# # # NPC Interaction Menu # # label dialogue: $ enableSkipTime = False $ pinfo = peopleInfo[person] if (person == "laura" and numDay <= lauraMadEndDay): vscene "images/NPC/Laura/Laura_angry.jpg" "After we had sex with our daughter Laura doesn’t want to talk to me at all, she’s always avoiding me..." jump expression location if (person == "caprice"): $ capriceFuckStatus = 0 # So we don't get in trouble for fucking Caprice and ignoring her call checkTriggers("talk", person, 1) from _dialogue if (person == "johnny"): vscene "images/NPC/Johnny/club.jpg" "Johnny is busy right now. I shouldn't disturb him." jump stripclubMain if (hour >= 0 and hour < 6): $ cname = person.capitalize() vscene "images/NPC/%s/%s_sleep.jpg" % (cname,cname) if (person == "dexter"): "The baby is sleeping, I don’t need to wake him up. Laura won’t like it either." else: "[pinfo.data.fullname] is sleeping now, so you cannot communicate." jump expression location if (person == "dexter"): jump Dexter_dialogue # Select the appropriate image if (person == "nanny"): if (location == "bathroom" and nannyIndex[location] == 2): vscene "images/NPC/Nanny/bathroom/2.webm" else: vscene "images/NPC/Nanny/%s/%d.jpg" % (location, nannyIndex[location]) elif (person == "foxy"): vscene "images/NPC/Foxy/%s/%d.jpg" % (location, foxyIndex[location]) else: $ cname = person.capitalize() vscene "images/NPC/%s/%s.jpg" % (cname,cname) menu dialogueMenu (menu_name="talk_"+person): # "Dialog" menu item (for nanny or foxy) "Dialog" (person in eventTalk) if (person == "nanny"): if (location == "kitchen"): call checkTriggers("talk", "nanny_kitchen", 1) from _dialogue_dialog jump nannyDialogue "Dialog" (person in eventTalk) if (person == "foxy"): jump foxyDialogue # "Talk" menu item (not for nanny or foxy) "Talk" (person in eventTalk) if (person not in ["nanny", "foxy"]): jump doTalk "Flirt": if (pinfo.rel < 10): "In response to my attempts at flirting I get only weird looks from her, which make me understand that she is not ready for such a conversation with me." jump dialogueMenu elif (pinfo.flirtToday): "She is not in the right mood to flirt today, better try again tomorrow." jump dialogueMenu else: jump flirt "Give her a gift" if (inventory and not pinfo.giftToday): $ rv = True while (rv is True): call giveGift() from _dialogue_give_gift $ rv = _return if (rv is False): jump dialogueMenu jump expression location "Step away": jump expression location # # # NPC Talk action # # define topics = [ "weather", "politics", "travel", "fashion", "food", "nature", "animals", "sports", "dancing", "studies" ] init python: class TalkInfo: def __init__(self): self.msg = "" self.score = 0 self.count = 0 screen talk(pinfo): modal True default tinfo = TalkInfo() frame: background Frame("images/gui/frame.png", 6, 6) align (0.3, 0.5) padding (50,20,50,20) vbox: fixed: xsize 1000 ysize 40 frame: xalign 0.5 background Null() text "[pinfo.data.fullname]" frame: xalign 1.0 background Null() $ tooltip = GetTooltip() if (tooltip): text "[tooltip]": text_align 1.0 grid 5 2: for topic in topics: $ img = "images/Talks/" + topic + ".jpg" imagebutton: action Function(talk_topic, pinfo, topic, tinfo) tooltip topic.capitalize() sensitive (topic not in pinfo.talkToday) selected (cheatTalk and topic in pinfo.data.topics) idle img hover im.Sepia(img) insensitive im.MatrixColor(img, im.matrix.opacity(0.4)) selected_idle Composite((200,200),(0,0),img,(0,0),Frame("images/gui/sel.png", 5, 5)) selected_hover Composite((200,200),(0,0),im.Sepia(img),(0,0),Frame("images/gui/sel.png", 5, 5)) fixed: ysize 40 xsize 1000 frame: background Null() xalign 0.5 text "[tinfo.msg]" textbutton "End": action Return(tinfo) text_idle_color "#c90" text_hover_color "#fff" text_size 20 xalign 1.0 init python: def talk_topic(pinfo, topic, tinfo): pinfo.talkToday.add(topic); if (topic in pinfo.data.topics): tinfo.msg = "She likes talking about this subject" tinfo.score += 1; tinfo.count += 1; else: tinfo.msg = "It’s clear that she is not interested in this subject." tinfo.score -= 1; tinfo.count += 1; label doTalk: $ pinfo = peopleInfo[person] call screen talk(pinfo) $ tinfo = _return $ pinfo.rel += tinfo.score $ hunger -= 5 if (tinfo.score > 0): $ fun += 10 vscene "images/NPC/%s/talk_good.jpg" % pinfo.data.cname "She enjoyed talking to you." elif (tinfo.score < 0): $ fun -= 10 vscene "images/NPC/%s/talk_bad.jpg" % pinfo.data.cname "Looks like you've said something wrong. Better keep your mouth shut for now." $ minute += 10*tinfo.count jump expression location # # # NPC Flirt action # # label flirt: $ pinfo = peopleInfo[person] if (pinfo.rel < 200): vscene "images/NPC/%s/flirt.jpg" % pinfo.data.cname "I told her an okay joke, she liked it and, building on this success, I proceeded to tell her a couple more anecdotes.\n\nI notice that after our conversation [pinfo.data.fullname] started to look at me with a lot more warmth in her eyes." $ fun += 5 else: vscene "images/NPC/%s/flirt_deep.jpg" % pinfo.data.cname "Good flirting does not make a good conversation, but a lot of little details that go along with it can. And while your stuffing her head with flirty dialogue, your hands, as if accidentally, start stroking her intimate places, caressing her face and body very discreetly so that she doesn’t wise up to your desires...\n\nI notice that after our conversation [pinfo.data.fullname] started to look at me with a lot more warmth in her eyes." $ fun += 10 $ hour += 1 $ pinfo.rel += 10 $ pinfo.flirtToday = True jump expression location # # # NPC Gift action # # label giveGift(): $ pinfo = peopleInfo[person] call screen inventory(True) $ gift = _return if (gift is False): return False # return to the menu, no time has passed $ ginfo = gifts[_return] if (gift in ["bdsmset", "birthcontrol", "dilator"]): "This is a gift you will make use of in the future." return True # return to the menu, no time has passed # Is the gift rejected? if (pinfo.rel < ginfo.minrel): if (person == "laura"): "– I don’t need your gifts! I’ll buy everything I need myself!" elif (person == "nanny"): "– Who do you think I am? Leave me alone! I’ll buy everything I need myself!" elif (person in ["gina", "foxy"]): "– I won’t accept it." elif (person == "caprice"): vscene "images/event0/Caprice/disappointed.jpg" "Caprice looks at me without understanding. A few seconds later I see disappointment and even anger in her eyes.\n– I’m not gonna take it! I don’t need that! – she says and suddenly turns her back towards me.\nI must leave in order not to make her angrier." $ pinfo.rel -= 30 else: "- We do not know each other well enough for this sort of gift." $ pinfo.giftToday = True $ pinfo.rel -= 20 $ minute += 60 jump expression location call checkTriggers("gift", person, 2) from _give_gift if (not ginfo.repeatable and gift in pinfo.gifts): "You’ve already given her this gift." return True # return to gift giving screen vscene inventory[gift] define giftMsgs = { "dress": { "laura": ["– Laura, I’ve bought you a wonderful dress! I thought that I hadn’t given you a good gift for a long time...\n– Such smart thoughts! Show it to me, what kind of dress is it?!"], "nanny": ["– Angelica, you do a good job looking after Dexter, so I’ve decided to reward you with a gift. I’ve been thinking about how to thank you for a long time so I bought this dress for you.\n– You shouldn’t have… It’s beautiful! Thank you! – happy Angelica ran to try it on."], "gina": ["– Here, Gina, I’ve bought you a beautiful dress!\n– Dad! You know nothing about dresses! You had to take us to go buy it with you!", "– They have picked up a dress that every girl should like...\n– But I am not every girl! – It seems that Gina gets angry. Girls likes to create scandals out of the blue....\nI left quickly. Let her figure out what to do with her gift herself, then she’ll probably thank her father."], "foxy": ["– Look what I’ve bought you! I saw this dress and decided that I hadn’t given you a gift for a long time!\n– It’s very beautiful! Thank you, daddy!"], "other": ["- I saw this dress and thought that it would look great on you!\n- It’s very beautiful! Thank you!"] }, "bikini": { "laura": ["– Laura, I decided to buy you this bikini. I liked it very much, and the store told me that this one is the novelty of this season.\n– It’s so beautiful! Thank you! Wait, I’ll try it on really quick!", "*In a minute", "– How does it look on me?\n– Great! I really like your booty!\n– Men! I waited for clever advice and comments on it, not that!"], "nanny": ["– Here, take it, Angelica, this is for you... I thought that you would like it.\n– This gift is too personal; you shouldn’t have to... Wow! It is so... Great! Thanks!"], "gina": ["– Here, daughter, I’ve bought you this bikini. I liked it a lot and thought that it would suit you...\n– Yes, I like it too, It’s good. Thank you, dad!"], "foxy": ["– Here, baby, I’ve bought you a new bikini. They say that it is this year’s fashion.\n– I like it! Thank you, daddy!"], "other": ["- I saw this bikini and imagined how wonderful you would look in it!\n- It’s so beautiful! Thank you!"] }, "clothes": { "laura": ["– Here, I’ve bought you some famous fashion designer’s clothes! I am sure that these clothes will look perfect on you!\n– Wow! What a surprise! I didn’t expect this from you! Thank you!\n– I love you, so I have to give you gifts from time to time..."], "nanny": ["– Angelica, I noticed that you like fashion clothes. So I decided to buy you some famous fashion designer’s clothes. Here, take them...\n– Wow! It’s very expensive! Is this really for me? You didn’t have to! There are such things… it’s great! And how… yep, it’s clear, – and Angelica ran to try on her new gift, having forgotten to thank me."], "gina": ["– Gina! You are a very good and obedient girl, so daddy decided to give you some famous fashion designer’s clothes from the new collection!\n– Is this for me? Thank you, dad! These are really stylish clothes, but I don’t know whether they suit me well ... I’ll go and try them on..."], "foxy": ["– Foxy! You were a very good girl and behaved yourself well, so dad decided to give you some famous fashion designer’s clothes from the new collection!\n– It’s so great! Is this really for me? Thank you! You are the best!"], "other": ["- These are fashion designer’s clothes! They will look great on you!\n- I can’t believe it! Is this really for me? Thank you!"] }, "birthcontrol": { "laura": ["– I hope that we will need these pills very soon!\n– It’s very good that you care about this! It means that our relationship can be restored to the way it was before!"], "nanny": ["– I thought that you might need these pills!\n– It’s very good that you care about this! It means that I can rely on you!\n– You can lie on me anytime you want! – I’ve made a joke, giving a hint, and Angelica slightly smiled at me."], "gina": ["– I thought that you were a big girl... so it won’t be late... well, you now... you must take care of such things...\n– Okay, dad. You are so caring! You think even about things like that! – Gina was looking at me strangely, so I left quickly."], "foxy": ["– I thought that you might need these pills. You are a big girl… you must take care of such things...\n– Okay, dad, I’ve got it... – Foxy started to behave shaky a little bit, so I finished this talk."], "other": ["- I thought that you might need these pills.\nIt’s very good that you care about this. It means that I can rely on you!"] }, "oil": { "laura": ["– Here, Laura, I’ve bought some massage oil. I decided that I would give you a massage, when necessary.\n– You are so caring!\n– Yes, because I love you!"], "nanny": ["– Take it. Your boyfriend can give you a good massage with this oil or I can give it to you...\n– You are so caring! This is very useful."], "gina": ["– I’ve bought this massage oil for you! When you have some free time, I’ll give you a massage!\n– You are so caring! Thank you!"], "foxy": ["– I decided that you would need a course in massage, so I had bought everything that was necessary...\n– Are you really going to give me a massage?\n– Yes, because I love you!"], "other": ["- Watching your body, I decided that it needed a massage. Let me do it, It will relax you and make you happy.\n- You are so caring!\n- Yes, because I love you."] }, "lingerie": { "laura": [ "– I had seen this underwear and imagined how sexy you would look in it, so I bought it for you!\n– It’s so beautiful! I need to try it on!\n– Try it on right here! I have to see that I’ve made the right choice!"], "nanny": [ "– I’d seen this underwear and imagined how sexy you would look in it!\n– Such gifts are made only to loved ones, and you are married!\n– I just wanted to please you. Don’t be so nervous, go and try on this wonderful underwear!"], "gina": [ "– I’ve decided to give you this underwear. You are a grown-up, and I thought...\n– It’s really beautiful of course! But it’s very unexpectedly... I didn’t expect such a gift..."], "foxy": [ "– You are a grown-up, and I decided to give you a gift for big girls...\n– It’s very beautiful! Thank you, daddy! But I don’t know where to wear it?\n– It will be great if you wear it at home. I’d really appreciate it if you take advantage of my gifts..."], "other": [ "- I had seen this underwear and imagined how sexy you would be in it!\n - It’s so beautiful! Thank you!"] }, "vibrator": { "laura": ["– Look, what a wonderful thing! It is very comfortable. I’ve picked up a special toy just for your hole! I think you will like it!\n – Thank you, but I don’t think that I will need it. Because I have you! – she says flirtatiously."], "nanny": ["– Look, what an interesting thing! I’ve picked up a special toy just for your hole! I think you will like it!\n – What is it? Oh, yeah, I got it… I don’t think I need it.\n Angelica is upset, she doesn’t like my gift, but she takes it. Although, can she be playing it off?"], "gina": ["– Look, such a useful thing! I’ve picked up a special toy just for your hole! I think you will like it!\n– Thank you! – says Gina and tries to leave.\n– You have forgotten your gift! – I say, putting in her hands this useful thing."], "foxy": ["– Look, what a wonderful thing! I’ve bought it for you!\n– Thank you, but why do I need it? – Foxy wonders.\n\"You will make a lot of interesting discoveries\", - I think, but don’t say it..."], "other": ["- Look, what a wonderful thing! I’ve picked up a toy specially for your hole! I think, she will like it!\n\"Thank you, but I don’t think that I will need it. Because I have you\"! – she says flirtatiously."] }, "bigvibrator": { "laura": ["– I’ve bought you an interesting thing! Take it, I think that you’ll need it...\n– Wow! Why is it so big?\n– Actually, it seems like that only at first sight. Once you get started, it can seem really small, – I made a joke, dodging Laura’s punch."], "nanny": ["– I’ve bought you a necessary thing!\n– Wow! Why is it so big?\n– It just seems like that. You might have some difficulties at the beginning, but after a while you'll like it..."], "gina": ["– I’ve bought you a necessary thing!\n– Dad! Why do I need it?! – Gina gets angry and doesn’t like the gift.", "*Convince daughter", "– Honey! Wait. You might think that this thing is useless, but once you get used to it, you won''t be able to live without it...\n– I don’t need this thing for sure!\n– Okay! My obligation is to give it to you, then you’ll find out how to use it, and you’ll probably thank me later!"], "foxy": ["– I’ve bought you a necessary thing!\n– Wow! Why is it so big?\n– You can grow into it..."], "other": ["- I’ve bought you a necessary thing!\n- Wow! Why is it so big?\n- Honey, to get closer to sexual ecstasy, you need to go the big and long way!"] }, "doubledildo": { "laura": ["– Here, take this useful gadget, scientists have developed it for some people, let’s say, if you are bored and have nothing to do with a friend around.\n– What an interesting thing! Is it for two?\n– Yep! So that girls can attend to their business… and won’t be bored..."], "nanny": ["– Here, take it, you’ll make your friend feel good!\n– What are you talking about?!\n– That you need to take care not only of yourself! – I’ve said it with a strict tone.\n– You don’t want to take care of me so at least make your friend happy, too! – I left quickly before the nanny could realize what I was talking about..."], "gina": ["– Look, I’ve bought you an interesting thing!\n– Dad! Sometimes you make very interesting presents! Why do I need it?", "– If other girls use it, then you can too!\n– Well, thanks, dad!!!"], "foxy": ["– Look, I’ve bought you an interesting thing!\n– What is it?\n– This is a toy for two girls to play with at the same time..."], "other": ["- Here, take it. You’ll need it sometime, let’s say, if you have nothing to do with a friend around.\n- What an interesting thing! Is this for two?\n- Yep! So that everybody has something."] }, "bdsmset": { "laura": ["– Come closer. I have bought you some very useful things to help educate you.\nNow, I’ll try out this whip on you...\n– Thank you, master!"], "nanny": ["– Come closer. I have bought you some very useful things to help educate you.\nThank you, master!\n– We are going to try out something... I’ll start with the whip..."], "gina": ["– Come closer. I have bought you some very useful things to help educate you.\nNow, I’ll try out something on you...\n– Okay, dad!"], "foxy": ["– Come closer. I have bought you some very useful things to help educate you.\nNow, I’ll try out something on you...\n– Okay, dad!"], "other": ["– Come closer. I have bought you some very useful things to help educate you.\n- Thank you, master."] }, "dilator": { "laura": ["– Look what I’ve bought! Now I can take a really good look at your uterus and take really depraved photos of your pussy.\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!"], "nanny": ["– Look what I’ve bought! Now I can take a really good look at your uterus and take really depraved photos of your pussy.\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!\n– Okay, I don’t mind it if you think it’s necessary..."], "gina": ["– Look what I’ve bought! Now I can take a really good look at your uterus and take really depraved photos of your pussy.\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!\n– Okay, dad, if you say so! If you want to, we’ll do it."], "foxy": ["– Look what I’ve bought! Now I can take a really good look at your uterus and take really depraved photos of your pussy.\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!\n– Okay, dad, I agree."], "other": ["– Look what I’ve bought! Now I can take a really good look at your uterus and take really depraved photos of your pussy.\n– If you want to, I agree.\n– Take off your clothes, I want to see how it will look!\n- If you want to, I don’t mind."] }, "wine": { "laura": ["- Yeah, thanks and everything… but couldn’t you just put this bottle in your wine cooler instead?"], "foxy": ["- Yeah, thanks and everything… but couldn’t you just put this bottle in your wine cooler instead?"], "gina": ["- Thank you! I will be glad to taste this exquisite wine, but I’m in a hurry right now…"], "other": ["You cannot give her that gift."] } } python: for msg in giftMsgs[gift].get(person, giftMsgs[gift]["other"]): if (msg[0] == '*'): renpy.display_menu([(msg[1:],0)]) else: renpy.say(None, msg) pinfo.gifts.add(gift) inventory.pop(gift, None) pinfo.rel += ginfo.gain pinfo.giftToday = True minute += 30 if (gift == "birthcontrol") else 60 return # # # Specific dialogue actions for Angelica, Foxy, and Dexter # # define nannyIndexMax = { "kitchen": 4, "bathroom": 3, "nanny_room": 5, "nursery": 3, "pool": 4, "lounge": 3 } default nannyIndex = { "kitchen": 0, "bathroom": 0, "nanny_room": 0, "nursery": 0, "pool": 0, "lounge": 0, "dining_room": 0 } default nannyBathroomIndex = 1 define foxyIndexMax = { "kitchen": 4, "foxy_bathroom": 4, "foxy_room": 5, "pool": 3 } default foxyIndex = { "kitchen": 0, "foxy_bathroom": 0, "foxy_room": 0, "pool": 0, "dining_room": 0 } label nannyDialogue: $ pinfo = peopleInfo["nanny"] if (location not in nannyIndexMax): menu: "Back": jump expression location $ index = nannyIndex[location] if (location == 'kitchen'): default nannyKitchenChoices = [ [(1, +5), (2, -5)], # 0 [(1, +5), (2,-10)], # 1 [(1, +5), (2,-10)], # 2 [(1, +5)], # 3 [(6, +5), (7, 0)] ] # 4 default nannyKitchenMsgs = { 1: "Keep on talking", 2: "Harass", 3: "Start talking", 4: "Answer her questions", 5: "Agree to help her", 6: "Agree", 7: "I’ll eat pizza", 1000: "– Hi, Angelica! Is there any tea for me?", 1001: "– Yes, Mister Morgan, I’ve just made some.", 1010: "– Do you like our place? Do you feel at home here?\n– I do, Mister Morgan, I do like it here.", 1020: "- You are a very beautiful girl! I sure am lucky that you work here!", 1021: "- I thought that we would only have a professional relationship!\nThe disgruntled nanny goes away.", 1100: "– Do you feel bored or lonely?\n– No. I just want to drink.", 1110: "– Do you like our kitchen?\n– Yes, it’s cozy...", 1120: "- I can entertain you. You know, there is a very prestigious nightclub in town. Would you like to go there with me?", 1121: "- It’s very low of you! You have wife and kids, but you choose to harass young girls!\nThe angry nanny goes away.", 1200: "– Hi, Angelica! Why are you walking barefoot?\n– My legs can take a rest that way.", 1210: "– Would you make me a cup of tea? Please!\n– Of course, just a minute!", 1220: "- You know, I can give excellent foot massages. After my massage your legs will be relaxed and… you will relax, too. I smile as the nanny gets that not-so-subtle hint.", 1221: "- I thought you were not like other men!\nAngelica goes away.", 1300: "– What do we have for dinner?\n– Pizza, of course!", 1400: "– I am fed up with pizza.\n– Then let’s order some food from a restaurant?", 1410: "– I’ll call and make an order.", 1420: "– I am really hungry and can’t wait for the delivery." } if (index == 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 0, nannyKitchenChoices, nannyKitchenMsgs) from _nanny_kitchen_0 elif (index == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 1, nannyKitchenChoices, nannyKitchenMsgs) from _nanny_kitchen_1 elif (index == 2): call dotalk(pinfo, 2, nannyKitchenChoices, nannyKitchenMsgs) from _nanny_kitchen_2 elif (index == 3): call dotalk(pinfo, 3, nannyKitchenChoices, nannyKitchenMsgs) from _nanny_kitchen_3 if (_return == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 4, nannyKitchenChoices, nannyKitchenMsgs, False) from _nanny_kitchen_4 if (_return == 1): if (money < 50): "- Sorry, but it turns out I don't have enough money to pay for the food. Can you pay?" $ money = 0; $ Nanny.rel -= 20 else: $ money -= 50 $ newloc = location elif (location == "bathroom"): default nannyBathroomChoices = [ [(3, 0)], # 0 [(3, +10)], # 1 [(4, 0), (5, -10)], # 2 [(1, +5), (2, -5)], # 3 [(1, +5), (2, -10)], # 4 [(1, +5), (2, -5)] ] # 5 default nannyBathroomMsgs = { 1: "Keep on talking", 2: "Harass", 3: "Start talking", 4: "Apologize", 5: "Send out", 1000: "I’ve walked in at a lucky time! Angelica is naked and with a soaped head! She is not able to see, but I can see everything!", 1010: "– Angelica! It’s me, Pedro! Do you want me to rub your back?", 1011: "– What! What!\n– Here are the sirens! So, the police are on the way! I’ll go and meet them.", 1100: "Angelica stands near the sink with her eyes closed and yawns. She doesn’t see me, she sees nothing.", 1110: "– Angelica! Wake up! It’s time to get up!\n– Oh, it’s you!", 1111: "– Have you spent this night reading?\n– Yes, I have! I couldn’t stop, I have been reading for the whole night!", 1200: "Having entered, I see Angelica.", 1220: "– Angelica, I’m in a hurry, would you please get out of there as fast as you can! I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour already!", 1300: "– Oh! I didn’t know that you were here! I need to go to the bathroom too, but I’ll wait for my turn.", 1310: "– Is your haircut all right?\n– I’ve finished, I’m coming out.", 1320: "- You can stay. I’ll fix your hair and smooth out your clothes...", 1321: "- I didn’t know that you were a hairdresser! I still don’t know who you really are!\nAngelica leaves.", 1400: "– Oh! I didn’t know that you were here! I need to go to the bathroom too, but I’ll wait for my turn.", 1410: "– Dexter is whining there! Go see him, please.\n– Then I’ll run.", 1420: "- We have a lot of free space in the shower so we could both fit in there!", 1421: "- No, thanks! I wouldn’t!", 1500: "– Oh! I thought that there was no one in the bathroom!\n– I am almost done!", 1510: "– It seems that Laura was looking for you!\n– Then I’ll go to her!", 1520: "- I’m just starting! I’m going to help you here, and we’ll make you a princess!", 1521: "- Thank you, but I’d better be a nanny for now! Angelica walks out of the bathroom past me." } if (index == 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 0, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs) from _nanny_bathroom_0 if (_return == 1): if (Nanny.rel < 400): $ Nanny.rel -= 100; elif (index == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 1, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs) from _nanny_bathroom_1 elif (index == 2): if (nannyBathroomIndex == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 2, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs, False) from _nanny_bathroom_2 if (_return == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 3, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs) from _nanny_bathroom_3 if (_return == 1): $ nannyBathroomIndex = 2 elif (nannyBathroomIndex == 2): call dotalk(pinfo, 4, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs) from _nanny_bathroom_4 if (_return == 1): $ nannyBathroomIndex = 3 elif (nannyBathroomIndex == 3): call dotalk(pinfo, 5, nannyBathroomChoices, nannyBathroomMsgs) from _nanny_bathroom_5 if (_return == 1): $ nannyBathroomIndex = 4 else: menu: "Back": $ nannyIndex["bathroom"] += 1 if (nannyIndex["bathroom"] >= nannyIndexMax["bathroom"]): $ nannyIndex["bathroom"] = 0 jump expression location $ newloc = "upstairs" if _return != 1 else location elif (location == "nanny_room"): default nannyBedroomChoices = [ [(1, +5), (2, -5)], # 0 [(1, +5), (2, -5)], # 1 [(1, +5), (2,-10)], # 2 [(1,+20)], # 3 [(3,-10), (2,-20)] ] # 4 default nannyBedroomMsgs = { 1: "Keep on talking", 2: "Harass", 3: "Start talking", 1000: "– I wanted to know if you needed anything?", 1001: "– I’m fine, thank you!", 1010: "– Your outfit looks really interesting!\n– I bought it recently!", 1020: "- But it can become even more interesting since I’m here!", 1021: "- Please, leave! I’m not in the mood for this.\nMaybe I really should go.", 1100: "– Angelica, you have different socks!\n– You don’t know anything about the latest fashion!", 1110: "– Doesn’t seem fashionable to me, just wrong...\n– That is how it should be!..\n– What is she talking about?", 1120: "- Then show me your bra. I am sure that it is unusual too. It is interesting to look at it.", 1121: "- No! Go and look at your wife’s bra, leave me alone.\nI’d better go. It seems that I have gone too far with my jokes...", 1200: "– Laura is looking for you, if you are not busy, go see her in your bedroom, please.\n– Okay.", 1210: "– Is that a new dress?\n– No, I just haven't worn it to work before.", 1220: "- What a beautiful dress! It suits you very well! You have good tastes! I can give you something like that...", 1221: "- Thank you, but I don’t need it! Well, I’ll go to your wife.\nNanny left.", 1300: "– You have a pretty shirt!\n– Yeah! I got it from my grandma!", 1310: "– I hope that you don’t wear your granddad’s things.\n– No, I’ve got enough of grandma’s inheritance, she was a sharp dresser.\nWe are laughing.", 1400: "Angelica has just finished talking on the phone. It’s not the best time for this.\n– I want to ask you something, or is this a bad time?\n– If it isn’t anything urgent, let’s talk another time.", 1410: "– Has something happened to you? Don’t you want to talk?\n– Everything is fine. – Angelica says coldly. – What did you want?\n– Oh, it’s nothing... I gotta go.", 1420: "- Did you have a spat with your boyfriend? Never mind, you will find a new one!", 1421: "- Please, leave me alone!\nAngelica seems really angry. I’d better leave before she goes all out…" } call dotalk(pinfo, index, nannyBedroomChoices, nannyBedroomMsgs) from _nanny_bedroom_0 $ newloc = "upstairs" if _return != 1 else location elif (location == 'pool'): default nannyPoolChoices = [ [(1, 5), (2, -5)], # 0 [(1, 5), (2, -5)], # 1 [(1, 0), (2, -5)], # 2 [(1, 5), (2,-10)] ] # 3 default nannyPoolMsgs = { 1: "Keep on talking", 2: "Harass", 1000: "– Do you feel at home here? I see that you’ve found the pool!\nAngelica is laughing.\n- It was not so hard!", 1010: "– What do you think about our pool?\n– I like it!", 1020: "- We have several bedrooms more. I can show you where they are... and I give her a telling look.", 1021: "- Thank you, but I am pretty sure that I’ll be able to find one myself if I need to.\nShe ignored my hints at flirting again! Is she a lesbian or something? – I went to the house, thinking about that on my way.", 1100: "– I like your shorts!\n– I’ve been looking for them for a long time!", 1110: "– Are you going to the pool or into the house?\n– I’ve decided to swim. It’s hot today.", 1120: "- They look sexy on you! Have you been looking for these shorts to seduce men you like?", 1121: "- I bought these shorts because I like them!", 1122: "- Well, yeah, it’s like the same thing. You like shorts and you like men, but you didn’t need a pair of shorts when you have a man, etc.", 1123: "- Keep your wits about you, or go compete in it with your wife!\nI’ll go and look for Laura...", 1200: "– Hi! I am going to the pool, to swim a little bit. What about you?\n– I am going to the kitchen. I want to eat.", 1210: "– Warm up a pizza for me, please! I wanna swim for a bit, and then I’ll go to the kitchen too.\n– Okay, I’ll warm it up.", 1220: "- Let’s go to a café! We’ll eat, talk, and then we can go someplace else.", 1221: "- Thank you, but I have a boyfriend. I’ll be going now, - she says, leaving.", 1300: "– Your bathing suit suits you well! You look nice in it.", 1301: "– Thank you. I like it too.", 1310: "– And it’s hot today, isn’t it?\n– Yup! The sun gets really hot!", 1320: "- You would look wonderful without your top on! Will you just try that? Nobody will see you except me.", 1321: "- Oh, you want me to get topless right now? Or, maybe, completely naked while we are at it, huh!?\nAngelica gets angry, I’d better leave." } call dotalk(pinfo, index, nannyPoolChoices, nannyPoolMsgs) from _nanny_pool_0 $ newloc = "home" if _return == 2 else location elif (location == "nursery"): default nannyNurseryChoices = [ [(1, +5)], # 0 1 [(1, +5)], # 1 2a [(4,-15)], # 2 2b [(4,-20)], # 3 2c [(1, +5)], # 4 3a [(5,-15)], # 5 3b [(6,-50)] ] # 6 3c default Nanny_murseryMsgs = { 1: "Start talking", 2: "Harass", 3: "Keep on talking", 4: "Tell a dirty joke", 5: "Try my moves out on her", 6: "Continue harassment", 1000: "Baby is sleeping, Angelica is sitting next to him. Everything is fine, they do not need my help.", 1010: "She has beautiful legs. Should I point it out to her?\n– How did Dexter behave? Was he on one of his “hunts” today?\n– No, he’s sleeping. He is a calm and good child!", 1011: "– Yep! If he is asleep... and if there aren’t any knives around...\n– I think that his dad will teach him everything he needs in his future life.", 1012: "– I don’t know how to do it!\n– You got a lot more coming your way... maybe you should learn how to deal with it...", 1100: "The baby is sleeping, and Angelica is sitting next to him reading. Everything is fine, they do not need my help.", 1200: "– What are you reading?\n– This is a love story. You won’t find it very interesting, Mister Morgan.", 1300: "– I like a different kind of love story. I started reading porn when I was young.\n– This book is nothing like that! It is a romantic story!", 1310: "– Yep, of course, one kiss under the moon, and then the bed is squeaking all night...\n– You should leave.", 1400: "The baby is sleeping, and Angelica is sitting next to him. Everything is fine, they do not need my help.", 1500: "She is so sexy! I should stay and talk for a while.\n– How are you?\n– Everything is fine!", 1600: "– I think that you are bored, and you lack a man nearby… do you want something,... hmm... special?\n– I have a boyfriend!", 1610: "– One boy is not enough for such hot girls like you, you need many more.\n– Thank you, but I’ll take care of it by myself. How can you talk about it in the child’s room? You should probably go." } if (index == 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 0, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_0 elif (index == 1): call dotalk(pinfo, 1, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_1 if (_return > 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 2, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_2 if (_return > 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 3, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_3 elif (index == 2): call dotalk(pinfo, 4, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_4 if (_return > 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 5, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_5 if (_return > 0): call dotalk(pinfo, 6, nannyNurseryChoices, Nanny_murseryMsgs) from _nanny_nursery_6 $ newloc = "upstairs" elif (location == "lounge"): default nannyLoungeChoices = [ [(1, 0)], # 0 [(1, +5), (2, -5)], # 1 [(1, 0), (2, -5)] ] # 2 default nannyLoungeMsgs = { 1: "Start talking", 2: "Harass", 1000: "The baby is sleeping, and Angelica is sitting next to him. Everything is fine, they do not need my help.", 1010: "– Is there something interesting on TV?\n– \"Aliens vs Predator vs The Terminator\" will be on soon.", 1011: "– I wanted to watch that movie for quite a long time! Promised quite a lot of sex, don’t you think?\n– What are you talking about?", 1012: "– Don’t you know? Amanda 69 is in it! Wet in action!\n– The latest terminator prototype!?! What are you talking about?", 1013: "– We are both referring to the same movie! Okay… hmm… let’s look.", 1100: "Angelica is sitting on the sofa and watching TV.", 1110: "– Can I sit down with you? I want to watch, too.\n– There are more chairs.", 1111: "– I wanted to talk to you. I’ll sit closer to you, do you mind?\n– No, of course not, sit down.", 1120: "- I thought that we could walk around the city for a few hours. I have some free time today...", 1121: "- I have a boyfriend, you have a wife, and we don’t need to walk together. I hope that we won’t have such talks anymore!", 1200: "Angelica watches the TV.", 1210: "– Is there something interesting on TV?\n– No. It has been on the news that the US Government is suing some game developers because of the slander of their country and its President. But they have nothing more they can take away. So they will probably force them to work in the mines...\n– It’s the right thing to do! Let’s defend our democracy!", 1211: "– But it has nothing to do with democracy.\n– Our democracy is a wonderful thing; they can use it at any time!", 1220: "I decide to sit down next to the nanny and try to hug her slowly and discreetly. I need to try to seduce the nanny. It’s self-evident!", 1221: "When I try to hug the nanny, she moves away and looks at my face. I’d better go..." } call dotalk(pinfo, index, nannyLoungeChoices, nannyLoungeMsgs) from _nanny_lounge_0 $ newloc = "home" if _return == 2 else location # increase index $ nannyIndex[location] += 1 if (nannyIndex[location] >= nannyIndexMax[location]): $ nannyIndex[location] = 0 $ hour += 1 jump expression newloc label foxyDialogue: $ pinfo = peopleInfo["foxy"] if (location not in foxyIndexMax): menu: "Back": jump expression location $ index = foxyIndex[location] if (location == "kitchen"): default foxyKitchenChoices = [ [(1, +5), (3, -5)], # 0 [(2,+10), (3, -5)], # 1 [(1, +5), (3, -5)], # 2 [(2, +5), (4,-10)] ] # 3 default foxyKitchenMsgs = { 1: "Start talking", 2: "Keep on talking", 3: "Tell a dirty joke", 4: "Teach Foxy good manners", 1000: "- What are you drinking?\n- It’s a cup of tea, dad!", 1001: "- I would drink a cup of coffee! My brain is tired! Will you make your dad some?\n- Of course, dad!", 1010: "- I am so tired. Maybe, I’ll work for an hour and go to sleep. What plans do you have?\n- I have exams, I need to study a lot, so I am doing it now.", 1011: "- What a good girl! Very smart of you!", 1020: "- It would be great if you could give me a relaxing massage or a massage using your body! Dad would feel better immediately.", 1021: "- Dad! How do you give a massage using your body?", 1022: "- Oh, you must be learning something else...", 1100: "- Smells like coffee! You usually drink tea, don’t you?\n- I follow your example and stimulate my brain with caffeine in it!", 1110: "- Do not overstimulate it or your brain will melt.\n– No, I’ll freeze it a little bit, so it’s gonna be all right.", 1111: "I thought that she could freeze something else, too, but I didn’t say it.", 1120: "- Caffeine increases excitability. Do you want to run around the house excited?", 1121: "- That’s enough, dad.", 1200: "- Boy, you look ruffled today!\n- I studied too much last night! I am really sleepy and want to go to bed!", 1210: "- You study too much! You don’t have any interests except studying! You don’t even go out with boys!\n- I just want to graduate high school, and enroll in a good university...\nI interrupt her.", 1211: "- Of course! And then graduate, find a good job and so on, and so forth... Girls of your age shouldn’t think about it very much. You need to relax!\n- That is why I went here trying to relax right now!", 1220: "- Or, maybe, it wasn’t about learning at all? Come on, tell me, was it several boys that made you stay up late?", 1221: "- What boys! You just said that I don’t go out with boys.", 1222: "- Maybe it is a bad thing... for your age.", 1300: "– Are you helping your mother cook?", 1301: "– No! I am trying to cook something on my own using a recipe I found.", 1310: "– I am sure that it will be delicious!\n– Yep! It will be a dessert.", 1320: "- Maybe you should learn some other things? For example, how to seduce boys! Otherwise you can end up an old maid. Girls of your age think only about that.", 1321: "- Dad! What are you talking about?\nI think that I’ve hurt Foxy. What an idiot!" } call dotalk(pinfo, index, foxyKitchenChoices, foxyKitchenMsgs) from _foxy_kitchen_0 $ newloc = location elif (location == "foxy_bathroom"): default foxyBathroomChoices = [ [(2, 0), (4,-10)], # 0 [(2, 0), (4, -5)], # 1 [(2, 0), (4, -5)], # 2 [(1, 0), (3, -5)] ] # 3 default foxyBathroomMsgs = { 1: "Start talking", 2: "Finish the talk carefully", 3: "Try to stay for a while", 4: "Tell a dirty joke", 1000: "Entering the bathroom, I ask:\n- Baby, can I come in?", 1001: "Foxy tried to hide in the bathroom, sticking only her head out the door:\n- Dad! I am naked!", 1010: "– Oh! Foxy, wash yourself, we’ll talk later, I’m sorry.", 1020: "- What’s the big deal? I had seen you naked a lot of times, the last time was ten years ago, and it would be great to repeat it.", 1021: "- Dad! Leave, please!\n- I am leaving.", 1100: "I think it’s a bad time to do it again.", 1110: "- Sorry, I thought, you were cleaning your teeth or something. I’ll leave...", 1120: "- So it becomes a pleasant tradition! Maybe you'll stop hiding from your dad. Come on, at least show your nose to him.", 1121: "- Dad! Stop bullying me and go away!\n- I am leaving.", 1200: "Foxy comes out of the bathroom, she is fresh and her hair wet. Maybe, she was taking a shower.", 1210: "- Is it a bad time? Change your clothes, I’ll come later. I wanted to ask you something...", 1220: "- May I can help you change clothes? It’s indecent to walk around in a towel!", 1221: "- It’s decent. To walk into the bathroom without knocking, that is indecent!\n- It’s more interesting! I can look at how you are hiding in the bathroom, and not at you in the towel. Okay, I am leaving!", 1300: "Foxy starts to undress, preparing herself to go to the bathroom, and here I am... It’s a bad time.", 1310: "- Wait, do not take off your clothes! Mother asked you to come to her. She has some urgent business for you.\n- Okay, then I’ll go to her.", 1320: "- Don’t mind me! Imagine that I am not here, and I’ll tell you something.", 1322: "- Dad! Come by a little bit later, okay?\n- Well, okay! I’ll leave!" } call dotalk(pinfo, index, foxyBathroomChoices, foxyBathroomMsgs) from _foxy_bathroom_0 $ newloc = location elif (location == "foxy_room"): default foxyBedroomChoices = [ [(2, +5), (5, -5)], # 0 [(1,+10), (3,-20)], # 1 [(1, +5), (3, -5)], # 2 [(1, +5), (3,-10)], # 3 [(1, +5), (4, 0)] ] # 4 default foxyBedroomMsgs = { 1: "Start talking", 2: "Keep on talking", 3: "Tell a dirty joke", 4: "Make a joke", 5: "Try to make a joke", 1000: "I caught my daughter already in bed.\n– I came to ask how was school?", 1001: "– All right. Tomorrow will be the last exam, you know it!", 1010: "– Yes, of course. You are becoming a grown-up so quickly!\n– Yeah, I am!", 1020: "- I can present you with an exam of my own! I’ve read about new scientific methods...", 1021: "- Really? Which new scientific methods?\n- There were a lot of information about the education of smart girls!", 1022: "- Ah... then it’s not interesting.\n- But it is interesting, one day I’ll show you.", 1100: "Foxy seems worried about something all day today.", 1110: "- Has something happened to you?\n- Everything is fine.", 1111: "- You can tell everything to your dad! If I can, I will always help!\n- I worry about the exams.", 1112: "- Don’t worry about that! You are a smart girl, you studied well, and I am sure that you’ll pass everything!\n- Thank you...", 1120: "- Are you on your period? Do you need an emergency visit from House M.D.?", 1121: "- Dad! This is not the time for jokes!\n- Then I’ll leave.", 1200: "- What a sweet stretch!", 1210: "- I see that you like sleeping.\n- Who doesn’t like it?", 1211: "- Are you ready to help your dad?\n- Okay, I’ll help you if it doesn’t take a lot of time.", 1220: "- You like lying in a bed! Your boyfriend will like it for sure! So it is not so bad.", 1221: "- Do men like lying in bed?\n- Oh, yes, my girl! They do.", 1300: "When I entered, I saw a flash of Foxy’s naked body, and now she's peeping out of the blanket, smiling.", 1310: "- Sorry, is it a bad time?\n- Dad! You need to knock!", 1311: "- Exactly! You are a grown-up now; I often forget about that. Okay, we will talk another time...", 1320: "- Get out and show me what you have hidden under the blanket!", 1321: "- I didn’t hide anything?!\n- Then get out quickly!", 1322: "- I am naked so I hid!\n- I don’t believe you! You have hidden something secret under your blanket.", 1323: "- There is nothing but me!\n- Then get out and show me!", 1324: "- Dad?!\n- Okay-okay, I was just kidding. I’ll leave...", 1400: "I caught Foxy, lying in the bed.", 1410: "- Foxy… Are you sleeping?\n- I am sleeping, and you should do the same, - she muttered without opening her eyes.\nI’d better leave and do not interrupt her beauty sleep.", 1420: "- You’d better not open your eyes! You can see something very terrible! Foxy? Are you really sleeping?" } call dotalk(pinfo, index, foxyBedroomChoices, foxyBedroomMsgs) from _foxy_bedroom_0 $ newloc = location elif (location == "pool"): default foxyPoolChoices = [ [(1,+10), (3, -5)], # 0 [(2,+20), (4,+10)], # 1 [(1, +5), (3, 0)] ] # 2 default foxyPoolMsgs = { 1: "Continue talking", 2: "Start talking", 3: "Tell a dirty joke", 4: "Make a joke", 1000: "- Hi!\n- Well hello, prune girl! I see that you have something insidious and very tricky on your mind. What is it this time?", 1001: "- How did you know?\n- The expression on your face is like an expression of Disney characters at these moments!", 1010: "- Actually, nothing like that... I’m supposed to meet my friends soon.\n- Yeah! So it’ll be a mass prank of sorts. Just make sure that their moms won’t complain about you being an instigator of it, alright?", 1020: "- But there are other cartoons where they have the same expressions and even better...", 1021: "- Not Disney? Which cartoons? Have I seen them?\n- Oh, I must have mistaken it for something else, I’d better go.", 1100: "- Maybe you’ll change, and we’ll swim in the pool together?\n- I don’t know...", 1101: "- Come on, it’s dull to swim alone.\n- Well, okay, I’ll go and change and come back in a minute or two.", 1110: "- I’ll race you to the end of the pool! I’ll even give you a head start! – I slow down and let her win. She is so happy at moments like this!\n- I won! Hooray! I am the fastest!", 1120: "- You don’t need to change, it takes too long! Get in the pool with your clothes on!", 1121: "- Really?! Sure! It will be great in this heat and even fun.\nI fooled around with Foxy a little bit.", 1200: "- It’s very hot today! Are you going to the pool?\n- Yes! I want to swim for a while, and it’s good to be in the water in this heat!", 1210: "- I was planning to go for a swim, too. And then drink a couple of cold cocktails.\n- I’d better drink some juice from the fridge.", 1220: "- In this heat, you should sit in the pool naked!", 1221: "- I’d rather put on my bathing suit." } call dotalk(pinfo, index, foxyPoolChoices, foxyPoolMsgs) from _foxy_pool_0 $ newloc = location # increase index $ foxyIndex[location] += 1 if (foxyIndex[location] >= foxyIndexMax[location]): $ foxyIndex[location] = 0 $ hour += 1 jump expression newloc label Dexter_dialogue: if (playDexterCount < 2): $ msg = "You should play with your child\n" else: $ msg = "The wife is pleased that you are helping her with the child.\n" if (cleanDexterCount < 2): $msg += "Your care is insufficient." else: $msg += "The baby is healthy." $ renpy.say(None, msg) menu: "Play with the baby" if (hour in [9,16,19] and wday <= 5): $ playDexterCount += 1 $ hour += 1 "Take care of your son" if (hour in [7,8,18] and wday <= 5): $ cleanDexterCount += 1 $ hour += 2 "Not right now": pass jump expression location label dotalk(pinfo, idx, choices, msgs, hasdefault=True): $ choices = choices[idx]; $ midx = 1000 + 100*idx while midx in msgs: $ renpy.say(None, msgs[midx]); $ midx += 1 $ talkmenu = [("Exit",0)] if hasdefault else []; $ talkmenu.extend([(msgs[cinfo[0]],i+1) for i,cinfo in enumerate(choices)]); $ choice = renpy.display_menu(talkmenu); if (choice == 0): return 0 $ midx = 1000 + 100*idx + choice*10 while midx in msgs: $ renpy.say(None, msgs[midx]); $ midx += 1 $ cinfo = choices[choice-1]; $ pinfo.rel += cinfo[1]; return choice