# The script of the game goes in this file. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. init python: try: player_name except NameError: player_name = "Ethan" try: mGR except NameError: mGR = ("") #Green mGO = ("") #Gold mWH = ("") #White mRE = ("") #Red mYL = ("") #Yellow mPU = ("") #Purple mOR = ("") #Orange mPI = ("") #Pink mBL = ("") #Blue mCY = ("") #Cyan mBR = ("") #Brown return define mc = Character("[player_name]", color="00FFCC") define may = Character("Maya", color="FFFF33") define sof = Character("Sofía", color="FF0000") define fem = Character("Female voice", color="660033") define fem2 = Character("Female voice2", color="FFFF33") define mon = Character("Mónica", color="990033") define dra = Character("Drake", color="FF9966") define ari = Character("Ariel",color="2966B8") define tvrep = Character("Tv Reporter", color="AE70ED") define ale = Character("Alessia", color="FF62B0") define male = Character("Male voice", color="FFFF33") define mary = Character("Mary", color="990033") define ines = Character("Inés", color="25A0C5") define luc = Character("Lucía", color="FFA04A") define kat = Character("Katya", color="FFFF33") define kum = Character("Kumiko", color="B96F6F") define sas = Character("Sasha", color="FF66CC") define lyn = Character("Lyna", color="FF66CC") define mal = Character("Male voice", color="FFCC00") define record = Character("Recording", color="FFCC00") define eup = Character("Euphor", color="990099") define vic = Character("Victoria", color="B05F3C") define jes = Character("Jessica", color="FF7373") define samu = Character("Samuel", color="CC9966") define aut = Character("Author") define aly = Character("Alysha", color="660033") define Alyrelat = Character("[Alyrelation]") define Alyrelatmc = Character("[Alyrelationmc]") define mon = Character("Mónica", color="990033") define monrelat = Character("[monrelation]") define monrelatmc = Character("[monrelationmc]") define ale = Character("Alessia", color="#FF62B0") define alerelat = Character("[alerelation]") define alerelatmc = Character("[alerelationmc]") define cam = Character("Camila", color="") define camrelat = Character("[camrelation]") define camrelatmc = Character("[camrelationmc]") define cla = Character("Clara", color="A9C5EB") define clarelat = Character("[clarelation]") define clarelatmc = Character("[clarelationmc]") image Alysha_jpg ="Alysha.jpg" image Monica_jpg ="Monica.jpg" image Alessia_jpg ="Alessia.jpg" image Clara_jpg ="Clara.jpg" image anim1: "pose25.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "pose26.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "pose27.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat image anim2: "pose28.jpg" with dissolve pause 0.3 "pose29.jpg" with dissolve pause 0.3 "pose30.jpg" with dissolve pause 0.3 repeat image pose31 ="pose31.jpg" image pose32 ="pose32.jpg" image pose33 ="pose33.jpg" image pose34 ="pose34.jpg" image BSAAscreen_jpg ="BSAAscreen.jpg" image anim3: "img284.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "img285.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat image anim4: "img298.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "img299.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat image anim5: "img300.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "img301.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat image anim6: "2part336.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "2part337.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat image anim7: "2part338.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 "2part339.jpg" with dissolve pause 1.0 repeat label splashscreen: show parental with fade pause 5 return # The game starts here. label start: $ renpy.movie_cutscene("video1.mkv") $ renpy.movie_cutscene("video2.webm") show img01 mc"..." show img02 mc"{i}Maya?{i}" show img03 mc"{i}I don't remember this place...{i}" may"Hey, you finally woke up, sleeping beauty. You've been sleeping since we left. I thought you were dead." mc"Ha, How much longer? I don't remember this road." show img04 may"I took a shortcut through the forest. Not many people use this path." show img05 mc"I see." may"So, how do you feel?" mc"Impatient. It's been years since I last saw them." window hide pause scene Alysha_jpg with dissolve mc "She is my mother." mc "And I'm her son." mc "Alysha, my mom, is the kindest and most loving woman in the world." window hide scene Monica_jpg with dissolve mc "She is my sister." mc "And I'm her brother." mc "My sister, Mónica, older than me by two years, a little crazy, but fun." window hide scene Alessia_jpg with dissolve mc "She is my sister." mc "So im her brother." mc "She is my sister [ale], the purest, sweetest and most charming little girl you could ever meet" window hide may"..." scene img06 mc"What's the matter? Oh, please don't make that face." scene img07 may"It's just, it's unfair what happened." mc"I know." scene img08 may"That fucking bastard!" mc"Hey, don't let go of the steering wheel, please." scene img09 may"Oh, sorry." scene img01 mc"My ..." scene img22 with fade mc"{i}The last thing I remember from my past, is seeing my dad beating my mother. That event marked me for life. Until one day I decided to act.{i}" scene img23 with fade mc"{i}I still remember the blood dripping from my hands, and that bastard's smile on his face before he died. Fucking pig.{i}" scene img24 with fade mc"{i}And that's how I got into a juvenile detention center. Yesterday was the last day I spent there.{i}" scene img25 mc"{i}Today, I'm going to the place where my family moved to.{i}" mc"{i}And here is another member of the family.{i}" scene Clara_jpg with dissolve mc "She is my mother's mom." mc "So im her grandson." mc "She is my grandmother Clara. I remember only meeting her once. She is a very beautiful mature woman, despite her age." window hide scene img09 with fade mc"{i}Like I said, today we are going to her house. That is where they live now.{i}" mc"So... are you staying in town?" may"Yes, it's an order from my superiors." mc"I don't understand, why?" scene img10 may"You didn't hear this from me. Apparently, they think you could be very helpful in the future. Your skills are useful." mc"Ha, ha, ha. A soldier? So patricide is now a useful skill. I thought it was just unimportant jobs." scene img11 may"Sometimes, I don't understand how you can make fun of your situation." mc"I'm not sorry, if that's what you mean. I would do anything to protect my family." scene img12 may"..." mc"What's with that smile?." scene img11 may"I don't have the right to smile now?." mc"That's not what I meant. It's just that I'm a weak man, and I might end up falling in love with that smile." scene img12 may"Perhaps in a few more years..." mc"What?" mc"{i}I didn't expect that.{i}" scene img10 may"All joking aside. You have to be careful not to get in trouble." mc"I know that." scene img04 may"We have a few more hours left on the road, so think carefully about what you're gonna do from now on." mc"Allright." may"So tell me, how did you conquer that woman?." scene img20 with fade mc"Oh, here we go again..." scene blackscreen $ renpy.movie_cutscene("video3.webm") scene img24 with fade mc"After so many years, I´m finally here. I wonder how they're gonna react." scene img25 with fade may"Well, pretty boy, see ya. I'll be in touch." mc"Thank you, for everything." may"Don't worry." scene casa mc"Well, it's time to... Whoah." scene skate01 mc"What a beautiful girl." scene skate02 mc"Wait, she looks familiar..." scene skate03 mc"Oh shit, I think she saw me." scene amix01 mc"Hold on, I know her. What was her name again?." scene amix02 mc"Seems like she recognized me." scene amix03 mc"Wait, if she keeps looking at me, she's gonna fall." scene caida01 with fade mc"{i}That was to be expected.{i}" mc"As careless as always..." scene caida02 mc"Come on, take my hand, Sofía." scene s0fia01 mc"What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?." scene s0fia02 sof"Can I touch you? I feel like I'm in a dream." mc"Sure..." scene s0fia03 mc"So, am I real or not?" scene s0fia04 sof"It's you, It's really you." mc"Yeah, it's me." scene s0fia05 with fade mc"{i}She immediately hugged me tightly.{i}" sof"[player_name], [player_name], [player_name]. I missed you so much." mc"Not so loud and please don't cry, okay?. I don't like seeing a woman cry, and my arrival is a surprise." sof"Okay..." scene abrazo01 mc"{i}I wonder if she noticed that she's pressing her breasts against my chest.{i}" mc"{i}Not that it makes me uncomfortable, of course. It feels great.{i}" scene abrazo02 sof"..." scene escape01 with fade sof"I'm sorry, I, uhm..." mc"{i}Did she notice?.{i}" scene escape02 mc"{i}Sofía slowly bends down to pick up her skateboard.{i}" mc"What's up?" scene escape03 with fade sof"I, uhm, see you." scene escape04 with fade mc"{i}What was that?{i}" scene escape05 with fade mc"{i}Wow, she has a nice ass.{i}" scene escape06 with fade mc"{i}After getting on her skateboard, she leaves.{i}" scene puerta01 with fade mc"{i}That was weird ... well, never mind.{i}" mc"After that pleasant meeting, it's time for the main event." scene puerta02 with fade mc"Come on, [player_name], don't be nervous." mc"*Toc, toc, toc*" fem"I'm coming" mc"{i}When I hear that voice, I feel a shiver run down my spine.{i}" scene puerta03 with fade mc"{i}The woman opening the door was still as beautiful as the last time I saw her.{i}" aly"Yes? How can I help...?" mc"Hello, mom." scene puerta04 aly"Oh my god." scene puerta05 aly"Oh, my god. [player_name], is that you?." mc"Yes, mom, it's me." scene puerta06 with fade mc"{i}She immediately raised her hands and started to touch my face, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.{i}" mc"{i}It's the second time today that's happened.{i}" aly"Oh, God, thank you for answering my prayers and bringing my son back to me. My beloved son." scene puerta07 with fade mc"{i}Immediately, she enveloped me in a strong and warm embrace.{i}" mc"{i}The feeling of her breasts resting on my chest, generated a strange sensation in me. A very different feeling from the one I had with Sofia.{i}" aly"You don't know how happy I am that you're back, I thought I'd never see you again. If I was stronger, none of this would have happened." scene puerta08 with fade mc"{i}I squeezed her gently, and placed a hand on her cheek.{i}" mc"Please, don't cry. I don't wanna see the person I love most in the whole world, shedding tears. Come on, let's talk in the living room." scene sala01 with fade mc"{i}Sitting in the room, silence reigned for a moment. The previous excitement, disappeared. My mother, just staring blankly at the floor. I didn't want to see her like this.{i}" mc"Where are Mónica and Alessia?" aly"They're both in school. I'm sure they'll be very happy to see you again, especially Alessia." mc"I wanna see them already." mc"{i}Silence again...{i}" scene sala02 mc"{i}Suddenly, she leaned over and said painfully.{i}" aly"Forgive me for being a bad mother. I couldn't protect them, especially you. I hate myself for it." mc"mom..." aly"Do you hate me too? I would understand, if that's the truth." mc"I could never hate you." aly"So why did you stop us from coming to visit you? You even committed another crime to be taken to a place I never knew about. Why?" mc"{i}It seems like everything ended up exactly as I thought it would.{i}" mc"It's me who has to ask for your forgiveness." scene sala03 mc"{i}My mother sat up properly again, but still wouldn't look at me.{i}" aly"Why do you say that?" mc"Seeing you shattered that day. Mónica and Alessia's uncontrollable tears. Do you think I wanted to see them like that again, in some kind of endless chain of pain and tears?" scene sala04 mc"{i}I placed my hand on top of hers.{i}" mc"I'm sorry, I didn't want to see them like that again. I love them too much to see them suffering like that." scene sala05 mc"{i}Those words seemed to relieve her wounded heart. There was a trace of happiness on her face.{i}" scene sala06 mc"I love you so much, mom." scene sala07 with fade mc"{i}Then, I pulled her close and put my arm around her. My mother rested her head on mine.{i}" mc"I swear that nothing and no one will ever hurt them again. I will always protect them." mc"{i}After spending several minutes in that same position, I decided it was time to go get my sisters. I also needed to apologize for the decisions I made.{i}" scene sala08 with fade mc"{i}I got up. Immediately, my mother took my hand, worried.{i}" aly"Where are you going?" mc"Relax, mom. I'm going to school. I'm picking up Mónica and Alessia." aly"Oh, in the meantime, I will cook something delicious to celebrate your arrival." mc"I look forward to enjoying your delicious food again." scene church01 with fade mc"{i}On my way to school, I decided to visit another place{i}" scene church02 with fade mc"{i}The Church of the Holy Crimson Mother. A strange name for a church dedicated to the service of God.{i}" scene church03 with fade mc"{i}I wonder if Sister Mary is still here. Are Monica and her still friends? They used to get along very well.{i}" scene church04 with fade mc"{i}Well, I've got time to find out.{i}" scene church05 mc"{i}I entered carefully, without making a noise. Mary and another nun were there, praying in front of a stone crypt.{i}" mc"{i}It is believed to belong to a saint, but what is below is not exactly a burial chamber." mc"{i}I will come back another time.{i}" scene school01 with fade mc"{i}After walking for several minutes, I arrived at the school. As always, it looks pretty empty during school hours.{i}" mc"{i}I wonder if I can still go in through the back door.{i}" scene school02 mc"{i}If I'm found out, I could just say that I'm a transfer student.{i}" scene school03 mc"Wait a minute, I can hear voices coming from over there. Damn it." scene school04 with fade mc"It sounds like people arguing." dra"I did a lot of things to impress you, and you still ignore me. Mónica, just tell me, what do I have to do to make you my girlfriend?" mc"{i}Mónica?{i}" scene school05 with fade mon"Oh, look, a pigeon." mc"{i}Ha, ha, ha.{i}" dra"Fuck, answer me!" scene school06 with fade mon"Look, Drake, first of all don't yell at me. Second of all, I will never be your girlfriend." scene school07 mon"Third, I never asked you to give me anything. Fourth, you act like a lap dog, and that disgusts me." dra"Lapdog...?" scene school08 mon"Yeah, a lapdog. Now, if you'll excuse me..." scene school09 with fade dra"You're not going anywhere." mon"Are you fucking kidding me?" scene school10 with fade mc"You bastard! Get your God damned hands off of her, you son of a bitch!" mon"[player_name]?" scene school11 with fade mc"Get up and fight, you bastard! I'll teach you how to respect a woman." dra"..." mon"[player_name], calm down." mc"I'm not leaving until I give him a good thrashing." scene school12 with fade mon"Okay. Stop!" mc"But..." mon"No buts." dra"Ha, ha, ha, I'm going to kill you." scene school13 with fade mc"{i}How is that posible? How did he get up so quickly?{i}" scene school14 with fade mc"{i}Monica took my hand and pulled on it.{i}" mon"Let's go, [player_name]. And Drake, don't even think about following us, or I'll tell your sister what you tried to do to me." mc"{i}This Drake guy, he stayed in place, not moving but staring at me with hatred.{i}" scene park01 with fade mc"{i}Monica, didn't speak or say anything the whole way, until we reached a nearby park. To my surprise, rays of sunshine filtered through the clouds.{i}" mc"Uhm, shouldn't we go for Alessia?" mon"She should be home by now, she left a little early today." mc"{i}She stopped.{i}" scene park02 with fade mon"What you did was stupid." mc"But..." mon"I am happy to see you again and grateful to you for protecting me, but don't do that again, got it?" mc"I'm sorry, we went through a lot as kids, when I saw that he wanted to hit you, I lost my temper." scene park03 mon"No, [player_name], you have to learn to control yourself. That's not an excuse!" mc"Why are you shouting?" mon"I don't know much about the law, but they must have put some restrictions on you, right?." mc"{i}Monica is right.{i}" mon"Have you already visited our mother?" mc"Yes." mon"How do you think she would feel if after so many years of pain, she lost you again?" scene park04 with fade mon"I have seen her suffer since that day, crying every night looking at a picture of you. Losing you again would destroy her." mon"Now that you're here, back home where you belong. I don't want you to walk away from us again." scene park05 with fade mc"Sorry, I'll try to control myself next time." mon"I missed you a lot, you know?" mc"Me too." mc"{i}We stayed that way for a while{i}" scene park06 mc"{i}Suddenly, I felt her hands squeezing my butt tightly.{i}" mc"Uhm, Mónica?" scene park07 with fade mon"Ha, ha, ha. Thank you, now we are even. You've got a nice ass, little brother." mc"What?." scene park08 with fade mon"Come on, let's go. Let's talk on the way." mc"You haven't changed." mon"Why would I do that? So, do you have any money? If so, we are going to buy you something to wear." mc"Thats a good idea." scene park09 with fade mc"{i}On the way, we chatted a bit.{i}" scene shop01 with fade mc"{i}After several minutes, we got to a clothing store. A girl was sitting at the counter and as soon as we entered, she greeted Monica.{i}" mon"Hi, Sasha. [player_name], go on, I need to talk to her about a few things." scene shop02 with fade mc"Okey." mc"{i}I wonder what they're talking about.{i}" scene shop03 with fade mc"{i}I am not one of those who takes a long time to choose clothes, so I decided to try on the first thing I saw. Surprisingly, I liked it.{i}" scene shop04 with fade mc"{i}When I got out and went to the counter, I saw Monica walking towards the exit.{i}" mon"Tell Ignis to muzzle his dog next time." sas"Fucking piece of shit." scene shop05 with fade mc"{i}Sasha turned to see me and raised her hand.{i}" sas"It's $ 200." mc"Sure." scene shop06 with fade mc"What was that?" mon"A week ago there was a party that I attended. I drank too much and apparently Sasha and I kissed for a while." mc"Exciting..." mon"That's all I'm going to say about that, let's talk about something else, pervert." mc"Ha, ha, ha." mc"{i}We continue talking until we get home.{i}" scene tv01 with fade mc"{i}At home, the TV was on. There was no one on the 1st floor.{i}" tvrep"The search for the missing group of young people sadly came to an end, when the police of Crimson City found the bodies of the three young people in the middle of the forest." tvrep"According to the authorities, this was carried out by some satanic sect that..." mon"I'll go see what she made for lunch." mc"Ok. I will say hello to Alessia." mc"{i}A satanic sect? That's crazy.{i}" scene secf01 with fade mc"{i}Once I got up to the second floor, I decided to stop by the bathroom first.{i}" scene bat01 with fade mc"{i}As soon as I opened the door, I could see my mothers naked body. She had just come out of the shower.. I couldn't help but be attracted to that beautiful and curvaceous body.{i}" scene bat02 with fade mc"{i}After a few seconds, she turned and seemed to reach for the towel. I didn't want her to see me peeping, so I closed the door slowly.{i}" scene secf02 with fade mc"{i}Wow, that was... exciting. No, no, you shouldn't think like that... Who am I kidding, I was always attracted to my mom.{i}" mc"{i}I have to go find Alessia.{i}" mc"{i}I hope mother didn't say anything.{i}" scene room01 with fade mc"{i}I stood in front of the door and knocked.{i}" ale"I'm coming, mom." scene room02 with fade mc"{i}Alessia opened the door.{i}" mc"Hello, my cute Ale." scene room03 ale"[player_name]?." mc"Yes, i..." scene room04 with fade mc"{i}Before I could say anything else, she fell to the ground, fainting.{i}" mc"Oh, fuck..." scene room05 with fade mc"After carrying her to bed, I sat down next to her." mc"{i}She looked so beautiful...{i}" scene room06 with fade mc"{i}Immediately, an object to my right caught my attention{i}" mc"{i}A dakimakura, a type of Japanese pillow that I bought for her with my savings for her sixth birthday.{i}" mc"Hello Mr. Daki, it's been a while." scene room07 with fade mc"{i}Before I could lean over to take it, I felt a slight movement on the bed. She had woken up, although her eyes were still closed.{i}" scene room08 with fade mc"{i}I decided to get up and walk to the door. I wanted to see how she would reach.{i}" mc"{i}Truth be told, I wasn't expecting what she did next.{i}" show room09 with fade mc"{i}She stood up on the bed and jumped towards me.{i}" scene room10 with fade mc"{i}I acted quickly by raising my hands and holding her in the air. To my surprise, she was very light.{i}" ale"[player_name], [player_name], you came back." mc"Yeah, how has my little sister been? Not too good, from what i can see. Do you even eat?" scene room11 mc"{i}She just smiled.{i}" scene room12 ale"Put me down, please." mc"Your wish is my command." scene room13 with fade mc"{i}We spread our arms, smiling at each other.{i}" scene room14 with fade mc"{i}Seconds later, we hugged.{i}" ale"I missed you a lot." mc"I know, but don't cry, nothing will separate me from all of you now." aly"Lunch is ready!. [player_name], Alessia, please come down." scene room15 with fade mc"I'm sorry, but it's time to eat. Is there is something you want, my queen?" scene room16 ale"Piggyback." mc"As you wish." scene room17 with fade mc"{i}I turned around and she quickly jumped on my back.{i}" ale"Lets go." mc"{i}I had to take her to the kitchen like that.{i}" scene lunch01 with fade mc"{i}Already in the kitchen, we sat down to eat. I quickly got a little nervous and I only managed to look at Alessia.{i}" ale"What's up?" mc"{i}Alessia's question caught mother and Monica's attention. Fuck.{i}" aly"Are you okay?" mon"You seem nervous, did something happen?" scene lunch02 mc"{i}Holy Mother of God.{i}" mc"{i}I have always been attracted to women with large breasts. So seeing my mom without a bra is exhilarating. And what do I say after what I saw in the bathroom.{i}" with dissolve menu : "[mGR]Look" : mc"One look doesn't hurt." $ elect ="Look" "Dont look" : mc"..." $ elect ="Dont look" if elect =="Look" : scene lunch03 with fade mc"{i}Such beautiful breasts.{i}" mc"{i}No, [player_name], relax, think about the bible.{i}" scene bible with fade mc"{i}Oh, fuck...{i}" scene lunch04 with fade mc"{i}I decided to keep my eyes on my food. I don't want to look like a pervert.{i}" mc"{i}Oh, I have not had this dish in a long time.{i}" scene lunch05 with fade ale"It's true, mom, Katya is coming to play tomorrow morning." aly"Oh, no..." scene lunch06 with fade mon"Oh-my-god! Kat is coming? That's wonderful." scene lunch07 with fade mon"I have to prepare myself. What a thrill." mc"I don't understand. What's up?" scene lunch08 with fade ale"Katya is my best friend. I'll introduce her to you tomorrow." scene lunch09 with fade mc"Not only that. Katya is the cutest little thing you will see in your life." scene lunch10 with fade aly"I think thats enough. Please, let's eat." mc"{i}Although it may not seem like it, but she is a little angry.{i}" scene lunch11 mon"Im so sorry, mom" aly"It's okay." scene lunch12 with fade aly"[player_name], eat please." scene lunch13 with fade mc"Yes, it's time to... eat." scene lunch14 with fade mc"The food looks amazing. Lets eat" scene kiss00 with fade mc"{i}After a satisfying and delicious meal, Monica went to her room. Meanwhile, Alessia said she was going to study.{i}" mc"{i}My mother picked up the dishes and was getting ready to wash them.{i}." mc"{i}I was always fascinated by my mother's curvy body. I always thought it's perfect.{i}" mc"{i}I'm going to help her.{i}" scene kiss01 mc"Let me help you. In the meantime, you can go rest." aly"Oh dear, that would help. Thank you." scene kiss02 aly"Uhm..." mc"What's going on?" aly"I am thinking what gift to give you." mc"I don't think that it's necessary" scene kiss03 aly"I have an idea. A kiss will be your reward." aly"When you were little, you always asked me for a kiss as a reward every time you helped me." mc"Ok." scene kiss04 with fade aly"I love you so much, son." mc"I love you to, mom" scene kiss05 mc"{i}I need to make a decision fast.{i}" menu : "[mGR]Turn a little" : mc"{i}I wonder what she will say.{i}" $ elect ="Turn a little" "Stay quiet" : mc"..." $ elect ="Stay quiet" if elect =="Turn a little" : scene kiss08 mc"{i}Her lips kissed mine for an instant.{i}" scene kiss09 mc"{i}She opened her eyes, clearly surprised.{i}" scene kiss10 mc"{i}Embarrassed, she looked down and apologized.{i}" aly"I am sorry. I have to go. if you need anything... I will be in my room." scene kiss11 with fade mc"{i}Maybe I shouldn't have done that.{i}" mc"{i}I'll apologize further if necessary, I don't want things to get bad between us.{i}" if elect =="Stay quiet" : scene kiss06 mc"{i}Her lips pressed lightly on my cheek.{i}" scene kiss07 aly"If you need anything I will be in my room." mc"Ok." scene kiss11 mc"I better get this over with quickly." scene kiss12 with fade "" scene atico01 with fade mc"{i}I went up to the attic, a place that I chose as a room when I was little.{i}" mc"{i}It was surprisingly clean. How weird.{i}" mc"{i}In the week we spent in this house, years ago, I slept only one night here. Although I used to come up to play here.{i}" mc"{i}The following nights, I slept next to my mother.{i}" mc"{i}There was a chest under the window, I wonder what I kept in there.{i}" mc"{i}When I got closer, my cell phone rang.{i}" scene atico02 with fade mc"It was a call from Maya. I wonder what she wants." scene atico03 mc"Hey, miss me already?" may"Please, [player_name], stop with the jokes." scene atico04 mc"What jokes? What happened?" may"I need your abilities" mc"{i}Fuck{i}" scene atico05 mc"I guess I can't refuse." may"I'm sorry, but it's important. There are lives at stake." may"I'll send you the address of where I'm staying, I''m expecting you by tonight the latest." may"Sorry, [player_name]." mc"Yeah." scene atico06 mc"Fuck!" mc"{i}I guess it's time for a cold shower.{i}" scene baño01 with fade mc"In the shower, I decided not to think about anything. Just let the cold water refresh every part of my body." scene baño02 with fade mc"When I finished, I went for the towel that I left near the door." scene baño03 with fade mc"With only a couple of steps left, the door suddenly opened." scene baño04 with fade mc"{i}My mother enter. She was not surprised at first.{i}" scene baño05 mc"{i} But looking down, she stared at my penis for a moment.{i}" scene baño06 mc"{i}As if waking up from a trance, her eyes widened in surprise.{i}" mc"{i}Do I cover myself or not?{i}" menu : "Get covered" : mc"{i}This is embarrassing.{i}" $ elect ="Get covered" "[mGR]Do not cover yourself" : mc"{i}I wonder how she reacted now.{i}" $ elect ="Do not cover yourself" if elect =="Get covered" : scene baño07 mc"{i}I decided to cover myself with both hands.{i}" scene baño11 mc"{i}My mother closed the door and left.{i}" aly"{i}I´m sorry.{i}" if elect =="Do not cover yourself" : scene baño08 mc"{i}I don't have to be ashamed.{i}" scene baño09 mc"{i}And as allways the head below thinks like the one above...{i}" mc"{i}I had an erection in front of her.{i}" mc"{i}Hey, don't look at me with those eyes.{i}" scene baño10 mc"{i}Still with her mouth open, she looked at me.{i}" scene baño11 mc"{i}My mother closed the door and left.{i}" aly"I am sorry." scene baño12 with fade mc"Well, it could've been worse." scene land01 with fade mc"{i}After changing into the clothes I had just bought, I went to my mother's room.{i}" mc"{i}Well, I'll leave a message with Monica then.{i}" scene mon01 with fade mc"Mónica, its me." mon"Sorry, but I'm busy." mc"I'm going out." mon"Okay, don't worry, I'll tell mom. Just don't be too late." mc"Thanks." scene port1 with fade mc"Going down the stairs, I noticed a detail that I missed the first time." mc"Why is the glass on the door tinted black?." scene port2 mc"{i}Whatever.{i}" scene apartment with fade mc"Half an hour later, I reached my destination." mc"It was a very tall building. According to Maya's message, her room was on the top floor." scene apartment01 with fade mc"{i}After talking to the door attendant and going up the elevator, I got to her room.{i}" mc"{i}I knocked on the door and it didn't take long for her to open.{i}" scene apartment02 with fade may"I thought you would come later." mc"{i}Maya, she was only wearing a towel.{i}" mc"I didn't think you were so bold." scene apartment03 with fade may"Come in. Follow me" mc"{i}She looks a little angry.{i}" mc"{i}I don't think she's aware of what happened at the school...{i}" scene apartment04 with fade may"Is there anything you want to tell me?" menu : "[mGR]Tell her" : mc"I am sorry." $ elect ="Tell her" "Don't tell her" : mc"No, nothing." $ elect ="Don't tell her" if elect =="Tell her" : scene apartment04 mc"I had a little fight with a guy. I hit him." may"You're not one to look for fights, so I'll let it slide." if elect =="Don't tell her" : scene apartment04 may"And what about what you did in school. No matter. You're not one to look for fights, so I'll let it slide." mc"{i}Fuck.{i}" scene apartment05 with fade mc"{i}Maya, stopped.{i}" may"So, what do you think?" mc"You look beautiful. Although it would be better if you didn't have that towel on." scene apartment06 with fade may"I'm talking about this." mc"Oh, sorry." scene apartment07 with fade mc"Shit. Who did that to them." may"That's why I called you. I want you to help me find the one who did it." mc"This looks very dangerous." may"I know." mc"Who are they?" may"Don't you watch the news?" scene apartment08 with fade mc"Oh. But on the news they were talking about three people, this is more." may"We found them next to them. And not only that, there are two girls who disappeared a couple of months ago." scene apartment09 with fade mc"{i}I sat down next to her.{i}" mc"So this was the reason why they sent you here." may"Yes... This case is annoying." mc"Okay, but I don't want my family to be involved." scene apartment10 may"I promise." may"Thanks a lot, [player_name]." mc"Dont worry. Also, will I have to win any MILF's heart?" may"Such a jerk." scene apartment11 mc"Hey, I helped you solve some cases these last few years by dating the suspects 'wives'." may"I know. Well. This time you deserve a little gift." scene apartment12 may"{i}The seductive way she looked at me, made me think of a very pleasant situation.{i}" mc"What gift?" mc"{i}I like where this is going.{i}" scene apartment13 with fade mc"Maya got close enough and gave me a kiss." mc"{i}Wait, is that it?{i}" scene apartment14 with fade mc"{i}Well, better than nothing.{i}" may"Thank you, I'll tell you tomorrow where to meet. Now I'll get back to my shower." mc"I can help." may"Idiot...." scene apartment15 with fade mc"{i}The happy expression on Maya's face changed.{i}" may"Ah, I'm so tired. This case won't be easy." may"This time I won't have time to have a little fun on the side." mc"{i}No, the fatigue wasn't because of the case. She drove hours without a break.{i}" mc"{i}DId that to arrive quickly so I can return to my family.{i}" mc"{i}I owe a lot to this woman. It's a shame that sometimes I have to hide things from her.{i}" scene apartment16 with fade may"I'm sorry, [player_name], but I have to take a bath and rest. And no, you cannot accompany me." mc"Damn. Well, see you." scene city00 with fade mc"{i}As I got out of the building, I decided to walk for a while. Just looking at my cell phone, thinking about the past.{i}." scene rec01 with fade mc"I remember being in the woods near my old house, when I found a dead animal." mc"I was between six and seven years old when I discovered that I possessed an uncanny ability." scene rec02 with fade mc"A small squirrel lay on the ground." mc"I decided to give him a proper burial, but when I touched its body, I passed out." scene rec03 with fade mc"As soon as I woke up, I fled the place." mc"Apparently, I have the ability to see the last minutes of life of a living being when they're dead..." scene cellphone with fade mc"{i}A voice that I recognized, brought me out of my thoughts.{i}" scene city01 with fade mc"{i}Looking up, I saw Drake with open arms, smiling. I was about to say something, when I noticed someone behind him.{i}" scene city02 with fade mc"{i}I looked to my right. Across the street, two guys dressed the same way as the other one, were looking at me.{i}" scene city03 with fade mc"{i}Behind me, there was another.{i}" scene city04 with fade mc"{i}I quickly turned around and decided to just run an app on my cell phone just in case.{i}" scene city05 with fade dra"What's up, [player_name]? Now Mónica isn't here to defend you." mc"Pussy." scene city06 dra"Go get him." scene city07 with fade mc"{i}I looked to the left. An intelligent man knows when to retire.{i}" scene city08 with fade mc"{i}I walked quickly down an alley.{i}" dra"So you want to play cat and mouse, huh?" scene city09 with fade mc"{i}Shit. Why do thugs always need to be in a group? Can't they be alone?.{i}" scene city10 with fade mc"{i}I think I'll go this way.{i}" scene city11 with fade mc"{i}How weird, why can't I hear them?{i}" scene city12 with fade mc"{i}I turned around, but didn't see anyone chasing me.{i}" scene city13 with fade mc"After a few minutes of running, I hit an alley." scene city14 with fade mc"{i}I kept going, thinking that I would find a way out, but it was a dead end.{i}" scene city15 with fade mc"{i}There was nothing to the left.{i}" scene city16 with fade mc"{i}Maybe I can climb up...{i}" dra"It looks like the mouse got trapped." scene city17 with fade mc"{i}How the hell did they find me?{i}" dra"You're dead, [player_name]." mc"Why attack in a group? Can't you just come at me by yourself?" dra"Let's get this over with quickly." mc"Fucking cunt." scene city18 with fade mc"Before I could prepare and put up some resistance, in the blink of an eye, three of them approached me at unusual speed." mc"I could hardly avoid the first." scene city19 with fade mc"{i}I was lucky, I backed off, but it was useless. I got kicked in my abdomen and then a punch to the head.{i}" scene city20 with fade mc"{i}The kick sent me backward, spewing a little blood from my mouth. It was as if I had been hit with a mallet.{i}" mc"{i}The worst thing, was that my head hit with the container behind me.{i}" scene city21 with fade mc"{i}Everything went black. But still, I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck.{i}" scene city22 with fade mc"{i}Then, I just saw the world turning upside down.{i}" scene city23 with fade mc"{i}My body fell heavily to the ground. Drake, immediately got on top and started hitting me.{i}" mc"Ha ha ha. Pussy..." scene city24 with fade dra"This is for hitting me." scene city25 with fade dra"This is for messing with Mónica." mal"Hey, talking about Mónica. Leave me their mom. I have a few things i want to do to her." mal"Leave little Alessia to me." dra"You got it boys." scene city26 with fade dra"This is for insulting me." scene city27 with fade dra"I'm gonna kill you now..." fem"Drake, stop!" mc"{i}Whose voice is that? Cough...{i}" scene city28 with fade dra"Stay out of this, witch. This is between me and him." fem"Well, it doesn't seem like it. Attacking in a group? Ha, typical of you." dra"Shut up..." mc"{i}Witch...?{i}" scene city29 with fade mc"{i}Seconds later, everything went black. Their voices grew distant. Finally, I lost consciousness.{i}" scene doc01 with fade mc"{i}I woke up in a hospital bed. {i}" mc "{i}My vision was blurry.{i}" mc"{i}That son of a bitch is gonna pay for this.{i}" scene doc02 with fade mc"{i}It took me a few minutes to adjust to the light in the room.{i}" scene doc03 with fade mc"{i}I heard a few voices coming from the corridor. I recognized one of them.{i}" may"I'll wait out here." fem"Yes, please. I'll tell you when you can come in." may"Thank you." scene doc04 with fade mc"{i}A tall and beautiful woman came into the room{i}" mc"Woah, she's so sexy." mc"{i}Wait, did I say it out loud?{i}" scene doc05 with fade fem"It seems that you're feeling better now, do you just go around saying things like that?" mc"Well, I always say what I see." fem"I don't have time for this, there is someone waiting to see you." scene doc06 mc"What a beautiful ass." scene doc07 with fade mc"{i}She turned around and walked out the door. Before leaving, she took another look at me.{i}" scene doc08 with fade mc"{i}That was interesting.{i}" scene doc09 mc"{i}The door opened.{i}" scene doc10 with fade mc"{i}Maya walked in, not looking at me. She simply walked over to and pulled it close.{i}" scene doc11 with fade mc"{i}Sitting just a meter away, she looked at me and asked.{i}" may"This is just the routine procedure. What happened?" mc"Nothing." may"Your saying that only means one thing. You know who attacked you." scene doc12 with fade may"Aish. Why are you like this? Always keeping everything to yourself." mc"Sorry, I know you want to help, but this is a problem that I have to solve on my own." scene doc13 with fade mc"{i}Maya got up angrily.{i}" may"[player_name], you know if you commit a crime..." mc"I'm not that stupid. By the way, who was that woman?" may"Even right now you only think about flirting? Aish." may"She is the doctor who runs this hospital, the mother of whom I believe beat you up ... Drake." mc"Ha, ha, ha" may"Why are you laughing?" mc"{i}An idea flashed through my mind.{i}" mc"Where'ss my phone?" scene doc14 with fade mc"{i}She left the room for a moment.{i}" scene doc15 with fade mc"{i}If Maya is here, it means she didn't call them. That's a relief, I would not want to see my mother worried.{i}" mc"{i}I'll have to come up with something for when I get home. Also, I should ask her to help me come up with a story.{i}" scene doc16 with fade may"There you go, I didn't call your family, for obvious reasons. Do you need me to cover you?" mc"That would be great. Thanks." scene doc17 with fade may"The fact that nothing was stolen only confirms my assumption." mc"I did not say anything." mc"{i}It's only been a couple of hours.{i}" scene doc18 with fade may"Just promise me that you won't do anything you'll regret later." mc"I promise." may"What do you have there?" mc"Something that could be of much use to me." may"Uhm. Well, I have to go sign some papers. Once finished, we will go to your house. I'll make up something on the way there." mc"Thank you so much, Maya." scene doc19 with fade mc"Once the door closed, I pressed the play button." record"This is for hitting me. This is for messing with Mónica. Hey, talking about Mónica. Leave me their mother. I have a few things i want to do to her. Leave little Alessia to me." mc"{i}Oh Drake, you're so stupid. You should never have messed with me or my family.{i}" mc"{i}And your friends... Ha.{i}" scene doc20 with fade mc"{i}I don't like doing this, but I have two options.{i}" scene doc21 mc"{i}The first, to make that woman fall in love with me, using conventional methods. That will take a little more time.{i}" mc"{i}Uhm... Nah.{i}" scene doc22 mc"{i}And the second, well, no mother would want to see her child in jail.{i}" mc"{i}So I could use this recording to blackmail her and corrupt her to the point of making her my personal sex slave. Risky, but satisfying.{i}" mc"{i}Then... fuck her in front of him. That would be fun.{i}" mc"{i}Now that I remember, Monica said he also has a sister.{i}" mc"{i}Until that moment, I didn't know what fate had in store for me. Who could know if i would have all the cards in my favor...{i}" scene revel00 pause scene revel01 pause scene atic00 mc"{i}Fortunately, no one was waiting for me. If they where, I would have to lie and say that I was mugged.{i}" scene atic01 mc"Oh, shit." mc"{i}As soon as I turned on the light, I could see Monica in front of me, extremely angry.{i}" mon"Where the fuck were you, huh?" mc"Don't scare me like that, please." mon"I dont give a..." scene atic02 mon"Oh, my god. Who did that to you?" mc"I was mugged on the way home, after visiting my parole officer." scene atic03 mc"I got out of the hospital less than 2 hours ago." mon"Does it still hurt?" mc"No, not anymore." mon"Good" scene atic04 with fade mc"{i}I was about to smile, when her expression suddenly changed.{i}" mon"If it weren't for you coming like this, I would have hit you myself." mon"Come on, come to my room. Silent." mc"Yes, ma'am." scene sis01 with fade mc"{i}Some things never change. Monica never liked sleeping in a bed. I see that has not changed.{i}" mon"Sit down." mc"Yes, ma'am." scene sis02 mc"{i}Something I learned from Mónica, is that she has sudden mood swings.{i}" mon"First of all, sorry for yelling at you, but I was very worried about you." mc"Don't worry, I deserve it." scene sis03 mon"When our mom asked where you were, I told her that you went to Sofia's house. I had to call her to cover you." mon"I don't like lying to her, [player_name]. Worse yet, seeing you like this, makes me feel worse." mc"I am sorry." scene sis04 mon"Do you want to talk about what happened?" mc"No, Maya is taking care of everything. They will surely be caught soon." mon"Maya is the woman who brought you? I saw her through the window." mc"Yeah. uhm.. I dont want to talk about it." mc"Let's get to what is really important. You have questions to ask me, right?" scene sis05 mon"Yes. I want you to tell me why you decided to stay away from us." mc"{i}From the way she played with her fingers and her expression, I could tell a certain fear and anger.{i}" mc"It is not what you are thinking." scene sis06 mon"It isn't? Let me understand then why when we went to visit you for the fifth time, the correctional guards said that you had committed another crime and that they decided to transfer you." mon"You promised us that you would avoid any problems." mc"Mónica. What I'm going to tell you, won't leave this room." mon"Are you going to tell mom?" mc"Yes, but not right now. Let's say I haven't had time." scene sis07 mon"It's true, she was acting a little weird today. She was kind of distracted." mon"Do you know anything about that?" mc"Ehm... no." mc"Maybe it was because of the excitement of seeing me again." mc"Probably." scene sis08 mon"Uhm... i think it's time you start talking." mc"Well, all started after the last visit..." scene det00 with fade mc"{i}I was in an interrogation room. Sitting in a chair, I was thinking about how much I missed my family.{i}" mc"{i}Although I was glad that they would not suffer any more because of that bastard, I found it painful to see them crying every time they visited me.{i}" scene det01 mc"{i}I met Maya the second day I arrived. She said she worked for a company that helped children like me.{i}" mc"{i}She doesn't seem like a bad person.{i}" scene det02 may"Well [player_name], how have you been?" mc"Good, I guess." scene det03 may"You know? I have unplugged all the audio devices in the room. So everything we talk about will not be recorded." mc"Why would you do that?" scene det04 may"Because what we are going to talk about cannot be heard by anyone." mc"{i}That made me a little scared. I've seen movies where bad things happen after that.{i}" may"I'll be honest with you, I work for an organization that is looking for kids with certain abilities that could help with..." scene det05 may"Oh my God. I sound crazy talking like this." mc"{i}When I heard the word organization, what happened in many movies came to mind.{i}" mc"{i}But maybe i could ask for something in return. It was a 50/50 bet. I will trust fate.{i}" mc"I don't think you're crazy." mc"{i}And there I was, selling myself.{i}" mc"I have one ability." scene det06 may"{i}Maya raised her face with a smile.{i}" may"Really? That would be great. What skill?" mc"I can see the last moments of a person's life, just by touching their body." scene det07 may"Do you think you can prove it in some way?" mc"Yes, but..." mc"{i}The first time with the squirrel, i was very scared. But curiosity ended up leading me to touch the bodies of many dead animals.{i}" mc"{i}The last time I used my ability, it was by chance. After killing him, I touched his body and felt firsthand what I did.{i}" mc"{i}But I didn't feel any regrets, just satisfaction. That was very weird.{i}" mc"I need something in return." scene det08 mc"{i}Her expression turned serious.{i}" may"Just so i'm clear and you understand, this is not just a one time thing, there will be more jobs later." may"You will fulfill the penalty that they have imposed on you, but by my side. You will have some freedoms, but..." mc"I agree." scene det09 may"Ha. Great, I'll be back tomorrow and get you out of here. Think very well what you are going to ask for.{i}" may"I have to go, it was nice doing business with you, [player_name] Krautz." scene det10 with fade mc"{i}Hours later in my room, I thought about what I could ask her.{i}" scene det11 with fade mc"{i}Suddenly, the face of my family came to mind. The fact that they kept coming would only cause more pain, not only to them, but also to me.{i}" mc"{i}I wanted them to carry on without me, at least until it was all over.{i}" mc"{i}The next day, I asked Maya to say that I committed another crime, and that the place where I was going could not receive visitors.{i}" scene sis09 with fade mon"Why did you do that? You don't know the pain it caused us." mc"I am sorry, but I don't regret having done it, because somehow, I was able to take care of all of you without being present." scene morgue00 with fade mc"{i}The next day, Maya took me to a place similar to a morgue.{i}" may"Well, it's time to test your skill. Inside is the body of a woman, I need you to tell me what you see." mc"Okey. I am ready." may"Go, I'll wait for you here." scene morgue01 with fade mc"{i}The first thing I saw upon going in there, was the woman's body resting on a kind of table that I remembered seeing in some movies.{i}" scene morgue02 with fade mc"{i}I approached slowly.{i}" scene morgue03 with fade mc"{i}I stopped in front of the body for an instant.{i}" scene morgue04 with fade mc"{i}I took a deep breath and stretched out my hand.{i}" scene morgue05 with fade mc"{i}I instantly saw the scene.{i}" scene morgue06 with fade mc"{i}I put my hand away and took a few steps back.{i}" scene morgue07 with fade may"So, what did you see?" mc"You scared me." mc"Well, I saw a woman hanging, I guess it was by a rope. Suicide maybe?. She was wearing a black and white striped top, black pants, and black shoes." mc"As for the surroundings, the floor had squares like geometric patterns." scene morgue08 may"Amazing. [player_name], we'll be a good couple from now on." may"What you asked of me, i'll make sure it gets done. Although I will add some things, since your request is not so elaborate." mc"Thanks." scene morgue09 with fade mc"{i}I looked at the corpse again. It would be the first of many.{i}" scene sis10 with fade mon"So what you told me as children was true. I'm sorry, I didn't believe you." mc"It's okay." mc"{i}After the squirrel thing, I told Mónica, but she didn't believe me.{i}" scene sis11 mon"Did they pay you for it?" mc"{i}I replied with a smile.{i}" mc"Yes." scene sis12 mon"Oh my god, there was no benefactor, the money in moms bank account ... that was you." mc"Maya started paying me since we solved the second murder." mc"From that point on, I have asked her to please send fifty percent of my funds to moms bank account." scene sis13 mc"{i}Mónica, lowered her head and held it with her hands.{i}" mon"All this time I was wrong, sorry." mc"Why?" mon"I thought you wanted to get away from us after that day. After all, we are the cause of those scars and the pain that you had to go through to protect us." scene sis14 with fade mc"{i}I got up, sat next to her and put my arm around her, I rested her head on my shoulder.{i}" mc"Wearing these scars is a source of pride, you know?" mc"They are the best proof of the love I have for all of you." mon"We don't deserve you, [player_name]." mc"Let's put that aside, I want to ask you about that asshole Drake." scene sis15 with fade mc"{i}As always, it was enough to mention something bad, and her mood change in an instant.{i}" mon"I hate that guy. Unlike his sister, he is a complete disgusting person." mon"The truth is, I don't know how that guy can be her brother. They are so different." mc"And what motivated him to follow you around like a lapdog." mon"Well, one day I went to the city. I remember walking down the street, when I heard sounds coming from an alley." mon"When I went to check, I found him surrounded by three boys from another school." mon"Since he was a student at my school, I decided to help him." scene sis16 mon"I caught their attention, pointed to my hand and told them." mon"If you don't want this hand to end up in your face, you better let him go." mon"They obviously laughed, but I managed to get them to stop bothering him. After saying something to him, they left." scene sis17 mon"Uhm... I'm boring you?" mc"No, why do you say it?" mon"From the way you reacted at school, I thought ... forget it." scene sis18 mc"Rather, you said he had a sister." mon"Yes, her name is Luana." mc"Wait a minute, are you okay?" scene sis19 mon"I don't know what's wrong with me, whenever I talk about him, my head starts to hurt." mc"Have you visited the doctor?" mon"It is not much help when you tell her that the cause of everything is her son." mc"Oh." mc"And what did she answer when you told her?" scene sis20 mon"Nothing, she just prescribed some headache pills. What bothered me the most was that she said I don't have anything to lose by dating him." mc"I see." mc"{i}Looks like I won't be nice to those two.{i}" scene sis21 mon"Damn, I think I need to sleep." mc"I think it's the best." scene sis22 with fade mc"{i}I helped her lie down and after covering her with a blanket.{i}" mon"Thanks, [player_name]." mc"You're welcome" scene sis23 with fade mc"{i}As soon as she said that, she closed her eyes.{i}" scene at00 with fade mc"{i}I left the room and went up to mine, where I turned on the laptop and sat across from it.{i}" scene at01 mc"{i}After a few minutes and after finding what I was looking for, I decided to make a call.{i}" mc"{i}I'd be stupid to fight alone. I needed allies, and who better than someone like me.{i}" mc"..." scene at02 mc"{i}After a few seconds, a sweet voice answered.{i}" eup"[player_name], is that you?" mc"Hello, Euphor." scene at03 with fade eup"You don't know how happy I am that you call me." eup"You are with your family?" mc"Yes. Uhm... i need your help" scene at04 eup"You know you can ask me for anything." mc"Great, thanks." mc"Tell me, are you near your computer?." scene at05 with fade eup"Yes, it's right in front of me." scene at06 with fade mc"Marvelous. I need you to look up everything about the names of two people." eup"Oki doki." scene at07 with fade eup"Tell me the names, I'm interested in knowing who messed with you." mc"On the way. Victoria Johnson and her son Drake Stewart." mc"Victoria is the owner of the Crimson City hospital." eup"Received, I will send you the information later. See you, big boy." mc"Ha, ha, ha." scene at08 with fade mc"Well, I think that was all." mc"Time to sleep." scene at09 with fade mc"The next morning, my phone's ringtone woke me up." mc"Fuck, I left the light on." scene at10 with fade mc"{i}Seeing that it was a message from Euphor, I woke up.{i}" mc"Euphor, I love you. Ha, ha, ha. This is much more than what I asked for." scene at11 aly"[player_name], it's time for breakfast." mc"I'm coming." scene at12 mc"Embezzlement of funds, corruption ... disappearance of corpses? and much more. Woah, that's insane." mc"I'd better put something on and go downstairs." scene enter00 with fade mc"{i}Before going to the kitchen, I went to wash my hands.{i}" scene enter01 with fade mc"{i}Near the sink, I stopped when I heard a voice.{i}" mon"Ehem..." scene enter02 with fade mc"{i}Turning to my left, I saw Monica, in the shower, standing.{i}" mon"Seriously, [player_name]?" mc"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." scene enter03 with fade mon"{i}She came over and asked.{i}" mon"So, what do you think?" menu : "[mGR]You have a beautifull body" : mc"Well, you have a beautifull body" $ elect ="You have a beautifull body" "You have a sexy and sensually attractive body" : mc"Well, you have a sexy and sensually attractive body" $ elect ="You have a sexy and sensually attractive body" if elect =="You have a beautiful body" : scene enter04 with fade mon"thanks?" mc"{i}What beautiful breasts.{i}" mc"{i}And it seems that she also waxes down there.{i}" if elect =="You have a sexy and sensually attractive body" : scene enter05 with fade mon"That doesn't make me happy, you know?" mc"{i}What beautiful breasts.{i}" mc"{i}And it seems that she also waxes down there.{i}" scene enter06 mon"At least you answered honestly." scene enter07 ale"Mónica, are you inside? I need to pee." mc"{i}Alessia's voice, took us by surprise.{i}" scene enter08 with fade mc"{i}Monica stepped forward and blocked the door.{i}" mon"Sorry, Ale. I am busy." ale"Please, I can't hold it in." mon"Sorry." ale"Please." menu : "[mGR]Look" : mc"One look doesn't hurt." $ elect ="Look" "Don't look" : mc"..." $ elect ="Don't look" if elect =="Look" : scene enter09 with fade mc"{i}What a beautiful pussy, pink, like her anus,{i}" mc"{i}Maybe I could ... I don't think that's a good idea.{i}" scene enter10 with fade ale"I hate you." mon"Sorry, Ale." mc"{i}Apparently she went to the first floor. I heard her coming down the stairs.{i}" scene enter11 with fade mon"Are you happy now? Now Ale got mad at me." mc"Sorry." mon"Get out, please." mc"Yes, ma'am." scene cocin00 with fade mc"After washing my hands, I went to the kitchen. I stopped at the entrance." aly"How did my little prince wake up..." scene cocin01 with fade aly"Oh, my god." mc"{i}I got closer.{i}" scene cocin02 with fade mc"{i}My mother raised her arms and her hands caressed my face.{i}" aly"What happened? Who did that to you?" scene cocin03 mc"I don't know, the assailants were wearing ski masks." aly"Oh, my poor baby." mc"I think that's enough, mom, you don't need to overdo it." scene cocin04 with fade aly"Sorry, are you sure you're okay?" mc"Yeah, don't worry." scene cocin05 mon"Oh come on, mom, stop treating him like a baby." mon"I don't think he likes to be treated like that." scene cocin06 aly"Am I bothering you?" mc"Of course not. I don't care, if that makes you happy." scene cocin07 mon"No comment, litle baby." scene cocin08 mc"Don't listen to her, mom. You can call me as you like." scene cocin09 with fade aly"You always where my baby..." aly"Let's sit down, before breakfast gets cold." scene lunc01 with fade mc"{i}Sitting at the table, I looked at the delicious breakfast that awaited me.{i}" mc"{i}It was then that I heard Alessia come down the stairs, and then sit next to me.{i}" ale"Good morning, mom. Good morning ... Monica." ale"Hi [player_name]... [player_name]?" scene lunc02 with fade mc"Hi Ale." scene lunc03 mc"{i}I lowered my gaze.{i}" ale"Oh, god..." scene lunc04 mc"{i}Shit. I had no choice but to look at her.{i}" ale"What happen?" mc"Uhm..." scene lunc05 mc"{i}I remember that face, she always has it before breaking down crying.{i}" mc"It's makeup. Monica helped me. Look" mc"{i}I slapped my cheek with one hand. I had to endure the pain.{i}" scene lunc06 mc"{i}Alessia, smiled.{i}" ale"You tricked me, I thought you had been beaten." ale"I didn't know that Monica knew how to do that." mc"He, he." scene lunc07 with fade aly"Please, it's time for breakfast. Then you can talk." scene lunc08 with fade mc"{i}Time to eat.{i}" mc"{i}I hate that light. I think I'll change the lights in some of the rooms.{i}" scene celu01 with fade mc"{i}After breakfast, I went up to my room and called Euphor.{i}" scene celu02 mc"{i}After thanking Euphor for the information gathered. I gave her the scope of my plan.{i}" scene celu03 mc"{i}I didn't expect Euphor to correct some details of the plan and change them. I liked that actually.{i}" scene celu04 with fade mc"{i}Once I finished talking to Euphor, I dialed the number she gave me from Victoria's personal cell phone.{i}" scene celu05 mc"..." mc"Hello, Mrs. Victoria." scene celu06 with fade vic"Who speaks?" vic"{i}That voice sounds familiar.{i}" scene celu07 with fade mc"My identity is the least important thing right now." mc"What is truly important here is what you can offer me in exchange for my silence." mc"I have an audio that incriminates your son in a crime." scene celu08 with fade vic"Listen to me right son of a bitch, you're not going to blackmail me." scene celu09 with fade mc"Ouch. Why the hate? I´m simply offering my help." scene celu10 with fade vic"You have no idea how many jerks have tried to do the same. And where are they now? Who knows..." scene celu11 with fade mc"Well, I suppose you don't want to know what kind of information I have in my possession either." scene celu12 with fade mc"Something about the disappearance of dozens of bodies and patients in the last ten years." mc"Embezzlement of funds, corruption, and much more." scene celu13 with fade vic"{i}How did he get that information?{i}" vic"What do you want?" scene celu14 with fade mc"I'll be in your office in just over an hour. Please, I don't want any surprises. Goodbye." vic"Wait..." scene celu15 with fade mc"{i}I hung up and quickly blocked the number.{i}" scene celu16 with fade mc"{i}After taking a bath and before going to the hospital, I decided to go to Sofia's house.{i}" scene sofia00 with fade mc"{i}Walking to her home, I noticed the lights were off.{i}" scene sofia01 with fade mc"I wonder if Sofia or her mother are awake." scene sofia02 with fade mc"{i}I knocked on the door a couple of times and waited.{i}" scene sofia03 with fade mc"{i}Minutes later, someone turned on the light.{i}" sof"Who is it?" mc"{i}Listening to her, I decided to play a joke on her.{i}" mc"Good morning, miss. Today I come to your door to speak to you about the word of God." mc"If you will allow me a few minutes of your time, I will show you how great our lord is." scene sofia04 with fade mc"{i}Sofía, open the door{i}." sof"I am sorry, but... [player_name]?" scene sofia05 sof"Oh my god, what happen to you?" mc"It's makeup, Mónica helped me." sof"Oh." scene sofia06 sof"I thought you would come yesterday." mc"Uhm... Sorry, I was busy." mc"Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hi." mc"Let's talk later, as I understand it, you will come to my house to hang out with Alessia and her friend." scene sofia07 mc"{i}Sofia lowered her gaze and began to play with her fingers.{i}" sof"You know? I wanted to ask you two questions." mc"Yes, sure." scene sofia08 sof"Will you live in your mother's house from now on?" mc"Yes. Next question." scene sofia09 sof"Uhm... ehm... Do-do-do you have a girlfriend?" mc"Not that I am aware of." scene sofia10 mc"{i}Sofía smiled happily.{i}" sof"Wonderful, can I ask you another question?" mc"Okey." mc"{i}Before she asked, I heard a familiar voice... Jessica, my platonic love.{i}" scene sofia11 jes"Sofía, why are you taking so long?" mc"{i}I saw her arm sticking out of Sofía's shoulder.{i}" scene sofia12 mc"{i}I looked over her shoulder and was surprised by what I saw.{i}" sof"One moment, please. [player_name], I..." scene sofia13 with fade jes"[player_name]? Hi. Now I understand why Sofia was so excited yesterday." mc"{i}Before I discovered the love I had for my mom; Jessica, Sofia's mother, was like a goddess to me.{i}" mc"{i}And now she was there, totally naked in front of me.{i}" scene sofia14 with fade mc"{i}But before I could enjoy the view, I felt a shove and the door closed.{i}" sof"Sorry, [player_name], we'll talk later." jes"Why did you do that?" sof"Your naked, mom!" jes"Sorry, i forgot. But why make so much trouble?" mc"I should better go." scene hospi01 with fade mc"{i}About an hour later, I arrived at the hospital. Yesterday I did not have a chance to see the hospital from the outside. This is big.{i}" scene hospi02 with fade mc"{i}There were few people inside. But before entering, I called Euphor again to finalize some details.{i}" scene pose00 with fade mc"{i}once I got to her office, I stopped in front of the door. I played twice.{i}" mc"{i}Something is up to her. I didn't see anyone on this floor.{i}" vic"Who is it?" mc"I called you a little while ago." vic"Come in!" scene pose01 with fade mc"Hello, Victoria." vic"Wow, I didn't expect you to be my patient. But let's get this over with, I have a meeting in an hour." mc"I agree." scene pose02 mc"{i}Victoria, pulled out a gun.{i}" vic"Where do you want the bullet, asshole? In the heart or the head?" mc"It seems you chose the hard way. What a disappointment." scene pose03 vic"What did you say?" scene pose04 vic"Look, I can spare your life, if you give me what you have." mc"Ha, ha, ha. Euphor, are you there?." scene pose05 vic"So you shared the information with someone else. It doesn't matter, I'll find out who he is and kill him too." scene pose06 eup"Ehem. Looks like this shit doesn't have a built in webcam." vic"{i}Euphor's voice caught her off guard. It didn't come from any device that was mine, it was her computer.{i}" vic"Can't be." eup"Yes it can, [player_name], tell me the situation." mc"Nothing, just that she has a gun pointed at me." eup"Ha ha ha. It's not the first time." scene pose07 vic"{i}Surprised, she turned her head.{i}" eup"Victoria, if I don't hear from [player_name] in an hour, everything you built so hard will collapse." eup"Dragging not only you, but also all your family, friends and relatives." eup"Think about it. Goodbye." scene pose08 mc"{i}Victoria, lowered the gun.{i}" vic"What do you want?" mc"First, drop that gun." scene pose09 mc"{i}She obeyed.{i}" scene pose10 vic"Now what?" mc"Take off your clothes." scene pose11 vic"What?" mc"Time is wasting." scene pose12 with fade mc"{i}Victoria stepped back and removed her blouse and skirt, leaving only her underwear.{i}" mc"I love the way you look at me, but that will change, don't worry." scene pose13 with fade mc"{i}Angry, she stripped off her underwear, revealing her naked body.{i}" mc"Wow, you have a beautiful body. And what about those tits, I want to squeeze them and play with them." vic"Damn sick." mc"Sick? I want you to see that I am a healthy and well-proportioned young man." mc"{i}I immediately dropped my pants.{i}" scene pose14 mc"Seeing your face full of surprise, is very exhilarating." vic"{i}Oh, my god. It's really big.{i}" mc"Now get down on your knees and give me a blowjob." scene pose15 vic"Are you serious?" mc"Yes." scene pose16 with fade mc"{i}Victoria knelt down and stared at my dick.{i}" mc"Come on, I don't have all day. I have a meeting. Do it." scene pose17 with fade mc"{i}Victoria, raised her hands to grab my dick.{i}" mc"What the hell are you doing?" scene pose18 vic"You told me..." mc"You can't use your hands, just use your mouth." scene pose19 vic"Are you serious?" mc"Don't make me repeat it." scene pose20 with fade vic"{i}I can't believe I'm doing this. If it weren't for her, none of this would happen.{i}" mc"That's right, open your mouth and stick out your tongue." scene pose21 with fade mc"{i}Only the tip entered in her mouth. But still, the feeling was incredible. I haven't had a blowjob in months.{i}" scene pose22 mc"{i}Victoria shook her head, and I could feel the tip of my dick at the entrance of her throat.{i}" vic"Mmmh...." scene pose23 mc"{i}Holding my legs, she tried to get all of my dick into her mouth.{i}" mc"{i}But she couldn't ...{i}" mc"Oh, come on." scene pose24 with fade mc"Are you crying? Ha ha ha." vic"Sorry, I can't keep doing this." mc"Don't worry, I'll help you." scene anim1 with fade mc"{i}Shocked and with her makeup ruined, she couldn't stop me as i grab her head and force my dick inside her throat.{i}" vic"Mmmmh... mmmhhh" mc"{i}The wet and warm sensation of my dick in her throat was incredible.{i}" mc"Ahh yeah...." scene anim2 mc"{i}I had no time to waste, so I speed up the process.{i}" mc"{i}I violently shoved my dick over and over again through her mouth and throat.{i}" mc"Oh, fuck! That feel so good." vic"Mmmmh... mmmhhh" mc"Oh, shit! I'm gonna cum." mc"Prepare your throat and stomach, Victoria. I'm going to release a good amount of cum inside you." vic"Mmmm... mmmmh" vic"{i}Oh, god, please no.{i}" scene pose31 mc"{i}I pressed her head in such a way that nothing could go to waste.{i}" mc"Ungh!" mc"{i}Some semen came out of her nose.{i}" scene pose32 with fade mc"Oh, shit!" mc"{i}I backed up fast. Victoria started vomiting my semen.{i}" mc"Hey, you shouldn't waste food." vic"Get out... cough, cough." scene pose33 with fade mc"{i}I took my clothes and got dressed quickly.{i}" mc"{i}I saw her for the last time, she looked so pathetic.{i}" mc"See you another time, Victoria." scene pose34 with fade mc"{i}I close the door.{i}" mc"{i}Seconds later, I heard her sobbing.{i}" mc"First part of the plan, completed." scene exit01 mc"{i}Upon leaving the hospital, I received a call from Maya.{i}" mc"Hey Maya, what's up?" may"It is good that you are happy. I need you to come to the morgue." scene exit02 mc"{i}My mood changed immediately.{i}" mc"Uhm, i have an appointment with..." may"It will be quick, dont worry. I need your hability." scene exit03 mc"Okay, I'm coming." may"Thanks." scene exit04 mc"Shit. I hope it doesn't take too long." scene mor01 with fade mc"{i}The morgue was not far from the hospital, so it didn't take me long to get there.{i}" mc"{i}Maya was in the hall, looking through one of the windows in the door.{i}" scene mor02 with fade mc"{i}I walked over and asked.{i}" mc"What's up, who are you looking at?" may"Samuel is here." scene mor03 with fade mc"I don't care, let's get this over with." scene mor04 with fade mc"{i}Samuel, an agent just like Maya, was inside.{i}" mc"{i}I don't get along very well with him. He's a bloody gossip.{i}" scene mor05 samu"Yes, they just arrived ... The boy is here... Ok." scene mor06 with fade mc"{i}I did not say hello. I stepped aside when he passed me.{i}" mc"{i}Well, get to work.{i}" scene mor07 with fade mc"{i}Before, going into a morgue was a bit scary, but I ended up getting used to it.{i}" mc"Well, buddy, let's finish this." scene mor08 with fade mc"{i}When I touched it, I only saw darkness. A second later, a gunshot was heard.{i}" mc"{i}Fuck... my head{i}" scene mor09 with fade mc"{i}Concentrate, concentrate.{i}" scene mor10 with fade mc"{i}Now only the bodies of two girls remained.{i}" mc"{i}Every second was precious. That's why I decided to touch both of their bodies at the same time.{i}" mc"{i}If they both died in the same place, I'll get a broader view, otherwise I'll just see them one after the other.{i}" scene mor11 with fade mc"{i}I could only see an outstretched hand in the dark and a nearby gate that apparently led to a park.{i}" fem"Cough... Just a little more... Cough" mc"{i}From the pain in my abdomen, I knew that I had been cut.{i}" fem"No! Please, no!" mc"{i}Someone grabbed me from behind.{i}" scene mor12 fem"Uhmm... ugrhh" mc"{i}That someone covered my mouth and pulled me back.{i}" scene mor13 mc"I tried to resist, but the door was getting further and further away..." scene mor14 mc"...until it was closed." mc"My vision ended, when I felt my throat being slit." scene mor15 with fade mc"{i}Immediately, I checked the memories of the next girl.{i}" mc"{i}Her legs had also been cut off ... no, her legs had been ripped off. Her left hand had also been cut off.{i}" mc"{i}The girl was crying silently.{i}" fem"Mom, I should have obeyed you. I shouldn't have hung out with them. I miss you, mom." scene mor16 mc"{i}I looked up, I could only see a little light in front, maybe produced by the moon{i}" scene mor17 mc"{i}I looked to the left ...{i}" scene mor18 mc"{i}...then right.{i}" fem"Come on, Luisa, you can." scene mor19 mc"{i}I threw myself to the ground and began to advance.{i}" scene mor20 mc"{i}I just moved on. I did not advance long, when a noise stopped me...{i}" mc"{i}Fear and panic took over my mind.{i}" scene mor21 mc"{i}I turned around and could see a dark figure standing in front of me.{i}" male"It seems like it was a bad idea to leave you alive. Don't worry, we'll finish what we started." male"Be thankful that I will be the one to kill you." scene mor22 fem"No! Please, no! Someone help me!" male"Don't worry, I'll finish this." scene mor23 mc"His hands reached out and held my head..." scene mor24 mc"{i}...Then he twisted it to one side.{i}" mc"My vision ended." scene mor25 with fade mc"{i}Several drops of blood fell to the ground.{i}" scene mor26 with fade mc"{i}I knelt down, putting a hand to my nose.{i}" mc"{i}It always happens when more than 5 seconds pass.{i}" mc"{i}A side effect of using my ability.{i}" mc"{i}I couldn't let Maya see me like this.{i}" scene mor27 with fade mc"{i}The solution was in front of me.{i}" scene mor28 with fade mc"{i}After cleaning myself with the blanket from one of the bodies, I walked over to Maya and Samuel, who were talking.{i}" may"With his help I have solved several cases." scene mor29 may"With their help I have solved several cases." samu"And he also helps you with that?" may"Wait, what are you trying to imply?" samu"There is the boy." scene mor30 mc"{i}If looks could kill.{i}" scene mor31 may"{i}Maya turned around and asked.{i}" may"What did you see?" scene mor32 mc"{i}I told them everything I saw.{i}" scene mor33 may"I told you. We need more people." samu"Thats weird. I'll notify our superiors about this. Excuse me." scene mor34 with fade may"This case will be a real headache." mc"What's going on?" scene mor35 may"Nothing. Thanks for your help, I'll transfer some money for the trouble." may"You can go." mc"Great, see ya." scene mor36 with fade mc"{i}Just then a bus was passing by, so I decided to take it.{i}" mc"{i}Bad decision. Got stuck in traffic.{i}" scene mor37 with fade mc"{i}An hour and a half later I got home.{i}" scene mor38 with fade mc"{i}I hurried.{i}" scene yoga00 with fade mc"{i}I opened the door and before heading to the second floor, I saw my mother doing yoga.{i}" scene yoga01 mc"{i}I got a little closer, to be able to admire the body of my mother more closely.{i}" scene yoga02 with fade mc"{i}For an instant I concentrated on her feet. Yes, I have a fetish for them.{i}" scene yoga03 mc"{i}Then her butt followed{i}" mc"Uhm, beautiful feet, butt and big boobs... I think my mom is perfect.{i}" mc"{i}At least for me{i}" mc"I was late, mom. Is Alessia still upstairs?" scene yoga04 with fade mc"{i}My mother stood up and answered by looking at the ground.{i}" mc"{i}Maybe she realized i was watching her?{i}" aly"Alessia and her friends waited for you for a while, but then they left. Monica and Sofía went with them." mc"I see." mc"I'm sorry, but I have to say it. Look up, mom." scene yoga05 mc"{i}Her expression made me feel some pain.{i}" mc"Every time you do that, it hurts. It's like you're scared of me. I am not him." mc"I don't want to see fear or pain on your face. Smile, it's all I ask." scene yoga06 aly"She slightly shook her head and I could see a smile rising on her lips." mc"That's what I'm talking about, you're beautiful, mom. Smile." scene yoga07 with fade aly"My beloved son..." mc"{i}No, it was not the simple fact of being hit that led her to be that way.{i}" mc"{i}On her face, she carries the memory of so many years of abuse. Scars that will remain forever.{i}" mc"{i}Now I understand why Alessia believed what I said at breakfast. I didn't know Monica could do that Makeup, uh?.{i}" aly"You want to help me?" mc"Of course." scene yoga08 with fade mc"{i}After changing I helped her practice yoga.{i}" mc"Do you always practice yoga, mom?" aly"It's a bit embarrassing to say, but I want to reduce the thickness of my thighs." scene yoga09 mc"I think you are perfect." aly"You only say it because you are my son." scene yoga10 with fade mc"No, I'm serious." mc"You have a perfect bu... body." aly"Thanks." mc"{i}But, this is boring... Let's move on to the next level.{i}" mc"I remember that a yoga instructor taught me some positions. You want to try?" aly"Sure." scene yoga11 with fade mc"{i}When I told my mother what to do, she was a little hesitant, but she agreed.{i}" scene yoga12 with fade mc"{i}My mother was a bit uncomfortable.{i}" mc"{i}Well, I usually had my instructor's hand or mouth on my dick. How to forget those blowjobs and handjobs she gave me...{i}" scene yoga13 aly"[player_name]?" mc"Yes, mom?" aly"Are you sure this will help me?" mc"{i}I don't know. I can't tell her that.{i}" mc"Yes." scene yoga14 mc"{i}She looked down and focused on my chest.{i}" scene yoga15 with fade mc"{i}When her chest brushed my groin, she told me to change positions.{i}" scene yoga16 with fade mc"{i}We changed legs, but what happened before made her too uncomfortable.{i}" scene yoga17 aly"[player_name], I think we should stop." mc"Okey." mc"{i}Fuck.{i}" scene yoga18 with fade mc"What's wrong?" mc"{i}You know it, think about what happened.{i}" scene yoga19 aly"Nothing, it's just ... nothing." aly"I think it's about time." mc"...?" scene yoga20 mc"{i}She smiled slightly.{i}" aly"Jessica asked me to help her move some things and ..." scene yoga21 mc"Wait, I do it for you." aly"Are you sure?" mc"Yes, you rest." mc"When I return, I want to talk to you. It's about the time I spent in the correctional facility." scene yoga22 aly"Wait, you don't have to ..." mc"I have to tell you, it has to do with the outings that I do with the person in charge of me." mc"I want to tell you everything, mom." scene yoga23 mc"{i}With a kind smile, she replied.{i}" mc"I understand, I'll wait." scene jes00 with fade mc"{i}Once at the door, I knocked three times.{i}" mc"{i}I wouldn't mind if Sofia's mother greeted me naked.{i}" scene jes01 with fade mc"{i}Jessica opened the door{i}" jes"[player_name], good to see you." scene jes02 with fade jes"{i}She immediately hugged me. She was always so cheerful.{i}" scene jes03 with fade jes"If you are looking for Sofia, she is not here, she went out with her friends." jes"I thought you would be with her too." mc"Uhm..." jes"Well, let's put that topic aside. When do you plan to marry Sofia?" mc"What?" scene jes04 jes"Ha, ha, ha." mc"{i}She laugh.{i}" jes"Oh my god, i... ha, ha, ha." scene jes05 jes"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll stop now." jes"You should have seen your face." scene jes06 mc"{i}I remember she started saying that, after I hit some children for bothering Sofia.{i}" mc"{i}I will protect her, I said that time.{i}" jes"Well, tell me why did you come?" scene jes07 mc"My mom said you needed help, and I volunteered." scene jes08 jes"I understand, a male hand is always necessary." scene jes09 with fade jes"Let's go, follow me." mc"Okey" scene jes10 with fade mc"Yoga, eh?" mc"{i}She has a beautiful butt. Like the song said: 'I like big butts and I cannot lie'.{i}" scene jes11 with fade mc"{i}A room full of boxes awaited me.{i}" mc"{i}It didn't seem difficult.{i}" scene jes12 with fade mc"{i}Jessica stepped forward and tried to carry a box.{i}" jes"Let me help you with some." mc"{i}Although the view was pretty, i couldn't allow it.{i}" mc"I do it for You" scene jes13 with fade jes"Are you sure?" mc"Of course." jes"Well, take these boxes to the shed. And when you're done, stop by the kitchen, I'll prepare you something." mc"Okey." jes"{i}She left.{i}" scene jes14 with fade mc"I think it's time to start." scene jes15 with Pause(2) scene jes16 with fade mc"That was easier than I expected." mc"It's time to find Jessica." scene jes17 with fade mc"{i}When I got to the kitchen, I saw her preparing something.{i}" menu : "[mGR]Surprise her" : mc"{i}I wonder what she will say.{i}" $ elect ="Surprise her" "Get their attention." : mc"..." $ elect ="Get their attention." if elect =="Surprise her" : scene jes18 mc"{i}I walked over to the side of the table.{i}" scene jes19 mc"{i}I approached slowly without making a sound.{i}" mc"{i}Lets go.{i}" scene jes20 with fade mc"{i}Gently placing my left hand on her waist and my chin on her right shoulder, I asked her:{i}" mc"What are you doing?" jes"Oh my god." mc"{i}Well, I also took the opportunity to place my crotch on her butt.{i}" scene jes21 with fade jes"Why did you do that?" mc"It's my revenge for before." scene jes22 with fade jes"Ha, ha, ha." jes"Okay, I deserve it" if elect =="Get her attention." : scene jes23 mc"I've just finished." scene jes23 with fade mc"So, what did you do to drink?" jes"You are doney?" scene jes24 with fade mc"{i}With a broad smile, she showed me two glasses filled with a drink.{i}" jes"Look what I prepared for you." mc"Is it chocolate milkshake?" jes"It's your favorite, isn't it?" scene jes25 with fade mc"{i}I received one of the glasses with anticipation.{i}" mc"Thanks." jes"Thanks to you, for helping me." jes"Taste it." scene jes26 with fade mc"{i}I had taste.{i}" scene jes27 with fade mc"It's delicious." jes"I'm glad." scene jes28 with fade mc"{i}After finishing my drink, we went out.{i}" jes"Thanks for the help." mc"Whenever you need help, let me know." scene jes29 jes"I'm glad you're back. Sofia is much happier. not no mention your family." jes"By the way, I know I shouldn't get into this, but you know that Sofia likes you, right?" mc"Why the insistence on it?" jes"Because I know you would never hurt her." jes"Or is it that you like another girl?" mc"I like you a lot." scene jes30 jes"{i}Her face was confused.{i}" jes"" scene jes31 jes"You're funny." mc"I was serious." jes"Yeah, right. Well, I'm not taking any more time from you." scene jes32 with fade mc"{i}Jessica, came over and kissed me on the forehead.{i}" scene jes33 with fade jes"Thank you, see you later." scene img000 with fade mc"{i}When I got home, I went straight to my mother's room.{i}" mc"{i}She opened the door{i}" mc"Hello, mom, I'm done." scene img001 aly"I see, you wanted to talk about it. Come inside." scene img002 with fade mc"{i}We both sat on the edge of the bed and without delay, I told her the same thing as Monica.{i}" scene img003 with fade mc"And this is how I lived all this time. It wasn't too bad for me, so you don't have to regret anything, mom." mc"And a lot of the money that I sent, I put it into your bank account." scene img004 with fade aly"It was you, it was always you." mc"Yes." scene img005 with fade mc"Starting over was what they needed, right?" aly"[player_name]..." scene img006 with fade aly"Oh, my beloved son. Always worrying about and watching over us." aly"Let me lean on your shoulder." mc"{i}A feeling of warmth floods my soul.{i}" scene img007 mc"{i}After a few minutes, I was surprised by her silence.{i}" mc"Uhm... ,mom?" aly"..." mc"She fell asleep." scene img008 with fade mc"{i}With great care I laid my mother on the bed.{i}" mc"{i}I stared at her for a moment. She looked so beautiful and at the same time defenseless. I know she takes sleeping pills, and during these hours she lies down to rest.{i}" mc"{i}An idea crossed my mind and I decided not to miss the opportunity.{i}" scene img009 with fade mc"{i}I leaned in slightly and kissed her.{i}" mc"{i}I did not settle for just touching our lips, i put my tongue inside her mouth and played a little with hers until I was satisfied.{i}" scene img010 with fade mc"{i}Those pills are strong.{i}" mc"{i}I have nothing to do now. Wait, I think I'll go visit Mary.{i}" mc"{i}Sleep well, mom.{i}" scene img011 with fade mc"{i}It didn't take me long to get to the church, after all it's two blocks from my house.{i}" scene img012 with fade mc"{i}When I walked in, I saw Mary praying, just like yesterday.{i}" scene img013 with fade mc"{i}I approached in silence. I wonder if she will recognize me.{i}" scene img014 mc"{i}She spun around when she sensed my presence.{i}" mary"Hello, can I help you?" mc"Mary, It's me, [player_name]." scene img015 mc"{i}She was very surprised{i}" mc"Wait, Monica didn't tell you? They're still friends, right?" scene img016 mary"We only talk on the weekends, when..." scene img017 ines"Sister Mary?" mary"Oh, no." scene img018 with fade mc"{i}Fuck. The witch arrived.{i}" scene img019 with fade ines"{i}Sister Mary, please go to your bedroom.{i}" mary"Yes, mother superior." scene img020 with fade mc"Mother Superior Inés, approached while Mary was leaving." ines"Do you need something from the house of god, young man?" scene img021 with fade mc"I just wanted to say hi to Mary." ines"For what purpose?." mc"You don't recognize me, right? My name is [player_name], I am Alysha's son." scene img022 ines"How to forget you, you are the one who broke the sacred statue of our lord." mc"I..." ines"I have something to do, so would you please be so kind as to walk away?" mc"...Sure" scene img023 with fade mc"{i}Upon leaving, I waited a bit. Hidden in a corner of the church wall, I saw the Mother Superior enter the place where they used to go to rest.{i}" mc"{i}I was about to get closer, when my cell phone began to vibrate.{i}" mc"{i}Fuck.{i}" scene img024 with fade eup"Hi [player_name], are you busy?" mc"{i}The door closed.{i}" scene img025 with fade mc"Tell me what happened?" eup"I found the data of the people who attacked you based on the characteristics you sent me." eup"Also, I confirmed them after seeing various security cameras around." scene img026 with fade mc"Well, go tell me what you found while I go home." scene img027 with fade mc"{i}On the way home, I heard a lot of interesting information, although it was better to see it.{i}" scene img028 with fade mc"{i}Near the entrance, I heard some laughter coming from the second floor.{i}" scene img029 with fade mc"{i}Going up the stairs, I heard the voices of three girls, one of them was Alessia.{i}" scene img030 mc"{i}I stopped at the door.{i}" menu : "[mGR]Wait a moment and then go inside." : mc"..." $ elect ="Wait a moment and then go inside." "Enter without knocking." : mc"{i}I decided to open it without knocking.{i}" $ elect ="Enter without knocking." if elect =="Wait a moment and then go inside." : scene img030 fem2"I think you should. I know it´s taboo, but there are many countries where it happens." mc"{i}What are they talking about?{i}" ale"I wish I have the courage." fem"There will be time to talk about it, the important thing is what you bought." scene img031 with fade mc"{i}Alessia, dressed in a cute pink swimsuit with hearts, she was modeling in front of her friends.{i}" fem2"Well, you look cute and beautifull." fem"Katya is right, you look wonderful." mc"{i}So the blonde is Katya.{i}" if elect =="Enter without knocking." : scene img031 with fade mc"{i}Alessia, dressed in a cute pink swimsuit with hearts, she was modeling in front of her friends.{i}" fem"You look cute and beautifull." fem2"Katya is right, you look wonderful." mc"{i}So the blonde is Katya.{i}" scene img032 with fade mc"{i}Alessia noticed my presence.{i}" scene img033 with fade mc"{i}Alessia smiled.{i}" ale"[player_name]!" mc"{i}Then she decided to introduce me to her friends.{i}" scene img034 with fade ale"Katya, Kumiko, this is [player_name], my brother." mc"Hello, it´s a pleasure to meet you both." scene img035 with fade mc"{i}Katya had a strange reaction when she saw me.That's when I noticed her eyes.{i}" mc"What beautiful eyes." kat"{i}This is impossible.{i}" scene img036 with fade mc"{i}Kumiko had the same reaction. She looked surprised.{i}" kum"{i}Oh, my god.{i}" scene img037 with fade mc"{i}What happened next was even stranger.{i}" kat"Sorry, Alessia, we have to go." ale"Why?" kat"Kumiko has something very important to do and I must accompany her, right?" scene img038 with fade kum"Yes, sorry, Ale." scene img039 with fade mc"{i}I think she doesn't like me.{i}" mc"{i}Although she has rare but beautiful eyes.{i}" scene img040 with fade mc"{i}Alessia went to see them off. After that, I sat on the bed thinking what i did wrong.{i}" mc"Mr. Daki, tell me, did I do something wrong?" scene img041 with fade mc"{i}Minutes later, Alessia came in with her head down.{i}" scene img042 with fade ale"Sorry, I don't know what happened. They don't usually act like that." mc"Don't worry, you are wearing a beautiful bathing suit." scene img043 with fade mc"{i}She smiled.{i}" ale"You like it?" mc"Of course." scene img044 with fade ale"Thanks, I chose it." mc"But let me see it better, turn around." ale"Okey." scene img045 with fade mc"{i}She turned her body.{i}" mc"{i}She has a nice figure.{i}" scene img046 with fade ale"How do i look?" mc"You look wonderful." scene img047 mc"Alessia, I want to talk to you. Sit with me." ale"Okey." scene img048 with fade mc"Tell me, is everything okay at school?" mc"If you have a problem with someone, just tell me, okay?" ale"Well, some guys made fun of me for my freckles, but Katya and Kumiko already chased them away." mc"They seem to be good." scene img049 ale"Don't think bad of them, please." mc"No, I won't." scene img050 mc"Rather, I have to thank them for taking care of you." ale"They are great, we met recently, but we are inseparable. Sofia is also part of our gang, hee hee." scene img051 mc"{i}The expression on her face changed.{i}" ale"[player_name], There is something I want to ask you." mc"Shoot." scene img052 ale"I spoke to Monica a few years ago, mom didn't want to talk about it." ale"Is it true that he didn't want me to be born?" mc"{i}I guess it must have been difficult for Monica to answer.{i}" mc"Why do you say that?" scene img053 ale"Because I wanted to know the truth." ale"Please, do not lie to me." scene img054 ale"Sometimes, I think that nothing would have happened if I was never born." ale"He beat mom, even though she was pregnant, right?" mc"Yes, but don't say that again or I'll get mad, ok?" mc"{i}I shouldn't have raised my voice.{i}" scene img055 mc"{i}Alessia was born prematurely, after that man beat up our mother.{i}" mc"{i}When I was 9 years old, I asked Monica about that day. She just told me that she remembers being extremely terrified.{i}" mc"{i}It's weird, but I have blurry memories of those days, despite being a baby.{i}" mc"I am sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice." ale"No, I shouldn't have said that." mc"{i}I I don't like to see her like this.{i}" mc"{i}Well, there is a way to change her mood quickly.{i}" scene img056 with fade mc"{i}I stood up and placed myself in front of her.{i}" mc"Lets go." scene img057 with fade mc"{i}Holding her armpits, I lifted her up.{i}" ale"Wh-why? Eh... You tickle me, ha, ha, ha." mc"{i}Always works.{i}" mc"Do not be sad. Forget the past and live the present with your family." mc"{i}Her smile would be able to illuminate my dark soul.{i}" ale"Okey. Please, put me down. I want to ask you for something." scene img058 with fade mc"{i}I put her down and waited. She was nervous.{i}" ale"You know? I've never kissed anyone, and I was wondering if ... Uhm ... Can I give you a ... ki-ki-kiss?" mc"{i}A man should never deny a woman a wish.{i}" scene img059 with fade mc"{i}Immediately, I took her in my arms and kissed her, taking her by surprise.{i}" mc"{i}To my surprise, she did not resist.{i}" mc"{i}Her eyes opened like plates.{i}" ale"Mnnnh... mnnnnh" ale"{i}Oh, my god, It's happening.{i}" scene img060 mc"{i}I put my tongue inside her mouth and started playing with hers{i}" ale"{i}I never thought a kiss would be like this.{i}" ale"{i}This feels really good.{i}" scene img061 with fade ale"{i}It's weird, why do I feel like I want to go to... the... bathroom?{i}" scene img062 ale"{i}Is this what they call an orgasm? No, I read that they only happened in ...{i}" scene img063 ale"Ahnnn..." ale"{i}I felt an explosion of pleasure throughout my body, but mainly in my vagina.{i}" ale"{i}And I immediately passed out.{i}" scene img064 with fade mc"{i}That's how it was for a few minutes.{i}" scene img065 with fade mc"That was great. Alessia?" mc"Oh, she passed out." scene img066 with fade mc"{i}I lay Alessia on the bed and was about to leave when I noticed something.{i}" scene img067 with fade mc"Whoah. I didn't know that could happen with just a kiss." mc"Never mind, I'll let her sleep." scene img068 with fade mc"{i}The next thing I did, was go to Monica's room, I had to talk to her.{i}" mc"{i}Not about what Alessia told me, I didn't want to argue, but about Mary.{i}" mc"Mónica, can i come in?" mon"Yeah, sure." scene img069 with fade mc"{i}Monica was lying on her sofa bed, reading a magazine.{i}" scene img070 with fade mc"{i}I approached her.{i}" mon"What's wrong? You look serious." mc"I want to talk about Mary." scene img071 mon"Oh, i see." scene img072 with fade mc"{i}Once she sat down, she started talking about something i had no knowledge of.{i}" mon"We used to play a lot, until she turned thirteen. I don't know what happened to that bitch mother superior, she treats her badly." mon"Once I saw bruises in her arms. I tried to help her, but she told me that it was her penance for misbehaving." mon"Since that day, we barely talk." mc"Well, knowing that, I can't stand by." scene img073 mon"What?" scene img074 mon"[player_name], I know you want to help her, but you're going to get in trouble." mc"I don't think so, I just want to spank that woman." scene img075 mon"Ha, are you serious?" scene img076 with fade mc"{i}I got up and held Monica's head.{i}" mc"I can do anything for my friends and family." scene img077 with fade mc"To my surprise, Monica pushed me and we both fell to the ground." scene img078 with fade mc"{i}Monica fell on me, leaving our faces very close to each other.{i}" mon"I always liked that about you. I'll help too." mc"{i}I don't think she will agree with the plan I have, but I might need her help in some aspects.{i}" scene img079 with fade mon"So, what do you say?" mc"Okay, but could you get up?" scene img080 mon"Why? does it make you uncomfortable that I'm on top of you?" scene img081 mc"Well, I don't mind having your breasts near my crotch." scene img082 mon"You're a pervert, you know?" mc"Ha, ha, ha." scene img083 with fade mon"{i}Monica stood up.{i}" mon"Now that I remember, you saw me naked. I demand a compensation." scene img084 with fade mc"{i}I stood up{i}" mc"What do you want?" mon"Show me what you got." mc"Are you serious?" scene img085 with fade mc"{i}Monica turned.{i}" mon"I knew you wouldn't." scene img086 mc"{i}A challenge? Ha.{i}" mc"{i}I didn't waste time. I took off my pants and threw them onto the couch.{i}" scene img087 with fade mc"{i}Clearly surprised, she turned and raised her hands near her face.{i}" mc"So, what do you think?" scene img088 with fade mon"Oh, my God, it's big." mc"Yes, they tell me often. You want to touch it." scene img089 with fade mon"What? Can i? I mean, no, that would be weird." mc"Yes, and asking me to show you my dick is not weird." scene img090 with fade mon"[player_name], please go." mc"{i}Asking me to leave, with her staring at my dick and biting her lip, doesn't seem convincing.{i}" mc"Ha, ha. Okay." mc"Ah yes, tell mom I'm not having dinner. Maybe I'll sleep until tomorrow." mon"Aha..." scene img091 with fade mc"{i}I didn't even pick up my pants, I just headed to my room.{i}" scene img092 with fade mc"{i}Just then, Euphor called me.{i}" scene img093 with fade mc"Hey, babe." eup"Ha, ha, ha. [player_name], are you home already?" mc"Yes." eup"Check the data I sent you." mc"One moment." scene img094 with fade mc"While it´s loading, let's talk about something else." eup"Okay. Have you already conquered them?" mc"Euphor, it's only been two days." eup"You are right. But you have made some progress, haven't you?" eup"I remember you always said that you would marry your mother and sisters." scene img095 with fade mc"It's something that takes time, but I will definitely make it through." mc"Oh, I got it." scene img096 with fade mc"Yes" scene img097 mc"Yes" scene img098 mc"Yes" scene img099 mc"Hell, how old is the last one?" eup"Check the data I sent you." scene img100 with fade mc"The data of their families are missing." eup"I know, give me more time, I'm busy with a case." fem"Euphor, I need you now." eup"Sorry, my new babysitter is calling me." mc"Ha, ha. Thanks Euphor." scene img101 with fade mc"{i}After reviewing the data of the guys who beat me, I decided to sleep.{i}" mc"I was tired, another side effect of my ability was severe physical and mental fatigue." mc"Although I already started my revenge against those idiots. Tomorrow I will continue with the next part of the plan." mc"Why settle for that woman's mouth, if I can have her ass and pussy." scene img102 with fade mc"There will be time to think, now I need to sleep." scene img102a pause scene img103 with fade mc"We cant let this continue. I´m going to end it." scene img104 with fade mon"What are you up to?" mc"I don't know, convince mom to run away from him." scene img105 with fade "You hear things falling and some screams." mon"Oh no, it already started again." ale"It seems they are playing again." mc"It's enough." scene img106 with fade mc"{i}I stood up{i}" mc"Monica, take Alessia and call the police." mon"And what will you do?" mc"I don't mind having more scars, heh." mon"[player_name]..." scene img107 with fade ale"Will you come back to play with us?" mc"I have to go back, we promised to be together forever, right?" mc"But first you must obey Monica and do what she tells you." ale"Okey." scene img108 with fade ale"Why did [player_name] look so angry?" mon"Because he needs a lot of courage for what he will do." ale"A game?" mon"Yes..." scene img109 with fade ale"Why you look sad?" mon"Sad? No, that's not true." mon"Come on, we have to do what [player_name] said. Let's go out the window." scene img109a with fade mc"{i}After leaving Monica and Alessia, I went to the dining room.{i}" mc"{i}What I saw would change my life forever.{i}" scene img110 with fade mc"{i}The person I hated the most was there, standing in front of the unconscious body of my mother.{i}" ari"I warned you not to go out. This is your fault." scene img111 with fade mc"{i}I got closer.{i}" scene img112 with fade mc"{i}He realized when I was only a few feet from them.{i}" scene img113 with fade mc"{i}For an instant I thought she was dead. I was shaking with fear.{i}" scene img114 with fade mc"{i}But when I looked at him, he stayed in that same position.{i}" scene img115 with fade mc"{i}Suddenly, he smiled.{i}" scene img116 with fade mc"Don't keep hitting her, please." ari"Do you want to become the hero again?" ari"Maybe I should fuck up your face and see your mother's reaction." ari"It would be fun to see her face full of pain and suffering." scene img117 with fade ari"But I have other plans." mc"{i}He raised his flashlight and hit me.{i}" scene img118 with fade mc"{i}I fell to the ground, immediately. I tried to get up but couldn't, my legs didn't respond.{i}" scene img119 with fade ari"It seems that it was not enough." scene img120 with fade mc"{i}The second blow made me squirt a little blood from my mouth.{i}" scene img121 with fade ari"Sweet dreams, [player_name]." scene img122 with fade mc"{i}I hoped that with this, it would be enough.{i}" mc"{i}Everything went dark suddenly.{i}" scene img123 with fade mc"{i}By the time I woke up, everything was blurry.{i}" scene img124 with fade mc"{i}In fear, I saw that he was in front of me.{i}" scene img125 with fade ari"Good thing you woke up. I'd hate to have some fun with you unconscious." scene img126 with fade ari"After this, I will finally be free. I won't have to see your faces anymore." ari"I hate all of you, you were nothing more than an obstacle in my life." scene img127 with fade ari"But first, I'll teach you something really fun. Stay still and watch." scene img128 mc"{i}I didn't know what he meant. He just stood up.{i}" scene img129 with fade mc"{i}Then he walked over to my mother. Immediately my mind went into chaos. I knew what he wanted to do.{i}" scene img130 with fade mc"{i}I looked to my left, trying to find something to defend her with.{i}" scene img131 with fade mc"{i}Then to the right.{i}" scene img132 with fade mc"{i}This is where I saw the knife that he used in his work.{i}" scene img133 with fade mc"{i}Without thinking twice, I grabbed the knife.{i}" mc"Get your dirty hands off her!" scene img134 with fade mc"{i}He stood up angrily.{i}" ari"I told you to stay put!" scene img135 with fade mc"{i}Jumping just as he turned around, I managed to cut his throat.{i}" scene img136 with fade mc"{i}As I fell to the ground, he backed away, trying to stop the bleeding.{i}" ari"Damn it..." mc"Sorry, mom." scene img137 with fade mc"{i}Due to the injury, he began to walk erratically, slipping on a plate.{i}" mc"{i}What do I do now? I thought for a moment.{i}" mc"{i}The answer came by itself. He had to die.{i}" scene img138 with fade mc"{i}The moment he fell to the ground, I approached with the knife in my hands.{i}" scene img139 with fade mc"{i}Holding the knife firmly, I jumped on him.{i}" ari"Shit. Wait, wait, wait..." scene img140 with fade mc"{i}Once on him, I raised the knife.{i}" mc"You will never hurt us again!" mc"Now die!" scene img141 with fade mc"{i}I woke up quickly and sat on the edge of the bed.{i}" mc"Whoah. been a long time since I had that dream..." scene img142 with fade mc"I wonder if Euphor sent anything." mc"Just a message that said: Check your email inbox later." mc"Just in case, I will send her some information that has me worried." scene img143 with fade mc"{i}I got up and turned on the computer.{i}" scene img144 with fade mc"Nothing. I wonder what she's doing." mc"I'll check it later, I'm going to take a shower." scene img145 with fade mc"A bath in the morning is always good." scene img146 with fade mc"{i}After sweeping up and putting on some clothes, I went to the kitchen.{i}" mc"{i}Although I was curious to know what Monica and Alessia would say after yesterday, I decided it was not a good idea.{i}" mc"{i}Well, the ideas I had in mind disappeared when I saw my mother making breakfast.{i}" scene img147 with fade mc"{i}For a moment I stared at her ass.{i}" scene img148 with fade mc"As soon as she realized someone was behind her, she turned around." mc"Good morning, mom." aly"Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" mc"Yeah..." scene img149 with fade mc"{i}I got a little closer.{i}" mc"{i}Since I arrived, I thought about inviting her to have dinner at a restaurant. Also do the same with Monica and Alessia.{i}" scene img150 with fade aly"Something happens?" mc"I want to invite you to a restaurant I've seen. Do you have time today at sunset?" scene img151 with fade mc"{i}My mother began to think for a moment.{i}" scene img152 with fade aly"I don't think I have anything to do at that time." mc"Cool." scene img153 with fade aly"Now let's sit down for breakfast." mc"Ok, mom." scene img154 with fade mc"Breakfast looks delicious." aly"Thanks." mc"Are we having breakfast the two of us?" scene img155 with fade aly"Yes, Monica and Alessia said they would have breakfast afterwards." aly"They were acting weird yesterday. Do you know something?" mc"No." scene img156 with fade mc"Changing the subject, I'm going to go buy some clothes." aly"That would be nice, although I know you like to wear the same, a style change wouldn't be bad." mc"Yeah..." aly"What's going on?" scene img157 with fade mc"The light. I spent a lot of time in that place, in a room with yellow light all the time." mc"Can I change them?" scene img158 with fade aly"Of course." mc"Thanks, mom." scene img159 with fade mc"Now let's eat, before it gets cold." scene img160 with fade mc"Lets eat." scene img161a with fade mc"{i}After breakfast, I went to the store where Monica took me.{i}" scene img162 with fade mc"{i}When I opened the door of the clothing store, I saw something strange.{i}" mc"{i}Sasha, Monica's friend, was lying quietly on the counter, while she was humming a song.{i}" scene img163 with fade mc"{i}You wouldn't normally find a salesperson doing that.{i}" scene img164 with fade mc"{i}Noticing my presence, she looked at me for an instant.{i}" mc"{i}Now that I think about it, her face is very familiar to me.{i}" scene img165 with fade mc"{i}Surprised, she leaned on her elbows.{i}" mc"{i}Oh sure. Maya.{i}" sas"You…" scene img165 with fade mc"{i}Quickly, she got up and sat on the counter.{i}" sas"Two days ago you came with Monica, right?" mc"Yes." scene img166 with fade mc"{i}The expression on her face suddenly changed… she looked a bit happy.{i}" sas"My name is Sasha, i´m friends with Monica. It's nice to meet you." mc"[player_name]. That day you didn't seem so happy." scene img167 with fade sas"Yes, Im sorry. Is that situation with Drake, I was angry." sas"What he did was wrong, and hitting you with a group..." mc"How do you know? You were there?" scene img168 with fade sas"No, I have nothing to do with it. I heard him say that he hit someone, and because of how you look, I assumed that ..." mc"I understand." scene img169 with fade mc"{i}I honestly don't feel like talking. I would ask her for some information, but I am not sure that she will be silent.{i}" scene img170 with fade sas"But I'll stop wasting your time, come in, you came to buy, right?" mc"Yes, thanks" scene img171 with fade mc"{i}Minutes after choosing my clothes, I packed it into a box.{i}" scene img172 with fade mc"{i}With the box in my hands, I walked to the counter.{i}" mc"{i}Yes, she is definitely similar to Maya.{i}" mc"{i}Shit, I forgot my cell phone.{i}" scene img173 with fade mc"{i}Sasha was talking to someone on a cell phone.{i}" scene img174 with fade mc"{i}I put the box on the counter. She stared at me. She seemed upset.{i}" sas"We talk later, I have a client." scene img175 with fade sas"{i}After hanging up, she looked at the package i had.{i}" scene img176 with fade sas"Please tell me that you are going to buy all that. I don't want to put it back." mc"Ehm..." scene img177 with fade mc"I forgot my cell phone at home, if it wasn't too much trouble, could you call Monica? To make the transfer." sas"Sure i'll call her." scene img178 with fade mc"{i}She dialed Monica's number and waited.{i}" scene img179 with fade sas"Hi Monica, I have your boyfriend here and he seems to have a problem with ..." sas"What do you mean you don't have a boyfriend? I have [player_name] here." sas"He says he forgot his cell phone, and ..." scene img180 with fade sas"Uhm... ok... yeah..." mc"{i}So she told her i was her boyfriend. Something tells me this will cause a lot more problems. But it doesn't matter, it sounds interesting.{i}" scene img181 with fade mc"{i}Sasha hung up.{i}" sas"Well, Monica says that she will take care of it." mc"Great." sas"I'll send the package to Monica's house. I hope you transfer the amount to the account number that I will send to her cell phone." scene img182 with fade mc"Thank you, Sasha." sas"Thanks to you, for your purchase." scene img182a with fade mc"{i}On the way home, I decided to stop by the church. In just over an hour, my mother and Alessia would visit the church.{i}" mc"{i}As I understand it, unlike Monica, they attend every Sunday without fail.{i}" scene img183 with fade mc"{i}Near the entrance, I saw someone.{i}" scene img184 with fade mc"{i}It was Mary, who looked a bit tired and was looking at three boxes in front of her.{i}" scene img185 with fade mc"{i}I got close enough.{i}" mc"I can help you, Mary." scene img186 with fade mary"[player_name]... good morning." scene img187 with fade mc"Those boxes look heavy, let me help you." scene img188 with fade mc"I picked up one of the boxes and asked her to tell me where to put them." mary"Thanks." scene img189 with fade mc"{i}I placed the boxes in front of the mausoleum. She said that was it and she appreciated my help.{i}" scene img190 with fade mc"{i}It wasn't the right time, but I wanted to know.{i}" mc"Mary, could you answer a question for me?" mary"Sure" mc"Mother Superior, does she hit you?" scene img191 with fade mc"{i}Mary lowered her head. That reaction was enough.{i}" mary"That's not true, I only receive punishment for my bad actions. It´s a method of discipline." mc"{i}Damn that woman.{i}" mary"But I don't want to talk about that." menu : "[mGR]Press the issue" : mc"Bad actions? Like what?" $ elect ="Press the issue" "Don't ask" : mc"Okay, I won't ask. See you later." $ elect ="Do not ask" if elect =="Press the issue" : scene img192 with fade mc"{i}She looked at me, somewhat confused.{i}" scene img193 with fade mary"The Mother Superior says that women like me cannot have contact with any man." mary"She says that men are monsters and that I can be contaminated by them." mary"And she always says that I'm ugly." scene img194 with fade mc"I'm a monster?" mc"{i}Mary, smiled{i}" mary"No. You are my only male friend" mc"By the way, you are not ugly, you are one of the most beautiful girls I know." scene img195 with fade mary"Really?" mc"Of course." scene img196 with fade mc"{i}Something diverted her attention and worried her.{i}" scene img197 with fade mary"I think it's time for you to go. Thank you very much for your help." mc"{i}Don't worry.{i}" scene img198 with fade mc"{i}After that little conversation, I went home.{i}" mc"{i}It was not the time, but i planned to go later.{i}" scene img199 with fade mc"{i}I didn't find anyone when I came back. My mother was probably changing to go to church.{i}" scene img200 with fade mc"{i}Going up to my room, I found Alessia, sitting on the edge of my bed.{i}" scene img202 with fade mc"{i}She doesn't seem to be upset. Sad, maybe?{i}" scene img203 with fade mc"{i}I took the chair and placed it behind me.{i}" scene img204 with fade mc"{i}Standing in front of her, I waited a moment.{i}" scene img205 with fade mc"{i}She looked up and our eyes met.{i}" mc"{i}I saw her a little sad.{i}" scene img206 with fade mc"{i}And suddenly she said:{i}" ale"What we did yesterday was wrong?" scene img207 with fade mc"{i}I sat down and stretched out my hands.{i}" mc"Take my hands." scene img208 with fade mc"{i}She placed her hands on top of mine.{i}" scene img209 with fade mc"Who told you that?" ale"Our mother sent me to give the Mother Superior something, an envelope. When I gave it to her, I asked her about a few things." mc"{i}That woman...{i}" scene img210 with fade mc"And she sure told you that what we did was wrong." ale"Yes, although she used very strong words." scene img211 with fade mc"{i}With my right hand, I caressed her cheek.{i}" ale"That was wrong?" scene img212 with fade mc"Is it wrong to love someone?" mc"Even in the Bible that she defends, there where such episodes." mc"I love you, Alessia, just as I love Monica and mom." mc"I will keep the promise I made when we were children. Remember? Together forever." scene img213 with fade ale"Monica and mom too ..." mc"Yes, they too." scene img214 with fade ale"That would be great." scene img215 with fade aly"Alessia, it's time, come down." ale"We were just talking about her, hee hee." scene img216 with fade mc"Why are you smiling like that?" ale"My friends always say that men don't kepp their word, but you do." scene img217 with fade mc"{i}We stood up and I held her shoulders.{i}" mc"Ignore the others, decide for yourself what is good or bad." mc"Now go, don't keep mom waiting." scene img218 with fade mc"{i}Alessia stayed where she was, looking down.{i}" mc"{i}I think I know what she want.{i}" mc"What's going on?" ale"Can we kiss again?" mc"Sure." scene img219 with fade mc"She closed her eyes as I held her and pulled her closer to me. It was fun to see the expression on her face." mc"Her mouth was half open, waiting for our lips to meet." scene img220 with fade mc"{i}By the time we kissed, I could sense a little fear in her.{i}" scene img221 with fade mc"{i}Fear that disappeared after a few seconds.{i}" mc"{i}This kiss was different from yesterday, it was more ... calm.{i}" scene img222 with fade mc"After what seemed like forever, we parted ways." scene img223 with fade mc"{i}Still with our faces close, she smiled.{i}" scene img224 with fade mc"{i}For some reason, she closed her eyes and started muttering something that I didn't understand.{i}" scene img225 with fade mc"{i}I raised my hand and took her chin gently.{i}" mc"I will never let that smile slip off your face." mc"Now go, don't keep mom waiting." scene img226 with fade mc"{i}Alessia headed for the stairs, but before going down, she turned and looked at me for a moment.{i}" scene img227 with fade mc"{i}Then she left.{i}" mc"Hell, i have a lot of things to do. Mary, Mónica, Alessia, Sofía, Jessica, my mom..." mc"I hope I don't have to put aside some of them." scene img227a with fade mc"{i}Just then a message came from Euphor.{i}" scene img228 with fade mc"{i}I turned on my laptop and reviewed all the data she sent me.{i}" mc"{i}First with skepticism, then with certain doubts.{i}" scene img229 with fade mc"{i}Well, if they talk to you about witchcraft, anyone would say that you are crazy.{i}" mc"{i}Yes, according to the data she sent me, the headaches that my family constantly have, are due to witchcraft.{i}" mc"{i}How did she associate the headache with that? Well apparently, formerly in this city, there were witches.{i}" scene img230 with fade mc"I heard a sound coming from the first floor. Maybe it was the clothes I bought. I hope Monica receives it." scene img231 with fade mc"I don't know how long it was until I finished reading everything she posted." mc"It's a bit strange, but everything Euphor sent, seemed to make some sense." mc"Witches, huh?" mc"I decided to take a break and say hi to Monica." scene img232 with fade mc"{i}Going down to the first floor, I saw Monica sitting in front of the television. It was weird, it was off.{i}" scene img233 with fade mc"{i}Maybe she's thinking of something.{i}" scene img234 with fade mc"Hey Monica, how are you?" scene img235 with fade mon"Oh [player_name], I didn't hear you." mc"{i}Are you ok?{i}" scene img236 with fade mon"I feel bad, my head hurts so much." scene img237 with fade mc"{i}Shit. What Euphor sent ... Could she be right?{i}" mc"Did you take your pills?" mon"It doesn't seem to work." scene img238 with fade mc"When did it all start?" mon"Within a few weeks we arrived in this city." scene img239 with fade mon"I hate being like this." scene img240 with fade mc"I think I have an idea of ​​how to solve what happens to you." mon"What are you talking about?" mc"Leave it in my hands." scene img241 with fade mc"{i}Monica raised her hand and caressed my cheek.{i}" mon"I don't know what you will do, but I hope you can help me." scene img242 with fade mon"Could you take me to my room?" mon"Sorry, I don't think you can handle me." scene img243 with fade mc"{i}I got up and looked at her.{i}" mc"That hurts my feelings." mon"Why do you sound gay? Ha, ha, ha" scene img244 with fade mc"{i}Without a response, I picked her up in my arms.{i}" mc"I don't mind acting like one, if I can make you smile that way." mc"And I may be thin, but that doesn't mean I'm weak." mc"{i}Damn, Monica is a bit heavy.{i}" scene img245 with fade mon"Take me to my room." mc"That's the idea." scene img246 with fade mon"I feel like a princess." mc"Well, my beautiful princess, I will take you to rest in your room." scene img247 with fade mc"{i}I don't know how I got to her room. I think I'll need to rest after this.{i}" scene img248 with fade mc"{i}I placed her on her couch.{i}" scene img249 with fade mon"Thanks, [player_name]." mc"Don't worry, now rest." scene img250 with fade mon"Yes, thank you very much." mc"{i}Ok, let's put an end to this.{i}" scene img251 with fade mc"{i}Arriving in my room, I dialed Victoria's number.{i}" scene img252 with fade mc"{i}Respond, common.{i}" scene img253 with fade vic"{i}Shit, it's him again.{i}" scene img254 with fade vic"What do you want?" scene img255 with fade mc"Is that the way to respond? we don't want trouble." scene img256 with fade mc"Look, I need to talk to you about something that has been bothering me." mc"Just a quiet and calm conversation." mc"" scene img257 with fade mc"I´m very surprised by what you say." scene img258 with fade mc"You think I just ... Forget it, I'll go to your office." scene img259 with fade vic"Maybe it's all over today." scene img260 with fade mc"{i}I hung up the cell phone and began to think.{i}" scene img261 with fade mc"{i}This could end badly, but it doesn't matter.{i}" scene img262 with fade mc"{i}After an hour, I arrived at the hospital.{i}" scene img263 with fade mc"{i}There were only a few people at the entrance.{i}" scene img264 with fade mc"{i}After taking the elevator, I went up to the floor where her office was located.{i}" scene img265 with fade mc"{i}I stood in front of the door and knocked.{i}" vic"Come in." scene img266 with fade mc"{i}Victoria was sitting quietly behind her desk.{i}" scene img267 with fade mc"{i}I walked over and sat across from her.{i}" vic"I hope we can settle accounts today." vic"{i}How rare, bruises are no longer noticed as much as before. No, it cannot be one of them.{i}" mc"Yeah, me too." vic"{i}There will be time to think about that.{i}" vic"After today we will forget what happened." mc"Maybe..." scene img268 with fade vic"Maybe? Are you serious?" scene img269 with fade vic"I accepted that you come because I thought we could reach an agreement." scene img270 with fade vic"Listen to me well, I'm tired and you better give me what I want." scene img271 with fade mc"You better not threaten me, remember that she is watching us." scene img272 with fade vic"I guessed it, that bitch." scene img273 with fade mc"Don't call her that, you hear?" scene img274 with fade vic"Say what you want." scene img275 with fade mc"{i}Placing my hands on the desk, I asked her about the pills. Seeing her reaction was enough.{i}" scene img276 with fade mc"I already have what I wanted, I'm leaving." vic"Listen to met, you son of a bitch, if you dare to publish that information, you will regret it." scene img277 with fade mc"Son of a bitch?" vic"Maybe i should send someone to have fun with Monica, Alysha, and Alessia. They are your family, right?" mc"{i}I exploded.{i}" scene img278 with fade mc"{i}I turned around, walked over and grabbed her by the neck.{i}" vic"Guh..." mc"What did you say, slut?" mc"{i}Despite being full of anger, i would not threaten her near her desk, she could have a gun in some of that furniture.{i}" mc"{i}For that reason, I squeezed her neck, turned around and threw her on the ground{i}" scene img279 with fade mc"Listen to me well, slut, never dare threaten my family." vic"Cough, cough..." mc"Now take off your clothes." scene img280 with fade mc"{i}Victoria stood up and took off her clothes. I did the same.{i}" vic"Ready. Are you happy?" mc"Are you still with that attitude?" mc"There is no one on this floor, right?" scene img281 with fade vic"What do you plan to do? Wait, wait, sorry, I didn't mean that." scene img282 with fade mc"{i}She tried to leave, but I stopped her.{i}" mc"Where do you think you're going, slut?" mc"You are going to regret having threatened my family." vic"So... rry..." scene img283 with fade mc"You have nice tits." vic"Please, forgive me." mc"You played with fire." scene anim3 with fade vic"{i}Oh my god. His cock is rubbing my pussy.{i}" mc"It feels good right?" mc"Right?" vic"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." vic"Please, forgive me." mc"Sorry, sorry, sorry. You should think before saying some things." mc"This feels great, but this can always feel better." mc"You know? Unlike the other day, today I want something more." scene img286 with fade mc"{i}Without saying anything to her, she reached down and grabbed my dick.{i}" vic"{i}I can't believe I'm doing this again.{i}" scene img287 with fade mc"What the fuck are you doing?" vic"You said..." mc"I didn't tell you I wanted a blowjob, I want something more." mc"Have you heard the term assjob?" scene img288 with fade mc"{i}Seeing her surprised, it was kind of fun.{i}" mc"Turn around and show me that ass." scene img289 with fade mc"{i}She turned around.{i}" mc"Now bend over and spread your legs, I want to have a good look." scene img290 with fade mc"Yes, that's better." scene img291 with fade mc"{i}I walked over, touched one of her buttocks with and grabbed my dick.{i}" mc"{i}Assjob? Ha, i want some more{i}" scene img292 with fade mc"{i}I held her firmly and pointed my dick straight at her ass.{i}" vic"Please just get this over with." mc"Ok. Ready, aim, fire!" scene img293 with fade mc"{i}With all my strength, I inserted my dick inside her ass.{i}" mc"{i}Victoria let out a cry.{i}" scene img294 with fade mc"{i}I hadn't realized it, but a little blood started coming out.{i}" scene img295 with fade mc"{i}She tried to escape, but I stopped her.{i}" vic"Take it out, take it out, it hurts a lot, please." scene img296 with fade mc"{i}She got loose and turned around.{i}" vic"Please, I'll do anything, but not this." scene img297 with fade vic"This is humiliating. I have ... I have ..." mc"I don't give a shit." scene anim4 with fade mc"{i}I pushed her against the wall, lifted and spread her legs. In this way it would be difficult for her to free herself.{i}" vic"Please stop, it hurts a lot. Forgive me, forgive me. I won't say anything about your family again." mc"Shut up." vic"I'll do what you want, but please stop." mc"Shut your damn mouth." mc"{i}Who am I kidding, hearing her scream turns me on a lot.{i}" mc"{i}But it's getting really annoying for me.{i}" scene anim5 with fade mc"{i}I quickly grabbed her by the neck and began to strangle her. Her eyes rolled over.{i}" mc"{i}Due to that, her ass squeezed my dick and I felt so much better.{i}" vic"Gah... ah... guh..." mc"How tight it feels. much better than before." mc"Take this, slut." mc"Never threaten my family again." mc"Hey, there's more blood coming out ... It doesn't matter." mc"This feels great." mc"I´m close." scene img302 with fade mc"{i}Don´t give up now, resist...{i}" mc"{i}The feeling of her vaginal walls squeezing my dick was extraordinary.{i}" mc"{i}I really missed this feeling.{i}" scene img303 with fade mc"Oh, yeah, here it comes." mc"Woah, that felt really good." scene img304 with fade mc"{i}Apparently she peed herself.{i}" mc"Oh shit, I think I killed her." scene img305 with fade mc"Hey, wake up." scene img306 with fade mc"You must be proud, it was the best I ever had." mc"Starting today you will do everything I say, or worse things will happen to you." mc"Keep the phone close, I don´t like delays." mc"Repeat with me. I'm [player_name]'s slut." vic"I'm [player_name]'s slut." mc"Good." scene img307 with fade mc"Uhm, it looks kinda gross to see urine, semen, and blood mixed in." mc"You better clean it up. Goodbye." scene img308 with fade mc"{i}As soon as I was leaving the hospital, I received a call from Alessia, she wanted to talk to me.{i}" mc"I'm on my way, wait for me." mc"{i}I wonder if it has to do with our morning conversation.{i}" scene img309 with fade mc"{i}On the bus back, I started to think about what I did. I know it was wrong, but I wouldn't hesitate to become a monster for my family.{i}" scene img310 with fade mc"{i}The bus drops me off near the church, so I decided to visit Mary. Mass was over, so I thought I could talk to her.{i}" mc"Near the entrance, I saw HER." scene img311 with fade mc"{i}I ran fast and watched the Mother Superior enter the mausoleum.{i}" scene img312 with fade mc"{i}To my surprise, the door was left open.{i}" scene img313 with fade mc"{i}Upon entering, I could see a ladder descending.{i}" mc"{i}At the bottom of the stairs, there was a door.{i}" mc"{i}I could hear someone's scream.{i}" scene img314 with fade mc"{i}Then I came to a door, where I saw Inés with a whip.{i}" scene img315 with fade mc"{i}Mary was getting hit by that bitch Inés.{i}" scene img316 with fade ines"It seems that hanging you out for hours wasn't enough." ines"What did I tell you?" mary"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry." scene img317 with fade ines"You have sinned, and you need to be punished." scene img318 with fade ines"God, forgive this sinful soul for her actions." scene img319 with fade mary"No more, please, no more." ines"Say you'll never speak to that man again, say so." scene img320 with fade mary"But he is my only friend. You pushed Monica away and now ..." scene img321 with fade ines"Shut up!" mary"Ow. Please, no more.. no more." scene img322 with fade ines"Listen to me well, Mary. You are destined to live in suffering." mary"Why?" scene img323 with fade ines"Because of you, two living beings did not see the light of day." mc"{i}What the fuck is she talking about?{i}" mary"I dont remember anything." scene img324 with fade mary"I have never..." ines"Don't talk or I'll hit you on your breasts." scene img325 with fade ines"If she were here, she would personally take care of this." scene img326 with fade ines"Listen to me well, Mary, if I see you talking to him or someone else again, you will never leave this place, and I will leave you hanging forever." scene img327 with fade mc"{i}Fucking bitch{i}" mc"{i}Maybe I should go in ... No, wait, i could put Mary in danger. Fuck.{i}" mary"Mother Superior, where are you going?" scene img328 with fade ines"You will stay there for a few more hours." mary"No, please, forgive me Mother Superior, please." scene img329 with fade mc"{i}Shit, there she comes.{i}" mc"{i}I should go.{i}" scene img330 with fade mc"{i}I left the place very angry. Angry for not being able to intervene.{i}" scene img331 with fade mc"{i}Don't worry, Mary. This won't happen again, I'll give that bitch what she deserves.{i}" scene img332 with fade mc"{i}I hurried home, after all, I had to talk to Alessia.{i}" scene img333 with fade mc"{i}On the way to Alessia's room, I tried to suppress my anger.{i}" mc"I didn't want to say or do anything that could hurt her." scene img334 with fade mc"{i}Standing in front of her door, I was able to calm myself.{i}" mc"I knocked on the door." scene img335 with fade mc"{i}Seconds later, Alessia opened with a smile. It was like the first day, only this time she didn't pass out.{i}" scene img336 with fade mc"{i}Once inside. Alessia sat thoughtfully.{i}" mc"You called me on my cell phone. You wanna tell me something?" scene img337 with fade ale"Oh yeah, I just don't know how to say it." mc"{i}She looked different, she acted a little more confident.{i}" scene img338 with fade ale"I was talking to my friends about something and ..." scene img339 with fade mc"{i}She lowered her head and got a little sad.{i}" mc"What's wrong?" scene img340 with fade ale"Do you really love me, like a ... woman?" mc"What a silly question, of course I love you as a woman." scene img341 with fade mc"{i}My answer made her smile.{i}" scene img342 with fade mc"{i}Immediately, she got up and hugged me.{i}" ale"I love you brother. I... One moment." scene img343 with fade ale"Sniff... sniff" mc"{i}Alessia started to smell me.{i}" scene img344 with fade mc"{i}She immediately separated and opening her arms, she asked:{i}" ale"Why do you smell like another woman's perfume?" scene img345 with fade mc"Wait, what?" ale"Answer me, who were you with?" scene img346 with fade mc"Uhm..." mc"{i}I did not know what to answer, this was not the sweet Alessia, although she looks adorable when she's angry.{i}" scene img347 with fade mc"{i}Seconds later, it seems like she couldn't take it anymore.{i}" mc"You are playing with me?" scene img348 with fade ale"Sorry, sorry, he, he." scene img349 with fade mc"{i}I pushed her onto the bed, and fell on top of her.{i}" scene img350 with fade mc"Why did you do that?" ale"I saw you angry, and I wanted to cheer you up." scene img351 with fade ale"Was I wrong?" mc"No... thanks..." scene img352 with fade ale"[player_name] ... uhm ..." scene img353 with fade mc"You are beautiful," mc"Maybe we should take the next step." ale"What step?" scene img354 with fade mc"{i}I lowered my hand and pressed one of her breasts gently.{i}" ale"Ahn..." mc"{i}To my surprise, Alessia let out a groan.{i}" scene img355 with fade mc"{i}I lowered my arm to her waist. She seemed lost in thought.{i}" scene img356 with fade mc"{i}Finally, I touched her crotch.{i}" mc"{i}Alessia opened her eyes, startled.{i}" mc"You'll feel good if ..." scene img357 with fade ale"[player_name], please, no." mc"{i}Fuck, I got carried away.{i}" scene img358 with fade mc"I´m sorry." ale"Don´t worry." mc"Uhm ... I have to go back to my room, see you later." ale"See you..." scene img359 with fade mc"{i}After resting a bit in my room, I decided it was time to take my mother to the place I promised her.{i}" scene img360 with fade mc"{i}She opened the door to her room.{i}" aly"Hello son, did something happen?" mc"You don´t remember? I told you I would take you to ..." scene img361 with fade aly"That's right!. I'm sorry, it's that after taking those pills, I get a little weird." aly"I am sorry. I will change right now." mc"No need for that, I think you look good like that." aly"Thanks, but... are you sure?." mc"Yeah, lets go." scene img361a pause scene img362 with fade mc"{i}The view of the restaurant that was on the shore of the beach was beautiful.{i}" scene img363 with fade mc"{i}Once we choose where to sit, I helped my mother sit.{i}" scene img364 with fade aly"Thank you, [player_name]." mc"It's a pleasure." scene img365 with fade aly"I am glad to see that you have become quite a gentleman." mc"Thanks, mom." scene img366 with fade mc"{i}I sat down and watched her look at the scenery.{i}" scene img367 with fade mc"{i}To tell the truth, sunset is one of my favorite settings.{i}" scene img368 with fade aly"Sorry, the landscape is beautiful." mc"Don´t worry." scene img369 with fade aly"Oh, here comes the waitress." mc"{i}Yeah...{i}" scene img370 with fade luc"Good afternoon, my name is Lucia, will you allow me to know the dish that you will taste today?" aly"Could you bring me a plate of squid ceviche." scene img371 with fade mc"{i}She turned to look at me.{i}" luc"And you, young man?" mc"The same." scene img372 with fade mc"{i}I can't believe she's the mother of those two bastards.{i}" mc"{i}But I need to put that aside.{i}" scene img373 with fade mc"{i}My mother stared at me for a while. She seemed somewhat angry.{i}" mc"{i}Maybe I made a strange face.{i}" mc"{i}Stay focused [player_name], don't look at her breasts ... hell, they're really big.{i}" scene img374 with fade aly"I guess you wanted to talk to me about something." mc"Yes, it´s about those headaches." scene img375 with fade aly"Oh, those headaches. They started within a few weeks of arriving here." scene img376 with fade aly"At first I thought it was due to climate change or what happened to you, but I was wrong." aly"We went to the hospital, and Dr. Victoria was very kind and prescribed a bottle of pills, which we took since that. It helps to ease the pain a bit." mc"{i}Maybe it was due to stress, and it was a normal headache, but the fact that she prescribed a bottle of pills is rare.{i}" mc"{i}I mean, why not just a couple?{i}" scene img377 with fade aly"{i}Maybe the pain could be due to my breasts being large. She said that having large breasts was sometimes a problem.{i}" mc"{i}Why is she looking at her breasts?{i}" mc"Uhm... mom?" scene img378 with fade aly"Eh?... yes?" mc"{i}That was strange.{i}" scene img379 with fade aly"Sorry, I was thinking of a few things." aly"But let's not talk about that, look here comes the waitress." scene img380 with fade mc"{i}Thank you for waiting, here you go.{i}" menu : "[mGR]Look" : mc"One look doesn't hurt." $ elect ="Look" "Don't look" : mc"Hold on, [player_name]." $ elect ="Don't look" if elect =="Look" : scene img381 with fade mc"{i}She has a good body.{i}" scene img382 with fade mc"{i}I think naked, it would look so much better.{i}" luc"Would you like anything else?" scene img383 with fade mc"Eh? Uhm... no, thanks" luc"Excuse me." mc"{i}I think she realized i was looking at her.{i}" scene img384 with fade aly"Thank you, Lucia." scene img385 with fade aly"[player_name], you shouldn't do that. It´s rude." mc"Sorry, mom." mc"{i}I think looking was not a good idea.{i}" scene img386 with fade aly"Well, I think it's time to enjoy the food." mc"Lets eat." scene img387 with fade mc"{i}After eating, we headed to the exit.{i}" luc"Hope you enjoyed the food." mc"Yes, it was delicious." mc"{i}For some reason, my mother looked at me strangely.{i}" luc"Come back whenever you want." mc"We will." scene img388 with fade mc"{i}On the way home, my mother and I held hands and chatted a bit.{i}" scene img389 with fade mc"{i}We got home around dusk and parted ways. Apparently she had a meeting with Jessica.{i}" scene img390 with fade mc"{i}I entered the house and went up to the second floor. I heard a voice come from the bathroom, so I decided to take a look.{i}" scene img391 with fade mc"{i}When I opened the door, I saw that Alessia was standing in front of the mirror{i}" mc"{i}But she was not looking at it, but at her breasts.{i}" scene img392 with fade mc"{i}Since we were getting closer and closer, I went in and leaned against the wall.{i}" scene img393 with fade mc"{i}Despite her size and build, she has a good butt.{i}" scene img394 with fade ale"I wonder why they don't get bigger. At least up to Monica's size." mc"{i}Oh I see, she cares about the size of her breasts. What is this? Some kind of anime?{i}" mc"I think that in size and shape they look wonderful." scene img395 with fade ale"Ah... [player_name]?" mc"And not only that, you have a really good ass, he he." scene img396 with fade mc"{i}Alessia hid in the shower.{i}" mc"{i}She just poked her head out to speak.{i}" ale"How long were you there?" mc"Not much, I just walked in." mc"But Alessia, you shouldn't be ashamed of your body. You are beautiful, just the way you are." mc"Come on, show me your body." ale"But..." mc"I won't do anything you don't want." scene img397 with fade mc"{i}Alessia came out of hiding and stood in front of me.{i}" mc"{i}This is the first time I have seen her naked.{i}" mc"{i}And no, bathing when we were kids doesn't count.{i}" scene img398 with fade mc"{i}Her breasts weren't large.{i}" mc"{i}It was one of those that when you massage them, you feel the softness and elasticity of them.{i}" mc"{i}I can say for sure, as I felt one of them above the clothes.{i}" mc"{i}And her nipples, they weren't the kind that stuck out, but I still liked them.{i}" scene img399 with fade mc"{i}I looked down and focused on her crotch.{i}" mc"{i}It seems that she always waxes. But what caught my attention was that innocent and virgin sanctuary that awaited me.{i}" scene img400 with fade mc"{i}I walked over and took her shoulder. She raised her head.{i}" mc"You have a beautiful body, you shouldn't be ashamed." scene img401 with fade ale"Don't I look strange with all those freckles that cover my body?" scene img402 with fade mc"No. Those freckles give your body more beauty." mc"Now I have to go." scene img403 with fade ale"Wait, please." mc"...?" ale"Since you saw me naked ... can I see you too?" mc"{i}I didn't expect her to say that.{i}" mc"Okay, but close your eyes." scene img404 with fade mc"{i}She closed his eyes and waited.{i}" mc"{i}After a few seconds, I told her to open them.{i}" scene img405 with fade mc"{i}She slowly opened her eyes.{i}" scene img406 with fade mc"{i}It was hilarious to see her surprised by what she saw.{i}" ale"Oh my god." scene img407 with fade mc"So what do you think?" ale"It´s bigger than in the books." scene img408 with fade ale"Can I ... uh ... can I touch it?" mc"Go ahead." scene img409 with fade mc"{i}Alessia leaned over and looked at my dick closely.{i}" scene img410 with fade mc"{i}Then she touched the tip of my dick with one finger. It felt great.{i}" scene img411 with fade mc"{i}But she did not stop there. She opened her hand and ...{i}" scene img412 with fade mc"{i}Somebody knocked the door. Fuck.{i}" scene img413 with fade mc"{i}Alessia quickly ran to the door.{i}" mon"Alessia, open up, I want to come in." ale"You can't, I'm naked." mon"Please, I have to use the bathroom." ale"I´m sorry!." mon"You're getting revenge for the other day, right? Damn..." mc"{i}I heard Monica going down the stairs.{i}" mc"{i}After putting on my clothes I went back to my room.{i}" scene img414 with fade mc"{i}Back in my room, I got a message from Euphor.{i}" scene img415 with fade eup"Helloooooooooo, my love." eup"Guess who's coming to Crimson City." mc"Shit. It seems that I have a lot of work." scene 2part000 pause scene 2part001 with fade mc"But what the hell happened?" mc"It is the first question that came to my mind." scene 2part002 with dissolve mc"I opened my eyes, somewhat confused and intrigued at the same time." scene 2part003 with dissolve mc"I felt like vomiting, due to an intense pain that briefly disappeared; happily." mc"Someone played with me, and I had no idea who did it. Why would I make so many wrong decisions? I did not understand it." scene 2part004 with dissolve mc"{i}But there was no time to think. Sounds alerted me and I looked toward the entrance.{i}" scene 2part005 with dissolve mc"{i}There, leaning out slightly, I met Alessia's eyes.{i}" scene 2part006 with dissolve mc"What are you doing there? Goes up." scene 2part007 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia approached a little nervous. I knew the reason for that nervousness.{i}" mc"Alessia, I love you." scene 2part008 with dissolve mc"{i}Surprised, she raised her head and looked at me.{i}" scene 2part009 with dissolve mc"By the way, that dress highlights your beauty even more." scene 2part010 with dissolve ale"Thank ..." scene 2part011 with dissolve mc"{i}Without wasting another moment, I took her in my arms and kissed her.{i}" mc"{i}I did not plan to follow the same path as in my dream.{i}" scene 2part012 with dissolve mc"{i}This kiss was different from yesterday, it was more ... calm.{i}" scene 2part013 with dissolve mc"{i}But I didn't plan on leaving it like that. For that reason, I stepped it up.{i}" scene 2part014 with dissolve mc"{i}With our saliva combining in a sea of ​​desire, I thrust my tongue into her mouth and played with her tongue.{i}" scene 2part015 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia immediately pulled away, somewhat embarrassed.{i}" scene 2part016 with dissolve mc"{i}Just thinking about the reason why she didn't want to continue, made me laugh.{i}" mc"Are you afraid of getting your underwear wet again?" scene 2part017 with dissolve mc"{i}She was surprised by what I said.{i}" scene 2part018 with dissolve mc"{i}Soon her gaze changed. She looked a bit angry.{i}" scene 2part019 with dissolve mc"{i}To my surprise and regret, she raised her hands, as if about to cry.{i}" mc"Shit! I should not have said that." scene 2part020 with dissolve mc"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ..." mc"Are you laughing?" scene 2part021 with dissolve ale"Hee, hee." mc"{i}Alessia was acting.{i}" scene 2part022 with dissolve mc"Now you see, little rascal." ale"I think it's time to go." scene 2part023 with dissolve mc"{i}Before she left, I grabbed her from behind. One of my hands lodged in her right breast.{i}" mc"{i}Out of curiosity, I decided to squeeze it lightly.{i}" scene 2part024 with dissolve ale"Ahn" mc"{i}Alessia groaned.{i}" scene 2part025 with dissolve mc"Well, that was not what I expected." scene 2part026 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia covered her face with her hands and froze.{i}" mc"{i}Let's play a joke on her{i}" scene 2part026 with dissolve mc"{i}I approached slowly and said close to her ear:{i}" mc"How about instead of going out, we play?" scene 2part027 with dissolve mc"{i}I was scared, because I did not see her react.{i}" mc"I-I shouldn't have." mc"Sorry I took the joke too far." mc"Alessia?" ale"{i}Oh my God. [player_name] touched my breasts and I groaned. What a shame!. Although ... it felt really good.{i}" ale"{i}And what did he mean by playing? Is it what I think?{i}" scene 2part028 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia left. Leaving me somewhat worried, until I heard her laugh as she went downstairs.{i}" scene 2part029 with dissolve mc"So it was all a joke..." scene 2part030 with dissolve mc"Well, let's get to the important thing." mc"I took my phone and ..." menu : "[mGR]Call Maya" : mc"Maya didn't take long to answer." $ elect ="Call Maya" "Dont call" : mc"..." $ elect ="Dont call" if elect =="Call Maya" : scene 2part031 with fade may"Hi [player_name]. How are you, have you already got into the bed of the three women you love?" scene 2part032 with dissolve mc"{i}I ignored her comment.{i}" mc"Maya, I think I found a person with skills. He has a power similar to that of that guy I murdered. The one with dreams, remember?" may"Incredible, do you know who it is?" scene 2part033 with dissolve mc"No, but yesterday I had contact with very few people, so that person should be among them." scene 2part034 with dissolve mc"If I find that person, I'll let you know." scene 2part035 with dissolve may"Don't do anything dangerous, you hear?" mc"No, I won't. We'll talk later." scene 2part036 with dissolve may"How interesting. I'll call that woman." scene 2part037 with dissolve may"Hi, apparently [player_name] had contact with a person with skills. I request permission to ..." fem"Maya, do nothing, let things flow by themselves." scene 2part038 may"You're kidding. [player_name] could ..." fem"I know, but it's not time to act yet. Bye." scene 2part039 with dissolve may"Ah, damn it, she hung up." scene 2part040 with dissolve may"This will become problematic if they get close to [player_name]. Shit." scene 2part041 with fade mc"After taking a nice shower, I went downstairs to the kitchen." scene 2part042 with dissolve aly"I completely forgot. Forgive me, Alessia." scene 2part043 with dissolve ale"No it does not matter. I'll tell Kumiko or Katya to buy it in town tomorrow." aly"Forgive me, I totally forgot." mc"Good Morning. How are two of the most beautiful women in the world?" scene 2part044 with dissolve ale"Hello again." aly"[player_name], good morning." scene 2part045 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia had no trace of sadness. Apparently she was acting.{i}" scene 2part046 with dissolve mc"{i}As for mother, her head ached.{i}" mc"You're good?" aly"Yes, I think so. These pains are more and more followed." scene 2part047 with dissolve ale"It's those pills. I think mom shouldn't take them." scene 2part048 with dissolve mc"I also think the same. Also, as far as I know, that can affect memory." mc"I'm worried that something might happen to you." scene 2part049 with dissolve aly"Sorry to worry you. I'm going to see Dr. Victoria." mc"{i}That woman.{i}" mc"Mom, I don't like seeing you like this, is like a dagger piercing my heart. Please smile." scene 2part050 with dissolve aly"[player_name] ..." scene 2part051 with dissolve mc"{i}My mother smiled.{i}" mc"You see it? It is not so difficult.{i}" scene 2part052 with dissolve mc"{i}Minutes later we sat down at the table to have breakfast.{i}" scene 2part053 with dissolve mc"{i}mother looked at the loaves with a smile.{i}" mc"And Monica? She is in her room?" scene 2part054 with dissolve aly"She left very early, said she had to do some things." scene 2part055 with dissolve ale"mom, can i go to Kumiko and Katya's house at night?" scene 2part056 with dissolve ale"Please, mom." scene 2part057 with dissolve aly"Ask [player_name], if he accepts, then you go. I don't want you to be alone at night." scene 2part058 with dissolve aly"Could you please come with me [player_name], pretty please?" mc"How to say no?" scene 2part059 with dissolve aly"Yes. Thanks [player_name]. You're the best." mc"Always." scene 2part060 with dissolve ale"mom, [player_name] said yes." scene 2part061 with dissolve aly"Well, you can go with him, but remember to come back before midnight." ale"Oki doki" scene 2part062 with dissolve aly"Well, let's have breakfast." scene 2part063 with dissolve mc"mom sure knows how to spoil us." scene 2part064 with dissolve mc"After breakfast, I went up to my room and bought clothes online." mc"I also called Victoria, to tell her that I would be there in a couple of hours." scene 2part065 with dissolve mc"Then I sat down to carefully read the data sent by Euphor." scene 2part066 with dissolve mc"Considering the information in front of me, I searched for some additional data." mc"Everything was making sense." scene 2part067 with dissolve mc"In the middle of my search, I heard noise from the second floor." mc"Monica arrived." scene 2part068 with dissolve mc"As I finished reading the last, I knew it was time." scene 2part069 with dissolve mc"After an hour, I arrived at the hospital with the idea of ​​looking for a solution." scene 2part070 with dissolve mc"As in my dream, there were few people on the road." scene 2part071 with dissolve mc"After taking the elevator, I went to the place where her office was located." scene 2part072 with dissolve mc"I stood in front of the door and knocked." scene 2part073 with dissolve mc"{i}Victoria was sitting quietly behind the desk.{i}" scene 2part074 with dissolve mc"{i}I walked over and sat across from her.{i}" vic"I hope we can settle accounts today." scene 2part075 with dissolve vic"{i}How strange, the bruises are not as noticeable as before. No, he can't be one of them.{i}" mc"Yes, me too." vic"{i}There will be time to think about that.{i}" vic"After today, we will forget ..." scene 2part076 with dissolve mc"We will not forget anything." vic"What?" vic"Look Boy." scene 2part077 with dissolve mc"Don't call me boy. Looks like you didn't learn anything from the last time, right?" mc"I know you use drugs in my family, and that is affecting their lives." scene 2part078 with dissolve vic"Drugs? You are insane? I am a recognized doctor in this city. Why i would use ...?" scene 2part079 with dissolve mc"Shut up, bitch. The pills you are giving Monica and my mother are adulterated." mc"They suffer constant headaches since they came to you. I don't think it's a coincidence." mc"And your son's actions ... Instead of stopping him, you're trying to convince Monica to go on a date with him." scene 2part080 with dissolve mc"Money laundering, disappearance of bodies, the fact that a certain number of patients disappear from their beds, influence peddling, I can continue." mc"Truth be told, I don't give a shit what you do with your life and the lives of others, but the moment you touched the people close to me, you screwed up." scene 2part081 with dissolve mc"{i}Victoria leaned back against the back of her chair.{i}" vic"{i}Can not be. Can not be. If she finds out about this, my whole life will be ruined.{i}" scene 2part082 with dissolve vic"What do you really want?" mc"Don't put on that horrible expression, ruin your beauty." scene 2part083 with dissolve vic"Tell me what you want." mc"Come closer." scene 2part084 with dissolve mc"{i}She leaned closer.{i}" mc"I want you to please become my slave." scene 2part085 with dissolve mc"{i}The expression she put on was funny.{i}" vic"Huh?" scene 2part086 with dissolve vic"You are kidding, right?" mc"If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I'll raise my hand and everything will leak out. Your life will be destroyed." scene 2part087 with dissolve mc"{i}Victoria lowered her head, I could see pain in her gaze.{i}" mc"Perfect, this is how a slave should act. You just need to say a few words to put me in a good mood." mc"From today I am your slut, I love Master [player_name]. Say it." scene 2part088 with dissolve vic"From today I am your whore, I love Master [player_name]." mc"Excellent, good work." scene 2part089 with dissolve mc"{i}After asking her and finding out more about the pills she gave Mónica and my mother. I received a prescription and decided to go.{i}" mc"{i}Victoria stayed at the desk, taking her head.{i}" scene 2part090 with dissolve vic"I have never been humiliated in this way. Damn the day that Drake came to ask for my help." vic"I thought it would be an easy job and it would bring benefits. I don't understand how Monica and Alysha held out for so long." "Victoria cried." scene 2part091 with dissolve mc"{i}Back home. I decided to stop by the church.{i}" scene 2part092 with dissolve mc"{i}The time and the moment were similar. Now that I had a notion of what would happen if I approached Mary, I decided not to speak to her. but it still worried me.{i}" scene 2part093 with dissolve mc"{i}Upon entering, I could see Mary, praying. Although I wanted to say hello, I decided not to. It was a relief to know that she was okay.{i}" scene 2part094 with dissolve mc"{i}Minutes later, I returned home and went directly to Alessia's room.{i}" scene 2part095 with dissolve mc"{i}I knocked on the door.{i}" scene 2part096 with dissolve mc"{i}Seconds later, Alessia opened the door. It was the same as the first time, although now she did not pass out.{i}" scene 2part097 with dissolve mc"{i}Once inside, Alessia sat thoughtfully.{i}" scene 2part098 with dissolve ale"I don't know how to say it." scene 2part099 with dissolve ale"I don't know how to say it." scene 2part100 with dissolve ale"I was talking to my friends about something and ..." mc"You can ask me whatever you want." scene 2part101 with dissolve ale"Do you really love me, like a ... woman?" mc"What a silly question, of course I love you as a woman." scene 2part102 with dissolve ale"Thank you for telling me. That gives me a lot more confidence now." scene 2part103 with dissolve mc"{i}Immediately, she got up and hugged me.{i}" ale"I love you, [player_name]. I ... One moment." scene 2part104 with dissolve ale"Sniff ... sniff" mc"{i}Alessia started to smell me. Wait, I haven't had sex with Victoria.{i}" scene 2part105 with dissolve mc"{i}She immediately separated and opening her arms, she asked.{i}" ale"Why do you smell like another woman's perfume?" scene 2part106 with dissolve mc"Wait, that's impossible." ale"Answer me, who were you with?" scene 2part107 with dissolve mc"Uhm ..." mc"I did not know what to answer, this was not the sweet Alessia, although she looks adorable when she's angry." scene 2part108 with dissolve mc"Stop playing around, I know you're kidding." scene 2part109 with dissolve ale"Sorry, sorry, he, he. It was a joke." scene 2part110 with dissolve mc"{i}I pushed her onto the bed, and fell on top of her.{i}" scene 2part111 with dissolve mc"Why did you do that?" scene 2part112 with dissolve ale"I don't know, I just wanted to make a joke on you." scene 2part113 with dissolve ale"We were separated for a long time. I want to create all kinds of beautiful memories with you." scene 2part114 with dissolve mc"You are beautiful." mc"Maybe we should take the next step." scene 2part115 with dissolve mc"I lowered my hand and pressed one of her breasts gently." ale"Ahn ..." mc"{i}I knew it, Alessia's breasts are very sensitive.{i}" scene 2part116 with dissolve mc"{i}I lowered my arm to her waist. She seemed lost in thought.{i}" scene 2part117 with dissolve mc"{i}Finally, I touched her crotch.{i}" mc"{i}Alessia opened her eyes, startled.{i}" mc"You'll feel good if ..." scene 2part118 with dissolve ale"[player_name], please, not now." mc"Damn, I thought it would be different." scene 2part119 with dissolve mc"I´m sorry." ale"I don't think I'm ready for something like that." mc"I get it. I'll go to my room. See you later." ale"See you ..." scene 2part120 with dissolve mc"{i}After resting for a long time, I decided to go down to the living room.{i}" scene 2part121 with dissolve mc"{i}My mother was standing, stretching her body.{i}" mc"{i}It's true, the yoga sessions. I will take this opportunity to be more closer to her.{i}" scene 2part122 with dissolve mc"{i}I got closer.{i}" mc"Hi mom." scene 2part123 with dissolve mc"{i}She turned around.{i}" aly"[player_name], are you coming to help me again?" mc"Of course." scene 2part124 with dissolve aly"Put on something lighter and you come, I'll wait for you." scene 2part125 with dissolve mc"{i}I went up to my room, changed, and went downstairs again.{i}" scene 2part126 with dissolve mc"{i}My mother was sitting, watching the news.{i}" scene 2part127 with dissolve fem"The case dubbed the Crimson City Massacre, has taken an unexpected turn due to the disappearance of a group of girls the night before. The police are looking hard ..." mc"{i}Shit. Now I understand why Euphor and the others will come.{i}" mc"{i}Well, this is no time to worry about that.{i}" scene 2part128 with dissolve mc"How do I look, mom?" scene 2part129 with dissolve aly"Why are you only wearing boxers?" mc"I feel much more comfortable like this. The other day, I was also dressed the same, as opposed to wearing a polo shirt." scene 2part130 with dissolve mc"{i}My mother lowered her head.{i}" aly"{i}I can't believe he's just wearing that.{i}" scene 2part131 with dissolve mc"{i}It seems it had the expected effect.{i}" scene 2part131a with dissolve mc"{i}We started the session.{i}" mc"{i}Truth be told, it was boring. Euphor tried to show me the funny side, but couldn't change my mind.{i}" mc"{i}At least until we try 'other types of positions'.{i}" scene 2part131b with dissolve mc"mom. Why are you doing this?" aly"I am slightly gaining weight and I want to lose weight. Jessica said running and doing this is for the best." aly"I tried the first, but other people's looks ..." mc"{i}I understand. Well, I too would be surprised, seeing a woman like my mother. Big ass, big tits...{i}" mc"I have an idea, let's stand up." scene 2part132 with dissolve mc"Do you remember that the other day we used other types of positions? I think we should continue." mc"Later I will show you a photo of Euphor, a friend who does it and keeps fit." scene 2part134 with dissolve aly"{i}I know he's trying to help me, but those positions are kind of ... strange.{i}" aly"If you say that can help me, I'll give it a try." scene 2part135 with dissolve aly"Okay, let's do it." mc"Great, let's get started." scene 2part136 with dissolve mc"This position is a variant of The bird." aly"Oh my God. I can feel his 'thing' in the middle of my butt.{i}" aly"[player_name], I don't feel comfortable this way." mc"Okay, let's change." scene 2part137 with dissolve aly"{i}Isn't this position worse than the previous one?{i}" aly"{i}Oh my god, I can feel it close to my crotch.{i}" scene 2part138 with dissolve mc"You know, mom, do you think we can talk alone at night? There are some things I want to tell you." aly"Okey." mc"Thanks." scene 2part139 with dissolve mc"{i}After a few minutes, we change sides.{i}" mc"{i}Even though her crotch felt very close to my penis, I tried not to let it turn me on. I don't want to get carried away like with Alessia, and ruin the moment.{i}" scene 2part140 with dissolve mc"{i}Wrapping my arms around her back, at the same time she wrapped her legs around me and leaned back, we moved on to the next position.{i}" mc"{i}Since she basically had her crotch on top of my penis, I couldn't stop my penis from gradually stopping responding to my commands.{i}" scene 2part141 with dissolve aly"{i}What I'm feeling, is his ...{i}" aly"{i}Control yourself, control yourself.{i}" aly"{i}Well, he is a man after all. What I do now?{i}" mc"{i}Because I was out of shape, I was the one who requested to change positions.{i}" mc"{i}The last position was the most exciting, since it was the one that Euphor liked the most.{i}" scene 2part142 with dissolve mc"{i}With my hands firmly grasping her arms and pulling them back, I was pressing my crotch into his butt. At the same time, mother fixed her hands on top of my buttocks.{i}" aly"[player_name], are you sure about this ...?" mc"mom, I know it may seem strange, but if you don't relax, this will have no effect." aly"O-okay." scene 2part143 with dissolve aly"{i}Oh God, he's pressing my buttocks hard with his crotch.{i}" scene 2part144 with dissolve aly"{i}Relax, Alysha, just relax.{i}" scene 2part145 with dissolve mc"{i}I tried to relax, but couldn't help thinking about what we were doing.{i}" mc"{i}Having my penis pressing on her butt, I felt the strange urge to pull it out and place it between her buttocks. It was turning me on.{i}" scene 2part146 with dissolve aly"{i}For some strange reason, this is feeling great.{i}" scene 2part147 with dissolve aly"{i}Wait, is he...?{i}" aly"[player_name], I think that's enough." scene 2part148 with dissolve mc"{i}Standing up, I took her hands.{i}" mc"I know it can be uncomfortable, but you will see that with time you will get results." mc"Although to tell the truth, you are perfect as you are now." scene 2part149 with dissolve aly"You say that only because you are my son." mc"That is not true. I think you have a very sexy body." scene 2part150 with dissolve aly"You shouldn't say that." mc"Sorry. Well, I have to go." scene 2part151 with dissolve mc"{i}After going up to my room, I fell asleep until it was time to accompany Alessia. I missed the bathroom scene. Shit.{i}" scene 2part152 with dissolve mc"{i}After walking for about fifteen minutes, we reached the northeast sector of the town.{i}" mc"{i}The one that had now become an empty place. If not for that house.{i}" scene 2part153 with dissolve mc"What a strange place to live." mc"The only positive is that it is close to the sea." ale"Everyboby says the same..." mc"The house is very different from the surrounding ones. Wait, those windows are transparent?" scene 2part154 with dissolve ale"No, they seem to have an effect that makes people think that. It's funny, you know? Since any living being is not seen through it." mc"As well?" ale"If you are behind the cristal, your body and clothes completely disappear from any curious outside." mc"Oh, I understand. How interesting." scene 2part155 with dissolve ale"The mother's of Kumiko and Katya are scientists, and they have created many things that they have added to their house." scene 2part156 with dissolve ale"Wait a minute, I'm going to call Kumiko." scene 2part157 with dissolve ale"Oh." mc"{i}The door to the house was swiftly opened.{i}" scene 2part158 with dissolve mc"{i}Kumiko opened the door. An amber light came on at the same time.{i}" mc"{i}When we met eye to eye, I noticed some sadness.{i}" scene 2part159 with dissolve mc"Hi, my name is [player_name]. I think we didn't introduce ourselves properly the other day." kum"My name is Kumiko, I am very sorry for my behavior that day." mc"Do not worry." scene 2part160 with dissolve kum"Aren't you upset?" mc"Why would I be with a girl as pretty as you?" scene 2part161 with dissolve mc"{i}Kumiko smiled.{i}" ale"Ehem ..." scene 2part162 with dissolve kum"Oh I'm sorry." scene 2part163 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia was looking at me, a little angry.{i}" mc"What?" ale"Uhm ..." mc"{i}Is she jealous?{i}" scene 2part164 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia turned and spoke to Kumiko.{i}" ale"Do you have everything ready?" kum"Yes. Oh no, I left the kitchen on." scene 2part165 with dissolve mc"{i}Kumiko left quickly, leaving me alone with Alessia.{i}" ale"Uhm ..." mc"What?" scene 2part166 with dissolve ale"Aish, you are a man after all." scene 2part167 with dissolve ale"Well, thanks for bringing me. Tell mom I'll be back early." mc"Okay." scene 2part168 with dissolve ale"Until tomorrow." scene 2part169 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia said goodbye and closed the door.{i}" mc"{i}I wonder if I should go back now. I'm not very confident at the moment.{i}" kat"So at the end of the day, it was you who brought Alessia." scene 2part170 with dissolve mc"{i}I turned around and saw Katya leaning against the wall.{i}" mc"{i}At what point did she get there?{i}" scene 2part171 with dissolve kat"I thought Mrs. Alysha would accompany her." scene 2part172 with dissolve mc"{i}Katya moved closer but stopped to look out into the darkness.{i}" kat"Looks like you're famous, good luck with that." mc"{i}She realized?{i}" scene 2part173 with dissolve kat"So how did you feel about not being able to act on your principles? Did you remember something?" mc"What are you taking about?" scene 2part174 with dissolve kat"From the dream you had, I cast a visual charm on you." mc"Was you? Why?" scene 2part175 with dissolve kat"Wait, you don't remember anything yet?" mc"Wait, first tell me why you did it." mc"Does it have to do with that look full of anger when seeing me in Alessia's room?" scene 2part176 with dissolve kat"I can not believe it. You forgot me?" mc"We know each other? Wait, is that why you were mad?" kat"You told me that you would never forget me." scene 2part177 with dissolve mc"Wait, what?" kat"What? Is that all you gonna say? Not even an apology? You also forgot the promise." scene 2part178 with dissolve mc"What the hell. What promise?" kat"Ah, my head." mc"Wait a minute, explain yourself. I do not understand. Where did we meet?" scene 2part179 with dissolve kat"I do not want to talk to you. Bye." mc"Wait." mc"{i}I took her hand, but she let go and closed the door.{i}" scene 2part180 with dissolve mc"What the fuck is going on?" mc"I would never forget a girl like her, especially if she has such rare and beautiful eyes at the same time. Heterochromia is not common." scene 2part181 with dissolve mc"I'll have time to think about it. I have some business to take care of." mc"But I am not stupid." scene 2part182 with dissolve mc"Hi Maya, can you come pick me up?" mc"Yes, track this cell phone, please." scene 2part183 with dissolve mc"I wonder if she will come fast." scene 2part184 with dissolve mc"{i}Minutes later I crossed to the other side of the street and stopped.{i}" mc"{i}Strange shadows were seen on the roofs of the two houses in front of me.{i}" mc"{i}And apparently there was a hooded man between those two houses.{i}" scene 2part185 with dissolve mc"{i}Suddenly, the headlights of a car illuminated the front. There were three people there, waiting for me, sure.{i}" scene 2part186 with dissolve may"Come in, fast." scene 2part187 with dissolve may"Wow, you seem to have some serious problems." mc"{i}Is that blood?{i}" scene 2part188 with dissolve mc"{i}I went up quickly and look at the blood on her body.{i}" mc"Another murder job?" scene 2part189 with dissolve may"Yes, the city is getting dangerous. Euphor didn't text you saying she was coming?" mc"Yes, I read it." scene 2part190 with dissolve may"It seems they won't follow us. I think I've seen them wandering near my building." scene 2part191 with dissolve may"By the way, come with me to buy some things, then I'll take you home." mc"Alessia won't have any problem, right?" may"Don't worry, they will all be fine." scene 2part192 with dissolve "In the meantime." scene 2part193 with dissolve "At Jessica's house, Alysha had a conversation with her friend." jes"Today I saw Alessia in the Church. Your girl is becoming quite a lady." scene 2part194 with dissolve jes"You must be careful with the wolves that are out there. Alessia does not need to have the same experience as us." aly"Yes, I also think the same. That is why sometimes I sit down to chat with her." scene 2part195 with dissolve jes"That is good. Communication strengthens relationships." jes"By the way, I notice you something strange. Does your head still hurt?" scene 2part196 with dissolve aly"No, is not that. It's just that [player_name] is acting a little weird these days." scene 2part197 with dissolve jes"What do you mean by weird?" aly"He has been very affectionate to me and I feel a little strange when I am alone with him." scene 2part198 with dissolve jes"Well, it's been a long time since he last saw you. I wouldn't worry, after all, he just must crave a mother's affection and love." scene 2part199 with dissolve jes"I don't think you should give it too much importance." scene 2part200 with dissolve aly"Maybe you're right and I'm just overthinking it." scene 2part201 with dissolve jes"But leaving that topic for later, what did you decide? Are we going camping?" scene 2part202 with dissolve jes"Come on, it's a change of scene, and I bet Monica, Alessia, Sofia and [player_name] will be happy." scene 2part203 with dissolve aly"Speaking of her, it looks like she just arrived." scene 2part204 with dissolve jes"Just who we were talking about." scene 2part205 with dissolve jes"Come, Sofia, there is something we need to talk about." scene 2part206 with dissolve sof"Good night, Mrs. Alysha." aly"Good night, Sofia." scene 2part207 with dissolve jes"We were talking about getting together and going camping." scene 2part208 with dissolve aly"And I agree. Your skin turned that color again?" scene 2part209 with dissolve sof"Yes, I shouldn't have stayed long." scene 2part210 with dissolve jes"You don't know how many times I have told her not to come out when there is a slight chance that the sun will peek out." jes"But she doesn't understand." jes"Now she is going to have to bathe with cold water and apply creams so that she can go to school tomorrow." jes"The worst thing is that the body will start to itch." scene 2part211 with dissolve sof"mom, please don't go on." sof"What will Mrs. Alysha say?" jes"Okey, okey." scene 2part212 with dissolve sof"Uhm, Mrs. Alysha, is [player_name] going camping with us?" aly"I think so." scene 2part213 with dissolve sof"Really? That's great." scene 2part214 with dissolve sof"Uh ... I mean, I'm really happy. I have to take a shower. Nice to greet you, Mrs. Alysha." scene 2part215 with dissolve "Sofia left, while being watched by both adult women." scene 2part216 with dissolve jes"Sofia has little time to get away from the nest. I hope [player_name] can take proper care of her." scene 2part217 with dissolve aly"Jessica, why do you keep saying that?" scene 2part218 with dissolve jes"Why not? Your son is a good match. If I was younger, I'd go for him." scene 2part219 with dissolve jes"Now that I remember, I have something to give you." scene 2part220 with dissolve jes"Wait a moment I'll be back." scene 2part221 with dissolve "Minutes later, Jessica appeared with a small box in her hands." jes"This is a gift. I bet you will like it very much." aly"Thanks..." scene 2part221a with fade mc"{i}After shopping. We arrived at my house.{i}" scene 2part222 with dissolve may"See ya. Alert me if anything strange that happens." mc"I will do it, thanks." scene 2part224 with dissolve mc"{i}I went straight to my room. Finding Monica sleeping in bed.{i}" scene 2part225 with dissolve mc"{i}I approached carefully, without making a sound.{i}" mc"Monica has a nice ass." scene 2part226 with dissolve mc"{i}So I won't be able to sleep. No, wait, I still have to talk to mother. Still, I need her to wake up. What could I do?{i}" scene 2part227 with dissolve mc"I think I have an idea." scene 2part228 with dissolve mc"And it has a lot to do with that big beautiful ass." scene 2part229 with dissolve mc"{i}I raised my hand and pointed directly at her right buttock.{i}" scene 2part230 with dissolve mc"{i}Then I gave her a loud spanking.{i}" scene 2part231 with dissolve mon"But what...?" mc"{i}She woke up.{i}" scene 2part232 with dissolve mon"Why ... why ... why did you do that?" mc"Sorry I couldn't help it when I saw your beautiful ass." scene 2part233 with dissolve mon"That is not a valid reason. Do not do it again." mc"Ha, ha. Sorry." scene 2part234 with dissolve mc"But what are you doing in my bed?" scene 2part235 with dissolve mon"I want to ask you a favor, I'm going to paint my room tomorrow and I need your help." mc"Okay, no problem." scene 2part236 with dissolve mon"Great, thanks." scene 2part237 with dissolve mon"I think it's time to go." mon"Why are you looking at me like that?" mc"Your face looks a little ... tired." scene 2part238 with dissolve mc"{i}Monica stood up and stretched.{i}" scene 2part239 with dissolve mc"You have to stop taking those pills." mon"It's the only thing that relieves my headache... a bit" mc"I know, but Victoria told me to tell you." scene 2part240 with dissolve mon"Victoria?" mc"Ehm, Dr. Victoria." scene 2part241 with dissolve mon"And why didn't she call me to tell me?" scene 2part242 with dissolve mc"Today I stopped by the hospital to visit someone and found her in the hallway. That's when she told me that and gave me a new recipe." scene 2part243 with dissolve mc"{i}I gave Monica a pill.{i}" mon"And this pill is better?" mc"Yes." mon"Thanks [player_name], i have to go." scene 2part244 with dissolve mc"Monica left." scene 2part245 with dissolve mc"All right, now I just have to talk to mom." scene 2part246 with dissolve mc"It is time to watch over the family." scene 2part247 with dissolve mc"{i}I went downstairs and opened the door to her room. I never expected to find myself in such a convenient situation.{i}" scene 2part248 with dissolve mc"{i}My mother was in front of me, wearing erotic lingerie. She was stunned for an instant, clearly surprised.{i}" scene 2part249 with dissolve mc"{i}I closed the door. My mother covered herself with her hands.{i}" scene 2part250 with dissolve mc"{i}I got closer.{i}" aly"[player_name], go back to your room. I don't want you to see me like this." mc"You should have more confidence in yourself, mom." mc"Do not be afraid." aly"{i}He is right... but I'm afraid of the answer.{i}" scene 2part251 with dissolve mc"{i}To my surprise, she lowered her hands and with a pained expression, asked:{i}" aly"So, how do I look? I know I'm out of shape." aly"Not content with hitting me, he always called me fat and dirty." mc"Open your eyes, mom. You don't have to be ashamed or afraid. Forget what that pig told you." scene 2part252 with dissolve mc"For me, you are perfect and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life." mc"And no, I am not saying it because you are my mom. It is the plain truth." scene 2part253 with dissolve mc"{i}mother smiled.{i}" aly"No one ever spoke to me that way." aly"And you shouldn't say that, I'm your mom." scene 2part254 with dissolve mc"I do not mind. Well, you should get used to it, I will and I will continue to do, so..." scene 2part255 with dissolve mc"But who gave you that? I don't think you bought it." scene 2part256 with dissolve aly"Jessica gave it to me today. And I decided to try it on. But it is not my size. It barely covers my ... Forget it." scene 2part257 with dissolve mc"{i}I think she refers to the bottom.{i}" mc"{i}Just a little more and her pubic hair could come out.{i}" aly"In the afternoon you said you wanted to talk." mc"Yes, it is a subject that I cannot get out of my head." scene 2part258 with dissolve mc"It's about the past." aly"I see." scene 2part259 with dissolve aly"{i}I hope I can help you in some way. Just as he has done to me.{i}" scene 2part260 with dissolve mc"{i}We sat down and I began to explain the reason for my night visit.{i}" mc"I'm sorry I didn't go into much detail the other day, but I didn't know what to do. Throughout these years, I did a lot of bad things to be where I am now." scene 2part261 with dissolve mc"The work I did, was sometimes part of a cruel training that led me to put my judgment at stake." scene 2part262 with dissolve mc"Sometimes I was taken from one place to another, in order to test my aptitude in certain types of work." scene 2part263 with dissolve mc"I always accepted them, I did not refuse to accommodate some, because I wanted to show off in front of them. In this way, I could get benefits that others did not have." scene 2part264 with dissolve mc"But as time went on, I began to find pleasure in what I did." mc"There were nights when I wondered if I was following in the same footsteps as that man. I am the same as him in many ways, mom." mc"And that terrifies me." scene 2part265 with dissolve mc"{i}mother hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder." aly"Oh, my boy. You are not like him, always keep that in mind." mc"Maybe with people close to me, but I'm not the same with my enemies." scene 2part266 with dissolve mc"I did a lot of bad things. Even at this moment, someone who caused so much pain is suffering the consequences of their actions." scene 2part267 with dissolve mc"You know? I still have in mind what that bastard told me the night before the murder I committed." mc"And it was those words that led me to feel such a grudge, that I only found refuge in those jobs." mc"He said that none of us had been conceived with love." scene 2part268 with dissolve mc"{i}mother opened her mouth in surprise.{i}" mc"{i}That confirmed what was said that day.{i}" scene 2part269 with dissolve mc"Sorry, I shouldn't have included that topic in this conversation." mc"{i}mother was terrified.{i}" mc"I am an asshole." scene 2part270 with dissolve mc"Sorry, mom. I shouldn't have ..." mc"{i}She covered her face with her hands.{i}" mc"Sorry, I know this is a topic that needs to be addressed at another time, but I think ..." scene 2part271 with dissolve aly"It doesn't matter if he never loved you or your sister's, but I did." scene 2part272 with dissolve aly"I can't believe he told you that." mc"That's not all, he made me listen to how ..." mc"I'd better go." scene 2part273 with dissolve mc"{i}I stood up.{i}" mc"{i}Perhaps my actions led her to think I was angry.{i}" aly"I am so sorry..." scene 2part274 with dissolve mc"I walked over and took her face in my hands." mc"mom, don't say that. You did your best to raise us. I am deeply grateful to you." mc"The way I see it, you are a beautiful, kind and strong woman." mc"And... I swear that from this moment on, I will make you see a different world from the one you are used to. I will destroy that cage that imprisons you, and I will give you the happiness you deserve." mc"I love you, mom." scene 2part275 with dissolve aly"[player_name] ..." aly"{i}It's the first time someone has said so many nice things to me.{i}" aly"{i}I know he is my son, but deep down, I always wanted to be loved.{i}" mc"mom, forgive me for what I will do." scene 2part276 with dissolve mc"{i}I kissed her. It was an uncontrollable desire that led me to do it.{i}" mc"{i}I thought she would reject me, and I was willing to accept her rejection, but despite that surprising action on my part, she did not.{i}" scene 2part277 with dissolve mc"{i}Rather, she closed her eyes and let herself be carried away.{i}" mc"{i}It was the most sublime sensation that I could experience. It didn't compare to the day I kissed her while she was asleep.{i}" mc"{i}Our tongues played awkwardly with each other. That's when I realized that she was inexperienced in that field.{i}" mc"{i}But she was turning me on, and that led me to act awkward.{i}" scene 2part278 with dissolve mc"{i}I reached down my left hand and caressed one of her breasts.{i}" scene 2part279 with dissolve mc"{i}Despite wearing the bra, I could feel its softness.{i}" scene 2part280 with dissolve mc"{i}An intoxicating and at the same time forbidden softness, which now allowed me to travel with my hands.{i}" scene 2part281 with dissolve mc"{i}I am a lover of big breasts, so this was like a blessing.{i}" scene 2part282 with dissolve mc"{i}But I was not happy with it, and decided to do something more daring.{i}" scene 2part283 with dissolve mc"{i}I lowered my hand to her waist, lightly running down her butt. I didn't realize this alerted her.{i}" scene 2part284 with dissolve mc"{i}The next thing I did, was to bring my hand directly to her abdomen, slowly descending towards her crotch.{i}" scene 2part285 with dissolve mc"{i}I was about to slide my hand into that jungle full of my fantasies...{i}" scene 2part286 with dissolve mc"{i}when her hands were placed on my arms.{i}" aly"[player_name], no. Sorry, I don't know what happened to me. Go to your room." scene 2part287 with dissolve mc"{i}I didn't say anything, forcing the situation would only make things worse. I turned around and walked away.{i}" mc"{i}Looking over my shoulder, I asked for her forgiveness.{i}" mc"Sorry, I hope you forgive me..." aly"[player_name], wai ..." scene 2part288 with dissolve aly"{i}Oh my god, what did I do. This is bad. I can't believe I did it.{i}" aly"{i}No, that is not the important thing. He sees me as a woman, not as his mother.{i}" aly"{i}What do I do now?{i}" scene 2part289 with dissolve mc"Back in my room, anxious, I got a call." scene 2part290 with dissolve mc"Maya, I don't want to talk right now." may"[player_name], they killed Samuel." scene 2part291 with dissolve mc"{i}Her answer stunned me. I didn't like the guy, but I would never wish him dead.{i}" may"Things will change starting today, get ready. See ya." scene 2part292 with dissolve mc"Oh, shit, not right now." mc"{i}A message saying my family will be fine calmed me down a bit.{i}" mc"The calm before the storm." scene 2part293 with fade mc"The next day, a message from Euphor woke me up. They were only a few hours from arriving at the airport, then they would come in one of the organization's vehicles." mc"They will surely arrive at dusk. I guess I'll be busy these days." scene 2part294 with dissolve mc"After putting on some clothes, I went shopping." scene 2part295 with dissolve mc"The store didn't look much different from the last time I saw it. With the difference that now the lady who sold ice cream was not there." scene 2part296 with dissolve mc"{i}A girl wearing a hooded shirt was at the counter.{i}" scene 2part297 with dissolve mc"{i}Upon entering, the girl greeted me.{i}" fem"Good morning, welcome to ..." scene 2part298 with dissolve fem"Hello, you are the boy from the other day, I see that you are much better." fem"I'm glad I was able to help. Those guys probably would have killed you if I didn't intervene." mc"You are the girl who saved me. Sorry, I didn't recognize your voice and thanks for that." scene 2part299 with dissolve fem"Don't worry, I didn't even show up after all. My name is Lyna, nice to meet you." mc"My name is [player_name]. Ehm, but how did you find me in that place? It was a random alley." scene 2part300 with dissolve lyn"Not that I was following you after seeing you, or anything like that. Not that I have been strangely attracted to you." scene 2part301 with dissolve lyn"Oh my God. Please forget what I said." mc"{i}What a strange girl. In a way, it's kind of funny.{i}" scene 2part302 with dissolve lyn"What do you want to buy?" mc"{i}Oh, she changed the subject.{i}" mc"Four light bulbs, please." lyn"Give me a minute." scene 2part303 with dissolve mc"{i}Lyna began searching the counter.{i}" scene 2part304 with dissolve mc"{i}After a few seconds, she brought what I asked for.{i}" lyn"Here you go. Something else?" mc"{i}And here my stupidity went to the limit.{i}" mc"You're a witch?" scene 2part305 with dissolve mc"{i}What an idiot to ask that, to someone who saved you from an extreme situation.{i}" lyn"I see, you also think I'm weird and stuff." scene 2part306 with dissolve mc"Oh no, don't take it the wrong way. It's just that I heard Drake say it, before I lost consciousness." mc"But if you were it would be great. I mean, we're in Crimson City, as I understand it, there were witches in this place in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if you were the descendant of one of them." mc"Also, you have very beautiful gray eyes." mc"{i}What the fuck am I saying?{i}" scene 2part307 with dissolve lyn"You are telling the truth. Maybe we could talk another day about it. You are Alessia's brother, right?" mc"Yes, you know her?" lyn"Of course. We are in the same class." scene 2part308 with dissolve lyn"Great. Well, thank you for your purchase, I hope we will see each other again." scene 2part309 with dissolve mc"{i}I left the store somewhat confused. Lyna said she was following me. That's very weird, I don't remember seeing her running through the alleys... or close.{i}" mc"{i}After leaving the spotlights in my room, I went to Alessia's room.{i}" scene 2part310 with dissolve mc"{i}As soon as I knocked on the door, I heard some noises from inside.{i}" ale"Oh no, not again." scene 2part311 with dissolve mc"{i}Seconds later, Alessia opened the door.{i}" ale"Sorry mom, I'll change in a moment." mc"mom?" scene 2part312 with dissolve ale"[player_name]? Oh, I'm sorry." mc"Do not worry." scene 2part313 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia lowered her head and began to play with her hands.{i}" mc"What's going on?" ale"There is something I want to ask you and ... let's go to my bed." scene 2part314 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia sat on her bed and began to speak nervously.{i}" scene 2part315 with dissolve ale"I just had a very strange dream." mc"A dream? What type?" scene 2part316 with dissolve ale"Uhm... I don't want you to think I'm kinky, but it was about us." mc"And what were we doing in the dream?" scene 2part317 with dissolve ale"Uhm ... you were showing me your ... your huge..." mc"{i}Wait, sure Katya has to do with this.{i}" mc"Say no more, I know what you mean." scene 2part318 with dissolve ale"Really?" mc"Yes, it was a dream of the two of us in the bathroom and Monica interrupting us, right?" ale"How...?" scene 2part319 with dissolve mc"Alessia, when two souls are destined to be together, they can share their thoughts." mc"So, what you want now?" scene 2part320 with dissolve ale"Well... uhm... when we kissed, my whole body tickled, but it felt great when ... when ... I peed." mc"That is called an orgasm." scene 2part321 with dissolve ale"Do you think we could do it again?" mc"I know a better way. You'll feel great, I promise you. Buuuuut... you need to be naked." scene 2part322 with dissolve mc"{i}To my surprise, Alessia took off her nightwear and stood in front of me.{i}" ale"I'm sorry I'm little and I don't have the body of mom or Monica." mc"Hey, you are lovely and beautiful to me. Don't worry about those things." scene 2part323 with dissolve ale"Thanks." mc"{i}Uhm, she doesn't seem to have confidence in her body.{i}" scene 2part324 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia sat up and looked at me expectantly.{i}" ale"So, what can we do now?" mc"Lie down on the bed." scene 2part325 with dissolve mc"{i}Alessia lay down and covered her face with one arm. She was embarrassed. Why? Later I would find out.{i}" mc"All right, now spread your legs." scene 2part326 with dissolve ale"Like this?" mc"Yes. You have a beautiful body, Alessia, don't hesitate." scene 2part327 with dissolve mc"{i}I got down on my knees and held her knees with my hands, while looking at her vagina.{i}" mc"{i}Now I see why she was embarrassed. She had a wet dream.{i}" scene 2part328 with dissolve mc"{i}For a moment, I stared at her virginal, moist intimate area. It was so cute and beautiful.{i}" scene 2part329 with dissolve mc"Alessia, are you sure you want this?" ale"Yes, please." mc"Very well." scene 2part330 with dissolve mc"{i}When I was about to lower my mouth and lick his crotch, he sat up slightly.{i}" ale"Wait, [player_name], uh ... please be gentle." mc"I would never hurt you, Alessia. I love you so much." scene 2part331 with dissolve ale"{i}Katya was right, I wonder if this would be happening if I didn't say anything.{i}" ale"Keep going..." scene 2part332 with dissolve mc"All right, I'm going to start. Relax, Alessia." scene 2part333 with dissolve ale"I wonder if it will feel as good as in that movie we saw last night." scene 2part334 with dissolve ale"That's not my ..." ale"[player_name], why are you licking my ...?" scene 2part335 with dissolve ale"Ahn ... That feels good." mc"I stop?" ale"No, please go on." scene anim6 with fade mc"{i}With my tongue, I started licking from the entrance of her anus to her vagina.{i}" mc"Little by little, I felt the slight throb of her vaginal lips.{i}" mc"At the same time, I listened to Alessia's moans of pleasure.{i}" scene anim7 with fade mc"{i}She was in a trance, flooded with pleasure.{i}" mc"Ahnn..." mc"{i}Her legs moved every time I parted her vaginal lips with my tongue, and I licked her clit gently.{i}" ale"[player_name]... [player_name]..." mc"{i}It was her first experience, so I didn't want to act wild, the way Euphor liked.{i}" mc"{i}[player_name], I'm feeling really weird. I want to pee ... ahn.{i}" scene 2part340 with dissolve mc"{i}I knew the time had come, and taking advantage of the situation, I lightly bit her clit, leading her to have an orgasm.{i}" scene 2part341 with dissolve ale"[player_name], I... I... Ahhhhnnn ..." mc"Wait ..." scene 2part342 with dissolve mc"With an expression of pleasure on her face, Alessia's legs trembled slightly and her feet firmly grasped my shoulders.{i}" mc"{i}That liquid that women throw away when they have an orgasm, fell directly on my face.{i}" scene 2part343 with dissolve mc"{i}I was thoughtful for a moment.{i}" scene 2part344 with dissolve mc"Alessia had a face full of happiness." mc"At least she enjoyed it." scene 2part345 with dissolve mc"I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, when suddenly ..." scene 2part346 with dissolve mc"{i}The door opened.{i}" mon"What the fuck?" mc"Holy shit." scene 2part347 with dissolve mon"Oh my God. [player_name], what did you do?" scene BSAAscreen_jpg aut"Thank you for joining me here. This is the final for chapter 2 part 2." aut"This will be the last linear path of the game. Starting with the next update, the decisions you made earlier in the game will have repercussions in the future." aut"Remember to support me on Patreon, if you liked it. I would really appreciate it." scene 2part348 with dissolve aut"And finally, special thanks to: dylan44 and jodan75 for the support." aut"See ya." # This ends the game. jump coffeemod