init 978 python: # Actions such as cleaning the kitchen are no longer locked until the next (time of the) day after completing them def LockActionToday(action_name): pass def LockActionTime(action_name): pass def CanDonationSemenToday(): return True # Characters (or actors, as the dev likes to call them) are no longer disabled after one interaction (Note that some interactions that raise love may still only do so once) # def LockActorToday(actor_name): # pass # def LockActorTime(actor_name): # pass # Disables the time skip cooldown def TimeSkipCool(): TimeSkip() # Mission resources are no longer removed but you do have to max them out once (Note that the dev mispelt "Resource") def SubMissionResorce(fist,hack,action): return True # Love is no longer removed but you do have to max it out once def SubLove(actorKey, love, notice = True): pass # Items are no longer removed but you do have to buy the max amount once def SubItemNotice(pKey, count, notice): Log( "SubItem", pKey , str(count)) if notice: renpy.hide_screen( "sub_item_screen" ) renpy.show_screen( "sub_item_screen" , pKey = pKey) return True # Books are no longer removed but you do have to buy them once def SubBook(pKey): renpy.hide_screen( "sub_book_screen" ) renpy.show_screen( "sub_book_screen" , pKey = pKey) # Grants infinite gold def SubGold(gold): renpy.hide_screen("put_gold_screen") renpy.show_screen("put_gold_screen", add_gold = -gold)"audio/effect/buy.wav") return True def CheckGold(gold): return True