define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") $ MClove=[] init: transform customzoom: zoom 0.1 init -3 python: persistent.patch_installed = False init -1 python: if persistent.patch_installed and not persistent.patch_first_time: persistent.patch_enabled = True persistent.patch_first_time = True elif not persistent.patch_installed: persistent.patch_first_time = False persistent.patch_enabled = False style alienese is text: font "Alienese.ttf" define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") define A = Character("Author", color="#fff") define MC = Character("Myriam", color="#f0f") define An = Character("Anthony", color="#0080ff") define Ka = Character("Katherine", color="#f9f") define Ma = Character("Marc", color="#9cf") define Th = Character("Thomas", color="#006") define Ca = Character("Cassius", color="#8a8a5c") define Col = Character("Colin", color="#930") define Ha = Character("Hammer", color="#5c5c3d") define JoD = Character("John", color="#f2f2f2") define FaC = Character("Father Cumforth", color="#900") define MiC = Character("Miss Cringe", color="#204060") define StL = Character("Stan", color="#093") define Ev = Character("Evelyn", color="#c9f") define LiT = Character("Liam", color="#690") define RoT = Character("Robert", color="#460") define MaD = Character("Max", color="#fa0") define Jak = Character("Jake", color="#360") define DoS = Character("Doctor Silver", color="#699") define DoW = Character("Doctor Weiss", color="#0fc") define EdS = Character("Edward", color="#699") define FrS = Character("Francis", color="#09c") define ToP = Character("Todd", color="#0cf") define NuN = Character("Nubia", color="#ff8000") define BiJ = Character("Bill", color="#fc0") define JaJ = Character("Jarvis", color="#806600") define JoK = Character("John", color="#099") define ShK = Character("Sharon", color="#6ff") define WiK = Character("William", color="#0ff") define NBuS = Character("Nightmarish Buck", color="#933") define BeW = Character("Ben", color="#b3b3cc") define BoD = Character("Bob", color="#963") define ChG = Character("Charles", color="#ffbf00") define ClD = Character("Clark", color="#03c") define DaR = Character("Darryl", color="#dfbf9f") define ErH = Character("Erin", color="#f05") define KiB = Character("Kimberley", color="#fcc") define MaC = Character("Mary", color="#80ffff") define MiH = Character("Milton", color="#bfbfbf") define DaA = Character("Danny", color="#039") define DDA = Character("Detective Anderson", color="#0af") define JuR = Character("Judge Raid", color="#062") define MiJ = Character("Mike", color="#05f") define ODA = Character("Officer Armstrong", color="#039") define OMJ = Character("Officer Johnson", color="#05f") define AaF = Character("Flint", color="#ff9") define CrC = Character("Crystal", color="#f6c") define KyX = Character("Kyra", color="#f6f") define Tbo = Character("T-bone", color="#630") define BuS = Character("Buck", color="#b32d00") define DuS = Character("Dumdum", color="#ff4000") define GrS = Character("Gramp", color="#ffb399") define MaS = Character("Ma", color="#661a00") define TeS = Character("Tex", color="#ff794d") define ClL = Character("Cleavon", color="#339") define CoL = Character("Coach", color="#3cc") define DaO = Character("Daniel", color="#66c") define HeR = Character("Henry", color="#4040bf") define MrL = Character("Mr Little", color="#339") define Dar = Character("Darrell", color="#960") define Jam = Character("Jamal", color="#640") define Lan = Character("Lance", color="#c80") define Luc = Character("Lucas", color="#f63") define LuM = Character("Lucy", color="#f60") define Mah = Character("Maheer", color="#bf8040") define Sea = Character("Sean", color="#f93") define JoJ = Character("Jose", color="#fc9") define MaM = Character("Mary", color="#f50") define StM = Character("Steve", color="#f90") define TeP = Character("Terrel", color="#c60") define AaN = Character("Andrew", color="#09f") define JeH = Character("Scruffy", color="#996") define AiP = Character("Aiden", color="#ff0") define Bo = Character("Bobo", color="#c90") define LaD = Character("Larry", color="#0c9") define AnK = Character("Anton", color="#4d9900") define DaE = Character("Dan", color="#0c0") define GuA = Character("Guy", color="#090") define JeE = Character("Jennifer", color="#0f0") define JoY = Character("Jonas", color="#ffff80") define NiH = Character("Nick", color="#00bfff") define RiF = Character("Richard", color="#663") define StQ = Character("Stella", color="#bf80ff") define DaN = Character("David", color="#fc9") define Am = Character("Amenatep", color="#cc0") define To = Character("Toby", color="#800080") label after_load: hide screen notification_screen_seq return label start: scene bg warningadultcontent A "This game is my first, never used a 3D program before, nor I ever programed before, so be indulgent please." A "This is an adult game, meaning heavy sexual content, violence and hard topics." A "There will be adult content for a lot of tastes here, maybe some that you dislike, but do not worry too much, most will be avoidable depending on your choices." A "My goal is to create a rich multi-branching game that will offer you some replayability and variety in what you can accomplish." A "I hope you will like it or find some interest in it at the least." A "Oh, and one last warning{w}, I am French, so it is possible that my mastery of the English language will make your eyes bleed, I am sorry in advance for that." A "So now here is the fatal question:" menu lie_about_being_an_adult: "Are you considered an adult in your country?" "Yes, I am an adult." if True: call notification_label from _call_notification_label A "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!{w}... and have a good one!" jump chapter00 "No, I am not an adult." if True: A "Holy shit! {w}Wow! {w}You are quite honest." A "I would reward you with some nice adult pics, but that would defy the purpose of this question, sorry." A "But do not hesitate to come here as soon as you can, it will be my pleasure to entertain you." jump end label chapter00: KN_MOD "label chapter00:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter0 from _call_var_chapter0" KN_MOD "label ch0_intro_ontheroad:" show screen button scene black with dissolve show text "Intro \n On the Road" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ontheroad 01 with dissolve play music "car Interior-freesound-dkaufman.mp3" fadeout 1 "Radio" "\"On the road again\"" "Radio and Anthony" "\"I just can't wait to get on the road again\"" scene bg ontheroad 02 with dissolve "Radio and Anthony" "\"The life I love is makin' music with my friends\"" "Radio and Anthony" "\"And I can't wait to get on the road again\"" scene bg ontheroad 03 with dissolve "Radio and Anthony" "\"On the road again\"" "Radio and Anthony" "\"Goin' places that I've never been\"" scene bg ontheroad 04 with dissolve "Radio and Anthony" "\"Seein' things that I may never see again\"" "Radio and Anthony" "\"And I can't wait to get on the road again\"" scene bg ontheroad 05 with dissolve Ma "\"Hey old man! Can you stop making our ears bleed?\"" "Radio" "\"Here we go, on the road again\"" scene bg ontheroad 06 with dissolve An "\"You youngster don't know what's good for you!\"" "Radio" "\"Like a band of Gypsies we go down the highway\"" An "\"At your age...\"" scene bg ontheroad 07 with dissolve "Katherine interrupted him, taking a silly voice." Ka "\"Oh yes old man, give us your old man wisdom!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha ha ha!\"" "Radio" "\"We're the best of friends\"" scene bg ontheroad 08 with dissolve "With a soft voice, Myriam scolded her children, while caressing Anthony's back." MC "\"Kids! Stop teasing him.\"" "Radio" "\"Insisting that the world keep turnin' our way\"" "Holding back a laugh, she continued." MC "\"Or you'll make him lose his hair.\"" scene bg ontheroad 09 with dissolve "Katherine and Marc" "\"Ha ha ha ha ha!\"" "Radio" "\"And our way is on the road again\"" "Anthony grumbled..." scene bg ontheroad 10 with dissolve "Then angrily shut off the radio." scene bg ontheroad 11 with dissolve "Myriam tried to calm him down, still caressing him tenderly." MC "\"Hun, don't get riled, we're just teasing, you know we don't mean it.\"" scene bg ontheroad 12 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW!\"" "With a sudden and sharp motion, Anthony slapped away Myriam's hand." An "\"Knock it off! I am not a child.\"" scene bg ontheroad 13 with dissolve "Sobbing, Myriam caressed her hand." MC "\"You hurt me Anthony...\"" scene bg ontheroad 14 with dissolve "Ignoring her, an awkward silence fell in the car, quickly leaving only the deafening sound of the car on the asphalt to fill the void." "Until a faint wimper could be heard from the trunk, breaking the discomfort that had taken over the car." play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine! Whine!\"" scene bg ontheroad 15 with dissolve MC "\"Stop us here Hun. I think we all need to stretch our legs and Cassius fixin' to go...\"" MC "\"...and so am I.\"" stop music fadeout 1 play sound "car-stopping-freesound-jmdh.mp3" scene bg ontheroad 16 with dissolve "A moment later, the car parked on the side of the road, everybody got out, slowly getting used to walking again after so many hours on the road." queue sound "car door slam-freesound-theshaggyfreak.mp3" scene bg ontheroad 17 with dissolve queue sound "car door slam-freesound-theshaggyfreak.mp3" "While closing her car door, Myriam turned toward Marc." MC "\"Marc, get Cassius out and go walk him so he can run a bit and do his business.\"" scene bg ontheroad 18 with dissolve "Already near the trunk, Marc turned toward it." Ma "\"No problem Mi, I'll let him out.\"" scene bg ontheroad 19 with dissolve "With a worried voice Myriam quickly added as Marc was about to open the trunk;" MC "\"And mind the road Duckling, there are some big trucks passing by.\"" scene bg ontheroad 20 with dissolve "Exasperated to be taken for a little kid, Marc rolled his eyes and answered in a sigh." Ma "\"Yes...\"" play sound "car boot door open-freesound-soundholder.mp3" scene bg ontheroad 21 with dissolve "Katherine approached her mother, worried." Ka "\"You okay Mom?\"" scene bg ontheroad 22 with dissolve "Myriam answered in a soft and reassuring voice." MC "\"Yes, don't worry honey, I'm ok, he didn't mean to hurt me.\"" MC "\"He was just sore from all the teasing.\"" scene bg ontheroad 23 with dissolve "She kissed her softly on the forehead to calm her down." scene bg ontheroad 24 with dissolve "Then she started to jitter around nervously." MC "\"Now excuse me Pumpkin... {w}I really need to go pee.\"" "Katherine laughed heartily, letting all the tension from before go." scene bg ontheroad 25 with dissolve play sound "car door slam-freesound-theshaggyfreak.mp3" "As everyone went their way, Anthony loudly told everyone to hurry." An "\"Be quick! {w}I want to find a motel before the night.\"" scene bg ontheroad 26 with dissolve play sound "explosion title-freesound-westshorebass.mp3" KN_MOD "{size=+10}{b}{color=#ffd700}PROJECT MYRIAM: LIFE & EXPLORATIONS{/color}{/b}{/size}" scene bg ontheroad 27 with dissolve "Without even turning toward him, Katherine reprimanded Anthony." Ka "\"You should be nicer to mom. {w}You shouldn't have hit her like that.\"" "{b}{color=#f9f}Katherine Summers{/color}{/b} {w}alias Kathy, Kate or Pumpkin {p}Myriam's daughter{w}, The Good Hearted Rebel {p}Too smart for her own good." scene bg ontheroad 28 with dissolve "Stubbornly grumpy, Anthony admonished her firmly." An "\"And you should mind your manners and talk to me with respect. {w}I'm not one of your hippie friends.\"" "{b}{color=#0080ff}Anthony Kunt{/color}{/b} {w}alias Dad or Hun {p}Marc's Father{w}, 46 years old {p}The Egotistical Asshole {p}Myriam's boyfriend, too stupid for his own good." scene bg ontheroad 29 with dissolve "Searching for the dog, who had run out of sight, Marc ran into Myriam relieving herself." Ma "{i}Holy shit! She's peeing.{/i}" scene bg ontheroad 30 with dissolve "Hiding by reflex, Marc quickly took out his phone from his pocket. {w}Then discreetly took position to immortalize the moment with his phone." Ma "{i}Fuck! I won't have a chance like that everyday. {w}Now show me that sweet ass of yours!{/i}" "{b}{color=#9cf}Marc Kunt{/color}{/b} {w}alias Marky, Perv or Duckling {p}Anthony's son{w}, the Little Pervert {p}Too cocky for his own good." scene bg ontheroad 31 with dissolve "While Marc was playing the peeping Tom, Cassius arrived on the scene from the other side, surprising Myriam while she was getting dressed again." scene bg ontheroad 32 with dissolve "Falling over under the weight of the dog and the surprise, she was still half dressed, her shorts still down, enticing Cassius curiosity." MC "\"What are you doing you naughty boy, don't smell there, I just peed.\"" scene bg ontheroad 33 with dissolve "Disappointed, he gave her his puppy eyes while burying his muzzle between her breasts, nearly uncovering them in the process." MC "\"Ho! Who's a good boy? {w}Yes you are! {w}You're my good boy.\"" "{b}{color=#808080}Cassius{/color}{/b} {w}alias Good Boy, Naughty Boy or Hot Dog {p}The dog{w}, 1 year old great dane {p}The Horny Dog {p}Too horny for his own good." scene bg ontheroad 34 with dissolve "Loving animals since she was little and always affectionate with them, she could never stay mad at him." "{b}{color=#f0f}Myriam Summers{/color}{/b} {w}alias Babe, Mi or Mom {p}The main character{w}, 36 years old {p}The Sweet Unsatisfied MILF {p}Too nice for her own good." "Suddenly coming from behind the rock formation, she could hear Anthony calling{w}, or more exactly screaming." An "\"HEY! MI! MARC! Are you coming? We need to go, now.\"" scene bg ontheroad 35 with dissolve "Taking the road again, the family headed west toward their new home and new life." "But before that could happen, they needed to find a motel and rest for the night, the road was still long." KN_MOD "label ch0_intro_redneckmotel:" scene black with dissolve show text "Intro \n Redneck Motel" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 001 with dissolve play music "car Interior-freesound-dkaufman.mp3" fadeout 1 MC "\"Hun, look there.\"" "Finally they could see a motel at the horizon, after hours of driving." scene bg redneckmotel 002 with dissolve Ka "\"Wow! It really looks rundown Mom.\"" Ma "\"But a good place to start the zombie apocalypse.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 003 with dissolve "Turning the wheels despite the comments, Anthony turned the car into the motel parking lot." An "\"Well, we need gas and I am not taking any chances.\"" stop music fadeout 1 play sound "car-stopping-freesound-jmdh.mp3" queue sound "car door slam-freesound-theshaggyfreak.mp3" scene bg redneckmotel 004 with dissolve "As everybody got out and stretched, Anthony stayed at the car." An "\"Babe, go take a look inside if they have rooms, I'll gas up the car.\"" MC "\"Yes, Hun.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 005 with dissolve play sound "entrance bell-freesound-zott820.mp3" MC "{i}This is so dusty and dirty, they really mustn't clean the place regularly{w}, and that smell{w}, this is strange, I know it.{/i}" MC "\"Hello.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 006 with dissolve play sound "counter bell-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "She rang the bell at the counter." MC "\"Is there anybody? We are looking for a room.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is that porn magazines on the counter??{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch0_motel_porn_mag:" "How does she react to this situation?" KN_MOD "Have a better look.:" $ ch0_motel_porn_mag_curious = True "She let her curiosity take the better of her and has a better look." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_look" KN_MOD "Resist the impulse.:" $ ch0_motel_porn_mag_curious = True "Her curiosity screamed at her to have a better look, but she would not dare it." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_resist" KN_MOD "Ignore it.:" $ ch0_motel_porn_mag_curious = False "Trying to ignore the material on the counter, she focused her gaze on the door behind it." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_ignore" KN_MOD "label ch0_motel_porn_mag_look:" scene bg redneckmotel 007 with dissolve "Getting closer to the counter to get a better look, she could see the porn magazine opened on a close up of a woman getting her face covered in cum by multiple men." "Seeing the expression of pleasure of the model, she could not stop her imagination from flying." MC "{i}It really looks like she's enjoying it.{/i}" "Anthony loved to cum on her face also, and she didn't really dislike it herself, but she never thought that women could really enjoy it." "As she kept looking at the magazine, she realized there was something strange with the pages." MC "{i}Oh my god! There is cum on it, and it's fresh.{/i}" MC "{i}That's the smell I recognized when I came in.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 008 with dissolve "Suddenly, she could hear the door opening behind the counter." "Surprised by it, she barely had time to back away from the counter as a man came in the room." "Ashamed to be caught, she couldn't help blushing." MC "{i}Oh my god, he saw me, this is so embarrassing.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 009 with dissolve "The man couldn't help smirking as he saw her so flustered." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_after" KN_MOD "label ch0_motel_porn_mag_resist:" scene bg redneckmotel 010 with dissolve "Her eyes couldn't stop jumping from the door behind the counter and the porn magazines." "She couldn't stop biting her lips and fidgeting, she wanted to take a better look, but she wasn't brave enough to risk getting caught in the act." "As she was torturing herself over looking or not, she could hear the door opening behind the counter." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_after" KN_MOD "label ch0_motel_porn_mag_ignore:" scene bg redneckmotel 011 with dissolve "She was determined to not let herself be caught in a situation she disliked." "She wasn't going to play the game of the person who was supposed to be here." "A few moments later she could hear the door opening behind the counter." KN_MOD "jump ch0_motel_porn_mag_after" KN_MOD "label ch0_motel_porn_mag_after:" scene bg redneckmotel 012 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Closing the door behind him the old man came to the counter with a creepy smile." BuS "\"So, what does the little lady need?\"" "All the time he was talking, she could feel the gaze of the man scanning her from head to toe, and of course focusing on her breasts." "{b}{color=#f0f}Buck Sawyer{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mad Eye {p}The Uncle{w}, 62 years old {p}The twisted old man {p}Likes to abuse and humiliate." scene bg redneckmotel 013 with dissolve "Ignoring him, she tried to focus on the task at hand." MC "\"Hello sir, we would like to take two rooms for the night please, if you have the space.\"" MC "\"Also, we're refueling the car.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 014 with dissolve "His eyes were still focused on her breasts when he answered." BuS "\"Sure we have room for you little lady{w}, two BIG rooms.\"" "A big smirk appeared on his face as he winked at her and joked about her breasts." scene bg redneckmotel 015 with dissolve "Ignoring the remark, she thanked him and approached to take the keys he was holding out behind the counter, forcing her to bend over awkwardly." "She knew he was doing it on purpose, to force her to show off her cleavage, but not wanting to make a scene, she let him have his fun and an eyeful." BuS "\"Here you go, tv's pay per view and showers are in the back and communal.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 016 with dissolve "Moments later in their room, Myriam was getting ready to go take a shower while Anthony was looking at his phone on the bed." MC "\"I gave Kate and Marc their key, I also told them to stay together to be safe, I really didn't like the feeling I had with the desk clerk.\"" An "\"Mmh.\"" "Not really listening to what she was saying, he kept his nose in his phone." scene bg redneckmotel 017 with dissolve MC "\"Hun, I'm gonna take a shower before going to bed, I really need to relax, I'm so tense I feel a headache coming on.\"" An "\"Mmh.\"" "Again, ignoring her he just acquiesced and kept his attention on his phone." "Turning toward Anthony before going out, she could see he was not paying attention, but still she warned him again." MC "\"I am going Hun.\"" play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" scene bg redneckmotel 018 with dissolve MC "{i}So where are those showers, he told me they were behind the main building.{/i}" "While Myriam was searching for the communal showers, the clerk, Buck, was waiting for her behind the corner." BuS "{i}The bitch's finally here, time to have myself some fun.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 019 with dissolve "As she passed he jumped at her from his hiding place, cornering her against the wall as she was clinging to her towel in surprise." BuS "\"Hey there little lady! {w}Not so fast. {w}Where're you going clothed like that?{w} Going for a shower?\"" "Recoiling in terror facing the knife, she swallowed a scream as he approached to grab her." scene bg redneckmotel 020 with dissolve "Holding her wrist against the wall, he drew nearer and started sniffing her." BuS "\"No need girly... {i}sniff{/i}{w}... you smell just right to me, I like them dirty.\"" "Turning her head in disgust as he started licking her, she felt powerless." scene bg redneckmotel 021 with dissolve "Grabbing the towel with his armed hand, he started to pull on it, but Myriam kept clinging to it tightly." MC "\"Stop it! Please, leave me alone!\"" KN_MOD "if ch0_motel_porn_mag_curious == True:" BuS "\"Let me see, you dirty girl, do you think I didn't see you looking at my porn on the counter.\"" BuS "\"I know you want it, you dirty bitch.\"" "As he insulted her he pulled strongly on the towel to unveil her naked body underneath." KN_MOD "else:" BuS "\"Let me see, you dirty girl, you city girl - you're all the same. {w}You play hard to get but you all want it.\"" "As he insulted her he pulled strongly on the towel to unveil her naked body underneath." scene bg redneckmotel 022 with dissolve "While he started motorboating between her breasts, she found the strength in herself to try and repel him in disgust." "But as she did, he pressed his blade against her inner thigh and her sex, making her lose her newly found willpower in fear of getting hurt." "Sobbing and disgusted, she felt powerless and paralysed, all she could do was pray for help." MC "{i}Oh god! Somebody help me{w}, Anthony{w}, please, help me.{/i}" "But as she had lost all hope and was resigned to getting raped right then and there... {w}She heard him scream." scene bg redneckmotel 023 with dissolve "Suddenly lifted off the ground by a giant man, the old desk clerk kept gesticulating and screaming." BuS "\"Huh!? {w}Dumdum? {w}Put me down you stupid oaf or I'll tell your Ma. {w}This stupid bitch is mine.\"" DuS "\"NO!\"" "With a booming voice, the giant denied the flailing old redneck and kept him off the ground." "Surprised but relieved, Myriam hid herself as best as she could by reflex, trying to understand what was happening." scene bg redneckmotel 024 with dissolve "Flailing in all directions with his knife, the giant finally thrown him against the wall, making him let go of the blade." DuS "\"It... {w}It's bad to hurt ni... {w}nice ladies uncle.\"" "Admonishing him for his behavior with a deep voice and a stutter, this big mountain of muscles seemed a bit slow and strangely gentle." scene bg redneckmotel 025 with dissolve "Getting up and running away, agitating his fist, the old redneck threatened and insulted his nephew again before disappearing." BuS "\"You'll pay for that Dumdum, I'll tell your Ma, you'll get what you diserve.\"" "Ignoring him, his big nephew, bent over to pick up the towel that was thrown on the ground a moment ago." scene bg redneckmotel 026 with dissolve "Turning his head away, the giant held out her towel to Myriam." DuS "\"Yo... {w}your towel ni... {w}nice lady.\"" "Blushing and uncomfortable, he kept his head turned as her trembling hand was slowly and carefully approaching the held out towel." "Timidly, she took it, and quickly brought it to her, fearing he would take it back, and tried to hide herself as best as she could, finally blabbering an awkward and timid thank you." MC "\"Thank you...\"" scene bg redneckmotel 027 with dissolve "Covering herself, she still felt paralysed facing this gigantic man." DuS "\"No... {w}No thank, hurting ni... {w}nice lady is bad, un... {w}uncle shou... {w}shouldn't have do... {w}done that.\"" DuS "\"DumDum... {w}name Jed, but ev... {w}everybody say Dumdum cause am stu... {w}stupid.\"" "As this big mountain of muscles was stuttering his words, she could feel her fear starting to go." "His body was enormous, but he just felt to her like he was a big child inside." scene bg redneckmotel 028 with dissolve "Now that she had wrapped herself again in her towel, she turned back toward him." "Touching his arm gently, she thanked him again, this time without fear in her voice." MC "\"Thank you Jed.\"" "{b}{color=#f0f}Jed Sawyer{/color}{/b} {w}alias Dumdum {p}The Cadet{w}, 25 years old {p}The gentle giant {p}Like to pet puppys... {w}and kill bulls for the slaughterhouse with his bare hands." DuS "You... {w}You welcome." scene bg redneckmotel 029 with dissolve "Happy like a kid that got praised, Dumdum smiled brightly and pointed her the way to the showers." DuS "\"Shower tha... {w}that way ni... {w}nice lady.\"" "But Myriam was lost in her thoughts, still shaken by her aggression, she did not know what to do, what to think." MC "{i}Should I call the police... {w}I don't want to relive this... {w}and what will they think of me, going out with just a towel on, maybe they'll think I brought it on myself...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I need to calm down, I can't think like this... {w}and this headache is not helping, I need to relax and clear my mind.{/i}" "As she was turning round and round in her head, the big voice of Dumdum made her come out of it." DuS "\"Do... {w}don't worry, I look unc... {w}uncle Buck don't bo... {w}bother nice lady a... {w}again.\"" MC "{i}What should I do? {w}God knows it would do me some good and help me relax.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch0_to_shower_or_not_to_shower:" "Does Myriam trust her new friend?" KN_MOD "Yes, I really need to relax and clear my mind.:" $ ch0_going_for_shower_redneck_motel = True "She strangely felt safe around him, he reminded her of her little brother Liam, he was also simple and she always felt protective of him." "Maybe if he stayed outside she could feel safe enough to shower, relax and clear her mind." KN_MOD "jump ch0_going_for_a_shower" KN_MOD "No, I am not thinking clearly, I need to go back to my room with Anthony.:" $ ch0_dumdum_shower = False $ ch0_going_for_shower_redneck_motel = False "She was too afraid, too shaken to go take this shower, she needed Anthony, to feel safe again." "She needed to go to her room now." $ ch0_missing_home = False KN_MOD "jump ch0_return_redneck_motel_room" KN_MOD "label ch0_going_for_a_shower:" scene bg redneckmotel 030 with dissolve "Accompanied by Dumdum, she stopped at the door." MC "\"Will you stay here while I shower?\"" "Showing himself and the spot where he stood, he solemnly swore like a noble knight." DuS "\"Wi... {w}Will not move fr... {w}from this spot. Dum... {w}Dumdum will protect ni... {w}nice lady.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 031 with dissolve "As she hooked her towel after undressing, she was already starting to feel relieved." MC "{i}I made the right choice, I'll take my shower, relax, go back to our room, and tomorrow we'll forget this nightmare.{/i}" "Half persuading herself, she knew it would not be that simple, but she needed it to be." scene bg redneckmotel 032 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "As she felt the water running on her body, she could feel her stress melting away, as if the water was washing away all the problems as well as the sweat of the day." "Even letting her forget the aggression for a moment." scene bg redneckmotel 033 with dissolve "Taking her time under the water, she kept it running as she washed her body again and again." "But as time passed by, she started to feel uneasy, as if she felt the gaze of someone." scene bg redneckmotel 034 with dissolve "Suddenly fearing that the old redneck came back, she opened her eyes, to see Dumdum staring at her embarrassed." "Screaming in surprise, she hid herself." scene bg redneckmotel 035 with dissolve "Falling backward startled, Dumdum started to wail like a child and apologize." DuS "\"So... {w}sorry, Dumdum do... {w}don't want to spy on ni... {w}nice lady.\"" DuS "\"Wai... {w}waited long, fea... {w}feared that un... {w}uncle returned.\"" DuS "\"Ju... {w}just wanted to see if nice lady wa... {w}was ok.\"" DuS "\"Bu... {w}but nice lady was so pre... {w}pretty, I...\"" "He started sobbing uncontrollably while hiding and protecting himself, as if he was waiting for her to hit him." DuS "\"Plea... {w}plea... {w}please don't tell Ma.\"" "As she saw him sobbing and cowering like this, her anger just disappeared, even feeling guilty and ashamed to be mad at such a sweet soul." MC "{i}He must be a battered child, the poor thing.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 036 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Stopping the water, she squatted down at his side, she tried to calm him down, a hand on his arm, petting him like a kid." MC "\"Hush, hush! Don't worry, I won't tell your Ma. {w}It's okay, I know you didn't mean ta startle me.\"" MC "\"But you know it's wrong to spy on women while they are naked or showering without them knowing.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 037 with dissolve "Stopping his sobbing, he raised his head at her words and took her hand in his." DuS "\"Un... {w}Understand. I... {w}If ask, can loo... {w}look at nice lady?\"" DuS "\"Ni... {w}nice lady so pretty, ne... {w}never saw a lady so... {w}so pretty before.\"" "You could see all the hope in his eyes, as if he heard a divine revelation." "Caught off guard, she blushed and remained silent, unable to find her words" KN_MOD "menu ch0_dumdum_request:" "How does she react to Dumdum's request?" KN_MOD "Let him look at you shower.:" $ ch0_dumdum_shower = True scene bg redneckmotel 038 with dissolve "Taken aback and not wanting to sadden him anymore, she acquiesced to his request with a gentle smile." MC "\"Ok Jed, you can look at me while I finish my shower.\"" MC "{i}The poor thing mustn't have a lot of kindness shown to him, I can't say no to him now.{/i}" "Feeling compassion for the poor Dumdum, she felt she could not push him away." MC "{i}And it won't do me any harm, he'll just be looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_suite" KN_MOD "Refuse gently.:" $ ch0_dumdum_shower = False scene bg redneckmotel 039 with dissolve "She knew that his request was without ulterior motive, he was like an innocent and curious kid, but she recently got together with Anthony and could not do this." MC "\"I am sorry Jed, but I can't let you look at me naked, you understand that I am with someone.\"" "She immediately felt guilty as she saw the light of hope in his eyes disappear, but she knew she did right." DuS "\"U... {w}understand. A... {w}am sorry.\"" "She kissed him on the forehead, thanking him again for his help, refusing gently his request." KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_dumdum_request_suite:" scene bg redneckmotel 040 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "After pointing out a spot for him, she went back under the shower." MC "\"Stay here while I finish washing myself.\"" "Obedient, he went where she pointed and then looked at her intently, as if missing even a second would mean death." scene bg redneckmotel 041 with dissolve "Feeling his burning gaze on her as she washed herself, she started feeling self aware and aroused." "Her movements getting ever so slightly more erotic as she kept going." "Meeting his gaze, her eyes could not not look away anymore." MC "{i}What am I doing? He's looking at me so hard. This feels so wrong and good.{/i}" "Feeling guilty and excited, her arousal kept getting higher and her movements explicit." "His excitment was clear as he was grinning widely and caressing his groin through his pants." scene bg redneckmotel 042 with dissolve "As the bulge was getting bigger and bigger in his pants, he took out the tool that was ready to tear it up." "Keeping his eyes on Myriam and her body, Dumdum started caressing his cock." MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!?{/i}" "Surprised and shocked by Dumdum masturbating while looking at her naked body, she didn't know if she should look away or not." KN_MOD "menu ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation:" "How does she react to Dumdum masturbating?" KN_MOD "Keep looking at it.:" scene bg redneckmotel 043 with dissolve "Fascinated by the size of his cock, she couldn't stop herself from staring at it." MC "{i}Oh my god! It's so big, Anthony's penis look like a child's in comparison.{/i}" "She couldn't stop her imagination from flying off." MC "{i}I could never take something like that in me, it's as big as my forearm... {w}He would definitely kill me.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_suite" KN_MOD "Look away.:" scene bg redneckmotel 044 with dissolve "Turning her head away in embarrassment, she could still hear and see him masturbating and grunting from the corner of her eyes." "His movements kept going faster and faster and his grunts louder." DuS "\"Huu, huu, huu!\"" "And slowly he started to approach." scene bg redneckmotel 045 with dissolve "Slowly backing away as he approachd, she quickly got cornered against the shower's back." stop music fadeout 1 "As the water stopped, there now only was the slippery sound of Dumdum jerking off and his loud grunting." DuS "\"Huu, huu, huu!\"" "She knew he was about to ejaculate." scene bg redneckmotel 046 with dissolve DuS "\"HUU!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "With one final grunt a geyser of cum came out of his cock, rushing straight for her face." "The strength had nothing in common with Anthony's ejaculation, as one load nearly took her eye out." "As the loads came crashing on her face and her breasts, she could feel the warmth and thickness of his cum, as its strong smell." MC "{i}Oh my god! It's so thick and potent.{/i}" "Getting herself drunk in the strong smell of his cum and the situation, she stayed there paralysed, with only the sound of his rough breathing." KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_suite:" scene bg redneckmotel 047 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Both entranced by the spectacle they were looking at, neither of them could detach their gaze from the other." "Him looking at her wet naked body, and her to him jerking his massive cock." "Even as he was slowly approaching her, as if he was bewitched by her body, she kept looking at his cock while backing away, stopping the water." "She knew it was wrong but she could not help but feel more and more excited." "And as she quickly got cornered against the shower's back, she felt like a little trapped animal, but still could not stop looking." MC "{i}This is so wrong, I should stop this, but I don't want ta hurt him, he seems to need it so much.{/i}" "Masturbating and grunting more and more vigorously as he got closer, she could feel he was close." DuS "\"Huu, huu, huu!\"" "He was going to ejaculate and there was no mystery where." KN_MOD "menu ch0_dumdum_request_finish:" "What does she do?" KN_MOD "Lock eyes with him.:" scene bg redneckmotel 048 with dissolve MC "{i}I shouldn't do this, I am sorry Anthony, but he's just like a child, I can't hurt him.{/i}" "Taken by the situation, her eyes locked with him as her hand mechanically began brushing his arm gently." MC "\"It's ok, let it out, give me everything you have like a big boy.\"" "Reassuring him like she would a child, she kept petting his arm." scene bg redneckmotel 049 with dissolve "Grunting violently, Dumdum ejaculated a massive geyser of cum, crashing right on her face and in her opened mouth." DuS "\"HUUU!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Thick and warm, they came again and again, covering her breasts and face as if multiple men had just cum on her." "The smell and taste was so potent, filling her mouth, nose and covering her face, that it made her feel drunk." MC "{i}Oh my god! He got so much of it in my mouth, it's so thick and strong, what do I do?{/i}" MC "{i}I can't spit it out, it'll upset him if I do... {w}I have to swallow it.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 050 with dissolve MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Swallowing the massive load of cum she had in her mouth loudly, she smiled at him as if everything was alright." "The taste was nothing like Anthony, she could find the same bitterness at the base, but his was so much stronger, that she couldn't stop salivating." "As he finally finished, she felt like a glazed donut." "Even her eyes received a good amount, as she was trying to keep them open like Anthony always asked her." "As cum was dripping off her in silence, she kept caressing his arm as if she was petting a child." "Short of breath, he seemed on his part quite happy and gleeful." KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_end" KN_MOD "Look away.:" scene bg redneckmotel 045 with dissolve MC "{i}No! I shouldn't do this, I am sorry Anthony, I should have stopped it before it come to this, but it's too late to stop him now, I don't want to hurt him.{/i}" "Looking away, she waited for him to finish, it was too late to stop him now that she could hear how close he was to ejaculate." DuS "\"Huu, huu, huu!\"" "Going faster and faster as his grunts were becoming louder and louder, she knew he would not be long anymore." scene bg redneckmotel 046 with dissolve "Quickly she heard him grunt one final time, before feeling a massive quantity of cum crashing all over her." DuS "\"HUUU!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Load after load of a thick and warm cum came crashing all over her chest and face." "The smell was so strong that it filled her nose and head, making her feel like drunk." "Opening an eye under all this cum, she dared looking at him again." "Short of breath, he seemed so happy and gleeful." KN_MOD "jump ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_dumdum_request_masturbation_end:" scene bg redneckmotel 051 with dissolve "Suddenly, breaking the silence in the room, she heard the voices of the children coming over the building." "Surprised, she barely swallowed a scream as she was brought back to reality." "Here she was, naked, covered in cum and with a another man who had his cock out." scene bg redneckmotel 052 with dissolve "As Dumdum also heard the voices and was about to scream in surprise, she quickly covered his mouth with one hand and closed the shower curtain with the other." "Naked, covered in cum and embarassed, she still had to make him quiet, she definitely did not want to explain this situation to her kids." "The cabin being so little, they were standing very close to one another, even more so as she had to keep her hand on his mouth." "To the point that she could feel his huge cock pressing against her, even reaching between her breasts." "But trying to keep this situation under control she tried to forget this massive dick still oozing cum between her breasts." "Trying to stay focus and screaming at herself in her head." MC "{i}Keep it together Myriam! Keep it together Myriam!{/i}" MC "{i}They are just coming to take a shower.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 053 with dissolve "As they walked toward the door, she focused her attention back to Dumdum, hushing him desperately but softly." MC "\"Hush Jed! Don't move an' don't make a noise, please.\"" "Calming down as she looked him in the eyes and talked softly, Dumdum relaxed and stayed quiet as she asked." "Bickering as usual when they were together, they came in noisily." Ka "\"You were not obligated to follow me here{w}, you pervert.\"" Ma "\"Your mom told us to stay together.\"" Ka "\"Good excuse to come perv on me while I shower.\"" "Now the kids were just in front of the showers, she prayed as she heard them put their clothes on the coat hangers." MC "{i}Please god, make them just take the first two.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 054 with dissolve Ka "\"God, don't strip in front of me you perv!\"" play sound "shoe slap-freesound-edzie777.mp3" "Swish... Thump!" "They suddenly heard the sound of a shoe flying and hitting something hard." Ma "\"Ouch! Damn, you didn't need to throw your shoe at me.\"" Ma "\"If you're afraid of my dick you can just turn around.\"" Ka "\"Eww! God you're such a pervert, don't wiggle it in front of me.\"" Ma "\"Hahaha!\"" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "As they kept bickering, Myriam and Dumdum finally heard the sound of the showers starting." MC "\"Phew!\"" "Sighing in relief, finally Myriam relaxed a little." scene bg redneckmotel 055 with dissolve "But as she did she started to feel Dumdum's cock getting even harder than before against her." "Fidgeting uncomfortably for a moment, he slowly reached for his cock and started masturbating anew, rubbing his cock on her breasts." MC "{i}Oh my god! Again!?{/i}" "As she felt him rubbing it between her breasts, she couldn't move or do anything, she had to stop him from making noise, as he was starting to grunt like before." DuS "\"Humpf, humpf, humpf!\"" "Smothering his grunts of pleasure as well as she could she felt powerless." MC "{i}Sigh, I can't blame him, here I am naked and rubbing my breasts against his penis.{/i}" MC "{i}How could he not get hard again.{/i}" MC "{i}Please kids, be quick, I can't stay like this forever.{/i}" "As she was praying for the kids to be quick, Dumdum kept going, masturbating faster and faster while rubbing his cock on her breasts." scene bg redneckmotel 056 with dissolve "And suddenly, as she kept trying to stay focused and keep Dumdum from making noise, she felt his other hand grabbing her ass." MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing? Where is he touching me?{/i}" "Grabbing her ass firmly, he kept going while masturbating, kneading her ass with one hand and jerking off with the other while rubbing his cock on her breasts." MC "{i}This is going totally out of control, but I can't make a scene, the kids are still here.{/i}" "Embarassed but getting more and more aroused by the situation and his caresses, she was getting desperate." DuS "\"Humpf, humpf, humpf!\"" "Dumdum kept grunting under her hand, his pleasure building up as he caressed her and his cock." MC "{i}If he keep going like this, I'm...{/i}" "She started to feel at her limits, losing all hope to control this situation." "But suddenly she heard the kids' showers turning off." stop music fadeout 1 scene bg redneckmotel 057 with dissolve Ka "\"You done perv?\"" Ma "\"Yes, coming out.\"" Ka "\"Finished jerking off?\"" Ma "\"What? {w}I've done nothing.\"" Ka "\"Liar! I could hear you grunting over the shower you perv.\"" Ma "\"Well you need to have your ears cleaned because I haven't done anything.\"" Ka "\"You're such a pervy liar.\"" Ma "\"You're the perv, I'm not the one hearing people jerking off from nowhere.\"" "As they left she could hear them bickering again as they went out and away from the building." "Feeling safe, she finally relaxed, getting her hand off Dumdum's mouth." scene bg redneckmotel 058 with dissolve "And it was at that moment that Dumdum reached his limits, grunting loudly as he climaxed again." DuS "\"HUUU!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "His cum gushing again out like a geyser, covering her face and filling her open mouth with his warm and thick cum again." "Dazed by the still massive amount and strong smell, she swallowed half stunned the thick load that came flying in her mouth." "She was emotionally drained, while Dumdum was on his part feeling blissful." scene bg redneckmotel 059 with dissolve "Releasing her ass, Dumdum finally let go of her." DuS "\"Than... {w}thank you nice lady. Ma... {w}Ma told Dumdum it bad to ma... {w}matubate to bad wo... {w}women.\"" DuS "\"Bu... {w}but nice lady, no... {w}not a bad woman.\"" "Myriam smiled at the awkward compliment. {w}It seemed that his innocence made him impervious to the strong sexual character of the moment they just had." MC "\"Thank you Jed, you can call me Myriam.\"" "Smiling, he tried to say her name." DuS "\"My... {w}Myr... {w}Myrmiam.\"" MC "\"Mi is fine.\"" DuS "\"Tha... {w}thank you Mi.\"" "Looking at all the cum he covered her with, she sighed again." MC "\"Sigh! Now I'm gonna finish my shower, because I definitely need another one, and then I'm going to bed.\"" KN_MOD "label ch0_dumdum_request_end:" scene bg redneckmotel 060 with dissolve "Finally cleaned and relaxed, despite a headache still plaguing her, she went back to her room escorted by Dumdum." "Staying out of view from her room, she thanked him again for his help and kissed him on the forehead as she bent over from the stairs." MC "\"Goodnight Jed and thank you for escorting me.\"" DuS "\"Goo... {w}goodnight Mi.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 061 with dissolve "As she looked at him disappear around the corner, she couldn't help herself thinking about her brother Liam." "Maybe it was because she missed him and his innocence that she felt so secure around Dumdum." "And maybe also why she let herself go this far with him." MC "{i}Maybe I should call Daddy when we get home.{/i}" MC "{i}It's been some time since I had news from them.{/i}" $ ch0_missing_home = True KN_MOD "label ch0_return_redneck_motel_room:" KN_MOD "if ch0_going_for_shower_redneck_motel == True:" scene bg redneckmotel 062 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Going in her room, she found Anthony already in bed." An "\"You took your time Babe, come to bed.\"" "She could hear some annoyance in his voice." MC "\"Sorry Hun, the shower felt so great, I stayed under to relax and totally lost track of time.\"" MC "\"Let me dry my hair and I'll be with you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg redneckmotel 063 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Going in her room, she found Anthony already in bed." An "\"You were quick.\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}yes, I didn't feel like it in the end, they were too dirty.\"" An "\"Sigh! There always something with you, come to bed.\"" "She could hear some exasperation in his voice." MC "\"Coming Honey.\"" "She didn't want to tell him the truth, she wanted to forget this event and put it behind her." "But still, she was feeling mortified and the splitting headache didn't help." scene bg redneckmotel 064 with dissolve "Putting away her towel, she slipped naked in the bed next to Anthony." "And leaning toward him, kissed him goodnight." MC "\"Goodnight Hun.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 065 with dissolve "As she turned around to go to sleep, she quickly felt Anthony coming over her." "She could feel him starting to caress her and kissing her back, but also his hard cock pressing against her ass." scene bg redneckmotel 066 with dissolve "Turning her head, she put him off" MC "\"Hun, I'm sorry, but not tonight please, I'm not in the mood.\"" MC "\"I'm tired an' I still have a splitting headache.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 067 with dissolve "With an annoyed tone, he grabbed her arm while turning her over to admonish her." An "\"Babe! I stayed up for you and drove for hours, you could at least make an effort and give me some relief, for god damn sake!\"" "As he yelled at her, Myriam could see how pissed he was and expected her to comply." KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs:" "What is Myriam going to do about Anthony's needs?" KN_MOD "Give in and take care of his needs.:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_sex = True $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_blowjob = False scene bg redneckmotel 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Feeling guilty, as much about what he said as the event in the showers with Dumdum, she turned over despite her headache and crept between his legs." "It was true that he driven nearly a full day because she didn't want Cassius to travel in the cargo hold of a plane after all." "And even if she didn't consider what happened in the shower as cheating, she definitely knew he wouldn't have liked it." KN_MOD "else:" "Feeling guilty about what he said, she turned over despite her headache and crept between his legs." "It was true that he had driven nearly a full day because she didn't want Cassius to travel in the cargo hold of a plane after all." MC "\"I'm sorry Hun, it was selfish.\"" "Going off the bed to get on her knees, she invited Anthony to approach, looking in his eyes." MC "\"Come here and let me take care of you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_blowjob1" KN_MOD "Give in and quickly jerk him off.:" scene bg redneckmotel 069 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Feeling guilty, as much about what he said as the event in the showers with Dumdum, she turned over despite her headache and crept between his legs." "It was true that he had driven nearly a full day because she didn't want Cassius to travel in the cargo hold of a plane after all." "And even if she didn't consider what happened in the shower as cheating, she definitely knew he wouldn't have liked it." KN_MOD "else:" "Feeling guilty about what he said, she turned over despite her headache and crept between his legs." "It was true that he had driven nearly a full day because she didn't want Cassius to travel in the cargo hold of a plane after all." MC "\"I'm sorry Hun, it was selfish of me.\"" "Crawling between his legs while looking into his eyes, she took his cock in one hand and started to jerk him off." MC "\"Let me take care of you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_handjob" KN_MOD "You said no! if ch0_dumdum_shower == False or ch0_going_for_shower_redneck_motel == False:" scene bg redneckmotel 070 with dissolve "Liberating her arm from his grip, Myriam retreated and admonished him." MC "\"I'm sorry you feel that way Anthony, but I said no, I've told you I'm really tired and have a headache. I really don't feel in the mood.\"" "She was feeling guilty saying no to him, but getting almost raped certainly did not got her in the mood for sex, and she did not want to talk about it, all she wanted was to put it behind her." KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_blowjob" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_blowjob1:" scene bg redneckmotel 071 with dissolve "Guiding her head toward his cock, he hushed her." An "\"Hush Babe, just wrap your mouth around my cock.\"" An "\"That's it! Suck me now.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 072 with dissolve An "\"God! I could never have enough of your mouth, you're so good at it.\"" "Grabbing her head with both hands he shoved his cock down her throat, keeping her there for a time." An "\"Oh fuck that's it! Take it all.\"" "Releacing his grip a little he let her have a bit of control again, but kept guiding her." An "\"Take me deep like that, you know that's how I like it.\"" MC "\"Gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve "Holding firmly her head with both hands he made her keep going like this." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve "Making her suck his cock from tip to base while grunting his pleasure." An "\"Arh yes!\"" An "\"You're always so great with your mouth Hon.\"" An "\"Keep going.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve "Making her go faster and faster, he kept making her deepthroat him without stopping." An "\"God! You see Babe, your mouth was made to take care of your man's cock, not for mouthing off to him.\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve "Relaxing herself as much as she could, she let him use her mouth like he wished." "He always liked facefucking her and without any gag reflex, she was always was quite good at taking it deep." scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 073a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 074 with dissolve "Facefucking her without mercy while holding her head with both hands, he suddenly rose up and gave her a final strong push deep down her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Emptying his load in the back of her throat and forcing her to swallow everything." An "\"ARH! Holy shit! That's it, swallow it all.\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 075 with dissolve "Still deep down her throat, he kept her there and pat her head." An "\"You did good Babe, you're such a good cock sucker.\"" "He waited there a moment, savoring the feeling of her mouth." An "\"Now make me hard again and turn over, I want to fuck you now.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs_suite:" "Does Myriam comply and keep taking care of Anthony's needs." KN_MOD "Do as he say.:" "Doing as he said, Myriam kept sucking him to make him hard again." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_anal" KN_MOD "Tell him he had enough.:" scene bg redneckmotel 076 with dissolve "Stopping her fellatio and pushing him away, Myriam told him he had enough." MC "\"Hun, I'm tired, I can't anymore.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_anal" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_handjob:" scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve "Looking him in the eyes, she bit her lips with a naughty smile to entice him and started jerking him off." scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve MC "\"You like it Hun? Am I doing good?\"" An "\"Oh yes Baby, you're perfect.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 077a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 078 with dissolve "Petting her head while she kept jerking him off, he pressed her head toward his cock." An "\"But I would prefer if you could use your mouth.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs_handjob_more:" "Does she give in and suck him off?" KN_MOD "Give in.:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_sex = True $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_blowjob = False scene bg redneckmotel 079 with dissolve MC "\"You're really so needy Hun.\"" "Still jerking him off, she acquiesced." KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_blowjob1" KN_MOD "Call him off.:" scene bg redneckmotel 080 with dissolve "Letting go of his cock, Myriam admonished Anthony." MC "\"Really Hun, you're so needy, here I am making the effort of giving you a nice handjob despite my splitting headache and this is how you thank me.\"" MC "\"If it's like that, you can do it yourself, I am going back to sleep.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_blowjob" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_blowjob:" scene bg redneckmotel 081 with dissolve "Suddenly grabbing her as she was turning over, he brought her back to his cock and shoved it down her throat." An "\"I told you to suck!\"" An "\"With the crap you gave me in the car despite all I have done for you, you're going to suck me off and use your mouth for what it's good for.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_blowjob_more:" "Does Myriam let him force her to suck his cock?" KN_MOD "Let him do as he please.:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_sex = True $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_blowjob = True KN_MOD "if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Feeling guilty about what he said, she felt like she deserved his frustration and anger." "It was true that despite all his efforts, she teased him during the trip." "And she knew he wouldn't have liked what happen in the shower with Dumdum." KN_MOD "else:" "Feeling guilty about what he said, she felt like she deserved his frustration and anger." "It was true that despite all his efforts, she teased him during the trip." "He definitely deserved more of an effort." "After all she was his woman and she should be taking care of his needs." scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve "Tightly keeping his grip on her head he started to facefuck her angrily." "Pushing his cock deep down her throat with every thrust, grunting heavily as he kept getting rougher and rougher." scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve An "\"Oh fuck! Take it Babe. Take it all.\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve "Throatfucking her without mercy, while tightly maintaining his grip, he kept abusing her." An "\"Arh! That's it, that's what your mouth is good for, sucking your man's cock, not for mouthing off to him.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Relaxing as much as she could, it was still hard to take." "Luckily Anthony was not that big and without a gag reflex she was quite good at deepthroating." scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve "But it was the first time Anthony was so rough on her, fucking her face so angrily." An "\"Your mouth was made for this.\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 082a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 083 with dissolve "After going at it for a moment, she finally heard him grunt as he emptied his load down her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"ARH! Swallow!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 084 with dissolve "Relaxing his grip, after she finished swallowing his cum, he finally let her take a breath." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" "Petting her head softly, he congratulated her with a proud smile." An "\"You did good Babe, sorry for the rough treatment, but you needed a little lesson.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 085 with dissolve "Still petting her gently he raised her chin so she would look him in the eyes." An "\"So, are you feeling sorry?\"" "Still unable to talk she just nodded." MC "\"Mmh!\"" An "\"Good, then make me hard again and turn over, I am going to teach your tight ass a little lesson too.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_anal" KN_MOD "Resist! No means no! if ch0_dumdum_shower == False:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_sex = False $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_blowjob = False scene bg redneckmotel 086 with dissolve "Resisting, she pushed him off, before screaming at him angrily." MC "\"Are you crazy! How could you do that?\"" MC "\"I said no!\"" MC "\"If you want it so bad, get off by yourself.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 087 with dissolve "Going back in the bed and turning away from Anthony, Myriam went back to sleep while she could hear him jerking off behind her." KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_anal:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_anal = False scene bg redneckmotel 088 with dissolve "Turning over like he asked and taking position, holding her ass out toward him while putting her head down." "Getting down off the bed also, Anthony took place behind her, enjoying the view." An "\"Nice Babe, you always know what I like.\"" An "\"God do I like this view, your ass his really the best Babe.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 089 with dissolve "Rubbing his cock against her pussy for awhile, he then finally started to push his cock against her tight asshole." "As Anthony always liked to use her ass, Myriam knew how to relax herself, even enjoying it as much as when he fucked her pussy." scene bg redneckmotel 090 with dissolve "As he slowly pushed his glans in, Myriam relaxed herself to take it in." MC "\"Ow! Honey, please go easy on me, my headache is killing me.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 091a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091c with dissolve "Grabbing her hips with both hands, he pushed the rest of his cock deep in her ass in one go while grunting his pleasure." An "\"Sorry Babe, but your ass feel too great to go easy.\"" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 091b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091c with dissolve "Pulling out slowly nearly all the way, just keeping his glans in, he shoved it right back in to the root." An "\"Tonight I want it rough Babe.\"" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 091b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 091c with dissolve "Both hands still firmly on her butt, he pushed his cock deep in her ass roughly." An "\"Because my woman and her sweet little ass needs a good lesson.\"" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 092 with dissolve "Suddenly grabbing her hair to pull her toward him, he started pounding her ass harder." An "\"Are you sorry for being so willful with your man?\"" MC "\"Ow! Yes! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve "The slapping noise of each of his thrusts against her ass were filling the room, accompanied by his grunt and her moans of pain and pleasure." An "\"I didn't hear! Are you sorry?\"" MC "\"Ow! Yes! Mmmmh!\"" "Catching her breath as she could between the thrusts of the rough anal pounding he was giving her, she still added." MC "\"Ow! I... Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve MC "\"Ow! Am... Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve MC "\"Ow! Sorry! Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 093c with dissolve "Pounding her harder and deeper, he kept going." An "\"I can't hear you! Louder! Are you sorry?\"" "Screaming loudly with all the strength she had left, she screamed." MC "\"Ow! YES! I AM SORRY! Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 094 with dissolve "Still pounding her ass hard and deep, he kept her arched like a bow, her breasts swaying with each thrust." "Giving her everything he had left with some few last rough thrusts." An "\"Good! Now come here, I want to empty my load on your pretty face.\"" MC "\"Ow! Wait Hun... {w}I'm close, keep going, please... Mmmmh!\"" "But it was too late..." scene bg redneckmotel 095 with dissolve "Already pulling out, he brought her to her knees, her hair tightly in his grip." "Falling on her knees, she opened her mouth wide like he liked her to do, sticking her tongue out and eyes wide opened." An "\"That's it, come here.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 096a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 096b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 096c with dissolve "Grunting firmly he emptied his cum all over her face and mouth, spraying her face multiple time." MC "{i}God, there so much more than usual, punishing me like this must really have excited him.{/i}" scene bg redneckmotel 097 with dissolve "Moaning his satisfaction, he slapped her face a few time with his cock still covered with some cum, wiping the last of it on her face." An "\"So Babe, did you learn your lesson tonight?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs_humiliation:" "Does Myriam stay submissive?" KN_MOD "Acquiesce.:" $ ch0_motel_humiliation_defiant = False $ ch0_motel_humiliation_submissive = True scene bg redneckmotel 098 with dissolve "Acquiescing, Myriam answered him humbly like a child that just got scolded." MC "\"Yes Hun, I understood my lesson, I'm sorry.\"" "Petting her head he congratulated her." An "\"Good girl.\"" An "\"Then now be a good girl and come here clean my cock to show your man how remorseful you are.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_end" KN_MOD "Stay Silent.:" $ ch0_motel_humiliation_defiant = True $ ch0_motel_humiliation_submissive = False scene bg redneckmotel 099 with dissolve "Staying silent, Myriam turned her head in displeasure and shame." "Laughing, Anthony slapped her face with his flaccid cock." An "\"Ha ha ha! Defiant to the end, not to worry, there will be other lessons.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_anthonys_needs_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_forced_anal:" $ ch0_redneck_motel_forced_anal = True scene bg redneckmotel 100 with dissolve "Grabbing her by the hair he turned her over, ass up, while pushing her head in the pillows." An "\"Come here!\"" An "\"I said I need to fuck.\"" "Holding her head down, he climbed over her, pushing his hard cock against her asshole." scene bg redneckmotel 101 with dissolve "Pushing roughly his cock to the hilt as soon as he penetrated her, he quickly started to pound her ass." MC "\"Ow! Easy, please Hun... Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve "Still holding her firmly by the hair, he ignored her and started to pound her even harder and deeper." An "\"Sorry Babe, but I'm going to pound your ass hard and rough.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve "All the while he kept pounding her ass." An "\"Your tight ass deserves a good lesson.\"" MC "\"Ow! I'm sorry Hun... Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve An "\"Sorry for what?\"" "Not stopping for a second, Anthony kept pounding her ass like a brute." MC "\"Ow! Sorry for... Oooow!\"" MC "\"Ow! Sorry for... for being willful... Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve An "\"So you're sorry?\"" "Not giving her any mercy, he kept going, harder and deeper." MC "\"Ow! Yes, I am. Mmmmh!\"" An "\"Louder!\"" MC "\"Ow! I! Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve MC "\"Ow! AM! Oooow!\"" scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve MC "\"Ow! SORRY! Oooow!\"" "Sorry she was, but as much as she was, she felt her pleasure growing, despite the pain." scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 102b with dissolve An "\"Oh Yes you are.\"" "At his limit, Anthony clenched his teeth to keep going longer, being as rough as he could." MC "\"OW! MMMMH!\"" "She could feel Anthony reaching his limits and as much as she wanted to hate it, she was feeling her body reaching hers as well." "But as she was ready to climax under his rough treatment, she felt him pulling out." scene bg redneckmotel 103a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 103b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 103c with dissolve "And immediatly after she felt his cum gushing again and again on her back and butt." "Crashing violently on her as he was grunting his pleasure." An "\"Aaaah!!\"" "She never felt him cum that hard before, disciplining her really got him going." scene bg redneckmotel 104 with dissolve An "\"Fuck Babe! This was good, so fucking good.\"" An "\"We should do it more often.\"" "But as Anthony was enjoying his postcoital bliss, she only felt frustrated and ashamed." scene bg redneckmotel 105 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Slapping her ass in satisfaction, Anthony could not help himself and added to Myriam's humiliation." An "\"So Babe, did you learn your lesson tonight?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_anthonys_needs_humiliation_forced:" "Does Myriam stay submissive?" KN_MOD "Acquiesce.:" $ ch0_motel_humiliation_defiant = False $ ch0_motel_humiliation_submissive = True scene bg redneckmotel 106 with dissolve "Acquiescing, Myriam answered him humbly like a child that just got scolded." MC "\"Yes Hun, I understood my lesson, I'm sorry.\"" "Petting her head he congratulated her." An "\"Good girl.\"" scene bg redneckmotel 107 with dissolve "Bringing her to his cock, Anthony pressed his cum dripping cock against her lips." An "\"Then now be a good girl and come here clean my cock to show your man how remorseful you are.\"" KN_MOD "Stay Silent.:" $ ch0_motel_humiliation_defiant = True $ ch0_motel_humiliation_submissive = False scene bg redneckmotel 108 with dissolve "Staying silent, Myriam looked away in displeasure and shame." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Laughing, Anthony slapped her ass again." An "\"Ha ha ha! Defiant to the end, not to worry, there will be other lessons.\"" KN_MOD "label ch0_anthonys_needs_end:" KN_MOD "if ch0_redneck_motel_sex == False:" scene bg redneckmotel 109 with dissolve "Both got back to sleep after Anthony finished satisfying himself, cumming on the ass of the already sleeping Myriam." "Finally, everybody could relax after a full day on the road." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg redneckmotel 110 with dissolve "Both going back to sleep, Anthony quickly started to snore, having satisfied his urges." "But Myriam could not stop turning in bed, as much as she wanted to hate it, her arousal would not go away." scene bg redneckmotel 111 with dissolve "Anthony was always like this, satisfying himself how he wanted, then going to sleep or returning to his affairs." "Leaving Myriam always frustrated and unsatisfied." "Just like him, she needed some relief, or she wouldn't be able to sleep." KN_MOD "menu ch0_myriams_needs:" "Does Myriam satisfy herself?" KN_MOD "Fuck it, no reason I cant have some relief also:" scene bg redneckmotel 112 with dissolve "As one hand grabbed one of her breast firmly, the other went down and started to caress her pussy." MC "{i}Damn him, I need it so much... he always leaves me like this... horny and frustrated.{/i}" "As she closed her eyes, her imagination started to fly, thinking back on the events of the day." KN_MOD "menu ch0_myriams_needs_imagination:" "Where does her mind take her?" KN_MOD "Getting my ass fucked.:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the feeling of getting her ass fucked." "She always loved it, even liked it better than just plain old vanilla sex." scene bg redneckmotel 113a with dissolve "As she reached for her ass with her fingers, she felt a guilty pleasure, she couldn't help herself." "Everytime Anthony wanted sex, she always hoped he would want to fuck her ass." "Not that it wasn't painful, Anthony was never very tender during sex, but this mix of pain and pleasure always excited her." "As her mind wandered off on all the times Anthony fucked her ass, she could feel her climax coming." scene bg redneckmotel 113b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113b with dissolve "She could feel her ass and pussy getting hotter, her breath shorter." "And as she imagined Anthony cumming in her ass, she felt waves of pleasure taking over her body." scene bg redneckmotel 113a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 113c with dissolve "Biting her lips she contained her scream, but let the pleasure take her body as he was taken over by tremors." KN_MOD "Dumdums humongous cock. if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the sight of the giant cock of Dumdum." "She knew there big cock out there, but never thought there could be something that big, even bigger than her forearm." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Remembering the feeling of its touch against her breasts, she couldn't keep herself from imagining its taste." "Salivating just at the thought of it even fitting in her mouth or her throat." "And as her pleasure was building up, she started to think of how it would feel penetrating her pussy, even her ass." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Would it rip her apart or give her the best orgasm she could ever have." "For the sake of her fantasy, she could only imagining herself having a shattering orgasm." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "Right on queue, she felt her body taken by waves of pleasure, quivering and shaking as it took her over." KN_MOD "Dumdums thick cum. if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the massive facial cumshot Dumdum gave her." "Just remembering the warmth, the thickness, the smell and the taste made her feel dizzy." "It was so potent that she could still remember its smell and taste, how drunk it made her feel." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "So vividly that just thinking made her salivate and swallow by reflex, wishing it was cum." "She never hated the cum of Anthony, even when she tasted it the first time." "Whenever he came on her face or in her mouth, whenever he made her swallow, she never had any apprehension." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "It always excited her, but she never realised how much she loved cum before." "Getting glazed in cum by Dumdum was a revelation and just thinking about it, made her pleasure build up." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "And as she swallowed her saliva again, imagining it was big load of warm cum, she felt her body tremble and shake in pleasure." KN_MOD "Anthonys Humiliation. if ch0_motel_humiliation_submissive == True:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the humiliation Anthony made her suffer." "And as much she wanted to hate it, she could not stop but feel excited and horny just thinking about it." "Ever since they were together, Anthony was always dominant toward her, taking pleasure in controlling her." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "But it was during sex that he really loved to put her down and dominate her, humiliate her." "And to her absolute surprise, pleasing him and submitting to him excited her and made her horny." "Thinking about it, reliving it, made her pleasure build up as she imagined him dominating her, submitting her." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "But the humiliation he gave her today in his anger, really made her feel ready to orgasm." "Even the strokes he gave her and the shame he made her feel excited her." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "And as she was remembering the shame and excitement she felt, her body was taken over by waves of pleasure as she started shaking in ecstasy." KN_MOD "Giving head.:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the feeling of Anthony's cock in her mouth and throat." "She knew that some women find it gross and humiliating, but ever since her first fellatio, she liked it." "It felt strange at first, but when she saw the natural talent she had for it and the pleasure it gave her partner, it just felt right." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Even when he forced her mouth and facefucked her, she felt in control, in control of his pleasure and fever." "The power of knowing how he could never had enough of the feeling of her mouth, tongue and throat." "But more than that, she just loved the feeling of giving head and sucking on Anthony's cock." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Even deepthroating his cock made her felt pleasure and as it seemed she had a natural talent for it, something Anthony was just crazy about." "But even if it made her feel guilty, this time she imagined herself sucking on another man's cock, a bigger one that pushed her to her limits." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "And as she imagined this cock going in and out of her mouth, stretching her throat and finally feeling her mouth full of cum, she felt her body tremble and shake with pleasure." KN_MOD "Anthonys rough treatment. if ch0_redneck_motel_forced_anal == True or ch0_redneck_motel_forced_blowjob == True:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward the rough treatment Anthony gave her." "He always was a bit rough and dominant during sex, even during their first time." "But it was the first time he ever fucked her so roughly and angrily, like he wanted to hurt her." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "And as much as she wanted to hate it, she could not help herself but feel horny and excited as he roughed her up." "The harder and rougher he pounded her, the hornier she was and the more pleasure she felt." "Whatever the hole he used her with, rough sex made her feel pleasure and intoxicated." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "The mixture of pain and pleasure took her over as much as the mental and physical exhaustion made her body like a pit of pleasure." "Reliving it in her mind she brought herself to the point of the same frustrated climax she felt as he roughed up her ass." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "And as she pictured in her mind the violent thrust of Anthony in her ass, her pleasure exploded as she imagined him filling her ass with cum, her body convulsing in pleasure." KN_MOD "Just plain vanilla sex with Anthony.:" "Her mind could not help but wander toward some loving sex with Anthony, just some plain vanilla." "Anthony always loved to have rough sex, dominating her and submitting her to his will and fantasies." "She could count on her hands the number of time he made love to her instead of just fucking and pounding her." scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Not that she didn't enjoyed passionate sex, even rough sex, but she just wished that once in a while he would just make love to her." "Just tender and loving, with a bit of romance, but it was never his forte, even less as time passed." "It was why from time to time she enjoyed just a plain vanilla fantasy, with a loving Anthony that caressed her, kissed her, made her feel safe and loved." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve "Then exploring her pussy sweetly with his tongue, lips and fingers before penetrating her gently, making her feel slowly every inch with his thrust." "Making love to her gently with care as he looked straight in her eyes, whispering tender words to her." scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114a with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114b with dissolve scene bg redneckmotel 114c with dissolve "And has the passion took them, as the sex became more heated, both climaxing together, her fantasy came to an end, her body taken over by waves of pleasure." KN_MOD "No, it would be giving him another victory.:" scene bg redneckmotel 115 with dissolve MC "{i}Damn him, I need it so much... but I don't want to give him another victory over me.{/i}" MC "{i}Better horny and frustrated than satisfied and beaten.{/i}" "Turning over, Myriam decided to try and get some sleep despite her arousal and excitation." scene bg redneckmotel 116 with dissolve "At first light the next morning, everybody was back in the car, ready to go." "Turning around, Myriam addressed the kids." MC "\"Did you both have a good night?\"" scene bg redneckmotel 117 with dissolve "But as Katherine was going to answer, Anthony interrupted her." An "\"Did you put the keys back?\"" "Pissed, Katherine just glared at him, accustomed to it." MC "\"Yes, I put them on the counter.\"" MC "{i}And I'm really glad there wasn't anybody in.{/i}" "Refusing to meet Anthony's eyes, she kept last night's assault to herself." scene bg redneckmotel 118 with dissolve An "\"Then \"New Home\" here we come!\"" "The car pulling out of the motel, Myriam felt herself relaxing more and more as she could see it getting smaller and smaller in the rearview." "They still had a few hours of road, but in a moment they would finally be at their new home." KN_MOD "label ch0_intro_newhome:" scene black with dissolve show text "Intro \n New Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg newhome 01 with dissolve "A few hours later, finally arriving to destination, all the family stepped on the porch of their new home." scene bg newhome 02 with dissolve "Climbing the few steps to the porch leading to the house, Myriam could see one of the movers still carrying some boxes." MC "{i}One of the movers. What was the name again? Duff I think.{/i}" scene bg newhome 03 with dissolve "Alerted by the noise of people arriving, the man turned to face them." "Tanned and heavily muscled, the man looked like somebody attentive to his appearance." MC "\"Hello, are you Mr Buff?\"" scene bg newhome 04 with dissolve MC "{i}Oh my god what did I say!?{/i}" MC "\"Ah'm... I'm so sorry.\"" "Feeling embarrassed by her slip-up, Myriam fumbled for an excuse, but the man didn't seem to mind, even looking flattered by it." MaD "\"Ha ha ha! Mr Duff, but you can call me Max.\"" "{b}{color=#fa0}Max Duff{/color}{/b} {w}alias the Dude {p}The gym trainer{w}, 24 years old {p}The PC Gym Buff {p}Likes to workout and check people's privilege." scene bg newhome 05 with dissolve "Cutting in, Anthony looked pissed, as he always did when Myriam was talking to another man." An "\"Yeah yeah yeah! And have you installed everything like we asked?\"" "Surprised by the hard tone of Anthony, Myriam could not help herself reprimanding him." MC "\"Anthony!\"" scene bg newhome 06 with dissolve "Not even raising an eyebrow, Max ignored the tension in Anthony's tone." MaD "\"Yes we did, according to the instructions we had anyway.\"" MaD "\"At least, as much as we were able to do with the crazy lady that opened the door for us.\"" "As he added his last comment he pointed to the door, where a familiar voice could be heard." scene bg newhome 07 with dissolve "A young woman came out of the house and stopped in surprise." Ev "\"HAA! MI!\"" MC "\"Eve!\"" "{b}{color=#c9f}Evelyn Taylor{/color}{/b} {w}alias Eve {p}The cousin{w}, 27 years old {p}The Dazzling Socialite {p}Likes to live fast and furious." scene bg newhome 08 with dissolve "Running over to Myriam, Eve jumped on her like a kid, nearly making her fall over as Cassius jumped back in surprise and Anthony stepped back grumbling." MC "\"Ha ha ha! You're crazy Eve.\"" "Eve was always so full of life, bringing craziness and trouble every where she went." scene bg newhome 09 with dissolve "Laughing as usual at her own antics, Eve gave a salute to her cousin." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Hello 'cuz. How was the trip?\"" scene bg newhome 10 with dissolve "Eve slid down off her, causing Myriam to accidently roll Eve's dress up without noticing." "All for the viewing pleasure of everybody behind." scene bg newhome 11 with dissolve Ma "{i}Damn, I don't know who this is, but she has quite the fine ass.{/i}" "As Marc was salivating at the view, the mover, Max, tapped gently on Eve shoulder." MaD "\"Excuse me, but you have a little dress malfunction.\"" scene bg newhome 12 with dissolve "Turning her head, she just laughed it off with a smile." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Oops! Sorry for the little show.\"" scene bg newhome 13 with dissolve "As Eve lowered her dress back to normal, Myriam could notice that Anthony and his son had their eyes glued to her cousin's ass." KN_MOD "menu ch0_like_father_like_son:" "Does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "No, its just an accident.:" scene bg newhome 14 with dissolve MC "{i}It's just an accident, they didn't mean to lech over her.{/i}" KN_MOD "No, its nothing.:" scene bg newhome 14 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't be mad at them for noticing how gorgeous my little cousin is.{/i}" KN_MOD "Yes, Marc is just a kid, but Anthony shouldnt do that.:" scene bg newhome 15 with dissolve MC "{i}Marc is a teenage boy, I can understand the hormones, but Anthony should show his son a better example.{/i}" "Glaring at Anthony, Myriam silently made him understand he should stop." KN_MOD "Yes, Anthony is a man, but Marc shouldnt do that.:" scene bg newhome 16 with dissolve MC "{i}Anthony is a man, I can understand that he can't help it, but still, Marc should know better.{/i}" MC "{i}I didn't raise him like that.{/i}" "Glaring at Marc, Myriam gave him a disappointed look." MC "\"Marc!\"" scene bg newhome 17 with dissolve "Apologizing, Marc looked away." Ma "\"Sorry.\"" "But Eve just laughed it off again." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Don't be mad Mi, boys just need to let the hormones talk from time to time.\"" scene bg newhome 18 with dissolve "A little embarassed, as Eve was looking at him, Marc turn his eyes toward Myriam." Ma "\"Who's she?\"" MC "\"Marc! Be polite, she's my cousin.\"" Ma "\"Sorry! Hello.\"" scene bg newhome 19 with dissolve "Grabbing Marc, she pull his head between her breasts." Ev "\"Come on kid, don't be like that, give your new auntie Eve a hug.\"" Ev "\"Auntie Eve always loves spoiling cuties like you.\"" scene bg newhome 20 with dissolve "Turning toward Katherine, Eve stretched out her arm." Ev "\"You too munchkin, come here.\"" "Timidly Katherine lifted her hand and said hello to Eve." Ka "\"Hello auntie.\"" Ev "\"Still a scaredy cat.\"" scene bg newhome 21 with dissolve "The family reunion over, Max took the occasion to address the previous question from Anthony." MaD "\"So, as I was saying, we installed everything as asked, under her supervision.\"" MaD "\"We just had those last boxes to get in for you to organize.\"" MaD "\"Do you want me to show you?\"" scene bg newhome 22 with dissolve "As everyone was going in, Marc could not stop looking at Eve's ass." Ma "{i}Damn that ass!{/i}" scene bg newhome 23 with dissolve "Noticing Marc's gaze, Katherine gave him a karate chop on the head." Ma "\"Outch!\"" Ka "\"Perv!\"" scene bg newhome 24 with dissolve "As everyone followed Max to tour the house, Eve took the opportunity to talk to Myriam." Ev "\"Psst! Mi!\"" "Myriam stopped as Eve drew her attention." MC "\"What is it, sweetie?\"" Ev "\"When can we meet and catch up? {w}It's been so long.\"" scene bg newhome 25 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know, we just arrived and we have all the boxes to empty.\"" Ev "\"Come on, it's been so long since we last met. I've been so excited since you phoned and told me you were coming.\"" Ev "\"I'm so happy you're here.\"" MC "\"I know, me too. Just give me a few days to put everything in order and...\"" scene bg newhome 26 with dissolve "Quickly jumping at the opening, Eve cut in, grabbing Myriam's hand." Ev "\"...and you come with me and let me give you a tour of the city, I have already quite the list of places to show you. Shops, gym, spas, galleries and museums, clubs...\"" "Myriam laughed, seeing Eve so excited brought back memories of her when she was little, always so full of life and running after her with some incredible plans." MC "\"Hey! We have time sweetie, I am here to stay. Just give me the quick tour for starters.\"" scene bg newhome 27 with dissolve "Taking a pouty face, Eve dialed back her enthusiasm, grumbling half heartedly." Ev "\"Ok, you win, just a quick tour.\"" "Eve always had a talent for making Myriam smile." MC "\"You're still such a child Eve, stop pouting would ya an' let's go find the others.\"" scene bg newhome 28 with dissolve "A few hours later in the garden, after the movers and Eve were gone and the kids were in bed after diner..." "Anthony was in the hot tub relaxing, calling out for Myriam to join him." An "\"Come on Babe, come relax with me, it feels great. It really was a good idea to have a hot tub installed.\"" scene bg newhome 29 with dissolve "Myriam really wanted to go in also but felt a bit exposed surrounded by all those tall buildings outside the garden." KN_MOD "menu ch0_swimsuit_or_no_swimsuit:" "Does she go back inside put a swimsuit on or does she go in naked also?" KN_MOD "Im going back home put a swimsuit on.:" scene bg newhome 30 with dissolve MC "{i}There are too many windows around with all these buildings to go naked in the tub.{/i}" MC "\"Give me a minute Hun, I'll go upstairs and slip into something more confortable and I'll join you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_newhome_hot_tub_swimsuit_on" KN_MOD "My birthday-suit will do just fine.:" $ ch0_newhome_bedroom_peeping = False $ ch0_newhome_hot_tub_peeping = True scene bg newhome 31 with dissolve MC "{i}No need to change, I'm going in naked and if somebody is peeping, well, good for them. Once I'm in there'll be nothing to see anyways.{/i}" "As she was thinking about it while taking her clothes off, she even felt excited at the idea of someone peeping." KN_MOD "jump ch0_newhome_hot_tub_swimsuit_off" KN_MOD "label ch0_newhome_hot_tub_swimsuit_on:" scene bg newhome 32 with dissolve "Slipping into the hot tub, she felt her tension going away, she always loved the water." An "\"Come here Babe.\"" "Inviting her to come beside him, he held out his hand to her." scene bg newhome 33 with dissolve "Guiding her as she came to sit by his side, he grabbed her hips and guided her down in front of him." An "\"You could have come in naked you know.\"" scene bg newhome 34 with dissolve MC "\"Too many windows Hun, I wasn't comfortable, sorry.\"" "As she was talking to him, Anthony started to caress her." An "\"That's too bad.\"" scene bg newhome 35 with dissolve MC "\"Stop it Hun, people could see us.\"" "Guarding herself without pushing him, Myriam was squirming a little, not displeased by his touch, but fearing that neighbors could see them." An "\"Come on Babe, nobody is looking and you can feel how hard I am.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch0_newhome_hot_tub_naughty_time:" "Does she follow Anthony's lead?" KN_MOD "No, we are too exposed, I cant.:" $ ch0_newhome_bedroom_peeping = True $ ch0_newhome_hot_tub_peeping = False scene bg newhome 36 with dissolve "Freeing herself from him, she pushed him back with her hand." MC "{i}I can't, it's too exposed here, people could see or hear us.{/i}" MC "\"No Hun, I'm sorry, I can't, I feel too exposed here, let's go inside.\"" scene bg newhome 37 with dissolve "Rolling his eyes, Anthony conceded." An "\"You're such a prude Mi, this is ridiculous.\"" An "\"Fine let's go inside, but you better deliver, I am pretty pumped up.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_newhome_fucking_inside" KN_MOD "Yes, its embarassing but it feel exciting.:" $ ch0_newhome_bedroom_peeping = False $ ch0_newhome_hot_tub_peeping = True scene bg newhome 38 with dissolve MC "{i}This is so wrong, but it feels so exciting, maybe we could just fool around a little.{/i}" "As she was thinking, Anthony kept caressing her, getting more and more daring" MC "\"Ok Hun, but just a little bit.\"" scene bg newhome 39 with dissolve "Anthony got up and sat on the edge of the tub, while Myriam turned over to face him." An "\"Come here Babe and give Anthony a nice blowjob with those pretty lips.\"" "Putting his hand on her head he guided her to his cock with a perverted smile." scene bg newhome 40 with dissolve "Letting him guide her to his cock, she looked up into his eyes as she started to lick the shaft of his cock." "Her fear of getting seen disappeared, transforming into excitement at the idea." MC "{i}My god! What am I doing!? Anybody could be looking... {w}But this is so exciting, I want it so much.{/i}" "All she had in mind now was how much she wanted to suck on Anthony's cock." scene bg newhome 41a with dissolve scene bg newhome 41b with dissolve scene bg newhome 41c with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth she started to suck him off, guided by his hand on her head." "Slowly accepting him deep in her throat as he liked, she took him to the hilt on the first go." MC "\"Gwock!\"" An "\"That's it Babe, keep going. {w}Suck!\"" scene bg newhome 42b with dissolve scene bg newhome 42c with dissolve scene bg newhome 42a with dissolve scene bg newhome 42b with dissolve scene bg newhome 42c with dissolve "Following his lead, she kept sucking his cock, going at it with fervor as he guided her head to go faster." "The thrill of doing it outside, risking getting seen by some neighbors, excited her." "And she could see how much it excited Anthony, as he kept grunting in pleasure and pushing her to go at it faster." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg newhome 43 with dissolve "But as Myriam was blowing Anthony in the tub, a young neighbor opening his windows to refresh his room had the surprise of the spectacle." WiK "{i}Holy shit! Are those people making love!?{/i}" scene bg newhome 44a with dissolve "Hiding by reflex, William kept looking, curious and excited at the same time." WiK "{i}Are they our new neighbors?{/i}" WiK "{i}What is she doing? I she giving him a blowjob?{/i}" WiK "{i}I shouldn't look, but...{/i}" "Even if he felt a bit guilty spying on them, he was almost hypnotized by the movements of his new neighbor." WiK "{i}Wow! She's really going at it, this is...{/i}" scene bg newhome 45 with dissolve "As he kept looking, his hand reached for his groin and took his cock out." WiK "{i}This is wrong but... {w}this is so hot.{/i}" "Without taking his eyes off Myriam, William started to masturbate." scene bg newhome 42a with dissolve scene bg newhome 42c with dissolve scene bg newhome 42a with dissolve scene bg newhome 42c with dissolve scene bg newhome 42a with dissolve scene bg newhome 42c with dissolve "Unaware of the fact that someone was enjoying the show, Myriam kept sucking on Anthony's cock." "Giving her all as she felt he was near his limit, taking his cock deeper and faster down her throat." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg newhome 46 with dissolve "Finally reaching his limits, Anthony grabbed Myriam's head with both hands and grunted as he emptied his load down her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"ARH! Fuck! Swallow it all!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg newhome 47 with dissolve "At the same time, while Myriam was swallowing Anthony's cum, young William climaxed also." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"Hng!\"" scene bg newhome 48 with dissolve "Half in a haze and with a slight feeling of guilt, William's mind kept wandering toward Myriam." WiK "{i}I hope I can meet her up close, she looks so gorgeous.{/i}" scene bg newhome 49 with dissolve "But as the couple was going back in and a kid started to fantasize about his hot new neighbor, another man was at his window." "The ominous figure started laughing creepily as he lowered his camera." "???" "\"He he he!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_newhome_hot_tub_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_newhome_hot_tub_swimsuit_off:" scene bg newhome 50 with dissolve "Slipping into the hot tub, she felt her tension going away, she always loved the water." An "\"Come here Babe.\"" "Inviting her to come beside him, he held out his hand to her." scene bg newhome 51 with dissolve "Guiding her as she came to sit by his side, he grabbed her hips and stopped her as she was going to sit down." An "\"My god Babe, your ass is always a sight to behold.\"" MC "\"Hun! What are you saying!?\"" "Myriam played at being embarrassed but she was pleased by Anthony's comment." scene bg newhome 52 with dissolve An "\"Don't move and let me admire it.\"" "As he was complimenting her he started to spread her cheeks." MC "\"Hun! What are you doing!? Someone could see us.\"" "Still Myriam played it up, but did nothing to stop him, as embarrassed as she felt, she was excited by the situation." scene bg newhome 53 with dissolve An "\"Bend over Babe, I can't wait anymore, I want to fuck your ass now.\"" "True to his word, he pushed her forward over the edge of the tub." MC "\"Kya!\"" "Surprised at first, she made a small cry, but did nothing to stop him, even biting her lip in anticipation." scene bg newhome 54 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm to lock her in position, he pushed his cock against her asshole." "She could feel how hard and ready he was, she knew he was going to pound her ass right here and now." "But the truth was she was as excited as him, the idea that eyes were on them right now made her more horny than ever, it was a new feeling for her." scene bg newhome 55 with dissolve "And suddenly she felt him push his cock deep in her ass, filling the night with the sound of his body hitting hers." "She was so horny that Anthony's cock went in without much resistance." MC "{i}Oh my god! It feel so wrong and exciting at the same time.{/i}" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56b with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve scene bg newhome 56b with dissolve scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56b with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve "Feeling Myriam's excitement, Anthony started to fuck her ass passionately, going harder and deeper with every thrust." "The sound of every thrust reverberated against the surrounding buildings, making Myriam more and more conscious of the fact that people could see them." MC "{i}Oh my god! People will catch us, this is so wrong... {w}but I want it so much.{/i}" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg newhome 43 with dissolve "And as Myriam was moaning with each thrust of Anthony, a young neighbor opening his windows to refresh his room had the surprise of the spectacle." WiK "{i}Holy shit! Are those people making love!?{/i}" scene bg newhome 44b with dissolve "Hiding by reflex, William kept looking, curious and excited at the same time." WiK "{i}Are they our new neighbors?{/i}" WiK "{i}What... what are they doing? I can hear her moaning from here.{/i}" WiK "{i}I shouldn't look, but...{/i}" "Even if he felt a bit guilty spying on them, he was like hypnotized by the swinging breasts of his new neighbor and her moans." WiK "{i}Wow! She's really loving it, this is...{/i}" scene bg newhome 45 with dissolve "As he kept looking, his hand reached his groin and took his cock out." WiK "{i}This is wrong but... {w}this is so hot.{/i}" "Without taking his eyes off Myriam, William started to masturbate." scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve "Unaware of the fact that someone was enjoying the show, Myriam kept moaning under the assault of Anthony." "Excited by Myriam's moans, Anthonys pounded her ass without mercy, making her scream her pleasure." MC "\"OW! Mmmmh!\"" An "\"God! Your ass feels so fucking great Baby!\"" "Myriam could feel he was near his limits, and she felt on the verge of climaxing herself." scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve scene bg newhome 56a with dissolve scene bg newhome 56c with dissolve scene bg newhome 57 with dissolve "Finally, Anthony pulled out of Myriam's ass as she screamed in pleasure and finished himself on her back." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MC "\"YES! Mmmmh!\"" An "\"ARH! Fuck! That was good!\"" scene bg newhome 58 with dissolve MC "{i}Fuck! It's been so long since Anthony made me climax like that.{/i}" MC "{i}Is it because we were doing it outside?{/i}" "Lost in the mist of her orgasm and confusion, Myriam was trying to take a hold of herself." MC "\"We should go back inside Hun, before we catch a cold.\"" scene bg newhome 47 with dissolve "At the same time, while Anthony was slapping Myriam's ass with his cock, the young William climaxed also." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"Hng!\"" scene bg newhome 48 with dissolve "Half in a haze and with a slight feeling of guilt, William's mind kept wandering toward Myriam." WiK "{i}I hope I can meet her up close, she looks so gorgeous.{/i}" scene bg newhome 49 with dissolve "But as the couple was going back in and a kid started to fantasize about his hot new neighbor, another man was at his window." "The ominous figure started laughing creepily as he lowered his camera." "???" "\"He he he!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch0_newhome_hot_tub_end" KN_MOD "label ch0_newhome_fucking_inside:" scene bg newhome 59 with dissolve "As soon as they entered the room, Anthony went up the bed and laid down." An "\"Come here and jump on my cock, like I said I'm pretty pent up, you better deliver.\"" "Climbing on the bed as she felt a bit guilty over irritating Anthony, she gave a naughty look to please him." MC "\"Don't worry Hun, ahm gonna take good care of you.\"" scene bg newhome 60 with dissolve An "\"That's it, turn around and show me that sweet ass of yours.\"" "Riding him like he asked she brought his already hard cock to her ass - she knew what Anthony wanted." "He always particularly liked to sodomize her, even more when he was a angry or irritated." scene bg newhome 61 with dissolve "Sliding down on his cock, she slowly took it in her ass while Anthony enjoyed the view." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" An "\"Mmh! Yes, show me what you got for Anthony.\"" scene bg newhome 62b with dissolve scene bg newhome 62a with dissolve scene bg newhome 62c with dissolve "Encouraged by Anthony, Myriam started to move her hips up and down over him, taking in his cock deep in her ass each time." "Slowly going up and feeling every inch of his cock before going down with the weight of her body, letting her ass swallow his cock deeply." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" An "\"Mmh! That's good Babe, keep going.\"" scene bg newhome 62b with dissolve scene bg newhome 62a with dissolve scene bg newhome 62c with dissolve scene bg newhome 62b with dissolve scene bg newhome 62a with dissolve scene bg newhome 62c with dissolve "She could feel how much he liked it, his cock getting harder and harder in her butt as she kept going." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" "But she knew that was always when Anthony wanted more, when his excitement was highest." An "\"Faster!\"" scene bg newhome 63b with dissolve scene bg newhome 63a with dissolve scene bg newhome 63c with dissolve "As she kept going faster as Anthony asked, he started to slap her ass to motivate her." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" An "\"Harder!\"" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg newhome 63b with dissolve scene bg newhome 63a with dissolve scene bg newhome 63c with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" An "\"Faster!\"" MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg newhome 63b with dissolve scene bg newhome 63a with dissolve scene bg newhome 63c with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" An "\"Come on! Harder and faster!\"" MC "\"OW! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg newhome 64 with dissolve "Unbeknownst to Myriam, while she was riding Anthony, Marc was hearing every sound coming from their bedroom." "He could enjoy every bit of their bedroom gymnastic, the screams and moans of Myriam, the slapping noises and encouragements of his father." Ma "{i}Holy shit! We so can hear them through the walls.{/i}" Ma "{i}Damn! Dad is really giving it to her.{/i}" scene bg newhome 65 with dissolve "Keeping his ear to the wall, Marc started to masturbate, closing his eyes trying to imagine Myriam getting fucked." Ma "{i}Fuck! She really loves taking it up the ass.{/i}" "As he kept jerking off frantically, he imagined Myriam getting sodomized roughly." "Then through the wall he heard his dad telling her to turn over and finish him with her mouth." scene bg newhome 66 with dissolve "Following his request, Myriam quickly turned over, mouth open, as Anthony grabbed her head without waiting and pushed his cock deep in her throat." "After just a few thrusts, Myriam felt Anthony's cum gushing against the back of her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"Hng!\"" "As Anthony kept her head in place and his cock deep her throat, Myriam swallowed his load as it crashed in the back of her throat." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg newhome 67 with dissolve "As he let go of her head, Myriam caught back her breath and looked at Anthony with a satisfied and naughty gaze." "Petting her head, Anthony congratulated her as she was playing with his cock, still covered in his cum." An "\"You did good Babe, that was quite the ride.\"" scene bg newhome 68 with dissolve "At the same time on the other side of the wall, Marc finished jerking off, ending his fantasy about Myriam." Ma "{i}Take it all you slut!{/i}" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ma "\"Hng!\"" scene bg newhome 69 with dissolve "Leaning back on his bed, Marc sighed, half satisfied and half disappointed." Ma "\"Sigh!\"" Ma "{i}Damn! It would have been nice to cum in her mouth too.{/i}" KN_MOD "label ch0_newhome_hot_tub_end:" scene bg newhome 70 with dissolve "As the day finally came to an end, Myriam closed her eyes, reflecting on the events of the last two days." "The road trip, the motel, the moving, the last days were hectic and some parts not so pleasant." "She was exhausted, mentally and physically, but \"tomorrow is a new day\" and Myriam was hopeful about the future, sure that the family coming here was a new start for them." scene black with dissolve show text "Intro END" with Pause(4) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump chapter01" KN_MOD "label chapter01:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter1_update1 from _call_var_chapter1_update1" KN_MOD "label ch1_nightmare:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n Nightmare" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 01 with dissolve "In a strange forest covered by a thick mist, feeling lost, Myriam was naked and short of breath, looking around her to understand where she was." MC "{i}What's happening? Where am I?{/i}" "As she was feeling alone and afraid, she heard something roaming in the mist behind her." scene bg ch1 nightmare 02 with dissolve "Turning over anxiously she tried to pierce through the fog, but all she could see was a shadow disappearing into the mist." MC "{i}Who's there? What do you want?{/i}" "???" "He he he he he!" "As she heard a sudden and creepy laugh echoing all around her, she felt herself seized by a feeling of dread." scene bg ch1 nightmare 03 with dissolve "Suddenly, coming out of the mist, a demonic figure jumped toward Myriam, looking like a grotesque corruption of the old man that attacked her at the motel a few days ago." "A long and monstruous cock dangling between his legs and a forked tongue like a serpent." MC "\"Eeeeee!\"" "Shrieking in terror, Myriam stepped back, trying to protect herself, but it was too late." scene bg ch1 nightmare 04 with dissolve "Throwing her to the ground, the creature pinned her down and spread her legs, grinning and salivating at the view." "Trying to protect herself with her hands between her legs, she kept trying to free herself to escape him." "But the creature was stronger than her and kept her still, laughing with excitement in a grating voice." NBuS "\"He he he he he! Sweet pussy.\"" MC "\"Noooo!\"" scene bg ch1 nightmare 05a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 05b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 05c with dissolve "And as he was looking at her, she could see in horror his penis growing and growing to a terrifying size." MC "{i}Oh my god! It's too big, he's gonna tear me apart.{/i}" MC "\"Noooo!\"" "Seized in terror, she tried again in vain to free herself as he was going to push his monstruous cock into her." scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve "Turning her on her side, he lifted one of her legs and pinned her down as he penetrated her forcefully, squeezing a cry of pain out of her." MC "\"OOOOW!\"" NBuS "\"He he he he he! Scream for me.\"" "Reveling in her cries, he grinned as his monstrous tongue was flaying like a serpent and he started his assaults on her pussy." scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve "With a face distorted in pleasure the nightmarish creature started pounding her pussy without mercy." MC "\"Ow! Oooow!\"" "But at her horror, as he kept going, fucking her deep and hard, she could not stop moans from coming out of her." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve "Despite herself and the pain due to his size and brutality, she could not stop feeling some pleasure building up deep in her." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" NBuS "\"He he he he he! Moan for me.\"" "With her grating voice, the creature kept laughing and taking pleasure looking at her losing control." scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06a with dissolve scene bg ch1 nightmare 06b with dissolve "As the assaults kept coming, harder and faster, she could not stop her pleasure from showing anymore." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" "It was as if the floodgates had opened up and let the pleasure in, wave after wave." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" NBuS "\"He he he he he! Cum for me.\"" scene bg ch1 nightmare 07 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she felt his cum gushing into her like a geyzer, load after load, flooding her pussy, she felt her resistance crumble." MC "\"Ggh! Mmmmmmmh!\"" "Her mind went blank with the pleasure and pain, her sanity slipped away, her head went back, her eyes rolled back, and her mouth opened obscenely." scene bg ch1 nightmare 08 with dissolve "Pulling out, his cum came gushing out of her pussy in a flood, while he kept ejaculating over her stomach and breasts, like there was no end." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Out of it, Myriam's body kept shaking, overtaken by waves of pleasure, while she was lying there, glazed with a thick layer of cum." "Reveling in the result of his work, the creature kept laughing creepily." NBuS "\"He he he he he! Mine now.\"" scene bg ch1 nightmare 09 with dissolve "Waking up in anguish, covered in sweat and short of breath, Myriam was still shaking from her dream." MC "\"Aaaah!\"" "Unable to stop a scream as she jumped up from her dream, it took her some time to realize where she was." scene bg ch1 nightmare 10 with dissolve An "\"Grumble...\"" "Turning toward Anthony who was grumbling in his sleep, seemingly undisturbed by her scream, she slowly took back her grasp on reality" "She sighed half in relief, half disappointed, relieved that she was dreaming, disappointed that Anthony had not woken up to comfort her." scene bg ch1 nightmare 11 with dissolve "Massaging her temples to calm herself." MC "{i}My god! That nightmare again.{/i}" "Ever since they arrived, she had nightmares about her assault, seeing that creepy desk clerk as a demon raping her." KN_MOD "menu ch1_after_nightmare:" "How does Myriam feel after her nightmare?" KN_MOD "Mortified.:" $ ch1_nightmare_mortified = True scene bg ch1 nightmare 12 with dissolve MC "{i}My god! Am I wet?{/i}" MC "{i}Those nightmares are torturing me, I can't get through a night.{/i}" "Horrified and shocked by those nightmares she kept having night after night, she felt mortified and depressed, it was eating her up from the inside." KN_MOD "jump ch1_after_nightmare_end" KN_MOD "Ashamed.:" $ ch1_nightmare_ashamed = True scene bg ch1 nightmare 12 with dissolve MC "{i}My god! Am I wet?{/i}" MC "{i}What's wrong with me!? Why am I feeling excited?{/i}" "Horrified by those nightmares she kept having night after night, she felt ashamed of feeling pleasure from them." KN_MOD "jump ch1_after_nightmare_end" KN_MOD "Excited.:" $ ch1_nightmare_excited = True scene bg ch1 nightmare 12 with dissolve MC "{i}My god! Am I wet?{/i}" MC "{i}Those nightmares are horrible, but still, I feel so excited.{/i}" "She was horrified by those nightmares she kept having night after night, but she could neither help herself nor deny feeling excited." KN_MOD "jump ch1_after_nightmare_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_after_nightmare_end:" scene bg ch1 nightmare 13 with dissolve "Getting out of bed, Myriam stretched while heading for her bathroom." MC "{i}I need to do something about those nightmares, I can't keep going like this.{/i}" MC "{i}But first, let's go freshen up with a nice shower and get this sweat off me.{/i}" scene bg ch1 nightmare 14 with dissolve "Slipping into the shower, Myriam quickly felt her unease fly away as the water ran down her skin." MC "{i}Mmh! That feels great.{/i}" "As always, some hot water did miracles on her, soothing the knots in her muscles and letting her forget those awful dreams." scene bg ch1 nightmare 15 with dissolve "Staying in the shower a few minutes, just letting the water running, Myriam tried to relax." MC "{i}I have to go out, I can't stay under the water all day.{/i}" MC "{i}I have to make breakfast for the kids, it's their first day in their new school today.{/i}" scene bg ch1 nightmare 16 with dissolve "Finally getting out, Myriam continued to make a plan for her day." MC "{i}And I promised Eve that I would spend the day with her so she can give me the tour of the city.{/i}" MC "{i}Now that I have tidied up all the boxes that needed to, I can't push it back anymore.{/i}" scene bg ch1 nightmare 17 with dissolve "Putting on her bathrobe, Myriam finished waking herself up, before leaving her bedroom." MC "{i}Here! Wake up and put this behind you Mi, today is a new day.{/i}" KN_MOD "label ch1_anewday:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n A New Day" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 01 with dissolve "Humming softly while cooking after feeding Cassius, Myriam did not notice that Marc arrived in the kitchen." "Stopping at the doorframe, Marc took the time to enjoy the view of Myriam's behind." Ma "{i}Damn! You're killing me every morning with this view.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 02 with dissolve "Finally coming in after enjoying the view for a moment, Marc said hello to Myriam." Ma "\"Hey Mi!\"" "Not stopping her cooking she turned her head surprised and welcomed him." MC "\"Oh! Good morning Duckling.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 03 with dissolve "Immediately, Marc complained while sitting at the table." Ma "\"You know I don't like it when you call me like that.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 04 with dissolve "After stopping the stove, she came to the table to serve him his breakfast." MC "\"Come on, it's just us, let me spoil you.\"" "Bending over, she kissed his forehead gently." scene bg ch1 anewday 05 with dissolve "And as she kissed him, Marc enjoyed the view she offered him of her breasts." Ma "{i}Fuck! You're so oblivious, but god you have such a nice rack.{/i}" Ma "{i}Damn! I can almost see her nipples.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 06 with dissolve "As Myriam stood up, Marc turned his head, blushing, while hiding his groin with his hand." KN_MOD "menu ch1_anewday_breakfast:" "Does Myriam notice Marc peeping at her cleavage?" KN_MOD "Why is he so red? (Oblivious):" scene bg ch1 anewday 07 with dissolve MC "\"Are you feeling okay Duckling?\"" "Turning his head again toward her, she put her hand on his forehead to see if he had a temperature." scene bg ch1 anewday 08 with dissolve "Freeing himself from Myriam, Marc turned back toward the table, still trying to hide his erection." Ma "\"I'm okay, it's nothing, don't worry.\"" MC "\"Ok, sweetie, if you say so.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 09 with dissolve "Going back to the stove, she started to cook again while turning back toward Marc." MC "\"Marc, is Katherine up?\"" Ma "\"Yes, she's taking a shower.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 10a with dissolve "Finishing up the breakfast for her daughter, Myriam went towards the door, petting Marc as she passed by." MC "\"Give Katherine her breakfast when she comes down, I'm fixin' to dress and get you two to school.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_peeping_end" KN_MOD "Oh my god what is he looking at? (Ignore):" scene bg ch1 anewday 11 with dissolve "Putting her hand over her cleavage, uncomfortable, she turned around and tried to ignore Marc's reaction." MC "\"Go on Duckling, eat your breakfast, we'll have to go soon.\"" "Amused by Myriam's reaction, Marc smirked as he brought his lecherous gaze back to her." Ma "\"Yes Mi.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 09 with dissolve "Going back to the stove, she started to cook again." MC "\"Is Katherine up?\"" Ma "\"Yes, she's taking a shower.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 10b with dissolve "Finishing up the breakfast for her daughter, Myriam went towards the door, petting Marc on the shoulder as she passed by." MC "\"Give Katherine her breakfast when she comes down, I'm fixin' to dress and get you two to school.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_peeping_end" KN_MOD "Is he looking at my breasts? (Amused):" scene bg ch1 anewday 12 with dissolve MC "{i}Did he just peek at my breasts?{/i}" "Myriam was shocked at first, but quickly got amused by the situation." MC "{i}Some times I forget he's not a little kid anymore.{/i}" MC "{i}But he's so cute all blushing like this, it makes me want to tease him a little.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 07 with dissolve "Pretending to be upset, she bent over, her hand to his forehead to see if he had a temperature as she turned his head toward her cleavage." "Clearly offering him again a view of her cleavage as she played the worried card." MC "\"Are you feeling ill Duckling?\"" MC "{i}Look at that, he's so flushed, it's cute... {w}But I should stop before he totally boils and steam comes out of his ears.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 08 with dissolve "As she let him go, Marc freed himself and turned back toward the table, still trying to hide his erection." Ma "\"I'm okay, it's nothing, don't worry.\"" "Still amused by his reaction, Myriam smiled inwardly as she tried not to laugh." MC "\"Ok, if you say so.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 09 with dissolve "Going back to the stove, she started to cook again while turning back toward Marc." MC "\"Marc, is Katherine up?\"" Ma "\"Yes, she's taking a shower.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 10a with dissolve "Finishing up the breakfast for her daughter, Myriam went towards the door, petting Marc as she passed by." MC "\"Give Katherine her breakfast when she comes down, I'm fixin' to dress and get you two to school.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_peeping_end" KN_MOD "Oh my god! Is he peeping at my breasts? (Pissed):" scene bg ch1 anewday 13 with dissolve "Recoiling from Marc, Myriam hid her cleavage with a pissed look." MC "\"Marc!\"" Ma "\"Sorry... {w}but they were just in front of me.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 14 with dissolve "Readjusting her attire, she calmed down." MC "\"That's true, and I'm sorry, I should have been more careful, but Marc, you're not a kid anymore, you should be more careful now.\"" Ma "\"Yes, I'm sorry, I'll be careful.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 09 with dissolve "Going back to the stove, she started to cook again." MC "\"Is Katherine up?\"" Ma "\"Yes, she's taking a shower.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 10b with dissolve "Finishing up the breakfast for her daughter, Myriam went towards the door, petting Marc on the shoulder as she passed by." MC "\"Give Katherine her breakfast when she comes down, I'm fixin' ta dress and get you two to school.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_peeping_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_anewday_peeping_end:" scene bg ch1 anewday 15 with dissolve "Going up to change, Myriam stopped by the bathroom where her daughter was, knocking at the door, she called for her." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" MC "\"Pumpkin? Hurry up, we'll have to go soon.\"" "As she heard the shower stop inside, Katherine answered her mother." Ka "\"Nearly done Mom!\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 16 with dissolve "Listening to her daughter getting out of the shower in a hurry, she smiled and kept going." MC "\"Your breakfast is ready downstairs Pumpkin, I'm fixin' ta get myself ready.\"" Ka "\"Ok!\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 17 with dissolve "Going in her bedroom to dress, Myriam noticed that Anthony was still in bed." MC "{i}I should wake him up or he'll be late.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_anewday_waking_anthony:" "Does Myriam wake him up now?" KN_MOD "No, I must hurry.:" scene bg ch1 anewday 18 with dissolve "Starting to undress, Myriam went to her wardrobe." MC "{i}No, I should hurry, I can't drop Katherine and Marc late for their first day in their new school.{/i}" MC "{i}And Eve will be waiting for me at the cafe.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 19 with dissolve "Hesitating for a moment, Myriam finally slipped into some confortable clothes." MC "{i}I will have to walk all day with Eve, I think some jeans would be best.{/i}" MC "{i}Yes, it'll do fine.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 20 with dissolve "Stopping at the door, Myriam turned over toward Anthony." MC "\"Hun! I'm going down, you should get up or you'll be late.\"" "Mumbling from the bed, Anthony waved to her." An "\"Mmh, ok{w}, getting up.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_waking_anthony_end" KN_MOD "Yes, I should wake him up now.:" scene bg ch1 anewday 21 with dissolve "Getting around the bed, Myriam bent over to wake up Anthony." MC "\"Hun! {w}Wake up. {w}You'll be late.\"" "Petting his shoulder softly, she tried to wake him up gently." scene bg ch1 anewday 22 with dissolve "Still half asleep, Anthony reached for Myriam, grabbing one of her breasts." An "\"Mmh, Babe!? {w}I was just dreaming of you and your sweet jugs.\"" MC "\"Hun! What are you doing. {w}You're going to be late.\"" An "\"Come on, give your man a little pick me up to start the day.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_anewday_anthony_morning_wood:" "Does Myriam give in?" KN_MOD "Why not, it wont take long.:" scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve "Removing her robe, she knelt between his legs as he positioned himself on the edge of the bed." An "\"That's it, use those big tits of yours.\"" MC "\"Like that Hun?\"" An "\"Yeah! Keep going.\"" "As Anthony grunted his pleasure, Myriam started to pleasure him with her breasts." scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve "Locking her eyes with Anthony, Myriam kept moving her breasts up and down while pressing them together." MC "\"You like it Honey?\"" An "\"Yeah! Go faster.\"" "Following his command, she kept going faster and faster as she felt his cock getting harder and harder." scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23a with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23b with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewday 23c with dissolve "Quickly, she felt Anthony's cock pulsing as he grunted his pleasure and cum came flying in her face." An "\"Hunh! Yeah! That's it. Take it all.\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As his cum kept gushing out, she kept going until he was done." MC "\"Yes baby, give me everything.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 24 with dissolve "With a face covered in cum, Myriam stopped pleasuring Anthony." MC "\"Hun, you should get up now, or you'll be late. And I need to change to get the kids at school.\"" "With a crass laugh, Anthony answered her." An "\"Eh Eh Eh! Don't worry, I'm up because of you.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 19 with dissolve "After cleaning herself, Myriam finally slipped into some confortable clothes." MC "{i}I will have to walk all day with Eve, I think some jeans would be best.{/i}" MC "{i}Yes, it'll do fine.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 20 with dissolve "Stopping at the door, Myriam turned over toward Anthony still in bed." MC "\"Hun! I'm going, you should get up or you'll be late.\"" "Mumbling from the bed, Anthony waved to her." An "\"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting up.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_waking_anthony_end" KN_MOD "No, I dont have the time.:" scene bg ch1 anewday 25 with dissolve "Rising as she pushed Anthony's hand, Myriam fended off his proposition." MC "\"No Anthony, we don't have the time for that, we have to go.\"" "Looking pissed, Anthony grumbled his displeasure." An "\"You're really just a tease Mi.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 19 with dissolve "Determined despite Anthony's grumbling, Myriam finally slipped into some confortable clothes." MC "{i}I will have to walk all day with Eve, I think some jeans would be best.{/i}" MC "{i}Yes, it'll do fine.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 20 with dissolve "Stopping at the door, Myriam turned over toward Anthony still in bed." MC "\"Honey! I'm going, you should get up or you'll be late.\"" "Grumbling from the bed, Anthony just waved at her." KN_MOD "jump ch1_anewday_waking_anthony_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_anewday_waking_anthony_end:" scene bg ch1 anewday 26 with dissolve "A few minutes later, finally ready to go, Myriam left the house, following her kids to the car." "But as she closed the door and walked down the courtyard in front of the house, she ended nose to nose with her next door neighbors." ShK "\"Come on Will, I'm... {w}I'm telling you I'll drive you.\"" WiK "\"No Mom, please it's ok, I'll take the bus to get to school, don't worry.\"" "A young man was arguing with his mother at the door." MC "{i}Seems like they are in an argument, I'd better let them know I'm here before it gets awkward.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 27 with dissolve "Going their way, Myriam called out to them clearly." MC "\"Hello!\"" "Turning around in surprise, the young man, stayed frozen on the spot at the sight of Myriam." KN_MOD "if ch0_newhome_hot_tub_peeping == True:" WiK "{i}God! That's her... {w}She's even more beautiful than I thought she would be.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "{i}Wow! So beautiful.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 28 with dissolve "Staggering, the woman at the door advanced and bumped into William." ShK "\"Come on, don't be gaw... {w}gawking like that and say hello.\"" "The jilted gait she had and the slurred speach did not leave much doubt as to her state, the woman was clearly drunk." "Visibly embarrassed, the young man tried to act like nothing was wrong." WiK "\"Sorry! {w}Hello ma'am.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 29a with dissolve "Following the example of the young man, Myriam held out her hand and ignored his mother's state as she kept staggering back towards the door." MC "\"Hiya, sweetie, I am Myriam, your new neighbor.\"" "Shaking her hand nervously, the young man introduced himself also." WiK "\"Will... {w}William, and this is my mother, Sharon.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 29b with dissolve "{b}{color=#0ff}William Kelly{/color}{/b} {w}alias Will {p}The young neighbor{w}, teenager {p}The Good Kid {p}A good heart in search of happiness." "{b}{color=#6ff}Sharon Kelly{/color}{/b} {w}alias Cher {p}The drunk neighbor{w}, 34 years old {p}The Drunk Soccer Mom {p}A sad alcoholic mom with a cheating husband." scene bg ch1 anewday 29a with dissolve WiK "{i}God! Her hand is so soft.{/i}" "Without realising it, William kept shaking Myriam's hand without letting go of it." MC "\"Is everything alright?\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 30 with dissolve "Blushing, he suddenly let go of her hand embarrassed, apologizing." WiK "\"Yes! {w}Sorry.\"" MC "\"It's alright, sweetie.\"" MC "{i}He's so cute all flushed and embarrassed, I should help him out with his mother.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewday 31 with dissolve "Turning toward a still staggering Sharon, Myriam tried to help the young man." MC "\"You know, I was fixin' to drive my kids to school, maybe I can drop off William with them?\"" "Jumping at the occasion with enthusiasm, William cut short his mother's answer." WiK "\"Yes! That's a great idea mom, she can drop me off and you can stay and rest.\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 32 with dissolve "Eyes blinking, trying to stay on point, Sharon finally yielded as she backed off towards the door." ShK "\"O... {w}Ok, maybe I'll go lay down a bit.\"" "William sighed in relief, a weight lifted off his shoulders." WiK "\"Sigh!\"" scene bg ch1 anewday 33 with dissolve "As his mother went back in, William turned toward Myriam and thanked her, nearly in tears." WiK "\"Thank you.\"" "It was just a few words, but Myriam could feel how sincere and touched he was." "Putting her hand on his back, she gave him all the warmth she could." MC "\"It's nothing, sweetie.\"" KN_MOD "label ch1_anewschool:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter1_update2 from _call_var_chapter1_update2" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n A New School" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 anewschool 01 with dissolve "Finally arriving at the school after a few minutes of driving, Myriam parked in front of the main building." "The school was big and a bit old, but it had a good graduation rate, it was one of the reasons why Myriam chose this neighborhood." "Accompanying her kids and William, she got out of the car to walk them in." scene bg ch1 anewschool 02 with dissolve "Stopping in front of the door, the kids turned back to thank Myriam." Ma "\"Thanks Mi.\"" WiK "\"Thank you ma'am, it was nice of you to accompany us.\"" Ka "\"Yes, thank you mom, but you're not obliged to accompany us to the door.\"" MC "\"Oh! {w}I didn't tell you? {w}The principal, Mr Little, asked me to come by.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 03 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "After being invited to come in, Myriam entered the principal's office." MC "\"Excuse me, Mr Little?\"" MrL "\"Yes, that's me, please come in.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 04 with dissolve "Going around the desk, the principal came to greet Myriam." MrL "\"Good morning, Ms Summers.\"" MC "\"Good morning Mr Little.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 05 with dissolve "{b}{color=#339}Cleavon Little{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mr L, Big L {p}The principal{w}, 40 years old {p}The Passionate Principal {p}A man of conviction and passion." scene bg ch1 anewschool 06 with dissolve "Still shaking his hand, Myriam smiled to him warmly." MC "\"You wanted to see me, Mr Little? Is there a problem?\"" "Responding to her smile, he smiled back at her." MrL "\"Yes, please, come sit.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 07 with dissolve "Putting down her bag at her feet, Myriam sat on the couch, waiting for the principal to give her the reason for his invitation." MrL "\"I wanted to see you to ask a favor of you.\"" MC "\"A favor? What can I do for you?\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 08 with dissolve "Curious about his request, Myriam gave the principal an intrigued look." MrL "\"I learned that when you were younger you had a run at the Olympics for gymnastics.\"" MrL "\"And I wanted to know if you could be interested in coaching the school gymnastics team.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 09 with dissolve "Shocked and surprised, Myriam gasped before answering." MC "\"Oh! That was a dog's age ago, I don't know what to say.\"" MC "\"Where did you even hear that?\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 10 with dissolve "Attempting to calm her down, he smiled and explained himself." MrL "\"I'm sorry, I didn't want to ambush you, people always say to me that I'm a bit too much to the point.\"" MrL "\"I always try to know more about the parents and origins of the kids we have here, it often can help to foresee or understand the problems they can have.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 11 with dissolve "Centering herself again, Myriam nodded in understanding." MC "\"I understand, it's just that you took me by surprise.\"" MC "\"I was in highschool myself when I got onto the Olympics team, and though I was a favorite, in the end I didn't participate.\"" MC "\"I got pregnant with Katherine.\"" MC "\"I don't know if I could still be of help.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 12 with dissolve "Reassuring Myriam, Mr Little argued his request." MrL "\"Oh! I think you would do great, like you said you were a favorite, I think you have all the experience and could give all the pointers they would need.\"" MrL "\"I really think you would be a big boost of morale for the team and a good example.\"" "Taken again by surprise and feeling embarrassed with all those compliments, Myriam could feel herself blushing." MC "\"You flatter me, I don't know what to say... {w}But if you say so, maybe I can be of help.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 13 with dissolve "Happy to hear her agreeing, the principal thanked Myriam profusely, getting up and holding his hand out." MrL "\"I'm so glad to hear it, the kids will be so happy to have you as a coach.\"" "Following his lead, Myriam got up and shook his hand." MC "\"No, it's me that should be thanking you for the compliments, I'm happy to help.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 14 with dissolve "But as she shook his hand, the principal pulled her toward him and hugged her suddenly." MrL "\"Thank you, you don't know what it will mean to the kids to have someone care for them and who can relate to them.\"" "Surprised at first, Myriam let herself get hugged, he was such a nice man." MC "\"It's nothing, really, I'm glad to help.\"" "But unbeknownst to her, the principal appreciated the embrace maybe a bit too much." MrL "{i}God! Those breasts are quite something.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewschool 15 with dissolve "Still surprised and wrapped in his embrace, Myriam could feel how muscular he was under this thick vest." "And as he pressed her against him, she could even feel how \"big\" he was." KN_MOD "menu ch1_mr_littles_hug:" "How does Myriam feel about this hug?" KN_MOD "Its just an innocent hug.:" $ ch1_feeling_mrlittles_tool = False scene bg ch1 anewschool 16 with dissolve MC "{i}It feel good to see a principal so sensitive and worried about his students.{/i}" "Smiling gently, Myriam relaxed and hugged him back, accepting his feelings and intention." MrL "{i}You could get used to this feeling, but I should stop here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_mr_littles_hug_end" KN_MOD "My god hes so muscular.:" $ ch1_feeling_mrlittles_tool = True scene bg ch1 anewschool 17 with dissolve MC "{i}Oh my god! He's so muscular, I can feel his cock against me, and he's not even hard.{/i}" "Smiling lustfully, Myriam hugged him back, pressing her chest against him, and slightly brushing her leg against his cock." MrL "{i}Damn! She's quite easy going... {w}But I should stop before it becomes inappropriate.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_mr_littles_hug_end" KN_MOD "It feels a bit weird, I should stop.:" $ ch1_feeling_mrlittles_tool = False scene bg ch1 anewschool 18 with dissolve MC "{i}It feels nice and he seems like a nice man, but I'm with Anthony, I should stop this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_mr_littles_hug_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_mr_littles_hug_end:" scene bg ch1 anewschool 19 with dissolve "Stopping their hug, Myriam turned back to get her bag, giving the principal a sudden view of her backside as she bent down." MrL "{i}Damn! Is she trying to kill me!?{/i}" MrL "{i}Keep it together Cleavon, don't spoil your key to the future of the gymnastics team.{/i}" scene bg ch1 anewschool 20 with dissolve "Going back to the door where the principal was waiting for her, Myriam thanked him again." MC "\"Thank you for this proposition Mr Little, I'll be happy to help the kids and the school.\"" MrL "\"That's for me to thank you, and please, call me Cleavon.\"" scene bg ch1 anewschool 21 with dissolve "Holding his hand out to her again, Myriam shook it to say goodbye." MC "\"Good day Cleavon. {w}And please call me Myriam.\"" ClL "\"Then good day to you Myriam. {w}I'll be calling you during the week to meet with you and show you around.\"" MC "\"I'll be waiting for your call.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_feeling_mrlittles_tool == True:" scene bg ch1 anewschool 22 with dissolve "Walking down the hallway to the entrance, Myriam was thinking to herself, organizing the rest of the day." MC "{i}What a nice man. I really think I chose the right school for the kids.{/i}" MC "{i}And what a hunk... {w}Sorry Anthony.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1 anewschool 23 with dissolve "Walking down the hallway to the entrance, Myriam was thinking to herself, organizing the rest of the day." MC "{i}What a nice man. I really think I chosed the right school for the kids.{/i}" "Thinking back to the conversation, Myriam could not help but to smile." MC "{i}It was really a surprise, but now I'm quite excited by the idea.{/i}" MC "{i}But I better be quick and meet Eve, or she'll cause a scene.{/i}" KN_MOD "label ch1_acoffeewitheve:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n A Coffee with Eve" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 01 with dissolve "Arriving at the café, Myriam saw that Evelyn was already waiting for her at a table." "Seeing her finally arriving, Evelyn signaled Myriam with a wave of the hand." Ev "\"Hey! Mi! Here.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 02 with dissolve "Getting up, Evelyn went to kiss Myriam as she came to meet her." Ev "\"Muah! Hi. Muah!\"" MC "\"Muah! Hi. Muah!\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 03 with dissolve "The two of them sat back down to Evelyn's table to talk." MC "\"So Eve, what have you got in store for me today?\"" Ev "\"Wait.\"" "Interrupting her, Evelyn turned toward a barista and hailed her." Ev "\"Hey! The same espresso for my friend, please.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 04 with dissolve "Turning back toward Myriam, Evelyn apologized before answering." Ev "\"Sorry.\"" Ev "\"What do I have in store? Mmh, let me think, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.\"" "Playing coy, Evelyn beat around the bush, teasing Myriam while her coffee was coming." scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 05 with dissolve "Smiling at the antics of her cousin, Myriam laughed." MC "\"Hahaha! You're still such a brat you know. {w}Come on tell me.\"" Ev "\"Well, for starters, coffee, then... {w}Some shopping, and after that... {w}Some more shopping, then...\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 06 with dissolve "Both looking in each others eyes, they suddenly broke down in a laugh, like silly teenagers." "Myriam and Evelyn" "\"Hahahaha!\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 07 with dissolve "On the verge of tears due to their laughing, they tried to calmed down as the barista brought Myriam her espresso." MC "\"Thank you.\"" "She was young and pretty, the uniform brought out her figure." scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 08 with dissolve "As she turned to go back behind the counter, she paused and smiled at Evelyn, sharing a meaningful gaze with her before getting back." "Myriam could sense their was something between them, like they were sharing their own little secret." MC "{i}They must know each other, I should ask her later.{/i}" "But Evelyn just acted as if there was nothing strange, just smiling to her kindly." Ev "\"Leave it on my tab, please.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 09 with dissolve "As the barista walked away from the table, Evelyn turned again toward Myriam." Ev "\"Go ahead, you'll see their coffee is just sublime.\"" "As Evelyn suggested, Myriam lifted her cup and took a sip." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 10 with dissolve "Sipping at the cup of coffee she could not hold a cry of surprise." MC "\"Wow! It is very good.\"" Ev "\"Told you.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 11 with dissolve "Putting down her cup, Myriam continued the conversation from where they left off." MC "\"So, shopping aside, what have you cooked up for me?\"" Ev "\"Well, showing you the best places for what you like, yoga, gym, swimming for starter, I know you like to stay fit.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 12 with dissolve "Continuing to list everything down, Evelyn kept enumerating what she had in mind." Ev "\"I would have pointed you to the equestrian circuit and stables, I know how much you like to ride.\"" Ev "\"But I'm sure you already searched for that and had Bobby arrange for your horse to come here.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 13 with dissolve "As soon as Evelyn mentioned her horse, Myriam's eyes sparkled." MC "\"Yes! Daddy is sending Hammer, I can't wait for him to arrive, it's been weeks since I rode him.\"" "Amused by the childish expression of Myriam, Evelyn could not hold a laugh." Ev "\"Hahaha! You're still such a daddy's girl.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 14 with dissolve "Cooling down her excitement, Myriam turned her gaze away, embarrassed." MC "\"Stop it.\"" "Still amused by her cousin, Evelyn tried to contain herself to not vex her too much." Ev "\"So, talking about daddies, how are Bobby and Liam?\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 15 with dissolve "Myriam lost herself in her thoughts as her mind went to her familly." MC "\"They're fine, Dad is in good health and Liam was better than I thought he would be, with me leaving.\"" MC "\"But still, I feel guilty leaving him, I hope he doesn't feel too lonely.\"" "Knowing Myriam was always very protective of her brother Liam, she tried to reassure her." Ev "\"I'm sure he's fine, there's a lot of people to take care of him at the ranch.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 16 with dissolve "Seeing the topic was getting Myriam down, Evelyn jumped back to their main topic to distract her." Ev "\"And after all that, a little bit of a distraction, I have a superb spa to have you try.\"" Ev "\"I'm sure it'll do you good, you look a bit tired.\"" "Looking a bit worried, Evelyn was asking Myriam, without asking, if everything was alright." MC "\"Yes, it would do me some good, I haven't been getting much sleep the last few days.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 17 with dissolve "Worried and feeling that Myriam needed to talk, Evelyn kept digging." Ev "\"Everything's ok?\"" MC "\"It's nothing, sweetie, don't worry, just some nightmares that keep me awake.\"" "As Myriam avoided eye contact and looked depressed, Evelyn could clearly see that there was more to it." Ev "\"Nightmares?\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 18 with dissolve "As soon as she thought about her nightmares, Myriam started to blush." MC "\"Mmh... {w}I... {w}It's a bit embarrassing.\"" "Amused and intrigued by her reaction, Evelyn pushed her even further." Ev "\"Is it sexual?\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 19 with dissolve "As Evelyn was spot on, Myriam immediately became so red that steam could have come out of her ears." Ev "\"Oh! So I'm right. {w}Who? {w}How?\"" MC "\"It's not like that... {w}It's...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_myriam_confessing_to_evelyn:" "Does Myriam tell the truth to Evelyn?" KN_MOD "I should tell her, itll do me good to talk about it.:" $ ch1_confessing_to_evelyn = True scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 20 with dissolve MC "{i}God, I don't even know where to start.{/i}" "Gathering her courage, Myriam finally talked about the event at the motel." MC "\"A few days ago while we where on the road here we stopped at a motel with Anthony and the kids.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 21 with dissolve "Seeing that her cousin had a hard time talking, Evelyn listened seriously." MC "\"It was an horrible place, filthy and decrepit, with public showers.\"" "She paused a moment before talking about the hard part." MC "\"And while I was out walking to the showers... {w}The old desk clerk assaulted me.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 22 with dissolve "Shocked by what she heard, Evelyn barely held a scream, before whispering after looking around if someone could hear them." Ev "\"Oh my god! You got raped!?\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 23 with dissolve "Trying to reassure Eve as much as herself, she quickly stopped her." MC "\"No, no, don't worry. But it came close, if another man hadn't stopped him, who knows what could have happen.\"" MC "\"And since then, I can't stop these nightmares, every night they come and plague me, I haven't had a good night's sleep since then.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 24 with dissolve "Reaching out to her cousin, Evelyn bent forward to take Myriam's hand and comfort her." Ev "\"I'm so sorry Mi, I didn't know, it was stupid of me to push you like that.\"" MC "\"No, it's not your fault, Eve, you couldn't have known.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriam_confessing_to_evelyn_end" KN_MOD "No, I cant, its too embarrassing.:" $ ch1_confessing_to_evelyn = False scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 25 with dissolve MC "{i}God, I can't talk about this... {w}It's so embarrassing and shameful.{/i}" "Shaking her head as much for Eve as for herself, Myriam looked away." MC "\"I'm sorry, I just can't talk about it... {w}It's just...\"" "The words just died in her throat." KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriam_confessing_to_evelyn_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_myriam_confessing_to_evelyn_end:" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 26 with dissolve "Seeing how this talk was painful for Myriam, Evelyn stopped pushing." Ev "\"You know, when I separated from my ex-husband, I went to see someone to help me work out some problems.\"" "Pausing to see if Myriam was following her meaning, she continued her train of thought." Ev "\"It did me a lot of good, really, if you're interested, I can send you his info.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 27 with dissolve "Gripped by conflicting feelings, Myriam's wheels were turning at high speed." MC "\"I... {w}I don't know... {w}Maybe you're right, maybe I should see someone.\"" "Seeing an opening in her indecision, Evelyn jumped at the occasion to strike while the iron was hot." Ev "\"Yes, you should, there is nothing wrong in seeking help when you need some.\"" Ev "\"And the man I saw was quite good. {w}He really changed my life.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 28 with dissolve "Calming down, Myriam brought a forced smile, as much for reassuring Evelyn than to calm herself." MC "\"Thank you Eve, I'll think about it.\"" MC "\"But for now, let's talk about something else.\"" "Smiling back, Evelyn followed Myriam's lead and ignored her forced smile." Ev "\"Yes, you're right. {w}You know what? {w}I think the best remedy to being down is starting with some shopping.\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 29 with dissolve "Getting up, Evelyn turned toward Myriam as she took her handbag." Ev "\"Finish your coffee Mi, while I take care of the bill, then it's shopping time!\"" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 30 with dissolve "While Evelyn was paying for their coffee, Myriam finished sipping hers, lost in her thoughts." MC "{i}Maybe she's right, maybe I should go see someone to talk about it, I can't keep going like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Get a grip girl, you'll think about this later, for now, try to relax and have some fun with Eve.{/i}" scene bg ch1 acoffeewitheve 31 with dissolve "Taking back her bag after finishing her coffee, Myriam got up as Evelyn was coming back." Ev "\"So, ready for some action cuz?\"" MC "\"Ready when you are cuz.\"" KN_MOD "label ch1_shoppingfever:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n Shopping Fever" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 001 with dissolve play sound "shop door bell-freesound-775noise.mp3" "Out of the coffee shop, Myriam followed Evelyn to a trendy clothing store nearby." "As they entered the place, Evelyn took a little mysterious tone as she talked to Myriam." Ev "\"You'll see they have a nice choice here, and I have a few things I want you to try on.\"" "Hearing this, Myriam knew her cousin had something wicked in mind." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 002 with dissolve "Getting in, Myriam started to browse slowly through the clothes on the shelves and displays." "But Myriam could feel that something was up with Evelyn, as she could see her just hovering around" MC "\"So, you had something in mind to have me try on?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 003 with dissolve "With an amused look, Evelyn stopped Myriam and with a little side smile and corrected her." Ev "\"Something to have you try on? {w}No.\"" Ev "\"Something\"S\" on the other hand. {w}Yes.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 004 with dissolve "Following her declaration, Evelyn pushed Myriam toward the fitting rooms." Ev "\"Go on, just take a stall and I'll bring you everything.\"" MC "\"Slow down Eve. {w}What do you have in mind? {w}I hope you aren't going to bring me something strange.\"" "She innocently ignored Myriam." Ev "\"Nooo. {w}Promise. {w}I'll just have you make me a little show.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 005 with dissolve "Turning back as she was entering the stall, Myriam took a look at Evelyn, but she was already gone, browsing through the shelves and displays." MC "{i}What is she concocting? I feel like I am going to regret it.{/i}" "But despite her worries, Myriam could not help but smile at her cousin's antics." MC "{i}Well, at least I'm sure we're going to have a laugh... {w}Even if it's at my expense.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 006 with dissolve "Undressing while Evelyn was selecting clothes for her to try, Myriam found herself anticipating with excitement what her cousin would bring her." MC "{i}Damn you Eve! Now I can't wait to see what you got for me.{/i}" MC "{i}She's a little demon, but you can't argue that she know how to have fun, I'm getting excited! It's like I am back in my teens.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 007 with dissolve "Bringing back her eyes on her reflexion in the mirror, Myriam looked at her figure." MC "{i}Well, a teenager with big boobs and booty. {w}I think it's time to get back to the gym girl if you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the kids at school.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have some training to do if I want to get back in shape and coach them well, it's been a while since I really pushed my body.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, it's not like I'm doing nothing either, I exercise every day, but I know it's not enough if you want to be able to perform. {w}Maybe I should start by running again with Cassius.{/i}" "As Myriam was meditating on the proposition Mr Little made her earlier, she could hear someone coming towards the door." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 008 with dissolve "Hearing a knock on the door followed by Evelyn's voice, Myriam turned over." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Hey! Mi! Ready for a show? {w}Open up.\"" MC "\"Yes, coming.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 009 with dissolve "Staying hidden as much as she could behind the door just in case, Myriam opened the stall, hiding her one breast with her hand." MC "\"So, what do you have for me Eve?\"" "Evelyn was just behind the door, handing her out a bag with a few articles in it." Ev "\"You'll see. {w}Take this. {w}Start with the black one.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 010 with dissolve "After putting on the first dress, Myriam came out, looking at herself in all angles in front of the mirror and Evelyn." Ev "\"This is nice Mi. I knew you would look gorgeous in this dress. {w}What do you think?\"" "A bit embarrassed, she could not help herself but look away." MC "\"It's nice, yes. {w}But isn't it a bit too short?\"" Ev "\"It's just perfect. {w}And thank me, I could have brought you the see through version.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_black_dress:" "How does Myriam feel about this black dress?" KN_MOD "Shes right, its embarrassing but this dress is gorgeous.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 011a with dissolve MC "{i}Eve is right, this dress is really gorgeous. {w}The skirt is maybe embarrassingly short, but maybe that's not too bad...{/i}" MC "{i}God! What are you thinking Myriam!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_black_dress_end" KN_MOD "God! This is so embarrassing.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 011b with dissolve MC "{i}God! I can't go out like this. {w}The dress is definitely gorgeous, but just a bit of wind and everyone would see my butt.{/i}" MC "{i}And god forbid if I ever bent over...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_black_dress_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_black_dress_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 012 with dissolve "As Myriam was posing for Evelyn and mulling over her thoughts, the seller was coming around the counter, surprising them during their little show." "Seller" "{i}Fuck! {w}There's a nice little show going on here.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}That's some fine set of legs.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}Lets have a discrete little looksy.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 013 with dissolve "Pointing down, Evelyn brought Myriam's attention to her shoes." Ev "\"And those heels? {w}Don't tell me they're not to die for.\"" "Looking down in turn, Myriam was brought back to reality." MC "\"Yes, they are pretty cute.\"" "Evelyn corrected her with a smile." Ev "\"Pretty sexy you mean.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 014 with dissolve "Suddenly pointing her the stalls with a determined smile, Evelyn sent Myriam back to change dresses." Ev "\"And now, next one! {w}The sparkly one.\"" "Acting like a timid child, Myriam obediently got back in to change." MC "\"Yes mom!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 015 with dissolve "Getting out after changing, Myriam did a little twirl and pose in front of the mirror and Evelyn." MC "\"And this one, what do you think?\"" "Gawking at her cousin and her dress, Evelyn could barely hold a scream." Ev "\"OH! {w}My! {w}God! {w}You're so sexy Mi, you're definitely going to make some jaws drop.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_sparkly_dress:" "How does Myriam feel about this sparkly dress?" KN_MOD "Shes right. Shes outrageous, but definitely sexy.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 016a with dissolve MC "{i}There's no way in hell I'll ever wear this dress in public, but Eve is right. {w}I definitely feel sexy in this skimpy dress.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, maybe for a little Valentine's day present for Anthony. {w}After the help of a few glasses of champagne.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_sparkly_dress_end" KN_MOD "God no! This is definitely too embarrassing.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 016b with dissolve MC "{i}Eve is really having fun. {w}This is definitely sexy, but god... {w}I feel so exposed, I could never wear that dress.{/i}" MC "{i}Look at that... {w}One bad move and here goes your tits for everyone to see.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_sparkly_dress_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_sparkly_dress_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 017 with dissolve "Stealthily coming behind the counter, the seller pretended to work while checking up Myriam when she came out of her stall." "Seller" "{i}Fuck! {w}With this one she's even hotter.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}Look at those breasts! {w}Fuck! {w}I would definitely love to have some fun with those puppies.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 018 with dissolve "Leaving her thoughts behind, Myriam turned back toward the stalls to go change again." MC "\"Going to put on the last one.\"" "Still with sparks in her eyes and a dirty smile, Evelyn just added a few comments on the next dress." Ev "\"Another sexy one. {w}More for gala nights. {w}And maybe a bit less outrageous... {w}Maybe.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 019 with dissolve "Putting on the next dress, Myriam hesitated a moment on what to do." MC "{i}Damn you Eve! What with this dress again? the slit is so high that it shows your panties.{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't go out without them... {w}Can I?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_high_slit_dress:" "Does Myriam take her panties off?" KN_MOD "Its just for Eve, nobody else will see.:" $ ch1_shopping_fever_panties_off = True MC "{i}Come on girl, it's just Eve and you, there's nothing to fear.{/i}" MC "{i}And it feels kind of exciting to go out of the stall like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Damn you Eve! {w}What are you making me do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_high_slit_dress_end" KN_MOD "Nope, I cant.:" $ ch1_shopping_fever_panties_off = False MC "{i}No, I can't. {w}I just can't.{/i}" MC "{i}Sorry Eve, but just the dress will have to do.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_high_slit_dress_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_high_slit_dress_end:" KN_MOD "if ch1_shopping_fever_panties_off == True:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 020a with dissolve "Posing again in front of the mirror and Evelyn, Myriam had mixed feelings, excited by the situation, but also scared to be seen in this dress." MC "\"And this one?\"" "While Myriam's heart was beating fast, Evelyn found herself gawking again at her." Ev "\"Damn girl, wow! {w}Just wow! {w}You're so sexy and beautiful in that dress.\"" Ev "\"And fearless... {w}You totally went for the no panties.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 021a with dissolve "Wanting to avoid getting caught peeping, the seller moved away from the counter, pretending to work on some displays around the back of the store." "Seller" "{i}Fuck! {w}This is crazy, look at the view that dress offers you. {w}Always thought the boss was crazy designing this one.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}He will definitely love to hear that some crazy chick tried it on.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}Fuck! {w}She even went commando! {w}I can see her pussy from here.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 020b with dissolve "Posing again in front of the mirror and Evelyn, Myriam had mixed feelings, excited by the situation, but also scared to be seen in this dress." MC "\"And this one?\"" "While Myriam's heart was beating fast, Evelyn found herself gawking again at her." Ev "\"Damn girl, wow! {w}Just wow! {w}You're so sexy and beautiful in that dress.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 021b with dissolve "Wanting to avoid getting caught peeping, the seller moved away from the counter, pretending to work around some displays around the back." "Seller" "{i}Fuck! {w}This is crazy, look at the view that dress offer you. {w}Always thought the boss was crazy designing this one.{/i}" "Seller" "{i}He will definitely love to hear that some crazy chick tried it on.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 022 with dissolve "Pointing the stalls out again to Myriam, Evelyn presented the next phase of her plan." Ev "\"Go back in now, and wait for a bit, I have to do another scavenger hunt for your next show. {w}Which will be for swimsuits.\"" "Obediently going back in, Myriam mumbled to herself half worried, half excited." MC "\"Swimsuits!? {w}She'll definitely go overboard again.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 023 with dissolve "As Myriam was bending over to put away her panties in her bag, waiting for Evelyn to bring her the swimsuits she wanted, she could hear some noises behind the door." MC "{i}What's that noise? {w}Don't tell me it's someone trying to peep?{/i}" "Turning her head over, she tried to hear what was happening outside the stalls." MC "{i}I think it's a kid voice. {w}What's going on?{/i}" "Voice" "\"Damn those pigs! {w}Why do they keep bothering me!?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 024 with dissolve "Opening the door slightly, Myriam peeked out to see what was happening." "Staying behind the door, she could just see a scrawny and dirty kid hiding in front of the stalls." "The Kid" "\"Fuck! They're coming, they saw me going in.\"" "Still muttering, the kid was swearing as he was looking toward the front of the shop." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 025 with dissolve "As she looked inside the shop, she could see two officers wandering around, searching for something or someone." "One was talking to Evelyn, while the other was snooping around searching for the hidden kid." "The Kid" "\"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! {w}They're coming here, I'm fucked.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 026 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_street_urchin:" "Does Myriam help the scrawny kid?" KN_MOD "Im naked, but its just a kid, he cant have done anything that bad. (Exhibitionist Kink 5+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 5:" $ ch1_help_street_urchin = True "The door still half-open, Myriam's mind was running wild." MC "{i}Damn! I'm naked, but I can't just let that kid get caught. {w}It's just a poor child, he can't have done anything that bad. {w}And look, he's all scrawny and dirty... {w}He needs help.{/i}" MC "{i}No time to think Myriam! {w}Just do it!{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 027 with dissolve "Hiding her breast as she opened the door slightly more, Myriam hailed the kid discretely, urging him to join her." MC "\"Hey! {w}Psst! {w}Kid! {w}Come here, quick...\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 028 with dissolve "Turning his head toward the person who called him, the young street kid froze as he saw a naked woman half hidden behind a stall door." "The Kid" "\"Wha... {w}Wha... {w}What, what!?\"" "As the kid stayed gawking at Myriam, she pressed on, urging him while still trying to be discrete." MC "\"Come on kid! {w} Do you want to get caught? {w}Come here quick.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 029 with dissolve "Getting out of his stunned haze, the kid nimbly jumped toward Myriam's stall to hide as discretely as he could." "Daring a look behind to see if he was seen by the officers, the kid still launched himself in the hideout Myriam was offering him as she kept the door open for him." MC "\"Quick.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 030 with dissolve "As the kid passed the door, Myriam closed it behind him, before turning toward him while hiding herself as best she could." MC "\"Close your eyes! I'm not decent. {w}And stay quiet.\"" "Doing as he was told, he closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath." MC "\"So what did you do? {w}And don't lie to me, I'll know.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 031 with dissolve "Slightly opening his eyes as he started to talk, the kid stammered his story." "The Kid" "\"I... {w}I just fingered some food to eat. {w}That's all.\"" "Gauging him, Myriam stared at him seriously, trying to see if he was lying to her." MC "\"I said close your eyes! {w}Was that really all?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 032 with dissolve "Closing his eyes back, hesitating a moment, he added a few lines at his story." "The Kid" "\"Well... {w}Maybe also a bit to drink... {w}And maybe a few other things. {w}But promise, it was mostly the food.\"" "As the kid was finishing, they both could hear the cops opening the other stalls one by one." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 033 with dissolve "Hearing the police approaching, Myriam pointed a spot to the kid to hide, while she turned towards the door." MC "\"Stay here, and shush!\"" "Shushing him softly, Myriam took a breath, trying to calm herself down." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 034 with dissolve "And suddenly a knock on the door brock the silence and tension, followed by the voice of an officer." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Officer" "\"Open up! {w}It's the police!\"" "Myriam opened the door slightly, trying to stay as hidden as she could, still naked." MC "\"Yes, officer, is there a problem?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 035 with dissolve "Seeing a beautiful and visibly naked woman, the officer gulped down, before explaining himself." "Officer" "{i}Damn! {w}Keep cool man.{/i}" "Officer" "\"Officer Johnson. {w}We are in search of a suspect, a teenage kid, that was seen entering these premises.\"" "{b}{color=#05f}Mike Johnson{/color}{/b} {w}alias The Zipper {p}The cool cop 1{w}, 30 years old{p}The Lady Killer {p}A cop that live is life to the fullest... and incapable to keep it in his pants." OMJ "\"This is why we are searching every stall of the fitting room, and talking to everybody.\"" MC "\"Well, I didn't see anybody, officer. {w}Just my cousin Eve and the seller.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 036 with dissolve "While Myriam and the officer were discussing, the kid was staying behind her, with a perfect view of her ass." "The Kid" "{i}Fuck! {w}She's really hot, I can't believe it.{/i}" "Tempted by the view, his hands could not help but jitter." "The Kid" "{i}Take it easy! {w}Don't fuck it up for nothing.{/i}" OMJ "\"And you didn't hear anything? {w}The bell ringing? {w}Somebody passing?\"" MC "\"No, nothing, really.\"" OMJ "\"Very well. {w}Could you show me some ID please, so I can take your name and address for the report.\"" MC "\"Of course.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 037 with dissolve "Bending over, toward her bag, searching for her driver's license, Myriam's mind was so focused on the task at hand, that she totally ignored the kid behind her." "Forgeting how exposed she was and the view she was offering him." "The Kid" "{i}Fuck me! {w}Is she doing it on purpose. {w}How does she want me to resist that.{/i}" "The kid was so antsy, and excited, that he could barely keep his hands to himself." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 038 with dissolve "Leaving all reason behind as Myriam kept searching for her ID in her big handbag." "The Kid" "{i}Fuck it! {w}They got nothing on me and you can't say no to an ass like that.{/i}" "As he thought it, he just went for it and grabded Myriam's ass firmly." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 039 with dissolve "As the kid grabbed her ass and started kneading it, Myriam could not help but let a scream of surprise to escape." MC "\"HUH!\"" MC "{i}My god! {w}What is he doing?{/i}" "To not elevate suspicions, she mustered all the willpower she could to stay quiet and compose herself, while trying to shake his hands off without much success." OMJ "\"Ma'am? {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes, sorry, I just pricked my finger on a pin.\"" "She improvised as best she could to not get caught in this situation by the police officer, but still she could not stop herself from blushing." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 040 with dissolve "Getting up, she held out her card to officer Johnson, trying as best as she could to stay composed." MC "\"Here you are.\"" "Grabbing the ID, officer Johnson took note of the details." OMJ "\"Thank you ma'am. {w}I see the change of address paper, are you new here?\"" MC "\"Yes, bought a house a few months ago and have only been living here a week or so.\"" OMJ "\"Do you have a number where we can contact you, in case we need some extra information?\"" MC "\"Sure...\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 041 with dissolve "As Myriam was giving her number to officer Johnson, the kid pushed his luck even further, squatting in front of her ass, he pushed his tongue in her pussy." MC "\"HUH!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}This little pervert! {w}He's going to get us caught!{/i}" OMJ "\"Ma'am? {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes! {w}Sorry, it's nothing.\"" MC "{i}I don't believe it, even Anthony never kissed me down there.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 042 with dissolve "Suspicious, the officer crooked his neck a little to better see inside the stall, half to do his job and half to have a better view of Myriam." OMJ "\"Ma'am! I am sorry, but could you fully open the door please, I need to have a look inside.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! No. {w}What am I going to do?{/i}" "Afraid of what could be happening, Myriam's brain was running wild." KN_MOD "menu ch1_opening_stall_door_or_not:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "I have to think of something and quick! (Improvise):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 043a with dissolve "Pushing the kid against the wall, Myriam suddenly opened the door, and just stood there, naked, hoping that her naked body would be enough of a distraction to make him forget to do his job." MC "\"Here, have a look!\"" "Trying to look as determined as she could, her mind was racing and going wild." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Oh my god! {w}Oh my god! {w}Myriam you're crazy, what are you doing!?{/i}" "Blushing, she tried to stay as composed as she could, standing there naked, in full view of the police officer and trying to hide the kid as best she could." KN_MOD "jump ch1_opening_stall_door" KN_MOD "Oh my god! What do I do!? (Frozen):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 043b with dissolve "Her brain totally in overdrive, Myriam could not think of anything and just stayed frozen on the spot." "Seeing that Myriam was out of it, officer Johnson pushed the door while apologizing." OMJ "\"Sorry ma'am! {w}I just need to have a quick look...\"" "As he pushed the door, and Myriam's body was revealed in all her nakedness, he stopped, not even seeing the kid quickly hiding behind the door." OMJ "{i}Holy shit!, she's even hotter than I thought she would be.{/i}" "Trapped like a little cornered animal, Myriam stayed frozen in place, not even trying to hide herself from his gaze." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Oh my god! {w}Oh my god! {w}What's happening!?{/i}" "Blushing, she tried to stay as composed as she could, standing there naked, in full view of the police officer, trying to distract him from the kid as best she could." KN_MOD "jump ch1_opening_stall_door" KN_MOD "For real!? (Refuse):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 043c with dissolve "Playing at being offended, Myriam decided to stand her ground and refused." MC "\"No! It's out of the question... {w}I'm naked!\"" "Backing up in front of her determination, officer Johnson apologized." OMJ "\"Sorry ma'am! {w}I wasn't trying to offend you.\"" OMJ "{i}Damn! That's too bad, I would have loved a little peek.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_not_opening_stall_door" KN_MOD "label ch1_opening_stall_door:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 044a with dissolve "As the first officer stood still, gawking at the naked Myriam, the second one arrived to join his partner." "Officer" "\"Everything's alright Mike?\"" "Arriving at his side, he finally saw Myriam, standing there naked and barely able to hide her embarrassment." "Officer" "\"Shiiit!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 045 with dissolve "As both officers were standing there, gawking, Myriam finally became incapable to take it anymore, becoming too self conscious of their gazes." "Both came back to reality as Myriam closed the door and hid herself again." OMJ "\"Sorry ma'am... {w}This is my partner, officer Armstrong.\"" "{b}{color=#039}Danny Armstrong{/color}{/b} {w}alias Three Arms {p}The cool cop 2{w}, 30 years old{p}The Player {p}A cop that live is life to the fullest... and cursed with a third \"arm\" in his pants." ODA "\"Ma'am!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_little_devil_plaything" KN_MOD "label ch1_not_opening_stall_door:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 044b with dissolve "As the first officer was still talking to Myriam, the second one arrived to join his partner." "Officer" "\"Everything's alright Mike?\"" "Arriving at his side, he finally saw Myriam, hiding behind her door, seemingly naked." "Officer" "\"Wow!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 045 with dissolve "As his partner arrived, officer Johnson presented him to Myriam." OMJ "\"Here is my partner ma'am, officer Armstrong.\"" "{b}{color=#039}Danny Armstrong{/color}{/b} {w}alias Three Arms {p}The cool cop 2{w}, 30 years old{p}The Player {p}A cop that live is life to the fullest... and cursed with a third \"arm\" in his pants." ODA "\"Ma'am!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_little_devil_plaything" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_little_devil_plaything:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 046 with dissolve "Keeping his partner appraised of the situation, the first officer explained what happen to the second." OMJ "\"Mrs Summer here, was letting me know that she did not see nor hear anybody.\"" ODA "\"Ok. {w}Thank you ma'am for your cooperation, and sorry for the disturbance.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I understand. {w}I should be the one thanking you for keeping us safe.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 047 with dissolve "The awkwardness of the situation diffused, everybody cooled down as the conversation derived toward Myriam." OMJ "\"Well that's a first. {w}Mrs Summer just settled down here a few weeks ago.\"" ODA "\"Oh! Really? Then Welcome, happy to see some nice people settling down here.\"" "As he was holding his hand out to her, Myriam shook it and thanked both officers." MC "\"Thank you. {w}I'm sure that we'll be happy here.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 048 with dissolve "Getting down behind Myriam again, the kid resumed his licking of Myriam's pussy, while kneading her ass with one hand and caressing his cock with the other." "The Kid" "{i}Fuck! {w}She tastes so sweet, I'm going to enjoy her as much as I can.{/i}" "This time Myriam was able to keep herself from screaming, as the kid dug his tongue deep into her pussy." MC "{i}Damn this little pervert! {w}He's going to make me go crazy, I'm so confused.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 049 with dissolve "Seeing her face go red, the two got closer, thinking she was getting excited because of them." OMJ "\"We're sure you will, there's a lot to see and do here, and some fine people... {w}Like ourselves.\"" "Smiling at her as officer Johnson placed his little innuendo, officer Armstrong kept pushing while the iron was hot." ODA "\"And if you have any problems, you can call us personally. {w}Here's my card. {w}The name is Danny and here's Mike.\"" "Taking both their cards, Myriam smiled at them, trying all she could to stay impassive while the kid kept licking her pussy behind the door." KN_MOD "menu ch1_flirting_with_cops:" "How does Myriam react to their flirting?" KN_MOD "Theyre so nice and considerate. (Oblivious):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 050a with dissolve MC "{i}It's really nice and reassuring seeing how considerate the police are here.{/i}" MC "{i}They're so nice, I feel guilty lying to them.{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't let that kid get caught, even if he's a little pervert, he's just a kid.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_flirting_with_cops_end" KN_MOD "Oh my god! Theyre totally flirting with me! (Flattered):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 050b with dissolve MC "{i}They're really quite cheeky, flirting with me during their job, while I'm naked and half hidden behind a door.{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't say it doesn't feel exciting. {w}Sorry Anthony.{/i}" MC "{i}I just feel a bit guilty lying to them because of this little pervert. {w}But he's just a kid.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_flirting_with_cops_end" KN_MOD "Oh my god! Are they flirting with me!? (Embarrassed):" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 050c with dissolve MC "{i}My god! They're really flirting with me while I'm naked and hiding behind a door defenseless.{/i}" MC "{i}I can understand and it's kind of exciting, but it make me feel so dirty.{/i}" MC "{i}And I feel guilty lying to them because of this little pervert. {w}But he's just a kid, I can't betray him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_flirting_with_cops_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_flirting_with_cops_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 051 with dissolve "As Myriam was mulling over her feelings, she tried desperately to stay composed as the kid kept licking her pussy, praying in silence that the two officers went away so she could make him stop." MC "\"Thank you. {w}I'll... {w}I'll be sure to call you if I ever need help.\"" "Smiling to her, the two officers finally gave their goodbyes to Myriam, but not after hinting her again of their intention." OMJ "\"For help or anything... {w}But we'll be leaving you to your affairs now.\"" ODA "\"At your disposal ma'am. {w}Have a good day.\"" MC "\"Goodbye.\"" MC "{i}Thank god! {w}I can't take it anymore.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 052 with dissolve "Closing the door, Myriam strength finally gave out, trying all she could to hold on and resist to the pleasure, she could barely stay up, holding herself back to the door as best as she could." "She wanted to stop him, but the pleasure had taken her over and as she tried to tell him to stop, only moans and cries of pleasure went out." MC "\"Ow! Mmmmh!\"" "And finally a muffled a scream of pleasure as she climaxed while biting her lips, her whole body shaking." MC "\"Aaah! {w}Mmmpfff!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 053 with dissolve "Falling down to the ground, her body still quivering, Myriam tried to catch back her breath, while the kid was looking at her smiling with an air of achievement." "The Kid" "\"You were great ma'am, thanks. {w}And you taste so good.\"" "Still in a haze, Myriam's mind was still very confused." MC "\"What...? {w}What did...?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 054 with dissolve "Getting up blushing, she quickly hid herself back, as the haze fogging her mind was clearing up." MC "\"That wasn't a nice thing to do. {w}Why did you do it?\"" "Getting up also, the kid averted his gaze, feeling a bit shameful." "The Kid" "\"I'm sorry... {w}It's just that you invited me in and kept pushing your bare butt toward me. {w}Even bent over just in front of me.\"" "The Kid" "\"I tried to resist, but you're so beautiful... {w}It was too much... {w}I'm sorry.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 055 with dissolve "Feeling a tad guilty about the situation herself, she averted her gaze also." MC "{i}It's true that it must have been hard for a teenager to have me naked like this in front of him all this time. {w}And what he must have thought with me pushing my butt toward him... {w}It's my fault.{/i}" MC "\"Well, it's true that it's a bit my fault too... {w}But still, that wasn't a nice thing to do to someone who help you.\"" "The Kid" "\"I know, I'm sorry... {w}But please, can I finish too?\"" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 056 with dissolve "Lowering her gaze, she only realised now, that the kid was not just hiding an erection behind his hand, but his erect cock." MC "\"Oh my god! {w}What are you doing with that out? {w}You... {w}Were you fixin' to rape me!?\"" "Quickly denying, the kid raised his hands, leaving his cock in full view as he tried to reasure Myriam." "The Kid" "\"NO! I promise. {w}I would never do something like that. {w}I... {w}I was just touching myself a bit while licking you.\"" MC "\"Is that true?\"" "The Kid" "\"Yes, I swear. {w}But now it won't go down and it kind of hurts. {w}So please... {w}Can I finish?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 057 with dissolve "Still a bit confused, Myriam took some time to understand the meaning of what he meant." MC "\"Ok then...\"" MC "\"... {w}Wait... {w}Finish? {w}Of course not! {w}I mean...\"" "Begging her with a pitiful look, the kid tried to convince her." "The Kid" "\"Please! {w}I beg you. {w}It's so hard... {w}It's really starting to hurt now.\"" "Taken in by his puppy eyes and his sad look, she started to feel guilty." MC "{i}This is so wrong... {w}But it's my fault if he's like this... {w}And it's hurting him...{/i}" MC "\"I... {w} What...? {w}I don't know...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_aidens_dirty_business:" "Does Myriam let him finish his business?" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ ch1_messed_up_top = True scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 058 with dissolve "Feeling guilty about the situation and his state, Myriam didn't have the heart to stop him." MC "{i}It's kind of my fault, I can't blame him for his state. {w}And he looks like he needs it so much.{/i}" MC "\"Ok. {w}You can finish your business... {w}But be quick about it.\"" "Without a word, the kid already had his hand on his cock and started masturbating while looking at her." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 059 with dissolve "While the kid was still at it, Myriam could feel herself getting hotter." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I'm getting excited by seeing a kid masturbating, what's wrong with me?{/i}" "But despite her shame, she could not stop looking at him, at his cock, as if she was hypnotized." MC "{i}My god, how a kid can have a cock that big, he's already a lot bigger than Anthony... {w}This is incredible. {w}Sorry Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 060 with dissolve "As the kid kept masturbating, Myriam, without even realising it, started to caress herself with the hands that were hiding her modesty just before." "The Kid" "{i}Wow! She looks totally zoned out... {w}And she's caressing herself. {w}She's so fucking hot.{/i}" "Revealing herself little by little as she kept touching herself, the kid felt his cock getting harder and harder, he knew he was about to ejaculate" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 061 with dissolve "Bringing himself close to the explosion, the kid approached Myriam." "The Kid" "\"I'm about to... {w}I'm about to cum.\"" "Her mind still elsewhere and not really listening, Myriam just acquiesced." MC "\"Ok.\"" "Still approaching, Myriam's mind finally noticed him." MC "\"What are you doing?\"" "The Kid" "\"I'm going to cum. {w}And you said I could do it on you. {w}Please, I beg you.\"" MC "\"What? {w}I... {w}I don't know...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_aiden_cum_or_not_to_cum:" "Does Myriam still accept?" KN_MOD "Yes.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 062 with dissolve "Rolling her eyes, she acquiesced again." MC "\"Ok, ok.\"" MC "{i}This kid really has only one thing in mind... {w}Like Anthony... {w}But I guess it's ok if it's just that.{/i}" "The Kid" "{i}Holy shit! {w}I thought she would say no, or just tell me to do it on her feet or something. {w}She's the fucking best!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_aiden_target_of_choice:" "Where does Aiden ask her to cum?" KN_MOD "On her face. (Cum Kink 6+) if MCkink[Cum] > 5:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 063 with dissolve "Biting her lips as she looked at his cock, she wanted to say no, she knew she should say no, but something kept her from refusing, like an hunger." MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong... {w}But I can't say no.{/i}" MC "\"Ok.\"" "As she told him yes, she went down on her knees in front of him." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I'm getting crazy, what am I doing? {w}Why did I accept? {w}Why do I feel like I want it so much?{/i}" "The Kid" "\"Holy shit! {w}For real!?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 064a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 064b with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 064c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Hug! {w}Aah!\"" "Approaching her face with his cock the kid quickly ejaculated a geyser of cum, hurrying in fear that she would come to reason and change her mind." "Strings of warm and thick cum came crashing down on her face one after the other." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 065a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 065b with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 065c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Aaah!\"" "As he kept cumming, the kid grabbed her hair to better control his aim, while in a haze, Myriam opened her mouth little by little, catching his cum when he aimed it at her lips." "She didn't know when it changed with Anthony, but it had been quite some time now since she discovered how much she enjoyed cum." "Everytime, the smell and the taste made her head spin and left her in a trance like state." MC "{i}My god his cum feels so great... {w}I'm really getting crazy... {w}Why do I love it so much?{/i}" "The Kid" "\"Fuck that felt great!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 066 with dissolve "As an ingrained reflex with Anthony when he came on her face or in her mouth, she swallowed his cum without a thought and thanked him." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" "The Kid" "{i}Fuck, did she just thank me!?{/i}" "Rubbing his cock over her lips, the kid enjoyed fully the moment to its fullest, and was even starting to feel his cock getting hard again." "Her mind still foggy, Myriam's lips and mouth stayed slightly open, as if they were inviting him to push his cock, as were her eyes, filled with lust." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 067 with dissolve "But suddenly, as the kid was pushing his cock to enter her mouth, a knock on the door and a familiar voice brought back Myriam to reality, causing his cock to slip across her face as she turned her head." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Mi! {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Eve!?\"" "Thanking god and Eve, Myriam felt how close she came to doing something she would regret, as the kid's cock was still pressing against her face." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Thank you Eve! {w}If you hadn't come I don't know what I would have done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aiden_target_of_choice_end" KN_MOD "On her face. (Cum Kink 5-) if MCkink[Cum] <= 5:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 068 with dissolve "Frowning, Myriam refused, not that it disgusted her, but her reason was shouting to her that it would be too much." MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong... {w}The face is too much, but I can't just say no. {w}Maybe he would like it on my breasts.{/i}" MC "\"No! {w}Sorry, the face is a no, but you can do it on my breasts if you want.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I should have just refused. {w}Why did I accept? {w}Why do I feel like I want it so much?{/i}" "As she invited him to cum on her breasts, she went down on her knees in front of him." "The Kid" "\"Holy shit! {w}For real!?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 069a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 069b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Hug! {w}Aah!\"" "Approaching her with his cock without any delay, the kid exploded in a geyser of cum as soon as he did, as if he ever waited she would come to reason and change her mind." "Strings of warm and thick cum came crashing down on her breasts one after the other." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 070a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 070b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Aaah!\"" "As he kept cumming, the kid kept masturbating frantically, while in a haze Myriam looked down to look at his cum crashing on her breasts, offering at the same time her face as a target of opportunity for some stray loads." "Showing no reaction but that of pleasure, the kid ajusted his aim on Myriam's face for his last loads, to his great pleasure." "She didn't know when it changed with Anthony, but it had been quite some time now since she had discovered how much she enjoyed cum." "Everytime, the smell and the taste made her head spin and left her in a trance like state." MC "{i}My god his cum feels so great... {w}I'm really getting crazy... {w}Why do I love it so much?{/i}" "The Kid" "\"Fuck that felt great!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 071 with dissolve "Rubbing his cock on her breasts, the kid enjoyed the moment to its fullest, and was even starting to feel his cock getting harder again as he discretely fondled one of her breast with his other hand." "The Kid" "{i}Fuck, her tits are the best.{/i}" "Her mind still foggy, Myriam looked at him in a daze, while he was rubbing his cock, just offering her breasts with her arms in response, as if she was inviting him to push his cock between them." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 072 with dissolve "But suddenly, as the kid was about to slide his cock between her breasts, a knock on the door and a familiar voice brought back Myriam to reality." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Mi! {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Eve!?\"" "Thanking god and Eve, Myriam felt how close she came to doing something she would regret, as the kid's cock was still pressing between her breasts." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Thank you Eve! {w}If you hadn't come I don't know what I would have done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aiden_target_of_choice_end" KN_MOD "On her back.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 073 with dissolve "Biting her lip as she looked at his cock, she wanted to say no, she knew she should say no, but something kept her from refusing, like an hunger." MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong... {w}But I can't say no.{/i}" MC "\"Ok.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I'm getting crazy, what am I doing? {w}Why did I accept? {w}Why do I feel like I want it so much?{/i}" "As she told him yes, she turned and offered him again a nice view of her back side." MC "\"Like this?.\"" "The Kid" "\"Holy shit! {w}For real!? {w}Yeah, that's great.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 074a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 074b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Hug! {w}Aah!\"" "Approaching her with his cock without any delay, the kid exploded in a geyser of cum as soon as he did, as if he ever waited she would come to reason and change her mind." "Strings of warm and thick cum came crashing down on her butt." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 075a with dissolve scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 075b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The Kid" "\"Aaah!\"" "Still cumming, the kid kept masturbating frantically, while in a haze Myriam kept bending and pushing her hips toward him, offering him a better access to her pussy and asshole." "Seeing her offering such view of her rump, the kid ajusted his aim on Myriam's pussy and asshole for his last loads, to his great pleasure." "She didn't know when it changed with Anthony, but it had been quite some time now since she had discovered how much she enjoyed cum." "Everytime, the smell and the warmth made her head spin and left her like in a trance like state." MC "{i}My god his cum feels so great... {w}I'm really getting crazy... {w}Why do I love it so much?{/i}" "The Kid" "\"Fuck that felt great!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 076 with dissolve "Slapping his cock on her butt and rubbing it against her pussy and asshole, the kid enjoyed fully the moment, and was even starting to feel his cock getting harder again" "The Kid" "{i}Fuck, her ass is the best.{/i}" "Her mind still foggy, Myriam kept swaying her hips in a daze, offering and pushing her butt in response, as if she was inviting him to push his cock inside her." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 077 with dissolve "But suddenly, as the kid was starting to push the tip of his cock against the entrance of her pussy, a knock on the door and a familiar voice brought back Myriam to reality." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Mi! {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Eve!?\"" "Thanking god and Eve, Myriam felt how close she came to doing something she would regret, as the kid's cock was still pressing against her pussy." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Thank you Eve! {w}If you hadn't come I don't know what I would have done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aiden_target_of_choice_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_aiden_target_of_choice_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 078 with dissolve "After having wiped the kid's cum off with her top in a hurry, Myriam tried to gather her wits back before answering." Ev "\"They're gone Mi, you can come out now... {w}And the kid too.\"" MC "\"What!?\"" "Amused, Evelyn was smiling as she imagined the panicked Myriam on the other side of the door." MC "\"How did you know?\"" Ev "\"It was kind of obvious after I saw him run to the back and not get caught.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aidens_dirty_business_end" KN_MOD "No.:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 079 with dissolve "Surprised by his request, she hid herself again as she refused." MC "\"What? No. {w}Of course not.\"" "But seeing the kid so mortified as he was ready to explode and not wanting to leave a mess in the stall, Myriam felt she owed him a little compensation and thought of a compromise." MC "\"But if you want you can use my top.\"" "The Kid" "\"Really!? {w}Thanks.\"" "Not wasting a second, the kid bent over to grab the top in her bag, fearing she could change her mind if he took too long." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 080 with dissolve "And as he frantically kept masturbating in the light fabric of her top, he quickly came in it, filling the air with the smell of cum." "The Kid" "\"Hug! {w}Aah!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "With the smell starting to go her head, she could not avert her eyes from him jerking off in her top anymore." "Enjoying the moment as long as he could, the kid kept rubbing his cock in the soft fabric of her cloth under the eyes of Myriam, soaking it in cum and imbuing it in his smell." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 081 with dissolve "But suddenly, a knock on the door and a familiar voice brought both of them to reality." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Mi! {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Eve!?\"" "Surprised and realizing her situation, she reached for her messed up top to quickly hide it." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I have to hide this, quick.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aidens_dirty_business_end" KN_MOD "No.:" $ ch1_messed_up_top = False scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 082 with dissolve "But shaking it off, she frowned and refused firmly." MC "\"No! {w}I think you already had enough of fun at my expense young man.\"" MC "{i}What a cocky little pervert! {w}And why not ask to cum on my face while you're at it.{/i}" MC "\"Zip it up.\"" "Looking down, disappointed by Myriam's answer, the kid stopped approaching." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 083 with dissolve "Suddenly, a knock on the door and a familiar voice brought both of them to reality." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" Ev "\"Mi! {w}Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Eve!?\"" "Surprised, she barely held a scream, while the kid was putting away his cock in a hurry." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}What I'm going to do.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_aidens_dirty_business_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_aidens_dirty_business_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 084 with dissolve "Opening up the door again, Myriam looked embarrassed like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar." MC "\"Really?\"" Ev "\"Well yes... {w}And I also kind of saw you invite him in.\"" MC "\"Really!?\"" "Barely keeping herself from laughing out loud, Evelyn contained herself to try not embarrassing her further." Ev "\"You know you're lucky I kind of distracted them when you did.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 085a with dissolve "Fully opening the door, Myriam let the kid come out of the stall, still trying to hide herself as best she could." MC "\"Here, you can come out now.\"" "Following her invitation, the kid came out, greeting Evelyn as he did." "The Kid" "\"Hello, miss...?\"" "Smiling at the kid attitude, Evelyn greeted him in turn." Ev "\"Eve, just Eve kid. {w}And you?\"" "The Kid" "\"Me? It's Aiden... {w}But really, I'm no kid. {w}I know I don't look it, but I'm in fact eighteen, going on nineteen.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 085b with dissolve "{b}{color=#ff0}Aiden Pirrip{/color}{/b} {w}alias the Kid {p}The street urchin{w}, 18 years old (going on 19){p}The Mischievous Kid {p}Smart kid with always a mischievous plan." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 086 with dissolve "Shocked by the revelation of the kid, Aiden, Myriam could not hold a scream of surprise." MC "\"What!?\"" "Answering as if nothing happened, Aiden kept an innocent smile." AiP "\"Well, yes, never said I was a kid.\"" MC "\"But I...\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 087 with dissolve "Seeing her so troubled, Evelyn tried to calm her down." Ev "\"What's the matter Mi? {w}What's done is done.\"" "Calming down, Myriam relaxed and acquiesced, as much trying to convince herself as her cousin." MC "\"You're right, what's done is done. {w}No need to cry over spilled milk.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 088 with dissolve "Amused by Myriam's reaction, Aiden smiled mischievously as he said goodbye to her and her cousin." AiP "\"I think I'd better go now. {w}But thanks for the help, you were great.\"" "Not sure of the meaning of his last words, Myriam could not help but feel embarrassed." MC "\"It's nothing, I was happy to help.\"" Ev "\"Goodbye \"kid\".\"" MC "\"Goodbye, and please be careful.\"" AiP "\"I will be, don't worry. {w}I hope we meet again someday... {w}And have some more fun.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 089 with dissolve "The kid disapeared as quickly as he appeared, living Myriam and Evelyn alone again." "Turning her head toward Myriam, Evelyn questioned her with an amused smile." Ev "\"Fun... {w}What did he ment by that?\"" "Looking away embarrassed, ashamed by just the thought of what happened in the stall, Myriam answered timidly." MC "\"Nothing...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_street_urchin_end" KN_MOD "I cant help him, Im totally butt naked.:" $ ch1_help_street_urchin = False $ ch1_messed_up_top = False "The door still half-open, Myriam's mind was running wild." MC "{i}Damn! I want to help this poor kid, but I just can't. {w}I'm stark naked, it's impossible.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm so, so, sorry kid.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 090 with dissolve "Mortiffied by guilt and incapable of looking at the kid getting arrested, Myriam closed the door." MC "{i}I'm so sorry...{/i}" "As she was recriminating herself, Myriam could already hear the officers noticing him" "An Officer" "\"Hey! You! {w}Don't move! {w}Danny... he's here.\"" "The Kid" "\"Damn! {w}Hey, I didn't do anything.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 091 with dissolve "Looking down as if it would help the event to pass, Myriam was already feeling remorse about her choice." MC "{i}What did I do? {w}You're horrible Myriam.{/i}" "As the officers were grabbing the kid behind her door, she could hear him trying to get free." "The Kid" "\"Leave me alone! {w}I didn't do anything!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 092 with dissolve "Incapable of tacking it anymore, Myriam suddenly turned over and opened the door wide, without any thoughts about her state of undress." "And as she opened her door, Myriam yelled at the officers." MC "\"Leave that poor kid alone you brutes!\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 093 with dissolve "The three just froze on the spot as this naked lady just suddenly came out of her stall, not even noticing what she was saying." "Gawking at her together, all three of them forgot in that moment why they were even here, just plainly enjoying the view they were offered." "The Three" "\".........!!!\"" "The Three" "{i}Holy shit!!{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 094 with dissolve "Noticing how the two officers were taken in by the view of the naked Myriam, the kid took advantage of the occasion." "The Kid" "{i}I think that's my fucking cue... {w}Thanks naked lady.{/i}" "Freeing himself from them, he dropped down between them and prepared to run toward the entrance." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 095 with dissolve "Taken by surprise, the two reacted too late to his escape, cursing at themselves for their blunder as they saw him running for it." "Launching themselves in pursuit, they regretfully left Myriam where she was, with just one last lustful look before going." "The Officers" "{i}Damn! {w}That's fucking too bad.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 096 with dissolve "The situation finally getting to Myriam, she hid herself bashfully, realizing what she had just done." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}What did I just do?{/i}" "As the officers disappeared, Evelyn came toward Myriam worried and curious." Ev "\"Is everything ok Mi? {w}What happened?\"" MC "\"Nothing... {w}I don't know... {w}This kid was in trouble, I wanted to help, but I just didn't know what to do...\"" "Looking at her with an affectionate smile, Evelyn could barely hold a laugh." Ev "\"You're crazy you know Mi?\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 097 with dissolve "Looking at the situation, Myriam could only feel how right her cousin was, how crazy she reacted." MC "\"I know... {w}I don't know what came over me.\"" Ev "\"Your crazy mama bear instincts?\"" MC "\"Stop it, I'm so ashamed.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_street_urchin_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_street_urchin_end:" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 098 with dissolve "Seeing how upset her cousin was, Evelyn changed the subject, hoping she could put it behind and stop feeling ashamed." Ev "\"So, now that the craziness is over, how do you feel about swimsuits?\"" "Surprised by the question, Myriam stayed quiet a moment, as if she had forgetten why they were here in the first place." MC "\"I don't know... {w}I feel so tired with all this.\"" Ev "\"Yeah, I kind of felt it would be the case. {w}So you know what? We'll just go on with our schedule.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 099 with dissolve "Calming herself, Myriam acquiesed at Evelyn's idea." MC "\"I think that's a good idea, we'll do the swimsuits another time.\"" Ev "\"Oh! don't worry, I just chose one for you, you'll need it for where we're going.\"" MC "\"Ok... {w}Wait, what!?\"" "Realizing too late what her cousin said, Myriam wanted to interrogate her, but Evelyn had already turned over and was walking toward the counter." scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 100 with dissolve "With Evelyn gone, Myriam went back in her stall to change, feeling a bit self conscious about being naked alone in the back of a store." MC "{i}What craziness does she have in mind now?{/i}" MC "{i}Well, at least I know it will be fun.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 101 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_messed_up_top == True:" "As Myriam bent over to take her clothes out of her bag, she suddenly stopped, realizing as she grabbed her top that it was covered in the cum of the kid." MC "{i}Oh my god! It's covered in cum... {w}What do I do? I can't go out with that on me.{/i}" "Starting to panic, she noticed that she also had the bag with the dresses Evelyn chose for her." MC "{i}Yes! {w}Maybe I can put the black one on, it was the least outrageous one.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As Myriam bent over to take her clothes out of her bag, she noticed the bag of dresses Evelyn had chosen for her." MC "{i}Why not? {w}Maybe it'll help me feel better putting on something pretty. {w}The black one wasn't that outrageous.{/i}" MC "{i}Yes! {w}Let's do it.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 102 with dissolve "When she had finished putting on the black dress, Myriam came out of her stall, looking for her cousin to join her." MC "{i}Here she is at the counter. {w}Let's go.{/i}" MC "{i}I wonder what she'll think about me putting on the dress.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 103 with dissolve "Joining Evelyn at the counter, Myriam could feel the gaze of her cousin and the seller, making her feel a little self conscious." Ev "\"Wow! Girl. {w}You're gorgeous.\"" "Seller" "{i}Well, she's definitely hot as shit in that dress. {w}I have to present her to Francis or he'll kill me for missing an opportunity like this.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 104 with dissolve "As she joined them, Myriam was about to look in her bag for her credit card, but Evelyn stopped her." Ev "\"You're too slow Mi, I already paid.\"" MC "\"Eve! That's too much. {w}How much did it cost?\"" Ev "\"It's my welcoming present, and now you'll have the dresses for our future 'girls night out's.\"" MC "\"You're crazy, I'll never be able to get out with the other two.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 105 with dissolve "Ignoring her remark, Evelyn turned toward the seller to thank him, but he interrupted her before she could and turned toward Myriam." "Seller" "\"Excuse me, but before you go, I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in meeting the owner?\"" Ev "\"Mister St Etienne?\"" "Seller" "\"Yes, that's him. {w}You see, he's searching for models to work his new designs.\"" MC "\"Me? {w}You're joking.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 106 with dissolve "Staying very serious, the seller assured them of what he was saying, taking off his sunglasses so they could see his eyes." "Seller" "\"I assure you, it's true. {w}In fact, I'm his assistant, Todd Parker, and I can tell you from what I have seen, you are exactly what he's looking for.\"" "{b}{color=#0cf}Todd Parker{/color}{/b} {w}alias the 'Ass'istant {p}The stylist assistant{w}, 24 years old{p}The Coniving Twat {p}Put the \"ass\" in assistant and asshole." MC "\"Are you sure? {w}Aren't I too fat to be a model?\"" ToP "\"Absolutely not. {w}I have seen you with his dresses earlier, you have beautiful curves. {w}Exactly what he's searching for and with which he likes to work.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 107 with dissolve "Embarrassed by his compliments, Myriam looked away, unable to hold his gaze." MC "\"I don't know what to say...\"" Ev "\"You say yes, you nitwit. {w}You don't know how jealous I am, I love his dresses.\"" ToP "\"So?\"" MC "\"I'll think about it.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 108 with dissolve "Seeing a crack in the defenses, Todd struck again with another push to close the deal." ToP "\"You know what? {w}Just meet with him, talk to him, and if you're still not interested, you can still say no.\"" ToP "\"And if there were any doubts, it would be remunerated of course. {w}And you'll probably get a few dresses as well. {w}He always like to dress up his models.\"" Ev "\"You say yes right now or I kill you myself.\"" "Giving in to her cousin's pressure and passion, Myriam finally acquiesced, rolling her eyes at her cousin silliness." MC "\"Ok, ok, I'll do it. {w}I'll meet with him.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 109 with dissolve "Satisfied with her answer, Todd could not hold back a little smirk." ToP "{i}They always say yes in the end. {w}Francis better thank me for this one, and let me try my work on her too.{/i}" ToP "\"Good. {w}Give me your contact info, and we'll let you know when.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 110 with dissolve "After giving him her contact info, Myriam thanked him, before following Eve toward the exit." MC "\"Thank you.\"" Ev "\"Bye.\"" ToP "\"Have a good day.\"" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 111 with dissolve "Turning back one last time before exiting the shop, Myriam looked at the back, thinking of what happened there." MC "{i}I really think Myriam is right, I need to see someone to help me clear my thoughts. {w}Since what happened at the motel I feel so lost.{/i}" MC "{i}It's decided. {w}As soon as I'm back home I'll look at taking an appointment with this specialist of Eve's. {w}I could also go talk to a priest like I did back home, I still haven't had the time to go to church since we arrived.{/i}" scene bg ch1 shoppingfever 112 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam rejoined Evelyn, following her to the next stop in her scheduled day out as she took her arm." Ev "\"Ready Mi?.\"" MC "\"Yes ma'am, I'm just following you.\"" Ev "\"It's just a few minutes walk for our next stop.\"" "And here the two of them left behind the hectic events of the boutique to go and relax at a spa that Evelyn wanted to show to Myriam." KN_MOD "label ch1_themysteryclub:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter1_update3 from _call_var_chapter1_update3" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n The Mystery Club" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 01 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Walking for a few minutes down the street arm in arm, Myriam and Evelyn kept talking over the city noise." Ev "\"I'm telling you, you should try them on, they feel great.\"" MC "\"Stop it, you know I can't.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 02 with dissolve "In their own world the two were carrying on as if they were never apart." Ev "\"You don't know what you're missing.\"" MC "\"It's too embarrassing, I can't.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 03 with dissolve "As they kept going, walking and talking, Myriam's attention was suddenly drawn to a poster on a door." Ev "\"You'll see, I'll have you try them before...\"" MC "\"Wait! {w}What's that?\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 04 with dissolve "Her curiosity piqued, Myriam left Evelyn's side to have a better look at the poster, jumping the flight of stairs to get to it." MC "\"Look Eve, a mystery club.\"" Ev "\"Yes, I can see that.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 05 with dissolve "Looking at Eve as she grabbed the doorknob, Myriam was ecstatic, and for once was the one being the daredevil." MC "\"Come on! This is intriguing, let's have a look.\"" Ev "\"You never change, still into those nerdy things.\"" MC "\"You wanted me to have fun? Well, this is fun for me.\"" Ev "\"Ok, ok, you win.\"" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 06 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Leaving the chaos of the city behind them, they went inside the old building, discovering a large old library." MC "\"Look at that, this is magnificent!\"" "Following an excited Myriam, Evelyn was the one (for once) trying to be responsible." Ev "\"Don't scream like that Mi.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 07 with dissolve "Admiring the majesty of the room, Myriam had sparkles in her eyes, looking at this vast, old library like a kid in a toy store." MC "\"Look at that, this is gorgeous. {w}Who would have thought something like that would be hidden behind these walls.\"" Ev "\"Well, that's kind of nice. {w}Must be a pain to dust though.\"" "As both were stepping into the room and Evelyn was responding to Myriam, an angry voice came from upstairs." "???" "\"Kind of nice!! {w}A pain to dust!! {w}How dare you!\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 08 with dissolve "Turning over and looking up, they saw a man leaning over the overlook, looking pissed." "???" "\"I would have you know, that this library was built during the founding of the city, and is one of the oldest private libraries on the west coast.\"" "???" "\"How dare you calling her \"kind of nice\" and \"dusty\"!\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 09 with dissolve "Following him with their eyes as he was coming around to join them, Myriam and Evelyn apologized." MC "\"We're sorry sir, she didn't mean it, she's just trying to tease me. {w}Your library is really beautiful.\"" Ev "\"Sorry.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 10 with dissolve "Coming down from the overlook, the man calmed down and started to inquire about their presence here." "???" "\"Yes she is. {w}Beautiful.\"" "???" "\"I am Stanislas Leszczynski, the proprietor of this library. {w}Could I ask who you are and what you're doing in my library?\"" "{b}{color=#0cf}Stanislas Leszczynski{/color}{/b} {w}alias Stan or the Brain {p}President of the Mystery Club{w}, 40 years old{p}The Wise Man {p}A Polish dwarf passionate about myths, legends and mysteries." scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 11 with dissolve "Still following him with their eyes as he was coming down, they introduced themselves." MC "\"Sorry, I'm Myriam Summers and this is my cousin Evelyn Taylor.\"" Ev "\"Hi.\"" MC "\"It's my fault, I saw your poster outside and wanted to investigate.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 12 with dissolve "Finally down with them, Myriam and Evelyn could see how little the man was, particularly around Myriam and her towering height." "Probably used to it, Stanislas ignored it and took a skeptical tone while looking at them suspiciously." StL "\"Ooh... Reallyyyy?\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 13 with dissolve "Then pointing at them with his finger, he accused them of double dealings." StL "\"Ah! {w}So you aren't coming from those meddling assholes of the Detective Club I presume!?\"" "Surprised by this accusation, Myriam quickly reassured him." MC "\"No, no! {w}I assure you, we're just here by curiosity.\"" Ev "\"What detective club?\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 14 with dissolve "Calming down, Stanislas guided them to the front desk of his library, beckoning them to follow with his hand." StL "\"Who are they? {w}They're little punks, that's what they are.\"" MC "\"Sorry, we don't know them. {w}We really are only here to know more about the Mystery Club.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 15 with dissolve "Sitting down at his desk, Stanislas made himself comfortable." StL "\"Well then, you came to the right place. {w}I am the president of this noble club, which assembles a group of like minded people in search of answers for all the mysteries of the world.\"" "Taking a lyrical flight, Stanislas spoke as if he had given this speech many times." StL "\"We search and collect mysteries. {w}We study them, try to pierce through the veil of confusion and understand them.\"" StL "\"In short, we are scholars in a quest for the truth... {w}Or more accurately for the impossible. {w}To find a mystery that will mystify us completely.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 16 with dissolve "Taken in by the discourse, Myriam seemed fascinated, while Evelyn stayed back as an observer in all of this." MC "\"This sound so beautiful and marvelous.\"" StL "\"Well it is. {w}It's always been a passion of mine, one that I'm happy to share, hence the formation of the club.\"" StL "\"Would you be interested in joining us?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_joining_the_mystery_club:" "Does Myriam want to join the club?" KN_MOD "Yes, definitely. (You want to have Myriam live weird adventures, directly out of the disturbed mind of the Author.):" $ ch1_show_me_weird_things = True $ ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward = False A "Mu ha ha! You just put your soul in my hands... {w}That mean no choice to avoid my corrupted designs anymore." A "And access to the Mystery Club line of events too." scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 17a with dissolve MC "\"Yes, definitely. {w}Since I was a little girl I've always been fascinated by strange tales and mysteries.\"" StL "\"Good! {w}Happy to count you as one of us. {w}Give me your contact info and I will keep you posted on our next reunion, in the meantime come by anytime you want.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_joining_the_mystery_club_end" KN_MOD "Maybe, Ill have to think about it. (You dont know yet, and prefer to wait and see what those weird things are before making a choice.):" $ ch1_show_me_weird_things = True $ ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward = True A "Damn you! How dare you doubt my evil plans... {w}I mean my plans... {w}That means you will have the choice to see or not see the weird events." A "And the possibility of access to the Mystery Club line of events if you come back." scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 17b with dissolve MC "\"Maybe, I'll have to think about it. {w}I definitely want to, but I still have so much to do after the move.\"" StL "\"Well, you know where to find us if you decide.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_joining_the_mystery_club_end" KN_MOD "No, I cant, I have too much to do right now. (You prefer to keep Myriam out of weird events, even for you there is such things as too much.):" $ ch1_show_me_weird_things = False $ ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward = False A "Vanilla it is... {w}Well as much as my disturbed mind will allow it... {w}That mean no weird events for you and your Myriam." A "And you won't have access to the Mystery Club line of events." scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 17c with dissolve MC "\"Damn, I can't. {w}I definitely want to, but I have too many things to do right now.\"" StL "\"That's too bad. {w}Well, you know where to find us if you change your mind.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_joining_the_mystery_club_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_joining_the_mystery_club_end:" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 18 with dissolve "Turning toward Evelyn, Stanislas also inquired if she wished to join." StL "\"And you dear, do you wish to join us?\"" Ev "\"Me? {w}No, it's not for me.\"" StL "\"Too bad, too bad.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 19 with dissolve "Accompagnying them to the door, Stanislas thanked them for their interest." StL "\"Well, anyway, I hope I was able to satiate your curiosity.\"" MC "\"Of course, and thanks for the hospitality. {w}Hope we haven't bothered you too much.\"" StL "\"Poppycock! {w}It's always a pleasure to talk about the club.\"" scene bg ch1 themysteryclub 20 with dissolve "Touched by his politness, Myriam could only respond in kind before saying goodbye." MC "\"Aren't you sweeter than stolen honey? {w}Goodbye; and thanks again.\"" StL "\"Stan. {w}Goodbye ladies.\"" Ev "\"Bye.\"" KN_MOD "label ch1_meetinginfrontofthemuseum:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n Meeting in Front of the Museum" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 01 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Leaving the island of calm, Myriam and Evelyn returned to the chaos of the city." MC "\"Well that was a nice little stop, wasn't it?\"" Ev "\"It was. {w}And I think you finally met a match in passion... {w}If not in size.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 02 with dissolve "Shocked by her cousin's joke, Myriam contained her laugh but could not help smiling." MC "\"Look at you, bein' mean as a mama wasp... {w}How could you say that!?\"" Ev "\"Oh! Come on, it's all in good fun. {w}It's just a little joke.\"" MC "\"Stop it!\"" Ev "\"You really have such a short fuse.\"" MC "\"You're impossible.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 03 with dissolve "Unable to contain herself any longer, Evelyn burst out laughing under the scolding of the shocked Myriam." Ev "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"You she-bear in satin, you... {w}You...\"" "But Myriam finally realized that her cousin was not really mocking the man but just tormenting her." MC "\"You're not laughing because of him, are you? {w}You're laughing because of me.\"" Ev "\"Of course I am... {w}You're such an easy prey.\"" MC "\"And you've got horns holdin' up your halo.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 04 with dissolve "As Myriam kept walking without a word, Evelyn caught up to her." Ev "\"Come on, don't pout, we're nearly there. {w}It's just beside the museum.\"" Ev "\"See?\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 05 with dissolve "Never big on sulking, Myriam stopped ignoring her cousin." MC "\"And there's something nice to see in this museum?\"" Ev "\"Well they have a pretty nice permanent collection, and they do a temporary exhibition every few months.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 06 with dissolve MC "\"Maybe we could stop to have a look?\"" Ev "\"I thought we could when I looked to organize our day, but they are temporary closed to prepare the next exhibition.\"" MC "\"Next time then. {w}It's been a while since I last went to an exhibition.\"" Ev "\"Why not, it'll change me.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 07 with dissolve MC "\"And you know what the exhibit will be by the way?\"" Ev "\"Sorry, no idea.\"" MC "\"Well, we'll go take a look, they probably must have done some advertisement.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 08 with dissolve "Approaching the forecourt of the museum, Myriam pointed out the doors." MC "\"Let's go up to the entrance, there must be some announcement on the door.\"" Ev "\"Lead the way!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 09 with dissolve "But as they were about to go up the stairs to the entrance, a young man hailed them." "The young man" "\"Ladies! {w}Excuse me.\"" "Myriam and Evelyn" "\"Yes?\"" "The young man" "\"Hello! {w}My name's Guy, I'm a student at the fine arts university and I'm participating in the organization of the next exhibition of the museum.\"" "{b}{color=#090}Guy Anderson{/color}{/b} {w}alias Guy {p}Art Student{w}, 20 years old{p}The Pot Head {p}An art student and small time pot dealer." MC "\"Oh! We're in luck then. {w}We were fixin' to go up to find some information about it.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 10 with dissolve "With a smile the student handed out a flyer to Myriam while pointing at other students behind him." GuA "\"Then this is for you. {w}My fellow students and I are handing out flyers about the future exhibit.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" Ev "\"What's the exhibit about?\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 11 with dissolve "Turning toward Evelyn he answered her while Myriam took a look at the flyer." GuA "\"It's about ancient Egypt, a benefactor was able to assemble a huge collection of antique artefacts of the period and has offered to show it before giving it back to its original country.\"" Ev "\"Wow! That sounds like quite the big deal.\"" GuA "\"It definitely is. {w}Notably for us, since he asked the museum and a selection of students from the university to organize the show.\"" MC "\"That really sounds incredible.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 12 with dissolve GuA "\"Well if you're interested, there will be also a private gala for the opening.\"" MC "\"Oh, that would be lovely! {w}It's been a while since I went to a gala event. {w}When is it?\"" GuA "\"It's this Saturday night. {w}Normally it's a closed event, but since we helped organize it, we were invited. {w}You could be our 'plus one'.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 13 with dissolve Ev "\"Aww heck! {w}I can't, I'm away Saturday.\"" MC "\"No!? {w}Are you sure? {w}I can't go alone.\"" Ev "\"You won't be alone, you'll go with him.\"" MC "\"Come on, you know what I mean.\"" Ev "\"You heard him Mi, it's a private gala for a great exhibit and I know how much you like those.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 14 with dissolve GuA "\"You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to. {w}I understand if it's problematic for you.\"" "Always loving to tease her cousin, Evelyn kept pushing." Ev "\"Look at him, you're going to hurt the feelings of the poor man.\"" MC "\"I don't know, I'll have to talk about it with Anthony.\"" GuA "{i}Damn! She already got a man. {w}I thought that I found myself a hot date for the exhibition.{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 15 with dissolve Ev "\"You're so whipped Mi.\"" MC "\"Eve!\"" "Embarrassed to be teased in front of a stranger, Myriam could not help but look away, while Eve was laughing her ass off again." Ev "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 16 with dissolve "As they were discussing and joking around, suddenly two other young men came behind Guy, slapping his back." "The Black Young Man" "\"Hey! Buddy! {w}What are you up to?\"" "The White Young Man" "\"Yey! Man, you're kind of supposed to give flyers. {w}Not pick up chicks.\"" GuA "\"Come on guys! Don't be assholes.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 17 with dissolve "The White Young Man" "\"And who those fine ladies might be?.\"" GuA "\"The ladies to whom I gave my last flyer... {w}Ass!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 18 with dissolve "Turning again toward Myriam and Evelyn, he presented his two friends." GuA "\"Excuse me, these two are my buddies. {w}Here is Richard and this asshole here is Anton. {w}They both work on the project with me.\"" RiF "\"Hi.\"" "{b}{color=#663}Richard Freeman{/color}{/b} {w}alias Richy {p}Art Student{w}, 20 years old{p}The Rich Kid {p}An art student coming from a rich family and pot user." AnK "\"Yop.\"" "{b}{color=#4d9900}Anton Keen{/color}{/b} {w}alias Ton {p}Art Student{w}, 20 years old{p}The Rebel {p}An art student and musician and pot user." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 19 with dissolve Ev "\"Hi.\"" MC "\"Hi.\"" "Seeing another opportunity to tease someone, Evelyn jumped at it." Ev "\"So you were picking up girls then.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 20 with dissolve GuA "\"No! Of course not... {w}Well, maybe I kind of picked the two prettiest girls around to give up my last flyer to.\"" GuA "{i}You assholes!! {w}If you wreck my game I'm gonna break both your balls...{/i}" "Keeping his cool but strangling them in his mind, Guy was giving Myriam and Evelyn his best innocent but flirty face." GuA "\"Who could blame me?\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 21 with dissolve "While Myriam looked away embarrassed at the compliment, Evelyn could see through this blatant attempt at flattery." Ev "\"Bless your heart! An honest boy I see. {w}Did you hear that Mi?\"" MC "\"Mmh.\"" Ev "\"How could we refuse.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 22 with dissolve "Feeling he got caught, Guy could not help but have a little nervous laugh." GuA "\"Ha ha ha! {w}But seriously, you should come to the exhibition.\"" RiF "\"Yes, honestly, the exhibition is great.\"" AnK "\"Totally, we did a pretty cool job.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 23 with dissolve Ev "\"So what do you say, want to go or not?\"" MC "{i}I really want to go, but it feels wrong to go alone. {w}It's been so long since I went to anything, though.{/i}" "Evelyn kept pushing Myriam, knowing how much she loved those kind of events." Ev "\"At least take his number, and think about it.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_to_go_or_not_to_go:" "Does Myriam accept to go or not?" KN_MOD "Yes, Im going.:" $ ch1_going_to_the_gala_night = True $ ch1_guy_number = True scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 24a with dissolve MC "\"Ok! {w}I'm going.\"" MC "{i}Screw Anthony! {w}He never takes me anywhere, I'll just give a little white lie and go.{/i}" Ev "\"Good, happy to hear it.\"" MC "\"Give me your phone number so we can arrange the night.\"" GuA "\"Of... {w}Of course, here.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_to_go_or_not_to_go_end" KN_MOD "Ill think about it.:" $ ch1_going_to_the_gala_night = False $ ch1_guy_number = True scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 24b with dissolve MC "\"Maybe. {w}I'll have to think about it.\"" MC "{i}Damn! I really want to go. {w}But I just can't say yes without talking with Anthony first.{/i}" Ev "\"Well, at least it's a maybe.\"" MC "\"But please give me your phone number, in case I'm free.\"" GuA "\"I understand, here you go.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_to_go_or_not_to_go_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_to_go_or_not_to_go_end:" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 25 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_guy_number == True:" "After Myriam took Guy's number and put the flyer away, Evelyn pushed her toward the street and followed suit." KN_MOD "else:" "After Myriam put the flyer away, Evelyn pushed her toward the street and followed suit." "Turning toward the boys, she gave her goodbye with a last tease as she always like to do." Ev "\"Sorry boys, but we have to go now. {w}We have a hot date with some bikinis and masseurs.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Eve!{/i}" Ev "\"Goodbye!\"" "Embarrassed and taken aback, Myriam could barely formulate a goodbye as she timidly waved her hand at them." MC "\"Bye.\"" "The Boys" "\"Bye!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 26 with dissolve "As they were walking away, Myriam and Evelyn could still hear the three students talking behind them despite the noise of the city." "The Boys" "\"Fuck!!\"" GuA "\"Did you hear!?\"" AnK "\"Fuck! Is it too late to change career? {w}Wouldn't mind being a masseur right now.\"" RiF "\"Damn! Why don't I have some hot babes walking around when I hand out flyers.\"" Ev "\"Did you hear that? {w}We're officially \"hot babes\".\"" MC "\"Stop it! {w}Why did you have to go on with them like that?\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve Ev "\"Come on, we had to leave them with something to dream of tonight... {w}And jerk off to.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! {w}Eve! {w}You're awful!\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! {w}Come on! just imagine it.\"" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "menu ch1_let_it_fly:" "Does Myriam let her imagination fly?" KN_MOD "Yes. (Thinking of Anton.):" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28a with dissolve "As Evelyn dared her, Myriam's mind flew for a brief moment towards a dirty minded Anton jerking off while thinking of her." "On his bed in a dorm, masturbating while swearing profanities, imagining himself jerking off in front of her as he was ready to unload." AnK "{i}Fuck! {w}Get on your knees you dirty bitch!{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28b with dissolve "The Myriam in his mind was happy to oblige, excited by his dirty talk and all his beratment." AnK "\"That's it slut! {w}Right there! {w}Open your eyes wide you cheap whore!\"" "Grabbing her by the hair, he kept her firmly in place, still insulting her." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she did exactly what he told her with anticipation, he started cumming." "Load after load of thick and warm cum coming crashing over her eyes as she did her best to keep them open like he said." AnK "\"ARH! {w}Good you filthy whore! {w}Keep them open!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28d with dissolve "And as her mind rewound the string of events in her imagination, she went back to the student finishing himself on their bed." AnK "{i}Good! {w}That's a good slut! {w}Now be a good whore and clean up my cock!{/i}" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Then finally coming back to reality as she started to imagine the taste of his cock and cum. {w}Keeping to herself her dirty mind escapade." MC "{i}God Eve! {w}What are you making me do. {w}Sorry Anthony, it's just a fantasy.{/i}" "And as Evelyn was still laughing, Myriam started to follow suit nervously, as both of them kept walking thick as thieves." KN_MOD "jump ch1_let_it_fly_end" KN_MOD "Yes. (Thinking of Guy.):" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29a with dissolve "As Evelyn dared her, Myriam's mind flew for a brief moment towards a bold Guy jerking off while thinking of her." "On his bed in a dorm, masturbating while thinking of her, imagining himself jerking off in front of her as he was ready to unload." GuA "{i}Oh yay! {w}That's good, get on your knees, I'm about to pop!{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29b with dissolve "The Myriam in his mind was happy to oblige, excited at the idea of getting her face covered with his cum and pleasing him." GuA "\"That's it, like that! {w}Now get ready! {w}I'm going to cover your face with my cum!\"" "Approaching her face with his cock for the best position, he kept jerking off, ready to explode any second." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she did exactly what he told her with anticipation, he started cumming." "Load after load of thick and warm cum came crashing down on her face as she smiled at him, happy to be his receptacle." GuA "\"ARH! {w}Fuck yes! {w}Take it all!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29d with dissolve "And as her mind rewound the string of events in her imagination, she went back to the student finishing himself on their bed." GuA "{i}Wow! {w}That's a good girl! {w}Now open your mouth and clean up my cock!{/i}" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Then finally coming back to reality as she started to imagine the taste of his cock and cum. {w}Keeping to herself her dirty mind escapade." MC "{i}God Eve! {w}What are you making me do. {w}Sorry Anthony, it's just a fantasy.{/i}" "And as Evelyn was still laughing, Myriam started to follow suit nervously, as both of them kept walking thick as thieves." KN_MOD "jump ch1_let_it_fly_end" KN_MOD "Yes. (Thinking of Richard.):" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30a with dissolve "As Evelyn dared her, Myriam's mind flew for a brief moment towards Richard jerking off with his black cock while thinking of her." "On his bed in a dorm, masturbating while thinking of her, imagining himself jerking off in front of her as he was ready to unload." RiF "{i}That's it! {w}Get on your knees and open wide!{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30b with dissolve "The Myriam in his mind was happy to oblige, excited at the idea of getting her mouth filled with his cum and pleasing him." RiF "\"Oh yeah! {w}Open your little white mouth wide! {w}I'm going to feed you my black seed!\"" "Approaching her open mouth with his big black cock, he kept jerking off, ready to explode any second." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she did exactly what he told her with anticipation, he started cumming." "Load after load of thick and warm cum coming crashing on her tongue and the back of her throat, filling her mouth more and more." RiF "\"ARH! {w}Take my black cum, in your slutty white mouth!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30d with dissolve "And as her mind rewound the string of events in her imagination, she went back to the student finishing himself on their bed." RiF "{i}Fuck! {w}That was good! {w}Now be a good little snow bunny and swallow my black cum!{/i}" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Then finally coming back to reality as she started to imagine the taste of his cock and cum. {w}Keeping to herself her dirty mind escapade." MC "{i}God Eve! {w}What are you making me do. {w}Sorry Anthony, it's just a fantasy.{/i}" "And as Evelyn was still laughing, Myriam started to follow suit nervously, as both of them kept walking thick as thieves." KN_MOD "jump ch1_let_it_fly_end" KN_MOD "Yes. (Thinking of the three of them.) (Lust Trait 20+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 20:" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28a with dissolve "As Evelyn dared her, Myriam's mind flew for a brief moment towards, not only one of them jerking off thinking about her, but all of them." "Anton." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29a with dissolve "Guy." "On his bed in a dorm masturbating while thinking of her..." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30a with dissolve "Richard." "Imagining himself jerking off in front of her..." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 31a with dissolve "All of them ready to unload, dreaming of surrounding her in their dorm room, gropping her, caressing her and abusing her." RiF "\"Damn that's one hot babe right there! {w}A nice white and wet hot babe!\"" AnK "\"Yay! {w}A nice fucking slut!\"" GuA "\"And now she's gonna get on her knees and get ready to be covered in cum. {w}And use that mouth for something useful.\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 31b with dissolve "The Myriam in their mind was happy to oblige, excited at the idea of getting covered with their cum and pleasing them." AnK "\"Right there slut! {w}Open your eyes wide you dirty whore!\"" RiF "\"Oh yeah! {w}And your little white mouth too!\"" GuA "\"That's it! {w}Now get ready! {w}We're going to drown you with our cum!\"" "Approaching her face with their cocks, they kept jerking off, ready to explode any second." scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 31c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" GuA "\"ARH! {w}Fuck! {w}Take it all!\"" "And as she did exactly what they told her with anticipation, they started cumming." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" AnK "\"ARH! {w}Take that you filthy whore!\"" "Load after load of thick and warm cum came crashing down all over her, on her face, in her eyes and filling her mouth." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" RiF "\"ARH! {w}Yay! {w}Take my black cum!\"" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 28d with dissolve "And as her mind rewound the string of events in her imagination, she went back to the students finishing themselves on their beds." "Anton." AnK "{i}Good! {w}What a good slut! {w}Now be a good whore and clean up my cock!{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 29d with dissolve "Guy." GuA "{i}Wow! {w}That's a good girl! {w}Now open your mouth and clean up my cock!{/i}" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 30d with dissolve "Richard." RiF "{i}Fuck! {w}That was good! {w}Now be a good little white girl and swallow my black cum!{/i}" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Then finally coming back to reality as she started to imagine the taste of their cocks and cum. {w}Keeping to herself her dirty mind escapade." MC "{i}God Eve! {w}What are you making me do. {w}Sorry Anthony, it's just a fantasy.{/i}" "And as Evelyn was still laughing, Myriam started to follow suit nervously, as both of them kept walking thick as thieves." KN_MOD "jump ch1_let_it_fly_end" KN_MOD "Nope.:" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 27 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "As she was about to think of young studs jerking off, Myriam's willpower took the reins of her brain and sanity." MC "{i}Nope! {w}You won't get me here Eve, I won't think about it... {w}No.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_let_it_fly_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_let_it_fly_end:" scene bg ch1 meetinginfrontofthemuseum 32 with dissolve "Both of them laughing at the boldness and silliness of Evelyn, they kept walking with a light spirit toward their next stop, only just a few dozen meters away now." "Ever since they were little, the craziness of Evelyn always brought a smile to Myriam, while Myriam's tenderness always brought confort to Evelyn." "And years apart did not seem to change that." stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "label ch1_the_swing_spa:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n The Swing Spa" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 001 with dissolve "Finally arriving at the spa, Myriam and Evelyn were welcomed by the fragrant perfume of scented candles." Ev "\"Here we are, finally.\"" MC "\"Mmh, it smells nice, that's a good start.\"" Ev "\"Yep, they do everything to put you in the mood here. {w}Over there, there's the reception desk.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 002 with dissolve MC "\"So, what did you have in mind?\"" Ev "\"You'll see. {w}But don't worry, you'll get to relax and have a good time. {w}Trust me.\"" MC "\"Famous last words.\"" Ev "\"Hey!\"" "But before Evelyn could answer to Myriam's teasing, the voice of the receptionist could be heard." "Receptionist" "\"Welcome to the Perfect Place spa. How may I help you?\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 003 with dissolve "Forgetting their discussion, they went toward the reception counter." MC "\"Hello.\"" Ev "\"Hi. {w}I had a reservation for today. {w}For Taylor.\"" "Receptionist" "\"For two?\"" Ev "\"Yes, I'm already registered and she's my 'plus one' today.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 004 with dissolve "Receptionist" "\"Let's have a look.\"" "Taking out a tablet, the receptionist started to look at the details of the reservation." "Receptionist" "\"Mh... {w}Yes, I see. {w}You are Evelyn Taylor?\"" Ev "\"Yes, and she's my plus one. {w}You should have all the informations needed, I already did all the necessary proceedings.\"" "Receptionist" "\"Yes, everything is confirmed.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 005 with dissolve "After putting away the tablet, she turned again toward Evelyn." "Receptionist" "\"And about the rules?\"" Ev "\"She's only here for the spa services. {w}Today we only relax.\"" "Receptionist" "\"Then here are your aqua bracelets. {w}Have a great spa day.\"" MC "\"The rules?\"" Ev "\"I'll explain it to you later.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 006 with dissolve "As they moved toward the changing room, Evelyn passed one of the bangles to Myriam." Ev "\"Here, put this on.\"" MC "\"What is it?\"" Ev "\"It tells the staff what service you are here for and what's allowed.\"" MC "\"Oh! And there's a lot of services?\"" Ev "\"Quite a lot, there is a big hammam at the center, a lounge, multiple sauna rooms and massage rooms. {w}There's even an aquatic club.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 007 with dissolve MC "\"You mean?\"" Ev "\"A dance club mixed with a pool.\"" MC "\"Well, that's original.\"" Ev "\"And that's only the half of it.\"" MC "\"What's the rest?\"" play sound "electronic door-freesound-mrprofdrdickweed.mp3" Ev "\"Tell you later... {w}Look, just place your wrist here, it'll detect the chip in the bangle and unlock the door for you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 008 with dissolve "Following Evelyn in the corridors to the changing room, Myriam discovered a giant, modern space." Ev "\"Here you go, you have everything you need here. {w}Lockers for your stuff. {w}Mirrors and toiletries for after the shower. {w}Towels for the spa.\"" MC "\"Wow, this is huge. {w}Where can I change?\"" Ev "\"Wherever! {w}But since it's unisex, you can change in the stalls in the back of the room if you want.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_spa_changing_room:" "Does Myriam go in a stall to change?" KN_MOD "Yes, better go in a stall.:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 009 with dissolve MC "{i}I'll feel more confortable in a stall. {w}There's nobody now but who knows who could come while I change.{/i}" "Leaving Evelyn there as she was already undressing, Myriam went toward the back of the room to change." MC "\"I'll use the stall, Eve.\"" Ev "\"I know. {w}I'll wait for you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 010 with dissolve "Half pouting while undressing, Myriam was torturing herself over the last remark by her cousin." MC "\"\"I know.\" she said. Am I that predictable? {w}Well, yes you are Mi. {w}Yes you are.\"" MC "{i}... {w}Dadgummit! She has me talking to myself now.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, forget about that, and have a look at what this little devil Eve got for you to put on. {w}No doubts that it will be outrageous again.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 011 with dissolve "Taking the swimsuit out of the shopping bag and putting it on, Myriam felt surprised at the result." MC "{i}Well I'll be! {w}Here I am bad mouthing her, but this ain't half bad.{/i}" MC "{i}She may be wilder than an acre of snakes, but she has quite a good eye. {w}It's a bit skimpy on the ass, but it suits me well.{/i}" MC "{i}And god knows she coulda gone way more skimpy and outrageous. {w}Well, let's go.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 012 with dissolve "As Myriam came out of the stall, Evelyn looked at her in silence coming toward her." MC "\"What're you gawking at? {w}It doesn't fit.\"" Ev "\"Oh it fits. {w}It's just some times Mi... {w}If you weren't like a sister to me, I would jump you.\"" MC "\"Eve! {w}What are you saying!?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_spa_changing_room_end" KN_MOD "No, its fine, theres nobody here. (Exhibitionist Kink 5+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 5:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 013 with dissolve MC "{i}It's just us, there's nobody else here.{/i}" MC "\"Here will be fine.\"" Ev "\"Oh my! Myriam, are you going to expose yourself here?\"" "Taking a shocked and exaggerated tone of voice, Evelyn teased Myriam, surprised that she would change in public." MC "\"Stop it. {w}There isn't anybody here\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 014 with dissolve "Both undressed, Evelyn was already putting on her swimsuit, while Myriam was searching for what her cousin had bought for her earlier." MC "{i}Well, let's have a look at what Eve got for me. {w}No doubts that it will be outrageous again.{/i}" "As she was searching in the shopping bag, Myriam's eyes got attracted by her cousin adjusting her swimsuit." KN_MOD "menu ch1_admiring_eve:" "Does Myriam get lost in her admiration?" KN_MOD "Thats quite the fine butt cuz!:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 015 with dissolve "Hypnotized by her cousin's curves, Myriam lost herself in the admiration of her butt." MC "{i}... {w}What are you doing Myriam, get a grip and stop looking at your cousin's ass.{/i}" MC "{i}But damn, she has the ass of a teenager. {w}Mine looks fatter than a blue-ribbon sow compared to hers.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 016 with dissolve "As she saw her cousin turning around, Myriam quickly put her nose back in the shopping bag, searching for the swimsuit." MC "{i}Oh my god! I nearly got caught starring at her ass.{/i}" MC "\"Where's that damn swimsuit!? {w}Ah! Here it is.\"" "But unbeknownst to her, as Evelyn turned over she started herself to look at Myriam's ass." Ev "{i}Damn cuz! What I wouldn't do to sink my teeth in that ass of yours.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_admiring_eve_end" KN_MOD "Wheres that damn swimsuit!:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 017 with dissolve "Shaking her head at her cousin's display of her butt, Myriam went back to her swimsuit search." MC "{i}Where's that damn swimsuit!? {w}Don't tell me she didn't choose anything.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah! Here it is.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_admiring_eve_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_admiring_eve_end:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 018 with dissolve "Her swimsuit finally on, Myriam could feel the long stare of her cousin." MC "\"What're you gawking at? {w}It doesn't fit.\"" Ev "\"Oh it fits. {w}It's just some times Mi... {w}If you weren't like a sister to me, I would jump you.\"" MC "\"Eve! {w}What are you saying!?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_spa_changing_room_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_spa_changing_room_end:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 019 with dissolve Ev "\"Ha ha ha!\"" "As always, Evelyn just laughed it off, and turned to go towards the doors." MC "\"Eve! Wait! {w}Are you going out there like that?\"" Ev "\"Yes, don't worry, it's all fine. {w}You know most people just go naked, with only a towel.\"" MC "\"What!?\"" Ev "\"It's very private and very select, don't worry. {w}To come here you need to be a member or invited.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 020 with dissolve "Waiting for her at the door, Evelyn turned towards a frozen Myriam." Ev "\"Come on slowpoke, put your things in a locker and take a towel, it's time to go and get pampered.\"" "Putting away her things, Myriam put her hesitations behind and pressed herself, answering like a kid called to diner by his mother." MC "\"Coming!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 021 with dissolve "Following Evelyn, Myriam arrived in a vast room with a dome, warm and filled with steam." Ev "\"Here's the main hub, it's the hammam room, to get all wet and steamy.\"" MC "\"It's gorgeous!\"" Ev "\"It give you access to all of the other rooms of the spa section, like the sauna and massage rooms. {w}And lounges for people to cool off and relax.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 022 with dissolve Ev "\"But for now, we have a little reservation for a massage.\"" MC "\"Oh! Really? {w}It's been ages since I got one.\"" Ev "\"Come on! Doesn't Anthony give you some?\"" MC "\"No, he's always too busy working, and then when he's home he's too tired.\"" Ev "\"Well that's criminal. {w}A body like yours deserves some attention.\"" MC "\"Eve!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 023 with dissolve "Still discussing together, Myriam and Evelyn entered the massage room after passing various relaxation spots." MC "\"Stop it Eve! {w}You're impossible.\"" Ev "\"Come on Mi! {w}Girls have needs too. {w}You shouldn't let yourself waste away because Anthony's too busy.\"" "Passing the courtesy screen at the entrance of the room, Myriam and Evelyn are welcomed by the voices of two men." "Voice 1" "\"Hello.\"" "Voice 2" "\"Please come in.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 024 with dissolve "Turning toward the voices, Myriam and Evelyn saw two young men shirtless waiting for them." "Masseur" "\"You're our next appointment, please to meet you. {w}I'm Jose and this is Terrel, we'll be your masseurs today. {w}So get yourself comfortable, while we prepare everything.\"" "Pointing them to the massage tables, before turning around to prepare themselves." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 025 with dissolve "Going towards the nearest table, Myriam placed herself as confortably as she could on her stomach, the size of her breats always making it a challenge." MC "{i}This will be great, it's been so long since I've gotten a massage. {w}Ever since college if I remember.{/i}" MC "{i}With all the training I had at the time with the gym competitions, Coach always took care of me so I could relax my muscles. {w}And these damn breasts didn't help then, either.{/i}" MC "{i}There was also the few times that I fell off the back of a horse at the ranch, but that's been a while also.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 026 with dissolve MC "{i}And with Anthony... {w}He was always so busy with work that I never wanted to bother him.{/i}" "All those bittersweet memories made her feel nostalgic, longing for old times." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam, you're here to enjoy yourself today.{/i}" "As she was opening her eyes, she could hear the masseur approaching." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 027 with dissolve JoJ "\"You're comfortable ma'am?\"" MC "\"Mmh mmh, I'm good, thanks.\"" "While talking to her, the masseur started to slowly spread oil on her back, caressing it thoroughly." JoJ "{i}Damn, her skin feels like silk.{/i}" MC "{i}Mmh! That feels great.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 028 with dissolve JoJ "\"I'm taking off your top so it won't get in the way or get saturated with oil.\"" "As he said it, Jose untied the strings of Myriam's bikini top, taking it off as he kept spreading the oil thoroughly, massaging her back." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Stay calm Myriam, he's just doing his job.{/i}" MC "\"Tha... {w}Thanks.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 029 with dissolve "Spreading the oil on Myriam's back and arms, Jose kept massaging her, following her every reaction." MC "{i}My god! That feels great. {w}He's so good with his hands.{/i}" "She could feel all her worries melt away under the hands that were kneading her." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 030 with dissolve "Myriam was so engrossed in her feeling of well-being, that she did not even noticed the quick pass he made on the sides of her breasts." "With their size and the pressure they were under, they were protruding heavily on her sides and with each pass Jose was caressing them more and more." "Slightly brushing them at first, he was now having them firmly in hand each time he massaged her sides." JoJ "{i}Fuck! She's so hot and into it. {w}It's too bad they have an aquamarine bracelet. {w}Well, let's see how far we can go.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 031 with dissolve "Stopping his work on her top, Jose went down, slowly massaging down her back until he reached her butt." "Starting to spread oil on her butt, Jose quickly undid her bikini bottom as he had with her top." JoJ "\"Untying the bottom as well.\"" "But still entranced by the warm feeling of bliss under the hands of the masseur, she did not react in any way, feeling comfortable in the hands of a professionnal." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 032 with dissolve "Passing her butt quickly, Jose passed to her legs, oiling them before starting to massage them, while enjoying the view." JoJ "{i}Fuck! That's quite the nice view.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 033 with dissolve "Putty in his hands, Myriam was enjoying every second of his expert touch while he kept massaging her legs." "Going around the table to take care of her other leg, he kept enjoying the view, while his hands started to go up again, towards her butt and pussy." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 034 with dissolve "Giving him control over her body for the massage, Myriam let him spread her legs without any second thoughts, still enjoying his treatment." "Even letting him grab her butt, kneading it and spreading it while his other hand was sliding along the interior of her thigh." "Until his hand arrived right between her legs, brushing her wet pussy." JoJ "{i}Fuck! What would I give to slide something else between those legs.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 035 with dissolve "Woken up by the feeling of his hand brushing her pussy, Myriam's mind was starting to race." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}His hand brushed my pussy! And I'm all wet, what will he think!?{/i}" JoJ "{i}Fuck! She's so wet. {w}I definitely still got the touch.{/i}" MC "{i}This is so embarrassing. {w}Stay calm Myriam. {w}He's a professionnal, he must be accustomed to it.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 036 with dissolve "Focusing on her butt and between her legs, Jose kept caressing and massaging her there, teasing her pussy and asshole." JoJ "{i}Wow! She's incredible, juicy and firm at the same time. {w} That's just how I like them.{/i}" JoJ "{i}I want so much to push my fingers in those holes, it's too bad they're only here with an aquamarine pass. {w}Let's just tease her a bit more and hope she comes back later on for more.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 037 with dissolve "As he kept massaging her butt and between her thighs, teasing her and stimulating her, Myriam tried to stay composed as she enjoyed her massage." MC "{i}My god! He's brushing some dangerous parts here. {w}Thankfully I'm all clean and shaved down there, it could have been really embarrassing otherwise.{/i}" MC "{i}This is so good! {w}I missed this so much.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 038 with dissolve "With a finishing touch, Jose brushed and lightly pressed his fingers against her pussy and asshole as if taking off some excess oil, while signaling Myriam the end of her massage." JoJ "\"And we're done ma'am.\"" "A still half asleep and half elsewhere Myriam mumbled an answer." MC "\"Mmh! {w}Already?\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 039 with dissolve "Offering her a hand to help her get up, Jose took advantage of a still drowsy Myriam and his position as a professionnal to frimly grop her butt one last time." JoJ "\"So, did you enjoy your massage?\"" MC "\"Oh my god yes! {w}Thank you. {w}It's been so long, I think I really needed this.\"" JoJ "\"Good, happy you enjoyed yourself.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 040 with dissolve JoJ "\"And if you ever come back, don't hesitate to ask for me, I'll be happy to serve you again.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I definitely will.\"" "Embarrassed to feel so hot and blissful, Myriam had trouble staying composed in front of him." JoJ "\"If you wish to wash off the excess oil, you have a shower behind you. {w}I'll bring you your towel.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 041 with dissolve "Going under the shower, Myriam started to wash off the oil she was covered with." "Still on cloud nine, Myriam neither realised, nor minded, that she was naked in front of strangers." MC "{i}Mmh! This feels great after such a nice massage.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 042 with dissolve "Enjoying the view, Jose waited for her to finish in silence, looking at her caressing her body under the shower to wash off the excess oil." "After a time, Myriam finally realized that Jose was waiting for her with her towel." MC "\"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting for me.\"" JoJ "\"No problem ma'am, I'm at your service. {w}Here.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 043 with dissolve "Taking the towel, Myriam started drying herself, when the voice of Eve finally broke her little bubble." Ev "\"So, finally done?\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Eve, sorry, I was totally spacing out.\"" Ev "\"Well I can see that, with you butt naked in front of everyone and wearin' a stupid grin on your face.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 044 with dissolve "Embarrassed, Myriam quickly hid herself with her towel, while letting out a little scream of surprise, as if she only just realized it." MC "\"Aah!\"" "Laughing, Evelyn pointed at Myriam's swimsuit that the masseur had placed on the massage table." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Here, you nitwit. {w}It must have been one hell of a massage.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 045 with dissolve "After putting back her swimsuit, Myriam thanked the masseurs with Evelyn, still embarrassed by her blunder." MC "\"Thank you for the massages and your time, it was... {w}It was very nice.\"" Ev "\"Yes, it was great as always, thanks.\"" JoJ "\"Thank you, glad to hear you had a great time. {w}And don't hesitate to ask for us next time.\"" TeP "\"Good bye.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 046 with dissolve "Getting out of the massage room, Evelyn started to grill Myriam on her experience while guiding them in the spa." Ev "\"So, how was it? Did you have a good time?\"" MC "\"It was great yes, it was so long since I had a massage like that.\"" Ev "\"Oh!? You already had one like that?\"" MC "\"No, not like \"like\" that, but you know what ah mean.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 047 with dissolve Ev "\"Oh!? Your special Coach at school didn't do any naughty things?\"" MC "\"What!? No, never, he only gave me massages to help my body relax with all the training. {w}That's all.\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Well, anyways I'm happy you had a great time.\"" MC "\"Yes, thanks.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 048 with dissolve MC "\"So where to now?\"" Ev "\"Well I thought we could get a little drink at the lounge and laze around. {w}How does that sound?\"" MC "\"Sounds good to me.\"" Ev "\"Then follow me girl, it's time for a drink!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 049 with dissolve "Following Evelyn as she guided her in the spa, Myriam and Evelyn arrived at the resting lounge." Ev "\"Here you go, you can have a nice fresh drink here and relax on the lounge chairs. {w}Or go to the sauna behind.\"" MC "\"That sounds perfect.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 050 with dissolve "As they approched the counter, a young barmaid in a skimpy maid outfit welcomed them." "Barmaid" "\"Welcome! What can I offer you?\"" MC "\"Hello, something ref...\"" "But as Myriam was about to ask for some refreshing beverage, Evelyn interrupted her." Ev "\"Two Pink Ladies please!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 051 with dissolve MC "\"Eve! {w}We can't, it's too early.\"" Ev "\"We're here to enjoy ourselves Mi, so let's. {w}And it's kind of nearly noon.\"" MC "\"But...\"" Ev "\"No 'buts'.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 052 with dissolve "As they argued, the barmaid came back with the drinks." "Barmaid" "\"Here you are.\"" Ev "\"Look at that, you can't say no to that.\"" MC "\"Just one then.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 053 with dissolve "Taking their drinks, they left the barmaid and went towards the relaxation space." Ev "\"Let's go sit for a while and drink these \"ladies\". {w}You'll see they're really good.\"" MC "\"If you say so.\"" Ev "\"O ye of little faith.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 054 with dissolve Ev "\"Aren't we good here? {w}Nice company, a drink, a long chair, a body still hot and relaxed from a full massage, and no bras.\"" MC "\"Can't deny we're pretty comfy, but you got me beat on the bra.\"" Ev "\"Then take it off, you'll feel better - I'm tellin' you.\"" MC "\"Well, in my case they generally do more harm than good, with all the gym and swimming I did during school I ended up with a pretty good back and shoulders. {w}I generally only put one on for sports or when it's built into a swimsuit.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 055 with dissolve Ev "\"Then take it off, you'll feel better I tell you.\"" MC "\"What!? {w}No, I can't take it off here, there's people.\"" Ev "\"Why not? {w}You did stay butt naked in front of masseurs.\"" MC "\"Come on Mi, everybody is half naked here, it's not as if you were naked in the street.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_free_the_boobs:" "Does Myriam take off her top or not?" KN_MOD "No, I just cant.:" $ ch1_free_the_boobs = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 056 with dissolve MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry, I just can't, it's too embarrassing.\"" Ev "\"Ok, ok, I'll stop pushing. {w}Don't make me feel guilty.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_free_the_boobs_end" KN_MOD "No, Anthony wouldnt like it.:" $ ch1_free_the_boobs = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 056 with dissolve MC "\"No, I can't, Anthony wouldn't like it.\"" Ev "\"You are so whipped Mi, it's incredible. {w}Forget it then.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_free_the_boobs_end" KN_MOD "Damn! Why the hell not.:" $ ch1_free_the_boobs = True scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 057 with dissolve MC "\"And why the hell not! {w}It's just us after all.\"" Ev "\"Good! You're finally blowing off some steam. {w} So come on, let me see some boobs!\"" MC "\"Stop it! You perv.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_free_the_boobs_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_free_the_boobs_end:" KN_MOD "if ch1_free_the_boobs == False:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 058a with dissolve "Feeling that Myriam was getting upset, Evelyn quickly changed the subject, returning to the drink she had the barmaid make for her." Ev "\"So, what do you think of my little cocktail?\"" MC "\"Well, let me try it.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 059a with dissolve MC "\"Damn Eve! {w}You got me again, this is really good.\"" Ev "\"Ha! I knew you would like it. {w}I still know what you like after all this time.\"" MC "\"That you do. {w}You stalker!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 060a with dissolve Ev "\"Mi! How could you!\"" "Evelyn took an offended tone at Myriam's tease, but quickly broke into a laugh with her cousin." Ev "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 061a with dissolve "After laughing a moment a long silence and serene atmosphere settled in the room." "Both of them sorting out feelings, while sipping at their drinks and enjoying the momentary peace." "Evelyn had the feeling of finding herself back years before in her teens, when she was always fooling around with her \"big sister\"." "While Myriam was finding in that peaceful moment the strength to finally sort out her problems." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 062a with dissolve "Breaking the silence, Myriam turned back toward Evelyn." MC "\"You know Eve, ah think you're right, ah'll go see someone to sort out my messed up feelings. {w}Ah don't know what's going on, but ah know ah can't go on like this.\"" Ev "\"I'm happy to hear that, Mi. {w}And I hope you know you can always talk to me. {w}About anything.\"" MC "\"Ah know, and ah will... {w}As soon as ah know what's going on.\"" Ev "\"I understand.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 063a with dissolve "As if she needed to add some courage to her decision, Myriam finished her drink in one go." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! You're right girl, drown that bitchy feeling.\"" MC "\"Aaaaahhh! {w}Phew! {w}Ah haven't done this since... ever!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 064a with dissolve Ev "\"Then it's my turn, I can't be beaten by a small fry like you!\"" "Following her statement, Evelyn downed her drink also." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sore loser\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 065a with dissolve Ev "\"Phew! {w}That hit the spot!\"" MC "\"Well, whatever you say, it's my win.\"" "As they were both joking around after finishing their drinks, they could hear the barmaid coming their way." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 066a with dissolve "Barmaid" "\"Excuse me, would you like anything else?\"" Ev "\"Absolutely, the same please for both of us. {w}I have revenge to take.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 067a with dissolve "As the barmaid took their glasses to prepare their drinks, Myriam turned back toward Evelyn." MC "\"But it'll be mah last Eve. {w}Without lunch, ah can already feel the first.\"" Ev "\"He he he! Small fry, already beaten?\"" MC "\"Stop it, ah just don't want to be drunk when ah go see Anthony for lunch.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 068a with dissolve Ev "\"What? You aren't staying with me for lunch?\"" MC "\"Sorry, ah wanted to surprise him and have some lunch with him, he's working a lot since we arrived.\"" Ev "\"And I had a restaurant I wanted to show you.\"" MC "\"Ahm sorry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 069a with dissolve Ev "\"Then you owe me one, and you're buying.\"" MC "\"Ok, ok, ah promise.\"" "While they were still discussing, the barmaid returned with their drinks." "Barmaid" "\"Here you are.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 070a with dissolve Ev "\"Here's to us and your new home.\"" MC "\"Cheers!\"" "Toasting together after the barmaid went away, they could hear another set of footsteps approaching." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 071a with dissolve "Arriving at the relaxation space, a middle age man came in with just a towel on him." "Man" "\"Hey girl! Finally found you.\"" Ev "\"Hey Steve!\"" MC "\"Hello.\"" StM "\"Up for our usual date?\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 072a with dissolve Ev "\"Sorry, I can't today, I'm with my cousin.\"" StM "\"She can come if she wants, I'm sure Mary wouldn't mind.\"" Ev "\"Myriam is here as a tourist today. {w}Only to relax.\"" StM "\"Oh! That's too bad then, it's Mary that'll be disappointed, she came just for you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 073a with dissolve MC "\"You can go you know Eve.\"" Ev "\"What?\"" MC "\"If ah want to get Anthony for lunch, ah should go soon anyway. {w}There's no point to not go see your friends if ahm fixin' ta go in a few minutes.\"" Ev "\"You're sure you want to stay alone here?\"" MC "\"Yeah, don't worry. {w}Ah kind of understand where we are.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 074a with dissolve Ev "\"You do?\"" MC "\"Yes, it's a naughty club, isn't it?\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, sorry about that, it's kind of a \"naughty\" club. {w}But it's also a real spa you know, with the pass I took for us today, we were just here for that.\"" Ev "\"I didn't want to ambush you. {w}But I knew you would have said no otherwise. {w}I just wanted you to have a good time and relax.\"" MC "\"And we did, don't worry, ahm not mad. {w}Ah'll just finish my drink and go.\"" Ev "\"Ok, if you say so.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 075a with dissolve "Evelyn got up and went to kiss Myriam before going with her friend." Ev "\"Muah! {w}You call me later though, ok?\"" MC "\"Promise. {w}Muah!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 076a with dissolve "Stopping before disappearing behind the corner, Evelyn turned back toward Myriam." Ev "\"Love you cuz!\"" MC "\"Love you too!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 077a with dissolve "Alone, Myriam settled down comfortably in the lounge chair, enjoying the peace and quiet." "Letting the buzz and warmth of the cocktails gently take her as she relaxed and closed her eyes." MC "{i}Mmh! Eve is half a bubble off plumb for bringing me here, but ah can't deny that it's been a long time since ah could relax like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah don't know if ahm crazy myself, but maybe ah could come back with her later on.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 078a with dissolve "As Myriam was laying on her lounge chair, relaxing, she did not hear a man coming in." "Man" "{i}Mmh! What do we have here. {w}Isn't that a gorgeous piece of art.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Let's go and have a better look.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 079a with dissolve "Suddenly hearing someone sit down next to her, Myriam jumped out of her rest, dropping her glass in surprise." MC "\"Aaah!\"" "Man" "\"Oh!\"" "With some quick reflexes, the man tried to catch the glass as it fell." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 080a with dissolve "Man" "\"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. {w}You seemed so peaceful, I didn't announce myself to not bother you.\"" MC "\"No it's me, ahm so sorry. {w}Ah shouldn'ta screamed like that.\"" "Man" "\"It's quite alright. Do not worry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 081a with dissolve "Man" "\"I saved your glass, but I fear I spilled your drink, sorry.\"" MC "\"No, please it's me, ah spilled your drink on yer feet, ahm sorry.\"" "The man was so nice and polite, Myriam felt so embarrassed at herself." "Man" "\"Well no harm done. {w}Here's your glass.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 082a with dissolve MC "\"Thank yo...\"" "Looking down to take back the glass he was handing her, Myriam was shocked to see something protrude from under his towel." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Is that the tip of his... {w}Of his penis!? {w}It must be bigger'n Dallas!{/i}" MC "{i}My god Mi! {w}What are you thinking!?{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 083a with dissolve "Man" "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes, sorry. {w}Thank you.\"" "Embarrassed, Myriam quickly took the glass from his hand as she looked away." "Man" "\"I am Charles. {w}Charles Goldman.\"" "{b}{color=#ffbf00}Charles Goldman{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mister Gold or Goldmember {p}Director of the east Taylor branch{w}, 42 years old{p}The Self-made Man {p}A sucessful businessman, an aesthete and eager collector of beautiful things." MC "\"Myriam. {w}Myriam Summers.\"" ChG "\"Please, let me offer you another drink, since I made you lose this one.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 084a with dissolve "Getting up, Charles invited Myriam to come, handing his hand out to help her get up." "But as she took his hand and was going to get up, Charles' towel suddenly slipped from his waist and fell down." "Leaving a stunned Myriam facing his groin and his big cock." KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_1:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "She stay frozen while staring. (Fascinated):" "Still stunned by the vision of Charles' cock, Myriam stayed frozen, as if she was hypnotized by it." MC "{i}My god, it's big as a Brahma bull and he's not even hard... {w}Soft he's already nearly twice as big as Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 085a with dissolve ChG "\"Are you ok? {w}I am sorry if I shocked you, my towel must have unfastened when I sat down.\"" "Still dazed, Myriam took some time to shake this fascination away." MC "\"Sorry, ah didn't mean to... {w}To stare.\"" ChG "\"Don't mention it. {w}I understand.\"" "As she was looking up at him, he gave her a confident smile before helping her get up." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_1_end" KN_MOD "She try to ignore it. (Embarrassed):" MC "{i}Stay calm Myriam, it's just an accident, he must be as embarrassed as you.{/i}" MC "{i}Keep going as if everything was normal and pick up his towel.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 086a with dissolve "Bending down slitghly embarrassed, Myriam picked up the towel for Charles, doing all she could to ignore the big dick a few inches away." MC "{i}Stay calm Myriam, it's not his fault, just pick up his towel and give it back to him.{/i}" ChG "\"Oh!? Thanks, I could have picked it up myself.\"" MC "\"Ah... {w}Ah was nearer.\"" "As she was looking up at him, he gave her a confident smile before helping her get up." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_1_end" KN_MOD "She get up and accidently brush it. (Excited):" MC "{i}OH! {w}MY!! {w}GOD!!! {w}He's so big.{/i}" MC "{i}Stop staring Myriam. {w}You need to get up.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 087a with dissolve "Getting up with his help, Myriam brushed his cock with her wrist, half consciously, half unconsciously." MC "{i}Oh my god! Did ah just do that!? {w}Did ah just touch his cock!? {w}Myriam, you're getting crazy.{/i}" ChG "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thanks.\"" ChG "{i}You naughty girl.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_1_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_1_end:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 088a with dissolve "While Charles was putting his towel back on, Myriam took back hers, before following toward the lounge space." "Stopping at the entrance of the space, Charles turned back to let her go first." ChG "\"After you.\"" MC "{i}He's so courteous, like a proper gentleman, it's kind of refreshing.{/i}" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 089a with dissolve "As Myriam walked toward the lounge's counter, Charles looked at her walking, enjoying the view." ChG "{i}What a gorgeous tall thing. {w}Look at those legs and backside.{/i}" ChG "{i}It's been a while since I've seen such a beautiful animal.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 090a with dissolve "Arrived at the counter Myriam put down her empty glass as Charles joined her." ChG "\"Let me get you another one.\"" MC "\"No need, ah hafta go.\"" ChG "\"Please, to apologize for my blunder.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_drink_with_goldman_1:" "Does Myriam take another drink with Charles?" KN_MOD "And why not after all, hes such a gentleman.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = True scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 091a with dissolve MC "{i}He's such a gentleman, it would be rude of me to refuse. {w}Maybe I can take a last one before joining Anthony.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but just one, ahm fixin' ta join my man for lunch.\"" ChG "\"What a lucky man he is.\"" "Flustered by the sudden compliment, Myriam could barely mutter an answer." MC "\"Than... {w}Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 092a with dissolve "Turning over toward the barmaid, Charles ordered drinks while Myriam apologized for the spill from before." ChG "\"The same for the lady, and a whiskey for me please.\"" MC "\"And ahm lower than a gopher hole, but ah spilled my drink on the ground in the relaxing space o'er there.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 093a with dissolve "After giving them their drinks, the barmaid left them and went on to clean up the spilled drink." ChG "\"Here's to things dropped and spilled.\"" "Smiling to his toast, Myriam could not help feeling a bit embarrassed, thinking of what happened before." MC "\"Cheers.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 094a with dissolve ChG "\"So, you're new to the club?\"" MC "\"Yes, ma cousin Evelyn brought me for some R&R. {w}She's a member.\"" ChG "\"Oh! Evelyn is your cousin? {w}We know each other well.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" ChG "\"Yes, we're both old time members\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 095a with dissolve ChG "\"You know what, maybe we could get together the three of us next time.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ah... {w}Ah don't know 'bout that. {w}Ah mean, ahm taken... {w}Ah...\"" "Laughing, Charles calmed down a Myriam whose mind started to spiral out of control." ChG "\"Ha ha ha! {w}Don't worry, I didn't mean it like that. {w}Not that I would mind making love to two beautiful women like you.\"" "Embarrassed at her thoughts and his compliment, Myriam looked away, ashamed of having misunderstood." ChG "\"No, I only meant for a meal, talking and a few drinks. {w}Here or maybe at my house, I have a wonderful swimming pool if you like swimming.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 096a with dissolve MC "\"Well, ah do like swimming, but ah don't know.\"" ChG "\"Excuse me, I am too forward. {w}Discuss it with Eve and think on it.\"" MC "{i}He's calling her Eve, he must really know her. {w}Only family and friends call her that.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, ah'll be sure to do that.\"" ChG "\"Glad to hear it.\"" "As they kept discussing, Charles hand kept moving as he talked, getting close to her breasts multiple times with their proximity, close to brushing them." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 097a with dissolve "Taking a sip of his whiskey, Charles stared at Myriam, excited at the idea of tasting this tall and beautiful creature one day." ChG "{i}My beauty, one day you'll be mine.{/i}" "Feeling his intense gaze on her, Myriam started to feel embarrassed." MC "{i}My god, he's so intense, and his hand keeps getting dangerously close. {w}Ah know it's not his intention but he makes me feel so self conscious.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 098a with dissolve "As she was starting to feel both embarrassed and excited by Charles and the situation, Myriam felt it was time for her to go." MC "{i}Ah should really go now, ahm still feeling tipsy'n ahm going ta be late if ah want ta catch Anthony during his lunch break.{/i}" MC "\"Excuse me, but ah should go now if ah want to catch my man.\"" ChG "\"Of course, I didn't mean to make you late.\"" MC "\"You didn't, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 099a with dissolve "As she went towards the corridors, Myriam finished her drink, even if she was already tipsy, she never liked wasting things, even more so when it was gifted." "Following Myriam with his eyes as she went around him and the counter, Charles could not help but enjoy the view." ChG "\"Have a great time. {w}And I hope to see you soon.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 100a with dissolve MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Putting down her glass, Myriam thanked Charles for his kindness, before going towards the changing room, only stopping to turn around and say goodbye to him." MC "\"And thanks for the drink.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" MC "\"See you next time.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "No, I had enough.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 101a with dissolve "Myriam felt a bit guilty, but she had to refuse, without lunch she was already starting to feel tipsy with the drinks she had." MC "\"Ahm sorry, but ah already had too much to drink.\"" ChG "\"That's too bad, but I understand. {w}Maybe another time then.\"" MC "\"With pleasure.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 102a with dissolve ChG "\"Then it's a date.\"" "Amused by Charles confidence, Myriam played along, but kept him wanting, he was charming, but she did not want to let him have the upper hand." MC "\"Ha ha ha! We'll see.\"" ChG "\"Gorgeous and strong minded, I like that.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 103a with dissolve MC "\"Ah hafta go now.\"" "Going towards the changing room, Myriam turned over toward Charles to say goodbye and thank him." MC "\"But thank you for the offer.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "No, Anthony wouldnt approve.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 101a with dissolve "Myriam felt a bit guilty, but she had to refuse, she knew Anthony would not like it and she had to go join him." MC "\"Ahm sorry, but ah have to go join my man for lunch.\"" ChG "\"That's too bad, but I understand. {w}Maybe another time then.\"" MC "\"With pleasure.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 102a with dissolve ChG "\"Then it's a date.\"" "Troubled by Charles confidence, Myriam played along, but kept him wanting, he was charming, but she was with Anthony and did not want to hurt him." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Maybe.\"" ChG "\"Gorgeous and strong minded, I like that.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 103a with dissolve MC "\"Ah hafta go now.\"" "Going towards the changing room, Myriam turned over toward Charles to say goodbye and thank him." MC "\"But thank you for the offer.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 058b with dissolve "As Myriam finally had her top off, Evelyn changed the subject, returning to the drink she had the barmaid make for her." Ev "\"So, what do you think of my little cocktail?\"" MC "\"Well, let me try it.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 059b with dissolve MC "\"Damn Eve! {w}You got me again, this is really good.\"" Ev "\"Ha! I knew you would like it. {w}I still know what you like after all this time.\"" MC "\"That you do. {w}You stalker!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 060b with dissolve Ev "\"Mi! How could you!\"" "Evelyn took an offended tone at Myriam's tease, but quickly broke into a laugh with her cousin." Ev "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 061b with dissolve "After laughing a moment a long silence and serene atmosphere settled in the room." "Both of them sorting out feelings, while sipping at their drinks and enjoying the momentary peace." "Evelyn had the feeling of finding herself back years before in her teens, when she was always fooling around with her \"big sister\"." "While Myriam was finding in that peaceful moment the strength to finally sort out her problems." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 062b with dissolve "Breaking the silence, Myriam turned back toward Evelyn." MC "\"You know Eve, ah think you're right, ah'll go see someone to sort out my messed up feelings. {w}Ah don't know what's going on, but ah know ah can't go on like this.\"" Ev "\"I'm happy to hear it Mi... {w}And I hope you know you can always talk to me. {w}Of anything.\"" MC "\"Ah know, and ah will... {w}As soon as ah know what's going on.\"" Ev "\"I understand.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 063b with dissolve "As if she needed to add some courage to her decision, Myriam finished her drink in one go." Ev "\"Ha ha ha! You're right girl, drown that bitchy feeling.\"" MC "\"Aaaaahhh! {w}Phew! {w}Ah haven't done this since... ever!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 064b with dissolve Ev "\"Then it's my turn, I can't be beaten by a small fry like you!\"" "Following her statement, Evelyn took down her drink also." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sore loser\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 065b with dissolve Ev "\"Phew! {w}That hit the spot!\"" MC "\"Well, whatever you say, it's my win.\"" "As they were both joking around after finishing their drinks, they could hear the barmaid coming their way." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 066b with dissolve "Barmaid" "\"Excuse me, do you wish anything else?\"" Ev "\"Absolutely, the same please for both of us. {w}I have revenge to take.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 067b with dissolve "As the barmaid took their glasses to prepare their drinks, Myriam turned back toward Evelyn." MC "\"But it'll be mah last Eve. {w}Without lunch, ah can already feel the first.\"" Ev "\"He he he! Small fry, already beaten?\"" MC "\"Stop it, ah just don't want to be drunk when ah go see Anthony for lunch.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 068b with dissolve Ev "\"What? You aren't staying with me for lunch?\"" MC "\"Sorry, ah wanted to surprise him and have some lunch with him, he's been working a lot since we arrived.\"" Ev "\"And I had a restaurant that I wanted to show you.\"" MC "\"Ahm sorry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 069b with dissolve Ev "\"Then you owe me one, and you're buying.\"" MC "\"Ok, ok, ah promise.\"" "While they were still discussing, the barmaid returned with their drinks." "Barmaid" "\"Here you are.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 070b with dissolve Ev "\"Here's to us and your new home.\"" MC "\"Cheers!\"" "Toasting together after the barmaid went away, they could hear another set of footsteps approaching." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 071b with dissolve "Arriving at the relaxation space, a middle age man came in with just a towel on him." "Man" "\"Hey girl! Finally found you.\"" Ev "\"Hey Steve!\"" MC "\"Hello.\"" StM "\"Up for our usual date?\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 072b with dissolve Ev "\"Sorry, I can't today, I'm with my cousin today.\"" StM "\"She can come if she wants, I'm sure Mary wouldn't mind.\"" Ev "\"Myriam is here as a tourist today. {w}Only to relax.\"" StM "\"Oh! That's too bad then, it's Mary that'll be disappointed, she came just for you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 073b with dissolve MC "\"You can go you know Eve.\"" Ev "\"What?\"" MC "\"If ah want to meet Anthony for lunch, ah should go soon anyway. {w}There's no point to not go see your friends if ahm fixin' ta go in a few minutes.\"" Ev "\"You're sure you want to stay alone here?\"" MC "\"Yeah, don't worry. {w}I kind of understand where we are.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 074b with dissolve Ev "\"You do?\"" MC "\"Yes, it's a naughty club, isn't it?\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, sorry about that, it's kind of a \"naughty\" club. {w}But it's also a real spa you know, with the pass I took for us today, we were just here for that.\"" Ev "\"I didn't want to ambush you. {w}But I knew you would have say no otherwise. {w}I just wanted you to have a good time and relax.\"" MC "\"And we did, don't worry, ahm not mad. {w}Ah'll just finish my drink and go.\"" Ev "\"Ok, if you say so.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 075b with dissolve "Evelyn got up and went to kiss Myriam before going with her friend." Ev "\"Muah! {w}You call me later though, ok?\"" MC "\"Promise. {w}Muah!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 076b with dissolve "Stopping before disappearing behind the corner, Evelyn turned back toward Myriam." Ev "\"Love you cuz!\"" MC "\"Love you too!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 077b with dissolve "Alone, Myriam settled down comfortably in the lounge chair, enjoying the peace and quiet." "Letting the buzz and warmth of the cocktails gently take her as she relaxed and closed her eyes." MC "{i}Mmh! Eve is half a bubble off plumb for bringing me here, but ah can't deny that it's been a long time since ah could relax like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah don't know if ahm crazy myself, but maybe ah could come back with her later on.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 078b with dissolve "As Myriam was laying on her lounge chair, relaxing, she did not hear a man coming in." "Man" "{i}Mmh! What do we have here. {w}Isn't that a gorgeous piece of art.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Let's go and have a better look.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 079b with dissolve "Suddenly hearing someone sit down next to her, Myriam jumped out of her rest, dropping her glass in surprise." MC "\"Aaah!\"" "Man" "\"Oh!\"" "With some quick reflexes, the man tried to catch the glass as it fell." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 080b with dissolve "Man" "\"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. {w}You seemed so peaceful, I didn't announce myself to not bother you.\"" MC "\"No it's me, ahm so sorry. {w}Ah shouldn'ta screamed like that.\"" "Man" "\"It's quite alright. Do not worry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 081b with dissolve "Man" "\"I saved your glass, but I fear I spilled your drink, sorry.\"" MC "\"No, please it's me, ah spilled my drink on yer feet, ahm sorry.\"" "The man was so nice and polite, Myriam felt so embarrassed at herself." "Man" "\"Well no harm done. {w}Here's your glass.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 082b with dissolve MC "\"Thank yo...\"" "Looking down to take back the glass he was handing her, Myriam was shocked to see something protrude from under his towel." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Is that the tip of his... {w}Of his penis!? {w}It must be bigger'n Dallas!{/i}" MC "{i}My god Mi! {w}What are you thinking!?{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 083b with dissolve "Man" "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes, sorry. {w}Thank you.\"" "Embarrassed, Myriam quickly took the glass from his hand as she looked away." "Man" "\"I am Charles. {w}Charles Goldman.\"" "{b}{color=#ffbf00}Charles Goldman{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mister Gold or Goldmember {p}Director of the east Taylor branch{w}, 42 years old{p}The Self-made Man {p}A sucessful businessman, an esthete and eager collector of beautiful things." MC "\"Myriam. {w}Myriam Summers.\"" ChG "\"Please, let me offer you another drink, since I made you lose this one.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 084b with dissolve "Getting up, Charles invited Myriam to come, handing his hand out to help her get up." "But as she took his hand and was going to get up, Charles' towel suddenly slipped from his waist and fell down." "Leaving a stunned Myriam facing his groin and his big cock." KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_2:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "She stay frozen while staring. (Fascinated):" "Still stunned by the vision of Charles' cock, Myriam stayed frozen, as if she was hypnotized by it." MC "{i}My god, it's big as a Brahma bull and he's not even hard... {w}Soft he's already nearly twice as big as Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 085b with dissolve ChG "\"Are you ok? {w}I am sorry if I shocked you, my towel must have unfastened when I sat down.\"" "Still dazed, Myriam took some time to shake this fascination away." MC "\"Sorry, ah didn't mean to... {w}To stare.\"" ChG "\"Don't mention it. {w}I understand.\"" "As she was looking up at him, he gave her a confident smile before helping her get up." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_2_end" KN_MOD "She try to ignore it. (Embarrassed):" MC "{i}Stay calm Myriam, it's just an accident, he must be as embarrassed as you.{/i}" MC "{i}Keep going as if everything was normal and pick up his towel.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 086b with dissolve "Bending down slitghly embarrassed, Myriam picked up the towel for Charles, doing all she could to ignore the big dick a few inches away." MC "{i}Stay calm Myriam, it's not his fault, just pick up his towel and give it back to him.{/i}" ChG "\"Oh!? Thanks, I could have picked it up myself.\"" MC "\"Ah... {w}Ah was nearer.\"" "As she was looking up at him, he gave her a confident smile before helping her get up." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_2_end" KN_MOD "She get up and accidently brush it. (Excited):" MC "{i}OH! {w}MY!! {w}GOD!!! {w}He's so big.{/i}" MC "{i}Stop staring Myriam. {w}You need to get up.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 087b with dissolve "Getting up with his help, Myriam brushed his cock with her wrist, half consciously, half inconsciously." MC "{i}Oh my god! Did ah just do that!? {w}Did ah just touch his cock!? {w}Myriam, you're getting crazy.{/i}" ChG "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thanks.\"" ChG "{i}You naughty girl.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_2_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_goldman_cock_incident_2_end:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 088b with dissolve "While Charles was putting his towel back on, Myriam took back hers, before following toward the lounge space." "Stopping at the entrance of the space, Charles turned back to let her go first." ChG "\"After you.\"" MC "{i}He's so courteous, like a proper gentleman, it's kind of refreshing.{/i}" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 089b with dissolve "As Myriam walked toward the lounge's counter, Charles looked at her walking, enjoying the view." ChG "{i}What a gorgeous tall thing. {w}Look at those legs and backside.{/i}" ChG "{i}It's been a while since I've seen such a beautiful animal.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 090b with dissolve "Arrived at the counter Myriam put down her empty glass as Charles joined her." ChG "\"Let me get you another one.\"" MC "\"No need, ah hafta go.\"" ChG "\"Please, to apologize for my blunder.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_drink_with_goldman_2:" "Does Myriam take another drink with Charles?" KN_MOD "And why not after all, hes such a gentleman.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = True scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 091b with dissolve MC "{i}He's such a gentleman, it would be rude of me to refuse. {w}Maybe I can take a last one before joining Anthony.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but just one, ahm fixin' ta join my man for lunch.\"" ChG "\"What a lucky man he is.\"" "Flustered by the sudden compliment, Myriam could barely mutter an answer." MC "\"Than... {w}Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 092b with dissolve "Turning over toward the barmaid, Charles ordered drinks while Myriam apologized for the spill from before." ChG "\"The same for the lady, and a whiskey for me please.\"" MC "\"And ahm lower than a gopher hole, but ah spilled my drink on the ground in the relaxing space o'er there.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 093b with dissolve "After giving them their drinks, the barmaid left them and went on to clean up the spilled drink." ChG "\"Here to things dropped and spilled.\"" "Smiling to his toast, Myriam could not help feeling a bit embarrassed, thinking of what happened before." MC "\"Cheers.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 094b with dissolve ChG "\"So, you're new to the club?\"" MC "\"Yes, ma cousin Evelyn brought me for some R&R. {w}She's a member.\"" ChG "\"Oh! Evelyn is your cousin? {w}We know each other well.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" ChG "\"Yes, we're both old time members\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 095b with dissolve ChG "\"You know what, maybe we could get together the three of us next time.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ah... {w}Ah don't know 'bout that. {w}Ah mean, ahm taken... {w}Ah...\"" "Laughing, Charles calmed down a Myriam whose mind started to spiral out of control." ChG "\"Ha ha ha! {w}Don't worry, I didn't mean it like that. {w}Not that I would mind making love to two beautiful women like you.\"" "Embarrassed at her thoughts and his compliment, Myriam looked away, ashamed of having misunderstood." ChG "\"No, I only meant for a meal, talking and a few drinks. {w}Here or maybe at my house, I have a wonderful swimming pool if you like swimming.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 096b with dissolve MC "\"Well, ah do like swimming, but ah don't know.\"" ChG "\"Excuse me, I am too forward. {w}Discuss it with Eve and think on it.\"" MC "{i}He's calling her Eve, he must really know her. {w}Only family and friends call her that.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, ah'll be sure to do that.\"" ChG "\"Glad to hear it.\"" "As they kept discussing, Charles hand kept moving as he talked, getting close to her breasts multiple times with their proximity, close to brushing them." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 097b with dissolve "Taking a sip of his whiskey, Charles starred at Myriam, excited at the idea of tasting this tall and beautiful creature one day." ChG "{i}My beauty, one day you'll be mine.{/i}" "Feeling his intense gaze on her, Myriam started to feel embarrassed." MC "{i}My god, he's so intense, and his hand keeps getting dangerously close. {w}Ah know it's not his intention but he make me feel so self conscious.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 098b with dissolve "As she was starting to feel both embarrassed and excited by Charles and the situation, Myriam felt it was time for her to go." MC "{i}Ah should really go now, ahm still feeling tipsy'n ahm going ta be late if ah want ta catch Anthony during his lunch break.{/i}" MC "\"Excuse me, but ah should go now if ah want to catch my man.\"" ChG "\"Of course, I didn't mean to make you late.\"" MC "\"You didn't, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 099b with dissolve "As she went towards the corridors, Myriam finished her drink, even if she was already tipsy, she never liked wasting things, even more so when it was gifted." "Following Myriam with his eyes as she went around him and the counter, Charles could not help but enjoy the view." ChG "\"Have a great time. {w}And I hope to see you soon.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 100b with dissolve MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Putting down her glass, Myriam thanked Charles for his kindness, before going towards the changing room, only stopping to turn around and say goodbye to him." MC "\"And thanks for the drink.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" MC "\"See you next time.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "No, I had enough.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 101b with dissolve "Myriam felt a bit guilty, but she had to refuse, without lunch she was already starting to feel tipsy with the drinks she had." MC "\"Ahm sorry, but ah already had too much to drink.\"" ChG "\"That's too bad, but I understand. {w}Maybe another time then.\"" MC "\"With pleasure.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 102b with dissolve ChG "\"Then it's a date.\"" "Amused by Charles confidence, Myriam played along, but kept him wanting, he was charming, but she did not want to let him have the upper hand." MC "\"Ha ha ha! We'll see.\"" ChG "\"Gorgeous and strong minded, I like that.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 103b with dissolve MC "\"Ah hafta go now.\"" "Going towards the changing room, Myriam turned over toward Charles to say goodbye and thank him." MC "\"But thank you for the offer.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "No, Anthony wouldnt approve.:" $ ch1_another_drink_with_goldman = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 101b with dissolve "Myriam felt a bit guilty, but she had to refuse, she knew Anthony would not like it and she had to go join him." MC "\"Ahm sorry, but ah have to go join my man for lunch.\"" ChG "\"That's too bad, but I understand. {w}Maybe another time then.\"" MC "\"With pleasure.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 102b with dissolve ChG "\"Then it's a date.\"" "Troubled by Charles confidence, Myriam played along, but kept him wanting, he was charming, but she was with Anthony and did not want to hurt him." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Maybe.\"" ChG "\"Gorgeous and strong minded, I like that.\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 103b with dissolve MC "\"Ah hafta go now.\"" "Going towards the changing room, Myriam turned over toward Charles to say goodbye and thank him." MC "\"But thank you for the offer.\"" ChG "\"You're welcome.\"" "Again Charles gazed at this tall and sculptural beauty as she walked away, incapable of resisting the appeal of the sway of those hips." KN_MOD "jump ch1_drink_with_goldman_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_drink_with_goldman_end:" KN_MOD "if ch1_free_the_boobs == True:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 104 with dissolve "Going to her locker in the changing room, Myriam started to undress before changing, but as she was going to take her top off, she realized that it was already the case." MC "{i}Girl you're really out of it. {w}You were so relaxed that you didn't even remember taking your top off.{/i}" MC "{i}... {w}... {w}... {w}... {w}...{/i}" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}Ah had my top off in front of that man!{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 105 with dissolve "Myriam felt a sudden surge of shame, but the thought of what happened also made her have a strange feeling of excitement." MC "{i}... {w}Stop thinking about it Myriam and get a hold of yourself. {w}You're taken.{/i}" "Biting her lips, Myriam forced herself to think of something else, of Anthony that she was going to see, putting those strange thoughts away." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 106 with dissolve "Taking her things out of her locker, Myriam could still feel how tipsy she was, her head slightly spinning." MC "{i}God! Ah knew ah shouldn't have drunk without eating anything. {w}Ahm such a light weight when it comes to alcohol.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, nothing I can do about it now. {w}Just get it together girl, or you're going to miss your man.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 107 with dissolve play music "city noise-freesound-klankbeeld.mp3" fadeout 1 "Walking out after freshening up an drying her hair, Myriam finally left the spa." MC "{i}Let's go girl. {w}Let's surprise him with this new dress, ahm sure he'll love it.{/i}" MC "{i}He's been a bit distant these last few days. {w}Even more so than usual. {w}Ah hope we can have a nice time.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 108 with dissolve "As Myriam walked out of the building, she was suddenly stopped by an old woman screaming in a megaphone." "Old Bat" "\"STOP!!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaaah!\"" "Screaming in surprise and fear, Myriam stepped away half deafened by the noise as the old woman kept screaming at her." scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 109 with dissolve "Old Bat" "\"CLOSE THIS HOUSE OF SIN AND REPENT YOUR SINS!\"" "Old Bat" "\"THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD WILL BE UPON YOU!\"" "Old Bat" "\"AND HELL WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_the_crazy_old_bat:" "How does Myriam react to the crazy old woman screaming at her?" KN_MOD "Who does she thinks she is!:" $ ch1_confronted_the_old_hag = True scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 110 with dissolve "Infuriated by the tone and behavior of the old woman, Myriam saw red." MC "\"AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YA OLD BAT!?\"" MC "\"If you think you can put my faith in question and judge me without even knowing me you have another thing coming!\"" MC "\"So bless your heart and go choke on a crucifix!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 111 with dissolve "Shocked and stunned by Myriam's sudden burst of defiance and assurance, the old woman stayed quiet and stepped back as Myriam walked away." "Her heart beating fast, Myriam passed her, trying to keep her cool, as the woman was looking at her go while fuming." MC "{i}Don't look at her, she's all gargle and no guts, just go and leave that old fart die in her misery.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_crazy_old_bat_end" KN_MOD "Just go and ignore her.:" $ ch1_confronted_the_old_hag = False scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 112 with dissolve "Disliking conflict, Myriam tried to go pass her while ignoring her, but the old woman kept berating her." "Old Bat" "\"YOU CAN NOT FLEE THE JUDGEMENT OF THE LORD!\"" "Old Bat" "\"HIS EYES ARE ON YOU WHORE OF BABYLON!\"" "Old Bat" "\"AND HE WILL SMITE YOU ALL!\"" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 113 with dissolve "Walking away under the heinous diatribe of the old woman, Myriam felt ashamed." "Ashamed of being insulted in public but also having feelings dirty and guilty, she asked herself if the old woman was right." "She started to feel that maybe she deserved the scorn of this old woman." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_crazy_old_bat_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_crazy_old_bat_end:" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 114 with dissolve "Walking toward her car, putting distance between her and the old church lady, Myriam started to think of her cousin." MC "{i}God! Ah have to warn Eve that there's a crazy old woman waiting for people outside.{/i}" MC "{i}Knowing her ahm sure she'd give 'er the wire-brush treatment, but you never know.{/i}" scene bg ch1_08 theswingspa 115 with dissolve "Taking her phone out, Myriam sent a message to Evelyn while walking." MC "{i}Here you go: Howdy Eve! Beware! There's a crazy old hag outside the building that goes postal on people coming out!!{/i}" MC "{i}That should do it. {w}Now, ah should be quick and go join Anthony or ah'll miss my chance.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_office" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_office:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter1_update4 from _call_var_chapter1_update4" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n The Office" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 001 with dissolve "Arriving at the office block, Myriam entered the original building, with an old architecture in the Artdeco style." "Welcomed by an atrium, the building had a big open space with relaxation areas scattered all around." "As she was looking around curious, she was welcomed by a security guard behind a reception desk." "Guard" "\"Hello! {w}D'you need any help?\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 002 with dissolve MC "\"Hello, yes. {w}Ahm searchin' for the offices of the Taylor Corporation.\"" "Guard" "\"You a client?\"" MC "\"No, sorry. {w}Ahm Myriam Summers, partner of Mr Anthony Kunt. {w}An executive of the west branch of the Taylor Corporation.\"" "Guard" "\"Oh! {w}In that case jus' go ahead, it's last floor.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 003 with dissolve "As Myriam passed the reception desk and went toward the elevators, the security guard turned over to enjoy the view of her butt." "Guard" "{i}Man! That's some fine ass you got there! {w}Wouldn't mind porking that.{/i}" "Unaware of the lechering gaze following her butt, she kept walking, ignoring the dirty thoughts the guard had for her." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 004 with dissolve "Getting up to the last floor, Myriam went in the office of the Taylor Corporation, walking toward the receptionist." MC "\"Hello.\"" "Receptionist" "\"Hello. {w}Welcome to the Taylor Corporation west branch. {w}What can I do for you?\"" MC "\"Ahm searching for Anthony's office. {w}Ah mean Mr Kunt.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 005 with dissolve "While Myriam and the receptionist where discussing, a man arrived toward the reception area, but staying at a distance, he started observing the scene." "Man" "{i}What have we here? {w}A new secretary? {w}A client? {w}Or maybe competition?{/i}" "Man" "{i}Nah! {w}Too prim and proper, and she's missing the shark teeth... {w}Well let's see.{/i}" "Receptionist" "\"And what's the purpose of your visit, please?\"" MC "\"Oh! Sorry, ahm his partner, Myriam Summers.\"" "Man" "{i}Oh! {w}So, that's the CEO's daughter. {w}Damn, that scoundrel really hit the jackpot on that one.{/i}" "Receptionist" "\"Very well. {w}I'm sorry, but he's in a meeting right now, maybe you could...\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 006 with dissolve "Cutting in, the man interrupted the receptionist, with a little plan in mind." "Man" "\"Wait Erin! {w}No need to make this fine lady wait, I just passed by his office, his meeting is finished.\"" ErH "\"Oh! But he didn't tell me...\"" "Man" "\"It's all good Erin.\"" MC "\"Really!? Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 007 with dissolve "Man" "\"Hello, I'm Clark, Clark Dent, a colleague of Anthony.\"" MC "\"Nice to meet you.\"" "Turning toward her with confidence, Clark held his hand out to Myriam." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 008 with dissolve MC "\"Myriam, Myriam Summers.\"" ClD "\"Follow me, I'll guide you to his private office.\"" MC "\"Thank you, it's very nice of you.\"" ClD "\"Don't mention it.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 009 with dissolve ClD "\"So you're Anthony's significant other?\"" MC "\"Yes,well... no, we've been together for a little while.\"" ClD "\"You must be very happy. {w}That scoundrel never told us he had such a young and beautiful girlfriend.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes. {w}Thank you.\"" "Embarrassed like a teenager, Myriam fiddled with her hair as Anthony's colleague complimented her." "She knew he was being a flirt, but it was innocent and made her feel good about herself." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 010 with dissolve "Passing through the office, Clark guided her passed the common space to the privates offices." ClD "\"Here you are, go through there and keep going towards the last doors, he's the one on the left. {w}Can't miss it.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" ClD "\"You're welcome.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 011 with dissolve "Looking at her go, Clark could not help himself thinking as he enjoyed the view of her back." ClD "{i}Well, it's going to be fun, but you're quite the deviant bastard you know Clark.{/i}" ClD "{i}The poor girl doesn't deserve it... {w}But that guy is such an asshole.{/i}" ClD "{i}... {w}And if you play your cards right, you could win big from that little move. {w}Even if that's a low-blow.{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 012 with dissolve "The anticipation building up as she was walking toward Anthony's office, Myriam was getting excited like a school girl." MC "{i}Coming unexpectedly was a good idea, I'm feeling so excited at the idea of surprising him with the dress Eve bought for me.{/i}" MC "{i}Ahm pretty sure he'll enjoy how short the skirt is. {w}Maybe we could even get a little bit naughty if there is nobody around.{/i}" MC "{i}He's felt so distant lately, I think he need to release some tension. {w}At the least I could give him a little blowjob, \"THAT\" I'm pretty sure he'd enjoy.{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 013 with dissolve "Arriving at the door that Clark pointed out to her, Myriam heard some muffled voices inside." MC "{i}Is he on the phone? {w}Maybe ah should be discreet when coming in to not bother him.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_listening_or_opening:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Lets listen and see if its important.:" $ ch1_heard_the_dirty_talk = True scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 014 with dissolve "Putting her ear to the door, Myriam tried to better discern what was being said behind the door." An "\"Mmh! That's it you dirty slut, take it deep. {w}Suck that cock.\"" An "\"You like it you bitch, choking on my cock.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is he jerking off to porn on his computer?{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 015 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, let's go in and surprise him with his hand in his pants.{/i}" MC "{i}Now ah know he'll enjoy what ah had in mind for him.{/i}" "Slowly pushing the door open to stay discreet, Myriam went in to surprise Anthony." KN_MOD "jump ch1_listening_or_opening_end" KN_MOD "Lets go in discreetly to not bother him.:" $ ch1_heard_the_dirty_talk = False scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 016 with dissolve MC "{i}Yes, let's just go in silently in case is on the phone.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah don't want to bother him if he his on a professional call.{/i}" "Slowly pushing the door open to stay discreet, Myriam went in to surprise Anthony." KN_MOD "jump ch1_listening_or_opening_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_listening_or_opening_end:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 017 with dissolve "But as she entered, Myriam immediatly stopped as the door closed on her, and screamed in shock and pain as she found Anthony face-fucking a young woman" An "\"Mmmh!\"" "Young woman" "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! {w}OH MY GOD!\"" MC "\"YOU BASTARD! {w}HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 018 with dissolve "Turning away, Myriam immediatly went towards the door as Anthony was screaming at her to stop, while emptying his balls in the back of the girl's throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"Wait! {w}Argh! {w}It's not what you think!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Woman" "\"Gulp!\"" MC "\"GO FUCK YOURSELF!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 019 with dissolve "Shaken, Myriam ran through the office, barely holding back her tears, paying no attention to people around." MC "\"Sob sob!\"" "Seeing Myriam passing in front of him sobbing, Clark tried to stop her." ClD "\"Is everything ok?\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 020 with dissolve "But ignoring him, Myriam rushed toward the exit, her head light years away from the voices calling out to her." ErH "\"Ms Summers! {w}Is everything ok?\"" "Opening the door, she left the office, leaving all the noise of the office behind her." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 021 with dissolve "Back in the lobby of the office block, Myriam kept going, walking fast, and furious as hell." "But her head definitely elsewhere, Myriam missed a step, narrowly escaping a fall by clinging to an armchair just in her reach." MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 022 with dissolve "Stopping for a moment as she centered herself, she put down her bag and tried to calm down." MC "{i}My god! What just happened? {w}Did ah really just catch Anthony cheating on me?{/i}" MC "{i}This can't be happening... {w}This can't be real... {w}I...{/i}" MC "{i}Ah have to stop a minute, m'head is spinning.{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 023 with dissolve "But all she could do was think again and again about what she saw, about what Anthony did, thinking of him facefucking that young woman in his office." MC "{i}How could he do this!? {w}How could he do this!?{/i}" ClD "\"Ms Summers.\"" MC "{i}And here ah was coming over to make him feel good, to... {w}My god! Ahm so stupid.{/i}" ClD "\"Hey! {w}Ms Summers!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 024 with dissolve "Suddenly feeling a hand on her shoulder, Myriam screamed in surprise, finally realising Clark." MC "\"Aaah!\"" ClD "{i}Wow! Seems that my little dirty move had its effect. {w}Let's try and see where it goes.{/i}" ClD "\"Ms Summers. {w}Are you ok?\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 025 with dissolve "Trying to calm her down, Clark made her sit down, so she could breathe and explained what happen." ClD "\"Here, sit a moment Ms Summers. {w}Tell me what happened?\"" MC "\"Ah... {w}Sob! {w}Anthony was... {w}Sob! {w}Ah caught him... {w}Sob!\"" "But Myriam could barely get a few words out between her sobs." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 026 with dissolve "Caressing her hand, Clark tried to calm her down and slow her sobbing." ClD "\"There, there. {w}Calm down Ms Summers. {w}What's got you so upset, did you have a fight with Anthony?\"" "Swallowing her pain, Myriam managed to calm down for a moment and get a few words out." MC "\"Ah ca... {w}Ah caught Anthony with a young woman in his office. {w}They... {w}They were having sex.\"" ClD "{i}Bingo! {w}Just what I needed, if that prick doesn't get fired after this...{/i}" MC "\"He cheated on me.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 027 with dissolve ClD "\"I am so sorry to hear that. {w}I don't understand how anybody could cheat on such a beautiful woman.\"" MC "\"What?\"" "Still dazed by what happened, Myriam was still in a state of confusion, and all the drinks from the spa were not helping either." ClD "\"I mean he's such an asshole, how could he ever cheat on such a nice person like you.\"" MC "\"I... {w}Ah don't know, maybe I did something? {w}Maybe it's my fault.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 028 with dissolve ClD "\"Come on, don't say that, there's only one guilty person here and that's him.\"" MC "\"Sob!\"" ClD "\"Anthony's an asshole. {w}And if I'm being honest, I can tell you that it's the shared opinion of the entire office.\"" MC "\"Sob sob!\"" ClD "\"Ever since he's got here it's only yelling and abuse. {w}And from what I saw today, I can tell that you don't deserve any of that.\"" MC "\"Sob sob sob!\"" ClD "{i}Wow! She's such a mess. {w}Maybe I can get some fun as well, if I play my cards right.{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 029 with dissolve ClD "\"Come on, don't cry, not for that asshole, he doesn't deserve your tears.\"" MC "\"Sob!\"" ClD "\"What he deserves is to get his comeuppance for once.\"" MC "\"Sob! {w}What?\"" ClD "{i}Just a little push.{/i}" ClD "\"What he deserves is your anger. {w}That you get back at him for what he did.\"" "Myriam's mind was in such a fog, that she could barely think, Clark's words and kindness were like a light in the dark." MC "\"You think so?\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 030 with dissolve ClD "\"Of course, don't you think he deserve some retribution for what he did to you?\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Sob! {w}Yes.\"" ClD "\"Don't you want to make him feel what he just made you feel?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" ClD "\"The pain, the anger?\"" MC "\"Yes, yes!\"" ClD "{i}Here we go.{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 031 with dissolve ClD "\"Then you should do to him exactly what he did to you.\"" MC "\"Yes! {w}Wait... {w}What?\"" ClD "\"That's the only way to make him feel the same.\"" MC "\"But... {w}But ah can't, I'm taken... {w}I...\"" ClD "\"With an asshole who just cheated on you. {w}Why would you ever feel guilty for him?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_cheating_or_no_cheating:" "How does Myriam react to Clark's idea?" KN_MOD "Hes right!:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 032a with dissolve "Her mind so taken by the grief and freed by the alcohol of the spa, Myriam had no doubt that he was right, giving Anthony a taste of his own medicine felt like justice." MC "\"You... {w}You're right! He needs to have a taste of his own medicine.\"" MC "\"To get his heart ripped out and crushed.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 033a with dissolve ClD "\"Then now, all you have to do is find someone to do the deed. {w}The more he dislikes him, the better.\"" "Pausing for a while, Myriam searched her mind, trying to think of someone he would hate, but there was nobody here, then her eyes got back to Clark." MC "\"Why... {w}Why not you?\"" ClD "{i}Boo-yah!!{/i}" ClD "\"What? {w}Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 034 with dissolve "Getting up, Clark invited Myriam up to follow him." ClD "\"Then let's go.\"" MC "\"Su... {w}Sure.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bathroom_cheating" KN_MOD "I understand what hes saying, but...:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 032b with dissolve "Her mind was so lost, drowned in the sorrow of what she just witnessed and the alcohol she drank at the spa." MC "\"I... {w}Ah don't know.\"" MC "\"I understand what you're saying, but... {w}But it feels... {w}It feels a bit wrong.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 033b with dissolve ClD "\"And why would it be? {w}With what he did he deserves it.\"" MC "\"Are you sure?\"" ClD "\"Absolutely. {w}And you know what, I'll help you get your revenge.\"" MC "\"O... {w}Ok...\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 034 with dissolve "Getting up, Clark invited Myriam up to follow him." ClD "\"Follow me, I know where we can go.\"" MC "\"Su... {w}Sure.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bathroom_cheating" KN_MOD "I cant, I just cant.:" $ ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark = False $ ch1_cheating_with_clark = False scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 032c with dissolve "Even with her mind still hazy, stricken with grief and sorrow, Myriam could still not chose to hurt Anthony" MC "\"I... {w}Ah can't, I just can't.\"" MC "\"Even with what he did, ah just can't. {w}I took vows.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 035 with dissolve "With resolve in her eyes, Myriam suddenly got up." MC "\"No, I'm going home, pack his things and out with him.\"" MC "\"I won't stoop to his level.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_no_cheating" KN_MOD "label ch1_bathroom_cheating:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 036 with dissolve "Taking her hand, Clark pulled Myriam toward the nearest bathroom." MC "\"Where are we going? {w}The toilets?\"" ClD "\"Yes. {w}If you want to make him furious, you have to make it dirty.\"" MC "\"Dirty?\"" ClD "\"Yes. {w}Dirty!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 037 with dissolve "Going in the handicap stall, Clark pushed Myriam against the wall as soon as they entered." "Her mind still hazy with the alcohol and the turmoil of emotions she went through, Myriam stayed quiet, half excited and half afraid of what was happening, of what was going to happen." ClD "\"You know you're beautiful?\"" MC "\"I am?\"" ClD "\"Oh yes.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 038 with dissolve ClD "\"Now let me see those puppies.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Ahm lettin' another man strip me and stare at the girls.{/i}" ClD "\"Damn! They are gorgeous.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thanks.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 039 with dissolve ClD "\"Let's take a little pic of those gorgeous beasts with your phone.\"" "Hiding her breasts by reflex at the idea of having her breasts photographed, Myriam screamed in surprise." MC "\"What? No!\"" ClD "\"Don't worry, I said with your phone. {w}How do you want to prove to him what you did?\"" ClD "\"If you don't have anything to show him, he'll just think you're lying to make him jealous.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 040 with dissolve "Taking her phone out of her bag, Myriam held it out to Clark and turned her head, embarrassed, as she offered him a view of her breasts." MC "\"Here...\"" ClD "\"Good, let's have some hot and sexy pics to make him mad and jealous as hell.\"" MC "\"O... {w}Ok.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 041 with dissolve ClD "\"That's it! Show me the goods. {w}Look sexy.\"" MC "{i}God! Ahm really doing this... {w}This feel so unreal, so wrong... {w}But so exciting.{/i}" "She did not know if it was the alcohol or the anger that was fueling her, but she was starting to get excited." ClD "\"Now take down the dress.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 042 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam let her dress slide down on the ground." ClD "\"Great! {w}My god! You are a goddess.\"" "Looking away, Myriam felt embarrassed like a school girl at Clark's compliments." ClD "\"And now get the panties off.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 043 with dissolve "Taking it off, Myriam even posed for him, starting to be taken in by the situation and the mood." ClD "\"Wow! Look at you. {w}Your body is to die for!\"" ClD "{i}Fuck! How an asshole like that could ever bag such a hottie.{/i}" ClD "\"Turn around.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 044 with dissolve "Turning around as he asked, Myriam offered him a good look at her ass." ClD "\"You are killing me!\"" "Taking photo after photo, Myriam kept posing, as she swayed her butt to the rhythm of the flashes." ClD "\"Damn! That's it, I can't take it anymore, turn around.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 045 with dissolve "As she turned around again, Myriam immediately saw that Clark had his cock out." MC "{i}Wow! {w}He... {w}He's big.{/i}" "Myriam's mind was so far gone, that even the sight of his cock didn't faze her." ClD "\"Get down, come take a better look.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 046 with dissolve "Without thinking, Myriam dropped down on her knees, as if hypnotized by the rod in front of her." ClD "\"Like what you see? {w}Bigger than the hubby?\"" MC "\"Bigger.\"" "Still absorbed by the sight of this dick, Myriam just blurted her answer." ClD "\"I didn't hear, what did you say?\"" MC "\"Yes! {w}Yours is bigger.\"" ClD "\"Then what are you waiting for? {w}Take it in your mouth.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_blow_him_or_blow_him_off:" "Does Myriam take the plunge and take him in her mouth?" KN_MOD "No! I cant, I just cant!:" $ ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark = True $ ch1_cheating_with_clark = False scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 047 with dissolve "Backing up, Myriam stopped herself from going further, her mind still able to cut through the mist of the sorrow, alcohol and excitement." MC "\"No! {w}Ahm sorry, I can't.\"" MC "\"Ahm really sorry, ah wanted to try and hurt him like he did to me, but I just can't.\"" ClD "{i}Fuck no!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_blow_him_off" KN_MOD "Damn you Anthony! You deserve it for what you done to me.:" $ ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark = False $ ch1_cheating_with_clark = True scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 048 with dissolve "Taken in by the mood, her sorrow and the alcohol, Myriam just gave in, letting go of her last defenses she opened her mouth and swallowed his cock." MC "{i}Damn you Anthony! {w}Damn you! {w}You pushed me to this.{/i}" MC "{i}Ahm going to give this man the blowjob of his life. {w}The one I was going to give you... {w}And more.{/i}" ClD "{i}Fuck yes!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_blow_him" KN_MOD "label ch1_blow_him_off:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 049 with dissolve "Turning around, Myriam put her panties back on, deciding to stop the train wreck before it happened." ClD "\"No worries, I understand.\"" ClD "{i}That's too bad, but I can't go burning that bridge if I want the job of that asshole, I have to play it smart.{/i}" ClD "\"This was a stupid idea, I'm sorry to have pushed you like this.\"" MC "\"Nah, it's me, ahm sorry, ahm just so lost with what happened. {w}I need to go home and think.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 050 with dissolve "Putting away his dick while she was dressing, Clark handed her phone back as she turned around." ClD "\"Here's your phone.\"" MC "\"Thank you... {w}And maybe we can forget all this ever happened please. {w}I'm mortified, ah don't know how I ended up following you here.\"" ClD "\"I told you, no worries. {w}And it's not your fault, it's his.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_no_cheating" KN_MOD "label ch1_blow_him:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 051 with dissolve "Giving in, Myriam took his cock deep in her throat, even surprising herself to be able to take him in with his size." ClD "{i}Holy fucking shit! What's with those mad fucking skills. {w}She swallowed my cock like it was nothing!{/i}" MC "\"Gwock!\"" ClD "\"My god! You're unbelievable.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052a with dissolve "Following the hints of pleasure in his voice, Myriam kept blowing him, looking up at him with tears in her eyes as he petted her head while she was deepthroating him." ClD "\"You are going to make him go crazy with those photos.\"" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053a with dissolve "As he pressed her head, she started her motion again, slowly taking him in her throat, following his presses." MC "\"Slurp!\"" ClD "\"Yeah! Like that, keep going.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054a with dissolve "As she had the full length of his cock in the back of her throat again, he kept her there a moment." MC "\"Gwock!\"" ClD "\"Keep it here. {w}Just like that, yes.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve "As Clark released the pressure on her head, Myriam started to move again, slowly guided by him to move back and forth on his shaft with her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock!\"" ClD "\"That's it, yes, suck it!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 053b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve "Slowly accelerating her movements to match his reaction and the presses he gave her, Myriam kept sucking him thoroughly." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock!\"" ClD "\"Faster, yes!\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 052b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 054b with dissolve "As he was now making her deepthroat him faster and faster, Myriam could feel his cock getting harder and bigger, ready to explode." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClD "\"Keep going like that! {w}Don't stop!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_bathroom_finish:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "I want to taste his cum.:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 055 with dissolve "Keeping him in her mouth as he was about to cum, Myriam did not let go of his cock as he was trying to pull out." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}You want it in your mouth, then swallow it all!\"" "As he grunted his pleasure, Myriam felt his thick cum gushing in her mouth and her throat." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" "Doing as he said, Myriam swallowed every last drop of cum he poured in her mouth." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 057a with dissolve "As Clark was putting his cock back in his pants, Myriam sat down, stunned as what she just did was finally hitting her." ClD "\"Here's your phone. {w}With that, you should have everything you need to piss him off.\"" MC "\"...\"" "But Myriam stayed silent, slowly realizing what she did." ClD "\"I must go back now, before they ask themselves where I am. {w}If you need me, I added my number in your phone.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 058a with dissolve "Getting up as Clark left her there, she stayed a moment in silence, her mind still hazy about everything that happened." "Not sure if anything that just happened was real or just a bad dream, it took her some time to shake off the feeling." MC "{i}What did ah just do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bathroom_finish_end" KN_MOD "I want his cum on my face.:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056a with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056c with dissolve "Grabbing his cock, Myriam pulled it out of her mouth and started finishing him off over her face." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}Yes, that's it, cover your face with my cum!\"" "As he grunted his pleasure, Myriam felt his thick cum come crashing all over her face, load after load." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp! {w}Thank you.\"" "Swallowing the last few drops of cum that came flying into her mouth, Myriam thanked him as Anthony always made her do." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 057b with dissolve "As Clark was putting his cock back in his pants, Myriam sat down, stunned as what she just did was finally hitting her." ClD "\"Here's your phone. {w}With that, you should have everything you need to piss him off.\"" MC "\"...\"" "But Myriam stayed silent, slowly realizing what she did." ClD "\"I must go back now, before they ask themselves where I am. {w}If you need me, I added my number in your phone.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 058b with dissolve "Getting up as Clark left her there, she stayed a moment in silence, her mind still hazy about everything that happened." "Not sure if anything that just happened was real or just a bad dream, it took her some time to shake off the feeling." MC "{i}What did ah just do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bathroom_finish_end" KN_MOD "Let him do as he wish.:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056a with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056b with dissolve scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 056c with dissolve ClD "\"Quick! {w}Take my cock out and cover your face with my cum!\"" "Doing as he asked, Myriam grabbed his cock, and pulled it out of her mouth to finish him off all over her face." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}Yes, that's it, cover your face with my cum!\"" "As he grunted his pleasure, Myriam felt his thick cum come crashing all over her face, load after load." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp! {w}Thank you.\"" "Swallowing the last few drops of cum that came flying into her mouth, Myriam thanked him as Anthony always made her do." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 057b with dissolve "As Clark was putting his cock back in his pants, Myriam sat down, stunned as what she just did was finally hitting her." ClD "\"Here's your phone. {w}With that, you should have everything you need to piss him off.\"" MC "\"...\"" "But Myriam stayed silent, slowly realizing what she did." ClD "\"I must go back now, before they ask themselves where I am. {w}If you need me, I added my number in your phone.\"" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 058b with dissolve "Getting up as Clark left her there, she stayed a moment in silence, her mind still hazy about everything that happened." "Not sure if anything that just happened was real or just a bad dream, it took her some time to shake off the feeling." MC "{i}What did ah just do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bathroom_finish_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_bathroom_finish_end:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 059 with dissolve "Stopping at the washbasins to clean herself after dressing up again, Myriam paused again for a moment, incapable of looking at herself in the mirror." MC "{i}What did you do Myriam? {w}What did you do?{/i}" MC "{i}You just sucked another man's cock in a public bathroom...{/i}" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 060a with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam went towards the entrance of the building, the silence only broken by the click of her heels on the marble of the ground." "Guard" "\"Have a good day ma'am.\"" MC "\"...\"" "She was so focused on what just happened with Anthony and Clark that Myriam did not even hear the security guard saying goodbye to her." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 061 with dissolve "Leaving the building behind her, Myriam decided to have a walk, she needed to clear her head before going home." MC "{i}Ah should go walk for a bit... {w}Ah need to go clear my head.{/i}" MC "{i}My god! What am ah going to do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bobo_the_hobo" KN_MOD "label ch1_no_cheating:" scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 060b with dissolve "Leaving Clark, Myriam went toward the entrance of the building, the silence only broken by the sound of her heels on the marble of the ground." "Guard" "\"Have a good day ma'am.\"" MC "\"...\"" "She was so focused on what just happened with Anthony that Myriam did not even hear the security guard saying goodbye to her." scene bg ch1_09 theoffice 061 with dissolve "Leaving the building behind her, Myriam decided to have a walk, she needed to clear her head before going home." MC "{i}I should go walk for a bit... {w}Ah need to go clear my head.{/i}" MC "{i}My god! What am ah going to do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_bobo_the_hobo" KN_MOD "label ch1_bobo_the_hobo:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n Bobo the Hobo" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 001 with dissolve "Sitting down after having walked for a long time, Myriam finally stopped at a bench in a park." MC "{i}Damn, my feet are killing me. {w}Those heels are gorgeous, but they clearly aren't made to walk long.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's take a little break, I am drained. {w}But at least I've walked off those drinks from the spa, my Texas drawl is finally gone.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 002 with dissolve "Massaging her neck knotted with tension, Myriam kept rehashing the events from earlier." MC "{i}Damn, I'm so tense now.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't understand. {w}How could he do this? {w}Was she his secretary? A colleague?{/i}" MC "{i}And she seemed so young... {w}Maybe that's why... {w}Maybe he thinks I'm too old now...{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 003 with dissolve "As she was starting to think again about what she witnessed, her tears started to fall again." MC "{i}Are there others? {w}Is this even the first time? {w}That bastard!{/i}" MC "{i}And the kids!? {w}I can't tell them, it will hurt them too.{/i}" MC "{i}I have to talk to him before they come home, I don't want them to witness us screaming at each other. {w}I should ask Eve to take them with her for a few days.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 004 with dissolve "No longer able to keep her tears from flowing as she was starting to think of her children, Myriam had to hold herself from screaming." MC "{i}My god! The kids, I don't even know how I'm going to tell them if... {w}If we separate.{/i}" MC "{i}Everything is so screwed up now.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == True:" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 005 with dissolve MC "{i}And I can't believe what I did with that man... {w}Clark, was it?{/i}" MC "{i}Did I really give another man a blowjob... {w}Was it the alcohol at the spa?{/i}" MC "{i}My god! I'm so ashamed of myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark == True:" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 005 with dissolve MC "{i}And I can't believe what I did with that man... {w}Clark, was it?{/i}" MC "{i}Did I really let him take photos of me naked... {w}Was it the alcohol at the spa?{/i}" MC "{i}My god! I'm so ashamed of myself.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 006 with dissolve "As Myriam was starting to cry again, her mind taken by everything that happened, she was suddenly surprised by a gravelly voice." "Hobo" "\"Hey Girly!{w}Why the waterworks? {w}'day's pretty sunny.\"" MC "\"Sob! Sorry?\"" "Hobo" "\"How come a pretty angel like you is crying?\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 007 with dissolve "Trying her best to get a hold of herself, Myriam answered the strange old man as friendly as she could." MC "\"Thank you, I'm alright, everything's ok.\"" "Hobo" "\"Sure? {w}Well let old Bobo give you some wisdom anyway.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 008 with dissolve Bo "\"Betwixt two squirrels, it's always the one who drop the nuts that won't get eaten by the cat.\"" MC "\"Sorry, what?\"" Bo "\"Better leave your worries behind before they get you down. {w}You're too sweet an angel to let life beat you.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 009 with dissolve "Touched by the kindness of this strange homeless man, Myriam smiled back at him." MC "\"I'll be fine, thank you for your kindness.\"" Bo "\"Meh! All in a day's work Girly. {w}All in a day's work.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 010 with dissolve "And as strange and unexpected as this meeting was, the homeless man went away while humming and pushing his shopping cart." MC "{i}What an odd and kind man...{/i}" "Myriam followed him with her eyes as he went away, feeling strangely calm after this peculiar encounter." scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 011 with dissolve "Watching him disappear into an overpass of the park, Myriam went back to her problems with a new resolve." MC "{i}But he's right, crying over this situation won't help me solve it. {w}What I need, is actions.{/i}" MC "{i}First, stop the tears.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 012 with dissolve MC "{i}Second, send a message to Eve and the kids.{/i}" "Myriam took out her phone and started writing to Eve and her children." MC "{i}Hey Eve! Could you take the kids with you for a few days? I have some things to take care of with Anthony. Do not worry, I will call you later to talk about it.{/i}" MC "{i}Here's for Eve, now the kids... {w}I don't want to upset them, but they'll sense that something is wrong anyway. {w}Better text Katherine, she's more level headed.{/i}" MC "{i}Kathy, sweetie, Anthony and I have some important things to discuss. Eve will take you in with Marc for a day or two. Don't worry, everything will be alright, I'll call you tonight. Love you both.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 013 with dissolve "Laying back, sighing at the weight of what was coming next, Myriam looked at the sky, taking in the calm of the scene." MC "{i}Sigh! And third... {w}\"The talk\"...{/i}" MC "{i}My god! It's really happening.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 014 with dissolve "Enjoying the peace and quiet of the park, Myriam was suddenly torn out of her serenity by noises and screams." "Turning her head toward the source, it seemed to come from where the homeless man, Bobo, went." MC "{i}What's going on?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_go_take_a_look:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Maybe I should go see.:" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 015 with dissolve MC "{i}I should go look, maybe the old homeless man needs some help.{/i}" MC "{i}He was so nice, that's the least I can do.{/i}" "Putting her phone away and grabbing her bag, Myriam put her worry behind her and got up to investigate." scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 016 with dissolve "Getting near the overpass' stairs, Myriam started to hear voices coming from inside." "Voice 1" "\"What you got there you dirty bum!\"" "Voice 2" "\"The fucker dirtied my shoes with his puke!\"" "Voice 3" "\"Take that you fucking tramp!\"" Bo "\"Argh! Cough, cough!\"" "As the voices kept going she could hear the sounds of someone getting kicked and beaten." KN_MOD "menu ch1_go_down_the_underpass:" "Does Myriam go down the underpass?" KN_MOD "Its too dangerous, I should get away and call the police.:" $ ch1_called_the_cops = True $ ch1_help_bobo = False scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 019 with dissolve "Taking her phone out while staying vigilant, Myriam called 911." "Operator" "\"Nine-one-one operator. What is your emergency?\"" MC "\"I think someone is getting beaten by a group of people.\"" "Operator" "\"Where are you?\"" MC "\"In the Central Park, near an underpass.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 020 with dissolve "Operator" "\"Are you safe?\"" MC "\"Yes, I am at the entrance, I can't see what is happening but I can hear.\"" "Operator" "\"Do not approach ma'am, get away from the scene.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Operator" "\"What is your name?\"" MC "\"Myriam. {w}Myriam Summers.\"" "Operator" "\"Ok, do not worry Myriam, officers are on their way.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 021 with dissolve "Following the operator's instructions, Myriam got away from the scene and went back toward the entrance of the park." "Having given the operator more details and her contact information, Myriam finally hung up, hearing police sirens approaching." MC "{i}That was scary. {w}Whoever it was, I hope the cops arrive in time.{/i}" MC "{i}But I feel so guilty... {w}Maybe I could have gone down to help.{/i}" MC "{i}No! {w}You did the right thing, you could have ended up raped or worse.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's go home. {w}You have your own problems to clear up Mi.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk" KN_MOD "I cant let people hurt that nice man.:" $ ch1_called_the_cops = False $ ch1_help_bobo = True scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 022 with dissolve "Fearing that the old homeless man was getting beaten up, Myriam took out the pepper spray she had in her bag and started going down the stairs." MC "{i}Note to self... {w}Thank your daughter again for making you take that pepper spray.{/i}" "Voice 1" "\"Give us your fucking money! You piece of shit!\"" MC "{i}What are you thinking Myriam!! {w}Go back!{/i}" "Voice 2" "\"Eat that asshole!\"" Bo "\"Argh! Cough cough!\"" MC "{i}No you can't! {w}If it was you in his place, you would want people to help you.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_underpass" KN_MOD "I dont have the time for this, I should go home.:" $ ch1_called_the_cops = False $ ch1_help_bobo = False scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 017 with dissolve MC "{i}I should go home, there's things to do before Anthony come home.{/i}" "Putting her phone away and grabbing her bag, Myriam put this last disturbance away from her mind and started to think again on what was waiting for her." MC "{i}No turning back now, I just have to go home.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 018 with dissolve "Taking the path out of the park, Myriam left the disturbance behind her, set on going home to confront her cheating partner." MC "{i}Courage Mi! You have to do this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_underpass:" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 023 with dissolve "Getting to the bottom of the stairs, Myriam could see three teenagers beating on a half naked old homeless man." "Teenager 3" "\"Stay down old fuck!\"" Bo "\"Argh! Cough cough!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! They stripped him and are beating on him!{/i}" "Teenager 1" "\"If you want to stay here, you have to pay.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 024 with dissolve "Armed with only her pepper spray in one hand and her phone in the other, Myriam put her hesitation aside and advanced toward the scene." MC "{i}I won't let them harm that poor man anymore.{/i}" MC "\"Stop that now! {w}I already called the police, you better leave that poor man alone.\"" "Teenager 3" "\"What the fuck!?\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 025 with dissolve "As she approached slowly, one of the teenager interposed himself with an agressive attitude." "Teenager 1" "\"What d'you want bitch? {w}Want to suck some dick?\"" MC "\"Get away you little punk or I'll mace you!\"" "But Myriam did not let herself be intimidated, pissed off by the assault on the old man." "Teenager 1" "\"I'm going to fuck you up then fuck you bitch!\"" MC "\"Oh! Really?\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 026 with dissolve "As the boy kept approaching her, Myriam maced him, stopping him in his tracks, while the others started running." "Teenager 1" "\"Argh! You bitch, my eyes!\"" "Teenager 3" "\"Fuck, this bitch is crazy, come on guys!\"" "Teenager 2" "\"Come on you dumb fuck! {w}I don't want to get caught by the cops for that fucking hobo and this bitch.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 027 with dissolve "Backing off, the kid still blurted some last threats at Myriam before following his friends." "Teenager 1" "\"Fuck! I'll make you regret that bitch! {w}Next time I'll see you, I'll rape your fucking ass and face.\"" MC "\"Get! Before I mace you again.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 028 with dissolve "Waiting for them to finally disappear, Myriam squatted to see if the old man was feeling ok." MC "{i}The poor man, they really did a number on him. {w}He's all beaten up.{/i}" MC "\"Are you ok? {w}Bobo; was it?\"" Bo "\"Urgh! Grumble...\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 029 with dissolve "Lifting his head, Bobo reassured Myriam with a weak voice." Bo "\"M'kay! {w}I'm okay Girly. {w}It take more than that to take down Bobo.\"" MC "{i}They even took his clothes those animals.{/i}" MC "\"Are you sure?\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 030 with dissolve "Bobo hurting all over, covered in bruises, Myriam helped him sit down against the wall." MC "\"Here, rest a moment.\"" Bo "\"Ouch! {w}Thanks Girly.\"" MC "\"Is your head ok? {w}Do you want me to call 911?\"" Bo "\"No no, I'm ok Girly. {w}I'm ok, no hospitals for Bobo.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 031 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure?\"" Bo "\"Yeah, no hospitals... {w}They'll send Bobo back...\"" MC "\"What?\"" Bo "\"Nothing Girly, nothing.\"" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 032 with dissolve "Looking down to see how bad the damage was while trying to ignore the \"thing\" touching her foot, Myriam could see he was covered in bruises." MC "\"Let me at least get you some clothes. {w}Or you'll catch a cold... {w}Or get into trouble.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_help_bobo:" "What does Myriam take the time to do for Bobo?" KN_MOD "I should go get him some warm clothes.:" $ ch1_take_your_time = False scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 033 with dissolve "Getting up determined, Myriam reassured the poor Bobo." MC "\"Stay here! {w}I'll go get you some clothes, you can't stay like this.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A short time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump ch1_help_bobo_end" KN_MOD "I should go get him some warm clothes and some food.:" $ ch1_take_your_time = True scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 033 with dissolve "Getting up determined, Myriam reassured the poor Bobo." MC "\"Stay here! {w}I'll go get you some clothes, you can't stay like this.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later... \n ..." with Pause(4) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump ch1_help_bobo_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_help_bobo_end:" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 034 with dissolve "Coming back to the overpass, Myriam found Bobo asleep where she had left him. Crouching down, she checked on him to see how he was doing." MC "{i}The poor thing is sleeping. {w}After what he went through, I should leave him be.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's leave what I brought in his cardboard box, he'll find everything later.{/i}" scene bg ch1_10 bobothehobo 035 with dissolve MC "{i}I just hope that those little punks don't come bother him again.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll come check on him later, when I go jogging in the park.{/i}" MC "{i}For now you have your own problems to deal with.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_talk:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One \n The Talk" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 001 with dissolve "Finally returning home, Myriam could already feel the weight of what was waiting for her." MC "{i}Here we are. {w}Finally home...{/i}" "Every step towards the door filled Myriam with dread, each bringing her closer and closer to the point of no return." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 002 with dissolve "Even in front of the door, Myriam could not bring herself to open it, waiting in front of it with her heart getting tighter as time passed." MC "{i}Courage Mi...{/i}" "But even as she tried to motivate herself, Myriam's hand stayed frozen, incapable of reaching for the handle." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 003 with dissolve "Breaking down, Myriam crumbled into herself, her tears starting to flow again." MC "\"Sob sob!\"" MC "{i}My god! I can't... {w}I can't go in.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_take_your_time == True:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = False $ ch1_talked_to_william = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 004 with dissolve "Staying like this for a moment, crying, Myriam finally looked up again, trying to put her heartache behind her." MC "\"Sob!\"" MC "{i}Stop it Mi, it won't help. {w}You have to do it.{/i}" MC "{i}Get up and open that door.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 005 with dissolve "Finally finding the courage to open the door, Myriam entered her home, still anxious, as if she was stepping into the unkown." MC "{i}You did it! {w}Now, no turning back.{/i}" MC "{i}Go in and wait for him to get back from the office.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 006 with dissolve "Putting down her bags as she came in, Myriam went up to her room." MC "{i}But first, a shower. {w}I need to relax before Anthony get home.{/i}" MC "{i}And put on something confortable.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch1_talked_to_william = True scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 007 with dissolve WiK "\"Is everything ok Ms Summers?\"" "Suddenly hearing a voice behind her, Myriam turned around as a hand gently touched her shoulder." MC "\"Will... {w}William!?\"" WiK "\"Are you ok Ms Summers?\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 008 with dissolve "As she saw the compassion in the young man's eyes, Myriam turned hers away, her tears starting to well up again." MC "\"Sob, sob!\"" "But as the tears started flowing again, no words could come out of Myriam." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 009 with dissolve "Helping her get up as all her strength was drained from her, William got close to Myriam." WiK "\"Let me help you go inside.\"" MC "\"Sob!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_william" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_talk_william:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 010 with dissolve "Helping her walk through the house, William guided her to the livingroom." WiK "\"Here, sit down Ms Summers, and tell me what happen.\"" MC "\"Sob! {w}Thank you.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 011 with dissolve WiK "\"What happened Ms Summers? {w}Are you ok?\"" MC "\"It's... {w}It's nothing, don't worry.\"" "Trying to contain her tears, Myriam avoided answering the young man." WiK "\"Ms Summers, you can talk to me. {w}Or maybe you want me to call someone for you?\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 012 with dissolve MC "\"No, don't. {w}Please.\"" "Grabbing his hand, Myriam stopped him in his tracks." WiK "\"Did someone hurt you Ms Summers?\"" "Worried, William tried to keep a smile on his face to not add to her distress." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 013 with dissolve MC "\"No!\"" WiK "\"Well that's good.\"" MC "\"Not like you think.\"" "Averting her eyes, incapable of meeting his gaze, Myriam started to talk." MC "\"It's my...\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 014 with dissolve "As she started to talk, William stopped pushing and let her free herself from her burden." MC "\"I... {w}I caught my man with another woman.\"" MC "\"I went to his office for lunch and saw him there.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 015 with dissolve WiK "\"I'm so sorry to hear that Ms Summers. {w}I know you don't deserve that.\"" MC "\"Are you sure? {w}Maybe I did something...\"" WiK "\"What!? {w}No! {w}Of course not.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 016 with dissolve "Starting to cry again, Myriam snuggled against William for comfort, as he stroked her hair and tried to reassure her." WiK "\"You're a good person Ms Summers. {w}We haven't know each other long, but I can tell.\"" MC "\"Sob, sob!\"" WiK "\"When you met my mom this morning, you stayed nice to her despite her condition, and you helped me out by making her stay home.\"" MC "\"Sob, sob!\"" WiK "\"Most people would have just despised her and walked away. {w}But you stayed and you were nice to me.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 017 with dissolve WiK "\"I know that somebody nice, gentle and... {w}And beautiful as you, doesn't deserve to be treated that way.\"" MC "\"Sob!\"" "Her sobbing was getting weaker and weaker as William kept petting her and talking to her gently." WiK "\"Someone like you only deserves love.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 018 with dissolve "Pushing her gently to look into her eyes, William grabbed Myriam by the shoulders." WiK "\"Yes! {w}Of course.\"" MC "\"Love?\"" WiK "\"Love.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 019 with dissolve "Taken in by the flow of emotions and the gentleness of William, Myriam suddenly kissed him, letting her need for love take her over." "Absorbed as well by the flow of emotions and the sensation of Myriam's lips on his, William quickly kissed her back." "For him it was like a dream come true, being kissed by this gorgeous woman." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 020 with dissolve "But as a sudden spark of lucidity hit him, William took all the willpower he had left to stop himself." WiK "\"Wait, we shouldn't. {w}You're hurt, you're not yourself right now.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_kissing_william:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Hes right.:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 021 with dissolve "Taking back the reins of her emotions, Myriam looked away, embarrassed by what she just did." MC "\"You're right. {w}I'm sorry, I should never have done that.\"" MC "\"I don't know what got over me.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 022 with dissolve WiK "\"It's alright.\"" WiK "\"It's not like I minded being kissed by a woman as beautiful as you.\"" MC "\"Aaah! Please stop, I'm so ashamed of myself.\"" "Panicking at the compliment, Myriam realized she just kissed a young man nearly half her age." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 023 with dissolve "Getting up suddenly as if she had caught fire, Myriam took William by the arm and pulled him towards the door." MC "\"Let me get you to the door William. {w}I wouldn't want to keep you any longer.\"" MC "\"Thank you for listening to me.\"" WiK "\"You... {w}You're welcome.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 024 with dissolve "As she pushed William outside, Myriam calmed down, stopping before closing the door." MC "\"Please. {w}Keep our conversation to yourself, I didn't talk to the kids about this yet.\"" WiK "\"Yes, of course.\"" MC "\"Goodbye William.\"" WiK "\"Goodbye Ms Summers.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "I need it.:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 025 with dissolve "Silencing him with her lips, Myriam kissed him again, even more passionately than before, as if she needed to satisfy a deep hunger." "Swept by the passion of Myriam, William quickly let go of all resistance, giving reins to his feeling of love and lust for her." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 026 with dissolve "As the kiss went on, their hands started to get more daring and the kiss more passionate." "Myriam's mind had been taken over by a deep need for affection and love, fed by William's gentleness and innocence." WiK "{i}She... {w}She's touching my thigh.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 027 with dissolve "Overtaken by Myriam's passion, William could not help but start to get excited." "His hand slowly moving down to her breasts, his cock kept growing larger and harder in his pants as her hand kept caressing his thigh." WiK "{i}Damn! {w}I can't take it anymore, I need to feel her.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 028 with dissolve "As William grabbed her breast, Myriam started to caress his groin, feeling the hard bulge in his pants." "She could feel him getting bigger and bigger as she caressed him, ready to burst out of his pants." WiK "{i}Her breasts are so soft, it's incredible.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 029 with dissolve "As both kept caressing each other, William suddenly stopped kissing Myriam." WiK "\"You're so beautiful. {w}I don't understand how anybody couldn't love you.\"" MC "\"You would?\"" WiK "\"I do. {w}Since I first saw you. {w}I never saw someone as beautiful as you.\"" MC "{i}My god! He's so sweet. {w}I need this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_blowjob" KN_MOD "label ch1_william_blowjob:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 030 with dissolve MC "\"Lie back and let me take care of you.\"" "Pushing William in the couch, Myriam opened his pants and took his cock out, gasping in surprise at its size." MC "\"My! What a big boy you are. {w}I hope I can fit it in my mouth.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 031 with dissolve "Laying on him, Myriam pinned him down taking his cock in her mouth and started to suck on it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" "Anthony and the hurt he caused her was out of her mind right now, all that was left was this deep need for love and connection." WiK "{i}My god! This is so good.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 032 with dissolve "Wanting to give him her best, Myriam tried to take him deep in her throat despite his size, slowly swallowing his cock more and more." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Gwock!\"" "As she always did with Anthony, she was going to give her all to this kid for giving her all the love and affection she needed." WiK "{i}This is even better than I ever imagined.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 033 with dissolve "Taking him deeper and deeper, Myriam's throat was wrapping itself around William's cock as it was slowly accepting it." "Relaxing her throat to the maximum to accommodate his size, Myriam couldn't even breathe through her nose now, starting to choke on his cock, but still, she kept pushing." MC "\"Gwock!\"" WiK "{i}I can't believe it, she's deepthroating me.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 034 with dissolve "And finally, here she was, nose to his balls with his cock deep down her throat, eyes tearing up, but his cock fully swallowed." "Choking on it, she still stayed there, trying to keep him deep in her throat as long as she could, coughing and crying at the effort." MC "\"Gwock!\"" WiK "{i}God! She really took it all.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 035 with dissolve "Finally pulling his cock out, Myriam kept the tip in her mouth, sucking on it thoroughly as she used her tongue to massage it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" "Feeling he was already near his limits, she started massaging his balls, as he was grunting his pleasure." WiK "\"God, that's so good.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 036 with dissolve "Quickly swallowing his cock back, Myriam started to go up and down mercilessly, accelerating again and again as she kept caressing his balls." "All while poor William was trying to resist his pleasure in order to enjoy the feeling of his first blowjob as long as possible." WiK "{i}It's incredible, she's going to make me go crazy!{/i}" WiK "\"Stop! {w}I'm going to...\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 037 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Not letting go, Myriam kept going until finally, she felt his warm and thick cum gushing in her throat and mouth, cumming load after load in such a large quantity that she couldn't even swallow it all." WiK "\"Arh! God!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 038 with dissolve "Turning back to him, Myriam smiled at the blissful William, happy at her own performance with such a big tool." MC "\"Did you enjoy it?\"" WiK "\"It... {w}It was incredible... {w}Thanks.\"" MC "\"You deserved it.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 039 with dissolve "As he leaned in to kiss her, Myriam stopped him in his tracks, panicked." MC "\"Wait! {w}I just swallowed your cum.\"" "It was a reflex for her, Anthony never liked when she tried kissing him after performing fellatio." WiK "\"I don't care. {w}You're so beautiful.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 040 with dissolve "Touched again by William's sweetness, Myriam let him kiss her like he wanted, letting him lead and assert himself." "Leaning in again, he kissed her like before, but this time with more confidence and assurance, even grabbing her butt." WiK "{i}Wow! Her butt feels great also.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 041 with dissolve "Lifting her skirt, William grabbed her ass directly, caressing it while he kept kissing her and she kept caressing his cock." "Feeling his young cock already getting hard again, she could feel herself getting more and more excited, already wet from the fellation she gave him." "Again, she could feel the void left by Anthony getting filled by the passion and gentleness of William and she knew that if they kept going, more was going to happen." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 042 with dissolve "As they kept kissing, and Myriam kept caressing him, William kept getting more and more adventurous, daring his fingers to her pussy and asshole, feeling how excited she was." WiK "{i}Wow! She's so wet.{/i}" "Myriam was so intoxicated with desire and warmth, melting under his touch, that all she could do was moaning as she felt his fingers sliding into her." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is going to drive me crazy.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_getting_further:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "I better stop things here:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = False $ ch1_sex_with_william = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 043 with dissolve "Stopping him, Myriam gave one last effort to control herself and prevent things from getting even more out of hand." MC "\"Stop! {w}We need to stop.\"" WiK "\"Why? {w}Did I do something wrong?\"" MC "\"No! {w}I'm sorry, it's me, I should never have allowed things to go this far, William.\"" MC "\"I was confused and let things go out of hand. {w}I'm so sorry William.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 044 with dissolve "Frustrated and with a cock as hard as a rock again, William still managed to behave himself and backed off as Myriam wanted." WiK "\"I... {w}I understand\"" MC "\"You know you're such an incredible young man.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 045 with dissolve WiK "\"Why?\"" MC "\"Because you're sweet, caring and understanding.\"" MC "{i}...and you have such an incredible cock.{/i}" "Keeping that last part to herself to not confuse him anymore than she already did, Myriam could still not stop herself from looking at it one last time." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 023 with dissolve "Still embarrassed, Myriam grabbed William by the arm after he put his clothes back on and pulled him toward the front door." MC "\"Come, you better go before Anthony gets back. {w}Things are already complicated enough.\"" WiK "\"Yes, I understand.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 024 with dissolve "As she pushed William outside, Myriam calmed down, stopping before closing the door." MC "\"Please. {w}Keep everything that happened to yourself, I... {w}I need to get things in order.\"" WiK "\"Yes, of course. {w}Do not worry.\"" MC "\"Goodbye William.\"" WiK "\"Goodbye Ms Summers.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "I need his cock. (Lust Trait 25+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 25:" $ ch1_sex_with_william = True scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 046 with dissolve "With his finger playing with her wet pussy and her ass, his tongue down her throat and his cock in her hand, Myriam was intoxicated." "Her mind now only focused on her need for love, passion and William's cock." MC "{i}I can't take it anymore, I need him. {w}I need to feel him inside me. {w}I need his cock.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 047 with dissolve "Suddenly getting up to take off her dress and panties while William took off the rest of his clothes, Myriam finally stood in front of him, naked." MC "\"Do you love me?\"" WiK "\"Yes. {w}I love you.\"" MC "\"Do you want to make love to me?\"" WiK "\"Yes! Please.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_sex" KN_MOD "label ch1_william_sex:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 048 with dissolve "Getting back on the couch, Myriam invited him to follow after she took position, but as he was getting on top of her, ready to penetrate her, she stopped him with worry on her face." MC "\"Please, say it again. {w}Say you love me.\"" WiK "\"I love you.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 049 with dissolve "Bending over to kiss her, William pushed his cock into her as he did, slowly sliding it deep in her pussy as he kissed her passionately." WiK "{i}She feels incredible. {w}Her pussy is wrapping around my cock.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmmh!.\"" "Her moans kept quiet by his lips, Myriam could feel how big he was, filling and stretching her pussy like Anthony never did before." MC "{i}God! He's so big!{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve "Pulling out, William started to move again, going back and forth in her pussy as Myriam kept moaning her pleasure and motivating him." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes, yes! {w}Mmmh! You're so big!\"" "William was certainly a lot bigger than Anthony, but he also did all he could to give her pleasure, following her every reaction and moan." WiK "{i}I hope she likes it. {w}She's so beautiful... so sexy.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve WiK "\"Is that good?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, yes! {w}Mmh! Keep going! {w}Make love to me!\"" "Accelerating his movements, William kept following her lead and pleasure, feeling galvanized by being able to make this woman scream in pleasure." WiK "{i}This feels so good and she's loving it.{/i}" "And as he kept going, Myriam could feel an orgasm coming, her body starting to get hotter and hotter as her sensitivity started to heighten." MC "\"Mmmh! Keep going! {w}I am going to cum!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050c with dissolve "Doing as Myriam said, William kept going, accelerating the cadence of his movements as he felt her pussy tightening around his cock and her body starting to shake." "Until finally he felt her body violently trembling as she screamed in pleasure, her body taken by waves of intensity as she orgasmed." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes, yes, YES!!! {w}Oh my god! Your cock feels so good!\"" "And as she came, her pussy squeezing his cock mercilessly, William could feel he was about to come again, the pleasure too great for him to resist any longer." WiK "\"I am about to come too!\"" MC "\"Don't stop! {w}Don't stop! Keep going! {w}Cum inside me!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 050d with dissolve "Giving it all he had left, William kept pumping, as her body kept shaking, overcome with pleasure, until he felt he had reached his limits." WiK "\"Fuck! {w}I'm coming!\"" "Clamping her legs around his waist, Myriam kept him prisoner with her thighs, forcing him to come inside her." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes, yes! {w}Fill me with your cum! {w}Make me yours!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"Arh! Fuck! YES!\"" "As William grunted his pleasure, Myriam could feel his warm cum gushing deep in her pussy, load after load, filling her pussy with his seed." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 051 with dissolve "Breathing heavily, their bodies covered in sweat, they both took a moment to rest, forehead against forehead, eyes locked, and William's cock, still deep inside her." WiK "{i}My god! She's so gorgeous. {w}I can't believe I just made love to this woman.{/i}" WiK "{i}I never saw anyone with eyes like hers. {w}I'm so in love.{/i}" "Looking at each other in silence as they breathed, their sweat rolling all over their body, Myriam could feel William's cock already getting bigger and harder inside her." MC "{i}He's already getting bigger! {w}What are they feeding this kid?{/i}" MC "{i}He's so sweet and passionate...{w}And his big cock feels so good.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 052 with dissolve "Taken by the mood between them, William slowly started to move again, making her moan again as her pussy was still very sensitive." MC "\"Mmmmh! Wait.\"" "Myriam stopped him in his tracks, pushing him away gently." MC "\"Let me change position. {w}I want you to take me from behind.\"" WiK "{i}For real!?{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 053 with dissolve "Turning over, Myriam put her face down while putting her butt high up, pointed toward him, and without hesitation invited him to get right back in and fuck her." MC "\"Come here and fuck me! {w}I want you to fuck me hard with that big cock of yours.\"" WiK "\"Su... {w}Sure!\"" WiK "{i}I don't believe it! {w}She so hot.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 054 with dissolve "Quickly getting behind her after a second of hesitation, William rapidly pushed his cock back in her slippery pussy, still oozing with his cum." MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes! {w}That's it. Make me feel it!\"" WiK "{i}Fuck she really wants it.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve "Doing as she commanded him, William started fucking her, moving back and forth hard and deep, still following her moans and commands." WiK "\"Like that?\"" MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes, yes! {w}Fuck me hard! Pound my pussy!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve "Giving it his all, William started to pound her pussy harder and harder, guided by her screams of pleasure as she kept asking for more." MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes, yes, yes! {w}Keep going harder, harder!\"" WiK "{i}Wow! She really like it hard.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 055c with dissolve "Taken over by another violent orgasm, Myriam screamed in pleasure as her body was wracked by wave after wave of pleasure, making her body shake uncontrollably." MC "\"OOOOH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" WiK "{i}I can't believe she came so fast.{/i}" "Her mind still foggy because of the intense orgasm she just had, Myriam's body kept trembling as William slowed down his pounding to let her recover." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 056 with dissolve "As Myriam was recovering, William kept moving his hips slowly, making her moan softly as he also started to massaging her butt." MC "\"Mmmmh!\"" "Still caressing her ass, William moved his thumb toward her asshole, starting to play with it as he kept moving." MC "{i}He want to play with my ass also. {w}Maybe I can let him do it?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch1_asking_for_anal:" "Does Myriam let him have some anal sex too?" KN_MOD "No, hes too big.:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 057a with dissolve "With Myriam not saying anything as he kept playing with her ass, William pushed his thumb in her asshole, while pushing his cock deep into her pussy." WiK "{i}Looks like she doesn't mind me playing with her ass.{/i}" MC "{i}God! He's too big for my ass, but it feels so good having him play with it while he fucks me. {w}He's going to make me cum again.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_sex_end" KN_MOD "Yes, I want to feel his big cock in my ass.:" $ ch1_anal_with_william = True scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 057b with dissolve "As William kept playing with her ass, clearly interested in fucking it, Myriam asked him directly." MC "\"Do you want to try putting it in my ass?\"" WiK "\"YES! {w}Yes, please.\"" "Without any delay in his fervent answer, Myriam could see how much he wanted it, making her smile at his innocent and youthful lust." MC "{i}Damn! He's so big it's gonna tear my ass, but he deserves it... {w}And I want to feel him so much.{/i}" MC "\"Ok then, but you need to go easy, your... {w}Your dick is very large.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_anal" KN_MOD "label ch1_william_sex_end:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058b with dissolve "Galvanized by her moans, William started to accelerate his moves again while playing with her asshole." WiK "{i}Fuck! I think I won't last long, her pussy is really tightening like crazy with my thumb in her ass.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes, yes! {w}Fuck! You're going to make me cum again!\"" "But he wasn't alone in reaching his limits, with her pussy still sensitive and his finger in her ass, her pleasure started quickly to overcome her." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 058c with dissolve "Over taken by the pleasure they both screamed and moaned as their bodies clashed against each other again and again with a slapping noise." MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes! Yes! YES!! {w}That's so good! {w}I'm cumming again!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"Arh! Fuck! I'm cumming too!\"" "As they both came together, Myriam once again felt his warm cum gushing load after load deep in her pussy while her body was taken by another violent orgasm." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 059a with dissolve "Both short of breath again, they rested a moment, their sweat still rolling down along their bodies, William finally pulling out of Myriam's pussy." "Looking at his cum gushing out of her pussy, William could still not believe it was he who had just made love to that gorgeous woman." WiK "{i}I can't believe I did that. {w}Am I dreaming? {w}I can't believe I just made love to such a goddess.{/i}" "Still reveling in the sensation of pleasure with her body still shivering, Myriam's mind was slowly getting out of the fog it was in." MC "{i}My god! I feel so good... {w}But we should get up, I need to get my head right before Anthony comes home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_kiss_goodbye" KN_MOD "label ch1_william_anal:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 060 with dissolve "Pulling out of her pussy with starry eyes, William climbed up over her to have the best angle, excited to try her ass as well." WiK "{i}Fuck! She's really letting me put it in her ass.{/i}" MC "\"Don't worry, my butt is all clean and ready.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve "Slowly pushing is cock in, the tip finally went in, pulling out a little scream of pain and relief from Myriam." MC "\"Ouch!\"" WiK "\"Sorry, did I hurt you? {w}Do you want me to stop?\"" MC "\"No it's ok, you can keep going. {w}Just go slow for now so that my ass can relax a bit.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve "Following her instruction, William kept pushing his cock slowly into her ass, taking care to not hurting her." WiK "{i}It's incredible how tight her ass is.{/i}" MC "\"Ooh! Mmh!\"" "Concentrated on relaxing herself, Myriam started to feel the pleasure coming with the pain." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve "Now fully in, William stopped for a time, leaving Myriam the time of accomodating herself with his size." WiK "{i}Fuck! Her ass feel so good. {w}I really hope she won't make me stop because I'm too big.{/i}" MC "\"Ooh! Fuck! {w}You're so big!\"" "Taking some deep breaths to relax herself, Myriam gave him the ok to start moving again." MC "\"Ooh! Go! You can move again.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve "Slowly moving back and forth, William started to fuck her ass, following again the reaction of Myriam." MC "\"Mmh! Ooh! You're killing me!\"" WiK "\"Do you want me to stop?\"" MC "\"Mmh! No! {w}It hurts a little, but it hurts good. {w}You can go faster.\"" WiK "{i}Thank god! This is so fucking hot, I don't know if I could stop myself.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve "Starting again, William accelerated the cadence of his thrusts as Myriam asked him." "He was so excited by fucking her in the ass, that Myriam could still feel him getting even harder and bigger than before." MC "\"Mmh! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! {w}Yes! Harder! Make me feel it!\"" "Myriam was overcome by the mix of pain and pleasure she was feeling, he was really starting to drive her crazy." WiK "{i}Fuck! I can't take it anymore!{/i}" WiK "\"Sorry! I... {w}I can't resist anymore.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve "Incapable of resisting the lust in Myriam's screams of pleasure and his own anymore, William grabbed her hips firmly and started to pound her ass hard." MC "\"Aaah! Yes, yes, YES!! {w}Wreck my ass!\"" "As she was reaching another violent orgasm, William could feel her ass tightening around his cock, increasing his own pleasure as he kept accelerating his relentless pounding." WiK "{i}Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! {w}She's killing me!{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061d with dissolve "Pounding her ass hard and harder, William pushed Myriam into a new violent orgasm, making her scream loudly as waves of pleasure came crashing all over her body." MC "\"AAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! {w}YEEEEEESSSS!!!\"" "As Myriam climaxed, William kept pounding her ass without mercy, leaving her no time to recover, surfing on her waves of pleasure he kept pushing her into a series of orgasm one after the other." MC "\"AAAAH! YES! YESH!! YEESSSHHHH!!!\"" "The pleasure was so overwhelming that Myriam was slurring her words, her mind in such a haze that she could barely think anymore." WiK "\"I'm going to cum too!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061c with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 061e with dissolve "Reaching his limits too as he kept relentlessly pounding the ass of the still hazy Myriam, who was moaning incoherently as her body kept quivering in pleasure." MC "\"Mmmmhh! Yeshh!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"ARH! FUCK HERE I COME!\"" "Grunting and screaming loudly as he came, Myriam felt the warm cum gushing in her ass load after load as he delivered a few final violent thrusts in her ass." MC "\"Mmmmhh! Ooohh! Yeshh!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 059b with dissolve "Both short of breath again, they fell down, resting a moment, their sweat still rolling down their bodies, William finally pulling out of Myriam's ass." "Looking at his cum gushing out of her ass and pussy, William could still not believe it was he who had just made love to that gorgeous woman." WiK "{i}I can't believe I did that. {w}Am I dreaming? {w}I can't believe I just made love to such a goddess.{/i}" "Still reveling in the sensation of pleasure with her body still shivering, Myriam's mind was slowly getting out of the fog it was in." MC "{i}My god! I feel so good... {w}I've never cum so much... {w}Never had multiple orgams before.{/i}" MC "{i}But we should get up, I need to get my head right before Anthony comes home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_william_kiss_goodbye" KN_MOD "label ch1_william_kiss_goodbye:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 062 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam invited William to follow suit and put their clothes back on." MC "\"We must get dressed, I have to get ready.\"" "His mind still elsewhere, William took a few seconds to shake off the fog of pleasure" WiK "\"Ye... {w}Yes, I understand.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 023 with dissolve "After they had both put their clothes back on, Myriam seized William by the arm and pulled him toward the front door, starting to feel a bit embarrassed." MC "\"Come, you better go before Anthony comes back. {w}Things are already complicated enough.\"" WiK "\"Yes, of course.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 024 with dissolve "As she pushed William outside, Myriam calmed down, stopping before closing the door." MC "\"Please. {w}Keep everything that happened to yourself, I... {w}I need to get things in order.\"" WiK "\"Of course, don't worry. {w}Goodbye Ms Summers. {w}Love you.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_william_goodbye:" "How does Myriam answer to his last words?" KN_MOD "Just say goodbye.:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = False MC "\"Goodbye William and thank you.\"" WiK "\"No, it's me.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "Just say goodbye and kiss him on the cheek.:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 063 with dissolve MC "\"Muah! {w}Goodbye William and thank you.\"" WiK "\"No, it's me.\"" "Kissing him gently on the cheek, Myriam thanked him for the comfort he gave her, before saying goodbye to him." KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "Say it also and kiss him on the lips.:" $ ch1_said_william_I_love_you = True scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 064 with dissolve MC "\"Muah! {w}Love you too William. {w}Goodbye and thank you.\"" WiK "\"No, it... {w}It's me.\"" "Kissing him softly on the lips, Myriam thanked him for the comfort he gave her, before saying goodbye to him." WiK "{i}Wow! She said it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_the_talk_anthony" KN_MOD "label ch1_the_talk_anthony:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 065 with dissolve "Getting up to the master bedroom, Myriam started to undress, wanting to take a shower before Anthony came home." MC "{i}I need to relax before he comes back. {w}A quick shower will do me good.{/i}" "Finally taking off the high heels her cousin bought her, Myriam already started to feel some relief." MC "{i}They're really nice, but god I'm hurting after hours of walking.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 066 with dissolve "Smelling herself as she undressed, Myriam was taken by the strong smell of sex after her activities with William." MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}I smell like sex so much.{/i}" MC "{i}I really need this shower to wash off all this sweat and cum.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 067 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping into the shower, Myriam started to wash off all the stress of the day, or as best she could with all the events that happened." MC "{i}Mmh! That always feel so good.{/i}" MC "{i}I would stay under all day long if I could.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 068 with dissolve "But she knew that a hard talk was waiting for her after this shower, that she would have to step outside and probably have the worst conversation of her life since the death of her mother when she was young." MC "{i}God! What will happen to us?{/i}" MC "{i}It's at a time like this when I wish you could still be with us mom...{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 069 with dissolve "Taken over by sadness again, she thought of Anthony and her mother, who died in an accident when she was still a child." "Washing away Myriam's tears, the shower could not wash away the sorrow crippling her heart." MC "{i}I miss you so much mom.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 070 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Letting her emotions flow for a few minutes, Myriam finally got out of the shower, having no tears left to cry." MC "{i}Stop it now Myriam! {w}You can't break down now.{/i}" MC "{i}You have to get it together.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 071 with dissolve "Putting on a bathrobe before drying her hair, Myriam tried her best to get a hold of herself." MC "{i}Okay, get a grip Myriam. {w}He shouldn't be much longer.{/i}" "And as she was just thinking about him, the sudden voice of Anthony could be heard over the hair dryer." An "\"MYRIAM!\"" "Or more exactly, his screams." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 072 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam found a visibly pissed Anthony in the bedroom, who without waiting started arguing." An "\"What the fuck is with you today? {w}Do you know the shit storm you put me in?\"" "Pissed at Anthony's accusations, Myriam's blood boiled, pushing her to confront him on the spot." MC "\"What's with me!? {w}Are you joking? {w}I caught you balls deep in some chippy's throat, cheating on me, and I'm the bad guy.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 073 with dissolve An "\"And if you had let me explain I could have told you that it wasn't what you think. {w}Instead of storming off and letting the whole office know.\"" MC "\"Not what I thought! {w}And what was she doing then? Checking your prostate while she sucked on your cock?\"" An "\"She's blackmailing me!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 074 with dissolve "Surpised by the answer, Myriam calmed herself down for a moment, still suspicious of Anthony, but wanting to understand what he was saying." MC "\"What?\"" An "\"That little bitch has been blackmailing me since we arrived.\"" MC "\"What are you talking about?\"" An "\"I made a mistake with a contract and that little bitch has been blackmailing me ever since.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 075 with dissolve MC "\"Are you taking me for a fool? {w}You're telling me she's forcing you to have sex with her?\"" An "\"Yes! {w}She's a fucking freak, she's forcing me to have sex with her everyday.\"" MC "\"Everyday?\"" An "\"Yes! {w}Or she'll get me fired for the loss of the account.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch1_believe_his_bullshit:" "Does Myriam believe his explications?" KN_MOD "Are you fucking kidding me!? if ch1_heard_the_dirty_talk == True or MCtrait[Dominance] >= 5:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 076 with dissolve "Outraged by Anthony's bullshit, Myriam became enraged, advancing toward him pissed off by his lack of respect for her." MC "\"Are you fucking kidding me? {w}You think I'm that stupid?\"" MC "\"Don't lie to me!\"" "Feeling tears welling up, Myriam tried to contain herself, not wanting to cry in front of him or give him the satisfaction." KN_MOD "if ch1_heard_the_dirty_talk == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 077 with dissolve MC "\"That's it you dirty slut, take it deep. Suck that cock.\"" "Pausing a moment she kept going." MC "\"You like it you bitch, choking on my cock.\"" "Repeating the exact words she heard him say through the door of his office, Myriam showed him she was not duped." MC "\"I heard you through the door. {w}You fucking asshole!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_arguing_with_anthony" KN_MOD "My god! Is that true?:" $ ch1_kicked_anthony_out = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 078 with dissolve "Suddenly fearing having judged Anthony too quickly, Myriam let herself think that maybe everything wasn't lost." MC "{i}My god! Is that true? {w}Was he really blackmailed?{/i}" "Even if she was still skeptical, Myriam wanted so much to believe Anthony that she opened the door to hope." MC "\"Really?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_give_anthony_a_chance" KN_MOD "label ch1_arguing_with_anthony:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 079 with dissolve "Backing up at first in front of Myriam's fury, Anthony came charging back." An "\"And who do you think you're talking to here! {w}I'm your man and you'll talk to me with respect!\"" An "\"You can't imagine the shit storm you created at the office. {w}I could get fired over this, and for what?\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 080 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't believe my ears. {w}Did he ever even love me?{/i}" MC "\"For what? I'm asking myself the same question...\"" "Stunned as the realisation that Anthony may not have even ever loved her, Myriam's voice broke, leaving her answer unfinished." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 081 with dissolve "Seeing her calm down and not even picking up at how shocked Myriam was, Anthony kept going." An "\"I've fired that little bitch so people think she's just a liar out for some revenge.\"" "Taking a softer tone, even smooth, Anthony pushed even his luck by asking her for a favor." An "\"But just in case, you should call your Father and make sure he knows that this little slut is just a liar.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 082 with dissolve "Jolted out of her stupor by this new nail he hammered in the coffin of their relationship, Myriam burst into another fit of rage." MC "\"Are you for real? {w}You cheat on me, lie to me and now you want me to save your ass with my father!?\"" MC "\"Get out!\"" An "\"What?\"" "Anthony sounded genuinely surprised at Myriam's answer, seeming even vulnerable for a moment, Myriam could not take it anymore." MC "\"Get out of here now!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 083 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "But Anthony hadn't had the last word, as he suddenly struck Myriam across the face, busting her lip." MC "\"OWW!\"" An "\"I'm your man and you're gonna do exactly as I say! {w}You'd best remember who's the boss here!\"" $ ch1_busted_lips = True KN_MOD "menu ch1_anthonys_abuse:" "How does Myriam react to Anthony's abuse?" KN_MOD "GET OUT!!:" $ ch1_kicked_anthony_out = True scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 084 with dissolve "Jumping up, not even minding her exposed breasts, Myriam saw red, throwing the hair dryer she still had in her hand at Anthony." MC "\"Get out you piece of shit!\"" An "\"OW! {w}Are you crazy you stupid bitch!?\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 085 with dissolve "Not letting Anthony impose himself on her again, Myriam stayed determined and faced him without any doubts in her eyes." MC "\"Get out or I call the cops!\"" An "\"If you think I...\"" MC "\"GET OUT!!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 086 with dissolve "Understanding he would not have his way this time, Anthony finally turned back and got out of the house, leaving Myriam alone." "As she heard him closing the front door, Myriam fell to the ground as her emotions came rushing in, her defenses away." MC "{i}Is it finally over? {w}My god! Our relationship is over...{/i}" MC "{i}What do I do now?{/i}" "Myriam was now alone, having to face the terrible realization that her relationship was over." KN_MOD "jump ch1_chapter1_end" KN_MOD "Im sorry...:" $ ch1_kicked_anthony_out = False scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 087 with dissolve "Shocked by the sudden violent slap from Anthony, Myriam immediately became docile, shaking like a frightened animal." MC "\"So... {w}Sorry.\"" An "\"Oh! Yes you should be. {w}How dare you talk to your man like that you stupid bitch!\"" "Myriam was so shocked and frightened that all her fight disappeared, leaving only a submissive instinct of survival." MC "\"Sorry.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 088 with dissolve "Grabbing her by the hair, Anthony pulled her toward the bed." An "\"Come here!\"" MC "\"Ow!\"" An "\"You're going to show your man how sorry you really are.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_submission" KN_MOD "label ch1_give_anthony_a_chance:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 089 with dissolve "Reaffirming his dominance seeing that Myriam's fury was visibly shaken, Anthony kept pushing his chance." An "\"Of course Honey! {w}Do you think I would ever cheat on you for pleasure? {w}For god sake, I'm your man, who do you think I am?\"" MC "\"No, I... {w}I'm sorry.\"" "Doing a one-eighty, Myriam turned submissive, even starting feeling guilty of ever doubting Anthony." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 090 with dissolve "Hammering on, Anthony kept going as he could see the guilt and doubt in Myriam's eyes." An "\"And now I could lose my job with all this. {w}I fired that little bitch so she would look like an ex-employee looking for blood.\"" An "\"But just in case, you should call your father and make sure he knows that the little slut is just a liar.\"" MC "\"Of course.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 091 with dissolve "Suddenly thinking back to what she just did with William, Myriam was starting to feel ashamed of herself." MC "{i}My god! What did I do? {w}I just cheated on Anthony and I used that poor kid to feel better.{/i}" MC "{i}Or maybe I just wanted to get revenge. {w}I'm so ashamed of myself.{/i}" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 092 with dissolve "Feeling guilty of ever doubting Anthony, Myriam felt her tears starting to roll down." MC "\"I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry to have ever doubted you.\"" An "\"Do you mean that?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm so ashamed of myself. {w}I'll do all I can to repair what I did.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 093 with dissolve An "\"Then come here and show your man how sorry you are.\"" "Anthony pointed to the ground at his feet and Myriam understood what he wanted and got down on her knees in front of him, prepared to take care of him however he chose." MC "{i}I'm such a bad partner, he deserves for me to show him how sorry I am.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_submission" KN_MOD "label ch1_myriams_submission:" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 094a with dissolve "Stripped down and on her knees in front of Anthony, she knew what he wanted, that she let him use her mouth as a pleasure tool to show how sorry she was." An "\"Put your hands in your back and open wide.\"" "Following his command slavishly, Myriam did as he ordered, putting her hands behind her back and opening her mouth wide, ready to receive his cock." An "\"Good, now let see how sorry my stupid bitch is.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 094b with dissolve "Stripped down and on her knees in front of Anthony, she knew what he wanted, that she let him use her mouth as a pleasure tool to show how sorry she was." An "\"Put your hands behind your back and open wide.\"" "Following his command slavishly, Myriam did as he ordered, putting her hands behind her back and opening her mouth wide, ready to receive his cock." An "\"Good, now let see how sorry my stupid bitch is.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 095 with dissolve "Grabbing her head with both hands as he berated her, Anthony shoved his cock deep down Myriam throat in one go." An "\"There! Keep it right there.\"" "Staying with his cock buried deep in her throat as he kept pushing her head against him, Anthony waited until he was satisfied." "Waiting until her tears started to roll down her cheeks, she did her best to breath through her nose to avoid choking." MC "\"Huuk!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve "Then without waiting, he started to throat fuck Myriam without restraint, moving her head up and down his cock from tip to base without pause." MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"That's it you stupid bitch, take that.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve "Myriam could see how much Anthony enjoyed seeing her distress feeling him getting harder and harder as her tears rolled down her cheeks." MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"Fuck yes! {w}That's what your mouth is good for you stupid bitch.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve "Anthony did not have a big tool, but the violence of his assault kept Myriam from being able to relax properly as he kept throat fucking her mercilessly." MC "\"Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"Fuck! {w}Your mouth was made for this.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 096c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"ARH! Swallow that you stupid bitch!\"" "As Anthony suddenly grunted his pleasure, Myriam felt his cum spilling down the back of her throat as he maintained his grasp on her head and kept his cock firmly deep inside." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 097a with dissolve "Finally able to catch her breath as Anthony pulled his cock out of her mouth, Myriam coughed and tried her best to calm down." An "\"So, how sorry is my stupid bitch?\"" MC "\"Cough, cough! {w}Very... Cough! {w}Very sorry.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 098a with dissolve An "\"Good. {w}I accept your apology.\"" play sound "spitting-freesound-gutek.mp3" An "\"Ptui!\"" "Stunned and shocked at the fact that Anthony spat in her mouth, Myriam still stayed impassive, feeling she deserved it." MC "{i}I deserve to be treated that way for disrespecting him.{/i}" An "\"Now turn over and push your butt toward me. {w}It's time to punish you like you deserve for the troubles you caused me.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_punition" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 097b with dissolve "Finally able to catch her breath as Anthony pulled his cock out of her mouth, Myriam coughed and tried her best to calm down." An "\"So, how sorry is my stupid bitch?\"" MC "\"Cough, cough! {w}Very... Cough! {w}Very sorry.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 098b with dissolve An "\"Good. {w}I accept your apology.\"" play sound "spitting-freesound-gutek.mp3" An "\"Ptui!\"" "Stunned and shocked at the fact that Anthony spat in her mouth, Myriam still stayed impassive, feeling she deserved it." MC "{i}I deserve to be treated that way for disrespecting him.{/i}" An "\"Now turn over and push your butt toward me. {w}It's time to punish you like you deserve for the troubles you caused me.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_punition" KN_MOD "label ch1_myriams_punition:" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 099a with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam turned around and bent over, pushing her butt toward Anthony." MC "\"Like this?\"" An "\"Good, now prepare yourself for your punishment.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 099b with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam turned around and bent over, pushing her butt toward Anthony." MC "\"Like this?\"" An "\"Good, now prepare yourself for your punishment.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 100 with dissolve An "\"Who has been a stupid bitch?\"" "And as Anthony screamed at her, he suddenly struck her butt, filling the air with a resounding slap across her buttocks." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW! Me!\"" "As a reflex, Myriam immediatly answered Anthony, feeling a burning sensation on her butt." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101b with dissolve An "\"Say it!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW! I'm a stupid bitch!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101c with dissolve An "\"Louder!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW! I'M A STUPID BITCH!\"" An "\"Yes you are! {w}A fucking stupid bitch!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101b with dissolve An "\"A!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101c with dissolve An "\"Fucking!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101b with dissolve An "\"Stupid!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 101c with dissolve An "\"Bitch!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"OW!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 102a with dissolve "Myriam whimpered, her ass burning from the spanking Anthony gave her, slapping her buttocks mercilessly." MC "\"Oww!\"" An "\"Don't move.\"" "Getting behind her as she stayed put like he asked, Myriam could feel how excited he was, breathing heavily as he started pressing his cock feverishly against her asshole." KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_anal" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 102b with dissolve "Myriam whimpered, her ass burning from the spanking Anthony gave her, slapping her buttocks mercilessly." MC "\"Oww!\"" An "\"Don't move.\"" "Getting behind her as she stayed put like he asked, Myriam could feel how excited he was, breathing heavily as he started pressing his cock feverishly against her asshole." KN_MOD "jump ch1_myriams_anal" KN_MOD "label ch1_myriams_anal:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve "As soon as the tip of his cock went in, Anthony pushed his cock to the hilt and started pounded it roughly." "Her ass, already on fire from the spanking, mostly only felt pain as Anthony sodomized her as hard as he could." An "\"Take that you stupid bitch!\"" MC "\"Ow!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve "Myriam could feel how angry he was, she could feel that Anthony was taking what he wanted but was also trying to hurt her, frenetically pounding her ass." "He wasn't trying to give her pleasure and didn't care if she was hurting, he was only thrusting as violently as he could while grunting and berating her." MC "\"OWW!\"" An "\"That's how stupid bitches like you deserve to be fucked!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve "He kept going, grunting, swearing and humiliating her while he kept to roughly fucking her ass." "But as rough and brutal as he was, Myriam was starting to feel pleasure and Anthony noticed it." An "\"You're loving it! {w}That's how you love to be fucked you stupid bitch?\"" MC "\"OWW! Mmh!\"" An "\"Say it!\"" MC "\"OWW! {w}That's how I like it. {w}Mmh!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve "Still hammering her asshole as hard as he could, Anthony kept berating her." An "\"Say it all!\"" MC "\"OWW! {w}I'm a stupid bitch... {w}MMH! {w}That loves it rough!\"" An "\"Louder!\"" MC "\"OWW! {w}I'M A STUPID BITCH THAT LOVES IT ROUGH!! {w}MMH!\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103a with dissolve scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 103b with dissolve "As he kept roughing her up, Myriam could feel how excited it made him, she could feel his cock getting harder than ever despite already cumming." "And she could feel he was ready to cum again, his cock getting harder and bigger as he started grunting like always when he was near." An "\"ARH! Fuck, fuck, fuck!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 104a with dissolve "Then suddenly, turning her around, Anthony brought his cock toward her face, still screaming at her." An "\"Come here stupid bitch and don't move!\"" "Still doing as he said, Myriam looked up at him and waited for him to finish himself." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 105a with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}Take that stupid bitch!\"" "Anthony violently came, his warm cum gushing load after load, crashing down her face and in her eyes." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 106a with dissolve An "\"ARH! Keep them open! {w}Keep your eyes open!\"" "As she started to close her eyes, Anthony screamed at her to keep them open, as he kept aiming his load of cum at them on purpose." "With her eyes burning, she waited for him to finish, like a good obedient girl." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 104b with dissolve "Then suddenly, turning her around, Anthony brought his cock toward her face, still screaming at her." An "\"Come here stupid bitch and don't move!\"" "Still doing as he said, Myriam looked up at him and waited for him to finish himself." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 105b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}Take that stupid bitch!\"" "Anthony violently came, his warm cum gushing load after load, crashing down her face and in her eyes." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 106b with dissolve An "\"ARH! Keep them open! {w}Keep your eyes open!\"" "As she started to close her eyes, Anthony screamed at her to keep them open, as he kept aiming his load of cum at them on purpose." "With her eyes burning, she waited for him to finish, like a good obedient girl." scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 107 with dissolve "Satisfied after finishing, Anthony slapped his cock on her face a few times, even smiling at her with a blissful expression, as if all his aggression went with his cum." An "\"ARH! Fuck! {w}That's it. {w}You really drained me.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" An "\"Ha ha ha! {w}Good girl. {w}You deserve some rest.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 108 with dissolve "Dragging her to the bed as he laid down, Anthony pulled her face toward his cock." An "\"Here, suck me slow until I fall asleep. {w}From now on, you'll suck me every evening until I sleep and wake me every morning with your mouth.\"" "Doing as he said, she took him in her mouth and started to suck on his cock slowly." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_busted_lips == True:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 109a with dissolve "Suddenly pulling her head up, Anthony gave her a last warning before enjoying her mouth again." An "\"And if you don't wake me up with your mouth tomorrow, I'll be the one waking you up!\"" MC "\"Yes Hun.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 109b with dissolve "Suddenly pulling her head up, Anthony gave her a last warning before enjoying her mouth again." An "\"And if you don't wake me up with your mouth tomorrow, I'll be the one waking you up!\"" MC "\"Yes Hun.\"" scene bg ch1_11 thetalk 110 with dissolve "Letting her get back to her blowjob, Anthony just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her mouth on his cock." An "\"God damn Honey! {w}Your mouth was made for this. {w}You should stop trying to think and just enjoy doing what you're good at.\"" "Her heart still lost and filled with sorrow over all the events, Myriam still followed his command, embracing her role and what she was doing." "Slowly and thoroughly sucking on his cock, Myriam was facing the realisation that her relationship would never be the same again." KN_MOD "jump ch1_chapter1_end" KN_MOD "label ch1_chapter1_end:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter One END" with Pause(4) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump chapter02" KN_MOD "label chapter02:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update1 from _call_var_chapter2_update1" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_run:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Morning Run" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene black with dissolve show text "A few days later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 001 with dissolve "On her regular morning run, after the events with Anthony, Myriam was going through the woods of the central park with Cassius." "Needing to get back into shape for the work that the high school principal proposed to her, as much as needing to put the events with Anthony behind her, Myriam took her training seriously." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" "Every morning at first light, she took Cassius and went to run a few miles and do some exercises before starting the day." KN_MOD "else:" "Every morning at first light, after waking up Anthony as he wished, she took Cassius and went to run a few miles and do some exercises before starting the day." scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 002 with dissolve "Despite everything, Myriam had decided to not let herself slip away and this new routine was helping her to get centered again." MC "{i}Just a few miles more and I'll turn back home.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_bobo == True:" MC "{i}I've already passed my goals for the day, but maybe I can make a small detour to see if Bobo is ok.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I've already passed my goals for the day, but maybe I can squeeze a few more.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 003 with dissolve "Turning her head back toward Cassius who was running behind her with a happy face." MC "{i}And look at him, how happy he is. {w}He could clearly run a few more miles without any problem.{/i}" MC "\"Come on boy! {w}Just a few more!\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 004 with dissolve "As she kept running and talking to her big dan Cassius, he kept barking and running at her side, happy to be part of this new routine." MC "\"That's a good boy! {w}Come on Cassius, run!\"" Ca "\"WOOF, WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 005 with dissolve "Getting back to her run, Myriam centered herself again on the task at hand, she knew that getting distracted was the best way to get a side stitch." MC "{i}Come on Myriam, get your head back into gear before you get winded.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_bobo == True:" MC "{i}Let's go say hello to Bobo and see how he's doing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_run_underpass" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's finish this last few miles and go back home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_run_public_bathroom" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_run_underpass:" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 006 with dissolve "Going down the underpass as she arrived towards it, Myriam slowed down as she got close to his stuff." MC "\"Here we are boy! {w}Let's see if our friend is here.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 007 with dissolve "Bending over the opening of Bobo's cardboard, Myriam tried to take a look inside." MC "\"Hello! Bobo?\"" MC "{i}No, seems like nobody is home. {w}Even his cart is not here.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 008 with dissolve "But as Myriam was looking over, Cassius suddenly surprised her as he pushed his nose between her legs." MC "\"Hey! What are you doing down there you naughty boy!\"" Ca "\"WOOF! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 009 with dissolve "Turning over, Myriam started scolding Cassius without much conviction, barely holding her laugh." MC "\"You bad boy! {w}You don't smell people down there!?\"" play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "{i}Damn! I can never resist those eyes.{/i}" MC "\"Come on, don't look at me like that...\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 010 with dissolve "Seeing his mistress half laughing while admonishing him, Cassius jumped on her and started licking her face." MC "\"Aaah! Stop it Cassius!\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Stop it, you silly boy!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 011 with dissolve "Revealing Myriam's breasts with his paws as he pulled down her shirt trying to get down, Cassius kept licking her, passing from her face to her breasts in the process." MC "\"Aaah! Cassius! {w}What are you doing!?\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Down boy! {w}Down!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 012 with dissolve "Cassius getting down whimpering, Myriam put back her top in order while admonishing him again." MC "\"See!? {w}You get all excited and this happens. {w}You naughty boy!\"" play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 013 with dissolve "Looking away embarrassed, Myriam tried to calm herself down, she was not really mad at her dog, but felt ashamed as her dog made her excited." MC "{i}God! Myriam! Take a hold of yourself, you're getting all worked up because your dog licked your nipple.{/i}" MC "{i}But why do I feel like this? {w}Maybe it's because they're so sensitive.{/i}" MC "{i}It's a good thing I have my appointment with Eve's shrink today.{/i}" play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 014 with dissolve "Brought back to reality by the whimpering of Cassius, Myriam turned back toward him and petted him gently." MC "\"Oh! Sorry Cassius. {w}Yes, we're going, I was just a bit lost for a moment.\"" MC "\"Come on, we need to get home, I have an appointment at the school. {w}And I really need to go pee.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 015 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam started to run again with Cassius on her track." MC "{i}Well, it's too bad for Bobo, he must be out. {w}But it means he's ok, I'll catch him next time.{/i}" MC "\"Come on boy!\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_run_public_bathroom" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_run_public_bathroom:" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 016 with dissolve "Heading back home after her extra miles, Myriam was still running but started to feel her muscles burning." MC "{i}Damn! Those few extra miles are starting to sting.{/i}" "Cassius on another end, was happily running at her side without a care in the world, while his mistress was reaching her limits." MC "\"Come on boy!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 017 with dissolve "As she felt a cramp coming, Myriam suddenly stopped and started stretching her legs a little while catching her breath." MC "{i}Ouch! Pushed a little too much here. {w}I have to take care if I don't want to snap a muscle by going too quickly with my exercises.{/i}" MC "{i}And god damn do I want to pee!! {w}I won't make it home.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 018 with dissolve "Despite the muscle pains and her insatiable need to pee, Myriam was feeling exhilarated as her body was burning." MC "{i}Maybe I could sneak into the woods or use a public restroom. {w}I think I passed one on the way in the park.{/i}" MC "{i}I should be able to hold it until then.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 019 with dissolve MC "\"What do you say boy? {w}Should we go and try the public restroom?\"" "Always happy to help his mistress, Cassius barked happily as Myriam talked to him, even if he did not understand a word." Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 020 with dissolve "Running a few minutes more, they finally arrived at the public restroom Myriam had seen before." MC "\"Here it is. {w}I hope they're in working order.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 021 with dissolve "Entering in, Myriam was immediately striked by the horrid smell and the dirtiness of the place." MC "\"Oh my god! {w}This is horrible, does anybody ever clean this place?\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 022 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch2_to_pee_or_not_to_pee:" "Does Myriam still go in or not?" KN_MOD "Fuck it! I really need to go.:" $ ch2_used_the_facility = True scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 023 with dissolve "Not able to hold it in anymore, Myriam rushed in toward the nearest stall, followed by Cassius." MC "{i}Fuck it! I can't wait anymore, I really need to go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 024 with dissolve "Squatting down over the toilet, she tried not to sit on it, to not touch the filthy rim, even forgetting to close the door in her rush." MC "\"God, that feels great!\"" "Finally able to relieve herself, Myriam could feel her tension disappear as she started to pee." scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 025 with dissolve "Closing her eyes a moment as she tried to relax while balancing herself as best she could, she was suddenly surprised by Cassius who silently approached to lick her face." MC "\"Aaah! Cassius, what are you doing!? {w}I'm trying to pee.\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 026 with dissolve "As she tried to push him off, Myriam tried her best to stay balanced and not sit on the dirty toilet." MC "\"Watch it you silly dog! {w}You're going to make me fall!\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Where are you trying to lick me!? {w}Stop it you naughty boy!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 027 with dissolve "Getting up after fending off Cassius, Myriam dressed up again, while admonishing him." MC "\"You silly dog, you nearly made me fall on this nasty toilet.\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 028 with dissolve "But Myriam could never be really mad at her dog, petting him as soon as she finished admonishing him." MC "\"Come on boy! Let me wash my hands and let's go home.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_restroom_assault" KN_MOD "Damn! Ill have to keep it in.:" $ ch2_used_the_facility = False scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 029 with dissolve MC "{i}No, it's way too dirty. {w}I can't go in there, better go back home.{/i}" "Hanging her head in disappointment, Myriam tried to psych herself to return home." MC "\"Come on Mi, it's just a few miles, you can make it!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_restroom_assault" KN_MOD "label ch2_restroom_assault:" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 030 with dissolve "Getting back toward the exit, Myriam opened the doors as Cassius was waiting behind her." MC "\"Ready boy? {w}We're running back home.\"" Ca "\"Grrr!\"" "But as she looked behind to him, Cassius started growling toward the exit." MC "\"What's gotten into you?\"" "Man" "\"Hey sweet cheeks!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 031 with dissolve "Turning back toward the voice, which had a thick Russian accent, Myriam saw a big muscular man sitting on a security pylon in front of the door." "Man" "\"What's a fine lady like you doing here?\"" MC "\"Sorry? {w}I just want to go out.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 032 with dissolve "Man" "\"Come on! You aren't quitting on me now!? {w}We just met.\"" "As the man approached her while looking at her breasts, Myriam backed away, even from a few steps she could smell how much he had to drink." MC "\"Please.\"" "Man" "\"Ever since I saw your big boobies bouncing around while running, I... {w}I knew I had to touch them.\"" "On the other hand, as the man kept approaching, Cassius kept growling, feeling his mistress' distress." Ca "\"Grrr!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 033 with dissolve "Man" "\"Come on! Let me cop a feel of those puppies.\"" MC "\"No! Get away from me!\"" "As the inebriated man came closer to grab her breasts and Myriam kept backing off screaming, Cassius jumped at the man to defend her." Ca "\"WOOF! Grrr!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 034 with dissolve "Grabbing his arm in his jaw, Cassius started to bite him as he pushed him away from Myriam." Ca "\"Grrr!\"" "Man" "\"Cука блять!!\"" MC "\"Cassius!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 035 with dissolve "Trying to get Cassius to let go, the man started to smashed Cassius' head against the wall, making Myriam scream in fear for her dog's life as she tried to stop him." "Man" "\"Let go of me you fucking mutt!\"" MC "\"Aaaah! Leave my dog alone!\"" "But Cassius would not let go, still biting into the arm of the man as he kept hitting him, clinging to the instinct of defending his mistress." Ca "\"Grrr!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 036 with dissolve Ca "\"Whine!\"" "But as brave as Cassius was, he was left lifeless on the ground as the man knocked him out and pushed Myriam back inside." MC "\"You monster! {w}What did you do to my dog!?\"" "Man" "\"Shut your trap!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 037 with dissolve "Pushed against the wall, Myriam had trouble breathing as the man grabbed her throat with an iron grip and exposed her breasts to start fondling them like a brute." "Man" "\"Told you all I wanted was to play with those tits of yours!\"" MC "\"Cough! Cough!\"" "Man" "\"But since you sicced your dog on me, I'll sic my cock in you bitch!\"" "Losing her strength as she felt her consciousness fading, Myriam could barely lift her arms" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 038 with dissolve "As he let her go, Myriam fell to the ground coughing as she tried to get back her breath despite her sore throat." MC "\"Cough! Cough!\"" "Taking out a big cock already half hard in front of her, the man pushed it toward her." "Man" "\"Look here! {w}Don't you want to taste some big Russian sausage?\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 039 with dissolve "But as the man was about to force his cock on Myriam, another jogger stopped, intrigued by the noises and the knocked out dog." "Man" "\"Open your mouth!\"" "Jogger" "{i}What the... {w}That asshole is trying to rape her!{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 040 with dissolve "Not wasting time, the jogger jumped inside and surprised the man from behind, pulling him outside by making him lose his balance." "Man" "\"Wow! {w}Who the fuck!?\"" "Jogger" "\"Shut up you piece of shit! {w}And come here!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 041 with dissolve "Getting up and fixing her clothes, Myriam got out as best she could, still stunned by the strangulation she suffered." MC "\"Cassius!?\"" "With tears in her eyes, she could not stop worrying about her dog, fearing the worst." scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 042 with dissolve "While a few steps away, the two were fighting, the inebriated thug already receiving a busted nose." "Though he certainly was powerful, his rage and alcohol made him easy to handle for the woman, who looked like she knew what she was doing." "Man" "\"Would you stop moving you fucking bitch!\"" "Focusing on not getting hit, she was moving around him, dodging and misdirecting his punches, waiting for the best opportunity to strike." "Jogger" "{i}I can't get hit by those, his strikes are no joke.{/i}" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 043 with dissolve "And finally, she found her opening, using his own momentum and power, she grabbed the arm she had parried and used it to amplify a powerful strike to his solar plexus with her knee." "Man" "\"HUUU! GASP!!\"" "Cutting his breath short, the hit was so violent that even Myriam a few step away heard the cry he made and the distinct noise of ribs snapping." scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 044 with dissolve "Falling to the ground breathless, the thug started to puke his guts out as the woman ended the fight with a powerful punch to his face while he was still puking." "Man" "\"Blargh!!\"" "Jogger" "\"And now down you pig!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 045 with dissolve "As the fight was ending, Myriam was happily surprised to see Cassius finally raising his head." Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank god you're ok!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 046 with dissolve "Leaving the unconscious man lying on the ground in his own puke, the jogger came back to Myriam, touching her gently on the shoulder." "Jogger" "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, thanks to you. {w}Thank you.\"" "Jogger" "\"Good.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 047 with dissolve "Getting up as the jogger offered her help, Myriam was still feeling a bit woozy, needing to cling to the nearby pylon to not fall back down." "Jogger" "\"Come take a look.\"" MC "\"Sorry?\"" "Jogger" "\"Come take a look at that asshole. {w}And kick him in the balls, nothing more cathartic.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 048 with dissolve "But as they turned back toward where the man was, only the puddle of vomit was there." "Jogger" "\"Damn! I thought I knocked him out for good, sorry.\"" MC "\"It's not your fault, you saved us. {w}Without you, I don't know what would have happened to us.\"" "Jogger" "\"Still, you should go to the police to make a complaint. {w}If you let those assholes alone, they think they can get away with it.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 049 with dissolve "The tension of the event getting down, the jogger presented herself to Myriam while Cassius kept hovering around his mistress." "Jogger" "\"I'm Lucy, Lucy Monroe.\"" "{b}{color=#f60}Lucy Monroe{/color}{/b} {w}alias Luce or Red {p}The kickass savior{w}, 30 years {p}The Fighter {p}A lesbian girl and social worker with a big heart, and an MMA fighter outside work." MC "\"Myriam Summers. {w}Again, thank you for saving me and my dog.\"" LuM "\"Only did what I could. {w}I'm just glad I arrived in time.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 050 with dissolve LuM "\"But you know, if you're interested, I teach a self defense class, you should come over and try it.\"" MC "\"I don't know. {w}I'm not sure I would ever be able to do what you did.\"" LuM "\"Well, it took me years, but women can do a lot more than they think.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 051 with dissolve LuM "\"Yes, what you need most is confidence, brains and to know where and when to hurt.\"" LuM "\"You'll never be able to do arm wrestling with a 250 pound mountain of muscles, but I can teach you how to take advantage of all his weaknesses with what you have.\"" MC "\"Well, maybe I can try.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 052 with dissolve LuM "\"But, like I said, first you should go to the police and make a complaint, I'll give you my contact info for the police.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" LuM "\"And for you... {w}I mean for the self defense classes.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 053 with dissolve "Embarrassed at what she just said, Lucy looked away." LuM "{i}Lucy! What are you saying... {w}She has something else on her mind right now.{/i}" LuM "\"If you wish I can run with you to the exit of the park?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_even_women:" "Does Myriam noticed Lucy's embarrassment?" KN_MOD "I would feel a lot safer with her around. (Oblivious):" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 054 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, thank you, I would feel a lot safer if you did.\"" LuM "\"Of course, I'll be happy to.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_restroom_assault_end" KN_MOD "Why is she embarrassed? Maybe she has somewhere else to be. (Notice):" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 054 with dissolve MC "{i}She seems so embarrassed, maybe she needs to be elsewhere. {w}But I still feel so frightened at the idea of him being still in the park.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, thank you, I would feel a lot safer if you did. {w}But if you have somewhere to be, I don't want to keep you.\"" LuM "\"No... I mean yes. {w}Of course, I'll be happy to. {w}I have nowhere to be in particular.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_restroom_assault_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_restroom_assault_end:" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 055 with dissolve "The three of them started to run, Myriam opening the march, going toward her exit." MC "\"Thank you again, I wasn't really reassured going alone with that man getting away.\"" LuM "\"Of course, that's why I offered.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 056 with dissolve "Running for a few minutes, they finally reached Myriam's park exit, just stopping there to say goodbye." LuM "\"Here you are.\"" MC "\"Thanks, I don't even know how to thank you enough.\"" LuM "\"Don't mention it, just send me a message when you're safe and sound at home.\"" MC "\"Sure.\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 057 with dissolve "Then just with a wave of the hand, Lucy turned back and started running in the opposite direction." LuM "\"Goodbye, and see you soon!\"" MC "\"Yes, goodbye!\"" scene bg ch2_01 morningrun 058 with dissolve MC "\"Come on boy, time to go home.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" "Turning back toward Cassius as she started running, Myriam finally headed back home, she had a full day to prepare for ahead of her." KN_MOD "jump ch2_being_a_good_dog_is_its_own_reward" KN_MOD "label ch2_being_a_good_dog_is_its_own_reward:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Being a Good Dog is its Own Reward" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 001 with dissolve "Back home, Myriam went straight upstairs to the master bedroom so she could wash off all the sweat of the run." MC "\"Stay here boy! {w}I'll go wash off all this sweat.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 002 with dissolve "As she was untying her hair after undressing for her shower, Myriam added a comment for Cassius, knowing her dog well." MC "\"And no bed!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 003 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Getting under the shower, Myriam washed off the sweat, and relaxed as always under the water." MC "{i}Mmh! As always, this is the best.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's relax before I go to the school and see what I'll have to work with.{/i}" MC "{i}And then after that, my appointment with Doctor Silver.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 004 with dissolve "Flashing back to what happen in the park, Myriam had a moment of gloom." MC "{i}With what happened this morning, I'll definitely have something to talk about...{/i}" MC "{i}Well joke all you want Mi, but without that woman, maybe you wouldn't have got back home.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 005 with dissolve MC "{i}And I have to go by the police like she said. {w}Maybe this afternoon, before going to Eve's doctor.{/i}" MC "{i}I would prefer to put that behind me, but she's right, if I do nothing, it's like giving him the ok to attack me or other women again.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could call those two officers I met at the clothing store. {w}They seemed nice, maybe they could help me make a complaint.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It shouldn't take too long to make a complaint at the local precinct.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 006 with dissolve "Thinking of Lucy and the assault, Myriam smiled at the memory of the beating she gave to the thug." MC "{i}She'd charge hell with a bucket of ice-water, that man was so scary and still she whipped him like a child.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know if I could ever be that confident.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_thinking_of_lucy:" "What does Myriam think of Lucy?" KN_MOD "Shes an impressive woman.:" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 007 with dissolve MC "{i}Maybe I should try her self defense class like she offered.{/i}" MC "{i}It wouldn't hurt me to get more confidence like her... {w}And learn how to kick butts like her.{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! You wish Mi.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_i_said_not_the_bed" KN_MOD "Shes an impressive woman and...:" $ ch2_bicurious = True scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 007 with dissolve MC "{i}Maybe I should try her self defense class like she offered.{/i}" MC "{i}It wouldn't hurt me to get more confidence like her... {w}And learn how to kick butts like her.{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! You wish Mi.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 008 with dissolve MC "{i}Maybe I could learn to know more about her, too. {w}I never met a woman like her before.{/i}" MC "{i}She makes me think a bit of Eve in a way, they both are so confident... {w}And beautiful.{/i}" MC "{i}I would love to get to know her better.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_i_said_not_the_bed" KN_MOD "label ch2_i_said_not_the_bed:" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 009 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Getting out of the shower, Myriam went back in the bedroom to get some clothes, to find Cassius lying on the bed." MC "\"I thought I said no bed!\"" "Just lifting his head with his ears down, Cassius looked at Myriam sadly." MC "\"And don't look at me with those eyes...\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 010 with dissolve "But Myriam did not have the heart to really reprimand Cassius, she never could resist her pets in the first place, always ending up spoiling them." MC "\"Damn you and your puppy eyes!\"" "Getting on the bed beside him, she started petting him affectionately." MC "\"And you deserve some spoiling today for being such a brave boy, defending your mistress like that.\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 011 with dissolve MC "\"But no more heroics now! {w}You scared me half to death, he could have hurt you badly.\"" "Looking at his head where the man hit him, Myriam squeezed him against her breasts." MC "\"Let me see. {w}Oh! You have a big bump my poor thing!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_are_you_furry_nice_person:" "Do you wish Myriam venturing into some events with bestiality as an overtone?" KN_MOD "No thank you, not my thing.:" $ ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person = False A "I totally understand, so you will not be offered those kind of events anymore." A "You may have some naughty moments here and there with her furry friends, but never more than what you already saw before." KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_prepared" KN_MOD "Yes please, Im a furry nice person.:" $ ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person = True A "Hey hello! So you are a furry nice person? {w}Well then no more turning back for you! Mu ha ha!" A "You will see Myriam venturing into some naughty adventures with all her furry friends. {w}Will you be able to catch them all!?" A "No, I am joking, no collecting furry friends... {w}Or am I not? Mu ha ha!" KN_MOD "jump ch2_you_naughty_dog" KN_MOD "label ch2_you_naughty_dog:" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 012 with dissolve MC "\"My brave boy! {w}The nasty man hurt you.\"" "Petting him under the belly as he rolled over, Myriam's hand suddenly touched something hard and slippery." MC "{i}What's that?{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 013 with dissolve "Turning her head towards what she felt, she could see Cassius' big red rod glistening in her hand." MC "\"Cassius! You naughty boy!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" "But as he whimpered, his penis was still getting bigger and harder in her hand." scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 014 with dissolve "Frozen, Myriam's brain was in chaos, her poor dog nearly died today, and all because he tried to protect her from that man." MC "{i}He was so brave and he could have died because of me...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I... {w}Maybe I could at least help him out, make him feel better. {w}God knows he deserves it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 015 with dissolve "Embarrassed, she grabbed his shaft and started moving her hand, with mixed feelings of fascination, curiosity and fear." "Afraid of doing something crazy and taboo, but also excited by it, fascinated by this strange sex, so different from a human." MC "{i}Their... {w}Their sex is so weird, this strange shape and this big knot at the base. {w}It feels like an alien wang.{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve "Hearing how much Cassius was panting and feeling how hard he was, she knew he was definitely enjoying what she was doing." MC "\"Do you like what I am doing? {w}Do you like mommy making you feel good?\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve "Taken in by his excitement, she started to jerk him off vigorously, feeling herself getting excited and lustful at the situation." MC "\"Come on boy! Give it to mommy!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 017 with dissolve "After a few minutes of that service and hearing how Cassius was breathing heavily, she knew he was about to come, and kept jerking him off harder and faster." MC "\"Yes, come on boy! Come for mommy!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_cassius_money_shot:" "How do Myriam finish him off?" KN_MOD "Just finish him off in your hand.:" $ ch2_jerked_off_cassius = True scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 018 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Turning his cock toward her hand, Myriam was impressed at the strength of his ejaculation, passing right over her hand and coming crashing down her breasts, load after load." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "{i}My god! What's that!? {w}This is crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 019 with dissolve "Cassius finally done, she looked down at herself, her breasts were covered all over with a thick coat of cum, as were her hand and hair." "Myriam stayed stunned for a moment, unable to believe at how much cum her dog had just covered her with, filling the air with a potent smell." MC "{i}Oh! My! God! {w}I can't believe it! {w}Is it what I feed him!?{/i}" MC "{i}Well I'm good for a new shower now! {w}But at least I think my little hero is happy with his reward.{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 020 with dissolve "As she was getting off the bed and going toward the bathroom again, Cassius started to whimper, rolling over the bed with his sex still hard as a rock." play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"Ooh no you bad boy! You had enough. {w}With the mess you made, I'm good for another shower and I don't have the time.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_prepared" KN_MOD "Take him in your mouth. (Cum Kink 10+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 10:" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 021 with dissolve "Feeling he was about to pop, Myriam did not even think, as natural reflexes, she just got down and took his thing in her mouth, as if it was the only thing to do." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As soon as her lips touched the big red rod, Cassius ejaculated a massive quantity of cum, forcing her to swallow load after load of thick cum as he kept shooting them." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}My god! What's that!? {w}This is crazy! There's so much of it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 022 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Barely able to follow up, Myriam still kept swallowing all she could, all her senses overtaken by the potent smell and taste of Cassius' cum." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" "And as she thought he had finally finished and was about to let go of his cock, she felt his paws on the back of her head, as his cock was still hard and ready to go." Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}My god! He wants me to keep going with my mouth.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_cassius_wants_more:" "Does Myriam keep going with her mouth?" KN_MOD "No, he had enough, this is crazy.:" $ ch2_jerked_off_cassius_and_swallowed = True scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 023 with dissolve "Forcing her way, she pulled away from his grasp despite Cassius whimpering for more." play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"You had enough you naughty dog! {w}I have to get ready for my appointment.\"" MC "{i}My god! I can't believe what I just did. {w}I can't say he didn't deserve a little reward but still I just took my dog's cock in my mouth and swallowed his cum.{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam you really need this appointment with the doctor to see what's wrong with you. {w}Now go freshen up before you end up late.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_prepared" KN_MOD "Ok, maybe I can keep going. (Lust Trait 25+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 25:" $ ch2_jerked_off_cassius_and_more = True scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve "With the pressure of his paws on her head and back, Myriam started to suck on Cassius cock, some cum still overflowing her mouth" MC "{i}I can't believe I'm doing this! {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve "As he kept pressuring her more and more with his paws, Myriam kept going, sucking him faster and faster." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" "She could definitely feel how much he was enjoying it, his rod even harder than before." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve "She kept going for a good moment, sucking him thoroughly and lovingly, giving him all the attention he deserved." "With this treatment, Anthony would have already been drained, multiple times, but Cassius really had stamina." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024a with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025b with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "But finally, after hearing him panting heavily for a moment, she felt his thick cum gushing again in her mouth." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" "As before, she swallowed all she could, the quantity still incredible despite cumming for the second time." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" "And as she thought he was finally done, she could feel again the pressure of his paws on her head, inviting her to keep going." scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024b with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025b with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024b with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025b with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 024b with dissolve scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 025b with dissolve "Overtaken by the potent smell and taste of his cum and a deep feeling of excitement and lust, Myriam kept going in a daze." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" "As Cassius kept pressing her, she kept going, sucking and sucking, following the rhythm he was setting with his paws and his pleasure." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 026 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After sucking on his cock for who knows how long, Cassius finally came again one last time, emptying still another incredible load in his mistress's mouth." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" "As before, she swallowed all she could, half drunk and half dazed on his cum and her own lust, cum oozing from her mouth and nose." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" "But this time finally, Cassius let go of his mistress, seemingly satisfied after cumming three times in her mouth." scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 027 with dissolve "Sitting up, still a bit dizzy, Myriam was trying to get her wits back, while Cassius laid back down lazily on the bed with a satisfied look." MC "{i}My god! I can't believe what I just did. {w}I can't say he didn't deserve a little reward but still I just took my dog's cock in my mouth, sucked him off and swallowed his cum.{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam you really need this appointment with the doctor to see what's wrong with you. {w}Now go freshen up before you end up late.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_prepared" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_prepared:" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 028 with dissolve KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" "Having refreshed again, after her little moment with Cassius, Myriam changed into some casual clothes for her meeting with Mr Little at the school." KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving Cassius on the bed, Myriam got up and changed into some casual clothes for her meeting with Mr Little at the school." "Taking a look at herself in the mirror before going down, she tried to see if she was ok to go." MC "{i}Looks just fine to me!.{/i}" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 029 with dissolve "Turning back toward Cassius as she was getting to the door of the room, Myriam called him." MC "\"Come on! Let's go Cassius, you're going downstairs.\"" Ca "\"WOOF!\"" scene bg ch2_02 beingagooddog 030 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius to guard the house, Myriam went out, heading for the school and her appointment with Mr Little." "They were supposed to visit the school and where she was going to work, and also meet the PE teacher with whom she would have to work closely." MC "{i}Here we go. Now let's go to the car... {w}Or maybe I could take the bus.{/i}" MC "{i}The stop is just down the road and the line goes by the school. {w}Like that I could see what route the kids take.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_bus_or_car:" "Does Myriam take the car or the bus to go to her appointment?" KN_MOD "Lets take the bus, it will be easier in town later on.:" $ ch2_took_the_bus = True MC "{i}Yes, let's take the bus, I'll see the route the kids take and it will be easier in town later, it's always hard to find a good spot to park.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_at_school" KN_MOD "Lets take the car, it will be faster and I can easily park at school.:" $ ch2_took_the_car = True MC "{i}No, let's take the car, it'll be quicker and I'll be more free of my movements later today.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_at_school" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_at_school:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Back at School" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_bus == True:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 001 with dissolve "Luckily arriving at the bus stop when the bus arrived, not very crowded, Myriam quickly went in and took the first standing spot she found." "But as the bus started moving again, her nose was suddenly overtaken by a very strong smell." MC "{i}My god! What's that smell!? {w}It's that man, he's drenched in sweat.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_whats_that_smell:" "Does Myriam move from her spot?" KN_MOD "No. I cant move, it would be vexing for him.:" $ ch2_stand_by_bill = True scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 002 with dissolve "Forcing herself and acting like nothing was wrong, Myriam stayed where she was." MC "{i}The poor man, maybe he can't help it, and I'm just here for a few minutes.{/i}" "As she tried her best to do as if everything was alright, the man started coughing loudly." MC "{i}Here you go, this poor man is sick, it's not his fault.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_little_meeting" KN_MOD "Yes. I just cant stay here.:" $ ch2_stand_by_bill = False scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 003 with dissolve "Discretely as possible, Myriam moved away from the sweating man, feeling pretty down about it." MC "{i}I'm so sorry!{/i}" "But as she did her best to do move away discretely, the man started coughing loudly." MC "{i}Now, you've done it! You're a bad person for moving away from a sick man, shame on you Myriam!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_little_meeting" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 004 with dissolve "Parking the car at the back of the school, Myriam had no trouble finding herself a spot as she predicted." play sound "car locking-freesound-hawabaz.mp3" "Locking the car, she headed toward the front to get in and find Mr Little for her school tour." MC "{i}Well it was pretty quick, it won't be a bother to come work with the car. {w}It's not really rush hour, though.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_little_meeting" KN_MOD "label ch2_little_meeting:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 005 with dissolve "With clear traffic, Myriam arrived fairly quickly at the school, and as she was walking toward the entrance, she found the principal accompanying someone out." MC "{i}Wait! {w}Isn't that the crazy old woman from the other day?{/i}" "Crazy Old Woman" "\"But you didn't let me finish, we have to burn all this filthy material! {w}Sexual education! Evolution! All that nonsense, it's heresy!\"" ClL "\"Yes, thank you Mrs Clinge, we'll get to it right away.\"" MiC "\"CRINGE! With an \"R\"! {w}And it's MISS Cringe!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 006 with dissolve "Damning her luck, still Myriam could not turn away now, she would definitely be seen." MC "{i}Damn it! {w}Not this old witch again.{/i}" "Seeing as Mr Little saw her, Myriam approached and waved at him, as the old woman turned toward her and recognized her." MC "\"Mr Little.\"" ClL "\"Mrs Summers.\"" MiC "\"What!? {w}What what what!? {w}What is this succubus from hell doing here!?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 007 with dissolve "Not paying attention to her as she kept raving, the principal guided Myriam toward the door, both trying to stay as composed as they could while ignoring her." MiC "\"She's a Jezebel come straight from Babylon!\"" ClL "\"Here Mrs Summers, please come in.\"" MiC "\"She's coming to corrupt our youngsters!\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 008 with dissolve "{b}{color=#204060}Sarah Cringe{/color}{/b} {w}alias Miss Cringy, the Old Bat or the Old Witch{p}The old church lady{w}, 70 years {p}The Crazy {p}An old maiden and crazy church lady who militates for what is \"Right\"." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 009 with dissolve ClL "\"Goodbye Mrs Crinkle.\"" MiC "\"MISS! {w}CRINGE!!\"" "Myriam could not help but smile as Mr Little was making fun of the crazy lady, who was still shouting from the outside." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 010 with dissolve "Closing the door behind them after saying goodbye, Cleavon sighed heavily, before turning back toward Myriam." ClL "\"Sorry about that Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"No no, it's me who should apologize, I fear that it's my fault.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 011 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_confronted_the_old_hag == True:" MC "\"I had an altercation with her, she accosted me and assaulted me in the same way, I didn't take it well and gave her what for.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I had an altercation with her, she accosted me and assaulted me in the same way, I tried to ignore her, but I think she has it in for me.\"" MC "\"I think it would have gone a lot better without me there.\"" ClL "\"Oh! Don't worry, she's always like that, and she kind of has a special hard on for beautiful women.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 012 with dissolve "Taken by surprise by the accidental compliment from him, Myriam paused for a moment, before Cleavon realized what he just said." ClL "\"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to be inappropriate, I know you're taken, I wasn't trying to...\"" ClL "{i}You damn fool, way to put your foot in your mouth!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Well, we're kind of 'off' at the moment...\"" MC "{i}My god! What are you saying Myriam!! You'll make him think you're cruising for men.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yes, still...\"" MC "{i}My god! What are you saying Myriam!! You'll make him think there is something wrong.{/i}" ClL "\"Sorry?\"" MC "\"No! It... {w}It's nothing, please do not worry.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 013 with dissolve "Both embarrassed at their slip of the tongue, Cleavon suddenly cut through the awkwardness and invited her to follow him as he touched her arm." ClL "\"Well, let me offer you some coffee and start over without the awkwardness caused by Miss Cringe.\"" MC "\"Yes, please. I think it would be nice.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_little_touch:" "How does Myriam feels about Cleavon's touch and compliment?" KN_MOD "Embarrassed and touched.:" MC "{i}My god! Why do I feel like a school girl!?{/i}" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}My god! Why does his touch get to me like that!?{/i}" KN_MOD "Touched.:" MC "{i}My god! This man is really sweet and caring.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 014 with dissolve "Guiding her to the faculty break room, Cleavon invited her to follow in." ClL "\"Come in please, let me offer you some of our \"wonderful\" coffee.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Thank you, you're too generous.\"" "Man Voice" "\"Mr Little.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 015 with dissolve "Turning toward the voice, Myriam saw a man drinking his coffee at a table." ClL "\"Oh! Here is Mr Daniel O'Connell, one of our science teachers. {w}And if I'm not mistaken, one of your two children's teacher.\"" MC "\"Nice to meet you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 016 with dissolve ClL "\"And Daniel, here is Mrs Myriam Summers, our new coach for the school Gymnastics Team.\"" DaO "\"Nice to meet you. {w}So you're the secret weapon he told us about?\"" MC "\"What!? I... {w}I don't know, but I'll do my best.\"" ClL "\"Come on Daniel, don't scare her before she starts the job.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 017 with dissolve "As Myriam kept discussing with Daniel, Cleavon perpared a cup of coffee for her." DaO "\"Sorry! It's just that Mr Little has been talking about you ever since your kids were enrolled here.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" DaO "\"So what's your super power? What's your story?\"" MC "\"Nothing really, it's just that I was on the olympic team when I was in high school, for gymnastics, but life got in the way.\"" ClL "\"She was one of the favorites!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 018 with dissolve "As Cleavon came back with her coffee after his comment, Myriam turned back toward him to take it." ClL "\"Here you go. {w}Careful it's hot.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 019 with dissolve ClL "\"As I was saying, she was one of the favorites for the gold. {w}I think she has the experience and talent to give our team what it needs.\"" DaO "\"Really? Well, sounds like you really found us a savior then.\"" DaO "{i}A tall hot valkyrie one at that, who would argue.{/i}" MC "\"Gosh! I don't know what to say... {w}It's all very embarrassing, I just hope I won't betray your expectations.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 020 with dissolve "Getting up as he finished his coffee, Daniel was suddenly stopped by Myriam before being able to leave." DaO "\"Well, sorry, but I have some grades to give.\"" MC "\"Wait, please! {w}I wanted to ask you if everything was going fine with Katherine and Marc.\"" DaO "\"Oh! Yes, well, more or less.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 021 with dissolve "Myriam immediately felt worried at Daniel's cryptic tone." MC "\"What!? What do you mean?\"" DaO "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, Katherine is doing great, she's a bright kid, but she could get into trouble with her character.\"" MC "\"She can be willful when she defends her ideals. {w}And Marc?\"" DaO "\"Well, for Marc, he's doing fine also, but he has to work on his concentration, he gets easily distracted.\"" MC "\"Yes, Marc can be a little distracted at times, I'll talk to him.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 022 with dissolve DaO "\"But these last few days, they both seemed a little preoccupied.\"" "As embarrassed she was about what happened at home, Myriam was more worried about her children than her pride." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Yes... {w}Marc's father and I had some trouble at home... {w}We're currently separated.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yes... {w}Marc's father and I had some trouble at home... {w}but things will get back to normal.\"" DaO "\"Sorry to hear that, I'm sure everything will be alright, but if I may give you some advice, talk to them, don't leave them in the dark, it only make things harder for them.\"" MC "\"Yes, I will, thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 023 with dissolve "Putting down his coffee cup, Daniel returned to his work, leaving Myriam and Cleavon alone." DaO "\"Sorry, I must leave you now, but if you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 024 with dissolve "As Daniel went out to returning to work, Cleavon approached Myriam, visibly worried about what he heard." ClL "\"Is everything ok? {w}I don't mean to pry, but if you need to talk I'll be happy to lend you an ear.\"" MC "\"Thank you, really, everyone is so nice in this school.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_little_talking:" "Does Myriam share some of her worry with Cleavon?" KN_MOD "Yes, I really need to talk to someone.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 025 with dissolve "After hesitating a moment, Myriam let go of her defenses and talked about what happened." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"It.. {w}It's just that I separated from my partner.\"" ClL "\"What happened? {w}No sorry, I shouldn't have asked, that doesn't concern me.\"" MC "\"No, no, it's ok, I think I need to talk about it. {w}I simply caught him fooling around and confronted him about it.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"It.. {w}It's just that I had a fight with my partner, but we're working things out.\"" ClL "\"So sorry to hear that, but I hope things get better between you two.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I... {w}I hope so too.\"" KN_MOD "No, I shouldnt.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 025 with dissolve MC "\"But don't worry, everything is ok now.\"" ClL "\"Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 026 with dissolve "Suddenly taking a serious tone, Cleavon came closer to Myriam, even touching her while staying comforting." ClL "\"Excuse me but I have to say something, you don't have to answer, but please listen.\"" "Surprised at this sudden burst of seriousness and contact from the principal, she stayed silent and listened." ClL "\"I don't know what happened between you two, but I hope you know that if it ever comes to violence, you can get help.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 027 with dissolve "A bit embarrassed by his own fervor, Cleavon tried to lighten the mood by going back to a softer tone." ClL "\"But I'm sorry, I let my own worry get the better of me, like a doting father.\"" MC "\"No, thank you, it's very nice of you, I'm happy to see that my children are in good hands.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 028 with dissolve ClL "\"Well, I hope I will also be worthy of your trust then.\"" MC "\"I am sure of it.\"" "As they both paused after this little emotional exchange, Myriam took the occasion to finish her coffee while Cleavon stopped petting her arm." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 029 with dissolve "Getting back to their task, Myriam left her cup of coffee in the sink and followed the principal, for their tour of the school." ClL "\"Ready for our tour?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'll follow you.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 030 with dissolve "Guiding her out of the break room, Cleavon lead her first toward the cafeteria, which was nearby." ClL "\"Here you've got the cafeteria, closed for now, but you can have your meal here if you wish later on, the school staff eats here as well.\"" MC "\"Yes, it could be nice, I thought I could eat with the kids during lunch if possible.\"" ClL "\"Of course.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 031 with dissolve "Following the cafeteria, the principal guided Myriam to the school swimming pool, a powerful smell of chlorine overtaking her nose as soon as she went in." ClL "\"Here's our own swimming pool, with which we were able to train a fine swimming team, one of our best assets on our athletic panel.\"" MC "\"Mmh! Always loved that smell, it brings back so many memories.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 032 with dissolve ClL "\"I know it wasn't your field, but maybe you could help coach the swim team too.\"" MC "\"Well I can't deny I love swimming, but even if I was a good swimmer, I never was on a competitive level like gymnastics.\"" ClL "\"But you have the knowledge, and that's what we need for our teams, someone who had the \"edge\" and could guide them.\"" MC "\"Maybe, let's see how it goes with the gymnastics team.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 033 with dissolve "Leaving the swimming pool, Cleavon guided Myriam to the gymnasium, filled with a heavy smell of wax and sweat." ClL "\"And here's the gymnasium. {w}I think PE just finished.\"" MC "\"You have impressive facilities.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 034 with dissolve ClL "\"Yes, and that's why I think that we need you, this place deserves the best, a great coach for great teams.\"" MC "\"Stop it!\"" ClL "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry. {w}This isn't where you will be working with the gym team, however, we have another, smaller, room behind with all the equipment set up.\"" MC "\"Well let's go see it then.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 035 with dissolve "As they both turned around and were leaving the gymnasium, Myriam stopped Mr Little, suddenly taken by an urgent pressure." MC "\"Sorry, but before we go, could you show me the way to a restroom, please?\"" ClL "\"Of course, there are some facilities just near the gym room.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 036 with dissolve "Guiding her through the corridors, Cleavon brought Myriam to a flight of stairs." ClL "\"Here you go. {w}Going down you have a locker room for the sport teams, it's connected to the swimming pool on the other side, there is also a faculty one on your right with every necessity.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you.\"" ClL "\"I'll be waiting for you in the gym room, it's just a little further.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 037 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Arriving down the stairs, a shower could be heard in the back, but Myriam was too pressed by nature to notice it." MC "{i}On the right he said, it must be here. {w}And a good thing too, their coffee really went through me.{/i}" MC "{i}I really have a bladder about as big as the little end of nothing.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 038 with dissolve "But as Myriam was going into the stall, she immediately stopped in her tracks, as a man was showering inside." MC "\"Oh! God! I'm sorry! {w}I'll get out.\"" MC "{i}This is so embarrassing, why did he leave everything open?{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 039 with dissolve "Immediately stepping back outside, Myriam waited at the curtain, but after a moment, still no answer, only the noise of the shower and a sudden big manly voice starting to sing." "Man in the shower" "\"Almost heaven, West Virginia {p}Blue Ridge Mountains {p}Shenandoah River\"" MC "{i}My god! Is he singing!? {w}I need to pee, what do I do?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_when_you_need_to_go1:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Stay outside and wait.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 040 with dissolve "Hesitating for a moment, Myriam decided to wait oustide despite her urgent need to pee." MC "{i}Please, please, be quick about it!{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Life is old there {p}Older than the trees {p}Younger than the mountains {p}Growin' like a breeze\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_stay_outside" KN_MOD "Sneak in discretely.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 041 with dissolve "Taking off her heels, Myriam snuck in discretely, not able to take it anymore." MC "{i}Damn it! I can't take it anymore, I need to go pee.{/i}" MC "\"Sorry!\"" "Man in the shower" "\"Life is old there {p}Older than the trees {p}Younger than the mountains {p}Growin' like a breeze\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sneak_inside1" KN_MOD "label ch2_sneak_inside1:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 042 with dissolve "Sitting on the toilet while the man was still singing, Myriam still tried to be as quiet as possible under the circumstances." MC "{i}Please, please! God! Make it that I finish before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 043 with dissolve "Facing the naked man under the shower directly, Myriam had her head turned, the glass being polished she could not see much, but still." MC "{i}This man really fears nothing, he left everything open, the curtain, the glass door... {w}He must really feel free.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"All my memories gathered 'round her {p}Miner's lady, stranger to blue water\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_sneak_a_peek1:" "Does Myriam take a better look?" KN_MOD "Maybe just a little peek.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 044 with dissolve "Taking a look at the man still singing under the shower, Myriam couldn't see him well, but she could still see well enough his silhouette." MC "{i}He looks so fit from here, even buff, maybe he's the PE teacher. {w}Cleavon told me they just finished their class.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Dark and dusty, painted on the sky {p}Misty taste of moonshine {p}Teardrop in my eye\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 045 with dissolve "As her gaze wandered on the man's silhouette, Myriam eyes kept getting back to one spot, until she finished by just staring at it." MC "{i}My god! And his... {w}His penis looks large enough to make him sit down in shifts...{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_let_her_imagination_fly1:" "Does Myriam let her imagination fly?" KN_MOD "No, stop it Myriam, this is wrong.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 046 with dissolve "Turning her head away again, Myriam stopped herself as her mind was starting to venture into some lustful thoughts." MC "{i}No, stop it Myriam... {w}Don't let yourself slip like that, finish your business and go before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"I hear her voice {p}In the mornin' hour she calls me {p}The radio reminds me {p}of my home far away\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 047 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam got dressed and turned back to flush the toilet as a reflex." MC "{i}My god! What did I do, he'll hear it, I have to get out quickly.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"And drivin' down the road {p}I get a feelin' {p}That I should have been home {p}yesterday, yesterday\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 048 with dissolve "But as Myriam quickly got out, she understood that again, the man seemed to not have noticed anything." MC "{i}Sigh! {w}Thank god this man lives in his own world.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 049 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As Myriam was putting her heels back now that she was out, she suddenly heard the shower stop and the man getting out." MC "{i}Damn! I hoped I could sneak out before he finished his shower.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "It look so appetizing from here (Lust Trait 30+). if MCtrait[Lust] >= 30:" $ ch2_dirty_mind = True scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 050 with dissolve "Imagining herself joining the man under the shower and going down on her knees in front of him, she looked up with lust in her eyes, letting him know what she wanted." "Caressing his thighs, she was enjoying the moment, admiring the tool she was going to take in her mouth and suck thoroughly." MC "{i}I'm going to blow your mind.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 051 with dissolve "Taking the tip of his still limp cock in her mouth, she tasted him and started to swallow it slowly." MC "{i}Mmh! He tastes so good.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 052 with dissolve "Slowly swallowing his cock as it got bigger and harder in her mouth, she kept her eyes on him, enjoying the trace of pleasure in his expressions." MC "{i}Mmh! I love feeling it grow in my mouth.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 053 with dissolve "Finally hard in her mouth, she kept him on her tongue, enjoying the taste and feeling of his cock, relaxing her throat before swallowing him whole." MC "{i}Mmh! My mouth is melting in anticipation.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 054 with dissolve "Then, once relaxed, she finally swallowed his cock whole, taking it deep in her throat while using her tongue to tease and taste his balls.." MC "{i}Mmh! He's filling my throat, I can feel it going so deep.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve "After a time keeping him deep in her throat and playing with his balls, Myriam started sucking on his dick thoroughly." MC "{i}Mmh! He's so big but he's sliding in so easily, it's like his cock was made for my mouth.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve "Fully taken by his cock and her blowjob, she could not think of anything else now, only applying herself to give this man the best time she could." MC "{i}Mmm! I can already feel he's ready to cum.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 057 with dissolve "Going at it faster and faster, searching to push him to his limits, Myriam kept deepthroating him without mercy, until finally she felt his thick and warm cum gushing in her mouth and throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Man in the shower" "\"ARH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 058 with dissolve "Taking his still half hard cock out from her mouth, Myriam kept looking in his eyes lustfully, with the excess cum she could not swallow still dripping off her chin." "Enjoying as much the pleasure in his eyes as the taste of his cum on her tongue and her lips." MC "{i}Mmh! My god, this is so good!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 059 with dissolve "But as Myriam was finishing her erotic daydreaming, she was suddenly brought back to reality, opening her eyes wide as she heard the man still singing the shower." "Man in the shower" "\"I hear her voice {p}In the mornin' hour she calls me {p}The radio reminds me {p}of my home far away\"" MC "{i}Myriam!! What are you doing!? {w}Are you crazy, stop your nonsense and go!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 047 with dissolve "Quickly getting up, Myriam got dressed in a hurry and turned back to flush the toilet as a reflex." MC "{i}My god! What did I do, he'll hear it, I have to get out quickly.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"And drivin' down the road {p}I get a feelin' {p}That I should have been home {p}yesterday, yesterday\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 048 with dissolve "But as Myriam quickly got out, she understood that again, the man seemed to not have noticed anything." MC "{i}Sigh! {w}Thank god this man lives in his own world. {w}Well, a bit like you, you pervert!{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 049 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As Myriam was putting her heels back on now that she was out, she suddenly heard the shower stop and the man coming out." MC "{i}Damn! I hoped I could sneak out before he finished his shower.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "No, no, it would be wrong.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 046 with dissolve "Turning her head away again, Myriam stopped herself as her mind was starting to venture into some lustful thoughts." MC "{i}No, stop it Myriam... {w}Don't let yourself slip like that, finish your business and go before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"I hear her voice {p}In the mornin' hour she calls me {p}The radio reminds me {p}of my home far away\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 047 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam got dressed and turned back to flush the toilet as conditioned reflex." MC "{i}My god! What did I do, he'll hear it, I have to get out quickly.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"And drivin' down the road {p}I get a feelin' {p}That I should have been home {p}yesterday, yesterday\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 048 with dissolve "But as Myriam quickly got out, she understood that again, the man seemed to not have noticed anything." MC "{i}Sigh! {w}Thank god this man lives in his own world.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 049 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As Myriam was putting her heels back on now that she was out, she suddenly heard the shower stop and the man coming out." MC "{i}Damn! I hoped I could sneak out before he finished his shower.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_stay_outside:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 060 with dissolve "Turning her gaze toward where the man was behind the wall, Myriam tried to keep her mind off her urgent need to pee." MC "{i}If only he could be faster... {w}And that damn running water isn't helping much.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 061 with dissolve "Her attention back to the toilet, Myriam could not help but keep asking herself if she could not try to sneak in." MC "{i}This is torture, it's right there...{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"All my memories gathered 'round her {p}Miner's lady, stranger to blue water\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_when_you_need_to_go2:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Stay outside and wait.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 040 with dissolve "Infuriated, Myriam still decided to wait oustide despite her urgent need to pee." MC "{i}No, I can't take that risk!{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Dark and dusty, painted on the sky {p}Misty taste of moonshine {p}Teardrop in my eye\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cant_take_it_anymore" KN_MOD "Sneak in discretely.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 041 with dissolve "Taking off her heels, Myriam quickly snuck in, not able to take it anymore." MC "{i}Damn it! I can't take it anymore, I need to go pee.{/i}" MC "\"Sorry!\"" "Man in the shower" "\"Dark and dusty, painted on the sky {p}Misty taste of moonshine {p}Teardrop in my eye\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sneak_inside2" KN_MOD "label ch2_sneak_inside2:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 042 with dissolve "Finally sitting on the toilet while the man was still singing, Myriam still tried to be as quiet as possible under the circumstances." MC "{i}Please, please! God! Make it that I can make it before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 043 with dissolve "Facing the naked man under the shower directly, Myriam had her head turned, the glass being polished she could not see much, but still." MC "{i}This man really fears nothing, he left everything open, the curtain, the glass door... {w}He must really feel free.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"I hear her voice {p}In the mornin' hour she calls me {p}The radio reminds me {p}of my home far away\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_sneak_a_peek2:" "Does Myriam take a better look?" KN_MOD "Maybe just a little peek.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 044 with dissolve "Taking a look at the man still singing under the shower, Myriam couldn't see him well, but she could still see well enough his silhouette." MC "{i}He looks so fit from here, even buff, maybe he's the PE teacher. {w}Cleavon told me they just finished their class.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"And drivin' down the road {p}I get a feelin' {p}That I should have been home {p}yesterday, yesterday\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 045 with dissolve "As her gaze wandered on the man's silhouette, Myriam eyes kept getting back to one spot, until she finished by just starring at it." MC "{i}My god! And his... {w}His penis looks large enough to make him sit down in shifts...{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_let_her_imagination_fly2:" "Does Myriam let her imagination fly?" KN_MOD "No, stop it Myriam, this is wrong.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 046 with dissolve "Turning her head away again, Myriam stopped herself as her mind was starting to venture to some lustful thoughts." MC "{i}No, stop it Myriam... {w}Don't let yourself slip like that, finish your business and go before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" "But hearing the man stopping the water, Myriam's business was suddenly cut short." KN_MOD "jump ch2_caught_in_the_act" KN_MOD "It look so appetizing from here (Lust Trait 30+). if MCtrait[Lust] >= 30:" $ ch2_dirty_mind = True scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 050 with dissolve "Imagining herself joining the man under the shower and going down on her knees in front of him, she looked up with lust in her eyes, letting him know what she wanted." "Caressing his thighs, she was enjoying the moment, admiring the tool she was going to take in her mouth and suck thoroughly." MC "{i}I'm going to blow your mind.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 051 with dissolve "Taking the tip of his still limp cock in her mouth, she tasted him and started to swallow it slowly." MC "{i}Mmh! He tastes so good.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 052 with dissolve "Slowly swallowing his cock as it got bigger and harder in her mouth, she kept her eyes on him, enjoying the trace of pleasure in his expressions." MC "{i}Mmh! I love feeling it grow in my mouth.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 053 with dissolve "Finally hard in her mouth, she kept him on her tongue, enjoying the taste and feeling of his cock, relaxing her throat before swallowing him whole." MC "{i}Mmh! My mouth is melting in anticipation.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 054 with dissolve "Then, once relaxed, she finally swallowed his cock whole, taking it deep in her throat while using her tongue to tease and taste his balls.." MC "{i}Mmh! He's filling my throat, I can feel so deep it going so deep.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 056 with dissolve "After a time keeping him deep in her throat and playing with his balls, Myriam started sucking on his dick thoroughly." MC "{i}Mmh! He's so big but he's sliding in so easily, it's like his cock was made for my mouth.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" "But hearing the man stopping the water, Myriam's daydreaming was suddenly cut short." KN_MOD "jump ch2_caught_in_the_act" KN_MOD "No, no, it would be wrong.:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 046 with dissolve "Turning her head away again, Myriam stopped herself as her mind was starting to venture to some lustful thoughts." MC "{i}No, stop it Myriam... {w}Don't let yourself slip like that, finish your business and go before he comes out.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" "But hearing the man stopping the water, Myriam's business was suddenly cut short." KN_MOD "jump ch2_caught_in_the_act" KN_MOD "label ch2_cant_take_it_anymore:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 060 with dissolve "Turning her gaze again toward where the man was still singing, Myriam cursed him for being so carefree." MC "{i}Damn you! {w}Why can't you be faster!? Are you going to do the whole god damned song?{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 061 with dissolve "Looking toward the toilet again, Myriam was on her last rope, barely holding it in anymore." MC "{i}I am going to wet myself.{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"I hear her voice {p}In the mornin' hour she calls me {p}The radio reminds me {p}of my home far away\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 040 with dissolve "Feeling herself on the verge of exploding, Myriam prayed, but she could feel she was about to crack." MC "{i}Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"And drivin' down the road {p}I get a feelin' {p}That I should have been home {p}yesterday, yesterday\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 062 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Incapable of taking it anymore, Myriam rushed in, just as the man was coming out of the shower, still singing." "Man in the shower" "\"Country roads, take me home {p}To the place I belong {p}West Virginia, mountain momma {p}Take me home, country roads\"" MC "\"PLEASE, I AM SORRY! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, I NEED TO GO!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 064 with dissolve "Having no choice but to sit on the toilet and pee if she did not want an accident, Myriam did so despite the man's presence." MC "\"Please look away! I'm so sorry, but I can't hold on anymore.\"" MC "{i}I am so embarrassed, this is so shameful.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 065 with dissolve "Turning his head away and hiding his eyes behind his hand, the man still didn't move, leaving his own nudity in full view of Myriam without any thoughts." "Man in the shower" "\"Oh! Sorry ma'am! Didn't see much but legs.\"" "Man in the shower" "\"You're the new coach?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 066 with dissolve "Hypnotized by the view in front of her, Myriam could not detach her eyes from his penis, answering him without even thinking while finishing her business." MC "\"Yes, I am, I came today to have a tour of the school with Mr Little.\"" MC "{i}My god! This man is hung like... {w}No! You should stop Myriam, it's wrong!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 067 with dissolve "After dressing up again, Myriam flushed the toilet, looking back to see if the man was still looking away." MC "{i}I'm lucky that this man seems pretty honest.{/i}" MC "\"You can look now.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_caught_in_the_act:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 063 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Surprised and still on the toilet, Myriam saw the man come out of the shower, catching her red handed." MC "{i}Oh my god! NOOOOOO!{/i}" "Man in the shower" "\"Hu! Excuse me?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 064 with dissolve "Hiding herself as best she could, Myriam tried to save the little dignity she could in her position." MC "\"Please look away! I'm so sorry I snuck in, but I just couldn't hold on anymore.\"" MC "{i}I am so embarrassed, this is so shameful.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 065 with dissolve "Turning his head away and hiding his eyes behind his hand, the man still have not moved, leaving his own nudity in full view of Myriam without any thought." "Man in the shower" "\"Oh! Sorry ma'am! Didn't see much but legs.\"" "Man in the shower" "\"You're the new coach?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 066 with dissolve "Hypnotized by the view in front of her, Myriam could not detach her eyes from his penis, answering him without even thinking while finishing her business." MC "\"Yes, I am, I came today to have a tour of the school with Mr Little.\"" MC "{i}My god! This man is hung like... {w}No! You should stop Myriam, it's wrong!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 067 with dissolve "After dressing up again, Myriam flushed the toilet, looking back to see if the man was still looking away." MC "{i}I'm lucky that this man seems pretty honest.{/i}" MC "\"You can look now.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_out_of_the_shower:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 068 with dissolve "Facing the man, Myriam tried to ignore the fact that he was naked, his big cock dangling in front of her." MC "\"I'm sorry for bursting in like that, the curtain was open and... {w}Sorry.\"" "Man in the shower" "\"Don't worry, it's no problem, I always forget to close it. {w}I'm not really a shy man.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 069 with dissolve "Turning her head away as a courtesy, as the man still was not covering his penis, Myriam kept talking to him." MC "\"Are you maybe the PE teacher who will be working with me?\"" "Man in the shower" "\"Oh! Yes, I'm Henry Rotkin, the PE teacher of the school.\"" "{b}{color=#4040bf}Henry Rotkin{/color}{/b} {w}alias Teach{p}The PE teacher{w}, 42 years old {p}The Dopey Teacher {p}A discreet and strange teacher with a mysterious past." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 070 with dissolve MC "\"And I'm Myriam Summers, nice to meet you.\"" HeR "\"Nice to meet you.\"" "After a little moment of silence between them, Myriam spoke again, still a little embarrassed." MC "\"Maybe you should put something on, so we could join Mr Little.\"" HeR "\"Oh, yes, you're right, sorry.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 071 with dissolve MC "\"I'll wait for you outside.\"" "Heading back out to wait for him, Myriam felt a little amused and touched by the character." MC "{i}God! This man is really strange, he's nice but seems so... {w}So dopey.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 072 with dissolve "Waiting a moment for him to get dressed, he finally came out, joining Myriam in a set of sport clothes." HeR "\"Ready to go.\"" MC "\"Then let's go, Mr Little must be waiting for us.\"" HeR "\"I'll guide you, the secondary gym room is just around.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_gym_room" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_gym_room:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 073 with dissolve "Arriving a few moments later to the secondary gymnasium, after passing a locker room, Myriam found it full of gym equipment." HeR "\"Here you are, the gym room.\"" MC "\"You are nicely equipped.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 074 with dissolve "Joining the principal who was waiting for them, Myriam apologized for her delay." MC "\"Mr Little, sorry for being late, I crossed Mr Rotkin.\"" HeR "\"Sorry, it's my fault.\"" ClL "\"No no, it's all fine, it's good you met each other.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 075 with dissolve ClL "\"So, you saw the room, what do you think.\"" MC "\"Like I said to Mr Rotkin...\"" HeR "\"Henry, please.\"" MC "\"Like I said to Henry, you look quite nicely equipped.\"" ClL "\"And there should be some more in the equipment store.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 076 with dissolve "Pointing out a girl on the balance beam, Cleavon introduced one member of the gym team." ClL "\"Here you have the star of the team, Stella Queen, kind of a little moody but she's a real trooper.\"" "{b}{color=#bf80ff}Stella Queen{/color}{/b} {w}alias Spark Plug or Turbo{p}The high-voltage teen{w}, teenager {p}The Star Member {p}The big little star of the gym team, full of energy and character." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 077 with dissolve "Then Cleavon pointed out a boy on parallel bars in another corner, Myriam was surprised to recognize William." ClL "\"And here you have our team captain, William Kelly, a model student, very responsible.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I know him, he's my neighbor, a very sweet kid.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 078 with dissolve "Stopping them in their exercises, Cleavon called them, wanting to present Myriam, their new coach, to them." ClL "\"William! Stella! Come here for a moment!\"" ClL "\"There is more, but as the two aces, they train a lot more than the others.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 079 with dissolve "Getting down, the two kids came toward the three adults." ClL "\"Come here, I have somebody to present to you.\"" StQ "\"Yes? Principal Little?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 080 with dissolve ClL "\"Say hello to Mrs Summers, your new coach.\"" WiK "\"Oh! He... {w}Hello Myr... {w}Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Hello William.\"" "As William gave a revealing and awkward hello to Myriam, Stella's expression passed from cute to pissed in a second." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 081 with dissolve "Turning back to Myriam, the little Stella assaulted her verbally in a sudden angry fit." StQ "\"And who says she's qualified? She looks old and fat!\"" ClL "\"Stella! What came over you, this is no way to talk to someone! {w}Even less to your future coach!\"" "Sensing what was wrong, Myriam did not take it to heart, amused by the obvious jealousy of the girl." MC "\"No, Mr Little, leave it, she's right, I'm old and I don't have the body for it anymore.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 082 with dissolve "Stubornly staying on her position, Stella crossed her arms and kept her attitude." StQ "\"Clearly!\"" MC "\"So, let see if this old body of mine is still worth something.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 083 with dissolve "Turning toward a visibly amused Henry, Myriam took off her jacket and asked him if they had something for her to put on." MC "\"Do you have some clothes for me to change in?\"" HeR "\"I think we should have some lost and found left overs downstairs. {w}Go back where we met, the locker in the middle should have some clean clothes.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 084 with dissolve "Getting down to the locker Henry talked about, Myriam sadly found only a single change in the locker in question." MC "{i}They must be kidding!{/i}" MC "\"Well, let's try it at least.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 085 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror, Myriam could not help but laugh at the outrageous outfit she was wearing." MC "\"Oh boy! {w}Well, that's a definite no, at least for this outrageous top.\"" MC "{i}Is that supposed to be for a twelve years old without breasts!? {w}But I don't have much choice for the shorts, I can't go ripping my jeans.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 086 with dissolve "Getting back up to the gym room, Myriam could not help but feel embarrassed at the outfit she was in, feeling a bit self conscious." MC "{i}Well, here we go. {w}I hope I don't embarrass myself, in this get up nonetheless.{/i}" "Determined, Myriam went towards the balance beam, trying to ignore all the gazes on her." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 087 with dissolve "Up on the balance beam, Myriam was not aware of the intense gazes on her butt, trying to concentrate before launching herself on a series of movements." ClL "{i}Damn! Look at that booty! {w}Cleavon my man, I think you got some damn great inspiration there.{/i}" HeR "{i}Well, can't say I mind this new addition to the team. {w}God that's a fine ass.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 088 with dissolve "But another set of eyes was set on Myriam's curves, the two kids were both staring heavily at her bouncing breasts while she was searching for her footing." KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" WiK "{i}My god! She's a goddess! {w}I can't believe I made love to that body.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch1_talked_to_william == True and ch1_sex_with_william == False:" WiK "{i}My god! She's a goddess! {w}I can't believe I almost made love to that body.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "{i}My god! She's a goddess!{/i}" StQ "{i}That's just two big lumps of fat! {w}I'll have some too when I finish growing up.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 089 with dissolve "Trying to retrieve the concentration and focus she had when she was young, Myriam blocked out eveything else, her trouble, her fear, everyone else in the room." MC "{i}No going back now Myriam! You can do it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 090 with dissolve "Starting her moves with a cartwheel over the balance beam, Myriam felt at ease, executing it without any problems." "Even the little Stella immediately lost her attitude as she looked at her execute her moves seamlessly." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 091 with dissolve "Ending her cartwheel with elegance, Myriam could feel the sensation she had when she was young come back to her." "She was feeling confident and calm, following a routine she had done so many times that she didn't have to think of anything." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 092 with dissolve "Following with moves testing her balance and grace, Myriam kept going, feeling inspired as when she was young." "She was surprised at the ease with which she fell back into her old moves and routine, as if she had never stopped." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 093 with dissolve "Having tested herself with some easier moves, Myriam went up to some harder ones, testing her balance again with a handstand." "Maintaining the position for a time, slowly testing her limits and control as she moved her legs always further." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 094 with dissolve "And to finally nail her series of moves to test her balance and control, Myriam passed from her handstand to standing on one hand." "She felt exhilarated to still be capable of pulling it off and maintaining it despite all this time and her physical shape." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 095 with dissolve "Finishing with a somersault to go back to the ground, Myriam ended her demonstration, happy of the result and to still be able to pull off her routine." "Even if she could feel she was not to the level she once was when she was younger, she was glad to see she could still control her body to such an extent." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 096 with dissolve "Landing without a problem on the mat, Myriam still tried to stay focused until the end, it was always when your concentration goes down that accidents happened." "Looking at the eyes of everyone on her, she could see that she nailed her little demonstration, even the little Stella wore a look of surprise and admiration." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 097 with dissolve "But as she came back toward everyone, Myriam could see Stella quickly go back to her pouting, trying to hide her surprise and true feelings." MC "\"So, what did you think Stella?\"" StQ "\"That... {w}That's just the least you should know to teach us!\"" WiK "\"That was incredible Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Thank you William.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 098 with dissolve "Leaving the kids, Myriam went back toward Cleavon and Henry, curious to also have their opinion about her little demonstration." MC "\"How was it?\"" ClL "\"My god Myriam, this was quite something, seeing is definitely believing!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Thank you.\"" HeR "\"Yes, it was really impressive.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 099 with dissolve play sound "school bell-freesound-13fpanska-stranska-michaela.mp3" "Surprised in the middle of their conversation, they all turned to the bell announcing the end of the morning classes." ClL "\"Ah! That's the end of the classes for this morning.\"" MC "\"Then I'll go clean up before joining my kids. {w}Is it still ok for me to eat here with them?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 100 with dissolve ClL "\"Of course. {w}But I'll have to leave you here, duty calls. {w}Will you be ok to find your way?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" HeR "\"I have to leave you too Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Just Myriam please.\"" HeR "\"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Myriam.\"" MC "\"And a pleasure to meet you too Henry.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 101 with dissolve "As Myriam was going to follow the two men out of the gym room, she was stopped by Stella before she could do so." StQ "\"Wait! Mrs Summers...\"" MC "\"Yes? Stella.\"" StQ "\"I... {w}I'm sorry about what I said. I'll be happy to work with you. {w}You were really beautiful.\"" MC "\"Thank you Stella, I'll be happy to work with you too.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 102 with dissolve StQ "\"You aren't mad?\"" MC "\"No, I'm not, don't worry. {w}Now you should go change and eat something, you have to get your energy up.\"" StQ "\"Yes, thank you.\"" "Patting her head, Myriam reassured her and sent her to get a good meal, eating well was important for an athlete." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 103 with dissolve "Going down to change back, Myriam returned to the locker room where she left her clothes." MC "{i}I'm glad that kid came around in the end, she really looks like a sweet kid and from what I could see, she definitely has potential.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now, let's get back into something a little bit more decent.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 104 with dissolve "As Myriam started to change, thinking she was alone, William suddenly came in while she was changing, her butt barely covered by her panties." WiK "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Aaah! William?\"" WiK "\"Oh! Sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 105 with dissolve MC "\"You surprised me William!\"" WiK "\"I'm sorry, the curtain was opened, I didn't think you...\"" MC "\"It's ok William. Did you want something?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 106 with dissolve "As William kept coming toward her despite her state, Myriam retreated in front of his enthusiasm, ending up pressed against the locker behind her." WiK "\"I just wanted to know if you were ok.\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm ok William.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 107 with dissolve WiK "\"Are you sure? Was... {w}Was everything ok with...?\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, everything went well.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Well, as much as it could in this situation, Anthony and I are separated now.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"We talked and everything was just a big misunderstanding.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 108 with dissolve WiK "\"I... {w}I'm glad to hear everything is ok. {w}After what happened, I just couldn't stop thinking about you.\"" "Embarrassed at the thought of what he meant, at the thought of the intense sexual relation they had together." MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I understand.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 109 with dissolve WiK "\"And today, with your demonstration... {w}I just couldn't help it...\"" "As William look down ashamed, Myriam followed his gaze and saw the enormous bulge in his shorts." WiK "\"I'm sorry, it's why I waited for everyone to go before getting out.\"" MC "\"Oh! It's ok William, it happens.\"" MC "{i}Poor kid, he's so hard because of me.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 110 with dissolve WiK "\"Could you... {w}Could you maybe help me out, please. {w}I mean like you did the other day.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"I don't know William, we're at school.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I don't know William, you know I'm still with someone and we're at school.\"" WiK "\"Please... {w}If I go out like this, everybody will laugh at me.\"" MC "{i}God! What do I do, it's my fault, but...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_helping_hand:" "Does Myriam give William a helping hand?" KN_MOD "Its my fault, I cant leave him like this.:" $ ch2_giving_a_hand_to_william = True KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I feel so guilty, he was so sweet the other day and it's my fault that he's in this state.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I feel so guilty, I know it would be wrong toward Anthony, but he was so sweet the other day and it's my fault that he's in this state.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 111 with dissolve MC "\"Ok, I'll help you.\"" WiK "\"For real!?\"" MC "\"Yes, but we need to be quick.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_giving_a_helping_hand" KN_MOD "No, we cant.:" $ ch2_kind_of_promised_to_william = True KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I feel so guilty, but I can't, not at school, if we ever get caught it could ruin our lives.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I feel so guilty, but I can't, not at school, if we ever get caught it could ruin our lives and I know it would be wrong toward Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 112 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry William, but we can't.\"" WiK "\"I understand.\"" MC "\"It would be irresponsible to do something at school.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 113 with dissolve WiK "\"You mean that it would be ok elsewhere!?\"" MC "\"What!? No, that's not what I...\"" "But seeing the sparks and hope in the eyes of William, Myriam did not have the heart to end his thoughts and capitulated." MC "\"Maybe.\"" WiK "\"You're the best.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 114 with dissolve "Saying good bye to William as he left her, happy despite her refusal, Myriam could get back to changing before joining her kids." WiK "\"Thank you again Mrs Summers, I'm glad to be working with you as a coach.\"" MC "\"Me too, William, good bye.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "elif ch1_talked_to_william == True and ch1_sex_with_william == False:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 104 with dissolve "As Myriam started to change, thinking she was alone, William suddenly came in while she was changing, her butt barely covered by her panties." WiK "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Aaah! William?\"" WiK "\"Oh! Sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 105 with dissolve MC "\"You surprised me William!\"" WiK "\"I'm sorry, the curtain was opened, I didn't think you...\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 106 with dissolve "As William kept coming toward her despite her state, Myriam retreated in front of his enthusiasm, ending up pressed against the locker behind her." WiK "\"I just wanted to know if you were ok.\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm ok William.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 107 with dissolve WiK "\"Are you sure? Was... {w}Was everything ok with...?\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, everything went well.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Well, as much as it could in this situation, Anthony and I are separated now.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"We talked and everything was just a big misunderstanding.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 108 with dissolve WiK "\"I... {w}I'm glad to hear everything is ok. {w}After what happened, I just couldn't stop thinking about you.\"" "Embarrassed at the thought of what he meant, at the thought of the kiss and what they almost did." MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I understand.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 111 with dissolve WiK "\"Well, I'll let you change, sorry I burst in like that.\"" MC "\"Don't worry, it's ok and thank you again for being there the other day.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 114 with dissolve "Saying good bye to William as he left her, happy to have been able to talk to her, Myriam could get back to changing before joining her kids." WiK "\"Thank you again Mrs Summers, I'm glad to be working with you as a coach.\"" MC "\"Me too, William, good bye.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "label ch2_giving_a_helping_hand:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve "Leading him towards the mirror after closing the curtain and making him strip down, Myriam took his cock in her hand in front of the mirror and started to slowly jerk him off." MC "\"Let me take care of this bad boy. {w}Do you like feeling my hand on your cock?\"" WiK "\"Mmh! God yes! This is perfect. {w}Your hand feels so soft.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve "Following his reactions and moans of pleasure, Myriam kept masturbating him, caressing his cock faster as his pleasure built up." MC "\"Look at that big cock of yours, you're so big and hard in my hand. {w}Do you want to cum for me?\"" WiK "\"Mmh! Yes! Yes! I want to! I need to! {w}That feels so good.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve "Feeling his cock getting harder and harder in her hand, Myriam knew he was nearly there." MC "\"Ask me to cum.\"" WiK "\"Mmh! Please, please, make me cum.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 117 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" WiK "\"ARH! YES!\"" MC "\"That's it! Cum for me! Give me everything.\"" "Jerking him off as he kept cumming in her hand, Myriam did not stop until every last drop of his cum was out, until he gave her everything as she asked." WiK "\"Mmh! That felt so great, thank you so much.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 118 with dissolve "Getting dressed, William went towards the curtain, thanking Myriam again before getting out, while she herself waved at him with her cum covered hand." WiK "\"Thank you again Mrs Summers, you... {w}You're the best, and I'm glad we'll be working with you as a coach from now on.\"" MC "\"Me too, William, good bye.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 119 with dissolve "As she waved him goodbye, Myriam's attention stayed on all the cum covering her hand, and the compulsion she had to lick it as its smell was invading her nose." MC "{i}My god! That smell, it's... {w}It's so potent.{/i}" MC "{i}I want to lick it so badly.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_eating_in_the_hand:" "Does Myriam give in to her temptation?" KN_MOD "I want it so much! (Cum Kink 15+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 15:" $ ch2_ate_williams_cum = True $ ch2_licked_williams_cum = True scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 120 with dissolve "Bringing her hand to her face, Myriam started to lick William's cum, eating it off her hand as she would with some ice cream melting from its cone." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "{i}My god! Why do I love that taste so much.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 121 with dissolve "Turning back, as she finished cleaning the cum off her hand, Myriam looked at the cum over the sink." MC "{i}No! Myriam you can't, this is crazy... {w}But it's his cum.{/i}" MC "{i}And I can't leave it like that, it would be wrong to leave the place dirty. {w}God, who am I kidding, I just want his cum.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 122 with dissolve "Bending over, Myriam started licking William's cum off the sink, still warm from his ejaculation." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "{i}God Myriam! You're crazy... {w}But I love it, this taste, it make me so wet.{/i}" MC "{i}It's Anthony's fault, he made me crave it by making me swallow his everyday.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 123 with dissolve "Having finished licking William's cum, Myriam could not help but feel ashamed of herself." MC "{i}Myriam! You're really losing it... {w}You really got to go see Eve's shrink at the end of the day.{/i}" MC "{i}Now get your head straight and go see your kids.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Its just a bit of cum.:" $ ch2_licked_williams_cum = True scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 120 with dissolve "Bringing her hand to her face, Myriam started to lick William's cum, eating it off her hand as she would with some ice cream melting from its cone." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "{i}My god! Why do I love that taste so much.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 121 with dissolve "Turning back, as she finished cleaning the cum off her hand, Myriam looked at the cum over the sink." MC "{i}No! Myriam you can't, this is crazy... {w}But it's his cum.{/i}" MC "{i}And I can't leave it like that, it would be wrong to leave the place dirty. {w}God, who am I kidding, I just want his cum.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 123 with dissolve "Stopping herself from doing what she craved, Myriam could not help but feel ashamed of herself for even thinking about it." MC "{i}Myriam! You're really losing it, you can't do that... {w}You really got to go see Eve's shrink at the end of the day.{/i}" MC "{i}Now get your head straight and go see your kids.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Stop it Myriam!:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 123 with dissolve "Stopping herself from doing what she craved, Myriam could not help but feel ashamed of herself for even thinking about it." MC "{i}Myriam! You're really losing it, you can't do that... {w}You really got to go see Eve's shrink at the end of the day.{/i}" MC "{i}Now get your head straight and go see your kids.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_meal_with_katherine" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_meal_with_katherine:" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 124 with dissolve "Finally changed, Myriam headed for the cafeteria to join Katherine and Marc." MC "{i}Let's go Myriam! {w}I hope I won't trouble them too much with this last minute organization but I miss them too much.{/i}" MC "{i}I need to see them, now that the situation with Anthony is \"done\". {w}They must be very anxious.{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 125 with dissolve "As soon as she entered the cafeteria, Myriam was hailed by her daughter Katherine." Ka "\"Mom! {w}We're here, I already got you something to eat.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 126 with dissolve "Coming to her daughter, Myriam played with her hair, as much to be tender with her as curiosity toward her new hair cut." MC "\"Hello Pumpkin! I love what you did with your hair.\"" Ka "\"Hello mommy. {w}It's aunty Eve, seeing how I was a bit down she fooled around with it to cheer me up.\"" MC "\"Yes, your auntie Eve always loved to play around with my hair when we were little.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 127 with dissolve "Getting to Marc, Myriam kissed him on the forehead too, not minding his embarrassment and the crowd around still eating." MC "\"Hello Duckling. Muah!\"" Ma "\"Mi! I already told you, don't call me that.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 128 with dissolve "Sitting down with her children, Myriam started talking with them naturally, as if nothing had happened." MC "\"So, what's new kids? {w}What have you been doing with Eve?\"" Ka "\"Nothing much you know, it's more you, will you really coach the school gym team?\"" MC "\"Well yes, and the principal seems to even want me to coach all the other athletics teams.\"" Ma "\"Even the basketball team?.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 129 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, even basketball, but for starters I'll take care of the gym team since it was my discipline. {w}And if everything goes right maybe I'll take care of the other teams.\"" MC "\"Why? Are you interested in the basketball team?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! I wanted to try it out.\"" MC "\"Well that's good, it'll do you some good to have a physical activity.\"" Ka "\"He even has his tryouts today.\"" MC "\"Really, you should have told me Duckling!\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 130 with dissolve "Hitting her on the shoulder, Marc shouted at Myriam for keeping calling her Duckling." Ma "\"Come on Mi! I told you to stop calling me that.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" "But as Myriam was laughing it off, Katherine seemed pretty pissed at Marc for hitting her mother, even lightly." Ka "\"Hey! Marc, what do you think you're doing!?\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok Kat, he's just so easy to tease.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 131 with dissolve "And as Myriam and the kids kept bickering and joking around, another kid suddenly came toward them, wearing the same jersey as Marc." "Boy" "\"Hey! Are you ready?\"" Ma "\"Oh! Yes, sorry, I'm coming.\"" "Jumping a bit in surprise, Marc's attitude disappeared as he seemed very deferential to the boy." scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 132 with dissolve "Getting up to follow him, Marc left his food barely touched." Ma "\"Sorry, I have to go, I have the tryouts for the basketball team.\"" MC "\"But you barely ate anything.\"" Ma "\"Don't worry, I had a big breakfast this morning.\"" MC "\"Ok, then kick some butt Marc, and you tell me how it went tonight.\"" Ma "\"Sure Mi.\"" "Boy" "{i}Wow! She's some hot milf!{/i}" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 133 with dissolve "Boy" "\"Sorry for disturbing your meal Ma'am.\"" MC "\"It's no problem. {w}Take good care of him please.\"" "Boy" "\"Will do Ma'am.\"" "Boy" "{i}Already thought Katherine was a babe, but damn her mother is seriously hot also!{/i}" Ma "\"Later Mi.\"" MC "\"Later Marc.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 134 with dissolve "As the two boys left the cafeteria, Katherine turned back to her mother with a worried look." Ka "\"Hey, Mom! Now that the Y chromosome is away, can we talk for real?\"" MC "\"Of course honey.\"" Ka "\"What happened the other day?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 135 with dissolve MC "\"Anthony and I had a fight and we had to work things out. {w}I didn't want you two to get caught in the middle while things weren't resolved.\"" Ka "\"And are they?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Well, I don't know, for now, we're separated. {w}I got him out of the house and I think we're probably going to separate for good.\"" Ka "\"Good! {w}He always treated you badly Mom, you took the right decision, he's just an asshole.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Well, I don't know, but I'm sure things will get better. {w}He's so stressed out with his new position, he just need some time.\"" Ka "\"Mom! {w}That's victim talk, please don't let him treat you like that, he's just an asshole.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 136 with dissolve MC "\"Honey! Please, don't say that.\"" Ka "\"Sorry Mom, I know you want to see the good in him, but I really don't see it. {w}I don't even know how you could have been interested in him.\"" MC "\"I'm sorry.\"" Ka "\"Don't be mom, it's not your fault, I know you always did your best for me, but I know since dad died you felt lonely, it's just that he's a revolting son of a bitch...\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 137 with dissolve "Shocked by what her daughter was saying and unable to contradict her, Myriam felt her chest tightening and tears coming, but still managed to control herself." MC "\"Oh! Honey, I'm so sorry you have to live through this, you shouldn't have to.\"" Ka "\"No Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad.\"" MC "\"I know, I know.\"" Ka "\"It's just that you're such a wonderful mom and you deserve better than him. {w}You deserve to be happy, to have fun and not get slapped around because you overcooked diner.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 138 with dissolve "Feeling her daughter's distress, Myriam got up and brought her in for a hug." MC "\"It's ok Pumpkin, don't worry, I'm ok. {w}And I'm happy to have such a smart and beautiful daughter.\"" Ka "\"I'm sorry Mom!\"" MC "\"Sometimes I forget you're not my little girl anymore, you've grown so much. {w}You're already a woman.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 139 with dissolve "Not minding where they were and who was around, Myriam kissed her daughter's head affectionately." MC "\"Muah! I love you so much my little Pumpkin. {w}Even all grown up, you're still my baby.\"" Ka "\"I love you too, Mom.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 140 with dissolve "Turning her head back toward her mother, Katherine still stayed in Myriam's embrace." Ka "\"So we can still come back home after school today.\"" MC "\"Yes, of course. You don't know how much I missed you two.\"" Ka "\"I missed you too Mom.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"You know what? {w}What do you say to some pizzas and movies just the three of us tonight?\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"You know what? Anthony will work late again today. {w}So what do you say to some pizzas and movies just the three of us tonight?\"" Ka "\"Yeah, it would be nice, could I have one with pineapple on it?\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 141 with dissolve MC "\"Are you even my daughter?\"" "Both bursting into laughter at Myriam's joke, they both felt the stress from before leaving them, laughing heartily as only their mutual love and warmth of their embrace stayed between them." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on you little pineapple eating monster, let's finish eating before it gets cold.\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Yes Mom.\"" scene bg ch2_03 backatschool 142 with dissolve "Sitting back down, they both enjoyed their meal with a light heart, joking and talking about nothing and everything." "Both enjoying this fleeting moment of happiness before they each had to get back to their respective days." "Knowing that whatever happened in life they both could always count on their mutual love." KN_MOD "jump ch2_on_the_go" KN_MOD "label ch2_on_the_go:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update2 from _call_var_chapter2_update2" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n On the Go" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_04 onthego 001 with dissolve "Leaving Katherine after their meal together, Myriam walked back towards the school entrance, with a little smile on her face, happy to have been able to see her kids." MC "{i}I'm so glad to have been able to catch them, I can't wait until tonight so we can have a bit of fun all together.{/i}" MC "{i}And I'm so proud to see how well Katherine is growing up, she's so smart and sweet...{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 002 with dissolve "But as Myriam was walking by some school restroom, some noises attracted her attention." "Kid" "\"Sob!\"" MC "{i}What was that?{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 003 with dissolve "As she approached, the noises seemed to come from the men restroom, and Myriam could definitely hear now someone sobbing." "Kid" "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "{i}Seems like a kid is having some troubles, maybe I should take a look just in case.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 004 with dissolve "Approaching the entrance of the room, Myriam stopped and knocked on the wall to announce herself." MC "\"Howdy there! Is everything ok? Do you want me to come in?\"" "Jumping in surprise, the kid sobbing inside the restroom stopped and answered with a high pitch voice." "Kid" "\"No! No, everything's ok, I'm coming out.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 005 with dissolve "As the kid came out as he said, Myriam saw a short and chubby kid, probably the same age than Marc, with red eyes, she immediately knew he had just been crying." MC "\"Hey there, sweetie. Is everything ok?\"" "Kid" "\"Sob! Yes, ma'am, everything's fine.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 006 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want, I won't repeat it. {w}I'm going to be the gymnastic team's coach.\"" "Kid" "\"Thank you... {w}But it's ok, I'm used to it.\"" MC "\"If you say so. {w}But if you change your mind, don't hesitate to talk to me.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 007 with dissolve "Getting back do his day, the kid left quickly Myriam." "Kid" "\"Good bye ma'am!\"" MC "\"Myriam, Myriam Summers, and you are, sweetie?\"" "Kid" "\"Jonas Lee, ma'am. {w}Good bye Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Bye Jonas!\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 008 with dissolve "Looking at the kid go, Myriam could not help but feel sad for him, thinking of her own brother and the bullying he was the victim of at school." MC "{i}Poor kid, I hope everything will be alright for him.{/i}" MC "{i}It's incredible how kids can be cruel to each other.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 009 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, it's sad, but there's nothing I can do if he doesn't want to talk about it.{/i}" "Leaving this short interlude behind her, Myriam went back to her day, walking towards the exit again." KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_car == True:" MC "{i}Let's go back to the car!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_on_the_go_via_car" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's go catch the bus!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_on_the_go_via_bus" KN_MOD "label ch2_on_the_go_via_car:" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 010 with dissolve play sound "car locking-freesound-hawabaz.mp3" "Arriving to her car, Myriam unlocked it mechanically while her head was trying to decide where to go first." MC "{i}I think I should go to the police first, as Lucy told me, while things are still fresh in my mind.{/i}" MC "{i}After that maybe I can have a little walk in town while I wait for my appointment.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_the_cop" KN_MOD "label ch2_on_the_go_via_bus:" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 011 with dissolve "Getting into the bus, Myriam had little choice and had to take the first place she could, which was the same as earlier, with the same man sitting next to it." MC "{i}My god! Aren't I a lucky girl! {w}Calm down Myriam, you don't have much choice and it's not his fault.{/i}" "As soon as she passed him and stood near him, his strong smell assaulted her nose again." MC "{i}Come on Myriam, it's just for a few minutes. {w}I'll just get off at the first stop downtown then walk to the police station.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 012 with dissolve "As the bus kept going, people kept getting on stop after stop, in this already full bus, pushing Myriam against a security bar as people made room for the new passengers." MC "{i}God! They're really pushing.{/i}" "She was so pressed against it, that the bar was firmly lodged between her breasts, leaving her with not much room to move and a feeling of embarrassment at the comical state she was in." MC "{i}Gasp! I'm so squeezed I can barely breathe.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 013 with dissolve "But while Myriam was feeling self conscious about her breasts, she was oblivious that her groin was not pressing against the security bar, but against the sitting man." "Sitting Man" "{i}Blimey! She's pressing against my hand! {w}She's going to think I'm a pervert!{/i}" "As the man was starting to fear passing for a molester, he started to sweat even more, crippled by stress and anguish." scene bg ch2_04 onthego 014 with dissolve "To make it worse, with every bump and movement of the bus, Myriam kept rubbing herself in his hand without knowing it, still thinking she was only pressed against a security bar." "Sitting Man" "{i}What do I do!? {w}She keeps rubbing herself against my hand!{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 015 with dissolve "But if the sitting sweaty man wasn't touching Myriam on purpose, the man right behind her was himself quite enjoying the situation, using every bump in the road to feel her ass." "As Myriam seemed to not react to his probing, the man boldly pressed himself against her, rubbing his groin against her ass while massaging it with his hand." "Molester" "\"Sorry ma'am, trying my best to find some room.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 016 with dissolve "Hardly able to move, or even turn her head, Myriam just acknowledged his excuses and tried to be understanding about the man's struggle to find some room in this crowded bus." MC "\"It's ok, I... {w}I understand.\"" MC "{i}God! He's really rubbing against my ass, I'm pretty sure I can feel his hand. {w}No, stay calm Myriam, don't go makin' a scene if that poor man is just struggling to find some room.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_the_cop" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_to_the_cop:" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 017 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_bus == True:" "Finally arriving downtown and able to get down off the crowded bus just in front of the police station, Myriam climbed the steps determined to get it done." KN_MOD "else:" "Finally arriving downtown and able to quickly parked, Myriam climbed the steps toward the police station, determined to get it done." MC "{i}Let's get this done Myriam and put this behind you.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 018 with dissolve "Getting in, Myriam found the floor nearly empty, but could hear voices coming from a meeting room behind the counter where she could see a female officer." MC "\"Excuse me.\"" "Officer" "\"Hi! What can I do to help you?\"" MC "\"Hi! I'm here to report an assault.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 019 with dissolve "Officer" "\"Very well ma'am. {w}Please take a seat in the waiting area, somebody will take your statement in a moment.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 020 with dissolve "Sitting down in the waiting area, Myriam started to ask herself how she was going to explain this morning's assault." MC "{i}How am I going to talk about what happened this morning? {w}I just hope it will help.{/i}" MC "{i}Like Lucy said, if I don't report it, it's like saying to them they're free to do it again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 021 with dissolve "As Myriam was deep in her thoughts, she's suddenly taken out of them when a voice slightly familiar called out to her." OMJ "\"Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Oh! Officer Johnson!\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 022 with dissolve "Leaving a meeting room, officer Johnson approached Myriam half happy and half worried about her presence." OMJ "\"What are you doing here, is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, well, I'm ok now, but I was assaulted this morning and I came to report what happened.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 023 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam joined him to talk to him more discretely as she started to feel slightly self conscious talking about the assault." MC "\"He didn't have the time to do anything, someone intervened and got him to run away, but still I wanted to give the police his description.\"" OMJ "\"I'm glad to hear you came out unscathed from this. {w}You did the right thing, maybe the person that attacked you is already in our files.\"" MC "\"You think so?\"" OMJ "\"Yes, and if the person that made him run away is prepared to come forth as a witness, we could actually do something about it.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 024 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Yes! She gave me her contact information, she even was the one to push me to come. {w}She was incredible, really, she even kicked his ass plumb into next week!\"" OMJ "\"Ha ha ha! She definitely sounds like it. {w}You know what, this is perfect, follow me, I'll get you a detective to take care of you.\"" "Pointing at some desks behind him, officer Johnson invited her to follow him toward them." scene bg ch2_04 onthego 025 with dissolve OMJ "\"You'll be in good hands, he's a bit peculiar and rough around the edges, but he's good.\"" MC "\"Can't you take care of it?\"" OMJ "\"Sadly, it's not in my duties, all I can do is point you toward the best, and believe me, he is... {w}Despite everything.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 026 with dissolve "As they arrived toward a desk where a man was cursing and beating his desk with his fist, Myriam was starting to understand the veiled comments from officer Johnson." "Detective" "\"Bollocks! You fucking piece of crap!\"" MC "\"Is... {w}Is that him??\"" OMJ "\"Yes, here's detective Anderson.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 027 with dissolve "Finally noticing their presence, the detective turned toward them, looking a bit remorseful." DDA "\"Oh! Sorry! You wanted something?\"" OMJ "\"Excuse me Detective, here's Mrs Summers, she came to report an assault this morning in the park.\"" DDA "\"Well, I'm all yours. {w}Anything to save me from that Kafkaesque nightmare.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 028 with dissolve "After officer Johnson left them, detective Anderson invited Myriam to sit down and talk about her assault." DDA "\"So, tell me everything, what happened to you Mrs Summers?\"" DDA "\"Tell me all the details, and in your own words, I'll ask you some questions after.\"" "{b}{color=#0af}Dave Anderson{/color}{/b} {w}alias Andy, the Pain-in-the-ass or Scruffy {p}The detective{w}, 40 years {p}The Scruffy Detective {p}An asocial crack detective always at odds with the politic." scene bg ch2_04 onthego 029 with dissolve "As he invited her to do, Myriam described in detail to the detective the events that happened during her morning run." "Starting with the circumstances surrounding the assault before getting to the event in question and the man that attacked her." "Then finishing with the help of her dog and the intervention of a brave woman who saved her life and had the aggressor on the run." scene bg ch2_04 onthego 030 with dissolve "Letting her recollect and describe the event as she lived them, the detective finally asked her a few questions once she had concluded." DDA "\"Well, like you said, you were quite lucky that Ms Monroe was around when it happened, both for your life and your case.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" DDA "\"Well, to be honest, Ms Monroe is not unkown to our service, she is a well known social worker and it's not the first time she saved someone, she will be a very reliable witness for your case.\"" DDA "\"No, I think the problem won't come from her in your case.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 031 with dissolve "Taking some time on the computer before finishing his train of thoughts, the detective finally turned the screen toward Myriam." DDA "\"Is that the man you described to me, a big muscular man, shaved head, tatoos and Russian accent.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Yes! It's him. {w}How did you...?\"" DDA "\"Sadly, this man is also well known to us, and I must say you were very very lucky Mrs Summers, more than you know.\"" DDA "\"I'll be honest with you, this man isn't just a thug Mrs Summers. {w}He's an enforcer for the Bratva, the Russian mafia.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 032 with dissolve MC "\"Oh my god! What... {w}What am I going to do?\"" DDA "\"Sorry, don't worry, my goal wasn't to frightened you, I just wanted you to know where you stand.\"" MC "\"Really? But can I really get a complaint on someone like that. {w}Wouldn't it be dangerous.\"" DDA "\"Well, yes and no, this man is a small fry, not big enough for them to want the trouble that dealing with you would cause.\"" DDA "\"If you make it official, they will probably try to buy you out via their lawyers, or even just let him purge his sentence if you have some means behind you.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 033 with dissolve MC "\"You really think so?\"" "Putting his hand on hers, detective Anderson tried to reassure the panicked Myriam." DDA "\"I know so. {w}I worked at the organized crime division for some time, trust me.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I trust you.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 034 with dissolve MC "\"But you said something about means?\"" DDA "\"Yes, I meant depending on your family means. {w}It's something to cause trouble with some average joe, but it's something else entirely to get attention with a notorious family.\"" DDA "\"For this kind of group, attention is never good, and even less so when it's about the screw up by some little fish like him.\"" MC "\"I understand.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 035 with dissolve "Trying to keep Myriam from stressing even more, detective Anderson kept his hand on hers as silence came over them, both lost in their minds." DDA "{i}Damn, I hope I'm not down playing this, there still some chance that it could get rough.{/i}" MC "{i}Officer Johnson was right he really seems to know what he's doing. {w}I really feel safe in his hands...{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 036 with dissolve "Suddenly feeling self conscious with the detective's hand on hers, Myriam jumped up in a panic." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! Myriam, what are you doing, you're not here to flirt, what will he think of you!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Myriam, what are you doing, you're not here to flirt, what would Anthony think!?{/i}" MC "\"Sorry! I should go, I have an appointment this afternoon. {w}I'll have to think over all this.\"" DDA "\"Oh! Sorry! Yes, you should think it over before deciding on what you want to do.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 037 with dissolve MC "\"Thank you for your help and patience detective Anderson.\"" DDA "\"Don't mention it, and please, call me Dave.\"" MC "\"And call me Myriam. {w}I'm sorry to leave like that, but I have an appointment I can't miss.\"" DDA "\"It's no problem, think on what you want to do and call me, you have my number.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, I'll contact Lucy again, I think this decision concerns her as well.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 038 with dissolve "Leaving the police station and the detective behind, Myriam headed out of the station; her mind still focused on the detective and his words." MC "{i}I just hope everything will be alright, all that mafia thing sounded terrifying. {w}I'll have to talk about it with Lucy, I don't want to put her in danger also after she saved my life.{/i}" MC "{i}But the detective told me everything would be alright, and he looked pretty dependable despite his scruffy looks.{/i}" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 039 with dissolve "As she was going down the steps of the forecourt in front of the station, Myriam noticed another familiar face." ODA "\"Oh! Hello Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Officer Armstrong!\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 040 with dissolve ODA "\"Is everything alright?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you. {w}I just had to report an assault that happened this morning.\"" ODA "\"Sorry to hear that, are you sure everything is ok, do you need any help?\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 041 with dissolve MC "\"No, it's nice of you to offer, but your partner already pointed me to detective Anderson.\"" ODA "\"Oh! Good! Then I can assure you that you're in good hands.\"" MC "\"Yeah, he seemed quite knowledgeable and reassuring.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 042 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to leave officer Armstrong and head for her appointment, the voice of his partner behind them stopped her in her tracks." OMJ "\"Hey! Mrs Summers, how did it go?\"" MC "\"Oh! Officer Johnson, everything went well... {w}Well as much as it could.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 043 with dissolve OMJ "\"Well, that doesn't sound good to me. What happened?\"" ODA "\"Yes, if we can help in anyway?\"" MC "{i}They're so nice, I can't believe how dependable people are here.{/i}" MC "\"No everything went well, it's just all a bit scary, that's all.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 044 with dissolve ODA "\"Yeah, we can understand, we see some scary things in our line of work, but we're so accustomed to it now that sometimes we forget how it must be when people get confronted with it.\"" OMJ "\"You know what? Why don't you come for a little drink with us after work, we'll take you through step by step on what will happen.\"" MC "\"Well I... {w}I don't know, I can't today, I have an appointment this afternoon and have something with my kids tonight.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 045 with dissolve OMJ "\"Don't worry, nothing urgent, we just wanted to reassure you and tell you how things will go.\"" ODA "\"Yeah, it seem scary, but once you know what to wait for, it always helps a lot.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_accept_the_double_cop_team_date_offer:" "Does Myriam accept their offer?" KN_MOD "Yes.:" $ ch2_double_cop_team_date_on = True MC "\"Oh! And why not after all, ok.\"" OMJ "\"Then we'll be waiting for your call, we're pretty much free all nights this week.\"" ODA "\"So any time that fits you best.\"" KN_MOD "No. (End of the line of events.):" MC "\"I don't know, I have to think on all this, and detective Anderson is already helping me, I wouldn't want him to think I don't trust him.\"" ODA "\"We understand, you need time to let all this sink in and think it over.\"" OMJ "\"Well, you know how to join us if you ever change your mind and need some help.\"" scene bg ch2_04 onthego 046 with dissolve "Leaving after thanking them again, Myriam headed back down the stairs to go on with her day, while the two officers watched her go, whispering to each other." MC "{i}They're really so nice, but I have to go, and they probably have to get back to their duty also.{/i}" ODA "\"Man!\"" OMJ "\"I know, why do you think I went after her outside, good thing you caught her while going in.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_double_cop_team_date_on == True:" ODA "\"Well now maybe we'll get to have some fun with that, she seemed up for it.\"" KN_MOD "else:" ODA "\"Too bad we didn't get her to take the bait, we'll have to try and fish her another time.\"" OMJ "\"It's a man's \"duty\" to try.\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_something_weird_happened_1" KN_MOD "label ch2_something_weird_happened_1:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Something Weird Happened 1" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 001 with dissolve "Her appointment being not too far downtown, Myriam decided to walk there, taking the occasion to discover the city a little." "But her mind was still in the turmoil caused by her passage to the police station, she couldn't stop mulling over what she had just learned." MC "{i}I just hope everything will be alright, this detective seemed trust worthy, but still it's quite scary knowing you could have some problems with the Russian mob.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 002a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 002b with dissolve MC "{i}I'll have to contact Lucy about all this, it concerns her also, she saved me and I don't think she deserve troubles for it.{/i}" "As Myriam kept walking, passing some old warehouses while her mind was still mulling her problems, a fleeting shape caught her attention at the corner of her eyes." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 003 with dissolve MC "{i}Wait! What was that?{/i}" "Turning her head toward where she thought she had seen something, Myriam couldn't see anything, just some condemned warehouses." MC "{i}I think it was a kid, I better take a look, it's dangerous to play in there.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 004 with dissolve "Getting to the fence, Myriam called out to anyone there while trying to see if she could have a better look." MC "\"Hey! Is there anybody here? {w}It's dangerous here, it's not a place to fool around!\"" "BAM! CLING!!" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 005 with dissolve "Suddenly hearing some objects falling over, Myriam's motherly instincts kicked in and she jumped the fence without thinking." MC "{i}My god! Quick! I hope he didn't hurt himself.{/i}" MC "\"Don't move! I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 006 with dissolve "Running as well she could with her high heels, Myriam still ran towards the source fo the noises." MC "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "{i}I don't hear anything! I hope he's alright.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 007 with dissolve "Arriving at the corner of the building, Myriam stopped right in her tracks surprised by what she saw." MC "\"Aaaah!!\"" MC "{i}What in the...!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 008 with dissolve "But a sudden blinding flash forced Myriam to protect herself as everything went white before her eyes." MC "\"Aaah!! What...!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_be_weird_or_go_home:" "Here you are hombre, time to chose, do you want to see weird things or do you want to go home?" KN_MOD "Yes, show me weird things!.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_case_of_the_alien_abduction" KN_MOD "No, Im scared! I want to see kittens in a basket.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_swamp_gas_from_a_weather_balloon_was_trapped_in_a_thermal_pocket_and_reflected_the_light_from_venus" KN_MOD "elif ch1_show_me_weird_things == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_case_of_the_alien_abduction" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_swamp_gas_from_a_weather_balloon_was_trapped_in_a_thermal_pocket_and_reflected_the_light_from_venus" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_case_of_the_alien_abduction:" $ ch2_alien_abduction = True scene flash with Pause(3) with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 009 with dissolve "Waking up in a bright room, her mind still in a fog and overtaken by a violent headache, Myriam was lost." MC "{i}What...? {w}Where...?{/i}" MC "{i}What's happening?{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 010 with dissolve "As Myriam tried to get up, her head started to spin while her headache quickly got stronger, forcing her to pause for a moment." MC "\"Ouch!!\"" MC "{i}God! My head! What happened? Where am I?{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 011 with dissolve "Starting to feel the cold of the metal slab, Myriam finally realized she was totally naked." MC "\"OH MY GOD!! Why am I naked!?\"" "The adrenaline rush of the fear and shock, quickly pierced through the fog in which she was." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 012 with dissolve "Getting down off the slab carefully, still a bit dizzy, Myriam tried to hide herself as best she could." MC "{i}I have to find my clothes and get out of here quickly.{/i}" MC "{i}Fuck! Everything is spinning, I think I've been drugged.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 013 with dissolve "As Myriam started to move forward, her attention was caught by the strange wall of light that was encircling her." MC "{i}What is that? {w}That's weird.{/i}" "Man" "\"NO! Don't touch it!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 014 with dissolve "Turning toward the voice, Myriam finally saw a naked man suspended in the air, looking exhausted." "Man" "\"Don't touch it! {w}Or it will shock you.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Who are you!? {w}What do you want from me?\"" "Man" "\"No, it's not me, I'm a prisoner too.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 015 with dissolve MC "\"Prisoner? What's happening? Who's doing all this?\"" "Man" "\"I don't know what they want, but...\"" "Pointing his chin toward what was behind Myriam, the man tried in a last effort to warn her." "Man" "\"'s THEM!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 016 with dissolve "Turning back toward what looked like a door, Myriam could see it open, with three strange creatures behind it, all naked." "Surprised and shocked, she could not help but scream in terror in front of this vision before her, the vision of those strange creatures looking just like aliens." MC "\"AAAAAHH!!!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}For Zorlun's sake! That some fine WU'man that you got there for us!{/=alienese}\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Wow! She got some shapes this one!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Zorlun damn it!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 017 with dissolve "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}This one's for me you... {w}Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyy!{/=alienese}\"" "Suddenly, as the two tall aliens started walking in, pushing over the little one, the field of light disappeared, causing Myriam to run in terror." "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Shut up Toby! And go clean some stuff.{/=alienese}\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Look at that! I'm sure she's a slut like all the other WU'man we got before.{/=alienese}\"" MC "\"Aaaaah! Nooo!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god!{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 018 with dissolve "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Look guys! I'm going to show her some dirty pics, I'm sure that'll make her hot for that U'man cock.{/=alienese}\"" "Approaching them, the alien pointed at the man while looking at Myriam hiding behind the slab on which she had just woken up." "And suddenly, as a violent headache took her over, she saw flashes of herself. {w}Flashes of her where she was sucking on the suspended man's cock." MC "\"Aaah! My head! {w}What...!?\"" "Man" "\"Stop it! Leave her alone!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 019 with dissolve "Turning toward the man as flashes stop, Myriam blurted out to him in shock what she thought the alien wanted her to do." "Man" "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"I... {w}I think... {w}I think they want me to suck your cock...\"" "Man" "\"WHAT!?\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 020 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know, I... {w}I suddenly had flashes of me... {w}I think that's what they want.\"" "Man" "\"That's crazy, I won't do it.\"" "Man" "\"You hear me you god damn aliens! I won't do it!\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}What an annoying U'man!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 021a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 021b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 021a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 021b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 021a with dissolve "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Shut up you noisy U'man!{/=alienese}\"" "The alien making a new gesture toward him, the suspended man suddenly convulsed as he screamed in a torment of pain." "Man" "\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Its going to kill him!{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 022 with dissolve "Forgetting her own fear, Myriam rushed toward the alien to stop him, afraid that he would kill this poor man if she did not comply with what they wanted." MC "\"Stop! Please stop! I... {w}I'll do what you want, so please, stop hurting him.\"" "Man" "\"Argh...\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Wow! She has quite the big set of those squishy things they call \"funbags\".{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 023 with dissolve "Bending before the man, Myriam quickly took his cock and balls in her hands as she looked up trying to reassure him." MC "\"Don't... {w}Don't you worry, I'll take good care of you. {w}I won't let them hurt you anymore.\"" "Man" "\"No, don't... {w}You shouldn't have to...\"" "But as much as the man wanted to protest, he just hadn't the energy anymore and quickly succumbed to her touch." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 024 with dissolve "Despite his exhaustion, the man quickly reacted to Myriam's touch, his cock starting to grow as soon as she started breathing on it and teasing his glans with the tongue." "Man" "\"Oh! God! That's...\"" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 025 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam could feel getting bigger, she always loved it when she sucked Anthony's, the feeling of his cock growing in size as she went on." MC "\"Slurp!\"" "Man" "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Just think about him Myriam, you need to make it look good so they don't kill him.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027a with dissolve "As he was now fully hard and grown in her mouth, Myriam started to suck on his cock, determined to suck him thoroughly, she gave it her all." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" "Man" "\"Mmmh! God! That feel so good!\"" MC "{i}That's good he's loving it, it should please them to see that.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve "Motivated by his moans and the obvious pleasure he was getting from her lips, Myriam kept sucking his cock as if his life depended on it, which she thought it did." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" "Man" "\"Mmmh! Oh god! I'm sorry but that feel so great, I think I'm already going to cum!\"" MC "{i}God! Is it too quick? Will they be satisfied with that? {w}Maybe I should slow down and make it last longer.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve "Doing her best to balance pleasure and time, Myriam did her best to make it look good, making him feel as good as possible but also controlling his pleasure so he did not cum too quickly." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" "Man" "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" MC "{i}He won't be able to resist much longer. {w}God! I hope it'll be enough for them to leave us in peace.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve "Keeping her rhythm, Myriam pushed him to his limits, but he wasn't complaining, she could clearly feel how despite the situation, he was enjoying her blowjob immensely." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}I can feel his cock getting bigger and pulsing, he's about to cum.{/i}" "Man" "\"Mmmh! God! I can't take it anymore, I'm going to cum.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 026b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 027c with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Milking him to the last stretch, Myriam still pressed on with a few strokes, using her tongue to tease the underside of his cock as she kept sucking him, until finally, she felt his warm and thick cum filling her mouth." "Man" "\"Argh! Jesus lord almighty!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}I hope it was enough for them, I really did my best. {w}God I even enjoyed sucking his cock.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 028 with dissolve "Releasing his cock from her mouth, Myriam turned back toward the aliens, to see if she had satisfied their lustful desires, while wiping off the cum on her chin." MC "\"Is it enough for you? {w}Are you satisfied?\"" "She wasn't even sure they could understood her, but still she asked, half afraid and half hopeful." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 029 with dissolve "But the aliens weren't even listening to her, discussing between each other as another tall one joined them and the short one kept hovering around them." "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Hey guys! What's up?{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Hey bud! Look at what shorty found us.{/=alienese}\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Yeah! A total slut, come look I'll show you.{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Come on guys! Stop messing with me, let me see, let me see!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 030 with dissolve "As the tall grey alien turned back toward Myriam, she was suddenly taken over by new flashes as well as a violent headache, while with a wave of his hand he shut down the machine that kept the man prisoner, letting him fall to the ground." "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Look! First showing her some dirty pics, then freeing the U'man, and now you'll see, I'm sure that slut will jump the guy.{/=alienese}\"" "Man" "\"Huu!\"" MC "\"Aaaah! Not again!\"" MC "{i}What do they want this time!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 031 with dissolve "Getting up, the man rushed toward Myriam to see if she was ok, while keeping an eye on the aliens still looking at them, waiting for something." "Man" "\"Are you alright?\"" MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I'm alright, thank you.\"" "Man" "\"I don't understand what they want, they don't move, but they still seem to want something from us.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 032 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I think they want us to make love now.\"" "Man" "\"WHAT? No, I won't, I...\"" MC "\"Stop, it's nice of you to try, but it's not like we have a choice, I... {w}I don't want them to kill you.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 033 with dissolve "Jumping on the edge of the slab, Myriam opened her legs and invited him to join her, trying to stay as sane as she could in this situation." MC "\"Come, let's show them what they want and hope that it will be enough this time for them to release us.\"" "Man" "\"I...\"" "The man was trying desperately to not take advantage of the situation and stay a gentleman, but the state he was in couldn't hide his excitement in front of the view and the invitation she was giving him." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 034 with dissolve "Getting in front of her, between her legs, the man still asked Myriam if it was what she wanted, while the aliens circling them approached to have a better view." "Man" "\"Are you sure?\"" "But even as he tried his best to stay courteous, Myriam could feel the ragging hard on he had, his hard cock pulsing against her stomach as he approached her." MC "\"Yes, don't worry... {w}Take me now, and show them how much you want me.\"" MC "{i}I need to make him do it, his life is in danger.{/i}" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}See guys! I told you, she already want his cock, those earth WU'man are real sluts!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Wow!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Nice!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Let me see, let me see!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 035 with dissolve "Looking down at his hard cock as he brushed it against her wet pussy, Myriam couldn't help but feel excited despite the strange and horrifying setting they were in." "The kindness of the man despite the fact that his life was in danger and his beautiful cock excited her, even the gaze of the aliens made her feel strange." MC "\"That's it, push it in and fuck me.\"" "Man" "\"God! You're so beautiful. I... {w}I can't take it anymore.\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Here we go guys!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}That's not fair! I was the one who brought her.{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve "Pushing his cock in her pussy and starting to thrust into her vigorously, Myriam quickly started to moan under his assaults under the gaze of the aliens." "Now that he was inside her, he was fully committed, leaving full reign to his lust and vigor as he started to fuck her with passion." "Man" "\"God! You feel so good! I'm sorry!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Yes! You... {w}You feel incredible too!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve "Inspired by Myriam's moans and cries of pleasure, the man kept going, fucking harder and faster with every thrust." "Man" "\"Ah! Take that! You love it hard!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Yes! Please! Please, fuck me hard! {w}Show them how good mah pussy feels!\"" MC "{i}My god! What am I saying!? I'm getting too into it... {w}but it feels so good.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Anthony never fucked me this good, this is incredible! He's already going to make me cum!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm sorry Anthony, but he's so good, this is incredible! He's already going to make me cum!{/i}" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Look at that slut, she's loving it!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve "Both were taking great pleasure in the full release of emotions and passion they were having, every feeling heightened by the strange presence of the aliens and the impending doom that could befall them." "But they weren't the only ones getting excited by this situation, as all the aliens had suddenly let out a strange sexual organ while both kept fucking passionately." "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}That's it! Pound that WU'man bitch!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Yeah! For Zorlun's sake go harder!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Damn it! He won't go soft, he's going to spoil her.{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve "Incapable of resisting anymore, Myriam screamed in pleasure as a violent orgasm took her body over, making her shake as waves of pleasure passed through her body." MC "\"MMMH! YES! YES!! YES!!! GOD I'M CUMMING!!\"" "Man" "\"Aah! Aah! You love my big cock?\"" MC "\"Yes, yes, yes! Ah love it!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}She's loving it that WU'man slut!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}That's it! Don't stop! Wreck that WU'man!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}No! Don't! Stop! She's mine!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve "But as Myriam was cumming, her body still trembling over the orgasm she had, he kept pounding her pussy against the metal slab, pushing her even further in her pleasure." MC "\"Mah god yes! Yes!! Mmmmmh!!!\"" "Man" "\"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Your pussy is the best!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Come on! harder!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Faster!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Stop it!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 036b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 037b with dissolve "As he kept going, pounding her pussy harder and faster, Myriam could feel him getting bigger inside her, feel his cock starting to pulse as he was about to cum inside her." "And all she could think of, as she was feeling another orgasm coming and the aliens seemed to cheer on around them was how much she wanted him to feel his cum inside her and fill her up with his warm cum." "Man" "\"Aaah! Fuck! I can't take it anymore! I'm going to cum and fill you up!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! Don't stop! Pound mah pussy and give me your cum!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Yeah! He's gonna feel her up!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Bouyah!!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 038 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After resting for a few more rougher thrusts, he finally started to empty his balls deep in Myriam's pussy while she climaxed again." "Man" "\"Aaah! Fuck! Take my cum!\"" MC "\"MMMH! YES! FILL ME UP!\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Well, that's it, now our turn guys.{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Fuck yeah!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}NOOOOOOO!!!!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 039 with dissolve "But suddenly, as her body was still trembling and the man was still emptying his balls, he pulled out, or more exactly was pulled out of her, his cum still flying around." "Man" "\"Aaah! WHAAAAAT!!?\"" MC "\"Aaaah! No! Don't hurt him!\"" "With a wave of his hand, the tall grey alien had brought back on the machine and the manacles restraining the man pulled him back toward in forcefully." "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Let's see now if she can handle some hard zorlunian cock.{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}We're gonna show her what zorlunians are made off!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Never! She's mine!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 040 with dissolve "As the tall grey alien came toward her, Myriam open her legs while turning her head away, fearing that if she refused like before, they would hurt the other man again." MC "{i}I... {w}I better play along if I dont want them hurting that poor man again.{/i}" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Look at that! You don't even have to ask for it and she open her legs, she definitely want some zorlunian cock.{/=alienese}\"" "While turning her head, she could see the short alien getting bullied again by the tall ones, pushed on the ground while he was screaming and gesticulating." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}NO! SHE'S MINE!{/=alienese}\"" MC "{i}Was he trying to help me?{/i}" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Shut up you little shit.{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 041 with dissolve "Lying down as the tall grey one pushed his weird dick inside her, Myriam tried to think of anything else, but her body was still trembling from the intense sex she just had with the other man." "She couldn't help but feel pleasure when he penetrated her still sensitive pussy and when one of them grabbed one of her breasts with his bony big hand." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God Myriam! How can you feel pleasure with such weird creatures!{/i}" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}She's loving my cock this WU'man slut!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Wow! The big mounts on her torso feel great guys!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}I want to try putting it in her mouth hole like in their dirty pictures.{/=alienese}\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}Go for it! We'll try the back hole too after.{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve "As the tall grey one started to pound her pussy like a brute, the light blue one grabbed her by the neck and turned her body toward her, before shoving his cock down her throat." "While the one in her mouth started to fuck her throat without mercy like the one in her pussy, the light green one came around the slab to use her hand as a masturbating tool." "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}By Zorlun! Her pussy is the best.{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}And her mouth hole is so good! I understand now why the U'man love to use it.{/=alienese}\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}Fuck! Even just her hand feel great! Her skin is so smooth.{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}This is so fucking unfair!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve "They kept going for a good moment like this, two fucking her mouth and pussy without much gentleness while another used her hand on his cock." "All stretching her body in a strange position to each be able to get the maximum pleasure they could from her, while the short one stayed behind with a strangely annoyed face." "But even stretched and used like a rag doll, Myriam could not help but feel more and more pleasure under the merciless assault of the aliens" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 044 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And quickly, as they kept pounding her like maniacs, she felt them emptying their balls inside her, one in her pussy and one in her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Screaming their pleasure as they kept hammering her holes and pushing her to another violent orgasm, making her soft body tremble under their bony hands." "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}FUCK!!! TAKE THAT YOU WU'man SLUT!{/=alienese}\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}YEAH! SWALLOW MY ALIEN CUM!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Be my guest, fill her up you assholes!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 045 with dissolve "As Myriam was barely recovering and still half choking on the thick cum of the other alien, the light green suddenly pulled her by the arm toward him, and shoved his cock right down her throat." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After just a few rough thrusts, she quickly felt his warm and thick cum gushing in the back of her throat as he screamed his pleasure like the others." "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}BY ZORLUN THAT FEEL GREAT!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Well go right ahead too!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve "But as Myriam thought they would be finished, they got on the slab and placed her to each enter one of her holes, filling her like never before." "Her body still exhausted and quivering from their treatment and her orgasm, she could barely follow them as they started again pounding her like crazed men." "Light Blue Alien" "\"{=alienese}Fuck guys! Her back hole is the best! It's so tight and swallow you right in.{/=alienese}\"" "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}I'll try it after that mouth hole of hers! Fuck that's good!{/=alienese}\"" MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"{=alienese}And her pussy he's so warm and wet, that's incredible!{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}By Zorlun! You're kidding me!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve "They were brutes and were using and abusing her to their own pleasure, but still Myriam had never felt so much pain and pleasure at the same time." "Her body could not stop quivering in pleasure, each hole now so sensitive that each thrust made her feel so much pleasure that she could not think anymore." "The scene was so unreal and her body so taken by pleasure that her brain was in a total fog, incapable of thinking of anything else than those three alien cocks gangbanging her." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}That's so fucking unfair!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 048 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And quickly enough, they all orgasmed together, each one filling the hole he was fucking with another load of warm alien cum." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Aliens" "\"{=alienese}AAAARRRHHH!!!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}NOOOOOOOOOO!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 050 with dissolve "Drunk with Myriam's body, the aliens couldn't stop, swapping places once done cumming, to try another and fuck it senseless until they filled her again full of cum." "Myriam followed their lead like a zombie, as much drunk in pleasure as them, her body now so sensitive that the slightest caress brought her near climax." "The aliens had fallen into silence, the room only filled by their moans and cries of pleasure and the obscene noises of the bodies colliding against each other." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 051 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "They all had now found a perfect rhythm between each other, fucking Myriam roughly and in tempo, bringing them all again into a new synchronized orgasm." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Aliens" "\"{=alienese}AAAARRRHHH!!!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve "Swapping places one last time, they tapped into their last reserves, pushing Myriam into a constant state of pleasure, having one orgasm after the other." "But also at the brink of madness, the intense pleasure had drowned any reason and her conscious mind, only leaving a husk only wanting more pleasure and cum." MC "\"MMMH, MMMH, MMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 053 with dissolve "Going on for a good moment with the same intensity, the aliens kept fucking Myriam with the energy of desperation as they all were at the end of their rope." "Pushing themselves to the limits, wanting to enjoy the pleasure of her body as long as they could, knowing they would not be able to go for another round." MC "\"MMMH, MMMH, MMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 055 with dissolve "On the brink of cumming one last time, the aliens stopped and laid Myriam on the slab before positioning themselves all around her, finishing themselves with their hand while aiming for her, ready to cover her with all the cum they had left." "While Myriam for her part was just laying there, her consciousness completely overtaken by the pleasure and exhaustion, leaving them to have their big finish as they wished and cover her with their thick alien cum." "Aliens" "\"{=alienese}Aaah, aaah, aaah!{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 058 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And after a few strokes, finally it started, the cum shower from the three of them as they keep going, jerking off until their balls were dry and empty." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "One aiming at her breasts while the two others were starting to cover her face, adding a warm and thick coat of cum to the mess she already was." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Her face was nearly fully glazed with saliva and cum, her open eyes fully glued in cum, her nose shut and filled with cum and her mouth overflowing in cum." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 059 with dissolve "Finally done, the aliens went back from where they came from, leaving behind them Myriam on the slab, like a used dirty toy, as a few faint moans came from her still quivering body." "Grey Alien" "\"{=alienese}She's all yours Toby. {w}Don't forget to clean up.{/=alienese}\"" "Getting out, the tall aliens left Myriam alone with the short alien and the still unconscious suspended prisoner." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Fuck! She's all messy and sticky... {w}But shit I brought here, I'll at least use her mouth hole.{/=alienese}\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 060 with dissolve "Grabbing her, the short alien pulled the limp body of the still foggy Myriam to bring her to his level and shoved his cock straight into the back of her throat." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}I'll at least empty my balls down her slutty WU'man's mouth hole.{/=alienese}\"" "Still in a haze of pleasure and half conscious, Myriam reflexively opened up her mouth to accomodate his cock as he pushed it to the back of her throat without much delicacy." MC "\"Mmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve "And without any pause, the short alien started to use Myriam's mouth, grabbing her head he throat fucked her roughly, like he needed to relieve his anger and stress." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Take that you dirty WU'man bitch! {w}That's how you like it! {w}Rough and dirty!{/=alienese}\"" MC "\"Mmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 063 with dissolve "Throat fucking her vigorously without pause, he kept going for a moment, using Myriam's mouth like a sex toy, until finally she felt him empty his balls into her mouth and down her throat as he kept thrusting." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Fuck! Swallow my alien cum you fucking WU'man slut!{/=alienese}\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 064 with dissolve "Once done, the short one also left her as she was on the slab, like a broken used toy, the cum oozing from each of her holes and dripping from her face and breasts." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}Now let's get everything ready to get them back all cleaned up and erase their memory.{/=alienese}\"" "Finally left in peace, Myriam drifted out of consciousness as her mental and physical exhaustion reached their limits." KN_MOD "jump ch2_swamp_gas_from_a_weather_balloon_was_trapped_in_a_thermal_pocket_and_reflected_the_light_from_venus" KN_MOD "label ch2_swamp_gas_from_a_weather_balloon_was_trapped_in_a_thermal_pocket_and_reflected_the_light_from_venus:" scene flash with Pause(3) with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 065 with dissolve "Staggering after the flash, Myriam was still a bit lost, eyes blinking trying to get back her bearings." MC "\"What was that!? {w}I was blinded for a moment, what happened?\"" "BAM! CLING!!" "Still weak on her legs, Myriam was suddenly brought back to reality hearing noises again coming from where she stopped before." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 066 with dissolve "Approaching again cautiously, Myriam found a pile of crates, bags and barrels, with a cat hissing at her on top and a broken mirror at his feet." "Cat" "\"Hiss!\"" MC "\"Oooh! Poor Mr Fuzzy Ball, did I frighten you? {w}Are you the one that caused all of this?\"" "Cat" "\"Hiss!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 067 with dissolve "As Myriam approached to try and pet him, the cat hissed her again and jumped away from her." "Cat" "\"Hiss!\"" MC "\"Oh! Nooo! {w}Too bad for you little furr ball!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 068 with dissolve "Crouching in front of the broken mirror laying against the pile of crates, Myriam inspected it, trying to understand what blinded her before." MC "{i}It must have been this mirror, reflecting the light of the sun in my eyes. {w}And this damn cat was the shape I must have seen at the corner of my eyes.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, let's go then, better me being a fool than some kid hurting himself.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 069 with dissolve "Satisfied with her explanation, Myriam turned toward the road to head back to her appointment with Evelyn's shrink." MC "\"Let's go Mi, you embarrassed yourself enough for the day.\"" MC "{i}And you have your appointment to go to.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_alien_abduction == True:" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 070 with dissolve "As Myriam walked away, a little silhouette looked at her go back toward the road." "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}He he he! The old cat trick, it always work.{/=alienese}\"" "Short Alien" "\"{=alienese}See you again soon my WU'man slut! See you soon...{/=alienese}\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_through_tobys_eyes:" "Do you wish to have a look at Toby the alien point of view of this weird event?" KN_MOD "Yes please.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_tobys_adventure" KN_MOD "No thanks.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_doctor_silver" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_doctor_silver" KN_MOD "label ch2_tobys_adventure:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Toby's own Adventure" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 071 with dissolve "After sneaking out of the spaceship, Toby went again to his observation spot, cleverly disguised as a U'man, sure that today he'll be able to catch a good one." To "\"Hey! That's a good one, too good for the others though.\"" To "\"She's so shapey... {w}This one I'll keep for myself... He he he!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 072 with dissolve "Turning to avoid getting caught, Toby started to think over his future evil plan to abducted this WU'man." To "\"Let's start by following her and wait for the best opportunity.\"" To "\"Then zap her, capture her and it's experiment time... He he he!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 073 with dissolve To "\"I'll show them that I can do better than cleaning up.\"" To "\"Me too I can abduct and experiment on this U'mans...\"" MC "\"Hey! Is there anybody here? {w}It's dangerous here, it's not a place to fool around!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 074 with dissolve "Jumping back at the sound of the WU'man's voice, Toby bumped an empty metal barrel, sending it flying against a mirror." "BAM! CLING!!" To "\"Aaaah!?\"" MC "\"Don't move! I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 075 with dissolve "Not hearing, nor understanding, the voice of the WU'man, Toby's attention stayed on the barrel he knocked over by accident." To "\"By Zorlun! That damn thing surprised me!\"" MC "\"Are you ok?\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 076 with dissolve "Hearing the WU'man this time, Toby turned around to find her turning the corner and stopping in surprise at the sight of him." To "\"Ah!\"" MC "\"Aaaah!!\"" To "\"Aaaaaaah!!!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 077 with dissolve "Getting out of his bewilderment, Toby drew his phaser and zapped the bloody WU'man out of consciousness." To "\"By Zorlun!!\"" MC "\"Aaah!! What...!?\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 078 with dissolve "With the WU'man now lying unconscious on the ground, Toby sighed with relief." To "\"Sigh! It was a close call, better not tell the others I nearly was discovered by a U'man or I'll never hear the end of it.\"" To "{i}But in the end, this result is even better than I could have hoped, let's get her inside and ready before she come's out of it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 079 with dissolve "Getting her in their hidden spaceship, Toby brought her in one of the lab rooms, leaving her naked on a slab under a force field." "There was still a recent male subject in the room, but this U'man study wasn't scheduled for a few hours, which would leave him ample time to fool around on his own." To "{i}He he he! I'll show them that Toby can have things done too. {w}But for now let's go lock the doors just in case before starting.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 080 with dissolve "But as Toby was getting to lab doors, two greyliens had just entered the security airlock, leaving him screaming in frustration at his bad luck." "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Sup shorty!\"" To "\"NOOOOOOOOO!\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Come on! That's no way to greet some friends.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 081 with dissolve "The two greyliens being some of his regular bullies, Toby tried to bullshit his way out of this situation, but the two were already circling him like predators." "Light Blue Greylien" "\"So, what are you scheming this time? {w}Shorty!\"" To "\"Nothing! {w}I mean, just cleaning the room before the experiments.\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"How suspicious... {w}You wouldn't be lying to us?\"" To "\"Nothing! {w}No, no, of course not... {w}But you should go I'm not finished yet.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 082 with dissolve "But as they kept walking passed him, their attention fell on the naked WU'man under the force field." "Grey Greylien" "\"Fuck! Look at that man!\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Wow! You little lying shit!\"" To "\"And crap!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 083 with dissolve "Seeing them, the WU'man screamed in surprise at their view and went running to hide herself." MC "\"AAAAAHH!!!\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"For Zorlun's sake! That some fine WU'man that you got there for us!\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Wow! She got some shapes this one!\"" To "\"This one's for me you... {w}Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyy!\"" "As Toby tried to defend his catch, the two greyliens pushed him on the side and walked toward the WU'man while bringing down the force field." "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Shut up Toby! And go clean some stuff.\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Look at that! I'm sure she's a slut like all the other WU'man we got before.\"" MC "\"Aaaaah! Nooo!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 084 with dissolve "Getting up, Toby could see that the two greyliens had already set their attention on his WU'man." MC "\"Stop! Please stop! I... {w}I'll do what you want, so please, stop hurting him.\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Wow! She has quite the big set of those squishy things they call \"funbags\".\"" To "{i}Zorlun damn them! They're already on her!{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 085 with dissolve "As he was about to go in, Toby was suddenly cut short by the arrival of another greylien bully." "Light Green Greylien" "\"Oh! If it isn't shorty Toby. {w}What's this skulking about?\"" To "\"Ah! I was... {w}They are... {w}I...\"" "Light Green Greylien" "\"What do we have here? {w}What's your new scheme this time?\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 086 with dissolve "Following the green greylien, Toby approached trying to get a better view of the WU'man as she was wiping cum from her chin." "Light Green Greylien" "\"Hey guys! What's up?\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Hey bud! Look at what shorty found us.\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Yeah! A total slut, come look I'll show you.\"" To "\"Come on guys! Stop messing with me, let me see, let me see!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 087 with dissolve "But as Toby kept hovering around them to find a better view, he was shoved to the ground again while they kept having their fun with his WU'man." "Light Green Greylien" "\"Step back you little freak!\"" To "\"Ouch! Hey! She's mine, I brought her in!\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"Look! First showing her some dirty pics, then freeing the U'man, and now you'll see, I'm sure that slut will jump the guy.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 088 with dissolve "Grey Greylien" "\"Hey! Come look, she's inviting him. {w}I told you those earth WU'man are always famished for cocks.\"" "Light Green Greylien" "\"Wow! She's really all shapey.\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Let's see how they go at it.\"" To "\"Zorlun damn it!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 089 with dissolve "The greyliens taking place all around the WU'man and the other U'man, Toby quickly went around the slab to try and find a good spot to look." "And as both subjects kept jabbering, the greyliens kept commenting on the WU'man one." "Grey Alien" "\"See guys! I told you, she already want his cock, those earth WU'man are real sluts!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"Wow!\"" "Light Green Alien" "\"Nice!\"" To "\"Let me see, let me see!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090b with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090a with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 090b with dissolve "As the U'man started copulating with the WU'man and the greyliens were blocking the view to him, Toby started staring at the U'man." "Grey Greylien" "\"Here we go guys!\"" To "\"That's not fair! I was the one who brought her.\"" To "{i}I'm going to stare at that asshole until he go limp.{/i}" "Grey Greylien" "\"Look at that slut, she's loving it!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 091 with dissolve "Sadly for Toby his wish would not happen, as much he wanted him to stop and screamed, the U'man kept fucking the WU'man, until he finally came in her, a moment when the greyliens decided to have their fun too." "Excited by the U'man copulation, the greyliens were all excited, cocks hard and out, ready for their turn as they pushed the U'man back." "Grey Greylien" "\"Let's see now if she can handle some hard zorlunian cock.\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"We're gonna show her what zorlunians are made off!\"" To "\"Never! She's mine!\"" "Deciding this time to not let them steal his WU'man subject from him, he rushed forward to stop them." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 092 with dissolve "But again, Toby was quickly pushed over to the side by the greyliens bullies as they started playing with his abducted WU'man." To "\"NO! SHE'S MINE!\"" "Light Blue Alien" "\"Shut up you little shit.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 093 with dissolve "Resting on a stool, pouting and left with a ragging hard-on, Toby let his bullies enjoy the fruit of his labor, as always powerless against them." "Grey Greylien" "\"By Zorlun! Her pussy is the best.\"" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"And her mouth hole is so good! I understand now why the U'man love to use it.\"" "Light Green Greylien" "\"Fuck! Even just her hand feel great! Her skin is so smooth.\"" To "\"This is so fucking unfair!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 094 with dissolve "Using his WU'man subject for a good moment, Toby just waited on the side, disillusioned and jaded, listening to her moans while they finished themselves inside her." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Grey Greylien" "\"FUCK!!! TAKE THAT YOU WU'man SLUT!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Light Blue Greylien" "\"YEAH! SWALLOW MY ALIEN CUM!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" To "\"Be my guest, fill her up you assholes!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 095 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Light Green Greylien" "\"BY ZORLUN THAT FEEL GREAT!\"" To "\"Well go right ahead too!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 096 with dissolve "And when he thought they were finally done, they just got her up on the slab to fuck her all together at the same time." "Light Blue Greylien" "\"Fuck guys! Her back hole is the best! It's so tight and swallow you right in.\"" "Grey Greylien" "\"I'll try it after that mouth hole of hers! Fuck that's good!\"" MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Light Green Greylien" "\"And her pussy he's so warm and wet, that's incredible!\"" To "\"By Zorlun! You're kidding me!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 097 with dissolve "As the greyliens kept fucking her and cumming inside her, swapping places with each other to try her everyway possible, Toby had just lost all hope, leaving them to their fun." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" To "\"That's so fucking unfair!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 098 with dissolve "Waiting for them to finish, Toby went to sit at a table of the lab, wallowing on his bad luck and destiny." MC "\"MMMH, MMMH, MMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" To "\"Do your best said mum! {w}That's all that count she said! {w}They'll see your value!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 059 with dissolve "Finally done, the aliens went back to where they came from, leaving behind them the WU'man on the slab, like a used dirty toy, as a few faint moans came from her still quivering body." "Grey Greylien" "\"She's all yours Toby. {w}Don't forget to clean up.\"" "Getting out, the greyliens left Toby alone with his abducted subject." To "\"Fuck! She's all messy and sticky... {w}But shit I brought here, I'll at least use her mouth hole.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 060 with dissolve "Grabbing her, Toby pulled the limp body of the half conscious WU'man to bring her to his level and shoved his cock straight into the back of her throat." To "\"I'll at least empty my balls down her slutty WU'man's mouth hole.\"" "Still in a haze of pleasure and half conscious, the WU'man reflexively opened up her mouth to accomodate his cock as he pushed it to the back of her throat without much delicacy." MC "\"Mmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve "And without any pause, Toby started to use her mouth, grabbing her head he throat fucked her roughly, finally having some fun with his own abducted WU'man subject." To "\"Take that you dirty WU'man bitch! {w}That's how you like it! {w}Rough and dirty!\"" MC "\"Mmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 063 with dissolve "Throat fucking her vigorously without pause, Toby kept going for a moment, using her mouth like a sex toy, until finally he emptied his balls into her mouth and down her throat as he kept thrusting." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" To "\"Fuck! Swallow my alien cum you fucking WU'man slut!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMHHH!!! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 064 with dissolve "Once done, Toby also left her as she was on the slab, cum oozing from each of her holes and dripping from her face and breasts, while he went towards one of the tanks in the lab." To "\"Now let's get everything ready to get them back all cleaned up and erase their memory.\"" "Finally left in peace, the WU'man drifted out of consciousness as her mental and physical exhaustion reached their limits." scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 099 with dissolve "Getting her in a regenerating tank to clean her up and refresh her from the experience she just had, Toby waited for the cycle to be done before getting her back where he found her." To "{i}Damn, it's really too bad that I didn't had to have more fun with her, but I better get her back and clean up before the Great Intelligence arrive.{/i}" To "{i}If those assholes are just bullies, this one doesn't joke around.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 100 with dissolve "Back in the street, Toby left the WU'man unconscious on the ground while setting up the classic memory zapping." To "\"Understood you little asshole! {w}No fooling around this time, just hiss at her and go.\"" "Cat?" "\"Meow! (Fuck you! I'm an artist, I'll do what I want.)\"" To "\"Or maybe you prefer I left you to the gobblers?\"" "Cat?" "\"...Meow! (...Ok! I'll follow your boring script.)\"" To "\"That's better!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 101 with dissolve "Getting behind the pile of crates, Toby took again his phaser out while his little furry helper prepared himself for his part." To "{i}Well, let's put that on anti-G settings, and we're a go.{/i}" To "\"Ready?\"" "Cat?" "\"Meow! (Yeah! Yeah! Let's get this over with.)\"" To "\"Then let's go.\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 102 with dissolve "Using his phaser again on the WU'man, Toby put her in place at the right spot, ready to zap her back with her memory wiped up to their first meeting." To "\"Just a little bit more.\"" "Cat?" "\"Meow! (What a pretty light... {w}Hope for you nobody else sees it or you're done for.)\"" To "\"Shut up!\"" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 103 with dissolve "Staggering after the new zap, the WU'man was a bit lost, trying to get her bearings while Toby waited behind and observed." MC "\"What was that!? {w}I was blinded for a moment, what happened?\"" "BAM! CLING!!" To "{i}Good, she don't remember and the fur ball is on cue.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 104 with dissolve "Hiding from her, Toby could only listen, following what was happening only by the sounds." "Cat" "\"Hiss!\"" MC "\"Oooh! Poor Mr Fuzzy Ball, did I frighten you? {w}Are you the one that caused all of this?\"" To "{i}Good, everything is going well.{/i}" "Cat" "\"Hiss!\"" "Jumping away after hissing one last time, the fur ball had done its job." MC "\"Oh! Nooo! {w}Too bad for you little furr ball!\"" MC "\"Let's go Mi, you embarrassed yourself enough for the day.\"" To "{i}Good, everything went well.{/i}" scene bg ch2_05 somethingweird1 070 with dissolve "Following her as she went away, Toby watched her go, satisfied of his scheme." To "\"He he he! The old cat trick, it always work.\"" To "\"See you again soon my WU'man slut! See you soon...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_doctor_silver" KN_MOD "label ch2_meeting_doctor_silver:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Meeting Doctor Silver" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 001 with dissolve "Arriving at Doctor Silver's practice, Myriam sat in the waiting room, glad to have not arrived late, as time flew by while she was walking around downtown." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I'm lucky to have arrived in time, I don't know where the hours went, I must have walked a lot more than I thought.{/i}" MC "{i}It would have been quite a bad start to arrive late to the first appointment.{/i}" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 002 with dissolve "As time passed, Myriam couldn't stop fidgeting, starting to have a sudden feeling of pressure as the time of the appointment approached." MC "{i}God I hope everything will be alright, I followed Eve's advice, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to tell him everything.{/i}" MC "{i}What will he think of me...{w}My god what am I doing here? Maybe I should...{/i}" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 003 with dissolve "But as Myriam's fear was starting to get the better of her, the door suddenly opened, cutting short her urge to go and run." DoS "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" DoS "\"Please come in.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 004 with dissolve "As Doctor Silver invited her in, Myriam got up and entered the office, still unsure if she was doing the right thing." DoS "\"Come on in please.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 005 with dissolve "Having her sit on the couch, Doctor Silver engaged Myriam as he could see how uneasy she seemed to be." DoS "\"Hello Mrs Summers, I'm Doctor Edward Silver.\"" MC "\"Hi, Myriam Summers.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 006 with dissolve DoS "\"You've come today to see me because you have some trouble about a personal problem.\"" MC "\"Yes, my cousin, Evelyn Taylor, recommended me to see you, she told me you helped her a lot.\"" DoS "\"Yes, she contacted me to ask if I could take you on.\"" MC "\"She did?\"" DoS "\"Yes, but do you know what my specialty is?\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 007 with dissolve "Taken by surprise and a little embarrassed, Myriam looked away as she answered Doctor Silver." MC "\"Yes... {w}It's about sex, right?\"" DoS "\"Yes, well more about sexual behavior, but there is no need to be embarrassed. {w}And not because we are two adults, but because there is nothing shameful in sex.\"" MC "\"Still, it feels a bit embarrassing talking about it.\"" DoS "\"Of course, because our society has raised us to feel so.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 008 with dissolve "Getting up from his desk, Doctor Silver kept talking to Myriam, looking at her intently in the eyes." DoS "\"Sex and sexuality are just a tool like anything else, you can use it to communicate, to feel better or worse, just for sport and of course, to procreate.\"" DoS "\"But it can be a potent one, as it can be a vector for some intense emotions, like love or hate, dominance and submission and again, create a new life.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 009 with dissolve "Walking toward the armchair, Doctor Silver invited Myriam to get closer as he kept talking." DoS "\"So first, you're going to tell me what brought you here.\"" DoS "\"Then will go over what you are wanting from our appointment.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 010 with dissolve "Both sat, Doctor Silver finally inviting Myriam to get comfortable and expose the problem that led her to his practice." DoS "\"But please, get comfortable and take your time. {w}I am here to listen to you and whatever you have to say, I'm not here to judge.\"" DoS "\"What you say here, will stay between us, so don't worry and speak freely.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'll try.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 011 with dissolve "Taking off her jacket, Myriam got comfortable as the doctor invited her to, but still, she had a hard time finding the words." MC "\"Gosh! I don't even know where to start... {w}I think it started with an assault I was the victim of a few weeks ago...\"" "Myriam started to tell the events at the motel and the aggression of the old clerk, how it shocked her and haunted her nightmares every night since." scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 012 with dissolve "It took Myriam a few minutes to tell her story, with Doctor Silver listening to her intently, with no interruptions or questions until she had finished." MC "\"...Here you are, I think that's what brought me here to you.\"" MC "\"God! I can't believe you're the first person I've told all this to.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 013 with dissolve "But as Myriam was realizing the sudden weight lifted from her by finally putting into words the events that brought her so much nightmares, tears started to well up in her eyes." MC "\"God! I'm sorry.\"" DoS "\"It's alright.\"" MC "\"What I don't understand is why it marked me so much, it was frightful for sure, but in the end I wasn't hurt I mean.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 014 with dissolve DoS "\"Well, you have different kinds of hurt. {w}If you weren't hurt physically, the event definitely scarred you emotionally.\"" MC "\"Yeah! That it did.\"" DoS "\"Now the question is what do you hope will come from our work together?\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 015 with dissolve MC "\"Well, if I could stop the nightmares, at least I could rest well and feel less exhausted all the time, and...\"" "Stopping herself as she looked away again, Myriam was too embarrassed to keep going." DoS "\"And?\"" MC "\"And I need to understand why since then I have these urges...\"" DoS "\"Urges?\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 016 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, ever since the assault, I have urges... {w}Sexual urges, and I don't understand them.\"" MC "\"I feel so lost, I fear I'll lose myself.\"" "Staying silent as Myriam exposed the heart of her troubles, Doctor Silver was waiting for her to calm down before going on." scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 017 with dissolve DoS "\"And these urges, did they only appear after your assault or did you have them before?\"" "Taken by surprise, Myriam again felt terribly embarrassed to answer, notably because his question flew to the point." MC "\"Well, I did have them before, when I was younger, but not since... {w}But since the assault, I can't seem to control them.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 018 with dissolve DoS "\"So here the assault seem to have reopened a door on something you had buried before.\"" MC "\"Yes, probably.\"" DoS "\"What were the urges about when you were younger? And what age were you?\"" MC "\"Well, I must have been a teenager and I think they were just teenage sexual curiosity.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 019 with dissolve DoS "\"And have you ever acted on it?\"" MC "\"WHAT!? NO! Never. {w}My first was the father of Katherine, my daughter.\"" DoS "\"Remember, I'm not trying to judge you Mrs Summers, I'm only here to help.\"" DoS "\"There is no wrong or right answers here, only helpful ones if they are truthful.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 020 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry.\"" DoS "\"Don't be, I understand perfectly that all this is very intimate and that trust takes time.\"" DoS "\"You won't be able to tell me everything on the first go, but know that you can always come back later to expand on something you've said to me, there will be no judgment.\"" MC "{i}My god, this is so embarrassing and shameful, and he seems so nice and trustful, but can I really tell him everything.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_teenage_urges:" "Does Myriam tell the truth about her teenage urges?" KN_MOD "Yes, I have to tell him everything, or I wont go better.:" $ ch2_talked_about_the_past = True scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 021 with dissolve MC "\"Well, truth be told, Katherine's father was really my first sexual encounter, but I kind of acted on my urges when I was younger too.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I let my little brother spy on me when we were teenagers, I knew it wasn't right, but it made him happy.\"" MC "\"You see, my little brother has some impaired mental capacity and he had no friends, so I thought that if at least that made him happy for a moment, it wasn't hurting anyone.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_talking_about_the_past" KN_MOD "No, I cant, this is too embarrassing and shameful.:" $ ch2_talked_about_the_past = False scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 021 with dissolve MC "{i}No! I can't this is too embarrassing and shameful, I can't talk about it for now, I'm not ready for that.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't talk about how I let my little brother spy on me when I was naked.{/i}" MC "{i}God! And the coach, I can't talk about this, how I blew him at the death of his wife to cheer him up, this is so shameful.{/i}" MC "\"No, I never really acted on them.\"" MC "{i}At least I told the truth about that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_talking_about_anthony" KN_MOD "label ch2_talking_about_the_past:" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 022 with dissolve DoS "\"And you, did it made you feel happy?\"" MC "\"Yes, I knew it wasn't right, but it did.\"" DoS "\"To show yourself and be watched, or to know it was making him happy?\"" MC "\"Both I think, being watched excited me and knowing that it made him happy made me feel good.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 023 with dissolve "Staying silent a moment, Myriam took some time before continuing." MC "\"And there was my gymnastic coach one time, but only once, we were very close, he was like a second father to me.\"" MC "\"During my last year of high school, he lost his wife you see, and I couldn't bear to see him so sad and unhappy.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 024 with dissolve MC "\"So one day, when he was really down, I... {w}I forced myself on him and I used my mouth to make him feel good.\"" MC "\"I didn't know what I was doing at the time, it was my first time doing this, all I knew was that all the boys were talking about it as if it was the best thing ever.\"" MC "\"So I did it to make him feel better, to show him how much he meant to me.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 025 with dissolve DoS "\"And how did your relation evolve after that?\"" MC "\"Well, he thanked me but he told me that it could never happen again, that he was happy to know I loved him so much but he loved me like a father.\"" MC "\"He stayed nice to me, but I know it became awkward when he had to massage me after that... {w}I offered multiple times to let me relieve his tension, but he never let me.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 026 with dissolve DoS "\"And those were the only times you gave in to your urges?\"" MC "\"Yes, more or less.\"" DoS "\"And how did you manage your urges? {w}Did you use masturbation?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is he trying to kill me through shame and embarrassment!{/i}" MC "\"Yes... {w}I masturbated, to keep my urges at bay.\"" DoS "\"How often?\"" MC "\"Every day.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 027 with dissolve DoS "\"Well, I'll stop torturing you on that part for now.\"" DoS "\"From what you told me, what I can say for now is that you were just a teenager like any other with a healthy curiosity about sex.\"" DoS "\"It sure look like you had a heavy sex drive, but still, nothing unhealthy.\"" DoS "\"Every teenager is curious and wishes to explore, which will sometimes bring not the wisest decisions, but nobody got hurt and drama is part of life.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 028 with dissolve DoS "\"What I can see is that you have also a deep need to please, you want people to be happy around you and have trouble seeing people sad or suffering.\"" MC "\"Yes, ever since my mother's death when I was young, I remember I could not stand seeing my father's sadness and did everything I could to make him happy and smile.\"" DoS "\"Yes, an event like that could definitely have serious impact on how a kid sees the world and comprehends it.\"" DoS "\"But in itself it's not a bad thing, wanting people to be happy is not a problem... {w}As long as it's not to the detriment of your own happiness or to other people's feelings.\"" DoS "\"Sadness is sometimes a natural and necessary process, you cannot force others to be happy.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_talking_about_anthony" KN_MOD "label ch2_talking_about_anthony:" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 029 with dissolve "Taking a mental note of everything said, Doctor Silver took a moment to register all she had talked about, before starting again." DoS "\"You talked about Anthony, what does or did he think about all this?\"" "Taken again by surprise, Myriam didn't know how to answer the doctor." MC "\"Anthony!? Well I... {w}I don't know what to say.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 030 with dissolve DoS "\"Well, for example, since we were on the subject, did he fulfil your urges?\"" MC "\"Oh! Euhm! {w}Oh gosh! {w}You really got me there, I really don't know how to answer...\"" "As she was thinking, searching an answer and how to formulate it, Myriam found herself at a loss for words as tears were welling up again." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"You see, Anthony and I, we just recently separated... {w}Your question, it just brought everything back... {w}I...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"You see, Anthony and I, we just had a big fight... {w}Your question, it just brought everything back... {w}I...\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 031 with dissolve "As tears were rolling down uncontrollably, Myriam could not think straight or talk anymore, while Doctor Silver bent toward her to reassure her." MC "\"Sob! Sob!\"" DoS "\"Don't worry, take your time, tears are helpful.\"" DoS "\"And I'm sorry, it was pretty sneaky of me, since I think I already know the answer to my question.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 032 with dissolve MC "\"What!?\"" DoS "\"Yes, let me expose what I think, it may be painful, but I think you need to hear it, and if I'm wrong you can stop me.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" DoS "\"I think that like I said before, you tried to make your partner happy, lived for it, at the detriment of your own happiness.\"" KN_MOD "else:" DoS "\"I think that from what I can understand, you tried to make your partner happy, lived for it, at the detriment of your own happiness.\"" DoS "\"You satisfied all his urges and needs, bottled up yours and forgot yourself.\"" DoS "\"Judging from your reaction and character, I would say that your partner is probably a manipulative narcissist, that made space in your life to make room only for himself.\"" MC "\"Sob! Oh god! Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 033 with dissolve DoS "\"And when the assault happened, you were jolted out of your comfort zone, you had to think of yourself and now everything you had bottled up inside is coming back to the surface.\"" MC "\"Sob! Oh my god! Sob! {w}What have I... {w}What have I done!?\"" DoS "\"You've done nothing wrong Mrs Summers, you were just unlucky to chose the worst possible partner for yourself.\"" MC "\"Sob! Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 034 with dissolve "Crying uncontrollably, Myriam poured all the tears she had bottled up over the years, breaking down in front of the image of herself mirrored by the doctor." MC "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" DoS "\"I'm sorry, it was brutal, but it needed to be done, and now that we know what is weighing on you, we'll be able to do the heavy lifting and work on making you feel better and find yourself again.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 035 with dissolve "Doctor Silver kept comforting Myriam as her tears kept coming, the illusion of her relationship crumbling down." MC "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" DoS "\"That's it, don't keep anything in, let everything go, take your time.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 036 with dissolve "Crying for a good moment, her tears finally ended, having no more to cry, Myriam finally calmed down." MC "\"Sob! God! My life is an embarrassment.\"" DoS "\"No, your life is just now at a pivotal moment, you've made a big realization, and you will be now able to make your choices more clearly.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 037 with dissolve MC "\"Then what do I do now?\"" DoS "\"For now, we'll stop here, one emotional breakthrough like this is enough, you need to rest and calm down.\"" DoS "\"You'll go home and try to relax, don't go out and most importantly, you do not make any life changing decisions.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" DoS "\"Your world has been turned upside down, you are emotionally raw, any important decisions and rash decisions taken under this circumstances could be disastrous.\"" DoS "\"Leave yourself the time to cool down, rest and get your wits back before making any decision concerning your life, you need to process what was said today.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 038 with dissolve DoS "\"Do you understand me?\"" MC "\"Yes! No shaving my head or buying a ferrari.\"" DoS "\"Good, if you can already joke about it, you'll quickly get your emotions in check. {w}But still, peace and quiet tonight.\"" MC "\"Roger that! {w}My kids and I wanted to order some pizzas and have a little movie night.\"" DoS "\"That's perfect.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 039 with dissolve DoS "\"Then next appointment, we'll start the work, come back to some points brushed over today, and dig deeper.\"" MC "\"God! I hope you won't mess with my brain like that everytime.\"" DoS "\"Ha ha ha! No, I'm sorry, this first emotional breakthrough is always hard and messy, but it's a necessity.\"" DoS "\"I can't say that the following work won't be hard, but it won't be as brutal as breaking this first dichotomy between what's perceived and reality.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 040 with dissolve "A long silence fell between the two as both looked into the eyes of the other, without realizing it had already been this long that neither had said a word, with their hands on each other." KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_fleeting_moment:" "How does Myriam feel about this moment?" KN_MOD "Excited.:" "Her eyes looking up in his, Myriam felt a stir as her excitment started to grow." MC "{i}God! Myriam, calm down! He's sexy and confident, but you can't go having urges about your therapist.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_session" KN_MOD "Love.:" "Her eyes looking up in his, Myriam's heart skipped a beat and felt a stir deep inside her." MC "{i}God! Myriam, calm down! You're just feeling emotional, that's all.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_session" KN_MOD "Thankful.:" "Her eyes looking up in his, Myriam suddenly felt a deep trust in Doctor Silver." MC "{i}God! It was painful, but I feel so hopeful now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_session" KN_MOD "Vulnerable.:" "Her eyes looking up in his, Myriam suddenly started to feel vulnerable but safe under his presence." MC "{i}God! I'm so lost but I feel so safe with him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_session" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_session:" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 041 with dissolve "Breaking the spell as he suddenly got up, Doctor Silver walked toward his desk, while Myriam followed suit, her eyes still red from all the crying and emotional release." DoS "\"You should take a few days to get emotionally settled, but I want to see you again quickly. {w}Will it be possible for you early next week?\"" MC "\"I... {w}I think so.\"" DoS "\"Good, then we'll go for Monday, if you still don't feel settled, we'll postpone it for a few days more.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 042 with dissolve "While noting the appointment in his book, Doctor Silver kept talking over their arrangement with Myriam after a few seconds pause." DoS "\"But it's important that if you feel a crisis coming, you call me immediately, whatever the hour.\"" MC "\"Well, I wouldn't want to bother you at home.\"" DoS "\"No, I insist, this is important, better me woken up in the middle of the night than you making a rash decision. {w}Understood?\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes Doctor Silver.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 043 with dissolve "Helping Myriam with her jacket, Doctor Silver accompanied her back to the door." DoS "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 044 with dissolve "Holding the door for her to show her out, Doctor Silver reiterated their next appointment, as Myriam thanked him again shyly." DoS "\"So we say goodbye for a few days and I'll see you after the weekend.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you Doctor Silver.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 045 with dissolve "But as she was passing while Doctor Silver held the door for her, Myriam surprised him with a sudden tight hug." DoS "\"Oh! Gosh!\"" MC "\"Really! Thank you. Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 046 with dissolve "Understanding he couldn't refuse this hug without hurting her and her trust, Doctor Silver reciprocated it, hugging her back as she pressed her chest against him tightly." DoS "\"Do not worry Mrs Summers, everything will be ok.\"" DoS "\"Just remember that even if you're a mother and with someone, you are before all yourself, a woman entitled to happiness and to her needs and desires as much as anyone.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 047 with dissolve "Separating, both finally said goodbye to each other as Myriam walked away with a last wave of the hand." MC "\"Goodbye Doctor Silver.\"" DoS "\"Goodbye Mrs Summers.\"" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 048 with dissolve DoS "\"See you Monday.\"" DoS "{i}You'll have to watch yourself with this one Ed, she's so bright she could easily get to you, you got close to unprofessional for a moment there.{/i}" "{b}{color=#699}Edward Silver{/color}{/b} {w}alias Ed{p}The therapist{w}, 50 years {p}The Doctor {p}An unconventional therapist specialized in sexual behavior." scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 049 with dissolve "Walking back towards the elevator after getting out of Doctor Silver's office, Myriam was thinking over her meeting with him." MC "{i}Well, this was definitely not a useless meeting, I was so shaken that my heart is still beating fast. {w}I'll have to thank Eve for her advice.{/i}" MC "{i}And this Doctor Silver... {w}He seems so smart it's unbelievable, he saw right through me as if I was made of glass.{/i}" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 050 with dissolve "Getting in the elevator, Myriam forced herself to stop thinking too much about the therapy session while pressing the button to the first floor." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam, stop thinking about all this for now, or you'll worry the kids tonight.{/i}" MC "{i}For now, let's just go home and have a nice movie night with Katherine and Marc.{/i}" scene bg ch2_06 meetingdoctorsilver 051 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}And thank god Anthony won't be there anymore, we'll be able to have a fun movie night the three of us.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And let's just hope that Anthony gets back home late like he said, I would prefer if the kids were already in bed when he comes back.{/i}" MC "{i}It's been a while since I had a good night of fun with the kids.{/i}" "And on the thought of her kids, the doors of the elevator started to close on Myriam as she was heading back home, having the feeling of taking a good step for herself today." KN_MOD "jump ch2_on_the_way_home" KN_MOD "label ch2_on_the_way_home:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update3 from _call_var_chapter2_update3" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n On the Way Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_car == True:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 001 with dissolve "After getting back to her car, while the sun was setting on the road back home, Myriam's mind had already turned toward her night with her kids." MC "{i}I can't wait for tonight, I missed the kids so much, it'll be nice to have a little night together.{/i}" MC "{i}I should go get a few things to eat and drink during the movies, I'm sure they would enjoy that.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 002 with dissolve MC "{i}I think there's a little minimarket on the way home, maybe I should stop there, I'm sure they'll have something.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I'll do some shopping for the house while I'm at it, we're still missing some things.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'll do some shopping for the house while I'm at it, Anthony never likes it when something is missing.{/i}" MC "{i}Good thing I took the car anyway, I don't think I would have gone grocery shopping if I took the bus.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 003 with dissolve "Stopping the car at the first convenience store she saw on the way home, Myriam went in to see what they had to sell." MC "{i}Well, I should be able to find what I need here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_stopping_for_groceries" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 037 with dissolve "The sun setting as she left her appointment, Myriam's mind had already turned toward her night with her kids" MC "{i}I can't wait for tonight, I missed the kids so much, it'll be nice to have a little night together.{/i}" MC "{i}I should go get a few things to eat and drink during the movies, I'm sure they would enjoy that.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 038 with dissolve MC "{i}I think there's a little minimarket on the way home, maybe I should stop there, I'm sure they'll have something.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I'll do some shopping for the house while I'm at it, we're still missing some things.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'll do some shopping for the house while I'm at it, Anthony never likes it when something is missing.{/i}" MC "{i}I wish I'd taken the car though, I'm not a fan of carrying around all the groceries in the bus.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 003 with dissolve "Stopping at a bus stop near a convenience store she saw on the way home, Myriam went in to see what they had to sell." MC "{i}Well, I should be able to find what I need here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_stopping_for_groceries" KN_MOD "label ch2_stopping_for_groceries:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 004 with dissolve "Taking a basket at the entrance, Myriam said hello to the young man behind the counter, who answered her with a very slow and monotone voice." MC "\"Hi.\"" "Seller" "\"...Hn...\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 005 with dissolve "The store was fairly empty, and it seemed only two teenagers looking at some magazines on display." "Long Hair Kid" "\"Look at those tits man! They're incredible!\"" "Short Hair Kid" "\"Wow! And that ass! Look at that, I would definitely crash into that rear bumper!\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 006 with dissolve MC "{i}God! Are they looking at porn magazines!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_porn_police:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Amused.:" MC "{i}Those little rascals! What can you do they're teenagers, it's normal to get curious about those things.{/i}" MC "{i}Better leave them be, I don't want to get them embarrassed, not that they seem to feel any.{/i}" KN_MOD "Embarrassed.:" MC "{i}My god! But they're so young and in a public place, how can they...?{/i}" MC "{i}I better leave them be, this is so embarrassing.{/i}" KN_MOD "Ignore.:" MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! Don't start, they aren't hurting anybody and it's not your problem.{/i}" MC "{i}Just leave them be and go your way.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 007 with dissolve "As Myriam went on, ignoring the two horny teenagers, one of them turned around and was stunned by the view before his eyes." "Long Hair Kid" "\"Dude! Look!\"" "Short Hair Kid" "\"What!?\"" "Long Hair Kid" "{size=20}\"Doesn't she look just like that pornstar!?\"{/size=20}" "Short Hair Kid" "{size=20}\"Fuck you're right man! She's even got a better ass.\"{/size=20}" "While the teenagers where whispering between each other, they did it so loudly that Myriam herself could hear their conversation." MC "{i}God! Are they talking about me?{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 008 with dissolve "Still ignoring the teenagers, Myriam continued her shopping, taking a bit of junk food for tonight and looking around if something on the display was needed at home." MC "{i}Just ignore them Myriam, they're just horny teenagers.{/i}" "Going through the store shelves, she looked left and right, before noticing something that could be useful. All the while the two kids stalked her through the aisles." MC "{i}Oh! There's some tampons, I think I still have some home, but I don't know if Katherine need some, maybe I should pick some up.{/i}" "Short Hair Kid" "{i}Fuck! She really has an epic ass!{/i}" "Long Hair Kid" "{i}Damn! It even looks like she's got bigger tits than the pornstar.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 009 with dissolve "Bending over to grab the box, Myriam didn't notice the kids approaching behind, stealing a few quick shots at her ass while whispering some comments between each other." "Long Hair Kid" "{size=20}\"Damn! That's some fucking view!\"{/size=20}" "Short Hair Kid" "{size=20}\"Fuck man! D'you think she's a pornstar?\"{/size=20}" "Long Hair Kid" "{size=20}\"With a body like that, I wouldn't be surprised.\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 010 with dissolve "Again, the teenagers were so excited and whispering so loudly that Myriam had a hard time ignoring them this time as they started taking picture of her ass and commenting rudely on it." MC "\"Hey kids! Don't you think you're getting a little carried away now?\"" "Short Hair Kid" "\"Oh shit!\"" "Long Hair Kid" "\"Fuck! Let's bail man!\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 011 with dissolve "Running away at full speed, the two teenagers didn't look back as they rushed outside, while Myriam was looking at them go a little surprised." MC "\"My! They took off faster than prairie fire with a tail wind.\"" MC "{i}I was just going to scold those little rascals a little bit, I wasn't going to take their heads off.{/i}" MC "{i}But maybe that can be a little lesson to them, they were quite brazen.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 012 with dissolve "Getting back to her shopping, Myriam crouched down to take the products she needed, but suddenly stopped as her eyes fell on to something else." MC "{i}God! Is that a box of condoms!{/i}" "As Myriam saw it, her mind went blank for a moment, clouded by conflicted feelings of embarrassment, curiosity and excitement." MC "{i}If I think about it, maybe I should take some for the kids, they're still young and it's embarrassing, but I prefer knowing they're protected if they ever...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't say I'm a good example since Anthony never wanted to use them... {w}But since he preferred using my ass and nearly always finished himself on my face or in my mouth, it never was a real problem.{/i}" MC "{i}But I would definitely feel better if I knew they used protection.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_condoms_or_no_condoms:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Yes, I should take some for the kids!:" $ ch2_have_condoms = True MC "{i}Yes, I should do it, it's embarrassing, but better that than the troubles it could bring if they go without.{/i}" KN_MOD "Yes, I should take some for the kids, and...:" $ ch2_have_condoms = True MC "{i}Yes, I should do it, it's embarrassing, but better that than the troubles it could bring if they go without.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}And you never know... {w}Maybe since Anthony and I are separated, I should have some around.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And you never know... {w}It's never lost.{/i}" KN_MOD "No, its too early and embarrassing!:" $ ch2_have_condoms = False MC "{i}No, it's too early and embarrassing, maybe it can wait a bit, I mean, should I already talk about sex with them?{/i}" MC "{i}God! Sometimes I can be such a ninny.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 013 with dissolve "Getting on with her shopping, Myriam took a few more things and was walking toward the cash desk and the seller, when her gaze fell onto the display stand where the teenagers were earlier." MC "{i}God! When I think how brazen those kids were, looking at porn and discussing it in public... {w}They even compared me to one of the... models.{/i}" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Curiosity] >= 10:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_comparing_notes:" "Does Myriam go satisfy her curiosity?" KN_MOD "Yes, or I wont stop thinking about it.:" $ ch2_compared_notes = True MC "{i}Damn it! Now I have to go take a look or I won't stop thinking about it. {w}Do I really look like a pornstar?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_have_a_looksy" KN_MOD "No, this is stupid.:" $ ch2_compared_notes = False MC "{i}Stop thinking about that Myriam, just finish your shopping and get on with it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cash_out" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Stop thinking about that Myriam, just finish your shopping and get on with it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cash_out" KN_MOD "label ch2_have_a_looksy:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 014 with dissolve "Approaching the display, Myriam put down her basket and took a discreet look at the magazine the teenagers had in hand before." MC "{i}Oh my god!! She looks just like me, she could be my sister... {w}This is so disturbing.{/i}" MC "{i}I understood why the kids were so surprised, I may have a little more chest and ass, but... {w}Really, it's like looking at myself doing porn, this is so weird.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_weird_mirror:" "How does Myriam feel about this?" KN_MOD "Embarrassed.:" MC "{i}My god! This is so embarrassing, what if people start to think that it's me!?{/i}" MC "{i}This is so weird, I'll have to talk to Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "Secretly proud.:" MC "{i}Damn it Myriam! Are you really getting proud of feeling hotter than a pornstar.{/i}" MC "{i}Here you go right back to these weird urges and thoughts, something I'll have to talk to Doctor Silver about.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 015 with dissolve "A morbid curiosity pushed Myriam to turn the pages of the dirty magazine, as if she was taken over by a strange fascination." MC "{i}My god! I could never do something like that? {w}This is so unreal.{/i}" MC "{i}Could I?{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 016 with dissolve "Suddenly putting it down, Myriam turned away from the porn magazine, forcing herself out from this weird fascination." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! What are you starting to think about!{/i}" MC "{i}Pay for your groceries and go back home, have your movie night with your kids.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cash_out" KN_MOD "label ch2_cash_out:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 017 with dissolve "As she was looking at the seller slowly passing one article after another, Myriam couldn't help but feel sorry for him." MC "{i}My god! I never saw someone so slow and sluggish.{/i}" "Up close, she could see how much he was slouching, slumping forward like an old man, eyes drooping as if he hadn't slept in a few days." scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 018 with dissolve "Not wanting to hurt the young man, Myriam waited for him to finish, before quickly taking her bag and going toward the exit." MC "\"Thank you and goodbye.\"" "Seller" "\"...Hn...\"" MC "{i}Now time to get home Myriam.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_the_other_neighbor" KN_MOD "label ch2_meeting_the_other_neighbor:" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 019 with dissolve "Arriving a few minutes later at their courtyard, while the sun was giving its last rays of light, Myriam was finally home." MC "{i}Sigh! {w}This day was exhausting, physically and mentally, I'm really running on fumes.{/i}" MC "{i}Oh! First time I saw that bike, it must be from one of the neighbors.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 020 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_bus == True:" "As Myriam climbed the stairs, a familiar man came out of the third door of the courtyard with a garbage bag in his hand." MC "{i}God! Isn't he the sweaty man from the bus.{/i}" MC "\"Goodnight.\"" "Man" "\"Oh! Hel... Goodnight I mean!\"" MC "{i}That's definitely him.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As Myriam climbed the stairs, a man came out of the third door of the courtyard with a garbage bag in his hand." MC "\"Goodnight.\"" "Man" "\"Oh! Hel... Goodnight I mean!\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 021 with dissolve MC "\"It's nice to...\"" "As she approached him to talk to him, the man went past her, ignoring her and forcing Myriam to stop him." MC "\"Wait! Mister.\"" "Man" "\"What!? Oh! You... {w}You were talking to me?\"" MC "\"Of course I was, there's nobody else.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 022 with dissolve "Man" "\"Oh! Sorry, never thought you would talk to me.\"" MC "\"Why wouldn't I?\"" "Man" "\"Oh! Nothing, nothing... {w}Just women don't generally talk to me.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_bus == True:" "As he was now closer, Myriam could again smell that musty sweaty smell he had on the bus, even overpowering the one from the garbage." "Man" "{i}Oh god! I think that's the woman from the bus... {w}The one that rubbed her ... on my hand. {w}She's so gorgeous.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As he was now closer, Myriam could smell an overpowering musty sweaty smell, even covering the one from the garbage." "Man" "{i}God that woman is gorgeous!{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 023 with dissolve "Not wanting to hurt the man, Myriam ignored his strong body odor and kept going, not thinking it could even be a reason for not talking to somebody." MC "\"Well I don't see why I wouldn't?\"" "Man" "\"Oh! I... {w}I don't either.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 024 with dissolve "A little moment of silence came over the scene, with just a few noises coming from the street, before Myriam got back to what she wanted to say." MC "\"But anyway, I just wanted to say hello as your new neighbor. {w}I'm Myriam Summers, we just moved in a few weeks ago.\"" "Man" "\"Oh! I... {w}I'm Bill, Bill Johnson.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 025 with dissolve BiJ "\"We... {w}We just live right here.\"" MC "\"We? Are you living here with your wife?\"" BiJ "\"Oh! {w}Me! {w}No, I'm living here with my...\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 026 with dissolve "But suddenly, Bill was cut short by his door opening as an old man put his head out and started yelling profanities." "Old Man" "\"Are you finished slobbering like a fat piglet on that female big tits and do what I asked you to do!\"" BiJ "\"Aaaah!!\"" MC "\"...!?\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 027 with dissolve "Not even waiting for an answer, the old man slammed the door shut, as Bill hurried to his task, leaving Myriam speechless." BiJ "\"Yes father! Right now!\"" MC "{i}Poor man, that must have been hurtful to hear.{/i}" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 028 with dissolve "As Bill was getting his garbage out, Myriam's attention was caught by another set of yells coming from her other neighbors." ShK "\"WHERE WERE YOU AGAIN!?\"" "Man" "\"GOD DON'T START!\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 029 with dissolve "While the shouting match kept going, Bill returned as Myriam waited for him to get back." BiJ "\"Oh! They're at it again.\"" MC "\"Is everything ok?\"" BiJ "\"They scream and fight a bit, he goes away for a time, comes back and it starts again.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 030 with dissolve "As the two kept screaming at each other, Bill turned back toward Myriam." BiJ "\"Oh! And... {w}And talking about screaming, I... {w}I'm sorry about father, what he said was uncalled for.\"" MC "\"Don't mention it, believe it or not, I've heard far worse.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 031 with dissolve MC "\"No, it's for you that I feel bad.\"" BiJ "\"Oh! Don't worry, I'm used to it.\"" MC "\"Is he always like this?\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 032 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! Mmh... Well getting stuck at home didn't help his demeanor for sure.\"" MC "\"Ooh! That's too bad, I'm sorry to hear it.\"" BiJ "\"Oh! Thanks... {w}Thank you, but I better go before he comes out again.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 033 with dissolve MC "\"Well, anyway I'm glad to have been able to meet you Bill.\"" BiJ "\"Likewise, goodnight Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Myriam please.\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 034 with dissolve "Moving towards her door, Myriam could still hear yells coming from the Kellys." MC "{i}I hope William's ok, it must be hard for him to hear this. {w}I'll have to try talking to him and see if he's not too down.{/i}" ShK "\"AND WHERE ARE YOU GOING NOW!?\"" "Man" "\"ANYWHERE ELSE FOR GOD SAKE!\"" scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 035 with dissolve "As Myriam was getting to her door, the door of the Kelly's suddenly opened and slammed violently as a man came out shouting, a motorcycle helmet in hand." "Man" "\"EVERY GODDAMN TIME!\"" MC "\"Oh! Hello...\"" "Ignoring Myriam's presence as she tried to say hello, the man just rushed out of the house and went straight out of the courtyard." scene bg ch2_07 onthewayhome 036 with dissolve "Myriam gave one last look at the courtyard and her neighbor disappearing on the bike that was parked in front of it." MC "{i}Well, that was quite the day I had, it'll be good to finally be home and relax.{/i}" MC "{i}Still, I hope they all get better, even if I can hardly say that the situation at home is better.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_movie_night:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Movie Night" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 001 with dissolve "Finally home, Myriam went straight for the kitchen to put down the groceries, thankful to be able to relax her arm." MC "{i}God! Finally home! The kids must be in their rooms, I'll get things ready for our movie night, then go take a shower to relax.{/i}" "But as she was about to get to work and put the groceries away, a voice surprised her from behind." Ka "\"Mom?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 002 with dissolve "Thinking herself alone and her mind focused on the task at hand, Myriam jumped in surprise at her daughter's arrival." MC "\"Oh god! You surprised me Pumpkin, I didn't hear you coming.\"" Ka "\"He he he! Sorry! It must be your heels, they make so much noise, you can hear them all over the house.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 003 with dissolve "Proud of her heels, Myriam took a pose to show them off to her daughter, while Katherine got closer." MC "\"Yes, they're a bit noisy, but they're so gorgeous, it was a present from your aunty Eve years ago.\"" Ka "\"I don't even know how you can walk in those.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 004 with dissolve MC "\"Practice Pumpkin, practice. {w}But if you want I can teach you.\"" Ka "\"Na! Thanks mom, but I don't think it's for me.\"" MC "\"Well, you tell me if you ever want me to.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 005 with dissolve Ka "\"No, what I want to know is what's in there.\"" MC "\"Oh! It's nothing Pumpkin, I just thought I might pick up a few things on the way back for our movie night.\"" MC "\"I was going to prepare everything and call for the pizza, before taking a shower.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 006 with dissolve Ka "\"Is everything ok mom? You look a bit tired.\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry Pumpkin, just had a long day, nothing that a good shower and a movie night can't cure.\"" Ka "\"Ok! But let me tidy up and call for the pizzas, go take a shower and relax a bit mom.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 007 with dissolve "Touched by her daughter thoughtfulness, Myriam kissed her on the forehead to reassure her." MC "\"Thank you Pumpkin! You're so thoughtful, I love you.\"" Ka "\"It's nothing mom, I love you too.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 008 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure Pumpkin?\"" Ka "\"Yes mom! Go! {w}I'll take care of the rest, just relax for a bit.\"" MC "\"I'm so lucky to have you.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 009 with dissolve "Leaving her daughter to take care of the preparations, Myriam left her in the kitchen and headed to her room to shower and change." MC "{i}Kat's right, I feel so tired and tense, a good shower will help me to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}So let's jump out of these clothes and put something more comfy on after.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 010 with dissolve "Taking off her clothes, Myriam took a moment to enjoy the sensation of freedom, massaging her stiff neck and shoulders." "But as she tried to relax, her mind flew elsewhere, ignoring her bedroom's door opening after a quick knock on it." "Knock!" Ma "\"Mi?\"" "Stopping dead in his tracks, Marc was frozen in place at the sight of Myriam's ample breasts." Ma "{i}HOLY SHIT!! Mi's changing. {w}Look at those tits, they're incredible!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 011 with dissolve "As she opened her eyes, Myriam was suddenly surprised to find Marc in front of her, entering the room as she was undressing." KN_MOD "menu ch2_peeping_son_1:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Embarrassed.:" MC "{i}Oh god! Marc!{/i}" "Hiding her breasts in embarrassment, she couldn't stop a little scream of surprise as she saw Marc looking at her intently." MC "\"Haaa! {w}What... {w}What do you want!?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 012 with dissolve "Coming in and closing the door behind him, Marc took Myriam's question as an ok to enter. Panicked, Myriam tried to stop him." MC "{i}What is he doing!?{/i}" MC "\"Wai... {w}Wait! What are you...!?\"" Ma "\"Sorry! It's just that I heard you come up and I wanted to tell you how it went with my tryouts.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 016 with dissolve "Still approaching Myriam, Marc didn't stop at the door and came closer to her, his eyes glued to her breasts." Ma "\"I passed the tryouts and I got picked. {w}For now I'm just first place on the bench, but as soon as I get better or they need a replacement, I'm in.\"" MC "{i}My god, he has his eyes glued to my breasts! {w}But I don't want to make things more awkward.{/i}" MC "\"That... {w}That's very good Marc, I'm proud of you, but you shouldn't have come in while I'm changing.\"" Ma "\"Sorry! I was just so excited to share the news with you, I... {w}I didn't think.\"" Ma "{i}Damn! What I wouldn't give for a better look at those tits.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 020 with dissolve MC "\"Now please Duckling, get out and let me take a shower and change. {w}We'll talk more about your tryouts after.\"" Ma "\"Yes Mi! Sorry.\"" "But as he turned back and went towards the doors, Marc had a last little look at Myriam's body via the mirror." Ma "{i}Damn! Myriam's so hot! {w}Maybe I could push my luck and have a look while she's in the shower.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_shower" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}God! Marc's looking at me!{/i}" "Hiding her breasts by reflex, as she felt embarrassed, she screamed in surprise but felt a strange stir of excitement." MC "\"Haaa! {w}What do you want?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 013 with dissolve "Coming in and closing the door behind him, Marc took Myriam's question as an ok to enter. Myriam watched him come in, shocked and amused by his boldness." MC "{i}Look at the balls of him, peeping on me and just walking in as if nothing had happened.{/i}" Ma "\"Sorry Mi, it's just that I heard you come up and I wanted to tell you how it went with my tryouts.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 017 with dissolve "Still approaching Myriam, Marc didn't stop at the door and came closer to her, his eyes glued to her breasts." Ma "\"I passed the tryouts and I got picked. {w}For now I'm just first place on the bench, but as soon as I get better or they need a replacement, I'm in.\"" MC "{i}That little perv! He has his eyes glued to my breasts! {w}But I don't want to make things more awkward.{/i}" MC "\"That's very good Marc, I'm very proud of you, but you know you shouldn't have come in while I'm half naked.\"" Ma "\"Sorry! I was just so excited to share the news with you, I... {w}I didn't think.\"" Ma "{i}Damn! What I wouldn't give for a better look at those tits.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 020 with dissolve MC "\"Now please Duckling, get out and let me take a shower and change. {w}We'll talk more about your tryouts after.\"" Ma "\"Yes! Sorry.\"" "But as he turned back and went towards the doors, Marc had a last little look at Myriam's body via the mirror." Ma "{i}Damn! She's so hot! {w}Maybe I could push my luck and have a look while she's in the shower.{/i}" MC "{i}Look at that cocky little perv, having a little look at the half naked Myriam in the mirror.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_peeping_son_2:" "Does Myriam tease him?" KN_MOD "Yes, lets tease him a bit and give him an eyeful.:" $ ch2_teased_marc = True scene bg ch2_08 movienight 021 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam bent over to pick up her clothes on the ground, offering Marc a perfect view of her ass and thong." MC "{i}Here you go you little perv! What do you think of that?{/i}" Ma "{i}Holy shit! That ass! {w}She's trying to kill me here!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_shower" KN_MOD "No, lets leave it at that, I dont want to confuse him.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_shower" KN_MOD "Pissed.:" $ ch2_got_pissed_at_marc = True MC "{i}GOD! Marc! What the...!?{/i}" "Hiding her breasts by reflex, unable to stop a little scream of surprise as she saw Marc looking at her intently, a bit of anger was building up." MC "\"Haaa! {w}Close the door!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 014 with dissolve "Getting in and closing the door behind him, Marc misinterpreted Myriam's order. Pissed off, Myriam tried to stop him." MC "{i}What the...!?{/i}" MC "\"Wait! What do you think you're doing!?\"" Ma "\"Sorry Mi, it's just that I heard you come up and I wanted to tell you how it went with my tryouts.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 018 with dissolve "Still approaching Myriam, Marc didn't stop at the door and came closer to her, his eyes glued to her breasts." Ma "\"I passed the tryouts and I got picked. {w}For now I'm just first place on the bench, but as soon as I get better or they need a replacement, I'm in.\"" MC "{i}That little perv! He has his eyes glued to my breasts and still comes in!{/i}" MC "\"That's very good Marc, I'm proud of you, but you shouldn't have come inside!\"" Ma "\"So... {w}Sorry! I was just so excited to share the news with you, I... {w}I didn't think.\"" Ma "{i}Damn! That's too bad, I would have loved a better look at those tits, but she look very pissed, I better go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 020 with dissolve MC "\"Now get out! I want to take a shower and change. {w}We'll talk more about your tryouts after.\"" Ma "\"Yes! Sorry!\"" "But as he turned back and went towards the doors, Marc had a last little look at Myriam's body via the mirror." Ma "{i}Damn! Mi's so hot! {w}I wouldn't have minded daring a little look while she showered, but if she catches me she'll tear me a new one.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_shower" KN_MOD "Its just an accident.:" MC "{i}Oh god! Marc!{/i}" "Hiding her breasts by reflex, she couldn't stop a little scream of surprise as she saw Marc looking at her intently." MC "\"Haaa! {w}What do you want?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 015 with dissolve "Getting in and closing the door behind him, Marc took Myriam's question as an ok to go in, while she tried her best to hide herself." MC "{i}Oh! Ok!? He's coming in. {w}Calm down, it was just an accident and he doesn't realize.{/i}" MC "\"What is it Marc?\"" Ma "\"Sorry Mi, it's just that I heard you come up and I wanted to tell you how it went with my tryouts.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 019 with dissolve "Still approaching Myriam, Marc didn't stop at the door and came closer to her, his eyes glued to her breasts." Ma "\"I passed the tryouts and I got picked. {w}For now I'm just first place on the bench, but as soon as I get better or they need a replacement, I'm in.\"" MC "{i}My god! He's coming in and I'm half naked! {w}But I don't want to make things more awkward.{/i}" MC "\"That... {w}That's very good Marc, I'm proud of you, but you know you shouldn't have come in while I'm changing.\"" Ma "\"Sorry ! I was just so excited to share the news with you, I... {w}I didn't think.\"" Ma "{i}Damn! What I wouldn't give for a better look at those tits.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 020 with dissolve MC "\"Now please Duckling, get out and let me take a shower and change. {w}We'll talk more about your tryouts after.\"" Ma "\"Yes ! Sorry.\"" "But as he turned back and went towards the doors, Marc had a last little look at Myriam's body via the mirror." Ma "{i}Damn! Mi's so hot! {w}Maybe I could push my luck and have a look while she's in the shower.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_quick_shower:" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == True:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 022 with dissolve "Marc finally out, Myriam took off her last piece of clothing and went towards her bathroom to take a quick shower before changing into something more comfortable." MC "{i}Maybe I was a bit too harsh with him, it was just an accident after all. {w}Maybe I should apologize later.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now, let's get cleaned up and relax a bit before going down, I'm so tense.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 023 with dissolve "Marc finally out, Myriam took off her last piece of clothing, and went towards her bathroom to take a quick shower before changing into something more comfortable." MC "{i}Now let's get cleaned up and relax before going down, I'm so tense.{/i}" "But what she didn't know was that Marc hadn't really left, excited by what he saw and wishing to see more, he lurked behind for a chance at a better look at her in the shower." Ma "{i}Fuck! I did good staying, look at that ass of hers!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 024 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Getting into the shower, Myriam could already feel herself reviving, her body relaxing as the stress washed away with the hot water." MC "{i}Mmh! God that feels great!{/i}" MC "{i}With the day I had, it feels like heaven.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 025 with dissolve "But as Myriam started to shower, Marc had already slipped in, hiding against the door leading to the master bedroom, which she had left open as always." Ma "{i}Fuck! I can't see shit with that weird glass! {w}I can barely see her ass.{/i}" "Still, despite his disappointment, the excitement of the situation was making him hard, and he started to rub himself without even thinking, while enjoying the view of her ass." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 026 with dissolve "As she cleaned herself, washing off all the sweat of the day from her body, Myriam's hand stopped between her legs." MC "{i}Mmh! What are you doing Myriam!? You don't have time for this.{/i}" MC "{i}Damn it! I need some release, maybe I can take the time.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 027 with dissolve "Still rubbing himself through his shorts, Marc kept peeping at Myriam as best he could, his view still partly obstructed by the distorting glass screen." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! Did she start touching herself!? {w}I can hear her moaning.{/i}" Ma "{i}Fuck! I can't see anything from here... {w}Maybe I could sneak a little closer.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 028 with dissolve "Closing her eyes, her hand caressing her pussy, Myriam's mind started to drift towards an erotic fantasy." KN_MOD "menu ch2_erotic_fantasy_1:" "What fantasy does Myriam has?" KN_MOD "Aliens. if ch2_alien_abduction == True:" "She didn't know why, but her mind drifted towards a strange fantasy of an alien abduction, which weirdly felt familiar." "Imagining herself surrounded by strange beings, examining her with strange instruments before they start caressing her." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "The aliens pinned her down, taking turn using her for a while, before starting to take her together, filling each of her holes and using her as if she was a toy." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Not leaving her any rest, the aliens gangbanged her, when one was done and emptied his load inside her or on her body another would take his place." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Surrounding her limp body on the ground as she kept quivering in pleasure after her numerous orgasms, the aliens all finished themselves one last time, covering her in a warm and thick coat of cum." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Anthony.:" "Despite the tension between them lately, Myriam's mind went to Anthony while pleasuring herself, he was after all nearly all she knew about sex." "Grabbing her by the neck, he kissed her passionately as he squeezed slightly, before turning her over and roughly bending her against a table." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Without any words, he tore off her panties and pressed his hard cock against her asshole, before penetrating her, pushing his cock roughly deep into her ass." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Taking his pleasure, Anthony kept sodomizing her like a brute, grunting like an animal as he mercilessly pounded her ass without any thoughts for her own pleasure or pain." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head back, Anthony started to violently pound her ass while abusing her verbally, until finally he reached his limits, flipping her over and covering her face with his cum." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Cassius. if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" "Surprisingly, her mind drifted towards Cassius and his weird shaped cock, it felt wrong but still, she couldn't stop this weird fascination." "As she was touching herself on the bed, eyes closed, she suddenly felt a tongue on her pussy, opening her eyes in surprise, she could see Cassius, licking her, his strange cock, fully erect." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Letting him give her pleasure with his tongue, Myriam kept massaging her breasts while her eyes couldn't detach themselves from the big, hard red rod glistening between his legs." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Unable to take it anymore after he made her orgasm a few times just with his tongue, Myriam made Cassius lie down, before taking his cock in her mouth and starting to suck on it as if her life depended on it." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "As he made her climax so much with his tongue, Myriam kept making him cum in her mouth, swallowing load after load of his thick and warm cum, until he had no more cum to give her." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Coach. if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" "Probably because she talked about it to Doctor Silver, but her mind drifted back to her first sexual experience, when she gave her coach some oral relief." "Forcing him on the bench as she dropped on her knees between his legs in the locker room, gasping at her first sight of a real cock." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "But fearing his senses could overcome his surprise, she took his cock in her mouth with haste, swallowing it whole easily to her own surprise." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Wanting to show how much he meant to her, she did her best, awkwardly sucking on his cock with a lot of passion to compensate for her lack of experience." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Surprised by the ease she had and motivated by his moans of pleasure, Myriam deepthroated him without mercy, until finally, she felt his warm cum gushing in the back of her throat." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Dumdum. if ch0_dumdum_shower == True:" "Strangely, her mind drifted back to the big oaf that saved her from her assault at the motel, probably because of the appointment with Doctor Silver." "Imagining this huge mountain of muscle in the shower with her like at the motel, his huge and hard cock in his hands as he kept masturbating while looking at her body." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Falling on her knees in front of him, Myriam started to caress this huge, hard and magnificent cock, worshiping this tool as she rubbed her face against it." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Licking his huge balls while jerking his big cock, Myriam started sucking them avidly like some delicious fruit, following every moans and reactions to give him the most pleasure." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Until finally she could hear him grunting noisily and starting to ejaculate violently, the cum gushing out and crashing on her face as she aimed his cock to her face, covering her in a thick and warm coat of cum." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Lucy. if ch2_bicurious == True:" "Strangely, her thoughts, didn't got to any men or dicks, but to a woman, Lucy, the athletic and confident woman that saved her life in the park." "Imagining her kissing her soft lips, both their hands started to explore each other as their kiss started to get more passionate." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Both kept kissing passionately while their hands started to focus on their breasts and pussy, both handling their respective bodies like they held no secret from one another." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Getting down in front of her, Lucy started licking her pussy and sucking on her clit as she kept fingering her and attacking her sweet spot." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Petting Lucy's head as she kept eating her and fingering her, Myriam could feel an intense orgasm coming, feeling the waves of pleasure rising and taking her body over as she screamed in pleasure." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Marc. if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" "As her mind drifted towards something erotic, Marc peeping on her a few minutes ago popped into her mind." "She knew it was wrong but she could not help but feel some excitement when thinking back to his eyes glued to her breasts." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Imagining Marc spying on her while she was taking a shower, him jerking off as he looked at her wet and glistening body." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Suddenly feeling a strange gaze on her, Myriam saw Marc, cock out and jerking off, but instead of being mad, blushing, she just offered him a better view." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "As he approached, still jerking off with his eyes still glued to her body, Myriam got on her knees waiting while looking at him, until finally his warm cum came gushing on her face and breasts." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "Pornstar. if ch2_compared_notes == True:" "As her imagination drifted to some erotic fantasy, her pornstar look-alike came to mind while she started imagining herself in her place." "Imagining all the men and boys fantasizing about her, cock in hand as they imagined themselves fucking her in every way possible." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Imagining herself getting filmed while having sex with multiple men, letting them use her like a toy as they left no holes from her unused." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Imagining herself in harder and rougher settings as her mind kept drifting deeper in her pornstar erotic fantasy, getting treated like a worthless whore for the pleasure of her perverted fans." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Imagining herself in a big finish as she was reaching her climax, surrounded by numerous fans, finishing themselves over her, covering her body in a warm and thick coat of cum." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "William. if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" "As her imagination drifted to some erotic fantasy, her tender and passionate moment with William came to her mind." "Remembering his tender touch all over her body while he was kissing her passionately." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "While her fingers explored her pussy and her other hand started massaging her breast, Myriam escalated her fantasy." "Remembering her surprise as she discovered his beautiful big hard cock, its feeling in her hand, its taste in her mouth as she swallowed it and started sucking it." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "As he was about to get closer, Myriam moved under the shower as she caressed herself, offering Marc a better view." Ma "{i}Fuck yeah! Good job! {w}Man! She's totally going at it!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}But damn! I want to rub one out so bad! {w}Shit! But I can't, if she catches me jerking off I'm done for.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 030 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam's fantasy got more intense as well, following her pleasure as she felt her climax coming." "Remembering his passion and fervor as he made love to her tenderly and passionately, making her orgasm like Anthony never did." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 031 with dissolve "Still rubbing his hard-on through his shorts, Marc could hear Myriam reaching her limits as her moans got louder." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is torture! {w}I want to jerk off so bad it hurts!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "{i}Here you go! She's getting off, I better go before she opens her eyes again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 032 with dissolve "And finally, it came as she kept playing with her sweet spots, waves of pleasure passing through her body as her fantasy reached its climax too." "Remembering how passionately he kept fucking as she begged him to give her everything, until she could feel his cum gushing inside her, making her have a shattering last orgasm." MC "\"MMMH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_after_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_after_shower:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 033 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Getting out of the shower clean and relaxed, Myriam felt refreshed and renewed." MC "{i}God that felt good! I'm feeling like a new woman. {w}It's embarrassing to say, but sometimes nothing lets you feel better than a little helpful \"release\".{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's get dressed and join the kids.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 034 with dissolve "After quickly putting on her bathrobe without even drying herself, Myriam filled the already packed laundry basket with her clothes as she went to dress." MC "{i}Maybe I could run a cycle while we're looking at our movies, there's a little pile of laundry to clean.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll do that now and be done with it, I'll put something on after, it'll take me a minute.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 035 with dissolve play sound "doorbell-freesound-kwahmah.mp3" "Ding-dong!" "While getting to the laundry room, Myriam could hear the doorbell ringing." MC "{i}Damn!{/i}" Ka "\"Hello!\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Hello, Stephano's Pizza! {w}I've 3 pizzas to Summers name.\"" Ka "\"Yes, it's us.\"" MC "{i}Oh! Good, Katherine's handling it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 036 with dissolve "But as Myriam was preparing the washing machine, she heard Katherine yelling from downstairs, calling her." Ka "\"MOM!?\"" MC "{i}What is it again?{/i}" Ka "\"D'you have any money mom? {w}I don't have enough for the pizzas.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 037 with dissolve "Putting down the detergent, Myriam left her laundry behind to go help her daughter, forgetting in the meantime how she was dressed." MC "\"I'm coming Honey!\"" MC "{i}Too bad, I'll finish it up later.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 038 with dissolve "Arriving in the entrance hall after taking some money from her purse, Myriam saw a young man in a scout like uniform, pizzas in hand." "Discussing with Katherine, the young man's eyes immediately fell on Myriam as she entered the room, his gaze directed to her cleavage." "Pizza Delivery Boy" "{i}Holy shit!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_hot_pizza_gaze:" "How does Myriam react to the young man's gaze?" KN_MOD "Leave it like that.:" $ ch2_nice_cleavage = True MC "{i}God! I came down so quickly I forgot I was in my bathrobe.{/i}" MC "{i}Well too late! What's done is done, and he's already eyeing my cleavage anyway.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 039 with dissolve MC "\"Hello! How much do I owe you.\"" Ka "\"It's thirty dollars mom.\"" "Lost in her cleavage, the young man was totally absorbed and couldn't get his eyes off her still wet breasts, making him swallow loudly as droplets of water still ran down between them." "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 041 with dissolve "Discretely trying to get his attention, Myriam cleared her throat as she handed him money, while Katherine gave him an evil eye as she took the pizzas and noticed his gaze towards her mother's breasts." MC "\"Ahem!\"" Ka "\"Ugh! Thanks...\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Oh! Yes, sorry! {w}It's thirty dollars ma'am.\"" "But still, the young man couldn't get his eyes away of the two big wet mounds in front of him." MC "\"Here you go! {w}Keep the change.\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Thanks...\"" MC "{i}Good lord! I could have gave him a one dollar bill, he wouldn't even have noticed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_time" KN_MOD "What a cute scout outfit!:" $ ch2_nice_cleavage = True MC "{i}God! What a funny get-up he has, this scout uniform reminds me of some old memories.{/i}" MC "{i}I loved my time in the girlscouts when I was young, I'll leave him a good tip for his pain.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 039 with dissolve MC "\"Hello! How much do I owe you.\"" Ka "\"It's thirty dollars mom.\"" "Lost in her cleavage, the young man was totally absorbed and couldn't get his eyes off her still wet breasts, making him swallow loudly as droplets of water still ran down between them." "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 041 with dissolve "Seeing the young man seemingly lost in his thoughts, Myriam cleared her throat as she handed him money, while Katherine gave him an evil eye as she took the pizzas and noticed his gaze towards her mother's breasts." MC "\"Ahem!\"" Ka "\"Ugh! Thanks...\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Oh! Yes, sorry! {w}It's thirty dollars ma'am.\"" "But still, the young man couldn't get his eyes away of the two big wet mounds in front of him." MC "\"Here you go! {w}Keep the change.\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Thanks...\"" MC "{i}God! This poor boy must have had a hard day of work, he seems so distracted.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_time" KN_MOD "Adjust it quickly before joining them.:" $ ch2_nice_cleavage = False MC "{i}God! I came down so quickly I forgot I was in my bathrobe.{/i}" MC "{i}Don't panic Myriam, just adjust your robe a little, nonchalantly, like nothing's wrong.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 040 with dissolve MC "\"Hello! How much do I owe you.\"" Ka "\"It's thirty dollars mom.\"" "Quickly getting his eyes back up as she adjusted her robe and came towards them, the young man stayed professional." "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Yes! Thirty dollars ma'am, please.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 042 with dissolve "Myriam handed the young man money, while Katherine thanked him and took the pizzas off his hands." Ka "\"Thanks!\"" MC "\"Here you go! {w}Keep the change.\"" "Pizza Delivery Boy" "\"Thank you ma'am!\"" MC "{i}What a very polite boy, he deserves his tip for staying professional despite my appearance.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_time" KN_MOD "label ch2_movie_time:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 043 with dissolve "Joining Marc in the living room after showing the young delivery man to the door, Myriam and Katherine brought the pizzas for their movie night." MC "\"Oh! You already prepared everything, that's nice.\"" Ka "\"Yes, I told you I would take care of everything.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Just come and relax.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 044 with dissolve "Patting the couch beside him, Marc invited Myriam to come sit while Katherine put the pizzas on the table." Ma "\"Come here, sit down.\"" MC "\"Thanks Honey.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Go on mom.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 045 with dissolve "Finally everyone seated in the couch, Myriam turned to Marc to hear what they had planned for her." MC "\"So, what movies did you want to watch?\"" Ma "\"The last of the Cleaner movies.\"" Ka "\"Another testosterone movie you mean.\"" Ma "\"Hey! We said each of us chose a movie.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 046 with dissolve MC "\"And you Honey?\"" Ka "\"Me, I chose a little gory horror movie for fun.\"" MC "\"What!? I'm not big on scary movies you know.\"" Ka "\"Don't worry, it's not really that scary, it's just stupid fun and gore.\"" "Meanwhile, as Myriam and Katherine where talking, Marc was eyeing Myriam's breasts again." Ma "{i}Fuck! It'll be hard to have that at hands reach for that long.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 047 with dissolve Ma "\"Ok! Then let's go, we'll start with mine.\"" Ka "\"Don't move mom! I'll get the lights.\"" MC "\"Thank you sweetie.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 048 with dissolve "After shutting the light off, Katherine gave her mother a glass of wine she had opened before while the movie started." Ka "\"Here you go mom, I opened the bottle you bought, I thought you would like a glass.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thanks Honey.\"" Ma "\"Shush! It's starting!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 049 with dissolve "The three seated together on the couch, with only Marc breaking the silence to describe the movie to Myriam as it started." Ma "\"It's the fifth movie of the series. {w}In this one you have a come back of the villain from all the first movies.\"" Ma "\"You'll see it's really cool!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 051 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 051 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 050 with dissolve "While the movie played, the three stayed on the couch peacefully, only breaking the silence to take a few snacks on the table or a slice of pizza." "Like Katherine said, it was an action packed movie, full of testosterone on display, fights and explosions, but pretty much delivering his promise of entertainment." "The main actor was renowned for those action roles, with the look of an alpha male and a body that would make greek statues jealous." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 052 with dissolve "Having finished her glass of wine, Myriam tried to discreetly put it on the table, not realizing that her bathrobe was in shambles, revealing her pantyless butt." Ma "{i}Holy shit! She's totally butt naked under her bathrobe!{/i}" Ma "{i}And she keep rubbing her leg against mine! {w}It's like she wants me to see it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 053 with dissolve "Sitting back in the couch, Myriam started to gently brush her daughter's hair as Katherine put her head on her shoulder." "Unbeknownst to her while she put her glass down, her robe unfastened even more as she bent over, revealing her breasts as she sat back down." Ma "{i}Fuck! Look at that! Her breasts are totally showing!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 054 with dissolve "Leaning back discreetly to get a better view of her butt, Marc could see it was still naked, pointed towards him as she was leaning against Katherine." Ma "{i}And look at her ass! Is she trying to kill me!? Pointing it towards me like that.{/i}" "Staring at it, he couldn't help but caress his massive erection through his shorts, his cock getting hard as a rock at the view of Myriam's lascivious sexiness." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 055 with dissolve "The second movie starting, Myriam and Katherine stayed leaning on each other, Myriam still petting her daughter's head, both slowly drifting to sleep, the tiredness of the day and the glass of wine helping." "While on his side, Marc kept staring at Myriam's ass, still slowly caressing his cock through his shorts." Ma "{i}Fuck! I'm so hard that my cock will tear through my shorts.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 057 with dissolve "As he lifted his head to verify they were not looking at him, Marc noticed that Myriam and Katherine had both fallen asleep in front of the movie." KN_MOD "if ch2_got_pissed_at_marc == False:" Ma "{i}Damn! Maybe it's my chance to finally rub one out. {w}With her changing earlier, the shower and now with her ass under my nose, I feel like I've been hard for hours.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Damn! Maybe it's my chance to finally rub one out. {w}With her changing earlier and now with her ass under my nose, I feel like I've been hard for hours.{/i}" Ma "{i}I fucking need to bust a nut!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 059 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 059 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 058 with dissolve "Getting his cock out, Marc started to masturbate discreetly, slowly stocking his dick as he kept looking at Myriam's pussy dimly lit by the TV." Ma "{i}Holy shit! I'm so hard! {w}This is so fucking exciting!{/i}" Ma "{i}But damn, I want to touch her so much. {w}Maybe I could do it just a little while she sleep.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 060 with dissolve "But while Marc was torturing himself on touching her or not, Myriam opened her eyes as a scream in the movie woke her." "And as her gaze looked around trying to find the source of the scream in her still foggy mind, she was shocked to see Marc masturbating while looking at her." MC "{i}OH MY GOD!! What's Marc doing!? And... {w}God! My breasts! When!?{/i}" MC "{i}I must have moved too much! {w}What do I do? This is so embarrassing, but I don't want to create some drama and traumatize him.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_caught_the_hand_on_the_cookie:" "What does Myriam decided to do about the situation?" KN_MOD "Better do nothing and play the sleeping card.:" MC "{i}God! I don't want to humiliate him and traumatize him, in front of Katherine, it would be too hurtful.{/i}" MC "{i}I'd better fake being asleep until he's finished.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_play_possum_1" KN_MOD "God! Thats it! I must be dreaming. (Trust Trait 10+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 10:" $ ch2_its_just_a_dream = True MC "{i}God! I just must be sleeping and dreaming of Marc being naughty because of before.{/i}" MC "{i}But why do I dream of that, it's wrong... {w}Or maybe it's a way to exorcise those feelings, maybe it would help to not think about it anymore.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_its_just_a_dream" KN_MOD "Just fake waking up.:" MC "{i}God! I don't want to traumatize him but I can't let him continue either, what if Katherine wakes up?{/i}" MC "{i}I should fake waking up and send everyone to bed, he'll probably stop and finish in his room after.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_play_possum_1:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve "Closing her eyes again, Myriam tried to stay as calm as possible while Marc was finishing his business, but as soon as she did she was shocked to feel Marc's hand on her ass." MC "{i}Oh god! What is he doing!?{/i}" Ma "{i}Fuck! Her ass is so soft and fit, it's incredible.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 061 with dissolve "Trying to stay calm, Myriam's mind was racing as Marc kept caressing her ass, she was paralyzed, trying to figure out what to do." MC "{i}God! What do I do? What do I do!? {w}He keeps caressing my butt.{/i}" Ma "{i}Shit! Her ass is the best, I can even feel her asshole. {w}She doesn't seem to notice, maybe I can try teasing it.{/i}" MC "{i}Oh my god!! Is he trying to push his finger in my ass!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_just_a_finger:" "Does Myriam keep faking being asleep?" KN_MOD "Itll be worse if I stop him.:" MC "{i}God! I have to keep faking being asleep.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_play_possum_2" KN_MOD "No, I cant! I have to stop him.:" MC "{i}God! I can't it's getting too far.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_play_possum_2:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve "While Myriam still played the sleeping card, Marc pushed forward and dared to put his thumb into her ass, pushing gently, testing the resistance." MC "{i}God! This is so wrong Myriam, you can't be letting him do that... {w}But you have to, he's just curious and... {w}And you can't traumatize him.{/i}" Ma "{i}Wow! Her ass is tight, yet it swallowed my thumb right in.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 063 with dissolve "His breathing accelerating, as did his fingering and his jerking off, Myriam could feel he was about to cum." Ma "\"Fuck! I'm going to cum, let's do it on her ass, or... {w}Or maybe I can just put the tip in...\"" MC "{i}No! It's going too far! I have to stop him...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_its_just_a_dream:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 065 with dissolve "Still foggy and thinking she was dreaming, Myriam reached for Marc's cock, surprising him while he was about to feel her ass." MC "\"Mmh... Let me help you honey.\"" Ma "\"Oh shit! Sorry, it's just...\"" MC "\"It's ok honey, it's just a dream.\"" Ma "{i}Wow! She thinks she's dreaming, this is my chance!{/i}" Ma "\"Yes, it's a dream. {w}Here! Please take care of it.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve "Getting closer, Marc held out his cock to Myriam, which she grabbed and started to slowly stroke, eyes half closed, her mind still half asleep and hazy from her glass of wine." Ma "{i}Fuck! This is really happening!{/i}" Ma "\"Fas... {w}Faster!.\"" MC "\"Sure honey, here you go.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 066 with dissolve Ma "{i}Holy fucking shit!! I can't believe it! {w}She's really jerking me off!!{/i}" MC "\"Is that good honey?\"" Ma "\"Fuck yeah! Don't stop, it feels great.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve "Feeling Marc's excitement, Myriam kept accelerating her strokes, following his moans of pleasure." MC "\"Do you like my hand?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Keep going!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! It's like she's totally out of it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 069 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 068 with dissolve Ma "{i}She's going to make me cum soon. {w}Maybe I can make her let me cum on her face or in her mouth.{/i}" Ma "\"Hey! I'm about to cum, would you let me finish myself in your mouth?\"" MC "\"I... {w}I don't know honey?\"" Ma "\"Come on, it's only a dream.\"" MC "\"Ok...\"" MC "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 070 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 071 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 070 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 071 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 070 with dissolve "Getting up, Marc came closer to Myriam's face, jerking off vigorously to finish himself while Myriam opened her mouth waiting for his cum." Ma "\"That's it, open wide.\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! I can't believe it's real either, maybe it's really a dream.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 070 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 071 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 072 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 074 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 076 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Then finally, after a few more strokes, Marc started ejaculating, covering Myriam's face in cum, load after load." Ma "\"Oh fuck! Here you go take this!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! It's happening, I'm covering Myriam's face in cum and she's loving it, this is so hot.{/i}" Ma "\"Now get every last drop in your mouth and swallow it.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 077 with dissolve "Collecting his cum in her mouth with her fingers, Myriam opened up wide again to show him what she had harvested before swallowing, Anthony having always loved it." Ma "{i}I can't believe she's doing it.{/i}" Ma "\"That's good, now swallow!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 078 with dissolve play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" "Doing as he ordered her again, Myriam swallowed his cum under Marc's lustful eyes and with her daughter still snoozing on her shoulder peacefully." Ma "\"Good! Did you like the taste of my cum?\"" MC "\"Yes honey, thank you.\"" Ma "\"Did you prefer it to dad's?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 079 with dissolve MC "\"God! I can't answer that Marc!\"" Ma "\"You can, it's just a dream.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I liked yours better.\"" Ma "\"Oh! Why?\"" "Even in a dream, Myriam felt ashamed to answer, but she felt she had to tell the truth, she couldn't lie to herself in a dream." MC "\"It's stronger and there's more.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 080 with dissolve "Sitting back down, Marc had a last feel of Myriam's ass as he put his cock away and looked at Myriam drifting back to sleep." Ma "\"Good! Get back to sleep now, it was just a dream.\"" MC "\"Yes honey...\"" Ma "{i}Damn! I would have push for more, but with Kathy just there it would have been too risky.{/i}" Ma "{i}But man! She's so gullible, that's crazy! {w}Maybe I'll be able to get her to do more another time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_movie_night:" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 081 with dissolve "Suddenly jumping forward in the couch, Myriam woke up in a panic just instants after closing her eyes, surprising the still half asleep Katherine and Marc, who had barely put away his dick." MC "\"No! {w}Don't!\"" Ka "\"Wha... {w}What? Mom?\"" Ma "\"Aaaah!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit!! She surprised me, thought she would go back to sleep for longer!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 082 with dissolve "Suddenly jumping forward in the couch, Myriam faked waking up in a panic, surprising the still half asleep Katherine and Marc, who barely had the time to hide his erect dick." MC "\"What... {w}What's happening!?\"" Ka "\"Wha... {w}What? Mom?\"" Ma "\"Aaaah!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit!! She surprised me, they nearly caught me jerking off!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 083 with dissolve "As Myriam turned towards her daughter to reassure her, Katherine gasped at the state of Myriam's clothes." MC "\"Sorry honey, it's nothing, I just had a bad dream.\"" Ka "\"It's probably the mov... {w}Gasp! {w}Mom!! Your robe!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == False:" "Meanwhile, Marc was able to use this distraction to put his cock away discreetly." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 084 with dissolve "Looking down, Myriam screamed in surprised, she was so relaxed in the bathrobe that she only realized now the state in which she was." MC "\"Oh my god!!\"" "While Katherine to her side, turned towards Marc, screaming at him in principle." Ka "\"Would you stop ogling her tits!\"" Ma "\"Hey! It's not my fault! I ain't guilty of shit this time!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" Ma "{i}Shit! If she knew what I've done, she would cut off my dick.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 085 with dissolve "Embarrassed, Myriam adjusted her robe, while Marc stopped the movie with the remote." MC "\"I'm sorry!\"" Ka "\"It's ok mom! It's not your fault.\"" Ma "\"Better stop the movie there.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 086 with dissolve MC "\"Maybe we better stop here for tonight, we'll look at Katherine's movie another night, we nearly just slept right through it.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Sorry, I kind of dozed off there.\"" MC "\"Go to bed, I'll clean up.\"" Ka "\"You're sure?\"" MC "\"Yes sweetie, you did everything before, I'll clean up after.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == False:" Ma "{i}Fuck! Maybe I'll finally be able to finish myself. {w}I'm so fucking backed up.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 087 with dissolve "Getting to bed as Myriam asked them, Katherine and Marc left her alone to clean up the room after their movie night." MC "\"Well let's get to it!\"" MC "{i}It was so nice to have them both to myself tonight, it was fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}But I better finish before Anthony comes back, he never likes a messy room.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_bed" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_to_bed:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 088 with dissolve "Following her kids upstairs after cleaning up the tv room, Myriam was getting over her day, feeling exhausted, but happy." MC "{i}God! With this day I had, I think I'll probably sleep through the apocalypse.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == False:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_hand_washing" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_last_thing_before_going_to_sleep" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_hand_washing:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "As Myriam walked down the corridor to her room, she could hear the front door opening downstairs." MC "{i}It's probably Anthony getting back, I'll wait for him in the bed. {w}No wait! I had a washing machine cycle to start before getting to bed also.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As Myriam walked down the corridor to her room, she could hear a shower running in the secondary bathroom." MC "{i}It's probably Katherine having a shower before getting to bed. {w}Which make me think, I had a washing machine cycle to start before getting to bed also.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 089 with dissolve "But as Myriam opened the door to the laundry room, she was shocked to find Marc jerking off while sniffing on a black piece of cloth." MC "\"Oh my god! Marc!\"" MC "{i}God! Is he... {w}Is he masturbating with my panties!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 090 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"Honey!? Where are you?\"" "Leaving her no time to think, Myriam could already hear Anthony coming up while calling her." MC "{i}Oh my god! No! If he ever finds Marc like this with my panties, I don't know what he'll do.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Mmh! That feels great! Now let's get to bed.\"" "Leaving her no time to think, Myriam could hear Katherine getting ready to get out of the bathroom." MC "{i}Oh god! No! If she sees Marc like this with my panties, she'll never let it go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 091 with dissolve "Quickly getting inside, Myriam closed the door behind her in a panic, fearing for Marc and herself to get caught in this situation." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"Honey!?\"" MC "{i}God! Please, make him just go by.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Mom!?\"" MC "{i}God! No! Please, make her just go to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 092 with dissolve "Surprised to not be yelled at by Myriam, Marc approached Myriam curious to understand what was happening." Ma "\"Mi?\"" MC "\"Shush!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"Honey? Are you here?\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Mom? Is that you?\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 093 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "Suddenly turning back, Myriam kept the door shut, answering quickly so that Anthony wouldn't try to open the door." MC "\"Yes Hun, I'm here! I'm just doing a bit of laundry before going to bed.\"" Ma "{i}Shit! What's happening, I'm here cock out while she's talking to dad behind the door.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Suddenly turning back, Myriam kept the door shut, answering quickly so that Katherine wouldn't try to open the door." MC "\"Yes honey, it's me! I'm just doing a bit of laundry before going to bed.\"" Ma "{i}Shit! What's happening, I'm here cock out while she's talking to Kathy behind the door.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 094 with dissolve "Excited as ever by the situation and feeling pent-up, Marc couldn't resist anymore, taking his dick in hand he started to masturbate again." Ma "{size=20}\"Sorry Mi, but I can't take it anymore.\"{/size=20}" MC "{size=20}\"What!?\"{/size=20}" "Dialing down the volume of her voice, Myriam tried to stop Marc, panicked at the idea of both getting discovered." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 095 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"What's going on?\"" MC "\"Nothing! Sorry, just accidently put some detergent on me Hun.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Is everything ok mom?\"" MC "\"Nothing! Everything's fine sweetie, just accidently put some detergent on me.\"" "Meanwhile, Marc kept jerking off looking at Myriam's butt while she was trying her best to stay calm." Ma "{i}Fuck! I want so much to play with her ass, maybe I can use the situation to my advantage.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 096 with dissolve "Leaving his reason elsewhere, Marc suddenly approached and lifted Myriam's bathrobe bottom, revealing her ass while continuing to masturbate." Ma "{i}Holy shit! Your ass' so fucking hot!{/i}" "Managing to control herself despite the surprise and shock, Myriam managed to keep the volume of her voice down when she tried to stop him." MC "{size=20}\"Marc!! What are you doing!?.\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}My god! Is he crazy!? He's going to get us caught if he keeps going like this.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 097 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "But as she was about to stop Marc, Anthony kept talking, forcing her to stay calm and manage the situation at the door instead of Anthony's perverted son." An "\"I've got a hell of a day today! {w}I had to justify myself again because of the crap you did the other day.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I'm so sorry Hun!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "But as she was about to stop Marc, Katherine kept talking, forcing her to stay calm and manage the situation at the door instead of Anthony's perverted son." Ka "\"It was cool idea you had with this movie night mom. {w}It was nice to be able to do something just the three of us.\"" MC "\"Yes Pumpkin, I... {w}I think the same.\"" "Meanwhile, leaving her robe lifted and stuck in her belt, Marc pushed his luck further, grabbing firmly one of her ass cheeks and starting to knead it." Ma "{i}Shit! She's totally letting me do what I want.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 098 with dissolve "Slapping his hand away, Myriam tried to keep Marc at bay while trying her best to remain calm without having them discovered, with this horny teenager, cock in hand, and her, half naked." MC "{size=20}\"Stop it!\"{/size=20}" "But as Myriam was telling him to stop in a soft voice, trying to stay calm and discreet, pushing his hand away, Marc kept trying to grope her butt, still excited and amused by the situation and misinterpreting her tone for playfulness." Ma "{i}Ah ah ah! She's playing hard to get, she looks like she's trying to catch my cock!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "On the other side of the door, Anthony kept talking, still unaware of what was going on inside." An "\"So hurry up! Because I'm fucking pent-up!\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes Hun!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "On the other side of the door, Katherine kept talking, still unaware of what was going on inside." Ka "\"So don't tire yourself too much mom, you can always do it tomorrow.\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes, don't worry honey, I'll go to bed after that.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 099 with dissolve "And as she kept chasing him away from her butt, Myriam's hand froze as she finally ended up touching Marc's dick while protecting her butt from his hand." MC "{i}Oh my god! Is that his...!?{/i}" Ma "{i}Wow! She got my cock in her hand, I knew she was trying to catch it!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"I'll go to bed and wait for your mouth on my cock!\"" MC "\"Yes Hun!\"" "And finally, Myriam could hear Anthony going to their bedroom, closing the door behind him." KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Goodnight mom!\"" MC "\"Goodnight Pumpkin!\"" "And finally, Myriam could hear Katherine going to her bedroom, closing the door behind her." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 100 with dissolve "Quickly taking off her hand from Marc's dick and turning back, she felt both relieved and mad at Marc, relieved that they didn't get discovered in the end, but mad at his behavior." MC "\"What's gotten into you?\"" Ma "\"Sorry...\"" MC "\"That doesn't cover it young man.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 101 with dissolve Ma "\"I know, it's just... {w}Look!\"" "Letting go of his dick, Marc showed it to Myriam, as she looked down to see it bouncing right back up, pulsating seemingly hard as a rock." Ma "\"Ever since I saw you half naked in your room, it got hard... {w}It would have probably gone down, but during the movies, you pointed your butt towards me and it was naked...\"" Ma "\"My cock has been up for hours, it's so hard that it hurts now.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry honey.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 102 with dissolve "Her anger turning into worry, Myriam was starting to feel bad for being mad at him, it was embarrassing to look at Marc's rock hard cock, but she could see that it seemed painful and she was starting to feel responsible." MC "\"I... {w}I didn't know sweetie. {w}Does it hurt that much?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, really! {w}My cock feels so hard that it feels like breaking and my balls need so much to burst that they ache.\"" Ma "\"Please Mi! Let me finish... {w}I'm in agony here.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_forgive_and_forget:" "How does Myriam react to Marc's supplication?" KN_MOD "I cant just let him get away with what he did!:" $ ch2_marc_reprimanded = True MC "{i}I know it must be painful, but I can't let him get away with this behavior, it wouldn't be good for the future.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_blue_balls_for_movie_night" KN_MOD "I shouldnt, but I cant leave him in this state either!:" $ ch2_marc_sub = True MC "{i}He really deserves that I give him hell for his behavior, but I heard it can be bad to have your dick hard for too long.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_fap_material_for_movie_night" KN_MOD "I feel so guilty now, its all my fault if hes in this state!:" $ ch2_marc_dom = True MC "{i}My god! My poor Duckling is hurting, and this is all my fault, I can't leave him in that state, I have to help him out even if it's embarrassing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_helping_hand_for_movie_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_blue_balls_for_movie_night:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 103 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry that it hurts, but that doesn't excuse your behavior young man.\"" MC "\"So for now you'll just go to your room and finish your business, but tomorrow will talk again about what happened, understood?\"" Ma "\"Yeah...\"" "Disappointed, Marc dropped his head, but still felt he had dodged a bullet, feeling it could have been a lot worse." MC "\"Forgive me!?\"" Ma "\"Yes, I understand, I'm sorry!\"" MC "\"Better! Now go to your room.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 106 with dissolve "Walking back to her bedroom after sending Marc back to his, Myriam was still shaken by what just happened in the laundry room." MC "{i}I can't believe what that little rascal did, I really will have to talk about this seriously tomorrow, I can't let that slide.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed before Anthony gets impatient, he's like a child when it comes to waiting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_wifely_duty" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed and finally get some sleep, I don't want to worry Katherine too much either.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_night_without_anthony_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_fap_material_for_movie_night:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 104 with dissolve MC "\"Your behavior was highly reprehensible, but it's true that you're not the only one at fault here and I'm sorry that it hurts.\"" MC "\"So right now I'll let you finish your business and help out, but it will be the one and only time, understood?\"" Ma "\"I'm sor... {w}Wha... {w}What? For real?\"" "Marc couldn't believe his ears, he thought he was going to get his head chewed off and here he was hearing that she was going to let him jerk off and help out." MC "\"For real! {w}Understood?\"" Ma "\"Yes! Understood!\"" MC "\"And tomorrow we'll have a long talk about this.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve "Suddenly revealing her breasts to Marc just in front of him, Myriam invited him to finish masturbating and relieve himself." MC "\"Go on now! Finish your business.\"" Ma "{i}Wow! For real!? I thought she would just let me jerk off in her panties again at best.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve "Without waiting, Marc started masturbating vigorously while staring at Myriam's breasts, as if he ever stopped to think, she would hide them back." Ma "{i}Holy shit! I better get on with it before she changes her mind.{/i}" Ma "\"Fuck! Your tits look so hot!\"" MC "\"Don't be rude to me Marc.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 108 with dissolve "Not stopping for a second nor lifting his eyes as he talked to her, Marc kept jerking off eyes glued to her voluptuous chest." Ma "\"I ain't rude! Your tits are just the best ever for real.\"" MC "\"Thank you I imagine, but that's not something you should tell me Marc.\"" Ma "\"Sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 109 with dissolve "Moving his hand to her breasts by instinct to touch them, Marc stopped himself just in time, lifting his head as he kept masturbating." Ma "\"Can... {w}Can I? {w}Please! I beg you! It'll help me get off so much faster.\"" MC "{i}God! What do I do? {w}It feel so wrong, but if it help, maybe just for this time.{/i}" MC "\"Ok Marc! But just this once, and just because you stopped yourself and asked nicely!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve "Without waiting, Marc grabbed one of her breasts and started kneading it as he kept jerking off with his other hand." Ma "{i}Fuck! They're even better than I thought, they're so soft and squishy. {w}It's like one giant marshmallow!{/i}" Ma "\"Wow! Mi! They're...\"" "Lost for words, he stopped there, while embarrassed, Myriam looked away and let him play with them." MC "\"I know, they're the best...\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 110 with dissolve "As Marc kept playing with her nipple, pinching it between his fingers, Myriam couldn't help but feeling more excited as he kept going." MC "{i}God! I'm starting to feel excited now. {w}Calm down Myriam, you can't show it to him.{/i}" Ma "{i}Wow! Her nipple is getting harder and bigger, she's loving it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 112 with dissolve "Feeling he was finally going to cum, he lifted his head in hope, with his hand still firmly on her breast." Ma "\"Mi!? I'm... {w}I'm about to cum! Can... Can I do it on your tits? Please!?\"" MC "\"No! You can't Marc! Now take off your hand and finish your business.\"" MC "{i}I can't let him do it, if I do, it'll escalate even further. {w}We're on a slippery road here, if I don't keep control, everything will go to hell.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 113 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 114 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 113 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 114 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 113 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 114 with dissolve "Backing up against the wall for support, Marc accelerated his rhythm as he closed his eyes to imagine himself ejaculating on Myriam's chest." Ma "{i}Fuck! That's too bad, but it's already better than I hoped, I won't push my luck. {w}Let's just imagine covering those perfect tits with my cum.{/i}" "Looking down at his cock as he kept masturbating, Myriam could not help admiring Marc's tool while he had his eyes closed." MC "{i}God! My little boy became quite big, he's bigger than his dad. {w}He'll make some girl happy with this.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 113 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 114 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 113 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 114 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 118 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After a few more strokes, Myriam could hear Marc finally grunt in pleasure as his cum started to fly load after load, in big thick and heavy squirt that came crashing on the ground at her feet." Ma "\"Aaarh! Shit! That felt great! I think I've never cum so much.\"" "As his cum came crashing down the ground load after load, a heavy smell of jizz started to fill the air." MC "{i}God! Even his cum smells stronger than his dad's, and there's so much, he would have really covered my breasts with it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 119 with dissolve "As he opened his eyes, Myriam quickly arranged her robe, and took a serious look before he turned to her." MC "\"Now that it's done and you feel better, you're going to clean up this mess and go to bed. {w}We'll talk about all this tomorrow, understood!\"" Ma "\"Yes! Understood!\"" MC "\"And!?\"" Ma "\"Tha... {w}Thanks!\"" MC "\"Good. {w}Now don't forget to clean up honey and have sweet dreams.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 106 with dissolve "Walking back to her bedroom after leaving Marc to clean up his mess, Myriam was still shaken by what just happened in the laundry room." MC "{i}I can't believe what that little rascal did, I really will have to talk about this seriously tomorrow, I can't let that slide.{/i}" MC "{i}But it's strange how satisfying it was playing the dominating one for once, seeing him beg for his pleasure, felt strangely so... {w}So empowering.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed before Anthony gets impatient, he's like a child when it comes to waiting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_wifely_duty" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed and finally get some sleep, I don't want to worry Katherine too much either.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_night_without_anthony_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_helping_hand_for_movie_night:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 105 with dissolve MC "\"I'm so sorry Duckling, it's all my fault, I didn't knew it was this bad, how can Mi help?\"" "Surprised at first by her reaction, Marc quickly took the ball on the fly and ran with it." Ma "\"Well first, don't call me that!\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Sorry!\"" Ma "\"And second, giving me a hand is the least you could do since it's your fault I'm like this.\"" MC "\"I know, I'm sorry honey! {w}What do you want me to do?\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! I really hit the jackpot this time, but I better be careful if I don't want her getting to her senses.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 120 with dissolve Ma "\"For starter you can take off your robe and turn over against the door.\"" MC "\"What!? You want me to get naked?\"" Ma "\"Well it's you who said it was your fault and you wanted to help. {w}I just want you to show me your butt and it'll be hotter without the robe.\"" MC "\"Yes, sorry! I'll do it.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 121 with dissolve "Putting down her bathrobe, Myriam turned back like Marc asked and pointed her hips towards him." MC "{i}Oh my god! I feel so vulnerable like this, it's as if I was inviting him to... {w}To fuck me!{/i}" Ma "\"Wow! That's great Mi! You know how to show off your ass!\"" MC "\"Marc!\"" Ma "\"What!? That's true, look at that, your ass is so fucking hot!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 123 with dissolve "Approaching even closer, Marc firmly grabbed one of her ass cheek, with a loud slapping noise, while his other hand started masturbating again." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Aaah!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! Your ass is so firm and squishy at the same time, that's incredible!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 124 with dissolve "As Marc kept going, masturbating and kneading her butt, Myriam felt his fingers linger more and more towards her asshole and pussy, teasing them as he tested their opening." MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!? Does he mean to finger them both!?{/i}" MC "\"Duckling! What are... Aaah!?\"" "But as she was going to ask him what were his intentions, she suddenly felt the tip of his fingers going into both her holes." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve "Pushing further his fingers without worrying about her opinion, Marc started to make his fingers come and go inside both her holes at the same time." Ma "\"Told you not to call me that!\"" MC "\"Aaah! I'm sorry! Please don't!\"" Ma "\"You're sorry!?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! I'm sorry!\"" Ma "\"Then you'll shut up and take your punishment!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve "Accelerating his fingering, Marc kept masturbating at the same time, rubbing the tip of his cock against her butt, while Myriam moaned in pleasure at the assault of Marc's fingers." MC "{i}God!! It's not good it feels so good! {w}He's going to make me cum too, this is so wrong!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}Wow! She really loves to get pushed around, she's loving it! {w}It's always when dad fucked her the hardest that she's the loudest.{/i}" Ma "\"You love it getting double fingered hard?\"" MC "{i}No! I can't answer that! {w}It's so wrong!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 126 with dissolve "Fingering her harder and faster, Marc asked her again, pushing her further into her pleasure." Ma "\"Say it!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! God! Yes! Aaah! I love it!\"" Ma "\"You love getting fingered by me!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" Ma "\"They feel better than dad's!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes, yes!! Oh god yes!!!\"" Ma "{i}She's cumming! Fuck, I'm about to cum also!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 127 with dissolve "Her legs getting weak after Marc made her cum with his fingers, Myriam fell down to the ground on her knees, unable to stay up." MC "{i}God! Anthony's son made me cum and say all those embarrassing things! {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" Ma "{i}Holy shit! She really felt it! {w}Maybe it's my chance.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 129 with dissolve "Surprising Myriam, Marc suddenly grabbed Myriam by the hair and turning her head to face him while he finished himself." Ma "\"Arh! Come here Mi, I'm about to cum too!\"" MC "\"What!? Wait, not on the fa...\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 133 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "But as Myriam said the words, she heard Marc grunt and saw his cum flying in front of her eyes, crashing down on her face load after load" Ma "\"Arh! Shit! Take that!\"" "As Marc's cum kept coming, a thick and warm coat of cum covered Myriam's face as a strong smell overpowered her senses, making her head spin." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 134 with dissolve "Stunned, Myriam absentmindedly stared at Marc's cock, still big, hard and oozing cum, her mind and senses overtaken by the potent smell of his semen and the excitement of the situation." MC "{i}God! I... {w}I'm so lost, I...{/i}" Ma "\"Fuck! You're so hot with your face covered with my cum!\"" Ma "{i}She's so out of it, she looks like she's drunk with my cum. {w}Maybe I can go for another round.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 135 with dissolve Ma "\"Hey Mi! You know what!? I think I'll have to go for another round.\"" "Brought back to reality by Marc's voice as he started to masturbate again, Myriam looked up." MC "\"What!? But? You... {w}You already just came.\"" Ma "\"Look how hard I am! {w}Sorry, but you're so fucking hot with your face covered in cum, it won't go down. {w}So can you show me off your boobs this time, I'll jerk off to them.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 136 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 137 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 136 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 137 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 136 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 137 with dissolve "Her face still glazed with his cum, Myriam posed for him like he asked, showing off her breasts as he kept masturbating and gave her a thumbs up." MC "\"Like this?\"" Ma "\"Fuck yeah! You're the best! {w}Your tits are so fucking hot too!\"" MC "{i}God! Why am I doing this, why do I feel so excited!? This is so wrong...{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 138 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 139 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 138 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 139 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 138 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 139 with dissolve "Getting closer, Marc just nonchalantly grabbed one of Myriam's breast and started kneading it, rubbing his cock against it while masturbating." Ma "\"Wow! Your tits are so heavy! {w}And they feel so fucking great!\"" Ma "\"You know what? I think I'll just use them to get off this time. {w}Don't move, I'll just squeeze my cock between them and get it done.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve "Without waiting for an answer, Marc put his cock between Myriam's breasts and squeezed it with them, making them move up and down along his shaft." MC "\"Is... {w}Is this good honey?\"" Ma "\"Fuck yes! Your tits are the best!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong and shameful, yet it's... {w}It's so exciting.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 140 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 141 with dissolve "Continuing to masturbate with her breasts, Marc kept accelerating the rhythm, as he felt he was getting closer and closer to cum." Ma "\"Arh! Fuck! Your tits feel incredible! {w}I'm already ready to cum again.\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" Ma "\"Fuck yeah! I'm cumming!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 142 with dissolve "Suddenly stopping, Marc grabbed Myriam by the hair and started bringing her to his cock." Ma "\"Here! Let me feed it to you this time!\"" MC "\"What!? Wait! Marc you...\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 143 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 143 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 144 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Cut short as Marc pushed his cock in her mouth, Myriam wasn't able to finish her sentence, already forced to swallow the cum that came bursting into her mouth as he kept milking it inside." Ma "\"Arh! Fuck! Swallow!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmph! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 143 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 143 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 144 with dissolve "Milking the last drops of his cum in her mouth, Marc kept his dick in her mouth, enjoying the feeling of her tongue on his sensitive tip." Ma "\"Yeah! That's it, just like that, use your tongue! Clean up my dick!\"" MC "\"Mmmph! Slurp!\"" Ma "\"Fuck Mi! That's so good! {w}I think I'm getting hard again!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 145 with dissolve "Suddenly grabbing her head with both hands, Marc shoved his cock down Myriam's throat, making her cough in surprise as her trained throat quickly adapted to the invasion." Ma "\"Here! Suck!\"" MC "\"Mmmph! Gwock!\"" Ma "\"Sorry, but I think I have another load to give you before I'm done. {w}This time I'll use your mouth! {w}Put your hands back behind your head.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve "Doing as he asked, Myriam put back her hands behind her head as Marc locked them there and started to make her go back and forth, her mouth wrapped around his cock." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" "Forced to follow a fast pace, she had to quickly get her throat to adapt and relax, as he was making her deepthroat his cock intensely." Ma "\"Holy shit! That's so fucking good! {w}It's better than I had imagined it would be.\"" MC "{i}God! I'm getting excited at the sexual compliments of a teenager.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 147 with dissolve "Half dazed by all the events, the intense smell of cum and sex and the big cock coming and going in her mouth and throat, Myriam was trying her best to follow Marc's intense rhythm." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" "Discovering the pleasure of a first blowjob, mixed with the excitement of the situation and the sex drive of a teenager, Marc wasn't realizing the sheer effort Myriam had to give to follow the rough deepthroat treatment he was putting her through." Ma "\"Fuck! I understand why dad always said that your mouth was made for this! {w}Look at how easily you swallow my cock!\"" MC "{i}God! How did he...!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve "Seeing her following his pace without resistance, Marc kept accelerating the pace, making her deepthroat his cock faster and faster as he felt his pleasure building up." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Shit! You don't know how long I've wanted to do this! {w}Hearing you and dad going at it every day through the wall.\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He can hear us through the wall!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve "But all the shame and excitement, mixing with all the sexual noises and smells, was making Myriam's head spin, as her own pleasure was building up." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! She's loving it! She's moaning like crazy while I fuck her throat! {w}Dad's right, she's really a fucking slut!{/i}" Ma "\"You're loving it you slut!? {w}You love sucking on my big cock!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 149 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 148 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 150 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "But Myriam's mind was to far gone now to even notice Marc calling her a slut, all that was left was the noises, the smells and the cock deep in her throat emptying another load of thick and warm cum." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Arh! Fuck! Swallow that you fucking bitch!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMPH!!! Gulp, gulp!\"" "Climaxing herself as he unloaded all his cum deep down her throat again, Myriam's body was shaking as she swallowed load after load, her cries of pleasure muffled by the cock stuffed into her mouth." Ma "{i}Holy shit! For real!? She's having an orgasm by getting throat fucked! {w}This is crazy! She really likes giving head!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 151 with dissolve "Finally letting go of Myriam's head, Marc patted her head as Myriam still stunned and hazy was trying her best to gain back her breath." Ma "\"You did good! You really drained my balls!\"" MC "\"Sigh! Than... {w}Thank you honey!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 152 with dissolve "Giving a helping hand to Myriam, Marc invited Myriam to get up, still lost and absent after everything that happened in the laundry room." Ma "\"Here you go... {w}Are you ok? Your knees don't hurt too much?\"" MC "\"Euh!? No honey, I... {w}I'm ok.\"" "Surprised and still half there, she simply replied to him as he talked to her as if nothing had happened, while her face and her burning eyes were still glazed in cum." Ma "\"Then I'll let you clean up, I'm really fucking tired after cumming so much.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 153 with dissolve "Left alone in the laundry room after Marc finally went back to his bedroom, Myriam leaned against the wall, still trying to understand what had just happened to her." MC "{i}My god! What!? {w}What happened? What did I just do? {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" MC "{i}I need to talk to Marc tomorrow and salvage this, explain it was a mistake, that I'm sorry and that it can never happen again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 154 with dissolve "After a while thinking about the events and how it could affect her relationship with Marc, Myriam realized she had been playing absentmindedly with Marc's cum she had scrubbed from her face." MC "{i}God! That's... {w}That's his cum! That's Marc's cum. {w}What am I doing!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_marcs_cum:" "What does Myriam do about Marc's cum?" KN_MOD "Scrub it off and swallow it. (Cum Kink 20+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 20:" MC "{i}I... {w}I can't just wipe it off... {w}Nobody's here and it would be a waste.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 155 with dissolve "Bringing her fingers to her mouth, Myriam started licking her fingers, and kept licking them as she brought all the cum on her face to her mouth to swallow it." MC "{i}God! I've became so addicted to that taste... {w}And his is so much thicker and stronger that Anthony's... {w}Myriam you're really crazy!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "Wipe it off and clean up.:" MC "{i}I... {w}No you can't Myriam... {w}Get a grip! Wipe it off and get back to your room.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 156 with dissolve "After wiping off Marc's cum with a towel, Myriam put her bathrobe back on and cleaned herself up." MC "{i}Time to go to bed Myriam! {w}You'll think about all this tomorrow.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 106 with dissolve "Finally walking back to her bedroom after cleaning up the mess in the laundry room, Myriam was still shaken by what just happened." MC "{i}I can't believe what I did, I really will have to talk about all this seriously with Marc tomorrow, I can't leave things like this.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe how crazy I went, this was so exciting... {w}No, stop it Mi, you need to take a hold of yourself!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed, Anthony must be furious with the time I took, I better get ready to suck him off properly to make it up to him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_wifely_duty" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Now I better get to bed and finally get some sleep, all this really drained me of energy.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_night_without_anthony_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_wifely_duty:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 157 with dissolve "As soon as Myriam arrived in their bedroom, Anthony, who was waiting for her in the bed, started screaming at her with slurred speech." An "\"What... {w}What the fuck were you doing!? {w}You forced me to jerk off like a fuck... {w}Like a fucking loser while I was waiting.\"" MC "\"Sorry Hun! I was just doing the laundry and some cleaning up.\"" An "\"Like I fucking care! Just come here and put your mouth around my dick... {w}It won't suck itself!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 158 with dissolve "Laying down her bathrobe, Myriam quickly climbed on the bed, ready to fulfil Anthony's needs, as he kept berating her, reeking of alcohol." MC "\"I'm sorry Hun! I didn't mean to...\"" An "\"For... {w}For fuck sake! Stop yapping nonsense and just do your fucking job!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve "As Myriam took his cock in her mouth, Anthony quickly and firmly grabbed her hair, giving her as always the pace with which he wanted to be sucked." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"That's it! Yeah! Just like that.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 159 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 160 with dissolve "As always, Anthony didn't take much care for her comfort and made her deepthroat him without wait, imposing her a quick paced blowjob as he relieved himself of all his pent-up anger and stress." An "\"Fuck yeah! That's just what I needed.\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve "Making her go faster and faster as he felt his pleasure build up, Anthony kept pulling her hair to make her suck on his dick faster." An "\"Arh! Yeah! Like that! Suck that dick you fucking whore!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve "And as he was getting meaner and rougher, Myriam could feel his cock getting harder and harder, even starting to feel his cock throb as he was reaching his limits." An "\"Arh! Fuck! That's it! I'm going to feed you your prize!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 162 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 163 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, she quickly felt his cum gushing in the back of her throat, swallowing every load as it came crashing." An "\"Arh! Yeah! Swallow that bitch!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" An "\"Fuck! That was just what I needed, now I'll be able to get some sleep.\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 164 with dissolve "Turning away from her, Anthony simply went to sleep as soon as he had finished cuming inside Myriam's mouth, leaving her as usual, alone and unsatisfied." An "\"Ronc...! Pshsh...!\"" MC "{i}For real!? {w}He fuck my throat, came in my mouth, and then goes to sleep in a second!?{/i}" "Myriam couldn't help but feel sad and lonely, she had felt guilty about what happen the other day, but was still asking herself if she hadn't made a mistake." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 165 with dissolve "But exhausted, Myriam laid down as well, too tired to go into reviewing her choices now, but still with a hole in her heart." An "\"Ronc...! Pshsh...!\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! You won't change anything right now, just sleep it off, tomorrow will be another day.{/i}" "But despite all her exhaustion, sleep took a long time before embracing her, her mind still in turmoil over the events of the day and Anthony's lack of affection." KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_last_thing_before_going_to_sleep:" "As Myriam walked down the corridor to her room, passing near the laundry room, she suddenly remembered she hadn't had the time to finish it earlier." scene bg ch2_08 movienight 166 with dissolve "Not wanting to keep anything waiting for tomorrow, Myriam stopped at the laundry room to finally launch her cycle." MC "{i}Let's do this! Better deal with it now before getting to bed.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}I know Anthony won't like the house messy.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}If I let things go after kicking Anthony out, it'll just go down hill after.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 167 with dissolve MC "\"Here you go!\"" MC "{i}And now let's get to bed, I'm so damn tired!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}I'll stay up and wait for Anthony in the bed.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Tomorrow will be as eventful, I have to get some sleep.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_movie_night_without_anthony_end" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 168 with dissolve "Refreshing herself before getting to bed, Myriam went over to her bathroom to clean her face and put some lotion on." MC "{i}It's strange, my face felt all sticky as if it had cum all over it. {w}Maybe I got all hot and sweaty when snoozing with Katherine leaning on me.{/i}" MC "{i}Or maybe it's just my imagination. That weird dream I had with Marc messed with my head.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 169 with dissolve "Getting up into bed, Myriam tried fighting her exhaustion, knowing it would probably piss off Anthony if she fell asleep before he came home." MC "{i}God! What are you doing Anthony!? {w}It's so late {w}Why didn't he call?{/i}" MC "{i}Still, I better stay up, I know how grumpy he'll be if I don't give him his goodnight blowjob.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 170 with dissolve "But despite all her efforts, Myriam couldn't help but fall asleep, as her exhaustion lulled her into the arms of the sand man." MC "{i}Damn! I can't keep my eyes opened! I shouldn't close them, I...{/i}" MC "\"I... {w}I shouldn't... {w}Zzzzz!!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 171 with dissolve "Suddenly feeling something pushing against her asshole, Myriam woke up in surprise, finding Anthony reeking of alcohol, leaning over her, trying to push his cock in her ass." MC "\"What...!?\"" An "\"Don't... {w}Don't move you bitch! {w}I told you to wait for me!\"" MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry Hun! I...\"" An "\"Shut up! {w}I... I don't give a fuck why! I'm going to teach you another fuck... {w}Another fucking lesson!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 173 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 173 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 173 with dissolve "Forcing his cock in her ass, Anthony started sodomizing Myriam roughly, thrusting as hard as he could in his drunken state." An "\"Take that you bitch! When... {w}When I tell you to wait, you wait!\"" MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 173 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 173 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 172 with dissolve scene bg ch2_08 movienight 174 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "But Anthony's assault is short lived, as Anthony quickly grunt his pleasure, even more so than usual, filling her ass with his cum." An "\"Arh! Learn... {w}Learn your lesson!?\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Yes Hun, I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 175 with dissolve "And satisfied, as quickly as he emptied his balls, Anthony fell asleep, starting to snore loudly nearly as soon as his head hit the pillow." An "\"Ronc...! Pshsh...!\"" MC "{i}For real!? Did he really wake me for a ten second ass fuck and fall right asleep when done!{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 176 with dissolve "Putting her head back on the pillow, Myriam tried to get back to sleep after this very short interlude, but now because of it, she had trouble finding sleep." An "\"Ronc...! Pshsh...!\"" MC "{i}God! I feel so frustrated now, he always does that... {w}Heat up the engine, have his fun, then leaving me wanting.{/i}" "And as very often for her, Myriam ended up tossing and turning in bed for a while that her frustration disappeared and she could get back to sleep for good." KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_movie_night_without_anthony_end:" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 168 with dissolve "Refreshing herself before getting to bed, Myriam went over to her bathroom to clean her face and put some lotion on." KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" MC "{i}It's strange, my face felt all sticky as if it had cum all over it. {w}Maybe I got all hot and sweaty when snoozing with Katherine leaning on me.{/i}" MC "{i}Or maybe it's just my imagination. That weird dream I had with Marc messed with my head.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Damn this feels good! The last few days were so tough on me, I barely had the time to take care of myself.{/i}" MC "{i}Eve and Katherine may be right on that part, I should make some more time for taking care of myself and relax a bit.{/i}" scene bg ch2_08 movienight 169 with dissolve "Getting up into bed, Myriam still had trouble finding sleep, feeling restless despite all the exhaustion of the day." MC "{i}God! This is so weird, I'm exhausted and want to sleep, but... {w}It feels so weird to be alone in the bed.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know if I'll ever get used to this. {w}It feels like I'm missing something.{/i}" "But despite her feeling of loneliness, sleep finally ended up finding her as her exhaustion got the better of her." KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_busy_morning:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update4 from _call_var_chapter2_update4" KN_MOD "if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dreaming_of_the_coach" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_duty" KN_MOD "label ch2_dreaming_of_the_coach:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Dreaming of the Coach" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 001 with dissolve "Sleeping, Myriam's mind drifted from talks and events of the day, and to the past, to the day she shared with Doctor Silver, the day she gave her old coach a blowjob." "They were in the locker room that day, Coach was taking a shower after a day of PE classes, and wanting to talk to him, the young Myriam had followed him, waiting for him to finish." CoL "\"Damn it all!\"" MC "{i}Oh! He finished his shower! {w}Courage Myriam! You can do it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 002 with dissolve "Getting out of the showers, the coach walked toward his towel without knowing that Myriam was there, shocked at the view of this big black cock swinging around at each of his steps." MC "{i}God! This looks a lot bigger than what I thought it would be. {w}Will I be even able to...{/i}" CoL "\"What's the point of it all!? {w}Maybe I should just stop...\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He wants to stop! {w}I've no choice, I have to do it now!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 003 with dissolve "Rushing in behind him, Myriam jumped on her coach, hugging him from behind and pressing her breasts against his wet back." CoL "\"Holy mother of Jesus!! Myriam!?\"" MC "\"Please don't go Coach! Please!\"" CoL "\"What are you talking about!? {w} What are you doing here!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 004 with dissolve MC "\"Please Coach! I know you're sad, but you can't stop! {w}I'll do better, I promise!\"" CoL "\"You shouldn't be here Myriam! If somebody saw us right now we would be in serious trouble!\"" MC "\"I don't care! I don't want you to go!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 005 with dissolve MC "\"Please Coach! I beg you! I'll be a good girl! I'll do what you say!\"" CoL "{i}God! She seems really shaken! I have to calm her down and get her back to her senses.{/i}" CoL "{i}And I have to do it quick! Her breasts pressing against my back are starting to get to me.{/i}" CoL "\"Myriam! Calm down, I...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 006 with dissolve "But as the coach was trying to calm her down he suddenly felt her soft hands on his hard dick, making him freeze in surprise." CoL "{i}Holy mother of...!!!{/i}" MC "\"I'll take good care of you Coach! {w}I don't know much but I know I can make you happy again.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 007 with dissolve "Turning her frozen coach toward her, Myriam went on her knees in front of him, looking impressed at his big black cock." MC "\"This is so big Coach, I... {w}I don't know if it'll all fit into my mouth.\"" CoL "{i}What's happening!! {w}Do something Gordon!! Her hand is so soft, you... {w}No! You can't let that happen! You can't! {w}You...{/i}" MC "\"It's my first time, but I'll try my best.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 008 with dissolve "Grabbing his cock and his balls firmly, Myriam started licking the tip of his dick while looking at his expression to see how she was doing." MC "\"Slurp!\"" CoL "{i}Oh my god! I have to... {w}I have to stop her!{/i}" "But as much as the Coach's brain was screaming at him to stop her, his body was just frozen in place, taken over by the pleasure of the awkward movements of the teenage girl kneeling in front of him." MC "{i}It's a lot more pleasant that I thought it would be... {w}It tastes kind of salty and strong, but it feels manly.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 009 with dissolve "Persisting with her treatment, Myriam kept licking and kissing his cock all along his shaft, exploring this massive cock while she started massaging his big balls." CoL "\"Oh god!\"" CoL "{i}Wake up Gordon! You can still stop her...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm salivating so much, it's as if my mouth knew it was going to be taking in this big piece of meat.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 010 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 012 with dissolve "Following her thoughts, Myriam took the big black cock of her coach in her mouth and started slowly sliding it in, pushing it to the back of her throat while she kept massaging his balls gently." CoL "\"Oh god! Mmmh!\"" CoL "{i}That's it! You're done for Gordon.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! This is so big, I can barely breathe with my nose, I can't take more... {w}But I heard the boys at school say that it's bad when a girl can't take it all in her throat... {w}I have to swallow it and push it in or he won't like it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 013 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 014 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 015 with dissolve "And without much hesitation and even knowledge how, Myriam followed her instinct and started to swallow this big piece of meat that was already at the back of her throat, shoving it deeper and deeper as tears where rolling down her cheeks due to the effort." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh! Gwock!\"" CoL "\"OH GOD!! Mmmh!\"" CoL "{i}Holy mother of Christ!!! What...!? {w}What in god's name is she doing!? {w}She's going to choke! Even April could barely take half in, god rest her soul.{/i}" MC "{i}It seems he's loving it, I was right to do it... {w}But god! I can't breath, I won't be able to stay like that for long... {w}No! Don't falter Myriam, give it your best and keep it in!{/i}" "Waiting with this huge cock down her throat, without realizing how incredible it already was, even more so for a first timer, Myriam still forced herself to do more, keeping it as long as she could while caressing his shaft with her tongue." MC "{i}That's it Myriam! {w}Just a little more! {w}Show him how much you love him! {w}And use your tongue, the boys said a girl always has to use her tongue...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 018 with dissolve "Finally letting go of his cock as she had no more breath, Myriam fell backwards on her butt, looking up at him, tears still rolling as she was doing her best to catch her breath back, in front of this now free hard dick, swinging up and down." MC "\"Huff, huff, huff!\"" CoL "{i}Oh my god! It's unbelievable! {w}How can she do that? She's... {w}She's so young!{/i}" MC "{i}God! He seems out of it, I hope I did good. {w}I should have kept it longer!{/i}" MC "\"Huff! Did I do good Coach? {w}I can do better! No! {w}I'll do better! I promise!\"" CoL "\"Oh god! Blondie! I...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 019 with dissolve "Stunned and lost, incapable of thinking straight, torn between morality and reality, Coach walked backward, almost falling down as he walked right into the bench." CoL "\"I...\"" MC "\"Coach!! Careful! You're going to...\"" CoL "\"I... {w}Wow! What!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 020 with dissolve "Sitting down on the bench to not fall further down, Coach firmly grabbed the bench, while Myriam came over to him on all fours, reaching for his cock." MC "{i}That's my chance, I have to do better and make him finish!{/i}" CoL "\"Wait Myriam!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 021 with dissolve "But as the Coach was trying to get a hold back over the situation, Myriam had already crawled between his legs, firmly taking in hand his hard shaft and big balls." CoL "\"Blondie! Don't...\"" MC "\"Don't worry Coach, I'll do better this time. {w}Just relax and let me take care of you.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve "Again, swept up by Myriam's resolve and the surreal situation, Coach could only grab ahold of the bench to not fall over while Myriam got down to his balls and started licking and sucking on them and her hands kept gently caressing his shaft and balls." MC "{i}I heard the boys say that a good girl takes care of her man's balls with her mouth! {w}I'm sure Coach will love it, they look so big and full...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! {w}Is... Slurp! {w}Is that good Coach? Slurp!\"" CoL "\"Oh god! Mmmh! Blondie! Don't... Argh! {w}Don't ask me that! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve "Following her coach moans and reactions, Myriam kept going, accelerating her rhythm on his cock with her hand while she started sucking and slobbering on his balls even more, moaning like she had some delicious thing in her mouth." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! Why do I love it so much!? {w}It just feel so right, the pleasure in his eyes... {w}I did good!{/i}" CoL "\"Oh god! Mmmh! Oh god!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 024 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 027 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, as Myriam thoroughly kept working on both his shaft and his balls, she suddenly felt something warm and thick crashing down on her face and covering her hand, as Coach had just ejaculated in a grunt." CoL "\"Oh god! Mmmh! OH GOD!! ARGH!!!\"" MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is that his... {w}Is that his cum!?{/i}" "But nevertheless, she did not stop, continuing to lick and suck his balls as she felt them contracting with each load, jerking his big shaft as his thick loads of cum flew right up before raining down on her face and hair." MC "{i}Damn! The boys at school said that a girl has to swallow it... {w}I should have taken it into my mouth sooner.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve "Without hesitations, Myriam leaned back and took his big glans back into her mouth before quickly starting to go back and forth on his shaft, sucking on it like a popsicle." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh, mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}I can still feel the taste of his cum on his cock... {w}It taste so strong, it's weird but I like it.{/i}" CoL "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" CoL "{i}God! What is she doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 030 with dissolve "Excited and overtaken by this new smell and taste, Myriam suddenly swallowed his cock even deeper, now slowly pushing it down her throat with every thrust." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmme! Gwock, gwock!\"" CoL "{i}Oh my god! How is she able to do this!? {w}It can't be her first time! This is just...{/i}" CoL "\"Oh god! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}He's loving it! {w}I should keep going and go faster... {w}Relax Myriam! You can do it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 029 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 033 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 031 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 033 with dissolve "Relaxing her throat, Myriam started accelerating, swallowing his whole cock faster every time, making her salivate more and more, her saliva starting to overflow loudly, swinging down her chin as her mouth went down his big black pole." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmme! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" CoL "\"Oh god! MMMH!\"" CoL "{i}This is otherwordly, her mouth must have been made for this... {w}She's swallowing my big cock as if it was nothing, she isn't even gagging or puking!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can feel his cock getting bigger and harder in my throat! {w}I think is going to cum again, this time I'll swallow everything!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 031 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 033 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 031 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 036 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 035 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 034 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 035 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 036 with dissolve "Pushing herself even further, Myriam started swallowing his cock deeper and faster, wanting at all cost to make him feel the most pleasure she could and feel his cum bursting in her mouth." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, she was able to feel a load of thick and warm cum gushing down her throat, swallowing each and every one of them as she kept deepthroating him, decided to get every last drop." CoL "\"ARGH!! OH GOD!! MMMMH!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}God! I can feel it! This is so thick and strong... {w}My head is spinning!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 037 with dissolve "Finally letting go of his cock, Myriam looked in her coach eyes as she swallowed the last drop of cum she had in her mouth, while he was trying his best to catch his breath and sanity." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp! {w}Was I good Coach?\"" CoL "\"Huff, huff! God! Blondie! This was...\"" MC "\"I can do it again if you want.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 038 with dissolve "Collecting his cum on her face with her fingers, Myriam kept eating and swallowing his cum while looking at him seriously and innocently." CoL "\"What!?\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp! {w}I said I can do it again, it looks like it's getting harder again.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 039 with dissolve "Having cleaned up all his cum, Myriam touched his already hard and throbbing cock again, while she kept caressing his thigh with her other hand." CoL "\"God Blondie! You can't possibly...\"" MC "\"Well, I mean my jaw feels a bit sore, but if you took my head with your hands and help me suck you, it'll be alright... {w}I'll just have to relax my throat while you use my mouth.\"" CoL "\"Oooh god...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 040 with dissolve "Putting her arms behind her to leave him in control, Myriam took the tip of his cock in her mouth while looking at him, waiting for him to use her mouth." "Lost in his inner conflict, Coach was trying his hardest not to lose it, as he could feel her tongue teasing his glans, while caressing her hair mechanically." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" CoL "{i}God! Gordon! It's the moment to get back in control... {w}The moment to stop...{/i}" "But as much as he still wanted to do the right thing, his willpower was getting eroded with every lap of her tongue on his glans and his lust kept growing." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 041 with dissolve "And as the hand that was caressing her hair slid to the back of her head, Coach made Myriam swallow back his cock in full, making her release a long, erotic moan as she let the big meat rod slide through her throat." MC "\"Mmmmmmmmmh! Slurp! Gwock!\"" CoL "\"Aaah! God! That feels like heaven!\"" CoL "{i}Oh my god! I'm losing my mind! I... {w}I can't take it anymore.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 043 with dissolve "Breaking loose, Coach grabbed Myriam's head with both hands and started throatfucking her with all reason forgotten while she, on the other end, did all she could to relax herself so he could enjoy her best." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmh!\"" CoL "{i}Oh god! Those moans, she's killing me!{/i}" CoL "\"God! Yes! Take that cock!!\"" MC "{i}That's it! He's finally giving in... {w}God! It's hard, but... {w}But I'll take it if it makes him feel better.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 043 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 044 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 045 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 044 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 045 with dissolve "Moans, grunts and slippery noises kept echoing in the room as Myriam's coach kept throatfucking her without mercy, while the mix of sweat, saliva and the rest of his cum was starting to make her face a mess again." CoL "\"Arh! Fuck yes! Mmmh! Take that big black cock!!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! Coach is really enjoying my throat a lot, I never heard him talk like that before. {w}The boys at school were right, men really enjoy \"facefucking\" a girl!{/i}" MC "{i}Even me, I'm starting to feel all funny and wet down there, I'm... {w}I'm starting to see stars...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 044 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 045 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 044 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 045 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 047 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 046 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 047 with dissolve "Enjoying that teenage throat wrapped around his cock, Coach kept fucking her throat like a mad man, grunting like an animal as he kept making her head go back and forth on his massive shaft." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally he grunted one last time and exploded deep down Myriam's throat, while she herself pushed some muffled screams as she orgasmed while getting her throat filled with cum." CoL "\"ARGH!! HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING CHRIST!! SWALLOW MY LOAD!!!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMH!! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMMMMHHH!!!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 048 with dissolve "All reason overtaken by the intense pleasure, Coach shoved a few inches more down Myriam throat, diving her nose against his pubes while locking her head, her body still quivering from her orgasm." CoL "\"MMMH! THAT'S IT! KEEP IT DOWN THERE! SWALLOW IT ALL!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMH! Gulp, gulp, gulp! MMMH!!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 050 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 050 with dissolve "Then, finally letting her go, Coach could see the mess he had made of his little Blondie, gasping for air and the body still quivering while saliva and cum were dripping from her chin." CoL "{i}GOD! What have you done Gordon! Look at her! {w}That's it Gordon! You're going to that special place in hell for those that abuse their pupils and talk in the theater!{/i}" CoL "\"I... {w}I'm sorry Blondie! I don't know what came over me!\"" MC "\"Huff, huff, huff! That's... {w}Huff! That's ok Coach! I'm glad I could make you happy for a bit... Huff!\"" CoL "{i}Oh my god! Even now all she can think about is others! {w}That girl is such a bright jewel! And I've tarnished it...{/i}" CoL "\"No! That's not right Blondie, what I've done is wrong! {w}I should never have let things go this far, I abused your trust and I'm sorry...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 051 with dissolve MC "\"No... but... I'm ok! {w}That's me who started and forced you! {w}Please! Don't be mad! I'm sorry!\"" CoL "\"I'm not mad at you at all, just at myself, I should have done better by you.\"" MC "\"But I wanted it!\"" CoL "\"Even so. {w}That can never happen again!\"" MC "\"But we both liked it... {w}I don't understand...\"" CoL "\"You will one day.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_duty" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_duty:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n A Busy Morning" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 052 with dissolve "As sleep had finally taken her during the night, Myriam was deeply asleep when the lights of day started to come in the room." "Moaning lightly in her sleep, it seemed like she was having a nice dream for once, some semblance of peace having been found by her appointment with Doctor Silver." MC "\"Mmmmh...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 053 with dissolve "But while Myriam was still asleep, having her sweet dream, unbeknownst to her, her duvet was being slipped away, revealing her naked body." MC "\"Mmmmh...\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" An "\"I'll never tire of this view!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_anthony_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Fuck Mi! You're so fucking hot!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_anthony_wake_up_call:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 054 with dissolve "Climbing over her while she was still sleeping, Anthony pressed the tip of his hard cock against her ass." MC "\"Mmmmh...\"" An "\"That's it! Keep sleeping like that...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve "Waking up still half dazed, as Anthony pushed his cock in her ass in one rough thrust, Myriam opened her eyes, half lost and trying to understand what was happening." "But Anthony quickly put his hand on her head to keep her still as he started to pound her ass roughly without much thought about her opinion on the matter." MC "\"Mmmmh... What!? {w}Anthony!?\"" An "\"Shut up! And don't move! {w}Keep your head on the pillow and stay like you were still asleep! {w}I want to fuck you like this.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve MC "\"Wait! Mmmh! Please, go easy, I... {w}Mmmh! I'll go riding later today.\"" An "\"Shut up! I told you! {w}Argh! Fuck You're so tight in this position, your ass cheeks are squeezing the life out of my cock!\"" "Still keeping her head firmly on the pillow, Anthony didn't stop his thrusts, putting all his strength and weight in them as in this position he couldn't put much in with his size." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 056 with dissolve "Quickly reaching his limits as always, Anthony pushed Myriam even harder, as he felt his cum ready to explode, enjoying as much as he could her sweet ass before finishing." MC "\"Mmmh, mmmh!\"" An "\"Argh! Shit! I wanted to pound you for longer... {w}But your slutty ass is draining me!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 059 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pulling out, Anthony quickly finished himself and came on Myriam's back while grunting loudly." An "\"ARGH!! Fuck! That hit the spot!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Are you done Hun? I... {w}I need to get back to sleep...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch! Hey!\"" "Slapping her butt loudly as she was about to close her eyes and get back to sleep, Anthony laughed off Myriam's comments." An "\"Ha ha ha! Ok you lazy little slut! {w}I'll let you get back to sleep.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"But don't get up too late! {w}You'll have tonight's dinner to prepare.\"" MC "\"What?\"" An "\"I wanted to invite some colleagues tonight, I need to get some of these bums on my side.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_going_to_the_gala_night == True:" MC "\"Ok... Wait! No! {w}I can't tonight Hun, I'm sorry! I have a night out with Eve.\"" MC "{i}I forgot I had the exhibition gala at the museum, it's been so long I don't want to miss it. {w}Sorry for using you Eve, but you're the one that put me into this position.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"What did you say!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry Hun! I forgot to tell you, but it's been prepared days ago.\"" MC "{i}I'll still have to call the young man back so we can get organized.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"Damn it! Then we'll do it tomorrow! {w}Anyway I think I wouldn't have been able to get everyone tonight.\"" MC "\"Yes Hun! I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Get yourself something slutty for tomorrow, I want those assholes distracted by that slutty body of yours.\"" An "{i}Yes, she'll be a nice distraction to these assholes, with her sweet ass on display, I'm pretty sure I can get them in my pocket.{/i}" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"You heard me! {w}It's because of your fucking mistake the other day, I need some people on my side, so you're going to do your part and play the slutty girl to distract them! {w}Understood!?\"" MC "\"Yes Hun! I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Then good, it's decided! {w}You prepare tomorrow night, get some slutty dress to wear... {w}And you do your little thing.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch1_going_to_the_gala_night == False and ch1_guy_number == True:" MC "\"Ok... Wait! No! {w}I can't tonight Hun, I'm sorry, but Eve wanted a night out.\"" MC "{i}I forgot about the exhibition gala at the museum, I wasn't sure at the moment, but it'll do me good. {w}Sorry for using you Eve, but you're the one that put me into this position.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"What did you say!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry Hun! I forgot to tell you, but it's been prepared days ago.\"" MC "{i}I'll have to call the young man back to tell him I'm going. {w}It's a good thing Eve made me take his phone number.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"Damn it! Then we'll do it tomorrow! {w}Anyway I think I wouldn't have been able to get everyone tonight.\"" MC "\"Yes Hun! I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Get yourself something slutty for tomorrow, I want those assholes distracted by that slutty body of yours.\"" An "{i}Yes, she'll be a nice distraction to these assholes, with her sweet ass on display, I'm pretty sure I can get them in my pocket.{/i}" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"You heard me! {w}It's because of your fucking mistake the other day, I need some people on my side, so you're going to do your part and play the slutty girl to distract them! {w}Understood!?\"" MC "\"Yes Hun! I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Then good, it's decided! {w}You prepare tomorrow night, get some slutty dress to wear... {w}And you do your little thing.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Ok Hun, I'll take care of it.\"" MC "{i}Tonight was the exhibition gala at the museum, it's too bad I refused, I think it would have done me some good.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch! {w}What did I do!?\"" An "\"Nothing! It just helps me think, so shut up!\"" MC "\"Sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"Damn it! We'll have to do it tomorrow! {w}I think I wouldn't be able to get everyone tonight.\"" MC "\"Yes Hun!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Get yourself something slutty for tomorrow, I want those assholes distracted by that slutty body of yours.\"" An "{i}Yes, she'll be a nice distraction to these assholes, with her sweet ass on display, I'm pretty sure I can get them in my pocket.{/i}" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 062 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ouch!\"" An "\"You heard me! {w}It's because of your fucking mistake the other day, I need some people on my side, so you're going to do your part and play the slutty girl to distract them! {w}Understood!?\"" MC "\"Yes Hun! I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 063 with dissolve An "\"Then good, it's decided! {w}You prepare tomorrow night and get some slutty dress to wear.\"" MC "\"Yes Hun.\"" An "\"Oh! And get the kids out to your cousin, I don't want them fucking up things tomorrow.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 064 with dissolve "Getting up, Anthony finally left Myriam's poor butt alone, leaving her free to get back to sleep while he enjoyed the view one last time before going." An "\"You know what, I quite enjoyed fucking you like that! {w}Maybe I should get you some sleeping pills to take so that I can really fuck you in your sleep.\"" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmmh... Sure Hun...{/size=20}\"" "But Myriam, already dozing off, replied by habit without even listening to what Anthony was saying, drifting back to sleep while Anthony got ready for work." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 065 with dissolve "Going to work, Anthony left Myriam as she was, naked and in plain view, her back covered with his cum, even leaving the door wide open." An "\"I'm gone Mi, don't forget what I've told you.\"" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" "But already back to sleep, Myriam didn't take notice of how Anthony was leaving her." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 066 with dissolve "Following his lead, the sun started to shine on Myriam's sweet bum, leaving Anthony's early wake up call like a dream drifting away." MC "\"Zzzz!\"" "But sadly, even then, the breather was short lived, as a door opened in the hallway, with a nice view of the sun shinning over her butt." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 067 with dissolve "Getting out of his bedroom, the opened door of his parents' bedroom caught his eye, as well as the naked body lying in the bed." Ma "{i}Holy shit! She's totally naked on the bed! {w}Dad must have left the door opened when he got out.{/i}" Ma "{i}And she look like she's sleeping... {w}Maybe I could get a better view.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_wake_up_call:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 068 with dissolve "Slipping in discreetly, Marc closed very precautiously the door behind him to not wake Myriam." Ma "{i}Better play it safe and close the door so that Kathy don't catch me perving around.{/i}" Ma "{i}I think I can bullshit my way out of this if she get wise, but Kathy is shush a pain in the ass she wouldn't let it go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 069 with dissolve "Admiring Myriam's naked body, after closing the door behind him, Marc came closer to the bed discreetly." Ma "{i}Fuck! Mi's so fucking hot. {w}And shit! Is that cum on her back.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "{i}Dad must have had some fun before going. {w}Maybe I could take a few good picture with my phone.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 071 with dissolve "Taking his phone out of his pocket, Marc started taking a few shots of Myriam's naked body, while starting to massage his cock through his shorts." Ma "{i}Shit! If I were to sell those, I'm pretty sure I could get some money for it.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "{i}Look at that ass and back covered in cum... {w}And those big tits! It's like she's sleeping on some big pillows.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve "Without even thinking about it, Marc pulled his dick out and started to masturbate, while starting to record with his phone." Ma "{i}Fuck it!! I can't take it anymore, I have to rub one out!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Fuck yeah!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 073 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 074 with dissolve "Excited by Myriam's naked body and the danger of the situation if she ever woke up, Marc could feel he was going to get off quickly." Ma "{i}Shit! She's so fucking hot sleeping like that with dad's cum on her... {w}I think I'm already going to cum.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "{i}Wow! Did she just moan in her sleep!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dream" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dom" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_reprimanded == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_reprimanded" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_sub" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 070 with dissolve "Marc admired Myriam's naked body after coming in the bedroom to wake her up for the breakfast Katherine had already made for everyone." Ma "{i}Boy! I don't regret coming up to wake her. {w}Fuck! Mi's so fucking hot.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "{i}Maybe I could take a few good pictures with my phone.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 072 with dissolve "Taking his phone out of his pocket, Marc started taking a few shots of Myriam's naked body, while starting to massage his cock through his shorts." Ma "{i}Shit! If I where to sell those, I'm pretty sure I could get some money for it.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "{i}Look at that ass and back... {w}And those big fucking tits! It's like she's sleeping on some big pillows.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve "Without even thinking about it, Marc pulled his dick out and started to masturbate, while starting to record with his phone." Ma "{i}Fuck it!! I can't take it anymore, I have to rub one out!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Fuck yeah!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 075 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 076 with dissolve "Excited by Myriam's naked body and the danger of the situation if she ever woke up, Marc could feel he was going to get off quickly." Ma "{i}Shit! She's so fucking hot sleeping naked like that... {w}I think I'm already going to cum.{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "{i}Wow! Did she just moan in her sleep!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dream" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dom" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_reprimanded == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_reprimanded" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_wake_up_call_sub" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dream:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! I'll just cum on her face, seems like she wants some more! {w}I'm pretty sure she'll swallow the dream card again if she ever wakes up.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! I'll just cum on her face, seems like she wants some cum! {w}I'm pretty sure she'll swallow the dream card again if she ever wakes up.{/i}" "Bolstered up by his excitement and yesterday's event with Myriam, Marc approached her without hesitation, forgetting all fear as he was reaching his limit." MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Fuck! You want it!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 079 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 080 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Jerking off frantically, while still filming with his phone, he finally came, his cum started flying load after load on Myriam's sleeping face and hair." MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Yeah! Take that!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 081 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 082 with dissolve "But as Marc finished cumming over Myriam's face, Myriam started to open a sleepy eye, woken up by the wet and warm feeling of his cum raining on her face and the strong smell filling her nose." MC "\"{size=20}What...? {w}What's happening...?{/size=20}\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! She's waking up!?{/i}" "Keeping calm as his cum came crashing on her face, Marc used a soft voice and kept his cool, praying for the best as he played yesterday's dreaming card to the still groggy Myriam." Ma "\"{size=20}It's nothing, just a dream again... {w}Open your mouth!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 083 with dissolve "Lost and still hazy, Myriam's didn't even question what Marc was saying as her submissive and naive sides kicked in, and opened her mouth as her dream Marc ordered her." MC "{i}My god! Why am I dreaming again of Marc like that! {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" "Seeing that Myriam was following his instruction obediently, Marc moved his cock to Myriam's opened mouth and ordered her again firmly." Ma "\"That's it! Now come here and clean it up!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 085 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 085 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve "Following her dream again, Myriam took Marc's cock with her mouth, and slowly and carefully took care of it, still half dazed and sleepy." Ma "\"Yeah! Just like that! {w}Suck it thoroughly!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! This is incredible! {w}That feels even better than I ever thought it would!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve "Just softly guiding her head, Marc let Myriam suck him at her rhythm, too scared of breaking the spell if he over did it, feeling already lucky that Myriam was so gullible to actually suck on his cock for real." Ma "\"Yeah! That's good, keep going!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! I can't believe I'm actually getting my dick sucked by her... {w}Fuck! I know it's wrong but it feels so good!{/i}" MC "{i}God! This is so wrong...! {w}But why do I like it so much...? {w}Do I really want to suck Marc like this!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve "Enjoying his moment and luck, Marc kept filming her sucking his cock, Myriam ignoring the phone as she kept going, still believing she was dreaming." Ma "\"Yeah! That's it, look at the camera!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! This will be so good! I'm going to jerk off to this for so long!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 088 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Feeling that Marc's cock was getting harder in her mouth and ready to cum, she started accelerating her rhythm, until finally she felt his cum gushing in her mouth, swallowing every load one after the other." Ma "\"Fuck yeah! I'm cumming again!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! She's swallowing everything and I didn't even ask her to!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 090 with dissolve "But as Marc was enjoying his blissful moment, he was suddenly brought back to reality as he heard Katherine calling from downstairs." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! Shit! Shit! I think she's coming up! {w}If she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh... Thank you...{/size=20}\"" "While Marc's brain was starting to process the situation and fuming, Myriam's mind was getting back to sleep, as if her task done it was the end of her dream, even thanking him like she would have done his father." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 092 with dissolve "Panicked, Marc quickly hid his cock and phone, searching for a way out of this situation he put himself in." Ma "{i}Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What do I do!? She's getting up! {w}I can't just go out, she'll see me in the hallway...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "{i}At least I'm lucky that she just went right back to sleep! {w}She really can be a late sleeper sometimes.{/i}" Ka "\"MOM!? You up!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 094 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 091 with dissolve "But as Marc was enjoying his blissful moment, he was suddenly brought back to reality as he heard Katherine calling from downstairs." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! What are you doing!? {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! Shit! Shit! I think she's coming up! {w}If she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh... Thank you...{/size=20}\"" "While Marc's brain was starting to process the situation and fuming, Myriam's mind was getting back to sleep, as if her task done it was the end of her dream, even thanking him like she would have done his father." scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 093 with dissolve "Panicked, Marc quickly hid his cock and phone, searching for a way out of this situation he put himself in." Ma "{i}Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What do I do!? She's getting up! {w}I can't just go out, she'll see me in the hallway...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "{i}At least I'm lucky that she just went right back to sleep! {w}She really can be a late sleeper sometimes.{/i}" Ka "\"MOM!? You up!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 095 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 096 with dissolve "Getting out of the room just in time, Marc was able to step on the balcony and rush for a hiding place as Katherine slowly opened the door of the room to see if her mother was up." Ka "\"Mom? {w}You up?\"" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "{i}Quick!! Before she sees me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_katherine_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_wake_up_call_dom:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! I'll just cum on her face, seems like she wants some more! {w}Even if she wakes up, I'm pretty sure I can bullshit her like yesterday night.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! I'll just cum on her face, seems like she wants some cum! {w}Even if she wakes up, I'm pretty sure I can bullshit her like yesterday night.{/i}" "Bolstered up by his excitement and yesterday's event with Myriam, Marc approached her without hesitation, forgetting all fear as he was reaching his limit." MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "\"Fuck! You want it you slut!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 079 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 080 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Jerking off frantically, while still filming with his phone, he finally came, his cum started flying load after load on Myriam's sleeping face and hair." MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Take that you fucking slut!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 081 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 082 with dissolve "But as Marc finished cumming over Myriam's face, Myriam started to open a sleepy eye, woken up by his voice and the wet and warm feeling of his cum raining on her face, as well as the strong smell filling her nose." MC "\"{size=20}What...? {w}What's happening...?{/size=20}\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! She's waking up!?{/i}" "Keeping calm as his cum came crashing on her face, Marc took a dominant and accusatory voice, keeping his cool, confident he could bully his way out of this situation." Ma "\"It's your fault Mi! {w}I came to wake you up for breakfast and you were all naked and stuff... {w}Because of you I got hard and I had to take care of it!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 097 with dissolve "Still half confused and hazy, Myriam was feeling lost as her subservient instincts kicked in after so many years bullied by Anthony." MC "\"{size=20}What...? {w}Marc?{/size=20}\"" Ma "\"I said look at the state I'm in because of you!\"" MC "\"{size=20}I'm sorry...?{/size=20}\"" Ma "\"I didn't hear you!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry!\"" MC "{i}My god! What's happening!? I'm so lost...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 098 with dissolve "Grabbing Myriam by the hair, Marc brought Myriam's face towards his cock without much delicacy as he ordered her to clean up." Ma "\"That's better! {w}Now clean up my cock since it's your mess.\"" MC "\"Wait! No! Marc! We can'...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 085 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 085 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 085 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 084 with dissolve "But as Myriam was trying to stop him, Marc just shut her up, shoving his cock deep down her throat in one go, before starting making her suck him forcefully." Ma "\"Just suck!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}My god! What's happening!? {w}Why can't I stop him!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve "Quickly accelerating the rhythm, Marc made her take his cock faster and faster down her throat as she started to salivate more and more to compensate for the forceful facefucking he was giving her.." Ma "\"Arh! Fuck Mi! That's it! Just like that! {w}I can feel how much you like it!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! That's true, he's forcing me to suck him and I can't stop salivating!{/i}" Ma "{i}Holy shit! That feels so good!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve "Enjoying his moment and Myriam's talents, Marc kept making her suck him roughly, trying to resist as long as possible while filming her and berating her." Ma "\"Yeah! That's it, look at the camera like a good slut!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! This will be so good! I'm going to jerk off to this for so long!{/i}" MC "{i}Oh my god! He's filming it! {w}He can't!! This is so wrong!{/i}" "But as her embarrassment and shame was rising, so did her arousal, not giving him any resistance and following his commands as she felt her own pleasure rising." MC "{i}This is so wrong! Why do I let him do this and feel so excited... {w}I can't think straight...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 086 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 088 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And quickly enough, as Marc gave a final rough and forceful rush, he emptied his balls down her throat while grunting, forcing her to swallow every last drop of his cum as he kept making her suck his cock without mercy." Ma "\"ARGH! FUCK YEAH!! SWALLOW THAT YOU FUCKING SLUT!!!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" "And as Myriam felt his thick and warm cum gushing down her throat, swallowing load after load, she felt her body taken over by a wave of pleasure." MC "{i}My god what's happening to me! Am I so far gone! I just came by getting facefucked by Marc again... {w}What's wrong with me!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 090 with dissolve "But as Marc was enjoying his blissful moment, he was suddenly brought back to reality as he heard Katherine calling from downstairs." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! Shit! Shit! I think she's coming up! {w}If she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"Thank you...\"" "Her body weak and still quivering, Myriam was a mess, confused and shocked, even thanking him as a conditioned reflex." Ma "\"Lie down and make it look like you were sleeping!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 092 with dissolve "Panicked, Marc quickly hid his cock and phone after ordering Myriam, searching for a way out of this situation he put himself in." Ma "{i}Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What do I do!? She's getting up! {w}I can't just go out, she'll see me in the hallway...{/i}" "While Myriam on her side, still dazed, just did what Marc told her, lying back down and closing her eyes, not even thinking about the state she was in." Ma "{i}At least I'm lucky that she's doing what I say!{/i}" Ka "\"MOM!? You up!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 094 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 091 with dissolve "But as Marc was enjoying his blissful moment, he was suddenly brought back to reality as he heard Katherine calling from downstairs." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! Shit! Shit! I think she's coming up! {w}If she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"Thank you...\"" "Her body weak and still quivering, Myriam was a mess, confused and shocked, even thanking him as a conditioned reflex." Ma "\"Lie down and make it look like you were sleeping!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 093 with dissolve "Panicked, Marc quickly hid his cock and phone after ordering Myriam, searching for a way out of this situation he put himself in." Ma "{i}Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What do I do!? She's getting up! {w}I can't just go out, she'll see me in the hallway...{/i}" "While Myriam on her side, still dazed, just did what Marc told her, lying back down and closing her eyes, not even thinking about the state she was in." Ma "{i}At least I'm lucky that she's doing what I say!{/i}" Ka "\"MOM!? You up!?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 095 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 096 with dissolve "Getting out of the room just in time, Marc was able to step on the balcony and rush for a hiding place as Katherine slowly opened the door of the room to see if her mother was up." Ka "\"Mom? {w}You up?\"" Ma "{i}Quick!! Before she sees me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_katherine_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_wake_up_call_reprimanded:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 099 with dissolve "But as Marc was about to cum, he suddenly heard Katherine calling from downstairs, cutting him short in his perverted pleasure." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! She scared me! {w}And I think she's coming up, if she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 101 with dissolve "Quickly putting away his phone and dick, Marc stress went up even more when he suddenly heard Myriam's voice answering Katherine." MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh... Yeah! I'm... {w}I'm up...{/size=20}\"" "Still hazy and sleepy, Myriam didn't open her eyes, just answering like a reflex as she moved her hand to shoo away the annoying voice." Ma "{i}Shit, shit, shit! Mi's waking up! {w}I have to fucking hide quick!{/i}" Ka "\"MOM? You up?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 103 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 100 with dissolve "But as Marc was about to cum, he suddenly heard Katherine calling from downstairs, cutting him short in his perverted pleasure." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! She scared me! {w}And I think she's coming up, if she catches me I'm dead!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 102 with dissolve "Quickly putting away his phone and dick, Marc stress went up even more when he suddenly heard Myriam's voice answering Katherine." MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh... Yeah! I'm... {w}I'm up...{/size=20}\"" "Still hazy and sleepy, Myriam didn't open her eyes, just answering like a reflex as she moved her hand to shoo away the annoying voice." Ma "{i}Shit, shit, shit! She's waking up! {w}I have to fucking hide quick!{/i}" Ka "\"MOM? You up?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 104 with dissolve "Hearing Katherine's steps getting closer, Marc ran to hide in desperation before she got to the master bedroom." Ma "{i}Maybe I can hide in the bathroom... {w}No wait, what if she wants to go!? Then I'm fucked. {w}I know, the balcony!{/i}" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ka "\"MOM?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 096 with dissolve "Getting out of the room just in time, Marc was able to step on the balcony and rush for a hiding place as Katherine slowly opened the door of the room to see if her mother was up." MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmh...\"" Ka "\"Mom? {w}You up?\"" Ma "{i}Quick!! Before she sees me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_katherine_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_wake_up_call_sub:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 078 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! This time around I'll get to cum on her. {w}I'll just cover her hair, she won't notice and even she does, she'll think it's dad's.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Fuck it! This time around I'll get to cum on her. {w}I'll just cover her hair, she won't notice and it'll come off when she takes her shower.{/i}" "Bolstered up by his excitement and frustration from yesterday's event with Myriam, Marc approached her without hesitation, forgetting all fear as he was reaching his limit." MC "\"Mmmh...!?\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Fuck! Here it comes!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 105 with dissolve "But as Marc was about to cum, Myriam suddenly opened her eyes, witnessing Marc jerking off in front of her." MC "\"Marc!? What do you think you're doing?\"" Ma "\"Oh! Shit! Mi!? I... {w}I'm sorry! I...\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 106 with dissolve "But as Marc was about to cum, Myriam suddenly opened her eyes, witnessing Marc jerking off in front of her." MC "\"Marc!? What do you think you're doing?\"" Ma "\"Oh! Shit! Mi!? I... {w}I'm sorry! I...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 107 with dissolve "Falling to the ground while backing-up as his strength left him, Marc kept apologizing, thinking his last hour upon him, while Myriam sat down and looked at him severely." Ma "\"I'm so sorry! I... {w}I don't know what came over me...\"" "But Myriam still stayed silent, listening to Marc's excuses, while piercing him with her gaze, forcing him to look away as he kept throwing up his excuses at high speed." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" Ma "\"I was just stupid, I'm sorry... {w}I just got out of my bedroom and your door was open and... {w}And you were all naked and with dad's cum on your back, so I suddenly got hard and excited and I just lost it... {w}I wasn't thinking...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"I was just stupid, I'm sorry... {w}I just came to wake you for breakfast because Katherine made it and... {w}And you were all naked, so I suddenly got hard and excited and I just lost it... {w}I wasn't thinking...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 108 with dissolve "Interupting Marc's confession, Myriam suddenly started scolding him, having left him all the time she could to explain himself." MC "\"OH! You definitely can say that! Yes! You weren't thinking! {w}What the hell came over you!?\"" Ma "\"I'm know, I'm sor...\"" MC "\"SHUSH! I'm not done! {w}And what was that with your phone!? Were you filming me naked!?\"" Ma "\"{size=20}Sorry...{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! What came over him!? This is so crazy! {w}And he's still hard and looking at my breasts that cocky little brat... {w}Maybe I should punish him a bit like yesterday... {w}It felt so exciting...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 109 with dissolve "Putting her foot on his balls as she lightly applied some pressure, Myriam pulled a gasp of surprise and fear out of Marc." Ma "\"Gasp!!\"" MC "\"I know what you were thinking with! It's that thing down there!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve "Moving her foot up and down along his shaft, Myriam started caressing Marc's already very sensitive cock, as he was interrupted when he was just about to cum." MC "\"Is that what you want you naughty boy!?\"" Ma "\"Gulp...! {w}Yes!\"" MC "\"Because you're such a naughty boy?\"" Ma "\"Ye... Aaah! {w}Yes!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve "Continuing her \"punishment\", Myriam kept caressing Marc's cock with her foot while she kept bullying and dominating him." MC "\"Say it!\"" Ma "\"Be... Aaah! {w}Because I'm a naughty boy!\"" MC "{i}God! What's wrong with me!? {w}This is so exciting, I've never thought I would enjoy dominating like this.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 113 with dissolve "Accelerating her pace as she was starting to feel his cock twitching under her foot, Myriam quickly saw his cum starting to fly and coming crashing on her foot." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ma "\"Aaah! AAAH!!\"" MC "\"That's it! Cum for me you naughty boy!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 114 with dissolve "Looking at Marc and the result of his \"punishment\", Myriam could not help but feel strangely empowered, something she had rarely felt, if ever, with Anthony." MC "{i}God that feel so exciting and empowering... {w}I could get addicted to this...{/i}" MC "{i}But I should stop this before it gets too far with Marc... {w}Hell, it already did...{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 115 with dissolve "But Marc's voice pulled Myriam back to reality, as he kept apologizing, looking down like a little kid getting scolded." Ma "\"Than... {w}Thank you and... {w}And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did...\"" MC "\"As long as you understood! {w}Now you should clean up my foot and get back to breakfast.\"" Ma "\"Yes...\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 116 with dissolve "Suddenly hearing Katherine's voice from downstairs, Marc stopped before being able to do what Myriam had asked him, as the fear of getting caught by Katherine was gaining him." Ka "\"MOM! {w}MARC! {w}You coming? I made breakfast!\"" Ma "\"Shit! Kathy! If she catches us I'm dead!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 117 with dissolve "Pointing him toward the balcony as he jumped right up, Myriam send Marc to hide before Katherine arrived, as they could hear her coming up." Ka "\"MOM? You up?\"" Ma "\"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!\"" MC "\"Calm down, just go hide on the balcony.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 118 with dissolve "Getting out of the room just in time, Marc was able to step on the balcony to hide as Katherine slowly opened the door and surprised her mother already up and naked." Ka "\"Mom? {w}You up?\"" MC "\"Wait Katherine!\"" Ka "\"Oh god! Sorry mom!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! Just made it in time!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_katherine_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_katherine_wake_up_call:" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_sub == True:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 119 with dissolve "Turning away after closing the door, Katherine apologized to her mother while lighting the room, as Myriam stayed calm and bent over to grab the duvet on the ground." Ka "\"I'm so sorry mom! I thought you were still in bed...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, no harm done.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Let's take this chance to discreetly clean up Marc's mess on my foot and Anthony's on my back with the duvet...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's take this chance to discreetly clean up Marc's mess on my foot with the duvet...{/i}" Ka "{i}God! I feel so stupid... {w}But damn mom is seriously hot!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_reprimanded == True:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 120 with dissolve "Turning away after closing the door, Katherine apologized while lighting the room, as Myriam lifted herself sluggishly, still half asleep." Ka "\"I'm so sorry mom! I should have waited...\"" MC "\"{size=20}Katherine...!?{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 122 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "Finally realizing she was naked in front of her daughter, Myriam screamed in surprised, remembering that Anthony took the duvet away." MC "\"HA! I'm sorry Katherine!\"" MC "{i}Damn you Anthony! You could have covered me back up.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Finally realizing she was naked in front of her daughter, Myriam screamed in surprise, asking herself why her duvet was on the ground." MC "\"HA! I'm sorry Katherine!\"" MC "{i}I must have kicked the duvet on the ground while sleeping.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 124 with dissolve "Getting out of the bed to pick up the duvet, Myriam was still feeling bashful, turning away from her daughter." Ka "\"I'm sorry mom, I should have known better...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, no harm done.\"" MC "{i}Let's pick that up and put something on.{/i}" Ka "{i}God! I feel so stupid... {w}But damn mom is seriously hot!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 121 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" "Turning away after closing the door, Katherine apologized while lighting the room, as Myriam lifted herself sluggishly, still half asleep." KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" "Turning away after closing the door, Katherine apologized while lighting the room, as Myriam lifted herself sluggishly, still half dazed after what happened with Marc." Ka "\"I'm so sorry mom! I should have waited...\"" MC "\"{size=20}Katherine...!?{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 123 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" "Finally realizing that not only was she naked in front of her daughter, but also had her face covered in cum, Myriam screamed in surprise and horror." MC "\"HA! I'm sorry Katherine!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}My god! I'm covered in cum! What!? {w}Was my dream...!? {w}No! It can't, it must have been Anthony... {w}You jerk! You could have covered me and cleaned me up before leaving.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! I'm covered in cum! What!? How!? {w}Was my dream...!? {w}No! It can't, Marc would never... {w}Did Anthony sneak in the house to pleasure himself!? He still has the keys... that jerk! How could he!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" "Finally realizing that not only she was naked in front of her daughter, but also had her face covered in cum, Myriam screamed in surprise and horror." MC "\"HA! I'm sorry Katherine!\"" MC "{i}My god! I'm still covered in Marc's cum! {w}Oh god! I hope Katherine didn't see that!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 125 with dissolve "Getting out of the bed to pick up the duvet, Myriam turned away from her daughter, so she didn't see her face covered in cum." Ka "\"I'm sorry mom, I should have known better...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, no harm done.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" MC "{i}Let's take this chance to discreetly clean up Anthony's mess with the duvet... {w}That jerk!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Let's take this chance to discreetly clean up Marc's mess on my face and Anthony's on my back with the duvet...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's take this chance to discreetly clean up Marc's mess with the duvet...{/i}" Ka "{i}God! I feel so stupid... {w}But damn mom is seriously hot!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 126 with dissolve "Turning away again as Myriam went towards her armoire after putting back the duvet on the bed, ending up facing a mirror directly on her naked mother by accident." MC "\"Let me just put something on, sweetie.\"" Ka "\"Yeah...! {w}Sorry mom, I just wanted to tell you I made breakfast today.\"" Ka "{i}God! I didn't realize there was a mirror here...{/i}" "But as her gaze fell onto her mother's naked body, Katherine couldn't look away, fascinated by it." Ka "{i}It's incredible how beautiful mom is, she's really got a woman's curves... {w}I know boys talk dirty about me, but I'm still just a little girl compared to her.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 127 with dissolve "Now dressed, Myriam turned back towards her daughter, feeling she stayed in the room for a reason, seeing how fidgety she was." MC "\"So honey, what did you want to talk about?\"" Ka "\"Me!? No... {w}Nothing...\"" MC "\"Come on, Katherine, I know my daughter, you wouldn't have stayed if you didn't want to ask me something in private.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 128 with dissolve MC "\"And the special breakfast early in the morning is kind of a dead give away...\"" Ka "\"Damn it! That's unfair how easy you can read us...\"" MC "\"Well I did make you, didn't I?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 129 with dissolve "Sitting on the bed, Myriam invited her daughter to follow her, hoping a more comfortable setting would help Katherine say what she had on her mind." MC "\"Come here Pumpkin and tell me what's on your mind.\"" Ka "\"It's just stupid stuff, forget it mom...\"" MC "\"Come on, tell me or I'll worry.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 130 with dissolve "Sitting down beside her mother, Katherine seemed to really be tortured about her problem, starting to make Myriam worried about what she had to say and forgetting her earlier misadventure." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" Ka "\"Really mom, it's nothing... {w}It's just something I wanted to do, but it would cost some money.\"" MC "\"Honey, you shouldn't worry about that. {w}I have my own money sweetie, your father never liked me showing off my family money when he was alive, but you really don't have to worry.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"Really mom, it's nothing... {w}It's just something I wanted to do, but it would cost some money, and with Anthony out of the picture we'll have better things to do with it.\"" MC "\"Honey, you shouldn't worry about that. {w}I have my own money sweetie, your father never liked me showing off my family money when he was alive, but you really don't have to worry.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 131 with dissolve Ka "\"Really? Are you sure mom?\"" MC "\"Pumpkin, I don't want you thinking like that, but your grandchildren's grandchildren won't have to worry about money.\"" Ka "\"I knew grandpa Bobby had money, but I never thought that much.\"" MC "\"So now that this problem is settled, tell me, what is it?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 132 with dissolve Ka "\"Well I made a friend at school that have the same hobbies than me, and is a huge nerd like me.\"" MC "\"You didn't tell me, what's her name? Or is it a boy?\"" Ka "\"Don't start! It's a girl, Jennifer. {w}And she invited me with her brother, Dan, also a huge nerd, to go to a huge fair in town like Comic-Con.\"" MC "\"That's great! But what's the problem? Of course I'll pay your entry fee.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 133 with dissolve Ka "\"No, that's not it, Dan has a stand there in fact, he's a big cosplayer and photography student, Jennifer is gonna help him and they invited me to help too.\"" MC "\"So what's the problem?\"" Ka "\"Well the stand costs quite a lot of money, and Dan put everything he had in it and he has a lot of work, so I really wanted to help and make my own costume so that I'm not a dead weight there.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 134 with dissolve MC "\"Ok, so it's for the costume you need money?\"" Ka "\"Yes, I need to buy tools and materials to make them. {w}Honestly, it's something I was already thinking about for a while now, and Jennifer's brother could really help me start.\"" MC "\"Well I don't know much about all that universe, but if you're motivated and ready to work on it, of course I'll pay for what you need.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 135 with dissolve "Suddenly leaning forward, Katherine hugged her mother, relieved and happy that her mother listened to her and said yes." Ka "\"Really! Thank you mom! {w} I won't disappoint you.\"" MC "\"Never thought you would.\"" Ka "\"I love you mom!\"" MC "\"Love you too Pumpkin.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 136 with dissolve "As Katherine kept hugging her mother, Myriam started stroking her hair to comfort her, remembering how much it always calmed her down when she was little." MC "\"So, tell me about this friend, how is she?\"" Ka "\"She's a bit weird, but she's fun, you'll love her.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 137 with dissolve "Meanwhile, outside on the balcony, Marc was fuming, annoyed by how long he had to wait before being able to slip back in." Ma "{i}For god sake! What the fuck are they doing!? {w}Still talking...{/i}" Ma "{i}Damn it! I need to go pee.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 138 with dissolve "Impatient, Marc leaned over the balcony, searching for a way out of this spot." Ma "{i}I have the feeling they'll keep babbling for hours, maybe I could go down the balcony.{/i}" Ma "{i}It's not that high, if I let myself go down I can jump that easy.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 139 with dissolve "Jumping down Myriam's balcony, Marc safely landed in the zen garden alcove under it, just beside the kitchen." MC "\"AH!\"" Ma "{i}Easy peasy! {w}Though next time I have to do some ninja shit, better not be in slippers. {w}But at least I got myself out of that one.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 140 with dissolve "But while Marc was playing the acrobat, Myriam was finishing talking with Katherine about her new friend." MC "\"Well, she sound like a great girl, I hope I can meet her soon.\"" Ka "\"I was planning to go see them today and see what I need to prepare the fair and to start my own thing. {w}Maybe I could invite her to come after.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 141 with dissolve MC "\"Why not, my day will be quite full again today I think, but I'll have to get back home in the afternoon before getting out again for the night.\"" Ka "\"What are you doing tonight?\"" MC "\"I was invited to an opening gala for an exhibition at the museum.\"" Ka "\"That sound nice.\"" MC "\"It is, it's been some time now that I went out for an exhibition.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 142 with dissolve Ka "\"Well, I'll go get ready. {w}And you've got your breakfast downstairs mom.\"" MC "\"Ok honey! But don't wait for me, I've got to get ready too before going to see Hammer at the stables.\"" Ka "\"Ok mom, I'll wait for you before going.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_have_condoms == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_condom_talk_katherine" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cassius_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_condom_talk_katherine:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 143 with dissolve "Stopping suddenly as she was going towards the door, Katherine turned back, looking concerned again about something." Ka "\"Oh mom! I was about to forget... {w}About yesterday...\"" MC "\"Yes honey?\"" Ka "\"It's... {w}It's about the groceries... {w}{size=20}About the condoms...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 144 with dissolve "Unable to look at each other, they both looked away in embarrassment as they answered each other." MC "{i}Oh my god! I had totally forgotten about that!!{/i}" Ka "\"It's just to say that I put them in the medicine cabinet.\"" MC "\"Oh! Good honey... {w}Good.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 145 with dissolve "Turning back after this awkward moment, Katherine was about to go back towards the door, but Myriam stopped her." MC "\"Wait Katherine!\"" Ka "\"Mom?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 146 with dissolve MC "\"Well about that... {w}The condoms... {w}I took some thinking about you and Marc.\"" Ka "\"What?\"" MC "\"I'm sorry, I know it's awkward, even for me, to talk about this, but we have to.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 147 with dissolve MC "\"Even if I feel that you and Marc are still my babies, I know you're at the age were you get curious and want to explore things.\"" Ka "\"But I never...\"" MC "\"I'm not trying to pry Pumpkin, I just want to know that you're safe and want you to know that you can always come with questions, even embarrassing ones, I won't judge.\"" Ka "\"Yes mom, I know.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 148 with dissolve MC "\"So you know how to use them?\"" Ka "\"Mom!\"" MC "\"Or we can get you an appointment for the pill, but even so, you should use them as long as you're not into something serious and tested.\"" Ka "\"MOM!! {w}Please!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 149 with dissolve MC "\"Ok, sorry, I'll leave you alone, I love you sweetie.\"" Ka "\"Love you mom.\"" "As Myriam stopped the embarrassing subject, Katherine turned to go back to her bedroom and change, responding to her mother as she waved her out." KN_MOD "jump ch2_cassius_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch2_cassius_wake_up_call:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 150 with dissolve "Amused, Myriam looked at her daughter go back to her bedroom, feeling happy to have been able to get to the bottom of what was distressing her daughter." MC "{i}I'm so glad she was able to make a good friend here already, I know she wasn't that happy to have to leave Texas and her friends there.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope this idea of hers works, she has such a creative mind.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 151 with dissolve "Getting up and going towards the bathroom, Myriam started undressing to take a quick shower before dressing for the day." "Just as Cassius was going into the room, pushing the door that Katherine had left half-open." MC "\"Alright!\"" MC "{i}Let's have a quick shower to refresh.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 152 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping under the shower, Myriam sighed with relief as she felt the cool water run down her body." MC "\"Sigh! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}That feel great, I needed that to start the day, a nice cool shower.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 153 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}My ass and face felt so sticky because of Anthony... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to tell him to not leave me like this anymore, I know he likes it, but I don't want the kids to see me like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My face felt so sticky because of Anthony... {w}I will have to do something about that, and change the lock, I can't let him go in and out of the house as he wants.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to give him some ground rules if we want to do this peacefully, I'm not his \"thing\" anymore to play with.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}My ass and face felt so sticky because of Anthony and Marc... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to tell Anthony to not leave me like this anymore, I know he likes it, but I don't want the kids to see me like this.{/i}" MC "{i}And I'll have to talk to Marc, I can't let things keep going like this... {w}Why did I let him treat me like this, I don't want to hurt him, but this is wrong.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My face felt so sticky because of Marc... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to talk to Marc, I can't let things keep going like this... {w}Why did I let him treat me like this, I don't want to hurt him, but this is wrong.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_reprimanded == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}My ass felt so sticky because of Anthony... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to tell Anthony to not leave me likes this anymore, I know he like it, but I don't want the kids to see me like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Katherine surprised me this morning, it's a good thing Anthony wasn't here... {w}When he woke up first he always loved covering me with his cum while I was asleep.{/i}" MC "{i}I would have felt so ashamed if she had barged in and found me covered in cum... {w}I don't want the kids seeing me like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}My ass and foot felt so sticky because of Anthony and Marc... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to tell Anthony to not leave me likes this anymore, I know he like it, but I don't want the kids to see me like this.{/i}" MC "{i}And I'll have to talk to Marc, I can't let things keep going like this... {w}My god! I'm out of control, why did I do that with him? This is so wrong.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My foot felt so sticky because of Marc... {w}God I'm so relieved Katherine didn't notice anything, I would have felt so ashamed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to talk to Marc, I can't let things keep going like this... {w}My god! I'm out of control, why did I do that with him? This is so wrong.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 154 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Getting out of the shower, Myriam stopped in her tracks, surprised to suddenly see Cassius in the bathroom staring at her." MC "\"Aaah!? {w}God! You surprised me boy!\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 155 with dissolve "Her slight fright passed, Myriam approached Cassius to pet him." MC "\"What are you doing here? {w}They didn't feed you downstairs?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 156 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius alone after petting him a moment, Myriam went back to her preparation, blowing her hair with a dryer before getting change." MC "{i}Alright, let's finish this and get going! {w}I'm excited to get to finally see Hammer.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope he's not too disturbed after this long journey from Texas.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_cassius_eating_pussy" KN_MOD "label ch2_cassius_eating_pussy:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 157 with dissolve "But as his mistress had left him to go to her strange occupation, Cassius felt attracted by a sweet fragrance coming from between her legs." Ca "\"Slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah! What are you doing Cassius!? Don't lick me there!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 158 with dissolve "Stumbling forwards against the sink, Myriam felt slightly weak in her legs as the pleasure from Cassius licking job suddenly surprised her." Ca "\"Slurp!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_cassius_licking_myriam:" "What does Myriam do about Cassius?" KN_MOD "God! This is so wrong, I have to stop him!:" MC "{i}God! I... {w}I have to stop him, this is wrong! I... {w}I can't let him do this!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 159 with dissolve "Shooing Cassius away, Myriam stopped him from going further, before returning to her own grooming and getting ready for the day ahead." MC "\"No Cassius! {w}Stop! I said no! {w}Now get out! Shoo!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready" KN_MOD "God! This is so wrong, but...:" $ ch2_let_cassius_eat_pussy = True MC "{i}God! I... {w}I have to stop him, this is wrong! But... {w}But this feels so good!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve "Giving in and letting Cassius keep licking her pussy and ass, Myriam enjoyed this new pleasure, Anthony never having taken care of her even once before that way." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so good!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve "Clinging at the sink she was bent over, Myriam enjoyed the pleasure Cassius provided her, surprised by how quick it was taking her over." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! This is so strange... {w}How can it feel so good!?{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 160 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 161 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 162 with dissolve "And quickly as Cassius thoroughly licked her pussy and ass, Myriam climaxed, her body overtaken by a strong orgasm as this new pleasure took her by surprise." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah! God! Mmmh! Yes! YES!!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 163 with dissolve "But as Myriam's body was getting weak, still quivering from the orgasm, Cassius suddenly jumped over her, making her fall forwards over the counter as she was unable to support his weight and strength." MC "\"Aaah! Cassius! What are you doing!?\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is he trying to... {w}Is he trying to fuck me!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_cassius_fucking_myriam:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Oh god! I have to stop him!:" MC "{i}God! No! I can't let him do this! {w}This is too much!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 159 with dissolve "Shooing Cassius away, Myriam stopped him from going further, before returning to her own grooming and getting ready for the day ahead." MC "\"No Cassius! {w}Stop! I said no! {w}Now get out! Shoo!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready" KN_MOD "Oh god! I have to stop him, but...:" $ ch2_let_cassius_fuck_pussy = True MC "{i}God! No! I can't let him do this! {w}This is too much! {w}But I feel so weak!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve "But as Myriam was trying to resist as best she could, her orgasm had made her too weak to resist and she suddenly felt Cassius' huge rod penetrating her wet pussy." MC "\"Aaah! Cassius! Mmmh! No!\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god!! I'm... {w}I'm getting fucked by my dog!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve "And as quickly as before with the cunnilingus he gave her, Myriam could feel the pleasure getting the better of her, his huge cock and powerful thrusts making her weak and already sensitive body tremble with pleasure." MC "\"Aaah! God! Mmmh! This... {w}Mmmh! This is so... {w}Aaah! Wrong!\"" Ca "\"WOOF! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god!! He's... {w}He's getting rougher!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve "Fucking her without mercy, Cassius fucked her like the animal he was, roughly and passionately, putting every inch of power he had into the action, overwhelming Myriam's sensitive and weak body with intense pleasure." MC "\"Aaah! GOD!! Mmmh! I... {w}Mmmh! I can't... {w}Aaah! This is so... {w}Mmmh! So good!\"" Ca "\"WOOF! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god!! He's... {w}He's going to make me come again!{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 165 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 166 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And without surprise, as Cassius kept hammering Myriam's pussy, he made her orgasm again violently as he exploded inside her as her pussy tightened around his huge cock." "Filling her with warm and thick loads of cum as he kept violently pounding her quivering body, in a obscene concert of slippery noises, moans of pleasure and whimpering cries." MC "\"AAAH! OH GOD!! MMMH! YES!! YEEEES!!!\"" Ca "\"WOOF! HAH-HAH-HAH!!\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 167 with dissolve "Falling to the ground as Cassius pulled out of her, Myriam was a bit lost, feeling dazed and her body still quivering from the violent orgasm." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}What... {w}What just happened!? {w}Did... {w}Did I just get fucked by my own dog!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 168 with dissolve "Disturbed at seeing his mistress on the ground, Cassius approached her to lick her and comfort her, shaking Myriam out of her stupor." Ca "\"Woof! Slurp!\"" MC "\"What are you doing!? You rapist dog! {w}You think you can assault your mistress like that and act like nothing happened?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 169 with dissolve "But as Cassius kept licking her face, as usual Myriam's fury melted away quickly, never able to get really mad at her pets." Ca "\"Slurp!\"" MC "{i}Well can I really blame him, it's just his instincts... {w}I must have confused him the other day, it's my own fault.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 170 with dissolve "Getting back to her senses, Myriam got up and pointed the door to Cassius, taking a domineering tone as she ordered him out." MC "\"Shoo! Get out now! You had enough fun for the day you naughty dog!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_ready:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 171 with dissolve "After finishing refreshing herself, Myriam went to her armoire to dress for the day, under the watchful eyes of Cassius." MC "{i}What should I put on today? {w}I have to ride, but won't stay in riding gear all day, and it look like it's going to get pretty sunny today...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I can put something light and breathy on, a little summer dress... {w}And I'll bring the riding gear to the stables and change there.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_sub == True:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 172 with dissolve "Putting on a little summer dress she had bought years ago, Myriam looked at herself in the mirror, to see if it still fit." MC "{i}God! This feels a bit too daring, this is really more see through than I remembered...{/i}" MC "{i}Oooh! Damn it! I don't care! {w}With everything that happened lately I want to feel pretty! {w}So, damn the lechers! This dress is cute and I love it.{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! What's that on the ground?{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 174 with dissolve "Crouching to pick up what she saw, Myriam found Marc's phone, that he dropped when she woke up, both forgetting about it." MC "{i}It's Marc's phone! {w} He was there all along? {w}I hope Katherine didn't notice it, she could start asking herself what it was doing here.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll just it discreetly put it downstairs where we put the keys, he's sure to find it there.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 173 with dissolve "Putting on a little summer dress she had bought years ago, Myriam looked at herself in the mirror, to see if it still fit." MC "{i}God! This feels a bit too daring, this is really more see through than I remembered...{/i}" MC "{i}Oooh! Damn it! I don't care! {w}With everything that happened lately I want to feel pretty! {w}So, damn the lechers! This dress is cute and I love it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 175 with dissolve "Dressed and prepared for the day, Myriam finally headed outside her bedroom, it was still early and the sun barely rising, but she was enthusiastic for this new day." MC "\"Let's go Cassius!\"" MC "{i}It strange, despite this weird morning I had, I feel pumped for today.{/i}" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 176 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_sub == True:" "Going down and leaving Marc's phone after taking her car keys, Myriam prepared to go out, her riding gear in a bag." KN_MOD "else:" "Going down and taking her car keys, Myriam prepared to go out, her riding gear in a bag." "Katherine was also already down, ready to go herself and meet her new friend Jennifer and his brother." MC "\"You're already going Pumpkin?\"" Ka "\"Yeah! There's a lot we want to do.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 177 with dissolve MC "\"Then you should go buy some donuts or something before going there.\"" Ka "\"You think so?\"" MC "\"Yes, you don't go this early to someone's house without bringing something for breakfast, it's rude.\"" Ka "\"Oh! Ok! {w}That's a good point.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 178 with dissolve MC "\"Do you want me to drive you?\"" Ka "\"No, it's ok, she gave me an itinerary, I just have two buses to take.\"" MC "\"If you say so, still send me a message when you're there please.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! I know mom.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 179 with dissolve MC "\"Hey! Don't mock your mother for worrying, you'll always be my babies no matter what.\"" Ka "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok... {w}But anyway, I love what you did with your hair.\"" Ka "\"You do!? {w}Aunty Eve gave me some tips to get them a little less curly, I tried some this morning\"" MC "\"It makes you look a little more grown up.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 180 with dissolve Ka "\"Thanks! I love your dress too.\"" MC "\"You do? It's an old one I bought for a romantic day with your father a long time ago... {w}I know it's frivolous but with this sunny day I wanted something cute and breathy.\"" Ka "\"Well, cute and breathy is one way to put it...\"" MC "\"What? It's not cute?\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 181 with dissolve Ka "\"Oh! No! It is mom, it's just that you'll probably cause a few neck injuries during the day.\"" MC "\"You think I should change?\"" Ka "\"No, no! Mom, sorry, I just meant to say you're gorgeous! {w}You should dress for yourself first, if it makes you happy, why should you change?\"" MC "\"Thank you honey! I do like this dress.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 182 with dissolve "Both ready to go, Myriam turned towards the hallway door to tell Marc they were going out." MC "\"What's Marc doing? I wanted to say we're going.\"" Ka "\"I think I heard the shower running after I came out of my bedroom.\"" MC "\"MARC! We're out! I'll come back for lunch.\"" scene bg ch2_09 abusymorning 183 with dissolve "Getting out of the house, Myriam and Katherine each went towards their own busy day, leaving the house to Marc and Cassius." MC "\"Well, see you later Pumpkin! {w}And don't forget to send me a text.\"" Ka "\"I will mom, promise. {w}See you later!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_northwell_stables" KN_MOD "label ch2_northwell_stables:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n The Northwell Horse Stables" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 001 with dissolve "After a good half hour drive, Myriam finally arrived to the Northwell horse stables, where her horse Hammer was kept." MC "\"It must be here...\"" MC "{i}That looks pretty nice.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 002 with dissolve "Parking the car in the courtyard, Myriam slowly got out of it, her eyes wandering everywhere to see what the place looked like." MC "{i}I'm a bit early but there should be someone around. {w}I know I had some papers to sign.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 003 with dissolve "Closing the door behind her, Myriam smelled the air, feeling nostalgic for the smell of the country and horses." MC "\"Sniff...\"" MC "{i}It's incredible, it's only been a few weeks since we got to town, but already I missed the air of the country.{/i}" "Man Voice" "\"Hello there!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 004 with dissolve "Turning back towards the voice, Myriam nearly jumped in surprise, suddenly pulled out of her day dreaming by an old man in working clothes." MC "\"AH!\"" "Old Man" "\"Sorry ma'am! Didn't mean to give you a scare.\"" MC "\"No! Sorry! It's me, it was impolite of me to scream like that.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 005 with dissolve "Putting his shovel against the wall, the man came towards Myriam as she approached him to say hello and present herself." "Old Man" "\"So, what d'you need ma'am?\"" MC "\"Good morning! I'm Myriam Summers, I had an appointment this morning to come and see my horse, Hammer.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 006 with dissolve "Pulling off his cap, as he answered Myriam, the old man changed his tone as he learned who she was." "Old Man" "\"Oh! So you're the lady who has that beautiful beast! {w}Sorry, should have known, we were waiting for you later.\"" "Old Man" "\"I'm Jeremiah Herman, but everyone calls me Scruffy. {w}I'm kind of the head goom here, you need something? You ask me.\"" "{b}{color=#996}Jeremiah Herman{/color}{/b} {w}alias Scruffy{p}The steward{w}, 60 years old {p}A down to earth old man, he lived a lot and saw a lot, and seems to always know what to do." scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 007 with dissolve "Pointing a horse stable behind Myriam, Scruffy gave Myriam the lay of the land." JeH "\"Your stallion is behind you, right there, I had the boys feed him not one hour ago. {w}I've taken a good look yesterday, he's in great shape.\"" MC "\"Oh yes! I see him, thank you!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 008 with dissolve JeH "\"But I think that Mister Northwell, had something for you to sign, he's inside.\"" MC "\"Yes, that's what he told me. {w}Through here?\"" JeH "\"Yes ma'am! Door on the left, then go towards the back of the main building. {w}He was getting a coffee in the smoking room.\"" MC "\"Thank you Mister Herman!\"" JeH "\"Nah! Just Scruffy, but you're welcome. {w}Come see me after, I'll show you around.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_andrew_northwell" KN_MOD "label ch2_meeting_andrew_northwell:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 009 with dissolve "Following Scruffy's instructions, Myriam arrived to the smoking room, where a man was sitting, overviewing some papers while drinking coffee." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" "Knocking on the frame of the door, she introduced herself, even if the sound of her heels had probably already announced her arrival." MC "\"Hello! Excuse me, are you Mister Northwell?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 010 with dissolve "Getting up at Myriam's arrival, the man invited her to come in and sit." AaN "\"Himself, please do come in.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm Myriam Summers.\"" AaN "\"Andrew Northwell, please take a seat.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 011 with dissolve "As Myriam sat as he invited her, Andrew grabbed a little bell on the table, emitting a faint tinkle when he lifted it, ready to ring it." AaN "\"Would you want some coffee Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Oh! No, thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 012 with dissolve "Putting down the bell in front of him as he sat down in his armchair, Andrew dove right in." AaN "\"Mrs Summers... {w}Would you consider selling your horse to me?\"" MC "\"Excuse me?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 013 with dissolve "{b}{color=#09f}Andrew Northwell{/color}{/b} {w}alias Andy or Master Northwell{p}The rich landholder{w}, 45 years old {p}The Heir {p}A rich heir from a prestigious family and a gentleman with a passion for horses." AaN "\"I saw him run and he's just magnificent. {w}I've rarely seen so much raw potential in a horse.\"" AaN "\"What is his pedigree? {w}A beast that beautiful cannot come from nothing.\"" AaN "\"Name your price!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 014 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry, but no! Hammer is not for sale, not at any price.\"" MC "\"He was a present from my father and he comes from a line that my late mother bred.\"" MC "\"Was that all you wanted to see me for!?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 015 with dissolve AaN "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! I had to at least try. {w}But I can see you're a fierce opponent.\"" MC "\"No, it's me, sorry! I kind of flew off the handle there.\"" AaN "\"Don't worry, I understand, like I said, your horse is too exeptional for me not to try at least once... {w}Or twice.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 016 with dissolve AaN "\"Would you consider at least some breeding?\"" MC "\"I would have to think on it, sorry. {w}This line of breed is one of the last things I still have from my late mother, I would hate to destroy her legacy.\"" AaN "\"I understand, I'll stop bothering you with it for now, but I would really pay a high price for it. {w}Your mother surely did create a beautiful breed. {w}What was her name?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 017 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, she did breed a beautiful line, horses were her passion before her passing. {w}Her name was Lenore Taylor, but her maiden name was Connors.\"" AaN "\"Anything to do with the Taylor ranch in Texas?\"" MC "\"Yes, that's my father's ranch.\"" AaN "\"Then I understand better. {w}I knew your father had a beautiful herd, but I never thought he had such a gem hidden away.\"" MC "\"Yes, my father kept my mother's legacy alive, but he never shared it outside the ranch, nor sold any horse from this line.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 018 with dissolve AaN "\"Well, that's too bad for me, but now that I know, I'll try to charm you into it.\"" MC "\"You're welcome to try!\"" AaN "\"Ha ha ha! Then I definitely will.\"" MC "{i}What are you saying Myriam!? This man is flirting with you.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 019 with dissolve "Suddenly leaning forward, Andrew slid some documents on the table towards Myriam for her to sign." AaN "\"But I'll stop delaying you, here are the last forms to sign for your stallion's pension. {w}You just have to sign and you're all good to go.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 020 with dissolve "Leaning forward in turn, Myriam signed the documents after a quick read, offering without thinking a good view of her cleavage to Andrew." AaN "{i}Dear lord! They didn't only breed good horses at the Taylor ranch... {w}Look at those marvels.{/i}" MC "\"And here you go.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 021 with dissolve "But as Myriam put the pen down and looked up at Andrew, she found him with a shocked expression, as she hadn't noticed that her sudden movements had made her breasts jump out of their nest." AaN "{i}Holy mother of Christ!!{/i}" MC "\"Was that all Mister Northwell? {w}Mister Northwell...?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 022 with dissolve "As Myriam followed Andrew's gaze, she quickly turned away, putting her breasts back into her dress, confused and embarrassed at the wardrobe malfunction." MC "\"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Mister Northwell... {w}This is so embarrassing!\"" AaN "\"Please! It's me that should apologize. {w}I should have averted my eyes, I'm sorry.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 023 with dissolve "Getting up, Andrew held out his hand to Myriam in a courteous manner, inviting her to get up." MC "\"Thank you! {w}And please, forget what you saw.\"" AaN "\"It might be hard, but I'll do my best as a gentleman.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 024 with dissolve "But as Myriam got up, still holding onto her hand, Andrew suddenly gave her a baisemain, bending over to kiss her hand." MC "\"Thank you...!? {w}Ah! What are you...!?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 025 with dissolve "Still shocked and touched by the gesture, Myriam had barely any words to answer Andrew as he thanked and welcomed her to the equine community and club of the stables." AaN "\"We thank you for your trust and welcome you into our fold Mrs Summers. {w}I have no doubt our partnership will be rich and exciting.\"" MC "\"Thank... {w}Thank you!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_changing_for_the_ride" KN_MOD "label ch2_changing_for_the_ride:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 026 with dissolve "Leaving Mister Northwell behind, still perplexed by how the encounter ended, Myriam was trying to sort out her feelings." MC "{i}What just happened there? {w}First he tried to get me to sell Hammer, and then... {w}Then he kissed my hand like I was a medieval lady.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to be careful with him, I think he's quite the charmer... {w}But I can't deny my heart fluttered when he did that.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 027 with dissolve "Putting her conflicted thoughts aside, Myriam took the bag with her riding gear out of the car, all the horse gear having already been sent with Hammer." MC "{i}Let's stop thinking about all this, and let's take advantage of the weather to have a nice ride.{/i}" MC "{i}It feels like I haven't ridden in ages now.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 028 with dissolve "As she started to look around to find a spot to change, Myriam heard the voice of the old Scruffy behind her." JeH "\"If you're looking to change Mrs Summers, you can go inside. {w}There's a locker room and some showers, just take the other door on the right, you can't miss it.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you Mister... {w}Scruffy.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 029 with dissolve "Following again Scruffy's instruction, Myriam found the locker room and changed into her riding gear, even putting on her old mother's hat." MC "{i}Here we go! {w}It's a bit light, but I'm only going for a small ride to take advantage of this weather.{/i}" MC "{i}Alright! Let's put the bag in an empty locker and go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 030 with dissolve "But as Myriam stuffed her bag with her clothes in the first locker she found, she realized there was some pornographic material inside the door." MC "{i}Oh my god! What's that!? Is that some porn in the door. {w}Who would do that? Anybody can see it!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_locker_porn:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "God! Some people are really wrong in the head!:" MC "{i}I get that people enjoy this, but still in a public place like this, it's wrong.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_riding_hammer" KN_MOD "God! Some people are really fearless!:" MC "{i}Ha ha ha! Some people really are fearless or have no shame! {w}Putting some porn inside their locker door.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_riding_hammer" KN_MOD "God! Thats such a thick load!:" MC "{i}Wow! That's... {w}That's such a thick load of cum she has on her face...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_riding_hammer" KN_MOD "label ch2_riding_hammer:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 031 with dissolve "Closing the locker door, Myriam put those thoughts away, she had other things to do than worrying about some locker porn." MC "{i}Let's just forget about that, you have better things to do...{/i}" MC "{i}Still, no wonder why there was such a strong smell in the locker.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 032 with dissolve "When Myriam was about to get out, a young man came in, mechanically waving at her as she said hello to him with an innocent smile." MC "\"Good morning!\"" JoJ "\"Oh! Good... {w}Good morning...\"" JoJ "{i}Wait! I know her... {w}Where did I...?{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 033 with dissolve "Once outside, Myriam suddenly had a doubt, thinking about that young man she just saw in the locker room." MC "{i}Wait! Didn't I already meet that young man before. {w}I can't place him but I'm pretty sure I know him.{/i}" MC "{i}Damn it! I'll have to apologize later for being rude.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 034 with dissolve "Putting that new diversion aside, Myriam finally was able to go see her horse, petting his head gently as he placed his big muzzle between her breasts and smelled his mistress." MC "\"Oh! Yes! You missed me my big baby!\"" MC "{i}Just a few weeks but it feels so long since I petted him.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 035 with dissolve "Slipping inside after lighting the stable, Myriam caressed the huge body of Hammer, petting him as much as looking if he was well treated and fed." MC "\"You're so beautiful! {w}Come on! It's time to put on your gear so we can go for a ride.\"" MC "{i}He must need to burn all that pent-up energy.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 036 with dissolve "Making him walk back into the pen, she saddled him, they had stocked all his riding gear in the stable with him, but still she verified everything was in order." MC "\"Here you go! {w}Everything looks fine, I think we're ready to go.\"" MC "{i}God! Now I'm as excited as if it was my first ride.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 037 with dissolve "Guiding Hammer outside the stable into the courtyard after turning off the light, Myriam was finally set for her ride." MC "\"Here boy! {w}That's it, come here.\"" MC "{i}Now let's get on and see if either of us is too rusty.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 038 with dissolve "Getting on Hammer, Myriam spurred him into a trot, guiding him towards the courtyard's exit, already feeling pumped up as the familiar feeling was overtaking her." MC "\"Tsk tsk! {w}Go on boy!\"" "Tlot tlot tlot tlot!" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 039 with dissolve "After riding Hammer for a good time under the sun, making him run and jump, and letting him blow off some steam and pent-up energy, Myriam started to make him slow down, as they were entering a forest." MC "\"Slow down there! We don't want to hit a tree or break your leg because of a hole or rock.\"" MC "{i}I think I ran him enough for now, let's see if I can find a little stream or pond to get him a drink.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 040 with dissolve "As Myriam was trying to calm him down, Hammer reluctantly started slowing his gallop." MC "\"That's it! Calm down Hammer!\"" MC "{i}God! He would have run for hours to exhaustion.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 041 with dissolve "Petting him gently with her hand as he calmed down and slowed his pace, Myriam praised him to appease his frustration, Hammer was still very young and spirited." MC "\"That's it! Good boy! Good boy! {w}Let's get over there gently!\"" MC "{i}I think I heard a creek over there, let's go have a look.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 042 with dissolve play music "stream noise-freesound-jackthemurray.mp3" fadeout 1 "Arriving at a little stream, Myriam stopped Hammer and started getting down, needing as much to refresh herself as her horse." MC "\"Good! Stay! {w}I'm getting down!\"" MC "{i}God! I need a little rest myself, my butt is starting to feel sore, and I'm not even thinking about my breasts.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 043 with dissolve "Stretching her back as she climb down of Hammer, Myriam pushed a moan of pain, caressing her sore muscles." MC "\"Nnnh! Ouch! {w}I think I pushed maybe too much for a first day back riding.\"" MC "{i}I'll walk for a bit and rest for some time before getting back to the stables.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 044 with dissolve "Looking at the stream flowing under the rays of sun slipping through the foliage, Myriam could hear some more water noises a bit further." MC "{i}I think there must a bigger river or maybe a waterfall nearby, it could be nice to rest beside it.{/i}" MC "\"What do you say Hammer? {w}Do we go for some exploring?\"" Ha "\"Ppppll!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 045 with dissolve "Taking his bridle, Myriam guided Hammer along the stream, walking towards the water noises coming from further down the flow." MC "\"Let's go boy!\"" MC "{i}I'm pretty sure it's not far, but this is a nice spot for a walk anyways, it feels really so peaceful here.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 046 with dissolve "Arriving at a small creek after a few minutes following the flow of the stream, Myriam found a little rocky beach beside a small body of clear water." MC "\"Here it is! Look at that Hammer! {w}Let's go refresh ourselves and take a break.\"" MC "{i}God! This is a really nice spot! {w}We're lucky to have found such a place on our first ride.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 047 with dissolve "Letting Hammer drink his fill, Myriam took off her leather clothes, boots, gloves and hat, before crouching at the river to refresh herself." MC "{i}God! That feels great! I really needed this.{/i}" MC "{i}And look at that big grouch, not happy to stop, but still he drinks gallons of water.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 048 with dissolve "Looking around to see if they were really alone, Myriam started to take off her top, wanting to clean all the sweat from her breasts after jumping around." MC "{i}Damn! This feels so good, I want to refresh my breasts a bit, I feel all dirty and sweaty.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope there's nobody around but us.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 049 with dissolve "Taking off her top, Myriam started to massage and clean her breasts with the fresh water of the creek, while Hammer started grazing around the grass beside the beach." MC "\"God! It feels great to let them loose, I really don't like constraining my breasts.\"" MC "{i}And it feels kind off exciting to be topless like this outside...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 050 with dissolve "Looking around again, Myriam was starting to ask herself if she could take a dip in the water and swim for a bit." MC "{i}Damn it! The water is so clear and the weather so nice, I really want to take a dip in the water.{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, you can do it, just get naked and swim for a bit, there's nobody around.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_naked_swim_with_hammer:" "Does Myriam dare to get naked and swim?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why the hell not!? (Risky Behaviour Trait 10+) if MCtrait[Risky] >= 10:" MC "{i}There's nobody around and and the place is so beautiful... {w}And it feels kind of exciting to be honest.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_ride_and_naked_swim" KN_MOD "No! Its too risky!:" $ ch2_no_naked_swimming = True MC "{i}No! I never know, maybe a fisherman could decide to come or just even a walker... {w}Now that I know, I'll bring a swimsuit next time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_dressed" KN_MOD "label ch2_ride_and_naked_swim:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 051 with dissolve "Taking off her shorts and freeing her hair, Myriam dove into the shallow and cool waters of the creek, while behind, Hammer kept grazing the grass along the bank." MC "{i}Let's go refresh ourselves.{/i}" MC "\"UH!\"" play sound "splash-freesound-InspectorJ.mp3" "Splash!" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 052 with dissolve "Turning over on her back, Myriam just let herself drift in the calm water, the creek being too small and shallow for real swimming, only moving enough with her legs to stop the weak flow carrying her away." MC "{i}God! This feel so great... {w}The cool water in this heat after some effort is a godsend.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's take advantage of this gift while Hammer is happy to just graze around.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 053 with dissolve "Close by, as Myriam was relaxing in the water, a young teenage kid was grumbling in the woods, flailing a stick around in one hand and an empty bucket in the other." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"Damn it! That so unfair, it's always me who has to go get the water...\"" play sound "splash-freesound-InspectorJ.mp3" "Splash!" MC "\"Mmmh! This is so refreshing...\"" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{i}Wait!? Was that the voice of a girl?{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 054 with dissolve "Approaching discreetly, the kid hid behind some big rocks and trees, spying on Myriam, drifting naked in the stream." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{i}Holy shit! That's a real naked woman!! {w}She doesn't even have any panties!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmmh mmmmmmh mmh mmh mmh mmmh mmh...\"" "Meanwhile Myriam was just relaxing in the cool water, mumbling some musical theme as she drifted slowly in the water, unaware of the kid spying on her." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{i}I have to call the others, maybe they'll finally stop bullying me and think I'm cool.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 055 with dissolve "Pulling his phone out, the kid took a few pictures and called his friends discreetly, while Myriam was verifying where Hammer was." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"Hey guys! Come quick at the creek... {w}There's a naked lady swimming around...\"{/size=20}" "Kid on the Line" "{size=20}\"You really think we're going to believe you... {w}You always have stories.\"{/size=20}" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"No! It's for real this time... {w}I'll send you a picture...\"{/size=20}" "Kid on the Line" "{size=20}\"...Holy shit guys! Look! He's not lying this time!\"{/size=20}" "Other Kids" "{size=20}\"Fuck! Look at those tits! {w}They're so big! {w}Wait! Let me see!\"{/size=20}" "Kid on the Line" "{size=20}\"Don't move, we're coming! {w}Keep taking pictures!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 056 with dissolve "Her head lifted out of the water, Myriam could see that Hammer was still grazing around, staying close." Ha "\"Munch, munch, munch!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he is quite happy here too... {w}Maybe I can stay a bit longer and snooze a bit in the shallows.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 057 with dissolve "Resting her head on a rock, Myriam closed her eyes and relaxed in the shallows, listening to the sound of the water and the wind in the trees, under the hot sun." MC "{i}God! This is heaven, just what I needed to clear my head...{/i}" MC "{i}I did good choosing to stay and get in the water... {w}It even feels kind of exciting to be here like this, totally naked outdoors...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 058 with dissolve "A few minutes later, three other kids arrived and quickly hid beside their friend, jaw dropping at the sight before them in the water." "Blond Kid" "{size=20}\"Fuck! You really weren't lying!\"{/size=20}" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"I totally told you!\"{/size=20}" "Blond Kid" "{size=20}\"Yeah! She's so hot...\"{/size=20}" "Black Kid" "{size=20}\"Look at those boobs! They're so big!\"{/size=20}" "Glasses Kid" "{size=20}\"Wow!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 059 with dissolve "Blond Kid" "{size=20}\"I think that's what heaven looks like!\"{/size=20}" "Black Kid" "{size=20}\"Totally!\"{/size=20}" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"It would be cool if she could get out too... {w}I haven't saw her ass yet.\"{/size=20}" "Black Kid" "{size=20}\"And her bush too!\"{/size=20}" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"Well I saw it, she's really blonde!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 060 with dissolve "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"Hey! Don't you think she kind of looks like the porn actress we saw the other day in that video on internet.\"{/size=20}" "Blond Kid" "{size=20}\"Shit! You're right! She totally does! {w}Fuck! Maybe it's her!\"{/size=20}" "Black Kid" "{size=20}\"Nah! Can't be!\"{/size=20}" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "{size=20}\"Why not!? It could be, I read she lives in town.\"{/size=20}" "Black Kid" "{size=20}\"No shit!\"{/size=20}" "Blond Kid" "{size=20}\"That would be so cool! {w}Maybe we could ask for an autograph!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 061 with dissolve "While the four kids were debating on whether she was or wasn't the porn actress they knew, Myriam was slightly opening her eyes, looking in their direction discreetly." KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "{i}My god! Again with the porn thing! I know I look like the one in the magazine the other day, but still... {w}And how can they think I'm not hearing them, when they whisper so loudly.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! Again with the porn thing! Do I really look like a porn actress!? {w}And how can they think I'm not hearing them, when they whisper so loudly.{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway, I have to do something, at one point I will have to get out of the water.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_exit_strategy:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Lets stop this charade.:" $ ch2_scolded_the_four_peepers = True MC "{i}They're not doing any harm and it's kind of my fault for swimming naked, but it's a bad habit, I should stop this charade and send them home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_naked_lesson" KN_MOD "Lets just get back to the stables and ignore them.:" $ ch2_ignored_the_four_peepers = True MC "{i}They're not doing any harm and it's kind of my fault for swimming naked, let's just ignore them and get out. {w}I'll just get dressed and go back to the stables, with this sun and heat, my clothes will be dry before I arrive.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_out_and_showing_the_moon" KN_MOD "Theyre just curious kids. (Exhibitionist Kink 15+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 15:" $ ch2_teased_the_four_peepers = True MC "{i}They're not doing any harm and it's kind of my fault for swimming naked, I can't get mad at them for being curious kids. {w}Let's just get out and go dry on the beach, that'll make their day and it's not the end of the world for me, after all they're just kids.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_extra_show_naked_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_naked_lesson:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 062 with dissolve "Suddenly getting up and out of the water, Myriam looked at the kids and started scolding them, standing there, fierce and naked, in the shallow water." MC "\"ENOUGH NOW! {w}DIDN'T YOU SPY ON ME LONG ENOUGH! {w}YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!\"" MC "\"DIDN'T YOUR PARENTS TEACH YOU NOT TO SPY ON PEOPLE WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE!?\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 063 with dissolve "But as Myriam was standing there, naked and furious, scolding them as only a mom could do, the kids could only think of one thing, the hot sexy naked woman's body dripping with water in front of them." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"...\"" "Blond Kid" "\"...\"" "Black Kid" "\"...\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"...\"" "All Together" "\"WOOOOOW!!!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 064 with dissolve "Seeing them not moving, Myriam added another layer of scolding, hoping it would be enough to make them run away." MC "\"NOW LEAVE! {w}GO HOME BEFORE I GET YOU THERE BY THE EARS AND EXPLAIN TO YOUR MOMS WHAT YOU WERE DOING!!\"" MC "{i}God! I hope it'll be enough... {w}I'm mortified with shame standing here as if I wasn't naked!{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 065 with dissolve "The four of them suddenly launched themselves into a panicked run for their life, scattering through the hillside to run over the top and disappear, each one out for themselves." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"Run away!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Fuck!\"" "Black Kid" "\"Abort mission!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"Ah! Not my mom!\"" "All Together" "\"AAAAHH!!!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 066 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, look at them run at the mention of their mothers... {w}They mustn't have been such bad kids.{/i}" MC "{i}Still, I hope it'll teach them a lesson for the future.{/i}" MC "{i}Now I better get going before they decide to come back for seconds.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 073 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 071 with dissolve "Dressing up quickly, Myriam preferred not to risk waiting to dry off, just in case the kids decided to come back." MC "{i}Well, at least I hope it gave them an impression and stuck... {w}I would hate to have just exposed myself to some horny kids.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I'm still all shook up... {w}I can barely finish this knot with my hands shaking like this.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 075 with dissolve "Fully dressed again, Myriam turned back, trying to calm down a little, focusing on Hammer coming towards her as she called him and started to pet him." MC "\"Come here Hammer! {w}That's it, you're a good boy! {w}You're not like those naughty kids perving on your mistress!\"" MC "{i}God! I hope I didn't make an error of judgment here, I just reacted... {w}Sigh! Let's just hope it serves as some lesson somehow.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hammer_little_problem" KN_MOD "label ch2_hammer_little_problem:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 081 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 082 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to climb on Hammer's back to get back to the stables, she suddenly stopped as she noticed that he had dropped his penis, even having an erection." MC "\"My god! Hammer! You really chose a time for dropping your package...\"" MC "{i}I know it's natural and nothing to be embarrassed about, they do it when they're happy and feel at ease, but still... {w}The size of it is always so impressive.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 083 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 084 with dissolve "Crouching to have a better look, Myriam was getting worried for Hammer, as it could cause a problem while running in the woods and fields." MC "{i}Damn it! He can't go running like this in the woods, he'll end up hurting himself on shrubs and bushes.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to wait for him to calm down... {w}Or maybe I could...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_horsy_manoeuver:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "No! This is crazy.:" MC "{i}No! This is crazy Myriam, you'll just have to wait for him to calm down and that's it.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 085 with dissolve "Sitting down not far away, Myriam decided to wait for him to calm down and let his erection pass, giving her the occasion to rest a bit longer." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 086 with dissolve "Sitting down not far away, Myriam decided to wait for him to calm down and let his erection pass, giving her the occasion to rest a bit longer and finish drying up." MC "{i}Nothing much I can do but wait and relax, I just hope it won't take him too long, there are some things I wanted to do this morning before getting back home and making some food for Marc.{/i}" MC "{i}You really chose a time to get all excited... {w}Well, no point crying over it, let's just wait.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "Maybe I could help him a bit.:" $ ch2_took_care_of_the_hammer = True MC "{i}Maybe I could help him a bit to calm down... {w}I don't want him to get hurt in the woods and I can't wait either, he could stay hard like that for quite some time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_horse_meat" KN_MOD "label ch2_horse_meat:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 090 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 090 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve "Grabbing Hammer's huge cock with one hand, Myriam started to stroke it while petting his side with the other." MC "{i}My god! It's so big, I can barely wrap my hand around half of it.{/i}" Ha "\"Huuuuu!!\"" MC "\"That's it my big boy, come quick for mommy!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 089 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 087 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 090 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 090 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 088 with dissolve "Myriam kept going, trying as best she could to stimulate Hammer, but handling his massive cock was revealing itself not so easy with one hand." MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I'm doing! This is crazy Myriam! {w}And his cock is too big for my hand.{/i}" Ha "\"Huuuuu!!\"" MC "\"Come on! You can do it!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 093 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 093 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 094 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 094 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve "Adding her second hand to help the first, Myriam started stroking him with both, trying to give him all the stimulation he needed to finally cum." MC "{i}Yes! It's easier like this! {w}God! This takes so much more energy than jerking a man's cock, this is incredible.{/i}" Ha "\"Huuuuu! Huuuuu!!\"" MC "\"You like it better like this!? You like how mommy is stroking your big huge cock?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 093 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 093 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 093 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 091 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 094 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 094 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 094 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 092 with dissolve "Starting to get into it, and focusing on Hammer's pleasure and the stimulation of his cock, Myriam started to get hypnotized by this huge rod of meat, forgetting everything else around." MC "{i}God! This is so strange, this feels so exciting... {w}Is it because it's so wrong? Or because we're outdoors? {w}But god! I want to see him cum!{/i}" Ha "\"Huuuuu! Huuuuu!! Huuuuu!!!\"" MC "\"That's it give it to mommy! Spray all your seed for mommy!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 095 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 095 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 097 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 096 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 096 with dissolve scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 098 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, as Myriam kept strongly masturbating Hammer's massive cock with both hands, multiple powerful loads of cum suddenly flew on the ground as he neighed with pleasure." Ha "\"HUUUUU! HUUUUU!! HUUUUU!!!\"" MC "\"Yes! That's it my big boy!\"" MC "{i}My god! It looks so thick... {w}And this smell, it's so potent...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 099 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 100 with dissolve "Petting Hammer's legs as he calmed down, Myriam was getting fascinated by the big blob of thick cum dangling from his already retreating cock." MC "{i}My god! It's incredible, this smell, it's getting to my head... {w}It's making my head spin...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_horse_cum_drop:" "Does Myriam let her curiosity get the better of her?" KN_MOD "Wait! Calm down!:" MC "{i}Stop Myriam! It's wrong you can't! {w}Now that he came, just get up and go back to the stables!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 103 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 104 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam tried to clear her mind and put behind her this awkward moment behind her, as Hammer neighed happily, looking satisfied with his mistresses care." Ha "\"Huuuuu!!\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Get yourself together, it's time to get back home now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "God! I want to taste it! (Lust Trait 30+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 30:" $ ch2_tasted_hammers_cum = True MC "{i}I... {w}I'll just be cleaning his thing up, that's all...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 101 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 102 with dissolve play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Lying to herself, Myriam brought the tip of his cock to her mouth and cleaned the rest of his thick cum with her tongue and mouth, swallowing it as she slowly tasted it." MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}My god! What am I doing!? {w}I'm giving myself excuses for licking the cum of my horse... {w}But this smell and taste, it's so strong and potent... {w}And this thickness, I can barely swallow it.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 103 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 104 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam tried to clear her mind and put behind her this awkward moment, as Hammer neighed happily, looking satisfied with his mistresses care." Ha "\"Huuuuu!!\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Get yourself together, it's time to get back home now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_out_and_showing_the_moon:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 067 with dissolve "Getting up suddenly and walking naked through the stream, Myriam ignored the kids gazes as if they were not there." MC "{i}Just walk to the beach and ignore the horny teenagers gazes on you... {w}You can do it!{/i}" MC "{i}They're just curious boys who want to discover what a woman looks like, that's it...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 068 with dissolve "Struck again by the sudden view of the fully naked body of Myriam, the four kids just stayed gawking at the sight, unable to articulate even a word." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"...\"" "Blond Kid" "\"...\"" "Black Kid" "\"...\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"...\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 069 with dissolve "Getting out of the water, Myriam bent down to grab her clothes and dress, offering the kids a clear view of the moon and more, but still kept playing as if she didn't know they were there." MC "{i}They've become quite silent, did they leave? {w}Or is the view too much for them to take?{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm letting kids spy and perv on me...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 070 with dissolve "This last incredible view shocked back the kids to life, making them comment loudly on Myriam's body and forget any notion of discretion anymore." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"No way!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Fuck! She totally bent over and showed us everything!\"" "Black Kid" "\"I can't believe it!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"Wow! She's so hot!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 073 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 071 with dissolve "Dressing under the horny gaze and rude comments of the kids, Myriam had a hard time staying still and not trying to hide herself in embarrassment." MC "{i}Well, forget about them leaving, they aren't even bothering trying to whisper anymore now. {w}Boys are really so loud when they're horny.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can barely finish this knot, I'm so mortified with embarrassment, I can't think.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 075 with dissolve "Fully dressed again, Myriam turned back, trying to keep her cool, focusing on Hammer coming towards her as she called him, talking loudly enough to him so that the kids could hear." MC "\"Come here Hammer! {w}That's it, you're a good boy! {w}You're not like those naughty kids perving on your mistress! {w}Maybe we should go look for their mothers and see what they think?\"" MC "{i}God! I hope I didn't make an error letting them know that I know they're here...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 065 with dissolve "But suddenly as she talked loudly to Hammer, Myriam could hear the kids loudly getting off and literally running for the hill to escape." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"Crap! She totally heard us!\"" "Black Kid" "\"Abort mission!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Fuck!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"Ah! Not my mom!\"" "All Together" "\"AAAAHH!!!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hammer_little_problem" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "label ch2_extra_show_naked_on_the_beach:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 067 with dissolve "Getting up suddenly and walking naked through the stream, Myriam ignored the kids gazes and did as if they were not there." MC "{i}They're just curious boys who want to discover what a woman looks like, that's it...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, let's give those little wannabe peeping Tom's something to remember then.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 068 with dissolve "Struck again by the sudden view of the fully naked body of Myriam, the four kids just stayed gawking at the sight, unable to articulate even a word." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"...\"" "Blond Kid" "\"...\"" "Black Kid" "\"...\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"...\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 077 with dissolve "After getting out of the way of a few rocks, Myriam laid down on the beach under the sun, trying to dry off before dressing up again, as if she were alone." MC "{i}They've become quite silent, did they leave? {w}Or is the view too much for them to take?{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm letting kids spy and perv on me...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 070 with dissolve "The view of Myriam laying down naked on the beach brought back the kids to life, making them comment loudly on Myriam's body and forget any notion of discretion anymore." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"No way!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Fuck! If only she could spread her legs too!\"" "Black Kid" "\"Yeah! We would totally see everything!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"Wow! She's so hot!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 078 with dissolve "Sighing in disbelief, Myriam opened her legs slightly, hoping that it would finally be enough to satisfy their horny teenager curiosity and choose to go back home." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}For god sake! Boys are really incorrigible, they never have enough! {w}This is the last time!{/i}" MC "{i}You're lucky you're too far to see well and I feel it's my fault for swimming naked.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 079 with dissolve "Black Kid" "\"Wow! She totally opened her legs!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"We're so lucky!\"" "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"She really must be the porn star!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Yeah! Maybe we should get closer to be sure!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 080 with dissolve "Suddenly raising up as she heard the kids, Myriam couldn't keep the charade running." MC "\"Nope!\"" MC "{i}I can't do it anymore! It's going to go too far... {w}Let's get up and change right now before they decide to actually come over.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 073 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 071 with dissolve "Jumping up, Myriam quickly put her clothes back on, feeling embarrassed at what she just did, leaving kids spying on her while she was naked." MC "{i}Damn it! That was a stupid thing to do Myriam... {w}Of course they would become even more curious if you tease them like that.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can barely finish this knot, I'm so mortified with embarrassment, I can't think.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 075 with dissolve "Fully dressed again, Myriam turned back, trying to keep her cool, focusing on Hammer coming towards her as she called him, talking loudly enough to him so that the kids could hear." MC "\"Come here Hammer! {w}That's it, you're a good boy! {w}You're not like those naughty kids perving on your mistress! {w}Maybe we should go look for their mothers and see what they think?\"" MC "{i}God! I hope I didn't make an error letting them know that I know they're here...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 065 with dissolve "But suddenly as she talked loudly to Hammer, Myriam could hear the kids loudly getting off and literally running for the hill to escape." "Chubby Ginger Kid" "\"Crap! She totally heard us!\"" "Black Kid" "\"Abort mission!\"" "Blond Kid" "\"Fuck!\"" "Glasses Kid" "\"Ah! Not my mom!\"" "All Together" "\"AAAAHH!!!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hammer_little_problem" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_dressed:" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 074 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 072 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam dressed again, not wanting to risk swimming naked and end up in an embarrassing situation." MC "{i}Damn it! I would have loved getting in the water and relaxing, but I'm too chicken to just get naked outdoors like that.{/i}" MC "{i}If Eve was here she would already be naked and giving me an earful on how prudish I am.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 076 with dissolve "Calling Hammer, who had just started grazing, Myriam patted him gently, trying to cheer herself again, feeling down at not being courageous enough to take advantage of this opportunity." MC "\"Come here Hammer! {w}That's it, you're a good boy! {w}You're not a big chicken like your mistress.\"" MC "{i}Well, let's have a good ride back to the stables, it'll cheer me up.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hammer_little_problem" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_ride" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_the_ride:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 105 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 106 with dissolve "Climbing back on Hammer, Myriam decided it was time to go back, they had rest enough and the sun was starting to get high, she'd have to go home soon." MC "\"Umph! {w}Let's go boy! Let's have a good run home.\"" MC "{i}Time to get back home, we had a nice run today to get all that pent-up energy out, next time we'll do some exercises.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 107 with dissolve "Running carefully through the wood to not risk Hammer having an accident, Myriam took the way back to the stables, already starting to dry off the water from the stream." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 108 with dissolve "Running carefully through the wood to not risk Hammer having an accident, Myriam took the way back to the stables." MC "\"That's good Hammer! Nice and easy there... {w}I'll let you show off when we get out of the woods.\"" MC "{i}I know he want to run, but I really prefer to be cautious in the woods.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 109 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" "After a few minutes of riding on Hammer, Myriam finally arrived back at the stables, even having the time for her hair to dry on the road." KN_MOD "else:" "After a few minutes of riding on Hammer, Myriam finally arrived back at the stables, trotting gently in the courtyard after giving Hammer a last good run." MC "\"Good Hammer! Good boy!\"" MC "{i}Let's get Hammer settled and brush him a bit before going for a shower.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 110 with dissolve "After settling Hammer back in his stable, freeing him of the riding gear and brushing all the sweat and dust away, Myriam said her goodbyes to him before going." MC "\"You did good today boy! Next time we'll make you work a bit more, ok?\"" "Hidding his muzzle again between her breasts as he liked to do when she petted him like this, Hammer acquiesced." Ha "\"Ppppll!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 111 with dissolve "Leaving her horse behind, with a tinge of sadness she headed for the showers to refresh herself before getting back home and making something to eat for Marc." MC "{i}Damn it! I'm such a kid, it makes me sad to leave him in a pen like that...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Get yourself together, you saw he's well treated here... {w}They even want to buy him.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 112 with dissolve "Her mind elsewhere, Myriam undressed in the locker room, thinking again about Mr Northwell's proposition." MC "{i}I'll never be selling Hammer away that's for sure, but I should think on his second proposition. {w}Maybe some mating could be conceivable...{/i}" MC "{i}I don't like the idea of letting go of mom's hard work though... {w}I should talk about it with Daddy.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 113 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping under the shower, Myriam let go of everything else, trying to relax under the running water as she let it wash away the sweat and dust." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}That always feels so good...{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 114 with dissolve "But as Myriam was enjoying her refreshing shower, she didn't hear the man from before coming in again, while she was still naked, relaxing under the water." JoJ "\"Wow!\"" JoJ "{i}Ain't this my lucky day!? Two times in the same day and this time naked... {w}Well, that's definitely the woman from the spa, let's play it cool.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 115 with dissolve "It was only when she suddenly heard a voice beside her that Myriam finally jumped in surprise as she opened her eyes to see a man waving at her as he was walking towards the shower fully naked." JoJ "\"Hello Ma'am!\"" MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 116 with dissolve "Getting under the shower, Jose just ignored Myriam, slipping under the water as naturally as he could, the locker room being unisex." MC "\"What...!? {w}What are you doing!?\"" JoJ "\"Sorry? {w}Just getting a shower Ma'am.\"" MC "{i}What does he think he's doing...!? {w}Oh my god! Wait! No! {w}I forgot it was unisex!!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_stables_unisex_showers:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Stay and apologize.:" $ ch2_recognize_the_masseur = True KN_MOD "jump ch2_shower_sharing" KN_MOD "Apologize and go.:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 117 with dissolve "Turning away, Myriam apologized after realizing her own mistake, with her eyes still unable to stop themselves from looking at the naked man just a few steps away." MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry! I shouldn't have screamed at you, I forgot for a moment that the showers were unisex.\"" JoJ "\"That's no problem Ma'am, I'm sorry to have surprised you. {w}Don't worry, I'll keep my eyes to myself.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_stables" KN_MOD "label ch2_shower_sharing:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 117 with dissolve "Turning away, Myriam apologized after realizing her own mistake, with her eyes still unable to stop themselves from looking at the naked man just a few steps away." MC "\"I... {w}I'm sorry! I shouldn't have screamed at you, I forgot for a moment that the showers were unisex.\"" JoJ "\"That's no problem Ma'am, I'm sorry to have surprised you. {w}Don't worry, I'll keep my eyes to myself.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 118 with dissolve "Turning back slightly towards him, Myriam's gaze fell on Jose's cock, unable to pull her eyes from it." MC "{i}God! At rest he's already as big as Anthony when erect... {w}And he's all shaved down there too.{/i}" MC "{i}It feels so strange to see a grown man without hair like that... {w}Maybe it feels nicer when you have it in your mouth...{/i}" MC "{i}My god! What are you thinking about Myriam!! {w}Look away!{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 119 with dissolve "But as Myriam looked up, her eyes met those of Jose, making her feel embarrassed of having been caught like a pervert." MC "\"My god! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look like that... {w}I...\"" JoJ "\"Don't worry Ma'am, I don't mind. {w}Seems only fair as I already saw you before.\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 120 with dissolve MC "\"What?\"" JoJ "\"Ah! Maybe you don't remember me. {w}Jose Jacinto, I was your masseur at the spa the other day.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Yes! I'm so sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 121 with dissolve "Forgetting her naked condition for a moment, Myriam talked naturally to the man, feeling mortified to have forgotten their previous meeting." MC "\"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.\"" JoJ "\"Don't worry about it. {w}And if you need my service, I'm at your discretion, I also work here and take care of sore muscles due to riding or falls.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm ok today, but I'll keep it in mind.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_stables" KN_MOD "label ch2_leaving_the_stables:" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 122 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_recognize_the_masseur == True:" "Stepping out of the shower, Myriam waved at Jose, feeling still some awkwardness being naked in front of another man than Anthony, unisex locker room or not." KN_MOD "else:" "Stepping out of the shower, Myriam waved at the man, feeling still some awkwardness being naked in front of another man than Anthony, unisex locker room or not." MC "\"Getting out... {w}Later!\"" JoJ "\"Later!\"" MC "{i}God! This still feels weird. {w}Talking naked like this in front of another man.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 123 with dissolve "Changing back into her dress, Myriam's head was jumping from one thing to the other while ajusting her outfit, a bit confused by all the events of the morning." MC "{i}God! What a morning, it's barely noon and I already have my head spinning with everything that's happened.{/i}" MC "{i}It's been weeks since we came here and I still feel as lost as if we came yesterday... {w}I guess things will clear up when we finally get into some routine.{/i}" scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 124 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_recognize_the_masseur == True:" "Heading out of the locker room, Myriam waved one last time to Jose still under the shower, with mixed feelings of awkwardness and a tinge of guilt to have forgotten him before." MC "\"Good bye Mister Jacinto!\"" JoJ "\"Good bye Ma'am! And just Jose is fine!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Heading out of the locker room, Myriam waved one last time to the man still under the shower, with mixed feelings of awkwardness and embarrassment to address a naked man so casually." MC "\"Good bye!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm sure I already met this man before...{/i}" JoJ "\"Good bye Ma'am!\"" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch2_10 northwellstables 125 with dissolve "Ready to get to the wheel and go home after putting her riding gear back into the car, Myriam took a last breath of air from the stables before going." MC "\"Sniff!\"" MC "{i}Let's go Myriam! You'll come back later next week. {w}You've got a full day ahead of you still.{/i}" MC "{i}For now let's just get back home and make something to eat for Marc before going shopping.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lunch_at_home" KN_MOD "label ch2_lunch_at_home:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update5 from _call_var_chapter2_update5" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Lunch at Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 001 with dissolve "Just arriving home after her half hour ride back, Myriam was already planning the rest of her day, trying to not forget anything." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Finally home! Let's make a quick meal for Marc and rest a moment before going shopping for a dress for tonight.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Finally home! Let's make a quick meal for Marc and rest a moment before going shopping for a dress for tonight... {w}Oh! And for Anthony's business dinner tomorrow.{/i}" MC "{i}I should check on Katherine also, I didn't check if she left me a message. {w}And I shouldn't forget to call the student for tonight.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 002 with dissolve "Going in, Myriam left her riding bag in the entrance hall, when her attention was suddenly attracted to some strange noises coming from inside the house." "{size=20}\"Slap!\"{/size=20}" "Woman Voice" "{size=20}\"Ouch! Mmmh!\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}What's that!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 003 with dissolve "Following the strange noises, Myriam arrived to the door of the TV room, where she stopped - shocked and surprised by the spectacle." "Man Voice" "\"You like that slut!?\"" "Woman Voice" "\"Mmmh! Yes Hun!\"" MC "{i}My god Marc! What are you doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 004 with dissolve "Quickly hiding at the view of Marc masturbating in front of some porn, Myriam was trying to think what to do in this situation." "\"Slap!\"" "Man Voice" "\"Take that slut!\"" "Woman Voice" "\"Ouch! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}What do I do? {w}He must have taken the opportunity to be alone at home to fool around and look at some porn. {w}This is so embarrassing, he didn't hear me getting home.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_hand_on_the_cookie_rod:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Stay out of it.:" MC "{i}Better ignore it and go cooking. {w}If I make a bit of noise he'll stop by himself. {w}No need to make this more awkward than it already is.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "The voices seems familiar.:" $ ch2_reason_for_marc_behavior = True MC "{i}But what is he looking at? {w}The voices seems strangely familiar.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 005 with dissolve "Deciding to stay a moment longer to satisfy her curiosity, Myriam finally realized who were the voices on the porn Marc was jerking off to." "Man Voice" "\"You like it in the ass you little slut!?\"" "Woman Voice" "\"Mmmh! Yes Hun!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! But that's Anthony and me!! {w}How!? {w}God! He must have his father's homemade porn stash!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_anthony_home_made_porn_stash" KN_MOD "label ch2_anthony_home_made_porn_stash:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_intervention_dilemma:" "What does Myriam do with this realization?" KN_MOD "Stay out of it.:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 006 with dissolve "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now come here I'll empty my load on your face!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so mortifying! {w}But there isn't much I can do without making things worse - and more awkward - than they already are.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Better ignore it and go cooking. {w}If I make a bit of noise he'll stop by himself. {w}And later I'll take care of Anthony's porn stash.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Better ignore it and go cooking. {w}If I make a bit of noise he'll stop by himself. {w}And later I'll tell Anthony to take care of his porn stash and better hide it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "Intervene!:" $ ch2_intervened_marc = True scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 006 with dissolve "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now come here I'll empty my load on your face!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" MC "{i}My god! This is so mortifying! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so sexually aggressive and focused on me.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't let it keep going like this or we won't be able to have a healthy relationship anymore. {w}I can't let things escalate like that anymore.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" MC "{i}My god! This is so mortifying! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so focused on me sexually.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't let it keep going like this or we won't be able to have a healthy relationship anymore. {w}It was stupid of me to let things escalate like that.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! This is so mortifying! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so focused on me sexually.{/i}" MC "{i}I have to stop this dead in its tracks or it will poison our relationship.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_intervention" KN_MOD "Amused. (Lust Trait 35+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 35:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 007 with dissolve "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now come here I'll empty my load on your face!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" MC "{i}My god! That little pervert! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so sexually aggressive and focused on me.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, nothing much I can do without getting things more awkward than they already are. {w}And I'm pretty sure that if I were to go in now he would play the alpha male like Anthony and get me to suck him off again, better let it go.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" MC "{i}My god! That little pervert! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so focused on me sexually.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, nothing much I can do without getting things more awkward than they already are. {w}And I'm pretty sure that if I were to go in now it would end up with me escalating things again, better let it go.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! That little pervert! {w}But that explains a lot about his behavior lately. {w}Why he's so focused on me sexually.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, nothing much I can do without getting things more awkward than they already are. {w}He's just a curious boy exploring his sexuality how he can, I can't say I approve, but better let it go it'll pass him when he find himself a girlfriend.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "Excited. (Need to have seen the its just a dream event.) if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 008 with dissolve "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now come here I'll empty my load on your face!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong! {w}But why does it excite me so much!?{/i}" MC "{i}It's because of those dreams I had lately! {w}Taking care of Marc sexually, this... {w}This is so wrong...{/i}" "But as much as Myriam was trying to persuade herself it was wrong, her hands were slowly moving to caress herself." scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 009 with dissolve "Realizing what she was doing, Myriam suddenly stopped, ashamed of herself and her behavior." "Anthony's Voice" "\"Good girl! Now open your mouth and clean it up!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Thank you! Mmmh! Slurp!\"" MC "{i}My god! Myriam, what are you doing!? {w}Are you crazy!? {w}This is so wrong! Get a hold of yourself!{/i}" MC "{i}I better go and leave him alone! {w}I can't deal with this now!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "label ch2_intervention:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 010 with dissolve "As Myriam stormed in suddenly, Marc screamed in surprise while trying to hide his cock by reflex, the porn still on in the background." MC "\"For god sake Marc! What are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Whaaa!!\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"That's it you fucking slut! Take it all in!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dom_intervention" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 011 with dissolve "Getting up after putting his cock away and shutting off the TV, Marc came towards Myriam with a pitiful look, like an animal knowing he's going to slaughter." Ma "\"I'm sorry!\"" MC "\"What do you have to say for yourself!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" Ma "{i}Fuck! I can hardly play the sleeping card here! Better play it safe, she looks really pissed...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Fuck! Better play it safe, she looks really pissed...{/i}" Ma "\"Nothing! I'm sorry...\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 012 with dissolve "Seeing Marc apologizing and looking down, Myriam calmed down a little and tried to explain to him why she was mad at him." MC "\"Marc, you can't look at me like that... {w}It's not right!\"" Ma "\"Yes...\"" MC "\"I know you're curious about sex, and that's normal at your age. {w}And if you have serious questions about it, I'll answer then for you as best I can.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 013 with dissolve Ma "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yes, but you have to control yourself also, you can't do whatever you please because you feel like it. {w}You have to learn self control.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_sub == True:" MC "\"Just like I should have this morning and last night. {w}I weirdly thought I was teaching you a lesson but it was wrong of me and it only confused you, I'm sorry.\"" Ma "\"I didn't mind!\"" MC "\"I know, but still, it will never happen again.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" MC "{i}I feel like I understand now what my Coach was trying to say to me all those years ago.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I know I should be more cautious around you, you're not a kid anymore and I can't go around the house half naked {w}So I'm sorry for not being vigilant enough.\"" Ma "\"I don't mind!\"" MC "\"I know, but I do.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" MC "{i}I feel like I understand now what my Coach was trying to say to me all those years ago.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 014 with dissolve MC "\"Now I love you Marc, but I am still mad as hell. {w}So go to your room and stay there until I come back this afternoon.\"" Ma "\"Yes... {w}Love you too.\"" MC "\"And use this time to reflect on your behavior. {w}Because if I don't see some changes after today, you'll stay there doing your homework until the end of days.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 015 with dissolve "Looking at Marc obeying and going to his room, Myriam sighed in relief, hoping things would be alright from now on." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really hope that's the end of it and we can go back to normal... {w}Well, as much as a teenage boy can.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}But things went better than I thought they would. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and destroy it.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}But things went better than I thought they would. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and put it away until he comes back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "label ch2_dom_intervention:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 016 with dissolve "The surprise passed, Marc stayed in the couch, even leaning back into it and taking back his cock in his hand to stroke it slowly while the homemade porn kept going." Ma "\"Come on!? What's the problem? {w}I'm just jerking off!\"" Ma "{i}That's it, stay cool and don't panic. {w}If you stay dominant, she'll cave in... {w}Maybe I could even get her to blow me while I watch her get fucked in the ass by dad.{/i}" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Fuck! Your mouth was made for this you little slut!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" MC "\"Are you going crazy Marc!? {w}Shut the TV off and get up!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 017 with dissolve Ma "\"Come on! You see how hard I am! {w}And it's your fault! With the blowjob you gave me this morning you just got me fired up, and since then I wasn't able to get it down. {w}I had to do something.\"" Ma "{i}Come on! Let that guilt switch flip!{/i}" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Here! Swallow one more load bitch!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Gulp!\"" "With Marc arguing and her own voice on TV like an actress on a bad porno she was getting flustered." MC "\"I...\"" Ma "\"Come on! Come here and help me get that cock to finally go down...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_guilt_or_enough:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Enough is enough!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_marc_dom_snapped_out" KN_MOD "Im so lost!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_failed_intervention" KN_MOD "label ch2_marc_dom_snapped_out:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 018 with dissolve "Crossing the space between them, Myriam got to Marc and slapped him back to reality." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" Ma "\"Ouch!\"" MC "\"ENOUGH MARC! {w}That's enough! You need to snap out of that alpha bullshit now!\"" Ma "{i}...{/i}" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now make me hard again, I want to pound your ass some more!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 019 with dissolve "Snapped back to reality by Myriam's slap, Marc got up, docile, after putting away his cock and shutting off the TV." Ma "\"I'm sorry...\"" Ma "{i}She... {w}She never slapped me before... {w}I really shat the bed here, she's really pissed!{/i}" MC "\"Not good enough! Do you realize what you've done?\"" Ma "\"Yes...\"" MC "\"You forced me to pleasure you this morning Marc! {w}Even just with my mouth, it's still rape!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 020 with dissolve Ma "\"I know...\"" MC "\"Then why?\"" Ma "\"I don't know, it was just stupid... {w}I heard dad when you... {w}You know, and I just thought it was cool, I wanted to try.\"" MC "\"But I'm not your girlfriend Marc! And I'm not your wife or play thing!\"" Ma "\"I know, I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I promise!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 021 with dissolve "As Marc started to sob as he apologized, Myriam hugged him, glad that he was back and still feeling guilty of having slapped him." MC "\"Come here sweetie! Don't worry I forgive you! {w}I'm sorry for slapping you, but I needed to shock you to bring you back to earth.\"" Ma "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "\"You know I love you, you're Anthony's son! {w}I won't give up on you, even if I have to kick your butt to bring you to reason!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 022 with dissolve MC "\"Now I love you Marc, but I am still mad enough to start a fight in an empty house. {w}So go to your room and stay there until I come back this afternoon.\"" Ma "\"Yes... {w}Love you too.\"" MC "\"And use this time to reflect on your behavior. {w}Because if I don't see some changes after today, you'll stay there doing your homework until the end of days.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 023 with dissolve "Looking at Marc obeying and going to his room, Myriam sighed in relief, hoping things would be alright from now on." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really hope that's the end of it and we can go back to normal... {w}Well, as much as a teenage boy can.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}But things went better than I thought they would. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and destroy it.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}But things went better than I thought they would. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and put it away until he comes back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "label ch2_failed_intervention:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 024 with dissolve "Lost and unable to find an answer to Marc arguments, Myriam started feeling guilty, seeing she was partly at fault for Marc's behavior." "Anthony's Voice" "\"Now make me hard again, I want to pound your ass some more!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" MC "{i}God! It's true that it's my fault if he's all excited, I can't blame him for wanting to relieve himself... {w}But still, masturbating while looking at me and Anthony having sex is...{/i}" Ma "\"Come on! Don't leave me hanging, it's starting to hurt.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 025 with dissolve "Sitting beside Marc nervously, Myriam put her hand hesitantly on his cock while his eyes dove into her cleavage and the porn kept running in the background." "Anthony's Voice" "\"That's it! Turn over and get your ass up! I'm going to fuck it like you deserve!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Yes Hun!\"" MC "\"This is the last time Marc! We can't keep doing this...\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Sure...\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 026 with dissolve "As Myriam started jerking off Marc, he suddenly grabbed her neck and pressed her head down towards his cock." Ma "\"Come on! Don't be like that, use your mouth!\"" MC "\"Hey! Wait! What are you doing!?\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Take that you fucking bitch!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve "Pushing down Myriam's head on his cock, Marc made her suck his cock, giving her the pace with his hand on the back of her head." Ma "\"That's it, suck!\"" MC "\"Marc no...! Mmmph! Slurp, slurp!\"" "Muted by the cock that was shoved in her mouth, Myriam let go of her resistance and started sucking Marc's cock, under his guidance and the sound of Anthony's home made porn." "Anthony's Voice" "\"Fuck! I wish I could ride you all day like this!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Yes Hun!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve "Sucking as best she could under the intense pace Marc was giving her, Myriam kept going, thoroughly taking care of his cock as he pushed it down her throat." Ma "\"Fuck! Dad's right, your mouth was made for this!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"But you really drained me today you slut!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Aaah! Yes Hun! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve "As Marc shoved his cock faster and faster down her throat, Myriam could feel his cock pulsating and getting bigger in her mouth, she knew he was about to cum." Ma "\"Yeah! Keep going! I'm going to feed you my load!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Argh! That's my last load, let's make it a good one! Turn over! I'm going to cover your eyes!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Mmmh! Yes Hun!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 029 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she predicted, after a last series of forceful thrusts in her mouth, Marc emptied his cum in the back of Myriam's throat, forcing her to swallow every last drop of it, while in the back his father was emptying his load on her face after pounding her ass like a brute." Ma "\"ARGH! Yeah! Swallow that bitch!\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"ARGH! Yes! That's it! Open them wide!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Mmmh! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 030 with dissolve "Getting up quickly after swallowing Marc's cum, Myriam turned away, ashamed of what she had done, her mind in turmoil while Marc was enjoying a blissful feeling after his release, looking at her ass with lust." Ma "\"Fuck! That was great Mi! You really sucked me like a pro!\"" MC "{i}My god! What have I done again! That was a big mistake... {w}I have to do something it can't keep happening or I'll lose him.{/i}" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Aaaaaah! You're a real champ Mi! {w}Your body was made for sex!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Myriam's Voice" "\"Aaah! Thanks Hun!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 031 with dissolve "Getting up in turn, Marc surprised Myriam, lost in her thoughts, loudly and firmly grabbing her butt as he pushed his still hard cock against her still covered ass." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Aaah! What are you...!?\"" Ma "\"Hey! You know what? Why don't you let me try your ass too!\"" MC "{i}God! That's it! Enough!.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 032 with dissolve "Shocked by Marc's behavior mimicking his father, Myriam swiftly turned back and slapped him, while behind the TV was jumping to another of Anthony's home made porn videos." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" Ma "\"Ouch!\"" MC "\"ENOUGH MARC! {w}That's enough! You need to snap out of that alpha bullshit now!\"" Ma "{i}...{/i}" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Get on your knees quick and suck me off!\"" "Myriam's Voice" "\"But Hun! We can't! It's a church!\"" "Anthony's Voice" "\"Yeah! Like I care, just shut up and get on your knees!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 019 with dissolve "Brought back to reality by Myriam's slap, Marc calmed down and put away his cock and shut off the TV." Ma "\"I'm sorry...\"" Ma "{i}She... {w}She never slapped me before... {w}I really shat the bed here, she's really pissed!{/i}" MC "\"Not good enough! Do you realize what you've done?\"" Ma "\"Yes...\"" MC "\"You forced me to pleasure you this morning Marc! And again right now! {w}Even just with my mouth, it's still rape!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 020 with dissolve Ma "\"I know...\"" MC "\"Then why?\"" Ma "\"I don't know, it was just stupid... {w}I heard dad when you... {w}You know, and I just thought it was cool, I wanted to try.\"" MC "\"But I'm not your girlfriend Marc! And I'm not your wife or play thing!\"" Ma "\"I know, I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I promise!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 021 with dissolve "As Marc started to sob as he apologized, Myriam hugged him, glad that Marc was back and still feeling guilty of having slapped him." MC "\"Come here sweetie! Don't worry I forgive you! {w}I'm sorry for slapping you, but I needed to shock you to bring you back to earth.\"" Ma "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "\"You know I love you, you're Anthony's son! {w}I won't give up on you, even if I have to kick your butt to bring you to reason!\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 022 with dissolve MC "\"Now I love you Marc, but I am still mad enough to start a fight in anempty house. {w}So go to your room and stay there until I come back this afternoon.\"" Ma "\"Yes... {w}Love you too.\"" MC "\"And use this time to reflect on your behavior. {w}Because if I don't see some changes after today, you'll stay there working on your maths until the end of days.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 023 with dissolve "Looking at Marc obeying and going to his room, Myriam sighed in relief, hoping things would be alright from now on." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really hope that it's the end of it and we can go back to normal... {w}Well, as much as a teenage boy can.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Can't say things went well, but at least it's done. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and destroy it.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Can't say things went well, but at least it's done. {w}Now let's take care of Anthony's home made porn and put it away until he comes back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_quick_meal" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_quick_meal:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 033 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_intervened_marc == True:" "Going to the kitchen after sending back Marc to his room, Myriam started preparing him a quick meal before leaving." MC "\"Sigh! Let's get this done.\"" MC "{i}I hope everything will go well from now on... {w}I know it's a phase but still, I can't give up on him.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_reason_for_marc_behavior == True and ch2_intervened_marc == False:" "Going to the kitchen after witnessing Marc masturbating to Anthony's home made porn of them, Myriam started preparing him a quick meal before leaving." MC "\"Sigh! Let's get this done.\"" MC "{i}God! What will I do!? {w}I know it's just teenage curiosity, but I can't let him continue fantasizing about me like this, things will go from bad to worse...{/i}" MC "{i}Damn it! I was such a coward! I should have intervened and put an end to this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Going to the kitchen after witnessing Marc masturbating to some porn, Myriam started preparing him a quick meal before leaving." MC "\"Sigh! Let's get this done.\"" MC "{i}My god! This was awkward, but better let it go... {w}It's just teenage curiosity and it would have been embarrassing for the both of us.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 034 with dissolve "Making Marc a quick meal of eggs and some veggies, Myriam left him his meal on the kitchen counter, still preoccupied by what happened before." MC "\"Here you go!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_intervened_marc == True:" MC "{i}Well, it will do, he'll just have to complete with a little dessert or fruit when he comes down. {w}Let just cover it so it stay warm longer.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Well, it will do, he'll just have to complete with a little dessert or fruit when he comes down, I heard him get up... {w}Probably thinking he got away with it. {w}Let just cover it so it stay warm longer.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 035 with dissolve "As she was about to go, Myriam tried to think if she was forgetting anything, putting her problem with Marc aside." MC "{i}Well, the meal for Marc is done, I just need to get my little bag to pay for the shopping, I didn't take it earlier since I didn't need it.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should take a quick pee break before going.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_to_pee_or_not_to_pee_in_advance:" "Does Myriam take a pee break before going?" KN_MOD "No, Im fine.:" $ ch2_no_pee_break = True MC "{i}No, I'm fine, no need to bother, I'll make a little break later on at a coffee shop if need be {w}Though I definitely won't go for the park this time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_shopping" KN_MOD "Better safe than sorry.:" MC "{i}Yeah! I shouldn't risk it, better safe than sorry, you never know what dirty place you'll find outside. {w}And with what happened at the park the other day, I'll feel safer.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_pee_break" KN_MOD "label ch2_pee_break:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 036 with dissolve "Doing her little business, Myriam made a quick review of what she had to do this afternoon." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}So, I have to find myself a dress for tonight, maybe I could go to where Eve brought me the other day, it's true that this designer's clothes weren't bad, I'm sure I'll find something there.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}So, I have to find myself a dress for tonight, maybe I could go to where Eve brought me the other day, it's true that this designer's clothes weren't bad, I'm sure I'll find something there.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I have to think of something for tomorrow's dinner also, Anthony wanted me to put on a slutty dress... {w}I don't even know where to start.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could also go take a look at the self defense class that girl invited me too... {w}I have to go talk to her about this Russian mob thing after all. {w}Well, I'll try if I have the time.{/i}" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 037 with dissolve "Washing her hands and refreshing herself before going, Myriam psyched herself up in front of the mirror, deciding to not let things get her down." MC "{i}Damn! It's too bad that Eve isn't free today, we would have had fun shopping and going to the museum gala together.{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Don't start feeling down, let's beat this day and don't let things get to you!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_shopping" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_shopping:" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 038 with dissolve "Stopping at the entrance hall before going, Myriam yelled from downstairs at Marc in his room to let him know she was going." KN_MOD "if ch2_intervened_marc == True:" MC "\"MARC! I'm going! I left you your dinner on the counter in the kitchen! {w}Come down to eat it, then you go straight back to your room do some homework!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"MARC! I'm going! I left you your dinner on the counter in the kitchen! {w}Come down to eat it, and don't play all afternoon, do some homework too!\"" MC "\"I should be back late this afternoon! {w}Katherine should be back in the afternoon too. {w} If there is a problem, you know the numbers, they're on the stand.\"" scene bg ch2_11 lunchathome 039 with dissolve "Leaving home set for an afternoon of shopping in town, Myriam was feeling positive despite the little snafu at home with Marc." MC "{i}Let's go and find ourselves a nice gala dress to show off tonight! {w}It's been a dog's age since the last gala daddy brought me to.{/i}" MC "{i}Now! How do I get there? Don't think I need the car, maybe I can take the bus, or there was a subway exit not far from Eve's boutique. {w}Yes, let's go for it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hunting_for_a_dress" KN_MOD "label ch2_hunting_for_a_dress:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Hunting for a Dress" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 001 with dissolve "A moment later as she was riding the subway, Myriam was forced to stand as the seats were scarce and she preferred leaving her seat to a little old lady" MC "{i}It's really crowded and quite dirty, I feel filthy just standing here with the hand on the rail.{/i}" MC "{i}I suppose it's the cost to pay for the speed, but still, maybe it was best to stand up than to sit on those dirty seats with the size of my dress.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 002 with dissolve "But despite her opinion on the cleanliness of the place, Myriam was still feeling outraged by the lack of manners from the young men seated there." MC "{i}Still, I'm more twisted than a tornado that none of those young men left their seats to that little old lady... {w}And she seemed so tired, she's already dozing off.{/i}" MC "{i}I really hope my kids don't grow up to be that inconsiderate... {w}Well, what can you do, if at that age courtesy isn't learned, there's little chance it does later on.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 003 with dissolve "Getting out at the a big station downtown, Myriam left her resentment behind and proceeded towards the designer boutique Eve showed her last time." MC "{i}Well, it was an experience and it's definitely fast, but the subway is so damn filthy... {w}Not sure I'll be using it a lot.{/i}" MC "{i}Good thing I took a good breath of fresh air this morning, just staying down there a few minutes will make you feel claustrophobic.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 004 with dissolve play sound "shop door bell-freesound-775noise.mp3" "Finally, after a few minutes walk, Myriam arrived at the St Étienne boutique, leaving the noise and smell of the city for the fresh and scent of the designer shop." MC "\"Sniff! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}The air feels so good here after the subway and all the exhaust pipes in the street, it's refreshing.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 005 with dissolve "Getting in and starting to look around without real purpose yet, Myriam just followed her curiosity, until a man's voice called out for her from the back of the shop." MC "{i}There's lots of nice things like last time, but that's not really what I came for, let's keep looking.{/i}" ToP "\"Welcome to St Étienne!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 006 with dissolve "Suddenly recognizing Myriam, the seller from last time came out from behind the counter to meet her." ToP "\"Oh! It's you! {w}Hello!\"" ToP "\"We were still waiting for your return. {w}Have you had time to think about my proposition from the other day?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 007 with dissolve "A little embarrassed for having forgotten about what he asked her last time, Myriam advanced shyly as she said hello." MC "\"Hello. {w}Sorry, I'm embarrassed, but I had forgotten about your offer.\"" ToP "\"Oh! That's too bad. {w}What brings you here then, are you searching for something in particular?\"" ToP "{i}Damn it! I have to make her accept... {w}Wait! Francis' here, upstairs, I just have to introduce her right now, I know he'll get pissed for bothering him, but I'm pretty sure he'll love her.{/i}" MC "\"Well, I'm a bit late for what I'm searching for, but I have a gala event tonight and I was searching for a dress.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 008 with dissolve ToP "\"Wait! We may be able to save you AND make you think about my offer. {w}You're in luck, Mister St Étienne is here today, working on some ideas upstairs. {w}Let me get him and meet you.\"" MC "\"What!? No! Wait, I don't want to bother him, I...\"" ToP "\"Do you want a dress for tonight to shine?\"" MC "\"Yes, but...\"" ToP "\"Then no 'buts'! Wait here please, I'll just be a moment.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 009 with dissolve "Leaning against the counter, Myriam sat down to wait for the seller to come back, having left her without many other choices in the matter as he disappeared after asking her to wait." MC "{i}God! I hope I don't bother him too much, I feel so embarrassed, I just wanted to look for a nice dress for the night.{/i}" MC "{i}Still, it feels kind of exciting to be wanted so much too...{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 010 with dissolve MC "{i}And if I can have a nice dress for tonight, well, meeting that man is just a small price to pay.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't say that having a dress made for me isn't exciting either, let's just hope he's in a good mood and not feeling pressed.{/i}" "Stressing over meeting a famous stylist, Myriam was getting fidgety, feeling afraid and excited at the same time." scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 011 with dissolve "Suddenly emerging out of the hidden door leading to the loft upstairs, Todd came back with a little man grumbling with a French accent." FrS "\"I told you I don't have the time for this! I'm trying to create! I can't be bothered every time a woman wants a dress of me!\"" ToP "\"Please sir! Just have a look! You'll see.\"" FrS "\"I'll see what? I...\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 012 with dissolve "Turning towards the counter, the man suddenly stopped gasping at the view of Myriam, who waved at them feeling suddenly slightly self confident with those gazes on her." FrS "\"...Oh mon dieu !\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" FrS "\"But she's gorgeous! Why didn't you tell me!? {w}She's exactly what I was looking for!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 013 with dissolve "As the man rushed towards her, Myriam stepped down from the counter as he took her hand and started looking at her body intently while mumbling in French." FrS "\"Oooh! Let me look at you! {w}Quelle beauté !\"" MC "\"Hi! I am Myriam Summers...\"" FrS "\"Absolument magnifique !\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 014 with dissolve "Making her turn around in place to look at her from every angle, Myriam followed shyly the man's instructions as he was turning around her, inspecting her." FrS "\"Oooh! Yes! Gorgeous! {w}Exactement ce que je recherchais !\"" MC "\"I... {w}I was here for a dress for... {w}For a gala dress...\"" FrS "\"Oh mon dieu ! Je sens déjà l'inspiration venir !\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 015 with dissolve "Grabbing Myriam by the arm, the man pulled her towards the hidden door, nearly making her lose her balance as she tried to follow." FrS "\"Come! Come! Follow me! We have work to do!\"" MC "\"What!? Wait! Where are we going?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 016 with dissolve "Leading her to the hidden door to the loft upstairs, the man didn't stop, while Myriam threw a look of supplication to the seller." FrS "\"Come! Come! Don't dawdle!\"" MC "\"Wait! Please!\"" ToP "\"Better follow when he's like this, don't worry, I think you're good for your dress, just do what he says.\"" MC "\"What!?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 017 with dissolve "Arriving at an appartment changed into a workshop, Myriam tried to catch up to him as he invited her to follow without a look behind." FrS "\"Come! {w}Aaah! I have so much things to make you try.\"" MC "\"Wait!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 018 with dissolve "Stopping, as the man finally slowed down, Myriam raised her voice for him to answer her as she caught her breath after running with her high heels." MC "\"STOP! Please! {w}Could you slow down and tell me who you are?\"" FrS "\"Oh! But I'm Mr Francis St Étienne of course!\"" MC "\"And what do you want from me?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 019 with dissolve FrS "\"But, to pose for me of course!\"" MC "\"What!? Me? But...\"" FrS "\"For you to be my muse!\"" MC "\"Your what!?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 020 with dissolve FrS "\"To be the bright burning flame that lights the path of my inspiration!\"" MC "\"God! But I...\"" FrS "\"The inspiration of my heart! My soul! {w}Celle qui fera mon cœur s'embraser et mon imagination s'envoler !\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 021 with dissolve "{b}{color=#09c}Francis St Étienne{/color}{/b} {w}alias Master St E{p}The stylist{w}, 55 years old {p}The French Stylist {p}A great French stylist with a little touch of madness, has some problem focusing on anything else but his art." scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 022 with dissolve "His lyrical flight finished, Francis calmed down a bit, waiting for the answer of a troubled Myriam, embarrassed by such passion towards her." MC "\"My god! I... {w}I don't know what to say!\"" FrS "\"But yes of course! {w}And of course I would make your dress. {w}Hell, all the dresses you want even.\"" MC "{i}Nobody has ever shown so much passion for me, I don't know what to do! {w}This is so embarrassing... {w}And exciting, maybe I could just do it this time.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 023 with dissolve MC "\"And what would you need me to do?\"" FrS "\"Well, we could start with that little summer dress over there. {w}It was just a little idea I had after looking at some flowers.\"" MC "\"You want me to put it on?\"" FrS "\"Exactly! {w}Change into it then I'll take some photos for reference and inspiration.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 024 with dissolve "Going towards the lounge area, Myriam found the dress laid on the sofa, with an assorted bag beside it." MC "{i}This looks nice, I would have definitely gone out with it this morning if I had it.{/i}" MC "{i}But it seems a bit tight for me I think... {w}God I really have to lose some hips.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 025 with dissolve "But while Myriam was looking at the dress laid for her, Francis' assistant, Todd, had come up also." ToP "\"I closed the boutique and came up. {w}I thought you would probably need me more here than downstairs.\"" FrS "\"Good thinking Todd! You'll help me set the next dresses.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 026 with dissolve "Looking around for where to change, Myriam couldn't find any screens or stalls, and the two men where just right a few steps away from her." MC "{i}What do I do? He told me to put it on, but there is nowhere to change... {w}Wait! Maybe he was expecting me to change right here! {w}That's right, he's accustomed to professional models, they mustn't mind changing in front of others.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_changing_dilemma:" "Does Myriam change right here?" KN_MOD "Well, theyre professionals...:" MC "{i}Damn it! I'll just turn back and change here, they're professionals, it's just as if I was undressing at the doctor.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_changing_like_a_pro" KN_MOD "No, there must be another way.:" MC "{i}Maybe I could go behind the background screen of the studio, it seems there's some space behind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_playing_it_safe" KN_MOD "label ch2_changing_like_a_pro:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 027 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to put the dress on after taking off hers, she suddenly heard Mr St Étienne behind stopping her." FrS "\"Oh! Please, no panties! {w}I need a perfect line for the dress, so no parasite lines under it.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I... {w}I understand.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 028 with dissolve "Putting down the dress, Myriam took off her panties as he asked, under the gaze of the two men behind her still discussing her." FrS "\"Mon dieu ! She really has a perfect line for my work! {w}You did really good Todd.\"" ToP "\"I know! I soon as I saw her trying on one of your dresses the other day, I knew she would be perfect for you.\"" FrS "\"Look at that!\"" MC "{i}God! I can feel their gaze from here.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 029 with dissolve "Trying to focus on the dress, Myriam was trying not to think of the two men intently looking at her." MC "{i}Well, the dress is tight, but it fits better than I thought it would. {w}She really feel like a second skin.{/i}" FrS "\"Mmmh! Parfait !\"" ToP "\"Yeah! It really looks like you made it for her.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 030 with dissolve MC "{i}I'd better watch my movements, the top is a lot more loose... {w}With that opening on the side, I feel they could just pop out with just one strong movement.{/i}" MC "{i}But in a way, it's just how I like it, I never like having my breasts constricted either. {w}Well, let's go for now.{/i}" MC "\"I'm done Mr St Étienne!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_dress_photo_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch2_playing_it_safe:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 031 with dissolve "Taking the dress and bag, Myriam went to take a look at the place behind the background screen." MC "{i}Well, it looks just perfect, let's just squeeze myself in there and change quickly.{/i}" MC "{i}I know they're professionals, but I'll feel more at ease changing there.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 032 with dissolve "As she was about to grab the dress she had to put on after taking her own off, Myriam heard the voice of Mr St Étienne from the other side of the screen." FrS "\"Oh! By the way! {w}Please, no panties! {w}I need a perfect line for the dress, so no parasite lines under it.\"" MC "\"What...!? O...{w}Ok! I understand!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 033 with dissolve "Coming out after changing, leaving her panties and dress, Myriam went towards the photo shoot set." MC "{i}I'd better watch my movements, the dress is very tight, like a second skin, but the top is a lot more loose... {w}With that opening on the side, I feel they could just pop out with just one strong movement{/i}" MC "{i}But in a way, it's just how I like it, I never like having my breasts constricted either. {w}Well, let's go for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_dress_photo_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_dress_photo_shoot:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 034 with dissolve "Getting in front of the camera, Myriam stood there, waiting for instructions, unsure of what to do, while Mr St Étienne went behind the camera and Todd went to prepare other dresses." MC "\"What do I do?\"" FrS "\"Stay right there and give me a nice pose! {w}Be natural!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 035 with dissolve "Taking a pose as he asked, showing off her figure and the bag, Myriam suddenly felt a little tear in the right straps of the dress, while Mr St Étienne kept taking shots." FrS "\"Perfect! Don't move! Keep the pose!\"" MC "{i}God! But I think that the right straps are coming undone... {w}What do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_loose_strap:" "Does Myriam stay still as asked?" KN_MOD "I dont want to spoil the shots.:" $ ch2_boob_flashing = True MC "{i}Damn it! I don't want to spoil the shots... {w}Maybe if I stay still it will hold.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_not_moving" KN_MOD "I have to move, the straps are getting undone.:" MC "{i}No, I can't stay still, I can feel the straps getting loose.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_protect_the_boob" KN_MOD "label ch2_not_moving:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 036 with dissolve "But against Myriam's hopes, the straps on her right side suddenly came undone, showing off her right breast, while Mr St Étienne kept shooting with his camera." FrS "\"Great! Great... {w}Haaa! Damn it! It came loose.\"" MC "{i}God!! No!{/i}" "Despite all her embarrassment, Myriam had kept her pose while he was taking pictures, like he asked." scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 037 with dissolve "But as she was hiding her breast shyly and turning back as a reflex once he was done shooting, Mr St Étienne suddenly stopped her." FrS "\"Wait!! Stop! Don't move!\"" MC "\"Wha... {w}What?\"" FrS "\"Yes! Just like this! {w}Give me that shy doe look in the headlights! {w}Beautiful!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 038 with dissolve "After he was done, Mr St Étienne came towards Myriam to take a look at the dress, leaving her with no choice other than letting him inspect it, while her breast was in full view." FrS "\"Let me see... {w}Ah! Yes, I see, I see...\"" MC "{i}My god! I can feel his breath on my nipple and his hand brushing my breast...{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 039 with dissolve "As Mr St Étienne suddenly weighed her breasts gently with his hands, Myriam pushed a little scream of surprise." FrS "\"It's because of the size of your breasts, this test dress couldn't take the fullness and weight of your breasts... {w}The model I used before for the design was not so abundant.\"" MC "\"Aaah! Wha... {w}What are you doing!?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 040 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to react to Mr St Étienne daring action, he suddenly stopped and turned back as if nothing happen, pointing her toward the dresses his assistant had aligned." FrS "\"Go change into another one, I'll take a proper look to repair it later on.\"" MC "{i}God! I'm so lost, everything is going so quickly, I don't know where up and down are anymore...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_other_dresses_photo_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch2_protect_the_boob:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 041 with dissolve "Contrary to Mr St Étienne's wishes, Myriam moved, suddenly grabbing the straps and turning back in case they came undone, avoiding the worse as she could feel them holding by a thread." MC "{i}God! I got them in time, they really were going to break.{/i}" FrS "\"No! What did you do!? You killed my shot!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 042 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry, but I think the straps are coming off.\"" FrS "\"Damn it! Then go change into another one, I'll take a proper look to repair it later on.\"" MC "{i}Damn! I annoyed him, I hope he doesn't change his mind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_other_dresses_photo_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch2_other_dresses_photo_shoot:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 043 with dissolve "Changing into one of the dresses the assistant Todd had lined up, Myriam quickly came back on the spot she was before." FrS "\"Good! Perfect! Take a pose like before! Give me something sensual!\"" MC "\"O... {w}Ok!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 044 with dissolve "Taking a pose a little bit sexy Myriam, felt a strange stir as the flashes of Mr St Étienne's camera was bombarding her in this sexy club dress." MC "{i}Why do I feel so excited!? {w}This dress is barely covering me... {w}How could I dance in this, just one strong move and my breasts would jump out.{/i}" FrS "\"Perfect! That's it! Yes! {w}Oh! You're a beauty! Keep it up like this, go change into the others and give me wild and sexy!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 045 with dissolve "Doing as Mr St Étienne said, Myriam went changing into another dress, moved by a strange energy mixed with embarrassment and excitement." MC "{i}God! Those dresses are skimpier and skimpier... {w}But they really fit like a glove...{/i}" FrS "\"Mon dieu ! Oui, c'est cela ! {w}Give me confidence and sexy! {w}You're the sexiest and you know it!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 046 with dissolve "Changing into another and taking a pose without even having Mr St Étienne ask anything, Myriam was totally getting into the flow, forgetting any hesitation." MC "{i}This feel so exhilarating... {w}It makes me feel so alive...{/i}" FrS "\"Oui ! Oui ! Comme cela ! {w}You're a goddess of beauty now! Play with my mortal heart!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 047 with dissolve "Slipping into the last one, Myriam had no reservations anymore, taking a pose in that skimpy black leather dress, pointing her tightly packed breasts out like an offering without thinking." MC "{i}This is the last one... {w}Why do I feel a little bit disappointed...{/i}" FrS "\"Oui ! Parfait ! {w}You're a succubus now! Give me the sexy temptress of the night!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 048 with dissolve "The last dress shooting finished, Myriam walked towards Mr St Étienne to see if there was anything else he wanted or if he was satisfied with this session." FrS "\"You were gorgeous! Nice job Myriam!\"" MC "\"Thank you! It... {w}It felt great Mr St Étienne.\"" FrS "\"Please, for you Francis!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 049 with dissolve MC "\"Well, thank you Francis! {w}Were you able to get what you wanted?\"" FrS "\"Yes! You were splendid my dear! Though next time maybe we should use my real studio set, this one here is just for quick work and the lights are not quite right.\"" MC "{i}The next one!? So he means to do some more shooting in the future...{/i}" FrS "\"Before we stop, there's maybe one little thing I can make you try...\"" MC "\"Oh! What is it?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 050 with dissolve "Turning back on his stool, Mr St Étienne called his assistant who was putting away the dresses already tried." FrS "\"Todd! Bring my last project out!\"" ToP "\"Yes! Coming!\"" MC "{i}What will it be? {w}Another scandalous dress?{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 051 with dissolve "Coming back after a few minutes with Mr St Étienne last work, Todd went towards the lounge area where Myriam was taking off the last dress of the shoot." ToP "\"Here it is sir!\"" ToP "{i}Damn! I really hit the jackpot with her, if she starts trying on his personal works and he makes her call him Francis, that mean she really got to him.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 052 with dissolve "After taking his new project from his assistant, Mr St Étienne went to Myriam to dress her himself, the mood of the scene and her excitation even making her forget she was only wearing heels." FrS "\"Here you go! {w}It's my my last personal project, the dress from before were a commission from a patron.\"" FrS "\"For this one, I was waiting for the right model to test it. {w}It's a wrapping dress, the fabric is so light that she will embrace your figure like the caress of the wind.\"" FrS "\"Todd! Go fetch the mirror!\"" ToP "\"Yes sir!\"" ToP "{i}God! She's really nothing like those skinny models, she exults sensuality and womanhood.{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 053 with dissolve "After Todd brought in a huge triple mirror, Myriam looked at herself with Mr St Étienne's dress at every angle, feeling awe in the face of how this dress made her feel like a goddess." MC "\"Gosh! This... {w}This is really beautiful Mr St... {w}Francis.\"" FrS "\"He he he! Yes! I think she finally found the right person to embrace.\"" ToP "\"Yes sir, it's as if you made it for her.\"" MC "{i}God! It's so light... {w}It's like it's caressing my skin... {w}It's the most gorgeous dress I ever worn... {w}God! Look at my back, my ass is nearly showing!{/i}" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 054 with dissolve FrS "\"So I presume you like it?\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Yes, Francis, she's gorgeous!\"" FrS "\"Then she's yours, and you have your gala dress for tonight.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 055 with dissolve MC "\"What! Really!?\"" FrS "\"Yes, I don't think she would find a more beautiful woman to embrace.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I don't know what to say!\"" FrS "\"Well, you can say thanks and say you'll be my muse from now on.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_myriam_the_muse:" "Does Myriam accept his offer to be his muse?" KN_MOD "Yes! I want to!:" $ ch2_francis_muse = True scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 056 with dissolve MC "\"Yes! Thank you! {w}I don't know if I deserve it, but I'll be your muse.\"" FrS "\"Good! {w}Happy to hear it, with you by my side, I already feel the inspiration coming.\"" MC "\"Stop it! I don't know what you see in me, but I'm grateful I can help you.\"" FrS "\"No, it's me that should be grateful, you cleared a fog that was plaguing me for months now.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hunt_over" KN_MOD "I dont know...:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 057 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Thank you! Sorry! {w}I don't know what to say, this feels so sudden, I'll have to think about it.\"" FrS "\"I understand... {w}Well I can't force you, but please do think about it.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you! Sorry! {w}I don't know what to say, this feels so sudden, I'll have to talk about it with Anthony.\"" FrS "\"I understand, your partner is a lucky man... {w}Well I can't force you, but please do think about it.\"" MC "\"I will, thank you again for your generosity.\"" FrS "\"That's the least I could do, you cleared a fog that was plaguing me for months now.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hunt_over" KN_MOD "label ch2_hunt_over:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 058 with dissolve FrS "\"Change back into your clothes, I'll have to make a few last adjustments on the dress. {w}I'll have it delivered to you before tonight.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_francis_muse == True:" FrS "\"Don't mention it, give Todd your contact info and I'll give you my personal number so we can organize ourselves in the future.\"" KN_MOD "else:" FrS "\"Don't mention it, give Todd your contact info and I'll give you my personal number so you can contact me if you change your mind.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 059 with dissolve "Finished changing, Myriam went towards Francis who was reviewing the photos he took while Todd was putting away the mirror." MC "\"What are you doing?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_francis_muse == True:" FrS "\"Having a little look at the pictures we took, they're nice, but the lights are off, next time we'll go at the studio photo I use for the modeling sessions.\"" KN_MOD "else:" FrS "\"Having a little look at the pictures we took, they're nice, but the lights are off.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 060 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I wanted to say goodbye before I go, and thank you for the dress.\"" FrS "\"Don't mention it. {w}Do you want to have a look at the photos before going?\"" MC "\"Oh! I'm not sure, I'll just think I look silly.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 061 with dissolve "Inviting her beside him, Myriam came closer as he started scrolling through the photos." FrS "\"What are you talking about, you're gorgeous! {w}Look at you!\"" MC "\"Stop it! {w}My god! I'm so embarrassed.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_boob_flashing == True:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 062 with dissolve "And as he went on scrolling back to the first shots, Myriam suddenly saw a series with her breast out as he was taking them in burst." MC "\"Ah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! That's when the straps came undone! He.. {w}He took some pictures of that too!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_flashing_immortalized:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Let it go!:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 063 with dissolve "As the series passed, Myriam looked away bashfully, but didn't say anything, playing it as if nothing was wrong." MC "{i}God! That's... {w}That's so embarrassing, but he doesn't seem to think anything of it...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe it's just because he think it's an error and he's going to erase them with all the shots he doesn't keep.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts" KN_MOD "I cant let him keep those!:" $ ch2_boob_shot_erased = True scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 064 with dissolve "After the series had passed, Myriam stopped Francis as he was about to keep scrolling through the rest of the photos." MC "\"Wait! {w}Excuse me Francis, but could you please delete those ones please.\"" FrS "\"What?\"" MC "\"You know, \"those\" ones, with my breast out, please.\"" FrS "\"Oh! Sorry! Yes, if you wish. {w}Generally I keep all the shots, even the bad ones for reference even if I don't use them, but if you want me to delete them, I understand.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts" KN_MOD "label ch2_modeling_thoughts:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 065 with dissolve "Finished going through the photos, Francis turned to Myriam to see what she thought." FrS "\"So, what do you think? {w}You see how beautiful you are?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_myriam_thoughts_on_the_photos:" "How does Myriam feel about the photos?" KN_MOD "Embarrassed.:" MC "{i}God! I feel so embarrassed, I look silly in those sexy dresses... {w}But I can't tell him that.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I look nice.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_suite" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}God! Those dresses are outrageous, but I look so sexy in those... {w}This is kind of exciting.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, I definitely look sexy in those dresses.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_suite" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}God! Those dresses are so outrageous, but I have to admit, I kind of look nice... {w}Never thought I would.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, I look really nice in those dresses.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_suite" KN_MOD "label ch2_modeling_thoughts_suite:" KN_MOD "if ch2_boob_flashing == True and ch2_boob_shot_erased == False:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_myriam_thoughts_on_the_flashing_photos:" "How does Myriam feel about the accidental flashing photos?" KN_MOD "Embarrassed.:" MC "{i}God! And what about \"those\" photos! {w}I'm sure he's going to delete them, but still, it feels so embarrassing just knowing he has them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_end" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}God! And what about \"those\" photos! {w}I'm sure he's going to delete them, but still, it feels so exciting just knowing he has them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_end" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_modeling_thoughts_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_modeling_thoughts_end:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 066 with dissolve "Looking at those sexy and outrageous dresses, Myriam suddenly remembered that Anthony asked her to get a dress for tomorrow's dinner with his colleagues." MC "{i}God! I was about to forget the dress Anthony wanted to take for tomorrow.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Excuse me Francis, but... {w}God! I don't even know how to ask!\"" FrS "\"What is it?\"" MC "\"My... {w}My partner wanted me to get a dress for... {w}A dress for us, you know, for only us two.\"" FrS "\"Oh! You mean kind of sexy dress for special nights.\"" MC "\"Yes! I'm sorry, it's so embarrassing...\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 067 with dissolve FrS "\"Don't be. {w}Look, I can't give you one we used for the shoot, they were a commission, but what do you think of those ones?\"" MC "\"Gosh! They... {w}They'll certainly be to his taste... {w}I think.\"" FrS "\"Do you have a preference?\"" MC "\"I don't know... {w}What do you think?\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 068 with dissolve FrS "\"You know what, let me think on it, I'll send you one with the gala dress, make especially for you.\"" MC "\"Really!? I don't know what to say, I'm abusing your generosity.\"" FrS "\"Don't mention it! Inspiration has no cost! How could I refuse my muse. {w}Just send me a picture of you in it, it'll make my day.\"" MC "\"I will! Promise.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_out" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_out" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_out:" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 069 with dissolve "Finished reviewing the photos together, Myriam went to the door, accompanied by Francis who thanked her again for her help." FrS "\"Well, thank you again for your help Myriam, without you I would still be stuck in a rut.\"" MC "\"No, it's me who should be thanking you.\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 070 with dissolve "As Myriam was raising her hand to say goodbye, Francis suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her goodbye on the cheeks." MC "\"Goodbye and... {w}Ah!\"" FrS "\"Muah! Muah! Au revoir ma chérie et merci ! See you soon!\"" MC "\"Muah! Thank you! See you soon!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 071 with dissolve "Leaving Francis upstairs, Myriam went down, waving goodbye at the assistant, Todd, as she was about to leave." MC "\"Goodbye!\"" FrS "\"Goodbye Madame Summers! See you soon!\"" scene bg ch2_12 huntingforadress 072 with dissolve "Leaving the clothing store, Myriam headed for the bus stop to return home, but something on the other side of the road caught her eye." MC "{i}Let's take the bus home, the metro was quick but way too dirty. {w}Katherine should be home now, she said she would bring her friend in the afternoon.{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! What's that? Looks like a bar... {w}I wouldn't mind a little coffee before going home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_coffee_a_briefcase_and_a_stranger" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_coffee_a_briefcase_and_a_stranger:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n A Coffee, a Briefcase and a Stranger" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 001 with dissolve "Entering the old bar, Myriam decided to stop for a quick coffee before going home and meeting Katherine's new friend." MC "{i}This look nice, it must have been an old brasserie.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get a quick coffee before getting back. {w}I'll go take a look at Lucy's defense class another day, anyway there's a good chance it's only opened in the evening.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 002 with dissolve "Sitting down in a free booth, Myriam waved at the bartender to signal him she just arrived." MC "\"Hello!\"" "Bartender" "\"Coming!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 003 with dissolve "Getting out from behind the counter after finishing his task, the bartender came to Myriam." "Bartender" "\"Good afternoon! What will it be ma'am?\"" MC "\"A coffee please... {w}No! Wait! Make it a mojito please.\"" "Bartender" "\"A mojito coming up!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 004 with dissolve MC "{i}With this heat, a cold drink will definitely feel better... {w}and I kind of need something strong to calm my nerves after that strange session at the studio.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I still can't believe I posed in those scandalous dresses... {w}I don't know what took me over...{/i}" MC "{i}It was surely embarrassing, but I can't deny that it also felt kind of exciting... {w}I really felt alive when doing it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 005 with dissolve "Still lost in her thoughts when the bartender brought back her drink, Myriam jumped in surprise as she was brought back to reality." "Bartender" "\"Here you go!\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you!\"" "Bartender" "\"Please, enjoy!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 006 with dissolve "Sipping at her drink with the straw, Myriam enjoyed her cold beverage, enjoying the mix of fresh minty feeling, sugar and rum." MC "\"Slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}I love the mix of flavors, and the crushed ice feel really refreshing with this heat.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 007 with dissolve "Enjoying this little break, Myriam took the time to enjoy her drink slowly, taking a few sips before putting it down and playing around with the ice cubes." "Cling, cling!" MC "{i}God! That hit the spot, I really needed that...{/i}" MC "{i}It's too bad that Eve wasn't around today... {w}She would have enjoyed the photo shoot and the exhibition tonight.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 008 with dissolve "But as Myriam was lost in her thoughts, she was surprised by a man suddenly touching her arm and putting down a briefcase beside her." "Sounding stressed out and vigilant he kept looking around over his shoulder as if he was followed." "Stranger" "\"Please! Keep this for me. {w}I can't afford to be taken with it.\"" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 009 with dissolve "Insisting, the man pushed the briefcase against Myriam as she tried to fend him off." "Stranger" "\"It's a matter of national security.\"" MC "\"No! {w}I don't know you...\"" "Stranger" "\"Please, it's important. {w}I'll contact you.\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 010 with dissolve MC "\"What? No! {w}How!?\"" "Stranger" "\"There's a phone inside, keep it with you... {w}Oh! Shit!\"" "Suddenly stopping as he looked at the entrance, the stranger looked alarmed as if he recognized someone." scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 011 with dissolve "Turning tail in an instant, the man ran towards the back service exit, leaving Myriam alone with the briefcase." MC "\"Hey! Wait!\"" MC "{i}Where is he going so suddenly?{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 012 with dissolve "Looking back towards the entrance, Myriam tried to see what could have caused such a panic in the man, but saw nothing except men sitting at the counter." MC "{i}There's nothing! {w}What could have made him so afraid?{/i}" MC "{i}And he left his briefcase here... {w}What am I supposed to do with it?{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 013 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't possibly keep this... {w}Who knows what's inside! It could be something illegal...{/i}" MC "{i}But the man said it was a matter of national security... {w}What if he was telling the truth? {w}I can't just leave it here, can I?{/i}" MC "{i}God! This is driving me crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 014 with dissolve "Looking around again as she was starting to feel anxious herself, Myriam checked if anyone was looking at her." MC "{i}Nobody's looking this way... {w}I could go either way...{/i}" MC "{i}God! Myriam, make a decision!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == False:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 015 with dissolve "Laying her eyes again on the briefcase, Myriam took a determined breath and made up her mind." MC "{i}I can't dawdle anymore!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_the_briefcase_1:" "What does Myriam decide to do with the briefcase?" KN_MOD "Im leaving it here! (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}Let's leave it here! {w}I can't take things like that from a stranger, even more so from a suspicious one. {w}I'll just leave it to the bartender in case the man ever comes back for it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_without_the_briefcase" KN_MOD "I cant just leave it here! (Trust Trait 10+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 10:" $ ch2_took_the_briefcase = True MC "{i}Let's take it! {w}I can't just leave it here, if the man was telling the truth it could be important... {w}I'll take a look inside at the house and see if there is anything dangerous, if so I'll take it to the police.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_with_the_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 016 with dissolve "Feeling torn and unable to decide, Myriam couldn't make up her mind and was starting to feel an urgent call of nature." MC "{i}Damn it! This is so unnerving! {w}And now I'm starting to want to go pee in addition.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's put that briefcase aside for now and go to the restroom, I'll make my mind up after. {w}I can't think straight like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_pee_break_at_the_bar" KN_MOD "label ch2_pee_break_at_the_bar:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 017 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam headed towards the bar restroom, taking the briefcase with her as she went, feeling uncomfortable to leave it here." MC "{i}I should have gone when I was at the house... {w}The bar is pretty clean, I just hope the restroom is clean also.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't like taking that thing with me... {w}But I don't feel comfortable leaving it here either.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 018 with dissolve "Entering the unisex restroom, Myriam looked around, surprised to see how clean they were." MC "{i}Wow! They look pretty clean from here, I'm surprised, they must have done some renovation recently, they look like new.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, I won't complain, I rarely found shared restrooms that clean before.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 019 with dissolve "Sitting after quickly cleaning the seat just in case, Myriam let her thoughts drift away again while she started peeing." MC "{i}God! What a strange event... {w}I don't know what to think of all this...{/i}" MC "{i}The man looked sincere and in such a panic... {w}But still, it seems so odd...{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 020 with dissolve "Glancing at the briefcase at her feet, Myriam felt tortured by the dilemma, she always tried to help her fellow man, but the idea of maybe bringing something dangerous home concerned her." MC "{i}It really looked like he needed help, but still, I don' like the idea of bringing this briefcase home if there's something dangerous or illegal in it.{/i}" MC "{i}And the kids are at home, it doesn't feel safe...{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 021 with dissolve "Brought back to reality as someone stopped in front of her stall, Myriam could see some man's feet under her door." MC "{i}God! There's somebody! {w}It feels so insecure to share the restroom with men...{/i}" MC "\"It's occupied!\"" MC "{i}He doesn't move, is it a pervert? {w}Oh! No, wait! maybe it's about the briefcase... {w}My god! What do I do!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 022 with dissolve "But as Myriam was getting the briefcase away from the door as a reflex, the man suddenly went down and grabbed her panties, pulling violently to strip her from them." MC "\"AAAH!! What the...!?\"" MC "{i}OH MY GOD!! It was a pervert!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 023 with dissolve "In shock, Myriam couldn't move from her seat, bringing back her legs to her and hiding herself while the man was running away outside with her panties." MC "{i}Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! {w}What just happened!?{/i}" MC "{i}Someone stole my panties! {w}What will I do? I don't have anything in this little purse!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 024 with dissolve "Finding the courage to open the door after some time, Myriam took a prudent look outside to see if there was anybody." MC "{i}Thank god he went away and there's nobody around... {w}But still, what will I do? I have to go back home like this!{/i}" MC "{i}And I came on foot, I didn't take the car this time, I'll have to ride the bus or go back via the subway... {w}It's too far to go on foot.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 025 with dissolve "Getting out, Myriam took a look at herself in the mirror, trying to judge if it was not too obvious that she had no panties on." MC "{i}God! It's less obvious than what I feared with that dress, but still, if people look they can clearly see that I'm naked under my dress...{/i}" MC "{i}You can even see my little bush down there! {w}God! This is so embarrassing!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 026 with dissolve "Lifting the briefcase up, Myriam sighed as she was still lost about what to do with it." MC "{i}And I have this thing to take care of... {w}What do I do with it?{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_the_briefcase_2:" "What does Myriam decide to do with the briefcase?" KN_MOD "Im leaving it here! (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}Let's leave it here! {w}I can't take things like that from a stranger, even more so from a suspicious one. {w}I'll just leave it to the bartender in case the man ever comes back for it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_without_the_briefcase" KN_MOD "I cant just leave it here! (Trust Trait 10+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 10:" $ ch2_took_the_briefcase = True MC "{i}Let's take it! {w}I can't just leave it here, if the man was telling the truth it could be important... {w}I'll take a look inside at the house and see if there is anything dangerous, if so I'll take it to the police.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_with_the_briefcase" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_home_without_the_briefcase:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 027 with dissolve "Going to the bartender behind his counter, Myriam stopped there despite her missing panties to give him the briefcase after deciding to not keep it with her." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 028 with dissolve "Going to the bartender behind his counter, Myriam stopped there to give him the briefcase after deciding to not keep it with her." MC "\"Here! There was a man earlier that stopped and forgot his briefcase, I thought I would stop and give it to you if he ever comes back for it.\"" "Bartender" "\"Oh! Sure, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 029 with dissolve "Leaving the bar without the briefcase after paying for her drink, Myriam headed for home, looking around nervously as she tried to stay calm despite the state she was in." MC "{i}God! It seems nobody noticed I don't have my panties, but it's so strange, it really feels like everyone is looking at me...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 030 with dissolve "Leaving the bar without the briefcase after paying for her drink, Myriam headed for home, looking back as she had one last thought about the strange man from before." MC "{i}God! This feels so strange to go away like this without this briefcase, it feels like I'm doing something wrong and everyone is looking at me.{/i}" MC "{i}It... {w}It's just your imagination Myriam, just go home as quick as you can and it'll be ok.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_subway_molestation" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_home_with_the_briefcase:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 031 with dissolve "Leaving the bar with the briefcase after paying for her drink, Myriam headed for home, looking around nervously as she tried to stay calm despite the state she was in." MC "{i}God! It seems nobody noticed I don't have my panties, but it's so strange, it really feels like everyone is looking at me...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 032 with dissolve "Leaving the bar with the briefcase after paying for her drink, Myriam headed for home, looking back as she had one last thought about the strange man from before." MC "{i}God! This feels so strange to go away like this with this briefcase, it feels like I'm doing something illegal and everyone is looking at me.{/i}" MC "{i}It... {w}It's just your imagination Myriam, just go home as quick as you can and it'll be ok.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_subway_molestation" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "label ch2_subway_molestation:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 033 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" "Wanting to go back home as fast as possible, Myriam decided to take the subway again, putting herself discreetly in the corner of a metro train, the briefcase at her feet and turning her back hoping that no one would catch that she was pantyless." KN_MOD "else:" "Wanting to go back home as fast as possible, Myriam decided to take the subway again, putting herself discreetly in the corner of a metro train, turning her back hoping that no one would catch that she was pantyless." MC "{i}God! Please, let's make it back home quickly... {w}I feel so exposed...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope I didn't make a mistake taking the subway again, I wanted to go back home quickly, but this is so crowded.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 034 with dissolve "But as Myriam was getting anxious about the crowd, more and more people kept flowing in station after station, forcing her to make herself as little as she could in her corner." MC "{i}God! There's more people coming in! {w}Well, at least there's nobody to look down there...{/i}" MC "{i}That man is awfully close though... {w}But I can't blame him, we're all kind of squeezed in here and I can see he's not trying to take advantage.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 035 with dissolve "But still, more people kept pouring into the train, forcing Myriam against the back door of the train as the man was pressed against her, trying his best not to crush her." "Subway Man" "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"I.. {w}I understand...\"" MC "{i}He's so pressed against me, I can feel him against my butt... {w}God! I hope he doesn't realize that I don't have anything under there.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 036 with dissolve "And as Myriam was worrying about her butt, some young men in the other train were enjoying the view of her breasts squeezed against the glass of the door." "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Man! Look!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck me! Look at the size of those tits!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 037 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 038 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 039 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 040 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 043 with dissolve "Unaware of her viewers, Myriam tried to free her stuck arms, moving around as best she could to dislodge them, unaware she was making her dress roll up in the process." MC "{i}If only I could get my arms out... {w}I feel so trapped like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Damn it! It's not working, I'm too pressed, and that's making me rub my butt against that man... {w}What will he think of me?{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 044 with dissolve "Not knowing what Myriam was trying to do, the man could only feel her rubbing her ass against his groin, starting to make him get an erection." "Subway Man" "{i}Fuck! If she keeps going like this I'm going to reap my trunks... {w}What the fuck!!{/i}" "Looking down to try and see if he could do something to give her room, the man saw that it was a bare butt that was rubbing against his junk." "Subway Man" "{i}She pulled her dress up and she's got nothing under it! {w}Maybe she's one of those girls that likes to get frisky in public...{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 045 with dissolve "Grabbing firmly her butt with one hand, the man started kneading Myriam's ass, thinking that was what she wanted." "Subway Man" "{i}Fuck! I can't pass an ass like that! {w}If that's what she wants, I'll give it to her!{/i}" "Subway Man" "{i}God! That ass!! {w}I never fondled such a sweet ass! Her skin is so soft!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 046 with dissolve "Suddenly feeling the rugged hand of the man firmly fondling her butt, Myriam could not hold a little scream of surprise quickly covered by the subway noise." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}My god! What is he doing!? Why am I feeling his hand directly on my butt? {w}... {w}OH MY GOD! My dress is up! I must have messed it up by moving around!{/i}" MC "{i}And I kept rubbing my butt on him!! Now he must think that I'm a... {w}That I'm a slut!! {w}Oh god! I can even feel his hard on against my butt through his pants now!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_subway_fondling:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Stop him! (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}Hell no! Even if I'm partly at fault, I'm not going to let him fondle me as he pleases!{/i}" MC "\"Please, stop!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_stop_that_pervert" KN_MOD "Try to stop him!:" $ ch2_subway_molested = True MC "{i}I... {w}I have to try and stop him!{/i}" MC "\"Plea... {w}Please, stop!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_full_subway_molestation" KN_MOD "Pray he just dont push it further!:" $ ch2_subway_molested = True $ ch2_subway_paralysed = True MC "{i}My god! what do I do!? {w}If I keep moving around I'll just make things worse. {w}And if I make a scene everyone will see I'm pantyless and think I'm a teasing slut!{/i}" MC "\"Plea... {w}Please, stop!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_full_subway_molestation" KN_MOD "label ch2_stop_that_pervert:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 047 with dissolve "The man wasn't stopping or was not hearing Myriam's plea, and unable to use her arms, she used the only weapon at her disposition, her heels." MC "\"I said! {w}Please! Stop!\"" "Using all her weight, Myriam suddenly stabbed the man's foot with her high heel, making him release her butt as he screamed in pain." "Subway Man" "\"OUCH! {w}Sorry! I just thought...\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 048 with dissolve MC "\"Well you thought wrong! {w}So now stop and put back down my dress!\"" "Subway Man" "{i}Is she teasing me or...?{/i}" "But as the man was starting to gauge if he really had to stop or not, he caught Myriam's dark gaze behind her long blond mane." "Subway Man" "\"Ye... {w}Yes, sorry!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 049 with dissolve "Turning away from the man as she tried to keep her composure, Myriam's heart was beating fast, not believing how she had just stood up to that man in her situation." "The man had done as she asked, putting down her dress and even did his best to give her more room, leaving her still pressed against the door, but with enough room to finally move her arms." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I just did that! {w}I just put this man in his place, with my bare ass pressing against his... {w}Against his groin!{/i}" MC "{i}It's so embarrassing... {w}Yet it felt so exciting to stand up and confront him!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "label ch2_full_subway_molestation:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 050 with dissolve "As Myriam was weakly trying to make him stop, pleading to him in a faint voice, she suddenly felt his hard cock directly between her cheeks as he had stopped fondling her and freed his cock." MC "{i}Oh my god! I can really feel his cock against my ass now... {w}What am I going to do!?{/i}" "Subway Man" "{i}Fuck! It's really my lucky day today, she ain't even moving a muscle... {w}She really wants me to have my fun with her ass!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_subway_molested == True and ch2_subway_paralysed == False:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 051 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 051 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 051 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 052 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve "In an desperate effort to free herself, Myriam started to move again, afraid that he was going to rape her right here and there." MC "{i}God! I've got to free myself!!{/i}" "Subway Man" "{i}Wow! She's getting impatient, look at this, she's shaking her ass to tease me and excite me! {w}This little slut is the real deal!{/i}" "But sadly, all she managed was to excite him even more, feeling him getting bigger and harder against her butt." scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve "Starting to move against Myriam's butt, the man rubbed his cock between her cheeks, moving it up and down, trying to be as discreet as he could while whispering dirty words in her ears and playing with her pussy." "Subway Man" "\"{size=20}God! Your ass feel great you little slut!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Please!{/size=20}\"" "But the weak pleas of Myriam only sounded as a tease for the man, thinking she would protest more violently if it wasn't the case." scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 058 with dissolve "And while Myriam was failing to stop her tormentor, the two young men on the other side were not missing a second of the show." "Enjoying the view of her breasts as they came out of her dress with all her squirming around trying to free herself from this position." "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck! Look at that! She's really into it that slut!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck yeah! She even lifted her dress so the guy behind could fuck her!\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"And she got no panties and no bra! She must be an exhibitionist.\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 059 with dissolve "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck! Let's film it! {w}The guys won't believe us!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Yeah! And we could share it on internet. {w}People love a good amateur slut.\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Good idea! {w}Too bad we can't see her face though!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Nah! I think it's hotter... {w}But don't you think she look kind of like the new pornstar you showed me the other day?\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck yeah! You're right! She totally does!\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve "Meanwhile, the man kept jerking himself against Myriam's ass while he fingering her wet pussy, excited as ever by the situation and this incredible slut, thinking all the squirming around was to tease him." "Subway Man" "\"{size=20}Yeah! You like that you slut!?{/size=20}\"" "But as much as Myriam was mortified and wanted him to stop, she could not help but start to feel excited, as the shame and embarrassment were mixing themselves with the excitement of the taboo of the situation and the fear of getting caught." MC "\"{size=20}No!{/size=20} Mmmh! {size=20}Please!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! Why!? {w}Why am I getting excited by this situation, this... {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve "As he kept rubbing his cock, accelerating as his excitement was getting higher, the man kept fingering Myriam's pussy that kept getting wetter and wetter." "While Myriam, was mortified by her own body that kept getting more and more excited, and her inability to make him stop, fearing to be seen as a slut if she made a scene in her state." MC "\"Mmmh! {size=20}Please!{/size=20} Aaah! {size=20}Stop!{/size=20}\"" "Subway Man" "\"{size=20}Oh yeah! You little slut! {w}I'm going to make you cum with my finger and empty my load on your ass!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 053 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 057 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, after a last few thrusts against her ass, the man exploded in a geyser of cum all over Myriam's butt while grunting dirty words in her ears." "As she felt the warm cum crashing on her ass and heard the profanities filling her ears, Myriam's pussy clenched around the man's fingers and taken by a wave of pleasure, her body quivering uncontrollably." "Subway Man" "\"Argh! {size=20}Fuck! Your ass felt so good you dirty slut! {w}Let me cover it with my cum!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Aaaaaah! {size=20}Yeesss!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 059 with dissolve "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Did you see!? {w}I think she just came right there!\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"Fuck yeah! Her body can't stop trembling! {w}He must have wrecked her ass that lucky fucker!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Yeah! I would have definitely wanted to be in his shoes!\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"You mean in her ass! Ha ha ha!\"" "Brown Hair Young Man" "\"Ha ha ha! Clearly! {w}Maybe we'll get lucky if we keep taking this line.\"" "Dark Hair Young Man" "\"We'll have to try.\"" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 060 with dissolve "With a last slap on her ass, the man thanked Myriam for what he thought was a shared naughty experience, still believing she was a naughty little slut searching for a thrill." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Subway Man" "\"{size=20}Thank you for the fun time! You were great! {w}Maybe next time we can find ourselves a nice little spot for something even more fun.{/size=20}\"" "But Myriam could not even utter a word, still shocked and in the haze of her orgasm, her body still quivering faintly." scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 061 with dissolve "Lost and distraught, Myriam turned back after the man left with some other passengers, at least thankful that he covered back up her ass before going, leaving her only her breasts to cover before turning to hide the cum stains on her butt." MC "{i}God! What just happened!? {w}Why couldn't I push him over and make him stop? {w}I'm so weak-willed...{/i}" MC "{i}I even got off on getting molested... {w}This is so wrong!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_molestation_afterthoughts:" "How does Myriam feel?" KN_MOD "Mortified and ashamed.:" MC "{i}God! I must be wrong in the head! I'm so ashamed of myself, climaxing from... {w}From getting nearly raped!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "Mortified but strangely excited.:" MC "{i}God! I must be wrong in the head! It was so scary but... {w}But I felt so excited also... {w}Was that because of the risk of getting caught or was that because it was forced?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_molestation_afterthoughts_suite:" "What was the cause of her excitement?" KN_MOD "The public play and the risk.:" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "The fact of being forced.:" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "The mix of all.:" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_with_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_without_briefcase" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_home_without_briefcase:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 065 with dissolve "Rushing back home after a few more stations, Myriam tried her best to stay discreet, but she couldn't help feeling the gaze of people on her way back." MC "{i}Finally home! {w}God! It was nerve wracking, I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but I couldn't help but feel that people were staring at me.{/i}" MC "{i}I need to go take a shower and change... {w}I feel so dirty after what happened on the subway.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 063 with dissolve "Getting back home quickly via the subway again, Myriam felt a bit exhausted after the rush of the photo shoot." MC "{i}Finally home! {w}God! It was exhausting, I'm mentally and physically drained.{/i}" MC "{i}I need to go take a shower and change... {w}It'll wake me up for the gala tonight.{/i}" MC "{i}God! And I still have to prepare for tonight... {w}Get a hold of yourself Myriam! You waited for this night, you can't let yourself get down!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 069 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 067 with dissolve "Getting inside, Myriam stopped at the view of an unknown pair of shoes in one of the baskets of the entrance hall cupboard." MC "{i}Katherine must have gotten home with her friend, I don't recognize those shoes.{/i}" MC "{i}Then I'll just change for now and go say hello quickly.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_girls_under_the_sun" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_home_with_briefcase:" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 064 with dissolve "Rushing back home after a few more stations, Myriam tried her best to stay discreet, but she couldn't help feeling the gaze of people on her way back." MC "{i}Finally home! {w}God! It was nerve wracking, I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but I couldn't help but feel that people were staring at me.{/i}" MC "{i}I need to go take a shower and change... {w}I feel so dirty after what happened on the subway.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 062 with dissolve "Getting back home quickly via the subway again, Myriam felt a bit exhausted after the rush of the photo shoot." MC "{i}Finally home! {w}God! It was exhausting, I'm mentally and physically drained.{/i}" MC "{i}I need to go take a shower and change... {w}It'll wake me up for the gala tonight.{/i}" MC "{i}And I need to put that thing away and hide it... {w}I'll take a look at it tomorrow.{/i}" MC "{i}God! And I still have to prepare for tonight... {w}Get a hold of yourself Myriam! You waited for this night, you can't let yourself get down!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 066 with dissolve "Getting inside, Myriam stopped at the view of an unknown pair of shoes in one of the baskets of the entrance hall cupboard." MC "{i}Katherine must have gotten home with her friend, I don't recognize those shoes.{/i}" MC "{i}Then I'll just change for now and go say hello quickly.{/i}" scene bg ch2_13 acoffeeabriefcaseandastranger 070 with dissolve "Quickly putting the briefcase away in the cupboard, Myriam put that problem away from her mind for now to focus on what she still had to do." MC "{i}Let's put that away for now! I'll take a look at it tomorrow. {w}I've got other fish to fry for now.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's go change quickly and meet that new friend of Katherine.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_girls_under_the_sun" KN_MOD "label ch2_girls_under_the_sun:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Girls Under the Sun" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 001 with dissolve "Changing into a long boho dress, Myriam went back down in the garden as she could hear the girls in the swimming pool from her bedroom." MC "{i}Well, it looks like they're having some fun, I could hear them scream from upstairs.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_pee_break == True:" MC "{i}Now cheer up Myriam! {w}You can't let perverts spoil your day!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Now put your game face Myriam! {w}Let's make a good impression to Katherine's new friend.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 002 with dissolve "As she passed the door to the pool area, Myriam could see Katherine and another girl talking in swimswuits at the side of the pool." MC "{i}Here they are! {w}And this must be Jennifer... {w}Wow! That's some intense pink hair!{/i}" JeE "\"This is so cool you'll see...\"" Ka "\"Wait! There's my mom coming.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 003 with dissolve MC "\"Hello girls!\"" JeE "\"Hello Mrs S!\"" Ka "\"Hello mom! Here's Jennifer.\"" JeE "\"I prefer J or Jenny if you don't mind.\"" MC "\"Of course sweetie.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 004 with dissolve MC "\"So how was your morning? Were you able to do all the things you wanted?\"" Ka "\"It went well and I learned a lot.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! K is pretty good, we went a lot faster than we thought we would, my brother's pretty happy about it.\"" MC "\"I'm glad to hear it.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 005 with dissolve MC "\"Do you want a little cool drink girls?\"" JeE "\"Oh yeah! That would be nice Mrs S.\"" Ka "\"Yes, thanks mom! {w}But don't you want to stay a bit with us too after?\"" MC "\"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you girls!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 006 with dissolve JeE "\"Nah don't worry Mrs S! {w}We were just talking about sex, drugs, murder and stuff!\"" MC "\"Oh! Nothing major then! {w}Nobody's pregnant at least!\"" JeE "\"No already aborted it!\"" Ka "\"J!\"" MC "\"Good! {w}I hope you ate it at least? It's very good for the skin and goes well with a little red wine!\"" Ka "\"MOM!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 007 with dissolve JeE "\"AH AH AH!\"" MC "\"Well, give me a moment, I'll go make you some drinks and put a swimsuit on.\"" Ka "\"Are you trying to kill me here or what J!?\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 008 with dissolve "{b}{color=#0f0}Jennifer Evans{/color}{/b} {w}alias Jenny or J{p}The weird girl{w} 18 years old{p}The Quirky Girl {p}A quirky and geeky girl with a vibrant personality and strong character." JeE "\"Eh eh eh! Sorry! But your mom's fun! I like her.\"" Ka "\"Yeah, mom's pretty cool.\"" JeE "\"And hot!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 009 with dissolve "Looking at Myriam walking back to change and make them drinks, Jennifer's eyes could not leave her as wheels were starting to turn in her mind." JeE "\"She would look so sexy in some of my brother's costumes... {w}Do you think she would mind trying some?\"" Ka "\"What!? I... {w}I don't know, maybe...\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 010 with dissolve "Getting upstairs, Myriam paused in front of her armoire, thinking about what to put on to join her daughter and her friend." MC "{i}What should I put on? {w}Maybe I could wear the one Eve got for me, it's a little skimpy but I could take a bit of sun without too many lines.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_intervened_marc == True:" MC "{i}Yeah! Let's go for it, we're at home and it's just us girls. {w}Marc is punished in his room.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Yeah! Let's go for it, we're at home and it's just us girls. {w}I heard Marc in his room, he must be playing online with his friends.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 011 with dissolve "Putting on the bikini Evelyn bought her the other day, Myriam took a look at herself in the mirror before going back out to join them." MC "{i}God! This is definitely skimpy... {w}But it's best to take a little sun, I don't like much having big tan lines.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_admiring_her_bikini:" "How does Myriam feel about herself?" KN_MOD "A little embarrassed and amused.:" MC "{i}That damn Eve always knows how to poke at me and make me challenge myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_drinks_and_bikinis" KN_MOD "A little embarrassed and excited.:" MC "{i}Damn! And I can't deny it feels a bit exciting going out like this... {w}It make me feel like a schoolgirl doing something naughty.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_drinks_and_bikinis" KN_MOD "A little embarrassed and proud.:" MC "{i}Damn girl! I can't deny that Eve knew how to chose... {w}This really makes me look sexy.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_drinks_and_bikinis" KN_MOD "label ch2_drinks_and_bikinis:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 012 with dissolve "Stopping at Marc's bedroom door, Myriam knocked on it, trying to see if everything was ok before joining the girls outside." MC "\"Marc? Is everything ok?\"" MC "{i}I can hear him playing on his computer, he must be pretty busy.{/i}" Ma "\"MI!? {w}Wait! I can't open, I'm doing something!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 013 with dissolve MC "\"Don't worry honey, but don't forget to do your homework too... {w}Don't wait the last minute do it.\"" Ma "\"It's already done!\"" MC "\"Ok, good. {w}I'll be outside at the pool with Katherine and her friend.\"" Ma "\"OK!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 014 with dissolve "Leaving Marc to his game, Myriam headed for the kitchen before going back outside." MC "{i}Let's go make a few drinks for the girls before joining them.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll swim a few lengths of the pool after that, it'll do me some good.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 015 with dissolve "Joining the girls again with a few drinks, Myriam found them still talking and laughing beside the pool." Ka "\"Here! Mom's back.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! And with some cocktails!\"" MC "\"You wish! {w}They're all virgins!\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 016 with dissolve MC "\"Here you go sweetie!\"" Ka "\"Thanks mom!\"" JeE "\"Thanks Mrs S!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 017 with dissolve MC "\"I let you chat peacefully now, I'm going to swim a bit.\"" Ka "\"Ok mom.\"" JeE "\"Have a nice swim.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 018 with dissolve "While the two teenage girls kept talking about their upcoming event, Myriam had jumped in the water and started swimming." JeE "\"Well, in anyway, now that you're giving a hand, I'm pretty sure Dan will be able to do everything he wanted for the fair.\"" Ka "\"That's good! I'm glad to hear it.\"" MC "{i}Look at those two, they really seem to get along...{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 020 with dissolve "Leaving the girls to their talk, Myriam enjoyed the feeling of the water under the heat of the sun, swimming a few lengths in a crawl to do some exercises." "The blue of the tiles gave her the feeling of swimming in the sky in this clear sunny day, giving her an exhilarating feeling of freedom as she forgot anything else." MC "{i}God! It's been a while... {w}Just a few lengths and I'm already out of breath.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 021 with dissolve "Stopping the intense swimming, Myriam turned over and started swimming peacefully on her back to catch her breath, looking at the clear blue sky." MC "{i}Mmmh! This feels so good! {w}It's so peaceful, you don't even hear the hubbub of the city.{/i}" MC "{i}This is so refreshing!{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 022 with dissolve "Closing her eyes, Myriam started to just let herself drift, enjoying the feeling of peace and freedom of just floating around in the water." Ka "\"{size=20}Mom!{/size=20}\"" "Until the faint voice of her daughter started to bring her back to reality..." Ka "\"MOM!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 023 with dissolve "Getting her head out of the water, Myriam turned towards her daughter to see what was the problem." MC "\"What is it honey?\"" Ka "\"Sorry! I just wanted to know if Jenny could sleep over tonight? {w}It's not a school night and we're already both done with our homework for Monday.\"" MC "\"Well... {w}It's no problem for me, if she has her parents authorization.\"" Ka "\"Ok! We'll call them.\"" JeE "\"Thanks Mrs S!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 024 with dissolve "The spell broken, Myriam decided to get out of the water to take some sun with the girls, not realizing the condition of her swimsuit." MC "{i}Let's get out! It's enough for today.{/i}" MC "{i}With all this riding in the morning and walking around earlier, I'll be too exhausted for tonight's gala if I keep going.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 025 with dissolve MC "\"So, how the drink girls?\"" Ka "\"MOM!! Your swimsuit!\"" JeE "\"Wow! That's ballsy Mrs S!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 026 with dissolve MC "\"What are you talking about...? {w}Oh my god! My swimsuit is totally see through!\"" Ka "\"You didn't know!?\"" MC "\"NO! It's the one your aunty Eve bought for me! {w}That little...!\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha! She sounds like a funny gal!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 027 with dissolve "Signaling her daughter to make her some room, Myriam went towards her to sit beside her." MC "\"Scoot over you, instead of mocking your mother.\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" JeE "\"Wait! Take my seat Mrs S, I'll go phone my parents for tonight.\"" MC "\"Thank you Jenny.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 028 with dissolve "As Myriam sat down while Jennifer was calling her parents, Katherine jumped on the occasion to ask her mother what she thought about her friend." Ka "\"So mom, what do you think of Jenny?\"" MC "\"I like her sweetie, she reminds me a lot of your aunty Eve.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 029 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah, she's a lot of fun...\"" MC "\"Yes, I can see you two get along pretty well. {w}I'm happy you found yourself a good friend here.\"" Ka "\"Thanks mom! {w}And thanks again for tonight.\"" MC "\"It's nothing honey, it makes me happy to see you both having fun.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 030 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to get up, she suddenly winced in pain, touching her back as a reflex." MC "\"Ouch!\"" Ka "\"What is it mom? Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, I just pushed too much today with the riding, walking and swimming... {w}My back is just a bit sore.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 031 with dissolve "Returning from her phone call, Jennifer offered Myriam to help her as she saw her wincing in pain." JeE "\"Do you want me to help? I can give you a massage.\"" MC "\"I don't know...\"" Ka "\"You should let her mom, she's crazy good... {w}I hurt my ankle the other day and she totally make it go away.\"" MC "{i}Damn! I can't stay like that, or I won't be able to go out later on.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, thank you Jenny.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 032 with dissolve "Sitting against the pool chair, Myriam lay against the chair's back, while Jennifer, climbing behind her, started to massage her back." JeE "\"How is that?\"" MC "\"Yes! That feels great...\"" JeE "\"Yeah! I can feel your back is all knotted, I'll have to give it a little more strength.\"" Ka "{i}Wow! She really knows what she's doing...{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 033 with dissolve "Using her elbow and weight, Jennifer put as she said more strength in her massage, to unknot Myriam's back." MC "\"Oh god! You're really good!\"" JeE "\"Yeah! Dad's into computers, but mom is a physiotherapist. {w}She's always taking care of dad's bad back since he's sitting all day long. {w}She taught me a few things.\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Well, you learned well, you're really skilled. {w}Do you want to be like your mom later?\"" JeE "\"Thanks. {w}No, I want to study to become a medical examiner.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 034 with dissolve MC "\"That's a great goal, looks like you have it all planned out.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! More or less... {w}Just the money that's going to be tight... {w}But I can always massage a few dirty old men to make money!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Sounds like a plan.\"" "Taken in by the feeling of relaxation and nice massage of Jennifer, she just brushed over her outrageous comment, taking it as a joke as she was also untying her top." "Meanwhile, Katherine kept looking at them while sipping at the drink her mom made for them earlier." KN_MOD "menu ch2_daughter_orientation:" "How does Katherine feel about the scene?" KN_MOD "Excited. (Katherine will only be interested by women.:" $ ch2_katherine_lesbian = True Ka "{i}God! I'm getting excited looking at my mom getting massaged by my friend!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_girl_on_girl_massage" KN_MOD "Curious. (Katherine will be interested by men and women.:" $ ch2_katherine_bi = True Ka "{i}God! Why am I finding it hot to see my friend massaging my mom!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_girl_on_girl_massage" KN_MOD "Happy. (Katherine will only be interested by men.:" $ ch2_katherine_straight = True Ka "{i}It feels nice to see mom and Jenny getting along, I'm glad she likes her.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_girl_on_girl_massage" KN_MOD "label ch2_girl_on_girl_massage:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 035 with dissolve JeE "\"Feeling any better now Mrs S?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! Thanks, I'm already feeling a lot more relaxed than a moment ago.\"" Ka "{i}Looks like mom is really enjoying it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 036 with dissolve MC "\"All the activity today really had me tensed.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! And your breasts mustn't be helping. {w}I can feel you have a good back, but still... they're so big!\"" "And as she commented on Myriam's breasts, Jennifer started to brush them over as she kept massaging." JeE "{i}K's mom is so seriously hot... {w}I just want to grab her tits and squeeze them! {w}Well, let's not sexually harass your new friend's mom on the first day meeting her.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_feminine_touch:" "How does Myriam feel about Jennifer's massage?" KN_MOD "This feels great!:" MC "{i}God! It's so great, it's just what I needed! {w}She's so good with her hands.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_three_girls_naked" KN_MOD "This feels so good!:" MC "{i}God! This feels so good, it's just what I needed! {w}I don't know if it's the feminine touch, but she's so good with her hands.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_three_girls_naked" KN_MOD "label ch2_three_girls_naked:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 037 with dissolve JeE "\"Here we are! {w}Feeling any better?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you Jenny, I feel revived. {w}You're really good with your hands.\"" JeE "\"Yeah, everybody tells me that.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 038 with dissolve "As Jennifer sat down, Myriam turned back towards the girls, feeling so relaxed that she forgot she was now topless, her big breasts in plain view." MC "\"Well, you could definitely follow your mother's path.\"" JeE "\"Wow! They're really beautiful.\"" Ka "\"Mom! Your breasts!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 039 with dissolve MC "\"What are you talking...! {w}God! I'm so sorry girls!\"" JeE "\"Don't worry Mrs S, I don't mind.\"" Ka "\"Yes, sorry mom, I shouldn't have shouted, it's ok, it's just us girls.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 040 with dissolve JeE "\"You know what, I kind of feel like letting the girls out too.\"" MC "\"What!? Wait, Jenny don't...\"" Ka "\"What!? J?\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 041 with dissolve JeE "\"Here you go, that feels great!\"" Ka "\"Oh and shoot! Me too!\"" MC "\"Katherine! Not you too!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 042 with dissolve Ka "\"It's true that feels pretty great!\"" JeE "\"Yeah! It feels great having them out from time to time.\"" MC "\"You crazy girls are giving me a headache.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 043 with dissolve JeE "\"You know what, I think I feel like taking off everything.\"" Ka "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"What!? No, Jenny wait! I don't think your parents would...\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 044 with dissolve JeE "\"Don't worry Mrs S, my parents are naturists, that's even how they met each other.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Come on mom, it's fun, do it too!\"" MC "\"You girls are going to make me go crazy...\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 045 with dissolve "Not wanting to dampen the mood of the cheery girls, Myriam took off her bikini bottom too, feeling herself excited by the situation despite her embarrassment." MC "\"Now go put those cute little naked butts on those chairs before I spank them!\"" JeE "\"Oh! No! Not a spanking on my bumbum! Ha ha ha!\"" Ka "\"You're crazy! Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 046 with dissolve "Staying under the sun for a little while, Myriam relaxed peacefully, closing her eyes, while the two girls kept talking and laughing together." Ka "\"No, I didn't see that one.\"" JeE "\"I'll show it to you tonight, you'll love it.\"" MC "{i}Well, they really found each other, they can't stop talking and joking around.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_gala" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_ready_for_the_gala:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 047 with dissolve "But suddenly, breaking their sunbathing peace, Myriam heard Marc yelling from the house." Ma "\"MOM! You got a delivery!\"" MC "\"What!?\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 048 with dissolve "Quickly starting to put her swimsuit back on, Myriam answered Marc before he came around and found them all butt naked under the sun." Ma "\"I said you got a package!\"" MC "\"YES! I'm coming honey, leave it downstairs!\"" Ka "\"What is it mom?\"" JeE "\"You need any help?\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 049 with dissolve MC "\"It's nothing, thank you. {w}It just must be the dress for tonight.\"" JeE "\"Can we see it?\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Mom, I'd like to see it too.\"" MC "\"Ok, but put your swimsuits on or you'll give Marc a heart attack!\"" JeE "\"Or a boneritus...\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 050 with dissolve "Following her inside, Myriam and the girls took the box upstairs in the master bedroom, looking at it both curious and excited." JeE "\"Ah this is exciting!\"" Ka "\"Come on mom! Open it!\"" MC "\"Yes, give me a second...\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 051 with dissolve "Gathering her courage, Myriam bent over and opened the box, revealing its shiny contents, as the three gasped in awe." Ka "\"Wow! It's so shiny!\"" JeE "\"It's like opening the Ark of the Covenant!\"" MC "{i}That's not the same one as earlier, the dress was red... {w}He remade one in gold, there's even heels to go with it... {w}And what's that? Chains?{/i}" Ka "\"Can you put it on?\"" JeE "\"Yeah! Show it to us Mrs S!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 052 with dissolve "Doing as the girls asked, Myriam put on the dress sent by Mr St Étienne, it was the same dress but made of another fabric, a very light golden silk." Ka "\"Wow mom! It's like you're wrapped in gold!\"" JeE "\"That's seriously hot!\"" MC "\"You think so...\"" Ka "\"Definitely!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 053 with dissolve MC "\"But the back... {w}It's a bit...\"" Ka "\"Holy shit! That's hot!\"" JeE "\"Yeah, but I think it's missing something... {w}I think that's the chains, you should put them on.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 054 with dissolve "Putting on the golden chains like Jennifer suggested, wrapping itself around her body like the dress and with matching wrist and anklet bracelets." JeE "\"Wow yeah! That's... {w}That's really sexy!\"" MC "\"Thanks...\"" Ka "\"Now let's do your hair mom!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 055 with dissolve "Sitting on an Ottoman box, Myriam kept following the girls lead, letting them fool around treating her as if she were a doll." JeE "\"So! What's your thoughts on pink?\"" MC "\"No pink hair, please, and no crazy thing.\"" Ka "\"Don't worry mom, I'm pretty confident, aunty Eve showed me a few things.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 056 with dissolve "Taking a few minutes to dry, brush and style Myriam's hair, the girls finally showed Myriam what it looked like, Katherine lifting a mirror for her mom, while Jennifer was fooling around with the hairdryer like it was a gun." JeE "\"The deed is done! {w}Ffffff!\"" Ka "\"Look mom!\"" MC "\"Oh yeah! That's really nice sweetie!\"" Ka "\"Now maybe just a little bit of makeup?\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 057 with dissolve MC "\"I'll do the makeup, but go fetch my golden hoop earrings in my jewelry box please.\"" JeE "\"And be quick about it! And no stealing or I'll shoot.\"" Ka "\"Can we do the nails please!?\"" MC "\"Ok, I have some golden nail paint in the other box.\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 058 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after Myriam did her makeup, the girls had finished doing her nails, feet and hands, giving the last touch to her look for the gala night." JeE "\"And done!\"" MC "\"Wow! You did a nice job again!\"" Ka "\"And now it's finished!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 059 with dissolve MC "\"So, what do you think girls?\"" Ka "\"You're beautiful mom!\"" JeE "\"Yeah, definitely HGS! {w}Hot! Gorgeous! And Sexy!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 060 with dissolve "Going to the dresser, Myriam pulled out a bottle of perfume and sprayed some on her wrists, neck and chest." MC "\"And now the last touch!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! I love that perfume, it always reminds me of mom.{/i}" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 061 with dissolve "Putting down her perfume, Myriam turned back towards the two girls and to thank them again." MC "\"Thank you girls for the help, you did a good job. {w}You should go change now, I've got a phone call to make and I'll be going soon.\"" "Katherine and Jennifer" "\"Ok!\"" MC "\"And don't forget to prepare something for Jenny so she can sleep.\"" Ka "\"Yes mom.\"" MC "\"I'll see you in a minute and give you some money to get some food delivered.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 062 with dissolve "But as the girls were going out, Jennifer stopped at the box, looking at something still inside." JeE "\"There's another dress inside, can we have a look?\"" MC "{i}Oh god! That's the slutty dress for Anthony!!{/i}" MC "\"Wait! No, that's something... {w}Something for Anthony and I!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 063 with dissolve JeE "\"Oh! So that's a naughty dress! I want to see it!\"" MC "\"Oh! Emh... {w}I...\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Come on Jenny, stop picking on my mom and come! {w}I'll give you something for the night.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_to_the_gala:" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 064 with dissolve "Taking the time to call the young college student to organize her night, Myriam finally joined the girls downstairs before leaving." Ka "\"You ready to go mom?\"" MC "\"Yes, there's a taxi waiting for me. {w}I left you some money for the delivery food, don't forget Marc's upstairs, he's still playing online.\"" Ka "\"Yeah, I know. {w}Have a good night mom!\"" JeE "\"Yes, have good night Mrs S! {w}And thank you for letting me stay.\"" MC "\"Don't mention it. {w}Have a good night girls and no crazy stunts!\"" scene bg ch2_14 girlsunderthesun 065 with dissolve "Putting on a little shawl over her shoulder, Myriam went out after grabbing a golden little handbag, leaving the girls and Marc home while the sun was starting to set." MC "{i}God! Now I'm all excited, it's been so long since I went out for a cultural event. {w}I can't wait to be there.{/i}" MC "{i}Damn! And I'm such an attention whore, I can't wait to show off Mr St Étienne's dress.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_gala_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_gala_night:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update6 from _call_var_chapter2_update6" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Gala Night" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 001 with dissolve "Using a limo service, Myriam finally arrived in front of the museum as the sun was setting, and carefully got out of the car as the driver opened the door for her." "Driver" "\"Here you go ma'am.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 002 with dissolve "Driver" "\"I'll go park the limo in the parking lot of the museum and wait there for you to come out.\"" MC "\"Really? Won't you get bored?\"" "Driver" "\"No, don't worry about me ma'am, it's the job. {w}Have a good night.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 003 with dissolve "While Myriam was arriving at the museum, the three art students were waiting on the steps and saw her getting out in her golden gown." GuA "\"Fuck me! Do you see that? {w}I'm wayyyyyy under dressed guys!\"" RiF "\"Hey! I told you to stop dressing like a toddler on halloween. {w}Fuck! Even Anton made an effort!\"" AnK "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! You're so fucked man! She's way out of your league.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 004 with dissolve GuA "\"Fuuuuck! What am I going to do!?\"" AnK "\"Die in the pit of shame buddy! {w}Shit she's coming up! Good luck man!\"" RiF "\"Well, we'll be waiting inside and snickering from afar.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 005 with dissolve GuA "\"Come on guys! Don't be like that, don't leave me alone.\"" RiF "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry buddy, but I'm not gonna be holding your candle all night.\"" AnK "\"Me neither man! I have some waitresses waiting for me in there.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 006 with dissolve "Arriving to the student as his friends went ahead, Myriam waved at him while his eyes were glued to her, going up and down as he admired her figure." MC "\"Hi!\"" GuA "\"Hiiii!!\"" MC "\"Did I make you wait for long?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 007 with dissolve GuA "\"Oh! No, don't worry... {w}Man! You're seriously ho... {w}Pretty in that dress!\"" MC "\"Stop it! I just wanted to dress up a little for the night, that's all.\"" GuA "{i}Well, that's definitely up! {w}Fuck! How am I going to stop staring at... {w}At everything!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 008 with dissolve "Getting himself together, Guy invited Myriam to follow him inside, determined to take a shot at this hot milf." GuA "\"Here! Come on, let's get inside.\"" MC "{i}It's kind of cute how embarrassed he is.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_arm_in_arm:" "Does Myriam noticed Guy giving her his arm?" KN_MOD "Oh! Hes giving me his arm!:" MC "{i}And he's even giving me his arm!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 009 with dissolve "Grabbing his arm, Myriam followed the young man up the stairs to the museum." GuA "\"Here! Mind the steps.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" MC "{i}He's definitely a bit awkward, but in a cute way, and points for trying and the romantic gesture.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 011 with dissolve "Entering the grand hall of the museum after leaving their coats at the entrance, Myriam already had her eyes wandering to the big space in front of them." MC "{i}Wow! This is really a huge museum.{/i}" GuA "{i}God! What do I say!? She's got me all flustered now.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 013 with dissolve "Suddenly seeing a waiter passing nearby with some drinks, Guy jumped at the occasion to break the ice." GuA "\"Hey! Can I take a few drinks?\"" "Driver" "\"Certainly mister.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_inside_the_museum" KN_MOD "I cant wait to get inside!:" MC "{i}Let's go, I can't wait to see the exhibition.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 010 with dissolve "Oblivious to Guy's gesture, Myriam went up ahead while he awkwardly moved his arm as if he wanted to scratch his face." MC "\"Well, let's get inside, it seems there's already a lot of people inside.\"" GuA "\"Oh! Yeah, yeah...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 012 with dissolve "Entering the grand hall of the museum after leaving their coats at the entrance, Myriam already had her eyes wandering to the big space in front of them." MC "{i}Wow! This is really a huge museum.{/i}" GuA "{i}God! What can I do!? I can't let a fish like that go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 014 with dissolve "Suddenly seeing a waiter passing nearby with some drinks, Guy jumped at the occasion to break the ice." GuA "\"Hey! Can I take a few drinks?\"" "Waiter" "\"Certainly sir.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_inside_the_museum" KN_MOD "label ch2_inside_the_museum:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 015 with dissolve "Waiter" "\"Here you go sir!\"" GuA "\"Thanks... {w}Here some bubbles.\"" "Waiter" "{i}Bubbles! {w}It's a champagne you ignorant baboon!{/i}" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 016 with dissolve "Champagne in hand, both of them stepped into the great hall, Myriam following the young student as he showed her around." GuA "\"Here's the main hall with some of the permanent collection of the museum. {w}For today's exhibition you have to go in the wings, I'll show you.\"" MC "\"Yeah! Show the way!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 017 with dissolve "As Guy was leading Myriam through the great hall of the museum, another man admired her figure from afar as she passed through." GuA "\"We can have access there, follow me.\"" ChG "{i}Who do we have here! {w}I would recognize that gorgeous backside anywhere!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 018 with dissolve "Stopping them, Charles came towards Guy and Myriam to say hello, leaving her shocked as she recognized the man from the spa." ChG "\"Hello Guy!\"" GuA "\"Oh! Mister Goldman!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is that the man from the spa! {w}God! He saw me nearly naked!{/i}" GuA "\"Here's Myriam.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 019 with dissolve ChG "\"Of course, I already know our beautiful Mrs Summers.\"" GuA "\"Oh! You do!?\"" MC "{i}My god! It's so embarrassing, I even saw his...{/i}" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes! Hi Mr Goldman.\"" ChG "\"Please, Charles, just Charles.\"" GuA "{i}Shit! Did they fuck or what!? {w}She looks all embarrassed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 020 with dissolve ChG "\"I'm glad you could come, I feel terribly guilty at not having thought of inviting you the other day. {w}Lucky our young Guy did.\"" GuA "\"You... {w}You're welcome Mr Goldman.\"" GuA "{i}Fuck me! Is he trying to poach my date!?{/i}" ChG "\"Were you able to have a look at my collection?\"" MC "\"Your collection?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 021 with dissolve GuA "\"Well, the exhibition is based on his collection.\"" MC "\"Really!? That's incredible!\"" ChG "\"Yes, as he said, I've donated my collection of Egyptian artifacts and antiquities to be returned to the Grand Egyptian Museum of Cairo.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 022 with dissolve MC "\"That's a noble thing to do.\"" ChG "\"Well, some things in the world are not meant to be owned and should be for everyone's benefit.\"" GuA "{i}As if she'd fall for that line.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 023 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I'm definitely thankful for this occasion! {w}As a little girl the antiquity myths and legends filled my dreams and imagination.\"" GuA "{i}Aaaaaand fuck!{/i}" ChG "\"As it should! That period was so filled with magic and mysteries, I don't know how it cannot instigate passion and awe.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 024 with dissolve GuA "{i}Well at least I'll have the free booze and food...{/i}" MC "\"You're right, this is a fascinating period!\"" ChG "\"Then let me present you to the person who organized this exhibition for me, but first... {w}I see that your glass is empty...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 025 with dissolve ChG "\"Let me freshen it up for you.\"" "Reaching for Myriam's glass that she kept against her chest, Charles innocently brushed her breasts." GuA "{i}Holy shit!!{/i}" MC "\"Oh! Than... {w}Thank you!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 026 with dissolve ChG "\"Come on, follow me! {w}And let me present you to the curator.\"" GuA "{i}Yep! I'm done for...{/i}" MC "\"Oh! It'll be a pleasure...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_looking_back:" "How does Myriam follow Charles?" KN_MOD "The curator, Im curious!:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 027 with dissolve "Curious about meeting the curator of such a big museum, Myriam followed Charles without much thinking, swept by the commanding aura of the man." ChG "\"You'll see, the curator is a very interesting person, I'm pretty sure you'll get along well.\"" MC "\"Really!? Now my curiosity is peaked.\"" GuA "{i}Damn it! {w}Well, it was too good to be true... {w}What can you do against a billionaire!? {w}He's financing our school, if I make a scene I'll get kicked out of college.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_the_curator" KN_MOD "Wait! But what about the young man!?:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 028 with dissolve "Curious about meeting the curator of such a big museum, Myriam followed Charles without much thinking, but looked back to reassure Guy." ChG "\"You'll see, the curator is a very interesting person, I'm pretty sure you'll get along well.\"" MC "\"Really!? Wait, excuse me... {w}Sorry Guy, I'll be a minute.\"" GuA "\"Oh! Yeah!? {w}Well, I'll wait for you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_the_curator" KN_MOD "label ch2_meeting_the_curator:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 029 with dissolve "While Myriam followed Charles to meet the curator of the museum, Guy's buddies went back to him." RiF "\"Man! That was painful to watch! {w}She totally ditched you for the golden dick.\"" AnK "\"Fuck! And with that backside it won't be long before he's using it to land his golden jet!\"" GuA "\"Fuck you both! She'll come back!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 030 with dissolve AnK "\"Yeah! After polishing some gold and swallowing some more!\"" RiF "\"But hey! At least she'll be all warmed up!\"" GuA "\"You know you're both a bunch of assholes!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 031 with dissolve "As they arrived at the foot of the stairs, Charles suddenly stopped, pointing up at someone coming down." ChG "\"Here she is!\"" MC "\"She?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 032 with dissolve "Looking up as the person that Charles was pointing out, Myriam saw a voluptuous woman of the Arabian type coming down." ChG "\"Yes, she! Ms Nubia Nabeel. {w}She's the curator of our great museum and the woman that organized this exhibition for me and the return of the collection to Cairo.\"" "Surprised by the imposing figure of this exotic beauty, Myriam could not hold a gasp at her sight as she came down the stairs." MC "\"Gasp! Wow! She...\"" ChG "\"She's quite the beauty yes, but don't rest your judgment here... {w}She has a fearless mind.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 033 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 034 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 033 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 034 with dissolve "Even Myriam could not help but be mesmerized at the exotic figure coming down the stairs, the full hips swaying and breasts bouncing at each step, while her dark mane fluttered free on her shoulders and chest as she came down." MC "{i}God! She... {w}She's like a goddess from ancient times.{/i}" "{b}{color=#ff8000}Nubia Nabeel{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mistress{p}The museum curator and dominatrix{w} 38 years old{p}Curator of city art museum, she is a rich woman who made herself a name in the art world and is also known as a strong woman with a taste for the taboo." KN_MOD "menu ch2_exotic_beauty:" "What does Myriam feel about the exotic beauty entrance?" KN_MOD "Wow! She look so intense!:" MC "{i}And the aura emanating from her... {w}She looks so mighty and intense...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_mighty_predators" KN_MOD "God! Shes so...:" MC "{i}And the aura emanating from her... {w}She looks so mighty and intense... {w}God! She makes me feel hot!!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_mighty_predators" KN_MOD "label ch2_mighty_predators:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 035 with dissolve "Arriving to them, the woman turned towards Charles with an air of weariness, as if she were exhausted." NuN "\"Ah! Charles! Tell me you enjoy the exhibition!\"" ChG "\"You know I do.\"" NuN "\"Then why do all those old farts keep pestering me instead of looking at it!?\"" ChG "\"Maybe they found something more enticing to look at.\"" NuN "\"Tsssk! Don't be crass Charles it doesn't suit you.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 036 with dissolve NuN "\"And who is this magnificent tower of ivory?\"" ChG "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! {w}This is Mrs Myriam Summers, a charming aficionado of art. {w}And Myriam let me present you Ms Nubia Nabeel the curator of the museum and our very dear host.\"" MC "\"Pleased to meet you! {w}Your museum is extraordinary, I can't wait to explore it.\"" NuN "\"Thank you! Pleased to meet you!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 037 with dissolve NuN "\"If you wish I could show you around the museum another day.\"" MC "\"Really!? I would love that, but I don't want to bother you.\"" ChG "\"Excuse me ladies, I'll leave you for a minute.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 038 with dissolve "Disappearing a moment, Charles left the two women as they kept talking together." NuN "\"Have you known Charles long?\"" MC "\"No, we met each other recently, I didn't even knew he would be here tonight.\"" NuN "\"Oh! You didn't know it was his collection that was showing tonight?\"" MC "\"No, it was really a surprise when I learned it. {w}I must say I can't wait to see it.\"" NuN "{i}Mmmh... So it seems she's not one of his conquests... {w}Or not yet at least.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 039 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 040 with dissolve "As she felt the curator's gaze piercing her from head to toes, Myriam felt embarrassed, as if she was a prey about to be eaten by a predator." NuN "{i}He must have wanted to flaunt his future conquest to me... {w}He knows my taste.{/i}" MC "{i}God! Her gaze is so intense...{/i}" NuN "\"A little friendly advice dearie, you should be mindful with Charles, because he's like a shark, taken or not, he won't hesitate to gobble you up.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 041 with dissolve "As Myriam was turning back towards her, curious about what she meant, Nubia stopped her in her tracks as Charles was coming back." MC "\"What!? {w}What do you...\"" NuN "\"Hush! He's coming back!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 042 with dissolve "Coming back with three Champagne flutes, Charles joined them again, cutting short their conversation as he gave them each a glass." ChG "\"Here you go! {w}Almost forgot to refresh your glass.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you.\"" NuN "\"Thank you Charles.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 043 with dissolve ChG "\"Well, what about a little toast? {w}To the success of the exhibition and to all the beautiful things in the museum tonight.\"" "Cling!" MC "{i}God! Is he talking about us!? Gosh!{/i}" NuN "{i}Here you go! The shark starts circling his prey.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 044 with dissolve NuN "{i}Well, two can play this game, let's have a little fun.{/i}" MC "{i}This is so pleasant, a relaxing evening out, a beautiful dress, a lovely drink and interesting people... {w}I missed this.{/i}" ChG "{i}This candor is so refreshing, she's a delight.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 045 with dissolve "As she still had her hand lightly on Myriam's arm, Nubia made a sudden move to \"accidentally\" reveal Myriam's breast and brush her nipple as she lifted her arm." NuN "\"By the way... {w}Oh god!\"" MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 046 with dissolve "Quickly hiding her breast and fixing her dress, Myriam looked away shyly in embarrassment." NuN "\"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"It's ok!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 047 with dissolve NuN "\"Really, I'm sorry.\"" MC "\"No, it's me, I didn't mean to expose myself in your museum, sorry.\"" NuN "{i}God! She's so cute!{/i}" ChG "\"It's ok Myriam, I don't think anyone saw anything.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_public_flashing_thoughts:" "What are Myriam thoughts on the matter?" KN_MOD "Stangely excited by the thought of exposure.:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 048 with dissolve MC "\"Yes... {w}Luckily nobody saw anything...\"" MC "{i}God! Why am I sounding so disappointed!? {w}It's as if I would have wanted people to see my breast! {w}Even my heart is racing!{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam! You're really becoming a pervert!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_conversation" KN_MOD "Excited by Nubias touch.:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 049 with dissolve MC "\"Yes! {w}Luckily nobody saw anything.\"" MC "{i}God! Why is my heart racing so much! {w}Her touch was so soft and electrifying... {w}I can't even meet her gaze, she's so domineering...{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam! Are you getting excited by women now!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_conversation" KN_MOD "Embarrassed by the event.:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 050 with dissolve MC "\"Yes! Luckily nobody saw anything!\"" MC "{i}God! I feel so embarrassed, even if nobody saw... {w}Flaunting my breasts like that in public and in a place of art and culture... {w}I can't help but feel guilty.{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam! You keep doing things like that, people will think you're a pervert!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_conversation" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_conversation:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 051 with dissolve "The awkward moment passed, the three of them kept talking for some time, Myriam feeling exhilarated by both the culture and intelligence of the two." NuN "\"Ha ha ha! Dear! You're a marvel, you've got to come back and let me show you the collection of the museum. {w}There's so much more hidden in the reserve, you wouldn't believe.\"" MC "\"Of course! I would love it.\"" ChG "\"You should show her your private collection too.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 052 with dissolve NuN "\"Charles! You naughty boy!\"" NuN "{i}That scoundrel is really looking for a fight!{/i}" MC "\"What is it?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 053 with dissolve ChG "\"Oh! She's got a magnificent collection of erotic art and devices.\"" NuN "\"Come on! Stop trying to frighten the poor dear.\"" MC "\"Devices?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 054 with dissolve NuN "\"He means like gibbet, pillory, iron maiden, or simply table, chair, box, cage... {w}All those instruments that came historically from medieval torture and are now repurposed for sexual gratification.\"" MC "\"Oh! Gosh! That must be a pretty interesting and entertaining collection!\"" NuN "\"Ha ha ha! Pretty much yes! {w}All that came close to sexuality or eroticism was such a taboo in my family that it became sort of a fascination for me.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 055 with dissolve NuN "\"But enough of this, you have an exhibition to discover.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I should have a look, I still didn't see it.\"" ChG "\"A good point Nubia, we should go now.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 056 with dissolve "But as the three of them were about to go, the waiter from before suddenly stopped Nubia as she was about to lead the way." "Waiter" "\"Excuse me, Ms Nabeel.\"" NuN "\"Yes?\"" "Waiter" "\"The mayor has arrived.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 057 with dissolve "With a click of the tongue from annoyance, Nubia turned back towards Myriam to apologize." NuN "\"Tssk! {w}I'm sorry Mrs Summers, but I'll have to postpone our tour, duty calls.\"" MC "\"Don't worry, I understand.\"" "Waiter" "{i}God! Is that a mammary convention!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 058 with dissolve ChG "\"Don't worry I'll give her a quick tour while you entertain the old fool.\"" NuN "\"I'm sure you will. {w}But don't take too long, you know the old pervert will want to see you.\"" MC "{i}God! Are they talking about the mayor that way!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 059 with dissolve "Turning back annoyed, Nubia snapped her fingers at the waiter who was getting away." NuN "\"I need a drink before going... {w}God! I can't stand that slobbering old fart.\"" "Snap!" NuN "\"Hey! Come back here!\"" MC "{i}God! She really must hate the mayor!{/i}" "Waiter" "\"Yes Ms Nabeel.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 060 with dissolve NuN "\"You'll take another dear?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_few_drinks:" "Did Myriam already have another drink with them during their long conversation at the foot of the stairs?" KN_MOD "God! It would be my fourth!:" MC "\"Oh! Yes, thank you, the Champagne is really exquisite. {w}But it'll be my last I think, I've already had three.\"" NuN "\"Don't worry dear, we can have you driven home if you need.\"" MC "\"No need, thank you, I've got a driver.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_driver_dilemma" KN_MOD "Its only my third.:" MC "\"Oh! Yes, thank you, the Champagne is really exquisite.\"" NuN "\"Don't worry dear, we can have you driven home if you need.\"" MC "\"No need, thank you, I've got a driver.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_driver_dilemma" KN_MOD "label ch2_driver_dilemma:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_thinking_of_the_driver:" "Does Myriam think of her driver?" KN_MOD "Maybe I could send him something to eat while he wait.:" $ ch2_fed_the_driver = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 061 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! By the way! Would it be possible to send something to my driver to eat. {w}He's waiting in the car, I feel awful.\"" NuN "\"Yes, of course dear. {w}Did you hear? Have a few sandwiches sent to her driver.\"" "Waiter" "\"Of course Ms Nabeel, right away.\"" MC "\"Thank you. {w}He's in a black limo in the museum parking lot.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_there" KN_MOD "Well, lets go have a look at this exhibit.:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_there" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_there:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 062 with dissolve "After Nubia left them both, Charles invited Myriam to follow him to finally show her the exhibition." ChG "\"Follow me, it's upstairs in one of the wings.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_looking_up_guy:" "Does Myriam have a quick look for Guy?" KN_MOD "I should look for Guy, he wanted to give me a tour.:" MC "{i}I should look for Guy before going, he wanted to give me a tour also, he could accompany us.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 063 with dissolve "But as Myriam stopped Charles a moment and turned back to look for Guy, she quickly found him near the buffet with his friends." MC "\"Wait!\"" ChG "\"A problem?\"" MC "\"No, sorry, I thought the young man that came with me could accompany us, but he's with his friends... {w}I don't want to bother him.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_private_tour_with_charles" KN_MOD "I should follow Charles quickly, before we get sidetracked again.:" MC "\"Yes, I'm coming. {w}I can't wait to see your collection.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_private_tour_with_charles" KN_MOD "label ch2_private_tour_with_charles:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 064 with dissolve "Following Charles through the museum, Myriam finally arrived at the exhibition, in a big room filled with old Egyptian sculptures and artifacts." ChG "\"Here you are! What do you say?\"" MC "\"Oh my god! This is so big! {w}It's incredible!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 065 with dissolve "Starting to have a look at the pieces behind showcases, Myriam was like a little girl in a candy store." MC "\"This is gorgeous! {w}But how did you manage to acquire all this?\"" ChG "\"Inheritance, money, luck and passion. {w}My family had a few explorers and adventurers, if I were to believe my grand mother stories, my great grand father was like Indiana Jones.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 066 with dissolve MC "\"It must have been fascinating!\"" ChG "\"It certainly was, those stories and rummaging through all the family treasure were certainly my most cherished childhood memories.\"" MC "{i}God! It feels so strange to hear him talk so openly... {w}I saw him naked before, but I feel more intimate now than then.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 067 with dissolve "Following Charles around the exhibition, Myriam listened to his comments and the stories behind the acquisition of each piece." "It had been so long since she had a night like this, Myriam drank in every story and word with delectation, feeling a link to her own memories of her mother and her bedtime stories." KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_charming_voice:" "How does Myriam feel about her time with Charles?" KN_MOD "Hes such a smooth and interesting speaker.:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 068 with dissolve "Myriam was entranced at every word Charles spoke as they kept touring the room and looking at each piece of the exhibition." MC "{i}He's such a smooth speaker and so knowledgeable, it's impressive. {w}It's not a surprise that he seems so successful.{/i}" MC "{i}It's been a long time since I had the occasion to share about all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_highlight_of_the_show" KN_MOD "God! Why is my heart beating so fast? if MCtrait[Drinks] < 4:" $ ch2_feelings_for_charles = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 069 with dissolve "Myriam was entranced at every word Charles spoke as they kept touring the room and looking at each piece of the exhibition, and as they went, she could not stop feeling her heart beating faster." MC "{i}He's such a smooth speaker and so knowledgeable, it's impressive. {w}It's not a surprise that he seems so successful.{/i}" MC "{i}God! What's happening!? {w}My heart is beating so fast! {w}Is it the alcohol? Or... {w}Or am I feeling attracted to him...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_fluttering_heart" KN_MOD "Gosh! Im feeling so hot! if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 4:" $ ch2_feelings_for_charles = True $ ch2_gala_night_hot_and_bothered = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 070 with dissolve "Myriam was entranced at every word Charles spoke as they kept touring the room and looking at each piece of the exhibition, and as they went, she could not stop feeling a stir deep inside her." MC "{i}He's such a smooth speaker and so knowledgeable, it's impressive. {w}It's not a surprise that he seems so successful.{/i}" MC "{i}God! What's happening!? {w}I'm feeling so hot and bothered! {w}Is it the alcohol? Or... {w}Or am I feeling attracted to him...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_fluttering_heart" KN_MOD "label ch2_fluttering_heart:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 071 with dissolve "As Charles turned his eyes away from her a moment, Myriam had to look away to catch her breath and calm down." ChG "\"And that's it for the that piece, it was the last I acquiered from this period.\"" MC "{i}God! I have to control myself and cool off. {w}It's getting all fuzzy here.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Even if I kicked Anthony out... {w}I'm still a with someone, I... {w}I can't get emotional like this for another man, it's... {w}It's too soon.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_highlight_of_the_show" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm taken, I... {w}I can't get emotional like this for another man, even if... {w}Even if things aren't going well lately.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_highlight_of_the_show" KN_MOD "label ch2_highlight_of_the_show:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 072 with dissolve "As they had finished touring the room after seeing all the pieces in it, and were about to go back to the great hall, Charles stopped Myriam." ChG "\"Wait, there is one last piece to see.\"" MC "\"Oh! What is it?\"" ChG "\"You'll see, but for that, we have to go down.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 073 with dissolve "Following Charles to the sublevels of the museum under the main building, they arrived to a big crypt like room set in stone, with a golden sarcophagus on a pedestal." ChG "\"What do you think?\"" MC "\"God! This is impressive, I never thought there would be a room like this under the museum.\"" ChG "\"Yes, it's part of some old system of thermal baths that existed before.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 074 with dissolve ChG "\"And here you have the most beautiful piece of the collection, the sarcophagus of an old Pharaoh my great grand father unearthed after years of searching.\"" MC "\"Mmh! That sound like a good story again.\"" ChG "\"It sure is... {w}Take care with your heels, the ground is very uneven.\"" "As he gave Myriam a warning, Charles lightly grabbed her arm to give her some support just in case." MC "\"Oh! Thanks!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 075 with dissolve "His hand still resting lightly on her arm, Charles started recounting his ancestors adventures and the mystery surrounding the mummy." ChG "\"You see, this mummy has some particular history with my family, my great grand father nearly ruined the family pursuing it.\"" MC "\"Oh! God! Really!?\"" ChG "\"Yes, he was very strong headed and would never give up until he got to his goals, my grand mother always told me I was like him on that point.\"" ChG "\"But the sad thing is that, my great grand father was never able to see the mummy, in fact nobody ever did.\"" MC "\"Why?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 076 with dissolve ChG "\"Well, first my great grand father died of a fever on the boat on his way back, starting the story of a curse. {w}But most of all, you see, the sarcophagus is hermetically sealed, if we open it, the mummy will degrade itself with the change of atmosphere.\"" MC "\"So, nobody really ever saw it?\"" ChG "\"No, never, and the legend goes that if somebody ever does or even tries, they would be cursed for life.\"" MC "\"So, you never tried.\"" ChG "\"No, but I did have it scanned, x-rayed and all you can scientifically think of and there is definitely a mummy inside.\"" "His hand lightly caressing Myriam's arm, Charles could feel her trembling as she balled up to feel warmer." ChG "\"Are you feeling cold or my story of curse frightening you?\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! No, it's true that I'm a bit cold, this room is really cool.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 077 with dissolve "Removing his jacket, Charles quickly put it up on a surprised and touched Myriam, as he covered her shoulders with his still warm jacket." ChG "\"Here you go! We would not want you catching a cold, would we!?\"" MC "\"No... no, thank you! But... {w}But you?\"" ChG "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry for me, this shirt is warm and I don't have my back exposed.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_romantic_gesture:" "How does Myriam react to Charles romantic gesture?" KN_MOD "It feel so warm! if ch2_gala_night_hot_and_bothered == False:" MC "{i}Last time Anthony ever made a romantic gesture like this for me was... {w}God! I can't even remember it.{/i}" MC "{i}This man is such a gentleman! {w}And I can still feel his warmth in the jacket.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_bad_timing" KN_MOD "God! My heart is beating so fast, I think I... if ch2_feelings_for_charles == True:" $ ch2_stollen_kiss = True MC "{i}Last time Anthony ever made a romantic gesture like this for me was... {w}God! I can't even remember it.{/i}" MC "{i}This man is such a gentleman! {w}And I can still feel his warmth in the jacket. {w}God! My heart is beating so fast, I think I...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_stollen_kiss" KN_MOD "label ch2_bad_timing:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 078 with dissolve "But suddenly breaking the spell, a voice come from the top of the stairs, at the door, calling for Mr Goldman." "Waiter" "\"Mr Goldman!\"" ChG "\"Yes! I'm here!\"" "Waiter" "\"Ms Nabeel is calling for you! {w}It's about the mayor!\"" ChG "\"I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 079 with dissolve "Turning back his attention to Myriam, Charles apologized for having to leave her." ChG "\"I'm so sorry! But I'll have to leave you, like Ms Nabeel said, duty calls!\"" MC "\"I understand!\"" ChG "\"It was a real pleasure to see you again Myriam. {w}I hope we can meet again soon, it would be a pleasure to show you my art and antiquities collection, and I remember we talked about a swimming pool.\"" MC "\"Oh! It would be with pleasure, yes!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 080 with dissolve "Looking at him disappear in the corridor, Myriam snuggled into the warmth of Charles jacket." MC "{i}He forgot to take his jacket back... {w}God! I don't know if it's the alcohol or the lack of romance these last few years, but I have butterflies in my stomach.{/i}" MC "{i}I kind of understand why Ms Nabeel warned me... {w}He's definitely putting the charms on.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_butterflies_in_the_stomach:" "How does Myriam feel about this meeting?" KN_MOD "I should be mindful.:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I know I kicked Anthony out, but I don't know if I'm ready for someone else already... {w}Let's not get swept by the alcohol and the romantic mood of the gala.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm taken, I can't get butterflies like this... {w}It's probably the alcohol and the romantic mood of the gala.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "Gosh! Im getting all girly here!:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}But I kicked Anthony out, I shouldn't have to feel guilty about some slight flirting. {w}It's been some time since I had a bit of romance and courtship, it feels nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I know I'm with someone, and I can't get butterflies like this... {w}But still, it's been some time since I had a bit of romance and courtship, and it feels nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_stollen_kiss:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 082 with dissolve "Letting the jacket fall to the ground, Myriam, swept by the romantic mood and the alcohol suddenly kissed Charles." MC "\"Muah! Mmmh!\"" ChG "\"Muah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 083 with dissolve "But suddenly realizing what she had done, Myriam stopped herself, feeling embarrassed and guilty" MC "\"Oh god! I...\"" ChG "\"Well, that was unexpected!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! What have I done! I... {w}I'm still with someone!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! What have I done! I... {w}I'm taken!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 084 with dissolve "Feeling ashamed of herself, Myriam suddenly turned tail and tried to run off." MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing!{/i}" ChG "\"Wait Myriam!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 085 with dissolve "But as Myriam was running away one of her heels suddenly slipped on the uneven ground, making her lose her balance and nearly falling if Charles hadn't had suddenly grabbed her wrist." MC "\"Aaah!\"" ChG "\"Myriam! {w}Beware the ground!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 086 with dissolve "Pulling her back to him, Charles brought her tightly close to him, a hand firmly on her waist while the other was getting close to her face to caress it gently, as he talked to her affectionately." ChG "\"Don't go hurting yourself silly.\"" MC "\"I... {w}Thank y...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 087 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to thank him, he suddenly brought her even closer and kissed her also, making her heart jump in her chest again." ChG "\"Muah!\"" MC "\"Muah! Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_kiss_for_a_kiss:" "How does Myriam react to the kiss?" KN_MOD "No! I cant, Im taken!:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 088 with dissolve "Stopping the kiss and looking away ashamed, Myriam tried to push him away as he held her tightly in his arms." ChG "\"What are you afraid off?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}No! I can't... {w}I know I kicked Anthony out, but... {w}But we can still patch things up.{/i}" MC "\"I'm sorry, I'm still with someone.\"" ChG "{i}Still with someone... {w}That's a nice phrasing here, meaning her heart is definitely available.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_good_timing" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No! I can't... {w}I'm taken, this is wrong.{/i}" MC "\"I'm sorry, I can't, I'm with someone.\"" ChG "{i}Damn she's cute! {w}Winning her heart will definitely be a pleasure.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_good_timing" KN_MOD "God! I need this!:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 089 with dissolve "Letting things go, Myriam gave in and returned the kiss, swept by everything, the mood, the alcohol and her deep need for affection and love, kissing him passionately as all barriers went down." ChG "\"Muah! Muah!\"" MC "\"Muah! Mmmh! Muah! Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I need this so much, I... {w}Anthony be damned, I just want him!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_passionate_moment" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I need this so much, I... {w}I'm sorry Anthony!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_passionate_moment" KN_MOD "label ch2_good_timing:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 090 with dissolve "But suddenly breaking the spell and stopping the situation from escalating even more, a voice come from the top of the stairs, at the door, calling for Mr Goldman." "Waiter" "\"Mr Goldman!\"" ChG "\"Yes! I'm here!\"" "Waiter" "\"Ms Nabeel is calling for you! {w}It's about the mayor!\"" ChG "\"I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 091 with dissolve "Turning his attention back to Myriam as she took the occasion to escape his embrace, Charles apologized for having to leave her." ChG "\"I'm so sorry! But I'll have to leave you, like Ms Nabeel said, duty calls!\"" MC "\"I understand!\"" ChG "\"Please don't feel guilty, I apologize, we both let ourselves be taken by the flow of things.\"" MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I'm sorry.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 092 with dissolve "Picking up his jacket, Charles put it back on Myriam's shoulders before apologizing again for leaving in an affectionate manner." ChG "\"Please, I apologize for leaving like this, it was such a pleasure to see you again Myriam. {w}I hope we can meet again soon, it would be a pleasure to show you my art and antiquities collection, and I remember we talked about a swimming pool.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, it... {w}It would be with pleasure!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 093 with dissolve "Looking at him disappear in the corridor, Myriam snuggled into the warmth of Charles jacket, feeling both swept away and torn by her complicated feelings." MC "{i}He still left me his jacket... {w}God! I'm so lost, I don't know if it's the alcohol or the lack of romance these last few years, but I have butterflies in my stomach and this kiss felt so right.{/i}" MC "{i}I kind of understand why Ms Nabeel warned me now... {w}He's definitely a charming man and he knows what he wants.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_butterflies_in_the_stomach_after_kiss:" "How does Myriam feel about this meeting?" KN_MOD "I should be mindful.:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I know I kicked Anthony out, but I don't know if I'm ready for someone else already... {w}Let's not get swept by the alcohol and the romantic mood of the gala.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm taken, I can't get butterflies like this... {w}It's probably the alcohol and the romantic mood of the gala.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "Gosh! Im getting all girly here!:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}But I kicked Anthony out, I shouldn't have to feel guilty about some this. {w}It's been some times since I had a bit of romance and courtship, it feels nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm know I'm with someone, and I can't get butterflies like this... {w}But still, it's been some times since I had a bit of romance and courtship, and it feels nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_mummy_curse" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_passionate_moment:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 095 with dissolve "As he could feel the passion and the abandonment in which Myriam was settling in, Charles followed through, his hand sliding from her waist to her butt." MC "\"Muah! Mmmh! Muah! Mmmh!\"" ChG "\"Muah! Muah!\"" ChG "{i}She's fiery and passionate, I like that!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 096 with dissolve "Stopping their kiss a moment, both could see the burning desire in the eyes of the other, not saying a word as Charles was starting to play with Myriam dress' strap." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! Am I doing this!?{/i}" ChG "\"...\"" ChG "{i}Let's tease her bit.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 097 with dissolve "Backing up as one section of Myriam's dress was falling to the ground, revealing one of her breasts, while a last reflex of shyness was making her keep the rest of the dress from falling off." MC "{i}What am I doing!?{/i}" ChG "\"God! You're beautiful...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 098 with dissolve "As her excitement was getting higher and higher, Myriam let go of the rest of her dress in response to Charles compliments, even if embarrassed she wasn't able to meet his eyes." MC "{i}God! I'm naked in a public place in front of a man I barely know! {w}How can I be so excited!? {w}Just feeling his eyes on me makes my body quiver.{/i}" ChG "\"You're a goddess! {w}Like Nubia said, sculpted in ivory!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 099 with dissolve "Suddenly grabbing her and bringing her close to her again, Charles gently forced her to meet his eyes and see the lust and desire in them, as much as showing hers to him." ChG "\"Don't look away! {w}A beauty like you shouldn't feel embarrassed!\"" MC "\"I...\"" MC "{i}God! He's making me melt and burning!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 100 with dissolve "As he kissed her again, Myriam responded in kind, kissing him back with abandon, pressing her chest against him while enjoying the caress of his hands on her body." MC "\"Muah! Mmmh! Muah! Mmmh!\"" ChG "\"Muah! Muah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 101 with dissolve "Lifting her up to sit her on the pedestal, Charles kept kissing her passionately and kneading her breasts while Myriam herself was trying to take off his shirt and unbutton his pants." "Both were now so excited that they were on autopilot, following their passion, lust and desire, forgetting all reason as they kept kissing and exploring each others." MC "\"Muah! Mmmh! Muah! Mmmh!\"" ChG "\"Muah! Muah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 102 with dissolve "Finishing to take off his clothes, Charles came back between Myriam's legs, playing with her breasts again while Myriam was caressing his cock in a feverish haze." MC "\"God! Your cock is so big and hard!\"" ChG "\"And your breasts are so perfect!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 103 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 104 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 103 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 104 with dissolve "Fascinated by his cock, Myriam started masturbating Charles slowly and sensually, while he kept fooling around with her breasts and caressing her thighs." MC "{i}God! I can't believe that thing will go inside me! {w}He must be twice as big as Anthony.{/i}" ChG "{i}Looks like she's enjoying her new toy. {w}And damn! Those breasts are to die for!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 105 with dissolve "Both ready and burning to go on, they took position to start making love, Myriam laying down backwards while Charles started rubbing his big cock on her pussy to tease her some more before penetrating her." ChG "{i}Wow! She's definitely ready! {w}Her pussy is so wet and and slippery, even with my size I'll just slide inside her without a problem.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I'm so wet and hot! {w}I want him so bad!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 106 with dissolve "Taking his cock in hand, ready to penetrate her, Charles teased her some more, slapping her pussy with his cock and rubbing it well in her juice, before pushing his cock in." MC "{i}He's trying to make me go crazy!{/i}" ChG "{i}She wants it so bad she's quivering in anticipation.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_have_condoms == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passion_and_protection:" "Does Myriam stop Charles and ask him to use protection?" KN_MOD "I cant wait anymore, I want him inside me!:" $ ch2_fuck_charles_bareback = True MC "{i}I can't wait anymore! {w}I want him inside me now!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_passionate_love_making" KN_MOD "Wait! No! We need to use protection!:" $ ch2_fuck_charles_safe = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 107 with dissolve "But with a last moment of lucidity, as Charles was about to push his cock inside her, Myriam suddenly stopped him." MC "\"WAIT!\"" ChG "\"You want me to stop?\"" MC "\"NO! It's...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 108 with dissolve "Holding back her desire and letting her reason take back control for a moment, Myriam pointed at her handbag." MC "\"It's just, please, in my bag, protection!\"" ChG "\"You want me to use a condom?\"" MC "\"Yes! Please.\"" ChG "\"Ok, I'll put one on.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_passionate_love_making" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch2_fuck_charles_bareback = True KN_MOD "jump ch2_passionate_love_making" KN_MOD "label ch2_passionate_love_making:" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve "Slowly pushing his big cock in her slippery pussy, Charles enjoyed the view of Myriam big breasts jumping up and down with every thrust, while she was on her side enjoying every second and every inch of it." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve "Slowly pushing his big cock in her slippery pussy after putting on a condom, Charles enjoyed the view of Myriam big breasts jumping up and down with every thrust, while she was on her side enjoying every second and every inch of it." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! He's so much bigger than Anthony! {w}He's reaching so deep inside me!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve "Accelerating his rhythm, Charles kept thrusting his cock deep inside Myriam, feeling her pussy tightening with every thrust and already hearing her moans getting loader, he knew she was already on the verge of a climax." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He... {w}He just started and I can already feel myself there!{/i}" ChG "\"Does my big cock feel as good as you hoped?\"" MC "\"Yes! Yes!! Aaaaaah! So... {w}So good! Mmmmmmh!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 113 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 114 with dissolve "Motivated by her moans and cries of pleasures, Charles kept pounding her pussy deeper, pushing her further towards her orgasm, until finally after one powerful and deep thrust he killed her with kindness and made her climax." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!\"" MC "{i}God! I... {w}I can't believe I came so fast!{/i}" "Stopping his thrusts, Charles just stayed deep inside her, letting her revel in her feeling of bliss, just grinding his cock deep inside her and letting her catch her breath." ChG "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes... {w}Yes! I'm sorry it was just... {w}It was just what I needed, I feel so relaxed now.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 111 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 109 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 112 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 110 with dissolve "As he felt her calming down and relaxing, her body beginning to stop quivering, Charles started moving again, quickly accelerating to a fast and deep pace as the surprised Myriam started moaning again." ChG "\"Then we can keep going!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Wait! {w}Oh god! Mmmh! Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! My body is so sensitive right now! {w}I can feel every inch of his cock inside me!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve "Suddenly flipping a surprised Myriam on her side to change position, Charles put one of her legs on his shoulder and grabbed it firmly to pound her pussy even harder." ChG "\"Let's try it like that!\"" MC "\"AH! Yes!\"" MC "{i}He's so manly! {w}He's fucking me like never before!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve "With the size of his cock, Charles could give Myriam ample and powerful thrusts, and could reach places in her pussy that Anthony never could, making her discover new and intense sensations." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! {w}Please don't stop!\"" ChG "\"You like getting your pussy pounded by my big cock?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! Yes! So much!!\"" MC "{i}Fuck! He's killing me! {w}I can feel I'm going to come again!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve "Seeing as her mind was so entranced by the pleasure and the passion, Charles pushed Myriam further, making her talk dirty as he kept pounding her pussy hard and deep." ChG "\"Then say it!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I... {w}I love... Aaaaaah! {w}I love your big cock!\"" MC "{i}God! What am I saying!? {w}This is embarrassing, but it feel so good! {w}He's wrecking me!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve "And quickly, as Charles could feel Myriam starting to tighten up, she could feel his cock starting pulsing and getting harder with each thrust, ready to come with her." ChG "\"Louder!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes!! {w}I love getting my pussy pounded by your big cock!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 117 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 115 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 119 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, both reached their climax, Myriam's body trembling as waves of pleasure took her over with the last deep and powerful thrust Charles gave her, filling her womb with warm and thick loads of cum." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 118 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 116 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 120 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, both reached their climax, Myriam's body trembling as waves of pleasure took her over with the last deep and powerful thrust Charles gave her, filling his condom full of cum deep inside her womb." ChG "\"ARGHH! YES!!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 121 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out, Charles rubbed it gently against her thigh and clitoris to tease her, while his warm cum oozed slightly out of her pussy, letting her calm down, before starting again." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 122 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out, Charles rubbed it gently against her thigh and clitoris to tease her, while the filled tip of the condom was rolling on her thigh, full with his warm and thick cum, letting her calm down, before starting again." ChG "\"So, ready for more?\"" MC "\"Oh god! Are you trying to kill me?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" ChG "\"But what a way to go! {w}Come on, take a position and show me how much you want me to fuck you again!\"" KN_MOD "else:" ChG "\"But what a way to go! {w}Come on, take a position and show me how much you want me to fuck you again while I put on another condom!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't tell him I want it in the ass, it's too embarrassing! {w}Let's take the best view for it and hope he catches on.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 123 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 124 with dissolve "Getting on all fours, Myriam turned back and did like Anthony always wanted her to do and like she thought he wanted, begging him to keep fucking her and show how much she wanted him." MC "\"Please! Fuck me again! {w}I need your cock!\"" MC "{i}My god! I'm so ashamed! {w}But that's what he wanted! {w}I just hope he understands what I want.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve "Climbing behind her on the pedestal, Charles inserted his big cock again in Myriam's pussy and, grabbing her ass, started pounding it hard and deep." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve "Climbing behind her on the pedestal after putting another condom, Charles inserted his big cock again in Myriam's pussy and grabbing her ass, started pounding it hard and deep." ChG "\"Here you go you naughty girl!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}I wanted it in the ass, but damn! {w}His cock feels so good! He's reaching so deep inside me!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve "The disappointment of not getting what she hoped, was quickly drowned in the pleasure she was feeling from the big cock wrecking havoc in her wet and burning pussy." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! Fuck me hard please!\"" ChG "\"You want it hard?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Please! Mmmmmmh! Don't stop!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve "Following the lustful abandon of Myriam, Charles kept fucking her faster and harder, thrusting his cock deep inside her while she pushed her hips towards him wanting more." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! That's so good!\"" ChG "\"You like it hard and rough you naughty girl?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! Aaaaaah! {w}Oh god! I'm cumming again!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 127 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 125 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 126 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 129 with dissolve "And as she said it, Myriam screamed loudly as another orgasm took her over, pushing her hips far against him to feel him deep inside her as she came." MC "\"MMMMMMH! GOD! YES! YES!! AAAAAAH! YES!!!\"" ChG "{i}Wow! That was another strong one! {w}She's so erotic, her body was made for this!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 130 with dissolve "His cock still deep inside her, Charles kept grinding to let Myriam catch her breath, petting her butt while he started daring his finger to her ass, destroying in the process the last wall of her reason and making her beg him to fuck her ass." ChG "\"It seems that this little guy is twitching and wants some attention too...\"" MC "\"YES! Please! I beg you fuck my ass!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve "Climbing behind Myriam as she pushed her butt up, Charles put the tip of his cock at the entrance of her ass and after grabbing her waist, started pounding it hard." ChG "\"Here it goes! {w}I hope you can take it!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve "Feeling the arousal of Myriam and how much she enjoyed anal, Charles quickly accelerated the pace, following her moans of pleasure and her encouragement." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! Please don't stop!\"" ChG "{i}Wow! She really enjoys anal!{/i}" MC "{i}Oh god! That's so good! {w}He's so big and goes so deep! {w}I'm going crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve "Receiving each of his thrusts by pushing her ass always up to meet his powerful thrusts, Myriam kept begging for more, totally uninhibited by the lust and alcohol, while Charles kept pounding her ass harder and deeper, putting all his weight in his thrusts." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! Please wreck my ass!\"" ChG "\"You like it getting your ass destroyed by my big cock?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! That's so good! {w}Aaaaaah! I'm going to cum again!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 131 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 135 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And they kept going, filling the room with moans of pleasure and the noise of the flesh meeting flesh, both came again together, Myriam screaming loudly as her body trembled as Charles pushed his cock deep inside her and filled her ass full of his warm and thick cum." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 134 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 136 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And they kept going, filling the room with moans of pleasure and the noise of the flesh meeting flesh, both came again together, Myriam screaming loudly as her body trembled as Charles pushed his cock deep inside her and filled his new condom full of cum." MC "\"MMMMMMH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" ChG "\"ARGH! FUCK YES!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 137 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pulling out his cock, Charles covered Myriam's back with a few last loads of cum as he rested his cock on her butt, both out of breath after this intense and passionate lustful session." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 138 with dissolve "Pulling out his cock, Charles rested his cock on Myriam's butt, as his condom filled with cum rolled on her back at the rhythm of her still quivering body, both out of breath after this intense and passionate lustful session." MC "\"Aaah! God! Mmmh! I'm shaking so much!\"" ChG "\"Aaah! Yes, that was... {w}Incredible!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 139 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 140 with dissolve "Getting back up as Myriam sat down, unable to get her legs to work at the moment, Charles looked at her in amazement while her eyes were still glued on that big cock that gave her so much pleasure." ChG "\"Yes, incredible! {w}You were amazing!\"" ChG "{i}God! And for once I don't have to lie! {w}It must be years since I found such a gem!{/i}" MC "\"No, thank you! {w}You don't know how much I needed that!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_blowjob_for_the_road:" "Does Myriam want to suck his cock in addition?" KN_MOD "God! I think I had enough for today.:" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Even William, he was big and passionate, but Charles has so much experience. {w}It was as if he knew my body better than me.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_passionate_session" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Anthony always only took what he wanted and never thought of my pleasure. {w}Charles must have made me cum in one time as much as Antony in a few years, and his tool is definitely on another level.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_passionate_session" KN_MOD "God! I want so much to feel his big cock down my throat!:" $ ch2_for_a_few_blowjob_more = True KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Even William, he was big and passionate, but Charles has so much experience. {w}It was as if he knew my body better than me.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Anthony always only took what he wanted and never thought of my pleasure. {w}Charles must have made me cum in one time as much as Antony in a few years, and his tool is definitely on another level.{/i}" MC "{i}But I want more! {w}I want to feel his big cock deep down my throat, I have to suck it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_passionate_sucking" KN_MOD "God! I want so much to feel him cumming in my mouth!:" $ ch2_for_a_few_blowjob_more = True KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Even William, he was big and passionate, but Charles has so much experience. {w}It was as if he knew my body better than me.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I've never been fucked like this before! {w}Anthony always only took what he wanted and never thought of my pleasure. {w}Charles must have made me cum in one time as much as Antony in a few years, and his tool is definitely on another level.{/i}" MC "{i}But I want more! {w}I want to feel his cum filling my mouth and taste it, I have to suck him!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_passionate_sucking" KN_MOD "label ch2_passionate_sucking:" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 141 with dissolve "As Charles was about to get down from the pedestal, Myriam suddenly stopped him, grabbing his cock in her hand." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 142 with dissolve "As Charles was about to take off his condom and get down from the pedestal, Myriam suddenly stopped him, grabbing his cock in her hand." MC "\"Wait! Don't move! {w}Please, let me clean it up for you!\"" ChG "\"Sure, it's all yours!\"" ChG "{i}God! And I didn't want to push her too much this time! {w}And here she goes not only begging for anal but also wrapping up with a blowjob!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 143 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam quickly started to take him back and forth in her mouth, swallowing him deep down her throat from the start." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ChG "{i}Wow! Instant deepthroat!? For real!? {w}She's really incredible!{/i}" ChG "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 144 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 145 with dissolve "Her brain totally over taken by lust and desire, Myriam gave her all, sucking his cock thoroughly and deepthroating him without any hesitation" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}God! His cock tastes so good! {w}And I can even feel him getting harder in my throat.{/i}" ChG "\"Aaah! Yes! {w}You love sucking that big cock?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve "Excited by his dirty comments and the lust in his eyes, Myriam kept accelerating, filling the room with the slippery noises of her blowjob as her saliva kept flooding her mouth and dancing from her chin with the rhythm of her moves." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ChG "{i}God! And she still has some reserve!{/i}" ChG "\"Aaah! Yes! Keep going! {w}Get that cock nice and clean!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve "Feeling his cock getting harder and starting pulsing in her throat, Myriam new he was about to cum, and kept accelerating her rhythm while she kept teasing his cock as much as she could with her tongue." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}He's going to cum, I can feel it! {w}I want to feel him emptying his load in my mouth and taste him.{/i}" ChG "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 147 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 146 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 148 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, after an intense rush, she felt his cock exploding in the back of her throat, emptying load after loads of warm cum as she kept swallowing every last drop of it despite the abundance." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ChG "\"ARGH! YES!! SWALLOW IT ALL!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 149 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 150 with dissolve "Pulling Charles' cock out of her throat after swallowing his cum, Myriam reflexively thanked him, as Anthony always made her do since they were together." MC "\"Thank you!\"" ChG "{i}Wow! She's incredible! {w}I've got to make her mine!{/i}" MC "{i}God! My heart is beating so fast!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_is_it_love:" "What are Myriam's feeling after this passionate encounter?" KN_MOD "Stop! Dont get flustered!.:" $ ch2_feelings_for_charles = False MC "{i}Wait! Calm down Myriam! {w}Don't get so flustered, you drank alcohol and had some... {w}Some intense passionate sex with that man, but that's all that was.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_passionate_session" KN_MOD "God! Im so flustered, I dont know whats happening!:" $ ch2_feelings_for_charles = True MC "{i}God! I'm getting all flustered! {w}I know I had a few drinks, but still, I've got butterflies in my stomach.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_passionate_session" KN_MOD "God! I think Im falling for that man! if ch2_feelings_for_charles == True:" $ ch2_in_love_with_charles = True MC "{i}God! This was so intense and... {w}And perfect, I think I...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_passionate_session" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_passionate_session:" KN_MOD "if ch2_for_a_few_blowjob_more == True:" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 151 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 152 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 153 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 154 with dissolve "But as they both were stuck into a suspenseful silence, looking into each other's eyes, someone suddenly calling for Charles in the corridors broke the spell." "Waiter" "\"Mr Goldman!\"" ChG "\"Yes! I'm here!\"" "To stop him from coming closer and witnessing the guilty scene of debauchery, Charles quickly answered the waiter." "Waiter" "\"Ms Nabeel is calling for you! {w}It's about the mayor!\"" ChG "\"I'm coming!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 155 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_for_a_few_blowjob_more == True:" "Jumping down from the pedestal, Charles quickly dressed, while Myriam still unable to get up, quickly tried to clean her face from the cum and drool dripping from her chin." KN_MOD "else:" "Jumping down from the pedestal, Charles quickly dressed, while Myriam still unable to get up, thanked him for stopping the waiter from coming." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 156 with dissolve ChG "\"I'll go and shoo the waiter away while you take the time to get yourself together.\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}Thank you!\"" ChG "\"I'm so sorry to leave you like this.\"" MC "\"I understand!\"" ChG "\"I hope we can meet again soon, I had a wonderful time and it would be a pleasure to share my art and antiquities collection with you.\"" MC "\"Yes, it... {w}It would be with pleasure!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 157 with dissolve "Looking at him disappear in the corridor, Myriam snuggled into the warmth of Charles jacket as he covered her with it before going, feeling both swept away and torn by her complicated feelings." MC "{i}He still left me his jacket... {w}God! I'm so lost, I don't know if it's the alcohol or the lack of romance this last few years, but this was so intense and passionate...{/i}" MC "{i}I kind of understand why Ms Nabeel warned me now... {w}He's definitely a charming man and he knows what he wants.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 158 with dissolve "Looking down towards the gilded sarcophagus beside her, Myriam joked to herself as she was feeling the buzz of the alcohol and the heat of the intense sex getting to her head." MC "\"It's you and me now Mr Mummy! {w}So, what do you say? {w}Still feeling shy?\"" MC "{i}God! I definitely have a little buzz here. {w}I'm talking to a dead guy...! {w}Oh god! Did I just made love beside a corpse!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_scared_of_the_mummy_1:" "So, here you are, ready for some new weird event or are you too scared of the mummy's curse?" KN_MOD "Yes, show me weird things!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_the_mummy" KN_MOD "No, its too scary! I want a blanky and a hot coco!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber" KN_MOD "elif ch1_show_me_weird_things == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_the_mummy" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_mummy_curse:" KN_MOD "if ch2_stollen_kiss == False:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 081 with dissolve "Turning back towards the gilded sarcophagus behind her, Myriam joked to herself as she was feeling the buzz of the alcohol and the flirting warming her." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 094 with dissolve "Turning back towards the gilded sarcophagus behind her, Myriam jocked to herself as she was feeling the buzz of the alcohol and the flirting warming her, pushing aside her tormented thoughts." MC "\"It's you and me now Mr Mummy! {w}So, what do you say? {w}Still feeling shy?\"" MC "{i}God! I definitely have a little buzz here. {w}I'm talking to a dead guy!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_scared_of_the_mummy_2:" "So, here you are, ready for some new weird event or are you too scared of the mummy's curse?" KN_MOD "Yes, show me weird things!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_the_mummy" KN_MOD "No, its too scary! I want a blanky and a hot coco!:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber" KN_MOD "elif ch1_show_me_weird_things == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_the_mummy" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber" KN_MOD "label ch2_waking_the_mummy:" $ ch2_charmed_by_a_perverted_mummy = True KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 159 with dissolve "As Myriam tried to get up, her legs suddenly felt weak from her multiple orgasms, making her fall on the sarcopahagus as she tried to catch herself before falling off the pedestal." KN_MOD "elif ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 160 with dissolve "As Myriam tried to get up, her legs suddenly felt weak from her multiple orgasms, making her fall on the sarcopahagus as she tried to catch herself before falling off the pedestal." KN_MOD "elif ch2_stollen_kiss == False:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 161 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back to get out of the mummy's chamber, Myriam suddenly missed a step as her heel get caught between stones, making her fall on the sarcopahagus as she tried to catch herself before falling to the ground." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 162 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back to get out of the mummy's chamber, Myriam suddenly missed a step as her heel get caught between stones, making her fall on the sarcopahagus as she tried to catch herself before falling to the ground." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! No! The sarcophagus!{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Something weird happened!" with Pause(2) play sound "splash-freesound-InspectorJ.mp3" "Splash!" scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 163 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 164 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 165 with dissolve "Gasping out of breath and totally lost, Myriam jumped out of the water, trying to understand what had just happened." MC "\"Gasp!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What just happened!? {w}Where am I!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == False and ch2_fuck_charles_safe == False:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 166 with dissolve "Looking down, Myriam realized the state she was in, not only did she lose Charles' jacket when falling, but she was also missing her dress." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! And where is my dress!? {w}Why am I naked!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 167 with dissolve "Looking around to try and find a reason to all this, Myriam's mind went into overload, trying to give her a logical answer to all this." MC "{i}Am I dreaming? {w}Did I just bump my head falling? {w}Oh my god! Am I dead? Or in a coma?{/i}" MC "{i}This place looks like a paradise... {w}The water is warm, the air seems so pure and this scent is...{/i}" "Man Voice" "\"You are in my paradise! Oh beautiful one!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 168 with dissolve "Quickly hiding herself as she turned back towards the voice, Myriam saw a beautiful man of Arabian descent, half naked and coming towards her." MC "\"Ah! Who are you? What do you want from me?\"" "Man" "\"I'm welcoming you into my realm. Oh beautiful one!\"" MC "\"Wait! Don't come closer!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 169 with dissolve "But as the man kept closing in, Myriam kept backing away, finding herself backed into a corner of the pool they were in." MC "\"Please, don't!\"" "Man" "\"Do not fear me child! {w}You have nothing to fear anymore.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 170 with dissolve "Pushing away his hands as he was about to touch her, Myriam tried to make him stop, still unclear about the man's intentions and where she was." MC "\"I said don't, stay away from me!\"" "Man" "\"Calm down child, I only wish to welcome you into my realm, into my paradise.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 171 with dissolve "As the man grabbed her wrists, Myriam's senses and mind were suddenly distracted by a sweet fragrance, soothing her restless thoughts and her fears." "Man" "\"I am Amenatep, Prince of Egypt and I welcome you beautiful one. {w}I welcome you to my side.\"" MC "{i}What's that smell? It's... {w}It's so sweet...! {w}Is that this flower...?{/i}" MC "\"I... {w}said... {w}stay...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 172 with dissolve "The sweet fragrance lulling her mind away from her worries and fears, Myriam started to calm down, only feeling reassurance in the calm voice of Amenatep." MC "{i}No... {w}I think it's coming from him... {w}Such a sweet smell...{/i}" Am "\"Here you go, ease your mind child. {w}Aren't you feeling at peace here? {w}By my side!\"" MC "\"I... {w}Yes... {w}Yes!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 173 with dissolve "Approaching from her as her guard went down, Amenatep grabbed firmly one of Myriam's breast while caressing her cheek gently, as his hard cock was poking against her stomach." Am "\"Aren't you feeling good with my touch?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Willpower] >= 10:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_spark_of_lucidity:" "Does Myriam's mind still have a spark of lucidity?" KN_MOD "God! His touch feels like heaven! (nope):" MC "{i}God! His touch feels like heaven! {w}He's making me feel so good!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_blowing_the_mummy" KN_MOD "Wait! Theres something wrong! (yep):" $ ch2_see_through_the_veil = True MC "{i}Wait! There's something wrong! {w}This smell is numbing me! {w}Why can't I react!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_blowing_the_mummy" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! His touch feels like heaven! {w}He's making me feel so good!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_blowing_the_mummy" KN_MOD "label ch2_blowing_the_mummy:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 174 with dissolve "As he kneaded her breast firmly, Amenatep made Myriam look how he used her body, while without even thinking, her own hands were reaching for the hard cock pressing against her stomach." Am "\"Look! Your body was made for my touch! {w}Can you feel it?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" Am "\"Yes who?\"" MC "\"Yes Prince!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}No! Why can't I stop him!? {w}Damn it! It's like I'm a prisoner of my own mind!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 175 with dissolve "Grabbing his cock without even any hesitation, Myriam started caressing it absent-mindedly, while Amenatep started pinching her nipple and caressing her lips." Am "\"Good! {w}And is there anything those sweet lips want to do for their Prince?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" Am "\"What?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh no! {w}Wake up Myriam!{/i}" MC "\"Sucking him!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 176m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 176 with dissolve "Pushing his thumb in her mouth, Amenatep kept teasing her while she started sucking on his thumb avidly with an ecstatic expression on her face and kept caressing his hard cock." KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh my god! {w}What was that!? {w}For an instant I...{/i}" Am "\"Like this?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" Am "\"Is that what you want to do to your Prince?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 177 with dissolve "Pulling his thumb out of Myriam's mouth, Amenatep kept pushing her and teasing her, while both of them kept enjoying each other's body." Am "\"Was that it?\"" MC "\"No!\"" Am "\"Then what is it?\"" MC "\"I want to suck your cock! {w}Please!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}No! {w}Please don't! {w}He's not what he seems!{/i}" Am "\"As you wish you foolish child! {w}Show your Prince how much you love him!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve "Crouching in the pool at his feets, with her head barely above water, Myriam started to suck on Amenatep's cock, swallowing it deep in her throat without waiting despite his size, decided to show her Prince her skills in the matter." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh god! No! {w}This is a nightmare!{/i}" Am "\"Mmmh! Yes, that's good! {w}Keep going child!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve "Pursuing her blowjob, Myriam kept her rhythm, swallowing deep down her throat the big gilded cock of Amenatep with each back and forth, while thoroughly using her tongue on his shaft as she went." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Please make it stop!{/i}" Am "\"Oh! Yes! You are quite the talented one! {w}But, is that all the passion you have for your Prince?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 178 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 179 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 180 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve "Fearing to disappoint, Myriam started accelerating, pushing his cock faster to the back of her throat as her tears rolled down her cheeks and disappeared in the water of the pool." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}God! I can feel how much I love it and want to please him! {w}Why can't I stop!?{/i}" Am "\"Mmmh! That's better child! {w}That's better!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 182 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve "Not losing the pace, Myriam kept sucking on his big cock deep and fast, not stopping a second to give him pleasure, breathing through her nose when his cock wasn't deep down her throat." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}God! This is so wrong!{/i}" Am "\"Mmmh! That's good child! {w}But you can do better! {w}Come on! Show all your love to your Prince!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve "Forgetting all reason, Myriam pushed herself further, swallowing Amenotep's big cock deeper and faster down her throat, barely breathing as she was determined to make him cum without fail." MC "\"MMMH! SLURP, SLURP, SLURP! MMMH GWOCK, GWOCK, GWOCK!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}God! My head! I can feel the lack of oxygen... {w}My mind is starting to see white...{/i}" Am "\"Mmmh! Yes! Finally, you give it all!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 181 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 183 with dissolve "Starting to see white with the lack of oxygen, but still, she kept going, feeling Amenotep's cock twitching in her throat, ready to cum." MC "\"MMMH! SLURP, SLURP, SLURP! MMMH GWOCK, GWOCK, GWOCK!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh god no! Please! Don't let him cum in your throat!{/i}" Am "\"Mmmh! Yes! Yes! You're going to make me cum my dear child!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 184 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as he uttered those words, Amenotep finally came, flooding Myriam's mouth and throat as she kept his cock deep in her mouth and tried to swallow every last drop of it." Am "\"ARGH! SWALLOW IT ALL CHILD!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}NOOOOOOOOO!!!{/i}" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" Am "{i}Perfect! Two more loads inside her and this little human slut will free me from my curse and be my slave!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 185 with dissolve "Collecting all the cum that overflowed from her mouth with her fingers, Myriam swallowed the last drops of Amenotep's cum, savoring it like a nectar, while looking up and waiting for her Prince's appreciation." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" Am "\"Good my child! {w}You did well! {w}Let me reward that sluttiness of yours, get up and bend over for your Master.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh no! Not again! {w}Please, I don't want him inside me!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 186 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 186m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 186 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 186 with dissolve "Doing what Amenotep commanded her, Myriam got up and bent over the side of the pool, pushing her hips towards him as he pressed his cock between her cheeks and slapped her butt with appreciation." MC "\"Like this Ma...? {w}Master?\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "Slap!" Am "\"Perfect! {w}As a good obedient slave, I will reward you with your dirty wish and violate your ass!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve "And without waiting, Amenotep, pushed his cock in Myriam's ass and started pounding it hard and deep, each thrust slapping against her cheeks loudly as she pushed her hips towards him." MC "\"Aaah! Thank you! Mmmh! Master!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "Slap!" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Aaah! No! I... {w}I can feel his dirty leathery skin on me!{/i}" Am "\"Argh! Are you enjoying the big cock of your Master?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve "While continuing to slap and knead her butt, Amenotep, kept enjoying and pounding Myriam's ass, who kept pushing her hips towards him to feel him as hard and deep as she could." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "Slap!" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Oh god! Aaah! {w}I wan't stop myself from feeling this pleasure!{/i}" Am "\"Argh! Say it properly slut!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Sorry! Mmmh! Yes Master! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve "As she felt Amenotep pounding her ass harder and faster as his pleasure built up, Myriam adapted her rhythm, pushing her hips faster towards him, to give him more pleasure and feel him even more." MC "\"Aaah! Yes Master! Yes! Mmmh!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "Slap!" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Aaah! God! I'm gonna cum again!{/i}" Am "\"Argh! Yes, that's it you little dirty slut! {w}Show your master how much you enjoy his big cock and make him cum!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 188 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 187 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 189 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after a few hard and deep thrusts, both came together, master and slave, Myriam screaming her pleasure as Amenotep grabbed her hair and pulled it back roughly as he emptied load after load of cum deep in her ass." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! MASTER! YES!! MMMMMMH!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}AAAAAAH! GOD! NO!! MMMMMMH!{/i}" Am "\"ARGH! YES!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 190 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 190m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 190 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 190 with dissolve "Grabbing her hair and her throat to control her, Amenotep turned her attention towards him, while his cock was still hard and deep in her ass." Am "\"So my little slave, did you enjoy your Master's reward?\"" MC "\"Yes Master! Thank you!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}...{/i}" Am "{i}Ha ha ha! Good! {w}Just one more time and this little slut will make a perfect slave for my new freedom!{/i}" Am "\"Now climb up! {w}Your dear Master is not finished enjoying your tight ivory ass!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve "Making her lay down and lift her ass up, Amenotep climbed on top of her and started roughly pounding her ass again while firmly grabbing her breasts." MC "\"Aaah! Yes Master! Yes! Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Aaah! No! Not again! I... {w}I can feel it, if... {w}If he cum inside me again I'll completely lose my mind!{/i}" Am "\"Argh! That ass of yours slave! {w}It's the perfect sleeve for your Master's cock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve "Finally finding his balance in this weird position, Amenotep started getting even more brutal, pounding Myriam's ass as roughly as he could, filling the air with the slapping noise of their flesh each time his balls came slapping against her butt." MC "\"Aaah! Yes Master! Yes! Mmmh! It feel so good!\"" "Slap, slap, slap, slap!" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Aaah! God! I have to find a way to break that spell!{/i}" Am "\"Argh! Tell me slave! You're loving getting your ass raped by your Master?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes Master! Yes! Mmmh! I love it!\"" Am "\"Argh! Then if you're a good obediant slave, your Master will reward you everyday with a good ass rape!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Thank you Master! Thank you! Mmmh! I'll be good!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 191 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 192 with dissolve "Both on the verge of a violent orgasm, the words became screams, moans and grunts, as Amenotep kept violently pounding Myriam's ass." MC "\"Aaah! Aaah!! Mmmh!!!\"" "Slap, slap, slap, slap!" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "{i}Aaah! God! I'm nearly there!{/i}" Am "\"Argh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193m with dissolve "As both were reaching their orgasm, and Myriam was falling into despair as she felt her consciousness fading, suddenly a last peek through the veil of illusion left her with the view of the creature." MC "\"Aaah! Aaah!! Mmmh!!!\"" Am "\"Argh!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! I'm done for! I... {w}Wait! What's this on his head!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 195m with dissolve "At the door of oblivion, Myriam put all the despair and resolve she had left and reached for the scarab on the mummy's head as she could feel it was important." MC "{i}Aaah! God! Please! Give me the strength!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah!! Mmmh!!!\"" Am "\"Argh! Wait! What are you doing!? {w}Don't touch that! {w}NO!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_mummys_dream" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 193m with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 194 with dissolve "As both were reaching their orgasm, and as Amenotep was losing grip on his concentration, Myriam consciousness faintly saw through the veil of illusion for a moment." MC "\"Aaah! Aaah!! Mmmh!!!\"" Am "\"Argh!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! Master is going to make me cum again...! {w}Wait! What was that!? {w}What's this on his head!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 195 with dissolve "Feeling a strange sensation of need and curiosity, Myriam's consciousness gave her the strength to put her pleasure aside and reached for the scarab on the mummy's head as she could feel it was important." MC "{i}Aaah! Wait! I need to see!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah!! What...? {w}Mmmh!! What's that?\"" Am "\"Argh! Wait! What are you doing!? {w}Don't touch that! {w}NO!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_the_mummys_dream" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_the_mummys_dream:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 196 with dissolve "As soon as she grabbed the scarab and took it off the mummy's head, a strong light mysteriously started emanating from the sarcophagus, as the mummy was suddenly pulled back towards the light by a strange force, its cum flying through the air, letting Myriam finally regain back control of her mind." Am "\"GIVE IT BACK YOU STUPID...!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_see_through_the_veil == True:" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GET STUFFED! YOU MONSTER!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"AAAAAAH! WHAT IS THAT!?!\"" Am "\"NOOOOOOOOOO!!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 197 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 198 with dissolve "Losing her strength as the shock of the situation sunk in, Myriam lost consciousness, her head hitting the column behind her as she wished that all this had only been a bad dream, while a strange light came from the hand holding the mysterious scarab." MC "{i}God! Please! Ma... {w}Make it a dream!{/i}" "BUMP!" MC "\"...\"" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n A bad dream later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 199 with dissolve "Waking up naked on the ground, Myriam took some time to remember what happened, her head overtaken by a violent headache." MC "\"Ouch!\"" MC "{i}What happened!? {w}Why am I on the ground?{/i}" MC "{i}I was on the pedestal after we... {w}And I tried to get up... {w}I must have fallen and hit my head.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 200 with dissolve "Waking up on the ground, Myriam took some time to remember what happened, her head overtaken by a violent headache." MC "\"Ouch!\"" MC "{i}What happened!? {w}Why am I on the ground?{/i}" MC "{i}I was about to leave and rejoin the gala... {w}But my heel got stuck... {w}I must have fallen and hit my head.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I had such a strange dream!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 201 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 202 with dissolve "Feeling a strange sensation in her left hand, Myriam looked at it mechanically, still half dazed." MC "{i}And what is it with my hand? It feels strange...{/i}" MC "\"Yuck!\"" MC "{i}It's all slimy and disgusting! {w}I must have squished a bug while falling... {w}Falling...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 203 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 204 with dissolve "As a flash of lucidity went through Myriam's mind, she turned her head to the sarcophagus, suddenly remembering hitting it as she fell." MC "{i}Oh god! The sarcophagus! I...{w}I fell on it! {w}Did I ruin it!?{/i}" MC "{i}Please! Be ok!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 205 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 206 with dissolve "Jumping up, fearing to have ruined a priceless millennia old artifact, Myriam was happy and surprised to see it unharmed." MC "{i}Thank god! There's not a scratch! {w}I don't know what I could have done if I had ruined it or even opened it.{/i}" MC "{i}That curse story of Charles was scary enough...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 207 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 208 with dissolve "Feeling a little more at ease now that she knew everything was ok, Myriam looked down at her dirty hand." MC "{i}Well, I should get my stuff and rejoin the gala now, it's still kind of cold here.{/i}" MC "{i}And I have to clean myself up and wash my hand.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber" KN_MOD "label ch2_leaving_the_mummy_chamber:" KN_MOD "if ch2_charmed_by_a_perverted_mummy == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 209 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True:" "After dressing and getting her stuff, Myriam stopped at the foot of the stairs, giving one last look at the mummy's chamber before walking out." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just slept with a man other than Anthony. {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just cheated on my man. {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up.{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_1_1:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Dirty. if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't shake that feeling that I'm dirty now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't ignore that feeling of excitement... {w}Is it because I slept with another man...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "elif ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" "After dressing back up and getting her stuff, even collecting the used condoms, Myriam stopped at the foot of the stairs, giving one last look at the mummy's chamber before walking out." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just slept with a man other than Anthony. {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just cheated on my man. {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up.{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_1_2:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Dirty. if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't shake that feeling that I'm dirty now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't ignore that feeling of excitement... {w}Is it because I slept with another man...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "elif ch2_stollen_kiss == True:" "After getting all her stuff, Myriam stopped at the foot of the stairs, giving one last look at the mummy's chamber before walking out." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just kissed a man other than Anthony. {w}And who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I nearly cheated on my man. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up.{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_2_1:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't ignore that feeling of excitement... {w}Is it because I kissed another man...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Regret.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel regretful... {w}Did I want it to go further...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "else:" "After getting all her stuff, Myriam stopped at the foot of the stairs, giving one last look at the mummy's chamber before walking out." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I nearly just did here... {w}I was about to kiss a man other than Anthony. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I nearly just did here... {w}I could have cheated on my man. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_3_1:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Regret.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit regretful... {w}Did I miss a chance...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 210 with dissolve "As she was about to leave after waiting a few minutes after Charles, Myriam stopped at the foot of the stairs, giving one last look at the mummy's chamber before walking out." KN_MOD "if ch2_stollen_kiss == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I just kissed a man other than Anthony. {w}And who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I just did here... {w}I nearly cheated on my man. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_2_2:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't ignore that feeling of excitement... {w}Is it because I kissed another man...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Regret.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel regretful... {w}Did I want it to go further...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I nearly just did here... {w}I was about to kiss a man other than Anthony. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}Am I definitely done with him?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I nearly just did here... {w}I could have cheated on my man. {w}Who knows what I would have done if we weren't interrupted... {w}I'll have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it just the alcohol talking, the heat of the moment, out of spite for what Anthony did or do I feel something for that man... {w}And Anthony... {w}I know we're not at our best now, but maybe we can patch things up{/i}" MC "{i}God! Just thinking of all that gives me a headache. {w}I won't rewrite my life now anyway... {w}Let's just go fix my hair and makeup for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_passionate_moment_inventory_3_2:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit guilty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit happy somehow... {w}Did it help me break a wall...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "Regret.:" MC "{i}But still... {w}I can't help but feel a bit regretful... {w}Did I miss a chance...?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_back_to_the_gala:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 211 with dissolve "After refreshing herself in a restroom on the way back, Myriam finally rejoined the gala, a bit anxious, feeling as if everybody could tell she shared a \"moment\" with Charles." MC "{i}God! I did well to put off Charles' jacket, I feel like everybody is looking at me... {w}Let's find a waiter and leave him the jacket so he can give it to him discreetly.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't want people thinking weird rumors about him... {w}Here! There's the waiter from earlier.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 212 with dissolve "Waving at the waiter discreetly, Myriam went towards him with Charles's jacket." MC "\"Excuse me!\"" "Waiter" "\"Yes ma'am?\"" MC "\"Could you give this jacket back to Mr Godlman please? {w}He nicely lent it to me because I was cold, but I don't want to bother him while he his talking with the mayor.\"" "Waiter" "{i}Mmmh! I smell scandal here... {w}Some illicit liaison perhaps!?{/i}" "Waiter" "\"Of course ma'am, I understand.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 213 with dissolve "After leaving the jacket with the waiter, Myriam looked at the glasses of champagne on his tray." MC "{i}God! I feel so anxious and restless now... {w}I need to calm my nerves... {w}But I already had a few drinks...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_a_drink_to_calm_the_nerves:" "Does Myriam take another glass of champagne?" KN_MOD "Damn it! I feel just fine.:" MC "{i}Damn it! I feel just fine... {w}It's been a while since the last one, I can take another one! {w}I need to calm my nerves.{/i}" MC "\"Can I take a glass of champagne please?\"" "Waiter" "\"Of course ma'am, please do.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 214 with dissolve "Taking a glass of champagne and drinking it in one go, Myriam put it back down on the waiter's tray." "Waiter" "\"Will that be all ma'am?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you... {w}One is enough.\"" MC "{i}God! It felt nice, but he must think I'm an alcoholic... {w}Why did I drink it like that!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_searching_for_guy" KN_MOD "No, I better not.:" MC "{i}No, I better not... {w}I already took a few and I didn't eat anything.{/i}" "Waiter" "\"Will that be all ma'am?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_searching_for_guy" KN_MOD "label ch2_searching_for_guy:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 215 with dissolve "Leaving the waiter behind with the jacket, Myriam searched for her young student, Guy, feeling guilty for having left him for so long." MC "{i}I should get going now and find Guy, I feel guilty leaving him like that, I should at least go apologize. {w}I hope he doesn't feel too down because of it.{/i}" MC "{i}Here's his friends! Maybe they know where he is, I can't seem to find him in the great hall.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 216 with dissolve "Approaching them while in lively conversation, Myriam interrupted them shyly." AnK "\"I'm telling you you're wrong!\"" RiF "\"Well, we'll see on the exams results if you still feel that way.\"" MC "\"Excuse me...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 217 with dissolve "Stopping their banter, both turned their attention towards Myriam." AnK "\"Hey!\"" RiF "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"I'm sorry to stop you, but do you know where Guy is?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 218 with dissolve AnK "\"Licking his wounds after you dropped him.\"" RiF "\"Yeah! You kind of left him like an old sock.\"" MC "\"I know, I'm sorry! {w}It wasn't my intention.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 219 with dissolve AnK "\"Well, I can't give you crap when he comes dressed like a munchkin! Ha ha ha!\"" RiF "\"Come on man! Don't be an ass.\"" MC "\"Why? I think he was cute.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 220 with dissolve RiF "\"Wait! What!?\"" AnK "\"Cute! For real!?\"" MC "\"Well yes, I can't say he was dressed for the occasion, but he was kind of cute.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 221 with dissolve AnK "\"Some times I really don't understand women...\"" RiF "\"Well I'll be damned! {w}Though I can't say if it's a good thing or a bad thing for him.\"" MC "\"So, do you know where he is? I wanted to apologize.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 222 with dissolve AnK "\"He's up on the roof having a smoke.\"" RiF "\"Yes, there's a lounge area on the roof for employees, but it should be open since he went. {w}Just go up and take the stairs at the far back on the right, and you'll get there.\"" MC "\"Thank you!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 223 with dissolve MC "\"He's lucky to have such good friends.\"" RiF "\"Thanks! {w}We'll join you in a moment.\"" AnK "\"Yeah! So don't smoke everything.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 224 with dissolve "Looking at Myriam walking away, the two could not help commenting together like an old couple." AnK "\"Fuck! That asshole doesn't deserve that ass!\"" RiF "\"That's for sure! {w}But what can you do, some times it pays to be a dumb asshole!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 225 with dissolve "Walking away towards the stairs, Myriam was trying to understand what Anton could have meant by his last remark." MC "{i}I wonder what he meant by \"not smoking everything\"? {w}I never even smoked once in my entire life.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe Guy has just a few cigarettes and they wanted some...? {w}Well, in the end, it's not as if I want to smoke anyway.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_cozy_nest_and_an_apology" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_cozy_nest_and_an_apology:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 226 with dissolve "Following Richard's instructions, Myriam went up on the roof, to the employee resting area." MC "{i}It must be here, let's find him. {w}I can already smell the cigarettes... {w}Well, kind of, it smells a bit different.{/i}" MC "{i}It must be because I'm so accustomed to daddy's cigars.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 227 with dissolve "Approaching the lounge area, Myriam surprised Guy smoking on an exterior couch, with a bottle of whiskey in front of him." MC "\"Hello...\"" GuA "\"Oh! Cough, cough! Hello!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 228 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry! I didn't mean to surprise you. {w}Are you ok?\"" GuA "\"Yeah! Cough! Don't worry... {w}Just a bit baked...\"" MC "{i}What?{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 229 with dissolve GuA "\"Come on sit down! {w}I'll get the smoke away if it bothers you.\"" MC "\"Thank you, it's ok.\"" MC "{i}Damn! And now I feel even more guilty... {w}He's always so considerate.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 230 with dissolve GuA "\"So, How come you're on the dovecote?\"" MC "\"Sorry?\"" GuA "\"The dovecote, it's what the employee call it. {w}Before it gets renovated, it was a place where the old museum keeper raised pigeons and shit.\"" MC "\"Oh! Well, it was your friends who told me where you were.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 231 with dissolve GuA "\"Oh! They did?\"" MC "\"Yes, I was searching for you to apologize. {w}I'm so sorry to have left you all by yourself all this time.\"" GuA "\"Nah! Don't worry, it's cool, I understand that you can't refuse a tour by the guy that created this collection.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 232 with dissolve GuA "\"So, how did you like it by the way?\"" MC "\"Oh god! It was gorgeous, I loved it, and the stories behind each piece are incredible.\"" GuA "\"Yeah! They are, I see he really did give you the full tour. {w}Did he show you the mummy chamber?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 233 with dissolve MC "\"He did, yeah... {w}It was very impressive.\"" GuA "\"Yeah! It was quite the slave labor to get that done.\"" GuA "{i}Fuck! She's so hot! And look at her all embarrassed, something must have happened... {w}Damn! I need a fucking drink!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 234 with dissolve "Preparing a glass of whiskey, Guy handed it to Myriam as he got closer to her." GuA "\"Here you go!\"" MC "\"Oh! Thanks...! {w}But you!?\"" GuA "\"Don't worry, I got one ready! {w}Come on, let's toast to a successful exhibit!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 235 with dissolve GuA "\"To the success of the exhibition!\"" MC "\"To the success of the exhibition!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm not that good with spirits, but I can hardly say no.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 236 with dissolve GuA "\"Down the hatch!\"" "Surprised to see Guy drinking his glass of whiskey in one go, Myriam was at a loss on how to react." MC "{i}God! Does he want me to do the same!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_down_the_hatch:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "No! I cant do that! if MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" MC "{i}No! I can't do that! And I already had enough before!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 237 with dissolve "Just taking a sip of her drink, Myriam decided to nurse her drink and avoid getting drunk, while Guy seemed already a little buzzed." GuA "\"Houaaa! That feels great nothing better than this and some good weed to calm your nerves!\"" MC "\"I'm so sorry! I hope it's not me that got you all stressed?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_feeling_the_buzz" KN_MOD "God! Im going to have a splitting headache tomorrow! if MCtrait[Drinks] > 3:" MC "{i}God! I feel I'm going to regret this but I don't want to upset him anymore.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 238 with dissolve "As Myriam drank her whiskey in one go like him, Guy quickly served her another one, surprised and amused to see her drinking so much." GuA "\"Houaaa! That feels great nothing better than this and some good weed to calm your nerves! {w}Here you go another one for the road!\"" MC "\"Ha! Wait! No! I think I had enough!\"" GuA "\"Come on! You aren't gonna let me drink alone!\"" MC "{i}Oh god!{/i}" MC "\"Well, ahm so sorry! Ah hope it's not me that got you all stressed?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_feeling_the_buzz" KN_MOD "When in Rome...! if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 5:" $ ch2_when_in_rome = True MC "{i}When in Rome...!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 239 with dissolve "As Myriam drank her whiskey in one go like him, Guy quickly served her another one, surprised and amused to see her drinking so much." GuA "\"Houaaa! That feels great nothing better than this and some good weed to calm your nerves! {w}Here you go another one for the road!\"" MC "\"Thanks...! {w}And ahm so sorry! Ah hope it's not me that got you all stressed?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_feeling_the_buzz" KN_MOD "label ch2_feeling_the_buzz:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 240 with dissolve "Getting closer to Myriam again after pouring himself another drink, Guy finally answered Myriam." GuA "\"Nah...! {w}Well, maybe a little, it's not everyday you get a date with a beautiful woman like you!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"Come on! You're a bubble off plumb there, Ahm just an old lady to you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Come on! Stop joking around, I'm just an old lady to you.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 241 with dissolve "The alcohol and weed breaking Guy's inhibitions, made him say his mind to Myriam without fearing the consequences." GuA "\"Are you kidding!? {w}You're so frigging gorgeous!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"Oh! Ah don't know what to say... {w}Thank you...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Oh! I don't know what to say... {w}Thank you...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 242 with dissolve GuA "\"Seems I'm not the only one that was stressed here...! {w}Here! Have some!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"No! Thanks! Ah don't smoke cigarettes.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"No! Thank you! I don't smoke cigarettes.\"" GuA "\"Good! Me neither! {w}This isn't a cigarette...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 243 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"That ain't a cigarette...? {w}Oh my god! Ya mean it's drugs!?\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"That's not a cigarette...? {w}Oh my god! You mean it's drugs!?\"" GuA "\"Come on! Don't say it as if it was some hard stuff, it's just weed... {w}Can't say it's medicinal for me, but it's good medication. {w}So, want to try?\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"Ah...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_druuuuuuuuuugs:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "No! I shouldnt do that! if ch2_when_in_rome == False:" MC "{i}No! I shouldn't do that! It's illegal!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 244 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"Thank you, but Ah can't.\"" MC "{i}Damn! Ah hope Ah didn't upset him again...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you, but I can't.\"" MC "{i}Damn! I hope I didn't upset him again...{/i}" GuA "\"Hey! No biggie, to each his own!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_another_kiss" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not!:" $ ch2_smoke_some_weed = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not after all! {w}It's just us and I always was curious to see what's the fuss is about!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_trying_a_joint" KN_MOD "label ch2_trying_a_joint:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 245 with dissolve MC "\"Ok! But just a little then...\"" GuA "\"No biggie, do as much as you want!\"" MC "{i}Oh Lord forgive me! It's just a little bit of weed...{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 246 with dissolve "Taking the joint from Guy, Myriam shyly tried smoking it as he relit it for her, thinking about old times." GuA "\"Let me light it for you, those things are always dying out!\"" MC "\"Pfff, pfff!\"" MC "{i}God! It makes me remember when I snuck a cigar from Daddy when I was a girl... {w}I puked my guts out and never tried smoking anything ever again!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 247 with dissolve "Taking a few big gulps of smoke without too much caution, Myriam quickly began coughing uncontrolably, surprised by the new strong sensation burning her lungs." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" GuA "\"Ha ha ha! Easy girl, that's some strong shit I have!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 248 with dissolve "Trying to calm her sore throat, Myriam suddenly drank her whiskey in one go, shocking Guy even more as she put her hand on his thigh reflexively." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" GuA "\"Don't worry, it'll...!\"" GuA "{i}Holy fucking crap!!! She's touching my thigh!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 249 with dissolve "After taking the joint and lighter away, Guy poured Myriam another glass, while she coughed some more, clearing her throat after finishing her drink." MC "\"Cough, cough!\"" GuA "\"Ha ha ha! Here you go! {w}You're quite the drinker!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 250 with dissolve GuA "\"So, what do you think?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_me_likey:" "What does Myriam feel about her experience?" KN_MOD "No, I dont think thats for me! if ch2_when_in_rome == False:" $ ch2_smokey_not_for_me = True MC "\"No, Ah don't think that's for me.\"" MC "{i}Gosh! And Ah think Ahm starting to feel weird...{/i}" GuA "\"Too bad then!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_another_kiss" KN_MOD "Well, it wasnt that bad!:" MC "\"Well, it wasn't that bad, maybe on some occasions.\"" MC "{i}Gosh! But Ah think Ahm starting to feel weird...{/i}" GuA "\"You see, it's not so bad as everybody thinks!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_another_kiss" KN_MOD "Well, it was weird but not so bad!:" MC "\"Well, it was weird but not so bad...\"" MC "{i}Gosh! And Ah think Ahm starting to feel weird...{/i}" GuA "\"You see, it's not so bad as everybody thinks!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_another_kiss" KN_MOD "label ch2_another_kiss:" KN_MOD "if ch2_smoke_some_weed == False or ch2_smokey_not_for_me == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 251 with dissolve "Talking and laughing for a while, both enjoyed the moment and the summer night, finishing their drinks slowly while Guy kept smoking his joint from time to time." GuA "\"I kid you not, they were huge like this!\"" MC "\"Come on! Ha ha ha! You're playing me!\"" GuA "\"Ha ha ha!\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 252 with dissolve "Talking and laughing for a while, both enjoyed the moment and the summer night, while having a few more drinks and sharing a few joints." GuA "\"I kid you not...! {w}They were huuuge like this...!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on! Ha ha ha! That story has more twists than a pretzel factory!\"" GuA "\"Ha ha ha!\"" "Both had too much to drink and smoke, laughing uncontrollably as their minds were hazy from the excess." scene bg ch2_15 galanight 253 with dissolve "As both enjoyed the blissful moment, a silence fell between the two, Myriam enjoying her night out while Guy enjoyed the view before his eyes." MC "\"...\"" GuA "\"...\"" GuA "{i}God! She so frigging hot! I can't take it anymore!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 254 with dissolve "After putting away his joint, Guy suddenly surprised Myriam by pulling her towards him and kissing her, unable to resist the gorgeous woman in front of him." GuA "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}What is he doing!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_intoxicated_kiss:" "How does Myriam react to the sudden kiss?" KN_MOD "Mmmh! if ch2_when_in_rome == True or MCtrait[Drinks] >= 10:" MC "{i}Ah shouldn't, Ah... {w}But it feels so nice...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_kissing_back" KN_MOD "No... I... if ch2_when_in_rome == False and MCtrait[Drinks] < 10:" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "{i}Ah shouldn't, Ah... {w}But Ah owe him at least that... {w}And it feels so nice...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I shouldn't, I... {w}But I owe him at least that... {w}And it feels so nice...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_kissing_back" KN_MOD "No! I cant! if ch2_when_in_rome == False and MCtrait[Drinks] <= 6:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}No! I can't, it was a nice evening and I kind of owe him one, but I cant...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No! I can't, it was a nice evening and I kind of owe him one, but I'm taken.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_no_kissing" KN_MOD "label ch2_kissing_back:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 255 with dissolve "Relaxing herself, Myriam started kissing Guy back, responding to his caress and his lips." MC "\"Muah!\"" GuA "\"Muah!\"" GuA "{i}Bingo! She's kissing me back!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 256 with dissolve "As his hands started to caress Myriam gently, Guy slowly revealed her breasts, skillfully pulling down the straps of her dress, while she started caressing his leg." MC "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}He's kissing so well...{/i}" GuA "\"Muah!\"" GuA "{i}Yeah! She's letting me strip her...{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 257 with dissolve "Slipping his hand under her arm, Guy played with Myriam's breast while he brought her other hand to his groin." GuA "\"Muah!\"" GuA "{i}Let see if it passes...{/i}" MC "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}What is he doing!? {w}Does he want me to...?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_third_base:" "Does Myriam go further?" KN_MOD "Mmmh! if ch2_when_in_rome == True or MCtrait[Drinks] >= 10:" MC "{i}Ah this feels so nice... {w}Ah owe him a little bonus...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_thank_you_blowjob" KN_MOD "No! I should stop now! if ch2_when_in_rome == False and MCtrait[Drinks] < 10:" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}No! This feels nice, but Ah should stop now! {w}Ahm still with someone, Ah already let things get too far.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No! This feels nice, but Ah should stop now! {w}Ahm taken, Ah already let things get too far.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}No! This feels nice, but I should stop now! {w}I'm still with someone, I already let things get too far.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No! This feels nice, but I should stop now! {w}I'm taken, I already let things get too far.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_no_fucking" KN_MOD "label ch2_no_kissing:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 258 with dissolve "Pulling back and gently pushing Guy away, Myriam quickly stopped the kiss." KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Ahm sorry Guy, but Ah can't. {w}It was a nice evening and Ah like you, but Ahm still with someone, Ahm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Ahm sorry Guy, but Ah can't. {w}It was a nice evening and Ah like you, but Ahm taken, Ahm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"I'm sorry Guy, but I can't. {w}It was a nice evening and I like you, but I'm still with someone, I'm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I'm sorry Guy, but I can't. {w}It was a nice evening and I like you, but I'm taken, I'm sorry.\"" GuA "\"I understand, I'm sorry, I don't know what took me over...\"" MC "\"You shouldn't be sorry, you're a bright young man and in other circumstances... {w}Who knows!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 259 with dissolve "Taking back her handbag, Myriam thanked Guy for the nice evening, thinking it was better she went now to avoid any more awkwardness between them, as the spell was broken." KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] >= 6:" MC "\"Now, Ah don't mean to be rude, but Ah think it would be better if Ah call it a night. {w}Ah thank you for this very nice evening Guy, it was real nice.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Now, I don't mean to be impolite, but I think it would be better if I call it a night. {w}I thank you for this very nice evening Guy, it was really nice.\"" GuA "\"Yeah! I understand, it was really nice for me also... {w}Have a good night and get home safe!\"" GuA "{i}Get home safe...! {w}You dumb fuck! You should have tried to get her home, or at least to the limo! {w}Damn it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_alone" KN_MOD "label ch2_no_fucking:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 260 with dissolve "Taken by a sudden flash of lucidity, Myriam dug deep into her reserve of willpower to calm her excitement and pushed away Guy." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Stop! Please stop! Ah... {w}Ahm sorry, but I can't, Ahm still with someone, Ah... {w}Ah can't do this!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Stop! Please stop! Ah... {w}Ahm sorry, but I can't, Ahm taken, Ah... {w}Ah can't do this!\"" GuA "\"Oh! Ok! I... {w}I understand, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed like this. {w}I don't know what took me over.\"" GuA "{i}Fuck! I pushed too far too quick!!{/i}" MC "\"It's ok, it's mah fault, Ah shouldn't have let things escalate like this...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 261 with dissolve "Finishing dressing and taking her handbag, Myriam awkwardly thanked Guy for the nice evening, thinking it was better she went now to avoid any more awkwardness between them, as the spell was broken." MC "\"Now, Ah don't mean to be rude, but Ah think it would be better if Ah call it a night. {w}Ah thank you for this very nice evening Guy, it was real nice.\"" GuA "\"Yeah! I understand, it was really nice for me also... {w}Have a good night and get home safe!\"" GuA "{i}Get home safe...! {w}You dumb fuck! You should have tried to get her home, or at least to the limo! {w}Damn it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_alone" KN_MOD "label ch2_thank_you_blowjob:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 262 with dissolve "As Myriam suddenly got up to take off her dress, Guy quickly jumped on taking off his pants, thinking he had won the lottery." MC "{i}Here like that Ah won't be messing up the dress...{/i}" GuA "{i}Holy shit man! That ass is just...!!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 263 with dissolve "Kneeling in front of Guy, Myriam looked at him in silence with a lustful smile as she took his still half limp cock in her hand." GuA "{i}Fuck me! And I thought I would get a handjob at best...! {w}But here she is, going straight for the blowjob!{/i}" MC "{i}Ahm going to show him how sorry Ah feel for leaving him all alone before.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 264 with dissolve "Starting by teasing his cock to make it harder, Myriam darted her tongue inside his foreskin to play with his glans." GuA "{i}Oh shit! She knows what she's doing! {w}That tongue!{/i}" MC "{i}God! This smell always makes me dizzy and wet!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 265 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve "But in a hurry to feel his cock in her mouth, Myriam quickly took his still slightly limp cock in her mouth and started to suck him slowly and thoroughly to finish making him hard." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock!\"" GuA "\"Fuck! Yes!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve "Once Guy's cock was hard, Myriam quickly doubled the pace, taking his now firm dick fast and deep in her throat, swallowing it whole with each back and forth, deciding to make him enjoy his ride to the fullest." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Ooooooh! Shit!\"" MC "{i}Good! He's loving it!{/i}" GuA "{i}Look at that! She's incredible! She's deepthroating me on the get go without even blinking!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yes! That feels great! {w}Fuck me! You're so good at this!\"" GuA "{i}Shit! She's not even stopping to breathe! {w}She's sucking like a fucking pro!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yes! Yes!!\"" GuA "{i}Fuck! I don't believe it, I'm already going to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 266 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 267 with dissolve "Feeling Guy's cock twitching in her mouth, ready to burst, Myriam accelerated the pace further, going back and forth as fast as she could while her tongue kept caressing his shaft." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Argh! Fuck!\"" GuA "{i}Shit! Whats with that speed!? {w}She really wants my load in her mouth!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 268 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pressing her head with both hands to make her swallow, Guy surprised Myriam who still gladly swallowed each and every load of cum he shot down her throat." GuA "\"ARGH!!! FUCK!! SWALLOW THIS!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 269 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out once he let her go, Myriam cleaned her chin from the extra cum that overflowed from her mouth, while Guy, feeling guilty apologized for pushing her head." GuA "\"Sorry! I kind of lost it for a moment...\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp! {w}That's ok sweetie, Ah didn't mind!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 270 with dissolve "Getting up with the intention to put her dress back on, Myriam was surprised again by Guy, feeling him slip two fingers in her wet pussy from behind while grabbing her butt." MC "\"Aaah! What... {w}Mmmh! What are you doing!?\"" GuA "\"Just giving back... {w}Come on! Let me get you off too. {w}With that blowjob you gave me, that's the least I can do.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve "Feeling excited and wanting to cum also, Myriam didn't take long to accept the offer and laid down on the couch to let him play with her pussy." MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" GuA "\"You like it?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! That feels great!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve "As soon as he found her sweet spots, Guy quickly adapted to her reactions and accelerated the pace with his fingers while his thumb stayed busy with her clit." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" GuA "{i}Yeah! Good! I didn't lose my touch! {w}I can feel she's gonna cum soon.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 271 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 272 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 273 with dissolve "As predicted, it didn't take long for Myriam to climax, screaming her pleasure while her pussy gushed over Guy's hand and her body started shaking uncontrollably." MC "\"AAAH! GOD! YES! YES!!\"" GuA "{i}And bingo! Maybe I'll get to fuck her now if she's seeing pink.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 274 with dissolve "Following his thoughts, Guy climbed behind Myriam, pressing his cock against her pussy, as she laid open trying to catch her breath after her orgasm." GuA "{i}Come on! Let's try it now while she's in overheat mode!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_have_condoms == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_too_backed_or_still_sane:" "Does Myriam stop Guy for a condom?" KN_MOD "Oh god! Yes! Ah want his cock inside me now!!:" $ ch2_student_foursome_bareback = True MC "{i}Oh god! Yes! Ah want his cock inside me now!!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah...! {w}Aaah! Yes! Fu... {w}Fuck me!\"" GuA "{i}Fucking bingo!! {w}Never underestimate a good finger job!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_student_sex" KN_MOD "Oh god! I want his cock, but wait...!:" $ ch2_student_foursome_safe = True MC "{i}Oh god! I want his cock, but wait...! {w}We need protection!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 275 with dissolve "With a last flash of reason, Myriam stopped Guy before he pushed his hard cock inside her." MC "\"God! Wait!\"" GuA "{i}Shit!{/i}" GuA "\"You want me to stop?\"" MC "\"No...! {w}Protection...! {w}My bag...!\"" GuA "{i}Fuck yes! {w}Never underestimate a good finger job!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_student_sex" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch2_student_foursome_bareback = True KN_MOD "jump ch2_student_sex" KN_MOD "label ch2_student_sex:" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve "Pushing his cock without waiting inside Myriam's overflowing pussy, Guy started thrusting his hips back and forth behind her, quickly pulling moans of pleasures out of the already exhausted Myriam." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve "Once his cock covered, Guy quickly pushed his cock inside Myriam's overflowing pussy, starting thrusting his hips back and forth behind her, quickly pulling moans of pleasures out of the already exhausted Myriam." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" GuA "{i}Fuck! Her pussy is a real pot of honey, she's so warm and wet!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve "Quickening the pace, Guy kept pounding Myriam's pussy, firmly grabbing her hips to get the best hold and fucking her harder and faster." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmh! God!\"" GuA "\"Argh! Fuck! Your pussy is so tight!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve "Both enjoying the passionate sex, they kept going at it for a moment, but Myriam was the one nearing a new orgasm." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmh! Aaaaaah!!\"" GuA "\"Argh! Fuck! You're loving it getting your pussy fucked!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!\"" GuA "{i}She's on the brink, let's try something...!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 277 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 276 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 278 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 280 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 279 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 281 with dissolve "With just a few more thrusts, Guy pushed his thumb in Myriam's ass, making her scream in pleasure as she was taken over by another orgasm, her pussy tightening around Guys's cock." MC "\"AAAH! YES! FUCK! YEEES!!\"" GuA "\"Argh! Yeah! Cum for me!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 282 with dissolve "His cock still deep inside her pussy and thumb deep in her ass, Guy kept teasing Myriam as her body was still shaking from her climax." GuA "\"So, you like having your ass played with?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Fuck my ass! {w}Please!\"" GuA "{i}Holy shit! She totally wants it in the ass!{/i}" GuA "\"Then get on all four and get your ass up!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve "As Myriam jumped into position, Guy quickly climbed behind her and pushed his hard cock down her ass, slipping right in her trained and hungry asshole." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Yes!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! You like it in the ass you slut!?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmh! Ah love it!\"" GuA "{i}Shit! She's totally into it!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 283 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 284 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 285 with dissolve "Excited by the total abandon of Myriam to the pleasure, Guy kept going, pounding her ass hard and deep and using dirty words as she didn't mind and even seemed to enjoy it." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! You're a little anal slut!?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Ah am! Mmmh! Ahm an anal slut!\"" GuA "{i}Oh yes! She's one of those proper ladies who love it dirty in the sack! {w}And that Texan accent!!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_student_foursome" KN_MOD "label ch2_student_foursome:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 286 with dissolve "But as both started to enjoy the anal ride and dirty sex talk, Guy suddenly heard the door to the roof opening behind the wall, recognizing his two buddies' voices." AnK "\"Well, let's see if he kept us something to smoke or not.\"" RiF "\"Fuck! He better with what we did for him!\"" GuA "{i}SHIT!! Not now guys!{/i}" GuA "\"Hey! someone's coming!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah! Mmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" "But as Guy tried to alert Myriam of his buddies' arrival, she kept moaning in pleasure and pushing her ass against him to feel his cock deep inside her, her mind totally overtaken by the pleasure, alcohol and weed." GuA "{i}Well, if she doesn't mind, who am I to argue...{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 287 with dissolve "Passing the wall, Anton and Richard surprised the two of them fucking on the exterior couch of the rest area, both going at it vigorously and seeming not to mind their arrival." RiF "\"Hope he did his best to get the better of it.\"" AnK "\"Well, I think he kind of did...! {w}Look!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah! Mmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 288 with dissolve "As they saw Guy not minding their arrival, both approached the scene smiling and joking dirtily about the situation." RiF "\"Shit man! Seems like you jumped right back on that horse! Ha ha ha!\"" AnK "\"Yep and riding it hard also! Ha ha ha!\"" GuA "\"As you can see guys...!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah! Mmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" AnK "\"Fuck! And she's loving it!\"" GuA "\"Fuck yeah! She does!!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 289 with dissolve "Turning back to Myriam as he kept fucking her ass hard, Guy slapped her butt and started teasing her." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" GuA "\"Tell them what I'm doing to you!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Mah ass... {w}Aaah! Fucking mah ass!\"" GuA "\"And you're loving it!?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! God! Yes!! MMMMH! YES!!!\"" "Sceaming in pleasure, Myriam came again, climaxing from Guy's anal pounding and the excitement of getting surprised in action." scene bg ch2_15 galanight 290 with dissolve "As Myriam was still moaning, her body shaking with Guy's cock still deep in her ass, both buddies pulled out their cocks and started to jerk off to the scene, while Guy turned Myriam's attention to them." GuA "\"Look at my friends' cocks! {w}Look the state you put them in!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" GuA "\"You know what!? {w}I think you're going to open your mouth for them while I finish myself with your ass! {w}Ok!?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 291 with dissolve "Taking their clothes off, both joined the party, Anton starting by coming in front of Myriam and putting his cock in her open mouth, while Guy kept fucking her ass." AnK "\"Here girl! Suck on this!\"" MC "\"Mmmph! Slurp, slurp!\"" GuA "\"Man you'll see, she's incredible! {w}She sucks like a pro and she loves it!\"" AnK "\"Yeah!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve "Taking Guy at his word, Anton grabbed Myriam head and started facefucking her roughly to test the limits of what his friend was saying while Guy kept pounding her ass hard." AnK "\"Then let's see what she can take!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Hey man! Don't break her!\"" AnK "\"Don't worry! I never give more than they can chew!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Look at that! She's taking it like a champ! {w}Fuck man you didn't lie, she sucks like a pro and she's loving it\"" GuA "\"Yeah! She gave me the best blowjob I ever had...! {w}And man! Wait until you try her ass!\"" "Out of it, all reason had given place to pleasure and lust in Myriam's mind, only enjoying the intense sexual stimulation she was in, all the alcohol and weed having fully removed her inhibitions." KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 292 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 295 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 294 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 293 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 295 with dissolve "Both continuing for a good moment, fucking Myriam hard and deep from both ends, and quickly making her climax again as the pleasure got too intense again as Guy was nearing the end of his rope also." MC "\"MMMH! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Man! She just came again! She loves it rough that slut!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" GuA "\"Yeah! Fuck! I'm coming too! ARGH!! FUUUCK!!!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 296 with dissolve "Still deep inside her, Guy turned toward Richard while Anton kept enjoying Myriam's welcoming mouth." GuA "\"Hey! Rick! Want my place to try out her ass?\"" RiF "\"Fuck yeah! You know I do!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" GuA "\"Then grab a condom! She got some in her bag... {w}Even got some used from another fuck she must have had before!\"" KN_MOD "else:" RiF "\"No shit!?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Oh man! She's draining me! {w}I won't last long either!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve "Taking Guy's place behind Myriam, Richard quickly pushed his cock inside her ass, starting pounding it hard deep after grabbing firmly her butt." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve "After putting on a condom and taking Guy's place behind Myriam, Richard quickly pushed his cock inside her ass, starting pounding it hard deep after firmly grabbing her butt." RiF "\"Fuck! That's some good fucking white ass!\"" MC "\"Mmmph! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Wow dude! She clearly felt that one! {w}I felt her scream with cock deep in her throat!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" RiF "\"Yeah! That's not everyday a girl let me use her ass, so I'm going to enjoy it!\"" AnK "\"Oh! Give me a violin! {w}I'm a rich black asshole with a big cock!\"" RiF "\"Hey! We can't all be some white Irish drunk with a limp dick!\"" AnK "\"Fucking black asshole!\"" RiF "\"Fucking Irish drunk!\"" AnK "\"Ha ha ha!\"" RiF "\"Ha ha ha!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve "Both friends kept bantering while fucking Myriam from both ends for some time, making her climax again as they went, her mind now totally numbed by all the pleasure and after effects of the alcohol and weed, only letting filter a few moans and grunt from her stuffed mouth." MC "\"MMMH! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Fuck! That slut came again and I'm not far! {w}I can't take it anymore!\"" RiF "\"Yeah! I'm not far either, her asshole is so fucking tight!\"" AnK "\"I'm going to feed her some heavy load!\"" RiF "\"Yeah!? I'm going to finish on her face! {w}I always love giving white girls a good facial!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 297 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 300 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 299 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 298 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 300 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after a few more thrusts, Anton emptied his balls down Myriam's throat and mouth, keeping her head firmly in place as he filled her mouth full of cum." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"ARGH! FUCK! TAKE MY LOAD!!\"" RiF "\"Now get down on your knees!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 301 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 302 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 303 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 304 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 305 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True:" "Coming in front of Myriam after putting her down on her knees, Richard started jerking off in front of her open mouth, still filled with Anton's cum." KN_MOD "else:" "Taking off his condom, Richard came in front of Myriam after putting her down on her knees, and started jerking off in front of her open mouth, still filled with Anton's cum." "And after a few more strokes, he grunted loudly as his warm and thick cum started flying across Myriam's face, crashing down on her load after load as she kept moaning." RiF "\"ARGH! YEAH!! TAKE MY BLACK SEED GIRL!!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Cough!\"" AnK "\"Nice cover man!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_safe == True and ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 306 with dissolve AnK "\"Hey man! I got an idea! {w}Guy said she had used condom in her bag, let's empty them in her mouth with his!\"" RiF "\"Ha ha ha! You're always so nasty Anton!\"" AnK "\"Come on! You see she doesn't mind some more cum!\"" RiF "\"Hey! I didn't say no, let's do it.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 307 with dissolve "Emptying the three used condoms in Myriam's mouth, two from Charles and one from Guy, the two filled her mouth to the brim." RiF "\"Fuck! I don't know who was the guy from before, but man he had some fucking loads!\"" AnK "\"Fuck look at that, she's really filled! {w}Where's Guy? He's missing the \"grand finale\"!\"" RiF "\"I think he got dressed and went to the door. {w}He must be on the lookout.\"" AnK "\"HEY! GUY! You coming!? You're missing the finish!\"" GuA "\"YEAH! I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 308 with dissolve "Joining his friends, Guy witnessed the state they put Myriam in, face wet from the cum that covered her face and mouth filled full of cum." GuA "\"Shit man! You really did a number on her guys!\"" AnK "\"Hey! You invited us to join!\"" RiF "\"We just used her once! {w}And added the condoms to the mix!\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 309 with dissolve "Making Myriam take everything in her mouth, the two enjoyed the fine result of their mutual ride as they looked at her mouth filled with their cum." RiF "\"Fuck! That's some nice fill!\"" AnK "\"For sure! {w}Where's Guy? He's missing the \"grand finale\"!\"" RiF "\"I think he got dressed and went to the door. {w}He must be on the lookout.\"" AnK "\"HEY! GUY! You coming!? You're missing the finish!\"" GuA "\"YEAH! I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 310 with dissolve "Joining his friends, Guy witnessed the state they put Myriam in, face wet from the cum that covered her face and mouth filled with cum." GuA "\"Shit man! You really did a number on her guys!\"" AnK "\"Hey! You invited us to join!\"" RiF "\"We just used her once!\"" GuA "\"I don't think she's going to swallow all that guys...!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 311 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 312 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Following his words, Myriam suddenly swallowed in a big gulp all the cum filling her mouth, pulling scream of surprise from the three art students." MC "\"GULP!\"" GuA "\"Holy fucking shit!\"" AnK "\"She totally swallowed everything!\"" RiF "\"Wow! That some porn shit right there!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 313 with dissolve "Guy turning away from the others, went to start cleaning up the place, while Myriam relaxed and tried to catch her breath after swallowing so much cum." MC "\"Huff!\"" GuA "\"You should get dressed guys, the gala is ending, we should clean up and go before security comes do its round.\"" AnK "\"Damn it! Already!? {w}We just started to have fun!\"" RiF "\"Maybe we can get things rolling at the apartment?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 314 with dissolve "While the three students dressed and cleaned up the place, Myriam stayed there in a daze, her mind totally blank, cocooned in a feeling of warmth and dullness saturated by pleasure." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}...{/i}" GuA "\"Come on guys! Finish cleaning the table, I'll help her get cleaned up and dressed.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_leaving_with_students" KN_MOD "label ch2_leaving_alone:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 315 with dissolve "Going to the limo after getting her things, Myriam left the gala, a bit in a daze, charmed and dazzled by what she saw, but also with her mind in a bit of a turmoil with the encounters, Nubia, Charles and Guy." MC "{i}God! This was such an enchanting night! {w}I'm glad I came. {w}The exhibition was exquisite and I met some really interesting people...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_mixed_feelings_after_gala:" "How does Myriam feels about her encounters?" KN_MOD "Charles was such a charming man! if ch2_feelings_for_charles == True:" MC "{i}They were all so interesting... {w}But that man, Charles, he was so charming, he made my heart skip a beat...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I made love with him! {w}Did I really fall for him or was that the alcohol talking!? {w}And what of Anthony? {w}I'm so lost...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_alone" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_alone" KN_MOD "Guy was such a cute young man!:" MC "{i}They were all so interesting... {w}But that young student, Guy, was so cute, he was so awkward and funny, it was refreshing...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_alone" KN_MOD "Nubia was such an intense woman!:" MC "{i}They were all so interesting... {w}But that woman, Nubia, was so intense, I don't know why she makes me feel so flustered... {w}Am I getting attracted to women now!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_alone" KN_MOD "They were all so interesting!:" MC "{i}They were all so interesting... {w}Charles was so charming and cultured; Guy was so refreshingly cute and awkward; and Nubia was so intense... {w}I'm glad I listened to Eve and went out tonight.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_alone" KN_MOD "label ch2_leaving_with_students:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 316 with dissolve "Exiting the museum after getting back their stuff, the three students headed towards the parking lot, with Myriam beside them as Guy helped her get back to her limo." GuA "\"Shit guys you could help me a bit!\"" RiF "\"Yeah, right! A black guy with a drunk white girl on his arm...! {w}Thanks man but I don't want to get guantanamoed today!\"" AnK "\"Come on! You could take one for the team!\"" RiF "\"Ha ha ha! Fuck you!\"" GuA "\"Well, let's get to the limo... {w}Maybe we'll be able to hitch a ride.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 317 with dissolve "As they approached the limo, the driver came out, inquiring about the state of his client, when Guy approached him with her at his arm while the two others waited behind." "Driver" "\"What's happening here?\"" GuA "\"Sorry! She kind of had too much to drink, so my friends and I helped her to get back to the limo...\"" MC "\"Ahm... {w}Ahm ok!\"" "Driver" "{i}Damn it! They're all drunk... {w}And I can even smell the weed from here.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 318 with dissolve GuA "\"So... {w}Would it be possible to drop us on the way?\"" "Driver" "\"If Mrs Summers is ok with it.\"" MC "\"What...? {w}Ahm Mrs Summers!!\"" "Driver" "{i}She's totally shit faced... {w}I just hope they don't puke in the car.{/i}" "Driver" "\"Just give me the address and get in.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 319 with dissolve "As everybody went inside, Myriam rested her head on Guy's shoulder, feeling exhausted from the sex and dizzy from the alcohol and weed, leaving a nice view to the three of them as she sat lasciviously and closed her eyes." AnK "\"Man! She's so hot\"" RiF "\"Look at the view!\"" GuA "\"Maybe we could have a last little pic at those breasts...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 320 with dissolve "Carefully puling down a strap of her dress, Guy revealed one of her breast, but as the limo passed a bump on the road, the sleepy Myriam half-opened her eyes, witnessing the action." MC "\"Mmmh!?\"" GuA "{i}Shit! I hope she won't mind! {w}I know we kind of all fucked her, but that doesn't mean she still wants to...{/i}" GuA "\"Do... {w}Do you mind?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 321 with dissolve "But to the surprise of Guy, Myriam's reaction was not the one he thought would be, as she started caressing his thigh, acting half-asleep by reflex as she would have with Anthony." MC "\"Mmmh! Want me to... {w}To take care of you...?\"" GuA "\"Oh shit! Yeah! Sure!\"" GuA "{i}Wow! She's so into sex!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 322 with dissolve "Bending down towards his groin, Myriam, still hazy, took out Guy's cock to take care of it like Anthony asked her to when he was horny." GuA "{i}Straight to the blowjob again! {w}She must really love to suck cock!{/i}" AnK "\"Ha ha ha! And I thought she had enough for the night! {w}But look at that, she's insatiable!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 323 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to swallow Guy's cock again, Anton and Richard emitted some wishes to add to the action." MC "\"Aaaaaaah!\"" AnK "\"Hey man! Wait! Turn her my way! {w}I didn't get to try her ass!\"" RiF "\"Wait! You know what let me slip into her pussy then! {w}Let's fuck her three way!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_student_car_foursome" KN_MOD "label ch2_student_car_foursome:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve "Her mind still hazy and drowned in alcohol and weed, Myriam followed the wishes of the three students, and after some acrobatics and preparation, ended up with a cock in each one of her welcoming holes." "Guy firmly holding her neck to make her suck his cock, while Anton pounded her ass as hard and deep as he could in the position he had, and Richard laying on his back with his cock in her pussy." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Oh shit! I never got sucked so uncomfortably, but god her mouth is so good!\"" RiF "\"Well, I can't move for shit, but her pussy is so fucking wet and tight!\"" AnK "\"Fuck! And her ass... {w}It's so tight but it swallows you right in!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve "The three students, all intoxicated and horny, kept fucking Myriam three way as hard and deep as the uncomfortable setting allowed them, their brain overtaken by the pleasure her three holes were giving them." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Aaah! Shit man! That ass is so fucking good!\"" GuA "\"Yeah! Aaah! And that mouth! She deepthroats like a fucking pro!\"" RiF "\"Aaah! Damn! If only I could pound that pussy harder!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve "And as the car kept going, the four kept fucking as if possessed by a sex demon, filling the limo with dirty sounds and moans of pleasure as all the bodies collided in a lustful abandon." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" RiF "\"Aaah!\"" AnK "\"Aaah! Take that!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! Fuck!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 325 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 324 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 326 with dissolve "Until finally, the four of them, in an apotheosis of pleasure came together, the three filling Myriam's holes full of their warm cum while her body shook uncontrollably as waves of pleasure took her over." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" GuA "\"ARGH! SHIT! YES!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMH! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" RiF "\"ARGH! {w}Wow! That was some fucking rush man!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" AnK "\"ARGH! FUCK! YEAH...! {w}Hey! Wait Rick! Put your cock in her ass!\"" RiF "\"Yeah! Sure man! I've got another load in me... {w}But what will you do?\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 327 with dissolve "Pulling out of Myriam's pussy with his cock still covered in cum, Richard pushed his cock in her ass like his friend Anton suggested, while Myriam kept sucking and swallowing as best she could the cum in her mouth." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" RiF "\"Here you go! Aaah! Shit! It's even tighter than her pussy!\"" AnK "\"Yeah! And wait till I pushed my cock in her ass too!\"" RiF "\"Shit! For real!? You're so sick man!\"" AnK "\"Believe me, she can take it!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fed_the_driver == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_interrupted_foursome" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_double_anal_car_sex" KN_MOD "label ch2_double_anal_car_sex:" $ ch2_student_double_anal = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve "Pushing his cock in the same hole as his friend, Anton squeezed his cock inside Myriam's ass also, stretching it like never before as they gave her a double anal." "Luckily for her, the nearly daily anal penetrations Anthony gave her and the relaxed, nearly amorphous, state she was in let them push her limits as she moaned loudly from the intense sensation." MC "\"MMMMMMH! Slurp, slurp! MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock!\"" RiF "\"Shit! That feels weird man, but damn that's tight!\"" AnK "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's fucking tight! {w}Always wanted\"" GuA "\"Guess I keep fucking her throat...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve "Starting slow to let her asshole adapt to the new invasion and relax as it stretched like never before, Anton started accelerating as he felt it grow accustomed to the presence of the two cocks." "But now Myriam was so out of it, her body over stimulated with pleasure that she could not do anything but go through with it, unable to do anything even suck the cock in her mouth, forcing Guy to literally fuck her throat while the two others abused her asshole." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! Fuck! I can't believe the abuse she can take!\"" AnK "\"Yeah! Aaah! Her body was made for sex!\"" RiF "\"Aaah! Shit! Yeah! That's some professional skills right there!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve "Now pounding her without any restraint, the three of them kept fucking and abusing Myriam's body as hard and deep as they could, both intoxicated by the alcohol, weed and the pleasure and knowing that it was an once in a life time occasion." MC "\"MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" AnK "\"Aaah! Fuck! She keep coming and coming!\"" RiF "\"Yeah! Aaah! I can feel her pussy slushing all over me!\"" GuA "\"Aaah! Fuck! And my cock just goes in her throat like butter!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 329 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 328 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 330 with dissolve "But despite the numerous time the three had already came, the abandon in which they fucked her quickly brought them to another climax, making them fill again Myriam's holes with more warm and thick cum." "And making Myriam lose consciousness as a final shattering orgasm took over, cum coming out of her nose as she could not swallow anymore as her body was taken by violent waves of pleasure." MC "\"MMMMMMH!! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Cough! MMMMMMH!! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Cough! MMMMMMMMMH!!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" GuA "\"ARGH! SHIT! YEAH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" RiF "\"YEAH! TAKE MY BLACK SEED!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" AnK "\"FUCK! YEAH! ARGH!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 331 with dissolve "All exhausted, they pulled out and sat back, while Myriam completely out of it slumped unconscious on the seat, her asshole still gaping from the intense double anal and all her holes overflowing with warm and thick cum." GuA "\"Shit! Guys! You really did a number on her! Look at all that cum!\"" AnK "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! She totally drained us!\"" RiF "\"Fuck! I think I lost all the water in my body!\"" MC "\"...\"" AnK "\"Shit! Guys! I think we're there!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 332 with dissolve "Quickly getting dressed, the three students got out of the limo as it stopped at the address they gave the driver, Guy saying a last goodbye to the barely conscious Myriam." GuA "\"Thanks for the evening! It was the best! {w}Hope we can see each other again soon!\"" MC "\"... Mmmh...!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_shitfaced" KN_MOD "label ch2_interrupted_foursome:" $ ch2_fuck_the_driver = True scene bg ch2_15 galanight 333 with dissolve "The car suddenly stopped as Anton was about to push his cock inside Myriam's ass also, the guys looked around in a panic, thinking they were already there, while Myriam still half dazed kept sucking on Guy's cock, swallowing the cum she still had in her mouth." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Gulp!\"" GuA "\"Shit! Get dressed Guys!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 334 with dissolve "But as the three students were quickly trying to get dressed, leaving Myriam slumped half conscious on the seats, the door of the limo opened suddenly." "Driver" "\"I think you had enough for the night now... {w}Get out and beat it!\"" GuA "\"Wow! Yeah...! {w}Yeah!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 335 with dissolve "Leaving them barely dressed on the side of the road, the driver quickly left, leaving them a few blocks from their destination." "Driver" "{i}Walking a bit won't kill those little shits... {w}Fuck! They really did a number on her, she's out cold.{/i}" "Driver" "{i}I don't usually interfere with clients business, but it started to get a bit too much. {w}And she seemed pretty nice, it's not every day I have a client sending me food.{/i}" "Driver" "{i}Well, let's get her back home and hope she comes out of it before we arrive.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 336 with dissolve "As they arrived home some time later, Myriam woke up to the driver trying to dress her, her mind still hazy and her body still numb from all the pleasure." "Reflexively, she reached for his groin, not even noticing who it was, her body only behaving as Anthony had taught her all these years." MC "\"Mmmh...! Ahm... {w}Ahm up! Let me take care of you...!\"" "Driver" "\"Wait! No! I was just trying to dress you...\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 337 with dissolve "But still hazy, Myriam kept going, pulling the driver's cock out of his pants, not really hearing what he was saying as temptation and surprise made his voice and resistance disappear." MC "\"Mmmh! It's... {w}Big!\"" "Driver" "\"Wait! I...\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy shit! She's quick...! {w}And still horny after all that...! {w}Fuck! Who am I to say no to a blowjob from a slutty white party girl!{/i}" "Driver" "\"Ok! If you want it that much, let's see what you can do with that size!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 338 with dissolve "Taking off his clothes, the driver sat comfortably, waiting for Myriam to take care of him as she kneeled between his legs, admiring the huge black snake in her hand." MC "\"Mmmh! Really... {w}Huge...!\"" "Driver" "\"And it's not full size still... {w}Take it in your mouth now and you'll see how big it can get!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Kay!\"" "Driver" "{i}Shit! With what I saw in the rear view mirror, maybe she'll be able to handle at least half of it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 339 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 340 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 341 with dissolve "Slowly taking the huge black cock of the driver in her mouth, Myriam had no trouble swallowing it whole, her throat already well prepared from the earlier blowjobs and fully relaxed with the alcohol and weed." "Once fully into her mouth, Myriam kept him there, deep down her throat, stimulating it with her tongue and throat until he was fully hard, leaving the driver speechless to the incredible fit." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh! Gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Woooow!\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy mother of...! {w}She just swallowed everything in one go! {w}That's some fucking skills right there!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 342 with dissolve "Feeling his cock finally fully hard, Myriam pulled it out of her mouth, looking at him with an intoxicated and haggard look, acting more on instinct and conditioned reflexes than purpose." MC "\"Aaah!\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy shit! With skills like that no way she's not a pro! She must be a top dollar escort. {w}Well, let's take advantage of this chance and see how much she can take!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve "Grabbing Myriam's head firmly with both hands, the driver started to make her suck his cock, forcing her to steadily match the pace as he slowly accelerated." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Yeah! Aaah! That's it! {w}Suck that big black cock!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve "Seeing she had no problem following the pace he was giving her and didn't resist to his throat fucking, the driver kept accelerating, making her swallow his huge cock whole with each thrust." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaah! Shit! Yeah! That's some professional cock sucking!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 343 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 344 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 345 with dissolve "Accelerating further, the driver kept throatfucking Myriam intensely, testing her capacity to take on his big tool, ending by keeping her with his cock deep down her throat before starting the real thing." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Yeah! That's it! Aaah! Keep it down there!\"" MC "\"Mmmph! Cough!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve "And after some time grinding his cock down her throat until he could hear her gag and cough for breath, he started throatfucking her more roughly." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaah! Fuck! That's it! Take that big black cock you little white slut!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 347 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Yeah! Aaah!\"" "Driver" "{i}Shit! I'm not far from blowing my load! Let's see if she can take some more punishment!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve "Feeling himself near his limits, the driver pushed Myriam's limits, accelerating the pace violently and throatfucking her roughly without any mercy for her." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaaaaah Fuuuck! Take that black cock!\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy shit! She's taking it! {w}I always wanted to fuck some white bitch's throat like that! {w}Let's give her all!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve "Leaving behind any restraint, the driver gave Myriam his all, throatfucking her as roughly as he could, going harder and faster until he reached his climax." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaaaaah Yeaaah! I'm going to fill your throat with my black cum!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 348 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 346 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 349 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, after a violent rush of rough throatfucking, the driver climaxed and emptied his loads of cum down Myriam's throat in a grunt, even making it come out of her nose as she wasn't able to swallow fast enough the massive quantity of thick cum filling her throat." MC "\"MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMH! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Driver" "\"AAAH! YEAH! SWALLOW MY BLACK CUM YOU WHITE SLUT!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 350 with dissolve "His balls empty and his cum swallowed, the driver suddenly flipped Myriam around, pressing her against a seat ass up, with the intention to now push his big black cock inside her." MC "\"Aaah...!\"" "Driver" "\"Here you go! Stay like that! {w}I'm going to fuck your ass now! {w}And I'm going to fuck it good!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve "And without waiting, pressing his huge cock against her ass, the driver pushed his black cock inside Myriam's ass and started pounding it hard and deep too excited and horny to take things slow this time." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yes!\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy shit! That's tight but she's taking it like a champ! {w}They loosened it up just enough for my big black cock!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve "Not needing anymore encouragement than Myriam's moans of pleasure, once he found his balance, the driver accelerated the pace to the max, pounding her ass like a brute as roughly as he could, thinking she was a pro and could take the punishment." "Driver" "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yeah! Take that you white little slut!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" "Driver" "{i}Holy fuck! Always wanted to destroy some tight white bitch's ass like that! {w}Now's the day and the bitch is loving it!{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve "Getting sodomized like never before, so roughly and with a cock so big that it stretched it and stimulated her like she would have never thought possible, all the anal sex she had before and her intoxication made her so relaxed and prepared that she was able to take it and even get incredible pleasure from it." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaah! Yeah! You love it you fucking little white slut! {w}You love it getting your ass destroyed by some big black cock!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" "But all Myriam could answer were screams and moans while her ass was stimulated and fucked over its limits, her mind long gone with all the alcohol, weed and sex from the night." scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve "Not stopping for a second, the driver kept violently pounding Myriam's ass for as long as he could, taking advantage of a situation he was sure to never have again with the size of his cock, to brutally fuck some white girl's mouth and ass without any restraint." "So he kept going, after having enjoyed her throat and mouth to his heart's content, now he was taking care of her tight white ass, as hard and deep as he could, his balls filled with cum noisily slapping her pussy with each thrust." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! I'm going to cum! {w}I'm going to fill your little white ass full of my black cum!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 351 with dissolve scene bg ch2_15 galanight 352 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally in an apotheosis of pleasure, with a loud and strong grunt, the driver came inside Myriam's ass, filling it full of his warm and thick cum as he kept pounding it until the end." "Pushing Myriam into another violent orgasm as he did, her ass tightening even more around his huge cock as her body trembled over taken by strong waves of pleasure as she felt her asshole filling with the warm sensation of the driver's cum." "Driver" "\"AAARGH! FUCK!! YEAH!!!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! MMMMMMH!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 353 with dissolve "After waiting a moment deep in her ass, immobile for a time as he waited to get his strength back, the driver pulled his cock out in a loud and lewd slushing noise." "Leaving Myriam's asshole full of all the mix of cum it took during the night and gaping from the intense and violent anal she just took." "SLUSH!" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Driver" "\"Aaah! That was some fucking great ride you white bitch! Thanks! {w}Now let's get you dressed and back home.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_home_shitfaced" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_home_shitfaced:" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_double_anal == True:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 354 with dissolve "As they arrived home, the driver looked in the rear view mirror, at the still out of commission Myriam, sighing at the thought of having to take care of the mess." "Driver" "\"Sigh!\"" "Driver" "{i}Well, let's get this done, at least she didn't puke in the car...{w}Though I'm not sure that having to clean up the jizz of those little shits is much better.{/i}" "Driver" "{i}But for now, let's dress her and get her home.{/i}" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 355 with dissolve "After taking the time to dress her and clean her up a bit, the driver helped Myriam as she wasn't able to walk straight and he wanted to at least be sure she got back home to avoid any trouble." "Driver" "\"Here you go! Just a few more steps...\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 356 with dissolve "Arriving at the door, the driver tried to get Myriam to wake up so she could get in." "Driver" "\"Hey! Ma'am! Wake up! {w}Mrs Summers, you're back home!\"" MC "\"Mmmh...! Home!? {w}Here!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_the_driver == True:" "Driver" "{i}Damn! I really fucked her silly! {w}Well, I can't regret the best ride of my life. {w}I just hope her throat and ass don't feel too sore tomorrow.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Driver" "{i}Damn! Those little shits really fucked her silly. {w}She's going to feel it tomorrow.{/i}" "With a dim little flash of clarity, Myriam was able to recognize her door, pointing it out, but was not in any state to open it." scene bg ch2_15 galanight 357 with dissolve "Taking the key in her purse, the driver open the door and brought Myriam inside, but still hazy and intoxicated all she could do was follow mindlessly." "Driver" "\"Here you go ma'am! I'll leave you here!\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 358 with dissolve "Leaving her in the hall, not wanting to take the risk of bringing her further inside and be suspected of anything if caught by family members or neighbors, the driver left her stuff in the entrance and put the keys in the mail slot." "And a few minutes later, alerted by the noise as he was going to the restroom, Marc was surprised to see Myriam passed out on the floor of the hall." MC "\"Zzzzzz...!\"" Ma "\"Mi?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_home_alone:" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 359 with dissolve "As Myriam arrived by the car, with the driver waiting for her, opening the door so she could get in, she put her thoughts aside, trying to stay on a happy note at the end of this night." "Driver" "\"Here you go ma'am! {w}Did you have a good night ma'am?\"" MC "\"Thank you! Yes, it was wonderful.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_fed_the_driver == True:" "Driver" "\"Good! Then let's get you back home now. {w}And thank you for the food by the way.\"" MC "\"Oh! It was nothing, the least I could do for making you wait so long here.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Driver" "\"Good! Then let's get you back home now.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 360 with dissolve "Arriving back home, the driver opened the door again for Myriam, letting her out and ending this little escape from the daily routine." "Driver" "\"Here you go ma'am! {w}Back home!\"" MC "\"Thank you!\"" "Driver" "\"Have a nice end to your evening and don't hesitate to use our services again.\"" MC "\"I certainly will, good night.\"" "Driver" "\"Good night ma'am.\"" scene bg ch2_15 galanight 361 with dissolve "Leaving the driver behind, Myriam went back home, feeling that this night gave her nice breath of fresh air despite all the events, she felt empowered and hopeful." MC "{i}It was such a great night. {w}I really feel so much better.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now let's get home and have a good night sleep... {w}I feel like tomorrow will be another long day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_home:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update7 from _call_var_chapter2_update7" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Back Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True or ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_shitfaced" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_back_home_alone" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_home_shitfaced:" $ ch2_shitfaced_after_gala = True scene bg ch2_16 backhome 001 with dissolve "Approaching Myriam, Marc crouched in front of Myriam to check how she was doing, if she was just drunk, asleep or if something had happened." Ma "\"Mi!?\"" Ma "{i}Well, look like she's sleeping it off totally shitfaced... {w}It's a first seeing her like this...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_intervened_marc == True:" Ma "{i}I better take her up to her bedroom... {w}That would have been a good occasion to fool around but she was really pissed off earlier, I better not fuck around.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_myriam_brought_to_master_bedroom" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_dom == True or ch2_its_just_a_dream == True:" Ma "{i}If that's not the perfect occasion to fool around with her, I don't know what is...{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 002 with dissolve "After pulling down a strap of her dress, Marc firmly grabbed one of Myriam's breasts and started to roughly knead it as she moaned in her sleep from the sensation." Ma "\"Mi? You up? {w}Do you mind me feeling up your tits?\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" Ma "{i}Ha ha ha! Fuck! She's really totally out of it... {w}Fuck! She even moaned that slut! {w}Let's get her to my bedroom and have some fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_myriam_brought_to_marc_bedroom" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" Ma "{i}Well, I better take her up to her bedroom... {w}But maybe I could cop a feel before that.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 002 with dissolve "After pulling down a strap of her dress slowly, Marc grabbed one of Myriam's breasts and started to knead it, going at it harder as he saw her only moaning." Ma "\"Mi...?\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! She's really out of it... {w}She even moaned in her sleep... {w}Damn it! Still, I better get her to her bedroom, if she catches me fooling around she'll kill me.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_myriam_brought_to_master_bedroom" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Well, I better take her up to her bedroom or she'll catch a cold like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_myriam_brought_to_master_bedroom" KN_MOD "label ch2_myriam_brought_to_master_bedroom:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 003 with dissolve "Lifting Myriam up, Marc put her arm over his shoulders and headed up for her bedroom on the second floor." Ma "\"Huff!\"" Ma "{i}Alright, let's go!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 005 with dissolve "Arriving in the room, Marc tried to stay as silent as possible to not wake up his father, knowing he would probably be shitty to Myriam again if he ever woke up." Ma "\"Huff!\"" Ma "{i}Let's try not waking up dad, or he'll get pissed at her again... {w}Maybe I should have just put her on a couch downstairs or in one of the guest bedroom.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 007 with dissolve "Doing all he could to lay her down gently to not wake Anthony, Marc put her on the bed with her clothes on, not wanting to take the risk of undressing her with his father in the room." Ma "\"Phew!\"" Ma "{i}Next time I'll wake Katherine to help me out! {w}Not that she's really heavy, but she so fucking damn tall.{/i}" Ma "{i}Well, let's leave her like that, not much I can do with dad there anyway.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 009 with dissolve "Returning to his bedroom, Marc left Myriam in her bed as he found her, leaving her in a blissful mix of sexual exhaustion and warm numbness of alcohol and weed." "And quickly the blissful intoxication gave way to sleep, ending Myriam's long and eventful day as well as the intense gala night." "Leaving her having some well deserve rest before the start of another day full of promises and events." KN_MOD "jump ch2_busy_morning" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 006 with dissolve "Arriving in the room, Marc went towards the bed, trying to still stay as silent as he could, not wanting to wake Katherine and be caught with a drunk Myriam on his arm." Ma "\"Huff!\"" Ma "{i}Let's just lay her on the bed and take off her dress and jewelry... {w}And try to do it silently, I don't want to get caught by Katherine with her drunk naked mother in bed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 008 with dissolve "Laying Myriam in the bedroom after taking off her dress and jewelry, Marc still took some time to admire her naked body, unable to at least enjoy the view before going back to his room." Ma "\"Phew!\"" Ma "{i}Next time I'll wake Katherine to help me out! {w}Not that she's really heavy, but she so fucking damn tall.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 010 with dissolve "Returning to his bedroom, Marc left Myriam in her bed as he found her, leaving her in a blissful mix of sexual exhaustion and warm numbness of alcohol and weed." "And quickly the blissful intoxication gave way to sleep, ending Myriam's long and eventful day as well as the intense gala night." "Leaving her having some well deserved rest before the start of another day full of promises and events." KN_MOD "jump ch2_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_myriam_brought_to_marc_bedroom:" $ ch2_sleeping_in_marcs_bedroom = True scene bg ch2_16 backhome 004 with dissolve "Lifting Myriam up, Marc put her arm over his shoulders and headed up for her bedroom on the second floor, not without first revealing her breasts just for the fun of it." Ma "\"Huff!\"" Ma "{i}Alright, let's go! {w}Who wouldn't be motivated with a view like this! {w}And if I'm caught with her tits out I'll just say they came loose while holding her.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 011 with dissolve "Guiding her to his bedroom, Marc went towards his bed to rest her on it, while scheming a plan of actions to explain tomorrow how she ended here." Ma "\"Huff!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "{i}I'll just have to play innocent and keep bullying her, she went drunk into my room and asked for some more dick.{/i}" Ma "{i}I'm pretty sure the mix of guilt and her submissiveness will do the trick... {w}Fuck! I'm pretty sure I can move a good step forwards on this one.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}I'll just have to play innocent and keep pushing the dream card, that she went drunk into my room because she kept dreaming about me sexually.{/i}" Ma "{i}I'm pretty sure the mix of guilt and her gullibility will do the trick... {w}Fuck! I'm pretty sure I can move a good step forwards on this one.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 012 with dissolve "After leaving her on the bed unconscious, Marc went to close and lock the door to avoid any surprise, then went back towards Myriam, salivating at the view and the lustful occasion before him." Ma "\"Now let's get her naked!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! I can't believe I'm doing this... {w}But that's just too much of a golden opportunity to pass.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 013 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" "Undressing Myriam, Marc quickly noticed the cum oozing from Myriam's pussy and asshole, clear proof of her sexual activity during the night and the fact that she cheated on Anthony." Ma "\"Wow!\"" Ma "{i}I never took her for a cheating whore! {w}Well, that kind of takes away any guilt of the fun I'm going to have, since her pussy and ass are open for business I'll give her some of mine.{/i}" Ma "{i}I'm going to thoroughly enjoy pounding her and filling her full of cum in every hole until my balls are dry.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_unconscious_rape" KN_MOD "else:" "Undressing Myriam, Marc quickly noticed the cum oozing from Myriam's pussy and asshole, clear proof of her sexual activity during the night." Ma "\"Wow!\"" Ma "{i}I never took her for the cheating kind! {w}Or maybe another guy or guys took advantage of the situation also... {w}Yeah! That seems more like it.{/i}" Ma "{i}Fuck! Now I don't feel like doing what I wanted... {w}Manipulating her and having her consent to some sex is fun, but raping her while unconscious just feels kind of shitty to me.{/i}" Ma "{i}I'll just have a quick blast off over her face for the pain and be done with it... {w}I'll try to have some real fun tomorrow morning when she wakes up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_nice_facial_finish" KN_MOD "label ch2_unconscious_rape:" $ ch2_marc_unconscious_rape = True scene bg ch2_16 backhome 014 with dissolve "Undressing in turn after cleaning up all the excess cum with some tissues, Marc pulled Myriam on the edge of the bed and spread her legs, ready to have his share of fun with Myriam." Ma "{i}Let's start with your pussy and keep the best for the end! {w}I'm going to fill her holes with my cum also.{/i}" Ma "\"Now let's give you a nice good fuck!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve "And without waiting, Marc pushed his cock inside the pussy of the unconscious Myriam and started pounding it, her pussy still wet and lubricated by the mix of her own juice and all the cum inside her." Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yeah!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve "Excited by the new sensation, Marc accelerated the pace further, pounding her pussy harder and deeper, and started talking dirtily to her as he could do it without consequences." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! You love it you cheating bitch! {w}Taking my big cock!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve "As his excitement kept growing, Marc kept going further and further, pounding Myriam's pussy roughly while abusing her verbally." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! Aaah! Take that you fucking whore!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 015 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 017 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And quickly, his excitement and intense pace, brought Marc to a first climax as he emptied his balls deep in Myriam's pussy while grunting his pleasure." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! YEAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 018 with dissolve "But after grinding a moment inside Myriam's pussy, Marc pulled out and flipped her over, presenting her ass towards him as he pushed his still hard cock against her asshole." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"And now for the real fun bitch! {w}I'm going to pound your ass!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve "And without waiting, Marc pushed his cock in Myriam's ass, starting to pound it as roughly as he could from the get go, while even unconscious she kept reflexively moaning due to the stimulation." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Fuck! That's the best! {w}Despite all the cock I bet you took your ass is still so fucking tight!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve "Not stopping for a second, Marc let his excitement take over his reason and kept raping the ass of the unconscious Myriam, putting all his strength in every thrust." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Take that you cheating whore! {w}You love it in the ass!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 021 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "His mind clouded by the pleasure Marc forgot who they were, and just followed his lust, pounding Myriam's ass hard and deep until he reached a second climax, filling her ass also full of cum." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! YEAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 024 with dissolve "Staying deep in her ass, Marc started grinding again, trying to keep his erection going to keep fucking Myriam's ass, slapping her butt firmly like he heard his father do before." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! That was the best Mi!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 024 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Now get me hard again, because I'm not done with your ass!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 024 with dissolve play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"I've got some more ass pounding to do and a nice big load to put on your face!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve "And like that, after a moment to get himself nice and hard again, Marc started pounding Myriam's ass, trying to be even more rough than he was before." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Fuck! That's the best!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve "Sodomizing her brutally for a good while after already cumming two times, Marc kept going, taking as much pleasure as he could from the unconscious Myriam while having fun abusing her verbally." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Take that you fucking bitch! {w}That's what you deserve for being a fucking cheating whore!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 020 with dissolve "Pounding her ass violently like a brute, while she kept moaning unconscious and unaware of Marc's lust and abuse, until finally he felt another climax coming." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Shit! I'm nearly there! {w}Let's flip her over.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_nice_facial_finish" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_nice_facial_finish:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 027 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" "Turning Myriam over and pulling her on the ground, Marc finished himself over her face, starting to aim his ejaculation towards her eyes before finally finishing in her mouth as he kept it opened." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! TAKE THAT BITCH!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "After pulling Myriam on the ground and masturbating a moment over her face, Marc finally ejaculated, aiming for her closed eyes before finishing in her mouth as he kept it opened." Ma "\"ARGH! Fuck! Take my load!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_16 backhome 029 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Once done, Marc turned Myriam's head up to have a better view and make his cum slide down to force her to swallow, which Myriam did after some time, coughing from the discomfort at the start before swallowing reflexively to clear her throat." MC "\"Gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"That's it! Good! {w}That's my good little hungry whore!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"That's it! Good! {w}Here for your little night cap!\"" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 030 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" "Then, exhausted by the intense pounding he gave her, Marc laid her down beside him and went to sleep with his hand firmly on one of her breasts." KN_MOD "else:" "Then, exhausted and not wishing to go any further for now, Marc laid her down beside him and went to sleep with his hand firmly on one of her breasts." "And quickly, sleep claimed Marc and Myriam, as her drunken unconsciousness, gave way to a blissful sleep coming from sexual exhaustion and a warm numbing haze due to alcohol and weed." "Ending Myriam's long and eventful day as well as the intense gala night and leaving her with some well deserved rest before the start of another day full of promises and events." KN_MOD "jump ch2_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_back_home_alone:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 031 with dissolve "Once inside, Myriam went directly up to her bedroom and get some well deserved rest after this long day." MC "{i}Let's get all this off... {w}Love the dress and the heels but boy it'll be relaxing to finally get to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 033 with dissolve "Quickly taking everything off and getting naked, Myriam went towards the bathroom to take her makeup off and refresh herself before going to bed." MC "{i}Let's get cleaned up and take off all this makeup.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 032 with dissolve "Once inside, Myriam went directly up to her bedroom and get some well deserved rest after this long day, but not wanting to wake up Anthony, she kept the lights out and tried to stay as quiet as possible." MC "{i}Let's get all this off... {w}Love the dress and the heels but boy it'll be relaxing to finally get to bed.{/i}" MC "{i}And let's not wake up Anthony... {w}I really just want to go to bed now.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 034 with dissolve "Taking everything off as quietly as she could and getting naked, Myriam went towards the bathroom to take her makeup off and refresh herself before going to bed." MC "{i}Let's get cleaned up and take off all this makeup. {w}Without waking up Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 035 with dissolve "After brushing her teeth, Myriam went ahead and started taking off her makeup mechanically, while thinking about today's event and the one waiting for her tomorrow." MC "{i}What a day! {w}Ever since we came here events seems to be raining down on me. {w}I really have to keep focus if I don't want to get washed away.{/i}" MC "{i}And I feel like tomorrow will be the same... {w}I wanted to get to church tomorrow morning, I feel it's been some time now since I went. {w}I'll take a look at their actions in the neighborhood also, see if there is anything I can help with.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could call Eve also, I know she'll want to know everything that happen tonight at the gala event... {w}Maybe we can make a night of it if she's free.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! And there is that business dinner of Anthony... {w}I don't know what his intentions are, asking me to dress slutty... {w}I know it's my fault, I caused this situation, but still, I feel so uneasy.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 036 with dissolve "Finishing up refreshing herself after taking off her makeup and nail paint, Myriam gave herself a last look in the mirror before laying down and going to bed." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! If you start rewriting your day thinking on the next before getting to bed, you'll turn all night long and get no sleep.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just relax, tomorrow will arrive soon enough.{/i}" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 037 with dissolve "The day finished, Myriam finally was able to let her hair down again, heading for bed with a sensation of freedom now that she was naked, without heels and not having to mind her hair." MC "{i}It always feels nice to doll up a bit from time to time, but nothing beats being free and relaxed when you're naked.{/i}" MC "{i}Myriam! Sometimes you sound like an exhibitionist!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 038 with dissolve "Getting to bed finally, Myriam quickly drifted to sleep as she closed her eyes, leaving behind her the full day and intense night behind her for a well deserved rest." "Feeling that tomorrow will be another busy and eventful day." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_16 backhome 039 with dissolve "Getting to bed finally, Myriam laid down beside Anthony and quickly drifted to sleep as she closed her eyes, leaving behind her the full day and intense night behind her for a well deserved rest." "Feeling that tomorrow will be another busy and eventful day." KN_MOD "jump ch2_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch2_busy_morning:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Busy Morning" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve $ MCtrait["Drinks"] = 0 $ MCtrait["Drugs"] = 0 KN_MOD "if ch2_sleeping_in_marcs_bedroom == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_up_in_marcs_bed" KN_MOD "elif ch2_shitfaced_after_gala == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_up_hangover" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_waking_up_early" KN_MOD "label ch2_waking_up_in_marcs_bed:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 001 with dissolve "Slowly waking up, all Myriam could feel at first was a violent headache welcoming her as her mind started to get out from the depths of her sleep." MC "\"Oooh!\"" MC "{i}God! My head! {w}I must have had too much to drink yesterday... {w}It's been a while since I felt like that...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 002 with dissolve "Then as her mind started to get clearer, Myriam felt the hand kneading her breasts as he well as the big hard on rubbing itself between her butt cheeks." MC "\"Mmmh! Hun! I know you feel hard but I have quite the headache... {w}Let me take care of you with my hand or with my mouth if you want\"" "And as Myriam was talking, her eyes still half closed, she reached for the hard cock pressing against her butt, caressing it slowly and skillfully while Marc still half-asleep only mumbled his answer." Ma "\"Mmmh...! Mouth...\"" MC "\"Ok Hun!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 003 with dissolve "Still her half-asleep, Myriam started to jerk off Marc without knowing it, heading to sleep under the cover to suck his cock as she promised while he kept kneading her breast and playing with her nipple." MC "{i}God! This is crazy, he's feeling so much bigger and harder this morning, it gets me wet just thinking of it now... {w}Maybe we could do a bit more than just a blowjob.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! You're so big and hard Hun this morning... {w}I'll make sure to suck you thoroughly just like you love.\"" Ma "\"Mmmh...! Thanks...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_whos_in_the_bed" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_whos_in_the_bed" KN_MOD "label ch2_whos_in_the_bed:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 004 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" "But suddenly as Marc's words resonated in Myriam's head, she suddenly realized it wasn't Anthony in bed with her, but Marc." KN_MOD "else:" "But suddenly as she was jerking Marc's cock it finally hit her, this cock was way too big for Anthony, and further more, she had put Anthony out of the house." MC "{i}Wait!? {w}This can't be Anthony's, it's way too big...! {w}And I put him out of the house anyway... {w}Oh my god! Did I end up sleeping with another man while drunk!?{/i}" Ma "\"Mmmh...! Your hand feels great!\"" MC "{i}Wait what!? {w}Mi!?{/i}" MC "\"Marc!?\"" Ma "\"Mmmh...! Yeah! Don't stop... {w}Come and suck it!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 005 with dissolve "Jumping out of the covers and hiding herself, Myriam first scolded Marc, not realizing fully what had happened yet, while Marc, woken up by Myriam's sudden jump, quickly acted like he planned the night before." MC "\"Marc!? What's the meaning of this!? {w}Why are you in my bed!?{w} Even as a joke, it's not funny!\"" Ma "\"Well, first it's my bed, not yours... {w}We're in my bedroom.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 006 with dissolve "Still a bit hazy and with a splitting headache, Myriam looked around lost, only realizing she was not in her bedroom nor in her own bed." MC "\"What...!? {w}When did I...!?\"" Ma "\"And second, it's you that came in my bedroom drunk yesterday to have sex with me!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 007 with dissolve MC "\"What!? Se... {w}Sex...!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Well yeah! You came begging me to let you suck my big cock again! {w}And after you were done swallowing my load, you said you wanted a real man inside you and begged me to pound your pussy and ass.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I... {w}Did I really say that!?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! And I made you cum so much that you even said you were my whore now and begged me to keep pounding you like the cheating whore you were.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Well yeah! I tried to stop you, but you begged me to let you at least suck my cock! {w}You were so forceful I couldn't resist, and then it felt too good I couldn't stop you anymore.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I... {w}Did I do that!?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! And then after that you begged me to fuck you, that you needed me so bad... {w}You even begged me to pound your ass, saying you wanted to feel my big cock in every hole.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 008 with dissolve "Shocked by what Marc said, Myriam froze up, her mind in turmoil as she thought she had just drunkenly raped Anthony's son, while Marc, seeing he had the effect he wanted on her, pulled away the covers, revealing his hard cock to have some effect on her shock." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Oh my god! What did I do!? {w}I must have been so drunk last night that I acted on my lust! I... {w}I cheated on Anthony with his own son!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh my god! What did I do!? {w}I must have been so drunk last night that I acted on my lust! And... {w}And since I kicked Anthony out, I... {w}I had sex with his son!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh my god! What did I do!? {w}I must have been so drunk last night that I acted on my dreams about him! I... {w}I just drunkenly raped Anthony's son!{/i}" MC "{i}How did I end up so drunk!? {w}What happened last night!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 009 with dissolve "Trying to understand what happened, Myriam vaguely started to remember what happened during the gala night, while Marc playing the considerate card started to console her while discreetly starting to caress her." KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}God! I had sex with Charles! Then... {w}Then I had a few drinks with Guy and... {w}Oh god! I had sex with him also and... {w}And with his friends!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I almost had sex with Charles before! Then... {w}Then I had a few drinks with Guy and... {w}Oh god! I had sex with him and... {w}And with his friends!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I'm such a whore!! {w}I don't even remember what happened after, I drank so much and... {w}And even smoked weed...! {w}I slept with so many men yesterday that I must have come back drunk and horny and...{/i}" Ma "\"Hey! Don't worry, I'm ok! We both had a great time yesterday, no harm done!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_talked_about_the_past == True:" MC "{i}God! That's exactly what I said to my coach when I was younger!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 010 with dissolve $ ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout = True "Still in shock, Myriam's mind kept reliving last night events, or the few she remembered before she got so intoxicated that she had sex with multiple men, not even minding Marc slowly spreading her legs as he kept consoling her." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}I had sex with multiple men at the same time... {w}I cheated on Anthony with them and now with Marc... {w}I'm just a cheating whore!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I had sex with multiple men at the same time... {w}And now with Marc... {w}And I'm still taken, I'm just a cheating whore!{/i}" Ma "\"Mi! Come on! Don't cry! We both had a good time I'm telling you... {w}So stop worrying and let's just keep going.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 011 with dissolve "Hearing Marc through the fog of the shock and her headache, Myriam turned her attention back towards Marc, while he kept slowly spreading her legs and caressing her." MC "\"What...?\"" Ma "\"I said we both had a good time yesterday... {w}So why feel down?\"" MC "\"But it's wrong? We...{w}You're Anthony's son...\"" Ma "{i}She's nearly there... {w}Just a little push!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 012 with dissolve "Sitting up beside his Myriam, Marc kept pushing the lost and shocked Myriam, slowly guiding her hand towards his cock as he kept talking and caressing himself." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"And what!? {w}Come on! You know you want it! You came begging for it yesterday night! {w}Just give in.\"" MC "\"No...! We... {w}We can't... {w}Marc, we're...\"" Ma "\"We're what!? {w}Come on! You already sucked my cock a bunch of times... {w}And yesterday you took it in every hole and loved it so much that you even said you'd be my whore from now on!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"And? {w}What of it? You had a need and you filled it. {w}We both had a great time, what's wrong about it? {w}What's wrong in making ourselves feel good?\"" MC "\"No...! We... {w}We can't... {w}Marc, we're...\"" Ma "\"We're what!? {w}What does it change? {w}Does it change the fact that you wanted me, needed me? {w}Now still, I can feel it...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 013 with dissolve "Guiding Myriam's hand to his cock, Marc took advantage of the fragile state she was in." Ma "\"Look! Doesn't my cock feel just right in your hand, like earlier.\"" MC "\"I... {w}I...\"" Ma "{i}Yeah! I got her, just one last push!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 014 with dissolve "Leaving her hand when he felt that Myriam had grabbed his cock and started moving on her own, Marc started playing with Myriam's breast." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"That's it! Keep jerking me off! {w}You see, it feels just right in your hand! {w}God! And your tits are the best!\"" MC "{i}God! Why...!? I know it's wrong, but... {w}But I can't stop myself...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"You see, it feels just right in your hand! {w}You know that's what you need...\"" MC "{i}God! Why...!? I know it's wrong, but... {w}But he's right, it feels so right and real...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 015 with dissolve "Grabbing Myriam by the neck, Marc slowly brought Myriam to his cock for her to suck." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Alright, come here and take it in your mouth like you said you would!\"" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Submissiveness] >= 25:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_fuck_marc" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_wits_back" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Come here, take it in your mouth... {w}You know you want to.\"" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Trust] >= 15:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_fuck_marc" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_wits_back" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_fuck_marc:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 016 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve "Slowly taking Marc's cock inside her mouth and throat, Myriam started sucking Marc's cock, abandoning any hesitation and embracing her desires like he told her." MC "\"Slurp! Gwock!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's it! Swallow that cock!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve "Then slowly, Myriam started to accelerate the pace, moving back and forth along Marc's shaft, using her tongue to stimulate it as she went on, while Marc's hand was starting caressing her butt." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Shit! Mi, you're so good!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 017 with dissolve "Still accelerating the pace, Myriam kept sucking Marc's cock, her doubts and reserve giving way to lust as her pleasure for sucking cock started to get the better of her and Marc started fingering her ass." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! You love it when I play with your ass!\"" MC "{i}Oh! No! He's fingering my ass! {w}If he keeps going I...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 018 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 019 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve "All restraint left behind as lust and desire took over, Myriam kept sucking Marc feverishly, swallowing his cock deep and fast, while her tongue kept stimulating his shaft and Marc kept fingering her ass more and more." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Shit! Mi! You really suck like a pro! {w}Aaah! You could be a porn star if you wanted!\"" MC "{i}God! What is he saying! This is so shameful...! {w}But why does it excite me so much...!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve "More and more excited, by her own pleasure as Marc pushed another finger into her and as she felt Marc's pleasure getting higher, Myriam gave him her all, making herself choke as she started a violent rush to make him cum hard in her throat." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! You're already going to make me spew my load!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 020 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 023 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And after pursuing this intense pace, Myriam finally felt Marc emptying his balls into her mouth and throat as she kept sucking him until he was finished, swallowing every last drop of it as she climaxed in turn from the excitement and the fingering of Marc." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"ARGH! YEAH! THAT'S IT! CUMMING! {w}SWALLOW MY LOAD!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 024 with dissolve "Once done swallowing, Myriam pulled Marc's flaccid cock out of her mouth, still looking dazed by the effort and orgasm while Marc kept kneading her butt, ready for more." Ma "\"Fuck! That was really something! {w}I even felt you cumming hard, you really love sucking cock and having your ass played with...\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" Ma "\"You know what!? {w}Turn over and put your head in the pillow, I'm going to fuck your ass now.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 025 with dissolve "But as Myriam was still dizzy and unresponsive, Marc turned her head towards him to repeat himself and made her do what he asked, as she slurred an answer." Ma "\"Hey! Did you hear me!?\"" MC "\"Mmmh...! Shorry...!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"I said get on all four and put your head in the pillow, I'm going to fuck your ass again and make you scream!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"I said turn over and put your head in the pillow, I'm going to fuck your ass and make you cum hard again!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 026 with dissolve "Only half there, Myriam followed Marc's instructions, lifting her butt high for him, only timidly asking him to go easy as he was about to penetrate her, still feeling the intense anal workout she had yesterday." Ma "\"Here you go, just like that! {w}Now get ready, I'm going to pound your ass just like you love!\"" MC "\"Wait...! {w}Please, don't go too hard, I'm...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry to cut you short, but no can do! {w}I'm going to fuck your ass hard and deep and make you scream like the cheating whore you are!\"" MC "\"No, please...!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Sorry Mi! But I don't know if I'll be able to... {w}I'm so excited and yesterday you begged me so much to fuck it hard...\"" MC "\"Please, just not too hard...!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve "But without waiting, Marc quickly cut Myriam short again, and pushed his cock hard and deep as he firmly grabbed her hips, pulling moans mixed with pain and pleasure from her." MC "\"Oooh! Marc! Mmmh! Too hard!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Shut up! I told you I was going to fuck your ass like the cheating whore you are.\"" MC "\"Aaah! Please! Mmmh! Don't say that!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Sorry! But you feel too good! {w}Please, take it!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Just...! {w}Mmmh! Just a little then!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve "As Marc found his footing and had Myriam accept his hard pounding, he accelerated the pace further, giving even harder and deeper thrusts, pulling longer and louder moans from Myriam as, despite the pain, her pleasure kept heightening." MC "\"Ooooooh! Marc! Mmmmmmh! It hurts... Aaaaaah! Please, be quick!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! And you're loving it! I can hear you moaning you fucking whore!\"" MC "Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! Marc is calling me a whore and raping my ass... {w}And it excites me... {w}What's wrong with me!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! But I hear you moaning! Don't you love it hard?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! But...!\"" MC "{i}God! Marc is pounding my ass hard... {w}And I'm loving it... {w}What's wrong with me!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve "Still accelerating his pace, Marc was now pounding Myriam's ass without any restraint, and despite the pain, she could feel another orgasm coming." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! That's it! You're giving up pretending! {w}You're showing what a good whore you are!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't keep pretending... {w}I cheated on my man and slept with multiple men... {w}I'm a whore!{/i}" MC "Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I'm...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! See, you're loving it! {w}Say you love it!\"" MC "{i}God! I love it! {w}I love it so much!{/i}" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I love it!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 028 with dissolve "Continuing to push Myriam as he could see her reaching her limits of pleasure and will, Marc kept pounding her ass roughly and bullying her into submission as she was about to cum." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! Yes!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Say it bitch! From now on you're my cheating fucking whore!\"" MC "Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I'm your whore!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! Yes, that's all I am now... {w}A cheating whore!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Say you're going to be my whore again!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I... {w}Aaaaaah! I'm going to be your whore!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! What am I saying!? {w}But that's true, I'm a cheating whore now!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 029 with dissolve "And as her will broke, with a last thrust, Marc made Myriam climax again, as she screamed and felt like a whore, her body and mind giving way to the lust and pleasure." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! MMMH YES!! YES!!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! I said cheating fucking whore!\"" MC "AAAAAAH! I'M YOUR CHEATING FUCKING WHORE!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Good! Now turn over bitch I want to empty my load on your fucking face!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Say it again!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! I'M YOUR CHEATING WHORE!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yes you are! Now turn over, I want to give you a facial!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 030 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 031 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 032 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 033 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 034 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Turning over as he asked, Myriam gave him a nice welcoming face to his loads of cum as he came just over her breasts and started masturbating, quickly covering her face with a massive coat of warm and thick cum." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"AAARGH! SHIT! TAKE THAT WHORE!\"" MC "Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Wow! Look at that! You really made me cum buckets!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"AAARGH! SHIT! TAKE THAT!\"" MC "Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Wow! Look at that! You made me cum so much!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 035 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to clear her eyes after swallowing the cum she had in her mouth, Marc suddenly stopped her." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Hey! Don't clean it up!\"" MC "\"What...!? {w}But it's burning my eyes.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! But first I want to take a picture... {w}Then you'll go in your room with my cum on your face and take a little selfie of you swallowing everything there and send it to me.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"What!? {w}But it's burning my eyes.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Sorry! Just let me take a quick picture, you're so beautiful with your face covered in cum! {w}Then it'll be fun if you could go to your room with my cum still on your face and take a little selfie of you swallowing everything there and send it to me.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 036 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"I don't know, taking pictures, it's...{w}It's too much, what if somebody saw them!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"I don't care if you want to or not! {w}You're my whore now and you'll do as I say! {w}Get it!?\"" MC "\"So... {w}Sorry, I... {w}I'll do it...!\"" Ma "\"Then stop whining and give me a nice smile and some peace signs!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Don't worry! I'll put them in a hidden file, I'll be the only one that can see them.\"" MC "\"Oh...! {w}Ok, I... {w}'ll do it...!\"" Ma "\"Then please Mi! Give me a nice smile and some peace signs!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"But you're father is in the bedroom...{w}It's too risky, what if he catches me with your cum on my face!? {w}And taking pictures, it's...{w}It's too much, what if somebody saw them!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"If he was up he already would have come here with how loud you screamed and I don't care if you want to or not! {w}You're my whore now and you'll do as I say! {w}Get it!?\"" MC "\"So... {w}Sorry, I... {w}I'll do it...!\"" Ma "\"Then stop whining and give me a nice smile and some peace signs!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"If he was up, he would already be here, you kind of were really loud! {w}And don't worry, I'll put them in a hidden file, I'll be the only one that can see them.\"" MC "\"Oh...! {w}Ok, I... {w}'ll do it...!\"" Ma "\"Then please Mi! Give me a nice smile and some peace signs!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 037 with dissolve "Doing as he said despite her shame, Myriam smiled to Marc and made some peace signs while he took a series of pictures and complimented her for her pose." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Wow! That's some good slut expression! {w}You really look like you did this all your life!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm so ashamed... {w}But he's right, I'm a whore and that's all I deserve...{/i}" Ma "\"Fuck! You know you could really make some money with pictures like this!\"" Ma "{i}Ha ha ha! I can't believe it! She's totally mine now... {w}Fuck! I'm really going to have some fun now! {w}But don't get too cocky, I'll get her to do some internet shit later!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Wow! Nice! {w}You really look like a natural!\"" MC "{i}God! This is so shameful... {w}But it feels so exciting also...{/i}" Ma "\"Fuck! You know that would be some top quality amateur shit on internet!\"" Ma "{i}Holy shit! She's totally doing what I say now... {w}Fuck! This is really going to be fun! {w}But don't get too cocky, be smart Marc!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 038 with dissolve "Shyly walking out of the room after Marc was done taking his shots, Myriam looked around prudently, despite all the cum in her eyes, to see if there was anyone before going to her bedroom do what Marc asked." KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "{i}Ha ha ha! She's really doing it! I totally broke her!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}Wow! She's really doing it!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope the girls didn't hear anything!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 039 with dissolve "Getting to her bedroom, Myriam quickly passed through, trying to stay as discreet as possible to not wake up Anthony, who blissfully slept through all the sex on the other side of the wall." MC "{i}I'm so lucky Anthony is such a deep sleeper...!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I'm so sorry Hun...! {w}I'm such a bad partner...!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 040 with dissolve "And finally in her bathroom, Myriam did as Marc instructed, taking a photo of herself swallowing his cum before sending it to him, even doing a peace sign as he asked her before hoping he would be satisfied." MC "\"Haaa...!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" $ ch2_marcs_sub_whore = True MC "{i}God! I hope it'll satisfy him...! {w}I'm so ashamed of myself!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch2_marcs_fun_whore = True MC "{i}God! I hope it'll satisfy him...! {w}It's so shameful...! {w}But this kind of feel exciting also!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_routine" KN_MOD "label ch2_wits_back:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 041 with dissolve "But as Marc was getting Myriam to get down on him and suck his cock, Myriam suddenly stopped him and pushed him back." MC "\"No! Stop!\"" Ma "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 042 with dissolve "Grabbing her hand again, Marc tried to bring it again to his cock, while trying to convince her to keep going." Ma "\"Come on! Don't be like that! {w}Look at my hard on you can't stop now...\"" MC "\"...!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 043 with dissolve "Pulling her arm away again, Myriam tried to calm down Marc as he started to lash out in his excitement seeing he was losing control." MC "\"Marc! No! {w}This is wrong!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Come on! Don't play saint! {w}You cheated on dad last night and fucked his son! {w}You're a whore so act like one!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"But come on, we already did it! {w}What's the harm!?\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 044 with dissolve "Slapping Marc as he lashed out to her, Myriam stopped him in his tracks, hoping to shock him to reason." $ ch2_intervened_marc = True MC "\"MARC! {w} STOP IT!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" Ma "\"Ouch!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 045 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" MC "\"Do you hear yourself!? {w}Apologize to me right this instant!\"" Ma "\"I... {w}I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"I know I drank too much last night and I did something wrong! {w}I'll have to explain myself for it with your dad... {w}But this can't go on Marc.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Wake up Marc! {w}This is wrong!\"" Ma "\"I... {w}I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"I know I drank too much last night and I did something wrong! {w}I'll have to explain myself for it... {w}But this can't go on Marc.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 046 with dissolve "Jumping to Myriam's chest and grabbing it, Marc started crying between her breasts, apologizing for his behavior as he broke down and realized he went too far." Ma "\"Sob, sob! {w}I'm sorry...!\"" MC "\"It's ok sweetie... {w}This is a mess, but we'll make it work. {w}You know I love you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" Ma "\"Sob, sob! But... {w}But I lied! We didn't do anything, I... {w}I just thought that I would do like dad and... {w}It was stupid...\"" Ma "{i}God! I can't tell her I raped her... {w}She would never forgive me...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Sob, sob! But... {w}But I lied! We didn't do anything, I... {w}I just thought that... {w}No, it was stupid...\"" MC "\"Hush! It's ok...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 047 with dissolve "After Marc had finished crying, Myriam got up and as she headed for her bedroom, calming Marc down again." MC "\"Marc, I'm going to my room now... {w}I forgive you... {w}It doesn't mean I'm not mad at you, and we will have to talk about this again, but for now, calm down.\"" Ma "\"Sob, sob! {w}Ok...\"" MC "\"You did something wrong, but it wasn't your fault either... {w}I was careless and did something stupid because I was drunk, but that, that's not on you.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 048 with dissolve "Heading back to her bedroom, Myriam could not help but hope that they could find their way back to a healthy relationship." MC "{i}God! I hope that slap shook him enough to get back to reality.{/i}" MC "{i}I never thought I would slap one of the kids... {w}I feel so awful...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_routine" KN_MOD "label ch2_waking_up_hangover:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 049 with dissolve "Waking up still clothed beside an Anthony still snoring, Myriam winced at the violent headache she had due to her hangover." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 050 with dissolve "Waking up still clothed, Myriam winced at the violent headache she had due to her hangover." MC "\"Ouch...!\"" MC "{i}God! My head! {w}I really must have drunk too much yesterday...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 051 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 052 with dissolve "Massaging her temples to calm her headache, Myriam tried to remember what happened yesterday, the night feeling like a big blur in the end." MC "\"Oooh...! My head...\"" MC "{i}What happened yesterday!? {w}Did I really drink that much...? {w}It feels so hazy...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 053 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 054 with dissolve "Jumping up on the side of the bed, Myriam tried to remember her blurry night, thinking of the events as they went since she came out of the limo." MC "{i}I remember the start, everything went well, the night was really great, but then it's kind of all gone blurry.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_alcoholic_blackout:" "What does Myriam remember from her last night blackout?" KN_MOD "Its really kind of a blur...!:" $ ch2_gala_night_total_blackout = True KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and... {w}Oh god! I slept with Charles!!{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Wait! I remember falling and hitting my head, maybe it was because of that...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and then going down to see the mummy.{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Wait! I remember falling and hitting my head, maybe it was because of that...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hangover_shame" KN_MOD "I kind of remember...!:" $ ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout = True KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and... {w}Oh god! I slept with Charles!!{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Oh god! I slept with Guy also... {w}Oh my god! And with his friends too!!{/i}" MC "{i}But how did I get back home!? {w}I don't remember anything after the rooftop...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and then going down to see the mummy.{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Oh god! I slept with Guy... {w}Oh my god! And with his friends too!!{/i}" MC "{i}But how did I get back home!? {w}I don't remember anything after the rooftop...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hangover_shame" KN_MOD "Oh my god! What did I do!?:" $ ch2_gala_night_no_blackout = True KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and... {w}Oh god! I slept with Charles!!{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Oh god! I slept with Guy also... {w}Oh my god! And with his friends too!!{/i}" MC "{i}And... {w}Oh my god! Even in the limo... {w}We did it again... {w}God! I can't even remember how it finished and how I ended up in my bed...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I know I had a few drinks and looked at the exhibition with Charles and then going down to see the mummy.{/i}" MC "{i}But after that... I don't remember anything... {w}Oh god! I slept with Guy... {w}Oh my god! And with his friends too!!{/i}" MC "{i}And... {w}Oh my god! Even in the limo... {w}We did it again... {w}God! I can't even remember how it finished and how I ended up in my bed...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_hangover_shame" KN_MOD "label ch2_hangover_shame:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 055 with dissolve "Turning towards Anthony behind her, Myriam kept torturing herself for what happened last night." KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}God! And Anthony... {w}I cheated on him with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it to get back at him...? {w}Or are we done as a couple...?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout == True or ch2_gala_night_no_blackout == True:" MC "{i}And I can't even think about what happened with the students... {w}God! I was drunk but that's no excuse.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! And Anthony... {w}I clearly flirted with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I nearly did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it because of the lack of romance these past few years...? {w}Or is it deeper than that...?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout == True or ch2_gala_night_no_blackout == True:" MC "{i}And I can't even think about what happened with the students... {w}God! I was drunk but that's no excuse.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 057 with dissolve "Her mind in turmoil and her hangover killing her, Myriam tried to calm down, her headache only getting worse." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! {w}You clearly have to get your shit together, but for now let's just put all that aside until your mind is a bit clearer.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go take a good shower to relax a bit then a good strong coffee...{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! God! I have to take care of Anthony also... {w}I'm not in the mood but I promised I'd do it every morning... {w}And with last night I kind of owe him at least that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_routine" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 056 with dissolve "Turning towards where Anthony used to sleep, Myriam kept torturing herself for what happened last night." KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}God! And Anthony... {w}I know I kicked him out, but still, we're together and I cheated on him with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it to get back at him...? {w}Or are we really done...? {w}We still haven't spoken since I kicked him out, maybe it's time to get things official...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout == True or ch2_gala_night_no_blackout == True:" MC "{i}And I can't even think about what happened with the students... {w}God! I was drunk but that's no excuse.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! And Anthony... {w}I know I kicked him out, but still, we're together and I clearly flirted with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I nearly did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it because of the lack of romance these past few years...? {w}Or is it deeper than that...? {w}We still haven't talked since I kicked him out, maybe it's time to get things official...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout == True or ch2_gala_night_no_blackout == True:" MC "{i}And I can't even think about what happened with the students... {w}God! I was drunk but that's no excuse.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 058 with dissolve "Her mind in turmoil and her hangover killing her, Myriam tried to calm down, her headache only getting worse." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! {w}You clearly have to get your shit together, but for now let's just put all that aside until your mind is a bit clearer.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go take a good shower to relax a bit then a good strong coffee...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_routine" KN_MOD "label ch2_waking_up_early:" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 059 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 060 with dissolve "Waking up in a good mood, Myriam yawned and stretched like a cat as she slowly took the day in." MC "\"Aaaaaah...!\"" MC "{i}I slept so well today, no nightmares, no turning all night in bed...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" "But as Myriam turned towards Anthony, she was suddenly brought to yesterday's gala events, feeling guilty about what happened with Charles." MC "{i}God! I forgot for a moment... {w}Yesterday I cheated on Anthony... {w}I gave him crap the other day but I did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it to get back at him...? {w}Or are we really done...? {w}God! I really have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "But as Myriam turned towards Anthony, she was suddenly brought to yesterday's gala events, feeling a bit guilty about all the flirting with Charles." MC "{i}God! I forgot for a moment... {w}Yesterday I really flirted with Charles...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it because of the lack of romance these past few years...? {w}Or is it deeper than that...? {w}God! I really have to sort out my feelings...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 063 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 062 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" "But as Myriam turned towards where Anthony used to sleep, she was suddenly brought to yesterday's gala events, feeling guilty about what happened with Charles." MC "{i}God! I forgot for a moment... {w}I know I kicked him out, but still, we're together and I cheated on him with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it to get back at him...? {w}Or are we really done as a couple...? {w}We still haven't spoken since I kicked him out, maybe it's time to get things official...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "But as Myriam turned towards where Anthony used to sleep, she was suddenly brought to yesterday's gala events, feeling a bit guilty about all the flirting with Charles." MC "{i}God! I forgot for a moment... {w}I know I kicked him out, but still, we're together and I clearly flirted with Charles! {w}I gave him crap the other day but I nearly did just the same...{/i}" MC "{i}Was it because of the lack of romance these past few years...? {w}Or is it deeper than that...? {w}We still haven't spoken since I kicked him out, maybe it's time to get things official...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 064 with dissolve "Turning away, feeling suddenly down despite her good night, Myriam started making an inventory." MC "{i}I need to make an inventory of my life, we can't go on like this...{/i}" MC "{i}Everything is so complicated now...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 065 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 066 with dissolve "Getting out of bed, Myriam decided to stop tormenting herself for now and get ready for the day." MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! {w}You won't rewrite your life instantly... {w}You need some time to organize your thoughts.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go take a good shower to relax a bit then make breakfast for everyone.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_routine" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_routine:" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 067 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_shitfaced_after_gala == True:" "Slipping under the shower, Myriam quickly felt her headache getting better, able to relax and clean her body from the diverse dry fluids that covered her face." KN_MOD "else:" "Slipping under the shower, Myriam quickly felt the warm water help her relax her sore muscles from all the activity from the day before." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}God! That feels good... {w}It always helps me relax...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 068 with dissolve "Staying under the shower for some time, after washing her hair, Myriam just stayed to relax and enjoy the feeling of the warm running water on her body." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}With all the riding and swimming yesterday, I was feeling so stiff...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 069 with dissolve "As Myriam relaxed under the shower and let the water run down her skin, she started to caress her body, appreciating and admiring her shape as she washed her body." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}Well, at least it'll keep me in shape... {w}Time to get out...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 070 with dissolve "As Myriam turned off the water, about to get out of the shower, she was surprised by Anthony's sudden arrival." An "\"Don't mind me Honey.\"" MC "\"Haaa! {w}Sorry, you surprised me Hun... {w}Did I wake you?\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 071 with dissolve "As he went in to take his shower, Anthony slapped Myriam's butt to push her outside, surprising her again." An "\"Come on, get!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Haaa! {w}Wait! Don't you want me to take care of you Hun?\"" An "\"Nah! Not today, I'm keeping myself for tonight!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 072 with dissolve "Getting out to go dry her body and hair, Myriam was still puzzled by Anthony's refusal, so accustomed to him demanding to be taken care off in the morning." MC "{i}What did he mean by \"keeping himself for tonight\"...? {w}We have his colleagues dinner tonight...{/i}" MC "{i}Well anyway, let's get dry and go make breakfast for everybody. {w}And let's get prepared for the day, I wanted to go to the church service this morning.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sunday_breakfast" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 073 with dissolve "Getting out to go dry her body and hair, Myriam stepped out of the shower to get a towel and her dryer." MC "{i}Let's get dry and go make breakfast for the kids before they get up.{/i}" MC "{i}And let's get prepared for the day, I wanted to go to the church service this morning.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sunday_breakfast" KN_MOD "label ch2_sunday_breakfast:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 074 with dissolve "Going down after getting dressed, Myriam started preparing breakfast for everyone before setting off for church as she planed." MC "{i}Let's get things ready, they should be up soon.{/i}" MC "{i}After that, I'll start the day at the local church, I wanted to catch today's service.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 075 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "{i}Let's put these two on the table and do a couple more for the boys, I can hear the girls coming down.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's put these two on the table and make another one for Marc, I can hear the girls coming down.{/i}" MC "{i}They must have had a good time yesterday, I can already hear them giggling.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 076 with dissolve "And as Myriam heard, Katherine and Jennifer arrived in the kitchen, barely dressed with their pajamas t-shirt from yesterday." Ka "\"Told you, it would be my mom.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! I'm so accustomed to seeing my dad in the kitchen, I always assume it's the same everywhere.\"" MC "\"Good morning girls!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 077 with dissolve "Sitting at the kitchen table under the morning sun, the girls started eating their breakfast Myriam preapared while chatting with her." MC "\"So, how was the night? {w}Did you have fun?\"" JeE "\"Yeah! But your daughter is a monster, she snores like a trucker.\"" Ka "\"Hey! Fuck you!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 078 with dissolve "Laughing at Jennifer's teasing, Myriam bent down to kiss her pouting daughter." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! I know, but she's my little monster. {w}Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Mooooom!\"" JeE "\"Well, apart from her trucker noises, it was great, thanks again for having me.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 079 with dissolve "As Myriam kissed her daughter on the head, the three suddenly heard the voice of Marc coming from behind." Ma "\"Wow! Girl on girl action!\"" Ka "\"Yeeew! Don't be a pig Marc!\"" MC "\"Marc!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 080 with dissolve "Seeing Myriam's disapproval, Marc apologized for the bad taste of his joke." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "{i}Fuck! I can't teach my slut a lesson with Kathy and her friend here. {w}Better play it cool!{/i}" Ma "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"That's out of order Marc! {w}I don't want those kind of jokes in this house.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Just because you do sports doesn't mean that you need to be a jock.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 081 with dissolve "After Marc apologized and sat down at the table with them, Myriam went about the program for the day." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "\"So kids, today Anthony has a business dinner at home, so I'll drop you off at aunty Eve's as I go to church this morning. {w}You'll go to school from there tomorrow, ok?\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"So kids, I'm going to church in a few, so I'll leave you the house this morning.\"" Ma "\"Sure.\"" Ka "\"Sure mom.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 082 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" JeE "\"Mrs S? Could K come to my house instead and sleep over?\"" Ka "\"Oh yeah mom! It'll be great.\"" MC "\"If it's ok with you parents I don't see any problem.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"And you Jenny, what do you want to do? {w}Do you need me to get you home? {w}You can stay here if you want if it's ok with your parents.\"" JeE "\"Well, I don't have my school stuff so for sure I'll have to go home. {w}But in the mean time if I can stay with K it'll be cool, thanks Mrs S.\"" MC "\"Your welcome sweetie.\"" Ka "\"Cool! Thanks mom!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 083 with dissolve "Leaving the three kids to their breakfast, Myriam headed back to her bedroom to prepare herself for her day." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" MC "\"I let you finish your breakfast sweeties, don't take too much time, I have to drop you off before going to church.\"" Ka "\"Oh! No, don't worry mom, we'll take the bus like yesterday.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! Thanks Mrs S.\"" Ma "\"I'll be quick!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_with_marc" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I let you finish your breakfast sweeties, I'll go get ready. {w}I'll see you at noon.\"" Ka "\"'K mom!\"" JeE "\"Later Mrs S.\"" Ma "\"Later!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_going_to_church_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_with_marc:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 084 with dissolve "A moment later, Myriam and Marc headed out, leaving the girls free to go Jennifer's place later on and Anthony home preparing his dinner." MC "\"You're all ready Marc?\"" Ma "\"Yeah!\"" MC "\"Then let's go.\"" Ma "\"Oh! And Mi, can you drop me at the parking mall near aunty Eve?\"" MC "\"Sure sweetie!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 085 with dissolve "But as Myriam turned towards the door to get out of the house, she suddenly felt Marc firmly slapping her butt." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Let's go!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Let's go slut!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Haaa! What are you doing Marc!?\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 086 with dissolve MC "\"Are you mad!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Just having fun, you're the one that said you were mine now!\"" MC "\"But what if someone saw us!?\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Just having some fun... {w}Don't forget you're my whore now!\"" MC "\"But... {w}But what if someone saw us!?\"" Ma "\"Come on! It's just us here! {w}Stop worrying and let's go or you're going to be late!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dropping_off_marc" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_going_to_church_with_william:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 087 with dissolve "Leaving the kids at home, Myriam headed for church as she had planned, feeling it had been a while since she did." MC "{i}Let's go Myriam, it's been a while and you promised yourself that you'd get to church.{/i}" MC "{i}Ever since we arrived, I still didn't find the time to go. {w}Maybe I could also talk to the priest if they had some time to receive me.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 088 with dissolve "As Myriam went out, Myriam encountered William, surprising him as he was getting out of his house." MC "\"Hi William!\"" WiK "\"Oh! Hello Mrs Summers!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 089 with dissolve MC "\"How do you do?\"" WiK "\"Good Mrs Summers and you?\"" MC "\"Just fine, I was going to the morning service at church.\"" WiK "\"Really!? I was too.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 090 with dissolve MC "\"Do you want to come with me, I was about to take the car?\"" WiK "\"Yes, thank you, it would be great.\"" MC "\"Though I won't be able to bring you home, I have some business to attend to.\"" WiK "\"It's ok, there's still buses at this hour.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 091 with dissolve MC "\"And your mom? Is she not going with you?\"" WiK "\"Oh! Mmmh... No! {w}No she doesn't...\"" MC "\"Is everything ok?\"" WiK "\"Yeah... Everything's ok...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 092 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure? {w}You know you can talk to me William.\"" WiK "\"Yeah! Don't worry...\"" MC "{i}I shouldn't insist, he'll talk when he's ready...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 093 with dissolve "Slowly heading towards the car, Myriam and William started walking again, her hand still on his shoulder as she tried to comfort the teenager." MC "\"Then let's go.\"" WiK "\"Thank you Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"You're welcome sweetie.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_parking_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch2_dropping_off_marc:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 094 with dissolve "Arriving in the underground parking of the mall near Evelyn's apartment, as Marc asked, Myriam parked and turned off the engine." MC "\"Here you are honey! {w}Did you want to do some shopping before going to aunty Eve?\"" Ma "\"Nah! {w}Just wanted to spend some time with just the two of us before going.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 095 with dissolve MC "\"That's sweet honey, but I don't have much time if I want to catch the morning service at the church.\"" Ma "\"Don't worry, we won't take too long. {w}Well it depends on you.\"" MC "\"What?\"" MC "{i}What does he mean?{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 096 with dissolve "And as Marc reached for Myriam's neck, he pulled her towards his groin while unzipping the fly of his pants." MC "\"Hey!? What are you...?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"You said you wanted to be my slut now... {w}So I thought we would have some fun before I go for the day.\"" MC "\"What!? No! {w}Wait, we're in a parking lot!\"" Ma "\"Come on Mi! {w}You can't let me go like that after this morning... {w}I'll be hard all day long.\"" MC "\"I... {w}Ok, but quickly...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"You're my whore now... {w}So you're going to suck my cock and empty my balls before you go.\"" MC "\"What!? No! {w}Wait, we're in a parking lot!\"" Ma "\"Yeah!? So what!? {w}If you don't want to get caught you better get to it then!\"" MC "\"I... {w}Ok, I'll...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve "Without waiting for Myriam to end her sentence, Marc shoved his cock inside Myriam's mouth and throat as he pushed her head down." Ma "\"Here you go!\"" MC "\"Mmmph...! Slurp! Gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve "Seeing as Myriam quickly adapted herself to the pace he was giving her, Marc kept making her accelerate the rhythm, pushing her head faster and faster as she kept swallowing his cock." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Shit! I can't have enough of your mouth!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I'm doing... {w}Sucking Marc's cock in a parking lot...!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Shit! I can't have enough of your porn grade mouth!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what I'm doing... {w}Sucking Marc's cock in a parking lot...! {w}And letting him talk to me like that!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve "Fully giving in to Marc's control and to the excitement of the situation, Myriam kept sucking him thoroughly, feeling he was not far from cumming in her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! Getting sucked in a parking lot is fucking hot! {w}We should do this more often!\"" MC "{i}This is so wrong...! {w}Why does it excite me so much!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! Getting sucked in a parking lot by a whore is so fucking hot! {w}We should do this more often!\"" MC "{i}This is so wrong...! {w}Why does it excite me so much!? {w}Maybe he's right, maybe I'm just a whore...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 098 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 097 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 099 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she predicted, after a few more thrusts up and down, Marc grabbed Myriam's head and shoved it down as he came deep in her throat, not allowing her much choice but to swallow every load." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"AAARGH! Shit! Swallow everything!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"AAARGH! Shit! Swallow everything bitch!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve "After she was done swallowing, Myriam thought he was going to be satisfied, but with a firm grip on her head, Marc started to make her suck his cock again." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Keep going! {w}I've got another load in me!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Keep going whore! {w}I've got another load just for you!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve "Quickly getting hard again, Marc made Myriam suck his cock even faster, forcing a quick pace with both hands on her head." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Shit! That's so good!\"" MC "{i}God! Why I can't stop myself!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Come on suck that cock bitch!\"" MC "{i}God! I really am his whore now!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 100 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 101 with dissolve "Sucking on his cock thoroughly, Myriam kept going for some time, even as cars went by a few feet away in the parking, strangely exciting her as people passed, unaware of what was going on in their car." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! You're going to make me cum again soon! {w}Let's get this one on your face!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! I'm going to bust another nut! {w}Let's cover your slutty face with this one!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 102 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 103 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 104 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 105 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as Marc finished his sentence, he pulled her head back and kept her in place with a hand firmly gripping her hair, while the other on his cock aimed for her face as loads of cum came gushing and crashing on her face one after the other." MC "\"Marc! No! Wait...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"AAARGH! Yeah! Here you go!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"AAARGH! Yeah! Take that in your face whore!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 106 with dissolve "Letting go of Myriam, Marc stuffed his cock back in his pants, while Myriam was trying to see the damage in the rear view mirror." Ma "\"Fuck! That was great! Thanks!\"" MC "\"You... {w}You're welcome...\"" Ma "\"ha ha ha! Or more welcum!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 107 with dissolve "Seeing that Myriam was about to clean herself, Marc suddenly stopped her, grabbing her hand as she was about to move the mirror." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"What are you doing!?\"" MC "\"I've got to clean myself Marc. {w}I can't go to church like this!\"" Ma "\"No wait! {w}I've got a fun idea...!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"What do you think you're doing!?\"" MC "\"I... {w}I've got to clean myself Marc... {w}I can't go to church like this!\"" Ma "\"That's just it...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 108 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" Ma "\"Go at the church like this and take a selfie like you did this morning in front of your mirror!\"" MC "\"What! No! I can't Marc! In a church! That's... {w}That's too much!\"" Ma "\"Come on! It'll be fun, you just have to wait until the service finishes and go in after! {w}You take a quick selfie of your face covered with a few people in the background, than another one of you swallowing!\"" KN_MOD "if MCkink[Exhibitionist] < 20:" MC "{i}No! I can't do this... {w}I can't...{/i}" MC "\"I don't know... {w}Marc, this is too much...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 109 with dissolve "Opening the door, Marc said goodbye to Myriam, while she was both sad to disappoint Marc and ashamed of the situation." Ma "\"Ok, I understand, you're right! {w}I'm going, I don't want to make you more late.\"" MC "\"I'm sorry... {w}Love you sweetie...\"" Ma "\"Love you, see you tomorrow!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This is... {w}This is so wrong but it's... {w}It's kind of exciting...{/i}" MC "\"O... {w}Ok Marc, I'll try to do it...\"" $ ch2_selfie_at_church = True scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 110 with dissolve "Opening the door, Marc said goodbye to her, while Myriam, both ashamed and embarrassed was unable to meet his eyes." Ma "\"That's cool! I'll wait for your message! {w}I'm going now, I don't want to make you more late.\"" MC "\"Ok... {w}Love you sweetie...\"" Ma "\"Love you, see you tomorrow!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"You're going to go to church like that and take a selfie of you with my cum on your face and another one with you swallowing! {w}And I want people in the background!\"" MC "\"Marc... {w}In a... {w}In a church that's...\"" Ma "\"What!? So you're telling me you're not going to do it!? {w}Don't forget what you are! {w}You're my whore and you're going to do what I say! {w}Understood!?\"" MC "\"Yeah... {w}Yes...\"" MC "{i}He's right... {w}Who am I kidding...? {w}I'm just a whore now...!{/i}" $ ch2_selfie_at_church = True scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 110 with dissolve "Opening the door, Marc said goodbye to her, while Myriam, both ashamed and embarrassed was unable to meet his eyes." Ma "\"Good! I'll wait for your message! {w}I'm going now, don't forget, I want people in the background.\"" MC "\"Ok... {w}Love you sweetie...\"" Ma "\"Love you slut, see you tomorrow!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_parking_with_william:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 111 with dissolve "Arriving at the church, Myriam parked the car on the side of the church and turned off the engine." MC "\"Here we are! {w}I think we may be just in time for the morning service.\"" WiK "\"Yes, sounds like we did, we can still hear the priest.\"" WiK "\"Though...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 112 with dissolve MC "\"Yes? What is it William?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_talked_to_william == True:" WiK "\"I wanted to ask if everything was alright since that day?\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" MC "{i}God! That kid is sweet.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"I wanted to ask if everything was alright? {w}Sorry, I know it's not my business, but is everything ok?\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" WiK "\"Eumh...! Well I didn't mean to pry but my room is close to yours over the garden... {w}And the other day I heard what happened...\"" MC "{i}God! Does he mean the sex!? {w}He must have heard us...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 113 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_talked_to_william == True:" MC "\"Things are a bit complicated, but it'll be ok...\"" WiK "\"Are you separating?\"" MC "\"Oh god! You really are forward...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 114 with dissolve WiK "\"I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry... {w}It's just that I'm worried.\"" MC "\"Well, yes for now, I... {w}I asked him to get out of the house and it will probably be the end of our relationship.\"" MC "{i}God! He's forcing me to put in words things I haven't dared to think about...{/i}" WiK "I'm sorry to hear this...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_william_comforting_talk" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Eumh...! You see, when... {w}When people love each other they can make love a lot of different ways...\"" WiK "{i}What is she talking about?{/i}" MC "\"And sometimes it can be rough and people can use dirty words... {w}It doesn't mean they don't love each other, it's all about playing and excitement...\"" WiK "{i}My god! She's talking about sex!!{/i}" WiK "\"Wait! That's not what I meant!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 115 with dissolve WiK "\"I'm sorry, I meant I heard your fighting the other day!\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I... {w}I'm so sorry! God! I'm so ashamed! Please forget what I said!\"" MC "{i}God! I talked about me having sex with Anthony!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 116 with dissolve "Terribly embarrassed and ashamed of her misunderstanding, Myriam turned away from William, reaching for the door handle to get out." MC "\"Maybe we should go now! We're going to miss the service.\"" WiK "\"Oh! Yes, of... {w}Of course.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_william_comforting_talk:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 117 with dissolve "Overtaken by sadness as she started to force herself to think about her situation, Myriam's looked away with tears welling up in her eyes, while William started to feel sorry for having brought her to tears." MC "\"Sob!\"" WiK "\"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't meant to make you sad...!\"" MC "\"Sob! Sorry I... {w}Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 118 with dissolve "As Myriam suddenly started crumbling and tears started to roll, William tried to comfort her as she put her head on his shoulder." MC "\"Sob, sob!\"" WiK "\"Don't worry, it'll be alright!\"" MC "{i}God! Why can't I stop crying!{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 119 with dissolve WiK "\"You did the right thing and just have to keep going forward now!\"" MC "\"Sob, sob!\"" WiK "\"I just wish my mother had the courage to do the same!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_said_william_I_love_you == False:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 120 with dissolve "Her tears stopping, Myriam pulled away from William and tried to calm herself while William, still worried, kept trying to comfort her." MC "\"Sob! It's alright, I'm ok! {w}Sorry to crumble like this again...\"" WiK "\"It's ok, I understand! {w}It musn't have been easy to make this decision.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 121 with dissolve MC "\"Thank you William! {w}It's seems I keep ending up crying in your arms, sorry...\"" WiK "\"I'm just glad to be able to help you. {w}Are you feeling better?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you... {w}It's just that putting what happened into words just makes it so real... {w}My emotions just burst out of control, but I'm ok now.\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 122 with dissolve "As her tears stopped and nerves calmed down, Myriam reached for the door handle, still a bit embarrassed by her outburst." MC "\"Come on now... {w}We better go before we miss the service.\"" WiK "\"Yes, you're right.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 123 with dissolve "As Myriam's tears were stopping and she was starting to calm down, William suddenly surprised her by kissing her." WiK "{i}God! I can't resist, she's so...{/i}" WiK "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}My god! What is he...!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 124 with dissolve "But the surprise passed, Myriam kissed William back, swept by the same feelings of safety and warmth he gave her the other day." MC "\"Muah!\"" WiK "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}God! This is bad... {w}But this feels so nice...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 125 with dissolve "Breaking their kiss after some time, both looked away embarrassed to face each other after their passionate kiss." WiK "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" WiK "\"Sorry... {w}With what happened last time... {w}I just couldn't hold on.\"" MC "\"It's ok... {w}We both did...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 126 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back towards William, she noticed him discreetly trying to hide the bulge in his pants." MC "{i}Oh god! Did kissing me made him this hard!?{/i}" WiK "\"Maybe we should get going...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_taking_care_of_william:" "How does Myriam react to William's state?" KN_MOD "I cant let him go to church like this!:" MC "{i}I can't let him go like that inside the church... {w}Everybody will think he's a pervert...{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 127 with dissolve "As he was about to get out, Myriam stopped William, reaching for the bulge in his pants with her hand." MC "\"Wait! Let me give you a hand with that!\"" WiK "\"What...!? {w}Oh god!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_william_car_blowjob" KN_MOD "Hes right, we should go!:" MC "{i}He's right, we should go before things get more... {w}Complicated.{/i}" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 122 with dissolve "Both embarrassed, they suddenly pretended as if nothing had happened, using the service church as an excuse to change the subject." MC "\"You're right, we should go or we'll miss the service.\"" WiK "\"Yes...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_william_car_blowjob:" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 128 with dissolve "Ignoring his surprise, Myriam bent over to go down on him and take him in her mouth, while her hand was caressing his bulge and unzipping his fly." WiK "\"Wait! I didn't do this for that... {w}You don't have to...\"" MC "\"Hush! I know, I just want to do it... {w}And we can't let you go inside the church with a hard on!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam slowly started to suck on it, the girth of his cock asking for some adaptation." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! God! That's... {w}That's incredible...\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve "Adapting to his size as she relaxed her throat, Myriam slowly started to accelerate the pace, swallowing his cock deeper and faster while she kept massaging his balls." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Yes, don't stop! That's so good!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve "Feeling how much William was enjoying her blowjob, Myriam doubled down, accelerating the pace even more while teasing his weak spots with her tongue." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! God! Yes!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve "Sucking on his cock for a good moment, Myriam could feel he was about to reach his limits, and kept her pace while she tightened her caresses on his balls to make him cum hard." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! I... {w}I'm going to cum!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 130 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 131 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, as she kept sucking his cock despite his warning, Myriam felt his cum gushing in her mouth, keeping it in as he filled her load after load." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"ARGH! OH MY GOD! I'M CUMMING!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 132 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 133 with dissolve scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 134 with dissolve "Pulling away from his cock once she collected the last drop of his cum, Myriam showed him all he had given her, before swallowing every last drop of it before his eyes in one big gulp." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" WiK "\"Wow! That was... {w}That was just incredible, thanks!\"" MC "\"You're welcome!\"" scene bg ch2_17 busymorning 135 with dissolve "Cleaning the last traces of his cum from her lips, Myriam reached for the door handle, bringing William back to reality as they still had to go to church." MC "\"Come on! We better go now... {w}I think we're already quite late...\"" WiK "\"Yes... {w}Yes, of course!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_church:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Church" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == False:" scene bg ch2_18 church 001 with dissolve "Finally arriving at church after dropping off Marc, Myriam walked through the park on it's front towards the big doors of the old stone building." KN_MOD "if ch2_selfie_at_church == False:" MC "{i}Wow! That's quite a big church, let's hope I'm not too late...{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 002 with dissolve "But stopping at the door, Myriam could hear that she had arrived too late, the silence coming from the church could only meant that the service was already finished." MC "{i}Damn! I'm too late... {w}God! Can't say it's a good start to introduce myself like this...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope the priest don't judge me too harshly.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_quick_prayer" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Wow! That's quite a big church... {w}God! I hope there's not too many people inside...{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 003 with dissolve "Stopping at the door Myriam waited, trying to listen if the church was still full or empty, not wanting to be seen with her face covered with Marc's cum." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm going to do this, in a church... {w}This is so shameful and wrong...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! Don't think! You... {w}You're a whore now, that's all you deserve...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Stop it Myriam! Don't think...! {w}Just go in and do it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_church_naughty_selfie" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_18 church 004 with dissolve "Walking through the church's park, Myriam and William headed for the big doors of the old stone building, hoping they weren't too late" MC "\"Wow! That's quite the big church, let's hope we're not too late...\"" WiK "\"Yeah! There's even a cloister and monastery behind.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 005 with dissolve "Getting inside, Myriam and William quickly saw they were too late for the service, as they could see only a few figures there and then on the benches." MC "\"Well, looks like we're too late, sorry...\"" WiK "\"Don't worry, I didn't really come for the service. {w}I came to find some... {w}Some information for my mother.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, then I'll leave you here, I wanted to see the priest.\"" WiK "\"Father Cumforth, you'll probably find him in the confessional after the service.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_quick_prayer" KN_MOD "label ch2_church_naughty_selfie:" scene bg ch2_18 church 006 with dissolve "Getting in discreetly, Myriam headed slowly to the back of the bench, hiding her face just in case as she saw some people still inside on the benches." MC "{i}God! There's still people inside... {w}I just hope nobody sees me like this...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's quickly do this selfie and clean myself up!{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 007 with dissolve "Turning her back to the altar, Myriam got ready to take her first selfie as Marc wanted, with people still visible in the back." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm really doing it! {w}This is so...{/i}" "Trying to look seductive despite the cum on her face, Myriam could still not erase the feeling of shame in her eyes for her first shot." scene bg ch2_18 church 008 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 009 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 010 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Then after collecting the cum in her mouth, Myriam filmed herself swallowing it as Marc asked her to do." MC "\"Gulp!\"" MC "{i}Here you go! Now let's send him this and try to forget about it...{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 011 with dissolve "Turning back once done, Myriam tried to see if anyone had caught her doing her naughty business." MC "{i}Than... {w}Thank god no one is the wiser...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_church_naughty_selfie_thoughts:" "How does Myriam feel about what she just did?" KN_MOD "Dirty and ashamed! if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" MC "{i}God! I feel so dirty and ashamed of what I did... {w}Marc is right, I'm just a whore...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_quick_prayer" KN_MOD "Embarrassed and guilty!:" MC "{i}God! I feel so embarrassed and guilty... {w}I can't believe I did this in a church, this is so wrong!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_quick_prayer" KN_MOD "Excited and curious!:" MC "{i}God! Why do I feel so excited by having done this... {w}Am I really such a dirty girl?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_quick_prayer" KN_MOD "label ch2_quick_prayer:" scene bg ch2_18 church 012 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" "Leaving William to his own business, Myriam headed for the altar to do a quick prayer before looking for Father Cumforth." KN_MOD "elif ch2_selfie_at_church == True:" "Putting her thoughts aside, Myriam headed for the altar to do a quick prayer before looking for the priest." KN_MOD "else:" "Getting in discreetly to not disturb people still praying, Myriam headed for the altar to do a quick prayer before looking for the priest." MC "{i}Let's go pray a little, I feel guilty about it, but it's been some times now since I did...{/i}" MC "{i}God! It's been a few years I think now.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 013 with dissolve "Kneeling in front of the altar and cross, Myriam started praying and talking to god as she did when she was little." KN_MOD "if ch2_selfie_at_church == True:" MC "{i}God! Please forgive me for not having been the most fervent believer this last few years... {w}And for what I just did in your house, sorry.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Please forgive me for not having been the most fervent believer this last few years.{/i}" MC "{i}But I need your help! {w}I feel so lost since I arrived, so many things are happening to me and I don't know what to do...{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 014 with dissolve MC "{i}I don't even know how I feel, I'm so lost... {w}I'm trying my best to not stray from the path you laid out for me, but... {w}But things are getting so complicated and confusing that I can't see it anymore.{/i}" MC "{i}Those urges I have make me so afraid of myself some times... {w}Afraid of the person I could become, or have even starting to become...{/i}" MC "{i}Please! Give me a sign, help me see the path again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 015 with dissolve "As she was finishing her prayer, Myriam turned her head towards the confessional, thinking that prayers weren't enough." MC "{i}I... {w}I should confess my sins... {w}Prayers aren't enough, I must show that I'm really remorseful...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Let's see if Father Cumforth is there as William said and give a confession, it's been too long and maybe he can help me clear up my mind of all this confusion.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's see if the priest is there and give a confession, it's been too long and maybe he can help me clear up my mind of all this confusion.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 016 with dissolve "As Myriam approached the confessional, she could see there was someone inside, making her stop a moment in hesitation, suddenly unsure if she should go in or not." KN_MOD "menu ch2_church_confession:" "Does Myriam go in or not?" KN_MOD "Yes! I should go in and confess my sins!:" $ ch2_confessed_sins = True MC "{i}Yes! Stop hesitating Myriam, go in and confess your sins! {w}Or you won't be able to clear your mind!{/i}" MC "{i}All this confusion needs to end, you need to get a grip now!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession" KN_MOD "No! I should try to clear things up myself! (End of the line of events.):" $ ch2_no_need_for_god = True MC "{i}No! Stop trying to find excuses elsewhere Myriam! {w}You're the one with the answers!{/i}" MC "{i}You need to stop putting things to tomorrow and get a grip now!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_looking_to_volunteer" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_confession:" scene bg ch2_18 church 017 with dissolve "Getting inside, Myriam kneeled on the cushion inside the small confessional cabin and started to confess to the priest." MC "\"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been a few years since my last confession.\"" "Priest" "\"Go on my child.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 018 with dissolve MC "\"I... {w}I do not know where to start Father...\"" "Priest" "\"What troubles you most my child?\"" MC "\"I... {w}I have impure thoughts Father...\"" "Priest" "\"What thoughts?\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 019 with dissolve MC "\"For some time now, I'm plagued with nightmares and impure thoughts of... {w}Of a sexual nature.\"" MC "\"Ever since I was young I was curious and had urges, but never acted on them... {w}But for a few weeks I've been getting more and more confused.\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" MC "\"I have horrible nightmares where I'm having sex with men other than my partner, even... {w}Even beasts and demons.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I have horrible nightmares where I'm having sex with men other than my partner, even... {w}Even demons.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 020 with dissolve "Priest" "That sounds terrible my child and very ominous! {w}If sexual dreams can be sign of temptations from the devil, sexual dreams with beasts or demons can be the signs of something far worse.\"" MC "\"Oh g...! What can I do!?\"" "Priest" "\"First my child I need to hear it all... {w}Is that all or have you ever acted on those urges and temptations?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == False and ch1_sex_with_william == False and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == False and ch2_marc_reprimanded == True and ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == False and ch2_fuck_charles_safe == False and ch2_student_foursome_bareback == False and ch2_student_foursome_safe == False:" scene bg ch2_18 church 021 with dissolve MC "\"No! Never! But... {w}But truth be told I have been tempted since...\"" "Priest" "\"Since?\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Since I caught my partner with another woman... {w}He tried to lie to me and even hit me, but I did not falter and kicked him out of the house.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Since I caught my partner with another woman... {w}It was all a big misunderstanding, but things are not the same since then.\"" "Priest" "\"I understand.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession_soft_end" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_18 church 022 with dissolve MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes, I did...\"" "Priest" "\"How my child?\"" MC "\"I...\"" "Priest" "\"If you wish to clean your soul of your demons and make amends, you need to tell me everything child.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession_sins_list" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_confession_sins_list:" scene bg ch2_18 church 023 with dissolve "Clearing her mind and despite her shame, Myriam started to make an inventory of all the things that happened since they arrived and how she had strayed." KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == True:" MC "\"When I... {w}When I caught Anthony with his secretary, I was so distraught that another man tried to console me and...\"" "Priest" "\"And?\"" MC "\"And misguided by anger and wanting to get revenge I... {w}I gave that man oral sex, even making him film it so that I could show Anthony that I could cheat too.\"" "Priest" "\"And did you?\"" MC "\"No, I only gave him this one blow... {w}Sorry, I mean I gave him oral sex this one time and never used the video on my phone.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_william" KN_MOD "elif ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark == True:" MC "\"When I... {w}When I caught Anthony with his secretary, I was so distraught that another man tried to console me and...\"" "Priest" "\"And?\"" MC "\"And misguided by anger and wanting to get revenge I... {w}I let him take picture of me naked with my phone and nearly gave him oral sex.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_william" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I really nearly did something with Anthony's colleague when I caught him with his secretary...{/i}" "Priest" "\"Child?\"" MC "\"Sorry Father, I was trying to make an inventory of what I did, where to start... {w}And thought of the day I discovered Anthony with his secretary...\"" MC "\"One of his colleague consoled me and for a moment I thought of using him for revenge but didn't.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_william:" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 024 with dissolve MC "\"But then, once home, still distraught I crumbled in front of the house and a young neighbor help me inside and listened to me...\"" MC "\"He was so sweet and I was in such pain that... {w}That I used him to fill the void in my heart and had sex with him.\"" MC "\"First he was so sweet and compassionate, and my mind was so lost that I just wanted to give something in return and gave him oral sex... {w}But then a fire took me over and I had sex with him.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_anal_with_william == True:" MC "\"Even begging him to have anal sex with me...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_1" KN_MOD "elif ch1_talked_to_william == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 024 with dissolve MC "\"But then, once home, still distraught, I crumbled in front of the house and a young neighbor helped me inside and listened to me...\"" MC "\"He was so sweet and I was in such pain that... {w}That I kissed him and nearly used him to fill the void in my heart.\"" MC "\"But thankfully, seeing I wasn't in my right mind, he stopped me before we went too far.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_1" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_cassius_1:" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 025 with dissolve MC "\"After that, there was an event that was worse, I don't even know if I should talk about it...\"" "Priest" "\"If it burdens you that much my child, you definitelly should.\"" MC "\"Something happened with... {w}With our dog... {w}I was attacked while going on a run in the park and Cassius defended me and got hurt...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_jerked_off_cassius_and_swallowed == True:" MC "\"And later at home, I don't know what came over me, but when I saw him excited, the thought of rewarding him crossed my mind...\"" MC "\"First I used my hand to pleasure him, but then... {w}Anthony always loved it so much when I used my mouth that I thought he would love it too and gave him oral sex... {w}Multiple times, until he was satisfied.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_jerked_off_cassius_and_more == True:" MC "\"And later at home, I don't know what came over me, but when I saw him excited, the thought of rewarding him crossed my mind...\"" MC "\"First I used my hand to pleasure him, but then... {w}Anthony always loved it so much when I used my mouth that I thought he would love it too and gave him oral sex.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"And later at home, I don't know what came over me, but when I saw him excited, the thought of rewarding him crossed my mind... {w}And I pleasured him with my hand.\"" "Priest" "\"Bestiality, this is terrible.\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_marc" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_marc" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_marc:" KN_MOD "if ch2_marc_dom == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 026 with dissolve MC "\"But I think the worst is what happened with... {w}With my companion's son!\"" "Priest" "\"Your companion's son?\"" MC "\"Yes, after the trouble with Anthony, I had a movie night with my daughter and his son and things got all screwed up... {w}I fell asleep and woke up to him masturbating and touching me while he thought I was still asleep.\"" MC "\"I put an end to it carefully, but when I found him later still... {w}Still excited I felt guilty and helped him relieved his tension.\"" MC "\"Even letting him abuse my mouth and do the same the next morning...\"" "Priest" "\"This is serious.\"" MC "\"I know...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_2" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 026 with dissolve MC "\"But I think the worst is what happened with... {w}With my companion's son!\"" "Priest" "\"Your companion's son?\"" MC "\"Yes, after the trouble with Anthony, I had a movie night with my daughter and his son and things got all screwed up... {w}I fell asleep and woke up to him masturbating and touching me while he thought I was still asleep.\"" MC "\"I put an end to it carefully, but when I found him later still... {w}Still excited I took care of things badly, making him finish himself in front of me, thinking that it would teach him a lesson...\"" MC "\"And did the same the next morning, when I caught him trying to masturbate again while I was asleep...\"" "Priest" "\"Incest, this is serious.\"" MC "\"I know...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_2" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_cassius_2" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_cassius_2:" KN_MOD "if ch2_let_cassius_eat_pussy == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 027 with dissolve MC "\"There was also another moment with our dog Cassius...\"" "Priest" "\"Another?\"" MC "\"Yes, I know this is terribly shameful, he... {w}He surprised me one day naked after my shower, and coming from behind when I was in front of the mirror he licked my...\"" "Priest" "\"You can say it child.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_let_cassius_fuck_pussy == True:" MC "\"He licked my pussy... {w}And with the surprise, I stayed paralyzed when he climbed on me and... {w}And mated with me.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_at_the_river_1" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"He licked my pussy... {w}Even trying to mate with me, but I fend him off.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_at_the_river_1" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_at_the_river_1" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_at_the_river_1:" KN_MOD "if ch2_teased_the_four_peepers == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 028 with dissolve MC "\"Then there was this little incident at the river after riding my horse, it was so hot outside, that I relaxed by swimming in the river... {w}Naked.\"" "Priest" "\"What happened?\"" MC "\"I caught some kids spying on me and I teased them instead of reprimanding them. {w}I thought it was innocent, they were just curious kids, but still it was wrong.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_at_the_river_2" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_at_the_river_2" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_at_the_river_2:" KN_MOD "if ch2_tasted_hammers_cum == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 029 with dissolve MC "\"There was also that moment at the river, after riding and relaxing a moment, when I wanted to get back on my horse I realized he dropped his... {w}His penis.\"" MC "\"So he didn't hurt himself in the bushes while riding I took care of him... {w}It was only to help, but then when he was finished, I don't know what took me over, I... {w}I tasted him, his cum.\"" "Priest" "\"Bestiality, again.\"" MC "\"I know, something is wrong with me...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_charles" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_charles" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_charles:" KN_MOD "if ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 030 with dissolve MC "\"Yesterday night I was also at a gala for an exhibition at the museum and... {w}And slept with another man.\"" MC "\"It wasn't my intention when I went, but I think I had too much to drink... {w}Not that it's an excuse.\"" MC "\"But I think that the trouble I had with Anthony coupled with the alcohol loosened my judgment too much.\"" MC "\"It was so passionate and I was in so much need for affection... {w}I did everything for him...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_students" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_18 church 030 with dissolve MC "\"Yesterday night I was also at a gala for an exhibition at the museum and had a few drinks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_with_students" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_with_students:" KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True or ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 031 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_gala_night_total_blackout == True:" MC "\"Too much in fact, I don't remember anything about that night...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_before_church" KN_MOD "elif ch2_gala_night_partial_blackout == True:" MC "\"Too much in fact, so much that... {w}That I even smoked weed and slept with multiple men...\"" MC "\"They were three students with whom I went to the gala, things are still a bit confused at the end... {w}But I know I slept with the three of them at the same time there.\"" MC "\"But after that, it's all black... {w}I know it's not an excuse, but I wasn't myself and lost control because of the alcohol and weed...\"" "Priest" "\"Sleeping with multiple men and drugs, this is serious.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sleeping_in_marcs_bedroom == True and ch2_intervened_marc == False:" MC "\"And that's not all, I don't remember it, but he told me I went to his room drunk and begged him to have sex with him.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_before_church" KN_MOD "elif ch2_gala_night_no_blackout == True:" MC "\"Too much in fact, so much that... {w}That I even smoked weed and slept with multiple men...\"" MC "\"They were three students with whom I went to the gala, things are still a bit confused at the end... {w}But I know I slept with the three of them at the same time there and again in the limo taking me home.\"" MC "\"But after that, it's all black... {w}I know it's not an excuse, but I wasn't myself and lost control because of the alcohol and weed...\"" "Priest" "\"Sleeping with multiple men and drugs, this is serious.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sleeping_in_marcs_bedroom == True and ch2_intervened_marc == False:" MC "\"And that's not all, I don't remember it, but he told me I went to his room drunk and begged him to have sex with him.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_before_church" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"And flirted a bit... {w}I had a few drinks, but it didn't go any further, it was just some innocent flirting.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sinning_before_church" KN_MOD "label ch2_sinning_before_church:" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 032 with dissolve MC "\"My mind was such a wreck after all this that when I woke up in Marc's bed the next day, this morning, that I... {w}That I even let him push me to have sex again with him.\"" MC "\"Even letting him treat me like a... {w}Like a whore, because that's how I felt... {w}How I feel right now.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_selfie_at_church == True:" MC "\"I mean, I came inside the church with my face covered with his cum and took some selfies...\"" "Priest" "\"Incest again and in the house of the lord!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Priest" "\"Incest again!\"" MC "\"I know, I'm ashamed of myself.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession_hard_end" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True:" scene bg ch2_18 church 032 with dissolve MC "\"My mind was such a wreck after all this that when I woke up in Marc's bed the next day, this morning, that I... {w}That I even let him push me to have sex again with him.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_selfie_at_church == True:" MC "\"Even letting him convince me into doing more naughty things... {w}I mean, I came inside the church with my face covered with his cum and took some selfies...\"" "Priest" "\"Incest again and in the house of the lord!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Priest" "\"Incest again!\"" MC "\"I know, I'm ashamed of myself.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession_hard_end" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_confession_hard_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_confession_hard_end:" scene bg ch2_18 church 033 with dissolve "Finishing her list of sins, Myriam fell silent, waiting for the priest reaction, while slowly feeling the weight of it all as she bluntly enumerated her sins one by one." MC "\"Here's everything...\"" "Priest" "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" "Priest" "\"This is very serious my child...\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 034 with dissolve "Priest" "{i}God! This little slut is perfect, just what we were looking for. {w}Lets see if she's already ripe or not...{/i}" "Priest" "\"Far more serious than you think!\"" MC "\"I know... {w}I'm not myself anymore, I'm losing my mind...\"" "Priest" "\"No my child, it's not your mind that you're losing, but your soul!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 035 with dissolve MC "\"What?\"" "Priest" "\"I think you're possessed my child!\"" MC "\"Possessed!?\"" "Priest" "\"Yes, possessed! {w}Those nightmares with demons and your sudden change of behavior, those are signs of a demon trying to take possession of your soul.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 036 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Trust] >= 30:" $ ch2_true_believer = True MC "\"Oh my god! This... {w}This is horrible! What... {w}What can I do!?\"" "Priest" "\"First we have to be sure!\"" MC "\"How?\"" "Priest" "\"Nothing we can do here my child, follow me!\"" MC "\"Yes Father!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_possession_test" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_true_believer:" "Does Myriam believe in the priest?" KN_MOD "Oh my god! Im possessed! (Trust Trait 15+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 15:" $ ch2_true_believer = True MC "\"Oh my god! This... {w}This is horrible! What... {w}What can I do!?\"" "Priest" "\"First we have to be sure!\"" MC "\"How?\"" "Priest" "\"Nothing we can do here my child, follow me!\"" MC "\"Yes Father!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_possession_test" KN_MOD "It must be a parable. (End of the line of events.):" $ ch2_no_need_for_god = True MC "\"My god! Using this parable, you... {w}You must think I'm really a lost cause!\"" MC "{i}If even a priest thinks I'm a lost cause... {w}I'm doomed.{/i}" "Priest" "\"No my child nobody is ever a lost cause when they have faith in the lord.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 037 with dissolve "Priest" "\"Yes my child, trust in the lord, have faith and his light will always shine upon you, even in your darkest moment.\"" "Priest" "{i}This is too bad, but she's not ready, maybe with some time.{/i}" MC "\"I have faith Father.\"" "Priest" "\"Then you need to put yourself in his hands and think of him everytime you have lustful or degenerate thoughts.\"" MC "{i}Oh god! Degenerate! This is... {w}No! You can't deny that you have bad thoughts Myriam.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 038 with dissolve MC "\"Yes Father, I will! {w}Thank you.\"" "Priest" "\"And I hope to see you here soon my child.\"" MC "\"Yes Father, definitely.\"" "Priest" "\"Father Cumforth, and your name is my child?\"" MC "\"Myriam Summers, we settled here with my family a few weeks ago. {w}I'm sorry to have taken so much time to present myself.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 039 with dissolve "Priest" "\"It's alright my child, now you are on the right path, go in peace!\"" "{b}{color=#900}Blase Cumforth{/color}{/b} {w}alias Father{p}The priest{w}, 67 years old {p}The Perverted Priest {p}A perverted and corrupted priest who enjoys corrupting the young and innocent." KN_MOD "jump ch2_looking_to_volunteer" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_confession_soft_end:" $ ch2_a_pure_soul = True scene bg ch2_18 church 040 with dissolve "Waiting for the priest to give her his thoughts, Myriam fell into silence, worried she would be judged badly for her urges and dreams." MC "\"...\"" "Priest" "\"Well my child, it seems to me you are on a good path, keep your faith and everything will go well.\"" "Priest" "\"Everybody has temptations my child, as long as you don't give into them and keep your faith you will be alright.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 041 with dissolve MC "\"Thank you Father, thank you so much!\"" "Priest" "\"Father Cumforth, and your name is my child?\"" MC "\"Myriam Summers, we settled here with my family a few weeks ago. {w}I'm sorry to have taken so much time to present myself.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 039 with dissolve "Priest" "\"It's alright my child, now you are on the right path, go with god!\"" "{b}{color=#900}Blase Cumforth{/color}{/b} {w}alias Father{p}The priest{w}, 67 years old {p}The Perverted Priest {p}A perverted and corrupted priest who enjoys corrupting the young and innocent." KN_MOD "jump ch2_looking_to_volunteer" KN_MOD "label ch2_possession_test:" scene bg ch2_18 church 039 with dissolve "{b}{color=#900}Blase Cumforth{/color}{/b} {w}alias Father{p}The priest{w}, 67 years old {p}The Perverted Priest {p}A perverted and corrupted priest who enjoys corrupting the young and innocent." scene bg ch2_18 church 042 with dissolve "Getting out of the confessional, Myriam followed Father Cumforth, looking around nervously as everybody might know what was said in there." "Priest" "\"There is a private chapel underneath the church, you'll have more privacy there.\"" MC "\"Yes, of... {w}Of course.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 043 with dissolve "Following Father Cumforth, Myriam arrived in a little chapel underneath the church, lit only by candles and looking more cozy and intimate than upstairs." "Priest" "\"Here we are my child, now we'll be able to take care of your problem.\"" MC "\"Really!? How?\"" "Priest" "\"First you'll need to pray in front of the lord. {w}Come kneel in front of the altar.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 044 with dissolve MC "\"And now Father?\"" "Priest" "\"Now I want you to pray in front of your Lord and confess to him all the sins you just confessed to me.\"" MC "\"A... {w}Aloud?\"" "Priest" "\"Of course, but don't worry, it's only us two and the lord here. {w}Now I'll let you proceed, I'll wait for you to finish on the side.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 045 with dissolve "Turning towards the cross, Myriam started to pray to the lord as the priest told her to do, confessing her sins in front of him aloud one by one." "Reviewing every one of them as she did in the confessional, under the eyes of Father Cumforth sitting on one of the bench on the side." "And as she did, Myriam couldn't help but feel some excitement mixed with the embarrassment, reliving all her lustful sins with some arousal despite the shame." scene bg ch2_18 church 046 with dissolve MC "{i}God! What's wrong with me, here I am trying to absolve my sins and I'm getting excited just by thinking about them...{/i}" MC "{i}If I keep going like this, I'll really end up damned... {w}God! What's going to happen to me?{/i}" MC "\"... {w}Here it is Lord! All of my sins exposed.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 047 with dissolve "As Myriam finished what she had to do, the priest came back towards her to proceed to the next step." MC "\"I... {w}I've finished Father.\"" "Priest" "\"Yes, so now tell me, what do you feel my child?\"" MC "\"I don't know... {w}Anxious about what is happening to me and maybe a sense of relief for confronting my sins.\"" "Priest" "\"Any excitement?\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes...\"" "Priest" "\"Then it's as I feared, you're possessed! {w}Come with me child!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 048 with dissolve MC "\"Wait...! What? Where?\"" "Priest" "\"You need to purify yourself, behind the altar, we have a bath of holy water for rituals and baptisms. {w}There you will be able to cleanse yourself.\"" MC "\"Will it be enough?\"" "Priest" "\"Sadly no, but it will be a start.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 049 with dissolve "Following Father Cumforth as he guided her behind the altar, Myriam stopped in front of the door anxious." MC "\"Here?\"" "Priest" "\"Yes, cleanse yourself in the bath, then come back here, with one of the robes that you'll find there.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 050 with dissolve MC "\"But after that? If it's not enough...\"" "Priest" "\"Have faith my child, let's go on one step at a time.\"" MC "\"Alright, I... {w}I'll do my best.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 051 with dissolve "Going inside the room, Myriam looked around the dimly lit room, still anxious about what was happening to her." MC "{i}God! I hope this cleansing will be enough... {w}I'm so anxious...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, Calm down! {w}Have faith, do what the priest is telling you.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 052 with dissolve "After undressing, Myriam slipped inside the blessed water of the bath, under the light of the candles." MC "\"Oooh!\"" MC "{i}Brrr! The water is pretty cold... {w}Let's do this quickly!{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 053 with dissolve "Crouching down in the bath, Myriam started to wash herself thoroughly, scrubbing herself while praying for things to go well." MC "{i}Well, that's not that bad, the water is pretty chill, but feels soothing... {w}Maybe because it's blessed.{/i}" MC "{i}Now please Lord, make it enough!{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 054 with dissolve MC "{i}At least let's try to relax and enjoy it! {w}It's not everyday you have the occasion to bathe in some blessed water.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" "Taking a few minutes, Myriam took the time to enjoy her time in the water despite the temperature." scene bg ch2_18 church 055 with dissolve "Getting out of the bath, Myriam went towards the cupboard to take a robe as the priest told her." MC "{i}The robes Father Cumforth told me about must be in there, let's see.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 056 with dissolve "Putting on one of the robes after drying herself, Myriam looked at herself embarrassed." MC "{i}God! Those robes are really see through... {w}Well, if I must, no point hesitating.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope I doesn't look lustful to Father Cumforth.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 057 with dissolve "Returning to the chapel, Myriam went towards Father Cumforth, feeling self conscious in her see through ceremonial robe." MC "\"I... {w}I'm finished Father...\"" "Priest" "\"Perfect my child, come here now! {w}And pray again.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 058 with dissolve "As she came in front of him, Father Cumforth made her turn towards the altar while gently starting to take off her robe." MC "\"What...!? {w}What are you doing Father?\"" "Priest" "\"Now that you have done the ritual cleansing, you must pray my child... {w}And we both must be as humble and pure as god made us the day we were born!\"" MC "\"A... {w}Alright, Father...\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 059 with dissolve "Kneeling at his feet, Myriam took position to pray again, while Father Cumforth petted her head as she trembled, as much due to the cold in the chapel than by fear of the unknown." MC "\"Will it be alright Father?\"" "Priest" "\"Don't worry my child, as god is always by your side, I'm here... {w}Have faith and put yourself in god's hands, and everything will be alright!\"" "Priest" "{i}This is going very well. {w}This little slut is really the most gullible and trustful whore I have ever seen. {w}She will make a perfect slave!{/i}" "Priest" "\"Now start praying while I get ready myself.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 060 with dissolve "Taking off his clothes in turn, Father Cumforth came behind Myriam, so close she could feel his belly against her head as he took it in his hands and started praying with her." "Priest" "\"Here, perfect! Stay just like this and start praying, I will be the conduit for our Lord and my blessed seed will be his gift of love to you.\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes, Father!\"" "Priest" "\"Now pray! Show the Lord your love and fervor for him! {w}Put yourself in his hands fully and give it all your heart!\"" MC "\"Oh Lord! Please accept my prayer! Preserve me from temptations and evil!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 061 with dissolve "Priest" "\"Good! Keep going! I can feel it! I can feel your passion and the presence of the Lord.\"" MC "\"I'm sorry for all of my sins.\"" "Priest" "\"Close your eyes and keep going! The Lord is watching over you!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 062 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve "Passing in front of Myriam as she closed her eyes, Father Cumforth started masturbating while holding her head as she continued to pray." MC "\"Oh my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell...\"" "Priest" "\"Yes! Good!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 063 with dissolve "As Myriam kept praying, Father Cumforth continued to masturbate frantically in front of her." MC "\"But most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. {w}I firmly resolve with the help of your grace to confess my sins, do penance, and to amend my life.\"" "Priest" "\"That's it! I feel our Lord's love coming! {w}Open your mouth and pull out your tongue to receive it!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 065 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 066 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 067 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 068 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pressing her head closer as she opened her mouth and pulled out her tongue, Father Cumforth finally ejaculated inside Myriam's mouth and over her tongue." "Priest" "\"ARGH! Here you go! Receive your Lord's love!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 069 with dissolve "Opening her eyes, Myriam looked up at Father Cumforth, waiting for his instructions, his cum filling her wide open mouth." "Priest" "\"Good child! Good! {w}Now swallow the love of your Lord and be purified!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 070 with dissolve scene bg ch2_18 church 071 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" "Doing as he instructed her, Myriam swallowed all of Father Cumfroth's cum in one gulp while looking at him in the eyes, still praying." "Priest" "\"Good my child! Good!\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 072 with dissolve "Backing up, Father Cumforth helped Myriam get up, holding his hand out to her." MC "\"Will I be alright now Father?\"" "Priest" "\"Only time will tell my child! {w}We purified you, and it will weaken the demon, now it's all up to you and your faith in our Lord.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 073 with dissolve "Taking the time to dress up and dry her hair, Myriam stopped at the door, waiting for Father Cumforth." MC "\"And now Father?\"" "Priest" "\"Now you go in peace my child, with a light heart knowing that the Lord is looking over you.\"" MC "\"Thank you Father, thank you so much.\"" scene bg ch2_18 church 074 with dissolve "Priest" "\"Do not thank me my child, thank the Lord and your faith in him.\"" MC "\"Yes Father.\"" "Priest" "\"Now I hope to see you soon child.\"" MC "\"Yes Father, you will.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_looking_to_volunteer" KN_MOD "label ch2_looking_to_volunteer:" scene bg ch2_18 church 075 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_true_believer == True:" "Getting out of the underground chapel and leaving the priest, Myriam went back to the church with a clearer mind after her ritual cleansing." MC "{i}God! That was really intense... {w}And weird, I... {w}I hope this cleansing will be enough.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, anyhow, I should look for an information board now, I wanted to look at the volunteer work around the neighborhood.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_confessed_sins == True:" "Getting out of the confessional and leaving the priest, Myriam headed towards the church entrance to look for a notice board." MC "{i}God! That was really embarrassing, I hope I did the right thing... {w}No, stop it Myriam, have faith...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, anyhow, I should look for an information board now, I wanted to look at the volunteer work around the neighborhood.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_a_pure_soul == True:" "Getting out of the confessional and leaving the priest, Myriam headed towards the church entrance to look for a notice board." MC "{i}God! It feels good to finally go back to church, I feel so light and burden less...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, anyhow, I should look for an information board now, I wanted to look at the volunteer work around the neighborhood.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Getting away from the confessional, Myriam turned back and headed towards the church entrance to look for a notice board." MC "{i}I don't know if I'm making the right choice, but I want to get things straight by myself...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, anyhow, I should look for an information board now, I wanted to look at the volunteer work around the neighborhood.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 076 with dissolve "Finding what she was looking for at the entrance of the church, Myriam stopped at the notice board to have a look about volunteer work." MC "{i}Here you go! {w}I knew there'll be some volunteer work offered at church.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see what there is! {w}I have some free time to give and help around.{/i}" scene bg ch2_18 church 077 with dissolve MC "{i}Here! There's a soup kitchen service not far from here, I could go have a look and see if they need any help.{/i}" MC "{i}Even if they don't need my help, they will probably know where there is need for help.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go Myriam! Keeping busy is the best thing to do for a restless mind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_soup_kitchen" KN_MOD "label ch2_soup_kitchen:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Soup Kitchen" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 001 with dissolve "After a few minutes of driving, Myriam got out of the car, having arrived at the site of the soup kitchen." MC "{i}Here you go! {w}Looks like they're not open yet.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see if there's someone who can help me.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 002 with dissolve "Walking in, Myriam headed for the back of an old vintage van where she could hear some noises." MC "{i}Looks like they are setting up the place...{/i}" "Clunk!" MC "{i}There's some noises behind the van, seems like there's someone here at least.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 003 with dissolve "As Myriam approached, a woman suddenly popped her head out of the back of the van, looking a lot like the woman that saved her in the park." LuM "\"Give us five minutes, we're nearly done!\"" MC "\"Oh! Hi! Sorry, I... {w}Hey!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 004 with dissolve LuM "\"Hi Myriam! Sorry, I didn't recognize you.\"" MC "\"Hi Lucy! I didn't know you also did volunteer work.\"" LuM "\"Yeah! I'm a social worker officially, but I also do some volunteer work as well as running my self defense club. {w}But what brings you here?\"" MC "\"Oh! Well, I wanted to do some volunteer work myself, and thought I would come here to see if there was any help needed.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 005 with dissolve LuM "\"Well, let's give you a tour. {w}Here, I was setting up the soup kitchen for noon.\"" MC "\"That's nice.\"" LuM "\"We have a turn over of volunteers to keep it open everyday.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 006 with dissolve LuM "\"But that's not all we do here, we set up a camp for people in need of help and a place to sleep.\"" MC "\"You must have a good support network from the city for all this.\"" LuM "\"More or less, the city doesn't give much money, but they gave us the spot and we had access to some old army surplus for suplies.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 007 with dissolve LuM "\"Like here, we have an infirmary with a few beds, we have some volunteer doctors and nurses coming when they can to help.\"" MC "\"That's impressive, you have a lot of help.\"" LuM "\"Yes, despite the difficulties, it runs pretty well.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 008 with dissolve LuM "\"And behind you it's a big dormitory, thank the army surplus again for the tent and beds.\"" MC "\"Do you have a lot of people staying here?\"" LuM "\"Well it depends, generally nobody enjoys staying in a dormitory much, so it comes and goes with the weather, season and everything else you can imagine.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 009 with dissolve LuM "\"And there you have it... {w}So what do you think?\"" MC "\"It sound like everything is running pretty smoothly, this is impressive... {w}Is there even any help still needed?\"" LuM "\"Well, help is always welcome, but it's true that it's not the place where it's the most needed.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 010 with dissolve MC "\"How could I help then?\"" LuM "\"Here!? I know that we're searching for people to go on the field and meet with the irreducibles.\"" MC "\"Irreductibles?\"" LuM "\"There's some hardcore ones that don't like coming here, but we still try to help them by going to them, bringing them food, clothing, and checking if they are in good health.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 011 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I could help there then.\"" LuM "\"Are you sure? You know it can be pretty grisly at times, and not always safe.\"" MC "\"It doesn't scare me. {w}Taking care of my handicapped brother taught me that people are generally afraid of what's considered not normal without much reason other than lack of knowledge.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 012 with dissolve LuM "\"Ok, then maybe I can accompany you and show you around.\"" MC "\"Yep, the best way to see if it's too much it's to give it a try.\"" LuM "\"Yes... {w}Though we'll make it quick, you aren't really dressed for the occasion.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 013 with dissolve MC "\"Yeah! I was just at church, I didn't think I would go right into it, I'll dress more appropriately next time.\"" LuM "\"Don't worry, it was more for you that I was saying this... {w}This dress is gorgeous on you, it would be a shame to ruin it.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you.\"" LuM "\"Let me grab my jacket and tell the others to continue without me. {w}We'll take the occasion to bring some food there too.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll go start the car.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 014 with dissolve "Looking back as she was heading towards the car, Myriam glanced at Lucy walking away to warn the other volunteers she was leaving." KN_MOD "if ch2_bicurious == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_booty_peek:" "Is Myriam attracted to Lucy?" KN_MOD "Shes so gorgeous. if ch2_bicurious == True:" MC "{i}God! She's so gorgeous, she both got shape and muscles... {w}Myriam! What are you thinking, since when do you think of women that way?{/i}" MC "{i}And she's incredible, all the things she's doing, she's really impressive.{/i}" MC "{i}I should follow her example and do more to help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_underpass" KN_MOD "Shes incredible.:" MC "{i}God! She's incredible, all the things she's doing, she's really impressive.{/i}" MC "{i}I should follow her example and do more to help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_underpass" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This is incredible, all the things she's doing, she's really impressive.{/i}" MC "{i}I should follow her example and do more to help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_the_underpass" KN_MOD "label ch2_the_underpass:" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 015 with dissolve "A few moments later, Lucy got on the passenger seat, after putting some bags in the car for the irreductibles they were going to see." LuM "\"We're good to go! {w}I put some bags of food in your trunk, we'll share the food around with people there.\"" MC "\"Ok, no problem. {w}So, where do I go?\"" LuM "\"Go north, I'll guide you as we go, it's just a few minutes up the road.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A short ride later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 016 with dissolve "Arriving at the camp of irreductibles, Myriam and Lucy got out of the car with the provisions they brought for the people staying here." LuM "\"Go this way, I'll go on the other side.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" LuM "\"Just present yourself and give everybody you see something, but don't force anything... {w}Even with the best intentions, it'll be taken as an aggression.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 017 with dissolve "Venturing under the overpass, Myriam entered a camp made of scraps and junks, with a strong smell of urine filling the place." MC "{i}God! This is so dirty, it's so sad that people have to live in these conditions...{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope that these provisions will at least help a bit. {w}Here! Looks like there's somebody on the couch over there.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 018 with dissolve "Approaching slowly, Myriam could see an old man sleeping over a dirty couch, with a few bottles all around." MC "{i}Oh! He's sleeping I shouldn't bother him, I'll just put things beside him and let him sleep.{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! Isn't that Bobo? {w}The old man I met in the park...{/i}" Bo "\"Groan!\"" MC "{i}Is he grumbling in his sleep? {w}That sounded rough...{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 019 with dissolve "Putting the bag of provisions down, Myriam crouched near Bobo and discreetly checked his temperature with her hand." MC "{i}God! He's all pale and sweaty... {w}Let's check his temperature.{/i}" Bo "\"Uggh! Groan!\"" MC "{i}Wow! He's burning up! {w}This look bad!{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 020 with dissolve "Turning back towards Lucy on the other side of the camp, worried about the state of Bobo, Myriam called for her." Bo "\"Groan!\"" MC "{i}This is bad! I should call Lucy over.{/i}" MC "\"LUCY! Come see! {w}I think we have a problem here!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 021 with dissolve "Worried about the concerned voice of Myriam, Lucy quickly came over to see what it was about." LuM "\"What's happening Myriam?\"" MC "\"Bobo looks really unwell, I think we should bring him to the hospital!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 022 with dissolve "Putting her bag down, Lucy took a closer look at Bobo, while Myriam looked over, worried." Bo "\"Uggh! Groan!\"" LuM "\"You're right, he's really burning up!\"" MC "\"Yeah! Don't you think we should bring him to the hospital.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 023 with dissolve LuM "\"I think you're right, you should bring him to the hospital.\"" MC "\"Yeah! It looks bad, he has really a high fever.\"" LuM "\"I'll help you get him to the car then I'll finish up here.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 024 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure you'll be ok alone?\"" LuM "\"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll finish quickly and get back to the soup kitchen to help close up, there's a bus stop not too far from here.\"" MC "\"Oh! Wait! There was something I had to talk to you about...\"" LuM "\"You'll tell me later, I'll join you at the hospital after.\"" MC "\"Ok, then let's go.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 025 with dissolve "Both lifting Bobo, Myriam and Lucy headed for the car with him between them, as he grumbled half asleep half drunk." LuM "\"Wow! He smells like a real brewery!\"" MC "\"Yeah! He's definitely drunk...\"" Bo "\"Uggh! Groan! Burp!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 026 with dissolve "Moments later, after laying Bobo in the back seat of the car, Lucy and Myriam said goodbye to each other for now." LuM "\"Here you go! Drive safe Myriam.\"" MC "\"You sure you'll be ok alone?\"" LuM "\"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll be fine and I'll join you quickly.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_bobo_and_the_hospital" KN_MOD "label ch2_bobo_and_the_hospital:" scene black with dissolve show text "A quick ride later at the hospital..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 027 with dissolve play music "car Interior-freesound-dkaufman.mp3" fadeout 1 "Leaving Lucy at the camp to finish the volunteer work, Myriam drove to the closest hospital with Bobo, still half asleep in the back of the car." "And a few minutes later, after a quick drive, Myriam arrived at the hospital, looking for a place to park the car and bring Bobo to the emergency." stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 028 with dissolve "Bringing Bobo to the emergency service, Myriam left him in the hands of a doctor who started to look at him while asking questions of her." "Doctor" "\"So ma'am, can you tell me more about the circumstances that brought him here?\"" MC "\"Oh! Mhhh... I was doing some volunteer work and while distributing some food, I came upon Bobo in that state, feverish and sweaty.\"" "Doctor" "\"Was there anything suspect around him?\"" MC "\"You... {w}You mean like drugs?\"" "Doctor" "\"Yes, legal or not.\"" MC "\"No, I didn't see anything like this, just a few bottles of alcohol.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 029 with dissolve "Stopping his examination, the doctor turn his attention to Myriam, inviting her to follow him out." "Doctor" "\"Ok, please folow me.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, coming.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 030 with dissolve "Taking his mask away, the doctor quickly jumped onto the hard subject with Myriam." "Doctor" "\"So, you clearly did the right thing bringing him here, just his fever alone is very serious.\"" MC "\"Will he be ok?\"" "Doctor" "\"Can't say for now, we'll have to do a few tests, but I already suspect his liver to be in poor shape.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 031 with dissolve MC "\"God! That sounds bad...\"" "Doctor" "\"We'll do our best for him... {w}But honestly the biggest problem is how much we can do for him and making him stay for it.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" "Doctor" "\"All the tests, medicine and care will have a cost, but most of all, people like him tend not to enjoy a stay in the hospital... {w}Well, not that anybody does.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 032 with dissolve MC "\"Don't worry about the cost, I'll take care of it.\"" "Doctor" "\"Are you sure? A bed and room costs a lot, and from what I can see for now, we're in for a few days at least.\"" MC "\"Yes, it won't be a problem, and I'd like a single room for him.\"" "Doctor" "\"Ok, but now the problem will be to make him stay and accept the care he'll be provided. {w}We can't force someone to stay.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 033 with dissolve MC "\"I'll talk to him, I don't know him very well, but I'll do my best.\"" "Doctor" "\"Good, then I invite you to do all the necessary paperwork at the desk there. {w}Meanwhile we'll prepare a room for him and have the nurses clean him up.\"" MC "\"Ok, then I see you later?\"" "Doctor" "\"We'll make a few tests and keep you informed, I shouldn't share information since you're not family, but in this case we'll make an exception.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_bobos_room" KN_MOD "label ch2_bobos_room:" scene black with dissolve show text "An administrative hell later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 034 with dissolve "Some time later, having finally finished with the administration, Myriam went to the room where Bobo was transferred, finding him awake in bed, already cleaned and changed." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" MC "\"Hello there! Can I come in?\"" Bo "\"Oh! Aren't it my park Girly! {w}Sure, old Bobo's up!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 035 with dissolve "Closing the door behind her, Myriam went to the bed, taking his hand in hers as she inquired about his health." MC "\"So, how are you feeling? {w}I found you in quite a state.\"" Bo "\"Bobo's feeling just fine Girly, don't know what the fuss is about.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 036 with dissolve MC "\"Well, you looked a bit unwell when I found you, you were feverish and unconscious.\"" Bo "\"Meh! It's nothing, Bobo's just fine, just a bit too much to drink.\"" MC "\"Even so, you should let the doctors and nurses take care of you. {w}And don't worry, everything is taken care of.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 037 with dissolve "But as Myriam was trying to convince him to stay here, Bobo tried to get up, forcing her to keep him down in a panic as she started to worry he would get worse." Bo "\"Nah! Bobo'll be just fine!\"" MC "\"Please! Wait! At least stay until the doctors and nurses have done their tests.\"" play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 038 with dissolve "As the knocking brought Myriam's attention to the door, she saw the doctor from the emergency service getting in the room, while still trying to keep Bobo in bed." "Doctor" "\"Hello again... {w}Is our patient misbehaving?\"" MC "\"Oh! Doctor! No no, he was just trying to get up.\"" Bo "\"Groan!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 039 with dissolve "Approaching the bed as Myriam gave him some room, the doctor started talking to Bobo with a calm voice." "Doctor" "\"So, how is our patient feeling?\"" Bo "\"Grumble! Bobo's just fine.\"" "Doctor" "\"I can see that, but if you could give me a minute to talk about the results of the tests we took.\"" Bo "\"Grumble!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 040 with dissolve "Turning back his attention towards Myriam, the doctor invited her to get out so he could discuss privately with his patient." "Doctor" "\"I'll ask you to go out for a moment please.\"" MC "\"Of course. {w}I'll be back in a moment Bobo.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 041 with dissolve "Getting out of the room, Myriam left the two of them alone so they could have some privacy, leaving her alone in the corridor to mull over in concern about the health of the poor Bobo." MC "{i}God! I hope everything will be alright for him... {w}The doctor seemed kind of serious there...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, no matter, nothing I can do for now, let's just wait for them to finish.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 042 with dissolve "A few minutes later, as the doctor finally came out of the room, Myriam stopped him to see how it went." MC "\"Oh! Doctor, how did it went? {w}Is he going to be ok?\"" "Doctor" "\"Oh! Sorry, more or less...\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 043 with dissolve MC "\"Oh god! What do you mean?\"" "Doctor" "\"I'm sorry, all the tests aren't finished... {w}But it doesn't look good... {w}At all.\"" MC "\"What is it?\"" "Doctor" "\"We'll have to do more tests to find the cause, but it seems that his liver has reached cirrhosis.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 044 with dissolve MC "\"Oh my god! What can we do?\"" "Doctor" "\"There's no cure, whatever the cause, once a liver reached cirrhosis, the only solution is a transplant.\"" MC "\"And will he be able to have one?\"" "Doctor" "\"He will be put on the list, if he's a suitable candidate. {w}But at his age and this stage...\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 045 with dissolve MC "\"So, what can we... {w}What can I do for him?\"" "Doctor" "\"All we can do is make him comfortable now.\"" MC "\"How much time?\"" "Doctor" "\"I can't be specific, but... {w}But we're talking weeks, months at best.\"" MC "\"Oh god!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 046 with dissolve "Leaving the doctor, Myriam went back into the room to see how Bobo was doing, finding him sitting on the bed without his hospital gown." MC "{i}God! How do I even... {w}Weeks, it must be so hard...{/i}" MC "\"Bobo...!?\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 047 with dissolve "Getting around the bed, Myriam came towards Bobo to try to comfort him, ignoring the fact that he stayed naked after his examination by the doctor." MC "\"How... {w}How are you feeling?\"" Bo "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! Am I stupid!? Of course he's feeling bad...{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 048 with dissolve "Leaning beside him on the bed rail, Myriam kept her hand over his back, still trying to comfort him despite his silence." MC "\"Sorry! That was a stupid question...\"" Bo "\"Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 049 with dissolve MC "\"What!?\"" Bo "\"Old Bobo's wisdom...! {w}Well, Yamamoto Tsunetomo's wisdom in fact, from Hagakure.\"" MC "\"Oh! I didn't know. {w}What's the meaning?\"" Bo "\"Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about. {w}But personally, Bobo's thinking \"shit happens\"!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 050 with dissolve MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! {w}It's incredible how you can still joke around.\"" Bo "\"Won't help Bobo much to cry over it... {w}That's that.\"" MC "\"But still, I hope you will stay at the hospital and let the staff take care of you.\"" Bo "\"...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_convincing_bobo:" "How does Myriam will try to convince Bobo to stay at the hospital?" KN_MOD "I really must talk him into staying.:" MC "{i}I really must talk him into staying. {w}I can't let him just go away without help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_use_words" KN_MOD "God! What can I do to convince him to stay?:" $ ch2_took_care_of_bobo = True MC "{i}God! What can I do to convince him to stay? {w}I can't let him just go away without help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_use_naughty" KN_MOD "label ch2_use_words:" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 051 with dissolve "Wanting to convince Bobo, Myriam tried her best to find the words, while on his side, he put his hand on her leg to try and reassure the worried Myriam." MC "\"Bobo, you can't just leave, let the hospital try to help you at least.\"" Bo "\"Not sure there's much to help Girly, not sure there's much to help... {w}But Bobo will try...\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 052 with dissolve "Glad to hear him accept to stay at the hospital despite all, Myriam suddenly hugged Bobo in relief." MC "\"I'm so glad to hear it!\"" Bo "\"Mmmpf!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 053 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry, I should let you rest now, I'll come by tomorrow with a few necessary things, clothes, toothbrush, etc... {w}Is there anything specific you need?\"" Bo "\"Gasp! {w}Cough! Bobo needs a drink! Cough!\"" MC "\"Not funny Bobo!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 054 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam went towards the door, wanting to let Bobo have some rest before the nurses came with some more tests to do." MC "\"Well, I let you have some rest now... {w}And you should put your gown back before the nurses come back.\"" Bo "\"Bobo enjoy the breeze, but he'll do his best.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lucys_back" KN_MOD "label ch2_use_naughty:" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 055 with dissolve "Wanting to convince Bobo, Myriam tried her best to find the words, but as she did, she saw him trying to reassure her, his hand on her leg." Bo "\"Don't worry Girly, not sure there's much to help... {w}But Bobo will try...\"" MC "{i}God! What can I say to him...? {w}He's got only a few weeks to live and he's the one trying to cheer me up.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 052 with dissolve "Glad to hear him say he would stay at the hospital despite all and wanting to make him happy, Myriam suddenly hugged Bobo, purposefully putting his nose between her breasts." MC "\"I'm so glad to hear it!\"" Bo "\"Mmmpf!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 056 with dissolve "Letting go of him so he could breathe, Myriam could see Bobo was starting to have an erection, making her think on how she could raise his spirits." MC "\"Oh! Sorry!\"" Bo "\"Gasp! {w}Cough! Bobo's fine! Cough!\"" MC "\"I can see that!\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting an erection! {w}Maybe I could...{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve "Surprising Bobo, Myriam suddenly grabbed his cock and started jerking him off slowly, thinking she could maybe at least make him feel better this way." Bo "\"Oooh!\"" MC "\"This guy down there definitely looks fine!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! I know this is wrong...! {w}But this is something I can do for him to cheer him up...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I know this is wrong...! {w}But this is something I can do for him to cheer him up... {w}Sorry Anthony, but he's dying and it's just with my hand...{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve "Seeing him enjoying the action, Myriam kept going, slowly and thoroughly jerking him off, following his reactions to give him the best tim e she could." MC "\"Do you like it Bobo? {w}Does my hand feel good?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yeah! Bobo's definitely liking it!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve MC "\"Do you want me to go faster?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!\"" MC "\"Like this?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yeah!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 057 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 058 with dissolve "As she kept going, masturbating him faster and faster, Myriam could feel Bobo's cock pulsating in her hand, close to cumming." MC "\"Are you close?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yeah!\"" MC "\"Do you want to cum?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yes! YES!!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_finishing_bobo:" "How does Myriam finish Bobo?" KN_MOD "Lets keep going like this.:" MC "{i}Let's keep going like this, he's nearly there...{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 059 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 060 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 061 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 062 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Accelerating her hand movement, Myriam kept jerking off Bobo, until finally in a grunt, he came, emptying his balls load after load." MC "\"Here! Cum for me!\"" Bo "\"ARGH! YEAH! BOBO'S CUMMING!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 065 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam felt both embarrassed and happy as Bobo sighed in relief, exhausted from the rush and pleasure she had just given him." Bo "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really did it... {w}I know it's shameful, but at least I gave this man a last little good memory...{/i}" MC "\"Will... {w}Will you be alright Bobo?\"" Bo "\"Yeah! Bobo's perfect, thanks to you Girly.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 054 with dissolve "Leaving Bobo, Myriam went towards the door, wanting to let him have some rest before the nurses come with some more tests to do." MC "\"Well, I'll let you have some rest now... {w}And you should put your gown back before the nurses come back.\"" Bo "\"Bobo enjoy the breeze, but he'll do his best.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lucys_back" KN_MOD "I could let him finish in my mouth.:" $ ch2_swallowed_bobos_cum = True MC "{i}I could let him finish in my mouth... {w}God! What am I thinking! {w}Come on Myriam, you can do it for him, he just have a few weeks to live.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 063 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 064 with dissolve scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 063 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Suddenly getting on her knees in front of him, Myriam finished Bobo in her mouth, swallowing each load of cum as they came crashing in the back of her throat." Bo "\"ARGH! YEAH! BOBO'S CUMMING!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! His cum is so thick and strong!{/i}" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 065 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam felt both embarrassed and happy as Bobo sighed in relief, exhausted from the rush and pleasure she had just given him." Bo "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really did it... {w}I know it's shameful, but at least I gave this man a last little good memory...{/i}" MC "\"Will... {w}Will you be alright Bobo?\"" Bo "\"Yeah! Bobo's perfect, thanks to you Girly.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 054 with dissolve "Leaving Bobo, Myriam went towards the door, wanting to let him have some rest before the nurses come with some more tests to do." MC "\"Well, I'll let you have some rest now... {w}And you should put your gown back before the nurses come back.\"" Bo "\"Bobo enjoy the breeze, but he'll do his best.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lucys_back" KN_MOD "label ch2_lucys_back:" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 066 with dissolve "As Myriam came out of Bobo's room, she was suddenly hailed by Lucy, coming towards the room as she said she would." LuM "\"Hey! Myriam.\"" MC "\"Oh! Lucy.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_swallowed_bobos_cum == True:" MC "{i}God! Just a minute earlier and she would have caught me swallowing Bobo's cum!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_took_care_of_bobo == True:" MC "{i}God! Just a minute earlier and she would have caught me jerking off Bobo!{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 067 with dissolve "Asking Myriam how Bobo was, Lucy stopped in front of her, as she looked back towards the room with a sad expression." LuM "\"So, how is our patient?\"" MC "\"Well... {w}Not so good Lucy, Bobo's dying.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 068 with dissolve LuM "\"Oh, No! What happened?\"" MC "\"It looks like he has liver problems, they don't know the cause yet, but it has reached cirrhosis.\"" LuM "\"God! That's too bad, and there's nothing they can do?\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 069 with dissolve MC "\"Well, he would need a transplant, but as I understood he's not in the best condition for it.\"" LuM "\"So what's the plan?\"" MC "\"The doctor said there's nothing much they can do beside making him comfortable.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 070 with dissolve MC "\"God! I feel so guilty...\"" LuM "\"Hey! This isn't your fault, you did what you could.\"" MC "\"It's just he was so nice to me, I wish I could have done something for him.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 071 with dissolve LuM "\"So you already knew him... {w}I thought it was strange you knew his name, well, nickname.\"" MC "\"Yes, I met him the park a few days ago, he cheered me up when I was down, the same park where we met in fact.\"" LuM "\"Oh! What happened? You had another problem in the park?\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 072 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! No! Don't worry, it was just a personal problem, I was down on a bench and he passed by and cheered me up.\"" LuM "\"Well that's nice.\"" MC "\"Yes, he really was nice to me.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 073 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_help_bobo == True:" MC "\"Though, a few moments later something did happen, Bobo was assaulted by kids in the tunnel, but I chased them away with a pepper spray.\"" LuM "\"God! Seems like you really have some bad luck!\"" MC "\"Hey! Don't mock me!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! But if I wasn't assaulted that day, he was... {w}I feel so guilty for not checking on him...{/i}" LuM "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, sorry, just thinking back to that day...\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 074 with dissolve LuM "\"Well, I should go see him and say hello.\"" MC "\"Wait! He's resting for now, he already had a battery of tests. {w}He should rest a bit before they come for more.\"" LuM "\"You're right. {w}I'll come back later or tomorrow.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 075 with dissolve "After a little silence between the two, Lucy suddenly invited Myriam for a drink to clear their head." LuM "\"Hey! Would you want to go have a drink, to clear your mind.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Oh! Sorry, I can't right now, I've got to get back home. {w}I should have been back for noon, my kids will start to worry.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Oh! Sorry, I can't right now, I've got to get back home. {w}I have a special dinner to prepare for tonight.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 076 with dissolve "Heading for the exit as they kept talking, Myriam and Lucy left Bobo to rest as they went back to their day." LuM "\"Then maybe another day.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "\"Why not tonight? If you're free.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Definitely, and I want to visit your self defense club.\"" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 077 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" LuM "\"Yes! {w}Sorry, yes, I'm free.\"" KN_MOD "else:" LuM "\"Welcome any time.\"" MC "\"Then it's a date.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_bicurious == True:" MC "{i}God! What's gotten into me!? Why do I find her so cute?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}She's so fearless, it'll be fun to make a new friend.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 078 with dissolve LuM "\"Oh! By the way...! {w}Here's some contacts for some jobs searching for volunteers, you should take a look.\"" "Pulling her phone out, Lucy sent a message with a list of phone numbers and list of social works." MC "\"Thanks, I'll take a look later.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_social_work_1" KN_MOD "label ch2_social_work_1:" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 079 with dissolve "Stopping at her car after separating from Lucy as they got out of the hospital, Myriam took out her phone to take a look at the message Lucy sent her." MC "{i}Wow! She's really efficent, I have all the details I need... {w}Let's see...{/i}" MC "{i}First a job with seniors, they're searching for young people to visit them and help around as well as socializing...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_social_work_old_people:" "Is Myriam interested in working with old people?" KN_MOD "Why not, I always liked old folks!:" $ ch2_social_work_old_people = True MC "{i}Why not, I always liked old folks!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_social_work_2" KN_MOD "I dont know if its what I was looking for. (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}I don't know if it's what I was looking for.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_social_work_2" KN_MOD "label ch2_social_work_2:" MC "{i}The second is a job with tough youths, they're searching for educators and volunteers to do some community work and avoid criminal behavior.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_social_work_tough_youths:" "Is Myriam interested in working with tough youths?" KN_MOD "Itll be a tough job, but it can be rewarding!:" $ ch2_social_work_tough_youth = True MC "{i}It'll be a tough job, but it can be rewarding!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_social_work_3" KN_MOD "Ill be already working with kids at school. (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}I'll be already working with kids at school.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_social_work_3" KN_MOD "label ch2_social_work_3:" MC "{i}And the third is a job with prisoners, they're searching for volunteers to help them socialize and reinsert themselves into society.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_social_work_prisoners:" "Is Myriam interested in working with prisoners?" KN_MOD "Wow! Thats really tough, but I like a challenge!:" $ ch2_social_work_prisoners = True MC "{i}Wow! That's really tough, but I like a challenge!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_heading_home" KN_MOD "No! Definitely not for me! (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}No! Definitely not for me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_heading_home" KN_MOD "label ch2_heading_home:" KN_MOD "if ch2_social_work_old_people == False and ch2_social_work_tough_youth == False and ch2_social_work_prisoners == False:" MC "{i}Well, too bad! I guess I'll just help around where I can at the soup kitchen for now and look for something else.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Well, let's go for this for now and see where it goes, I'll give them a call tomorrow.{/i}" scene bg ch2_19 soupkitchen 080 with dissolve "Putting her phone away and starting the car, Myriam finally headed for home, while her heart was still pained by Bobo's doomed fate." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Let's get back home now, the kids must be worried.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's get back home now, or Anthony will be grumpy, I have his business dinner to get ready.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope they'll take good care of Bobo, he's so nice, the poor man didn't deserve that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_sunday_night" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_sunday_night:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter2_update8 from _call_var_chapter2_update8" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n A Sunday Night" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 001 with dissolve "After a quick ride from the hospital, Myriam got back home, her mind still going back to Bobo and the short time he had left." MC "{i}God! I can't stop thinking of poor Bobo... {w}I should really go back tomorrow and bring him at least some necessities to stay there.{/i}" MC "{i}I really hope he does stay there as he said and let the hospital take care of him.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 002 with dissolve "Trying to stop her mind from racing off, Myriam forced herself to focus on something else, looking left to the shoe rack, where Jennifer's missing shoes proved it to be empty." MC "{i}Looks like Jennifer and Katherine are gone, I should check my phone to see if Kathy sent me a message.{/i}" MC "{i}I was so focused on something else that I forgot to call them.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 003 with dissolve "Glancing at the nearby cupboard, Myriam suddenly remembered she put the stranger's briefcase in there yesterday." MC "{i}God! There's still that briefcase in there, I totally forgot about it... {w}What am I suppose to do with it?{/i}" MC "{i}He asked me to keep it for him, but I have no idea how to contact him... {w}Maybe I should have a look inside.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 004 with dissolve "Taking the briefcase out of the cupboard, Myriam headed for her bedroom to clean up and change for the night." MC "{i}Let's go and have a look at this briefcase.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}And have a look at what I'll put on to go out with Lucy later.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And start preparing myself for tonight's dinner for Anthony and his colleagues.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 006 with dissolve "Deciding to get to the bottom of this briefcase business, Myriam headed directly to her bed to have a look at it." MC "{i}Time to get to the bottom of this thing and have this out of the house.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe there's something inside to contact him back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_peeking_at_the_briefcase" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 005 with dissolve "Trying her best to leave her worries behind, Myriam headed for her bedroom to clean up and change for her night." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}And have a look at what I'll put on to go out with Lucy later.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And start preparing myself for tonight's dinner for Anthony and his colleagues.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 007 with dissolve MC "{i}Let's start by getting myself cleaned up and have a quick shower.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}Then I'll look at something to wear... {w}Wait what kind of night we're going to have?{/i}" MC "{i}Are we just going for a drink or does she want to go out, maybe dancing... {w}Stop it Myriam, don't let your mind go wild.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Then I'll look at something to wear for the dinner... {w}Wait, no! God! I forgot about the slutty dress.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know what Anthony has in mind for tonight, but I have a bad feeling about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening" KN_MOD "label ch2_peeking_at_the_briefcase:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 008 with dissolve "Putting the briefcase on the bed and crouching down to have a better look, Myriam opened it carefully, surprised to see it wasn't locked." MC "{i}Let's have a look... {w}Hey! It's not even locked!{/i}" MC "{i}Some money, papers, files, a phone, a plane ticket, contacts and...{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 009 with dissolve "Quickly freezing as she finished opening it and moved her arm to see a gun, Myriam held in a scream of surprise." MC "{i}Oh god! A gun! {w}What do I do!?{/i}" MC "{i}Calm down Myriam! Daddy had lots of them, it's not the first time you've seen a gun.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 010 with dissolve "Taking it gently, Myriam looked at it curiously, still holding doubts it was real, all this business felt unreal." MC "{i}No! It's as heavy as I remember, it looks like a real one! {w}God! I shouldn't have touched it! {w}Put it down Myriam!{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe that man wasn't lying... {w}Look at all this, passports, money, a gun, files... {w}Maybe he is really a spy...{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 011 with dissolve "Putting the gun back down gently, Myriam took the phone out, hoping to find a number to call and finally get the briefcase out of her house." MC "{i}Let see, maybe there is a number I can call to contact him again... {w}I really don't want to keep this thing in my house.{/i}" MC "{i}God only knows what that gun was used for... {w}And if somebody was after him for the other day, maybe it's not safe to have this here.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 012 with dissolve "Starting to browse through the phone, Myriam quickly found out the only thing on that phone was a another cell phone number." MC "{i}Nothing much on it, no pictures, no calls listed, just this one number... {w}Looks like another cell phone.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_using_the_phone_or_not:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Lets send a text and see what happens.:" $ ch2_sent_a_text = True MC "{i}Let's just send a text and see what happens.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 013 with dissolve MC "{i}God! What can I write? {w}I don't know whose number it is... {w}Maybe I should ask a question only he could answer, or be cryptic just in case...{/i}" MC "{i}I could act like it was a wrong number for a delivery or pretend to be their girlfriend... {w}God! What do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_texting_in_code:" "How does Myriam write her text?" KN_MOD "No, lets just write bluntly and be done with it.:" $ ch2_text_blunt = True MC "{i}No, let's just write bluntly, if it's not him I'll just get rid of the briefcase and be done with it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening" KN_MOD "Lets ask a question.:" $ ch2_text_careful = True MC "{i}Let's ask a question, I don't know whose number it is, let's ask him something only he could know from the other day.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening" KN_MOD "Lets be cryptic and play the fake girlfriend.:" $ ch2_text_naughty = True MC "{i}Let's be cryptic and play the fake girlfriend, talking about his \"package\" and how much I need to see him... {w}God! This is shameful, but kind of exciting!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening" KN_MOD "No! This is really too shady!:" MC "{i}No! This is really too shady! I better stop right now and don't get myself involved in this any further.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 014 with dissolve MC "{i}Tomorrow I'll just bring the briefcase to detective Anderson, he was so helpful and nice last time, maybe he'll know what to do with this.{/i}" MC "{i}All this is really too shady, just having those fake papers could be serious, and that money, I don't know where it came from...{/i}" MC "{i}And this gun... {w}Maybe it was used in a crime before... {w}I really should bring it to the police.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_ready_for_the_evening:" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 015 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sent_a_text == True:" "After putting away the briefcase in the armoire, only keeping the phone to wait for an answer, Myriam stripped naked to go take her shower." MC "{i}Here, that's done! {w}Now I just have to wait for an answer and see when I can give that briefcase back.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After putting away the briefcase in the armoire, Myriam stripped naked to go take her shower." MC "{i}Let's put that here for now... {w}And tomorrow I'll go back to the police precinct see detective Anderson.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's go refresh myself a bit and relax before the evening.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 016 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping inside the shower, Myriam cleaned up again, as much to relax as to prepare herself for her evening." MC "{i}Mmmh... {w}This always helps wash away any worries...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's wash up quick and have a look at what I'll put on this evening.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 017 with dissolve "Letting the water run down over her body, Myriam enjoyed the sensation as always, while starting to think about her evening in a few hours." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}It's funny how much stressed I am about going out with Lucy... {w}I'm like a kid making her first friend in a new school.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope everything goes well, I find her so nice and interesting, I admire how much she does by herself, it's impressive, I just hope we can be friends.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_bicurious == True:" MC "{i}God! I don't know why I'm so excited about her, I've got butterflies just thinking about it... {w}This is so strange...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! The more we approach this evening the more I stress... {w}I have this pit in my stomach about it since this morning.{/i}" MC "{i}With Anthony asking me to put on a slutty dress and what he said this morning, I've got a bad feeling about this dinner...{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 018 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Slipping out of the shower, Myriam went to dry her body and hair before changing, following the same ritual as always." MC "{i}You can't stop worrying about everything Myriam! {w}You need to learn to relax...{/i}" MC "{i}I should take an example from Eve some times and just go with the flow... {w}Well, at least a little...{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 019 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam headed for her armoire to change, noticing she had again left her door open." MC "{i}God! Myriam you're such a dunce sometimes... {w}You can't keep getting naked and leaving everything open like this...{/i}" MC "{i}No wonder why Marc is so focused on naughty stuff, I really need to be more careful.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 020 with dissolve "Stopping in front of her armoire after closing the door, Myriam started to think about how she was going to dress for the evening." KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}What could I put on? {w}Lucy seems more like the active kind of girl, but we're not going out for some sport activities either...{/i}" MC "{i}And maybe we could go out for a restaurant later or dance if she likes... {w}It's been a while since I went out dancing, maybe I should ask Eve for some good spots.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 021 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror after putting on a slim dress with some ruffles, Myriam posed a moment, trying to judge if it was appropriate." MC "{i}That definitely looks cute, I like it, it's not too dressed up, not too casual and not too sexy either... {w}I think it'll do fine, let's go with it.{/i}" MC "{i}I should prepare something for Marc tonight before going out, Katherine is at her friends, but I need to make him something to eat.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_evening_without_anthony" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I didn't look at the dress Francis sent me for this evening... {w}Now I'm started to feel kind of anxious...{/i}" MC "{i}No point in procrastinating Myriam! {w}Let's just try it on.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 022 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror after putting on the dress Francis sent her the other day with the gala dress, Myriam could not help but feel exposed." MC "{i}It's not as slutty as I feared, but still... {w}This is so short, it looks like a little nighty to go to bed.{/i}" MC "{i}God! And Anthony told me no panties... {w}I really will have to mind bending over with that dress, even walking won't be simple if I don't want to expose myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_evening_with_anthony" KN_MOD "label ch2_evening_without_anthony:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 023 with dissolve "Getting out of her room, Myriam stopped at Marc's door, knocking on it lightly as she called out to him." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" MC "\"Marc!? Honey, can I come in?\"" Ma "\"Mi? Yeah! It's fine, come in!\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 024 with dissolve "Hearing Marc's answer, Myriam open the door and stepped inside to keep him informed about the evening, while Marc still in his pajamas in front of his computer, turned towards her to see what she wanted." MC "\"Sweetie, I'm about to head out, I won't be home before late tonight... {w}Do you want me to prepare you something to eat or do you want to order something?\"" Ma "\"Can I order some pizza?\"" MC "\"Yeah, no trouble, I'll leave some money downstairs.\"" Ma "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 025 with dissolve MC "\"And don't stay on your computer all night, there is school tomorrow! {w}I hope all your homework is done?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Don't worry.\"" MC "\"Then be in bed by ten, love you honey.\"" Ma "\"Ok, love you.\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 026 with dissolve "Leaving Marc to his games, Myriam closed the door of his room and headed downstairs, her thoughts still on Marc." MC "{i}Can't say I'm happy he played all day long, but better this than seeing him looking at some porn again.{/i}" MC "{i}And as long as he's working at school and keeps on playing sports it's fine.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" MC "{i}I must say I'm happy to see him being childish, instead of trying to be an alpha male again.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 027 with dissolve MC "{i}Let's leave some money for Marc so he can pay for his pizza delivery and enough for a tip.{/i}" MC "{i}I should grab one of my handbags in the cupboard, then I'm ready to go.{/i}" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 028 with dissolve "Getting out of the house, Myriam headed for her car, not knowing what the evening would bring." MC "{i}Better take the car, I don't know at what hour I'll be home.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I'm so excited, I hope everything will go well.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_night_with_lucy" KN_MOD "label ch2_evening_with_anthony:" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 029 with dissolve "Done changing, Myriam headed upstairs to find Anthony in the entertainment room, in the attic, where he was preparing their evening." MC "\"Hun! You here?\"" MC "{i}Where is he? I thought he would be here.{/i}" An "\"Here!\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 030 with dissolve "Surprised, Myriam turned around, finding Anthony on her left, behind the bar organizing some alcohol bottles." MC "\"Oh! Sorry hun, you surprised me!\"" An "\"What d'you want?\"" MC "\"Wanted to show you the dress for tonight.\"" An "\"Oh! Yeah! Nice...\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 031 with dissolve An "\"And did you take off your panties like I asked you to? Show me!\"" "Doing as Anthony asked, Myriam lifted her skirt, embarrassed." MC "\"See...!\"" An "\"Perfect!\"" scene bg ch2_20 asundaynight 032 with dissolve An "\"And do your hair up as well, we wouldn't want this nice view hindered.\"" MC "\"Yes hun.\"" An "\"Good, then go on and prepare us some snacks, our guests should arrive early in the evening.\"" MC "\"Yes hun, I'm going.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_anthonys_dinner" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_night_with_lucy:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n A Night with Lucy" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 001 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after a short ride, Myriam arrived at an old neighborhood bar where Lucy was waiting for her." MC "{i}Here we are... {w}This bar look nice, and there's not much of a crowd, we'll have some peace and quiet.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's join her, I can see her in the back.{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 002 with dissolve "Seeing Myriam arrived, Lucy welcomed her with a smile and a wave, happy to see her coming." LuM "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 003 with dissolve "As Myriam sat in the empty chair and put her handbag down, Lucy waved at the barman to have him come over." LuM "\"You didn't have too much trouble finding the place?\"" MC "\"No! It was fairly easy to find, thanks.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 004 with dissolve LuM "\"So, was everything ok with your kids? They didn't worry too much?\"" MC "\"No! My eldest one went to her friends for the end of the weekend and Marc was on his computer... {w}I could have stayed out all day they wouldn't even have noticed anything.\"" LuM "\"That reminds me of me and my brothers, we were quite the little ungrateful brats.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 005 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! They're not that terrible, Marc is at a troublesome age right now, but my eldest Katherine is just an angel.\"" LuM "\"Well that's good to hear, we were kind of a headache for our mother, I don't know how she found the patience.\"" MC "\"They're good kids, I can't complain.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 006 with dissolve "Curious about Myriam's love life, Lucy could not help but ask about Anthony, regretting it quickly as she saw the sadness on her face." LuM "\"And your man, what does he think?\"" MC "\"Oh! Hmmm... {w}Anthony's not in the picture anymore...\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 007 with dissolve LuM "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive.\"" MC "\"Don't worry, you couldn't have known, he cheated on me and we had a fight, and hit me so I threw him out of the house... {w}It was a few days ago, now I don't know where we are.\"" LuM "\"I... {w}I'm sorry to hear that, if... {w}If you need somebody to talk I know some people, I mean you can talk to me, but if you need some professional help, I know people.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 008 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Don't worry! Sorry I killed the mood, I'm ok. {w}It's painful and fresh, but I'm ok.\"" LuM "\"Well, if you ever need help, you tell me, professional or not... {w}I can also kick his butt if you want... {w}Sorry, it was a bad joke.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! No! It's ok... Thank you! {w}Well, I'll keep that in mind.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 009 with dissolve "As an awkward silence fell on the two, the barman came to take their order, letting the two break the gloomy mood that was starting to take root." "Barman" "\"Hi! What can I get you?\"" LuM "\"Hi! A whiskey please, neat!\"" MC "\"Hi! The same please.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 010 with dissolve "The barman gone to prepare their drink, Lucy started speaking again, the interruption having given her a chance to regain her wits." LuM "\"Sorry, I feel guilty for spoiling the mood.\"" MC "\"No, it's not your fault, and in fact I think it's better for me to talk about it rather than letting it fester. {w}But enough talking about my troubles, what about you? It's incredible all the things you do.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 011 with dissolve LuM "\"I don't know what to say, my mom raised me and my five brothers alone, so I know how things can be hard and what it takes to make ends meet. {w}I think that's probably why I went into social work.\"" MC "\"That's admirable... {w}I want to help as much as I can, but I don't know what it's like... {w}My father had, has, a lot of money...\"" LuM "\"Being rich doesn't make you guilty of anything and it's a good thing you want to help others... {w}It's only being an asshole that makes you an asshole, rich or poor.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 012 with dissolve MC "\"It's incredible how tough you are, I wish I could be as strong as you.\"" LuM "\"Hey! Five brothers, I had to be tough, kind of why I'm such a tomboy. {w}But as I told you before, if you want to learn a thing or two, come to my club.\"" MC "\"I think I'll do it, yes, it would do me some good to at least try.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 013 with dissolve "Cutting into their conversation again, the barman brought Myriam and Lucy their drinks." MC "\"Thank you!\"" LuM "\"Thanks!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 014 with dissolve LuM "\"Here's to kickass women!\"" MC "\"To kickass women!\"" "Clink!" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 015 with dissolve LuM "\"Well, if you want we can go now. {w}I mean the club is closed, but I have the key, so we can go if you want and I'll show you a few things.\"" MC "\"I would love to, but... {w}I'm not properly dressed...\"" LuM "\"Don't worry, we got some clean clothes there. {w}We're always ready for the occasion when people look like they want to try.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 016 with dissolve MC "\"Then let's go!\"" "Suddenly lifting her glass of whiskey, Myriam downed her shot it in one go, in front of an amused and surprised Lucy." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" LuM "\"Yeah! That's the spirit!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 017 with dissolve "As Myriam loudly put down her empty glass on the table, Lucy lifted her own in a smile and started gulping it down even faster than Myriam." MC "\"Haaa!! Gosh! That's was strong!\"" LuM "\"Guess it's my turn!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" LuM "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 018 with dissolve "Putting down her glass in turn after gulping down, Lucy smiled at the determined Myriam, ready to follow her." LuM "\"Phew! Ready!?\"" MC "\"Yes! Let's go!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 019 with dissolve "Both of them got up, heading towards the exit to go to Lucy's club to have a little preview of the training done there." MC "\"God! I'm all pumped up now!\"" LuM "\"Good, you'll need it! I'm going to be a tough teacher!\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lucys_club_preview" KN_MOD "label ch2_lucys_club_preview:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 020 with dissolve "After a short walk from the bar, Myriam and Lucy arrived at the club, which was just beside a skatepark in the same neighborhood." LuM "\"Here we are!\"" MC "\"It's very nice, you must have have some teenagers coming with this big park in front.\"" LuM "\"Yeah! That and some troubles from time to time, my club is for women, so I'll let you imagine what brainless teenage boys can think. {w}But yes, it brought us quite a few girls that wanted to learn to defend themselves against assholes.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 021 with dissolve "Heading to the back of the club, Lucy pointed a door to Myriam who was following her, invited her to the locker room to change into something more practical." LuM "\"Come, I'll find you something to change into.\"" MC "\"Thanks Lucy.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 022 with dissolve "Getting out of the locker room after changing, Lucy invited Myriam to come exercise first before really getting in the thick of things." MC "\"So, what do we do?\"" LuM "\"First, some exercises, or you'll risk hurting yourself.\"" MC "\"Yes, thought so.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 023 with dissolve "As both started stretching, Lucy took care of guiding Myriam as she followed her lead without too much trouble." LuM "\"You get things fast, have you done some physical training before.\"" MC "\"Yes, I was a gymnast in high school.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 024 with dissolve LuM "\"Yeah! I can see you still got the nimbleness and grace.\"" MC "\"Come on! I'm so rusty now.\"" LuM "\"Don't look like it to me.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 025 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I was pretty good when I was young, so I've got good basics, but I'm far from the shape I had in the past.\"" LuM "\"Who isn't? {w}But what I mean is that you've got good basics as you say, you don't need to get yourself into shape.\"" MC "\"I keep running regularly and do some stretching everyday.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 026 with dissolve LuM "\"That's good, you'll still have some time to adapt of course, because, even with stamina and a good musculature, any new activity makes you use your body in a manner you're not accustomed to.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" LuM "\"But with good basics, you'll adapt faster.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 027 with dissolve "Stopping their stretching after feeling that their bodies were hot and muscles relaxed, Lucy invited Myriam to follow her again, heading towards the ring." LuM "\"Come! I think it's enough, let's get into the ring.\"" MC "\"Are you going to beat me down now?\"" LuM "\"Ha ha ha! No! Just see how you move.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 028 with dissolve "As Lucy climbed up and was about to step in the ring, Myriam could not help but stare at her well shaped butt." KN_MOD "if ch2_bicurious == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch2_lucys_butt:" "Does Myriam enjoy the view?" KN_MOD "God! Shes really hot!:" MC "{i}God! What's gotten into me! Why do I find her so hot!?{/i}" MC "{i}She's so sweet and tough at the same time... {w}And that caramel tan...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_in_the_ring_with_lucy" KN_MOD "Shes really fit!:" MC "{i}She's really fit! I'm a bit jealous, I really have a bit of weight to lose compared to her.{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to get back in shape, I think it'll do me some good.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_in_the_ring_with_lucy" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}She's really fit! I'm a bit jealous, I really have a bit of weight to lose compared to her.{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to get back in shape, I think it'll do me some good.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_in_the_ring_with_lucy" KN_MOD "label ch2_in_the_ring_with_lucy:" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 029 with dissolve "Once both in the ring, Lucy turned towards Myriam and started questioning her to see where she was at on her self defense notions." LuM "\"So, in your mind, what's the first essential thing you should learn?\"" MC "\"How to hit I guess...\"" LuM "\"Wrong! How not to be hit is what's essential and the first thing you should learn.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 030 with dissolve "Taking a fighting stance, Lucy invited Myriam to attack her while she kept slowly giving her pointers and explaining her actions." LuM "\"For starters, you'll want to present as little as possible of you to your attacker, less to see, less to hit.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" LuM "\"Then if you can, keep some distance... {w}Arms up, ready for action, not too tense, not too relaxed... {w}Legs at 10 and 2 o'clock, and knees slightly bent, ready to move in any direction.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" LuM "\"Depending on what you'll do, you can be hand open or in a fist, but I would advise you slightly open to be ready for anything. {w}Now, try to grab me.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 031 with dissolve "Following Lucy's prompt, Myriam lunged awkwardly towards her, trying to grab her, but as soon as she was upon her, Lucy skillfully avoided her with a side step while deviating her hands in the process." MC "\"Haaa!\"" LuM "\"See, you don't need much, but it's the most important... {w}Don't get hit!\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" LuM "\"Generally, women will have a smaller frame and less muscle mass than a man, so once you start getting pummeled, it's light out.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 032 with dissolve LuM "\"After that, there's a lot you can do... {w}For example, look at this hand, I used it to control your hand, while the other controlled your elbow, which if I didn't would have been painful for me since my face is near.\"" MC "\"Ok!\"" LuM "\"But I could have used it to do a lock, hit your face, go for a projection, etc... {w}So here you are, first, don't get hit, then you can do what you want.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 033 with dissolve "As both relaxed, Lucy kept talking passionately while Myriam kept listening closely to her explanations, both fascinated and amused by her fervor." LuM "\"And did you see how close I came to you?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" LuM "\"Dodging by getting close or passing close sounds scary, but in fact it's advantageous, it forces the attacker to move and change position, and offer you opportunities... {w}Though of course it's dangerous, done bad, you'll risk getting hit, grabbed, etc...\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" LuM "\"But the alternative isn't much better, if you dodge by getting away, the attacker will just follow you and keep attacking, while still having the advantage.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 034 with dissolve MC "\"This all sound quite difficult and scary.\"" LuM "\"Well yes, it's counter intuitive to dodge by going against the attacker, but it's the best way. {w}The goal, is not getting hit, so dodging and making him move until you have the opportunity to strike.\"" MC "\"And it'll be enough?\"" LuM "\"It always depend on the situation of course, how many attackers, armed, etc... {w}But doing so generally gives you the opportunity to either put the attacker down or giving you time to escape, like any good old knee to the junk.\"" MC "\"Ok!\"" LuM "\"Look at what I did to the guy who assaulted you, I dodged and dodged, any of his hits would have me seriously stunned, he had arms like my legs and knew how to fight, and finally after creating the opportunity I struck, hard!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 035 with dissolve MC "\"Oh god! That makes me think, I totally forgot to tell you!\"" LuM "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"I went to the police about the assault, and they told me the man that attacked me is part of a Russian mob! {w}As a witness, you should look out, you may be in danger because of me!\"" LuM "\"Don't worry! I'll be fine, I don't think they'll make waves for a small fry that assaulted a woman while drunk, forget it. {w}Come on, let's train a little.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 036 with dissolve "Then following Lucy's guidance, Myriam started the exercise she gave her, dodging the strikes she was launching at her, awkwardly trying to do what she saw Lucy doing." MC "\"Ah! Huff!\"" LuM "\"That's good! Keep going! Dodge!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 037 with dissolve "While Lucy kept pushing Myriam, guiding her as she attacked her with just enough energy for her to be able to follow, pushing her with each new attack a little further." MC "\"Ah! Huff!\"" LuM "\"That's it! Don't forget to protect yourself!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 038 with dissolve "After a few minutes of this, both bodies glistening in sweat and breathing heavily, Lucy decided to finish by challenging her a bit by surprising her with an elbow strike from the back to break the repetition of moves." LuM "\"Careful!\"" MC "\"Huff! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 039 with dissolve "Surprised by Lucy's elbow strike, Myriam suddenly fell backward trying to avoid it, while Lucy reflexively tried to catch her." LuM "\"Myriam!\"" MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 040 with dissolve "Unable to stop Myriam from falling, Lucy was drawn into her fall with her, ending on top of her, leading them both in an awkward silence charged in sexual tension as they rested breasts pressed against each others." MC "\"...\"" LuM "\"...\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 041 with dissolve "At the surprise of a stunned Myriam, Lucy suddenly started kissing her, cutting short the awkward silence and sexual tension." MC "\"...\"" LuM "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}God! What is she...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_lucys_kiss:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Kiss back!:" $ ch2_kissing_lucy_back = True scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 042 with dissolve "Taken in by Lucy's lips and the mood of the situation, Myriam's reservations and fears crumbled as she started kissing her back." MC "\"Muah!\"" LuM "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}God! Her lips are so soft! {w}This is crazy but it feels strangely so right...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_locker_girls_shower" KN_MOD "Stay frozen!:" MC "{i}God! What do I do!? I... {w}I don't want to hurt her.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_locker_girls_shower" KN_MOD "label ch2_locker_girls_shower:" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 043 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_kissing_lucy_back == True:" "Stopping their kiss, Lucy shyly looked away, embarrassed by her sudden impulse to kiss Myriam, who also looked away in embarrassment." KN_MOD "else:" "Stopping her kiss, Lucy shyly looked away, embarrassed by her sudden impulse to kiss Myriam." LuM "\"Sorry! I... {w}I shouldn't have, I...\"" MC "\"It... {w}It's ok...\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 044 with dissolve "Quickly getting up, Lucy held out her hand to Myriam to help her get up in turn, trying as best she can to do as if nothing just happened." LuM "\"Here you go, let me help you...\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" LuM "\"Let's stop here for today.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 045 with dissolve "Both getting down from the ring, they headed for the locker room to wash off the sweat of the exercise they just did." LuM "\"Let's wash off all this sweat and relax a bit with a little drink!\"" MC "\"Yeah! It'll do some good, thanks.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 046 with dissolve "Getting in the locker and taking off their training clothes, both slipped under the water for a well deserved shower and relaxation." "After a few moments of washing their hair and body, Myriam let the water drip off her body as she sighed in contentment, while on her side, Lucy could not help but look at the naked Myriam at her side." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! This feels great!{/i}" LuM "{i}God! She's so sexy! {w}I just want to eat her up!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_kissing_lucy_back == True:" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 047 with dissolve "As she was finishing her shower, Myriam suddenly felt Lucy's hands on her body, softly brushing her waist and arm as she gently caressed her." MC "\"Lucy! What!?\"" LuM "\"Sorry! Do you want me to stop?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_lucys_touch:" "How does Myriam answer?" KN_MOD "No...:" $ ch2_sex_with_lucy = True scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 048 with dissolve "As Myriam whispered a timid no, giving her the ok to continue, Lucy started to kiss Myriam's shoulders and neck tenderly while her hands kept exploring her body gently." MC "\"No...\"" LuM "\"Muah!\"" MC "{i}God! What am I doing!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_first_experience_with_lucy" KN_MOD "Yes, please! (End of the line of events.):" MC "\"Yes, please! {w}I'm sorry, but I can't.\"" LuM "\"I understand.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_training" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_training" KN_MOD "label ch2_first_experience_with_lucy:" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 049 with dissolve "Letting herself be guided by Lucy, Myriam went with the flow, as Lucy kept kissing and caressing her body, getting down slowly as she leaned against the wall, enjoying her tender caresses." LuM "\"Muah!\"" MC "\"...!\"" MC "{i}God! She's so tender and gentle... {w}I've never been treated so sweetly before... {w}I've got butterflies in my stomach!{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 050 with dissolve "And suddenly, as Lucy slowly went for her pussy, Myriam screamed in surprise at the feeling of the skilled tongue exploring her pussy and teasing her clitoris." MC "\"AAAH!\"" LuM "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! This is so good! {w}I've never felt like this!{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 051 with dissolve "Feeling how much Myriam was responding to her touch and to her tongue, Lucy started being more aggressive on her pussy, darting her tongue skillfully inside her pussy." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" LuM "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! I've never been teased and caressed like this before... {w}It's like she knows my body better than me!{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 052 with dissolve "As she kept licking Myriam's pussy, Lucy could feel she was on the verge of climaxing, and decided to be even more aggressive adding her second hand to take care of her clitoris while her tongue explored her thoroughly." MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" LuM "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! This is incredible! {w}I'm already going to come!{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 053 with dissolve "And quickly Lucy felt Myriam's body shake, over taken by waves of pleasure as she kept licking her pussy and caressing her clitoris while Myriam screamed her pleasure loudly." MC "\"AAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" LuM "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Mmmh!\"" LuM "{i}Wow! She really felt that one!{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 054 with dissolve "Relaxing after her orgasm, Myriam kept leaning against the wall, still feeling weak, while Lucy looked up to her smiling mischievously as she asked her how she felt." LuM "\"So, how was your first time with a girl? {w}Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes! How did you know?\"" LuM "\"Well, it wasn't hard to see.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 055 with dissolve "Getting up on her tip-toes to match Myriam's height, Lucy kissed her while Myriam kissed her back, without embarrassment or even an ounce of tension." LuM "\"Muah!\"" MC "\"Muah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_end_of_training" KN_MOD "label ch2_end_of_training:" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 056 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" "Stopping their kiss, Lucy invited Myriam to dress again, expressing herself naturally and energetically like before, as if nothing happened." KN_MOD "else:" "Chasing the idea out of her mind, Lucy invited Myriam to dress again, stopping herself from flirting with Myriam despite her desire." LuM "\"Come Myriam, let me give you a towel and let's get dressed.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you Lucy.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 057 with dissolve "Getting out of the locker room after dressing up, they both headed for the exit of the club as the sun started to go down." LuM "\"Here we are!\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 058 with dissolve LuM "\"So, what did you think of this little try? {w}Will we count you as one of our members?\"" MC "\"Well, I think you will, I want to try, I think it'll do me some good.\"" LuM "\"That's good to hear!\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 059 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, I've been curious for some time already.\"" LuM "\"You'll see it's great for the confidence.\"" MC "\"I'm sure of it.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 060 with dissolve "As both were about to head out of the club, Lucy suddenly stopped Myriam again, grabbing her arm gently." MC "\"Yes?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" LuM "\"Hey! I know it's kind of in the wrong order, but would you want to have some dinner?\"" KN_MOD "else:" LuM "\"Hey! Would you want to have some dinner before going home?\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "\"Yes, I would love that.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yes, sure, it would be nice.\"" LuM "\"Good, I know the perfect place. {w}Do you like Italian?\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 062 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" "Both heading out to have some light dinner together, they left the club behind with a light heart, happy about their new budding romance." LuM "{i}She's really so nice and hot... {w}I really hope things work out.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Both heading out to have some light dinner together, they left the club behind with a light heart, happy about their new budding friendship." LuM "{i}She's really so nice... {w}I hope she enjoy the restaurant.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_lucy_end_of_evening" KN_MOD "label ch2_lucy_end_of_evening:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few hours later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 063 with dissolve "After a nice dinner with Lucy at an Italian restaurant, Myriam arrived home, happy and lightly buzzed from her good time and wine." MC "{i}God! This was so nice, I'm so excited about all this...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, calm down Myriam, let's check on Marc before getting to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 064 with dissolve "Putting her ear to the door, Myriam listen to see if she could hear any noise." MC "{i}Seems he did what I asked... {w}Good boy!{/i}" MC "{i}Let's not wake him up and go to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 065 with dissolve "Back in her bedroom, Myriam's mind was still on Marc, feeling worried despite the pleasant evening she just had." MC "{i}Things mustn't be easy for him with what's happening between Anthony and I... {w}He must feel lost.{/i}" MC "{i}If we don't patch things up with Anthony, I'll have to let him go with him... {w}No, I can't just abandon him like that, I'll have to find a solution.{/i}" scene bg ch2_21 anightwithlucy 066 with dissolve "Slipping in bed after undressing and refreshing herself, Myriam's mind was still restless, thinking about Marc's situation and her relationship with Anthony." MC "{i}I will have to think about all this seriously now, I can't stay indecisive like this forever.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should talk about it to Daddy and his lawyers, I'm sure they'll have a solution.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_of_clarity" KN_MOD "label ch2_anthonys_dinner:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Anthony's Dinner" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 001 with dissolve "A few hours later, as the sun was going down, Myriam was preparing a few snacks while Anthony was entertaining his guests who had arrived moments ago." MC "{i}God! I feel so ashamed and exposed, all his colleagues keep looking at my breasts every time they speak to me.{/i}" MC "{i}And I can feel their gazes on my ass every time I turn back.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 002 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Anthony was talking to two of his guests by the pool table, Milton Hart, one of the senior partners and Ben Wolf one of the junior ones." scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 003 with dissolve "And on the side, two more were having a discussion, Clark, that Myriam had already met, and Darryl Ram, both junior partners." scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 004 with dissolve "Looking at them discussing Myriam felt anxious, not knowing what Anthony had in mind for the night. What he asked of her was already embarrassing, but she feared he had even more in mind." "Her guilt for causing him trouble in his job, however, made her put her feeling aside and be the good obedient naughty partner he wanted for the evening." MC "{i}God! This is mortifying, but I have to do it, it's because of me if he's in this position.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 005 with dissolve "Taking a tray, Myriam went on to give them all a first drink and something to snack on while talking between them." MC "{i}Let's bring them something to eat and drink, Anthony wanted me to keep them well \"lubricated\", as he said, for the evening.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope everything will go well tonight.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 006 with dissolve "Starting with Anthony's group, Myriam brought them the drinks and snacks, but she couldn't help but feeling as if she was the snack as she could feel their gazes on her cleavage." "As she arrived, Anthony loudly slapped her butt, keeping his hand there and petting it in front of them as they chuckled lustfully to his action." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ha!\"" An "\"You took your time babe! My guests were about to die of thirst here.\"" MiH "\"He he he!\"" BeW "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry hun...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 007 with dissolve "Then, leaving the three with their drinks, Myriam went for the two others discussing on the side, and again, as she presented her tray, she felt like it was her breasts offered to them as their gazes dove right between them." MC "\"Here! Do you want some whiskey? Something to eat?\"" ClD "\"Oh! Yes thanks.\"" DaR "\"Don't mind if I do, thanks.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 008 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch2_dirty_feelings:" "How does Myriam feel about all this?" KN_MOD "Dirty and determined.:" "Going back behind the counter and putting down the tray, Myriam could not help but feel dirty from this situation, as well as determined to do what she had to." MC "{i}God! Did he really have to slap my butt like that and make a show of it!?{/i}" MC "{i}I feel so dirty... {w}No! Stop it Myriam, take it in, you've got to do this for Anthony!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_discussion_with_clark" KN_MOD "Dirty and excited.:" "Going back behind the counter and putting down the tray, Myriam could not help but feel dirty from this situation, as well as kind of excited." MC "{i}God! Did he really have to slap my butt like that and make a show of it!?{/i}" MC "{i}I feel so dirty... {w}But why do I feel kind of excited by all this also...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_discussion_with_clark" KN_MOD "Dirty and humiliated.:" "Going back behind the counter and putting down the tray, Myriam could not help but feel dirty and humiliated by this situation." MC "{i}God! Did he really have to slap my butt like that and make a show of it!?{/i}" MC "{i}I feel so dirty and humiliated, this is horrible, and they just barely started to drink...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_discussion_with_clark" KN_MOD "label ch2_discussion_with_clark:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 009 with dissolve "As she was about to prepare some other things to eat and drink for later, Myriam noticed Clark coming behind the counter towards her." ClD "\"Hey Myriam!\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes Clark, do you need something?\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 010 with dissolve "Coming very close to her, even putting his hand gently down her back, Clark started talking softly and gently to her." ClD "\"Sorry, I just wanted to see if everything was ok after what happened the other day?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_clarks_touch:" "How does Myriam feel about his approach?" KN_MOD "Hes just being nice.:" KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == True:" MC "{i}He's just being nice, it's true that I talked to him after I caught Anthony with that girl... {w}God! I even gave him a blowjob to get even!{/i}" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes, everything's ok.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark == True:" MC "{i}He's just being nice, it's true that I talked to him after I caught Anthony with that girl... {w}God! I even let him took pictures of me naked!{/i}" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes, everything's ok.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}He's just being nice, it's true that I talked to him after I caught Anthony with that girl...{/i}" MC "\"Yes, everything's ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_clarks_private_discussion" KN_MOD "It feels a bit uncomfortable.:" MC "{i}God! What is he doing with his hand, this feels a bit uncomfortable.{/i}" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes, everything's ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_clarks_private_discussion" KN_MOD "label ch2_clarks_private_discussion:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 011 with dissolve "Whispering to Myriam to keep their conversation between them while the others were discussing and laughing a few steps away." ClD "\"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me if you want.\"" MC "\"Thank you Clark, it's very nice of you.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 012 with dissolve "Getting closer and whispering nearly to her ear, Clark added a few words as his hand was lightly going down on her back." KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == True:" ClD "\"And about the little movie we made, you didn't use it I guess?\"" MC "\"What!? No! I... {w}I didn't!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_clarks_proposition" KN_MOD "elif ch1_almost_cheated_with_clark == True:" ClD "\"And about the little set of pictures we took, you didn't use them I guess?\"" MC "\"What!? No! I... {w}I didn't!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_clarks_proposition" KN_MOD "else:" ClD "\"Well, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ye... {w}Yes, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "label ch2_clarks_proposition:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 013 with dissolve "His hand slidding on her ass softly like a caress, Clark started teasing Myriam." ClD "\"Would you want to have a second run? I'll be happy to help.\"" MC "\"What!? No!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 014 with dissolve "Slipping his hand under her dress, Clark kept pushing Myriam further as he felt her flustered." ClD "\"Come on, we had a good time, we could have some more...\"" MC "\"No! This is...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 015 with dissolve MC "{i}Wait! What if he refuses to help Anthony if I say no... {w}Anthony told me he needed their help...{/i}" ClD "\"Are you sure?\"" MC "\"I...\"" MC "{i}What do I do!? Anthony needs this...!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_fun_with_clark:" "What does Myriam chose to do?" KN_MOD "Do it for Anthony!:" $ ch2_taking_care_of_clark_again = True scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 016 with dissolve MC "{i}I... {w}For Anthony, do it for Anthony.{/i}" MC "\"O... {w}Ok, I'll do it for Anthony, if you support him.\"" ClD "{i}Nice...! {w}Wait!? what does she mean? {w}Fuck! She doesn't even know that Anthony invited everyone to use her...{/i}" ClD "{i}I just thought I would get some on the side as a fuck you to him, but that asshole is even worse than I thought he was.{/i}" ClD "\"Ok, then join me downstairs, I'll wait for you in the restroom.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_clark_again_in_the_restroom" KN_MOD "No! I just cant!:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 016 with dissolve MC "{i}No! I just can't do this, last time was already a mistake.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, I'm sure.\"" ClD "\"Well, too bad, maybe another time then.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "label ch2_clark_again_in_the_restroom:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 017 with dissolve "Leaving Myriam's side, Clark headed towards the door as if going out, while announcing in a loud voice that he was going to smoke." ClD "\"Going for a smoke guys!\"" MC "{i}God! What am I doing... {w}No! Stop! You're doing this for your man!{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 018 with dissolve "Following Clark under the pretext that she was going prepare some more food in the kitchen, Myriam joined him in the first floor restroom." ClD "\"Oh! And I was starting to think you changed your mind.\"" MC "{i}God! I'm really doing this!{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 019 with dissolve "Getting on her knees in front of Clark without waiting, Myriam started caressing his groin, surprising him by such eagerness." ClD "\"Wow! Right to it, that's what I call enthusiasm!\"" MC "\"Let's be quick, I don't want Anthony suspecting anything.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 020 with dissolve "Pulling Clark's still flacid cock, Myriam took it in hand, ready to start sucking him for Anthony's sake." MC "\"I'll start sucking your cock now, don't hesitate to cum in my mouth.\"" ClD "\"Oh! Sure, thanks.\"" ClD "{i}As if I ever would...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 021 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 022 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 023 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 024 with dissolve "Putting his flacid cock on her tongue, Myriam slowly took Clark's cock in her mouth as it grew harder and bigger, while all the while caressing his balls gently with her hand." MC "\"Slurp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_cheating_with_clark == True:" ClD "\"Oooh! Fuck yeah! That's the spot! {w}Just as good as the other day!\"" KN_MOD "else:" ClD "\"Oooh! Fuck yeah! That's the spot! {w}Even better than I thought!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve "His cock now hard and fully grown, Myriam started sucking Clark, thoroughly and efficiently, giving it her all to make it fast, using her tongue on his weak spots while swallowing him deep and massaging his balls." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}Let's make this quick! You're not here for him but for Anthony...{/i}" ClD "\"Aaah! Holy shit! You're incredible!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve "Trying hard to make this blowjob short and quick, not wanting to enjoy it herself to feel less guilty about what she was doing, Myriam used all the talent she had." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClD "{i}Wow! She's really giving it her all! Fuck even prostitutes don't suck that good.{/i}" ClD "\"Aaah! Holy shit! You're incredible!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 027 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 026 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 025 with dissolve "And soon, she could already feel the signs he was reaching his limits, his cock starting pulsating at the touch of her tongue, ready to cum and fill her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}He's going to cum, good! I did a good job!{/i}" ClD "\"Aaah! God! I'm already going to cum!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 028 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Grabbing her head suddenly, Clark pushed his cock deep in her throat as he reached his climax and started emptying his balls, forcing her to swallow every drop of warm cum he was feeding her." ClD "\"ARGH! FUCK! SWALLOW IT!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" ClD "{i}Good! She's swallowing like a good girl...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 029 with dissolve "Done with her blowjob, Myriam cleaned herself up, checking herself in the mirror for any traces of overflowing cum, while Clark silently looked at her, thinking of a new scheme to exploit the situation." MC "{i}It looks fine... {w}God! I feel so dirty now...{/i}" ClD "{i}She's so gullible and naive, maybe I could push my luck a little further, after all she think she's doing this for him, maybe I could score some points with the others.{/i}" ClD "{i}We all know he wants to mark some points using her, but they all hate his guts, I'm pretty sure they'll be glad to sneak one on him even if they get to fuck her after.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 030 with dissolve "Determined to push his luck, Clark tried to get Myriam's attention as she was finishing refreshing herself." ClD "\"Hey! Do you want me to get the others on your side too?\"" MC "\"Sorry?\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 031 with dissolve MC "\"What do you mean?\"" ClD "\"I mean that the others, they pretty much hate Anthony's guts.\"" MC "\"But then why did they come? They seemed to go along well upstairs.\"" ClD "\"Well, we're all business men, if there's something to be gained, we can shake hands with the devil. {w}So really, we're all just here to see what he's got in store.\"" ClD "{i}Well, we already know, money and her to sweeten the deal...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 032 with dissolve MC "\"So they have no intention of helping him?\"" ClD "\"Well it depends on what Anthony offers, but...\"" MC "\"What is it?\"" ClD "\"Well, knowing them, you saw how they looked at you, I'm pretty sure that they would be more inclined to help if you sweeten the deal for them.\"" MC "\"What!? You mean...?\"" ClD "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 033 with dissolve MC "\"My god! No!! I...\"" ClD "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I just wanted to tell you that, if you want, I can help you, making them come to you and not humiliate yourself.\"" MC "\"I can't, this is... {w}I...\"" ClD "{i}We're nearly there, just one more little push.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 034 with dissolve "Getting close to Myriam, Clark put a compassionate hand on her shoulder, trying to take advantage of her and push her further into his scheme." ClD "\"I just thought you wanted to help Anthony any way you could.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_some_more_fun:" "Does Myriam let herself get manipulated?" KN_MOD "For Anthony, you can do it!:" $ ch2_taking_care_of_them_all = True MC "{i}Come on Myriam, it's your fault if Anthony is in this situation, you can do it for Anthony, you owe him.{/i}" MC "\"O... {w}Ok, I'll do it for Anthony.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 035 with dissolve ClD "{i}And bingo! That woman is really too naive and sexy for her own good.{/i}" ClD "\"Then don't move, let me get them for you, I'll bring them to you one by one and keep Anthony distracted.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_band_of_dicks" KN_MOD "No! I just cant!:" MC "{i}No! I just can't do this, this was already a mistake, I shouldn't have done that... {w}I'm sorry Anthony, I don't know what took me over.{/i}" MC "\"No! I can't do this... {w}I shouldn't have done this in the first place, this was a mistake.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 036 with dissolve ClD "{i}And bingo! That woman is really too naive and sexy for her own good.{/i}" ClD "\"I'm sorry, don't worry I won't breathe a word.\"" MC "\"Than... {w}Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_band_of_dicks:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 037 with dissolve "Clark gone, Myriam was starting to get anxious as she was waiting for of them to come, feeling as if she was a prostitute waiting for her john." MC "{i}God! What am I doing!? I feel so dirty waiting like this for men to come and use me...{/i}" MC "{i}Wake up Mi! You can't do this, you're not a prostitute!{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 038 with dissolve "But as Myriam was convincing herself to stop this, Milton Hart, the senior partner and probably the most important of the group came in." MiH "\"Ha ha ha! So he wasn't joking around!\"" MC "\"Oh! Mr Hart! I was about to...\"" MiH "\"Yeah, yeah! Let's get this done.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 039 with dissolve "Ignoring Myriam, Milton just sat on the toilet, cock out, not hiding his contempt as he pressed Myriam to come and do her deed." MiH "\"Come on girl! Let's not dawdle, this cock isn't going to suck itself!\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! That man is even worse than I thought... {w}But it's too late now, he's too important to Anthony for me to antagonize him now.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 040 with dissolve "Getting on her knees in front of him, Myriam took his flaccid cock in her hand, conflicted between making this quick and not wanting to give him any pleasure." MiH "\"Good girl! {w}Come on now, do your job and don't make a mess of my pants!\"" MC "{i}God! I wan't to cut off his balls and shove them in his mouth... {w}Come on Myriam, forget him and just do it.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve "Taking him in her mouth and starting to suck him, Milton quickly got bigger and harder as Myriam kept sucking him, she decided to make this quick." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MiH "\"Aaah! Yes, that's it! {w}Show me how much you like sucking cock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve "Myriam was glad that this distasteful man had a modest cock like Anthony, it took her no effort and she could already feel that he would not take long to finish." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MiH "\"Oooh! Anthony wasn't lying, you know your way around a cock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 042 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 041 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 043 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she predicted, with just a few more seconds of work on his cock, Myriam felt him empty a few loads of cum in her mouth as he kept her head locked with his hand to force her to swallow." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MiH "\"ARGH! YES! Here's your load to swallow, little slut.\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" "Woman" "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 044 with dissolve "Pushing Myriam aside, Milton got up and just walked away while zipping his pants, leaving her there on the ground without a word for her as she wiped her lips cleaned from any traces of cum or saliva." MiH "\"Haaa! That hit the spot!\"" MC "{i}God! That man is really despicable.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 045 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to get up after the departure of Milton, she suddenly saw Darryl Ram coming in without a word, hand already on his groin, unzipping his pants while walking towards her." DaR "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This is really happening, I'm really going to have to suck them all...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 046 with dissolve "Pulling out a big black cock still half flacid in front of her, Darryl approached her, cock in hand, leaving no doubts as to his intentions." DaR "\"...\"" MC "{i}Wow! He's enormous, there's no comparison with Anthony or that asshole...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 047 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to grab his cock and suck it, Darryl chased her hand away without a word again and, grabbing her head, started pushing his cock in her mouth, making it clear he wasn't searching for a blowjob, but wanted to fuck her face." DaR "\"...\"" MC "\"Mmmph!\"" MC "{i}God! I don't think he's going to make this easy on me...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve "And without any words and restraint, Darryl started facefucking Myriam, forcefully shoving his cock down her throat with every thrust as he used her head like as sex toy." DaR "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve "Seeing as she wasn't giving him any problem and could take his cock, Darryl kept accelerating the pace, throatfucking her harder and faster as he finally started talking, or more exactly started insulting her." DaR "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's it bitch! Suck that big black cock!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve "Luckily for her, Myriam was accustomed to rough facefucking with Anthony, but the cocks had nothing in common, Darryl's being at least twice the size." DaR "\"Aaah! Fuck! Take that bitch! Take my big black cock!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve "But as he was taking all the pleasure he could with her mouth, Myriam could feel he was quickly reaching his limits and about to cum already, feeling his cock starting to get harder and bigger in her throat." DaR "\"Aaah! Shit! I'm going to fill your fucking throat you fucking bitch!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 049 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 048 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 050 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, after a last brutal rush, Myriam felt him burst in her mouth and throat, his cum overflowing from her mouth and nose due to the huge amount and thickness of his load." DaR "\"AAARGH! SWALLOW YOU FUCKING BITCH!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 051 with dissolve "Pushing her away in turn as did Milton before him, Darryl just turned back without a word for her, zipping his pants as he walked away sighing in satisfaction." DaR "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}God! He's really as awful as the old one... {w}Ha was about to choke me with his cock if he kept going any longer...{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 052 with dissolve "But again, as Myriam was trying to recover from the intense facefucking she just went through, the last of Anthony's colleagues, Ben Wolf, awkwardly walked in, looking embarrassed." BeW "\"Euh! Hello! I...\"" MC "{i}God! Of course, there's still one...{/i}" MC "\"Yeah! Come here....\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 053 with dissolve "As Ben came in front of her shyly, Myriam took his cock out and reassured the embarrassed young man, who still seemed to hesitate." BeW "\"Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself...\"" MC "\"Shush! Just relax and let me take care of you.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve "Slowly taking him in her mouth, Myriam started to suck his cock thoroughly, wanting to give the young man a good time despite her exhaustion, finding him polite and gentle compared to the two others." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" BeW "\"Oooh! Shit! That's...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve "Taking care of him carefully, Myriam kept going, accelerating her pace as she could see the pleasure in his eyes and hear him moaning in pleasure." BeW "\"Aaah! Shit! That's...\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve "Again, Myriam quickly felt the young man reaching his limits, ready to cum as his cock started pulsating in her mouth, even apologizing for his quick release." BeW "\"Aaah! Sorry! I think I'm already going to cum!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 054 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 056 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 055 with dissolve scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 057 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And after a few more comes and goes with her mouth, Myriam felt him bursting his load in her mouth, filling it with a thick and warm cum she started swallowing." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" BeW "\"ARGH! CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 058 with dissolve "Walking away after an awkward thank you to Myriam, Ben headed back to the entainment room where the others were, leaving Myriam alone, still on her knees." BeW "\"Euh! Thanks for the...!\"" MC "\"You're welcome.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 059 with dissolve "Getting up once alone, Myriam cleaned herself up from any trace of cum on her lips or chin, while staring at herself in the mirror." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really did it...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_looking_in_the_mirror:" "How does Myriam feel about herself after this series of blowjobs?" KN_MOD "This is so wrong!:" MC "{i}This is so wrong! I should have never done this... {w}God! I'm so ashamed of myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "I did it for Anthony!:" MC "{i}I hate myself for this, but I did it for Anthony!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "Why am I feeling excited!?:" MC "{i}Why am I feeling so excited!? {w}This was so shameful to do and yet I'm feeling horny after sucking other men's cock, there's something wrong with me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_dinners_goes_on" KN_MOD "label ch2_dinners_goes_on:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 060 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_taking_care_of_clark_again == True or ch2_taking_care_of_them_all == True:" "Getting back up to the entertainment room, Myriam discreetly walked in as Anthony and his guests were all drinking and laughing loudly around the pool table." "Anthony and his guests" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}Thank god! It doesn't seems that Anthony is suspicious of anything...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After going down to the kitchen for a moment to prepare some other snacks for the guest, Myriam came up to find them all drinking and laughing loudly around the pool table." "Anthony and his guests" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}Things look like they're going well, thank god! {w}At least I feel that I didn't wear this shameful dress for nothing.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 061 with dissolve "Going towards a whiskey bottle, Myriam thought she should make a new round of service as Anthony asked her to keep their glasses full." KN_MOD "if ch2_taking_care_of_clark_again == True or ch2_taking_care_of_them_all == True:" MC "{i}I should get them all another drink and act normal, or else Anthony will think something's up.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I still can't believe what I did.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I should get them all another drink and get their buzz going like Anthony wanted.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I just want this night to end, I feel so dirty with their lecherous gazes.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 062 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to go and serve them another whiskey, Anthony came by her, surprising her with another slap on the ass." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ah! Hun!?\"" An "\"Come on! Where were you!? Go shake that ass over there and top off their drinks.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 063 with dissolve MC "\"Yes hun, I'm coming! Sorry!\"" An "\"And put a fucking smile on that face, you look like you're pissed.\"" MC "\"Sorry hun, I'll smile more.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 064 with dissolve "Following Anthony, Myriam headed for the pool table where everyone was, discussing and laughing loudly as the mood seemed light and the alcohol flowing." "The guests" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}They look drunk as Cooter Brown already.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 065 with dissolve "Heading first for the senior partner Milton in discussion with Darryl, Myriam quickly felt two hands on her butt, the two men not even stopping talking as they started feeling her up." MiH "\"I'm telling you, golf is the only civilized sport if you wish to go up!\"" DaR "\"Well, I started practicing...\"" MC "{i}God! What are they doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 066 with dissolve "Frozen, Myriam looked at Anthony on the other side of the table, as their hands started to feel her ass under her dress, but Anthony just smiled, leaving her in the hands of his guests." MC "{i}My god! He wants me to ignore them and keep smiling.{/i}" MiH "\"Good! We'll have to organize ourselves a little game then.\"" DaR "\"Yes, I'm sure you have a trick or two to teach me.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 067 with dissolve "Staying impassive, Myriam served everyone again, ignoring hands and gazes, trying her best to keep a smile as Anthony wanted." MC "{i}At least those two didn't feel me up... {w}They just stared at my breasts...{/i}" MC "{i}God! What's happening, now I'm feeling glad that men \"only\" look at me and don't molest me... {w}Let's get back behind the counter and put your mind on something else.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 068 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to leave them to get back behind the counter, Anthony stopped her, showing her a single peanut on the floor." An "\"Say babe, wouldn't you be a dear and pick that up for me, we wouldn't want to leave a mess for our guests would we.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_pick_up_view:" "Does Myriam catch on to Anthony's scheme?" KN_MOD "Why does he suddenly get so polite about it!?:" MC "{i}Why does he suddenly get so polite about it!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_bending_for_peanuts" KN_MOD "He want me to bend over for them I bet!:" MC "{i}He wants me to bend over for them I bet!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_bending_for_peanuts" KN_MOD "label ch2_bending_for_peanuts:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 069 with dissolve "Bending over to pick up the peanut on the floor, Myriam offered a perfect view of her ass and pussy to Anthony and his guests while being welcomed with dirty comments and cat calls." MC "\"Of course hun.\"" An "\"Thank you babe, that's perfect!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 070 with dissolve "Getting up embarrassed, Myriam headed for the counter without looking back, feeling ashamed of the view she offered and the dirty comments she had to hear." MC "{i}Well that was embarrassing enough... {w}Why is Anthony doing this!?{/i}" MC "{i}God! I feel so dirty about all this... {w}His colleagues are all pigs!{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 071 with dissolve "Putting the bottle down, Myriam went back behind the counter again to occupy herself with something to do and avoid as much as possible interacting with Anthony's perverted guests." MC "{i}Let's just do something to keep myself busy and try to let this night pass by.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sharing_is_caring" KN_MOD "label ch2_sharing_is_caring:" scene black with dissolve show text "Later on in the evening..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve $ ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team = True scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 072 with dissolve "The time passing by, the evening kept going on the same overtone, Anthony and his colleagues drinking, talking, laughing and fooling around while becoming more and more familiar with Myriam." "As everyone sat on the couch, Myriam went to the liquor cabinet to prepare some cocktails for them as they seemed to calm down." MC "{i}They seemed to have calmed down, maybe this time they won't try to feel me up when I serve them.{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 073 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to prepare some new cocktails, Anthony suddenly came behind her, again putting his hand on her butt as he came by." MC "\"What are you doing hun? I'm fixing your guests some drinks.\"" An "\"That's nice, but I think that they're in for something other than drinks now...\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 074 with dissolve "His hand sliding under her dress to feel her ass as his other hand was slowly revealing one of her breasts, Anthony explained to the anxious and curious Myriam what he meant." An "\"I mean I think you should relax and get comfortable... {w}Without this dress!\"" MC "\"What!? Are you mad!? And your guests, what will they think?\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 075 with dissolve "Not stopping, Anthony kept undressing Myriam as he talked to her, revealing completely her breasts as he pulled down the top of her dress." An "\"Oooh! I think they're pretty ok with it, they wanted to have a look at what's under this dress all night.\"" MC "\"Please hun, stop it, they'll see me...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 076 with dissolve "But as Myriam looked back, she quickly saw what Anthony meant, they were all cock in hand with full hard on as they looked at her." MC "{i}Oh my god! They all pulled their cocks out!{/i}" An "\"You see? Look at them! {w}They love what they see, a fine hot slut, my slut!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 077 with dissolve "Grabbing her by the chin, Anthony brought Myriam's attention back to him." An "\"Come now! Let that dress slip down and show them your sweet slutty ass!\"" MC "\"Ye... {w}Yes hun...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 078 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam let her dress fall to the floor while bending over to offer Anthony's colleagues a full view of her ass and pussy." MC "{i}God! What is he making me do!?{/i}" An "\"Good! That's my slut! {w}You like it being my slut?\"" MC "\"Yes hun...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 079 with dissolve An "\"Look at them masturbating while they gaze at your slutty naked body!\"" MC "{i}God! They are! They're jerking off at my body and... {w}And it excites me...{/i}" An "\"It excites you little slut to have your naked body looked at by other men! {w}It excites you to know they want you!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 080 with dissolve "As they started undressing, Anthony brought Myriam towards them, hand on her back as if he was cutting off any retreat or change of heart." An "\"Come! Go have a look at those cocks from upclose!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_taking_care_of_them_all == True:" MC "{i}God! I bet he wants me to suck them all...! {w}What was the point of what I did earlier!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Does he wants me to suck them all...!?{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 081 with dissolve "Inviting Myriam to kneel in front of Milton, Anthony whispered in her ear, telling her what was going to happen." An "\"Look at that cock! It's up just for you, they're all up just for you... {w}And now you're going to take them all in your mouth one by one like a good slut!\"" MC "{i}God! This is really happening! {w}Anthony is sharing me with his colleagues! {w}Come on Myriam! It's your own fault if you're here, you owe it to him!{/i}" MiH "\"Come on girl! Take that cock in your mouth!\"" An "\"You hear him? {w}Come on, open up and say \"Ah\"!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 082 with dissolve "And as Myriam opened her mouth, Anthony pushed her head on Milton's cock, imposing on her a rapid and deep pace while coaching her." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"That's it, that's a good slut!\"" MiH "\"Aaah! You didn't lie, she does suck cock like a professional!\"" An "\"You hear? Aren't you glad god gave you a gift?\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 083 with dissolve "Then after a moment of sucking on Milton, Anthony made her jump to the next cock, Ben's, which he made her suck as quickly and deeply despite his size." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"That's it! Good! Swallow that cock! Show them how good of a cock sucking slut you are!\"" BeW "\"Aaah! Holy shit!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 084 with dissolve "And after a few minutes of that treatment with Ben, Anthony brought her to Clark, making her suck him in the same fashion, forcing her to swallow every inch with every thrust." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"Come on! Keep up the pace! Don't be a lazy slut, they all want their turn!\"" ClD "\"Aaah! Fuck! That's perfect!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 085 with dissolve "Lastly, after force feeding her the three others, Anthony brought her to Darryl's, even using both hands this time to force her to deepthroat him like the others." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" An "\"Good! That's it! Show them! Even big black cocks are not a problem for a slut like you! You'll swallow any cock from any size!\"" DaR "\"Oooh! Yeah! That bitch got the skills!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 086 with dissolve "Finally, after a few other rounds sucking them all, Anthony made her kneel for all of them, ready to get her face covered in cum." DaR "\"Aaah! Shit! I'm going to cover you in black cum bitch!\"" MiH "\"Oooh! You're going to have just the right makeup for a girl like you!\"" BeW "\"Aaah! Yeah! Look here!\"" ClD "\"Aaah! Coming!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 087 with dissolve "And after a few moments jerking off around her, the four of them emptied their balls one by one on her face, covering her in a coat of warm and thick cum, grunting in satisfaction as they did." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MiH "\"ARGH!! TAKE THAT YOU DIRTY GIRL!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaR "\"AAAH! YEAH! BITCH! TAKE THAT CUM!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"ARGH! FUCK YEAH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" BeW "\"AAAH! YEAH! HERE YOU GO!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 088 with dissolve "Backing away to look at the result of their deed, they left Myriam in a daze, head spinning from the intense blowjobs and the smell of the cum, thanking them by reflex as she caressed the cum on her face and breasts." MC "\"Than... {w}Thank you!\"" MC "{i}God! My head's spinning! I... {w}All this cum is making me dizzy!{/i}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 089 with dissolve "Approaching her again, Anthony grabbed Myriam by the hair, turning her attention towards him while Darryl was caressing her pussy and her ass." An "\"That was a good job my little slut! You made them quite happy! {w}But now they want to try your other holes too...\"" DaR "\"Man, she's so wet, she must really love sucking dicks! {w}And that slut's ass looks so tight, can't wait to try it!\"" An "\"You hear? Now go ride Milton on the couch, and the others will find a place to squeeze in.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 090 with dissolve "Doing as Anthony told her, Myriam went riding Milton's cock, taking him in her pussy, before Darryl came behind her to push his big black cock in her ass while Clark started playing with her mouth again." KN_MOD "if ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True or ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" "It wasn't her first gangbang after what happened at the gala with the students, but her first sober at least, and Myriam could not believe or resist the intensity of the pleasure." KN_MOD "else:" "It was her first gangbang ever, first she was being fucked and pleasured by more than one cock, and Myriam could not believe or resist the intensity of the pleasure." "Her pussy and breasts occupied by Milton, while Darryl was violently pounding her ass and Clark was facefucking her, she felt so full and fulfilled, her mind could not concentrate on anything apart from the pleasure." MC "\"Mmmpf! Mmmh! Mmmpf! Mmmh!\"" MiH "\"Aaah! That's it you dirty girl! {w}Aaah! You love it having a good man's dick in every hole!\"" DaR "\"Oooh! Yeah! The bitch's loving it! {w}Aaah! She loves getting gangbanged like a whore!\"" ClD "\"Aaah! That's it, brush your teeth with that cock!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 091 with dissolve "Giving her no rest, they kept going, fucking her without mercy, excited by her moans and the abandon with which her body accepted their assaults, pushing her into a series of orgasms as her body could not resist the intense and constant pleasure." "Keeping at it for a good moment, having already emptied a load, the three finally ended up bursting another load inside her one after the other, filling each one of her holes with a load of cum." MC "\"MMMPF! MMMH! MMMPF! MMMH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MiH "\"OOOH! LET ME FILL YOUR PUSSY YOU DIRTY GIRL!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaR "\"ARGH! HERE YOU GO BITCH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"AAAH! SWALLOW!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 092 with dissolve "Changing position, they sat Myriam on Clark's cock, once hard again, impaling her ass on it, before Ben joined again, pushing his cock in her pussy, leaving the pleasure of her mouth to Darryl while she tried her best to jerk off Milton." "And without mercy, they kept fucking her again for a good moment, Clark drilling her ass from under her, Ben plowing her pussy from the front and Darryl throatfucking her while she kept jerking off Milton over her breasts." MC "\"Mmmpf! Mmmh! Mmmpf! Mmmh!\"" DaR "\"Aaah! Fuck! That bitch is swallowing cock like a python.\"" ClD "\"Aaah! That ass is so tight!\"" BeW "\"Oooh! Her pussy is so fucking good!\"" MiH "\"Aaah! Yeah! You dirty girl keep jerking me off, make me cum all over those big titties of yours!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 093 with dissolve "After some time of this treatment, pushing Myriam into multiple orgasms again, the four ended up cumming again, filling her ass, pussy and mouth with another load of warm cum while Milton sprayed his load all over her breasts." MC "\"MMMPF! MMMH! MMMPF! MMMH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MiH "\"ARGH! Here's a big load for your tits you dirty girl!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" BeW "\"AAAH! SHIT! HERE'S FOR HER PUSSY!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaR "\"ARGH! SWALLOW MY BLACK SEED BITCH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"OOOH! FUCK! HER ASS IS DRAINING MY CUM!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 094 with dissolve "Cock out of her, Myriam's holes were oozing cum while feeling dizzy and out of it from all the pleasure, she stared into space, her body still trembling while her head was still firmly held by Darryl." "With a firm hold of her head by grabbing a fistfull of her hair, Darryl turned her head towards Ben, as if playing with a ragdoll, before offering him to try something else." DaR "\"Hey! Lift that bitch up and stay in her pussy, we're going to try something fun.\"" BeW "\"Sure, what?\"" DaR "\"We're going to double fuck her pussy! Always wanted to try and that bitch seems like she can take anything.\"" MC "\"...\"" MiH "\"Well, I'll just look, I've reached my limits.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 095 with dissolve "Lifting her like Darryl asked, Ben pushed back his cock inside her pussy, while Clark and Milton helped hold her in place while caressing her." MC "\"Aaah!\"" BeW "\"Here you go man! I just slipped right in.\"" ClD "\"Look at the mess we made, she's covered in cum!\"" MiH "\"And that dirty girl's holes are no better.\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 096 with dissolve "Coming in front of her, Darryl pressed his cock against Ben's, pushing it inside her pussy as he slowly slipped in while Myriam moaned at the intense new sensation, still gazing into space." "Already out of it and exhausted, Myriam just let them do as they wished, her pussy accepting the new invasion and intense stretching as the pleasure quickly made her sink further into oblivion." DaR "\"Here bitch! We're going to tear up your pussy!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" BeW "\"Man this is so weird! I can't believe it just went in!\"" ClD "\"That's impressive!\"" MiH "\"And looks like she's loving it that dirty girl!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 097 with dissolve "Both pushing their cocks inside her for some time, using her weight to make her impale herself on their shafts, not stopping until they pushed her into a new series of intense orgasms as they emptied their balls inside her again." "Filling a pussy already oozing cum, both stayed inside her as her body kept quivering from the waves of pleasure that took her over, enjoying the strange sensation of being in the same pussy." MC "\"MMMMMMH! AAAAAAH!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaR "\"ARGH! SHIT, BITCH YOUR PUSSY'S MADE FOR SEX!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" BeW "\"AAAH! FUCK!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 098 with dissolve "Still inside her pussy, Darryl turned is attention towards Clark, with another outrageous idea in mind, while Myriam completely dizzy from all the pleasure and exhaustion stayed silent as they talked about her." DaR "\"Hey! Man, I've got another load in me! What d'you say we do the same to her ass?\"" ClD "\"Fuck yeah!\"" BeW "\"Both in her ass! You're going to wreck her! You're both too big for that!\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 099 with dissolve "And as they said, Clark, laying on the couch, pushed his hard cock in her asshole as the others brought her on him, quickly followed by Darryl that as before pushed his cock against the other's and slipped inside Myriam." "Completely gone, Myriam's ass barely made any resistance, as she was totally relaxed and the intense anal fucking she had for more than an hour now had loosened her enough." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" DaR "\"Aaah! Fuck! Look at that bitch, she's taking it!\"" ClD "\"Fuck I don't believe it! We're both in her ass!\"" "While the two quickly started drilling her asshole as hard they could, Ben just caressed his cock gazing at the scene out of a porn movie, while Milton was bullying Myriam, grabbing her by the hair and throat, lightly choking her to make her cum even harder." MiH "\"So you dirty girl, you enjoying being double fucked in the butt?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 100 with dissolve "Sodomizing her as roughly as he could, Darryl gave Myriam no mercy, as did Clark plowing her ass from under lifting his hips as hard he could in this position, both knowing they had a rare and unique occasion in front of them." "And again, Myriam quickly arrived at a last brutal series of orgasms, brought by the intense pleasure they pushed her into and enhanced by Milton's choking, culminating as the both finally emptied their balls another time deep in her ass." MC "\"AAAAAAH! MMMMMMH!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaR "\"ARGH! FUCK! TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClD "\"ARGH! FUCK! YEAH!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 101 with dissolve "Now completely out of it, losing consciousness from exhaustion and the intense pleasure of the last series of orgasms that hit her, Myriam just stayed laying there where they left her, body cum covered and holes oozing." "Left like a used ragdoll, body still quivering as a few moans escaped her, Anthony approached again, closing in on her in that state with his phone as he finished filming, having recorded the whole session from the start." MC "{size=20}\"Mmmmh...\"{/size=20}" An "\"And that's a wrap! Ha ha ha! {w}Dudes you really did a number on her!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 102 with dissolve "Joining them on the side as the four were sharing their best moments from this nearly two-hour gangbang, Anthony congratulated them for their performance." An "\"Congrats guys! You really went further than I expected! That was grandiose!\"" DaR "\"Fuck yeah! That was some intense shit! Never thought I could ever fuck a house wife like that!\"" ClD "\"Yeah! She's incredible! It's as if I fucked a pornstar!\"" MiH "\"Definitely! That dirty girl found her vocation here!\"" BeW "\"Come on! A girl can enjoy sex without being a whore!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 103 with dissolve "Leaving Myriam on the couch like a broken toy, the others went back to their evening as if nothing had happened, drinking, joking, laughing and playing as if the intense gangbang that occurred here was just another game." "The five of them talked business as usual, while from time to time sharing their best moment from their gangbang as if it was the weekend activity they had together." "Even looking back at the movie Anthony made, laughing and joking salaciously as they revisited the whole scene." scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 104 with dissolve "As the night went by, from time to time, one of the guys went on and just used her again when they were feeling too excited and got hard again." "Darryl having a predilection for fucking her ass, pounding it roughly and brutally as he could, Myriam being so relaxed and opened from all the abuse her asshole had for a few hours." DaR "\"Aaah! Take that! You love it in the ass bitch!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 105 with dissolve "Clark for his part preferred using Myriam's mouth, grabbing her head firmly and throatfucking her roughly, abusing of her relaxed and unconscious state to use her like a sex toy." MC "\"Mmmpf, mmmpf, mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClD "\"Oooh! Shit! That's the stuff! {w}Aaah! Swallow that dick!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 106 with dissolve "Then, after the others were done for the night and left, Anthony came back to Myriam after getting his guests out, jerking off a few times over her face, not wanting to fuck her with all the creampies she had." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" An "\"Argh! Take that you dirty whore! A few more loads for your perfect makeup.\"" MC "{size=20}\"Mmmmh...\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 107 with dissolve "Leaving her on the couch after covering her face of a few more loads of cum, Anthony left her there amorphous, holes oozing cum and body sticky with sweat and cum." An "\"Sigh!\"" An "{i}That was a good night! With that done, I'm pretty sure I can have the leverage I need to make my position permanent.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_sneaky_dog" KN_MOD "label ch2_sneaky_dog:" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 108 with dissolve "As Myriam was left in the dark on the couch, another curious one came for his share of fun, Cassius, attracted by all the sex smell as Anthony left the door to the entertainment room opened." MC "{size=20}\"Mmmmh...\"{/size=20}" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 109 with dissolve "Pushing his nose between her legs, Cassius started sniffing all the smells covering his mistress, attracted by her sex smell, but jealous of smelling all those males over her." MC "{size=20}\"Mmmmh...\"{/size=20}" Ca "\"Whine! Grrr!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 110 with dissolve "Mounting her, Cassius quickly pushed his hard dog cock inside Myriam's pussy and started frantically to fuck her hard and deep, venting his jealousy by filling her up with his own cum to mark his ownership." Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 111 with dissolve "As his excitement went on, and Cassius kept fucking her furiously, he suddenly slipped out of her pussy and pushed his cock violently in her ass by accident in his haste, but excited by the new sensation and tightness, Cassius started fucking her even harder." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah! Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 112 with dissolve "In his new found enjoyment for sodomizing his mistress, Cassius' excitement brought him to push his huge hard knot inside her ass, ending up stuck in it as it kept growing as he kept pounding her ass harder and deeper." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah! Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh!\"" "And as he kept going, roughly sodomizing her as she was passed out, Cassius pushed Myriam into another series of orgasms, ending himself cumming inside her in turn, before starting again, and again, and again." MC "\"AAAH! MMMMMMH!! AAAH!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ca "\"WOOF! HAH-HAH-HAH!! WOOF!!!\"" scene bg ch2_22 anthonysdinner 113 with dissolve "Finally, after more than an hour of frantic anal fucking, his knot deep inside, cumming five times in her ass, Cassius pulled out of her, proud of his job after marking his mistress as his and discovering a new pleasure." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{size=20}\"Mmmmh...\"{/size=20}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_of_clarity" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_morning_of_clarity" KN_MOD "label ch2_morning_of_clarity:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two \n Morning of Clarity" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 001 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Next morning, Myriam woke herself up with a nice shower to start her day, letting the water run over her body as she thought back about her yesterday evening." MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "{i}That was such a nice afternoon and evening I had with Lucy, I really think I made a new friend. {w}And maybe more, I never thought I would do that with a woman one day...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}That was such a nice afternoon and evening I had with Lucy, I really think I made a new friend.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe what happened yesterday, Anthony really shared me with his colleagues. {w}And he left me there drenched in cum on the couch, I woke up so sticky and filthy...{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 002 with dissolve "Continuing her shower, caressing her body gently as water ran down all over her, Myriam pursued her train of thought." KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "{i}I can't believe I did it, had sex with a woman...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_lesbian_spark:" "How does Myriam feel about her first experience with a woman?" KN_MOD "It felt so different!:" MC "{i}It felt so different, but I don't regret it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day" KN_MOD "I want to explore more of it!:" MC "{i}This was so different, I want to explore more of it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day" KN_MOD "elif ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I can't wait to know her more and start learning to defend myself. {w}It felt really empowering, even just learning the basic moves.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe it'll help me feel a little bit more confident out there, this two attacks really shook me up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I don't even know what to think about what happened... {w}I knew Anthony had something in mind, but I never thought he would push it so far.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_group_sex_spark:" "How does Myriam feel about yesterday's night event?" KN_MOD "I feel so ashamed and dirty!:" MC "{i}I feel so ashamed about what happened, I did it for Anthony, let them use me, but I feel so dirty now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day" KN_MOD "I feel ashamed, but..!:" MC "{i}I feel ashamed, but... {w}But this was so intense, I never had so much pleasure in my life... {w}I feel a bit lost.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch2_getting_ready_for_the_day:" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 003 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower, Myriam pulled some lotion out to take care of her skin and body." MC "{i}Alright, let's get some lotion on, it'll do me some good.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team == True:" MC "{i}With all the cum they covered me with yesterday, I really felt all sticky when I woke up in the entertainment room this morning.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}With all the exercises and sweating yesterday with Lucy a bit of extra care today won't be too much.{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 004 with dissolve "Spreading the lotion over her skin, applying it carefully as she caressed her body." MC "{i}Let's get this done and get ready for school, the gymnastics club have some practice today.{/i}" MC "{i}I should start by learning what they know and are capable of.{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 005 with dissolve "Finishing up with her legs, Myriam could already feel refreshed and renewed." MC "{i}God! That feels just right! {w}Now let's dry my hair and get dressed.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}I should prepare some breakfast for Marc also before he wakes up.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I should prepare some breakfast for Anthony also before he wakes up.{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 006 with dissolve "Putting the lotion away, Myriam looked at herself in the mirror, talking to her reflection as she tried to motivate herself before going to her day." MC "\"Come on Myriam! Get ready for the day! You have kids to take care off!\"" MC "{i}Look at that, wouldn't you be a good advertisement for those \"self actualization\" scams!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_kimberley" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_anthonys_morning_service" KN_MOD "label ch2_anthonys_morning_service:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 007 with dissolve "Pulled out of her day dreaming by Anthony as he suddenly slapped and grabbed her butt, Myriam turned towards him embarrassed as she immediately thought of the events of the previous night." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ah! Anthony, you surprised me!\"" An "\"Ha ha ha! So, how is my little slut this morning?\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 008 with dissolve "Grabbing one of her breast as kneaded her butt cheek and started teasing her asshole with his finger, Anthony didn't wait for Myriam's answer as she tried to calm him down, still feeling sore from the night." An "\"Mmmh! You smell good and all cleaned up! And I think that this tight ass of yours is calling for me.\"" MC "\"Wait! Please hun, I'm all sore from last night, I can't today.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 009 with dissolve "Sadly for Myriam, trying calming down Anthony had the opposite effect, grabbing her arm and putting it in a lock, he suddenly pushed her against the counter." MC "\"Haaa! Anthony! What are you doing!?\"" An "\"Shut up! You took all the cocks you could yesterday and I didn't have my turn, it would have been like fucking a yogurt! {w}Now it's my turn!\"" MC "\"No, please, I'm still hurting from yesterday!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 010 with dissolve "And without waiting despite her protest, Anthony forced his cock in her ass and started pounding it while grabbing her by the hair and keeping her in check with an arm lock." MC "\"Aaah! Anthony, stop! It hurts!\"" An "\"Aaah! Shut up and let me enjoy your ass!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve "Pounding her ass against the counter, Anthony kept her firmly controlled as he did, one hand locking her arm and the other pulling her hair, while Myriam was trying her best to endure it, even if he was small, she was still sore from yesterday." MC "\"Aaah! You're hurting me, please be quick!\"" An "\"Aaah! Fuck! I just love when you beg and scream!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 011 with dissolve scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 012 with dissolve "And as he said, Myriam's begging and pleading exciting him, Anthony kept going harder, grunting his pleasure as he accelerated the pace, giving her no mercy." MC "\"Aaah!\"" An "\"Aaah! Yeah! Scream for me! Say who's whore you are!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yours!\"" An "\"Aaah! Fucking yeah you are!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 013 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Continuing like this for a little while, Anthony quickly reached his limits as usual, emptying his balls in her ass." An "\"ARGH! HERE I CUM!\"" MC "{i}Thank god he's so fast to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 014 with dissolve "Pulling out, Anthony let go of Myriam, slapping her butt again in satisfaction, as if he was signing his deed." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ah!\"" An "\"See! That wasn't so hard!\"" MC "\"Still, that wasn't nice Hun, I told you I was sore from yesterday...\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 015 with dissolve An "\"Come on! Don't be all pissy, you know you like it! {w}Finish getting ready and come make breakfast.\"" MC "\"I... I'm coming!\"" An "\"Good, don't make me wait, I need my coffee.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 016 with dissolve "As Anthony left her alone, Myriam stayed quiet, thinking in silence about the events of yesterday and this morning." MC "{i}After what I did for him yesterday he still pushed me over this morning... {w}He really could have left me some time to rest.{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Come on! Myriam don't let yourself get down, let's dry your hair and get dressed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_meeting_kimberley" KN_MOD "label ch2_meeting_kimberley:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time after breakfast..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 017 with dissolve "Having dressed herself and fed Marc, Myriam headed out later in the morning, Marc already gone for school." MC "{i}Time to go, I should inspect the material before the gymnastics club starts their activity.{/i}" MC "{i}I have some time so let's take it slow, I want this first session to go well.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 018 with dissolve "Having dressed herself and fed Anthony, Myriam headed for the entrance, ready to go to school to work on her first session with the gymnastics club." MC "\"Hun, I'm going, you shouldn't wait too long or you'll be late.\"" An "\"I'm going, just searching for my keys.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 019 with dissolve "Opening the entrance door, Myriam suddenly found a young woman about to knock just behind the door, surprising each other." KiB "\"Ah!\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 020 with dissolve MC "\"Hi! Did you need something from me?\"" KiB "\"I...\"" MC "\"Wait, don't I know you?\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 021 with dissolve "As Myriam was trying to remember where she had seen that young woman before, the young woman in question looked like she was about to burst into tears." KiB "\"I...\"" KiB "{i}God! How can I ask her for help, she must hate me...{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 022 with dissolve MC "\"Oh my god! You... {w}You're \"her\"!\"" MC "{i}It's her, it's the girl that was with Anthony!{/i}" KiB "\"I... {w}Yes, I'm Kimberley...\"" KiB "{i}Here! This is hopeless, I shouldn't have come!{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 023 with dissolve "Suddenly breaking into tears, Kimberley launched herself in a desperate explanation mixed with sobs." KiB "\"Sob! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to but he blackmailed me... {w}Sob! My boyfriend worked at the office and made a big error, he said he would have him fired with prejudice if I didn't do what he said.\"" KiB "\"Sob! And now, he had me fired and passed as a slut... {w}Sob! Even my boyfriend doesn't believe me and left me, he thinks I'm a slut too... {w}Sob! He even thinks our baby isn't his! Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 024 with dissolve "Shocked by what she was hearing, Myriam could not believe it at first, but quickly her mind and heart both couldn't reject what the girl was saying." MC "\"No! Don't, don't tell me that, please... {w}It's not...\"" KiB "\"Sob! I swear it's true! {w}Sob! Everyday for weeks now he forced me to take care of him at the office! {w}Sob! And now my life is ruined, I...\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" MC "{i}God! That... {w}That bastard! He did not only lie, he ruined that poor girl's life.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! That... {w}That bastard! He lied! {w}He lied and ruined that poor girl's life.{/i}" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 025 with dissolve "As Kimberley turned away, broken up, Myriam stoppped her as she was about to go away, seeing she was too distraught to be left alone." KiB "\"Sob! I... {w}Sob! I'll leave you alone now... {w}Sob! I deserve what happened to me!\"" MC "\"No! Wait! Don't go! {w}You can't go like this, come in and calm yourself down first!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 026 with dissolve "Leading the sobbing Kimberley inside, Myriam put aside the resentment she had for her, seeing that the poor girl was just another victim here." MC "\"Come! We'll sit down and get over it all calmly and see what we can do. {w}It'll be alright.\"" KiB "\"Sob! Sob!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch2_new_determination" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 027 with dissolve "Curious about the ruckus, Anthony came by the entrance hall, stopping in his track as he saw the young woman." An "\"What's all this noise for...? {w}What's that little bitch doing here!?\"" KiB "\"Haaa! Sob!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_giving_in_or_stepping_in:" "Does Myriam step in to defend Kimberley?" KN_MOD "I cant take it anymore!:" MC "{i}I can't take it anymore! He's a lying piece of shit!{/i}" MC "\"Stop it Anthony!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 028 with dissolve "As Anthony came towards them, Kimberley hid behind Myriam as she confronted him, mad as hell about all his lies." MC "\"Don't come near her!\"" An "\"Come on Babe! Don't listen to that little bitch, she's lying through her teeth!\"" MC "\"You're the lying bastard! Come any closer and I break your balls!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 029 with dissolve An "\"I think someone here needs to be taught another lesson!\"" MC "\"I swear to you if you lift another finger on me and I'll teach you a lesson!\"" KiB "\"Sob! Sob!\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 030 with dissolve "Seeing Myriam facing him off this time around and stay unrelenting, Anthony's cowardly instincts kicked in, choosing to get out instead of confronting her." MC "\"Now get the fuck out of MY house! We are done!\"" An "\"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'm out you cunt!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch2_new_determination" KN_MOD "Maybe I shouldnt get in the middle of this! (First closed ending, impossible for the moment, Ill get to it later on, so keep a save here and check again later.) if ch2_first_ending == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I shouldn't get in the middle of this!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump end_01_ch2" KN_MOD "label ch2_new_determination:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 031 with dissolve "Leading Kimberley inside, Myriam made her sit to calm down and talk more calmly about what happened between her and Anthony." KiB "\"Sob! Sob!\"" MC "\"So, can you tell me again what happened?\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 032 with dissolve KiB "\"Sob! It's as I said before, me and my boyfriend ... we worked at the Taylor Corporation, it was where we met...\"" KiB "\"Sob! And a few weeks ago, after \"He\" arrived, my boyfriend made an error, a big one, that could have cost a lot of money. {w}I was able to salvage the situation discreetly, but I don't know how, \"He\" found out...\"" KiB "\"And he gave me an ultimatum; either I was going to do what he wanted or he'd get me and my boyfriend fired... {w}Sob! We just had a baby and just took loans to buy a house, we were going to get married...\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 033 with dissolve KiB "\"I did everything he asked, everything, even... {w}Sob! Even things I didn't ever do with my boyfriend\"" MC "{i}The poor girl! That bastard really did a number on her! {w}How could I ever get fooled by that snake...{/i}" KiB "\"Sob! And now everything is gone, after you found out about us, he created a rumor that I was a slut, got me and my boyfriend fired... {w}Sob! Even my boyfriend believed it, he left me and our baby...\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 034 with dissolve MC "\"I'm so sorry sweetie, I don't even know what to say, all this it's because of me...\"" KiB "\"No! It's not, you couldn't know, and... {w}And I'm so sorry for hurting you, you're so nice.\"" MC "\"Well, we both have been wronged, but what you suffered, I'm so sorry, I... {w}I can't believe I misjudged him so much, I'm going to help you.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 035 with dissolve "Calming down as she listened to a determined Myriam, Kimberley stopped sobbing, finally finding someone ready to listen to her and be on her side." KiB "\"How? What can you do against him, he's got so much power at the office!\"" MC "\"Oh! Don't you worry sweetie, he's done, my father is the CEO of the company.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 036 with dissolve KiB "\"What!? You're the daughter of Mr Taylor?\"" MC "\"Yes sweetie, I am, and I'm going to help you, I promise.\"" KiB "\"Really? You will.\"" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 037 with dissolve MC "{i}That bastard I can't believe what he did to that poor girl and me, I have to do something.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch2_myriams_resolutions:" "What are Myriam's resolutions?" KN_MOD "I have to help her!:" MC "{i}I have to help her! I feel so responsible for what happened to her, Anthony would never have had this post if I hadn't supported him to my father.{/i}" MC "{i}Now that poor girl has lost everything, I have to call my father and make this right!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_sweet_girl" KN_MOD "I have to help her and make Anthony pay!:" $ ch2_getting_revenge = True MC "{i}I have to help her! I feel so responsible for what happened to her, Anthony would never have had this post if I hadn't supported him to my father.{/i}" MC "{i}Now that poor girl has lost everything, I have to call my father and make this right!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team == True:" MC "{i}And make that bastard pay for what he did to her and me! {w}God! After what I did yesterday for him! How could he!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And make that bastard pay for what he did to her and me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_a_sweet_girl" KN_MOD "label ch2_a_sweet_girl:" scene bg ch2_23 morningofclarity 038 with dissolve KiB "\"I don't know how to thank you... {w}You don't know how alone I felt through all this, everybody has turned their back on me.\"" MC "\"Don't you worry, we'll get through this, both of us, you'll see.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch2_sweet_for_the_sweet_girl:" "How does Myriam feel about Kimberley?" KN_MOD "Shes so sweet and innocent!:" MC "{i}She's so sweet and innocent! I hope I can help her get her life back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_chapter2_end" KN_MOD "Shes so sweet and innocent, you want to take a bite out of her! if ch2_bicurious == True:" $ ch2_sweet_for_kimberley = True MC "{i}She's so sweet and innocent, you want to take a bite out of her! {w}I hope I can help her get her life back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch2_chapter2_end" KN_MOD "label ch2_chapter2_end:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Two END" with Pause(4) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump chapter03" KN_MOD "label chapter03:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update1 from _call_var_chapter3_update1" KN_MOD "label ch3_01_a_new_life:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A New Life" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 001 with dissolve "Quickly after Myriam called her father to inform him of the events that transpired in the office, Anthony was fired and escorted out of the Taylor building by security." "And as usual, his ego and character could not handle the situation, making him bicker and fight until the end, under the gaze of other people in the building." An "\"THIS IS FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE! I AM INNOCENT! {w}IT'S THAT BITCH! I'M FUCKING GOING TO KILL HER!\"" BoD "\"Please mister, stay polite and get out of the building, you are not allowed in anymore.\"" An "\"WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT! I'LL GET YOU ALL FIRED YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 002 with dissolve "A few days later, Kimberley was offered her job back, with compensation for her wrongful termination and the abuse she suffered at the hands of Anthony." "Hesitant at first to come back to the office, she accepted after learning she would be appointed to another post as a personal assistant to a woman senior partner, with a substantial raise." MaC "\"This is with our most sincere apologies! {w}I personally hope you will accept working here again, with me, I know the work you have done before and know it would be a loss to see you go.\"" KiB "\"I... {w}I don't know what to say... {w}Thank you, I'll do my best to be worthy of your praises.\"" MaC "\"I know that you will, you do not need to thank me. {w}I hope you know that what happened to you is just horrible, and if you wish, you will have all the support of the Taylor Corporation to pursue that monster in court.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_getting_revenge == True:" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 003 with dissolve "Wanting to put her trouble behind her at first, Kimberley didn't want to pursue Anthony in justice, but with the support of her new superior and Myriam, she started legal action against him." "Meeting a lawyer paid by Taylor Corporation with Myriam, Kimberley had the strength to share again the ordeal she had to live through, meeting again only compassion contrary as what she went through before." KiB "\"Here it is... {w}The whole story as I lived it...\"" "Lawyer" "\"That's horrible... {w}You definitely have a case here, even more so if Mrs Summers can testify of his behavior and abuses.\"" MC "\"I will, this man has to pay for the wrong he did to her.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 004 with dissolve "But as Anthony was fired and kicked out of the house, a few days later, he came by to get his son out of the house, hurling insults at her again, promising her it wouldn't stop there." "Horrified to see the \"son\" she took care of for years now, Myriam had to see him go helpless as he was asking to stay, Marc being Anthony's son and they were not married." Ma "\"Myriam! Please, I want to stay!\"" MC "\"My god! I'm so sorry Marc, I can't do anything! I... {w}I'll call my daddy's lawyers! I promise Marc!\"" An "\"SHUT IT MARC! STOP BITCHING AROUND AND COME! {w}THAT WHORE DOESN'T WANT YOU ANYMORE!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 005 with dissolve "Devastated, Myriam took some time to get through the loss of Marc, despite all she felt for him as if he was her own and took the event like a punch in the guts." "But with the help of Katherine, always there to comfort her grief stricken mother, feeling distraught seeing her mother in this state." MC "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" Ka "\"I'm sorry mom! {w}Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be alright!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 006 with dissolve "With the love and support of her daughter, Myriam found the strength to get out again, finding solace in the rides she had with Hammer, exploring the outdoors around the ranch." "Those rides brought her back to the happy times she had at her father's ranch, helping her getting out of her own mind and all the mess with Anthony, Kimberley and Marc." MC "\"Good boy Hammer!\"" Ha "\"Ppppll!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 007 with dissolve "Evelyn was also happy to help Myriam unwind and cheer up, bringing her for some dancing and a girl's night out, Myriam was always there for her in the past when they were kids, and she was glad to be there for her in turn." "Both buying a set of skimpy dresses to go dancing together, Evelyn brought her to the last trendy club, to just dance, drink and have fun, having her thinking of something else than her current troubles." MC "\"You're going to kill me Eve!\"" Ev "\"Come on! You're having fun!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 008 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_kicked_anthony_out == True:" "Not wanting to let herself go down into depression, Myriam kept training with Lucy, staying active and busy, pushing herself in intense physical activity to avoid thinking too much." KN_MOD "else:" "Not wanting to let herself go down into depression, Myriam started training with Lucy, staying active and busy, pushing herself in intense physical activity to avoid thinking too much." "Following Lucy's guidance, Myriam found herself a new talent and interest in learning the self defense techniques she was shown, her mind set to not let herself be abused or assaulted again." MC "\"Huff! Huff!\"" LuM "\"Good! Keep going, escape and divert, then when you find the opportunity, strike!\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 009 with dissolve "A few weeks later, feeling she had turned a page in her life Myriam suddenly decided to go to a salon and change her hair, feeling she had to change hairstyle as she had changed her life." "It had been years since she went to a salon for a new haircut, cutting it herself or asking Katherine, but this time she wanted to treat herself, feeling she had deserved to doll up and take care of herself" "Hairdresser" "\"So, beautiful, what'll it be? A lot of ways we can go with that gorgeous hair.\"" MC "\"I have no idea, I just know I want something new...\"" "Hairdresser" "\"Let me see what we can do beautiful.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 010 with dissolve "Getting out of the hair salon, Myriam felt refreshed, like a new woman, as if she was now ready for everything she had to go through, adding to her new assurance since she started learning to defend herself." "Having stopped here on a whim as she was going to a new session with Doctor Silver, Myriam now headed back to her appointment, motivated to feel better and not let herself get put down." MC "{i}God! I did this on a whim, but I feel so great, it's been some time since I went to a salon like this.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's go to that appointment before I get late, good thing I left so early.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_shrink_appointment" KN_MOD "label ch3_01_shrink_appointment:" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 011 with dissolve "Arriving at Doctor Silver's office, Myriam was welcomed at the door by him, inviting her in as she arrived just in time for her appointment." DoS "\"Hello! Come in Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Hi! Thank you Doctor Silver.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 012 with dissolve "Both sitting down, Doctor Silver started lightly to see how Myriam was feeling after all the events that occured in her life lately, seeing her appearance change as sign of internal changes." DoS "\"So, I see you made some changes, it suits you well.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you! I did this on a whim before coming, I don't know what came over me, I just felt I needed a change.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 013 with dissolve DoS "\"Well, it's a good sign.\"" MC "\"Oh! Really?\"" DoS "\"Yes, it means you have turned a page in your life and need or feel ready for a change.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 014 with dissolve MC "\"Well, yes, I do feel like I've turned a page, I felt really down for some time, but I was able to bring myself back.\"" DoS "\"That's good to hear.\"" MC "\"Yes, thanks to my daughter and a lot of people around me... {w}I'm determined to not let myself get beat down.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 015 with dissolve DoS "\"Glad to hear it. {w}And what about your nightmares and urges? Are you still feeling lost?\"" MC "\"Oh! Hmmm! I... {w}Kind of...\"" DoS "\"Now that you took back your life in hands, you are free to explore your feelings or whatever needs you see fit.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 016 with dissolve MC "\"This is so sudden, I... {w}I don't know what to say...\"" DoS "\"Mrs Summers, as you took back control over your life, you need now to take back control over your feelings, needs or urges, or however you want to name them.\"" MC "\"But I don't even know where to begin...\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 017 with dissolve MC "\"I mean it's not something I can just decide like that... {w}Like I did with my hair.\"" DoS "\"No of course, but like you suddenly did with your hair, there will be a moment when you will come to decide, to accept yourself and explore what and who you are.\"" MC "\"I don't know how to come to that.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 018 with dissolve DoS "\"First, can you tell me if there is any urges or needs that really come to your mind?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_top_fetish" KN_MOD "label ch3_01_top_fetish:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_01_top_fetish_1:" "What does Myriam chose to share?" KN_MOD "Anal sex. (Anal Kink 15+) if MCkink[Anal] >= 15:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since Anthony and I were together he enjoyed using my... {w}Hmm! My butt.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And I know not a lot of women enjoy it, but I really do, I think even more so than... {w}Than \"normal\" sex.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Cum. (Cum Kink 25+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 25:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I started having sex, even with my first husband, I always enjoyed cum.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And I know a lot of women find it gross and disgusting, but I really love it, the taste, the smell, the texture, everything.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Humiliations. (Dirtiness Trait 30+) if MCtrait[Dirtiness] >= 30:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since Anthony and I were together he enjoyed humiliating me during sex.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And even if it was degrading, I couldn't help but feel excited by it, I... {w}I don't understand why.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Porn. if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I surprised some kids comparing me to a pornstar, that apparently looks like me, I can't stop imagining myself as one.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And even if I know it's crazy, it excites me imagining men masturbating while watching a porn video of me, I... {w}I'm really excited at the idea of being filmed while having sex.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Domination. (Dominance Trait 15+) if MCtrait[Dominance] >= 15:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since Anthony and I were together he enjoyed dominating me during sex.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And I let him do it, but since some time now, I feel like... {w}I feel like I want to be the one in charge, the one being dominant.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Public. (Exhibitionist Kink 25+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 25:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I started having sex, even with my first husband, I enjoyed doing it outside.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And even if it was kind of scary, it always made me so excited the idea of someone watching us, I... {w}I'm really curious about public sex and exhibitionism.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "More choices...:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_top_fetish_suite" KN_MOD "label ch3_01_top_fetish_suite:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_01_top_fetish_2:" "What does Myriam chose to share?" KN_MOD "Previous choices...:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_top_fetish" KN_MOD "Group sex. if ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team == True or ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True or ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" KN_MOD "if ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team == True:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Just before we separated for good with Anthony, we had a night, with... {w}With colleagues of his.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_student_foursome_bareback == True or ch2_student_foursome_safe == True:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}It's kind of hazy, but during a night out, after too much drink, I ended up having sex with three young men.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And even if it was scary and humiliating, having sex with them all together, I... {w}I never felt so much pleasure in my entire life, it was so intense and overwhelming.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Oral sex. (Oral Kink 15+) if MCkink[Oral] >= 15:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I started having sex, even with my first husband, I always enjoyed using my mouth.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And I know that a lot of women find it demeaning, but I really enjoy it, and apparently I'm really good at it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Rough sex. (Rough Kink 20+) if MCkink[Rough] >= 20:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since Anthony and I were together he always enjoyed rough sex, even more so since we came here.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And I know that a lot of women don't like it, but I enjoy it, even rough anal or oral sex, the intensity and mix of pleasure and pain excites me.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Women. (Sapphic Kink 10+) if MCkink[Sapphic] >= 10:" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I met this woman and... {w}And had a sexual encounter with her...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since I came here, I met some women, that... {w}That caught my eye.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"I am curious, I feel like there is a whole other side to my sexuality and myself I never explored before... {w}That maybe I'm meant to be with a woman and not with a man.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Submission. (Submissiveness Trait 30+) if MCtrait[Submissiveness] >= 30:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even thinking about it, but... {w}Ever since Anthony and I were together he enjoyed dominating me during sex.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"And even if it felt shameful and some times degrading, it really excited me, leaving control in his hands felt strangely freeing.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "Sex.:" MC "\"Well, I'm embarrassed just even saying it, but... {w}Despite what Anthony made me live, I just love having sex.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so embarrassing... {w}But he's a professional, he's here to help you Myriam.{/i}" MC "\"Passionate or just plain boring sex, I love making one with somebody else, and fuse with him... {w}I know it may sound cringy, but sex feel so much more powerful with feelings.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_01_talking_sex" KN_MOD "label ch3_01_talking_sex:" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 019 with dissolve MC "\"God! I feel so slutty talking about this...\"" MC "{i}What he must be thinking of me now!{/i}" MC "\"I don't know what's wrong with me...\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 020 with dissolve DoS "\"There's nothing wrong about sex and loving sexual intercourse, no kinks are wrong or shameful. {w}Of course, as long as everyone involved is a willing participant.\"" DoS "\"It seems you started very sheltered and naive about sex, nothing wrong there, but with what you lived with your second partner and the taboo society creates around sex, you became afraid and ashamed of your own sexuality.\"" DoS "\"You have to break this notion that you are wrong and should be ashamed of what and how you feel.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 021 with dissolve MC "\"But how?\"" DoS "\"Well, like anything else, step by step. {w}First get familiar, then experiment and finally accept it.\"" MC "\"What does that mean?\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 022 with dissolve DoS "\"To familiarize, it's pretty simple, talk about it, try to learn about it, be curious.\"" MC "\"How? Like watching porn?\"" DoS "\"Well, that's one of the simplest ways. {w}Or talking with people who are into your particular kinks also.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 023 with dissolve MC "\"Watching porn feels kind of easy, but talking about it... {w}I wouldn't even know with whom, I mean, it's already hard to talk to you about it.\"" MC "{i}Maybe Eve, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind, even get a kick out of it by teasing me.{/i}" MC "\"Well, maybe I could talk about it with my cousin, Eve, she's the one that recommended you to me.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 024 with dissolve DoS "\"Do you mean Miss Evelyn Taylor?\"" MC "\"Yes, she's my cousin and I think I'll be able to talk to her, we always were close.\"" DoS "\"All I can say since she's a patient is that yes, she's someone you'll be able to talk about all this,. {w}But there one thing you should keep in mind talking to her, or anyone else, take care that the answers you find are yours.\"" MC "\"I think I understand what you mean.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 025 with dissolve DoS "\"Good! Then I would add one more thing for today's session, do you have sex toys?\"" MC "\"Sorry! What!?\"" DoS "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry for the surprise! But this is something you will need to help you free yourself of your shame and have a fulfilling sexuality.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 026 with dissolve DoS "\"Yes, first it'll help you realize that your own pleasure is important and not feel guilty or ashamed about it.\"" MC "\"Yes, I... {w}I understand.\"" DoS "\"And as I said, it'll help you familiarize with your needs, kinks or fetishes, and own body also. {w}As a first step if you will, it'll help you shed this feeling of shame and guilt.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 027 with dissolve DoS "\"Then here's your exercise for the next session, first acquire a sex toy. {w}I'll give you some clean and sure places to acquire one, or internet links if you feel more comfortable.\"" MC "\"I think it'll be better, yes.\"" DoS "\"Then you'll have to use it to pleasure yourself, and if you can while watching porn material on the fetish you talked about earlier.\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 028 with dissolve "Getting up, Doctor Silver offered his hand to Myriam, inviting her to get up after giving her such a personal and embarrassing task to do for their next session." MC "\"God! Do I really have to, this sounds so...\"" DoS "\"I know, but believe me, it will help you... {w}It's anti-stress, it releases endorphins, it's quick, it'll help you sleep better and understand your body.\"" MC "\"O... {w}Ok, thank you...\"" scene bg ch3_01 anewlife 029 with dissolve "Getting up in turn, Myriam headed towards the door, walked out by Doctor Silver as they kept talking." DoS "\"So I'll see you next week as usual.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" DoS "\"And you know, if you feel you have an urgent need to talk, do not hesitate to call me.\"" MC "\"Yes Doctor Silver, I will.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_spa_with_eve" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_spa_with_eve:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Spa with Eve" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 001 with dissolve "Leaving the office of Doctor Silver, Myriam headed for the spa club Evelyn introduced her to a few weeks ago, both arranging to meet for an afternoon of relaxation." MC "{i}God! This feels so weird going in by myself... {w}It feels as if I am doing something naughty...{/i}" MC "{i}Eve should already be inside, I hope I didn't make her wait too long.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 002 with dissolve "Arriving to the reception desk, the receptionist welcomed her by bowing down, giving Myriam a strange feeling of exotism." "Receptionist" "\"Good afternoon!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 003 with dissolve "Receptionist" "\"What can I do for you?\"" MC "\"I'm Mrs Summers, I came for the spa services and to join someone already inside.\"" "Receptionist" "\"Very good, let me verify your membership.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 004 with dissolve "After verifying her membership, the receptionist handed her an aqua bracelet like her first time with Eve." "Receptionist" "\"Here you go. {w}As a new member, you have been attributed a permanent locker.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Receptionist" "\"Have a good spa day!.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 005 with dissolve "Leaving the receptionist behind and putting her bracelet on, Myriam headed for the locker room Eve led her last time, while the receptionist whished her a good day." "Receptionist" "\"Have a good spa day!.\"" MC "{i}Let's go, Eve must be waiting.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 006 with dissolve "Finding herself alone into the locker room, Myriam got naked in front of her locker without a thought, as if it was the only thing to do." MC "{i}Do I put my swimsuit on? Eve told me last time that nearly everyone walked around naked here... {w}And I'm not Anthony's thing anymore.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_why_naked:" "What the reason she will chose?" KN_MOD "Dammit! I deserve to do what I want with my body!:" MC "{i}Dammit! I deserve to do what I want with my body! {w}I've had enough of limiting my life for that asshole.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_joining_eve" KN_MOD "Doctor Silver told me I should assumed my sexuality!:" MC "{i}Doctor Silver told me I should assume my sexuality! {w}It's a safe place, I should make some efforts.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_joining_eve" KN_MOD "This feels kind of exciting!:" MC "{i}This feels kind of exciting! And it's a safe place here. {w}Maybe I could take a little risk here and flaunt a bit.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_joining_eve" KN_MOD "Wouldnt it be weird to stay in a swimsuit if everybodys naked?:" MC "{i}Wouldn't it be weird to stay in a swimsuit if everybody's naked? {w}I'm not sure I'm really comfortable, but I think it would feel even weirder otherwise.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_joining_eve" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_joining_eve:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 007 with dissolve "Deciding to stay naked like everybody else in the spa, Myriam just grabbed a towel offered by the spa and headed towards the lounge where Evelyn said she would wait for her." MC "{i}Let's go join Eve.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope people don't see how nervous I feel... {w}Come on, stay calm Myriam and walk normally.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 008 with dissolve "Arriving at the lounge area where they went the other day, Myriam found Evelyn resting there, fully naked as she was." Ev "\"Hey cuz!\"" MC "\"Hi Eve!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 009 with dissolve "As Myriam sat down on the adjacent chair, Evelyn could not help herself but tease her as she was surprised seeing her fully naked." Ev "\"Oh my god! You! Naked in public!? {w}Who are you and what did you do with my Myriam!?\"" MC "\"Ha ha! Tease me all you want, but you know it took me some nerves to do this!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 010 with dissolve Ev "\"Sorry, you know I just love to tease you.\"" MC "\"Yeah... I know, you're like a kid... {w}An evil one.\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! There sure is some devil in me.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 011 with dissolve Ev "\"But anyway, I'm glad you let yourself loose a bit.\"" MC "\"Well, just a little bit...\"" Ev "\"Kicking that asshole out did you some good for sure.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 012 with dissolve MC "\"Please don't start, I'm here to relax.\"" Ev "\"I'm sorry, you're right, I shouldn't have...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I need to talk about it, just not now.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 013 with dissolve "As Evelyn apologized to Myriam and was about to change the subject, they were suddenly interrupted by the barmaid coming over to offer them something to drink." "Barmaid" "\"Hello! Do you wish anything to drink?\"" Ev "\"Yes, please, could you make us two Pink Ladies please?\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 014 with dissolve Ev "\"So, what's new?\"" MC "\"Well, you know I went to see the doctor you recommended me.\"" Ev "\"Yeah, is it helping?\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 015 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, definitely, I went a few times already and it did me some good.\"" Ev "\"Glad to hear it.\"" MC "\"Notably towards Anthony, but it also helped me open up with my sexuality.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 016 with dissolve Ev "\"It really must, I remember a time when you couldn't talk about sex without becoming red like a tomato.\"" MC "\"Well, I can't say I'm not embarrassed, but the doc is trying to get me to open up and stop being ashamed of my... {w}You know...\"" Ev "\"Of your needs.\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 017 with dissolve Ev "\"Anyway, you know you can talk about anything with me.\"" MC "\"I know, thanks.\"" Ev "\"I promise to tease only just a little...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 018 with dissolve "As they both kept talking, the barmaid came by with their drinks, leaving them to toast together as they enjoyed their relaxing time." Ev "\"To a new life!\"" "Clink!" MC "\"To a new life!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 019 with dissolve "Drinking to their toast, Myriam and Evelyn sipped their cocktails slowly, enjoying the calm as they relaxed peacefully." MC "\"Slurp!\"" Ev "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 020 with dissolve "Drinks in hands, Myriam and Evelyn kept talking and enjoying the buzz, the discussion staying light and easy as they kept sipping on their cocktails." Ev "\"By the way, nice new style, I love what you did with your hair.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I just did it on a whim before my appointment with Doctor Silver.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 021 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after finishing their drinks, both went for the bar to leave their glasses before heading for the massage room." Ev "\"Come on, let's get ourselves massaged into putty... {w}You enjoyed it quite a bit last time if I remember.\"" MC "\"Don't start again!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_new_massage" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_new_massage:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 022 with dissolve "Getting back their towels before heading to the massage room, Myriam and Evelyn went in still talking and fooling around." Ev "\"So, are you going for the full massage?\"" MC "\"The what?\"" Ev "\"You know the \"full\" massage!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 023 with dissolve MC "\"I don't understand what you mean, but yeah, probably...\"" Ev "\"Well, we'll see you when we get there... {w}For now I think we'll have to wait, they're not here yet.\"" MC "\"Let's just get on the tables and wait.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 024 with dissolve "Getting on the massage tables, Myriam and Evelyn laid down to wait for the masseurs to come take care of them." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! I can't wait for this massage, I really need to relax.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 025 with dissolve "Moments later, as Myriam and Evelyn rested peacefully on the massage table, the two masseurs from the other day came inside, admiring the view before them as they walked in to find them already waiting." TeP "\"Are those the same girls as the other day?\"" JoJ "\"Yeah!\"" JoJ "{i}Fuck! That's a nice view to come in to!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 026 with dissolve "Each of them getting to their respective table and client, Terrel went to Evelyn and Jose to Myriam, quickly applying the massage oils over their body before starting to massage." JoJ "\"Is that good?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 027 with dissolve "Passing time massaging her body after applying all the massage oil, Jose thoroughly took care of Myriam as she kept moaning softly, enjoying the feeling." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Great! I can feel your body relaxing!\"" JoJ "{i}That body on her, if only they could all have one like that...{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 028 with dissolve "And after taking care of her back, Jose slowly slid down to her butt and started kneading it as Myriam kept moaning, enjoying her massage." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Here! Let's move down...\"" JoJ "{i}Dios mio! And that ass!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 029 with dissolve "After taking care of Myriam's lower half, Jose came back up to finish his massage, placing himself over her head." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He's so close!{/i}" JoJ "\"Good! Now let's flip over.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 030 with dissolve "Doing as her masseur told her, Myriam flipped over, helped by him as she was all slippery and oily, coming even closer to her, his groin brushing her head." JoJ "\"Here you go!\"" MC "{i}He's even closer than before! I... {w}I can feel his groin against the top of my head!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 031 with dissolve "But as Jose quickly passed from her shoulders to her breasts, spreading the massage oil over her front, Myriam started moaning again with the stimulation from the massage." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}This is so embarrassing but it just feels so good... {w}He really does know his job!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 032 with dissolve "Moving away from her head, Jose kept massaging Myriam's body, thoroughly spreading the massage oil all over her body, even getting between her legs." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting so close to my pussy now! {w}This feels so intimate with me exposed and open like this.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 033 with dissolve "As Myriam turned her head, slightly embarrassed by her massage, she surprised Evelyn being intimately caressed by her masseur, while she herself was jerking him off, moaning under his touch." Ev "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is she doing!? This is...{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 034 with dissolve "But as Myriam was shocked to see her cousin getting fingered while pleasuring her masseur, her attention was suddenly brought back to her own masseur, who was proposing her a happy finish to her own massage as his hand was a finger away from her pussy." JoJ "\"Do you wish a happy finish to your massage as an extra service?\"" MC "{i}God! Is that what she meant by \"full\" massage!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_happy_finish_or_not:" "Does Myriam chose the extra service?" KN_MOD "Dammit! And why not!:" $ ch3_massage_with_happy_ending = True MC "{i}Dammit! And why not! {w}I'm not with anyone anymore and if men can have a happy finish, why not me.{/i}" MC "\"Yes... {w}Please...\"" JoJ "{i}Must be her first time doing this... {w}Let's make sure she has a good time and asks for it again in the future.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_happy_finish" KN_MOD "No, its too embarrassing!:" MC "{i}No, I want to, but it's too embarrassing!{/i}" MC "\"No... {w}thanks...\"" JoJ "{i}Too bad... {w}But probably next time, she looks like she wants too.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_showering_with_eve" KN_MOD "No, I just cant!:" MC "{i}No, I just can't, I don't feel comfortable doing this!{/i}" MC "\"No, thank you, I'm good.\"" JoJ "{i}Too bad, maybe next time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_showering_with_eve" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_happy_finish:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 035 with dissolve "Following her agreement, Jose started his happy ending massage, starting to caress her pussy and her breasts, taking good care to follow her reaction and moans to give her a pleasurable and intense finish." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! He's so good at this! {w}Anthony never took care of me like this!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 036 with dissolve "Opening her eyes slightly as Jose kept fingering and caressing her, Myriam looked towards his groin, thinking of how Eve took care of her own masseur while he took care of her." MC "{i}Do I have to take care of him too? I... {w}I don't know how those kind of things are supposed to go...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_mutual_happy_finish_or_not:" "Does Myriam take care of her masseur like Evelyn?" KN_MOD "Gosh! And why not!:" $ ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending = True MC "{i}Gosh! And why not! {w}He's getting me off, the least I can do is take care of him too!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_mutual_happy_finish" KN_MOD "No, its too much!:" MC "{i}No, it's too much! {w}I can't already believe that I let a man I barely know caressing me like this...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_solo_happy_finish" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_mutual_happy_finish:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 037 with dissolve "Deciding to reciprocate, Myriam started caressing Jose's groin as he kept pleasuring her, closing back her eyes to enjoy the feeling." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" JoJ "{i}Wow! Madre de dios! I never thought she would go for it already!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 038 with dissolve "Letting his pants fall down as Myriam pulled out his cock and started to jerk him off slowly as he kept going, following her moans and body reactions." JoJ "\"Thanks...\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! You... {w}You're welcome...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 039 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Both keeping the pace, pleasuring the other as they endured their own, they kept going like this for a few minutes, pushing each other into an explosive climax, Myriam arching her back as Jose emptied his load on her stomach, mixing his cum into the massage oil." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Aaah! Yes!\"" JoJ "\"Argh! Yes!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 040 with dissolve "After a moment of pause to recover, Myriam sat back up, still feeling out of it as Jose told her to take her time before going under the shower." MC "{i}God! I'm so out of it, he really sapped all my strength...{/i}" JoJ "\"Take your time before getting under the shower.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_showering_with_eve" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_solo_happy_finish:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 035 with dissolve "Deciding not to take care of her masseur like Evelyn did, Myriam closed her eyes and concentrated on his caresses and her pleasure." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}Sorry! I feel guilty not reciprocating, but... {w}But I don't feel comfortable doing it like this.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 041 with dissolve "And quickly, after a few minutes of this treatment, Myriam finished by climaxing, reaching an orgasm under the thorough touch of the masseur, Jose." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Aaah! Yes!\"" JoJ "\"Good! Let yourself go, give in to the pleasure.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 042 with dissolve "After a moment of pause to recover, Myriam sat back up, still feeling out of it as Jose told her to take her time before going under the shower." MC "{i}God! I'm so out of it, he really sapped all my strength...{/i}" JoJ "\"Take your time before getting under the shower.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_showering_with_eve" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_showering_with_eve:" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending == True:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 043 with dissolve "Carefully going into the shower to avoid slipping due to the massage oil, Myriam went in to clean herself from all the oil and cum." KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_happy_ending == False:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 042 with dissolve "Refusing the offer of her masseur, Myriam sat back up as he ended the massage." JoJ "\"You can go take a shower, careful not to slip.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 044 with dissolve "Carefully going into the shower to avoid slipping due to the massage oil, Myriam went in to clean herself from all the oil." MC "{i}Now let's get cleaned up now.{/i}" MC "{i}After the hairdresser, the shrink and this massage, it really feel I took the day to take care of me, Eve's right it really feels good from time to time.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 045 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping under the shower, Myriam let the hot water wash over the oil before scrubbing, enjoying the feeling as always as her thoughts drifted away." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I really could get use to this kind of massage every day, I feel so refreshed!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 046 with dissolve "Suddenly, as she was enjoying her shower, Myriam felt somebody's hands on her waist, opening her eyes and turning her head she saw Evelyn joining her under the shower with a mischievous smile." Ev "\"Hey! Give me some room cuz!\"" MC "\"God! You surprised me!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 047 with dissolve "Giving Evelyn a little more room under the shower, Myriam let her came in to join her, not minding her caressing her body, a hand under her breast and another on her butt, seeing nothing more than siblings skinship." Ev "\"Let me scrub your back and you'll do mine. {w}Like when we were kids.\"" MC "\"You're such a child!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 048 with dissolve "But as Evelyn started to scrub her back with one hand, she started to caress her breasts with the other, making Myriam laugh from her mischief." MC "\"What are you doing Eve!?\"" Ev "\"Nothing! Just scrubbing your back and those big titties of yours. {w}Mine aren't bad, but yours are just stupendous, I was always jealous of them when we were younger.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 049 with dissolve MC "\"Come on! Stop your nonsense, my breasts are sensitive.\"" Ev "\"Oh! So it's no problem if it's another guy, but your cuz can't?\"" MC "\"You know it's not like that, come on! And they'll see us...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 050 with dissolve Ev "\"Strangely, I don't think that's a problem.\"" MC "\"What?\"" Ev "\"Look over there, they seem to enjoy the view.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 051 with dissolve "Looking outside the shower, on the other side of the glass, Myriam and Evelyn could see the two masseurs looking their way, rubbing themselves through their pants." Ev "\"Dont you think? {w}Men really love some girl on girl action...\"" MC "\"My god! Eve...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 052 with dissolve "Seeing their two clients looking at them while still caressing each other, the two masseurs took off their pants and started caressing themselves while looking at them." Ev "\"Look at them, they enjoy the show...\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}What am I doing!? {w}God! I'm getting excited!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 053 with dissolve "As Myriam seemed frozen, fascinated by the scene, Evelyn kept pushing, playing with her nipples while the other hand went back to her butt." Ev "\"Do you want to give them something to remember?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_playing_with_eve:" "Does Myriam let herself be guided by Evelyn?" KN_MOD "I...:" $ ch3_eve_corruption = True MC "{i}I... {w}God! I don't know what's happening, but my heart is beating so much...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_corruption_spa" KN_MOD "No! Stop! Its becoming weird!:" MC "{i}No! Stop! It's becoming weird!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_corruption_end" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_eve_corruption_spa:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 054 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Shutting the water off, Evelyn came closer to Myriam from behind, still playing with her breasts while her other hand started to get down between her legs." Ev "\"Look at that! Guys are so easy to please... {w}Look how hard they are just by looking at me playing with you.\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! I'm getting so excited... {w}This is so wrong...{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 055 with dissolve Ev "\"Don't they look just yummy?\"" MC "\"Ye... Yeah...\"" Ev "\"Say! Why don't we get closer and have a better look.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 056 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower, Myriam and Evelyn came to kneel in front of the two masseurs, both cock rock hard right in front of them." Ev "\"Mmmh! I think I got myself a big tool to work on!\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve "Without a word, Myriam took Jose's cock in her mouth and started sucking on it, feeling strangely satisfied at the taste after those few weeks without sex." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! I didn't think I would miss so much sucking on a cock...{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve "Seeing Myriam starting with her cock, Evelyn took hers in her mouth, helping herself with her hand, trying her best with the size of that monster." Ev "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock!\"" TeP "\"Aaah!\"" Ev "{i}He's so fucking big, I don't think I'll be able to take it all.{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve "Contrary to Evelyn, Myriam had no trouble swallowing Jose's cock whole, his size more modest and Myriam having an innate talent for it, accelerating the pace as she took pleasure in savoring this cock." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" JoJ "{i}Madre de dios! She's even better than I thought she would be!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 060 with dissolve "For her part, Evelyn gave good head as she enjoyed the control it had over men, but she had more trouble than Myriam due to the size and not being born with a talent for deepthroat like her cousin." Ev "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock!\"" TeP "\"Aaah!\"" TeP "{i}Fuck! She's good! She definitely knows how to suck a cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 058 with dissolve "Not stopping a moment, Myriam kept going as if possessed, sucking on his cock like if it was the last cock on earth, taking care to not make him cum too fast to enjoy it as long as she could." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so good, I needed this so much!{/i}" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" JoJ "{i}Fuck! That's the best blowjob I fucking ever had! {w}She really loves sucking cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 061 with dissolve "Stopping after a moment to breathe, Evelyn pulled Terrel's big black cock out of her mouth, her jaw feeling sore with the effort, while Myriam in her own world kept sucking on Jose's." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" Ev "\"Cough, cough! You're a jaw breaker big boy! {w}Cough! Come on! Get behind me and put that big tool of yours in my pussy, you're too much work for my poor jaw!\"" TeP "\"With pleasure ma'am!\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! I bet!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 062 with dissolve "Following her orders, Terrel went behind Evelyn and pushed his big cock in her pussy as she placed herself behind Myriam to lick her pussy and ass while she kept sucking on Jose's cock." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" Ev "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp!\"" Ev "{i}Holy shit! He's wrecking my pussy with his big cock!{/i}" TeP "\"Oooh!\"" TeP "{i}Wow! She's fucking tight!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 063 with dissolve "Fucking her from behind, Terrel kept pounding Evelyn's tight pussy, following the movement of her hips and moans for the pace, being here not for his own pleasure but for the pleasure of the clients." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" Ev "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp!\"" TeP "\"Oooh!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 064 with dissolve "And as the noises of flesh on flesh and moans of pleasure filled the room, Evelyn stopped taking care of Myriam as her pleasure reached her limits, screaming loudly as she orgasmed while Myriam kept sucking on Jose's cock who was also close to his limits." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" Ev "\"AAAH FUCK! YES! YES!!\"" TeP "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 065 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "While Evelyn was climaxing behind her, Myriam suddenly felt her masseur, Jose, finally reaching his limits in her mouth and emptying his balls in her mouth as she swallowed load after load." JoJ "\"ARGH! MADRE DE DIOS!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 066 with dissolve "Getting up, Evelyn came towards Myriam whom had just swallowed Jose's load, and with his balls in hands, guided Terrel towards her." Ev "\"Say Myriam! This big boy here didn't blow his load, do you want him to finish you off while he's still hard?\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 067 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam bent over the massage table, opening herself up for Terrel's big cock while the two others stayed close to look." Ev "\"Come on big boy! Pound that pussy like you did mine!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_front_door_or_back_door:" "Which hole Myriam want fucked?" KN_MOD "Wait! I want it up the ass!:" $ ch3_terrels_anal_pounding = True MC "\"Wait! I want it up the ass!\"" TeP "\"You sure? I'm big.\"" MC "\"Yeah! Please! And fuck it hard!\"" Ev "\"Wow! Mi, I didn't know you were such a naughty girl!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_terrel_deep_pounding" KN_MOD "Yeah! Please! Fuck my pussy hard!:" $ ch3_terrels_pussy_pounding = True MC "\"Yeah! Please! Fuck my pussy hard!\"" TeP "\"One pussy pounding, coming right up!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_terrel_deep_pounding" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_terrel_deep_pounding:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_terrels_anal_pounding == True:" "Following Myriam's orders with pleasure, Terrel pushed his big cock in her ass and started pounding away hard, a hand on her butt while the other pulled her arm back." TeP "\"Aaah! Like that!?\"" Ev "\"Come on big boy, she said hard! {w}Pound that ass of hers!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Following Myriam's orders with pleasure, Terrel pushed his big cock in her pussy and started pounding away hard, a hand on her butt while the other pulled her arm back." TeP "\"Aaah! Like that!?\"" Ev "\"Come on big boy, she said hard! {w}Pound that pussy of hers!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Aaah! Harder!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_terrels_anal_pounding == True:" "Doing as asked, Terrel kept pounding Myriam's ass harder and harder, following Myriam's moans and Eve's orders as he did his own lust." TeP "{i}Fuck! This bitch's crazy! She really wants me to wreck her ass! {w}Well, happy to oblige, first time I ever get to be rough with a girl's ass.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Doing as asked, Terrel kept pounding Myriam's pussy harder and harder, following Myriam's moans and Eve's orders as he did his own lust." TeP "{i}Fuck! This bitch's crazy! She really wants me to wreck her pussy! {w}Well, happy to oblige, it's not often that I get to be rough with my cock size.{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! God yes! Aaah! You're so big!\"" Ev "\"Harder! She's nearly there!\"" TeP "\"Aaah! Fuck! Take that!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 070 with dissolve "And finally after a few more thrusts, Myriam finally climaxed, screaming her pleasure as a violent orgasm shook her and as Terrel kept roughly pounding away." MC "\"AAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YEEEEEES!!! AAAAAAH!\"" TeP "\"Aaah! I'm going to cum too!\"" Ev "\"Where do you want him to finish?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_spa_finish:" "Where does Myriam want Terrel to finish?" KN_MOD "Inside!:" KN_MOD "if ch3_terrels_anal_pounding == True:" MC "\"Aaah! Inside! Aaah! Fuck! I wan't him to fill my ass full of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 071 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Following Myriam's command, Terrel kept thrusting hard a few more times until finally, reaching his limits, he exploded deep inside her ass filling her load after load. With each thrust he kept giving, until finally done for good." TeP "\"ARGH! SHIT! HERE I GO!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Fill my ass full of cum!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Aaah! Inside! Aaah! Fuck! I wan't him to fill my pussy full of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 072 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Following Myriam's command, Terrel kept thrusting hard a few more times until finally, reaching his limits, he exploded deep inside her pussy filling her load after load. With each thrust he kept giving, until finally done for good." TeP "\"ARGH! SHIT! HERE I GO!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Fill my pussy full of cum!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_want_another_shower" KN_MOD "On my face!:" $ ch3_terrels_extra_plastering = True MC "\"Aaah! On my face! Aaah! Fuck! I want him to cover my face full of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 073 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Jumping to the ground as he pulled out, Myriam gave him a nice target to aim at, and quickly Terrel exploded all over her face, covering her face with multiple heavy loads of warm thick cum." TeP "\"ARGH! SHIT! HERE I GO!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Give me everything!\"" TeP "{i}Haaa! Fuck! I just love giving white girls a good fucking facial! {w}And look at that bitch, she really made me cum like crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 074 with dissolve TeP "\"Holy shit! I never came so much! {w}That was incredible!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Thanks! {w}Come here, let me clean up that big tool of yours.\"" TeP "\"Shit lady! Go for it!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 075 with dissolve "And without waiting, grabbing Terrel's legs, Myriam took his cock in her mouth and pushed it deep down her throat without pause, swallowing it whole as if it was just the simplest thing to do, cleaning it from any trace of cum." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Gwock! Slurp!\"" TeP "\"Ooooooh! Holy shit!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 076 with dissolve "Pulling out Terrel's big black tool after keeping it deep down her throat as long as she could, she found it clean and hard again from the stimulation. Myriam coughed trying to catch her breath under the awe and praises of everyone." MC "\"Cough! Cough!\"" TeP "\"Holy fucking shit! You're a fucking star! {w}You're the first girl ever to swallow my cock whole!\"" JoJ "\"Madre de dios! That's some fucking skills!\"" Ev "\"Wow! Mi! That's some epic shit you did there! {w}You never told me you could suck cocks like that!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_want_another_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_eve_want_another_shower:" KN_MOD "if ch3_terrels_extra_plastering == True:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 077 with dissolve "As Myriam got up and sat a moment to catch her breath and clean up her face from Terrel's cum, Evelyn called out the two masseurs and had them follow her towards the shower." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 078 with dissolve "As Myriam got up and sat a moment to catch her breath after the rough pounding Terrel just gave her, Evelyn called out the two masseurs and had them follow her towards the shower." Ev "\"Come here boys! I need your help with something!\"" JoJ "\"Sure!\"" TeP "\"Yeah!\"" MC "{i}What does she have in mind again?{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 079 with dissolve "Kneeling in the shower with the two masseurs facing her, Evelyn was ready for one last naughty idea, piquing the curiosity of Myriam." MC "\"What are you doing Eve?\"" Ev "\"Well, I asked those two to help me with a special shower.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 080 with dissolve Ev "\"I mean I asked them to give me a golden shower, you know, to piss on me.\"" MC "\"What!? For real?\"" Ev "\"Yeah! You never tried?\"" MC "\"No, never!\"" Ev "\"Well, if you want you can join me and try.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_02_trying_a_golden_shower:" "Does Myriam accept her invitation?" KN_MOD "I dont know... Can I look?:" $ ch3_golden_shower_witness = True MC "\"I don't know... {w}Can I look?\"" Ev "\"Yeah! Sure.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eves_golden_shower" KN_MOD "Ok... I mean I cant know without trying...:" $ ch3_golden_shower_participate = True MC "\"Ok... {w}I mean I can't know without trying...\"" Ev "\"Sure, and if you don't like it they'll just finish on me and we'll take a shower immediately.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_duo_golden_shower" KN_MOD "No thanks!:" MC "\"No thanks! {w}Sorry, I'll wait for you at the locker room.\"" Ev "\"Ok, I'll be there in a jiffy.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_in_locker_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_eves_golden_shower:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 081 with dissolve "Staying to watch, curious about the strange kink Evelyn was into, she looked at her from behind as both masseurs started urinating on her face, breasts and in her mouth." JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" TeP "\"Aaah!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" Ev "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 082 with dissolve TeP "\"Shit, never did that before...\"" JoJ "\"Me too!\"" Ev "\"Well, thank you boys, this was... {w}Refreshing!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_corruption_end" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_duo_golden_shower:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 083 with dissolve "Kneeling beside Evelyn as she gave her room, Myriam offered a target as she would have for a facial, when finally both masseurs started urinating on their face, breasts and in their mouth." JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" TeP "\"Aaah!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" Ev "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 084 with dissolve TeP "\"Shit, never did that before...\"" JoJ "\"Me too!\"" Ev "\"Well, thank you boys, this was... {w}Refreshing!\"" MC "\"Thanks...\"" MC "{i}God! That was so strange...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_corruption_end" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_eve_corruption_end:" KN_MOD "if ch3_eve_corruption == True:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 085 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 KN_MOD "if ch3_golden_shower_witness == True:" "Joining Evelyn under the shower after the two masseurs left them, Myriam again quickly washed off the sweat and sex smell after their intense session with the masseurs, while Evelyn washed over the urine they covered her with." Ev "\"So, what did you think?\"" MC "\"I don't know, it was weird looking at two men pissing on you like that, but you seem amused... {w}So I don't know, I can't say I'm not curious, but this feels so weird.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_golden_shower_participate == True:" "Again starting the shower once the masseurs left them alone, Myriam and Evelyn both washed off the urine the masseurs covered them with." Ev "\"So, how was it for you?\"" MC "\"I don't know, it was weird having a guy pee on me and in my mouth, but I guess it's not that different than having a guy jerking off on you in the end... {w}Still, I think I prefer having cum on me, I guess it's something to explore...\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! Don't worry I understand, it felt weird at first for me too, but I don't know, it's just fun and freeing for me... {w}First time it was a guy asking me for it, I mean to pee on him, and it just made me curious I guess.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 086 with dissolve "As Myriam stepped away from her, Evelyn started feeling guilty, understanding she let herself get carried away and pushed things a bit too far." Ev "\"Sorry Mi, I pushed things too far, I...\"" MC "\"It's ok Eve, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 087 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Stopping their shower, Myriam and Evelyn headed back towards the locker room to dress, but Evelyn could not help but start to feel some guilt about what had just happened." MC "\"Well, let's go change.\"" Ev "{i}God! I hope I didn't go too far... {w}Me and my impulsiveness...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_02_eve_in_locker_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_02_eve_in_locker_room:" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 088 with dissolve "As Myriam was finishing drying herself, she noticed that Evelyn had fallen into silence since she arrived to the locker room, feeling some awkwardness emanating from her." MC "{i}What's happening here? {w}She's all silent and awkward since we left the massage room, it's not like her.{/i}" Ev "{i}I fucked up! I pushed things too far... {w}What do I do now!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 089 with dissolve "Coming towards Evelyn, Myriam asked her worriedly if there was a problem, pulling her out of her own mind as she kept mulling over the events of the massage room." MC "\"Hey! Eve! Is everything ok?\"" Ev "\"What!? {w}Oh! Yes, everything's fine, sorry, I was elsewhere...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 090 with dissolve MC "\"Come on Eve! I know something's troubling you, you know you can talk to me.\"" Ev "\"I... {w}I'm sorry, I know I fucked up, I pushed you into something and I shouldn't have... {w}I understand if you wouldn't want to go out again with me...\"" MC "\"What!? {w}What are you talking about?\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 091 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_eve_corruption == True:" MC "\"I didn't do anything that I didn't want, can't say I thought I was going to do all that when I got up this morning, but you didn't force me to do anything.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Maybe I got weirded out a bit, but I know you were just fooling around, and you didn't force me to do anything.\"" Ev "\"Really!? You... {w}You don't hate me or find me gross or anything?\"" MC "\"No! Of course not. {w}Why would I ever think that of you.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 092 with dissolve "Getting closer, Myriam kissed her on the forehead like she always did with her daughter Katherine to reassure her, and she did with Evelyn when they were younger." MC "\"Come on, you know I love you Eve! {w}Mouah!\"" Ev "\"I love you too! {w}I'm sorry...\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 093 with dissolve MC "\"Stop it, don't start again.\"" Ev "\"Sorry, it's just I don't know ... if I ever lost you again...\"" MC "\"You won't, and never did. {w}Come on, let's just change and go for a coffee.\"" Ev "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 094 with dissolve "As Myriam was bending down to put on her shoes after putting on her dress, she suddenly froze, her eyes stopping on Evelyn's butt and what was popping out of it." MC "{i}What the...!? {w}What's that?{/i}" MC "{i}Is that a... {w}A sex toy!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 095 with dissolve "Alerted by Myriam screaming in surprise, Evelyn turned towards her curious to see what the fuss was about, and saw her looking at her butt." MC "\"Haaa! Eve!\"" Ev "\"What!? Is there a problem?\"" MC "\"No! It's just... {w}Your butt!\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 096 with dissolve Ev "\"Oh! That, it's nothing, it's just a butt plug... {w}I like anal sex, but my ass is pretty tight, so I have to train it a bit.\"" Ev "\"So from time to time I put one in and keep it part of the day, and it feels kind of great too.\"" Ev "\"Don't you use one?\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 097 with dissolve MC "\"What!? No!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_terrels_anal_pounding == True:" Ev "\"Wow! Really!? With the pounding the black masseur gave you with his big cock!? {w}Shit! I wouldn't have been able to walk or sit for a few days!\"" MC "\"Well, I... {w}I was excited and... {w}It just happened, I like anal sex, but yeah, he was kind of big, I'll feel it tomorrow for sure.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ev "\"You don't do anal sex?\"" MC "\"Well, I... {w}Yes I do, but I never used a butt plug before.\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 098 with dissolve Ev "\"Well, anyway, you should try it, if you like anal it'll help you and make it easier... {w}And it's pretty fun to use.\"" MC "\"I don't know...\"" Ev "\"Want to try mine?\"" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 099 with dissolve MC "\"Come on! Stop teasing me now and get dressed or I leave you here!\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Ok! Sorry, I'm coming.\"" Ev "{i}He he he! Pretty sure she want's to try...{/i}" scene bg ch3_02 spawitheve 100 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after dressing and drying their hair, Myriam and Evelyn headed out to have a coffee and spend the afternoon together." Ev "\"After our coffee do you mind going for a bit of shopping? There's something I wanted to get.\"" MC "\"No, of course.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_what_future_holds" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_what_future_holds:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n What Future Holds" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 001 with dissolve "After passing all the rest of the rest of the afternoon with Evelyn, Myriam went home, enjoying the calm, drinking some hot cocoa, lost in her thoughts." MC "{i}God! That was another busy day, Evelyn made me do the rounds of all the shopping districts, maybe she thought I needed the distraction... {w}Well, can't say she was wrong.{/i}" MC "{i}I feel exhausted, but we had so much fun... {w}She's wilder than an acre of snakes, and she ended up making me buy so many things... {w}And the underwear! My god! I don't even know if I'll ever put them on, they're so...{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 002 with dissolve "But as Myriam was thinking back on her day with Evelyn, her train of thought was stopped by Katherine, pulling her out of her hot cocoa as she walked in the kitchen." Ka "\"Mom!?\"" MC "\"Oh! Sweetie, sorry, I didn't hear you.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! I noticed, you seemed lost there for a moment.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 003 with dissolve Ka "\"Hey! I love what you did with your hair!\"" MC "\"Thank you Pumpkin, it just took me like that.\"" Ka "\"Well it's great, I love it.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 004 with dissolve MC "\"Needed a change I guess.\"" Ka "\"Yeah, I understand, it's nice you can finally put that asshole behind.\"" MC "\"Come on Katherine!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 005 with dissolve Ka "\"Sorry, just thought it was good that you turned a page, maybe you'll be able to get out there and find someone else.\"" MC "\"Hold your horses Pumpkin! I'm not ready for any relationships right now, I think I need time for myself.\"" Ka "\"Well, you can always just have dates using an app... {w}You know, for fun!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 006 with dissolve MC "\"Ms Katherine Summers! {w}Are you trying to hookup your mother?\"" Ka "\"Come on mom, I'm not a kid anymore, I know women have needs too and there's no reason why you wouldn't get any.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! You're getting as bad as your auntie Eve!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 007 with dissolve Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry mom!\"" MC "\"It's ok Sweetie, and I'm ok, you shouldn't have to worry about all this, ok?\"" Ka "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 008 with dissolve MC "\"So, how was school?\"" Ka "\"It was ok I guess, nothing new.\"" MC "\"Did... {w}Did you see Marc at school? How is he?\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 009 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah, he was there, I talked to him a bit, he said he was fine... {w}But I know that his grades are going down.\"" MC "\"God! I'm so worried for him! What is Anthony doing!? {w}I've got to make things go faster with your granddaddy's lawyers.\"" Ka "\"Don't worry mom, it'll be ok. {w}He really looked ok, maybe a bit down, but ok.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 010 with dissolve MC "\"You're so sweet, I don't know what I would do without you.\"" Ka "\"Love you too mom!\"" MC "\"I'm so proud of you.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 011 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, let me fix us some dinner.\"" Ka "\"I'll set the table.\"" MC "\"Thank you sweetie and maybe you can tell me how your costume project is going.\"" Ka "\"About that...\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 012 with dissolve MC "\"You got something to ask your mother!\"" Ka "\"Well... {w}My costume is going well, I'll show you later when it's finished, but we need some help for the event.\"" MC "\"I'll be happy to help if I can, what do you need me to do?\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 013 with dissolve Ka "\"Jenny told me that her brother would need more models for his costumes.\"" MC "\"What!? {w}Honey, I'm too old, I don't think your friend's brother needs a model like me.\"" Ka "\"No, you're perfect, it was Jenny's idea after seeing you at the pool the other day, she said you're just what they need.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 014 with dissolve MC "\"If you think it can help you...\"" Ka "\"Thank you mom!\"" MC "\"You're welcome sweetie, but for now let's make dinner.\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 015 with dissolve Ka "\"Do you need something to cook?\"" MC "\"Yeah, get me a pot from the cupboard.\"" Ka "\"Ok.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "Later after dinner..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 016 with dissolve "Their dinner finished, as both went to their bedroom, Myriam stopped at the bathroom to refresh herself before going to bed." MC "{i}Mmmh! That feels great after such an intense day again... {w}Doctor Silver opened some new doors for me, I can feel I made another step with him today.{/i}" MC "{i}And Eve... {w}Again she got me to go so far, she's a real demon this one... {w}But I had so much fun with her this afternoon, she always knows how to cheer me up.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 017 with dissolve "Done refreshing herself before going to bed, Myriam headed for bed, her mind still restless of the day she just had." MC "{i}Come on, time to rest now... {w}If I can, I feel still like a kid on a sugar rush...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I can have a look at the internet site Doctor Silver recommended me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 018 with dissolve "Pulling out her laptop, Myriam had a look at the internet site Doctor Silver recommended her for the sex toys he advised her to acquire." MC "{i}Let's see... {w}My god! There is so much choice, it's incredible... {w}I never thought there would be so many types of sex toys.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, let's start with having a look at the simple ones... {w}God! I can't believe I'm actually doing this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 019 with dissolve MC "{i}Damn! Even just the simple ones, there so many different ones, shapes, sizes, colors and textures... {w}God, and prices too!{/i}" MC "{i}Well let's see what they say, they must have some information somewhere to help you chose...{/i}" "Taking the time to go through a few pages of advise, Myriam searched for a way to refine her choice, between taste, quality and price." scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 020 with dissolve MC "{i}Price is not a problem of course, I have the money and I prefer to pay for quality for sure, so in the end it comes to taste, what do I like...{/i}" MC "\"Well, let's get to it then!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_03_spoiled_for_choice:" "What does Myriam goes for?" KN_MOD "Lets go for something simple for now.:" $ ch3_dildo_vanilla = True MC "{i}Let's go for something simple for now, I don't feel confident in choosing something crazy.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_browsing_for_sex_toys" KN_MOD "Wow! That big mamba looks really incredible!:" $ ch3_dildo_big_mamba = True MC "{i}Wow! That big mamba looks really incredible! {w}Pretty sure something like this will be fun to play with!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_browsing_for_sex_toys" KN_MOD "Wow! That alien shape looks so strange!:" $ ch3_dildo_weird = True MC "{i}Wow! That alien shape looks so strange! {w}Well, why not going for something a bit crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_browsing_for_sex_toys" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_browsing_for_sex_toys:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 021 with dissolve MC "\"Well, let's go with you!\"" MC "{i}Though let's take one of those vibrating ones also to go with it.{/i}" MC "{i}Now maybe I can look for a butt plug also like Eve... {w}Can't say she was wrong about it, it should be useful and help things go smoother.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 022 with dissolve MC "{i}Damn! I can't decide, do I go for it or not...?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_03_butt_plug_or_not:" "Does Myriam take a butt plug like Eve advised her?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why the hell not!:" $ ch3_butt_plug = True MC "{i}Oh! And why the hell not! {w}It looks fun and I agree with Eve, it can only help get things easier.{/i}" MC "{i}So, let's go for this one, \"princess butt plug\", looks cute and easy to keep clean.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_browsing_for_more_sex_toys" KN_MOD "Mmmh! Better think on it...:" MC "{i}Mmmh! Better think on it... {w}I really don't mind anal sex, but now that I kicked Anthony out, maybe I can have a more... {w}\"Classic\" sex life.{/i}" MC "{i}Yep, let's forget it for now, I can always order one later on.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_browsing_for_more_sex_toys" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_browsing_for_more_sex_toys:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 023 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to finalize her order, her attention was drawn to another strange toy, a long, loose, translucent dildo." MC "{i}What's that? {w}It looks like a snake, it's so long, what's the point of this thing?{/i}" MC "{i}Oh! Looks like it's used for deepthroat training, double penetration or use in duo... {w}Maybe I could take one like this too...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_03_snake_dildo_or_not:" "Does Myriam take the long dildo?" KN_MOD "Yeah! Why not, it looks fun and crazy!:" $ ch3_dildo_snake = True MC "{i}Yeah! Why not, it looks fun and crazy! I'm actually curious if even I can take a thing like that down my throat.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_enough_toys" KN_MOD "No, lets just stay simple for now.:" MC "{i}No, let's just stay simple for now. I can always order one later on.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_enough_toys" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_enough_toys:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 024 with dissolve "Finishing up her order, Myriam closed up her laptop, satisfied and surprised with herself for having been able to do this order." MC "{i}Can't believe I just ordered a bunch of sex toys... {w}This feels so exciting and naughty.{/i}" MC "{i}Well now let's get to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 025 with dissolve "Putting her laptop away, Myriam felt strangely satisfied and happy to have been able to do her order, as if she had made another step towards freedom." MC "{i}God! I know it's stupid, I just ordered some sex toys in the end, but it feels so freeing having been able to do it.{/i}" MC "{i}Doctor Silver was right, step by step, it's the right way to do it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 026 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to go to bed, she suddenly heard Cassius' whimper behind the door." play sound "dog whining-freesound-breviceps.mp3" Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "{i}What's that noise!?{/i}" MC "\"Cassius?\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 027 with dissolve "Opening the door for him, Cassius walked in happilly under the gaze of Myriam holding the door for him." MC "\"Here you go!\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}Anthony always refused to let him come in the room, now I can do what I want with my dog after all.{/i}" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 028 with dissolve "As Myriam went under the covers to get to sleep, Cassius suddenly jumped on the bed, laying on Anthony's late side of bed." MC "\"Hey you! Who told you to get on the bed?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}Oh! And why not, it feels weird to be alone in that bed, at least I'll have a presence in the bed.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_the_new_male_of_the_house" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_the_new_male_of_the_house:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 029 with dissolve "But as Myriam turned over to go to sleep, Cassius put his paw on her shoulder, asking for something." MC "\"Mmmh... What is it boy!? I want to sleep now.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 030 with dissolve "Excited, Cassius pulled the cover from Myriam, putting his paw on her hips while showing her his big cock already hard to make her understand what he wanted." MC "{i}Oh my god! He's rock hard and excited! He must want to mate again!{/i}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 031 with dissolve "Trying to calm him down, Myriam pushed him away gently, but Cassius suddenly started growling at her." MC "\"No! Cassius, stop it!\"" Ca "\"Woof! Grrr!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_03_cassius_male_of_house:" "Does Myriam let Cassius have his way?" KN_MOD "God! Hes so excited! He wont take no for an answer!:" $ ch3_cassius_top_dog = True MC "{i}God! He's so excited! He won't take no for an answer!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_cassius_evening_needs" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_cassius_evening_needs:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 032 with dissolve "Not wanting to make Cassius more excited and aggressive, Myriam let him push her into position, raising her hips to give him access as he tried finding the best position to penetrate her." MC "{i}My god! He really wants to mate like last time, now that Anthony is out of the house he must feel he's the male of the house.{/i}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 033 with dissolve "But as Myriam thought that he was about to push his cock in her pussy, Cassius suddenly pushed his cock inside her ass, immediately starting to pound it at a fast pace." MC "\"Aaah! God! Aaah! He's in my ass!\"" MC "{i}God! He's so rough! He's really fucking me like an animal!{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 034 with dissolve "Not stopping for a moment, Cassius kept pounding Myriam's ass without mercy, slapping his knot against her ass more and more as if he wanted to push it in as well and fuck her deeper." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! God! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to make me cum!{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 035 with dissolve "As Cassius kept pounding her ass hard, trying to push his knot further and further, Myriam finally reached an intense orgasm, unable to resist his relentless assault." MC "\"AAAH! GOD! AAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 036 with dissolve "And as Myriam's body was still trembling from her orgasm, Cassius finally pushed his knot inside her ass, pulling a scream of pain and pleasure out of her." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! God! Aaaaaah!\"" MC "{i}God! He pushed his knot inside me! He's going to tear my ass apart!{/i}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 037 with dissolve "Without leaving her any rest or mercy, Cassius kept going pounding her ass as roughly as before, pushing Myriam to her limits as his knot kept teasing her asshole." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh! God! Aaaaaah! Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! It's so intense! He's going to kill me!{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 038 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After a few more minutes of this rough treatment, as Myriam reached another violent orgasm, she suddenly felt Cassius emptying his balls in her ass, filling it full of cum as powerful loads kept coming again and again." MC "\"AAAH! GOD! AAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" Ca "\"WOOF! HAH-HAH-HAH!!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 039 with dissolve "Pulling out after some time, when his knot finally shrank, Cassius sat down, paw on her butt as if he was admiring his job and claiming his property, while Myriam was moaning from relief her ass finally free from the intense tension, oozing cum." Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Ooooooh!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 040 with dissolve "Too exhausted for anything else after the intense mating and rough anal stretch, all Myriam could do was crash in bed and fall asleep while Cassius laid beside her, taking the place of the new male of the house." MC "\"Mmmh! Zzzz!\"" "As sleep took both and the sun was setting on them, the day finally ended on the start of this new chapter of Myriam's life, full of promise." KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_end_of_first_day_new_chapter" KN_MOD "I cant let him get his way! I have to be firm here! (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}I can't let him get his way! I have to be firm here!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_cassius_out" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_cassius_out:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 041 with dissolve "Deciding not to let Cassius take a dominant position on her, Myriam shoved him out of the bed, making him fall off of it." MC "\"I SAID NO CASSIUS!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 042 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam opened the door of the bedroom again and made Cassius get back out, punishing him for his behavior and to assert her dominance in the house." MC "\"OUT! If you can't behave, no bed for you!\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 043 with dissolve "Having made Cassius get out of the bedroom, Myriam went back to bed, quietly and peacefully falling asleep, alone in her bed." MC "\"Mmmh! Zzzz!\"" "As sleep took Myriam and the sun was setting on her, the day finally ended on the start of this new chapter of Myriam's life, full of promise." KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_end_of_first_day_new_chapter" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_03_end_of_first_day_new_chapter" KN_MOD "label ch3_03_end_of_first_day_new_chapter:" KN_MOD "if ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_another_day_at_school" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_03 whatfutureholds 044 with dissolve "Exhausted after this intense day, both physically and mentally, Myriam quickly fell asleep with Cassius laying beside her." MC "\"Mmmh! Zzzz!\"" "As sleep took both and the sun was setting on them, the day finally ended on the start of this new chapter of Myriam's life, full of promise." KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_another_day_at_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_another_day_at_school:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update2 from _call_var_chapter3_update2" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Another Day at School" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True and ch3_cassius_top_dog == False:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 001 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 002 with dissolve "Getting up next morning, Myriam went towards the bathroom, stretching while yawning, still half asleep." MC "\"Yawn!!\"" MC "{i}God! I slept like a log...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 003 with dissolve "After taking the time to do her morning routine, Myriam let down her hair before going to dress for the day." MC "{i}Mmmh! I really don't regret going to the hairdresser yesterday, he really did a great job.{/i}" MC "{i}I think I'll keep going from time to time to treat myself, it was really relaxing to be pampered like this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 004 with dissolve "Dressing for the day, Myriam took a look at herself in the mirror before going down and make breakfast for her and Katherine so they could go to school together." MC "{i}Mmmh! Looks fine to me, sexy but proper... {w}Enjoy what I put on, but I won't cause an uproar or anything.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope that old bat won't be there again, everytime I go to the school for first period she's always there to spew her venom.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_cassius_morning_service" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_cassius_morning_service:" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 005 with dissolve "At the sound of Cassius whining, Myriam turned towards the bed, seeing him sitting there on the edge of the bed while looking at her intently." MC "\"What is it my big boy? Want to get out? Or do you want to eat?\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 006 with dissolve "But as Myriam came close to pet him, Cassius suddenly put his paw on her shoulder, pressing for her to go down in front of him." Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Ah! What are you doing Cassius!? You're heavy you know!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 007 with dissolve "And as Cassius kept pressing her down, Myriam quickly understood what he actually wanted as she saw his dog cock rock hard and exposed." MC "\"Oh my god! You... {w}You want me to take care of you!?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}God! He's so excited, he won't take no for an answer again... {w}I better do it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve "As Myriam opened her mouth and took Cassius' cock in her mouth, she started sucking his cock, while he kept pressuring her with his paw on her shoulder and back." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve "Following the pressure Cassius was giving her, Myriam kept sucking his cock at a fast pace, doing all she could to accomodate this big and strange cock down her throat." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}God! He's so forceful! I having a hard time following his pace...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 009 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 008 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 010 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "But luckily for her, Cassius quickly reached his climax, emptying a flow of cum down her throat as he whimpered in pleasure with the sensation, forcing her to swallow as he kept her there until he was finished." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH! WHINE!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 011 with dissolve "His cum swallowed and now finally freed, Myriam got up and leaned on the cupboard as she cleaned up her chin, still half in a daze, while Cassius went down the bed with a satisfied look." MC "\"Cough, cough!\"" MC "{i}God! He nearly choked me there, thank god it didn't take long to satisfy him... {w}But he's become so dominant lately...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 012 with dissolve "Opening the door for Cassius, Myriam let him get out as she followed him, still trying to wrap her head around the situation." MC "{i}I don't know what I can do about it...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_dominant_battle:" "Does Myriam take a decision about Cassius?" KN_MOD "Yeah! I cant let things keep escalating like this!:" $ ch3_cassius_not_top_dog_anymore = True $ ch3_cassius_top_dog = False MC "{i}Yeah! I can't let things keep escalating like this, I have to do something!{/i}" MC "{i}This feels like my own fault because of what I did after the assault in the park, making him confused, but I can't let things go like this anymore!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_getting_ready_for_school" KN_MOD "This is kind of my own fault!:" MC "{i}This is kind of my own fault after what I did after the assault in the park, I can't punish him for it.{/i}" MC "{i}He's confused and only following his instinct, maybe things will get better on their own, I just have to be careful and not excite him, meanwhile I'll take responsibility if he does.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_getting_ready_for_school" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_getting_ready_for_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_getting_ready_for_school:" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_top_dog == False and ch3_cassius_not_top_dog_anymore == False:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 013 with dissolve "Leaving her doubts behind, Myriam headed for the kitchen, decided to stop troubling herself with things she couldn't change." MC "{i}Well, no matter, it's not as if I could do anything about it anyway...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just go downstairs and prepare some breakfast for Katherine.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 014 with dissolve "Arriving in the kitchen, Myriam could already smell the hot coffee, made by her daughter, Katherine, whom she was surprised to already see up." MC "\"Hey Pumpkin! You already made breakfast?\"" Ka "\"Hey mom! Yeah! I made you some coffee.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 015 with dissolve "Getting close, Myriam kissed her daughter on the foreahead as she came to take the coffee she made." MC "\"Thank you sweetie! {w}Mouah! Good morning! {w}It was really nice of you.\"" Ka "\"Good morning! {w}It's nothing, you're always doing everything...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 016 with dissolve MC "\"I'm so lucky to have a daughter like you.\"" Ka "\"He he he! Thanks mom, but I think you better taste it first... {w}I just hope I made it right...\"" MC "\"I'm sure you did. {w}Come on now, go put something on that butt and get ready for school!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 017 with dissolve "Leaving her mother behind with her coffee, Katherine ran off in her panties, laughing like a mischievous child." Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" MC "{i}And look at her running off half naked like a little kid... {w}She's still so childish!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 018 with dissolve "Watching her daughter disappear around the corner, Myriam's thoughts escaped elsewhere for a moment, happy to see her child like this, but still worried about her." MC "{i}Well, I can hardly ground her for it, I was just the same... {w}Still if I'm to be honest, if I could get away with it I'd just spend all day naked...{/i}" MC "{i}But I should mind her, she's putting up a good front, but I know she's worried about me... {w}I should get things sorted quick, I don't want to spoil her teenage years with my problems.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 019 with dissolve "Taking a sip of the coffee her daughter brewed for her, Myriam tried her best to stay positive, enjoying her morning caffeine intake." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}Not bad! Maybe I should let her do the coffee every morning from now on...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 020 with dissolve "A few minutes later, Katherine joined her mother in the entrance hall where she was waiting for her." MC "\"You're all ready sweetie?\"" Ka "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 021 with dissolve MC "\"Then let's go.\"" Ka "\"Still feels weird to go to school with you...\"" MC "\"Come on, it's not like I'm your teacher.\"" Ka "\"Still...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_gym_routine" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_gym_routine:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few hours later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 022 with dissolve "Later in the morning, after the main session with the gymnastic club, Myriam was finishing up an extra session with the two aces, Stella and William." MC "\"That's good... {w}Keep the pose... {w}Keep it! No shaking! Show your grace!\"" MC "\"Now Stella, finish up! {w}Smoothly and gracefully...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 023 with dissolve "Following Myriam's instructions, Stella finished her routine without any mishaps, looking at her as she came closer to tell her she was done for the day." MC "\"Perfect Stella! You can stop here for today.\"" StQ "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yeah, get down.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 024 with dissolve "Getting down and sitting on the beam, Stella listened to Myriam's comments on her presentation, having found in her the perfect mentor." StQ "\"How was it?\"" MC "\"The form was perfect, but you need to put more emotion into it. {w}At your level, all your competition will have a perfect form, so the graceful movement and emotion you'll put in will be all the difference.\"" StQ "\"O... {w}Ok!\"" MC "\"But don't dwell on it too much, you need to rest now, go clean yourself up.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 025 with dissolve "Letting Stella go, Myriam turned towards William, still keeping the pose with the rings." MC "\"That's enough William, come down.\"" WiK "\"Sure!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 026 with dissolve "Jumping down with a back flip, William arrived at Myriam's feet, looking up at her figure." WiK "\"Haaa!\"" MC "\"When you're done playing Spiderman, maybe you can explain to me what you're doing?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 027 with dissolve MC "\"I already told you, don't play stupid, you don't fool around like that when you don't have a mat under!\"" WiK "\"Sorry, I didn't think...\"" MC "\"As the captain, you have to lead by example, you can't be careless.\"" WiK "\"I know...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 028 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, don't be so gloomy, there wasn't anybody, but still, you have to be careful.\"" WiK "\"I will, promise.\"" MC "\"Your routine was perfect too, but you seemed elsewhere, is everything ok?\"" WiK "\"Ye... {w}Yes, everything is ok, maybe I was just a bit tired.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 029 with dissolve MC "{i}I can see there's something, but better not push for now.{/i}" MC "\"Go wash off the sweat and relax for now.\"" WiK "\"Ok, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 030 with dissolve "As her two star pupils went out to wash themselves after their exercises, Myriam stayed behind to take notes on their performance and her observations." MC "{i}They are both perfect in their routine, though clearly Stella is on another level. {w}William is clearly on a good national level, but if Stella can keep at it, she could compete internationally.{/i}" MC "{i}But they looked both a bit elsewhere today, maybe I should talk to Mr Little and see if he knows something. {w}Though I can already imagine for William, it must be about his mother...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 031 with dissolve "But as Myriam was mulling over the session she had and taking notes, her attention was attracted by the voice of Mr Rotkin coming towards her." HeR "\"Hey! Myriam!\"" MC "\"Hey! Henry! Sorry, I didn't hear you come in.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 032 with dissolve HeR "\"Sorry to sneak in, I didn't want to disturb you in your train of thought.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I was finishing up.\"" HeR "\"Good work by the way with the team, I can clearly see a change during PE, they are a lot more focused.\"" MC "\"Well, I'm glad to hear it, thank you, they're great kids.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 033 with dissolve HeR "\"They sure are. {w}Though that's not why I came over.\"" MC "\"Oh! What is it?\"" HeR "\"I wasn't sure you knew they are going to cut the water downstairs in a moment, some maintenance to do. {w}So you should be quick if you want to get a shower, or use another.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 034 with dissolve MC "\"I'm wrapping up, I'll be down in a few, thank you.\"" HeR "\"Well, I leave you to it then. {w}See you later Myriam.\"" MC "\"See you later Henry.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 035 with dissolve "Getting back to her notes after Henry left her, Myriam finished her evaluations of the session and the kids of the gymnastic club." MC "{i}Where was I...? {w}Oh! Yes, the rest of the team... {w}Well, they're not bad, but they won't go as far as the other two.{/i}" MC "{i}No matter, I have to guide them as best I can, they're all good kids and hungry for more.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_no_more_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_no_more_shower:" scene black with dissolve show text "Moments later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 036 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after taking the time to take notes on every kid, Myriam went down to the locker room to take her shower." MC "{i}Come on, let's take a nice shower and go see Mr Little, he wanted an update on the state of the team.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I hope I can catch Marc for lunch hour.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 037 with dissolve "But as Myriam got in the shower, no water came as she turned the faucet." MC "\"Tssk! Come on!\"" MC "{i}Mercy Me! I must have taken too long...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 038 with dissolve "Getting out, Myriam put on a towel, while trying to figure out what to do." MC "{i}What do I do!? I only did the warm-ups with them, but still I got sweaty...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_shower_or_no_shower:" "What does Myriam decide to do?" KN_MOD "Maybe I can use another shower...:" $ ch3_shower_at_school = True MC "{i}Maybe I can use another shower... {w}Henry said it was only this one needing maintenance.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_searching_for_a_shower" KN_MOD "No, lets just go like this, Ill take one at the house.:" MC "{i}No, let's just go like this, I'll take one at the house. {w}I don't like it, but I didn't sweat that much.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_marcs_training" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_searching_for_a_shower:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 039 with dissolve "Getting up the stairs with her towel wrapped around her, Myriam tried to remember where the other showers were." MC "{i}Dammit! Where were they? I think the girls' showers are that way, but the boys' one is just there... {w}I don't want to run around half naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_girl_or_boy_showers:" "Where does Myriam go?" KN_MOD "The girls are further, but it would be a better idea.:" $ ch3_shower_at_the_girls = True MC "{i}The girls' are further, but it would be a better idea... {w}There should be only Stella, I think it would be safer.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_showering_at_the_girls" KN_MOD "The boys are nearer, maybe I should go there quickly.:" $ ch3_shower_at_the_boys = True MC "{i}The boys' are nearer, maybe I should go there quickly... {w}I can't go around school half naked like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_showering_at_the_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_showering_at_the_girls:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 040 with dissolve "Advancing carefully in the corridor, Myriam headed for the girls' locker room, hoping to get there without crossing paths with anyone." MC "{i}Thank god there's nobody at the moment... {w}I would really feel embarrassed getting caught like this...{/i}" MC "{i}God! My heart is pounding like crazy... {w}It's embarrassing, but I can't deny it feels kind of exciting.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 041 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Reaching the girls' locker room, Myriam could still hear the noise of water running in the showers." MC "{i}There must still be someone here, probably Stella...{/i}" MC "\"Is there someone here? Stella?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 042 with dissolve StQ "\"Someone's here? {w}I swear if it's one of you perverts again I'll claw your eyes out!\"" MC "\"Stella? It's me, Mrs Summers!\"" StQ "\"What!? Mrs Summers? What are you doing here?\"" MC "\"Yes, it's me. {w}My shower is out of order and I need to take a shower, do you mind if I use this one?\"" StQ "\"No, of course not.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 043 with dissolve MC "\"Thank you Stella, the shower is out of order and I must go see Mr Little after. {w}I don't want to smell like sweat.\"" StQ "\"I understand, it's ok.\"" MC "\"Well, thank you, and I'm sorry, I know teachers shouldn't shower with their students.\"" StQ "\"I won't tell.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 044 with dissolve "Both getting back to washing themselves, Myriam turned away from her pupil as much as to give her some privacy than to try to keep some decorum." MC "{i}Let's be quick.{/i}" StQ "{i}Wow! She's even hotter than I thought...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 045 with dissolve "But as Myriam started washing herself, she could feel the gaze of Stella on her, lost in her mind as she admired her, not even noticing the shower timer stopping." StQ "{i}No wonder Will can't stop staring at her, she's all shapely in the right places...{/i}" MC "{i}What is she doing...? {w}I can feel her gaze on me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 046 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Turning back as her water stopped, Myriam saw Stella coming closer, her eyes going up and down as she looked at her naked body." MC "\"Is everything ok, Stella?\"" StQ "\"Yeah... It's just you're so beautiful...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 047 with dissolve MC "\"Thanks... Oh my god! What are you doing Stella!?\"" "As Myriam was thanking her, Stella came closer and suddenly grabbed her breasts firmly, kneading them as if she wanted to verify their texture." StQ "\"And those two humongous things! {w}They're incredible!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 048 with dissolve StQ "\"How did you get them so big? {w}Whatever I do, mine don't get bigger!\"" MC "{i}My god! What do I do? She's so intense...{/i}" MC "\"I... {w}I don't know what to say, mine are just big, it's kind of in the family, but you're still young Stella, you're not done growing up.\"" MC "\"Now, could you maybe unhand my breasts?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 049 with dissolve "Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Stella stopped groping Myriam's breasts" StQ "\"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I... {w}I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry sweetie.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 050 with dissolve "Not wanting her to feel guilty or more awkward than she already was, Myriam changed subject and ruffled Stella's hair to relax her." MC "\"Come on kiddo, let's get dry now, you have classes to go to!\"" StQ "\"Ye... {w}Yes Mrs Summers!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 051 with dissolve "Myriam just wrapped herself with her towel and said goodbye to Stella, not wanting to stay too long and create problems by being in a locker room alone and naked with a student." MC "\"Well, I should go now, I shouldn't be here.\"" StQ "\"It's ok Mrs Summers, don't worry, I really don't mind!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 052 with dissolve MC "\"Still, I should go, it's not appropriate.\"" StQ "\"If you say so... {w}Thank you for all your help anyway, I really can feel how much better I got since you started coaching us.\"" MC "\"You're welcome Stella, you're incredible, if you keep at it like this, you'll go far.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 053 with dissolve "Turning away, Myriam headed for her own locker room where she left her stuff and clothes, before getting caught by somebody here." StQ "\"Good day Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"You too Stella! Keep training and see you end of the week!\"" StQ "\"Yes Mrs Summers!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_marcs_training" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_showering_at_the_boys:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 040 with dissolve "Advancing carefully in the corridor, Myriam headed for the boys' locker room, hoping to get there without crossing paths with anyone." MC "{i}Thank god there's nobody at the moment... {w}I would really feel embarrassed getting caught like this...{/i}" MC "{i}God! My heart is pounding like crazy... {w}It's embarrassing, but I can't deny it feels kind of exciting.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 041 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Reaching the boys' locker room, Myriam could still hear the noise of water running in the showers, as well as some sobbing." MC "{i}There must still be someone here, probably William... {w}Is he crying?{/i}" MC "\"Is there someone here? William?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 054 with dissolve "Stopping by the showers, Myriam called out again, worried that something was wrong." MC "\"William? Is everything ok?\"" WiK "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "{i}I knew something was up with him, he was so distant today, maybe I should have been more insistent.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 055 with dissolve "Worried for him and without answers, Myriam stepped out from behind the wall and tried to get his attention again." MC "\"William! Are you ok?\"" WiK "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "{i}God! Something is definitely up, he's sobbing and doesn't even register me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 056 with dissolve "Decided to get to the bottom of it, Myriam walked towards William and touched his shoulder gently to get his attention." MC "\"William! Do you hear me? Is everything ok?\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Sob!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 057 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry for surprising you.\"" WiK "\"Mrs... {w}Sob! Mrs Summers!?\"" MC "\"Is everything ok William?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 058 with dissolve "Suddenly hugging her tightly and making her towel fall to the ground in the process, William clung to the naked Myriam, starting to cry on her shoulder." WiK "\"Sob, sob! Mrs Summers... Sob!\"" MC "\"Haaa! William...!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 059 with dissolve "The surprise past, Myriam comforted William and tried to reassure him despite her state, more worried for him than for the appearance of the situation." MC "\"It's ok William... {w}Whatever it is, everything will be ok... {w}You can talk to me.\"" WiK "\"Sob! It's... {w}Sob! It's my mom! She's in the hospital! Sob! {w}I came back home yesterday and found her unconscious, she drank so much that she put herself in an ethylic coma.\"" MC "\"God! I'm so sorry to hear it William, but I'm sure they'll do all they can to make her better, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 060 with dissolve "But as William was hugging her even tighter while sobbing, Myriam could feel him getting hard, his big cock starting to grow between her legs, pressing against her pussy." WiK "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Is that his cock that I'm feeling between my legs!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 061 with dissolve MC "\"Hush! Sweetie don't you worry... {w}I'm here, cry all you need...\"" WiK "\"Sob, sob!\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting harder and harder, but I can't stop him hugging me, it would hurt him, and it's not his fault, it's... {w}It's just natural, it's biology.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 062 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Sobbing for a moment, Myriam kept hugging and petting him until the water stopped running and William stopped sobbing." WiK "\"So... {w}Sorry Mrs Summers, I don't know what took me over, I just...\"" MC "\"Don't you worry sweetie, it's ok, I understand, but I think we should probably grab our towels now...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 063 with dissolve "Stepping back, William looked down, finally realizing the state they were in, and the hard-on he had, while Myriam tried looking away not wanting to embarrass him further." WiK "\"Oh god! I'm so sorry Mrs Summers! I... {w}I didn't realize, I...\"" MC "\"It's... {w}It's ok, don't worry...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 064 with dissolve "Turning back quickly, William tried to awkwardly hide his erection, his cock so big he could barely do it with both hands." WiK "\"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I understand sweetie, you're young and it's only natural. {w}Let me grab my towel.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 065 with dissolve "But as Myriam crouched down to grab her towel, she saw that it was already soaking wet; having absorbed it's fill of water while William hugged her." MC "\"Dammit!\"" MC "{i}It's soaking wet! What am I going to do?{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 066 with dissolve "As Myriam lifted her head to tell William her towel was totally soaking wet, she suddenly paused, her gaze falling on the big hard cock he was awkwardly trying to hide." MC "\"Sorry Will...\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" MC "{i}God! His cock is so big! {w}Every time I see it, I just can't stop staring...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! His cock is so big! {w}How can a kid his age already have something so big!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 067 with dissolve "Shaking off the stare, Myriam looked up to William and told him her towel was too wet to be put back on." MC "\"Sorry William, my towel is soaking wet...\"" WiK "\"Oh! Sorry, it's my fault... {w}Wait, I'll give you mine.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_stopping_william:" "Does Myriam stop William?" KN_MOD "Thank you William.:" MC "\"Thank you William, I wouldn't say no.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_william_leave" KN_MOD "Wait!:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 068 with dissolve MC "\"Wait!\"" WiK "\"Yes?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_why_stopping_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_why_stopping_william:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_helping_relax:" "Why did Myriam stop William?" KN_MOD "Its ok, dont worry. (Courtesy):" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry.\"" WiK "\"It's no problem, I can use my gym clothes to dry myself.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_william_leave" KN_MOD "Maybe I could cheer him up a bit... (Worried) if ch1_sex_with_william == True:" $ ch3_blew_william_at_school = True MC "{i}Maybe I could cheer him up a bit... {w}After all, he did it for me when I caught Anthony red handed.{/i}" MC "\"Come here, let me take care of \"that\" and cheer you up a bit.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_blowing_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_blowing_william:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 069 with dissolve WiK "\"What do you mean... Oooh!\"" "Kneeling in front of him, Myriam surprised William by taking his hard cock in her hands and starting to gently caress it." MC "\"Let me take care of this bad boy for you.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 070 with dissolve WiK "\"You... {w}You don't have to you know...\"" MC "\"You don't want me to?\"" WiK "\"Of course! It's just...\"" MC "\"Then hush, let me cheer you up like you did for me the other day.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 071 with dissolve "Getting closer to his cock, Myriam started teasing it with her tongue, while she kept jerking it with one hand and caressing his balls with the other." MC "\"Slurp!\"" WiK "\"Oooh!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 074 with dissolve "Then after teasing enough and feeling how hard his cock was, Myriam took him in her mouth and slowly swallowed his cock down her throat, while keeping his balls in her hand." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Oh god! That's...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve "Quickly Myriam started deepthroating his cock, slowly accelerating her moves while gently caressing his balls, feeling it would not be long before he came in her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! That's so fucking good!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 075 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 077 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she thought, after a few more moments in her mouth, William came, exploding in the back of her throat as she swallowed every last load." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"ARGH! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 078 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out of her mouth, Myriam cleaned up the last traces of cum that overflowed, swallowing them in turn while looking at that big cock still erect and as hard as before." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}God! Youth is really something! He's still as hard as before! {w}Maybe I could \"cheer\" him up a little bit more...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_helping_relax_some_more:" "Does Myriam invite William for some more \"cheering\" up?" KN_MOD "No, I shouldnt, it was already risky doing that here, I shouldnt push my luck.:" MC "{i}No, I shouldn't, it was already risky doing that here, I shouldn't push my luck.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_after_sex" KN_MOD "Yes, that kid definitely deserve some more cheering up. (Lust Trait 35+ or Risky Behaviour Trait 15+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 35 or MCtrait[Risky] >= 15 :" $ ch3_fucked_william_at_school = True MC "{i}Yes, that kid definitely deserve some more \"cheering\" up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_fucking_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_fucking_william:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 079 with dissolve MC "\"Lie down here.\"" WiK "\"What?\"" MC "\"Come on, do as I say, don't worry, you'll enjoy it.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 080 with dissolve "Doing as she told him, William laid on the floor while Myriam climbed on top of him and straddled him, taking his rock hard cock in her slippery pussy." MC "\"Mmmh! Here you go... {w}Aaah! Doesn't my pussy feel good?\"" WiK "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Aaah! It feels great!\"" "Riding him expertly, Myriam started moving her hips on top of him, each time swallowing his whole big cock with her pussy as she came down, while William kept moaning as if he was in heaven." MC "\"Mmmh! Your big cock feels so good inside me! Aaah!\"" WiK "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 081 with dissolve "Following his reactions and moans, Myriam kept going, accelerating and slowing down the rhythm, trying to give him the best time she could while enjoying this big youthful cock inside her herself." WiK "\"Aaaaaah! This so good! I think I'm going to cum!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! You want to cum? Aaah!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Yes, please!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 082 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Without a word, Myriam tightened her pussy and intensified her pace, using all her weight each time she went down, until finally she heard him scream and felt his warm cum gushing inside her pussy." WiK "\"ARGH! I'M CUMMING AGAIN!\"" "As she felt William's cum fill her pussy with load after load she kept riding him hard, also feeling a wave of pleasure crashing through her body, as she orgasmed in turn." MC "\"MMMH! YES! AAAH! Fill my pussy full of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 083 with dissolve "Both in a daze, Myriam and William calmed down, enjoying the blissful feeling a little longer, as they stayed connected, his cock still deep in her pussy." MC "\"How was it? Did you enjoy yourself?\"" "Raising up, William enjoyed Myriam's breasts while she caressed him affectionately, still grinding her hips with his cock inside her." KN_MOD "if ch1_anal_with_william == True:" WiK "\"Oh! This was so good! Thank you! But...?\"" MC "\"Yeah? What is it?\"" WiK "\"Could we do some anal too, like last time?\"" MC "\"You want to put it in my ass again?\"" WiK "\"Yes! Please!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_helping_relax_even_more:" "Does Myriam accept William's request and help him \"cheering\" up even more with another round in her ass?" KN_MOD "No, we shouldnt, it was already risky doing that here, we shouldnt push our luck.:" MC "{i}No, we shouldn't, it was already risky doing that here, we shouldn't push our luck.{/i}" MC "\"I would love to sweetie, but I think we should stop here for today or we'll risk getting caught, next time.\"" WiK "\"Ok...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_after_sex" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not! I want it as much as him! (Anal Kink 15+ or Lust Trait 35+ or Risky behaviour Trait 15+) if MCkink[Anal] >= 15 or MCtrait[Lust] >= 35 or MCtrait[Risky] >= 15 :" $ ch3_anal_with_william_at_school = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not! I want it as much as him!{/i}" MC "\"Ok sweetie, but we'll have to be fast, or we'll end up getting caught.\"" WiK "\"Ok!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_anal_with_william" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"Oh! This was so good! Thank you!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_after_sex" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_anal_with_william:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 084 with dissolve "Laying back down, William watched Myriam pulling his cock, hard again, out of her pussy to place it against her asshole, sitting on it to swallow it inside." MC "\"Aaah! God! You're so big... {w}Mmmh! You're filling my ass so much!\"" WiK "\"Wow! Aaah! This feel even better than with your pussy!\"" "Arching backwards, Myriam leaned on his legs and started moving her hips up and down on his cock getting harder and harder, slowly increasing the pace as she kept going." MC "\"Aaah! You like it in my ass!? Mmmh!\"" WiK "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! This is the best! Mmmh! It's so tight!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 085 with dissolve "Riding his cock hard, Myriam gave William the best ride she could, accelerating her pace and offering him the best view as her hips kept crashing down and swallowed his big hard cock with her ass." WiK "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! This is the best! Mmmh! This is so good! I'm going to cum again!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Come on! Fill my ass full of cum too!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 086 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as William announced, after a few more movements of the hips from Myriam as she tightened her asshole, she felt him explode in her, filling her ass full of warm cum as he did her pussy." WiK "\"ARGH! YES! SO GOOD!! AAAH!!!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Give me everything!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 087 with dissolve "Bending back forward, Myriam pulled William's cock out with a slushing noise as cum came oozing from her ass." WiK "\"Wait! I didn't make you cum this time...\"" MC "\"It's ok William, it's nice of you to think about me, but we have to stop now or we'll really end up getting caught.\"" WiK "\"You're right, sorry...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_after_sex" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_after_sex:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 088 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_anal_with_william_at_school == True:" "Getting up after the intense anal ride Myriam gave William, she kissed him on the forehead to cheer him up and thank him for being so considerate." MC "\"Mouah! {w}Thank you for being such a sweetie, and don't worry, it felt great, we just don't have the time to keep going.\"" WiK "\"I'll do better next time, I promise.\"" MC "\"I don't doubt it for a second!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_fucked_william_at_school == True:" "Getting up after the intense ride Myriam gave William, she kissed him on the forehead to cheer him up and thank him for the pleasure he gave her." MC "\"Mouah! {w}Thank you for your wonderful cock, now we'd better finish up before someone comes in here.\"" WiK "\"No, thank you, it was the best.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" "Getting up after sucking William's cock, she kissed him on the forehead to cheer him up and thank him for the cum as she always did." MC "\"Mouah! {w}Thank you for your big load, now we'd better finish up before someone comes in here.\"" WiK "\"No, thank you, it was the best.\"" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_william_leave" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_william_leave:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 089 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_blew_william_at_school == False:" "Getting up, Myriam watched William as he quickly went to get his towel, thinking how nice of a kid he was and how unlucky he was with his family." KN_MOD "else:" "Following him with her eyes, Myriam looked William as he quickly went to get his towel, thinking how nice of a kid he was and how unlucky he was with his family." MC "{i}It's sad what's happening to him, he's such a good kid, I hope they'll be able to help his mother at the hospital.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should invite him to stay at the house, if his mother's at the hospital and his father always away, he'll be all alone in the house.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 090 with dissolve "Coming back with his towel, William handed it to Myriam so she could take her shower as she originally planned when she came over." WiK "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Thank you William.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 091 with dissolve "Wrapping herself in the towel, Myriam thanked him again and asked him if her fears were justified." MC "\"Thanks, I'll be able to take my shower with this. {w}But, tell me William, are you going to be all alone while your mother is in the hospital? Is your dad home?\"" WiK "\"No he isn't, he's often away for work.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 092 with dissolve MC "\"Then would you want to stay with us while your mother is at the hospital, I would feel a lot better knowing you're not alone.\"" WiK "\"Really? You wouldn't mind.\"" MC "\"Of course not, we'll be happy to have you.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 093 with dissolve WiK "\"Thank you! I let you shower then, I'll see you at your house tonight after I've gone to see mom and gotten a few things home.\"" MC "\"Ok, all the best to your mom and see you tonight, we'll wait for you for dinner.\"" MC "{i}He's such a nice kid, even now he's thinking of her mother.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 094 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 KN_MOD "if ch3_fucked_william_at_school == True:" "After being left alone by William, Myriam finally started taking her shower, finally able to get rid of the sweat as well as the cum from William." KN_MOD "else:" "After being left alone by William, Myriam finally started taking her shower, finally able to get rid of the sweat." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I needed this! {w}But I better be fast.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 095 with dissolve "As Myriam washed herself, she kept thinking over William and his situation, as the kid kept pulling her heart strings." MC "{i}I really hope things get better for William's mother, or he'll end up alone, I don't have the feeling that his father cares much for his son.{/i}" MC "{i}It's sad to see a nice kid getting the bad end of the stick in life.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 096 with dissolve "But as Myriam was lost in her thought, her attention was suddenly drawn by voices coming from the corridor." MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" MC "{i}God! Is there someone coming in!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 097 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "And as Myriam was previously trying to hear over the sound of the shower, she suddenly could now hear clearly the voices of kids coming over clearly as the shower's timer stopped the water." MC "{i}Oh my god! They're coming here! {w}What do I do!?{/i}" MC "{i}It's too late now, I better hide before they come in!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 098 with dissolve "Quickly running off, Myriam headed towards the back of the locker room, running away naked to avoid getting caught in the boys' showers." MC "{i}Quick! I have to hide.{/i}" MC "{i}I only hear a few voices, there doesn't seem to be a lot of them.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 099 with dissolve "Hiding behind the lockers in the back of the room, Myriam heard a few boys coming in, even recognizing Marc's voice in the lot." MC "{i}Thank god I made it in time!{/i}" Ma "\"I told you I don't know if she's here today, I'm at my dad's for now.\"" MC "{i}Wait! Is that Marc!? {w}Yes, that's his voice!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 100 with dissolve "As the kids stopped at the bench on her left to change, Myriam suddenly realized she forgot to take William's towel with her when she started running." MC "{i}And I forgot to take the towel William gave me! {w}What a stupid thing to do!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope they don't catch me like this, I would look like a pervert now!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 101 with dissolve "As she tried to stay hidden, Myriam could hear the boys getting ready, realizing it was the school's basketball team." MC "{i}Thank god it's the basketball team, there aren't a lot of players.{/i}" "Captain" "\"Man that's too bad! Losing the best MILF of the school like that.\"" Ma "\"Knowing my dad he probably deserved it, but yeah, that's a fucking shame, for sure she was hot, but she was also super nice.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 102 with dissolve "Teammate 1" "\"She's really that hot? I still didn't get to see her.\"" "Captain" "\"Man! I tell you she's a fucking crime, she's tall, blond, hot, got huge fucking tits and a juicy MILF ass!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! Are they talking about me like that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 103 with dissolve "Teammate 1" "\"Fuck! She sounds awesome, I've got to see her!\"" "Captain" "\"That's what I wanted to do, but we're not even sure she's here today.\"" Ma "\"Well, I can tell you she's definitely even hotter than you can think.\"" MC "{i}God! What are you saying Marc!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 104 with dissolve "Teammate 1" "\"Shit! We have to find out when she's got class!\"" "Captain" "\"You know what, I even heard she may become coach for the whole sports panel of the school.\"" "Teammate 2" "\"That would be fucking awesome, having those big tits for every session!\"" MC "{i}Whatever the generation, teenage boys will stay teenage boys... {w}They sound as horny as boys when I was at school myself.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 105 with dissolve "Teammate 2" "\"I even heard she looks just like the new pornstar, Goldilocks.\"" "Captain" "\"Shit! You're right, now that you say it, she really does.\"" "Teammate 1" "\"For real!?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, but I can tell you, she got bigger breasts than her.\"" MC "{i}My god! That thing with the pornstar again...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 106 with dissolve "As they closed their lockers one by one, they started heading out, while Marc headed to a locker her way." "Captain" "\"We're heading out, don't take too long, the others are already waiting for us.\"" Ma "\"I'm just putting my bag in my locker and I'll follow you.\"" MC "{i}He's coming this way! Quick I have to move!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 107 with dissolve "Hiding on the other side of the lockers, Myriam tried to stay discreet while Marc opened his locker to put away his bag." MC "{i}God! That was close, if I hadn't moved he would have definitely caught me.{/i}" MC "{i}I wanted to see him today if I could but not like this.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 108 with dissolve "Once done, Marc closed his locker and turned back to join the rest of the team on the basketball court." MC "{i}He's going away... {w}Thank god!{/i}" MC "{i}I'm really lucky there were so few of them and they were too busy letching on me to realize I was even there.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 109 with dissolve "Leaning on the locker as she sighed in relief, Myriam took a few seconds to relax after feeling so tense, not knowing if she was going to get caught by the kids." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I should get going now and quickly grab my towel and go!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 110 with dissolve "Heading out after grabbing her towel and wrapping herself in it, Myriam launched her eyes one last time over the room, thinking back on Marc." MC "{i}At least Marc looked alright... {w}It's a relief.{/i}" MC "{i}I have to find the time to talk to him today, let's get changed, maybe I'll have some time to have a look at his training before going to see Mr Little.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_marcs_training" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_marcs_training:" KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_school == True:" KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_girls == True:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 111 with dissolve "Coming back from the girls' locker room, Myriam headed towards her stuff to get her hair dry before getting dressed." KN_MOD "elif ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 112 with dissolve "Coming back from the boys' locker room, Myriam headed towards her stuff to get her hair dry before getting dressed." MC "{i}God! Finally! {w}Glad I didn't cross paths with anyone, it could have been problematic if I had.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's dry my hair and get dressed, before I make Mr Little wait.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 113 with dissolve "Coming back from the teachers' shower, Myriam headed towards her clothes to get dressed and go see Mr Little." MC "{i}Too bad for the shower, but I really don't want to risk being caught walking around school half naked.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just get dressed and go see Mr Little.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 114 with dissolve "Dressed again, Myriam headed out to go see Mr Little as planned, asking herself if she would have the time to stop by Marc's training before." KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" MC "{i}I still have some time before our appointment, maybe I could go have a look at Marc's training.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I still have some time before our appointment, maybe I could go have a look at Marc's training, if I remember well the basketball team should train after the gymnastics one.{/i}" MC "{i}Yes, it's on the way, at least I can have a look without bothering him if he's too occupied.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 115 with dissolve "Getting out of the locker room, Myriam headed for the principal's office, passing beside the main gymnasium as she did." MC "{i}As I thought, it looks like they're training. {w}Here he is, he's running.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's say hello to him, it'll just take a minute.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 116 with dissolve "Going in, Myriam waved at Marc doing some warm-up laps before getting to the exercises like the others." MC "\"Hey Marc!\"" Ma "\"Mi!?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 117 with dissolve "Running to her, Marc surprised Myriam by diving nose in her chest, hugging her tightly as he pressed his head against her breasts." MC "\"Marc! What are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Just hugging.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 118 with dissolve "Feeling that Marc needed to be pampered a bit, Myriam ruffled his hair and accepted his hug, happy herself to see him again." Ma "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "\"You silly goose...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 119 with dissolve "As Marc was hugging her, his hand innocently started to slide down on Myriam's butt, caressing it gently as he kept hugging her." MC "{i}What is he doing!? {w}He's touching my butt!{/i}" MC "{i}Don't spoil the moment, it's innocent...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 120 with dissolve "Suddenly realizing where he was, Marc stopped hugging Myriam, embarrassed to be seen like this with his friends behind." Ma "{i}Shit! What am I doing! They'll rip me a new one if they see me hugging her like this!{/i}" Ma "\"Sorry! I was just happy to see you.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok Marc.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 121 with dissolve MC "\"So, how are you doing?\"" Ma "\"I'm ok.\"" MC "\"I heard your grades went down...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 122 with dissolve Ma "\"Well, it was a bit of an adjustment, but I'll do better...\"" MC "\"Promise?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I will!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 123 with dissolve MC "\"Good... {w}And I heard you made the team also.\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I'll even play the next game!\"" MC "\"I'm proud of you, that's great.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 124 with dissolve MC "\"Though you still have to do better with your grades.\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I know...\"" MC "\"Well, I'll let you go back to your training, I have to go see Mr Little.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 125 with dissolve "As Myriam turned away to go see Mr Little, Marc stopped her, grabbing her arm to stop her." Ma "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"Yeah, Marc?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 126 with dissolve Ma "\"I wanted to ask something... {w}Could I come home this weekend with my friends? I told them we had a pool and I thought we could play around there since dad isn't here this weekend.\"" MC "\"Ok sweetie, but you know that your dad can't know about it or it could bring trouble.\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I know.\"" MC "\"Then it's ok.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 127 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm, Marc pulled closer to Myriam, even pressing his groin against her butt as he grabbed it firmly with his other hand while whispering to her." Ma "\"And could we catch each other during lunch break... {w}I'm so pent up.\"" MC "\"Marc! What are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Come on, it's been a while, I thought you were my slut.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_helping_marc:" "Does Myriam accept Marc's extra request?" KN_MOD "Ok! But please stop, your friends are just there!:" $ ch3_helping_marc_at_lunch_break = True scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 128 with dissolve MC "\"Ok! But please stop, your friends are just there!\"" Ma "\"Don't worry they don't see shit from there.\"" MC "\"Even so, you can't do this at school.\"" Ma "\"Ok ok, you can go, I'll see you at lunch break.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_updating_mr_little" KN_MOD "No! Stop that! We cant!:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 129 with dissolve MC "\"No! Stop that! We can't! {w}We're not alone here.\"" Ma "\"Come on!\"" MC "\"No! Marc, I'm sorry but it's too risky at school.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_updating_mr_little" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_updating_mr_little" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_updating_mr_little:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 130 with dissolve "Leaving Marc to his training, Myriam went out of the gymnasium and headed towards the principal's office to see Mr Little." KN_MOD "if ch3_helping_marc_at_lunch_break == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I said yes again to Marc's antics... {w}But with him all alone with his dad, I felt bad saying no...{/i}" MC "{i}Well no matter, it's done now, so let's go before I end up late.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe Marc asked me again for something naughty... {w}Though this time I said no, I don't think it would be good to keep going like this...{/i}" MC "{i}Well no matter, it's done now, so let's go before I end up late.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm glad to see that Marc is feeling alright... {w}And it'll be nice to have him home with friends this weekend.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now let's go or I'll end up late.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 131 with dissolve "Invited by the secretary, Myriam went in, waving at Mr Little as he welcomed her enthusiastically as always." ClL "\"Mrs Summers! Come in!\"" MC "\"Mr Little.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 132 with dissolve ClL "\"Good morning! I'm glad I could get you this morning.\"" MC "\"Good morning! Of course, I was here.\"" MC "{i}God! He's always so full of energy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 133 with dissolve ClL "\"Come on, please sit down.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" ClL "\"I wanted to see you so we could talk about the early results of the gymnastics team.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 134 with dissolve MC "\"Of course.\"" MC "{i}Always direct and to the point.{/i}" ClL "\"So, what's your opinion? How are things going?\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 135 with dissolve MC "\"Everything is going well, the kids are motivated and working diligently, I optimized their exercises to tap into their strengths and work on their weaknesses.\"" MC "\"After that I can say that overall the level is good, but you have two that really stick out of the lot, William has a good potential to go national, but Stella...\"" MC "\"She's fantastic, she's already at a national level and if polished, she could get to international level... {w}Honestly, she could be an Olympic candidate like I was.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 136 with dissolve ClL "\"That's impressive, I knew you were the one we needed to get the team going.\"" MC "\"Thank you, but the team was already there.\"" ClL "\"Maybe, but you were the one to push them further, Henry told me he could clearly see the difference since you took the team in your hands. {w}You're exactly the miracle I thought you would be.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 137 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know what to say... {w}Thank you, but it's the kids that should be congratulated.\"" ClL "\"Just calling it as I see it!\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 138 with dissolve ClL "\"So, do you think they'll be ready for the coming competition.\"" MC "\"Sorry, what?\"" ClL "\"The gymnastics competition at the end of the month. {w}I didn't tell you before?\"" MC "\"No! You didn't!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 139 with dissolve ClL "\"Will it be a problem? They won't be ready?\"" MC "\"No, they will, it's just that I have to change my program... {w}I need all the details on the competition and quick.\"" ClL "\"Good then, I'll send you everything via email, sorry for that little hiccup.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 140 with dissolve MC "\"It's alright, I think they're ready, but depending on the level of the competition, we could manage the team differently. {w}If you want to be competitive, keeping your assets close to the vest is some times a good strategy.\"" ClL "\"I trust you completely, the team is in your hands.\"" ClL "{i}God! She's extraordinary! No complaints despite the hiccup, just solutions. {w}Gorgeous and competent, she's really a breath of fresh air.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 141 with dissolve "As Myriam got up after the end of their conversation, she was suddenly stopped by Cleavon, looking strangely determined." ClL "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" ClL "{i}God! I've done it now, I stopped her without even thinking... {w}Might as well go for it now...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 142 with dissolve ClL "\"Would you like to have dinner with me?\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" ClL "\"Sorry, it's unprofessional, forget it...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_dinner_with_cleavon:" "Does Myriam accept Cleavon's invitation?" KN_MOD "No, its ok, it would be my pleasure.:" $ ch3_dinner_with_cleavon = True MC "\"No, it's ok, it would be my pleasure.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 143 with dissolve ClL "\"Oh! Glad to hear that. {w}What would you say about tonight?\"" MC "\"Tonight I can't, but tomorrow if it's ok with you?\"" ClL "\"Perfect, I'll come by tomorrow to take you out, around eight?\"" MC "\"Around eight!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_lunch_break" KN_MOD "Its ok, but I think I need some time.:" MC "\"It's ok, but I think I need some time.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 144 with dissolve ClL "\"Yes I understand, it was a bit untoward of me, I'm sorry.\"" MC "\"No, really, it's ok, I'm glad you asked. {w}It's just that after my breakup with Marc's father, I think I need a bit of time for myself to clear my head.\"" ClL "\"You're quite right, then just know the offer stands if you ever feel like it.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_lunch_break" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_lunch_break:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 145 with dissolve "Turning back towards the door, Myriam headed out, waving goodbye at Cleavon as she did." MC "\"Goodbye Mr Little.\"" ClL "\"Please, Cleavon... {w}Goodbye Myriam.\"" MC "\"Goodbye Cleavon.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_helping_marc_at_lunch_break == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_lunch_break_with_marc" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_eating_in_town" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_lunch_break_with_marc:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 146 with dissolve "Moments later, as Myriam promised to Marc, she went to find him during the lunch break after he had finished his training." MC "{i}Marc told me to find him here... {w}I hope I'm not too late, I took the time to start thinking on the new regimen of exercises for the gymnastics team.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, the bell just rang, I can't be that late... {w}Let's just find him for starters.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 147 with dissolve "As Myriam was looking for Marc in the corridors of the oldest part of the school, Marc was waiting for her around the corner, facing one of the restrooms in the school." MC "{i}He should be around here... {w}God! All this sneaking around feels so nerve wrecking, my heart is beating so fast...{/i}" MC "{i}I feel like a teenager sneaking around to see her boyfriend...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 148 with dissolve "Hailing Myriam as she passed him, Marc scared her, making her jump around in surprise when she heard his voice coming from behind." Ma "\"Hey! What are you doing here!?\"" MC "\"Haaa!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 149 with dissolve MC "\"God Marc! You scared me to death...\"" Ma "\"Come on, it was just a joke.\"" "Fearing to be caught with Marc, Myriam kept checking around if there was anybody else around." scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 150 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm, Marc pulled Myriam towards the men's restroom, deciding to get on with it." Ma "\"Let's go! Enough time wasted.\"" MC "\"Ha! Wait Marc! We can't do that here, it's too risky!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 151 with dissolve "Leading Myriam in one of the stalls, Marc cornered her inside, leaving little doubts as to his intentions." Ma "\"Here we are, now that we have a bit of privacy, we can have some fun...\"" MC "{i}God! He really want us to do it here... {w}And I can't say no, it'll hurt him and make him feel unwanted...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 152 with dissolve "Coming towards her, Marc grabbed Myriam's breasts over her sweater and started playing with them while his other hand was coming down to take her top off." Ma "\"Fuck! Your tits are so fucking great! {w}And that sweater! It brings them out so well...\"" MC "\"...\"" Ma "\"Get your top off! I want to play with them.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 153 with dissolve "Doing as he wanted, Myriam took her sweater off and revealed her breasts, leaving them in Marc's hands as he started kneading them firmly." Ma "\"Look at that! These love pillows are so fucking juicy!\"" MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 154 with dissolve Ma "\"You know what! We'll start with them this time!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! What!?\"" Ma "\"You don't know how to titfuck?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Then be a good whore and jerk me off with your tits!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Then be a good slut and jerk me off with your tits!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 155 with dissolve "Doing as Marc said again, Myriam got on her knees and took his cock between her breasts after he took off his clothes." Ma "\"That's it! Go on!\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve "And moving her breasts up and down while pressing his cock between them, Myriam started to give Marc a tittyfuck." Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Just like that!\"" MC "\"Is this good?\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Faster!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve "Accelerating as he asked, Myriam kept going squeezing his cock tightly between her breasts as she gave pleasure to Marc with them." Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! I can't believe I waited so long to try them on!\"" MC "{i}God! Men really love big breasts...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve "Keeping the pace, Myriam kept jerking him off, feeling his cock getting bigger and harder between her breasts, ready to blow." Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! It's been so long, I'm already going to cum!\"" MC "\"You want to cum?\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! Don't stop!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 156 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 157 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 158 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 159 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 160 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 161 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as Marc said, a few more moves from Myriam's breasts and suddenly his cum burst out, load after load crashing on her face and her breasts." Ma "\"AAARGH!! FUCK! TAKE THAT! YEAH!\"" MC "\"That's it! Aaah! Give me everything...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 162 with dissolve "Taking it in her mouth, Myriam cleaned up Marc's cock of all the cum on it, swallowing every last drop." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! I never cum so much, I was really pent up!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 163 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Yeah! Keep going! Make me hard again, I want to fuck you up the ass next.\"" "Doing as he said, Myriam kept sucking him off as she cleaned his cock, making him hard again so he could fuck her ass." scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve "Hard enough, Marc helped Myriam up and flipped her over before pushing his cock in her ass without waiting." MC "\"Aaah! Easy Marc! Let me relax first!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Shut up slut! You're my whore and I'm going to fuck your ass as hard as I want!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Sorry, but I'm too excited to go easy on your ass!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve "True to his word, Marc started pounding Myriam's ass hard against the wall of the stall as she moaned both in pleasure and pain." MC "\"Oooh! Marc! Mmmh! Not so hard! Please!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! I said shut up and take it slut!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Sorry! Take it a little longer!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 164 with dissolve "Going at it even harder as his exitement went up, Marc kept sodomizing Myriam roughly, feeling he wasn't going to be long before coming again." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! God!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! Take that slut!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! I'm nearly there!\"" "Voice" "\"Achoo!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 166 with dissolve "But as Marc was about to finish himself with Myriam's ass, she stopped him, fearing she heard someone in the other stall." MC "\"Aaah! Marc! Wait!\"" Ma "\"What!?\"" MC "\"I think I heard something! {w}There is someone in the other stall!\"" Ma "\"We'll see...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 167 with dissolve "Pulling out of Myriam's ass and getting out, Marc hit the stall door with his fist, yelling to the person inside to open." "Bam bam bam!" Ma "\"HEY! OPEN UP ASSHOLE! {w}We know you're in there!\"" "Voice" "\"I... {w}I'm sorry! {w}I didn't see anything!\"" Ma "\"I don't give a fuck! Open up!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 168 with dissolve "With the person inside not opening, Marc kicked the door in while Myriam tried to stop him, not wanting to see the situation escalate." play sound "kicking door-freesound-pfranzen.ogg" "BLAM!" JoY "\"HAAA! I won't say anything, I swear!\"" Ma "\"I told you to open!\"" MC "\"Calm down Marc! He said he didn't see anything, let's just go.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 169 with dissolve Ma "\"You fat little shit! You were spying on us? {w}I bet you were jerking off!\"" JoY "\"No, I was just already there when you came in! {w}And when you started I just thought I would have to wait for you to go!\"" MC "\"Marc! Leave him be, he said he didn't spy!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 170 with dissolve Ma "\"You better not be lying fatso, or I'll beat you up!\"" JoY "\"I'm telling the truth! {w}I'm telling the truth! Don't beat me!\"" MC "{i}God! He's bullying him! I've got to stop him... {w}But what if this other kid see's me?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_04_bullying_for_naughtiness:" "Does Myriam stop Marc?" KN_MOD "No! I cant let him see me!:" $ ch3_let_marc_bully_jonas = True MC "{i}No! I can't let him see me! {w}It would be a huge problem if he did...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_letting_marc_bully_jonas" KN_MOD "I should stop him, the poor kid doesnt deserve this!:" $ ch3_show_yourself_to_jonas = True MC "{i}I should stop him, the poor kid doesn't deserve this! {w}I can't let him bully him like this!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_say_no_to_bullying" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_letting_marc_bully_jonas:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 171 with dissolve "Turning away in shame for her choice, Myriam looked away and let Marc intimidate the kid." Ma "\"You better not say shit you fat little fuck! {w}Or I swear I'll beat you up!\"" JoY "\"Yes! I promise! I won't!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm sorry...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 172 with dissolve "Cleaning herself up of Marc's cum, Myriam started dressing again, wanting to go away quickly, ashamed of herself." Ma "\"I'll beat the living shit out of you and break your fucking balls!\"" JoY "\"Please don't! Sob!\"" MC "{i}Poor kid! I'm so ashamed of myself! All that because we did something stupid here...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 173 with dissolve "Now fully clothed, as she was heading out, Myriam turned to Marc, still at the stall abusing the poor kid inside." MC "\"Stop it Marc! Leave him alone and come along!\"" Ma "\"But I'm teaching him a lesson!\"" MC "\"Leave him alone I said and come here!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 174 with dissolve "Both dressed and heading towards the restroom exit, Marc was annoyed at having been stopped in his anal pounding of Myriam and she was deeply saddened by the bullying of the kid." MC "\"You're dressed! Good, now come on.\"" Ma "\"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 175 with dissolve "As they were getting out, Marc stopped Myriam a moment, grabbing her by the arm, still feeling frustrated." Ma "\"Hey! Wait! I didn't get to finish!\"" MC "\"Marc! No! {w}I'm not in the mood! {w}Go have your lunch break now.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 176 with dissolve Ma "\"Oh! Come on! We can just go elsewhere.\"" MC "\"I said no Marc, I have to go, I have an appointment in the city.\"" Ma "\"But that's not fair!\"" MC "\"You saw it was a bad idea Marc! {w}Now I have to go.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 177 with dissolve "Leaving Marc behind, Myriam headed for the school exit, having an appointment at the police station with Detective Anderson." MC "{i}God! That was terrible... {w}I hope that poor kid will be alright, I feel so awful...{/i}" MC "{i}But nothing I can do about it for now, I'd better go before I'm late, I don't think I'll have the time to eat beforehand.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_meeting_lucy_after_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_say_no_to_bullying:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 178 with dissolve "Unable to condone Marc bullying the poor kid, Myriam stepped in, grabbing his shoulder as he was intimidating Jonas." MC "\"Stop Marc! This is too much, leave that poor kid alone!\"" Ma "\"But...!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 179 with dissolve MC "\"No 'buts', you know I don't care much for bullying. {w}Look how afraid he is!\"" JoY "\"Sob, sob!\"" Ma "\"I just wanted to protect you.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 180 with dissolve "Moving inside the stall, Myriam took a reassuring voice and calmed down Marc as she approached Jonas." MC "\"I know sweetie, thank you! {w}But now let's calm things down, ok?\"" MC "{i}He's sweet, I know he had his heart in the right place, but that's no reason to let him do it and I'm fixin' to defuse this situation.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 181 with dissolve "Crouching down after using some paper to clean up her face, Myriam tried to reassure Jonas, talking calmly to him while Marc waited behind." MC "\"It's ok Jonas, I'm sorry you got dragged into this, we were doing something we shouldn't have done here and it's not your fault.\"" MC "\"Marc has been too harsh trying to protect me, because it could cause some trouble if it was known.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 182 with dissolve JoY "\"I won't tell, I swear!\"" MC "\"That's nice of you to say, and I trust you, thank you. {w}But are you ok? Do you need to talk about this, about what we were doing?\"" JoY "\"No... {w}No, I'm ok...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 183 with dissolve "But while Myriam was trying to reassure Jonas on his porcelain throne, Marc, half-listening, was looking at Myriam's butt, feeling his arousal coming back." Ma "{i}Fuck! That ass of hers, I'm getting hard again! {w}And she looks like she's about to blow his cock...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "{i}Hey! Maybe that's an idea, maybe I could make her blow his cock while I fuck her ass again... {w}Let's try it, she's been a good obedient whore until now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_bullying_with_a_blowjob" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}No! Come on, calm down Marc! She was angry about the whole bullying the fat kid.. {w}She's too nice, I shouldn't push it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_04_stopping_for_today" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_bullying_with_a_blowjob:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 184 with dissolve "Crouching behind Myriam, Marc surprised her by starting to finger her ass while she was speaking to Jonas." MC "\"Ha! Marc! What are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Come on! You know there's only one way for a whore to make sure he shuts up... {w}Just take his cock in your mouth!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 185 with dissolve "Pushing Myriam forward to better push his cock in her ass again, Marc grabbed her by the hair and shoved her face in front of Jonas' hard cock, who stoppped hiding it as he was pushed backwards in surprise." JoY "\"Wow!\"" MC "\"Haaa! What are you doing Marc!?\"" Ma "\"Shut up and suck his dick! {w}See how hard you made him!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 186 with dissolve "Without waiting, Marc pushed Myriam's head further, making her swallow Jonas' cock as she opened her mouth to protest and calm him down." "And as he started pounding Myriam's ass roughly, Marc kept pushing her head, making her shove Jonas' cock down her throat with every thrust." MC "\"Wait! Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock!\"" JoY "\"Oooh! God!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Good job, keep going! Aaah! See how he's loving it!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 187 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After just a few thrusts from Marc in Myriam's ass, Jonas ejaculated in Myriam's mouth, unable to resist this new sensation, forcing her to swallow as he did, her head forced to keep going." JoY "\"OOOH! CHRIST ALMIGHTY!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 188 with dissolve "But Marc not losing his grip on her hair, he kept making her suck on Jonas cock, forcing her to keep going at an intense pace while he kept pounding her ass hard." MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock!\"" JoY "\"Aaah! Christ!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Keep going! It was too short for the poor guy! {w}Aaah! Let him appreciate a slut's mouth a little more!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 189 with dissolve "And after a little while more of rough anal pounding, Myriam had an intense orgasm, tightening her asshole even more around Marc's cock and making him cum inside her in turn as did Jonas again in her mouth." MC "\"MMMMMMH! SLURP! GWOCK!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ma "\"ARGH! FUCK YEAH! TAKE THAT BITCH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" JoY "\"OOOH! GOD! OOOH!! GOD!! OOOH!!! GOD!!!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 190 with dissolve "As Marc stopped moving and let go of Myriam's hair, he let out a sigh of satisfaction after cumming." Ma "\"Sigh! Your ass is definitely the best...\"" MC "\"You didn't have to be so rough Marc...\"" Ma "\"Come on, you know you loved it, I heard you cum!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 191 with dissolve "As Myriam turned away from Marc and was about to get up, Jonas thanked awkwardly for the blowjob." JoY "\"Than... {w}Thanks! {w}You know about the... {w}About the blowjob.\"" MC "\"Ehm... You're welcome.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 192 with dissolve "Both getting up, Marc and Myriam were heading to get dressed again, while Jonas, still awkward and embarrassed, thanked her again." JoY "\"Thanks again! {w}And don't worry, I won't tell anyone!\"" MC "\"Thank you Jonas, that's very kind of you.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! And if you don't...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 193 with dissolve MC "\"Marc! Stop it! {w}You had your fun, but I won't let you bully him! {w}Am I clear?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, yeah... Sorry!\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting too much like Anthony sometimes... {w}I've got to find a way to reach him before it's too late...{/i}" JoY "\"It's ok Mrs Summers.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 194 with dissolve "Both dressed again headed towards the exit, leaving Jonas behind in the hope he would keep his word." MC "\"I hope you see it was a bad idea now, we shouldn't do that anymore at school.\"" Ma "\"Come on, it went well and I know you enjoyed it as well!\"" MC "\"Marc! Please!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 195 with dissolve "Seeing Marc pouting after she scolded him, Myriam felt guilty, knowing he only wanted to help her in his own way." Ma "\"Just wanted to help!\"" MC "\"I know Marc, but you know I don't like when you play the bully, you're better than this!\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 196 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, don't pout, you know I love you Marc!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! I know, I'm sorry.\"" MC "\"But you should go have something to eat now, before you miss your lunch break! {w}I have an appointment to go to in the city myself.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 197 with dissolve "Leaving Marc behind, Myriam headed for the school exit, having an appointment at the police station with Detective Anderson." MC "{i}I hope everything will be alright, Marc is getting too aggressive, Anthony is being more and more of a bad influence on him.{/i}" MC "{i}And that poor kid, I hope it didn't get things worse for him, he looked happy in the end after... {w}God! After cumming in my mouth, but still...{/i}" MC "{i}But nothing I can do about it for now, I better go before I'm late, I don't think I'll have the time to eat beforehand.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_meeting_lucy_after_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_stopping_for_today:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 198 with dissolve "Both getting up, Marc and Myriam were heading to get dressed again, while Jonas, still awkward and embarrassed, thanked her in his confusion." JoY "\"Thanks Mrs Summers! {w}And don't worry, I won't tell anything!\"" MC "\"Why would you thank me? It's me Jonas, thank you for your kindness and I'm sorry we disturbed you.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 199 with dissolve "Leaving Jonas to his business and in hope he stayed true to his word, Myriam and Marc cleaned up and dressed themselves again, heading towards the exit." MC "\"I hope you see it was a bad idea now, we shouldn't do that anymore at school.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Sorry, I really thought there would be nobody here...\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 196 with dissolve "Stopping at the exit, Myriam said goodbye to Marc, as she had to get to an appointment in town." MC "\"Well, you should go have something to eat before you miss your lunch break! {w}I have an appointment to go to in the city myself.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Sorry, for the mess...\"" MC "\"Don't worry, it'll be alright.\"" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 197 with dissolve "Leaving Marc behind, Myriam headed for the school exit, having an appointment at the police station with Detective Anderson." MC "{i}I hope everything will be alright, Marc is getting a bit too aggressive, Anthony is being too much of a bad influence on him.{/i}" MC "{i}And that poor kid, I hope we didn't traumatize him... {w}God! This was an embarrassing mess.{/i}" MC "{i}But nothing I can do about it for now, I better go before I get late, I don't think I'll have the time to eat before.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_meeting_lucy_after_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_04_eating_in_town:" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 200 with dissolve "Out of Mr Little's office, Myriam headed for the school exit, having to meet Lucy for lunch before they both headed both to the police station to see Detective Anderson." KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}God! This was so unexpected, he was always quite charming, but I never thought Cleavon would ask me for dinner.{/i}" MC "{i}I must say I'm quite nervous now, I hope I did the right thing accepting... {w}It could become awkward if things don't go well.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This was so unexpected, I never thought Mr Little would ask me for dinner.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope that he's not too hurt by my refusal... {w}It could become awkward.{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 201 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "{i}Well, nothing I can do about it now, the decision is made, for now let's get to town and join Lucy for lunch.{/i}" MC "{i}I should be right in time to join her for lunch before we go together to find Detective Anderson.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Well, nothing I can do about it now, the decision is made, for now let's get to town and join Lucy before going to the police station.{/i}" MC "{i}I should have some time to join her before we go together to find Detective Anderson, but better go now just in case.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope we can end things with that assault, he told us he needed us both, but he didn't say why...{/i}" scene bg ch3_04 anotherdayatschool 202 with dissolve MC "{i}Come on, don't start mulling things over Myriam... {w}Things went pretty well today, your team is on the rail, you saw Marc and your boss likes what you're doing...{/i}" MC "{i}So stop it and don't over think, you'll see what Detective Anderson want soon enough.{/i}" "Leaving school for the day to take care for the business of her park assault, Myriam couldn't stop herself feeling anxious at the idea of what was waiting for her." KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_meeting_lucy_after_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_meeting_lucy_after_school:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update3 from _call_var_chapter3_update3" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Meeting Lucy After School" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 001 with dissolve "After a short drive into town, Myriam arrived at Lucy's self-defense club to meet her and then go together to the police station." MC "{i}She told me she would wait for me at the club, she should be here.{/i}" MC "{i}Here she is. {w}She seems to be alone.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_helping_marc_at_lunch_break == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_lucy_done_training" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_lucy_still_training" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_lucy_still_training:" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 002 with dissolve "Going inside, she quickly found Lucy alone on the ring, deeply focused on a series of moves she was doing and ignoring Myriam as she waved at her." MC "\"Hey Lucy!\"" MC "{i}Doesn't seem she noticed me, she looks quite focused, let's not disturb her and wait.{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 003 with dissolve "Coming closer, Myriam watched Lucy go through her series of moves, reminding her of the gymnastic routines she was doing when training." MC "{i}She must be perfecting her moves...{/i}" MC "{i}God! She's impressive, she has a very good control of her body and balance.{/i}" LuM "\"Haaa!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 004 with dissolve "Continuing her series of movements, Lucy kept chaining high kicks and strikes one after the other, using the momentum to gain speed and keep her balance." MC "{i}It reminds me of my gymnastics routine, albeit with more strength and aggression.{/i}" MC "{i}But I think that having that in mind could help me absorb the knowledge more easily, I was always good at reproducing the moves I saw.{/i}" LuM "\"Haaa!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 005 with dissolve "As Lucy suddenly leapt Myriam knew from her own knowledge of gymnastics routines that Lucy was going for her last move, the last big flourish before the end." LuM "\"Huuu!\"" MC "{i}Here comes the last move!{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 006 with dissolve "Just as Myriam thought, after her jump Lucy delivered a hammer kick high enough to reach and powerful enough to break the skull of any normal person." LuM "\"HAAA!\"" MC "{i}My god! I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that kick, she would surely break my skull or neck.{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 007 with dissolve "Falling back to the ground, Lucy finally stopped after that last kick as Myriam thought she would, her gaze still focused on her exercises." LuM "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}Seems that she's finally done, maybe she'll notice me now...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 008 with dissolve MC "\"Hey Lucy!\"" LuM "\"Ha! Myriam!\"" "Finally noticing Myriam as she waved out to her, Lucy turned towards her in surprise, her focus instantly disappearing leaving a smile in its place." scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 009 with dissolve "Joining Myriam, Lucy passed under the ropes and sat down on the side of the ring." LuM "\"Sorry, I was so focused on my kata that I didn't notice you.\"" MC "\"I saw that, it's why I didn't try to disturb you.\"" LuM "\"Ha ha ha! Though even if you had, I was so in the zone I don't think I would have even noticed.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 010 with dissolve MC "\"Anyway, it was quite impressive.\"" LuM "\"Yeah! You think so!?\"" MC "\"Yes, it reminded me of the routines I made when I was younger and competing in gymnastics.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 011 with dissolve "As Lucy suddenly jumped down, Myriam backed away to leave her some room, both still continuing their discussion none the less." LuM "\"Oh yeah, you told me you were doing some gymnastics before.\"" MC "\"Yes, I... Ha! {w}I was, in school, I went to a pretty high level, I was about to compete in the olympics when I stopped.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 012 with dissolve LuM "\"Wow! That's impressive. {w}What made you stop?\"" MC "\"Well, I met the father of my daughter and got pregnant. {w}It cut short my sports career, but I don't regret it, I had Katherine and I was very happy with Thomas.\"" LuM "\"You're talking past tense, did you get a divorce?\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 013 with dissolve "As Lucy made her remark, immediatly, Myriam became gloomy, thinking back to her late husband." MC "\"Yes... {w}My first husband, Katherine's father, died a few years after our marriage from cancer.\"" LuM "\"God! I'm sorry, it was careless of me...\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 014 with dissolve MC "\"No, it's ok, you couldn't know.\"" LuM "\"Still, it was stupid of me, be it death or separation, nobody likes remembering hard times.\"" MC "\"No, really, I feel kind of gloomy everytime because we went from being so very happy and hopeful to... {w}To despair pretty quickly...\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 015 with dissolve MC "\"But we made Katherine and she is the most wonderful thing that happened in my life.\"" LuM "\"That's true... {w}It reminds me of my mother, she had it hard all alone with me and my brothers, but she always told us she wouldn't have changed it for anything.\"" MC "\"Your mother sounds like a tough woman.\"" LuM "\"That she is!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 016 with dissolve LuM "\"But enough! I'm all sweaty and gross, let me catch a shower before we go eat something and see Detective Anderson.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, sorry, I let you have your shower, I'll wait here.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" LuM "\"Or you can join me!\"" MC "{i}God! Is she inviting me to have sex!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_05_naughty_locker_business_with_lucy:" "Does Myriam follow Lucy?" KN_MOD "No, she must just be joking around...:" MC "{i}No, she must just be joking around... {w}Let's just stay here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_waiting_for_lucy" KN_MOD "Oh and why not, well see where it goes!:" $ ch3_naughty_again_with_lucy = True MC "{i}Oh and why not, we'll see where it goes!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_following_lucy" KN_MOD "else:" LuM "\"Ok, I'll be quick.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_waiting_for_lucy" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_waiting_for_lucy:" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 017 with dissolve "Sitting on the steps to the ring once Lucy disappeared into the locker room, Myriam started thinking back on her discussion with Lucy." MC "{i}God! Even after all these years, I'm still so raw about Thomas...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on! Don't start rehashing this Myriam or you'll end up crying and let's not get gloomy before going to eat with a friend.{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 018 with dissolve MC "{i}Look at Lucy, she always seems so strong and determined and she didn't have an easy life...{/i}" MC "{i}She looks as strong mentally as physically, the chain of moves she did earlier was really impressive, her mix of power, control and grace is really something.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't think I'll ever get to that level, but it's quite motivating to see that there's more to it than just brute force or violence.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 019 with dissolve "Her shower done, Lucy came back to Myriam dressed and ready to go out, both wanting to go eat something together before going to the police station." LuM "\"Hey there! I'm ready to go.\"" MC "\"Yeah!? Then let's go.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 020 with dissolve "Both ready to go, Myriam and Lucy headed outside, aiming for a quick lunch and coffee, as well as trying to relax before going to see what Detective Anderson wanted from them." LuM "\"I hope I didn't take too long.\"" MC "\"No, not at all, I was just daydreaming.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_suspect_identification" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_following_lucy:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 021 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Following her into the locker room, Myriam sat on a bench while Lucy slipped under the shower to wash off all the sweat from her exercises." MC "{i}God! What's come over me!? I followed her here without even thinking...{/i}" MC "{i}But it's true that I can't get what happened last time out of my head... {w}I never thought I would ever do something with a woman.{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 022 with dissolve "Washing herself a moment under Myriam's gaze, both Lucy and her stayed silent for some time, until Lucy suddenly invited Myriam to join her." LuM "\"Hey! Don't you want to come here and take one with me?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_school == True:" MC "\"I'm good, I just took one at school, but don't worry, take your time.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thanks, I'm good, I didn't take anything with me.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 023 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As the shower stopped, Lucy turned towards Myriam, taking a sexy pose as she started joking around." LuM "\"Oh! So you prefer to just look? {w}You naughty girl!\"" MC "\"Come on! Stop teasing!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 024 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower, Lucy walked to Myriam, her naked body still glistening from the water." LuM "\"What? Don't you enjoy it?\"" MC "\"I...\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, you can't deny you came for this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 025 with dissolve "Putting her hands on Lucy's body, Myriam gently started to caress it as she advanced even further, rubbing her pussy on Myriam's knee." MC "\"Yes, your body is beautiful...\"" LuM "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}The other day it was her who played with my body, let's explore hers this time...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 026 with dissolve "Going between her legs with her hand, Myriam started to caress Lucy's pussy while continuing to caress her breasts and play with her nipples." LuM "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Do you like that?\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 027 with dissolve "Slipping a finger inside Lucy's pussy, Myriam started to finger her, following her moans and exploring another woman's body." LuM "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}She's more sensitive than I thought she would be... {w}She's so sensual...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 028 with dissolve "As Lucy's pleasure kept growing and her moans got more intense, Myriam pushed another finger in her pussy to push even further." LuM "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Yes!!\"" MC "{i}Seems that I have the touch, she's definitely feeling it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 029 with dissolve MC "\"Is that good?\"" LuM "\"Aaah! Yes!\"" MC "\"Want me to keep going?\"" LuM "\"Mmmh! Yes!!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 030 with dissolve "Continuing her fingering, Myriam accelerated the pace, mercilessly teasing her weak spot as she did, feeling that Lucy was getting near her climax." LuM "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmh! Don't stop!\"" MC "{i}She's about to climax...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 031 with dissolve "And as Myriam thought, a few moments later, Lucy's body was taken over by a strong orgasm, shaking uncontrollably as she started squirting." LuM "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" MC "{i}Wow! God! Is she peeing!? No, she must be squirting...{/i}" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 032 with dissolve "Screaming loudly in pleasure, Lucy's body kept shaking violently as she orgasmed, while Myriam looked at her fascinated." LuM "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes!\"" MC "\"Did I make you feel good?\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 033 with dissolve LuM "\"Oh! Yes you did! {w}God! I haven't screamed like this in some time.\"" MC "\"Well, happy to hear it.\"" LuM "\"Let me take care of you now.\"" MC "\"No, it's good, we have to go and I owed you one.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 034 with dissolve "Suddenly bending down, Lucy surprised Myriam with a kiss while caressing her cheek." MC "\"But thanks...\"" LuM "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 035 with dissolve "Stopping her kiss, Lucy got back up, taking Myriam's hand in hers" MC "\"What was that?\"" LuM "\"I don't know, as thanks I guess... {w}I like you...\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 036 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch3_05_answering_to_lucys_feeling:" "How does Myriam answer to Lucy?" KN_MOD "I like you too, but I need to take things slow.:" MC "\"I like you too, but I need to take things slow... {w}I'm not sure if I'm ready for a new relationship for now and I'm kind of new to the girl thing.\"" LuM "\"I understand, and don't worry, I just wanted you to know, we'll go your pace.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_leaving_for_lunch" KN_MOD "I like you too, but I think I need time.:" MC "\"I like you too, but I think I need time... {w}I need to get my head right after what happened with Anthony, I'm not sure I'm ready for a new relationship.\"" LuM "\"I understand, and don't worry, I just wanted you to know.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_05_leaving_for_lunch" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_leaving_for_lunch:" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 037 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam headed out to let Lucy get dressed and calm down after what she did to her, feeling excited and about to go further if she stayed." MC "\"I'll wait outside and let you get dressed.\"" LuM "\"Ok, I'll be there in a minute.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 038 with dissolve "A moment later, Myriam and Lucy both headed out for lunch before going to the police station." LuM "\"Let's go, I know a nice little restaurant. {w}And it's not far from the police station also.\"" MC "\"Yeah? That's great, I don't know much about the good places here.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_suspect_identification" KN_MOD "label ch3_05_lucy_done_training:" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 039 with dissolve "Waving at Lucy sitting on the steps to the ring, Myriam headed towards her." MC "\"Hey! Sorry I'm so late, I was held up at school.\"" LuM "\"Hey! No problem.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 040 with dissolve MC "\"I'm not sure we'll have time to go eat before going to the station like we wanted.\"" LuM "\"Don't worry, I have the perfect place, it's near the station, good and fast.\"" MC "\"Yeah? That's great, I don't know much about the good places here.\"" scene bg ch3_05 meetinglucyafterschool 041 with dissolve LuM "\"Well, it depends a lot on your tastes I would guess.\"" MC "\"For food? {w}I'm not picky, any good place will do.\"" LuM "\"Then I'll show you a few... {w}I'm a bit of a foodie.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_suspect_identification" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_suspect_identification:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Suspect Identification" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 001 with dissolve "After a quick meal at a close by restaurant, Myriam and Lucy walked to the police station while talking nonchalantly." MC "\"It was definitely a nice place, I never thought food trucks could be so good.\"" LuM "\"Well, can't say all are, but this one is, and since it was close to the station I thought it would be a nice idea.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 002 with dissolve MC "\"And with this weather and the sun we're having, it felt pretty nice eating outside.\"" LuM "\"Yeah! Speaking of that, I think they have another spot on the waterfront. {w}With a day at the beach could be nice to try.\"" MC "\"Oh yeah? That could be nice. {w}Since we have a swimming pool at the house, I didn't have a look at the beaches.\"" LuM "\"They are pretty nice, but can be pretty crowded if you don't know the good spots.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 003 with dissolve "Cutting short to their conversation as they went in, Myriam went to the desk officer to announce herself with Lucy." MC "\"Hi!\"" "Officer" "\"Hi! What can I do to help you?\"" MC "\"We had an appointment with Detective Anderson.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 004 with dissolve "Taking a look at her computer the desk officer had a look at who was waiting to come by the station today." "Officer" "\"I have Mrs Summers and Mrs Monroe on the computer, is that you?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 005 with dissolve MC "\"I'm Myriam Summers, and Lucy Monroe is waiting over there.\"" MC "\"We were asked to pass by today by Detective Anderson, though we don't know the reason.\"" MC "\"I guess it's probably about the assault I reported the other day.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 006 with dissolve "Officer" "\"I can't say exactly, Detective Anderson will take care of it, but don't worry it's probably alright.\"" "Officer" "\"Go sit, I'll tell him you both arrived.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 007 with dissolve "Joining Lucy in the waiting zone, Myriam sat beside her to wait for Detective Anderson." LuM "\"So, what did she say? {w}Any idea why they want us here?\"" MC "\"No, no idea, she just said that it should be to the Detective to tell us.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 008 with dissolve MC "\"I guess he needs more details about the assault.\"" LuM "\"Probably, or maybe they caught him and want an identification.\"" MC "\"You think so?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 009 with dissolve MC "\"I'm not sure I'm ready to see that man again...\"" "Seeing Myriam starting to feel panicked, Lucy immediately tried to calm her down." LuM "\"Hey! Don't worry, even if it's the case, you're safe here, you're surrounded by police men and women. {w}You're safe.\"" DDA "\"Absolutely!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 010 with dissolve "Turning towards the voice that cut into their conversation, Myriam and Lucy saw Detective Anderson coming to them." DDA "\"Hi! Don't worry Mrs Summers, you are safe here.\"" MC "\"Is it really for that you called us? {w}For identification?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 011 with dissolve DDA "\"Yes, but don't worry, all you'll have to do is to see him behind a mirror, he won't be able to see you and you won't have to be in the same room.\"" MC "\"So you already found him? This was quick... {w}With what you told me the other time, I thought it would be more complicated.\"" DDA "\"Well no, finding him wasn't really the problem once I knew who it was, the problem was more about access to him.\"" LuM "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 012 with dissolve DDA "\"Being a russian mafia enforcer, he was easy to find, we know most of them, the trouble is always getting proof and getting to them without ending with a war on our hands.\"" LuM "\"So what changed things this time?\"" DDA "\"I can't say for sure, but I think it's because of who Myriam is.\"" MC "\"What? Why?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 013 with dissolve DDA "\"Well, if you're not a celebrity, your dad is pretty famous, I think they must have done their homework on who you are, and it's simple, they just don't need the publicity.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Am I safe?\"" DDA "\"Yes! Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you further, to be honest, we didn't even arrest the man, he came to surrender himself, definitely with orders from above. {w}I think we can conclude that you're safe, they really want what happened to stay quiet.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 014 with dissolve MC "\"That's a relief...\"" DDA "\"Yes, so what we're doing today is just a formality, I'll invite you each in turn to have a look at a line up and see if you recognize the man in question or not, if so, it'll be quick since he's pleading guilty.\"" DDA "\"Let's start with you Myriam.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 015 with dissolve "As Myriam got up to follow Detective Anderson, Lucy was about to do the same but was stopped by him before she does." DDA "\"No, please stay here Mrs Monroe, I'll come back for you later.\"" LuM "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 016 with dissolve "Following him in the corridors, Detective Anderson guided Myriam to another room with a big glass opening in one of the walls." DDA "\"Here we are, the identification room.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 017 with dissolve DDA "\"As you can see, it looks like just a simple glass, but on their side it looks like a mirror. {w}If it would reassure you, we can go have a look on the other side so you can be sure.\"" MC "\"No, it's fine, I trust you.\"" DDA "\"Then I'll signal the officers to bring the line up as soon as you feel ready.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 018 with dissolve MC "\"I just have to point him out.\"" DDA "\"Yes, but really as I told you, at this point it's just a formality since he already signed a confession and will be pleading guilty in court. {w}But you never know, I always prefer to dot my i's and cross my t's.\"" MC "\"Of course, I wouldn't want someone innocent to be sent to prison.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 019 with dissolve "Moments later, officers brought five men inside the room on the other side, making them line up facing them." DDA "\"Here you go, now take your time, look at them all one by one calmly and tell me if you recognize your aggressor in this line up, with number one being the one on the left.\"" DDA "\"All of them have been chosen to be pretty close to the description of the aggressor, to see if the details given were accurate, so take your time.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 020 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch3_06_whos_the_bad_guy:" "Who does Myriam select?" KN_MOD "Number 1.:" MC "{i}Maybe number one... {w}No, he's too small, too young and not muscular enough.{/i}" MC "{i}I should keep looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy" KN_MOD "Number 2.:" MC "{i}Maybe number two... {w}No, he's too tall and his skin his darker.{/i}" MC "{i}I should keep looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy" KN_MOD "Number 3.:" $ ch3_remembered_the_aggressor = True MC "{i}Maybe number three... {w}Yes, it's him.{/i}" MC "{i}I should keep looking.{/i}" MC "\"Number three!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 021 with dissolve DDA "\"Are you sure of yourself?\"" MC "\"Yes, definitely, number three, he's the man that assaulted me and tried to force me to suck him after putting me on my knees!\"" DDA "{i}Wow! She's definitely not afraid to go graphic.{/i}" DDA "\"Good, then we're done, I'll invite Mrs Monroe to do the same now.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_after_identification" KN_MOD "Number 4.:" MC "{i}Maybe number four... {w}No, he's too old and too tall.{/i}" MC "{i}I should keep looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy" KN_MOD "Number 5.:" MC "{i}Maybe number five... {w}No, he looks like a gangster, but he's way too tall and muscular.{/i}" MC "{i}I should keep looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_pick_a_bad_guy" KN_MOD "Im sorry, I cant be sure...:" $ ch3_didnt_remember_the_aggressor = True MC "{i}God! I'm drawing a blank, I can't seem to recognize him! {w}All my mind can remember now is the cock he shoved in my face.{/i}" MC "{i}I would say maybe three or five, but I'm not sure, I can't be sending an innocent man in prison.{/i}" MC "\"I'm sorry, I can't be sure...\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 022 with dissolve DDA "\"Do you want more time?\"" MC "\"No, there's no need, I'm sorry, I was so sure before... {w}But now, facing them, all that comes to my mind is the cock he shoved in my face as he forced me on my knees and try to force me to suck him.\"" DDA "{i}Wow! She's definitely not afraid to go graphic.{/i}" DDA "\"Don't worry, it's understandable, we'll see if Mrs Monroe can identify him.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_after_identification" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_after_identification:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 023 with dissolve "Ending the identification, Detective Anderson lead Myriam to the door, gently brushing her arm as he did." DDA "\"Here you go, I invite you to go wait at our cafeteria area, until I'm done with Mrs Monroe, you can't talk to her, you understand?\"" MC "\"Well, then I think I'll go to the restroom and refresh a bit, I need to clear my mind.\"" DDA "\"Of course, just go to your left, there's a restroom by the cafeteria.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 024 with dissolve "Leaving Detective Anderson, Myriam went to the restroom, refreshing herself as she felt overwhelmed by the identification, seeing those men making her relive the scene." MC "{i}God! Calm down Myriam! {w}I was able to stay calm there, but now that it's done I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_remembered_the_aggressor == True:" MC "{i}But I'm glad I was able to identify him and not back down, I'll be able to put this assault behind me now...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_didnt_remember_the_aggressor == True:" MC "{i}And I feel so stupid to not have been able to recognize the man who assaulted me... {w}It was just too much seeing those men, it took me right back to that day...{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 025 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't calm down, my heart is beating so fast... {w}I need to do something, or I'll end up getting a panic attack.{/i}" MC "{i}When I was feeling overwhelmed like that before my gymnastic competitions when I was young I touched myself... {w}It always took the edge off.{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't do that here...{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 026 with dissolve "Mulling over her last thoughts, her eyes wandered towards the restroom's stalls behind her." MC "{i}Or maybe I could slip into one of those stalls and take the edge off.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_06_taking_the_edge_off_or_not:" "Does Myriam go take the edge off in the stalls?" KN_MOD "No! Its crazy, I cant do that.:" MC "{i}No! It's crazy, I can't do that. {w}I'll have to just calm down.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 027 with dissolve "Turning away from the stalls, Myriam headed towards the door to go out and wait in the cafeteria like Detective Anderson suggested." MC "{i}Let's go, it'll be alright, I'll sit down and drink something to calm my nerves... {w}Though I don't think they'll be serving you a stiff drink here.{/i}" MC "{i}Even with what Doctor Silver told me, I can't go masturbating in public restrooms like that... {w}Even more so if the public restroom is in the middle of a police station.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_identification_finished" KN_MOD "Fuck it! I need to take the edge off. (Risky Behaviour Trait 15+) if MCtrait[Risky] >= 15:" $ ch3_rubbing_one_at_the_police_station = True MC "{i}Fuck it! I need to take the edge off. {w}Let's get in a stall.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_rubbing_one_in_the_stalls" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_rubbing_one_in_the_stalls:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 028 with dissolve "Getting in one of the stalls, Myriam leaned on the door, listening in case anybody else was there." MC "{i}God! Am I really doing this? {w}There's nobody else...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, you can do this quickly!{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 029 with dissolve "Sliding down her skirt and panties, Myriam started to caress herself, trying to be quick while trying to stay discreet as well." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm crazy but that hits the spot!{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 030 with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 030 with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 030 with dissolve scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 031 with dissolve "As she got wet, Myriam slipped two fingers in her pussy and accelerated the pace, fingering herself intently to relieve her stress." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! This is crazy! But it's so exciting to do this in a public place!{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 032 with dissolve "Keeping the pace, fingering herself intently while caressing her breasts, Myriam could feel she was about to climax and kept pushing." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!{/i}" "Slam!" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 033 with dissolve "Freezing instantly as the door slammed and men entered, Myriam stopped fingering herself, paralyzed, even holding her breath." MC "{i}Oh my god! There're men coming in!!{/i}" "Cop 1" "\"Fuck! Another gang banger shooting! {w}Why do they always have to fall into my lap!?\"" "Cop 2" "\"You got another one?\"" "Cop 1" "\"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! FUCK!!!\"" "Cop 2" "\"Ha ha ha! And you saw what fell into the lap of Anderson?\"" "Cop 1" "\"You mean boobzilla!?\"" "Cop 2" "\"Yeah! Got to hand it to him for once ... he got lucky, would have loved to \"handle her case\"...\"" MC "{i}God! Are they talking about me?{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 034 with dissolve "As the two cops kept talking about her and Detective Anderson, Myriam's hands started moving again, without even thinking." "Cop 1" "\"Fuck! And those legs of hers, you can see she would be a wild ride!\"" "Cop 2" "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! And with those pillows as bumpers you won't mind a good crash!\"" "Cop 1" "\"Ha ha ha! Fuck yeah! {w}Damn! For once I would have wanted to swap places with that dark horse!\"" "Cop 2" "\"Though would you have?\"" "Cop 1" "\"Fuck no! That guy has more bad luck than a black cat walking in some shit under a ladder.\"" "Cop 2" "\"Ha ha ha! Come on let's go.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_06_eavesdropping:" "How does Myriam feel about the two cops banter?" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}God! What's wrong with me!? Why do I always feel so excited like that when people talk dirty about me?{/i}" MC "\"Aaah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_getting_off" KN_MOD "Curious.:" $ ch3_curious_about_anderson = True MC "{i}What do they mean? {w}What's wrong with Detective Anderson?{/i}" MC "\"Aaah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_getting_off" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_getting_off:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 035 with dissolve "Quickly putting her hand on her mouth as a moan slipped out of her as the cops were heading out, Myriam felt herself climaxing" MC "\"MMMPFFF!!!\"" "Cop 1" "\"Wait! Did you hear something?\"" "Cop 2" "\"No. {w}Come on let's go, the smell of what you did is burning my eyes!\"" "Cop 1" "\"Yeah! Must be in my head...\"" "Slam!" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 036 with dissolve "The silence back in the restroom and her climax passed, Myriam sighed in relief, her mind and body calming down slowly with the blissful feeling of release." MC "{i}God! That was crazy, but I feel so much better now... {w}I won't go teaching that to Katherine, but it's incredible how much sex can relieve stress...{/i}" MC "{i}I'd better go now, or Lucy'll be finished even before I get out.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 027 with dissolve "Heading out discreetly, as she felt somewhat both guilty and excited, Myriam quickly left after washing her hands." MC "{i}God! I feel like a kid sneaking around after some mischief... {w}Well, I can't say it wasn't a tinge mischievous, masturbating in a police station's restroom.{/i}" MC "{i}Curious about what Doctor Silver will say about this one!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_identification_finished" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_identification_finished:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 037 with dissolve "Arriving in the police station break room, not too far from the restroom as Detective Anderson said, Myriam was immediately taken by the smell of hot coffee filling the room, while she recognized the voices of two men talking inside." ODA "\"So, did she break your balls yesterday again?\"" OMJ "\"God! You wouldn't believe!\"" MC "{i}That's the voices of the two officers from last time!{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 038 with dissolve "As she thought heading in, Myriam quickly recognized officers Armstrong and Johnson talking by the coffee pot." ODA "\"Hey! If it's not our Mrs Summers coming in!\"" OMJ "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 039 with dissolve OMJ "\"What are you doing here?\"" MC "\"I came for an identification.\"" ODA "\"Oh! Yeah! It's true that Detective Anderson caught your guy!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 040 with dissolve OMJ "\"And how did it go?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_didnt_remember_the_aggressor == True:" MC "\"Not that well... {w}I got overwhelmed and wasn't able to recognize him for sure.\"" ODA "\"That's tough, but don't worry, I think I heard he signed a confession.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_remembered_the_aggressor == True:" MC "\"Well I think... {w}It was tough, but I was able to identify him.\"" ODA "\"That's good, with the fact that he signed a confession, he's good as done.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 041 with dissolve MC "\"You're right, it's just a question of wait and see now.\"" ODA "\"Right, you should clear your mind and try to relax now.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_double_cop_team_date_on == True:" OMJ "\"And what better for that than to go out and have a drink with two charming officers.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 042 with dissolve ODA "\"I do seem to remember a promise, yeah!\"" MC "\"Oh my god! You're right, I had totally forgotten about that! I'm sorry!\"" OMJ "\"So, what are you doing tonight?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 043 with dissolve MC "\"Nothing in particular, but...\"" ODA "\"Then there's no problem.\"" OMJ "\"Come on!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_06_going_out_for_a_drink:" "Does Myriam accept to go out tonight?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not!:" $ ch3_double_cop_date = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not! {w}I can always go out after welcoming William home, they're right, it'll do me some good to go out and clear my mind.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 044 with dissolve MC "\"Ok! But just for a drink or two then.\"" ODA "\"Great!\"" OMJ "\"The Golden Circle?\"" ODA "\"Sounds good to me! {w}We'll come get you after eight! It's a good club.\"" MC "\"O-Ok!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_joining_lucy" KN_MOD "No, I cant tonight.:" KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" MC "{i}No, I can't tonight, I invited William to join us home with Katherine... {w}I can't go out and leave him alone.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No, I can't tonight... {w}I'm really not feeling it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 045 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" MC "\"I'm sorry, but it won't be possible tonight, I have a young neighbor staying home while his mother is at the hospital.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I'm sorry, but it won't be possible tonight, thank you for wanting to cheer me up, but I have to get my head straight.\"" ODA "\"That's too bad, but I understand.\"" OMJ "\"Let's take a rain check for now.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm sorry.\"" ODA "\"Don't be, we were the one being insistent.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_joining_lucy" KN_MOD "else:" OMJ "\"He's right, you should go out with some friends and clear your mind.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 046 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, whatever the issue, I've done all I could, I should try to relax and clear my mind of this now. {w}Thank you.\"" ODA "\"Don't thank us, thank yourself for doing all this.\"" OMJ "\"Yes, what you did took guts and even just seeing it to its end is already a huge step.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_06_joining_lucy" KN_MOD "label ch3_06_joining_lucy:" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 047 with dissolve "As Myriam kept talking with officers, Armstrong and Johnson, the door of the break room was suddenly opened by Detective Anderson looking for her." DDA "\"Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Oh! Detective!\"" DDA "\"We're done with Mrs Monroe.\"" MC "\"I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 048 with dissolve "Following Detective Anderson, Myriam left the two officers and headed out of the break room, waving goodbye as she did." KN_MOD "if ch3_double_cop_date == True:" MC "\"Thank you for the talk!\"" OMJ "\"See you tonight!\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" ODA "\"Later!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Goodbye and thank you for the talk!\"" OMJ "\"Don't mention it!\"" ODA "\"Bye and good luck!\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 049 with dissolve "Walking with Detective Anderson through the corridors, he updated Myriam on her case after Lucy's identification." KN_MOD "if ch3_remembered_the_aggressor == True:" DDA "\"So, now with Mrs Monroe's identification of the offender, you don't have much to worry about, it'll validate your identification and his confession.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm relieved it's over now.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_didnt_remember_the_aggressor == True:" DDA "\"So, now with Mrs Monroe's identification of the offender, you don't have much to worry about, even without yours, hers and his confession will be enough.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm relieved, I really feared I had spoiled everything.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 050 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_remembered_the_aggressor == True:" DDA "\"Well, there will still be a day in court, but it will be fast with him pleading guilty.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_didnt_remember_the_aggressor == True:" DDA "\"No, like I said, it was a formality, with his confession, it was already pretty much done. {w}So now, all there is left is the day in court, but it will be fast with him pleading guilty.\"" MC "\"Will I have to be there? I'm not sure I want to see him again.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 051 with dissolve DDA "\"No, though your presence would have some impact, victims can also be heard if they wish, it can sometimes influence a judge's ruling.\"" MC "\"I thought you said it was pretty much decided.\"" DDA "\"Yes, I just want to give you all necessary information before you make a decision. {w}I think it would also help you turn the page, but again, that's more of a personal decision.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 052 with dissolve MC "\"I'll think about it...\"" DDA "\"I'm glad to hear it.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_rubbing_one_at_the_police_station == True:" MC "{i}He's very caring in his way... {w}It make me curious about what the two cops were discussing in the restroom, about him being a \"dark horse\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}He's very caring in his way... {w}I think I'm lucky to have had him take care of my case.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 053 with dissolve "As Myriam and Detective Anderson came back to the waiting area, they were welcomed by Lucy who immediately came towards them." LuM "\"Hey! So, are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, I'm ok.\"" DDA "\"Sorry for the wait Mrs Monroe, I had to keep you separated until the identification was done by both of you, I hope you understand.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 054 with dissolve MC "\"It gave me some time to calm down, this identification was overwhelming, more than I thought it would be.\"" DDA "\"You did very well.\"" LuM "\"Yes, you did... {w}I had a hard time myself when it happened to me.\"" MC "\"When it happened to you?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 055 with dissolve LuM "\"I was assaulted and raped by one of my cases when I started to work as a social worker.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didn't know!\"" LuM "\"Don't worry, it's in the past now, I can't deny it nearly broke me, but it's also what made me who I am today.\"" MC "{i}She's talking so lightly about this! {w}She really is strong...{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 056 with dissolve MC "\"You're so strong!\"" LuM "\"Oh! I-I don't know if that's really the case, but thanks. {w}Though you're pretty tough yourself.\"" MC "\"I don't know about that... {w}But with my daughter still needing me, I guess I have to be.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 057 with dissolve DDA "\"Yes, as Mrs Monroe said, I can say that what you did already took guts, don't underestimate yourself.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" DDA "\"Now, as I told you, all there is to do is the day of prosecution, and since he has stated he'll be pleading guilty, you won't have to go through the gruelling process of testifying.\"" LuM "\"That's definitely a god send.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 058 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, I must say, I'm glad I don't have to do that.\"" DDA "\"Don't worry, you won't have to.\"" LuM "\"Yes, apart from the assault obviously, it was certainly the hardest thing I had to do.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 059 with dissolve "As a silence fell onto the three, Detective Anderson suddenly realized he had kept his hand on Myriam's arm for some time and stepped away embarrassed, making her smile from the awkward reaction." DDA "\"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize! {w}I'm sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok, I wasn't offended.\"" MC "{i}What was that? Is he embarrassed? {w}Well that's a cute reaction for a grown man.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 060 with dissolve "Turning towards the exit, Detective Anderson quickly tried to hide his embarrassment by inviting Myriam and Lucy to follow him." DDA "\"Sorry! You probably have had enough of the police station, let me accompany you out. {w}I'll keep you notified of any developments.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 061 with dissolve "After following Detective Anderson to the police station's exit, Myriam and Lucy left him and headed out under the now setting sun." LuM "\"So, you'll be ok to get home? You're feeling alright?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, I'll be ok.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 062 with dissolve MC "\"And thank you for sharing your own experience, I didn't know you went through even worse than I did.\"" LuM "\"Oh! Yeah! No, don't mention it... {w}Honestly, I never try to hide it, personally I think it only make it worse, keeping it bottled up only makes it fester inside.\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 063 with dissolve LuM "\"But as much as I look tough now, I wouldn't have went through it without the love and support of my familly, my mom and brothers.\"" LuM "\"They were incredibly noisy and awkward, but just knowing they had my back and were there for me gave me the strength to get through.\"" MC "\"They sound lively.\"" LuM "\"That they are! But even when they were too much and I wanted to be alone, the fact they tried meant a lot.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 064 with dissolve LuM "\"But what about yours?\"" MC "\"I didn't talk with anyone about it, you know how it ended up with Anthony and I didn't want to scare Katherine. {w}Though I did talk to my cousin, Eve, she lives here too.\"" LuM "\"That's already that, but now that it's solved, maybe you could talk to your daughter, she sounded like a tough girl too, like her mom.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 065 with dissolve MC "\"You're right, maybe I should.\"" LuM "\"Well, think on it anyway, but from experience, secrets generally only fester.\"" MC "\"Yes... {w}I'll think on it.\"" MC "{i}I know she's right, I didn't want to scare her, but only sheltering her from the world like my father did for me won't help her in the future.{/i}" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 066 with dissolve LuM "\"I'm sorry, I don't mean to tell you what to think, it's just...\"" MC "\"Don't worry, it's ok, I was just spacing out. {w}Thank you for the advice.\"" LuM "\"You're welcome.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 067 with dissolve MC "\"But I'll have to leave you now, Katherine must be home by now and I'm waiting for a young neighbor that'll be staying home for a while.\"" LuM "\"Yeah! Me too, I've got to go get some rest, I've trained nearly all day.\"" MC "\"You always train that much?\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 068 with dissolve LuM "\"No, it's a special occasion, I've got a competition in a few days.\"" MC "\"What!? You didn't tell me, I'll come and cheer for you!\"" LuM "\"I would like that very much, but are you sure? It's kind of violent.\"" MC "\"Yes, of course, my daddy always loved watching boxing matches, just tell me when.\"" scene bg ch3_06 suspectidentification 069 with dissolve "Kissing each other on the cheeks, they said goodbye to each other after Lucy gave the information about her competition to Myriam." MC "\"Mouah! See you soon!\"" LuM "\"Mouah! Have a good night!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_welcoming_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_welcoming_william:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Welcoming William" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 001 with dissolve "Driving home after leaving Lucy at the police station, Myriam parked her car in the street not too far and headed home." "But as she reached the courtyard in front of her door, Myriam's attention was drawn to someone in front of the Kelly's house." KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" MC "{i}Hey! Isn't that William!? He must have just come back from visiting his mother at the hospital.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Hey! Isn't that William!? He looks preoccupied.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 002 with dissolve "Quickly climbing the step to the courtyard, Myriam stopped William as he was heading inside." MC "\"William!\"" WiK "\"Euh!?\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 003 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" WiK "\"Mrs Summers! I just came back from the hospital.\"" MC "\"How is your mother doing?\"" WiK "\"She's out of her ethylic coma, but she'll still need to stay at the hospital for observation.\"" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"Mrs Summers! I just came home...\"" MC "\"Is everything ok? You looked preoccupied.\"" WiK "\"Yes... {w}Well, no, my mom's at the hospital...\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 004 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_boys == True:" MC "\"I'm glad to hear it, the worst has passed, now I'm sure she'll quickly get better.\"" WiK "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"Come on! Go grab what you need, I'll wait for you here, ok?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_getting_inside" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"God! What happened?\"" WiK "\"She's in an ethylic coma...\"" MC "\"God! I'm so sorry William, I'm sure everything will be ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_inviting_him" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_inviting_him:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 005 with dissolve WiK "\"Thank you, she's out of it now, but for now the hospital will keep her for observation.\"" MC "\"See! It'll be alright, don't worry. {w}So you're all alone at home or your dad's here?\"" WiK "\"No, dad's not here, he's traveling for his job...\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 006 with dissolve MC "\"You know what! Pack up a few things and come with us until your mom feels better or your dad comes home.\"" WiK "\"Are you sure? I don't want to impose...\"" MC "\"It's decided! I wouldn't feel at ease knowing our team captain is all alone.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_getting_inside" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_getting_inside:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 007 with dissolve WiK "\"Ok! I'll go get a few things quickly.\"" MC "\"I'll be waiting, take your time.\"" WiK "\"I don't have much to bring anyway.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 008 with dissolve "Watching William disappear into his house, Myriam waited outside, her mind wandering on the sad fate that plagued the poor kid." MC "{i}Life seems so unfair sometimes, a sweet kid like him doesn't deserve what's happening to him...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's hope that what's happened gives his mother some sense and help her get her life back, if not for herself at least for her son before it gets too bad.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 009 with dissolve MC "{i}What I don't understand either is why his father is not back home to take care of this...{/i}" MC "{i}I get that his parents seems to not love each other anymore, with what happened with Anthony I can't give any lessons here.{/i}" MC "{i}But still, his son needs him right now, what could possibly be more important!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 010 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, nothing much I can do about it anyway... {w}I'll help him as best I can on my side and hope that it's enough.{/i}" MC "{i}This kid is sweet, smart and talented, he definitely deserves a helping hand.{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! Seems that he's coming back, I can hear his footsteps...{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 011 with dissolve "As Myriam heard, William arrived a few seconds later, a sports bag in hand, only stopping a moment after closing his door with a sad look behind." MC "\"Are you all good?\"" WiK "\"I guess I am...\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 012 with dissolve "Walking to the next door, Myriam and William headed inside the Summers' house." MC "\"Leave your bag here for now, I'll fix you something to eat before settling you in your room.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 013 with dissolve "Doing as Myriam said, William went to put his bag down where she showed him while she went calling for Katherine." MC "\"SWEETIE! IT'S ME! WHERE ARE YOU!?\"" Ka "\"HERE! {w}I'M COMING!\"" WiK "{i}Oh yeah! I forgot that Katherine's living here, Myriam's her mother... {w}I hope it doesn't feel awkward.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 014 with dissolve "Going directly to the kitchen, Myriam invited William to sit while they could hear Katherine coming down from her room." MC "\"Sit down, I'll fix us something.\"" WiK "\"Can I help you?\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 015 with dissolve MC "\"No, it's fine, just sit down and relax.\"" WiK "\"Are you sure? I can set the table at least...\"" MC "\"Sit!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 016 with dissolve "As William sat down as Myriam ordered him, Katherine entered the room with just a t-shirt and her panties on." Ka "\"Hey mom! How was your day?\"" WiK "\"Ka-Katherine!?\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 017 with dissolve "Jumping in surprise at William's voice, Katherine screamed in shock and embarrassment, finally noticing him as he turned his head by courtesy." Ka "\"AAAH! WILL!?\"" WiK "\"I'm sorry! I didn't see anything!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 018 with dissolve "Screaming at her mother, Katherine ran off out of the kitchen, while Myriam realized she hadn't warned her daughter of William's presence." Ka "\"MOM!!!\"" MC "\"Sorry Pumpkin!\"" WiK "\"Sorry!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 019 with dissolve "Katherine gone, quickly returning to her room to change, William apologized again while Myriam was going through the cupboard to prepare dinner." WiK "\"I'm sorry Mrs Summers, I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Forget it, I told her this morning to not run around half naked like that... {w}But she's just like her mother, she likes to relax when she's at home.\"" WiK "{i}Did she just told me she liked walking around half naked!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 020 with dissolve "A little while later, after Myriam had made dinner for the three, Katherine came down again with some pants on, complaining to her mother about the previous incident as she sat down." Ka "\"Mom! You could have warned me!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry Sweetie, I didn't think you would come down like that, but please don't be cross at him, it's not his fault and his mom is in the hospital, so be nice.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 021 with dissolve Ka "\"God! I'm sorry, I didn't know.\"" WiK "\"It's ok, it's me who's sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.\"" Ka "\"Don't worry, it's ok, just... {w}Just don't brag about it with the \"guys\" please.\"" WiK "\"I won't, I promise and besides, you know I don't like those assholes.\"" Ka "\"Thanks, sorry.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_dinner_with_wine:" "Does Myriam take some wine with her dinner?" KN_MOD "No.:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 022 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_settling_william" KN_MOD "Yes, just one glass.:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_settling_william" KN_MOD "Yes, two glasses.:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_settling_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_settling_william:" "Getting up after dinner, Myriam was about to clean up the table when Katherine stopped her." Ka "\"Wait mom! Let me take care of it, you already did all the cooking.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you Pumpkin.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 024 with dissolve MC "\"Come William, let's get you settled.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" MC "\"We've got an extra bedroom.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 025 with dissolve "Guiding William upstairs, Myriam lead him to the extra bedroom of the house." MC "\"Here you go, I'm sure you'll be comfortable here.\"" WiK "\"Yes, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 026 with dissolve MC "\"You've got a nice bed to sleep and a little spot to relax and read.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" MC "\"Behind me you've also got a desk if you need to do your homework.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 027 with dissolve MC "\"Just a door away you've got a bathroom, with a shower and a toilet. {w}If you need anything, I'm at the end of the hall.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_double_cop_date == True:" MC "\"You can go take a shower if you want, I'll go change, I'm going out in a moment.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_prepping_for_the_double_date" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"You can go take a shower if you want, I'll go bring you some towels.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_in_the_shower_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_in_the_shower_with_william:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 028 with dissolve "Going to her bathroom to find some clean towels for William, Myriam could not help feeling worried for him, thinking how sad was his family life was." MC "{i}God! I really hope he'll be able to relax a bit here, I feel so sad to see such a good kid having it so hard.{/i}" MC "{i}Though it's probably because he had to grow up so fast that he feels like such a responsible kid.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 029 with dissolve "Taking a pile of folded towels, Myriam headed out of the master bedroom to leave them in the extra bathroom for William." MC "{i}Well, let's just do our best to cheer him up and make him clear his mind while he's with us.{/i}" MC "{i}And a good start for that is having a nice hot shower.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 030 with dissolve "But as Myriam opened the door of the bathroom, thinking William was still in the bedroom, she caughed him already naked, ready to get in the shower." MC "\"Here's some towels Will...\"" "Cutting short in her sentence, surprised by William's presence, her eyes could not help but go down to his groin.." KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == False and ch3_shower_at_the_boys == False:" MC "{i}God! How can he be so big so young!? {w}It's nothing like Anthony!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Every time I see it I can't stop staring at the size!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 031 with dissolve Ka "\"MOM!?\"" "Quickly brought back to reality as William was apologizing for surprising her, Myriam heard Katherine calling for her as she was getting up and was about to catch them in this situation." WiK "\"Sorry, I didn't think...\"" MC "{i}God! Katherine is coming up!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_what_side_of_the_door:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "React quick and close the door!:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_leaving_william" KN_MOD "React quick and hide inside!:" $ ch3_hide_with_william = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_hiding_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_leaving_william:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 032 with dissolve "Quickly closing the door after throwing the towels in a panic, Myriam turned towards Katherine as she arrived at the floor." MC "\"Yes sweetie!?\"" MC "{i}Sorry William!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 033 with dissolve Ka "\"Eveything ok mom? You look stressed.\"" MC "\"Yes, you just surprised me, I was leaving some towels for William.\"" Ka "\"Oh! Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 034 with dissolve MC "\"You needed something Pumpkin?\"" Ka "\"Ah! No, not really, just wanted to say that I did the dishes and that I was going to study.\"" MC "\"Don't study too late though, having a good night's sleep is important to stay focused.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 035 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah! Don't worry, I just wanted to review quickly my maths, we have a test tomorrow.\"" MC "\"Ok honey!\"" MC "{i}She's just like I was in school, I'm pretty sure she has everything already in her head, but she still has to be sure...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_hiding_with_william:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 036 with dissolve "Acting on instinct, Myriam dropped the towels and quickly closed the door from the inside, waiting to see what Katherine would do." Ka "\"Mom!?\"" MC "\"Ye-Yes sweetie? I'm here. {w}I dropped some towels for William and needed to take a leak.\"" MC "{i}God! What am I saying!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 037 with dissolve Ka "\"Oh! Sorry! {w}I just wanted to say I did the dishes and that I was going to study now.\"" MC "\"Ok honey! That's great! But don't study too late though, having a good night's sleep is important to stay focused.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! Don't worry, I just wanted to review quickly my maths, we have a test tomorrow.\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 038 with dissolve "As she heard Katherine's door close, Myriam turned back and sighed loudly in relief as she leaned against the bathroom's door." MC "\"Sigh!\"" "Meanwhile, the poor William who witnessed the situation in silence, stayed quiet, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, unable as a teenage boy to not feel aroused by the situation." WiK "{i}God! She's so beautiful!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 039 with dissolve "Opening her eyes, Myriam's gaze instantly fell on William's hard on, gasping in surprise as her mind was focused on her daughter moments ago." MC "\"Sorry William...! Wow!\"" MC "{i}God! He got so big!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 040 with dissolve "And as Myriam's gaze lingered on William's big hard cock, her mind just went blank, zoning out as she kept staring in a daze at the cock pointing at her." MC "\"... {w}... {w}...\"" MC "{i}God! His cock is so much bigger than Anthony's... {w}It's beautiful!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 041 with dissolve WiK "\"Mrs Summers? {w}Mrs Summers!?\"" "Suddenly pulling out of her daze as William called out to her, noticing her spacing out, Myriam realized she had been staring all this time." MC "\"Oh god! William! I'm sorry! I didn't meant to stare like this!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 042 with dissolve "Finally realizing his own state, William quickly turned away and hide his cock in a reflex." KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == False:" WiK "\"Sorry! I didn't mean to... {w}I'll pack my things and go!\"" MC "\"No! Wait!\"" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"Sorry! I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"Wait!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 043 with dissolve "Coming close to him, Myriam tried to reassure William, feeling guilty at making him feel embarrassed when he was already feeling blue about his mother." MC "\"You don't have to feel embarrassed William, it's my fault for creating this situation.\"" WiK "\"Really, you're not mad?\"" MC "\"Why would I be?\"" MC "{i}God! I really needed to be cheering him up, not making him more miserable!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_cheering_william_up:" "Does Myriam try to cheer him up with some unconventional method?" KN_MOD "No, I shouldnt add to his confusion!:" MC "{i}No, I shouldn't add to his confusion!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 044 with dissolve MC "\"Come on! Go take a hot shower, it'll do you some good...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" WiK "\"Wait! Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" WiK "\"Would you mind giving me a hand before that? Please. {w}You know, like you did at school the other day...\"" MC "{i}Mmmh... I guess I could do that for him, if it can help him cheer up after all... {w}And he's asking so nicely.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cheering_william" KN_MOD "elif ch2_kind_of_promised_to_william == True:" WiK "\"Wait! Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" WiK "\"Would you mind giving me a hand before that? Please. {w}You had kind of promised to do it if it was out of school.\"" MC "{i}It's true there was this confusion the other day when he came see me at school... {w}I guess I could do that for him, if it can help him cheer up after all... {w}And he's asking so nicely.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cheering_william" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"Ok Mrs Summers, thank you!\"" MC "\"Good night William.\"" WiK "\"Good night.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius" KN_MOD "Maybe I could help him relax...:" $ ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex = True KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == False:" MC "{i}Maybe I could help him relax... {w}God! This is crazy, but... {w}He's so sweet and sad, if it can help him feel better he's old enough for a naughty little service...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Maybe I could help him relax... {w}He's so sweet and sad, I can give him again some little service.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cheering_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_cheering_william:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 045 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True:" "Bending over, Myriam suddenly grabbed William's rock hard cock and started caressing it, while reassuring him with a sweet voice." WiK "\"Wow!?\"" MC "\"You know what sweetie... {w}Why don't you let me take care of that for you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex = True MC "\"Ok sweetie, let me take care of that for you...\"" "Bending over, Myriam grabbed William's rock hard cock and started caressing it, while reassuring him with a sweet voice." WiK "\"Thanks!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 046 with dissolve "Making him sit down on the toilet, Myriam came kneeling between his legs while grabbing his cock, leaving no doubts about what she was about to do." MC "\"Just relax and enjoy while I take care of that big thing of yours.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True or ch2_kind_of_promised_to_william == True or ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" WiK "\"Than-Thank you!\"" KN_MOD "else:" WiK "\"O-Ok!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve "Looking down, Myriam quickly started to take care of William's big hard cock, taking it in her mouth and slowly starting to suck it." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" WiK "\"Oooh! That's...!\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == False:" MC "{i}Mmmh! His cock feels great in my mouth! {w}I just love the taste and he's big enough to make me work for it!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Mmmh! His cock always feels so good in my mouth!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating her pace, Myriam kept swallowing William's cock deep in her throat as she was used to, wrapping her tongue around his shaft as she did." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! That feel so fucking good!\"" MC "{i}Good! Glad to hear he's enjoying his service.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve "Following his moans of pleasure, Myriam kept accelerating her pace, deepthroating William's cock with fervor, feeling he was already about to burst in her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! I can feel his cock getting bigger and harder! He's about to burst!{/i}" WiK "\"Aaah! I'm about to cum!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 048 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 049 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pushing William as much as she could, she kept blowing him thoroughly as she started mercilessly teasing his glans with her tongue, until finally, she felt a massive load of cum bursting down her throat, swallowing every last drop as it came flowing in her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"OOOH! GOD! I'M CUMMING!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" MC "{i}Mmmh! He's already this thick again after cumming in my mouth earlier!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_fucked_william_at_school == True:" MC "{i}Mmmh! He can already cum so much after what we did earlier!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_anal_with_william_at_school == True:" MC "{i}Mmmh! God! He still can cum so much after filling each one of my holes earlier!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Mmmh! God! His load is so massive and thick! I had trouble swallowing everything!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 050 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out of her mouth, Myriam looked at William with a mischievous smile as she cleaned up her chin from the overflowing cum, proud of the blissful expression she could read on his face." MC "\"So, did you enjoy yourself?\"" WiK "\"Yes! Definitely! That felt so good!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 051 with dissolve "Still looking William in the eyes, Myriam gave his cock an extra clean up with her tongue as she licked the last drop of cum dripping from his cock, while still caressing his cock and balls with her hands." KN_MOD "if ch3_fucked_william_at_school == True or ch3_anal_with_william_at_school == True:" MC "{i}Look at that, despite all the times he already came today, he's still hard as a rock! {w}Young men sure have some vitality!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Look at that, he just came and he's still hard as a rock! {w}Young men sure have some vitality!{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! It looks like this guy hasn't had enough...\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == False:" MC "{i}God! Sucking on his cock made me so wet! Maybe I could give him a nice ride also... {w}God! I know it's wrong but I need his cock so badly!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Sucking on his cock made me so wet! Maybe I could give him a nice ride also... {w}God! I need his cock so badly again!{/i}" MC "\"Lie back!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 052 with dissolve "Pushing William on his back after taking off her clothes, Myriam straddled him, taking his cock in her pussy as she started going up and down over him." "Caressing her thighs, William eyes were glued to the view of Myriam's pussy swallowing his cock every time her hips went down." MC "\"Mmmh! Aaah!\"" WiK "\"Oooh! God!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Your cock feels so good! Aaah! Do you like my pussy!?\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! You-Your pussy feels so good!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 053 with dissolve "Riding his cock furiously, Myriam's pussy swallowed his big cock at a fast pace, offering William a very erotic show, intensified by her moans of pleasure and her dirty talk." "Caressing her clitoris while she kept riding him, Myriam put all her weight everytime she let herself go down and swallowed his cock with her wet and slippery pussy." MC "\"Mmmh! Do you like feeling your big cock wrecking my pussy!? Aaah!\"" WiK "\"Oooh! God! Yeah! Yeah!!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 054 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror in front of her, Myriam could read the pleasure on her face, enhanced by the erotism of her body going up and down on William's hard shaft, while her breasts kept bouncing up and down as they followed the pace of the ride." "And as she looked at herself riding this young stud, Myriam quickly felt a wave of pleasure crashing through her body, as an orgasm took her over while she could feel William's cock starting to get harder and bigger inside her, ready to cum again." MC "\"AAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! I-I'm about to cum again!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_finishing_william:" "How does Myriam decide to finish William?" KN_MOD "Let him finish inside!:" $ ch3_william_finish_inside = True MC "{i}Mmmh! God! I want to feel his warm cum inside me so badly!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 055 with dissolve MC "\"Aaah! Come on! Do it! Cum inside me!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes! Fill my pussy full of cum!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cumming_inside" KN_MOD "Have him finish on her face! (Cum Kink 20+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 20:" $ ch3_william_finish_facial = True MC "{i}Mmmh! God! I want to feel his thick cum all over my face so badly!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 057 with dissolve MC "\"Aaah! Wait! I want you to cum on my face!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Re-Really!?\"" MC "\"Mmmmh! Yes! Cover my face full of cum!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cumming_on_her_face" KN_MOD "Let him decide!:" $ ch3_william_finish_facial = True $ ch3_william_more_confident = True MC "{i}Mmmh! Let's have him decide how he wants to finish himself! {w}It'll give him more confidence!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 057 with dissolve MC "\"Aaah! You can cum inside me! {w}Mmmh! Or-Or you can cum all over my face! I know you kids nowadays love that!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Re-Really!?\"" MC "\"Yeah! Aaah! Quick! Or my pussy will decide for you!\"" WiK "\"Oooh! On-On your face! Aaah! I want to cum on your face!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_cumming_on_her_face" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_cumming_inside:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 056 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Suddenly grabbing Myriam's breasts, William screamed his pleasure loudly as his cum started gushing in her pussy, even lifting his hips to thrust his cock deeper inside her as he kept ejaculating." "The rough thrusts of William and his ejaculation coming so close to her own orgasm, Myriam felt her body shaking again in pleasure as a new orgasm seized her." WiK "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE I CUM!\"" MC "\"AAAH! YES! YES!! I'M CUMMING TOO!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! God! This is wrong but I could get addicted to this feeling, to this cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 057 with dissolve "Both cooling down after their respective climax, Myriam still kept grinding slowly with her hips, feeling William's cock still half hard inside her pussy." "Looking down, Myriam asked William mischievously if he enjoyed himself, while letting him play with her breasts like a curious kid discovering a new toy." KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True or ch3_fucked_william_at_school == True:" MC "\"So! Mmmh! Did that naughty boy enjoy his ride again?\"" WiK "\"Aaah! God! Yes! Your pussy always feels like heaven!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Look at him being all naughty and talking about my pussy!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"So! Mmmh! Did that naughty boy enjoy his ride?\"" WiK "\"Aaah! God! Ye-Yes! It felt like heaven!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Look at this lucky boy, he really does look like he found heaven!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_post_coitus" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_cumming_on_her_face:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 058 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Jumping to her knees to receive William's cum, Myriam was joined by him and quickly received a thick and warm coat of cum that came blasting all over her face." "And again, despite already cumming multiple times, William surprised Myriam again, giving her a huge facial, nothing in common with what Anthony had accustomed her to." WiK "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE I CUM!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes, give it to me! Cover my face with your hot cum!\"" MC "{i}God! How can he still have so much cum! Maybe it's because of those big balls of his... {w}But young men are really full of vitality!{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 059 with dissolve "Cooling down after finishing himself all over Myriam's face, William suddenly realized how much cum he had put in Myriam's eyes." WiK "\"Sorry! I covered your eyes with so much cum, let me clean them up!\"" MC "\"Leave it, I don't mind.\"" MC "{i}He's really such a sweetie! For Anthony it was always one of his pleasures to burn my eyes with his cum...{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 060 with dissolve WiK "\"Really!? You like it?\"" MC "\"Well it burns a little, but I'm used to it, you can't get a facial without taking some in the eyes. {w}And I love facials.\"" WiK "\"Wow! I-I always thought it was only in porn that girls loved cum!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! I can't say for other women, but I always loved cum. {w}But I think that like in life, there is a lot of different people with a lot of different tastes.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_post_coitus" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_post_coitus:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_william_finish_facial == True:" "As she got up after cleaning her face and swallowing his cum, Myriam could see the blissful William still half hard despite climaxing multiple time, as well as sparks of excitement still firmly present in his eyes." KN_MOD "elif ch3_william_finish_inside == True:" "As she got up, Myriam could see the blissful William still half hard despite climaxing multiple time, as well as sparks of excitement still firmly present in his eyes." MC "\"Well, thank you! That was incredible.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_anal_with_william_at_school == True:" WiK "\"You're welcome... {w}Mrs-Mrs Summers! Could we maybe try anal again like earlier? {w}And after all I owed you one there.\"" MC "{i}Look at that naughty boy using the \"I owe you one\" card to beg for anal... {w}Do I indulge him or not?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_another_go_or_not" KN_MOD "elif ch1_anal_with_william == True and ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" WiK "\"You're welcome... {w}Mrs-Mrs Summers! Could we maybe try anal again this time? {w}We didn't have the time to do more earlier, and I'd like to try again...\"" MC "{i}Look at that naughty boy begging for anal... {w}Do I indulge him or not?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_another_go_or_not" KN_MOD "elif MCkink[Anal] >= 15:" MC "{i}God! I'm still so horny! {w}I won't be able to calm down if I don't take it up the ass!{/i}" MC "\"But I think that bad boy has another load in him, don't you think?\"" WiK "\"Yeah!\"" MC "\"Because I think my ass also needs a little bit of love...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_another_go_in_the_ass" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I think we should stop things here before Katherine gets wise or curious... {w}He's been cheered enough for today.{/i}" MC "\"I'm going to let you relax now sweetie, take a good shower and go sleep, you had big day today.\"" WiK "\"Ye-Yes! Thank you Mrs Summers!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_another_go_or_not:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_bathroom_anal_or_not:" "Does Myriam indulge William with his anal request?" KN_MOD "God! Yes! Im still so horny! (Anal Kink 10+) if MCkink[Anal] >= 10:" $ ch3_bathroom_anal_with_william = True MC "{i}God! Yes! I'm still so horny! {w}I won't be able to calm down if I don't take it up the ass also!{/i}" MC "\"Ok sweetie, let's have some anal fun also!\"" WiK "\"You're the best!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_another_go_in_the_ass" KN_MOD "I think we should stop things here for now...:" MC "{i}I think we should stop things here before Katherine gets wise or curious... {w}He's been cheered enough for today.{/i}" MC "\"Sorry sweetie, but I think we should stop things for now, Katherine is studying in her room with some music, but she could get wise or curious if we keep going...\"" WiK "\"Ye-Yes! That's true, sorry... {w}Thank you Mrs Summers!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_another_go_in_the_ass:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 062 with dissolve "As Myriam bent over the sink, she was quickly joined by a fervent William who pushed his cock in her tight but welcoming ass." "And with an intense fervor, William quickly started pounding Myriam's ass, unable to resist his own excitement and the sweet feeling of her ass." WiK "\"Oooh! Fuck! Your ass feels so good and so tight!\"" MC "\"Aaah! God! Yes! Mmmh! Fuck my ass hard!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 063 with dissolve "Blinded by his own pleasure and his excitement, William kept pounding Myriam's ass harder and deeper, galvanized by moans of pleasure and her dirty talk." "While Myriam on her side could feel an intense orgasm coming, her body still sensitive from a first orgasm and now drowning in pleasure with the intense anal pounding William was giving her." MC "\"Oooh! God! Don't stop! Don't stop!! Mmmh! Pound my ass like a brute!\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 064 with dissolve "And as William kept accelerating the pace, pounding her ass without reserve, both drowning in the passion and pleasure, Myriam felt a violent new orgasm taking her body over." MC "\"AAAH! OH GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_william_finish_inside == True:" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Trying to make her orgasm last, William grit his teeth and tried to endure the tightening of Myriam's asshole as much as he could, but once she was done screaming, she felt the sudden burst of warm cum filling up her ass while he climaxed screaming in turn." WiK "\"AAARGH! FUCK! CUMMING TOO!!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Fill my ass full of cum!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_william_finish_facial == True:" WiK "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! I'm going to cum too!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 065 with dissolve "Feeling William suddenly pulling out of her, Myriam knew what William wanted and quickly dropped on her knees to let him empty his balls again all over her face." "Grabbing her hair as she came down, William screamed loudly as his cum came bursting violently over her face again, covering her with a new coat of warm and thick cum." WiK "\"AAARGH! FUCK! TAKE MY CUM!!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Give me a new coat of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 066 with dissolve "As William let go of her hair, Myriam, slowly started to clean up her face by collecting it in her mouth before swallowing it as she did for the first coat." MC "{i}Seems like he's getting more confident! I never thought he would grab me by the hair like this on his own... {w}It was a good idea to push him a little.{/i}" WiK "\"Oh! Sorry! I was bit rough!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! It's ok! {w}Slurp! Thank you for all this nice cum! Gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 067 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_william_finish_facial == True:" "Getting up after cleaning her face and swallowing his cum again, Myriam kissed William on the cheek to thank him for his performance, having made her climax so hard and help her feel more relaxed after her hard day." KN_MOD "elif ch3_william_finish_inside == True:" "Getting up after he pulled out of her ass, Myriam kissed William on the cheek to thank him for his performance, having made her climax so hard and help her feel more relaxed after her hard day." MC "\"Mouah! Thank you for your help sweetie! I feel so much better now!\"" WiK "\"No-No, it's me that should thank you! You're the best!\"" MC "\"He he he! Then let just say we both had a good time! {w}Now I'll let you take your shower, goodnight!\"" WiK "\"Goodnight!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_going_out_with_cassius:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True:" "After dressing again, Myriam left William to his shower and decided to go back to her own activities and relax after such an intense day." KN_MOD "elif ch3_hide_with_william == True:" "Leaving William to his shower, Myriam decided go back to her own activities and relax after such an intense day." KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving the two teenagers to their activity, Myriam decided go back to her own activities and relax after such an intense day." MC "{i}Well, let's leave the kids to their own thing and go relax a bit before going to bed.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could go out for a walk with Cassius.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 069 with dissolve "Getting Cassius, Myriam headed out after telling Katherine and William she was going out for a walk in the park." MC "\"Come boy! Let's go for a little walk.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}It'll do me some good to take a bit of air and a good hot shower before going to bed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update4" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_prepping_for_the_double_date:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 068 with dissolve "Walking towards her bedroom, Myriam already started thinking on what she was going to put on to go out, feeling that she had to change before joining the two officers." MC "{i}It shouldn't be too long before they come to take me now, I should be quick to refresh a little and change. {w}I can't go like this, it wouldn't feel like going out if I stay dressed like I was all day.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could put the dress Eve bought me the other day, they talk about a club, maybe they'll want to dance a little. {w}I must say it always was a nice distraction.{/i}" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 070 with dissolve "After a quick clean up, Myriam stopped in front of her panty drawer, thinking about what to put on, panties were a psychological tool and would set her mood for the date." MC "{i}What can I put on...? {w}Do I go with something a bit fun, or maybe one of the ones Eve bought me the other day... {w}God! They were a bit too naughty...{/i}" MC "{i}I bet that's what she would tell me to put on if she was here, or even to go commando!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_chose_your_weapon:" "What does Myriam chose to put on?" KN_MOD "No, just a simple thong will do!:" $ ch3_simple_thong = True MC "{i}No, just a simple thong will do! {w}We're just going out for a drink and maybe some dancing, I don't need to be too dolled up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "Damn! And why not!?:" $ ch3_sexy_thong = True MC "{i}Damn! And why not!? {w}We're just going out for a drink and maybe some dancing, but it'll make me feel a little more dolled up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "Could I really go commando?:" $ ch3_going_commando = True MC "{i}Could I really go commando? {w}My god! This is crazy, but it feels so exciting the idea of being without panties in public with people not knowing it. {w}And it's not like anybody will know it after all.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_ready_to_go:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 071 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" "After putting on her dress, Myriam put some light makeup on, wanting to set her mood for the night even if she never was a big cosmetic user." KN_MOD "else:" "After putting on her panties and dress, Myriam put some light makeup on, wanting to set her mood for the night even if she never was a big cosmetic use." MC "{i}Here you go! Ready! {w}Just a little touch of makeup to feel like I'm really going out.{/i}" MC "{i}It feels so strange to go out now, but they are right, it'll help me think of something else and I definitely need to have some fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" MC "{i}Though I'll have to be cautious, my dress is quite short, maybe I was a bit rash in wanting to go out commando.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_are_you_really_going_commando:" "Does Myriam change her mind?" KN_MOD "Yeah, I think I better put back some panties...:" $ ch3_going_commando_change_her_mind = True MC "{i}Yeah, I think I better put back some panties on... {w}This dress is way too short to go commando like this, I'm not ready for this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_or_not" KN_MOD "No, its risky but its exciting!:" MC "{i}No, it's risky but it's exciting! {w}Doctor Silver told me to be more myself and that's just what I'm going to do!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_or_not" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's put all this away now, they shouldn't be long.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_ready_or_not" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_ready_or_not:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 072 with dissolve play sound "doorbell-freesound-kwahmah.mp3" "Ding-dong!" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando_change_her_mind == True:" "Cutting Myriam's reflection short, as she was putting away her makeup and was about to leave her bathroom to put panties on the doorbell suddenly surprised her." KN_MOD "else:" "As Myriam was putting away her makeup and was about to leave her bathroom, the doorbell suddenly surprised her." MC "{i}Oh! It must be them, I should go!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando_change_her_mind == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_07_forgot_something:" "Does Myriam forget to put back her panties?" KN_MOD "Nope!:" $ ch3_going_commando = False $ ch3_sexy_thong = True MC "{i}Let's just tell the kids I'm going before I do and put some panties on! {w}I'll put one of the sexy thongs Eve bought me, at least it'll feel a bit exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_dressed_up" KN_MOD "What?:" $ ch3_forgot_she_dont_have_any_panties = True MC "{i}Wait, what was I thinking about...!? {w}Nevermind... I can't make them wait for my brain to unfreeze, let's just tell the kids I'm going before I go!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_dressed_up" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's just tell the kids I'm going before I do!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_07_going_out_dressed_up" KN_MOD "label ch3_07_going_out_dressed_up:" scene bg ch3_07 welcomingwilliam 073 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando_change_her_mind == True and ch3_forgot_she_dont_have_any_panties == False:" "Ready to go after putting back some panties on and telling the kids she was going out, Myriam headed down to answer the door and go out with the two officers, dressed up as much for the occasion as to mentally feel she was going to have fun and set aside her worries." KN_MOD "else:" "Ready to go after telling the kids she was going out, Myriam headed down to answer the door and go out with the two officers, dressed up as much for the occasion as to mentally feel she was going to have fun and set aside her worries." MC "{i}Well, let's go! I hope I didn't make them wait too long.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know if I'm fully in the mood, but I dressed for the occasion... {w}Let's just hope I'll be able to relax and have fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update4" KN_MOD "label ch3_update4:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update4 from _call_var_chapter3_update4" KN_MOD "if ch3_double_cop_date == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_double_cop_date" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_cassius_night_walk_in_the_park" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_double_cop_date:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Double Cop Date" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 001 with dissolve "Opening the door, Myriam saw officer Armstrong in civilian clothes waiting at the door in a relaxed pose, giving off a different atmosphere to him than the one she knew." ODA "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 002 with dissolve "Stunned by Myriam's appearance, Armstrong could not help admiring her from head to toes, spacing out a moment as he was checking her out." ODA "{i}Holy shit! She really did go all out! {w}Look at that babe!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_checking_out:" "What's Myriam reaction?" KN_MOD "Is he checking me out!?:" $ ch3_noticed_armstrong_checking_her_out = True MC "{i}Is he checking me out!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_is_he_for_real" KN_MOD "Hes quite hot in his civilian clothes!:" $ ch3_checking_armstrong_out = True MC "{i}He's quite hot in his civilian clothes! {w}He's missing the hat, but he would make a fine cowboy... {w}I like!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "Wheres officer Johnson?:" MC "{i}Where's officer Johnson?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_is_he_for_real:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_checking_out_suite:" "How does she feel?" KN_MOD "No, it must be my imagination...:" MC "{i}No, it must be my imagination... {w}I must be feeling self conscious.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "Well, I must have done something right then...:" MC "{i}Well, I must have done something right then... {w}I didn't dress like that for them, but I wouldn't have if I minded either.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "Thats a bit rude...:" $ ch3_disliked_being_checked_out = True MC "{i}That's a bit rude... {w}But I can hardly blame him, I just hope they don't do it too much.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "God! If he keep looking at me like that...:" MC "{i}God! If he keeps looking at me like that... {w}It feels exciting, I didn't dress like that for them, but I can't say I mind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "But hes quite hot himself!:" $ ch3_checking_armstrong_out = True MC "{i}But he's quite hot himself! {w}Look at him, he's missing the hat, but he would make a fine cowboy... {w}I like!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_joining_officer_johnson:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 003 with dissolve MC "\"Are you alone? Where's officer Johnson? {w}Officer Armstrong?\"" "Suddenly noticing he had been spacing out, officer Armstrong quickly answered her." ODA "\"Oh! Sorry! I spaced out a moment there, you are stunning!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_disliked_being_checked_out == True:" MC "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_checking_armstrong_out == True:" MC "\"Thanks! You're quite handsome yourself!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_noticed_armstrong_checking_her_out == True:" MC "\"Thanks!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Oh! Thanks!\"" ODA "\"Mike is waiting in the car. {w}And please, call me Danny.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 004 with dissolve "As they both walked out to join officer Johnson waiting in the car, Danny invited her to step out first from the courtyard." ODA "\"Please...\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 005 with dissolve "As Danny invited her to go, he gently put his hand on her back, brushing off her butt as his hand fell down her back." ODA "\"Mike's just parked over there.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_touchy_gentleman:" "How does Myriam feel about his hand?" KN_MOD "Its a sweet touch.:" MC "{i}It's a sweet touch, it feels nice to be treated like a lady.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_driving_away" KN_MOD "Its a bit much, but hes trying to be nice.:" MC "{i}It's a bit much, but he's trying to be nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_driving_away" KN_MOD "Its uncomfortable, but its coming from a good place.:" MC "{i}It's uncomfortable, but it's coming from a good place.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_driving_away" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_driving_away:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 006 with dissolve "Unbeknownst to the two, someone else was spying from a window, Myriam's old neighbor." JaJ "{i}Look at that little whore! Flirting with some darky! {w}And in a public place at that!{/i}" JaJ "{i}Wait for it you little whore! {w}I'll make you regret polluting the neighborhood and make you know your place!{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A little while later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 007 with dissolve "As the three where driving to the club they talked about at the station, they kept talking and joking around, giving Myriam a good vibe to start the night." ODA "\"It's sad you have this sweet muscle car but drive like a grandma!\"" MC "\"Come on, don't be mean!\"" OMJ "\"You remember we're cops right?\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 008 with dissolve ODA "\"Then you should drive a nice and safe station wagon.\"" OMJ "\"You know you're a dick!\"" MC "\"He's just driving safe.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 009 with dissolve "As she kept looking at them bickering and teasing each other, Myriam could not help but smile at the couple of friends and partners." ODA "\"Come on! You know I'm only joking.\"" OMJ "\"Yeah!? Here, look at what I think about it!\"" MC "{i}They're like two brothers bickering with each others! {w}They must have been friends for a long time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_arriving_at_the_club" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_arriving_at_the_club:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 010 with dissolve "After arriving to the club and leaving their coats at the entrance, the three went inside, discovering it was only slightly crowded at this hour." MC "\"This is pretty big!\"" OMJ "\"Yeah! It's one of the biggest clubs in town.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 011 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm to get Myriam's attention over the loud music, Danny offered to start the night with a little drink." ODA "\"Hey! What d'you say we start by a little drink!? I'm offering!\"" MC "\"Yes! Thanks!\"" OMJ "\"The bar's just over there.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 012 with dissolve "Waiting at the bar while Danny was ordering drinks for everyone, Mike and Myriam tried to have a conversation over the loud music." OMJ "\"Glad you didn't change your mind!\"" MC "\"What!?\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 013 with dissolve "Coming closer to be heard over the music, Mike approached Myriam as she bent towards him to hear what he was saying." OMJ "\"I said we're glad you came over and didn't change your mind!\"" MC "\"Yeah!? Thanks! {w}I wasn't sure, but I'm glad I came, I needed to have a breather as you said!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 014 with dissolve "As she leaned forward to understand what Mike was saying, Myriam offered him a perfect view down her cleavage." OMJ "\"Glad to hear it!\"" OMJ "{i}God! Is she trying to kill me here!? {w}Look at that cleavage! She's a real fucking babe!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 015 with dissolve "Quickly looking up again to avoid getting caught, nose in her cleavage, Mike forced himself to bring his eyes up." OMJ "\"Then let's help you have a great night!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! That would be great, please!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 016 with dissolve "Coming back with the drinks and a bottle, Danny invited the two to follow him to a more comfortable spot, gesturing to them as well not sure they would hear him." ODA "\"Got the stuff! Let's get ourselves a couch and table!\"" MC "\"Thanks! We're coming.\"" OMJ "\"Yeah! Coming!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 017 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 018 with dissolve "The place being not too crowded for now, the group easily found a nice spot to stay, inviting her to sit between them as they offered a toast to officially start the night." ODA "\"Here! To a fun night!\"" MC "\"To a fun night!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 019 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 020 with dissolve "Turning back towards Mike, Myriam toasted with him as well, while Danny discreetly took the occasion to have a lustful glance at Myriam's ass." MC "\"And to a fun night also!\"" OMJ "\"Yes! To a night of fun!\"" ODA "{i}Damn! That ass is really inviting! {w}Can't wait to see her dancing...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_doing_conversation:" "With whom does Myriam end up talking more?" KN_MOD "Mike.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_with_mike" KN_MOD "Danny.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_with_danny" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_talking_with_mike:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 021 with dissolve "As the three kept talking and drinking together, Mike seemed to get more of Myriam's attention and curiosity as their conversation kept going." OMJ "\"Yes, being a cop is kind of hard nowadays, we can't say the public opinion is good, but it can still be fulfilling.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 022 with dissolve OMJ "\"Well, you have crappy days, without a doubt, but you also have days where you do feel like you're making a difference, like when you save someone's life.\"" MC "\"That must be a wonderful feeling...\"" OMJ "\"Yeah! It surely is... {w}Like having a nice little date with a gorgeous woman.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on!\"" "As both stopped talking and joking, and silence fell between the three, Mike's hand came brushing Myriam's leg as he rested his hand on his leg." KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_leg_touching:" "What's Myriam reaction?" KN_MOD "Hes quite charming.:" MC "{i}He's quite charming and easy to talk to.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "Its just an accident.:" MC "{i}It's just an accident, we're all squeezed together in this couch.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "Hes a bit cocky!:" MC "{i}He's a bit cocky, but it's innocent enough, it could have been an accident...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_talking_with_danny:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 023 with dissolve "As the three kept talking and drinking together, Danny seemed to get more of Myriam's attention and curiosity as their conversation kept going." ODA "\"Yeah! Being a cop is sure tough, that's not for everybody, but you can't let yourself get dragged down.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 024 with dissolve ODA "\"Well it's simple, without you it's anarchy, if you're not here to stop it who will? Who will protect people from the bad guys?\"" MC "\"Yes, that's true, it's commendable...\"" ODA "\"Nah! It's just our duty... {w}Though I can't say I mind a nice little date with a gorgeous woman from time to time.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on!\"" "As both stopped talking and joking, and silence fell between the three, Danny's hand came brushing Myriam's arm as he let his hand down." KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_arm_touching:" "What's Myriam reaction?" KN_MOD "Hes quite manly.:" MC "{i}He's quite manly and confident.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "Its just an accident.:" MC "{i}It's just an accident, we're all squeezed together in this couch.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "Hes a bit cocky!:" MC "{i}He's a bit cocky, but it's innocent enough, it could have been an accident...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_talking_and_drinking" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_talking_and_drinking:" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 025 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 026 with dissolve "After some more discussion and light flirting, as the glasses emptied, Mike grabbed the bottle to serve another round to everyone, starting with Myriam." OMJ "\"Here you go!\"" MC "\"Ah! Wait stop!\"" ODA "\"Come on! Just another drink... {w}Here, pour me one Mike!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_another_drink:" "Does Myriam keep drinking?" KN_MOD "No, sorry, I already had too much to drink!:" MC "\"No, sorry, I already had too much to drink!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 027 with dissolve "As the two took a sip of their whiskey they looked at Myriam while her gaze went to the dance floor now getting more crowded in the time that had passed since their arrival." MC "{i}I wouldn't mind going to dance now that's there's a few more people, it seems there is a good vibe going on.{/i}" OMJ "{i}Looks like she wants to go dancing...{/i}" ODA "{i}Let's get on the dance floor after that glass...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_on_the_dance_floor" KN_MOD "Ok, maybe just one more!:" MC "\"Ok, maybe just one more!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 028 with dissolve "As the three took a sip of their whiskey, the two looked at Myriam while her gaze went to the dance floor now getting more crowded in the time that had passed since their arrival." MC "{i}I wouldn't mind going to dance now that's there's a few more people, it seems there is a good vibe going on.{/i}" OMJ "{i}Looks like she wants to go dancing...{/i}" ODA "{i}Let's get on the dance floor after that glass...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_on_the_dance_floor" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_on_the_dance_floor:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 029 with dissolve "The three of them went to the dance floor and quickly started to dance after putting their drinks and other items on the side to free themselves and dance unencumbered." "Closing her eyes, Myriam let herself be guided by the music and her mood, while Danny and Mike danced beside her, looking at her body hypnotized as if she were a snake charmer and they the snakes." ODA "{i}Holy shit! Look at that booty!{/i}" OMJ "{i}Wow! She knows how to move!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 030 with dissolve "As Myriam kept dancing to the rhythm of the different tracks the DJ passed, the two partners kept coming closer to her, like moths to the flame." ODA "{i}Let's see if she's up for some \"proximity\"!{/i}" OMJ "{i}Look at him! I know what he's up too...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 031 with dissolve "Suddenly feeling a hand lightly touching her back, Myriam opened her eyes and saw Danny dancing close to her, his hand resting on her back as he looked at her ardently." MC "\"Ah...!?\"" MC "{i}Does he want us to dance together?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_dirty_dancing:" "Does Myriam dance with him?" KN_MOD "Why not! Were friendly enough now to do some dirty dancing... if ch3_disliked_being_checked_out == False or MCtrait[Drinks] > 3:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_danny = True MC "{i}Why not! We're friendly enough now to do some dirty dancing... {w}It's a bit forward but as long as we don't go too far it could be exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_danny" KN_MOD "It feels kind of uncomfortable, but I dont want to kill the mood...:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_danny = True MC "{i}It feels kind of uncomfortable, but I don't want to kill the mood... {w}Let's dance with him a little.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_danny" KN_MOD "Is he not being a little cocky! Lets tease him and dance with Mike...:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike = True MC "{i}Is he not being a little cocky! Let's tease him and dance with Mike... {w}We'll teach him a little lesson!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_mike" KN_MOD "Sorry! I dont want to kill the mood, but its not happening... if ch3_checking_armstrong_out == False and MCtrait[Drinks] < 4:" MC "{i}Sorry! I don't want to kill the mood, but it's not happening... {w}They're not assholes, but I just don't feel like it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_no_dirty_dancing" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_danny:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 032 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike == True:" "Quitting Mike's arms, Myriam changed partners and went into Danny's, letting him guide her as his hands started to caress her and their bodies moved together to the rhythm of the music." KN_MOD "else:" "Letting Danny come closer to her, Myriam let him guide her as his hands started to caress her and their bodies moved together to the rhythm of the music." ODA "\"That's it, come here baby!\"" OMJ "{i}That's it, Danny's on the attack!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == True:" MC "{i}God! His touch feels kind of exciting, but I can't help feeling a bit dirty...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! His touch feels kind of exciting, he's so sensual...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 033 with dissolve "As Danny kept guiding her body while they kept dancing, so close that she could feel his groin grinding against her butt, Myriam noticed Mike coming closer, interrogating her with his eyes as if asking was it ok to join." ODA "\"Yeah! Move that body baby!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike == True:" MC "{i}Mike's getting closer again... {w}Seems like he wants to join us or wants another turn!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Mike's getting closer... {w}Seems like he wants to join us or wants a turn too!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_dirty_dancing_trio_1:" "Does Myriam dance with both?" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy, but this feels so exciting and hot! if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == False:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_sandwich = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy, but this feels so exciting and hot! {w}It feels so empowering having these two men beg for my attention...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_both" KN_MOD "God! It feels so dirty, but I dont want to kill the mood!:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_sandwich = True MC "{i}God! It feels so dirty, but I don't want to kill the mood! {w}They're like perverted kids...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_both" KN_MOD "Lets make neither jealous and change partner... if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike == False:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike = True MC "{i}Let's make neither jealous and change partner... {w}I don't want anyone feeling unwanted or sore.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_mike" KN_MOD "No, sorry! But it kind of make me feel like a tool now... (Drinks Trait under 4) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 4:" $ ch3_dirty_dancing_cut_short = True MC "{i}No, sorry! But it kind of make me feel like a tool now... {w}I won't get passed around like a toy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_no_dirty_dancing" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_mike:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 034 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_danny == True:" "Quitting Danny's arms and leaving him a little frustrated, Myriam changed partners and went into Mike's, brushing her body against his as she followed the rhythm of the music as well as his moves." KN_MOD "else:" "Avoiding Danny's grasp and leaving him a little frustrated, Myriam went into Mike's arms, brushing her body against his as she followed the rhythm of the music as well as his moves." OMJ "\"Wow! You're so gorgeous!\"" ODA "{i}Damn! Is she trying to give me blue balls!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't say they're being pigs, but pleasing everybody like this makes me feel kind of awkward...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This feels so exhilarating! They are like puppies begging for attention...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 035 with dissolve "As Myriam danced in Mike's arms, undulating her body to the rhythm of the music, he followed her moves with his caresses while Danny came closer, not losing anything as he watched her dancing." ODA "\"Shit! Baby you're killing me here!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_danny == True:" MC "{i}Danny's getting closer again... {w}Seems like he wants to join us or wants another turn!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Danny's getting closer... {w}Seems like he wants to join us or really wants a turn!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_dirty_dancing_trio_2:" "Does Myriam dance with both?" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy, but this feels so exciting and hot! if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == False:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_sandwich = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy, but this feels so exciting and hot! {w}It feels so empowering having these two men beg for my attention...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_both" KN_MOD "God! It feels so dirty, but I dont want to kill the mood!:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly = True $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_sandwich = True MC "{i}God! It feels so dirty, but I don't want to kill the mood! {w}They're like perverted kids...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_both" KN_MOD "Lets make neither jealous and change partner... if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_danny == False:" $ ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_with_mike = True MC "{i}Let's make neither jealous and change partners... {w}I think I teased him enough, I don't want him to feel sore.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_danny" KN_MOD "No, sorry! But it kind of make me feel like a tool now... (Drinks Trait under 4) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 4:" $ ch3_dirty_dancing_cut_short = True MC "{i}No, sorry! But it kind of makes me feel like a tool now... {w}I won't get passed around like a toy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_no_dirty_dancing" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_dirty_dancing_with_both:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 036 with dissolve "Letting him join the two, Myriam kept dancing closely with them, even letting them run their hands over her body as they all followed the rhythm of the music and the loud beat of the bass, which could be felt physically." OMJ "\"You're so gorgeous!\"" ODA "\"Fuck yeah you are babe!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == True:" MC "{i}God! Their touch feels exciting, but I can't help feeling awkward about it...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Their touch feels so exciting!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 037 with dissolve "As they let go of her arms, Myriam put them down around Mike's neck and shoulders, while both men kept dancing with her and caressing her, Danny even starting to be more and more daring, his hands brushing close to her breasts and butt." ODA "\"Shit! Baby you're so hot!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing_begrudgingly == True:" MC "{i}God! This is going too far! His hands are really getting daring and I can even feel his hard-on pressing against my butt... {w}I need to calm things down a little.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This is getting out of hand! They're becoming more and more daring and I'm getting too excited... {w}I need to cool things down a bit!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 038 with dissolve "Suddenly pulling away from them, Myriam backed away, trying to catch her breath and calm down before things escalated even more." MC "\"Wait! {w}Stop! {w}Sorry!\"" OMJ "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, yes! Sorry, I just need to catch my breath a little!\"" ODA "{i}Wow! She looks like a hot mess! Looks like she's in overheat mode! {w}I think I'm feeling lucky for tonight!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_cooldown_time" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_no_dirty_dancing:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 039 with dissolve "Stepping away from Danny, Myriam dodged him to keep dancing while keeping a smile to not dampen the mood between them and keep having fun together." ODA "{i}Damn! Too soon!{/i}" OMJ "{i}Ha ha ha! Look at him missing his prey...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_cooldown_time" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_cooldown_time:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 040 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing == True:" "Needing to cooldown a little, Myriam headed for her bag and their glasses of whiskey, thinking she could take the excuse to go to the restroom to calm herself before things escalate." "But as she was about to take her bag, Myriam stopped a moment, thinking she could calm her nerves with a drink before going." KN_MOD "else:" "After dancing for some time together, Myriam stopped for a moment, needing to catch her breath a moment, and heading for her bag and their glasses of whiskey, she thought she could go to the restroom to refresh herself." "But as she was about to take her bag, Myriam stopped a moment, thinking she could have a little drink before going, her glass being still nearly full." KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_one_for_the_road:" "Does Myriam take one for the road?" KN_MOD "Why not, I think I need a drink!:" MC "{i}Why not, I think I need a drink!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 041 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing == True:" "Taking her glass of whiskey, Myriam drank it in one go to calm herself while Mike watched her, worried they went too far." KN_MOD "else:" "Taking her glass of whiskey, Myriam drank it in one go, feeling parched after so much dancing while Mike watched her, worried they went too far." MC "{i}God! I needed this!{/i}" OMJ "{i}Damn! I hope we didn't make her uncomfortable...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_to_the_restroom" KN_MOD "No, better not, I should calm down for tonight.:" MC "{i}No, better not, I should calm down for tonight.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_to_the_restroom" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_to_the_restroom:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 042 with dissolve "Grabbing her bag, Myriam left the two men together, yelling to them so they could hear her through the loud music, that she was going to the restroom." MC "\"I'm going to refresh a bit!\"" MC "{i}And with all this drinking and dancing, I kind of need to pee...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 043 with dissolve "A moment later, after a quick trip to the restroom, Myriam stopped in front of the mirror to wash her hands and take a moment to think." MC "{i}God! What do I do? It's clear they're waiting for a bit more than just fun and dancing...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing == True:" MC "{i}And I don't know if it's the alcohol, but I went kind of far there...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I avoided things getting too handsy for now, but I don't know...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 044 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" MC "{i}I'm just lightly buzzed for now, but maybe I should call it night and go home before it gets more out of hand...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My head's starting to get a little foggy, maybe I should call it night and go home before it gets more out of hand...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_08_do_i_call_it_a_night:" "Does Myriam call it a night?" KN_MOD "Yeah, maybe I should call it a night...:" $ ch3_call_it_quits = True MC "{i}Yeah, maybe I should call it a night... {w}Better stop things before it gets out of hand.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope they don't get too disappointed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_the_dancefloor" KN_MOD "I dont know, maybe its just in my head...:" MC "{i}I don't know, maybe it's just in my head... {w}I'm being too sensitive.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope things don't get out of hand.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_the_dancefloor" KN_MOD "No, were just having fun...:" MC "{i}No, we're just having fun... {w}And I can always say stop if things escalate.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope things don't get out of hand.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_the_dancefloor" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_back_to_the_dancefloor:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 045 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_call_it_quits == True:" "Looking back in the mirror after deciding to go, Myriam gave herself a last look to make sure everything was ok and her makeup was still right before joining the two men waiting on the dance floor." MC "{i}Come on girl! Everything's alright, just go and tell them you've had enough for the night.{/i}" MC "{i}At worst they get a bit disappointed, but there is no reason for them to get mad.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Looking back in the mirror after deciding to stay, Myriam gave herself a last look to make sure everything was ok and her makeup was still right before joining the two men waiting on the dance floor." MC "{i}Come on girl! Everything's alright, just go and have fun, you're here to lighten up.{/i}" MC "{i}At worst they get a bit handsy, but you can always put them in their place.{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 046 with dissolve "As she walk back to the dance floor, Myriam noticed the two talking to each other, glasses in hand, but could not hear anything with the loud music." MC "{i}Looks like they're having some kind of debate...{/i}" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Curiosity] >= 15 and MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_boys_talking:" "Does Myriam sneak in to try and listen to them?" KN_MOD "What can they be talking about?:" $ ch3_heard_the_two_cops_talking = True MC "{i}What can they be talking about? Let's sneak in and try to hear what they're talking about.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_sneaking_in" KN_MOD "Its not my business, lets just join them.:" MC "{i}It's not my business, let's just join them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_in" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}They're probably talking shop, let's just join them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_in" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_sneaking_in:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 047 with dissolve "Trying to approach them discreetly as she could given the circumstances, Myriam tried to hear what the two were talking about over the music." OMJ "\"Man! I'm just saying you should slow down a bit...\"" ODA "\"Come on! Don't be a pussy! She's hot as fuck and asking for it!\"" MC "{i}What!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_getting_pissed:" "Does Myriam take Danny's remark badly?" KN_MOD "What the fuck! Are they for real!?:" $ ch3_call_it_quits = True MC "{i}What the fuck! Are they for real!? {w}That's it, I'm out of here!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_pissed_off" KN_MOD "No, stop! Its just the alcohol talking...:" MC "{i}No, stop! It's just the alcohol talking... {w}Let it go.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_joining_in" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_joining_in:" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_two_cops_talking == True and ch3_call_it_quits == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 048 with dissolve "Cutting in after deciding to go, Myriam was feeling a bit pissed by Danny's remark, disappointed by his behavior." MC "\"Hey! I'm sorry but I have to call it a night.\"" OMJ "\"Oh! That's too bad.\"" ODA "\"What!? No, come on girl don't be a tease!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_pissed_off" KN_MOD "elif ch3_call_it_quits == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 049 with dissolve "Joining them after deciding to go, Myriam was feeling a bit awkward, hoping they wouldn't feel too disappointed that she was going to call it a night." MC "\"Hey boys! I'm sorry but I have to call it a night.\"" OMJ "\"Oh! That's too bad.\"" ODA "\"What!? No, come on girl don't be a tease!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_pissed_off" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 049 with dissolve "Joining them after deciding to stay, Myriam came in with a smile, hoping the mood wasn't gone despite her going to refresh herself a moment." MC "\"Hey boys! I'm back!\"" OMJ "\"Welcome back!\"" ODA "\"Damn! And still hot girl!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 050 with dissolve "Turning towards the bottle and her glass as Myriam was putting her bag down, Danny quickly offered her another drink to get back in the mood." ODA "\"Here girl!\"" MC "\"Ah! No wait!\"" ODA "\"Come on! Just one to get back in the mood!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_getting_back_in_the_mood:" "Does Myriam take another drink?" KN_MOD "Thank you, but Ive got enough.:" MC "\"Thank you, but I've had enough, I think I should slow down.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_dancing" KN_MOD "Ok, but just one then...:" MC "\"Ok, but just one then...\"" ODA "\"Sure...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_dancing" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_pissed_off:" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_two_cops_talking == True or MCtrait[Submissiveness] < 25:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 051 with dissolve OMJ "\"Danny!?\"" MC "\"I'm sorry you feel that way, tonight was fun, at least for a while, but now I'm going home.\"" ODA "\"Oh! Come on!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_back_home_early" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 052 with dissolve OMJ "\"Danny!?\"" MC "\"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be a tease, but...\"" ODA "\"Come on, then stay and have fun with us!\"" MC "{i}It's true that I'm maybe a bit of a tease here, I don't like his attitude but I feel like if I led them on...{/i}" MC "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 050 with dissolve "Turning towards the bottle and her glass as Myriam was putting her bag down, Danny quickly offered her another drink to get back the mood from before." ODA "\"Here girl!\"" MC "\"Ah! No wait!\"" ODA "\"Come on! Just one to get back in the mood!\"" MC "{i}God! With them in this mood I can't say no now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_back_to_dancing" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_back_home_early:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 053 with dissolve "Walking away, Myriam left the two, while Mike scolded his partner Danny for his behavior, while he took a sip of his drink looking as pissed as her." MC "\"Good night to you both!\"" OMJ "\"What the fuck Danny!? You can really be an ass some times!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 054 with dissolve "Running after her, Mike stopped Myriam as she was heading for the exit determined to go home." OMJ "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"What do you want? {w}I said I'm going home!\"" OMJ "\"I know and I'm sorry, Danny can really be an ass when he drinks. {w}I just wanted to offer to drive you home.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 055 with dissolve "Calming down as she freed her arm from him, Myriam answered Mike more calmly, knowing he wasn't the one that pissed her off." KN_MOD "menu ch3_going_home_alone_or_uber:" "Does Myriam accept his offer?" KN_MOD "Why not? It wasnt his fault...:" MC "{i}Why not? It wasn't his fault... {w}And I won't have to wait for a taxi.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but we're going now!\"" OMJ "\"Of course...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_with_mike" KN_MOD "No! It would feel like backing down...:" $ ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_pissed = True MC "{i}No! It would feel like backing down... {w}It's a matter of principle here.{/i}" MC "\"No! Thank you, I'll just call a taxi.\"" OMJ "\"I understand... {w}Again, I'm sorry, please don't hesitate to call if you have trouble getting home.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_alone" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_back_to_dancing:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 056 with dissolve "Putting their drinks down, Myriam, Danny and Mike started dancing again, getting back to having fun after her trip to the restroom." "Closing her eyes, Myriam let herself be guided by the rhythm of the music, letting go of her worries for the time being as her mind cleared up and her body took over." "As the night went on and the mood got higher and hotter, Danny and Mike got closer and daring with her, as well as keeping the glasses getting emptied." KN_MOD "menu ch3_dry_or_drown:" "What's Myriam consumption of alcohol for the rest of the night?" KN_MOD "No more drinking.:" "But Myriam herself didn't follow them in their consumption, staying on the dance floor and only enjoying herself through dancing." KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_getting_dirty_again" KN_MOD "Nursing a drink.:" "Letting herself enjoy a last drink as she danced, Myriam nursed it all night long while she kept enjoying herself dancing." KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_getting_dirty_again" KN_MOD "Follow the boys.:" "Following the boys, Myriam kept drinking while dancing, emptying her glasses as they kept serving them, enjoying herself dancing and drinking." KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_getting_dirty_again" KN_MOD "Sinking the bottle.:" "Letting go, Myriam kept chaining the drinks as they served her, even ending up serving them as well, enjoying herself dancing and drinking." KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_getting_dirty_again" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_getting_dirty_again:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_clean_or_dirty:" "Does Myriam let the boys get closer or keep things calm?" KN_MOD "No dirty dancing. (Drinks Trait under 6) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 6:" "Staying calm and light, Myriam skillfully kept things from escalating, avoiding any dirty dancing as night went on, without letting the mood get sour." KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_together" KN_MOD "Letting things get dirtier.:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 057 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_did_some_dirty_dancing == True:" "Letting them get closer and daring, Myriam ended up dirty dancing again with both of them, dancing both to the rhythm of the music and to their moves and caresses." KN_MOD "else:" "Letting them get closer and daring, Myriam ended up dirty dancing with both of them, dancing both to the rhythm of the music and to their moves and caresses." ODA "\"Yeah! That's it baby! Move that ass!\"" OMJ "\"So gorgeous...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_getting_dirtier" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_getting_dirtier:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 058 with dissolve "As the mood got dirtier and caresses more daring, Danny started kissing Myriam, who kissed him back as he grabbed her breasts and started kneading them while their bodies kept moving to the rhythm of the music." ODA "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 059 with dissolve "As they stopped kissing, Danny turned Myriam's head towards Mike, making her kiss him as well as he kept kneading her breasts and grinding his groin against her butt." MC "\"Mouah!\"" OMJ "\"Mouah!\"" ODA "\"That's it baby, give him some love too!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] < 7:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 060 with dissolve "Stopping her kiss, Danny turned Myriam's head again towards him and whispered in her ear while caressing her lips, his other hand still firmly kneading her breast." ODA "\"What d'you say we take this somewhere more private?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_getting_things_naughty:" "Does Myriam accept his proposition?" KN_MOD "God! I have to stop here!:" $ ch3_call_it_quits = True $ ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_guilty = True MC "{i}God! I have to stop here! I know what they want, but I can't... {w}I'm feeling horny too but I can't, I've got to calm things down and go home!{/i}" MC "\"No, wait!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 061 with dissolve "Quickly extracting herself from the two men's grasp, Myriam refused his offer, embarrassed, while Mike was trying to calm down his frustrated partner who was too inebriated." MC "\"I'm sorry, I can't!\"" ODA "\"Wh't the fuck! C'me on, don't play the f'cking tease!\"" OMJ "\"Hey! Calm down Danny! You're drunk and she said no!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 062 with dissolve "As Mike kept trying to calm down his friend and partner, Myriam turned back and went to grab her bag to head out of the club, understanding that Danny was far too intoxicated to be reasoned with." MC "{i}I'd better go, things are really turning sour... {w}But I fucked up, I let things go way too far, this was a mistake.{/i}" OMJ "\"Come on man! Stop! You're making a fool of yourself!\"" ODA "\"It's that bitch that's f'cking teasing us!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 054 with dissolve "Caught up by Mike as she was heading out, feeling guilty and embarrassed by the scene, Myriam stopped to hear him out." MC "\"What do you want?\"" OMJ "\"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, he's drunk and we went too far.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 055 with dissolve MC "\"It's ok, it's kind of my fault too, I let things go too far.\"" OMJ "\"No, you shouldn't feel guilty, I think we all just got swayed by the mood and the alcohol.\"" OMJ "\"I would have preferred to drive you home but if I leave Danny alone he'll try to drive and he's way to drunk for that. {w}Will you be ok getting a taxi?\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, I'll get a taxi or an uber.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_alone" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy!:" MC "{i}God! This is crazy! I know they want to fuck me... {w}I shouldn't do this but I'm feeling so horny!{/i}" MC "\"Yeah...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_to_an_hotel" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered = True scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 063 with dissolve "Stopping her kiss, Danny turned Myriam's head again towards him and whispered in her ear while caressing her lips, his other hand still firmly kneading her breast." ODA "\"What d'you say we take this somewhere more private?\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" "Too intoxicated and her mind foggy by all the drinks she had, Myriam could only mutter a moan to Danny's question, leaving them with the impression she was saying yes as themselves were far too intoxicated to think otherwise." ODA "\"Yeah! You want some baby! Don't worry, we'll give you what you need!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_to_an_hotel_drunk" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_home_together:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 064 with dissolve "After some time as Danny had gotten so intoxicated he could barely walk, Myriam and Mike decided to call it a night and headed for the exit, Mike helping his partner walk while he was singing, fully drunk." ODA "\"Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling...\"" MC "\"Are you sure you don't want me to help with the stairs?\"" OMJ "\"No, with your heels, there's more chance you'll end up falling down the stairs because of him than you helping him. {w}Don't worry, I'll get him down.\"" ODA "\"From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 065 with dissolve "Laying him down in the back of the car, the three headed to Myriam's place while Danny kept singing, half asleep in his drunken fog." ODA "\"Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so!\"" MC "\"Will it be ok to get him home?\"" OMJ "\"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll just put him on my couch for the night, I just hope he doesn't puke on the leather until then.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 066 with dissolve "Walking Myriam home, Mike escorted her to her door while Danny was waiting in the car, snoring his drunkenness away." MC "\"Thank you for walking me home.\"" OMJ "\"Don't mention it, I just hope you had fun tonight and were able to relieve some stress.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, tonight was fun.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 067 with dissolve "As Myriam went in and said goodnight, Mike turned back and headed to his car to go home with Danny, waving at her as he left." MC "\"Goodnight Mike!\"" OMJ "\"Goodnight Myriam!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_home_with_mike:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 068 with dissolve "Heading out of the club together, Myriam and Mike drove back to her address, the mood slightly awkward, Myriam not knowing if she should stay pissed or thankful towards Mike." OMJ "\"Again, I'm sorry about Danny, he's not so bad, but he can become quite of an ass when drinking.\"" MC "\"It's ok, it's not your fault, thank you for driving me back.\"" OMJ "\"It's the least I could do...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 069 with dissolve "After a silent and awkward drive, Mike stopped the car in front of Myriam's courtyard, apologizing to her again as he felt she was still feeling angry about his partner's behavior." OMJ "\"Here you go, and sorry, I hope you still were able to have a bit of fun despite how it ended.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" MC "{i}God! I don't know how to feel, I can see he's feeling guilty about it and that makes me feel guilty about being angry...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_letting_it_go:" "Does Myriam let go of her anger?" KN_MOD "I should let it go...:" $ ch3_kissed_mike = True MC "{i}I should let it go, it's not his fault and it feels pointless to make him miserable, let's end on a nice note and kiss him goodbye...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_kissing_mike_goodnight" KN_MOD "No, Im entitled to how I feel...:" $ ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_pissed = True MC "{i}No, I'm entitled to how I feel, and being obliged to swallow my pride because he's feeling guilty feels unfair...{/i}" MC "\"Goodnight Mike.\"" OMJ "\"Goodnight Myriam.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_alone" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_kissing_mike_goodnight:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 070 with dissolve "Leaning over to kiss him on the cheek to thank him and say goodnight, Myriam was suddenly surprised by Mike leaning in as well and kissing her on the lips." MC "\"Thank you Mik... Mmh...!?\"" OMJ "\"Mouah!\"" "Caught by surprise at first Myriam froze up, but as she had let go of her previous anger, she gave in and kissed him back." MC "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 071 with dissolve "As they stopped, Myriam silently turned away and started to get out of the car before turning back not sure of what to say." MC "{i}What do I do? This is awkward, do I just ignore what happened and say goodnight or do I invite him in...?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_inviting_him_in:" "Does Myriam ignore what happened?" KN_MOD "Yes, it felt nice, but lets leave it at that...:" MC "{i}Yes, it felt nice, but let's leave it at that... {w}It was a nice night despite how it ended and that kiss, but I don't want to complicate things more than they already are.{/i}" MC "\"Goodnight Mike.\"" OMJ "\"Goo-Goodnight Myriam!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_going_home_alone" KN_MOD "Fuck it! Im feeling horny...:" $ ch3_inviting_mike_inside = True MC "{i}Fuck it! I'm feeling horny... {w}Why should I feel guilty having sex with a nice guy!?{/i}" MC "\"Do-Do you want to come inside?\"" OMJ "{i}Holy shit! Is she inviting me to have sex with her!?{/i}" OMJ "\"Yeah! Sure!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_inviting_him_inside" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_home_alone:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 072 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_kissed_mike == True:" "Leaving Mike in the car, Myriam looked back, already asking herself if she didn't make a mistake as she heard the car starting and driving away." MC "{i}Maybe I shouldn't have left things like that, it's good we didn't end things on a sour note, but I feel that this kiss could complicate things...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't say it felt wrong, it definitely felt nice, but...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_guilty == True:" "Leaving her taxi, Myriam headed for her door, looking back as her mind was racing, regretting how things ended at the club with Danny and Mike." MC "{i}God! It feels so much like a waste, we had fun together and everything went sour, and it feels kind of my fault...{/i}" MC "{i}I let things escalate and led them on, I do feel like a tease...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_pissed == True:" "Leaving her taxi, Myriam headed for her door, looking back both pissed and sad, regretting how things ended at the club with Danny and Mike." MC "{i}God! It feels so much like a waste, we had fun together and everything went sour, but I couldn't let that behavior go...{/i}" MC "{i}They can say all they want, but having fun together doesn't mean I owe them anything...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 073 with dissolve "Opening her door, Myriam had one last look behind her, having one last thought about her night before getting in and closing the door on it." MC "{i}Here it is, that's the end of this night... {w}Did I made a mistake going out with them?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_kissed_mike == True:" MC "{i}God! I don't even know... {w}Danny definitely felt like another asshole, but Mike was ok, maybe... {w}Maybe I should have invited him in...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_guilty == True:" MC "{i}I don't think so, it was fun and things would have gone well if I didn't lead them on... {w}I should call them to apologize and tell them I owe them one.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_pissed == True:" MC "{i}Yeah! It definitely feels like a mistake... {w}Well, at least it helped me see what they were really like.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_inviting_him_inside:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 074 with dissolve "Wanting to avoid going upstairs because of the kids, Myriam guided Mike to the TV room, thinking it would be less risky." "Pushing Mike on the couch after taking his top off, Myriam pinned him down like a predator with her prey, hand on his belt ready to take care of the rest of his clothes." MC "\"Let me take care of that!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 075 with dissolve "Kneeling down between his legs after taking his pants off, Myriam took his already hard cock and looked up at him with a mischievous smile, ready to take him in her mouth." MC "\"Now I'm going to blow that cock and blow your mind!\"" OMJ "\"Fuck!\"" MC "\"Ah ah ah! Yes, but first let me taste that fine cock of yours...\"" OMJ "{i}Holy shit! She's like another person...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam started sucking on it as she loved to do, swallowing it whole as she knew men loved to see while caressing his balls with her hand." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" OMJ "\"Oooh! Shit! That's some skills!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! His cock is just perfect to suck, big enough to be a challenge but not so much I have to choke on it with every move...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 077 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 076 with dissolve "She didn't know if it was the few drinks she had or the frustration of being alone at home, but Myriam was feeling very excited and decided to give Mike a time he wouldn't forget." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! I'm gonna make him forget every other mouth that ever sucked on his cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 078 with dissolve "Meanwhile, walking down the hall yawning and stretching, Katherine had just gone down to get a fresh drink from the kitchen, before the lights and some noises coming from the tv room caught her attention." Ka "\"Yaaawww!\"" Ka "{i}Damn! I studied too late! Mom would be pissed, even more if she saw me walk around half naked like this...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ka "{i}Wait! What was that!? There's some light coming from the tv room...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 079 with dissolve "Shocked by the scene in front of her, Katherine froze in place as she was about to open the door, seeing her mother sucking on the cock of a man she had never seen before." Ka "{i}Holy fucking christ!!! MOM!?{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 080 with dissolve "Quickly hiding herself, Katherine kept looking, both shocked and fascinated by the scene that was unfolding in front of her eyes, her mother deepthroating a man just a few step from her." Ka "{i}God! That's... {w}What do I do!? I can't look at my mother having sex...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}But how can she swallow a thing like that... {w}This is too big to fit in a mouth and that's way too weird...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}But how can she swallow a thing like that... {w}This is too big to fit in a mouth, no!? I've never saw a real one before! Wow!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 081 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Unaware of the fact that her daughter was looking at her, Myriam kept sucking on Mike's cock, rapidly making him cum in her mouth while still massaging his balls." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" OMJ "\"AAARGH! SHIT! I'M CUMMING!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 082 with dissolve "Meanwhile, Katherine kept looking fascinated and curious, feeling both guilty and excited by the scene." Ka "{i}Holy shit! Did she just made him cum in her mouth!?{/i}" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}Oh god! Clearly she's swallowing his stuff! Yuck! It must be so gross! How can she be looking like she likes it!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}Wow! Clearly she's swallowing his stuff! It's making me curious about the taste now, I thought it looked kind of gross in porn, but it really looks like she's loving it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 083 with dissolve "Undressing to just her heels, Mike quickly flipped Myriam over the couch after she made him hard again with her mouth, and without waiting penetrated her intensely." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Fuck me hard!\"" OMJ "\"Aaaah! Fuck! Your pussy's so tight!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 084 with dissolve "Still looking, Katherine was fascinated by the intense intercourse and discovering a new side of her mother as a woman in heat begging for more from the man who was plowing her pussy hard and deep." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! Deeper! Aaah! Pound my pussy!\"" OMJ "\"Aaaah! Yes! I'm going to wreck your pussy!\"" Ka "{i}Oh my god! He's fucking her so hard and she's begging for more! {w}I never thought mom could be like that! This is so...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 085 with dissolve "And as her fascination and excitement grew, Katherine unconsciously started to caress herself, a hand brushing her hardening nipple while the other was caressing her pussy through her panties as she started getting wet." OMJ "\"Oooh! You love it! You love getting your pussy pounded by my big cock!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Mmmh! It's so good!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}God! This is so weird...! I never was into guys, but seeing mom like this is making me so wet! {w}I never thought that sex could change someone so much...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}God! This is so weird...! Seeing that guy fucking mom like this and how crazy she's getting, it's making me so wet! {w}I never thought that sex could change someone so much...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 086 with dissolve "Pulling her panties down, Katherine started to caress her pussy directly, even starting to finger herself as she was getting wetter and wetter from spying on her mother." OMJ "\"Aaah! You love big cocks you little slut!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! I'm a slut that love big cocks!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}Fuck! I'm crazy! I'm touching myself while spying on my mother getting fucked by some guy! {w}Why am I getting so excited by her calling herself a slut!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}Fuck! I'm crazy! I'm touching myself while spying on my mother getting fucked by a guy! {w}I'm even getting excited by her being called a slut!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 087 with dissolve "While Katherine started to caress herself while spying on her mother, Mike had suddenly pulled out to avoid cumming inside Myriam, who by reflex immediately slipped down the couch for him to finish on her face, thinking it was what he wanted." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Grabbing her by the hair to put her face to the right angle, Mike didn't hesitate long before giving her a facial, quickly bursting heavy loads of cum all over her face while Myriam kept massaging his balls." OMJ "\"AAAAAAH! FUCK! HERE YOU GO!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! give me everything!\"" OMJ "{i}Holy shit! That girl is so fucking naughty! I was just about to cum over her stomach, but I'm happy to oblige! {w}She's making me so fucking excited, look at all that cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 088 with dissolve "Not losing a second of the scene, Katherine kept spying, hypnotized and totally fascinated by the intensity and rawness of what she was seeing, while continuing to play with her nipples and fingering herself faster and faster." OMJ "\"Ooooooh! Shit! Look how much you're making me cum!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Mmmh! Yeah! Thank you! You're giving me a lot!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}Oh my god! He's covering her face with his spooge! This is so gross, but mom is so hot like that! This is crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}Oh my god! He's covering her face with his cum now! And it looks like she's loving it, she's even laughing and thanking him!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 089 with dissolve "When Mike was done covering her face, Myriam suddenly suprised him by taking his still sensitive cock down her throat, so deep that she pressed her nose against his stomach, while massaging his balls to drain the last drops of his cum." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp! Gwock!\"" OMJ "\"WOW! SHIT!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 090 with dissolve "As her breath was becoming heavy, Katherine was getting more and more excited, with each action of her mother surprising her, revealing a side of her she would have never suspected." OMJ "\"Oooh! Fuck! I can't believe it, you're making me hard again!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp! Gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}Wow! Mom always looked so innocent and nice, it's so incredible and hot to see her be so aggressive!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}Wow! Mom always looked so innocent and nice, it's so incredible and hot to see her be so aggressive and take that cock down her throat like that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 091 with dissolve "As she felt his cock getting hard again in her throat, Myriam pulled out and quickly climbed on the couch, turning her back to him as she invited him now to push his cock in her ass." "Without hesitation, and with excitement Mike rapidly pushed his cock, as hard as ever, deep in her ass, grabbing her by the hair as he started sodomizing her passionately" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Fuck my ass hard!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! Fuck! Take that!\"" OMJ "{i}Holy fuck! I can't believe she wants it up the ass too! That girl is a once in a lifetime fuck! I'm going to go back home on my knees!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 092 with dissolve "Feeling she was reaching a climax furiously fingering her pussy, Katherine bit her finger to stop herself from screaming while her mother was herself reaching an orgasm and screamed her pleasure." OMJ "\"Oooh! You like it up the ass you little slut!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMH! YES! YES!! YES!!! I LOVE IT! AAAAAAH! I'M CUMMING!!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}God! This is unbelievable, mom's even taking it up the ass and she's cumming from it! She knows her body so well, this so hot! {w}Fuck! I'm about to cum too!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}God! This is unbelievable, he's pulling her hair and fucking her ass so hard! And she's loving it, she's cumming from her ass! {w}Fuck! I'm about to cum too!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 093 with dissolve "And a moment later, as Mike was cumming inside Myriam's ass while slapping it giving her a few extra deep thrusts, Katherine climaxed, turning away as she kept biting her finger to avoid making noises." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" OMJ "\"OOOH! FUCK! TAKE THAT YOU SLUT!!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Give it to me!\"" Ka "{i}AAAAAAH! Shit! I'm cumming! Please, don't make any noise!{/i}" Ka "{size=20}\"Nnnnnnh!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 094 with dissolve "As Mike pulled out of her and stretched, exhausted after the intense sex they just had, Myriam rested lasciviously over the couch, exhausted as well after her orgasm." MC "\"So, was it all you hoped it would be?\"" MC "{i}I'm not stupid, I know these two hoped to get me to bed...{/i}" OMJ "\"Woman! You put me on my knees!\"" MC "\"He he he! Well, I can't say you were half bad either...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 095 with dissolve OMJ "\"But I'm sorry, I can't stay...\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" "Brought back to reality as she heard the two talking and the man searching around for his clothes, Katherine jumped in surprise, understanding he was about to go." Ka "{i}Oh! Shit! I'd better put back on my panties and go before I get caught!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 096 with dissolve "Dressed again, Mike said goodbye to Myriam, apologizing again for leaving just after having sex with her." OMJ "\"I'm sorry but I have to go, I'll have to get back in service early...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I understand, and I think it'll make things less awkward tomorrow with my daughter.\"" OMJ "\"Yeah! Probably. {w}Goodnight Myriam, it was a great night!\"" MC "\"Yeah! It was, goodnight Mike!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 097 with dissolve "Left alone by Mike after he dressed and said goodbye to her, Myriam lay back down on the couch, exhausted and feeling numbed by the intense sex she just had." MC "{i}God! I just brought a guy I barely know to the house and fucked him! This is so crazy!{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know if it's my sessions with Doctor Silver that started to let me feel free of being myself or just plain frustration and need for sex after kicking Anthony out, but I don't feel guilty about it, maybe a bit embarrassed, but I feel good...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 098 with dissolve MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! He really went overboard in the end, my legs are still feeling numb from his intense fuck... {w}I'll have to rest a bit before getting up.{/i}" MC "{i}And I still have his cum on my face, I should clean that up...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 099 with dissolve "Meanwhile, arriving in her room upstairs, Katherine leaned on her closed door, only lit by the moon, her heart beating fast as she listened to the man that just fucked her mother leaving the house." Ka "{i}Holy fuck! That was crazy! I am crazy! I just touched myself while spying on my mother having sex! I mean if Marc had done that I would have called him a pervert...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "{i}But that was so hot! I mean mom was so incredible, I never thought she had such a wild side, it's kind of disturbing and fascinating to see your mom like that.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "{i}But that was so hot! I mean it was so incredible, it's kind of disturbing to see your mom like that, but seeing her so wild and being fucked like that was kind of fascinating.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_to_an_hotel:" scene black with dissolve show text "Moments later in a hotel..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 100 with dissolve "As the three of them went to a hotel after taking back their things left at the club entrance, they took an elevator and headed for their room, the mood still high between them as they kept joking and flirting." "Danny even got physical as the lift doors closed on them, putting his hand on her ass and kneading it firmly while Mike was pushing their floor button." ODA "\"Mmmh! Can't wait to slip into this.\"" MC "\"Ah! You naughty boy!\"" OMJ "\"Come on! We're nearly to the room!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 101 with dissolve "Getting as close to her as he did in the club, again brushing his groin against her ass, Danny grabbed her breast and kissed her passionately, while Mike got closer, starting to fool around with her dress as they kissed." ODA "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" OMJ "\"Well, if you're starting the fun now...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 102 with dissolve "Not leaving anyone jealous, Myriam kissed Mike in turn as he started playing with her breasts and while Danny turned his attention to her butt, starting to lift her dress as he kept grinding his groin over it." OMJ "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" ODA "\"Mmmh! Let's see that fine ass of yours...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 103 with dissolve "Revealing her butt as he lifted her dress over her hips, Danny was surprised to see Myriam hadn't any panties on and was going commando under her short mini dress." ODA "\"Wow! You naughty girl! No panties, that's how I like my girls, naughty and ready for action...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_forgot_she_dont_have_any_panties == True:" MC "{i}Wait what!? {w}Oh my god! I totally forgot to put my panties on before going out!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! I totally forgot I had no panties on!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_sexy_thong == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 104 with dissolve "Revealing her butt as he lifted her dress over her hips, Danny discovered the sexy red thong she had on, leaving nearly her whole ass in plain view and giving her an erotic feel." ODA "\"Mmmh! That's some sexy panties you've got there baby! {w}I always love a good sexy underwear...\"" MC "{i}Seems I chose my weapon well!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_simple_thong == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 105 with dissolve "Revealing her butt as he lifted her dress over her hips, Danny discovered the red thong she had on, offering a good view of her ass and giving her a sexy feel." ODA "\"Mmmh! That's some fine panties you've got there baby! {w}I love that sexy red...\"" MC "{i}Looks like he's enjoying the view...{/i}" ODA "\"Now let's have a good feel of that sweet ass of yours!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 106 with dissolve "Turning as she felt Danny's hand caressing her ass and his fingers teasing her asshole, Myriam tried to stop him as she felt things were starting to escalate right there in the elevator." KN_MOD "elif ch3_sexy_thong == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 107 with dissolve "Turning as she felt Danny's hand caressing her ass and his fingers teasing her asshole through the fabric, Myriam tried to stop him as she felt things were starting to escalate right there in the elevator." KN_MOD "elif ch3_simple_thong == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 108 with dissolve "Turning as she felt Danny's hand caressing her ass and his fingers teasing her asshole through the fabric, Myriam tried to stop him as she felt things were starting to escalate right there in the elevator." MC "\"Wait! Please! Mmmh! N-not here, let's get to a room first!\"" ODA "\"Oh! Come on baby! Seems that this sweet ass of yours is already up for some action!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_getting_naughty_in_the_elevator:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy, but Im feeling so excited also...:" $ ch3_elevator_fun = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy, but I'm feeling so excited also, maybe we can have some naughty business here, I've never done anything in an elevator before, this feels kind of exciting...{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but nothing too crazy...\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! That's what I like to hear, don't worry baby just tasting the goods a little before we get serious...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_anal_try_in_the_elevator" KN_MOD "Theyre so excited, it doesnt look like theyll take no for an answer...:" $ ch3_elevator_fun = True MC "{i}They're so excited, it doesn't look like they'll take no for an answer...{/i}" MC "\"O-Ok, maybe just a little...\"" ODA "\"Sure baby, just tasting the goods a little before we get serious...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_anal_try_in_the_elevator" KN_MOD "They look so excited, but maybe I can calm them down...:" $ ch3_elevator_fun = True $ ch3_put_on_her_knees = True MC "{i}They look so excited, but maybe I can calm them down...{/i}" MC "\"W-Wait! Please! We can't here, it's too risky...\"" ODA "\"Ok, no fucking, but at least you can get on your knees and use your mouth...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 109 with dissolve "Not waiting for an answer, Danny grabbed her neck and pressed her to get on her knees while pulling his cock out with his other hand." MC "\"Ha!\"" ODA "\"You kiss well baby, but let's see if these lips of yours are good at giving head as well!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_blowjob_in_the_elevator" KN_MOD "Ive got to calm things down a notch here... (Drinks Trait under 5) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" MC "{i}I've got to calm things down a notch here or they're going to try and fuck me right here!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 110 with dissolve "Extracting herself from between the two, Myriam pulled her dress back down and pointed up at a camera in the corner of the elevator." MC "\"Not here, there's a camera in the elevator...\"" OMJ "\"Shit! She's right, I didn't pay attention.\"" ODA "\"Sorry! You're just so fucking hot that I got too excited!\"" MC "\"It's ok, and don't worry we'll have all the fun we want in the room...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_fucking_in_the_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_anal_try_in_the_elevator:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 111 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" "Leaning forward against Mike as he played with her breasts, Myriam pushed her hips a bit more towards Danny, who had pulled down his pants and got his massive cock out, resting it between her butt cheeks." KN_MOD "else:" "Leaning forward against Mike as he played with her breasts, Myriam pushed her hips a bit more towards Danny, who had pulled down her panties as well as his pants, pulling out his massive cock, resting it between her butt cheeks." MC "{i}My god! Is that his cock resting on my butt!? It feels so big!{/i}" ODA "\"Look at that! Seems like my big black cock is feeling right at home on that sweet white ass of yours!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 112 with dissolve "Glimpsing the monstrous size of his cock and feeling him spreading her cheeks, Myriam suddenly stopped Danny, fearing he was searching to insert his huge cock in her ass." MC "{i}Oh my god! Does he want to put that thing in my ass!? He's going to kill me!{/i}" MC "\"Wait! Stop! You're way too big to put it in my ass!\"" OMJ "\"Ha ha ha! No shit man! You were really going to try and fuck her ass with your monster cock!?\"" ODA "\"Come on baby! Don't be like that! I'm way too fucking excited now! Let me try to push just the tip at least!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_anal_and_monster_cock:" "Does Myriam let him try?" KN_MOD "God! Hes going to kill me with that thing...:" $ ch3_try_on_just_the_tip = True MC "{i}God! He's going to kill me with that thing, but if it's just the tip, maybe I can take it...{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but just the tip, I'm not ready enough for more...\"" ODA "\"Good girl!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_monster_tip_in_the_ass" KN_MOD "God! No, Im not ready enough for that size...:" MC "{i}God! No, I'm not ready enough for that size, I've got to get him off another way...{/i}" MC "\"No, sorry! You're way too big for that yet, but maybe later when I'm ready enough, for now let me take care of it with my mouth...\"" ODA "\"Damn girl! You're killing me, but I guess I can't say no to these lips around my cock!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_blowjob_in_the_elevator" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_monster_tip_in_the_ass:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 113 with dissolve "Bending over and leaning against the rails on the side, Myriam tried to relax as much as she could as Danny started pressing his massive cock against her asshole." MC "{i}Oh god! He's so fucking big! He's going to tear me up! {w}Anthony really got me used to anal sex, but that's totally on another level!{/i}" MC "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! You're so big! Oooooouch!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! That's it baby! Relax! I'm nearly there! {w}Mike, stop the elevator! Let's take our time...\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 114 with dissolve "As suggested, Mike pushed the stop button of the elevator, making it suddenly stop and giving Danny the little extra push to suddenly get his glans in Myriam's ass, pulling a scream of surprise and pain out of her." MC "\"OOOUCH!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! Here you go, see! Your ass was totally up for it! {w}So, do you feel it? Do you feel my big black cock in your ass?\"" MC "\"Oooh! Fuck! Yes! Please don't move! You're killing me!\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry baby, my cock is all cozy where it is, I'll let you breathe a little before moving...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_monster_cock_alert:" "Does Myriam let him push forward?" KN_MOD "God! Im going to feel it...:" MC "{i}God! I'm going to feel it, but it went better than I thought, maybe I can let him try...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_monster_cock_in_the_ass" KN_MOD "Relax, hes going to pull out in a moment...:" $ ch3_surprise_anal_attack = True MC "{i}Relax, he's going to pull out in a moment, we said just the tip...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_monster_cock_in_the_ass" KN_MOD "Wait! What!?:" MC "{i}Oooh! Wait! What!? He wants to move!? We said just the tip for now!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_too_much_for_now" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_monster_cock_in_the_ass:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 115 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_surprise_anal_attack == True:" "Grabbing her hips, Danny suddenly pushed his cock further in as Myriam had started to relax, pulling another scream of surprise and pain as he did while she quickly begged him to stop." ODA "\"Aaah! Fuck! Baby, your ass' the best!\"" MC "\"OOOUCH! What are you doing!? Stop! We said only the tip!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Grabbing her hips, Danny suddenly pushed his cock further in as Myriam had started to relax, pulling another scream of pain as he did while she quickly begged him to stop." ODA "\"Aaah! Fuck! Baby, your ass' the best!\"" MC "\"OOOUCH! Stop! No, please, that's too much for now!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_too_much_for_now" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_too_much_for_now:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 116 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_surprise_anal_attack == True:" "Pulling away from Danny in surprise and pain, Myriam quickly turned back, unable to take more of his massive cock in her ass, and complained of his sneak attack." MC "\"We said only the tip!\"" ODA "\"Sorry baby! Your ass feels so good and you got so relaxed, I thought it would be ok...\"" MC "\"No, I'm sorry, but it's too much... {w}Let me take care of you with my mouth for now!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Pulling away from Danny, Myriam quickly turned back, unable to take more of his massive cock in her ass, and tried to calm him down by offering an alternative." MC "\"Sorry! We can't go further for now or you're going to hurt me...\"" ODA "\"Damn baby! I'm excited as fuck here you can't tease me like that!\"" MC "\"I know, I'm sorry, I'll use my mouth to make up for it for now!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_blowjob_in_the_elevator" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_blowjob_in_the_elevator:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_put_on_her_knees == True:" "Put on her knees by Danny, Myriam was suddenly confronted by his massive cock, asking herself if she'd even be able to take care of it, feeling both afraid and fascinated while Mike behind them pushed the elevator's stop button." KN_MOD "elif ch3_try_on_just_the_tip == True:" "Getting on her knees in front of Danny, Myriam was confronted closely by his massive cock, asking herself if she'd even be able to take care of it, feeling both afraid and fascinated while Mike behind them pushed the elevator's stop button." KN_MOD "else:" "Getting on her knees in front of Danny, Myriam was confronted closely by his massive cock, asking herself if she'd even be able to take care of it, feeling both afraid and fascinated." MC "{i}My god! He's so big! Even more so than coach... {w}Will I even be able to fit him in my mouth!?{/i}" ODA "\"Come on baby! Don't get afraid now, it won't bite...\"" MC "{i}It won't bite, but it's clearly going to make me choke! {w}Come on girl, you can do it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 118 with dissolve "Shaking off her apprehension, Myriam grabbed Danny's massive black cock and started to explore it with her tongue, licking from base to tip, staying vigilant to his reactions and what made him tick." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" ODA "\"Yeah! That's it baby, worship that cock! Show me how much you like sucking on some big black cock!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 119 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 120 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 121 with dissolve "After exploring this huge black rod for some time, Myriam opened her mouth wide and started slowly taking it in, testing how far she would be able to swallow that monster, as if it was a challenge." "And to the surprise of the two, Myriam slowly swallowed his whole massive cock, tears in the eyes and coughing when it pushed its way down her throat, still she didn't stop and kept swallowing this big black snake until her nose was pressed against his stomach." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ODA "\"Oooh! Holy shit baby! You're for real! Aaah! Fuck! You're the first ever to take it all in!\"" OMJ "\"Wow! I don't believe it, she really took that monster of yours all in! Wow!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 122 with dissolve "Pulling out after staying some time with his cock deep in her throat, Myriam coughed trying to catch her breath, tears in the eyes from the sheer effort she had just put forth." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! Good job baby! Good job! I think you deserve to breathe a little.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 123 with dissolve "Suddenly letting go of the elevator's stop button as Myriam was about to take Danny's cock back in her mouth, Mike pointed out to the two that they had missed the camera in the elevator." OMJ "\"Sorry, but I think we should wrap it up, there's a camera.\"" MC "\"What! Oh my god!\"" ODA "\"Damn! You're right, let's go to the room.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 124 with dissolve "Quickly getting dressed, the three get out of the elevator and headed for their room, but Myriam still concerned by the camera looked back, worried towards the camera." OMJ "\"Don't worry! We'll go have a talk with security later and have them lose the tape.\"" MC "\"Really!?\"" ODA "\"Of course baby, don't worry, we're cops!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_fucking_in_the_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_going_to_an_hotel_drunk:" scene black with dissolve show text "Moments later in a hotel..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 125 with dissolve "Going to a hotel after getting out of the club, the three of them rode an elevator together after taking a room, clinging to each other to stay up as they staggered inebriated." MC "\"Mmmh! What ya doing with that hand!?\"" ODA "\"Just helping you stay straight baby!\"" ODA "{i}Fuck! Can't wait to push my big cock in that sweet ass!{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 126 with dissolve "Staggering out of the lift, the three headed for their room as well as they could, with Mike leading the way while Danny kept fondling Myriam's butt while supporting her from the other side." OMJ "\"Hey! One O nine... We're there!\"" ODA "\"Good man, I can't wait anymore!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Let's go mah boys...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_08_fucking_in_the_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_08_fucking_in_the_room:" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 127 with dissolve "Getting in, Mike started taking off his jacket while Danny slapped Myriam's ass while starting to massage his groin, impatient to free his cock and get down to business." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ha! What yah doing yah naughty boy!?\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 128 with dissolve "Getting to their room, Mike started taking off his jacket while Danny slapped Myriam's ass while starting to massage his groin, impatient to free his cock and get down to business." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Ha! What do you think you're doing you naughty boy!?\"" ODA "\"Come on baby! Take that dress off now, so we can see that fine body of yours!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_thong == True and ch3_elevator_fun == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 129 with dissolve "Taking off her dress in front of the two, Myriam posed for them, keeping only her panties and heels on, while both were sitting on the bed already naked and getting their cock hard and ready." KN_MOD "elif ch3_simple_thong == True and ch3_elevator_fun == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 130 with dissolve "Taking off her dress in front of the two, Myriam posed for them, keeping only her panties and heels on, while both were sitting on the bed already naked and getting their cock hard and ready." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 131 with dissolve "Taking off her dress in front of the two, Myriam posed for them, keeping only her heels on, while both were sitting on the bed already naked and getting their cock hard and ready." MC "\"So, happy with the view?\"" ODA "\"Baby! You're a work of art!\"" OMJ "\"Fuck! You're gorgeous girl!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 132 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" "As both got up and walked towards her, cock hard and ready for her, Myriam quickly got on her knees, impatient to take care of these two cocks with her mouth." KN_MOD "else:" "As both got up and walked towards her, cock hard and ready for her, Myriam slowly got on her knees, knowing full well what they wanted her to do now." ODA "\"And you baby, happy of the view?\"" MC "\"Yeah! They're gorgeous!\"" OMJ "\"What do you think of cop's cocks?\"" ODA "\"Ready to suck on some blue meat?\"" MC "\"Yeah! Please!?\"" MC "{i}My god! They're both big, but this one's so huge...{/i}" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 133 with dissolve "Grabbing the two cocks in her hands, Myriam took Danny's huge black cock in her mouth, opening it so widely that her jaw was about to dislocate itself." "But excited by the challenge, Myriam started sucking on the big black meat rod, not hesitating to choke herself with it, all the while jerking off Mike with her other hand." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" ODA "\"Oooh! Shit baby! That's it, suck on that big black cock!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! Wow! I can't believe she can take your monster like that!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 134 with dissolve "After sucking on Danny's cock for some time, Myriam stopped and took Mike's in her mouth, relieving her jaw from the stress, his size way easier to handle." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" OMJ "\"Oooh! Holy shit! She's so good!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! Yeah! She's really something special!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 133 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 134 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 133 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 134 with dissolve "Jumping from one cock to the other, Myriam kept sucking on the both of them for some time, animated by the excitement of the situation and all the alcohol she drank during the night." "Sucking thoroughly on these two big cocks as if they were the only thing that mattered in the world anymore, her mind only focused on giving them all the pleasure she could and enjoying every second of it." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ODA "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah baby! Keep going show us how much you like sucking on cop's cock! You little badge bunny!\"" OMJ "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! I won't last long like that!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 133 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 134 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 133 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 134 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 135 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After some time jumping from one cock to the other, Myriam finally felt Danny cumming, emptying his cum in her mouth one load after the other as she swallowed them." ODA "\"AAARGH! YEAH! SWALLOW THAT LOAD BABY!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 136 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And once Danny was finally done, Myriam quickly jumped to Mike, ready to exlpode as well, quickly feeling him burst in her mouth in turn after a few moves of her tongue, she swallowed each load as best she could." OMJ "\"AAAH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve "Moving onto the bed after cleaning up all the overflowing cum from her chin, Myriam laid down while Mike went between her legs, pushing his cock in her pussy, and Danny, placing himself in front of her, pushed his massive cock down her throat." "Quickly finding a common rhythm, both kept going, fucking Myriam's welcoming body as her breasts jumped back and forth as they penetrated her from both sides." MC "\"Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmh!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! Her pussy's so wet and tight!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! And that throat! She's taking every inch!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 138 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 137 with dissolve "Accelerating the rhythm as the excitement got higher and higher, Danny and Mike kept fucking Myriam without rest, getting rougher and rougher as things went on." KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" "With her excitement and her level of alcohol, Myriam was fully relaxed and receptive, taking the two cocks assaulting her pussy and mouth without too much trouble, even with the enormous cock invading her throat." KN_MOD "else:" "With her excitement and the few drinks she had, Myriam was relaxed and receptive enough to take the two cocks assaulting her pussy and mouth without too much trouble, even if the enormous cock invading her throat proved to be a real challenge." MC "\"Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmh!\"" ODA "\"Oooh! It's been some times since we had a good spit roast like this!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! Well, it's not everyday a girl can take your cock like that!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 139 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 140 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 139 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 140 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 139 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 140 with dissolve "Mike's big cock was giving Myriam sensations she had long forgotten, his size and technique of another level than Anthony's, leaving her very receptive to the pounding he was giving her." "Excited and with too much drink in him, Mike was giving her no mercy, fucking hard and deep as he felt her tight pussy getting wetter and tighter around his cock, as he quickly felt her climaxing under his hard pounding." OMJ "\"Aaah! You like getting your pussy pounded by a cop you little slut!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMPF! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 141 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 142 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 141 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 142 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 141 with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 142 with dissolve "On his side, as Myriam was able to take the full length of his cock down her throat, Danny was getting rougher and rougher, grabbing her by the neck as his balls came slapping her face with each thrust." "Even if she was able to relax enough to take the full size of his cock, Myriam could not help but cough and choke on his cock with every thrust, making her drool profusely as her face started to become more and more of a mess." MC "\"Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmh!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! Yeah! Take that baby! Take my big black cock down that slutty throat!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 143 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Staying on that pace, the two kept pounding her pussy and throat mercilessly, until finally she felt the two emptying their balls again inside her, filling her full of warm cum as they pushed her into another violent orgasm." "Seeing white, Myriam's body started to shake as the two kept pounding her with a few more rough thrusts to empty their balls inside her, enhancing the sensation of pleasure her body was already feeling." MC "\"MMMMMMPF! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" OMJ "\"AAAH! YEAH! FUCK! TAKE THAT CUM IN YOUR PUSSY YOU SLUT!!\"" KN_MOD "else:" OMJ "\"AAAH! YEAH! FUCK! TAKE THAT CUM IN YOUR PUSSY!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" ODA "\"AAAH! FUCK! SWALLOW MY BLACK SEED YOU WHITE SLUT!\"" KN_MOD "else:" ODA "\"AAAH! FUCK! SWALLOW MY BLACK SEED BABY!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMH! Gulp, gulp, gulp! MMMMMMH\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == False:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 144 with dissolve "After some cooldown time from the three, Myriam cleaned up her face and their cocks again, swallowing every last drop before making them hard again and ready for more." "Guiding her to the bed, they made Myriam ride Mike, taking his cock again in her pussy, while Danny climbed behind her, putting his cock over her ass, letting her know what he was about to do." KN_MOD "if ch3_surprise_anal_attack == True:" ODA "\"This time you're going to take it all baby! All my nine inches inside that tight white ass of yours!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_try_on_just_the_tip == True:" ODA "\"Ready to try again baby? Ready to take my nine inch black cock inside your tight white ass?\"" KN_MOD "else:" ODA "\"Ready to try taking my nine inch black cock inside your tight white ass baby?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yeah! But please start easy! Mmmh! Y-your cock is so big!\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry baby, I'm going to make you beg for more!\"" OMJ "\"Oooh! I wouldn't mind having these sweet puppies riding me all day long!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 145 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" "After making Myriam clean up their cocks and swallow the overflowing cum, they quickly made her ride Mike's cock, taking him in her pussy again while Danny climbed up behind her and pushed his cock in her ass." "Her mind lost in the fog of alcohol and pleasure, Myriam took Danny's cock with a mix of moans of pleasure and pain as he pushed his massive cock deeper and harder with each thrust." "With his hand on her throat, Danny regularly tightened and released his grip to heighten her pleasure as he started to accelerate the pace and push his cock deeper in her ass." ODA "\"Aaah! Do you feel my nine inch black cock in your tight white ass!?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yesh! Yesh!! Yesh!!! Mmmh!\"" OMJ "\"Oooh! Those tits are the best!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Slowly pushing his cock as he told her he would, Danny started to invade Myriam's ass with his big cock, making her both moan with pleasure and pain as her asshole stretched like never before with one man using her ass." "With his hand on her throat, Danny regularly tightened and released his grip to heighten her pleasure as he started to accelerate the pace and push his cock deeper in her ass." ODA "\"Aaah! Fuck baby! Your ass is the best! Do you feel my big black cock!?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Mmmh!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! Those tits are the best!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 146 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" "As the moans of pleasure and the erotic sounds of bodies meeting one another continued, the excitement and alcohol took the three over letting all reservation go and guiding them to even greater pleasure." "As the pace with which both men kept fucking her grew higher and rougher, Myriam's moans got louder, and as all barriers went down the dirty talk got more crude and daring." ODA "\"Oooh! Yeah! Take that big black cock like a good white whore!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yesh! Yesh!! Mmmh! Break mah ass with your big black cock!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! I'm going to fill your pussy full of cum you fucking slut!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "As the moans of pleasure and the erotic sounds of bodies meeting one another continued, the excitement took the three over letting all reservation go and guiding them to even greater pleasure." "As the pace with which both men kept fucking her grew higher, Myriam's moans got louder, and as all barriers went down the dirty talk got more daring." ODA "\"Oooh! Yeah! Take that big black cock like a good white slut!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmh! Pound my ass with your big black cock!\"" OMJ "\"Aaah! I'm going to fill your pussy full of cum you slut!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 147 with dissolve "And after some time, as the three reaching the peak of their excitement and the limit of their resistance to pleasure, they reached their climaxes one by one." "Mike and Danny first, closely reaching a climax and pushing Myriam into a violent orgasm as she felt their warm cum filling her again in the deepest part of her pussy and ass." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" OMJ "\"AAAAAAH! FUCK YES! TAKE MY LOAD!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" ODA "\"AAARGH! TAKE THAT CUM YOU WHITE WHORE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YESH! YESH!! YESH!!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" KN_MOD "else:" ODA "\"AAARGH! TAKE THAT BABY!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH! FILL ME FULL OF CUM!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 148 with dissolve "Weak from the intense pleasure and her body still numb and shaking, Myriam just slouched on the bed as the two left her on the bed after getting off, ass up, her holes gaping and oozing cum." "Barely conscious with her mind still lost in the haze of pleasure, all that Myriam could do was moan weakly, waiting for her body to stop trembling and for her mind to clear." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaah... Mmmmmmh...{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 149 with dissolve "As Myriam was still passed out on the bed, Mike had already dressed again and headed out, leaving Danny and Myriam behind." OMJ "\"Sorry buddy, I have to go or Nora will get wise. {w}I'll take a shower at the station before going home.\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! You better! {w}Me, I'm staying and fucking that ass!\"" OMJ "\"Ha ha ha! Still, go easy or you're going to break her!\"" ODA "\"Man, no way in hell I'm passing on this badge bunny, I'm fucking her until my cock falls off!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 150 with dissolve "Climbing behind her again, Danny pushed his cock again inside Myriam's ass, grabbing her hips for a good grip and getting on top of her to give each thrust more power with the weight of his body." "And when finally he had the best position to pound her asshole as hard and deep as he could, he suddenly started roughly sodomizing her while her body was still relaxed and her mind lost in the alcohol and her previous orgasm." ODA "\"Aaah! Baby, I'm going to fuck your ass so hard you won't walk straight for a week!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 151 with dissolve "Lost to the pleasure and all the alcohol she had drunk during the night, Myriam's mind went away, leaving her lost in a pink haze of pleasure, pain and a constant state of orgasm as Danny kept plowing her ass roughly again and again." ODA "\"Aaah! Who's a good little white whore hungry for big black cock!?\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! MMMMMMH... MEEEEEE!!! AHM... AAAAH WHITE WHORE!\"" "And as Myriam's mind left for lust and desire, she stayed all night, not thinking of a thing but the massive black cock wrecking havoc in each one of her holes and filling her with cum, until she finished by fully losing consciousness under his assaults and her orgasms." KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 152 with dissolve "Her body and mind settling down, Myriam sat on the side of the bed while the two were rounding up their clothes and getting dressed." MC "\"Oooh... You really did a number on me... {w}You're going to have to give me a minute if you want me to walk out...\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry, maybe I got a little overboard for a moment...\"" OMJ "\"Ha ha ha! A little overboard! Man you pounded her ass with nine inches of hard steel for nearly half an hour non stop!\"" "Laughing together, the three went on to dress themselves before getting back to the car after Myriam finally felt her strength coming back into her legs." scene black with dissolve show text "A drive home later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 153 with dissolve "After a quick drive home, Danny accompanied Myriam back to her door, giving her his arm to help her walk as she was still feeling weak in the legs." MC "\"Thank you for walking me to the door.\"" ODA "\"The least I could do with the \"hard\" time I gave you...\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on! Don't be mean with me.\"" scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 154 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back to say a last goodbye to Danny as she passed the door, he suddenly surprised her with a deep kiss on her lips, grabbing her by the waist and wrist to bring her close to him." MC "\"Good...! Mmmpf...! Mouah!\"" ODA "\"Mouah!\"" "Surprised at first, Myriam quickly let go of her resistance to kiss him back as the lust from their previous intimacy quickly took over, the manly embrace, the kiss on the lips and the hand on her butt making all the memories of the night come up." scene bg ch3_08 doublecopdate 155 with dissolve "Stopping their kiss, Danny kept Myriam tightly close to him, his arm wrapped around her waist and hand firmly on her ass while he kept his grip on her wrist, making her press her breasts against his well chiseled chest." ODA "\"Baby, it was a great night! If you ever need to unwind again, I'm your man!\"" MC "\"I... Yeah...\"" "Saying goodbye to her, Danny left Myriam speechless after the surprise of the kiss and the manly embrace, leaving her in turmoil over what to do in the future." KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_cassius_night_walk_in_the_park:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Cassius' Night Walk in the Park" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 001 with dissolve "Walking for a little while through the neighborhood enjoying the warm summer night, Myriam quickly got to the park to let Cassius run." MC "\"Here we are boy! Do you want to go run?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 002 with dissolve "Following Cassius into the forest part of the park, Myriam walked behind him leisurely under the moonlight, letting him run freely so he could spend some energy." MC "{i}Look at him all happy, running... {w}Looks like he needed a good run, going in the garden isn't enough for a dog his size, I should come here more often.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_not_top_dog_anymore == True:" MC "{i}Maybe it's why he's been so restless recently and did what he did...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" MC "{i}Maybe it's why he's being so dominant recently and did what he did...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}With everything that happened lately I didn't take care of him as well as I should have...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 003 with dissolve "But as Cassius disappeared in the woods, running off to explore and leaving Myriam alone on the trail, she suddenly started to feel self-conscious in the middle of the dark forest." MC "{i}It's getting really dark now, I'm lucky there is some moonlight tonight...{/i}" MC "{i}There's some lighting in the open park side, but nothing here, maybe I should have stayed in the other part of the park.{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 004 with dissolve "Looking around as she began to feel concerned, Myriam realized she wasn't hearing Cassius running anymore in the woods." MC "{i}God! Where did he go!? I can't hear him anymore.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't go running around in the woods with this darkness...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 005 with dissolve "Walking down the trail worried, Myriam started calling out for Cassius, hoping he would hear her voice and come back or answer her so she could determine where he was." MC "\"Cassius! Cassius! Where are you boy!?\"" "Woof!" MC "{i}Ha! I think I heard him!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 006 with dissolve "Approaching the side of the trail, Myriam called again, trying to determine where he was or make him come, preferring to avoid wandering in the woods." MC "\"Cassius! Cassius! Come!\"" "Woof!" MC "{i}It's coming from over there for sure but he's not coming back, maybe he's trapped! What should I do?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_09_going_in_the_wood:" "Does Myriam ventured into the wood?" KN_MOD "I should go have a look, he could be trapped...:" MC "{i}I should go have a look, he could be trapped somewhere, I'll just have to be careful.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_searching_for_cassius" KN_MOD "I should just keep walking, hell catch on later...:" MC "{i}I should just keep walking, he'll catch on later, I'm just projecting my neuroses because we're close to where I got assaulted the other day.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_kept_walking_on" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_searching_for_cassius:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 007 with dissolve "Venturing into the woods, Myriam followed the barks, but after a few minutes of cautiously walking to avoid getting injured, she found no trace of Cassius." MC "{i}Did I get turned around!? I don't see any trace of him and I can't even hear him barking anymore...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope I didn't get lost! I can't see far with the just the moonlight getting through the foliage...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 008 with dissolve "As she kept wandering around, searching for Cassius and her way back, Myriam turned back as she suddenly heard some noises behind her." "Crack!" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" MC "\"Cassius!? Is that you?\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 009 with dissolve "But as she turned to look who was behind her, Myriam screamed paralyzed by fear as an unknown dog suddenly jumped at her." "Dog" "\"Wouf!\"" MC "\"Haaa!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 010 with dissolve "Falling over in surprise and fear as the dog jumped towards her, Myriam ended up on her ass, closing her eyes and hiding behind her arm as she was waited to get attacked." MC "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! I'm going to get mauled!{/i}" "Dog" "\"Sniff!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_cassius_save_the_day_again_and_more" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_cassius_save_the_day_again_and_more:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 011 with dissolve "As Myriam was waiting for the worst paralized, to get bitten and mauled, she screamed again in surprise as she suddenly felt a tongue licking her pussy through the fabric of her panties." "Dog" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Haaa! What...!?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 012 with dissolve "Regaining her wits, Myriam tried to stop the dog, but he kept pushing and licking her pussy through her panties, starting to have an effect as she started to feel bursts of pleasure each time his tongue struck home." "Dog" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Stop it you crazy dog!\"" MC "{i}God! He won't stop!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 013 with dissolve "But as Myriam kept trying to push him away ineffectively, the dog kept licking her pussy and making her lose strength as bursts of pleasure started to weaken her and her resistance." "Dog" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! No! He's starting to make me feel...!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Stop! Mmmh! Please!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 014 with dissolve "Unable to push him over and unable to stay up due to the pleasure he was giving her, Myriam had to stop pushing him and let him do as he pleased." "Dog" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah! God! This is so wrong! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Why can't I chase him away!? At this rate he's going to make me cum...{/i}" "And moments later, as she feared, Myriam finished by cumming from this dog's cunnilingus, making her scream her pleasure into the darkness of the wood." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 015 with dissolve "Lifting her head again, legs still shaking from the pleasure, Myriam looked at the dog who had just stopped, looking at her as well with heavy breaths." MC "\"A-Are you done bullying me now?\"" "Dog" "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 016 with dissolve "As the dog moved and started to climb on her and lower his hips, Myriam realized he was excited and in erection, trying to mount her and mate." "Dog" "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He wants to fuck me now!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 017 with dissolve "But as the dog kept climbing on Myriam, Cassius suddenly appeared, jumping from the bushes, scaring the other dog who jumped aside in surprise." Ca "\"Woof!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"Cassius!?\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 018 with dissolve "Placing himself over Myriam, Cassius took a defensive stand, barking at the other dog to show his dominance, which quickly made the other dog show submission." Ca "\"Woof! Woof! Woof!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine, whine!\"" MC "{i}Looks like the other dog is calming down and retreating...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 019 with dissolve "Gathering herself, Myriam got on her knees, still feeling weak by the mix of fear and pleasure she went through, while Cassius kept turning around her showing his dominance towards the other dog who proclaimed his loss my rolling on his back." Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine, whine!\"" MC "{i}God! I feel so relieved, in the end it was just a horny dog, he didn't even show any aggression... {w}If only I hadn't been so afraid I could have chased him off.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" $ ch3_cassius_sharing_is_caring = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_cassius_alpha_male" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_cassius_alpha_male:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 020 with dissolve "Sitting behind Myriam while she was gathering herself, Cassius suddenly put his paw on her shoulder while looking at the other dog, now laying down in submission." Ca "\"Woof!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine!\"" MC "{i}What is he doing now!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 021 with dissolve "Suddenly bending her over, Cassius dominated Myriam, still pressing on her back so she would get face down while his other paw was pulling her hips toward him and his hard cock now out." MC "\"Ha! Cassius!? What are you doing!?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He wants to fuck me again! He's showing this other dog that he's the alpha male and that I'm his property.{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 022 with dissolve "Understanding like the other day she would not stop Cassius, Myriam did as he wanted, facing the ground and lifting her hips, even taking off her skirt and panties so he wouldn't tear them off with his claws." MC "{i}He's searching for his angle, I can feel his cock slipping off my pussy and my ass...{/i}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}God! What am I becoming, I'm even offering myself to my dog now! I've fully become his bitch...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 023 with dissolve "After a few tries, Cassius finally pushed his cock inside Myriam's pussy, pulling a scream of surprise mixed with pain and pleasure as his thrusts quickly became fast, deep and rough." MC "\"Haaa! Mmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}God! It surprises me every time how big and rough he is, dogs fuck so wildely, I... {w}Aaah! I'm actually lucky this other dog made me wet before...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 024 with dissolve "Fucking his mistress like the animal he was, Cassius fucked her fast and hard, even more so as he was trying to show his dominance as much to Myriam as to the other dog." "Feeling he was particularly rough this time, Myriam did all she could to relax and let him do as he please, and inevitably could not help but feel the pleasure getting higher with her pussy still sensitive from before." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Mmmmmmh! You're killing me! Aaaaaah! Cassius!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to make me cum again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 025 with dissolve "As she had thought, Myriam reached a deep climax after a rough ride from Cassius, screaming as she came both in pleasure and pain as she suddenly felt Cassius pushing his knot inside her pussy." "After some more intense thrusts from him and as her legs were still shaking from her orgasm, Myriam felt Cassius coming in turn, emptying his warm cum deep in her womb." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ca "\"WOOF! HAH-HAH-HAH! WHINE!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 026 with dissolve "Stopping his moves after filling her pussy full of cum, Cassius stayed on top of Myriam, his knot still pulsing in her pussy, but letting her at least relax after the rough mating he put her through." MC "\"Aaaaaah!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Finally some rest, but I know it won't be for long, last time he fucked me a few times more before stopping...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 027 with dissolve "Contrary to what she thought, he just pulled out after some time instead of fucking her again, but as she was about to get up, Cassius pressed her again to the ground while barking at the other dog who had just been looking at the scene." MC "\"Ha!\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}What is he doing!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 028 with dissolve "As the other dog got up and walked towards Myriam's back, Myriam suddenly understood why Cassius was keeping her down, he was letting the other dog have his turn after him, like an alpha letting the pack have the rest of his food." "Dog" "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Wait!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He's sharing me with this dog!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 029 with dissolve "And as she thought, as soon as the other dog got behind her, he mounted her and quickly pushed his hard cock in her pussy in turn and started to pound her pussy with a lot of excitement." "Dog" "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! This is...! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! I can't believe this, I'm getting shared around by dogs! {w}Aaah! At least he's a bit smaller, but he's way faster, he's fucking me like a jackhammer!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 030 with dissolve "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" "Suddenly hearing the voice of a man coming from the dark, Myriam and the dogs turned their heads towards where it came from, as he kept pounding her pussy without pause." "Dog" "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! No...! Mmmh! Please, finish quick...!\"" MC "{i}It's getting closer! It's probably this dog's owner... {w}Please god! Make him finish quick! I can't be seen like this!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 031 with dissolve "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" "As the voice kept calling for the dog and getting closer, he kept fucking her, pushing her into another orgasm as he pushed his knot inside her as well to empty his warm cum deep in her womb." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Dog" "\"WOOF! HAH-HAH-HAH! WHINE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! I'M CUMMING AGAIN!\"" MC "{i}God! Please no! He's must have heard us now! And his knot is inside me!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 032 with dissolve "But luckily for Myriam the dog quickly pulled out of her after cumming, his knot shrinking faster than Cassius', letting her try to get up just a few minutes after he came." "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "{i}God! Quick! He's still getting close... {w}Aaah! But my legs are like jelly...{/i}" "Meanwhile the dog showed a proud Cassius his submission, showing him he knew his place and who was the boss." scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 033 with dissolve "Getting up despite her weak legs, Myriam looked around for her skirt anxiously, fearing to be caught half naked and with cum oozing from her pussy if she didn't dress quickly." "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "{i}God! Where are my skirt and panties!?{/i}" MC "\"There!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 034 with dissolve "Turning around Myriam as she was about to get the rest of her clothes from the bushes, the dogs seemed excited by seeing the result of their mischief." MC "\"Come on you two! You had enough!\"" "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "{i}God! He's really close! And I've got all this cum dripping out of me...! {w}I'll just put my panties over it, I don't have time to waste!{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 035 with dissolve "Dressed again, Myriam felt relieved as she avoided the worst situation, turning her head towards the voice still calling, just a stone throw away, she felt ready to go." "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "{i}Thank god I made it! Let's go now and take his dog back...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_finding_the_owner" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_finding_the_owner" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_cassius_save_the_day_again" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_cassius_save_the_day_again:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 017 with dissolve "But as Myriam feared the worst was about to happen Cassius appeared, suddenly jumping from the bushes, scaring the other dog who jumped aside in surprise." Ca "\"Woof!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"Cassius!?\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 018 with dissolve "Placing himself over Myriam, Cassius took a defensive stand, barking at the other dog to show his dominance, which quickly made the other dog show submission." Ca "\"Woof! Woof! Woof!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine, whine!\"" MC "{i}Looks like the other dog is calming down and retreating...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 019 with dissolve "Gathering herself, Myriam got on her knees, still feeling weak by the mix of fear and pleasure she went through, while Cassius kept turning around her showing his dominance towards the other dog who proclaimed his loss by rolling on his back." Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine, whine!\"" MC "{i}God! I feel so relieved, in the end it was just a playful dog, he didn't even show any aggression... {w}If only I hadn't been so afraid I could have chased him off.{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 036 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam felt relieved seeing how the dog calmed down and showed submission towards Cassius, thinking she probably got more scared than she should have." Ca "\"Grrr!\"" "Dog" "\"Whine!\"" MC "{i}Look at that, he look so pitiful now, I think I just got spooked because of the dark and what happened in the park the other day...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 037 with dissolve "As Myriam was petting Cassius to thank him for defending her and to calm him down, their attention was drawn to the calls of a man in the woods." MC "\"Good boy! You can calm down now...\"" "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" MC "{i}What was that!? Looks like someone is looking for his dog, it must be him, let's bring him back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_finding_the_owner" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_finding_the_owner:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 038 with dissolve "Walking through the woods into the dark again, Myriam and the dogs arrived back on the trail as the a man was arriving towards them." "Walking down the slope carefully to get on the road, the dog ran towards his owner who called for him happily as soon as he saw him." "Man" "\"Colin!\"" "Dog" "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 039 with dissolve "Crouching down, the man pet his dog, who was happily wagging his tail, while Myriam and Cassius approached them." "Man" "\"Where were you little rascal? Getting yourself in trouble again I bet!\"" Col "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_sharing_is_caring == True:" MC "{i}Look at that little bully wagging his tail and playing coy! A rascal he's one for sure!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Looks like that man is really his owner, at least it's a silver lining to have been able to bring him back...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 040 with dissolve "Man" "\"Sorry! Hi! I was just so glad to find him! {w}Thank you for bringing him back!\"" MC "\"It's ok, I was just searching for mine also and he found me in the woods, giving me a good scare.\"" "Man" "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry for that! He's a bit mischievous but he wouldn't hurt a fly.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 041 with dissolve "Getting up, the man approached Myriam to thank her properly for finding his dog, apologizing again for his dog's behavior and himself for losing him." "Man" "\"Again, I'm sorry if my dog gave you a scare, it was my fault losing him.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, I shouldn't have mentioned it.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_sharing_is_caring == True:" MC "{i}If he knew what he did! But it's not like I could tell him...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I feel stupid now, I feel it was more my fault than the dog, he's a young dog, he must just have felt happy to find me when searching for his owner.{/i}" "Man" "\"Anyway thank you, really!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_going_back_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_kept_walking_on:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 046 with dissolve "Following the trail, Myriam kept walking, staying vigilant in case she heard Cassius again, calling him from time to time so he could hear her voice and know where to find her." MC "{i}God! I hope he doesn't get lost, he doesn't know the place well yet...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Stop worrying like that, he's got a better sense of direction than you.{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 047 with dissolve MC "{i}I think I'm over reacting because of what happened the other day, it wasn't far from here...{/i}" MC "{i}I didn't think about it before coming, but now that I'm nearly there I can't help but feel anxious and the darkness isn't really helping.{/i}" MC "{i}It was kind of foolish to get into the wood when it's dark, I should have stayed on the other side of the park with all the lights...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 048 with dissolve "As Myriam kept walking along the trail, mulling over her choice of place for her walk and how it was foolish of her to feel afraid, a sudden noise further down the path instantly brought her fears back." "Crack!" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" MC "\"Ca-Cassius!?\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 049 with dissolve "Man" "\"Colin!?\"" "Appearing from down the trail, a man came out of the dark, calling for someone as well, at his view Myriam quickly felt relieved, relaxing herself a little from her previous fears." "Man" "\"Oh! Hi! I heard some noises and I thought it was my dog, maybe you saw him? A young Doberman.\"" MC "\"Hi! No, sorry, I'm searching for mine as well, a big grey Dane.\"" "Man" "\"No, sorry...\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 050 with dissolve "Man" "\"It seems we were both outwitted by our dogs...\"" MC "\"Yes, it seems so, though I heard some barking in the woods earlier, maybe it was your dog.\"" "Man" "\"Yes, it's possible, this scoundrel went right up there and disappeared, I've been searching for him for half an hour now.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 051 with dissolve "Man" "\"Where did you hear the barking noises you say?\"" MC "\"It was over there, but it was over a few minutes ago...\"" "As they were discussing whether to go search their dogs in the woods, the two culprits were arriving behind them, running from the woods towards them with Cassius in lead." scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 052 with dissolve "Both noticing the arrival of their dogs turned towards them and welcomed the two, guilty looking and slowing, their ears down as they came close to their owners, feeling guilty about their escapade." "Man" "\"Colin! Come here boy!\"" MC "\"Cassius! Where were you, you naughty dog!?\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 053 with dissolve "As the two dogs went to their respective owners, to both get petted and scolded, shamefully playing cute in front of them, hoping to be forgiven for their escapade." "Man" "\"Where were you little rascal? Getting yourself in trouble again I bet!\"" Col "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Don't play cute with me! Naughty boy!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 040 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back with Cassius sat down closer at her feet, the owner of the other dog lifted his head towards her again." "Man" "\"Sorry! I'm always spoiling this scoundrel...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I can't say I'm better on that front.\"" "Man" "\"But thank you, it seems your dog brought mine back.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 041 with dissolve "Getting up, the man approached Myriam again, to thank her properly for her dog's actions." MC "\"I don't know if that was the case really...\"" "Man" "\"Oh! I really think so, it's not the first time this little rascal went for an adventure and made me search for him for half the night.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_09_going_back_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_09_going_back_home:" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 042 with dissolve "Man" "\"You know what? I run a veterinary clinic in town, if you need anything don't hesitate to pass by, it'll be on me.\"" MC "\"Oh! I don't know what to say, it's very kind of you.\"" "Man" "\"No, it's only natural. {w}My name is John Doalot, the clinic bears the same name, the Park Clinic Doalot, it's just on the other side of the park.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'll pass by then. {w}I'm Myriam Summers.\"" JoD "\"Nice to meet you Mrs Summers, I'm glad to hear you'll stop by.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 043 with dissolve JoD "\"By the way, it's the first time I've seen you and your dog in the park, are you new here?\"" MC "\"Yes, I moved in the neighborhood a few months ago now, just over this side of the park.\"" JoD "\"That's a beautiful neighborhood, I'm sure you'll love it here.\"" MC "\"I'm sure I will, everyone has been very nice.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 044 with dissolve JoD "\"But I'm keeping you, sorry, I'll let you finish your walk.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I was about to go back.\"" JoD "\"Well, thank you again for your help, and goodnight Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Please, Myriam.\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 045 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam headed home while waving goodbye one last time at John who was already calling his dog back as he was heading towards the woods again." MC "\"Goodnight John.\"" JoD "\"Goodnight Myriam! {w}Colin! Stay!\"" Col "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 054 with dissolve "Walking out of the park's woods, Myriam and Cassius headed towards the exit, back home, their walk having been eventful enough for the night." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_sharing_is_caring == True:" MC "{i}Look at him so happy go lucky! He's doing unspeakable things to his mistress and still looks so innocent after...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Look at him so happy go lucky! Seems that he's happy to have made a friend this time...{/i}" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 055 with dissolve MC "{i}But I'm glad I was able to come back here, I can't believe I didn't think about what happened the other day before going into the woods.{/i}" MC "{i}It's a good sign I think, maybe I should do as Detective Anderson said and go to the trial, as he said he thought it'll help me put a end to it...{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_09 cassiusnightwalkinthepark 056 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, no matter, let's go home now...{/i}" MC "\"What do you say boy!? Should we go home now?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_sharing_is_caring == True:" "Heading home, Myriam left the park behind, having taken some fresh air and more or less relaxed from the long day she had despite Cassius' behavior, feeling even more determined than when she went out." KN_MOD "else:" "Heading home, Myriam left the park behind, having taken some fresh air and relaxed from the long day she had, feeling even more determined than when she went out." KN_MOD "jump ch3_update5" KN_MOD "label ch3_update5:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update5 from _call_var_chapter3_update5" $ MCtrait["Drinks"] = 0 KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_another_long_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_another_long_day:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Another Long Day" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == False:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_waking_up_at_home" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_waking_up_at_the_hotel" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_waking_up_at_home:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 001 with dissolve "After the long day she had yesterday, Myriam slept through the night like a log, both body and mind needing to rest and recover." "And contrary to the sleepless nights she had when she moved in, today Myriam had a good night's sleep, free of nightmares and worries." MC "{size=20}\"Zzzzzz!\"{/size=20}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_cassius_wake_up_call" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_cassius_wake_up_call:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 004 with dissolve "Unbeknownst to Myriam, as she kept sleeping soundly, her cover was getting pulled down by Cassius, revealing her butt with his paw as he took it off." MC "{size=20}\"Zzzzzz!\"{/size=20}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 005 with dissolve "But as Cassius climbed on her and was searching for the best angle to penetrate her, Myriam could not help but lift her head, still half asleep, as it woke her up." MC "{size=20}\"Wha-What's...!?\"{/size=20}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 006 with dissolve "And finally finding his position, Cassius pushed his hard cock in Myriam's ass, pulling a weak scream of surprise and pain out of her, despite her relaxed state and her grogginess." MC "\"Haaa! Ca-Cassius! What are you...!? Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! He pushed his cock in my ass!{/i}" "As soon as his cock slipped inside Myriam's ass, Cassius started to fuck it hard and fast as he always did, pounding her wildly without any hesitation like the beast he was." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 007 with dissolve "Quickly starting to feel the pleasure getting to her despite the pain and the intense pounding Cassius was giving her, Myriam could not help but moan as her head slumped down in the pillows." "Accustomed now to Cassius' libido and intense mating, Myriam did not even try to stop him, trying her best to relax to take his furious pounding, even letting the pleasure get to her at the same time." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Cassius! Mmmmmmh! You're killing me!\"" MC "{i}God! He's really fucking me so hard and he's so big! This is so wild!{/i}" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 008 with dissolve "Not stopping for a second, Cassius kept pounding Myriam's ass, getting faster and rougher as his excitement kept getting higher, pushing his knot deeper and deeper in her asshole each time he thrust." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Until finally, Myriam felt his cock getting harder and bigger with a few last violent thrusts before feeling the warm sensation of his cum bursting in her ass, pushing her to an intense orgasm as her body started shaking as waves of pleasure took her." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 009 with dissolve "Pulling out of her ass with a sloshing noise after some time, Cassius got down from the bed, leaving Myriam still shaking from her climax, his cum oozing from her asshole, slowly closing back after the stretching it went through." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}God! He made me cum again, I'm getting so used to it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 010 with dissolve "Waiting by the door with a happy and content look, Cassius barked, asking Myriam to come open the door now that he was up and done." Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}Look at him! All happy and proud! He just made a mess of his mistress and now just wants to go out...{/i}" MC "\"Ok, ok, I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 011 with dissolve "Letting Cassius out, Myriam headed to her armoire to get dressed before going to wake up the kids and make breakfast." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I can't believe I'm getting to a point where getting fucked by my dog seems like normal now... {w}I know it's wrong and I should stop him, but...{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't stop him, I feel like it's my fault and is it really that wrong, I mean he is the one wanting to do it... {w}And now I can't even say that I mind that much...{/i}" MC "{i}He's a bit too rough and he's pretty big, but he's giving me more pleasure than I ever had with Anthony... {w}God! I should stop thinking about this and go wake up the kids...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_waking_up_the_kids" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 002 with dissolve "Slowly waking up Myriam left her head, still half asleep, looking around a bit lost as if she had forgotten something." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}What time is it? It's quite bright already...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 003 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam stretched and yawned, trying to chase away her sleepiness as she walked towards the armoire to get dressed." MC "\"Aaaaaah...!\"" MC "{i}God! I really slept like a log! It's been some time since I slept like that...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_waking_up_the_kids" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_waking_up_the_kids:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 012 with dissolve "Not having to go to school today, Myriam only wore her bed gown, feeling she had time before having to dress properly and go out for the day." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I should go quickly make breakfast for the kids before they have to go to school!{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 013 with dissolve "Walking down the corridor, Myriam stopped in front of the bedroom door where William was staying, asking herself if she had to get him up or not." MC "{i}What do I do? Should I wake him up now, I don't know if he's a heavy sleeper or not...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should at least knock on his door to tell him I'm making breakfast.{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 014 with dissolve "Not getting any answers from William Myriam decided to go in to see if he was still sleeping." MC "{i}Better go in and wake him up...{/i}" MC "\"William?\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 015 with dissolve "But as Myriam snuck inside, she quickly realized the bedroom was empty, even the bed was made." MC "\"Well, you can't beat that with a stick!\"" MC "{i}He must already be downstairs, I should go join him quick, I hope he didn't wait too long. {w}I can't believe he even made his bed.{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 016 with dissolve "Going down after stopping by Katherine's room, empty as well, Myriam arrived in the kitchen and was surprised to see nobody at the table." MC "{i}What!? Where are they? They're not in their rooms or the bathrooms...{/i}" MC "{i}Are they in the garden? I can't be that late...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 017 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the kitchen digital clock, Myriam screamed in surprise at the late hour, having slept far more than she thought into the morning." MC "\"Oh my god! It's already nearly nine!\"" MC "{i}I slept that much! No wonder the kids are not here, they've long gone to school!{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 018 with dissolve MC "{i}Katherine must have not wanted to wake me and let me sleep! {w}My god! I'm such a bad mom! And what an example for William...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_francis_muse == True:" MC "{i}God! And I had an appointment in the morning with the lawyer! And another one with Francis for a photo shoot.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! And I had an appointment in the morning with the lawyer!{/i}" MC "{i}I don't have time to waste, I have to go get dressed quick!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_getting_dressed_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_waking_up_at_the_hotel:" scene black with dissolve show text "A night of drunken sex later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 019 with dissolve "After the long day and intense night she had yesterday, Myriam slept through the night like a log, wasted both physically and mentally by the alcohol and the rough sex she had." "Danny having fucked her like a brute until he fell exhausted by her side, leaving her covered and filled with his cum." MC "{size=20}\"Zzzzzz!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 020 with dissolve "Slowly waking up, Myriam opened her eyes, a bit lost, still in the fog of sleepiness and her head taken by a violent headache." MC "{size=20}\"Zzz! Mmmh...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}What...!? Where...!? I...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 021 with dissolve "Lifting her head, Myriam tried to look around and analyze where she was, as her hand went to her head as a reflex to feel what was this weird sensation on her face." MC "{i}Where am I? What's that on my face? Is that cum!? My god it is!{/i}" MC "{i}And what's that feeling on my ass, it feels so sore, but...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 022 with dissolve "As Myriam looked behind her to see what the thing was that she was feeling on her ass, and was surprised to suddenly hear Danny's voice as she quickly understood that the feeling on her ass was a cock getting hard and his hand." MC "{i}My god!? Is that...!?{/i}" ODA "\"Hey baby! Already up?\"" MC "\"What!? Who!? Da-Danny!?\"" MC "{i}God! Yes! I slept with them yesterday! And I stayed with him!{/i}" ODA "\"Feeling up for more baby?\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 023 with dissolve "Following his words, Danny climbed up behind Myriam, pressing his hard cock against Myriam's asshole, still slippery with all the cum oozing from it." ODA "\"Here you go baby!\"" MC "\"Ouch! Wait! I'm... {w}I'm too sore!\"" ODA "\"Don't worry baby! Look, it's going in easy...\"" MC "\"Aaah! Wait! I-I have to go...\"" ODA "\"Come on baby! I'm already in and hard, I'll be quick...\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 024 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm, Danny pushed his cock further inside Myriam's ass, pulling moans of pain and pleasure as his massive cock slipped in fairly easily due to all the cum from yesterday night." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaah! Please go easy I'm so sore! Mmmh!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! Don't worry baby, your ass will take it!\"" MC "{i}God! He's right! He's so big but his cock is going in so easily!{/i}" "Myriam letting him do as he pleased, Danny started to fuck Myriam's ass, quickly accelerating his pace as he used all his weight to give her powerful thrusts and nailing her to the bed." "Quickly Myriam started to feel the pleasure getting to her, as if her ass was already accustomed to this massive cock despite how stretched she was, despite the pain, she could not help feeling excited." ODA "\"Aaah! How's my big black cock!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Mmmmmmh! Go-good!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! You love my big black cock!?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! God! Yes! Aaaaaah! Yes!!\"" ODA "\"Aaah! Say it!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! I-I love your big black cock! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 026 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pulling out after pounding her ass for some time, Danny flipped her over and climbed over her to ejaculate on her face as he grabbed her head and locked it in place for the best angle." ODA "\"ARGH! SHIT! TAKE MY LOAD BABY! AAAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}God! He came so much even after all those loads last night...{/i}" ODA "\"Aaah! So, how was that load? Did you enjoy it baby?\"" MC "\"I-I love it, thanks...!\"" ODA "\"I've got some more for you if you like it so much baby!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 027 with dissolve "Not waiting for an answer, Danny pulled her head forward and shoved his cock in her mouth, pushing his glans in as she was about to answer him." MC "\"Thanks, but... Mmmpf!\"" ODA "\"Here you go baby! Suck on this and I'll give you another big load just like you love!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 028 with dissolve "Grabbing her head with both hands, Danny started to facefuck Myriam, pushing his cock to the back of her throat while moving her head with his hands to compensate the limitation of his movements in his position." "Doing the best she could in her position as well, Myriam used her tongue to enhance his pleasure and relaxed as much she could to let his cock go as deep as he could, still able to reach the back of her throat with only half his cock in." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ODA "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's it baby! Suck on that big black cock!\"" "Accelerating the pace as his pleasure got higher and higher, Danny kept pulling Myriam's head back and forth faster and faster as he kept facefucking her, his balls slapping her breasts with every thrust." "Feeling he was about to cum again, as she felt his cock getting bigger and harder in her mouth and he was starting to get rougher, she did her best to relax and catch the breaths she could through her nose as she knew he wasn't going to let her go before he was done." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ODA "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Your mouth is the best baby!!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 029 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, after an intense facefucking, Myriam felt him cumming in her mouth, a torrent of warm and thick cum flooding her mouth and throat as he grunted his pleasure." ODA "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO BABY! SWALLOW MY BLACK LOAD!\"" "Doing her best to swallow all the cum that came filling her mouth load after load, as her breath was getting short, Myriam suddenly felt a wave of pleasure getting to her, climaxing as she was choking on his cock and cum." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMMH! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" ODA "\"Oooh! Did you just cum from swallowing my load baby!?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Mmmpf...!\"" ODA "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! Let me give you some air!\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 030 with dissolve "Letting go of her head and pulling out of her mouth, Danny leaned back, resting his massive cock between Myriam's breasts as she was coughing and tried to catch her breath." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" ODA "\"Sorry baby! You're so good you make me forget I have such a big cock!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I just came like that with my throat...{/i}" MC "\"Cough! It-it's ok, but I'll have to go, my daughter must be worried...\"" ODA "\"Oh! Yeah! Sorry! Like I said baby, you're so good you make me forget everything else...\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 031 with dissolve "As Danny got down from her, Myriam quickly got up and headed for the bathroom to clean herself and dress, feeling his gaze on her ass following." MC "\"I'll go clean up and change quickly.\"" MC "{i}God! I'm such a mess, I can't believe what I did... and again this morning! But this guy fucks like a god!{/i}" ODA "{i}Fuck! Look at that ass, I can't believe I was able to pound that all night, this girl is a fucking sex goddess!{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 032 with dissolve "A few minutes later, after cleaning up and dressed, Myriam came out of the bathroom to find Danny already dressed and ready." MC "\"Danny, I'm sorry, but I have to go.\"" ODA "\"No problem, I've got to go as well but let me drive you back, my car isn't far.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 033 with dissolve MC "\"You can?\"" ODA "\"Yeah! No problem baby!\"" MC "\"Thanks, I have a few appointments this morning, I have to go change quickly.\"" MC "{i}Thank god I don't have to take the bus or subway, I can barely feel my legs!{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A drive home later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 034 with dissolve "After a quick drive home, Danny accompanied Myriam back to her door, giving her his arm to help her walk as she was still feeling weak in the legs." MC "\"Thank you for walking me to the door.\"" ODA "\"The least I could do with the \"hard\" time I gave you...\"" MC "\"Come on! Don't be mean with me.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 035 with dissolve "As Myriam turned back to say a last goodbye to Danny as she passed the door, he suddenly surprised her with a deep kiss on her lips, grabbing her by the waist and wrist to bring her close to him." MC "\"Good...! Mmmpf...! Mouah!\"" ODA "\"Mouah!\"" "Surprised at first, Myriam quickly let go of her resistance to kiss him back as the lust from their previous intimacy quickly took over, the manly embrace, the kiss on the lips and the hand on her butt making all the memories of the night and this morning come up." scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 036 with dissolve "Stopping their kiss, Danny kept Myriam tightly close to him, his arm wrapped around her waist and hand firmly on her ass while he kept his grip on her wrist, making her press her breasts against his well chiseled chest." ODA "\"Baby, it was a great night! If you ever need to unwind again, I'm your man!\"" MC "\"I... Yeah...\"" "Saying goodbye to her, Danny left Myriam speechless after the surprise of the kiss and the manly embrace, leaving her in turmoil over what to do in the future." scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 037 with dissolve "Looking at Danny walking away, Myriam stood there gawking, still dazed from the kiss and the flow of emotion, feeling a bit lost about what to think of last evening and this morning events." MC "{i}God! What was that!? Yesterday night and this morning were crazy... {w}But I can't help feeling excited...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Wake up and go change, you clearly missed the kids going to school, but you have some appointments!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_getting_dressed_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_getting_dressed_for_the_day:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 038 with dissolve "Quickly getting back to her room, Myriam took off her bed gown after making the bed and went to her armoire to dress." MC "{i}Now let's get dressed quickly before I'm even later.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see what I have...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 039 with dissolve "Choosing to go with a daring pants suit, Myriam gave herself a last look in front of the mirror before going, asking herself if it wasn't too much." MC "{i}I bought this the other day with Eve, she sure has a talent to make me get out of my comfort zone...{/i}" MC "{i}It's definitely daring, but with my breast size everything always seems daring anyway...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_10_power_suit:" "How does Myriam feel about her choice?" KN_MOD "Ive had enough of being the modest girl!:" MC "{i}I've had enough of being the modest girl! I'm a beautiful woman and I shouldn't be ashamed to dress like I want.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_briefcase_text" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "Doctor Silver said I had to work on myself!:" MC "{i}Doctor Silver said I had to work on myself! I know it's a bit too much but first dress confident, then the rest will come...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_briefcase_text" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "This will clearly make some heads turn!:" MC "{i}This will clearly make some heads turn! But it feels kind of exciting to show off and tease a little.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_briefcase_text" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_briefcase_text:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 040 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_sent_a_text == True:" "As Myriam was about to leave the room, the sound of a phone coming from the armoire suddenly drew her attention." "Ting!" MC "{i}What!? What was that? It sounded like a text message, but that's not my phone...{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! Is that coming from the old phone in the briefcase!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 041 with dissolve "Taking the briefcase out of the armoire and putting it on the bed, Myriam got the phone in question out and had a look." MC "{i}Well it looks like I was right, it did receive a message, lets have a look...{/i}" MC "{i}It just gives me a time and an address... closer to lunch time on a street downtown...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 042 with dissolve MC "{i}What do I do? This seems so sketchy, but what if he's really what he says and these are important documents...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_10_giving_back_the_briefcase:" "What does Myriam chose to do?" KN_MOD "No, this is really too sketchy...:" $ ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police = True MC "{i}No, this is really too sketchy, I'll bring it back to the police, I'm sure Detective Anderson would know what to do with it.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll go before lunch at the station and try to see what he thinks about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "No, its too important...:" $ ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_back = True MC "{i}No, it's too important, I can't take the risk to not give it back if it's true, I'll have to bring it.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll go there at lunch and try to put an end to this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "No, Ill just get rid of it... (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_putting_the_briefcase_to_the_bin = True MC "{i}No, I'll just get rid of it and be done with it, it's too weird and sketchy.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll put everything in the trash on my way out.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch3_putting_the_briefcase_to_the_bin = True "As Myriam was about to leave the room, she suddenly stopped, looking back to her armoire, where she had hidden the briefcase from the stranger." MC "{i}Wait! I still got that thing in the armoire... {w}I should get rid of it, I don't like having that sketchy thing in the house.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll put everything to the bin while going out and be done with it, I should never have brought it into the house in the first place.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_going_to_the_lawyer:" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_the_briefcase == True:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 043 with dissolve "Getting out of the house with the briefcase after grabbing a pair of sunglasses, Myriam headed for her car to go to her lawyer appointment." KN_MOD "if ch3_putting_the_briefcase_to_the_bin == True:" MC "{i}Now let's put this thing in the bin before going to the car...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I really hope it'll be the end of that briefcase business...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 044 with dissolve "Getting out of the house after grabbing a pair of sunglasses, Myriam headed for her car to go to her lawyer appointment." MC "{i}This morning start really crazy, I can't believe I just slept like that...{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway, I shouldn't be too late with the car, even with some traffic.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A drive later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 045 with dissolve "After a short drive downtown, Myriam headed for her lawyer's building while trying to do the checklist of the things to review with him." MC "{i}Here! Just in time, thank god the traffic was light today...{/i}" MC "{i}Now I don't think it'll be a long appointment, we just have to go over what's new on Marc's custody and close my assault case.{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 046 with dissolve "Welcomed at the door by her lawyer, Myriam got to his office as he invited her to sit." "Lawyer" "\"Hi Mrs Summers! Please have a seat...\"" MC "\"Hi! Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 047 with dissolve "Both sitting at the desk, Myriam's lawyer quickly started to give her a run down of their current business." "Lawyer" "\"Let me get you up to date...\"" MC "\"Yes, please.\"" "Lawyer" "\"First, I was in contact with your father's company law office, they sent me all I'll need to help with your custody battle for young Marc.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 048 with dissolve MC "\"And how does it look?\"" "Lawyer" "\"To be honest, it will be hard, he is the legal father and you're not his legal mother, and all the proofs of neglect and abusive behavior are circumstantial.\"" "Lawyer" "\"But all the files sent to me by your father's lawyers will be a heavy strike on his character and will open doubts.\"" MC "\"And what if...?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes?\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 049 with dissolve MC "{i}I have all those naughty videos that Anthony made, I did agree to do most of them, but some he forced me to do...{/i}" MC "{i}He would show the abuse and how he treated me, but they're so embarrassing...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_10_home_made_porn:" "Does Myriam talk about the homemade porn?" KN_MOD "Even if its a small chance I have to take it...:" $ ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn = True MC "{i}Even if it's a small chance I have to take it, I can't let him get away with it and leave Marc with him, even if it's embarrassing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_talking_about_home_made_porn" KN_MOD "No, its too intimate and embarrassing...:" MC "{i}No, it's too intimate and embarrassing, I can't show myself like that, and I don't think it would paint me in a good light either.{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 050 with dissolve MC "\"No, it's nothing, sorry.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Very well, but don't hesitate if you have a question.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" MC "{i}God! I just can't, this is too much...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_talking_about_the_assault" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_talking_about_home_made_porn:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 050 with dissolve MC "\"What if I had some videos that could show his abusive side?\"" "Lawyer" "\"What do you mean?\"" MC "\"It-It's embarrassing, but I have some videos, naughty ones, where he... {w}Where he's abusive...\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 051 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"You mean videos where he abuses people, that would be helpful.\"" MC "{i}God! I really have to tell him...{/i}" MC "\"No, videos of us, I mean him and I, having sex, where he abuses me...\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 052 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Oh! I see...\"" MC "\"Do you think they could help? I mean to show he was abusive.\"" "Lawyer" "\"It will depend on the content and how they were made, if he is abusive in them and forced you to make them, then yes.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 053 with dissolve MC "\"I wasn't forced for all of them, I did some to please him, but he did do a few by forcing me.\"" "Lawyer" "\"How do you mean?\"" MC "\"God! I'm so embarrassed! I...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Please Mrs Summers! Don't be embarrassed, everything you say here is strictly confidential of course, but I need to know everything to be able to help you.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 054 with dissolve MC "\"Well, for example he liked to penetrate me in my sleep and film my reaction.\"" "Lawyer" "\"That would definitely be of some help, yes, anything else?\"" MC "\"At first, when he started to film us having sex, he did it against my will...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes, again, that would definitely help.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 055 with dissolve MC "\"Really!?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes.\"" MC "\"Then I'll send you everything and let you decide what to do.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Very well, and don't worry, I'll be discreet.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_10_talking_about_the_assault" KN_MOD "label ch3_10_talking_about_the_assault:" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 056 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Onto our other file, I don't know if you had the occasion to talk with Detective Andrerson about your assault?\"" MC "\"Yes I did yesterday during the identification.\"" "Lawyer" "\"So you know that the man will plead guilty?\"" MC "\"Yes, Detective Anderson already told me.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 057 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"And how did it go?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_remembered_the_aggressor == True:" MC "\"It went well, Lucy and I were both able to identify him.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Well enough, I wasn't able to point at my aggressor with certainty, but Lucy was able to.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Good, then you really have nothing to fear with the trial.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 058 with dissolve MC "\"So I really won't have to get on the stand.\"" "Lawyer" "\"No, but if you wish you will be able to make a statement for the judge.\"" MC "\"No thanks! I'll be sure to come, but I don't wish to talk more about what happened.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 059 with dissolve "Their appointment finished, Myriam's lawyer walked her to the door reassuring one last time on the smooth running of her cases." "Lawyer" "\"Here, Mrs Summers, have a good day! And don't worry, I'll keep you informed if anything new present itself.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" MC "\"Thank you, please do, and I'll send you the videos I talked about.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Very well, I'll review them with the utmost discretion.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you, please do.\"" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 060 with dissolve "Leaving her lawyer's office, Myriam felt a weight off her shoulders, reassured that things were going well even if nothing was done." MC "{i}Well, that's a good thing done, I'm glad to hear things looks good for Marc's custody.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" MC "{i}Though even if it helps, the idea of showing Anthony's tapes is... {w}Is kind of embarrassing, but if it helps, I can't let my pride get in the way.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}But I hope that not showing Anthony's tapes was a good choice...{/i}" scene bg ch3_10 anotherlongday 061 with dissolve MC "{i}There's the assault case as well, I'm glad to hear him validate what Detective Anderson told me, I should go thank him for his hard work, last time I was so emotional that I left without really showing how grateful I was for his help.{/i}" MC "{i}I think I'll go before lunch.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_francis_muse == True:" MC "{i}But for now I should go join Francis at his main studio for the photoshoot he wanted to do, the address is not too far, I can go on foot.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_photo_shoot" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}But for now I'll go take a coffee, I didn't have the time this morning, I'm not too far from the museum from here, there should be some cafe's around.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_coffee_break" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_photo_shoot:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Photo Shoot" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 001 with dissolve "Walking to Francis' main studio at the edge of an old industrial district, Myriam found him lost in his thoughts, looking at his camera." MC "{i}Looks like he's thinking on something, he didn't hear me come in.{/i}" FrS "\"No, that's not the best light...\"" MC "\"Francis?\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 002 with dissolve "Turning back as he heard her calling him from behind, Francis immediately smiled as he welcomed Myriam with opened arms." FrS "\"Oooh ! Mademoiselle Myriam ! Vous voilà !\"" MC "\"Hi Francis! Sorry for disturbing your concentration.\"" FrS "\"Nonsense! My muse would never disturb me!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 003 with dissolve "Gently taking her hand as she said hello, Francis give her a \"baise-main\" to illustrate his deepest respect and admiration for her." FrS "\"If you may... Mouah!\"" MC "\"Francis! What are you doing!?\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 004 with dissolve FrS "\"Celebrating the beauty of my muse as one should of course!\"" MC "\"Come on, you jest!\"" FrS "\"Never! You are radiantly beautiful today!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 005 with dissolve FrS "\"And this suit just fits you like a glove!\"" MC "\"Really!? My cousin Eve pushed me to buy it the other day, it's a bit too revealing for my taste, but I wanted to challenge myself today...\"" FrS "\"That's a challenge beaten then... {w}Mmmh! You never cease to surprise and inspire me, I already have some new ideas...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 006 with dissolve FrS "\"But let's put that aside for now. {w}Look behind you, you have a space to change, do your makeup, and I prepared a rack with everything I wanted you to try on today.\"" MC "\"Yes, I saw it while coming in...\"" FrS "\"I'll let you choose what inspires you the most to start with, surprise me!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 007 with dissolve "Leaving Francis to his preparation, Myriam headed for the area he pointed her to, finding a vanity table to get prepared and a screen to change with the rack of clothes already prepared." MC "{i}This all looks so professional, I'm getting nervous now... {w}But let's not make him wait too long and have a look at what he prepared, he told me to choose for the first outfit.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_11_choosing_the_mood:" "What will be Myriam's choice to set the mood?" KN_MOD "Something bold. if ch2_boob_shot_erased == False:" $ ch3_starting_photo_shoot_bold = True MC "{i}Let's find something bold to start and show I'm not afraid of giving my all!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_starting_the_shoot" KN_MOD "Something mild.:" $ ch3_starting_photo_shoot_mild = True MC "{i}Let's find something mild to start slowly and take the time to get in the mood!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_starting_the_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_starting_the_shoot:" KN_MOD "if ch3_starting_photo_shoot_bold == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 008 with dissolve "After putting on a bold pink dress, fully see-through, Myriam headed in front of the camera like she did last time, trying her best to look natural despite having her breasts fully exposed." FrS "\"That's a great choice! I love the purity of that dress, one of the first I designed after last time.\"" MC "\"Yeah? I'm glad, I wanted to start bold!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_starting_photo_shoot_mild == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 009 with dissolve "After putting on a yellow summer dress, Myriam headed in front of the camera like she did last time, trying her best to stay natural and relaxed." FrS "\"That's a good choice! I love the candor of that dress, one I designed recently with the idea of pregnancy and spring.\"" MC "\"Yeah? I'm glad, I wanted to start simply!\"" FrS "\"Magnifique ! Come in front of the camera and take a pose.\"" MC "\"Anything in particular?\"" FrS "\"No, show me what comes naturally to you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_starting_photo_shoot_bold == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 010 with dissolve "Taking a simple pose in front of the camera, Myriam did her best to stay natural and relaxed, even forgetting about the boldness of her dress as Francis stayed poised in front of her despite the erotism of the dress." MC "{i}This is so weird, I have my breasts in plain view yet I'm not feeling any lustful gaze from him, he's really a professional. {w}I really feel safe.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_starting_photo_shoot_mild == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 011 with dissolve "Taking a simple pose in front of the camera, Myriam did her best to stay natural and relaxed, trying to forget the camera and to give him a positive attitude." MC "{i}It feels so fun doing this, I'm glad I accepted being his muse last time, it's kind of thrilling and safe, I'm sure it'll help boost my confidence.{/i}" FrS "\"That's great love! I love the attitude! Give me some more!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_starting_photo_shoot_bold == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 012 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_starting_photo_shoot_mild == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 013 with dissolve "After taking a few more photos as Myriam tried a few different poses, Francis invited her to go change for another outfit." FrS "\"Magnifique ! Go change into the cocktail dress, the shiny white one.\"" MC "\"Was that alright?\"" FrS "\"My dear, you are a marvel to behold!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 014 with dissolve "Changing into the dress Francis told her, a shiny white cocktail dress, Myriam came back and posed again for him, following his guidance and comments until he was satisfied with the pose." FrS "\"Yes! Stop! Just like that!\"" MC "{i}I really like this one, the fabric is just a delight on the skin, it's so silky it feels like a caress.{/i}" FrS "\"This one is a simple cocktail dress with some added frills and shine, I loved playing with the eyes and the touch with that one, with this new fabric I ordered.\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 015 with dissolve "Putting on another outfit, Myriam dressed this time with another strange dress coming from Francis' mind, a tuxedo dress." FrS "\"Great! I love this one too, made it to go either on it's own as a formal dress or to go with some pants.\"" MC "{i}He looks so passionate...{/i}" FrS "\"Now turn around, I need a few shots from behind!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 016 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam turned around and took a new pose to offer him a good view of her back, not realizing she was offering a view of her butt, not having noticed the long strip of lace in the back." FrS "\"Perfect! And I love your daring and natural look! This is exactly what this dress needed with the lace strip!\"" MC "{i}What is he talking about...!? Oh god! I didn't notice the lace in the back, it's see through and I took off my panties!{/i}" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 017 with dissolve "Slipping into another dress once Francis was done, Myriam put on another dress with strips of lace, a black sophisticated evening dress." FrS "\"Yes! Gorgeous! This one is for formal wear, for special occasions! I loved playing with the lace again in this one!\"" MC "{i}This one is see through from top to bottom on both front and back, but it's less pronounced... {w}Still this feels kind of daring and exciting.{/i}" FrS "\"Turn around so I can take a few shot from the back again, but keep this pose!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 018 with dissolve MC "\"Like this?\"" FrS "\"Yes, perfect! Magnificent! It really goes well with your silhouette!\"" MC "{i}I can't wait to see the photos he took...{/i}" FrS "\"Next go put on the white strapless one!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 019 with dissolve "Coming back with the said dress, a white scrunchy strapless dress, covered in lace, Myriam posed again for Francis, nearly not having to be guided anymore as she went with the flow." FrS "\"Beautiful! For this one I played both with the lace and the scrunchy look, I could never find a model before to try the design, you do need a considerable chest for this one if you don't want it to keep falling.\"" MC "\"Yeah! I could feel this one rests on my chest to keep it in place...\"" FrS "\"It's a summer dress, which bring us to our next series, I made them for the beach, to go with swimsuits or even \"au naturel\".\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_starting_photo_shoot_bold == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_getting_bolder" KN_MOD "elif ch3_starting_photo_shoot_mild == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_another_designer" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_getting_bolder:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 020 with dissolve "Back behind the privacy screen, looking at the rack of dresses and outfits, Myriam paused for a moment, asking herself how she would present herself with the next one." MC "{i}Do I put a swimsuit on? He left one to go with the beach dresses, but he also said it could be worn \"au naturel\", that means naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_11_going_au_naturel:" "How does Myriam go?" KN_MOD "Lets go au naturel! (Exhibitionist Kink 30+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 30:" $ ch3_full_on_daring = True MC "{i}Let's go \"au naturel\"! It's crazy, but it feels exciting and Francis feels safe to get a bit daring like that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_another_designer" KN_MOD "Lets put the swimsuit on!:" MC "{i}Let's put the swimsuit on! It would feel exciting to go without, but I guess he must want to see his dress with a swimsuit since he put one on the rack.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_another_designer" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_another_designer:" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 021 with dissolve "Having made her decision, Myriam came back with the beach dress \"au naturel\", staying naked under the see through dress made of a very thin and light blue fabric." FrS "\"Oh! What a bold choice dear, you keep surprising me!\"" MC "\"You said we could put it on \"au naturel\", I wanted to see how it felt, I hope you don't mind?\"" FrS "\"Not at all love! It feels as breathy and light as I wished!\"" MC "{i}It does, this is so light it's really as if I was naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 022 with dissolve "Coming back with the first beach dress and the swimsuit he had prepared, Myriam posed again for Francis as he kept taking pictures of her in his dresses." FrS "\"Very nice! It feels as breathy and light as I wished!\"" MC "{i}It does, this is so light it's really as if I was just wearing the swimsuit...{/i}" FrS "\"Let's see the other one now!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 023 with dissolve "Putting on the second dress of this beach series, Myriam came back like she did before, naked under the net like pink dress." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 024 with dissolve "Putting on the second dress of this beach series, Myriam came back like she did before, with the swimsuit under the net like pink dress." FrS "\"Beautiful! For this one the inspiration came from imagining a mermaid caught in fishing nets.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! So I'm the mermaid?\"" FrS "\"That you are! Definitely a mesmerizing one!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 025 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 026 with dissolve "As Francis kept shooting, Myriam tried her best to stay still and keep smiling as she heard the door open and saw a man coming in their direction." MC "{i}Wait! Who's that? Francis doesn't look like he noticed...{/i}" FrS "\"Good! Keep the pose while I take a few more shots!\"" MC "{i}Keep smiling Myriam! Don't kill his shots, he'll realize soon enough!{/i}" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 027 with dissolve "As the man walked in and hailed him when arriving behind him, Francis turned his head surprised as he seemed to recognize the intruder." "Man" "\"Hey old man!\"" FrS "\"What! Who's here...!? {w}Oh! It's you!\"" "Man" "\"Ha ha ha! Come on old man, that's how you say hello to old friends!?\"" FrS "\"Hello, Flint...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 028 with dissolve "{b}{color=#ff9}Aaron Flint{/color}{/b} {w}alias Mr Pink {p}Francis' old apprentice{w}, 40 years old {p}The Sleazy Pornographer {p}Old friend and apprentice of Francis, he directed his talents towards other horizons." "As he approached and talked to Francis, Flint's attention was on Myriam posing in front of the camera." KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" AaF "{i}This must be his new muse Todd told me about, a fine piece, can't argue that the old man knows how to choose them. {w}And she's already posing naked for him, I thought Todd told me she wasn't in the business.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" AaF "{i}This must be his new muse Todd told me about, a fine piece, can't argue that the old man knows how to choose them.{/i}" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 029 with dissolve FrS "\"And what are you doing here? You know I don't like being disturbed when I work.\"" AaF "\"Oh! Me? Just passing by to say hello... I heard you found a new muse...\"" FrS "\"What!? How do you know!? {w}Was it that good for nothing Todd who told you?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 030 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 031 with dissolve AaF "\"Calm down old man! Look, your muse is still waiting for you to tell her to stop posing.\"" FrS "\"Diantre ! Myriam! I'm sorry, you can stop!\"" MC "\"Oh! Thanks, I didn't know if you wanted me to wait or not...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 032 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 033 with dissolve "Coming towards them as she stopped posing, Myriam waved at Flint as Francis presented him to her." FrS "\"Here's Aaron Flint, an old apprentice of mine, doing his own work now.\"" MC "\"Hi! A pleasure to meet you...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 034 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 035 with dissolve AaF "\"All the pleasure's mine honey! I can see the old man found himself quite the gorgeous muse!\"" AaF "{i}She's got quite the nice pair of tits, but these eyes! Mmmh!{/i}" MC "\"Tha-thank you...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 036 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 037 with dissolve FrS "\"You can go get dressed if you want Myriam.\"" MC "\"Are you sure? I saw you still had some things for me to wear over on the rack.\"" FrS "\"Yes, I had a series of lingerie next, but only if you feel like it.\"" AaF "\"Hey! Don't mind me! I don't want to stop your work.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" $ ch3_did_the_lingerie_series = True MC "\"Yeah! I'm fine with it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_lingerie_shoot" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_11_lingerie_feeling:" "Does Myriam feel like dong the lingerie series?" KN_MOD "Yeah! Im fine with it.:" $ ch3_did_the_lingerie_series = True MC "\"Yeah! I'm fine with it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_lingerie_shoot" KN_MOD "Well, if you dont mind, maybe next time. (End of the line of events.):" MC "\"Well, if you don't mind, maybe next time.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_done_shooting" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_lingerie_shoot:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 038 with dissolve "Coming back after changing into a red bodysuit lingerie and putting on some new high heels, Myriam came back to pose in front of Francis' camera." FrS "\"Good start! This one is just a simple bodysuit lingerie I designed some time ago, but I never found the right model to try it. {w}How do you feel about it?\"" MC "\"It's lovely and feels pretty nice, the fabric is really pleasant on the skin.\"" FrS "\"Great! Then let's try on another one.\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 039 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_full_on_daring == True:" "Coming back with a babydoll made of a very light iridescent fabric, Myriam posed with nothing under again, but she was already accustomed to it, not even thinking about Francis' friend who stayed to watch." KN_MOD "else:" "Coming back with a babydoll made of a very light iridescent fabric, Myriam posed this time with nothing under, feeling by now accustomed to being exposed, not even thinking about Francis' friend who stayed to watch." FrS "\"Beautiful! I loved working with this fabric, it's again very simple in design, but gives off such a pure feeling.\"" MC "\"Yeah! It's so light I barely feel it on my skin, it's as if I was fully naked.\"" MC "{i}God! And I can't believe I really am, and not even minding, even with two men looking at me... {w}It feels both safe and exciting...{/i}" FrS "\"Then show us the last one, I think it's probably one of my best...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 040 with dissolve "Dressed with the last outfit Francis had prepared for today, Myriam posed one last time for the camera and the watchful eyes of his friend." AaF "{i}My god! Look at that, she's making love to the camera! The old man's really outdone himself this time.{/i}" FrS "\"Perfect! Myriam, Perfect! This one was literally made for you, I conceived it after our last encounter.\"" AaF "\"Yeah! It's really refined, and its golden embroidery is beautiful...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 041 with dissolve "When Francis was done with his shooting, Flint turned to him as Myriam headed for the privacy screen to change back into her own clothes." AaF "\"Say old man, would you mind having her try one of mine? I've got some in my car...\"" FrS "\"Well, I don't mind if she's ok with it. {w}Myriam!?\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 042 with dissolve "Joining them, Myriam stayed unfazed by the gaze of Flint on her breast and nipple showing, as she lasciviously was trying to put back a strap that had slipped off." MC "\"Yes Francis?\"" AaF "{i}I can't believe that the girl is new to this, and look at that body!{/i}" FrS "\"Would you like to try on one of Flint's creation?\"" MC "\"Well why not...\"" AaF "\"Then give me a second, they're in the car.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 043 with dissolve "Putting on the outfit Flint brought her, a lingerie ensemble made of latex and leather, Myriam posed again in front of Francis' camera so he could shoot her in it as well." FrS "\"That's a nice fit Flint, and it goes very well on Myriam.\"" AaF "\"Yeah! It does, it's a simple lingerie set I designed for a dominatrix. {w}Can you turn over while keeping the pose please?\"" MC "{i}God! This is such an erotic outfit! I can't believe I'm wearing it!{/i}" MC "\"Sure...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 044 with dissolve MC "\"Like that?\"" AaF "\"Oh yeah! That's definitely a nice set!\"" AaF "{i}And a damn fine ass I might add!{/i}" AaF "\"I brought another one if you're up for it?\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 045 with dissolve "Keeping the latex thigh-high stiletto boots, Myriam put on the other latex outfit Flint brought her, shaped like a one-piece swimsuit with see-through material." FrS "\"Great pose Myriam! Stay still...\"" AaF "\"Yeah! Great attitude! Next open up the zipper all the way and turn your back to us.\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 046 with dissolve MC "\"Like this?\"" AaF "\"Perfect! This one was another commission, for a couple this time, but I messed up the measurements, it's a tight fit for you but it was way too generous for her chest.\"" MC "\"Oh! That's too bad...\"" AaF "\"You know what? It's yours now!\"" MC "\"What!? No I can't, it's too...\"" AaF "\"Come on! Look, it was made for you! I'm sure you'll have an occasion to put it on one day.\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 047 with dissolve "Once Francis was done with his photos, Myriam came over to them again, the zipper still opened, thanking Flint for his present." MC "\"Well, thanks, I don't know what to say...\"" AaF "\"Do you enjoy how latex feels?\"" MC "\"It's new to me, I never had the occasion to try before, but it's strangely exciting.\"" AaF "\"Then what do you say to modeling for me as well?\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 048 with dissolve "Surprised by the offer, Myriam turned to Francis, not sure how to answer, not wanting to vex one or the other." MC "\"Well, I don't know, it's a nice offer, but...\"" FrS "\"I don't mind if you're interested... {w}Well, as long as you stay my muse of course.\"" MC "\"Of course.\"" MC "{i}What do I do?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_11_flints_muse:" "Does Myriam accept Flint's offer?" KN_MOD "Why not, it sounds like fun...:" $ ch3_flints_muse = True scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 049 with dissolve MC "{i}Why not, it sounds like fun, it's the first time I've ever worn latex, but it was pretty exciting, I never thought I would be able to do that.{/i}" MC "\"I don't know if I'll be able to wear everything, but I'll be happy to try.\"" AaF "\"Glad to hear it!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_done_shooting" KN_MOD "I dont know, its a bit too much for me I think... (End of the line of events.):" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 049 with dissolve MC "{i}I don't know, it's a bit too much for me I think, I did it this time, but I don't think it's for me.{/i}" MC "\"Sorry, I'm honored by the offer, but I don't think that it's for me, it's a bit too much for me.\"" AaF "\"Well, that's too bad, but I understand...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_11_done_shooting" KN_MOD "label ch3_11_done_shooting:" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 050 with dissolve "Leaving the two to talk together, Myriam went to change, taking the time to think on the shooting session, realizing how crazy things went." MC "{i}I can't believe I did all that... I literally exposed myself in front of these two men and let them take pictures!{/i}" MC "{i}But it was so exciting, I feel so invigorated after this, I feel like I could do anything...{/i}" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 051 with dissolve MC "{i}I never thought I could do all that! Am I going crazy or was I just too prudish and reserved before?{/i}" MC "{i}Well, no matter, as long as it help me feel more confident, I should do as doctor Silver said and follow my desires a bit more...{/i}" FrS "\"Myriam! Do you want to see the photos?\"" MC "\"Yeah! I'm coming!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 052 with dissolve "Joining them, Myriam looked over Francis' shoulder as he showed her the photos they just took, giving her a quick look at how things went." FrS "\"See? You were great Myriam, absolutely great! What do you think?\"" MC "\"Yeah! It looks great...\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe it's me in these photos, I'm half-naked in half of them, it looks so erotic for some...{/i}" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 053 with dissolve "Meanwhile, as Myriam and Francis were focused on the photos, Flint said his goodbyes to both, leaving them to their work." KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True:" AaF "\"Well, old man, Myriam, goodbye! Thanks for letting me intrude and trying on my work, I'll keep contact Myriam for a future collaboration.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, it'll be my pleasure. Goodbye!\"" KN_MOD "else:" AaF "\"Well, old man, Myriam, goodbye! Thanks for letting me intrude.\"" MC "\"Oh! Goodbye!\"" FrS "\"Oui, oui ! Goodbye Flint!\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 054 with dissolve "Flint gone, both went back to the photos, looking for some time at all of them, before Myriam in turn told Francis she had to go as well." MC "\"I have to go as well Francis.\"" FrS "\"Oh! Yes, sorry, thank you for your time and collaboration Myriam.\"" scene bg ch3_11 photoshoot 055 with dissolve MC "\"No, thank you! I had a great time, I never thought I would be able to do all that.\"" FrS "\"Come on love! You're the one inspiring me! Have a great day dear! And I hope we can see each other soon.\"" MC "\"Me too, thank you Francis.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_coffee_break" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_coffee_break:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Coffee Break" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 001 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_francis_muse == True:" "Leaving Francis at his photo studio, Myriam walked back downtown to have a coffee break before attacking the rest of the day." KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving the lawyer's office, Myriam walked to the closest cafe to have a coffee break before attacking the rest of the day." MC "{i}Finally, I'll be able to get some coffee in me... {w}I didn't have time to breathe this morning after waking up so late.{/i}" MC "{i}It'll be nice to rest my feet as well, I walked quite a bit with those heels...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 002 with dissolve "As Myriam looked around in the cafe, she realized she had already come here before with Evelyn." MC "{i}It looks pretty quiet, I must have come after the morning rush...{/i}" MC "{i}But it looks familiar, isn't it the cafe I went to with Eve before?{/i}" "Man" "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 003 with dissolve "Turning towards the scream she had just heard, Myriam saw a woman keeping a man young man in restraint with an arm lock, bending his fingers backwards, ready to break them." "Man" "\"Bitch! My hand!\"" NuN "\"Boy! I told you it was the last time this hand \"accidently\" brushes my ass...\"" "Man" "\"Let go you fucking whore!\"" MC "{i}Looks like this young man was a bit too handsy...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 004 with dissolve NuN "\"Boy! Another insult like that and you'll have to ask a friend to masturbate and wipe your ass...\"" "Man" "\"Ok ok ok! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!\"" NuN "\"You're sorry for what?\"" "Man" "\"I'm sorry for touching your ass!\"" MC "{i}Wow! That woman is impressive!{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 005 with dissolve "As she pushed the young man to the ground and lifted her head, Myriam immediately recognized the woman she had met during the gala night, the museum curator, Nubia." "Man" "\"Aaah! Fuck!\"" NuN "\"Now run boy! Run!\"" MC "{i}Hey! That's the woman from the museum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 006 with dissolve "Walking towards Nubia as she said hello, she followed the young man running outside with her eyes while throwing a few last insults, his pride unable to accept being disciplined like this by a woman." "Man" "\"You fucking bitch! Next time I'll show you!\"" MC "\"Wow! That was impressive!\"" NuN "\"Oh! Mrs Summers...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 007 with dissolve "Staying as stoic as she did during the gala event, Nubia went to meet Myriam as she came towards her." MC "\"Mrs Nabeel, what the blazes just happened?\"" NuN "\"Nothing much, just the usual young man thinking he can enjoy everything he wants because he has a dick and balls dangling between his legs...\"" MC "{i}Wow! She's as fierce as I remember her.{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 008 with dissolve MC "\"Well it was still impressive to see you handle him like this, do you do self-defense?\"" NuN "\"Something like that, but young punks like this just don't scare me, just showing them some teeth is generally enough to scare them away when they're alone, I had to deal with far worse before.\"" MC "\"I've started to learn a bit of self-defense myself, I hope I can have your assurance in the future.\"" NuN "\"I don't see why not.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_inviting_nubia:" "Does Myriam invite her for a coffee?" KN_MOD "Maybe I could invite her for a coffee...:" $ ch3_invited_nubia_for_coffee = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_nubia_for_coffee" KN_MOD "Better let her get back to her life, she must be pretty busy. (End of the line of events.):" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_coffee_alone" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_nubia_for_coffee:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 009 with dissolve MC "{i}Maybe I could invite her for a coffee, I'd like to know more about her.{/i}" MC "\"Do you want to have a coffee with me?\"" NuN "\"Why not, I still have some time before I have to go.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 010 with dissolve "After taking a coffee to the counter, both went to sit at a table to drink and talk peacefully." MC "\"I hope you're not too upset.\"" NuN "\"No, like I said, I had to deal with far worse in the past.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 011 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry to hear that.\"" NuN "\"Oh! Don't worry, it's far behind me, it's why I left Egypt when I was young.\"" MC "\"It must have been hard, leaving your home country and your family.\"" NuN "\"Not really when your family is part of the problem, and while I love its history and art, I consider myself fully an American now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.\"" MC "{i}She must have lived through something really painful to leave everything like this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 012 with dissolve NuN "\"And you, what made you quit your home state? I can still perceive a smidge of a Texan accent.\"" MC "\"Oh! You can? It's true that if my father had a thick one, he always tried to make me lose mine for some reason, it generally don't come out unless I have a few drinks.\"" NuN "\"It's not too pronounced, I just have a good ear.\"" MC "\"Originally I followed my ex-boyfriend here for his work, but now I'm kind of just exploring life here.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 013 with dissolve NuN "\"Ex-boyfriend, sorry to hear things didn't go according to plan.\"" MC "\"Yeah... I won't go into details, but I think things went for the best.\"" NuN "\"Glad to hear it, sounds like you too are remaking your life elsewhere then.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 014 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, I must say that despite everything, I'm glad of the change and can't wait to see what life here has to offer.\"" NuN "{i}Mmmh... Hungry for some new things, it's presenting itself quite nicely...{/i}" NuN "\"That's a good state of mind, not dwelling on the past and looking out for new things to come up...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 015 with dissolve NuN "\"Which makes me think, if I remember you were curious about my private collection, no?\"" MC "\"Oh god! You remember that! It was a bit of teasing from Charles, I don't know if I could...\"" NuN "\"I'm inviting you, it would be my pleasure to show it to you...\"" MC "\"O-ok... Maybe you're right, I mean looking out for new things...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 016 with dissolve "Having finished her coffee, Nubia got up after Myriam's answer, not letting her change her mind about the invitation." NuN "\"Then it's a date, but for now, I'm sorry, I have to go.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, of course, sorry to have kept you.\"" NuN "\"No, it was my pleasure Myriam.\"" MC "\"Nubia.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 017 with dissolve "Watching Nubia walking out of the cafe, Myriam couldn't help but follow her with her eyes, feeling some admiration for the woman." MC "{i}She seems really so strong, as if nothing could phase her.{/i}" MC "{i}Her, Lucy and Eve, all three are so fearless, I feel jealous of how strong they all seem to be in their own way.{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 018 with dissolve "Finishing up her coffee, Myriam decided to follow Nubia and return to her other business of the day." MC "{i}Let's stop dwelling on that, and get back to my day, I still have some things to do downtown before going back home.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I'll take some time to relax, I feel like it's been forever since I've just done nothing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_getting_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_coffee_alone:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 019 with dissolve MC "{i}Better let her get back to her life, she must be pretty busy, she was probably here to have a quick coffee break.{/i}" MC "\"I'm glad things went well anyway.\"" NuN "\"Yes, but like I said, I'm not worried by little punks like that.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 020 with dissolve NuN "\"It was nice meeting you again Mrs Summers, I hope I can see you again at the museum.\"" MC "\"Of course, thank you Mrs Nabeel, I do still have to take a proper tour of the museum.\"" NuN "\"It'll be my pleasure to show you around on that occasion.\"" MC "\"I look forward to it.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 021 with dissolve "Watching Nubia walking out of the cafe, Myriam couldn't help but follow her with her eyes, feeling some admiration for the woman." MC "{i}She seems really so strong, as if nothing could phase her.{/i}" MC "{i}Her, Lucy and Eve, all three are so fearless, I feel jealous of how strong they all seem to be in their own way.{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 022 with dissolve "Nubia disappearing from her view, Myriam turned her head towards the counter, searching for the barista to go order a coffee." MC "{i}For now let's put some coffee in me and relax before going back to my day, if I don't have some coffee quick I'll have trouble staying put for the rest of the day.{/i}" MC "{i}After I'm done with my business downtown, I'll take some time to relax at home, I feel like it's been forever since I've just done nothing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_getting_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_getting_on_with_the_day:" scene black with dissolve show text "A coffee later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" "Having finished her coffee and took some time to relax a moment, Myriam headed for the police station to see Detective Anderson about the briefcase." MC "{i}Let's head to the car to get that briefcase before going to the police station and be done with that damn thing.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm sure Detective Anderson will know what to do with it...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_back == True:" "Having finished her coffee and took some time to relax a moment, Myriam headed for the alley the briefcase's owner told her to go." MC "{i}Let's head to the car to get that briefcase before going to meet the stranger and be done with that damn thing.{/i}" MC "{i}I really hope it'll be the end of it, I'm really uncomfortable having this thing in the house...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" "Having finished her coffee and took some time to relax a moment, Myriam headed for the Mystery Club's library to say hello and get some news." MC "{i}Let's head to the Mystery Club, their library is just around the corner, it's been some time since I went there with Eve.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could take the occasion to talk a bit about the weird things that have happened to me lately...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Having finished her coffee and took some time to relax a moment, Myriam headed downtown to make a little bit of shopping while she was here." MC "{i}Let's head downtown before going home, I had a few things to buy.{/i}" MC "{i}And with William at home, I should do a bit more shopping, teenagers have to eat well and he has his competition soon...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 024 with dissolve MC "{i}I wanted to have a look for a present also, it's going to be daddy's birthday soon.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope I can find something good for him, he's always so good to me, it'll be nice if I could surprise him this year.{/i}" MC "{i}At least here there must be a few antique dealers he doesn't know...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 025 with dissolve "Trying to avoid some trash pilled up on the sidewalk, Myriam walked around it, not paying attention to the hands suddenly coming out of the corner of the building reaching for her to pull her into the dark alley." MC "{i}God! Some people really don't have any consideration for others, why would they leave their trash all over the place...{/i}" "Man" "{i}Ha ha ha! I did good putting trash everywhere, the bitch just walked right where I wanted her to...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 026 with dissolve "Surprised, Myriam couldn't react as she was suddenly pulled through the alley to the back of the theater she had just passed, ending up pressed against a wall with a hand to her throat and another one locking one of her arms." "The stupification passed Myriam recognized the young man from the cafe, the one Nubia had chastised for sexually harassing her, and as she tried to free herself he started to vent his anger." MC "\"Ah! Let me go! What do you want from me!?\"" "Man" "\"Shut up you bitch! Your friend humiliated me and you're gonna pay for her!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 027 with dissolve "As Myriam tried to make him free her throat as he started pressing more and more, starting choke her, the young man pulled her waistcoat, revealing one of her breasts." MC "\"You're hurting me!\"" "Man" "\"Shut up bitch and show me those tits!\"" MC "\"Ah!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Fighting] >= 5:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_scrambled_eggs" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_fighting_back:" "Does Myriam fight back?" KN_MOD "Make scrambled eggs!:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_scrambled_eggs" KN_MOD "Scream with the little breath you still got!:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_screaming_for_help" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_screaming_for_help:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 028 with dissolve "As the young man pulled away her waistcoat, Myriam was finally able to get loose from the grip he had on her throat, quickly screaming as loud as she could while pushing him away from her." MC "\"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!\"" "Man" "\"Shut up you bitch!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 029 with dissolve "Seeing an opening, Myriam instinctively launched herself in front of her and started running, but quickly finding his footing, her assaulter grabbed her arm in passing." "Man" "\"Where do you think you're going bitch!?\"" MC "\"Ah! Leave me alone! {w}HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 030 with dissolve "Throwing her to the ground, Myriam violently hit the floor with the momentum, twisting and hurting one of her ankles in the process." "Man" "\"Get back here!\"" MC "\"AAAH!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_little_savior" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_scrambled_eggs:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 031 with dissolve "As reflex kicked in and things that Lucy taught her flashed in her mind, Myriam suddenly kicked the young man in the balls, making him let go of her neck as he immediately bent over due to the pain." MC "\"AH!\"" "Kick!" "Man" "\"OOOUCH!\"" "Man" "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! What's wrong with bitches today!?\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 032 with dissolve "Losing her balance as she kicked him in haste, Myriam fell to the ground and turned her ankle due to her heels and inexperience, coughing uncontrollably as she tried to catch her breath." MC "\"Ah! Cough! Cough! Cough!\"" MC "{i}God! My ankle!{/i}" "Man" "\"You broke my balls you bitch! I'm going to fuck you up!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_little_savior" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_little_savior:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 033 with dissolve "Pissed off, the assaulter decided to kick Myriam and teach her a lesson as she was down trying to get up despite her twisted ankle." "Man" "\"You bitch! You're going to regret it!\"" MC "\"Cough! Cough!\"" MC "{i}God! Nooo!{/i}" AiP "\"HAAA!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 034 with dissolve "But as he was about to kick her, the assaulter was suddenly stopped in his tracks as his face was kicked violently by a kid jumping from wooden crates in his blind spot." AiP "\"Take that you dirt bag!\"" "Kick!" "Man" "\"OOOUCH!\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 035 with dissolve "Ending up face first in the brick wall behind, the young assaulter was down for the count, slouching down to the ground in a ridiculous position." "Slump!" "Man" "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! What just...!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 036 with dissolve "A bit stunned by the piling up of events and the shock of the aggression, Myriam blanked for a moment as her young savior held out his hand to help her get up." AiP "\"Here!\"" MC "\"I...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 037 with dissolve "Getting up with his help, Myriam took some time to shake off her shock and answer the kid, not recognizing him as he asked how she was doing." AiP "\"You' ok?\"" MC "\"I-I... Yes, thank you...\"" AiP "\"Glad to hear it...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 038 with dissolve "Limping to the young man on the ground, Myriam left the kid's side, her mind still confused and shocked by the aggression, when a sudden rush of anger came over her as she looked at him in silence, a flow of questions flooding her." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Why!? Why did this asshole have ta assault me!? What did ah do to him!? Because ah talked to Nubia!? Or just because ahm a woman!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_easy_target_1:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Kick his balls!:" $ ch3_kick_one = True scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 039 with dissolve "Resting support on her good foot, Myriam suddenly struck his balls with her bad one, not even thinking of her own pain as the cathartic outburst led her to relieve her stress and anger." "Kick!" MC "\"You fuckin' no-account born sorry, rough as a cob, revoltin' son of a bitch!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_catharsis_1" KN_MOD "Let it go! He doesnt deserve my energy...:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_sitting_down" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_catharsis_1:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 038 with dissolve "Calming down a second, Myriam could feel her anger and stress were lighter after striking his balls, as if she had opened the lid on her bottled up emotions." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Why do these assholes all feel they have the right ta assault a woman like that!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_easy_target_2:" "What does Myriam do now?" KN_MOD "Kick his balls again!:" $ ch3_kick_two = True scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 039 with dissolve "Resting support on her good foot again, Myriam struck his balls with her other foot again, feeling the first strike wasn't enough to relieve her." "Kick!" MC "\"Ahm not a fuckin' piece of meat!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_catharsis_2" KN_MOD "Let it go! He doesnt deserve more of my energy...:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_sitting_down" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_catharsis_2:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 038 with dissolve "Trying to control her breath as it got heavier, her emotions flying free, still raging inside her as she kept looking at him in silence." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Ahm done lettin' sheep killin' dogs like him make me a victim!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_easy_target_3:" "What does Myriam do now?" KN_MOD "Third times the charm!:" $ ch3_kick_three_the_charm = True scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 039 with dissolve "Despite the pain she was feeling in her ankle, Myriam still kicked him one last time in the balls, letting go of the rest of her resentment and pent up emotions." "Kick!" MC "\"Church is out, now lie there like a tombstone!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_sitting_down" KN_MOD "Finally let it go! He doesnt deserve more of my energy...:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_sitting_down" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_sitting_down:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 040 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_kick_three_the_charm == True:" "Cooling down as she had vented all her pent up emotions, Myriam sighed heavily, feeling drained of energy as her ankle kept throbbing in pain." MC "{i}God! Ah don't know if that was right, but it felt quite good on mah part...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_kick_two == True or ch3_kick_one == True:" "Cooling down after venting most of her pent up emotions, Myriam sighed heavily, feeling drained of energy and still shocked, while her ankle kept throbbing in pain." MC "{i}God! Ah jus' can't think straight...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Looking away, Myriam sighed heavily, still shocked and lost, while her ankle still throbbed in pain." MC "{i}God! Ah can't think... ahm...{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" AiP "\"Maybe you should sit down a moment...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 041 with dissolve "As the kid invited her, Myriam sat down to rest her ankle, sighing again in relief as she was starting to settle down." MC "\"Sigh!\"" AiP "\"How's your ankle?\"" MC "\"A little sore, but I don't think I've broken anything.\"" AiP "\"Let me have a look...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 042 with dissolve "Coming in front of her, Aiden took her ankle in his hands and started to massage it gently." AiP "\"How is it?\"" MC "\"It's feeling better, thank you...\"" AiP "\"Yeah! It was just a bad movement, there's nothing broken.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 043 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't intervened.\"" MC "{i}This kid is sweet, I'm lucky he was around, but he look so disheveled and dirty... {w}How can a kid this young...?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" AiP "\"Don't mention it, after all you helped me the other day as well.\"" KN_MOD "else:" AiP "\"Don't mention it, I was just here.\"" MC "{i}Wait!? I know this kid!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "\"Yes, I do remember your face I just can't place...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Don't I know you from somewhere...?\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 044 with dissolve "As Myriam started to notice something getting hard against her foot and the kid's gaze getting lower and lower, she finally remembered him." MC "{i}What's that!? He's getting hard! Oh my god! My breasts! I was so shocked that I forgot he pulled off my waistcoat...!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "{i}Wait!! I remember now! The kid from the changing stalls that...! Gosh!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Wait!! I remember now! The kid running from the officers!{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 045 with dissolve "Finally realizing her state, Myriam self-consciously hide her breasts as she confessed recognizing him." MC "{i}I can't judge him for being excited with the state I'm in and it would feel kind of ungrateful to complain after he just saved me...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "\"Could you bring me my waistcoat please? Aiden.\"" AiP "{i}Oh! She did remember me! But seems she caught me staring, damn!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Could you bring me my waistcoat please?\"" AiP "{i}Oh! Seems she caught me staring, damn!{/i}" AiP "\"Yeah! Sure, sorry...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 046 with dissolve "Buttoning up her waistcoat as Aiden brought it to her, Myriam finally put her breasts away, feeling embarrassed as she was flaunting them at him for all this time." KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "\"Thank you Aiden. Sorry I didn't realize sooner I was still...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you...\"" AiP "\"Aiden.\"" MC "\"Aiden. Sorry I didn't realize sooner I was still...\"" AiP "\"Oh! I didn't mind.\"" KN_MOD "if ch1_help_street_urchin == True:" MC "{i}I bet you didn't mind you scoundrel! You had quite your fill last time also...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I bet you didn't mind you scoundrel! But I can hardly be mad, it's not like it's his fault...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 047 with dissolve "Pulling her phone out, Myriam was about to call 911, but stopped herself as she remembered she had the number of Detective Anderson." MC "\"We better call the cops now, before that asshole wakes up.\"" AiP "\"If you say so...\"" MC "{i}I should call 911... {w}Wait! Detective Anderson! Maybe it would be best calling him...{/i}" AiP "{i}Dammit! It's too bad she put her twins away, but I guess I had enough of a show...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 048 with dissolve "As Aiden went to keep an eye on the assaulter still down, Myriam called Detective Anderson, convinced he could help her again." MC "{i}I'm sure he'll be able to help me, he was so quick to find that man in the park, I'm sure he'll be able to help me again.{/i}" DDA "\"Anderson.\"" MC "\"Detective!? It's Mrs Summers...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_police_station_again" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_police_station_again:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 049 with dissolve "At the police station after he went to help her, Detective Anderson was wrapping up the official interview about the assault on Myriam." DDA "\"Well, with that, we're done, I have both depositions, your aggressor was put in a cell by officers.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 050 with dissolve DDA "\"Yes, it'll be pretty straight forward, you don't have to worry, I even had an officer pull any video surveillance of the theatre and street to see if anything was caught.\"" MC "\"You think there will be something?\"" DDA "\"A pretty good chance I think, the theater has a camera on the outside and with this street having a few jewelry stores there's quite a few cameras.\"" DDA "\"Your aggressor sure wasn't the brightest of the bunch when he chose his spot.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 051 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know how to thank you again for your help...\"" DDA "\"Don't mention it, I barely did anything, better thank that kid.\"" MC "{i}He's always so nice...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 052 with dissolve DDA "\"Really, I'm just happy to see that nothing too... {w}Too serious happened to you again.\"" DDA "{i}I can't say if she has really bad luck or really good luck for going through two assaults like that without too much damage...{/i}" MC "{i}Is he embarrassed? God! He's cute, he's like a scruffy old dog...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 053 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, I was quite shaken on the scene, but I'm feeling ok now, I guess I'm feeling a bit more confident with the self-defense lessons I started to take, even if I still have a long way to go.\"" DDA "\"Glad to hear it.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_kick_one == True:" MC "{i}And I guess that hitting his balls and giving him something to remember me by did have some calming effect, but I'll keep that to myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And I guess that seeing him in this ridiculous position did have some calming effect, but I'll keep that to myself.{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 054 with dissolve DDA "\"Well, it should go relatively quickly, but it'll still take some time to be processed, so I'll keep you informed.\"" MC "\"Thank you Detective Anderson.\"" DDA "\"You're welcome.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_talking_about_the_briefcase_with_detective_anderson" KN_MOD "elif ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_back == True and ch3_putting_the_briefcase_to_the_bin == False:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_12_talking_about_the_briefcase:" "Does Myriam decide to talk about the briefcase to Detective Anderson?" KN_MOD "Maybe it would be best to talk about the briefcase to him.:" $ ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_talking_about_the_briefcase_with_detective_anderson" KN_MOD "No, I should stick to the plan.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_thanking_aiden" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_12_thanking_aiden" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_talking_about_the_briefcase_with_detective_anderson:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 055 with dissolve "As she was getting up and about to leave, Myriam stopped and turned back towards Detective Anderson as he returned to his work." MC "\"By the way...\"" DDA "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"I have something else to report...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 056 with dissolve MC "\"A few weeks ago, I was approached in a bar by a strange man who forced a briefcase on me and...\"" DDA "\"Wait! Let me guess...\"" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 057 with dissolve DDA "\"He said he was a spy!\"" MC "\"God! Yes! How did you...!?\"" DDA "\"You're not the first that little asshole tried to scam.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 058 with dissolve MC "\"And I nearly brought it back to him... {w}God! I'm so gullible it's embarrassing.\"" DDA "\"You're kind and you give people the benefit of the doubt, nothing stupid there, these people just have a nack to exploit kindness.\"" MC "\"Still...\"" MC "{i}God! He really must think if my brains were a bumblebee it'd fly backwards...{/i}" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 059 with dissolve DDA "\"So, you still have the briefcase?\"" MC "\"Yes, in my car, he wanted me to bring it to him today during lunch...\"" DDA "\"In this case, maybe we can catch this guy... {w}Can you bring it here, I have a little plan to offer you.\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 060 with dissolve MC "\"Ok, but wait! Before that, I wanted to thank Aiden, where is he?\"" DDA "\"Oh! I don't think you'll find him, he's already gone.\"" MC "\"What!? But I didn't thank him properly...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 061 with dissolve DDA "\"Sorry, but kids like him don't generally enjoy staying around in a room full of cops...\"" MC "\"I guess, I'll get you the briefcase then.\"" DDA "\"I'll wait here for you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update6" KN_MOD "label ch3_12_thanking_aiden:" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 055 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam thanked Detective Anderson again for his help, feeling indebted to him after he quickly wrapped things up for her." MC "\"I guess, I'll be going then, thank you again for all your help Detective.\"" DDA "\"Just doing my job.\"" MC "\"Still...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 060 with dissolve MC "\"Do you know where Aiden is? I wanted to thank him.\"" DDA "\"Oh! I don't think you'll find him, he's already gone.\"" MC "\"What!? But I didn't thank him properly...\"" scene bg ch3_12 coffeebreak 061 with dissolve DDA "\"Sorry, but kids like him don't generally enjoy staying around in a room full of cops...\"" MC "\"That's too bad, I hope I can meet him again and thank him.\"" DDA "\"I'm sure you will, in the mean time, if I see him I'll pass him your thoughts.\"" MC "\"Yes, please, goodbye Detective.\"" DDA "\"Goodbye Mrs Summers.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update6" KN_MOD "label ch3_update6:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update6 from _call_var_chapter3_update6" KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_back == True or ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_a_briefcase_and_a_spy" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_changing_program" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_a_briefcase_and_a_spy:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Briefcase and a Spy" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_to_catch_a_spy" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_to_meet_a_spy" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_to_catch_a_spy:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 001 with dissolve "After bringing back the briefcase to the station, Myriam was led to a meeting room by Detective Anderson, who quickly took a look at the contents." DDA "\"Yes, it's more or less what the other reports had written up.\"" MC "\"So he really is a fake?\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 002 with dissolve DDA "\"Yeah, I'm afraid so, everything in here is just counterfeit or cheap gadgets.\"" MC "\"And what do you think I should do?\"" DDA "\"Well, you can just leave things here, I'll add this to his case, or you can help give him a taste of his own medicine...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 003 with dissolve MC "\"I can't say I wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson for making a fool of me, but what would I have to do?\"" DDA "\"I don't think the man is dangerous, I mean physically, he's more of a white collar criminal, so nothing really dangerous.\"" MC "\"You're making me nervous...\"" DDA "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, basically all you would have to do is record him while playing the part, so we can have proof of his crimes.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 004 with dissolve MC "\"Playing the part?\"" DDA "\"I mean bringing him the briefcase and act as if you were believing him until we have enough things to incriminate him.\"" MC "{i}My god! Isn't that dangerous!? What if he doesn't believe me?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_13_under_cover:" "Does Myriam decide to take the risk?" KN_MOD "No, I cant, I dont want to push this any further. (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}No, I can't, I don't want to push this any further, it's too scary.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 005 with dissolve MC "\"No, I'm sorry, I can't, it's too scary, what if that man is armed? No, I just can't take that risk, I have my daughter to think of.\"" DDA "\"I understand, we'll see what we can do with that briefcase alone.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_leaving_the_police_station" KN_MOD "Maybe I should help before somebody else get hurt.:" $ ch3_catching_a_spy = True MC "{i}Maybe I should help before somebody else gets hurt, if I don't do it, why would anyone else.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 006 with dissolve MC "\"Ok, I'll help.\"" DDA "\"Really!? That's great, but are you sure? In the end, we don't know what the man is capable of.\"" MC "\"Yes, if I don't, who will? So, what do I have to do?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_leaving_the_police_station" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_leaving_the_police_station:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 007 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" DDA "\"Well, follow me, I'll explain everything.\"" MC "\"Ok, lead the way.\"" MC "{i}I know it's a dangerous game, but I really trust him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_to_meet_a_spy" KN_MOD "else:" DDA "\"Well, at least let me show you outside.\"" MC "\"Thank you, and again, I'm sorry.\"" DDA "\"Don't be, I understand, not everyone is at liberty to take these types of risks, neither should they have to.\"" MC "{i}Thank god he doesn't look too disappointed, he's such a nice man, I would hate for him to think less of me because of it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_changing_program" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_changing_program:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 008 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" "Leaving Detective Anderson after he walked her out, Myriam stepped out of the police station, looking back as she asked herself if she made the right choice." MC "{i}I hope I made the right choice about this, I would hate to learn someone got hurt because I didn't help have this man arrested...{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't take the risk something happening to me and leave Katherine all alone, she's the priority.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving Detective Anderson, Myriam walked out of the police station, looking back as she felt she had come here too often for her taste." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm walking out of here again, this feels a bit too normal...{/i}" MC "{i}People are nice there, but honestly I hope it's the last time I have to go.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 009 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_bringing_the_briefcase_to_the_police == True:" MC "{i}I hope Detective Anderson won't judge me too harshly for it, I guess it must feel kind of hopless for him if everybody refuses to help.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Though Detective Anderson is really a nice man, I'm glad he was the one to take care of my cases.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should invite him to dinner one day and thank him properly for all his help...{/i}" MC "{i}But I don't know if it would be appropriate though, I think they have rules about that, also it must probably be about open cases only I guess.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 010 with dissolve "Leaving the police station behind her, Myriam headed back to her car, not feeling in the mood to stick to her program of the afternoon." KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_to_meet_a_spy:" scene black with dissolve show text "Later on, at the meeting place..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 011 with dissolve "Arriving in the alley where she was supposed to meet the man that left her the briefcase, Myriam could not help but feel anxious" MC "{i}God! This alley looks so shady and after what happened earlier, I really don't feel comfortable.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}Thank god I know Detective Anderson is not far away with some officers just in case, I don't know if I would have been able to go through with it otherwise...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Maybe I should have talked about this with Detective Anderson...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 012 with dissolve MC "{i}Let's quickly do this and be done with it, I don't want to stay here any longer than I should...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}Yeah! If Detective Anderson hadn't ask me to do this I think I would have already turned back.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I just can't take the risk that all this is true and that this briefcase has important documents in it.{/i}" MC "{i}The man should be around here, let's look around...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 013 with dissolve "Heading further into the alley, Myriam looked around carefully, searching for the briefcase man." MC "{i}Where is he? Did he stand me up?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! I hope I didn't make Detective Anderson waste his time...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I hope it wasn't just some sick joke of a pervert...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 014 with dissolve "As she passed the corner of a building in a corner, Myriam jumped in surprise as a voice behind her suddenly called out to her." MC "{i}If I don't find him in this courtyard I...{/i}" "Stranger" "\"Hey! Here!\"" MC "\"AAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 015 with dissolve "Surprised by his sudden appearance, Myriam quickly joined him before stopping as she held out his briefcase to him." KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I should play things as I probably would have...{/i}" MC "\"Here's your...\"" "Stranger" "\"Hush! Wait!\"" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 016 with dissolve "Stranger" "\"Were you followed?\"" MC "\"Wha-what!? No, I don't think so, I mean, I did as you said...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}Oh my god! Did he notice Detective Anderson and the officers!?{/i}" "Stranger" "\"We should take things elsewhere...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 017 with dissolve "Grabbing her arm, the stranger started to pull Myriam as he decided to head elsewhere before following up on their discussion." MC "\"Ha! What...!?\"" "Stranger" "\"Come with me! It's too dangerous to stay here.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}My god! What do I do!? Detective Anderson told me not to follow him! But I don't have anything right now, I need more...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! What do I do!? This is becoming too scary and weird!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_13_stranger_danger:" "Does Myriam follow him?" KN_MOD "No! This is too weird and dangerous! (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_stopping_the_stranger_1st_occasion = True MC "{i}No! This is too weird and dangerous!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_stopping_the_madness" KN_MOD "I have to follow him...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I have to follow him, if I don't Detective Anderson won't have any evidence to arrest him.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I have to follow him, I don't know what's happening, maybe he's right...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_following_the_stranger" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_stopping_the_madness:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 018 with dissolve "Pulling away as a reflex as he grabbed her, Myriam stopped him in his tracks, feeling too cautious about the man and his intentions." MC "\"Don't touch me!\"" "Stranger" "\"Oh!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 019 with dissolve "Shoving his briefcase against him, Myriam pushed him against the wall, warning him to be cautious as all her defenses went straight up." MC "\"Now take back your crap and leave me alone!\"" "Stranger" "\"I...!?\"" MC "\"Not a word! Bless your heart, if ah EVER see you again ah'll break your friggin' nose!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 020 with dissolve "Leaving him speechless with his briefcase, Myriam headed out of the alley, still fuming!" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! I was so pissed! I just couldn't think straight... {w}And I just blew everything...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope Detective Anderson won't be mad I stopped things there, I just got scared for a moment...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I'm so pissed! I just can't think straight...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't believe I even came here in the first place, this was really stupid of me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 021 with dissolve "Walking away, Myriam slowly started to calm down as she was reaching the alley's exit, thinking about what to do next." KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! Now I'm starting to regret what I did, I even left him the briefcase...{/i}" MC "{i}I should have calmed down and followed him to where he wanted to go at least...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_debriefing" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_debriefing:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 022 with dissolve "As Myriam was walking out of the alley, she jumped in surprise at the voice of Detective Anderson coming from behind the corner." DDA "\"Mrs Summers! Here!\"" MC "\"Oh god! {w}Detective Anderson!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 023 with dissolve "Pulling her out of view, Detective Anderson tried to calm her down as she started spiral out of control due to the stress." DDA "\"Come here...\"" MC "\"I-I'm sorry! I think I screwed up! He wanted to go somewhere else, but-but I shoved him away and...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 024 with dissolve DDA "\"Calm down, you're safe now.\"" MC "\"But won't he go away!? And I left him the briefcase!\"" DDA "\"Don't worry Mrs Summers, everything is ok.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 025 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure? I didn't screw up your case?\"" DDA "\"No don't worry Mrs Summers, he's going nowhere, officers are arresting him as we speak, and for the rest, we'll make due with what you got us, at least with what happened we'll be able to get him on file.\"" MC "\"God! I'm relieved, I just got afraid when he tried to pull me elsewhere.\"" DDA "\"No, you did the right thing, you're not trained for this, your safety was the priority.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" DDA "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 026 with dissolve "As Myriam calmed down and a silence fell between the two, Detective Anderson finally realized he still had his hand on her arm." DDA "\"God! I'm sorry! I didn't realize!\"" MC "\"No, it-it's ok...\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting so flushed and embarrassed...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 027 with dissolve DDA "\"Still, I shouldn't have pulled you like that, after what happened, it was inconsiderate of me.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I-I didn't mind.\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting me flustered now, he's so carring.{/i}" DDA "{i}Careful Dave! You're getting too close to her...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 028 with dissolve DDA "\"Are you feeling ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" DDA "\"Then you should go home and relax, I'm going to take care of our \"spy\". {w}You're sure you're ok to go home by yourself, I can assign you an officer.\"" MC "\"No, I'm ok, really, I've calmed down now.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 029 with dissolve "As Detective Anderson walked away and disappeared around the corner, Myriam followed him with her eyes." MC "{i}He's really a great man, I'm lucky to have had him on my cases, I'm not sure what I would have done without him...{/i}" MC "{i}I forgot to thank him properly again, I'll have to invite him for dinner or something like that.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 030 with dissolve "Returning her mind to the present, Myriam started thinking about what to do next as she headed away from the alley to her car." KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_following_the_stranger:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 031 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" "Following the man as he guided her to a motel a few streets away, Myriam could not help looking around anxiously, hoping that Detective Anderson and his officers were able to follow them." KN_MOD "else:" "Following the man as he guided her to a motel a few streets away, Myriam could not help looking around anxiously, fearing she could have been followed as he warned her." "Stranger" "\"Here we are! We should be fine here, I made sure we weren't followed.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! I hope they were able to follow us... {w}Detective Anderson put a mic on me, but still, he told me not to follow him, maybe I acted too harshly...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This is getting more and more scary, was there someone following us!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 032 with dissolve "Getting in after him, Myriam walked into the motel room and looked around as the man invited her to sit on the bed while he checked the briefcase." "Stranger" "\"Here! Just sit there for now while I check the briefcase.\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 033 with dissolve "Sitting down on the bed, Myriam stayed quiet, looking around at the state of the room while he was looking at his briefcase over the table." KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! This is so run down, this really looks like a cheap scam like Detective Anderson said...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! This is so run down, but I guess it's easier to stay hidden that way, it's not as if we're in a James Bond movie...{/i}" "Stranger" "\"Everything looks fine...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 034 with dissolve "Getting back to her after closing the briefcase, the man grabbed Myriam's hand and thanked her for her help and trust." "Stranger" "\"Thank you! I really don't know what to say other than this...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I really didn't do anything...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 035 with dissolve "Stranger" "\"No, really you did, I can't give you any details on how far reaching it is, but you've done a great deal.\"" MC "\"I-I don't know what to say, I just...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! I don't know what to do, I have to make him say something for Detective Anderson, but everything is going so fast!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I really didn't do much, those files must really be very important...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 036 with dissolve play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" "Sudden knocks on the door cut short their talk, leaving a long silence between them as they waited to see if it was their imagination or if there really was someone at the door." KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}Is that Detective Anderson!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Who-who can it be!?{/i}" "Man at the door" "\"Hey! It's me! Open up!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 037 with dissolve MC "\"Who's this?\"" "Stranger" "\"Hush! Sorry, but we don't have the time for me to explain, just do what I tell you!\"" MC "\"What!? But...\"" "Stranger" "\"Trust me! All I can say is that it's a dangerous man, we need to be quick!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 038 with dissolve "Leading her to the bathroom, he gave Myriam more information while answering the man at the door to gain some time." "Stranger" "\"He's a drug dealer that I'm trying to get close to so I can get to his contacts...\"" MC "\"Oh my god! What!?\"" "Stranger" "\"Hush! Just go in here! {w}I'M COMING! JUST A MINUTE!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 039 with dissolve MC "\"But what do I do!?\"" "Stranger" "\"There's a bag with some clothes that were meant for a female colleague, put them on and only come out when I call for you.\"" MC "\"You want me to come out!?\"" "Stranger" "\"You will have to, he's a dangerous man, and if he's surprised, there's no way to know how it will go... {w}So just put on the outfit and roll with it!\"" MC "\"Roll with what?\"" "Stranger" "\"You'll understand...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 040 with dissolve "The door closing on her, Myriam was left alone in the bathroom of this run down motel room, while the man at the door was being invited in." "Stranger" "\"Sorry, come in!\"" "Dealer" "\"Man! Don't make me wait like that again!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! Everything went so fast again... {w}Is it part of his scam!? What do I do now?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Everything went so fast again... {w}A drug dealer! This is getting worse and worse, what do I do?{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 041 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the bag while voices could be heard on the other side, Myriam was still asking herself what to do." MC "{i}It must be the bag he was talking about...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I should have a look at least and try to understand what he meant, maybe it's the occasion to get something for Detective Anderson.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I should have a look at least and try to understand what he meant, it looked so serious, this must be important again.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 042 with dissolve "Taking the bag off the toilet seat, Myriam put it on the sink to have a better look at what was inside." MC "{i}With the size of the bag it mustn't be something big I guess.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 043 with dissolve MC "{i}Oh my god! It's...{/i}" MC "{i}It's just a trashy prostitute like outfit! God! I can't put this on!{/i}" MC "{i}But if I don't what do I do? What if it's the only way to get through this situation!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 044 with dissolve "The voices behind the door getting louder, Myriam pulled herself out of her thoughts, realizing she had to make a choice quickly." MC "{i}My god! What do I do!? There's no time to think!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_13_hooker_time:" "Does Myriam put on the hooker outfit?" KN_MOD "I have to do it...:" $ ch3_played_the_hooker = True KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I have to do it or I'll never get enough material for Detective Anderson, I know it's dangerous, but I can't let that predator keep exploiting women.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I have to do it, this feels dangerous but I don't have a choice, I have to trust him and do as he says, I can't be the cause for something important to fail.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_hooker_clothes" KN_MOD "No! This is too weird and dangerous! (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_stopping_the_stranger_2nd_occasion = True MC "{i}No! This is too weird and dangerous! I have to find a way to get out of here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_window_of_opportunity" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_hooker_clothes:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 045 with dissolve "Changing into the clothes in the bag, Myriam took a second to look at herself in the bathroom mirror, shocked and surprised to see them fit her so well." MC "{i}God! They-they really are a perfect fit! I can't believe I'm dressed like a prostitute...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_13_hooker_feelings:" "How does Myriam feel about the situation?" KN_MOD "Ashamed.:" MC "{i}God! This feels so embarrassing...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_now_or_never" KN_MOD "Excited.:" MC "{i}God! Why am I feeling excited to look good as a hooker!? This is so wrong...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_now_or_never" KN_MOD "Scared.:" MC "{i}God! I put it on, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through with it...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_now_or_never" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_now_or_never:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 046 with dissolve "As Myriam looked at herself in the mirror, she suddenly heard the briefcase's owner calling for her, pulling her out of her thoughts, forcing her to make a decision." KN_MOD "if ch3_first_game_over == True:" MC "{i}This is strange, I have the weirdest feeling of \"déjà vu\"...{/i}" "Stranger" "\"Hey! Come in honey!\"" MC "{i}God! No turning back now, I have to go...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_13_what_about_the_mic:" "What does Myriam do about her mic?" KN_MOD "Leave it here.:" $ ch3_mic_still_on = False MC "{i}He said that this man is dangerous and I don't have much room for the mic... {w}I better leave it here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_a_spy_a_dealer_and_a_hooker" KN_MOD "Leave it near the door.:" $ ch3_mic_near_the_door = True $ ch3_mic_still_on = False MC "{i}He said that this man is dangerous and I don't have much room for the mic... {w}Maybe I could put it in the bag and leave it near the door so it can catch something.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_a_spy_a_dealer_and_a_hooker" KN_MOD "Put it on. if ch3_first_game_over == False:" $ ch3_mic_still_on = True MC "{i}I'm here to record them, if I don't put the mic on what the point, I just need to hide it well.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_a_spy_a_dealer_and_a_hooker" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_a_spy_a_dealer_and_a_hooker" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_a_spy_a_dealer_and_a_hooker:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 047 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam went back into the room, presented as a hooker to the dealer." "Stranger" "\"Here! Told you it was just a hooker that I was about to fuck before you come.\"" MC "\"He-hey!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 048 with dissolve "Approaching them, the dealer took a closer look at Myriam, wandering his gaze up and down without any shame as he commented on her body." "Dealer" "\"Hey! That's some nice piece you found yourself man!\"" "Stranger" "\"Yeah! She's pretty hot, I'm one of her regulars.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 049 with dissolve "As he came even closer and started to fondle her ass and was about to grab her vest, Myriam looked desperately toward the stranger, looking for help." "Dealer" "\"Man! She's not hot, she's fucking high end, look at that ass!\"" "Stranger" "\"Yeah! She really gives you a nice view when you fuck her from behind.\"" "But to her disappointment, he only signed her to calm down and keep rolling with their play while backing up to leave the room to the dealer." KN_MOD "if ch3_mic_still_on == True:" MC "{i}My god! He wants me to keep going! But if he strips me he'll find the mic! What should I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_discovered" KN_MOD "elif ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}My god! He wants me to keep going! Should I keep the act!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! He wants me to keep going!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 050 with dissolve "By the time Myriam calmed down, the dealer had already unzipped her top and started to grope her breast while sliding his hand under her skirt to play with her ass as she stayed frozen." "Dealer" "\"Fuck man! Look at those tits! I can't believe they're natural!\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah! They're all natural!\"" MC "{i}God! I need to play the role or he'll get wise!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 051 with dissolve "Finding her courage, Myriam started caressing his groin as he kept fondling her ass and breast, hoping that it would persuade him she was really a hooker." "Dealer" "\"Bitch! You're fucking hot!\"" MC "\"You're not bad either!\"" MC "{i}Please! Dear god! Make that it enough!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 052 with dissolve "But far from calming him down, Myriam quickly felt his cock getting hard in his pants as he pulled down her skirt to start caressing her pussy through her panties." MC "{i}God! He's getting harder and harder! What do I do!? Things are getting more and more out of hand!{/i}" "Dealer" "\"And look at that wet pussy!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 053 with dissolve "Dealer" "\"You're liking what you're feeling in my pants?\"" MC "\"Yeah! You're so big!\"" "Dealer" "\"Then what d'you say to getting on your knees to get a proper look.\"" MC "{i}God! No! What do I do!? He's going to make me suck his cock! And it's too late to go back now!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 054 with dissolve "Grabbing her by the hair, the dealer made her get on her knees with her arms behind her back, and after dropping his pants, started slapping Myriam's face with his big black cock." "Dealer" "\"Look at that big piece of dark meat! I bet you never had to suck on one that big before!\"" MC "\"No! It's so big!\"" MC "{i}I can't stop now or things will get worse, I have to go through with it and keep playing the prostitute! I can do it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 055 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 055 with dissolve "Pushing his big cock in her mouth, the dealer grabbed her head and slowly started to make her suck on his cock, testing how far he could go." "Dealer" "\"That's it bitch, swallow that big black cock!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"Oooh! Fuck! You're the real deal! You know how to deepthroat a dick!\"" MC "{i}God! He disgusts me but I've got to keep it up or...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 055 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 055 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 057 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 056 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 055 with dissolve "Quickly realizing she had no trouble swallowing his cock, the dealer accelerated the pace and started throatfucking her without much hesitation." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! Take that big black cock you fucking white whore!\"" MC "{i}God! It didn't take long! He's going to make me choke on it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve "Seeing she could take the punishment, the dealer kept accelerating, making her suck on his cock faster and faster as she started to loudly salivate to cope with the intense workout he was giving her." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Yeah! Nothing better than a white whore to suck on your cock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" MC "{i}God! With the throat fuck Danny gave me last night and this morning, my throat is getting tired!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_elevator_fun == True:" MC "{i}God! With the throat fuck Danny gave me last night, my throat is starting to get tired!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! He's really so big, my throat is going to be on fire!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 060 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 058 with dissolve "Feeling his limits approaching, the dealer accelerated the pace further, giving Myriam a rough and intense throat fucking, with its loud sloppy sound barely covered by his grunts of pleasure." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"AAAH! Fuck bitch! I'm gonna fuck up your fucking jaw!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 061 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after a last thrust and a violent grunt, the dealer finished himself in her mouth, his cum gushing in the back of her throat as he pushed his cock deep to empty his balls." "Dealer" "\"AAARGH! SWALLOW THAT BITCH!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 062 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out of her throat once done, the dealer also pulled Myriam's head back and looked at her cleaning her face and swallowing the rest of his cum that overflowed." "Dealer" "\"Yeah! That's it bitch, clean all that cum and swallow it! When you're done I'm going to try out your other holes!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_mic_near_the_door == True:" MC "{i}God! He's not done! He's going to fuck me until he's empty... {w}And with the mic near the door it must be recording everything...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! He's not done! He's going to fuck me until he's empty... {w}At least the mic will not have recorded all this, that's a mercy...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! He's not done! He's going to fuck me until he's empty... {w}I really hope it will help him do his mission at least...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve "When Myriam was done cleaning up, the dealer pushed her against the wall and after pulling her panties to the side, pushed his cock deep in her pussy before starting fucking her standing." "Grabbing her neck with both hands firmly, he started fucking her roughly while choking her in intervals, letting her gasp for air before squeezing again while pounding her pussy violently." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Cough, cough! Aaah!\"" "Dealer" "\"Oooh! Yeah! You love getting choked bitch! I can feel your pussy tightening hard on my big black cock!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Cough! Yeah! Cough! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}God! He's so brutal!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 064 with dissolve "But as much as Myriam hated the situation and the man fucking her, she could not help feeling the pleasure getting higher and higher, inevitably leading her to an intense orgasm as he kept pounding her." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! Cough! AAAAAAH!! Cough! MMMMMMH!!!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's it you fucking white whore, show me how much you love my big black cock!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 065 with dissolve "As she was not able to keep standing anymore, the dealer bent Myriam over the bed and pushed his cock in her ass while her legs were still trembling from her climax." "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Fuck! That ass of yours is even tighter than your pussy!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmh! Yeah!\"" MC "{i}God! With his size he's going to kill me! I've got to relax!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 066 with dissolve "A hand firmly on her waist, the dealer kept fucking Myriam's ass for a moment, until he turned to the briefcase man, inviting him to join them." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Aaah!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Sorry man! Your bitch is so good that I forgot why I was here! Why don't you join us so we can talk business while emptying our balls.\"" MC "{i}He wants him to come and fuck me too!?{/i}" "Stranger" "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 067 with dissolve "Joining them after undressing, the man came in front of her, grabbing her head and pushing his cock in her mouth while the dealer kept fucking her up the ass." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Stranger" "\"Oooh! Shit!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! Yeah! Your bitch so good! I would fuck her all day!\"" MC "{i}God! How did it end up like this!? {w}Why do I enjoy it so much!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 068 with dissolve "Continuing to spit roast Myriam for some time, one facefucking her while the other pounded her ass, both started to talk business over her back, mechanically fucking her both ways while negotiating." MC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"Aaah! So man, how much coke do you need!\"" "Stranger" "\"Aaah! Well, for now, just enough to test the quality! Aaah! But later, we're talking pounds!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_mic_near_the_door == True:" MC "{i}God! Those assholes are really talking business while fucking me!? {w}It's humiliating but at least it's a good thing I put the mic near the door, it should record them...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! Those assholes are really talking business while fucking me!? {w}It's so humiliating and the mic is not even recording them...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Are they really talking business while fucking me!? {w}It's humiliating but at least he's able to make his case work...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 069 with dissolve "After talking and fucking for some time, Myriam felt the dealer starting to pound her ass harder and faster as his moans of pleasure became louder and his cock bigger, ready to burst." "But despite the rough anal pounding he was giving her, the dealer kept resisting, ending up pushing Myriam in a new orgasm as her muffled scream of pleasure could be heard despite the cock in her throat." MC "\"MMMPFFF! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMMMMPFFF! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Dealer" "\"AAAH! Yeah! That's it bitch! Cum with that ass and get ready for my load!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 070 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Meanwhile as she kept cumming, her body still trembling with pleasure, Myriam felt the briefcase man ejaculating in her mouth, filling her full of cum as she tried her best to swallow in her state." "Stranger" "\"ARGH! Fuck! I'm CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 071 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 073 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Suddenly flipping her over, putting her head upside down over the bed, the dealer started violently ejaculating, covering her face full of his warm and thick cum while she stayed still, waiting mouth open, for him to finish." "Dealer" "\"AAARGH! FUCK! YEAH!! KEEP THAT MOUTH OPEN BITCH!!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Aaaaaah! Cough! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 074 with dissolve "Resting a moment after his violent ejaculation, the dealer looked at the result of his deed, Myriam's face nicely covered in a thick coat of cum and her mouth filled with some more, ready to be swallowed on command." "Dealer" "\"Shit! Bitch! I think I've never cum so much after a first time! You've got some voodoo shit there!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Chanksh! Cough!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 075 with dissolve "Laughing at her answer distorted by the cum in her mouth, the dealer grabbed by the hair and lifted her, cleaning his hand and cock in her hair while he was at it." "Dealer" "\"Ha ha ha! Here bitch! Swallow!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp! Th-thank you...\"" "Dealer" "\"Ha ha ha! You're welcome bitch!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 076 with dissolve "Sitting on the edge of the bed while they finished their business, Myriam did her best to clean up her face from all the cum, trying her best to listen to what they were saying." "Dealer" "\"Here man! Here's your shit to test, I even gave you a little bonus for the ride! Your whore is one of the best fucks I've ever had!\"" "Stranger" "\"You're welcome! I'll see you soon for more!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 077 with dissolve "The dealer gone, the briefcase man came to sit beside Myriam, still resting after what had just happened." "Stranger" "\"It's over! Are-are you ok?\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah! I think so...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 078 with dissolve "Stranger" "\"I'm so sorry about what happened, it's not what I had planned, you shouldn't have been here when he came.\"" MC "\"I-it's ok... It wasn't your fault...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_mic_near_the_door == True:" MC "{i}You bastard! Wait a bit and we'll see who will have the last laugh! I'm pretty sure there's enough recorded to get them both and there's the drugs he just bought!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}You bastard! Wait a bit and we'll see who will have the last laugh! With the drugs you just bought, you're toast!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I can't blame him, it was my fault for nearly ruining his mission. At least I was able to help fix it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 079 with dissolve "Her eyes going down, Myriam realized that he was getting hard again while they were talking." "Stranger" "\"You say that, but still, I should have been able to handle things better, just thinking about it...\"" MC "\"N-no, really, it's ok...\"" "Stranger" "\"You're really something special you know? I've never seen someone like you before... {w}Oh! Sorry I...!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe it, that bastard will push his luck to the end!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_go_change" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! He's getting hard again!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_helping_some_more" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_helping_some_more:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 080 with dissolve "Hiding his hard cock, the man apologized again for his behavior, trying to explain his state, while Myriam put her hand on his thigh to reassure him." "Stranger" "\"God! I'm so sorry! It's the adrenaline and with you like this, i just...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, I understand...\"" "Stranger" "\"No! With what just happened, it's... {w}It's just wrong!\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting like this because of me and he's feeling guilty! I have to do something to reassure him...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 081 with dissolve "Grabbing his cock in her hand, Myriam started jerking him off slowly while with a flirtatious tone she kept reassuring him." "Stranger" "\"What!? What are you doing?\"" MC "\"Hush! I'm ok, so let me take care of that for you...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 082 with dissolve "Getting on her knees in front of him after a few strokes of the hand, Myriam slipped between his legs to suck his cock again." "Stranger" "\"You-you don't have to do this!\"" MC "\"I want to, it's the least I can do for my country...\"" "Stranger" "\"What!?\"" MC "\"And don't worry, you can grab my head and do as you please, I can take it.\"" "Stranger" "{i}Holy shit! I can't believe that woman! She's not only gullible as fuck, she's also crazy slutty!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam quickly started to suck him off, looking him right in the eyes as she did, giving all her heart to the task, wanting to please him as much as she could." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Stranger" "\"Ooooooh! God! You're so...! Aaah! So good!\"" MC "{i}I'm glad he's enjoying it! Let's give him the best blowjob he's ever had!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve "Seeing his pleasure, Myriam kept going, accelerating the pace, following the pressure of his hand on her head, taking him deeper and faster down her throat." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Stranger" "\"Aaah! Don't stop! I'm about to cum!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 085 with dissolve "Keeping the pace, Myriam kept going, sucking his cock intently, swallowing it deep while using her tongue mercilessly to tease him, until finally she felt his cum bursting load after load in the back of her throat." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Stranger" "\"ARGH! YES! THAT'S IT! SWALLOW IT ALL!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 086 with dissolve "His cum swallowed as he asked her, Myriam pulled away, looking up at him as she cleaned up the last traces of his cum from her chin, glad to see he seem satisfied." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmh! Gulp! Thank you! Was that ok?\"" "Stranger" "\"Fuck yeah! That was great!\"" "Stranger" "{i}Fuck me! I really hit the jackpot with her!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_go_change" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_go_change:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 087 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" "Suddenly getting up, Myriam quickly escaped from the bed, leaving him sitting there with his hard on, unable to hide a certain disgust after what happened." MC "\"Excuse me, but I need to go now, I'm going to change into my own clothes.\"" "Stranger" "\"Oh! Yes, of course...\"" MC "{i}I can't take it anymore, I need to go or I'm going to slap him silly!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "All cleaned up, Myriam got up and went back to the bathroom, stopping at the door to tell him timidly she was going to change." MC "\"Excuse me, but I have to go now, I'm going to change.\"" "Stranger" "\"Yes, of course, I understand.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 088 with dissolve "Changing into her own clothes Myriam stopped a moment to think about what had just happened in the room." MC "{i}God! I can't believe what just happened...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}Did I really just get fucked by a dealer and a scammer!? God! I hope they can arrest them with what I got...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I hope with all this that I was able to help him achieve his mission.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 089 with dissolve "Looking at herself a last time before going out, Myriam checked if she was clean and ok to go out, making sure there were no more traces of cum on her." MC "{i}No point in mulling this over for now, I'd better go...{/i}" MC "{i}Just make sure you don't have more cum on you before going out... {w}Looks just fine...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 090 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam walked to the door, stopping to say goodbye to the still nameless stranger who she just fucked." MC "\"I-I'm going now!\"" "Stranger" "\"Of course, thank you again Mrs...?\"" MC "\"Summers, Myriam Summers!\"" Jak "\"Myriam... Call me Jake.\"" MC "\"Goo-goodbye Jake!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}God! You bastard I can't wait to see your face when they arrest you!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_meeting_with_anderson_again" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables once I'm out and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_discovered:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 091 with dissolve "As the dealer suddenly pulled a gun after opening Myriam's top, he started pointing it at the briefcase man, while she reflexively cowered to protect herself." "Dealer" "\"What the fuck man! You're a cop!? That bitch got a fucking mic on her!\"" "Stranger" "\"I don't know! I don't know! She's just a stupid bitch I brought here to fuck! Don't kill me!\"" "Dealer" "\"You're fucking with me!?\"" "POW! POW!" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 092 with dissolve "Hearing the gun fire, Myriam's legs lost all strength, making her fall to the ground terrorized as the dealer turned his gun on her." "Dealer" "\"You've got something to say bitch!?\"" MC "\"Plea-please! Don't! Ah-ahm not a cop! Ahm not a cop!\"" "Dealer" "\"Fuck bitch! You're such a fucking loss!\"" MC "\"NO! PLEASE!\"" "POW! POW! POW!" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 093 with dissolve "It was too late, the dealer deeming she had seen too much, he shot and killed her like he did with the scammer that lead her here." "And here finished Myriam's new life, half naked dressed in a hooker outfit, laying in a pool of blood in a filthy and cheap motel." "Leaving behind a grieving daughter who will forever stay traumatized by the terrible death of her mother." scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 093 go with dissolve A "\"Seems that you led Myriam to a sad end and reached the fatal screen of GAME OVER!\"" A "\"But don't worry my friend this is not the end, let me use my godly powers to bring you back in time a little so you can try something else!\"" A "\"...\"" A "\"Oh! And don't worry about our dear Myriam, she shouldn't have any memories of it... {w}Though try to not do it too often either or some dark forces could get suspicious!\"" $ ch3_first_game_over = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_now_or_never" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_window_of_opportunity:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 094 with dissolve "Looking around in hope of finding an idea, Myriam's eyes stopped on a window, thinking it was her only way out of this situation." MC "{i}God! I have to find something, I can't stay here, this is too dangerous!{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! The window, maybe I can sneak out discreetly like that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 095 with dissolve "Fiddling with the window, Myriam tried to see if she could open it, the frame feeling stuck." MC "{i}God! No! Please don't be painted shut!{/i}" MC "{i}This is my only way out of this madness!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 096 with dissolve "Luckily for Myriam, the window frame was just stuck, leading to a small back alley filled with garbage." MC "{i}Thank god! I'm out! I'd better go now, this was such a bad idea!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I just hope that what I got for Detective Anderson will be enough!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I can't believe I followed a total stranger to a filthy motel like that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 097 with dissolve "Leaving the window to the room behind her, Myriam quickly headed towards the alley's exit, each step making her feel like a weight lifted from her shoulders, already thinking on what to do next." KN_MOD "if ch3_catching_a_spy == True:" MC "{i}I should quickly go meet with Detective Anderson! God! I hope I didn't screw up by following the man here...{/i}" MC "{i}But at least I'm glad I didn't stay, I really feel like i dodge a bullet here.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_13_meeting_with_anderson_again" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_13_meeting_with_anderson_again:" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 098 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_stopping_the_stranger_2nd_occasion == True:" "Stopping her as she was about to reach the alley's end, Detective Anderson surprised Myriam." KN_MOD "else:" "Stopping her as she was walking back to where she was originally supposed to meet him, Detective Anderson surprised Myriam as she entered an alley not far from the motel." DDA "\"Mrs Summers! Here!\"" MC "\"Oh god! Detective Anderson!\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 099 with dissolve "Looking back towards the motel, Myriam feared they could be seen together." MC "\"Are we safe talking here?\"" DDA "\"Don't worry Mrs Summers, everything is ok, you're safe now.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 100 with dissolve MC "\"Are you sure? I didn't screw up your case? I know I acted rashly...\"" DDA "\"No don't worry Mrs Summers, it was surely dangerous, but you did nothing wrong.\"" MC "\"I've got your mic here, I hope you got enough to arrest him now...\"" DDA "\"I think so, yes.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 101 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_stopping_the_stranger_2nd_occasion == True:" MC "\"God! I'm relieved, I just got afraid when he tried to make me meet with a drug dealer so I climbed the bathroom window.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"God! I'm relieved, I-I quickly got out after he made me meet with a drug dealer and...\"" DDA "\"Don't worry, we'll get them both, officers are on their way to arrest them as we speak.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" DDA "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 102 with dissolve "As Myriam calmed down and a silence fell between the two, Detective Anderson finally realized he still had his hand on her arm." DDA "\"God! I'm sorry! I didn't realized!\"" MC "\"No, it-it's ok...\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting so flushed and embarrassed...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 103 with dissolve DDA "\"Still, I'm sorry with what you went through before, it was inconsiderate of me.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I-I didn't mind.\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting me flustered now, he's so caring.{/i}" DDA "{i}Careful Dave! You're getting too close to her...{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 104 with dissolve DDA "\"Are you feeling ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" DDA "\"Then you should go home and relax, I'm going to take care of our \"spy\". {w}You're sure you're ok to go home by yourself, I can assign you an officer.\"" MC "\"No, I'm ok, really, I've calmed down now.\"" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 105 with dissolve "As Detective Anderson walked away and disappeared around the corner, Myriam followed him with her eyes." MC "{i}He's really a great man, I'm lucky to have had him on my cases, I'm not sure what I would have done without him...{/i}" MC "{i}I forgot to thank him properly again, I'll have to invite him for dinner or something like that.{/i}" scene bg ch3_13 abriefcaseandaspy 106 with dissolve "Returning her mind to the present, Myriam started thinking about what to do next as she headed away from the alley to her car." KN_MOD "if ch1_show_me_weird_things == True or ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping and visit the Mystery Club, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I wanted to go shopping, but I don't feel like it anymore, I think I need to go for a breather and unwind after all this.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's call the stables and tell them to prepare Hammer so I can have a ride, I'll finish what I wanted to do another day...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_unwinding_on_a_wild_horse:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Unwinding on a Wild Horse" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 001 with dissolve "Driving to the Northwell Horse Stables after calling them, Myriam arrived a few minutes later, already feeling relieved as soon as she got out of the car and looked at Hammer waiting for her." Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he's already waiting for me, he must really want to go on a run, I did good changing my plans for this afternoon.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 002 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam headed inside to go change for her ride, her locker always having a set of clean riding clothes ready to go." MC "{i}Lets get changed and go for our ride, with this sun it'll be a nice distraction...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}Today was kind of crazy again, I need to relax a bit if I don't want to be all stressed out for tonight's date with Mr Little.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Today was kind of crazy again, I need to relax a bit if I don't want to be all stressed out before going home.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 003 with dissolve "Quickly changing in some clothes she used to put on when she was on her father's ranch, Myriam was ready to go, leaving her city clothes in her locker." MC "{i}Here! Ready to go... Though it's kind of too bad I don't have my gym clothes with me, riding with this top is going to be a pain.{/i}" MC "{i}A sports bra would have been nice, if I knew this morning I would have finished the laundry before coming over.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 004 with dissolve "Leaving her regret behind, Myriam headed towards Hammer who was waiting for her in his stall, impatient to go for a ride as well." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Hi boy!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 005 with dissolve "Petting him as always to say hello, Myriam caressed Hammer's head as he pushed his nose in her cleavage as he always did." MC "\"How are you doing my big boy? Ready to go on a ride?\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Come on! Let me put your saddle on and we're good to go!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 006 with dissolve "Leaving the stables on Hammer's back, Myriam headed out for her ride, heading towards the riding trail she used last time." MC "\"Let's go boy!\"" MC "{i}God! I already feel like a weight have been lifted from my shoulders...{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 007 with dissolve "Riding on Hammer for some time, Myriam headed for the trail she rode last time, only deviating after a while to explore the area a bit more." MC "{i}We've been riding for some time now, I should stop for a bit and let him rest a little.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's slow down a bit and push just a bit further, I think I hear some water further...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 008 with dissolve play music "stream noise-freesound-jackthemurray.mp3" fadeout 1 "Stopping a little further, Myriam saddled down from Hammer to let him drink in the little watercourse they had just discovered." Ha "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}It must be the source of the river I found the other day, we're not far, maybe just a little bit higher.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 009 with dissolve "Exploring further while Hammer was drinking and regaining his strength, Myriam followed the little watercourse to the cliff side further away." MC "{i}Yeah, that's what I thought, it's the source of the little river where I stopped by the other day...{/i}" MC "{i}That's a good place to know, the water will always be pretty clean and fresh here to let Hammer drink.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 010 with dissolve MC "{i}If I remember what I read on the area, there should be a little body of water not far...{/i}" MC "{i}It should be this way if I'm right.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's have a look, after that I'll go back, that's enough exploration for the day.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 011 with dissolve "Heading back to her horse, decided on their next goal, Myriam followed the stream back to where she left Hammer, feeling excited at the prospect of exploring the area further." MC "{i}I know it's childish, but it feels kind of exciting to explore the area...{/i}" MC "{i}It reminds me of the exploration missions Liam and I took when we were kids.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 012 with dissolve MC "\"Ready to go boy? Did you rest enough?\"" play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Good! Then let's go and find that little lake.\"" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 013 with dissolve "Searching a little further on Hammer's back, Myriam finally found the little lake she was looking for, a peaceful place out of a storybook with clear water and only the nature as witness." MC "{i}That must be it!{/i}" MC "{i}Wow! This looks really peaceful...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 014 with dissolve "Getting off Hammer, Myriam looked around, enjoying the idyllic atmosphere of the place." MC "{i}This is really an enchanting place, you can really feel at peace here...{/i}" MC "{i}This is definitelly a change from the city, it's incredible to think we're so close to the city and all the congestion.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 015 with dissolve play music "waterfall-freesound-nox_sound.mp3" fadeout 1 "Taking off her hat and gloves, Myriam walked to the water's edge, looking at the small waterfall on the opposite side, filling the air with a fine mist." MC "{i}There's even a waterfall...{/i}" MC "{i}It feels as if I have found a secret place in a fantasy book.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 016 with dissolve "Crouching down, Myriam caressed the back of her neck with some fresh water to help relax under the hot summer sun and wash away the sweat." MC "{i}God! That feels good!{/i}" MC "{i}I really needed that...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 017 with dissolve "Staying crouched down, Myriam looked around silently as Hammer started grazing peacefully behind her." Ha "\"Munch, munch!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could pause for a moment and swim, I didn't do it last time, but it looks pretty isolated this time around.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Maybe I could pause for a moment and swim, it looks pretty isolated and it felt really nice last time.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 018 with dissolve MC "{i}Yeah! Let's do it, it's hot and the water is pretty nice, the scene is great and isolated...{/i}" MC "{i}It'll do me some good to relax for a bit in the water with this sun after the day I had.{/i}" MC "{i}And since last time I kept a towel just in case in the saddle bags.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 019 with dissolve "Leaving her clothes in the saddle bags, Myriam quickly walked to the water, looking around by reflexes as she felt exposed." KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == True:" MC "{i}God! I'm crazy! I can't believe I'm doing this.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I'm crazy! I can't believe I'm doing it again.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope there isn't anyone around.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 020 with dissolve "Uncomfortable with being exposed, Myriam quickly dove into the water to stay out of sight." MC "\"AH!\"" play sound "splash-freesound-InspectorJ.mp3" "SPLASH!" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 021 with dissolve "Following her momentum, Myriam dove deeper into the water, holding her breath as she calmly started swimming." MC "{i}The water feels pretty great...{/i}" MC "{i}It's warmer than I thought it would be...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 022 with dissolve "Turning on her back, Myriam let herself drift following her momentum, wanting to relax in the water more than swim." MC "{i}God! This just feels perfect...{/i}" MC "{i}The water, the sun and how isolated it is...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 023 with dissolve "Letting herself drift and lightly swimming for a while, enjoying her time in the shallow water, her attention was brought to the noise of the waterfall." "ROOOAAAAAAR!!" MC "{i}I'd better get back before I get caught in the fall.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 024 with dissolve "Swimming back, Myriam crawled to the shore to get out of the water." MC "{i}Let's get out of the water, I stayed in enough.{/i}" "Swishhhh, swishhhh, swishhhh!" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 025 with dissolve "Getting out of the water, Myriam stretched and combed her wet hair back, as water dripped off her body." MC "{i}That felt great, I really needed that!{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get the towel out and enjoy the sun for a bit.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 026 with dissolve "Laying her towel over the ground near the shore, Myriam sat down to let the sun dry her while Hammer kept grazing behind her." MC "{i}It should be fine to get some sun, I still have some time before having to go home.{/i}" MC "{i}It seems quiet enough around, I don't hear anything but the birds and the waterfall.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 027 with dissolve "Laying on her towel, Myriam closed her eyes and relaxed, letting the sun dry her as she sunbathed naked." MC "{i}It's not every day I can sunbathe like this, fully naked...{/i}" MC "{i}God! It's crazy but I can't say it's not kind of exciting.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 028 with dissolve "Enjoying the sun and relaxing for some time, Myriam ended up snoozing, lulled to sleep with the enchanting setup of the place." MC "\"Zzzz!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_no_naked_swimming == False:" "Kid 1" "\"Guys! Looks like she's sleeping!\"" "Kid 2" "\"Shit! We should get closer!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_naughty_kids:" "Does Myriam hear the kids?" KN_MOD "God! Whats that!?:" $ ch3_heard_the_kids = True scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 029 with dissolve MC "{i}God! What's that!? It's those kids? Again!{/i}" "Kid 3" "\"Hey! Tobby, go see!\"" "Kid 4" "\"What!? Why is it always me!?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_team_of_little_perverts" KN_MOD "Zzzzzz!:" $ ch3_sleeped_through = True scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 030 with dissolve MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" "Kid 3" "\"Hey! Tobby, go see!\"" "Kid 4" "\"What!? Why is it always me!?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_team_of_little_perverts" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_enjoying_the_sun" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_team_of_little_perverts:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 031 with dissolve "Approaching Myriam on tip-toes, trying to stay as discreet as he could, the kid snuck up close to her, while the others stayed behind, loudly whispering to one another." "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Come on man! Is she sleeping!?{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Shut up! I'm looking!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}Come on! How can they think I would stay sleeping with them being so loud! {w}God! Is he coming this way!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 032 with dissolve "Getting closer to Myriam, the kid came just to her side, so close that his shadow was projected over her." "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}So!?{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Yeah! Looks like she's asleep!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! Really!? How can he think I'm not hearing them!? He's just on top of me!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 033 with dissolve "Turning away from Myriam, the kid called out his friends to join him, loudly whispering again." "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Come on guys! It's ok! I think the waterfall is covering our noise!{/size=20}\"" "Other kids" "\"{size=20}Fuck yeah!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! Now he's calling his buddies over! What do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_stopping_the_kids:" "Does Myriam stop the kids?" KN_MOD "God! Its just kids! if ch2_scolded_the_four_peepers == False:" $ ch3_kids_bukkake = True MC "{i}God! It's just kids! I don't need to make things more awkward, they'll just peep and go...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_naughty_kids_bukkake" KN_MOD "God! I cant let the kids going further!:" $ ch3_stopped_the_kids = True MC "{i}God! I can't let the kids going further! I've got to stop them now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_enjoying_the_sun" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_naughty_kids_bukkake" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_naughty_kids_bukkake:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 034 with dissolve "Quickly following their friend after he signaled them, the three other kids surrounded the naked Myriam laying down." "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}Wow! That's really the same woman as last time!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Shit! She's so hot!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Yeah! She's even hotter than I thought she would be up close!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}And look at those boobs!{/size=20}\"" "Hovering over Myriam for some time, the kids kept commenting and lurking around her, the mood quickly escalating as they galvanized each others." "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Fuck! I can't take it anymore! I'm going to jerk off!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}What!? That's crazy!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! It's too much...! Isn't it?{/size=20}\"" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}Shit! Man, I'm doing it too! She'll just think it's the waterfall water!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}As if!! Oh my god! What do I do!? They're crazy! But it's too late now, it would be too awkward... {w}Better let them do it if it's just jerking off.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 035 with dissolve "One by one, the four kids started jerking off around Myriam, each choosing a place where to finish themselves" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}Aaah! I'll get it on her boobs!{/size=20}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}AAAH!! Yeah!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! It started!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 036 with dissolve "Kneeling on the opposite side, the first kid to come close starting emptying his load over the other breast." "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Aaah! I'll do the other one!{/size=20}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Aargh! Aaah!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}Stay still Myriam! Don't move!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 037 with dissolve "Getting down to her hips, another kid came really close, nearly touching her to aim at her pubis and pussy." "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Fuck! I'll go for her bush and pussy!{/size=20}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}AAAH! Shit! Yeah!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! These kids are so dirty minded!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 038 with dissolve "And finally the last one came down just over her face to finish himself all over her face." "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}Aaah! I'm going for her face!{/size=20}\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}AAAH! Fuck! Take that!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! Stay calm Myriam! Don't react!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 039 with dissolve "Getting up and taking a step back, the kids admired the result of their naughty deed on Myriam." "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Shit! That's so hot!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah! Bukkake style like all the sluts on the internet!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Wow! I can't believe she took it on the face like that without waking up!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! I definitely would have done it on her face too!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}Of course I'm not sleeping! You're all so god damn loud! {w}Come on! Stay calm! Or they'll see you're not sleeping...{/i}" "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Fuck! I'm giving her another one on the face!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! Me too!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}You're crazy guys! We're gonna get caught!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}If she's not waking up with what I already gave her, no reason she does now, I'm giving her another one on the face too!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}Oh my god! These kids are really crazy! But it's way too late to stop them now!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 040 with dissolve "Moments later, after passing jerking off on top of her, the four kids came one by one finishing on her face, making a full mess of it and covering her in a thick coat of cum." "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Holy shit! Look at that guys!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}We really messed her face up!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}Yeah! She looks just like a glazed donut!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}She really looks like that porn star now!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! These little...!!! They really made a mess of me, my nose is filled with the smell of their cum!{/i}" "As Myriam was fuming internally, she suddenly heard the kids jumping in surprise as Hammer was getting closer to them." KN_MOD "else:" "As the kids were admiring the mess they made, they suddenly jumped in surprise as Hammer was getting closer to them." "Kid 4" "\"{size=20}AH! Guys! The horse!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 1" "\"{size=20}Don't worry we can just scare him off and give her another coating!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 2" "\"{size=20}You're crazy! Did you see the size of his hooves! One hit and we're goners!{/size=20}\"" "Kid 3" "\"{size=20}Fuck! I'm gone!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}Thank god! Hammer! Just stay still until they clear off...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 041 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" "Staying still as the kids were running off from the scene of their crime, Myriam heard Hammer getting closer to her, sniffing curiously on top of her." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh! Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!\"" MC "{i}God! Is it clear? Can I get up now?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Running away as Hammer came closer, the kids quickly fled the scene of their crime, leaving him and Myriam alone as he started sniffing curiously on top of her." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh! Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!\"" MC "\"Zzzz! Mmmmmmh!?\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 042 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" "Curious to see if she could get up, Myriam opened her eyes discreetly to look if she was still seeing them around." MC "{i}I don't see them and I don't hear them either anymore...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just wait a minute just in case, but it should be ok to get up now.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Woken up by the heavy breath of Hammer on her face as well as the noise he made, Myriam suddenly opened her eyes to see what was happening." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Wha-what!?\"" MC "{i}What's happening? What's going on with my face!? Is-is that cum!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 043 with dissolve "Raising up in surprise at the familiar sensation on her face and as she suddenly started panicking, Myriam quickly looked around if she saw anybody." MC "{i}What's the hell just happened!? {w}I don't see anybody around!{/i}" MC "{i}My god! Who did this!? It's definitely cum and it's definitely recent I can feel how warm and thick it's still is...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_kids_bukkake_aftermath" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_kids_bukkake_aftermath:" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_took_care_of_the_hammer == True:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 044 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 045 with dissolve play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" "Turning towards Hammer neighing impatiently beside her, Myriam finally raised herself, still covered with the kids cum." MC "\"Yeah! I'm coming boy! Thanks for chasing those little devils!\"" MC "{i}I really don't know how far they would have kept going like this... {w}I should get cleaned up now...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Turning towards Hammer neighing impatiently beside her, Myriam calmed down, reassured by his presence despite all the mysterious cum still covering her." MC "\"Yeah! I'm coming boy! I don't know what happened, but I guess you must have chased off the pervert or perverts that did this to me!\"" MC "{i}I can't believe that I slept through something like this... {w}I should get cleaned up now...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 046 with dissolve "Going to the edge of the water, Myriam crouched down, to clean herself up from all this still warm and viscous cum, pausing as she looked at the thick lump she had just scraped from her face." KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True:" MC "{i}God! It's crazy how much these kids ejaculated on me, it's a lot thicker than Anthony's...{/i}" MC "{i}I never thought these kids would have the balls to do something like that...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I really can't believe I slept through getting so much cum shot on me, it's so thick and there's so much...{/i}" MC "{i}It must have been some young men, maybe it was those kids from last time, it wasn't far from here that they played the peeping Toms...{/i}" MC "{i}But this is so strange, I don't know why I'm being so calm despite all...{/i}" KN_MOD "if MCkink[Cum] >= 30:" MC "{i}This is weird how much cum smell seems so familiar and comforting to me, the surprise passed, I even feel kind of excited and reassured...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_cum_tasting:" "Does Myriam reflexively taste the cum?" KN_MOD "Im curious how it tastes...:" $ ch3_tasted_the_kids_cum = True MC "{i}I'm curious on how it tastes...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 047 with dissolve "Following her curiosity, Myriam lifted her hand to her mouth and tasted the cum she had just scraped, swallowing it without even a second thought." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}It's fairly strong and thick but not too bitter, it's really young men's cum.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_going_back" KN_MOD "Still, lets get this off me!:" MC "{i}Still, let's get this off me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_going_back" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It must be due to all the times Anthony made me take his cum on my face or in my mouth...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_going_back" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_enjoying_the_sun:" KN_MOD "if ch3_stopped_the_kids == True:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 048 with dissolve "As the kid called for his buddies, Myriam suddenly opened her eyes and calmly turned towards him, making him jump in surprise at the sound of her voice." MC "\"Don't you think that's enough mischief for one day?\"" "Kid 4" "\"HAAA!!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 049 with dissolve "Not waiting to see how things were going to go, the kid quickly ran off screaming at his buddies to run for it, making Myriam smile at the ridiculous situation." "Kid 4" "\"HAAA! GUYS! GUYS! RUN FOR IT! SHE WASN'T ASLEEP! SHE WASN'T ASLEEP!\"" MC "\"And you better disappear before I'm done getting dressed!\"" "Kid 4" "\"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuck!!\"" MC "{i}Ha ha ha! Look at him run for his life! As if I was a demon ready to eat him...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 050 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_stopped_the_kids == True:" "As Myriam saw the kids disappear into the forest, she turned around, looking for where Hammer had disappeared to." MC "{i}God! I can't believe these kids! They would do anything that passed through their minds...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After a little snooze under the sun, Myriam woke up a little disoriented, looking around to see where Hammer had disappeared to." MC "{i}God! That's dangerous staying like this under the sun, I could have gotten a serious sunburn, I didn't bring any sunscreen with me.{/i}" MC "{i}Now where did Hammer disappear to, I should have tied his bridle to a tree...{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! Here he is! Just grazing over there...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_going_back" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_going_back:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 051 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_kids_bukkake == True:" "Getting up after cleaning herself from all the cum, Myriam headed for Hammer, picking up her towel on the way." MC "{i}I definitely feel refreshed after cleaning up all this cum...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_stopped_the_kids == True:" "Getting up and picking up her towel, Myriam headed for Hammer, not wishing to stay here with perverted kids lurking around." MC "{i}Better go before their curiosity gets the better of them again...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Getting up and picking up her towel, Myriam headed for Hammer, afraid of getting sunburnt if she stayed like this under the summer sun." MC "{i}Better go now, I got enough sun for the day...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get dressed and go back to the stables.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 052 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Joining Hammer, who was waiting for her a little bit further on, Myriam took the time to pet him a little before getting dressed and leaving the place." MC "\"So, how are you my big boy? Ready to go? You got enough of water and fresh grass?\"" play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh! Sniff!, Sniff!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_took_care_of_the_hammer == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_nail_problem" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_nail_problem:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 054 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to get back her clothes and dress, she realized that Hammer had dropped his cock again like he did last time." KN_MOD "if ch3_kids_bukkake == True:" MC "{i}God! Seems like he dropped his cock again! Is it because of what the kids did earlier?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Seems like he dropped his cock again!{/i}" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Yeah! I see boy! You're all excited...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 055 with dissolve "Looking around reflexively as she thought of what she did last time around, fearing she could be caught in an awkward situation." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Yeah! I know, I know boy, let me think about this a little...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_kids_bukkake == True:" MC "{i}Like last time, I can't leave him like this, he could hurt himself while I'm riding him through the woods, and I kind of owe him for chasing those kids away...{/i}" MC "{i}But it's too exposed here and with these kids around, I better find a spot more discreet to give him a hand.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Like last time, I can't leave him like this, he could hurt himself while I'm riding him through the woods...{/i}" MC "{i}But it's too exposed here, I better find a spot more discreet to give him a hand.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's first get dressed and go elsewhere, I'll think about it on the way...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 056 with dissolve "Dressed again, Myriam quickly led Hammer by the reins as she walked in front of him, heading back into the forest on foot so he wouldn't hurt himself with the vegetation." MC "\"Come on boy! Let's go!\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "{i}Now what do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_handling_the_hammer:" "Does Myriam take care of Hammer little problem again?" KN_MOD "Lets find a little discreet spot and take care of him...:" $ ch3_took_care_of_the_hammer_again = True MC "{i}Let's find a little discreet spot and take care of him, the little spring I found earlier was pretty nice and it's not far.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_pleasuring_hammer" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_pleasuring_hammer:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 057 with dissolve "Leading Hammer by the reins through the woods, Myriam returned to where she had found the little spring earlier." MC "\"Here we are! Let's take care of you now, we should be left in peace here.\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 058 with dissolve "Kneeling at Hammer's side after taking off her gloves and her mother's hat, Myriam started to pleasure him, looking at his reactions to see she was doing a good job." MC "\"Like this! Does it feel good?\"" play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "\"Yeah, looks like my big boy is definitely enjoying his time...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 060 with dissolve "As she kept going, giving Hammer pleasure with her hands, Myriam could not help but admire his long and massive member." MC "{i}I can't believe the size of that thing! Even with all the talent I have with my mouth I could never even fit his glans inside...{/i}" Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "{i}God! And now that I started to think about it I can't stop being curious about the taste, I've got to try it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 061 with dissolve "Changing position, Myriam came in front of Hammer's massive cock and started licking it as she kept using her hands on his shaft." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" Ha "\"HeeHeeHeeHee!!\"" MC "{i}Well, I know one that's definitely enjoying it, his cock must be more sensitive on the glans like for a human.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 062 with dissolve "Opening her mouth wide, Myriam kept licking his glans while trying to fit it in her mouth as best she could." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" Ha "\"HeeHeeHeeHee!!\"" MC "{i}God! This is way too big to fit in my mouth! I can't even take half of it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 063 with dissolve "Deciding to give her all, Myriam kept going, sucking on his glans and teasing it with her tongue while she kept caressing the shaft." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" MC "{i}His cock tastes and smells so strong! It's starting to make me dizzy...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 064 with dissolve "As Myriam started to feel excited, one of her hands reflexively went down to caress herself through her shorts while she kept sucking on Hammer's cock." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't take it anymore, I've got to touch myself for real!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 065 with dissolve "Stopping for a moment, Myriam quickly got up to take off her shorts while the unhappy Hammer cried his dissatisfaction." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Sqweee!\"" MC "\"Yeah, I know, I know, just give me a second.\"" MC "{i}I'll take off my shorts and put the chaps back on after, I'll feel less vulnerable than being butt naked in the woods...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 066 with dissolve "As Myriam did what she wanted, taking off the shorts and keeping the chaps, Hammer started pushing her with his head so she would finish what she started." MC "\"You big baby! You can't even wait for a second!\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 067 with dissolve "Getting back on her knees, Myriam started sucking on Hammer's massive cock again while caressing and fingering her pussy." MC "\"Mmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" MC "{i}Mmmmmmh! I don't think he's going to last for long, I can already feel his cock tensing up...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 068 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as Myriam was noticing the sign of Hammer's climax, she suddenly felt a geyser of cum flooding her mouth, forcing her to swallow as best she could as it started to overflow." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"HEEH-HEEH-HEEH-HEEH!!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 069 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Unable to follow the flood of cum filling her mouth, even overflowing through her nose, Myriam let go of Hammer's cock as it kept going, making her fall backwards as Hammer kept ejaculating." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" Ha "\"HEEH-HEEH-HEEH-HEEH!!!\"" MC "{i}God! There's so much of it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 070 with dissolve "Coughing uncontrollably from the massive amount of cum that filled her throat mouth and nose, Myriam leaned on the rock she fell over trying to catch her breath." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough!\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "{i}God! He nearly made me drown in cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 071 with dissolve "As she was still on her knees, trying to find her breath and strength back, Myriam was suddenly surprised by Hammer climbing over her and the big rock she was leaning on." Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "\"Cough! What are you doing!? Cough!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 072 with dissolve "Getting closer and closer, Hammer forced Myriam to climb up the rock as his massive cock was pressing against her, searching for an angle of entry." Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "\"Wait! Calm down Hammer! Stop!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He want to mount me! He's going to kill me if he pushes that thing inside me!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_riding_the_hammer:" "How does Myriam control the situation?" KN_MOD "I cant let him push that thing in my pussy!:" $ ch3_getting_hammered = True MC "{i}I can't let him push that thing in my pussy! He's going to tear it apart! I've got to do something to calm him down!{/i}" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" MC "{i}God! He's way too excited to push him back! Maybe I could guide it in my ass, it would be painful but I could probably better control him...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_getting_hammered" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_getting_hammered:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 073 with dissolve "Desperately trying her best to relax, Myriam guided Hammer's cock towards her asshole as he kept intently to push it inside her." MC "{i}God! I hope it'll work if he keep pushing like this he's going to definitely find my pussy and tear it apart!{/i}" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" MC "\"Calm down Hammer! Let me get you in place!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 074 with dissolve "And as soon as Hammer felt his cock pushing against a warm hole, he violently pushed forward, forcing his huge glans inside Myriam's ass, making her scream in surprise and pain." MC "\"HAAAAAA!! GOD! OUCH! HE'S IN!\"" play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee!!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 075 with dissolve "Pushing her roughly forward with each thrust, Hammer kept advancing as he searched for the best place and angle to pound her ass hard and deep, making her scream loudly with each brutal thrust." MC "\"HAAAAAA!! GOD! AAAAAAH!!\"" Ha "\"Heeh-Heeh-Heeh-Heeh!!\"" MC "{i}My god! He's going to kill me! He's so big and rough! I-I can't control anything! If I don't relax and follow his moves he's going to tear my ass up!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 076 with dissolve "Never having taken something so big in her ass before, and never imagining she would ever do so, Myriam did her best to take Hammer's massive cock and the wild ride he was giving her." MC "\"AAAAAAH!! OH MY GOD! MMMMMMH!!!\"" Ha "\"Heeh-Heeh-Heeh-Heeh!!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so intense, I-I won't be able to take it for much longer!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 077 with dissolve "And as she predicted, after a violent orgasm due to the intense mix of pain and pleasure, Myriam lost consciousness under Hammer's assault, her body still trembling as he kept pounding." MC "\"AAAAAAH!! OH MY GOD! OH-MAH-GOD!! OHM'GOD!!! MMMMMMH!!!\"" Ha "\"Heeh-Heeh-Heeh-Heeh!!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh...!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 078 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Taking advantage of the loosening of her asshole as she lost consciousness, Hammer kept pushing the pace, getting rougher and rougher with each thrust until he finally climaxed." "With each thrust Hammer kept firing a huge load of cum deep in her bowels, flooding them with a massive quantity of cum, slowly calming the intensity of his thrusts as his ejaculation reached its end." play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"HEEH-HEEH-HEEH-HEEH!!!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah...! Mmmmmmh...!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 079 with dissolve "Pulling out with heavy sloshing noise, Hammer left Myriam unconscious on the big rock, her asshole still wide open, unable to close after the intense stretching it endured, letting the cum ooze out slowly." MC "\"Aaah...! Mmmh...!\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 080 with dissolve "Still foggy, Myriam slowly regained consciousness, looking around in a daze as it took some time remembering where she was and what had just happened." Ha "\"Munch, munch, munch!\"" MC "\"Wha-what...!? Whe-where am I? What happened? I...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 081 with dissolve "Unable to get up for now, Myriam sat down over the rock while she tried to reorganize her thoughts and clean up the cum she could still feel on her chin and chest." MC "{i}God! I blacked out for a moment, I... {w}I was getting my ass wrecked by Hammer, it must have been so intense that I blacked out...{/i}" MC "{i}I never felt anything so intense, it was brutal, I can't even feel my ass anymore...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, calm down Myriam! Clean yourself up and get your shit together!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 082 with dissolve MC "{i}God! That was crazy! I don't even know how I could ever have thought that I could control him!{/i}" MC "{i}I was lucky! That could have gone way worse than it did, I'm starting to feel my ass cheeks again and they're killing me, but at least I don't think he tore anything...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, let's not even think about it anymore and just get back to the stables.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_calming_hammer" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_calming_hammer:" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == False:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 083 with dissolve "Suddenly screaming and escaping Hammer's grasp, Myriam got up, trying to calm him down as he was trampling the ground surprised and still excited." MC "\"I said stop Hammer!\"" Ha "\"Heeheeheehee!\"" MC "\"Calm down, I'm sorry boy! Calm down...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 084 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == True:" "Lifting her head as Myriam approached him, Hammer calmly called for her, as if nothing had happened." Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Well at least you calmed down, you naughty boy!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Slowly approaching Hammer, Myriam tried to calm him down, talking gently to him as he slowly relaxed and let her get closer." Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"That's it, good boy, calm, calm...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 085 with dissolve "Finally dressed again and Hammer settled down, Myriam decided it was time to go back to the stables as the sun was starting to slowly go down." MC "\"Ready to go boy? You've calmed down?\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" MC "\"Good, then let's go!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == True:" MC "{i}I just hope that my ass won't kill me too much on the way back...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_back_to_the_stables" KN_MOD "I cant let him push that thing inside me!:" MC "{i}I can't let him push that thing inside me! My pussy or my ass, he would tear up either of them! I've got to escape him and calm him down!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_calming_hammer" KN_MOD "Lets just walk for a bit this time...:" MC "{i}Let's just walk for a bit this time, if I keep doing it every time it happens, he'll keep asking for it as a treat, and it could get awkward at the stables if they realize.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_back_to_the_stables" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 053 with dissolve "Dressed again, Myriam quickly climbed on Hammer again and headed back for the stables, launching a last look at the peaceful place she had discovered." MC "{i}Well, it was a nice litte hidden spot I found... {w}We'll see if I can find some other nice little spot like this next time.{/i}" MC "\"Come on boy! Let's go!\"" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_back_to_the_stables" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_back_to_the_stables:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 086 with dissolve "Finally back to the stables, Myriam calmly walked in on Hammer's back after their afternoon of exploration." KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == True:" MC "{i}God! The way back was hard, after what Hammer did to me, my back and ass are seriously killing me...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_played_the_hooker == True:" MC "{i}God! The way back was hard, after what that dealer did to me earlier, my back and ass are seriously killing me with all the riding...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" MC "{i}God! The way back was hard, after what Danny did to me this morning, my back and ass are seriously killing me with all the riding...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! With all the riding I did today my back and ass are feeling seriously sore...{/i}" MC "{i}I wouldn't say no to a good massage right now...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 087 with dissolve "After getting Hammer to his stable and giving him a little bit of brushing, Myriam said goodbye to him and headed for the locker room to change and go home." MC "\"Later boy! And be good to everyone, ok?\"" play sound "horse_noise-freesound_inspectorj.mp3" Ha "\"Huh-huh-huh!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 088 with dissolve "Back to the locker room, Myriam started undressing, pausing a moment as she put away her mother's old hat, noticing the new dirty picture on the back of the door." MC "{i}God! I didn't even notice earlier someone had changed that thing...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to have a word if that keeps happening, now that it's my locker, this kind of behavior feels a bit unacceptable.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 089 with dissolve "Tired and sore all over, Myriam stretched a little while her thoughts jumped from one subject to another." MC "{i}Well, no matter, I'm way too tired to bother myself with it right now... {w}And I've got to do some shopping before going home, these teenagers are worse than an ant colony, they eat like locuts.{/i}" MC "{i}And I should get some snacks for when Marc and his friends come to enjoy the pool...{/i}" MC "\"Oooh! God! I'm feeling so sore...\"" JoJ "\"Do you need a little help for your back?\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 090 with dissolve "Surprised by the sudden voice coming from behind her, Myriam quickly turned back, seeing the masseur at the door." MC "\"Ha!\"" JoJ "\"Sorry, I didn't meant to surprise you.\"" MC "\"No, sorry, it's me, I didn't hear you coming in...\"" JoJ "\"Is your back ok? Do you want me to work my magic? I'm here for that...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 091 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! That's true, I had totally forgotten about it... {w}But isn't it a bit late? I wouldn't want to keep you...\"" JoJ "\"Nah, it's ok, I was going out, but I can't leave you like that...\"" MC "{i}God! I just can't say no, my back is way too sore to pass on that offer...{/i}" MC "\"Then it's definitely a yes, my back is really sore...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 092 with dissolve JoJ "\"Ok, then just give me a minute to prepare the room, it's just at the end of the corridor.\"" MC "\"Thank you!\"" JoJ "\"Don't mention it.\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 093 with dissolve "A few minutes later, as Myriam was laying down naked on the massage table, Jose started to massage her back, rubbing some essential oils to calm her pain." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Oooh!\"" JoJ "\"Yes, you've got some serious knot there, relax and let me do my magic.\"" JoJ "{i}Wow! She must be really accustomed to being fully naked in front of me now, she didn't even take a towel with her...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 094 with dissolve MC "\"Oooh god! Mmmmmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Yes, that's it! You must have had quite the stressful day to be tensed like that!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Oooh! Definitely!\"" JoJ "\"Ha ha ha! Well you can relax now...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 095 with dissolve "After some time under Jose's hands, Myriam finally ended up relaxing, feeling all the tension of the day leaving her." MC "\"Mmmmmmh...!\"" JoJ "\"That's better, I can feel how relaxed you are now...\"" MC "{i}God! Yes! That's incredible, I feel renewed...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 096 with dissolve "As he kept massaging her, taking care of her legs as well, Jose ended up getting close to her pussy, stopping there as he asked her if she wanted him to go further like in the spa." JoJ "\"I'm not supposed to offer this service here, but do you want me to keep going and give you a full service like in the spa Mrs Summers?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_extra_service:" "Does Myriam take the extra service?" KN_MOD "God! Yes, please!:" $ ch3_extra_service_at_the_stables = True MC "\"God! Yes, please!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_happy_finish" KN_MOD "No, thank you.:" MC "\"No, thank you. I'm good like that.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_done_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_happy_finish:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 097 with dissolve "Caressing Myriam's pussy while he kept massaging her back, Jose started fingering her pussy, slowly following her moans of pleasure." JoJ "\"Like this? Is that good?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 098 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Jose kept caressing Myriam, slowly fingering her faster as he started attacking her sweet spot." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! Mmmmmmh! I needed this!{/i}" JoJ "{i}She's about to cum...{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 099 with dissolve "After some time being caressed and fingered by Jose, as her pleasure built up and as he kept teasing her G spot, Myriam finally ended up climaxing, screaming in pleasure as she arched her back." MC "\"MMMMMMH! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!\"" JoJ "{i}Fuck! That woman is so fucking sexy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 100 with dissolve "Sitting back up at the edge of the massage table after her body stopped quivering, Myriam thanked Jose for the massage and his help to relieve the stress of the day." MC "\"Thank you! I think I really needed this...\"" JoJ "\"Don't mention it, though please do keep it to yourself, this is not a service I should do here.\"" MC "\"Of course...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 101 with dissolve "As she waited to get back the full control of her legs after Jose helped her to orgasm, Myriam's eyes went down to his groin." KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending == True:" MC "{i}God! It helped me relax but now I'm feeling excited... {w}I want to suck on his cock like I did in the spa with Eve and show him how grateful I am...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! It helped me relax but now I'm feeling excited... {w}I want to take his cock in my mouth and show him how grateful I am...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_14_giving_back_some_service:" "Does Myriam gives in to her urge?" KN_MOD "And why the heck not!:" $ ch3_serviced_the_masseur = True MC "{i}And why the heck not! He gave me some service, why not give him some!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_servicing_jose" KN_MOD "No, calm down Myriam!:" MC "{i}No, calm down Myriam! It's a bad idea, you're not the blowjob fairy going around willy-nilly distributing blowjobs to everyone that's nice to you...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_done_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_servicing_jose:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 102 with dissolve "Smiling mischievously, Myriam caressed Jose's groin gently, asking him with a flirtatious tone if he wanted her to give him some service too." MC "\"That's so nice of you to take this risk for me, do you want me to show you how grateful I am?\"" JoJ "\"Wow! I...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending == True:" MC "\"I could give you a blowjob like last time at the spa if you want?\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I could give you a blowjob if you want? I'm very good at it...\"" JoJ "\"Ye-yes! Definitely! Please!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 103 with dissolve "Kneeling in front of him as she took off his pants and pushed him against the table for more comfort, Myriam took his still limp cock in her hand, ready to blow him." MC "\"You don't need to warn me you know, you can just cum in my mouth when you feel like it, I'll swallow everything.\"" JoJ "\"Than-thanks!\"" MC "\"Just relax and enjoy...\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 104 with dissolve "Taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam started to suck him slowly as he started to get bigger and harder, teasing his glans with her tongue." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaah!\"" JoJ "{i}Madre de dios! I definitely did good offering her some service!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve "As Jose's cock became fully erect, Myriam intensified her blowjob, slowly starting to deepthroat him." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaah! Yes!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve "Following his moans and grunts of pleasure, Myriam kept accelerating the pace, deepthroating him faster each time she swallowed his cock." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck!\"" JoJ "{i}That woman's mouth is fucking magic!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 105 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 107 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after an intense blowjob, Myriam felt his cock getting bigger and harder in her mouth, quickly followed by a flow of cum gushing in her mouth and the back of her throat." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" JoJ "\"AAARGH! MADRE DE DIOS!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 108 with dissolve "Only stopping after swallowing the last drop of his cum, Myriam thanked Jose again for his help and for entertaining her sudden urge." MC "\"Mmmh! Thank you for the load...!\"" JoJ "\"Oooh! NO, that's me! Thanks for-for the treat!\"" MC "\"He he he! No it was my pleasure, thank you again for your help! I hope you enjoyed the \"treat\"!\"" JoJ "\"Definitely!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_14_done_for_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_14_done_for_the_day:" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 109 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_serviced_the_masseur == True:" "Putting her clothes back on after blowing Jose, Myriam thanked him again and headed back for the locker room to take a little shower before going home." KN_MOD "elif ch3_extra_service_at_the_stables == True:" "Putting her clothes back on after Jose's little extra service, Myriam thanked him again and headed back for the locker room to take a little shower before going home." KN_MOD "else:" "Putting her clothes back on after Jose's massage, Myriam thanked him again and headed back for the locker room to take a little shower before going home." MC "\"Goodbye! And thanks again for the help.\"" JoJ "\"It was my pleasure, goodbye Mrs Summers, and I'll wait for you to finish and give you some privacy.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 110 with dissolve "Getting back to the locker room, Myriam quickly undressed and jumped in the shower." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}After that massage this shower feels great! A last little touch to relax after all that day!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 111 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_serviced_the_masseur == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I just blew him like that, but that man really has some magic hands!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_extra_service_at_the_stables == True:" MC "{i}God! That man really has some magic hands! Maybe I should have given him that blowjob just to thank him... {w}No, come on Myriam!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! That man really has some magic hands! Maybe I should have accepted his extra service, god knows I could have use some... {w}No, come on Myriam!{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway that day was really crazy, it definitely helped, I can't believe all that happened today...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Don't start glooming again! Just get out of the shower, dress and go home! Stop rehashing so much!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}God! And I have to get ready for tonight! I've got my dinner with principal Li... No, with Cleavon!{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 112 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower, Myriam returned to her locker to change back into the clothes she arrived in and get ready to go home." MC "{i}Let's get dried off, changed and get home! Katherine must be pretty worried!{/i}" MC "{i}I sent her some text messages during the day, but still, I should already be back at this hour.{/i}" scene bg ch3_14 unwindingonawildhorse 113 with dissolve "Dried and dressed again, Myriam quickly returned to her car, just stopping for a second to look at Hammer before driving home." KN_MOD "if ch3_heard_the_kids == True or ch3_took_care_of_the_hammer_again == True:" MC "{i}It was definitely an eventful ride today, but I can't say it didn't help me clear my head!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It was definitely an intense ride today, but I can't say it didn't help me clear my head!{/i}" MC "{i}And with that massage I'm feeling renewed!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == True:" MC "{i}Though that ... that event with Hammer definitely left me sore to say the least! God! I still can't believe I was able to take that thing inside me...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Stop daydreaming, it's time to go home!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_15_home_rush" KN_MOD "label ch3_15_home_rush:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Home Rush" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_15 homerush 001 with dissolve "Arriving after a short ride, Myriam quickly headed home, strangely feeling like a kid having exceeded her curfew." MC "{i}Finally home!{/i}" MC "{i}It's funny, I feel like a kid coming home late and about to get an earful from my parents...{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 002 with dissolve "Getting in and taking off her sunglasses, Myriam's strange amusement quickly turned to concern at the thought of her daughter worrying." MC "{i}Joking aside, now I'm really feeling concerned...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope Katherine didn't worry too much, I know I would have been out of my mind.{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 003 with dissolve "Heading inside, Myriam followed the voices in the kitchen to find Katherine and William inside, talking together." MC "\"I'm home!\"" Ka "\"Mom!\"" WiK "\"Oh! Hi Mrs Sum... I mean Myriam.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 004 with dissolve "Going to her daughter, Myriam reassured her as William got down from his stool to leave them the room to talk." Ka "\"Where were you mom!? I was worried, you told me yesterday you just had a few things to do in town...\"" MC "\"Yeah! I'm sorry honey, I changed my schedule a bit and went for a ride on Hammer this afternoon, I didn't see the time go...\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 005 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" MC "\"And I'm sorry for yesterday, staying out all night like that without informing you, it was irresponsible...\"" Ka "\"It's ok, I hadn't noticed until you texted me in the morning, I just thought you slept in because you got home late so I didn't try to wake you up...\"" MC "\"Still, I'm sorry, it wasn't a good example.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 006 with dissolve Ka "\"At least it means you had some fun...\"" MC "\"HA! Please spare me Katherine! I'm already embarrassed enough!\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date == True:" MC "\"And I'm sorry for this morning, I should have been up to get you to school, but...\"" Ka "\"It's ok, I just thought you slept in because you got home late so I didn't try to wake you up...\"" MC "\"Still, I'm sorry, it wasn't a good example.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" Ka "{i}God! And what about what happened in the living room!? No, stop, don't think about it!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"And I'm sorry for this morning, I should have been up to get you to school, but...\"" Ka "\"It's ok, I just thought you slept in because you were tired so I didn't try to wake you up...\"" MC "\"Still, I'm sorry, it wasn't a good example.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 007 with dissolve MC "\"And you two, how was your day?\"" Ka "\"Like a school day...\"" WiK "\"Yes, nothing special.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 008 with dissolve "Turning towards William as he answered to her, Myriam asked him if he had some news on his mother." MC "\"Were you able to go see your mother today?\"" WiK "\"Yes, I finished school early, so I went to see her, she's doing better, she should be out in a few days.\"" MC "\"I'm glad to hear she's getting better.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 009 with dissolve Ka "\"Oh! By the way mom, you received a package today.\"" MC "\"Thank you sweetie, I'll have a look.\"" Ka "\"I've put it in your bedroom.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 010 with dissolve "Heading for her bedroom to have a look at the package in question, Myriam stopped before exiting and turned towards Katherine and William." KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "\"By the way, I'm going out again tonight, your principal invited me for dinner.\"" Ka "\"Mr Little?\"" MC "\"Yes, you'll have to eat without me, but I shouldn't be home too late.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I'm going to change and have a look at this package, meanwhile set the table, I'll make dinner when I get back down.\"" Ka "\"Ok mom.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 011 with dissolve "As she entered her bedroom, Myriam immediately saw the package Katherine had put on her bed." MC "{i}What can it be? I don't remember having a package coming...{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! Oh my god! I did have a package coming! The sex toy!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 012 with dissolve "Leaning over, Myriam slowly opened the package and the other boxes inside, taking out one of the items, a golden vibrator." KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 013 with dissolve "Leaning over, Myriam slowly opened the package and the other boxes inside, taking out one of the items, a huge black dildo." KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 014 with dissolve "Leaning over, Myriam slowly opened the package and the other boxes inside, taking out one of the items, a weird alien like dildo." MC "{i}My god! I can't believe I really ordered it! Thank god Katherine didn't open the package! I would have been so embarrassed.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" MC "{i}It looks cute all shiny like this...!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" MC "{i}It looks so big...!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" MC "{i}It looks so grotesque...{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 015 with dissolve "Putting the toy back in the box, Myriam stood up deep in thought, both shaken and excited by the reality of having the toys under her nose." MC "{i}God! I really did order some sex toys, I never thought I could do something like that...{/i}" MC "{i}And now I want to try it... {w}No, no, no, stop that Myriam, you don't have time for this!{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 016 with dissolve "Turning towards the armoire, Myriam forced herself to put her box of toys aside and decided to change into something more comfortable." KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}Come on, you got to get ready for your date Myriam, leave that aside for now and go change.{/i}" MC "{i}Something a little bit more comfortable and light, maybe a light dress would be nice.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Come on, the kids are waiting on you Myriam, leave that aside for now and go change.{/i}" MC "{i}Something a little bit more comfortable and light, maybe a light dress would be nice.{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 017 with dissolve "Getting out of her clothes, Myriam headed to the armoire to change into a light dress." MC "{i}Yeah, I think a light dress will do nicely, today was so hot.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see what we have...{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 018 with dissolve "Changing into a two pieces dress, a black light and breathy top on a white short skirt, Myriam looked at herself in the mirror as she usually did." MC "{i}Yeah, this feels nice, this top is a little see through but it's nicely loose and breathy, after having my breasts constricted all day, that feels like heaven...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe the skirt is a bit short, but I've been in pants all day long, and I can't say that with this heat it won't be a nice change.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_butt_plug == True:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 019 with dissolve "Looking at the box on the bed, Myriam paused for a moment, thinking on the butt plug in it." MC "{i}I don't have the time to fool around, but maybe I could use the butt plug...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_15_going_plugged:" "Does Myriam put on the butt plug?" KN_MOD "And why the heck not!:" $ ch3_try_the_butt_plug = True MC "{i}And why the heck not! Just even the idea of trying it on is kind of exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_15_putting_on_the_butt_plug" KN_MOD "No, its a bad idea, its not the time for this...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}No, it's a bad idea, it's not the time for this, I'm going on a date with Cleavon.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No, it's a bad idea, it's not the time for this, I'm about to have dinner with Katherine and William.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_15_going_on_with_the_evening" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_15_going_on_with_the_evening" KN_MOD "label ch3_15_putting_on_the_butt_plug:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 020 with dissolve "After taking out the plug and cleaning it, Myriam bent over her dresser and proceeded to put it up her asshole." MC "{i}God! It both feels kind of ridiculous and naughty! The kind of situation you dont want to get surprised in...{/i}" MC "{i}Even if this plug is kind of cute, all golden like that with its pink gem, it feels like putting jewelry inside my butt...{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 021 with dissolve "Leaving her asshole the time to relax and accept the new sensation, Myriam paused a moment, enjoying the strange cold sensation that the plug was giving her." MC "{i}Here it is! This feels so strange, it's... {w}It's really different than having a real cock inside you...{/i}" MC "{i}The cold sensation feels so weird, but I guess it'll quickly pass... {w}Anyway, I can't say I dislike it, I like this feeling of constant tease...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_15_going_on_with_the_evening" KN_MOD "label ch3_15_going_on_with_the_evening:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 022 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" "After putting away the box and tidying up her clothes, Myriam headed down to join the kids before going for her date with Cleavon." MC "{i}Let's join the kids before going now that things are cleaned up here...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After putting away the box and tidying up her clothes, Myriam headed down to join the kids for dinner." MC "{i}Let's join the kids now that things are cleaned up here...{/i}" MC "{i}I wouldn't want to have Katherine and William ending up finding the toys.{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 023 with dissolve "As she arrived back at the kitchen, Myriam crossed paths with Katherine as she was heading out." Ka "\"Ah! Mom!\"" MC "\"Oh! Sorry Pumpkin! Were you going up?\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 024 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah! I just set the table, I was going for a quick shower before we eat.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "\"Ok! Let me fix you two some dinner before I go, it'll be ready when you come out.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Ok! Let me fix dinner, it'll be ready when you come out.\"" MC "\"Where's William by the way?\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 025 with dissolve Ka "\"He's outside on the phone with his dad.\"" "As Katherine answered her, Myriam nonchalantly started to pet her daughter's hair." MC "\"Oh... Let's leave him some time alone then...\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 026 with dissolve Ka "\"What is it?\"" MC "\"Nothing Pumpkin, can't a mother pet her beautiful daughter's hair?\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! You're weird mom...\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 027 with dissolve "Pulling her daughter to her, Myriam kissed Katherine over the head." MC "\"You know dogs don’t make cats... Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Love you too mom...\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 028 with dissolve "Letting her daughter go back to her shower, Myriam headed in to prepare the meal as she said earlier." KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "\"Come on, go take your shower, I'll prepare dinner for both of you before going.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Come on, go take your shower, I'll prepare dinner.\"" Ka "\"Thank you mom.\"" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 029 with dissolve "Heading for the refrigerator, Myriam could not help worrying about William, knowing how sour his relationship was with his father." MC "{i}I didn't say anything to Katherine to not add to the situation, but I hope William's ok, I know he's not on the best of terms with his father.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope at least it's not about his mother's health, he told me she was doing better...{/i}" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 030 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}I'll go talk to him when I come back, see if everyhting is alright.{/i}" MC "{i}For now, let's just make them a nice dinner and let him have some time for himself.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'll go talk to him after dinner, see if everyhting is alright.{/i}" MC "{i}For now, let's just have nice dinner and let him have some time for himself.{/i}" MC "{i}I want to leave him some privacy, but I also don't want him to feel like he's alone...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" scene bg ch3_15 homerush 031 with dissolve "After leaving dinner for Katherine and William, as the sun was setting over the city, Myriam finally left for her date with principal Little." MC "{i}I didn't get to see them before getting out, but I left them a message on the table, beside, I shouldn't be going out too late.{/i}" MC "{i}Though I can't say I'm not curious to see how Cleavon is in private, tonight might be a good breather from my heartache with Anthony...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_little_date" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update7" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_little_date:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Little Date" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_16 littledate 001 with dissolve "After a short ride to the suburban area of the city, Myriam arrived to principal Little's house and was quickly invited in." ClL "\"Please, come in... Myriam.\"" MC "\"Thank you Cleavon.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 002 with dissolve ClL "\"You didn't have any trouble finding the place?\"" MC "\"No, thanks to the GPS, but it's true that without it, it would have been hard, all these streets look so much the same.\"" ClL "\"Yes, the neighborhood is fairly new, it was a big development project a few years back.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 003 with dissolve MC "\"And that's why all these houses look the same, as well as the streets.\"" ClL "\"Yes, but it was a good opportunity for a bit more calm compared to the city.\"" MC "\"I can imagine, it took me some time to adapt to the city noise myself.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 004 with dissolve ClL "\"Did you live in the countryside?\"" MC "\"More or less, as a matter of fact I lived on a ranch in Texas nearly all my life.\"" ClL "\"That must have been an interesting childhood, I must say I always dreamt of living on a farm when I was a kid, but I've only known the city sadly.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 005 with dissolve "Thinking back on her time at the ranch, Myriam could not help but feel some nostalgia, thinking on the fond memories of her family as well as the losses." MC "\"Yes, those were definitely some happy times...\"" ClL "{i}That's quite the sad smile, maybe I should change subject.{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 006 with dissolve "Attracting her attention to the couch, Cleavon tried to distract Myriam, inviting her to sit and have a drink." ClL "\"But I fail as a host, please do sit down, I'll serve us something refreshing to drink.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 007 with dissolve "Sitting down on the sofa, Myriam looked around with curiosity while Cleavon was pouring them drinks." MC "{i}He looks like a pretty neat man...{/i}" MC "{i}From what I saw at school, it looks like him, a lot of attention to the details...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 008 with dissolve "Coming back to Myriam after a short time, Cleavon offered her a martini." ClL "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"What is it?\"" ClL "\"Oh! Sorry, it's a martini.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 009 with dissolve "Moving a leather armchair closer to her, Cleavon joined Myriam with the same drink." ClL "\"Sorry, I didn't ask what you wanted, I'm so used to making them for my father, that I did them by habit.\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 010 with dissolve ClL "\"It always was my father's only sin, so it became kind of a habit for me.\"" MC "\"For my father it's whiskey with a cigar.\"" ClL "\"I guess we all have our little rituals...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 011 with dissolve "Pursuing their discussion, Myriam and Cleavon kept talking and drinking their martinis, following the flow of discussion as it went." "Sipping on her martini, Myriam could not help but relax as she listened to Cleavon, enjoying the conversation as much as his deep voice." MC "{i}Not only is he interesting to talk to, but he's also really nice, and that voice...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 012 with dissolve "Their drinks finished and their discussion reaching a break, Cleavon stood up and invited Myriam to join him at the dinner table." ClL "\"Here! Give me your glass.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" ClL "\"Follow me, I've already set the table.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 013 with dissolve "Leaving the glasses behind the counter, Cleavon invited Myriam to sit at the table while he finished preparing dinner." ClL "\"Please sit, I'm taking out our dinner.\"" MC "\"Need any help?\"" ClL "\"No no, don't worry, everything is already ready, I just have to take it out.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 014 with dissolve "Sitting down at the table, Myriam waited for Cleavon as he prepared their plates." MC "{i}Look at that, he really went all out, with flowers, wine and even a candle... {w}That's so sweet.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't even remember when I had a romantic dinner like this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 015 with dissolve "Coming back from the kitchen, Cleavon put two plates of sushi in front of them." ClL "\"I hope you don't mind sushi? I just love it, but I realize it's not to everyone's taste...\"" MC "\"Honestly, I don't know, I never had some.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 016 with dissolve ClL "\"Tell me if it's to your taste, I can make something else if not.\"" MC "\"No, please, don't worry, there's no reason for me to dislike it.\"" ClL "\"Well, meanwhile let me offer you a glass of wine.\"" MC "\"Please.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 017 with dissolve "As Cleavon filled both their glasses with red wine, Myriam lifted her glass, calling for a toast as she thanked him for the dinner." MC "\"Thank you Cleavon, to a lovely night.\"" ClL "\"Yes, to a lovely night.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 018 with dissolve "As dinner went on and the wine kept flowing, Myriam and Cleavon kept discussing, talking about work and life, both learning more about one another." "Slowly getting more personal, both talked as well about the past, opening up about their past relationships, finding some common ground on which to stand on." "Both having lost a spouse to illness early in life, they shared a common melancholy and wound that both could understand." scene bg ch3_16 littledate 019 with dissolve "As the discussion kept going, Myriam's long legs moved around, fidgeting and unknowingly touching one of Cleavon's feet, making him look down a moment." ClL "{i}Did she just touch my foot!?{/i}" MC "{i}God! Is he looking at my breasts!?{/i}" ClL "{i}Stop it Cleavon, it's probably just an accident.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_16_misunderstanding:" "How does Myriam feel about it?" KN_MOD "Its just a misunderstanding...:" MC "{i}It's just a misunderstanding, he just looked down, it doesn't mean he's perving over you.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_ending_dinner" KN_MOD "I cant blame for just a look...:" MC "{i}I can't blame him for just a look, he's been a real gentleman to this point, I'm even surprised it didn't happen earlier.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_ending_dinner" KN_MOD "I dont really mind...:" MC "{i}I don't really mind, he's been a real gentleman to this point, and in the end what's the point of them if they're not appreciated, it's just a matter of who and when.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_ending_dinner" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_ending_dinner:" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 020 with dissolve "Putting aside the little accident, Myriam and Cleavon finished their dinner and bottle, pursuing their conversation without any awkwardness." ClL "\"...anyway, this is how it ended.\"" MC "\"Well, color me surprised!\"" ClL "\"He he he! Glad to still be able to... But I keep talking and talking, let me clear your plate if you're done.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 021 with dissolve "Getting up, Cleavon cleared the plate from the table, inviting Myriam to stay seated while he took care of the dishes." MC "\"Wait! At least let me help.\"" ClL "\"Han han! If my dear mother ever learned I made a guest work she would smack me in heaven.\"" MC "\"What!?\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 022 with dissolve "The table cleaned, both finished their conversation over the kitchen counter, but as it was starting to feel like the date was reaching its conclusion, Cleavon shyly offered Myriam to stay for a nightcap." MC "\"Well, that was a really lovely dinner date Cleavon, I...\"" ClL "\"Wait! Would you...?\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" ClL "\"Would you want a little nightcap in the garden before going?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_16_last_drink_for_the_road:" "Does Myriam accept or get back home?" KN_MOD "Why not!:" $ ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon = True MC "{i}Why not! It's been a lovely dinner and he's a really nice man, look how cute he looks all embarrassed...{/i}" MC "\"Why not, but just one drink though, I still have to drive home after.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_nightcap_in_the_garden" KN_MOD "Not sure its a good idea... (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}Not sure it's a good idea, I feel like it's going to lead to more and I'm not sure to be ready for that, or even if it won't lead to complication at the school...{/i}" MC "\"I can't, I'm sorry, I promised Katherine I would be home early.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_going_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_nightcap_in_the_garden:" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 023 with dissolve "Followed by Myriam, Cleavon guided her outside to his garden, lit only by the light of the moon." ClL "\"Here we are, sit there, I'll go serve us a drink.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 024 with dissolve "Doing as Cleavon told her, Myriam sat on the outdoor sofa of the small garden, looking around under the patio and enjoying the peacefulness of the place." MC "{i}This is really a nice place, you can feel the calm character of Cleavon here.{/i}" MC "{i}He's really full of surprises...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 025 with dissolve "Back with two glasses of whiskey, Cleavon gave one to Myriam before sitting as well." ClL "\"Here, you said it was your father's drink...\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" MC "{i}It's nice to see he actually listens.{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 026 with dissolve MC "\"It's really a nice hidden sanctuary you made yourself.\"" ClL "\"Yes, I designed it like a zen garden, during night like this I think it's the best moment to enjoy it.\"" MC "\"Yes, it feels so peaceful, thank you for sharing it with me.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 027 with dissolve ClL "\"Glad you appreciate it, apart from my father, you're the only person I ever shared it with.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I-I don't know what to say...\"" MC "{i}He's really going all out, saying something like that with such a serious face.{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 028 with dissolve "As a silence fell between the two, both quietly sipped on their whiskey while enjoying the peacefulness of the garden under the moonlight." MC "{i}God! The alcohol is probably helping, but I'm starting to feel hot now, if I don't want to end up jumping him I shouldn't wait too long to go home...{/i}" ClL "{i}Keep your cool Cleavon, you were incredibly cheesy but she didn't run for the hills yet!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 029 with dissolve "Both lost in their thoughts stayed silent, trying to decide what to do next or what to say." MC "{i}I should finish my drink and go, if-if I don't things will escalate...{/i}" ClL "{i}God! I'm so rusty, I can't believe I'm feeling anxious like a teenager on his first date...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 030 with dissolve "Quickly finishing her drink, Myriam sundenly got up, surprising Cleavon as she was about to head back inside." MC "\"I'm sorry Cleavon, but I have to go...\"" ClL "\"Oh! Already!?\"" MC "\"Yes, I promised my daughter I wouldn't be too late...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 031 with dissolve "But as Myriam passed in front of Cleavon, she suddenly lost her balance, slipping backwards in front of him as her glass went flying." MC "\"HAAA!\"" ClL "\"What!? Careful!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 032 with dissolve "Catching Myriam as she fell backwards, Cleavon caught her on his lap, both surprised by the sudden accident." ClL "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah!\"" ClL "\"Nothing broken?\"" MC "\"No, I-I don't think so...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 033 with dissolve "As another silence fell between the two, both kept looking at each other, still in the same position as their thoughts were racing in their heads." MC "{i}God! What do I do!? This is so...{/i}" ClL "{i}God! She's beautiful!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 034 with dissolve "Pulling her towards him, Cleavon suddenly kissed Myriam as she was about to talk." MC "\"I sh... Mmmpf!\"" ClL "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 035 with dissolve "Not stopping Cleavon, Myriam kissed him back, caressing his chest as he started caressing her legs." MC "\"Mouah!\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so good, I can't push this off now...{/i}" ClL "\"Mouah!\"" ClL "{i}Her lips taste so sweet...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 036 with dissolve "As they kept kissing each other, both kept exploring each other, Myriam's hand getting lower and Cleavon reaching for her chest." ClL "\"Mouah!\"" ClL "{i}God! These breasts of hers!{/i}" MC "\"Mouah!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! I can feel him getting hard...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 037 with dissolve "But as Myriam was reaching his groin with her hand, Cleavon suddenly broke the kiss, stopping her in her tracks." ClL "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"What? Is there a problem?\"" ClL "\"No, well yes, it's just that I'm kind of a freak down there...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 038 with dissolve MC "\"What? What do you mean? Whatever it is, I don't mind...\"" ClL "\"I'm way too big, most girls generally just don't even want to try...\"" MC "\"What? But that's stupid, let me see.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 039 with dissolve "Getting down between his legs after taking off his pants and boxers, Myriam couldn't help an exclamation of surprise at the view of Cleavon's massive cock." MC "\"Oh my god! You're enormous!\"" ClL "\"See? I told you, beside my wife, there really were very few women who could or even wanted to try anything with that monster...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 040 with dissolve "Taking his half hard cock in her hand, Myriam looked up at Cleavon, deciding to show him she was not afraid of his massive cock and reassure him about his complex." MC "\"Well, I'm not one of them, let me show you what I can do!\"" ClL "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 041 with dissolve "Grabbing his cock with both hands, Myriam started caressing his shaft as she took his glans in her mouth while teasing it with her tongue." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! His cock is really big, but I want to do my best for him, it's sad to see him all conflicted about the size of his cock...{/i}" ClL "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 042 with dissolve "Pushing further, Myriam started sucking on Cleavon's cock while her two hands kept caressing his shaft." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" ClL "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's great!\"" ClL "{i}God! She's so good at this and she's really not afraid of my size...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 043 with dissolve "Once accustomed to his size, Myriam relaxed her throat and started to slowly swallow Cleavon's massive cock, while starting to caress his balls to amplify his pleasure." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Aaah! Dear god! I can't believe it!\"" ClL "{i}Even my wife could barely take the tip of my cock in her mouth and she already has swallowed more than half of my cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 044 with dissolve "And finally, after fully relaxing her throat, Myriam pushed the full length of Cleavon's cock deep down her throat, surprising him as he felt her pressing her nose against his pubic hair." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! What!? Ooooooh! That's...!\"" ClL "{i}That's incredible! How can she take the full length down her throat!? She doesn't even seem fazed by it! {w}God! I'm already going to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 045 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Taking back his shaft in her hands as she pulled away slowly, Myriam quickly felt him burst in her mouth, surprising her with the strength and amount of cum Cleavon filled her mouth with as she tried to swallow as best she could." ClL "\"AAAAAAH! DEAR LORD! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp! Mmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! His cum is also so thick! It surprised me! And there's so much of it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 046 with dissolve "Cleaning her chin after Cleavon had stopped cumming, Myriam looked up to his face to see how pleased he was." MC "\"So, how was it? Did you enjoy my mouth?\"" ClL "\"Dear god! I don't even know what to say, it was incredible!\"" MC "\"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, now take off that sweater and lean back.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 047 with dissolve "Quickly doing as Myriam asked him, Cleavon took off the rest of his clothes while Myriam did the same, only keeping her high heels as she posed naked in front of him." MC "\"Do you enjoy what you see?\"" ClL "\"God! Yes! You're so beautiful!\"" MC "{i}God! He's really hot also! Look at how chiseled he is!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 048 with dissolve "Climbing on Cleavon, Myriam guided his cock in her pussy, slowly getting down on it as it made it's way deep inside her, reaching her most intimate place." MC "\"Aaaaaah! You're so big! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I think I can barely put half it inside me, he's already reaching my womb!{/i}" ClL "\"Aaah! You're pussy's so tight!\"" "Slowly getting up and down on his big black cock, Myriam quickly felt she wasn't going to last, she was already so wet and excited that she could already feel an orgasm coming." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Your cock feels so good! Mmmmmmh!\"" ClL "\"Aaah! And you're pussy! Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 049 with dissolve "Riding Cleavon for some time, trying to endure the pleasure, Myriam screamed her pleasure as an orgasm took over her body." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! I'M COMING!\"" ClL "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's it cum for me!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 050 with dissolve "Myriam's body weak from her climax, Cleavon lifted her and put her down on the central couch part, all while staying inside her." ClL "\"Aaah! Here you go! Aaah! Let me do the work now!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Fuck me with your big black cock! Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 051 with dissolve "As Myriam enticed Cleavon with crude words, she immediately noticed a light of excitement in his eyes as he started fucking her pussy harder and faster." ClL "\"Oooh! Yeah! You like getting pounded by my big black cock?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Aaaaaah! I love it!\"" "Quickly accelerating the pace, Cleavon started to pound Myriam's pussy hard, hitting on her womb with each powerful thrust he gave her." ClL "\"Aaah! You love big black cocks?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! I love big black cocks!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 052 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, after an intense pounding, Cleavon pulled out of Myriam, ejaculating all over her belly with an impressive amount of cum, even covering her breasts." ClL "\"OOOOOOH! HERE! TAKE MY BLACK CUM YOU WHITE SLUT!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yeah! Give me all that black cum!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 053 with dissolve "As both calmed down, Cleavon apologized to Myriam for his sudden burst of roughness as they made love." ClL "\"Dear god! I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me... {w}When you started talking kind of dirty, I-I just lost it...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_16_cleavon_dark_side:" "How does Myriam answer?" KN_MOD "Its ok...:" MC "\"It's ok, we all get a little excited in the heat of the moment, I didn't mind it.\"" MC "{i}God! I don't mind it rough sometimes, but with his size I wouldn't take it every day...{/i}" ClL "\"Thank god! Still, I'm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_going_home" KN_MOD "I loved it!:" $ ch3_loved_getting_blacked = True MC "\"I loved it! Don't worry, I enjoy playing rough, I hope you don't mind it?\"" MC "{i}God! I was about to cum hard again!{/i}" ClL "\"God! No! You really enjoyed the interracial tough play?\"" MC "\"Yeah! I think it's exciting.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_another_round_of_pounding" KN_MOD "Well, its ok but...:" $ ch3_cleavon_too_rough = True MC "\"Well, it's ok but with your size it was kind of painful...\"" MC "{i}God! I don't really mind rough some times, but with his size he really could have tear something down there...{/i}" ClL "\"I'm really sorry, this won't happen again.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, if it was too much I would have stopped you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_going_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_another_round_of_pounding:" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 054 with dissolve MC "\"Say, would you mind having another go?\"" ClL "\"O-of course not! I think I can manage another one.\"" MC "\"And wouldn't you mind putting it in my ass this time? You can fuck it rough as well...\"" ClL "\"Wow! For real!? Sure I don't mind! But will it really be ok with my size?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_hammered == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't tell him I already took a horse cock up the ass today!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_played_the_hooker == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't tell him I already got my ass pounded by a dealer with a big cock this afternoon!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" MC "{i}God! I can't tell him I already got my ass pounded by another huge cock earlier this morning!{/i}" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think I could take it, I love anal sex.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_try_the_butt_plug == True:" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 055 with dissolve "As Cleavon lifted Myriam's butt to find a better angle to push his cock inside her, he suddenly stopped at the view of her butt plug, teasing her with it as he played with it." ClL "\"Oh! I see you really do love anal sex, I never imagined you could have something like that in you...\"" MC "{i}Oh god! I even totally forgot I still had it in!{/i}" MC "\"Yeah! I-it's something new I wanted to try...\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 056 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_try_the_butt_plug == True:" "Pulling Myriam's butt plug out after playing with it for some time, Cleavon quickly pushed his cock in her asshole while pinning her legs down the couch as she kept them up." KN_MOD "else:" "Pulling Myriam towards him, Cleavon quickly pushed his cock in her asshole while pinning her legs down the couch as she kept them up." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Mmmmmmh! Pound my white ass with your big black cock!\"" ClL "\"Oooh! Yeah! You love getting your ass bullied by a big black cock!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! Aaaaaah! I love it! I love it!!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm really loving it! Mmmmmmh! His cock is so big and he fucks like a god!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 057 with dissolve "Her flexibility obtained with years of gymnastics helped Myriam take Cleavon's rough anal pounding in this awkward position without much trouble." ClL "\"Aaah! And why do you love taking big black cock up the ass?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Be-because I'm a white slut! Mmmmmmh! I'm a white slut hungry for big black cocks!\"" ClL "\"Aaah! Yes you are! Oooh! Now take that big black cock like the good slut you are!\"" MC "{i}God! It's crazy! I'm becoming so slutty! He's wrecking my ass and I'm loving it! Mmmmmmh! It's just so exciting!{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 058 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And after an intense and rough anal pounding, Cleavon grunted his pleasure as he burst deep inside Myriam's ass, filling it with loads of warm and thick cum as he pushed her into another orgasm." "Feeling her ass getting filled as Cleavon kept roughly thrusting his cock, Myriam felt waves of pleasure crashing over her body as a shattering orgasm made her scream loudly." ClL "\"AAARGH! YEAH! TAKE THAT BLACK SEED YOU WHITE SLUT!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH! FILL MY WHITE SLUT ASS FULL OF BLACK CUM!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_going_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_going_home:" KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 059 with dissolve "As both had calmed down, Cleavon helped Myriam up, who still had weak legs after the intense sex she just had." ClL "\"Here! Are you ok?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_loved_getting_blacked == True:" MC "\"Thank you! Yes, I'm ok, but my legs do feel kind of weak, you really roughed up my poor ass...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you! Yes, I'm ok, but my legs do feel kind of weak, you really roughed up my poor pussy...\"" ClL "\"Sorry!\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 060 with dissolve MC "\"You mister are a big bully!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_loved_getting_blacked == True:" ClL "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, kind of, but you did ask for it though.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, that I did...\"" MC "{i}God! Yes, asked for it and loved it! I'm becoming such a dirty woman...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" ClL "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, kind of, sorry.\"" MC "\"Never thought you would have it in you.\"" MC "{i}God! I can hardly blame in the end, I did kind of enjoy it and entice him to keep going...{/i}" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" "Back inside after cleaning up, Cleavon escorted Myriam to the door, as she insisted she had to go home, having promised her daughter she wouldn't be home late." ClL "\"You sure you don't want to stay the night?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm sorry, I would, but I promised my daughter I wouldn't stay late.\"" ClL "\"I understand, but you're sure you're up to drive? Do you want me to call you a taxi?.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Their dinner finished, Cleavon escorted Myriam to the door, as she insisted she had to go home, having promised her daughter she wouldn't be home late." ClL "\"You're sure you're up to drive? Do you want me to call you a taxi?\"" MC "\"No, I'm fine, but thank you for asking.\"" scene bg ch3_16 littledate 062 with dissolve "Leaning towards Cleavon, Myriam kissed him goodnight, thanking him for the dinner and night before heading out." MC "\"Goodnight Cleavon. Mouah!\"" ClL "\"Goodnight Myriam, drive safe.\"" MC "\"Will do.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update7" KN_MOD "label ch3_update7:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update7 from _call_var_chapter3_update7" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_end_of_a_long_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_17_end_of_a_long_day:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n End of a Long Day" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_back_home" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_clean_up_chore" KN_MOD "label ch3_17_back_home:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 001 with dissolve "Having driven home safely after her date with Cleavon, Myriam headed back inside, feeling slightly elated from her night." MC "{i}Here we are, back home!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}God! Tonight was somewhat more heated than I had planned, but the dinner was lovely, I really feel refreshed.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Tonight was just what I needed, a nice dinner and a lovely time with someone interesting, I really feel refreshed.{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 002 with dissolve "Getting inside and closing the door behind her, Myriam turned towards the entrance cupboard with a tired sigh." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Now let's take these heels off, I feel like I walked in heels all day long, my feet are killing me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 003 with dissolve "Her high heels put away in the cupboard, Myriam looked back towards the second floor, where William's bedroom was." MC "{i}Now let's go see if William is still up and see if he's ok after his father's call.{/i}" MC "{i}It's not too late, he shouldn't be asleep already...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_looking_up_on_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_17_clean_up_chore:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 004 with dissolve "Finishing the cleaning up after the kids had dinner, Myriam closed the cupboard where she stored the clean dishes." MC "{i}And here you go! A good thing done...{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's relax for the day...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 005 with dissolve "The dishes put away in the cupboard, Myriam looked back towards the second floor, where William's bedroom was." MC "{i}Wait! I said I would have a talk with William and see if he's ok after his father's call.{/i}" MC "{i}He should still be up right now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_looking_up_on_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_17_looking_up_on_william:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 006 with dissolve "After heading upstairs to the second floor, Myriam stopped at the extra bedroom where William was staying, knocking on the door as she called for him." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" MC "\"William? Are you still up?\"" WiK "\"Oh! Yeah! Co-come in!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 007 with dissolve "As she carefully walked in, Myriam saw William in bed with a school book." MC "\"Sorry to bother you so late William.\"" WiK "\"No, it's ok.\"" MC "\"Do you have a minute to talk?\"" WiK "\"Yes, of course.\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 008 with dissolve "Putting away his book, William listened to Myriam while nervously trying to cling at his duvet as she sat next to him at the edge of the bed." MC "\"It's about your call earlier...\"" WiK "\"Oh! That! It was my father.\"" MC "\"Yes, I know, Katherine told me.\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 009 with dissolve MC "\"I just wanted to know if everything was ok?\"" MC "{i}I can't be tactless here, better stay evasive and not pry too much...{/i}" WiK "\"Yeah, he was just checking in...\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 010 with dissolve "Sensing the stress in his voice, Myriam gave him some kind words, unaware it would be the last stroke to let his anger loose." MC "\"Well, that sounds nice...\"" WiK "\"Yeah! Nice! Nice enough to call back after ten messages, and you know for what?\"" MC "\"No...\"" WiK "\"To ask me if I needed any money! Not even to ask how mom is doing, that asshole just doesn't give a fuck about us anymore!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 011 with dissolve "Trying to calm him down as he leaned forward, Myriam gently patted his leg under the cover, hoping to be able to reassure him." MC "\"I'm sorry William...\"" WiK "\"I just can't believe him...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}I knew he wouldn't be ok after a phone call from his father, looks like he really needed to get these bottled up feelings out...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I knew he looked really zoned out during dinner, looks like he really needed to get these bottled up feelings out...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 012 with dissolve "As she felt he was about to cry, Myriam pulled William closer to hug him, reassuring him as he hugged her back, pressing his head against her breasts." MC "\"It'll be ok William, it'll be ok...\"" WiK "\"Sob! Fuck him! Sob!\"" MC "\"Hush...\"" MC "{i}Yep! It definitely needed to get out...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 013 with dissolve "Separating from Myriam after some time, William looked away embarrassed." WiK "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok William, you needed to get it out.\"" WiK "\"No it's...\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 014 with dissolve "As William turned further away, Myriam finally understood he wasn't embarrassed about his melt down, but about his excitement." MC "\"Oh!\"" MC "{i}Well, he's definitely an honest boy...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 015 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch3_17_giving_some_love:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Better leave things here...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True and ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True:" MC "{i}Better leave things here, after my date with Cleavon, it feels a bit weird to do something naughty with William again...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Better leave things here, and don't make things any more awkward for William, I'm pretty sure he knows how to take care of this...{/i}" MC "\"I better leave you now, I'm sorry William.\"" WiK "\"Of course, I understand...\"" MC "\"But I hope you know that if you need to talk, I'm always here.\"" WiK "\"Yeah! Thank you...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_leaving_william" KN_MOD "Maybe I could lift his spirit a bit... if ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True or ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" $ ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex_again = True KN_MOD "if ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could lift his spirits a bit like I did the other day in the bathroom, and it's kind of my fault he's upset.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blew_william_at_school == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could lift his spirits a bit like I did the other day at school, and it's kind of my fault he's upset.{/i}" MC "\"It's ok William.\"" WiK "\"It wasn't on purpose...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_16_cheering_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_16_cheering_william:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 016 with dissolve "Pulling William's hard cock from under the sheet, Myriam surprised him by starting to caress it gently with her hand." WiK "\"Ah!\"" MC "\"It's ok William, let me take care of it for you.\"" WiK "\"But...\"" MC "\"Unless you want me to stop?\"" WiK "\"No!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve "Laying back down, William let Myriam take care of his hard on, enjoying the feeling of her soft hand as she started jerking him off." MC "\"Here you go, relax yourself, don't think of anything else and enjoy.\"" WiK "\"Aaah! Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 017 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam kept jerking off William, following his moans and twitches to make him enjoy the moment and bring him to climax." MC "\"Do you like it like this?\"" WiK "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's good! Aaah! Keep going!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 019 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 020 with dissolve scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 021 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pushing him to his limits, Myriam didn't stop, jerking him off to the end even when he started ejaculating and covering her hand in cum, only stopping when all his cum had come out." WiK "\"AAAH! I'M CUMMING! PLEASE DON'T STOP!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! That's it give me everything!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 022 with dissolve MC "\"So, how was it? Did you enjoy it?\"" WiK "\"Ye-yeah! Of course! It was great!\"" MC "\"Good, I just hope it helps you feel at least a bit better.\"" WiK "\"Definitely! Tha-thanks!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 023 with dissolve "Lifting her hand covered in cum to her face, Myriam mischievously teased William again before leaving him." MC "\"And look at all this cum you covered my hand with!\"" WiK "\"So-sorry...\"" KN_MOD "if MCkink[Cum] >= 60:" MC "\"Maybe I should lick it?\"" MC "{i}God! This smell always gets to me...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_17_leaving_william" KN_MOD "label ch3_17_leaving_william:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 024 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex_again == True:" "Leaving William to rest after giving him a handjob, Myriam headed for her bedroom, still worried about him." MC "{i}I know it's just sexual release, but I hope it helped him think of something else...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving William to rest after trying to comfort him, Myriam headed for her bedroom, still worried about him." MC "{i}I hope he'll be able to clear his mind after this...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to keep an eye on him.{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 025 with dissolve "Clearing her mind from her worries, Myriam headed back towards her bedroom, feeling too exhausted by her day to keep going." MC "{i}Come on, stop it Myriam, breathe a little, with the day you had, you can stop thinking about all this for now!{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get a nice shower to relax and maybe have a better look at your toys...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 026 with dissolve "After taking a quick shower and drying her hair, Myriam finished up on her hygiene routine before going to bed." "Brush! Brush! Brush!" MC "{i}God! That always does the trick! A nice hot shower before hitting the bed...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 027 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam shut off the lights and climbed onto the bed after taking out the vibrator she received earlier." KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 028 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam shut off the lights and climbed onto the bed after taking out the big black dildo she received earlier." KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 029 with dissolve "Getting out of the bathroom, Myriam shut off the lights and climbed onto the bed after taking out the weird dildo she received earlier." MC "{i}God! I still can't believe I bought this...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, now let's try it out.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 030 with dissolve "After laying on the bed and caressing herself for a bit to relax, Myriam pushed the golden vibrator in her pussy, setting it on a low setting to start." MC "{i}Wow! This is kind of cold, but god! Mmmmmmh! Those vibrations are something else!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 031 with dissolve "After laying on the bed and caressing herself for a bit to relax, Myriam pushed the big dildo into her pussy, going at it slow to start with." MC "{i}Wow! This feels so different than a real cock, but god! Mmmmmmh! It feels a lot better than I thought it would!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 032 with dissolve "After laying on the bed and caressing herself for a bit to relax, Myriam pushed the strange dildo into her pussy, going at it slow to start with." MC "{i}Wow! This feels so strange compared to a real cock, but god! Mmmmmmh! It feels a lot better than I thought it would!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 033 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 034 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 035 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating as her pleasure built up, Myriam kept going, pleasuring herself with her toy, pushing herself to climax, enjoying the feeling until her body calmed down." MC "{i}Mmmh! God! I'm cumming!!{/i}" MC "\"AAAAAAH! MMMMMMH! YES!!\"" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 036 with dissolve "Putting her toy away, Myriam laid down on the bed exhausted as the blissful and relaxing feeling of her orgasm knocked her out." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! That really knocked me out, I feel so exhausted but so good as well...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 037 with dissolve "As she let herself slipped into sleep, her eyes closing as her eyelids became heavier and heavier, Myriam thoughts became hazy." MC "\"Mmmh...!\"" MC "{i}Doctor Silver was right... {w}Mas-masturbating is definitely good for your sleep...{/i}" scene bg ch3_17 endofalongday 038 with dissolve "And quickly as her eyes closed and train of thought disappeared, Myriam fell asleep." MC "{i}Should have done this...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_looking_for_bobo" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_looking_for_bobo:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Looking for Bobo" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 001 with dissolve "Sleeping peacefully despite the busy day she had yesterday, Myriam passed a restful night, helped by her small relief with the new toy before going to sleep." MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!?\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 002 with dissolve "Stretching as she slowly woke up from her peaceful sleep, Myriam took in the first lights of the day as the sun came in from her patio." MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I slept so well, this toy definitely did the trick, I should thank Doctor Silver for his suggestion.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 003 with dissolve "Still a bit hazy from her sleep, Myriam sat on the edge of the bed, slowly rising to go dress herself before going to make breakfast for everyone." MC "{i}Mmmh! I slept so deeply that I'm still half asleep...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on My! Get up, you already missed yesterday's breakfast.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 004 with dissolve "Leaving her bedroom, Myriam headed downstairs after putting on her bedgown, letting the sun filter into the hallway as she left her door opened." MC "{i}Ok! Let's go!{/i}" MC "{i}At least it looks like I'm on time, I can hear the shower running.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 005 with dissolve "Stopping at the other bathroom of the floor, Myriam knocked on the door to see who was taking a shower." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" MC "\"Katherine, is that you?\"" Ka "\"Mom? Yeah, it's me!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 006 with dissolve MC "\"I'm going down and making breakfast.\"" Ka "\"Ok! Thanks mom! I'll be right there!\"" MC "\"You can take your time honey.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 007 with dissolve "Getting down to the first floor, Myriam headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her and the kids." MC "{i}Alright, let's get this breakfast done.{/i}" MC "{i}I should make them a nice meal to apologize for yesterday...{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 008 with dissolve "Cooking the kids a complete breakfast, Myriam started making them some eggs and pancakes, while humming gently and thinking on her day." MC "\"Hmmm-hmmmmmm hmm-hmmmmmm...!\"" MC "{i}Let see, no school today and if I remember right Marc wanted to come with his friends to enjoy the pool.{/i}" MC "{i}Katherine will probably go to her friend Jenny's to keep preparing for their fair, William will probably want to go see his mom, maybe I should accompany him and see how Bobo's doing.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 009 with dissolve "Arriving in the kitchen as Myriam was still deep in thought in front of the stove, William walked in surprised by her singing." MC "\"Hmmm-hmmmmmm hmm-hmmmmmm...!\"" WiK "{i}Is she singing? That makes me think of mom before she start drinking... {w}When I was little I always remember her singing like that in the morning while making breakfast.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 010 with dissolve WiK "\"Good morning Myriam.\"" MC "\"Oh! Hello William! Go on sit, it's nearly done.\"" WiK "\"Ok!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 011 with dissolve MC "\"Here you go! Pancakes with a little bacon and an egg on a toast.\"" WiK "\"Wow! Thanks, but I usually don't eat much in the morning.\"" MC "\"Nonsense! At your age you have to eat well in the morning, even more so with all the sport you're doing.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 012 with dissolve WiK "\"Thanks.\"" MC "\"By the way William, are you going to the hospital today?\"" WiK "\"Yeah.\"" MC "\"Do you mind if I go with you? I wanted to go see someone there as well.\"" WiK "\"No, of course, it'll be nice.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 013 with dissolve "As Myriam turned away to go prepare her daughter's plate, Katherine arrived to the kitchen." MC "\"Oh! Honey! You're just in time, go sit, I'll bring your plate.\"" Ka "\"Thanks mom!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 014 with dissolve MC "\"Here you go!\"" Ka "\"Thanks mom!\"" MC "\"Sorry for yesterday.\"" Ka "\"It's ok mom, really.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 015 with dissolve "As she was about to go back upstairs to get dressed, Myriam stopped beside the two to inform Katherine on the program of the day." MC "\"Honey, by the way, I'm going to the hospital with William this morning, so he can see his mom and so I can go visit someone else as well.\"" WiK "\"Yes, thank you again Myriam.\"" Ka "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 016 with dissolve "As Myriam and Katherine continued to talk, William's eyes could not help but wander to Myriam's breasts under his nose." MC "\"You're going to Jenny's house today as well?\"" Ka "\"Yeah! We still have a lot to do.\"" MC "\"That's what I thought.\"" WiK "{i}For god sake William stop looking!!! {w}But dear god she's so beautiful!{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 017 with dissolve "Leaving the two, Myriam stopped again, remembering she hadn't told them Marc was coming in the afternoon with his friends." MC "\"Oh! I was about to forget, Marc will stop by this afternoon with some of his friends to enjoy the pool.\"" Ka "\"Ok, though I should get home around dinner, so I'm not sure I'll be there.\"" MC "\"Don't worry honey, I just wanted you to know. {w}William, I'm going to get dressed, we'll go when you're done with your breakfast.\"" WiK "\"Ok, I'll be quick.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 018 with dissolve "Getting back to her bedroom, Myriam quickly headed towards her bathroom to get ready for the day before changing." MC "{i}Let's quickly go to the bathroom and get ready for today.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I think I'll put on a summer dress, it looks like it's going to be pretty hot again today.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_try_the_butt_plug == True:" MC "{i}I'll put the butt plug in again as well, it felt pretty exciting yesterday.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_butt_plug == True:" MC "{i}I'll try on the butt plug this time, if I don't get to it soon, I fear that I'll never get the courage to do it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 019 with dissolve "After quickly taking care of her morning routine, Myriam came back naked to her armoire to look at her dresses." KN_MOD "if ch3_butt_plug == True:" MC "{i}Let's see what dresses I have, maybe not too short this time if I go around with a butt plug.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's see what dresses I have, I should have a few little summer ones around.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll go easy on the heels as well today, I killed my feet yesterday going around with high heels nearly all day long.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 020 with dissolve "Posing in front of her dresser's mirror as usual after changing, Myriam looked at herself to see if everything looked ok." MC "{i}Here you go, looks just fine, simple and breathy, it'll be nice with the heat we're going to have today.{/i}" MC "{i}God! It's been some time since I put this one on, I think it was when Thomas was still alive...{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 021 with dissolve "Pushing her melancholy away, Myriam quickly headed to the door to join the kids and avoid slipping into sad thoughts as she often did when she thought about Katherine's late father." MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Don't start! Let's just get down and join the kids...{/i}" MC "{i}Today is a beautiful day, let's not fall into melancholy.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 022 with dissolve "A few minutes later in the entrance hall, Myriam and William got ready to got ready to go to the hospital." MC "\"Ready to go William? You have everything you need?\"" WiK "\"Yeah, I'm good.\"" MC "\"Ok, then let's go.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 023 with dissolve "Letting William go out first, Myriam turned back before following him, calling for Katherine to let her know they were leaving." MC "\"Katherine! We're going!\"" Ka "\"Ok mom!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_going_to_the_hospital" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_going_to_the_hospital:" scene black with dissolve show text "A short drive in town later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 024 with dissolve "Walking to the hospital after parking the car, Myriam and William headed towards the public entrance." MC "\"Will you be ok alone? I have somebody to go see.\"" WiK "\"Yes, don't worry, I already visited a few times.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 025 with dissolve WiK "\"I'm going this way...\"" MC "\"Ok, let's meet here after.\"" WiK "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 026 with dissolve "Looking at him walk away and disappear behind a corner, Myriam could not help but feel for William." MC "{i}Poor kid, I can't help but feel for him...{/i}" MC "{i}I really hope that his mother will come through this.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 027 with dissolve "Letting William go, Myriam headed to the room where she had left Bobo a few days ago." MC "{i}Let's go see how Bobo's doing...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope they were able to help him.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 028 with dissolve "Going in after knocking on the door, Myriam entered the room as she heard no answer." MC "{i}I didn't hear anything, is he in his room...?{/i}" MC "\"Hello! Bobo?\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 029 with dissolve "But as she came in and looked around, Myriam quickly noticed that there was nobody in the room." MC "{i}There's nobody here...{/i}" MC "{i}Was he taken for exams?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_took_care_of_bobo == False:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_no_bobo" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch3_bobo_is_alive = True "Clank!" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_bobo_in_bathroom" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_no_bobo:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 030 with dissolve "Suddenly hearing a voice behind her, Myriam turned back to see who was talking to he." "Nurse" "\"Hi! Do you need any help?\"" MC "\"Oh! Hi, yes please.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 031 with dissolve MC "\"Do you know where Bobo is? I mean the old man that was resting in this room.\"" "Nurse" "\"Oh! It was an AMA discharge.\"" MC "\"Sorry?\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 032 with dissolve "Nurse" "\"A discharge against medical advice.\"" MC "\"Oh no! What happened?\"" "Nurse" "\"We can't keep people against their will.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 033 with dissolve MC "\"But he was in such a bad health...\"" "Nurse" "\"I know, we really tried to keep him here as long as we could, but in the end he just snuck away.\"" MC "\"So nothing can be done?\"" "Nurse" "\"Unless he's brought here again and decides to stay, no.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 034 with dissolve "Turning away, the nurse headed back to her work as Myriam thanked her for her help." MC "\"Thank you for your help.\"" "Nurse" "\"You're welcome, have a good day.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 035 with dissolve "Closing the door behind her, Myriam's mind was racing, trying to decide on the next course of action." MC "{i}God! What do I do now!? He was in such a bad state last time...{/i}" MC "{i}If he doesn't come back quickly to the hospital he'll die.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_18_missing_bobo:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "I should go look for him...:" $ ch3_myriam_found_dead_bobo = True MC "{i}I should go look for him, maybe he went back under the bridge where we found him last time...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_searching_for_bobo" KN_MOD "I should call Lucy...:" $ ch3_lucy_found_dead_bobo = True MC "{i}I should call Lucy, maybe she has an idea where to look for him...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_calling_lucy" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_searching_for_bobo:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 036 with dissolve "Determined to find Bobo and bring him back to the hospital, Myriam headed for her car to go look for him." MC "{i}Let's go, there's not time to waste.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll send a message over the phone to William to warn him.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A short drive later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 037 with dissolve "Driving to the old bridge where they had found Bobo previously when she gave a hand to Lucy, Myriam stopped as she got out of the car, looking around worried as she closed her door." queue sound "car door slam-freesound-theshaggyfreak.mp3" MC "{i}Lucy told me to mind the place, but I can't hesitate now...{/i}" MC "{i}This place is my best bet to find him.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 038 with dissolve "Going under the bridge, Myriam started to look around the place with the little light she could have, her concern getting higher as she kept searching with no success." MC "{i}Not here either.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I hope he's ok...{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 039 with dissolve "But as she arrived towards the spot where they found him last time, Myriam suddenly stopped as she noticed him, laying inert on the dirty couch" MC "\"Ha! Bobo!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He looks bad!{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 040 with dissolve "Crouching by his side, Myriam gently tried to wake him up, calling out to him hoping that the worse hadn't happen." MC "\"Bobo? Wake up, it's Myriam...\"" MC "{i}God! He's not waking up...{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 041 with dissolve "But after trying to find his pulse, Myriam quickly realized Bobo has been dead for hours, his body already cold." MC "\"HAAA!\"" MC "{i}My god! No! I'm too late...{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A moment later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 042 with dissolve "Calling 911 and detective Anderson after finding the dead body of Bobo, Myriam tried her best to explained the situation despite her shock." DDA "\"So, if I understand the situation, noticing his absence at the hospital you came here to search for him and found him dead.\"" MC "\"Yes, I called 911 and you as soon as I realized he was... {w}Dead.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 043 with dissolve DDA "\"And how did you think of searching for him here?\"" MC "\"This is where I found him with Lucy in the first place, I though maybe he would come back here.\"" DDA "\"You're talking about Mrs Monroe?\"" MC "\"Yes, I started helping her doing some volunteer work...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 044 with dissolve "As Myriam's tears were rolling down her cheeks, detective Anderson tried to reassure her, gently putting his hand on her arm." DDA "\"You did what you could, there's nothing more you could have done.\"" MC "\"Maybe, I don't know...\"" DDA "\"You can extand an helping hand to people, but you can't force them to take it.\"" MC "\"Yes, I guess.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 045 with dissolve DDA "\"Will you be ok to go home?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm ok, thank you.\"" DDA "\"Do you have someone to be with you? You shouldn't stay alone.\"" MC "\"Yes, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 046 with dissolve DDA "\"In any way, don't worry about anything, you've done your deposition, I'll just go see Mrs Monroe and the nurse you talked to at the hospital to wrap things up.\"" MC "\"Can you keep me posted about the funeral, I'll pay the cost if necessary.\"" DDA "\"Of course.\"" MC "\"Thank you detective.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_the_pool_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_calling_lucy:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 047 with dissolve "Pulling her phone out, Myriam immediately called Lucy to ask if she had any news about Bobo's whereabouts." MC "\"Hi! Lucy?\"" LuM "\"Yes...\"" MC "\"It's Myriam.\"" LuM "\"Oh, hi!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry to call out of the blue, but do you have any news about Bobo's whereabouts?\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 048 with dissolve LuM "\"Oh...\"" MC "\"Because he discharged himself from the hospital...\"" LuM "\"Yes, actually I do Myriam...\"" MC "\"Oh, good...!\"" LuM "\"I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"What!?\"" LuM "\"He was just found dead.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! No!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 049 with dissolve LuM "\"Are you ok Myriam?\"" MC "\"Yes, yes, I-I'll be ok... {w}But what happened?\"" LuM "\"I don't know exactly, but it looks like he died of natural causes due to his health problem.\"" MC "\"...\"" LuM "\"I'm sorry Myriam, but I must leave you, I'm with the police right now, and they still have some questions.\"" MC "\"Of course, I'm sorry.\"" LuM "\"I'll call you later.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 050 with dissolve "Sitting down after finishing her call with Lucy, Myriam went silent for a moment, stunned by what she had just learned." MC "{i}...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't believe he just died like this, all alone...{/i}" MC "{i}I feel like I failed him.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 051 with dissolve MC "{i}If only I had found a way to stay in the hospital, maybe they could have helped him.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I know it's stupid, but I can't help feel guilty...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll wait a moment and compose myself before meeting with William again.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_end_of_hospital_visit" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_bobo_in_bathroom:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 052 with dissolve "As she thought having heard noises coming from the bathroom, Myriam went for a look, immediately finding Bobo naked on the ground, calling for help." Bo "\"Haaaaaa! Help...\"" MC "\"Oh my god! Bobo!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 053 with dissolve "Quickly crouching to his side, Myriam tried to see if he was ok and offered her hand to help him get up." MC "\"Are you ok Bobo? What happened?\"" Bo "\"Bobo tried to pee, but Bobo fell.\"" MC "\"Are you hurt?\"" Bo "\"No, but Bobo's legs wobble like jelly.\"" MC "\"Let me help you...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 054 with dissolve "Helping Bobo up, Myriam guided him to the toilet after opening it up, taking his cock in her hand as he leaned against the wall and clung to her." MC "\"Here...\"" Bo "\"Oooh...!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 055 with dissolve "And as Myriam aimed into the bowl, Bobo started urinating, letting out a cry of satisfaction as he was finally able to relieve himself." Bo "\"Aaaaaah!\"" MC "\"That's it...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_golden_shower_participate == True:" MC "{i}This is making me think of what I did with Eve at the spa... {w}God! That was crazy but it was kind of exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_golden_shower_witness == True:" MC "{i}This is making me think of the crazy stung Eve pulled at the spa... {w}God! It was weird, but it was kind of exciting.{/i}" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 056 with dissolve Bo "\"Aaaaaah!\"" MC "{i}God! I think he's starting to get hard, I can feel his cock growing in my hand.{/i}" MC "\"You-you really needed to go...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 057 with dissolve MC "{i}God! He's nearly fully erect now, it's getting hard to make him aim in the bowl.{/i}" MC "\"Is-is it alright Bobo?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Bobo is in heaven...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve "And as Myriam started shaking his cock for the last drops of pee, Bobo's satisfied cries quickly became moans of pleasure as his hard cock started to enjoy more and more the touch of Myriam's soft hand." Bo "\"Oooh! Bobo's angel has such soft hands!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! What do I do now, he's completely hard and enjoying my hand, he probably want me to do like last time...{/i}" MC "\"Do-do you want me to keep going?\"" Bo "\"Oooh! Yes! Bobo needs his sweet angel's caress again!\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve "Following through, Myriam started caressing his cock, jerking him off gently like she did the day she brought him here." MC "{i}If it can make him happy and motivate him to stay at the hospital, it's really a small price to pay.{/i}" MC "\"Like this? Is Bobo's angel doing a good job?\"" Bo "\"Oooh! Yes! Yes!! Bobo's angel's hands are perfect!\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 059 with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 058 with dissolve "As she kept masturbating him, Myriam slowly intensified her movements on Bobo's shaft, accelerating gradually as she felt his pleasure build up." Bo "\"Aaaaaah!\"" MC "\"Is it good? Bobo wants to cum?\"" Bo "\"Aaah! Yes! Yes! Bobo's about to cum!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_swallowed_bobos_cum == False:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 060 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Not stopping her moves, Myriam aimed his cock at the bowl as she keep going, making Bobo cum in the toilet." MC "\"That's it, give you angel everything!\"" Bo "\"OOOH! YES! BOBO'S CUMMING!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_getting_bobo_back_to_bed" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Wait! I'll take it in my mouth again.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 061 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly getting on her knees, Myriam took Bobo's cock in her mouth as he started cumming, swallowing load after load as they filled her mouth." Bo "\"OOOH! YES! BOBO'S CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Mmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_getting_bobo_back_to_bed" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_getting_bobo_back_to_bed:" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 062 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_swallowed_bobos_cum == True:" "Getting back up after swallowing Bobo's cum, Myriam helped him again, supporting him as she walked him back to his bed." KN_MOD "else:" "Turning away from the toilet, Myriam kept helping Bobo, supporting him as she walked him back to his bed." MC "\"Let's get you back to your bed.\"" Bo "\"Hooo...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 063 with dissolve "Leading him back to the bed, Myriam helped Bobo get back on his bed." MC "\"Here you go, will you be able to climb?\"" Bo "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 064 with dissolve "Putting Bobo back into his bed and covering him, Myriam made sure he was alright before going looking for a nurse to take care of him." MC "\"Are you alright Bobo?\"" Bo "\"Yeah, Bobo's alright, just a bit tired.\"" MC "\"Then I'll let you rest and we see each other soon Bobo.\"" Bo "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"And I'll go look for a nurse to see if you didn't hurt yourself.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 065 with dissolve "Getting out after saying goodbye to Bobo, Myriam went searching for a nurse to see if he hurt himself during his fall." MC "{i}Well, I'm glad he stayed at the hospital to take care of himself, but I should come back another time, he looked really tired.{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to find a nurse, I don't think he hurt himself, but better check just in case.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I'll wait for William.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_18_end_of_hospital_visit" KN_MOD "label ch3_18_end_of_hospital_visit:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 066 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_bobo_is_alive == True:" "Waiting for William where they separated earlier, after talking with a nurse about Bobo's fall, Myriam welcomed him with a smile, hoping everything went well with his mother." KN_MOD "else:" "Waiting for William where they separated earlier, after her talk with Lucy and learning of Bobo's death, Myriam welcomed him with a smile, hoping everything went well with his mother." MC "{i}Here's William, I hope that everything went well.{/i}" MC "\"Hey William! Everything went well? How's your mother?\"" WiK "\"Hey! Ye-yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 067 with dissolve MC "{i}That doesn't sound that great...{/i}" WiK "\"She's doing better, but her morale is still low, it looks like she will need some help after she gets out.\"" MC "\"Well, I hope she can find the help she needs.\"" WiK "\"Yeah, me too...\"" MC "\"Do you want me to go talk to her?\"" WiK "\"No, better not, I know she doesn't like being seen like this.\"" MC "\"I understand.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 068 with dissolve WiK "\"And you, is your friend better?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_bobo_is_alive == False:" MC "{i}Let's not add to his trouble and keep Bobo's death to myself.{/i}" MC "\"Yes, don't worry, let's just go home.\"" WiK "\"Oh! Wait, I'm going to join Katherine and Jenny.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_18 lookingforbobo 069 with dissolve "Walking to the elevator, the two kept discussing as they headed outside." WiK "\"Katherine sent me a text earlier asking me to join them.\"" MC "\"Well, I'm glad to hear you three are going along. {w}Tell Katherine to keep me posted.\"" WiK "\"Will do.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_the_pool_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_the_pool_boys:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n The Pool Boys" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 001 with dissolve "Driving home after leaving William at a bus station to join Katherine and Jenny, Myriam headed home to wait for Marc and his friends who wanted to enjoy the swimming pool." MC "{i}Home, sweet home...{/i}" MC "{i}Things went pretty fast this morning, I've got some time before Marc arrives with his friends.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 002 with dissolve MC "{i}He told me they would come after lunch...{/i}" MC "{i}No big lunch to prepare, I'll skip it altogether then.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I can take a moment to lie down and rest a little before they arrive.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 003 with dissolve "Heading upstairs, Myriam's mind kept thinking about Marc and the afternoon he'd pass here." MC "{i}God! I hope he'll be able to do as I asked him and avoid letting Anthony know he's coming here.{/i}" MC "{i}I really don't want to have another fight with him...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 004 with dissolve "Lying down on her bed, Myriam relaxed a moment, letting her thoughts drift as her eyes started to close." MC "{i}Even seeing him again in court will be painful enough.{/i}" MC "{i}And I don't want to give him any ammunition as well.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 005 with dissolve "Looking at the spot where Anthony used to rest, Myriam could not help but feel a wave of emotions taking her over." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I lost so many years with that man, this is so frustrating just thinking about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_gangbanged_by_the_office_team == True:" MC "{i}And all the things I did for him, I even let him convince me to sleep with his colleagues...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And all the things I did for him...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 006 with dissolve MC "{i}Come on, stop it Myriam! If you start like this there will be no end to it...{/i}" MC "{i}What happened, happened... mulling it over won't change anything or bring those years back.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_bobo_is_alive == True:" MC "{i}I don't know if it's the trip to the hospital that got me all emotional, but I've got to calm down.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I don't know if it's the trip to the hospital and Bobo's death that got me all emotional, but I've got to calm down.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 007 with dissolve "Eyes closed and trying her best to stop letting herself slip into melancholy, Myriam relaxed herself and let sleep take her." MC "{i}Just relax Myriam...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "\"Zzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_woken_up_by_marc" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_woken_up_by_marc:" scene black with dissolve show text "Hours later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 008 with dissolve "Sleeping far longer that she had intended, Myriam was suddenly shaken out of sleep by someone's hand and a voice calling out for her." MC "\"Zzzz!\"" Ma "\"Hey! Mi! Wake up! It's me!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 009 with dissolve "Surprised by the sudden wake up call, Myriam open her eyes to find Marc beside her." MC "\"Wha-what!? Ma-Marc! What...?\"" Ma "\"I rang, but nobody came...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 010 with dissolve "As her mind started to get out of her sleepy haze, Myriam's gaze lowered as she realized Marc had his hand on one of her breast." MC "\"What are you doing?\"" Ma "\"Ho! That, I was just trying to wake you up! I thought it would be a nice way to go.\"" MC "{i}God! He's still so... {w}No, just ignore it Myriam, or it'll just escalate again...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 011 with dissolve "As her mind started to get out of her sleepy haze, Myriam's gaze lowered as Marc put away the hand he had on one of her breast." MC "\"...?\"" Ma "\"Sorry! I didn't realize, I was just trying to wake you up...\"" MC "{i}God! Did he just have his hand on... {w}No, just ignore it Myriam, it was just an accident...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 012 with dissolve "Sitting up on the edge of the bed and putting aside his wake up method, Myriam asked Marc if his friends were already here." MC "\"Are your friends already here?\"" Ma "\"It's just Captain waiting downstairs.\"" MC "\"The others are not coming?\"" Ma "\"No just him today, I'm trying my best to be in his good graces.\"" MC "\"Oh! I see.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == False:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 013 with dissolve "Turning back, Marc headed to the door to join his friend waiting for him downstairs." Ma "\"I'm going back downstairs to show him the pool.\"" MC "\"Ok Marc, I'll join you in a few to say hello and I'll prepare you some snacks.\"" Ma "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_pondering_on_how_to_join_the_kids" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 014 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to get up, Marc stopped her, turning towards her dressing as he went to open one of the drawers." Ma "\"Wait! That makes me think, you know what would be cool, if you put on a sexy bikini.\"" MC "\"What!?\"" Ma "\"You know, one with just with strings, I know you have some like that.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 015 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam closed her lingerie drawer and pushed Marc towards the door." MC "\"Leave my drawers alone! Come on, go join your friend, I'll be down in a minute to say hello and bring you some snacks at the pool.\"" Ma "\"Ok, ok, I'm going... {w}You know the top would be for you to come topless, with just a bikini bottom.\"" MC "\"Marc! You know I can't do that!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 016 with dissolve "Clinging to the door Marc kept arguing as Myriam tried to make him leave the room, forcing her to answer to keep arguing." Ma "\"Come on! If you had brought us to the beach you would have put on a swimsuit!\"" MC "\"Even so, it's...\"" Ma "\"Come on! Please! At least just put a sexy swimsuit, I need your help to have him on my side!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_swimsuit_argument:" "How Myriam does answer?" KN_MOD "Just say yes to shut him up!:" MC "{i}My god! He won't stop unless I say yes!{/i}" MC "\"God! Ok! I'll do it! Just go now!\"" Ma "\"Nice!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_pondering_on_how_to_join_the_kids" KN_MOD "Begrudgingly say yes to help him.:" MC "{i}God! It's true that I would put on a swimsuit to bring them to the beach, and he needs help...{/i}" MC "\"Ok! But just a swimsuit!\"" Ma "\"Cool! Put on a sexy one though!\"" MC "\"Ok, ok! Now go!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_pondering_on_how_to_join_the_kids" KN_MOD "No, thats too much!:" $ ch3_say_no_to_the_sexy_swimsuit = True MC "{i}No, that's too much, what if words go around at school!{/i}" MC "\"No! I can't Marc, what will people think at school.\"" Ma "\"But...!\"" MC "\"No! Now go!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_pondering_on_how_to_join_the_kids" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_pondering_on_how_to_join_the_kids:" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 017 with dissolve "Leaning over the door as she closed it behind Marc, Myriam stopped a moment to breath after their argument." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}My god! He's relentless! At least I can't say he's not motivated to get to his goals, but still...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 018 with dissolve "With Marc out of the room, Myriam stopped in front of her dresser, pondering on how to go down to join the kids beside the pool." KN_MOD "if ch3_say_no_to_the_sexy_swimsuit == True:" MC "{i}I said no, but it seems important to him, all he want is for me to put a swimsuit...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" MC "{i}I said yes to him, but it really seems so wrong...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Marc said he needed to get on his team captain's good side, it seems that it's important to him, it feels like I should make an extra effort in presentation...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_what_to_put_on:" "How does Myriam join the kids?" KN_MOD "No, Im just fine as I am...:" MC "{i}No, I'm just fine as I am, I don't see why I would have to put something else.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Yeah, maybe I could change into a swimsuit...:" $ ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini = True MC "{i}Yeah, maybe I could change into a swimsuit if it can help him, it doesn't cost me much to show off a bit.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_sexy_bikini_on" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_sexy_bikini_on:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 019 with dissolve "Slipping into the bikini that Eve had bought and that she put on with the girls last time, Myriam looked at herself in the dresser mirror, trying to gauge if it was too much." MC "{i}God! Eve definitely knows how to choose, but maybe it's a bit too much to put on for teenage boys...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_go_for_it:" "Does Myriam go for the bikini?" KN_MOD "No, I cant, thats too much...:" $ ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini = False MC "{i}No, I can't, that's too much, it's like making a show of myself in front of them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Well, its definitely sexy... (Lust Trait 40+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 40:" MC "{i}Well, it's definitely sexy, I can't argue there, but that's kind of the point.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_naughty_bikini" KN_MOD "Youre doing it for him...:" $ ch3_in_bikini_begrudgingly = True MC "{i}You're doing it for him, don't think too much Myriam, and in the end it's just a bikini, I'm sure the kids have already seen far worse on the internet.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_naughty_bikini" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_naughty_bikini:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 020 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror, Myriam could not help but admire her silhouette, finding some satisfaction in the weight she had lost recently." MC "{i}Whatever the reason for it, I really don't look bad in this bikini, the exercises I started to do are already showing some results...{/i}" MC "{i}...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_a_forgotten_detail:" "Does Myriam remember that her bikini is see through when wet?" KN_MOD "Nope!:" MC "{i}Well, time to go!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_try_the_butt_plug == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_plugged" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Wait! Doesnt that bikini have something peculiar?:" $ ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini = True MC "{i}Wait! Doesn't that bikini have something peculiar? No, it's just my mind...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_try_the_butt_plug == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_plugged" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Wait! I cant go down with that bikini!?:" $ ch3_in_bikini_begrudgingly = False $ ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini = False MC "{i}Wait! I can't go down with that bikini! I totally forgot it becomes see through when wet! I've got to change.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_plugged:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 021 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to go out of the room, she suddenly stopped, looking a last time in the mirror as she felt she was forgetting." MC "{i}Wait...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_sexy_and_plugged:" "Does Myriam remember that she still has her anal plug on?" KN_MOD "Nope!:" $ ch3_sexy_and_plugged = True $ ch3_forgot_the_plug = True MC "{i}No, it's just my mind, let's go...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Wait! The anal plug! (Lust Trait 50+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 50:" $ ch3_sexy_and_plugged = True MC "{i}Wait! The anal plug! I can't go like this... {w}Though... {w}Maybe it could be a little tease...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "Oh my god! Wait! The anal plug!:" MC "{i}Oh my god! Wait! The anal plug! I can't go like this I have to put it away!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_joining_the_kids" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_joining_the_kids:" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 022 with dissolve "Going out of the master bedroom in her bikini, Myriam could not help doubting herself as she was heading for the kitchen to prepare the kids a soft drink as a welcome gift." MC "{i}God! I hope I don't make a mistake going down like this! It's just a bikini but still...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 023 with dissolve "Going out of the master bedroom in her dress, Myriam could not help doubting herself as she was heading for the kitchen to prepare the kids a soft drink as a welcome gift." MC "{i}God! I don't know why I'm still pondering if I shouldn't put on a bikini, I'm still such a people pleaser, I can't help myself...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, let's put that aside and go make some drinks for the kids like you did for the girls.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 024 with dissolve "Walking in the pool area in her bikini after making some drinks for everyone, Myriam could already feel the gaze of the boys on her." MC "{i}God! I can already feel their gaze on me, it's as if I was walking naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 025 with dissolve "Walking in the pool area after making some drinks for everyone, Myriam could already feel the gaze of the boys towards her." MC "{i}God! I can already feel their gaze on me, it's as if they were waiting for me...{/i}" MC "{i}No matter, don't pay any attention Myriam and just go about it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 026 with dissolve "Turning towards Myriam as she walked in, the boys couldn't help but comment as she came towards them with drinks." KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" "Team captain" "\"Fuck me! She's so hot!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! She definitely is!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Team captain" "\"Wait! She's coming!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! She said she'll come say hello.\"" Ma "\"Looks like she brought us some drinks too.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 027 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 028 with dissolve "Walking to them with drinks for everyone, Myriam approached with a smile as she said hello." MC "\"Hi boys! Here's some little cool drinks for the heat.\"" "Team captain" "\"Tha-thanks! Hi!\"" Ma "\"Thanks!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 029 with dissolve "As Myriam put the drinks down, the two boys thoroughly enjoyed the view she offered them while bending over, piquing their curiosity as they fleetingly cought a little pink shape between her cheeks." "Team captain" "\"Wow!\"" Ma "\"Wow!\"" Ma "{i}If he doesn't get on my side with a view like that! {w}Wait!? What's that!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 030 with dissolve "As Myriam put the drinks down, the two boys thoroughly enjoyed the view she offered them while bending over the table." "Team captain" "\"Wow!\"" Ma "\"Wow!\"" Ma "{i}If he doesn't get on my side with a view like that!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 031 with dissolve "As Myriam put the drinks down, the two boys enjoyed the view she offered them while bending over the table." Ma "{i}Damn! Too bad she didn't come with a bikini, that would have been an epic view!{/i}" MC "\"Here you go!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 032 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 033 with dissolve "As Myriam suddenly turned over, the boys quickly looked elsewhere, more or less discreetly." MC "\"So, are you good here lazing around beside the pool?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Thank you for the drinks Mi!\"" MC "\"You're welcome!\"" Ma "\"By the way, here's Nick, the captain of the basketball team.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 034 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 035 with dissolve "Turning towards him, Myriam gave him a charming smile as he did his best to look inconspicuous about his previous peeking." MC "\"Hi Nick!\"" NiH "\"Hi-hi Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"I hope you're taking good care of Marc.\"" NiH "\"Ye-yeah! Of course!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" MC "\"Well, good then, I leave you two alone, I'm going for a swim.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_staying_with_the_boys" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Well, good then, I leave you two alone, I'm going back in.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_leaving_the_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_leaving_the_boys:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 036 with dissolve "Taking one of the drinks she had just made, Myriam left the two boys between them and headed back inside." MC "\"Be good boys! I see you later.\"" NiH "\"Yes Mrs Summers!\"" Ma "\"Yeah!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! I hoped I could show off a bit, but she's already going and she didn't even come in swimsuit...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 037 with dissolve MC "{i}It looks like it went pretty well, this Nick looked quite shy and polite.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm sure I made a few points for him, I think I did well to not over do it with coming in a bikini.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, I hope they enjoy themselves anyway, I'm going in meanwhile and try not to look overbearing.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update8" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_staying_with_the_boys:" KN_MOD "if ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 038 with dissolve "As she was about to dive into the pool, Myriam suddenly took a step back, remembering what her bikini had so special." MC "{i}Wait! I remember now!{/i}" MC "{i}That bikini becomes see through when wet!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_remembering_the_bikini_detail:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "I cant go swim like this!:" $ ch3_heading_back_inside_in_bikini = True MC "{i}I can't go swim like this! This is too much, I better go back in before I end up wet in front of them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_going_back_in_after_all" KN_MOD "Its too late now... if ch3_in_bikini_begrudgingly == False:" MC "{i}It's too late now, I'll look crazy if I just don't go swimming, I'll just play coy afterwards...{/i}" MC "{i}Nothing they haven't see on the internet already anyway I'm sure...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_going_for_a_swim" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_going_for_a_swim" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_going_back_in_after_all:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 039 with dissolve "After going back for her drink, Myriam told the boys she was heading back inside after all, pretexting that the sun was giving her a headache" MC "\"I'm sorry going back in boys, be good!\"" Ma "\"Are you sure?\"" Ma "{i}Shit! She's already going! Things were going well...{/i}" MC "\"Yeah! I'm sorry, but the sun is giving me a headache...\"" MC "{i}God! This looks so stupid...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update8" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_going_for_a_swim:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 040 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini == True:" "Putting her hesitation aside, Myriam dived into the pool, trying not to think about her swimsuit and the inevitable gazes that will follow." MC "{i}Come on! Don't think about anything and just enjoy your swim!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Diving into the pool without hesitation, Myriam had totally forgot that the bikini Eve had offered her was became see through once wet." MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Time to swim a little and relax.{/i}" MC "{i}And try to ignore the boys' gazes...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 041 with dissolve "Diving into the pool, Myriam stayed under the water, trying to do at least a full length just in one breath." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! This is always so peaceful under water...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 042 with dissolve "And coming back the other way on her back, enjoying the calm of the water as much as the heat of the sun, Myriam kept swimming, working on her cardio for some time while the boys kept talking." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! God! I could stay all day like this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 043 with dissolve "Meanwhile, the two boys calmly enjoyed the view while drinking the little virgin cocktails Myriam had made them, unable to detach their gazes from her as their eyes followed her every move." NiH "\"Wow! She's really...\"" Ma "\"Yeah! I know...\"" NiH "\"I mean fuck...!\"" Ma "\"Yeah...!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 044 with dissolve NiH "\"I mean really! I don't know how you can stop yourself...\"" Ma "\"Well...\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"She can be really fun and easy going when she wants...\"" NiH "\"What do you mean?\"" Ma "\"You'll see...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_intervened_marc == True or ch2_marc_reprimanded == True:" Ma "\"She kind of tore me a new one when I \"slipped\" one day, I kind of tried to stay chill since...\"" NiH "\"Why? What did you do?\"" Ma "\"Well...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_marc_sub == True:" Ma "\"She's definitely something, you wouldn't believe what happened one day...\"" NiH "\"What happened?\"" Ma "\"Well...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"I can't say I didn't jerk off to her a few times...\"" NiH "\"I bet! Just a few times!?\"" Ma "\"Well...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 045 with dissolve "Interrupting Marc as he was about to keep talking about Myriam, Nick stopped him as he saw her reaching for the pool ladder." NiH "\"Wait! Stop! She's coming back!\"" Ma "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 046 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini == True:" "Climbing the pool ladder, Myriam tried to stay cool and focused, while the boys were observing her, acting as if she didn't know about her bikini state." MC "{i}God! They're definitely looking that way...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Climbing the pool ladder, Myriam could feel that the boys were observing her with stars in the eyes." MC "{i}God! They're looking at me so intently...{/i}" MC "\"Is everything ok boys?\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 047 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini == True:" "Keeping her calm, Myriam went to the boys, still keeping the act while the boys gazes were burning through the fabric of the bikini." MC "{i}Stay calm Myriam!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Walking to the boys, Myriam could not help but feel self conscious with the their intense gazes as they burnt through the fabric of her bikini." MC "{i}I'm starting to feel self conscious now...{/i}" MC "\"Come on, what is it?\"" NiH "\"Your swimsuit! It's...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 048 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_theres_something_with_this_bikini == True:" "Stepping back as she looked down, Myriam acted surprised, screaming as she looked at her breasts visible through the wet fabric of the bikini." KN_MOD "else:" "Stepping back as she looked down, Myriam screamed in surprise as she finally realized that her breasts were visible through the wet fabric of her bikini." MC "\"Oh my god! My swimsuit!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! That's alright, some swimsuits do that nowadays, just come sit here, it'll dry off.\"" MC "\"I...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_staying_wet:" "Does Myriam stay with them?" KN_MOD "Why not, it can just dry off with the sun...:" MC "{i}Why not, it can just dry off with the sun and it's already too late anyway...{/i}" MC "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_sitting_with_the_boys" KN_MOD "No, Id better get back inside...:" $ ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini = True MC "{i}No, I'd better get back inside, this is a bad idea.{/i}" MC "\"No! I think I'd better go back in!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_going_back_in_wet" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_sitting_with_the_boys:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 049 with dissolve "Sitting beside Marc, Myriam looked away, still feeling self-conscious about her appearance as the boys kept talking about her bikini." NiH "\"Wow! I didn't know there were some swimsuits like that.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! That's pretty hot!\"" MC "\"It was a little prank my cousin Eve played on me, I forgot about it...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 050 with dissolve Ma "\"But anyway Mi, I think you should put on some sunscreen, with your pale skin you'll get sunburnt.\"" MC "\"Oh! I didn't bring any out, I should go have some and change...\"" Ma "\"No need, I have some here, turn over and I'll put some on your back.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_getting_sunscreen:" "Does Myriam accept the offer?" KN_MOD "Why not, thats nice of him to offer.:" MC "{i}Why not, that's nice of him to offer.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, thank you Marc.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_marc_putting_on_sunscreen" KN_MOD "Oh! I think I see him coming here...:" MC "{i}Oh! I think I see him coming here, that little pervert wants to show off for his buddy.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, I guess it's ok as long as it doesn't go too far...{/i}" MC "\"Ok, thank you Marc.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_marc_putting_on_sunscreen" KN_MOD "No, I better not...:" $ ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini = True MC "{i}No, I better not, this is a bad idea.{/i}" MC "\"No! I think I better go back in Marc!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_going_back_in_wet" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_marc_putting_on_sunscreen:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 051 with dissolve "Riding the pool chair, Myriam bent forward, leaving her back opened to Marc so he could put sunscreen on her." Ma "\"Here! Is that good?\"" MC "\"Mmmh, yes.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 052 with dissolve "But quickly as he kept spreading the sunscreen on her back, Marc told Myriam he was going to undo her top." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Let me take that off, it's in the way.\"" MC "\"O-ok.\"" MC "{i}God! Does he want to show me off even more!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Can I take that off, it's kind of in the way.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" MC "{i}I can let them have a peek at a side boob...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 053 with dissolve "After freeing her breasts from the bikini top, Marc kept spreading the lotion as well as massaging her back, slowly going down." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"You're really so hot, it's incredible...\"" MC "{i}God! What is he saying in front of his friend!?{/i}" MC "\"Tha-thanks...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"You've got such a smooth skin, it's incredible...\"" MC "{i}Here comes the smooth talker, let's just ignore it...{/i}" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 054 with dissolve "Reaching down her back, Marc went to take off her bottom as he did her top, pretending again that it was in the way." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"I'll take that off too.\"" MC "{i}God! He's really showing me off to his friend!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"It's in the way again, can I take it off too?\"" MC "{i}God! He's really pushing it, but let's keep quiet and see how far he's capable of going.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 055 with dissolve "Without an answer, Marc pushed his luck again and took off Myriam's bikini bottom, starting again his massage as he spread the sunscreen." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "{i}She's really letting me do whatever I want despite Nick's presence! Let's see if I can push it to the next step...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "{i}I never thought she would let me go this far, maybe I can push it a bit further...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" Ma "\"I think we're nearly there, I just have that last spot...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 056 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" "As he slipped his hand under her ass, Marc reached for her asshole, immediately feeling the plug in Myriam's asshole." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Wow! What's that!? A butt plug, that's quite the tease to come join us in a bikini with that in your ass!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_forgot_the_plug == True:" MC "{i}Oh my god! I totally forgot about it!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!?{/i}" MC "\"Wait! Don't touch that! That's...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_teasing_with_plug" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Wow! What's that!? A butt plug!? That's so hot!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_forgot_the_plug == True:" MC "{i}My god! I totally forgot about it! I better get things in control right now!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! He really went for it that little pervert! I better get things in control right now!{/i}" MC "\"I think that's enough fooling around Marc.\"" Ma "\"Come on! We're just having f...\"" MC "\"Did I stutter?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_taking_control" KN_MOD "else:" "As he slipped his hand under her ass, Marc reached for her asshole, starting teasing it with his fingers as he looked up to Myriam's reaction." KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" Ma "\"Here I think we should particularly take care of that spot!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is he doing!?{/i}" MC "\"Marc! What are you doing!?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_teasing_without_plug" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! He really went for it that little pervert! I better get things in control right now!{/i}" MC "\"I think that's enough fooling around Marc.\"" Ma "\"Come on! We're just having f...\"" MC "\"Did I stutter?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_taking_control" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_teasing_without_plug:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 057 with dissolve "Not listening to her, Marc pushed Myriam forward as he kept teasing her asshole, even starting fingering it." MC "\"Ah! Wait! Marc, what are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Just rubbing the sunscreen, and making sure you're fully protected.\"" MC "\"Marc, please! Mmmh! This-this is wrong... Aaah!\"" Ma "\"Then why are you moaning and your ass is sucking me in?\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 058 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Marc kept fingering Myriam's ass without worry as she barely put any resistance, moaning more and more as her pleasure built up." MC "\"Aaah! Marc! Mmmh! We shouldn't!\"" Ma "\"Come on, I can feel how much your ass wants it!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Bu-but! Mmmh! Your friend! Wha-what will he think!?\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind, just relax and enjoy.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_anal_fun_with_the_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_teasing_with_plug:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 059 with dissolve "Not listening to her, Marc pushed Myriam forward as he kept teasing her asshole with the plug, even starting fucking her with it." MC "\"Ah! Wait! Marc, what are you doing!?\"" Ma "\"Just using the plug to make sure the sunscreen is well applied and you're well protected.\"" MC "\"Marc, please! Mmmh! This-this is wrong... Aaah!\"" Ma "\"Then why are you moaning and your ass is sucking it in?\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 060 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Marc kept using the plug to fuck Myriam's ass without worry as she barely put up any resistance, moaning more and more as her pleasure built up." MC "\"Aaah! Marc! Mmmh! We shouldn't!\"" Ma "\"Come on, I can feel how much your ass wants it!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Bu-but! Mmmh! Your friend! Wha-what will he think!?\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind, just relax and enjoy.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_anal_fun_with_the_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_anal_fun_with_the_boys:" $ ch3_dominated_by_the_boys = True scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 061 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" "Climbing over Myriam as he put the plug away and started pushing his hard cock in her ass, Marc whispered to her what was about to happen." KN_MOD "else:" "Climbing over Myriam as he started pushing his hard cock in her ass, Marc whispered to her what was about to happen." MC "\"Aaah! Wait! Mmmh! Marc! We...\"" Ma "\"Hush! Just relax, now you're going to let me use your ass and show my friend how much you like getting it up the ass.\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! You're feeling it! Aaah! And when I'm done, you're going to invite my friend to have a turn as well, understood?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Ye-yeah...\"" Ma "\"Good!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 062 with dissolve "Moving back to let his friend have a nice view of Myriam's ass getting fucked, Marc started pushing his cock in and out." MC "\"Aaah! God! Mmmh! This is...\"" MC "{i}This is so wrong! I'm naked outside and getting fucked in the ass by Marc in front of his basketball friend!{/i}" Ma "\"Oooh! Shit! Your ass always feels so good!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve "Taking his time, Marc slowly kept sodomizing Myriam, pulling out slowly after pushing it hard inside her, making her scream in pleasure every time he thrust his cock deep in her ass." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! You're loving it like this!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" MC "{i}God! I know it's wrong but I can't stop loving it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 064 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 063 with dissolve "Keeping the pace, Marc continued his slow pulls and deep hard thrusts, pushing Myriam further and further towards an orgasm, as her pleasure kept climbing." Ma "\"Aaah! Tell my friend what I'm doing and how much you like it!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Please! Mmmh! I-I can't!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Say it!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! He-he's fucking my ass!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! And?\"" MC "\"Aaah! And I love it! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 065 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after keeping the pace for a moment and enduring the pleasure, Myriam started to scream her pleasure as she climaxed, pushing Marc to his limits as he pulled out and started cumming on her back!" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! MMMMMMH!!!\"" Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE YOU GO!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 066 with dissolve "Done cumming, Marc turned towards his friend, slapping a stunned Myriam's butt, with a body still quivering from her orgasm." Ma "\"Here! I kept her ass nice and clean, and came on her back so you can have your fun without trouble!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Aaah...!\"" NiH "\"Thanks! Is she ok?\"" Ma "\"Oh! Yeah, don't worry, she just came hard. {w}Come, I'll have her raise her butt so you have a better position to fuck her in the ass.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 067 with dissolve "Doing as Marc asked her after he stepped aside, Myriam raised her butt higher, putting her legs under her and inviting his friend to have a turn." MC "\"He-here! Please, en-enjoy my ass too!\"" NiH "\"Holy shit! I can't believe it!\"" Ma "\"And don't worry, you can fuck her ass hard, she loves it rough.\"" NiH "\"For real?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Go to town man! She's a total anal slut!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve "Not waiting for any confirmation from her part, Nick quickly started pounding Myriam's ass without any reservations, firmly grabbing her butt as he started thrusting hard." NiH "\"Aaah! Here! You like that?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! And that's true! What's wrong with me, I'm being passed around and fucked outside in my own garden and loving it!{/i}" NiH "\"Aaah! I'm going to pound that sweet ass of yours then!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Please!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 069 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 068 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Nick kept pounding Myriam harder and deeper, toying around with her as she could feel him searching for the best angle to make her scream in pleasure." NiH "\"Oooh! Yeah! I can feel how much you're loving it!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! Aaah!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! You love getting fucked outside in view of all your neighbors!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmh! I'm loving it!\"" MC "{i}God! That's true! Just the thought is getting me even wetter!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 070 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And quickly as with Marc, Myriam had another anal orgasm as Nick pushed her over the edge before cumming all over her back in turn." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!!!\"" NiH "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 071 with dissolve "Stepping aside, Nick profusely thanked Marc for sharing Myriam with him, while she laid down trying her best to get her wits back after her two orgasms." NiH "\"Fuck man! That was... {w}That was fucking unbelievable!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! I told you so...\"" NiH "\"Yeah! I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to blow your own trumpet to act cool, but man I was wrong...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 072 with dissolve "As everybody was cooling down and the boys kept talking, Myriam was starting to come down from her pleasure high and regretting letting things go this far again." Ma "\"It's ok, I understand, who would believe that a super hot MILF crazy for cocks would be real.\"" NiH "\"Yeah, right!\"" MC "{i}God! I let things go too far again! I know I liked it and wanted to help Marc get his street creds, but I feel so dirty... {w}I better go back in discreetly while they're busy gloating.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 073 with dissolve "But as Myriam tried to sneak between them, Marc stopped her, suddenly grabbing her by the arm." Ma "\"Where are you going like that Mi?\"" MC "\"I-I just thought...\"" Ma "\"Come on, we're just starting to have fun.\"" NiH "\"Yeah! We can still go at it Mrs Summers!\"" Ma "\"Let's go in! We've got a few hours before Kathy and William come back from Jenny's.\"" MC "{i}My god! He's not done yet, isn't he had enough to help him around with Nick?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 074 with dissolve "Still holding her by the arm, Marc showed Myriam her butt plug again, stunning her again by how perverted he could be and how much it excited her." Ma "\"But here, before we go, open your mouth!\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe it, he-he want's me to put it in my mouth! Why does that excite me? Did I really became such a pervert?{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 075 with dissolve "Taking the plug in her mouth without a word, Myriam let Marc guide her by the arm to the house, all while he kept talking to Nick about what they were going to do as if she wasn't there." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 076 with dissolve "Following him as he pulled her by the arm, Myriam let Marc guide her to the house, all while he kept talking to Nick about what they were going to do as if she wasn't there." MC "{i}My god! Things have totally gotten out of hand...{/i}" Ma "\"Man, you thought her ass was good, wait until you try her mouth!\"" NiH "\"Yeah?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! She has no gag reflex and she deepthroats like a real pornstar!\"" NiH "\"No shit!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! You'll see, we'll put on some of the homemade porn my dad made with her and have her blow us while we watch!\"" MC "{i}...but why can't I help but feel excited!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update8" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_going_back_in_wet:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 077 with dissolve "Leaving the two boys behind, Myriam quickly headed towards the house, feeling that if she had stayed, things would have quickly gone out of hand." MC "{i}I think you made the right choice here...{/i}" MC "{i}Things would have quickly gone crazy if I'd stayed like this with them.{/i}" Ma "{i}Shit! That's too bad, things were going great!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update8" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_taking_control:" $ ch3_dominated_the_boys = True scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 078 with dissolve "Keeping her calm, Myriam turned back towards the boys, amused to find them silently looking away like kids caught with the hand in the cookie jar." Ma "\"Sorry... My joke went too far...\"" MC "\"That it did...\"" NiH "\"...\"" MC "{i}Look at these two! They act tough and macho, but show them a bit of teeth and they crawl back to being kids... {w}That make me want to tease them a bit.{/i}" MC "\"It's ok, you can look...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 079 with dissolve "Quickly turning their head back towards her at her words, their gaze flew in flash towards her breasts and between her legs." MC "{i}Ha ha ha! Look at that, they quickly recovered!{/i}" Ma "\"For real!?\"" MC "\"Yeah, it's ok too look when the girl tells you so.\"" NiH "\"Wow! You're so gorgeous!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 080 with dissolve "As their gaze kept intently burning towards her breasts and pussy, Myriam quickly noticed them keeping their hands to their groins, shifting uncomfortably as they kept trying to hide their boners." MC "{i}God! Teenagers are so simplistic, this is really funny... {w}They were feeling empowered to see me embarrassed before and now that I'm showing some control and dominance, they are like puppies.{/i}" MC "\"So, does that make you happy to see me naked like this?\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah!\"" NiH "\"Definitely!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 081 with dissolve MC "\"How do you call a woman like me already? I know I hear kids at school call me something...\"" NiH "\"A MILF!\"" MC "\"And what does it mean already?\"" Ma "\"Mother I'd Like to Fuck!\"" MC "{i}I knew it was something outrageous, but dear god! Is that really how people see me, a mom they would like to fuck!?{/i}" MC "\"And I guess that with the state of your shorts, that's what you think too...\"" Ma "\"...\"" NiH "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 082 with dissolve Ma "\"Yeah, you're kind of the top MILF at school...\"" MC "\"Oooh! So I made the top...\"" NiH "\"Yeah, ever since you arrived at school.\"" MC "{i}Well, I can't really judge them for fantasizing over the women they see at school, everybody has their own fantasies, even I had some, but still, let's teach them a little lesson.{/i}" MC "\"Alright, you know what!? Get up and let's see what grades you have!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 083 with dissolve "Jumping up to her words, both took off their shorts and presented their hard cocks proudly in front of her." NiH "\"Here! Look at that, I'm pretty big!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! But I'm bigger!\"" MC "{i}Look at these two trying to show off like peacocks! They jumped right where I knew they would!{/i}" MC "\"Yeah, that's pretty nice tools you have boys...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 084 with dissolve MC "\"But that's not really what I asked...\"" Ma "\"What?\"" NiH "\"...\"" MC "{i}He he he! Here we go...{/i}" MC "\"I talked about grades, school grades... {w}So what was it? What was your last school grade?\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 085 with dissolve NiH "\"HA! This time I win, I got an A-!\"" MC "\"Not bad.\"" Ma "\"Damn it! I just got a D-.\"" MC "{i}And here you go! I knew his grades went down, this will be a good way to teach him a lesson for trying to show me off to his friends and maybe motivate him for school.{/i}" MC "\"Then Nick, you're the one on top this time, that deserves a little reward.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 086 with dissolve MC "\"I'll let you jerk off over these breasts you like so much, while Marc will quietly sit on the chair and wait.\"" NiH "\"YES!\"" Ma "\"What!? But that's not fair!\"" MC "\"Well, maybe next time you'll try to work a little more for your grades.\"" Ma "\"But!\"" MC "\"Hush! Now sit down and if you keep that dick hard until he finishes, without touching it, maybe I'll let you finish on my feet.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 087 with dissolve "Moving in front of Nick, Myriam presented her breasts to him so he could masturbate over them as she promised, while Marc was doing his best to focus and stay hard as she gagged him." MC "{i}God! I'm totally crazy, I don't know what's gotten into me, but that power feels so exhilarating...{/i}" MC "\"Is that alright Nick?\"" NiH "\"Aaah! Yeah! It's perfect! They-they're perfect!\"" Ma "{i}Damn it! I've got to stay hard, I've got to stay hard, I've got to stay hard! Focus Marc! Focus!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve "As Nick started masturbating, Myriam kept pushing her breasts together, lifting them for him so it would make a nice target for him, all while teasing him." MC "\"Oh! So you really like them?\"" NiH "\"Aaah! Yes! Yo-your breasts are stupendous!\"" MC "{i}Ha ha ha! These teenagers are so easy to wrap around your finger! But I can't deny that this fervor and admiration feels quite exciting!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 088 with dissolve "As if he feared she would change her mind at any moment, Nick kept masturbating furiously, aiming for Myriam's big breasts, eager to cover them with his cum." MC "{i}Look at him, he's so eager to spray his cum all over my breasts that he's jerking off like a machine.{/i}" MC "\"Are you ready to cum for me and cover my breasts?\"" NiH "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! Yeah!! I-I'm about to cum! I'm about to...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 091 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 092 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as he suddenly cut short his sentence, Nick suddenly ejaculated on her chest, screaming loudly as loads of cum came crashing all over her breasts." NiH "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! AAAH! CUMMING!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! That's it, give me everything!\"" MC "{i}Here you go! Look at all the cum he's given me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 093 with dissolve "Cleaning up the rest of his cum from his cock with her hand, Myriam spread it along with the rest on her chest, while he thanked her profusely as if it had been the greatest honor of his life." MC "{i}Either he must have been quite pent up or he was really excited...{/i}" NiH "\"Tha-thanks! Tha-that was really the best! I came so much! It-it's...\"" MC "{i}He he he! Looks like the latter.{/i}" MC "\"It's ok, you deserved it.\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 094 with dissolve "Bringing her attention to Marc, Myriam stood up and came towards him putting her foot in front of his still hard cock, while Nick gave her space, brought his attention to her butt." MC "\"Mmmh! I see you managed to keep it up.\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah!\"" MC "{i}Let's not be too cruel and let him finish on my foot as I promised.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, then I guess I'll have to allow you to finish yourself on my foot...\"" Ma "\"Thanks...\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 095 with dissolve "But as Marc started masturbating while looking at her leg and foot, Myriam was suddenly surprised by Nick kneeling down behind her and started massaging and spreading her butt." MC "\"Ha! What do you think you're doing Nick?\"" NiH "\"Sorry! I thought it would be only fair to return the favor.\"" MC "{i}Oh! And why not! But I've got to keep control!{/i}" MC "\"Ok, but only with your tongue!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 096 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" "Following her command, Nick dove his face into Myriam's butt and started rimming her asshole with his tongue after taking off her butt plug, while Marc kept jerking off at her feet." KN_MOD "else:" "Following her command, Nick dove his face into Myriam's butt and started rimming her asshole with his tongue, while Marc kept jerking off at her feet." NiH "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}Wow! I thought he would reach for my pussy, but that's not bad either, this feels so strange...{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 097 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Moments later, as Nick kept rimming Myriam, Marc suddenly grunted and started ejaculating on Myriam's foot." Ma "\"AAARGH!\"" NiH "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 098 with dissolve "And following Marc's cumming over her foot, Myriam ended up climaxing in suit as Nick kept on teasing and rimming her very sensitive asshole." NiH "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 099 with dissolve "Pushing the drinks, Myriam quickly sat on the garden table, having to rest as her legs felt weak after climaxing from Nick's tongue work on her ass." MC "{i}God! I never thought I could cum from just a tongue in my ass! That little pervert really made me cum.{/i}" NiH "\"...\"" Ma "\"...\"" "And as everybody was staying silent, both basking into the pleasure and the awkwardness that followed, Myriam's gaze wandered towards Nick's cock, hard and pointing up again after pleasuring her." MC "{i}God! I'm feeling restless now! He's hard again and my ass is itching so much for his cock!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_19_a_last_anal_ride:" "Does Myriam give in to her urges?" KN_MOD "God! Fuck it! I want his cock in my ass!:" $ ch3_anal_with_nick = True MC "{i}God! Fuck it! I want his cock in my ass! He clearly wants more and I'm just itching for it now! Just keep calm and stay in control...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_anal_with_nick" KN_MOD "No, I better calm things down before I lose control over the situation.:" MC "{i}No, I better calm things down before I lose control over the situation.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_leading_the_boys_in" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_anal_with_nick:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 100 with dissolve "Turning over and leaning forward on the garden table, Myriam pushed her ass towards Nick, inviting him to come and fuck it." MC "\"Say Nick, I thing that grade of yours deserves some extra credits! What do you say about a little anal examination?\"" NiH "\"Wow! For real!?\"" MC "\"For real! Come on here and push that cock of yours in my ass!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! And me!?\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 101 with dissolve "As Myriam answered Marc, Nick quickly came behind her and pushed his cock in her ass, grabbing her hips as he penetrated her without wait, fearing again he would miss his chance if he ever hesitated." MC "\"Sorry Marc, but... Aaah! You will just have to enjoy the show!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Dear god his cock feels good! I really needed it!{/i}" Ma "\"That's so unfair!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! Holy shit! I don't believe it!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve "Quickly starting to fuck her ass, Nick couldn't believe when Myriam started to entice him to go harder and deeper with a commanding tone." MC "\"Aaah! Harder Nick! Harder!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! What!? A-are you sure? Mmmh! I-I don't want to hurt you...\"" MC "\"Aaah! I said harder! Pound my ass as hard as you can!\"" NiH "\"Oooh! Fuck it! Here I come!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! This feels so great to have the power! I'm feeling so high and excited!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve "Following Myriam's commands, Nick kept pounding Myriam's ass deep and hard, listening to each and every one of her desires and guidance, trying to enjoy the moment as long as he could." NiH "\"Aaah! Like this!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Don't stop!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! He's following every command I give him, he's doesn't have the biggest cock but he's so devoted to my pleasure, it's intoxicating!{/i}" NiH "\"Aaah! I'm sorry, but I won't be long! Mmmh! I'm about to come!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! No! You can't! Mmmmmmh! Not before I tell you when!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 103 with dissolve scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 102 with dissolve "Trying his best to resist and endure the torture of wanting to cum, Nick kept pounding Myriam as roughly as she asked him, not stopping for a second until she would allow him to cum." NiH "\"Ooooooh! God! Oooh! God! Oooh! God! Aaargh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Don't stop! Don't stop! Mmmmmmh! I'm about to cum!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! This feels so good! Mmmmmmh!{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 104 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, as Nick heard Myriam scream her pleasure, Myriam allowed him to cum, shouting for him to cover her back with cum." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH! NOW COVER MY BACK WITH YOUR CUM!\"" NiH "\"OOOOOOH! HERE! I'M CUMMING!! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 105 with dissolve "Getting up on still shaky legs, Myriam tried glancing at her back, feeling the heavy load Nick had given her, while he thanked her profusely again for letting him have anal sex." MC "\"Dear god! You really did a number on my back!\"" NiH "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! I think I never came so much in my life! Tha-that was the best, I never thought anal sex would feel so good!\"" Ma "{i}Fuck! This is so unfair! I didn't even get to blow another load!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe how much he covered me with, teasing him really had some effect! But I should stop now or things will get out of control.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_19_leading_the_boys_in" KN_MOD "label ch3_19_leading_the_boys_in:" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 106 with dissolve "Her wits back and her body calmed down, Myriam passed by the two, heading still naked towards the house, just giving a word to the two boys." MC "\"Well, boys! I think it's time I go back in...\"" Ma "\"What!? No, wait!\"" NiH "\"We-we can go in too?\"" MC "{i}Look at these starved chickens! They had one taste and they can't get enough now, I better be firm and keep control of things.{/i}" scene bg ch3_19 thepoolboys 107 with dissolve "Following Myriam like two little chicks starving for attention, the two boys stayed on her heels, hoping for more as Myriam kept walking inside." MC "\"Well, you can come in if you want, but I'm just going in to take a shower and change.\"" NiH "\"Maybe we can help inside?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Like clean up and all!\"" MC "{i}Look at that, now I have two little helpers if that isn't just a trip! Well, I guess I can channel them now, I've got to think on something.{/i}" MC "\"You could clean up the pool area while I take my shower.\"" NiH "\"Ok!\"" Ma "\"Deal!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update8" KN_MOD "label ch3_update8:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update8 from _call_var_chapter3_update8" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_the_pool_boy_part2" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_the_pool_boy_part2:" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == False:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_in_with_dress" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "if ch3_heading_back_inside_in_bikini == True or ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_in_with_bikini" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_following_the_boys" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_leading_the_boys" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_going_in_with_dress:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 001 with dissolve "Leaving the boys together at the pool, Myriam went back into the kitchen to clean up dishes from the breakfast and making the cocktails." "Splash, slosh, slosh!" MC "{i}Let's get this done then I'll go work on preparing the gymnastic competition for the school team.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 002 with dissolve "As she kept washing the dishes mechanically, Myriam's mind kept wandering on the coming gymnastic competition." MC "{i}Since the boys are occupied at the pool and Katherine and William are out, I should use the time to start thinking on it.{/i}" MC "{i}Now that I have a good idea of the team strengths and weaknesses, I should be able to make a first draft for Cleavon.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 003 with dissolve "Finishing up on her dishes, Myriam looked back towards the garden and the pool where the boys were, thinking on how things went." MC "{i}It should be fine leaving the boys at the pool, I think things are going well for Marc.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == False and ch2_marcs_sub_whore == False:" $ ch3_no_naughty_pool_time = True MC "{i}I hope he get the spot he wanted in the team, he worked hard for it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 004 with dissolve "Finished with the dishes, Myriam headed for the master bedroom to work on her gymnastic routine for the coming competition on her computer." MC "{i}Now that's done, let's head upstairs.{/i}" MC "{i}I already got a few ideas that I have to write down.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_back_upstairs" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It looks like they were going along just fine...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_marc_joining_myriam_in_kitchen" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_marc_joining_myriam_in_kitchen:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 005 with dissolve "As she turned back towards the sink to finish cleaning the dishes, Myriam missed Marc coming in." "Splash, slosh, slosh!" Ma "{i}Looks like she's here...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 006 with dissolve "Creeping behind her, Marc suddenly surprised Myriam by grabbing her ass and pushing his groin against her butt." MC "\"Ha! What!? Marc!?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, of course it's me, who do you think it was?\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 007 with dissolve MC "\"I-I don't know, you just surprised me, what are you...?\"" Ma "\"Just coming to see what you were doing, you went away so quickly.\"" MC "\"I just wanted to leave you your space...\"" Ma "\"Why didn't you come down in a bikini like I asked you?\"" MC "\"I... Wait! Let me shut off the water.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 008 with dissolve "As Myriam bent over to shut the water, Marc's attention slipped towards her ass, his hand coming closer to her butt as he started grinded his groin against it." MC "\"Here!\"" Ma "{i}Aaah! That ass, I can never have enough of it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 009 with dissolve "Turning back as Marc was pressing on her back and pushing her against the sink, Myriam tried to calm him down." MC "\"Stop it Marc! We shouldn't...\"" Ma "\"Come on, it's just us and I'm hard.\"" MC "\"But your friend?\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 010 with dissolve Ma "\"Don't worry, we've got the time for a quick fuck.\"" MC "\"Marc, it's too risky...\"" Ma "\"Come on, you can feel how hard I am and you owe me for not coming out in a bikini like I asked.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 011 with dissolve "As the two let their clothes slide to the ground and Marc was about to push his cock in her ass, he suddenly discovered Myriam's butt plug." Ma "\"Wow! A butt plug! That's a nice touch.\"" MC "{i}Oh god! I forgot about it!{/i}" MC "\"I-I...\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry, I love it, I like how you prepared your ass to always be ready to get some.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve "Their clothes off, Marc quickly pushed his cock in Myriam's ass and started sodomizing her against the sink's counter." Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Your ass always feels so fucking good!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Tha-thanks...\"" MC "{i}God! Mmmh! I'm always letting him do whatever he wants...!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve "As Marc kept the pace and kept pounding her ass against the counter, Myriam started pushing her butt against him as her pleasure built up, meeting each of his thrusts." Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! You're loving it!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to make me cum again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 012 with dissolve "And quickly, as Marc started to accelerate the pace, feeling he was about to cum, Myriam reached her limits, screaming her pleasure as she climaxed." MC "\"AAAAAAh! GOD! MMMMMMH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Fuck! Your ass' getting so tight! Get on your knees! Quick!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 014 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Doing as asked Myriam quickly jumped to her knees with her mouth open, immediately filled by Marc's cock as he started emptying his balls in it load after load." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK YEAH! SWALLOW THIS!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 015 with dissolve "Still keeping her head firmly against the counter and his cock in her mouth, Marc wasn't leaving her anywhere to go." Ma "\"Oh! Shit! You always make me cum buckets!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! I seriously want to facefuck you right now, but we can't leave Nick all alone like that.\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Yeah, right! We're gonna join him in the living room and you're gonna take care of us both with your mouth, ok?\"" MC "{i}God! I knew it was going to happen!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 016 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 015 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 016 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 015 with dissolve "Unable to talk with Marc's cock stuffed into her mouth, Myriam blinked a couple of times to acknowledge what he was saying." MC "\"Mmmmmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Good! I brought something for you to wear, I left it in my bag near the stairs, put it on and join us.\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" MC "{i}God! I fear the worst...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_joining_the_boys_in_the_livingroom" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_going_in_with_bikini:" KN_MOD "if ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 017 with dissolve "Directly going back upstairs, Myriam headed for her bathroom to take a shower after swimming into the pool." MC "{i}Let's go take a shower and wash off all the pool water.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 018 with dissolve "Directly going back upstairs, Myriam headed for her bathroom, feeling like she needed to take a shower to calm herself and relax." MC "{i}Let's go take a shower I feel like I need to relax and refresh myself, this heat is starting to get heavy.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I think I'll work on preparing the gymnastic competition for the school team.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini == True:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 019 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 020 with dissolve "As she got in her bedroom, heading for the shower, Myriam's mind kept wandering on the coming gymnastic competition." MC "{i}Since the boys are occupied at the pool and Katherine and William are out, I should use the time to start thinking on it.{/i}" MC "{i}Now that I have a good idea of the team strengths and weaknesses, I should be able to make a first draft for Cleavon.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 021 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping naked into the shower, Myriam quickly washed her body of all the sweat of the day." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! The water feels so good with this heat.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_marcs_fun_whore == True or ch2_marcs_sub_whore == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_marc_joining_in" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 021_5 with dissolve MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}That feels great, but let's just wash off the pool water quickly and get dressed.{/i}" MC "{i}I have some ideas for the gymnastic competition, I need to write down before I lose them.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_back_upstairs" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_marc_joining_in:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 022 with dissolve "Her eyes closed and with the noise of the shower, Myriam didn't hear Marc coming in the bathroom." Ma "{i}Great, she's here, and already naked...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "{i}Hey! That could be fun, let's sneak in!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 023 with dissolve "Creeping behind her after putting down his shorts, Marc suddenly surprised Myriam by grabbing her ass and pushing his groin against her butt." MC "\"Ha! What!? Marc!?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, of course it's me, who do you think it was?\"" MC "\"I-I don't know, you just surprised me!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 024 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Shutting off the water, Myriam tried to turn back, but Marc was firmly keeping her hips against his groin, grinding it against her butt." MC "\"What are you doing Marc? I'm trying to shower.\"" Ma "\"I know, I Just came to see what you were doing, you went away so quickly.\"" MC "\"I just wanted to leave you your space...\"" Ma "\"Why? It would have been more fun if you had stayed.\"" MC "\"I...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 025 with dissolve "As Marc made her bend over, pushing on her back, Myriam didn't stop him, only trying to talk him down from what she knew he wanted to do." Ma "{i}Aaah! That ass, I can never have enough of it...{/i}" MC "\"Ah! Marc, please! We shouldn't...\"" Ma "\"Come on, it's just us and I'm hard.\"" MC "\"But your friend?\"" Ma "\"Don't worry, we've got the time for a quick fuck, just get your hips down and bend over against the wall.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve "As Myriam got her hips down to his level, Marc quickly pushed his cock in her ass and started sodomizing her against the shower wall." Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Your ass always feels so fucking good!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Tha-thanks...\"" MC "{i}God! Mmmh! I'm always letting him do whatever he wants...!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve "As Marc kept the pace and kept pounding her ass, Myriam started pushing her butt against him as her pleasure built up, meeting each of his thrusts." Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! You're loving it!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to make me cum again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 027 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 026 with dissolve "And quickly, as Marc started to accelerate the pace, feeling he was about to cum, Myriam reached her limits, screaming her pleasure as she climaxed." MC "\"AAAAAAh! GOD! MMMMMMH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Fuck! Your ass' getting so tight! Get on your knees! Quick!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 028 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Doing as asked, Myriam quickly fell to her knees with her mouth open, immediately filled by Marc's cock as he started emptying his balls in it load after load." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK YEAH! SWALLOW THIS!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 029 with dissolve "Still keeping her head firmly in place and his cock in her mouth, Marc wasn't leaving her anywhere to go." Ma "\"Oh! Shit! You always make me cum buckets!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Fuck! I seriously want to facefuck you right now, but we can't leave Nick all alone like that.\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Yeah, right! We're gonna join him in the living room and you're gonna take care of us both with your mouth, ok?\"" MC "{i}God! I knew it was going to happen!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 030 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 029 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 030 with dissolve scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 029 with dissolve "Unable to talk with Marc's cock stuffed into her mouth, Myriam blinked a couple of times to acknowledge what he was saying." MC "\"Mmmmmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Good! I brought something for you to wear, I left it on your bed, put it on and join us.\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" MC "{i}God! I fear the worst...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_joining_the_boys_in_the_livingroom" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_following_the_boys:" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 031 with dissolve "As the three entered the living room, Marc invited Nick to sit on the couch while Myriam followed them, her butt plug still in her mouth." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 032 with dissolve "As the three entered the living room, Marc invited Nick to sit on the couch while Myriam followed them." Ma "\"Come on, just go sit, I'll prepare the rest.\"" NiH "\"Ok.\"" MC "{i}God! Why can't I stop myself!? My body is just trembling in anticipation.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_sexy_and_plugged == True:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 033 with dissolve "Turning back towards Myriam, Marc took the butt plug from her mouth before getting to what he was planning." Ma "\"Here.\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 034 with dissolve "Turning back towards Myriam, Marc caressed Myriam's cheek before getting to what he was planning." Ma "\"Say Mi.\"" MC "\"Ye-yes?\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 035 with dissolve Ma "\"I've left something for you to wear near the stairs, it's in my bag.\"" MC "\"What is it?\"" Ma "\"No spoilers, just go clean up and come back with that on.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_joining_the_boys_in_the_livingroom" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_joining_the_boys_in_the_livingroom:" KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == False:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 036 with dissolve "Getting up after taking the bag Marc told her about, Myriam got to her bedroom to change into what he brought her." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 037 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower after Marc left her, Myriam stopped at the bed to change into what he brought her." MC "{i}God! I don't know what he brought, but I'm feeling anxious about it...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, no matter now, it's too late, he didn't leave me any choice.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 038 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_join_the_kids_in_bikini == True:" "Changing into the clothes Marc left in the bag, Myriam took a look at herself in the mirror after drying her hair and styling it into a ponytail." KN_MOD "else:" "Changing into the clothes Marc left in the bag, Myriam took a look at herself in the mirror after styling her hair into a ponytail." MC "{i}Oh my god! This is so... I guess I'm suppose to be a maid, but there's not even any dress or underwear.{/i}" MC "{i}Where did he even got this outfit!? I guess you really can get anything on the internet.{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm going to join the boys dressed like this...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 039 with dissolve "Getting down to the living room, Myriam joined the two boys, waiting for her naked on the couch." Ma "\"Hey! Look Nick, it's our housekeeper.\"" NiH "\"Wow!\"" Ma "\"Come here, I've got something for you to clean up.\"" MC "{i}He must want me to play along...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 040 with dissolve "Giving into the servant role, Myriam came kneeling in front of them and waited for their orders." MC "\"Ye-yes master?\"" Ma "{i}Ha ha ha! Cool, she's playing along.{/i}" Ma "\"I think my friend's tool needs some cleaning, so why don't you take him in your mouth and do what you do best.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 041 with dissolve "Getting between Nick's legs, Myriam took his still limp cock in her hand and guided it to her mouth while Marc launched Anthony's homemade porn behind her." NiH "{i}Holy shit! I can't believe I'm going to have Mrs Summers blowing my cock dressed as a maid!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm playing along and about to blow them while they watch me getting fucked by Anthony.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 042 with dissolve "Taking Nick's cock in her mouth, Myriam quickly felt him getting bigger and harder, filling her mouth and throat as she kept sucking on it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" NiH "\"Ooooooh! Holy shit! She's crazy good!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah, she is!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 043 with dissolve "As she kept going Myriam could hear the homemade porn behind her and the boys commenting on it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! Fuck! That's so fucking hot, being sucked by her and looking at her sucking on another cock on the screen.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! She would make a super porn star, but now's my turn to get some.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 044 with dissolve "Leaving Nick's cock, Myriam jumped to Marc's hard cock, taking it in her mouth and quickly starting to suck on it, following the pace he gave as he pressed on her head." Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! That's it, keep sucking!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! I love the ponytail, it gives you a nice handle on things! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 045 with dissolve "Then as Marc let go of her hair, Myriam jumped from one cock to another, sucking on one while using her hand on the other to keep him hard." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" NiH "\"Ooooooh! Shit! I'm going to cum!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! Then go for it man, feed her your cum she'll swallow it, she's crazy about it.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 046 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Following Marc's words, Nick stopped resisting, filling her mouth full of cum which she swallowed without a thought as Marc had said she would." NiH "\"OOOOOOH! CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 047 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As she finished swallowing every last drop of Nick's cum, Myriam jumped to Marc's cock just in time to catch his load of cum, quickly swallowing as he gushed into her mouth." Ma "\"AAARGH! YEAH! SWALLOW EVERYTHING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 048 with dissolve "Finished cumming, Marc lifted Myriam's head, grabbing her by the chin to tell her what would follow now that she was done sucking on their cocks." Ma "\"You did good with that mouth of yours!\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks...\"" Ma "\"Now go straddle his cock, I'm going to use your ass!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 049 with dissolve "Doing as Marc told her, Myriam straddled Nick's cock, taking him in her pussy while Marc looked at her going up and down as the homemade porn kept playing one after the other in the background." NiH "\"Aaah! Shit! This is so good and she's so wet!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Like this?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Just perfect, now lean forward, I'm going to slide my cock in your ass.\"" MC "{i}God! This is so wrong, but I'm so excited!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 050 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Marc climbed behind Myriam and pushed his hard cock in her ass while she was still riding Nick's cock." NiH "\"Oooh! Fuck! She's getting even tighter!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! This is so...! Mmmmmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! She's loving getting double stuffed!\"" MC "\"Aaah! God! Yes! Mmmh! Yes!!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 051 with dissolve "Excited by her moans of pleasure, both started fucking Myriam without reserve, pounding her pussy and ass hard and deep in awkward rhythm as both pursued their own pleasure." Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! Your ass has never been so tight! Take that!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh! God! Yes! Aaaaaaah! Yes! Fuck me hard!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! Her pussy's so hot she's melting my cock!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 052 with dissolve "And as both kept accelerating the pace, finally finding a rhythm between them, the boys pushed Myriam into a violent orgasm as she screamed her pleasure while both cocks kept pounding her hard." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah, that's it cum for us slut!!\"" NiH "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" Ma "\"Aaah! Fuck! She's so fucking tight now, I'm going to bust a nut again! Aaah! Get on your knees!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 053 with dissolve "Her body still trembling, Myriam went on her knees as Marc pulled her to the ground by the hair, waiting for them to finish themselves as both started to furiously jerking off in front of her." Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! Just like that! Don't move! Aaah! We're going to redo your makeup!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Plea-please give me everything!\"" NiH "\"Oooh! I'm going to cum again!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 054 with dissolve "True to their word, Myriam quickly saw the two cocks in front of her starting to spit loads of cum one after the other, heavy and thick loads crashing on her face with every grunt." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING SLUT!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" NiH "\"OOOOOOH! SHIT! HERE YOU GO!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 055 with dissolve "Both finished cumming, they started laughing and joking as the intense high of pleasure they felt still had a hold on them, while Myriam waited for them on her knees, her face covered in a warm and thick coat of cum." NiH "\"Shit man, that was crazy!\"" Ma "\"Ha ha ha! I told you it would be the best.\"" NiH "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! You did.\"" Ma "\"But we're not done yet, my balls are still aching for more.\"" NiH "\"Yeah! Me too.\"" Ma "\"Let's spit roast the shit out of her! You take the ass this time and I'm going to use her mouth!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 056 with dissolve "Guided by the boys, Myriam went on all fours over the coffee table, quickly followed by Nick climbing over her, pushing his cock in her ass while Marc came in front of her to make her suck on his." Ma "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's it, come and clean up that cock like the good slutty maid you are!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" NiH "\"Oooooh! Fuck! Her ass is so fucking tight!\"" "Taken over by the pleasure, Nick quickly accelerated the pace, pounding Myriam's ass hard and fast, pushing her on Marc's cock, making her take more of it with each thrust." NiH "\"Aaah! Aaah! Aaaaaah!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! That's it man! Pound that ass!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 057 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly, as Nick kept sodomizing Myriam hard and deep, Marc reached his limits in her mouth grabbing her head with both hand as he throat fucked her roughly for his stretch before cumming deep in her throat." Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! SWALLOW EVERYTHING SLUT!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp! Mmmpf!\"" NiH "\"Aaah! I'm about to cum too!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 058 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly following Marc's climax, Nick exploded deep in Myriam's ass, pushing her as well into another orgasm as her muffled screams of pleasure barely passed the cock still deep in her throat." NiH "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! I'M FILLING YOU UP!\"" MC "\"MMMPF! MMMMMMPF!! MMMMMMPF!!!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! I can feel her throat clenching on my cock while she cums! She definitely felt it!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 059 with dissolve "Finally pulling out of her after some time, the two boys started talking again about their performance as if Myriam was not there while she rested still on the coffee table." NiH "\"Fuck man! That was so...\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I know, I don't think I ever cum so hard before! Double teaming is the best!\"" NiH "\"That's for sure!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't argue they made me cum hard, but they're really too much talking like that...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 060 with dissolve Ma "\"Fuck! That would make me want to wait for Katherine and try her out too!\"" MC "{i}Wait! What!? What did he say!?{/i}" NiH "\"Wow! Man calm down!\"" Ma "\"What? You don't find her hot as well?\"" NiH "\"Dude! That's...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 061 with dissolve "Cutting short Nick's answer, Myriam quickly jumped on her feet, brutally shocked out of her mental haze by the mention of Katherine." MC "\"Marc Kunt! Are you crazy! What did I just hear you say!?\"" Ma "\"Hey! I was just...\"" NiH "{i}Yeah! Saw that one coming man! Let's just shut up and stay discreet here...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 062 with dissolve MC "\"You were just what!? Casually proposing to rape my daughter in front of me!?\"" Ma "\"No! I swear! I-I...\"" MC "\"I what!?\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 063 with dissolve Ma "\"I'm sorry, I was just blowing hot air... I wasn't really going to do it...\"" MC "\"For god sake! Marc! Do you realize what you are saying? You were joking of raping my daughter in front of me!\"" Ma "\"I know, I'm sorry, that was stupid of me...\"" MC "\"Yes! It was, and so many levels!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 064 with dissolve Ma "\"I...\"" MC "\"Stop! Not another word! Give me a minute to calm down!\"" Ma "{i}Shit! I totally fucked up here!{/i}" MC "{i}God! How did we get here!? This is my fault for letting things get so far!{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 065 with dissolve MC "\"Listen Marc, this is my fault, I don't know what came over me to let things go this far, I thought at one point that it would help you feel better but things quickly got out of control.\"" Ma "\"No, it's me...\"" MC "\"No, I'm the responsible adult Marc, I'm suppose to teach you what's wrong or right.\"" Ma "\"Still, I know I went too far...\"" MC "\"That you did, so now you're both going to get dressed again and wait for me in the entrance hall while I clean myself up..\"" Ma "\"Yes...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 066 with dissolve "Looking at the two boys heading out of the room, Myriam sighed out of mental exhaustion, feeling as if a veil had just dropped, finally revealing the truth behind." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! This situation is so screwed up...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope I can salvage this and get back Marc on track before he ends up like his father.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 067 with dissolve "Going upstairs to her own bathroom, Myriam cleaned off the cum that was still covering her face." MC "{i}Here you go!{/i}" MC "{i}God! They really did a number on me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 068 with dissolve "Leaning over the sink, Myriam looked at herself in the mirror, calmly trying to think on what would be the best course of action now." MC "{i}And look at you! Dressed like that in front of boys, how did you think it would go Myriam...{/i}" MC "{i}You brought this on yourself and you've got to make things right, you have to put Marc back onto the right track or he'll become just like his dad.{/i}" MC "{i}You saw how sorry he looked, he's not lost yet...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 069 with dissolve "Changing back into her dress, Myriam joined the boys in the entrance hall, both already dressed and waiting for her like criminals awaiting their sentence." MC "\"So, what do we do now?\"" NiH "{i}Stay discreet man...{/i}" Ma "\"I don't know...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 070 with dissolve MC "\"Well, first I think you've got to stop messing around Marc, I'm fully at fault for letting things go this far, but you went way too far now Marc.\"" Ma "\"I know, I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"An apology is not enough Marc, you've got to get into gear and actively do better, stop messing around with all this sexual stuff and the bully act.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 071 with dissolve Ma "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"Marc, if you want me to fight for you so you can live with me and Katherine, you can't repeat how your father was with me.\"" Ma "\"I know...\"" Ma "{i}She's right...{/i}" MC "\"I could never tell you how to feel about your father Marc, but the violence and the bullying were the reasons things failed between us.\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I know...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 072 with dissolve MC "\"So you have to do better Marc, we both do, and I know you can, you're a sweet boy.\"" Ma "\"I will, I promise!\"" MC "\"That's what I wanted to hear.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 073 with dissolve MC "\"And that's right for you as well Nick.\"" NiH "\"Ye-yeah!\"" MC "\"Again I know I was at fault letting things go this far, but you still took advantage, though it was right of you to try and calm things down in the end.\"" NiH "\"I'm sorry Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"So now I hope you two will walk a straight line and concentrate on school.\"" Ma "\"We will.\"" NiH "\"Yes, we will!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 074 with dissolve "Staying at the door and looking at the two boys leaving, Myriam was both sad and hopeful about the future." MC "{i}God! I really hope things can go right from now on, if only it could, at least all this mess would have had a point.{/i}" MC "{i}How did I let myself slip like that!?{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, don't start, no point mulling it over now, let's get some work done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_back_upstairs" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_leading_the_boys:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 075 with dissolve "Leaving the boys to clean up the side of the pool as they promised, Myriam headed upstairs to her bedroom, so she could clean up and change." MC "{i}Let's take a quick shower and wash off the sweat and pool water.{/i}" MC "{i}And it'll give me the time to calm down and get my head straight before joining the boys again.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 076 with dissolve "Quickly slipping into the shower, Myriam let the water wash off the cleaning products from the swimming pool, massaging her neck to relax the tension." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, relax! Things didn't go that badly, just go change and wrap things up properly to get Marc back on track.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 077 with dissolve "Out of the shower, Myriam changed back into her dress, stopping a moment again in front of the mirror before joining the boys again." MC "{i}Now it's time to decide, do I really use sexuality to motivate Marc?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_20_play_the_dominatrix:" "What does Myriam decide?" KN_MOD "Its worth a shot...:" $ ch3_sex_for_grades = True MC "{i}It's worth a shot and maybe it'll help calm down his bullying tendencies he got from his father.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_two_naked_boys_in_a_living_room" KN_MOD "No, I better not...:" MC "{i}No, I better not, it was already a bad idea.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_two_naked_boys_in_a_living_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_two_naked_boys_in_a_living_room:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 078 with dissolve "Getting downstairs, Myriam joined the boys in the living room, finding the two sitting on the couch naked, looking at her with stars in their eyes." MC "{i}Dear god look at them! They're so obviously waiting for more naughty business that it's sad to watch...{/i}" NiH "\"Mrs Summers!\"" Ma "\"Mi! We-we did as you asked, we cleaned up things outside.\"" NiH "\"And we did the dishes!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 079 with dissolve "Not saying a word before sitting in front of them, legs crossed, Myriam looked down at their limp penises while their gaze went down to her legs." MC "\"Well, that's nice of you two, but...\"" NiH "\"...\"" Ma "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"But I don't see why you are still naked.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 080 with dissolve "Shocked and disappointed, the two boys mumbled their delusions, their words dying down as they realized they got it wrong and were not about to get some naughty bonuses for their pain." Ma "\"But we-we thought you said that...\"" NiH "\"That if we help, you would...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 081 with dissolve MC "\"Did I though?\"" NiH "\"...\"" Ma "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_sex_for_grades == True:" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Look at you two so disappointed, no I'm sorry, it's all for today, but...\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 082 with dissolve "At Myriam's last word, a light of hope suddenly flashed into the two boys eyes at the mere thought that there could be a possibility." Ma "\"But!?\"" NiH "\"If we do more maybe!?\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 083 with dissolve MC "\"Well, let's go with this, I will reward good grades! An \"A\" for anal, a \"B\" for a blowjob, a \"C\" for a cumshot, but \"D\" or less and it's dick for you.\"" MC "{i}They definitely look hooked, but let's put some ground rules...{/i}" MC "\"Though of course, I must have proof and I set the rules, if I say \"no\" or \"stop\", that's it.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 084 with dissolve Ma "\"For real!?\"" NiH "\"Yes! Yes!!\"" MC "\"Maybe, but you'll have to do better at school if you want any \"rewards\".\"" Ma "\"I will! I'll definitely will!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 085 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_sex_for_grades == True:" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Good, but for today it's a wrap boys, no more naughy business.\"" MC "{i}God! That's done now, I really got him, I hope it can motivate him to change his act and get serious with school.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry boys, but for today it's a wrap, no more naughy business.\"" MC "{i}Boy do they look disappointed, but it's better that way, I don't want things to escalate.{/i}" MC "\"So for now, you should get your things and head back home before your father asks himself where you are.\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 086 with dissolve "Accompanying them to the door after they had dressed again, Myriam said goodbye to Marc, giving him a few last words of encouragement before following Nick outside." Ma "\"Bye Mi, and thank you for today.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_sex_for_grades == True:" MC "\"Bye Marc and I hope you will give your best at school.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Bye Marc, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I hope it will help with your friend.\"" Ma "\"Definitely!\"" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 087 with dissolve "Staying at the door and looking at the two boys leaving, Myriam was both amused and hopeful about the future." MC "{i}Look at them all giddy, I can't say I didn't have fun as well, but I hope it really helps Marc get back on track.{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, don't start, no point mulling it over now, let's get some work done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_20_going_back_upstairs" KN_MOD "label ch3_20_going_back_upstairs:" KN_MOD "if ch3_heading_back_inside_in_bikini == False and ch3_heading_back_inside_in_wet_bikini == False:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 088 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_no_naughty_pool_time == True:" "Getting upstairs after finishing cleaning the dishes, Myriam headed for her bedroom to work on her planning for the coming gymnastic competition." KN_MOD "else:" "Getting upstairs after leaving the boys at the door, Myriam headed for her bedroom to work on her planning for the coming gymnastic competition." MC "{i}I've got to take a look at the material Cleavon sent me on the other school teams and old competitions, I need to see what's todays level of competition...{/i}" MC "{i}And I need to write down the ideas I had before I lose them.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 088_5 with dissolve "Quickly finishing her shower and drying her hair, Myriam headed for her bed to work on her laptop after dressing again." MC "{i}Here you go, let's get to work.{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to take a look at the material Cleavon sent me on the other school teams and old competitions, I need to see what's todays level of competition...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 089 with dissolve "Looking at Cleavon's materials for some time, Myriam analyzed the last few years competitions, trying to see how it all evolved since she had stopped competing." MC "{i}Well, that's a pretty high level, there are some new routines and you can see the difficulty expectations have changed as well...{/i}" MC "{i}We're kind of short on time, but I don't think there will be too much problem being ready.{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 090 with dissolve "Done with the data review, Myriam wrote down her notes to keep track of her thoughts and started to work on her planning for the team." MC "{i}Stella and William are already in the top tier with what I saw, they're sure to finish on the podium.{/i}" MC "{i}And I think the rest of the team will be able to do well as well...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 091 with dissolve "Working for some time on the computer, Myriam started to feel tired, feeling the tension in her eyes as she started yawning." MC "\"Waaaaaah!\"" MC "{i}God! It's been a while since I passed so much time on the screen, my eyes are killing me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 092 with dissolve "Laying back to rest a moment, Myriam closed her eyes, hoping to avoid the headache she felt was coming." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Let's stop a moment before I end up having a headache, the main part is already done anyway...{/i}" scene bg ch3_20 thepoolboyspart2 093 with dissolve "But as Myriam rested on her bed and started to relax, sleep quickly took her." MC "{i}The rest is just some fine tuning...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmmh... Zzzzzz...!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_a_weird_dream" KN_MOD "label ch3_21_a_weird_dream:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Weird Dream" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch1_but_give_me_choice_because_I_am_a_coward == True:" KN_MOD "menu ch3_21_what_a_weird_dream:" "Will you have a peek at what strange creature come haunting Myriam's dreams?" KN_MOD "Yes, show me weird things!.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_dreaming_of_a_maze" KN_MOD "No, Im scared! I want to see kittens in a basket.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_dream_or_nightmare" KN_MOD "elif ch1_show_me_weird_things == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_dreaming_of_a_maze" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_dream_or_nightmare" KN_MOD "label ch3_21_dreaming_of_a_maze:" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 001 with dissolve "Still asleep, Myriam didn't feel anything amiss as her surroundings changed, passing from the warm bed of her room to the cold floor of a strange place." MC "\"Zzzzzz...!\"" "Splish-splash!" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 002 with dissolve "But quickly as her body started to feel the cold water on the ground, Myriam opened her eyes, waking up as the water absorbed the warmth of her body." "Splish-splash!" MC "{i}Mmmh... Wha-what...!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 003 with dissolve "The haze of confusion leaving her as she quickly realized something wasn't normal, Myriam started looking around to understand what was happening." MC "{i}God! What!? Where am I!?{/i}" MC "{i}I just laid my head down a moment and...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 004 with dissolve "Looking around Myriam finally realized not only she was in a strange unknown place, but she was also naked, her clothes being nowhere to be found." MC "\"Haaa! What the...!?\"" MC "{i}God! Where are my clothes!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 005 with dissolve "Getting up and hiding herself as a reflex, Myriam started to feel fear rising, being lost naked in the middle of what looked like a strange dungeon." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Where am I!? Is this a dream? This feels so real...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 006 with dissolve "Looking up as she searched for the origin of the red light Myriam hoped to see a landmark or anything else that could help her understand where she was." MC "{i}And what about this light!? Where did it come from...?{/i}" MC "{i}Oh my god! There's not even stars or anything else, everything is pitch black!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 007 with dissolve "Walking slowly and silently to the corner, Myriam looked around discreetly to see the same big stone walls and eerie red light." MC "{i}God! It's just the same, more stone walls and red light...{/i}" MC "{i}But it looks like it's branching out in two passages.{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 008 with dissolve "Walking to the junction, Myriam stopped between them, looking left and right to try and decide which way to go next." MC "{i}They just look the same, one going left, one going right...{/i}" MC "{i}Do I just go randomly?{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 009 with dissolve MC "{i}No, let's go right!{/i}" MC "{i}I remember Katherine saying that in all her video games all you had to do with labyrinths was to always follow the same wall.{/i}" MC "{i}You'll always find the exit that way if it was on only one level...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 010 with dissolve "Walking for some time in the damp dungeon, Myriam kept exploring, following her daughter's rule and hoping to find the exit that way." MC "{i}God! I don't know for how long I've been walking since I woke up, but it feels like hours, let's take a rest.{/i}" MC "{i}These steps will do great, at least I'll be able to sit without being in the water...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 011 with dissolve "Sitting at the top, Myriam tried to relax a moment, feeling tired with all the walking around and the constant cold and humidity." MC "{i}God! This feels great! It's absolutely uncomfortable, but at least it's dry.{/i}" MC "{i}My hair just can't dry with all this humidity and I'm so cold...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 012 with dissolve MC "{i}I hope I did right, following what Katherine said, I remember she said it worked if there wasn't any levels but also if it was from the entrance...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, anyway it's better than doing nothing or going randomly...{/i}" "Spash! Splash! Splash!" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 013 with dissolve MC "\"...!?\"" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" MC "{i}It sounded like steps in the water...{/i}" "Spash! Splash! Splash!" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 014 with dissolve "Going a little further after getting back up, Myriam searched for the origin of the noise via an opening in one of the stone walls." MC "{i}It came from here...{/i}" MC "{i}But I don't see anything... Wait! What's that?{/i}" "Spash! Splash! Splash!" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 015 with dissolve "Suddenly coming out of the corner, Myriam could see a creature half beast and half man coming her way." "Spash! Splash! Splash!" MC "\"...!?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What's that!? I have to hide, quick!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 016 with dissolve "Hiding by reflex in the corner beside the opening, Myriam tried to stay discreet, hoping the creature would pass her by if it didn't notice her." MC "{i}My god! It's really coming this way! And it's too late to run, it'll notice me!{/i}" MC "{i}Please god! Please! Make it just pass without noticing me!{/i}" "Spash! Splash! Splash!" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 017 with dissolve "Putting her hand in front of her mouth to stop herself from screaming, Myriam looked at the creature passing through the opening." "Minotaur" "\"Muuuuuurh!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!!!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! Please, please, please! Just pass by!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 018 with dissolve "Holding her breath as she saw the creature pass her by and keep walking from where she came, Myriam still didn't move a muscle, waiting for him to be further away before moving." "Spash! Splash! Splash!" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!\"" MC "{i}Thank god! Oh thank god! Please go away!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 019 with dissolve "Sadly, after a few steps, the creature stopped, sniffing the air around as if he had caught a strange smell." "Minotaur" "\"Sniff! Sniff, sniff, sniff!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! No! He must have caught my scent! What do I do!?{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to go, it's now or never...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 020 with dissolve "Discreetly trying to move towards the opening behind the creature, Myriam froze in place as it suddenly stopped sniffing the air and turned his head towards her." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! No! It heard me! I have to run!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 021 with dissolve "But as Myriam tried to run for her life and go through the opening, the creature grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back towards him as she screamed in terror." "Minotaur" "\"MUUUUUURH!!\"" MC "\"HAAAAAA! NOOO!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 022 with dissolve "Putting her over his shoulder, the creature walked away, heading back on his previous route as if nothing had happened, with Myriam kicking and screaming." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!\"" MC "\"Haaa! Leave me alone you monster! Put me down!\"" "Spash! Splash! Splash!" MC "\"Noooooo!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_the_sacrifice" KN_MOD "label ch3_21_the_sacrifice:" scene black with dissolve show text "Moments later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 023 with dissolve "Losing consciousness for a moment as the minotaur brought her to the heart of the maze, Myriam ended up chained to some marble columns, like a sacrifice in an ancient greek myth." MC "\"...\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 024 with dissolve "As the creature suddenly yanked on the chain at her neck, Myriam woke up to find herself chained at the feet of the monster that abducted her, his enormous cock resting over her shoulder." MC "\"Haaa! What!? No!\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! He's gonna shove that monster into me!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 025 with dissolve "Keeping a firm grip over the chain, the minotaur shoved his enormous cock down Myriam's throat, trying to force his way as far as he could but finding himself limited by the collar he had put on her, her throat unable to open further." "Minotaur" "\"Muuuuuurh!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}God! He's gonna break my jaw and choke me with this!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 026 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Luckily for Myriam, the minotaur quickly climaxed in her mouth, filling it with a heavy amount of thick cum that he forced her to swallow as he maintained his grip on her head and chain." "Minotaur" "\"MUUUUUURH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}God! His cum is so thick and strong! And this smell! it's...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 027 with dissolve "Strangely, as the creature lifted her up and started to lick her face and fondle her breasts, Myriam could not help but feel excited, the fear slowly disappearing." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! What's happening? I'm getting so excited...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 028 with dissolve "Passing behind her, as Myriam started to feel in a daze, the minotaur pushed his monstrous cock in her pussy, pulling moans out of her as her wet pussy accepted it inside her." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! It's...\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Is it a nightmare or a dream? I'm feeling so confused...{/i}" "Slowly moving his hips, the creature started fucking Myriam while continuing to fondle and lick her, pulling with each thrust louder and louder moans from her." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}I'm so excited and wet, his huge cock is going in without any problem.{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 029 with dissolve "Pushing her forward, the minotaur firmly grabbed Myriam's butt and started accelerating the pace, pounding her so hard that each thrust put her on her toes." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Muuurh! Muuurh!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to wreck my pussy, but it's so good!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 030 with dissolve "His excitement getting higher, the creature kept fucking Myriam harder, ending up lifting her to use her as a toy and pound her pussy ever so hard, pushing Myriam into a violent orgasm as she screamed her pleasure." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Muuurh! Muuurh!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 031 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Myriam's pussy tightening around its cock, the creature finally reached his limit, exploding deep in her womb, his thick and warm cum gushing inside her with a new burst with each powerful thrust." "Minotaur" "\"MUUUUUURH!\"" MC "\"AAAH! GOD! YES! FILL ME UP!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 032 with dissolve "Not waiting for her to recover, the minotaur pushed his still hard cock in Myriam's ass, bringing her down on his massive cock as it penetrated her welcoming asshole while her gapping pussy still oozed with cum." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Fuck my ass too! Please!\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! What's happening to me? He's gonna destroy my ass with his size but I don't care, I want him inside me so bad!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 033 with dissolve "After some time, when her asshole got used to his size, the minotaur put her on all fours, chaining her again to the ground to better pound her ass." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! That's so good!\"" "Yanking on the chain at her neck, the creature started roughly sodomizing Myriam's, his huge balls slapping her pussy with each thrust, pulling screams of pleasure and pain from her." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Muuurh! Muuurh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! Destroy my ass!\"" MC "{i}God! He's killing me but it's so good!{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 034 with dissolve "Excited by Myriam's screams of pleasure, the minotaur kept going harder and deeper, nailing her to the floor as his thrusts became so powerful, forcing her to lay down to take them." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Muuurh!! Muuuuuurh!!!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 035 with dissolve "And after a marathon of rough anal fucking, feeling his limits near the minotaur roared loudly as he launched himself into a last sprint of anal destruction, pushing Myriam into another violent orgasm." "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Muuuuuurh!! MUUUUUURH!!!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 036 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Freeing her from the chains, the minotaur finally made Myriam finish him to show her devotion to him and his powerful cock, and without any after thoughts, she was happy to oblige, using her hands and mouth to make him cum." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" "Minotaur" "\"MUUUUUURH!\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 037 with dissolve "Exhausted and her body still quivering from the intense pleasure, the cum covered Myriam slumped onto the floor, still licking on the cock of the minotaur as if she worshiped it, until for the first time she heard his voice." MC "\"Mmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Good! Huur huur huur! You did good you little slut of a \"human\"...\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! Thank you... Slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Mom?\"" "Minotaur" "\"Muuurh! Good! Are you ready to recognize your master now?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp! I...\"" Ka "\"Mom!?\"" MC "{i}What was that?{/i}" MC "\"I...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_21_dream_or_nightmare" KN_MOD "label ch3_21_dream_or_nightmare:" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 038 with dissolve "Suddenly yanked out of her sleep, Myriam woke up in a jump, lost for a moment as to what was happening around her as Katherine was calling out for her." Ka "\"MOM!?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Wha-what!? What is it honey?\"" Ka "\"You worried me mom! I was calling for you for a while now.\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 039 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! I'm sorry, I feel like I was having the weirdest dream...\"" MC "{i}God! My body feels so hot and exhausted, it's as if I just had an orgasm... I must have had quite the erotic dream, this is embarrassing.{/i}" Ka "\"Sorry, it's just that you looked like you were having a nightmare.\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" Ka "\"I just wanted to say we were back with William, and...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 040 with dissolve Ka "\"Didn't you have something to go to tonight?\"" MC "\"Oh my god! You're right honey! Lucy's fight! What time is it?\"" Ka "\"It's already getting dark...\"" MC "\"What!?\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 041 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_no_naughty_pool_time == True:" MC "\"Oh god! I have to go! Thank you sweetie, I'm sorry to just go like that, but...\"" Ka "\"It's ok mom, go, we've got it here.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Oh god! I have to go! Thank you sweetie... Oh god! Wait! And Marc?\"" Ka "\"He must have gone while you were sleeping, he wasn't here anymore, but it's ok mom, go, we've got it here.\"" MC "{i}Dear god! This is embarrassing, I'll have to apologize next time I see him.{/i}" MC "\"You're sure?\"" Ka "\"Yeah mom, go! I'll make something for Will and me.\"" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 042 with dissolve "After getting Katherine to the door and turning on the light, Myriam quickly turned to her armoire, knowing she had to change fast and go." MC "{i}God! I got to change fast or I'm going to miss Lucy's fight.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just put on some pants and t-shirt, and quickly jump in the car...{/i}" scene bg ch3_21 aweirddream 043 with dissolve "Quickly changing, Myriam ran outside and headed for her car, hoping to still arrive in time for Lucy's fight." MC "{i}God! I hope I won't be too late, I should be there quickly at this hour...{/i}" MC "{i}Damn! Still, this is embarrassing!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_22_a_girls_fist" KN_MOD "label ch3_22_a_girls_fist:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Girl's Fist" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 001 with dissolve scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 002 with dissolve "Finding a spot to watch from, Myriam leaned over the metal barriers surrounding the fighting arena, squeezing between other spectators commenting on the fight." MC "{i}Dear god! I really made it just in time!{/i}" "Spectator 1" "\"Yeah! Go on! Fuck her up!\"" "Spectator 2" "\"Nah! She's just dragging him in!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 003 with dissolve "In the arena, Lucy was fighting with a tall muscular man that seemed to dominate her, jumping for an aerial kick while she hunkered down to protect herself." "Fighter" "\"...\"" LuM "{i}Now!{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 004 with dissolve "But as her opponent was about to land his stike, Lucy slipped in an opening and struck his ribs while keeping her guard up." LuM "\"Ha!\"" "Fighter" "\"Ouch!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 005 with dissolve "Slipping behind him, Lucy immediately brought up her guard while her opponent landed back on his feet, his strike cut short by her punch." "Fighter" "\"Haaa!\"" "Fighter" "{i}Shit!{/i}" LuM "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 006 with dissolve "Not waiting for him to recover and go on the attack again, Lucy quickly followed up with a few punches, forcing him to guard as the previous strike had put him in a bad spot." LuM "\"Ha!\"" "Fighter" "\"...\"" "Fighter" "{i}Fuck!{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 007 with dissolve "As she was pushing him into guarding his upper body, Lucy suddenly jumped to give him a powerful roundhouse kick in the guts." LuM "\"Ha!\"" "Fighter" "\"Ouch!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 008 with dissolve "Her opponent falling to the ground as he lost his breath, Lucy went for the kill, jumping in the air to give him a powerful punch." "Fighter" "\"Hooo!\"" LuM "\"Ha!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 009 with dissolve "Striking with all her might as she landed to the ground, Lucy struck him with her fist right in the temple." LuM "\"HA!\"" "Fighter" "\"Haaa! Ouch!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 010 with dissolve "And finally as her opponent hit the ground, out for the count, Lucy's calm and concentration quickly gave place to a scream of victory." "Fighter" "\"...\"" LuM "\"YEAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 011 with dissolve "As Lucy's opponent fell to the ground and she screamed her victory, the crowd started to cheer loudly for her." "Spectator 1" "\"YEAAAH!\"" MC "\"WOOOW! GREAT!\"" "Spectator 2" "\"BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GUY!\"" MC "{i}God! She was great! I'm glad I was able to get here in time, let's go join her.{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 012 with dissolve "Wanting to join Lucy after the end of her fight and she got out of the arena, Myriam headed for the locker room, knocking as she went in." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" MC "\"Hey! Lucy, it's me, can I come in?\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 013 with dissolve "Coming in, Myriam found Lucy already half naked and all sweaty, taking off her gear before jumping into the shower." "Scratch!" LuM "\"Hey! Myriam! Yeah, come in!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 014 with dissolve LuM "\"So, did you enjoy it? What did you think of the fight?\"" MC "\"You were great!\"" LuM "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"Yeah! Of course, you were so impressive!\"" LuM "\"Ha ha ha! Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 015 with dissolve "As Myriam was coming in to kiss her and say hello, Lucy stopped her." MC "\"Hi...\"" LuM "\"Hi! Wait! I'm all gross and sweaty and my hair is all oiled.\"" MC "\"Oh! Sorry.\"" LuM "\"Let me go wash myself real quick, I'll be right back.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 016 with dissolve "Sitting on the bench as Lucy headed for the shower, Myriam looked at her go, unable to stop a sigh of admiration." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! It's crazy how such a small girl could put down such a big guy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 017 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 MC "{i}Though it's sad to think she came to this because of what happened to her.{/i}" MC "{i}I know she made something positive out of something terrible, but still...{/i}" MC "{i}I'm pretty sure that getting raped isn't in the guide books for changing yourself.{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 018 with dissolve MC "{i}She's really a wonderful role model, not only does she help people for a living, but she also kicks asses in her own time.{/i}" MC "{i}If only I could do even half of what she's doing...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 MC "{i}Wait! The shower's stopping she must be getting out.{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 019 with dissolve "As she thought, Myriam quickly saw Lucy coming out of the showers, heading back towards her with her towel." LuM "\"Here I am.\"" MC "\"That was fast!\"" LuM "\"Yeah! Mostly needed to scrub my hair, just let me get dress and we're out.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 020 with dissolve "Quickly dressing herself, Lucy left her sports bag and fighting gear in her locker." MC "\"You're not taking your bag?\"" LuM "\"No, I'll come back tomorrow, we're gonna walk straight to the restaurant.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 021 with dissolve "Leaving the locker behind them, Myriam and Lucy headed out together to go eat in town." MC "\"Where are we going?\"" LuM "\"Not far, a little joint quite good and not very well-known.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_22_at_lucys" KN_MOD "label ch3_22_at_lucys:" scene black with dissolve show text "Later on in the evening..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 022 with dissolve "After eating out in a little restaurant in town, Myriam accompanied Lucy to her place, a small attic apartment downtown." LuM "\"Come in, come in.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 023 with dissolve LuM "\"Come here and sit, I'll make us a little drink.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" LuM "\"Make yourself comfortable.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 024 with dissolve "As Lucy went behind the counter to prepare their drinks, Myriam sat and looked around at Lucy's small apartment." MC "\"This is a nice little apartment you have.\"" LuM "\"Yeah, it's my student apartment, since I never needed bigger, I just stayed in.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 025 with dissolve MC "\"Well, it's really cute.\"" LuM "\"Thanks! {w}Is whiskey ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, please.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 026 with dissolve "Quickly joining Myriam again after making them drinks, Lucy came and sat on the couch beside her." LuM "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 027 with dissolve "Sitting beside Myriam, Lucy jumped back to the conversation they were having as they came to her apartment." LuM "\"So really, it was the first time you went to a fight, MMA or other?\"" MC "\"Yeah, I only ever watched them on the TV with my father.\"" LuM "\"So, what did you think?\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 028 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I didn't get to see much sadly, I arrived a bit late, but it was really exciting.\"" LuM "\"Gulp!\"" MC "\"It's a totally different experience.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 029 with dissolve LuM "\"Yeah, you really get taken in by the mood of the place and the event.\"" MC "\"Gulp!\"" LuM "\"But anyway, I'm really happy you were able to come, even if it was late.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 030 with dissolve LuM "\"By the way, sorry I'm jumping to something completely different...\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_bobo_is_alive == False:" LuM "\"Are you ok? You know, about Bobo...\"" KN_MOD "else:" LuM "\"Did you get some news about Bobo?\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 031 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_myriam_found_dead_bobo == True:" MC "\"I'm ok, I'm sad, but I'm ok.\"" LuM "\"Good, it's always sad, but you have to know that even as much as we want to, we never can help everyone, if you let it get to you, it'll make you go crazy and unable to help anyone else.\"" MC "\"Yeah, thank you...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_lucy_found_dead_bobo == True:" MC "\"I'm ok, I mean I'm sad, but I'm ok, it's me that should ask you that.\"" LuM "\"Don't worry, I'm ok, to be honest, it's not the first time it happened...\"" MC "\"God! That must be so hard...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yes, the doctors are not optimist, but at least he's taken care of.\"" LuM "\"Good, it's always hard, but you have to know that even as much as we want to, there's always some limits to what you can do to help, you can't let it get to you.\"" MC "\"Yeah, thank you...\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 032 with dissolve "As the mood of the two had gotten high and heavy, a silence fell between the two, as if a shared emotion connected them." LuM "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_22_staying_or_going:" "Does Myriam gives in to the mood?" KN_MOD "God! I just want to kiss her...:" $ ch3_staying_the_night_at_lucys = True KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "{i}God! I just want to kiss her, she's just getting me hot everytime...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I just want to kiss her, I don't know what's coming over me...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_22_staying_the_night" KN_MOD "I think I better go before it gets more serious...:" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True:" MC "{i}I think I better go before it gets more serious, I feel like the mood is getting a bit too hot again...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I think I better go before it gets more serious, I feel like the mood is getting a bit too hot here...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_22_going_back_home" KN_MOD "I think I better go now before Katherine gets worried.:" MC "{i}I think I better go now before Katherine gets worried.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_22_going_back_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_22_staying_the_night:" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 033 with dissolve "Both giving to the mood and their desire, Myriam and Lucy leaned in and started kissing each other." MC "\"Muah!\"" LuM "\"Muah!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 034 with dissolve "As their kiss got more intense and more passionate, Lucy put away the drinks and climbed over Myriam to kiss her more." MC "\"Muah!\"" LuM "\"Muah!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 035 with dissolve "Following the passionate moment between them, Lucy climbed down from Myriam and started to take off her pants." LuM "\"Let me get that...\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" MC "{i}God! I'm already so excited!{/i}" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 036 with dissolve "Taking off Myriam's pants, Lucy looked up in her eyes as she started to tease her through her panties before taking them off in turn." MC "\"Aaah!\"" LuM "\"I'll take this off as well...\"" MC "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 037 with dissolve "Having taken off her panties, Lucy started caressing Myriam's thigh and wet pussy, slowly starting to finger her as her pleasure built up, reaching for her sweet spot." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmmmmh!\"" LuM "\"Yes! That's it! Let it come.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 038 with dissolve "As she felt Myriam's pleasure getting higher and about to reach her limits, Lucy leaned forward to lick her pussy as she kept fingering her and pushing her into a first orgasm." LuM "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAH! GOD! MMMMMMH! YES!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 039 with dissolve "Giving Myriam some rest after her orgasm, Lucy stopped pleasuring her and raised her head to see how she was feeling." LuM "\"Are you ok? Do you want me to keep going?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! God yes! But wait! Let me do it this time.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 040 with dissolve "Both getting naked to keep enjoying themselves, Myriam went down on Lucy, getting between her legs to start pleasuring her with her tongue." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" LuM "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh! Keep going like that!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 041 with dissolve "As her pleasure built up and was nearing its climax, Lucy grabbed Myriam's head to guide her into making her orgasm in turn." LuM "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Here! Keep going! Aaah! Don't stop!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" LuM "\"AAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 042 with dissolve "The two pursuing their pleasure together kept caressing and licking the other, exploring each other and trying to give the other the maximum of pleasure." LuM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 043 with dissolve "And as their excitment was to the highest, Lucy invited Myriam to get on her knees on the couch and bend over, before coming behind her and started fingering her again." LuM "\"Here! Let it come!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 044 with dissolve "Pushing Myriam further, Lucy kept adding more fingers and teasing her asshole as she kept fingering her more and more intensely." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" LuM "\"That's it! Yes! Keep relaxing like that!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 045 with dissolve "As Myriam was reaching the height of her pleasure, Lucy started pushing all of her fingers inside her, her pussy so relaxed and slippery that she was able to push her fist inside her." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!!\"" LuM "\"Here you go! Take it in!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 046 with dissolve "Then, following her reactions and moans of pleasure, Lucy started fisting Myriam's pussy, pushing her further towards another climax." LuM "\"Do you like it!?\"" MC "\"Ooooooh! God! Yes! Mmmmmmh! This is so good!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 047 with dissolve "And finally, as she kept fisting Myriam's pussy, Lucy pushed her over the edge, making her orgasm violently, screaming her pleasure as she started squirting." LuM "\"Take it! Cum for me!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 048 with dissolve "Both sitting on the couch exhausted after Lucy made Myriam climax again and have a powerful orgasm, they tried to calm down and let their bodies relax." LuM "\"Are you ok? Was it too much?\"" MC "\"No, I-I'm ok... Aaah! God! I just have to relax for a moment, I can barely stay up...\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 049 with dissolve LuM "\"Here, come lie down.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" LuM "\"And if you want you can stay the night...\"" MC "\"Yeah, why not.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 050 with dissolve "Lying down as Lucy invited her, Myriam rested her head on her thighs, closing her eyes as she tried to relax and let her body calm down after the intense pleasure it had just felt." LuM "\"Here you go, just relax...\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Thanks...\"" "And as she closed her eyes and let her mind slip into the state of numbness her orgasms left her, Myriam quickly fell asleep, while Lucy caressed her hair gently." KN_MOD "jump ch3_update9" KN_MOD "label ch3_22_going_back_home:" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 051 with dissolve "Turning her head, Myriam brought her attention back to her and proceeded to finish her whiskey before going." MC "\"Gulp!\"" LuM "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil the mood...\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 052 with dissolve "Getting up after finishing her glass, Myriam answered Lucy while putting her glass down over the coffee table." MC "\"No, it's ok, though I'm sorry, but I'll have to go, I don't want Katherine to get worried.\"" LuM "\"Oh, ok.\"" scene bg ch3_22 a_girls_fist 053 with dissolve "Showing her to the door, Lucy accompanied Myriam, saying goodbye after a nice evening together." MC "\"Goodnight Lucy, and thanks for the night.\"" LuM "\"No, it's me, thank you for coming to the fight, goodnight Myriam.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update9" KN_MOD "label ch3_update9:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update9 from _call_var_chapter3_update9" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_meet_cute" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_meet_cute:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Meet Cute" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_staying_the_night_at_lucys == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_waking_up_at_lucys" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_lawyer_update" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_waking_up_at_lucys:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 001 with dissolve "The following morning at Lucy's place, as Myriam had accepted the offer to stay the night, Lucy just lay admiring Myriam in silence as she soundly slept." MC "\"Zzzz!\"" LuM "\"...\"" LuM "{i}Dear god! I'll never get bored of that view...{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 002 with dissolve "Slowly waking up, Myriam took a moment before remembering where she was, her mind taking a few seconds to shake off the haze of sleepiness." MC "\"Mmmmmmh...\"" LuM "{i}Oh! Looks like she's waking up.{/i}" MC "{i}Mmmh... What? Where am I? Oh! That's right, I slept at Lucy's...{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 003 with dissolve MC "\"Hey!\"" LuM "\"Hey! Slept well?\"" MC "\"Yeah, I was just so exhausted...\"" LuM "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 004 with dissolve MC "\"It's ok.\"" LuM "\"You want me to make you breakfast or just some coffee?\"" MC "\"No, I'm fine, I have to go home, I have an appointment downtown this morning.\"" LuM "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 005 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to get out of bed, Lucy slipped her hand under the cover, caressing Myriam as she reached for her pussy." LuM "\"Though at least before you go, let me send you off all relaxed.\"" MC "\"Oh! I...\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 006 with dissolve "Giving in to Lucy's caress, Myriam closed her eyes and bent her head back, enjoying her touch as she started caressing her pussy." LuM "\"Here! Isn't it a nice way to start the day?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 007 with dissolve "As Myriam got more and more excited, Lucy passed under the cover to continue to please her with her mouth, starting to lick her pussy after making her wet with her fingers." LuM "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! God! Yes! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! God! She really knows how to please a woman, I'm going to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 008 with dissolve "And as she felt it was coming, Myriam screamed in pleasure as she climaxed with Lucy fingering her pussy and sucking her clitoris." LuM "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAH! GOD! MMMH! YES! YES!!\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 009 with dissolve "Pulling her head out of the cover after Myriam finished cumming, Lucy mischievously looked at her, satisfied to have made her climax." LuM "\"Here you go! How was it?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! It was great, thanks!\"" LuM "\"See, best way to start the day.\"" MC "\"Without a doubt.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 010 with dissolve "As Myriam's body calmed down, Lucy raised up on all fours and went for a kiss before she got out of the bed." LuM "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" MC "{i}I could really get used to this, it's so different than how it was with Anthony, it reminds me of how it was with Thomas...{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 011 with dissolve "Getting out of bed, Myriam stood up and started to dress to go back home and quickly get ready for her appointment downtown." MC "\"You're not getting up?\"" LuM "\"Nah! I'm good, I took a day off work to recuperate after yesterday's fight, I'm going to stay in bed for now.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 012 with dissolve "Heading to the door of the apartment, Myriam waved one last time to Lucy to say goodbye before going out." MC "\"Rest well Lucy, I'll call you later, see how you're doing.\"" LuM "\"Ok Myriam, later.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 013 with dissolve "Going back home after leaving Lucy's apartment, Myriam quickly headed in to take a shower and change to get to her appointment." MC "{i}Back home! Katherine messaged me yesterday to not be worried they would take the bus, so they should already be at school.{/i}" MC "{i}Just have to be fast - take a quick shower and change if I don't want to be late.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_lawyer_update" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_lawyer_update:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 014 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_staying_the_night_at_lucys == True:" "After taking a quick shower and changing, Myriam headed for her appointment downtown, as her lawyer had called her to update her on the latest developments in her case." MC "{i}Here, just in time! I'm glad I was able to shower and change and still make it.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "The following morning, after leaving Lucy's apartment, Myriam headed for an appointment she had downtown, as her lawyer having called her to update her on the last developments in her case." MC "{i}Here, just in time! I'm glad I could wait for Katherine and William to go to school before leaving the house.{/i}" MC "{i}But now that I'm here I hope everything is ok, I'm nervous as a fly in the glue pot.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 015 with dissolve "After an hour of reviewing her case and updating her on the last events, Myriam's lawyer concluded their appointment." "Lawyer" "\"So, everything is clear with you?\"" MC "\"Yes, I think so.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 016 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"No questions?\"" MC "\"No.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Are we good to go? No change of mind?\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 017 with dissolve "Taking a moment to think, Myriam looked away to gather her thoughts before answering her lawyer." MC "{i}So here we are, I can't believe we came to this...{/i}" MC "{i}It feels petty, but I can't let it go, what he did to me and to this poor girl, I have to make him learn he can't have his way anymore.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 018 with dissolve "Determined to teach Anthony a lesson for what he did to her and Kimberley, Myriam turned back towards her lawyer to give him her answer." MC "{i}It's decided, I've got to do this, as much for me as for all the women in the world.{/i}" MC "\"Yes!\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 019 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Then we're ready to go, the court date is already set, we just have to be there.\"" MC "\"I'll definitely be.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Good, I'll see you then.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 020 with dissolve "As she was leaving the lawyer's office, Myriam stopped at the bottom of the steps, feeling she needed to breathe a moment and clear her head." MC "{i}Well, this is done, no turning back now...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 021 with dissolve MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I need to go clear my mind and relax.{/i}" MC "{i}Eve told me there is a nice little coffee shop nearby last time, let's go have a look.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 022 with dissolve "Leaving the lawyer's office behind her, Myriam headed for the coffee shop her cousin Eve had told her about, hoping to clear her mind from the thoughts of the upcoming court date." MC "{i}God! I really hate rehashing all this horror show that happened with Anthony, but I know it needs to be done.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope I can see the end of this in the future.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_meeting_goldilocks" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_meeting_goldilocks:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 023 with dissolve play sound "shop door bell-freesound-775noise.mp3" "A few minutes later, having found the coffee shop she was searching for, Myriam headed inside, welcomed by the strong aroma of coffee." MC "{i}Mmmh! God! That smells good!{/i}" MC "{i}I did the right thing coming, with all this crowd waiting it looks like the coffee is good.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 024 with dissolve "After waiting for her turn for a few minutes, Myriam finally placed her order with the young barista." "Barista" "\"Hello ma'am! What will be your order?\"" MC "\"Hello! An americano please.\"" "Barista" "\"Do you have a preference for the beans origin?\"" MC "\"Oh! No, I'll leave it to you, thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 025 with dissolve "Going to sit on the side after leaving her name, Myriam took her phone out while waiting for her coffee to be ready." MC "{i}Let's send a little message to Eve, she'll be happy to know I went to the coffee shop she advised me to try.{/i}" MC "{i}I should call her later as well, it's been some time since I saw her.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 026 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to write her message, she was suddenly shoved to the side by a young woman passing by, dropping her phone to the floor." MC "\"AH!\"" MC "{i}What...!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 027 with dissolve "Alerted by the shock and Myriam's scream, the young woman stopped, just in time to see Myriam's phone hitting the floor." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}My phone!{/i}" "Young woman" "\"Oh! Gosh! I'm so sorry!\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 028 with dissolve "Bending down in front of her to reach for the phone, the young woman offered Myriam a perfect view of her anal plug and panties free butt as her short skirt lifted with her movement." "Young woman" "\"Let me get it for you! Ah!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_23_seeing_the_moon:" "How does Myriam feel about the view?" KN_MOD "Amused by the girl.:" MC "{i}Ha ha ha! Dear god! That girl is really fearless or really a naughty one!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_joining_goldilocks_for_coffee" KN_MOD "Curious about the experience.:" MC "{i}Dear god! She's really got that in with no panties on... and such a short skirt! This is crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_joining_goldilocks_for_coffee" KN_MOD "Excited by the view.:" MC "{i}Dear god! That's quite the view! This girl is really something!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_joining_goldilocks_for_coffee" KN_MOD "Worried about the girl.:" MC "{i}Dear god! I hope nobody is looking this way!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_joining_goldilocks_for_coffee" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_joining_goldilocks_for_coffee:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 029 with dissolve "Up again, the young woman turned towards Myriam, handing her phone to her as she apologized." "Young woman" "\"Here's your phone! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention.\"" MC "\"Thank you, it's ok...\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 030 with dissolve "As she was looking at the phone to see if it still work fine, Myriam's name was suddenly called out by the barista as her coffee was ready to go." MC "\"The phone looks just fi...\"" "Barista" "\"Summers!\"" "Young woman" "\"Wait! Is that you? Please, let me get it for you!\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 031 with dissolve "As the young woman left without leaving her time to answer, Myriam followed her with her eyes after putting her phone away, asking herself why this young woman was reminding her of someone." MC "{i}Well, all in all, everything's ok, the phone is in one piece and she's paying for my coffee...{/i}" MC "{i}But it's strange, I'm sure I've seen that young woman somewhere...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "{i}Wait! Isn't that the young porn actress everyone keeps comparing me to!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}She kind of makes me think of Katherine, they must be around the same age.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 032 with dissolve "Quickly coming back to Myriam with her coffee, the young woman handed it to her, apologizing to her again for making her drop her phone." "Young woman" "\"Here's your coffee!\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Young woman" "\"If you want I have a table outside, you can join me to drink your coffee.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, why not, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 033 with dissolve "After taking her coffee from her, Myriam followed the young woman to her table on the patio of the coffee shop where she had left her own." "Young woman" "\"Here, it's a nice spot, I always like to come put a coffee into me before starting the day.\"" MC "\"Yes, it's my first time coming here, but it looks really nice.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 034 with dissolve "Young woman" "\"Really? It's been open for a while now, maybe you have another place then?\"" MC "\"No, not really, it's just that I'm new here, I'm still discovering the city.\"" "Young woman" "\"Oh! I'm sure you'll love it here! It's great and the beaches are really the best!\"" MC "\"I haven't had the occasion to try them.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 035 with dissolve "Hearing Myriam's answer, the young woman immediately jumped into a long rant about the city's beaches." "Young woman" "\"Oh my god! You absolutely have to try them! They're the best!\"" "Young woman" "\"You've got something for all tastes, sandy or rocky, crowded or deserted, deep or shallow...\"" "Young woman" "\"You've even got a naked one...\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 036 with dissolve "Listening to her intense rant, Myriam let her continue her guide to the city's beaches, feeling amused as she made her think of her cousin with her lively behavior." "Young woman" "\"I always go there to get my full tan during the summer...\"" MC "{i}God! This girl is really spunky, she's making me think of Eve, I bet they would get along like bacon and sizzle.{/i}" MC "\"Well, that sounds great, I'll have to try.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 037 with dissolve "Young woman" "\"Gosh! I'm sorry, I'm always getting excited when I talk about the beaches.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok, nothing to be ashamed of.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "{i}I think I must have made a mistake, she's just a cute and lively young woman.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}She's such a cute and lively young woman, she's making me think so much of Katherine and Eve.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 038 with dissolve "Young woman" "\"Still, I keep talking, but I didn't introduce myself, I'm Crystal, Crystal Cook.\"" MC "\"Myriam Summers, nice to meet you.\"" CrC "\"Oooh! That's such a pretty name, I love it.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 039 with dissolve CrC "\"Mine's just meh! It's my idiot father that chose it...\"" "But as Crystal launched herself in a new rant about their names, Myriam's attention was drawn by some voices behind her." "Young man 1" "\"Man! I'm telling you it's her, I'm sure of it!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Come on! What are the chances?\"" "Young man 1" "\"I'm gonna ask her! You'll see.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Good luck! I'm staying right here.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "{i}God! What's this about? Are these kids confusing me with this pornstar again? Or maybe I was right...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! What's this about? Are these kids confusing me with this pornstar again?{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 040 with dissolve "Quickly following the exchange she heard, a young man climbed the steps to the coffee shop's patio and went straight towards Crystal." "Young man 1" "\"Hey! You're her right? You're Goldilocks?\"" CrC "\"Yeah! That's me.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "{i}Seems like I was right, does he want an autograph?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh! That's not about me!{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"I knew it! Then can I see them?\"" CrC "\"Sure sweetie...\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 041 with dissolve "Immediately following her answer, Crystal turned towards the young man and revealed her breasts to him with a smile." CrC "\"Here you go!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Holy shit!\"" MC "\"What!?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_23_seeing_the_twins:" "How does Myriam feel about the new view?" KN_MOD "Surprised and amused.:" MC "{i}Oh my god! This girl is crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_a_crazy_girl" KN_MOD "Surprised and fascinated.:" MC "{i}Oh my god! This girl is crazy! But god! These breasts!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_a_crazy_girl" KN_MOD "Surprised and shocked.:" MC "{i}Oh my god! This girl is crazy! What is she doing!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_a_crazy_girl" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_a_crazy_girl:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 041_5 with dissolve "{b}{color=#f6c}Crystal Cook{/color}{/b} {w}alias Goldilocks {p}The pornstar{w}, 19 years {p}Myriam's look alike {p}A sweet and lively young woman who started her career in porn. {w}Beach and sex enthusiast." scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 042 with dissolve "As the young man ran back to his buddy with a smile going ear to ear, Crystal put her breasts back in her dress and turned towards Myriam as if nothing happened." CrC "\"Where were we?\"" MC "\"Dear god! What was that!?\"" CrC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 043 with dissolve "Suddenly realizing that she had shocked Myriam with her action, Crystal apologized to her for her behavior." CrC "\"Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I'm so used to it, I always forget... I didn't mean to shock you!\"" MC "\"I-it's ok, it just surprised me, but what was that all about?\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 044 with dissolve "Bending over to look behind Myriam to where her fan went just a moment ago, Crystal answered her cryptically." CrC "\"Well, I would like to answer that, but I think we'd better go first, or I fear we may have some company soon.\"" MC "\"What?\"" CrC "\"When word gets around that I'm somewhere, it can get crazy sometimes.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_23_follow_crystal:" "Does Myriam follow Crystal?" KN_MOD "This is so crazy, but Im curious.:" $ ch3_followed_goldilocks = True MC "{i}This is so crazy, but I'm curious what this is all about.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_down_the_rabbit_hole" KN_MOD "This is too crazy for me.:" MC "{i}No, she seems really nice, but this is too crazy for me, I'd better go my way.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_going_her_way" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_down_the_rabbit_hole:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 045 with dissolve "Following Crystal out of the coffee shop patio, Myriam headed with her into the park beside where they were." CrC "\"Here! It looks pretty!\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" MC "{i}God! This girl is really lively! She's nearly running and skipping despite her heels.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 046 with dissolve "As soon as they sat, Crystal immediately jumped back to the subject they left out on the patio of the coffee shop." CrC "\"So, what was that all about? Well, I'm a pornstar under the nickname of Goldilocks!\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" MC "{i}My god! She really doesn't beat around the bush! But that's kind of refreshing in a way.{/i}" CrC "\"And in one of the videos I made online for my fans, I said that I would always be happy to flash them if they came to me.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 047 with dissolve CrC "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie about what I'm doing.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_compared_notes == True:" MC "\"There's no apology needed, I kind of figured before you told me, to be honest I even met a few kids that thought I was you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"There's no apology needed, I kind of figured before you told me, to be honest I even think that a few kids I met thought I was you.\"" CrC "\"For real!?\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" CrC "\"Oh! I'm so sorry!\"" MC "\"Please, don't be, it's not your fault.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 048 with dissolve CrC "\"You're really nice, I'm not ashamed of what I do, but I know that a lot of women would have felt offended by that.\"" MC "\"Well, I'm not most women, I think you're a sweet girl and what you do with your body and your sexuality should be no one's business but yours.\"" CrC "\"Thank you for saying that.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_23_curious_about_goldilocks:" "Does Myriam show some curiosity for Crystal's work?" KN_MOD "God! Its crazy, but Im so curious about her life.:" $ ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life = True MC "{i}God! It's crazy, but I'm so curious about her life.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_curious_about_crystals_life" KN_MOD "God! Im curious about her life, but I dont want to seem nosy.:" MC "{i}God! I'm curious about her life, but I don't want to seem nosy.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_leaving_crystal_from_the_park" KN_MOD "Well, Im not judgmental, but I cant say its a life I would chose.:" MC "{i}Well, I'm not judgmental, but I can't say it's a life I would chose.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_leaving_crystal_from_the_park" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_curious_about_crystals_life:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 049 with dissolve MC "\"But if you don't mind, can I ask you something?\"" CrC "\"Yeah, sure.\"" MC "\"What got you to choose to become a pornstar.\"" CrC "\"Oh! That! It's simple, I just really like sex.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 050 with dissolve CrC "\"It's true that lots of girls get into it because it seems like easy money or because they got some issues at home or no other choice, it's far from being all pretty and nice, you've got to avoid the shady stuff.\"" MC "\"Yeah, I would expect so.\"" CrC "\"But for me it was really because I liked sex and was good at it, like \"really\" good, so as soon as I hit eighteen, I jumped into it.\"" CrC "\"I mean my first porn movie was the day of my birthday, I really wanted to get into it and play on the eighteen and legal kink.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 051 with dissolve CrC "\"Now it's been a bit more than a year since I started and I already made around a hundred scenes for porn movies, with a bit of all, anal, girl on girl, gangbang and blowbang, interracial, bukkake, bdsm, hardcore...\"" CrC "\"I'm famous for being the crazy cutie loving it rough, I even won an AVN award as the best new starlet for my first year! I also do my own stuff on cam, in fact, that's probably what pays the most.\"" MC "{i}Dear god! She really has no filter, but you can see she clearly loves what she does...{/i}" MC "{i}It's crazy, but it's kind of fascinating to be able to live on your sexuality without any taboo or shame, it kind of makes me jealous and curious.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 052 with dissolve "Realizing she went into a long intense rant again, Crystal suddenly stopped, apologizing. Embarrassed even though Myriam reassured her, amused by the candor and fervor of the young woman." CrC "\"Sorry! I went overboard again...\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, I'm the one who asked anyway, and it's nice to see you really do enjoy what you're doing.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_23_leaving_crystal_from_the_park" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_leaving_crystal_from_the_park:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 053 with dissolve "Talking for a while as they finished their coffee, the two let time fly as they learned a bit more about one another, until Myriam felt it was time for her to cut things short and go back to her schedule." MC "\"Well, it was very nice meeting you Crystal, I loved our conversation, but I have to go now.\"" CrC "\"Oh! Of course, I really loved our talk as well, thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 054 with dissolve MC "\"Let's get this to the garbage first.\"" CrC "\"Wait! Let me get it for you.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I can...\"" CrC "\"Please!\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 055 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam looked at Crystal go to the closest trashcan to throw away their empty coffee cups, surprised by how nice the young woman was." MC "{i}I don't know what to think, this is so weird, people think the worst of pornstars and what they do, but even if she speaks ten words a second, with gusts to fifty, she's just such a nice young woman.{/i}" MC "{i}Honestly, this kind of put things back into perspective, I'll have to talk about this with Doctor Silver.{/i}" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 056 with dissolve CrC "\"Here!\"" MC "\"Thank you Crystal.\"" CrC "\"You're welcome! I hope we can have another coffee together in the future.\"" MC "\"I would love that.\"" CrC "\"Really! Can we exchange phone numbers?\"" MC "\"Of course.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 057 with dissolve "Parting ways after exchanging their phone numbers, Myriam headed towards the park exit to get to her car, leaving Crystal behind as she headed for a shoot." MC "{i}This was such a weird and lovely encounter, this girl is so sweet and cute, I really do hope we can have another coffee in the future.{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway, it was a nice distraction after the morning meeting at the lawyer's office, all the stress just flew away.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now, let's get back to the car and go to school, I want to start working on the gym competition quickly.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_a_working_day_at_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_23_going_her_way:" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 058 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry, but I won't be able to follow you, I would love to hear more about it, but I have to go.\"" CrC "\"Oh! Yeah! Of course, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I hope everything will work out.\"" CrC "\"Don't worry, I'm used to it.\"" scene bg ch3_23_meetcute 059 with dissolve "Parting ways with Crystal, Myriam quickly finished her coffee and headed for her car, while the young woman headed for the park to avoid getting crowded by fans." MC "{i}This was such a weird encounter, this girl seems sweet and maybe a little bit crazy, but I hope things work out for her.{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway, it was kind of a nice distraction after the morning meeting at the lawyer's office, it feels like my stress level went down.{/i}" MC "{i}But for now, let's get back to the car and go to school, I want to start working on the gym competition quickly.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_a_working_day_at_school" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_a_working_day_at_school:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Working Day at School" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 001 with dissolve "Walking to the door after driving to school, Myriam was already reviewing in her head the planning she made for the gym competition." MC "{i}I think it'll be just right, it'll be an intense program, but from what I saw, they'll do fine.{/i}" MC "{i}But before starting it, I should go see if Cleavon has any thoughts on the program I made, he should have had the time to review it since the email I sent him yesterday.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 002 with dissolve "As Myriam headed to Cleavon's office to review her program with him, she was quickly welcomed by him as soon as she was allowed to go in by his assistant." MC "\"Hi Cleavon!\"" ClL "\"Hey Myriam!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 003 with dissolve "As soon as she reached him, Cleavon surprised Myriam with a passionate kiss, embracing her and bending her over to kiss her deeply." ClL "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 004 with dissolve MC "\"Ah! What was that!?\"" ClL "\"I just felt like kissing this beautiful woman in front of me!\"" MC "\"Come on, stop it! I'm here for work.\"" ClL "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! Let's get to it then.\"" MC "{i}Well, that was surprising, but I can't say I mind honestly, it was so passionate.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 005 with dissolve "As they reached each other, both kissed the other on the cheeks, saying hello as they started talking about work." MC "\"Hi! Mouah! So, did you see... Mouah! My email?\"" ClL "\"Hi! Mouah! Yes! Just... Mouah! Had a look a moment ago.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 006 with dissolve "Sitting beside him, Myriam waited for Cleavon to pull her email out, summing it up as he was reading." MC "\"As you see, I sent you what I had in mind for the competition and the program I planned for the kids.\"" ClL "\"Yes, I saw that.\"" MC "\"So what's your thoughts?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 007 with dissolve ClL "\"Well, I love it.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" ClL "\"Yes, of course I can't evaluate any of the technicalities gym wise, but the program you wrote for the kids looks great.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 008 with dissolve MC "\"I'm glad to hear it, since it was my first time, I feared it could have been terrible.\"" ClL "\"No, this is why I wanted you in the first place, you were a great young athlete, you walked in their shoes, this is great, I can't wait to see the result.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I'm so glad to hear you say this.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 009 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam went in for another kiss, being the one to surprise him this time as she reached for him and gave him a passionate kiss." MC "\"Mouah!\"" ClL "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 010 with dissolve "As soon as they stopped their kiss, Cleavon let a heavy sigh of frustration escape as he tried to not let himself become too excited." ClL "\"Haaa! Sigh!\"" MC "\"What? Don't like my kisses?\"" ClL "\"No, it's just becoming really hard to resist taking you over the desk.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_24_naughty_principal:" "How does Myriam react to Cleavon's frustration?" KN_MOD "Look at him all flustered like a teenager!:" $ ch3_offered_cleavon_a_blowjob_in_his_office = True MC "{i}Look at him all flustered like a teenager!{/i}" MC "{i}With his assistant behind the door we can't do the dirty, but maybe I can offer him some relief...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_blowing_the_principal_in_his_office" KN_MOD "With the assistant behind the door, no way!:" MC "{i}With the assistant behind the door, no way, I'm not that silent and with his big tool you can be sure he'll make me scream!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_leaving_the_principals_office" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_leaving_the_principals_office" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_blowing_the_principal_in_his_office:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 011 with dissolve "Letting her hand slip from his chest to his groin, Myriam went to caress Cleavon's cock through his pants with a mischievous smile." MC "\"Well, maybe we can't do the dirty with your assistant behind the door, but maybe I can take care of that for you another way...\"" ClL "\"Wow! A-are you sure?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 012 with dissolve "Only answering after dropping to her knees and pulling his cock out, Myriam gave him again a mischievous smile as she looked up and finally answered him." MC "\"I think that this big guy is pretty sure he wants to go in my mouth.\"" ClL "\"Yeah! You can definitely say that!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve "Taking Cleavon's cock in her mouth, Myriam slowly started to take it in, swallowing it deeper and deeper as she relaxed her throat after bobbing on it for a moment." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock!\"" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! Jesus!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve "Then, Myriam slowly kept sucking on Cleavon's cock, slowly pulling in and out, back and forth, focusing on maximizing his pleasure as her tongue kept massaging his cock." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Oooh! God! You're so incredible!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 013 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 014 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 015 with dissolve "After keeping the pace for some time, Myriam stopped, his cock deep inside her throat, holding her breath as long as she could while tears started to well up." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! Jesus! You... Aaah! You're killing me!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmpf!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 016 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 016 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 016 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve "As she reached her limits and tears started rolling down her cheeks, Myriam started moving again, getting sloppier and noisier as she accelerated the pace of her blowjob." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Ooooooh! God! Don't stop! Don't stop! Aaah! I'm going to cum!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 017 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 018 with dissolve "Feeling Cleavon reaching his limits and his cock starting to swell even more in her mouth, Myriam kept accelerating, keeping him half in her throat, only giving herself enough room to breath through her nose as she frantically blew him." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! Jesus! I... Aaah! I...\"" MC "{i}God! This big cock of his is making me crazy! I want to feel his cum drowning me so much!{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 019 with dissolve "And as Cleavon was finally reaching his limits, doing all he could to not scream his pleasure, he powerfully came deep in Myriam's throat, overflowing her mouth as she did her best to swallow all she could." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! I'm cumming! Aaaaaah! Dear Jesus!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 020 with dissolve "Pulling Cleavon's cock out of her mouth after swallowing the massive load he gave her, Myriam took a moment to find her breath after the intense workout his cock had gave her throat." MC "\"Gasp! Cough! Dear god! What a load! Cough, cough! You really were backed up!\"" ClL "\"Oh! Sorry! But you're so good, you're just making me crazy!\"" MC "\"He he he! Well thanks, I'm happy you enjoyed your little relief service.\"" ClL "\"Jesus! Enjoyed it! You killed me! I want you so bad!\"" MC "\"Well, sorry, but it'll have to be for another time, I've got to go present the new program to the team before your assistant gets wise.\"" ClL "\"Yeah... Sigh! I know...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_leaving_the_principals_office" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_leaving_the_principals_office:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 021 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_offered_cleavon_a_blowjob_in_his_office == True:" "Cleaning herself up after blowing Cleavon, Myriam got up and headed for the door so she could show her new training program to the gymnastic team." MC "\"Well, I better go before your assistant starts asking himself some questions about these grunts of yours.\"" ClL "\"Of course, I don't want rumors running.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" "Leaving Cleavon to the desk, Myriam headed for the door so she could show her new training program to the gymnastic team." MC "\"Well, I better go before your assistant starts asking himself questions, I'm sorry to leave you all frustrated like this.\"" ClL "\"No, of course, I wouldn't want some rumors running.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Getting up after Cleavon had confirmed her work, Myriam headed for the door so she could show her new training program to the gymnastic team." MC "\"Well, I better go and share this to with the kids.\"" ClL "\"Of course, I'm sure they'll love it.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 022 with dissolve "As she was heading for the teacher's locker room to change before joining the kids in the gymnasium, Myriam already started reviewing how to present her plan to them." MC "{i}I think it should go just fine that way, even Cleavon was confident... God! I can't wait to show it to the kids and see what they think.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's quickly get changed and go show them.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_after_gym" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_after_gym:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 023 with dissolve "Having presented her plan to the kids and starting them working to get them on track, Myriam called the session to a stop for now." MC "\"Ok everyone! That's fine for today! You did great! Go take your showers and eat well.\"" MC "{i}They did really great, it looks like they already get how the new training program will go.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 024 with dissolve "As most of the club members headed out for the locker rooms after thanking her and saying goodbye, Stella came to see Myriam." MC "\"Hey Stella! How was your new training routine?\"" StQ "\"It was great coach!\"" MC "\"Any comments or reservations?\"" StQ "\"No! It's tough, but I get what you're trying to make me work on, I know I'll be better when I'll have gone through it.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 025 with dissolve "Cutting in as Stella was giving her opinion to Myriam, William came to add to her comments." WiK "\"Yeah! It's really great, it feels like it's just what I needed to get past my block.\"" StQ "\"Yeah!\"" MC "\"Well, yes, for you two, I really went the extra mile and made the work tough to help you on some points I noticed you could improve on.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 026 with dissolve MC "\"But it's only the beginning! For you and all the rest of the team, when you're done with this first round of training, we'll start really working on your routines for the competition.\"" StQ "\"I can't wait to get to it.\"" WiK "\"Yeah, me too.\"" MC "\"Though for today don't over do it, keep at it for another half hour, but after that you need to stop.\"" StQ "\"Ok.\"" WiK "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 027 with dissolve "Leaving the two in the gymnasium to keep training for a bit longer, Myriam headed back to the teacher's locker room to shower and change." MC "{i}I'm glad they all loved the new training program I made them, it looks like things will go even better than I thought.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll just have to keep track of their progress and review things if need be.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 028 with dissolve "Taking off her sports outfit, Myriam headed for the shower to clean herself and relax after training the kids." MC "{i}Well, for now let's just go shower.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I'll go back home.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 029 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Slipping under the shower, Myriam started to clean herself, caressing her thighs to wash off the sweat of the exercises she did with the kids." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}Let's be quick and go for a walk with Cassius.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 030 with dissolve MC "{i}It's been some time since I went on a long walk with him.{/i}" MC "{i}I could take the car and go for a walk on the seaside and the beaches.{/i}" MC "{i}What Crystal told me earlier made me curious...{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 031 with dissolve "As she was about to finish her shower, Myriam turned her head, freezing for a moment as she thought she had heard some noises." MC "{i}What was that?{/i}" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_shower_at_the_girls == True:" StQ "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "{i}Was that Stella?{/i}" MC "\"Yes, who is it?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_stella_coming_in" KN_MOD "elif ch3_show_yourself_to_jonas == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_jonas_coming_in" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_stella_coming_in:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 032 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Shutting off the water, Myriam headed out to see Stella coming in, surprising her naked before she had the time to grab a towel." MC "\"Stella!?\"" StQ "\"Yes.\"" MC "\"What are you doing?\"" StQ "\"Sorry, I thought you told me to come in.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 033 with dissolve "Hiding herself reflexively, Myriam tried to be modest as Stella still came in towards her as if nothing was amiss, taking Myriam's hand in hers." MC "\"Stella, you can't just come in like this...\"" StQ "\"Sorry coach, I just needed to talk to you.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 034 with dissolve MC "\"What is it Stella?\"" StQ "\"It's just that I admire you so much, and since the other day, I can't stop thinking about you, it-it made me curious...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_24_reacting_to_stella:" "How does Myriam react to Stella's declaration?" KN_MOD "Thankful and curious!:" $ ch3_accepted_stellas_curiosity = True MC "\"I'm flattered Stella, but curious about what?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_experimenting_with_stella" KN_MOD "Thankful but firm!:" $ ch3_sending_stella_away = True MC "\"I'm flattered Stella, but you know that you shouldn't be here?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_being_firm_with_stella" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_experimenting_with_stella:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 035 with dissolve "As Myriam showed curiosity towards her declaration, Stella kept coming onto her as Myriam backed up, overcome by Stella's over excitement." StQ "\"I'm curious about you and women!\"" MC "\"Wha-what?\"" StQ "\"I've never felt something like this before, but ever since the other day in the shower, I...\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 036 with dissolve "Pushing further as she kept talking, Stella suddenly put her hand on Myriam's breasts and started caressing them." MC "\"Stella, I...\"" StQ "\"You're so beautiful, your skin is so smooth and these breasts... They're so soft.\"" MC "{i}God! What do I do!? Things are going too far...{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 037 with dissolve "Taking Myriam's hand to her face, Stella started kissing it while her hand kept caressing her breasts gently." StQ "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}This reminds me so much of what happened with my own coach back when I was her age... I-I'm as speechless as he was...{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 038 with dissolve "Slowly getting on her knees in front of Myriam, Stella stared at her pussy, examining it as if she was discovering something strange and beautiful." StQ "\"...\"" MC "\"Stella...\"" StQ "{i}This is so weird, but I really want to taste it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 039 with dissolve "Suddenly leaning in, Stella started to lick Myriam's pussy, darting the tip of her tongue to explore her labia and clit" StQ "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 040 with dissolve "Closing her eyes as Stella kept licking her pussy, Myriam let herself enjoy the feeling despite the guilt she felt." StQ "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}She seems a bit awkward, just like I was my first time, but still, this is... Mmmh!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 041 with dissolve "But despite the awkwardness of her cunilingus, Stella finally ended up making Myriam cum with her mouth." StQ "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 042 with dissolve StQ "\"Was that good?\"" MC "\"Ye-yes Stella, it felt good, but...\"" StQ "\"Great! I'm glad I did good! Now I know that I was right!\"" MC "\"Right about what?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 043 with dissolve "Jumping right back up like a spring, Stella explained in her usual energetic voice as if everything was just casual fun." StQ "\"Well about liking girls! I mean I liked doing it and I did great you said, so I think I did good to try with you.\"" MC "{i}My god! Her brain is going at a hundred miles an hour, she's hard to follow.{/i}" MC "\"Well I guess it's good then...\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 044 with dissolve StQ "\"Yes! Thank you so much to be so cool, I'm so glad I asked you! You're the best!\"" MC "\"You're welcome Stella, but I don't think that...\"" StQ "\"Don't worry coach! I'm all ok, I know it's just experimentation, I'll be just fine.\"" MC "\"I-if you say so.\"" MC "{i}God! She doesn't let me finish a thought, but I guess she does look fine.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 045 with dissolve "Leaving Myriam in her shower, Stella headed out as fast as she came in, flying away with a quick goodbye to her as she left Myriam alone." StQ "\"Later coach!\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Dear god! What just happened? This girl is like a hurricane.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_being_firm_with_stella:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 046 with dissolve "Stopping Stella as she was about to argue, Myriam stayed firm and tried to dissuade her before things got too far." StQ "\"But last time...\"" MC "\"No Stella! I'm sorry, but last time I shouldn't have come in as I did, it's not proper for your coach to share a shower like that.\"" StQ "\"But...\"" MC "\"I know you're curious, but I'm responsible for you kids, going any further would be breaching the trust between us.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 047 with dissolve StQ "\"I understand...\"" MC "\"I'm sorry.\"" StQ "\"No, it's ok, you're right, it was just a rash decision, I should have taken the moment to think.\"" MC "\"I hope you find the answer on the questions you're asking yourself, and I'll be here if you need to talk.\"" StQ "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 048 with dissolve "Looking at Stella walking away, Myriam could not help having some regrets, hoping that it wouldn't spoil their relationship and work." MC "{i}God! I hope everything will be ok, she's such a bright and talented young girl, I hope she'll find her answers...{/i}" MC "{i}I'm not even sure of my own answers at my age, I can't blame her for feeling lost about her sexuality.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_jonas_coming_in:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 049 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As she slowly got closer to the curtain, Myriam stopped, sure that there was somebody on the other side." MC "{i}God! There's definitely somebody behind, what do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_24_whats_behind_the_curtain:" "How does Myriam react to the situation?" KN_MOD "Think a moment on what to do.:" $ ch3_who_could_that_be = True MC "{i}I should open and catch whoever is playing the perv, but maybe it's not the wisest.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_be_cautious" KN_MOD "Quickly open to catch the culprit.:" MC "{i}I don't know if it's the wisest, but I'm not going to let whoever's behind have their fun at my expense.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_be_brash" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_be_cautious:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 050 with dissolve "Approaching carefully the curtain, Myriam called out to the person behind it, only hearing a gasp and the sound of someone running away." MC "\"Who-who's there!?\"" "Voice" "\"Gasp!\"" MC "{i}Looks like whoever it was he or she ran away... Maybe it's for the best, I don't need any scandal at school, let's just get changed and go home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_be_brash:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 051 with dissolve "Suddenly opening the curtain, Myriam surprised the small chubby kid that Marc had bullied previously, Jonas, who cowered at her sight." MC "\"Who's there!? I swear that... Oh!\"" JoY "\"HAAA!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 052 with dissolve MC "\"Jonas?\"" JoY "\"Yeah! Sorry!\"" MC "\"What are you doing here?\"" JoY "\"Sorry! I...\"" MC "\"You know that it's wrong to spy on someone unaware?\"" JoY "\"Yes, it's just that...\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 053 with dissolve MC "\"That what?\"" JoY "\"Since last time, I-I just can't stop thinking about you and what happened!\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 054 with dissolve JoY "\"I've never saw a true woman naked before and I... And I've never had you know a-a blowjob before...\"" MC "\"Ye-yes, I understand...\"" JoY "\"And I don't think it'll ever happen again since I'm a fatso, so when I saw you pass by, I-I just followed I don't know why, but I didn't do anything I swear!\"" MC "{i}God! This mess! It's all my fault again, even if Marc pushed me to it, I should have had more consideration for that poor kid.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_24_poor_jonas:" "How does Myriam react to Jonas' confession?" KN_MOD "I feel so guilty, this is my fault, I cant brush him off.:" $ ch3_comforted_jonas = True MC "{i}I feel so guilty, this is my fault, I can't brush him off.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_inviting_jonas_in" KN_MOD "I feel guilty about all this, but I cant let this go any further.:" $ ch3_sending_jonas_away = True MC "{i}I feel guilty about all this, but I can't let this go any further.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_sending_jonas_away" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_inviting_jonas_in:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 055 with dissolve "As she apologized again for how things went the other day, Myriam invited Jonas in, holding out her hand to him." MC "\"I'm sorry Jonas, this is all my fault!\"" JoY "\"No it's...\"" MC "\"Here! Come! You shouldn't feel bad about yourself, let me show you.\"" JoY "\"Wha-what?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 056 with dissolve "Making Jonas come in and undress, Myriam quickly went on her knees in front of him as he sat on the toilet." JoY "\"A-are you sure Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Hush! You shouldn't feel bad about yourself Jonas, let me show you there is no problem with you.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 057 with dissolve "Leaning in, Myriam started licking on Jonas' still limp cock and balls, gently taking care of every inch of his genitals as if they were precious things." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JoY "\"Aaaaaah! Christ!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 058 with dissolve "After taking care of him like that for a few minutes, finally Myriam took his hard cock in her mouth and gently started to give Jonas a blowjob." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JoY "\"Ooooooh! Jesus! Aaaaaah! Christ almighty!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 059 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And after just a few seconds of Myriam thorough blowjob, Jonas started cumming in her mouth, his small balls jumping with every burst while she swallowed every drop." JoY "\"AAAAAAH! CHRIST! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 060 with dissolve JoY "\"Jesus! Tha-that was so good! Tha-thanks!\"" MC "\"You're welcome Jonas! It was a pleasure, so no more thinking you don't deserve a nice girl now!\"" JoY "\"O-ok!\"" MC "\"If you ever feel down again, you can come to me, understood?\"" JoY "\"Re-really!?\"" MC "\"Yes, it'll be my pleasure, you're a sweet kid Jonas.\"" JoY "\"Jesus! Thanks!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 061 with dissolve "As he was about to walk out after having dressed, Jonas turned around towards Myriam to thank her again timidly, still unsure if he was dreaming or not." JoY "\"Tha-thanks Mrs Summers! I don't know why you're so nice, but thanks.\"" MC "\"I told you Jonas, you're a sweet kid, why wouldn't I be nice to you?\"" JoY "\"I-I don't know... Because nobody else is I guess.\"" MC "\"Oooh! I'm sorry to hear that Jonas, but you shouldn't listen to people bringing you down.\"" JoY "\"Yeah...?\"" MC "\"Yes! And I promise you, you can count on me, I'll be here when you need me.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 062 with dissolve "Staying still as she looked at Jonas walking away, Myriam couldn't help but feel sad for the kid." MC "{i}Poor kid! It really seems like he doesn't have anybody rooting for him, I just hope he doesn't abandon all hope.{/i}" MC "{i}I really have to keep my promise and be here for him, I don't know if sex is the way to go, but if it can help his self-esteem it really doesn't cost me anything.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_sending_jonas_away:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 063 with dissolve "Despite her guilt towards Jonas for what happened the other day, Myriam chose to stay firm and avoid the situation to get even more complicated." MC "\"I'm really sorry about what happened the other day Jonas, things got away from me.\"" JoY "\"It's ok.\"" MC "\"No, it's not, and we shouldn't get things even more complicated Jonas.\"" JoY "\"Yes, I know.\"" MC "\"So, I'm glad you didn't do anything, but you shouldn't stay here.\"" JoY "\"Yes, Mrs Summers, sorry.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 064 with dissolve "Staying still as she looked at Jonas walking away, Myriam couldn't help but feel sad for the kid." MC "{i}Poor kid! I don't like having to shoo him away, but it's for the best.{/i}" MC "{i}I just hope it doesn't hurt him too much...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_getting_out_of_the_shower:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 065 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_accepted_stellas_curiosity == True or ch3_sending_stella_away == True:" "Stella gone, Myriam went in front of the mirror to dry herself, mulling her thoughts over as she looked at herself." MC "{i}God! I hope everything goes well with Stella and I made the right choice...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_comforted_jonas == True or ch3_sending_jonas_away == True:" "Jonas gone, Myriam went in front of the mirror to dry herself, mulling her thoughts over as she looked at herself." MC "{i}God! I hope everything goes well with Jonas and I made the right choice...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_who_could_that_be == True:" "Leaving the curtain behind her, Myriam went in front of the mirror to dry herself, mulling her thoughts over as she looked at herself." MC "{i}God! I don't know who it was, but I hope it doesn't go any further than this...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" stop music fadeout 1 "Getting out of the shower, Myriam went in front of the mirror to dry herself, mulling her thoughts over as she looked at herself." MC "{i}God! I'm so glad that everything went so well with the kids, it's a load off my mind.{/i}" MC "{i}But let's put that aside for now and get on with the day.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_offered_cleavon_a_blowjob_in_his_office == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_coming_back_for_seconds" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_coming_back_for_seconds:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 066 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to finish drying her hair and go, her attention was suddenly brought towards the curtain, hearing Cleavon calling out for her." MC "{i}Ha! Seems that someone's coming this way...{/i}" ClL "\"Myriam?\"" MC "{i}Oh! It's Cleavon!{/i}" ClL "\"Yeah, it's me, you can come in.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 067 with dissolve "Stepping in and closing the curtain behind him, Cleavon followed Myriam's invitation, apologizing for the surprise." ClL "\"Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, come in.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 068 with dissolve "Coming close to her, Cleavon hugged Myriam from behind, pressing his groin against her butt as he whispered in her ear." ClL "\"I just couldn't stay away after this morning.\"" MC "\"Yeah, I thought you might, it took you longer than I anticipated though.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 069 with dissolve "As he slowly started kissing her neck, Cleavon's hands started caressing Myriam's body as well, one fondling her breasts while the other slowly caressed her stomach." ClL "\"Mouah! You knew I would come? Mouah!\"" MC "\"Yeah! Mmmh! I saw how excited you still were.\"" ClL "\"Mouah! So you were waiting for me to come? Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Maaaybe...\"" ClL "\"Mouah! You naughty girl! Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 070 with dissolve "Myriam turning her head towards Cleavon while her hands started caressing him as well, both kissed each other passionately, both feeling the excitment of the other." ClL "\"Mouah! Dear god I need to fuck you so bad!\"" MC "\"Mouah! Then what are you waiting for?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 071 with dissolve "Bending Myriam over the sink, Cleavon pulled his half hard cock and started slapping it against her back and butt, teasing her before passing to the serious business." MC "\"Come on! What are you waiting for put that huge cock of yours in my ass!?\"" ClL "\"Just tenderizing the meat before pounding it!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve "Then finally, after his cock got fully hard and Myriam started begging him to go, Cleavon pushed his big cock in her ass, slowly starting to fuck it against the sink." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaaaaah! You're so fucking big!\"" ClL "\"Aaaaaah! And your ass is so fucking tight!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 073 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 072 with dissolve "Alternating between pulling out slowly and giving her powerful thrusts, Cleavon kept going, accelerating the pace and pounding her ass harder and deeper while she screamed her pleasure at her own reflection in the mirror." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Yes!! Yes!! Mmmmmh! Don't stop!\"" ClL "\"Ooooooh! Not for anything in the world!!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to wreck my ass again, but this is so fucking good!{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 074 with dissolve "As Cleavon kept pounding Myriam's ass hard, she screamed in pleasure loudly as a violent orgasm shook her, the school bell suddenly ringing that it was the end of lunchtime." MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" play sound "school bell-freesound-13fpanska-stranska-michaela.mp3" "{size=50}RIIIIIIIIING!!!{/size=50}" ClL "{i}Shit! Already! I've got to finish quick!{/i}" ClL "\"Aaah! Sorry! Myriam but I've got to finish quick if we don't want to get caught!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! Mmmh! Don-don't worry about me! Aaah! Go for it, but my legs...\"" ClL "\"Aaah! Don't worry, I've got it!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 075 with dissolve "Lifting Myriam in the air towards his back as she had lost strength in them, Cleavon started to roughly pounding her ass again while she clung to the sink." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Dear god! Aaaaaah! Yes! You're ruining my ass! Mmmmmmh!\"" ClL "\"Ooooooh! God! Your ass is so tight like that! Aaah! I'm gonna cum soon!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Wai-wait! My face! Aaaaaah! I want you to drench my face with your cu-cuuum!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 076 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Doing as she asked, Cleavon let Myriam slip to the ground and finished himself in front of her face, quickly covering her with thick ropes of cum." ClL "\"AAAAAAH! HERE'S YOUR CUM! AAAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Give it to me! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 077 with dissolve "Done cumming, Cleavon put his cock away and held out his hand to Myriam to help her get up." ClL "\"Here, let me help you up.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, just go before someone catches you down there.\"" ClL "\"Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Yeah, go! I just need a minute to get my legs back.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 078 with dissolve "Cleavon gone, Myriam caressed her numb legs as her lower body was still shaking from her orgasm." MC "{i}Dear god! He really did a number on me again! He fucked me so hard I can barely feel my legs anymore.{/i}" MC "{i}I said I was good, but I'll have to wait a moment before I can stand again.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_henrys_turn" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_henrys_turn:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 079 with dissolve "But as Myriam was waiting on the ground for her legs to calm down and be able to get up, she suddenly heard a voice behind the curtain." HeR "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Ha! Wha-what?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! It's Henry! I've got to get up!{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 080 with dissolve "Hearing Myriam scream, Henry suddenly went in worried, finding the cum covered Myriam clinging to the sink, desperately trying to get up." HeR "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Ha! Wait!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 081 with dissolve "Quickly reacting as he saw her lose her balance due to the surprise and her weak legs, Henry jumped forward to catch her." MC "\"Haaa!\"" HeR "\"Ho! Careful!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 082 with dissolve "Helping her to the toilet seat, Henry supported so she could rest there until she got back her legs." HeR "\"Here you go!\"" MC "\"Thank you and sorry you had to see me like that.\"" HeR "\"It's ok, I don't mind, technically you're not faculty, so there's not really any ethical problem with you having a relationship with the principal.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 083 with dissolve "Looking away embarrassed, Myriam started scrubbing Cleavon's cum off her face." MC "\"Dear god! You caught him too... This is so embarrassing...\"" HeR "\"Well, it was kind of hard to miss, you both screamed so loudly, it was lucky I came here first and was able to divert the kids to the other locker room for PE.\"" MC "\"Oh my god! This is so mortifying...\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 084 with dissolve "Her face cleaned, Myriam reached for the toilet paper to clean up her hands while pleading for Henry's discretion." MC "\"Please I beg you, don't say a word, I don't want to get Cleavon in trouble.\"" HeR "\"You don't need to worry about me, I know how to keep things to myself, \"Mum's the word!\"\"" MC "\"Thank you, I don't know what to say, that's so nice of you.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 085 with dissolve "Looking down as she started cleaning her hands, Myriam noticed the big bulge in Henry's shorts as he was about to go." MC "\"I don't know how to thank you...\"" MC "{i}My god! I completely made him hard! I can't blame him though...{/i}" HeR "\"Don't mention it really, but I should go, or the kids will be waiting for me.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_24_hard_henry:" "How does Myriam react to Henry's state?" KN_MOD "Stop him horny. if ch2_dirty_mind == True:" $ ch3_blowing_henry_horny = True MC "{i}God! That's really a big bulge! That's makes me think of the first day I came down here and caught him showering, I fantasized on blowing him.{/i}" MC "{i}Just thinking about it is making me salivating... Maybe I could give him a little thank you blowjob.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_hardcore_henry" KN_MOD "Stop him guilty.:" $ ch3_blowing_henry_guilty = True MC "{i}God! He looks really hard, I can't let him go take care of the kids like that, he could get into trouble.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_hardcore_henry" KN_MOD "Let him go.:" MC "\"Of course, I understand.\"" MC "{i}I feel guilty but there's nothing I can do, he needs to go take care of his class.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_avoiding_more_trouble" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_hardcore_henry:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 086 with dissolve "Grabbing his arm as he was about to go, Myriam stopped him before he left for his class." MC "\"Wait!\"" HeR "\"What?\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 087 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_henry_horny == True:" MC "\"You should let me take care of that, you know, as a thank you gesture.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blowing_henry_guilty == True:" MC "\"You should let me take care of that before you go, you can't see the kids with that, you'll get in trouble.\"" HeR "\"Well, I don't mind honestly, I'm not one to refuse a free blowjob from a gorgeous woman, but what about Cleavon?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_henry_horny == True:" MC "\"Don't worry about that, it's fine, we're not an item yet, we're just having a good time.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blowing_henry_guilty == True:" MC "\"Don't worry about that, it makes me feel a bit guilty, but I can't let you go like that and it's my fault.\"" HeR "\"Ok then.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 088 with dissolve "As Myriam leaned in to take Henry in her mouth after taking off his shorts, he stopped her one last time." HeR "\"But I don't have much time, I need to join the kids quickly, do you mind if we go fast?\"" MC "\"Of course not, you can facefuck me if you want, I don't mind.\"" HeR "\"Well then, don't mind if I do.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve "Grabbing Myriam's head as she opened her mouth wide, Henry immediately shoved his cock down her throat to see how far he could go, then quickly started to facefuck her." HeR "\"Here! Aaaaaah!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" HeR "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! That's it!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve "Quickly feeling that Myriam was able to take some punishment, Henry kept accelerating the pace, facefucking her harder and deeper, filling the room with only Henry's grunts and Myriam sloppy blowjob noises." HeR "\"Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_henry_horny == True:" MC "{i}God! He's rough! It's getting me excited!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blowing_henry_guilty == True:" MC "{i}God! He's rough! He's testing my limits...{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 090 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 089 with dissolve scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 091 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Continuing for a few minutes in silence, using Myriam's mouth to reach his limits, Henry finally grunted loudly and emptied his balls down her throat, keeping her head firmly in place as she swallowed." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" HeR "\"AAARGH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 092 with dissolve "As Henry pulled out and released her head, Myriam bent back coughing, exhausted by the effort as she tried to catch her breath." MC "\"Gasp! Dear god! Cough, cough! That was intense! Cough!\"" HeR "\"Sorry, are you ok?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_henry_horny == True:" MC "\"Yes... Cough! I'm ok, don't worry, I like it rough, it's no problem.\"" MC "{i}God! He was so rough with my throat, now I can't stop thinking how his cock would feel fucking me that roughly!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blowing_henry_guilty == True:" MC "\"Yes... Cough! I'm ok, don't worry, I'm used to it.\"" MC "{i}God! He was rough, but I'm the one that offered, I can't complain, and contrary to Anthony he asked me first and even apologized.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 093 with dissolve HeR "\"Will you be ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, yes, don't worry, go! I know you have your class waiting, I'll be ok.\"" HeR "\"Thank you for the blowjob Myriam.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_henry_horny == True:" MC "\"Any time Henry, it was a pleasure.\"" HeR "\"I'll keep it in mind, have a good day.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_blowing_henry_guilty == True:" MC "\"Oh! You-you're welcome Henry, it was the least I could do.\"" HeR "\"Have a good day.\"" MC "\"You too.\"" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 094 with dissolve "Watching Henry go after getting dressed, Myriam couldn't help think how weird and stoic he was, talking to her after what happened in the same monotone he always had." MC "{i}God! He's nice, but he's so weird... He looks so much like a robot sometimes, it's like he's the Terminator!{/i}" MC "{i}But it really feels like I can trust him to be discreet, he really does look like someone reliable.{/i}" MC "{i}I should go now, I feel like my legs calmed down.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_avoiding_more_trouble:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 095 with dissolve "Watching Henry go after helping her, Myriam couldn't help think how weird and stoic he was, talking to her after what happened in the same monotone he always had." MC "{i}God! He's nice, but he's so weird... He looks so much like a robot sometimes, it's like he's the Terminator!{/i}" MC "{i}But it really feels like I can trust him to be discreet, he really does look like someone reliable.{/i}" MC "{i}I should go now, I feel like my legs calmed down.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_24_getting_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_24_getting_on_with_the_day:" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 096 with dissolve "Going to her locker, Myriam opened it to get dressed and leave school for the day." MC "{i}Let's get dressed and head home to get Cassius, this morning made me curious about the seaside.{/i}" MC "{i}I could have a walk with the dog and test the beach if I find a nice spot.{/i}" scene bg ch3_24 aworkingdayatschool 097 with dissolve "Dressed and her hair dried, Myriam left the teacher's locker and shower room behind her before heading out." MC "{i}Let's go.{/i}" MC "{i}This morning was a good success with the kids, I think I deserve some down time as a reward.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update10" KN_MOD "label ch3_update10:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update10 from _call_var_chapter3_update10" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_a_day_at_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_a_day_at_the_beach:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Day at the Beach" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 001 with dissolve "Driving home after leaving school, Myriam headed home to go change and get Cassius before going for a walk on the seaside." MC "{i}Let's just quickly get changed and get Cassius.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe it's a good occasion to try the local beaches...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 002 with dissolve "Heading inside, Myriam quickly went to her bedroom, stopping in front of her dresser to look at what she could put on to go out on to the beach." MC "{i}Let's see what I can put on to go for a seaside walk.{/i}" MC "{i}I just can't go in these heels and clothes...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 003 with dissolve "Quickly changing into a swimsuit her cousin Evelyn offered her last time they went shopping, Myriam threw a shift over it and took a moment to look at herself in the mirror." MC "{i}It looks just fine to me, I wouldn't go out like this in town, but for walking along the beach it's not a problem.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to call Eve, she'll be happy to hear I put on one of the bikinis she offered me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 004 with dissolve "Satisfied, Myriam headed for the door to get Cassius and prepare a bag with all the necessities for the beach." MC "{i}Let's go get Cassius and prepare a bag for the beach.{/i}" MC "{i}This morning meeting with Crystal really made me curious about the beaches.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 005 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" "Ready for her outing, Myriam left her house with Cassius, excited to go out with his \"mistress\"." KN_MOD "else:" "Ready for her outing, Myriam left her house with Cassius, excited to go out with his mistress." MC "\"Ready to go boy?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 006 with dissolve "After driving out of the city, up to the seaside, Myriam left her car in a parking space and went on a walk on the boardwalk with Cassius." MC "\"Cassius! Don't go too far.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 007 with dissolve MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Look at him go, he's really happy to be able to explore a new place.{/i}" MC "{i}I really should take him out more often beyond his usual walks.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 008 with dissolve MC "{i}And look at the view, the beach and the sea looks gorgeous.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know what took me so long to go see the seaside.{/i}" MC "{i}If I hadn't met that young woman this morning I wouldn't have taken the trip for some time probably.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 009 with dissolve "Leaving her thoughts behind, Myriam kept walking along the prom over the seaside, following Cassius as he ran in front of her." MC "{i}Let's just have a walk with Cassius for now, I'll go have a look at the beach when we come back.{/i}" MC "\"Cassius! Wait for me.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 010 with dissolve "Following Cassius for some time past the broadwalk, Myriam ended up in palm tree forest just over the beach." MC "{i}Dear god! Where is he guiding me, I don't have the footwear to walk for miles.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't even see him anymore, where did he go?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 011 with dissolve MC "\"Cassius!\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "\"Cassius!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 012 with dissolve MC "{i}I've got to find him and head back to the boardwalk before I get lost.{/i}" MC "{i}I didn't meet anyone on the way since we left the boardwalk, there mustn't be a lot of people taking this trail.{/i}" KN_MOD "if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 35:" MC "{i}It's a nice trail though...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 013 with dissolve "As she looked back forward towards the trail to look for Cassius, a weird thought came to Myriam's mind." MC "{i}But it's crazy to see so few people here having a walk, with so many people on the beach just a few minutes away.{/i}" MC "{i}You could nearly walk naked here and without fear of meeting anybody...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 014 with dissolve "Looking behind her over the trail reflexively, as if she wanted to confirm her thought, Myriam verified if there was really anyone around." MC "{i}Dear god! What am I thinking!?{/i}" MC "{i}But look... Nobody around but me...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_walking_naked:" "Does Myriam entertain her crazy idea?" KN_MOD "Come on Myriam! Its crazy...:" $ ch3_walked_around_in_bikini = True MC "{i}Come on Myriam! It's crazy...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_walking_cassius_naked" KN_MOD "Come on Myriam! Stop with the crazy ideas.:" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Stop with the crazy ideas.{/i}" MC "{i}And I really need to go pee, I should have gone before leaving the house.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_need_to_go_pee" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}And I really need to go pee, I should have gone before leaving the house.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_need_to_go_pee" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_walking_cassius_naked:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 015 with dissolve "Looking behind her again, Myriam's mind started to run wild as she dared entertain her fantasy." MC "{i}But there's really nobody around...{/i}" MC "{i}It's crazy, but maybe I could try walking with just my bikini on, there's not much risk with that, the ocean is just there.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 016 with dissolve "Taking off her shift and tucking it in her bag, Myriam looked at herself in her bikini, feeling somewhat excited to go on her walk like this." MC "{i}Here you go! This isn't much, but it already feels kind of exciting to go around like this...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's keep walking like this and search for Cassius.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 017 with dissolve "Walking for a moment like this on the track, Myriam kept looking around nervously, both searching for Cassius and to monitor if anyone was coming her way." MC "{i}God! This is both exciting and nerve-wracking, but this is really kind of fun...{/i}" MC "{i}And there's still nobody around after all this time, maybe I could really try walking around naked... {w}Just for a moment.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_walking_really_naked:" "Does Myriam entertain her crazy idea further?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not!:" $ ch3_walked_around_naked = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not! There's really nobody around, what harm would it do?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_walking_cassius_really_naked" KN_MOD "No, I better look for Cassius...:" MC "{i}No, I better look for Cassius, I'm sure it would be fun, but it's been some time since I saw him.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's put my shift back on first and go look...{/i}" MC "{i}And I really need to go pee, I should have gone before leaving the house.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_need_to_go_pee" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_walking_cassius_really_naked:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 018 with dissolve "Putting away her bikini as well, Myriam started walking the track naked, feeling intoxicated by the danger of the situation." MC "{i}God! This is crazy but it feels exhilarating walking around like this in a public place.{/i}" MC "{i}I never thought I would be able to do something like that...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 019 with dissolve "But as she kept walking along the trail naked, Myriam suddenly heard a voice coming from behind her." "Voice" "\"Kiki!\"" MC "{i}God! What was that!?{/i}" "Voice" "\"Kiki!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! There's someone coming this way! I've got to hide quick.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 020 with dissolve "Quickly running behind a big rock to hide herself, Myriam heard an old man coming her way, calling for his dog as he walked along the trail." "Old man" "\"Kiki!\"" MC "{i}God! I was just in time! It doesn't look like I was caught!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 021 with dissolve "Crumbling down as the danger passed and the adrenalin went down, Myriam laughed nervously, the stress and excitement getting to her as she heard the old man walking away further down the trail." MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}God! That was so exciting and crazy! I can't believe I did that and nearly got caught!{/i}" MC "{i}But I better stop now and get dressed before it goes wrong...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 022 with dissolve "Calming herself down, Myriam stood up, her mind coming back to reality and why she was here in the first place." MC "{i}I should go search for Cassius also, it's been a while since I saw him.{/i}" MC "{i}And I really need to go pee, I should have gone before leaving the house.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_need_to_go_pee" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_need_to_go_pee:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_walked_around_naked == True:" "Searching for a while after getting dressed, Myriam stopped to look back to make sure no one was around, feeling she had reached her limits and had to go relieve herself." KN_MOD "elif ch3_walked_around_in_bikini == True:" "Searching for a while after putting her shift back on, Myriam stopped to look back to make sure no one was around, feeling she had reached her limits and had to go relieve herself." KN_MOD "else:" "Walking a few steps outside the trail, Myriam stopped to look back to make sure no one was around before going behind some bushes to relieve herself." MC "{i}Still no one around...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could quickly go pee over there, behind these bushes.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 024 with dissolve "Quickly going behind the bushes, Myriam crouched down and started relieving herself after taking off the bottom part of her swimsuit.." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! This feels great...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 025 with dissolve "As she finished relieving herself, Myriam looked around again, both confirming that no one was around and to see if she could spot Cassius." MC "{i}But there's still no signs of Cassius anywhere, I hope he didn't go running too far.{/i}" MC "{i}I should finish quickly and go back to searching for him.{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sneaky_cassius" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_sneaky_cassius:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 026 with dissolve "But suddenly, while she had finished peeing, Myriam was surprised by the arrival of Cassius, coming out of the bushes behind her and bringing his attention to her bottom." MC "\"HA! Cassius!?\"" Ca "\"Snif! Snif!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 027 with dissolve "Losing her balance in the surprise, Myriam fell forward on all fours, Cassius pushing his nose against her pussy as he kept sniffing her intimate scent." MC "\"Cassius! Wha-what are you doing!?\"" Ca "\"Snif! Snif! Snif!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 028 with dissolve "Still overcome by the surprise, Myriam tried to stop Cassius in a panic as he started licking her pussy, fearing to be caught by someone in this awkward position." MC "\"Cassius! Aaah! Stop!\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 029 with dissolve "But as Cassius kept pushing his snout against her pussy and asshole, licking them enthusiastically, Myriam already started feeling her legs weakening as the pleasure built up." MC "\"Mmmh! Ca-cassius! Aaah! S-stop!\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! He's going to get us caught! Why can't I stop him!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 030 with dissolve "With Myriam not moving, Cassius kept licking her pussy, enticed by her moans and excitement, her juices flowing as he kept licking them." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaah! God! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 031 with dissolve "Letting the pleasure build as Cassius kept licking her pussy and the excitement of how public the scene was, Myriam could feel an orgasm quickly coming." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! AAAAAAH!!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! He's making me cum again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 032 with dissolve "While Myriam was still shaking from her small orgasm, Cassius climbed over her and started grinding his cock against her still sensitive pussy, trying to find the right angle of entry." MC "\"Aaah... Aaah...\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 033 with dissolve "After a short time of awkwardness trying to find the entry, Cassius finally pushed his cock inside Myriam's wet pussy, pulling a scream of pleasure as her still sensitive pussy took his big cock in." MC "\"Aaaaaah! GOD! Aaaaaah!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 034 with dissolve "As usual, Cassius immediately started to roughly fuck Myriam, pounding her pussy hard and fast, pushing her to her limits with an intense and primal coitus as beasts would have." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaaaah! You're killing me!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 035 with dissolve "Her body still very sensitive, Myriam could feel every thrust from Cassius very intensely, screaming her pleasure loudly as he kept pounding her pussy deeper and deeper, trying to push his knot in." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaaaah! Mmmmmmh! Cassius! Aaah! Wait!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "{i}Aaaaaah! God! Aaah! He's trying to push his knot inside my pussy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 036 with dissolve "And as she thought, Myriam suddenly felt Cassius pushing his knot inside her pussy, pulling a scream of surprise, pain and pleasure out of her as he kept thrusting roughly." MC "\"HAAA! GOD! AAAH!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 037 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly following the intense hard knotting, Cassius started filling Myriam's pussy full of cum, all while he kept thrusting in jerky violent bursts until he was finally done, pushing her into a powerful orgasm as well." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH! WHINE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH! CASSIUS!!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 038 with dissolve "Done with his mating, Cassius stayed in position, his knot still swollen and trapped inside Myriam's pussy, forcing her to stay on all fours until he pulled out of her, teasing her still sensitive pussy with the slightest move." MC "\"Aaah! Plea-please don't move Cassius! Mmmh!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}God! We're stuck like this outside and his slightest movement is giving me waves of pleasure... I can't move!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 039 with dissolve "But after a few minutes of waiting, Cassius finally pulled out with a sloshing noise, leaving Myriam's pussy gaping and gushing with his cum, slowly oozing out of her." MC "\"Aaah! Finally!\"" MC "{i}Thank god he's out! I really feared that someone would catch us like that...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 040 with dissolve "Reaching for her pussy and the oozing cum, Myriam went to scrub her pussy of most of the cum so she could walk around without fearing it would leak down her legs or stain her swimsuit." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I've got to scrub this cum out before we go, I don't want to get caught with cum leaking down my legs...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 041 with dissolve "Done and back up, Myriam could already feel relieved, glad to have been able to clean herself up and put her swimsuit bottoms back on without being caught in awkward position." MC "\"So, are you ready you naughty boy?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "{i}Look at him all happy and innocent! It's really become normal behavior for him now to fuck his mistress...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 042 with dissolve "Looking at Cassius walking around like if nothing happened, Myriam's mind kept wandering, asking herself how things had gotten to this point." MC "{i}The worst is that it's even started feeling kind of normal to me, like if I was just doing some routine activity with him and taking care of him.{/i}" MC "{i}This is crazy, I know it's wrong, but it's starting to not feel that wrong anymore...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 043 with dissolve "Leaving her thoughts behind, as she couldn't get them straight and resolve her quandary, Myriam turned back towards her bag, bending over to get it and go." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Stop it now, nothing you can do here, better go and clear your head.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_going_to_the_beach" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_cassius_return" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_cassius_return:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 044 with dissolve "Getting up after relieving herself, Myriam looked around for Cassius while fixing herself up." MC "{i}Where is he?{/i}" MC "{i}I hope he didn't go pursue some wild life...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 045 with dissolve "But as Myriam was looking away, trying to see if she could see him, Cassius suddenly arrived behind her." Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Ha! Cassius!?\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 046 with dissolve MC "\"Dear god! You surprised me! I didn't hear you coming.\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Are you trying to play pranks on me now?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_going_to_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_going_to_the_beach:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 047 with dissolve "Dressed and beach bag in hand, finally back with Cassius and feeling much better after relieving herself, Myriam left this small hidden spot behind and headed for the beach." MC "\"Come on Cassius! And this time you stay with me, ok?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 048 with dissolve "Walking out of the pine forest where she walked Cassius, Myriam walked again along the boardwalk, looking down at the beach she passed earlier." MC "\"Look Cassius, the beach looks gorgeous!\"" MC "\"What do you say to a little stop to enjoy it for a moment?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 049 with dissolve "Heading down the boardwalk to the beach, Myriam searched for a spot to put her bag and lay down a towel to sunbathe after swimming for a bit." MC "{i}It should be alright over here.{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 050 with dissolve "After unpacking her stuff, Myriam put just a bit of sunscreen to not catch too much sun while swimming." MC "{i}Here, better put some lotion on before going...{/i}" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 051 with dissolve MC "\"You stay here Cassius and keep an eye on everything?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Good boy! Stay!\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 052 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius behind, laying down over the towel and keeping an eye on her stuff, Myriam headed for the water." MC "{i}It's been some time since I swam in the ocean...{/i}" MC "{i}I should watch myself and not get exhausted, and surprised by the waves and currents.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 053 with dissolve "Approaching slowly the water, Myriam tested the water temperature, letting the waves lick her feet as they came crashing gently on the beach." "WASH!" MC "{i}Mmmh... The water is perfect, it's really nice.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 054 with dissolve "After walking a few steps into the water, Myriam dove into the warm water of the ocean, ready to go swim." MC "{i}Let's go!{/i}" MC "\"Haa!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 055 with dissolve "Diving under the water, Myriam slowly followed her momentum and swam in the shallow and clear waters of the beach." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! The water is so clear and peaceful...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 056 with dissolve "Still using the momentum of her dive, Myriam kept swimming underwater, keeping her breath as long as she could to enjoy the peace and quiet of this \"other\" world." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Let's keep swimming for a bit, the water is really calm.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 057 with dissolve "Reaching her limits, Myriam headed back towards the surface to get some air before running out of breath." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}I've got to get back to the surface, I'm out of breath!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 058 with dissolve "Turning on her back once reaching the surface, Myriam tried to stay still to catch her breath." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! I'm so rusty, I've got so much less stamina than before, I really have to keep training if I want to get back in shape.{/i}" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Let's get back to it.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 059 with dissolve "Her breath back, Myriam started swimming again, going on a crawl to push her stamina and exercise." MC "\"Huff! Ha! Huff!\"" MC "{i}Let's push myself for a little while still and head back to the beach after that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_walking_out_of_the_sea" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_walking_out_of_the_sea:" scene black with dissolve show text "A little while later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 060 with dissolve "Getting out of the water after swimming for some time, Myriam headed for where she had laid her towel and left Cassius." MC "\"Aaah...\"" MC "{i}God! I'm exhausted, but it felt great!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 061 with dissolve "As Myriam was walking towards her towel, she suddenly started to feel self-conscious, as she felt as if she was being observed." MC "{i}It's weird, I feel like I'm being watched...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_observed:" "How does Myriam react to the feeling?" KN_MOD "Brush off the feeling.:" $ ch3_unaware_of_the_gazes = True MC "{i}Maybe it's just my imagination.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel" KN_MOD "Feel awkward.:" MC "{i}Maybe I shouldn't have come with such a risky swimsuit, let's just quickly get to my towel.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel" KN_MOD "Ignore it.:" MC "{i}Well, I can't blame people for looking at what's in front of them, let's just get to my towel.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel" KN_MOD "Excited by the feeling.:" $ ch3_excited_by_the_gazes = True MC "{i}God! This is getting me excited! I really became so naughty.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel" KN_MOD "Feel ashamed and excited.:" $ ch3_excited_by_the_gazes = True MC "{i}God! People are perving over me... Thi-this is so degrading...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_getting_to_the_towel:" KN_MOD "if ch3_excited_by_the_gazes == True:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 062a with dissolve "Ignoring the gazes, Myriam kept walking with a smile, acting as if nothing was amiss, feeling strangely excited by the gazes." MC "{i}Let's just get back to my towel and ignore them...{/i}" MC "{i}Though it's crazy how much effect those gazes have on me, I think it's something I should talk about with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 062b with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_unaware_of_the_gazes == True:" "Brushing off the feeling, Myriam kept walking towards her towel and Cassius.." MC "{i}Let's just get back to my towel...{/i}" MC "{i}I left Cassius alone for a while now.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Ignoring the gazes, Myriam kept walking feeling somewhat awkward, acting as if nothing was amiss despite it all." MC "{i}Let's just get back to my towel and ignore them...{/i}" MC "{i}It's just gazes, it's not as if they were being inappropriate towards me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 063 with dissolve "Walking to Cassius, Myriam bent over to pet him and congratulate him for doing what she asked him, unknowingly offering a perfect view of her butt to the man laying behind her." MC "\"Good boy Cassius! You stayed like I told you to.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"I'm going to take a quick shower, can you stay here a moment longer?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Good boy! Stay!\"" "Man" "{i}Wow! That's some ass!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_excited_by_the_gazes == False:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 064 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius behind to guard her stuff after taking her sunglasses, Myriam headed for a public shower to wash off the sea water, not paying attention to the man." MC "{i}Let's get cleaned up and wash off all that sea water, my eyes are really starting to burn now.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Shit! And these knockers are really something as well!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 065 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius behind to guard her stuff after taking her sunglasses, Myriam headed for a public shower to wash off the sea water, looking back at the man following her with his eyes." MC "{i}Let's get cleaned up and wash off all that sea water, my eyes are really starting to burn now.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Shit! And these knockers are really something as well!{/i}" MC "{i}God! This man really doesn't hide the fact that he's liking what he sees...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_eye_contact:" "Does Myriam keep eye contact with the man?" KN_MOD "Hes really holding my gaze... (Risky Behaviour Trait 25+) if MCtrait[Risky] >= 25:" $ ch3_inviting_gaze = True MC "{i}He's really holding my gaze, cocky fellow!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_cleaned" KN_MOD "Better ignore him or he could misinterpret...:" MC "{i}Better ignore him or he could misinterpret and get some ideas.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_getting_cleaned" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_getting_cleaned:" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 066 with dissolve "As she kept walking and passed the man, Myriam held his gaze as well, even turning back as she offered him a perfect view of her ass in passing." MC "{i}God! Just feeling the lust in his gaze makes me excited, I've become so dirty minded.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Holy shit! Is she inviting me to follow her!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 067 with dissolve "Leaving her towel neighbor behind, Myriam kept heading for the public beach shower to clean herself up." MC "{i}Here they are...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll be able to rinse myself off.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 068 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Getting in and quickly slipping under the shower after taking off her swimsuit and sunglasses, Myriam quickly started to clean herself." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}That's it! This feels great to be able to wash off all this sea water.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 069 with dissolve "Unknowingly to her, as she was showering, Myriam's towel neighbor was approaching the public shower with some dirty business in mind as he looked around to see if anyone was looking his way." "Man" "{i}Nobody's looking this way...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" "Man" "{i}Time to have some fun with that beach slut!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_walking_in" KN_MOD "else:" "Man" "{i}Time to have a look at that juicy body!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_looking_in" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_looking_in:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 070 with dissolve "Slipping behind the public shower, the man climbed on a big rock to spy on Myriam taking her shower." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" "Man" "{i}Fuck! I can hear her moaning, is she touching herself?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 071 with dissolve "Looking over the shower's wall, the peeping Tom was disappointed to not find her touching herself, but quickly forgot his sadness as he enjoyed the spectacle." "Man" "{i}Damn! She's not... But fuck! That's still a nice view...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" "Man" "{i}Look at that body! What I wouldn't give to slip into that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 072 with dissolve "Staying on his perch, the man kept peeping on Myriam as she continued to wash herself, enjoying the show as he started caressing himself over his shorts." "Man" "{i}Fuck! Flaunting a body like that on the beach and not sharing it should be a crime!{/i}" "Man" "{i}Damn! I should have taken my phone to immortalize the moment.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 073 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Myriam shut off the water as she had finished washing herself, causing her peeping Tom to quickly get down from his perch to avoid getting caught." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}That felt great, but I better go back, I can't leave Cassius alone like that.{/i}" "Man" "{i}Oh shit! Better scatter!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_walking_in:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 074 with dissolve "As he stepped inside the public shower after Myriam, the man looked one last time behind him to see if anyone was looking at him." "Man" "{i}Nobody's around, let's have some fun...{/i}" "Man" "{i}Fuck I can't wait to be inside that slut!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 075 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" "Suddenly hearing someone behind her, Myriam turned back to see the man who was looking at her so intently previously, coming in." KN_MOD "else:" "Suddenly hearing someone behind her, Myriam turned back to see the man who was sitting beside her spot on the beach, coming in." MC "\"HA! Wha-what!?\"" "Man" "\"Hey!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_cocky_bastard:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Send him off strongly!:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sending_the_man_away" KN_MOD "Say nothing...:" $ ch3_beach_random_fuck = True MC "{i}God! That's the guy that kept looking at me... He really followed me here! What do I do!?{/i}" MC "\"He-hey...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_fucked_in_the_public_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_sending_the_man_away:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 076 with dissolve "As she stepped back, Myriam immediately covered her breasts and send the man away pissed." MC "\"Hey yourself! Get out immediately!\"" "Man" "\"Oh! Sorry! I just thought...\"" MC "\"I said get out!\"" "Man" "\"I'm going, calm down, I'm sorry!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 077 with dissolve MC "{i}My god! I can't believe it!{/i}" MC "{i}That guy really just followed me here...{/i}" MC "{i}Did he really think I would just let him fuck me just like that!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 078 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Turning back still shocked, Myriam shut the water off, mulling over what just happened." MC "{i}But what was I thinking looking at him like that... I should have known it would be misinterpreted.{/i}" MC "{i}Ha! Forget it! At least he didn't push it further when I told him to fuck off.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_fucked_in_the_public_shower:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 079 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "As Myriam just stuttered a word without stopping him, the man approached her as she shut off the shower, grabbing her butt as he came grinding against it." MC "{i}God! What am I doing!? Why did I let him come in!? This is...{/i}" "Man" "\"That's some really fine ass you got there girl!\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks...\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 080 with dissolve "Not wasting much time as he thought he had to be fast, the man started pulling his shorts down to free his cock, still staying firmly glued to Myriam's ass." "Man" "\"Now let's see if that pussy of yours is as fine as your ass!\"" "Man" "{i}Better get on with it fast before someone catches us...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 081 with dissolve "And as he announced, the man quickly slipped his cock inside Myriam's welcoming pussy as she leaned against the shower's wall, pushing her ass towards him.." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}My god! This is really happening! I'm really allowing a total stranger to fuck me!{/i}" "Man" "\"Wow! That's some tight pussy you got!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 082 with dissolve "Grabbing her butt as he pushed his cock deep inside her, the man quickly started fucking Myriam from behind, enjoying every second of it." "Man" "\"Aaah! You feel great girl!\"" "Man" "{i}Fuck! I got lucky on that one! How was that saying again? {w}Aaah! Yeah! \"Fortune favors the bold!\"{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! God! I've gone crazy! Mmmh!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve "His hands still firmly gripped on her ass, the man slowly started accelerating the pace, fucking Myriam deeper and harder with each thrust as her moans were getting louder." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" "Man" "\"Aaah! You're loving a good dicking girl... Aaah! Aren't you?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Aaah! Yes! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 085 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 086 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 085 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 086 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 085 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 086 with dissolve "Galvanized by Myriam's moans and his own excitement, the man even pushed his luck at slapping her butt as she pushed her hips towards him while he thrusted from behind." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Man" "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! Aaaah! Move that ass!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmh! Aaaaaah!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Man" "{i}Aaah! Fuck! She's really into it that slut!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 084 with dissolve scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 083 with dissolve "Grabbing onto her hips again, the man started pounding Myriam's pussy for his last run, forgetting any restraint as he could feel he was about to reach his limits very soon." "Man" "\"Ooooooh! Shit! Your pussy's too fucking good! Aaah! I'm going to cum soon!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmh! I can feel it! Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 087 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as he announced, after a few more thrusts, the man barely pulled out of Myriam, barely in time before emptying a massive quantity of cum on her back." "Man" "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE YOU GO!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Mmmh! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 088 with dissolve "Backing away a few steps to admire the results of his work, the man thanked Myriam for the ride, not realizing as he was leaving that he was leaving her unfulfilled." "Man" "\"Fuck! That was some ride! Thanks for the release, I really needed that!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yo-you're welcome...\"" MC "{i}God! Aaah! I-I was nearly there too!{/i}" "Man" "\"But I better go before someone comes our way with the noise we made.\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 089 with dissolve "Quickly getting back into his shorts, the man waved thanks to Myriam before quickly leaving her with the same eloquence he had coming in." "Man" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"He-hey!?\"" MC "{i}God! I-is that all?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 090 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Turning back towards the shower, Myriam turned the water on again to wash off the cum on her back, as well as the strange feeling she was having after the adventure." MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_cleansing:" "What are Myriam's feelings?" KN_MOD "Ashamed.:" MC "{i}God! I don't know what came over me! I feel so dirty after that... I feel ashamed of myself.{/i}" MC "{i}That's really something that I'll have to talk over with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "Disappointed.:" MC "{i}God! This really feels like a let down, not only didn't he make me cum, but he left so fast he'd catch up to yesterday.{/i}" MC "{i}I think that's probably something that I'll have to talk about with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "Frustrated.:" MC "{i}God! I'm feeling so frustrated now, not only didn't he make me cum, he didn't even attempt to finish me off or anything...{/i}" MC "{i}I think that's something that I'll have to talk over with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "Used.:" MC "{i}God! I'm feeling so pissed now! He really literally used me and scampered away like a thief!{/i}" MC "{i}That's something that I'll have to talk over with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "Unfazed.:" MC "{i}Well, that's that... I don't know what came over me to let this happen, but it felt somewhat unsatisfying.{/i}" MC "{i}I think that's probably something that I'll have to talk about with Doctor Silver.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_after_shower" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_after_shower:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 091 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_beach_random_fuck == True:" stop music fadeout 1 "Walking out of the beach shower after cleaning herself up again, Myriam headed towards Cassius and the stuff he was guarding for her." MC "{i}Come on, let's just get back to Cassius, the poor thing must have been waiting for quite some time now.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" "Walking out of the beach shower in turn after chasing the man away, Myriam headed towards Cassius and the stuff he was guarding for her." MC "{i}Let's just get back to Cassius, the poor thing must have been waiting for quite some time now.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Walking out of the beach shower, Myriam headed towards Cassius and the stuff he was guarding for her." MC "{i}Let's get back to Cassius now, the poor thing must have been waiting for quite some time now.{/i}" MC "{i}I think I should probably pack up my things and go home after that.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 092 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_beach_random_fuck == True:" "As she passed by the man with whom she just had sex with in the beach shower, Myriam felt shocked as she overheard his phone conversation." KN_MOD "elif ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" "As she passed by the man she had just chased out of the shower, Myriam felt shocked as she overheard his phone conversation." KN_MOD "elif ch3_excited_by_the_gazes == True:" "As she passed by the man who kept ogling her before, Myriam felt shocked as she overheard his phone conversation." KN_MOD "else:" "As she passed by the man sitting beside her towel, Myriam felt shocked as she overheard his phone conversation." "Man" "\"Hey! Honey! Don't worry I'll be there soon, just let me wrap things up here with the guys and I'll be with you before you know it.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_beach_random_fuck == True:" MC "{i}Oh my god! That piece of shit!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" MC "{i}My god! That asshole tried to come and fuck me despite having a girlfriend!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_excited_by_the_gazes == True:" MC "{i}My god! That asshole kept ogling me despite having a girlfriend!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Wow! Look at that asshole lying to his girlfriend!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 093 with dissolve "Sitting down on her towel beside Cassius, Myriam stayed quiet while her neighbor was collecting his things in order to leave." KN_MOD "if ch3_beach_random_fuck == True:" MC "{i}My god! I'm feeling so guilty now... That fucking asshole used me to cheat on his girlfriend...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't believe I let that happen, why did I...?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_inviting_gaze == True:" MC "{i}God! I'm feeling sort of guilty now... That fucking asshole tried to use me to cheat on his girlfriend...{/i}" MC "{i}Thank god I chased that dickhead away!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_excited_by_the_gazes == True:" MC "{i}God! I'm feeling sort of dirty now for having been ogled by that asshole...{/i}" MC "{i}I feel sad for the poor girl he's dating, I bet that dickhead is also cheating on her.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I feel sad for the poor girl he's dating...{/i}" MC "{i}He was clearly lying to her there, I wouldn't be surprised to hear he's also cheating on her.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 094 with dissolve "As the man was leaving the beach, Myriam's thoughts drifted to her own misadventures with Anthony." MC "{i}God! Was it always like that with Anthony as well?{/i}" MC "{i}Was he always lying to me like that guy?{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 095 with dissolve MC "{i}He really must have thought I was stupid...{/i}" MC "{i}I was so blind and naive.{/i}" MC "{i}Looking back I can't even understand what I ever found in that man... I must have been so starved for affection after Thomas' death...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 096 with dissolve MC "{i}Come on Myriam, stop it! Don't let an asshole get to you like that, he doesn't deserve you getting all worked up.{/i}" MC "{i}You came here to walk Cassius and relax! The dickhead is gone now anyway{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just sunbathe a moment and calm down before going home.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_topless:" "How does Myriam decide to sunbathe?" KN_MOD "Doesnt even think about it, and simply go as she is.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sunbathing" KN_MOD "Wants to go topless, but prefers to avoid it.:" MC "{i}I would have liked to do it topless, but I really don't want to get ogled again after what happened.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sunbathing" KN_MOD "Wants to go topless, but doesnt dare.:" MC "{i}I would liked to do it topless, but with all these people around, it just feels like too much.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sunbathing" KN_MOD "Doesnt even think about it, and simply go topless.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sunbathing_topless" KN_MOD "Decides to do it topless.:" MC "{i}Let's go topless, I don't like having tan lines.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_sunbathing_topless" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_sunbathing:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 097 with dissolve "Lying down over her towel, Myriam put her head against Cassius, feeling safe having him beside her as she closed her eyes and relaxed." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Let's just lie down and relax a few minutes until my skin has dried, I'll go home after.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 098 with dissolve "Closing her eyes for some time, Myriam let her mind slip away, resting for a moment as the sun kept its course and her body dried." MC "\"Zzz...\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 099 with dissolve "But as the sun ran its course, Myriam finished by emerging from her rest as she was starting to feel too hot." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}I think I better go before I end up getting some sunburns, I didn't put on any sunscreen after the shower.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 100 with dissolve "Straightening up a bit and stretching, Myriam turned towards Cassius to see how he was doing." MC "\"What do you say boy?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"Yeah, I think so too, we better go.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_leaving_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_sunbathing_topless:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 101 with dissolve "Lying down over her towel after taking off her top, Myriam put her head against Cassius, feeling safe having him beside her as she closed her eyes and relaxed." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Let's just lie down and relax a few minutes until my skin has dried, I'll go home after.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 102 with dissolve "As Myriam was starting to relax, she suddenly heard some noises beside her, opening her eyes discreetly, she saw a man seated on the big rock on her right." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}What was...!?{/i}" MC "{i}Oh! It's just someone sitting...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 103 with dissolve "But as she calmed down and chased her worry away, she suddenly noticed that another man had just sit on her left as well." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Oh! Here as well...{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 104 with dissolve MC "{i}God! I can really feel their gazes on my breasts...{/i}" MC "{i}What do I do!? Do I just get up and go? Or do I just ignore them?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_25_going_or_enjoying:" "What does Myriam decide to do?" KN_MOD "Yeah, no! I think I had enough for today...:" MC "{i}Yeah, no! I think I had enough for today, let's get dressed and go home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_cutting_short_on_sunbathing" KN_MOD "As long as theyre just looking...:" $ ch3_let_the_pervs_look = True MC "{i}As long as they're just looking and don't get any ideas.{/i}" MC "{i}I can't say I like it, but I'm the one exposing them, I can't blame them for looking.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_let_them_look" KN_MOD "To be honest, it even kind of feels exciting...:" $ ch3_enjoy_the_pervs_look = True MC "{i}To be honest, it even kind of feels exciting having all these eyes on me.{/i}" MC "{i}And I can't blame them for looking, I'm the one choosing to show them off.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_let_them_look" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_cutting_short_on_sunbathing:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 105 with dissolve "Sitting up, Myriam immediately put her top on, feeling too exhausted to ignore the gazes or to shoo them off." MC "{i}I won't be able to relax like that and I'm too exhausted to shoo them off or have a shouting match with some pervs.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just get my things and go home, I'll dry myself with the towel.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_leaving_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_let_them_look:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 106 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_enjoy_the_pervs_look == True:" "Choosing to play the ignorant card, Myriam decided to stay where she was and relax, enjoying the attention as she offered them a good view." MC "{i}Let's just play it as if I wasn't noticing anything and keep relaxing.{/i}" MC "{i}After all, nobody's hurting anyone and if they seem to enjoy the show, the situation is really kind of exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_let_the_pervs_look == True:" "Choosing to ignore the gazes of the pervs as much as she could, Myriam tried her best to relax and enjoy the sun." MC "{i}Just ignore them Myriam, what can you do anyway?{/i}" MC "{i}I'm too exhausted to shoo them off or have a shouting match with them.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 107 with dissolve "As she stayed laying on her towel relaxing, Myriam could feel her two peeping Toms getting closer to her." KN_MOD "if ch3_enjoy_the_pervs_look == True:" MC "{i}God! This is really hot! I know I'm pretty safe with Cassius here and being on the beach with lots of people around...{/i}" MC "{i}But still, your imagination can get wild, the feeling of what might happen is really getting to me.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_let_the_pervs_look == True:" MC "{i}God! Do they have to get closer, didn't they already have a good view before!?{/i}" MC "{i}It's getting really uncomfortable.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 108 with dissolve "But as the man on her left slowly kept getting closer, Cassius suddenly barked and started growling at him to keep away from Myriam, who got up in a fright, surprised by the sudden outburst." Ca "\"Woof! Grrrrrr!\"" "Man on her left" "\"WAAAH! Holy shit!\"" MC "\"Cassius!\"" "Man on her right" "{i}Wow! Shit!{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 109 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry! Don't worry, he's not dangerous!\"" Ca "\"Whine...\"" "Man on her left" "\"Yeah, yeah! No problem! I had to go anyway!\"" "Man on her left" "{i}Fuck! She's a babe but I don't want to get my face bitten off!{/i}" "Man on her right" "{i}Better go, I don't think I'll get anything with that dog around anyway.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 110 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_enjoy_the_pervs_look == True:" "Turning towards Cassius as the two men scampered away, Myriam reassured Cassius half laughing, amused by the situation." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Looks like you made them run faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_let_the_pervs_look == True:" "Turning towards Cassius as the two men scampered away, Myriam thanked Cassius half laughing, amused by the situation and relieved to have them leave her alone." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Good boy! Thank you Cassius, looks like you made them run faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" MC "\"I think we better go now though, I'll just dry myself with the towel.\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 111 with dissolve "Putting her bikini top back on, Myriam turned her mind towards her plans for the rest of the day." MC "{i}Well, both Cassius and I had enough excitement for the day, let's just get home now.{/i}" MC "{i}Katherine and William must be back home by now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_25_leaving_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch3_25_leaving_the_beach:" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 112 with dissolve "Once she had all her beach stuff tucked away in her bag and dressed again, Myriam finally turned towards Cassius, ready to go home." MC "\"Ready to go Cassius?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 113 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, let's go!\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Good boy!\"" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 114 with dissolve "Back on the boardwalk, Myriam headed to her car, a happy Cassius at her side as she gave the ocean and the beach a last look." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}That's quite the view...{/i}" MC "{i}It was a nice walk in the end, I think Cassius definitely enjoyed himself anyway, maybe I'll come back when the beaches will be less crowded.{/i}" scene bg ch3_25 adayatthebeach 115 with dissolve "After a quick drive home, Myriam headed home with Cassius, exhausted after an afternoon of walking and swimming." MC "\"Here we are, home sweet home! Let's get in Cassius.\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_end_of_a_busy_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_end_of_a_busy_day:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n End of a Busy Day" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 001 with dissolve "Leaving Cassius downstairs, Myriam headed to the master bedroom to take another shower after her day beside the ocean." MC "{i}Let's take another shower, I rinsed myself with the beach shower but my hair needs some shampoo for the sea water.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll slip into some comfortable clothes after that and go fix dinner for the kids.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 002 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "After putting her clothes to the laundry basket, Myriam slipped in the shower to quickly clean her hair thoroughly." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}That feel better already, I really dislike the feeling of having dirty hair.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 003 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "Quickly getting out of the shower after cleaning her hair, Myriam went to dry herself and finish taking care of her hair." MC "{i}Let's blow it dry...{/i}" MC "{i}I don't mind letting it dry naturally usually, but it was already wet nearly all day.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 004 with dissolve "Done taking care of herself after her shower and styling her hair up in a quick bun, Myriam went back to her room to get dressed and go fix dinner." MC "{i}Aaah! I feel renewed! A day at the beach is pretty nice, but still you feel really better after scrubbing off all the salt and sand.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get dressed now.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 005 with dissolve "After quickly slipping in some short jeans, a camisole and some sneakers, Myriam headed out of her bedroom." MC "{i}That'll be just fine to stay home...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see what the kids are up to and go fix them dinner.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 006 with dissolve "Leaving her room opened, Myriam headed down the corridor, stopping at the guest room where William was staying." MC "{i}I heard some noises in his room when I came up earlier, he must be in there.{/i}" MC "{i}He's probably doing his homework, let's not disturb him for too long.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 007 with dissolve play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" MC "\"William?\"" WiK "\"Yes?\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 008 with dissolve "Going in as he answered her, Myriam found William at the desk, surrounded by school books and papers, doing his homework as she thought." WiK "\"Mrs Summers...?\"" MC "\"We're at home William, you can call me Myriam.\"" WiK "\"My-Myriam...?\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 009 with dissolve MC "\"That's better... I won't disturb you for long, I just wanted to tell you that I was home and going to fix dinner.\"" WiK "\"Thank you, I'll be quick, I just have a few things to finish.\"" MC "\"No problem, take your time William.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 010 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Leaving William to his homework, Myriam closed the door and headed downstairs to look for Katherine." MC "{i}He's as studious as Katherine, it's a nice thing to see...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go find her now, I think she's probably downstairs, I heard some noises before going up.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 011 with dissolve "Searching for her as she arrived downstairs, Myriam quickly found Katherine in the kitchen, washing some dishes." MC "{i}Here she is.{/i}" MC "\"Katherine...\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 012 with dissolve "Stopping what she was doing, Katherine turn around in surprise as her mother called out to her." Ka "\"Mom!? Sorry! I didn't hear you coming in.\"" MC "\"It's ok sweetie, I just came in.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 013 with dissolve "Getting to her daughter, Myriam leaned in to kiss her over the forehead, feeling she hasn't seen her all day." MC "\"How was your day Pumpkin? Mouah!\"" Ka "\"It was ok mom...\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 014 with dissolve "Sitting beside her as she kept cleaning a glass, Myriam kept talking to Katherine." MC "\"Yeah? And how's your friend Jenny doing?\"" Ka "\"Still crazy.\"" MC "\"And your project, is it advancing well?\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 015 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah! We'll be ready in time I think.\"" MC "\"Good.\"" Ka "\"We'll just be needing you to come over and test a few costumes so we can adjust them for you.\"" MC "\"God! I completely forgot about that! I'm sorry.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_double_cop_date == True:" Ka "\"It's ok, it's not...\"" "RING!" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_cop_call" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"It's ok, it's not a problem, it should be quick to do.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_cop_call:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 016 with dissolve "Cut by the sudden ringing of her mother's phone, Katherine stopped talking, waiting for Myriam to look who it was." MC "\"Who is it?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_pissed == True:" $ ch3_ignoring_the_call = True "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's those two cop assholes!{/i}" MC "{i}I should have blocked their numbers.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation" KN_MOD "elif ch3_double_cop_date_feeling_guilty == True:" $ ch3_answering_their_call_guilty = True "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's those two cops!{/i}" MC "{i}Things didn't go well, but I can't help feeling guilty... I think I owe them another try.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "elif ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" $ ch3_answering_mikes_call = True "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's Mike!{/i}" MC "{i}I should answer!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "elif ch3_kissed_mike == True:" "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's that cop, Mike!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_26_answering_mike:" "Does Myriam answer or ignore the call?" KN_MOD "Im not sure I want to go any further with him... (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_ignoring_the_call = True MC "{i}I'm not sure I want to go any further with him, I better ignore the call.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation" KN_MOD "The night with him was pretty fun...:" $ ch3_answering_mikes_call = True MC "{i}The night with him was pretty fun, we even kissed, I should answer.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "elif ch3_getting_to_the_hotel_hammered == True:" $ ch3_answering_dannys_call = True "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's Danny!{/i}" MC "{i}God! What do I do!? I-I should answer!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "elif ch3_call_it_quits == True:" "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's those two cops!{/i}" MC "{i}I cut short on the night, but we had fun, maybe I should answer...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_26_answering_them_no_sex:" "Does Myriam answer or ignore the call?" KN_MOD "No, Im not sure I want to go any further... (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_ignoring_the_call = True MC "{i}No, I'm not sure I want to push it any further, it was fun but it's pretty clear what it'd lead to.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation" KN_MOD "And why not!:" $ ch3_answering_their_call_no_sex = True MC "{i}And why not! The night with them was pretty fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "else:" "RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's those two cops!{/i}" MC "{i}God! What do I do!? That night was really crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_26_answering_them_had_sex:" "Does Myriam answer or ignore the call?" KN_MOD "No, it was fun, but... (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_ignoring_the_call = True MC "{i}No, it was fun, but once was enough, I better not push things any further, let's ignore the call.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation" KN_MOD "And why not!:" $ ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex = True MC "{i}And why not! The night with them was pretty fun, I could at least hear them out.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_answering_the_call" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_answering_the_call:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 017 with dissolve MC "\"Hi!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_answering_dannys_call == True:" DaA "\"Hey baby! It's me.\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" DaA "\"Hey girl! It's me, Danny.\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_mikes_call == True:" MiJ "\"Hey beautiful! It's me.\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_no_sex == True or ch3_answering_their_call_guilty == True:" MiJ "\"Hey! It's me, Mike.\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 018 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_answering_dannys_call == True:" DaA "\"I missed my girl, and thought maybe we could have some fun tonight! What do you say?\"" MC "\"Oh! Ye-yeah! It could be nice, but...\"" DaA "\"Come on! I need my babe tonight!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" DaA "\"We were going to go out with Mike tonight and thought our girl would want to have some more fun with us.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ye-yeah! It could be nice, but...\"" DaA "\"Come on! We're going to have a great time like the other day!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_mikes_call == True:" MiJ "\"I was free early tonight and thought we could go out on a date, what do you say?\"" MC "\"Oh! It's a great idea, but I'm not sure I'll be able tonight.\"" MiJ "\"Are you sure? I won't have another free night for a while?\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_no_sex == True:" MiJ "\"We were going to go out with Danny tonight and thought maybe you would want to have some fun with us again.\"" MC "\"Oh! It's a nice idea, but I'm not sure I'll be able tonight.\"" MiJ "\"Are you sure? We won't have another free night for a while?\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_guilty == True:" MiJ "\"We were going to go out with Danny tonight and thought maybe we could have another try at having a fun night.\"" MC "\"Oh! I-it's a nice idea, but I'm not sure I'll be able tonight...\"" MiJ "\"Are you sure? We won't have another free night for a while?\"" MC "{i}What do I do!? I don't mind, but I wanted to stay home tonight and pass some time with Katherine...{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 019 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry, I can't tonight, I'm home with my daughter...\"" Ka "{size=20}\"What? Wait mom! You should go out if you want, I still have ton of homework to do.\"{/size=20}" MC "\"Wait!\"" MC "{size=20}\"Are you sure sweetie?\"{/size=20}" Ka "{size=20}\"Yeah! I'm not even sure we would have time to hang out mom.\"{/size=20}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_26_going_blue_or_not:" "Does Myriam choose to go or not?" KN_MOD "No excuses now...:" $ ch3_second_cop_date = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_her_call" KN_MOD "No, shes just saying that to make you go...:" $ ch3_no_second_cop_date = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_finishing_her_call" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_finishing_her_call:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 020 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date == True:" MC "\"Ok... I'm free.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_answering_dannys_call == True:" $ ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny = True DaA "\"Cool baby! I'll be here in a moment.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll go change.\"" DaA "\"Put on something sexy babe!\"" MC "\"Danny!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" $ ch3_second_cop_date_with_both = True DaA "\"Cool girl! We'll be here in a moment.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll go change.\"" DaA "\"Put on something hot girl!\"" MC "\"Danny!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_mikes_call == True:" $ ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike = True MiJ "\"Great! I'll be here in a moment.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll go change.\"" MiJ "\"See you soon.\"" MC "\"See you soon.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_no_sex == True or ch3_answering_their_call_guilty == True:" $ ch3_second_cop_date_with_both = True MiJ "\"Great! We'll be here in a moment.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll go change.\"" MiJ "\"See you soon.\"" MC "\"See you soon.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No, she's just saying that make you go, you got to pass for this time.{/i}" MC "\"No, I'm sorry but I can't, another time.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_answering_dannys_call == True:" DaA "\"Come on babe!\"" MC "\"Sorry.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" DaA "\"Come on girl!\"" MC "\"Sorry.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_mikes_call == True:" MiJ "\"I understand.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_no_sex == True or ch3_answering_their_call_guilty == True:" MiJ "\"We understand.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 021 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date == True:" "Curious about her mother's phone call, Katherine quickly tried to grill Myriam as she put her cell away in her back pocket." Ka "\"So, who was it?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True or ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" MC "\"Oh! He's just one of the guys I went out with the other day, nothing serious.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" Ka "{i}Does she mean the guy I caught her with the other night in the living room!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_both == True:" MC "\"Oh! It's just the guys I went out with the other day, nothing serious.\"" Ka "\"Sure? You can tell me you know.\"" MC "\"Don't worry sweetie, you'll be the first to know if anything gets serious.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Surprised how her mother ended her call, Katherine quickly asked Myriam why, as she put her cell away in her back pocket." Ka "\"Mom! Why did you refuse!? I told you I...\"" MC "\"It's ok sweetie, I just didn't feel like going, I prefer having some time with you, even if it's a little.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 022 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date == True:" Ka "\"Ok... Hey! Do you want me to do your hair like we did with Jenny when you went to your gala?\"" MC "\"Sure, if you want...\"" Ka "\"Yeah! I've got to train on doing hair as well for the costumes, auntie Eve showed me a few things, but I'm not there yet.\"" MC "\"So you want me to be your guinea pig?\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_preparing_for_second_cop_date" KN_MOD "else:" Ka "\"You're sure? I really didn't mind.\"" MC "\"Yes I'm sure, so stop playing matchmaker!\"" Ka "\"He he he! Maybe we can watch a movie together after dinner then.\"" MC "\"Didn't you have a \"ton\" of homework?\"" Ka "\"Nah! I lied, I already did everything.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_simple_night_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_finishing_their_conversation:" KN_MOD "if ch3_ignoring_the_call == True:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 023 with dissolve "Surprised to see her mother ignoring the call, Katherine quickly tried to grill Myriam as she put her cell away in her back pocket." Ka "\"Who was it? Why didn't you answer?\"" MC "\"Don't worry sweetie, it was nothing, just some unnecessary business.\"" Ka "\"If you say so...\"" MC "\"What were you going to say before we were interrupted?\"" Ka "\"Oh! That it was ok, adjusting the costumes for you shouldn't be too long.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 024 with dissolve MC "\"Then we'll have to find a date that suits everyone and try on these costumes.\"" Ka "\"Yeah? I'll see with Jenny and her brother and I'll get back to you.\"" MC "\"Ok, meanwhile, what do you say we watch a movie together tonight, if you're done with your homework?\"" Ka "\"Sure, I'd love it, I'm already all done with it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_26_simple_night_home" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_simple_night_home:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 025 with dissolve "As Katherine was done with her dishes and going back to her room, Myriam took her place in the kitchen to fix dinner for everyone." Ka "\"I'm going back to my room mom.\"" MC "\"Ok, I'll call you two when dinner is fixed.\"" Ka "\"Ok.\"" scene black with dissolve show text "An hour later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 026 with dissolve "Later on after dinner as William and Katherine were taking care of the cleaning up, they both chased Myriam away as she tried to help." MC "\"Wait, let me help...\"" Ka "\"No, go mom, we're doing the clean up.\"" WiK "\"Yes, leave it to us, it's our turn.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 027 with dissolve "Shooed away by the kids, Myriam headed for the living room to wait for them and have a movie night together." MC "\"O-ok, then I'll wait for you in the living room.\"" Ka "\"Ok, we'll be there in a few.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 028 with dissolve "Sitting on the couch, Myriam put the news on as she was waiting for the kids to finish cleaning up." MC "{i}Let's see what's on the news...{/i}" "News anchor" "\"...making it another disappearance in the region...\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 029 with dissolve "News anchor" "\"...rising the count over an alarming hundred...\"" MC "{i}Dear god! This is frightening...{/i}" "News anchor" "\"Commissioner, what do you have to say to that?\"" MC "{i}Wait! Isn't the road we took coming here passing straight through the middle of the zone!?{/i}" "Commissioner" "\"This is just plain fearmongering...\"" MC "{i}Yes, that's where the motel we stopped at was, where I was assaulted by that old pervert...{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 030 with dissolve "But as her interest in the news segment was peaked, Myriam muted the TV when Katherine and William walked in talking to each other." MC "{i}Oh! Better mute that, I don't want Katherine to see this...{/i}" Ka "\"Are you sure you don't want to stay?\"" WiK "\"No, thanks, I still have some homework to finish.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 031 with dissolve "As Katherine sat beside her mom and William stayed up, Myriam asked what was happening." MC "\"Is there a problem?\"" Ka "\"No, I was just trying to convince Will to stay.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 032 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! You're not staying with us? We were going to watch a movie together.\"" WiK "\"I would like that very much, but I still have some homework to finish and we have a test tomorrow.\"" MC "\"Ok, that's too bad, but I guess you're right, though you shouldn't stay up too late, you have to get some sleep.\"" WiK "\"I won't, thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 033 with dissolve "As William left them to go to his room, Katherine turned to Myriam to see what they were going to watch together." Ka "\"So, anything good to watch?\"" MC "\"I don't know, let's see together.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 034 with dissolve Ka "\"Look! That one! No, the one from before! Jenny told me it was fun.\"" MC "\"Ok, let's go for this one.\"" Ka "\"Cool, I'll go turn the lights off.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 035 with dissolve "After shutting off the lights, Katherine quickly come back, laying down beside her mother and putting her head over her knees." Ka "\"Here!\"" MC "\"Hey! I'm not bothering you I hope?\"" Ka "\"Nah! It's fine.\"" MC "\"You little...\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 036 with dissolve "Not really minding her daughter, Myriam started petting her hair gently as the movie started, until Katherine surprised her with a question after a long silence." Ka "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" Ka "\"Mom?\"" MC "\"Yes honey?\"" Ka "\"Is everything going alright with you and Anthony?\"" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" MC "\"As best as they could in the circumstances...\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 037 with dissolve MC "\"But you shouldn't bother yourself with all this, it'll be settled soon and you won't have to ever see him again.\"" Ka "\"Ok... Good.\"" MC "\"...\"" Ka "\"I love you mom.\"" MC "\"I love you too pumpkin.\"" MC "{i}God! She's so sensitive...{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 038 with dissolve "Turning her attention back to the movie, Myriam kept petting her daughter's head as they watched it together, but she couldn't help feeling worried for her despite the reassuring words she just gave Katherine." MC "{i}I did well muting the sound earlier, it would have been another thing to worry her...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should report what happened there to Detective Anderson...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_26_reporting_the_assault_at_the_motel:" "Does Myriam chase the idea or not?" KN_MOD "No, it was just a crazy old pervert...:" MC "{i}No, it was just a crazy old pervert, no need to bother him with my imagination.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_date_night_part1" KN_MOD "Yeah, I think I should...:" $ ch3_talking_to_dave_about_the_sawyer_motel = True MC "{i}Yeah, I think I should, maybe it's just my imagination, but there also could be something about it.{/i}" MC "{i}There's too many people missing to not investigate the possibility, I'll call him tomorrow.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_date_night_part1" KN_MOD "label ch3_26_preparing_for_second_cop_date:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 039 with dissolve "Going to her bathroom with her daughter, Myriam let Katherine take care of her hair and train her skills." Ka "\"Here you go, done!\"" MC "\"Can I look now?\"" Ka "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 040 with dissolve "Standing up, Myriam turned to look at herself in the mirror and see her daughter's handiwork on her hairdo." MC "\"This is great Katherine!\"" Ka "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"Yes, it's perfect sweetie, now I just have to put on a dress.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 041 with dissolve "Heading out of her mother's bedroom, Katherine left Myriam alone so she could change after fixing her hair." Ka "\"Have a great night mom.\"" MC "\"Thanks honey.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" Ka "{i}If she goes out with the same man maybe she'll bring him home again... {w}That could be hot...{/i}" Ka "{i}No, stop it, let's not become a perv like Marc!{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 042 with dissolve "After taking off her clothes, Myriam headed for her armoire to choose a dress for her date." MC "{i}What could I wear this time...?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" MC "{i}Danny told me to put on something sexy, I guess I could look at one of the dresses Francis gave me...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" MC "{i}Danny told me to put on something hot, I guess I could look at one of the dresses Francis gave me...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Maybe one of the dresses Francis gave me...{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 043 with dissolve "Looking at herself in the mirror, Myriam seemed satisfied with the result, having found some shiny heels to go with the white and gold dress by Francis." MC "{i}Wow! Francis really did a great job! I look gorgeous in this dress...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" MC "{i}Pretty sure Danny's going to enjoy it!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" MC "{i}Pretty sure Mike's going to enjoy it!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Pretty sure they're going to enjoy it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 044 with dissolve "To add a finishing touch to her dress, Myriam put on some earrings and a touch of make-up." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}And here you go, the finishing touch! I was never big on make-up, but some red lipstick will pop-up nicely with this dress.{/i}" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 045 with dissolve play sound "doorbell-freesound-kwahmah.mp3" "Ding-dong!" "As she finished applying her lipstick, Myriam heard the doorbell ringing downstairs." KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" MC "{i}Ah! It must be Danny.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" MC "{i}Ah! It must be Mike.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Ah! It must be them.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True or ch3_answering_their_call_had_sex == True:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 046 with dissolve "Quickly going down, Myriam opened the door to see Danny, looking at her for a moment from head to toes before exclaiming his amazement." MC "\"Hi!\"" DaA "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" DaA "\"Damn baby! You're even sexier than last time!\"" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "\"Damn girl! You're even hotter than last time!\"" MC "\"Th-thanks, let me grab my handbag.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 047 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" "Joining Danny after grabbing a small clutch with all the necessities, Myriam followed him, ignoring the hand he mechanically put on her ass as he led her to his car." DaA "\"Here! Come baby, my car is just over there.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Joining Danny after grabbing a small clutch with all the necessities, Myriam followed him, ignoring the hand he mechanically put on her ass as he led her to the car where Mike was waiting." DaA "\"Here! Come girl, Mike's just over there with the car.\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" MC "{i}Wow! He just put his hand there without any hesitation! But I guess that with what we did last time it's ok...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 048 with dissolve "Quickly going down, Myriam opened the door to see Mike waiting for her and quickly forming a smile as he saw her." MiJ "\"Hi gorgeous!\"" MC "\"Hi Mike! Let me just grab my handbag.\"" scene bg ch3_26 endofabusyday 049 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" "Joining Mike after grabbing a small clutch with all the necessary, Myriam followed him as he led her to his car." MiJ "\"I'm not parked far.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Joining Mike after grabbing a small clutch with all the necessary, Myriam followed him as he led her to the car where Danny was waiting." MiJ "\"Danny's just over there with the car.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_date_night_part1" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_date_night_part1:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Date Night" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_date_with_danny" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_date_with_mike" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_both == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_date_with_danny:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 001 with dissolve "Both getting into Danny's big black pickup truck, they headed for the shopping district, the sun still setting behind them." MC "\"This is quite the nice pickup you have.\"" DaA "\"Yeah, Mike has his muscle car and I have this beast.\"" MC "{i}It must have cost him a fortune...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 002 with dissolve "But as her mind was mulling over her observation, Myriam suddenly lost her train of thought as Danny's hand was placed on her leg." MC "{i}I didn't think officers made that kind of money... Oh!{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}I guess it's ok, I already let him fondle my ass when we got out...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 003 with dissolve "As Myriam didn't push his hand away, Danny kept caressing her leg, slowly moving up towards her dress." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting a bit daring, but I guess it's ok, nobody can see anyway.{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 004 with dissolve "Getting ever so daring as Myriam let him explore her inner thighs and get up under her skirt, even spreading her legs, Danny pushed his hand towards her pussy." MC "\"...\"" DaA "{i}Great! Looks like she doesn't mind some exploration!{/i}" MC "{i}God! He's really going for it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 005 with dissolve "And as they passed down the now nearly empty shopping district, Danny started caressing Myriam's pussy through her panties, pulling little moans of pleasure out of her." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm crazy! I'm letting him caress me like that nearly in public!{/i}" MC "{i}We just barely left home, and I'm already letting him do whatever he wants...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 006 with dissolve "Feeling the excitement getting to her as Danny kept caressing her wet pussy, Myriam could not help but turn her gaze towards his groin, feeling a strong urge starting to grow." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}My god! He's so good with his fingers, I'm getting so wet! Now all I can think about is his big cock!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 007 with dissolve "As her mind started wandering while looking at his groin, Myriam was suddenly asked by Danny if she wanted to do the same, all while keeping the intensity of his caresses." DaA "\"Hey! Seeing something that you like?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh! Ye-yes! Aaah!\"" DaA "\"Want to have a feel?\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 008 with dissolve "But to Myriam's surprise, she quickly understood that Danny had something else in mind than a hand job as he stopped caressing her and reached for her neck to pull her towards his cock so she could blow him." DaA "\"Here baby! Come take care of it then.\"" MC "{i}Oh god! He wants me to give him a blowjob right here while he drives!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_road_head:" "Does Myriam go for it?" KN_MOD "I...!?:" $ ch3_danny_road_head_surprised = True MC "{i}I...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_giving_some_road_head" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy! But...:" $ ch3_danny_road_head_lustful = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy! But I kind of want to...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_giving_some_road_head" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy! Its way too dangerous!:" $ ch3_no_danny_road_head_dangerous = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy! It's way too dangerous! I can't.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_no_road_head" KN_MOD "No! This is crazy!:" $ ch3_no_danny_road_head_public = True MC "{i}No! This is crazy! I'm not gonna blow him for everyone to see.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_no_road_head" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_giving_some_road_head:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 009 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True:" "Stunned by the situation and caught by surprise, Myriam felt it was now too late to back out when put in front of Danny's already exposed cock." MC "{i}God! I was so caught by surprise, that I didn't even have time to react... But I guess it's too late now, I better give in and blow him.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Danny having already pulled his cock out, Myriam immediately started taking care of it, licking it thoroughly and rediscovering its taste." MC "{i}God! I've never done that in a moving car! It's crazy but it's so exciting!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 010 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True:" "After licking his cock for some time, Myriam finally took his cock in her mouth, slowly starting to suck on it, her mind slowly giving in to the lust despite feeling kind of forced into it." MC "{i}God! I'm such a slut! Sucking on his cock is making me feel so excited despite feeling kind of forced into it...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After licking his cock for some time, Myriam finally took his cock in her mouth, slowly starting to suck on it, her mind full of lust and fully set to give him her all." MC "{i}God! I'm feeling so horny right now, I want to suck on his cock so badly!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" DaA "\"Oooh Yeah! That's a good girl! Aaah! Suck on that cock!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 011 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True:" "Forgetting her doubts, Myriam kept going, taking Danny's cock deeper and deeper with each head movement, sucking on his cock thoroughly and starting to deepthroat him." KN_MOD "else:" "Fully committed, Myriam kept going, taking Danny's cock deeper and deeper with each head movement, sucking on his cock thoroughly and starting to deepthroat him." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"Aaah yeah baby! That's it! Aaah! Take that big black cock deep in that throat!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 012 with dissolve "As Myriam kept going while Danny drove, her hard work mostly hidden by the size of the car, ended up in plain view of a lucky bus driver stopping beside them at a red light." "Bus driver" "{i}Holy shit! Is she...!?{/i}" "Bus driver" "{i}Fuck! She is! She's sucking on that guy's cock something fierce!{/i}" "Bus driver" "{i}The guys won't ever believe me when I'll tell them...! Wait! The cam filming the people going in must be getting that too!{/i}" "Bus driver" "{i}Ha ha ha! That's money right there! The guys are going to pay my drinks for at least a week for that view!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 013 with dissolve "Noticing the bus and the driver not missing the show, Danny only slowly started going again at the green, letting the driver and all the passengers have a good look as they passed them." DaA "\"Oooh! Look at that baby! Aaah! Seems you've got some fans on that bus!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf!? Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}Wha-what...!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 014 with dissolve "But as Myriam lifted her head and looked at the bus pass them with a blank stare, her mind still foggy from the pleasure and the concentration she gave her work, Danny quickly pushed her head back down as the bus finished passing them." DaA "\"Aaah! Wait! Let me help you!\"" MC "\"MMMPF!? Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" "Shoving Myriam's head down as far as he could, Danny made her take his cock to the base deep down her throat, making her keep sucking on his cock like this as he headed for an underground parking lot." DaA "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! Aaah! Keep going just like that! Aaah! Nobody will see your face if you keep it deep!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! That's it! Keep sucking my big cock like that, our parking area is just there!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_arriving_down_the_underground_parking" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_no_road_head:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 015 with dissolve "Escaping Danny's grip, Myriam moved away from him with the mix of a worried and sorry look, feeling awkward but not wanting to offend him." KN_MOD "if ch3_no_danny_road_head_dangerous == True:" MC "\"I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to, but it feels too dangerous to do it while driving.\"" DaA "\"No, it's me, sorry, I thought you were up for it.\"" MC "\"It's just that I-I don't want to cause an accident or hurt you...\"" DaA "\"I understand, I wouldn't want my big guy to get chopped off either for sure!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_no_danny_road_head_dangerous == True:" MC "\"I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to, but doing it like this on the road while anyone could see us is...\"" DaA "\"No, it's me, sorry, I thought you were up for it.\"" MC "\"It's just that I can't like this...\"" DaA "\"I understand, I got taken by the mood!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_arriving_down_the_underground_parking" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_arriving_down_the_underground_parking:" KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 016 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And just as Danny parked the car down in the underground parking, Myriam finished making him cum in her mouth, swallowing what she could as he shoved her head as deep as he could again while cumming." DaA "\"AAARGH! SHIT! TAKE IT ALL! OOOOOOH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 017 with dissolve "Raising her head as he released her, Myriam showed him how much was still in her mouth despite what she swallowed, keeping one hand under in case she spilled any." DaA "\"Nice work baby, and nice timing! You made nut just after I finished parking.\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah... Fhankf!\"" DaA "\"Ha ha ha! Better swallow that babe, before you put any on the leather.\"" MC "\"Mmmpf... Forry...\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 018 with dissolve "Driving for some time with an awkward silence, they finally arrived down an underground parking where Danny parked his truck." DaA "\"Here we are!\"" MC "\"Where are we?\"" DaA "\"The Northwell CSD!\"" MC "\"The what?\"" DaA "\"The Northwell City Shopping District.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 019 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" "Getting out of the car with Danny, Myriam quickly went around the car to join him after a quick look in the mirror to refresh her make-up after swallowing the rest of his cum." KN_MOD "else:" "Getting out of the car with Danny, Myriam quickly went around the car to join him as he was waiting for her." DaA "\"Here! I thought we would skip dinner and go to the movies.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, I guess maybe I overdressed a bit for tonight.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" DaA "\"What are you saying! You're just sexy as hell! It's just that with all I made you swallow I thought you would be full.\"" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "\"What are you saying! You're just sexy as hell! It's just that I thought I would have something else to swallow for today.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 020 with dissolve "Despite hitting Danny lightly with her handbag for his dirty joke, Myriam could not help but smile as she scolded him." KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" MC "\"You! Come on! Don't be mean or there won't be any more swallowing for tonight!\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"You! Come on! Don't be mean or there won't be any swallowing at all tonight!\"" DaA "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! This one was just too tempting!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" DaA "{i}Though it's nice to hear that she's up for some more swallowing!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "{i}Though it's nice to hear that she's up for some swallowing!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_alone_at_the_movies" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_alone_at_the_movies:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 021 with dissolve "Following Danny's lead, Myriam let him take care of the tickets and followed him into a small theater room after he talked with an employee for a moment." MC "\"Someone you know?\"" DaA "\"Sorry?\"" MC "\"The man you talked to, was he someone you know?\"" DaA "\"T-bone? Yeah! He's a friend of mine.\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" DaA "\"His name's Tobias, but everyone always called him T-bone, he even took the name when he did some boxing.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 022 with dissolve MC "\"He stopped boxing?\"" DaA "\"Yeah! He was good, but he took one too many to the head, so it was either stopping or dying in the ring.\"" MC "\"That's sad to hear.\"" DaA "\"His uncle was running the theater, so he gave him a job here, since then it's free tickets for me!\"" MC "\"And what are we going to see by the way?\"" DaA "\"No idea...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 023 with dissolve MC "\"What!? Come on?\"" DaA "\"No I'm telling you, no idea, I just told him I wanted a movie with no one to bother us and be with my girl, and here you go.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! You're such kidder!\"" DaA "\"Ha ha ha! I'm not kidding! I want some time with my girl!\"" MC "\"Well that's sweet...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 024 with dissolve "Cut short in their conversation, the lights dimmed and the commercials, already on when they arrived, it was time for the movie." MC "\"Oh! It's starting...\"" DaA "\"Yeah...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 025 with dissolve "As Myriam paid attention to the movie, Danny's attention quickly slipped towards something else, starting to feel excited by the creature by his side." "One of his hands started caressing hers while his other one was starting to caress his cock through the fabric of his pants." DaA "{i}Fuck! All I can think of is fucking the lights out of her! She's so fucking damn hot!{/i}" DaA "{i}Look at that! Let's see if she's up for some mischief...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 026 with dissolve "Gently pulling her hand over to him, Danny put it on the cock that he had already pulled out of his pants, shocking Myriam out of the movie as she realized what he put her hand on." MC "\"Wha!? Danny! What are you doing!?\"" DaA "\"Come on Baby! Give me hand...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" DaA "\"I just can't stop thinking about that road head of yours!\"" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "\"I've been hard since you stopped me in the car!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_theater_naughtiness:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "But...!?:" $ ch3_naughty_at_the_movies = True MC "\"But...!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_getting_naughty_at_the_movies" KN_MOD "God! This is crazy! But...:" $ ch3_naughty_at_the_movies = True MC "{i}God! This is crazy! But...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_getting_naughty_at_the_movies" KN_MOD "Is he crazy! (End of the line of events.) if ch3_no_danny_road_head_public == True:" $ ch3_walking_out_from_dannys_date = True MC "{i}Is he crazy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_walking_out_from_the_theater" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_getting_naughty_at_the_movies:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 027 with dissolve "As she immediately looked back towards the door, fearing someone could come, Myriam didn't notice that Danny had even left her hand alone, his cock still in it." KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" MC "{i}God! Even with what we just did in the car, he already wants me to go at it again!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I kind of owe him this one after what happened in the car but...{/i}" MC "\"Wha-what if someone comes in!?!\"" DaA "\"The movie already started...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 028 with dissolve "Turning back towards Danny, Myriam was still unsure of what to do, she wanted to please him and felt excited, but still felt intimidated by the public setting." MC "\"But...?\"" DaA "\"Look baby! I'm not forcing you, you're the one with the hand still on my cock caressing it...\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This is true! I hadn't even noticed that I started caressing his cock by myself...{/i}" DaA "\"You decide...\"" MC "\"I...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 029 with dissolve "Without any more words, Myriam just kept caressing his hard shaft, stroking it gently in a daze while her other hand slowly migrated between her legs as her legs opened." MC "\"...\"" DaA "{i}Fuck! Look at that! It's as if she's hypnotized by my cock! She wants that cock so hard she just don't want to admit it to herself...{/i}" MC "{i}God! He's so big! I can't even wrap my hand around it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 030 with dissolve "As Myriam kept jerking him off and started caressing herself at the same time, Danny put his hand on her nape, caressing it gently as he guided her slowly to his cock." MC "\"Aaah!\"" DaA "{i}She looks so much in the zone, let's see if she's up for some blowjob action...{/i}" DaA "\"Aaah! That's it baby, keep going!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 031 with dissolve "Still in a daze, Myriam lifted her head a moment as Danny slowly guided her to his cock, interrogating him with her eyes without even a word." MC "\"...?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_danny_road_head_surprised == True or ch3_danny_road_head_lustful == True:" DaA "\"It's ok baby, just come here and take it in your mouth, I can see you're begging for another taste.\"" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "\"It's ok baby, just come here and take it in your mouth, I can see you're begging for a taste.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 032 with dissolve "Following Danny's lead, Myriam climbed in her seat to have a better access to his cock as he presented it in front of her already opened mouth." MC "\"Aaah...\"" DaA "\"Yeah! That's it, opened wide and take that tasty black meat rod in your mouth!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 033 with dissolve "Without a word or any second thought, Myriam took Danny's cock in her mouth and started slowly sucking on the tip, using her tongue to tease thoroughly before going down on the rest." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" DaA "\"Oooh yeah! That's it baby! Aaah! Suck on that dark meat thoroughly!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 034 with dissolve "And finally, after a while, Myriam started going down on Danny's cock, taking it deeper and faster with each head movement." "Playing with her balance, Myriam applied her weight every time she went down, making Danny's cock go forcefully deep in her throat each time, pulling loud grunts of pleasure from him." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! Baby! You're killing me there!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 035 with dissolve "As she kept going, dedicated to sucking on his cock thoroughly, Myriam didn't notice when Danny signaled to his friend to come in as he looked inside." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "{i}Ah! Here he is! I thought he wouldn't come...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 036 with dissolve "Hearing some noise behind her as Danny's friend sat down, Myriam tried to raise as she paused the blowjob, before getting stopped by Danny, who kept her from pulling his cock out." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! Wait! Wha-what was that...!?{/i}" MC "\"Mmmpf!\"" DaA "\"Don't worry baby! It's just my friend! Just keep going!\"" MC "{i}What!? Is he crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 037 with dissolve "Escaping his grip, Myriam jumped up with her dress still in disorder, feeling pissed and stunned as she realized he planned this." MC "\"For g... sake! I don't believe it!\"" DaA "\"Wait!\"" MC "\"You planned all this with your buddy!? Asshole!\"" DaA "\"No, wait! That's not what you think!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 038 with dissolve "Grabbing her bag, Myriam headed for the exit while trying to fix her dress as Danny ran after her his cock still out." DaA "\"Hear me out and you'll understand!\"" MC "\"Go to hell and die! You bunch of assholes!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 039 with dissolve "Stopping her as she passed by Tobias, grabbing her arm, Danny tried again to explain the situation to Myriam." MC "\"Leave me alone!\"" DaA "\"Wait please! Look at him!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 040 with dissolve "Turning her head towards Tobias, Myriam looked at him, realizing the man seemed afraid of her despite being a towering mountain of muscles." MC "\"What does he...?\"" Tbo "\"Do-don't hit me, please!\"" DaA "\"You see, he's harmless! I told you, he literally took too many punches to the head, ever since he was little all he knew was getting the shit kicked out of him, by his dad, his mother, the other kids...\"" MC "\"...\"" DaA "\"With his size I pushed him to learn boxing, but even then he was too gentle, he was good, but he didn't like hitting others, and if he wanted people to stop bullying him around, a few bad punches in the ring finally got the better of him...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 041 with dissolve DaA "\"That's why I feel guilty towards him, if I hadn't pushed him into boxing, who knows what he would be doing now...\"" MC "\"That's terrible...\"" DaA "\"Yeah... And that's why I brought you here, I thought we could have a good night together and maybe since we had fun with Mike the other day that you would be open to have some fun with my man T-bone...\"" DaA "\"As he is now, he just doesn't get any girls anymore, they just find him weird...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_theater_even_more_naughtiness:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "I-Im sorry... (Trust Trait 20+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 20:" $ ch3_threesome_danny_and_tobias = True MC "\"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know...\"" DaA "\"Yeah I know, that's why I tried to explain... So would you mind?\"" MC "\"Would I mind?\"" DaA "\"You know... Well, maybe at least keep blowing me in front of him, so he could look...\"" MC "\"I-if it's only that...\"" DaA "\"You're the best baby!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_getting_even_more_naughty_at_the_movies" KN_MOD "Sorry for him but...! (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_walking_out_from_dannys_date = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_walking_out_from_the_theater" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_getting_even_more_naughty_at_the_movies:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 042 with dissolve "Myriam finally calmed down, Danny went back to his seat while Myriam, kneeling between his legs, quickly took his cock in her mouth and started blowing him again while Tobias looked at her go." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" DaA "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's it baby! Aaah! Show my man how good you are with that mouth!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm doing this! I screamed at him not a minute ago and now I'm on my knees sucking on his cock while his buddy is looking at us!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 043 with dissolve "Laying back on his seat, Danny fully enjoyed Myriam's skills as she slowly got back into the rhythm, getting more and more excited despite her embarrassment." "And as she kept going, accelerating the pace, Myriam started deepthroating Danny again, going up and down on his cock with her mouth, nearly pulling out to swallow it whole right back." DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Fuck! Baby! You're the best fucking cock sucker that ever was!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! You're going to drain my big black balls dry with that white slutty mouth of yours!\"" MC "{i}God! Why does it always make me so wet when he bullies me like that!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 044 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after a while of this treatment, Myriam felt Danny emptying his balls down her throat, grabbing her behind the head to make sure she would stay in place as she swallowed all she could." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" DaA "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO BABY! SOME BLACK SEED TO SWALLOW FOR YOUR MEAL!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 045 with dissolve "With a firm grip on her hair, Danny made her pull out and turned her head, her mouth still filled with some cum, to face Tobias still masturbating." DaA "\"Here baby! Show my man T-bone what you got in that slutty mouth of yours!\"" MC "\"Aaampf...\"" DaA "\"Yeah! That's it! Look at him, he's loving the show you're giving him, so now be a good slut and swallow!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 046 with dissolve "Doing as he said, still half in a daze, Myriam swallowed loudly Danny's cum still in her mouth while keeping eye contact with Tobias who seemed to be reaching his limits as well." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" DaA "\"Good job baby! That's my little white slut!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 047 with dissolve "As she finished swallowing his cum, Danny turned Myriam's attention to Tobias cock still masturbating and grunting his pleasure." DaA "\"Look at that! Seems like is about to cum as well.\"" MC "\"...\"" DaA "\"Don't you think it would be a waste that all this good black seed you love so much finished on the ground?\"" MC "{i}He probably wants me to let his friend cum in my mouth... I guess I could let him do it, the poor guy must never had the occasion before...{/i}" MC "\"Yes...\"" DaA "\"What do you say you open up that slutty mouth of yours for him so he can empty his load in it...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 048 with dissolve "Doing as Danny suggested her, Myriam went kneeling at Tobias' feet, mouth wide opened and tongue out, ready to receive the incoming load of cum as he frenetically rubbed his cock, tip against her tongue." Tbo "\"Ooooooh!\"" MC "{i}He looks so excited, this is kind of cute... Let's give him a nice experience.{/i}" MC "\"Aaah...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 049 with dissolve "And as Myriam kept teasing the tip of his cock with her tongue, Tobias suddenly came in a loud grunt, with heavy loads of cum flying over her face and in her mouth while Danny started jerking off again looking at the show." Tbo "\"AAAAAARGH! OOOOOOH! HERE COME!\"" MC "{i}Oh dear god! What a load! He's going to plaster me!{/i}" DaA "\"Aaah! That's it my man! Cover that slutty face of hers!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 050 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As she thought, after a few seconds of intense cum blasting, Myriam ended up with a good part of her face glazed with cum, as were her tongue and mouth, filling her head with the potent taste and smell of his cum." Tbo "\"Aaaaaah... Aaah...\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He really plastered my face like I thought! And god that smell and taste after Danny's load it's starting to go to my head, I can feel my pussy gushing again...{/i}" MC "\"Fhank you...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 051 with dissolve "Swallowing what she had on her tongue and in her mouth first, Myriam then started licking Tobias' cock clean of the rest of the cum as he pressed the tip on her tongue to extract the last few drops." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp! Aaah!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}My god! To think a few minutes ago I was mad as hell and now all I can think of is the taste of his cum and how much I want to suck his cock...{/i}" DaA "{i}Fuck! Look at my little white slut! She played hard to get, but now she's ready to gobble up that big black cock without a second thought!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 052 with dissolve "As Myriam took thorough care of cleaning up his cock, Tobias leaned forward and, grabbing her head, made her take his cock in her mouth, pushing her to take more of it in her mouth." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Tbo "\"Aaaaaah! More!\"" MC "{i}He must really be enjoying what I'm doing and want me to suck his cock now... Maybe I could indulge him, it doesn't cost me anything and to be honest I really want to...{/i}" DaA "{i}Here you go! That's my slut! Let's see if her ass is ready for some punishment now...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 053 with dissolve "Passing behind Myriam while she started sucking on Tobias' cock, Danny lifted the back of her dress, discovering her red laced panties." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_going_commando == True:" DaA "{i}Nice little frill, but I'll have to teach my slut to go commando like she did last time.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" DaA "{i}Nice little frill, but I'll have to teach my slut to go commando next time.{/i}" DaA "{i}Nonetheless, seeing how wet they are, I bet that ass is ready for some hard ramming... Let's get her dress off and get her on all fours.{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 054 with dissolve "Letting Danny undress her without a word, Myriam closed her eyes and let him pull her dress over her head while his cock pressed against her face and Tobias enjoyed her heavy breasts revealed in the process." DaA "\"Let's take that dress off and get my slut comfortable!\"" Tbo "\"Oh! Big tiddies!\"" MC "{i}God! Now he's going to fuck me in front of his friend while making me suck him... Why am I getting so excited by being used and abused like that!? Was I always such a slut like he said?{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 055 with dissolve "Putting Myriam on all fours, Danny behind her, grinding against her ass with his cock resting on her butt and while Tobias was guiding her mouth back to his cock." DaA "{i}Shit man! Look at how she can arch that back! She's pushing that ass right up for you to pound!{/i}" Tbo "\"Here! In the mouth again...\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Tbo "\"Aaaaaah!\"" DaA "\"Yeah! That's my man T-bone! Show that white slut how to suck that big black cock of yours! Meanwhile I'm going to fuck the slut from behind!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 056 with dissolve "Taking off her panties, Danny spread her cheeks just enough to be able to press his big cock against her still tight asshole while she was busy with Tobias cock in her mouth." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh!\"" DaA "\"Here we go my little whore! Here... we... go...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 057 with dissolve "Danny's glans slipped right in after passing the small resistance of Myriam asshole, far too occupied by Tobias who went on his knees to facefuck her with more ease and power." DaA "\"Aaah! That just slipped right in my little whore's ass!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh! Aaah! Aaah!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" DaA "\"Ha ha ha! I see my man has your slutty mouth quite occupied... Then let's do the same with your ass!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 058 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Danny suddenly shoved his cock deep in her ass, making his balls slap on her pussy as he started to roughly sodomize her while his Tobias kept facefucking her, pushing his cock further and further with each stroke." "Enduring this rough treatment for a while, Myriam did her best to relax to let these two massive cocks have their fill as she felt a violent orgasm coming." Tbo "\"Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Take that you fucking white whore! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}Oooh god! I-I... I'm go... Ahm going to...{/i}" "And as her mind was starting to go blank and confused, Myriam finally felt a shattering orgasm crashing over her body, shaking uncontrollably as her loud screams of pleasure were muffled by Tobias' massive cock still ramming her throat." MC "\"MMMMMMPF! Slurp, slurp, slurp! MMMMMMPF!! Gwock, gwock, gwock! MMMMMMPF!!!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! Her ass is tightening up like crazy! Aaah! My whore is cumming hard!\"" Tbo "\"Aaaaaah! Cumming too! Ooooooh!\"" DaA "\"Aaaaaah! That's my man! Aaah! Fill that white whore's throat full of black seed!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 059 with dissolve "Even as her body was still shaking from her orgasm, Tobias suddenly shoved his cock deep down Myriam's throat, pushing it in whole as he grunted violently and climaxed." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Unleashing a torrent of thick loads of cum down Myriam's throat, Tobias forced her to swallow load after load while Danny kept hammering her ass hard and deep." Tbo "\"AAAAAARGH! CUMMING! ROOOOOOH!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"MMMMMMPF! Gulp, gulp, gulp! Mmmmmmpf!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! Shit I won't be long too! Aaah! Let's flip her over when you're done, I want to impregnate that bitch's pussy!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 060 with dissolve "Pulling out of her and laying down, Danny waited for Tobias to help her ride him as Myriam's legs still felt weak from her orgasm." DaA "\"Here! Time for you to do the job baby! Get that big black cock in your white whore's pussy and finish me off!\"" MC "\"Aaah... 'kay...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 061 with dissolve "With her legs still trembling and her mind still foggy, Myriam reached under her and guided Danny's big cock inside her pussy, moaning loudly as it pushed its way in." MC "\"Aaaaaah!\"" DaA "\"Aaah! Yeah! That's it! Aaah! Now get that tight white whore's pussy to work!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 062 with dissolve "But as Myriam was about to start moving, she felt Tobias coming behind her, grabbing her butt ready to join them cock in hand." DaA "\"Aaah!\"" Tbo "\"Want to join!!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! No, wait! Tobias...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 063 with dissolve "Not listening, Tobias climbed behind Myriam, pressing the tip of his massive cock against her still loose asshole while she tried to stop him." MC "\"Aaah! Please Tobias... T-bone... You're too big for that!\"" Tbo "\"Want to try ass too!\"" DaA "\"Oooh! Come on baby, let the guy have a taste of that ass too!\"" MC "\"Aaah! Please, at least wait! I'll let you have a turn! Aaah! I can't take you both at the same time...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 064 with dissolve "Ignoring her plea, Tobias pushed his cock in her ass, pulling a mixed scream of pain and pleasure from her as he grabbed her arm and pushed deeper." Tbo "\"Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! You're going to tear me up!\"" MC "{i}Aaah! Calm down Myriam! It's not his fault, he doesn't know what he's doing...{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Please go easy! Aaah! Let me get used to it...\"" DaA "\"Oooh! Shit man! You're making her so tight!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 065 with dissolve "But once again, Tobias ignored her pleading and roughly started sodomizing her, grabbing her two arms as he mercilessly pounded away like a brute, while Danny on his side enjoyed the view of her breasts jumping up and down." Tbo "\"Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Aaaaaah! You... You're breaking me! Aaaaaah!\"" DaA "\"Aaah! Yeah! Go on buddy! Aaah! Break that white whore's ass!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! N-no! Mmmmmmh! I... I... Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 066 with dissolve "As they kept pounding away mercilessly at both her holes, Myriam could feel her limits approaching again, the pain and the pleasure of the double penetration mixing together to push her into another violent orgasm." DaA "\"Aaah! Come on! Say it whore! Aaah! You love getting both your holes stuffed by big black cocks!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! I... Yes! Aaah! YES! I LOVE IT! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 067 with dissolve "Reaching another powerful orgasm as she loudly screamed her pleasure, Myriam was quickly followed by Danny, who started emptying his balls deep inside her pussy." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! I LOVE BIG BLACK COCKS! AAAAAAH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaA "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU STUPID WHITE WHORE! OOOOOOH! GET PREGNANT WITH MY BLACK SEED!\"" Tbo "\"Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Ooooooh!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 068 with dissolve "Pushed so far beyond her limits with this rough double penetration, Myriam's mind totally went blank, losing consciousness with her two holes still filled by her tormentors' cocks." DaA "\"Wow man! Looks like we really did break her! Ha ha ha!\"" Tbo "\"Shit! She's ok? You told me I could go wild with her.\"" DaA "\"Yeah! Don't worry, she lost it the other time as well when she came too hard.\"" Tbo "\"Then you don't mind if I finish her ass?\"" DaA "\"No, go nuts man, you saw she that can take a punishment.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 069 with dissolve "Moving the unconscious Myriam to a theater seat, Tobias quickly pushed his cock in her ass and after grabbing the seat with both hands, launched himself into a brutal anal pounding of her ass." Tbo "\"Wooooooh! Take that big black cock you white whore! Ooooooh!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh... Mmmmmmh...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 070 with dissolve "Going all out and brutally sodomizing the ass of the unconscious Myriam, Tobias quickly reach his climax, emptying his balls deep inside her ass with a loud grunt while she moaned weakly." Tbo "\"OOOOOOH! HERE YOU GO!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh... Aaaaaah...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 071 with dissolve "Putting away his cock after emptying a few more loads on her back, Tobias had a bro handshake with Danny who came to congratulate him for his work over the still unresponsive Myriam and her dripping holes." DaA "\"Fuck man! That was some impressive anal destruction!\"" Tbo "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! I got to break some ass on the job but god your white whore sure was something, you didn't lie when you said she was some premium slut.\"" DaA "\"I knew you would appreciate her!\"" Tbo "\"I sure did! She's in my top list of best fuck toy!\"" DaA "\"Oh! She didn't make first place...\"" Tbo "\"Dude! Once you got to pound away for hours at Goldilocks' three holes, you just can't top that.\"" DaA "\"Oh! You got to do that little minx! How is she?\"" Tbo "\"Dude! You can't imagine how crazy she is, I gangbanged her for hours with five other big black dicks and she was just begging for more after draining us dry.\"" DaA "\"Man!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 072 with dissolve DaA "\"So my man, do you mind helping me dress and load her in my truck?\"" Tbo "\"No problem, the service stairs leads straight to the parking garage... Though I'll keep her panties for the pain.\"" DaA "\"Come on, I brought you some premium slut!\"" Tbo "\"It's for making me play the dummy!\"" DaA "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! I guess I'll just tell her I didn't find it.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 073 with dissolve "{b}{color=#630}Tobias Rod{/color}{/b} {w}alias T-Bone {p}Danny's buddy{w}, 30 years old {p}The New Mandingo {p}Actually did some boxing but quickly changed careers for porn; also work at his uncle's theater." scene black with dissolve show text "After an unconscious ride home..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_27 datenight 074 with dissolve "Dropping Myriam over her bed after driving her home and quietly searching for her bedroom, Danny sighed loudly after the effort." DaA "\"Sigh! Well, that was exhausting...\"" DaA "{i}I guess next time you'll think twice before fucking your slut silly! Man we did a number on her, I thought she would snap out of it on the road, but she's still out...{/i}" DaA "{i}At least she's breathing well and we didn't take anything, she should be alright, let's just take off her heels and leave.{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 075 with dissolve "Taking off her high heels, Danny pulled his phone out, thinking he should leave her a message to explain how things ended before going." DaA "{i}Best leave her a message before she gets over it, and explain how she got home.{/i}" DaA "{i}Here: Sorry we did a number on you, you were the best, though you freaked the poor T-bone out when you passed out, you'll owe him a little comforting next time.{/i}" DaA "{i}Add a little eggplant and open mouth emojis, and here you go! No wait! The panties!{/i}" DaA "{i}PS: Sorry I didn't find your \"panties emoji\".{/i}" DaA "{i}And done! Now better go before the kids wake up and find an unknown black guy in their home and with their unconscious mother covered in cum.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_walking_out_from_the_theater:" KN_MOD "if ch3_naughty_at_the_movies == True:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 076 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry for him but I'm not a free blowjob dispensary machine for friends and family!\"" DaA "\"Come on baby! At least finish me off! I was about to cum!\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I'm gone!\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 077 with dissolve "Jumping out of her seat, Myriam got away from Danny and his cock still flailing around half hard while he tried to calm her done, surprised by her reaction." MC "\"Are you crazy!? What if someone comes in?\"" DaA "\"Come on, it's just us in the room and the movie already started, nobody will come.\"" MC "\"You don't know that!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 078 with dissolve DaA "\"Come on baby! You already blew me off in the car! You owe me one!\"" MC "\"I don't owe you to blow you in public!\"" DaA "\"Come on, it's fun! Just try, you'll like it! You're so good at it, don't be a tease!\"" MC "\"Oh my god! I'm gone!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 079 with dissolve "Walking out of the movie room, Myriam could still hear Danny swearing behind the door, making her reflect on her choice to go out with him in the first place as she headed out of the theater." DaA "\"Teasing bitch!\"" MC "{i}My god! Why did I even... I really have a talent for assholes!{/i}" MC "{i}Stop it! Just get out and call yourself an uber!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_date_with_mike:" scene black with dissolve show text "After a quick drive..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_27 datenight 080 with dissolve "Driving her to a trendy bar restaurant downtown, Mike invited her to sit at the table the waiter guided them to while the restaurant seemed to come alive around them, the service staff getting ready for their night." "Waiter" "\"Here, Mr Johnson.\"" MiJ "\"Here! Sit, I'll take care of the aperitif.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" MiJ "\"A whiskey, like last time?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, please.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 081 with dissolve "Sitting down while Mike went to the bar to order some drinks for them, Myriam looked around curious about the place and what Mike had in store for the night." MC "{i}Look at him taking charge of everything, you can see he's a social man...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_a_man_taking_charge:" "What does Myriam feel about it?" KN_MOD "Well, I do love a man taking charge...:" MC "{i}Well, I do love a man taking charge, Anthony was a bully, but I loved how Thomas always made me feel safe.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_a_nice_dinner_in_perspective" KN_MOD "I cant say that I mind...:" MC "{i}I can't say that I mind really, as long as he let me have my say and doesn't bully me like Anthony always did.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_a_nice_dinner_in_perspective" KN_MOD "I had enough of Anthony...:" MC "{i}I had enough of Anthony bullying me constantly and making decisions for me, but Mike doesn't look the type, he's more of a romantic.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_a_nice_dinner_in_perspective" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_a_nice_dinner_in_perspective:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 082 with dissolve "As Myriam was day dreaming, mulling over some nostalgic thoughts, Mike came back to the table with two glasses of champagne." MiJ "\"Here some champagne on the house!\"" MC "\"What!?\"" MiJ "\"A present from the restaurant, our drinks are coming after.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, that's nice of them.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 083 with dissolve "Sitting in front of Myriam after giving her a glass, Mike lifted his drink for a toast." MiJ "\"To a beautiful night!\"" MC "\"To a beautiful night!\"" MiJ "\"And a beautiful girl!\"" MC "\"Come on! Don't tease me!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 084 with dissolve "Taking a sip of their glasses of champagne, both looked at the other eyes, both meditating on the other and what's to come." MC "{i}That's a nice start for a date, I hope the rest of the date goes as smoothly...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MiJ "{i}Smooth sailing for now... I can't wait to smoothly fuck her again after, she was crazy good in the sack!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MiJ "{i}Smooth sailing for now... I just hope I'll be able to smoothly slip into those panties of hers this time!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 085 with dissolve "In sync, both stopped drinking, both trying to start the conversation again at the same time, as if connected." "Together" "\"It's...\"" MiJ "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry, go...\"" MC "\"No, it's nothing, it's just that the champagne is really good.\"" MiJ "\"That's exactly what I was...\"" "Man" "\"MIKE!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 086 with dissolve "Turning their head towards the voice that interrupted Mike, Myriam saw a scrawny man in a sweater suit waving at them." MC "{i}Who is...{/i}" "Man" "\"HEY! It's me, Larry!\"" MiJ "{size=20}\"Oh shit!\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 087 with dissolve "As the man presented himself and was heading their way, Myriam thought she heard Mike swearing quietly, worrying her about what was to come." MC "{i}Did he just swear!? Maybe he doesn't him...{/i}" MiJ "\"Hey! Larry, how are...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 088 with dissolve "Cutting off Mike again in the middle of his sentence, Larry immediately started talking as soon as he arrived at the table." LaD "\"Hey! My friend Mike, how the wi...\"" MiJ "\"Ahem!\"" LaD "\"Winery where you told me you were going to go?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_catching_the_ball_in_flight:" "Did Myriam caught on the blunder Larry did?" KN_MOD "Oh my god! That fucking asshole! (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_walking_out_from_mikes_date = True MC "{i}Oh my god! That fucking asshole! He's married!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_golden_shower_in_a_glass" KN_MOD "What are they talking about?:" MC "{i}What are they talking about?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_three_at_the_table" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_golden_shower_in_a_glass:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 089 with dissolve MC "\"You're fucking married!?\"" LaD "\"Oops!\"" MiJ "\"Wait! It's not what you think!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 090 with dissolve "Grabbing her hand bag to her side, Myriam quickly cut short on Mike's explanations and lies, throwing her champagne in his face for good measure." MiJ "\"Let me explain...\"" MC "\"Go fuck yourself Mike!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 091 with dissolve "Walking out of the booth, Myriam ignored the two men and headed for the exit, regretting her lack of discernment on Mike's character and to have been made a part of cheating on his wife." LaD "\"Damn man! Sorry for \"that\"!\"" MiJ "\"Larry! Can't you ever fucking shut up!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MC "{i}My god! What an asshole! And the worst is that he made you part of cheating on his wife! Poor woman!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}My god! What an asshole! He nearly got you to be a homewrecker!{/i}" MC "{i}Stop it! Just get out and call yourself an uber!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_three_at_the_table:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 092 with dissolve "Myriam not noticing his blunder, Larry invited himself at the table, making her jump to the side as he came sitting beside her, while Mike was feeling a headache coming." MC "\"Ha!\"" LaD "\"Shoo! Scooch over!\"" MC "\"O-ok!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 093 with dissolve "Now seated Larry immediately started talking again while Myriam could feel the poor Mike's complexion turning sour as he forced himself to stay friendly." LaD "\"So, by the way, talking about wine, you wouldn't believe what Fat Bob did the other day...\"" MC "{i}Poor Mike! I can feel how hard he's trying to stay calm...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_little_gesture:" "Does Myriam show him some encouragement?" KN_MOD "Maybe I could show him some encouragement...:" $ ch3_play_footsie_with_mike = True MC "{i}Maybe I could show him some encouragement so that he knows I appreciate the effort.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_a_romantic_dinner_for_three" KN_MOD "Poor Mike...:" MC "{i}Poor Mike, I'll have to be sure to show him that I appreciate the gesture.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_a_romantic_dinner_for_three" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_a_romantic_dinner_for_three:" KN_MOD "if ch3_play_footsie_with_mike == True:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 094 with dissolve "Discreetly uncrossing her legs for a moment, Myriam gently brushed her foot against Mike's legs, making him jump a moment until he realized what was happening." MiJ "\"Yeah... I know, he's... Ha!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MC "{i}Here! I'm sure he'll appreciate a little footsie and understand I don't intend to leave him with blue balls despite his friend ruining his plan for the night.{/i}" MiJ "{i}Wow! It's her! Good sign for tonight man!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Here! I'm sure he'll appreciate a little footsie and understand I don't intend to leave him with blue balls this time around despite his friend ruining his plan for the night.{/i}" MiJ "{i}Wow! It's her! Good sign for tonight man! This time you're definitely getting a taste!{/i}" LaD "\"What? Did you bite your tongue?\"" MiJ "\"Nah, it's nothing, forget it!\"" LaD "\"So anyway...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 095 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_play_footsie_with_mike == True:" "Crossing her legs again to not get caught by Larry, Myriam took a sip of her champagne again as he stopped for a moment his story to enquire about their drinks." KN_MOD "else:" "Staying discreet, Myriam listen to Larry as he kept talking to Mike, taking a sip of her champagne again as he stopped for a moment his story to enquire about their drinks." LaD "\"Say Mike, that's all you took?\"" MiJ "\"No, it was on the house, we have whiskeys coming...\"" LaD "\"What!? That's all! Wait let me change that!\"" MiJ "\"No, it's fi...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 096 with dissolve "Ignoring Mike, Larry screamed his order to the bar, adding grand gestures to express himself, nearly making Myriam spill her drink as he shoved his hand between her breasts without realizing while Mike seemed to have a new headache." LaD "\"HEY! ADD ANOTHER WHISKEY AND THREE SHOTS OF JÄGER!\"" MC "\"Ha!\"" MiJ "{i}Dear god Larry! Stay calm Mike! Stay calm!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 097 with dissolve "Feeling his hand touched something, Larry quickly pulled it, revealing Myriam's breasts in the process by accident as his fingers got caught in the cleavage." MC "\"HA! What are you...!?\"" LaD "\"Oh shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to!\"" MiJ "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 098 with dissolve "Quickly readjusting her dress, Myriam reassured Larry, understanding it was just an accident and not wanting to create a scene." LaD "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok! It was an accident...\"" LaD "\"Well, can I say a happy one?\"" MiJ "\"Larry! For god...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 099 with dissolve "Calming down Mike with a gesture as he was about to scream at Larry, Myriam just laughed off his bad joke and took it as an awkward way to diffuse the situation." MC "\"I bet it was, you both had a feel and a peek.\"" LaD "\"Ha ha ha! I love a woman who's not stuck-up!\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 100 with dissolve "Looking in the other eyes, Myriam and Mike whispered to each other while Larry screamed at the arrival of the aperitifs, his hand still on her arm." LaD "\"Hey! Here come our drinks! Get ready for shots!\"" MiJ "{size=20}\"I'm sorry...\"{/size=20}" MC "{size=20}\"It's ok.\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 101 with dissolve "The drinks on the table, the conversation kept going, Larry sharing story after story like, with a mix of gossip and jokes, Mike letting go of the tension and participating while Myriam admired the oratorical skills of their impromptu guest." LaD "\"I'm telling you he did!\"" MC "\"You're joking?\"" MiJ "\"Nah, wait! What did he actually do?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_drink_count_aperitif:" "Does Myriam take refills?" KN_MOD "No, its already enough.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_dinner_and_drinks" KN_MOD "She follows the two.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_dinner_and_drinks" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_dinner_and_drinks:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 102 with dissolve "As he did before, Larry quickly invited himself to dinner as well, keeping the flow of stories and jokes coming, with a little more silliness in them, making Myriam more and more involved while Mike had forgotten any tension." LaD "\"Sure he did! Two times around!\"" MC "\"Come on! That's impossible!\"" MiJ "\"You can't lie like that!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_drink_count_dinner:" "Does Myriam take refills of wine?" KN_MOD "No, shes nursing one.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_after_dinner" KN_MOD "She drinks as they come.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_after_dinner" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_after_dinner:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 103 with dissolve "Reaching the end of the dinner and the wine, Mike looked at Myriam laughing uncontrollably to Larry's jokes, now becoming a lot more dirty, the alcohol helping her get loose not even minding his hand on her leg." MC "\"HA HA HA! Stop it, ya're gonna make me pee myself.\"" LaD "\"Hey! It's ok with me, but only if I can watch!\"" MC "\"HA HA HA! Please, stop!\"" MiJ "{i}Wow! She's baked alright! I think we better go now.{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 104 with dissolve "Turning towards the closest waiter, Mike called out for the bill before getting stopped by Larry, who offered to take it to thank them for the time, meanwhile Myriam for her part, was still trying to stop her laughing spree." MiJ "\"Waiter! The bill please!\"" LaD "\"Wait! It's on me, I guess I owe you that for crashing on your date!\"" MC "\"HA HA HA! Stop it please! Stop talking!\"" LaD "\"And for breaking your girl!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 105 with dissolve "Quickly taking care of the bill as he knew the owner, Larry made one last little offer as the two were about to leave, inviting them for billiards at the place he owned." LaD "\"Hey! Before you go, the night's still young, what do you to a few games of pool? I've got my billiard room downstairs, I can open it up for you two if you want.\"" MiJ "\"I don't know, we were about to go...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_pool_games:" "Is Myriam interested?" KN_MOD "Oh! Yeah! Its been so long!:" $ ch3_threesome_mike_and_larry = True MC "{i}Oh! Yeah! It's been so long! I always loved playing with Daddy's billiards!{/i}" MC "\"Come on Mike! It'll be fun!\"" MiJ "\"Ok I guess.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 106 with dissolve "Immediately turning towards the bar, Larry ordered a round of drinks to send to his billiard room downstairs." LaD "\"HEY! SEND US ANOTHER ROUND OF DRINKS FOR DOWNSTAIRS! A THREE SHOT COMBO FOR THE THREE!\"" MC "\"Thank you Mike, you won't regret it.\"" MiJ "\"No problem.\"" MiJ "{i}Dear god! I'm already regretting it...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_training_games" KN_MOD "No, I can feel that Mike wants to go... (Drinks Trait under 5) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" MC "{i}No, I can feel that Mike wants to go, I bet he pretty much has one thing in head right now and I guess me too.{/i}" MC "\"Sorry Larry, it'll have to be for another time, but thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 107 with dissolve LaD "\"AH! Too bad, but I understand, another time.\"" MC "\"Definitely!\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, sorry man, I know you took the bill...\"" LaD "\"Nah! Don't mention it, I offered.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_leaving_the_aquarium" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_training_games:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 108 with dissolve "Getting one floor down in the building, to Larry's billiard room business, Myriam and Mike admired the place as he proudly presented it." LaD "\"Here you go! So what do you say, pretty nifty?\"" MC "\"This looks great!\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, I must say, I wasn't waiting for something like that.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 109 with dissolve "Leaning over the first table to inspect it from closer, Myriam happily exclaimed how impressed she was while the two others quietly enjoyed the view she was offering them." MC "\"They're gorgeous Larry! This is really impressive!\"" LaD "\"Tha-thanks...\"" LaD "{i}The view is pretty impressive as well!{/i}" MiJ "{i}Look at that ass!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 110 with dissolve "Turning back and posing over the edge of the table, Myriam asked them who was up for a game with a mischievous smile, not realizing with the alcohol the double meaning of her sentence." MC "\"So, anyone up to taking me!?\"" LaD "{i}Holy sh...! Is she for real!?{/i}" MiJ "{i}Is she trying to kill us here!?{/i}" LaD "\"You're on girl!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 111 with dissolve "After setting the game up, the three started by having a few free shots to get the feeling of things before starting the real game, taking the first turn, Myriam positioned herself for an opening under the watch of the two." MC "\"Here ya go!\"" LaD "{i}She got a good posture, looks like she seems to know what she's doing...{/i}" MiJ "\"That's it! Now don't go too hard!\"" LaD "{i}And here we have our mark, he doesn't even realize she actually does know what she's doing.{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 112 with dissolve "Taking the cue in turn, Mike went ahead and nonchalantly shot a few cues while trying to show off to an amused Myriam, not knowing she used to play often with her father." MiJ "\"Look at that shot! I'll go eyes closed!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Show off!\"" MC "{i}Ahm going to wash the board with him!{/i}" LaD "\"You better concentrate on your shot before missing such an easy one!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 113 with dissolve "Lastly, it was Larry's turn, taking calmly a few shots without flare, hiding his skills like a true hustler, even using the finally arriving drinks as a distraction to not over play himself in front of them." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock, knock, knock!" LaD "\"Ah! Looks like our drinks are finally here! Let's get things started!\"" MiJ "\"I'm going to both make you cry!\"" MC "\"Bring it on!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 114 with dissolve "With the drinks here, Larry proposed some simple rules of play for the three of them, using the alcohol to add some stakes without bringing money into it." LaD "\"So simple rule of play, you foul, you drink! You lose, you drink! And the more you go, the more the penalties increase, simple enough?\"" MC "\"You're on!\"" MiJ "\"I'm going to make you roll under the table!\"" MiJ "{i}No way that scrawny Larry is good game, he's got no flare, and even if Myriam knew how to use a cue, she's way too drunk!{/i}" "{b}{color=#0c9}Larry Douglas{/color}{/b} {w}alias Shut-up-Larry {p}The hustler{w}, 45 years old {p}An acquaintance of Mike, owner of a billiard room, a silver tongued devil and a hustler at his lost hours." KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_playing_or_winning:" "How does Myriam play the game?" KN_MOD "Lets just have fun!:" MC "{i}Let's just have fun! We got down here to have fun, no need to get serious.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games" KN_MOD "Lets show them!:" MC "{i}Let's show them! Ahm going to wipe the floor with them!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games" KN_MOD "Lets play seriously though! (Drinks Trait under 5) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" MC "{i}Let's play seriously though! Daddy always told me to take a game of pool seriously, \"Ya never know if the other is playing ya for a chump\"!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games:" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] > 8:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 115 with dissolve "Too drunk to play seriously, Myriam only played for the fun of it, missing too many shots due to her distraction, even ended up losing to Mike and be the one to drink the more penalties." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" MiJ "\"That's it! Swallow that loser load! Ha ha ha!\"" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Drinks] < 5:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 116 with dissolve "Not drunk enough to lose sight of the game, Myriam played seriously, winning most of the series of games and surprising Mike as she ended up handing him drink after drink with a victorious smirk." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Here's your loser shot again!\"" MiJ "\"Damn your beginner's luck! If only I hadn't drank so much at dinner...\"" MC "\"Shut up and drink!\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 117 with dissolve "Too drunk and wanting too much to have fun to really play seriously, Myriam wasn't able to best Larry, ending up having to drink more penalties than she thought she would." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" LaD "\"That's it! Down it goes the bitter taste of defeat!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games_more" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_for_a_few_pool_games_more:" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] > 6:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 118 with dissolve "Bitter for not being able to win against Larry, Myriam offered to go for another round, but as a good hustler with cards up his sleeves still he offered to up the stakes." MC "\"Let's get this on again! Ah ain't done yet!\"" LaD "\"I'm ok with that, but we have to up the stakes or it's not fair.\"" MC "\"No problem ah got money!\"" LaD "\"No, no money between friends... What do you say to the loser takes something off?\"" MC "\"Don't care! This time ahm going to kick your ass!\"" MC "{i}Ah didn't play seriously earlier, this time ah ain't going easy on them!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 119 with dissolve "As a good hustler with still some cards up his sleeves Larry offered to go for another round, exploiting her false confidence before showing off his true skills." LaD "\"Hey! What do you say to another round?\"" MC "\"Ha! Not happy with yar loss?\"" LaD "\"Come on, don't I deserve to settle my score? Not for nothing though, we up the stakes, it's only fair.\"" MC "\"How much do ya have in mind?\"" LaD "\"No, no money between friends... What do you say to the loser takes something off?\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Trying hard to get me butt naked! Yer on, ah'll make ya regret trying ta hustle me!\"" MC "{i}Even if he got something up his sleeves ah ain't losing!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 120 with dissolve "Turning their head towards Mike, the two enquired about his opinion and if he was up for another round with higher stakes." LaD "\"Up for the challenge Mike?\"" MiJ "\"Sure! I've got to clean my name here!\"" MiJ "{i}And who am I to say no when things are getting interesting! He nearly got my balls off earlier with his blunder, but turn's out he's a pretty good wingman!{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Shortly after..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_27 datenight 121 with dissolve "Sadly for Myriam, things didn't go as planned, despite all her determination and what her father had teached her, Larry's true skills revealed themselves to be too much for her." LaD "\"Here you go! Time to lose something!\"" MiJ "\"Your turn to lose something now!\"" MC "\"God! Oh did ah lose like that...!?\"" MC "{i}And ah can't back off now, ah got to do as ah said ah would and lose mah dress...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 122 with dissolve "Being fair game, Myriam took off one of the few articles of clothing she had, choosing for the top layer and losing her dress, but as they were about to start a new game, Mike had to interrupt the party to look at his phone ringing." "RING! RING!" MiJ "\"Shit! Who's calling at this hour...!? Oh shit!\"" MiJ "{i}Shit, shit, shit! That's home! Danny didn't cover for me or what?{/i}" MC "{i}Thank god! Mah head is starting to spin, pretty sure ah was about to miss mah shot... And I need to go pee so badly!{/i}" LaD "{i}With that face I bet you that's his wife.{/i}" "RING! RING!" MiJ "\"Sorry guys! I got to go take this one.\"" LaD "\"You can take it on the patio, meanwhile I'll go take a few more bottles upstairs at the bar, we're running low.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 123 with dissolve MC "\"Then ahm going to the restroom, ahm about to pee mahself!\"" LaD "\"Let me show you, it's on the way in the corridor, we share one with the restaurant.\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks!\"" MiJ "\"Here?\"" LaD "\"Yeah, you'll be quiet over there. {w}Come girl! And don't worry, at this hour there isn't any patrons at the restaurant anymore.\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Drinks] > 9:" $ ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_too_drunk_to_go_alone" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_going_alone" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_too_drunk_to_go_alone:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 124 with dissolve "Getting up to follow Larry, Myriam barely put a foot in front of the other before losing balance, leaving him just the time to jump back and catch her, grabbing her breasts by accident in the process." MC "\"Ahm coming...! HA!\"" LaD "\"Oh shit! Here!\"" LaD "{i}Holy shit! I grabbed her tits full on!{/i}" LaD "\"Sorry! I...\"" MC "\"Ah! Tha-thanks!\"" LaD "{i}Wow! She doesn't even care...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 125 with dissolve "Helping her keep her balance, Larry walked her to the door, heading for the restroom as Myriam tried her best to have the floor stop spinning, not even minding the hands on her breasts and ass." LaD "\"Here! Let me help you.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thanks! Mah head is spinning...\"" LaD "\"No problem, I'll get you there.\"" MC "\"'kay...\"" LaD "{i}Wow! She's really so fucking hot! I can't believe she's letting me have a handful like that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 126 with dissolve "With her resting on him, Larry walked Myriam to the restroom, fully taking advantage of his position to have a good feel of her breasts and ass." LaD "\"Here we are! Let me help you sit, after that I'll wait outside, just keep the door open so I can help you get up when you're done.\"" MC "\"'kay...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 127 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Larry helped her sat on the toilet before getting out and wait for her to finish peeing, neither wanting to push his luck or going any further." MC "\"Thanks! But don't look!\"" LaD "\"I won't, promise.\"" MC "\"And don't listen!\"" LaD "\"Ha ha ha! A bit harder to do, but I can keep talking...\"" MC "\"Yeah... Ah think ya had enough naughtiness anyway, don't think ah didn't feel these hands!\"" LaD "\"Ha ha ha! You did? Sorry about that, it was too tempting and you're way too beautiful to pass.\"" MC "\"It's 'kay, at least ya're sorry...\"" "Tap! Tap! Tap!" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 128 with dissolve "As they were both talking Larry suddenly shushed Myriam to silence, thinking he had heard some footsteps outside." MC "\"Ah guess ah'll pass as a thank ya...\"" LaD "\"Shush! I think there's someone coming...\"" "Voice outside" "\"Come on!\"" LaD "{i}Oh crap!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 129 with dissolve "Larry suddenly rushing into her open stall, Myriam screamed in surprise, not having hear the voice outside as he did." MC "\"Ha! What are ya doing!?\"" LaD "\"Shush! There's people coming this way, I've got to hide, it's the women's restroom!\"" MC "\"But...!?\"" "Voice outside" "\"Nobody will find us here...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 130 with dissolve "Shutting the stall door just as they came in, Larry shushed Myriam again as he tried to hear who could it be at this hour of the night." MC "{size=20}\"What's going on!?\"{/size=20}" LaD "{size=20}\"Shush! I'm trying to listen...\"{/size=20}" "Woman voice" "\"There's light!\"" "Man voice" "\"It's nothing, the janitor must just have passed...\"" "Woman voice" "\"But, Tom! He could find us!\"" "Man voice" "\"Don't worry, you know your husband never comes down here!\"" "Woman voice" "\"...\"" "Man voice" "\"Come here! I thought of fucking you all night long!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 131 with dissolve "Realizing the cheating couple was about to fuck in the restroom right behind their door, Larry went further in, beside Myriam, to not get caught because of his feet being visible under the door." MC "{size=20}\"What are ya doing!?\"{/size=20}" LaD "{size=20}\"They're just behind the door, they could see my feet, sorry!\"{/size=20}" "Woman voice" "\"Muah!\"" "Man voice" "\"Muah!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! Muah! Aaah!\"" "Man voice" "\"Muah! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 132 with dissolve "Doing all their best to ignore the other, all they both could do was look away and listen to the two lovers behind the door, passing from making out to more naughty business." MC "\"...\"" LaD "\"...\"" "Woman voice" "\"Aaah! Me-me too! All I thought all night long was how much I wanted your cock!\"" "Man voice" "\"Yeah?\"" "Woman voice" "\"Yeah! Mmmh! Ho-how much I wanted to feel it in my mouth!\"" "Ziiip!" "Woman voice" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" LaD "{i}Here you go! She must be bobbing on the guy's knob!!{/i}" MC "{i}God! She-she's taken his cock in her mouth!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Oooh! God! I love that slutty mouth of yours!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Slurp! Mouah! Yeah? You love my slutty mouth?\"" "Man voice" "\"Aaah! Fuck yes! You're so good with it!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Slurp, slurp! Only for you! Slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 133 with dissolve "Forced to listen to the sexual intercourse behind the door, neither of them could help but get excited, both by the situation inside and outside." LaD "{i}Oh crap! I'm getting fucking hard in my sweat pants!{/i}" MC "{i}God! ahm starting to get wet and horny listening to them!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Oooh! Don't stop! Don't stop! Keep going! Aaah! I'm going to fill your mouth full of my cum!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" "Man voice" "\"Aaah! You're going to kiss your husband tasting of my cum! AAARGH! HERE YOU GO!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh! Gulp, gulp!\"" LaD "{i}Fucking hell! I'm going to tear my pants if they go on like this!{/i}" MC "{i}My god! This is so wrong! But... It's so exciting!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 134 with dissolve "Noticing Myriam looking down his groin, Larry quickly apologized for his state, before realizing she could not stop staring as if hypnotized, while the two behind the door kept pushing things further." LaD "{size=20}\"Sorry! I-I just can't help it...\"{/size=20}" MC "{size=20}\"It's ok...\"{/size=20}" LaD "{i}Wow! She's not mad... Fuck! Looks like she even can't pulled away from my hard on! What do I do!?{/i}" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! I swallowed everything!\"" "Man voice" "\"Oooh! Yeah! Your slutty mouth did so good!\"" "Woman voice" "\"But I wanted to feel you inside me too!\"" "Man voice" "\"Oh! Don't worry, you're not getting out until I filled each one of your slutty cheating holes! Now come here!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Haaa!\"" LaD "{i}Fuck it! You're a gambler! It's all or nothing! I'm whipping it out!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 135 with dissolve "Playing off his gamble as he intended and suddenly pulling his pants down, Larry was surprised by Myriam lacks of reaction, even as his mushroom like cock came bouncing on her breasts as he revealed it." "Until he finally noticed after a moment her heavy breath and the fact that Myriam slightly apart legs, her hand slowly getting to her pussy, while the two lovers behind the door filled the room with their moans." LaD "{size=20}\"Sorry! I need to pull it out or I'll make a mess of my pants...\"{/size=20}" MC "\"...\"" LaD "{i}Fuck! What's happening!? No reaction whatsoever...!? Wait! She's just totally hypnotized by my cock! Look! She's going for it!{/i}" MC "{size=20}\"I-it's ok... A-ah understand... Ya need to release the tension... Ah can help...\"{/size=20}" "Man voice" "\"Aaah! Here! Take that you cheating slut!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Fuck my cheating pussy with your big cock!\"" "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Yeah! You love my big cock!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! It's so much bigger than my husband!\"" MC "{i}God! Ah want his cock so badly in mah mouth!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 136 with dissolve "As Larry thought, Myriam looked up to him to say she would help him out, one hand grabbing his balls while her other started caressing her pussy." MC "{size=20}\"Ah'll help ya out, ya can't go out like that!\"{/size=20}" LaD "{size=20}\"For real!?\"{/size=20}" MC "{size=20}\"Just don't tell Mike please...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}God! Ahm like that woman, ahm cheating on mah date... Why do ah feel so excited!?{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Oooooh! I'm going to fill that cheating pussy of yours full of my cum and make your husband raise my kid! AAAAAARGH!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! Make me a cheating pregnant whore! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 137 with dissolve "Getting on her knees in front of Larry to have a better position, Myriam immediately took his cock in her mouth and started to thoroughly suck on it, impatient to feel and taste his cum." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" LaD "\"Aaah!\"" LaD "{i}Shit! I've got to stay quiet!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Aaah! Turn around! Now I'm going to pound your cheating whore's ass!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! Yes! Break my cheating whore's ass! It's only for you! Tom always wanted to fuck it but I never let him!\"" "Man voice" "\"Ha ha ha! Good! Spread it for me! Show me how much my cheating whore want me to pound her married asshole!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! Please I beg you, pound my married ass! Treat me like the cheating whore I am!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 138 with dissolve "After bobbing on Larry's mushroom glans, Myriam quickly put away her hand to start deepthroating his cock furiously, decided to make him cum fast and hard in her mouth while he did all he could to endure and stay quiet." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "{size=20}\"Ooooooh! Shit! Aaaaaah!\"{/size=20}" LaD "{i}She's gonna kill me quick like that! I already want to blow my load!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Here take that you cheating whore!\"" "Slap! Slap!" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Break my cheating whore's ass!\"" "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Here! You! Go! Whore!\"" "Slam! Slam! Slam!" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" "Man voice" "\"AAAAAARGH! AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 139 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as the two lovers came seconds ago, Larry couldn't last any longer, doing all he could to not grunt his pleasure loudly as he emptied his cum down her throat and in her mouth as she kept deepthroating him mercilessly." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "{size=20}\"OOOOOOH! CUMMING!!\"{/size=20}" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp!\"" "Man voice" "\"God! You made me cum so hard again!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! You love me being a dirty whore?\"" "Man voice" "\"Fuck! You know I do! But we better go before your husband starts searching for you.\"" "Woman voice" "\"He he he! Yeah! But before that let me clean that big cock of yours with my mouth!\"" "Man voice" "\"You sure? I was just in your ass.\"" "Woman voice" "\"Yeah! I'll make him taste your cum and my ass!\"" "Man voice" "\"God! You're such a dirty cheating whore!\"" "Woman voice" "\"I know! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 140 with dissolve "Still half in a daze mixed of alcohol and sex, Myriam pulled Larry's cock out of her mouth, keeping it open to show him she had swallowed everything, while behind the door they could hear the two getting out." MC "\"Haaa!\"" LaD "{size=20}\"Oooh! Shit that was... That was fucking something! Thanks!\"{/size=20}" "Man voice" "\"Let's go now!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Ok! Look, I'm going to kiss him right when we find him.\"" "Man voice" "\"Ha ha ha! You're such a cheating slut!\"" "Slam!" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 141 with dissolve LaD "{size=20}\"Looks like they're gone! We better go as well before Mike starts getting wise.\"{/size=20}" MC "\"...\"" LaD "{size=20}\"I'll go first and go up like I said I would and come back in a moment, but you should clean up and join Mike.\"{/size=20}" MC "{size=20}\"Ok...\"{/size=20}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_joining_mike" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_going_alone:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 142 with dissolve "Following Larry half naked in the corridor, Myriam went into the woman's restroom he showed him, wobbling dangerously on her heels due to her light drunkenness." MC "\"Hooo...\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Mah head is spinning so much, ahm going to fall if ah don't sit fast...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 143 with dissolve "Going into one of the toilet stall, Myriam quickly sat down, sighing in satisfaction as she started relieving herself." MC "\"Aaah! Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! That feels great, ah was about to pee mahself!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 144 with dissolve "Resting her head in her hand while peeing, Myriam slowly snoozed away, too drunk and tired to resist the call of Morpheus as her confused drunken thoughts slowly died down." MC "{i}Mmmh! Ah really needed this... Now ah'll be able to con... concen... concentrate...{/i}" MC "{size=20}\"Zzzzzz...\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 145 with dissolve "Suddenly woken up by screams as she fell asleep on the toilet, Myriam took some time before shaking off her confusion and understand what was happening." "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Fuck my cheating pussy with your big cock!\"" MC "\"Ah! Wha-what!?\"" "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Yeah! You love my big cock!\"" MC "{i}What's happening!? There's voices... Wait!{/i}" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! It's so much bigger than my husband!\"" "Man voice" "\"Oooooh! I'm going to fill that cheating pussy of yours full of my cum and make your husband raise my kid! AAAAAARGH!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! Make me a cheating pregnant whore! AAAAAAH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 146 with dissolve "Finally realizing that a couple was making love in the restroom behind her door, Myriam couldn't help starting to feel excited despite her shock as she listened to their dirty talk." MC "\"...!!!\"" MC "{i}Oh mah god! It's a couple making love!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Aaah! Turn around! Now I'm going to pound your cheating whore's ass!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! Yes! Break my cheating whore's ass! It's only for you! Tom always wanted to fuck it but I never let him!\"" MC "{i}God! They're so... They're so dirty! The woman is cheating on her husband... and she's loving it so much! This is so wrong...{/i}" "Man voice" "\"Ha ha ha! Good! Spread it for me! Show me how much my cheating whore want me to pound her married asshole!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! Please I beg you, pound my married ass! Treat me like the cheating whore I am!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 147 with dissolve "But as much as Myriam wanted to deny it, the dirty talk and the screams of the woman were exciting her greatly, reaching for her pussy without even realizing." "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Here take that you cheating whore!\"" "Slap! Slap!" MC "{i}God! Cheating like that... It's so wrong, so why does it excite me so much!?{/i}" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Break my cheating whore's ass!\"" "Man voice" "\"Ooooooh! Here! You! Go! Whore!\"" "Slam! Slam! Slam!" MC "{i}God! He's sodomizing her so roughly... Ah can even hear the slamming on the furniture!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 148 with dissolve "Her reason passing its limits, Myriam started masturbating without reserve, her drunken mind starting to fantasize over the two men she passed her evening with as the couple reach another orgasm." MC "{i}God! What... What if ah had asked Larry to follow me inside...!?{/i}" MC "{size=20}\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}What if ah had begged him to fuck my ass like that woman and cheat on mah date tonight...!?{/i}" MC "{size=20}\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"{/size=20}" "Woman voice" "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" "Man voice" "\"AAAAAARGH! AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!\"" MC "{i}God! Ahm dirty like that woman!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 149 with dissolve "Closing her eyes to better visualize her naughty fantasy, Myriam kept caressing her pussy and massaging her breasts while the couple outside was finishing their dirty affair." MC "{size=20}\"Aaaaaah! Mmmmmmh!\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}God! Yes! Yes!! Ahm dirty like that woman! Ah would have loved having Larry pound my cheating ass over the counter!{/i}" "Man voice" "\"God! You made me cum so hard again!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Mmmh! You love me being a dirty whore?\"" "Man voice" "\"Fuck! You know I do! But we better go before your husband starts searching for you.\"" "Woman voice" "\"He he he! Yeah! But before that let me clean that big cock of yours with my mouth!\"" "Man voice" "\"You sure? I was just in your ass.\"" "Woman voice" "\"Yeah! I'll make him taste your cum and my ass!\"" "Man voice" "\"God! You're such a dirty cheating whore!\"" "Woman voice" "\"I know! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 150 with dissolve "And as the two lovers walked out of the restrooms, Myriam finally reached her climax, screaming her pleasure as the door closed on them, covering her lewdness as she wasn't able to refrain herself anymore." "Man voice" "\"Let's go now!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Ok! Look, I'm going to kiss him right when we find him.\"" "Man voice" "\"Ha ha ha! You're such a cheating slut!\"" "Slam!" MC "{i}Aaah! And finally having him flipped me over to dirty mah whore's face with his thick cum after breaking mah cheating ass like a brute!{/i}" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 151 with dissolve "Sighing in relief, Myriam tried to get her wits back as she started feeling a bit guilty about masturbating to such a dirty fantasy." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! Ah feel a lot less tense after that... But kind of guilty, ah never thought ah could find such dirty thoughts exciting...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Aaah! Ah better go before the others get worried, ah don't how long I snoozed like that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_joining_mike" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_joining_mike:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 152 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" "Cleaning up the cum from Larry still on her chin after he left her alone, Myriam took the occasion to refresh herself and try to get her wits back before rejoining Mike." KN_MOD "else:" "Cleaning her hands after getting out of the stall, Myriam took the occasion to refresh herself before rejoining the two in Larry's billiard room." MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" MC "{i}God! Ah feel so guilty now... What came over me to do that with Larry when ahm on a date with Mike... Ahm such a dirty slut!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Ah can't help but feel kind of guilty with that fantasy... It's not like ah really did it, but still... Ah feel like a slut for thinking about it!{/i}" MC "{i}Ah know ahm not really with Mike, but still, it's wrong... Ah'll have to make it up to him!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 153 with dissolve "Walking back to the billiard room after leaving the restroom, her balance still slightly impaired, Myriam found Mike sitting over their pool table his mind so far away that he didn't even notice her coming in." MC "{i}God! Looks like his call wasn't a good one, looks like he's still brooding over it.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah better cheer him up!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 154 with dissolve "Surprising Mike as she pulled him out of his brooding by squeezing his arm between her breasts to cheer him up." MC "\"Hey!\"" MiJ "\"Oh! Myriam! Sorry, I didn't hear you coming in!\"" MC "\"Ya ok?\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, it was just my w... My work!\"" MC "\"And everything's ok?\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, just some headaches to take care off later, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 155 with dissolve "As Myriam squeezed his arm ever so gently between her breasts, Mike's gaze quickly dove down after his near blunder, while Myriam was starting to feel restless and horny after the events of the restroom." MiJ "{i}Holy shit! I nearly blow myself up and say my wife... It's these tits, they're making me stupid!{/i}" MC "{i}He he he! Look at him diving straight to mah tits, ah knew it would work!{/i}" MC "\"Ahm glad, but ahm here if you need some cheering up...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" MC "{i}God! Now ah want him so hard, ah can feel my pussy gushing... And I kind of owe him for what ah did with his friend Larry...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Now ah want him so hard, ah can feel my pussy gushing... And I kind of owe him for that dirty fantasy ah had with Larry...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 156 with dissolve "The alcohol and her excitement helping, Myriam's mind could not help but think about one thing, Mike's cock and how much she wanted it, making him jump in surprise as he felt her hand sliding to his groin." MiJ "\"Hey! Wait! What are you doing!?\"" MC "\"Hush! Just let me cheer you up, that's the least ah can do for the great time we had tonight.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 157 with dissolve "Dropping to her knees in front of him, Myriam started playfully opening the zipper of his pants with her teeth while her hands kept caressing him, stopping his soft protestations right there." MiJ "\"Larry could come...\"" "Zip!" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! Did she just open my zipper with her mouth!? Fuck me! Who am I to say no to a blowjob anyway!{/i}" MC "{i}He deserves the extra naughty service for his patience and what ah did in the restroom...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 158 with dissolve "His cock still half flaccid as she pulled it out, Myriam let it rest on her face without a care while she started taking care of his balls, licking them thoroughly to tease him and make him hard." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}Ahm going to blow his mind out and make him forget anything else!{/i}" MiJ "\"Oooh! Yeah!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 159 with dissolve "Now with Mike's cock fully hard, Myriam stopped taking care of his balls and slowly started licking her way up along the shaft to take him in her mouth to finally suck him dry." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Oooh! God yes! Take it in, I can't take it anymore!\"" MC "{i}God! Me neither, ah want to suck him so badly!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 160 with dissolve "Finally taking Mike's cock in her mouth and starting to suck on it, Myriam's mind had already reached a zone of no return, not even disturbed by the door suddenly slamming at Larry's entrance." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck yeah!\"" "Slam!" LaD "\"Hey! Here's the...!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" LaD "{i}Wow! Looks like someone felt she'd done something to be forgiven for!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" LaD "{i}Wow! Looks like I missed some development here!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 161 with dissolve "Approaching nonchalantly as the two didn't seem to want to stop, Larry started joking around as Myriam kept going as if she was on a mission, already deepthroating Mike without minding the new arrival." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "\"Wow! That's some cue handling I didn't knew!\"" MiJ "\"Oooh! Shit! Larry!? Sorry, we...\"" LaD "\"Relax man, can't say I mind the show! Just let me put that away...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" LaD "{i}Ha ha ha! If he knew I was balls deep in that throat minutes ago... Come on! Just play it cool and maybe you'll get to have another blowjob!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" LaD "{i}Shit! I got to play it cool, and maybe I'll get to spank my load on her at least!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 162 with dissolve "Putting the whiskey bottle and his sweater pants away, Larry came back to them his still half flaccid cock in hand, while Myriam kept deepthroating Mike at a fast pace, fully focused on her task." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "\"Don't mind me, I'm just looking...\"" MiJ "\"Aaah! Larry, I don't know if...\"" LaD "\"Come on, it doesn't look like she minds...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 163 with dissolve "But as he arrived in range of Myriam's mouth, she suddenly let go of Mike's cock to take Larry's, surprising both as she started sucking on it as if it was the most natural thing to do." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" LaD "\"Oooh! Shit!\"" MiJ "\"Wow!\"" LaD "\"See, told you!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 164 with dissolve "Leaving the cock she had in her mouth, Myriam left Larry's a moment and jumped back to Mike's, immediately getting back to where she left, deepthroating him as if it was a walk in the park." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! She's so fucking incredible!\"" LaD "\"She sure is!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 165 with dissolve "Jumping back to Larry, Myriam swallowed his cock deep in her throat as well and quickly gave him the same treatment as Mike's, leaving the two without words as she handled the two cocks as if it was nothing." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "\"Ooooooh! Shit!\"" MiJ "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! One cock or two is just the same for her, she's handling that like a real pro!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! She was worth the chase, look at her go, one cock or two is just the same for her, she's handling that like a real pro!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 164 with dissolve scene bg ch3_27 datenight 166 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Alternating for some time, jumping from one cock to the other without losing her pace, Myriam kept deepthroating them for a good time, until finally both reached their limits, Mike being the first to fill her mouth full of cum in a loud grunt." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"AAARGH! SHIT! CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" LaD "\"Fuck! I won't take much more either!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 165 with dissolve scene bg ch3_27 datenight 167 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As soon as she was done swallowing Mike's thick load, Myriam immediately jumped back to Larry, to receive his load of cum as well after just a few seconds of intense deepthroating." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" LaD "\"AAARGH! HERE! ANOTHER LOAD FOR YOU!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MiJ "{i}Hungry for cum like the other day! Look at her swallow take these loads like a champ!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MiJ "{i}Wow! I didn't think she would be so hungry for cum! Look at her swallow take these loads like a champ!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 168 with dissolve "Pulling away from the two cocks after cleaning up the last drops of cum from the two, Myriam looked up to them to swallow the rest, feeling her throat with her hand to feel it go down." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" LaD "\"God! She's...\"" MiJ "\"Yeah! She is...\"" MiJ "{i}Shit! I got to get her home and fuck her senseless! No way I'm sharing more than that slutty mouth of hers!{/i}" MC "{i}God! Ahm feeling randier than a cotton patch! Ah need to get fucked so badly!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 169 with dissolve "Turning towards Larry, Mike announced they were going to go now, hoping to try and control the situation before it escalated again." MiJ "\"Hey! We'll be going now, you don't mind the clean up?\"" LaD "\"Yeah, no problem, I can't say no after a blowjob like that.\"" LaD "{i}Fuck! Too bad! Well, I can't blame him for wanting to keep her for himself...{/i}" MC "{i}Wait! What are they talking about!? Ahm not done!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 170 with dissolve "Standing up drunk on both alcohol and sex, Myriam pushed Mike over the pool table before turning towards Larry to tell him how things were going to go." MC "\"Ahm not done! You lie down!\"" MiJ "\"Wha...!?\"" MC "\"And you...\"" LaD "\"Ye-yeah!?\"" MC "\"Help me up, then climb as well and fuck me up the ass!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 171 with dissolve "Happy to oblige, Larry helped Myriam climb on the pool table before following them and pushing his cock in her ass after she started straddling Mike with him filling her pussy." KN_MOD "if ch3_blow_Larry_in_the_toilet == True:" LaD "{i}Holy shit! I can't believe I got to have a double serving of blowjob and got to fuck her up the ass!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" LaD "{i}Holy shit! I can't believe that I not only got to have a blowjob from her but I also got to fuck her up the ass!{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Yeah! Push it in! Fuck me in the ass!\"" MiJ "\"Aaah!\"" MiJ "{i}God! She's crazy horny! Her pussy is so fucking wet!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 172 with dissolve "Searching for their rhythm for some time, both men quickly adapted themselves to Myriam's furious hip movements as she kept pushing to feel them deeper and harder inside her." "Her mind fully taken over by the alcohol and her arousal, Myriam kept moaning loudly, asking them for more as she pursued her pleasure and felt an intense orgasm coming." MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! Squeeze that cock!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaaaah! Harder! Pound mah holes!\"" LaD "\"Aaaaaah! Take that you slut! Ooooooh! You love getting all your holes stuffed like that!\"" "And finally as she felt it coming, after some time of intense double penetration, Myriam loudly screamed her pleasure as a powerful orgasm came crashing over her body in waves." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Yes! Yes!! YES!!! AAAAAAH! AH LOVE IT!! AAAAAAH!!!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 173 with dissolve "As Myriam's holes both tightened with her climax and not far from their own limits, the two men quickly followed suit and climaxed in turn inside her, filling up both her holes one after the other." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MiJ "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! HERE I CUM!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" LaD "\"AAARGH! SHIT ME TOO! HERE FOR YOU ASS!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! FILL BOTH MAH HOLES! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 174 with dissolve "After some well deserved cool down time, Larry just slouched in one of his armchairs while Mike and Myriam finally decided to go, Myriam now way too drunk and exhausted to even stand by herself." MiJ "\"Hey! This time we're going, you're ok for the clean up?\"" LaD "\"Oh! Yeah! Don't worry, I'll do that tomorrow, I'm way too burnt out for tonight.\"" MiJ "\"Ok, then goodnight Larry!\"" LaD "\"Goodnight Mike! Myriam, it was a pleasure!\"" MC "\"'night Larry...!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 175 with dissolve "Driving Myriam back to her house, Mike helped her to the door, too drunk to walk home in her heels and too tired after having slept for most of the drive." MiJ "\"Here we are! Just a few more steps! I'll help you to your room.\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks...\"" MiJ "{i}Shit! She's really toast... I hope she'll be lucid enough for one last blowjob for the road!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 176 with dissolve "Helping her go upstairs to her room, Mike sat Myriam on the side of her bed, oscillating half asleep, ready to crash." MiJ "\"Here!\"" MC "\"...\"" MiJ "\"You're alright?\"" MC "\"Mmmh...? Yeah! Thanks...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 177 with dissolve "Pulling his cock out, Mike asked Myriam if she was still up for one last blowjob for the road, reaching for the nape of her neck to guide her to it." "Zip!" MiJ "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Mmmh...!?\"" MiJ "\"What do you say to giving me one last for the road?\"" MC "\"Mmmh... Don't know, ahm a bit tired...\"" MiJ "\"Come on, I'm already hard, just take the tip in and I'll jerk off.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 178 with dissolve "Joining the act to the word, Mike brought Myriam's face to his cock, shoving the tip in her open mouth and starting to slowly jerk off as he kept her head in position." MiJ "\"Here!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf...\"" MiJ "\"Aaah! See, you don't have anything to do... Aaah! Just let me enjoy the warmth...\"" MC "\"Slurp!\"" MiJ "{i}She's still using her tongue, maybe I can push things a bit...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 179 with dissolve "But after a while, as he kept jerking off in her mouth, Mike started moving his hips slowly, slightly pushing his cock further in her mouth, a little more each time." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "{i}Look at that, she's letting me do as I want, she must just really love sucking cock!{/i}" MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! Keep sucking on it like that! Aaah! I'll move just a little...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 180 with dissolve "Reaching his mental limits with just these slow moves, Mike ended up grabbing Myriam's head and shoved his cock down her throat and started facefucking her, unable to take the slow pace anymore." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! Sorry, but I can't take it anymore!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Yeah! That's it! Just endure it for a moment! Aaaaaah! I won't be long!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 181 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As he announced, he didn't took long with Mike's fast paced facefucking to push him over the edge and make him release his last load of cum in the back of her throat with a grunt of satisfaction." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"AAARGH! HERE'S THE LAST FOR THE ROAD! OOOOOOH! SWALLOW IT ALL!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 182 with dissolve "As Mike finally released her and put his cock away, Myriam coughed for a moment, her exhaustion having made the intense deepthroating less seamless than usual." MC "\"Cough! Cough! cough!\"" MiJ "\"Shit! Sorry, I went a little ape in the end, your mouth was just too good...\"" MC "\"Cough! Cough! It's 'kay... Cough! Ah was just not... Cough! Expecting it, so tired...\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, sorry, I let you get some rest, I'm glad we had a great time together.\"" MC "\"Cough! Me too...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 183 with dissolve "On this last few words, Myriam just crashed back on her bed and fell asleep like a stone as soon as Mike left the room, her night of fun having beaten her to exhaustion." MC "{i}Ah'll just lay down a second... I'll clean... clean mah... mahself...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_leaving_the_aquarium:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 184 with dissolve "Going back to Mike's car after leaving the Aquarium bar, they lightly talked about their dinner with Larry as they headed to Myriam's house." MC "\"...but anyway Larry was quite the fun character!\"" MiJ "\"That he definitely is... A character...\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Stop it! He was nice and funny, I had a great time...\"" MiJ "\"Me too.\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 185 with dissolve "As a comfortable silence settled for a moment in the car, Mike focusing on the road, Myriam's mind turned to the after dinner and what was going to happen." MiJ "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}It was really a good night, yes... But now things are going to get to a different kind of fun I guess...{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 186 with dissolve "Her eyes getting down to his groin, Myriam kept pondering about the next events following their dinner." MC "{i}I know he's waiting for some action and I can't say I'm not feeling horny myself...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_27_giving_some_blue_balls:" "Does Myriam listen to her horny side?" KN_MOD "No, I know we had fun, but...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" $ ch3_blue_ball_for_mike = True MC "{i}No, I know we had fun, but I don't want to rush things like last time.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" $ ch3_blue_ball_for_mike_again = True MC "{i}No, I know we had fun, but I don't want to rush and mess things up because I'm feeling horny and had too much to drink.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_blue_balls_for_mike" KN_MOD "And why not after all!?:" $ ch3_alley_sex_with_mike = True MC "{i}And why not after all!? We're both adults and feeling horny for each other!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_horny_in_an_alley" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_blue_balls_for_mike:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 187 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MC "{i}I'm sorry for him but I think this time I'll leave him with blue balls as they say...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'm sorry for him but I think it's going to be blue balls again for him...{/i}" MC "{i}I'm feeling guilty about it, but I'll make it up later, I'll let him have all the fun he want when I feel the time is right.{/i}" MC "{i}He won't regret it!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_home_after_mike" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_horny_in_an_alley:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 188 with dissolve "Deciding to have some naughty fun with Mike, Myriam asked him to stop the car somewhere with a mischievous tone while gently reaching for him with her hand." KN_MOD "if ch3_inviting_mike_inside == True:" MC "{i}Though I would prefer if we avoided doing it at home this time around, with the kids home it feels weird.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Though I would prefer if we avoided doing it at home , with the kids home it feels weird.{/i}" MC "\"Hey! What do you say we find ourselves a little spot?\"" MiJ "\"What...!? OH! You mean... Yeah! Look! There's an alley just over there!\"" MC "\"Then go ahead because I just can't wait anymore...\"" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! She's horny as hell!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 189 with dissolve "Driving down the alley Mike spotted, Myriam opened the door once parked and got out to his surprise." MiJ "\"Wait! Where are you going?\"" MC "\"Well, just get out and you'll see...\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 190 with dissolve "As he followed her in front of the car, Myriam pushed him against the hood of his car before crouching at his feet, caressing his groin with a mischievous smile." MC "\"Glad you followed or do you want me to stop?\"" MiJ "\"Shit no! Keep going!\"" MC "\"Sure?\"" MiJ "\"Sure!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 191 with dissolve "Done teasing him, Myriam pulled out Mike's already hard cock, and as she started caressing it gently against her face as if putting his scent on her, she started licking and sucking his balls while pushing lewd moans." MC "\"Mmmmmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmh!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck!\"" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! She's so erotic! It's like getting sucked by your own pornstar!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 192 with dissolve "After taking care of Mike's balls for some time, Myriam slowly went up, licking his shaft as she made her way to the tip of his cock to start sucking on it." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! Please, take it in your mouth! Aaah! I can't take it anymore!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 193 with dissolve "As he begged her, Myriam finally took Mike's cock in her mouth, sucking on his glans for some time as she teased it with her tongue mercilessly." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck yeah! Suck it!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 194 with dissolve "Bringing him near the edge with just her teasing, Myriam expertly went for the kill as she felt his cock hardening and getting bigger in her mouth, suddenly starting an intense deepthroating to make him break." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Shit! Yeah! Don't stop!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 195 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "The intense deepthroating from Myriam quickly took Mike's reason, reaching a powerful climax, flooding her throat and mouth with a heavy load of cum as she looked up to his eyes." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" MiJ "\"AAAAAARGH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING! OOOOOOH! FUCK! YEAH! SWALLOW IT!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 196 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam silently started taking off her dress while Mike was still coming down from the power blowjob he just had." MiJ "\"Shit! Tha-that was something else...\"" MC "\"...\"" MiJ "\"You were so fucking good! Shit! My cock is still quivering!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 197 with dissolve "Bending over the hood just in her heels, Myriam invited the stunned Mike to come and make a mess of her pussy." MC "\"Come on! What are you waiting for!? Come here and mess up my pussy!\"" MiJ "{i}Holy shit! She's so fucking erotic! Look at these legs!{/i}" MiJ "\"Oh! Don't worry, I'll make a mess alright!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 198 with dissolve "Coming behind her, Mike pushed her over the hood and after spreading her legs with his feet, roughly shoved his cock in her welcoming pussy before starting fucking her hard and deep." MiJ "\"Oooh! Here you go you little alley slut!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Pound your little alley slut pussy hard! Mmmmmmh!\"" "Excited by Myriam's teasing and moans, Mike quickly gave her pussy a hard and fast pace fucking, making the car suspensions bounce with every thrust." MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! You little slut! Aaah! You love getting fucked in dirty alleys!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmh! I'm a slut who loves to get fucked in dirty alleys!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 199 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And before long, after an intense pounding over the hood of the car, Mike reached his climax first, filling Myriam's pussy full of his cum as he kept thrusting hard, pushing her as well into an orgasm." "Mike's last hard few thrusts while cumming were enough to push her over the edge, making her scream her pleasure as well as her body started shaking as the waves of pleasure radiated from her pussy to her whole body." MiJ "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE'S MY LOAD YOU ALLEY SLUT!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH! FILL UP YOUR ALLEY SLUT FULL OF CUM!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 200 with dissolve "Pulling out after both calmed down a little, Mike admired his work as his cum was oozing out of Myriam's pussy, the cum dripping to the ground in an obscene fashion." MiJ "{i}Fuck! Look at that view, she wanted me to mess her pussy, job done!{/i}" MC "\"Aaaaaah...\"" MiJ "{i}And I can still go for another round! Let's see if she's up for another go with her ass!{/i}" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 201 with dissolve "Going back behind her, Mike started rubbing his cock against her asshole, teasing it with the tip before pushing it in and give her ass the same treatment as her pussy." MiJ "\"Hey! What do you say we go for another round with that tight asshole?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmh... Sure! Break that alley slut ass!\"" MiJ "\"Fuck! You don't have to tell me twice!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 202 with dissolve "Invited by Myriam, Mike pushed his way into her ass, pulling moans of pain and pleasure from her as it slowly got used to the invasion, and before he started the actual breaking in." "Feeling Myriam's ass relaxing after a while, Mike quickly accelerated the pace, going harder and deeper with each thrust, before fully roughing it up as she begged him to go harder." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Harder! Break that slutty alley ass!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Yeah! You love taking it up the ass you alley slut!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh! I love it up the ass! Aaaaaah! God! I'm cumming again! Break me!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! Cumming too! Aaaaaah!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 203 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Both screamed together as they reached their climax together, Mike gave Myriam some last brutal thrusts as he emptied his balls deep in her ass, making the car jump with each thrust." MiJ "\"AAARGHh! TAKE THAT YOU ALLEY WHORE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAH!\"" "TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT!" "And quickly covering both their screams of pleasure, the car alarm suddenly started screaming in turn, triggered by the violent thrusts from Mike in Myriam's ass." "TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT!" MiJ "\"Aaah! Shit, shit, shit! Where did I put the keys!?\"" "TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT!" MiJ "\"Fuck! They're still on!\"" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 204 with dissolve "TUUUUUUT! TUUUUUUT! TUUUuuut..." "Pulling out in a rush, Mike quickly ran to the car to stop the alarm with the keys, bursting into laughter with Myriam once the crisis passed." MiJ "\"Shit! That was a new one! Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Yes! For me to! Never done that before.\"" MiJ "\"I think we should pack things up before the colleagues get called in.\"" MC "\"I'm all for, but you'll have to give me a hand here... I can barely feel my legs anymore!\"" MiJ "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_27_home_after_mike" KN_MOD "label ch3_27_home_after_mike:" scene bg ch3_27 datenight 205 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_alley_sex_with_mike == True:" "Driving her to her house after leaving the alley in a hurry, Mike left her in front of her courtyard, as she preferred not taking the risk inviting him in for more if he walked her to the door." MC "{i}God! I can't believe what we did! Triggering the car alarm like that...{/i}" MC "{i}Though it's no wonder, we went at it so hard in the end, I can barely walk straight!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I don't know what took me over tonight, making love like that in an alley, that was so... so crazy... and fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Leaving Mike in the street after he drove her home, Myriam headed for her house, feeling a mix of fun and guilt after the night they had." MC "{i}God! The poor guy, the face he made when he realized he wouldn't get any, it was priceless, he looked like a puppy in the rain, it was hard walking away without taking him in.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_blue_ball_for_mike == True:" MC "{i}Though I shouldn't laugh, I feel guilty, he deserved more than having blue balls this time around, the night was pretty fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Though I shouldn't laugh, I feel guilty, he deserved more than having blue balls again, the night was pretty fun.{/i}" MC "{i}But too late now, I've made my decision, I'll just have to make it up to him when the time's right.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update11" KN_MOD "label ch3_update11:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update11 from _call_var_chapter3_update11" $ MCtrait["Drinks"] = 0 KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_date_night_part2" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_date_night_part2:" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True:" KN_MOD "if ch3_walking_out_from_dannys_date == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_subway_drive_home" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update12" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True:" KN_MOD "if ch3_walking_out_from_mikes_date == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_subway_drive_home" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update12" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date_with_both == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_date_with_both" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_date_with_herself" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_date_with_both:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 001 with dissolve "The three of them driving to a different club from last time. Myriam followed them inside, curious about what they had in store for her this time." DaA "\"Here! You're going to love this one.\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" MiJ "\"It's a new club that opened recently in an old firehouse.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 002 with dissolve MiJ "\"Hey, why don't you go sit, I'll take care of the drinks, same as last time Myriam?\"" MC "\"Sure, thanks.\"" DaA "\"We'll be up, better go take the good places while there isn't too much crowd.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 003 with dissolve "Leaving Mike behind as he went to order drinks for everyone, Danny stopped at the stairs, inviting Myriam to climb first." DaA "\"My lady!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_naughty_view:" "Does Myriam catch on?" KN_MOD "Yes and she makes him go first.:" MC "{i}That naughty devil! Already trying to get an eye full! Sorry mister, but that's going a bit fast.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_pushing_danny_first" KN_MOD "Yes but she still goes first.:" $ ch3_letting_danny_have_an_eye_full = True MC "{i}That naughty devil! Already trying to get an eye full! Ok lets give him a little preview.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_go_first" KN_MOD "No she doesnt.:" MC "{i}That's a nice gesture! Lets get up!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_go_first" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_pushing_danny_first:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 004 with dissolve "Pushing Danny forward, Myriam followed after him up the stairs, laughing off his obvious attempt to get an eye full." MC "\"After you naughty devil!.\"" DaA "\"What!? What did I do?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_starting_the_night" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_go_first:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 005 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_letting_danny_have_an_eye_full == True:" "Climbing the stairs first Myriam looked back to see if Danny's was actually having an eye full as she thought." MC "\"So, enjoying the view?\"" DaA "\"Can't complain...\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Climbing the stairs first Myriam looked back as she heard Danny say something behind her." DaA "\"Oh boy!\"" MC "\"Is there a problem?\"" DaA "\"Oh no, everything's just fine.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_starting_the_night" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_starting_the_night:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 006 with dissolve "Arriving on the balcony, Danny played the gentleman again, inviting Myriam to sit over the big couch right in front of the stairs." DaA "\"Here! It looks quite nice over here.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 007 with dissolve "Sitting beside her, Danny started joking with Myriam as they both waited for Mike to join them with the drinks." DaA "\"So, what brings a sweet girl like you in a seedy place like this?\"" MC "\"Ha ha! Very funny mister...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 008 with dissolve DaA "\"Playing hard to get are we? You're forcing me to use my wild card!\"" MC "\"Oh!? And what is that?\"" DaA "\"Ha! Drugs of course!\"" MC "\"Come on!\"" DaA "\"Look, here they are!\"" MC "\"What...!?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 009 with dissolve "Turning back as Danny looked behind her, Myriam saw Mike arriving with three drinks in his hands." MiJ "\"Here you go! Three whiskeys!\"" MC "\"Oh! Mike!\"" DaA "\"Just in time buddy!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 010 with dissolve "Sitting on the other side of Myriam, Mike handed the drinks to her as she moved slightly to give him some room, touching Danny's hand with her butt by accident." MiJ "\"Here...\"" MC "\"Thank you Mike.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 011 with dissolve "Handing his drink to him, Myriam noticed Danny putting his hand on her ass as he started caressing it shamelessly." MC "\"Here...\"" DaA "\"Oh! Thanks Mike, next one on me!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_letting_danny_feel_you:" "Does Myriam let him go on?" KN_MOD "I cant complain after showing it off in front of his nose like that before...:" $ ch3_letting_danny_have_cop_a_feel = True MC "{i}I can't complain after showing it off in front of his nose like that before, just let him get his feel.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_drinking_together" KN_MOD "This rascal, is really going for it!:" MC "{i}This rascal, is really going for it! No need to make a scene though.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_drinking_together" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_drinking_together:" KN_MOD "if ch3_letting_danny_have_cop_a_feel == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 012 with dissolve "Ignoring his hand on her butt, Myriam toasted with the two for a great night while Danny kept fondling her." DaA "{i}Damn that ass! Can't wait to shove my cock back in that tight white ass.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 013 with dissolve "Shifting her butt slightly, Myriam toasted with the two for a great night while Danny took off his hand." DaA "{i}Damn it! Guess I went too fast, better wait until she's had a few.{/i}" MiJ "\"To a great night!\"" MC "\"To a great night!\"" DaA "\"And some fun!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 014 with dissolve MiJ "\"Gulp!\"" MiJ "{i}Looks like the night is starting well...{/i}" MC "\"Gulp!\"" DaA "\"Gulp!\"" DaA "{i}Fuck! My cock is aching in anticipation!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_drinks_and_talk:" "How much drinking Myriam does?" KN_MOD "Just nurse her drink.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_dancing_together" KN_MOD "Just a few drinks.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_dancing_together" KN_MOD "Follow along.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_dancing_together" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_dancing_together:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 015 with dissolve "Drinking and talking together while the club slowly started filling up with people and getting louder as the music and lights were getting more intense, the three thought it was time to go dancing." DaA "\"Hey! What do you say we go for some dancing?\"" MC "\"Oh yeah! That'll be great!\"" MiJ "\"Yeah! Looks like things are getting livelier here!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 016 with dissolve "Going down to the dance floor, the three started dancing to the rhythm of the music, having fun as the mood started getting high." MiJ "{i}Shit! This chick is so easy to have fun with!{/i}" DaA "{i}Fuck! I can't wait to have some fun with that ass!{/i}" MC "{i}God! Look at them crowding me! They look like kids in a toy store!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 017 with dissolve "As they kept dancing together over the dance floor, Danny and Mike kept getting closer to Myriam, testing the waters before getting to some dirty dancing." MiJ "{i}Look at her go she's craving the attention!{/i}" DaA "{i}Fuck! And these juggs!{/i}" MC "{i}God! The attention is really intoxicating, it really makes me feel excited...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 018 with dissolve "Feeling that Myriam was opened to some closer action, both came close to her, Danny grabbing her hips started grinding against her butt as it swayed with the music, while Mike caressed her body more gently." DaA "\"That's it baby! Shake that booty!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm letting them have their way in front of everyone!{/i}" MiJ "{i}Better calm things down a bit, or Danny will end up fucking her right there on the dance floor.{/i}" MiJ "\"Hey! What do you say we take a pause for a little drink.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 019 with dissolve "Following Mike's offer, the three went to the side of the dance floor for a few more drinks over some conversations." MC "\"Really? They really did that?\"" MiJ "\"Yeah! It happened right over the Third Avenue.\"" DaA "\"Gulp!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_some_more_drinking:" "How much more drinking does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Just nurse one drink.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_merry_hands" KN_MOD "Just a few drinks.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_merry_hands" KN_MOD "Follow along.:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_merry_hands" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_merry_hands:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 020 with dissolve "As the three kept talking and drinking together for some time, Danny and Mike kept getting closer to Myriam as they did on the dance floor, their hands slowly caressing her as the discussion became dirtier." DaA "\"Fuck! I want you so bad girl!\"" MiJ "\"Can't argue with him, you're so fucking hot again tonight.\"" MC "\"Come on boys, calm down... There's too many people around.\"" DaA "\"Then maybe we should go somewhere more discreet.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_escalating_situation:" "Does Myriam follow their lead?" KN_MOD "I better calm things down a bit... (Drinks Trait under 6) if MCtrait[Drinks] < 6:" MC "{i}I better calm things down a bit, it feels like things are escalating even quicker than last time.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 021 with dissolve "Pushing the two away, Myriam desperately tried to calm the situation as she felt it was quickly escalating to some dirty action already." MC "\"Wait!\"" MiJ "\"What!?\"" DaA "\"Come on baby!\"" MC "\"Sorry boys, go back up, I need to go freshen up a bit.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_cooling_down_and_refreshing" KN_MOD "God! And why not!:" $ ch3_getting_dirty_in_the_club_restroom = True MC "{i}God! And why not! I'm feeling horny as well and we all knew how the end was going to go any way.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_restroom_naughtiness" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_restroom_naughtiness:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 022 with dissolve "Leaving their drinks behind, Danny and Mike guided Myriam towards one of the restrooms of the club as she looked behind feeling a bit confused to why they weren't going outside." MC "\"Hey! Wait, where are we going?\"" DaA "\"Here babe!\"" MiJ "\"Don't worry, we'll have our privacy, their restrooms are pretty nice.\"" MC "\"What?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 023 with dissolve "Leading her inside and closing behind them, Danny and Mike didn't leave any time to think to Myriam as they immediately jumped on her, caressing her body from front and behind while kissing her." DaA "\"Come here baby! Mouah!\"" MC "{i}God! This is crazy! Things are going so fast but I'm feeling so horny!{/i}" MC "\"Mouah!\"" MiJ "\"Mouah!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 024 with dissolve "As the kissing and fondling kept going on, Danny slowly started lifting her skirt, revealing her ass in the process." DaA "\"Mouah!\"" MC "\"Mouah!\"" MiJ "\"Mouah!\"" MC "{i}God wait! I want to fuck so hard, but if they do it like last time I won't be able to walk out straight!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 025 with dissolve MC "\"Aaah! Wait! We can't do it here! I won't be able to walk out right.\"" DaA "\"Come on babe! You can't stop us now!\"" MiJ "\"We're so hard!\"" MC "\"Let me take care of you with my mouth, I'll blow you two as much as you want.\"" DaA "\"Ok, but I want some deepthroating!\"" MC "\"Sure...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 026 with dissolve "As Myriam got on her knees between them, the two pulled their already hard cocks, pressing them and rubbing them on her face in anticipation." DaA "\"Look at that big piece of meat girl! You're going to swallow it all!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I took that all the way down my throat last time!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 027 with dissolve "Feeling horny and intoxicated by the smell of their cocks, Myriam took Danny's balls in her mouth and started sucking on it, decided to take care of them thoroughly as she promised." DaA "\"Oooh! Yeah! Suck on these big chocolate balls!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 028 with dissolve "Then after sucking on Danny's balls for a moment, Myriam jumped to Mike's, thoroughly sucking on them as she did with his partner." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Aaah! Fuck! That's great!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 029 with dissolve "And finally, after sucking on both their balls for some time, Myriam decided to stop teasing them and started sucking them, taking Danny's massive cock in her mouth while Mike kept rubbing his cock on her face, waiting for his turn." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Yeah! That's it baby! Suck on my big cock!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 030 with dissolve "Leaving Danny's cock alone after sucking on it for a moment, Myriam jumped to Mike's, quickly starting sucking on it, looking up to him to enjoy the pleasure in his eyes as she teased his weak spots with her tongue." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Shit! You're so good!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 031 with dissolve "After alternating between the two cocks some more, Myriam teased them as much as she could to make them harder before pushing her blowjob further and deepthroating them, starting with Danny." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! Yeah! Choke on that big piece of meat!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 032 with dissolve "And as she did before, Myriam kept alternating between the two, taking Mike deep in her throat as well, deepthroating the two intensively, both guided by Danny's hand on her head and her own excitement." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! You're unbelievable! Aaaaaah! Your mouth was made for this!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 033 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Jumping from one cock to the other, Myriam kept deepthroating the two, trying her best to keep them both hard and pleased, following their moans and reactions, until finally she felt a heavy load of cum gushing down her throat." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MiJ "\"AAAAAARGH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" DaA "\"Yeah! That's it! Swallow his load and get ready for mine!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 034 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Having swallowed Mike's cum, Myriam quickly jumped to Danny's cock, making him cum in just a few more thrusts in her throat, filling her as well with a thick load that she immediately tried to swallow as best she could." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" DaA "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! YEAH! SWALLOW IT ALL!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 035 with dissolve "Pulling Danny's cock out once he was done cumming, Myriam looked up to see if the two were satisfied with her service, as she always loved to do a good job and satisfy her partner when blowing him." MC "\"Cough, cough! Thanks for the loads! I hope you enjoyed the service?\"" DaA "\"Fuck girl! You know we did!\"" MiJ "\"Shit! For sure!\"" DaA "\"Your mouth was made for the job!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 036 with dissolve "As they helped her up, Danny and Mike were quickly all over her, caressing her body all over as they tried to persuade her to go for more." MC "\"Wait! Let's stop here for now...\"" DaA "\"Come on baby! We're so fucking hard!\"" MiJ "\"And with that in font of us...\"" MC "\"But...\"" DaA "\"Let's take off that dress and enjoy a good double fucking like last time, you know you want it!\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 037 with dissolve "Taking off her dress, the two lifted her up, making her go down on their cock, with Mike in her pussy and Danny in her ass, both used her weight to fuck her deeply despite the tightness of her holes in this position." MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! You're killing me! Mmmmmmh!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Your pussy feels so good!\"" DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Man! Her ass is so fucking tight!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 038 with dissolve "Making Myriam go up and down on their cocks, Danny and Mike started moving up the pace as they found their rhythm and stabilized their position, pulling out loud moans of pleasure from her which were luckily covered by the club music." MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! You like taking some cop dicks!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaah! God! Yes! Yes!! Aaaaaah! Lo-love it! Mmmmmmh!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! Yeah! Take that you fucking badge bunny!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 039 with dissolve "Already horny for some time, Myriam was quickly pushed by the two into a powerful orgasm, the two cocks mercilessly pounding her pussy and ass harder and harder as she screamed her pleasure without holding back." MiJ "\"Aaaaaah! Shit! She's getting tighter!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH! WRECK ME! AAAAAAH!\"" DaA "\"Ooooooh! Don't worry baby, we're going to wreck you alright!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 040 with dissolve "Not leaving her any rest, Danny and Mike kept pounding the still trembling Myriam, still accelerating the pace as both felt they were reaching their limit and were about to cum." DaA "\"Aaaaaah! Prepare to get filled up slut!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! FILL ME UP! AAAAAAH!!\"" MiJ "\"Ooooooh! Fuck! I'm going to cum!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 041 with dissolve "And as they warned her, Danny and Mike reached their climax, cumming one after the other inside her, filling both her pussy and ass with their warm cum as she moaned lasciviously, her body still quivering from her own orgasm." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MiJ "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" DaA "\"OOOOOOH! FUCK! TAKE MY LOAD BITCH!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! MMMMMMH!!!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 042 with dissolve "Her legs still weak from her climax, Myriam leaned against the wall to rest as Danny and Mike pulled out and let her get down." DaA "\"Here you go.\"" MC "\"Haaa... God... Thanks...\"" MiJ "\"You're alright?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 043 with dissolve MC "\"Yeah... Just my legs feeling weak...\"" DaA "\"We did fuck you hard again.\"" MiJ "\"Rest a moment, we'll wait for you upstairs.\"" MC "\"Ok...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 044 with dissolve "Left alone by Danny and Mike, Myriam leaned back against the wall after locking the door behind them, trying to catch her breath as her body calmed down." MC "{i}God! They really made me cum hard again, but I can't believe I just had sex in a club restroom...{/i}" MC "{i}And like I thought I won't be walking straight out of here...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 045 with dissolve "Sighing loudly from physical and mental weariness Myriam reached for her pussy as she felt the cum leaking out." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I better clean myself up and get this cum out, I don't want to have cum leaking along my legs while I walk.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_cooling_down_and_refreshing" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_cooling_down_and_refreshing:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 046 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_dirty_in_the_club_restroom == True:" "After cleaning herself up and getting dressed, Myriam stopped in font of the mirror for a moment, trying to clear her mind before getting out and joining Danny and Mike." MC "{i}You need to calm things down a bit Myriam, you had too much alcohol and excitement...{/i}" MC "{i}And you know that the two will want some more excitement when you join them.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After refreshing herself, Myriam stopped in front of the mirror for a moment, trying to clear her mind before getting out and joining Danny and Mike." MC "{i}You did good calming things down for a moment Myriam, you had too much alcohol and excitement...{/i}" MC "{i}And you know that the two will want to have some excitement when you join them.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 047 with dissolve MC "{i}Now I have to decide if I keep going with the flow or if I had enough excitement for the night.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_enough_excitement:" "What does Myriam decide?" KN_MOD "Yeah! No, I think I had enough for the night...:" $ ch3_decided_to_cut_the_night_short = True KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_dirty_in_the_club_restroom == True:" MC "{i}Yeah! No, I think I had enough for the night, I already had sex in a public restroom, if I keep going like that things will definitely escalate further.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Yeah! No, I think I had enough for the night, I already nearly let them strip me right on the dance floor, if I keep going like that things will definitely escalate further.{/i}" MC "{i}I better stop things here for tonight and go home, they're probably going to be pissed, but I think it's best.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_joining_the_guys_upstairs" KN_MOD "Come on Myriam, the night is still young...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_getting_dirty_in_the_club_restroom == True:" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, the night is still young, it was a bit spicy to have sex like that in a public restroom, but you shouldn't feel bad, there's no harm done.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Come on Myriam, the night is still young, it got a bit spicy on the dance floor, but you shouldn't feel bad, there's no harm done.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just join the two and have fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_joining_the_guys_upstairs" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_joining_the_guys_upstairs:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 048 with dissolve "Getting out of the restroom, Myriam headed for the stairs, passing beside the dance floor with the music still booming loudly and people dancing." KN_MOD "if ch3_decided_to_cut_the_night_short == True:" MC "{i}Let's at least go thank them and say goodbye before going, that's the least I can do.{/i}" MC "{i}I hope they don't get too disappointed.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's go upstairs now, they must still be waiting for me.{/i}" MC "{i}I bet they've already ordered another round of drinks.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 049 with dissolve "As Myriam climbed the stairs to join Danny and Mike, two young men hanging out in the club enjoyed the view of her coming up to them." "Ginger Boy" "\"Hey! Look at the babe!\"" "Brunette Boy" "\"Yeah! Looking at her!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 050 with dissolve "Passing by the them to get upstairs, Myriam stopped as they accosted her and started a conversation with her." "Brunette Boy" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" "Ginger Boy" "\"Got a minute?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 051 with dissolve "Brunette Boy" "\"Hi!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" "Brunette Boy" "\"What do you say about getting a drink with us?\"" "Ginger Boy" "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"Oh, I...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 052 with dissolve "Ginger Boy" "\"Come on, just one drink.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_decided_to_cut_the_night_short == True:" MC "\"Sorry, I'm not staying, I'm only going up to say goodbye.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Sorry, I'm already here with someone.\"" "Brunette Boy" "\"Damn!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 053 with dissolve MC "\"I'm sorry.\"" "Ginger Boy" "\"Damn it!\"" "Brunette Boy" "\"Hey, it's ok, sure a babe like you is already taken.\"" MC "\"Oh! Tha -thanks...\"" DaA "\"HEY!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 054 with dissolve "Turning towards the scream that pierced through the loud club music, Myriam could see Danny at the top of the stairs, looking down at them pissed off." MC "\"Da-Danny?\"" DaA "\"HANDS OFF LITTLE SHIT!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 055 with dissolve "Quickly getting to their level, Danny pushed the kid back, yelling at him aggressively as he ignored Myriam trying to calm him down." "Brunette Boy" "\"Wow! Cool man!\"" DaA "\"SHUT UP!\"" MC "\"Wait Danny! I...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 056 with dissolve "Not listening to either Myriam or the kid, Danny kept pushing him against the wall, screaming at him uncontrollably." "Brunette Boy" "\"Hey! Calm down, I...\"" DaA "\"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU THINK YOU CAN TOUCH MY WOMAN LIKE THIS!\"" MC "{i}God! Is he drunk!?{/i}" MC "\"Calm down Danny! They only asked me for a drink!\"" "Brunette Boy" "\"Yeah! We're sorry, we only...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 057 with dissolve "But as the kid try one last time to explain himself and calm the situation, Danny punched him straight in the jaw." DaA "\"LITTLE SHIT!\"" "PUNCH!" "Brunette Boy" "\"Ha!\"" MC "\"Oh my god!\"" "Ginger Boy" "\"Oh shit!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 058 with dissolve "Unable to stop Danny as he raged over the boy, hitting him, Myriam turned back and try calling for Mike, hoping he was not far and could calm down his partner." "PUNCH!" "Ginger Boy" "\"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!\"" MC "{i}My god! He's going to beat him unconscious!{/i}" MC "\"Mike! MIKE! HELP!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 059 with dissolve "Having heard Myriam's call for help, Mike quickly jumped down the stairs as the ginger kid pushed Danny away from his friend." MiJ "\"What's the fuck is going on!?\"" MC "\"Danny! He's gone crazy, he...\"" "Ginger Boy" "\"STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 060 with dissolve "But as Mike jumped down, he rushed to the kid who was pushing Danny, punching him as he was thinking his partner needed help, making Myriam lose her balance in the process." MiJ "\"You fucker!\"" "PUNCH!" "Ginger Boy" "\"Ho!\"" MC "\"Haaa!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 061 with dissolve "Falling down the small flight of steps she had just climbed, Myriam took a moment to shake off the shock of her fall." MC "\"Haaa! Ouch!\"" MC "{i}My god! Wha-what's happening, they're crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 062 with dissolve "Looking incredulously at Danny and Mike ganging up on the two kids, Myriam couldn't believe how things had turned in just a moment." MC "{i}I don't understand, Why are they...?{/i}" MC "{i}They must be drunk...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 063 with dissolve "As Myriam was about to get up to go stop them, a man called out to her, extending his hand as he offered some help." "Man" "\"Here, let me help you miss.\"" MC "\"Oh! Tha-thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 064 with dissolve "Man" "\"Are you ok miss?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, but we should...\"" "Man" "\"Don't worry miss, my colleague is taking care of things.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 065 with dissolve "Looking behind her, Myriam could see another bouncer stopping Danny and Mike from hitting the two kids." "Small Bouncer" "\"See, don't worry miss, my colleague will calm the situation.\"" MC "\"Thank god...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 066 with dissolve "Stopped by the massive bouncer, Danny and Mike walked down the stairs, as they were shown the club exit." "Big Bouncer" "\"Out please!\"" MiJ "\"Ok ok!\"" DaA "\"For fuck sake! We're cops!\"" MC "{i}My god! How did things get so screwed up...?{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 067 with dissolve "Big Bouncer" "\"I said out please!\"" MiJ "\"Yeah, we're going, calm down.\"" DaA "\"Come on babe, we're out of here!\"" MC "\"What!? No!\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"You heard her, please, get out of here.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 068 with dissolve DaA "\"Fuck! You must be kidding! After all we did!\"" MC "\"All you did!? You mean beating up two poor kids that just asked me for a drink.\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"For the last time, out of here please!\"" MiJ "\"Danny, calm down, we should go.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 069 with dissolve DaA "\"You're a fucking tease! You know that!\"" MC "\"Are you kidding me!? When did I ever ask you to beat on some poor kids?\"" MiJ "\"Stop it Danny! We need to go!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 070 with dissolve "Turning back towards Myriam as his colleague guided Danny and Mike out of the club, the bouncer inquired about how she was doing after the scene." "Small Bouncer" "\"Are you ok miss?\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah! Thank you!\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"We're very sorry about what happened.\"" MC "\"It's not your fault.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 071 with dissolve "Small Bouncer" "\"Even so, we should have been more attentive and prevented things from escalating.\"" MC "\"Well, I'm ok, but the kids...\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"Don't worry, we'll take care of them and accompany them to the hospital.\"" MC "\"Good, then I think I'll be going home.\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"Do you need any help?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_how_to_get_home:" "Does Myriam accept some help to get home?" KN_MOD "Its ok, Ill be fine.:" MC "\"It's ok, I'll be fine.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 072 with dissolve "Leaving the bouncer and the loud music of the club, Myriam headed for the exit, deciding to call an uber to get home." MC "{i}God! What a waste, the night started so nicely, we had fun and now...{/i}" MC "{i}Nothing I can do now... Let's just call an uber and get home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_subway_drive_home" KN_MOD "Maybe you could call me a taxi?:" MC "\"Maybe you could call me a taxi?\"" "Small Bouncer" "\"No problem, let us take care of it, that's the least we can do.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 073 with dissolve "Quickly driven home via taxi after the club called one for her, Myriam headed for her door, mentally exhausted after the events at the club." MC "{i}God! What a waste, the night started so nicely, we had fun and now...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, at least I know where I stand with them, I'm done.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_end_of_a_long_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_date_with_herself:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 074 with dissolve "Katherine falling asleep half way through the movie, Myriam waited for the movie to end before deciding to wake her up." MC "{i}Look at her sleep, she looks so peaceful...{/i}" MC "{i}I should wake her up though, tomorrow is still a school day.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 075 with dissolve MC "\"Katherine, wake up honey.\"" Ka "\"Mmmh... Mom?\"" MC "\"The movie's finished sweetie, you should go to bed.\"" Ka "\"Mmmh... Already?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 076 with dissolve MC "\"Yes honey, you fell asleep half way through.\"" Ka "\"Waaaaaah! God! I really slept through it...\"" MC "\"That you did, and snored too!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 077 with dissolve "Both getting up to go to bed, Myriam kissed her daughter goodnight before following her upstairs as well." Ka "\"Come on, don't be mean.\"" MC "\"Goodnight my little snoring monster. Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Mom!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 078 with dissolve "Looking at her daughter heading out of the room, Myriam could not help but smile at how cute she was." MC "{i}God! She's so cute...{/i}" MC "{i}Always so touchy with her snoring.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 079 with dissolve "Getting back the remote from the couch, Myriam shut the TV before following Katherine." MC "{i}But I should get going too, I'm exhausted as well.{/i}" "Bam, bam, bam, bam!" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 080 with dissolve "Surprised by the sudden noises coming from outside, Myriam turned her head trying to understand what it was." MC "{i}What was that?{/i}" "Bam, bam, bam, bam!" MC "{i}It's coming from in front of the house...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 081 with dissolve "Going to the entrance hall, Myriam could hear someone outside, in front of the house, shouting and knocking on a door." "Bam, bam, bam, bam!" "Man" "\"Open up!\"" MC "{i}There's a man outside in the courtyard...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 082 with dissolve "Looking outside in the courtyard, Myriam could see her neighbor Bill in front of his door, calling out to his father to open the door." BiJ "\"Open up! Please!\"" MC "{i}Is he locked outside?{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 083 with dissolve BiJ "\"Dad please!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he was locked outside by his father...{/i}" BiJ "\"Open the door!\"" MC "{i}I should go see if I can help.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 084 with dissolve BiJ "\"Plea...\"" MC "\"Bill?\"" BiJ "\"Wha... Oh! Mrs Summers.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 085 with dissolve MC "\"Is everything ok?\"" BiJ "\"Ye-yeah... It's just my father...\"" MC "\"My god! Did he have an accident? Do you want me to call an ambulance?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 086 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! No, he's ok alright...\"" MC "\"I'm glad to hear it.\"" BiJ "\"Just stubborn like a mule.\"" MC "\"Sorry, what?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 087 with dissolve BiJ "\"He just locked me outside when I went to throw out the garbage.\"" MC "\"What!? But why?\"" BiJ "\"No reasons, just because he felt like it.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 088 with dissolve MC "\"But, that's terrible.\"" BiJ "\"Well, he's like that, I'm used to it by now.\"" MC "\"Even so, what are you going to do? Do you need any help?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 089 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! Don't worry, I'll go rent a hotel room and come back tomorrow when he's calmed down.\"" MC "\"Why not just stay the night here.\"" BiJ "\"What!? Oh! I-I don't know, I...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 090 with dissolve BiJ "\"I wouldn't want to impose.\"" MC "\"Come on, we're neighbors, it's the least I can do.\"" BiJ "\"Well, thanks...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 091 with dissolve "Leading Bill inside, Myriam invited him to wait for her in the living room while she went to prepare him some sheets to sleep on the couch." MC "\"Here you go, some sheets and a pillow.\"" BiJ "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 092 with dissolve MC "\"So, are you going to be ok?\"" BiJ "\"Yes, thank you.\"" MC "\"I mean, is it going to be ok with your father?\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 093 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! That... Well...\"" MC "\"What happened between you two?\"" BiJ "\"You see, it's just that... It's just that...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 094 with dissolve BiJ "\"That my father despises me! Because I'm just a big fat loser!\"" MC "\"...\"" BiJ "\"I'm just a simple accountant, nearly fifty years old, still living with his father and who never even felt the touch of a woman... Sob!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_feeling_for_poor_bill:" "How does Myriam feels about Bill's meltdown?" KN_MOD "Dear god! His father is an awful man, but hes really kind of pathetic.:" $ ch3_finding_bill_pathetic = True scene bg ch3_28 datenight 095 with dissolve MC "{i}Dear god! His father is an awful man, but he's really kind of pathetic.{/i}" BiJ "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_reassuring_poor_bill" KN_MOD "Dear god! His father is an awful man to make him feel that way.:" $ ch3_feeling_bad_for_bill = True scene bg ch3_28 datenight 096 with dissolve MC "{i}Dear god! His father is an awful man to make him feel that way.{/i}" BiJ "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_reassuring_poor_bill" KN_MOD "Dear god! Poor man, its awful feeling that way.:" $ ch3_feeling_sad_for_bill = True scene bg ch3_28 datenight 097 with dissolve MC "{i}Dear god! Poor man, it's awful feeling that way.{/i}" BiJ "\"Sob! Sob! Sob!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_consoling_poor_bill" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_reassuring_poor_bill:" KN_MOD "if ch3_finding_bill_pathetic == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 098 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_feeling_bad_for_bill == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 099 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! It's not your fault, no need to apologize.\"" MC "\"Even so, I'm so sorry for you, nobody should ever feel so down.\"" BiJ "\"I'll be fine.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_leaving_bill" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_consoling_poor_bill:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 100 with dissolve BiJ "\"Oh! It's not your fault...\"" BiJ "{i}Dear lord! She's touching my leg.{/i}" MC "\"Even so, I'm so sorry for you, nobody should ever be made to feel so down.\"" BiJ "\"I-I...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 101 with dissolve MC "\"Yes?\"" BiJ "\"I... Tha-thank you.\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 102 with dissolve BiJ "\"Eumh...\"" MC "{i}God! Is he getting a hard on? Just from me touching his leg!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_hard_on_bill:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "The poor man... Maybe I could help raise his spirit...:" $ ch3_jerking_off_bill = True MC "{i}The poor man... Maybe I could help raise his spirit and show him some attention.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_handjob_for_bill" KN_MOD "I should leave him alone and not make him feel uncomfortable.:" MC "{i}I should leave him alone and not make him feel uncomfortable.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_leaving_bill" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_handjob_for_bill:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 103 with dissolve "Reaching for his groin with her hand, Myriam started caressing Bill's erection through his pants." BiJ "\"Wha-what are you doing!?\"" MC "\"Come on Bill, let me help you relax.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 104 with dissolve "Frozen still as Myriam pulled his cock out and started jerking him off, Bill could not believe that his gorgeous neighbor was actually masturbating him." MC "\"Ain't it nice to let someone give you a hand from time to time.\"" BiJ "\"Aaah! Y-yes... I-it's great.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 105 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam kept masturbating and teasing Bill as she felt how hard and big he was getting in her hand." MC "\"See, you're feeling the touch of a woman.\"" BiJ "\"Aaah! Y-yes...\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve "Following Bill moans and reaction, Myriam kept jerking him off, deciding to give him a nice experience, as much to cheer him up as to make him discover the pleasure of a woman." MC "\"Are you loving the feeling of my hand?\"" BiJ "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes!!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve "But as much as she wanted to make the feeling last for him, she could already feel him reaching his limits, as his cock was getting harder in her hand." MC "\"I can feel you're ready to explode! Do you want me to make you cum?\"" BiJ "\"Ooooooh! Yes! Yes!! Please! Make me cum!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_what_finish:" "How does Myriam finish him off?" KN_MOD "Using her hand.:" $ ch3_finished_bill_with_her_hand = True MC "{i}He's about to cum, let's give him a nice finish and give him some release.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_finishing_bill" KN_MOD "Using her mouth.:" $ ch3_finished_bill_with_her_mouth = True MC "{i}He's about to cum, let's give him a nice finish in my mouth, that should cheer him up for sure.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_finishing_bill" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_finishing_bill:" KN_MOD "if ch3_finished_bill_with_her_hand == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 107 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 106 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 108 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Accelerating the pace, Myriam kept masturbating Bill until he finally ejaculated in her hand, covering it with his cum as she kept going until he was finished." BiJ "\"OOOH! GOD! OOOOOOH! GOD!! OOOOOOH! GOD!!!\"" MC "\"Here you go, give it to me, that's it.\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 109 with dissolve "Letting go of his cock after he was done cumming, Myriam gently smiled to him, as if they had just exchanged a nice conversation." MC "\"Feeling better?\"" BiJ "\"Yeah! De-definitely.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_finished_bill_with_her_mouth == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 110 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly leaning over his knees, Myriam suddenly took Bill's cock in her mouth, just in time to receive his cum as her lips touched the tip of his cock." BiJ "\"OOOH! GOD! OOOOOOH! GOD!! OOOOOOH! GOD!!!\"" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 111 with dissolve "Letting go of his cock after he was done cumming and she had swallowed everything, Myriam gently smiled to him, as if they had just exchanged a nice conversation." MC "\"Feeling better?\"" BiJ "\"Yeah! De-definitely.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_leaving_bill" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_leaving_bill:" KN_MOD "if ch3_finished_bill_with_her_hand == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 112 with dissolve "Waving goodbye with her cum covered hand, Myriam said goodnight to Bill, leaving him kind of stunned but visibly happy about the experience." KN_MOD "elif ch3_finished_bill_with_her_mouth == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 113 with dissolve "Waving goodbye, Myriam said goodnight to Bill, with cum still dripping from her chin, leaving him kind of stunned but visibly happy about the experience." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 114 with dissolve "Waving goodbye, Myriam said goodnight to Bill, leaving him kind of stunned but in a better mood than a moment ago." MC "\"Then goodnight Bill and rest well, I'm sure that everything will be better tomorrow.\"" BiJ "\"Ye-yes, thank you! Goodnight Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Just Myriam.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_finished_bill_with_her_hand == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 115 with dissolve "As Myriam left the living room, she paused, looking at her cum covered hand, as if she only realized her state now." MC "{i}God! My hand is still covered with Bill's cum.{/i}" MC "{i}I should stop at the downstairs restroom before going up, I can't let the kids see me like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_finished_bill_with_her_mouth == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 116 with dissolve "As Myriam left the living room, she paused, touching her cum covered chin, as if she only realized her state now." MC "{i}God! My chin is still dripping with Bill's cum.{/i}" MC "{i}I should stop at the downstairs restroom before going up, I can't let the kids see me like this.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_finished_bill_with_her_hand == True or ch3_finished_bill_with_her_mouth == True:" "Walking upstairs after cleaning herself downstairs, Myriam headed to her restroom to brush her teeth before going to bed." KN_MOD "else:" "Walking upstairs after leaving Bill in the living room, Myriam headed to her restroom to brush her teeth before going to bed." MC "{i}Let's go brush my teeth and refresh a bit before going to bed.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm exhausted...{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 118 with dissolve "After refreshing herself, Myriam ended her preparation for bed by brushing her teeth." MC "{i}God! What a long day...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't wait to get to bed.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 119 with dissolve "As Myriam sat on the side of the bed, ready to go to sleep, Myriam paused a moment, looking at the drawer where she had put her sex toys." MC "{i}God! I want to go to bed, but I kind of feel a bit tingly...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_28_a_last_itch:" "Does Myriam scratch her itch before going to bed?" KN_MOD "Why not, Doctor Silver told me it was good for sleep.:" $ ch3_scratching_an_itch = True MC "{i}Why not, Doctor Silver told me it was good for sleep.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True or ch3_dildo_weird == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_playing_with_toys_big" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_vanilla == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_playing_with_toys_small" KN_MOD "No, Im too exhausted, lets just go to bed.:" MC "{i}No, I'm too exhausted, let's just go to bed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_going_to_sleep" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_playing_with_toys_big:" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 120 with dissolve "Pulling out of the drawer her big black dildo, Myriam fixed it to the armoire before kneeling before it, rubbing her pussy against it to tease herself." KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 121 with dissolve "Pulling out of the drawer her weird alien like dildo, Myriam fixed it to the armoire before kneeling before it, rubbing her pussy against it to tease herself." MC "{i}God! I definitely got an itch to scratch, my pussy is already so wet.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve "Guiding her toy in her ass after teasing herself for a moment, Myriam started pushing her hips against the armoire, swallowing the toy with every thrust." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I needed that!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam kept playing with herself, pushing the dildo deep in her ass, faster and harder with each thrust of her hips." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I have to keep quiet or the kids will end up hearing me.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_dildo_big_mamba == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 122 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 124 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_dildo_weird == True:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 123 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 125 with dissolve "Pushing herself even further, Myriam kept launching her hips with fervor against her toy, making the armoire move with the force of her thrusts as she felt her climax coming." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm going to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 126 with dissolve "And finally, as she pushed her hips harder and faster against the armoire, Myriam felt her body trembling as she reached her orgasm with her toy deep in her ass." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" MC "{i}God! The kids are going to hear me scream!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_going_to_sleep" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_playing_with_toys_small:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 127 with dissolve "Climbing over the bed after pulling her toy out of the drawer, Myriam started teasing her asshole with her golden vibrator." MC "{i}God! I definitely got an itch to scratch, my pussy is already so wet.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmmmmh!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve "Pushing her toy in her ass after teasing herself for a moment, Myriam started making it go in and out of her ass while vibrating." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I needed that!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Myriam kept playing with herself, pushing the vibrator deep in her ass, faster and harder with each thrust in her ass." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I have to keep quiet or the kids will end up hearing me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 128 with dissolve scene bg ch3_28 datenight 129 with dissolve "Pushing herself even further, Myriam kept shoving with fervor in her ass her vibrating toy, guided by her incoming climax." MC "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm going to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 130 with dissolve "And finally, as she pushed her dildo harder and faster inside her, Myriam felt her body trembling as she reached her orgasm." MC "\"AAAAAAH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" MC "{i}God! The kids are going to hear me scream!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_28_going_to_sleep" KN_MOD "label ch3_28_going_to_sleep:" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 131 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_scratching_an_itch == True:" "Getting to bed after putting away her sex toy, Myriam laid on the bed satisfied, her body still quivering from the pleasure." MC "{i}God! It was just what I needed, I'm going to sleep like a log...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Putting aside her thoughts about her sex toys, Myriam just laid over the bed, exhausted by the day." MC "{i}God! It feels like I didn't have sleep for days...{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" scene bg ch3_28 datenight 132 with dissolve "As she closed her eyes, Myriam quickly slipped into a deep sleep, letting all the stress of the days fly." MC "{i}Mmmh... Yes... I just can't... Can't keep my eyes... Open...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update12" KN_MOD "label ch3_29_subway_drive_home:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Subway Drive Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 001 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_walking_out_from_dannys_date == True:" "After getting out of the theater and trying to call an uber unsuccessfully, Myriam headed for the nearest subway station." KN_MOD "elif ch3_walking_out_from_mikes_date == True:" "After getting out of the restaurant and trying to call an uber unsuccessfully, Myriam headed for the nearest subway station." KN_MOD "else:" "After getting out of the club and trying to call an uber unsuccessfully, Myriam headed for the nearest subway station." MC "{i}Damn! I would have preferred going home via an uber or taxi, but I really don't want to wait.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm glad there was this subway station close, I should be able to get home fast.{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 002 with dissolve MC "{i}I'm also lucky it wasn't too late, there can't be too many routes left now.{/i}" MC "{i}I should be quick and look at what train to take.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm not that fond of taking the subway this late in this dress, but I'm just too exhausted and annoyed to wait.{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 003 with dissolve "Heading down to the tracks after looking up what train to take, Myriam arrived just in time to find the doors opened and the closing alarm ringing." "RIIIIIING!!!" MC "{i}My god! I have to catch it, it's the last of the day to get home.{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 004 with dissolve "Getting in just in time, Myriam sat down exhausted after running in her heels, sighing in satisfaction to be able to catch the train." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Thank god I caught it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 005 with dissolve "Looking around after catching her breath and calming down, Myriam cautiously tried to see if she was alone in the carriage." MC "{i}Looks like there's no one around...{/i}" "Man" "\"Grumble!\"" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 006 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the grumbling noise she had just heard, Myriam saw a man laying down over multiple seats further away in the carriage." MC "{i}Oh my god! Looks like there's a man over there!{/i}" "Man" "\"Grumble!\"" MC "{i}Looks like a bum or a drunk...{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 007 with dissolve MC "{i}God! He's waking up...{/i}" MC "{i}And I'm alone with him in the subway car...{/i}" MC "{i}No! Stop it! Don't start getting paranoid, just look away...{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 008 with dissolve "As Myriam looked away, the man raised and sat, looking at Myriam from where he was, curious and excited about the woman in a club dress." MC "{i}Just look away and don't mind the man...{/i}" "Man" "\"Burp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_subway_molested == True or ch2_subway_paralysed == True:" "Man" "{i}That's a fine piece! Wait! Isn't that the same one from last time...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Man" "{i}That's a fine piece!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 009 with dissolve "Trying not to antagonize the man, Myriam had turned her head away, but she could not help dart her eyes in his direction as she could hear him fidgeting." "Man" "\"Aaah! Burp!\"" MC "{i}My god! What is he doing?{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 010 with dissolve "Turning her head back for a moment as the noises the man was making worried her, just to see him with his cock out, masturbating while looking at her." "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Loving what you see honey!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He's masturbating!{/i}" "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Want to see it up-close? Burp!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_29_subway_pervert:" "How does Myriam react to the pervert?" KN_MOD "Be firm and keep him at a distance. (End of the line of events.):" $ ch3_maced_the_subway_pervert = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_keep_the_pervert_at_a_distance" KN_MOD "Just ignore him and dont make a scene.:" $ ch3_ignored_the_subway_pervert = True KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_let_the_pervert_jerking_off" KN_MOD "label ch3_29_keep_the_pervert_at_a_distance:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 011 with dissolve "Immediately reacting to the perverts words, Myriam warned him to leave her alone and not come anywhere near her." MC "\"Stay away from me! Understood!?\"" MC "\"If you come near me I'm warning you, I will make you regret it!\"" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 012 with dissolve "But as the pervert didn't listen to her and approached with his cock out, Myriam quickly pulled out her bomb spray and maced him right in the eyes." "Man" "\"HAAAAAA!\"" MC "\"I said stay the fuck away from me!\"" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 013 with dissolve "The train stopping at a station, Myriam kicked the pervert in the balls for good measure before jumping out and running away." MC "\"Here's some loving for you asshole!\"" "Man" "\"HOOOOOO!\"" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 014 with dissolve "Jumping out as the doors opened, Myriam quickly ran towards the exit, leaving the pervert balling on the ground, with his balls and eyes burning." MC "{i}That should keep him occupied long enough...{/i}" "Man" "\"Haaaaaa! You bitch!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_leaving_the_subway" KN_MOD "label ch3_29_let_the_pervert_jerking_off:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 015 with dissolve "Turning her head away, Myriam tried ignoring the pervert, hoping he would just keep masturbating from a distance and leave her alone." MC "{i}My god! Better ignore him and not give him any attention.{/i}" MC "{i}He can just keep jerking off all he wants.{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 016 with dissolve "But despite her hopes, the pervert came closer, cock in hand, still masturbating as he approached her, breathing heavily." "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Here! Aaaaaah! Have a good look honey!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He came over! Stay calm Myriam, don't react!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 017 with dissolve "Coming even closer, the pervert started rubbing his cock against her as he masturbated, breathing down her neck." MC "{i}My god! Stay calm, stay calm! Don't react!{/i}" "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Come on slut! Aaaaaah! Look at it, you know you want to!\"" MC "{i}God! He smells so bad, he reeks of sweat, pee and cheap booze!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 018 with dissolve "As Myriam kept ignoring him, the pervert kept going, rubbing his cock against her while masturbating and breathing profanities into her ear." KN_MOD "if ch2_subway_molested == True or ch2_subway_paralysed == True:" "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Keep ignoring me you slut! Aaaaaah! But I know you're loving it, like last time!\"" MC "{i}What is he saying!? Wait! That voice! Yes, that's the pervert from last time! Again!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Keep ignoring me you slut! Aaaaaah! But I know you're loving it!\"" MC "{i}He's breathing so heavily, he's about to cum!{/i}" "Man" "\"Aaaaaah! Just stay that way you whore! Aaaaaah! I'm going to give you your reward!\"" MC "{i}My god! He's going to cum all over me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 019 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she thought, seconds later, the pervert grunted loudly and started cumming on her breasts, filling the air with the smell of cum." "Man" "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO WHORE!\"" MC "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! His cum smells so strong!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 020 with dissolve "But as the pervert finished cumming, he suddenly lost his balance as the train entered a station and stopped." "Man" "\"Hooo! Fuck!\"" MC "{i}This is my chance! I have to run for it!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 021 with dissolve "As Myriam passed by the pervert fallen to the ground, Myriam kicked his balls, crushing them with her heels before jumping out." MC "\"Here's some loving for you asshole!\"" "Man" "\"HOOOOOO!\"" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 022 with dissolve "Jumping out as the doors opened, Myriam quickly ran towards the exit, leaving the pervert bawling on the ground, with his balls and eyes burning." MC "{i}That should keep him occupied long enough...{/i}" "Man" "\"Haaaaaa! You bitch!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_leaving_the_subway" KN_MOD "label ch3_29_leaving_the_subway:" KN_MOD "if ch3_maced_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_ignored_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 024 with dissolve "Looking back as she heard the train going away, Myriam started slowing down, making sure the pervert didn't follow her out." MC "\"Haaa!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he didn't make it off off the train!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_maced_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 025 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_ignored_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 026 with dissolve "Stopping her running, Myriam paused a moment to catch her breath and calm down after her encounter with the subway pervert." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Thank god that's the end of it! I'm so drained now! Why does it keep happening to me!?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_maced_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 027 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch3_ignored_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 028 with dissolve "But as she felt her spirit going down, Myriam immediately jolted herself out of it, clenching in her fist in defiance to stop her from feeling worse." MC "{i}No! Stop it! You're not going to let this dirty pervert get you down!{/i}" MC "{i}Even if it keeps happening you're not going to let anything get you down! Be it Anthony, some asshole officer or a pervert!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_maced_the_subway_pervert == True:" MC "{i}Now let's go home!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_ignored_the_subway_pervert == True:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 029 with dissolve MC "{i}Though before going, I should clean up this mess...{/i}" MC "{i}I know I kind of have something for cum, but I'm not going to give that pervert the satisfaction of having me walk around cum covered.{/i}" MC "{i}And after that, home!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 030 with dissolve "The station not being too far from the house, Myriam finished her way home walking." MC "{i}Here, finally home!{/i}" MC "{i}It wasn't too far, but my feet are starting to kill me now, I can't wait to get to bed...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_29_end_of_a_long_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_29_end_of_a_long_day:" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 031 with dissolve "Going in and heading upstairs to her bedroom, Myriam finally put down her handbag with a sigh, satisfied to be home but exhausted by her long day." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Finally home! Now let's just slip in bed and sleep for a week!{/i}" scene bg ch3_29 subwaydrivehome 032 with dissolve "As she laid down and closed her eyes, Myriam quickly slipped into a deep sleep, letting all the stress of the day fly away." MC "{i}Mmmh... Yes... Just what... Just what I needed...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_update12" KN_MOD "label ch3_update12:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter3_update12 from _call_var_chapter3_update12" $ MCtrait["Drinks"] = 0 KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_a_day_at_court" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_a_day_at_court:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n A Day at Court" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 001 with dissolve "Days later after her walk at the beach, as she contemplated the city from her bedroom's balcony, coffee in hand, Myriam looked at the city coming to life under the first lights of the day." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}It's incredible how calm the city still looks at this hour...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 002 with dissolve "Sipping on her coffee mug Myriam keep looking at the city coming to life over her garden, her mind starting to wander over the people living their lives, each with their own goals and preoccupations." MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}All this life buzzing around, each focused on their own business as they start the day...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 003 with dissolve "But as she enjoyed her peaceful contemplation with her morning coffee, Myriam's mind couldn't help but wander towards the day of conflict awaiting her with Anthony in court." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}And I'll have my own business to deal with today, finally I'll be able to see an end to all this venom with Anthony.{/i}" MC "{i}I already went with my deposition during his trial facing Kimberley...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 004 with dissolve "Thinking back a few days, when she made her deposition for Anthony's trial, Myriam remembered how hard it already was having to look at him from the witness stand." MC "\"...Yes, that's what I witnessed when I went to see him at the office, him having her give him oral sex in his office.\"" "Prosecutor" "\"Thank you Mrs Summers.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 005 with dissolve MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Just thinking about that day and how much he glared at me...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't imagine what it'll be today?{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 006 with dissolve MC "{i}But let's not let ourselves feel beaten up at the start of the day!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}Let's get prepared and get focused! It's the last day you have to suffer him, after that he's out of your life!{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 007 with dissolve MC "{i}Though I'm saying this but there's Marc...{/i}" MC "{i}Even if I win my case with Anthony, I can't just cut him from Marc's life, it would be wrong.{/i}" MC "{i}That's something I'll have to discuss with him seriously.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 008 with dissolve MC "{i}But no point in mulling this over until it actually happens.{/i}" MC "{i}For now let's go get prepared.{/i}" MC "{i}Starting by a nice shower to relax myself...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 009 with dissolve "After quickly refreshing herself and changing for her day in court, Myriam stopped to look at herself before going out." MC "{i}Looks good to me... The lawyer told me to go for clean and professional, but feminine... It may be a bit short but I'll be sitting anyway.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go for this and join the lawyer at his office.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 010 with dissolve "Leaving the house behind her, Myriam headed for her lawyer's office downtown to have a last review of their case before going in front of the judge." MC "{i}Well, that's it...{/i}" MC "{i}No turning back now, let's get this done!{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 011 with dissolve "Minutes later after driving downtown, Myriam's lawyer received her in his office, reviewing with her their plan of action for the day." "Lawyer" "\"...and with that I think you should be ready to go.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 012 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Yes, we reviewed every points on which they could attack you, and every points you have to make.\"" MC "\"Ok...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Are there any more points you wanted to discuss?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 013 with dissolve MC "\"Well, there were the clothes...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"You told me clean and professional, but feminine, do you think it'll be ok?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 014 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Absolutely, you look very clean and professional, and definitely feminine, though...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Don't take it the wrong way, but you may want to widen that cleavage even more.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 015 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Really? I actually feared it was already too much...\"" "Lawyer" "\"To be honest, the judge we were assigned to has kind of the reputation of an old pervert, loosing another button or two could get you some points towards him.\"" MC "\"God! Really!? That's...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Sorry, like I said, I don't mean any disrespect here, I know it's terrible, but I prefer to be honest with you and give you all the cards you could use, the choice is yours ultimately.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 016 with dissolve MC "\"Like this? Do you think it will do?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Ye-yes... I think it'll definitely do, that old pervert will definitely give you all his attention.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_a_few_buttons_more:" "How does Myriam feels about the cleavage trick?" KN_MOD "God! Its embarrassing but kind of exciting...:" MC "{i}God! It's embarrassing but kind of exciting, the idea of getting back to Anthony by using my cleavage kind of feel like poetic justice.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_concluding_the_briefing" KN_MOD "God! Its embarrassing but its for Marc...:" MC "{i}God! It's embarrassing but it's for Marc, flashing off a bit of cleavage isn't much if it can really help.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_concluding_the_briefing" KN_MOD "God! This is really embarrassing and demeaning...:" MC "{i}God! This is really embarrassing and demeaning, but if it can help, I have to do it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_concluding_the_briefing" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_concluding_the_briefing:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 017 with dissolve "Lawyer" "{i}Dear lord! This woman is trying to kill me! It's going to be hard to keep things straight in front of the judge with that cleavage beside me.{/i}" MC "\"Well, I'm glad to hear it, if it's just that I think I can do it.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Good, then we should get going, never be late in front of a judge.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_about_the_home_made_porn" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_at_court" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_about_the_home_made_porn:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 018 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Wait!\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"What about Anthony's home made porn?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 019 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Oh! That... I-I did go through everything and made a compilation to show to the judge.\"" MC "\"So it will help then?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Honestly, with any other judge it would have been a coin flip, it could have done as much harm as good...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" "Lawyer" "\"But like I said, with this one and his reputation, if we play it right it will definitely play in your favor.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 020 with dissolve MC "\"What do you mean?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Well, you know, he will have to review what's on the tapes to make a judgement, and with the content, he will have to do it in private...\"" MC "\"Oh my god! You mean...?\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes, and he will definitely fantasize over you during your appearance before him, I can only invite you to exploit that, but again, the choice is yours.\"" MC "\"Dear god!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_at_court" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_at_court:" scene black with dissolve show text "An hour later at the courtroom..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 021 with dissolve "Arriving first at the courthouse, Myriam and her lawyer took their seats, patiently waiting for the arrival of the other team and the judge." MC "\"Now that I'm sitting here, it's really feeling kind of intimidating...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes, it can be quite intimidating, I would say it's designed for it.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 022 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"But tell you what, it'll be the same for him.\"" MC "\"I guess so.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes, and I think he has a lot more to fear than you.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 023 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"He's already facing justice with what happened with Mrs Barrett, if his lawyer does his work he won't let us use that, but what's happening here will be usable against him for Mrs Barrett, for short he's in hot water right now.\"" MC "\"Good, he deserves it and if it can help that young woman, all the better.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Oh! Don't worry about that, with all the testimonies from the other days, yours included and all the might of your father's enterprise he doesn't have much chance.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 024 with dissolve "As they kept talking, the heavy doors of the courthouse opened, letting Anthony's voice filter as he was about to come in." MC "\"Tha... That's great...\"" An "\"For fuck sake, I did what I could!\"" "Lawyer" "\"Looks like they're coming in, don't worry, just ignore him, don't look at him, and whatever happens do not engage him!\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 025 with dissolve "Charging in grumbling, Anthony opened the march already looking pissed off, while Marc followed him in looking sad and embarrassed, guided by the lawyer behind them." An "\"...fucking waste of time!\"" Ma "\"Hi...\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"That's it Marc, go in and sit behind your father.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 026 with dissolve MC "\"My god! Marc...\"" "Lawyer" "\"Don't worry, you knew he was going to be here, the judge needs to hear his opinion, he's at the center of all this.\"" MC "\"Yes, I know, it's just...\"" MC "{i}I would prefer not having him suffer through Anthony and me fighting...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 027 with dissolve "The two teams, now present and ready for trial, signaled the bailiff to announce the judge's arrival." "Bailiff" "\"ALL RISE!\"" "Lawyer" "\"Here we go... Don't worry, you're ready.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" MC "{i}No turning back now.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 028 with dissolve "As announced by the bailiff, the judge walked in, coming out from a private door leading to his chair." "Bailiff" "\"Judge Raid!\"" JuR "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 029 with dissolve JuR "\"Sit down, sit down.\"" JuR "\"Good morning everyone!\"" JuR "\"We're all here for some tough business, but let us be civil and get through this.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 030 with dissolve JuR "\"So! Let's go...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" JuR "\"For starters, Mrs Summers, I think that before we hear the two parties I have some questions about the recordings sent by your lawyer.\"" JuR "\"Then we'll go over each party presentation and arguments and finally what young Mr Kunt thinks of all this.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_showing_the_judge_some_home_footage" KN_MOD "else:" JuR "\"To start, let's hear the two party's presenting their cases.\"" JuR "\"Then we'll go over each party's arguments and finally what young Mr Kunt thinks of all this.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_naughty_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_showing_the_judge_some_home_footage:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 031 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Ok, now we've come to what I told you.\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" "Lawyer" "\"You have his curiosity, now you have to decide how things will go.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 032 with dissolve "Leaving Anthony's team behind in the courtroom, Myriam and her lawyer followed judge Raid in his private office to discuss her recordings." JuR "\"So, I ask you here in private to talk about these... these recordings.\"" JuR "\"With their nature you understand that I can't let you show them in court, so what are their purpose?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 033 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"Well, thank you your honor for this opportunity to explain.\"" JuR "\"Yes, so let's get to it, time is precious.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Of course your honor, Mrs Summers knows this was a peculiar thing to share, even a hard thing to share.\"" JuR "\"I can imagine.\"" "Lawyer" "\"But it was a recorded proof of Anthony's abusive behavior.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 034 with dissolve JuR "\"Is that so Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Oh! Ye-yes!\"" JuR "{i}Dear lord! Look at this cleavage and these puppies! Not even the trace of a bra, I've got to see that up close.{/i}" JuR "\"Clarify for me, please.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 035 with dissolve "As the judge came sitting over the desk in front of her, Myriam kept answering the judge, trying her best to answer him ignoring the gaze over her cleavage." MC "\"Well, I...\"" MC "{i}My god! He was right, the judge is really shameless, he clearly came closer to look at my breasts.{/i}" MC "\"I thought that it would be a good proof of his abusive behavior behind closed doors...\"" JuR "\"Mmmh... I see, I see.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 036 with dissolve MC "\"Since I thought he would be arguing I was lying, at least, even if it's... Even if it's some shameful videos, you could see the truth.\"" JuR "\"Mmmh... Yes, yes.\"" MC "{i}God! He's not even trying to hide it, he didn't even once look higher than my breasts since I started talking.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_giving_some_fan_service:" "Does Myriam tries to exploit the situation?" KN_MOD "God! Im not proud of it, but if its what it takes...:" $ ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_office = True MC "{i}God! I'm not proud of it, but if it's what it takes to get back Marc home, it's a small price to pay.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_show_and_tell_for_the_judge" KN_MOD "No, I already feel dirty enough...:" MC "{i}No, I already feel dirty enough unbuttoning my shirt like this just to please a dirty old man.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_show_and_tell_for_the_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_show_and_tell_for_the_judge:" KN_MOD "if ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_office == True:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 037 with dissolve "Shifting her position slightly, Myriam pressed her breasts together to show off her cleavage to the judge, playing on their size and bounce while she kept talking." MC "\"Your honor! I-I can't thank you enough for using your precious time to review these dirty recordings.\"" MC "{i}God! If that doesn't get me a few brownie points with the judge...{/i}" JuR "\"Mmmh... Of course, of course, it's only natural Mrs Summers.\"" JuR "{i}Dear lord! That naughty little slut! Is she trying to tempt me with these big breasts of her!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 038 with dissolve JuR "\"You know what, I think the best thing would be for you to go through the material with me and give me the context.\"" MC "\"Ye-yes, sure... Your honor.\"" JuR "\"Let me get the laptop out then.\"" MC "{i}Dear god! He wants to look at Anthony's home made porn with me commenting on it! That dirty old man is even more perverted than I thought...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 039 with dissolve JuR "\"I think you can go back to the courtroom, if we could give the poor Mrs Summers some privacy on this sensitive matter it would be best.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Of course, I understand your honor.\"" "Lawyer" "{i}Look at that old pervert! He's going to abuse of his authority again, I hope she's ready for it, the rest is her choice.{/i}" JuR "\"Oh! And go tell the bailiff we'll just be a few more minutes, and that everyone should be ready to start as soon as we're finished here.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Of course your honor.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 040 with dissolve "Myriam's lawyer out, judge Raid installed his laptop in front of her, making her comment on the home porn Anthony made of her, his hand on her shoulder as she went on." MC "\"Here it was a video Anthony made in a park, he refused to drive home until I...\"" "Myriam on the laptop" "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JuR "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"Until I gave him a blowjob in the park, in broad day light.\"" JuR "\"I see, and did he force you?\"" MC "\"Not physically, but he didn't give me any choice.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 041 with dissolve "As Myriam kept commenting on the videos, following the judge instruction, she felt his hand brushing her hair back." JuR "\"And this video, what happened? You seemed to enjoy yourself quite enough in it.\"" MC "\"This one, it...\"" MC "{i}God! What is he doing!? Is he clearing his view on my breasts?{/i}" MC "\"It's one he did a day I had too much to drink during a night together, and he filmed himself so...\"" JuR "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"He filmed himself sodomizing me, if it looks like I took pleasure during it, I wasn't really conscious either.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 042 with dissolve "Ignoring the judge gesture, Myriam kept commenting on the videos, answering to his embarrassing question while he kept faking accidental gestures to caress her breasts." JuR "\"And on this one, you didn't seem to mind what he did again.\"" MC "\"Here... Well, I did what he wanted again, I woke up while he... While he ejaculated on my face and after that I did pleasure him with my mouth again as he wanted.\"" MC "{i}God! He keep bumping in my breasts every time he moves his hand...{/i}" JuR "\"Exactly, you didn't really protest here.\"" MC "\"Well, first I was asleep, he didn't gave me any choice and when he was done, he just shoved his cock in my mouth while I was still confused.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_molesting_for_justice:" "Does Myriam let him do as he wish?" KN_MOD "I better calm things down before he keep escalating... if ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_office == False:" MC "{i}I better calm things down before he keep escalating, though I've got to avoid pissing him off or he could tank the trial for me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 043 with dissolve "Shifting her position slightly, Myriam innocently pushed the judge's hand away as she moved her arm as she was searching for a more comfortable position." MC "\"Cough! Sorry your honor.\"" JuR "\"No, it's me, it's me.\"" JuR "{i}This little tease, she's telling me no touching! I guess it's fair, I teased her enough.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_back_to_the_trial" KN_MOD "I better not piss him off...:" $ ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you = True MC "{i}I better not piss him off and let him do as he pleases, he could tank the whole trial for me.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_molesting_judge" KN_MOD "I better let him do what he wants...:" $ ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you = True MC "{i}I better let him do what he wants for Marc, I can't say I enjoy it but if it's what it takes.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_molesting_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_molesting_judge:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 044 with dissolve "Ignoring the judge's hand, Myriam kept answering to his embarrassing questions as he kept pushing her to comment on the recordings as if nothing was going on." JuR "\"Ok, keep going Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Ye-yes... The next one is just one where he made me play with myself while he filmed.\"" JuR "{i}Mmmh! That's some nice firm breasts she has, and it doesn't look like she mind a little bit of fondling.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 045 with dissolve "Slipping his hand between her breasts, judge Raid kept molesting Myriam as if nothing was happening." JuR "\"And what was the problem here?\"" MC "\"Well I just didn't want to, I had a headache at the moment, but he still made me do it before...\"" JuR "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"Be-before finishing on my face as you can see.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 046 with dissolve "Even as he slipped his hand inside her shirt and grabbed her breast, Myriam tried her best to stay calm and keep answering the judge." JuR "\"Yes, he gave you a nice facial here, but you didn't seem to mind it.\"" MC "\"Well I... Mmmh! I-I don't mind cum, but at the moment I...\"" JuR "\"Come on, you're even thanking him for it, you love having him cover your face in cum.\"" MC "\"I... Mmmh! I-I suppose...\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 047 with dissolve "Leaving her breast to grab her chin and turn her gaze towards him, the judge took a paternalistic tone and kept pushing Myriam." JuR "\"You can say it, you love cum, it won't change the fact he forced you.\"" MC "\"I-I love cum.\"" JuR "\"See, there's no shame in it, after all, we are here for the truth...\"" MC "\"Ye-yes...\"" MC "{i}God! What is he doing? What does he want?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_sucking_for_justice:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Nothing, better to do nothing...:" MC "{i}Nothing, better to do nothing and see what he wants.{/i}" JuR "{i}Come on! She's a pleasure to tease and bully, but you have a trial to finish.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_back_to_the_trial" KN_MOD "Does he want me to show him...:" $ ch3_blowing_the_judge = True MC "{i}Does he want me to show him how much I love cum.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_blowing_the_judge" KN_MOD "Come on! You can do this for Marc...:" $ ch3_blowing_the_judge = True MC "{i}Come on! You can do this for Marc, this is what that old pervert want.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_blowing_the_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_blowing_the_judge:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 048 with dissolve MC "\"Do... Do you want me to show you?\"" JuR "\"Show me what?\"" MC "\"How much I love cum?\"" JuR "\"Oh! You would go so far for the truth?\"" MC "\"Ye-yes.\"" JuR "\"Very good, very good, then show me how much this mouth loves cum.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 049 with dissolve "Taking off his robe and revealing he had nothing under, beside a pair of shoes, the judge leaned against his desk as Myriam knelt at his feet ready to blow him." JuR "\"Ready to show me the truth?\"" JuR "{i}I was just going to tease her and bully her a bit, but if she's offering... A judge can't say no to such fervor for the \"truth\".{/i}" MC "\"Ye-yes your honor.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 050 with dissolve "Taking his still limp cock in hand, Myriam froze a moment as she was about to take it in her mouth." MC "\"...\"" JuR "\"Having some doubts on the truth Mrs Summers?\"" MC "{i}Come on Myriam! You're doing it for Marc, you've got to make the judge happy.{/i}" MC "\"N-no! I'm going to show you your honor.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 051 with dissolve "Deciding to go on and do all she could for her trial against Anthony, Myriam took the judge's limp cock in her mouth and started sucking on it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JuR "\"Oooh! That's good, that's good.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve "As she felt his cock getting harder and bigger in her mouth, Myriam kept going, following his moans of pleasure as she searched for the best way to pleasure him." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JuR "\"Aaaaaah! That's some truth seeking right here.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace as she felt his pleasure build up and feeling he wasn't going to last long, Myriam pushed the rhythm, trying her best to give him the best blowjob she could." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! He's already about to cum, I've got to give him the best time ever and not look like I hate it.{/i}" MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JuR "\"Aaaaaah! Yes! That's it, that's it! Ooooooh!\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 053 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 052 with dissolve scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 054 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Doing all she could to please the judge, Myriam kept sucking on his cock without stop until finally she could feel him fill her mouth with his warm cum." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JuR "\"AAAAAAHHH! HERE! SHOW ME HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THAT CUM!\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 055 with dissolve "Pulling back once he was done cumming, Myriam opened her mouth wide and look up, showing him how much cum he had released in her mouth." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! He-ah-re...\"" JuR "\"Oooh! That's a nice load I gave you, are you loving it?\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 056 with dissolve "After showing him and playfully gurgling it, Myriam swallowed the judge's cum in one go, even showing him how it was going down her throat." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" JuR "\"Oh! So it was true, you do enjoy cum, maybe I should have given you a nice facial for the trial.\"" MC "{i}God! He really enjoy bullying me.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 057 with dissolve "Opening up her mouth again, Myriam showed the judge she had swallowed his load, thanking him as she did as she often did with Anthony." MC "\"Aaahhh! Thank you your honor.\"" JuR "\"He he he! What a nice thankful cum lover, but as much as I would love to add one load over that pretty face, justice is calling, we should get back to the trial.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 058 with dissolve "After getting up and cleaning up the dripping cum from her chin as she headed towards the door as the judge told her, Myriam paused for a moment as she didn't see him follow he." MC "\"You're not coming your honor?\"" JuR "\"Go on for now, I'll be there in a minute.\"" MC "\"Yes your honor.\"" MC "{i}Do I ask him about how he will rule over the trial after what happened?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_asking_for_naked_justice:" "Does Myriam ask how he will rule?" KN_MOD "No, I think I better keep things discreet...:" MC "{i}No, I think I better keep things discreet and not put him in a situation where he has to admit what happened.{/i}" MC "\"Tha-thank you your honor.\"" JuR "\"Oh! You're welcome, you're welcome, it's always a pleasure to act in the name of justice.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_naughty_judge" KN_MOD "I cant leave just like that, Ive got to be sure...:" $ ch3_asking_for_the_judge_ruling = True MC "{i}I can't leave just like that, I've got to be sure and ask him what he's going to do.{/i}" MC "\"Yo-your honor...\"" JuR "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"With what you saw and what I... how will you rule?\"" JuR "\"Oh! My dear, my dear, justice will be rendered in its own time.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_naughty_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_back_to_the_trial:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 059 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you == True:" "Letting go of Myriam, the judge turned his attention back to the laptop, stopping the home made porn after deciding to stop bullying and teasing her any further." KN_MOD "else:" "Quitting Myriam's side, the judge turned his attention back to the laptop, stopping the home made porn after she subtly let him understand she wouldn't let herself be bullied further." JuR "\"I think we've seen enough here.\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" JuR "\"Yes, justice is calling, we should get back to the trial now.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you == True:" MC "{i}Thank god! He's done bullying me, I hope he had enough...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Thank god! Though I hope he's not mad for what I did...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 060 with dissolve "After getting up and heading towards the door as the judge told her, Myriam paused for a moment as she didn't see him follow her." MC "\"You're not coming your honor?\"" JuR "\"Go on for now, I'll be there in a minute.\"" MC "\"Yes your honor.\"" MC "{i}Do I ask him about how he will rule over the trial after what happened?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_asking_for_dressed_justice:" "Does Myriam ask how he will rule?" KN_MOD "No, I think I better keep things discreet...:" MC "{i}No, I think I better keep things discreet and not put him in a situation where he has to admit that anything strange happened.{/i}" MC "\"Tha-thank you your honor.\"" JuR "\"Oh! You're welcome, you're welcome, it's always a pleasure to act in the name of justice.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_naughty_judge" KN_MOD "I cant leave just like that, Ive got to be sure...:" $ ch3_asking_for_the_judge_ruling = True MC "{i}I can't leave just like that, I've got to be sure and ask him what he's going to do.{/i}" MC "\"Yo-your honor...\"" JuR "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"With what you saw, how will you rule?\"" JuR "\"Oh! My dear, my dear, justice will be rendered in its own time.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_naughty_judge" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_naughty_judge:" KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 061 with dissolve "As Myriam walked out from the judge' chamber, Anthony couldn't help grumbling to himself as he looked at her heading to her table." An "\"Sigh! Look at her prancing around... What did that bitch do?\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"Please, calm down Mr Kunt, it was just a discussion about a piece of evidence they added.\"" An "\"What!?\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"You know Mr Kunt, the recordings...\"" An "\"God dammit!\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 062 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" "As the trial started again as the judge came back from his chamber, the lawyer from each side started exposing the case for their clients, starting with Myriam's." KN_MOD "else:" "As the trial started the judge invited each team to the stand, the lawyer from each side came to expose the case for their clients, starting with Myriam's." "Lawyer" "\"My client, Mrs Summers, knows that her position isn't the strongest not being Marc's birth mother, but...\"" "Lawyer" "\"She is the only mother figure the young Marc ever had, his mother having left the family unit when he was not even two years old.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 063 with dissolve "But as Myriam's lawyer kept talking about her case, the judge's gaze kept going from him to her, as if he kept checking on her reactions." "Lawyer" "\"Myriam was the one offering him a stable home, feeding him, dressing him...\"" "Lawyer" "{i}As I thought, he can't keep his eyes off her, it's definitely going to play in our favor.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 064 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" "Noticing that the judge kept looking her way and that every time his gaze invariably went lower than her eyes, Myriam knew that the judge had his eyes again firmly on her cleavage." KN_MOD "else:" "Noticing that the judge kept looking her way and that every time his gaze invariably went lower than her eyes, Myriam knew that as her lawyer told her the judge seemed to fancy her cleavage." MC "{i}He keeps looking my way... And he's not looking at my eyes for sure...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_30_giving_some_fan_service_in_court:" "Does Myriam tries to exploit the situation?" KN_MOD "God! I guess I can show off a little...:" $ ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_court = True KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_the_judge == True:" MC "{i}God! I guess I can show off a little, again... as if receiving a blowjob from me wasn't enough, he wants one more eyeful, that dirty old man is really insatiable.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you == True:" MC "{i}God! I guess I can show off a little, again... as if fondling my breast wasn't enough, he wants one more eyeful, that dirty old man is really insatiable.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_office == True:" MC "{i}God! I guess I can show off a little, again... I guess one more time won't cost me much more anyway, that dirty old man is really insatiable.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" MC "{i}God! I guess I can show off a little, I already passed one occasion in his office, he could be really disappointed if I didn't give him a better view this time either.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I guess I can show off a little, I'm not proud of it, but if it's what it takes to get back Marc home, it's a small price to pay.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_ruling_for_boobs_against_asshole" KN_MOD "No, its too risky to do anything here...:" KN_MOD "if ch3_blowing_the_judge == True:" MC "{i}No, it's too risky to do anything here and I already gave him a blowjob in his office, I don't think one more eyeful would change much now.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_letting_judge_fondle_you == True:" MC "{i}No, it's too risky to do anything here and I already let him fondle my breasts in his office, I don't think one more eyeful would change much now.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_office == True:" MC "{i}No, it's too risky to do anything here and I already let him feast his eyes enough on my cleavage in his office.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_shared_the_home_made_porn == True:" MC "{i}No, it's too risky to do anything here and if I didn't do it in his office, it's not to do it in front of everyone either.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No, it's too risky to do anything here and I already feel dirty enough unbuttoning my shirt like this and letting a dirty old man have his fill.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_30_ruling_for_boobs_against_asshole" KN_MOD "label ch3_30_ruling_for_boobs_against_asshole:" KN_MOD "if ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_court == True:" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 065 with dissolve "Turning her cleavage towards the judge to give him a better view, Myriam pressed her chest to make it bounce and jiggle while innocently looking away towards her still talking lawyer." MC "{i}Here you dirty old man! I hope you enjoy the view!{/i}" MC "{i}Dear god! I feel ridiculous! But it's for Marc...{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 066 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_tity_bouncing_for_the_judge_court == True:" "While admiring the view offered willingly by Myriam, the judge could only mutter a few words to her lawyer as he finished pleading her case." JuR "{i}He he he! Look at that naughty little slut jiggling those love pillows under the noses of everyone.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "While admiring the view of Myriam's cleavage, the judge could only mutter a few words to her lawyer as he finished pleading her case." JuR "{i}Look at that cleavage... What would I do to bury my face into it and do some motorboating.{/i}" "Lawyer" "\"... And on that note your honor, I leave the stand to Mr Kunt's lawyer.\"" JuR "\"Yes, yes, thank you.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 067 with dissolve "Anthony's lawyer took the stand in turn, starting to present his client point view, as Myriam's lawyer joined her to their table." "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"... But in the end, as cute as she is and as much as she pretends to be, Mrs Summers isn't Marc's mother.\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"She has no legal rights over him and certainly no rights contesting his biological and legal father rights to take care of him.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 068 with dissolve "Following a series of arguments from both sides' lawyers, the judge finally made Marc come to the stand to ask his own opinion over the trial and what he wanted ultimately." JuR "\"What do you think about all this Marc?\"" Ma "\"Well, the-they're both right, it's true that Myriam isn't my \"real\" mom, but... But she's the only one I ever had, she took care of me for years, good care.\"" JuR "\"And what would you wish?\"" Ma "\"What I wish... A-as much as I would like to say I want them to be together again, I know my father would make her life hell... Bu-but what I wish is for her to be my mom again.\"" JuR "\"Thank you young man, you can go sit again.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 069 with dissolve "Waiting for Marc to sit again, the judge let silence fill the room before offering his ruling on the trial between Myriam and Anthony over Marc's custody." JuR "\"...\"" JuR "{i}The kid's seated, let's get this done then, I've got a dozen others like this to go through before the end of the day.{/i}" JuR "\"I've heard everyone's case, opinions and arguments, Mrs Summers, Mr Kunt and the most concern by all this proceeding, Marc's.\"" JuR "\"As it was said by both parties, Mrs Summers does not have any legal rights over young Mr Kunt, as there never was any marriage between her and Mr Kunt.\"" JuR "\"And as much hurt bad parenting can be or do, it's not enough for the state to take away any parenting rights from the father in this case.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 070 with dissolve JuR "\"But with Mr Kunt's legal situation at the moment and the uncertainty over his future, the state has to take into consideration Marc's well being.\"" JuR "\"And in this case, the more stable environment for him would be to have Mrs Summers take temporary custody until Mr Kunt situation has been settled and back to a proper environment for his son.\"" JuR "\"Meanwhile temporary rules of custody will be written up and passed down to both parties, until a more final draft is composed once Mr Kunt's legal situation is determined.\"" JuR "\"This is my ruling.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 071 with dissolve "As the judge's hammer fell with the end of his ruling, Anthony jumped up as he heard it, hitting the table in outrage." "BAM!" An "\"WHAT!? This is a fucking travesty!\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"Calm down Mr Kunt, you'll only aggravate your case.\"" JuR "\"You should listen to your lawyer Mr Kunt, if you go any further I will have to find you in contempt of court.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 072 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam headed towards Marc and the exit, inviting him to come with her, deciding to go home with him now that the ruling was done." MC "\"Here! Come Marc, let's go.\"" Ma "\"I...\"" An "\"You stay right where you are! That bitch isn't your mother.\"" "Anthony's Lawyer" "\"Mr Kunt! Please calm down, there's nothing you can do here for now.\"" JuR "\"Mr Kunt! This is your last warning!\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 073 with dissolve "As Myriam kept approaching Marc, Anthony stopped her, grabbing her wrist and threatening her if she came towards him." An "\"Stay where you are whore!\"" MC "\"HA! You're hurting me! Unhand me right now Anthony or I...!\"" An "\"Or you what you stupid bitch!?\"" JuR "\"That's it Mr Kunt! You are found in contempt of court! Bailiff!\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 074 with dissolve "But before the bailiff could even come to them at the orders of the judge, Myriam crushed Anthony's balls with her knee, making his face land between her breasts." MC "\"Or that!\"" An "\"HOOO! You bi...\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 075 with dissolve "Leaving Anthony to his balls and his lawyer to calm down the judge, Myriam headed out, inviting Marc to follow her and leave his father." An "\"Hoooooo... My balls! You fucking bitch!\"" MC "\"Come Marc.\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah...\"" MC "\"It'll be worst if we stay...\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 076 with dissolve An "\"I'm going to make you regret it you bitch! You hear me!? I'll make you regret it!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe he became so hateful...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}But I'm done with him now, I'm done.{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 077 with dissolve "Stopping for a moment in front of the courthouse once outside, Myriam took the time to see if Marc was okay about what happened." MC "\"Are you ok Marc?\"" Ma "\"Yeah... Just a bit stunned, I knew it would be bad, but...\"" MC "\"That's why I wanted you out of there, if we stayed things would have gone even worse.\"" Ma "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"Let's just go home for today and give him some time to calm down, you can call him tonight or tomorrow.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 078 with dissolve "As they were about to leave and go home, Myriam looked back as someone called out to her, to see her lawyer heading towards them." "Lawyer" "\"Mrs Summers! Wait!\"" MC "\"Give me a minute Marc.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" MC "{i}God! With what happened with Anthony I completely forgot my own lawyer!{/i}" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 079 with dissolve "Joining the lawyer at the foot of the stairs, Myriam left Marc a moment to exchange a few words and thank him for his help." MC "\"I'm sorry I left so quickly I forgot to thank you.\"" "Lawyer" "\"It's ok I understand, I just wanted to be sure you understood the ruling.\"" MC "\"I think so yes, things are temporary for now, as long as Anthony's trial with Mrs Barrett isn't done.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Yes, so you understand you don't have a full custody of Marc.\"" MC "\"Yes, I understand.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 080 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"You didn't get exactly what you wanted, but it's a good start and honestly with his behavior after the ruling, I don't give him much chance to get an appeal.\"" MC "\"How did it go after we left?\"" "Lawyer" "\"The bailiff put him in custody until he calms down, they should keep him for a few hours, just the time for his lawyer to clean up his mess.\"" MC "\"Dear god!\"" "Lawyer" "\"Don't feel guilty about it, he dug his own grave on this one and that will only give me more ammunition for his trial against Mrs Barrett.\"" scene bg ch3_30 adayatcourt 081 with dissolve "Lawyer" "\"But anyway, it's out of your hands now, just go home and relax, I'll call you as soon as I receive the detailed documents on the ruling.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you again for all your help.\"" "Lawyer" "\"Only doing what I'm paid for Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Even so, thanks.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_calm_after_the_storm" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_calm_after_the_storm:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three \n Calm After the Storm" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 001 with dissolve "Leaving her lawyer after their short talk, Myriam headed home with Marc, both feeling relieved after the trial but also drained with the roller coaster of emotions." MC "\"Here we are, home.\"" Ma "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"Still feeling down?\"" Ma "\"No! Yes... I don't know really...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 002 with dissolve "Seeing how tortured Marc felt about the trial and his father, Myriam tried to lighten the mood, ruffling his hair affectionately as they headed to the door." MC "\"Come on, don't worry, it's normal to have mixed feeling about all this.\"" Ma "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"Yes, and I know you love your dad, and it's ok as well, I'm not going to forbid you to call or see him.\"" Ma "\"Thanks.\"" MC "\"But for now, let's just go in and have some rest and relax, this morning was hard and emotional, ok?\"" Ma "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 003 with dissolve "Leaving Marc go to his room to have some rest, Myriam herself headed for her bathroom, wanting to take a quick shower to relax and evacuate the stress of the morning." MC "{i}God! I feel so exhausted, just from this morning in court, it was mostly just sitting at a table but it was so emotionally intense that I feel totally drained.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm going to take a nice long and hot shower to relax then put on something more comfy...{/i}" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 004 with dissolve "Quickly taking off her clothes, Myriam slipped into the shower, just letting the hot water running and massaging her neck to release the tension." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! I needed that! I'm so tensed...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 005 with dissolve MC "{i}Things went fairly well, but just seeing him again got me so far on the defensive that I feel drained of energy.{/i}" MC "{i}Come on, now it's done, you can let go and relax, you're done with him.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 006 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower once feeling relaxed enough, Myriam headed to her bedroom to dress, mulling over her feelings after her passage in court." MC "{i}It's strange, I'm relieved to be done with the trial, but now I feel like there's something missing...{/i}" MC "{i}The anger about all this debacle took up so much of me before, I feel weird now that it's done.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 007 with dissolve "As she was finishing to dry herself off before changing, Myriam heard a knock on the door and quickly heard Marc's voice calling for her." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" Ma "\"Mi!\"" MC "\"Yes Marc, what is it?\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 008 with dissolve Ma "\"I... Ca-can I come in?\"" MC "{i}Sounds like he need to talk, better get dressed...{/i}" MC "\"Yes... {w}Just give me a...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 009 with dissolve "But as Myriam was in mid sentence, telling him to wait for her to get dressed, Marc suddenly barged in, rushing towards her with a sad look on his face as she dropped her towel in surprise." MC "\"...second to... Ha! Marc!\"" Ma "\"Mi! I...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 010 with dissolve "Jumping into her arms, Marc hugged Myriam tightly, thanking her again as he sobbed lightly." Ma "\"Thank you Mi! Sob! Thank you!\"" MC "\"Oh! Marc, it's ok sweetie.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 011 with dissolve MC "{i}Dear god Marc! You really picked your time... But I guess it had to come out, this morning must have been so hard on him, I can't chase him away.{/i}" MC "\"Everything will be ok sweetie, don't worry, things are just hard right now and it's ok to feel sad or overwhelmed.\"" Ma "\"Sob!\"" MC "\"But I'm here for you, however things go in the future, I'll be here.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 012 with dissolve "Hugging him back and petting him to comfort him, Myriam affectionately kissed Marc on the forehead as she saw how starved for affection he was." Ma "\"I love you Mi! Sob!\"" MC "\"I love you too sweetie. Mouah!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! My poor little guy, that asshole really did a number on you.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 013 with dissolve "As she kept hugging Marc to calm him down, Myriam could feel Marc shifting positions as their hug kept going on, feeling his hand going dangerously close to her ass." MC "{i}God! His hand is getting close to my ass and it's not even counting how much he's pressing on my bare breasts...{/i}" Ma "\"Sob!\"" MC "{i}Sigh! But I can't get mad at him for wanting a hug, it's a good a thing that he's not bottling up things inside.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 014 with dissolve "Suddenly realizing as he calmed that he was hugging Myriam while she was naked, Marc turned away and apologized embarrassed." Ma "\"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"It's ok Marc, I understand, I'm not mad.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 015 with dissolve Ma "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" MC "{i}Look at him sneaking a glance despite all...{/i}" MC "\"But you should go now and let me get dressed.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True or ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_need_for_naughtiness" KN_MOD "else:" Ma "\"Oh! Of course...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_send_back_to_his_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_need_for_naughtiness:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 016 with dissolve "But as Myriam insinuated for him to get out, Marc suddenly surprised her and turned towards her, taking her hand in his as he awkwardly tried to thank her again, nose diving down into her breasts." Ma "\"Mi!\"" MC "\"Marc!? What are you...!?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True:" Ma "\"I-I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me and... And say I'm really sorry for the other day with my friend...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" Ma "\"I-I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me and... And say thank you again for the other day with my friend...\"" MC "{i}God! He scared me for a moment, he must be talking about the day he came with his friend to play in the pool...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 017 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True:" MC "\"It's ok Marc, of course I'll be here for you and don't worry for the other day.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" MC "\"It's ok Marc, of course I'll be here for you and... And what we said the other day is still on.\"" Ma "\"I-I missed you so much...\"" MC "{i}Look at him, nose down and eyes glued to my breasts... I'm sure he missed me, but I'm pretty sure he missed something else as well...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_31_giving_some_loving:" "How does Myriam handle the situation?" KN_MOD "Hes in such need of affection and human contact... if ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True or ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" KN_MOD "if ch3_dominated_by_the_boys == True:" $ ch3_servicing_marc_as_sub = True MC "{i}He's in such need of affection and human contact, maybe I could let him have his way again so he could release some steam.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_sub_service" KN_MOD "elif ch3_dominated_the_boys == True:" $ ch3_servicing_marc_as_dom = True MC "{i}He's in such need of affection and human contact, maybe I could give some release to make him feel better.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_dom_service" KN_MOD "I shouldnt get things more complicated for him... (End of the line of events.):" MC "{i}I shouldn't get things more complicated for him, he's already lost enough right now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_send_back_to_his_room" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_send_back_to_his_room:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 018 with dissolve "Leaving Myriam to change, Marc thanked Myriam again and headed out as she looked at him go, both reassured that he shared with her and amused that he was still a naughty teenager." Ma "\"Thank you Mi and sorry for barging in.\"" MC "\"It's ok Marc, you should go rest a little now.\"" MC "{i}Well, I'm glad he was able to share his feelings at least and it's kind of reassuring to see he's still as naughty as before...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_well_deserved_rest" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_sub_service:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 019 with dissolve MC "\"I missed you too sweetie... Wou-would you like me to give you some... some release like before?\"" Ma "\"You would?\"" MC "\"If it can make you feel better...\"" Ma "\"You're not mad anymore? You really don't mind sucking my dick?\"" MC "{i}I guess it's pretty clear what he wants me to do...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 020 with dissolve "After kneeling down at his feet and taking off his pants, Myriam looked up to Marc with a naughty look, decided to try and cheer him up." MC "\"Yes, I don't mind \"sucking your dick\" and if you want you can even facefuck me like you liked to.\"" Ma "\"Really!? You're the best! Though for now just suck on my dick, I'll facefuck you when I'm feeling really hard.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 021 with dissolve "Taking Marc's still half limp cock in her mouth, Myriam slowly and thoroughly started to suck on it." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" Ma "\"Ooohhh! Yeah! I missed that feeling!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 022 with dissolve "Then after tugging and sucking on it for a moment, making it grow bigger and harder in her mouth, Myriam started deepthroating Marc's cock." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Fuck! Your mouth is the best!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 023 with dissolve "Now fully hard after thoroughly taking care of his cock, Myriam pulled it out of her mouth, catching her breath while still taking care of it with her tongue, licking his shaft up and down while looking in his eyes." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Fuck! Mi! You really know how to take care of a guy! Ooohhh! You would make a great pornstar!\"" MC "{i}Well, this blowjob therapy is clearly working, he looks really happy.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 024 with dissolve "His cock now hard and having reached his limits, Marc pushed back her head, asking her if she was ready to get facefuck as she offered him." Ma "\"Aaahhh! Fuck! Ready for your facefucking?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Yesh...\"" Ma "\"Good! Because I'm so fucking hard and excited... I'm not going to go easy on you...\"" MC "{i}God! He really love being a bully, but I guess it's ok if that can raise his spirit.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve "Doing as he said he would, Marc grabbed Myriam's head with both hands and immediately started facefucking her as soon as she took his cock in her mouth." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Ooohhh! Yeah! That's it! Aaahhh! Take that cock you slut!\"" MC "{i}Here you go with the dirty talk again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve "Getting more and more excited, Marc accelerated the pace and facefucked Myriam faster and harder, letting go of any restraint as his pleasure built up." Ma "\"Aaahhh! Yeah! You love it being my slut! Ooohhh! Letting me facefuck you like a cheap whore!\"" MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" MC "{i}God! Why does it excite me to be called a slut or a whore!? This is so humiliating but I love it...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 026 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 025 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 027 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "His emotions bursting out and his excitement too high, Marc didn't last long with the intense facefucking he gave Myriam, quickly cumming in her mouth in a loud grunt." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! HERE YOU GO!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 028 with dissolve "As Marc finally let go of her head once done cumming, Myriam looked up to him with a smile, swallowing his cum with a naughty look." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" Ma "\"Oh! Shit! I missed this so much...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 029 with dissolve "Helping Myriam up after she was done swallowing his cum, Marc kept her hand in his, asking her to let him fuck her as well." MC "\"Thank you Marc... I hope it helped you release some steam.\"" Ma "\"Yeah! It was great, though I'm still hard... I have to fuck you as well!\"" MC "\"Oh! I-I guess it's ok...\"" Ma "\"Yes! You're the best! Just bend over the armoire, I want to fuck you from behind.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 030 with dissolve "Doing as Marc told her, Myriam bent against the armoire, pushing her butt towards him as he pushed his already hard cock against her asshole." MC "\"Like this?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, just like that! I'm going to fuck you in the ass.\"" MC "{i}Seems like he need to release some more steam after this morning...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve "Easily slipping in, Marc quickly started fucking Myriam's ass, grabbing her hips as he gave her slow but powerful trusts." Ma "\"Aaahhh! Here! Take that you slut!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 031 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 032 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating the pace, Marc kept fucking Myriam's ass harder and faster, teasing her with his dirty talk again." Ma "\"Ooohhh! You missed getting your ass pounded by my big cock!?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I-I missed it!\"" MC "{i}Ah! God! That's true, why do I miss being abused like that!?{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve "Reveling in Myriam's submissiveness, Marc kept pounding her ass harder and faster, pushing his bullying further as she kept moaning and following the flow." Ma "\"Aaahh! Yeah! You love getting your ass pounded like a good whore!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I love it!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 033 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 034 with dissolve "Now fucking her ass at full strength, Myriam could feel Marc's excitement reaching its peak, feeling his cock getting harder and bigger, about to burst as he roughly pounded her without mercy." Ma "\"Ooohh! Get ready you whore! I'm going to fill your ass full of cum!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Gi-give it to me!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 035 with dissolve "Not long after, Marc grabbed Myriam's hair, pulling her head back as he gave a few more rough thrusts, emptying his balls in her ass, pushing her into an orgasm as well as she screamed loudly her pleasure." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ma "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO! OOOOOOHHH! TAKE MY LOAD YOU WHORE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAHHH! FILL ME UP! MMMMMMHHH!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 036 with dissolve "Feeling weak in the legs after the intense sodomy she just received from Marc, Myriam leaned against the armoire to calm down." Ma "\"Sorry... I went a bit overboard...\"" MC "\"It's ok... I-I just hope it help feel a bit better.\"" Ma "\"It sure did! It was great being able to fuck you again like that.\"" MC "\"Good... You should go rest a bit now.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 037 with dissolve "Heading out after putting his pants back on, Marc paused for a moment at the door, thanking Myriam again before going out as she was cleaning up his cum from his chin." Ma "\"Mi.\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" Ma "\"Tha-thanks...\"" MC "\"Oh! Yo-you're welcome Marc.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_well_deserved_rest" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_dom_service:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 038 with dissolve MC "\"I missed you too sweetie... But I have the feeling you've missed something else also, am I right?\"" Ma "\"Oh! I-I...\"" MC "\"Come on, say it and maybe I'll help you release some steam.\"" Ma "\"Ye-yes, I missed your body...\"" MC "{i}Look at him acting bashful after staring at my breasts...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 039 with dissolve "Passing behind him, Myriam started to caressed Marc's groin as she kept teasing him, hoping it would help him think of something else." MC "\"That's all you have to say? Your body?\"" Ma "\"Your sexy body!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 040 with dissolve "Pulling his still half limp cock out of his pants and starting to caress it, Myriam kept pressing Marc and talking to him as if nothing was happening." MC "\"Oh! And what do you find sexy?\"" Ma "\"Ah! Yo-your tits!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 041 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve "Slowly caressing him, Myriam made Marc's cock get bigger and harder in her hand, teasing him mercilessly as she kept pressuring him further." MC "\"My tits, you find them sexy?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Yeah! They're the best! Aaahhh! They're perfect!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Why?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! They're big and juicy! And... Ooohhh! And they're still in great shape!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve "Masturbating him slowly, Myriam kept going, both pleasuring him with her handjob and teasing him by whispering to his ear." MC "\"Oh! And what would you want to do with these perfect tits?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Fondling them and sucking on them!\"" MC "\"That's all?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! No! Ooohhh! I-I'd fuck them too!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 042 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 043 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace as she felt his pleasure rising and could feel his cock getting harder and bigger in her hand, ready to cum, Myriam kept pushing Marc towards his limit." MC "\"You'd fuck my tits with your big cock?\"" Ma "\"Ooohhh! Yeah! Yeah! I'd fuck them hard! Aaahhh! I'd pushed my big cock between your tits and jerk off!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 044 with dissolve "Feeling he was about to reach his limit, Myriam gave Marc the last push as she kept masturbating him while whispering to his ear." MC "\"And where would you finish? On my tits? On my face?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! O-on your face! Ooohhh! I'd cover your face full of cum!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 045 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 046 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 047 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 048 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she thought, Myriam quickly felt Marc climaxing in her hand, not stopping her handjob until he was done cumming." Ma "\"AAARGH! I-I'M CUMMING!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! That's it, show me what you would do to my face.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 049 with dissolve Ma "\"Ah! Tha-thanks!\"" MC "\"So, did you enjoy my handjob? Feeling a bit better?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! That was great! Though...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" Ma "\"Wi-will you let me use your breasts and finish on your face?\"" MC "\"Mmmh... Maybe, if you're a good boy, but for now, you should go rest sweetie.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 050 with dissolve "Listening to Myriam, Marc headed out after putting his cock back in his pants, but paused for a moment at the door, thanking her again before going out." Ma "\"Mi.\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" Ma "\"Tha-thanks...\"" MC "\"You're welcome Marc.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 051 with dissolve "Now left alone after Marc headed back to his room, Myriam looked at her still cum covered hand, sighing loudly as she looked at the result after just coming out of her shower." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}And what do I do about that, I'm just out of the shower and good to get right back in...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_31_cum_covered_hand:" "How does Myriam clean her hand?" KN_MOD "Ill just use the towel...:" MC "{i}I'll just use the towel on the ground, I'll clean up the cum on the ground while I'm at it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_well_deserved_rest" KN_MOD "God! That smell always get to me...:" MC "{i}God! That smell always get to me, maybe I could just lick it up...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 052 with dissolve "Following her impulse, Myriam started licking and slurping the cum from her hand before swallowing it." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}God! It's crazy, why am I loving the smell and taste of such a nasty thing!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_well_deserved_rest" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_well_deserved_rest:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 053 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_servicing_marc_as_dom == True:" "Sitting over the bed's edge after cleaning her hand of Marc's cum, Myriam paused for a moment, mulling over the emotional outburst he just had as she felt fatigue getting to her." KN_MOD "elif ch3_servicing_marc_as_sub == True:" "Sitting over the bed's edge after cleaning her chin of Marc's cum, Myriam paused for a moment, mulling over the emotional outburst he just had as she felt fatigue getting to her." KN_MOD "else:" "Sitting over the bed's edge, Myriam paused for a moment, mulling over the emotional outburst Marc just had as she felt fatigue getting to her." MC "{i}At least he didn't lose his interests, that's something, the situation between Anthony and me didn't break him.{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! But now I can rest a little, I wanted to distract my mind doing some chores, but I'm just too tired.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 054 with dissolve "As she simply laid down on the bed, closing her eyes to rest for a moment, Myriam quickly fell asleep as the weight of the morning events had left her exhausted." MC "{i}I'll just lay down and close my eyes for... for a minute...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh... Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_sneaky_dog" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_sneaky_dog:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 055 with dissolve "A little while later as Myriam was asleep on her bed, Cassius pointed his nose in the master bedroom, the door having been left opened by Marc." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Zzzzzzzzz!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 056 with dissolve "Pushing open the already slightly ajar door, Cassius slipped in the bedroom, heading for his sleeping mistress on the bed." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah! Sniff! Sniff!\"" MC "\"Zzzzzzzzz!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 057 with dissolve "Approaching her sneakily, guided by the intimate fragrance of his mistress, Cassius came close to her pussy and started licking it." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Zzzzzz... Mmmmmmhhh!?\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 058 with dissolve "Waking up as her sleep was being disturbed by Cassius' treatment Myriam opened her eyes, still groggy, to see her dog on top of her as he had just climbed onto the bed." MC "\"Wha... Cassius!? Wha-what are you doing?\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 059 with dissolve "But as she suddenly felt a slippery thing touching her leg, Myriam quickly understood what Cassius wanted to do as she looked down to see his cock fully out and ready to go" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! He's fully hard and it doesn't look like he has any intention to move away...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 060 with dissolve "Spreading her legs for him, Myriam made room for Cassius so he could take position and fuck her, knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer." MC "\"Here you naughty dog!\"" Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}God! He's pressing against my ass, he's going to sodomize me again!{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 061 with dissolve "And as she thought, as soon as Cassius felt his cock pressing against Myriam's asshole, he pushed in hard, pulling a scream of surprise and pain from her." MC "\"HAAA! Dear god!\"" Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve "Comfortable in his position, Cassius started to roughly pound Myriam's ass in his usual beasty fashion, trusting fast and hard as she tried her best to relax." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Cassius! Aaaaaahhh!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 062 with dissolve "Excited by the warm and tight feeling of Myriam's ass, Cassius kept going, accelerating the pace as she moaned both from pleasure and pain." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Cassius! Aaaaaahhh! My ass!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 064 with dissolve "As Cassius kept pounding at her ass wildly, trusting always harder and deeper, Myriam suddenly heard Marc's room door opening." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" MC "{i}God! Marc! He's coming out!{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 065 with dissolve "But as Myriam tried her best to stay silent and cover her mouth, Cassius suddenly pushed his knot in her ass, pulling a muffled scream of pain and surprise out of her." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmpfff! Aaahhh! Mmmmmmpfff!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 066 with dissolve "Luckily for her, Myriam heard Marc going into the bathroom a she desperately tried her best to muffle her moans and scream of pleasure while Cassius kept pounding mercilessly." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmpfff! Aaahhh! Mmmmmmpfff!\"" play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" MC "{i}Thank god! Marc didn't hear us!{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 065 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 065 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 065 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 063 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 065 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Not minding Myriam's scare of getting caught, Cassius kept furiously pounding at her ass, pushing her into an orgasm as he kept pulling his knot in and out before cumming himself deep inside her ass." Ca "\"HAH-HAH-HAH! WHINE!\"" MC "\"MMMMMMPFFF! AAAAAAHHH! MY GODF! MMMMMMPFFF!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 067 with dissolve "Relaxing after they had both cum, Myriam let go of her mouth in relief as Cassius had stop moving, his cock and knot still in her ass, getting smaller and softer." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "\"Sigh! Aaahhh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! He's finally done! My poor ass is feeling so sore...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 068 with dissolve "And finally, after a little while, Cassius pulled out of Myriam's ass and got down from the bed, turning away as he headed back towards the door." Ca "\"Hah-hah-hah!\"" MC "{i}Look at him go, having his fun and heading back out as soon as he's done.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 069 with dissolve "Sitting back up as Cassius went out of the room, Myriam sighed again in relief, as she realized how lucky she was to have avoided getting caught by Marc while she was being sodomized by her dog." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I was so lucky Marc didn't catch onto what was happening... It could have been terrible if he had heard us and came in.{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to be more careful in the future... But I guess I should get up for now and get dressed.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_going_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_a_long_snooze" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_a_long_snooze:" scene black with dissolve show text "A snooze later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 070 with dissolve "Opening her eyes after sleeping for a while, Myriam took some time before cutting through her grogginess." MC "\"Mmmmmmh...\"" MC "{i}...{/i}" MC "{i}Wha-what hour it is? God! I just closed my eyes for a minute but I must have overslept.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 071 with dissolve "Sitting back up, Myriam paused for a moment, collecting herself before getting back to her day." MC "{i}I should get up and get dressed...{/i}" MC "{i}I thought I would rest for a bit before Katherine and William got home from school but if I keep going I'll disturb my sleep cycle.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_going_on_with_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_going_on_with_the_day:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 072 with dissolve "Moving to the door after getting up from the bed, Myriam closed the door Marc left ajar upon leaving." KN_MOD "if ch3_cassius_top_dog == True:" MC "{i}That's why Cassius snuck into the room, Marc must have left the door opened by accident...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Marc must have left the door opened by accident...{/i}" MC "{i}I should be more careful sometimes.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 073 with dissolve "Quickly putting on some casual clothes, Myriam paused for a second in front of the mirror to see if she was ok to go." MC "{i}That should do, I'll let my hair dry on its own.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's get down and wait for the kids to get home, Katherine and William should get home soon.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 074 with dissolve "Stopping a moment at Marc's door, Myriam took a moment to listen, feeling relieved to hear him playing video games inside." Ma "\"Take that you fucking trash orcs!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he's playing some video games, I'm glad to hear he has the heart to fool around with some distractions.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 075 with dissolve "Getting down to the living room, Myriam sat in the couch after putting the tv on and looking at a 24 hour news cast." MC "{i}Let's see what's on the news...{/i}" "News anchor" "\"...and now for the local news...\"" MC "{i}Oh! Looks like I arrived just in time for the local news...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 076 with dissolve MC "\"...\"" "News anchor" "\"...a new update on the missing cases of Dust Valley...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_second_cop_date == False:" MC "{i}God! It's that horrible news again, I hope they found the missing people.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! That's terrible...{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 077 with dissolve "News anchor" "\" seems that count of missing people keep raising with a new disappearance...\"" MC "{i}Oh! No...{/i}" "News anchor" "\"...this time with a family of four, a young couple and their two children, a young girl of four and an infant...\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 078 with dissolve MC "{i}Dear god! This is horrible...{/i}" "News anchor" "\"...Dust Valley now officially becoming the place with the most active cases of disappearance...\"" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_talking_to_dave_about_the_sawyer_motel == True:" MC "{i}Dust Valley! Again! God! And I totally forgot to call Detective Anderson last time, I have to do it this time.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_second_cop_date == False:" $ ch3_talking_to_dave_about_the_sawyer_motel = True MC "{i}Dust Valley! Again! I definitely have to talk about that motel with Detective Anderson.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Wait! Dust Valley... Wasn't it where that horrible motel was and where that man assaulted me?{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should talk about the motel with Detective Anderson...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch3_31_talking_about_the_motel_to_the_detective:" "Does Myriam chase the idea or not?" KN_MOD "No, it was just a crazy old pervert...:" MC "{i}No, it was just a crazy old pervert, no need to bother him with my imagination.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_happy_reunion" KN_MOD "Yeah, I think I should...:" $ ch3_talking_to_dave_about_the_sawyer_motel = True MC "{i}Yeah, I think I should, maybe it's just my imagination, but there also could be something about it.{/i}" MC "{i}There's too many people missing to not investigate the possibility, I have to call him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch3_31_happy_reunion" KN_MOD "label ch3_31_happy_reunion:" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 079 with dissolve "As she was looking at the news horrified, Myriam suddenly heard the entrance door opening and Katherine getting in, calling out for her." Ka "\"MOM! It's me!\"" MC "{i}Oh! It's Katherine!{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 080 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam quickly shut down the tv, not wanting Katherine to see these terrible news and linking them to their road trip coming to town as well." MC "{i}Let's shut that off! I don't want Katherine to worry...{/i}" Ka "\"MOM!\"" MC "\"Yes! I'm here!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 081 with dissolve "Quickly joining Myriam in the living room, Katherine immediately asked her mother how the day went." Ka "\"Hey mom!\"" MC "\"Hey honey!\"" Ka "\"How did it go?\"" MC "\"It went as well as it could...\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 082 with dissolve "Taking her mother's hand in hers, Katherine pressed her mother further for details." Ka "\"What do you mean?\"" MC "\"Well, I won, but things are only temporary for now, it'll have to wait for Anthony's trial to get finalized.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 083 with dissolve Ka "\"That's great! And I bet he'll get what's coming for him anyway, I'm so happy for you mom!\"" MC "\"Thank you honey, but you know we better stay calm until it's finally done.\"" Ka "\"Come on, I bet he was pissed!\"" MC "\"That you can say it, he was so pissed that he was put to jail for a few hours to calm down.\"" Ka "\"And Marc?\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 084 with dissolve MC "\"He's upstairs in his room, playing some video games to distract himself.\"" Ka "\"He must had it hard today... With him not at school I thought he may have had to be there as well.\"" MC "\"Yes, so be nice to him.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 085 with dissolve Ka "\"I will... But mom, we have to celebrate this!\"" MC "\"What? No.\"" Ka "\"Come on! Let's go out and eat somewhere, I'm paying! I still got some of the money Gramps gave me at Christmas.\"" MC "\"But I thought you used it for your cosplay.\"" Ka "\"I still got enough for a dinner, come on, go dry your hair and I'll go take care of Marc!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 086 with dissolve MC "\"And what about William, where is he?\"" Ka "\"He went to the hospital to get his mom out, come on Mom, what do you say?\"" MC "{i}She's so happy for me, I can't say no...{/i}" MC "\"O-ok.\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 087 with dissolve "Going up to her bathroom, Myriam pulled out her hair dryer to take care of her hair while Katherine went to get Marc." MC "{i}It'll be nice, it's been a while since we went out together.{/i}" MC "{i}She's right, it'll do us some good to celebrate as a family.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 088 with dissolve "Her hair dry, Myriam went back to her armoire to get a pair of shoes before joining the kids who she could already hear heading down." MC "{i}Let's just put some sneakers on, I can go like this, we'll just go to a family restaurant.{/i}" Ka "\"Come on slow poke, I'm buying!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! I told her to be nice... I guess acting as usual will avoid things getting weird.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 089 with dissolve "Joining the kids downstairs in the entrance hall, Myriam headed for the door while the two followed her, with Katherine still teasing Marc." Ka "\"Relax Marc, when we get back, I'll show you how to \"really\" get these orcs down!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! As if...\"" MC "\"Come on kids, no fighting! You'll take care of yours orcs when we get back.\"" MC "{i}She's right, acting as usual is probably the best way to go, she really grew up so well.{/i}" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 090 with dissolve "But as she opened the door, Myriam was suddenly confronted to the presence of a silent Anthony in front of her, blocking their way." MC "\"Ha! An-Anthony!\"" An "\"...\"" MC "\"Wha-what are you doing here!?\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 091 with dissolve "As Anthony suddenly raised a gun to her face, Myriam screamed in horror as he finally gave a few words to her." An "\"I told you I'll make you regret it bitch.\"" MC "\"OH MY GOD! KIDS! GUN!\"" scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 092 with dissolve play sound "gun shot-freesound-schots.mp3" Ka "\"MOM!!!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch3_chapter3_end" KN_MOD "label ch3_chapter3_end:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Three END" with Pause(4) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "jump chapter04" KN_MOD "label chapter04:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update01" KN_MOD "label ch4_update01:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update1 from _call_var_chapter4_update1" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_second_nightmare" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_second_nightmare:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Second Nightmare" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 001 with dissolve "Her naked body laid upon a damp and cold rock, Myriam rested unconscious slowly waking from her slumber as the discomfort started to overwhelm her." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Hhhaaa...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 002 with dissolve "Opening her eyes, Myriam's body felt incredibly heavy and cold, a sharp headache leaving her in a state of confusion as to what happened to her." MC "\"Hhhooo...\"" MC "{i}What...?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 003 with dissolve "Sitting up weakly Myriam looked around, still lost, her mind numb and engulfed in a fog of confusion unable to remember where she was." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! Where am I? What happened to me? I...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 004 with dissolve "Trying her best to remember something, Myriam tried to focus her mind over what had happened to her, but her headache only grew stronger." MC "\"Hhhuuu!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm trying to remember, but my headache is only getting worse...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 005 with dissolve "Turning her gaze towards the bright light behind her, Myriam squinted her eyes, blinded by the intensity, trying her best to see if she could discern the source." MC "\"Hhhuuu...\"" MC "{i}And that light... It feels warm but it's so blinding, the more I look the worse my headache is getting...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 006 with dissolve "Carefully getting down from the rock she was on, Myriam tried to see where she was about to walk, but could barely see feet through the mist covering the ground." MC "{i}I've got to move and see where I am, but that mist is really not helping...{/i}" MC "\"Brrr...\"" MC "{i}I can barely see my feet and it's so cold...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 007 with dissolve "Slowly advancing, Myriam carefully walked away, trying her best to keep her balance on the slippery wet ground with the poor vision she had." MC "{i}God! The ground is so slimy... I've got to be careful not to fall...{/i}" MC "\"Yuck!\"" MC "{i}Let's go see if I can see anything else a bit further...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 008 with dissolve "But after walking for some time, all that Myriam could see was this strange forest and the cold mist that covered the ground." MC "{i}Nothing! Where ever I turn or go it's all the same.{/i}" MC "{i}And the more I walk away from the light, the colder it gets...{/i}" "CRACK!" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 009 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the noise behind her, Myriam tried to see if there was anyone or anything, only to be blinded by the light." MC "\"Ha!\"" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 010 with dissolve "But as her eyes adjusted somewhat to the brightness, Myriam could see a figure outlined in the light, leaning against a tree from which bodies were hanging." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! What is that!? Whe-where am I!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 011 with dissolve "Without even thinking, Myriam quickly turned away from the scene and ran, glancing behind her from time to time to see if she was pursued." MC "\"Hah! Hah! Hah!\"" MC "{i}My god! I have to run! This is horrible!{/i}" MC "{i}God! Where is he!? I can't see him!{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 012 with dissolve "Hiding a moment behind a tree to catch her breath, Myriam could hear the person (or thing) walking through the mist not too far from her, calling out for her in a familiar voice." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! He's just there! I-I've got to stay quiet!{/i}" An "\"Miiiiiiiii? Where are you? Miiiiiiiii?\"" MC "{i}I-is that Anthony's voice? It's strange but it sounds like him...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 013 with dissolve "As the voice seemed to move away from her, Myriam breathed easier, feeling relieved as she thought she successfully escaped doom, hugging herself as the cold started getting to her." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Thank god! He's going away! I really thought I was done for...{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't stay here, I have to move, it's getting so cold...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_the_last_choice_you_could_ever_make" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_the_last_choice_you_could_ever_make:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 014 with dissolve MC "{i}The more I move away from that light the colder it gets, I have to go back there...{/i}" MC "{i}But that's also where 'whatever-that-thing-is' went...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_second_game_over == True:" MC "{i}God! This is so weird, why do I have this feeling of \"déjà vu\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_01_fight_or_flight:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "No, I-I just cant... if ch4_second_game_over == False:" MC "{i}No, I-I just can't, it's too dangerous to go that way, there must be another way.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_another_way" KN_MOD "I have to try...:" MC "{i}I have to try, I can't keep running away, I can already barely feel my feet.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_getting_through" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_another_way:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 015 with dissolve "Rushing from her hiding place without looking back, Myriam ran the opposite direction from the warm light and the presence looking for her, plunging ever so surely into the darkness." MC "\"Hah! Hah! Hah!\"" MC "{i}God! Please! Make it that it doesn't hear me!{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 016 with dissolve "Looking back after running for some time, Myriam started slowing down as she couldn't see anything following her, she could barely see the light that shone so brightly earlier." MC "\"Hah! Hah! Hah!\"" MC "{i}It doesn't seem that it followed me, I can't hear or see it anymore...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 017 with dissolve "Feeling safer, Myriam stopped running, but started to feel exhausted and terribly cold as the mist seemed to keep raising as the light got dimmer." MC "\"Brrr...\"" MC "{i}God! I-it's getting so cold and the mist is starting to get so high now... I've got to find a place to rest a moment, I-I'm getting so exhausted...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 018 with dissolve "Getting too exhausted to keep going, Myriam laid down over a rock still brushing over the mist, hoping to get her strength back as she was unable to go any further." MC "\"Brrr... I... I'm... so... I'm so cold...\"" MC "{i}I-I feel so cold and exhausted... I-I just can't go on anymore...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 019 with dissolve "Closing her eyes as she couldn't even keep them opened anymore, Myriam slowly drifted out of consciousness as the mist kept getting higher and higher, ready to swallow her." MC "{i}I-I... I'll just... rest a... a moment...{/i}" MC "{size=20}\"I...\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 020 with dissolve "As Myriam's consciousness drifted away in this strange dream a blipping sound coming from a hospital machine changed to a long flat whine, she was dead." Ka "\"Mom? Mom! MOM!? Someone! Help!\"" "Nurse" "\"Code blue!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 020 go with dissolve A "\"Seems that you led Myriam to a sad end and reached the fatal screen of GAME OVER!\"" A "\"But don't worry my friend this is not the end, let me use my godly powers to bring you back in time a little so you can try something else!\"" A "\"...\"" A "\"Oh! And don't worry about our dear Myriam, she shouldn't have any memories of it... {w}Though try to not do it too often either or some dark forces could get suspicious!\"" $ ch4_second_game_over = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_the_last_choice_you_could_ever_make" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_getting_through:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 021 with dissolve "Rushing out of her hiding place, Myriam ran towards the light, just protecting her eyes with her hand as she quickly cut through the mist, desperately hoping to avoid falling despite the low visibility." MC "{i}I have to be quick! It's risky running off like that, but I can't just get caught by that thing in the mist!{/i}" MC "\"Hah! Hah! Hah!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 022 with dissolve "But sadly, Myriam's rush was cut short by the thing stalking her in the mist, a deformed and diabolical version of Anthony, red like blood and with huge horns as well as a much bigger thing dangling between his legs." An "\"Got ya! He he he!\"" MC "\"HAAA!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 023 with dissolve "Grabbing her wrist, Anthony lifted his hand, ready to strike as he quickly started threatening Myriam with violence if she didn't do as he ordered her." An "\"Now you're going to do as I say you whore!\"" MC "\"No! Leave me alone!\"" An "\"Shut up and get on your knees!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_01_nightmare_anthony:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Fight back! (Fighting Trait 5+) if MCtrait[Fighting] >= 5:" MC "{i}No! I've had enough of this!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_fight_back" KN_MOD "Get on your knees...:" MC "{i}God! I...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_too_afraid_to_fight_back" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_fight_back:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 024 with dissolve "Without even thinking, Myriam reflexively stopped Anthony's incoming strike as Lucy had taught her then, to his surprise, freed her other hand and shoved her palm into his jaw." MC "\"I SAID NO!\"" An "\"HAAA!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 025 with dissolve "Following her momentum, Myriam launched her knees into the big red balls of this diabolical version of Anthony, feeling her heart fill up with determination as she pushed him back." MC "\"GET OFF ME!\"" An "\"HOOOooo!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 026 with dissolve "And finally, to end this once and for all, as she felt her pent up anger and fear go away, Myriam punched Anthony in the jaw again as he was launching a last insult to her." An "\"You bit...!\"" MC "\"Enough!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 027 with dissolve "The cold mist receding, Myriam could see that the unconscious Anthony was back to his usual appearance, as was his groin, back to its small and inoffensive size." MC "\"I'm done with you.\"" MC "{i}God! It's strange how calm I'm feeling now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 028 with dissolve "Turning towards the light, Myriam could feel that she was done here and had to go there, that her life was waiting for her, she could even feel like Katherine was calling for her." MC "{i}And that light, it's like it's calling for me...{/i}" Ka "{size=20}\"Mom...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}I-is that Katherine?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 029 with dissolve "Forgetting about Anthony, Myriam followed her daughter's calls and walked towards the light, feeling with each step warmth growing in her body, she knew it was the right way." Ka "\"Mom!\"" MC "{i}I-I'm coming Katherine!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_love_and_pain" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_too_afraid_to_fight_back:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 030 with dissolve "Shocked and afraid, Myriam could not stop Anthony from forcing her to her knees and pressing her face against his hard red cock." An "\"Now do what you do best with that dirty mouth of yours! He he he!\"" MC "\"No! I...\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 031 with dissolve "Taking a firm grip of her hair, Anthony stopped Myriam from complaining, forcing his big red cock in her open mouth as she tried to make him stop." An "\"Here whore!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff!\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Willpower] > MCtrait[Submissiveness] or MCtrait[Dominance] > MCtrait[Submissiveness]:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_biting_hard" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_01_jaws:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Bite hard! (Willpower + Dominance Traits higher than the Submissiveness Trait) if MCtrait[Willpower] + MCtrait[Dominance] > MCtrait[Submissiveness]:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_biting_hard" KN_MOD "...:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_01_paralyzed_with_fear" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_biting_hard:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 032 with dissolve "A sudden surge of anger shook Myriam out of her paralyzed state, and as Anthony was about to push his cock down her throat, she bit on it, hard." MC "{i}No! I won't take it anymore!{/i}" MC "\"Munch!\"" An "\"HAAAAAAAAA!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 033 with dissolve "Severing the tip of his cock, Myriam spit it back in the mist, blood dripping down her chin while Anthony grabbed his groin, screaming as he bawled in pain." MC "\"Ptew!\"" An "\"HAAAAAAAAA! YOU! YOU BITCH!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 034 with dissolve "Getting back up as the cold mist receded, Myriam could see as Anthony fell to his knees that he was back to his usual appearance, mumbling and weakly moaning incoherently." MC "\"I'm done with you.\"" An "{size=20}\"Hoooooo... y... bi... Hoooooo...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}God! It's strange how calm I'm feeling now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 035 with dissolve "Turning towards the light, Myriam could feel that she was done here and had to go there, that her life was waiting for her, she could even feel like Katherine was calling for her." MC "{i}And that light, it's like it's calling for me...{/i}" Ka "{size=20}\"Mom...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}I-is that Katherine?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 029 with dissolve "Forgetting about Anthony, Myriam followed her daughter's calls and walked towards the light, feeling with each step warmth growing in her body, she knew it was the right way." Ka "\"Mom!\"" MC "{i}I-I'm coming Katherine!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_love_and_pain" KN_MOD "label ch4_01_paralyzed_with_fear:" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve "Paralyzed by fear and shock, Myriam wasn't able to do anything to stop Anthony as he shoved his cock violently down her throat and violently started to throatfuck her." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" An "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! That's it you slut! Aaaaaahhh! Open that throat like a good whore!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve "Keeping the brutal pace he gave Myriam, the fiendish version of Anthony kept violently throatfucking Myriam, keeping a firm grip on her hair with both hands as he made her take his big red cock down her throat." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" An "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Yeah!! Take that you whore! Oooooohhh!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 039 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 040 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As he relentlessly kept abusing her throat, Myriam quickly felt him reach his limit, feeling Anthony empty his balls in her mouth as he released load after load with each violent thrust and made her swallow everything." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" An "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO! OOOOOOHHH! SWALLOW EVERYTHING!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 041 with dissolve "Pulling Myriam back up after he was done with her mouth, Anthony pushed her deeper in the mist, a hand firmly grabbing her hair while the other pushed her forward, keeping her arms pinned against her back." MC "\"Haaa! Please! Let me go! You're hurting me!\"" An "\"Shut up you whore! I'm not done with you! He he he!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 042 with dissolve "Pushing her over a rock still brushing over the mist, Anthony kept her in place as he immediately started pressing his cock against her asshole, wasting no time and ignoring her pleading." MC "\"Please! Anthony! Stop it! Let me go!\"" An "\"I said shut up! Now stop moving, I'm trying to fuck your ass here!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve "His cock now inside, Anthony quickly started roughly sodomizing Myriam, not caring a second about her and taking his pleasure as he did a moment ago with her mouth." MC "\"Haaaaaa! Please! Anthony! Haaaaaa! You're hurting me!\"" An "\"Oooooohhh! Yes! Keep screaming you slut! Aaaaaahhh! You're making me even harder!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 043 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 044 with dissolve "Mocking her distress, the hellish version of Anthony kept pounding violently at Myriam's ass, thrusting as hard and deep as he could, his hands firmly gripping her hips to keep her in place." MC "\"Haaaaaa! God! Aaaaaahhh! Stop!\"" An "\"Aaaaaahhh! Look at you! Oooooohhh! You're begging me to stop but you're loving it you whore!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve "To her distress and horror, Anthony's mockeries were accurate, Myriam's body was betraying her, starting to feel pleasure from the rough anal fucking he was giving her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! No! I-I... Aaaaaahhh! I hate it!\"" An "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes!! Hate your own body you slut! Oooooohhh! Hate your weak body for loving it!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 045 with dissolve "But as much as she hated it and hated him, after some time, Myriam screamed her pleasure as she climaxed under the brutal assault of Anthony and the rough anal treatment he gave her laughing." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! I... I... AAAAAAHHH! I HATE YOU!!\"" An "\"Oooooohhh! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! HE HE HE!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 047 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as Myriam's body was still trembling from her orgasm, Anthony pulled out as he reached his own climax, emptying his balls on her back, load after load of cum crashing down on her as he grunted loudly in satisfaction." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh... Aaahhh...\"" An "\"AAARGH!! YES! THAT'S IT! OOOOOOHHH! THAT'S IT!!\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 048 with dissolve "Done with her after emptying his balls all over her back, the diabolical Anthony disappeared in a laugh, leaving Myriam over the rock, asshole still gaping from the brutal sodomy and her body still quivering." An "\"Thanks for the fun! He he he...\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 049 with dissolve "After some time, as her strength gain back to her body, Myriam lifted her head, looking around for Anthony, still afraid to see him assaulting her again after he had abused her mouth and her ass." MC "\"An-Anthony...?\"" MC "{i}I-is he finally gone?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 050 with dissolve "Realizing he was nowhere to be found, Myriam turned towards the light, feeling that she was finally done here and had to go there, that her life was waiting for her despite Anthony and his abuse, she could even feel like Katherine was calling for her." MC "{i}That light, it's like it's calling for me...{/i}" Ka "{size=20}\"Mom...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}I-is that Katherine?{/i}" scene bg ch4_01 secondnightmare 051 with dissolve "Forgetting about Anthony, Myriam followed her daughter's calls and desperately rushed towards the light, feeling with each step warmth growing in her body, she knew it was the right way." Ka "\"Mom!\"" MC "{i}I-I'm coming Katherine!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_love_and_pain" KN_MOD "label ch4_02_love_and_pain:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Love and Pain" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 001 with dissolve "As the blinding light from the strange dream she was in rescinded after a last flash, Myriam woke up in a hospital bed, feeling lost and tired as she slowly opened her eyes." MC "{size=20}\"Hhhaaa...\"{/size=20}" MC "{i}Wha-what...? Whe-where am I?{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 002 with dissolve "Still groggy and hazy, Myriam reached for her head with a moan of pain as a sharp jolt suddenly hit her when she tried to look around." MC "\"Ooohhh!\"" MC "{i}Oh god! My head...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 003 with dissolve "Hearing noises to her right, Myriam tried to lift her head again without much success, still feeling incredibly weak and hazy about her surroundings." MC "\"I-is someone there?\"" Ka "\"M-mom!?\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 004 with dissolve "Her vision getting clearer, Myriam could see her daughter Katherine seated on a sofa, looking her way both surprised and hopeful." MC "\"Pum-pumpkin?\"" Ka "\"Oh my god! Mom! You-you're awake...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 005 with dissolve "Quickly coming to Myriam's side, Katherine took her mother's hand in hers and tried to reassure her, doing her best to keep calm in front of her." Ka "\"Hey mom.\"" MC "\"Where am I honey?\"" Ka "\"Yo-you're at the hospital mom, you got hurt...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 006 with dissolve "In a sudden flash of memory about Anthony and his gun, Myriam jumped up reflexively despite her weakness, screaming in a panic to her daughter to hide, still confused about where she was." MC "\"The gun Katherine! Hide!\"" Ka "\"NO! It's ok mom, it's ok, it was days ago! We-we're safe.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 007 with dissolve "Making her lay down again, Katherine tried her best to reassure the confused Myriam and explained to her that she was safe at the hospital." MC "\"What?\"" Ka "\"He's been arrested mom.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 008 with dissolve MC "\"Everyone's ok?\"" Ka "\"Yes, you stopped him from hurting us, but you got shot, don't you remember?\"" MC "\"I-I don't know...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 009 with dissolve "Worried by her mother's memory loss, Katherine tried to stop Myriam from trying to remember, seeing how much in pain she looked when she tried to recollect the events which lead her here." MC "\"I'm trying, but... Ooohhh! My head!\"" Ka "\"Wait! Don't move mom, I'm going to get the doctors!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 010 with dissolve "Looking at her daughter rushing out of the room, Myriam could already feel her eyelids getting heavy, still feeling tired and hazy, unable to focus her mind properly." Ka "\"I'll be quick!\"" MC "{i}I-I'm glad she's ok... That everyone's ok... But why can't I... Why can't I remember?{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 011 with dissolve "And as Katherine disappeared down the hospital's corridor, Myriam closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep again, unable to stay awake without her daughter's distraction." MC "{i}God! I... I'm so dead tired...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 012 with dissolve "A few minutes later, Myriam was woken up again by her daughter, gently touching her hand to tell her she brought a doctor." Ka "\"Mom... Mom!\"" MC "\"Oh! Sweetie?\"" Ka "\"I brought a doctor.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 013 with dissolve "Turning her eyes to the other side of the bed, Myriam could see a tall man in scrubs, who introduced himself and gently asked her how she was feeling." "Doctor" "\"Hello Mrs Summers, I'm doctor Weiss.\"" MC "\"Hello.\"" DoW "\"How are you feeling?\"" MC "\"My head hurts.\"" Ka "\"And she doesn't remember what happened!\"" DoW "\"It can happen with shocks to the head, but let's see, sit up please.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 014 with dissolve "Helped by her daughter, Myriam sat in her bed as the doctor asked her to and answered his questions as best she could." DoW "\"Good! Feeling any lightheadedness or nausea being seated?\"" MC "\"No, but I do feel pretty weak.\"" DoW "\"On a one to ten scale, one being the least painful, how would you rate your headache.\"" MC "\"I would say seven or eight.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 015 with dissolve DoW "\"Anything else strange or abnormal?\"" MC "\"Yes, I have some light ringing in my right ear.\"" DoW "\"Tinnitus due to the shot fired near your ear, but don't worry, it will pass, it should be the same for your memory of the event.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 016 with dissolve "As the doctor told Myriam he was going to look at her eye, Katherine backed away a little to give her some room, still looking anxiously as she hoped her mother's wound was doing better." DoW "\"Let's look at your eye now.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I felt the bandage, but I didn't dare to look.\"" DoW "\"Don't worry, the bandage is mostly here to let your eye rest.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 017 with dissolve "Taking off the bandage over her right eye, the doctor told Myriam to keep it closed for now as he gently touched the contusion and keep asking question." DoW "\"Keep your eye closed for now.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" DoW "\"How does it feels?\"" MC "\"It's a bit painful, but mostly numb.\"" DoW "\"Yes, it will be for some time, your contusion has mostly healed the swelling has receded, the sensation will return to normal in a few weeks.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 018 with dissolve "Slowly making her open her right eye, the doctor then made her follow the movement of his finger, moving it left and right, up and down, trying to see if her eye was working as it should." DoW "\"Ok, now follow my finger.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" DoW "\"How do you see?\"" MC "\"A bit blurry, but I can see.\"" DoW "\"Good, then we'll stop here for now.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 019 with dissolve "Putting the bandage back on her eye, the doctor gave Myriam and Katherine some instructions, before telling Myriam a bit more about what happened to her." DoW "\"Here! Now you should avoid taking it off too often, only for a minute or two max in normal light and no bright lights at all.\"" MC "\"For how long?\"" DoW "\"At least a few days still, we'll revisit things then.\"" Ka "\"But she'll be ok? She'll get her sight back?\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 020 with dissolve DoW "\"Yes, though it's still unknown to what point, for the best results you'll need to let your eye rest.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I will, but can you tell me what happened?\"" DoW "\"Of course, sorry, though I can only talk about the result.\"" MC "\"I understand.\"" DoW "\"You arrived at the hospital with a wound to the head, we quickly realized it was a gun shot wound.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 021 with dissolve DoW "\"Luckily, the shot only grazed you, but still caused damage, you had lost consciousness and arrived with a serious concussion, as well as a serious blood loss.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoW "\"But the most serious problem was the hemorrhaging in the brain, it caused pressure and was what put your life in serious danger.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoW "\"We had to watch over this closely, if it didn't stop we wouldn't had to drill to release the pressure.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoW "\"The swelling took some time to go down, but it did, after that it was just waiting for you to regain consciousness, which itself took another week.\"" MC "\"A week...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 022 with dissolve DoW "\"Yes, honestly you were very lucky, had the bullet penetrated a bit more to the left, you would have lost an eye and an ear, without even talking about more serious damage to the brain.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoW "\"Your daughter was also quick to act, stemming your bleeding and got you a quick medical response.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoW "\"We have a few things to look after and make sure that the bleeding in your brain has stopped properly, but the fact that you are now conscious is a very good sign and with rest, you should be able to leave without problems.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 023 with dissolve "Turning towards her daughter as she heard her sobbing, Myriam thanked Katherine and tried reassuring her while the doctor praised her again for her actions." Ka "\"Sob...\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you honey, don't worry, I'm ok now.\"" DoW "\"She was very brave and wouldn't leave your side.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 024 with dissolve "As she jumped on the bed into her mother's arms, Katherine started crying loudly, hugging Myriam with all her strength, overtaken by all the emotions bottled up until now." Ka "\"SOB! SOB! SOB!\"" MC "\"Oh! Honey! It's ok now, everything's ok, I'm all better.\"" Ka "\"SOB! Don't do that ever again! SOB! I thought you were dead! SOB!\"" MC "\"I'm sorry honey, I won't.\"" Ka "\"SOB! I thought you were going to leave me all alone! SOB!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 025 with dissolve "Petting her daughter as she kept crying and screaming, releasing all the stress and fear she had accumulated, Myriam tried her best to reassure her and calm her down, kissing her head gently while caressing her hair." MC "\"I'm not going anywhere sweetie.\"" Ka "\"SOB! You better not! SOB!\"" MC "\"I'm not going anywhere... Mouah! I love you.\"" Ka "\"SOB! Love you too! SOB!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 026 with dissolve "Seeing that both needed some privacy, the doctor silently gestured to Myriam that he was leaving them alone, returning to his other patients." DoW "\"...\"" Ka "\"SOB! SOB! SOB!\"" MC "{size=20}\"Thank you...\"{/size=20}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 027 with dissolve "The doctor out of the room, Myriam kept petting and reassuring her daughter as she kept sobbing and crying uncontrollably." Ka "\"SOB! SOB! SOB!\"" MC "\"Hush honey... I'm ok... We're all safe now... Everything will be fine...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 028 with dissolve "Moments later, exhausted after crying her eyes out, Katherine fell asleep beside her mother, Myriam not having the heart to make her leave her bed." Ka "\"Zzzzzz!\"" MC "{i}Look at her sleeping like a log now... She really had so many emotions bottled up, I never saw her cry so much...{/i}" MC "{i}I should let her sleep, she needs to rest after all that.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 029 with dissolve MC "{i}But I need to go walk for a bit, I feel restless now...{/i}" Ka "\"Zzzzzz!\"" MC "{i}I could go walk a little in the corridor while she's asleep.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 030 with dissolve "Getting up slowly without waking up Katherine, Myriam sat over the edge of the bed for a moment, looking at her daughter sleeping soundly while she took a minute to get her strength before going for a walk." MC "{i}She must be so exhausted, I can't imagine the stress she must have lived through while I was unconscious...{/i}" Ka "\"Mmmh! Zzzzzz!\"" MC "{i}It breaks my heart to know I've put her through this after she already lost her father, she's such a brave girl.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 031 with dissolve "Heading out after covering Katherine with her own blanket, Myriam went for a walk, feeling restless mentally and physically despite her weakness and fatigue." Ka "\"Zzzzzz!\"" MC "{i}Let's go for just a little walk, I'm tired but I'm feeling so restless, I need to move...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 032 with dissolve "Looking left and right, Myriam could see that the hospital wing she was in seemed pretty calm and new." MC "{i}It looks pretty calm in here, I don't see any one and there isn't much noise.{/i}" MC "{i}It also looks pretty clean as well, it must be a new wing of the hospital.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 033 with dissolve "Seeing that the right only led to an elevator, Myriam turned to her left, grabbing the railing on the wall for security as she could feel her steps being still unsure." MC "{i}Let's go explore a bit that way...{/i}" MC "{i}I don't think I'll be able to go far anyway.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 034 with dissolve "Like a fawn staggering on her legs, Myriam kept walking down the corridor helping herself with the railing when she could." MC "{i}Dear god! I'm feeling so shaky, my legs are trembling...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't believe how weak I feel.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 035 with dissolve "But as she reached the angle, Myriam had to stop a moment as she started feeling lightheaded, fearing she would feint right then and there." MC "\"Hhhaaa...\"" MC "{i}God! I'm starting to feel lightheaded, maybe I shouldn't have gone walking just yet...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 036 with dissolve "Seeing a water dispenser on the other side of corridor, Myriam headed for it, thinking she could refresh herself while she rested a moment." MC "{i}Let's go drink some water, it'll be nice to refresh a little.{/i}" MC "{i}My throat does feel a little parched...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 037 with dissolve "As she bent over to serve herself some water in a paper cup, Myriam froze a moment after hearing some strange noises coming from a door left ajar." "Woman's Voice" "\"Aaaaaahhh!\"" MC "{i}What was that?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_02_naughty_curiosity:" "Does Myriam sneak a little peek?" KN_MOD "Is there someone in there? (Curiosity Trait 20+) if MCtrait[Curiosity] >= 20:" $ ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology = True MC "{i}Is there someone in there{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_just_a_little_peek" KN_MOD "Was that a womans moan? (Lust Trait 50+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 50:" $ ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology = True MC "{i}Was that a woman's moan?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_just_a_little_peek" KN_MOD "No, its not my business...:" MC "{i}No, it's not my business, I'm too exhausted to play detective.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_no_peeky" KN_MOD "label ch4_02_just_a_little_peek:" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 038 with dissolve "Approaching the door discreetly, Myriam could immediately tell from the noises that people were having sex in there." "Woman's Voice" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Fuck me hard!\"" MC "{i}God! Someone is definitely having sex in there!{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 039 with dissolve "Looking in, Myriam could see a man fucking a woman from behind, bent over a hospital machine." "Man" "\"Ooohhh! You love that cock you dirty little nurse!\"" "Nurse" "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Yes! Yes!! Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! I love that big cock of yours!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 040 with dissolve "Firmly gripping her by the hips, a man was pounding a young nurse in the radiology room, filling the room with the sex noises and dirty talk." "Man" "\"Ooohhh! Take that you slutty nurse!\"" "Nurse" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Pound my tight pussy!! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 041 with dissolve "Surprised by the scene, Myriam could not help but look at the show, feeling some kind of excitement from witnessing it by accident." MC "{i}Wow! They-they're really going at it...{/i}" MC "{i}I probably shouldn't look but it's so...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 042 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Suddenly hearing the sound of a door closing further away in the corridors, Myriam nervously looked if anyone was around, afraid to me caught peeping." MC "{i}God! What was that!?{/i}" "Nurse" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh! Cumming!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 043 with dissolve "But not seeing anybody coming her way, Myriam went back to her peeping, as the nurse climaxed loudly, her ass slapped and hair pulled back." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Nurse" "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!!\"" "Man" "\"Oooooohhh! I'm going to cum too!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 044 with dissolve "Without a word, the young nurse got on her knees in front of the man and started caressing his balls as he aimed at her face, masturbating." MC "{i}He's going to give her a facial!{/i}" "Man" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck yeah! Come here!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 045 with dissolve scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 046 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And a few seconds later, the moan groaned and started covering the young nurse with thick ropes of cum that she took, eyes closed, while still caressing his balls." "Man" "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO! OOOOOOHHH! TAKE THAT LOAD!\"" "Nurse" "\"Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}Wow! He-he's really giving her a big facial!{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 047 with dissolve "Focused on the nurse getting her facial, Myriam realized too late that the man was looking her way smiling as he kept talking with the nurse, her eyes still closed." "Nurse" "\"Wow! That's a nasty big one you gave me!\"" "Man" "\"Ah ah ah! Yeah! I know how much you love them.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 048 with dissolve "Reflexively, Myriam quickly hid from view, both feeling a bit guilty and excited by what she had just saw." MC "{i}Oh my god! He totally caught me peeping on them!{/i}" MC "{i}He definitely smiled my way and winked!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_02_no_peeky" KN_MOD "label ch4_02_no_peeky:" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 049 with dissolve "Way too tired or exhausted to go hide or run away, Myriam just went over to take a seat beside the water dispenser, feeling embarrassed and guilty." MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing!{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't go hide myself with how weak I'm feeling... I'll just apologize if they feel I wronged them.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 050 with dissolve "Ignoring the noises in the radiology room, Myriam went over to take a seat beside the water dispenser to rest a moment." MC "{i}God! This is really sad to have to rest after taking a few steps...{/i}" MC "{i}I hope things will get better quick, I don't want to make the kids afraid.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 051 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "And after a few minutes, Myriam saw the door opening and the nurse come out, joking around with the man still inside, with no sign of her knowing there was a witness to her little sexual escapade." KN_MOD "else:" "After a few minutes waiting to feel better, Myriam saw the door opening and a nurse come out, joking around with someone still inside the radiology room." "Nurse" "\"Ah ah ah! Stop it! I've got to go before I get into trouble.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}It doesn't look like she's pissed, maybe he didn't tell her...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh! So it was a nurse, nothing much out of the ordinary in a hospital.{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 052 with dissolve "Realizing Myriam's presence, the nurse jumped in surprise, looking visibly embarrassed as she swore reflexively before quickly doing her best to salvage the situation." "Nurse" "\"OH SHIT!\"" "Nurse" "\"Ahem! Sorry! Hello miss, I... I was just surprised...\"" MC "\"I-it's ok.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}The poor girl, now she's the one apologizing, I feel so guilty about it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 053 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "Quickly escaping after excusing herself, the nurse awkwardly walked away while the man with who she was having sex came out of the room as well, revealing himself as a nurse as well." KN_MOD "else:" "Quickly escaping after excusing herself, the nurse awkwardly walked away while a male nurse came out of the room behind her, joking around as he followed her." "Nurse" "\"E-excuse me...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Hey! Wait, where are you running?\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 054 with dissolve "Realizing the presence of Myriam as well, the male nurse turned towards her, forgetting about his colleague to turn his attention to her." "Male Nurse" "\"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you miss, is everything ok?\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "Male Nurse" "{i}Hey! Looks like our naughty peeping Tom didn't go far, maybe she liked what she saw and wants a taste...{/i}" MC "\"It's ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Is everything alright? Do you need some help?\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}My god! This is embarrassing, what do I do? He clearly saw me earlier...{/i}" MC "\"Than-thank you, I-I'm ok...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Thank you, I'm ok...\"" "Woman's Voice" "\"HA!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 055 with dissolve "Turning towards the scream behind her, Myriam could see Evelyn in front of the elevator at the end of the corridor, looking stunned and surprised as she looked her way." Ev "\"My god! Mi...\"" Ev "\"Myriam!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 056 with dissolve MC "\"Eve!?\"" MC "{i}God! She must have been so worried...{/i}" "Male Nurse" "\"Oh! I see you got someone, I'll leave you alone.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "Male Nurse" "{i}Damn it! Missed a shot with Sleeping Beauty here, maybe later...{/i}" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 057 with dissolve "Forgetting about the male nurse, Myriam got up and headed towards her cousin who rushed in her arms, nearly losing her balance as she hugged her tightly." Ev "\"Thank god you're awake!\"" MC "\"Ouch!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 058 with dissolve "Realizing she was hugging her too tight, Evelyn quickly backed away, apologizing as she bombarded her with questions." Ev "\"Sorry! Are you ok? Did I hurt you? You need me to call someone?\"" MC "\"No no, I'm ok, I'm just tired, don't worry.\"" Ev "\"Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 059 with dissolve "Calming down a little, Evelyn tried her best not to overwhelmed Myriam with all the questions she wanted to ask, but was still unable to stop her tears of joy." Ev "\"Good! Sorry, I can't stop crying! I'm so happy you're ok.\"" MC "\"I know, it's ok.\"" Ev "\"We were so worried... All this week we stayed with you hoping... Even your dad...\"" MC "\"Oh my god Daddy!\"" Ev "\"Don't worry he's ok, he came to see you and took care of all the medical papers and police, he just flew back to the ranch yesterday because of Liam.\"" MC "\"God! I'm so lost, I missed so much...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 060 with dissolve MC "\"Eve... Can you tell me what happened that day?\"" Ev "\"What!? You-you don't remember?\"" MC "\"No, not clearly and I didn't want to push Katherine earlier, she's been through enough.\"" Ev "\"A-are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yeah, they told me it'll come back, that it may be due to the shock to the head.\"" Ev "\"I can only tell you what Katherine and Marc told me.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 061 with dissolve MC "\"Oh my god! Marc! Things went so fast after I woke up that I forgot to ask Katherine...\"" Ev "\"Don't worry, he's ok, he's at my apartment, he wasn't hurt, but he feels so guilty that he just can't bring himself to come.\"" MC "\"He must be beside himself...\"" Ev "\"Yeah, he's in a bad place, but don't worry, I didn't leave him alone, he's with a friend of mine.\"" MC "\"God! That bastard had to do something like this in front of his own son... Why did he...?\"" Ev "\"Don't! Now he's behind bars, where he belongs.\"" MC "\"What happened?\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 062 with dissolve Ev "\"What Katherine and Marc told me was that when the three of you were heading out he was waiting for you at the door, gun in hand.\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah... That I remember, he raised the gun but then it's all kind of fuzzy... I remember shouting to the kids... Then the noise of the gun...\"" Ev "\"Yeah, Katherine told me you shouted \"GUN!\" or something like that, and that before understanding what was happening they saw you slamming the door as the gun went off.\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 063 with dissolve play sound "gun shot-freesound-schots.mp3" "As Evelyn talk about the event and what Katherine and Marc told her, Myriam had a flash of the moment, with her quickly shutting the door over Anthony's hand as the gun went off." "And as the thundering noise made her ears ring, a sharp pain over the right side of her head made her black out and fall backward as the muffled scream of her daughter was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness." Ka "\"MOM!!!\"" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 064 with dissolve "Myriam seemed to zone out for a moment and Evelyn, worried, tried to gently nudge her by caressing her hand to get her attention without rushing her." Ev "\"Are you ok Mi? Is that ringing any bells?\"" MC "\"Yeah, just had a flash of me slamming the door on his hand and the gun as it fired... Then just falling to the ground and nothing, just Katherine screaming.\"" Ev "\"Yes, she told me she called out to you multiple times when you fell to the ground...\"" MC "\"God! They must have been terrified... What happened after?\"" Ev "\"Well, as she told me...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 065 with dissolve "Jumping to her mother's side, Katherine tried to see if she was still conscious, but quickly realized she wasn't, making her fear the worst as she could see the blood on the ground." Ka "\"Mom... Mom! MOM!\"" Ma "\"Is she...?\"" Ka "\"NO! She-she's breathing...\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 066 with dissolve "Forcing herself to keep her fear at bay, not wanting to accept her mother could die, Katherine quickly screamed orders to Marc as she tried to help her mother and stop the bleeding." Ka "\"Get the gun on the floor! Quick!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! I'm gonna shoot that bas...\"" Ka "\"DON'T BE STUPID! Just close the door!\"" Ma "\"But...\"" Ka "\"Do what I say! Quick!\"" Ma "\"Ye-yes, sorry.\"" Ka "\"I've got to stop the bleeding!\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 067 with dissolve "Seeing the look of concern in Myriam's eyes as the mention of Marc wanting to shoot Anthony, Evelyn stopped, immediately reassuring her and keeping her imagination from spiraling out of control." MC "\"Oh my god!\"" Ev "\"Hey! Don't worry, Marc didn't shoot Anthony, he listened to Katherine and called the police while she tried her best to stop your bleeding.\"" MC "\"And Anthony, did he try to hurt them?\"" Ev "\"No, he screamed at the door and kicked it, but without his gun he just ended up running away before the cops and the ambulance arrived.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 068 with dissolve MC "\"Thank god!\"" Ev "\"Yeah! Don't worry, neither of them got hurt.\"" MC "\"But wait...! And him? You said he fled...\"" Ev "\"Not far and not for long, the cops quickly got him and of what I heard, him being the asshole he is, he resisted arrest and got roughed up a bit.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 069 with dissolve "Feeling relieved, Myriam's strength started escaping her as all the tension and stress that was still keeping her up disappeared." MC "\"God! What a pointless mess...\"" Ev "\"Hey! Forget about him, just concentrate on getting better.\"" MC "\"Yeah, you're right...\"" Ev "\"Come on, let me help you go to your room.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 070 with dissolve "Throwing an arm over her shoulder Evelyn helped Myriam walk as she looked exhausted, fearing she wouldn't even be able to walk back to her room." MC "\"Thank you Eve, I'm really tired...\"" Ev "\"You got it.\"" MC "\"And that headache is starting to get worse...\"" Ev "\"You had a tough day.\"" scene bg ch4_02 loveandpain 071 with dissolve Ev "\"I'll get you to your room and go see if I can find a nurse for your headache.\"" MC "\"Thanks...\"" Ev "\"Don't mention it...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update02" KN_MOD "label ch4_update02:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update2 from _call_var_chapter4_update2" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_getting_better" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_getting_better:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Getting Better" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 001 with dissolve "A few days later in her hospital room, Myriam was showing to her cousin how her wound was healing, lifting her hair as she bent over to see from up close." MC "\"So, what do you think?\"" Ev "\"It really does look better, I'm glad it doesn't look like it'll leave you with a scar.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 002 with dissolve MC "\"Yeah, the doctor told me I really was lucky - in a way - the bullet grazed me mostly.\"" Ev "\"Well I'm glad! Will you be able to get out soon then?\"" MC "\"I think so, they're supposed to do a last scan of my brain to be sure that everything is ok before I go and I'll still have to follow up for my eye after.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 003 with dissolve MC "\"Meanwhile I'll have to wear an eye-patch outdoors or when it's too bright.\"" Ev "\"Oh! That'll be a nice pirate look for you!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! You ass!\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 004 with dissolve "As she kept laughing with Evelyn after her jab at her, Myriam winced and moaned in pain as she started to have a headache." MC "\"Ha ha ha! Ouch! Stop making me laugh!\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry!\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 005 with dissolve "Interrupted in their light laughter moment, a knock on the door brought the two back to reality as a male voice called out for Myriam." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" "Man behind the door" "\"Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Ye-yes!?\"" Ev "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 006 with dissolve "Entering the room, Myriam was surprised to recognize detective Anderson who walked in with a visibly worried look on his face." DDA "\"Hello Mrs Summers...\"" MC "\"Oh! Detective Anderson! What are you doing here?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 007 with dissolve DDA "\"Well, I'm here about what happened to you at your residence.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, of course...\"" Ev "\"...\"" DDA "\"Unless you don't feel like it and prefer me to come back another day.\"" MC "\"No no! I'm a lot better now, thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 008 with dissolve Ev "\"Then I'll go sit over there and let you talk.\"" MC "\"Ok Eve.\"" DDA "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 009 with dissolve "Evelyn leaving them to their discussion, Myriam and detective Anderson started talking about the event that brought her to the hospital." MC "\"So what do you want to know?\"" DDA "\"Well, I already have the account of your daughter and young Marc, but now that you are able to give yours, I wanted to add it to the case.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 010 with dissolve MC "\"I don't know what I can say to add to what happened.\"" DDA "\"Just tell me about the event as you remember it.\"" MC "\"Well, things happened after Katherine arrived home after school, we decided to go eat out the three of us, Katherine, Marc and I...\"" DDA "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 011 with dissolve MC "\"And... And it's when we were about to go out that it happened...\"" DDA "\"Take your time.\"" MC "\"When I opened the door Anthony was there, looking angry, in silence... Until he raised a gun in front of me...\"" DDA "\"What type of gun?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 012 with dissolve MC "\"A-a revolver...\"" DDA "\"And then what happened?\"" MC "\"I-I froze for a moment, but as he gave me a last line the thought of the kids jolted me out of it and I tried to close the door while warning them...\"" DDA "\"What did he say?\"" MC "\"I...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 013 with dissolve "As Myriam seemed to shut down remembering the event, detective Anderson sympathetically put his hand on her shoulder to try and reassure her." DDA "\"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.\"" MC "\"I-it's ok...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 014 with dissolve DDA "\"We can stop here if you wish, with the testimonies of your daughter and Marc at this point it's just formality.\"" MC "\"No no, we can keep going, I need to put an end to this.\"" DDA "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 015 with dissolve MC "\"My memory is still a bit fuzzy, but I think what he said was \"I told you I'll make you regret it...\" and he insulted me.\"" DDA "\"Any idea of what he meant at the moment?\"" MC "\"I think so, he was my ex-partner and we were in a legal battle, that I had just won earlier in the morning. \"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 016 with dissolve DDA "\"So you were on bad terms at the time?\"" MC "\"Yes, I kicked him out of my house recently due to being abusive.\"" DDA "\"Physically?\"" MC "\"At first no, but he became more and more abusive with the years, verbally, physically and...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 017 with dissolve DDA "\"Take your time.\"" MC "\"And sexually...\"" DDA "\"He forced himself on you?\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 018 with dissolve DDA "\"Was the legal battle you were in about that?\"" MC "\"In part, but it was more about Marc.\"" DDA "\"More of a custody battle then?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 019 with dissolve DDA "\"Because you are not Marc's mother if I understood correctly?\"" MC "\"Yes, but I'm the only mother he ever knew, I took care of him for years and with the accusations of rape and sexual harassment at work, I felt it was time to get back my life and protect Marc.\"" DDA "\"I understand, it will definitely help shedding some light on the events, thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 020 with dissolve DDA "\"Well, I think we're pretty much done here then, again, thank you for your cooperation.\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" DDA "\"Yes, I'll write up what you told me and pass by your house to make you sign it.\"" MC "\"Will it be ok? You didn't take any notes.\"" DDA "\"I've got a pretty good memory, but don't worry, you'll be able to read everything and correct me before signing anything.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 021 with dissolve "Turning away, detective Anderson waved at Evelyn on the other side of the room and gently touched Myriam's leg as he said goodbye to the two." DDA "\"Well, I'll leave you both in peace, please do take care of yourself, Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"I will, thank you detective.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_talking_to_dave_about_the_sawyer_motel == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_talking_about_the_sawyer_motel" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_talking_about_flowers" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_talking_about_the_sawyer_motel:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 022 with dissolve "As detective Anderson was heading for the door, Myriam suddenly remembered the flash of news she saw recently, with the string of disappearances." MC "\"Wait!\"" DDA "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"I just remembered something!\"" DDA "\"About your case?\"" MC "\"No, it's something else.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 023 with dissolve MC "\"It's about what I saw on the news recently, the disappearances in the Dust Valley.\"" DDA "\"Oh! I'm sorry, but I can't talk about an ongoing case.\"" MC "\"No, I didn't want to ask you about it, it's just that we drove right through the Dust Valley when we settled here...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 024 with dissolve "Coming back to her bed, detective Anderson listened to Myriam explaining the weird encounter she had at the motel on their way here, waiting for her to finish before asking some questions." DDA "\"And it happened a few months ago you say?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't come forward earlier about this, I don't know if there is any connection, but with all these people that keep disappearing I just couldn't take the risk it had some.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 025 with dissolve DDA "\"You did the right thing, I will communicate this to the task force in charge of this, they'll look into it and probably come back to you for more details.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you, I'll try writing up everything to be sure not to forget anything.\"" DDA "\"Very well, but don't worry too much about this and take good care of yourself, Mrs Summers.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_talking_about_flowers" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_talking_about_flowers:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 026 with dissolve "As Myriam looked in silence, detective Anderson left, closing the door behind him, and Evelyn came back to the bed, commenting on him as she watched with her." Ev "\"He looks like a pretty nice guy.\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" Ev "\"You know he's the one that interrogated Anthony.\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 027 with dissolve MC "\"Wait! What?\"" Ev "\"He's the one that interrogated him after he was found and arrested by officers.\"" MC "\"Really?\"" Ev "\"Yeah, he's the one who talked with Katherine and Marc also and it looks like he did a pretty good job having him sign a confession.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 028 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! I should probably thank him for his help.\"" Ev "\"Well I think he would definitely like that.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" Ev "\"You know...\"" MC "\"Know what?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 029 with dissolve Ev "\"He fancies you, you nitwit!\"" MC "\"What?\"" Ev "\"Yeah, he look pretty worried when he came here the day you arrived at the hospital.\"" MC "\"I didn't know.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 030 with dissolve Ev "\"And it seems he isn't the only one, look.\"" MC "\"Oh! The peonies? I thought they came from daddy.\"" Ev "\"No, I took the ones your father sent home, he sent so many it was crazy, these ones are from someone named Charles.\"" MC "\"Charles? Well that's nice of him, peonies are my favorite.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 031 with dissolve Ev "\"And here you have some coming from the school.\"" MC "\"Those must have come from Cleavon...\"" Ev "\"There were some balloons as well from the kids you're coaching, but I took them away when they started drooping.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 032 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! The kids sent something? I'll have to thank them too.\"" Ev "\"Yeah, you got quite the list of admirers it seems.\"" MC "\"Come on, don't tease me...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 033 with dissolve Ev "\"Sorry Mi, I just wanted to get your mind off of all the trouble.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I know, I'm not mad.\"" Ev "\"There was also a woman who tried to call you, Lucy I think?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, she's a friend.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 034 with dissolve Ev "\"And there was also that girl that Anthony abused, I tried to calm her down, but she really looked shaken by what happened to you.\"" MC "\"I think she must probably feel guilty and think that Anthony attacked me because of her.\"" Ev "\"That's what I thought.\"" MC "\"I'll have to contact everyone and thank them for their thoughts.\"" Ev "\"Sorry, I should have gone over all this sooner, but I just wanted you to rest and get some strength before thinking about all this, I noted everything I'll give you the list when you get out.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 035 with dissolve "Cutting in on their discussion again, new knocks on the door interrupted Myriam and Evelyn, a male voice quickly following the knocks." play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Knock! Knock, knock!" "Male voice" "\"Excuse me, Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 036 with dissolve "Coming in as Myriam invited him to enter was the male nurse she had met earlier, waving at her as he quickly announced why he was here." "Male Nurse" "\"Hi Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Hi.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"I'm here to get you to radiology.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 037 with dissolve "As the nurse went to get the wheelchair resting in the corner of the room for Myriam, Evelyn said goodbye to her." Ev "\"Well, time to leave you, I'll go fix something to eat for your two monsters.\"" MC "\"Kiss them for me.\"" Ev "\"Will do.\"" MC "\"Thank you Eve.\"" Ev "\"Don't mention it.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 038 with dissolve "Evelyn having exited the room, Myriam got off the bed and put on some sandals as the nurse presented her with the wheelchair in joking manner." "Male Nurse" "\"Here's your chariot ma'am.\"" MC "\"Thank you...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 039 with dissolve "Getting out of the room pushed by the nurse, Myriam could not help but feel self-conscious as he rolled her along the corridor." MC "\"I could have walked...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Hospital policy! When the patients are moved, they are either in bed or in wheelchair.\"" MC "\"I-I understand.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 040 with dissolve "Pushing Myriam into the radiology, the nurse guided her to the MRI machine to do a final exam of her head before she could be released, still joking around with her." "Male Nurse" "\"And here you go! You have arrived to your destination.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 041 with dissolve "As the nurse left her near the machine to go put away the wheelchair, Myriam asked him what she had to do, both curious and apprehensive about the exam." MC "\"What do you want me to do?\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Oh! Just take off your clothes and lay down on the table.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_03_dirty_nurse:" "How does Myriam react to the nurse's answer?" KN_MOD "Incredulous.:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_incredulous_answer" KN_MOD "Do it embarrassed. (Submissiveness Trait 50+) if MCtrait[Submissiveness] >= 50:" $ ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed = True MC "{i}Di-did he ask me to get naked!? I didn't think I would need to get naked for this exam...{/i}" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, but I guess I have to do what he says.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_naked_for_the_exam" KN_MOD "Do it without thinking. (Trust Trait 25+) if MCtrait[Trust] >= 25:" $ ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_naked_for_the_exam" KN_MOD "Do it daringly. (Lust Trait 75+) if MCtrait[Lust] >= 75:" $ ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily = True MC "{i}Did he ask me to get naked!? That naughty nurse is definitely trying to take advantage of the situation...{/i}" MC "{i}But I'm game, let's see how far he's going to push this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_naked_for_the_exam" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_incredulous_answer:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 042 with dissolve "Having clearly heard but feeling incredulous towards his answer Myriam stood, stunned for a second as he told her to get naked, feeling it was unnecessary for a head exam." MC "{i}What did he say?{/i}" MC "\"Sorry?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 043 with dissolve "Coming back her way, the nurse nonchalantly reassured her that he was just joking, laughing at his own joke while Myriam looked a bit lost to his flippancy." "Male Nurse" "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry, don't mind what I said.\"" MC "\"What?\"" "Male Nurse" "\"It was just a joke, sorry, I'm always trying to relax the patient before the exam.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_03_inappropriate_joke:" "How does Myriam take the joke?" KN_MOD "Go with it.:" $ ch4_laugh_it_off = True MC "{i}Let's just laugh it off and don't cause any scandal, I guess I'm just sensitive right now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_not_making_a_fuss" KN_MOD "Ignore it.:" MC "{i}What an ass! But I guess there's no point making a fuss, let's just get on with it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_not_making_a_fuss" KN_MOD "Badly.:" $ ch4_changed_nurse_for_the_exam = True MC "{i}Is he kidding me!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_making_a_fuss" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_not_making_a_fuss:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 044 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_laugh_it_off == True:" "Laughing off awkwardly at the nurse's joke, Myriam let go of the situation and turned her head towards the machine as he invited her to lay down." MC "\"Ha ha ha...\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Ignoring the nurse's joke, Myriam let go of the situation and turned her head towards the machine as he invited her to lay down." MC "\"...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Here, just lay down...\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "Male Nurse" "{i}Damn! She looks pissed, I thought I could tease her bit after the other day, but I better calm things down before she goes complaining.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Male Nurse" "{i}Damn! She looks pissed, better calm things down before she goes complaining.{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 045 with dissolve "As she laid down on the table of the MRI machine, the nurse repositioned Myriam and explained to her how things were going to go during the exam." "Male Nurse" "\"Good, stay like this, hands on your stomach, head straight, and most importantly, do not move or we'll have to redo the exam.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"People can feel claustrophobic in there, but don't worry, I'll be behind the computer with an eye on you.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"And last thing, the machine is very noisy, but don't worry, it's normal.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 046 with dissolve "The MRI table slowly slid inside the machine, Myriam tried her best to relax as the nurse had told her despite feeling a bit apprehensive, though more about the result than the exam itself." MC "{i}Here we go...{/i}" MC "{i}Now calm down Myriam, no reason for things to not go well...{/i}" "Male Nurse via speaker" "\"It will start soon, stay still.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 047 with dissolve play music "mri noises-freesound-parabolix.mp3" fadeout 1 "As the machine loudly started its work, plunging Myriam into weird series of noises as it followed its patterns and let the nurse to have a look at her brain." MC "{i}Dear god! He wasn't kidding about the noises!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_alien_abduction == True:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine... {w}I don't know why but it kinds of feel like \"déjà vu\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 048 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "After a few minutes inside she was pulled out of the machine, and Myriam sat for a moment as she felt a headache coming from her time spent in the machine and its deafening sounds." MC "\"Ooohhh...\"" MC "{i}God! Those noises, it's like my head is pulsating...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 049 with dissolve "Coming back to Myriam with the wheelchair the nurse inquired as to her state, as she looked unwell, before offering her to bring her back to her room." "Male Nurse" "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, just a headache with all the noise...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Oh! Yes, it can happen, don't hesitate to mention it again if it persists.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Here, sit back in the chair, I'll bring you back to your room.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_return_to_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_naked_for_the_exam:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 050 with dissolve "Coming back to her, the nurse was surprised to see Myriam actually naked, hiding herself with her hands as a reflex as she waited for him to come back." "Male Nurse" "{i}Holy shit! She really got naked! I was just joking! Well let's roll with it, it's not everyday you get a babe like that to take care of.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True:" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, I feel so exposed...{/i}" MC "\"Wha-what do I do now?\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" MC "{i}This is a bit embarrassing but I guess it can't be helped...{/i}" MC "\"Wha-what do I do now?\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" MC "{i}This is a bit embarrassing but kind of exciting, I'm curious to see what our perverted nurse will do...{/i}" MC "\"What do I do now?\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 051 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True:" "Doing her best to not show her embarrassment, Myriam ignored the hand the nurse put on her shoulder and turned her head towards the machine as he invited her to lay down." KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" "Ignoring her embarrassment as the nurse put his hand on her shoulder and Myriam simply turned her head towards the machine as he invited her to lay down." KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" "Doing her best to look indifferent, Myriam ignored the hand the nurse put on her shoulder and turned her head towards the machine as he invited her to lay down." "Male Nurse" "\"Just lay down on the table and I'll explain.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 052 with dissolve "As she laid down naked over the table of the MRI machine the nurse repositioned Myriam, innocently caressing her body as he did, and explained how things were going to go during the exam." "Male Nurse" "{i}Holy shit! Look at those tits! She's even hotter that I thought she would be.{/i}" "Male Nurse" "\"Good, stay like this, hands on your stomach, head straight, legs flat, and most importantly, do not move or we'll have to redo the exam.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"People can feel claustrophobic in there, but don't worry, I'll be behind the computer with an eye on you.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"And last thing, the machine is very noisy, but don't worry, it's normal.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so embarrassing, I'm totally naked in front of him and he has his hands all over me.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so embarrassing, I'm totally naked in front of him and he has his hands all over me, but I guess he's just doing his job and taking care of me.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so exciting, I'm totally naked in front of him and he has his hands all over me... I can feel it excites him as well, he keeps glancing at my breasts.{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 053 with dissolve "The MRI table slowly slid inside the machine as Myriam tried her best to relax as the nurse had told her, feeling a bit apprehensive and vulnerable, fully naked and unaware of what was happening around her." MC "{i}Here we go...{/i}" MC "{i}Now calm down Myriam, no reason for things to not go well...{/i}" "Male Nurse via speakers" "\"It will start soon, stay still.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so embarrassing going naked like that into the machine...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so weird going naked like that into the machine...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" MC "{i}God! This feels so weirdly exciting to go naked like that into the machine...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 054 with dissolve play music "mri noises-freesound-parabolix.mp3" fadeout 1 "As the machine loudly started its work, plunging Myriam into weird series of noises as it followed its patterns and let the nurse to have a look at her brain." MC "{i}Dear god! He wasn't kidding about the noises!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_alien_abduction == True:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine... {w}I don't know why but it kinds of feel like \"déjà vu\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 055 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "The machine suddenly stopped mid exam and Myriam heard the voice of the nurse via speakers again, telling her they would have to restart." "Male Nurse via speakers" "\"Sorry Mrs Summers, we'll have to start again.\"" MC "\"Oh! Sorry.\"" "Male Nurse" "{i}He he he! Look at her fidgeting! She's fun to tease...{/i}" "Male Nurse via speakers" "\"It's ok, just try not moving.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 056 with dissolve play music "mri noises-freesound-parabolix.mp3" fadeout 1 "Thr MRI machine starting again, Myriam was plunged anew into the loud series of noises it made as it followed its patterns." KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True:" MC "{i}I-I've got to keep still, but I feel so uncomfortable naked like that, I know it's necessary, but still...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" MC "{i}I've got to keep still, I can't bother the nurse so much because I feel a bit uncomfortable naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}I bet that dirty nurse is teasing me because of the other day, well as long as it doesn't go any further...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I've got to keep still, but damn it's kind of hard not to fidget when I feel excited...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 057 with dissolve "Back in the booth, as Myriam was trying her best to stay still and not fidget, the nurse enjoyed the show she gave him and as well as teasing her, talking to himself without fear of being heard with the loud noises of the machine." "Male Nurse" "\"Ha ha ha! She's too fun to tease.\"" "Male Nurse" "{i}It's all nice and fun, but I better get this done before I get caught with a naked patient in there.{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 058 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "After a few minutes inside as she was finally pulled out of the machine, Myriam sat for a moment, still naked, as she felt a headache coming from her time spent in the machine and its deafening sounds." MC "\"Ooohhh...\"" MC "{i}God! Those noises, it's like my head is pulsating...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 059 with dissolve "Coming back to Myriam with the wheelchair the nurse inquired as to her state, as she looked unwell, before inviting her to dress again so he could bring her back to her room." "Male Nurse" "\"Is everything ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, just a headache with all the noise...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Oh! Yes, it can happen, don't hesitate to mention it again if it persists.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"You can get dressed, then I'll bring you back to your room.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_embarrassed == True or ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_innocently == True:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 060 with dissolve "Looking down at his words, Myriam realized she was still naked, the fact having momentarily escaped her mind due to the headache from the machine distracting her from her previous embarrassment." MC "\"My god! I... So-sorry I kind of spaced out for a moment.\"" "Male Nurse" "\"It's ok, I won't be the one complaining.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lay_down_naked_for_the_exam_naughtily == True:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 061 with dissolve "Sliding down from the table of the MRI machine Myriam bent over obscenely to get a hold of her clothes underneath it, offering a perfect view to the nurse on purpose, looking to tease him as well before leaving him wanting." MC "\"Excuse me a second, let me grab my clothes...\"" "Male Nurse" "\"No-no problem...\"" "Male Nurse" "{i}HOLY SHIT! She's trying to kill me here!{/i}" MC "{i}Here! A little view of what you won't get! You shouldn't have given me a headache...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_return_to_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_making_a_fuss:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 062 with dissolve MC "\"A joke!?\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Yes, sorry! People tend to be stressed before these medical exams, so I...\"" MC "\"This is really inappropriate.\"" "Male Nurse" "{i}Shit! She looks really pissed, I better back off before she complains to the board, I already have enough on my plate...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 063 with dissolve "Male Nurse" "\"Sorry, it seems I kind of put you edge, would you be more comfortable with another nurse?\"" MC "\"Yes, I would!\"" "Male Nurse" "\"Give me a moment, I'll bring you another nurse to take care of you.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 064 with dissolve "As the nurse left the room, Myriam sat down on the MRI machine table to wait for the new nurse to come, mulling over what had just happen in the meantime." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Damn it! I don't want to be perceived as a pain, but he kind of took me by surprise here...{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know why it got me so pissed, maybe because I let myself be vulnerable in their hands...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}Maybe he thought it was ok because he caught me looking at them the other day while they were having sex here...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 065 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" "A few minutes later, the young female nurse she saw having sex the other day came into the room, greeting Myriam politely as she headed her way." KN_MOD "else:" "A few minutes later, the young female nurse she saw coming out of this room embarrassed came in, greeting Myriam politely as she headed her way." "Female Nurse" "\"Hi! Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Hi! Yes, it's me.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 066 with dissolve "Coming to Myriam's side, the nurse inquired how things were going, trying her best to reassure her again as she wasn't sure what had happen to cause a sudden change of nurse." "Female Nurse" "\"Is everything ok Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Did my colleague explain to you how things were going to go?\"" MC "\"No, he... He didn't have the time to.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 067 with dissolve "As the nurse immediately asked her what happened with a worried look on her face, Myriam reassured her as she looked visibly concerned." "Female Nurse" "\"Di-did he do something?\"" MC "\"What? No, he just made an inappropriate joke...\"" "Female Nurse" "\"What did he say!?\"" MC "\"Just to get naked and lay down for the exam...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 068 with dissolve "To Myriam's surprise, the nurse suddenly exploded, cutting short her answer as she turned her head away and swore in anger. fist closed as if she wanted to hit someone." "Female Nurse" "\"That fucking bastard! I knew it!\"" MC "\"...\"" "Female Nurse" "\"I knew he was fucking around!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}Dear god! She's pissed! With what I saw the other day I guess they're probably starting out together...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Dear god! She's pissed! I guess it must not be the first time he's been caught in some scandal...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 069 with dissolve "As the nurse started sobbing as suddenly as she started swearing, Myriam gently tried comforting her, feeling sad for the girl who looked genuinely shaken." "Female Nurse" "\"God dammit! Sob! I'm so stupid! I knew he was like that but still I... Sob!\"" MC "\"Hey! It's not your fault if he's a sleazy asshole...\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Sob! He took me by surprise! Sob! I-I was sad and he was funny and... Sob!\"" MC "\"There, there...\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 070 with dissolve "After sobbing for a moment and sharing her story to Myriam, the nurse suddenly lifted her head again once calmed down and apologized as she realized she had kept her from her medical exam." "Female Nurse" "\"God! Sob! I'm sorry! Your exam! I...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, I understand.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Still, this is unprofessional, I'm sorry, let's get to your exam!\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 071 with dissolve "As she laid down on the table of the MRI machine, the nurse repositioned Myriam and explained her how things were going to go during the exam." "Female Nurse" "\"Here, lay down and relax, hands on your stomach, head straight, it's important that you stay very still or we'll have to start the exam again.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Some people can feel claustrophobic in there, but don't worry and relax, I'll keep an eye on you and with just a button I can get you out of there.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Last thing, the machine is very noisy, but don't worry, it's absolutely normal, just the coils following their patterns.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 046 with dissolve "The MRI table slowly sliding inside the machine, Myriam tried her best to relax as the nurse had told her, feeling a bit apprehensive, though more about the result than the exam itself." MC "{i}Here we go...{/i}" MC "{i}Now calm down Myriam, no reason for things to not go well...{/i}" "Female Nurse via speaker" "\"It will start very soon, stay still and relax.\"" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 047 with dissolve play music "mri noises-freesound-parabolix.mp3" fadeout 1 "As the machine loudly started its work, plunging Myriam into weird series of noises as it followed its patterns and let the nurse to have a look at her brain." MC "{i}Dear god! She wasn't kidding about the noises!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_alien_abduction == True:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine... {w}I don't know why it kinds of feel like \"déjà vu\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}It feels like if I was in a weird alien machine...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 048 with dissolve stop music fadeout 1 "After a few minutes inside as she was pulled out of the machine, Myriam sat for a moment as she felt a headache coming from the time spent in the machine and its deafening sounds." MC "\"Ooohhh...\"" MC "{i}God! Those noises, it's like my head is pulsating...{/i}" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 072 with dissolve "Coming back to Myriam with the wheelchair the nurse inquired as to her state, as she looked unwell, before offering to bring her back to her room." "Female Nurse" "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, just a headache with all the noise...\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Yeah, it happens often, but don't hesitate to mention it again if it doesn't get better.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Here, come sit in the chair, I'll bring you back to your room and give you something for your headache.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_03_return_to_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_03_return_to_room:" KN_MOD "if ch4_changed_nurse_for_the_exam == False:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 073 with dissolve "Myriam sat in the wheelchair and the nurse started pushing her towards the door as they headed back to her room, all while informing her of what was going to happen now." MC "\"So, what about the results?\"" "Male Nurse" "\"The doctor will come see you later with them and tell you if you have the all clear or not.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_03 gettingbetter 074 with dissolve "Myriam sat in the wheelchair and the nurse started pushing her towards the door as they headed back to her room, all while informing her of what was going to happen now." MC "\"So, what about the results?\"" "Female Nurse" "\"The doctor should come see you with them later and he'll go over how things will go after.\"" MC "\"Ok, thank you.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"No, it's me, thank you for earlier and sorry for breaking down like that.\"" MC "\"Don't mention it, we all have moments where we need a shoulder to cry or sympathetic ear to listen to us.\"" "Female Nurse" "\"Thanks, it's Wendy by the way.\"" MC "\"Myriam.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_checking_out" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_checking_out:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Checking Out" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 001 with dissolve "A few hours later, after having been given the all clear from the doctors, Myriam walked out of the hospital as the sun was starting to set." MC "{i}Well, that was faster than I thought it would be, I was sure they were going to keep me in for another day.{/i}" MC "{i}Everyone was nice, but I can't say I'm not relieved to finally get out...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 002 with dissolve "Walking up to a security barrier in front of the entrance all of the hospital, Myriam stopped for a moment, taking in the air and the sun, feeling hopeful and happy despite the ordeal she had just went through." MC "{i}God! It feels good to breathe some fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun on me...{/i}" MC "{i}I was starting to go stir-crazy staying cooped up in a hospital room.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 003 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the taxi waiting further away in front of the hospital, Myriam stopped her daydreaming and started planning on how to get home." MC "{i}Well, I should stop daydreaming and see how to get home, Eve wanted me to call her, but I got out earlier than we thought I would...{/i}" MC "{i}I could just take a taxi, she already did enough with all the clothes and stuff she brought me, she also took care of the kids, I can't keep imposing on her.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 004 with dissolve "Following her idea, Myriam took a taxi home, and slowly proceeded home once arrived, her mind starting to get restless as she walked through the courtyard." MC "{i}Here we go, home...{/i}" MC "{i}God! This feels so weird...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 005 with dissolve scene bg ch3_31 calmafterthestorm 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 005 with dissolve "And as she arrived in front of the door, as she was about to open the door, Myriam froze, having a sudden flash of what happened days ago and Anthony raising his gun to shoot her." An "{size=20}\"I told you I'll make you regret it bitch.\"{/size=20}" play sound "gun shot-freesound-schots.mp3" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! I didn't think it would be that hard to step inside the house again...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 006 with dissolve "Finally, after standing frozen in place in front of the house, Myriam shook of her fear and opened the door stepping inside a few steps before stopping to look around at where she had fallen unconscious after being shot." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Here, this is where I fell...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}There's no blood... God! I hope it wasn't Katherine or Marc that had to clean it up...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 007 with dissolve "As she stayed frozen on the front step of her house for some time, it took the sudden ringing of her phone in her bag to bring Myriam out of her daydreaming." "RING! RING!" MC "\"Wha-what!?\"" MC "{i}My phone!{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 008 with dissolve "Taking her phone out of her bag, she quickly saw it was her cousin Eve calling, but paused a moment as she realize in surprise how much time had pass since she arrived." "RING! RING!" MC "{i}Oh! It's Eve... My god! It's already so late...{/i}" MC "{i}How long did I zone out!? She must be worried I still haven't called her.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 009 with dissolve MC "\"Hey!\"" Ev "\"Mi!?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" Ev "\"My god! Where are you!? I went to the hospital and they told me you checked out!\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm home.\"" Ev "\"What!? Why didn't you wait for me?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 010 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry, they just released me earlier than we thought they would and I didn't want to ruin your plans.\"" Ev "\"What!? God! You make me so mad sometimes...\"" MC "\"Sorry...\"" Ev "\"Are you ok?\"" MC "\"Yeah! Of course.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 011 with dissolve MC "\"Well...\"" Ev "\"What?\"" MC "\"I kind of zoned out a little when I arrived home, but I'm ok now.\"" Ev "\"I'm coming to get you!\"" MC "\"No, I'm fine really, just let me grab a few clothes, and I'll join you at your apartment if you still have some room?\"" Ev "\"Of course!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 012 with dissolve "Ending her conversation with Eve over the phone, Myriam turned her gaze towards the hall's door leading to the rest of the house, pausing for a moment as if she had to gather her strength before going in." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Let's get this done and get it over with, I really don't feel like sleeping here tonight.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 013 with dissolve play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Going up and back to the master bedroom, Myriam quickly took some clothes and all the necessary from her bathroom before heading out, pausing one last time as she closed the door behind her." MC "{i}Here you go...{/i}" MC "{i}This feels so strange, but it doesn't feel like home anymore.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_hugging_time" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_hugging_time:" scene black with dissolve show text "A taxi ride later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 014 with dissolve "After taking another taxi downtown to Evelyn's apartment, Myriam went inside as usual, calling out for everyone as she announced herself." MC "\"Hey! It's me! I'm here!\"" MC "\"Eve? Katherine? Marc?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 015 with dissolve "Walking into the main living space of the loft, Myriam heard Katherine call out, lazing around in the couch and watching TV." Ka "\"Mom?\"" MC "\"Hey Pumpkin!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 016 with dissolve "Rushing to her mother as she put down her bag, Katherine quickly hugged Myriam, happy to see her out of the hospital and back with them." MC "\"How are you doing honey?\"" Ka "\"Better!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 017 with dissolve "Looking left, Myriam realized Marc had come down from the second floor, staying away from them looking embarrassed as he fidgeted around." Ma "\"...\"" MC "{i}What is he doing? Is he too embarrassed to come?{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 018 with dissolve "Extending her arm to him, Myriam invited Marc to join them in their hug, knowing he was probably feeling embarrassed." MC "\"Come on! What are you doing over there?\"" MC "\"Come here and give me hug as well.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 019 with dissolve "Listening to Myriam, Marc quickly joined her and Katherine into the group hug, sobbing softly as he apologized to her in a weak voice." Ma "\"Sob! I-I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"What!?\"" Ma "\"Sob! It's all my fault...\"" MC "\"No Marc, it's not your fault.\"" Ma "\"Sob! You lost an eye because of me!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 020 with dissolve "Taking off her eye-patch, Myriam showed him her eye was ok, that she was ok, trying to reassure him and not let him think he was guilty of the assault from his father." MC "\"What are you saying!? Look...\"" Ma "\"...\"" MC "\"I'm ok Marc.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 021 with dissolve "Bringing back Marc to her after reassuring him, Myriam hugged the two teenagers again, happy and glad in the moment that despite the horror she went through, they were here all three together loving each others." Ma "\"Sob!\"" MC "\"Here! We're all together now and everything's ok.\"" Ka "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 022 with dissolve "Coming back from the hospital where she went to bring back Myriam, Eve surprised the three hugging together." Ev "\"Oh! Group hug!\"" Ev "\"Is there some more room for me?\"" MC "\"Sure.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 023 with dissolve "As Evelyn joined in the group hug in silence, the four shared a moment of peace and love together with the sun going down, all letting go of some of the pain and fear of what happened to them." "Now that Myriam was finally out of the hospital and they were all together, it finally felt like the terrible events that lead Anthony to shoot her were behind them." "They could now finally concentrate on living again and be happy, even if they knew it would still be an uphill battle, but for now, all that mattered, was their love for each other." KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_whats_next" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_whats_next:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 024 with dissolve "A few hours later, after having dinner together, Myriam came back to the common living area after putting the two kids to bed, as if they were still little." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I had to put them to bed like when they were kids, it really shook them...{/i}" MC "{i}I already had a good talk with Katherine, but I'll have to take the time to talk with Marc as well.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 025 with dissolve "Joining Evelyn over the couch to talk a bit, Myriam apologized for giving her a scare earlier." MC "\"Sorry for earlier, I just didn't want to bother you and make you change your plans...\"" Ev "\"Sometimes you're just like a kid, you really think it would have bothered me?\"" MC "\"I... No.\"" Ev "\"So what was it?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 026 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I didn't lie, I really didn't want to bother you when I was released early, but...\"" Ev "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"Maybe it was a stupid thing to do, but I wanted to return home, to where it happened... I needed to confront it I think...\"" Ev "\"That's kind of what I thought.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 027 with dissolve Ev "\"So, how did it go?\"" MC "\"It was weird, definitely... I had a few flashes and I zoned out a moment I think, it was actually when you called.\"" Ev "\"And you're ok?\"" MC "\"Yeah, but I needed to go, it didn't felt like home anymore.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 028 with dissolve Ev "\"Maybe you should talk about all this with doctor Silver?\"" MC "\"Yes, I already took an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.\"" Ev "\"Good.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 029 with dissolve "Their discussion hit a calm, as Evelyn didn't want to push her too much despite all her worry and all the questions she wanted to ask, when Myriam suddenly yawned loudly feeling the fatigue of the day catch up to her." MC "\"Waaahhh!\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Looks like it's not just the kiddos that need to get to bed.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 030 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Sorry, I'm already so tired...\"" Ev "\"It's ok, you can just go sleep in the room upstairs, I gave the others to the kids.\"" MC "\"Thank you so much for all the help Eve.\"" Ev "\"Don't mention it, and any way since I kicked my own nuisance out, I have room to spare.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 031 with dissolve "Leaving Evelyn alone, Myriam climbed the spiral staircase leading to the room she invited her to use." MC "{i}Thank god Evelyn's here, I don't know what I would have done without her...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to thank her properly for all the help she gave me, maybe I could organize a vacation for everyone and invite her.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to think on it later, I'm just too exhausted for now.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 032 with dissolve "Getting naked, Myriam immediately jumped straight to bed, feeling too exhausted to do anything else, nearly falling asleep as soon as she closed her eyes." MC "\"Mmmhhh...\"" MC "{i}God! This is really something else, better than... than a hospi... hospital bed...{/i}" MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_late_morning" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_late_morning:" scene black with dissolve show text "A good night sleep later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 033 with dissolve "Sleeping like a log, Myriam went through her night and the morning after in the blink of an eye, no one wishing to disturb and let her recover as she needed." MC "\"Zzzzzz!\"" MC "\"Zzzzzz! Mmmhhh...\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 034 with dissolve "Slowly opening her eyes, Myriam finally slipped out of her long night, taking a moment to register where she was as her mind was still foggy and half asleep." MC "\"Mmmhhh...\"" MC "{i}Where...? Did they changed my room...? Wait...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 035 with dissolve MC "\"Waaahhh!\"" MC "{i}God! I slept like a log!{/i}" MC "{i}My brain is like mush, I forgot where I was for a moment there...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 036 with dissolve "Turning her head towards the adjacent bathroom after stretching out of bed, Myriam really took for the first time a real look at the room, having gone straight to bed the previous night." MC "{i}I didn't even see there was a bathroom in the room yesterday... I really must have been exhausted.{/i}" MC "{i}Well, let's give it a try...{/i}" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 037 with dissolve "Slipping inside the shower, Myriam quickly washed herself, happy to be able to take a real shower after her stay at the hospital." MC "\"Mmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! That feels good... I had my own bathroom in the hospital, but the shower wasn't that good...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 038 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower satisfied, Myriam dried herself quickly as she headed back to the room to get dressed before going down for some coffee." MC "\"Pfiew!\"" MC "{i}That felt great! Now let's go get some coffee... Another thing that was definitely not great at the hospital...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 039 with dissolve "Quickly putting on the dress and shoes she took yesterday, Myriam went down in the common living area, welcomed by the smell of freshly brewed coffee." MC "\"Mmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}That's a smell that would wake up the dead!{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 040 with dissolve "Heading to the counter where Evelyn was finishing up cleaning some dishes, Myriam shyly asked her if there was still some for her, like a kid late to the breakfast table." MC "\"Hey Eve!\"" Ev "\"Hey Mi!\"" MC "\"Still some coffee for me?\"" Ev "\"Yeah, it's yours, I made one for you, just as you like.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 041 with dissolve "Jumping on the coffee, Myriam took a good whiff, enjoying the fresh smell of the hot coffee before taking a sip at it." MC "\"Oh my god! Thank you! Sniff!\"" Ev "\"Be careful it's hot, I just made it when I heard the water running upstairs.\"" MC "\"Slurp!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 042 with dissolve Ev "\"So, slept well?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes! Thanks, felt like heaven to have a proper night of sleep, a good shower and now a coffee.\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! I can imagine... Though you shouldn't take too long to finish it, you've got your appointment.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 043 with dissolve MC "\"Wait, what!? What time it is?\"" Ev "\"Past noon...\"" MC "\"My god! Already? Why did you let me sleep so long?\"" Ev "\"Because you needed some sleep, don't worry, you're not late, I was about to wake you when I heard the shower.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 044 with dissolve MC "\"God! I need to go prepare, I have my hair to dry, and that dress...\"" Ev "\"What about the dress?\"" MC "\"It's way too short and cute, I rushed out of the house yesterday and took the first dress in reach without paying attention, I only put it on because I thought I would have the time to go change before leaving.\"" Ev "\"Pretty sure he won't mind.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 045 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, stop teasing...\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry, though really, without teasing you, he won't mind, believe me.\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 046 with dissolve Ev "\"Well, you know I saw him before, during my divorce, and he was always very professional.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok.\"" Ev "\"Sometimes it even felt like I could have been naked in front of him and he would have stayed impassible.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 047 with dissolve MC "\"Really?\"" Ev "\"Yeah, so don't worry, but if you want, I have a dress for you, it was a present for when you get out anyway.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thanks Eve, you shouldn't have, you've already helped so much.\"" Ev "\"Come on! Just go dry your hair, I'll leave it in the living room, I have to go too, a little appointment of my own.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_eves_sexy_black_dress" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_eves_sexy_black_dress:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 048 with dissolve "Going down to the living room again after drying her hair, Myriam found two boxes over the coffee table, left by Evelyn before she got out." MC "{i}God! I hope it's not too naughty, she always loved to tease me with some daring clothes...{/i}" MC "{i}But she's always making me presents and helping me so much, it'll make her happy if I go with it.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 049 with dissolve "Changing into the dress Evelyn bought her, Myriam paused a moment, looking down at her chest, her breasts being visible through the fabric." MC "{i}Dear god! Eve! The dress is definitely gorgeous, but why did it had to be so see-through in the chest area!?{/i}" MC "{i}It's the polar opposite of my other dress, if mine was on the cutesy side, this one is definitely on the sexy side.{/i}" MC "{i}What do I do? I want to make her happy and put it on, but this is too much...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_04_eves_dress_conundrum:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "No! she did too much for me...:" MC "{i}No! she did too much for me, I've got to put it on, it'll make her happy that I did.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_the_black_sexy_widow" KN_MOD "May-maybe itll be alright...:" MC "{i}May-maybe it'll be alright, you've got to be close to see through it... And she did so much for me...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_the_black_sexy_widow" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not!?:" MC "{i}Oh! And why not!? Eve's said he wouldn't mind anyway and if it can make her happy why not.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_the_black_sexy_widow" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_the_black_sexy_widow:" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 050 with dissolve "Looking down after her dress dilemma, Myriam looked at the shoes Evelyn had gifted her with the dress, a pair of high heels." MC "{i}Nothing to say over the heels though, they just feel and look great...{/i}" MC "{i}The translucent straps make it seem as if my feet were naked... Definitely keeps the sexy side of the dress...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 051 with dissolve "And finally, taking out the last item in the boxes, Myriam tried the black leather bag that Evelyn added to the set." MC "{i}Dear god! She really went all out this time, and she's really got an eye for it, she has my measurements just right.{/i}" MC "{i}But I can't believe I'm going out like this when I was complaining my dress was too short... This one may be longer but it's definitely way more revealing...{/i}" MC "{i}God! With all this black it kinds of make me feel like a sexy widow out on the prowl...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 052 with dissolve "Putting aside her hesitation, Myriam left the boxes and her own dress in the living room, heading out with the set Evelyn gifted her." MC "{i}Here, now that I put all my stuff in the bag, let's just go or I'll end up late.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_04_going_on_mentality:" "How does Myriam really feels about going out in that dress?" KN_MOD "Doing it for Evelyn.:" $ ch4_put_the_dress_only_for_eve = True MC "{i}Just don't think about your dress, you're going out like this for Eve! I bet she'll have quite the laugh tonight when I come back.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_doctor_silvers_appointment" KN_MOD "Feeling kind of excited.:" $ ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement = True MC "{i}God! I know I'm going out like this for Eve, but even if it feels embarrassing I kind of feel excited... I'm really getting so... so naughty...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_doctor_silvers_appointment" KN_MOD "Making a point.:" $ ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself = True MC "{i}I'm going out like that for Eve, but it's kind of empowering in a way as well, to show people that I'm proud of my body and won't let myself be bullied into modesty.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_doctor_silvers_appointment" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_doctor_silvers_appointment:" scene black with dissolve show text "A quick drive later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 053 with dissolve "Driving downtown, Myriam quickly headed for Doctor Silver's practice, welcomed at the door by him as usual." DoS "\"Hi Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" DoS "\"Please come in.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 054 with dissolve "The two quickly sat down in their usual places, Doctor Silver started the session by enquiring about her wellbeing as he looked at her eye after she took away the eye-patch." DoS "\"So, how are you feeling?\"" MC "\"Well enough, I'm still feeling exhausted half the time, but the hospital gave me the all clear.\"" DoS "\"And your eye?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 055 with dissolve "Bending her head to the side and clearing her hair aside, Myriam showed Doctor Silver how her wound looked as she answered him." MC "\"I got most of my eyesight back, they just want me to keep it protected from lights too bright, to let it rest.\"" DoS "\"Dear lord! This is really so infuriating!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 056 with dissolve "Surprised by Doctor Silver's reaction, Myriam thanked him awkwardly, both touched and surprised to see him expressed more than his usual polite professionalism." MC "\"Oh! Tha-thank you...\"" DoS "\"Sorry, this was unprofessional of me.\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" DoS "\"I just find violence of this sort so senseless, even more so towards a person who does not deserves it.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 057 with dissolve MC "\"Well, this was always him, or at least how I discovered he really was...\"" DoS "\"Yes, with what you described to me of your situation over our sessions, it looks like it, I'm just sorry you had to suffer through it.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" DoS "\"But you went with how you were feeling physically, but how are you mentally?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 058 with dissolve MC "\"That... That's something else.. I think it's still hard to say, I've felt afraid, I've felt lost, I've felt angry, I've felt numb...\"" DoS "\"And now?\"" MC "\"Now? I guess I'm still feeling all those emotions when I look back, but I mostly feel determined.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 059 with dissolve DoS "\"Determined?\"" MC "\"Yes, to not let myself go because of him, to get on with my life and not let him have anymore grip over it, over me.\"" DoS "\"That's very good.\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" DoS "\"Yes, definitely, would you be able to walk me through your thought process.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 060 with dissolve MC "\"You mean how did I arrive to this point?\"" DoS "\"Yes.\"" MC "\"Well, I think the whole event in a way...\"" "Trying to explain herself, Myriam went over Anthony's assault and what followed, her recovery at the hospital as well as her dream with him when she was in a coma." scene black with dissolve show text "Her story finished..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 061 with dissolve "Myriam having finished her story and formulated how she went through it, Doctor Silver analyzed the story as much as how she told it." DoS "\"That's very good Mrs Summers, from what I can see, you went through this ordeal and pulled yourself from it only stronger.\"" MC "\"Really...?\"" DoS "\"Yes, I know that for now it doesn't feel like it, you're physically and mentally hurt, but you have already climbed the hardest steps from after a traumatic event.\"" MC "\"...\"" DoS "\"You got up and already started rebuilding yourself, physically and mentally, you are already able to turn your back from it and look towards the future.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 062 with dissolve DoS "\"But don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean there's no more steps to climb up ahead, trauma like wounds never heal really, it scars and fades away, but always leaves a mark.\"" MC "\"Yes, I understand.\"" DoS "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to end on a sad note, but I can't lie to you.\"" MC "\"I know, thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 063 with dissolve "After a short moment of silence, to let Myriam have some calm emotional time during the session, Doctor Silver went back to her previous issues and how the ordeal she went through could have changed anything." DoS "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" DoS "\"Now that we went over how you were able to overcome the trauma you suffered, the question is did it impact on the problems that brought you here in the first place?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 064 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! You've taken me by surprise here, I...\"" DoS "\"Don't worry, you know there's no wrong or right answer here, what's important is clarity.\"" MC "\"Yes, I understand, it's just that I... I don't even know where to start...\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 065 with dissolve DoS "\"You mentioned a new found determination after your ordeal, did it impact on your sexuality?\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" DoS "\"Well for example the dress you put on today, a very daring thing to do, is that something motivated by this new found determination?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 066 with dissolve "At Doctor Silver's words, Myriam suddenly panicked as she remembered her breasts were actually visible through the fabric of her dress, the fact having escaped her mind due to his calm and professional demeanor." MC "\"Oh my god! Sorry! I-I wasn't...\"" DoS "\"Don't worry Mrs Summers, I wasn't trying to make any judgement or make you feel embarrassed, it would be inappropriate and unprofessional.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 067 with dissolve MC "\"Is it ok really?\"" DoS "\"Yes, my point was about the fact that your dress look like a daring statement that would have been hard for you to make in our first sessions.\"" MC "\"Well I...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_04_the_dress_statement:" "What does Myriam answer Doctor Silver?" KN_MOD "Did it just for Evelyn.:" MC "\"It's embarrassing really, it's a present from my cousin Eve, I slept at her loft and realized before coming that I hadn't taken the right clothes...\"" MC "\"That's when she pulled this present out before leaving herself, and with all she did for me, I-I just felt that it would made her happy to see me wearing it, even if it was daring.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_put_the_dress_only_for_eve == True:" $ ch4_be_honest_about_the_dress = True MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, but I better tell the truth and be honest about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True:" $ ch4_lied_about_the_dress = True MC "{i}God! I can't tell him that I put it also for excitement, this is too embarrassing.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == True:" $ ch4_lied_about_the_dress = True MC "{i}God! Why did I lie? It's true that I put it for Eve, but I also put it for myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_about_the_statement" KN_MOD "Felt kind of excited.:" $ ch4_be_honest_about_the_dress = True MC "\"God! It's embarrassing really, it's a present from my cousin Eve, I slept at her loft and realized before coming that I hadn't taken the right clothes...\"" MC "\"That's when she pulled this present out before leaving herself, and with all she did for me, I felt that it would made her happy to see me wearing it...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True:" MC "\"But I can't argue the fact that I felt some excitement going out with this dress on.\"" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, but I better tell the truth and be honest about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_only_for_eve == True:" $ ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement = True MC "\"But I can't argue the fact that I felt some excitement once I was out in the street with this dress on.\"" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, I put it on for Eve at first, but when I went out it actually started to feel exciting, better be honest about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == True:" $ ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement = True MC "\"But I also put it for myself, to see if I could, and I can't argue the fact that I felt some excitement once I was out in the street with this dress on.\"" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing, but it's true, it really felt exciting once I was out in the street, better be honest about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_about_the_statement" KN_MOD "Made a point. if ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == True:" $ ch4_be_honest_about_the_dress = True $ ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement = True MC "\"It's embarrassing really, it's a present from my cousin Eve, I slept at her loft and realized before coming that I hadn't taken the right clothes...\"" MC "\"That's when she pulled this present out before leaving herself, and with all she did for me, I felt that it would made her happy to see me wearing it...\"" MC "\"But I also put it for myself, to see if I could, like you told me before, I had to be honest with myself and I can't argue that I feel some excitement showing that I can be sexy.\"" MC "{i}God! It's a bit embarrassing, but I kind feel proud of being able to say the truth and be honest about this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_about_the_statement" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_talking_about_the_statement:" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 068 with dissolve DoS "\"It's great to see the love you two have for each other.\"" MC "\"Thank you, yes, we always were very close, more like sisters than cousins in fact.\"" DoS "\"And the fact that you are able to challenge yourself for her is only a testament to it.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 069 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_be_honest_about_the_dress == True:" DoS "\"But it's admirable to see you able to be honest about your feelings and the statement made with this dress.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_put_the_dress_only_for_eve == True and ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == False:" DoS "\"Being able to recognize that you made the choice for someone else but can still feel confident about it is a big step towards your goal to accept your sexuality and be honest about yourself.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_only_for_eve == True and ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True:" DoS "\"Being able to recognize that you made the choice for someone else but still felt some excitement is a big step towards your goal to accept your sexuality and be honest about yourself.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True and ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == False:" DoS "\"Being able to recognize that you made the choice for someone else and felt some excitement about it is a big step towards your goal to accept your sexuality and be honest about yourself.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True and ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == True:" DoS "\"Being able to recognize that you made the choice also for yourself and felt some excitement is a big step towards your goal to accept your sexuality and be honest about yourself.\"" DoS "\"And doing it in small steps like this is the right way to go, in short span of time and where you know you feel safe.\"" MC "\"Tha-thank you, this is embarrassing, but I'm actually glad I did.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lied_about_the_dress == True:" DoS "\"But I feel like there is a bit more than what you told me, I don't doubt that you put the dress to make your cousin happy, but is there more to it than that?\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_put_the_dress_for_excitement == True:" MC "\"I... Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know why I lied, I-I kind of did it for the thrill as well and...\"" MC "\"And I felt some excitement doing it, sorry, I think I just felt embarrassed saying it.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_put_the_dress_for_herself == True:" MC "\"I... Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know why I lied, I-I kind of did it for myself as well, I wanted to know if I was able to do it and...\"" MC "\"And I felt some excitement afterwards when I went out, sorry, I think I just felt embarrassed saying it.\"" DoS "\"It's ok, being able to recognize it is a big step towards your goal to accept your sexuality and be honest about yourself.\"" MC "\"Tha-thank you, this is embarrassing, but I'm actually glad I did now.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 070 with dissolve DoS "\"So, how would you describe your excitement?\"" MC "\"What do you mean?\"" DoS "\"What excited you really about going out in that dress?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 071 with dissolve "Taking the time to think about her feelings since she exited Eve's apartment and arrived here, Myriam looked down at her chest, trying to visualize herself back into the situation." MC "\"Well I...\"" DoS "\"Don't worry, be honest about your feelings, it can only help you.\"" MC "{i}He's right, I've got to be honest, it's embarrassing, but it's helping me.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_04_myriams_excitement:" "What excited Myriam coming here in this dress?" KN_MOD "Excited by the mens gaze.:" MC "\"I was very excited by all the men's gaze on my chest and my body, about the lust and surprise I could see in their eyes.\"" DoS "\"Yes, the look of others and notably their excitement towards you can be a powerful rush and give a sense of power over them.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_some_more_about_her_excitement" KN_MOD "Excited by the womens gaze.:" MC "\"Actually, it was the women's gaze that excited me the most, I was surprised, some where surprised, some seemed offended, but some had the same lust in the eyes that I could see in the men's.\"" DoS "\"Yes, being attracted by women or not, the lust or even jealousy coming from the same sex can be a powerful rush and give a sense of power or superiority over them.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_some_more_about_her_excitement" KN_MOD "Excited by the outdoor setting.:" MC "\"I think that walking in the street like this, in public was what excited me the most, even if it was a short walk, it felt nearly as if I was walking naked in public.\"" DoS "\"Yes, the feeling of breaking a taboo and walking partially or fully exposed can be a powerful rush and give a sense of power.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_some_more_about_her_excitement" KN_MOD "Excited by the shame.:" MC "\"In fact it was more about the shame I felt when seeing the lust of people looking at me but also the scorn I could feel from others, it made me feel kind of dirty, but still excited me.\"" DoS "\"Yes, the feeling of shame can strangely be a source of intense excitement and can be a powerful rush, giving a strange sense of freedom once we let go of our taboos.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_04_talking_some_more_about_her_excitement" KN_MOD "label ch4_04_talking_some_more_about_her_excitement:" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 072 with dissolve DoS "\"And now, how are you feeling?\"" MC "\"Sorry?\"" DoS "\"Are you still feeling excited by the situation here, now, in front of me?\"" MC "\"Oh! I...\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so embarrassing!{/i}" MC "\"Ye-yes!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 073 with dissolve DoS "\"It's ok, don't be flustered, it's fully understandable, you arrived on an excitement high to face an authority figure, in your current situation, only reinforcing your thrill.\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" DoS "\"Again, what's important is the fact that you are able to recognize it and talk about it.\"" MC "\"O-ok.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 074 with dissolve "Letting another silence fall between the two, Doctor Silver gave Myriam another peaceful moment to let her calm her emotions as he thought he would bring the session to an end." DoS "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This was such a rush of emotions answering to all these intimate questions, I can still feel my heart beating in my chest.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 075 with dissolve DoS "\"Well, I think we've made a good session for today, we should stop here for this time, you have made good progress and went through quite the ordeal.\"" MC "\"You really think so?\"" DoS "\"Yes, and I think that is enough emotions for today, next time we'll concentrate more on what brought you here originally.\"" MC "\"Yes I understand.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 076 with dissolve DoS "\"Unless you had something you wished to talk about?\"" MC "\"Well in fact I wanted to say that I did what you told me to do in the previous sessions.\"" DoS "\"You did?\"" MC "\"Yes, I-I bought the toys and started to use them regularly, I was more assertive about my needs and as you said previously, experimented when I felt safe.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 077 with dissolve DoS "\"This is great, like I said you're making good progress on yourself, even the fact that you are making the step to emphasize all this is a good sign.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" DoS "\"But I feel you have another reason for bringing this up?\"" MC "\"Yes, I-I thought that maybe you would have new... New homework for me, maybe...?\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 078 with dissolve DoS "\"Ahem... Let me think...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" DoS "\"I wanted to avoid pushing you too much during our first session after what you went through, but I guess that if you feel ready to more challenges...\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 079 with dissolve DoS "\"Then what would you say about challenging yourself with recording your previous exercises?\"" MC "\"You mean like Anthony did? With his homemade porn...\"" DoS "\"Yes and no, it's not about others, but about yourself, taking some daring selfies, recording you enjoying your toys, though for yourself.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I see, as a way to emphasize the thrills...\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 080 with dissolve DoS "\"Precisely! And after that, if you wish to share those or involve other persons, it's up to you, but you should always stay in control of them and beware of sharing your identity.\"" MC "\"I-I don't know if I'm ready for that though.\"" DoS "\"And that's why I talked about doing things for yourself, but it would be neglectful of me to not warn you about the risks.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" DoS "\"Having a blooming sexuality does not mean doing anything and everything, and so without being careful.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 081 with dissolve "Done with their session, Doctor Silver accompanied Myriam to the door, praising her again on her work on herself and on her resilience after her ordeal." DoS "\"Here! This was a good session today, you have made a great deal of progress and should be proud of yourself, even more so with what you went through.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" DoS "\"We'll see each other soon, have good day Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Yes, a good day as well Doctor Silver and thank you for all your help.\"" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 082 with dissolve "Heading towards the elevator, Myriam started to think about what to do with the rest of her day, as she wasn't feeling like going home after staying cooked up at the hospital for days." MC "{i}Where do I go now, there is nobody home for now and I don't feel like staying home alone...{/i}" MC "{i}I would have gone for a ride with Hammer, but they warned me to avoid any risk of shocks to the head, I can't risk falling while riding.{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 083 with dissolve MC "{i}I think I need something to help me relax...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could go back to the spa, it's been some time.{/i}" MC "{i}A good massage would definitely help relax...{/i}" scene bg ch4_04 checkingout 084 with dissolve "As the doors of the elevator were closing on her, Myriam decided to go for the spa Evelyn had introduced her, feeling like taking some time to pamper herself." MC "{i}Let's go for it, though it's too bad that Eve is out today, it would have been fun to relax with her.{/i}" MC "{i}Like I thought of yesterday, I've got to make this vacations with her happen, I'm sure she'd love it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_taking_care_of_oneself" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_taking_care_of_oneself:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Tasking Care of Oneself" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 001 with dissolve "The private spa being close by to Doctor Silver's practice and Evelyn's loft, Myriam quickly headed there on foot, arriving on pretty good spirits after her session." MC "{i}God! This is strange, I'm feeling really pumped up, I don't know if it was the session with Doctor Silver or if it was walking with Eve's dress.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe kind of both, the session clearly lifted my morale, and now that I'm used to the gazes, it's as if the dress feels like a power suit...{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 002 with dissolve "Arriving to the reception, Myriam chased her thoughts about her giddiness aside and waved at the young receptionist, before checking in." MC "\"Hi!\"" "Receptionist" "\"Hello Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Sorry to come unannounced, but would it be possible to check in for a massage and some relaxation?\"" "Receptionist" "\"Of course, just go in and I'll prepare this for you.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 003 with dissolve "Heading for the locker room, Myriam pressed her usual bangle to her wrist, while sighing in relief to have been able to go in without appointment." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Thank god! I was able to go in, I wasn't sure they would take me in without an appointment...{/i}" MC "{i}You really can't complain about the service here, but I guess it's also why you pay so much.{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 004 with dissolve "Putting her clothes and other stuff in her locker after undressing, Myriam could not help but compare today's check in with her previous ones." MC "{i}It's funny how easy it became to check in... I remember how hesitant I was at first to even take my top off.{/i}" MC "{i}And today I undressed and got naked without even thinking about it...{/i}" MC "{i}As Doctor Silver told me, even with small steps you can make things happen.{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 005 with dissolve "Leaving her thoughts behind, Myriam quickly headed for her usual massage room, where she was invited to go in to wait for the masseur." MC "{i}The receptionist is pretty effective, I didn't even have to wait for them to organize the session.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's get pampered a bit...{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 006 with dissolve "Laying down on her usual massage table, Myriam waited for her masseur to come and take care of her, closing her eyes and relaxing as if she was taking a nap." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! I hope he doesn't take too long, I feel like I could fall asleep just laying like this...{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 007 with dissolve "But as she hoped, her usual masseur arrived a few minutes later, waving her way as he announced himself and headed towards the back of the room while Myriam answered him, her eyes still closed." JoJ "\"Hi mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Mmmh... Hi!\"" JoJ "\"Stay down, I'll prepare our session.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 008 with dissolve "Passing Myriam, the masseur went to prepare himself all while talking with her and asking her a few question to prepare her massage." JoJ "\"How are you doing Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"A bit tired but alright, thanks.\"" JoJ "\"Tired? I think I have just the right thing for that...\"" MC "\"Really?\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 009 with dissolve JoJ "\"Yes, I have some oils and essences really good at helping you relax.\"" MC "\"Mmmh... That sound good.\"" JoJ "\"Also, if you wish, I could call my apprentice and we could massage you with four hands, would you be interested?\"" MC "{i}God! This feels a bit much, but I feel like getting pampered right now.{/i}" MC "\"Why not...\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 010 with dissolve "Joined by the apprentice masseur, the two started taking care of Myriam, spreading scented oils over her body first while the two talked over how best to proceed." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" JoJ "\"Start taking care of her legs, I'll do the upper half.\"" TeP "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 011 with dissolve "Concentrating first on spreading the scented oil all over her body, Terrel took care of her legs as he was instructed, while Jose took care of her top, finishing by her breasts." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_eve_corruption == True:" TeP "{i}Fuck! Look at these legs! It's a fucking torture to not just jump her after fucking her last time.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" TeP "{i}Fuck! Look at these legs! It's a fucking torture to not just jump her and fuck her silly.{/i}" JoJ "{i}Madre de dios! It's client like this that make you enjoy your job! Look at these breasts!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 012 with dissolve "Continuing the massage, the two kept going, rubbing the scented oil all over her body, focusing more and more on massaging Myriam and help her relax while she enjoyed the time, eyes closed." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! That feels great! Having four hands running all over my body felt strange at first, but it feels really exciting now...{/i}" JoJ "\"That's it Mrs Summers, relax yourself, I can feel the tension in your muscles going away.\"" MC "\"Aaah! Yes...\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 013 with dissolve "After a few minutes massaging her whole body, finishing up towards her most sensitive zones, the masseur stopped his hand between Myriam's legs, asking if she wanted him to keep going with the full service." KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_happy_ending == True:" JoJ "\"Do you wish for full service again Mrs Summers?\"" KN_MOD "else:" JoJ "\"Do you wish for full service this time Mrs Summers?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_full_service:" "Does Myriam goes for a full service?" KN_MOD "Why not.:" $ ch4_mid_term_happy_ending = True KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_happy_ending == True:" MC "{i}Why not, I can't argue it felt great last time, and with the massage feeling so great, I kind of feel excited.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Why not, I didn't go for it last time, but the massage was already great and I kind of feel excited.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh... Yes, please.\"" JoJ "\"Very well.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_mid_term_happy_ending" KN_MOD "No, Im good.:" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_happy_ending == True:" MC "{i}No, I'm good, I can't argue it felt great last time, but I'm not feeling like it this time.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}No, I'm good, I'm curious, but I'm not feeling like it, maybe another time.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh... No, thank you.\"" JoJ "\"Then you can turn over and we'll work your back.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_taking_care_of_the_back" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_mid_term_happy_ending:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 014 with dissolve "Following her affirmative answer, Jose started to caress Myriam's pussy as she fully left her body in their hands, letting them spread her legs for a better access as they continued their massage." MC "\"Aaahhh! Mmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Is that feeling good?\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Mmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Do you want me to accelerate?\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 015 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Jose kept going, intensifying his fingering of Myriam's pussy, while Terrel joined him at taking care of her breasts while he kept massaging her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Like this?\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmhhh! Please don't stop!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending == True:" $ ch4_giving_back_happy_ending = True MC "{i}God! I'm getting so excited! I want to feel their hard cock in my hands like the other time!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_sharing_the_pleasure_and_giving_back" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_mutual_full_service:" "Does Myriam take care of them while they take care of her?" KN_MOD "Share the love!:" $ ch4_giving_back_happy_ending = True MC "{i}God! I'm getting so excited! May-maybe I could do what Eve did the other time...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_sharing_the_pleasure_and_giving_back" KN_MOD "Just enjoy the ride!:" MC "{i}God! This feels so good! They're going to make me cum already!{/i}" "And as the two masseurs kept going, massaging both her body and her erogenous zones, following each one of her reactions and moans, they pushed Myriam into a first orgasm." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JoJ "\"That's it, give in and let your body enjoy the feeling, then we'll take care of your back...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_taking_care_of_the_back" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_sharing_the_pleasure_and_giving_back:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 016 with dissolve "As the two masseurs kept going, massaging both her body and her erogenous zones, Myriam's hands reached for their groin, searching for their hard cock through the fabric." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Oh! Do you want us to take our pants off Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Ye-yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 017 with dissolve "Doing as Myriam asked, the two masseurs took off their pants before returning to their work, caressing her while she grabbed a cock in each hand and started caressing them as well." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so good! They're going to make me cum already!{/i}" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh!\"" JoJ "{i}Madre de dios! This woman knows how to handle a cock!{/i}" TeP "\"Oooooohhh!\"" TeP "{i}Fuck! I would prefer having those big tits of hers wrapped around my cock, but damn! Her hand feels great!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 018 with dissolve "Following each one of her reactions and moans, the two masseurs kept intensifying the pace, trying their best to endure her handjob while they pushed Myriam into a first orgasm." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JoJ "\"Aaahhh! That's it, give in and let your body enjoy the feeling... Ooohhh! Then we'll take care of your back...\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 019 with dissolve "But before turning over and let them keep going with her massage, Myriam guided the two towards her chest, aiming their cock towards her breasts as she kept jerking them off." MC "\"Mmmh! Come here!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! Ok.\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Sure!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 020 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 021 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 022 with dissolve "Quickly bringing the two to orgasm as well, Myriam made they cum all over her chest, the two grunting loudly as load after load came crashing on her oily breasts." MC "\"Mmmh! Give it to me! Cover my tits!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" JoJ "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE! TAKE YOUR LOAD!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 023 with dissolve "Then in front of the two, Myriam started teasing them, spreading their cum all over her breasts, mixing it with the scented oil that already covered her body." MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "{i}Shit! She knows how to make a guy go crazy!{/i}" TeP "{i}Fuck! That slut's really begging for it!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 024 with dissolve "Done teasing the two and spreading the cum all over her, Myriam sat up, stretching her shoulders and neck as her eyes still lingered on the two cocks she had just jerked off." MC "\"Haaa! Thi-this felt really relaxing...\"" JoJ "\"Well, we still have your back to work on, just lay down on your stomach and we'll finish taking care of you.\"" TeP "\"Yeah...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_pampering_or_fucking:" "Does Myriam keep enjoying her massage?" KN_MOD "Yeah! I still want to get pampered...:" MC "{i}Yeah! I still want to get pampered, getting my back massaged as well will definitely do wonders.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_taking_care_of_the_back" KN_MOD "God! No, now I just want their cock...:" $ ch4_cut_short_the_massage_and_straight_to_fucking = True MC "{i}God! No, now I just want their cocks inside me! With all this time at the hospital, I'm feeling kind of starved...{/i}" MC "\"You know what... I think I would prefer a deep hard massage with these two beautiful tools.\"" JoJ "\"Oh! Sure Mrs Summers, we're here to help.\"" TeP "\"Yeah! Sure, here to help!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_straight_to_double" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_taking_care_of_the_back:" KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 025 with dissolve "Laying back down, Myriam got on her stomach and again left her body in the two masseurs' hands, with their cock still out and half hard, covered in a mix of oil and cum." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 026 with dissolve "Turning over on her stomach, Myriam again left her body in the two masseurs' hands, enjoying the feeling of getting pampered by them as she closed her eyes and relaxed." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}This is just great! I would stay like this all day...{/i}" JoJ "\"Here, relax.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 027 with dissolve KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 028 with dissolve "Continuing to massage her body for some time, Myriam was feeling so good and relaxed that she could fall asleep, even feeling her headache disappear." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! Even my headache disappeared, this is heaven...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" JoJ "\"And here we are, nearly done...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_term_happy_ending" KN_MOD "else:" JoJ "\"And here we are, done...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_end_term_happy_ending:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 029 with dissolve "Coming to her side, Jose slipped his hand between her legs his thumb pressing lightly against her asshole teasing it as he informed Myriam he was going to finish her massage with another happy ending." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}Is he going to finger my ass now?{/i}" JoJ "\"That's it stay relaxed, I'll finish with your massage by taking care of your anus.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 030 with dissolve "Teasing her asshole for a short time with his thumb, Jose quickly changed for two fingers, easily slipping in due to Myriam's excitement and all the oil on his fingers." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"That's it! Just like that, relax, take these fingers in...\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 031 with dissolve "Fingering her ass vigorously while caressing her back, Jose kept pushing Myriam towards another orgasm, following her reactions and moans to bring her to climax." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Yes! That's it, give in to the pleasure!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_fingers_or_cocks:" "Does Myriam ask for more?" KN_MOD "Aaah! Wait! U-use your cock!:" $ ch4_ask_for_some_anal_pounding_massage = True MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_anal_pounding_massage" KN_MOD "God! Hes going to make me cum again!:" MC "{i}God! He's going to make me cum again!{/i}" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JoJ "\"Good! That's it! Ride the wave!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_anal_pounding_massage:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve "Climbing over the table and behind Myriam, Jose quickly pushed his hard cock inside her before starting moving and fucking her ass as she moaned for him to go harder." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! Li-like that?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Pound it hard!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve "Following her desire, Jose kept pounding Myriam's ass, going at it harder and deeper as she asked him to do between her moans of pleasure, doing his best to put her pleasure first before his own despite his excitement." JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I-I...\"" JoJ "{i}Looks like she's about to cum... Thank god! I'm at my limit, her ass feels just so fucking good!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 033 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 032 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 034 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As he thought, Myriam quickly screamed her pleasure as she climaxed under is intense pounding, only stopping to pull out once he just couldn't resist anymore, his cum immediately bursting over her back as he grunted loudly." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! I'M CUMMING! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JoJ "\"AAARGH! MADRE DE DIOS!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 035 with dissolve "Both breathing heavily after climaxing, they rested a moment as they were, until Jose finally broke the silence by asking Myriam if she wished for Terrel to have a go as well." JoJ "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" JoJ "\"Hah Hah hah! Say M-Mrs Summers, do you wish for my colleague to \"massage\" you as well?\"" TeP "{i}Ha ha ha! My time to pound that slut's ass!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_a_big_tool_for_a_big_job:" "Does Myriam ask for more?" KN_MOD "Y-Yes! I want him to pound my ass!:" $ ch4_ask_for_some_more_anal_pounding_massage = True MC "\"Hah hah hah! Y-yes! I want him to pound my ass!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_hard_anal_pounding_massage" KN_MOD "Y-Yes! I want him to pound my ass with his big cock!:" $ ch4_ask_for_some_more_anal_pounding_massage = True $ ch4_begging_for_a_big_cock = True MC "\"Hah hah hah! Y-yes! I want him to pound my ass with his big cock!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_hard_anal_pounding_massage" KN_MOD "Y-Yes! I want him to pound my ass with his big black cock!:" $ ch4_ask_for_some_more_anal_pounding_massage = True $ ch4_begging_for_a_big_black_cock = True MC "\"Hah hah hah! Y-yes! I want him to pound my ass with his big black cock!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_hard_anal_pounding_massage" KN_MOD "Y-Yes! I want him to break my ass!:" $ ch4_ask_for_some_more_anal_pounding_massage = True $ ch4_begging_for_rough_anal == True MC "\"Hah hah hah! Y-yes! I want him to break my ass!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_hard_anal_pounding_massage" KN_MOD "N-no, sorry, I think I had enough.:" MC "\"N-no, sorry, I think I had enough.\"" JoJ "\"It's ok Mrs Summers, no need to apologize, we're only here to help.\"" TeP "{i}Fuck! She's fucking blue balling me!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_hard_anal_pounding_massage:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve "Climbing over the table in turn, Terrel quickly pushed his cock inside her, immediately starting to pound Myriam's ass hard and deep and pulling screams of a mix of pleasure and pain from her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_begging_for_a_big_cock == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! How do you like my big cock?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I love your big cock!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_a_big_black_cock == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! How do you like my big black cock?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I love your big black cock!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_rough_anal == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! How do you like your rough anal?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I love it!\"" KN_MOD "else:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! How do you like your anal pounding?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I love it!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve "Following his own excitement Terrel kept pounding Myriam's ass, getting more and more rough as he got excited by her moans of pleasure and pain, deciding to get the better of the occasion." TeP "\"Oooooohhh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I-I...\"" TeP "{i}Looks like she's about to cum... Fuck! I'm not far off too! I would have loved to pound that slut's ass some more!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_begging_for_a_big_cock == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! I'm going to send you to big cock heaven!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_a_big_black_cock == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! I'm going to send you to big black cock heaven!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_rough_anal == True:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! I'm going to break your fucking ass you slut!\"" KN_MOD "else:" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! I'm going to ruin your ass!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I'm cumming again!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 038 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As she announced, Myriam quickly screamed her pleasure as she climaxed under Terrel's rough anal pounding, only stopping once she started calming down, pulling out and immediately cumming all over her back as he grunted loudly." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! CUMMING!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_begging_for_a_big_cock == True:" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE'S YOUR BIG LOAD!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_a_big_black_cock == True:" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE'S YOUR BIG BLACK LOAD!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_begging_for_rough_anal == True:" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE'S YOUR LOAD YOU FUCKING SLUT!\"" KN_MOD "else:" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE'S YOUR LOAD!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 039 with dissolve "Breathing heavily again after the rough anal pounding Terrel gave her, Myriam stayed quiet for a moment, trying to catch her breath after her orgasm." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" TeP "\"Ha Ha ha! So, enjoyed your deep \"massage\"?\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah! Ye-yeah... Tha-thank you...\"" TeP "{i}Ha ha ha! Look at that cum covered slut... Fuck! I love this job!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 040 with dissolve "Terrel got down from the table, Myriam stayed still for a while, reveling in the sensation of pleasure as her body was still quivering from the wave of pleasure and her asshole was still gaping from the intense pounding it took." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! They really did a number on my poor ass... But this felt so good!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_straight_to_double:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve "Climbing on the table after Myriam asked them to fuck her together, Jose laid down under Myriam as she took him in her pussy before Terrel quickly followed suit and pushed his cock in her ass." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! Tha-that's it! Let the pleasure in!\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! And our big cocks!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 041 with dissolve "Doing his best in his position, Jose focused on pleasuring Myriam, following her reactions and moans of pleasure, while on his side Terrel, excited by the same moans, focused pounding her ass hard and deep." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Like that!\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck yeah! Just like that!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 043 with dissolve "The two cocks penetrating her pussy and ass in rhythm, Myriam could not help but moan loudly at the intense pleasure they gave her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! They're making me go crazy! I'm going to cum hard!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 044 with dissolve "And as she felt it was coming, Myriam was quickly shaken by a powerful orgasm, her body trembling as Jose buried is face in her breasts and Terrel kept pounding her ass without mercy." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JoJ "\"Aaahhh! Mmmpfff!\"" JoJ "{i}Madre de dios! I could die between these tits!{/i}" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Now prepare for our load you slut!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 045 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_done_or_double_anal:" "Why is Myriam stopping them?" KN_MOD "No, not yet! I want more!:" $ ch4_ask_for_double_anal = True MC "{i}No, not yet! I want more!{/i}" "Still having some wits to herself despite her state of excitement, Myriam found the strength to stop them as they were reaching their limit, wanting them to push her even further before finishing themselves." MC "\"Aaahhh! Wait! Please! I... I want you both in my ass!\"" TeP "\"Ooohhh! No shit!? For real?\"" JoJ "\"Aaahhh! Are you sure?\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Ye-yes! Don't worry, I-I can take it!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_finishing_double_penetration" KN_MOD "Wait! Not inside!:" "Still having some wits to herself despite her state of excitement, Myriam found the strength to stop them as they were about to climax as well and cum inside her." MC "\"Wait! Not inside! Don-don't cum inside!\"" TeP "\"Ooohhh! Fuck! For real? I'm about to burst here!\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! I mean you can keep going, ju-just don't cum inside!\"" JoJ "\"Aaahhh! O-Of course! We understand!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_finishing_double_penetration" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_finishing_double_penetration:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 046 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_ask_for_double_anal == True:" "Following Myriam's invitation, the two quickly slipped their cock in her ass, finding themselves surprised by how easily they fit inside it, the oil and her excitement helping the procedure." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Oooh god! Yes!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! Madre de dios! This is...!\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! She's really taking it!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 047 with dissolve "The two cocks stretching her asshole even more than before, Myriam's mixed feelings of pain and pleasure came together ever so strongly, quickly pushing her towards another violent orgasm." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Yeeeeees!\"" MC "{i}God! This is so... This is so incredible! They're wrecking my ass!{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 048 with dissolve "Her body still sensitive form her previous orgasm, Myriam was quickly pushed into another violent orgasm by the intensity of the double anal penetration, quickly followed by the two who grunted loudly as they filled her ass full of cum." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! YEEEEEESSS!!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK YEAH!!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" JoJ "\"AAARGH! MADRE DE DIOS!!! MMMPFFF!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 049 with dissolve "As both pulled out in a sloshing noise, the cum oozing out of her still gaping asshole due to the double anal penetration, Myriam stayed still, waiting to gain back control of her body still weak and quivering form the pleasure." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" JoJ "\"Ha Ha ha! A-are you ok Mrs SUmmers?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Y-yes... Hah hah hah! Just give me a minute... My body's completely numb...\"" JoJ "\"Of course.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "else:" "Starting to move again after Myriam had told them to keep going but warned them to not cum inside her, the two searched again for their rhythm, Jose doing is best to control himself and not cum inside, while Terrel simply pounded away again at her ass as hard as he could." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaaaaahhh! I won't be long!\"" TeP "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Me too!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 050 with dissolve "Her body still sensitive from her previous orgasm, Myriam was quickly pushed into another orgasm by the double penetration, quickly followed by the two who grunted loudly as they pulled out to cum." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! YEEES!!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" TeP "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK YEAH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" JoJ "\"AAARGH! MADRE DE DIOS! THA... AAAHHH! That was close! Mmmpf!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 051 with dissolve "Terrel got down once he was done cumming, Myriam stayed still for a moment, both her holes still gaping from the intense double penetration, waiting to regain back control of her body still weak and quivering from the pleasure." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" JoJ "\"Ha Ha ha! A-are you ok Mrs SUmmers?\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Y-yes... Hah hah hah! Just give me a minute... My body's completely numb...\"" JoJ "\"Of course.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_end_of_massage" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_end_of_massage:" KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 052 with dissolve "Sitting up after her body had calmed down, Myriam paused again for a moment before getting down from the table as the two warned her to be cautious due to the oil on her feet." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 053 with dissolve "Sitting up after relaxing over the table for a moment, Myriam paused again before getting down as the two warned her to be cautious due to the oil on her feet." JoJ "\"Are you feeling ok Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, definitely.\"" JoJ "\"Good, though wait a second before getting down, we'll wipe your feet or you risk slipping before getting to the shower.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 054 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" "Once her feet cleaned by the masseurs, Myriam slipped inside the shower to wash off the excess of scented oil covering her as well as the cum from the two." KN_MOD "else:" "Once her feet cleaned by the masseurs, Myriam slipped inside the shower to wash off the excess of scented oil covering her." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_ask_for_double_anal == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that some really intense anal \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe I asked them to do that to me, to both fuck my ass at the same time... I don't know where that came from, but I can't deny that the intensity really got me going...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_cut_short_the_massage_and_straight_to_fucking == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that some intense mutual \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe I asked them straight to fuck me together... I know I was a bit frustrated from the hospital but this was daring, though I can't deny that it really got me going...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_ask_for_some_more_anal_pounding_massage == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that some intense anal \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe I asked them both to fuck my ass... I know I was a bit frustrated from the hospital but this was daring, though I can't deny that it really got me going...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_ask_for_some_anal_pounding_massage == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that a bit of anal \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe I asked him to fuck my ass... But now I feel kink of guilty for the other masseur, he must have felt frustrated, I just didn't want to push myself too far for now...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_giving_back_happy_ending == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that some mutual \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe we can just touch each other like that so casually... It's weird how it feels both naughty and casual at the same time...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_mid_term_happy_ending == True:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must, and add to that a bit of \"fun\" and you got the best way to relax.{/i}" MC "{i}But still... I can't believe that getting touched like that has become casual now... It's weird how it feels both naughty and casual at the same time...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! That felt great! Getting pampered like that from time to time is definitely a must.{/i}" MC "{i}I should come more often to relax...{/i}" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 055 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_golden_shower_participate == True:" "Enjoying her shower after her massage, Myriam stayed in for some time, thinking back on the last time she was here with Evelyn and how she got her to participate in a golden shower." MC "{i}I still can't believe that Eve got me to get that golden shower back then... That was really crazy...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_having_a_golden_shower:" "Does Myriam let herself get tempted by a golden shower?" KN_MOD "Maybe I could try again...:" $ ch4_spa_golden_shower_alone = True MC "{i}Maybe I could try again alone, we had fun with it with Eve last time after all...{/i}" MC "{i}If I have to experiment with that, better do it where it's safe and without fear of getting judged for it.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_golden_shower_after_massage" KN_MOD "Ill have to try again...:" MC "{i}I'll have to try again one day, even alone, we had fun with it with Eve last time after all, but I'm not sure to feel like it today...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could try it with someone just for fun one day as well...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room" KN_MOD "elif ch3_golden_shower_witness == True:" "Enjoying her shower after her massage, Myriam stayed in for some time, thinking back on the last time she was here with Evelyn and how she witness her taking a golden shower." MC "{i}I still can't believe that Eve got me to watch her get a golden shower back then... That was really crazy...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_trying_the_golden_shower:" "Does Myriam let herself get tempted by a golden shower?" KN_MOD "May-maybe I could try it...:" $ ch4_spa_golden_shower_alone = True MC "{i}May-maybe I could try it, Eve looked like she had fun with it...{/i}" MC "{i}If I have to try one day, better do it where it's safe and without fear of getting judged for it.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_golden_shower_after_massage" KN_MOD "I dont know if I ever could...:" MC "{i}I don't know if I ever could do it myself, Eve made it look fun, but this seems so crazy...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe for someone I love, if I was asked to...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room" KN_MOD "else:" "Enjoying her shower after her massage, Myriam stayed in for some time, thinking back on how Evelyn got her come here in the first place." MC "{i}I still can't believe that Eve got me to come here... That sneaky brat!{/i}" MC "{i}Though I don't regret, she was right, it's really freeing to walk around in the nude without fearing on what people will think.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_golden_shower_after_massage:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 056 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_golden_shower_participate == True:" "Shutting off the water, Myriam approached the exit of the shower, calling for the two masseurs if they could help her with another kind of shower, like they did last time." KN_MOD "elif ch3_golden_shower_witness == True:" "Shutting off the water, Myriam approached the exit of the shower, calling for the two masseurs if they could help her with another kind of shower, like they did last time with Evelyn." MC "\"Ahem! Excuse me!\"" JoJ "\"Yes Mrs Summers?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_golden_shower_participate == True:" MC "\"Would you mind giving me a golden shower like you did the other time with me and Eve?\"" KN_MOD "elif ch3_golden_shower_witness == True:" MC "\"Wou-would you mind giving me a golden shower like you did the other time with Eve?\"" JoJ "\"Oh! Sure.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 057 with dissolve "Taking position, Myriam knelt in front of them as they get ready themselves, just asking them to avoid aiming for her right eye because of her wound." JoJ "\"Ready Mrs Summers?\"" MC "\"Yes, just please avoid aiming for my right eye, otherwise the rest of my face or my breasts are ok.\"" JoJ "\"Understood.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 058 with dissolve "Closing her eyes and mouth, Myriam relaxed as she started to suddenly feel the warm sensation of their stream hitting her chest first before dripping down her body to her pussy." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" JoJ "\"Aaahhh!\"" JoJ "{i}Dios mio! This client is the best!{/i}" TeP "\"Ooohhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 059 with dissolve "Done with her breasts, the two started aiming for her face, Jose going for her forehead while Terrel went for the corner of her mouth, while Myriam stayed impassive and zen as she enjoyed the warmth." JoJ "\"Aaahhh!\"" TeP "\"Ooohhh!\"" TeP "{i}Come on, open your mouth you little slut! So I can piss in it.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}That naughty boy definitely want me to open my mouth!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_fed_gold:" "Does Myriam open her mouth?" KN_MOD "Maybe I can oblige him...:" $ ch4_mouth_full_of_piss = True MC "{i}Maybe I can oblige him...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_mouth_full_of_gold" KN_MOD "Sorry, not this time...:" MC "{i}Sorry, not this time...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_no_more_gold" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_mouth_full_of_gold:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 060 with dissolve "Opening her mouth, Myriam quickly felt Terrel aim for it and keep his stream there until the end, while Jose kept aiming for the rest of her face, only avoiding her right eye as she asked." MC "\"Aaahhh! Guuurglh!\"" TeP "\"Ooohhh! Yeah!\"" TeP "{i}That's it slut! Keep that mouth open!{/i}" JoJ "\"Aaahhh!\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 061 with dissolve "Done urinating, the two enjoyed the sight of Myriam, her mouth open wide and full of piss, asking themselves if she was going to swallow the golden liquid or not." JoJ "\"...\"" TeP "\"...\"" TeP "{i}Come on little slut! Swallow my piss!{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}They definitely want me to swallow now...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_05_gold_swallower:" "Does Myriam swallow her mouth full?" KN_MOD "Maybe I can oblige them again...:" $ ch4_mouth_full_of_piss_swallowed = True MC "{i}Maybe I can oblige them again...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_swallowing_gold" KN_MOD "Sorry, but not this time...:" MC "{i}Sorry, but not this time...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_no_more_gold" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_swallowing_gold:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 062 with dissolve scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 063 with dissolve "Looking them both in turn, Myriam swallowed her mouth full of piss before opening up again and showing them she had swallowed everything, opening wide and sticking her tongue out." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" TeP "\"Wow! Shit!\"" TeP "{i}That rich slut is the best!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_no_more_gold:" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 064 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_mouth_full_of_piss == True:" "Bending her head forward, Myriam let all the piss slip out of her mouth onto her breasts, letting it drip along her body slowly." MC "\"Spit!\"" TeP "{i}Damn! The bitch didn't swallow! But still, that rich slut is the best!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Bending her head forward, Myriam let the piss that got in her mouth slip out over her breasts, letting it drip along her body slowly." MC "\"Spit!\"" TeP "{i}Damn! Too bad she didn't swallow what got in... But still, that rich slut is the best!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room" KN_MOD "label ch4_05_leaving_the_massage_room:" KN_MOD "if ch4_spa_golden_shower_alone == True:" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 065 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_spa_golden_shower_alone == True:" "Getting up after her golden shower, Myriam quickly went back under the water to wash off all the urine from her before going." MC "{i}It's weird but it kinds of feel comforting and freeing once you past the humiliating side of getting pissed on...{/i}" MC "{i}I guess a lot of sexual things really depends on how you go about it... But let's put that aside for now and go relax a bit in the sauna.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Finishing her shower, Myriam left her thoughts about Eve and focused on what she was going to do after her massage." MC "{i}Let's stop mulling over this, like Doctor Silver said, it's good that I'm able to experiment safely.{/i}" MC "{i}Now let's get out of the shower and go relax a bit in the sauna.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 066 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower, Myriam waved at the two masseurs discussing together, thanking them for their work and their help to relax before heading out." MC "\"Hey! Thank you both for the session, I really feel great.\"" TeP "\"Sure!\"" JoJ "\"You're welcome Mrs Summers.\"" scene bg ch4_05 takingcareofoneself 067 with dissolve "Grabbing her towel on the way, Myriam headed out of the massage room, aiming to go relax in one of the saunas of the spa and the lounging area." MC "{i}Let's go relax in one of the saunas, or maybe the hammam since I'm already all wet, or I could wait a moment and take a drink at the lounging area...{/i}" MC "{i}Yes, let's do that and I'll see what I'm in mood for.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update03" KN_MOD "label ch4_update03:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update3 from _call_var_chapter4_update3" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_sharing_the_care" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_sharing_the_care:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Sharing the Care" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 001 with dissolve "Heading to the lounge area after leaving the massage room, Myriam looked around to see if the usual barmaid was around." MC "{i}Maybe I could get a little drink like last time...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's see if the barmaid's here.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 002 with dissolve "Myriam found her behind the bar in her usual skimpy maid outfit, welcoming her as she stepped up to the counter to order her something to drink." "Barmaid" "\"Hello Mrs Summers!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" MC "{i}God! It always feels so strange how attentive they are... I guess it's why admission is so costly.{/i}" "Barmaid" "\"Would you like something to drink?\"" MC "\"Yes, thanks, a Pink Lady please.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 003 with dissolve "As the barmaid quickly made her the drink, Myriam thanked her and headed for the long chairs area to relax for a moment." MC "\"Thank you.\"" "Barmaid" "\"You're welcome, don't hesitate to call for me if you need anything.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 004 with dissolve "Sitting on one of the long chairs, Myriam laid down and closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the calm and peaceful ambiance of the spa." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so good...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 005 with dissolve "Opening her eyes after a few minutes of enjoying the peace and quiet, Myriam thought back to when Evelyn brought here the first time." MC "{i}It's kind of funny to see how relaxed I am being here now, I was so fidgety the first time Evelyn introduced me to it.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch1_free_the_boobs == True:" MC "{i}I remember how hard it was for me to even go topless like her and now here I am, fully naked...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I remember I couldn't even go topless like her and now here I am, fully naked...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 006 with dissolve "Looking to her right, where Evelyn was seated the first time they came together, Myriam smiled thinking how her mischievous cousin had helped her get out of her shell." MC "{i}With her wild side and how free spirited she is, she kind of helped me to get out of my shell.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know where I would be at without her... Maybe I'll still be under Anthony's thumb...{/i}" MC "{i}Without Eve, Doctor Silver and all the people I met here, I'm sure I would have.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 007 with dissolve "Taking her drink from the stand beside her, Myriam kept mulling over how things had changed so quickly since she came here." MC "{i}Things changed so quickly since we came here, it's like a veil was lifted in front of me...{/i}" MC "{i}But now here I am, alive, free of him and naked a drink in hand...{/i}" MC "{i}If only he could see me like this I bet he'd raise hell and stick a chunk under it.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 008 with dissolve "Bringing the drink to her lips, Myriam slowly drank it whole, as if she was making the thought of him disappear like she was making the drink disappear." MC "{i}To hell with him!{/i}" MC "\"Slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 009 with dissolve "Putting down her empty glass, Myriam laid back down and closed her eyes again, putting any thoughts of him aside and focusing on the peace she was feeling here on the moment." MC "{i}The best way for me to beat him is to enjoy each and every moment of my life without him...{/i}" MC "{i}Starting by enjoying lazing around here, naked.{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 010 with dissolve "As Myriam rested for some time on the long chair in the lounge area, letting her body dry as she relaxed, a couple suddenly walked in, talking together as they came in without paying attention to her." MC "\"...\"" StM "\"Sorry Honey, I don't think she's here today.\"" "Asian woman" "\"It's ok Hun, we'll just relax...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 011 with dissolve "Noticing Myriam as they came in, the couple waved at her as they walked towards her, the man quickly ending up recognizing her from her first time coming in with Evelyn." StM "\"Hi!\"" "Asian woman" "\"Oh! Hi!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" StM "\"Hey! Wait, aren't you Evelyn's friend?\"" MC "\"Yes, her cousin...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 012 with dissolve StM "\"I'm Steve, I don't know if you remember me?\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, Eve went with you the first time we came here together.\"" StM "\"Yes, and this is Mary, my wife, we're friends of hers.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 013 with dissolve MaM "\"Nice to meet you...?\"" MC "\"Myriam! Nice to meet you too Mary.\"" MaM "\"Is Eve here with you today?\"" MC "\"No, sorry, it's just me today.\"" StM "\"Well, it's nice to see you again, glad to see you enjoy the place.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, I do.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 014 with dissolve StM "\"It's nice to have some new members, we come here often Mary and me, we're old furniture now.\"" MaM "\"Hey! Who's old!?\"" StM "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry.\"" MaM "\"For the trouble go get us some drinks!\"" StM "\"Sure thing Honey.\"" MC "{i}They're kind of cute with their banter...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 015 with dissolve MaM "\"So, you said you enjoyed the spa?\"" MC "\"Yes, i-it was a shock at first, but I must say it feels kind of freeing.\"" MaM "\"Ha ha ha! It sure can be, you would have seen Steve the first day here, he was so shy he didn't know where to look.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 016 with dissolve MC "\"Well, it couldn't be easy with your wife beside you.\"" MaM "\"Ha ha ha! Yes, can't deny that, but I wouldn't give him any grief over a case of wandering eyes here.\"" MaM "\"After all we're here to be naughty together, that's why we have this bracelet.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 017 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Yes, what does the bracelet mean?\"" MaM "\"You mean the red ones?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" MaM "\"They're for couples who wish to fool around together.\"" MC "\"I should learn the meaning of them, I know they give you access, but I don't know the colors.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 018 with dissolve MaM "\"Is this why you're still with the only spa color?\"" MC "\"Yes, I guess so.\"" MaM "\"You should ask the front desk, they can help you on that front.\"" MC "\"I probably should.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 019 with dissolve MaM "\"So... Does this mean that you're open to a little more than the spa service?\"" MC "\"Sorry...? Oh! Gosh! You mean...!?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_couple_play:" "How does Myriam feels about the proposition?" KN_MOD "I didnt think about it but...:" $ ch4_open_to_naughty_things_at_the_spa = True MC "{i}I didn't think about it but I guess I can't say I'm not curious.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "I dont know if Im ready for that yet.:" MC "{i}I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_naughty_couple:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 020 with dissolve MaM "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to ambush you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_open_to_naughty_things_at_the_spa == True:" MC "\"No, it's ok, I was surprised, but I'm not opposed to it.\"" MaM "\"Really, are you sure?\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"No, it's ok, it was kind of a surprise, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.\"" MaM "\"Yes, I understand.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 021 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_open_to_naughty_things_at_the_spa == True:" MC "\"Yes, honestly I can't deny I'm curious about the experience.\"" MaM "\"Glad to hear it and sorry for surprising you.\"" MC "\"It's ok.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"It's not that I'm not curious honestly.\"" MaM "\"No, you're right, you shouldn't force it and go at it at your own pace.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 022 with dissolve "Coming back to them with two drinks, Steve cut into the conversation, handing his wife her cocktail before turning to Myriam." StM "\"Here you go Honey, your Bloody Mary.\"" MaM "\"Thank you Hun.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 023 with dissolve StM "\"Yours is coming, I asked the barmaid to make you the same drink she made you earlier.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you, you didn't have to.\"" StM "\"It's nothing, just a welcoming gift.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 024 with dissolve "Sitting down beside his wife, Steve enquired about what he had missed while he was away." StM "\"So, what did I miss?\"" MaM "\"Nothing, we were just talking about the spa and how to enjoy it.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 025 with dissolve "After Myriam was brought her drink as well, the three kept talking together, learning about each other as they sipped their cocktails." "The couple sharing about their background and how they came to discover and join the spa, as well as how they meet Evelyn." "Myriam herself sharing about her background, apart from her fight with Anthony, and her own experience discovering the spa and joining it." scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 026 with dissolve "As the three finished their cocktails and kept talking together, the discussion slowly slid to the naughty side of the spa and the couple." MC "\"And it doesn't put any strain on the couple?\"" MaM "\"For us no, we only fool around together, but every couple is different, for some it's a bad idea because they do it for the wrong reasons.\"" StM "\"It's often because one does it to please the other, without really enjoying it himself or herself.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 027 with dissolve "Reaching for her husband's groin over the towel, Mary caressed Steve's cock to tease him, as if she wanted to start illustrating their explanations." MaM "\"As if this little guy wouldn't enjoy the fun!\"" StM "\"Ha ha ha! It wouldn't dare not to!\"" MaM "\"Yeah? Let's see if that's true!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 028 with dissolve "Making her husband stand up, Mary gently grabbed him by the balls after taking off his towel and revealing his cock already standing to attention." MaM "\"Haaa! Looks like it's up to the challenge for now!\"" StM "\"Sure it is!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_open_to_naughty_things_at_the_spa == True:" MC "{i}God! They're really going to do it here...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_enjoying_the_show:" "Does Myriam stay and enjoy the show?" KN_MOD "Well, if theyre offering a show...:" $ ch4_enjoying_the_couples_show = True MC "{i}Well, if they're offering a show, who am I to pass on it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_naughty_couple_blowjob" KN_MOD "Maybe I better go...:" MC "{i}Maybe I better go, I don't know if I'm ready yet to participate.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_show" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! They're really going to do it here, maybe I better go.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_show" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_leaving_the_show:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 029 with dissolve "Noticing that Myriam was getting up and was about to leave, Mary stopped her, offering her to just enjoy in the show, even if she didn't wish to participate." MC "\"I'll give you some privacy.\"" MaM "\"You can stay and watch if you want, even if you don't participate.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_staying_for_the_show:" "Does Myriam stay just for the show?" KN_MOD "If its just looking...:" $ ch4_just_enjoying_the_couples_show = True MC "{i}If it's just looking, maybe I can stay and watch them.{/i}" MC "\"Su-sure you don't mind?\"" MaM "\"No, just enjoy the show.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_naughty_couple_blowjob" KN_MOD "No, theres nothing wrong about it, but...:" MC "{i}No, there's nothing wrong about it, but I think I need a little more time, and I already got my dose of naughtiness with my massage.{/i}" MC "\"Thank you, but I think that I'll pass this time around.\"" MaM "\"Ok, maybe another time then.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_passing_on_the_show" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_naughty_couple_blowjob:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_just_enjoying_the_couples_show == True:" "Deciding to stay, Myriam laid back again and looked at the show the couple gave her, caressing herself while Mary started slowly sucking her husband's cock while caressing his balls and her breasts." KN_MOD "else:" "Deciding to stay, Myriam simply looked at the show the couple gave her, caressing herself while Mary started slowly sucking her husband's cock while caressing his balls and her breasts." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" StM "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Honey!\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so weird and yet exciting, I've never thought I would just enjoy watching someone else having sex in front of me.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_a_peek_in_radiology == True:" MC "{i}This feels different that when I witnessed the two nurses at the hospital, maybe because I'm so close this time.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 031 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 030 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating the pace, Mary kept going, focusing on sucking on his glans all while she kept massaging her breasts and controlling his balls, both massaging them and squeezing them lightly when she felt he was about to cum." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" StM "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Aaaaaah! Just like that Honey!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}You can see how much they know each other and how their bodies react.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 032 with dissolve "Taken in, by the excitement of watching the two and the pleasure of her own masturbation, Myriam grabbed her breasts as well, caressing them as she kept watching the couple and started imagining herself participating with them." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" StM "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Honey! Aaaaaah! I'm nearly there!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't help imagining myself sucking on that cock as well... Taking it deep in my throat before passing it back to her... Passing it back and force until he cums on both our faces.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 033 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_enjoying_the_couples_show == True:" "Suddenly stopping her blowjob as her husband was about to cum, Mary pulled his cock out of her mouth, teasing him before telling him to keep it in for a moment." MaM "\"He he he! Not just yet! Keep this thing hard and ready to go for me!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Suddenly stopping her blowjob as her husband was about to cum, Mary pulled his cock out of her mouth, teasing him before telling him he has to take care of her first if he wants to cum." MaM "\"He he he! Not just yet! You'll have to take care of me if you want to cum!\"" StM "\"Haaa! Ye-yes Honey!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! Poor guy, he was ready to cum!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_enjoying_the_couples_show == True:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 034 with dissolve "Turning towards Myriam after leaving her husband on the verge of cumming, Mary asked her again if she still wanted to fool around with them." MaM "\"So, do you still want to fool around with us?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_staying_for_the_rest_of_the_show:" "Does Myriam stay just for the rest of the show?" KN_MOD "Ye-yes, I still want to!:" $ ch4_fool_around_with_the_naughty_couple = True MC "\"Ye-yes, I still want to!\"" MaM "\"Great!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_fooling_around_with_the_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "Ca-can I just keep watching this time around?:" $ ch4_enjoying_the_couples_show = False $ ch4_just_enjoying_the_couples_show = True MC "\"Ca-can I just keep watching this time around?\"" MaM "\"Sure!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_just_enjoy_the_rest_of_the_show" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_just_enjoy_the_rest_of_the_show" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_fooling_around_with_the_naughty_couple:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 035 with dissolve "Moving between Myriam's legs while her husband sat down, slowly masturbating, Mary asked her if she ever fooled with a woman before." MaM "\"Have you ever fooled around with a woman before?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_staying_the_night_at_lucys == True or ch3_accepted_stellas_curiosity == True:" MC "\"Ye-yes, I did...\"" MaM "\"Then just relax and let me take care of you.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"No, never.\"" MaM "\"Then don't worry, just relax and let me take care of you, but don't hesitate to stop me if you don't like it.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 036 with dissolve "After making sure Myriam was ok with her taking care of her, Mary started going down on her, gently teasing her clitoris with her tongue while she explored her pussy with one finger." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Mmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 037 with dissolve "As Myriam kept caressing her breast, she looked at Mary continuing her work on her, her tongue mercilessly lapping her clit while she arched her fingers along the wall of Myriam's vagina to take care of her sweet spots while fingering her." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! She's so good! She's going to make me cum already.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 038 with dissolve "Fully giving in, Myriam closed her eyes and started to massage both her breasts while enjoying Mary's work on her, teasing and sucking her clit while she kept fingering her pussy, quickly pushing her into an orgasm." MaM "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! Yes! MMMMMMHHH! GOD! YES!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 039 with dissolve "Waiting for Myriam to calm down after her climax, Mary turned towards her husband, inviting him to come fuck her and make her cum if he wanted to cum." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MaM "\"Still hard Hun?\"" StM "\"Oh! Yes Honey!\"" MaM "\"Then come here and fuck me! But no cumming before I do!\"" StM "\"Yes Honey!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 040 with dissolve "As Steve came behind his wife and slowly pushed his cock inside her, Mary started playing with Myriam's still sensitive pussy again, fingering her slowly as she invited her to cum with them." StM "\"Ooohhh! Here you go Honey.\"" MaM "\"Aaahhh! Re... Mmmhhh! Ready to cum with us?\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Ye-yeah! Mmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve "Starting slow, Steve started fucking his wife's pussy as she ate Myriam's again, using her mouth and tongue to tease her still sensitive clit as her fingers went right back to teasing her sweet spots." MaM "\"Mmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmhhh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating the pace of his thrusts, Steve did all he could to keep himself from cumming, focusing on his wife's reaction and moans as she pleasured Myriam." MaM "\"Mmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! That's it Honey!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 042 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 041 with dissolve "As he felt his wife's pussy tightening around his cock, Steve kept accelerating the pace, trying his best to push her over the edge and make her climax quickly as he could feel his own limit coming fast." MaM "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! Cum for me Honey!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I'm going to cum too!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 043 with dissolve "Both women screaming their pleasure as they orgasmed together, Steve kept fucking his wife hard, getting ready to cum as well now that he had made her climax." MaM "\"AAAAAAHHH! FUCK! YES!! YES!!!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! Nearly there too Honey!\"" MaM "\"AAAAAAHHH! WAI-WAIT! IN MY MOUTH! MMMMMMHHH! CUM IN MY MOUTH!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 044 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly sliding down the long chair as her husband pulled out of her pussy, Mary opened her mouth, tongue out, ready to receive Steve's load of cum." StM "\"OOOOOOHHH! HE-HERE YOU GO HONEY!\"" MaM "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 045 with dissolve "Getting up, Mary quickly went to Myriam to cumswap, bending over her to share her husband's cum, spitting it slowly in her opened mouth." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MaM "\"Ptew!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 046 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 047 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 048 with dissolve "Mary stood up after the cumswap, and Myriam looked up at her, slowly swallowing her husband's cum, tracing its way down to her belly with her fingers as it went down her throat." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Aaah! Gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}God! Tha-that was...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_thoughts_on_threesome_with_couple:" "What's Myriam's take on her threesome with the couple?" KN_MOD "I loved being in a threesome!:" MC "{i}That was so hot! I loved being in a threesome!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "I loved fooling around with a woman!:" MC "{i}That was so hot! I loved fooling around with a woman!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "I loved the couples complicity!:" MC "{i}That was so hot! I loved this couple's complicity! I never thought a couple could really enjoy sharing themselves like this...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "I loved the cum swapping!:" MC "{i}That was so hot! I loved this cum swapping! This felt both so dirty and exciting...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "I wish I would have been fucked as well!:" MC "{i}That was so hot! Though I wish I would have been fucked as well!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_just_enjoy_the_rest_of_the_show:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 049 with dissolve "Passing on participating, Myriam still stayed to watch as Mary invited her to, watching the couple fucking over the long chair they were sitting on previously." MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes Hun! Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck my pussy hard!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! Yes Honey!\"" MC "\"Mmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! It really looks like she enjoy getting fucked while being watched!{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve "Pressing her foot against her husband's torso, Mary teased him and enticed him to fuck her harder, both giving him the pace to fuck her and taking care of not letting him cum too soon." MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Harder Hun! Mmmmmmhhh! Pound my pussy!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! Ye-yes! Aaaaaahhh! Yes Honey!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve "Pounding her harder as his wife asked him, Steve kept fucking her pussy while trying his best to resist his urge to cum, wanting to make her climax first as she asked him." MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" StM "\"Ooooohhh! I-I'm at my limit Honey!\"" MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Ju-just a little more Hun! Mmmmmmhhh! I'm nearly there!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 050 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 051 with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 052 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Resisting his urge to cum until his wife finally climaxed, Steve kept pounding her pussy, only letting go once he heard her screaming in pleasure and cumming deep inside her as her pussy tightened around his cock." MaM "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! FILL ME UP!\"" StM "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE'S YOUR LOAD!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 053 with dissolve "Getting up after pulling out of his wife, Steve offered her his hand to help her up, while Myriam closed her eyes as she brought herself to climax as well." StM "\"Here Honey, let me help you.\"" MaM "\"Thank you Hun, my legs feels kind of weak.\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! MMMMMMHHH!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_end_of_threesome_with_naughty_couple:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 054 with dissolve "Sitting up after everybody got their strength back, Myriam sighed softly in satisfaction as she looked up to the couple, thanking them for the experience." MC "\"Sigh! Tha-thank you.\"" StM "\"You're welcome.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_fool_around_with_the_naughty_couple == True:" MaM "\"I just hope you enjoyed the experience.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MaM "\"I just hope you enjoyed the show.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 055 with dissolve MaM "\"I'm glad to hear it, maybe next time we could do something together with Evelyn as well?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'm sure she would like that.\"" StM "\"Don't feel pressured though.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_fool_around_with_the_naughty_couple == True:" MaM "\"Yes, sorry, it's just an idea.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MaM "\"Yes, sorry, you can still just keep watching if you want.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, I'll talk to her about it.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 056 with dissolve "Leaving Myriam alone after Steve wrapped himself in his towel again, the couple waved goodbye and headed back from where they came from, thanking her as well for the good time they had together." MaM "\"Bye Myriam! And thank you.\"" StM "\"Have a good day!\"" MC "\"Bye!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 057 with dissolve MC "{i}They're so nice... Definitely naughty, but still really nice.{/i}" MC "{i}It was so refreshing to see a couple being so close to each other.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe there's more to it to couple sharing their intimacy...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 058 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't help but feel a bit jealous though... When I look back on how things were with Anthony.{/i}" MC "{i}You can see that Mary is the dominant in the couple, but you could see that they had a connection an Steve clearly likes to indulge her.{/i}" MC "{i}No! Come on, don't start ruining your spa time thinking of him... Let's just go for the sauna and get your mind off from all that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_going_to_the_sauna" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_passing_on_the_show:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 059 with dissolve "Getting up, Myriam headed out from the lounge area, giving an awkward goodbye as she left the couple to their activity, the two having already started fucking over their long chair." MC "\"Bye! Ha-have a good time.\"" MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Th-thanks! Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck me hard Hun!\"" StM "\"Oooooohhh! Like that Honey!?\"" MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}They're already in their own world... Let's leave them alone and go for the sauna.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_going_to_the_sauna" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_going_to_the_sauna:" KN_MOD "if ch4_enjoying_the_couples_show == True or ch4_just_enjoying_the_couples_show == True:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 060 with dissolve "Leaving the lounge area, Myriam headed for one of the sauna room, wanting to have a sauna session before leaving the spa." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 061 with dissolve "Leaving the lounge area and the couple, Myriam headed for one of the sauna room, wanting to have a sauna session before leaving the spa." MaM "\"Aaaaaahhh! Harder! Mmmmmmhhh! Pound my pussy harder!\"" StM "\"Oooooohhh!\"" MC "{i}I'll just have a quick session, I'm not sure it's good to stay too long in high temperature after having some alcohol.{/i}" MC "{i}After that I think I'll probably go home.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 062 with dissolve "Going back to the sauna near the massage room, Myriam went in the antichamber where a few lockers could be found to store personal effects." MC "{i}Looks like it's here...{/i}" MC "{i}Wow! The ambiance really makes it look kind of mysterious...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 063 with dissolve "Walking in after leaving her towel in a locker, Myriam was surprised to be welcomed by a woman's voice as she entered, a voice she quickly recognized as Nubia." NuN "\"Hi Myriam!\"" MC "\"What...!? Oh! Nubia! Hi!\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 064 with dissolve "Quickly sitting beside her, Myriam awkwardly said hello again, surprised to meet Nubia here in the spa, " MC "\"Hi! What are you doing here?\"" NuN "\"Well, as you can see, enjoying the heat...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 065 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry! Of course, I was just so surprised to meet you here.\"" NuN "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry, I understand, you don't meet someone you know, naked, everyday.\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 066 with dissolve NuN "\"I'm a long time member, a golden one in fact, like Charles, this is where you met him first, no?\"" MC "\"Yes, I met him here the first time my cousin brought me here.\"" NuN "\"That's what I thought...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 067 with dissolve "Changing the topic suddenly as if she couldn't stop herself anymore, Nubia bent towards Myriam with a serious look, pointing at her wound, she asked her what had happen to her." NuN "\"Excuse me for my abruptness, but what happened to you here?\"" MC "\"Oh! I...\"" MC "{i}Why does she look so pissed?{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 068 with dissolve "Reflexively bringing her hand to her wound, Myriam looked away embarrassed, not knowing where to start when answering Nubia's sudden question." MC "\"It's kind of a long story... I-I don't even know where to start...\"" NuN "\"Is that from a man?\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 069 with dissolve MC "\"Y-yes.\"" NuN "\"No need to elaborate if you do not wish, I know I can be pushy some times...\"" MC "\"No, it's all right, I was just taken aback by your question, but I'd best rip the band-aid off... My ex-partner tried to kill me...\"" MC "\"He tried to shoot me and missed taking my head off in front of my daughter and his son...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 070 with dissolve "After a long silence as she took in Myriam's blunt answer, Nubia expressed how sorry she felt about her ordeal." NuN "\"...\"" MC "\"...\"" NuN "\"Sorry to hear you had to go through something like that... I do hope he had his just comeuppance?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_anthonys_comeuppance:" "How does Myriam feels about Anthony's coming trial and punishment?" KN_MOD "That, he definitely will!:" MC "\"That, he definitely will! His trial should be up soon, I won't let him go free and destroy another life.\"" NuN "\"Glad to hear it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_nubias_scar" KN_MOD "I dont know yet...:" MC "\"I don't know yet, his trial should be up soon, but I don't think he'll have his way on this one.\"" NuN "\"Good.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_nubias_scar" KN_MOD "Its complicated...:" MC "\"It's complicated, as much as I want him to pay, I still have to take care of his son, I'll have to mind how things go during his trial.\"" NuN "\"I understand.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_nubias_scar" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_nubias_scar:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 071 with dissolve MC "\"Dear god! This is so bleak.\"" NuN "\"Sorry, I have upset you.\"" MC "\"No, it's ok, it's just that saying it so bluntly, it's just such a mess... I still can't understand how things came to this.\"" NuN "\"Let me show you something.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 072 with dissolve "Standing up, Nubia showed her back to Myriam, which she was shocked to see covered from top to bottom by old burn scars." MC "\"Oh my god! Your back!\"" NuN "\"Months of intensive care in the burn unit... Acid burns... A little present from a jilted arranged fiancé.\"" MC "\"This is...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 073 with dissolve NuN "\"It's ok, it was years ago...\"" MC "\"Does it still hurt?\"" NuN "\"No, not anymore, and years of treatments helped to gain back some sensitivity and elasticity.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 074 with dissolve NuN "\"But let's not dwell on things, all I meant to say was that scars fade with time.\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" NuN "\"Let me bring up the heat so we can lay down and have a good sweat.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 075 with dissolve "The two women laying down after Nubia raised the temperature of the room, both letting go of their previous conversation, closing their eyes as they relaxed under the heat of the sauna." MC "\"...\"" NuN "\"...\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 076 with dissolve "Relaxing for a few minutes in the intense heat of the sauna, the two women quickly became covered in sweat, Myriam even beginning to get short of breath." MC "\"Hah!\"" NuN "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 077 with dissolve MC "{i}God! The heat is getting too much for me...{/i}" MC "\"Hah!\"" MC "{i}I'm starting to feel light headed now, I should get out.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 078 with dissolve "Sitting up, Myriam turned towards Nubia, telling her she could not take the heat anymore and had to go out." MC "\"Hah! Nu-Nubia, I have to go out, the heat is getting too much for me.\"" NuN "\"Yes, we should, staying in heat like this for too long is bad.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 079 with dissolve play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Getting out with her, Nubia lead Myriam to the shower sitting in front of the sauna, the freshness of the already running water giving a cool feeling of relief." NuN "\"Here, come take a cold shower.\"" MC "\"Cold?\"" NuN "\"Yes, it'll help cool your system down.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 080 with dissolve "Both stepping under the cold water together, the two women started washing off the sweat they accumulated during their sauna session." MC "\"Ha!\"" MC "{i}God! This is cold!{/i}" NuN "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 081 with dissolve "The two washing themselves in close proximity, Myriam took care to not take too much space and not hit Nubia inadvertently as she started to feel self-conscious being both naked so close to each other." NuN "\"...\"" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}I can't help but feel kind of self-conscious being so close to her like this... She's such a sensual woman.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_peek_a_look_at_nubia:" "Does Myriam peek a look at Nubia?" KN_MOD "Peek at Nubia.:" $ ch4_peek_at_nubia = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_peeking_at_the_exotic_beauty" KN_MOD "Dont peek at Nubia. (End of the line of events.):" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_sauna" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_peeking_at_the_exotic_beauty:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 082 with dissolve "Opening her eyes, Myriam discreetly looked at Nubia's naked and dripping wet body, looking at her burnt back." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe someone would try to burn someone else like this!{/i}" MC "{i}It faded a lot, but it must have hurt so much...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 083 with dissolve NuN "\"It doesn't hurt really.\"" MC "\"What!? Oh god! Sorry I didn't mean to stare.\"" NuN "\"It's ok.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 084 with dissolve "Both curious and fascinated, Myriam lightly touched Nubia's back in a half conscious gesture following her remark." MC "\"Still, this is such a horrible thing to do to someone...\"" MC "{i}God! You can really feel it to the touch...{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 085 with dissolve "Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Myriam put her hand away from Nubia as she laughed it off and reassured her that she wasn't offended." MC "\"Oh my god! I'm sorry! I don't know what went through my mind!\"" NuN "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok, I didn't mind.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 086 with dissolve "Taking her hand in hers and placing it against her chest, between her breasts, Nubia came onto Myriam as she backed against the wall in surprise." NuN "\"In fact, I must say that I enjoy the touch of a woman.\"" MC "\"Oh! I-I...\"" MC "{i}My god! She's so intense!{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 087 with dissolve "Grabbing her other hand, Nubia kept pressing Myriam further, coming closer and closer, squeezing her hand between her breasts as she pressed them against hers." NuN "\"And you, do you?\"" NuN "{i}Look at her, she's like a deer in headlights... Makes me want to swallow her whole.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_the_deer_and_the_wolf:" "How does Myriam answer?" KN_MOD "Ye-yeah...:" MC "\"Ye-yeah...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_teased_by_a_wolf" KN_MOD "I-I dont know...:" MC "\"I-I don't know...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_teased_by_a_wolf" KN_MOD "I-I got to go!:" MC "{i}I-I got to go!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_scamper_away" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_teased_by_a_wolf:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 088 with dissolve "Seeing Myriam getting flustered, Nubia pushed her even further, teasing her as she was trying to process what was happening." NuN "\"Well, that's interesting to hear...\"" MC "\"I...\"" MC "{i}Is she about to kiss me!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 089 with dissolve "But as Myriam felt that Nubia was about to kiss her, Nubia turned away, letting go of her chin as she suddenly changed subject." NuN "\"But I think we should get out now, before we both catch a cold.\"" MC "\"Wha-what...!?\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 090 with dissolve "As Nubia stepped out of the shower, Myriam felt her strength disappear for a moment as the sexual tension between the two disappeared as well." MC "{i}My god! What just happened!? Was she about to kiss me or did she just want to tease me?{/i}" MC "{i}This woman is so intense, I... I'm totally lost.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_sauna" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_scamper_away:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 091 with dissolve "Squeezing herself free, Myriam jumped out of the shower in a panic, apologizing to Nubia as she laughed off her reaction and apologized herself for her teasing." MC "\"So-sorry! I...\"" NuN "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry, it was mean of me to tease you like this.\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 092 with dissolve "Getting out of the shower as well, Nubia passed by Myriam, inviting her to follow to the locker room, leaving her perplexed and lost, her heart still racing." NuN "\"Come on, let's get dry before we both catch a cold.\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah...\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 093 with dissolve "As Nubia headed for the locker room, Myriam felt lost as she watched the woman walk away, the sexual tension between the two suddenly disappearing." MC "{i}My god! What just happened!? Was she about to kiss me or did she really just want to tease me?{/i}" MC "{i}This woman is so intense, I... I'm totally lost.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_sauna" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_leaving_the_sauna:" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 094 with dissolve "The two went to the sauna locker room after getting out of the shower and started drying themselves as they kept talking together." NuN "\"So, did you enjoy your sauna experience?\"" MC "\"Yeah, you feel like new.\"" NuN "\"And feeling any better now?\"" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 095 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry?\"" NuN "\"Your lightheadedness.\"" MC "\"Oh! Yes, the cold shower did help, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_peek_at_nubia == True:" NuN "\"Say...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" NuN "\"What would you say to having some dinner together next week?\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_invited_by_nubia" KN_MOD "else:" NuN "\"You should drink well after this when you get home.\"" MC "\"I will, thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_spa" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_invited_by_nubia:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 096 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Well...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_06_dinner_with_nubia:" "How does Myriam answer?" KN_MOD "Yes, I would like that.:" $ ch4_dinner_with_nubia = True $ ch4_interested_by_nubia = True MC "\"Yes, I would like that.\"" MC "{i}I think she has something more in mind, but she's so magnetic, I can't help but want to learn more about her.{/i}" NuN "\"Then that's a date, I'll call you so we can put that together.\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_spa" KN_MOD "Yes, why not...:" $ ch4_dinner_with_nubia = True MC "\"Yes, why not, I think it would be nice.\"" MC "{i}I think she has something more in mind, but I'm sure we can have a friendly dinner.{/i}" NuN "\"Then that's a date, I'll call you so we can put that together.\"" MC "\"Yeah.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_spa" KN_MOD "I-Im not sure... (End of the line of events.):" MC "\"I-I'm not sure...\"" MC "{i}I think she has something more in mind, I don't know if it would be wise to go further.{/i}" NuN "\"You don't have to feel obligated, don't worry.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_06_leaving_the_spa" KN_MOD "label ch4_06_leaving_the_spa:" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 097 with dissolve "Leaving Nubia after saying goodbye to her, Myriam headed back to the locker room where her clothes were, ready to leave." MC "{i}Let's get change and dry my hair now, I think I \"relaxed\" enough for the day.{/i}" MC "{i}Anyway, I really feel refreshed now despite all the things I rehashed about Anthony earlier, I did well coming here.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 098 with dissolve "Done drying her hair after dressing, Myriam put down the hair dryer and took a last look at her appearance before heading out." MC "{i}Looks good to me... Just this bruise that's still here, I hope it goes away quickly.{/i}" MC "{i}I didn't want to hide it because it felt like I would be ashamed of myself if I did, but it would be nice to not get that \"look\" anymore when people see me...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, nothing I can do about it here any way, let's go.{/i}" scene bg ch4_06 sharingthecare 099 with dissolve "Leaving the spa after getting more information on the different status memberships with the receptionist, Myriam headed for Evelyn's loft." MC "{i}I'll have to think on my membership before I come next time, there's a lot more things to do here than I thought...{/i}" MC "{i}But that can wait for now, I'll review that later on the computer, let's just go back to Eve's loft for now.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_thankful_thoughts" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_thankful_thoughts:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Thankful Thoughts" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 001 with dissolve "Walking the short distance between the spa and Eve's loft, Myriam quickly arrived there, finding the place still quiet." MC "{i}It's pretty quiet, am I the first one back?{/i}" MC "{i}Eve is probably still at her appointment.{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 002 with dissolve MC "{i}But the kids should be here though...{/i}" MC "{i}I don't think they had any club activities today, but I'm not sure if their schedule changed while I was in the hospital.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe they're up doing their homework...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 003 with dissolve "Walking to the foot of the stairs after putting down her handbag, Myriam tried to listen if she was hearing any of the kids in the room Eve gave them." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}I think I can hear Marc playing in his, but I think I hear some voices in Katherine's...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 004 with dissolve MC "{i}She must be with her friend Jenny...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I should go tell them I'm back.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_07_telling_you_are_back:" "Does Myriam go see the kids?" KN_MOD "Go left to see Marc.:" $ ch4_go_see_marc = True MC "{i}I should go see how's Marc and leave Katherine alone with her friend.{/i}" MC "{i}With what she went through while I was at the hospital, it's nice she can have fun and leave all that behind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc" KN_MOD "Go right to see Katherine.:" $ ch4_go_see_katherine = True MC "{i}I should go see who's with Katherine and leave Marc alone.{/i}" MC "{i}With what he went through with his father and while I was at the hospital, it's nice he can relax and leave all that behind.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_katherine" KN_MOD "Leave them alone.:" MC "{i}I should leave them alone and let them relax with all they went through lately.{/i}" MC "{i}Yesterday was emotional enough.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_leave_them_be" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_go_see_marc:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 005 with dissolve play sound "3 knocks on door-freesound-deleted-user-4772965.mp3" "Climbing the stairs to Marc's room, Myriam went in after knocking on the door, finding him playing video games on the bed." MC "\"Hey sweetie!\"" Ma "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"How are you doing?\"" Ma "\"Fine.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 006 with dissolve "Going in, Myriam approached Marc, reassuring him that he could keep playing as she noticed he had put his game on pause." MC "\"You can keep playing sweetie.\"" Ma "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 007 with dissolve "Not hearing an answer from him, Myriam called out to him again, multiple times, as she noticed him zoning out staring at her." MC "\"Marc?\"" Ma "\"...\"" MC "\"Marc!?\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah...?\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 008 with dissolve "Looking down as she followed his eyes to her breasts, Myriam finally remembered that she was still wearing the dress Eve offered earlier, with a see through top." MC "\"What are y...!? Dear god!\"" MC "{i}I got so used to wearing the dress by now that I forgot my breasts were in full view.{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 009 with dissolve "Apologizing for the surprise, Myriam sat beside Marc, explaining him it was just a silly joke from her cousin Eve before inviting him to play again." Ma "\"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it's just...\"" MC "\"It's ok, don't worry, I should be the one apologizing for the surprise, the dress was just another silly joke from your auntie Eve.\"" Ma "\"Well, it... It suits you.\"" MC "\"You think so? Thank you, you can keep playing you know, I'll just watch.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 010 with dissolve "As Marc did as she said and started playing, Myriam kept talking to him, trying to see if he was feeling better while not pushing him too much." MC "\"School went ok?\"" Ma "\"Yeah.\"" MC "\"And your basketball training?\"" Ma "\"Fine.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 011 with dissolve MC "\"Come on Marc, you can do better than that.\"" Ma "\"I...\"" MC "\"Talk to me.\"" Ma "\"Sorry, i-it's just that I can't help but feel guilty.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 012 with dissolve MC "\"What are you saying? You know that's not true.\"" Ma "\"But...\"" MC "\"No buts! Nothing of the mess between your father and I is your fault, we both made our choices and you were just caught in between.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 013 with dissolve MC "\"So no more talk about feeling guilty, ok?\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" MC "\"And it's ok to feel sad, it's normal, I do too some times, but we can't stay sad for too long, it won't help.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 014 with dissolve Ma "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"So no more brooding alone, ok?\"" Ma "\"Yeah...\"" MC "{i}Look at him, already lost to my breasts again...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_servicing_marc_as_sub == True or ch3_servicing_marc_as_dom == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I could cheer him up a little...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_07_cheering_marc_with_boobs:" "Does Myriam try to cheer him on?" KN_MOD "Yes, he needs some cheering up...:" $ ch4_boob_cheering_marc = True MC "{i}Yes, he needs some cheering him up and I'm pretty sure playing with these two would do the trick.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_boob_cheering" KN_MOD "No, lets keep it light...:" MC "{i}No, let's keep it light, he's confused enough.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc_end" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Well if his teenage naughtiness is still here, there's still hope.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_boob_cheering:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 015 with dissolve MC "\"Do you like the dress Eve gifted me Marc?\"" Ma "\"Definitely!\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" Ma "\"Yeah!\"" MC "\"You don't think it's too slutty?\"" Ma "\"N-no!\"" MC "{i}Enough teasing I think...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 016 with dissolve MC "\"Does it make you want to play with what's under?\"" Ma "\"Can I?\"" MC "\"Will it help you feel a bit better.\"" Ma "\"Sure! I mean we can't say until I try.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! I see, then let me take the dress off.\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_servicing_marc_as_sub == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_boob_cheering_sub" KN_MOD "elif ch3_servicing_marc_as_dom == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_boob_cheering_dom" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_boob_cheering_sub:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 017 with dissolve "Kneeling down against the bed after they had both undressed, Myriam invited Marc to come and do as he pleased with her breasts." MC "\"Here! What do you say about squeezing your cock between them?\"" Ma "\"Yeah! That's great!\"" MC "\"You can fuck them as much as you want.\"" Ma "\"I'll sure do...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve "As Marc placed his cock between her breasts, Myriam squeezed them around it and kept the pressure as he started moving, matching his rhythm as she tried to meet his thrusts." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! That's great!\"" MC "\"Yeah!? You like them?\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Your tits are the best Mi!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve "Finding his balance, Marc started accelerating the pace, clinging to her shoulders while he fucked Myriam's breasts harder and faster while grunting loudly." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Keep them tight just like that!\"" MC "\"Yeah!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Your love pillows are so fucking good!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 019 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 018 with dissolve "Keeping the rhythm, Marc kept thrusting between Myriam's breasts, moaning and grunting loudly as he expelled all his stress, letting go of his barriers as he started using dirty words in his excitement." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Keep them tight just like that!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Milk my cock like a good slut!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! Give it to me!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 020 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 021 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 022 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Suddenly pulling from between her breasts, Marc grabbed Myriam by the hair and climbed over her, aiming his cock towards her face as he finished himself over her face." Ma "\"AAARGH! HERE'S YOUR LOAD YOU SLUT!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! He had a lot backed up...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 023 with dissolve "As Marc released the tension in her hair, Myriam leaned forward and licked a drop of cum off the tip of his cock, cleaning it up as it twitched from over-sensitivity." MC "\"Slurp!\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh!\"" MC "{i}He had so much stress to vent, I think he still has a lot bottled up still...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 024 with dissolve "Getting off of Myriam, Marc backed up, thanking her, a bit embarrassed, for letting him vent a bit of his stress again." Ma "\"Thanks Mi! Thi-this felt great again.\"" MC "\"It's ok Marc, I know it's hard for you right now, I'm just glad I can help.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_boob_cheering_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_boob_cheering_dom:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 025 with dissolve "Kneeling down against the bed after they had both undressed, Myriam invited Marc to masturbate as she presented her breasts to him." MC "\"Here! You can masturbate to the view.\"" Ma "\"Yeah!? I can?\"" MC "\"Yeah! You can masturbate to them and cum all over them.\"" Ma "\"Tha-thanks!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve "As he came closer, Marc slowly started to masturbate to Myriam's breasts as she kept presenting them to him, jiggling them from time to time to entice him." Ma "\"Ooohhh! They-they look so great!\"" MC "\"Yeah!? You like them?\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Yeah! Your tits are the best Mi!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Marc started to masturbate faster as he pursued his excitement and Myriam's teasing, feeling as if he could miss the occasion to cum." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! They look so soft and squishy!\"" MC "\"Yeah! They are and today you'll be able to cum all over them.\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! I want to cover them in cum!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 027 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 026 with dissolve "Keeping the rhythm, Marc kept masturbating faster and faster over Myriam's breasts, moaning and grunting loudly as he raced to the finish line." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I...\"" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! I'm going to cum!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yeah! Give it to me!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 028 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 029 with dissolve scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 030 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Suddenly reaching his limit, Marc started cumming, blasting heavy loads of cum between Myriam's breasts in a loud grunt." Ma "\"AAARGH! HERE'S MY LOAD!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Yes!\"" MC "{i}God! He had a lot backed up...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 031 with dissolve "As Marc calmed down, Myriam leaned forward and picked up the drop of cum off the tip of his cock with her finger, cleaning it up as it twitched from over-sensitivity." MC "\"Mmmh! That was a big load you gave me there.\"" Ma "\"Aaahhh! Ye-yeah...\"" MC "{i}He had so much stress to vent, I think he still has a lot bottled up still...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 032 with dissolve "Backing up from Myriam, Marc thanked Myriam a bit embarrassed for letting him vent a bit of his stress again." Ma "\"Thanks Mi! Thi-this felt great again.\"" MC "\"It's ok Marc, I know it's hard for you right now, I'm just glad I can help.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_boob_cheering_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_boob_cheering_end:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 033 with dissolve "As both were dressing again after Myriam cleaned the cum off from her, Marc called out to her as she was fixing her hair." Ma "\"Mi?\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" Ma "\"Cou-could I come by your room tonight?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_07_night_call:" "Does Myriam accept?" KN_MOD "He probably want more sex... if ch3_servicing_marc_as_sub == True:" $ ch4_let_marc_join_you_for_sex_during_the_night = True MC "{i}He probably want more sex, he clearly has more stress he needs to vent, but if it can help him...{/i}" MC "\"Ok.\"" Ma "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yes, but be sure to wait until everyone is in bed.\"" Ma "\"Yeah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc_end" KN_MOD "He probably need more love...:" $ ch4_let_marc_join_you_during_the_night = True MC "{i}He probably need more love, he clearly has a need for affection, but if it can help him...{/i}" MC "\"Ok.\"" Ma "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yes, but be sure to wait until everyone is in bed and no sex.\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc_end" KN_MOD "Im not sure it would be a good idea...:" MC "{i}I'm not sure it would be a good idea, I know he needs more affection and to vent his stress, but it's too dangerous here...{/i}" MC "\"I'm not sure it would be wise Marc.\"" Ma "\"Yeah... You're right...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_marc_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_go_see_marc_end:" KN_MOD "if ch4_boob_cheering_marc == True:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 034 with dissolve "Ending the discussion on this note, Myriam left Marc as he thanked her again for the release she gave him." Ma "\"Tha-thank you Mi.\"" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 035 with dissolve "Bringing Marc back to reality, Myriam leaned forward, kissing him over the head to cheer him up before leaving." MC "\"Come here! Mouah!\"" Ma "\"Sorry...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I love you.\"" Ma "\"Love you too.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 036 with dissolve "Ending the discussion on this note, Myriam stood up and left Marc as he thanked her again before returning to playing his game." Ma "\"Thank you Mi.\"" MC "\"You're welcome, I'll leave you to your game, but don't forget your homework though.\"" Ma "\"Already done!\"" MC "\"That's nice to hear.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_go_see_katherine:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 037 with dissolve "Climbing up the stairs to the right, Myriam headed for the room Eve gave to Katherine while they stayed in her loft, stopping as she was about to knock on the door." Ka "\"Mouah! Aaah!\"" MC "{i}What was that!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 038 with dissolve "Leaning forward against the door, Myriam tried to hear what was going on in the room, both curious and not wanting to create an awkward moment for her daughter." MC "{i}What's going on in there?{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" Ka "\"Wow! Will! This is...\"" JeE "\"You're a monster!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "\"Aaahhh! J!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" Ka "\"Aaahhh! Will!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 039 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "{i}I-is she having sex with William and her friend Jenny!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" MC "{i}I-is she having sex with her friend Jenny!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" MC "{i}I-is she having sex with William!?{/i}" MC "{i}God! What do I do!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_07_whitnessing_katherine_having_sex:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "No, I-Ive got to respect her privacy.:" $ ch4_know_that_katherine_had_sex = True MC "{i}No, I-I've got to respect her privacy...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_not_spying_on_katherine" KN_MOD "I-Ive got to make sure everything is ok...:" $ ch4_know_that_katherine_had_sex = True $ ch4_witnessed_katherine_having_sex = True MC "{i}I-I've got to make sure everything is ok, maybe I can have a quick look...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" $ ch4_katherine_sex_william_and_jenny = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_katherine_threesome" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" $ ch4_katherine_sex_jenny = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_katherine_sex_with_jenny" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" $ ch4_katherine_sex_william = True KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_katherine_sex_with_william" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_not_spying_on_katherine:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 040 with dissolve "Backing up, Myriam pulled away from the door, calming down her fear and curiosity as she refused to break her daughter's trust." MC "{i}Katherine is a smart kid, we had our talk on sex and protection, I've got to trust her.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "{i}And Jenny and William are good kids...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" MC "{i}And Jenny is a good kid...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" MC "{i}And William is a good kid...{/i}" MC "{i}Now I better go before they decide to come out.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll go down to the kitchen meanwhile.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_katherine_threesome:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 041 with dissolve "Slightly opening the door, Myriam witnessed the three of them naked over the bed, the two girls surrounding William as they caressed him, Katherine slowly stroking his hard cock." Ka "\"I-I can't believe how big it is...\"" JeE "\"You really hide it well...\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! I...\"" Ka "\"Do all guys have one this big?\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha! No way!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 042 with dissolve "Fascinated by William's tool, Katherine kept stroking him gently, while he did his best to keep his cool while Jennifer kept commenting on her remarks, caressing his stomach." Ka "\"I-I can't believe something like that could enter me...\"" JeE "\"He could murder someone with that!\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh!\"" Ka "\"Even with my mouth...\"" JeE "\"Well, only one way to know.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 043 with dissolve "Following Jennifer's remark, Katherine set herself to try taking William in her mouth, guided by her friend, while he tried his best to stay calm and endure." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Yeah! That's it, just like that... Suck on it gently while using your tongue.\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh!\"" JeE "\"Hear that? He's loving it! Keep going like that and when you feel comfortable, you can take a bit more in.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 044 with dissolve "Still following her friend's guidance, Katherine kept going, slowly taking more and more of William's cock in her mouth as she listened to Jennifer's advices, nearly taking half of it despite its size and her inexperience." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" JeE "\"Yeah! You got it! Now find some rhythm, between sucking on his dick and using your tongue.\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Shit!\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha! You're clearly doing good, so keep going and follow his moans to see what he likes best.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 045 with dissolve "To her friend's incredulity, Katherine kept going as she did surprising both Jennifer and William as she took more and more of his cock in her mouth, starting deepthroating him." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" JeE "\"Wow! Holy crap K! That's... That's incredible!\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh!\"" JeE "\"Hey! You-you're incredible, but don't choke on him too, take a breath K!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 046 with dissolve "Pulling William's cock out of her throat and mouth, Katherine took a deep breath as drool overflowed from her mouth and tears from the effort rolled down her cheeks." Ka "\"Cough! Haaah! Haaah! Haaah! Cough! Cough!\"" JeE "\"Holy shit K! That's some special skills you got, I wouldn't ever be able to do that!\"" Ka "\"Cough! Yeah?\"" JeE "\"Hell yeah! I wouldn't be able to take half of it in my mouth.\"" Ka "\"Hah! Hah! I-I just wanted to do my best. Cough!\"" JeE "\"Come on, let's switch places and see how \"monster-cock-boy\" takes care of you.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 047 with dissolve "Switching place as Jennifer said, Katherine sat on the side of the bed while William went on all four between her opened legs, starting gently licking her pussy." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"That's it W, keep going like that, gentle and slow for starter.\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh!\"" JeE "\"Hear that? You're doing good.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 048 with dissolve "Following Jennifer's guidance, William kept licking Katherine's pussy, exploring it slowly and thoroughly with his tongue before starting teasing her clit gently." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! It's...\"" JeE "\"Relax, don't fight the pleasure.\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah!\"" WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 049 with dissolve "William kept going, accelerating the pace of the teasing and sucking of her clit, Katherine had a first orgasm, screaming her pleasure as her body trembled and her feet pressed on his back." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JeE "\"Keep going W! Don't stop! Push her further!\"" WiK "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! GOD!! GOD!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 050 with dissolve "As her body was still shaking from her orgasm, Jennifer kissed Katherine while William kept licking and sucking on her pussy." Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmpf! Mouah! Mouah!\"" JeE "\"Mouah! Mouah!\"" WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 051 with dissolve "Stopping their kiss, Jennifer asked the still quivering Katherine if she was ready for the real thing, if she wanted William's cock inside her." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God!\"" JeE "\"So K, ready for the real thing? You should be wet enough to take it now.\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! God yes!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 052 with dissolve "Laying back down on the bed while William put a condom on, Katherine tried her best to relax despite her excitement as she couldn't help but feel a bit of fear for her first time and the size of his cock." JeE "\"Relax K, it's going to be ok, don't worry.\"" Ka "\"Ye-yeah...\"" JeE "\"It's going to feel weird and hurt a bit first, but it'll quickly feel good.\"" WiK "\"Yo-you're ready Katherine? We can stop if you want.\"" Ka "\"No! I-I want it!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 053 with dissolve "Slowly pushing his big cock in Katherine's tight but wet pussy, William took great care to be gentle, trying his best to make it as painless as he could." Ka "\"Haaa!\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! Want me to stop?\"" Ka "\"Aaahhh! No! Go on! I-it's ok! Aaahhh! It's less painful than I thought it would be.\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! Ok! I-I'll go slow.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! It's different for everyone, it's nice it doesn't hurt too much for you, looks like you're not even bleeding.\"" Ka "\"Aaahhh! I-I think my hymen already broke when... Aaahhh! When I was riding horses on Grand-Daddy's ranch.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 054 with dissolve "Leaning forward as he started moving inside her, William kissed Katherine, slowly thrusting his cock deeper and faster as she moaned her pleasure and started to relax." WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mouah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" JeE "\"Seems like everything is going well for you two love birds.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 055 with dissolve "Taken in by the pleasure, Katherine wrapped her legs around William's waist, guiding him to go harder as she kept kissing him, while Jennifer caressed the two as they made love." Ka "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Mouah! Mouah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" WiK "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Mouah! Mouah!\"" JeE "\"Looks like you two are having a pretty good first time.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 056 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As they both felt they were about to cum, the two stopped kissing, quickly climaxing together as Katherine again screamed her pleasure while William ejaculated inside his condom with a grunt." Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAHHH!\"" WiK "\"OOOOOOHHH! I'M CUMMING!\"" JeE "\"Here, here...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 057 with dissolve "Rising again while still inside her, William caressed Katherine's legs as her body slowly calmed down, quivering as waves of pleasure still came crashing over her, her legs tightly clinging to him while her vagina kept clamping on his cock." Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! I... Mmmmmmhhh! This felt so much stronger, I...\"" WiK "\"Are you ok?\"" Ka "\"Yeah, yeah! My body's just feeling so weird... I-it can't stop quivering...\"" WiK "\"Take your time, I-I love you...\"" Ka "\"Oh! Fuck! I love you too! Sorry! I just...\"" WiK "\"It's ok.\"" JeE "\"Yeah, yeah, love you two, don't mind me...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 058 with dissolve "As the three took sometime once Katherine's body had calmed down, Jennifer turned to her after taking off William's condom, asking her if it was ok if she had a turn, his hard cock still in her hand." JeE "\"Hey! K! Do you still not mind if I have a go at your \"monster-cock-boy\"? He looks still ready to go...\"" Ka "\"Ye-yeah! We said we would all have fun together...\"" JeE "\"Are you sure?\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 059 with dissolve Ka "\"Yeah! Well, if it's still ok with you Will.\"" WiK "\"It's ok with me if it's ok with you.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! We all said we would be cool with it as long as it was us three.\"" JeE "\"Fuck! I'm sorry you two, but I can't just pass on something like that without a try...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 060 with dissolve "Making him lay down, Jennifer climbed over William and started riding him in cowgirl, taking his hard cock in her pussy too after putting another condom on him." JeE "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! He's so big it's like being impaled! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! So-sorry!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Don't be sorry! Mmmmmmhhh! This is great!\"" Ka "\"Is it painful?\"" JeE "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! But... Mmmmmmhhh! But it's a good painful!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 061 with dissolve "Riding William's cock, Jennifer went up and down faster and harder as her pussy adapted to the stretch, alternating between thrusts and gyration, searching for how to enjoy this big tool the most, while Katherine started to caress herself watching them." JeE "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!! This is... Mmmmmmhhh!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Shit!\"" Ka "{i}Wow! She's really riding him furiously...{/i}" JeE "\"Aaaaaahhh! This is crazy! Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck! You're stretching me so fucking much!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 062 with dissolve "And quickly, as she rode him wildly, Jennifer reached a powerful orgasm as she screamed her pleasure, William's big cock deep inside her as her vagina tightened around it." JeE "\"AAAAAAHHH! FUCK ME! AAAAAAHHH! THAT'S so FUCKING GOOD!\"" Ka "{i}She came so hard too...{/i}" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! I-I'm nearly there too!\"" JeE "\"AAAAAAHHH! WAIT! MMMMMMHHH! Not yet!\"" Ka "{i}What does she have in mind now?{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 063 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Climbing off William after her body calmed down, Jennifer took off his condom and took him in her mouth, quickly making him cum in it as he looked down and caressed Katherine while cumming." JeE "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" WiK "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK! AAAAAAHHH!\"" Ka "{i}Wow! She's making him cum in her mouth... I'm curious how does it taste...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 064 with dissolve "Going to Katherine once William was done cumming in her mouth, Jennifer kissed her, sharing his cum with her as she released it in her mouth while kissing her passionately and swallowing part of it herself." play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" JeE "\"Mouah! Mouah! Gulp, gulp!\"" Ka "{i}God! What is she...!? This is his cum!?{/i}" play sound "swallowing double-freesound-ruanza.mp3" Ka "\"Mouah! Mmmpf!? Mouah! Gulp, gulp!\"" Ka "{i}This is weird but... But it's not that bad...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 065 with dissolve "Stopping their kiss, Jennifer asked the seemingly stunned Katherine how was her first taste of cum, laughing at her own teasing." JeE "\"So, how was your first taste of cum?\"" Ka "\"I-I don't know, it was kind of weird but... But it felt kind of exciting...\"" JeE "\"He he he! I'm not big on it myself, I'm more of a sweet tooth, but I guess it's ok for the fun.\"" Ka "\"Yeah? I guess I don't mind it...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_katherine_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_katherine_sex_with_jenny:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 066 with dissolve "Slightly opening the door, Myriam witnessed the two of them naked over the bed, Katherine sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread while Jennifer was kneeling between them in front of her." JeE "\"You're still sure you want to try.\"" Ka "\"Ye-yeah!\"" JeE "\"We can still stop, it's no problem.\"" Ka "\"No no, I want to try it.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 067 with dissolve JeE "\"Ok, then don't worry, it'll feel nice.\"" Ka "\"Yeah...\"" JeE "\"Trust me and relax.\"" Ka "\"I trust you!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 068 with dissolve "Diving between Katherine's legs, Jennifer started to slowly explore her pussy with her tongue, gently letting her get used to the feeling before teasing her clit." JeE "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaahhh!\"" Ka "{i}This feels so different from when I touch myself...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 069 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace as she felt Katherine was relaxing and taking in the pleasure, Jennifer pushed her further, teasing and sucking on her clit with more vigor, making her moan louder and louder." JeE "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Ka "{i}Wow! God! This feels so good! I-I can already feel I'm about to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 070 with dissolve "After a few minutes of Jennifer's expert tongue and mouth over her pussy, Katherine's couldn't hold her pleasure anymore and screamed as she reached an orgasm." Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JeE "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 071 with dissolve "Raising her head after Katherine was done cumming, Jennifer inquired how she was feeling about her cunnilingus." JeE "\"So, how that was?\"" Ka "\"I-it was great! It's really different from doing it yourself!\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah, for sure.\"" Ka "\"Can I do it to you too?\"" JeE "\"Yeah! I would love it, I'll guide you through it.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 072 with dissolve "Switching roles, Jennifer climbed over the bed while Katherine crawled between her legs to take care of her, following her advice as she guided her." Ka "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaahhh! That's it K! Gentle and slow for starter.\"" Ka "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Keep going like this... Mmmhhh! Ex-exploring my pussy!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 073 with dissolve "Following Jennifer's guidance, Katherine kept pleasuring her with her tongue and mouth, gently teasing her clitoris with her tongue and sucking it before returning to exploring every nook and cranny." Ka "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Good! Now you can... Mmmmmmhhh! You can push the pace and attack my clit more!\"" Ka "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Yeah! Lick it! Mmmmmmhhh! Suck it!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 074 with dissolve "Bending her head back as the pleasure built up, Jennifer had more and more trouble keeping a clear mind as Katherine was getting the hang of it and bringing her closer to a climax." Ka "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Fuck yeah! Mmmmmmhhh! Don't-don't stop!\"" Ka "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Sweet fucking Jesus! Mmmmmmhhh! You-you're getting me there!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 075 with dissolve "And soon enough, after a few more minutes of Katherine's tongue work, Jennifer screamed in pleasure as well as she reached an orgasm herself." Ka "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" JeE "\"AAAAAAHHH! FUCK! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 076 with dissolve "Lifting her head as Jennifer's body calmed down, Katherine asked her shyly if she had done a good job, fearing she had done a bad job despite the result." Ka "\"Di-did I do good?\"" JeE "\"Yeah! Of course, didn't you hear me scream?\"" Ka "\"Yeah... Sorry...\"" JeE "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok, that was pretty nice for a first time, now let me show you another way to have fun together...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 077 with dissolve "Laying down on her back, Katherine followed Jennifer's instructions as she climbed over her and entangled their legs so that their pussies were rubbing against each others." JeE "\"Here! It's a bit of an acrobatic, but we can both pleasure the other like that.\"" Ka "\"How do we go about it?\"" JeE "\"Well, with some rubbing together.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 078 with dissolve "Looking in each others eyes, the two girls slowly and awkwardly rubbed their crotch against each others, both pursuing their pleasure and searching to please the other as they moaned." JeE "\"Aaaaahhh! Yeah! Li... Mmmmmmhhh! Like this!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Ye-yeah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 079 with dissolve "And finally, after a few minutes exploring each others, Katherine and Jennifer both ended up climaxing together, both screaming their pleasure as their gushing pussies melted together." Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" JeE "\"AAAAAAHHH! FUCKING HELL! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 080 with dissolve "Then as their body calmed down, the two laid down together over the bed, giggling as they enjoyed the blissful feeling post coitus, sharing a tender moment together." JeE "\"So, how are you feeling K?\"" Ka "\"Gosh! I-I'm ok, just so exhausted!\"" JeE "\"Yeah, a good old orgasm will do that to you...\"" Ka "\"Ha ha ha! You're so crazy...\"" JeE "\"He he he! I know.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 081 with dissolve "As the two looked at each other in silence for some time after laughing, Jennifer leaned in, kissing Katherine as the two sweetly professed their love to each other." JeE "\"...\"" Ka "\"...\"" JeE "\"I-I love you K! Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Love you too J! Mouah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_katherine_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_katherine_sex_with_william:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 082 with dissolve "Slightly opening the door, Myriam witnessed the two of them naked over the bed, William sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread while Katherine was kneeling between them in front of her." Ka "\"I-I can't believe how big it is...\"" WiK "\"Yeah... Sorry...\"" Ka "\"I don't think this is something to be sorry about...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 083 with dissolve "Fascinated by William's tool, Katherine kept looking at it half in a daze, while he stayed still, leaving her the time to get used to it at her own pace." Ka "\"Do all guys have one this big?\"" WiK "\"I don't think so, I mean none of the guys do from what I could see in the locker room at school.\"" Ka "\"I-I can't believe something like that could enter me... Even with my mouth...\"" JeE "\"You don't have to force yourself if it's too scary, we don't have to do anything.\"" Ka "\"No no, I want to, let me try... Tell me if I do it wrong.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 084 with dissolve "Following her affirmation, Katherine set herself to try taking William in her mouth, slowly taking his hard cock in her mouth while he tried his best to stay calm and endure." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp!\"" WiK "\"Ooohhh! Yeah! Li-like that!\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Do-do it slow... Aaaaaahhh! Take your time...\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 085 with dissolve "After getting used to the feeling and relaxed enough to push herself, Katherine slowly started taking more and more of William's cock in her mouth despite its size and her inexperience." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Aaaaaahhh! Keep using your tongue like that!\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Shit! That's... Aaaaaahhh! That's good Katherine!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 086 with dissolve "To William's incredulity, Katherine kept going as she did, surprising him as she took more and more of his cock in her mouth, starting to deepthroat him." Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Ka "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Katherine that's... Aaaaaahhh! That's incredible!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 087 with dissolve "Pulling William's cock out of her throat and mouth, Katherine took a deep breath as drool overflowed from her mouth and tears from the effort rolled down her cheeks." Ka "\"Cough! Haaah! Haaah! Haaah! Cough! Cough!\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! Shit Katherine! Are you ok?\"" Ka "\"Cough! Yeah...\"" WiK "\"You didn't had to go that far.\"" Ka "\"Hah! Hah! I-I just wanted to do my best. Cough!\"" WiK "\"Come on, let's switch places, it's my turn to take care of you.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 088 with dissolve "Switching place with Katherine, William went on all four while she sat on the side of the bed, opening her legs to him as he started to gently lick her pussy." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaahhh!\"" Ka "{i}He's so gentle, this feels great!{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 089 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace as he felt Katherine was relaxing and taking in the pleasure, William pushed his exploration further, trying himself on teasing and sucking on her clit" WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Mmmmmmhhh! This feels good Wi-William!\"" Ka "{i}This feels so different than when I touch myself...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 090 with dissolve "William kept going, teasing and sucking on her clit with more vigor, making Katherine moan louder and louder as she felt the pleasure build up inside her." WiK "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! It's... Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Ka "{i}God! This feels so good! I-I can already feel I'm about to cum!{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 091 with dissolve "After a few minutes of William's fervent work on her pussy, Katherine's couldn't hold her pleasure anymore, screaming in pleasure as her body trembled under her first orgasm, her feet pressed on his back as he kept pushing her further." WiK "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMH!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 092 with dissolve "Lifting his head as Katherine's body calmed down, William asked her shyly if she enjoyed herself, fearing he had done a bad job despite the result." WiK "\"Di-did you enjoy yourself?\"" Ka "\"Ye-yeah! It felt so different than doing it yourself, i-it was great.\"" WiK "\"I'm glad you liked it.\"" Ka "\"Yeah... May-maybe we could try...\"" WiK "\"Yeah?\"" Ka "\"I-I mean maybe we could try doing it.\"" WiK "\"Su-sure! I would love to if you feel ready.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 093 with dissolve "Laying back down on the bed while William put a condom on, Katherine tried her best to relax despite her excitement as she couldn't help but feel a bit of fear for her first time and the size of his cock." WiK "\"Are you ok Katherine?\"" Ka "\"Ye-yeah...\"" WiK "\"Are you sure? We can stop if you want, I don't mind.\"" Ka "\"No! I-I want it! It's just that you're so big...\"" WiK "\"I'll be careful don't worry, but don't hesitate to stop me.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 094 with dissolve "Slowly pushing his big cock in Katherine's tight but wet pussy, William took great care to be gentle, trying his best to make it as painless as he could." Ka "\"Haaa!\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! Want me to stop?\"" Ka "\"Aaahhh! No! Go on! I-it's ok! Aaahhh! It's less painful than I thought it would be.\"" WiK "\"Aaahhh! Ok! I-I'll go slow.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 095 with dissolve "As he started moving again inside her, William kissed Katherine, slowly thrusting his cock deeper and faster as she moaned her pleasure and started to relax, guiding him with her legs." WiK "\"Oooooohhh! Mouah!\"" Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mouah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Ka "{i}God! He's so big! He's filling me completely!{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 096 with dissolve "Taken in by the pleasure, Katherine wrapped her legs around William's waist, guiding him to go harder as she kept kissing him, the two getting more and more passionate as they made love." Ka "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Mouah! Mouah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" WiK "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Mouah! Mouah!\"" Ka "{i}God! He's going to make me go crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 097 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As they both felt they were about to cum, the two stopped kissing, quickly climaxing together as Katherine screamed again in pleasure while William ejaculated inside his condom with a grunt." Ka "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAHHH!\"" WiK "\"OOOOOOHHH! I'M CUMMING!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 098 with dissolve "Staying still for a moment, William looked at Katherine while caressing her cheek, he gently asked her if she was ok, her body still quivering as waves of pleasure still came crashing over her, her legs tightly clinging to him while her vagina kept clamping on his cock." Ka "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! I... Mmmmmmhhh! This felt so much stronger, I...\"" WiK "\"Are you ok?\"" Ka "\"Yeah, yeah! My body's just feeling so weird... I-it can't stop quivering...\"" WiK "\"Take your time, I-I love you...\"" Ka "\"Oh! Fuck! I love you too! Sorry! I just...\"" WiK "\"It's ok.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 099 with dissolve "As William pulled out of her, taking off the condom, making a knot to avoid any spill, Katherine suddenly felt a panic at its view." Ka "\"Haaa! Wait! You know I did a lot of riding with my mom and-and I broke it while riding horses on Grand-Daddy's ranch!\"" WiK "\"What!? What are you talking about?\"" Ka "\"I mean I really was a virgin, I didn't lie, I just broke my hymen while riding horses, that's probably why there's no blood.\"" WiK "\"Hey! Relax Katherine, why would I mind that? I believe you.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 100 with dissolve "Feeling embarrassed about her outburst, Katherine hid her face, mentally screaming at herself, while William, both touched and amused, started teasing her." WiK "\"Did you think I would call you a slut?\"" Ka "\"No! Yes! I don't know! Shut up! Argh! God! I'm such a dummy!\"" WiK "\"Ha ha ha! Maybe... But a cute one though.\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 101 with dissolve "Laying down together after making love, the two kept talking as their bodies cooled down, laughing off her blooper after they had finished." Ka "\"Sorry! I don't know what went through my head...\"" WiK "\"Ha ha ha! Come on, it's ok, stop worrying about that... I love you!\"" Ka "\"I love you too!\"" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 102 with dissolve "The two closed their eyes, relaxing in the arms of one another, Katherine and William snoozed for a moment, physically and mentally exhausted after their first sexual encounter together." WiK "\"Zzz...\"" Ka "\"Zzz...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_go_see_katherine_end" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_go_see_katherine_end:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 103 with dissolve "Closing the door gently after seeing that everything was ok, Myriam stared in shock for a moment, feeling both embarrassed for watching the scene and happy that her daughter seemed to have found a first love." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}My god! This is... Sweet and weird...{/i}" MC "{i}I can't believe I just stood gawking at my daughter having her first sexual experience... I was so shocked that I just couldn't stop watching...{/i}" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 104 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "{i}At least I'm happy it was a good one, I can't say it wasn't weird to be with both her friend and William, but they seem to all love each other... And at least they used protection.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" MC "{i}At least I'm happy it was a good one, I can't say I'm not surprise it was with a girl, but I don't really care, they both seem to love each other.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" MC "{i}At least I'm happy it was a good one, I can't say I'm not surprise it was with William, but he's a sweet boy and they both seem to love each other... And at least they used protection.{/i}" MC "{i}Now I better go before they decide to come out.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll get down to the kitchen meanwhile.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_leave_them_be:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 105 with dissolve "Turning away from the stairs leading to the kids room, Myriam headed for the kitchen, preferring to leave the kids to their activities." MC "{i}Let's go to the kitchen while they're occupied.{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I could have a look at all the thank you notes people sent me while I was at the hospital.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_07_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_07_thanking_people:" scene bg ch4_07 thankfulthoughts 106 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_go_see_katherine == True:" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" "Getting back downstairs, Myriam headed for the kitchen, leaving Katherine with Jenny and William, thinking she could use something to drink or refresh herself." KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" "Getting back downstairs, Myriam headed for the kitchen, leaving Katherine with Jenny, thinking she could use something to drink or refresh herself." KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" "Getting back downstairs, Myriam headed for the kitchen, leaving Katherine with William, thinking she could use something to drink or refresh herself." KN_MOD "elif ch4_go_see_marc == True:" "Getting back downstairs, Myriam headed for the kitchen, leaving Marc with his game, thinking she could use something to drink or refresh herself." KN_MOD "else:" "Following her thoughts, Myriam headed for the kitchen, thinking she could use something to drink or refresh herself, before having a look at the thank you notes." MC "{i}With this busy afternoon, I could use a little drink of something refreshing, the sauna kind of left me dehydrated.{/i}" MC "{i}I could use something to eat as well, all I had today was a sip of that coffee Eve made me this morning.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update04" KN_MOD "label ch4_update04:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update4 from _call_var_chapter4_update4" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thankful_thoughts_part2" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_thankful_thoughts_part2:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Thankful Thoughts Part Two" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 001 with dissolve "Taking a bowl of dessert out of the fridge and serving herself some orange juice to satiate her appetite after her time at the spa, Myriam paused as she looked at Eve's notepad on the counter." MC "{i}I think that's the notepad where Eve wrote down everyone who send some well-wishes or flowers.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 002 with dissolve MC "{i}I should go through the list and thank everyone...{/i}" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" MC "{i}... but where to even start and go about it?{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 003 with dissolve MC "{i}I can't call everyone, not everyone enjoy getting phone calls, and I don't even know half of the numbers anyway...{/i}" MC "{i}I could start by texting some and call the ones I'm close to...{/i}" MC "{i}For the others I'll have to thank them personally when I meet them...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 004 with dissolve "Taking her phone out, Myriam had a look at her contacts, trying to see how to go about it and with whom to start." MC "{i}Let's see... Gosh! Where do I start...?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_how_to_thank_people:" "How does Myriam goes about her thanks?" KN_MOD "Start by someone specific.:" $ ch4_have_a_special_someone_in_mind = True MC "{i}I should simply go through it alphabetically, but...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_special_someone" KN_MOD "Simply go alphabetically.:" MC "{i}I should simply go through the list of contacts alphabetically, less risk to miss anyone that way.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_special_someone:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 005 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_special_thanks:" "Who does Myriam have in mind?" KN_MOD "Charles. if ch2_feelings_for_charles == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_charles = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Charles first, he sent me such a nice peony bouquet.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_in_love_with_charles == True:" MC "{i}He was such a gentleman and with what happened at the gala between us...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_fuck_charles_bareback == True or ch2_fuck_charles_safe == True:" MC "{i}With what happened at the gala with him...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}He was such a gentleman at the gala...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank him first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Cleavon. if ch3_dinner_with_cleavon == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_cleavon = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Cleavon first, he'll pass my thanks to everyone at the school.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_cleavon_too_rough == True:" MC "{i}He was a bit rough after dinner, but I kind of pushed him to it...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_nightcap_with_cleavon == True:" MC "{i}We had such nice dinner together and even after that...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}We had such a nice time together when he invited me to dinner...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank him first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Crystal. if ch3_followed_goldilocks == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_crystal = True MC "{i}Maybe I should take care of that girl, Crystal, she sent me so many messages when I was at the hospital.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life == True:" MC "{i}She was so honest about her job when we had our chat at the park...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}She was so sweet during our chat at the park...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank her first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Danny. if ch3_second_cop_date_with_danny == True and ch3_walking_out_from_dannys_date == False:" $ ch4_special_someone_danny = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Danny first, I have a few messages from him.{/i}" MC "{i}With how things went the other day with his friend, I don't want him to think I'm feeling weird about it...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank him first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Dave.:" $ ch4_special_someone_dave = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Dave first, with everything he did for me since I came here.{/i}" MC "{i}He's such a gentle man, I really have to thank him properly...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank him first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Kimberley. if ch2_sweet_for_kimberley == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_kimberley = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Kimberley first, from what Eve told me she seemed beside herself after what happened to me.{/i}" MC "{i}She was such a sweet girl, she must have felt guilty and thought it was her fault that Anthony tried to shoot me...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank her first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Lucy. if ch3_staying_the_night_at_lucys == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_lucy = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Lucy first, she sent me so many messages while I was in a coma.{/i}" MC "{i}She was so nice to me and help me explore things I didn't know about myself...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank her first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Mike. if ch3_second_cop_date_with_mike == True and ch3_walking_out_from_mikes_date == False:" $ ch4_special_someone_mike = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Mike first, I have a few messages from him.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_blue_ball_for_mike_again == True:" MC "{i}With the two times I already blue balled him, I'm even surprised he still sent me well wishes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_alley_sex_with_mike == True:" MC "{i}We had such a nice time together the other day at the restaurant, even later on in that alley...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_threesome_mike_and_larry == True:" MC "{i}With how things went the other day with his friend, I don't want him to think I'm feeling weird about it...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank him first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "Nubia. if ch4_interested_by_nubia == True:" $ ch4_special_someone_nubia = True MC "{i}Maybe I should send a message to Nubia first, we just saw each other a few minutes ago but I feel I should thank her for the talk we had.{/i}" MC "{i}We could start organizing ourselves for that dinner, I can't help but be intrigued by what she has in store for me...{/i}" MC "{i}I should thank her first and get back in contact.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_thanking_people" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_thanking_people:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 006 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_have_a_special_someone_in_mind == True:" "Going through the list of contacts, Myriam searched for the name while she started to think on how to go about her message." KN_MOD "else:" "Going through the list of contacts quickly, Myriam started to think on how to go about her messages." MC "{i}God! How do I even go about it...{/i}" MC "{i}Hello! Not dead! Thanks for the flowers... Whatever I say I can't help but think that it'll feel a bit awkward...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 007 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_special_someone_charles == True:" "Finishing up her message to Charles after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Charles, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_cleavon == True:" "Finishing up her message to Cleavon after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Cleavon, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_crystal == True:" "Finishing up her message to Crystal after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Crystal, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_danny == True:" "Finishing up her message to Danny after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Danny, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_dave == True:" "Finishing up her message to Dave after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Dave, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_kimberley == True:" "Finishing up her message to Kimberley after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Kimberley, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_lucy == True:" "Finishing up her message to Lucy after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Lucy, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_mike == True:" "Finishing up her message to Mike after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Mike, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_special_someone_nubia == True:" "Finishing up her message to Nubia after thinking on it for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, done with Nubia, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "After thinking on her messages for a moment, Myriam went through her contact list and the names Evelyn had written for her, thanking them one by one for their thoughts." MC "{i}Here you go, first done, now let's get to everyone else...{/i}" MC "{i}Just a simple thank you and that I'm ok and out will be enough... I'll get more personal when I'll meet them.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 008 with dissolve "Done with her texting after a few minutes Myriam put her phone down on the counter, satisfied and relieved to be done with it." MC "{i}Here, done.{/i}" MC "{i}Glad to be done with this... I can't help but feel awkward about all this...{/i}" MC "{i}Having to think back over the event again and again is making me ill.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 009 with dissolve "Taking the dessert bowl from the counter after putting down her phone, Myriam went on to enjoy a strawberry shortcake Evelyn had made yesterday." MC "{i}Now there's just the ones that I don't have in my phone...{/i}" MC "{i}But I'll get to it later, I'm famished right now.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 010 with dissolve "As Myriam had eaten most of the dessert, satiating her hunger after going most of the day without anything to eat, Myriam could hear noises coming from upstairs." MC "{i}God! That was great...{/i}" play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" MC "{i}Ah! Looks like someone is coming down...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 011 with dissolve Ka "\"Ha ha ha! Stop it!\"" MC "{i}Oh! It's Katherine.{/i}" Ka "\"Come on, mom will be back soon.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 012 with dissolve "As Katherine arrived down with Jenny and William, all three froze for a moment as they noticed Myriam behind the kitchen counter." JeE "\"Oh!\"" WiK "\"Ah!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 013 with dissolve "As Katherine arrived down with Jenny, all three froze for a moment as they noticed Myriam behind the kitchen counter." JeE "\"Oh!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 014 with dissolve "As Katherine arrived down with William, all three froze for a moment as they noticed Myriam behind the kitchen counter." WiK "\"Ah!\"" Ka "\"Mo-mom!?\"" MC "\"Hey!\"" MC "{i}Oh! That's quite the guilty look...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 015 with dissolve "Coming to the counter to say hello to Myriam, the three kids came with a visibly embarrassed and guilty look, beside Jenny who still looked her usual cheerful self." JeE "\"Mrs S!\"" WiK "\"Mrs Summers...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 016 with dissolve "Coming to the counter to say hello to Myriam, Katherine came with a visibly embarrassed and guilty look, while Jenny still looked her usual cheerful self beside her." JeE "\"Mrs S!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 017 with dissolve "Coming to the counter to say hello to Myriam, the two kids came with a visibly embarrassed and guilty look." WiK "\"Mrs Summers...\"" Ka "\"Hey mom...\"" MC "\"Hey kids!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 018 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_go_see_katherine == True:" MC "{i}God! They're so obvious about it! I can't help but want to tease them.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll play innocent, and do as if I didn't know anything...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! I don't know what they did, but they're so obvious about it.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't smell alcohol nor drugs, besides I trust her on this, this had to be something naughty...{/i}" MC "\"So, what are you all up to? Nothing nefarious I hope?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 019 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 020 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 021 with dissolve Ka "\"What!? No! Of course n... Wait! Mom! Your top!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" JeE "\"Wow! You're fearless Mrs S!\"" WiK "\"Wow!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" JeE "\"Wow! You're fearless Mrs S!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" WiK "\"Wow!\"" MC "{i}Look at her changing subject, I'll let her get out with it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 022 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! That's just a present from your auntie... You know she always likes to tease me.\"" MC "\"With all the help she gave us while I was at the hospital I wanted to make her happy and try it on.\"" MC "\"Doe-does it look weird on me?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 024 with dissolve KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 025 with dissolve Ka "\"No! Of course not mom! You're gorgeous! I-I was just surprised.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" JeE "\"Yeah! That's seriously hot Mrs S!\"" WiK "\"Yeah! You-you look beautiful Mrs Summers.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" JeE "\"Yeah! That's seriously hot Mrs S!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" WiK "\"Yeah! You-you look beautiful Mrs Summers.\"" MC "\"Thank you kids, you're sweet, though I know it's not something I'll get to put on at school.\"" Ka "\"Yeah! I think there'll probably be a riot if you do.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 026 with dissolve "Brushing off her daughter's distraction, Myriam went back to the previous subject and asked Katherine again what they were doing, keeping her tone playful." MC "\"So, what were you doing Pumpkin?\"" MC "{i}Let's not bully her too much, she'll talk to me when she's ready.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 027 with dissolve "Turning to Jenny and William, unable to look at her mother in the eyes, Katherine told her she was just leading them to the door." Ka "\"I-I was just leading them to the door after we talked about the cosplay convention.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! We just went over what we did while she was with you at the hospital.\"" WiK "\"Yes, she couldn't work on the project while you were at the hospital.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 028 with dissolve "Turning to Jenny, unable to look at her mother in the eyes, Katherine told her she was just leading her to the door." Ka "\"I-I was just leading her to the door after we talked about the cosplay convention.\"" JeE "\"Yeah! We just went over what we did while she was with you at the hospital.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 029 with dissolve "Turning to William, unable to look at her mother in the eyes, Katherine told her she was just leading him to the door." Ka "\"I-I was just leading him to the door after we talked about the cosplay convention.\"" WiK "\"Yes, she couldn't work on the project while you were at the hospital.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 030 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "{i}Look at these two, gently trying to guilt me to cover for her...{/i}" MC "\"Thank you for being there for her you two, I'm glad she had good friends to support her while I was at the hospital.\"" MC "\"Come on, you can go, I'll stop grilling you three.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Look at this one, gently trying to guilt me to cover for her...{/i}" MC "\"Thank you for being there for her, I'm glad she had good friends to support her while I was at the hospital.\"" MC "\"Come on, you can go, I'll stop grilling you two.\"" MC "{i}Enough teasing them...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 031 with dissolve WiK "\"Goodbye Mrs Summers! I'm glad to see you're feeling better.\"" JeE "\"Thank you Mrs S!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 032 with dissolve JeE "\"Thank you Mrs S!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 033 with dissolve WiK "\"Goodbye Mrs Summers! I'm glad to see you're feeling better.\"" MC "\"Goodbye kids! Be safe on the road.\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" JeE "\"Will do!\"" WiK "\"Yes.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" JeE "\"Will do!\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" WiK "\"Yes.\"" Ka "\"Come on, I'll get you to the elevator.\"" MC "{i}She probably wants to sneak a kiss.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 034 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" "Looking at the three heading for the door, Myriam pondered on what happened with Katherine, as she couldn't help but having mixed feelings about the event." KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" "Looking at the two heading for the door, Myriam pondered on what happened with Katherine, as she couldn't help but having mixed feelings about the event." KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" "Looking at the two heading for the door, Myriam pondered on what happened with Katherine, as she couldn't help but having mixed feelings about the event." MC "{i}God! This feels weird to see my little girl growing up and trying her first sexual experiences... As much as I want to protect her, I can't smother her and stop her from making her choices...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "{i}She's smart and I have to trust her as long as things don't go bad, Jenny and William are pretty safe kids as well...{/i}" MC "{i}Jenny reminds me a lot of Eve, a bit crazy but smart and William is sweet and smart as well, I don't think they'll do anything to hurt Katherine.{/i}" MC "{i}But I'll have to keep an eye things still, I don't know their arrangement, but a triangular relationship like that will have some complications...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" MC "{i}She's smart and I have to trust her as long as things don't go bad, Jenny is a pretty safe kid as well...{/i}" MC "{i}She reminds me a lot of Eve, a bit crazy but smart, I don't think she'll do anything to hurt Katherine.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" MC "{i}She's smart and I have to trust her as long as things don't go bad, William is a pretty safe kid as well...{/i}" MC "{i}Is sweet and smart despite the complication in his life, I don't think he'll do anything to hurt Katherine.{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True or ch2_katherine_straight == True:" KN_MOD "if ch1_sex_with_william == True or ch3_cheered_up_william_with_sex == True:" MC "{i}But I hope everything will be alright with William, I guess I understand why it seemed like he drifted away lately, he must have felt conflicted between what happened between us and the fact that he liked Katherine.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_feeling_about_william:" "How does Myriam feel about the William situation?" KN_MOD "A bit jealous.:" MC "{i}I know this is childish but I can't help but feel a bit jealous, William was very sweet.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Afraid.:" MC "{i}Still, I can't help but feel afraid if Katherine ever learned about what happened between us.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Ashamed.:" MC "{i}Still, I can't help but feel ashamed about what happened now, we were both in vulnerable places, but I'm an adult, I should have controlled myself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Guilty.:" MC "{i}Still, I can't help but feel guilty about what happened now, I feel like I robbed Katherine and William of something.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "Happy.:" MC "{i}Still, even if things are complicated, I'm glad they both found each other.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_talking_with_katherine" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_talking_with_katherine:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 035 with dissolve MC "{i}Come on, don't feel blue Myriam, you knew it was coming one day or another.{/i}" MC "{i}She's not a little girl anymore, you just have to trust in her judgement and be here if she needs it.{/i}" MC "{i}It's weird to feel both happy and sad at the same time...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 036 with dissolve "As she was heading to the living room area after cleaning up the dishes, Myriam saw Katherine getting back in, a guilty look on her face as she saw her mother coming her way." MC "{i}Look at her looking so guilty... She's so honest she can't hide it.{/i}" Ka "\"Hey... Mom...\"" MC "\"Yes Pumpkin?\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 037 with dissolve Ka "\"I-I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"What about?\"" MC "{i}Damn! I didn't want to confront her about it now, but I'll guess we'll have to talk about it.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" Ka "\"I-I should have told you I was coming back with friends...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" Ka "\"I-I should have told you I was coming back with a friend...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" Ka "\"I-I should have told you I was coming back with a friend...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 038 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, you know it's not a problem for me or Eve, so what is it?\"" Ka "\"I-I...\"" MC "{i}God! I can see she wants to tell me but she's too embarrassed.{/i}" MC "\"I already know Katherine, it's ok.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 039 with dissolve Ka "\"What!? You knew!? You knew that we...!?\"" MC "\"Yeah, I know you had sex.\"" Ka "\"Oh my god! Di-did you hear us!? Did we make weird noises!?\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 040 with dissolve Ka "\"God! And Marc! Did he hear us too?\"" MC "\"Calm down Pumpkin! Hold your horses! Nobody heard you...\"" Ka "\"Then how?\"" MC "\"You were just so obvious about it when coming down, it was written all over your face.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 041 with dissolve "Feeling overwhelmed, Katherine groaned in embarrassment as Myriam tried to reassure her, amused by her daughter's panic." Ka "\"Argh! God! I'm so embarrassed...\"" MC "\"It's ok honey, don't worry, sorry for teasing you.\"" Ka "\"You-you're not mad?\"" MC "\"No, why would I be?\"" Ka "\"I-I don't know...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 042 with dissolve Ka "\"You're really not mad I didn't tell you?\"" MC "\"No, and it's not as if you could have come to me and announced you had plan to have sex today.\"" Ka "\"N-no, it'd be weird...\"" MC "\"Right.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 043 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_katherine_bi == True:" MC "\"I trust you Katherine, and I hope you know that I don't care if you like boys or girls.\"" Ka "\"You don't?\"" MC "\"No, of course not Pumpkin, whatever you do and whoever you like, I'll always support you, I just want you to be safe and be cautious, what you three started will be complicated.\"" Ka "\"We-we know and we're cautious, and... And we used condoms.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_lesbian == True:" MC "\"I trust you Katherine, and I hope you know that I don't care if you like girls.\"" Ka "\"You don't?\"" KN_MOD "if ch2_sex_with_lucy == True or ch4_interested_by_nubia == True or ch4_special_someone_crystal == True or ch4_special_someone_kimberley == True or ch4_special_someone_lucy == True or ch4_special_someone_nubia == True:" MC "\"No and in all honesty, I discovered recently that I'm kind of interested by women too.\"" Ka "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"No, of course not Pumpkin, whatever you do and whoever you like, I'll always support you.\"" Ka "\"Really?\"" MC "\"Yes, of course.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch2_katherine_straight == True:" MC "\"I trust you Katherine, and I just want you to be safe and be cautious.\"" Ka "\"We-we are, and... And we used condoms.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 044 with dissolve MC "\"Now relax kiddo! Mouah! I love you!\"" Ka "\"Love you too! A-and I'm sorry...\"" MC "\"Stop it! Just go take a good bath or shower to relax before Eve comes home and we eat all together.\"" Ka "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"I'll go take Cassius out for a short run before nightfall.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 045 with dissolve "Looking at her daughter heading to her room, Myriam could not help but feel somewhat relieved despite the awkward discussion they had." MC "{i}Well, this was a bit awkward, but I'm glad we were able to talk about it, I don't want her to feel like she has to hide something from me or that I would judge her.{/i}" MC "{i}It's kind of funny to see how honest she is... She wasn't able to hide this from me for more than five minutes...{/i}" MC "{i}But if she's active now, I'll have to get her an appointment at the doctor, I'll talk about it to her tomorrow, for now lets go get changed.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 046 with dissolve "Climbing upstairs after Katherine disappeared in her room, Myriam changed into a sport outfit she borrowed from her cousin, taking the time to look at herself before going." MC "{i}Dear god Eve! Do you really go running outside in this!?{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}But I imagine that compared to the dress I was wearing all day it qualifies as pretty tame.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 047 with dissolve "Leaving her bathroom after putting her hair into a ponytail, keeping a bang to the right to hide her wound, Myriam headed for the living room where Cassius was sleeping." MC "{i}No matter, I'm just going for a small run to get back into shape after my stay at the hospital.{/i}" MC "{i}Now lets go wake up Cassius and go before Eve gets home.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 048 with dissolve "Heading down, Myriam stopped in the spiral staircase leading to the living room, calling out to Cassius who was sleeping in a corner, over an area filled with cushions." MC "\"Hey! Cassius!\"" Ca "\"Hoooh!?\"" MC "\"Ready for a walk?\"" Ca "\"Woof!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 049 with dissolve "Accompanied by Cassius, Myriam headed out with him, flattering the dog on the way as she missed spoiling him with her stay at the hospital." MC "\"Come on boy!\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later in central park..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 050 with dissolve "Quickly getting to the park, Myriam started running with Cassius, exploring some other part of it while Cassius ran all around her." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 051 with dissolve "Trying to get back into shape after her weeks without sport, Myriam could already feel the effect of her stay at the hospital, already starting to feel burnt after a few minutes running." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm already getting winded just after a few miles!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 052 with dissolve MC "{i}I'm going to have to take a rest...{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}Or I'm going to end up with cramps.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 053 with dissolve "As Myriam stopped to catch her breath and massage her legs to avoid getting cramps, Cassius came back to see her, curious to see her stopping already." MC "\"God! Hah hah hah! Are you coming to mock me you bad boy?\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah! I know I'm out of shape!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 054 with dissolve "Raising up after massaging her legs for a moment, Myriam sighed loudly as she relaxed and massaged her neck, feeling a bit disappointed by the setback." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe how much I lost with that stay at the hospital...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 055 with dissolve "Looking down to her breasts as she felt a drop of sweat running down her cleavage, Myriam felt even more discouraged." MC "{i}And I'm already all sweaty just after a few miles...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}If I dared I would get them out and air them...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 056 with dissolve "Bringing her hands to her cleavage, Myriam looked around nonchalantly to see if there was anyone, as if she wished to try her sudden crazy idea." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Looks like there's no one around... Maybe I could and let them cool a moment...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_airing_boobs:" "Does Myriam dare her crazy idea?" KN_MOD "Maybe for just a minute...:" $ ch4_just_airing_the_puppies_out = True MC "{i}Maybe for just a minute{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_tits_out" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not... if ch3_walked_around_naked == True:" $ ch4_running_with_the_puppies_out = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not, walking naked at the beach last time felt pretty fun.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_tits_out" KN_MOD "No! Come on, stop being crazy!:" MC "{i}No! Come on, stop being crazy! It's not because you're feeling down that you should do crazy things.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_no_tits_out" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_tits_out:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 057 with dissolve "Satisfied that there wasn't anybody around, Myriam pulled her breasts out, quickly feeling the refreshing breeze blowing over them." MC "\"Aaah!\"" MC "{i}Just feeling the breeze over them feels already refreshing...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 058 with dissolve "Looking around again just in case, Myriam enjoyed both the refreshing sensation of the breeze as well as the excitement of exposing herself outdoors." MC "{i}I don't see or hear anybody...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Maybe I could keep walking like this for a little while, this feels really nice...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 059 with dissolve "Slowly going back to her run, Myriam first started walking, cautiously trying to enjoy the feeling of having her breasts revealed while Cassius walked beside her." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm doing this...{/i}" MC "{i}But this feels kind of exciting, not knowing what could be around the corner.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 060 with dissolve "Walking through the forest road in that state, Myriam arrived in a more open area, heavily lighted by the setting sun, asking herself if she should stop here with her thrill." MC "{i}This is getting a lot more open here, people could see me from far away...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_just_airing_the_puppies_out == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I should stop here...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_running_boobs_out:" "Does Myriam dare her crazy idea?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not...:" $ ch4_running_with_the_puppies_out = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not, I could still hide them quickly enough, let's just try having a run like that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_running_free" KN_MOD "Yeah! I think I better calm things down now...:" MC "{i}Yeah! I think I better calm things down now before I get caught.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_walking_safe" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's go run like this and see how far I can go...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_running_free" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_running_free:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 061 with dissolve "Keeping her breasts out, Myriam started running again in the opened area of the park, Cassius still running beside her and adapting his speed to her." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 062 with dissolve "Enjoying the feeling and thrill of exposure, Myriam kept running, her breasts bouncing and swinging freely as she did." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm crazy! I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm lucky there isn't anybody at this hour...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 063 with dissolve "But just as she thanked her stars for her luck, Myriam saw a jogger getting out of the forest in front of her and running her way." MC "{i}Oh my god! There's someone coming! What do I do!?{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! It's too late to do anything now, he-he can already see me... Better ignore him and just play it as if nothing was amiss, there's Cassius any way, I-I'm safe.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 064 with dissolve "Doing nothing as she quickly decided, Myriam crossed path with the other jogger, just smiling to him and saying hello as he looked at her, Cassius putting himself between them as he passed." "Jogger" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah! Grrr!\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah! Hi!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 065 with dissolve "Passing her, still incredulous by what had just happen to him, the jogger couldn't help himself looking back at Myriam, following with his eyes as she passed him, her breasts bouncing around freely as he awkwardly said hello back." "Jogger" "\"Hah hah hah! H-hiii...!\"" "Jogger" "{i}Wha-what the...!?{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! He-he's definitely looking!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 066 with dissolve "Discreetly looking back, Myriam felt a rush of adrenalin and excitement as she reached the other side of the open area, both the tension and relief of the situation getting to her." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! I did it! I-I can't believe I did it! I just run passed that guy with my tits out and said \"Hi\"!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 067 with dissolve "As she reached the end of the of the open area, Myriam saw an old gate half hidden under the vegetation of the park." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}Hey! The-there's an opening here!{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah! Cassius! Here!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 068 with dissolve "Pushing the gate, Myriam sneaked inside, hiding behind the wall with an heavy breath, like a kid wanting to hide after having just done some mischief, laughing to herself from the situation." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! I really can't believe I did this... What just went through my head!?{/i}" MC "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}But I can't deny it was a crazy rush either...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 069 with dissolve "Slowly calming down as the adrenalin and excitement subsided, Myriam looked down at her revealed breasts, as if she was discovering them anew." MC "{i}Look at this... Just running with these two out and I'm feeling like a kid again...{/i}" MC "{i}But I better get them away now, I had enough excitement for the day.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 070 with dissolve "Putting her breasts away and adjusting her sport wear, Myriam finally looked around where she had just took refuge." MC "{i}Here! Ready to go again...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Though where did I end up hiding?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_forgotten_garden" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_no_tits_out:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 071 with dissolve "Slowly going back to her run, Myriam first started walking, still feeling partially winded and wanting to go easy for a first run after her stay at the hospital." MC "{i}I'll cool down by walking for a moment...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's just go easy for today, I just lost a bit of cardio with my stay at the hospital.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 072 with dissolve "Walking through the forest road for a while still, Myriam arrived in a more open area, heavily lighted by the setting sun, telling herself she did good not fooling around previously." MC "{i}This is getting a lot more open here, I did good not fooling around...{/i}" MC "{i}It would have been way too easy to get caught.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_walking_safe" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_walking_safe:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 073 with dissolve "Getting through the open area, Myriam crossed path with another jogger running the other way, exchanging salutations with him as he passed her while Cassius played the guard dog between them." "Jogger" "\"Hah hah hah! Hi!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah! Grrr!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 074 with dissolve "Discreetly looking back after walking passed him, Myriam could not help but feel relieved as she reached the other side of the open area." KN_MOD "if ch4_just_airing_the_puppies_out == True:" MC "{i}Thank god I didn't go with my breasts out through the open area, this jogger would have caught me without a doubt.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Thank god I didn't fool around earlier, this jogger could have caught me in an embarrassing position.{/i}" MC "{i}Keeping a cool head is never lost...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 075 with dissolve "As she reached the end of the of the open area, Myriam saw an old gate half hidden under the vegetation of the park." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}Oh! What's this!? Looks mysterious...{/i}" MC "\"Cassius! Here!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_forgotten_garden" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_forgotten_garden:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 076 with dissolve "Curious and wanting to explore, Myriam slowly walked in the old forgotten garden, overgrown by the vegetation, while Cassius walked beside her curious as well." MC "\"Slow Cassius!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}This looks like an old public garden...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 077 with dissolve "Going further in, Myriam discovered the heart of the garden, a stone bird bath lost in the middle of the overgrown vegetation, still lighted by the setting sun." MC "{i}Oh! A bird bath! It must have been an old romantic garden for couples to visit...{/i}" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 078 with dissolve "Getting to the bird bath, Myriam could see it still contained some clear water with a few leaves floating around." MC "{i}There's still water in, probably from the last rain...{/i}" MC "{i}It still feels kind of romantic despite the fact it has been abandoned, a forgotten garden has its own charm.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 079 with dissolve "Bending over the bird bath, Myriam refreshed herself by scooping some water to wet her neck and wash off some sweat." "Splash!" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}That feels great!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 080 with dissolve "Screaming in surprise as she felt something pressing against her groin, Myriam saw Cassius sniffing her crotch from behind her." MC "\"Haaa! What!?\"" Ca "\"Sniff, sniff!\"" MC "\"Cassius!?\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 081 with dissolve "Turning back, Myriam tried stopping Cassius from sniffing and licking her crotch, curious and enticed by odor of sweat after her run." MC "\"Stop it Cassius!\"" MC "{i}He must be curious from the smell of sweat...{/i}" KN_MOD "if persistent.patch_enabled and ch2_i_am_a_furry_nice_person == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_smell_of_the_forbidden_garden" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_smell_of_the_forbidden_garden:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_smelling_delicious:" "Does Myriam stop Cassius?" KN_MOD "And he must have missed his mistress...:" $ ch4_letting_cassius_taste_the_forbidden_fruit = True MC "{i}And he must have missed his mistress while I was at the hospital, maybe I could let him lick me quickly.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_forbidden_garden" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_forbidden_garden:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 082 with dissolve "Shifting her outfit at the crotch, Myriam offered Cassius access to her pussy, letting him lick it without trouble." MC "\"Here boy!\"" Ca "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "{i}God! I know it's wrong, but I'm kind of feeling in the mood right now.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 083 with dissolve "Leaning back over the bird bath, Myriam relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of Cassius' tongue over her pussy, letting him eat her up." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Mmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! It's wrong, but he's eating me up so nicely...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 084 with dissolve "Revealing her right breast again, Myriam started caressing and kneading it while Cassius kept taking care of her pussy." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! That's it! Mmmmmmhhh! Good boy!\"" MC "{i}He's so thorough, he's pushing his tongue everywhere.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 085 with dissolve "As Cassius kept licking her pussy while she caressed her breast, Myriam could feel her pleasure building up more and more, feeling a climax getting close." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Good boy! Mmmmmmhhh! Keep going! Keep going!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 086 with dissolve "And finally after a few minutes of having her pussy eaten by Cassius, Myriam felt an orgasm coming in waves, making her scream her pleasure under the setting sun." Ca "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! GOD! YES! MMMMMMHHH! FUCK!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 087 with dissolve "Her body calming down as her orgasm passed and as Cassius stopped licking her pussy, Myriam tried to relax as she thanked him for his job well done." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"God! That... That was a good job Cassius! Good boy!\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 088 with dissolve "Happy from his congratulations, Cassius suddenly jumped on Myriam, surprising her as he leaned on her shoulder." MC "\"Wha...! What are you doing!?\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Yes, you're a good boy!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 089 with dissolve "Looking down, Myriam quickly understood that there was more to his excitement than just being happy from his mistress compliment, as he was showing a fully erect cock." MC "\"Oh! I see... Your mistress compliments made you \"really\" happy.\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_more_forbidden_fruit:" "Does Myriam fool around some more?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not...:" $ ch4_letting_cassius_fuck_the_forbidden_fruit = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not, I'm feeling excited as well and the poor dog didn't see me for a long time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_deeper_in_the_forbidden_garden" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_deeper_in_the_forbidden_garden:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 090 with dissolve "Turning back towards the bird bath, Myriam leaned on it and lowered her hips for Cassius so he could climb her, guiding him inside her as she shifted her outfit more for a better access to her pussy." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Wait! Let me helppp... Aaaaaahhh!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve "Not letting Myriam finish her sentence, Cassius quickly started thrusting when he felt the warmth and wetness of her pussy, while she clung to the bird bath to receive his wild thrust." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! He always fucks me wilder than a buckin' bull at its first rodeo!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 091 with dissolve "Used to the position and excited by his mistress' moans of pleasure, Cassius kept accelerating the pace, going harder and deeper with each thrust, pressing his knot against her pussy." Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Goo-good boy!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! I-I can feel his knot pressing against my pussy already! He-he's going to push it in!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve "As she thought, Myriam quickly felt Cassius push his knot inside her pussy, stretching it intensely as it filled her tightly without him calming for a moment, his thrusts getting ever so hard and deep." Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Fuck! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! You're wrecking my pussy Cassius!\"" Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Each time is as if he fucked me for the first time! His-his knot is so big!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 094 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 093 with dissolve "While she could feel an intense orgasm building up, Myriam could also feel that Cassius was nearing his own climax, still increasing his pace, fucking her harder and wilder with each thrust." Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Cassius! Mmmmmmhhh! You-you're going to make your mistress cum!\"" Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH!\"" MC "{i}God! I-I can't take it anymore! I'm going to cum hard!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 095 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And as she felt what was coming, Myriam soon felt Cassius cumming inside her, filling her pussy with a massive amount of cum while she screamed her pleasure as a powerful orgasm took her over, her pussy tightening even more as she did." Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH! WHINE!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! CASSIUS!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Ca "\"HAH HAH HAH! WHINE!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 096 with dissolve "Falling to the ground drained of all strength, after Cassius pulled out of her, Myriam did all she could to relax and stay calm, clinging to the bird bath as her body trembled uncontrollably due to her orgasm, her gaping pussy still oozing cum." MC "\"Aaahhh! God! I... I can't feel my legs...\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"You ruined your mistress Cassius.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 097 with dissolve "After a few minutes, as she gained back some strength, Myriam got up, still leaning over the bird bath to help herself stand as Cassius waited patiently beside her, still happy from his hard work." MC "\"Sigh! You really did a number on me here Cassius...\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"But we better go now or we'll be late.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_no_more_forbidden_fruit" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_no_more_forbidden_fruit:" KN_MOD "if ch4_letting_cassius_fuck_the_forbidden_fruit == False:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 098 with dissolve "Pushing off Cassius from her and making him sit down, Myriam took control back over the situation before it escalated." MC "\"Sorry boy! But not now...\"" Ca "\"Whine!\"" MC "\"I know, I'm sorry, but we'll be too late if we go at it.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 099 with dissolve "After fixing her sports outfit, Myriam turned towards Cassius and told him they had to go now, while petting him gently." MC "\"Come on boy! It's time to go now.\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_going_back_to_eves" KN_MOD "No, we better go home before it gets dark...:" MC "{i}No, we better go home before it gets dark, I know the poor dog didn't see me for a long time, but it'll have to be for another time.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_no_more_forbidden_fruit" KN_MOD "I better run home now and take a shower...:" MC "{i}I better run home now and take a shower before Eve get back home herself.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_going_back_to_eves" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Down boy!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_going_back_to_eves" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_going_back_to_eves:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 100 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_letting_cassius_taste_the_forbidden_fruit == True:" "Leaving the bird bath behind her, Myriam headed towards the old garden's exit with Cassius, satisfied about her little exploration and not wanting to be late home." KN_MOD "else:" "After pushing away the nosy Cassius, Myriam headed towards the old garden's exit, satisfied about her little exploration and not wanting to be late home." MC "\"Let's go before they end up eating without us.\"" Ca "\"Woof! Hah hah hah!\"" MC "\"Yeah! I know you don't want that you big loaf.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 101 with dissolve "Getting out of the old garden, Myriam started running again, heading home to Evelyn's loft under the setting sun with Cassius running to her side." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" Ca "\"Hah hah hah!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_night_visit" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_night_visit:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few hours later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 102 with dissolve "After running back home and sharing dinner with Evelyn and the kids, Myriam decided to finish her day in a long hot bubble bath to relax her muscles and avoid any cramps during the night after her run." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! It's been so long since I've taken a hot bath like this... It'll do wonders on my sore muscles...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 103 with dissolve "Setting herself a relaxing mood for her bath, with candles and red wine, Myriam grabbed the glass she had poured herself before running herself the hot bath." MC "{i}I should do this way more often... Now let's have a taste of Evelyn's little \"Châteauneuf-du-Pape\".{/i}" MC "{i}That's probably a bottle she got from daddy, I know it was one of his preferred French red wines.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 104 with dissolve play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}I like it, but it's quite strong, with the glass I poured myself just one will be enough.{/i}" MC "{i}Lucky me, I don't have far to drive...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 105 with dissolve "Putting down her glass after taking a good sip, Myriam laid back and enjoyed her bath to the fullest, letting go of her troubles as she relaxed in the hot scented bath." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}I'll really have to thank Eve for letting us stay at her place, I think we all needed to have a change of scenery.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_let_marc_join_you_for_sex_during_the_night == True or ch4_let_marc_join_you_during_the_night == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_marc_getting_in" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_enjoying_bath_alone" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_marc_getting_in:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 106 with dissolve "But suddenly, as she was about to fall asleep in her bath, Myriam was suddenly pulled out of her snooze by Marc's voice calling out to her." Ma "\"Hey! Mi!\"" MC "\"Wha-what!? Marc!?\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! I completely forgot I told him he could come by later...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 107 with dissolve "Approaching closer from Myriam, Marc awkwardly went back over her promise made earlier, nonchalantly caressing her foot as he did." KN_MOD "if ch4_let_marc_join_you_for_sex_during_the_night == True:" $ ch4_marcs_whore_again = True Ma "\"You told me I could come later tonight so we could...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" Ma "\"You know, so we could have a little more fun!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_promnise_of_fun" KN_MOD "elif ch4_let_marc_join_you_during_the_night == True:" $ ch4_training_marc = True Ma "\"You told me I could come later tonight.\"" MC "\"Yes, sorry I remember, I was just a little surprised.\"" Ma "\"It's ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_promnise_of_affection" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_promnise_of_fun:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 108 with dissolve "Sitting up despite the nice time she was having, Myriam felt that she had to keep her promise, not wanting to vex him or break his new found assurance as he was starting to pull off his short." MC "{i}God! It's true I promised him more sex tonight, I-I can't go back on this now...{/i}" MC "\"An-and what were you thinking about?\"" Ma "\"Well, I did enjoy the titfuck and to give you a nice facial, but to be honest I really would have preferred having a blowjob.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 109 with dissolve Ma "\"Look! My cock is already half hard in anticipation.\"" MC "\"...\"" Ma "\"Come on, can't you suck on it?\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" MC "{i}Maybe he'll be satisfied with just a blowjob...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 110 with dissolve "Coming closer to him, Myriam took Marc half hard cock in her hand and started teasing it with her tongue as he put his hand over her head to guide her and keep her close to his cock." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp!\"" Ma "\"Oooh! Yeah! That's it, I missed the feeling of that tongue on my cock...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 111 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 112 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 113 with dissolve "Slowly taking his cock in her mouth, Myriam focused on making him fully hard, letting his cock slide on her tongue and deep down her throat as he pressed on the back of her head." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Take it in deep! Aaaaaahhh! Take it all in!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve "His cock fully hard now, Myriam started sucking on it, following the rhythm Marc gave her as he grabbed her by the hair and made her move back and forth on his cock." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh! I missed feeling your mouth on my cock!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve "Slowly accelerating the pace, Marc kept throatfucking Myriam as she clung to the bath tub and did her best to relax her throat to let his cock slide deep inside without trouble." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Shit! That's so fucking good! Aaaaaahhh! Your mouth is the best!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve "Still pushing the pace as he could see that Myriam could take it, Marc kept throatfucking her faster with each thrust, talking dirtier to her as his dominant assurance raised with his excitement." MC "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! I missed trashing my slut's throat! Aaaaaahhh! Did your throat miss my cock?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slup, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! You're right! Aaaaaahhh! It's not polite to talk with your mouth full!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve "With his fast paced throatfucking, Myriam quickly felt Marc's cock getting harder and bigger in her mouth, and knew he was about to cum." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh! You're already going to make me cum with your slut mouth!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 115 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 114 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 116 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly after a few more thrusts, Marc groaned loudly and filled Myriam's throat and mouth with a thick and warm load of cum, forcing her to swallow as he kept his grip on hair." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! SWALLOW MY LOAD YOU SLUT! OOOOOOHHH!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 117 with dissolve "Pulling out of her mouth, Marc still kept a firm grip of her hair as he teased Myriam as she tried to catch her breath, boasting as he used to as the excitement and the adrenalin gave him a boost of confidence." Ma "\"Fuck! That was great Mi! You're really the best with your mouth!\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah! Cough, cough! Tha-thanks... Cough!\"" Ma "\"So, did you love it to? I bet you missed having my big cock in your throat!\"" MC "{i}God! It definitely gave him back some confidence... I can't break it now...{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah! Cough! Ye-yeah...\"" Ma "\"You know what? I'm still feeling hard! Turn around and sit on the edge, I'll give your ass a good hard fucking too!\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" MC "{i}I knew it wouldn't stop with a blowjob...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 118 with dissolve "Turning over as he told her, Myriam sat over the edge and clung to the other side of the tub, offering her butt to Marc which he quickly started to rub against with his cock, impatient to fuck it." MC "\"Li-like that?\"" Ma "\"Perfect! Now brace yourself, I'm going to fuck it hard!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't deny I want it now! I don't know if it's the mood or the wine, or just his confidence, but I want him to fuck my ass hard.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve "Pushing his cock inside, Marc started fucking Myriam's ass, firmly grabbing her hips as he pounded away quickly moving up on the pace as he heard her moans of pleasure." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! I missed that ass too! Aaaaaahhh! It's so tight but my cock still go in so easy!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Tha-thanks! Mmmmmmhhh! God!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve "Accelerating the pace, Marc kept pounding Myriam's ass harder and deeper, as she kept moaning louder and louder, feeling she was not going to be long to climax, already excited by her previous deepthroat." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! You're loving it you slut? Aaaaaahhh! You missed having my big cock pounding your tight ass!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Ye-yes! Mmmmmmhhh! I-I love it!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Did you miss it?\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! I... Mmmmmmhhh! I missed your cock in my ass!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 120 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 121 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 119 with dissolve "Pushed over the edge by Marc's anal pounding and his teasing, Myriam quickly felt an orgasm coming, screaming her pleasure as her ass tighten around his hard cock and she felt a wave of pleasure radiate in all her body." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! I... MMMMMMHHH! I'M CUMMING!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! That's it cum for me like a good slut!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve "Not letting Myriam's body rest after her climax, Marc suddenly pulled her by the hair and started hammering even harder and faster at her ass, as she was still screaming in pleasure." Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Let me help my slut cum hard!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! God! MMMMMMHHH! Marc!\"" Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Do you enjoy your hard anal pounding like a good slut?\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! God! Yes! Yes! MMMMMMHHH! I-I love it hard!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve "Not giving her any mercy, Marc kept pounding her harder and deeper, pushing towards another orgasm as he teased her and chased his own climax." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Who's a good anal whore?\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! M-me! MMMMMMHHH! I-I'm an anal whore!\"" Ma "\"Aaaaaahhh! Who's whore are you?\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! Yours! MMMMMMHHH! Yours!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 123 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 122 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 124 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pounding her ass without restraint, Marc pushed Myriam into another violent orgasm, not even letting her recover from the first one, before climaxing himself not long after, both loudly grunting as they orgasmed together." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! CUMMIIIIIING!\"" Ma "\"AAARGH! FUCK! CUMMING TOO!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 125 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Letting go of her hair, Marc pulled out of her ass as he was still cumming, to quickly push his cock in Myriam's pussy, finishing cumming inside her as he kept grunting." Ma "\"OOOOOOHHH! Here's for your whore pussy!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! God! MMMMMMHHH!\"" Ma "\"AAAH! Now turn back and come clean up my cock with your mouth!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 126 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam turned back and went down on her knees in the bath, her body still trembling as Marc shoved his cock deep down her throat, pressing her face against him as he emptied the last few drops of cum he had down her throat." Ma "\"Oooooohhh! Here you go! Aaaaaahhh! Clean it up nice and clean like a good whore!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gulp!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 127 with dissolve "Only releasing her after his cock add started going limp, Myriam coughed loudly as she gasped and caught her breath, while Marc congratulated her for her good work." MC "\"Cough, cough, cough! Hah hah hah!\"" Ma "\"Wow! That was fucking great Mi! Thanks!\"" MC "\"Cough, cough! Tha-thanks! Hah hah hah! I-it was intense... Cough!\"" Ma "\"Yeah! Like we did before...\"" MC "\"Yeah... Cough!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 128 with dissolve Ma "\"So... Can we go back to our whore play like before?\"" MC "{i}Looks like he feel more confident after what we did... Maybe it would help him get past what Anthony did...{/i}" MC "\"Yeah, but no Katherine involved, ok?\"" Ma "\"Yeah, I promise! I went overboard last time, I'm sorry.\"" MC "\"And your grades have to go up as well.\"" Ma "\"They will, promise!\"" MC "\"Then it's ok.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 129 with dissolve Ma "\"Great! So you're my whore now!?\"" MC "\"Ye-yeah...\"" Ma "\"Come on, you need to say it!\"" MC "{i}God! He's really...{/i}" MC "\"Yeah, I'm your whore.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 130 with dissolve "Putting his short back on, Marc left Myriam to her bath, heading for his bedroom as he said goodnight with a new found confident mood." Ma "\"Goodnight then!\"" MC "\"Goodnight Marc.\"" Ma "\"It would be cool if I could wake up to a nice blowjob from my whore tomorrow morning.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, I-I will.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 131 with dissolve "Marc disappearing from her view and getting out of the room, Myriam sighed loudly, ambiguously feeling both relieved and excited after the intense sexual exchange they had." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! That was... That was intense! I'm glad to see him again with a bit of confidence in himself, but I just hope things won't go too complicated...{/i}" MC "{i}I know it's crazy what we're doing, but if it can help him get past his father, that's the only thing important...{/i}" MC "{i}Though I can't deny he made me cum hard and not knowing what he has in store for me is kind of exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_end_of_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_promnise_of_affection:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 132 with dissolve "Embarrassed as the silence started to weight, Marc awkwardly offered Myriam to wash her back, not knowing where to start now that he was actually here in her room." MC "\"...\"" Ma "\"Say... Would you like me to wash your back?\"" MC "{i}Look at him all shy now... Well, why not, it would actually be nice to be taken care of.{/i}" MC "\"Sure, come inside.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 133 with dissolve "Turning away as Marc came into the bath with a sponge, Myriam offered him her back to let him wash it as they kept talking." Ma "\"How is it?\"" MC "\"It feels nice Marc.\"" MC "{i}Mmmh! This is unexpectedly nice really.{/i}" Ma "\"Sorry to intrude while you were relaxing...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I was the one who said yes.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 134 with dissolve Ma "{size=20}\"Beautiful...\"{/size=20}" MC "\"What?\"" Ma "\"Sorry, it's just... You're so beautiful.\"" MC "\"Thank you Marc.\"" MC "{i}He really became incredibly tame... I'm curious to see to what point...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 135 with dissolve "As he had gently scrub her back for some time, Myriam offered Marc to continue on her front, wanting to tease him and curious to see his reaction." MC "\"Hey! What do you say about scrubbing the front now?\"" Ma "\"Really!?\"" MC "\"Yes, it felt pretty nice.\"" MC "{i}Let's see if he's able to control himself...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 136 with dissolve "Turning back and getting to her knees to raise her chest, Myriam offered her breasts in plain view for him to scrub with the sponge, looking at him amused as he took care of them thoroughly." Ma "\"is it ok, I'm not going at it too hard?\"" MC "\"No no, it's fine.\"" MC "{i}Look at him, he can't stop looking at them, but is doing it seriously.{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 137 with dissolve MC "\"Don't worry, they're sensitive but they're not fragile.\"" Ma "\"They... They look so soft and firm at the same time, they're really...\"" MC "\"Really what?\"" Ma "\"Really hot!\"" MC "\"Do you want to suck on them?\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 138 with dissolve Ma "\"I-I can?\"" MC "\"I think that'll be the best way to clean them up, can you do it?\"" Ma "\"Ye-yeah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 139 with dissolve "Bending over, Marc grabbed one of her breast and started licking on her nipple, teasing it with his tongue and exploring her areola before starting sucking on it." Ma "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! That's nice... Aaah! Clean it up nicely with that cocky tongue of yours!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 140 with dissolve "Then after playing with her nipple for some time with his tongue, Marc finally took her nipple in her mouth to suck on it, still using the tip of his tongue to tease it inside." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! That's it! Mmmmmmhhh! Suck on it like the good kid you are!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 141 with dissolve "Jumping to the other breast after sucking on the left one for some time, Marc took her right nipple in his mouth and started giving it the same treatment, sucking on it more strongly as Myriam's moans excited him." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! That's good! Mmmmmmhhh! Keep going!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 143 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 143 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 143 with dissolve "Pressing her breasts together, Marc put Myriam's nipples close together, to be able to jump from one to the other quickly, teasing them and sucking on them harder as he could feel her moans getting louder." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Suck on these tits like a good boy!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! He-he's really gonna make me cum just with my breasts!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 144 with dissolve "As Marc took both her nipples in his mouth, sucking on them strongly while teething them with his tongue and teeth, Myriam finally reached an orgasm, grabbing his hair to keep him from stopping as she screamed her pleasure." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! MMMMMMHHH! YES!!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 145 with dissolve "Releasing her breasts as she calmed down and let go of his hair, Myriam complimented Marc for his good work as he rubbed his lips unconsciously, as if to not forget the soft sensation of her breasts on his lips." MC "\"That was some nice work Marc.\"" Ma "\"Yeah?\"" MC "\"I think that deserves a little reward...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 146 with dissolve "Suddenly raising from the bath, Myriam put one foot on the edge of tub, presented her pussy to Marc as she assured herself with hand to the wall." MC "\"Since you've been a good boy, I'll let you clean me up down there with your tongue as well.\"" Ma "\"Re-really?\"" MC "\"Yes, and if you do a good job, I let you cum as well.\"" MC "{i}God! I'm really pushing the dominant play far, but I'm curious to how obedient Marc could be... And I can't deny that it's kind of exciting...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 147 with dissolve "Raising to the level of Myriam's pussy, Marc started darting the tip of his tongue between her lips, exploring it gently as he stated licking her." Ma "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! That's it! Be thorough! Aaah! Clean it up nicely!\"" Ma "\"Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 148 with dissolve "Pushing his tongue further in, Marc started inserted his tongue inside Myriam's pussy while rubbing his nose over her clitoris, trying his best to follow her moans and reactions." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Good! Mmmmmmh! Push your tongue in and clean up that pussy!\"" Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 149 with dissolve "Pushing her hips towards him and grabbing him by the hair, Myriam guided Marc to better work on her pussy, making him push his tongue deeper inside her as well as rubbing her pussy against his face." Ma "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Here! Push it deeper! Mmmmmmh! Eat that pussy hard like a good boy!\"" Ma "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 150 with dissolve "Keeping Marc's face firmly in place, Myriam rubbed her pussy against his face, making him eat her pussy intensely as she pursued a new climax, her pleasure building up more and more as he did his best to pleasure her." Ma "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Keep going! Don't stop! Mmmmmmh! You-you're doing a good job!\"" Ma "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm going to cum again!{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 151 with dissolve "Screaming her pleasure loudly, Myriam finally climax under Marc's tongue treatment, making him slurp her juices as she gushed inside his mouth." Ma "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! I'M CUMMING!\"" Ma "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 152 with dissolve "Freeing him from her pussy, Myriam congratulated Marc, still clinging to him and the wall as her legs felt a bit shaky after her orgasm." MC "\"That was a good job Marc.\"" Ma "\"Coough, cough! Thank you.\"" MC "\"You deserve a bit of release as well, are you hard under there?\"" Ma "\"Coough! Yeah...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 153 with dissolve "Sitting down comfortably in her bath again, Myriam raised one of her legs out, presenting her foot to Marc so he could jerk off and finish himself over it." MC "\"Here! You can finish yourself over it.\"" Ma "\"Tha-thanks! Aaah!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 154 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Masturbating over her foot intently, as if he feared she would withdraw her offer, Marc quickly reached his climax and came all over it with loud grunts." Ma "\"AAARGH! CUMMING!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! That's it... Good boy...\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 155 with dissolve "Done cumming, exhausted, Marc sat over the edge of the tub behind him, thanking Myriam again for letting him have some relief." Ma "\"Aaah! Tha-thank you!\"" MC "\"Your welcome Marc, you did a good job... If you keep up like this and raise your grades, maybe I'll reward you again.\"" Ma "\"I-I will!\"" MC "\"Good, now you should get back to your room, it's late.\"" Ma "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 156 with dissolve "Getting out of the bath and drying himself quickly, Marc headed out, waving and thanking one last time Myriam before exiting the room." Ma "\"Night Mi! And tha-thank you!\"" MC "\"Goodnight Marc!\"" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 157 with dissolve "Marc disappearing from her view and getting out of the room, Myriam sighed loudly, ambiguously feeling both relieved and excited after the sexual exchange they had." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! This was a bit intense! I'm glad to see him calmed down and not sad anymore, but I just hope things won't go too complicated...{/i}" MC "{i}I know it's crazy what we're doing, but if it can help him get past his father, that's the only thing important...{/i}" MC "{i}Though I can't deny that playing the dominant one like this is kind of exciting.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_end_of_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_enjoying_bath_alone:" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 158 with dissolve "Finishing up her glass of wine and enjoying her bath for as long as she could, Myriam snoozed for a while, simply staying in the water with her eyes closed until its warmth started to wane and get too cold." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}God! It was nice but the water is going to start getting colder now, I better get out before I catch something.{/i}" MC "{i}I'll definitely do that again... Now I just have to find the strength to get out and clean up the bath...{/i}" MC "{i}Now I just have to find the strength to get out and clean up the bath...{/i}" MC "{i}Right now...{/i}" MC "{i}In a minute...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_the_bath_choice:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_getting_out:" "Does Myriam get out of the bath?" KN_MOD "Yeah, time to get out.:" MC "{i}Yeah, time to get out.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_out_of_the_bath" KN_MOD "Maybe just one more minute...:" $ ch4_lazing_in_the_bath = True MC "{i}Maybe just one more minute...{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "One minute later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 158 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Easter] >= 60:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least an hour now! The water's fricking cold!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice_an_hour_later" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 50:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least fifty minutes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 40:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least forty minutes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 30:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least half an hour now, it's getting cold...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 20:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least twenty minutes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 10:" MC "{i}Come on! It's been at least ten minutes...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_the_bath_choice_an_hour_later:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 159 with dissolve KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_really_getting_out:" "Does Myriam finally get out of the bath?" KN_MOD "Yeah! Really time to get out, its not funny anymore!:" MC "{i}Yeah! Really time to get out, it's not funny anymore!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_out_of_the_bath" KN_MOD "Maybe just one more minute...:" $ ch4_lazing_in_the_bath_more_than_an_hour = True MC "{i}Come on! You really expect me to do the line still!?{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "One minute later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 159 with dissolve KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Easter] >= 120:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice_two_hours_later" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 110:" MC "{i}Come on! Just stop!! STOP!!!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 100:" MC "{i}Come on! I hate you!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 90:" MC "{i}Come on! You fucking troll!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 80:" MC "{i}Come on! You're really gonna keep going!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif MCtrait[Easter] >= 70:" MC "{i}Come on! Really!?{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice_an_hour_later" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_the_bath_choice_two_hours_later:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 160 with dissolve MC "{i}Come on! One more time! JUST FUCKING ONE MORE TIME! I DARE YOU!{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_08_getting_out_last_chance:" "Do you dare?" KN_MOD "Nope!:" MC "{i}You're god damn right!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_out_of_the_bath" KN_MOD "Dare! if ch4_lazing_in_the_bath_more_than_two_hours == False:" $ ch4_lazing_in_the_bath_more_than_two_hours = True $ ch4_full_bath_loop_easter_egg = True scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 161 with dissolve MC "\"I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_the_bath_choice_two_hours_later" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_out_of_the_bath:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 162 with dissolve $ MCtrait["Easter"] = 0 "Climbing out of the bath, Myriam sighed loudly while the water drained behind her, feeling sorry to have to put an end to her relaxing time." MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_lazing_in_the_bath_more_than_two_hours == True:" MC "{i}Are you fucking kidding me here!? If you think I forgot, you got another thing coming!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lazing_in_the_bath_more_than_an_hour == True:" MC "{i}Are you fucking kidding me!? After making me freeze my ass off for more than an hour!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_lazing_in_the_bath == True:" MC "{i}Are you kidding me!? I was freezing in there!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Come on! You can't laze around like this in the bath forever...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_08_end_of_the_day" KN_MOD "label ch4_08_end_of_the_day:" KN_MOD "if ch4_let_marc_join_you_for_sex_during_the_night == True or ch4_let_marc_join_you_during_the_night == True:" KN_MOD "if ch4_marcs_whore_again == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 163 with dissolve "Climbing out of the bath, Myriam grabbed her glass of wine to finish it while the water drained behind her, feeling that the relaxing mood had passed." KN_MOD "elif ch4_training_marc == True:" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 164 with dissolve "Grabbing her glass of wine, Myriam went to finish it in one go, feeling that the relaxing mood of her bath had passed." MC "{i}Let's finish this, the mood maybe passed, but it's not a reason to throw away such a good wine.{/i}" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Slurp! Gulp!\"" MC "{i}I'll have to ask daddy a few bottles next time...{/i}" scene bg ch4_08 thankfulthoughtsparttwo 165 with dissolve "Feeling tired after her day and taking the time cleaning the bath, Myriam headed for bed, simply drying herself quickly with a towel before jumping in bed." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}Time for bed, I'm burned out, I can barely keep my eyes open.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm still far from getting back into shape after the hospital...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_09_feeling_better" KN_MOD "label ch4_09_feeling_better:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Feeling Better" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 001 with dissolve "Waking up with the first lights of the day, Myriam raised in the bed, yawning as she slowly pulled herself from the mists of sleep." MC "{i}Mmmh... It's already morning?{/i}" MC "\"Waaahhh!\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 002 with dissolve "Getting out of bed, Myriam walked towards the bathroom, looking outside as she stretched her shoulders and back, enjoying the sun as she passed." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}Looks like today's going to be sunny, great...{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 003 with dissolve "Stopping a moment in front of the mirror as she was about to wash her face, Myriam took a look at where traces of what Anthony had done to her were still showing a few days ago." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Looks like it's completely gone now, it took a few weeks, but the hematoma is completely gone now, even my eye is fully healed...{/i}" MC "{i}Glad to not have to be reminded of what happened every time I look in the mirror, but still I can't help but look...{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 004 with dissolve "Leaving the bathroom after her quick morning hygiene routine, Myriam headed for the cupboard where she had put the few clothes she brought from home." MC "{i}Let's get dressed now and get down...{/i}" MC "{i}The kids must be getting up, I could fixed something quick.{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 005 with dissolve MC "{i}Here you go! It'll be enough to stay home and get ready for the day...{/i}" MC "{i}Though I'll have to go home again and get some more clothes... We can't keep cycling through the few things I brought back last week.{/i}" MC "{i}But we can't stay here indefinitely either, I know it's no trouble for Eve, but still it's already been a few weeks... We'll have to deal with home soon.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Not long after..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 006 with dissolve "Breakfast past and the kids gone to school, Myriam poured herself some coffee and juice as she looked at her emails and messages while waiting for Evelyn to get up." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Dear lord! So much spam! And that's only what filters through... Not much apart from that... There's one from the school about the coming competition, I'll have to look into it later.{/i}" MC "{i}Ah! There's one from Lucy!? Looks like it's about the volunteer work she told me about a few months ago...{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 007 with dissolve MC "{i}Let's see...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Looks like she needs some help due to someone not being able to come for a job... And there's the details about the work...{/i}" MC "{i}It's about helping teenagers do odd jobs in the community to get some funds for some vacations... Gosh! This afternoon!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 008 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch2_social_work_tough_youth == True:" $ ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job = True MC "{i}Well, I already thought it would be interesting to do and I've got nothing this afternoon, so why not.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm not sure I'll be a good fit for it, but it won't hurt to try and it'll help Lucy.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's answer her quickly and tell her I'll do it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_09_eves_busy_morning" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Well, I didn't think it would be for me before, but I've got nothing this afternoon and it's Lucy asking...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_09_social_youth_work:" "Does Myriam take the volunteer job?" KN_MOD "No, really its not for me...:" MC "{i}No, really it's not for me, I know I wouldn't be a good fit for it.{/i}" MC "{i}Sorry Lucy!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_09_eves_busy_morning" KN_MOD "If it helps her...:" $ ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job = True MC "{i}If it helps her, maybe I could do the effort, I'm free after all.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm not sure I'll be a good fit for it, but it won't hurt to try and it'll help Lucy.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's answer her quickly and tell her I'll do it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_09_eves_busy_morning" KN_MOD "label ch4_09_eves_busy_morning:" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 009 with dissolve "As she was finishing up her answer to Lucy, Myriam heard a sudden noise coming from a door upstairs, followed by a few laughs and voices." play sound "door wooden close-freesound-inspectorj.mp3" "Bang!" MC "{i}Ah! Eve must be up! Sounds like she's with somebody...{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 010 with dissolve "Soon after, Myriam saw Eve arriving with a man, pushing him towards the door as he said hello, dragging his feet as he tried to stay." Ev "\"The door's that way...\"" "Eve's date" "\"Hey! Who's the girl?\"" Ev "\"My cousin... Come on! Go!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 011 with dissolve "Coming back after leading the man out, Eve went to pour herself a coffee, waving at Myriam as she avoided her instead of their usual morning kiss over the cheek." Ev "\"Hey Mi!\"" MC "\"Hey yourself!\"" Ev "\"Sorry, no kiss this morning, you know why...\"" MC "\"What?\"" Ev "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 012 with dissolve Ev "\"Come on you know why!\"" MC "\"What!? No, I don't... Oh! Yew! Eve, gross!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_massage_with_mutual_happy_ending == True:" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Come on! You forget that I saw what you can do at the spa, you won't make me believe that you don't enjoy some oral action.\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Maybe just a little...\"" KN_MOD "else:" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! So you're telling me you don't enjoy some oral action?\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Well, maybe just a little...\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 013 with dissolve "Sitting beside her after her terrible joke and pouring herself a coffee, Evelyn explained to Myriam what had just happened with the man she just pushed outside." MC "\"So, what was that?\"" Ev "\"Nothing don't worry.\"" MC "\"A new boyfriend?\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 014 with dissolve Ev "\"What!? No! Ha ha ha! I don't even remember the guy's name.\"" MC "\"Oh!\"" Ev "\"It was just a little boy toy for the night, I just waited for the kids to be out before sending him on his way.\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 015 with dissolve Ev "\"By the way, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have brought him home with the kids here, I drank a bit too much and didn't think...\"" MC "\"It's ok, it's not as if they were little now and it's your house.\"" Ev "\"Still, I'll be more careful next time, promise.\"" MC "\"Thank you.\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 016 with dissolve Ev "\"So, anything scheduled today?\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True:" MC "\"Well, first I thought I'll stop at home for a bit to get the mail and some clothes.\"" Ev "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"After that, I had a little bit of modeling this morning.\"" Ev "\"Really!? That's sweet! Some new dresses for St Étienne?\"" MC "\"No, in fact it's for a friend of his I met the other time.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Well, nothing much this morning, though I wanted to stop at home for a bit to get the mail and some clothes.\"" Ev "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"After that, I think I'll probably go to the gym for a bit, I'm still feeling rusty after the hospital.\"" Ev "\"I understand, though don't go overboard either.\"" MC "\"No, don't worry.\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 017 with dissolve Ev "\"And this afternoon? Slurp!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == True:" MC "\"Nothing in... Oh! Wait! Yes, I'm going to give a hand to my friend Lucy for some volunteer work.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Nothing in particular, maybe I'll do a bit of window shopping.\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" Ev "\"Gulp! Sound nice.\"" MC "\"And you?\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 018 with dissolve Ev "\"Me? Straight back to bed when you go! I'm way too burned out from my night!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! I see.\"" Ev "\"And this afternoon I have an appointment with a couple of clients.\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 019 with dissolve MC "\"Then I'll finish my coffee and go so you can go back to your lair.\"" Ev "\"My lair? He he he! That's it, I'm a man-eating creature now.\"" MC "\"Come on, you know I didn't mean it like that.\"" Ev "\"Ha ha ha! I know, don't sweat it.\"" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 020 with dissolve "Leaving Evelyn to return to her bed after finishing her coffee, Myriam headed back upstairs to her bedroom to get changed." MC "{i}Let's go get changed...{/i}" MC "{i}Francis sent me a dress the other day when he learned I'd been hospitalized.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True and ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == True:" MC "{i}Going for Flint's photo shoot is a good occasion to try it on, though I'll have to put something else for the volunteer work this afternoon, it'll probably be impractical to go with heels.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_flints_muse == True and ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == False:" MC "{i}Going for Flint's photo shoot is a good occasion to try it on.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == True:" MC "{i}I'll have to take some gym clothes with me as well, but I can still go dressed nicely, though I'll have to put something else for the volunteer work this afternoon, it'll probably be impractical to go with heels.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I'll have to take some gym clothes with me as well, but I can still go dressed nicely.{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 021 with dissolve "Putting on the white dress that Francis set her as a get-well present, Myriam looked at herself in her bathroom mirror." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Looks gorgeous! Francis really has an eye! The dress is really beautiful.{/i}" MC "{i}It's sexy but not vulgar, I like it, and he even sent me all the accessories to go with it, heels and handbag...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll have to thank him properly!{/i}" scene bg ch4_09 feelingbetter 022 with dissolve "Once downstairs, Myriam put on her heels and grabbed her handbag before heading out, feeling renewed and ready to tackle anything coming her way." MC "{i}Let's go now!{/i}" MC "{i}God! I feel really good today! Ready for anything!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update05" KN_MOD "label ch4_update05:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update5 from _call_var_chapter4_update5" KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_photoshoot_with_flint" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_workout_session" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_photoshoot_with_flint:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Photoshoot With Flint" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 001 with dissolve "Driving to Finn's studio, after a stop at her house to take the mail and some more clothes for the kids, Myriam entered the old art deco building, excited about the photoshoot." MC "{i}I'm a bit early...{/i}" MC "{i}I was so excited about the photoshoot that I cut short on the business at home.{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 002 with dissolve "Passing through the lobby, Myriam looked around curious as the unusual look retro of the building looked so peculiar." MC "{i}He really built his studio in a strange place, though the art deco architecture definitely feels artsy.{/i}" MC "{i}It must have been an old hotel that was refurbished into apartments...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 003 with dissolve "Climbing the few steps from the lobby to the first floor, Myriam looked around for the door to the studio, following Flint's instructions." MC "{i}He told me it was on the first floor, to the right... Here it is!{/i}" MC "{i}I hope it won't be a problem for me to be early.{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 004 with dissolve "As she walked to the door reading to knock, Myriam stopped, curious, as she heard a few laughs and voices coming from inside." "Voices inside" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "{i}Ah! There seems to be people inside... I thought it would be only us...{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe it's a previous engagement since I'm a bit early... What do I do?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_to_knock_or_not_to_knock:" "Does Myriam wait sometime before knocking?" KN_MOD "Well, well see...:" MC "{i}Well, we'll see, I'll knock and I can always wait outside if they are still busy.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_knocking_right_now" KN_MOD "Maybe I should wait for now...:" $ ch4_waiting_outside_flints = True MC "{i}Maybe I should wait for now, I can wait outside until our appointment is up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_waiting_outside" KN_MOD "Maybe I should postponed...:" $ ch4_postponing_flints_photoshoot = True MC "{i}Maybe I should postponed, I... I kind of feel a knot in my stomach now, I don't know if just nervousness, but I think I should reschedule.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_quitting_early" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_knocking_right_now:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 005 with dissolve "After ringing the doorbell once she realized knocking wouldn't cut through the noise inside, the door opened and Flint himself welcomed her as she could still hear some voices and laughs in the background." MC "\"Hey!\"" AaF "\"Hey! Myriam!\"" "Voices inside" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"Sorry I'm a bit early.\"" AaF "\"It's alright, though I'm still on a shooting right now, I'm a bit late to be honest.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 006 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! Do you need me to wait outside or...?\"" AaF "\"Well, I don't mind you coming in, but...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" AaF "\"It's just that this shoot may be a bit too much...\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 007 with dissolve "As Flint look back reflexively, Myriam could here the distinct voices of multiple men and one woman inside the apartment, but if she couldn't them, she could clearly hear them as the door opened slightly more." AaF "\"It's kind of on the adult side, a private shoot, but they won't mind...\"" "Men voices" "\"You're quite the naughty girl!\"" "Woman voice" "\"Yes I am, I'm such a dirty girl!\"" MC "{i}God! I-is this a porn shoot!?{/i}" AaF "\"Well, it's as you wish.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_to_get_in_or_not_to_get_in:" "Does Myriam get in?" KN_MOD "God! I think I better wait outside...:" $ ch4_heard_the_voices_inside = True $ ch4_waiting_outside_flints = True MC "{i}God! I think I better wait outside, this is a bit much.{/i}" MC "\"I think I better wait outside...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_waiting_outside" KN_MOD "God! I should be waiting outside, but...:" MC "{i}God! I should be waiting outside, but it's kind of exciting...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life == True:" MC "{i}The discussion I had in the park with Crystal really kind of made me curious really.{/i}" MC "\"Well, maybe I could wait inside...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_going_in_the_studio_right_away" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_waiting_outside:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 008 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" "Letting Flint get back to his photoshoot, Myriam headed towards the resting area just beside her, planning to simply sit there until he was done." MC "{i}I'll just wait here for them to finish their photoshoot.{/i}" MC "{i}I don't know if it was really a porn shoot or not, but I think I would have felt awkward assisting to it.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Walking away from the door, Myriam headed towards the resting area just beside her, planning to simply sit there for a while and wait for the time they had scheduled before knocking on the door." MC "{i}I'll just wait here for the scheduled appointment.{/i}" MC "{i}It'll leave more time for Flint to finish his business.{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 009 with dissolve "Sitting on one of the sofas of the resting area, Myriam paused as she heard some noises coming from Flint's studio as she made herself comfortable." "Voices inside" "\"Ha ha ha!\"" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" MC "{i}Seems like they must have started again.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Yes, it definitely looks like he have still people inside.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 010 with dissolve "Waiting for some time, Myriam started mulling over the coming photoshoot, both feeling apprehensive and excited by the idea as the time grew shorter." MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm really going to do this...{/i}" MC "{i}I know it's just a photoshoot a bit more daring, but I can't help but feel a bit scared and excited.{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 011 with dissolve "Trying to distract herself and stop overthinking too much, Myriam looked around in the old hotel lobby, enjoying the architecture and art on the walls to pass time." MC "{i}Come on! Stop thinking about it, it's too late to have cold feet now.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Just look around and wait...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 012 with dissolve "As Myriam tried her best to distract herself, she suddenly heard the door of the studio opening behind her as voices of people coming out filtered out." AaF "\"Don't worry, I'll do a quick editing work and keep you posted when I'm done.\"" "Woman's voice" "\"Thank you, I can't wait to see the result.\"" MC "{i}Oh! They must be finally finished.{/i}" AaF "\"Bye.\"" "Woman's voice" "\"Bye!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 013 with dissolve "Leaving Flint at the door, the woman walked away, waving at Myriam in passing with a wink as she said hello in a sensual voice." "Woman" "\"Hi!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" MC "{i}Oh! She's gorgeous, she must be a model... Or is she an adult entertainer like Crystal...?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Oh! What a gorgeous woman, she must be a model...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 014 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" "Turning to Myriam as the model headed out, Flint called out to her and invited her to come in the studio for their photoshoot." AaF "\"You can come in now, we're finished.\"" MC "\"Alright, I'm coming.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Noticing Myriam as the model headed out, Flint called out to her and invited her to come in the studio for their photoshoot." AaF "\"Oh! Hey! Myriam! You're already here, come in.\"" MC "\"Hey! I'm coming.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 015 with dissolve "Following Flint, Myriam went into the studio, listening to him as he started giving her some information on what was going to happen." KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" AaF "\"Follow me, we'll work right there... Sorry for making you wait.\"" MC "\"No no, it was my choice.\"" KN_MOD "else:" AaF "\"Follow me, we'll work right there... I hope you didn't wait too long.\"" MC "\"No no, just a few minutes.\"" AaF "\"Then lets get to it, I prepared you a few sets to try first, go take a look in the bedroom and pick one, I'll prepare the camera.\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_getting_changed" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_going_in_the_studio_right_away:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 015 with dissolve "As she accepted to wait inside, Myriam followed Flint and entered the studio, listening to him as he started giving her some information on what he was doing." AaF "\"Come in, we were just about to start...\"" MC "\"Sorry, I hope I won't be an hindrance.\"" AaF "\"It's ok, it's ok.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 016 with dissolve "Following Flint, Myriam was taken aback for a moment as four old men and a young woman kneeling between them said hello to her, all five fully naked." "Old men" "\"Hi!\"" "South Asian woman" "\"Hi!\"" MC "\"H-hi!\"" AaF "\"You can sit here while we shoot.\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok, thank you...\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 017 with dissolve "Sitting over the couch as Flint invited her too, Myriam looked at the group still perplex as they prepared themselves to start." MC "{i}God! This is really a porn shoot... What did I got myself into?{/i}" MC "{i}I knew the photoshoot was supposed to be daring, but that's something else...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 018 with dissolve "As Myriam pondered over the situation she was in, the woman kept caressing the four old men's cocks to keep them hard and ready while Flint took his camera." AaF "\"Is everyone ready to go? Kyra?\"" KyX "\"Ready when you are! And you, young men? Are this beautiful cocks ready?\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooh! Definitely!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oh! Yeah!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" "Old man 4" "\"Ready to go!\"" AaF "\"Then let's start!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 019 with dissolve "With his go, Kyra took one of the cock in her mouth and started sucking on it while her other hand kept caressing another while Flint shoot the scene, guiding them from behind the camera." KyX "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Oooooohhh! Dear lord!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh! Yeah!\"" "Old man 2" "\"That's it you little slut!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" AaF "\"Good! Switch!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 020 with dissolve "Following his direction, Kyra jumped to the cock in her other hand, taking it in her mouth in turn and sucking on his glans while her other hand kept caressing the cock she just had just sucked on." KyX "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! That's some skills!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Aaahhh! God!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oh! Suck that cock!\"" AaF "\"Good! Don't forget the gentlemen behind.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 021 with dissolve "Keeping the two in her front in her hands, Kyra turned her head to take one of the cock behind her in her mouth, sucking on it as best she could while keeping the rhythm with her hands." KyX "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Oooooohhh!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh! That was...!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Aaahhh! Yes!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Damn! Can't for that slut's mouth on mine.\"" AaF "\"Good! Now take care of the last one.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 022 with dissolve "Finally turning to the last cock around her, Kyra quickly took him in her mouth and sucked on it while her hands still worked on the others, her bracelets tinting in a metallic noise as they did." KyX "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! That's right little slut! Suck that old cock!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" "Old man 4" "\"Aaahhh! God!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh! If you keep going...\"" AaF "\"Good, good! Now we'll change position to cool down a moment, get the massage table.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 023 with dissolve "Taking a few minutes to change the scene and let the four old men to calm down, Kyra climbed over a massage table, opening her legs to offer access to her pussy while she kept taking care of the others cock with her mouth and hands." KyX "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! That mouth of hers...\"" "Old man 2" "\"Ha ha ha! Look at that slut working these balls!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaahhh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" AaF "\"Good! Keep going like this, jump cock while they take care of your pussy before they start fucking it.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 024 with dissolve "Still following his direction, Kyra kept jumping between the two cocks besides her with her mouth while she jerked off another one, while the last one kept eating her wet pussy." KyX "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! You like sucking on old men cocks you slut!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh! Damn!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaahhh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp!\"" AaF "\"Good, good! Now let's start fucking that pussy!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 025 with dissolve "Doing as asked, the old man taking care of her pussy stood up and slowly pushed his cock in Kyra's pussy as she kept taking care of the others." KyX "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! Yes! Aaaaaahhh!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaahhh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Good slut! Keep sucking!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Oooooohhh! Dear lord!\"" AaF "\"Good! Now we'll concentrate on the fucking, each one in turn.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 026 with dissolve "Doing as Flint said, Kyra let go of the cocks she was taking care of, turning towards the old man fucking her pussy, moaning as he thrusted inside her in slow and careful thrusts." KyX "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes babe! Mmmmmmhhh! Do you like my pussy!?\"" "Old man 4" "\"Oooooohhh! God! Yes! Aaaaaahhh! Yes!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Come on! Fuck that pussy harder!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Leave him alone, it's his turn.\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" AaF "\"Good! Switch!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 027 with dissolve "Switching places as Flint told them, the quite one took the place inside Kyra's pussy and started fucking her harder as the three others kept looking and commenting." KyX "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! That's it babe! Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck me hard!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Oooooohhh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"That's more like it! Pound that slut!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Come on! Can't you stop swearing!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Aaah! God!\"" AaF "\"Good! Switch again!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 028 with dissolve "The four old men changing places again, the old Asian one took his turn fucking Kyra, pounding her pussy harder while keeping dirty talking to her and pressing her to the table." "Old man 2" "\"Oooooohhh! Here dirty little slut! Aaaaaahhh! You love a good pounding, hey!?\"" KyX "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Yes babe! Mmmmmmhhh! I'm a dirty slut who love getting pounded hard!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Dear lord...\"" "Old man 1" "\"You're incorrigible!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaah!\"" AaF "\"Good! And again, switch!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 029 with dissolve "The last one of the four old men taking his turn inside Kyra, he was the one to push her over the edge and making her have a first orgasm as she screamed loudly under the gaze of the three others." KyX "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! FUCK! BABE!! YES!!!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! That's it cum for us old men!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Yeah! Cum for us you slut!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Good girl!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" AaF "\"Good, good, good! Now let's take five then we'll switch to the ground with full on gangbang.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 030 with dissolve "Taking the time to cooldown and for Kyra to prepare herself, they took away the table and started again over the ground, on laying down under Kyra as she took him in her ass before another penetrated her pussy while she took care of the two others with her mouth and hands." KyX "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Oooooohhh! Lord! Aaaaaahhh!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaaaaahhh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oooooohhh! Good! Stuff that old cock in your mouth you dirty slut!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh! These hands...\"" AaF "\"Good! Switch places and positions again, and this time we'll push the rhythm and get rougher.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 031 with dissolve "Everyone changing positions again, Kyra climb over one of the old man before another one rode her from behind and roughly fucked her ass while keeping her arms in her back, forcing her to take the cock in her mouth deep in her throat as the thrusts and her own weight pushed her forward." KyX "\"Mmmmmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpfff!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! Take my old cock in your ass you dirty slut!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! Her pussy his melting on my cock!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Oooooohhh! Good girl! Take it deep!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaah!\"" AaF "\"Good, good! Change positions again and keep the pace, we're nearly there, prepare her for the climax!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 032 with dissolve "Swapping her over another one of the old men, Kyra took him in her ass while she mutually took care of the others as they push her closer to a new orgasm." "Old man 3" "\"Oooooohhh!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Aaahhh! Are you ready to cum again you slut!?\"" KyX "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes! Yes!!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Good girl!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Aaahhh!\"" AaF "\"Good! She's getting there! Now put another one in her ass and give her the last push!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 033 with dissolve "Following his orders, the old man that was still laying beside her stood up and came take place between her legs, pushing his cock in her ass as well, quickly making her climax as he started thrusting, making scream loudly as she came." KyX "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! FUCK! YES!! STUFF MY ASS!!!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! Damn! This is tight!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Oooooohhh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"That's it, let it come...\"" "Old man 2" "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Cum for us like a good slut! Cum with your ass!\"" AaF "\"Good, good, good! Now get ready for the finale, help Kyra up and surround her.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 034 with dissolve "Helping her up after her body had calmed down, the four old men surrounded Kyra as she crouched between them and immediately started to get them near cumming as well for their finish." KyX "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" "Old man 1" "\"Oooooohhh! That's it! Nearly there!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Aaahhh! Yes! Get ready for your bukkake you dirty slut!\"" "Old man 3" "\"Aaahhh!\"" "Old man 4" "\"Ooohhh! These silky hair feels great on this old dick!\"" AaF "\"Good! Now get ready and cover that face, aim for maximum coverage!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 035 with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 036 with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 037 with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 038 with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 039 with dissolve "Once given the ok by Flint, the four old men quickly started covering Kyra's face full of cum, the one in front of her starting the hostilities before the other ones quickly followed up and covered her in a thick and warm coat of cum." KyX "\"...\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Old man 1" "\"OOOOOOHHH! HERE I CUM!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Old man 2" "\"AAARGH! FUCK! TAKE YOUR LOAD YOU LITTLE SLUT!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Old man 3" "\"AAAAAAHHH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Old man 4" "\"OOOOOOHHH! DEAR LORD!\"" AaF "\"Good! Very nice! Now give me some room for a close up shot.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 040 with dissolve "As they gave him some room, Flint came for his close up, zooming on Kyra's face as she staid still smiling under her coat of cum and looking at the camera as he filmed her under various angles." AaF "\"Yes, give me that naughty look! Follow the camera! Perfect!\"" KyX "\"...\"" AaF "\"Aaaaaand that's a wrap!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 041 with dissolve "From the couch, Myriam could not help but feel overwhelmed, not having missed a moment of the whole scene, feeling hot and out of breath as she looked at the face dripping in cum while the four old men applauded her." "CLAP CLAP CLAP!" "Old man 1" "\"That was extraordinary!\"" "Old man 2" "\"Best naughty slut ever!\"" "Old man 3" "\"...\"" "Old man 4" "\"Congratulations!\"" AaF "\"Yes, you were great Kyra.\"" KyX "\"Thank you everyone, you were all fantastic as well.\"" AaF "\"Now everyone rest well and get some fluids into them... Water I mean! Kyra, the shower is just over there.\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This was...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_kyras_gangbang_thoughts:" "How does Myriam feel about the shoot?" KN_MOD "This was so hot!:" MC "{i}This was so hot! God! I'm so excited that I'm out of breath!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_after_kyras_shoot" KN_MOD "This was so fascinating!:" MC "{i}This was so fascinating! God! I never thought it would be so interesting and exciting to assist to a porn shoot!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_after_kyras_shoot" KN_MOD "This was so weird!:" MC "{i}This was so weird! God! This was kind of fascinating and exciting, but seeing four old men with that woman felt so strange!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_after_kyras_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_after_kyras_shoot:" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 042 with dissolve "As Flint was leading the four old men out after they had dressed back, Myriam was waiting for him at the kitchen counter, still unsure what to think about the whole event she had witnessed." AaF "\"Thank you again for your help...\"" MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}God! I still can't believe I just assisted to this...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 043 with dissolve "Coming out from the bathroom, Kyra approached Myriam as Flint was still talking with the four old men at the door." KyX "\"Hi!\"" MC "\"H-hi!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 044 with dissolve KyX "\"Sorry, I just wanted to say hello while Flint is occupied.\"" MC "\"Oh! There's no problem.\"" KyX "\"Are you here for a shoot too?\"" MC "\"Me!? No! Well yes... but not like yours.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 045 with dissolve KyX "\"Oh! I'm sorry! I thought you... It must have been shocking to see then!\"" MC "\"No no! It's me that should be sorry, I shouldn't have panicked like that.\"" KyX "\"It's ok, I understand.\"" MC "\"Flint warned me, I wouldn't have come in if I didn't want to.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 046 with dissolve KyX "\"So what did you think?\"" MC "\"Oh! I don't know what to say, it was definitely exciting! You were impressive.\"" KyX "\"Yeah? It's a little surprise for a friend of mine.\"" MC "\"What!? This is for your boyfriend?\"" KyX "\"No no, not my boyfriend, just a friend, it was a fantasy of his, I did this little video for his birthday.\"" MC "\"Wow! Thi-this is some dedication to your friends!\"" KyX "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! Well, what can I say, I am a naughty girl.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 047 with dissolve "As Flint called out for her, now done with the four old men, Kyra left Myriam, saying goodbye and waving at her as she headed towards him." AaF "\"Kyra!\"" KyX "\"Well, time to go, thank you for the talk, I hope your shoot goes well.\"" MC "\"Thank you, I hope your friend enjoy his present.\"" KyX "\"Ha ha ha! You can be sure he will! Bye!\"" MC "\"Bye!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 048 with dissolve "Looking at the woman walk away to discuss with Flint, Myriam's mind returned to her discussion with her, strangely feeling shaken about what she thought proper after talking with her." MC "{i}God! I can't believe she did all this for a friend, this is crazy... But yet she seems so normal and taking it so casually...{/i}" MC "{i}Could I ever do this myself? I mean I can't help but feel kind of excited by the idea even if I know it's crazy...{/i}" MC "{i}After all she's just a woman that assume her sexuality and did this for herself and a friend, where is the hurt...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 049 with dissolve "Coming back to her after leading Kyra out, Flint brought back his attention towards Myriam, now that he was finally done with his previous engagement." AaF "\"So... I'm finally all yours! Ready to work?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" AaF "\"Sorry for the delay.\"" MC "\"It's ok, I was the one who came early.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 050 with dissolve AaF "\"So, not too afraid after the previous shoot?\"" MC "\"No no, it was definitely something else, but I'm excited to start the shooting.\"" AaF "\"Glad to hear it! Then lets get to it, I prepared you a few sets to try first, go take a look in the bedroom and pick one, I'll prepare the camera.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_getting_changed" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_getting_changed:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 051 with dissolve "Getting to the opened bedroom, Myriam undressed before selecting one of the outfit set, stopping a moment as she looked at the clothes she put on the bed." MC "{i}That's it now... God! It's crazy how much anticipation and excitement I'm feeling, my heart is beating so fast!{/i}" MC "{i}I've got to calm down and get dressed!{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 052 with dissolve "Putting on the black outfit she chose after calming down a bit, Myriam looked at herself in the see through light fabric, fishnet stockings and leather boots, admiring the work and how sexy and daring it was." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! That's definitely not something you will put for every occasions... It's even more see through than the dress Eve bought me.{/i}" MC "{i}I feel like a young goth, like Katherine enjoy dressing up as...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 053 with dissolve MC "{i}Thinking of Eve, I'm sure she would have loved to see that... Maybe I could take some selfies...{/i}" MC "{i}Even for me, Doctor Silver has told me to test myself with pictures or movies for myself, that's a good occasion...{/i}" MC "{i}Though I think I should ask for permission to Flint, it's his designs, maybe he wouldn't appreciate it.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_taking_selfies:" "Does Myriam pursue the ideas?" KN_MOD "Yeah! Ill just ask Flint...:" $ ch4_asking_flint_for_the_selfies = True MC "{i}Yeah! I'll just ask Flint, it'll be nice to make some pictures, even if just for me if not to show Eve.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_first_outfits_shoot" KN_MOD "No, better not...:" MC "{i}No, better not, it's his work, I can always do some at home later on.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_first_outfits_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_first_outfits_shoot:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 054 with dissolve "Walking out from the bedroom, Myriam headed for the white screen in front of Flint's camera, asking him how he wanted to proceed." MC "\"Do I go here?\"" AaF "\"Yes, for now we'll start with the white screen.\"" MC "\"What pose do you want me to take?\"" AaF "\"A simple pose, with some confidence and naughtiness, give me the sexy woman that knows it and uses it.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 055 with dissolve "Taking the pose in front of the camera, Myriam followed Flint's instructions and guidance, adopting a confident pose as she looked at the camera." AaF "\"Great! Keep the pose!\"" MC "{i}God! There is really something exhilarating in posing like this in such an outfit... I can't help feeling both excited and empowered.{/i}" AaF "\"Good! Now bend forward and give me sexy.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 056 with dissolve "Doing as Flint asked, Myriam bent forward and took a sexy pose in her mind, letting her hair flow down as she offered a view of her cleavage." AaF "\"Very nice! Hold it!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm glad he likes it, I never tried acting sexy really, but it still feels exciting despite the awkwardness...{/i}" AaF "\"Ok, let's try something else, put on the full set I prepared with the white blazer.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 057 with dissolve "Coming back dressed in the outfit Flint pointed out to her, Myriam posed again in front of the camera and hold her pose as he took a series of pictures." AaF "\"Gorgeous! I knew this outfit would be made for you!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_asking_flint_for_the_selfies == True:" MC "{i}I can't argue there, this outfit is really sexy! I'll definitely have to ask him about taking a selfie in this one!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I can't argue there, this outfit is really sexy!{/i}" AaF "\"Ok, we're going to take a series of pictures with this one in different poses in the studio.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 058 with dissolve "Following Flint's guidance, Myriam posed at a few different spots in the studio, ending up on the mezzanine overlooking the main photoshoot area." AaF "\"Yes! Give me sexy and assured! That's it!\"" MC "{i}God! This is so exciting! Being in such a sexy outfit and getting bombarded with his attention and the flashes as the shoot.{/i}" AaF "\"Great! Now open the blazer, we'll take a few shot of the lingerie.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 059 with dissolve "Opening the blazer as he said, Myriam took another sexy pose, showing off the black lingerie set under it as Flint took a new series of pictures." AaF "\"That's it! Perfect!\"" MC "{i}Wow! There's really something exhilarating about modeling... I can't believe I'm really doing this, dressing and undressing for someone like this...{/i}" AaF "\"Great! Now drop the blazer all together and move towards the stairs.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 060 with dissolve "Doing as Flint told her, Myriam walked towards the stairs in just the lingerie set, posing as she turned to look towards him." AaF "\"Yes! Very nice!\"" MC "{i}God! It's funny to see how happy and excited he seems, he sounds like a kid in a toy stores.{/i}" AaF "\"Come on, another one with the set! We'll do one with you sitting in the stairs.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 061 with dissolve "After letting Flint go down, Myriam sat in the stairs as he wanted, posing in front of him with an assured look, her legs spread open as she looked at him with mischievous smile." AaF "\"Perfect! Give me that dominant smile again.\"" MC "\"It isn't too much?\"" AaF "\"Are you kidding!? You are perfect!\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" AaF "\"Ok! We're done with this one, now let's try something a bit more fun, go try the bunny girl outfit.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_asking_flint_for_the_selfies == True:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 062 with dissolve "As she was walking down and heading for the bedroom to change, Myriam stopped as she passed Flint, asking him if she could take some pictures for herself as well." MC "\"Hey! Flint!?\"" AaF "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"Could I take a few selfies for myself? The outfits are gorgeous.\"" AaF "\"Sure, they're my designs so no problem, just don't forget to mention my name if you share them, I'll give you my card.\"" MC "\"I will, thanks.\"" AaF "\"But if you want, I'll send you a few pictures of each sets.\"" MC "\"Really!? Thank you so much, I would love that.\"" AaF "\"You got it.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 063 with dissolve "Changing into a black bunny girl outfit as Flint asked her, Myriam came back to pose in front of the camera over the white background." AaF "\"Perfect! It fit's you like a glove!\"" MC "{i}Can't argue there! It looks like this costume was made for me.{/i}" AaF "\"Turn over! Give me a little pose from the back looking my way.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 064 with dissolve "Turning over as he asked, Myriam offered Flint a view of her butt in the bunny girl outfit while looking back at him, offering a good view of the side of her chest as well in the process." MC "\"Like this?\"" AaF "\"Yes, great! That's it! Hold it like this!\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" AaF "\"And done! Well nearly, I've got another one a little bit more naughty on the bunny girl theme, go try it.\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 065 with dissolve "Putting on the other bunny girl outfit Flint had prepared her, Myriam stopped a moment to admire herself in shock and amusement." MC "{i}Dear god! He wasn't kidding about the naughty side of this one!{/i}" MC "{i}What is this!? My breasts and pussy are fully showing! It's like a reverse version of the previous one.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Well, now that I've put it on...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 066 with dissolve "Coming back in front of Flint's camera, Myriam posed confidently, fully showing her breasts and pussy without hesitation, knowing it was the purpose of the outfit." AaF "\"Yes! Perfect Myriam! Give me confidence!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm letting him take pictures of me like this!{/i}" AaF "\"Great! Now give me a pose from the back again.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 067 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam turned back and offered a view of her naked butt to Flint, taking a mischievous pose as she felt both amused and excited by the mood." MC "\"Like this?\"" AaF "\"Ha ha ha! Yes perfect! God! You're a natural!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Glad you enjoy the view.\"" MC "{i}God! What's gotten into me!? Am I really teasing him!?{/i}" AaF "\"Well, here we go! I think we're done for today.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 068 with dissolve "The photoshoot finished, Myriam approached Flint, curious to have his opinion on how things went and if she had done good." MC "\"Really, we're already done?\"" AaF "\"Yeah, that's all I prepared for today, I had a few other things, but I didn't want to push you too much for a first time.\"" MC "\"Oh! Thank you, that's sweet of you.\"" AaF "\"But don't worry, we did good, nearly two hours of shooting, and a few hundreds of pictures to go through.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 069 with dissolve MC "\"Well, I'm glad I was able to pull it off, I really don't know what I was doing.\"" AaF "\"Are you kidding, you're a natural, the camera loves you and, not to be crass, but you have a body perfect for this and my work.\"" MC "\"Oh! You think so... Thank you...\"" MC "{i}God! This is embarrassing to hear, but I can't help feeling happy about it.{/i}" AaF "\"Definitely! Come here, I'll show you.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 070 with dissolve AaF "\"Here look!\"" MC "\"Yes...\"" AaF "\"You're perfect! Here! Like I said, you're a natural!\"" MC "\"I...\"" AaF "\"And look! You're dead gorgeous, your body is a work of art!\"" MC "{i}God! He's being too much!{/i}" MC "\"I-I don't know what to say... It's only because of your work!\"" MC "{i}I can't believe it's me on these pictures... I can't believe I modeled in these outfits...{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 071 with dissolve "Arrived at the end of the rushes with Myriam, Flint turned towards her, asking for her opinion." AaF "\"So, what do you think?\"" MC "\"They're great, I love them!\"" AaF "\"Ready for more?\"" MC "\"Now?\"" AaF "\"No, in the future, I wanted to make a shoot outdoor soon.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_shooting_outdoor:" "Is Myriam ready for an outdoor shoot?" KN_MOD "Yeah! I would love it...:" $ ch4_say_yes_for_an_outdoor_shoot = True MC "\"Yeah! I would love it, this sound exciting.\"" AaF "\"Sure? You won't be alone and it'll be a bit more daring than this one.\"" MC "\"You mean it'll be erotic?\"" AaF "\"A bit, but nothing hardcore don't worry, I'm not trying to trap you, if something make you uncomfortable you can always say no.\"" MC "\"Then there's no problem.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_end_of_the_first_shoot" KN_MOD "I dont know...:" MC "\"I don't know, outdoor seems a bit too much for me.\"" AaF "\"I understand, though keep me posted if you still wish to model for me again.\"" MC "\"I will, it was a lot of fun.\"" AaF "\"Glad to hear it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_end_of_the_first_shoot" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_end_of_the_first_shoot:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 072 with dissolve "Leaving him behind, Myriam headed to the bedroom to change back into the dress she came in, not minding offering to Flint a last view of her butt as she walked away." MC "{i}Let's go get change and get back home!{/i}" AaF "\"...\"" AaF "{i}I don't know where the old man found this pearl, but thank god for her existence, this body of hers is really a work of art! I can't wait to see the work she'll inspire me.{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 073 with dissolve "Putting things as she found them after undressing, Myriam looked around for her dress while still thinking of the photoshoot she had just done." MC "{i}Well, that was fun... I can't believe I really did it, put all these outfits in front of a camera, but the fact is that it was really exciting and fun.{/i}" MC "{i}I like how it made me feel about myself, confident and sexy, with no shame or bashfulness... Doctor Silver was right, some times testing yourself and your boundaries do help loving yourself.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Now where did I put my dress?{/i}" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 074 with dissolve "As Myriam headed for the kitchen counter to recover her handbag before leaving, Flint came towards her to thank her again before she leaves." AaF "\"So, ready to go?\"" MC "\"Yes, I'll go home and have a quick lunch.\"" AaF "\"Oh! You can stay here if you want, I'll fix you something.\"" MC "\"Thank you, that's a nice offer, but I've got something to prepare for this afternoon.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 075 with dissolve AaF "\"A quick question before you go...\"" MC "\"Yes?\"" AaF "\"I have some really good pictures in the rushes...\"" MC "\"Yeah?\"" AaF "\"Yes, really, and I know it was only supposed to be a test shoot between us, but it would be such a loss, would you let me use them?\"" MC "\"Oh! That's...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_10_public_shoot:" "Does Myriam let Flint use the pictures?" KN_MOD "Why not!:" $ ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_all_pictures = True MC "{i}Why not! The shoot really left me feeling good about myself, I have nothing to feel ashamed of.{/i}" MC "\"You know what, yes! It was really a great experience and I'm proud of the pictures we took.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_leaving_the_studio" KN_MOD "Maybe not all of them...:" $ ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_some_pictures = True MC "{i}Maybe not all of them, I don't mind the idea, but some are a bit too much.{/i}" MC "\"If it's not all of them, I don't mind, some are a bit too explicit.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_leaving_the_studio" KN_MOD "I dont know...:" MC "\"I don't know, I mostly did all this for myself, I'm not sure to want this out there.\"" AaF "\"That's too bad, but I understand... Tell me if you ever change your mind.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_10_leaving_the_studio" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_leaving_the_studio:" KN_MOD "if ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_all_pictures == True or ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_some_pictures == True:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 076 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_all_pictures == True:" AaF "\"You should, I wasn't lying to you when I said you were a natural.\"" MC "\"Thanks!\"" AaF "\"You're welcome, I'll write you up a contract and give you more details, don't hesitate to show it to a lawyer before signing.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_accepted_that_flint_use_some_pictures == True:" AaF "\"you mean like the ones with the last outfit?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" AaF "\"Ok, that's a deal, I'll write you up a contract and give you more details, don't hesitate to show it to a lawyer before signing.\"" MC "\"Oh! I don't think it's necessary.\"" AaF "\"No! It absolutely is, for you and for me, the rights to your image are important and getting paid for your hard work is as well.\"" MC "\"Thanks.\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 077 with dissolve "Leaving the kitchen counter, both headed for the door, Flint leading Myriam out as they exchanged a few last words before saying their goodbyes." AaF "\"Well, I'm glad you had fun today.\"" MC "\"Yes! I definitely did.\"" AaF "\"Don't tell the old man or he'll get jealous and accuse me of stealing his muse.\"" MC "\"Come on, don't be mean!\"" AaF "\"Ha ha ha!\"" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 078 with dissolve "Heading out after saying goodbye to Flint, Myriam left the old art deco hotel to go home, feeling confident and glad of having taken the risk to test herself with this photoshoot." MC "{i}God! This... This was quite the experience, I'm surprise of how much fun I had doing the photoshoot.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_heard_the_voices_inside == True:" MC "{i}Now I'm curious to the type of photoshoot that woman before me had, I know it was probably way more daring than mine but still...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_waiting_outside_flints == True:" MC "{i}Now I'm curious to the type of photoshoot that woman before me had.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Though I don't know if I could ever do a shoot like the woman before me did...{/i}" MC "{i}But let's leave that for another day, for now let's go home.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update06" KN_MOD "label ch4_10_quitting_early:" scene bg ch4_10 photoshootwithflint 079 with dissolve "As she backtracked and headed out again, Myriam pulled out her phone to send Flint a message and apologize, not feeling capable to reschedule in person now that she was here." MC "{i}God! I feel stupid to reschedule now that I'm here, but I don't feel capable to see Flint now, I'll just feel ridiculous.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's send him a message to apologize first then I'll call him to reschedule, maybe... Now I'm not sure if it was a good idea to do this in the first place.{/i}" MC "{i}I could go do some workout at the gym to clear up my mind...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_workout_session" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_workout_session:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Workout Session" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 001 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_postponing_flints_photoshoot == True:" "Driving to a fitness club near Evelyn's loft, after a quick new stop at her house to take some gym clothes, Myriam went in after taking care of the subscription at the front desk." KN_MOD "else:" "Driving to a fitness club near Evelyn's loft, after a stop at her house to take the mail and some more clothes for the kids, Myriam went in after taking care of the subscription at the front desk." MC "{i}I chose the place because it was close to Eve's loft, but it doesn't look too bad.{/i}" MC "{i}Everything looks pretty clean for now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 002 with dissolve "Sitting down to take off her heels, Myriam looked around at the locker room, curious about the place as she was still trying to judge the quality." MC "{i}The place must be fairly frequented, it's new and clean but you can see traces of passage...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Though I'm surprise to see a unisex locker room, unless I missed it I didn't see any other changing room or symbol on it.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 003 with dissolve "Undressing completely, Myriam put her thoughts to the side and focused on the task at hand, not wishing to test her assumption." MC "{i}Better change fast, I don't want to see if this is really a unisex locker room.{/i}" MC "{i}Can't say I really mind, I've gotten used to it with the spa, but the crowd is not the same either.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 004 with dissolve "Done changing, Myriam looked down in horror as she realized she had brought the wrong outfit and confused her gym clothes with her gym underwear." MC "\"Shoot!\"" MC "{i}I went too fast earlier at home and mix up my gym wear!{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 005 with dissolve MC "{i}I barely saw anyone, maybe I could ask them if I can style go like this...{/i}" MC "{i}It's that or going home, I can't workout with my dress.{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_going_in_or_out:" "Does Myriam still goes in?" KN_MOD "I can still ask at least...:" $ ch4_going_into_the_gym_in_gym_underwear = True MC "{i}I can still ask at least, it won't cost me anything and it would be too ridiculous to go home like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_still_going_in" KN_MOD "No, they probably have a dress code...:" MC "{i}No, they probably have a dress code and I'm not very tempted to pass for the new airhead of the club.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_leaving_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_still_going_in:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 006 with dissolve "Leaving the locker room after tucking her bag in a locker, Myriam headed for the fitness room, awkwardly calling out for someone from the club." MC "\"Hey! I-is there anyone?\"" "Man" "\"Yeah! Here!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 007 with dissolve "Following the voice, Myriam saw a big muscular man coming towards her, only recognizing the man when he answered her in a polite voice." MC "\"Oh! Hi!\"" MaD "\"Hi! Is there a problem ma'am?\"" MC "{i}Wait!? Isn't he our mover?{/i}" MC "\"Well, I...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 008 with dissolve MC "\"It's about my outfit, I... I made an error and mix up my gym clothes, I-I don't know if I can come in like this?\"" MaD "\"Oh! No, that's no trouble, at this gym we don't discriminate or shame anyone about their clothes or gender... So, as long as there's no nudity, you're ok to go.\"" MC "\"Really? Tha-thanks.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 009 with dissolve MaD "\"Hey! Aren't you the lady we did the moving for a few month ago?\"" MC "\"Yes! Myriam Summers... I thought I recognized you too, Mr... Mr Duff?\"" MaD "\"Yes, but just call me Max... Everything's going well?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you.\"" MC "{i}No need to go over my problems with him, I'm not here for that and I mulled over them enough already.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 010 with dissolve MaD "\"Well... I leave you to your workout, call me if you ever need help with anything.\"" MC "\"I will, thanks.\"" MaD "\"And don't worry about your outfit, it's all good, there isn't much people at this hour anyway.\"" MC "{i}Well, I'm glad to hear my outfit won't cause any problem, but still, I'll try not to be too long either.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 011 with dissolve "Letting Max go back to his own workout, Myriam headed for the treadmills, getting her hair into a ponytail for better comfort while running." MC "{i}Well, let's get to it!{/i}" MC "{i}Let's start with some cardio and run for a bit.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 012 with dissolve "Climbing over one of the treadmills, Myriam started running to get some cardio before working out." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}A good half hour should do the trick...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 013 with dissolve MC "{i}Or maybe a bit longer... It feels easier running on a treadmill than outdoor...{/i}" MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}I'll see how it goes...{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 014 with dissolve "Searching to optimize her workout session, Myriam kept running, pushing her cardio before starting using the machines and kept running as she started sweating, too focus to noticed three young men going in." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Holy shit guys! Look at that!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Damn!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Guys! I don't know for you, but I feel a sudden need to run!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 015 with dissolve "Surprised by the sudden presence of young men around her, Myriam said hello back as they said hello to them and started using the treadmills beside her." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Oh! Hi! Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 3" "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 016 with dissolve "Focusing on her cardio, Myriam put the three young men out of her mind and kept running as they ran beside her, barely making any effort in hiding their peeping." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 3" "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 017 with dissolve "More focused on peeping on Myriam, the three young men found themselves unable to follow her rhythm, having a turn over of the two treadmill surrounding her as they tried catching they breath behind her, still enjoying the view then." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Huff! Hah hah hah! Huff! Cough, cough!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 018 with dissolve "As a second of the young man stopped running, loudly screaming as he stretched his back in pain, Myriam could not help glancing back as she kept running, unable to not notice the behavior of the three." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Haaaaaa! Fuck me my back!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Huff! Huff!\"" MC "{i}God! What are they doing!?{/i}" "Young man 3" "\"Hah hah hah!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 019 with dissolve "The third young man stopping as well and leaning against a pillar to catch his breath, Myriam could not ignore anymore that they were more focused on her than their own workout, malingering and badly acting to not move from their spot." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Oooh! Damn! I really need to rest some more!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! Me too!\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}And enjoy the view...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah! That's clear!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"Huff! Hah hah hah! Huff! Cough, cough!\"" MC "{i}God! They're really so obvious! Are they really thinking I don't know or they just don't care!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_running_a_show:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Well, they can enjoy the show... (Exhibitionist Kink 40+ or Lust Trait5 75+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 40 or MCtrait[Lust] >= 75:" $ ch4_accepting_the_trios_leering = True MC "{i}Well, they can enjoy the show all they want!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_maxs_intervention" KN_MOD "Just ignore them...:" MC "{i}Just ignore them Myriam and keep running, they'll lose interest soon enough.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_maxs_intervention" KN_MOD "I cant judge them...:" $ ch4_accepting_the_trios_leering = True MC "{i}I can't judge them for sneak a peek with the outfit I have, this is kind of my fault for mixing it up.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_maxs_intervention" KN_MOD "Better stop here...:" MC "{i}Better stop running before they get any ideas.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_maxs_intervention" KN_MOD "Thats enough...:" $ ch4_decide_to_stop_the_trio = True MC "{i}That's enough, better get them to leave me alone now or they won't stop.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_maxs_intervention" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_maxs_intervention:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 020 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_decide_to_stop_the_trio == True:" "As she was about to stop running and call out the three young men for their behavior, Myriam suddenly heard a loud voice screaming at them coming from behind her." KN_MOD "else:" "Suddenly cut into her thoughts, Myriam suddenly heard a loud voice screaming at the three young men coming from behind her." MaD "\"HEY! YOU THREE!\"" "Young man 1" "\"OH! SHIT!\"" "Young man 2" "\"WHAAA!\"" "Young man 3" "\"WOW!\"" MC "{i}What's...!? Is this Max?{/i}" MaD "\"Can I know what you three are doing?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 021 with dissolve "Stopping the treadmill, Myriam looked at Max screaming at the three young men and lecturing them for their behavior." MaD "\"If you're only here to play the little perverts, you'll have to get out right now, that's not accepted behavior here.\"" "Young man 1" "\"We know, sorry...\"" "Young man 2" "\"We didn't mean to...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Sorry...\"" MC "{i}I'm kind of feeling guilty now...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_intervening_as_well:" "Does Myriam intervene or let Max handle it?" KN_MOD "I cant let them get thrown out... if ch4_decide_to_stop_the_trio == False:" $ ch4_stopping_max = True MC "{i}I can't let them get thrown out because of me, there just kids and it feels kind of my fault.{/i}" MC "\"Wait!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_defending_the_trio" KN_MOD "I think thats a good lesson... if ch4_accepting_the_trios_leering == False:" $ ch4_letting_max_do_his_job = True MC "{i}I think that's a good lesson, they didn't do much, but maybe next time they'll think twice before playing the perverts.{/i}" MC "\"...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_staying_quiet" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_defending_the_trio:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 022 with dissolve MaD "\"Yes?\"" MC "\"Please don't be too harsh with them, they're just kids and it feels like I'm kind of at fault with my outfit.\"" MaD "\"That's no excuse.\"" "Young man 1" "\"...\"" MC "\"Yes, but I would feel guilty seeing them throw out in these conditions and I really didn't mind, they were just looking.\"" MaD "\"I... If you're sure...\"" MC "\"Yes, but thank you for the help!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 023 with dissolve "As Max leave the trio of young men alone after Myriam defended them, the three turned to her to thank her for her action." "Young man 1" "\"Wow! Thanks!\"" MC "\"You're welcome.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! That was pretty cool of you!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Wh-why did you help us?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 024 with dissolve MC "\"Well, it just felt unfair to see you getting you thrown out.\"" "Young man 3" "\"But we kind of were guilty though...\"" MC "\"I know, but I just kind of felt responsible with my outfit, that's all.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Well, we're really thankful, he would have murdered us!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 025 with dissolve MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on, you're being dramatic!\"" "Young man 1" "\"You don't know him, he's a hard ass!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! And you saw the dude, he could just break us like twigs!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Tha-that's for sure!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 026 with dissolve MC "\"Well, maybe next time try to be a little more discreet, like not glancing at my breasts every two seconds for example...\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yep! Sounds fair...\"" "Young man 2" "\"Cough cough!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Sorry...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 027 with dissolve "Young man 1" "\"But hey! If you want, to apologize to you, maybe we could spot you?\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! Totally!\"" MC "\"What?\"" "Young man 1" "\"You know, since you're alone, we can spot you on the machines?\"" "Young man 3" "\"Yeah! So you don't hurt yourself.\"" MC "{i}Look at them trying to sneak a few more occasions to perv...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_trainspotting:" "Does Myriam accept their offer?" KN_MOD "Oh! And why not...:" $ ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing = True MC "{i}Oh! And why not, they're pretty much inoffensive and I feel like teasing them will be fun.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, that's not a bad idea!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Cool!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_training_with_the_trio" KN_MOD "Thats nice of them to offer...:" $ ch4_trainspotting_trio = True MC "{i}That's nice of them to offer and in the end, they're pretty much inoffensive.{/i}" MC "\"Ok, that's a nice idea!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Cool!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_training_with_the_trio" KN_MOD "Theyre sweet, but...:" MC "{i}They're sweet, but better cut short on the nonsense before it escalates.{/i}" MC "\"Thank you, but I think I'll be ok.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Ok... We understand.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_training_alone" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_training_with_the_trio:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 028 with dissolve "Accepting their offer, Myriam took a dumbbell and used a bench to start working out while the trio set themselves around her to look after her and comment on her position." MC "\"Huff!\"" "Young man 1" "\"That's great! Don't let the weight fall.\"" "Young man 3" "\"And keep your back straight!\"" "Young man 2" "\"All good from the back!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == True:" MC "{i}Yeah! I bet it's all good from the back!{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! That's really overkill, but that comes from a good intention, let's play along.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 029 with dissolve "Taking one more dumbbell, Myriam flipped over to work on her pectoral muscles after her triceps, the trio still staying around her to help and guide her, one even holding on her legs to stabilize her." "Young man 2" "\"Let me get your legs so you're stable!\"" MC "\"Huff! Ok... Huff!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == True:" MC "{i}Stable... Sure... Look at the kid, a bit more and he would be nose deep between my legs...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Do he really think I'm going to fall over...!? Let's just go with it.{/i}" "Young man 3" "\"You've got to do series of a few reps.\"" "Young man 1" "\"I'll stay here just in case...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 030 with dissolve "Putting down the dumbbells after a few reps, Myriam passed to another bench to work the top of her pectorals with a barbell, the trio still helping and motivating her." MC "\"Huff! Huff!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Push up! It's to work on the top of your boo... of your pecs! Sorry!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == True:" MC "{i}Ha ha ha! He nearly went for it there... But I'm surprised to see they're not pushing much.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}The poor kid is all flushed... But I'm surprised to see that they tried to stay serious.{/i}" "Young man 3" "\"Same thing here, small series of reps...\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah, and don't worry, we got you.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 031 with dissolve "As she was about to finish her last set of reps, the trio quickly helped her put down the barbell as she suddenly screamed in pain." MC "\"Huff! HAAA!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Oh! Shit! Here!\"" "Young man 3" "\"...\"" "Young man 2" "\"You're ok!?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 032 with dissolve MC "\"Hooo!\"" "Young man 2" "\"What happened?\"" MC "\"I just felt a sudden pain in my shoulder...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Damn!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Sorry, looks like we pushed you too much.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 033 with dissolve "As she had just told them about her sore shoulders, Myriam was quickly overwhelmed by the trio immediately starting to massage her arms and shoulders." MC "\"No, it's ok...\"" "Young man 1" "\"Here! Let us help you.\"" "Young man 3" "\"Is it here?\"" "Young man 2" "\"Maybe we put too much weight...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_trios_handful:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Theyre getting a little handsy...:" $ ch4_stop_the_trio = True MC "{i}They're getting a little handsy, better stop them and go.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_stopping_the_trio" KN_MOD "Well, that feels pretty nice...:" $ ch4_trio_massage = True MC "{i}Well, that feels pretty nice, they clearly don't know what they're doing, but it comes from a good place.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_stay_in_the_trios_hands" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_stopping_the_trio:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 034 with dissolve "Pulling away from the trio's hands, Myriam reassured the three as they looked at her with puppy eyes." "Young man 3" "\"Sorry...\"" MC "\"Hey! I'm ok, I'm ok!\"" "Young man 2" "\"You're sure?\"" MC "\"Yeah, thank you.\"" "Young man 1" "\"You can tell us.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 035 with dissolve "Getting up from the bench, Myriam quickly headed away, waving goodbye to them as she thanked them for the help, feeling a bit uncomfortable and overwhelmed." MC "\"I'll stop here for today, thank you for the help.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Thanks!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Sure...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Bye!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 036 with dissolve "As she headed for the locker room and showers, Myriam could hear the three whispering loudly behind her, arguing with each others as she walked away." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Fuck! That's your fault!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}What!? That's yours! I just massaged her arm!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}You didn't even massaged the right shoulder!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == True:" MC "{i}Looks like they're fighting over me... Maybe I teased them a bit too much...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Looks like they're fighting over me... Maybe I shouldn't have workout with them...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_stay_in_the_trios_hands:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 037 with dissolve "Running their hands all over her arms and shoulders, the trio kept massaging Myriam, showering her with attention and question as they did." "Young man 2" "\"How's your arm?\"" MC "\"Ok!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Is it here?\"" MC "\"Hooo! Yes!\"" "Young man 1" "\"And the other one? Is it ok?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 038 with dissolve MC "\"Yes, it's ok.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Good! Though you feel a bit tense...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Yeah! Here too!\"" "Young man 2" "\"You should drink a lot to eliminate...\"" MC "{i}They're getting a little handsy here, I should stop them before they get more daring...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 039 with dissolve "Pulling away from the trio's hands, Myriam reassured the three as they looked at her with naughty puppy eyes." MC "\"Calm down! I'm ok.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok, it's ok, it's just that I think things are getting a bit too handsy...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Oh! Sorry...\"" MC "\"It's ok, I-I don't mind, but we're kind of in public here!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Oh! Right!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 040 with dissolve "Getting up from the bench, Myriam headed away nonchalantly, waving goodbye to them as she thanked them for the help, feeling she better go before things escalate further." MC "\"Well, I'll stop here for today and go take a shower, thank you for the help.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah! Thanks!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Sure, sure...\"" "Young man 3" "\"You're welcome!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 041 with dissolve "As she headed for the locker room and showers, Myriam could not help feeling that something felt odd in their behavior when she left them." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}It's weird... I don't know why, but I have the nagging feeling that something felt odd...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == True:" MC "{i}Maybe I thought they would make more of a fuss when I left them after teasing them like this...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Maybe I'm just feeling guilty scampering away like this...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_staying_quiet:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 042 with dissolve "Looking pitiful, the trio awkwardly headed for the exit, apologizing as they walked by Max who kept lecturing them as Myriam looked at the scene in silence." MaD "\"Out! And I hope you'll remember this next time you come...\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah... Sorry...\"" "Young man 2" "\"We will...\"" "Young man 3" "\"Sorry...\"" MC "{i}Poor kids! They look really pitiful now, but I think it's for the best, they'll be more mindful next time...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 043 with dissolve "Getting down from the treadmill, Myriam joined Max after the trio had exited the gym with their tail between their legs." MaD "\"You're ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, they weren't that bad, they just had a case of the wandering eyes...\"" MaD "\"Yeah! Though that generally comes before the case of the wandering hands.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 044 with dissolve MC "\"But won't it be a problem to have people out like this?\"" MaD "\"No, that's fine, it's not the first time, they'll take a few days to cool down and come back and apologize.\"" MC "\"So it's not the first time?\"" MaD "\"No, and not the first ones either.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 045 with dissolve MC "\"Well, thank you anyway for the help.\"" MaD "\"It's nothing, and it's my gym after all, so don't hesitate to call for me if you need any help.\"" MC "\"Will do.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_training_alone" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_training_alone:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 046 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_stopping_max == True:" "Letting Max go back to his own workout, Myriam took a dumbbell and used a bench to start working on her triceps." KN_MOD "else:" "Letting the trio get to their own workout, Myriam took a dumbbell and used a bench to start working on her triceps." MC "\"Huff, huff!\"" MC "{i}Let's go on working on the top part today...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 047 with dissolve "Taking one more dumbbell after working on her triceps for a few series of reps, Myriam flipped over to work on her pectoral muscles." MC "\"Huff, huff!\"" MC "{i}God! It's been some times... Ever since I stop the gymnastic in high school I stopped training...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 048 with dissolve "Putting down the dumbbells after a few set of reps with them, Myriam passed to another bench to work the top of her pectorals with a barbell, changing the previous one for a smaller one." MC "\"Huff, huff!\"" MC "{i}Thank god Max was here to take off the other one, I wouldn't even have been able to lift it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 049 with dissolve "But as she was about to finish her last set of reps, Myriam suddenly screamed as a sharp pain in one shoulder nearly made her drop the barbell." MC "\"Huff! HAAA!\"" MC "{i}Damn it! What did I do...!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 050 with dissolve MC "\"Hooo!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! Did I pull a muscle!?{/i}" MC "{i}My shoulder is killing me, I probably pushed things to quickly...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 051 with dissolve "Suddenly arriving all sweaty and topless, Myriam was taken aback for a moment, surprised by the worried Max that came to see what had happened to her." MaD "\"Everything's ok!?\"" MC "\"I thi...\"" MaD "\"Myriam!? Are you all right?\"" MC "\"Wha-what...!? Oh! Yes, just feeling some pain in my shoulder.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 052 with dissolve "Coming to her, Max delicately took Myriam's arm and shoulder in his big hands and started massaging them, enquiring on the effect as he did." MaD "\"Let me see... is it here?\"" MC "\"Ouch! Yes!\"" MaD "\"How does it feel if I massage it?\"" MC "\"Oooh! It's a bit painful, but better.\"" MaD "\"Ok, I think it should be ok... I've got a first aid kit in the locker room with all the necessary...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 053 with dissolve "Helping her up, Max invited Myriam to follow her, taking her by the arm to guide her to the locker room." MaD "\"Come! I'll treat you while it's still hot, it'll help a lot for it to pass quickly.\"" MC "\"Ok... Thanks.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 054 with dissolve "Following Max to the locker room, Myriam sat where he told her, waiting for him to take care of her as he pulled out a first aid kit from the top of some lockers." MaD "\"Here! So... before we start, do you consent to me massaging you and treating you?\"" MC "\"What...!? Oh! Yes, please do.\"" MaD "\"Then can you pull down the left strap, so I can spread the ointment and massage your shoulder?\"" MC "\"Oh! Ok...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 055 with dissolve MC "\"Li-like this?\"" MaD "\"Yes, that should do it, thank you.\"" MC "{i}God! This feels so strange, this caution and politeness in this mountain of muscles...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 056 with dissolve "Having her consent to touch her and treat her, Max started spreading a cold ointment on her shoulder and started massaging it while enquiring on the effect as he did." MaD "\"Here!\"" MC "\"Oooh! Mmmh!\"" MaD "\"Does it hurt?\"" MC "\"Oooh! A bit... Mmmh! But it's getting better...\"" MaD "\"Don't hesitate to tell me if I hurt you.\"" MC "\"Oooh! Ok... Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 057 with dissolve "But as he was spreading the ointment and massaging Myriam's arm, Max realized he accidently uncovered her left breast as her arm pulled the strap further." MC "\"Mmmh! God! This feels great... Mmmh! Thank you!\"" MaD "\"You're welcome, it was the least I cou... Oh! Crap!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! What is it?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 058 with dissolve MaD "\"Your breast! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...\"" MC "\"Oh! It's ok... Don't worry, you can continue.\"" MaD "\"A-are you sure?\"" MC "\"Yes, it's ok... You know what, I think I'll get my top off all together so you can massage both shoulders.\"" MaD "\"O-ok!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 059 with dissolve "Starting his massage again after Myriam took off her top, Max took back where he left off before the incident, while she closed back her eyes and enjoyed the shoulder massage." MaD "\"Here! Is that good?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh! God! Yes! You're good with your hands... Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! I sound so erotic, it sound like I'm moaning... But this feels so good, his big rugged hands really dig deep...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 060 with dissolve "Letting Max manipulating and massaging her body, Myriam kept enjoying his treatment, and as he was rubbing her arm, she could feel it pressing against his groin." MaD "\"Do you want me to keep going?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Yes! Please! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! Is that his...!? Either he's really enjoying the massage as well or he's really big! Though with his size I guess it's not really surprising...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 061 with dissolve "Making Myriam turn her back on him, Max let go of her arm and focused on her two shoulders, pulling them back as he rubbed and massaged them deeply to release any tension." MaD "\"Here! You wanted me to take care of the other too?\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Yes! Thank you! Mmmmmmhhh! This is perfect!\"" MC "{i}He must have felt my arm was rubbing against his groin...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 062 with dissolve "After a few more minutes of massage, Max suddenly stopped, announcing Myriam he was done as he released her shoulders." MaD "\"And we're done...\"" MC "\"Oh! Really?\"" MaD "\"Yes, try on moving a bit, tell me how you feel?\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 063 with dissolve "Doing as he said, Myriam moved her shoulders around a bit, to see how she felt now, noticing that Max kept one of his hands over his groin." MC "\"I-it feels way better, thanks.\"" MaD "\"Glad to hear it, though you should still go see a professional if your shoulder still feel painful after a few days.\"" MC "\"Y-yes, I'll keep it in mind...\"" MC "{i}Is he hiding a hard on!?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_getting_even:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Lets just ignore it...:" MC "{i}Let's just ignore it, I'll be an ass to give him grief after all the help he gave me, and with all the moaning I did with my breasts out, it would be really unfair.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_end_of_treatment" KN_MOD "God! Now I cant stop thinking about it...:" $ ch4_giving_max_some_relief = True MC "{i}God! Now I can't stop thinking about it and I'm feeling so horny... He was such a decent and nice guy, maybe I could give him a helping hand as well...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_to_get_and_to_give" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_end_of_treatment:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 064 with dissolve MaD "\"You should go take a good shower now to relax, they're just behind over there.\"" MC "\"Ok! Thank you again for all your help.\"" MaD "\"The least I could do, it's my gym after all.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_to_get_and_to_give:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 065 with dissolve "Putting her hand on his, Myriam looked up to Max and giving him a flirtatious smile, she offered him to help with relieving some tension as well." MaD "\"Oh!\"" MC "\"You know if you want I can give you a hand to relieve some tension as well...\"" MaD "\"Wha-what!? I... Tha-thanks but you don't have to.\"" MC "\"I know, it's just that you were so nice that I just want to help as well.\"" MaD "\"Well, I... I can't say no if you insist...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 066 with dissolve "Turning towards him, Myriam grabbed the waistline of Max's shorts, looking up as she paused for a moment, ready to take them down." MC "\"I would feel guilty leaving you all tensed up after you were so nice to me...\"" MaD "\"Ju-just doing my job!\"" MC "\"And a good job done always needs to be rewarded.\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 067 with dissolve "Pulling down his shorts, Myriam saw Max's heavy and already hard cock come swinging, nearly slapping her in the face before coming sitting between her breasts, ready for her." MC "\"Dear god! Wow! This is big!\"" MaD "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry! If it's too much I understand, you can just use your hands.\"" MC "\"No no, it's ok, I can handle it!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 068 with dissolve "Taking his big cock in her hands, Myriam started exploring it with her tongue, teasing his glans while gently caressing it." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! Yes!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 069 with dissolve "After teasing his cock for a moment to make him fully hard, Myriam took his glans in her mouth, bobbing on it for some time as she used her tongue to keep raising his excitement." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God! That feels good!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve "Then grabbing his cock firmly with two hands, Myriam started sucking on it while stroking it, doing all she could to relax and take him deep in her mouth." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God! You weren't lying! Aaaaaahhh! You're really know how to handle it!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 070 with dissolve "Still firmly clinging to the big log she was sucking on, Myriam kept the pace, jerking it off while going up and down with her mouth intently." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! That's... Aaaaaahhh! God damn!\"" MC "{i}Looks like he enjoy his treatment too...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 071 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve "Then grabbing his cock firmly with two hands, Myriam started sucking on it while stroking it, doing all she could to relax and start making hit the back of her throat." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock!\"" MC "{i}God! He's really big, I don't know if I'll be able to take it all...{/i}" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God! Yes! Aaaaaahhh!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 073 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 072 with dissolve "Not losing the pace, Myriam kept going, getting faster and sloppier as she went on, teasing her throat as she tried to relax and prepare it for further abuse." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God! Aaaaaahhh! You're unbelievable!\"" MC "{i}He he he! If he think I'm done... Let's show him really unbelievable, I think I'm relaxed enough to take him in my throat...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve "Finally, after some time preparing it, Myriam pushed on and swallowed the rest of Max massive cock down her throat, stealing a scream of surprise and pleasure from him." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! Wow! God! Aaaaaahhh! That's...! That's...!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve "Feeling his cock getting harder and bigger her mouth, Myriam push the pace further, getting faster and sloppier to push Max over the edge." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God! I... Aaaaaahhh! I'm gonna cum!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 074 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 075 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 076 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly following his announcement, Max finally came, filling Myriam's mouth and throat full of cum, forcing her to swallow as she kept sucking him mercilessly." MC "\"Mmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpf!\"" MaD "\"OOOOOOHHH! GOD DAMN! FUCK!!\"" play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Mmmpf! Gulp, gulp, gulp! Mmmpf!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 077 with dissolve "Finally pulling Max's big cock out of her throat, leaning back exhausted as she coughed, trying to catch her breath while he awkwardly praised her, still stunned she was able to take it all." MC "\"Cough, cough! Hah hah hah! Cough, cough!\"" MC "{i}Thank god! He didn't last too long with the deepthroating, I really pushed it here...{/i}" MaD "\"Wow! That was... That was impressive! I-I never had a girl capable of doing that before...\"" MC "\"Cough! Thanks! Cough, cough! Glad you enjoyed it...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 078 with dissolve "As Max was about to continue talking and offer her a towel, Myriam silently grabbed the rest of the dripping cum and drool from her chin and let it drip into her mouth to swallow it, leaving him out of words again." MaD "\"Let me help you and give you a to...\"" MC "\"It's ok... Slurp!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp!\"" MaD "\"Holy crap! Girl you're really something! Let me get you off too!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 079 with dissolve "Going down, Max quickly took off Myriam's gym underwear before starting taking care of her, exploring her pussy with his big tongue." MaD "\"Slurp, slurp!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Your tongue feels so good!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 080 with dissolve "Following her reaction sand moans of pleasure, Max kept eating Myriam's pussy, slurping her juice as his tongue explored every nook and cranny of her pussy before darting inside her and teasing her clit." MaD "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}He's good with his tongue too...{/i}" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh! Don't stop!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 081 with dissolve "Feeling Myriam getting wetter and wetter, and her legs starting twitching, Max pushed her further, darting his big tongue further in as he rubbed and toyed with her clit." MaD "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Mmmmmmhhh! I'm going to cum too!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 082 with dissolve "Tormenting her for some more time, eating her pussy mercilessly, Max pushed Myriam into her orgasm, making her scream as her body started shacking and he swallowed her overflowing juice." MaD "\"Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH! I'M CUMMING!\"" MaD "\"Mmmh! Gulp, gulp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 083 with dissolve "Resting as her body was still quivering, riding the wave of pleasure that took her over, Myriam looked at Max's big tool fully hard again as he went up." MC "\"Hah hah hah!\"" MC "{i}God! This was so good... And he's fully hard again...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 084 with dissolve "Sitting up once her body had calm down, Myriam still could not help staring at Max's big hard cock, feeling horny and wanting more as her body was still tingling from the pleasure." MC "\"...\"" MaD "\"Is everything ok? Feeling good?\"" MC "\"Yeah yeah...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 085 with dissolve MC "\"Sorry, I zoned out a bit here.\"" MaD "\"It's ok, you should go take a good shower to relax.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_some_more_naughtiness:" "Does Myriam wants some more?" KN_MOD "Wait! I think my pussy need some more...:" $ ch4_taking_some_big_hard_cock_at_the_gym = True MC "\"Wait! I think my pussy need some more of that big cock of yours!\"" MaD "\"You're sure\"" MaD "\"Oh yeah! I'm sure!\"" MC "{i}I'm way too horny! No chance I'm passing on that huge cock of his!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_pussy_crushed_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "Yes, I will...:" MC "\"Yes, I will, thank you.\"" MC "{i}God! I would have loved to get that thing inside me, but I think I better calm things down now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_pussy_crushed_at_the_gym:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve "Lifting her legs as she leaned back and spread them for him, Max pushed his big hard cock inside Myriam's wet and slippery pussy, pulling loud moans of pleasure and satisfaction from her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! You're... Mmmmmmhhh! You're so big!!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! God damn! Aaaaaahhh! And your pussy's so fucking hot!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 087 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 086 with dissolve "Starting slow so her pussy could get used to his size and to see how much she could take, Max went easy on her, exploring her pussy with his huge cock and how she reacted." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck my pussy!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh! Your pussy is melting!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve "Seeing that she could handle his big tool, Max started pushing the pace, going at Myriam's pussy harder and deeper while she leaned back and screamed as the pleasure was building up and getting to her." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Oh god! You... Mmmmmmhhh! You're killing me!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! Girl! You got it! Aaaaaahhh! I'm going to crush that tight pussy of yours!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve "Pushing the pace further as she was getting louder and louder, Max gave Myriam his all, mercilessly pounding her pussy hard and deep, slapping his balls against her ass as she felt a powerful orgasm coming." MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Mmmmmmhhh! Crush my pussy! Pound it hard!\"" MaD "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!! Aaaaaahhh! I'm going to trash your pussy for good!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 088 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 089 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 090 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 091 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 092 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 093 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Pounding her on without rest, Max kept pushing her without mercy, fucking her pussy harder and harder until he felt her pussy tightening and her screaming, before quickly pulling out as he reached his limit as well, covering her stomach and breasts full of a warm and thick coat of cum." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! GOD!! GOD!!! MMMMMMHHH! YES! YES!! YES!!!\"" MaD "\"AAARGH! GOD DAMN! OOOOOOHHH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 094 with dissolve "Standing up after covering her from stomach to collar bones, Max apologized for the mess he had made, awkwardly thanking and praising her as she stay laying down, her body still trembling in pleasure." MaD "\"Wow! Sorry for the mess!\"" MC "\"Hah hah hah! I-it's ok... Mmmh!\"" MaD "\"Fuck! Girl! I've never came so much in my life, you're pussy's magic!\"" MC "\"Tha-thanks...\"" MC "{i}God! He really fucked me silly with that big cock of his... I can barely feel my hips right now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 095 with dissolve "Once her body had stopped quivering and gain back some strength, Myriam sat back up, thanking Max as well as he enquired about her, worried he might had went overboard in the heat of the moment." MaD "\"You'll be ok to walk? Sorry, I think I kind of went overboard here...\"" MC "\"No, I asked for it... It was perfect, thanks for... Thanks for the exercises.\"" MaD "\"Ha ha ha! You got it girl! I think you should go take a shower and relax now before some people come for their midday session.\"" MC "\"Yeah! Thanks, I will.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_showering_at_the_gym:" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_some_big_hard_cock_at_the_gym == True:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 096 with dissolve "Walking in the showers still covered in cum after pulling a towel of her bag, Myriam headed in looking back worried, fearing to be caught in her state." MC "{i}Thank god! There wasn't anyone else... We made so much noises and I'm still covered in cum...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 097 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_giving_max_some_relief == True:" "Walking in the showers after pulling a towel of her bag and leaving Max in the locker room, Myriam headed in looking back slightly regretting her choice." MC "{i}God! I'm feeling so frustrated! I'm already regretting not using that big tool of his...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_trainspotting_trio == False and ch4_trainspotting_trio_teasing == False:" "Walking in the showers after pulling a towel of her bag and leaving Max in the locker room, Myriam headed in looking back towards the locker room." MC "{i}God! I'm kind of feeling frustrated now! He got me running hot and now that I know he was hard too...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_trio_massage == True:" "Walking in the showers after pulling a towel of her bag and leaving the trio in the gym room, Myriam headed in looking back with the nagging feeling of missing something." MC "{i}God! I can't help having that nagging feeling that I've missed something here...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Walking in the showers after pulling a towel of her bag and leaving the trio in the gym room, Myriam headed in looking back towards the locker room." MC "{i}God! I hope they didn't get upset leaving them like this, they were pretty cute in their way...{/i}" MC "{i}Come on! Stop stressing over nothing, let's just get in the shower and relax.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_taking_some_big_hard_cock_at_the_gym == True:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 098 with dissolve "Taking the first shower to her left when getting in the room, Myriam went to test the water after putting down her towel, to finally clean up all the sweat and cum." MC "{i}Let's see if we can get some hot water here... I need to wash of all that cum and sweat...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 099 with dissolve "Taking the first shower to her left when getting in the room, Myriam went to test the water after putting down her towel, to finally clean up all the sweat accumulated." MC "{i}Let's see if we can get some hot water here... I need to wash of all that sweat...{/i}" MC "{i}With the look of the installation I don't think they went cheap on that part.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_trio_massage == True:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_in_the_shower" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_finish_showering" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_trio_in_the_shower:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 100 with dissolve "As she was about to put the water on, Myriam was suddenly stopped by the voices of the trio, the three walking to her butt naked, with a smile on their face." "Young man 1" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Ha! Wha-What!?\"" "Young man 2" "\"Hey!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 101 with dissolve "Not phased by her reaction, the three came closer to Myriam, reassuring her that it was just them, as if it was natural for them to be here." "Young man 1" "\"Ha ha ha! Don't worry, it's just us.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! Nobody else's here yet.\"" "Young man 3" "\"Still too early... Or too late.\"" MC "\"Tha-that's not the problem!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 102 with dissolve "Young man 1" "\"Well, you invited us to join you.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah!\"" "Young man 3" "\"You did.\"" MC "\"What!? When!?\"" "Young man 1" "\"You told us it was too public and then told us you were going to the showers...\"" MC "\"What!? I...! Oh!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 103 with dissolve MC "\"God! I did, did I...?\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah...\"" MC "{i}I knew there was something nagging me... God! I walked into that one... What do I do now?{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_damn_mess:" "How does Myriam react to the situation?" KN_MOD "Its my own damn fault, may-maybe I could...:" $ ch4_thinking_of_getting_the_trio_off = True MC "{i}It's my own damn fault, maybe I could at least rub them one or give them a blowjob...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_max_interruption" KN_MOD "Its my fault, Ive got to apologize at least...:" MC "{i}It's my fault, I've got to apologize at least, I really can't believe I did that.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_max_interruption" KN_MOD "Im sorry for them but I cant just...:" $ ch4_thinking_of_hushing_the_trio_off = True MC "{i}I'm sorry for them but I can't just rub them one off because they mistook what I meant.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_max_interruption" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_max_interruption:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 104 with dissolve MC "\"Listen I...\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah!?\"" MC "{i}Look at them! Their eyes are sparkling full of hope, they're like kids in front of a toy store!{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_thinking_of_getting_the_trio_off == True:" MC "\"I'm really sorry! You're right, it was my fault, so I was thinking that I could...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_thinking_of_hushing_the_trio_off == True:" MC "\"I'm really sorry! You're right, I was kind of at fault here, but I can't just...\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I'm really sorry! You're right, it was kind of my fault here, I don't know what to...\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 105 with dissolve "Cutting Myriam midsentence, one of the kids suddenly hushed everyone as he told them he heard someone coming their way." "Young man 3" "\"Guys! Guys! I think there's someone coming!\"" MC "\"What!?\"" "Man whistling!" "Young man 1" "\"Shit! I think it's Max!?\"" "Young man 2" "\"Oh! Fuck! We're dead meat!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_in_or_out:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "I cant let them get caught... if ch4_thinking_of_hushing_the_trio_off == False:" $ ch4_invited_the_trio_in_the_shower = True MC "{i}I can't let them get caught, all this confusion is already my fault.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_the_trio_is_getting_in" KN_MOD "They should go quick...:" MC "{i}They should go quickly before we all get caught here naked.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_the_trio_is_not_getting_in" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_the_trio_is_getting_in:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 106 with dissolve "To the trio's surprise, Myriam suddenly grabbed the arm of one of them, pulling him in while inviting the other two too follow." MC "\"Come in! Quick!\"" "Young man 1" "\"Wow!?\"" "Young man 3" "\"Really!?\"" "Young man 2" "\"No shit!?\"" MC "\"Yes! Quick, before you get caught!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 107 with dissolve "Pulling the curtain behind them as the trio went in and crammed themselves together, still unable to believe she invited them in fully naked." MC "\"{size=20}Here!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Holy shit!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}They're... Wow!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 108 with dissolve "Focusing on what she was hearing outside, Myriam didn't turn to look at the trio, only informing talking to them as the three themselves could only focused on her naked body." MC "\"{size=20}Hush! I think he's here... Dear god! I hope he won't try this shower...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah... No... Do-don't worry, he always goes for the one in the back...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah, he-he always leave the first one to the club members...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}We should be good...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 109 with dissolve "Everyone staying quiet and holding their breath as they could hear Max passing buy behind the curtain, Myriam leaned in to look if he was going to the back as the trio said, bumping her butt against their cocks unbeknownst to her." MC "\"...\"" "Young man 1" "\"...\"" "Young man 2" "\"...\"" "Young man 3" "\"...\"" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 MC "\"{size=20}I think you're right... I can hear the shower running.{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if MCtrait[Trust] >= 45:" MC "{i}Let's just wait him out!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_waiting_with_the_trio" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_and_now_what:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Its now or never!:" $ ch4_got_the_trio_out_without_release = True MC "{i}It's now or never!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_getting_the_trio_out" KN_MOD "Lets just wait him out!:" MC "{i}Let's just wait him out!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_waiting_with_the_trio" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_getting_the_trio_out:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 110 with dissolve "Opening up the curtain, Myriam quickly invited the trio to get out and go as she kept an eye on the shower where Max was." MC "\"{size=20}Come on! It's now or never! Get out!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}What!? You're sure?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Maybe we should wait.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}He could come out.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 111 with dissolve "As they reluctantly went out as she pushed them out, Myriam kept focusing on Max in his shower, and not paying attention to the trio's hard on." MC "\"{size=20}Come on! Quick!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Wait! Maybe we should...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Hush! You should go before he comes out.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 112 with dissolve "The trio now out, Myriam pulled back the curtain of her shower behind them, feeling relieved to have resolved the situation and finally be able to take her shower." MC "{i}And here you go!{/i}" MC "{i}Maybe I'll finally be able to take my shower now that the three are out...{/i}" MC "{i}Still I'm glad this was resolved without a fuss.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_finish_showering" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_waiting_with_the_trio:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 113 with dissolve "Turning over to face the trio, Myriam suddenly froze as she noticed the three rock hard cocks pointed at her, only realizing now the situation she put herself in." MC "\"{size=20}I think we just have to wait him ou... Oh! God! I...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Sorry! But we can't help it...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah! You're way too hot!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}And with you pointed your butt at us...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 114 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}I-it's ok, I understand...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah? Really, it's ok?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Yes, you-you're healthy young men, I can't blame you for getting excited when I'm naked like that in front of you.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Wow! You're really cool.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! Most girls would have slapped us.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 115 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}Well, I think that if everyone keep his co... His head put, we'll be just fine.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}We'll try our best.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Of course.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 116 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_thinking_of_getting_the_trio_off == True:" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Though I was thinking, what were you about to say before Max arrived?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Wha-what?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}You know, you said it was your fault, so you were thinking that you could... Could what?{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Though I was thinking, weren't you open to give us a hand before Max arrived?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Wha-what?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}You know, you said it was kind of your fault and you didn't know what to do... Well you know could give us a little hand here...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Oh! Gosh I...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 117 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_thinking_of_getting_the_trio_off == True:" MC "\"{size=20}Well I though that I... That I could at least give you a hand, but...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}For real!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}You're the best!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow! Thanks!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"{size=20}Well it's true that I... That I feel a bit guilty about all this, but...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}So would you do it!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Come on!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Please!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_a_helping_hand:" "Does Myriam give the trio a helping hand?" KN_MOD "I could at least let them rub one out...:" $ ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio = True MC "{i}I could at least let them rub one out over me, I mean I really feel kind of guilty about all this.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 118 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}Ok, you win, I'll let you rub one out over me.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Shit! For real real!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}You mean we can jerk off on you!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow! You're not joking!?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Yes, not a joke, I'll let you jerk off over me, for real... So how do you want me?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Show us your butt!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Lean over the wall and push it towards us.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! So we can see your pussy too!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_inspiring_the_trio" KN_MOD "No! I feel guilty about all this but... if ch4_thinking_of_getting_the_trio_off == False:" $ ch4_got_the_trio_out_without_release = True MC "{i}No! I feel guilty about all this but I won't be push into any naughty business, I already saved their bacon from getting kicked out, twice.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 119 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}Sorry, I do feel kind of guilty about the misunderstanding, but I saved your three young butt two times already...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Tha-that's true...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}And you already had quite an eyeful without me complaining either, no?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}So we're all going to wait for Max to finish, then you're going to let me finish my shower like good boys, ok?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah, sorry...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}It's ok.{/size=20}\"" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_getting_out_after_max" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_inspiring_the_trio:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 120 with dissolve "Following the trio's desires, Myriam climbed over the bench shower and kneeled over it, offering her butt them as they asked her while they slowly started rubbing themselves." MC "\"{size=20}That's what you wanted?{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! This situation is really...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah! Though push it towards us more.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}And raise it more too.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}So we have a good view of your pussy too.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 121 with dissolve "Doing as they asked, Myriam leaned forward and pushed her butt further towards them, arching as much as she could as they started rubbing their cock over it while masturbating." MC "\"{size=20}Like this?{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}I can't believe I'm offering a view like this to some random kids...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Perfect!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}So hot!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 122 with dissolve "Pressing themselves as best they could around her, the trio started pleasuring themselves using Myriam, as much as a visual aid than a tool, using it to rub their cock or slap it with it." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Fuck! Your butt's so soft...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooh! And so bouncy...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Hey! Give me some roon guys!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah yeah, two seconds! We just started...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 123 with dissolve "With the little room they had the three organized themselves, changing places with one another after jerking off for some time over Myriam's butt." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Yeah! She's so fucking hot...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Fuck! Yeah! She's making me so hard...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Her ass is even hotter than I thought.{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! It's as if they've already forgot I was even here...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 124 with dissolve "After the three had rubbed themselves against her cheeks, one of them started rubbing his glans between them, asking Myriam if he could rub further down." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Hey! Can we... Can we rub against your pussy and ass too?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}I-if it's just rubbing...{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! I didn't even think before answering... I'm getting too excited... Just showing myself like this is making me...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Of course...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Cool!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 125 with dissolve "Following her ok, the young man quickly started rubbing his cock from his pussy to her asshole while jerking off slowly, enjoying the feeling of Myriam's wet intimate parts as much as he could." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Wow! She-she's totally wet!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}For real!? Let me see!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Yeah! Give me a second man.{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow! She's moaning!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! They're right... They're starting to make me horny now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 126 with dissolve "Leaving the place to his buddy after rubbing himself against her, one of the other young man of the trio took his place, immediately starting to rub his cock against her wet pussy." "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Fuck man you weren't kidding!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Told you.{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Hey! My turn guys!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 127 with dissolve "After some time pleasuring himself, the second one left his place to the last one of the trio who quickly started rubbing himself against her pussy and ass like the other, insisting over her asshole." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooh! This so fucking hot!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Ha! Fuck! Hearing her moan like this makes me so hard!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Me too!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Shit! Guys I can feel her asshole twitching!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Wow! Let me see!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 128 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! This is getting me way too horny... I can feel my asshole twitching like he said... Even my pussy is gushing...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Come on man! It's my turn again.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Ok ok.{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}Things are going to go too far again, I can feel it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 129 with dissolve "The first one of the young men taking his turn again, quickly came rubbing his cock against her asshole, pressing it a little as he saw it twitch in reaction to his glans rubbing it." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! Fuck! Her ass is totally twitching!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Told you!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Fuck! I can't wait to have my turn!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! I can feel my ass opening and his cock pressing... This position is getting me so... So messed up...{/i}" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh! Wai-wait! You... Aaah! You can't press more.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Please! Ju-just a little... Aaah! I mean he's opening up just by himself...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah! N-no... Thi-this is too much...{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve "As he was pressing weakly against her asshole, Myriam suddenly felt him go in, her ass swallowing the tip of his cock and pulling a moan of surprise and pleasure as it went in." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! I-I said it was too much... Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Sorry! It went in on its own... Oooh! Your ass sucked me in!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! I can't even be mad, my ass want it so much...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaah! So... Ca-can I keep going with just the tip?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah! O-ok, but... But just a little... Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve "With Myriam's okay, the young man started moving as he asked her previously, pushing and pulling the tip of his cock in her asshole as she moaned softly from the sensation." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! This feels so good!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Hey! Man, give us a turn!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Yeah! We want to try it too!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Ok ok! Just a second!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! It's going to escalate, I know it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 132 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 133 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 132 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 133 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 132 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 133 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 132 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 133 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 132 with dissolve "Pulling out from her ass, the young man give his place to one of his buddy, who immediately started fucking her ass with the tip of his cock as well, grunting in pleasure as he did." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Fuck! This is the best!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah! That's for sure.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Come on! It's my turn guys.{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Wait I just started.{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! It's getting hard to keep my voice down...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 134 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 135 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 134 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 135 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 134 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 135 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 134 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 135 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 134 with dissolve "Finally having his turn, the last one of the trio quickly started doing the same as his buddies, pushing the tip of his cock in and out of her ass while Myriam did her best to keep her moans down." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Shit! This is...{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}The best, yeah!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}For sure!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! If it keeps going like this...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 136 with dissolve MC "{i}All this teasing is making me go crazy... What is Max doing in his shower, what's taking him so long!?{/i}" MC "{i}If they keep going like this they're going to make me beg them to fuck my ass, I'm at my limit here...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Come on, my turn again!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! They're going to tease me to death!{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 131 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 130 with dissolve "Starting tip fucking her ass again, the young man quickly reached his limit as well, begging Myriam to let him push his cock further." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! I-I can't take it anymore! Plea-please let me push my cock further!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Fu... Mmmmmmhhh! Fuck my ass!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! For real!?{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Yes! Quick! Fuck my ass!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}I can't take it anymore I just want them to pound my ass and make me cum!{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 137 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 138 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 137 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 138 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 137 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 138 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 137 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 138 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 137 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 138 with dissolve "Joyfully following Myriam's begging to fuck her ass, the young man quickly pushed his cock deep in her ass and started fucking it, pulling in and out intently." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is the best!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Holy shit! I don't believe it! Give us a turn man!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Just a second! I'm nearly there!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Hey! Wait! Don't cum in her ass we want to fuck it too!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 139 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 140 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 139 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 140 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 139 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 140 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 139 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 140 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 139 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 140 with dissolve "As the first of the trio begrudgingly give up his place, another one of the trio rushed to his place, immediately pushing his cock in her ass and starting fucking it as Myriam moaned her pleasure." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Wow! This is even better... Fuck! I won't be long either!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}My turn! My turn!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! OK! Ok!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 141 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 141 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 141 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 141 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 142 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 141 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 142 with dissolve "The last one of the trio taking his turn in her ass, quickly started to sodomized Myriam, pushing her further towards her limit as she moaned louder and louder." MC "\"{size=20}Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Mmmmmmhhh!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Shit, shit. shit! This is too good! I... I'm going to cum fast!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! I'm going to cum too! I-I'm at my limit...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 143 with dissolve "Finally reaching her limit as the third member of the trio pounded her ass, Myriam quickly put her hand to her mouth to hold her screams of pleasure as she climaxed." MC "\"{size=20}AAAAAAHHH! MMMMMMPFFF!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Wow! Dude! Look she's totally cumming {/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Yeah! She definitely love taking it up the ass!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Shit! Her ass's tightening so much! Aaaaaahhh! I-I'm going to cum!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_11_trio_finish:" "Does Myriam stop him from cumming inside?" KN_MOD "Wait! Not inside... (Cum Kink 75+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 75:" $ ch4_trio_came_on_her_face = True MC "{i}Wait! Not inside, I want to feel them on my face.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_cover_her_face" KN_MOD "God! Hes going to fill my ass...:" $ ch4_trio_came_in_her_ass = True MC "{i}God! He's going to fill my ass with his buddies, they're going to make a mess of it.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_fill_her_ass" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_trio_cover_her_face:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 144 with dissolve MC "\"{size=20}Aaah! Wait! N-not inside!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooooohhh! Come on! I-I'm nearly there, I...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah! On my face! You can cum on my face!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooh! For real!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}No shit!?{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Wow!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah! Yeah! Pu-pull out and... Mmmh! And finish on my face!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Oooh! Sure!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 145 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 146 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Turning back and slipping to the ground after he pulled out, Myriam immediately saw the young man cumming as he climbed over her and approached his cock to her face to cover it in cum." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}OOOOOOHHH! SHIT! I'M CUMMING!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 147 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 148 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Immediately replaced by one of his buddies, Myriam quickly saw another coming on top of her and start covering her face with another coat of cum, adding to the previous one." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}AAARGHHH! FUCK! HERE'S MY LOAD!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 149 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 150 with dissolve scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 151 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after his second buddy was done, the last one of the trio climbed over Myriam as well to finish covering her face with a thick coat of cum from top to bottom." "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}OOOOOOHHH! HERE! TAKE THAT!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Aaah!{/size=20}\"" MC "{i}God! They really did a number on my face! The smell is so strong it's intoxicating...{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 152 with dissolve "As the trio had finally finished themselves over Myriam's face, the four cramped into the shower stayed put as they all noticed Max's shower suddenly stop and they heard him get out." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Shit! Guys! Hush! He finished his shower...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"...\"" "Young man 1" "\"...\"" "Young man 2" "\"...\"" MC "{i}Oh! And \"now\" he's coming out!{/i}" MaD "\"Haaa! Nothing better that a shower and a good rub to relax...\"" MC "{i}So that's why he took so long! He was rubbing one out...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_getting_out_after_max" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_trio_fill_her_ass:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 153 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Quickly following his statement, Myriam felt the young man emptying his balls inside her, filling her ass with his warm load of cum in a grunt." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}OOOOOOHHH! SHIT! I'M CUMMING!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 154 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "As soon as the young mam pulled out from Myriam he was replaced by one of his buddies who immediately blasted his cum in her ass after pushing his cock inside her." "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}AAARGHHH! FUCK! HERE'S MY LOAD!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 155 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally after his second buddy was done, the last one of the trio pushed his cock inside Myriam's ass, quickly blasting a thick load of cum and adding to the two others." "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}OOOOOOHHH! HERE! TAKE THAT!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"{size=20}Mmmh!{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 156 with dissolve "As the third pulled out from Myriam's ass, the three looked at it in owe, admiring her gaping asshole oozing with their cum as it slowly closed after all the stimulation." MC "{i}God! They really did a number on my ass! I can feel it gaping and filled with their warm cum...{/i}" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Holy shit! Look at that!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}This is so hot!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Wow! We totally filled her up!{/size=20}\"" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 157 with dissolve "As the trio had finally finished themselves in Myriam's ass, the four cramped into the shower stayed put as they all noticed Max's shower suddenly stop and they heard him get out." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Shit! Guys! Hush! He finished his shower...{/size=20}\"" MC "\"...\"" "Young man 1" "\"...\"" "Young man 2" "\"...\"" MC "{i}Oh! And \"now\" he's coming out!{/i}" MaD "\"Haaa! Nothing better that a shower and a good rub to relax...\"" MC "{i}So that's why he took so long! He was rubbing one out...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_trio_getting_out_after_max" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_trio_getting_out_after_max:" KN_MOD "if ch4_trio_came_on_her_face == True:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 158 with dissolve "Inviting the trio to leave now that Max had finished his shower and went out, Myriam pushed them out of the shower, her face still covered with their cum." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 159 with dissolve "Inviting the trio to leave now that Max had finished his shower and went out, Myriam pushed them out of the shower, feeling she had done all she could for them." MC "\"Here, out now! I need to shower.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" "Young man 1" "\"Thank you for the help and you know, for \"the help\".\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah, you're welcome.\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Young man 1" "\"Thank you for the help and not letting us get caught.\"" MC "\"You're welcome.\"" "Young man 1" "\"I hope we can workout again together, it was fun.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" MC "\"Yeah, yeah! We'll see, I think we had enough workout for a while.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! We surely did give you a nice \"workout\".\"" MC "\"That you did... Now come on! I need to take my shower now.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yeah! We'll see.\"" "Young man 1" "\"It was fun helping you.\"" MC "\"It was... Now come on! I need to take my shower now.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah! Sorry, we've got to go too, we've got to get ready for some community work this afternoon with some buddies.\"" MC "\"Good luck then.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Thanks.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_trio_came_on_her_face == True:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 160 with dissolve "Turning back towards the shower after closing the curtain, Myriam listened to the trio walking away, sighing as their cum was still dripping from their cum." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 161 with dissolve "Turning back towards the shower after closing the curtain, Myriam listened to the trio walking away, sighing both in relief and resignation." MC "\"Sigh! Maybe I'll finally be able to shower now...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" "Young man 2" "\"Wow! Man! I can't believe it, this was...\"" "Young man 1" "\"The best! Her ass was so tight!\"" KN_MOD "else:" "Young man 2" "\"Wow! Man! I can't believe it, she's...\"" "Young man 1" "\"The best! She's so fucking hot!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Yeah! Though we should go guys, we've got to get ready for thee community work at the beach this afternoon.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == True:" MC "{i}God! Young men are really... Wait! Community work at the beach!? Are they talking about what Lucy asked me to supervise?{/i}" MC "{i}Dear god! If that's the case it might be an eventful afternoon...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! Young men are really simple minded...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_finish_showering" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_the_trio_is_not_getting_in:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 162 with dissolve "Young man 1" "\"Let us in!\"" MC "\"No!\"" "Young man 1" "\"But he's coming!\"" MC "\"So just go hide in the showers!\"" "Young man 1" "\"But...\"" MC "\"Quick!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Come on man! Move!\"" "Young man 2" "\"He's coming!\"" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 163 with dissolve "Staying put for a moment after closing her shower curtain, Myriam listened to what was happening, hearing the trio go hiding in a shower and waiting for Max to pass buy and go to a shower in the back, waiting for him to start his shower before coming out of their hiding place and get away." "Young man 3" "\"{size=20}Here! In this one, he always go in the back!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Yeah! You're right!{/size=20}\"" "Young man 2" "\"{size=20}Quick! he's coming!{/size=20}\"" "Max walking buy whistling!" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 "Young man 1" "\"{size=20}Now! Let's go!{/size=20}\"" stop music fadeout 1 KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_finish_showering" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_finish_showering:" play music "shower-freesound-yetcop.mp3" fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 164 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_trio_came_on_her_face == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam washed off the trio's cum from her face and all the sweat accumulated from her workout now that she was finally alone." KN_MOD "elif ch4_trio_came_in_her_ass == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam washed off the trio's cum from her ass and all the sweat accumulated from her workout now that she was finally alone." KN_MOD "elif ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam washed off all the sweat accumulated from her workout now that she was finally alone." KN_MOD "elif ch4_got_the_trio_out_without_release == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam started washing off all the sweat accumulated from her workout now that the trio seemed to have made their escape successfully." KN_MOD "elif ch4_taking_some_big_hard_cock_at_the_gym == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam washed off Max's cum from her stomach and chest as well as all the sweat accumulated from her workout." KN_MOD "elif ch4_giving_max_some_relief == True:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam washed off the traces of Max's cum from her face and all the sweat accumulated from her workout." KN_MOD "else:" "Slipping under the shower after letting her hair back down, Myriam started washing off all the sweat accumulated from her workout." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! That feels great...{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 165 with dissolve MC "{i}A little shower like this after heating up the body is always so relaxing...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}But let's just wash off the sweat quickly and I'll shampoo myself at home later.{/i}" stop music fadeout 1 scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 166 with dissolve "Stopping her shower after a few minutes, Myriam grabbed her towel to dry herself before getting out, waiting a moment to make sure there wasn't anyone else outside before coming out." MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}That was really refreshing... But I should go now, let's dry my hair and go.{/i}" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 167 with dissolve "Quickly drying her hair Myriam headed back for the locker room to get dressed and go back home to her cousin Evelyn's loft, before more people come in." MC "{i}Let's go get dressed now before anyone else comes in...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_trio_massage == True:" MC "{i}I hope the naughty trio was able to get out without problem... But since I didn't hear Max screaming I guess they must have.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}I just saw this trio of young men and Max, but with lunch hour coming there'll probably me some more people coming soon.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_11_leaving_the_gym" KN_MOD "label ch4_11_leaving_the_gym:" scene bg ch4_11 workoutsession 168 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_going_into_the_gym_in_gym_underwear == True:" "Slipping into her dress and heels, Myriam quickly put away her towel and gym wear before heading out, feeling satisfied from her workout." MC "{i}Well, it started weirdly with me getting my gym underwear instead of my gym wear, but the workout went fairly well.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Slipping back into her dress and heels, Myriam quickly put away her gym wear before heading out, not wanting to workout in gym underwear." MC "{i}I feel stupid going back home like this when I just arrive, but I just can't workout like this in public.{/i}" MC "{i}Let's go home now...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update06" KN_MOD "label ch4_update06:" KN_MOD "call var_chapter4_update6 from _call_var_chapter4_update6" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_quick_stop_home" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_quick_stop_home:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Quick Stop Home" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True and ch4_postponing_flints_photoshoot == False:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 001 with dissolve "Back from Flint's photoshoot, Myriam headed towards the kitchen first, to put down the mail she brought from home before going to look for a change of close." MC "{i}Let's put down the mail first before going changing...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 002 with dissolve "Back from her workout session at the fitness club, Myriam headed towards the kitchen first, to put down the mail she brought from home before going to look for a change of close." MC "{i}Let's put down the mail first before putting my gym gear the laundry and going changing...{/i}" MC "{i}I'll look at it later.{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 003 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True and ch4_postponing_flints_photoshoot == False:" "Putting the letters down on the kitchen counter, Myriam paused a moment, thinking maybe she should get her mail forwarded here if she decided to stay any longer." KN_MOD "else:" "Putting the letters down on the kitchen counter after pulling them from her gym bag, Myriam paused a moment, thinking maybe she should get her mail forwarded here if she decided to stay any longer." MC "{i}Maybe I should get the mail forwarded here... Or decide what I'm going to do.{/i}" MC "{i}It's getting ridiculous staying in limbo like this about the house... If I can't get myself to stay there anymore I should look to move, I can't stay at Eve's forever...{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_social_work_tough_youth_taken_the_job == True:" MC "{i}Let's put that down for now, I'll talk about it with Eve when she gets home... I've got to get ready for this afternoon with Lucy's work.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_preparing_for_the_tough_youth" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}Let's put that down for now, I'll talk about it with Eve when she gets home... I'm feeling a bit burned out after the workout, I should rest a little meanwhile.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_looking_at_emails" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_preparing_for_the_tough_youth:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 004 with dissolve "Going up to her bedroom, Myriam quickly took off her dress and had a look at what she could put on for her work this afternoon." MC "{i}How should I dress for this afternoon?{/i}" MC "{i}Lucy told me I was supposed to supervise some young men doing some community services at the beach to raise some money for a vacation...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 005 with dissolve MC "{i}It's only supposed to be supervising, but I would feel kind of weird only looking at them work, so more something practical to move around...{/i}" MC "{i}And it's at the beach, I could go for a swimsuit but it would feel kind of off, so maybe something sporty...{/i}" MC "{i}I've got that sporty beach wear I took with Eve before going to the hospital, with some sandals to walk in the sand...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 006 with dissolve "Trying on the outfit she thought for this afternoon, Myriam looked at herself for a moment, judging if it would do, feeling it was probably a bit short." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}This feels a bit too casual... Or maybe a bit too short... But I don't have anything else to put for the beach beside swimwear, I can't just go in a dress or jeans...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_12_dressed_for_the_occasion:" "What does Myriam feels about it?" KN_MOD "It will have to do...:" MC "{i}It will have to do, I don't have anything better to put on for the occasion any way.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_getting_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "Itll definitely make some happy kids...:" MC "{i}It'll definitely make some happy kids for sure, I just hope it doesn't distract them too much from working.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_getting_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "Its cute though...:" MC "{i}It's cute though, I think it'll do just fine for the beach.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_getting_ready_to_go" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_getting_ready_to_go:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 007 with dissolve "Putting her doubts aside, Myriam concluded she would go with her sporty beach wear, turning back towards her cupboard to grab a bag to put all the necessary." MC "{i}No points pondering more over this, let's just grab a bag and prepare all the necessary for this afternoon.{/i}" MC "{i}Some sunscreen, first aid kit and water should be the most important...{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Some time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 008 with dissolve "Having prepared her bag for the afternoon and having a quick lunch, Myriam headed out to meet with her team of misfits to supervise, feeling both excited and apprehensive about the opportunity." MC "{i}Let's go!{/i}" MC "{i}I hope everything goes right, I don't want to disappoint Lucy, or the kids either.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_beach_cleaning" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_looking_at_emails:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 009 with dissolve "Going up to her room, Myriam sat on her bed with her laptop after changing into some light pajamas to rest a little before everyone gets back home." MC "\"Oooh!\"" MC "{i}God! I'm all rusty, taking some rest will definitely do me some good...{/i}" MC "{i}But first I'll check on my emails...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 010 with dissolve MC "{i}I wanted to see if I have any email from the school...{/i}" MC "{i}With the coming competition we still have a lot to prepare.{/i}" MC "{i}And with my stay at the hospital, our timeline kind of took a hit...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 011 with dissolve MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Nope... No news from Cleavon...{/i}" MC "{i}And nothing much else either beside the usual spam and invitation to look at the hot wives in your neighborhood...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 012 with dissolve MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Well, even women get spammed with those I guess...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life == True:" MC "{i}I'm curious if it's the kind of stuff that Crystal does...?{/i}" MC "{i}I would guess not, that seems like things done by the one without much fame I would imagine...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! Now I'm curious about what she does...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_12_porn_curiosity:" "Looking up Crystal over internet?" KN_MOD "No, that would feel weird...:" MC "{i}No, that would feel weird looking at that after meeting her and talking to her.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_closing_the_laptop" KN_MOD "Maybe I could look her up...:" $ ch4_saw_crystal_first_porn_video = True MC "{i}Maybe I could look her up, just for curiosity's sake...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_looking_up_crystal" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}At least it's not emails to enlarge my penis, that would really feel kind of weird...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_closing_the_laptop" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_closing_the_laptop:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 013 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life == True:" "Not wanting to entertain her sudden curiosity as she felt awkward about it, Myriam decided to stop here and close her laptop to rest." MC "{i}I can't say I'm not curious but it just feels kind of awkward...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Not feeling like browsing endlessly over internet, Myriam decided to stop here and close her laptop to rest." MC "{i}Well, let's close it up then, if I start browsing I know I'll end up not resting at all...{/i}" MC "{i}So let's just get a little nap and rest.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_looking_up_crystal:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 014 with dissolve "Writing up Crystal's scene name, Myriam quickly ended flooded with videos and links about the young woman." MC "{i}Dear god! Thi-this is a lot...{/i}" MC "{i}How many videos did she do already? Didn't she say she had started barely a year ago!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 015 with dissolve "Clicking on the first Goldilocks video link, Myriam was sent to an intense gangbang between her and eighteen men, titled \"Eighteen Cocks for the Eighteen Goldilocks\"." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}Oh my god! I-is that the first ever porn she shot!? I remember her telling me she shoot her first porn on her eighteen's birthday, but that's... That's just crazy!{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 016 with dissolve "The video starting with her on her knees showing her ID to prove she was just barely eighteen, it quickly escalated, having her surrounded with eighteen hard cock after blowing on the eighteen candles of a cake." "Porn actor" "\"Happy eighteen's birthday you little slut!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Here! Now blow on those \"candles\"!\"" CrC "\"Mmmh! Sure! That's just what I wanted for my birthday! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 017 with dissolve "The situation quickly evolving into a blowbang, the men let her suck on each cock at her own pace at first, before pushing her further and further, turning into an intense chain of facefucking between some face slapping with their cocks." play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Porn actor" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Don't forget to make a wish while you blow your \"candles\"!\"" CrC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" play sound "slap-freesound-kemitix.mp3" "SLAP!" "Porn actor" "\"Oooooohhh! Yeah! And you've got to blow really \"hard\" if you want your wish to realize!\"" CrC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 018 with dissolve "Following the video strangely fascinated, Myriam started caressing herself, uncovering one of her breasts while caressing her pussy through her pajamas shorts." MC "\"Aaah! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! They really giving her no mercy... They're using her mouth like a toy and she's loving every seconds of it...{/i}" "Porn actor" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Take that you little slut!\"" CrC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 019 with dissolve "Her excitement getting higher watching the video, Myriam ended up sliding her hand in her shorts to directly caress her pussy as the eighteen men laid down Crystal and started fucking her pussy as well as her mouth." "Porn actor" "\"Come here and lay down! We're going to take care of your eighteen years old pussy now!\"" CrC "\"Aaah! Yeah! Please! Fuck my tight teen pussy!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Oh! Don't worry we're going to! Meanwhile open up that slutty mouth of yours and keep sucking!\"" CrC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yesh! Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" MC "{i}God! Even with her pussy, they're really fucking it hard...{/i}" MC "\"Aaah! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 020 with dissolve "Masturbating without reserve now, Myriam kept caressing her pussy and breasts as Crystal blowbang evolve to a full on gangbang, the eighteen men now starting using her ass as well as her mouth and pussy, changing position as they changed places with each others." "Porn actor" "\"Come here little slut and ride that cock! I'm going to pound that tight little ass of yours!\"" CrC "\"Aaah! Fuck! Yes! Destroy my teen ass too!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Hey! Who told you to stop sucking!\"" CrC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shorry! Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe she's taking all these cocks just by herself at eighteen... She looks so tiny between them, their cocks look as big as her forearm...{/i}" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 021 with dissolve "Looking at the teen girl getting gangbanged by this group of eighteen men, Myriam could not stop imagining herself in her place, getting manhandled like she was and coming in succession as they kept fucking her mercilessly." MC "{i}God! This is crazy... I can't stop imagining myself in her place... Would I be able to handle all these cocks...?{/i}" "Porn actor" "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! That little slut really knows how to ride a cock!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Aaaaaahhh! And her ass can take some fucking punishment!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Oooooohhh! Don't forget her slutty mouth of hers!\"" CrC "\"Mmmmmmpf! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmmmmpf! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmmmmpf!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! This is getting me so horny! I'm going to cum already!{/i}" "Porn actor" "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! I think it's time to give that little slut her birthday present!\"" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 022 with dissolve "As the nearly hour long video and its gangbang were reaching their climax, Myriam reached her own, cumming as the group of eighteen men put the young Crystal on her knees and gave her an eighteen men bukkake, glazing her face with a heavy coat of cum." "Porn actor" "\"Aaah! Come here girl! We're going to glaze your slutty face like your cake!\"" CrC "\"Oooh! Fuck! Yes! Give it to me! Cover my face full of warm cum!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Porn actor" "\"AAARGH! HERE LITTLE SLUT!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" CrC "\"Mmmh! Yes! Mmmh! So good!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YES! MMMMMMHHH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "One by one, the eighteen men came close to her face, finishing rubbing themselves before emptying their balls on her face, covering each and every corner of face with a thick coat of cum as she caressed herself, making herself climax one more time as they facialized her." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "Porn actor" "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" CrC "\"AAAAAAHHH! FUCK! YES! MMMMMMHHH! THIS IS THE BEST!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 023 with dissolve "Calming down after her light climax, Myriam turn her attention back to the video as it concluded, with the eighteen men applauding Crystal as she collected the cum from her face to eat it, even mixing some with her cake, happily giggling from the experience and the cheers." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" CrC "\"Mmmh! Gulp!\"" "Porn actor" "\"Wow! Girl you were something!\"" play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" CrC "\"Gulp! Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}God! There was so much cum... This must have been intoxicating...{/i}" "Porn actor" "\"Crazy good!!\"" CrC "\"He he he! Thanks!\"" MC "{i}Well, she definitely deserve some praises!{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 024 with dissolve "Closing the laptop as the video ended, Myriam could not help feeling somewhat stunned by the intensity of the video, surprised to think it was even her debut in porn." MC "{i}It's crazy to think it was her first video, this seems so hardcore for a start...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_12_thoughts_on_crystals_video:" "How does Myriam feel after the video?" KN_MOD "Curious.:" MC "{i}God! I just... Would I be able to do something like this...? I can't deny it's exciting but This seems so crazy...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap" KN_MOD "Envious.:" MC "{i}God! I-I... This feels so weird but I can't help feeling kind of jealous...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap" KN_MOD "Fascinated.:" MC "{i}God! Thi-this was... This was incredible! Having sex with so many people... I don't know if I would even be able to handle that...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap" KN_MOD "Stunned.:" MC "{i}God! This was... This was definitely something... It's incredible to think she was able to handle this much... This much \"attention\"...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap" KN_MOD "label ch4_12_taking_a_little_nap:" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 025 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_saw_crystal_first_porn_video == True:" "Laying down after closing the laptop, Myriam sighed loudly as she closed her eyes, trying to calm down and rest as her body still felt hot and bothered from the movie and masturbation." MC "{i}Damn! Now my body's all worked-up and my mind's racing...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch3_curious_about_the_porn_life == True:" "Laying down after closing the laptop, Myriam sighed loudly as she closed her eyes, trying to rest as her mind still kept wandering, thinking about Crystal." MC "{i}Damn! Now I can't stop thinking about Crystal...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Laying down after closing the laptop, Myriam sighed loudly as she closed her eyes, trying to rest as her mind still kept wandering, thinking about the school." MC "{i}Damn! Now I can't stop thinking about the competition, I hope everything will go fine despite everything...{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}Come on! Just calm down...{/i}" scene bg ch4_12 quickstophome 026 with dissolve "As she kept her eyes closed and chased her thoughts away, Myriam finally was able to slowly slip into sleep, resting and recharging before Evelyn and the kids came home." MC "{i}Just... Just clea... Clear your mind...{/i}" MC "\"Mmmh! Zzzzzz!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update07" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_beach_cleaning:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n Beach Cleaning" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 001 with dissolve "Leaving her car in the parking lot near the beach, Myriam walked towards the seaside prom besides it, looking around as she arrived at the rendez-vous point." MC "{i}It should be here... Looks like I arrived first...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, it's not surprising, I came early and teenagers are known for their punctuality.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 002 with dissolve "Walking to the view point at their rendez-vous point, Myriam breath in the air of the ocean, enjoying the view and the calm in silence for a moment." MC "\"Mmmh!\"" MC "{i}We're lucky, it looks like we'll get to work outside with good weather... Look at that the view is beautiful and the ocean so peaceful today...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 003 with dissolve "Enjoying the light breeze and ocean air, Myriam looked around the beach, noticing how empty it was despite the sunny weather." MC "{i}Lucy told me the city had the beach closed for the cleaning before the weekend, but still... I'm surprised how empty it is...{/i}" MC "{i}I would have thought there would be a few people coming none the less... There must be regular patrols to discourage people from trying.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 004 with dissolve "Walking away from the view point, Myriam headed for a bench to sit and wait for the kids to arrive." MC "{i}Well, at least it'll limit the distractions for the kids...{/i}" MC "{i}Let's wait for them meanwhile...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 005 with dissolve MC "{i}They shouldn't be too long now... Lucy told me they would probably be late but if the goal is to raise fond for themselves they should at least make a bit of effort.{/i}" MC "{i}That's a nice initiative, giving some kids an opportunity to raise a bit of money for themselves while helping the community...{/i}" MC "\"...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 006 with dissolve MC "{i}Well, at least it's not the worst place to wait...{/i}" MC "{i}The weather today is really perfect...{/i}" MC "{i}It would have been a pain working outside under the rain.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 007 with dissolve "As she waited and enjoying the sun, Myriam suddenly heard voices coming her way, for now only able to identify young male voices as the bushes were blocking her view." "Young man 1" "\"Shit! Looks like we're first, I told we could have waited longer.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Yeah! There isn't even the lady who's supposed to snitch on us...\"" "Young man 3" "\"I bet you that'll be an fat old ugly bitch!\"" "Young man 1" "\"For sure!\"" MC "{i}Well, that's starting well...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 008 with dissolve "As they kept talking and walking her way, the three kids appeared in Myriam's view, jumping in surprise as she called out to them in a joking tone." MC "\"Well, I hope I'll do ok.\"" "Young man 3" "\"Wow! Shit!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Who!?\"" "Young man 1" "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 009 with dissolve "Approaching the bench, the trio circled Myriam, curious about who she was, feeling incredulous that she was their chaperon for their community work." "Young man 1" "\"You're our \"boss\" for today?\"" MC "\"If you're talking about the cleanup work, yes I am.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 010 with dissolve "Young man 2" "\"For real!?\"" MC "\"Yes.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Wow! That's tight!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Shit! Yeah!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 011 with dissolve MC "\"Oh! So better than a fat old ugly b... Lady?\"" "Young man 3" "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! Sorry!\"" MC "\"It's ok, I'm just teasing.\"" MC "{i}Good! I think getting friendly and joking around will work better for starter.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 012 with dissolve "Young man 1" "\"So, what you're gonna make us do?\"" MC "\"Well, I would prefer wait for everyone to be here, but in short we'll do some cleaning up.\"" "Young man 1" "\"Cleaning!?\"" MC "\"Yeah, cleaning...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 013 with dissolve "Young man 3" "\"Hey! I ain't doing no cleaning in that clothes.\"" MC "\"Don't worry, it's just picking up what people littered around the beach and seaside, I'll give you bags and gloves.\"" "Young man 3" "\"Well, I'm telling you I ain't doing no dirty shit..\"" MC "\"I'm sorry but that's the job, nothing more I can do about it...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 014 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_letting_max_do_his_job == True:" "As the four were discussing on the bench, they're attention were suddenly drown towards the arrival of three other young men, that she quickly recognized as the kids Max had thrown out of the gym." MC "{i}Hey! Isn't it the trio from the gym?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" "As the four were discussing on the bench, they're attention were suddenly drown towards the arrival of three other young men, that she quickly recognized as the kids she had just let fuck her in the ass at the gym." MC "{i}Oh my god! Tha-that's the trio from the gym!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_trio_massage == True:" "As the four were discussing on the bench, they're attention were suddenly drown towards the arrival of three other young men, that she quickly recognized as the kids she had just let help her train at the gym." MC "{i}Hey! That's the trio that help me at the gym.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_stopping_max == True:" "As the four were discussing on the bench, they're attention were suddenly drown towards the arrival of three other young men, that she quickly recognized as the kids she had just defended at the gym." MC "{i}Hey! That's the trio from the gym.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As the four were discussing on the bench, they're attention were suddenly drown towards the arrival of three other young men in sport clothes." MC "{i}Ha! Here come the rest of the gang...{/i}" "Young man 4" "\"Hey guys!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hi!\"" "Young man 5" "\"What's up!\"" "Young man 1" "\"You're late!\"" "Young man 6" "\"Hey!\"" "Young man 2" "\"Hey!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 015 with dissolve "Getting up as the three approached the bench as well, Myriam turn towards everyone as they started saying hello to each others, jumping at the occasion to inform everyone before they start to dig into trivial discussions." "Young man 4" "\"Hey man!\"" "Young man 3" "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"So! Now that everyone's here, let me present myself! I'm Myriam Summers and you can just call me Myriam, ok?\"" "Young man 1" "\"Yeah...\"" "Young man 2" "\"'K...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_letting_max_do_his_job == True:" "Young man 4" "{i}Hey! Isn't that the chick from the gym!?{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" "Young man 4" "{i}Fuck! That's the chick we just fucked in the ass at the gym!{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_stopping_max == True:" "Young man 4" "{i}Hey! That's our hot chick from the gym!{/i}" "Young man 4" "\"Sure...\"" "Young man 5" "\"Ok.\"" "Young man 6" "\"Yeah.\"" MC "\"We're here to do some cleaning on the beach and seaside, I brought you all some gloves for hygiene and trash bags to collect.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 016 with dissolve MC "\"So, now what's everyone's name and does anyone have a question?\"" "Young man 1" "\"Lance.\"" "Young man 2" "\"Jamal.\"" "Young man 3" "\"Darrell, what color are the gloves?\"" MC "\"Yellow.\"" "Young man 3" "\"What? That's crap! I'm not putting yellow with red!\"" MC "\"Too bad, that's all there is... And you three?\"" "Young man 4" "\"Sean.\"" "Young man 5" "\"Lucas.\"" "Young man 6" "\"Maheer.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 017 with dissolve MC "\"So Liam, Lucas and Maheer, you'll start from this side...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" MC "{i}I can't let them talk with the others and tell them they fucked my ass, I have to control the situation.{/i}" MC "\"And Lance, Jamal and Darrell you'll take care of the other side, and once we're done with the seaside, we'll go over the beach.\"" Lan "\"What!? And when do we have some rest?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 018 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, we're not even started!\"" MC "\"But don't worry, we'll make a pause when we're finish with the seaside, so the faster you work, the faster will have a break...\"" MC "\"And don't do an half ass job just to go on a break or we'll have to redo it, ok?\"" "The six" "\"Yeah, yeah...\"" MC "\"Ok, so everyone grab a pair of gloves and a bag, we're starting now!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" MC "{i}Thank god! Everything is going well and still no mention of any naughty business at the gym.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 019 with dissolve "The two teams separating and working their way towards the middle, towards each other, as Myriam instructed them, they cleaned up the seaside prom, picking up every litter they could find and filling up trash bags." MC "\"Pfew...\"" Dar "\"Man! I can't believe I'm doing this shit...\"" Lan "\"Yeah! The pay better be good!\"" Jam "\"Fuck! My back!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 020 with dissolve MC "{i}Look at them! They're complaining but they do the job none the less.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm actually surprised, I thought it would be way harder to motivate them... But I guess it makes sense since Lucy told me they volunteered.{/i}" MC "{i}I should go have a look at the other three...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 021 with dissolve "Heading down the seaside, Myriam walked up to the other team of kids working their way up the prom collecting the trash around to join the others." MC "\"So, how is it going over here?\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Luc "\"Going slow but going...\"" Mah "\"Fuck! People can't even throw their trash in the garbage bin when there is one just here.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 022 with dissolve MC "\"Any problems?\"" Sea "\"No, we're good.\"" Luc "\"Yeah, it's not like if it was a rocket science.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 023 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" MC "\"Well, I... I wanted to thank you for keeping what happened to the gym discreet.\"" Luc "\"How you mean...?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" Sea "\"No worries, we'll stay discreet.\"" MC "\"Thanks, I'll how you one.\"" Sea "\"Really!? Hey could you flash them to us real quick?\"" Luc "\"Yeah! For motivation.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_flashing_reward:" "Does Myriam flash them her boobs?" KN_MOD "Ive got to keep them happy... (Exhibitionist Kink 45+ or Dirtiness Trait 50+) if MCkink[Exhibitionist] >= 45 or MCtrait[Dirtiness] >= 50:" $ ch4_flash_the_gym_trio = True MC "{i}I've got to keep them happy or it will definitely get complicated.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_flashing_the_gym_trio" KN_MOD "Ive got to keep control here...:" MC "{i}I've got to keep control here or it will definitely get complicated.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_taking_a_break" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"I wanted to thank you for doing a great job.\"" Sea "\"Just doing the job.\"" Luc "\"Yeah, nothing much to it.\"" MC "\"Well keep it up, I'll be helping you this time until we reach the others.\"" Luc "\"Will do.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_taking_a_break" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_flashing_the_gym_trio:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 024 with dissolve "Looking back to be sure to not be caught by the others, Myriam quickly pulled down her top, flashing her breasts to the gym trio as they asked her." MC "\"Ok, here! But please stay quiet!\"" Sea "\"Will do... Wow!\"" Mah "\"Hey! I want to see them too!\"" Luc "\"Shit! They're really so hot!\"" MC "{i}God! I can't believe I'm doing this...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 025 with dissolve "Quickly pulling her top back up, Myriam hid her breasts again while shooing Sean's hand as he was about to touch them." MC "\"Hey! No touching! You still got your dirty gloves on.\"" Sea "\"Sorry.\"" Luc "\"So maybe later?\"" Mah "\"Fuck! That'll be sweet!\"" MC "{i}Damn it! That's not what I meant... But I can't disappoint them now...{/i}" MC "\"We-we'll see for now back to work!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_taking_a_break" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_taking_a_break:" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True and ch4_flash_the_gym_trio == False:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 026 with dissolve "Looking back towards the other group to verify if they could see anything, Myriam quickly refused the gym trio's demand as their gaze was already focused on her breasts." Mah "\"Hey! I want to see them too!\"" MC "\"No! It's way to risky, the others could catch us.\"" Sea "\"Damn! That's too bad...\"" Luc "\"So maybe later?\"" Mah "\"Fuck! That'll be sweet!\"" MC "{i}God! I really got to keep things from escalating again... But I can't disappoint them now...{/i}" MC "\"We-we'll see for now back to work!\"" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 027 with dissolve "Accompanying the second team, Myriam help the kid as she did with the other team, collecting trash as they worked their way towards the others." MC "{i}Well, looks like we're nearly done with this part... It's kind of crazy to see how much there was to collect.{/i}" MC "\"Hah!\"" MC "{i}We'll take a well deserve break before attacking the beach...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 028 with dissolve "Now that they were done with the cleaning of the seaside prom, Myriam finished up on sorting and pilling up the trash bags for the cleaning service as she gave the kids a well deserve break, to enjoy the seaside view." MC "\"And we're done with the prom! We'll leave the bags here for the cleaning service to collect, you can take your break meanwhile!\"" Lan "\"Yeah thanks!\"" Sea "\"Great...\"" Dar "\"Finally!\"" MC "\"Give me a minute, I'll give you some water and something to eat, just enjoy the ocean view for now...\"" Luc "\"We sure are...\"" Jam "\"The best view...\"" Mah "\"Yeah!\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Fuck! A view like this that's a crime!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_flash_the_gym_trio == True:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! And you should see her tits man!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Yeah! Wait what!?{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_letting_max_do_his_job == True:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! And you should have seen it at the gym!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Yeah!?{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! We tapped it earlier!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}What!? No shit?{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_trio_massage == True:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! And you should see it without anything on!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Yeah!{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_stopping_max == True:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! And we just enjoyed it even better at the gym!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Yeah!?{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "else:" Luc "\"{size=20}Yeah! I would definitely tap that!{/size=20}\"" Lan "\"{size=20}Fuck! Yeah!{/size=20}\"" MC "\"And we're good!\"" KN_MOD "if ch3_flints_muse == True and ch4_postponing_flints_photoshoot == False:" Luc "\"{size=20}We got to find a way to get that ass naked...{/size=20}\"" KN_MOD "else:" Luc "\"{size=20}We'll tell you after.{/size=20}\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 029 with dissolve "Turning around after closing the last bags, Myriam offered the kids water bottles as they scattered around for their break, to discuss or smoke." MC "\"Here!\"" Sea "\"Thanks.\"" Jam "\"Thanks.\"" MC "\"I've got some energy bars as well if you want.\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 030 with dissolve "Done distributing water to everyone, Myriam went around to give all the kids that wanted some chocolate bars for some energy." MC "\"Here I took some energy bars for everyone.\"" Luc "\"Oh! Cool!\"" Lan "\"Yeah! Give some here!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 031 with dissolve Lan "\"Hey! How long do we have?\"" MC "\"For the break?\"" Luc "\"Yeah.\"" MC "\"Oh! About ten, I'll call everyone when it's time to get back to work.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 032 with dissolve "Sitting on the bench as the six kids enjoyed their break, Myriam observed them talking and joking around." MC "{i}Well, that went pretty well...{/i}" MC "{i}With what Lucy told me I thought things would go a little more bumpy...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 033 with dissolve MC "{i}I just hope things keep going like this after the break, if we can go a full day just right it should go fine on the next jobs.{/i}" MC "{i}I really don't want to disappoint Lucy when she asked for my help...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, no point torturing myself on what might happen, we'll see after the break, let's give them a few minutes to rest.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 034 with dissolve MC "\"Everyone! It's time!\"" MC "\"We're going to take care of the beach!\"" Lan "\"Yeah, yeah!\"" Luc "\"Ok.\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Dar "\"Already!?\"" Jam "\"'K!\"" Mah "\"Coming!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 035 with dissolve "As she looked at the kids heading down the beach as they put back their gloves on, Myriam could not help but feel a little apprehensive." MC "{i}God! I really hope things keep going well, I can't help but feel a bit apprehensive now...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_flash_the_gym_trio == True:" MC "{i}They kept looking my way smiling, I really hope they didn't break their word after I flash them my breasts like they asked.{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" MC "{i}They kept looking my way smiling, I really hope they kept their word and didn't share what happened at the gym.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}They kept looking my way smiling, I can't help but feel they're preparing me some mischief.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 036 with dissolve "Following the kids after making sure they had not left anything behind, Myriam was surprised to see that they had all put away their top, leaving them at the bottom of the stairs." MC "{i}Dear god! What are they doing!?{/i}" Jam "\"...\"" Lan "\"For real man?\"" Luc "\"Yeah! I'm telling you...\"" MC "{i}They're all going to end up with sunburns with that sun!{/i}" Dar "\"Fuck! Look at that! My fucking shoes are going to end up full of sand!\"" Mah "\"We're all in the same boat man.\"" Sea "\"Ha ha ha! You can go without if you want!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 037 with dissolve "As the kids started to scatter around to do the job, Myriam tried to stop them, calling out for them to warn them." MC "\"Hey! Wait, wait!\"" Lan "\"Yeah?\"" Sea "\"What is it?\"" Luc "\"Is there a problem?\"" MC "\"Yeah! You're going to end up with sunburns like this! Go call the others, I'll give you some sunscreen.\"" Luc "\"Oh! Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 038 with dissolve Lan "\"It's ok we don't need it.\"" Sea "\"Yeah, do we have to?\"" MC "\"Are you kidding!? Yes you do! You you're going to end up red like a lobster with your pale skin and you, even with black skin you can get sunburns! If you want to work under the sun without shirt, you got to put some on!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 039 with dissolve Lan "\"I guess you're right, but we don't have any though...\"" Sea "\"Yeah, do you have some...\"" MC "\"Yes I do, I'll give you some.\"" Lan "\"Can you put some on my back?\"" MC "\"Yes, let me just pull it out.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 040 with dissolve "Taking the sunscreen out of her bag, Myriam started spreading some over Lance back as Lucas brought back the others who had started picking up trash over the beach." Lan "\"Man that's cold!\"" MC "\"Sorry...\"" Sea "\"Hey! Could you do me too?\"" MC "\"Yes of course, turn over.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 041 with dissolve "Juggling between the two as Sean immediately turned around, Myriam spread the sunscreen over their back as the others came back their way." Lan "\"Aaah! A little massage!\"" Sea "\"Perks of the job!\"" MC "\"Ha ha ha! Come on you two!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 042 with dissolve "As she was finishing up spreading the sunscreen over the back of the two, the others started arriving, jumping on the joke." Luc "\"Hey! Our turn for the massage!\"" Jam "\"Yeah! A nice oily one!\"" MC "\"Come on not you two as well!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 043 with dissolve "Pulling some more sunscreen out, Myriam took care of the new comers, trying to get it done fast as they kept teasing her." Jam "\"You can rub harder you know!\"" MC "\"Again, I'm not here to give a massage.\"" Luc "\"Even for all that hard work we've done?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 044 with dissolve Luc "\"You're so cruel!\"" MC "\"Come on! Stop talking nonsense and give the place to the others...\"" Luc "\"Ha ha ha!\"" Dar "\"Yeah! You lazy bum!\"" Mah "\"It's our turn.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 045 with dissolve "As the other two joined the previous ones, Myriam took care of the two last kids of the group, pulling out some sunscreen again before spreading it over their back." Dar "\"Hey! Don't put some on my pants! This shit must stain...\"" MC "\"Sigh! Yes... I'll be careful Darrell...\"" MC "{i}God! The others are quite the jokers but this one is so prickly, it's incredible... It's as if I was serving a little diva...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 046 with dissolve "Finally done with the spreading sunscreen over the whole group's backs, Myriam was about to send everyone back to work, but one of the first she took care of came back for seconds." MC "\"Ok everyo...\"" Lan "\"Hey! Wait! Would you mind putting some over the front too?\"" MC "\"What? Can't you do it?\"" Lan "\"Well, it's just that I got the gloves and you still got some on your hands...\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_just_a_bit_more:" "Does Myriam entertain him?" KN_MOD "No, hes pushing it here...:" MC "{i}No, he's pushing it here, he can do it himself over the front.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_no_front_cover" KN_MOD "I guess hes right...:" $ ch4_rubbed_lance_front_too = True MC "{i}I guess he's right, I could use the sunscreen that's still on my hands on him.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_front_cover" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_no_front_cover:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 047 with dissolve MC "\"Come on, stop the joking now...\"" Lan "\"I wasn't...\"" MC "\"Everyone! Back to work! We've got the whole beach to take care of!\"" Mah "\"What!? The whole thing?\"" MC "\"Yes!\"" Dar "\"Will we have another break?\"" MC "\"We'll see!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_back_to_work" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_front_cover:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 048 with dissolve MC "\"You're right... I can at least spread the surplus...\"" Lan "\"Yeah! That's it rub it well...\"" MC "\"I kind of have to... I don't have much anymore...\"" Lan "\"It's no trouble, I have hard abs... Can you feel?\"" MC "\"Ahem... Ye-yeah...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 049 with dissolve Lan "\"Do you like hard abs like that?\"" MC "\"Come on Lance! Don-don't make things weird...\"" Lan "\"What!? Don't you like buff guys like us?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_liking_some_teen_macho:" "How does Myriam answer?" KN_MOD "I cant say yes here...:" MC "{i}I can't say yes here or I won't hear the end of it...{/i}" MC "\"Nothing against it, but I'm not too much into it really.\"" Lan "\"Come on! I can see you like these abs, let me give you a better view!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_show_the_package" KN_MOD "I cant say no here...:" MC "{i}I can't say no here or they could take it badly...{/i}" MC "\"Well, I can't say I mind really.\"" Lan "\"Yeah? I knew you liked these abs, let me give you a better view!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_show_the_package" KN_MOD "Ive got to be firm here...:" MC "{i}I've got to be firm here or they'll keep pushing...{/i}" MC "\"That's not the point Lance.\"" Lan "\"Come on! Let me show you my abs better!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_show_the_package" KN_MOD "I can just be honest here...:" MC "{i}I can just be honest here, I don't see the harm...{/i}" MC "\"Yes, of course, who doesn't?\"" Lan "\"Yeah! I knew you loved these abs, let me give you a better view!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_show_the_package" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_show_the_package:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 050 with dissolve "As Lance suddenly pulled down his shorts as he tried to show off his abs in all their glory, Myriam saw his cock swinging out as the fact that he didn't had any underwear underneath came to view." Lan "\"Here! Look at that!\"" MC "\"Wait, you don't have to...\"" Lan "\"Oh! Shit!\"" Jam "\"What the fuck!?\"" Dar "\"Man!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_swinging_black_rod:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Better ignore it...:" $ ch4_beach_flashing_ignored = True MC "{i}Better ignore it and move on before it gets even more awkward.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 051 with dissolve "Ignoring the sudden dick flashing \"accident\", Myriam turned back, pointing at the rest of the beach, and called for everyone to go back to work." MC "\"Come on everyone! Back to work! We've got the whole beach to take care of!\"" Lan "\"So-sorry...\"" Dar "\"Damn! That must hurt.\"" Jam "\"Man...\"" MC "\"It's ok... Come on people, break's over!\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Luc "\"Ok!\"" Mah "\"Coming!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_back_to_work" KN_MOD "Lets just joke it out...:" $ ch4_beach_flashing_joked = True MC "{i}Let's just joke it out and move on before it gets even more awkward.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 052 with dissolve "Joking away the sudden dick flashing \"accident\", Myriam turned back, pointing at the rest of the beach, and called for everyone to go back to work." MC "\"Come on everyone! Let's forget this \"little\" accident and get back to work! We've got the whole beach to take care of!\"" Lan "\"Hey! Who's little!?\"" Dar "\"Ha ha ha!\"" Jam "\"Man! Ouch!\"" MC "\"It's ok... Come on people, break's over!\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Luc "\"Ok!\"" Mah "\"Coming!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_back_to_work" KN_MOD "My god! Wha...:" $ ch4_beach_flashing_stunned = True MC "{i}My god! Wha... What do I do!?{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 053 with dissolve "Stunned for a moment by the sudden dick flashing \"accident\", Myriam weakly called for everyone to go back to work as her eyes stayed on the big black in front of her." MC "\"Co-come on everyone... Le-let's get back to work... We-we've got the whole beach to take care of...\"" Lan "\"Sorry, I forgot I didn't had anything under.\"" Dar "\"Yeah man!\"" Jam "\"\"Hang\" in there!\"" MC "\"I-it's ok... Co-come on people, break's over...\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Luc "\"Ok!\"" Mah "\"Coming!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_back_to_work" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_back_to_work:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 054 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_beach_flashing_ignored == True:" "Lifting her sunglasses, Myriam looked at the kids going back to work after Marcus had pulled back his pants, grumbling and complaining, they still started picking up the trash over the empty beach." MC "{i}Thank god! It fizzled away, They really don't pull any punches in their jokes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_beach_flashing_joked == True:" "Lifting her sunglasses, Myriam looked at the kids going back to work after Marcus had put away his cock after her joke, grumbling and complaining, they still started picking up the trash over the empty beach." MC "{i}God! They really don't pull any punches in their jokes...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_beach_flashing_stunned == True:" "Lifting her sunglasses, Myriam looked at the kids going back to work after getting back to her senses, grumbling and complaining, they still started picking up the trash over the empty beach." MC "{i}God! I really zoned out for a moment, they really don't pull any punches in their jokes...{/i}" MC "{i}Well, let's get to it and help them.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "Sometime later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 055 with dissolve "After joining them, Myriam and the kids went through the beach as they did for the prom, picking up trash and filling bags, cleaning the empty beach little by little." Dar "\"Fucking hell! My fucking shoes are full of fucking sand!\"" MC "\"Come on! We're nearly there everyone!\"" Sea "\"Yeah yeah...\"" Luc "\"Shit! They're everywhere!\"" scene black with dissolve show text "Some more time later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 056 with dissolve "And finally, after a couple of hours, Myriam announced the kids they were done, they had reached the other side of the beach, pilling up the garbage bags near an old beach coffee stand." MC "\"And we're done everyone! Congratulations! You can all take a break now!\"" Sea "\"Shit! We can finally take off these gloves!\"" Luc "\"FUCK! YEAH! ONE JOB DONE!\"" MC "\"Easy! We still have to get these bags up with the others after.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 057 with dissolve Luc "\"Yeah, yeah, but we can do it after, no?\"" MC "\"Yes of course, you can take a break now.\"" Luc "\"Hey! Can we go swim?\"" MC "\"Yes, sure if you have a swimsuit.\"" Luc "\"No need...\"" MC "\"Ok... Wait, what?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 058 with dissolve "But by the time she turned her head towards the rest of the kids, Myriam could see that they had already all took off the rest of their clothes and going into the water naked." Sea "\"Whoohoo!\"" Luc "\"Wait! I'm coming!\"" MC "\"Wha-what are you all doing!?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 059 with dissolve "Walking towards the beach, Myriam sighed loudly as she tried to warn the kids and tell them to be careful, as she knew it was already to late to stop them." MC "\"Sigh! Please! Be careful! Don't go swimming too far!\"" Dar "\"Shit! The water looks so fucking cold!\"" Jam "\"Hey! You can come with us you know, we sure don't mind you getting naked with us...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 060 with dissolve MC "\"I bet you don't, but you know we can't be naked on this beach.\"" Jam "\"Come on! There's nobody around, the beach is closed...\"" MC "\"Even so, I'll pass...\"" Jam "\"Hey! Whatever, you can watch or stuff then.\"" MC "\"Yes, I-I'll do that.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 061 with dissolve "Looking at the kids fooling around and swimming in the sea, Myriam sighed again, feeling both exhausted and amused by the situation." MC "{i}Nothing much I can do here...{/i}" MC "\"Sigh!\"" MC "{i}I can't join them or leave them, I'll have to wait for them to get bored.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 062 with dissolve "Sitting alone over the empty beach after taking off the gloves, Myriam quietly kept an eye on the kids, just in case there was some trouble, enjoying the light breeze and the sun as the waves came liking the beach at a few inches of her feet." MC "{i}I guess I'll just take a little sun meanwhile...{/i}" MC "{i}At least I'm lucky enough that the weather is perfect for it...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 063 with dissolve "Looking at the kids fooling around in the water, Myriam could not help but start feeling a bit strange, looking at the young men, all fit and naked, their skin and muscles glistening in waters as their cock swung around with each one of their moves." MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This is getting a bit...{/i}" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_sea_show:" "What does Myriam do about the situation?" KN_MOD "Enjoy the show!:" $ ch4_enjoy_the_sea_show = True MC "{i}Well, who am I to complain, if they offer a show why should I look away.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_keeping_a_look" KN_MOD "Keep overseeing just in case.:" $ ch4_watch_the_sea_show = True MC "{i}I should probably look away, but... But I can't stop keeping watch either... we don't know what could happen.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_keeping_a_look" KN_MOD "Lean back and just look from time to time. if ch4_beach_flashing_stunned == False:" MC "{i}I better stop watching or there could be some misunderstanding.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_leaning_back" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_keeping_a_look:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 064 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_enjoy_the_sea_show == True:" "As she decided to still keep an eye on them, Myriam's eyes could not stop following the swinging cocks as the kids jumped around, splashed themselves and brawled together." MC "{i}God! They're really fit and... And all their cocks are really bigger than Anthony...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "As she decided to still keep an eye on them, Myriam's eyes could not stop always fall back on the swinging cocks as the kids jumped around, splashed themselves and brawled together." MC "{i}God! They're really fit and... And they're all really bigger than Anthony...{/i}" MC "{i}I always end up comparing them to his in the end... He must really had a small one compared to other men...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_beach_fantasy" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_beach_fantasy:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_beach_fantasy_1:" "Does Myriam let herself fantasize?" KN_MOD "No.:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 065 with dissolve MC "{i}God! I should calm down and clear my mind!{/i}" MC "{i}I can't keep staring at their cocks and body like this, I'm their chaperon.{/i}" MC "{i}I'm pretty sure they don't mind and even want me to, but it would creep me out to know that someone is looking at Katherine like this.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about caressing them.:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself caressing them and making them get hard in my hands...{/i}" MC "{i}Feeling them getting harder and bigger as I caress them and look at them groan and trying to resist the pleasure...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting cum covered by them. (Cum Kink 75+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 75:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself on my knees surrounded by all these cocks, looking at them jerking off while I wait mouth open for them to finish...{/i}" MC "{i}Hearing them groan loudly as they all start blasting my face together, emptying their balls all over my face and in my mouth, drenching me in a thick and warm coat of cum...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting filled by them. (Creampie Kink 30+) if MCkink[Creampie] >= 30:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself getting fucked by them one by one, letting them use my pussy or my ass all they want until they have enough...{/i}" MC "{i}And then feeling them cum inside me, one by one filing up both my pussy and ass so much that it oozed from my gaping holes...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting gangbanged by them. (Group Kink 25+) if MCkink[Group] >= 25:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself getting gangbanged by them, taking all these cocks in every holes at the same time...{/i}" MC "{i}Having them used me all together and giving me no rest, using me like a sex doll as they swapped holes and change positions...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting gangraped by them. (Dirtiness Trait 75+) if MCtrait[Dirtiness] >= 75:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True $ ch4_fantasized_about_being_abused = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself getting gangraped by them, grabbing me by the hair and forcing themselves on me, stuffing each one of my holes as they fucked me roughly...{/i}" MC "{i}Gangbanging me roughly for hours and treating me like a cum dump before leaving me used and abused over the beach, covered and filled with cum...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "More choices...:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_beach_fantasy_suite" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_beach_fantasy_suite:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_beach_fantasy_2:" "Does Myriam let herself fantasize?" KN_MOD "Previous choices...:" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_beach_fantasy" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting pissed on by them. (Golden Kink 5+) if MCkink[Golden] >= 5:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself on my knees surrounded by all these cocks, looking at them mouth open as I wait for them to give me a golden shower...{/i}" MC "{i}Then closing my eyes as I hear them groan and start pissing on me, aiming for my face, tits and open mouth, enjoying the warmth of their urine as it drench me...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting slapped by them. (Big Dick Kink 40+) if MCkink[Big Dick] >= 40:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself on my knees surrounded by all these cocks, looking at them getting hard as they jerk off...{/i}" MC "{i}Rubbing their cocks on my face as if they wanted to rub their smell in before starting to slap my face with their big hard cocks all together, getting ready before using it...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about getting stuffed by them. (Rough Kink 25+) if MCkink[Rough] >= 25:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself getting gangbanged by them, taking all these cocks in every holes at the same time, letting them rough me up...{/i}" MC "{i}Letting them use me like toy and pushing me to my limit, stuffing their cock together in each one of my holes, having them pushed two cocks in my pussy and my ass...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about taking them in the ass. (Anal Kink 50+) if MCkink[Anal] >= 50:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself getting fucked in the ass by all of them, just sodomizing me one after the other, only using my ass like a toy...{/i}" MC "{i}Letting them pound it hard and deep, so hard and for so long that they'll leave it gapping, hungry for more...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about tasting them. (Oral Kink 40+) if MCkink[Oral] >= 40:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself on my knees surrounded by all these cocks, tasting them one by one as jumped from one to the other, licking them and making them hard with my tongue...{/i}" MC "{i}Then taking them all in my mouth, sucking on them for as long as I could, until I feel them empty their load in my mouth and swallow every last drop...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "Yes, about throating them. (Deepthroat Kink 30+) if MCkink[Deepthroat] >= 30:" $ ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks = True scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 066 with dissolve MC "{i}God! This is wrong, but I can't stop imagining myself on my knees surrounded by all these cocks, having them grab my head and stuff their cocks down my throat...{/i}" MC "{i}Letting them use it like a toy as they throatfuck me without any mercy, fucking my face like roughly until they empty their load and force me to swallow...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I've got to calm down or they'll definitely notice me staring.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_leaning_back:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 067 with dissolve "Closing her eyes, Myriam throw her head back, enjoying the sun and ocean breeze as she tried to chase away any naughty thoughts." MC "{i}Come on Myriam! Clear your mind... Just enjoy the sun and the ocean breeze...{/i}" MC "{i}They'll get bored soon enough and get dressed and we'll all end this community work in peace and get home...{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_discussing_on_the_beach:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 068 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks == True:" "Pulled out of her fantasy by the arrival of Lance, Myriam tried her best to not keep staring at his swinging cock as he walked towards her." KN_MOD "elif ch4_enjoy_the_sea_show == True or ch4_watch_the_sea_show == True:" "As she kept watching the kids, Myriam saw Lance leave the others and tried her best to not keep staring at his swinging cock as he walked towards her." KN_MOD "else:" "Pulled out of her sunbathing, Myriam heard Lance coming her way and tried her best to not keep staring at his swinging cock as he walked towards her." Lan "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hey...\"" MC "{i}Dear god! He's really showing off without any shame at all... Shoving it into my face like this.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 069 with dissolve "As Lance sat beside her, Myriam's gaze quickly went back up as she tried not getting caught starring at his cock, trying to stir the attention elsewhere to avoid any awkwardness." MC "\"So, have you all finished fooling around?\"" Lan "\"Yeah...\"" MC "\"So are you going to get dressed?\"" Lan "\"Yeah... But we need to dry a bit first...\"" MC "\"...\"" MC "{i}God! This is so awkward... I can't stay quite like this with him naked beside me!{/i}" Lan "\"You know, you can keep going...\"" MC "\"Wha-what?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 070 with dissolve Lan "\"I mean my cock, you can keep looking, I don't mind...\"" MC "\"What!? No! I didn't... I-I was just...\"" Lan "\"Hey! It's ok, we're all adults here, you can look as much as you want.\"" MC "\"No, I was just...\"" Lan "\"You were just enjoying the show.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 071 with dissolve MC "\"God! I'm sorry... This is so embarrassing...\"" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! It's ok, I told you I don't mind.\"" MC "\"Still...\"" Lan "\"So what do you think, you like it?\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_saucisse_judging:" "How does Myriam answer him?" KN_MOD "Yeah, I like it...:" $ ch4_praising_the_cock = True MC "\"Yeah, I like it... No, I mean...\"" MC "{i}My god! What did I say!? I blurted out an answer without even thinking!{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_praising_the_cock" KN_MOD "Come on! Stop teasing me already... if ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks == False:" MC "\"Come on! Stop teasing me already, I'm embarrassed enough.\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_beach_flashing_ignored == True:" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! That's for ignoring it earlier.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_beach_flashing_joked == True:" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! That's for joking on my size earlier.\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_beach_flashing_stunned == True:" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! It's just that you looked like you quite enjoyed it earlier already.\"" KN_MOD "else:" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! Sorry.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_leaving_quickly" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_praising_the_cock:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 072 with dissolve "Realizing her blunder, Myriam quickly tried to back track awkwardly as Lance kept teasing her while putting a reassuring hand over her shoulder." MC "\"I didn't mean to... It's just...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks == True:" Lan "\"Hey... It's ok, there's no shame in liking cocks... We saw how much you looked at them while waiting...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_beach_flashing_stunned == True:" Lan "\"Hey... It's ok, there's no shame in liking cocks... I saw how much you looked at it earlier...\"" KN_MOD "elif ch4_enjoy_the_sea_show == True or ch4_watch_the_sea_show == True:" Lan "\"Hey... It's ok, there's no shame in liking cocks... We saw how much you struggled not looking at them while waiting...\"" MC "{i}My god! This is so embarrassing!{/i}" Lan "\"If you want you can touch it.\"" MC "\"What...? No... I...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 073 with dissolve "As Myriam was trying to protest, Lance had already grabbed her arm and pulled her hand towards him to put it on his cock." MC "\"Haaa! Wait!\"" Lan "\"Here.\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_saucisse_touching:" "How does Myriam react?" KN_MOD "Keeps her hand there.:" MC "\"Hey! Wha-what are you...\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_fantasized_about_being_abused == True:" MC "{i}God! He-he's so pushy...{/i}" KN_MOD "elif ch4_fantasized_about_the_tough_youth_cocks == True:" MC "{i}God! What is he...!?{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}God! What is he doing!?{/i}" Lan "\"Just letting you enjoy it, you told me you liked it.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_caressing_the_cock" KN_MOD "Pulls away her hand. if ch4_fantasized_about_being_abused == False:" $ ch4_pulled_away_from_lances_cock = True MC "\"Hey! That's enough!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_leaving_quickly" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_caressing_the_cock:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 074 with dissolve "As she was protesting against his action, Myriam's argument slowly died down as she felt Lance cock getting bigger and harder in her hand." MC "\"Come on! You can't do this... The joke is...\"" MC "{i}God! He's getting even bigger...{/i}" Lan "\"Yeah? You were saying?\"" MC "\"I...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 075 with dissolve "Forgetting her line of thoughts as her mind started focusing on the cock, Myriam closed her hand on Lance cock as he released her arm and hand." MC "{i}I can feel him getting harder and harder in my hand...{/i}" Lan "\"So, what do you think, does she feel right in your hand?\"" MC "\"What? I... Yeah...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve "Having completely chased from her mind her previous protestation and effort to keep her distance, Myriam's focus was now fully on Lance's big hard cock, slowly starting to caress it as it reached his full size." Lan "\"Aaah!\"" MC "\"She's so big and smooth...\"" Lan "\"Aaah! Yeah? You like them big?\"" MC "\"Yeah... I...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 076 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 077 with dissolve "Still as in a daze, Myriam answered him in a weak voice and kept going, now simply slowly jerking him off, forgetting about her surroundings as if fascinated by Lance's cock." MC "\"I do...\"" Lan "\"Aaah! I can see that...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 078 with dissolve "As she kept going without even thinking, focused on his cock, Lance pointed away to Myriam, inviting her to try on with another cock." Lan "\"Aaah! You know, if you like them big, you can try playing with Jamal's...\"" MC "\"Yeah...? Wait, what?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 079 with dissolve "Pulled out of her daze, Myriam turned back and looked at what Lance was pointed to her, seeing Jamal coming their way, his cock already half hard and swinging with each one of his steps." MC "\"Oh! I...\"" MC "{i}God! What did I do!? I completely zoned out and did something stupid... I even forgot about the other kids...{/i}" Lan "\"Aaah! Look! Big like you love them...\"" Jam "\"Hey!\"" MC "\"Hey...\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 080 with dissolve "Walking up to them, Jamal came standing beside Myriam, shoving is half hard cock in front of her face as Lance invited to feel his too." Jam "\"So you're offering handjobs?\"" MC "\"I...\"" MC "{i}God! He's really big too... And I can't say no to him after getting caught jerking his buddy off...{/i}" Lan "\"Come on! Try on his cock too... I bet you'll love it.\"" MC "\"O-ok...\"" MC "{i}God! Things are definitely getting out of... Out of hand...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 081 with dissolve "Letting go of Lance's cock, Myriam took Jamal's in her other hand, feeling it getting harder and bigger as she slowly caressed it, pulling some groans of pleasure from him." Jam "\"Oooh! Yeah!\"" Lan "\"That's it, stroke him good...\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" Lan "\"So, you like his cock too?\"" MC "\"Yeah...\"" Lan "\"Cool! Let me get up too so you can take care of us both easily.\"" MC "{i}God! That's it... I'm going to have to jerk them off both and I can see the others waiting for their turn... This is going to get messy...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 082 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 083 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 082 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 083 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 082 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 083 with dissolve "As Lance got up as well to get jerked off, Myriam took his cock in hands and started slowly stroking the now two fully hard cocks at the same time." Jam "\"Oooh! Fuck yeah! Don't stop!\"" Lan "\"Aaah! So, how do you like playing with two big cocks?\"" MC "\"I-it's ok...\"" Lan "\"Aaah! Yeah? Just ok, maybe you want some more?\"" MC "\"I...\"" Lan "\"Aaah! Hey! Guys! Come! She wants some more cocks to play with!\"" MC "{i}God! Here you go...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 084 with dissolve "With no surprise, Myriam saw the other coming after Lance's call, cock already half hard and ready for her." Sea "\"So, we heard something about needing more cocks?\"" Lan "\"That's what she said!\"" Luc "\"Ready for action!\"" Jam "\"Yeah, come on guys!\"" MC "{i}They're all coming this way now...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 085 with dissolve "Now surrounded by the six young men and their hard cocks, Myriam could feel now that if she wished to keep one once of control it was her last moment." Lan "\"Come on, show them how much you like taking care of big cocks!\"" Jam "\"You got six just for you!\"" Sea "\"I think we're short on room.\"" Luc "\"Hey! Can we use your tits too?\"" Mah "\"Or your mouth?\"" Dar "\"Shit! I can't wait to cover that face!\"" MC "{i}God! There's no turning back now, I won't get out of this without taking care of them, but I got to try to keep some control here if I don't want it to escalate further...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 086 with dissolve "Letting go of the two cocks she had in hands, Myriam tried one last time to keep control over the situation, trying to negotiate so things wouldn't escalate." MC "\"Hey! Wait! I know I can't backtrack anymore here and I'll take care of all of you, but we'll stop just at that, ok?\"" Jam "\"Hey! Don't stop!\"" Sea "\"Sure! As long as you take our load in your mouth.\"" Luc "\"Yeah! And swallow!\"" Dar "\"Yeah! I guess blowing my load in her mouth is ok too.\"" Lan "\"Shit! I wouldn't say no to a fucking blowjob!\"" Mah "\"Or a good face fuck!\"" MC "{i}God! I can see that I won't get out of this without blowing them at least...{/i}" MC "\"Ok ok, I understood! I'll blow you all and swallow, but can we move behind the building so we don't get caught from the prom?\"" Lan "\"Yeah, sure, though only if you take off everything!\"" MC "\"Ok.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 087 with dissolve "Doing as they asked her, Myriam took off her clothes and led them away from the view of the promenade, kneeling in front of the old snake house before they came surrounding her, pushing their cock in her face and waiting for her to start." Sea "\"Here!\"" Luc "\"Ready when you want!\"" Jam "\"Open your mouth!\"" Dar "\"Suck mine!\"" Lan "\"Mine!\"" Mah "\"No mine!\"" MC "\"Calm down! Everyone will get his turn! Don't worry!\"" MC "{i}I better start taking care of them and start sucking before they get any more restless.{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 088 with dissolve "Feeling the six getting rowdy, Myriam quickly took Jamal's cock in her mouth and started sucking on it while her hands caressed his and Darrell's." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Jam "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Yeah! First! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Lan "\"Yeah yeah! Shut up!\"" Mah "\"Damn! Mine was just in front!\"" Dar "\"Aaah! Fuck it! I wanted dibs!\"" Sea "\"Shit! I can't wait to feel her mouth on my cock!\"" Luc "\"Yeah! Me too!\"" MC "{i}God! They're really like spoiled children!{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 089 with dissolve "To try and keep the restless kids as calm as she could in the situation, Myriam quickly let go of the two cocks she had in hands to take care of two others, also switching for Maheer's for the one she was sucking on." Jam "\"Shit! no!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Mah "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! My turn! Oooooohhh! Fuck! She's good!\"" Dar "\"Hey! You didn't even sucked on mine! Why'd you stop!?\"" Lan "\"Aaah! It's going to be my turn next!\"" Luc "\"Shit! We took the worst place!\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" MC "{i}I really got to push the pace and keep them happy, they're getting more and more restless...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 090 with dissolve "Pushing the pace to keep them happy, Myriam quickly swapped for Lance's cock after sucking on Maheer's for some time, and started sucking on it intently while Darrell kept pressing her to take his, slapping it in her face as she sucked." Mah "\"Aaah! Shit! That was good!\"" Jam "\"Yeah! She definitely know how to suck on a cock!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Lan "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! That's it! Suck on big cock! Oooooohhh!\"" Dar "\"Come on! Take mine! Take mine!\"" Luc "\"Nearly half done...\"" Sea "\"I bet you I'm going to be last.\"" MC "{i}God! They're worst than needy children, but... But the pressure is kind of starting to get me excited...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 091 with dissolve "Letting go of Lance's cock after sucking it for a moment, Myriam finally yielded to Darrell's pressing demands to have his turn in her mouth as she turned her head towards him and took him in." Lan "\"Aaah! Dang! I would stay in that mouth for hours!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shit! Finally! Come on suck on it bitch!\"" Luc "\"Hey! I'm next!\"" Sea "\"Shit! I can't wait anymore!\"" Mah "\"And I can't wait for another turn.\"" Jam "\"Yeah! Me too!\"" MC "{i}God! Even when I take him in my mouth he's being an ass...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 092 with dissolve "Sucking on Darrell for a short time, Myriam leaned back to take Lucas' in, relaxing her throat as he pushed it further than the others did, grabbing onto the two first cocks she hands earlier." Dar "\"Hey! That was shorter than the others! Aaah!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh! Gwock!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Shit! Wow! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Jam "\"Wow! Dude! She's taking it deep!\"" Lan "\"Can't wait to see how much she can take mine!\"" Mah "\"Damn! She's skilled!\"" Sea "\"Yeah! I'm next!\"" MC "{i}God! Now I'm feeling so excited that their cock are just sliding in...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 093 with dissolve "Letting go of Lucas' cock that bounce back over her shoulder, Myriam turned her head and took Sean's in her mouth, the last of the sixth she still had not sucked." Luc "\"Fuck! That was good man!\"" MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shit yeah! Oooooohhh! That's definitely good!\"" Jam "\"Oooh! Fuck man! I can't wait to try her throat!\"" Lan "\"Oh! Yeah!\"" Mah "\"Man me too!!\"" Dar "\"Aaah! Fuck yeah! Can't wait to fuck that throat!\"" MC "{i}God! Things are definitely going to get rougher!{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 094 with dissolve "As soon as she let go of Sean's cock and went back for Jamal's, Myriam found herself getting shoved his cock deep down her throat as he suddenly grabbed her head and pressed it as far as he could before starting throatfucking her." Sea "\"Shit! That was...\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Jam "\"Oooooohhh! Here you go! Aaaaaahhh! Swallow that cock!\"" Mah "\"Wow!!\"" Lan "\"Oh! Shit! She definitely can deepthroat a cock!\"" Luc "\"Fuck! That's definitely some skill!\"" Dar "\"Man! She let go of my cock!\"" MC "{i}God! Here you go! I've got to relax! I don't think they're going to give me any rest before they empty their balls in my mouth...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 095 with dissolve "Throatfucking her for a moment, Jamal finally pulled out before pushing Myriam towards Maheer who immediately shoved his cock deep in her throat as well and started facefucking her in turn." Jam "\"Here man!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Mah "\"Aaaaaahhh! Thanks! Oooooohhh! Fuck that's crazy!\"" Lan "\"Man! That's pornstar level shit here!\"" Dar "\"Clear! Can't wait to throatfuck the bitch!\"" Luc "\"Man that's...\"" Sea "\"Yeah...\"" MC "{i}God! They're starting to get to my head, I... I'm getting light headed...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 096 with dissolve "After facefucking her for some time, Maheer did as his partner in crime did before, passing her to his next buddy who quickly grabbed her by the hair and shoved his big black cock down her throat, as far as he could, before throatfucking her." Mah "\"Here!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Lan "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! That's the shit! Oooooohhh! As soon as I saw her on the bench I knew I would be fucking that mouth before the end of the day!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" Luc "\"Ha ha ha! That's exactly what we thought when we saw her ass at the gym!\"" Sea "\"And boy did we fuck it good! Ha ha ha!\"" Jam "\"Shit we really got to try her ass too!\"" Dar "\"Yeah! But before that I'm going to fuck that throat!\"" MC "{i}The-they promised me... God! I-I can't think anymore...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" Dar "\"Come on man! Pass her over!\"" Luc "\"Fuck! I can't wait for my turn!\"" Sea "\"I'm going to be last again...\"" Jam "\"Yeah, but you'll get to empty your load first man!\"" MC "{i}God! I-I can't think anymore...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 097 with dissolve "Quickly grabbing her hair once Lance pulled out, Darrell pulled her back and roughly started throatfucking her after shoving his cock in her mouth, giving her no mercy and barely time for breathing through her nose as he did." Lan "\"Here! Shit! First girl to take it all ever!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Here you bitch! Oooooohhh! Take that fucking big cock like a good fucking whore!\"" Sea "\"Hey man! Go easy!\"" Jam "\"Yeah! Don't break her.\"" Luc "\"We didn't all get our turn yet!\"" Mah "\"You're going to make her choke!\"" MC "{i}God! I-I'm seeing white... I...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 098 with dissolve "Complaining as he let go of her, Darrell passed over Myriam to Lucas, who after letting her take a couple of breath made her leaned back and make her swallow his cock from under him, pressing his balls against her eyes each time he pushed his cock down her throat." Dar "\"Fuck! You're all a bunch of pussies! Here!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Here you go girl! Aaaaaahhh! Always wanted to try this one!\"" Sea "\"Ha ha ha! How to throatfuck and teabag at the same time!\"" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! That's a good one!\"" Jam "\"Come on! You're going to blind her! Ha ha ha!\"" Mah "\"I've got to try it.\"" MC "{i}...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 099 with dissolve "Stopping his throatfucking, Lucas let go of Myriam, letting her take a breath before taking the last of the six in her mouth again so he could have his turn abusing her throat as she stared blankly at him." Luc "\"Man that was fun!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shit! Here you go! Oooooohhh! That's the shit!\"" Jam "\"Oh! Yeah!\"" Dar "\"Come on man, fuck that throat!\"" Lan "\"Yeah and fill that mouth!\"" Mah "\"Time to feed her!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 100 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "After some time facefucking her, Sean pulled back in Myriam's mouth as he felt he was about to cum, just keeping his cock in her mouth as he emptied his balls in her mouth in a groan." Sea "\"AAARGH! SHIT! HERE! YOU!! GOOOOOOHHH!!!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Jam "\"And don't swallow 'til we tell you!\"" Lan "\"Yeah you're going to take all our loads before that!\"" Mah "\"Good idea man!\"" Luc "\"Oh! Yeah! That's going to be fun!\"" Dar "\"We're going to make the bitch choke on cum!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 101 with dissolve "Getting Myriam to lean backwards and open her mouth, the kids came two by two to finish themselves in her wide open mouth, aiming for their loads of cum to come crashing in and join Sean's." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Jam "\"OOOOOOHHH! YEAH! OPEN THAT MOUTH WIDE!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Dar "\"AAARGH! TAKE THAT BITCH!\"" MC "\"Aaahhhhhh! Aaahhhhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! This taste and smell...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 102 with dissolve "The first two done, the next two came in tow and quickly emptied their balls inside Myriam's mouth as well, adding more warm and thick cum to her already nicely filled mouth, making her cough as it came crashing down." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Luc "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK! HERE'S MORE CUM JUST FOR YOU!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Mah "\"AAARGH! YEAH! DON'T SPILL ANY!\"" MC "\"Aaahhhhhh! Cough, cough! Aaahhhhhh!\"" MC "{i}It's getting so strong my head is spinning!{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 103 with dissolve play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" "And finally, as the two stepped aside, the last of the team advanced over Myriam to empty his balls in turn, adding even more cum to the already nearly overflowing mouthful she had." Lan "\"AAARGH! HERE YOU GO GIRL! OOOOOOHHH! FILLED TO THE BRIM!\"" MC "\"Aaahhhhhh! Aaahhhhhh!\"" MC "{i}God! They completely filled my mouth... There's so much it's overflooding my senses...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 104 with dissolve "As she was about to swallow her mouthful of cum, Myriam was suddenly stopped by Lance, telling her to wait before swallowing their loads." Lan "\"Wait! Don't swallow just yet!\"" MC "\"Aaahhh?\"" Dar "\"Why man!? I want to see her swallow that cum!\"" Lan "\"We're going to make you cum as well, and you're only going to swallow when you do!\"" MC "{i}God! Wha-what do they have in mind again...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 105 with dissolve "Made to spread her legs for them, Myriam bit her lips to avoid letting go of some of the cum in her mouth as she tried her best to endure the attacks from the four who started pleasuring her." MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Lan "\"Wow! Her pussy is flooded, she definitely enjoyed working on our cocks!\"" Sea "\"And her ass definitely like the attention too! It's opening up with just a bit of teasing...\"" Luc "\"And these are definitely real ones!\"" Jam "\"For sure!\"" MC "{i}God! It's so hard to keep my mouth closed! I-I want to moan so badly!{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 106 with dissolve "As the four kept teasing her, Myriam was reaching her limit, barely keeping her mouth closed as two of them fingerer her pussy and ass while two others took care of her breasts while the last two enjoyed the show." MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh! Mmmmmmhhh!\"" Lan "\"I can feel her pussy tightening, she's nearly there!\"" Sea "\"Her ass too.\"" Luc "\"Ready to cum?\"" Jam "\"And swallow some?\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 107 with dissolve "Reaching her limit, Myriam suddenly swallowed most of the massive quantity of cum inside her mouth, before screaming loudly as she orgasmed, the overflow of cum she couldn't swallow dripping down her stomach while Lance kept fingering her mercilessly." play sound "swallowing simple-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"GULP! AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES!\"" Lan "\"Yeah! That's it swallow that cum and scream for us!\"" Jam "\"Holy shit! She did!\"" Luc "\"She swallowed all that cum?\"" Sea "\"Fuck! That's crazy!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 108 with dissolve "Lance keeping fingering her intently during her orgasm, Myriam ended up climaxing again due to the overstimulation, squirting as she kept screaming loudly." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! AAAAAAHHH!\"" Lan "\"Look guys! I made her squirt!\"" Luc "\"Shit that's true!\"" Sea "\"Wow!\"" Jam "\"Nice!\"" Mah "\"Nicely done!\"" Dar "\"Shit! The bitch love cum so much she's cumming!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 109 with dissolve "Putting back his hand to her sensitive pussy, Lance asked the still trembling Myriam if she was ready for more, hoping that the fog of pleasure they put her in would be enough to get her to let them fully gangbang her." Lan "\"Hey! What d'you say we give that pussy some real loving?\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Jam "\"Come on!\"" Luc "\"We'll take good care of you!\"" MC "\"Aaah! I...\"" MC "{i}God! They made me cum so hard... And with all the cum I had in my mouth... I never enjoyed swallowing cum so badly... My head is so foggy...{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" $ ch4_blowbanged_and_gangbanged = True Lan "\"Come on, you let the others have fun with your ass earlier...\"" MC "\"I... I guess that's true... O-ok...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_blowbang_to_gangbang" KN_MOD "else:" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_gangbang_time:" "Does Myriam go with the flow?" KN_MOD "W-we said only with my mouth... (Lust Trait under 100) if ch4_fantasized_about_being_abused == False and MCtrait[Lust] < 100:" $ ch4_blowbanged_only = True MC "\"W-we said only with my mouth...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_no_gangbang" KN_MOD "W-we said... I...:" $ ch4_blowbanged_and_gangbanged = True MC "\"W-we said... I... God! I guess it's ok...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_blowbang_to_gangbang" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_no_gangbang:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 110 with dissolve "Able to cut through the fog of pleasure after her multiple orgasms and get her wits back, Myriam pushed away Lance as he started to caress her still sensitive pussy again." Lan "\"Come on! We'll...\"" MC "\"No! We had enough fun for today!\"" Lan "\"Damn...\"" MC "\"I think a little blowbang is enough fooling around for a day... Now help me up.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 111 with dissolve "As they helped her get up, Myriam took a moment to focus herself, her mind still hazy and her legs still feeling weak." MC "\"Dear god!\"" Lan "\"You're ok?\"" MC "\"Yeah, just feeling light headed.\"" Sea "\"You need to sit?\"" MC "\"No, I'm good, thanks, it's time to go now, let's all get dressed and get the last trash bags up...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_done_cleaning" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_blowbang_to_gangbang:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 112 with dissolve "With her consent, the kids circled Myriam again, like sharks ready for their pound of meat, pushing her back over the sand of the beach as Lance went first between her legs to push his cock in her wet pussy." Lan "\"Oooooohhh! Here you go! Aaaaaahhh! Don't worry we're gonna take good care of you!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes!\"" Jam "\"Here, open your mouth!\"" Luc "\"Shit! I can't wait to try her pussy!\"" Mah "\"Yeah! Me too!\"" Dar "\"We're gonna fuck her silly!\"" MC "{i}God! Thi-this is it! I...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 113 with dissolve "All around her, the kids kept their cocks hard and ready for their turn while Lance pounded her pussy and Jamal had her suck on his cock again." Lan "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh! That's some fucking warm and wet pussy!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Jam "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! That's it suck on my big cock!\"" Sea "\"Here, suck on mine too!\"" MC "{i}...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 114 with dissolve "After fucking Myriam's mouth and pussy, Lance and Jamal leave the place to the others as they pressed them to get their turn, leaving no rest for her as the teenagers followed their excitement and fucked her intently." MC "\"Mmmh! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmh!\"" Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Oooooohhh! I can't get enough of that mouth!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Wait until you try her pussy! Aaaaaahhh!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 115 with dissolve "Switching place again, the kids kept fucking Myriam, Darrell making her suck on his cock while Maheer took the place between her legs as the others enjoyed the show cock in hand." Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Here! Suck on this bitch! Oooooohhh! Yeah!\"" MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Mah "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shit! Oooooohhh! Her pussy is so fucking good!\"" Lan "\"Yeah, but the waiting's too long, let's use her ass too!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" Luc "\"It's definitely worth the try man I tell you!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Luc "\"Definitely want to try it as well!\"" Jam "\"Yeah! Get her to ride my cock while you do her ass!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 116 with dissolve "After Jamal had laid down on the ground, the others helped Myriam get up and ride him, before Lance came behind her to push his cock in her ass and making her lean forward to take Lucas' in her mouth." MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Jam "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! That's the shit! Oooooohhh!\"" Lan "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Definitely! Aaaaaahhh! Her ass' so tight!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! And her mouth hard at work again! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Dar "\"Shit! The bitch stuffed from all sides!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_butt_offering_to_the_trio == True:" Sea "\"Damn! Can't wait to try her ass again!\"" Mah "\"And that mouth too!\"" KN_MOD "else:" Sea "\"Damn! Can't wait to try that ass too!\"" Mah "\"And that mouth again!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 117 with dissolve "Staying in this position for some time, the three kept going, pushing the pace as they found their rhythm between them, only accompanied for a moment by Myriam's moans and sex noises their bodies made fucking her." MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Jam "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Oooooohhh!\"" Lan "\"Oooooohhh! That's it! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Dar "\"Come on man, time to switch! I only did her mouth!\"" Sea "\"Yeah!\"" Mah "\"Let's change position.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 118 with dissolve "Everyone changing positions, the team made Myriam turned over and take a new one in her ass before other two came filling her mouth and pussy, not leaving any moment to rest as they kept fucking her intently and played with her body." MC "\"Mmmpfff! Slurp, slurp, slurp! Mmmpfff! Gwock, gwock, gwock! Mmmpfff!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Oooooohhh! That bitch's ass is fucking tight!\"" Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! And her pussy's getting tighter! Oooooohhh! I bet she's about to cum!\"" Mah "\"Aaaaaahhh! I think you're right! Oooooohhh! She's sucking on my cock like crazy!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 119 with dissolve "As the kids suspected, the intense gangbang had pushed Myriam into another orgasm, leaving the cock in her mouth to scream loudly her pleasure as the other two kept going without mercy." MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! GOD! YES! YES!! YES!!! MMMMMMHHH!\"" Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! That's it! Oooooohhh! Cum for us!\"" Mah "\"Shit! She's feeling it!\"" Luc "\"Hey! Let's change again!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Ok! Oooooohhh! I don't like being under!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 120 with dissolve "Lifting Myriam together, the kids switch places again, impaling her on their cocks while the others help keeping her up as well as keeping their hard-on for the finish line." Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Holy shit! Aaaaaahhh! With her weight on my cock that makes her so tight!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Oooooohhh! Same with her pussy!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! You... Mmmmmmhhh! You're killing me!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 121 with dissolve "Staying in this position for a moment, the two kept pounding Myriam hard and deep, helped by her weight as she went down on them, Darrell teasing her mercilessly with his hand on her throat." Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah bitch! Oooooohhh! You like it getting gangbanged like a dirty whore!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Mmmmmmhhh! I-I like it!\"" Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Shit man! Aaaaaahhh! I'm at my limit here!\"" Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! 'K man! Oooooohhh! We're gonna put the bitch down and pound her sweet white ass!\"" Lan "\"Good idea! We're all gonna have a last turn in her ass before ruining her face!\"" Mah "\"Yeah!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 122 with dissolve "Putting down Myriam and making her face the ground with her ass up, the kids surrounded her and waited for their turn as they looked Darrell take the first turn enjoying her ass, pounding it hard and deep as the kid let loose." Dar "\"Aaaaaahhh! Here you go bitch! Oooooohhh! I'm going to fucking destroy your ass!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Yes! Yes!! Mmmmmmhhh! Yeees!!!\"" Jam "\"My turn man!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 123 with dissolve "Pounding Myriam's ass until he got close from cumming, Darrell leave the place to Jamal, letting him have his turn of hard anal pounding as well as he climbed over her and went as hard as he could while pinning her down." Jam "\"Aaaaaahhh! Fuck! Take that! Oooooohhh! You're loving it you slut!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Goood! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes!! Yeees!!!\"" Mah "\"Hey! My turn!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 124 with dissolve "Following Jamal, Maheer quickly took his place, pounding Myriam's ass fast and hard as he let his excitement guide him, firmly grabbing her hips as he sodomized her with passion." Mah "\"Aaaaaahhh! Shit! Oooooohhh! This is so fucking good!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! God! Mmmmmmhhh! Yes! Yes! Yes!\"" Luc "\"Fuck! My turn! I can't wait anymore!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 125 with dissolve "Having lost the last bit of strength she had left, Myriam fell flat to the ground as Lucas took Maheer's place in her ass and started to pound her ass like a bull, pinning her to the ground as he did." Luc "\"Oooooohhh! Fuck! This the best! Aaaaaahhh! The fucking best!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Goood! Yes! Mmmmmmhhh! Yeeeeeesss!!!\"" Sea "\"Hey! Man don't destroy her ass, we still haven't had our turn!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 126 with dissolve "Now completely overtaken by the intense sensation of pain and pleasure of the intense anal pounding the kids pushed her through, Myriam could barely uttered any word as Sean took his turn and gave her all he had as well." Sea "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeah! Oooooohhh! Take that!\"" MC "\"Aaaaaahhh! Yeeessshhh! Mmmmmmhhh! Yeeessshhh!!!\"" Lan "\"Shit! Man I think we broke her! Come on, give me the room, I'll finish her.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 127 with dissolve "Last of the team to have his turn, Lance push his big cock inside Myriam's ass and immediately started pounding it hard and deep, giving her the whole amplitude of his size and weight as he pushed her into a violent orgasm." Lan "\"Oooooohhh! Here you go girl! Aaaaaahhh! Come on! Cum for us with your slutty ass!\"" MC "\"AAAAAAHHH! YEEESSSHHH! MMMMMMHHH! YEEESSSHHH!! YEEESSSHHH!!! AAAAAAHHH!\"" Lan "\"Aaaaaahhh! I'm at my limit too! Oooooohhh! Her ass' getting so tight! Le-let's get her on knees for the finish!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 128 with dissolve "Helped on her knees after Lance pulled out from her ass, Myriam looked in a daze at the kids circling her, jerking off cock in hand, ready to finish themselves all over her face." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" Dar "\"Aaah! Ready for your load bitch?\"" Mah "\"Aaah! Everyone's ready?\"" Jam "\"Aaah! Yeah!\"" Sea "\"Aaah! Nearly there... Ok!\"" Luc "\"Oooh! Ready!\"" Lan "\"Oooh! Fire!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 129 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 130 with dissolve "As the whole team was ready to go, they all blasted away together at Myriam's face load after load as they grunted away their pleasure, making a mess of her face as they left her with an heavy and thick coat of cum." play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Dar "\"AAARGHHH! HERE YOU GO BITCH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Mah "\"AAAAAAHHH! SHIT!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Jam "\"AAAAAAHHH! TAKE THAT!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Sea "\"AAARGHHH! HERE'S MY LOAD!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Luc "\"OOOOOOHHH! FUCK! YEAH!\"" play sound "squirt-freesound-drminky.mp3" Lan "\"OOOOOOHHH! YEAH! TAKE THAT LAOD!\"" MC "\"Mmmmmmhhh...\"" MC "{i}God! They really made a mess of me... There's so much cum on my face and the smell is so strong again...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 131 with dissolve "As the boys were finished and cheered happily at her as they enjoyed the result of their mischief, Myriam tried bringing them back to reality as she slowly slipped out of her daze herself." Lan "\"Wow! That was fucking something!\"" Dar "\"Yeah! Never saw a bitch so much covered!\"" Luc "\"Dang that's some cover!\"" Sea "\"Like glazed donuts!\"" Jam "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah!\"" Mah "\"Shit! That's fucking hot!\"" MC "\"Are you all finished? Can we get back to work now?\"" Lan "\"Hey! Wait! You got to swallow all that before we go.\"" Luc "\"Yeah! You've got to clean up and swallow all of it!\"" Mah "\"Clear!\"" Sea "\"For sure!\"" Jam "\"Come on!\"" Dar "\"A good bitch don't spoil no cum!\"" KN_MOD "menu ch4_13_cleaning_up:" "What does Myriam do?" KN_MOD "Yeah, sure! (Cum Kink 100+) if MCkink[Cum] >= 100:" $ ch4_swallowed_clean = True MC "\"Yeah, sure! I was going to do it anyway.\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_cleaning_the_mess" KN_MOD "Better do it...:" $ ch4_swallowed_clean = True MC "{i}Better do it and get it over with.{/i}" MC "\"Ok ok, I'll do it...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_cleaning_the_mess" KN_MOD "Nope, Im done...:" MC "{i}Nope, I'm done, I'm too tired and I think I entertained them enough now.{/i}" MC "\"Come on! I think I've done enough for the day, now help me up!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_after_gangbang" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_cleaning_the_mess:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 132 with dissolve "Cleaning up and collecting all the cum on her face, chest and stomach, Myriam looked at the kids for a moment, her mouth opened wide and filled to the brim with their cum, letting them enjoy the view before swallowing." MC "\"Mmmaaahhh...\"" Sea "\"Fuck! That's a lot of cum! Again!\"" Luc "\"We filled her up nicely!\"" Jam "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah!\"" Dar "\"The bitch gonna be fed for the day!\"" Mah "\"Ha ha ha! For sure man!\"" Lan "\"Come on, swallow now.\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 133 with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 134 with dissolve "Letting them having their fun, Myriam swallowed the massive mouthful of cum she had in her mouth, making it disappear down her throat in a load gulping noises before opening up again to show them her empty mouth." play sound "swallowing full-freesound-ruanza.mp3" MC "\"Gulp, gulp, gulp! Aaaaaahhh!\"" Lan "\"Holy shit! She did it again!\"" Luc "\"Fuck! She's such a cum slut!\"" Sea "\"That's fucking hot!\"" Jam "\"Wow! Man!\"" Dar "\"Dang bitch! That's some skill!\"" Mah "\"Shit! That's just crazy!\"" MC "\"Happy now?\"" Lan "\"Sure, yeah!\"" MC "\"Then help me up and everyone back to work!\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_after_gangbang" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_after_gangbang:" KN_MOD "if ch4_swallowed_clean == True:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 135 with dissolve "Lance helping her up while the others went back to their clothes to get dressed, Myriam got up slowly, still feeling weak in the legs after the intense gangbang and pounding they had her go through." KN_MOD "else:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 136 with dissolve "Lance helping her up while the others went back to their clothes to get dressed while complaining, Myriam got up slowly, still feeling weak in the legs after the intense gangbang and pounding they had her go through." MC "\"Ha!\"" Lan "\"You're ok?\"" MC "\"Yes, thank you, just feeling a bit weak in the legs...\"" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah! We kind of went crazy on your ass!\"" MC "\"Kind of!?\"" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! Yeah, maybe a lot crazy! But you're so fucking hot you can't blame us!\"" KN_MOD "if ch4_swallowed_clean == True:" MC "\"Yeah yeah, go on now, go get dressed, I'll join you all in a minute.\"" Lan "\"Ok.\"" KN_MOD "else:" MC "\"Yeah yeah, go on now, go get dressed, I'll join you all in a minute, I got to clean myself up a bit...\"" Lan "\"Ha ha ha! I don't see what you're talking about...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_done_cleaning" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_leaving_quickly:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 137 with dissolve "Getting up in a jump, Myriam cut short to Lance's teasing, trying her best to keep control over the situation and stop things to escalate uncontrollably." MC "\"Enough fooling around now, up!\"" Lan "\"Sorry! I was just joking man!\"" MC "\"And that's fine, but now we need to finish up the work, so get up and go tell the others to get dressed so we can finish the job.\"" Lan "\"Ok, ok...\"" KN_MOD "jump ch4_13_done_cleaning" KN_MOD "label ch4_13_done_cleaning:" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 138 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_swallowed_clean == True:" "Having fully entertain the kids until the end, everyone went back to work without any complaints and went on their way to bring back up all the beach trash bags they had previously filled." KN_MOD "elif ch4_blowbanged_and_gangbanged == True:" "Having nearly fully entertain the kids until the end, everyone went back to work without much complaints and went on their way to bring back up all the beach trash bags they had previously filled." KN_MOD "elif ch4_blowbanged_only == True:" "Having entertain the kids enough, everyone went back to work without too much complaints and went on their way to bring back up all the beach trash bags they had previously filled." KN_MOD "elif ch4_pulled_away_from_lances_cock == True:" "Having kept control over the situation, everyone went back to work despite some mild complaints and went on their way to bring back up all the beach trash bags they had previously filled." KN_MOD "else:" "Having kept control over the situation, everyone went back to work after some mild complaints and went on their way to bring back up all the beach trash bags they had previously filled." MC "\"Come on! The others already took their bags and went, what are you two doing?\"" Luc "\"Sorry...\"" Lan "\"Just talking, sorry.\"" MC "\"Take the last bags and go, and don't forget your shirts on the way!\"" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 139 with dissolve KN_MOD "if ch4_blowbanged_only == True or ch4_blowbanged_and_gangbanged == True:" "Following the kids, Myriam had one last look behind, to see if they had left anything as well as reminiscing on what had just happened moments ago." MC "{i}Well, it looks like we're all done... God! But I hope they keep quiet about what happened here...{/i}" MC "{i}It all went well in the end but I can't say it was my proudest moment, I let them steamroll me into something...{/i}" MC "{i}God! I can't even think about it...{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" "Following the kids, Myriam had one last look behind, to see if they had left anything as well as thinking on what might had happened earlier if she had not keep control over the situation." MC "{i}Well, it looks like we're all done... Glad I kept control there, for a moment I really think things would escalate to something else...{/i}" MC "{i}But it all went pretty well despite that, I'm glad I did the job.{/i}" scene black with dissolve show text "A few minutes later..." with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 140 with dissolve "Waving at the kids after bringing all the beach trash bags up, Myriam said goodbye to the kids as the last of them headed home." MC "\"Bye!\"" Lan "\"Hey!\"" Luc "\"Bye!\"" MC "\"Stay safe!\"" Dar "\"Come on guys! Move your ass!\"" MC "{i}Dear god! This one would have been a pain until the end...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 141 with dissolve "After giving her goodbyes to the kids, Myriam headed to one of the view points over the beach, taking in a last peek at the sea and one last breath of the ocean breeze before heading home." MC "\"Mmmh...\"" MC "{i}One last view before going home... The air is just so nice...{/i}" MC "{i}Working outdoors like this feels so pleasant...{/i}" scene bg ch4_13 beachcleaning 142 with dissolve "Leaving the beach and blue sky behind her, Myriam headed for home, done with her social work for Lucy and in need for some rest and a good shower." MC "{i}Let's get home now... I'll call Lucy later, she'll probably want to know how things went.{/i}" KN_MOD "if ch4_blowbanged_only == True or ch4_blowbanged_and_gangbanged == True:" MC "{i}But first a good shower... a serious one... with all this cum, I really feel kind of sticky now and it's without talking about the garbage picking.{/i}" KN_MOD "else:" MC "{i}But first a good shower, with all this garbage picking I kind of feel all dirty.{/i}" KN_MOD "jump ch4_update07" KN_MOD "label ch4_update07:" KN_MOD "jump end" KN_MOD "label ch4_:" scene black with dissolve show text "Chapter Four \n " with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "label end:" $ _skipping = False scene black with dissolve show text "END of version ch4.06" with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve scene bg credits 03 with dissolve A "You have reached the end of this version ch4.06" A "Thank you for playing and hope to see you soon with the next version." A "If you liked what you saw, please do give a thought at taking a look at my {a=}Patreon{/a} or {a=}SubscribeStar{/a} pages." A "This game is for free, but artists do need help to live and create." KN_MOD "return" KN_MOD "label endings:" KN_MOD "label end_01_ch2:" scene black with dissolve show text "Ending 01 \n " with Pause(2) scene black with dissolve KN_MOD "return" # Decompiled by unrpyc: