# The script of the game goes in this file. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. define mc = Character("MC", color = "#0174DF") image mc intro = "mc_intro" define Juno = Character("Juno", color = "#FA58F4") define Valerie = Character("Valerie", color = "#81F7F3") define Mom = Character("Veronica", color = "#01A9DB") define Natalya = Character("Natalya", color = "#04B486") define Lia = Character("Lia", color = "#31B404") define Kendall = Character("Kendall", color = "#FFFF00") define Kate = Character("Kate", color ="#BCA9F5") define Jade = Character("Jade", color = "#FE9A2E") define May = Character("May", color = "#B45F04") define bffs = Character("Aaliyah & Neveah", color = "#A901DB") define Aaliyah = Character("Aaliyah", color = "#0000FF") define Neveah = Character("Neveah", color = "#FF0040") define Callista = Character("Callista", color = "#5F04B4") define John = Character("John", color = "#6E6E6E") define Louise = Character("Louise", color = "#6E6E6E") define Random = Character("???", color = "#070719") define Randombffs =Character("??? & ???", color = "#A901DB") define Tom = Character("Tom", color = "#610B0B") define LadyinGold = Character("Lady in Gold", color= "#B18904") define LadyinWhite = Character("Lady in White", color= "#000000") # The game starts here. label start: # Show a background. This uses a placeholder by default, but you can # add a file (named either "bg room.png" or "bg room.jpg") to the # images directory to show it. play music "audio/Title.mp3" fadein 2.0 scene bg_black show mc intro "Welcome to Juno's Task!" "In this VN, you star as an 18 year-old man who has to temporarily live with his mom and sister for the summer." "You will soon realize, that something else is at play in this new place...but what is it?" $ mc = renpy.input("Choose the MC's name", default="MC") "Great!" "Now to begin the story :)" stop music fadeout 2.0 label JohnHouse: play music "audio/JohnHouse.mp3" fadein 2.0 show 0_1 with dissolve John "Hey Sport! Today's the big day!" mc "Dad...I'm going to college after summer break..." mc "You don't have to still keep calling me \"sport\" like I'm a kid." John "I know, I know... I'm just excited for your trip this summer." show 0_2 with dissolve mc "Yeah I guess I would be more excited if it wasn't under these bad circumstances..." John "I know [mc]... you grew up in this house and its tough that we have to let it go..." John "But my business plan will solve all that, I promise!" mc "Dad..." John "Hey I'm telling you, these Europeans will be shocked by how good your father's facility plans are." John "We'll buy two of these houses with the cash I'll be bringing in!" mc "Yeah you're right, I should be more positive anyways." show 0_3 with dissolve John "Listen Spor- uh...I mean [mc], the place you are going to is a really cool spot." John "I was looking up the town the other day, and apparently, during the ancient times it was considered the \"Hedonism capital of the world\" and \"Fertility Gods and Goddesses roamed through experiencing every sort of physical pleasure\"!" John "Hell, that seems like a good sign to me! Maybe it will be your time to get out of your shell and y'know get a girlfriend." John "And even if all of that isn't true, your sister, Valerie, apparently knows a lot of pretty hot ladies!" show 0_4 with dissolve mc "Uh thanks Dad for looking out for me but with my luck, me going to a former \"Hedonism Capital\" probably won't get me closer to having a girlfriend." mc "And on top of that, I am sure that Valerie won't force her friends to date me." mc "But I promise I'll do my best to get some \"action\" ha ha." play sound "audio/Car Horn.ogg" volume 0.2 "" stop sound John "Oh I guess that's your cab for the airport." John "Well Sport, it looks like it's time we say our goodbyes." show 0_5 with dissolve John "C'mon, bring it in." mc "*struggling* T-thanks Dad, I'll message you when I arrive, and let me know when you leave to Europe, ok?" John "Will do [mc], should be a good summer for the both of us." show 0_6 with dissolve John "Hey [mc]! Those ladies don't know what's coming!" John "[mc] the Sex God is coming to their town!" mc "Ha Ha very funny Dad, I'll see you at the end of the summer" John "Sounds good, have fun [mc]!" scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 mc "Man, these financial times have been hard on the two of us..." mc "But it's nice to see Dad was in good spirits and excited with his business project..." mc "...also was nice that Mom is letting me stay at her new house over the summer." mc "Especially since we basically got kicked out of our house a couple weeks ago." mc "They divorced when I was pretty young, so I've only spoken to her on the phone a couple times." mc "But hey...at least there is someone my age around I can talk to...even if it is my sister." mc "Damn..." mc "This summer's going to be interesting..." show 0_7 with dissolve play music "audio/Day.mp3" fadein 2.0 mc "Well... I guess this is the place." mc "It's a pretty nice house, I wonder what Mom did to get it?" show 0_9 with dissolve play sound "audio/Door Knock 1.ogg" volume 0.5 mc "Damn these are some big doors, I wonder if she will even be able to hear me?" show 0_8 with dissolve mc "Maybe she forgot I was coming..." play sound "audio/Door 04.ogg" volume 0.7 show 0_10 with dissolve Mom "Oh my God...[mc], it's nice to finally see my baby again!" mc "(Holy shit...)" mc "(...I don't remember my Mom looking like this!?)" mc "Uhh it's nice to see you too, Mom." show 0_11 with dissolve Mom "Your father was definitely right...you grew up to be very handsome young man." mc "Uhhh thanks Mom..." Mom "Honey, your jaw is wide open...is everything alright?" mc "I am sorry...it's a little weird but: " mc "I almost completely forgot how you looked like." Mom "Yeah sadly its been so long since we saw each other." Mom "*giggling* You probably remember me with all that baby fat after I was pregnant with you." show 0_12 with dissolve Mom "Let's get inside, I am sure the trip was tiring and you just want to settle down." mc "Uhhh...yeah that sounds like a good idea." show 0_13 with dissolve mc "Wow Mom, this place is really nice!" mc "Large, modern, sleek,..." Mom "Hot..." show 0_14 with dissolve mc "It doesn't seem hot at all to me." Mom "Oh sorry, I was thinking about something else..." mc "Don't worry about it...uh is it rude of me to ask but..." mc "Mom, how were you able to afford this house?" Mom "No it's not rude at all!" show 0_15 with dissolve Mom "I started modeling when I was pretty young. Y'know for clothing companies and stuff." Mom "Then, I was given an opportunity to do a more \"alternative\" modeling gig." mc "Oh Dad never told me you used to be a model!" mc "What magazines were they for?" mc "I don't think I have seen any of them." show 0_16 with dissolve Mom "Well...most of them are usually in the back of a store wrapped in plastic." Mom "What types of magazines..." Mom "Let's see...I was a nurse, teacher, cheerleader, secretary, space alien... for a couple covers." Mom "And also I was considered \"model of the month\" a couple times in a row." Mom "Oh I almost forgot! Also for a short time I lived in a \"mansion with other models\"." mc "\"Mansion with other models\"?" show 0_17 with dissolve Mom "But anyways, that's how I got this house." Mom "I was able to save up enough money and afford it pretty easily after the divorce with your father." mc "Wow that's crazy. I'm guessing you don't have to work much now." Mom "Yeah, I am pretty much retired, the only source of income I get is from your sister, but I really just like her around for the company." show 0_18 with dissolve Mom "Speaking of...Hey Val!" Mom "[mc] just arrived a couple minutes." Valerie "Oh sweet! Good timing." show 0_19 with dissolve Valerie "Hey [mc]!" Valerie "When Mom told me you were coming, I was stoked to see my wittle-bitty brother again." show 0_20 with dissolve Valerie "I think this summer is gonna be pretty crazy and fun, especially since college starts for us in the fall!" Valerie "Definitely need to make sure it's one to remember hehe." scene show 0_21 with dissolve Mom "Your father never told me but... do you have a girlfriend [mc]?" mc "Uhh a girlfriend?" Valerie "C'mon Mom, he's definitely the type that likes to hookup." Mom "I don't know, he seems more monogamous to me." mc "I...actually don't have much going on for the moment..." show 0_22 with dissolve mc "Woah!" Valerie "Don't worry [mc] you're now living in a female-dominated house so we can help you out in the girl department." Mom "I'm not dating myself, but I am sure I can show you some pointers that I learned in my younger days." mc "uhhh...I...uhhh..need...." Valerie "A bunch of my friends would be all over him, he wouldn't need to talk any game at all." Mom "Oh [mc]! If you did happen to bring anyone around, don't worry, we won't make a fuss of it." show 0_23 with dissolve mc "I think I'm gonna head to bed to rest a little bit, my room's upstairs right?" Mom "Y-yeah to the right...I forgot you had a pretty long day..." Valerie "What!? It's so early [mc], and we just met!" mc "Oh don't worry I just need to rest a bit and then we can talk more later." show 0_24 with dissolve mc "I'll see you guys in an hour or two...*yawn*." Mom "Don't worry sweetie, do what's best for you. We will talk when you are rested up." Valerie "...see ya later [mc]." mc "Will just be for a short bit!" show 0_25 with dissolve Valerie "Un-freaking-believable!" Valerie "Finally get to see brother again after so long and he goes to bed early like an old person!" Mom "Calm down Val. He just took a long plane trip and this is a new place to him." Mom "I am sure we will get to hangout a lot with him this summer." Valerie "It's just...it's just..." show 0_26 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 Valerie "...There's something about him that peaks my interest." Mom "I know what you mean...wooh I still can't believe he's my son?" scene show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_27 with dissolve play music "audio/Sleepy.mp3" volume 0.6 fadein 2.0 mc "So this is my room...I guess it will be alright..." show 0_28 with dissolve mc "Dammit, Why did I lock up so much. It's not like I never talked to my family before." mc "This just felt different...like they were drawn to me or something." show 0_29 mc "It doesn't matter!" mc "As soon as I get up from this nap, I will be confident and talk to them like a man!" show 0_30 play sound "audio/Snore 2.ogg" mc "*snoring*" scene show 0_300 stop sound fadeout 1.0 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 Random "Look at you..." Random "Oh you will be PERFECT for my challenge." Random "And it seems like my little handicap is working out for you *giggling*." show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_31 play music "audio/Morning.mp3" volume 0.6 fadein 2.0 mc "Ahhhh....damnit....did I fall asleep?" mc "I could have sworn I closed my eyes for only a minute..." mc "And what was that weird dream?" show 0_32 play sound "audio/Door 04.ogg" volume 0.7 mc "What? Is that the door?" Valerie "Sleepyhead, Mom made you breakfast, are you coming down..." show 0_33 with dissolve Valerie "Oh shit!" mc "Woah woah woah, it's not what looks like!" Valerie "Wow [mc]..." Valerie "I don't remember it being that big when used to take baths together..." mc "I just woke-up like this, honestly!" show 0_34 with dissolve Valerie "Take it easy bro, I won't say anything to Mom." Valerie "*giggling* I'll just say you were doing \"morning stretches\"." mc "Uhhh yeah tell her I will be downstairs soon!" Valerie "Whatever you say, stallion hehe." show 0_35 with dissolve mc "Ohhh what a great start to my day ughhhh." mc "I have to convince Valerie I wasn't doing anything bad, so she doesn't think I am some kind of perv." scene show 0_36 with dissolve play sound "audio/Frying Bacon.ogg" volume 0.5 mc "They are both at the kitchen. I just need to play it cool" show 0_37 with dissolve stop sound fadeout 1.0 mc "*yawn* Good morning everyone! Sorry, I didn't mean to sleep that much." Mom "No worries [mc], you had a big day yesterday." Mom "How about you take a seat next to your sister and I will make you some breakfast." mc "Awesome, thanks Mom." show 0_38 with dissolve mc "H-hey Val, about this morning..." Valerie "Hmm mmm yeah." mc "Well, I wasn't exactly in control of myself...so I didn't mean for it to...uhh get like that." Valerie "Cool cool..." mc "Uhhhh Val?" mc "Did you hear what I said?" show 0_39 with dissolve Valerie "Stupid dating app!" Valerie "All these guys are either creeps or douchebags!" Valerie "It's never gonna work out like this!" mc "What isn't going to work out?" Valerie "I know it is going to sound childish but..." Valerie "I really wanted to find my \"Summer Love\" this summer." mc "\"Summer Love\"?" show 0_40 with dissolve Valerie "Yeah, like the ones in the movies, y'know, college is about to start, they fall in love and eventually have to make a choice to leave or stay?" mc "Hey don't worry Val, summer just started, don't get stressed now." mc "That kind of love can't be found on apps." mc "You have to explore the world and find them." mc "And who knows...they might be in front of you this whole time?" show 0_41 with dissolve Valerie "You're right [mc]!" mc "I am?" Valerie "I'm still young and got a fire in my heart! Nothing should stop me from finding my true Summer Love!" mc "Uhhh...yeah don't get discouraged about it." show 0_42 with dissolve Valerie "You are the sweetest brother any sister could have, [mc]." mc "Heh...thanks Val." show 0_43 with dissolve Valerie "Now I got to get ready and go love searching right away!" Valerie "It doesn't matter if I meet a hundred men! I will reach my summer goal!" mc "Wait Val, that's....not exactly what I meant..." Valerie "See ya [mc], see ya Mom!" Mom "Bye Val! And [mc], here is your breakfast." mc "Thanks..." scene show 0_44 with dissolve mc "...Mom" Mom "I wasn't sure if you would like it but it's honestly the only thing I can cook well." mc "It's perfect..." show 0_45 with dissolve Mom "Everything alright [mc]?" mc "Y-yeah..." Mom "Do you want something to drink? Water, juice, coffee,..." Mom "Milk?" mc "Breast..." show 0_46 with dissolve Mom "Sorry what was that?" mc "Bread! A slice of bread if you have any? Ha Ha yeah that would be perfect." show 0_47 with dissolve Mom "Oh ok, no problem." Mom "Two slices of breast-uh I mean bread coming up *giggling*." mc "Hehe...yeah (why do I keep fucking this up?!?)." scene show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_48 with dissolve Mom "Wow [mc], and to think you used to be a picky eater when you were small, huh?" mc "Haha yeah sorry I was just starving and the food was amazing." Mom "That's great to hear! I can cook for you at anytime you like, I love it." mc "Will definitely take you up on that offer, Mom!" show 0_49 with dissolve Mom "So what are you plans for your first offical day here?" mc "I was thinking of exploring around the area, do you have any suggestions?" Mom "I can write them down for you but off the top of my head:" Mom "There is a clothing store, a gym, a clinic, if you get hurt or anything, and the local library." Mom "The rest we would need a car to get there, but I need my car for the day." mc "What plans do you have today, Mom?" show 0_50 with dissolve Mom "Well I promised this guy I would go on a date with him and I haven't been on a date since I met your father." Mom "So...that's why I said yes." mc "You don't look too excited about it?" Mom "Yeah...I just am not that into him and also I am getting a dress today that Val ordered, so I have no clue how that will end up." mc "Well if you don't feel 100 percent comfortable with the date, just be honest and cancel." Mom "That's true...I will see as the day goes on." show 0_51 with dissolve Mom "But don't let my troubles bring you down, how about you go get your day started." mc "Ok sounds good, I guess I will see you before you leave." scene show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_52 with dissolve mc "Man, maybe it will be good for me to go out and reset for a little bit." mc "It looks like I didn't completely lose Mom and Val's opinion of me..." mc "...So I will come up with a strategy while I am out, to improve their opinion of me." show 0_53 with dissolve mc "Hmmm I kind of need to go to the bathroom before I go." mc "Just have to remember which room it is?" scene show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_54 with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 play music "audio/Day.mp3" volume 0.6 fadein 2.0 mc "Damn, I came here before taking that nap last night but I can't remember which door is the bathroom?" show 0_55 with dissolve mc "I think Val's room is to the left...and the bathroom is...straight ahead." show 0_56 with dissolve show 0_57 with dissolve play sound "audio/Shower.ogg" volume 0.6 fadein 1.0 mc "Huh, the shower seems to be still on?" show 0_58 with dissolve mc "Val must have left, so that must be Mom?" stop sound fadeout 1.0 mc "(It seems like the shower just stopped...)" mc "(Maybe...I can take just a little peak...)" show 0_59 with dissolve mc "(It is Mom!)" mc "(I can't believe Dad was able to marry a girl like her!)" show 0_60 with dissolve mc "(I will stay for a bit but I have to be careful)" scene show 0_61 with dissolve "" show 0_62 with dissolve "" show 0_63 with dissolve Mom "*breathe out* God I needed this.." Mom "My body was feeling so hot recently." mc "*whisper* Oh man..." show 0_64 with dissolve Mom "Uhh hello?" scene show 0_65 with dissolve play sound "audio/Door 15.ogg" volume 0.6 mc "I'm such a moron!" mc "There's no way she didn't see me." Valerie "Ahem...what's going on [mc]" show 0_66 mc "Eeeek! Val!" show 0_67 with dissolve Valerie "Were you peeking into the bathroom?" mc "I...needed to use it and I closed the door as soon as I saw someone was in there." show 0_68 with dissolve mc "Why are you even here? I thought you left?" Valerie "I didn't know what to wear so I took extra time." Valerie "Also there is more than one bathroom so why would go to this one?" show 0_69 with dissolve mc "I'm still getting used to the place and I uhhh was only familiar with this one." Valerie "Uh-huh okaaay..." mc "I actually need to go pretty badly, so gotta go!" show 0_70 with dissolve Valerie "Wooah woah come back [mc] I got to ask you a couple more questions." mc "I will see you later today, have a good one Val." show 0_71 with dissolve Valerie "I have to find a way to be alone with him..." Valerie "I think I have a proposition that we would both be happy with." show 0_72 with dissolve Mom "Hey Val." Valerie "Oh hey Mom, what's up?" show 0_73 with dissolve Mom "Can I ask you an awkward question?" Valerie "Yeah no problem, what's up?" Mom "I only caught it for a second but...was [mc] spying on me?" Valerie "[mc]?" Mom "Yeah...I just thought I saw him spying on me but it could just be because I've been tired recently." show 0_74 with dissolve Valerie "Oh don't worry Mom!" Valerie "As soon as he got to the door, I told him you were in there and he closed it." Mom "Oh...ok, thank you." show 0_75 with dissolve Valerie "Don't worry, I wouldn't lie to you Mom. Anyways [mc] is still getting adjusted to being here so he is not completely settled in." Mom "Yeah you're right I just hope he feels comfortable." Valerie "Believe me Mom, next chance I spend time with him, I'll make sure he feels very comfortable." scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 "" play music "audio/ClothingBoutique.mp3" fadein 2.0 show 0_76 with dissolve mc "Well, I guess this is my first spot...." mc "Uhhh I don't think this clothing store is for me, but I might as well check it out." show 0_77 with dissolve mc "Woah, who are they?" show 0_78 with dissolve LadyinWhite "*giggling* Is he still staring at us?" LadyinGold "Oh yeah he is..." LadyinGold "He's cute, I'm sure your daughters would love him." LadyinWhite "Oh yes they would. I'll try to invite him to our next family gathering." show 0_79 with dissolve mc "Man, some of the ladies here are so hot." show 0_80 play sound "audio/Body Hit 01.ogg" mc "Oh excuse me, I'm sorry." Callista "Uhh can I help you find the local thrift store sir?" mc "Thrift store? Uhh no I was checking this place out." show 0_81 with dissolve Callista "Oh how careless of me, I just thought you came to the wrong store." Callista "Well at least it looked like you, did?" Callista "I am Callista, the store owner, and I am very particular about what happens in my store." mc "I'm just gonna take a look around..." show 0_82 Callista "Oh are you? Or are you going to eye-fuck my customers that come in!?" mc "No no no, honestly I am just here to see what clothes you have!" show 0_83 with dissolve Callista "Oh there I go again, being so quick to judge." Callista "Well sir, my apologies, feel free to look around." mc "Uhh thanks, I guess..." show 0_84 with dissolve mc "Man, what a bitch..." mc "I better be careful and get out of here quick." show 0_85 with dissolve mc "Hmmm there really is nothing here." show 0_86 with dissolve mc "I mean look at this shirt! $900 for this!?" mc "I guess there is no point in looking around this expensive garbage." show 0_87 with dissolve Randombffs "*giggling* That tickles!" mc "It sounds like there are more than one person in that changing room..." show 0_88 with dissolve play sound "audio/Door Knock 1.ogg" volume 0.6 mc "Ummm hello?" Randombffs "Shooo Shooo...ahem come on in?" mc "In?" Randombffs "Yeeeah *giggling*." show 0_89 with dissolve mc "Uhhh hey." bffs "Hiii!" Aaliyah "Looks like someone was a little curious?" Neveah "And that someone's pretty cute." mc "I'm guessing you ladies weren't changing in there were you haha?" show 0_90 with dissolve Aaliyah "We are just two twins who love to play with each other." Neveah "Since we were in the womb together..." Neveah "...We do everything together. Even change together." mc "What are some other things you like to do?" Aaliyah "Well, everything of course! But one particular thing we do love most is:" Neveah "Sharing!" bffs "*giggling*" show 0_91 with dissolve mc "You know I like sharing too!" mc "Would you be open to doing that with me, perhaps?" Aaliyah "Yeah I think we would be down for that." Neveah "It's not like everyday a cute boy stumbles upon two twins caressing eachother." Aaliyah "So, should we get started?" mc "Yes!" show 0_92 with dissolve bffs "*gasp*...Mother!" mc "Mother? Oh do you want to call her to join us too?" show 0_93 with dissolve mc "Uhh you know maybe we should do this somewhere else, I think that bitch my catch us." Callista "Ahem." show 0_94 with dissolve Callista "Ha Ha well this bitch did catch you and my two daughters." mc "Oh...your there...mother..." Callista "I don't know what's worse: a perv peeking into the women's dressing room or that my two daughters constantly fuck in there?" mc "Ma'am I can explain." show 0_95 with dissolve Callista "Get the fuck out of here." mc "Yes ma'am." show 0_96 with dissolve Callista "Should be ashamed of yourself! What would your mother think of this!?" mc "I am sorry again ma'am, I'm going, I'm going." show 0_97 with dissolve Callista "Something tells me that young man will be back here tomorrow and I can't wait!" show 0_98 with dissolve Callista "Now don't think I forgot about you two girls!" Callista "This is the third time this month that you have left your break for too long and I find you messing around with each other!" Callista "Is that proper behavior?" bffs "No mother." Callista "Now girls..." show 0_99 with dissolve Callista "What kind of mom would I be if I didn't at least give you two another chance?" Callista "Of course...not without punishment..." show 0_100 with dissolve Neveah "Oh please Mother can I go get the ball gags?" Aaliyah "Oh oh and I will get the whip and paddle!" Callista "We can do all those things girls, but first we must lock up shop." bffs "Yes Mother!" show 0_101 with dissolve mc "Damn, I got to come back here tomorrow and apologize." mc "There is no way I would miss out being with those two twins." scene show 0black with dissolve show 0_102 play music "audio/Gym.mp3" fadein 2.0 mc "So this is the gym around here." mc "Seems pretty big." mc "I should go sign-up for a membership so I can get in good shape for the summer." show 0_103 with dissolve mc "Hello, I would like to get a membership please?" Tom "Uhhh yeah yeah." mc "Hello? Hey man can you help me get a membership?" show 0_104 with dissolve Tom "Looking at the computer now, its been really bogged down lately." mc "Uhhh but there is nobody here right now?" mc "Can I just do a paper sign-up?" Tom "Paper is bogged down too." mc "What? How?" show 0_105 with dissolve Lia "Hey Tom!" Tom "Lia! What's up, I'll get you signed in. I thought it was your day off?" show 0_106 with dissolve Lia "Yeah I should probably rest after that big leg day yesterday but I thought I should at least do some abs today" show 0_107 with dissolve Lia "Don't want to get too behind for the competition this summer!" show 0_108 with dissolve Lia "Oh hey, I don't think we have met before, I am Lia, what's your name?" mc "My name is [mc], nice to meet you." Lia "Are you getting a gym membership?" mc "Yeah I was trying to at least. I want to get back into shape for the summer." Lia "I think that is great!" show 0_109 with dissolve Tom "In fact Lia, he was asking me about my training routine and how I got this vascular?" mc "What the hell are you talking about?" Lia "Oh was he, Tom?" show 0_110 with dissolve Lia "Like that girl last week who you told me said that she couldn't help but notice your \"15 incher\"?" Tom "Exactly like that!" show 0_111 with dissolve Lia "Well when you get your membership sorted out, maybe we can train together?" mc "Oh yeah I would love that!" Lia "Cool!" show 0_112 with dissolve Lia "Ok boys, it was fun to chat but I got to get my work out in before its too late." Tom "Ok cool Lia." mc "Yeah sounds good, it was nice meeting you." show 0_113 with dissolve Lia "And [mc]...I can't wait to see you around, I have feeling you know your fitness stuff." mc "Oh definitely, I'll show you a thing or two maybe ha ha?" show 0_114 with dissolve mc "Lia..." show 0_115 with dissolve Tom "Come here!" mc "Woah what the-" show 0_116 with dissolve Tom "Listen here little punk bitch, Lia is mine!" Tom "I have worked way to hard to get with that chick, that I am not going to let some frail bitch like you ruin it all!" mc "Ergghh...it looks like she likes me already more than you, so good luck!" Natalya "Umm when you boys are finished I need help with something." show 0_117 with dissolve Natalya "You can wrestle when I leave ok but first I need to talk to someone." Tom "Oh hey Natalya, yeah I can talk now." show 0_118 with dissolve Natalya "Tom, my daughter left this in my car last training session, I need you to give it to her." Tom "No problem-o!" Natalya "Thank you Tom." show 0_119 with dissolve Natalya "Hey look at me." mc "Uhhh.." Natalya "You have good frame, just need more muscle and bully will be no problem, ok?" mc "Uhh thank you." Natalya "No problem darling." show 0_120 with dissolve Natalya "Now you go and have a nice day ok?" show 0_121 with dissolve Tom "Don't waste your time with him, Natalya. Train with someone like me?" Natalya "Nyet!" Natalya "I rather cut my thumb off than train with you, durak!" show 0_122 with dissolve Tom "Well the offer will still stand next time!" Natalya "*cursing in Russian*" show 0_123 with dissolve Tom "Man, I love when she speaks poetry to me." Tom "To think, I might fuck Lia and her mom." mc "So that's Lia's mom?" Tom "Not like that will matter to you loser." show 0_124 with dissolve Tom "Because I am bringing this to Lia, as her faithful friend and soon to be fuck-buddy?" mc "Man you're such an asshole!" Tom "Get used to it, cause when I am around, you won't ever get a membership here." show 0_125 with dissolve Tom "Lia! Lia! I got something for you!" Lia "Calm down Tom, what is it?" mc "Shit, I have to get a membership here somehow..." mc "And now my neck hurts, I guess I will check that clinic out after all." scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 show 0_126 with dissolve play music "audio/Hospital.mp3" fadein 2.0 mc "So this is the clinic, huh?" mc "Maybe there is a hot nurse that can check something other than my neck, like my crotch!" mc "Genius idea! I will go ask now." show 0_127 with dissolve mc "Ahem." show 0_128 with dissolve mc "Umm excuse me ma'am can I speak with a nurse?" Louise "Why yes you can. What can I help you with?" scene show 0_129 with dissolve mc "Well...I have a strain in my crotch area." Louise "Oh dear, yeah that definitely seems like something that can be taken care of." Louise "How deep is the strain?" mc "Oh it's all the way near my uhhh private area." show 0_130 with dissolve Louise "Now that is something I can help you with personally." mc "No no that does not seem necessary, you look busy." Louise "Here sonny, it won't take long. How about you come to the back of the reception area and we deal with it here and now?" mc "I am actually all better now, and got somewhere to be. Thank you so much!" show 0_131 with dissolve mc "Oh I'm sorry, second time today that I've done that." Kate "Oh your fine I was way too close to you anyways." show 0_132 with dissolve Kate "I'm very clumsy, so bumping into people is a common occurence for me haha." mc "Hey are you a nurse here?" show 0_133 with dissolve Kate "Yes and no. I am training to be a nurse over the summer. My name's Kate." Kate "How about you, what brings you here? You look like a student." mc "Oh yeah I am staying here over the summer and will go to college in the fall." show 0_134 with dissolve Kate "What are you studying?" mc "I am studying...ahh...medicine!" Kate "Oh that's awesome, and that's why you probably were motivated to tour the clinic." mc "Well actually, I think I pulled my groin and was looking for assistance with it?" show 0_135 with dissolve Kate "Hmmm your abductor muscles must be a bit inflamed after trauma to the area...I can probably take a look at it." mc "Wait, you can actually help me with my groin?!" show 0_136 with dissolve Kate "Yeah in fact I was told by many patients that I have very soft hands, so that should work." mc "That would actually be perfect! Let's go get that handled with right away!" Louise "Hold on just a darn second!" show 0_137 with dissolve mc "Ahhh!" Louise "Kate, deary, you are very busy with your studies." Louise "And this young man looks like he needs someone who is a veteran in the field of medicine." Kate "Oh I guess your right, he's all yours then Louise. I guess I will go back to my rotation." mc "*strained* No no no don't go just yet, help me!" Kendall "What the hell is going on?" scene show 0_138 with dissolve Louise "Hello Dr. Kendall I was just about to give this patient some care." Kate "Hi Mama!" mc "Jeez, she has the grip of a gorilla, ow!" mc "(And did she just say \"Mama\")." show 0_139 with dissolve Kendall "Well I think two nurses groping a potential patient is not gonna look great to the medical board." Kendall "So either bring him care or refer him to another clinic." show 0_140 with dissolve play sound "audio/Lighter 3.ogg" volume 0.6 Kendall "Kate, while I have you here, could you check on Mr. Williams in the B Ward. I think he pulled his groin or something." show 0_141 with dissolve Kendall "Huh!?" Kate "Oh Mom, you must've forgotten again but you aren't allowed to smoke in the clinic." show 0_142 with dissolve Kendall "Hey what are you doing!?" Kate "Wait, should I dispose of this in a proper cigarette bin?" Kate "Also Mom, should I request for more \"No Smoking Signs\" so that it is easier for you to remember?" show 0_143 with dissolve Kendall "No Kate, you don't have to do that. Now go see Mr. Williams!" Kate "Oh yes! I will go right away!" Kendall "*whispers* That was my last goddamn cigarette..." Kendall "To think, me and that girl are related..." show 0_144 with dissolve Kate "Oh sir, I never got your name?" mc "Oh it's [mc]." Kate "[mc]? I love the ring of it! I hope to see you soon so we can talk about different medical practices." mc "Yeah I would love that!" show 0_145 with dissolve mc "(I know absolutely nothing about medicine...)" Kendall "Seems like you really dig my daughter, huh?" show 0_146 with dissolve mc "Oh she was just very nice with me that's all." Kendall "Don't worry kid, you're not in trouble." Kendall "She's a cute girl and you're the only boy she seems to take a liking to." mc "You think so?" Kendall "Uh huh but let me tell you something..." show 0_147 with dissolve Kendall "She's got her intelligence from MY side of the family...but her clumsiness from her father's side." mc "Oh really? That's fine..." play sound "audio/Body Hit 04.ogg" volume 0.7 show 0_148 with dissolve Kendall "Are you ok honey?" Kate "Arghhh...yeah I'm good no worries." Kendall "Well..good luck [mc]." show 0_149 with dissolve Kendall "Believe me, the sooner she gets a boyfriend, the sooner she is out of my hair." Kendall "So I'm rooting for ya!" Kendall "(Now to find a cigarette before she comes back.)" Louise "Now where were we." show 0_150 with dissolve mc "Woah...uhhh remember what the doctor said, Louise!?" Louise "Sonny, experience beats youth anyday...I know what I am doing." Louise "Now we can do it in the office or the lobby, your choice." show 0_1500 mc "You are very sweet Louise...but I actually am running late, I forgot to return my books to the library and I don't want to pay a late fee..." Louise "Oh but this won't take any longer than half an hour." mc "Yeah...I'm gonna head out now, thanks for everything." show 0_151 with dissolve Louise "I'll delay death to be with you!" mc "(Shit I got to figure out a way to get an appointment without her being there.)" scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 "" play music "audio/Library.mp3" show 0_152 with dissolve mc "My last stop for the day: the local library." mc "Never really gone to one before today but this seems nice." show 0_153 with dissolve mc "Now what books could I possibly get to help me with my dating game?" May "Do you need help sir?" show 0_154 with dissolve mc "Oh yes if you can?" May "Of course." show 0_155 with dissolve May "Now do you have any specific things in mind you are looking for?" mc "Uhh let me think for a second..." show 0_156 with dissolve mc "Hmm Yes, I need: a modern fashion book, a weightlifing book, an introduction to medicine book and a summer romantic book?" May "Wow...that's quite a list. I've got to say it's nice to see a young man like yourself, indulging in a lot of reading." mc "Oh it's just there are a lot of things that interest me ha ha." May "We may have some of those books you are asking for here..." show 0_157 with dissolve May "Aggghh let's see...intro to surfing, president biography, kamasutra, latest edition alamanac and Greek history..." mc "Did you look down further?" May "Yup I did...still nothing." show 0_158 with dissolve May "Here let me check the upstairs' returns and I will get back to you." mc "Sure thing, I will just look around." May "Great!" show 0_159 with dissolve mc "Hmmm I guess I can check some books out while I wait...but I am just interested in those ones..." Jade "Hey black shirt...over here." show 0_160 with dissolve mc "Me?" Jade "No the guy with the red shirt... yes you!" show 0_161 with dissolve mc "Is there something you want?" Jade "I've never seen you around here before and just wanted to know what your \"deal\" was." mc "Oh I am [mc], and I am staying here over the summer until I start college." show 0_162 with dissolve Jade "Uh huh...I feel like there is more to you than you are leading on..." Jade "Here come take a seat next to me." mc "Sure." show 0_163 with dissolve Jade "So who are you staying with?" mc "My mom and my sister, Valerie." Jade "Oh Val, I know her...she's a cool chick." mc "Sorry, just one thing quickly:" mc "Can I just ask...is that knife...real?" show 0_164 with dissolve Jade "Oh this? Yeah it's real, pretty sharp too." Jade "Why? Do you want to mess with it?" mc "Uhhh I think I'll pass." show 0_165 with dissolve play sound "audio/Body Hit 03.ogg" volume 0.6 mc "Hey! Ahhh so...you don't seem like the kind of person who would be hanging around at library." Jade "Hahaha yeah and working at one." mc "Wait you work here?" Jade "It's a long story but I guess I can summarize it." show 0_166 with dissolve Jade "Let's see...well after I lit a cheerleader's hair on fire, I was given one last warning on my destructive behavior." Jade "Of course this happened at the same time that my ex-boyfriend kidnapped someone who stole his drug money." Jade "And I was driving the car, which of course got me implicated with the crime but only on a sort of \"behavioral probation\" while he went to jail." Jade "So my mom offered to \"rehabilitate\" me over the course of the summer and that's what lead me here." mc "Wow...that's a lot." show 0_167 with dissolve Jade "Now tell me about you? You seem like a wild guy." mc "Wild?" show 0_168 with dissolve Jade "Yeah you seem different. This town is so boring and it's rare to find someone who gives off your energy." mc "Hmm where do I start..." Jade "How about the wildest thing you have ever done?" mc "Oh yeah I can do that...well it all started in a...uhhh" mc "Convenience store! That's it!" scene show 0black with dissolve "" show 0_169 with dissolve mc "Me and my guys came in crashing into the store as soon as we saw the armored truck deliver the cash deposit." Jade "Ooooh super risky." mc "I had to open the vault with a screwdriver and it ended up being a pretty big stash." Jade "No fucking way! Then what happened?" show 0_170 with dissolve mc "Well..." mc "The poor cashier was trying to be a hero and one of my guys was being erratic and shot him in the leg." Jade "Man, that's ruthless!" mc "This was before the cops almost surrounded us and got one of my guys in the shoulder as I narrowly escaped..." show 0_171 with dissolve Jade "That is the most hardcore shit I have ever heard." mc "Yeah well that is partly why I am here for the summer." mc "To keep a low profile and y'know, start fresh before I go to college." show 0_172 with dissolve Jade "Hey that was super hardcore but can I show you something hardcore I did yesterday?" mc "Uhhh yeah definitely." Jade "Check these out!" show 0_173 with dissolve mc "Oh shit.." Jade "Yeah pretty rad, huh?" Jade "There still hella sensitive too." mc "Man, I bet!" Jade "C'mon you can touch them if you want." mc "Sure!" May "Young lady!" show 0_174 with dissolve mc "Hey Mrs. Librarian..." Jade "Ufff just leave us alone mom, you don't understand [mc] and I." May "Yeah you're right I don't understand why my daughter would flash her breasts in a public library!" Jade "I was just showing him, not everyone else." May "He is a model citizen, something you should be too!" May "To think, you were making so much progress and just flushed it down the drain." show 0_175 with dissolve May "Are those piercings?!" Jade "Yeah do you want to touch them too!" May "My lord! Sir could you please excuse us, I need to speak with her privately." mc "Ok no problem... I'll also just skip on the books for now too..." show 0_176 Jade "See you are always driving my friends away from me!" May "Oh I wish he was your friend, then you would have someone that would lead you to decency!" May "Maybe I should just hire him as your chaperone and then I won't need to have a heart attack everytime I leave you alone for 5 minutes!" Jade "Yeah maybe I would do better then!" mc "(Chaperone? This girl is definitely on a different level but I do want to get to know her better...hmmm I'll see.)" May "And you brought a knife!?" scene show 0black with dissolve "" stop music fadeout 2.0 play music "audio/Afternoonn.mp3" volume 0.9 fadein 2.0 show 0_177 with dissolve mc "Mom? Valerie? I'm back." show 0_178 with dissolve mc "Huh I guess no one is back yet." play sound "audio/Footsteps Heels Concrete Walk.ogg" Mom "Hey [mc] glad you are back home." show 0_179 with dissolve stop sound mc "Mom...wow!" Mom "Oh you are being kind..." Mom "You're brilliant sister picked it out for me." show 0_180 with dissolve Mom "I clearly told her classy, and I guess she heard \"trashy\"." show 0_181 with dissolve Mom "I mean...don't you think it accents my body too much?" Mom "I don't want my date to get the wrong idea of me." mc "No...you look great." Valerie "Hey sexy Momma!" show 0_182 with dissolve Mom "Val I don't think I can deal with you right now!" Valerie "C'mon Mom! You look fantastic!" Valerie "I am jealous your date is going to get all the action." show 0_183 with dissolve Mom "Valerie! What are you doing young lady!" Valerie "I am sorry Mom, you just look yummy, what do you think [mc]?" mc "Uhhh (shit I should stop this right now but I really don't want to!)." Mom "Let go of me now or I am kicking you out of my house!" show 0_184 with dissolve Valerie "Fine, fine! So prude!" Mom "I'm considering ripping this off right now and staying in my bed!" Valerie "I don't get it! Your tits are out during breakfast but it's taboo for a date!" Mom "I like to be comfortable in my home, free from judgement." mc "Hey I think we all should just calm down and not get at each other." show 0_185 with dissolve Mom "[mc] I am really having second thoughts of this and I think I should cancel, what do you think?" Valerie "[mc] she looks great and can't back out now, c'mon tell her!" menu: "Mom I think you should do what you feel comfortable and stay home.": call MomChoice from _call_MomChoice "Valerie is right Mom, at least give it a chance and then you won't have to do it again.": call ValerieChoice from _call_ValerieChoice return label MomChoice: show 0_186 with dissolve Mom "Great! I think that was the right decision! I'm going to change out of this dress" Valerie "Oh my God! All that work for nothing!" Valerie "You're hopeless sometimes Mom!" Valerie "Y'know what? I'm gonna go out instead, while you stay a hermit forever, Mom." Mom "Well, [mc], looks like it will be just the two of us tonight." mc "Sounds good Mom." scene show 0black with dissolve "" stop music fadeout 2.0 play music "audio/Night.mp3" volume 0.8 fadein 2.0 show 0_187 with dissolve mc "I guess it's good that it's just me and Mom, tonight." mc "I feel like I can clear up a lot of the awkwardness I built up in the last couple days." show 0_188 with dissolve Mom "Hey [mc]." mc "Oh hey Mom." show 0_189 with dissolve Mom "I finally got out of that silly dress." Mom "I do feel bad though, since I think it actually did look good on me." Mom "I just didn't want to look that way around a guy I was not that interested with in the first place." mc "I can totally understand that." show 0_190 with dissolve Mom "Now we can finally sit down and talk." Mom "Just move this around and I can then sit with you." show 0_191 with dissolve Mom "Ah lets put this here..." Mom "[mc], I'm sure Val thinks I am a total ass right now!" mc "Ass? No, I don't think she thinks that." show 0_192 with dissolve Mom "Woo...finally comfortable." Mom "So tell me [mc]...how are you liking it here?" mc "It's definitely been an adjustment...but it's getting better as time goes on." Mom "Well that's good at least. It was a big move after all." Mom "...Did you meet any cute girls today?" show 0_193 with dissolve mc "Uhhh why do you ask?" Mom "Oh just being a mom..." Mom "...And no girlfriend right?" mc "Uhhh no...no girlfriend..." Mom "Uh huh, uh huh...." Mom "Can I tell you something [mc]?" mc "Sure of course." show 0_194 with dissolve mc "Woah!" Mom "You've been driving me crazy ever since I first saw you!" mc "I have!?" Mom "Yes!" Mom "My body feels hot around you..." Mom "I feel my womb ache when I am near you..." mc "Your womb!?" mc "(What the hell is going on!?)" Mom "I just HAD to let you know! I am going crazy right now!" mc "Thank you for letting me know Mom...but you do remember I am your son, right?." Mom "Oh...look at your cute lips..." show 0_195 with dissolve mc "Mmm!" mc "(my mom is kissing me!)" show 0_196 with dissolve mc "(Her tongue is moving so violently, it's like she couldn't wait for this kiss)." show 0_197 with dissolve Mom "*bite* So soft..." show 0_198 with dissolve mc "Mom...wow." Mom "*kiss* I've been..*kiss* waiting for this all day..." show 0_199 with dissolve mc "Ooooh my neck!" mc "Man Mom..." show 0_200 with dissolve mc "...I would've never thought you were like this..." mc "...So sexually charged up!" show 0_201 with dissolve mc "Huh?" mc "(Why did she stop?)" Mom "*sniffling*" scene show 0_202 with dissolve Mom "I'm sorry [mc] I shouldn't have done that!" mc "Wait what..hold on Mom." Mom "Your my son...this is so wrong!" Mom "I just lost all self control and made you feel uncomfortable!" mc "Hey Mom you didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all." show 0_203 with dissolve mc "Woah...uhhh.." Mom "See how wet you make me!" Mom "I wanted to show you that this is out of my control." Mom "I just can't stop feeling this way!" mc "(Man, she IS very wet down there!)" show 0_204 with dissolve Mom "*deep breath* Come one Veronica, control yourself." Mom "He is your son and you are his mother....*breathe out*" mc "*squish* Uhh Mom...don't stress out, we haven't seen eachother in awhile..." show 0_205 with dissolve Mom "All better!" mc "Better?" show 0_206 with dissolve Mom "I'm sorry [mc] for that strange outburst." Mom "But I think letting it out, helped me clear it out of my system." mc "So you don't feel the same way anymore?" Mom "Nope, it's all gone!" mc "I guess...that's good." show 0_207 with dissolve mc "Where are you going?" Mom "Oh I just decided that I am going to bed." Mom "I think I will feel a 100 percent by tomorrow." mc "Ok... well goodnight." Mom "Goodnight honey and sorry again for what happened!" Mom "(I need to stick something inside me as soon as possible!)" show 0_208 with dissolve mc "Damnit.." mc "I shouldn't have said anything and let her just continue..." show 0_209 with dissolve mc "Oh my fingers are still \"wet\"?" mc "Maybe just a quick taste..." show 0_210 with dissolve mc "*sucking*" Valerie "[mc] I'm back!" show 0_211 with dissolve mc "Shit!" play sound "audio/Door 04.ogg" volume 0.7 show 0_212 with dissolve Valerie "I think it was good thing that I went out." Valerie "I blew off a lot of steam." show 0_213 with dissolve mc "That's good to know." Valerie "Yeah and I was thinking a lot about the situation." Valerie "I should've just let Mom be comfortable with herself." Valerie "Instead of me pushing her..." Valerie "I'll apologize tomorrow." mc "Yeah don't stress about it too much..." mc "She had a lot of other \"things\" on her mind." show 0_214 with dissolve Valerie "Ummm [mc]..." Valerie "What's all over your hand?" mc "Oh it's just...moisturizer!" Valerie "Only on your left hand?" mc "Yeah I got some weird condition ha ha." Valerie "Weeeeird..." play sound "audio/vibr.mp3" volume 0.8 show 0_215 with dissolve "*vibrating sounds* and *soft moaning*" stop sound fadeout 2.0 mc "What's that sound?" Valerie "Ohhhh I know..." show 0_216 with dissolve Valerie "Mom is probably playing with one of her \"toys\" again." Valerie "But something must've got her all worked up." Valerie "She never does it this early!" Valerie "Whatever!" show 0_217 with dissolve Valerie "Hey [mc] I am gonna head upstairs to my room now." mc "Ok sounds good Val." Valerie "One last thing: " Valerie "I need to speak to you tomorrow about something, if that's ok?" mc "Of course, no problem." Valerie "Great!" Valerie "Well, I guess goodnight!" mc "Goodnight Val!" scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 "" jump EndingofChap0 return label ValerieChoice: show 0_1860 with dissolve Valerie "See Mom, it's gonna be fine! And your date is gonna be so happy to see you!" Mom "UFFF! I'm mainly doing this now to get away from you!" Valerie "Oh come on Mom, you know you love me!" Valerie "And don't worry me and [mc] will have a good night of catching up!" Mom "Whatever, I'm heading out now." scene show 0black with dissolve stop music fadeout 2.0 "" play music "audio/Night.mp3" volume 0.8 fadein 2.0 show 0_187 with dissolve mc "It seems like Valerie had something in particular she wanted to talk about." mc "She caught me a lot in the past day doing inappropriate stuff." mc "Hopefully she is not going to yell at me or anything like that." show 0_1880 with dissolve Valerie "Hey [mc] sorry to keep you waiting." Valerie "I just wanted to get comfortable before we spoke." show 0_1890 with dissolve Valerie "I think it will be good for the two of us to discuss some things." Valerie "It's also easier when Mom isn't here." Valerie "Something only brothers and sisters can talk about." mc "Yeah I get that." show 0_1900 with dissolve Valerie "Hey [mc], looks like you are on my side of the couch." mc "Your side?" Valerie "Yeah that's my favorite spot you are sitting on." mc "Uhhh ok...let me just move then..." Valerie "No you can stay there actually." show 0_1910 with dissolve mc "Woah what are you doing!?" Valerie "I am just getting comfortable!" Valerie "We can just share this spot today *giggling*." show 0_1920 with dissolve Valerie "Allll bettter!" Valerie "I don't remember it being so \"hard\" before hehe." mc "Uhhh Valerie could you just ask me what you wanted to talk about it?" show 0_1930 with dissolve Valerie "Well...let's first makeup for lost time." Valerie "How about our favorite interests?" Valerie "You start." mc "Well...I like to watch basketball and play videogames...I guess?" Valerie "Ok, ok...." Valerie "Now I will go..." show 0_1940 with dissolve Valerie "My favorite interest is sex." mc "*gulp* R-really?" Valerie "Yeah it's one of those things that's always on my mind." Valerie "I haven't done it much, but I always think about it." Valerie "It expresses total freedom with your body and I dig that." Valerie "Since I got caught onto this \"Summer Love\" idea..." Valerie "...I haven't really had a chance to explore it more." show 0_1950 with dissolve Valerie "So I'll make a proposition for you: " Valerie "I will still search for my \"Summer Love\" but..." Valerie "Every now and again, you and I can mess around with each other." show 0_1960 with dissolve Valerie "Sound like a plan [mc]?" mc "Uhhh isn't weird because we're related..." Valerie "C'mon [mc], it's not like I am going to fall in LOVE with you or anything." Valerie "So it's totally fine!" mc "Ok...sure let's do it." Valerie "Great! It's settled then!" show 0_1970 with dissolve Valerie "Also...I know you were spying on Mom this morning..." Valerie "...and you enjoyed watching me play with her in her new dress..." mc "I uhhh..." Valerie "Don't worry, I actually think that's pretty hot..." Valerie "Now how about you and me get started..." mc "Ok...let's do it." Valerie "Pull down your shorts." show 0_1980 with dissolve Valerie "Well...hello again!" Valerie "You really can't gauge how big something is until you are right next to it." show 0_1990 with dissolve Valerie "Even though YOU aren't my \"Summer Love \", we can do a couple of hot things together." mc "Like what?" Valerie "Let me show you..." show 0_2000 with dissolve Valerie "First, I can pinch the tip of the head?" mc "Oooh it's too sensitive!" show 0_2010 with dissolve Valerie "Next, I can kiss all over the shaft *kiss*." show 0_2020 with dissolve Valerie "Then, I can lick all over the base of your cock." mc "Ahhh yes, that's closer to what I want!" show 0_2030 with dissolve mc "Ack!" Valerie "*biting* I can bit' it on top." mc "Ahhh maybe something else!?" show 0_2040 with dissolve Valerie "Well that leaves me with one last option: " Valerie " I can suck it." mc "Yes! Please! That's exactly what I want!" show 0_2050 with dissolve Valerie "Now relax...and close your eyes..." mc "(Finally I can get a blowjob)." mc "(And it's from Valerie!)" mc "....Uhhh nothing is happening..." show 0_2060 with dissolve mc "What!?" show 0_2070 with dissolve scene mc "Where did she go!?" show 0_2080 with dissolve Valerie "Have a good night [mc]!" Valerie "It was fun!" mc "Wait, I'm confused! What about the proposition!" show 0_2090 with dissolve Valerie "Oh don't worry [mc]! It's still going on." Valerie "I just can't help myself sometimes, I love being a tease *giggling*." show 0_2100 with dissolve mc "What am I gonna do now that I'm all up-and-ready!?" Valerie "Here ya go [mc]!" show 0_2110 play sound "audio/Body Hit 04.ogg" mc "W-what!?" show 0_2120 with dissolve Valerie "Maybe those can help you out until we see each other again?" Valerie "See ya!" show 0_2130 with dissolve mc "Shit, Valerie's panties!" mc "Damn, hopefully I'll get to do more with her in the future..." play sound "audio/Door 04.ogg" volume 0.7 show 0_2140 with dissolve mc "Mom, is back already!?" show 0_2150 with dissolve Mom "Hey [mc] I'm back!" Mom "As expected...it was awful and I'm glad to be back." Mom "I do have to say, this dress has grown on me." Mom "Probably should apologize to Val tomorrow." show 0_2160 with dissolve Mom "Are...you doing alright?" show 0_2170 with dissolve mc "Oh yeah, why do you ask?" Mom "You just look...like you feel a little awkward." Mom "You know... your shirt's off and you have a pillow on your lap." mc "Ha Ha j-just staying comfortable I guess..." Mom "Uh-huh..." show 0_2180 with dissolve mc "So...why did the date go bad?" Mom "Well let's just say... he was familiar with my \"acting work\" and wanted to skip the dinner and go to his place." mc "Man, so a creep, basically?" Mom "Yup." show 0_2190 with dissolve Mom "Well I am going to head to bed now." mc "Sounds good Mom!" Mom "Also [mc]...I have to talk to you about something tomorrow, if that's ok?" mc "Yeah sure, I'll be free all day" Mom "Ok great! Will see you then." jump EndingofChap0 return label EndingofChap0: scene show 0_220 with dissolve stop music play music "audio/Sleepy.mp3" fadein 2.0 mc "Shit...what a busy day today..." mc "Also that was some crazy way to end it too!" mc "I guess I am just confused on what to do...there is so much going on..." mc "...And it seems like I don't have a proper hold on it." show 0_221 with dissolve mc "I might as well get some sleep now." mc "No point in lamenting on it, tomorrow is when I can reset." show 0_222 with dissolve "" stop music fadeout 2.0 show 0_223 play sound "audio/Thunder and Lightning 3.ogg" mc "What the hell is that!?" stop sound fadeout 1.0 show 0_224 with dissolve play music "audio/Goddess.mp3" fadein 2.0 Juno "Wakey, wakey sleepy-head! I've got a LOT to talk to you about..." mc "UHhh what's going on!?" Juno "You had a busy day today, didn't you [mc]?" Juno "I knew you were special when I found you." mc "W-wait who are you!?" Juno "Oh, how rude of me, I forget that you might not know who I am.." show 0_225 with dissolve Juno "I am Juno, the Goddess of marriage and childbirth." Juno "Also known as the Fertility Goddess!" Juno "And you, my brand new subject, will take upon yourself to complete my challenge." mc "Uhhh I am very confused right now..." show 0_226 with dissolve Juno "What's the point anymore!?" Juno "I work so hard to disguise myself and follow you around all day!" Juno "I make a grand entrance and instead of being in awe, you are just confused!?" Juno "Unbelievable!" mc "Woah woah hold on!" mc "You have to understand, I just moved here a day ago and now a Goddess is in my room!" mc "It is a lot to take in." show 0_227 with dissolve Juno "Fine, fine you're right...what would you like me to explain?" mc "Uhh for starters, why did you decide to speak to me right now?" show 0_228 with dissolve Juno "This place that you have moved too, has VERY magical roots." Juno "It used to be a place of true love and pleasure, thanks to yours truly!" Juno "Until one day, another Fertility Goddess was jealous of what I had created and then made this a boring, sex-starved land." Juno "So, the only way I could combat this, was to bestow a gift to a man that could bring back the love, lust and life that was once here." show 0_229 with dissolve Juno "And the time has come for you to become the new sex hero I need." Juno"Soooo....what do you think?" scene show 0_230 with dissolve mc "Ehhh I don't know Juno, I was looking forward to a stress-free summer." mc "So maybe you should look for someone else?" show 0_231 play sound "audio/Thunder and Lightning 3.ogg" Juno "You are forced to take on this role!" stop sound fadeout 1.0 mc "Ok, ok I will do whatever you want!" mc "Just explain to me how I will complete this task?" show 0_232 with dissolve Juno "Great! I knew you would come around [mc]." Juno "Well...with the mothers and daughters you met today...you will need to make them fall in love with you?" mc "So they just have to say they are in \"love with me\" and that's it?" show 0_234 with dissolve Juno "Yes...partly...but it requires..." Juno "...A more physical sign of love." Juno "Let me show you." show 0_235 play sound "audio/Snap.mp3" volume 0.6 Juno "You must impregnate them with your seed." mc "Impregnate all those women!?" mc "My mom and sister too!?" Juno "Yes, exactly." show 0_236 with dissolve Juno "This will not be easy though, since they need to be in love with you before their womb opens to your seed." Juno "Also you mortals think incest is immoral or something like that." mc "What if I can get only one of them pregnant?" Juno "Ehh...that will be fine...but..." show 0_237 with dissolve Juno "Why not at least try for all of them!" Juno "You need to embrace becoming a sexual god!" show 0_238 play sound "audio/Snap.mp3" volume 0.6 Juno "Does that explain it enough for you?" mc "Uhhh I guess..." show 0_239 with dissolve mc "Well it seems like those women already were attracted to me so maybe it won't be too hard to complete this task." Juno "And...it seems like the pheromones helped as well." mc "What?" scene show 0_240 with dissolve Juno "Well I covered you with a strong pheromone that allowed the girls to be initially lured to you." Juno "Including your family members." Juno "But that has now expired..." mc "So I have to impregnate them with my social skills!?" mc "I'm screwed then!" show 0_241 with dissolve Juno "Don't worry darling, you'll do great!" Juno "You just need to gain a little confidence and cleverness." mc "Thanks for the vote of confidence Juno..." show 0_242 with dissolve Juno "[mc] I'll check up on you every once and awhile to see your progress and offer some advice." Juno "Now go get some sleep, you got a busy day ahead of you." show 0_243 with dissolve mc "Juno...can I ask one more question?" Juno "Of course you can!" mc "What if I don't end up completing your task?" Juno "Oh...welll..." show 0_244 with dissolve stop music Juno "I will remove your penis and add it to my collection." mc "W-what...?" Juno "In fact, I have such a large collection because no one has ever completed my task." Juno "But I have a good feeling that you will break that streak." mc "O-okay..." Juno "AND you only have until the end of summer..." mc "*gulp* Great..," Juno "Well, I got to go now!" Juno "Will check on you soon!" show 0_245 play sound "audio/Snap.mp3" volume 0.6 stop music fadeout 1.0 mc "What?" mc "She's gone..." show 0_246 "" show 0_247 mc "Well I guess Dad was right about me be getting some \"action\" this summer..." mc "...but he didn't know it would be with his ex-wife and daughter..." show 0black play music "audio/Title.mp3" fadein 1.0 "Thank you all for playing!" "I am excited to improve the game and hopefuly make it a great one :)" return