom "It's okay.. You can look.." mc "Really?" mom "Why not?" mom "Ogle at them all you want.." mc "Wow you Are really in great spirits tonight [mom]" mc "The way you started the day with naked Yoga.." mc "And now.. being so free and careless..." mom "I don't how you do it honey.. But I always have such great times with you." mom "You bring out another side of me.." mom "You make me feel like a young girl again.." mc "If you're feeling like a young girl... I'd like to make you a woman [mom].." mom "Hehehe." mom "You cheeky boy." scene 10scene14img20 mc "Those big breasts are calling out to me.." mc "She is being free and careless now afterall.." mc "Let me try something.." scene 10scene14img21 mom "Honey..." mom "What are you doing?" mc "They're calling out to me [mom]..." mc "Sorry.." mc "I just can't resist them." scene 10scene14img22 mom "You should keep our hands to yourselves honey.. We're in public." mc "But the public around us is having sex." mom "Well.. may be I'll let you touch them later.." mom "I'm still feeling uncomfortable here." mom "But the night is young..." mom "We are staying the night here after all..." mom "May be we can have some fun later." mc "Sure." scene 10scene14img19 mc "But it was worth even just to feel the touch of your hand on mine." mom "Really?" mc "Anytime I feel your touch.. It's like a thousand Fireflies going up my spine." mc "I know it's cliche.. But I get butterflies every single time." mom "All these sexy girls in this place.. and you still have eyes for me..." mom "I feel special." mc "You Are special." mc "You are the most beautiful woman in the world..." mom "What if I got fat?" mc "I will still admire your fat, jiggly self just the same.." mom "Wow! You really do love me that much." mc "Speaking of love... Can I ask you some personal questions about the process of making love?" mom "Sure." mc "What's your favorite Position?" mom "You really want me to answer that?" mc "Yes." mom "It's called the Janakapura position.." mc "What?" stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene14img24 play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mom "It's from the KamaSutra.." mc "WHAT?!!!" mc "YOU'VE READ THE KAMASUTRA?" mom "No.. No... I haven't read it..." mc "It's something Stacy told me about when we were younger.." mom "But my first time having sex was only after I got married..." mom "I tried that position that night..." mom "That was the one I liked the most." mom "And it has been my favorite since.." mc "What kind of position is that exactly?" mom "The man lifts the woman up from under her knees.." mom "The woman wraps her arms around the man's neck, over the trapezius." mom "The man spreads the woman's ass cheeks with his hands.. And places the woman's Vagina on top of his pole." mom "And then gravity does the rest.." mom "Allows for such Deep penetrations..." mom "All the while.. the man and woman can gaze at each others' eyes." mc "WOW [mom]!!!" mc "That is AWESOME!!." mom "Now let me ask you something..." mc "Sure." mom "When did you first start fantasizing about me?" mc "To be honest.. It was waaayyy back in Junior High.." scene 10scene14img23a mom "Haaan?" mc "But it was sort of innocent at that time though..." mc "Even back then.... To me, You were the most beautiful woman in the world." mc "I didn't know much about sex at that time..." mc "But I wanted to be your lover.." mc "I used to come running back from school in hopes of watching you change clothes or bathe.." mc "Sometimes you'd leave the door open by mistake.." mc "But I never got to see you completely naked at that time though.." mc "But watching you in various states of undress... my mind used to race wild with sexual thoughts.." mc "Then, when I got older.. I realized that was sort of very weird..." mc "But our time in the island... That's when I really started having very sexual thoughts about you." mom "Did you masturbate thinking about me?" mc "Yes." mc "I used to cum so much thinking about you." scene 10scene14img19 mom "Hmmmmmmm" mom "Very bold of you to admit that." mom "But I'm glad to hear the truth." mc "Remember you told me about your wildest sexual fantasy at the Strip Club?" mom "Yeah." mc "Your Partner taking you on a boat or jet ski into the water.. and having sex in the middle of the water.." mc "You told me you didn't see the face of your partner in your fantasies.. only a big cock.." mc "Do you see a face now?" mom "Are you asking me if it's your face?" mc "... kind of.." mom "I still don't see a face..." mom "But the big cock looks just like yours..." mom "... I shouldn't have said that.." mc "But I'm glad to have heard it.." mom "Now tell me.. what is your wildest sexual fantasy?" mc "Okay." mc "In my Fantasy.. I'm a Prince.." mc "And you're The Queen." mc "But unbeknownst to everyone.." scene 10scene14img23a mc "You're also my Main Lady in my Harem." mc "I come back from a War.." mc "I get off my Horse and come straight to your Bedroom." mc "The bed is beautifully decorated..." mc "But you aren't in the Bed.. Yet.." mc "You've heard news that I'd return from the war on that day.." mc "So you're getting ready for me.." mc "You're bathing.." mc "I come watch you bathe.." mc "You get out of the tub, covering yourself in a towel." mc "You ask me to watch you get dressed.. Only to get undressed by me in moments.." mc "You do our hair.." mc "Your jewelry.." mc "You wear the most seductive perfumes." mc "You dress in very sexy see through medieval lingerie." mc "Then you tell me to wait on the Bed." mc "You come to the Bed..." mc "We kiss and caress.." mc "It is slow and romantic.." mc "Our passions flare..." mc "I start to unbutton your blouse.." mc "You then take me in your mouth..." mc "All the way in... Your lips touch the base of my cock." mc "You suck me well..." mc "Then I get you on all fours.." mc "Rip open your see through lingerie.." mc "Without a moment's hesitation... I put my cock in your Ass." scene 10scene14img23 mc "You scream in ecstacy and pain.." mc "Your moans are heard throughout the Palace.." mc "I ravage your ass mercilessly.." mc "MERCILESSLY.." mc "The claps of my groin against your buttocks echo across the halls." mc "You shiver and tremble as I ravage your ass." mc "Your moans get louder and louder.." mc "Your moans turn to screams..." mc "Then I turn you around.. Push you on your back.." mc "Enter your Vagina with brutal ferocity..." mc "Then... we fuck in evey position imaginable.." mc "We switch between passionate romantic love making and savage deranged fucking often." mc "I finally empty a chalice worth of cum into you.." mc "That's my wildest sexual fantasy." mom "Do you really go into my ass?" mc "I want that more than anything else.." mc "Do you take it up your ass [mom]?" mom "I Never have.." mom "But now..." scene 10scene14img25a mom "But now..." mom "I'm kind of intrigued." mom "Not that I'd ever try it.." mom "Or actually have sex with you... But we can have our fantasies, right?" mc "If you're at least considering it in your fantasies now..." mc "Who knows.." mom "Yeah..." scene 10scene14img25 mom "Who knows..." "........." "......" mc "{i} (Is she giving me signals?)" mc "{i} (She put her Champagne glass right in front of her cleavage.)" mc "{i} (What is se doing?)" scene 10scene14img26 mom "Are you staring at my breasts?" mc "You're the one who put the Champagne glass at your cleavage.." mc "I think you did that purposely." mom "You think that was deliberate?" scene 10scene14img27 dj "Alright people... Everyone listen up..." dj "It's almost midnight.." dj "And you know what that means..." dj "No more clothes allowed..." dj "Everyone.. off with the clothes please..." dj "Come on now.." dj "Off with the clothes..." dj "That's the dress code.." scene 10scene14img26 mom "What....?" mom "No clothes is the dress code?" mc "I like it." mc "Let's take it off." mom "Oh no no no honey..." mom "I'm not taking these off." mc "We are sitting in an ALMOST PRIVATE area [mom].." mc "There are walls right behind me.." mc "NO ONE can see us here.." mc "Although this is an open space.. It's in a corner.. with some curtains and mini walls." mc "No one can see us from any vantage point." mom "Well..." mom "Okay I guess.." mom "But it's only because no one can see us here in this corner.." mom "This is For Your Eyes Only..." scene 10scene14img28 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "Well...." mc "{i} (This is soooo erotic)" mom "This is another thing I never thought I'd do." mom "Hehehe." mom "But what a day!" mom "And what a night so far.." mom "We've done some very adventurous things.." mom "But this is the most adventurous of the day I feel." mc "Right.." mom "But I'm feeling very thrilled.." mom "This is all too exciting.." mc "For me too.." scene 10scene14img29 mom "Yeah..." mom "It is so thrilling..." mom "So...." mom "A wonderful night..." mc "[mom]..." mom "Yeah.." mc "Are you staring at my cock?" mom "As a matter of fact I am.." scene 10scene14img30 mom "Someone told us there are Rooms upstairs, right?" mc "Yes." mom "Do you think we'll find an unoccupied one now?" mc "{i} (HOLLY MOLLY!!! SHE'S TOUCHING HERSELF)" mc "{i} (SHE'S TOUCHING HERSELF RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!)" mc "{i} (I AM SOOOO TURNED ON BY HER BEHAVIOR)" mom "What are you thinking [mc]?" mom "I asked you a question." mc "Yeah. Yeah.. I think there must be some unoccupied rooms." mom "Then we better go get that room now." mc "YESSSS!!" scene 10scene15img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "I am EXTREMELY turned on!" mc "[mom] has gone into the dressing room." mc "She's picked up some Lingerie in the inhouse Lingerie section on our way up this floor." mc "This Club does have everything for Sex! Name it.. they have it inhouse." mc "It's a beautiful, romantic room.." mc "I Can't wait for [mom] to come out of the dressing room." scene 10scene15img2 mc "I wonder what sort of sexual pleasures await me tonight!" mc "The sexual conversation with [mom] was so intensely and insanely erotic." mc "Looks like she's quite turned on herself.." mc "I have a raging boner waiting for [mm]" stop music fadeout 1 scene 10scene15img3 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "Are you ready for me baby?" pause pause mc "HOLLY MOLLY!!!!" mc "There has to be limits to sexiness [mom]" mc "Are you trying to kill me with your looks?!!" mc "This is just outworldly sexiness.!!" mc "A mere mortal like me cannot withstand this.." scene 10scene15img3a mc "WOW!!!.." mc "Just WOW WOW WOW!!" mc "I'm just dumbfounded!" scene 10scene15img4 mom "You like this Lingerie on [mmy] so much?" mc "Gosh!!.. Why are you so Sexy [mom]?" mc "My penis might actually explode seeing you like this!" mc "I am totally floored.." scene 10scene15img5 mc "{i} (Fuuucckk!... That lingerie is killing me!)" mc "{i} (I want to tear it off her)" mc "{i} (The way it flows over her fine body has me dazzled..)" mc "{i} (And her big breasts covered in lace!)" mc "{i} (Those milky globes look ultra sexy.)" scene 10scene15img3 mc "I just love this Lingerie on you [mom]." mc "Absolutely love it." mc "You look drop dead stunning" scene 10scene15img6 mom "Thanks honey.." mom "I'm glad you like how I look in this so much." mom "But....." mom "Do you like it like this..." mom "Or....." scene 10scene15img7 mom "Like this..." mc "Aaaaaaaarreeggggghhh" mc "[mom]... You are literally going to make my dick explode!" mc "I have just seen a Sex Goddess." mc "I am burning with desire [mom]...!!" mc "My cock is craving for your touch..." mc "It might actually jump at you and devour you.." scene 10scene15img8 mom "How do you like this from the back?" mc "Your big beautiful booty is just hypnotizing me." mc "I might literally take a big bite out of it if I could." mc "You are killing me with this tease [mom]..." mc "It's torturous!" mc "I can't take it no more.." scene 10scene15img9 mom "I do like teasing you a bit honey.." mc "You must really be Aphrodite come in human form [mom].." mc "You are my Goddess.." mc "My everything.." mc "I could just worship you.." mc "I might actually start to." mom "As sweet as it is... I don't want you to worship me tonight sweetie.." scene 10scene15img10 mom "I want you to FUCK me" "........." "............" mc "What did you just say?" mom "You heard me.." mom "I.." mom "Want..." mom "You to FUCK me!" mom "Now give me your Cock!" scene 10scene15img11 mom "You've pursued me for so long..." mom "You've been patient.." mom "This big beautiful cock has ached for me.." mom "Despite how long it took... You've been persistent in your pursual of me.." mom "Tonight.. I'm going to reward you.." mom "[mmy] is going to give herself to you." mom "Tonight... I'm yours.." mom "[ym]'s going to blow your mind.. And she'll start with your cock!" scene 10scene15img12 mc "{i} (Aaaargggghhhh)" mc "{i} (Hhhrrrgghh...)" mc "{i} (My prayers have been answered!)" scene momsexblowjob animated with fade: "10scene15img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (GGGgggaaahhhhh!)" mc "{i} (She's sucking me so well!)" mc "{i} (She's using her tongue inside...)" mc "{i} (It's making me squirm!)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is soo wet..)" mc "{i} (The wetness I feel on my shaft in sending shivers up my spine.)" mc "{i} (The best I've ever felt!)" mc "{i} (She's sucking me like a Vaccum)" mc "{i} (She might drain all the cum out of me with just her mouth...)" mc "{i} (Noo... this has to last..)" mc "{i} (I need to last longer..)" mc "{i} (I want to go all night if I could..)" mc "{i} (I want to devour her with my cock..)" mc "{i} (Feed on her like a starved animal)" mc "Gllkk... glckll... glckk..." scene 10scene15img14 mom "Mmmmmmmmm yea.." mom "That tasted soo good." mom "I want this inside me now.." mom "Come.." mom "Enter [mmy]." scene 10scene15img15 mom "{i} (The moment has arrived..)" mom "{i} (I'm really doing this..)" mc "Are you okay [mom]?" mom "Yes honey.." mom "There's no turning back from this my love.." mom "Please still be my baby boy after this.." mc "I will always be your baby boy [mom]..." mc "Now... let's make Love.." scene 10scene15img16 with dissolve mom "Please be gentle.." mc "I will..." mc "You are trmbling [mom].." scene 10scene15img17 mom "I'm just a little anxious sweetheart..." mc "Don't worry..." mc "I will be a gentle lover..." mc "You are my Goddess..." mc "And I will treat you as such.." scene 10scene15img18 mc "{i} (The moment's finally here.!)" mc "{i} (The moment I've yearned for for years..)" mom "Do it my love.." mom "Get inside [mmy].." scene 10scene15img19 mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarhhh" mc "{i} (I am in Heaven at last!)" mc "{i} (It is inexplicably Blissful)" scene 10scene15img21 mom "Sooo BIG" mom "I feel soo stretched!.." mom "Take [mmy].. I'm yours.." scene momfuck animated with fade: "10scene15img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She is soo wet..)" mc "{i} (She is leaking inside..)" mc "{i} (Feeling [mm]'s wetness on my cock is sending me straight to seventh heaven)" mc "{i} (The feeling is incomparable)" mc "{i} (This is the sweetest ecstacy..)" mc "{i} (Most Sinful Delicacy..)" mc "{i} (I'm devouring it)" mc "{i} (I'm devouring the forbidden fruit)" mc "{i} (And it tastes deviously delectable)" scene momfuckpov animated with fade: "10scene15img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaa..." mom "Aaaa ... aa .. a.. aaa..." mom "{i} (His thickness is tearing me)" mom "{i} (His length is reaching spots I didn't know I had..)" mom "{i} (It's awakening sensations I've never felt..)" mom "{i} (My baby by is making his [mom] experience pleasures I've never felt before..)" mc "{i} (Take me in [mom]...)" mc "{i} (We are tethered..)" mc "{i} (We are meant to be eternally tetherred together..)" mc "{i} (Bound by love.)" mc "{i} (And LUST)" scene momfucksideview animated with fade: "10scene15img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaaaaa..." mom "{i} (He is tearing my insides..)" mom "{i} (He's ploughing me soo hard..)" mom "{i} (His thickness is filling me up leaving no room to breathe..)" mom "{i} (I'm stretched like never before..)" mc "{i} (I'm losing control...)" mc "{i} (I want to go harder..)" scene momfucksideview2 animated with fade: "10scene15img23" with dissolve pause 0.6 "10scene15img24" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mom "Aaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaa ... oooo... yess...." mom "Yess.. yes.. yes yes yes yes.." mom "{i} (He's getting rough...)" mom "{i} (And it's sooo ecstatic..)" mom "{i} (He's taking me to euphoric heights I never dreamed possible)" mom "{i} (The bliss is all consuming)" mom "{i} (So thick.. and soo long..)" mom "{i} (This Monster is shredding my insides)" scene momfuckpofastv animated with fade: "10scene15img25" with dissolve pause 0.6 "10scene15img26" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mc "{i} (Her velvet purse is clutching my shaft so tight.)" mc "{i} (I can feel her inner walls stretch with every stroke..)" mc "{i} (On the way out.. they clutch at me..)" mc "{i} (As if begging me not to exit her love nest.)" mom "Aaaaaa...." mom "Aaa.. aa ... aa .. aa..." mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." scene 10scene15img27 mc "Are you okay [mom]?" mc "Am I going too fast? Am I hurting you?" mom "No.. No.. it's fine.." mom "Please get back inside me." mom "I want to feel you in." mc "I will take you from behind" scene 10scene15img28 mc "{i} (Doggy style with [mm])" mc "{i} (This is a dream come true.)" mc "{i} (I'm about to experience heaven from another angle..)" scene 10scene15img29 mom "Aaaaaaaaaa" mom "Soo good." scene momdst animated with fade: "10scene15img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Yes.. yes..)" mc "{i} (Yes..)" mc "{i} (Take my cock [mom])" mc "{i} (Take me from behind..)" mc "{i} (How long I've dreamt of this.)" mc "{i} (To fuck you from behind.)" mc "{i} (I want to just ravage her from the back...)" mc "{i} (But I don't want to hurt her as this is our first time)" mc "{i} (So I will be gentle)" scene momdstside animated with fade: "10scene15img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img32" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (I will be gentle this time..)" mc "{i} (But I will ravage her from the next.)" mc "{i} (Her insides are delicious)" mc "{i} (Such a big booty to grab on to..)" mc "{i} (One cheek to grab..)" mc "{i} (One cheek to spank)" mc "{i} (This is Nirvana)" mc "{i} (And [mm]'s pussy is the tree of enlightenment)" scene momdst2 animated with fade: "10scene15img33" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img34" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (He is spanking me as he thrusts in)" mom "{i} (His thrusts are sending me to paradise)" mom "{i} (I love my baby boy taking me from behind)" mom "{i} (He's ploughing me so well..)" mom "Aaaaa..." mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa..." mom "aaa......" scene 10scene15img35 mom "{i} (He might shred me with his length..)" mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa.." mom "Oooooo yessss..." mom "{i} (It is reaching soo deep inside me)" scene momdst3 animated with fade: "10scene15img33" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img34" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (My baby boy is stretching me so thin on the inside.)" mom "{i} (He's so virile.)" mom "{i} (I like that he is spanking me as he thrusts me)" mom "{i} (Pure bliss.)" mom "I'm getting close baby..." mc "Me too [mom].." mom "Let's switch to missionary.." scene momfuckpov2 animated with fade: "10scene15img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 "10scene15img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Yes yes yes.." mom "Give it to [mmy] baby.." mom "Let's cum together.." mom "Fuck me..." mom "Fuck me..." mom "Cum inside your mother.." mom "I'm almost there.." mc "Here comes mine too [mom]..." mc "Aaaarggghhhhh!!" mc "Aaaaargh" mc "AAaaaaargggfhfghhhhhhhh" scene 10scene15img26 with vpunch scene 10scene15img26 with flash scene 10scene15img26 with vpunch scene 10scene15img26 with flash scene 10scene15img26 with vpunch scene 10scene15img26 with flash scene 10scene15img26 with dissolve scene 10scene15img36 mom "We came together." mom "That was wonderful baby" mc "Savoured every second of it [mom]." mc "The best night of my life." mc "Ever." mom "I think it was mine too sweetie.." mom "What a great night!" mom "Now come here to [mmy]" scene 10scene15img37 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mom "{i} (That was mindblowing sex)" mom "{i} (My baby was soo good)" mom "{i} (I love him to the Moon and back)" mom "{i} (He was gentle like I asked him to be.)" mom "{i} (He held back very much tonight because he didn't want to hurt his [mmy])" mom "{i} (If we do it again.. I may not want him to hold back)" mom "{i} (He's sleeping peacefully on my belly)" mom "{i} (My baby boy is a Man now)" mom "{i} (I'm glad I'm the one who turned him into a Man.)" mom "{i} (My baby boy had me as his Woman)" stop music fadeout 2 label episode11_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "What a beautiful morning." mc "Everyday feels like a dream these days given how well things have developed between me and [mom]" mc "I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world." mc "I actually got to have sex with my super hot [mom]" mc "I had such a great time in Itheriya" mc "Had a great adventure there with the woman of my dreams, and we finished that adventure with passionate sex." mc "That was a dream come ture." mc "I wish I was still in Itheriya with [mom]" mc "We just got back last night, spent the whole day traveling." mc "But as soon as we got back home, [mom] made it very clear that we'll have to be very careful that no one at home finds out about our special relationship." mc "She said absolutely no funny business at home." mc "Looks like if I get any action with [mom], it'll have to be outside the house from now on." mc "Luckily, we have two Hotel rooms that we've rendted indefinitely." mc "I hope [mom] and I visit one of those rooms very soon." mc "Anyway, time to start the day now." scene 7scene1img2 mc "I feel like Iwant to have a calm and relaxing couple of days before I have to go on some dangerous mission again." mc "No dangerous missions, no pulling jobs for anyone." mc "Just want to relax and have loads of sexy times with the hot women in my [fmy]" mc "And it looks like I might just get a carefree couple of days." mc "We only trapped that maniac who wanted to kill [dad] and Ella in Itheriya the day before." mc "He was originally supposed to return to the country 3 or 4 days after he landed in Itheriya. So, it might be a day or two till anyone notices he's gone missing." mc "And, after that job I pulled for my blackmailer, it must be a day or two till he comes back with another job for me." mc "Although, I don't want to be doing the jobs he gives me forever." mc "I need to figure out a way to end his blackmailing." mc "But that's a matter to worry about another time." mc "For now, I just want to have a couple of days filled with sexual fun." mc "Speaking of sexual fun, where is everybody?" mc "These girls wake up so early and go about their days, and I'm always left alone in the mornings usually." mc "Let me call one of them and see where they're at." mc "Let's call Ella, and see what she's up to." "*Dialing Ella.*" e "Hi [mc]." mc "Hey Ella, what's up?" mc "Where are you guys?" e "The girls went out for breakfast [mc], and I'm here at the boxing club." mc "You didn't go with them?" e "No. I had to get a workout in." e "What are you up to anyway?" mc "Nothing really." e "Then get your ass here, I need a sparring partner." e "There's no one here at the gym, so I might as well spar with you today." mc "Okay. I'll be there in 30." stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "Sparring with Ella sounds like a great idea." mc "No way I was going to pass that up." mc "Hope she's in the mood for some wrestling." mc "That way I'll get a chance to feel her up real nice.... While she's awake for once." mc "I'm very excited." mc "But if she only wants to do some kickboxing, I might be on my way to get my ass whooped." mc "Let's hope we get some close contact grappling." scene 11scene1img3 pause mc "{i} (Hot Damn!)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexy!)" mc "{i} (What a solid toned, sexy body!)" mc "{i} (I want to feel her body against mine!)" mc "{i} (She looks so Hot doing those drills in her training gear.)" mc "{i} (Very skimpy training gear!)" mc "{i} (I love it.)" scene 11scene1img4 pause mc "Hello Ella" e "Hey [mc], what took you so long? You said you'd be here in 30." mc "Took some time to get ready." e "Really? You sound like Iris right now." e "All you men have to do is take a bath and throw on a shirt to get ready." mc "Yeah, but even that takes time you know." e "Anyway, ready to get your ass kicked?" mc "Depends.. Are we kick boxing, or mixing it up?" e "Let's mix it up." mc "{i} (YES!!)" mc "Well, then you're the one who's about to get their ass kicked." mc "I'm getting good with grappling you know." e "Yeah right! I've seen your ground game... That's not really grappling [mc]. Haha." e "I know little girls in Russia who grapple better than that." mc "Ooh, now you've made it personal!" mc "Let's stop talking and start fighting." e "Okaaayy.. Your wish!" scene 11scene1img5 e "Are you ready [mc]?" e "Promis you're not gonna cry after I kick your ass." mc "Let's see about that." mc "{i} (Damn! Her body has me so distracted)" mc "{i} (I've got to focus and hold my own against her.)" mc "{i} (She already thinks I suck at fighting)" mc "{i} (I've got a last at least a minute before she submits me)" scene 11scene1img5a e "Why the hesitation [mc]?" e "Afraid of fighting with a girl?" mc "You're not a girl Ella.... I mean.. you're not like every other girl.." e "Aaaw, don't be scared little kitty." e "I'll go easy on you." mc "I'm not scared of you E." scene 11scene1img5 e "Then what are you waiting for?" e "Come on little Kitty.." e "Bring your ass to mama!" mc "{i} (Alright that's it!! I'm going to shoot!)" scene 11scene1img6 mc "{i} (Aaaah shit!! Fuck!)" mc "{i} (She sprawled! I'm caught already)" e "Aaa aa aa.. You thought it was going to be that easy [mc]? Shooting on me like that?" mc "{i} (She has her feet planted far apart.. I can't reach them)" e "You're a rank amateur [mc], telegraphing your moves like that." e "I saw what you were going far miles away." mc "{i} (Fuck!)" scene 11scene1img7 mc "Urrghhhh" e "Amateur..." e "Like I said.. rank amateur.. hahahaha." e "Now tell me.." e "Who's your Mommy?" mc "{i} (Man, this is embarassing!)" mc "{i} (She keeps talking down to me when it comes to fighting.)" mc "{i} (And worse.. I'm already caught in a choke like a fool ten seconds into sparring!)" mc "Ggghhh... Grrr..." e "What's that?" e "You want room to breathe?" scene 11scene1img8 mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaagghh" e "Does it hurt..?" e "If it hurts.... Tap Out." mc "No way..." e "Stubborn little Donkey... I'm not choking with full force yet." e "Don't make me choke you out unconcious" e "Tap out." mc "{i} (She's got her feet above my cock!)" mc "{i} (This is awesome!)" mc "{i} (She thinks I'm in pain, but I'm enjoying this)" e "Tap out [mc]" mc "No way Ella." e "You think you're a big tough guy, huh?" mc "{i} (Alright, that's it! She's talking down to me too much.. Time to show her..)" scene 11scene1img9 mc "Still think I'm a little kitty?" mc "For all that talk.. you had your hooks in a little weak E." mc "See how easily I spun out?" e "Oh don't kid yourself [mc].." e "I was going easy on you.. I gave you a chance to escape." e "I did't want to completely embarass you." mc "{i} (WOOOW)" mc "{i} (I'VE BEEN GRABBING HER BREAST THE WHOLE TIME...)" mc "{i} (AND SHE BARELY EVEN NOTICED)" mc "{i} (May be she thinks I'm grabbing her tit innocently.. In the heat of competition)" mc "{i} (Let's see how far I can take this!)" scene 11scene1img10 e "Heyy! What are you doing?" e "That's cheating [mc]" mc "Well, you're the one who taught me to play dirty if I have to to win a hopeless fight!" mc "Besides, you're the inventor of this trick... Remember how you used to pull my pants down when fought as kids, so I'd feel embarassed, and you'd gain the upperhand?)" e "But that was back then... I have..." e "I have Boobs now [mc]" mc "{i} (She's taking it playfully)" mc "{i} (Thought it'd be a dreadful mistake, but she's fine with it, in the spirit of competition!)" mc "{i} (Time to go further.)" scene 11scene1img11 e "HEEYY!" e "[mc], stop it! hahaha" e "We're not kids anymore.." e "We can't play like that!" e "Stop." mc "That's for talking down to me all the time when we're sparring." mc "Making me feel like I'm not as tough as you." e "But it is the truth [mc].. You're not as tough as me." mc "{i} (I'M LITERALLY GRABBING HER BARE TIT!)" mc "{i} (AND SHE'S TAKING IT SO JOVIALLY..)" mc "{i} (SHE REALLY MUST THINK I'M BEING INNOCENT AND PULLING SOME CHILDHOOD TRICKS)" mc "I'm not as tough as you huh?" mc "But I'm winning at the moment, aren't I?" e "Oh please.. I could submit you in a second if I wanted to [mc]." mc "Oh yeah?? I'll show you!!" scene 11scene1img12 e "{i} (Huuuuhhhh!!)" mc "How about now?" mc "Submit me now!" mc "Come on!" e "{i} (What is he doing? He's getting too aggressive)" e "I thought we were just being playful." e "May be I pulled his leg too much." e "{i} (I can feel his breath on my rack)" e "{i} (His face is almost flush against my tits. Is this still innocent competition...?)" scene 11scene1img13 e "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "Submit me!" mc "Submit me now if you can Ella!)" e "{i} (He's pressing hard on my tit!)" e "{i} (This can't be innocent... Can it?)" e "{i} (What has gotten into him?)" e "{i} (Perhaps I provoked him too much.. calling him a little kitty and stuff.)" mc "{i} (I'm shocked she's still silent)" mc "{i} (I thought I was yanking at death's leash when I grabbed her tit in the heat of the moment.)" mc "{i} (But she's not reacting like I thought she would.)" mc "{i} (May be she thinks I'm just maneuvering for side control, pressing down on her.)" mc "{i} (I'm enjoying this so much!)" mc "{i} (Her breast feels so great in my hand.)" mc "{i} (And I can almost lick her other breast!)" mc "You've gone so silent Ella.." mc "Not a tough girl anymore?" mc "Feel too weak stuck under my top pressure?" mc "You said you'd submit me easily.." scene 11scene1img14 mc "Submit me NOW!" e "Aaaawwwwrhh" e "{i} (What's gotten into him?)" e "{i} (I've never seen him get this aggressive.)" e "{i} (THIS BETTER BE INNOCENT PLAY!)" mc "{i} (Aaah yes!!)" mc "{i} (My cock is pressing flush against her pussy!)" mc "{i} (I'm milking this all I can!)" scene 11scene1img15 mc "{i} (If just this feels SO great...)" mc "{i} (I wonder what actually penetrating her in this position would feel like!)" mc "{i} (I would go sooo deep inside her.)" mc "{i} (But am I pushing this too far?)" mc "{i} (She's been quiet so far... perhaps under the impression that I'm just playing with her nostalgically like we used to when we were kids)" mc "{i} (I shouldn't push it so far till she realizes I'm actually perving on her.)" scene 11scene1img14 e "{i} (Gosh he's having an erection!)" e "{i} (IT BETTER BE JUST A NATURAL REACTION BEING IN SUCH CLOSE CONTACT WITH A WOMAN)" e "{i} (I've sparred with enough men to know that it happens sometimes, they can't help it.. It is a contact sport after all.)" e "{i} (So I'll forgive his erection.. provided that's innocent natural reaction.)" e "{i} (I don't want to lash out at someone I love dearly because of a simple misunderstanding.)" e "{i} (Perhaps IT IS innocent)" e "{i} (He won't dare try anything stupid with ME)" e "{i} (He should know better.)" mc "Come one.." mc "Submit me.." mc "Submit me Ella..." e "{i} (Oh no... he's pressing hard against my groing!!)" mc "Submit me Ella!" e "Alright! It's time to put an end to this madness." scene 11scene1img16 mc "{i} (Fuck!)" mc "{i} (She's escaped!)" e "You want me to submit you, huh?" e "Well here it comes.." mc "Oh no no no.. Time to put you back on the ground.." mc "You're not escaping me Ella.." mc "I told you I'm getting good at wrestling." scene 11scene1img17 mc "{i} (Fuck! She's got mount position)" mc "{i} (And oddly.. I'm fine with that.)" e "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT [mc])" e "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!" e "I'm sorry if I made you feel less like a man.. I was just joking.." e "There was no need for you to have gotten that aggressive)" mc "You always do that E..." mc "You always talk down to me like I can't hold my own in a fight." mc "I'm much tougher than you give me credit for." e "Alright, fine.. I'm sorry.." e "Just stop acting like a fool now.. You're getting too worked up!" mc "No way. I have to submit you.. I can't let you win." e "{i} (Alright, there's no making sense with this fool.)" e "{i} (Time to end this!)" scene 11scene1img18 mc "Aaaaarrggh.." mc "Ggghh.. gghh... ghh." e "Just give it up and calm down [mc]." e "{i} (Damn, these men and their big egos..)" e "{i} (If he weren't my little [br] and I didn't love him dearly, I swear I'd have killed him.)" mc "Alright fine..." mc "Tap. tap. tap.." mc "Let me go." scene 11scene1img19 e "There..." e "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" mc "*Cough* *cough*" mc "Huuh" e "Are you alright?" mc "Yah. I'm fine.." mc "Sorry I got carried away E." e "You sure did you fool." e "If I didn't love you so much, I'd have killed you, you idiot." mc "I know.." mc "Thanks for not killing me. I guess." e "Hahahaha." e "But you gotta work on your ground game you fool.." e "Your ground game absolutely sucks. Hahahaha." mc "You're right.. Guess I've got a lot to learn." e "Don't worry, I'll teach you.. provided you don't get carried away and act like a fool like you did today. Haha." e "Anyway, that's enough sparring for today." e "I'm going to go take a shower now." e "I'll see you later at home." mc "Okay. Bye." scene 11scene1img20 mc "Phew!!" mc "That was a rush." mc "Good thing she doesn't know what a pervert I am." mc "She took all that perving as heat of the competition aggression." mc "I played with fire and lived." mc "It was great feeling her body up so intensely." mc "Although she didn't suspect that that's what I was doing." mc "But I should be careful though.. Because this was contact sport, and given her competitive nature, I got away with it easily.." mc "Would've been a whole different story otherwise." mc "Unlike other girls, if she got even a little hint that I'm perving on her, she would straight up kill me." mc "I can't deal with her like I deal with [mom], Iris and Jasmine." mc "Anyhow.. guess it's time to leave now.." mc "Or.... is it?" mc "Ella said she was going to go take a shower and change.." mc "No.. no.. no.." mc "I just told myself that I should be more careful with Ella..." mc "Buuut.. the thought of watching her naked is giving me so much temptation.." mc "May be just this time.. I'll be real careful.." mc "Fuck it. I'm not one to ever miss an opportunity to perv on my [st]s." mc "Let's go peek." stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene1img21 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" e "Hi baby!" yna "Hello my darling!" mc "{i} (YESSSS!!!)" mc "{i} (She's already half naked!)" mc "{i} (And her toned athletic body... that's just something to die for.)" e "What are you doing babe?" yna "Oh I just finished my shift at the hospital." mc "Just helping some patients with their medicines before I head out." mc "{i} (Looks like she's on the phone with Yelena.)" mc "{i} (Those two have really got te love bug!)" mc "{i} (They seem so into each other.)" yna "When are you gettng back here baby?" yna "I soo want to hold you in my arms.." scene 11scene1img22 e "Oh yeah?" yna "You have no idea how much I crave it." e "I know baby. And I can't tell you enough how much I want your arms wrapped around me." e "But instead of me coming there, why don't you come here, to my house?" yna "Really?" e "Yeah..." e "You've met my [mom] and [br]." e "They like you.." e "And I guess it's time the rest of the [fmy] got to meet you as well." e "We'd love having you stay with us for a few days..." yna "I'd love that honey, but there's work.." e "I know how much you like being a Doctor babe, but let someone else save the world for a while." e "Take a break.. I'm on a break and I'm loving it.. And I'd love to spend my break from work with you, here with my [fmy]." yna "Okay. Let me think about it. I'll let you know by tonight." yna "Anyway, what are you doing?" e "Oh I was just sparring with my [br]" e "I kicked his as. Hahaha. And now I'm in the changing room.." yna "Changing room?" yna "Are you Naked?!" e "Hehehehe." e "Partly... yeah." yna "OOoooohh.. Lemme see.." yna "Lemme see..." yna "Put the call on video." e "Hehehehehe." scene 11scene1img23 yna "Ooooooooooooohh." yna "Bitch, you are sooo Sexy!" yna "I could just eat you whole" e "Oh yeah?" yna "I want to lick you up and down." yna "Explore every part of your sexiness with my tongue." e "Get here soon, and I'll let you." e "You can eat any part of me you want." yna "Don't tempt me girl.." yna "I might just get on a plane and fly to you right now." yna "And when I come there, I will go ravenous on your sexy body." e "Then do that. Get on a plane.. come to me." yna "I'm really tempted now." yna "Alright, I'll come there in a couple of days." yna "But for now, show me more." scene 11scene1img24 yna "Ooooooohh" yna "I'm drooling.." yna "And leaking..." yna "I am the most luckiest girl in the world." yna "I've got You for a girlfriend." yna "You are the sexiest." e "No. You are the sexiest!" yna "Bitch, stop looking at me like that.. Your expression's driving me wild." yna "I want your pretty little mouth on my Pussy." yna "I want to leak all over your sexy face." yna "Cover you in my juices." yna "Now show me a clear view of your Pussy." e "Okay. I'll keep the phone on the bench so you can get a better view." scene 11scene1img25 yna "Oooooh my!" yna "You're making my heart stop" yna "I cannot believe your sexiness!" yna "How did I get so lucky?" e "The lucky one is me sugar..." e "I'm seeing you fully clothed, yet I'm getting so wet!" yna "Save those juices for me." yna "I will be there in a couple of days." yna "I want to drink every drop of your delicious juices." e "You make me so wet, I could probably bottle up my juices for you." yna "And that still won'ot quench my thirst for you." yna "I am sooo in lust with you." yna "I cannot take my eyes off your Pussy." scene 11scene1img26 e "This Pussy?" e "This sexy, leaking pussy?" e "What do you want to do to it?" yna "I want to put my wet tongue in your sexy pussy and explore every inch of it." yna "Swirl my tongue around inside you.." yna "Explore every corner of your delicious Vagina." yna "Soak up all of your juices with my tongue." yna "Make it even wetter with my saliva." yna "Your juices and my saliva combined.." yna "I want to taste both, inside your pussy." yna "Now turn around.. Show me your pussy from behind." scene 11scene1img27 e "Here you go." yna "Whoof! So focused on your pussy, I forgot about your delicious asshole!" yna "You know that I love eating your ass, right?" e "Hehehe." e "You naughty girl.." e "I know you like it.. And I like feeling your sweet tongue on my rear entrance." e "I especially love it when you put your tongue inside it." yna "But my tongue can only go so far in it baby.." yna "I want to put my fingers in it." scene 11scene1img28 e "{i} (Oh I love it when she talks dirty to me.)" e "{i} (She turns me on so much.)" e "{i} (That pretty accent...)" e "{i} (I could cum just listening to her talk.. talk dirty like that.)" e "{i} (I can't wait for her to get here.)" e "{i} (So I could feed on her sexy body.)" e "{i} (On all of her holes!)" e "{i} (Makes me soaking wet just thinking about her delicious body)" e "{i} (I can't take it any longer, I need to pleasure myself..)" e "{i} (And she can watch)" scene 11scene1img26 e "Listening to you talk has got me all sorts of horny." e "I'm going to touch myself now." e "And you can watch.. wishing it was your fingers inside me.." e "Inside this pussy you love so much." scene 11scene1img29 yna "Aaaaaaah" yna "Oooooh yesss" yna "I do wish it was my fingers inside you." yna "I can almost feel the wetness on mine, thousands of miles away." e "But do you feel how wet it is deeper?" scene ellasolo animated with fade: "11scene1img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene1img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat yna "Oooooooww babyyy.." yna "You are killing me!" yna "Your expressions are making me so horny" yna "Just your expressions alone could make a girl cum." yna "Go deeper.." yna "Fuck that pussy.." yna "That pussy is mine.." yna "Do you hear me?" yna "That pussy belongs to me." yna "It's mine.. and mine alone.." e "Yes.. It's yours.." e "My pussy belongs to you." scene ellasolof animated with fade: "11scene1img29" with dissolve pause 0.5 "11scene1img30" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat yna "Fuck it.. Fuck that pussy hard.." yna "Harder..." yna "Deeper.." yna "Oh.. I'm touching myself too." yna "Fuck it." yna "Fuck it hard!" e "Ooohh I'm about to cum.." e "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" e "Aaaaaaa" e "Aaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhh!" scene 11scene1img30 with vpunch scene 11scene1img30 with flash scene 11scene1img30 with vpunch scene 11scene1img30 with flash scene 11scene1img30 with vpunch scene 11scene1img30 with flash scene 11scene1img30 with dissolve pause scene 11scene1img26 e "Did you enjoy that baby?" yna "So much!" yna "We both came together!" yna "I came so hard!" mc "{i} (Man, that was good..)" mc "{i} (But it's time to get out of here now.)" mc "{i} (Before Ella realizes I've been spying on her.)" mc "{i} (Let's go.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Pretty good start to the day." mc "Things got a little sexy with Ella." mc "Ella of all people!" mc "Never thought I could touch her like that while she's awake and in her senses." mc "The only other times I've got to touch her inappropriately is when she was sleeping." mc "That was fun. But what do I want to do next?" mc "Where do I want to go?" mc "Perhaps I'll go to the Coffee Shop and get some fresh brew." scene 11scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mk "Hey!! [mc]." mk "What a pleasure running into you here." mc "Oh hello Uncle Mark!" mc "The pleasure's mine!" mc "How've you been.. How are you? It's been so long." mk "Yeah buddy. Years.." mc "Yeah.. So happy we finally meet after all these years." mk "I just finished my Coffee and I was about to head back to the office... But I can spare a couple of minutes if you want to catch up." mc "Absolutely. I'd love to." mk "Great. Let me get some more coffee." scene 11scene2img2 mk "So, how are you [mc]?" mc "I'm doing great Uncle Mark." mc "I've been meaning to meet you every since you and aunt Liza got back to the city." mc "I've come many times, but you were always away at work." scene 11scene2img3 mk "Yeah buddy.. Liza told me about it.." mk "She's been going on about how big you have gotten and what a handsome young man you've turned into." mk "And you have buddy.. You've gotten so big. You're almost as big as me now. Haha." mk "You were so little the last time I saw you." mc "How's everything with you Uncle Mark? Reacquainted with the city yet?" scene 11scene2img2 mk "Kind of.." mk "I've been meeting a lot of old pals I used to hang out with." mk "Been meaning to meet your [dad], but he's always in a different country." mk "But I met him in Russia last year when I was there." mk "Was nice catching up with him after a long time." mc "Well, now that you're here, anytime my [dad]s in the city, you guys can hang out." mc "You're one of the very few people he considers a close friend." scene 11scene2img3 mk "What've you been up to [mc]?" mk "Liza told me all about you and [ym] being lost on an island for a couple of days." mk "I'm so proud of you for surviving that [mc]" mc "Well, used some of the skills that you taught me as a child." mc "They sure came in handy." mk "Seeing how big you've gotten now, have you got a girlfriend yet?" mc "Sadly, no." mk "I gave you tips on how to pick up girls too [mc].. Don't tell your aunt Liza that.. Are you telling me my tips didn't work? Haha." mc "No. No. It's just that I never got really into any girl my age.." mk "Aaaaa.." mk "So you like your women old.. Nice." mk "Well, now that I'm here, I'm going to be your wingman." mk "I'll help you got with a hot older woman of your liking." mc "That'd be great." scene 11scene2img2 mk "Let's try to hang out at least once a month." mc "That sounds great." mk "I gotta go use the restroom now. Give me a minute [mc], I'll be right back." mc "Sure." scene 11scene2img4 mc "Hmmmm.. It is great meeting uncle Mark after all this while." mc "He's such a cool guy." mc "Oh oh, he's left his phone here on the table.." mc "Well, he's just gone to the restroom anyway." mc "A man and his phone can be seperated for a few minutes at least." "**Text Notification**" scene 11scene2img5 mc "He's got a Text." mc "It's from Aunt Eliza.." el "*Text* Wanted to give you a surprise." el "*Text* I just sent the kids to the Park with the Nanny." el "20 minutes.. Be here.. I will be blindfolded... Tied up.." el "I'm the damsel in distress.. And you're the man coming to rescue me.. or a pervert who takes advantage of a woman tied up!" mc "WHAT!!!?" mc "REALLY??!!" mc "I knew aunt Liza and Mark had an interesting sex life from conversations I've overheard... But I had no idea their sex life was this interesting.." mc "Aunt Liza's tied up and blindfolded...." mc "Waaiit... That's giving me ideas..." mc "What if uncle Mark never saw this text from aunt Liza?" mc "He'll just go back to the office.. and I can go have some fun with aunt Liza.." mc "She's going to be blindfolded after all.." mc "Lemme delete this text quick." mc "Done." scene 11scene2img3 mk "Sorry about that [mc], had to go pee." mk "How are Ella, Jasmine and Iris?" mk "I've been wanting to come home with Liza and meet all you kiddos." mc "They're doing great uncle Mark." mc "And yes, please do drop by, the girls will be delighted to see you after so long." mc "But Uncle Mark, I just got a call from a friend who wants to go watch a movie.." mc "I'm so sorry that I have t..." mk "Don't sweat it [mc].. Go ahead.. Enjoy the movie." mk "We'll catch up some other time." mc "Sure. Thanks uncle Mark." mc "Bye for now." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Ooooooh I'm sooo excited!" mc "Aunt Liza's handcuffed and blindfolded, waiting for some steamy sex..." mc "But instead of Uncle Mark, it's going to be me who shows up there." mc "I cannot get there fast enough!!" mc "I can hardly contain myself." mc "I'm horny beyond my wits." mc "Time to put the pedal to the metal... I'm coming Aunt Liza" stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene2img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!!)" mc "{i} (That's mindnumbingly sexy!)" el "Who goes there..?" el "Oh kind Sir, can this poor damsel count upon thine kindness to set her free of these bonds?" mc "You can count upon my horniness to devour your sexiness my sexy damsel in distress.)" el "Please sir." el "I have to get back to my village." scene 11scene2img7 pause el "Please do not leave this poor lady alone in the wilderness." el "I'm scared.." el "I beseech you kind sir.." el "Please release me from these shackles.." el "Do you carry a dagger or a longsword that can slit open these bonds?" mc "{i} (Oh, I have a longsword alright!)" mc "{i} (You are going to feel it.)" scene 11scene2img6 el "Why do you not speak to me sir?" el "Do you not hear this poor damsel's cries?" el "Or.. forgive me for asking.. is it because you're a mute?" scene 11scene2img8 pause el "Sir..?" el "I take it you're a mute?" mc "{i} (Guess I'll play that part for now.)" mc "{i} (I don't even have to speak for the moment..)" mc "{i} (Here I come my lady..)" mc "{i} (I'm going to use my longsword on you.)" mc "{i} (And I'm going to cherish it.)" scene 11scene2img9 "........" el "Kind sir.. what are you doing?" mc "{i} (Her skin feels so soft and warm)" mc "{i} (I can feel her heartbeat rising)" mc "{i} (Being in sexual situations with her like this has always been a dream of mine.)" mc "{i} (I am so lucky)" mc "{i} (I am going to devour this beauty now.)" el "Sir.. please.. why do you have your hand on my neck?" el "What do you intend to do with me?" scene 11scene2img10 pause el "Sir... you cannot touch a lady's bosom without her permission." el "What are your intentions?" el "I believed I was in the company of a kind man." el "Please sir.. I am unwed.." el "I have been saving myself for marriage." el "You would not take advantage of a lady in distress, would you?" el "Please use your longsword to cut sever these bonds so I can return to my village." scene 11scene2img11 el "Aaaaaaahhhh" el "Kind sir, what are you doing?" el "This is not how a gentleman behaves.." mc "{i} (Come here my sexy slut..)" mc "{i} (And I am no gentleman.. I am a pervert who's here to ravage your body.)" mc "{i} (My erection's getting bigger and bigger)" mc "{i} (It's pushing against her ass creek, trying to plunge into her tearing through these pants)" scene lizabound animated with fade: "11scene2img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene2img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaghh)" mc "{i} (Ooow yeaasss)" mc "{i} (This feels like heaven)" el "Sir, what are you doing?" el "What would my future husband think if he found out that another man has ravaged my body before marriage?" mc "{i} (All I've ever wanted since I was a kid was to be your husband you sexy minx)" mc "{i} (In my fantasies, you were my wife.. And I fucked you hard every night!)" mc "{i} (I've dreamt of humping you just like I'm doing now)" mc "{i} (Take it)" mc "{i} (Take it hard)" mc "{i} (Take it hard my slut)" scene lizabound2 animated with fade: "11scene2img11" with dissolve pause 0.5 "11scene2img12" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "{i} (My slutty wife)" mc "{i} (Take it..)" mc "{i} (Take it like the slut that you are.)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck your brains out)" mc "{i} (I want to fuck you till you beg me to stop)" mc "{i} (Fuck you so hard that you stay sore for weeks.)" mc "{i} (I need to slow down.. I'm getting carried away..)" mc "{i} (I don't want to cum too soon.)" mc "{i} (Let me take things to the next level)" scene 11scene2img13 mc "{i} (Aaaaa)" mc "{i} (The wetness of her tongue against the head of my cock!)" el "{i} (This feels odd!)" el "{i} (Something feels off here!)" el "{i} (This cock head feels much bigger.)" el "{i} (Much bigger than Mark...)" el "{i} (Wait... is this NOT Mark?)" scene 11scene2img14 el "{i} (OOHH MY GOSH!! THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT MARK!)" el "{i} (This feels MUCH different... and much bigger!!)" ".........." scene lizabfmf animated with fade: "11scene2img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene2img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat el "{i} (This is not Mark! This is not my husband...)" el "{i} (I have another man's cock in my mouth..)" el ".........." el "........" el "{i} (But I'm loving this Big dick in my mouth!)" mc "{i} (Aaaaa)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaa... aaaa)" mc "{i} (I could just cum right now!)" mc "{i} (This feels That good!)" el "{i} (What am I doing?.. I'm letting a total stranger fuck my mouth!)" el "{i} (Why am I not stopping this?)" el "{i} (Who is this guy?)" el "{i} (And why do I love his cock in my mouth so much)" el "{i} (I have never been with another man since marriage..)" el "{i} (And now I'm letting another man put his cock in my mouth out of the blue!)" el "{i} (I should be enjoying this)" scene 11scene2img16 el "{i} (Aaaaa)" el "{i} (This guy's just put me on my back, and now he has even deeper access to my mouth!)" scene lizabfmf2 animated with fade: "11scene2img16" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene2img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat el "{i} (Why am I not stopping this?)" el "{i} (Why am I letting a stranger fuck my mouth?)" el "{i} (His cock tastes sooo delicious!)" el "{i} (Why shouldn't I just enjoy this?)" el "{i} (Besides, it's not like I intentionally chose to take another man's dick in my mouth)" el "{i} (This happened so randomly.. So let me just enjoy this..)" el "{i} (Let me just enjoy the taste of this delicious big cock)" el "{i} (This is some monstorous size)" el "{i} (I have a monster in my mouth!)" el "{i} (And I'm loving every inch of it! No matter who it belongs to)" scene lizabfmf3 animated with fade: "11scene2img16" with dissolve pause 0.5 "11scene2img17" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat el "{i} (Oh nooo.. he's going too fast.)" el "{i} (It's hurting my throat..)" el "{i} (And awakening pleasures inexplicable)" el "{i} (This feels sooo good)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaa...)" mc "{i} (Aaaa... aaaaaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (I'm loving the tight grip of her lips on my cock)" mc "{i} (I could cum any moment now)" mc "{i} (I can't hold it much longer..)" mc "{i} (Aarrghhhh.. arrghhhh)" mc "{i} (Aaaaarrrghhhh)" scene 11scene2img17 with vpunch scene 11scene2img17 with flash scene 11scene2img17 with vpunch scene 11scene2img17 with flash scene 11scene2img17 with vpunch scene 11scene2img17 with flash scene 11scene2img18 with dissolve pause pause pause scene 11scene2img19 mc "{i} (Aaaah.)" mc "{i} (That was wonderful)" el "{i} (I just let a stranger cum in my mouth.)" el "{i} (And I pactically drank all of his cum eagerly..)" el "{i} (Who is this guy?)" el "{i} (And how do I react now..?)" el "{i} (Perhaps it's best I don't spend much thought on it..)" el "{i} (It happened out of the blue... and I enjoyed it.)" el "{i} (So let me just pretend like it didn't happen... That way I can't let my conscience eat away at me.)" mc "{i} (That was pure bliss.)" mc "{i} (She's not saying anything... May be she realized it wasn't uncle Mark... But she's quiet)" mc "{i} (So let me just untie the rope binding her arms and get outta here...)" mc "{i} (Hope she doesn't take her blindfold off and see me before I run out though.. But I can't leave her like this with her arms tied up.)" mc "{i} (Let me untie her and run!)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/inevitable.mp3" mc "MAN, THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!!)" mc "It was such a surreal experience)" mc "I'm glad she didn't ask questions after it was over." mc "She didn't take her blindfold off to see who it was.." mc "May be she enjoyed it too.. and didn't want to make a mess of things by asking questions." mc "Whhhoooo!" mc "It's been quite a day already.." mc "It's still only afternoon." mc "Let me call one of the girls and see what they're up to." mc "Think I'll call Candice.." mc "Let me put her on speaker." "**Ringing Candice**" c "Hey [mc]! What's up?" mc "Hi Candice, where are you girls at? What are you all doing?" c "**Whispered** Iris, should I tell him?" i "Fine. Tell him." c "[mc], if I told you what we're doing, promise you won't rat us out?" mc "I won't." c "Iris and I took one of Ella's bikes and we're riding it on the freeway." c "You wanna come join us?" mc "Sure. But if Ella finds out you guys took one of her bikes for a joyride, don't tell her I helped you with it." c "We won't... we think..." c "I'll send you the location.. Come join us." mc "I'll be there.." scene 11scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Where are these girls?" mc "They're on a bike.. and I'm not sure they can even handle a bike!" mc "At least Candice must be capable of handling a bike properly...." mc "But Iris can't even drive a car properly, let alone a bike." mc "I hope they're okay and safe on that bike." mc "And I hope the bike is okay too..." mc "Ella loves her bikes.. she'll be pissed if the bike's damaged.." mc "She'll be pissed at me too if she found out that I wasn't part of those two's plan." scene 11scene3img2 pause pause c "I absolutely LOVE this!" c "We should do this more often Iris.." i "Totally" c "I love the feel of the open road... and cruising it on a beast like this.." c "This bike is just WOW! I love it.." c "May be I should ditch my car and switch to one of these." i "If you like it so much, ask [mom], she'll buy you one." c "I think I will. I love this too much." scene 11scene3img3 pause pause c "Whooooo! This is the bomb!" c "What a thrill." i "Ella's got too many bikes.." i "May be we'll take one out everyday.." c "Awesome. Let's do that." i "But C...." c "Yeah Iris.." i "Could you may be slow down a little bit...?" c "Hahahaha. Are you getting scared?" i "No..." i "I just feel we can enjoy the views if we went slow." c "Okay. I'll slow down..." c "Oh look... That's [mc] appraoching us up ahead..." scene 11scene3img4 pause c "Hey [mc]" i "Hi [mc]" mc "What are you two up to riding such a big bike on a highway?" c "Don't sweat it [mc], we can handle ourselves.." i "Just because you can't handle big bikes, doesn't mean we can't." mc "Yeah, you're the one to talk Iris.. Hahaha." mc "It's not you who's actually riding that bike." i "Whatever.." i "But you're riding a car and we're on a bike.. here on the highway, experiencing Freedom" mc "Experiencing freedom?" mc "What, did you watch some random biker movie last night?" c "Hey Iris, how about we race [mc]?" scene 11scene3img5 i "Actually C...." i "I was thinking may be we should all head back home.." c "What?" c "Were you afraid sitting on this bike this whole time Iris?" c "Come on girl, don't let me down in front of [mc]." i "No.. no..." i "I was just thinking.. It's getting really hot.. It's very sunny out here." i "May be we can go back home and cool down in the jacuzzi or the pool." c "We're already so far out here Iris... And I'm enjoying riding in the Sun." c "If you're not comfortable riding in the sun, can you wait for a few minutes here with [mc], I'll go ride a little further and come back." c "Then we can all head back home together." scene 11scene3img4 c "What do you say [mc]? You're cool with that?" mc "Sure, no problem." mc "It's perfect weather for riding, and I don't want you to miss out just because little scaredy cat here is afraid to ride. Haha." i "I'm not scared.." mc "Totally.. You're not. Hahaha." c "Wait here with [mc] for a while Iris.. I'll be right back." i "Okay." scene 11scene3img6 mc "{i} (Man, I've never looked at Candice that way.. But she looked Super Hot while she was talking.)" mc "{i} (I was struggling not to stare at her beauty)" mc "{i} (She looked so lovely and Hot.)" mc "{i} (And that outfit suits her so well.)" i "Isn't she just awesome [mc]? She so cool." mc "Totally Iris.." i "She's like a mini Ella.. So bold and badass, except blonde.." i "I wish I was as cool as her." mc "Heeyy, you are just as awesome as Ella and Candice, my sweet Iris." scene 11scene3img7 i "Really?" i "But I'm not as bold and daring as them." mc "You don't have to be. You've got plenty of wonderful qualities that make you awesome uniquely." i "Like?" mc "For example your kindness... your beauty.." mc "You're the closest thing to a fairy I've seen in real life." mc "You are other worldly beautiful. Like you're from Fairyland or something." i "Stop [mc], you're making me blush." mc "But it's true." i "How long do you think we'll have to wait for Candice to return?" mc "I don't know, it's nice weather for riding.. And the road's empty, she'll be tempted to ride farther.. I'm guessing 30 mins." i "30 minutes? But it's so hot out here.." i "How are we going to bear the heat for so long?" mc "If you're worried about the heat, I know a Barn up ahead which is never occupied." mc "We can find shelter there till Candice gets back." i "Great. Let's go there, I'll send Candice the location when we're there, so she can come there directly once she's done riding." mc "Yeah. Let's go." stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" i "Ooooh. This place is so cosy." i "So much cooler than the outside. I love this place." i "How do you know of this place?" mc "I roam around the outskirts quite a lot." mc "Found this place when I was just romaing aimlessly one day." mc "The owners have abandoned it, but it looks like some people frequent here regularly, they seem to be keeping this place clean and in decent shape." mc "But I've never seen anyone here anytime I've been here though." scene 11scene3img9 i "You know what? May be we should keep this place as a secret hideout for ourselves.." mc "Absolutely. I'd love that." i "We can come hang out here, when we feel like we need to get out of the city for a while." i "We can do some fun stuff here.." mc "Fun stuff?" mc "What kind of fun stuff?" i "Like we can have campfires in the front of this Barn in the evenings." mc "{i} (Damn! I thought she was suggesting something else.)" mc "{i} (She's still innocent at heart. Hehehe. Despite what we did in our last photoshoot session)" scene 11scene3img10 i "Oooh it's still a little hot even in here [mc]." i "I'm sweating..." i "The heat is killing me." mc "{i} (She looks so sensually sexual waving her hand for air like that." mc "{i} (Her contours of her eyes captivate me.)" i "I wish there was a fan in here.." i "It is so hot." mc "Well, Iris... if you're find the heat to be unbearable... may be we can take our clothes off!" scene 11scene3img11 i "WHAT?" i "Hahahaha. You can't really mean that.." i "We can't be naked in front of each other.!" i "That would be so gross. Hahaha." mc "No, I mean.. I'm feeling the heat too.." mc "It is unbearable to be honest.. I just think if we took our clothes off, we might feel a little cooler with the free flow of air." i "Gee... I don't know [mc].... That's kinda..." mc "Don't worry, I've already seen you Topless before.. And you've seen me naked when you walked into my bathroom the other day." mc "It'll be fine.. See, I'm going to take my shirt off!." scene 11scene3img12 i "{i} (Whoaa! He wasn't kidding about taking the clothes off.)" i "{i} (He really is taking them off.)" i "{i} (But what do I do?)" i "{i} (Do I want to take off my clothes in front of my big [br]?" i "{i} (His shirt if off already!)" mc "See..? No big deal.." mc "We've already seen each other in some levels of nudity.. So it's fine." mc "Go ahead.. You can do it.." scene 11scene3img13 i "{i} (Ooh this feels so awkward..)" i "{i} (But I do feel a sense of fire in me..)" i "{i} (But what is it? What is that feeling?)" i "{i} (Why am I feeling it?)" mc "{i} (Yes! She's going for it..)" mc "{i} (I'm going to see her naked..)" mc "{i} (FULLY naked for the first time since she turned into a woman!)" scene 11scene3img14 mc "See Iris...?" mc "Not so awkward right?" mc "That wsn't so hard.." mc "It's perfectly fine.." i "{i} (He says it's perfectly fine.. But I'm feeling a storm of emotions..)" i "{i} (Some wonderful feelings with a hint of guit.)" i "{i} (Is it okay for me to undress in front of my [br]?" mc "Go on.. Take your Bra off sweetie.." scene 11scene3img15 mc "{i} (WOOW!)" mc "{i} (Those tits are heavently)" mc "{i} (Perfect size for her slender body.)" mc "{i} (So soft and milky..)" i "{i} (Is this normal?)" i "{i} (He's staring right at my breasts...)" i "{i} (I'm not so naive as to think he wanted us to take our clothes off in order to beat the heat.)" i "{i} (But I didn't think he'd be staring right at my nakedness like that.)" mc "Now, let's do away with that skirt sweetie.. It must feel too uncomfortable for you in this heat.)" scene 11scene3img16 pause mc "{i} (Yes! Yes!)" mc "{i} (It's happening.)" mc "{i} (She's about to drop that skirts!!)" mc "{i} (I'm going to see her in all her naked glory!)" mc "{i} (I've waited for this for so long!)" mc "{i} (Best thing is, she didn't even need much coercing..)" mc "{i} (She's doing everything I ask her to.)" mc "Go on sweetie.. Don't be shy.. It's okay.." scene 11scene3img17 pause mc "O" mc "M" mc "G" mc "I don't believe it Iris!!" mc "You've got such a Wonderful Butt!" mc "It is soo lovely!" mc "One of the best I've ever seen!" i "{i} (Now he's actually complimenting my butt!)" i "{i} (I don't think it's normal at all.. but it makes me feel mixed emotions in a strange way..)" scene 11scene3img18 pause pause mc "Your booty is just outstanding Iris!" mc "Oh my!!" mc "This is a sight to behold!!" mc "Your ass is just PERFECT" mc "Sooo perfect I actually want to grab one of those cheeks and squeeze them" i "{i} (Oh my! Now he's passing lewd comments about my ass)" i "{i} (I'm his [st])" i "{i} (This is kinda turning me on...)" i "{i} (But I don't want to admit it.)" mc "Now turn around sweetie, let me see you from the front." scene 11scene3img19 pause mc "Iris..." i "Yeah.." mc "Are you feeling shy?" i "Shouldn't I be?" mc "It's alright love.." mc "Nudity is nothing to be ashamed of.." mc "Besides.. You've got such a marvelous body to hide it under clothes." mc "I'm amazed and absolutely mindblown seeing you bare it all." scene 11scene3img20 pause pause mc "You've got a body that looks like it was made in heaven." mc "Sculpted by the hands of Fairies.." mc "If I'm being honest.. You are a Fairy yourself." mc "My sweet, sweet Iris... I'm at a loss for words.." mc "You just look Stellar in all your naked glory.." i "You really mean that?" mc "Would I like to you?" mc "Any man with eyes would say the same about you if he saw you like this." i "Thanks [mc].." i "That was such a sweet thing of you to say." mc "Now why don't you hit me with one of those sexy modeling poses?" scene 11scene3img21 pause pause mc "{i} (OH MY!!)" mc "{i} (My jaw has fell to the floor numerous times in these few minutes!)" mc "{i} (So sensual..)" mc "{i} (So erotic..)" i "Do you like this pose [mc]?" mc "{i} (Looks like she's warming up to it... She's starting to feel comfortable being totally nude..)" mc "I LOVE this pose Iris.." mc "It accentuates your slender curves so incredibly." mc "I actually want to take a picture of you standing naked, looking sexy like that.. But I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable by taking pics." mc "Let me see that booty.." scene 11scene3img22 pause pause mc "{i} (So young.. So incredible..)" mc "{i} (Just legal age... and so sexually captivating..)" mc "{i} (That booty is marvelous.)" mc "{i} (So beautiful and soft..)" mc "{i} (I want to push into that Tush)" mc "{i} (It must feel like heaven inside that Tushy)" mc "{i} (That sexually blissful young Tushy)" mc "Iris... can I take a closer look at your Fairy Cup?" i "Fairy Cup..?" i "..... Oh.." scene 11scene3img23 i "I feel so shy [mc].." i "I feel like I'm shivering.." mc "It's alright my love.." mc "It's fine.." mc "Your big [br]'s here.." i "That IS why I'm feeling so shy and embarassed.." i "Showing you my... Fairy Cup as you called it.." mc "And it is such a pretty Fairy Cup.." mc "I'm going to take an even closer looks." scene 11scene3img24 i "{i} (His face is soo close to it..)" i "{i} (I can feel his breath on my Vag.)" mc "Those Lips are soo perfect my dear.." mc "I love it.." mc "It's shaped like Kissy Lips puckering, waiting to be kissed.." mc "{i} (The perverseness is taking over me..)" mc "{i} (I'm losing control..)" scene 11scene3img25 i "Hhuuuuhh [mc]!!" i "Why are you pointing it at me like that?" i "I got scared a little!" i "You should've at least given me fair warning before springing it in front of me like that.." mc "Sorry Iris.. I didnt mean to scare you.." mc "I just wanted to show you how much I'm loving seeing you like that." mc "See how full it looks gorged with blood for you?" mc "See how the veins on it are twitching...?" mc "All that is a reaction to seeing your splendid body in all it's naked glory.." mc "That right there is the most honest form of compliment a man can give a girl.." scene 11scene3img26 i "It got so Big for me?" mc "Yes my dear.." mc "All for you.." i "{i} It almost looks like it wants to taste me..)" i "{i} (It is honestly flattering that I incited that form of reaction in my [br]'s cock.)" i "{i} (It is soo big and bulky.)" mc "Iris...." i "Yeah...." mc "Do you want to take it in your mouth?" i "I don't know [mc].. the last time I took it in my mouth, my throat was sore for a day or two.." mc "Fine.. perhaps another time then.. But for now, can you give me a handjob?" mc "You know what a handjob is, don't you?" i "Hehehe. Of course I do.." i "Fine.. I'll use my hands on it.." scene 11scene3img27 mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (My senses are electrified!)" mc "{i} (The warmth of her hand feels so lovely.)" mc "{i} (Such soft hands.)" scene irishj animated with fade: "11scene3img27" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene3img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaa yeaass..." mc "Awwwww yeasss... Just like that.." mc "Just like that my dear.." mc "Pleasure your big [br]'s cock.." mc "See how hard it if for you..." mc "Feel it pulsing under your touch.." mc "Ooooohhhh that feels soo good.." mc "So lovely..." mc "You're milking me so well.." mc "Keep doing that..." mc "Keep doing that.." mc "I love your hand on my cock.." mc "You are pleasuring me so well.." mc "Go a little faster.." scene irishj2 animated with fade: "11scene3img27" with dissolve pause 0.6 "11scene3img28" with dissolve pause 0.6 repeat mc "AAAAAhhhh.." mc "Aaaaaawwhhw...." mc "IRIS....." mc "This is sooo good.." mc "You are sooo gooood..." mc "I'm twitching underneath your touch.." mc "My pleasure's rising too fast.." mc "I'm about to bloooowww..." mc "Aaarrghh" mc "Grrr...." mc "Ooooh yeaaahhh..." mc "Here it comes baby..." mc "Ggggrrgghhhhhh... Aaaaaaghhhhhh" scene 11scene3img28 with vpunch scene 11scene3img28 with flash scene 11scene3img28 with vpunch scene 11scene3img28 with flash scene 11scene3img28 with vpunch scene 11scene3img28 with flash scene 11scene3img29 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaaahh.." mc "Aaaa.." mc "That was wonderful baby girl.." scene 11scene3img30 pause mc "WOW!!" mc "Iris!!" mc "You just blew my mind.." i "Was i good [mc]?" mc "Are you kidding?... You were just stellar!" mc "I absolutely LOVED it." mc "You're right, we should make this place our secret hideout.." mc "May be we'll just buy it.." mc "Then we can spend some quality time together here whenever we want.." mc "Just you and I..." i "Hehehehe." i "I didn't mean we should make this place our secret hideaway for these kind of activities [mc].." i "Hahahaha." i "But if you want, we can spend some time here..." "......." "......" i "What...?" mc "Nothng... You just look so ANGELIC right now.." i "Thanks for the compliment.." mc "Aaaannd... I have another kind of compliment rising from staring at you..." i "Hehehehe. Really?.... Again...?" i "I thought boys could only go one round..." "**KNOCK**" scene 11scene3img30 pause "**KNOCK** KNOCK **KNOCK**" i "That must be Candice.." i "Looks like your compliment has to wait for another time.." i "Hehehehehe." mc "For you, I could wait for as long as it takes..." mc "But get dressed now sweetie.." scene 11scene3img30 mc "And do it quick..." mc "We souldn't give rise to any suspicions.." i "Okay." scene 11scene3img31 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) c "Hey guys" mc "Enjoyed your ride Candice..?" c "Totally!" c "It was just AMAZING" c "How did you guys find this place..?" c "What were you doing all this while?" mc "Oh we just came here to find shelter from the heat.." mc "And before we knew it, we had dozed off.." mc "Just woke up when you knocked on the door.." c "Oh okay. Ready to go back home?" i "Yes." mc "{i} (I have been resisting looking at Candice this way...)" mc "{i} (But WOW...)" mc "{i} (She looks SOOO BEAUTIFUL)" c "Come on guys. Let's go.." mc "Sure." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 10scene8img1 play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "I just had a nice short nap..." mc "After dropping Iris and Candice at home.." mc "I feel so nice and refreshed now after that nap." mc "Switched to this other Car.." mc "Out and about the city looking for whatever adventure comes my way." mc "It has been a wonderful day already.." mc "I hope it gets even better.." mc "Time to just roam and see what I can get myself into.." scene 11scene4img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mia "HEEYY!!!" mia "LET ME GO!!..." mia "Officer.. you're hurting me..." mia "LET ME GOOO...." po "Maam, I request you to please come quitely.." mia "But that was just a 1000 dollar dress.." po "Shoplifting is a felony maam..." mia "I'LL RECOMPENSE THE SHOP OWNER FOR IT" mia "I'LL BUY THAT WHOLE SHOP IF I HAVE TO..." po "But you still committed a felony maam, I have to take you in." scene 11scene4img2 mc "Damn! That's Maria Winberg!" mc "Looks like she's getting arrested for Shoplifting." mc "Why in the world would these rich actresses feel the need to shoplift?" mc "That is so stupid.." mc "They're rich. They can buy anything they want.." mc "Good thing there's no Paparazzi here... Or she'll be making the headlines by evening." mc "I gotta do something to help her out.." mc "She did give me a blowjob on the Sail Boat after all.. I can't let her get arrested." scene 11scene4img3 mc "**Panicking Voice** OFFICER, OFFICER.. I NEED YOUR HELP!!" mc "**Panicking Voice** HURRY... BURGLAR..." mc "**Panicking Voice** THERE'S A BURGLAR IN OUR APARTMENT!!" mia "{i} (What is He doing here?)" po "Calm down Citizen.. catch your breath... what exactly is going on?" mc "THERE'S A BURGLAR IN OUR APARTMENT AND HE'S BEATING UP MY FRIEND.." mc "I CAME RUNNING TO GET YOUR HELP.." mc "PLEASE HELP MY FRIEND!! PLEASE..." scene 11scene4img4 po "Alright son.. show me where your apartment is.." mc "IT'S THAT BUILDING RIGHT OVER THERE..." mc "THE 50TH FLOOR..." mc "HURRY PLEASE... MY FRIEND NEEDS YOUR HELP.." mia "{i} (Waaaiit...)" mia "{i} (What is this kid doing...?)" po "50th fllor... I need the apartment number.." mc "407." mc "Hurry.. please." po "Alright.. Just keep ann eye on this woman.. I'll go take a look." scene 11scene4img5 mc "Come with me..." mc "Quietly..." mia "What are you doing?" mc "No time to explain.." mc "I need to get you out of this vicinity before the Cop gets back.." mc "My Car's right over there.." mc "Come now.." mc "Quickly.." mc "We need to go." scene 11scene4img6 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mia "There was'nt really a Burglar, was there?" mc "No." mc "Of course not." mia "Hehehe." mia "Thanks.." mia "I owe you one.." mia "It could've ruined my career if the Paparazzi got the scoop." mc "Not on my watch.. Hehehe." scene 11scene4img7 mia "So, who are you kid?" mia "One day you're filming me having an affair..." mia "And now you come rescue me..." mia "I don't know what to make of you.." mia "You're such a mystery." mc "Well, I'm just a kid who got involved in your business unintentionally." mia "What do you mean?" mc "Looong story..." mc "I'll tell you later.." mc "But tell me something..." mc "You're rich and famous... But, why the silly shoplifting n stuff?" scene 11scene4img6 mia "I could ask you the same thing.. You seem to be doing pretty well..." mia "You've got this nice car.. And you did tell me your [dad]'s richer than me.." mia "So, why do you film other people having sex?" mia "Why do any of us do anything that's forbidden?" mc "Because it's fun.." scene 11scene4img7 mia "EXACTLY.." mia "Because it's fun.." mia "That's why I do the shoplifting.." mc "And I take it that's why you cheat on your husband as well.. Because it's fun." mia "Now you're just asking too many personal questions kid." mc "Sorry, I just thought your husband seems like a really nice guy.." mia "He is.." mia "But if you could sleep with any woman you want, would you happy just having sex with the same person for the rest of your life?" mc "Probably not." mia "Well there's your answer." mia "Roger that." mc "Anyhow, how's your baby? What is she 2.. 3 weeks old?" scene 11scene4img8 mia "Oh we're best friends now?" mia "You did blackmail me into giving you a blowjob kid.." mia "I haven't forgotten about that.." mc "No. I didn't blackmail you into anything.." mc "You dropped hints about giving me ANYTHING so I delete that video.." mc "I just picked up what you were putting down.." mia "Well, you put down a Big Load in my mouth that day.." mia "Even Hadler cum so much in my mouth.." mc "Totally forgot about Hadler.. How's he? I hope his shin's healed.." mia "He won't even talk to me." mia "Thanks to you, my Extra Marital relationship with his is over.. You ruined it." mc "Damn! I did it that bad, huh?" mia "He broke off with me saying because I'm a celebrity I attract way too much attention from Paparazzi." mia "He thought you were Paparazzi." mia "He doesn't want the Tabloids letting the whole world know that he was sleeping with a married woman." mc "Sorry I ruined your relationship with him." mia "That's fine.. I was going to dump his ass anyway.." mia "He wanted sex all the time.. He'd call me up even when I was in the middle of shooting." scene 11scene4img7 mia "Alright kid.. Thanks for the help today.. And it was nice chatting with you.." mia "Drop me off at the Velmont, will you?" mc "Sure." mc "Hey, can I call you sometime?" mc "May be we can hang out.." mia "Fine.. Call me.. IF.. only IF I'm in the mood to hang out.. I might entertain you." mc "That works for me." mia "Cool. Take a left up ahead.. Drop me off at Velmont." mc "You're going to leave just like that?" mc "You're not going to thank me for the help?" mc "I already.. than...." scene 11scene4img9 mia "Waaait a minute.." mia "What are you implying kid?" mc "I mean.." mc "I was just wondering..." mc "If you could reward me with a blowjob or something.." mia "Gruhhhh" mia "All you men are the same.." mia "I should've known better when you showed up out of the blue to help a damsel in distress." mc "I would've done that regardless.. I swear.." mia "Answer's No." mc "Really?" scene 11scene4img10 mia "Drop the subject kid." mia "I'm not going to do anything sexual with you." mc "Pleaaseee..." mc "Pretty please.." mia "NO" mc "Pretty pretty pleaasee.." mia "NO" mc "Are you playing hard to get?" mia "I'm a celebrity.." mia "I AM HARD TO GET." mc "I know.. I've been fantaszing about you for years now.." mc "I've jerked off watching you in steamy scenes in movies many times." mia "Hahahahaha. And that's supposed to flatter me?" mc "Does it?" scene 11scene4img11 mia "Ooooh what the hell! Okay, FINE." mia "I've already sucked your cock once.." mc "YESS!" mc "Thank you thank you thank you." mia "Hahahaha. You don't than a woman for offering you sex kiddo." mia "You come off like a virgin if you do that." mia "Are you a Virgin?" mc "Will that make you more attractive to you?" mia "It might." mc "Then I am." mc "I am a virgin." mia "Hahahha" mia "Pull up into a secluded alley or something.." mia "I'll take care of you." mc "{i} (YES!)" scene 11scene4img11a with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mia "BOYYY!!" mia "How do you walk around with this thing in your pants?" mia "This is so Huge!" mia "You are even bigger than Hadler." mc "Yeeahh.. I'd prefer not to be reminded of other men while having sexual fun.. Hehehe." mia "I'm giving you a compliment you idiot" mc "Oh! Then thanks." mia "I don't know how I fit this thing in my mouth on the yacht that day." mia "But I've thought about this a couple of times since then." mc "Well, dig in." scene 11scene4img12 mc "{i} (YESSS)" mc "{i} (I love having her mouth on my dick)" mc "{i} (So pleasureful.)" scene mariacarbj animated with fade: "11scene4img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene4img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaah yess!!" mc "This is soo good!" mc "You are such a Pro Maria.." mia "Gggh.. gmmh.. gghh..." mc "Suck it." mc "Take it deep." mc "Take me deep in your mouth.." mc "Suck me dry.." mia "Gllpgghhh." mia "gllluck... gllckll.. gllccck" mc "Aaaahh! This is one of the bet blowjobs I've ever had!" mc "You are soo good at sucking cock." scene mariacarbj2 animated with fade: "11scene4img12" with dissolve pause 0.5 "11scene4img13" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "{i} (Grhhh)" mc "{i} (She's picking up the tempo!)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is absloute bliss!)" mc "{i} (She's using her tongue so well inside.)" mc "{i} (It's driving me crazy!)" mc "{i} (Her tongue is tickling my shaft inside)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaah)" mc "{i} (Rrrgghhhh)" mc "{i} (Aaaaaaaargghhhhh)" scene 11scene4img13 with vpunch scene 11scene4img13 with flash scene 11scene4img13 with vpunch scene 11scene4img13 with flash scene 11scene4img13 with vpunch scene 11scene4img13 with flash scene 11scene4img14 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaahh." mc "That was awesome" mc "I'm spent!" scene 11scene4img15 mia "Did you enjoy that kid?" mc "Absolutely!" mc "Thank you." mia "Hehehehe." mia "You're thanking me again for a blowjob!" mia "Haha. You are so cute." mc "Was it good for you?" mia "I'm not going to anser that.. I don't wanna inflate youe ego. Hahaha." mc "Hehe" mia "Alright kiddo, now that I've satisfied your thirst.." mia "Drop me off at the Velmont.." mc "Sure." scene 11scene4img16 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mia "Alright kid.. It was fun spending time with you today." mia "Thanks for your help." mia "Aand.. the D" mia "Guess I'll see you around?" mc "Can I come to your house someday?" mia "Why? So my husband can find out I suck random kids' dicks? Hahaha." mc "I mean.. if we're to hang out in the future.. Where shal we meet.." mia "IF" mia "IF we hand out in the future kid.." mia "Alright. I gotta go now." mc "Okay. Bye." mc "I'll call you sometime." mia "If i'm in the mood.. I might answer." mia "Bye." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltn with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 9scene1img11 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "Man, today was a great day!" mc "So many sexual encounters." mc "Been a great day to remember." mc "But the night is still young." mc "Who knows what else this night could have in store for me." mc "It's night, [mom] must be in her room now." mc "Let me go and see her." mc "She's warned me about being careful at home.." mc "But I will never miss an opportunity to ogle at her." mc "Let's go to her room" scene 11scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" pause pause mc "{i} (HOT DAMN!!)" mc "{i} (WHAT A SIGHT TO GREET AS SOON AS I ENTER!!)" mc "{i} (THIS WOMAN CAN GET MY DICK HARD EVEN IF I'VE CUM A 100 TIMES ALREADY!)" mc "{i} (SHE'S THE BEST!)" mc "{i} (THE woman in my life!)" mc "{i} (My number 1)" mc "{i} (Gosh! I could just take a bite out of that Ass)" mc "{i} (I want to spank it so badly..!)" mc "{i} (I'd spank that ass all night till both her cheeks turn red!)" mc "{i} (Let me go talk to her)" mc "WOW [mc]" mc "Thanks for the great view to greet me!" scene 11scene5img2 mom "[mc]!!!" mom "What are you doing here in my room?" mom "I told you we should be careful while at home.." mom "You can't be here in my room honey.." mom "WE CANNOT BE IN A ROOM TOGETHER ALL BY OURSELVES!" mc "Relaaax [mom]...." mc "Wow.. You're still this apprehensive with me... ?)" mc "Even after we've had SEX!" mom "Exactly my point honey... It is because we've had sex that we can't be in a room together.." mom "Being in a room alone with you always leads to something.." mc "Hehehehe..." mc "You're right.." mom "Don't laugh. Haha." mom "You're standing too close to me honey... I need you to back up a little bit.." mc "Reaallyyy?" mom "Yes honey... Back up please.." mc "FINE." scene 11scene5img3 mc "Is this distance okay?" mom "Yeah." mom "That'll do.." mom "Now tell me.." mom "Why are you in my room?" mc "I just came here to talk to you, that's all.." mc "Can't a son walk into his [mom]'s room to say hi and see how she's doing?" mom "Hahahahaha... Yeah, right!... Like I'd believe that.." mc "Oh come on [mom]!" mc "You make it sound like I'm always thinking about Sex with you." scene 11scene5img4 mom "Well... Don't you?" mc "......." mc "Okay. You got a point there.." mc "But honestly I just came here to talk.." mom "Cool." mom "You can do the talking standing right over there.. without getting close to me." mc "Damn!" scene 11scene5img5 mc "Oh I'm getting a call..." mc "It's Archie.." mc "Hang on a second [mom].." mc "I need to take this call." scene 11scene5img6 mc "Yo Archie!" mc "What's up my man?" ah "Hey [mc], what's up by dude?" ah "How are you?" mc "I'm doing great man.. You?" ah "All good. All good. Thanks for asking." scene 11scene5img6a ah "When are you coming to Itheryia again my friend?" mc "Ooh believe me, I wish I was there right now." mc "Itheriya is the bomb my dude." mc "I'll be there any chance I get.." ah "When you do, don't forget to come say Hi to Archie.." mc "Of course brother!" scene 11scene5img6 mc "You're the only contact I have in Itheriya anyway. Hahahaha." mc "Of course I'll come meet you when I'm there." ah "Awesome." ah "Listen buddy.. I got the information you asked for.." mc "Oh cool." mc "Thanks man." ah "Is this a good time to talk?" mc "Oh totally.. I'm just talking to my [mom]." ah "Wait! You're with [ym]?!!" ah "Let me talk to her..." ah "Put her on video.." mc "Hahahaha... Alright you silly guy.." scene 11scene5img7 mom "Hi Archie...." mom "How are you sweetie?" mom "How was your day?" ah "Oh I'm doing wonderful Mrs. Reigns!" ah "And my day just got even better now that I behold your inexplicably beautiful face." mom "Aaawwww." mom "You are always so sweet.." mom "I'm glad I could brighten your day." ah "The glow in your face can light up dark caverns flled with darkness Mrs. Reigns..." ah "Just as easily as your glow lights up my heart." mc "Ooooh pulheease... Are you for real dude? Hahahahaha." mc "That is just next level buttering up my dude" ah "You know me my dude.. I make it a point to appreciate great beauty whenever I see it." ah "Okay Mrs. Reigns it was wonderful talking to you.. and seeing your face.." ah "Even if it was just for a few seconds." mom "Thanks Archie.. Let me give the phone to [mc]" ah "By the way Mrs. Reigns, feel free to give me a call whenever you come to Itheryiya." mom "I'll be sure to do that kiddo." ah "I will show you around the city.." ah "You know it's got plenty of beautiful faces." ah "I will show you around my big house too." ah "I've got a big bedroom too you know.." mc "Dude, that's enough flirting with my [mom]. Hahahahaha." mc "And you sound so corny when you do that. Hehehe." mc "Now gimme that info you've got for me." scene 11scene5img6a ah "So I spoke to that Henry guy's maid." ah "First of all, she asked me to give you thanks for the money you sent for her." ah "She had noted down the names and numbers of all the people who had called Henry at that Hotel room." ah "I'mma give you their names and numbers." ah "Make a note of them." scene 11scene5img6 mc "Sure." mc "Shoot buddy." ah "3 people called Henry at that room." ah "The first one is William Webster." ah "Second's Ronald Digby." ah "Lloyd Piston.." ah "I'll text you their numbers so you don't make a mistake nothing them down." ah "Anyway, do any of these names mean anything to you?" mc "No. Not really.." mc "At least not yet." mc "Did anyone leave a message?" ah "Yeah... This Ronald Digby guy... The maid told me that he called Henry on the landline multiple times." ah "He left a message asking for Henry to call him back on a secure line..." ah "He also said that he'll be flying to a country in the east in 3 days' time." ah "Didn't say which country though.." ah "All he said was that Henry should free up time to see if he can possibly meet him in the said country." ah "Also said that it was regarding an off the record project they're working on." ah "That's all the info I've got." mc "Awesome! Thank you so much buddy" ah "No problem man." ah "Call me if you need any help, okay?" mc "Will do. Thanks my man." ah "Okay. Bye now." scene 11scene5img8 mom "Was that about that Henry guy's associates honey?" mc "Yeah [mom]." mc "The maid we spoke to at Henry's hotel had noted down all the names and numbers of the people who called Henry.. Like we asked her to." mom "Good girl." mom "I knew we could count on her." mc "Well, till yesterday, we had no idea who the other 3 guys were.. out of those 5 Agency guys that are trying to bring down our Mafia." mc "We knew Vernon's their leader.. And we already got Henry trapped in Itheriya for life." mc "Now it looks like we might have the names of the other 3 guys." mc "But we can't be sure though." mom "How do we find out if these 3 names we got are the ones we're looking for?" mc "I don't know.. I'll figure something out..." mc "We've got their numbers..." mc "Perhaps I can trace their addresses using them and do some digging around." mc "That might lead us some where." mom "Great." mc "But one of these guys HAS to be one amoong the 5." mc "Ronald Digby.. He repeatedly called Henry at that Hotel.." mc "He's traveling to a county in the East in 3 days' time.." mc "And he specifically said it was about that 'Off the Books' project they're working on." mom "But why would he give out confidential information like that over a message to a maid?" mc "Perhaps he thought it wouldn't mean anything to a lowly maid.." mc "And, Alcander destroyed Henry's mobile and all his gadgets anyway... So leaving a message at the hotel must've been his only means of communicating with Henry" mom "But does it mean that the Off the Books project he was referring to is about the one where they're trying to bring down our Mafia?" mc "It has to." mc "These are top level agents in the agency." mc "And guys like that usually just focus on one project at a time.." mc "Also, these guys aren't field operators.. They're in commanding positings." mc "So those are the only gys who can know about an Off the Books Project." mom "Yeah. That makes sense." mom "So he is our guy." mom "Our next Target." mc "That's right." mom "And he's flying to a country in the east in 3 days' time?" mc "Yes." mom "That means we must be there too... To eliminate his threat." mc "That's right." mc "That means we're going on another adventure [mom]..." mc "This is awesome.." mom "I don't know if it's awesome honey.. It is a scary being in the midst of danger.." mom "Thrilling for sure.. But scary too.." mc "Don't worry [mom].. I've got you." mc "Besides, a few days in another country with you is great for me anyway.." mc "It means a whole lot of SEX with you!" scene 11scene5img8a mom "REALLY?" mom "Hahahahaha." mom "You just assume that these adventures we go on will get you Sex with me?" mc "Won't it?" mom "Absolutely not." mom "We go on these missions to save our [fmy] honey." mom "Not for having steamy Sex" mc "Oh come on [mom]... I know these adventures get you all excited.." mc "I know I'll get to nail you in one of these trips." mom "Hahahahhaha." mom "Yeah. right.. You keep telling yourself that honey. Hahahaha." scene 11scene5img8 mc "But in all seriousness though.. first we need to find out which country in the east this guys is flying to." mc "We need to figure out the objective of his visit there." mc "And we should come up with a good lie to tell the girls for going away for a couple of days." mom "Yeah.. We need to plan this trip through.." mom "But how do we find out which country this Ronald guys is flying to?" mc "Leave that to me." mc "I'll find that out somehow." mom "Okay honey." mom "Now go get some sleep okay?" mom "We'll discuss this trip when we have more information." mc "Sure." mc "An... and...[mom]... before I go to my room.. can I get a ..." scene 11scene5img9 mom "Hahahahaha." mom "Theeeereeee you go." mom "I was wondering how you didn't ask for some funny business for so long.." mom "Hahahaha.." mom "But like I said honey, we can't do anything at home." mom "You gotta get out of my room now. Haha" mc "But [mom].. Please... just a li..." mom "No. No." mom "Absolutely not.." mom "Go on now.. Get out.." mc "[mom], plleeeeasseeee..." scene 11scene5img10 mom "NOT A CHANCE HONEY..." mom "You need to leave now.." mom "Or I'm going to kick you out of my room hahahaha." mc "Really?" mc "There's absolutely no chance of changing your mind?" mom "Don't push it honey.." mom "You gotta go now.." mom "Come on.." mom "Chop chop." mc "Okay.." scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Damn! She kicked me out without as much as even letting me touch her." mc "She didn't even let me stand close to her.." mc "She is being extra cautious at home.." mc "Looks like I won't let me play with her while we're home." mc "Damn!" mc "But on the bright side, we've got another trip coming up in 3 days." mc "I might get to have a whole lot of sex with her on the trip." mc "I might get to fuck her in all the positions I've been dreaming about." mc "That's going to be awesome... But I can't wait for 3 days to fuck her.." mc "My cock is craving her pussy so much already.." mc "I gotta figure out a way to fuck her at least once before we go on that trip." mc "But for right now, I'm still left with this big boner.." mc "I need to relieve it somehow..." mc "Let me go see what Iris is up to.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 7scene8img8 mc "Here goes nothing." mc "I hope Iris doesn't find this too intruding on her privacy." mc "But I've been so obsessed with her lately." mc "Always fun doing nasty things with an innocent looking girl." scene 11scene6img1 play music "sounds/mia.mp3" mc "{i} (WOW)" mc "{i} (She's in just her Bra and Panty)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's about to take a bath or something.)" mc "{i} (The curves on her body get me every single time)" mc "{i} (I just love the contours of her fine body)" mc "{i} (So sensual)" mc "{i} (So HOT)" scene 11scene6img2 mc "Hey Iris" i "Hi [mc]" i "How come you're here in my room?" mc "Oh, sorry for intruding.. Shall I leave?" i "No. No.." i "I meant.. It's just a surprise that's all." i "I thought you'd be sleeping by now." mc "And I thought you'd be sleeping by now too." i "I wasn't getting any sleep.." scene 11scene6img3 pause i "So I just thought I'd relax in the bathtub till I felt sleepy" mc "{i} (Gosh she looks so stunning!)" mc "{i} (So fine)" mc "{i} (So pale..)" mc "{i} (Innocent..)" mc "{i} (Like a flower.. waiting to be pollinated.)" mc "{i} (I know she's a Virgin..)" mc "{i} (And I'd love to be the one to deflower her)" mc "Relax in the bathtub huh?" mc "But a bath at this time in the night?" i "I don't know, just felt like it.." mc "{i} (Oh my my!)" mc "{i} (I cannot peel my eyes away from her..)" mc "{i} (I am so fixated on her sensual body)" scene 11scene6img3a i "[mc], are you on this planet right now?" mc "What?" i "You seem lost in thought.." mc "........" mc "....." i "Why are you looking at me like that?" scene 11scene6img3 mc "........" mc "....." mc "{i} (I'm just lost in her beauty)" mc "Forgive me Iris if this is too straightforward.." i "What?" scene 11scene6img4 i "{i} (WHA...)" i "{i} (Wh.....)" i "{i} (whooaaa...)" mc "{i} (Her lips taste so good.)" mc "{i} (Soft like satin.)" mc "{i} (Delicate like fresh powder)" i "{i} (He's got his hand on my breast)" i "{i} (It's waking up something in me)" i "{i} (I fire hidden...)" i "{i} (His touch is stirring it)" scene 11scene6img5 mc "{i} (This is the first time I've touched her assets.)" mc "{i} (Her butt feels so very nice in my hand)" mc "{i} (Silky)" mc "{i} (Skin so smooth)" mc "{i} (The feeling is sending shivers up my spine)" mc "{i} (She doesn't seem to mind my hands on her assets.)" mc "{i} (Should I take that as invitation to go further?)" mc "{i} (I don't want to be too pushy on this delicate flower)" scene 11scene6img4 i "{i} (He's kissing me so passionately)" i "{i} (How did things get sexual between us?)" i "{i} (How did all of this begin?)" i "{i} (And why don't I see it as taboo?)" mc "{i} (I'm want to put her on the Bed.)" scene 11scene6img7 i "{i} (Aaaaaaaaah)" i "{i} (He's touching my Pussy)" i "{i} (Nobody has touched me there before)" i "{i} (My big [br] is the first one to touch me there.)" i "{i} (The fact that he's the first touching me there makes the pleasure even more intense and erotic)" mc "{i} (She's getting wet.)" mc "{i} (I can feel her wetness even through her underwear)" i "Is this..." i "Is this okay [mc]?" mc "Do you like it?" i "Yes." mc "Then it is okay.." mc "I want to taste you." mc "I've been craving bodily intimacy with you for a while now." i "What do we do next? I don't know much about sex" mc "I will teach you.." mc "Let us do something NASTY." scene 11scene6img7a mc "{i} (I am in a dreamy heaven with a fairy on my cock)" mc "{i} (My hands prying her ass cheeks)" mc "{i} (Her silky lips wrapped around my cock.)" mc "{i} (I hope she takes me deep in her mouth.)" mc "{i} (I want to be as inside as her mouth as she can take me)" mc "{i} (Her juices are already leaking on my face)" mc "{i} (She is so wet)" scene 11scene6img7 i "{i} (He was right. This is NASTY!)" i "{i} (We both have our mouths on each other's genitals)" i "{i} (This feels so Dirty)" i "{i} (I feel like a filthy girl)" i "{i} (I feel so filthy. And I'm okay with it)" scene 11scene6img8 mc "{i} (She's starting to use her tongue on my tip)" mc "{i} (It feels ecstatic)" mc "{i} (Her tongue is polishing the head of my cock)" scene iris69bj animated with fade: "11scene6img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene6img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaahhh)" mc "{i} (Oowwhh)" mc "{i} (My cock is in pleasureverse)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is so wet)" mc "{i} (It's lubricating my shaft)" mc "{i} (I can feel the back of her throat)" mc "{i} (She is taking me deep)" mc "{i} (So deep)" mc "{i} (Suck me)" mc "{i} (Suck me deep little [st])" mc "{i} (Suck your [br]'s dick)" scene 11scene6img10 mc "{i} (Feels so wonderful to pry her ass cheeks apart with my hands)" mc "{i} (I have both handsful of her lovely ass cheeks)" mc "{i} (This is considerable booty for a slender girl)" mc "{i} (This is a tick ass for her size)" mc "{i} (Holding her ass cheeks like this is making my erection grow even bigger in her mouth)" scene iris69pl animated with fade: "11scene6img11" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene6img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Mmmmm yess)" mc "{i} (Her pussy tastes so good)" mc "{i} (I love this Fairy Pussy)" mc "{i} (So delicate)" mc "{i} (Someday I'm going to destroy this delicate pussy)" mc "{i} (I'm going to thrash it rageing force)" mc "{i} (I will absolutely plunder this pussy for my pleasure)" mc "{i} (Soon Iris.. Soon little [st].. I am going to be in your Pussy)" scene iris69bj2 animated with fade: "11scene6img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene6img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Her mouth is one of my new favorite places to be in)" mc "{i} (It is so warm and inviting)" mc "{i} (The wetness is exquisite)" mc "{i} (Her sultry tongue is such a great host)" mc "{i} (It takes such good of my shat in her mouth)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is one of my new Palaces)" scene iris69bj3 animated with fade: "11scene6img8" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene6img9" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Her pace has increased)" mc "{i} (She's moving her mouth freely on my shaft)" mc "{i} (The intense pleasure has my twitching inside her)" mc "{i} (My tower in her mouth is going to explode soon)" mc "{i} (This feels so good)" mc "{i} (So filthy and heavenly)" mc "{i} (Arrghhh)" mc "{i} (Aaaarrhhh)" mc "{i} (AaaarrgggGgggrrhhhh)" scene 11scene6img12 with vpunch scene 11scene6img12 with flash scene 11scene6img12 with vpunch scene 11scene6img12 with flash scene 11scene6img12 with vpunch scene 11scene6img12 with flash scene 11scene6img13 with dissolve pause pause mc "{i} (I am so spent)" mc "{i} (My dick is deflating in her mouth)" scene 11scene6img14 i "That was so filthily delicious [mc]" mc "What?" i "I enjoyed it so much" mc "Me too." mc "Your mouth is one of my new favorite places to be in." i "Hehehehe" mc "{i} (There's a hint of naughtiness in her smile now)" mc "{i} (Good girl has started turning bad)" mc "{i} (This is just the beginning)" mc "{i} (I'm going to take her into a world of debauchery)" mc "{i} (I'm going to slowly turn this Fairy into a sex crazed Succubus)" mc "I'm glad you enjoyed this too Iris." mc "Guess it's time for me to go back to my room now." mc "I will see you tomorrow." mc "Sleep tight." i "Good night [mc]" scene 6scene6img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "That was sooo erotic and filthy" mc "I 69d my fairy of an innocent little [st]" mc "What a wonderful day this has been." mc "Full of kinky sexual encounters." mc "Time to go to sleep now." mc "Need to rest up and get the energy for whatever sexual pleasures tomorrow brings" stop music scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Another beautiful morning." mc "What a great feeling it is to wake up knowing you 69d your little [st] last night." mc "Yesterday was a great day." mc "I came so many times." mc "And into multiple women's mouths." mc "I hope today is just as exciting as yesterday." mc "My life has been filled with loads of sexual encounters lately." mc "And in 3 days I'm going to b in sexual Nirvana.." mc "A trip with [mom] to an eastern country." mc "I just know it's going to be epic." mc "I'm going to fuck her multiple times while we're there." mc "For now, let's get off the bed and get this day started." scene 7scene1img2 mc "Hmmmm" mc "All the girls are out in the morning as usual." mc "I'm possibly missing out on some fun in the mornings by waking up late" mc "May be this is something I should rectify." mc "It might be turn out to be rewarding afterall" mc "Anyhow. What to do now?" mc "Everyone's out anyway." mc "So I might as well head out too." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "A nice sunny day." mc "I love this city." mc "Feels good to be out in the sun." mc "Where do I want to go now?." mc "Should I call Maria Winberg?" mc "No. Might be too early to call her. She just gave me a BJ yesterday afterall" mc "I think I'll go to Aunt Liza's place" mc "She was blindfolded yesterday. So she couldn't have known that it was me fucking her mouth." mc "So it must be safe." scene 8scene3img9 mc "We're here." mc "I don't see Uncle Mark's Car outside." mc "That's a good thing." mc "Also, the kids are usually at school at this time." mc "Aunt Liza must be alone in there." mc "That's perfect for me." mc "Let's go inside." scene 8scene4img1 mc "My heart starts beating faster anytime I'm Liza's bedroom door." mc "I've had some great times here." mc "Someday soon I want to lock this door from the inside and fuck Liza's brains out." mc "Let me go in and say hi to her." scene 11scene7img1 mc "Hmmmmmm" mc "She's not in here." mc "The main door was open." mc "So she must be in the house" mc "I didn't see her in the Kitchen either." mc "Where is she?" mc "May be she's in the bathroom or something." mc "Let me go check the Bathroom" scene 11scene7img2 pause mc "{i} (YES! There she is)" mc "{i} (That buxom booty)" mc "{i} (Dat ass is looking so Thick)" mc "{i} (When will I finally be able to shove my entire length into that ass?)" mc "{i} (That hourglass figure is something to kill for)" mc "{i} (I'd fight a war for her body)" mc "{i} (To claim her a mine and dominate and wreck her ass every night)" mc "{i} (I would just tear that ass up)" mc "{i} (What a perfect figure)" mc "{i} (And what a solid ass on her!)" scene 11scene7img3 pause mc "{i} (It's sooo hard to peel my eyes away from those mountainous ass cheeks)" mc "{i} (The more I look at her ass, the more I want to rip it apart with my dick)" mc "{i} (Stare too long.. and I might just lose control and do it)" mc "{i} (Bend her over that sink..)" mc "{i} (And give her a hardcore ramming from behind)" mc "{i} (Someday I'm going to do just that!)" mc "{i} (I'm going to take her from behind right at that spot)" mc "{i} (I'm going to fuck her all over this bathroom)" mc "{i} (Her booty is tempting me beyond control)" mc "{i} (If not for the clicking sound on my phone camera, I'd take a picture of her ass so I could jerk off to it later)" mc "{i} (It looks THAT good in that light)" scene 11scene7img4 pause pause mc "{i} (OMG!!)" mc "{i} (That Sexy Mynx!!)" mc "{i} (She's checking herself out!)" mc "{i} (I am so jealous of Uncle Mark)" mc "{i} (He gets to fuck her every night)" mc "{i} (HOT DAMN!)" mc "{i} (Those are curves on her body!)" mc "{i} (Those curves can tempt any man into losing his mind and do nasty things to her)" mc "{i} (She's got curves for days..)" mc "{i} (No!)" mc "{i} (Curves for years..)" mc "{i} (Lightyears even..)" scene 11scene7img5 mc "{i} (Uncle Mark, you lucky SOB)" mc "{i} (What I'd give to have a Sexy Wife like that)" mc "{i} (To come home to that body after a tiring day at work)" mc "{i} (And fuck my wife's brains out every night)" mc "{i} (This is the woman I've dreamnt of as my wife for the longest time)" mc "{i} (Too bad she was already taken even when my fantasies about her began in my mind)" mc "{i} (Not to say that I can't score on her though..)" mc "{i} (She did let a total stranger fuck her mouth yesterday.)" mc "{i} (She must've known that it wasn't uncle Mark because of the size)" mc "{i} (Or is uncle Mark packing like me too? May be that's why she married him)" mc "{i} (Nevertheless, she must've known it was a stranger fucking her mouth)" scene 11scene7img6 pause pause mc "{i} (She's checking herself out from all angles)" mc "{i} (Why wouldn't she?)" mc "{i} (Why wouldn't anyone when they've got a body like THAT!)" mc "{i} (Holly molly! She's sexy as fire)" mc "{i} (Her body is just straight fire Tequila)" mc "{i} (A great rack! great ass! sexy face!)" mc "{i} (She's got everything)" mc "{i} (And she knows it)" mc "{i} (She knows how Hot she is)" mc "{i} (She must know she can have any man wrapped around her finger)" mc "{i} (And I'd gladly volunteer to be wrapped around her finger.)" mc "{i} (Or any part of her body)" scene 11scene7img5 mc "{i} (I don't care what it takes..)" mc "{i} (Or how long it takes...)" mc "{i} (I'm going to fuck you very soon Aunt Liza)" mc "{i} (Very soon...)" mc "{i} (Fucking you is one of my life's mission)" scene 11scene7img7 el "Enjoying spying on me [mc]?" mc "{i} (WHAAA...)" mc "{i} (WHAATT!!)" mc "{i} (FUCK! I'M CAUGHT!)" mc "{i} (She's caught me!)" mc "{i} (Fuck! fuck. fuck!)" mc "{i} (This is bad)" mc "{i} (This is really bad)" scene 11scene7img8 el "JUST WHAT IN THE WORLD DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!!" el "What have you grown into?" el "I've always held you in such high regard.." el "And this is what you've really become?!" el "Spying on a lady while she's unawares" el "That was such a creepy thing to do [mc].." el "That is just disgusting behaviour" mc "AUNT LIZA.. I'M SOO SORRYYY.. IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.." mc "I WASN'T SPYING ON YOU.." mc "I JUST WALKED IN ON YOU BY MISTAKE.." scene 11scene7img9 el "Save it [mc]!" el "I know exactly what you were doing" el "I pretended like I didn't know that you were there watching me.. To guage if it was an honest mistake, or if you were intentionally watching me.)" el "And you were spying on me" mc "Aunt Liza, pleease... Please just give me a chance.." mc "I can explain.." scene 11scene7img10 el "Explain what?" el "Explain why you're such a pervert?!" mc "No.. no.. Please... I aa a" mc "I didn't mean to." el "I can't believe you were spying on me of all people [mc]" el "I am your Godmother" el "How could you spy on Me?!" mc "I'm so sorry Aunt Liza.." mc "Please don't hate me.." scene 11scene7img8 el "I always thought you were such a sweet adorable kid." el "I have known you since the day you were born" el "You are like a son to me.." el "And to catch you spying on me!" el "Grr..." mc "Please aunt Liza.. Please.. I just got carried away.." mc "I did walk in by mistake.." mc "But I let temptation take over once I saw you naked." mc "Please forgive me.." scene 11scene7img9 el "I don't know what to think of you anymore [mc]" el "I don't know if I can ever look at you like the sweet baby boy I've always loved ever again." mc "Please.. Please aunt Liza.. Please don't hate me." mc "This was an honest mistake.. I just got carried away.." el "{i} (Wait...)" el "{i} (Could he have been the one who entered my mouth when I was blindfolded yesterday?)" el "{i} (He let himself in to spy on me today..)" el "{i} (It very well might have been him entering my mouth yesterday.)" el "{i} (I need to find out the truth.)" el "Listen to me [mc].." el "I need to verify something..." el "I'm not doing this to make things sexual.. I want to make this very clear.. It's because I want verify something.." el "DROP YOUR PANTS!" mc "WHAT?" el "Show me your Penis?" mc "WHAT? NO..." mc "I can't.." scene 11scene7img10 el "WHY?! DO YOU HAVE AN ERECTION YOU'RE HIDING?" el "I caught you spying on me [mc].. Seeing you have an erection wouldn't make it any worse.." el "It's fine if you have an erection." el "Just show me your penis." el "I need to see it." mc "But aunt Liza..." el "If you ever want me to look at you with the same love I've always had... You need to do this [mc]." mc "Ookaaayyy..." scene 11scene7img11 el "{i} (HHhhuuuuuhh!)" el "{i} (It IS Huge..)" el "{i} (Just like the one I felt in my mouth yesterday!)" el "{i} (It does look about the same size!)" el "{i} (I thought it was a Monstorous cock in my mouth yesterday.)" el "{i} (And this certainly fits the bill)" el "{i} (It is a Monster Cock!)" el "{i} (Could it really have been him..?)" scene 11scene7img12 el "{i} (Could it have been my baby boy who fucked my mouth yesterday?)" el "{i} (I shouldn't lash out at him without proper evidence)" el "{i} (May be it was him.. or it might have been someone else of similar size)" el "{i} (That thing is MASSIVE)" el "{i} (And it's staring right at me!!)" el "{i} (Like it wants to jump at and devour me..)" el "{i} (WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIRL? YOU'RE GETTING DISTRACTED BY HIS COCK)" el "{i} (HE IS YOUR GODSON)" scene 11scene7img11 el "{i} (Get yourself together girl)" el "{i} (Take your eyes off of his penis)" el "{i} (Peel yuor eyes away from it)" scene 11scene7img13 el "Okay [mc], I've seen what I needed to see." el "You may go now." mc "Aunt Liza.. I.." el "Just don't [mc]..." el "We'll talk when I have a clearer head." el "I need to clear my mind now.." el "You may go." mc "Let me just ask you one favour.. Please don't tell [mm] about this.. Please.. I beg you." el "What? Tell my best friend that her son was spying on me?" el "I wouldn't do that to my best friend [mc].." el "This will just stay between us." el "Even Mark won't hear about this. He thinks you're a good kid, and I don't wont to spoil that image." mc "THANK YOU SOOO MUCH AUNT LIZA.." mc "I swear I try to get back in your good graces by any means necessary." mc "I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust again." mc "I swear it." mc "I will do everything in my power to show that I'm still the same boy you've always loved.. And to show the real love I've always had for you." el "Fine [mc], just give me some time to think this whole thing through. We'll talk when I'm more calmer." mc "Okay. Bye." scene 11scene7img14 el "I don't believe this!!" el "He might have actually been the one who fucked my mouth yesterday!" el "That is so crazy!!" el "What has become of my sweet, innocent baby boy." el "I've loved him like a son all his life." el "I was there when he was born." el "And to think that he might have been the one who enterd my mouth yesterday with that Monster cock" el "Is it really that bad as I'm making it out to be though?" el "He is young and at that age after all.." el "May be I was too hard on him..." el "I do remember thinking that cock in my mouth was delicious!" el "I did enjoy it's taste and size.." el "NO.. NO .. NO.." el "He is your Godson!" el "Shake those thoughts off your head right this instant." scene 8scene3img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Fuuuuuuuckkkkk" mc "I messed up Big time!" mc "I really fucked things up.." mc "Aunt Liza might never look at me the same way again." mc "What have I done?" mc "What have I done?" mc "It's true I've always had sexual fantasies about her... But I've always truly loved her too." mc "And to think I ruined our beautiful relationship!" mc "I need to fix this.." mc "I need to mend my relationship with her at any cost" mc "Not matter what it takes" mc "I NEED TO GET BACK IN HER GOOD GRACES!" mc "I will do whatever it takes." mc "I will give it everything to get back in her good graces. I just have to." mc "Calm down [mc]..." mc "What's happened has happened." mc "All you can do is just give it your every being to fix things with her." mc "Calm down." mc "Wooooosaaaaaaaa" mc "**Deep breath**" mc "Oh!!" mc "It's almost 1 o Clock!" mc "I'm supposed to be having Lunch with Jasmine and [mom] at a restaurant today." mc "Let me drive there quickly." stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" mc "Hello Ladies.." j "Hey [mc].. glad you could finally make it." mom "Hello sweetie." mc "Hi [mom]" mc "When did you guys get here?" j "About 30 minutes ago." mc "Oh. Sorry I'm late." mom "That's alright baby.. Just glad you joined us." j "I hope you don't mind.. we placed our orders already." j "And we took the liberty to order something for you too." j "You will love the Duck Roast here." mc "Can't wait to try it." mc "And might I add.. both of you look splendid this afternoon." j "Thanks [mc]." j "We were just discussing about the Bora Bora trip while waiting for you." mc "Bora Bora.. Yeah.. I almost forgot about it." mc "That's been looong overdue." mom "Yes. We should check with the others too and decide on a date to go." mom "We've been putting that away for a long time." scene 11scene8img2 j "Will Dad be joining us too Mom?" mom "Hehe. I can't answer that question for him sweetie. You know your Dad.. It'll be a miracle if he showed up." j "I don't want him to miss out.. We should all go together. All of us" mom "Well then you should ask him.. He rarely ever says no to you." j "I'll call him then" j "I'll make sure he shows up." mc "{i} (It'll be nice if [dad] joined us too...)" mc "{i} (Buuut.. I'd rather prefer if he didn't...)" mc "{i} (I may not be able to have my way with the girls if he joins us too.)" mom "And when you talk to him, tell him to call me once in a while." j "Aaw come on Mom.. I'm sure he calls you often.." j "You're the love of his life after all." scene 11scene8img1 mc "Hey Jasmine, do you know about Yelena yet?" j "Ella's girlfriend?" mc "Yeah. Her." j "Are those two serious? Is Ella really in love?" mc "Head over heels." mc "You have no idea." j "Haaa?" j "That's nice." scene 11scene8img2 j "What do you think Mom, do you think those two are going to end up getting married?" mom "You know, I'd actually like that." mom "Ella's the happiest I've seen with her." mom "I've met Yelena. She seems like a really nice girl." j "I can't wait to meet her then." mc "{i} (Daamn!! [mom]'s rack is sooo distracting.)" mc "{i} (Her rack looks spectacular in that low neck.)" mc "{i} (I hope Jasmine doesn't catch me staring at [mom]'s boobs)" mom "You might get to meet her soon.. I really do think they're very serious." j "Wonderful." scene 11scene8img1 j "Have you spoke to [mc] about his career plans Mom?" j "He's almost finishing College." mom "I've tried.." mom "But he sneaks away anytime I start the conversation." j "You should be thinking about it seriously at this time [mc]." mc "Do we Have to talk about my career options now? Haha" mc "Just let me enjoy my meal Jas." mc "{i} (I've actually thought about it.. I think I want to be like [dad].)" mc "{i} (Be the leader of a Mafia.. A Super Hot wife like [mom].)" scene 11scene8img2 j "He's actually gotten even lazier than I remember Mom." j "You shouldn't be so lenient with him." mom "I know right?" mom "I have been very lenient with him." mom "About time I give him the sctrict mom treatment." j "Actually... just leave his discipling to me." j "I'm the only one he's a little scared of. All of you all have spoilt him so much." j "He wasn't this lazy and undisciplined before I got married and moved out." mom "Yeah. You do that sweetie." mom "You discipline him." mom "Would you excuse me for a second love?" mom "I need to go to the restroom." j "Sure." scene 11scene8img3 j "What time do you wake up these days [mc]?" mc "I don't know.." mc "Around.. 11 ish.." j "Not anymore." j "From tomorrow you're waking up at 7 sharp" mc "Hey!! You can't do that.." mc "That's too early." j "You're going to wake up at 7. End of story." j "I want you to join me for yoga at 7.30 everyday." mc "{i} (Hmmmmm..)" mc "{i} (Yoga with Jas...)" mc "{i} (That might actually be worth waking up that early for)" mc "{i} (That way I can try and further my sexual antics with her.)" mc "{i} (Speaking of sexual antics.. [mom] just went to the restroom..)" mc "{i} (She's not even letting me near her at home.)" mc "{i} (While we're outside is the only time I may get some action from her.)" mc "Hey Jas.. excuse me for a second, will you?" mc "I'll be right back.. Need to go to the restroom." j "Okay." mc "{i} (I'm so horny.. I'm about to walk into a Womens' Restroom...)" mc "{i} (Here goes nothing)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene8img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "{i} (Thank goodness there's no one else in here.)" mc "{i} (I've locked the door from the inside.)" mc "{i} (And put a Cleaning In Progress sign on the outside.)" mc "{i} (I have her all for myself now!)" mc "{i} (I've you now [mom].)" mc "{i} (I've got you all for myself)" mc "{i} (My dick is already erect like a Rocket)" mc "{i} (It's pointing to her like a pleasure detector)" mc "Hey Mom." scene 11scene8img5 mom "[mc]!!!" mom "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" mom "THIS IS THE LADIES' ROOM." mom "You can't be here. ARE YOU CRAZY!?" mc "I am.." mc "I am crazy for you.." mc "I am crazy in lust with you." mom "THIS IS RIDICULOUS [mc]!" mom "YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND WALKING INTO THE LADIES' ROOM TO COME FIND ME." mom "I don't believe this!!!" mom "I can't believe [ms] always thinks with his penis!" mc "YES! When it comes to you.. I do.." mc "I came here to give you this penis." scene 11scene8img6 mom "EXCUSE ME?!!" mc "I said I came here to give you this penis." mc "I'm sorry if I'm being too straightforward and blunt right now.." mc "But when it comes to you, I just can't help it.." mc "I can't reason with my senses when it's about you." mc "I lust after you like a desert thirsts for rain." mc "And I Love you like a fish loves the water!" mc "I am absolutely, positively, 1000 percent LOVE you." mom "You're not thinking straight now [mc]..." mc "I'm not finished...." mc "I want to Fuck you.." mc "Right here.. right now..." mc "I want to Fuck you." mom "{i} (I don't know how to react to this boldness)" mom "{i} ([ms] is flat out telling me he wants to fuck me.)" scene 11scene8img7a mom "{i} (He's getting bolder and bolder with me with each passing day.)" mom "{i} (And the bolder he gets with me, the hornier it makes me.)" mom "{i} (I try to resist it.)" mom "{i} (But my resistance proves futile)" mom "{i} (What is this strange relationship?)" mom "{i} (We've mixed filthiness and vulgarity in our relationship that should only be about love.)" scene 11scene8img7 mom "{i} (Oddly enough, love and vulgarity go well together even if it's wrong.)" mom "{i} (Wrong feels right..)" mom "{i} (Filthiness feels divine.)" mom "{i} (Lust overcomes morality.)" mom "{i} (Our relationship is unique.)" mom "{i} (Detestable and all consumingly Ecstatic)" scene 11scene8img6 mc "Did you hear me [mom]?" mom "What honey?" mc "I said I want to Fuck you." mom "But..." mc "No buts.." mom "I want to make love to you now.." mc "Take off your clothes." mom "You're no thinking straight honey.." mom "We can't." mom "I'm going to go powder my nose. When I'm done, we're leaving this room." scene 11scene8img8 mc "{i} (Why does she resist?)" mc "{i} (WHy can't she just completely give into Lust?)" mc "{i} (Deep inside I know she likes it.)" mc "{i} (Why doesn't she give herself permission to be free?)" mc "{i} (Free to indulge in perverseness.)" mc "{i} (I don't understand why..)" mc "{i} (And right this moment, I don't care to understand why...)" mc "{i} (I want her.. I am going to take her.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 11scene8img9 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mom "[mc]!!!" mom "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" mom "This is madness!!" mc "NO." mc "This is LOVE." mc "This is unbridled LUST." mom "{i} (He's grabbing me by the neck! He's being so aggressive.)" mc "You like it, don't you?" mc "You like it when I get rough with you.." scene 11scene8img10 mom "{i} (His manhood is flush against my buttocks)" mom "{i} (I can feel it growing bigger and bigger.)" mom "{i} (My baby boy is so Big)" mom "{i} (So manly!)" mom "{i} (And he's taking control.)" mom "{i} (Taking control of his [mom])" mom "{i} (What a twisted web of lust have we gotten ourselves into?)" scene 11scene8img11 mc "You didn't answer me.." "........" "......" mc "You like it, don't you?" mom "I.. aa..." mc "Just admit it." "......." mc "Answer me." mc "You like it when I get rough with you, yes?" scene 11scene8img12 mom "Aaaaaaa" mom "I admit it." mom "I Love it when you get rough with me." mom "I like it when you put your hands on my body." mom "I love it when you grab me wherever you want." mc "Good." mc "Your Breasts are so full!" mc "I want to drink Milk from your breasts again someday." mc "But for now..." mc "It's time to get you out of this dress." mom "Take it off me." mom "Undress me" scene 11scene8img13 mom "{i} (What sort of [mom] stands naked in front of her son?)" mom "{i} (We're standing next to each other naked... Like Man and Woman.)" mom "{i} (This pleasure is beyond comprehension.)" mom "{i} ([ms] is slowly becoming my Man.)" mom "{i} (This is absolute perverse delight.)" mom "What next my baby boy?" mc "Now we make love." mc "Now I Fuck you." mom "Have your way with me." mc "Ooohh, I intend to." scene momtoiletmouthfuck animated with fade: "11scene8img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Mmmmmmm yeaa...)" mom "{i} (I love taking his cock in my mouth.)" mom "{i} (His Big Monster cock)" mom "{i} (He is hung like an elephant)" mom "{i} (I love this big fat cock)" mom "{i} (It is soo thick!)" mom "{i} (Sooo long.)" mom "{i} (Sooo tasty...)" mc "{i} (Take me in [mom].." mc "{i} (Take my big monster cock in your mouth)" mc "{i} (Drool on it)" mc "{i} (I'll get you addicted to this dick.)" mc "{i} (You're going to beg me to fuck your mouth every now and then.)" scene momtoiletmouthfuck animated with fade: "11scene8img14" with dissolve pause 0.4 "11scene8img15" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mc "Take it.." mc "{i} (Take [ys]'s length into your mouth.)" mc "{i} (Take it hard.)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking your mouth.)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking [mm]'s mouth)" mc "{i} (I'm fucking it hard..)" mom "Glll.. glllc.. gllccc..." mom "Gllc.." mom "It's time to Fuck her." scene 11scene8img16 mom "{i} (Oooooh, he's looking right into my eyes as he's preparing to fuck me.)" mom "{i} (He's sensually caressing my hips.)" mom "{i} (Slowly spreading my legs apart.)" mom "{i} (All the while looking deep into my eyes.)" mom "{i} (This is such a sensual moment.)" mom "{i} (A moment I want to cherish forever.)" mom "{i} (Pure sensual bliss)" mom "Take me baby..." scene 11scene8img17 mom "{i} (The Monster is placed right at my door.)" mom "{i} (It's growling..)" mom "{i} (Ready to devour it's meal.)" mom "{i} (The calm before the storm)" mom "{i} (His Monster is about to ravage me.)" mom "{i} (I cannot wait for it to enter..)" mom "{i} (And violate my insides..)" scene 11scene8img18 mom "AaaaaaaaOOOoooowwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaa" mom "HE JUST STABBED ME WITH HIS MOUNTAIN OF A COCK!" mom "THAT HURT." mom "In a good way.." mom "In a great way.." mc "Take me baby..." mc "Take [ym].." scene momtoiletmisnry animated with fade: "11scene8img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Ooooooooooowwwwww my gaaawsh)" mom "{i} (He's is going sooo deep into me.)" mom "{i} (Soooo soooo deep!)" mom "{i} (His Monster is prowling the most deepest parts of me.)" mom "{i} (He is fucking me sooo deep.)" mom "{i} (This is the deepest drilling I've ever had!)" mom "{i} (He was gentle the last time..)" mom "{i} (Now, he's not holding back...)" mom "{i} (He is fucking me..)" mom "{i} (He is fucking me soooo deeeeep)" scene momtoiletmisnry2 animated with fade: "11scene8img19" with dissolve pause 0.4 "11scene8img20" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mom "Aaaa...aaaaa... aaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Ooooohhh yesssssaaaa aaa." mom "{i} (I shouldn't scream...)" mom "{i} (We can't people know we're having sex in here.)" mom "{i} (But he is ABSOLUTELY RAVAGING me)" mom "{i} (HE IS ABSOLUTELY DRILLING ME SAVAGELY)" mom "{i} (I want him to last.. I don't want him to cum too soon.)" mom "Baby... slow down... slow doowwnn..." mom "We need to go longer.." mom "I need you to pound me longer.)" scene 11scene8img21 mc "You want me to pound you longer huh?" mc "You want your baby boy to pound you longer?" mom "Yes.." mom "Yes. I want your cock Deeep in my pussy..." mc "Well, I'm absolutely going to pulverize your pussy." scene momtoiletmisnry3 animated with fade: "11scene8img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "TAKE IT!!" mc "TAKE IT DEEEP" mc "TAKE ME DEEP [mm]" mc "TAKE MY MONSTER COCK DEEP IN YOU." mc "I'M TEARING INTO YOU..." mc "I'M TEARING INTO YOUR DEPTHS..." mc "Take it [mom]..." mc "Take it hard.." mc "Take it hard.. like you want it..." mom "Aaaaaaaaaaa..." mom "Aaaa.. yess..." mom "Yeaaahh baby... Go deep, just like that.." mom "Go deep in [ym]" scene momtoiletmisnry4 animated with fade: "11scene8img21" with dissolve pause 0.4 "11scene8img22" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mom "{i} (Oh no...)" mom "{i} (He's speeding up again...)" mom "{i} (He might come soon if he keeps this pace...)" mom "{i} (I can't let him cum too soon.)" scene 11scene8img23 mom "Baby..." mom "Baby......" mom "{i} (He can't even hear me..)" mom "{i} (He's possessed.)" mom "Baby..." mc "Yes [mom].." mom "Let's switch position." scene 11scene8img24 mom "{i} (OOOHHHH YESSS)" mom "{i} (EVEN JUST THE TIP OF THAT MONSTER IS STRETCHING ME OUT SO WELL.." mom "{i} (Even right at the entrance I can feel his mammoth thickness.)" mom "Go inside baby.." mom "Go inside [mmy]." scene momtoiletmisnry5 animated with fade: "11scene8img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaa... aaaaa ahhh)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaa...)" mom "{i} (His cock is reaching parts of me I didn't know I had)" mom "{i} (That Monster is ravaging my insides!)" mom "{i} (I am in perverse nirvana)" mom "{i} (It is so filthy)" mom "{i} (So beautiful)" mom "{i} (This is sex euphoria)" mom "{i} (Ecstacy beyond belief)" mom "{i} (That is a lightning bolt inside me.)" mom "{i} (Electrifying all the nerve endings in my vagine)" scene momtoiletmisnry6 animated with fade: "11scene8img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img27" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Now this is SEX)" mom "{i} (This is true SEX!)" mom "{i} (I didn't know sexual pleasure could climb to this stratospheric heights)" mom "{i} (And it's my sweet baby awakening all these pleasures in me.)" mom "{i} (He's taking me to heights I've NEVER felt before.)" mom "{i} (I'm in a rocket shooting to the upper limits of pleasuretopia)" mom "{i} (No..)" mom "{i} (I Have a Rocket in me.. making me experience blisstacy)" mom "{i} ([ms] is soooo good..)" mom "{i} (His cock is a BEAST)" mom "{i} (Made to devour his [mom]'s Vagina)" scene momtoiletmisnry7 animated with fade: "11scene8img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (That is an absolite POLE of a cock he's shoving inside me)" mom "{i} (Soo loooong..)" mom "{i} (And soooo THICK)" mom "{i} (He is ssssoooooooooo deeeep inside me.. I can't even fathom it.)" mom "{i} (And that's not even his ENTIRE LENGTH going inside me.)" mom "{i} (I want to take every millimeter of his cock inside me someday soon.)" mom "{i} (If he pounds me like this a few more days repeatedly...)" mom "{i} (I might be able to take him ALL THE WAY INSIDE ME.)" mom "{i} (I want his testicles to touch my pussy lips)" mom "{i} (I want his ENTIRE LENGTH in me some day soon.)" mc "Let's try another position [mom]" mom "Sure baby.." scene 11scene8img30 mom "{i} ([ms]'s cock in my pussy)" mom "{i} (His hand on my ass)" mom "{i} (It can't get better than this.)" scene momtoiletmisnry8 animated with fade: "11scene8img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Oooo yeeeassss" mom "Aaaaaa...." mom "Aaaaawwww... yeeeaaaaa.." mom "Yes baby... Just like that..." mom "Pound me just like that.." mom "Pound [ym]" mom "Pound [ym] haaardddd" mom "Ravage my insides.." mom "Oooooh you're making [mmy] shudder.." mom "Oooo.. oooo.... Yeeesss.." mom "Just like that.." mom "Just like that...." mc "Let's switch back to Missionary [mom]." mc "I want to look in your eyes as I cum in you." scene momtoiletmisnry9 animated with fade: "11scene8img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 "11scene8img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (He said he wanted to Cum in me)" mom "{i} (Should I let him cum inside me?)" mom "{i} (He already came in me when we had sex in Itheriya.)" mom "{i} (That was our first time.. So I let him..)" mom "{i} (But if he shoots another load in me, I might get Pregnant.)" mc "I think I'm almost there [mom]..." scene momtoiletmisnry10 animated with fade: "11scene8img19" with dissolve pause 0.4 "11scene8img20" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mc "Take it!!!" mc "Take it harddd" mc "Take it HAAARDDD" mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaaa)" mom "{i} (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)" mom "{i} (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!)" mom "{i} (He's fucking me SOOO HARD!!)" mom "{i} (He is absolutely ravaging my pussy.)" mom "{i} (This is such Hard pounding!)" mom "{i} (So vicious!)" mom "{i} (So ravenous)" mc "I'm getting close [mom].." mc "I'm going to cum.." mc "I'm going to cum in you..." mc "I'm going to cum in you haard.." mom "{i} (He's repeatedly saying he wants to cum in me...!)" mom "{i} (Ooh! What the heck! Let him cum in me just this once..)" mc "Here it comes... Aaaaaarrghhh" mc "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" mc "AAAARGGGHHHHHHHHH" scene 11scene8img20 with vpunch scene 11scene8img20 with flash scene 11scene8img20 with vpunch scene 11scene8img20 with flash scene 11scene8img20 with vpunch scene 11scene8img20 with flash scene 11scene8img20 with dissolve pause pause pause mc "Spent." mc "Absolutely spent!" mc "I shot every last drop of cum my testicles produced in her." scene 11scene8img32 pause mom "Baaabbyyyy..." mom "All I have to is is WOW!" mom "JUST WOOOOWW!" mom "THAT WAS MINDBLOWING SEX." mc "Really [mom]?" mc "You really mean that?" mom "The best sex I've ever had)" mom "You absolutely blew my mind)" mc "Thanks [mom]." mom "And you shot such a MASSIVE load in me.." mom "But you have to be careful next time sweet.. I'll get Pregnant if you cum in me like that." mc "So there is going to be a next time?" mom "May be.." mom "But don't get your hopes up... It'll be a while till we have sex again." mom "This has to keep you sated for a while" mc "{i} (Let her keep telling herself that.)" mc "{i} (We're flying to an eastern country in a couple of days.)" mc "{i} (Who knows what will happen between us there.)" mom "Alright baby.. get dressed.. We've been in here too long.." mom "We need to get back to Jasmine.." scene 11scene8img2 j "What took you guys so long?" j "I thought you guys just went to the restroom." mom "Yes sweetie.. The restrooms were under cleaning." mom "We had to wait outside our respective restrooms till they finished cleaning." j "Oh okay." mc "{i} (Look at her lying to Jasmine..)" mc "{i} (She's sitting there pretending like nothing happened.)" mc "{i} (That is sooo HOT!)" mc "{i} (She's sitting next to her daughter trying to act normal after her baby boy just came in her.)" mc "{i} (This is such a perverse moment)" mc "{i} (I might just cum in my pants again because of this.)" j "Oh okay.. I thought you guys just left me here and went back home." mom "Hahaha." mom "We were just waiting outside the toilet honey." j "Okay." scene 11scene8img33 pause mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!)" mc "{i} (SHE JUST WINKED AT ME AFTER LYING TO JASMINE.)" mc "{i} (THIS IS GREAT!)" mc "{i} (LOOKS LIKE HER INNER SLUT IS AWAKENING!)" mc "{i} (I FEEL LIKE THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A LONG, TWISTED, PERVERSE, FILTHY, DIRTY, VULGAR SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP FILLED WITH DEBAUCHERY!)" stop music fadeout 2 label episode12_start: scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "{i} (Another day, another dollar.)" mc "{i} (I've got 2 very important things to do today." mc "{i} (First, I've somehow got to find out which country and which city this Ronald Digby guy from te agency is flying to the day after tomorrow." mc "{i} ([mom] and I have to go to that country too to stop that guy's threat to our [fmy])" mc "{i} (Second, I HAVE TO.. HAVE TO.. somehow get Aunt Liza to forgive me.. And I have somewhat of a plan for that.)" mc "{i} (Hope I can get both of those things done today.. That's some work to do..)" mc "{i} (But these last couple of days have been amazing though.)" mc "{i} (No dangerous missions to pull off... Just great sexy times with the women in my life)" mc "{i} (Yesterday's afternoon was great especially.)" mc "{i} (Fucking [mom] in the washroom of a restaurant... That was mindblowing)" mc "{i} (That woman has my mind wrapped around her finger helplessly. She's the first thing I think about as soon as I wake up.)" mc "{i} (It looks like her slutty side is slowly waking up..)" mc "{i} (There was something in the way she winked at me while we were at the table with Jas after having sex.)" mc "{i} (Time to get up. Perhaps I'll go to her room and see if I can get something early in the morning.)" stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" c "Oh Mom! You should've seen the look on the faces of all those people when we did that.)" mom "Hahaha." mom "Well, you two girlies certainly seem to be getting into a lot of crazy situations.)" i "You're damn right we do. Hahaha." i "We know how to have fun Mom" mom "well just be careful out there okay.." c "Hehehe. It's us Mom... Iris n I never get into trouble.. We only get others into trouble." i "Hahaha." mc "{i} (Damn! She's not alone)" mc "Good morning ladies." scene 12scene1img2 mom "Good morning sweetie" c "Hey [mc]" i "Oh my Gosh!! It's a miracle.. [mc] has woken up early." i "Have Pigs started flying too?!" c "Hahaha" mc "Yeah.. very funny Iris." mc "Anyway, what are you girls chit chatting about?" c "We were just talking about how lazy and clumsy you are." mom "Haha. Ladies... enough teasing [mc]." scene 12scene1img3 mom "So, what brings you here [mc]?" mom "{i} (Although I'm quite sure I know the answer to it.)" mc "Nothing. Just wanted to see what you girls were up to." mc "{i} (Man, these ladies are making my morning wood even bigger!)" mc "{i} (They all look so sexy in their sleepwear)" mc "{i} (Just irresistible!)" mom "{i} (I can see him gawking with hungry eyes at me.)" mom "{i} (Hope the girls don't catch the lusty look in his eyes gawking at me like that.)" mom "{i} (But the danger in it is kind of turning me on.)" mom "{i} (Let me tease him a little bit)" scene 12scene1img4 mom "So, how are you this beautiful morning [mc]?" mc "......." mc "I.. I am fine.." mc "{i} (She's teasing me so hard!)" mc "{i} (Her legs speard like that... I have a clear view of her panties.)" mc "{i} (Looks so inviting.)" mc "{i} (And that seductive look on her face!)" mc "{i} (If only Iris and Candice weren't here in this room... I'd take her soo hard.!)" mc "{i} (Matter of fact.. all three of them look so sexy... I want to take all 3 of them soo hard!)" i "You look lost in thought [mc]" i "Are you alright? Has your brain not woken up yet seeing as it's not used to rising this early?" mc "My brain, and every other organ in my body are well awake smartass." c "What are your plans for the day [mc]?" mc "Oh.. haven't decided anything yet.." mc "{i} (Mann.... Candice is killing me dressing so skimpy these days..)" mc "{i} (What is she wearing!?)" scene 12scene1img5 pause mc "You look absolutely gorgeous this morning Candice!" c "Haha. Thanks.." c "Can you believe it? I woke up like this? Hehehe" mc "{i} (Oh I'd like to wake up to such splendid sights everyday too!)" mc "What can I say? You're a natural beauty Candice.." c "Hehe. Thanks [mc]." mc "{i} (She looks unbelievably gorgeous and sexy in that outfit.)" mc "{i} (Just a Bra, Panty and Leg Warmers! So hot)" scene 12scene1img6 c "You know Iris and I have started skating [mc]?" mc "Oh yeah?" c "Yeah. And we're loving it.. You should join us sometime.." mc "I'd love to.." mc "{i} (That'll be a great opportunity to accidentally fall on her!)" mc "{i} (Man! What am I thinking?)" mc "{i} (She's the only girl in the [fmy] I haven't thought of sexually..)" scene 12scene1img5 mc "{i} (And now I'm starting to get sexually attracted to her too.)" mc "{i} (This is insane..)" mc "{i} (But it's okay I guess.. At least she's not blood.)" mc "When do you two go skating usually?" c "Whenever we feel like.. we usually skate around the Pier." mc "Cool. Hit me up the next time.. I'll join you too." c "Cool." mc "{i} (I've got to peel my eyes off her. I don't want her to catch me staring at her like a perv)" mc "{i} (These ladies are just something else!)" scene 12scene1img7 i "Do you know how to skate [mc]?" i "Or do we have to spend our fun time teaching you how to skate?" mc "Oh I can skate.. You don't have to worry about that..)" mc "{i} (She's only wearing a Sports Bra for a top)" mc "{i} (Silently seductive!)" mc "{i} (Candice.. My sweet sweet Candice.. I'm thinking back to the time when I had her sikly soft hands on my cock at the barn the day before.)" c "{i} (Why is my pussy getting wet?)" scene 12scene1img8 c "{i} (This is so weird..)" c "{i} (He's my big [br]! And I'm starting to get wet while he's around me these days.)" c "{i} (Sure we've done stuff... Well... mostly, he made me do stuff!)" c "{i} (But I enjoyed doing those things..)" c "{i} (I even dreamt of his big thick cock last night)" c "{i} (Is this okay?)" c "{i} (What is happening to me? This is so wrong)" scene 12scene1img7 mc "{i} (What do I do with these hotties?)" mc "{i} (This is too much to bear early in the morning.)" mc "{i} (I'm on Bed with 3 super hot women, but I'm having to keep it in my pants!)" mc "{i} (It's unbearable)" scene 12scene1img9 e "What's up guys!" mc "Hey Ella" e "Looks like I didn't get the memo for the meeting." mom "Haha. The girls just walked into my room to talk about something as soon as they woke up sweetie." e "Oh so you're finally considering [mc] a girl too? Hehe" c "Hahahaha." e "Shut up Ella." scene 12scene1img10 e "So what are you guys talking about?" e "What did I miss?" scene 12scene1img11 mom "Well, since you're here.. Perhaps we should discuss that long overdue Bora Bora trip" e "Okay. Which dates are we looking at?" mom "I don't know.. How about next week?" e "Oohh.. That might not work for me... But I can try to make it." mom "Then try." mom "What's your Dad's schedule like next week?" mom "Will he by any chance do us the honor of joining us?" scene 12scene1img10 e "I think you should ask him that yourself Mom." e "I don't want you shooting the messenger if he says no. Hehe" mc "{i} (Yes!)" mc "{i} (That's whay I want.. I can't have much sexual fun on the trip if [dad] joined us there.)" e "But, I'll ask Annie to try her best and reschedule his calendar so he can join us." mc "{i} (Damn!)" scene 12scene1img11 i "How about we take Aunt Annie too?" e "Someone's gotta oversee all the operations while we're away Iris." i "Oh come one." i "I'm sure there's other people for that." e "Oh I want her to join us.. Trouble is convincing her to take a few days off from work." e "You know how she is.. Workaholic." i "I'll talk to her then." e "Be my guest." e "You two kiddos don't have any other plans for next week?" c "Hahaha. You know Iris n I are always jobless and up to nothing E. Hehe." e "Right. I totally forgot about that. Haha." scene 12scene1img12 "......" e "Oh.. excuse me guys.." e "I gotta take this." i "Oh yeah... SShe's gotta take it.. Hehehehehehe." c "*Giggling*" i "Hehehehehe." scene 12scene1img13 e "......." e "What?" i "*Giggling*" e "What are you two giggling about?" scene 12scene1img14 c "Oooohh Yelena... You are the love of my life..." i "Hehehe. Oooohh Ella... You are my life blood.." c "I Love you with ally my heart Yelena..." c "I miss you soooo much... hehehehe." c "I wish we didn't have this 1000s of miles of distance between us.." i "I know my love... But like they say.. this distance makes our hearts grow fonder.. Hehehehehe." c "Hahahahaha." c "Be still my Juliet.. We shall be in each others' arms soon." i "I know my love.. Nothing.. not even these 7 oceans can seperate us. Hehehehehe" scene 12scene1img13 e "You morons.. Hehe." e "I'm going to go take this call outside." scene 12scene1img15 mom "Hehehe. Alright you two..." mom "You embarrassed her so much." mom "She got so red. Hehehe." i "That was the point Mom. Hahaha." mom "Okay kids, Mommy's gotta go take a bath now." mom "Got a busy day.. I've got to get started soon." mom "You kids go to your rooms, okay?" c "Alright Mom." scene 12scene1img16 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause c "Okay you guys, I'm going to go get ready too." c "Iris, will you be joining Renee and I, and the others at the movies.. Or are you meeting Brooke for brunch like you had planned." i "I've already committed to meet Brooke for brunch C. So I think I'll go see her today." i "Cool. No problem." i "I guess we can all hang out tomorrow then." mc "{i} (She's killing me with that outfit!)" mc "{i} (She looks so Hot)" i "Alright you two. Bye." mc "Bye Candice." scene 12scene1img17 mc "Going out for brunch, huh?" i "Yeah. With Brooke.. I haven't met her in a while." mc "Brooke huh? Is she still Hot?" i "Eeew. Don't ask me such questions about my friends [mc]." i "I'm not hooking you up with any of them. Hehe" i "Anyway, I gotta go get ready too." i "See you later." mc "Okay. Bye." scene sltr with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause scene 12scene1img18 mc "Iris.. WAIT." i "Yeah.. Wassup?" mc "What are you doing tonight?" mc "Are you free this evening?" i "Well, yeah.." i "Why?" mc "I was just thinking..." mc "I'll take you for dinner or something... Will you join me for dinner tonight?" i "You mean.. like a Date?" mc "....." mc "Yeah.. sort of.." i "Sure.." mc "Great. Then I'll pick you up at 8!" i "Okay. Bye for now." scene 6scene2img14 mc "Yess!" mc "I'm taking Iris for dinner tonight." mc "I've been obsessed with her lately." mc "I've been dreaming of her sexy body ever since our photoshoots began." mc "That scintillating handjob she gave me at the barn still gets me hard anytime I think about it." mc "I hope I can take things further with her tonight.." mc "I can't wait.." mc "For now, let me go get ready and get this day started." stop music fadeout 1 scene aaw with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene 12scene2img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" asc "Hey [mc]" mc "Hey [asc]. Wassup" mc "Woke up late again huh?" asc "You know me.." mc "Where's everyone?" asc "They're all out n about already." mc "Damn! That quick!" mc "I just went in to take a shower and they're all out n about already?" scene 12scene2img2 asc "Yeah... Us lazy people cannot understand the ways of regular people [mc] hehehe." mc "True dat" mc "{i} (Man! I keep forgetting what a pretty woman she is.)" mc "{i} (She is so beautiful!)" asc "How come you're up early?" asc "You usually sleep in even longer than I do.." mc "Well, I have some motivation these days." scene 12scene2img3 asc "Aaah... Motivation..." asc "What sort of motivation..?" mc "{i} (Your big Sister.. She's my main motivation for pretty much everything I do these days. Hehehe)" mc "Does motivation for being a better, more disciplined person count as reason enough?" asc "Hahahaha. Oh come no [mc]" asc "We both know that's a load of BS. Hehehe." mc "You're right. haha." scene 12scene2img1 asc "So you've found a girl, huh?" mc "What?" asc "Nothing.. just that guys your age don't change their habits overnight." asc "Unless a lady love has entered their lives.." mc "Really.. is me waking up early for once such a big miracle that's gotta have some deep meaning behind it.?" asc "Come on.. I know Men [mc]... I've been around many to understand their very nature.." mc "Wait.. what?!" scene 12scene2img2 asc "{i} (WHOOPS!)" asc "Nothing. nevermind.." mc "What are your plans today [asc]?" asc "I'm thinking about going to the Spa and may be relax in the Sauna for a while." mc "Hmmm. Sounds nice." mc "I ain't got any plans for today... Mind if I join you?" asc "Oh I'd love that." mc "When are we going?" asc "Now." asc "Give me a few minutes, I'll go get ready.. And we'll be on our way." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene2img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" mc "WOW!" mc "You look absolutely splendid [asc]" mc "Wow!" mc "Just breathtaking.." scene 12scene2img5 asc "I know [mc].. hehe." asc "I spent quite some time in front of the dressimg mirror... So I better look Hot as hell.." mc "Oh, you absolutely do look hot as hell" asc "Aaaw. Thanks [mc]." asc "That is so sweet.. And, unlike most aunts, I won't take offense to the fact that my nephew just called me Hot." mc "That's why you're the coolest." scene 12scene2img6 asc "Is this how you try to charm girls' panties off at college? By giving them compliments about their beauty.." mc "I try.. But it rarely works." asc "That's because beautiful girls already know they're hot [mc]." asc "And guys who try to suck up to them by complimenting their beauty only inflate their egos." asc "It doesn't mean they don't like to be told that they're beautiful though.." asc "Just that when guys overdo it. they automatically put the girl on a pedestal and she starts acting that way." mc "Hmm. Thanks for the wisdom [asc].." scene 12scene2img7 asc "Anytime [mc]" mc "I really learnt something valuable today.." asc "That's what I do.. drop a kind saying here.. and a wise saying there.." mc "Really.. You should be my wingwoman." asc "Call me the next time you go to a club... [asc] will make sure you get laid." mc "Hehe." mc "You're the best [asc]" scene 12scene2img4 asc "So, how's the girl you gave flowers to?" mc "What?" asc "That old school girl you wanted to impress [mc].." mc "{i} (Oh yeah.. [mm])" mc "{i} (I just remembered that conversation with [asc] about getting a girl to like you the other day.)" mc "{i} (And she told me to buy her flowers..)" mc "But I said I was just asking though [asc]. I didn't say I actually wanted to get a girl to like me." scene 12scene2img5 asc "Well, then I guess I must have some magical powers.. Cause I'm sure that you did give her flowers." mc "Okay, I did." asc "Did it work?" mc "Yeah. Just like you said it would.. She seemed very happy." scene 12scene2img6 asc "I meant.. did her panties drop [mc]?" mc "Well.. No.." mc "{i} (Not on that same day at least. But it did have an effect on her dropping her panties eventually I suppose)" asc "She didn't put out?" asc "Aw that sucks." asc "Anyway, what's she like?" mc "Well... she's much older than me.." scene 12scene2img7 asc "Aaaaaahh..." asc "So you're into MILFs?" mc "Wait.. what?" mc "How do you know that word?" asc "We're almost at the Spa.. I'll answer your questions in the Sauna." mc "Okay." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene2img8 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "{i} (I should hang out with [asc] more.. She is so much fun.)" mc "{i} (She's so casual and carefree about everything)" mc "{i} (Plus, she's Super Hot!)" mc "{i} (I couldn't stop thinking about how Hot she looked while I was driving the car.)" mc "{i} (So sexy)" mc "{i} (We have this Sauna all to ourselves..)" mc "{i} (She's going to be out here with just a Towel on, any minute now.)" mc "{i} (I can't wait..)" scene 12scene2img9 asc "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long [mc]" pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY SMOKES!!)" mc "{i} (What a sexy, sexy woman!)" mc "{i} (She's just wrapping the towel around her and I can see some of her underboob)" mc "You come to the Sauna often [asc]?" asc "Yeah. This is my happy place." asc "One of my happy places.." asc "What about you, do you Sauna regularly?" mc "No. Haven't been in a sauna in years." asc "Then I promise you're going to love this.." scene 12scene2img10 asc "Haah! This is always so relaxing" asc "Anyway.. about your older woman crush.." asc "Tell me more.." mc "I will..." mc "But how do you know the acronym MILF? I was surprised you said that.." asc "Do I look like someone who lives under a rock. Haha?" asc "Of course I keep up with modern vocabulary [mc]." asc "If I had any kids, I'd be a MILF too.." scene 12scene2img11 asc "Anyway, your older lady.. How much older is she than you?" mc "......." asc "Don't be shy. You can tell me.." asc "Is she about 7-8 years older than you?" mc "More." asc "A decade..?" mc "More.." asc "More than 15 years older than you?" mc "Well more than 2 decades older than me.." asc "OH WOOOWWWw" asc "That's my boy... Going for a really experienced one.." asc "I like that." mc "Hehehe." asc "Does it look like she'll sleep with you soon?" mc "WHAT!?" asc "It's just a question.." asc "Or has she already slept with you?" mc "{i} (I can't tell her that her sister, [mm] has already slept with me!!)" scene 12scene2img12 asc "Aaaahh..." asc "It's gotten quite warm here already.." asc "{i} (And this towel is making it feel like it's hotter than it is.)" asc "{i} (I usually sit completely naked here when I'm all by myself)" asc "{i} (But my nephew's in here with me.. If it were another man, I wouldn't mind stripping naked and riding him out.)" asc "{i} (Having this towel on is kinda uncomfortable.. But I can't strip in front of [mc])" asc "{i} (May be I can for his permission to just take the towel off and I can cover my breasts with an arm across)" scene 12scene2img13 asc "[mc]..." asc "It's getting really hot in here.." asc "And I feel very uncomfortable with this towel wrapped around me." asc "Would you mind if I took it off?!" asc "But don't worry.. I'll cover the goods with my arms" mc "Sure." mc "Not problem." scene 12scene2img14 mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK!)" mc "{i} (She's right...)" mc "{i} (It is getting very hot in here!)" mc "{i} (Too bad she's covering the goods though.)" mc "{i} (But the little I can see as she's doing it is so sexy)" mc "{i} (So erotic)" scene 12scene2img15 asc "Aaah. Much better." asc "Now.. where were we..?" asc "Ah yes.. getting your MILF to sleep with you.." pause mc "{i} (Fuck!!)" mc "{i} (She looks so sexual)" mc "{i} (I could just eat that sexiness up)" asc "Do you think she'll sleep with you soon." mc "I think so.." asc "I don't even know she is, but trust me.. A woman more than 2 decades older than you... She'll be the best lay you ever had.)" mc "You think so?" asc "I know so." mc "Girls your age can't hold a candle to us experienced women.." asc "{i} (Gosh he looks so embarrassed that I'm talking about sex with him.)" asc "{i} (That's kind of cute..)" asc "{i} (If I weren't his [asc], I'd ride him soo hard...)" asc "{i} (Hmmm.. I guess I do have Some morals after all.)" asc "{i} (Who knew! Hehe.)" asc "You're turning red [mc]..." asc "It's alright.. I see talking about sex with your [asc] is making you uncomfortable.. So I change topic." mc "{i} (Damn! I was actually enjoying it)" scene 12scene2img16 asc "Okay.. Different topic.." asc "But kinda related.." asc "Do you like girls your age?" asc "Speaking strictly in terms of romantic interest.. not sex related." mc "Yeah.. Why not?" mc "I like girls my age too... But I prefer older women." pause mc "{i} (It was hard to control my erection while she was just sitting.. But now..)" mc "{i} (Watching her lying on her side like that is making it even harder)" mc "{i} (I just want to throw her to the floor and fuck her hard)" asc "You prefer older women.. Good for you.." asc "You'll be learning plenty of skills." mc "I do have a lot of skills.." mc "As a matter of fact.. I've been learning a new skill this week.. Hypnotism." asc "What?.. I meant skills as in..." asc "Hehe. Nevermind." asc "So you can hypnotise people, can you?" mc "I just started learning.. I'm not sure I really can.. I mean.. I haven't tried on anyone yet." asc "Well you can try it on me." mc "Really?" asc "Yeah. And if it does work.." mc "I don't think it'll work though.. Like I said, I just started.." asc "Oh just try [mc].. let's see if it works.." scene 12scene2img16a mc "Okay." mc "Here we go." mc "This is just a pendant I happened to be wearing." mc "Focus on it." mc "Solely on it." mc "Let your eyes follow it as it swings.." asc "I can do that." scene stacyhypno animated with fade: "12scene2img17" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene2img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "You are falling asleep." mc "You are falling asleep." mc "Hear my voice soothing you into a deep slumber" mc "My voice is leading you into a trance." mc "Focus on the pendant.. and my voice.." mc "Nothing else.." mc "You are falling asleep.." mc "I'm guiding you into a trance.." scene 12scene2img19 mc "Holy crap!" mc "I don't believe it!" mc "It's actually worked!" mc "Well.. technically not the way hypnotism is supposed to work.. She's actually asleep.." mc "But I'll take that as a win." mc "She's out.. And I didn't even mean to get her out.." mc "Well... She's out anyway!" mc "And that means...." mc "Lets see them goods.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene2img20 play music "sounds/maccary_bay.mp3" mc "YESSSS!!" mc "So sexy.. " mc "Let's get a better view" scene 12scene2img21 pause pause mc "HOLY FUCK!!" mc "I don't believe this stellar sight!" mc "WHAT A SEXY WOMAN!!!" mc "She's definitely [mm]'s sister.." mc "What lovely breasts!" mc "Perfect body.. the color of mocha!" mc "Her hair.. her face.." mc "That beautiful, sexually enthralling face.." mc "And those lips are perfect for a cock to slide into." mc "I can't believe my eyes.." mc "She is so outrageously Hot" mc "I want to see her rear.." mc "Let's turn her over." scene 12scene2img22 pause pause mc "Oh my goodness!" mc "Perfect both in the front and the back.." mc "I can't get over the shape of her body" mc "The shape is just stunning." mc "Her skin looks velvet smooth.." mc "I just love her light tan." mc "She's got the darkest skin in the [fmy].. and I love it.." mc "I'm just obsessed with that tanned skin." mc "And that booty looks outright delicious." mc "Not as big as [mom]'s.." mc "But a splendid piece of ass on it's own right." mc "Let's see it bare!" scene 12scene2img23 mc "OHH WOW!!!" mc "That is just perfect" mc "I sooo badly want to drill into it." mc "Her ass looks gorgeous!" mc "Unbelievable" mc "It's so hard to resist the urge to just plunge deep into that beautiful ass." mc "But she might wake up if I did.. I've got to be careful.." mc "I can't drill into her now.. But I think I can atleast eat her from behind.." scene 12scene2img24 mc "Mmmm yesss..." mc "Delicious.." scene stacyasseat animated with fade: "12scene2img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene2img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Just as delicious as I thought it'd be." mc "I'm tasting both her holes.." mc "And both of them taste equally good." mc "The moist, warm feel of her cunt.." mc "The soft feel of her rear hole.." mc "My tongue is getting a taste of two kinds of heaven." mc "Too good." mc "Just too damn good." mc "Her pussy tastes absolutely scrumptious" mc "I'm pluging my tongue deep into part of her pussy." mc "Her inner walls feel wonderful against the sides of my tongue." mc "As delicious as this is..." mc "Let's get her on the floor and try other things." scene 12scene2img26 mc "Aaah yess." mc "Beautiful.." mc "Absolutely beautiful.." mc "Just looking at her like this might actually make me cum." mc "The women in my [fmy] are all Ultra Hotties.." mc "And [asc] is one hell of a sexy woman." scene 12scene2img27 mc "Okay.. what shall we do now?" mc "I'm deeply tempted to just enter one of her holes." mc "But that might be dangerous.." mc "It could be catastrophic if she wakes up in between." mc "As bad as I want to enter her..." mc "For now I'll have to go with the next best thing.." scene 12scene2img28 mc "Let me fuck her thighs" mc "Aaahhh... being between her legs feels wonderful..." scene stacythighrub animated with fade: "12scene2img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene2img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Even if it's just between her thighs.." mc "This is a great bliss in itself.." mc "Soo good.." mc "So erotic." mc "My dick is trapped between her thighs.." mc "I love the natural pressure on my cock in this position." mc "Such ecstatic bliss." scene stacythighrub2 animated with fade: "12scene2img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene2img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Take it.." mc "Take it [asc].." mc "Take my big cock between your legs.." mc "Milk it.." mc "Milk my cock with your thighs.." mc "I love how your inner thighs feel against my cock.." mc "Milk me.. Milk my cock.." mc "The euphoria I'm feeling is mindboggling" mc "I can only image what actually being inside her would feel like.." mc "I bet she's tight inside.." scene stacythighrub3 animated with fade: "12scene2img28" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene2img29" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "I hope she's tight inside.." mc "Cause someday, I want to be in her.." mc "I'm going to be in her.." mc "I'm going to enter her brutally one of these days.." mc "I want to feel her wall tearing as I thrust inside her.." mc "Watch her quiver with ecstacy.." mc "I want to fuck her so bad.." mc "I'm going to fuck her soo hard someday soon." scene stacythighrub4 animated with fade: "12scene2img30" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene2img31" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "How I would just rip into her tight pussy.." mc "Thrust my cock deep into her.." mc "Make her beg me to fuck her harder.." mc "I'll plunge into her deeper and deeper.." mc "Fucker her harder and harder.." mc "I'd fuck her till I hurt her insides.." mc "Ohhh... I'm about to cum.." mc "It's coming.." mc "I'm about to shoot..." mc "Aaaargghhhh" mc "Aaaaggghhhh... yesssss...." mc "Aaaarrggghhhhh" scene 12scene2img31 with vpunch scene 12scene2img31 with flash scene 12scene2img31 with vpunch scene 12scene2img31 with flash scene 12scene2img31 with vpunch scene 12scene2img31 with flash scene 12scene2img32 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaaaaaah" mc "Aaah" mc "That was amazing.." scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene aaw with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 12scene2img33 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) asc "[mc].. what happened?" asc "Did it work?" asc "How long was I out?" mc "About an hour [asc]" mc "I can't believe I was able to put you out like that." mc "But that's not what hypnotism is.. People aren't supposed to fall completely asleep like that.." asc "Well, you're still learning.. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.." asc "At least you put me to deep sleep with that experiment.." mc "Guess I should take that as a win. Hehe." scene 12scene2img34 asc "I hope you didn't take advantage of me while I was out. Hehehe." mc "What? No.." asc "Relax [mc].. I'm just joking.. Haha." mc "Oh. Okay." asc "Well, I think we've been in here long enough." asc "Let's get back home." asc "Drive me back home." mc "Sure [asc]." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Just dropped [asc] back home and relaxed for a while." mc "It's afternoon already.." mc "I've got to get to work on the agenda I've got for today." mc "I have somewhat of a plan to try to get aunt Liza to forgive me... I'm hoping it works out somehow." mc "But to find out where this Ronald Digby from the Government Agency is flying to... I've thought about it long and hard..." mc "But I just can't figure out how to go about it.." mc "I don't even know who the guy is.. what he looks like.. where he lives.." mc "The only connections to that guy I'm aware of are Vernon and Henry." mc "I don't know where Vernon lives either... So I can't hope to break into his house or office and try to find something." mc "There's that safehouse where I spied on Vernon and Henry discussing their plans....." mc "But Vernon might've abandoned that place or even destroyed it if he has noticed that Henry's gone missing." mc "Worse, there might be surveillance there now, so going there would be a big mistake.." mc "So that only leaves us Henry who's rotting away in a dungeon in Itheriya." mc "May be the only option I have is to ask Alcander to get Henry to talk.." mc "It certainly looks like the only option.." mc "So let me call Alcander and see if something comes of it." scene 12scene3img1a with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Hello Sir.." alc "Hello my boy. How are you?" mc "I'm very well Sir. Thank you." alc "And how is your beautiful, sexy partner?" mc "She's wonderful too Sir. Thanks." mc "Sir, I'm sorry for calling you at this time of the night there.." alc "Oh, don't worry about it my boy.." alc "I don't go to sleep this early in the night.." alc "The night is still young.. There's some hot women in the club.. and this old man has some fucking to do." mc "Hhehehe. I hear ya." alc "So tell me, what can I do for you? Alcander at your service." mc "Sir, I just want any information I can get from Henry about his colleague named Ronald Digby.." mc "I've been hearing this Ronald's looking to cause some trouble for our operations here in our country." alc "What sort of information do you need?" scene 10scene8img1 mc "Anything.. his address.. phone number... anything.. And I can take it from there." alc "No problem, I will have my people torture Henry to get the information you need." mc "{i} (Torture Henry?)" mc "{i} (Well, why do I care? Henry's a piece of shit anyway.)" mc "Oh, that'll be great Sir." scene 12scene3img1a alc "Is there anything else old Alcander do for you my boy?" mc "No. That'll be all sir. Thanks." alc "Okay. I will call you as soon as I get the info you want from Henry." mc "Thank you so much sir. Bye." scene 10scene8img1 mc "Good. Now I just have to wait for some information to arrive from Alcander, and then I can take it from there." mc "Now it's time to try and get back in aunt Liza's good graces." mc "I just cannot stand to have her mad at me." mc "She's a very important woman in my life, and I've got to get her to forgive me." mc "I have everything planned out as to how I'm going to accomplish it." mc "Now it's time to set the plan in motion.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene3img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/princeton.mp3" el "It's so much work getting the kids ready for school and getting them on the bus." el "But I miss them ass soon as they're off to school." el "The house feels so empty while they're at school and I spend the whole day just waiting for them to get back." el "My sweet little kids.." el "Speaking of kids.." el "My hubby gave it to me so good last night.. I hope I'm not knocked up." el "Managing 2 kids feels like running a circus enough as it is. Hehe." el "Someone's at the door.." el "Let me go downstairs." scene 12scene3img2 "......." el "Flowers!" el "What a pleasant surprise!" el "Someone's left flowers at the doors." el "But who could it be?" el "This rarely ever happens." scene 12scene3img3 el "Roses.. my favorite." el "But who is this from?" el "Can't be my husband.. He hardly ever brings me flowers.." el "Except when I'm mad at him.." el "Oh there's a note here.." scene 12scene3img4 "Hi Aunt Liza.." "I know Roses are your favorite." "So I brought them for you." "I remember how you used to wear Roses in your hair on weekends when you came home to visit us." "I've always known you love Roses." "And I've always loved and admired you the same way you love these beautiful Roses." "I send you this boquet with the utmost love and respect.. but at the same time, with heartbreaking guilt over what I've done." "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me somehow." "Perhaps I'm undeserving of your forgiveness.. But it breaks my heart to know that one of the most important women in my life is mad at me." "Please, please, please forgive me." "Love.. [mc]." el "Hmmmmmmm" el "That's sweet.." el "But if he thinks I'm forgiving him over a boquet of flowers after what he did.. he's mad." scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 12scene3img5 el "The weather's just perfect today." el "I love these little strolls on the sidewalks after some shopping." el "Followed by some Coffee at the Cafe." el "This was my routine before moved to SA." el "I'm so glad we've moved back to the city that I love." el "We've been back here a while now, but walking down these streets still gives me a sense of nostalgia." el "Oh how I love this city." el "My home." scene 12scene3img6 el "This street has everything." el "From big brands, to boutiques, to little pastry shops and cafes." el "I wish my best friend had joined me for shopping today." el "Been a few days since I spoke to her." el "I wonder how things have progressed with her and her big cocked secret lover." el "I'd love to hear more about her exciting extra marital affair." el "Hearing about it turns me on so much..." el "Oohh..." el "What's that over there..." scene 12scene3img7 "......" el "Sorry..." el "Could it be?" el "Wait.. Blue is my favorite color.." el "So it's definitely got to be him [mc]." scene 12scene3img8 el "He knows blue's my favorite color.. But, he still remembers after all these years?" el "He still remembers all the things I like.." el "The Roses.. my favorite color.." el "But should I forgive him because of that?" scene 12scene3img7 el "He was spying on me while I was naked.." el "And how does he know that I'd walk by this place today?" el "Has he been studying up on my routine?" el "That amounts to stalking..." el "But..." scene 12scene3img8 el "If he studied up my routine to ask for forgiveness in these ways..." el "Isn't that actually a nice thing of him to do?" el "But still..." el "Urrghh.. It's sweet.. but I just..." scene 12scene3img7 el "I'm finding it so hard to bring myself to forgive him after what he did." el "He shattered that whole image of the innocent little boy I always thought he was." el "But if he's doing all these things to get back in my good graces.." scene 12scene3img8 el "Well, I give him props for his effort.." el "But I don't know if I can fully forgive him yet." scene 12scene3img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) sgr "Please forgive me.." sgr "Sometimes I don't know what I do.." sgr "Please forgive me.." el "{i} (Really?)" el "{i} (He's gone and hired a one man band too?" el "{i} (Wait.. this is the same person I used to take [mc] to see at the corner of the streets when [mc] was a kid..." el "{i} (Aaawww)" scene 12scene3img10 sgr "Please forgive me." sgr "I can't stop missing you.." sgr "Oooh believe me.." sgr "Every word I say is true.." sgr "Please forgive me.." sgr "I can't stop missing you." el "{i} (I used to take [mc] and Ella to see this man playing at the corner of the streets after or little walks when they were little.)" el "{i} ([mc] used to love watching this one man band play..)" el "{i} (And he's got that same person to sing for me..)" el "{i} ([mc] remembers all these little things even after all these years..)" sgr "Please forgive me.. I can't stop missing you." el "Thank you so much Sir.." el "It's so wonderful seeing you play after all these years.." el "Thank you so much." sgr "Don't thank me.. Thank the kid who hired me to sing for you." scene aaw with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 12scene3img11 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) el "The things that [mc] has done for me today.." el "So sweet.." el "More than those things that he organized..." el "It's the fact that he remembers so much about me.." el "Even after all these years.." el "He remembers every little thing about me and the times I spent with him when he was a kid." el "How can I not be moved by that?" el "Sure.. spying on me was a bad thing to do.." el "But he's a young man.. He's at that age where all boys think with their cocks, instead of their brains." el "And the lengths he's going to to earn my forgiveness.." scene 12scene3img12 wtr "Excuse me miss.." wtr "A nice young man asked me to give this to you earlier this day." wtr "He asked me to make sure I gave this to you after you've had a few sips of your favorite Vanilla Mocha Latte." el "{i} (That's what I'm drinking now!)" el "Aaw thank you so much." el "I appreciate it." wtr "No problem miss." scene 12scene3img13 el "He's left me a gift box too..?" el "And he even knows exactly which Coffee I drink anytime I come to this cafe." el "That is so sweet.." el "I wonder what's in that box." el "Let me open it" scene 12scene3img14 "Dear Aunt Liza.. Here's a picture of me sitting on your lap as we watched my favorite cartoon show when I was a kid." "This is one of my most treasured posessions." "I've had this picture framed and had this in my room since I was a child." "Even when you were in SA, I used to look at it at least once a month and smile for more than 10 years." "I don't know if you remember when this picture was taken.." "But I remember everything about that day so clearly." "I spent that whole day with you." "We had so much fun... That was one of the best days of my entire life.." "I will cherish the memories of that day forever." "PS. This picture I've sent you is a copy.. I can never part with the original which is in my room." "Love.. [mc]." el "My oh my!!" el "I don't think even my husband would ever be this sweet with apologies if I got mad at him." el "Perhaps I was too harsh on [mc]." el "He's just a young kid at that age after all..." scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 12scene3img15 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) el "It's just afternoon and what a day it's been already." el "A young boy whom I've loved since the day he was born, made me feel so special." el "The shopping was great too." el "I got some nice little bracelets." el "Was a fun day out in the sun." el "Now it's time to relax in the shade with some cool breeze on my face." el "Let me go sit and wind down." scene 12scene3img16 mc "Please forgive me.." mc "Please aunt Liza.. Please, please, please forgive me." scene 12scene3img17 el "[mc], what are you doing here?!" el "How did you get in?" el "The front door was locked." scene 12scene3img16 mc "Doors cannot stop a broken heart longing to mend itself." mc "Please aunt Liza.." mc "I made a mistake.. and I sincerely regret it." mc "Please, please find it in your heart to forvie me." scene 12scene3img17 el "First, get up off your knees [mc]." el "Sit on one of those pool chairs.." mc "Please tell me you forgive me.. Then I'll get up." el "[mc], I won't ask you again.. Please sit on one of those chairs." el "Then, we'll talk." scene 12scene3img18 mc "Aunt Liza.. I messed up." mc "What I did the other day.. that was just disgusting.." mc "I know I made a mistake.. But I cannot.. I just cannot think of a world in which I'm completely shut off from you." mc "You not talking to me feels like a knife through my heart." mc "I would do anything.. I would go to any lengths to get back in your good graces again." mc "Please don't shut me off." mc "I'm still that little boy you've always loved." mc "Please.. I would move mountains if I have to, to have you look at me the same way again." el "That's enough [mc].." el "You don't have to move mountains for something that's always been yours." el "You've had my affection since the day you were born... And nothing can take that away." mc "Really?" mc "You're not mad at me anymore?" scene 12scene3img19 el "I'm not." mc "Oh my gosh!" mc "Thank you. thank you. thank you." mc "I'm the happiest man in the world right now." mc "Thank you. Thank you so much." mc "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that." el "Aunt Liza will always love you no matter what." el "Sure, what you did was a mistake.." el "But at our age, and your hormones raging.. that's probably what any boy your age might've done in that situation." el "May be I was too harsh on you.." el "But, let's just forget that it ever happened and never, ever talk about it again, okay?" mc "Sure. I want that more than anything." el "Deal. That didn't happen, and we'll never talking about that. Ever." el "And you are still my little sweetheart and I love you like I always have." mc "Ooh I could almost tear up aunt Liza. I wanted to hear those words from you so much." el "I know love. I know how much it means to you." el "Thank you for everything you did today." el "You were so sweet." mc "Anything for you aunt Liza." mc "Like I said.. I'd move mountains for you." el "I know love." el "Thank you." el "Now, I don't mean to cut you off.. But I just got back from walking in the sun.. and I'm feeling very tired.." el "I think I need to take a short nap." mc "Oh, of course.. Please go ahead.." el "Great.. I'll call you later in the evening, or tomorrow, okay?" mc "Sure aunt Liza. Bye for now." el "Bye sweetheart." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Thank goodness. Aunt Liza forgave me." mc "I'm so very happy now." mc "I thought I had ruined our relationship forever." mc "Was afraid she wouldn't ever talk to me." mc "I'm so glad things are back to normal between us. Beyond happy." mc "Phew." mc "I ain't got any other plans till evening." mc "Guess I'll just drive around aimlessly and see what happens." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene4img2 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "Oh hey, that's Annie.." mc "What a surprise." mc "Looks like she's waiting for someone." mc "Hot damn! She looks Hot." scene 12scene4img1 mc "Love the style.." mc "It's a little Lara Croftish." mc "She looks great in those short shorts." mc "I love it." mc "Wonder whom she's waiting for.." mc "Hope it's not a boyfriend or something.." mc "No. No.. As far as I'm aware.. she's single." scene 12scene4img2 mc "Perhaps I should go talk to her." mc "See what she's up to." scene 12scene4img3 mc "Hey Annie.." an "Oh hey [mc].." an "What a pleasant surprise.." an "What are you doing this side of the city?" mc "Nothing, I was just driving around aimlessly." mc "Are you waiting for someone?" an "Yeah.. A Cab.." mc "A Cab? Why?" scene 12scene4img4 an "I'm a lil drunk actually.." an "I shouldn't be driving.." an "Met some friends for a few drinks." an "Just stepped out of the Bar actually.." mc "Oh okay.." mc "If you'd like, I can drop you at home.." mc "I'm free anyway.." scene 12scene4img5 an "Oh, it's alright [mc].. I don't wanna impose.." an "The Cab's on it's way anyhow.. Should be here any minute now" mc "It's alright... You wouldn't be imposing on my time.." mc "I'm not doing anything anyway.." an "Are you sure?" mc "Absolutely." mc "Please get in. Lemme drop you home." an "Oh, thanks so much [mc]." scene 12scene4img6 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause an "Thanks for the ride [mc].." an "Please come in.." an "You're not doing anything this afternoon anyway, right?" mc "Yeah. I'm totally free." an "Then we can just both hang out here." an "I'd like some company." mc "Wonderful." an "Please have a seat.. I'll be with you in a minute." scene 12scene4img7 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) an "Fancy a beer?" mc "Sure. Thanks.." mc "But.. Should you be drinking again?" mc "Seeing as you've just had some drinks at the Bar.." an "Oh, I'm a grown woman [mc].." an "I can drink as much as I want.." an "Besides.. I'm not that drunk.." an "... Yet." scene 12scene4img9 an "So, how've you been [mc]?" an "What've you been up to?" mc "Nothing much.. Just spending quality time with [fmy].." mc "Playing video games n stuff." scene 12scene4img8 an "Ooh.. you're a gamer too, huh?" mc "Too?" mc "Are you into video games as well?" an "Haha. Not anymore [mc].." an "Haven't played video games for years now.." an "But I used to be pretty big into gaming in my early teens." mc "Ooooh.. That is so awesome.." mc "We're kindred spirits then.." scene 12scene4img9 an "Hehehe." an "But I haven't played video games in years [mc]." mc "Doesn't matter.." mc "Once a gamer.. always a gamer.." mc "And as a gamer myself, it's my duty to bring back souls that've wandered off elsewhere back into gaming.." an "Hahaha." mc "How about we play video games together during your free time whenver you're in the city?" an "I'd like that.." scene 12scene4img8 an "But I won't go easy on you just because you're my Boss' son okay." mc "Aaaaaa..." mc "Then don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're a girl either. Hahaha." an "Oooh you just wait till we play together.." an "I'll show you what this girl can do." mc "Hehehe. But I never thought that someone like you would be into video games." scene 12scene4img9 an "Someone like me??" mc "I mean... I've always seen you as a professional woman.. Always working.." mc "Very brainy.. constantly busy.. You know. the career woman/business woman type." an "I work hard [mc].. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy life. Hahaha." scene black with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) scene 12scene4img9 "The chatting continues for a while, and you both love each other's company." "Annie keeps slowly drinking bottle after bottle.." "She starts getting tipsy.." "But she doesn't want to go upstairs and crash, as she was enjoying conversing with you a lot." "After downing a few bottles yourself, you are about to suggest something to Annie.." scene 12scene4img8 an "I'm so glad we ran into each other today [mc]." an "I'm having such a great time talking to you." mc "Same.." mc "It's a shame we don't get to hang out often..." mc "Mostly because you're working all the time." scene 12scene4img9 an "I'll tell you what.. From now on.." an "Whenever I'm in the city, and I have some free time on my hands.. I'll give you a call." mc "That'd be great." an "And may be we can play video games and I can kick your ass." mc "You seem pretty confident about yourself, for someone who hasn't played a game in years.." an "Haha. If you were as good as me, you'd be very confident too." mc "Oh yeah... Since you think you're so good at video games.." mc "How about we quiz each other about video games.." scene 12scene4img10 an "Bring it.." an "I may not have played video games in years, but I try to keep up with the news whenever I can." mc "Or.. If you have a console or something, we can straight up play each other now.." an "Sadly, I don't have a console.. So, let's go with the quiz.." mc "Okay... But here's the thing.." mc "Anytime one of us gets an answer wrong, we have to perform any task set by the other person." an "Sure. Bring it.." scene 12scene4img11 mc "Alright. Here's your first question.." mc "The Umbrella Corporation is a fictious Pharmaceutical company in which game?" an "Haha. That's easy.." an "Resident Evil." mc "Damn." an "Like I said.. I keep up with the news [mc]." an "Now it's my turn.." an "What year was the SNES released?" mc "Hey.. No fair.." mc "I was probably not even born at that time.." scene 12scene4img12 an "You didn't set the rules about how far back we can go.." mc "Damn." mc "I don't know.. 1980 may be." an "1991" an "Now chug that whole bottle till it's empty." mc "Alright. Fine..." "You chug that whole bottle of beer." scene 12scene4img11 mc "You wanna play unfair.. I'll ask you about something you probably haven't played." mc "Which is the highest grossing video game title of all time?" an "Hahaha." an "That's GTA V." an "Even non gamers probably that.." an "Here's your next question.." an "Which developer created World of Warcraft?" mc "Blizzard." an "Correct. But had you joined us on the planet at least by the time that came out?" mc "I think so." mc "Your question.. What's the name of the city in NFS Most Wanted.." an "{i} (Damn.. I've actually played that game.. But I quite can't remember the name of the city.)" an "Rockwell City?" mc "Wrong.. It's Rockport.." an "Damn.. that close.." mc "Now... For your task... I want you to...." mc "Take off your Top.." scene 12scene4img13 an "Haaaaahhh!!" an "Are you serious?" an "I can't do that.." mc "Rules are rules.." an "I should've known this would be on the cards while playing with a College kid." mc "You lost.. You gotta perform the task.." an "Alright fine.." mc "Not just take it off.. You have to pose for me.." an "Alright.." scene 12scene4img14 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause pause an "Happy now?" mc "Most certainly.." mc "{i} (I can't believe she's actually going with this..)" mc "{i} (It's probably because she's drunk... Otherwise.. I don't think she'd ever do something like this.)" an "{i} (It's a good thing I'm wearing a Bra today..)" an "Enjoying the view mister?" mc "I certainly am." mc "I love that Bra you've got on." mc "It's so sexy.. and see-through.." an "Well, that's as much of my breasts you're going to get to see.. So enjoy." mc "Alright. Hit me with another pose." scene 12scene4img15 pause pause an "{i} (I can't believe I'm doing this.)" an "{i} (Even as a College girl, I wasn't part of this sort of silliness.)" an "This bettw stay just between you and I [mc].." mc "Of course.." mc "This'll just be our secret." an "{i} (I should be careful drinking with young guys like him.)" an "{i} (Guys his age are always horny..)" an "{i} (I can't believe I got myself into this silliness..)" an "Okay. Can I sit back down now?" mc "Please." scene 12scene4img16 an "Is this how you kids play in College these days?" mc "Yeah." mc "I'm sure it was the same way when you were in College too." an "I went there for an education [mc].." an "Not to party and drink.." an "But I thought things had changed these days.." an "I never caught a glimpse of all this when I was a professor at HarDvard." mc "But you haven't visited their Dorms, have you?" an "Anyway. Your net question.." an "Which video game did the character Mario appear in first?" mc "Hahahaha. Super Mario Bros." scene 12scene4img17 an "Wrong." an "It was actually in Donkey Kong." mc "What?!" mc "How could that be?" an "Look it up if you want.." mc "Oh, alright.. What's my task?" an "I want you to take off your shirt." an "Tit for tat." scene 12scene4img16 "Without a second thought, you take off your shirt." an "Hmmm." an "You're pretty muscular for a young kid." mc "Thanks." an "Now ask me your question." mc "{i} (Looks like the booze is loosening her up more and more.)" mc "{i} (Let me ask her about something very recent.)" mc "{i} (That way she has to lose.)" mc "Which game is the character Panam Palmer from?" scene 12scene4img17 an "WHAT?" an "I haven't even heard of her.." an "Are you making these questions up?" mc "She is a real character." an "Then she must be from something very recent." mc "Yeah. But you didn't set any rules about how recent we could go either." an "Alright..." an "What do you want me to do?" mc "Take off your shorts.." an "{i} (This kid is milking this..)" scene 12scene4img18 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause pause an "Like what you see?" mc "WOW WOW WOW" mc "You are sooo...." an "Go on.. you can say it.." an "Actually, no.. It'll be weird." an "You're my Boss' son after all." mc "But I can enjoy what I see, right?." an "Sure." mc "{i} (She is soo fucking sexy!)" mc "{i} (I've spied on her once before..)" mc "{i} (But seeing her stripping up front.. This is a whole another level.)" mc "Can you please turn around for me?" an "You want to see my ass?" mc "Yes." scene 12scene4img19 pause pause mc "{i} (Oh My!!)" mc "{i} (That see-through panty)" mc "{i} (It's so tempting)" mc "{i} (This woman is ridiculously Hot..)" mc "{i} (Never in a million years did I think I'll be playing games like these with Annie of all people.)" mc "{i} (She's always seemed very professional)" mc "{i} (The beers have made her let completely loose.)" mc "Do you always wear sexy lingerie like that Annie?" an "That's a very personal question [mc]." scene 12scene4img20 an "But yeah." pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY FUCK)" mc "{i} (She's flaunting her sexy body)" an "You like the lingerie I'm wearing?" mc "I love it." mc "But I could've never guessed you wore stuff like that underneath.." mc "I've only seen you business attire." mc "Sexy business attire nonetheless... But I could've never guessed." an "Today's your lucky day.. I'm very drunk, and I'm going along with your stupid ideas.." an "{i} (I can't believe I'm posing in my lingerie for my Boss' son!)" an "{i} (I've gone a little overboard with the drinks today.)" an "Hope you enjoyed the show.." an "I'm going to sit back down now." mc "Okay." scene 12scene4img16 an "Now it's my turn." mc "Shoot your question." an "{i} (Let me ask him about something from an old video game.)" an "What's the name of the main character in GTA Vice City?" mc "That's the legend Tommy Vercetti." an "Damn." an "I didn't think you'd have played that game." mc "Matter of fact, I have.. It's a classic. I love it." mc "Your question." mc "In God of War 3, which Goddess does Kratos have sex with?" an "Hera...?" mc "Wrong." mc "It's Aphrodite." mc "Now for your task... I want you to..." mc "Take off your Bra." scene 12scene4img21 an "WHAT!!?" an "Are you out of your mind?" an "I can't believe you just asked me that!" mc "Rules are rules." an "Yeah.. but.." an "I can't.... I shouldn't.." mc "But you lost.." mc "I thought you'd keep your word.." an "Okay... Fine..." an "But I'm not showing you my breasts entierly, okay?" an "I'll be covering some of em." mc "Works for me." scene 12scene4img22 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) pause pause an "Here you go." mc "{i} (WOW!!!)" mc "{i} (I can see her nipples)" mc "{i} (She looks so irresistible!)" mc "{i} (Soo beautiful.)" mc "{i} (And incredibly sexy)" mc "{i} (It's such an erotic moment)" an "{i} (This alcohol is making me do things I'd never normally do.)" an "{i} (I've had a little too much to drink today.)" an "{i} (And here I am, posing topless in front of a horny college kid.)" an "{i} (I can see him ogling at me..)" an "{i} (But I think he's seen enough.)" an "{i} (I'm putting my Bra back on)" scene 12scene4img19 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) an "I hope you enjoyed that!" mc "I absolutely loved it." an "You've got such a sexy, sexy body Annie." mc "Thanks." an "But I think that's enough games for today.." an "I've had too much to drink.. and I think I should go take a nap now." mc "Okay. Sure." mc "Thanks for the drinks Annie.. and everything else.." mc "Bye now.." scene 12scene4img23 an "Hol..." an "Hol.. on.." an "*Speech slurring* Le mme wal you t da doorrr" mc "Whoa.. Whoa.. I think I should walk you upstairs.." an "It's basi courtes [mc].." an "Lemme..." scene 12scene4img24 an "What just happened?" mc "Annie.. you alright?" an "I'm fine.. I'm fine.." mc "No you're not.." mc "Lemme carry you to your bedroom." an "Ooo.. okay.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene4img25 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/funky_chunk.mp3" pause pause mc "There.." mc "I've bought her upstairs to her room." mc "She must've passed out while I was carrying her up here." mc "Man, she looks outrageously sexy." mc "I was happy to leave with just the show she gave me." mc "But seeing her like this now.." mc "That sexy see-through lingerie is tempting me beyond control.." mc "May be.." mc "May be I can just take a peek at her goods again.." mc "Just peeking wouldn't hurt.." scene 12scene4img26 pause pause mc "HOLY FUCK!!" mc "That's an outrageously sexy set of boobs" mc "Hot damn!" mc "I'm mind blown!" mc "They look soo fucking sexy!" mc "Almost.. almost as big as [mom]'s." mc "Her racked always looked great even in her usual business attire." mc "But seeing it this close is another thing entirely." mc "I love it." mc "I want to see more.." mc "Let's take her panties off." scene 12scene4img27 mc "WOW!" mc "There..." mc "There's that Butterfly tattoo" mc "What a mynx!" mc "Not a single tattoo anywhere else on her body.." mc "But she's got one down there." scene 12scene4img28 mc "Ooohh yeahh" mc "That is such a beautiful Pussy" mc "She's so pretty down here." mc "That tattoo compliments the shape of her Pussy perfectly." mc "Whoever made that tattoo must've had a great time tattooing her there." mc "This is such a delicious looking pussy." mc "I soo badly want to stick my tongue in it..." mc "But the whole time we were talking downstairs.. I was obsessed with her lush Lips." scene 12scene4img29 mc "Here we are.." mc "I can feel her breath on the tip of my cock." mc "It feels so wonderful." mc "This anticipation is so arousing.." mc "I'm about to stick my cock in between her delicious Lips.." mc "Those beautiful, luscious Lips.." scene 12scene4img30 mc "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh" mc "Ooohh yesss." mc "The wetness!" mc "The incrediblle sensations I'm feeling." mc "The great feeling's making me slightly shiver." scene anniemouth animated with fade: "12scene4img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene4img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaaaaa..." mc "I've entered the gates of heaven." mc "Soo moist.." mc "So warm and inviting." mc "The wetness I feel is driving me insane." mc "What a delicious mouth she's got." mc "I love the feel of her lips against my shaft.." mc "In the top and the bottom.." mc "Such bliss sliding between these Cherry Lips." mc "That's it Annie..." mc "French kiss my shaft." mc "Your lips feel soo good." scene anniemouth1 animated with fade: "12scene4img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene4img32" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "And on the inside.. her tongue feel even better." mc "I'm going deeper and deeper." mc "I hope she doesn't wake up in between." mc "I suppose she's drunk enough not to." mc "But I should be careful not to go too deep." mc "This is incredible.." mc "Mindboggling pleasure." mc "I want to go balls deep in her mouth someday." mc "I want those beautiful cherry lips flush against my testicles." mc "Let's try something else for now." scene 12scene4img33 pause mc "Oh what a wonderful body." mc "Feels like a plush cushion to be pressed against it." mc "Her skin feels wonderful against mine." scene anniethigh animated with fade: "12scene4img33" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene4img34" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Ooooo... This is heaven.." mc "She may be out.. But I can feel her wetness against my shaft." mc "I can feel her juices coating the top of my shaft." mc "Great lubrication." mc "I just wish I was going inside her, instead of just her thighs." mc "But I can't complaing.." mc "This is nirvana in itself." mc "It feels euphoric." mc "My hips slapping against her ass with every thrust." mc "The skin of her ass feels so luxurious." scene annieside animated with fade: "12scene4img35" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene4img36" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaahhh yess." mc "Just like that Annie.." mc "Pleasure my cock.." mc "Pleasure my cock with your thick thighs." mc "You are soo good." mc "Your body feels so incredible to press against." mc "The view of her big boobs as I thrust her is getting me more aroused." mc "I'm savoring this." mc "This bliss is just heavenly." scene annieside2 animated with fade: "12scene4img35" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene4img36" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "I'm starting to lose control.." mc "I can't help it.." mc "Her sexiness is irresistible.." mc "I'm going too fast.." mc "I want it to last... but I can't seem to control myself.." mc "I might blow.." scene anniethigh2 animated with fade: "12scene4img33" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene4img34" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "Her silky skin." mc "The moisture on my shaft.." mc "Her juices coating the length of my shaft.." mc "It's unbearable.." mc "Take it.." mc "Take it Annie.." mc "Take it hard.." mc "Take my big cock.." mc "Oooohhh..." mc "Aaaarggghhh" mc "Aaaargghghhhhh" mc "Yeeeeahahhhhh..." scene 12scene4img34 with vpunch scene 12scene4img34 with flash scene 12scene4img34 with vpunch scene 12scene4img34 with flash scene 12scene4img34 with vpunch scene 12scene4img34 with flash scene 12scene4img37 with dissolve pause pause mc "She made me cum so much." mc "That was wonderful." mc "I'm spent." mc "Now lemme put her lingerie back on her and leave." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "What a wonderful afternoon I've had." mc "Every minute spent with Elize today was amazing." mc "From her stripping.." mc "To me entering her mouth.. and then rubbing between her thighs." mc "I loved it." "*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*" "*Ring* *Ring*" mc "Candice is calling me.." mc "Hey Candice.. Wassup?" c "[mc], where are you?" mc "I'm just driving around the city?" c "Can you please come to the Automobile showroom up north?" c "I need your help choosing a new Car." mc "Sure." mc "I'll be there." c "Mom's buying a new Car for me even though I already have like 4." mc "[mom]'s with you too?" c "Yes." mc "Cool. Just gimme a few minutes. I'll be right there." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene5img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "{i} (We're here.)" pause pause mc "{i} (HOLY SMOKES!!!!)" mc "{i} (WHAT IS SHE WEARING?!!!)" mc "{i} (Holy smokes [mom]. That is one hell of a revealing dress!)" mc "{i} (She's definitely turning up the heat..)" mc "{i} (What with her casually spreading her legs to tease me in the morning...)" mc "{i} (And now she's wearing THAT dress!)" mc "{i} (WOW!)" mc "{i} (She is driving me insane..)" scene 12scene5img2 pause pause mc "{i} (I still don't believe it.)" mc "{i} (I never thuoght I'd ever see her dressed like that in public!)" mc "{i} (I wonder how many boners she caused around the city.)" mc "{i} (I bet every guy in this shop is walking around with a boner too)" mc "{i} (Her entire back is visible)" mc "{i} (Her sides are exposed too...)" mc "{i} (Except for those tiny ringlets struggling to hold that dress together.)" mc "{i} (I freakin LOVE that she's dressed like that)" scene 12scene5img3 mc "Hey [mom]" mom "Hey [mc]." mc "I just have no words..." pause "....." "......" mom "What, honey?" mc "{i} (That BIG Rack!)" mc "I'm just.. I'm just speechles [mom]." mc "You look soo...." c "HOT..." scene 12scene5img4 c "She looks sooo Hot, doesn't she [mc]?" c "You have no idea how many heads turned on our way here." c "She looks drop dead ravishing today." mc "Right. Absolutely." mc "And speaking of ravishing.." mc "You look WONDERFUL too Candice." mc "I just absolutely love the look C." mc "You look sooo gorgeous!" scene 12scene5img5 c "Gee..." c "Thanks [mc]!" mom "Look at her blushing.. Oh, she's so cute!" mom "I could just eat her up. My cute little baby girl." mc "That's right [mom]" mc "I love seeing you dressed all girly like this C." mc "This suits you so well." c "Thanks guys.." c "But stop.. you're both making me blush.." scene 12scene5img6 mom "Isn't she the sweetest?" mc "Totally." mom "I'm so proud..." mom "I've got such beautiful babies.. All of you." mc "Haha. True dat." c "Mom's making me buy another Car [mc].." c "Even though she just bought me a new one last week." mc "So what.. The more you have, the better." c "But trouble is.. even if I just take a second look at anything.. She buys it for me instantly." c "She spoils me soo much." mom "Well, she doesn't have a say in it." mom "If I want to spoil my baby girl.. I'm going to." mc "Haha." mc "She's right." mc "You deserve all of it Candice." mc "Now show me which Car you've decided on.." scene 12scene5img7 c "That's the one [mc]." c "We were watching TV in the afternoon.." c "We saw that Car in a TV show.." c "And I made the mistake of making a comment that it looked great..." c "And Mom dragged me here to buy it for me." c "So here we are." scene 12scene5img8 c "What do you think [mc]?" c "Is it a good one?" c "I don't know much about civilian Cars." c "That's why I needed your opinion on it." c "Is it worth buying?" scene 12scene5img9 mc "This Car?" mc "It's a total beast C." mc "You can't go wrong with this one." mc "Just buy it." scene 12scene5img10 c "Okay Mom.. I'll take this." mom "Yaaay." mom "Wonderful.. I'll ask them to start the paper work." mom "So where are you driving me to in your new Car?" c "If we leave in 20 minutes, we can make it to Rose Isles and back by nightfall." mom "Awesome. Let's go there." scene 12scene5img11 mc "You guys are going for a drive?" mc "Can I join?" c "Of course [mc]." mom "{i} (There he goes...)" scene 12scene5img12 mom "{i} (I knew seeing me in this dress would have an effect on him.)" mom "{i} (But I'm not sure if it's wise to let him tag along..)" mom "{i} (Me in this dress.. Outside the house.. I know he won't keep his hands to himself.)" mom "{i} (I don't want him to do something stupid in front of Candice.)" mom "{i} (Besides.. I want to tease him a little bit..)" mom "{i} (Show him all the goods.. But keep him from touching.. It kinda turns me on.)" scene 12scene5img11 mc "Awesome C.. Let's get the paperwork done, and get going." mom "It's a 2 seater Car [mc]." mc "I know.." mc "I've got my Car parked right outside." mc "I'll drive mine, and Candice can drive you in this one." c "That sounds like a good idea." scene 12scene5img10 mom "But honey.." mom "Didn't we decide that it'll be just us girls going for that drive?" mom "Just my baby girl and I?" c "Oh yeah" mom "So let's ask [mc] to sit this one out.. May be he can join us the next time." scene 12scene5img11 c "Sorry [mc].." c "As much as we'd love to have you join us.." c "We did decide before we got here, that it'll be just her n I going for a drive after we bought the Car." mc "I understand C.. But.. think aboou...." scene 12scene5img12 mom "{i} (Look at him trying to talk Candice into letting him tag along with us.)" mom "{i} (Conniving and twisting words.. trying to weasel his way in just so he could try and get his hands on my body.)" mom "{i} (That sly little Fox.)" mom "{i} (He's hot for [mmy])" mom "{i} (I love it.)" mom "{i} (But I also like seeing how desperate he gets when he wants a piece of my ass.)" mom "{i} (The look on his face is so cute..)" scene 12scene5img10 mom "Sweetie.. I know [mc] would love to join us.." mom "But it's girls' day out love." c "Yeah Mom." mom "So let's stick to our original plan." c "Okay.." scene 12scene5img11 mom "So I guess we'll see you back at the house when we get back [mc]." mc "Okay fine." mc "You guys enjoy your drive." mom "We will honey." mom "Thanks." mc "Okay.. I guess I better leave you guys to it then.. Bye now." mom "Bye honey." c "Bye [mc]." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "Man, they cut me out of that drive." mc "[mom]'s teasing me soo hard today.." mc "The sex appeal of that dress was just outrageous." mc "Seeing her in that.. I actually came in my pants a little bit." mc "Damn.. I can't wait to go on that trip with [mom] in a couple of days, so I can ravage her body all I can." mc "I'm going to fuck her every chance I get when we're there." "*Ring* *Ring*" "*Ring* Ring*" mc "It's Alcander.." mc "Hello Sir." scene 12scene3img1a alc "Hello my boy." alc "My guys got Henry to talk." alc "I've got the information you wanted." alc "We got Ronald Digby's address.." alc "I've just texted it to you." mc "Thank you so much sir.." mc "Much appreciated." alc "Anytime my boy." alc "Please feel free to drop by anytime you're in Itheriya." alc "Also, give my regards to your Partner." mc "I will Sir. Thanks again." alc "Okay my boy. Gotta go. Bye." scene 10scene8img1 mc "Awesome." mc "Now I have Ronald's address" mc "Tomorrow I can go there and see if I can find some intel about which country he's flying to." mc "Then, [mom] and I can go to that country too and intercept him there." mc "It's getting pretty late.." mc "I'm taking Iris to dinner tonight." mc "That's going to be fun." stop music fadeout 1 scene ltd with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 12scene6img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/mia.mp3" i "Hi [mc]." mc "Hey Iris." mc "You're ready to go?" i "Yes." "........" "......" i "What?" i "Why're you looking at me like that?" scene 12scene6img2 pause pause mc "I'm just dumbfounded.. That's why." mc "MY OH MY!!" mc "YOU LOOK DROP DEAD STUNNING IRIS" i "Really?" mc "{i} (If looks could kill!)" mc "{i} (She looks absolutely breathtaking in that dress!)" mc "{i} (She looks so classy and sexy)" mc "You should wear dresses more often Iris.." mc "The way you look tonight.. It just takes my breath away." mc "WOW!!" mc "Just WOW.. That's all I can say." scene 12scene6img1 i "Thank you so much [mc]." i "If you like seeing me in a Dress.. I'll wear them often then." mc "That'd be wonderful." mc "You look like a woman now." mc "What a beautiful young lady you've grown into." i "You're showering me with compliments tonight [mc].." mc "And you deserve all of them." mc "Shall we get going then?" i "Yes." scene 12scene6img3 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) i "Where are you taking me on our first date?" i "Hehe. It sounds weird saying it.. Seeing as you're my big [br].." i "But I don't mind.." mc "Me either.." i "So, where are you taking me?" mc "A nice new Restaurant downtown." mc "You'll like it there." i "Great." mc "We're going to have a great night tonight." i "Here's to a great night then.." scene 12scene6img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) i "You were right [mc].. I absolutely love this place." i "The cocktails are some of the best I've ever had." mc "Glad you like it here Iris." mc "I specifically chose this restaurant cause it's got all the elements you like." i "Aaaw. That is so sweet." i "Nothing but the best for you." scene 12scene6img5 i "Hey, seeing as we've started hanging out just you and I outside the house now.." i "Do you wanna go to a movie with me sometime?" mc "A movie with you.. But that'd probably be a chick flick." i "That's a given. Hehe." mc "Sure. Why not?" mc "For you, I'll endure a chick flick." mc "Anyway, how are things going in your modeling world?" scene 12scene6img4 i "I've been getting a lot of gigs." i "But I've been declining almost all of them." i "I just want to spend quality time with [fmy] since everyone's here at the house now." mc "Good. Good." mc "What are your aspirations as a model?" i "I don't know.. May be eventually become a Valentina's Secret model." mc "Nice." mc "I'm sure they'll come knocking pretty soon." mc "A beauty like you.. They'd definitely want to have you representing them." i "I hope so." i "Tell me.. What are your aspirations in life?" mc "I don't know.. lately I've been thinking about getting in the [fmy] business." scene 12scene6img5 i "Hahahahaha." i "Really? You in the family business?" mc "Why does everyone laugh about it?" mc "What, you don't think I'd make a good Mafia boss once [dad] retires?" i "I don't know whether you would or not... But Ella will kick your ass for that position." mc "I know." mc "She even told me not to think about getting involved in the Mafia." i "May be there's a reason for that.." mc "Well, if not Mafia.. Then I really don't have anything planned.." i "If you were any good at Photography.. I'd take you to Paris and get you a job as a Professional Photographer. Hehe." mc "Oow! That was low Iris. Hhaha." i "Relax. I'm just kidding. Hehehe." i "I love how the photos you took at our personal shoots turned out.." scene 12scene6img4 i "Although we didn't take as many pics as we should have....." i "Becuase we did other things.." scene 12scene6img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) "You chat with Iris for well over an hour.." "The conversation gets very intimate.." "Slightly romantic.. even." "Iris is having a great time with you.. She even starts talking differently." "Not the usual way she always talks to you.. But like a girl interested in a boy" "Like a woman attracted to a man." mc "If I haven't told you a 1000 times already, you look wonderful tonight Iris." scene 12scene6img5 mc "You did say that a 1000 times.. I've been counting. Haha." mc "But the novelty hasn't worn off yet." mc "I love hearing you say that." scene 12scene6img4 i "I like it a lot.. actually." mc "But I'm sure a lot of guys say that to you." mc "The beauty you are.. There's gotta be 1000s of guys throwing themselves at your feet." scene 12scene6img6 i "Sadly..." i "NO.." i "I don't even have a love life.." mc "WHAT?!" i "Anybody who knows whose daughter I am are too scared to ask me out." i "It's been the same everywhere.." i "At school.." i "At the Modeling Agency.." i "Everyone knows I'm The daughter of Mr. Reigns.. The feared Mafia Boss." i "And they're all scared to ask me out." i "The guys who don't know whose daughter I am.. they approach me in very disgusting ways..." i "Like that Harry guy whom you threatened to beat up." mc "Man... That must be really hard.." mc "I had no idea you had problems like that when it came to romance." scene 12scene6img7 i "Well, at least your love life must be great.." i "Since you're a boy, you probably don't have the same problem." mc "Well, I can't complain about my love life." i "Dating many in college, are you?" mc "Dating... Fucking... All the good stuff.." i "Eew.. I didn't ask about your Sex life [mc].." i "But since you've started anyway... Continue..." mc "{i} (She's showing interest in sex talk..)" mc "{i} (Lemme just make up some stories about my sex life in college and see how she responds..)" mc "Well, just before the end of last semester.. I was getting it on with a Physics Professor from another department." scene 12scene6img8 i "A Professor?!" i "How can you..?" i "You don't mind the age difference?" mc "Not at all.." mc "That's what makes it even hotter." mc "Besides.. older women are great in Bed." mc "They know what us guys want.." i "Well, what do you guys want?" mc "A woman who lets us take her in all her holes.." i "Huuuhhhh" i "I can't believe you just plainly told me that." mc "Hehehehe." scene 12scene6img4 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) "You chat with Iris for another half hour." "Time flies.." "You finish dinner over conversations about various topics." i "The food was great [mc].." i "Thank you for showing me this place.." i "It's one of my favorites now." mc "Glad you liked it." mc "Well, it's getting late." mc "Shall we leave?" i "Sure." scene 12scene6img9 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) i "Thank you for such a great night [mc]." i "I had such a great time." i "It's been an incredible night.." mc "Been..?" mc "Our great night together isn't ending just yet." mc "The night is still young.." mc "I've booked us a great Hotel Room for the night?" scene 12scene6img10 i "A HOTEL ROOM?" i "Wh.. why..?" mc "So we could spend some more time together.." mc "Wouldn't it be nice to extend this wonderfl night a little bit longer?" i "It would be nice.. But..." i "But, does it have to be at a Hotel Room?" mc "I think a Hotel Room would be perfect.." mc "We can stay up all night.. and..." mc "... Talk.." i "O..o.. okay.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene6img11 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/chill_wave.mp3" mc "{i} (Here we are.)" mc "{i} (I have a feeling this is going to be a great night.)" mc "{i} (I'm glad she agreed to come to this Hotel room with me.)" mc "{i} (My sweet, sweet Iris..)" mc "{i} (I love her so much...)" mc "{i} (I love her ass soo much too.)" mc "{i} (It looks beautiful in that dress.)" mc "{i} (I just want to smack that already.)" scene 12scene6img12 mc "How do you like this Room Iris?" i "It... it's.. nice.." i "But, isn't it a little..." mc "{i} (I love how she looks soo shy.)" mc "Little what Iris?" i "Roma...n..." i "You know.. the type that couples go to." mc "You and I are a couple of people.." mc "Come sweetie.. Let's sit on the Bed and continue our conversation." scene 12scene6img13 mc "You okay Iris?" i "Now I am.." i "I was a little surprised that you brought me here at first.." i "But I gotta say.. This room is really nice.." mc "Glad you like it sweetie." mc "{i} (Gosh, she looks like an Angel in this light.)" mc "{i} (I want to take her right now..)" scene 12scene6img15 mc "{i} (I'm getting soo turned on being in this romantic room with her.)" mc "{i} (I wanted to take it slow this night.. Talk till midnight.. And then turn it sexual.)" mc "{i} (But the way she looks tonight..)" mc "{i} (The way her breasts look in this light..)" mc "{i} (I want to take her right now.. But how do I ease her into it?)" scene 12scene6img13 mc "Isn't this nice? Spending a night in a beautiful hotel room after dinner? Just you and I.." i "Yes." i "This room is great.. But it also reminds me of somethi..." i "Nevermind." mc "Reminds you of what? You can tell me.." i "It looks like one of those rooms in which they film very old Porn movies.. Hehehe." mc "Haha. It kinda does." mc "Speaking of Porn.. What's your favorite type of Porn to watch?" mc "Now don't tell me you don't watch Porn.. You blurted it out by mistake the other day at our photoshoot." i "Hehehe." i "Well.. I like the romantic types.. With much kissing.. caressing.." i "What about you?" mc "I like anything with a lot on Anal.." scene 12scene6img14 i "Eeewwww.." i "That is soo dirty.." i "You don't mind entering THAT hole?" mc "Why not?" mc "That's much tighter.." i "But that's seems so dirty.." mc "I like it dirty when it comes to sex.." mc "How do you like it?" scene 12scene6img13 i "Well, considering I've never had sex before.." i "I haven't found what I like.." mc "So, you Are a Virgin then.." mc "I like that.." i "Why do YOU like that I'm a Virgin?" mc "Because Virgins are one of the types I like.." scene 12scene6img14 i "Is there any type you don't like?" i "You're into older women, you're into virgins, you like going inside the backdoor..." i "What don't you like? Hehehe." mc "Haha. What can I say?" mc "I'm a freak.." scene 12scene6img13 i "If you had to choose between an Older Woman and a Virgin.. who'd you go for?" mc "I prefer older women..." mc "But, if the Virgin is as pretty as you, I'd go for the Virgin." "......." "......" mc "Speaking of Virgins.." mc "How about we change your status of a Virgin tonight?" scene 12scene6img16 i "WHAT?!!" i "Wha... wha do you mean?" mc "I mean..." mc "How about we have Sex tonight?" i "I... ah.. a.." mc "It's alright Iris... I'll be gentle with you.." scene 12scene6img17 i "I.. don kn.." mc "We have a special bond you and I Iris.." mc "Let's have our bodies bond too.." mc "I guess I always knew you were a Virgin.. And I'd like to be the one to deflower you.." i "It's not that I don't like you.. But I.. I've never done this before.." mc "Don't worry... I'll treat you like the flower that you are." mc "So... sh.. shall we?" i "....." mc "I'll take that as a Yes." scene 12scene6img18 mc "{i} (Aaahh yesssss)" mc "{i} (The feel of her body is exquisite)" mc "{i} (Her silk blonde hair feels wonderful pressed against my body)" i "{i} (He's kissing me so tenderly.)" i "{i} (Those soft kisses are making me tremble)" mc "{i} (How long I've dreamt of this..)" mc "{i} (How long I've yearned for this..)" scene 12scene6img19 i "{i} (Aaaahhhh)" i "{i} (I can feel his cock pressing against my hips)" i "{i} (Soon, it's going to be inside me!)" i "{i} (This is incredibly erotic.)" i "{i} (The way he's kissing me on my neck..)" i "{i} (Moving lower with every kiss..)" i "{i} (I love it.)" scene 12scene6img20 mc "{i} (This is the first time I'm kissing her like this)" mc "{i} (Her mouth is so delicious)" mc "{i} (Her lipstick tastes so sweet.)" mc "{i} (It's enhancing the natural taste of her pretty strawberry lips)" mc "{i} (Our tongues are entwining inside her mouth)" mc "{i} (She's kissing me back with the same vigour)" scene 12scene6img21 i "{i} (Pure passion)" i "{i} (Just how I like it.)" i "{i} (He's kissing me like a lover)" i "{i} (His tongue is forcing it's way deeper and deeper into my mouth.)" i "{i} (And my tongue encourages his advances.)" i "{i} (Our salivas mixing in our mouths.. So sensual)" mc "{i} (I'm enjoying her mouth.. But I want to her kiss down there now.)" mc "{i} (Time to strip her off this dress)" scene 12scene6img22 i "{i} (Ooooooooh)" i "{i} (I've never felt this beautiful feeling before.)" i "{i} (The first time I've had anyone's mouth on my Vagina.)" scene irispussylick animated with fade: "12scene6img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (To say she tastes delicious would be an understatement)" mc "{i} (Perfectly what a Fariy's Pussy would taste like!)" mc "{i} (So sweet)" mc "{i} (Feels ecstatic drinking from her Fairy Cup)" i "{i} (If this is what getting eaten out tastes like...)" i "{i} (I want to get eaten out more.)" i "{i} (My big [br] is eating me out.. and I'm loving it)" i "{i} (I'm enjoying his tongue inside my Pussy)" i "{i} (This feels like all my erotic dreams amplified..)" i "{i} (This intense, devious pleasure is taking me so high.)" i "{i} (Soon I'm going to have his big, giant cock inside me..)" i "{i} (The anticipation is kind of scaring me.. But I'm looking forward to it.)" mc "{i} (Soo good.)" mc "{i} (Sooo sooo good..)" mc "{i} (I think it's time to get inside her now.)" scene 12scene6img24 i "{i} (Oh no...)" i "{i} (It's finally about to happen.)" i "{i} (I wonder what it's going to feel like..)" i "{i} (Will it hurt?)" scene 12scene6img25 mc "Are you okay Iris?" i "uh.. humm.." i "Just a little nervous..." mc "Don't worry darling..." mc "I'll be gentle.." scene 12scene6img24 mc "{i} (I'm finally about to enter her!)" mc "{i} (I'm about to enter this Fairy!)" mc "Shall I put it in Iris?" i "Y.. yes.." scene 12scene6img26 i "Aaaaaahhaaaaaaaaahhh" i "{i} (Instant ecstacy!)" i "{i} (But it hurts a bit..)" scene irismissionary animated with fade: "12scene6img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaaa)" mc "{i} (Yes.. yes.. yes...)" mc "{i} (YESSSS!!!)" mc "{i} (I'm finally inside her!)" mc "{i} (I'm finally fucking her!)" mc "{i} (I'm finally fucking my fairy of a little [st])" mc "{i} (She is sooo good..)" mc "{i} (I'm inside an Angel)" mc "{i} (Her angelic pussy feels soo good..)" mc "{i} (She's sooo tight!)" mc "{i} (The tightest Pussy I've been in)" mc "{i} (The tightness is just squeezing my rod inside)" scene irismissionary animated with fade: "12scene6img27" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat i "Aaaaaaaaaa.. aaaaaa.." i "AAAAAaaaaaahhh... oohhh yeaaaa..." i "{i} (It hurts.. it hurts a bit.. But it feels soo good.)" i "{i} (It feels like heaven)" i "{i} (he first time I'm being vaginally penetrated..)" i "{i} (And I'm taking such a Big one inside...)" i "{i} (The pleasure is soo intense!!)" i "{i} (It could make me black out!)" i "{i} (I want him to drill me till I black out..)" i "{i} (This pleasure is beyond comprehension)" scene irismissionary2 animated with fade: "12scene6img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "Aaaaaahhhhhh" mc "Just like that..." mc "Just like that darling.." mc "Take it.." mc "Take it in just like that darling.." mc "Take your big [br] inside your sweet pussy.." mc "Your sweet, sweet pussy.." mc "It's soo good." mc "I cant believe we're finally doing this.." mc "And you taste soo good.." mc "You are just amazing.." mc "It feels soo good fucking you.." mc "Take it.." mc "Take it.." mc "Take it deep.." mc "Take it deep my darling..." i "Aaaaaa..." i "Aaaaaaaaaaa.... aaaaaaa...." mc "Time to switch positions." scene 12scene6img32 mc "Are you comfortable in this position my love?" i "Yes." mc "Tell me if it hurts too much.." scene irisside animated with fade: "12scene6img32" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img33" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat i "Aaaarhhhh.... aaaaaa...." i "Aaaaaaaa..." i "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh" mc "Shall I slow down darling?" i "NO.." i "NOO..." i "Keep going..." i "Keep going please..." mc "You like it darling?" mc "You like big [br] fucking you like this?" i "{i} (Yes. yes. yes)" i "{i} (I love it..)" i "{i} (But I'm shy to tell him that.)" scene irisside2 animated with fade: "12scene6img34" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img35" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat i "{i} (Ohhhhh)" i "{i} (OOooohh nooo)" i "{i} (He's picking up the speed..)" i "{i} (It's tearing my insides..)" i "{i} (It's both pain and extreme pleasure..)" i "{i} (Pleasure like I've never felt before..)" i "{i} (He's going so deep inside me)" i "{i} (I never imagined sex could feel soo good.)" i "{i} (Despite his cock hurting me a bit.. I'm thoroughly enjoying this.)" mc "Just like that.." mc "Just like that sweetie.." mc "Take me deep inside.." mc "Take my cock deep inside..." mc "Aaargghh.." mc "Aaaa yeaaaa..." mc "Time to fuck her in a different position." scene irismissionary3 animated with fade: "12scene6img36" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene6img37" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (OOhhhh yess..)" mc "{i} (I'm sooo deep...)" mc "{i} (Soooo deep inside her..)" mc "{i} (I feel like her inner walls are tearing...)" mc "{i} (I might be hurting her..)" mc "{i} (But it feels so ecstatic..)" scene irismissionary4 animated with fade: "12scene6img36" with dissolve pause 0.4 "12scene6img37" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat i "Aaaaaaaaa" i "Oooooooo... oooo .ye.." i "Yess... yes... aaaaa" mc "I'm fucking he soo hard." mc "I'm not even considering if it's hurting her.." mc "But I'm unable to stop.." mc "I have lost controll." mc "I just want to ravage her body" mc "I am ravaging her.." mc "I am ravaging her pussy..." mc "I am tearing it apart..." mc "I want to look deep inside her eyes as I cum in her.." scene irismissionary5 animated with fade: "12scene6img30" with dissolve pause 0.4 "12scene6img31" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat i "Aaaaaaa..." i "AAAAAAAAAAA..." i "AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa" i "Oh yeaa.." i "Ooo yeaaa..." i "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh..." i "[mc], you're hurting me..." mc "We're almost there.. we're almost there Iris.." mc "I'm about to cum..." mc "I'm about to cum inside you..." i "I thinking I'm cumming too..." i "I'm CUMMING..." i "I'm cummingg.." mc "AAAAAARGGGGHHHH!" mc "AARRGG.. ARRG.." mc "AAAAARGGGHHHHHHH" scene 12scene6img31 with vpunch scene 12scene6img31 with flash scene 12scene6img31 with vpunch scene 12scene6img31 with flash scene 12scene6img31 with vpunch scene 12scene6img31 with flash scene 12scene6img31 with dissolve pause pause mc "Aaahh." mc "We both came together." mc "I've come inside my fairy little [st]" mc "She looks like she's still reeling from pleasure." mc "This was such steamy sex!" mc "How incredible it was!" scene 12scene6img38 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "How was it darling?" mc "Did you enjoy it?" i "Uff..." i "I had no idea sex would feel that good [mc]!" i "I'm exhausted.. But I Loved it!" mc "Me too sweetheart." mc "You were soo delicious." mc "Being inside you felt like heaven." i "Really?" mc "If I weren't completely exhausted too.. I'd take you once again right now.." i "Hehe." mc "Gosh, you look soo beautiful!" mc "Your face is just glowing." mc "I love you Iris." i "I love you too [mc].." mc "Let's go to sleep now.." mc "I'll wake you up at 4.." mc "So we can drive back home and get into our own rooms without anyone noticing us." i "Okay." i "Good night [mc]." mc "Good night love." stop music fadeout 1 scene black with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) scene 6scene1img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/effects/morning.mp3" mc "Yaawn" mc "I'm waking up with such a big smile today." mc "Last night was just incredible." mc "I finally had sex with Iris.. and it was so good." mc "We both drove back home around 4 30 AM" mc "Luckily, it looked like everyone had just gone to sleep thinking that we were in our rooms." mc "Nobody saw us getting in the house at almost 5 in the morning." mc "For today.. I have to try and break into Ronald Digby's house.." mc "To see if I can get any intel about his trip." mc "I really, really hope I can find something for 2 important reasons.." mc "One.. I want to get rid of that guy's threat to our [fmy]" mc "Two.. So I can go on another adventure with [mom]." mc "She teased me so hard yesterday.." mc "Let me go to her room and see if she's alone at least this morning." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene7img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/your_call.mp3" mc "{i} (Yes!!.)" mc "{i} (She's alone..)" mc "{i} (Looks like she's getting ready..)" mc "{i} (Hasn't got a top on.. just her Bra.)" mc "{i} (And her booty looks amazing in the tight skirt)" mc "{i} (Lemme go talk to her.)" mc "Hey [mom]." scene 12scene7img2 mom "[mc]!!!" mom "Wha..." mom "What are you doing in here?" mc "You okay [mom]?" mc "You look kinda shocked.." mom "What?!... No.." scene 12scene7img3 mom "How are you [mc]?" mc "I'm fine." mc "Are You okay?.. You're acting kinda strange.." mom "Of course I'm okay." mom "You seem to have woken up earlier than usual again.." mc "Wait...." mc "Are you hiding something behind you?" mc "It looked like you just kept something on the Bed behind you." mom "Did you drink last night honey?" mom "Looks like you still have the effects of the alcohol" mc "May be you're right." mc "I did have some drinks last night." mom "So, what brings you to my room this beautiful morning [mc]." mom "Nothing.. Just wanted to come say good morning.." scene 12scene7img4 pause pause pause scene 12scene7img5 pause pause mc "{i} (WHAT THE...!!!)" mom "{i} (OOH NOOO)" mc "{i} (Is that...?)" pause scene 12scene7img6 mom "{i} (OH NO!!!)" mom "{i} (This is bad..)" scene 12scene7img5 mom "{i} (This is really badd..)" mom "{i} (I can't believe it just fell from the Bed!!)" scene 12scene7img6 mom "{i} (IN FRONT OF [mc]!!)" mc "[mom]......" scene 12scene7img7 mom "......." mom "........." mom "{i} (Oh no... What do I tell him?)" mom "{i} (I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS JUST HAPPENED!)" scene 12scene7img8 mc "Looks like you've got some explaining to do [mom]...." mc "Hahahahahaha." mom "......." mom ".........." mc "YOU HAVE A DILDO..?!!!" mc "Hahahaha." scene 12scene7img5 mc "And such a BIG one at that!!" mc "Look at the size of that thing.." mc "That's about as the same size as my cock!" scene 12scene7img8 mc "{i} (Hahahaha)" mc "{i} (She looks so embarrassed!!)" mc "You've got some explaining to do [mom]..." scene 12scene7img9 mom "Be quiet [mc]!" mc "You saucy mynx...!! Hehehehehe" mc "You use dildos..." mc "Never in a million years did I think that you'd be the kind of woman to use a dildo!" mc "Hahahahahaha." mom "{i} (He's making me feel more embarrassed than I already am!)" mom "{i} (Should it have happened in front of him of all people!!)" mc "You naught girll... You've got a dildo.." scene 12scene7img10 mom "So what [mc]?" mom "What a woman cannot have a toy for herself just in case she needs some..." mc "Hahahaha." mc "Just that.. I never thought that YOU..." mc "You of all people would have one.." mom "Just shut up [mc].." mom "It's a very recent purchase okay.." mom "I've never been one to use those before.." mom "Just got it very recently.." mc "Doesn't make it any less naughtier..." scene 12scene7img11 mc "Say, how often do you use it?" mc "How deep have you taken it?" mom "Deep enough if you must know.." mc "Like..." mc "All the waay in..?" mc "That is so big. Quite as big as my cock." mom "{i} (I bought it because it reminded me of your cock, you idiot!... But I can't tell him that!)" mom "That's none of your business [mc].. Now stop asking me questions about it.." mc "No.. I want to know... Cause if you can take that all the way in.. Then eventually, you should be able to take me all the way inside you.." mom "Alright! That's it! This conversation needs to stop.." mom "And why are you standing so close to me?" mom "We need to maintain distance inside the house you and I [mc]..." mom "Step back please.." scene 12scene7img12 mc "Alright fine.." mc "Is this distance enough..?" mom "Better." mom "Now tell me. Why are you here in my room?" mc "I just wanted to talk about yesterday.." mc "The way you casually spread your leg in front of me while Iris and Candice were in the room.." mc "And then you wore THAT dress!!!" mc "That was such a tease.." scene 12scene7img13 mom "Did you enjoy that?" mc "Are you kidding me?" mc "My dick could have exploded yesterday because of you." mc "And then, you butted me out of that long drive with Candice." mom "Hahaha." mom "You should've seen your face when I said you can't join us." mc "That's so cruel [mom]" mom "I just teased you a little bit." scene 12scene7img12 mom "Now tell me." mom "Why are you really here?" mc "You know why I'm here.. But I don't think you'll let me anywhere near you inside the house." mom "You're absolutely right." mc "I know." mc "Anyway.. Just wanted to give you a heads up to pack your bags in advance." mom "Oh, did you get any leads on that Ronald guy?" mom "Did you find out which country he's flying to?" mc "I will today." mc "So we should be ready to leave the day after tomorrow." scene 12scene7img13 mom "But how are you going to find out all the info we need?" mc "{i} (I can't tell her that I'm going to try and break into his house.. She'll get scared.)" mc "I have my means.." mc "Leave that to me." mc "I'll get all the details, and then we'll have to fly out day after tomorrow." mom "Great." mom "I'll get my bags packed." mom "But don't expect anything on the trip, okay?" mom "It's going to be strictly just business." mc "Really? Not even once?" mom "I don't think so." mom "And I think you should leave my room now.. You've been in here long enough, and I don't want you getting any ideas." mc "Fine..." mom "Bye honey." mc "Bye [mom]." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) mc "Man, [mom]'s not giving me anything..." mc "She's so very careful about me at home, that she doesn't even let me stand very close to her." mc "I know we're going on our trip the day after tomorrow..." mc "But I still want to have her at least once before we fly out." mc "Especially after seeing the way she was dressed yesterday.." mc "I'm soo obsessed with her." mc "I want to fuck her all the time..." mc "I think I have an idea to try and get in her pants today somehow." mc "I have an acquaintance who's a photographer, and he has a camera crew." mc "Let's see if this works." "*Dialing* *Dialing*" "*Dialing*" rdy "Hello." mc "Hey Rudy, it's me [mc]." rdy "Wassup bro?" mc "Listen, I need some help.." "You explain your instructions to Rudy." "He agrees to execute them." "With your plan set in motion, you return your focus to the task at hand." mc "It's a good thing Rudy was free today. So he can execute my plan." mc "Now, I've got to drive to Ronald Digby's house." mc "Let's hope something comes of it." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) play music "sounds/shaving_mirror.mp3" mc "Here we are." mc "This is Ronald's house." mc "Just to be on the safer side, I'm at the backdoor of his house. Might be risky trying to break in from the front side." mc "It's Office hours now, so he should be in the house." mc "I hope.." mc "I really have no clule where that guy might be." mc "But I just hope he's not in the house right now." mc "Let's go." scene 12scene8img2 mc "I can't go in through the door." mc "So my way in has to be through one of those windows.." mc "Wait.." mc "Even if Ronald is not in there.. His wife or kids might be." mc "Damn. I didn't even think of that." mc "But it's too late to back off now." mc "We're flying out day after tomorrow, so I really have to get this done today." mc "Besides, there's no other alternative way of finding the information I need." scene 12scene8img3 mc "Iickk" mc "Here I am, doing this ninja shit again." mc "I just hope there's nobody in this room I'm about to enter." mc "It could be big trouble if someone's in there." mc "Here goes nothing.." mc "Let's get in." scene 12scene8img4 mc "Man that climb was hard." mc "The coast seems to be clear." mc "No one in the immediate vicinity" mc "Let's go check that room." scene 12scene8img5 mc "Hmmmmmmm..." mc "Just a room to lounge and read a book or something I guess." mc "No drawers or cabinets or anything." mc "There can't be anything in here." mc "Lemme check the other rooms." mc "Let's go." scene 12scene8img6 mc "I hope that door's not locked or anything.." mc "Wait..." mc "I hear voices coming from the inside." wmn "We've been over this many times..." wmn "You can't just walk in here when my husband is away." scene 12scene8img7 mc "{i} (Sound's like an old lady's voice.)" mc "{i} (Someone in her mid 50s may be.)" mn "I know.. I know.." mn "But you cannot possibly tell me that you don't fell the same way I do.." mn "Tell me you do not have feelings for me, and I'll wak away right now." "........" "......" mn "I knew it.. I knew you have feelings for me." mc "{i} (The guy's voice sounds like he must be in his mid 50s too.)" wmn "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" mn "I've tried to resist it my love, but I cannot control it any longer.." wmn "I am not your love.. Let me go.." mn "I need you.. I need you now.." mn "You try to hide it.. But I know you want me too." mc "Just give in.. Give in to your feelings, as wrong as they may be." wmn "I am done resisting." wmn "Throw me on the bed." wmn "Make love to me." wmn "OOOOooo yesss... Just like that.." mc "{i} (What the fuck?)" mc "{i} (Are there any women in this city who are not cheaters?)" mc "{i} (Looks like Ronald's old lady is getting it on with another man.)" mc "{i} (Well, it's none of my business anyway..)" mc "{i} (Got distracted there a little bit.. I should be focusing on the task at hand)" scene 12scene8img8 mc "This must be Ronald's room." mc "Let's hope we can find something in here." mc "Are there any drawers or something in here?" mc "Let's look." scene 12scene8img9 mc "His desk I suppose." mc "But nothing here." mc "Just some books and a writing pad." mc "Gotta keep looking." scene 12scene8img10 mc "Lemme check that nightstand." mc "Hope there's something in there." scene 12scene8img11 mc "YES" mc "Here are the flight tickets." mc "A ticket for one Ronald Digby to Borhae." mc "So that's where we're flying to day after tomorrow." mc "To Borhae." mc "Let me take a picture of the itinerary and get out of here quick." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "That was a success." mc "Now we have our destination." mc "A lot of other things to figure out too.. But there's one more day to gether all the intel I can before we fly out the day after." "*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*" "*Ring* *Ring*" mc "It's [mom].." mc "Hey [mom].." mom "Hi honey.." mom "Can you please do me a favor?" mc "Sure. What's up?" mom "I was going to go mee Eliza today.." mom "But I got a call for an urgent modeling gig." mom "So I'm flying out to the state of New Slanax right now.." mom "Can you please drop by Liza's house and pick up some of her homemade Chocolate Powder for me?" mom "She just made some fresh Chocolate Powder that I was supposed to pick up had I met her today." mc "Sure [mom]." mc "No problem." mc "Are you on your way to New Slanax already?" mom "Yes honey. I'm in the Jet." mc "Okay [mom]. I'll go to aunt Liza's house right away." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene8img12 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/fcfunk.mp3" mc "Aunt Liza..." mc "Uncle Mark..." mc "Hello..." mc "Looks like nobody's home." scene 12scene8img13 mc "Hmmmm" mc "Nobody here." mc "Uncle Mark must be at work, and the kids are probably at school." mc "But Aunt Liza's usually home at this time of the day." mc "Lemme check the dining room or something." scene 12scene8img14 with vpunch with hpunch mc "OH NO!!" mc "Look away." mc "LOOK AWAY" scene 12scene8img15 with vpunch with hpunch el "[mc]!!!" mc "I'M SORRY AUNT LIZA.." mc "I WASN'T.." mc "I SWEAR I WASN'T TRYING TO.." scene 12scene8img16 el "No.. no... It's my fault.." el "I shouldn't have been walking around the house naked with the front door open." el "Sorry." el "{i} (This is so embarrassing)" mc "[mom] told me you had some home made Chocolate Powder for her..." mc "I.. I can come back later if you'd like.." scene 12scene8img17 el "No. No. It's alright.." el "Let me just put some clothes on." mc "Sure." el "......." el "I've gotta walk that way to the closet..." mc "Oh.. sorry.. Lemme step aside.." scene 12scene8img18 pause el "What the!!" el "Oooh ooo!!" el "Noooo" scene 12scene8img19 el "{i} (I'm falling..)" el "Nooooo" mc "Aaaaaaaa" scene 12scene8img20 pause pause mc "{i} (What a pleasant turn of events!!!)" el "{i} (Oh no...)" el "{i} (This is so embarrassing!)" el "{i} (I've fallen on him once again)" scene 12scene8img21 pause el "{i} (I hope he doesn't think I'm doing this on purpose.)" mc "{i} (What a great ass to grab!)" mc "{i} (I've got my handsfull.)" el "{i} (I can't believe this has happened again.)" scene 12scene8img22 pause el "{i} (The kids!!!)" el "{i} (My stupid kids!)" el "{i} (I keep telling them not to leave their toys on the floor)" mc "{i} (I'd love to keep my hands on this beautiful ass forever if I could.)" scene 12scene8img23 el "{i} (Oh no..)" el "{i} (I can sense he's starting to get an erection)" el "{i} (And my breasts...)" el "{i} (My right breast is in his mouth!)" scene 12scene8img20 el "{i} (How does this keep happening to me?)" el "{i} (Second time I've fallen on him..)" scene 12scene8img22 el "{i} (And this time it's even more embarrassing.)" el "{i} (I'm compltely naked!)" scene 12scene8img21 el "{i} (His hands are on my ass!)" el "{i} (And my tit's in his mouth!)" el "{i} (It's not his fault.. So I can't blame him..)" scene 12scene8img20 el "{i} (Let me get up before things get even weirder)" scene 12scene8img24 el "I'm sorry [mc]..." el "Are you okay?" mc "I'm sorry aunt Liza.. I didn't mea..." el "No. No.. It wasn't your fault.." el "The blame's on me entirely.." el "I just slippd on the kids' toys they've left on the floor.." el "I'm sorry." mc "You kn.. wh... I ca.. I can come back later for the Chocolate Poder.." mc "Shall I?" el "Yeah.. I think that'd be a good idea.." mc "Okay bye." el "Bye sweetie." scene 10scene8img1 with Fade(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) mc "How awesome was that!!" mc "I got some action with Liza even though I didn't mean to get any." mc "Hehehehe" mc "Her tit was in my mouth." mc "She seemed solidly embarrassed.. But it was so much fun for me.." scene 12scene8img25 el "I shouldn't be walking around house naked like this again." el "I just stepped out of the shower and came downstairs for some milk.." el "And all this craziness ensued.." el "Poor [mc].. He looked terrfied thinking I'd be mad at him again.." el "Even though none of it was his fault.. Hehe" el "So cute." el "But how do I always manage to fall on him when he's around?" el "Clumsy me." scene 10scene8img1 mc "Well, now it's time to see if the plan I set in motion will actually be any fruitful." mc "I need to go to our Hangar, take a Jet to New Slanax." mc "Let's go." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene9img1 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/gas_pedal.mp3" mc "Good thing we have a couple of Jets in the Hangar always." mc "[mom] must've taken the other Jet." mc "It's only a short flight to New Slanax" mc "Here's hoping everything works out." mc "Man... the things I do for booty.." mc "For my [mom]'s booty.." mc "I'm such a pervert.." mc "But with a Sexy [mom] like that.. Who wouldn't be?" mc "Let me take a short nap during the flight." scene 12scene9img2 with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) rdy "Hey [mc]" mc "Hi Rudy.." mc "Everything go according to plan?" mc "Is my [mom] here?" rdy "Yeah.. She's in the dressing room.." mc "Thank you so much Rudy.." mc "Thanks for arranging this fake photoshoot.." mc "I just wanted to do something special as a surprise for [mm].." mc "Wanted to make her think that she's just flown miles for a Photoshoot..." mc "But I have arranged her favorite Cellists to come play for her here." rdy "Oh okay." rdy "Good thinking [mc]." mc "I'll wire the payment to you." rdy "That'd be great." rdy "Thanks." mc "You can take your crew home now.. I'll take it from here." rdy "Great. See you sometime in the city [mc]." mc "Sure. Bye for now." scene 12scene9img3 mom "I was wondering how when you were going to show up.." mc "......." mc "WHAT?!!" scene 12scene9img4 mc "You knew I was going to show up?" mom "Ahan" mom "Took you long enough.." mc "W..w.. what do you mean?" mc "How did you know?" scene 12scene9img5 mom "You think I don't know how your mind works?" mc "You knew that I set this whole thing up?" mom "Haha. Of course." mc "But how.." mom "When a company wants me to model for them, it's the Agency that calls me [mc].." mom "Not Photographers." mc "Oh!" mc "{i} (Damn!)" mom "That.. and the fact that you're a pervert of the first order.." mom "That's how I knew.." mom "Just give me a minute.. [mmy] will be with you in a second..)" scene 12scene9img6 mom "So..." mom "You think that you're such a clever Fox, do you?" mc "........" mom "Nevermind." mom "How does [mm] look?" mc "S.. st.. stunning..." mom "Just stunning?" mc "You look uber sexy [mom]." mom "You like this piece of Lingerie I'm wearing?" mc "I'm sorry [mom]... I shouldn't have tricked you into coming all this way.." mom "Sssshhhh... You just answer the questions I ask you." mom "How do you like this lingerie?" mc "I LOVE it [mom]." scene 12scene9img6a mom "What do you like about it?" mc "I.. I like that it's soo see-through." mom "Can you see everything?" mc "Mm... mostly.." mom "You like that it shows most of [mmy]?" mc "I'm so sorry [mom].. I rea..." mom "Just answer the question [mc]" mc "Yes. I like that it shows so much of you." mom "I've had this set of Bra and Panty for a while...." mom "When I got that call for the fake photoshoot in the morning... I particularly picked this one to bring here." scene 12scene9img7 mom "How does [mmy]'s rack look in this Bra." mc "{i} (It's all kinds of erotic [mom].." mc "I can even see your nipples through it.." mc "It's such a sexy piece.." mc "The red is so seductive..." mc "But it also feels like there's nothing at all.." mc "It's almost like your breasts are bare." mom "You like seeing [ym]'s bare breasts you filthy pervert?" "....." mom "Answer me.." mc "Yes." scene 12scene9img8 mom "And my ass..?" mc "That's the best in the world.." mom "You wanted to trick me like I'm some kind of fool today, didn't you?" mc "......" mom "Did you really think that I wouldn't sense your hand in this?" mc "I.. Im sorry [mom]..." scene 12scene9img9 mom "I just moisturized my whole body this morning.." mom "How does my skin look?" mc "Like fine velvet." mc "It's glowing." mom "I took specail care of moisturizing my breasts too.." mc "You did?" mom "They felt so soft to touch afterwards." mc "They certainly look like it.." mom "So, are you just going to stand there, or will you come closer and Fuck me?" mc "You're not mad I tried to trick you?" mom "Oh I am... I am angry that you tried to trick me.." scene 12scene9img10 mom "But it doesn't mean I'm not open for some good ucking" mom "After all.. you did plan this whole thing to Fuck me, didn't you?" mc "......" mom "So come Fuck me." mc "......." mom "It's alright.. I won't bite.." stop music fadeout 1 scene 12scene9img11 play music "sounds/spellbound.mp3" mc "{i} (I don't believe this!!)" mc "{i} (I thought she'd be pissed that I tried to trick her.)" mc "{i} (Instead.. I'm getting to have sex with her.)" mom "Did you dream about steamy sex with me on your way here?" mom "I know I did on my way here.." mom "Now come gimme that cock" scene 12scene9img12 mc "Aaaaaaaa" mom "You naughty boy.." mom "You thought you could just tricky [mmy] so easily?" scene momdrhj animated with fade: "12scene9img12" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img13" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (Aaaaaahh)" mc "{i} (She's milking me soo good.)" mom "{i} (His cock feels even thicker than I can remember.)" mom "{i} (I love that he gets soo hard for me)" mom "{i} (Makes me feel like I've still got it.)" mom "{i} (That this old woman can still get young men rock hard.)" mom "{i} (Even [ms])" mc "{i} (Such softness on my shaft)" mc "{i} (Tugging me downwards..)" mc "{i} (She's milking me like I'm a bull)" mc "{i} (Just like that [mom]..)" mc "{i} (Milk my big Bull cock)" scene momdrhj2 animated with fade: "12scene9img14" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img15" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Ooooooo yeaaa)" mom "{i} (He's sticking his fingers inside me..)" mom "{i} (I'm leaking all over his fingers..)" mom "{i} (I haven't been finger fucked in a while)" mom "{i} (It feels soo good.)" mom "{i} (Hhuuuhhh...)" mom "{i} (I don't believe it.. He's gotten even harder.)" mom "{i} (I can hardly wrap my hand around his cock now)" mom "{i} (What a big boy)" mom "{i} (My baby carries such a big tool)" mom "{i} (And right now, it's mine to play with.)" mom "{i} (I just love his big fat cock)" scene 12scene9img16 mc "{i} (How big can a woman's breasts be?)" mc "{i} (I need more hands to grab the whole mass of her tits.)" mc "{i} (She's got such massive ones.)" mc "{i} (I'm so lucky I have a Hot busty mom like her.)" mc "{i} (This woman is an erotic dream come true)" mc "{i} (MILF to the umpteenth number.)" mc "{i} (I love how she's grabbing my cock)" mc "{i} (She's actually squeezing it.)" mc "I want you to suck my cock [mom].." mom "I thought you'd never ask.." mom "I dreamt of sucking it all the way here." scene momdrbj animated with fade: "12scene9img18" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img19" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "{i} (Oooooo yeaasss)" mom "{i} (I'm such a slut!)" mom "{i} (I'm hungry for [ms]'s cock)" mom "{i} (How badly I wanted to suck this.)" mom "{i} (This big mass of a rod)" mom "{i} (How much I wanted to have this in my mouth)" mom "{i} (He tastes so good.)" mom "{i} (My baby tastes soo good in [mmy]'s mouth.)" mc "{i} (She's practically drooling on my shaft)" mc "{i} (I can feel so much of her saliva on it)" scene momdrbj2 animated with fade: "12scene9img20" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img21" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (She's sucking it like she's cock crazy)" mc "{i} (She must've wanted it badly)" mc "{i} (How lucky am I to have [mm] devour my dick like this?)" mc "{i} (To have her take me in her mouth so deep.)" mc "{i} (I consider myself the luckiest man to have a woman like her suck me.)" mc "{i} (It's an honor to have her precious lips on my dick)" scene momdrb32 animated with fade: "12scene9img20" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene9img21" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mc "{i} (Oooooohhhhh)" mc "{i} (OOOOOhhhhh)" mc "{i} (She's going too fast)" mc "{i} (She's sucking it like a crazy woman.)" mc "{i} (She might make me shoot in her mouth too soon if she keeps this up)" mc "[mom]..." mc "Slow down.." mc "Slow down please... You might make me cum.." mom "Mmmmm so delicious!" mom "Such a delicious penis" mc "I want to put it in you [mom].." mc "I want to put it in you... Don't make me blow too soon.." scene momdrdg animated with fade: "12scene9img22" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img23" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Oooh yes baby..." mom "Give it to me." mom "Give it to [mmy]" mom "Give it to me good." mom "Aaah you are soo thick" mom "You are stretching [mmy]'s insides.." mom "Give it to me." mom "Give it to me." mc "Take it [mom]." mc "Take it.." scene momdrdg2 animated with fade: "12scene9img24" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img25" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Booyy you are soo Big.." mom "So Thick!" mom "I can't believe I made that!" mom "And now you're using that on [mmy]." mom "Yes.." mom "Yes.. yes.. baby.." mom "Give it to [mmy] hard.." mom "Rip [ym]'s pussy." mom "Rip [ym]'s pussy with that big mammoth cock." scene momdrdg3 animated with fade: "12scene9img24" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene9img25" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "Aaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaa... ooo yeaaa..." mom "{i} (He is tearing me up)" mom "{i} (He is going soo hard.)" mom "{i} (I only wish I could take him all the way in..)" mom "{i} (Someday soon I'm going too.)" mom "{i} (I want his balls touch my vagina as he fucks me)" mom "Yes.. yes.. yes baby.." mom "Just like that.." mom "Just like that.." mc "Turn around [mom].." mc "I want to look into your eyes as I fuck you." scene momdrvag animated with fade: "12scene9img26" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img27" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "You like that baby?" mom "You like staring into [ym]'s eyes as you fuck her?" mom "Stare into them.." mom "See all the lust that's raging inside.." mc "{i} (This position is wonderous)" mc "{i} (I have such great access to her cunt." mc "{i} (I'm able to open up her cunt so much with every plunge.." mc "{i} (Her pussy's so stretched..)" scene momdrvagback animated with fade: "12scene9img28" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img29" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mc "{i} (This is passion and filthiness combined.)" mc "{i} (I'm looking into her eyes as I fuck her..)" mc "{i} (While holding her so cole..)" mc "{i} (I love she is meeting me half way with every thrust.)" mc "{i} (She's moving her hips to take it in deeper.)" mc "{i} (Just wish I could push all the way in without hurting her)" mc "{i} (Practising on the dildo she's got at home.. she should be able to fully take me in soon)" scene momdrvag2 animated with fade: "12scene9img26" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene9img27" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "Aaaaa.. aaaaa... aaaaa..." mom "Booy you are tearing me.." mom "But don't stop.." mom "Please don't stop.." mom "Tear into me..." mom "Tear into me harder.." scene momdrvagback2 animated with fade: "12scene9img28" with dissolve pause 0.5 "12scene9img29" with dissolve pause 0.5 repeat mom "Harderr.." mom "Deeperrr..." mom "Oooooooo..." mom "Oooooo yeeeaaaaaa" mom "Yes... yess..." mom "Yes...." mom "Fuck [mmy]" mom "Fuck [mmy] haardd..." mc "You want hard?.." mc "I'll give you hard.." mc "I'll give you HARD.." scene 12scene9img30 mom "{i} (Ooh my gosh!!)" mom "{i} (What is this?)" mom "{i} (I've never done this position before)" scene momdrpd animated with fade: "12scene9img30" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img31" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Ooooooo... ooooo... yeaaaaaaaa" mom "Ooooo...." mom "{i} (Soo deep)" mom "{i} (Soooo deeeeepp)" mom "{i} (This is the deepest I've taken him)" mom "{i} (This is shredding my insides..)" mom "{i} (I can feel him at my stomach)" mom "{i} (Gosh!! my baby is long)" mom "{i} (This feels soo good)" mom "{i} (Beyond ecstacy)" mom "{i} (Beyond euphoria)" mom "{i} (This is the true meaning of sex)" mom "{i} (And I'm experiencing it with [ms])" scene momdrpd2 animated with fade: "12scene9img32" with dissolve pause 0.8 "12scene9img33" with dissolve pause 0.8 repeat mom "Aaaaa yessss babyyy..." mom "This is sooo good.." mom "Shove that big sexy cock deep in my pussy.." mom "Pound me..." mom "Pound my pussy..." mom "Give it a beating..." mc "Oh yeah?" mc "You want me to pound your pussy?" mc "Well, here you go..." scene momdrpd2 animated with fade: "12scene9img32" with dissolve pause 0.4 "12scene9img33" with dissolve pause 0.4 repeat mom "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaa" mom "Aaaaaaaaaa... aaaaa... aaaaaaaaaaa" mc "{i} (She's moaning soo loud..)" mc "{i} (That's turning me on even more..)" mc "{i} (I love hearing her moan as I fuck her.)" mc "{i} (Take it.. take it.. take it [mom]..)" mc "{i} (Take it hard..)" mc "{i} (You wanted hard fucking...)" mc "{i} (Well here's haarddd fucking..)" mom "{i} (Oooooo he's absolutely destroying my pussy)" mom "{i} (I am stretched to my limits!!)" mom "I'm about to cum.." mom "I'm about to cum baby.." mc "Me too [mom]..." mc "Me too..." mc "Let's cum together.." mom "Oooooooo" mom "Oooooooooo" mc "Aaarrghhhhhh" mc "AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHGGGG" scene 12scene9img33 with vpunch scene 12scene9img33 with flash scene 12scene9img33 with vpunch scene 12scene9img33 with flash scene 12scene9img33 with vpunch scene 12scene9img33 with flash scene 12scene9img33 with dissolve pause pause mc "Ufffff." mc "Ooaaoo" mc "{i} (She's the best ever.)" scene 12scene9img34 mom "Oohh I'm exhausted!" mom "That was the hardest pounding I ever had." mom "WOW" mc "Just wait till you can take me all the way inside you [mom]." mc "I'm going to show you whole other realms of sexual pleasure." mom "{i} (Oooh I look forward to that... But I can't tell him that)" mom "The sex was so mindblowing honey.." mom "But you came in me again you idiot.." mc "Whaatt... we were both out of control..." mom "That's why I'm going to let it slide this time." mom "But strictly... and I mean STRICTLY..." mom "No cumming inside me from here on out.." mc "Really? Not even once in a while?" mom "This is the 3rd time you've cum in me.." mom "And with the amount of cum you shoot.. I might end up with Quadruplets." mc "Hehehehehe" mc "{i} (I cannot tell her this... But that's my goal [mom].." mc "{i} (To get you Pregnant.)" mc "By the way.. I know where we're flying the day after tomorrow." mom "You found out?" mc "Yes." mc "Borhae." mom "Good." mc "And you know what that means?" mom "I've got to pack my bags when we get back home.." mc "I meant a few days of Hot, Vulgar, Filthy, Steamy, Dirty SEX with you." scene 12scene9img35 mom "Oooo boy!" mom "Here we gooo again.." mom "Hehehehe." mom "But don't get your hopes up too much okay.." mom "I might not be in such a generous mood on the trip." mc "Hehehe." stop music fadeout 2 scene ep12endscreen with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) play music "sounds/venus.mp3" pause scene sbptr with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene thanksscreen with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene tep2r with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause scene tpatreon with Fade(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) pause # This ends the game. return