init -1000 python: """ // Author: Zeh Fernando // License: MIT """ renpy.register_shader("sgwni.dreamy_zoom", variables=""" uniform sampler2D tex0; uniform sampler2D tex1; uniform float u_lod_bias; attribute vec2 a_tex_coord; varying vec2 v_tex_coord; uniform vec2 res0; uniform float u_renpy_progress; uniform float u_sgwni_rotation; uniform float u_sgwni_scale; """, fragment_functions=""" #define DEG2RAD 0.03926990816987241548078304229099 // 1/180*PI #define white_duration 0.1 """, vertex_200=""" v_tex_coord = a_tex_coord; """, fragment_200=""" float progress = u_renpy_progress; float rotation = u_sgwni_rotation; float ratio = res0.x / res0.y; float scale = u_sgwni_scale; vec2 uv =; // Massage parameters float phase = progress < 0.5 ? progress * 2.0 : (progress - 0.5) * 2.0; float angleOffset = progress < 0.5 ? mix(0.0, rotation * DEG2RAD, phase) : mix(-rotation * DEG2RAD, 0.0, phase); //float angleOffset = progress < 0.5 ? mix(0.0, rotation * DEG2RAD, phase) : mix(rotation * DEG2RAD, 0.0, phase); float newScale = progress < 0.5 ? mix(1.0, scale, phase) : mix(scale, 1.0, phase); vec2 center = vec2(0, 0); // Calculate the source point vec2 assumedCenter = vec2(0.5, 0.5); vec2 p = (uv.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5)) / newScale * vec2(ratio, 1.0); // This can probably be optimized (with distance()) float angle = atan(p.y, p.x) + angleOffset; float dist = distance(center, p); p.x = cos(angle) * dist / ratio + 0.5; p.y = sin(angle) * dist + 0.5; vec4 c = progress < 0.5 ? texture2D(tex0, p, u_lod_bias) : texture2D(tex1, p, u_lod_bias); // Finally, apply the color gl_FragColor = c + ( progress < (0.5 - white_duration) ? mix(0.0, 1.0, phase + white_duration * 2.0) : progress > (0.5 + white_duration) ? mix(1.0, 0.0, phase - white_duration * 2.0) : 1.0 ); """) init -999 python: from renpy.display.transition import Transition, null_render, render class DreamyZoom(Transition): """ :doc: transition function :args: (time, rotation=6.0, scale=1.2, alpha=False, time_warp=None) :name: DreamyZoom Returns a transition that zooms, rotates, and fades to white from the old scene to the new scene. `time` The time the transition will take. `rotation` How many degrees of rotation to apply to the scene during the transition. `scale` How much to scale the scene during the transition. `alpha` Ignored. `time_warp` A function that adjusts the timeline. If not None, this should be a function that takes a fractional time between 0.0 and 1.0, and returns a number in the same range. """ __version__ = 1 def after_upgrade(self, version): if version < 1: self.alpha = False time_warp = None def __init__(self, time, rotation=6.0, scale=1.2, old_widget=None, new_widget=None, alpha=False, time_warp=None, **properties): super(DreamyZoom, self).__init__(time, **properties) self.time = time self.rotation = rotation self.old_widget = old_widget self.new_widget = new_widget = False self.scale = scale self.alpha = alpha self.time_warp = time_warp def render(self, width, height, st, at): if return null_render(self, width, height, st, at) if st >= self.time: = True return render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at) complete = min(1.0, st / self.time) if self.time_warp is not None: complete = self.time_warp(complete) bottom = render(self.old_widget, width, height, st, at) top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at) width = min(top.width, bottom.width) height = min(top.height, bottom.height) rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height) rv.operation = renpy.display.render.DISSOLVE rv.operation_alpha = self.alpha or renpy.config.dissolve_force_alpha rv.operation_complete = complete if renpy.display.render.models: target = rv.get_size() if top.get_size() != target: top = top.subsurface((0, 0, width, height)) if bottom.get_size() != target: bottom = bottom.subsurface((0, 0, width, height)) rv.mesh = True rv.add_shader("sgwni.dreamy_zoom") rv.add_uniform("u_renpy_progress", complete) rv.add_uniform("u_sgwni_rotation", self.rotation) rv.add_uniform("u_sgwni_scale", self.scale) rv.add_property("mipmap", renpy.config.mipmap_dissolves if ( is None) else rv.blit(bottom, (0, 0), focus=False, main=False) rv.blit(top, (0, 0), focus=True, main=True) renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0) return rv # Curry from renpy.curry import curry cDreamyZoom = curry(DreamyZoom) init -998: define dreamyzoom = cDreamyZoom(1)