define KN_MOD = Character("KN_MOD", color="#ff0000") #Protagonist define j = Character("Jess") define j1 = Character(None, image="jess", kind=bubble) define j2 = Character("Jess {i}{size=35}*thinking*{/size}{/i} {font=ress/txt/EmojiOneColor.otf}{color=#fff}💭{/color}{/font}") #Main Characters define a = Character("Aya" , color="#ffb3d0") define p = Character("Prince" , color="#fff000") define p1 = Character("Prince {i}{size=35}*on the phone*{/size}{/i} {font=ress/txt/EmojiOneColor.otf}📞{/font}", color="#fff000") define ap = Character("{color=#ffb3d0}Aya{/color} {color=#fff}&{/color} {color=#fff000}Prince{/color}") define b = Character("Billy" , color="#0000A3") define b2 = Character("Billy {i}{size=35}*on the phone*{/size}{/i} {font=ress/txt/EmojiOneColor.otf}📞{/font}", color="#0000A3") #Others define h = Character("TV HOST", color="#FFFFFF") define bo = Character("Boss" , color="#FFFFFF") define cd = Character("Principal {i}{size=35}*on the phone*{/size}{/i} {font=ress/txt/EmojiOneColor.otf}📞{/font} " , color="#FFFFFF") define ja = Character("Janitor" , color="#FFFFFF") define ja2 = Character("Janitor {i}{size=35}*thinking*{/size}{/i} {font=ress/txt/EmojiOneColor.otf}💭{/font}", color="#FFFFFF") # Variables default aya_prince_know_about_dad = False # Interfaces code default bluefade = False default pinkfade = False default darkfade = False default phone_selected = True # The game starts here. label start: $ aya_relationships = 0 $ prince_relationships = 0 $ billy_relationships = 0 $ chea_relationships = 0 $ int_relationships = 0 # PINK $ pinkfade = True stop music fadeout 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/tv.wav" volume 0.5 scene bg1 with fade KN_MOD "if phone_selected:" show screen phone KN_MOD "else:" pass play music "ress/sfx/tvtalk.mp3" volume 0.5 fadein 1.0 fadeout 1.0 h "And the show returns..." h "As we mentioned before the break." h "The next big thing will be \"llucky Coin!\"" h "The llucky coin is expected to multiply tonight, and it's not unpredictable business." h "After 6 hours, you'll be looking at millions or maybe billions on a platter for the current coin's holder." play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-stylz-102.mp3" volume 0.1 fadein 1.0 fadeout 1.0 voice "ress/vcs/wow.mp3" b "Wow, such opportunity... {vspace=3}llucky coin is my ticket to billion." #voice "ress/vcs/honey.mp3" j "Honey, i wouldn't get so excited." voice "ress/vcs/malesmile.mp3" b "Hmmm mm..." b "I'm over excited, i'll buy a ton of llucky coin." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "...:" voice "ress/vcs/mfemale.mp3" j "..." KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{i}Intervene{/i}{/color}:" voice "ress/vcs/becareful.mp3" j "Honey, be careful..." b "Don't mind me, i will be billionaire." play sound "ress/sfx/beep.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg2 with Dissolve(0.1) "{i}{/i}" voice "ress/vcs/mm.mp3" b "Purchased!" play sound "ress/sfx/texting.mp3" volume 0.5 "{i}{/i}" b "Babe, see you in bed" scene bg3 with Dissolve(0.1) hide bg2 stop sound voice "ress/vcs/sure.mp3" j "Sure, honey." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{i}Go to sleep{/i}:" pass KN_MOD "{i}{color=#ffb3d0}Check on Aya{/color}{/i}:" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-rb-vibes-1-685.mp3" volume 0.4 fadein 1.0 fadeout 1.0 scene bg4 with dissolve play sound "ress/sfx/knock.mp3" volume 0.5 $ aya_relationships += 1 "" voice "ress/vcs/aya.mp3" j "Aya?" play sound "ress/sfx/door.mp3" volume 0.5 show bg: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 show bg5 with hpunch hide bg voice "ress/vcs/hi.mp3" a "Hi, mom..." j "Sweetie? How's everything?" a "I'm Oh-k-ay..." j "Oh-k-ay?" a "Yaah..." voice "ress/vcs/alrighty.mp3" j "Alrighty, as long you say so..." j "Sleep tight sweetie, need to go." a "K, mom..." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{i}Leave{/i}:" pass KN_MOD "{i}{color=#ffb3d0}Kiss goodnight {font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{size=40}❤️{/size}{/font}{/color}{/i}:" scene bg6 with Dissolve(0.1) $ aya_relationships += 1 play sound "ress/sfx/kiss.mp3" volume 0.5 j "Sweet dreams my love..." j1 "I should check on Prince." play sound "ress/sfx/heel.mp3" volume 0.5 show bg7 with fade "" play sound "ress/sfx/squeak.mp3" volume 0.9 show bg: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 show bg8 with hpunch hide bg j "Sleeping..." j "Sweet dreams darling." $ prince_relationships += 1 play sound "ress/sfx/closed.mp3" volume 0.5 play music "ress/mp3/room.mp3" volume 0.4 fadein 1.0 fadeout 1.0 scene bg9 with fade play sound "ress/sfx/snoring.mp3" loop "" j "Honey?" j "Sleeping already? Oh well..." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT DAY KN_MOD "if phone_selected:" hide screen phone scene bg with fade show screen thenextday1 with moveinright show screen thenextday2 with moveinright show screen thenextday3 with moveinright pause 1.0 hide screen thenextday1 hide screen thenextday2 hide screen thenextday3 play music "ress/mp3/onyourway.mp3" volume 0.4 fadeout 1.0 scene bg10 with fade KN_MOD "if phone_selected:" show screen phone play sound "ress/sfx/keys.wav" play voices "ress/vcs/letsgo.mp3" # BLUE $ pinkfade = False $ bluefade = True j "Ok folks, let's go!" show bg10xl: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 hide bg10xl play voices "ress/vcs/scream.mp3" volume 0.5 b "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" with hpunch hide bg10xl scene bg11 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/gasp.mp3" volume 0.6 a "" voice "ress/vcs/whatnow.mp3" j "What now?" voice "ress/vcs/gotocar.mp3" j "Go in the car, I'll be back. Need to check on your dad." play voices "ress/vcs/yeah.mp3" volume 0.8 p "Yeah mom... I hope he's not hurt." play sound "ress/sfx/closed.mp3" volume 0.5 play music "ress/mp3/room.mp3" volume 0.4 fadein 1.0 fadeout 1.0 scene bg12 with fade play voices "ress/vcs/scream.mp3" volume 0.5 b "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" j "Honey, you ok?" scene bg13 with Dissolve(0.1) b "Noooo... I can't even look at myself. I lost everything." b "The llucky coin drops to zero." b "I have no more money left, it's all gone. My life is over." KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "...:" scene bg12 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/sigh.mp3" j "" KN_MOD "{color=#0000ff}Comfort him{/color}:" $ billy_relationships += 1 scene bg12 with Dissolve(0.1) j "Not at all, all you need is a new career." b "No, i can't take a low salary job. I'm a former rich man, how my rich fellow friends will look at my legacy! They will think i'm a loser." j "Honey, you have nothing left. So, there's nothing to lose." b "You're not helping... Daily jobs are not for me." j "Let me remind you... You have responsibilities." b "Not if i couldn't help it." j "What's that supposed to mean?" b "Hah, I'm not in the mood for explaining anything after such disappointment." b "Right now we have no other option but you." b "You must cover everything while i find a way to recover my lost." b "In the meantime, let me stay put..." play voices "ress/vcs/sigh.mp3" j "" KN_MOD "{color=#ff0000}{b}{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{size=40}Get concerned{/size}{/font}{/b}{/color}:" scene bg12 with Dissolve(0.1) j "I hope you learned your lesson." j "Seriously, your fatherhood needs improvements." b "You don't have to disrespect me with nice word." b "You think i wanna hear this right now." j "You have to..." j "Anyway, later!" play sound "ress/sfx/cardoor.mp3" volume 0.5 play music "ress/sfx/car.mp3" volume 0.5 fadein 1.0 scene bg14 with fade "" a "Mom... Is dad ok?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{i}{color=#fff}Tell it how it is...{/color}{/i}:" $ aya_prince_know_about_dad = True j "{color=#fff}Your dad lost his entire savings.{/color}" play voices "ress/vcs/gasp.mp3" volume 0.5 a "Oh my God!" a "Is he going to be alright?" j "He better..." p "Poor dad, now i'm feeling sad for him." j "Don't feel sad darling!" j "Mommy is here... I'll take care of you & Aya." j "Even if i have to work 2 jobs." p "That's very touching mom, thanks.." j "Anytime darling!" KN_MOD "{i}{color=#fff}Avoid having them {p}worry about {p}the situation, {p}just keep them happy!{/color}{/i}:" j "Your dad will be fine." a "Okies..." p "I'm glad he's not so bad." a "Yaah, me too." j "Don't worry sweethearts! He'll be ok..." j "Your dad always says,{vspace=10}he can take a heavy punch from God & still standing." play effect "ress/sfx/giggling.mp3" volume 0.5 ap "" p "Dad is fun." a "Yaah.." KN_MOD "if aya_relationships >=2:" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{i}{color=#ffb3d0}Check Aya {font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{size=40}❤️{/size}{/font}{/color}{/i}:" $ aya_relationships += 1 scene bg15 with Dissolve(0.1) $ bluefade = False # CLEAR $ aya_img001 = True j2 "{i}Hmmm, pretty...{/i}" scene bg14 with Dissolve(0.1) $ bluefade = True # BLUE KN_MOD "{i}{color=#fff}Focus on driving{/color}{/i}:" pass j "Alright folks, we're almost there, be ready..." ap "Ok mom..." play sound "ress/sfx/cardoor.mp3" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-feel-alive-953.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 scene bg16 with fade # PINK $ pinkfade = True $ bluefade = False ap "Bye mom!" j "Bye my loves..." play music "ress/sfx/car.mp3" volume 0.5 fadein 1.0 scene bg17 with fade "" # DARK $ darkfade = True $ pinkfade = False play sound "ress/sfx/elevator.mp3" play music "ress/mp3/onyourway.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 scene bg18 with fade bo "Surprise... Happy monday!" j "Hello sir, you're here today." bo "Hahaha! Correction, in and out." bo "Listen, i'm moving overseas, and i'll be away for more than a year." bo "I want to promote you as executive." bo "Your new salary will be 100k a year. Are you interested?" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#fff}Take the promotion{/color}:" $ jess_is_executive = True j "Ok, sounds good." bo "Perfect." j "But seriously sir, you have a lot of surprises today." KN_MOD "{color=#fff}Reject the promotion{/color}:" j "I'm sorry sir, i'm too busy with my family, i'm unable to accept." bo "Not a problem, i appreciate your sense of responsibility for your family." bo "No worries, i'll do it remotely, but i'll rely on you." j "Of course." bo "Perfect then, keep your current role. If i need you to do something in particular, i'll email you." j "Sounds good to me." j "But hey, you have a lot of surprises." bo "Not entirely, it's a life routine. I basically change way of things once in a while." bo "My family and i are adventurous. We're always making changes." bo "Example, we don't like to get stuck in the same city forever, nor eating the same meal everyday." bo "I mean, it's healthy for us." j "Well, my husband is the exact opposite, he doesn't like to travel & he loves his daily soup." bo "I don't blame him, in fact i don't expect everyone to practically maintain a mutual behavior." bo "At least he got something to live on." j "Hah, yuh... He'll be alright." bo "How are your kids?" j "They are wonderful." j "They're attending classes at the university, my daughter started her first year, and my son is already on his second year." bo "Amazing! How old are they?" j "My son is 19 and my daughter is 18." bo "No kidding, you're a busy mom, they will ask you for a car anytime soon." j "They can drive my car anytime, that's theirs." bo "You sound like a cool mom. I don't let my kids drive my them car." bo "I add character, i'm your damn father. Respect your damn line. Haha!" j "I treat mine like angels." bo "I mean it's not bad, as long they maintain the level of respect, it's fine." j "Oh, they do." bo "Then it's perfect..." bo "Now i must head to the airport, good luck." j "Thanks, i wish you the best." bo "Likewise." play sound "ress/sfx/chair.mp3" scene bg19 with fade "" play sound "ress/sfx/ringing.mp3" loop stop music fadeout 1.0 "" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-new-bass-01-720.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/beep2.mp3" scene bg20 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/hello.mp3" j "Hello..." cd "Greetings Mrs Loring, it's the principal. Do you have a minute?" j "Absolutely..." cd "Very good!" cd "Mrs Loring, there's an issue today with your son." cd "Two female students fought for him, i can't have this kind of act in the university." cd "Please talk to your son, because if this happen in the near future. I'll take disciplinary action against him." j "I apologize, i'll talk to him." cd "Please do, thanks for your time & have a great day." play voices "ress/vcs/same.mp3" j "Same..." stop music fadeout 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/ringing2.mp3" loop volume 0.5 scene bg21 with Dissolve(0.1) "" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-feel-alive-953.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/beep2.mp3" scene bg20 with Dissolve(0.1) p1 "Hello mom!" play voices "ress/vcs/darling.mp3" j "Darling, what happened?" p1 "2 girls fought & the principal blames me for it. It's not fair, mom. I wasn't even there, how am i supposed to be responsible for it?" j "Are they your girlfriends?" p1 "No." j "Do you know if they like you?" p1 "Maybe, but i think it's because me & Aya are on top of the rankings." j "Oh i get it, you & Aya get extra attention." p1 "Exactly! We got eyes on us, and people kinda not acting regular." j "In that case just be careful, i'll talk to you later, darling." p1 "Later mom!" play music "ress/mp3/onyourway.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 scene bg19 with Dissolve(0.1) "" play sound "ress/sfx/elevator.mp3" scene bg22 with Dissolve(0.1) ja "Mamma, i'm ready for cleaning." j "Hello there, give me a sec!" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{b}...{/b}{/font}{/color}:" j "..." j "I'm done!" KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{size=40}{b}Chat with him{/b}{/size}{/font}{/color}:" $ chea_relationships += 1 $ int_relationships += 1 j "How are you?" ja "I'm pending to clean." j "Oh, sorry." j "I'm done, all yours..." KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{font=DejaVuSans.ttf}{size=40}{b}Stay focus{/b}{/size}{/font}{/color}:" j "Done!" pass play sound "ress/sfx/chair.mp3" play effect "ress/sfx/keys.wav" scene bg23 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/goodday.mp3" j "Have a nice day." ja2 "Gawd dammmm!" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-techno-fest-feel-125.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg24 with fade play voices "ress/vcs/rgstereo.wav" # BLUE $ darkfade = False $ bluefade = True "" play sound "ress/sfx/ringing.mp3" loop stop music fadeout 1.0 scene bg25 with Dissolve(0.1) "" play music "ress/sfx/car.mp3" volume 0.5 fadein 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/beep2.mp3" scene bg26 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/hello.mp3" j "Hello!" b2 "Wifey, i already took Aya & Prince from the university." b2 "I'll see you at home." voice "ress/vcs/alrighty.mp3" j "Alrighty..." play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-techno-fest-feel-125.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg24 with Dissolve(0.1) "" stop music fadeout 1.0 play sound "ress/sfx/shower.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg27 with fade # PINK $ bluefade = False $ pinkfade = True $ jess_img001 = True "" play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-rb-vibes-1-685.mp3" volume 0.4 fadein 1.5 scene bg28 with fade play sound "ress/sfx/knock.mp3" volume 0.5 "" KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{i}Enter your sons room{/i}{/color}:" play sound "ress/sfx/door.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg29 with Dissolve(0.1) play voices "ress/vcs/prince.mp3" j "Prince?" j "Where is he?" play sound "ress/sfx/vibration.mp3" scene bg30 show bg30xl: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 with hpunch hide bg30xl show vibrationphone "" scene bg32 with dissolve hide vibrationphone hide bg30 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENU EXTENTED KN_MOD "menu:" KN_MOD "{i}{color=#fff000}Check his phone{/color}{/i}:" $ prince_relationships += 1 scene bg33 with dissolve play voices "ress/vcs/locked.mp3" j "Locked!" j "Enter passcode... 3 attempts!" j "I know Aya & Prince so well, this should be easy." j "First try, his mom's birthday which is me..." play sound "ress/sfx/tone.mp3" "" play sound "ress/sfx/unlocking.wav" "" play voices "ress/vcs/gotcha.mp3" j "Gotcha!" play sound "ress/sfx/unlocking.wav" show bg34 with dissolve j "Oh, the photo app was already on background." j "He's such a cutie pie..." play sound "ress/sfx/unlocking.wav" scene bg36 show bg35 with dissolve hide bg34 play voices "ress/vcs/mygod.mp3" j "My... God!" scene bg33 show bg35 $ prince_img001 = True j "He's so huge." j "Sucking on a cock like this would be nothing but sweet. It's even perfect for titjobs." j "No wonder girls are fighting for him. He's cute, he's smart, he got his unique style and a big cock. Wow!" j "Oh God, i can't get enough of that picture." j "Better get his phone away from me." KN_MOD "{i}Only wait for him{/i}:" pass play sound "ress/sfx/bed.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg37 with dissolve j "I'll just wait for him here." play sound "ress/sfx/door.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg38 with Dissolve(0.1) p "Mom?" play sound "ress/sfx/bed.mp3" volume 0.5 scene bg39 with Dissolve(0.1) p "I was looking for you." scene bg40 with Dissolve(0.1) j "Here i am, inside your lucky box." scene bg39 with Dissolve(0.1) play effect "ress/sfx/princesmile.mp3" volume 0.5 j "" j "How was your classes?" p "It was fun, apart of the girl's fight." scene bg40 with Dissolve(0.1) j "Darling, don't worry too much about it! The principal misjudged the whole thing." j "Just keep on respecting everyone & just be you..." p "Thanks for trusting me, mom." j "Hey, i trust you & Aya with no doubt." j "Wanna go out for ice cream?" p "I want to, but i was grounded by dad on the way back here regarding the girl's fight." p "If you lift it, we can go." voice "ress/vcs/mfemale.mp3" j "Hmmm, i don't want to argue with your dad." j "He always complains that i'm destroying the family by undoing things he already done." j "We'll go another day." p "Definitely!" play voices "ress/vcs/scream.mp3" volume 0.5 show bg40xl: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 b "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" with hpunch hide bg40xl #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KN_MOD "{color=#fff}{i}Just talk to him later{/i}{/color}:" play voices "ress/vcs/scream.mp3" volume 0.5 show bg28xl: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 b "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" with hpunch hide bg28xl b "Jess.. Prince.. Aya.. LIVING ROOM NOW!!!!" KN_MOD "jump end" #..................................................... KN_MOD "label end:" KN_MOD "if phone_selected:" hide screen phone play music "ress/mp3/mixkit-feel-alive-953.mp3" volume 0.5 fadeout 1.0 scene black with fade show screen nextupdate with moveinleft pause hide screen nextupdate KN_MOD "return"