################################################################################ ## Initialization ################################################################################ init offset = -1 ################################################################################ ## Styles ################################################################################ style default: properties gui.text_properties() language gui.language style input: properties gui.text_properties("input", accent=True) adjust_spacing False style hyperlink_text: properties gui.text_properties("hyperlink", accent=True) hover_underline True style gui_text: properties gui.text_properties("interface") style button: properties gui.button_properties("button") style button_text is gui_text: properties gui.text_properties("button") yalign 0.5 style label_text is gui_text: properties gui.text_properties("label", accent=True) style prompt_text is gui_text: properties gui.text_properties("prompt") style bar: ysize gui.bar_size left_bar Frame("gui/bar/left.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) right_bar Frame("gui/bar/right.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) style vbar: xsize gui.bar_size top_bar Frame("gui/bar/top.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) bottom_bar Frame("gui/bar/bottom.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) style scrollbar: ysize gui.scrollbar_size base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style scrollbar2: ysize gui.scrollbar_size base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style vscrollbar: xsize gui.scrollbar_size base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style vscrollbar2: xsize gui.scrollbar_size base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style slider: ysize gui.slider_size base_bar Frame("gui/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.slider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile) thumb "gui/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png" style vslider: xsize gui.slider_size base_bar Frame("gui/slider/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vslider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile) thumb "gui/slider/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png" style frame: padding gui.frame_borders.padding background Frame("gui/frame.png", gui.frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile) ################################################################################ ## In-game screens ################################################################################ ## Say screen ################################################################## ## ## The say screen is used to display dialogue to the player. It takes two ## parameters, who and what, which are the name of the speaking character and ## the text to be displayed, respectively. (The who parameter can be None if no ## name is given.) ## ## This screen must create a text displayable with id "what", as Ren'Py uses ## this to manage text display. It can also create displayables with id "who" ## and id "window" to apply style properties. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#say screen say(who, what): style_prefix "say" window: id "window" if who is not None: window: id "namebox" style "namebox" text who id "who" text what id "what" ## If there's a side image, display it above the text. Do not display on the ## phone variant - there's no room. if not renpy.variant("small"): add SideImage() xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 ## Make the namebox available for styling through the Character object. init python: config.character_id_prefixes.append('namebox') style window is default style say_label is default style say_dialogue is default style say_thought is say_dialogue style namebox is default style namebox_label is say_label style window: xalign 0.5 xfill True yalign gui.textbox_yalign ysize gui.textbox_height # background Image("gui/textbox.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0) style namebox: xpos gui.name_xpos xanchor gui.name_xalign xsize gui.namebox_width ypos gui.name_ypos ysize gui.namebox_height background Frame("gui/namebox.png", gui.namebox_borders, tile=gui.namebox_tile, xalign=gui.name_xalign) padding gui.namebox_borders.padding style say_label: properties gui.text_properties("name", accent=True) xalign gui.name_xalign yalign 0.5 style say_dialogue: properties gui.text_properties("dialogue") xpos gui.dialogue_xpos xsize gui.dialogue_width ypos gui.dialogue_ypos ## Input screen ################################################################ ## ## This screen is used to display renpy.input. The prompt parameter is used to ## pass a text prompt in. ## ## This screen must create an input displayable with id "input" to accept the ## various input parameters. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#input screen input(prompt): style_prefix "input" window: vbox: xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign xpos gui.dialogue_xpos xsize gui.dialogue_width ypos gui.dialogue_ypos text prompt style "input_prompt" input id "input" style input_prompt is default style input_prompt: xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign properties gui.text_properties("input_prompt") style input: xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign xmaximum gui.dialogue_width ## Choice screen ############################################################### ## ## This screen is used to display the in-game choices presented by the menu ## statement. The one parameter, items, is a list of objects, each with caption ## and action fields. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#choice screen choice(items): style_prefix "choice" # if isOnMission==False: # #MISC RENDER # for x in Miscs: # if LocateName==x.Locate and PlaceName==x.Place and isMapTablePopped==False: # if x.Unlocked==True and x.JustToLook==True: # if x.Hour is False: # if x.Day==False or x.Day.isOnDay(dayCount)==True: # imagebutton idle x.ImageURL hover x.ImageHover xpos x.x ypos x.y focus_mask True # else: # if x.Hour==hourCount: # if x.Day==False or x.Day.isOnDay(dayCount)==True: # imagebutton idle x.ImageURL hover x.ImageHover xpos x.x ypos x.y focus_mask True # #NPC RENDER # for x in NpcHolders: # if LocateName==x.Locate and PlaceName==x.Place and x.Hide==False and x.Day.isOnDay(dayCount)==True and x.Hour==hourCount and isCharacterKnowedByName(x.Target)==True and isCharacterBeingFollowedByName(x.Target)==False: # if isCharacterBeingFollowed()==False: # add x.ImageURL xpos x.x ypos x.y vbox: for i in items: textbutton i.caption action i.action screen choiceDown(items): style_prefix "Dchoice" vbox: ypos 980 for i in items: textbutton i.caption action i.action ## When this is true, menu captions will be spoken by the narrator. When false, ## menu captions will be displayed as empty buttons. define config.narrator_menu = True style choice_vbox is vbox style choice_button is button style choice_button_text is button_text style choice_vbox: xalign 0.5 ypos 405 yanchor 0.5 spacing gui.choice_spacing style choice_button is default: properties gui.button_properties("choice_button") style choice_button_text is default: properties gui.button_text_properties("choice_button") style Dchoice_vbox is vbox style Dchoice_button is button style Dchoice_button_text is button_text style Dchoice_vbox: xalign 0.5 ypos 405 yanchor 1.0 spacing gui.choice_spacing style Dchoice_button is default: properties gui.button_properties("choice_button") style Dchoice_button_text is default: properties gui.button_text_properties("choice_button") ## Quick Menu screen ########################################################### ## ## The quick menu is displayed in-game to provide easy access to the out-of-game ## menus. screen quick_menu(): ## Ensure this appears on top of other screens. zorder 100 if quick_menu: hbox: style_prefix "quick" xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 #textbutton _("Back") action Rollback() #textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu('history') textbutton _("Skip") action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True) textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu('save') textbutton _("Q.Save") action QuickSave() textbutton _("Q.Load") action QuickLoad() textbutton _("Prefs") action ShowMenu('preferences') ## This code ensures that the quick_menu screen is displayed in-game, whenever ## the player has not explicitly hidden the interface. init python: config.overlay_screens.append("quick_menu") default quick_menu = False style quick_button is default style quick_button_text is button_text style quick_button: properties gui.button_properties("quick_button") style quick_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("quick_button") ################################################################################ ## Main and Game Menu Screens ################################################################################ ## Navigation screen ########################################################### ## ## This screen is included in the main and game menus, and provides navigation ## to other menus, and to start the game. screen navigation(): if main_menu: add "GUI/MainMenu/bgS2.png" xpos 32 ypos 280 else: add "GUI/MainMenu/bgS.png" xpos 32 ypos 280 if main_menu: imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/start.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/startHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 313 focus_mask True action Start() imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/subs.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/subsHover.png" xpos 1806 ypos 9 focus_mask True action OpenURL("https://subscribestar.adult/mrrabbitteam") # if renpy.variant("pc"): # imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/quit.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/quitHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 895 focus_mask True action Show("QuitSubs", None) imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/quit.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/quitHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 895 focus_mask True action Show("QuitSubs", None) imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/gallery.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/galleryHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 701 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("GallerySceneScreen") else: if isOnGalleryScene==False: imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/save.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/saveHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 313 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("save") if _in_replay: textbutton _("End Replay") action EndReplay(confirm=True) elif not main_menu: imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/mainMenu.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/mainMenuHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 701 focus_mask True action MainMenu() if isOnGalleryScene==False: imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/load.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/loadHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 410 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("load") imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/pref.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/prefHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 507 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("preferences") imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/about.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/aboutHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 798 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("about") imagebutton idle "GUI/MainMenu/help.png" hover "GUI/MainMenu/helpHover.png" xpos 69 ypos 604 focus_mask True action ShowMenu("help") #textbutton _("check for updates") action updater.Update("http://localhost:3000/update") vbox: style_prefix "navigation" xpos gui.navigation_xpos yalign 0.5 spacing gui.navigation_spacing # if main_menu: # textbutton _("Start") action Start() # else: # #textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu("history") # textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu("save") #textbutton _("Load") action ShowMenu("load") #textbutton _("Preferences") action ShowMenu("preferences") # if _in_replay: # textbutton _("End Replay") action EndReplay(confirm=True) # elif not main_menu: # textbutton _("Main Menu") action MainMenu() #textbutton _("About") action ShowMenu("about") # if renpy.variant("pc"): ## Help isn't necessary or relevant to mobile devices. # textbutton _("Keyboard and Mouse") action ShowMenu("help") ## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android. #textbutton _("Quit") action Quit(confirm=not main_menu) style navigation_button is gui_button style navigation_button_text is gui_button_text style navigation_button: size_group "navigation" properties gui.button_properties("navigation_button") style navigation_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("navigation_button") ## Main Menu screen ############################################################ ## ## Used to display the main menu when Ren'Py starts. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#main-menu screen main_menu(): ## This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced. tag menu style_prefix "main_menu" add gui.main_menu_background ## This empty frame darkens the main menu. frame: pass ## The use statement includes another screen inside this one. The actual ## contents of the main menu are in the navigation screen. use navigation if gui.show_name: vbox: # text "[config.name!t]": # style "main_menu_title" text "{color=#ffffff}[config.version]{/color}": style "main_menu_version" style main_menu_frame is empty style main_menu_vbox is vbox style main_menu_text is gui_text style main_menu_title is main_menu_text style main_menu_version is main_menu_text style main_menu_frame: xsize 420 yfill True # background "gui/overlay/main_menu.png" style main_menu_vbox: xalign 1.0 xoffset -30 xmaximum 1200 yalign 1.0 yoffset -30 style main_menu_text: properties gui.text_properties("main_menu", accent=True) style main_menu_title: properties gui.text_properties("title") style main_menu_version: properties gui.text_properties("version") ## Game Menu screen ############################################################ ## ## This lays out the basic common structure of a game menu screen. It's called ## with the screen title, and displays the background, title, and navigation. ## ## The scroll parameter can be None, or one of "viewport" or "vpgrid". When ## this screen is intended to be used with one or more children, which are ## transcluded (placed) inside it. screen game_menu(title, scroll=None, yinitial=0.0): style_prefix "game_menu" if main_menu: add gui.main_menu_background else: add gui.game_menu_background frame: style "game_menu_outer_frame" hbox: ## Reserve space for the navigation section. frame: style "game_menu_navigation_frame" frame: style "game_menu_content_frame" if scroll == "viewport": viewport: yinitial yinitial scrollbars "vertical" mousewheel True draggable True side_yfill True vbox: transclude elif scroll == "vpgrid": vpgrid: cols 1 yinitial yinitial scrollbars "vertical" mousewheel True draggable True side_yfill True transclude else: transclude use navigation textbutton _("Return"): xalign 0.09 yalign 0.98 # style "return_button" action Return() label title if main_menu: key "game_menu" action ShowMenu("main_menu") style game_menu_outer_frame is empty style game_menu_navigation_frame is empty style game_menu_content_frame is empty style game_menu_viewport is gui_viewport style game_menu_side is gui_side style game_menu_scrollbar is gui_vscrollbar style game_menu_label is gui_label style game_menu_label_text is gui_label_text style return_button is navigation_button style return_button_text is navigation_button_text style game_menu_outer_frame: bottom_padding 45 top_padding 180 background "gui/overlay/game_menu.png" style game_menu_navigation_frame: xsize 420 yfill True style game_menu_content_frame: left_margin 60 right_margin 30 top_margin 15 style game_menu_viewport: xsize 1380 style game_menu_vscrollbar: unscrollable gui.unscrollable style game_menu_side: spacing 15 style game_menu_label: xpos 75 ysize 180 style game_menu_label_text: size gui.title_text_size color gui.accent_color yalign 0.5 style return_button: xpos gui.navigation_xpos yalign 1.0 yoffset -45 ## About screen ################################################################ ## ## This screen gives credit and copyright information about the game and Ren'Py. ## ## There's nothing special about this screen, and hence it also serves as an ## example of how to make a custom screen. screen about(): tag menu ## This use statement includes the game_menu screen inside this one. The ## vbox child is then included inside the viewport inside the game_menu ## screen. use game_menu(_("Support us"), scroll="viewport"): style_prefix "about" vbox: label "[config.name!t]" xalign 0.5 text _("Version [config.version!t]\n") xalign 0.5 ## gui.about is usually set in options.rpy. if gui.about: text "[gui.about!t]\n" text _("This game is developed by Mr. Rabbit Team. Follow us on Subescribestar to stay on top of the next updates or enter our Discord on the link below:\n") text _("{a=https://subscribestar.adult/mrrabbitteam}https://subscribestar.adult/mrrabbitteam{/a}\n") xalign 0.5 text _("{a=https://discord.com/invite/AyKtSpb}https://discord.com/invite/AyKtSpb{/a}\n") xalign 0.5 text _("If you enjoy it please consider giving us {a=https://subscribestar.adult/mrrabbitteam}support{/a} on our page. It is through the support received that we keep the Little Man project standing and always updated. Some rewards are also given to all our supporters ^_^\n") text _("- DISCLAIMER - \n") xalign 0.5 text _("This is a work of fiction. Names, characters businesses, places, events, locale, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All characters are over 18 years.\n") text _("This game contains violence and sexual content that should only be seen by the public over 18.\n") text _("Audio credits\n") xalign 0.5 text _("The background music and menu music used in this game were taken from the Youtube Audio Library. All rights belong to Youtube.") # text _("{font=fonts/YuseiMagic-Regular.ttf}"+str(renpy.file("test.txt").read().decode("utf-8"))+"{/font}") ## This is redefined in options.rpy to add text to the about screen. define gui.about = "" style about_label is gui_label style about_label_text is gui_label_text style about_text is gui_text style about_label_text: size gui.label_text_size ## Load and Save screens ####################################################### ## ## These screens are responsible for letting the player save the game and load ## it again. Since they share nearly everything in common, both are implemented ## in terms of a third screen, file_slots. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#save https:// ## www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#load screen save(): tag menu use file_slots(_("Save")) screen load(): tag menu use file_slots(_("Load")) screen file_slots(title): default page_name_value = FilePageNameInputValue(pattern=_("Page {}"), auto=_("Automatic saves"), quick=_("Quick saves")) use game_menu(title): fixed: ## This ensures the input will get the enter event before any of the ## buttons do. order_reverse True if isOnGalleryScene==False: ## The page name, which can be edited by clicking on a button. button: style "page_label" key_events True xalign 0.5 action page_name_value.Toggle() input: style "page_label_text" value page_name_value ## The grid of file slots. grid gui.file_slot_cols gui.file_slot_rows: style_prefix "slot" xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 spacing gui.slot_spacing for i in range(gui.file_slot_cols * gui.file_slot_rows): $ slot = i + 1 button: action FileAction(slot) has vbox add FileScreenshot(slot) xalign 0.5 text FileTime(slot, format=_("{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"), empty=_("empty slot")): style "slot_time_text" text FileSaveName(slot): style "slot_name_text" key "save_delete" action FileDelete(slot) ## Buttons to access other pages. hbox: style_prefix "page" xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 spacing gui.page_spacing textbutton _("<") action FilePagePrevious() if config.has_autosave: textbutton _("{#auto_page}A") action FilePage("auto") if config.has_quicksave: textbutton _("{#quick_page}Q") action FilePage("quick") ## range(1, 10) gives the numbers from 1 to 9. for page in range(1, 10): textbutton "[page]" action FilePage(page) textbutton _(">") action FilePageNext() style page_label is gui_label style page_label_text is gui_label_text style page_button is gui_button style page_button_text is gui_button_text style slot_button is gui_button style slot_button_text is gui_button_text style slot_time_text is slot_button_text style slot_name_text is slot_button_text style page_label: xpadding 75 ypadding 5 style page_label_text: text_align 0.5 layout "subtitle" hover_color gui.hover_color style page_button: properties gui.button_properties("page_button") style page_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("page_button") style slot_button: properties gui.button_properties("slot_button") style slot_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("slot_button") ## Preferences screen ########################################################## ## ## The preferences screen allows the player to configure the game to better suit ## themselves. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#preferences default hand_icon = True#False/"Click" screen preferences(): tag menu use game_menu(_("Preferences"), scroll="viewport"): vbox: hbox: box_wrap True if renpy.variant("pc"): vbox: style_prefix "radio" label _("Display") textbutton _("Window") action Preference("display", "window") textbutton _("Fullscreen") action Preference("display", "fullscreen") vbox: style_prefix "radio" label _("Click Icon") if main_menu==False: button: add "hand_icon_anim" zoom 0.7 action SetVariable("hand_icon", True) button: text _("Click") action SetVariable("hand_icon", "Click") textbutton _("None") action SetVariable("hand_icon", False) else: text "(This option is only available in game)" # vbox: # style_prefix "radio" # label _("Rollback Side") # textbutton _("Disable") action Preference("rollback side", "disable") # textbutton _("Left") action Preference("rollback side", "left") # textbutton _("Right") action Preference("rollback side", "right") # vbox: # style_prefix "check" # label _("Skip") # textbutton _("Unseen Text") action Preference("skip", "toggle") # textbutton _("After Choices") action Preference("after choices", "toggle") # textbutton _("Transitions") action InvertSelected(Preference("transitions", "toggle")) ## Additional vboxes of type "radio_pref" or "check_pref" can be ## added here, to add additional creator-defined preferences. null height (4 * gui.pref_spacing) hbox: style_prefix "slider" box_wrap True vbox: label _("Text Speed") bar value Preference("text speed") label _("Auto-Forward Time") bar value Preference("auto-forward time") vbox: if config.has_music: label _("Music Volume") hbox: bar value Preference("music volume") label _("Ambient Volume") hbox: bar value Preference("mixer ambient volume") if config.has_sound: label _("Sound Volume") hbox: bar value Preference("sound volume") if config.sample_sound: textbutton _("Test") action Play("sound", config.sample_sound) if config.has_voice: label _("Voice Volume") hbox: bar value Preference("voice volume") if config.sample_voice: textbutton _("Test") action Play("voice", config.sample_voice) if config.has_music or config.has_sound or config.has_voice: null height gui.pref_spacing textbutton _("Mute All"): action Preference("all mute", "toggle") style "mute_all_button" if main_menu==False: textbutton _("Change Your Name") action Call("ChangeNickName") style pref_label is gui_label style pref_label_text is gui_label_text style pref_vbox is vbox style radio_label is pref_label style radio_label_text is pref_label_text style radio_button is gui_button style radio_button_text is gui_button_text style radio_vbox is pref_vbox style check_label is pref_label style check_label_text is pref_label_text style check_button is gui_button style check_button_text is gui_button_text style check_vbox is pref_vbox style slider_label is pref_label style slider_label_text is pref_label_text style slider_slider is gui_slider style slider_button is gui_button style slider_button_text is gui_button_text style slider_pref_vbox is pref_vbox style mute_all_button is check_button style mute_all_button_text is check_button_text style pref_label: top_margin gui.pref_spacing bottom_margin 3 style pref_label_text: yalign 1.0 style pref_vbox: xsize 338 style radio_vbox: spacing gui.pref_button_spacing style radio_button: properties gui.button_properties("radio_button") foreground "gui/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png" style radio_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("radio_button") style check_vbox: spacing gui.pref_button_spacing style check_button: properties gui.button_properties("check_button") foreground "gui/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png" style check_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("check_button") style slider_slider: xsize 525 style slider_button: properties gui.button_properties("slider_button") yalign 0.5 left_margin 15 style slider_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("slider_button") style slider_vbox: xsize 675 ## History screen ############################################################## ## ## This is a screen that displays the dialogue history to the player. While ## there isn't anything special about this screen, it does have to access the ## dialogue history stored in _history_list. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/history.html screen history(): tag menu ## Avoid predicting this screen, as it can be very large. predict False use game_menu(_("History"), scroll=("vpgrid" if gui.history_height else "viewport"), yinitial=1.0): style_prefix "history" for h in _history_list: window: ## This lays things out properly if history_height is None. has fixed: yfit True if h.who: label h.who: style "history_name" ## Take the color of the who text from the Character, if ## set. if "color" in h.who_args: text_color h.who_args["color"] $ what = renpy.filter_text_tags(h.what, allow=gui.history_allow_tags) text what if not _history_list: label _("The dialogue history is empty.") ## This determines what tags are allowed to be displayed on the history screen. define gui.history_allow_tags = set() style history_window is empty style history_name is gui_label style history_name_text is gui_label_text style history_text is gui_text style history_text is gui_text style history_label is gui_label style history_label_text is gui_label_text style history_window: xfill True ysize gui.history_height style history_name: xpos gui.history_name_xpos xanchor gui.history_name_xalign ypos gui.history_name_ypos xsize gui.history_name_width style history_name_text: min_width gui.history_name_width text_align gui.history_name_xalign style history_text: xpos gui.history_text_xpos ypos gui.history_text_ypos xanchor gui.history_text_xalign xsize gui.history_text_width min_width gui.history_text_width text_align gui.history_text_xalign layout ("subtitle" if gui.history_text_xalign else "tex") style history_label: xfill True style history_label_text: xalign 0.5 ## Help screen ################################################################# ## ## A screen that gives information about key and mouse bindings. It uses other ## screens (keyboard_help, mouse_help, and gamepad_help) to display the actual ## help. screen help(): tag menu default device = "keyboard" use game_menu(_("Help"), scroll="viewport"): style_prefix "help" vbox: spacing 23 hbox: textbutton _("Keyboard") action SetScreenVariable("device", "keyboard") textbutton _("Mouse") action SetScreenVariable("device", "mouse") #textbutton _("Hints") action SetScreenVariable("device", "tutorial") if GamepadExists(): textbutton _("Gamepad") action SetScreenVariable("device", "gamepad") if device == "keyboard": use keyboard_help elif device == "mouse": use mouse_help elif device == "gamepad": use gamepad_help elif device == "tutorial": use tutorial_help screen tutorial_help(): hbox: label _("Time") text _("The first think you need to realize, is that the time is one of the most important things about the game. Events, Missions, and Characters will be invoked according to the current time of the game that consist in four:") hbox: label _("") add "GUI/Help/11.png" add "GUI/Help/10.png" add "GUI/Help/9.png" add "GUI/Help/8.png" hbox: label _("Energy") text _("The second one is that all your actions that cause time to pass, will consume 1 charge or more of your energy, rarely have exceptions. When your Energy Bar reaches 0, you won't be able to do anything that cause time to pass unless this action recovers your energy.") hbox: label _("") add "GUI/Help/1.png" add "GUI/Help/2.png" add "GUI/Help/3.png" add "GUI/Help/4.png" hbox: label _("Characters") text _("Each Character have your own personal option menu, where you can find most part of your objectives and others options. When an option is an objective, it will appears as {color=#00ff00}green when you never did it at least once{/color}, {color=#40c2ff}blue when it still giving you experience or something inside it need to be concluded yet{/color} , otherwise it will appear as {color=#f00}red(This means that the option has nothing more to explore){/color}. Other Options inside the menu will show as white. Each Character can be found on a random spot inside a Map Place according to the Day and Hour. You can check where they are accessing the Locate Screen inside of your Cell Phone.") hbox: label _("") add "GUI/Help/5.png" hbox: label _("Objectives") text _("Inside of your Cell Phone, have a Screen called Objectives responsible to show all the objectives of which Character. Every time you complete one of then, will appear it name instead of '???'. Next to each objective have an icon representing the hour where the objective can be discovered. You can also click on the goal to see more details about it. Never forget that each objective have your own preconditions to unlock it(Relation points, Hour, Locate, Skill Points...).") hbox: label _("") add "GUI/Help/7.png" add "GUI/Help/13.png" add "GUI/Help/12.png" add "GUI/Help/14.png" screen keyboard_help(): hbox: label _("Enter") text _("Advances dialogue and activates the interface.") # hbox: # label _("Space") # text _("Advances dialogue without selecting choices.") hbox: label _("Arrow Keys") text _("Navigate the interface.") hbox: label _("Escape") text _("Accesses the game menu.") # hbox: # label _("Ctrl") # text _("Skips dialogue while held down.") # hbox: # label _("Tab") # text _("Toggles dialogue skipping.") # hbox: # label _("Page Up") # text _("Rolls back to earlier dialogue.") # hbox: # label _("Page Down") # text _("Rolls forward to later dialogue.") hbox: label "H" text _("Hides the user interface.") hbox: label "S" text _("Takes a screenshot.") # hbox: # label "V" # text _("Toggles assistive {a=https://www.renpy.org/l/voicing}self-voicing{/a}.") screen mouse_help(): hbox: label _("Left Click") text _("Advances dialogue and activates the interface.") hbox: label _("Middle Click") text _("Hides the user interface.") hbox: label _("Right Click") text _("Accesses the game menu.") # hbox: # label _("Mouse Wheel Up\nClick Rollback Side") # text _("Rolls back to earlier dialogue.") # hbox: # label _("Mouse Wheel Down") # text _("Rolls forward to later dialogue.") screen gamepad_help(): hbox: label _("Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button") text _("Advances dialogue and activates the interface.") # hbox: # label _("Left Trigger\nLeft Shoulder") # text _("Rolls back to earlier dialogue.") # hbox: # label _("Right Shoulder") # text _("Rolls forward to later dialogue.") hbox: label _("D-Pad, Sticks") text _("Navigate the interface.") hbox: label _("Start, Guide") text _("Accesses the game menu.") hbox: label _("Y/Top Button") text _("Hides the user interface.") textbutton _("Calibrate") action GamepadCalibrate() style help_button is gui_button style help_button_text is gui_button_text style help_label is gui_label style help_label_text is gui_label_text style help_text is gui_text style help_button: properties gui.button_properties("help_button") xmargin 12 style help_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("help_button") style help_label: xsize 375 right_padding 30 style help_label_text: size gui.text_size xalign 1.0 text_align 1.0 ################################################################################ ## Additional screens ################################################################################ ## Confirm screen ############################################################## ## ## The confirm screen is called when Ren'Py wants to ask the player a yes or no ## question. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#confirm screen confirm(message, yes_action, no_action): ## Ensure other screens do not get input while this screen is displayed. modal True zorder 200 style_prefix "confirm" add "gui/overlay/confirm.png" frame: vbox: xalign .5 yalign .5 spacing 45 label _(message): style "confirm_prompt" xalign 0.5 hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 150 textbutton _("Yes") action yes_action textbutton _("No") action no_action ## Right-click and escape answer "no". key "game_menu" action no_action screen QuitSubs(): ## Ensure other screens do not get input while this screen is displayed. modal True zorder 200 style_prefix "confirm" add "gui/overlay/confirm.png" frame: vbox: xalign .5 yalign .5 spacing 25 text _("Thanks for playing Little Man!") xalign 0.5 text _("If you enjoy it please consider giving us {a=https://subscribestar.adult/mrrabbitteam}support{/a}.") xalign 0.5 text _("{color=#f5864e}We would like to thank all of our Subs, without their support we would not have made it this far.{/color}") xalign 0.5 text _("{color=#f5864e}We would also like to especially thank our PLUS Subs:{/color}") xalign 0.5 vpgrid: transpose True cols 5 area(50, 0, 1700, 400) for i in renpy.file("subs.txt").readlines(): text _("{size=-7}{font=fonts/microsoft-yahei.ttf}("+str(i).replace('\n','').replace('\t','')[:-1]+"){/font}{/size}") text _("{size=-4}Are you experiencing any bug or struggling to progress in the game?{/size}") xalign 0.5 text _("{size=-4}join our {a=https://discord.com/invite/AyKtSpb}discord{/a} community and we may help you{/size}") xalign 0.5 label _("{color=#f5864e}Are you sure you want to quit?{/color}"): style "confirm_prompt" xalign 0.5 hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 150 textbutton _("Yes") action Quit(False) at quit_subs_btn_zoom textbutton _("No") action Hide("QuitSubs") at quit_subs_btn_zoom ## Right-click and escape answer "no". key "game_menu" action Hide("QuitSubs") transform quit_subs_btn_zoom: zoom 1.2 style confirm_frame is gui_frame style confirm_prompt is gui_prompt style confirm_prompt_text is gui_prompt_text style confirm_button is gui_medium_button style confirm_button_text is gui_medium_button_text style confirm_frame: background Frame([ "gui/confirm_frame.png", "gui/frame.png"], gui.confirm_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile) padding gui.confirm_frame_borders.padding xalign .5 yalign .5 style confirm_prompt_text: text_align 0.5 layout "subtitle" style confirm_button: properties gui.button_properties("confirm_button") style confirm_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("confirm_button") ## Skip indicator screen ####################################################### ## ## The skip_indicator screen is displayed to indicate that skipping is in ## progress. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#skip-indicator screen skip_indicator(): zorder 100 style_prefix "skip" frame: hbox: spacing 9 text _("Skipping") text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.0, 1.0) style "skip_triangle" text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.2, 1.0) style "skip_triangle" text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.4, 1.0) style "skip_triangle" ## This transform is used to blink the arrows one after another. transform delayed_blink(delay, cycle): alpha .5 pause delay block: linear .2 alpha 1.0 pause .2 linear .2 alpha 0.5 pause (cycle - .4) repeat style skip_frame is empty style skip_text is gui_text style skip_triangle is skip_text style skip_frame: ypos gui.skip_ypos background Frame("gui/skip.png", gui.skip_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile) padding gui.skip_frame_borders.padding style skip_text: size gui.notify_text_size style skip_triangle: ## We have to use a font that has the BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE ## glyph in it. font "DejaVuSans.ttf" ## Notify screen ############################################################### ## ## The notify screen is used to show the player a message. (For example, when ## the game is quicksaved or a screenshot has been taken.) ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#notify-screen screen notify(message): zorder 100 style_prefix "notify" frame at notify_appear: text "[message!tq]" timer 3.25 action Hide('notify') transform notify_appear: on show: alpha 0 linear .25 alpha 1.0 on hide: linear .5 alpha 0.0 style notify_frame is empty style notify_text is gui_text style notify_frame: ypos gui.notify_ypos background Frame("gui/notify.png", gui.notify_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile) padding gui.notify_frame_borders.padding style notify_text: properties gui.text_properties("notify") ## NVL screen ################################################################## ## ## This screen is used for NVL-mode dialogue and menus. ## ## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/screen_special.html#nvl screen nvl(dialogue, items=None): window: style "nvl_window" has vbox: spacing gui.nvl_spacing ## Displays dialogue in either a vpgrid or the vbox. if gui.nvl_height: vpgrid: cols 1 yinitial 1.0 use nvl_dialogue(dialogue) else: use nvl_dialogue(dialogue) ## Displays the menu, if given. The menu may be displayed incorrectly if ## config.narrator_menu is set to True, as it is above. for i in items: textbutton i.caption: action i.action style "nvl_button" add SideImage() xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 screen nvl_dialogue(dialogue): for d in dialogue: window: id d.window_id fixed: yfit gui.nvl_height is None if d.who is not None: text d.who: id d.who_id text d.what: id d.what_id ## This controls the maximum number of NVL-mode entries that can be displayed at ## once. define config.nvl_list_length = gui.nvl_list_length style nvl_window is default style nvl_entry is default style nvl_label is say_label style nvl_dialogue is say_dialogue style nvl_button is button style nvl_button_text is button_text style nvl_window: xfill True yfill True background "gui/nvl.png" padding gui.nvl_borders.padding style nvl_entry: xfill True ysize gui.nvl_height style nvl_label: xpos gui.nvl_name_xpos xanchor gui.nvl_name_xalign ypos gui.nvl_name_ypos yanchor 0.0 xsize gui.nvl_name_width min_width gui.nvl_name_width text_align gui.nvl_name_xalign style nvl_dialogue: xpos gui.nvl_text_xpos xanchor gui.nvl_text_xalign ypos gui.nvl_text_ypos xsize gui.nvl_text_width min_width gui.nvl_text_width text_align gui.nvl_text_xalign layout ("subtitle" if gui.nvl_text_xalign else "tex") style nvl_thought: xpos gui.nvl_thought_xpos xanchor gui.nvl_thought_xalign ypos gui.nvl_thought_ypos xsize gui.nvl_thought_width min_width gui.nvl_thought_width text_align gui.nvl_thought_xalign layout ("subtitle" if gui.nvl_text_xalign else "tex") style nvl_button: properties gui.button_properties("nvl_button") xpos gui.nvl_button_xpos xanchor gui.nvl_button_xalign style nvl_button_text: properties gui.button_text_properties("nvl_button") ################################################################################ ## Mobile Variants ################################################################################ style pref_vbox: variant "medium" xsize 675 ## Since a mouse may not be present, we replace the quick menu with a version ## that uses fewer and bigger buttons that are easier to touch. screen quick_menu(): variant "touch" zorder 100 hbox: style_prefix "quick" xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 # textbutton _("Back") action Rollback() textbutton _("Skip") action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True) textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") textbutton _("Menu") action ShowMenu() style window: variant "small" # background "gui/phone/textbox.png" style radio_button: variant "small" foreground "gui/phone/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png" style check_button: variant "small" foreground "gui/phone/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png" style nvl_window: variant "small" background "gui/phone/nvl.png" # style main_menu_frame: # variant "small" # background "gui/phone/overlay/main_menu.png" style game_menu_outer_frame: variant "small" background "gui/phone/overlay/game_menu.png" style game_menu_navigation_frame: variant "small" xsize 510 style game_menu_content_frame: variant "small" top_margin 0 style pref_vbox: variant "small" xsize 600 style bar: variant "small" ysize gui.bar_size left_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/left.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) right_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/right.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) style vbar: variant "small" xsize gui.bar_size top_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/top.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) bottom_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/bottom.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile) style scrollbar: variant "small" ysize gui.scrollbar_size # base_bar Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) # thumb Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style vscrollbar: variant "small" xsize gui.scrollbar_size # base_bar Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) # thumb Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile) style slider: variant "small" ysize gui.slider_size base_bar Frame("gui/phone/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.slider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile) thumb "gui/phone/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png" style vslider: variant "small" xsize gui.slider_size base_bar Frame("gui/phone/slider/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vslider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile) thumb "gui/phone/slider/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png" style slider_pref_vbox: variant "small" xsize None style slider_pref_slider: variant "small" xsize 900 screen GallerySceneScreen(): tag menu use game_menu(_("Gallery")): vpgrid id "vp3": cols 3 spacing 5 draggable True mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" # Since we have scrollbars, we have to position the side, rather # than the vpgrid proper. side_xalign 0.5 for g in GalleryScenes: vbox: frame: xmaximum 400 ymaximum 225 #if renpy.seen_label(g.Label)==True: for j in g.Pic: add j xpos 0 ypos 0 zoom 0.2 textbutton "{size=+150}Play{/size}" xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 action [SetVariable("LabelToReplay", g), Start("GalleryPlayLabel")] #else: # add "/splashscreen/blackscreen.png" xpos 0 ypos 0 zoom 0.2 # textbutton "{size=+110}Locked{/size}" xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 #if renpy.seen_label(g.Label)==True: textbutton ""+str(g.Name)+"" xalign 0.5 #else: # textbutton "???" xalign 0.5 init -1500: screen updater: add "#000" frame: style_group "" has side "t c b": spacing gui._scale(10) label _("Updater") fixed: vbox: if u.state == u.ERROR: text _("An error has occured:") elif u.state == u.CHECKING: text _("Checking for updates.") elif u.state == u.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: text _("This program is up to date.") elif u.state == u.UPDATE_AVAILABLE: text _("[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?") elif u.state == u.PREPARING: text _("Preparing to download the updates.") elif u.state == u.DOWNLOADING: text _("Downloading the updates.") elif u.state == u.UNPACKING: text _("Unpacking the updates.") elif u.state == u.FINISHING: text _("Finishing up.") elif u.state == u.DONE: text _("The updates have been installed. The program will restart.") elif u.state == u.DONE_NO_RESTART: text _("The updates have been installed.") elif u.state == u.CANCELLED: text _("The updates were cancelled.") if u.message is not None: null height gui._scale(10) text "[u.message!q]" if u.progress is not None: null height gui._scale(10) bar value u.progress range 1.0 style "_bar" hbox: spacing gui._scale(25) if u.can_proceed: textbutton _("Proceed") action u.proceed if u.can_cancel: textbutton _("Cancel") action u.cancel