Ahchi's Gameplay (Route:-Sandbox/Enabled ) "Lust Academy V0.4.1d" (NB: Due to old saves NOT working ! This is a NEW GAME) (My Choices) [SANDBOX] [Enable] "Kane" "Fritzadam" XXXFree RoamXXX ****Day 01 Saturday**** Evening. (Continue Prologue) . Sneak a peek. . [Toothbrush]. [Bath ducks]. . [Painting]. [Photo]. [Cupboard]. [Book].[Docs]. [Comdoms]. [Olivia's purse]. [money]. take. [Makeup Bag]. . . xxxEnd Free RoamXXX Object politely Sneak a peek. Jackpot. (gallery 01) Sneak a peek. Continue watching. (Gallery 02) ****Day 02 Sunday**** Offer assistance. Of course not!. Take a look at Haley, (Gallery 03) look under her skirt. Touch. Move her panties. turn her on her back Grab it. Rub her breasts.Bare nipple. I heard thoughts. Read samantha's thoughts. Read samantha's thoughts. Ask about exams. Ask about the academy. Flirt. Give a witty answer. No questions, Hug Haley. Flirt. yes. 100%. 100%. 100%. What does this choice mean?. Wait...What?. Ready for action. ( Gallery 04). Mouth. Schedule?. Parties?. Competitions?. ****Day 03 Monday**** XXXSave 1-1-LT1 XXX About classes, About Housepoints, About Weekends, (***Short Tutorial***) Continue {New Notice; Elijah} {Lustagram; Elijah/like/Nice} {Lustagram; like all/Nice all} ---Morning.--- [Symbols]. [Picture]. . {+1 book}. *Elijah, Talk,{+ Student card}, About classes. {New Notice; Elijah} *Samantha, Talk, Cheer Sam up, {New Notice; Samantha} Squeak Ducks. ,[Map],, {+1 book},
, {+1 book}, {New Notice; Elijah} {New Notice; Amelia} {Lustagram; New Contact; Amelie} (Error; Wrong replys to go with images) ,{+1 book}. *Haley, Talk, {New Notice; Haley} *Lily, Talk {New Notice; lily} *Naomi, Talk, Tease, {New Notice; Naomi} *Victora, Attend Lesson, {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- , cup of Coffee. Agree, {Lustagram; New Contact; Molly} {New Notice; Molly} . *Sabrina, Attend Lesson, Why do wizards need potions? Are they dead?, No queastions. {New Notice; Sabrina} {Lustagram; New Contact; Sabrina} {+5 H/Points} ---Evening--- , *Elijah, Talk, I've been given a chance {New Notice; Elijah} ---Night--- , , [Map] . Squeak Ducks . Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 04 Tuesday**** XXXSave 1-2-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,, *Audrey, Talk, {New Notice; Audrey} *Samantha, Talk, {New Notice; Samantha} {+1 book}. [Map], ,
, ,{+1 book}. . *Lily, Talk {New Notice; Lily} *Victora, Attend Lesson, boast, {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points} --- Day--- , *Amelia, Lost foliants {+1 H/Points} {New Notice; Amelia} *Amelia, Lost foliants(Qty=3) {+3 H/Points} {+1 book},{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Attend Lesson, Try to answer, "Tears of deer,Unicorn hair and Icelandic lichen" (Tears of woodland deer) ( Unicorn hair powder ) ( Icelandic cetraia ) {New Notice; Sabrina} {+5 H/Points} ---Evening--- , {+1 book}. *Eliah, About the job, Whats that?, , *Jacob, Sam's problem, Ask politely, {New Notice; Samantha} , ,, *Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points} {New Notice; Molly} ---Night--- ,
, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. (Scene Leona) Accept Pleasure, Cum inside. (Gallery 5) {New Notice; Leona} ****Day 05 Wednsday**** XXXSave 1-3-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,, *Audrey, Talk {New Notice; Audrey} ---Day--- [Map] {+1 book}, {+1 book}. *Victora, Ask for remedy, {New Notice; Samantha} *Victora, Attend Lesson, Answer confinently. {+5 H/Points} {New Notice; Victora} ---Evening--- , , *Naomi, Talk, Find out yourself, {New Notice; Naomi} ---Night---
, [Map] {+ 1 book}, . , Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 06 Thursday**** XXXSave 1-4-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,{+ 1 book}, *Samantha, Talk, Cheeks. {New Notice;Samantha} ---Day--- {+ 1 book}, , *Naomi, Talk, Play along, {New Notice; Naomi} *Sabrina, Attend Lesson,{+5 H/Points} {New Notice; Sabrina} {+5 H/Points} ---Evening--- , [Map],, *Samantha, Talk, {New Notice; Samantha} , *Haley, Talk, Your eyes, Don't look, {New Notice; Haley} ---Night--- ,
{+ 1 book}, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 07 Friday**** XXXSave 1-5-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- (Scene; Shower) (Gallery 13) {New Notice; Samantha} {+ 1 book} ---Day--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) (Scene, Sam dressing) ,, [Map], ,{+ 1 book} *Amelia, Lost foliants(Qty=12) {+12 H/Points} ,{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Attend Lesson, {+1 Lesser Heal} {New Notice; Sabrina} {+5 H/Points} ---Evening--- , {+ 1 book}. *Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points} ---Night--- ,
, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. (Scene; Kissing Sam) (Gallery 16) Kiss her back. {New Notice; Samantha} ****Day 08 saturday**** XXXSave 1-6-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- (Scene) Winning House **Leonheart**.{+$50} (Scenes) Sure, Don't look. (Look for M/M Romance) {New Notice; Arthur} ---Day--- *Unknowen Girl (Mina) What are you reading, Student discounts. {New Notice; Mina} Exit, {New Notice; Gordon} *Gordon Ask for Willow, {New Notice; Elijah} Exit, Order massage {-$75} (Gallery 9) {New Notice; Jill} ---Night--- *Romul (Doorman) Enter the club. Walk away, Help, (Gallery 10) {+ VIP Pass} {New Notice; Romul} *Romul (Doorman) Enter the club, Accept the drink, {New Notice; Adele} Exit. Back, *Giant(Creature?) Come closer, Say you will help. {New Notice; Giant} {Lustagram; New post; Ashley, Like/Support} ****Day 09 Sunday**** XXXSave 1-7-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- Exit. *Gordon Go Fishing{+$23} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$23} ---Evening--- Return to Cordale ---Night--- {+1 book},,. Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 10 Monday**** XXXSave 1-8-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,{+1 book}, ,[Map],, ,{+ 1 book}, *Haley, Talk. {New Notice; Haley} *Lily, Talk {New Notice; Lily} *Victora, Attend Lesson, {+5 H/Points} {New Notice; Victora} ---Day--- , , {+1 book} *Sabrina, Ask about Giant, {New Notice; Giant} Attend Lesson, (Learn Snakeskin) {+0 Snakeskin) {New Notice; Sabrina,} {Lustagram; New post; Audrey, Like/Joke} {+5 H/Points} ---Evening--- , *Elijah, Dryad's nectar, XXX Choice ! Homosexaul or Heterosexaul ? XXX Hetero {New Notice; Elijah} {+$100} ---Night--- ,
{+1 book}, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. {Lustagram; New post; Haley, Like/flirt} (Scene; Nightmare, I need some time, alright,) {New Notice; Leona} {New Notice; Haley} ****Day 11 Tuesday**** XXXSave 1-9-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+1 book}, [Map],, {+ 1 book},{+ 1 book}, *Haley, Ask Haley for a walk.. {New Notice; Angles} , *Victora, Attend Lesson, (Learn Combat Bolt) {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- *Victora,Talk to Vivtoria,breasts, legs, Flirt, {New Notice; Victora} . *Victora,Attend Lesson (Learn Incendio) {Lustagram; New post; Audrey, Like/flirt} {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points}, ---Evening--- ,
, [Sorting Book] Try to reach Leona, I like you naked. , *Jacob. Talk to Jacob, {New Notice; Jacob} ---Night---
, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 12/13 Wednesday/Thursday**** XXXSave 1-10-LT1 XXX (Scene; Nightmare Tell her that you don't know Take a closer look at her. ) Look away.} {New Notice; Leona} ****Day 14 Friday**** XXXSave 1-11-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,{+ 1 book} , *Victora, Attend Lesson, (Learn Episkey) Volunteer. {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points}, ---Day--- , *Amelia, Lost foliants(Qty=12) {+12 H/Points} ,{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Attend Lesson, (Learn Reflection) Work with some one else. {+0 Reflection} {New Notice; Sabrina} {New post Lustagram; Haley/Flirt} {+5 H/Points, } ----Evening--- , *Jacob. Talk to Jacob, Adderin, (Quick guide, Continue) WIN {Combat Bolt +0.4} {Incendio +0.2} {LH +3} ---Night---
{+ 1 book}, [Map] , . , . Mc's Rm, Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Ashley/Flirt} ****Day 15 Saturday**** XXXSave 1-12-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- (Scene) Winning House **Leonheart**.{+$50} ---Day--- *Jill Order massage {-$75} Calm her, Exit {New Notice; Jill} ---Night--- Ally, *Romul (Doorman) Enter the club. *Adele, Talk to Adele, Lucy. {New Notice; Adele} VIP Lounge {-$100} Go on baby, {New Notice; Adele} {New post Lustagram; Lily/Nice} ****Day 16 Sunday**** XXXSave 1-13-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- Back, *Gordon Go Fishing{+$23} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$24} ---Evening--- Return to Cordale ---Night--- {+1 book},,. Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 17 Monday**** XXXSave 1-14-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) , *Samantha, Talk, {New Notice; Samantha} ---Day--- {+1 book}. *Sabrina, Attend Lesson, (Learn Inspiration) {+0 Inspiration} {New Notice; Sabrina} {New post Lustagram; Qlivia/nice} {+5 H/Points, } ----Evening--- , *Lily, Talk, {New Notice; Lily,} ---Night--- {+1 book}
{+1 book}, [Map] ,{+1 book}. ,, *Lily, Talk, Ask about..., Touch Lily. (Gallery 6) {New Notice; Lily} {New post Lustagram; Naomi/flirt} ****Day 18 Tuesday**** XXXSave 1-15-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,{+ 1 book}, , *Victora, Attend Lesson, (Learn Rictusempra) {New Notice; Victora} {+5 H/Points}, ---Day--- {+1 book}.,. *Lily. Talk, Yes, Cunnilingus,Anal, CLassic, Cum on back, Hug her, (Gallery 7) {New Notice; Lily} {New Notice; Mushroom Girl} ---Night--- Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Samantha/Flirt} ****Day 19 Wednesday**** XXXSave 2-1-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,, ,{+ 1 book} *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- {+1 book}.,{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Lily/Nice} {New Notice; Lily} (Bug? still Day?) .{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Victoria/Nice} ---Evening--- , *Naomi. Talk, Agreed!, {New Notice; Naomi} ---Night---
{+1 book}, [Map] ,. ,, Sleep {New post Lustagram; Molly/Nice} ****Day 20 Thursday**** XXXSave 2-2-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,{+ 1 book}, [Map],,, , *Naomi, Talk, {New Notice; Naomi} *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- ,{+1 book}. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Ameile/Nice} ---Evening--- , *Naomi. Talk, Answer Strickly, (Gallery 8) Agree for cinnilingus, {New Notice; Naomi} ---Night---
{+1 book}, [Map] ,. ,, Sleep {New post Lustagram; Haley/nice} ****Day 21 Friday**** XXXSave 2-3-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,, , *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- *Amelia, Lost foliants(Qty=18) {+18 H/Points} {+ 1 book}, ,{+1 book}. *Naomi. Talk, Refuse, {New Notice; Naomi} {New post Lustagram; Naomi/flirt} ---Evening--- , Look in mirror {New Notice; Victoria} ---Night--- {+ 1 book}, ,{+1 book}. *Naomi. Talk, Oh Yes! Cum on het chest. (Gallery 18) {New Notice; Naomi} [Map],. ,, Sleep {New post Lustagram; Olivia/Flirt} ****Day 22 Saturday**** XXXSave 2-4-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- (Scene) Winning House **Leonheart**.{+$50} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$24} {New post Lustagram; Olivia/Flirt} ---Evening--- Exit, , *Romul (Doorman) Enter the club. XXX Choice ! Shemale or Girl ? XXX "Girl" VIP Lounge {-$100} yes. {New Notice; Sadira} Talk to Vanessa {New Notice; Vanessa} Let her bite you. {New Notice; Vanessa} {New post Lustagram; Ashley/joke} ****Day 23 Sunday**** XXXSave 2-5-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- Back, *Gordon Go Fishing{+$24} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$25} ---Evening--- Return to Cordale ---Night--- {+1 book},,. Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 24 Monday**** XXXSave 2-6-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,{+ 1 book} [Map],,, ,{+ 1 book} *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- , ,{+ 1 book}, *Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Audrey/joke} ---Evening--- ,
, [Map] ,, Girls Rm 1, *Haley talk, Familiar initials, Walk her to the dorm. {New Notice; Haley} ---Night--- ,,. Mc's Rm, Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Haley/flirt} ****Day 25 Tuesday**** XXXSave 2-7-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,, ,{+ 1 book} *Haley, Talk Touch her hand,Touch her knee, Kiss her, {New Notice; Haley} *Haley, Talk . Spy on Amelie. {New Notice; Haley} ---Day--- , ,. *Haley, Talk {New Notice; Haley} ,,, *Molly, Work, {+$30,+3 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Lily/nice} ---Evening--- ,
, [Map] , *Audrey, Talk, {New Notice; Audrey} {New post Lustagram; Ashley} ****Day 26 Wednesday**** XXXSave 2-8-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,, *Audrey, Talk,Boast, Check out tattoos, Check out legs, Touch her hand, {New Notice; Audrey} ---Day--- ,[Map], ,,{+ 1 book}. *Haley, Talk, Kiss her back. {New Notice; Haley} ---Night--- Mc's Rm, Sleep. (Scene; Haley) (Gallery 17) {New Notice; Haley} ****Day 27 Thursday**** XXXSave 2-9-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- {New post Lustagram; Sabrina} [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,,{+ 1 book} , *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- , ,{+ 1 book}, *Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Samantha/joke} ---Evening--- *Molly, Talk, Eavesdrop, {New Notice; Molly} ---Night--- ,
, [Map] ,,, , , Sleep. ****Day 28 Friday**** XXXSave 2-10-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- {New post Lustagram; Naomi/flirt} [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,,{+ 1 book} , *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- *Amelia, Lost foliants(Qty=14) {+14 H/Points} }, ,{+ 1 book}. *Sabrina, Practice, Lesser Heal. {+1 Lesser Heal} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Amelie/Flirt} ---Evening--- , *Jacob, Dueling Club, Martenden(Lvl 1), Manual, WIN {Combat Bolt +0.2}, {Rictusempra +0.2}, {LH +3} ---Night--- ,
{+ 1 book},[Map] ,,, , , Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Olivia/flirt} ****Day 29 Saturday**** XXXSave 2-11-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- (Scene) Winning House **Leonheart**.{+$50} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$23} {New post Lustagram; Audrey/Flirt} ----Evening--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$22} ---Night--- *Mina, Bed for freshman, Separte room, [Skip Time] ****Day 30 Sunday**** XXXSave 2-12-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- {New post Lustagram; Sabrina/Nice} *Gordon Go Fishing{+$25} ---Day--- *Gordon Go Fishing{+$24} ---Evening--- Return to Cordale ---Night--- {+1 book},,. Mc's Rm, Sleep. ****Day 30 Monday**** XXXSave 2-13-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,,{+ 1 book} ,{+ 1 book}. *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- ,. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Samantha/} ---Evening--- , *Jacob, Dueling Club, Martenden(Lvl 1), Manual, WIN {Combat Bolt +0.3}, {Rictusempra +0.2}, {LH +3} ---Night--- ,
{+ 1 book},[Map] ,,, , , Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Lily/Nice} ****Day 31 Tuesday**** XXXSave 2-14-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,,{+ 1 book} [Map],,, ,{+ 1 book}. *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- ,{+ 1 book}. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Samantha/Firlty} ---Evening--- , *Jacob, Dueling Club, Martenden(Lvl 1), Manual, WIN {Combat Bolt +0.2}, {Incendio +0.2}, {LH +3} ---Night--- ,
,[Map] {+ 1 book},,, , , Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Molly/nice} (Audrey's visit) Yes, Try to kiss her, {New Notice; Audrey} ****Day 32 Wednesday**** XXXSave 2-15-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) ,, {+ 1 book} [Map],,{+ 1 book}, {+ 1 book},{+ 1 book}. *Victora, Practice, Combat Bolt, (100%),(100%),(100%), {Combat Bolt+1.5} {+5 H/Points} ---Day--- ,. *Sabrina, Practice, Reflection. {+1 Reflection} {+5 H/Points} {New post Lustagram; Haley/} ---Evening--- ,
, [Map], *Audrey, Talk, (Gallery 14) (Gallery 15) Go find out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx SAVE NOW xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XxxX Save 3-1-LT1 XxxX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXX Choice ! Shemale or Girl ? XXX "Girl" Accept, Sure, {New Notice; Audrey} Sleep. {New post Lustagram; Ashley/Nice} ****Day 33 Thursday**** XXXSave 3-2-LT1 XXX ---Morning--- [Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit) , *Audrey, Talk (Buged Scene?) {New Notice; Audrey} XXXSave 3-3-LT1 XXX **** End of version 4.1d *** All quests at 100%. All Gallery unlocked.